taylorxargentina · 2 months
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taylorxargentina · 6 months
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taylorxargentina · 6 months
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Bejeweled girl at the birthtay party. 😜
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taylorxargentina · 6 months
All the time
I'm grateful all the fucking time
I'm sexy and I'm kind
I'm pretty when I cry
0 notes
taylorxargentina · 9 months
No cause guys Taylor Swift warning you, this guy is a piece of shit... FUCK YOU JOE JONAS ALL MY HOMIES STAN THE QUEEN IN THE NORTH 🙏
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Anyways, joe Jonas can go fuck himself
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
I bet you think about me // Francisco Morales x Fem Reader
"But it turned out I'm harder to forget than i was to leave"
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rating: +18
Warning: As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
A/N: i just saw the music video of Taylor Swift and i said "i want this with Frankie" i hope you guys like it (the reader does not have a physical description, the gif is just from the music video)
Music video here if you want to see it after
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It's been 5 years since the last time Frankie talk to you, things didn't end well, he lied to you and cheated on you, Frankie still remember that fight, how you act, how you scream, at that moment Frankie has 35 and you 25, Santi says that you were just a child acting like one.
"You just made one mistake and look how she reacts… she is not the one for you". Yeah… Santi was sometimes a bitch with you. But his only excuse was before he met you, Frankie was more fun and they hung out more, and now you "stole him."
"That's the stupidest thing I heard Santi, you have your other two girlfriends the Millers brothers to go out hunting girls around" and so the fights would start, so Frankie would avoid taking you where they were too, Benny if you liked him and sometimes you would talk on the phone, Will would just say "hi", he wouldn't even look at you, and as much as you tried to make friends with Santi, he was like a jealous and toxic friend, so after a while you stopped trying.
Until one night Santi managed to convince Frankie to go out one night, although he would have to cancel a date.
"It's ok honey, I haven't seen you going out with your friends for a long time, maybe Santi misses you, go... I'll arrange something later with friends".
What they didn't expect is that they would go to the same bar, and that you would see him dancing and kissing another woman, but nothing happened in the bar, everything exploded in your house, you were throwing things to the air and screaming, Frankie was screaming, and then Santi came in and they were 3 people screaming nonsense things.
"i didn't know what i was doing! i needed some space and i felt suffocated by you!" that was probably all you needed to hear
"I want both of you out now!" there was no way to fix that situation, you didn't want to listen to him, and Frankie didn't know what excuses to say anymore.
When Frankie and Santi were going in the car he received a message from you.
"Do you have all the space that you need?"
"This is over, but I promise you that you will never forget me."
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After a year nobody knew it, but sometimes Frankie saw that girl with whom he cheated that night, they were just one-night stands, but he did not tell anyone, not even Santi, until .... she got pregnant, the girl's name is Emma, and she wanted to have the baby and called Frankie every day to make a decision, or he would stay by her side and raise her together or she would go on a trip and never see her again, Frankie could not leave her alone with a child of his, and he could never sleep again knowing that there is a child of his out there and he was not brave enough to take charge.
"You're going to marry her?!?" Santi shouted and the whole bar turned to look, the guys were shocked to hear the news, that Frankie had a girlfriend now, a future wife and a future son.
"Why didn't you ever tell us?" Will was shocked but tried to stay calm.
"I never thought this would happen, I never thought of her as serious or a 'girlfriend'..."
After spending most of the night arguing with the guys, they agreed to meet Frankie's new girl, the decision was already made and nothing was going to change.
Frankie organized a lunch, he invited the boys and other relatives, Frankie's new girlfriend's name was Susan and he had also brought some relatives so everyone knew each other, apparently Susan seemed nice to everyone, and the boys liked her quite well, halfway through the lunch Frankie made a whole speech, he revealed to everyone about the pregnancy and of course the marriage proposal that Susan accepted with a huge smile.
At night Susan had stayed to sleep, since they were going to get married, that would be their new home, Frankie stayed in the living room watching movies on his TV unable to sleep, and he blamed you for that, he may have been a whole year watching Susan at night, and now he is about to get married and be a father, but he only thought about you, and he looked again and again the last messages you had sent him, you were like his nightmare and his dream at the same time, you were stuck in his head and he had no idea how to get you out, at that moment his cell phone rings.
"What's up Santi?"
"Your crazy ex-girlfriend wrote a novel and can you guess what it's about..."
"What are you talking about?"
"I sent you an email... check it out."
Frankie goes running to his computer and enters his mail, and sees it, sees your pictures with your book, for a moment he was distracted by how beautiful you looked, and then he read the information and what the book was about, and yes you could say it was a little bit about your relationship.
"She's insane...she wrote a book about you."
Frankie said nothing and cut the call short, yes you were crazy... but that's what he missed.
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Three months later the wedding day arrived!... Susan wanted to do it as soon as possible so that her pregnant belly would not show in the dress she had chosen. It was three months of pure hell for Frankie, he definitely hated organizing weddings and his fiancée gave him a headache every two minutes, at night when she slept, he went to the garage to read your book, if he had bought it, and he read it, and it made him cry, it was like a different look at his relationship with you, he knew he had done things wrong but he couldn't imagine the feelings you had inside, it was as if all that hate for what he did to you had been poured into that book, he felt every single word.
"Frankie, where are you????"
That irritating voice brought him out of his thoughts, Susan's sister was all morning on top of Frankie every time there was a problem and it was already starting to irritate him, Frankie had told Susan he would be before the ceremony where he would do the party controlling that everything goes well, only he and his sister knew how she wanted things.
"So now what happens?" she grabs Frankie's arm and pulls him into the kitchen and points to the cake.
"See? someone stuck their hand in, look how they ruined it!!!" sure enough, it was as if someone had taken a piece of the cake off and threw it at the wall, it was white and red inside.
"They can fix it right?"
"Of course sir... and I assure you that none of my employees know what happened or had anything to do with it."
"I hope so or..."
"If it can be fixed in time that's fine, thank you..." Frankie pushed Olivia away and went to the bathroom, he splashed some water on his face and took out of his pocket his vows that he would read at the wedding, trying to forget everything and try to think only about his future, think about his future son, think about Susan, she would be his wife, his beloved, he had responsibilities now, he couldn't have you in his head 24/7 but at the end of the day it was harder to forget you.
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You spent two months in Europe on vacation, the profits from your book allowed you to travel and invite your two best friends, but it was time to return, soon your classes would begin, you had no plans to continue writing, although everyone told you that you had to continue, it was just something that came to you at the moment, something you needed to put into words and you had to get out of your head, you did not expect your book to be a success, you were not interested, you just wanted to finish your medical career which was what you always wanted and move on with your life.
Forgetting Frankie was not easy but you knew it was for the best.
You got home and the phone rang.
"I don't know if it's something you want to hear but I'll die if I don't tell you this gossip" you laugh and tell Maria to continue.
"It's Frankie...he's getting married" silence...you didn't know what to say.
"You still don't say anything, you just hang up and sit on the couch, clearly that was a surprise, you still remember that letter you received from him three weeks after the release of your book, admitting that he couldn't get you out of his head, admitting that he was still seeing that girl but you were invading his mind, you didn't know how to react, you didn't know if it was true or if it was just a joke, but Frankie would never do something like that, it could be Santi? but even though they never got along well, and it was a long time since the last time they saw each other and you don't think he would waste his time doing something like that, anyway this was no help for you, you were trying to move on, so you decided to burn the letter but you never forgot it, every word was still in your mind.
Now Frankie is getting married it was definite, and it was your call to forget everything.
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The wedding was perfect, well… almost perfect, Susan looked beautiful in her dress everyone looked at her with admiration and Frankie with a smile, but hos mind is tricky and it was starting to play against him, Susan wanted her wedding all in white, the decorations, flowers and specific in the invitations to wear white attire, except for Frankie who would wear a black suit.
Frankie thought it was a mistake or something but he saw you in the back with a Big smile and a red suit, weaving your hand.
"It's impossible" at that moment the photographer stood in front to take the pictures and Frankie, without realizing wanted to see you again, almost falls back but Santi holds him.
"Wake up buddy, are you ok?" Frankie blinks and when he comes back to your direction you were no longer there, Frankie apologizes in a whisper with Susan who looked at him confused, but they returned normally to the ceremony, the two gave the "yes" and Frankie said that it was something of his mind trying to fool him.
Everything remained normal at the party, until he began to see something red moving among the people, a silhouette with a red suit and hat, Frankie blinks thinking if it was again his imagination, and saw the other people who did not notice anything strange, a person dressed in red among all in white draws attention but no one says anything, until he sees you again, he sees you with a tray with glasses and you are offering him a Susan who accepts delighted, Frankie sees how you look at him and you give him a smile and wink and then disappear among the people, Frankie goes to where Susan is.
"Who was that?"
"Who gave you the drink, who was it?" Susan laughs with her friends around her.
"Who else could it be... one of the waiters of course" Frankie frowns and looks around looking for you.
"Well! a jealous husband, I love it!" Susan walks over and kisses him, Frankie smiles at her trying to disguise it.
Time for the toast and speeches! Santi looks at him funny but Frankie tells him it's ok, they all sit down and Santi starts his speech for the bride and groom, telling jokes and anecdotes, everything seems normal, Frankie starts to relax a little more, no more surprises.
"Just stop thinking about her, it's your past" Frankie said to himself.
Now it was Susan's sister's turn, everything was going well until....
"And how could I forget that night when I found you in the bar with her..." Frankie felt his heart beat faster than normal, it was your voice... he looked up and you were there, dressed in red with the microphone in hand, talking and laughing, but he looks at everybody and nobody is surprised, they are all laughing, Frankie looks at Susan and she is laughing and with a big smile, he looks at Santi and the guys and they are the same way, only Frankie looked scared as if he had seen a ghost.
"Well that night was the night, I knew right then that they were meant for each other and they would end up here..." Frankie watches as they all say at the same time an "awww".
"So I kicked Frankie's ass and kicked him out of my house" and everyone started laughing.
"It's true I was there" he hears Santi say in between laughing with Benny.
Frankie blinks a couple of times and looks back but you are gone, it was Olivia talking and everyone listening intently.
"Frankie looks at Susan and he nods kissing her cheek, the speeches were over and Frankie's hands were sweating and he felt like he wanted to rip off the stupid suit he had on.
All this seemed like a bad joke from his mind, Frankie decides to distract himself a little, he talks to the guests, some of Susan's relatives, an hour goes by and nothing weird happens, that relieves him a little, but while talking to one of his cousins he looks up and.... He sees you again, you had a red dress and you were sitting at one of the tables with some girls who were eating cake and laughing with you, making jokes and suddenly you look at him and wink at him showing your middle finger, Frankie stops talking and goes to where you were but another photographer gets in front of him and takes a picture with a flash.
"Hey watch out!" but when Frankie looks again you are no longer there, there are only the girls alone laughing and talking to each other.
"Frankie, are you ok?" Santi touches his shoulder but he doesn't answer her, at that moment Susan approaches.
"Frankie tries to forget everything and decides to go dancing, maybe dancing with his wife and concentrating on her would help.
She starts dancing normally, Frankie turns Susan around and suddenly the lights turn red and when Susan goes back into Frankie's arms it was you.
"You?" you smile at her and turn again, the lights turn back to white and Susan is back and smiling at Frankie, he didn't understand the situation, he looks around and everything is still normal people looking at them with their faces full of love watching two newlyweds dancing in love, but Susan turns again and the lights change and you appear again.
"What's going on? what are you doing here?" you smile at him again and turn around but Frankie grabs your waist fast so you don't leave, your back bumps against his chest and you look up at him from below with a half smile, Frankie could smell your perfume as if you were real.
"I don't know Frankie, you have your wife here dancing and all you can think about is me?" you laugh and the lights come back on and Susan appears again, Frankie's heart is pounding and his confused face is evident.
"Wow honey, I thought you didn't know how to dance but... you surprised me." the music changed to a slower one, Frankie was still a little confused, Susan takes your hand and spins around, the light changes back to red and you reappear.
"You're not getting away this time" Frankie grabs your waist and pulls you closer, he looks around to see the other people.
"They don't see me Frankie, it's you" he looks at you and you move closer to give him a kiss on the cheek, Frankie couldn't believe how real you felt, he couldn't believe this was part of his imagination.
"Why are you torturing me like this?" you smile at him and slowly pull away.
"I told you Frankie...it's you" he doesn't want to let go of your hand but finally he does and watches you walk away, suddenly the lights change and he feels Susan's hand.
"That dance was beautiful Frankie... I love you! I love you" she comes closer to him and kisses him and everybody clap excitedly, other couples come to the middle so they can dance too, Santi notices that Frankie stood still without doing anything.
"Dude... let's go to the bathroom" Santi takes Frankie's arm who is still a little bit confused and takes him out of the crowd.
"She's here Pope... I see her everywhere."
"Who? what are you talking about?" Frankie sighs frustrated and opens one of the faucets to throw water on his face.
"Come on Frankie... not again... not her."
"Why now Santi? it had to be just this day?
"Frankie, listen to me... she's not here, it's impossible, here's your family everyone knows her, if they had seen her we would know..... Benny would have seen her..." Frankie shakes his head and starts walking in circles, until Santi comes up with an idea.
"Come on, let's go to my car."
"What? What are you talking about... we can't leave..."
"Calm down you go to my car I'll make up a silly excuse with Susan ok? go!"
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The two are silent in the car, Frankie doesn't know where Santi is going.
"Where are we going?" Santi parks near a restaurant.
"She's here..." Frankie looks at the restaurant confused.
"How do you know?"
Santi pulls a cell phone out of his pocket, it was Benny's "little Miller is the only one who follows her on Instagram and in his pictures an hour ago he showed she was here"
"How did you get his...?" the two get out of the car and walk and go towards the restaurant.
"Benny is drunk fucking someone in some corner...I don't think he'll notice" Frankie sighs and sees Santi occupying the cell phone but still doesn't understand what they were doing there.
"Alright... I texted him as if he was drunk Benny so I'm sure he'll be out in a moment."
"What?! You want me to talk to her? Are you crazy?!"
"It's the only way to fix this! you have to face it Frankie come on! we're adults here!"
Frankie starts to hesitate and her palms are sweating, the thought of talking to you again didn't seem like a good idea.
"No, I won't do it I'm sorry" the restaurant was next to a dark alley and Frankie is hiding behind some trash cans.
"Are you serious Frankie? come on, don't leave me here alone...this is your problem..." Santi doesn't finish the sentence because he hears a mocking laugh behind him, it was you, he would recognize you from miles away, Santi turns around and sees you standing a few steps away from him, you had a smile on your face but confused, and Santi wouldn't admit it out loud but you looked beautiful.
You were a bit confused, you were with your friends having dinner and drinking and suddenly you get a message from Benny, he was outside the restaurant and he needed your help because he was a bit drunk, it was a bit weird but Benny was always good to you and he was a good friend in the past, so you decided to go out to see the situation, but what you found outside was very different to what you imagined, it was Santi talking in front of one of the trash cans and you had a white color suit that when you saw it you couldn't help laughing.
"That damn mocking laugh, I could recognize it anywhere."
"I... I'm sorry it's just that white suit... it looks... good on you."
"Yeah yeah... I really don't know why so much laughter, all the girls were behind me" you roll your eyes and turn to leave.
"Even when you're not with Frankie you're still a problem" you turn around and with eyes wide with surprise you stand in front of him again.
"Excuse me...I haven't seen Frankie in almost a year and I'm here with my friends having dinner quietly and peacefully without bothering anyone...are you the one who comes here to...what do you come here for by the way?"
"I came here because... Frankie saw you at his wedding... several times and I wanted to make sure it's not like that" you frown and think how that could be possible, but clearly it was impossible, you were in another city all day when you arrived it was already night and with your friends came directly to the restaurant, but what did not surprise you was that they would treat you as crazy capable of invading the wedding of your ex.
"Look... if your friend does drugs right on the most important day and has hallucinations that's not my problem... now go away and don't bother me."
Santiago was already tired and the truth was that he didn't know what was the purpose of coming here with Frankie either.
"why do you hate me so much Santiago?" you say as you walk towards him again, Santi doesn't know what to say.
"You didn't like me being with Frankie?"
"I don't care at all who Frankie hangs out with."
"Are you in love with him?" Santi laughs and denies turning around to leave.
"Or are you in love with me?" suddenly he freezes and there is a silence between the two of them. The silence becomes long and uncomfortable, He turns around and you both stare at each other, suddenly you blink when you hear a noise from the garbage cans and you turn your gaze to Santi and just laugh.
"God this is ridiculous" you want to turn around to leave but Santi was still looking at you with a serious expression and you get closer to talk.
"Why do you have to come here to bother me? go back to the wedding, fall in love with a pretty bridesmaid and fuck in the bathroom as the beginning of a nice love story, make her come like a good gentleman and… that's it, goodnight and goodbye" he just look at you wanting to say something, you slowly approach him and you can feel each other's breath.
"The last part is a little hard for you... it's ok if you can't" you turn around with a smile, Santi walks towards you furious and grabs your wrist.
And it's your face close to him
"You are the most hateful person I've ever met in my life... there's no doubt why Frankie left you" you smile at him and lean close to his ear to whisper
"Have a nice night sweetie" and you give him a kiss on the cheek, he lets go of your wrist and you walk back inside the restaurant.
Santi stares at you until you enter, Frankie comes out almost falling down and cleaning his pants.
"Sorry for the noise, my cell phone rang and I panicked that she would hear... it was Susan, we have to go."
"Yeah we better go" Santi walks to the car but Frankie grabs his arm.
"Wait... what was that all about?.. why did she say.. if you were in love with her" Santi was a little nervous and walked back to the car
"Come on man, you know she's.. crazy, did you hear the rest?"
"No, I told you Susan called"
The two get into the car and Santi drives to the party again, as fast as he can.
"Well... clearly I told her no.. I don't like psychotic girls dude.. and.."
"Anyway.. what was the purpose of coming here anyway?"
"Clearly for you to talk to her, you're the one who has to clear things up so you'd stop these hallucinations.. but you shit your pants."
Frankie laughs, although he still found the question you asked Santi strange, and he knew he was nervous when I asked him, but he knew if he kept going on about it he would go crazy and it would never end.
They went back to the party, Susan jumped into Frankie's arms and took him to continue dancing, Benny was desperate because he thought he lost his cell phone but Santi lied to him and told him that he found it in the bathroom and deleted the messages with you. The party continued and Frankie didn't see you again.
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You had no thought this morning when you got up and got in your car to do your shopping that you would come back to the same thing again, you were distracted with your cell phone and your cart in your hand in the parking lot until someone taps you on the shoulder and you turn around.
Frankie again, you were surprised to see him, you were more surprised that he came to talk to you, it was only 5 but he did look changed, you remember when all he wore were those plaid shirts with jeans, now he has a white t-shirt, brown jacket and was wearing a cap and had the same beard with spaces as always.
"Frankie... hi" there was silence after that, neither you nor Frankie knew what to say.
"You... you look good."
"Thanks... you too"
Frankie laughs "no... I'm getting older".
"Well... I guess we both are, aren't we?" He smiles and nods, and again a silence.
"Hey I.. I have to admit I saw several pictures of your daughter on Benny's Instagram.. she's adorable" that makes Frankie's heart burst and he smiles.
"Yeah.. thanks she's the most adorable thing in the world."
"Well I.. I have to buy some things and I don't want to take up your time so.. bye" you start to walk but Frankie graciously takes your arm to make you stop.
"Sorry I.. maybe we could sometime.. go for a coffee and.. talk?"
"I.. I don't know, I don't want to make trouble with.."
"I'm divorced, and you will never be a problem" you don't want to look him in the eye and you didn't know what to do.
"Yeah, I... let me think about it yeah?" Frankie nods with a smile and you walk away again until you hear his voice calling you again and you turn around.
"That night of my wedding when Santi came to talk to you... I was there listening."
"I know Frankie"
"You knew?"
"I heard your voice whispering curses that night" he laughs
"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to come and bother you".
"It's okay Frankie...the truth is...I was even happier to know that night that you were still thinking about me."
Frankie smiles at you and watches you walk away.
"It wasn't just that night anyway..."
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
Is pride month and everyone is coming back for this 😌
so true of him
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Credit to: @mandeanlorian on twitter
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
johnny depp was in his mid twenties (25*) when he started dating a 17 year old winona ryder.
he was in his mid forties when he started dating a 26* year old amber heard.
he was 54 when he started dating a 22 year old dancer (2018).
he allowed his 15 year old daughter to live with a man in his twenties and proceeded to defend said man when the police got involved on statutory rape charges.
he is a violent man (not just towards amber) in general. he is literally back in court next month for punching a man on set. and has a long, long history (that predates amber) of smashing things and physically assaulting others.
he uses demeaning, misogynistic language towards women in general, not just amber.
he is transphobic. towards one of amber’s former best friends, a man who was meant to be his own friend too.
he is an abuse apologist. he defended roman polanski for RAPING A CHILD saying he was too old for that and was married so obviously it’s not possible.
he’s besties with marilyn manson who is an abusive piece of shit himself.
even if you don’t believe that amber was abused by him, is this the man you want to fight to the end defending?
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
happy pride month i love being bisexual and defining myself as bisexual and i really like how bisexual sounds and the bisexual flag is very pretty
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
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Taylor Swift Lockscreens! (click for better quality)
if you want to use any without the watermark just message me!
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
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Stop acting like a fucking cliche. And start being someone decent.
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
Ohhh my goddddd this was just skdnxnskalszndns so perfect 😭😭 i love itttt thank you so much
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Also the smut was so fineeee oh lord
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So i just got this stuck in my head since this saturday, i tried to write it but i can't, is about comfort Frankie, so the reader doesn't have a really good relationship with her family specially with her dad, but she had this family dinner she promise her mom to be there, but she hate it cause there is always coments coming from her own family about her life, her boyfriend (Frankie) and his body, like always making her feel uncomfortable with his body and his weight, so i was thinking that after a long and frustrating night there is Frankie to give her some comfort and make her feel loved and safe. and can you add some smut too at the end, cause my inner whore is always there
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Word Count: 1100+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I hope you like it! I didn’t beta this so I own my mistakes.
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Main Masterlist
Frankie Morales Masterlist
“I don’t know why I even bother anymore! They just..UURGHH!” You slam the door behind Frankie, who had come into your place behind you.
“I know, baby. But don’t let them get under your skin-”
“How can I not? My parents never have anything nice to say, always criticizing me, what I’m doing, what I’m wearing, what I look like.”
A look of anger washed over Frankie’s face before his calming look returned. “I’ll admit, when they started in on your looks, it was hard for me to not say more once you stopped me.” 
“I could take all of that because I’m used to it. It’s fine.” You waved your hand in the air. “But then they brought you into it and I just..that was the last straw. I will not tolerate them criticizing you. I won’t!” You stamp your foot to drive your point home and Frankie smiles at you.
“They’re your family, baby. I can just deal-”
“You will NOT just deal. I’ll be having a word with them, especially my father. The way he went on and on about your weight I just wanted to scream!”
Frankie’s face falls a little. He would never tell you but the comments about his weight did hurt him, but he’d never say anything to your family to cause problems. He follows you into the kitchen, watching you pace around the room while he leans against the table, crossing his arms.
“Baby, it’s alright. I’m fine-”
You turn to him, a fire in your eyes. “No, Frankie! I will not stand for this! You’re so fucking hot and sexy and they just-”
“Come here.”
You stop pacing, turning to face him. “I think I’m gonna call them now.” You reach for your phone but Frankie grabs it from your hand, holding it away from you when you make grabby hands at it.
“You’re angry right now. Let’s wait a bit, yeah?”
You make a last ditch effort to grab the phone from him, pressing your entire body up against him but it’s no use. Sighing, you give up with a nod and Frankie sets your phone down on the table behind him. Before you can move off of him, he wraps his arms around you, hugging you with the perfect amount of pressure. He buries his nose into your hair, inhaling your scent and humming into it. 
“Fuck you smell good, baby.”
“I probably smell like the dinner we just had.”
He chuckles into your hair but speaks low into your ear. “Good enough to eat.”
Chuckling into his shoulder, he turns your face up to him and kisses you, pushing his tongue into your mouth to find yours, swirling around inside your mouth. You moan into his and his hands start to roam down your body, grabbing you under your ass cheeks and lifting you up. He pushes off of the table and turns around, laying you down gently. 
“I want dessert.”
“Frankie.” You moan out the last half of his name as his hands slide up your thighs and touch you over your underwear, his fingers dancing up the seam of you. Before you can blink he’s gripped the edge of your panties and pulled them down and off, tossing them over his shoulder. He sits on a chair and slides up to the table, gripping your thighs and pulling you close, your ass nearly hanging off the table.
The giggle that escapes you turns into a moan as Frankie flattens his tongue against your seam, licking up you slowly, bumping into your clit and massaging it with his nose. 
“Oh shit, Frankie!”
He continues like a man starved, licking, sucking, and nipping at you. Just when you think you can’t take anymore, pleasure buzzing around you, he pushes in 2 fingers, pumping and curling them as you moan his name, gripping his hair in you hand.
“Fuck! I’m gonna…fuck!” 
You come, Frankie tapping that spot inside you as he nuzzles your clit, guiding you through your release and down. Head filled with a pleasant feeling, you faintly register the sound of his belt buckle coming undone, the clank it makes as it hits the ground.
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” Frankie coos at you, leaning over to catch your gaze. Once he has it, he pushes in slowly, loving the way your head flies back, your expression contorting in pleasure.
Frankie always stretched you in the most glorious way, giving you time to adjust to his size. He bottoms out, moaning before he pulls out and pushes back in a few times. He leans closer and sucks on your neck and you feel yourself clench around him, feel him moan into your neck before he speaks, deep and raspy in your ear.
“Wanna fuck you into this table.”
“I - yes please.”
Frankie chuckles and pulls out, the tip of him pressing against your entrance and you wine when he doesn’t move, sticking your lip out to pout. He chuckles again, tracing his finger down your cheek.
“You want it that bad?”
“Want you that bad. Need you. Please Frankie!”
With his name, he pushes into you, setting a rough pace, your chest bouncing even still in a bra. The table makes threatening sounds under the snap of his hips, but they’re nothing compared to the noises escaping both of your mouths. Frankie is spewing loving filth at you “You beautiful slut taking me like the sexy whore you are!”, sweat beading on his forehead. You grip his arms, trying to find something to hold onto as your orgasm finds you quickly, Frankie hammering into that spot in the back of you that has you seeing the universe. 
“Fuck Frankie!” You come hard, pulsing around him as you continue to chant his name, feeling his hips sputter a few times before your name tumbles from his lips, his own orgasm washing over him. 
A few moments goes by, Frankie breathing heavy as he drops to his elbows, resting his head on your chest. You play with his hair, both of you trying to catch your breath before he mumbles into you.
“Gotta clean up.”
He groans, sits up, and pulls out with a hiss, leaving you feeling empty but full in a different way. You watch him pull up his pants, not bothing to zip or button before he grabs a wet cloth from the bathroom and comes back to clean you up. He extends his hand to you to help you sit up, kissing you when you do.
“Feeling calmer?” He asks, his eyebrows raised.
You put your finger to your chin in mock thought. “I’m not sure. Maybe you can help me relax again in the bedroom?”
Frankie chuckles against your lips. “Anything that I can do to help my baby relax.”
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticGeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @softpedropascal @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso  @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride  @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol  
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
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ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY (2016) dir. Gareth Edwards
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
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amira thalia mahmood is: honest and loyal, forever and always willing to stand up for justice
part 6/7 (part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
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your fave is unproblematic: jonas noah vasquez
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
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I love Eskild. He associates with a teddy bear in my mind.
Well, you know, every child in childhood has a favorite soft toy. Someone may have a few, but it’s not so important. The presence of such toys is very important, because they positively influence on the development of the child. Just as Eskild influences on the development of Isak, for example.
Eskild, like a teddy bear, is the embodiment of a best friend, protector, the best remedy for stress.
 With a soft teddy bear everyone feels calmer and safe, because a teddy bear is a friend who always stands guard over sleep. So is Eskild. He was always there if Isak or Noora need help.
Sometimes parents are not able to give the child enough time and attention. Communication Eskild with Isak and Noora somewhat compensates for this. Eskild as a teddy bear helped them in situations where parents are not around, because every child (in this case Isak and Noora) always needs support and understanding.
And even speaking of other characters and other situations, it seems to me that when Eskild simply enters the room, his own aura simply captures everything. He like a teddy bear makes any atmosphere better.
He is wonderful.
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taylorxargentina · 2 years
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