#(Even when you tell them 'chill its just a thought' or a head canon they won't back off ever)
cowpokeomens · 7 months
Blood Born
Hi hello! Sorry I disappeared, life has just been happening lately no matter how much I tell it not to. Anyways, below the cut you'll find Noah Sebastian with a mysterious secret doin the nasty bc I'm nothing if not a monster fucker.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, mentions of weapons, dirty nasty p-in-v smut, Noah's monster cock (canon), praise kink, there's some biting too. I think that's everything but I'm really tired so if I missed something, let me know! Enjoy!
New Orleans had always been one of Noah’s favorite cities.
He’d been partial to the French, anyway. Liked the way they baked absurd little confections, the way they fucked without remorse- the way they’d put each other’s head on a pike just to get a leg up in court. He’d been fortunate enough to be endowed with a pretty face, and there were few things the French liked more than that. 
Which is where he found himself now, walking through the French Quarter, looking for dinner. There were approximately a million restaurants with old signs beckoning him inside, but Noah had lost a taste for that kind of food long before he stepped foot in this city. 
He smelled you before he saw you. 
It was the off season, if such a thing existed for a city like this. You were bundled up in a jacket, hurrying through the streets. It was chilly, even for this time of year, the wind making its way through your hair to whip in every direction. That must have been what blew your scent his way, the intoxicating scent of jasmine and an uninterrupted heart beat almost making him stiffen up where he stood, across the street from you. He mourned your scent as you ducked into a building, trying to escape the chill. You didn’t reek of alcohol the way most people in this area did- if he had to guess, he’d say you probably hadn’t had anything stronger than a glass of wine tonight. The thought of how that would taste had him darting across the nearly empty street to follow you into the building quickly.
He didn’t get a good meal often. The drunken strangers he usually managed to entice sated him in the way a pint of blueberries would satisfy a black bear. It was hard to find a sober person who would let you bite them, and the ones who did come along were, well, strange to say the least. As if he had any moral high ground. 
The inside of the building was warm, dimly lit. He spotted you immediately, in a far corner by the bar, alone. 
Blessed be to the old gods and the new. He thought to himself. He wouldn’t even have to lure you away from a group. He could easily seduce an individual, but multiples were hard when he was hungry. 
He made his way over to where you sat, sitting around the corner so he could face you, but not be in your personal space. “Whiskey neat, please.” The bartender nodded once, pouring something foul and cheap-smelling into a glass with an ice cube. Noah fought back a grimace at the stench. 
“Oh, come on, Remy, don’t give him the fucking Jack Daniel’s.” A voice called next to him. “If you want to cheap out, do Crown. Who the hell voluntarily drinks Jack?”
Noah slowly turned his head to where you sat, frowning at the bartender, who was rolling his eyes in return. He did remake Noah’s drink though, with something decidedly more palatable. 
As he sat the drink down and walked to another patron, Noah turned to you. “Thank you. I was having a difficult time coping with the thought of that on my palate.”
You flashed him a grin. Briefly, he wondered what it would feel like to breathe again. 
“No worries. Remy likes to give the tourists the bottom shelf shit, but you seem like the sort of guy who knows his whiskey.” You took a small sip of your wine, something deeply red that made Noah shift in his seat ever so slightly. 
He inhaled once. “Grenache?”
You raised an eyebrow. “You know your wines, too. How could you tell?”
He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “Lucky guess.”
You cocked your head to the side curiously. “I’ve never seen you here before.”
“I’ve never been here before.” Noah responded, emotionless.
“January is an odd time to visit for someone who’s never been here before.” You prodded further.
Noah couldn’t fight the smirk on his face. “Must you always play with your food?” Jolly had sighed once. “Maybe if I had a better tour guide, I would know that.”
He turns to look at you know, registers every emotion that crosses your face. Your pupils widen noticeably, your back going a little straighter. You were making this too easy for him. 
“You’re in luck, I happen to know a gal.” You’re beaming at him- a sweet, lopsided grin as you take a gulp of your wine and introduce yourself. Noah watches the movement of your throat as you do so, responding with his own name. He takes a moment to drink you in. 
Your jacket is gone now, but you’re still wearing a sweatshirt for a school he’s never heard of (Which, to be fair, is most of them.) Dark jeans cling to your legs where they sway idly from the barstool, your feet not touching the ground. Your hair has been pulled away from your face, but a few wisps escape and kiss the sides of your cheeks. He realizes, almost startled, that you’re beautiful. 
A dignified kind of beautiful, not the otherworldliness that his kind manages. He knows he’s attractive, but it’s the same kind of beauty that humans see in tigers, snakes-  A warning sign, a mark of predation. The kind of beauty you admire from the other side of bullet proof glass. 
You, though- you’re so warm. He can feel your warmth, even from over here. It transcends physicality; Warmth that is visceral, in your eyes and your lips and the scrunch of your nose reacting to the cold. 
“Hey, you okay?” Your soft voice shakes him out of his thoughts. “You looked sad.”
His eyes lock with yours, finding such human concern that if he could have wept, he would. You looked like you cared for people. He had not been cared for in a very long time. 
“Yes, sorry. Zoned out for a second there.” He quickly finished off his drink. “I would love to take you up on that offer, though. It would be nice to see the city from a local’s perspective.”
He was a dirty liar. He knew the earth of this place before the French could even see it from their ships. It was wild then, and wild now- though in different ways. He could see the old wild in the eyes of workers practicing their vaudou and the shadows that lingered at the edge of the swamps surrounding the city. It beckoned, a siren’s call out to the murky depths of the region. Colonizers said they “settled” the territory, but everyone old enough to remember knows that lands like that don’t settle. 
He supposed he was, in some ways, a marriage of those wilds. He remembered the things that lurked in the shadows… and now he was the thing lurking in that same darkness, however many lifetimes later.
“You know,” You interrupted his thoughts again, grabbing your coat in the process, “You get this really old-and-wise look on your face when you zone out. Are you thinking about war crimes, or mac ‘n cheese?”
He smiled despite himself. “Mac ‘n cheese.” 
You blinded him briefly with a smile in return. He knew instantly that he would regret this, but followed you out the bar nonetheless, throwing a bill onto the counter without looking back. 
You walked alongside each other in companionable silence until you spoke up. 
“So, what brings you to the city alone?”
Noah smirked at the ground. You didn’t even try to disguise your inquiries. It was refreshing.
“I was supposed to be visiting friends, but they’re not here anymore.” It wasn’t a lie- not the truth, but certainly not a lie. 
You frowned. “You didn’t think to check that your friends lived here still before you came?” 
Noah shook his head. “I was actually just passing through- decided to stay a few days.”
You nodded, as if his non-answers made any sense. It reminded him of how he would nod at the eloquent words of his elders when he was a child, like pretending he was wiser than he was would somehow allow the wisdom to materialize out of sheer will. A thought occurred to him. “How old are you?”
“Oh, I’m 25.” You responded, turning to cast a glance up at him. “You?”
He found he didn’t want to lie to you. “Older than you.” Was the answer he settled on. 
You snorted, surprising him. He raised an eyebrow in question. 
“Come on man, that’s like, the most ‘Guy Older Than 27’ thing to say.” You rolled your eyes at him. He couldn’t remember the last time someone rolled their eyes at him. 
He grinned anyway, not looking at you. “Fair enough. I am older than 27.”
You gave him a sidelong glance. “Why so cryptic? Scared I’ll send you back to the nursing home you escaped from-”
You were cut off as he crowded you up against a wall, staring down his nose at you, arms on either side of your head. “You’re kind of mouthy, you know that?”
“Then shut me up.” Your words were rushed, like they escaped before you could think them over properly. He hesitated for only a second, then leaned in to kiss you. 
You bloomed like a flower in spring for him, lips parting in a gasp, chest heaving as color rushed to your cheeks. He felt drunk as his tongue traced your lip, hands coming down to grasp your hips. You parted after only a few moments, breath ragged. 
“I live about a block from here.” Your intentions were not lost on him. 
He took a step back, gesturing for you to lead the way. You finished your nighttime stroll soon after, quickly pulling out your keys to unlock your front door.
Noah pauses at the door. Some of the superstitions were all too true. You turn around to face him, framed by the light of your entryway. 
“Well, come in then. It’s cold.” You urge him, holding the door open. He lets out a breath he didn’t need.
He follows you inside to the warm interior. He’s taking in your interior decoration choices when you pounce, pulling him to your mouth. He happily obliges, deepening the kiss and wrapping an arm around your back. He felt your hands come up to his chest, pushing him away. 
“Did you want to stop-” He began, until you interrupted him. 
“No, but thanks. I’m just trying to get us to a flat surface that isn’t my hardwood floors.” You gave him a sly smile, taking him by the hand and tugging him through the house. 
His eyes could see in pitch black, but he was still thoroughly impressed by how you could navigate in the dim light. You must have lived here for a while.
You flung open a door with ease, still pulling him behind you. He could see the bed as you shoved him onto it, crawling on top of him. He was grinning as you leaned in to kiss him again-
Then you stopped. 
He suddenly realized, not reacting quickly enough as you scrambled off him and flipped on the lights.
“Your teeth-” You began, then froze as you took in the sight of him. He already knew what you were seeing. Blood vessels protruding around his eyes. His irises, sclera- blown pitch black. Cold skin even paler than usual. He could feel them now, behind his lips-
“What the fuck is going on?” You were too calm, given the circumstances, given your words. 
Noah could only imagine the look on his face; Shame, embarrassment, regret. “I’ll go-”
“No no no, nuh-uh. You’re going to stay right there and explain what’s going on or I’ll scream bloody murder and Mr. Joe will come over with his 42 and we’ll have real problems.”
Noah stilled, though probably not for the reason you were wanting. “I’m sorry, did you just threaten to shoot me? I grew teeth, I’m a big scary monster, you can’t just shoot-”
“Yes I can! And I will! I’m crazy! I’m not scared of sexy scary monsters, I’m from backwoods Louisiana, pal! I’ve been hunting! I-”
“You think I’m sexy?” Noah could feel his eyes returning to normal as he grinned at you.
“Shut up.” Your voice cracked, betraying you.
Noah stood up, cocking his head to the side. His fangs were retracting now, disappearing from view. He gave you a long look. 
You looked pissed, which was new. He was more accustomed to fear, knew how to respond to it, soothe it. You had a glint in your eye that looked different from just anger, almost like-
Betrayal. The earth whispered to him. 
He took a deep breath. He could still smell arousal on you. “I’m sorry, this wasn’t… how I wanted this to go.”
“Then how did you want it to go?” You threw back at him. 
“I- I don’t know! I thought we could hook up and then I’d leave when you fell asleep and I’d find some rando on the way home and-” He stopped short, unsure of how to continue.
“And what?” You prodded, sounding fearful for the first time that evening. Good. You should be scared. He was a monster- an old one. For all you knew he ate virgins and burned down villages. 
He looked down, unable to meet your eyes. “And… drink their blood.”
You exhaled, long. “You kill people to eat?”
His neck snapped up at you. “No, no! Oh my god, no. Just a nibble and I’m on my way-” He stopped at the giggle you let out. “Excuse me?”
“It’s just,” You straightened your face. “You eat people and refer to it as a ‘nibble?’”
“I don’t eat people.” He deadpanned, giving you a look. 
“You just drink their blood.”
You both stared at each other for a long moment. 
“So why-” You began.
Noah motioned for you to continue. 
You blinked. “Why the fangs, then? If you weren’t going to… y’know.” You averted your gaze.
A movement Noah quickly mirrored. “Oh, um. It’s like- an arousal thing. Pretty girl kisses me, fangs pop out.”
You were looking at him again. “You think I’m pretty?”
He met your eyes. “Yeah. Prettiest thing I’ve seen so far, and I’ve been around for a while.”
You took a slow step towards him. “How often do you eat?”
“Um, once a week, if it’s good. Maybe twice if it’s not.” He responded automatically, trying not to think about how bizarre this conversation was.
Your head tilted slightly. Another step. “How long has it been? Since you’ve… fed?”
He was watching you carefully now. Then, very quietly, he said “Two weeks.”
Something like concern flooded your eyes, and you almost winced at him. “That’s a long time to be hungry.”
He could see your jugular on your neck, pulsating with life. He said nothing in response. 
You took another step. “Would it help if you… fed on me?”
He looked at you sharply, processing your words in seconds. “No.”
“Why not?” You countered, cocking a brow.
Why not? The earth whispered at him again, voice a caress in his ear. He could smell you- Alive, fresh and-
Fertile. The familiar voice supplied. He fought the urge to roll his eyes. I’m not going to tell her she smells fertile, he retorted. 
“You can’t think of a good reason.” You assumed, staring almost directly into his silence. 
“I could hurt you.” He supplied helplessly.
“And that’s worse than hurting someone else?” 
He tried again. “No- it’s not, but-” A deep breath, “I can’t stand the thought of hurting you.”
You placed a hand on his arm, too warm and too close. “Then I’ll just hurt you back.” You were so close to him, when did you get this close- “You look awfully hungry, Noah.” You murmured, looking up at him through your lashes.
It was impossible for him to misread your body language as his hands came up to grip your hips, tugging you closer to him. He could feel your nipples hardening where your bodies met. 
“You can tell me to stop, okay? Whenever you want, just say the word and we’ll stop.” He was panting now, salivating in anticipation as his canines slid back out. 
You nodded. “I’ll let you know if anything changes.” Then you kissed him again, sliding your tongue over his fangs in a move that made him outright moan into your mouth. He scooped you up in what was obviously a feat of superhuman strength, chucking you onto the bed. 
He made quick work of your clothes, pulling your shirt over your head in a swift movement that had him pausing to stare. “Blessed be to the old gods and the new.” He breathed, taking in your pert nipples, breasts swaying at his hasty movements. He leaned in, running his tongue from your sternum, up through your breasts, stopping only at your neck. “Do you taste as good as you look, love?”
Your cheeks reddened. “Let’s hope so.” 
He grinned, a wicked, awful thing, tugging on your pants until they slid off, leaving you in just your underwear. “Wanna see a trick?” 
You did not want to see a trick, you decided as your body betrayed you and nodded anyway. 
He came down to eye-level with your mound, slowly and carefully hooking a single fang on the fabric, sliding it directly through your panties until they were completely torn open. 
You gaped, unable to form words. 
“Sorry, those were cute. I’ll make it up to you.” Noah promised as he spread your legs open for him. 
You felt exposed, vulnerable. Your entire body went red as he watched you. He ran a finger up your slit, making your entire body shudder. “Oh? Baby likes that?”
You nodded, blinking rapidly. Noah swatted your inner thigh, not enough to hurt, but enough to get your attention. “Use your words.”
Your cheeks grew even pinker. “Y-yes, I liked it.”
He leaned down, caging you in. “Want me to fuck you?” 
“Please.” You whispered. His eyes went pitch black again. 
“Good girl, already knows to beg.” He backed off of you, tugging off his turtleneck sweater, revealing a fully tattooed torso. Your mouth went dry at the sight. “Again.” He demanded.
“Please.” You obeyed, still barely above a whisper. 
“Prettier.” He demanded again, unbuckling his pants.
“P-please, Noah, please-”
“Almost there.” His pants hit the floor, revealing a pair of equally as inked legs.
“Please, I’ll be so good, Noah, please, let me be good-”
“That’s a good girl, good job. C’mere.” He sat back down on the bed, the outline of his cock clearly visible in his briefs. You wanted to feel, to taste.
You obliged his command, crawling over to straddle his lap. 
“Here’s how this is gonna go, pretty thing.” He began, sliding a finger inside of you as he did so. You gasped, latching onto his shoulder for support. “I’m going to get you nice and loose, then you’re going to ride me, like this. Understand?”
“Yes sir.” You stammered as he added another finger. 
“Ooh, nice manners.” He praised, dropped a kiss to your jaw. You shivered at his touch. “When you feel like you’re close, you’re going to tell me, and then I’m going to bite right-” he rubbed a small line on the side of your neck- “Here. Does that sound okay?”
You nodded, then remembered to say “Yes, yes, sounds wonderful, sounds amazing, Noah fuck me please-”
He chuckled quietly, lifting you up ever so slightly to align himself where he had pulled down is briefs. “You ready?”
“Noah I swear to whatever gods, old and new- fuck.” Your rampage broke off into a moan as he slid himself into you. His thrusts were short at first, letting you adjust, until you finally sank all the way down. 
You were panting when you finally bottomed out. “Big- ‘S so big.” You whined, clenching and unclenching on him involuntarily.
Noah’s breaths were equally as ragged. His hands had come to rest on your hips, thumbs rubbing soothing circles on them. “Whenever you’re ready.” He placed another kiss on your forehead. 
You waited another few seconds, then pulled up experimentally. The drag of him inside you had a long moan escaping your throat. You dropped down, gasping, rising up again. You repeated this until you were riding him in earnest, moans and gasps escaping you both. 
You didn’t know how Noah was managing to hit that bundle of nerves inside of you every time you sank down, but he was. You draped your arms on his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him deeply, fangs tugging on your lip ever so slightly. “You look so good riding my cock baby, look so good with a big cock in you, like you were made for this-” Noah’s profane train of thought continued on until it was white noise in your ears. You registered that your thighs were shaking from the effort, but you couldn’t stop, not when you were so close-
“Close.” You panted. “Fuck, Noah, I’m so close, so close-”
He pulled your hair to the side quickly, teeth lining up with your throat.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum-” 
The world went white as Noah sank his fangs into your throat and you came, release squirting all over the both of you as your body shook. 
You panted as he sucked at your throat, eyes fluttering shut. One of his hands was rubbing at your back, the other snaked around your waist. You stayed like that for a few minutes more, until you almost felt light-headed and he released you with a soft “pop.” 
You blinked at him sleepily as he laid you down against your pillow. He stood up, tugging up his boxers and turning to walk away. “Are you leaving?” You slurred, sounding sad even to yourself.
You could hear his little laugh. “No, I’m getting you a snack and some water. I know I’m dreamy, but I can’t have the ladies passing out on me.”
You rolled your eyes as he disappeared, faint clattering alerting you of when he found the kitchen. 
When he returned, you were more alert, taking the water and gulping it down. You took a second to look at him. 
He was beautiful before, but now- wow.
His hair was silky, skin still pale but not so lifeless. His eyes were richly dark, amusement seeming to dance in them. “Y’know,” You began, “You’re really pretty when you’re not starving to death.”
If he could have blushed, he might have. “Back at you.” Was his response, handing you crackers.
You nibbled on them while he went about dressing himself. “You’re not staying?” You did your best to not sound disappointed. 
Noah shot you a smile. “Sadly, no. I have to get back to my hiding hole before the sun comes up.”
You nodded, looking down. “Will I get to see you again?”
“I have a feeling you’ll be seeing entirely too much of me.” Noah responded, sounding amused. 
“What makes you say that?” You questioned, confusion written on your face. 
“Because you broke the cardinal sin of running around with a vampire.” Noah grinned, looking devious. “You invited me in.”
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miguelhugger2099 · 2 months
Hiii, I’m in love with your writing it’s a comfort for me atp. Could you please do grumpy reader where she doesn’t talk to others a lot. That makes Miguel look like an extrovert (even though we both know that’s not true 😭). Happy Easter 🐣 and or any holiday you celebrate.
Two Peas in a Pod
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c.....comfort,,,,, sad hamster meme the highest honor i could ever get omg thank you i really liked this ask because its basically me haha my friend actually told me ive gotten better at being more welcoming and "nice" and another friend would tell me that i could never mask my uncomfortableness if someone was bothering me LMFAO but as alwayyssssss i can rewrite this request for u if ur not satisfied :) Art: nellwhre17 on instagram
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Spider-People were supposed to be funny and outgoing. It was in their canon to have some resemblance to the original quippy and humorous Spider-Man. If not outgoing then at least a little endearing and sweet.
So the Spider Society is a little thrown off when you’re introduced to the team by Miguel. Both of your arms are crossed, your face blank and looking over other Spiders with neutrality. 
“Here’s our new recruit. She’ll be working more with Margo and Lyla. Think of her as one of your superiors like myself or Jess or Peter B.” Miguel tilts his head at all the other Spiders. “That’s all. Dismissed.”
He turns to face back to his console, returning to work on new files Lyla had presented to him. Some Spiders stay to chat with you. They don’t notice the slight discomfort and annoyance in your face.
“Hey! My name is Peter M! I think we might be the same age!” One says, his mask squinting to look like he’s smiling.
“Have you gone on a mission yet? What Earth are you from?”
“Has Miguel explained The Canon to you yet? It’s a little overwhelming, I know.”
The commotion irks you a bit, the Spiders coming into your personal space so you shuffle away and your brows instinctively scrunch together. “No, I’m fine.” You mutter curtly. The others finally see the change in your demeanor and they awkwardly step back.
Miguel turns over to see the few Spiders around and barks at them to stop. “She’s still new to all this so don’t go around pestering her.” 
They smile wearily up at him then at you, whose face is still contorted a bit in a way that looks like you’re obviously still being bothered. 
They get the message and wave goodbye to you but not without feeling a chill down their spine at how cold you were. Maybe you were just shy. Everything is and always will be overwhelming around here with different variants of yourself. So, they believed in time you’d come around like the others.
You, in fact, did not come around. After weeks, months even, you still came in and left without a word. Get in and get out. You rarely engaged in conversation and if you were in a group, you’d keep to yourself. If someone tried to include you, you’d just say a few blunt words that didn’t move the conversation at all so there'd be an awkward standstill before moving on.
No matter what, no one knew anything else about you besides your name, you were a Spider-Woman and the name of your Earth.
Even the esteemed group of young SpiderLings couldn’t even get you to open up. Jess and Gwen had just come back from a mission, wanting to eat at the cafeteria before heading home. They had found seats beside Hobie and Pav who were just catching up together.
Pav had mentioned trying to talk to you once but his bright personality pushed you further and further away from him, your responses to his questions becoming more and more short and quick.
“I’ve never met such a complicated individual.” He pouts, crossing his arms on the table.
“Don’ bother me none. I don’ like someone tryin’ to bug me either.” Hobie scratches the back of his neck. 
“Would’ve thought they opened up by now.” Gwen brushed her hair out her face. “It’s like pulling teeth with her.”
“She just seems kinda grumpy sometimes…” Pav sighs resting his head in his arms. “Even more than Miguel which feels wrong.” 
“Yeah, at least Miguel snaps at you but she…kinda just sits there.” Gwen leans back with a weak smile. “Not really sure how to make conversation when she’s so quiet.”
“She just doesn’t feel like talking, guys. Go easy on her.” Jess rubs her temples. 
Their conversation is cut short when Miguel walks through the cafeteria, documents in hand and with you in tow. Speak of the Devil. 
“Jess, Gwen, I misremembered about giving you the reports of your last mission together. I also have the analysis for the next one on Earth—199B.” Miguel hands the reports to Jessica and she immediately skims through it. Gwen looks over her shoulder and gives you a smile.
“Hey, how’s it going?” She asks. 
You respond with a shrug and a nod. “Good.”
Gwen’s smile wavers, laughing nervously as the awkward silence. She expected some sort of greeting back. 
Miguel answers for you. “She’s been with me the whole day since Peter’s been busy at home.” Gwen looks to Miguel.
“And how about you, boss? Doin’—uh—doin’ good?”
Miguel sighs, crossing his arms. “Better now that Margo fixed what Hobie broke in the console room.”
Hobie tsks. “Did not. You’re jus’ blamin’ me ‘cause I’m the scapegoat around ‘ere. Tha’ it?” 
Miguel pulls up camera footage from his Gizmo, of Hobie pulling apart different motherboards and CPUs from the server and tucking them away in his pocket. “Is this not you?!”
Hobie squints at the footage and shrugs. “AI has truly come a long way, mate. Bettah check tha’ out.”
Gwen, Pav and Jessica laugh at the scene, giggling at the sheer anger on Miguel’s face and Hobies indifference. You watch with a soft smile up at Miguel but nothing else.
Miguel feels your hand on his forearm and he looks down at you. You nod your head to the side, signaling it’s time to go. He looks at the time on his watch and collects himself. 
“We’re gonna head out. Don’t bother us unless there’s an emergency and be alert for any sudden messages should I need to contact any of you for anomalies.” He turns and gives a small wave before leaving, you trailing behind him.
You don’t say much other than looking behind to give them a small nod and following beside Miguel.
The group watches as Miguel talks to you, relating information and talking your ear off about missions and the to-do for the day. You listen quietly, eyes held on his and nodding along.
They glance at each other and think they would’ve never seen a person more closed off than Miguel in their lifetime. Even less where it looks like he’s more talkative compared to you. What an odd pair. “I think she has opened up. Maybe just not with us.” Jess leans back with a smile.
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pixelchills · 1 month
Chill's ramblings about the DCA fandom and personal feelings and issues towards TSAMS (both positive an negative):
(I'm writing this like an essay but treating it like a diary, so if I jump from subject to another, it is because I am just typing as the thoughts hit my head. Sorry for being so wordy.)
I simply feel like I need to write my thoughts down, so why not share them with you. Maybe you can validate my feelings or something, I don't know.
So, oof, I got a fic rec from @thedenofravenpuff and I'm loving it so much I really wanna draw fan art for it...
But the problem is that it's a TSAMS fanfic and I've sworn to my name I'll never draw anything related to the show because that will make me engage with a part of the fandom I'm not comfortable with.
My biggest issue with TSAMS:
I have such complicated feelings towards the show and its fanbase and I do not wish to make my life and work more difficult because of it as it already is.
My own work and characters are already constantly being compared to TSAMS. When I first introduced Solar to my fic, he was constantly being referred to Eclipse from TSAMS. Now that the show had a character with THE SAME NAME, it has been even worse.
Dolldrop Moon has been compared to Lunar. Even though the dolldrops existed before the youtube channel was even created (and Lunar made his debut much later).
The biggest issue I've had has always been the fanbase, that takes the show as the canon for Sun and Moon from FNAF and uses it as an excuse to harass shippers like me because they think Sun and Moon are brothers.
I've first handedly seen the damage the fanbase has done to some of my friends who draw, or have previously drawn art for the show besides their own AUs and personal headcanons of Sun and Moon as lovers. I'm sorry to tag you, but @kriimhild and @fablekitty : I've seen how the immature side of the show's fans have treated you, I am so terribly sorry you've had to defend yourselves over and over again for things that were not meant to be mixed up.
I have posted some ideas of a possible Animutant Moon and Sun forming a polyamorous relationship with Solar in the future of "My Dear Daffodil" on my personal/adult Twitter account. Someone kept commenting on my posts that I was glorifying incest, because Sun and Moon were brothers and Solar was their cousin.
The post had "Animutant" in it. Not "TSAMS". These comments came from a person saying they were 19 in their profile. So it's not just kids who can't tell not every fanwork is about TSAMS. It's starting to be some adults too.
Vice versa I've had another person comment on my very clearly SFW Twitter how they're following me because I am an adult artist who draws TSAMS incest. I have never drawn TSAMS art. I ship Sun and Moon, but they're never related with family bond, because I love presenting them as lovers.
Why I ship Sun and Moon:
Because I am a hopeless romantic. I love romantic love. Every single story I write is always about love.
The only exception to this is the Poppy Playtime comic I am doing. But even then, I was originally planning for a romantic love between Dogday and the Player. Yet, I decided to leave it, and keep the relationship open for any type of representation the reader themselves will prefer.
I used to watch The Sun and Moon Show when it first started airing. I loved their playthroughs. I had a big distaste for them calling each other brothers, as well as some of the first "lore" videos they had. My biggest issue at the time was how Moon treated Sun, though. As someone who grew up with an abusive sibling, it sometimes just hit a bit too hard at home.
But it got better after Eclipse and Lunar appeared. Moon was more caring, and I started to really like his character development. There was one episode where Sun explained to Lunar that he and Moon had simply just "decided" to be brothers, despite not having a canonical relationship.
This actually made me really happy. Because the Old Moon was aroace, the love he felt was simply never meant to be romantic, but platonic. And by making Sun his brother by choice clearly indicated that Sun was always the one he loved the most - in a way that was suitable for aromantic person like him.
And it really made me enjoy the show for a while. Sun is my favourite character, and despite not always liking the way the show presents him, I always feel so much love for him, no matter the AU he is in. So I loved that Moon loved him more than anything, even if it was just platonic. Because I've always been under the impression that the canon Moon loves Sun, and is only under a virus to protect him. For me, the best part of any Sun and Moon AU is to know that Sun is the most important thing to Moon.
Why I stopped watching TSAMS:
And then that Moon I had really started to like, who loved Sun more than anyone else but just platonically, died.
It hurt so much I simply stopped watching the show. I've watched a few episodes here and there after that, but I am having a hard time liking the show the same as I did before.
Partially it's because of the fanbase. Partially it's because I don't find the lore very interesting and some of the stuff a bit repetitive. Partially it's because I am scared to see Sun eventually crumble up into madness, because he has been through so much.
I like the New Moon. He is funny and nice, what I've seen. His relationship with Solar has been interesting, and I genuinely hoped they would've been able to take the romantic route after Moon said he wasn't sure if he was aroace anymore. But as I said, I've only watched a few episodes after the old Moon died, so I don't know either of their characters that much to form any strong opinions about them. I just listen to the Monty and Puppet podcast once in a while and get a little inside to some of the lore that has been happening.
But hey, at least there's fanfics. Which is why I am rambling here today.
It is a rare treat to find Sun x Moon fanfics that aren't simply just porn, or do not include reader inserts. So since my romance-filled brain needed something to fill the void, I've started reading some TSAMS fics with romance (that wasn't between Sun & Moon) and plot in them.
I know Solar was settled to be a "cousin" to the weird family tree of TSAMS. But I simply crave for Solar and New Moon to be at least queerplatonic. Solar is not from their dimension, no matter how much they decide they're 'cousins' it doesn't make him their real cousin or relative because they're not from the same world.
Sun and Moon are brothers but they technically gave birth to Eclipse, who then created Lunar so Eclipse is technically Lunar's parent and then brother and Lunar is Sun and Moon's brother and... do you see what I'm trying to say?
The family tree is so complicated that I don't think I'm a horrible person for shipping Moon and Solar and reading fics about them. Tell me if I am wrong though.
The FIC that is making me question everything:
So Puffy recommended this fic by @theinfamousdoctorf , "Eclipse Meets His Match".
I'm currently on chapter 40, and I am genuinely surprised how much I am liking this fic so far. It got everything; redemption and character growth, the representation of Sun as the good, glowing angel he is in my mind (for canon, and every AU. He is always perfect in my eyes I love him can you tell lol), slow-burn romance, drama, excitment, plot, jokes and funny moments... even if there are a lot of mentions of sex and sexual pleasure, it doesn't feel out of the place as there is so much more to it too.
Eclipse's redemption to become better and realising he is in love with Sun has been so interesting to follow. Sun deserves the love. I love when Sun is getting loved. I literally ship him with every other animatronic in the games and love it when people ship him with their self-inserts and OCs. Because I love him so much I want him to be loved in every possible universe he is in.
Even bigger bonus to this fic is the second pairing, Solar and Moon, which I already opened up about above. I don't know how much the fic is truthful to the canon lore of the show, but I wish to pretend this fic is the canon now /hj.
I love the characters and how they're written. I love the descriptions of their flaws and hopes and dreams. How vulnerable they can get. How closely they stick together. And as an appreciation for making me tearful and excited about fanfiction in such a long time, I would hope to be able to gift the author some fan art for their fic.
But I've sworn to not draw anything for the show. For my own good. I've got too many awful comments already from the fans of the show despite never doing any art for it. I am just scared it will turn things worse.
End words:
I don't know if creating a new alias would be the right choice. So my main name/account would be spared from the confusion that the show's fans seem to stirr into, where one tsams artwork turns all of the artist' work into tsams.
I don't care if the art style would be recognisible. The artist would be me, but not PixelChills. Just so I could gift something to the author of this fic that is currently saving me from the boredom of being unable to write my own.
Thank you.
(This text has been typed on my phone, so pardon for any typos).
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lamb-of-seven · 1 year
Head-Canons for the Demon Brothers 4
Prompt: You Catch Them Masturbating
!!Minors and Ageless Do Not Interact!!
Content Warning: Very Suggestive. Discussions of Kinks and Sexual Fantasies. Descriptions of Masturbation.
It’s Sunday Smut-Day! So here is anouther HC of the Obey Me Demon Brothers. Enjoy!
Also I wrote this late at night and I do not feel like proof reading and editing it. I got work in the morning lol.
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Lucifer: My personal head canon is that Lucifer doesn’t often masturbate. I think he is a mix of too exhausted and too prideful to pleasure himself alone. However on the rare occasion he finds himself in the mood, I picture he primarily masturbates in the shower. To him its both more convenient and less messy, so he won’t have to waist time with clean up. Catching him in the act is nearly impossible. There is not simple, oops you walked in moment. Instead the only way you end up catching him in the act is either deliberately on his part or on your part.  
One late night after a long week where Lucifer had gone on a major punishment rampage of HoL and all it’s inhabitants, some of the brothers (Satan, Belphie mostly) had dragged you into a scheme to mess with Lucifer. It started off rather innocent, after all you had to shoot down some of the brothers more dramatic plans. You were going to help by taking advantage of Lucifer while he was vulnerable and in the shower. You sneak into his room as instructed, with the devised paint bomb Satan told you to hide. While you creeped around his bedroom looking for the perfect spot to plant it, you hear Lucifers voice saying your name from the bathroom. You nearly jumped out of your skin, so sure he has sensed you somehow sneaking around his room. Before you could answer, you heard him calling your name again, more husky and deep this time, it sent shivers down your spine. It was commanding and frighting but exhilarating the same. You waited a bit now outside the bathroom door, waiting for him to appear, but he didn’t. You pressed your ear to the door and could hear the water in his shower still running. “mmh, MC, yes, just like that. Good Human. Know your place.” Your knees felt week as you listened to Lucifer’s voice moan. Is he… is he…oh god I can’t even say it in my head! You think to yourself, your face turning a bright red. You suddenly hear him grunting a bit louder and faster, knowing what was coming next. Complete shocked, aroused and a bit humiliated, you dash out of his room, still clutching the paint bomb. You ran past Satan and Belphie stuttering about how you won’t do it and locked yourself in your room.
Mammon: He’s such a Simp for MC, a partier, and some of his lines when you touch him are suggestive, no one can tell me he doesn’t jack off at least once a week. In my head cannon, Mammon prefers to masturbate in his room, but he’s greedy and impulsive so I could see him quickly pleasing himself in the Bathroom at RAD after having some naughty intrusive thoughts, especially about MC. Catching him in the act is almost too easy, and has probably happened more than once.
One night Mammon was chilling on his bed, completely nude and tossing and turning among his blankets trying to sleep. He was getting more and more frustrated as time passed, his cock semi hard and his mind racing. Ugh whatever, I’ll try jackin’ off. Maybe that will get me tired. Mammon simply laid on his back, his head resting into his plush pillows and blankets completely tossed off of him. One hand wrapped around his thick member as he slowly stroked it and rubbed the tip a bit with his thumb. His other hand scrolled threw some porno videos on his go too sight, and while they peaked some of his interest, he was struggling to get himself worked up. Mammon glanced around before bringing up a secret video/photo album on his phone. It was a collection of videos and pictures of you in poses or doing things he found erotic, like you bending over his pool table, or the time you all went to the beach together and he got to see you half naked. If you or anyone found out he had these photos he would be dead. He felt his cock start to pulsate and twitch as he watched one of his videos of you on the beach, sprawled out on the sand. He imagined what it would be like to fully undress you and tease you with his fingers tongue and cock. His strokes were becoming more erratic and his breath mixed with heavy pants and grunts. And that’s when you opened his bedroom door shouting, “Mammon, have you seen my…” You got a full view of Mammon, sweating, fully nude with his erection gripped hard in his hands. After a second that felt like a frozen eternity, Mammon shrieked, throwing his phone and covering himself with his blankets. You shriek back with multiple apologies, racing out of his room and slamming the door behind you. Mammon didn’t come out of his room for a week, which is completely not like him, even Lucifer was concerned.
Leviathan: There is no way around it, this boy is a shut in otaku who is so touches starved but too shy to ask, and wants someone to love him (and dominate him). My head canon that I think most of the Obey Me fandom can agree, he’s horny and masturbates a lot. Most likely he has a collection of Henti and toys (Not as much as Asmodeus, but a good amount).
Right in the middle of the day Levi was sitting in his gaming chair was such a throbbing boner that he couldn’t concentrate at all on his game. It was his turn to do laundry this morning, but you had left your clothing in the dryer overnight. He swears his actions were innocent. He wanted to make you happy, so he took you laundry out for you and started folding it, when he saw them. Your underwear. And not just any underwear, these were made of black silk, so soft and sexy. Since that moment Levi has not stopped picturing them on you, how they would softly pinch into your skin, making that cute slight pudge by your hips. T hey way your ass would look in them. The way the black silk would cling to your sex. He couldn’t take it. He abandoned his game and quickly pulled his pants and underwear down a bit to free his member. His cock sprung to life, the tip dripping with precum. He imagined your voice calling him a pervert. A blush formed across his face. He was so aroused that he didn’t even grab on of his toys or even any lube, instead he wrapped his fingers around his member and started to pump. His toes were up on his desk, gripping and curling, while his other hand gripped the top of the chair next to his head. He bit his lip, as he started to think about you straddling him in the underwear, calling him all kinds of nasty names, maybe even running your hands on his body, and licking him. Maybe if he was good you would let him put it in you? Maybe if he begged. Levi started to pump himself very fast now, huffing, and whining and moaning, his hips rutting into his hand as well, his orgasm approaching fast. “Hey Levi wanna play that new game you….” You entered his room without a thought since his door was unlocked. You knew you were suppose to knock and say the password but you were just so excited and now you knew why. The moment Levi’s eyes met with yours he couldn’t stop himself, his orgasm crashed down on him as his moaned/ nearly yelled your name, as ribbons of white exploded out of his cock, covering his body in his own fluids. Levi couldn’t remember the last time he had cummed so hard. However clarity settled in too fast as he screeched, sobbed and fell out of his chair trying to get his pants back on. You yelled out your apologies as you ran down the hall back to your own room. Levi was mortified. He, like Mammon, also stayed in his room, however for him it was well over a month. He couldn’t even say your name, and any attempt you made to interact would be ignored. It took him a while and a lot of work on your end for him to move past this.
Satan: Personally I don’t see him masturbating that much. I think he prefers an intimate interaction of self pleasuring, but that doesn’t mean he never does it. When he does its almost always after reading a really smutty scene in a book. I don’t think he uses any toys and prefers it to be in the comfort of his own room.
Satan had started a new book recently where the main love interest was described similarly to you. Sometimes he would even catch himself reading the characters name as your name, as the words came to life in his mind it was as if he was reading a wonderful love story between the two of you. And tonight he was reading a rather thrilling chapter where the two characters finally become intimate with each other. As Satan’s eyes hungerly read the page, he couldn’t help but notice his hips squirming, his bulge becoming more apparent, and desiring some friction. His one hand starts to rub his cock through his pants. As the chapters starts to vividly describe the characters fighting for their climax, he pictured both of you in that scenario, and the slight rubbing was not enough. He unzipped his pants, letting his cock swell in his hand and began stroking himself, never taking his eyes off his book. His breath coming out in pants as the characters get cloer like himself. He didn’t hear your knocks. You entered his room, just peaking your head in calling his name. He was reading on the couch and jumped when he heard your voice. Satan tried to loudly talk about anything while he stuffed himself back into his pants and hoped you didn’t hear him zip them back up. However when he saw your blushing face, he knew that you had caught him. It made his heart quicken and blush color his face as well. “I’m sorry, I see your busy I’ll go.” You say and quickly left his room before he could even tell you to stop. Unlike Mammon and Levi, he was only a bit embarrassed. He didn’t hide in his room at all. He actually found it a bit thrilling and erotic that you caught him.  
Asmodeus: My head canon is that he purposely leaves his door unlocked or even open when he is masturbating. He is proud of his body and wants everyone too see him, sometimes hoping for someone to join in with him. Catching him is too easy. He’s the personification of lust so he uses everything and anything.  
The first time you catch him is on a regular school day in the afternoon. Asmodeus was admiring himself in the mirror, his new skin care products made his skin look absolutely flawless over his entire body. As he stripped out of his uniform he couldn’t help but feel a bit aroused by the feel of his own body. His cock was already twitching and standing erect by the time his pants were off. His fingers slowly and erotically rand up and down his thighs hips and belly, sending shivers through out his body. If only MC would come join me and admire my beauty right now. His inability to charm you was a sore spot for him but thrilling to imagine that moment he wins you over. He imagines with on your knees, completely undressed for him, simply wide eyes as you marvel at his perfect body. Asmo closes his eyes and imagines all these touches come from your hands. Asmo reached for his sensual body lubricant as on of his many stimulating toys. He laid down in front of his mirror, going between glancing at himself and closing his eyes to imagine the two of you getting intimate together. His hands stroked his member sensually while the other used the toy on his most sensitive spot. He whined and moaned out. That’s when he heard a knock on the door and knew it was your knock. “Come in MC, Perfect timing.” Asmo said with a panting breath. You walk in thinking everything was normal, and let out a large gasp as you see Asmo on the floor filled with ecstasy. “I was hoping you would join me MC.” Your heart is racing and face is on fire at the sight and offer. However you reject it by stammering and leaving his room, unable to say a single cohesive sentence. Though it hurt Asmo’s ego that you didn’t stay was him, he took your cute shyness as a compliment and continued to imagine it was he climaxed. You’re the one at dinner later that night who can’t seem eat there food and was incredible distracted while Asmo kept giggling as he teased you.
Beelzebub: I feel like Beels Horniness is not that low but not that high. He’s like right in the middle. I think when he does feel aroused he typically masturbates. He’s the Himbo of the group and we love him for that, so I find he is super simple minded about things. For example, I feel hungry, so I eat. He feels horny so he jacks off. It’s just as simple as that. He likes his privacy so he will do it in places where he is alone like his room when Belphie isn’t there or the shower.
One day when Belphie was napping in the attack, Beel returned to his empty room after practice. He was already showered but still felt so achy and exhausted. He laid on his bed to take a quick nap and ended up in a very deep sleep. He was happy though because he was able to dream of you and the two of you were walking through a beautiful forest where everything was edible. You had gotten covered in rare sweet honey and allowed Beel to lick it off of you. In the dream Beel found your skin very tasty with the honey and you let him take off your clothing and cover you in more honey to lick. Beel got to kiss and lick new places on you and started to feel very excited. Even in his dream he could feel how hard and needy his cock was feeling. You had pushed Beel down and drizzled honey on his member and now you were licking him. The excitement of the dream resulted in Beel waking up from his sleep, his cock throbbing and wet with precum. Beel closed his eyes savoring in his dream as his strong hands wrapped around his thick member and pumped it to the same rhythm of your mouth in his dream. Beel let out low grunts and clenched his teeth as his continued to pleasure himself. “Oh Beel I’m glad your back I was just…” You were so used to safely walking into the twins room that you never bothered knocking. You let out of squeak when you realized when Bell was doing. Beel immediately stopped and sat up straight in bed, his face red and his words simple stutters. You both start apologizing. As you turn to leave you promise to knock next time. Beel was left to sit in bed debating if he should continue or if the moment passed and he should get a snack. I think he would have a hard time making eye contact for a good week. Until you both share a meal together and hes back to normal.
Belphegor: I fully believe he’s someone who will slowly jack off and half the time never finish before he either loses interest or falls asleep. I also thing that when he does fully masturbate, it’s if he can’t sleep and needs something to exhaust him, or he does it in his sleep when having a very vivid dream. Boy has more wet dreams than anyone. Catching him in the act is rare simply because it’s rare that he does it.
However on this particular night, Belphie was having such a hard time sleeping. He had been resting a lot recently since school was on break and now he was laying in his bed listening to Beel snore as time ticked on. Maybe a change of scenery would help. Belphie crept through the halls of HoL. He passed your room, noticing the door was slightly opened. He peeked in to see you soundly sleeping. He noticed half your body was uncovered, and your were sleeping in only year underwear. Belphie chuckled to himself, and closed your door. He moved on to the attic and got himself comfortable. As he closed his eyes, he noticed that the image of your near naked body wouldn’t leave his mind and his member started to twitch. Seriously Belphie whispered to himself. He tried to ignore it but he couldn’t and now he found himself fully erect. Belphie sighed and flipped onto his back. While under the covers he started to slowly pump his cock as it throbbed and tingled. Belphie bit on his covers as he started to picture you sleeping peacefully. A blush formed on his cheeks at the thought of him possibly entering your dreams and playing with your body, teasing you mercilessly. His pace quickened and he began to moan a little, his eyes shut tight. He didn’t hear your foot steps or see you enter the attack until he heard you gasp a little. He slowed his pace but never stopped and opened his eyes to see you wearing a robe. “I thought you were looking for me when you stopped by my room before ah, anyway I’m sorry I didn’t mean too..” You were a nervous mess and Belphie liked it. “You should be. This is all your fault MC.” You blush, and your stomach flutters. Belphie laughs a little as he sees your face. Your turn and run away. Now you’re the one whos too shy to make eye contact with him and avoid him and his endless teasing.
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months
HELLO??? WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS MASTERPIECE??? especially the last line holy shit im scared yet excited at the same time 😬😬
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Guess I gotta do a full fic about it huh. Here we go. Link to previous part in the ask!
tw/cw: yandere themes, gaslight tactics courtesy of aqua, girlkeep tactics courtesy of ruby, girlboss [y/n]. mentions of suicide. reader is gn but gets described as beautiful.
is this really a yandere fic when both the twins are canonically insane tho-
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Its rays buried humanity under a blanket of heat and devastation. Fortunetellers would wax on and on of the disasters you would soon bring upon the world.
That was your experience in your first life.
Many could only wish of being born to a worldwide pop-star, but to you it was a reality. You resented those that vied for your place. How could they romanticize such a life when every single day was torture for you. Some predicted you to be world-class singer before your first cry. People knew you before you could even speak to them. Everyone already idolized you, expected you to do great things before you’d even learn the alphabet.
The pressure had already been insurmountable the moment you took your first breath.
Your second life was terrifying to say the least. It didn’t matter that way you died before, just the thought of experiencing the same motions again frightened you to your bones.
And so you pretended. A shining star to a dim moon that barely reflected any light. Ever so meticulously making sure none knew of your so called genius. The last thing you wanted was to be labeled a prodigy even with the more lax nature of your new family.
But art will always call to you, a sunflower drawn to its source of energy.
You kept everything as lowkey as you could, reconnected with contacts you knew would keep their mouth shut, and even kept your identity away from prying eyes.
To the world you were just this masked musician that was oddly reminiscent of their previous luminescence.
You were satisfied with that life. Fame wasn’t something you agonized about or wished for. But now that veil had been taken away, it’s as if everything was crashing down yet again. Emails, messages and articles about your success as a young star was beginning to show its true weight. Stress began accumulating further and further as you had distanced yourself from your family and threw yourself to work as a distraction.
On one such ‘productive’ night, you were met with a face you didn’t expect.
“Aqua-niisama! Nice seeing you here. Thought you would be staying at that director’s place for the night—“
“Why didn’t you tell me? Didn’t you promise to tell me everything? Don’t you trust me?”
Aquamarine had this knack of being utterly terrifying without meaning to. He had the talent to frighten at a glance. His beautiful sea-like eyes turn dull, murky. Capturing all the light, and drowning you in the same pressure your old family would throw you under repeatedly.
With his arms caging you between his form and the wall, you knew there was no escaping this. So in spite of the crippling anxiety, you gulp it do
“I wasn’t confident enough with my skills. Your mom is the Ai Hoshino and Ruby is so talented I—“
He lowered his face, nestled it right beside yours. You could swear he was breathing in your scent. “You looked anything but ‘not confident’ up on the stage.”
“Liar.” His hands then moved from the wall to encircle themselves around your body; his face to your the top of your head and nose between your hair. Yet even in this tight embrace you still felt chills down your spine. “I scare you don’t I? You were worried that I would stop you like I did with her.”
“I’m sorry. I’m a terrible brother.”
“No, I understand you. You just wanted to keep her safe and I—“
“Not for that.” He pushed himself away for a couple of moments, and for that short amount of time you were ashamed to say that you felt utterly relieved until— “This.”
— he kissed you.
You’ve seen Aqua kiss Akane before. Both on and out of camera. You respected their relationship despite knowing of how unhealthy it truly is. They’d eventually break up and things would go smoothly you thought.
Pfft, as if. You knew shit would hit the fan. You were just too much of a coward to get in his way. Akane could suffer for all you care, she chose to date your psychopath of an adoptive brother anyways.
But you didn’t expect him to fall for you.
He never seem interested. Despite your mother telling you time and time again that Aqua cared deeply about you, you just couldn’t see it.
He was the deep, dark ocean. You were at the highest point of the sky, sailing across the cosmic sea. There was no way you two could meet eye to eye much less love normally.
You did the only thing your body could muster at the moment and slapped him.
“You’re right. You are a horrid brother.”
As you ran away, sobbing, Aqua couldn’t help but feel aroused.
Oh, how charming you looked with tears streaking down your cheeks.
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It felt like hours when you first started crying nonstop. You never cried in your original life. You had no time or energy to. You never expected that your second, mundane life would be the one that shattered you.
And shattered you it did. You felt sorry for the future you who had to wash off all the tears and snot on your pillows and bedsheets, but it had to be done. You knew if you didn’t let it all out that day it’d happen sooner or later at a more inconvenient time.
Aqua only entered once to leave a tissue box and water bottle before he left. The sounds of typing outside of your room never ceased however, indicating he never actually went too far.
Ruby arrived far earlier than you expected as well. Her schedule that day should have had her busy til midnight but you had the feeling Aqua told her what he’d done.
“Ssshhh…” Ruby silenced you with a kiss to the forehead.
“Why would he do that— he - he has a girlfriend.” You stuttered and hiccuped throughout your speech, still crying as hard as you did back then.
“Do you really think he loves her?”
“But that isn’t what you’re worried about isn’t it?”
Ruby brought you up to her shoulder, massaging your back in a circular motion. “Trust me, nothing will change. He loves you very much. We both love you. I’m just sorry we didn’t make you feel comfortable enough to share your passion with us. You’re amazing [Y/N] in every shape, way or form. You don’t have to be the brightest to the world, you have no obligation to.”
“To us you’re already perfect.”
You never knew she had the capability to be this comforting in a mature sort of way. She always radiated a loud vibration; refreshing most of the time, though it did get tiring.
Never have you been afforded this kind of consolation. It was always you against the world. Being reminded that there are other stars in the sky beside you gave you a strange sense of solace. An odd variety of relief borne out of being insignificant in the sky.
“This incident just means he loves you in a different way alright?”
“But what about Aka-neesama?”
“I’ll talk to him about it.”
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“You should thank me. I left them all vulnerable for you.” Aqua spoke, his right hand quickly moved across his laptop’s keyboard and his left held a can of Monster.
“You felt it too didn’t you?” Ruby exhaled. It took a while to get you to lull you into sleep; a necessary step to have the conversation she was partaking in.
“Yeah. . . I did.” Aqua took a sip from his drink, his starry eyes laser focused on the recording of your performance. He had set up several fan accounts and gotten footage from all sorts of angles. He couldn’t wait for your next stage. May it be from sheer excitement or the caffeine in his blood, but the man was absolutely shaking all over over in anticipation. “We have a second chance, don’t mess things up.”
“I should be saying that to you. Break up with Akane by next week. And be careful with how forward you are with your feelings.”
“Already done.” Aqua held up his phone without breaking moving his head at all, in his phone were a few texts between him and a panicking Akane. “and no promises”
Ruby sighed one last time that night, leaning her head back to your bedroom door. “. . . You were right.”
Both of her eye’s stars hard turn tar black, a blush covered her cheeks.
“[Y/N] does look enticing when they cry.”
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promptthebear · 1 year
Kissmas Day 9
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Prompt: Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead
Pairing: Sandor Clegane x Reader
CW: Female reader, lots and lots of swearing (It's Sandor c'mon now), reader is pregnant, some mentions of canon typical violence. If i forget anything please let me know!
A/N: Hello! This is a little different from the last few fics I wrote. I was going for like something cozy? So the pacing is a little slower and it's sort of a "not much happens but there's vibes" kind of fic. Hopefully you all enjoy it. I just really wanted to give my boy a story where he's safe, well fed, well rested, and doesn't have shit trying to kill him for like five minutes.
It was still dark when Sandor awoke, and colder than a wight’s arse. He could see the earliest light of dawn, though, through a nearby window. Pale yellow rays were starting to kiss the tops of the large, gloomy pines that encircled your cottage, and he knew it would be several hours yet before the sun would provide any proper warmth.
Grumbling and cursing under his breath, Sandor pushed back the furred hide that served as a blanket and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He hissed when his feet touched the floor, the chill so fierce it bit at his soles, even through the two layers of woolen socks he wore. Everyone, from great Kings to common fools, knew that Winters in the North were bitterly cold. But it was one thing to hear the tavern stories and another thing all together when you were trying to live through it.
He wondered, as he tugged on his boots, why he didn’t make for the Free Cities and Dorne like the few remaining knights did when the whole world finally fell apart in flame and ruin. Yes, the stories of the fine wines and glimmering cities where even beggars could be Kings might have been exaggerated, but it couldn’t be any worse than here. At the very least, it might be nice to live somewhere your piss didn’t freeze midstream and your cock didn’t stick to your hand each time you used the privy.
Sandor turned the idea over in his mind, finding that its appeal grew with each passing moment. However, any thoughts of leaving vanished the instant he glanced over his shoulder and caught sight of your face peeking out from under the edge of the blankets. Your expression was peaceful, almost serene.
He leaned over you, his hair falling around his cheeks like a curtain, and placed a quick kiss against your temple. You stirred slightly in response, your eyelashes fluttering as a soft moan escaped your lips.
Sandor chuckled and reached out to deliver a gentle pat to your side before answering.
“Nothing. Gonna go cut some firewood. I’ll be back before you’re up.”
You mumbled something in reply, too faint for him to make out, before sleep’s embrace claimed you once more. He chuckled again and fondly shook his head.
At one point, nobody wanted to spend a night in his bed, not even when he'd gone to a brothel. Those girls had been too frightened of his face to give him more than a few hours at most, leaving him to wake to a cold bed and empty purse the next morning.
You, on the other hand, were comforted enough by his presence to stay through the night. You even claimed you slept more soundly when he was with you. It had taken a while before Sandor believed you, but after over a year of waking with you warm and content beside him, he was starting to see that you’d been telling the truth.
The bedroom door squeaked as it opened, which made the large, shaggy dog the two of you kept leap to its feet and growl deep in its throat. Sandor shushed the animal, which immediately bounded over from its spot by the fireplace, tongue out and tail wagging at the sight of its master.
“Stupid mutt.” Sandor said, as he began to rumple and massage the dog’s ears. “Good thing you’re loyal, or else what use would you be?”
The dog, which you’d so cleverly called Nameless because Sandor had refused to give it one, eagerly leaned into his touch and gazed up at him in squinty eyed delight. You’d found the poor beast roughly around the same time Sandor had been able to walk again, where he’d been left to die in some abandoned crofter’s hut.
At first, Sandor had wanted nothing to do with the animal. As far as he was concerned, you didn’t need another mouth to feed, what with him still half crippled and you were only able to set the most basic of rabbit snares. There had barely been enough food for the two of you, let alone a walking gut disguised as a dog.
He’s a big, black dog you’d insisted on just like your crest. If that’s not a sign from the gods, I don’t know what is.
Bugger the gods had been Sandor’s reply, but in the end, he’d yielded, if only to have some peace from your griping. Since then, Nameless had followed Sandor around like a second shadow. He’d cursed the beast and the bitch that whelped him each time he got underfoot, but eventually this gave way to begrudging acceptance and finally a quiet sort of affection.
Whoever left Nameless behind had, whether they knew it or not, forfeited a skilled hunting dog. Despite his sweet nature with people, he could catch rabbits and squirrels as skillfully as any wolf, which kept you and Sandor well stocked with meat despite the North’s unforgiving climate.
Once again, Sandor found himself questioning why he’d chosen to live in the frozen arse end of the world as he tried to open the front door. A thick layer of ice had settled over the tiny cottage you called home, a parting gift from last night’s storm.
Despite ample shoving and force, the door was refusing to cooperate. With each attempt, the aged wood groaned and creaked as though in protest, but wouldn’t budge. Though he couldn’t see it, Sandor had a feeling the damn thing had frozen shut in its frame, which was a much more common occurrence than he would’ve liked it to be. With a muttered oath, he threw his shoulder against the wood, swearing louder at the shock of pain that came after.
A thin sweat had broken out on Sandor’s brow when he finally gave himself a moment to breathe, half slumped against the bastard door and wishing agonies upon whichever fool god made ice to begin with. He stole a glance over his shoulder, hoping the racket hadn’t woken you, and was greeted with the sight of Nameless. The dog was sitting a few feet behind him and watching the entire process as though it was a Mummer’s show Sandor was putting on especially for him.
“Are you just going to look? Or are you going to be helpful for once in your sorry life?”
By way of response, Nameless rose to his feet, stood for a moment, squinted at Sandor, and then let out a quick, loud sneeze that sent forth a spray of drool and dust motes into the chilled air. Satisfied, the dog sat down again with a bump, and stared at his master. He cocked his head to one side, and spread his mouth wide in a lolling, doggy grin, as if two of them were sharing some sort of secret joke.
Sandor couldn’t help but grin back, albeit a little lopsidedly, before returning to the problem of the door. Once upon a time, he could’ve split the bloody thing in two with the heel of his boot and a well-aimed kick, but he had been a different man then. The Hound, with all his strength and rage, had died with Gregor the day they both went over the falls. Now, all that remained was Sandor, who had to huff and puff and struggle with frozen doors just like anyone else.
When the door finally gave way, it did so with a mighty crack, which shattered the morning air in a flurry of loose snow that tumbled off the roof and bits of ice that shimmered like diamond shards as they fell.
Sandor stumbled outside, shoulder first since he was mid shove when the door decided to open. Instantly, he was blinded by the sheer, sterile whiteness of fresh snow and sunbeams that cut like yellow knives after the dimness of the cottage. For a moment, he had little choice but to wait and lean against the door frame while his vision cleared.
Despite the early hour, the woods were already awake and teeming with life. Around him, Sandor could hear all manner of birdsong, as well as the chattering of squirrels and the far off call of a solitary deer.
From behind the cottage came the sounds of the sheep, small, squat, shaggy creatures with more wool than brains between their ears. They bleated mournfully from inside their little shed, hoping it would get them fed all the sooner, but their cries stirred no pity in Sandor’s heart. He could hardly stand the sight of the fool things, with their empty eyes and the way they ran in panicked, useless circles every time they were frightened.
When you’d first asked Sandor why he hated the sheep so much, he told you it was because he had no patience for anything, man or beast, that was too stupid to know how stupid it actually was. You’d laughed at that, a bright, musical sound that made warmth bloom in Sandor’s chest, but you hadn’t left the matter alone like he’d hoped.
As far as you were concerned, there was no point in wasting time hating something so pathetic and harmless and so you persisted. If Sandor was stubborn, you were twice as much, pestering him with that unfaltering cheerfulness each time you went you to feed the damn things. Eventually, he relented, the name and reason tumbling from his lips like rain after a drought.
From the ashes of Sandor’s rage, shame had blossomed, and with it a thin, choking vine that clenched a little tighter around his heart each time he’d thought of the boy. He’d lived what felt like a thousand different lifetimes since that fateful day by the river, and no matter how much he’d drunk, fought or fucked, he couldn’t seem to shake that one particular ghost. It was as though a small part of Mycha had always been there, slowly poisoning what little shreds of goodness Sandor had managed to grasp hold of, and for a while, he supposed that was what he deserved. Until you came along.
You, who had dragged Sandor out from the water when he was little more than a half drowned corpse. You, who had set every broken bone, stitched every wound and fed him spoonfuls of broth even when he’d cursed you after each one. With your constant, stubborn, infuriating cheerfulness, you had talked Sandor into talking, smiled him into smiling, and somehow loved him into loving you back. You had become the sun that rose and set on each day of Sandor’s life. You were what got him up in the mornings and kept him working until dusk. The thought of losing you, or worse, having you cast him aside, scared him more than dragons, others, and his cunt brother ever had.
That was why, in the end, Sandor had chosen to tell you the truth. At least then you’d hear it from him, instead of whatever exaggerated horseshit the village gossips would invent. Ugly as it was, Sandor knew honesty would be his friend in this matter, and he’d had more than his fill of liars after spending so much time in service to the Lannisters.
And so you came to know the whole sordid tale, one dreary morning in the sheep shed. He spared no detail, no matter how gruesome it was or how poorly it reflected on his character. If you were going to keep loving him, it was best you knew the sort of man you’d chosen, lest the truth curdle what little affection he’d earned.
At first, Sandor wasn’t sure how you were going to take things. He half expected you to try to brain him with the bucket of sheep’s feed, then drive him off in a hail of shrieking and chunks of dung. Tears were also a likely possibility, though you didn’t really seem the type. But learning that the man who you’d let into your home and bed had the blood of an innocent child on his hands could make anyone behave strangely.
When he’d finally got up the courage to stop staring at his boots and look into your face, you, as always, surprised him. You were smiling at him, that same warm, gentle smile that Sandor remembered from the moment he’d woken up in your arms.
I know is what you’d said. I’ve always known, and I love you anyway.
You’d reached for him after, setting aside your bucket so you could bring your hand up and caress his scarred cheek. Sandor had leaned into your touch, like it was the only thing keeping him from breaking apart into a million pieces. Of course you’d known, who in all the Seven Kingdoms hadn’t heard the stories about King Joffery’s rabid dog and the things he’d done? He should’ve given you more credit.
From there, it had been easy enough to tell you why he hated those sheep. Their cries, the sheer terror in their eyes each time he approached? They reminded him too much of that boy, and regardless of how you felt about it, he was not entirely certain he’d ever be able to forget. It was one thing to have your forgiveness and another thing entirely to be able to forgive himself.
Give it time is what you’d told him And let me worry about the sheep. You’ve got enough to do around here, anyway.
The sound of Nameless’ barking is what suddenly tugged Sandor from his memories and back into the here and now. Somehow, the dog had managed to squeeze past him without Sandor noticing, and he was now diving face first through the fresh snow, on the hunt for grouse tracks and anything else that would provide a decent chase.
Sandor watched for a moment, unable to hide the smile playing about his lips. The sight of the big dog, now sporting a healthy dusting of snow across his shoulders and muzzle, was enough to brighten anyone’s mood. He supposed, after almost starving to death on his own, the idiot creature was simply happy to be alive long enough to see another day.
The two of them would go and check Sandor’s traps later. With any luck, they’d snag a rabbit or two that you could roast for supper and have plenty of bones left for Nameless to enjoy. But, in the meantime, you wouldn’t be cooking anything if there wasn’t any wood for the fire.
It hadn’t warmed up any by the time Sandor walked to the woodshed. The snows frozen crust crunched under his feet as he walked, while his breath floated away in thick, white clouds that dampened his beard. His axe, stuck blade down in the stump a few feet away from the woodshed, was a welcome sight.
It was by no means half the weapon his greatsword had been, but Sandor found comfort in the way its worn, wooden handle fit snugly into his grasp and in its blade that thirsted for pine sap instead of blood.
Before long, the sound of logs splitting filled the air, mingling with the soft creak of trees in the wind and an occasional bark from Nameless. Sandor quickly found his rhythm, letting the weight of the axe guide his arm on the downstroke and pushing aside each long with his other hand to be stacked in the shed later.
He went on like that for a while, cut, push, another log, and do it again. The repetition of the work was soothing, almost meditative. It brought a sense of peace to Sandor the way only busy hands could.
Cut, push, new log, do it again.
It was like the axe was an extension of his arm, with the beat of his heart matching each thud of the blade and his breath moving in time as the axe swung through the air. There was most likely going to be a fresh tree fall after last night’s winds, no doubt with plenty of new wood for Sandor to haul home. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring a length of rope and the sledge when he went hunting with Nameless later. If they didn’t catch anything, at least they wouldn’t be coming home empty-handed.
The young pine he was currently working on was halfway gone by the time you’d made an appearance. Sandor hadn’t heard you at first, too absorbed in what he was doing. It was only after you’d said his name for the third time that he’d finally stopped and turned to look at you over his shoulder, squinting at you as though he wasn’t quite sure who you were or where he was.
“What are you doing out here?”
His tone, like everything about him, was gruff. You smiled at him all the same, knowing that for Sandor, gruffness and worry were often interchangeable.
“Came to check on you. You’ve been out here for hours.”
Sandor glanced upwards and was surprised to find the sun sitting squarely above his head. A sheen of sweat had also broken out over his arms and forehead, and he could feel where it was pooling in the hollows of his back. With a sigh, he set aside his axe and removed his heavy woolen cloak, before turning back towards you.
“Have you been asleep this whole time?”
The slight tilt of his chin in your direction indicated your odd choice of garments. Born to a wilding father and shepherd’s daughter, you always swore the North in your blood kept you from ever truly feeling cold. Still, a sleeping shift, boots, and knit shawl tossed hastily about your shoulders was a questionable choice in midwinter, even for a Northern girl.
You shook your head and gestured back towards the cottage where steam had fogged up the windows.
“I started the laundry, wanted to make use of the sunlight while we still have it. I figured it didn’t make much sense to change until my other clothes were dry, and then I could wash these next.”
Sandor listened to your explanation, his face unchanging save for an arched brow. When you finished, he raised his arm and pointed back at the cottage with a thick finger.
“You should be inside, you fool, woman. You’ll freeze your tits off out here.”
You laughed before wrapping your shawl a little tighter around your shoulders and closing the space between you and Sandor with a few steps.
“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times. I’m a Northerner. I don’t get cold. We’re not as pampered as you Southern city types.”
Sandor grumbled softly and shook his head, something about “tongue lashing harpy bitch.” There was no venom behind his words, however, only affectionate resignation. Instinctively, he brought his hand to rest on the curve of your stomach, a protective gesture towards the child you’d been carrying for the last five months. You reached up for Sandor’s face, cupping the scarred side as you usually did against the palm of your hand.
Sandor’s eyes fluttered shut in response to the touch, and for a moment, years seemed to fall away from his expression. He turned his head slightly to the side and pressed a kiss against the skin of your wrist. You loved seeing him like this, vulnerable and content. It was like a glimpse into the past, when he was young and full of hope. However, his eyes opened all too quickly, and he was back to being the Sandor you knew. Older, grumpy, and entirely done with your nonsense.
“Inside. Or I’ll sling you over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and bring you there myself”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he’d do no such thing, not while you were pregnant, anyway.
“Fine. But I want a kiss first.”
There was more grumbling, but Sandor did as you asked, catching your mouth against his while his hands snaked down to encircle your hips. You leaned into the kiss, pressing your body as close to his as you could get while still keeping your feet on the ground. His beard was coarse against your cheeks, and he smelled faintly of the woods and sweat. The heat of him seemed to envelope you, like a familiar blanket.
You stood like that for a while, the two of you bathed in morning sunshine and kissing as though you’d never get a chance to do it again. When Sandor tried to pull away, you chased him, closing the space between your mouths by wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him downwards. This kiss was a little messier and rougher than the first, most likely due to Sandor’s surprise, but you didn’t mind. It was only when you nibbled at his bottom lip that he broke the kiss off in earnest, catching your two hands in one of his and trapping them against his chest.
“None of that. I told you, go inside.”
You stared up at Sandor and pulled your mouth into an exaggerated pout.
“One more? Please? And then I’ll go, I promise.”
Sandor swore softly under his breath and used his free hand to adjust the front of his trousers before leaning down to claim your mouth again. For a moment, it seemed as though you were going to get your way. Sandor had brought his other hand up to twine in your hair, which only served to deepen the kiss. You welcomed it eagerly, opening your lips and running your tongue against the seam of his mouth. He let out a groan in response, the hand that still held yours squeezing tight. You squirmed against him eagerly, trying to wrap one of your legs around his and haul yourself upwards, your hips seeking the friction they so desperately craved.
This, however, didn’t have the desired effect. Sandor began to laugh, and then placed his hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you back so you could no longer reclaim his mouth.
“I’m not a tree, you little minx, so stop trying to climb me. You said one more, you’ve had one more, and now you’re going to go inside or else.”
One look at Sandor’s face, and you knew there was no use in pushing your luck. With a long, suffering sigh, you stepped away, already mourning the absence of his mouth and hands on your body.
“Fine. But I better see you again before it gets dark. I’ll need to wash those clothes you’re wearing, and I’m not warming up your dinner twice.”
Sandor grunted, the noise vaguely affirmative enough that you took it as agreement. You turned to head back towards the cottage, only to stop mid step when you felt the familiar sting of an open hand strike your ass. You spun back around, your shawl spinning about your shoulders, and stared at Sandor, who grinned wolfishly back.
“That’s not fair!” you sputtered, your already pink cheeks flushing deeper.
“Nothing ever is,” came the reply.
You shook your head, turning once again to leave. Sandor let you do so without further torment, watching the way the sunlight made your hair glisten and the subtle swing of your hips as you walked. Nothing was ever fair, but sometimes things got close, even for an old dog like himself.
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abarbaricyalp · 3 months
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Written for the @sambuckylibrary Valentine's Bingo fill: Secret Admirer
5 times birds try to tell Bucky he has a secret admirer and 1 time a human does
Rated T for brief Canon typical violence AO3 Link
Blithe Spirits, Higher Still and Higher
Truthfully, Bucky was hiding. Not well. Not in any substantial kind of way. He was sitting on a bench almost directly outside the front door of the New Avengers Compound. Anyone on the south side of the building would be able to see him. Still, he was not anywhere near any kind of AI system that could tell people where he was or could ring out to him to join some inane meeting or the other. Bucky was not very good at the bureaucracy of this job. Sam said he was an excellent trainer and he established good relationships with the younger heroes that came through the compound, but Bucky was fairly certain that was where the compliments ended as far as his work here was concerned.
He hated it. He hated the building. He hated being in DC. He hated the transient nature of everyone who came through the door. He had a house in Louisiana where he was close enough to the Wilsons to stop by when he wanted. The only good thing about being here was that Sam was usually here as well.
So he took breaks outside as often as he liked. The bench was just big enough for him to lay out on without having to incline either his head or his feet on the armrests and the backing was tall enough to block out the sun after 1:00pm. He really liked this bench.
He was absorbing enough sunshine to stave away the AC chill in his fingers when a bunch of rustling interrupted the otherwise quiet afternoon. He dropped his arm away from his eyes and glanced to his left, searching for the intruder to his quiet afternoon. He expected one of the kids trying to wrangle him into a sparring match, or a handler trying to wrangle him into a desk.
Instead, there was a crow bouncing towards him with a bundle of wildflowers in its beak. It kept throwing its head back at him in some sort of display. He sat up on the bench and the crow jumped up to stand next to his leg. It deposited the flowers on his thigh.
“Where did you get these?” he asked with a small smile. The flowers were nothing extraordinary, so he didn’t assume the bird had taken them from anyone’s hands. Except maybe a nearby child who’d been collecting them on a walk. But Bucky disregarded this theory. They were of the usual suspects as far as flowers went. Some yarrow and laurel and even bluebells. The stems were chopped fairly neatly, which didn’t suggest that the bird had ripped them from the ground. 
Actually, if he thought about their origins much more, he was probably going to get a headache.
“What’re you gonna do with them?” he asked the bird instead, like it could answer him. He collected the flowers in a loose grouping and held them back out, but the bird didn’t take them. Instead, it hopped away again. “You’re leaving them with me?” he surmised.
The bird bobbed its head. It cast one more glance over Bucky and then flew away. Bucky took the flowers and, after glancing around to make sure no one could see him, closed his eyes and pressed them against his nose.
Being back in New York felt much more comfortable than being in DC, even if he was once again stuck in a stuffy building. This time, he was doing more paperwork than he thought should be allowed of one person after saving the world for the umpteenth time. As soon as their assigned agent had turned his back, Bucky had vacated the office seat and headed for the nearest food truck.
He’d asked Sam to come along, but had been flatly denied. He was trying very hard not to take it personally, but he wasn’t really succeeding. Sure, he wasn’t half the flirt he’d been in the 30s, but he held his own in this brave new world. He picked people up fairly easily when he wanted to.
The only problem was that he hadn’t wanted to. Not for a long time. His attention had quickly and fully shifted to Sam. But Sam was remarkably resistant to Bucky’s attempts to woo him. Despite the fact that they got dinner together all the time, or went to see a new movie often, as soon as Bucky started asking with the express intent to make further moves on Sam, Sam became absurdly good at skirting his invitations.
This wasn’t even a move. He just really wanted a hotdog. He figured a walk in the sun would be good for Sam too. But, no. The paperwork and their deadlines and getting shit done.
Whatever. Bucky was in New York again. He wasn’t going to waste the precious few hours he had in his loud, noisy city again. Certainly not by embarrassing himself in front of Sam or pushing his boundaries.
Bucky knew this food truck and he was more than a little obsessed with it. When he’d been goading Sam into coming with him, he hadn’t lied by saying he literally dreamed about these hot dogs when he was in Louisiana. This line, the warm summer sun, it was all worth it as he got to the front of the line and reached for his wallet as he began to order without looking at the menu.
He stopped halfway through, which the vendor didn’t even clock, just mumbled, “Yeah, with the relish and extra mustard, I remember.”
“No, wait,” Bucky said and patted his pockets down again. The back ones and then the front ones and then his own waist, where his jacket would usually sit if he was wearing one. “I don’t have my wallet. I must’ve left it in my coat.”
“I think I can spot ya’ this time,” the vendor said in the sarcastic, but loving way, of a brash New Yorker. “You just knock my truck outta the way next time aliens attack.”
“No, no, I can’t,” Bucky insisted, the ghost of his mother’s good manners curling low in his stomach. “I was gonna get a handful. I don’t wanna put you out. Just give me a second. I’ll be right back.”
“Barnes!” the man called after him, but Bucky was already striding away.
He didn’t get very far. A very large pigeon posted up in front of him. Bucky tried to sidestep it, but it followed him across the sidewalk.
“I’m not in the mood,” he told it, which made someone walking past him snort. “Actually, I’m kind of in a rush and I’m starving.”
The pigeon didn’t budge. Instead, it reached under its wing with its beak and produced a twenty dollar bill. It threw the bill on the ground between them.
Bucky blinked at the bill and then at the bird. The bird cocked its head back at him. Did birds blink, he wondered. Surely they must. Flying in the air and everything. They’d need to protect their eyes.
“Go return it,” he said, nudging the bill back towards the bird without actually stepping closer to it. This bird was clearly a criminal. Who knew what it’d do next.
The bird picked up the bill and flung it at Bucky with a palpable distaste. What was going on here? Bucky was in a hunger and hotdog aroma fueled dream. His stomach chose right then to growl like he hadn’t eaten in years. He’d literally had a huge bagel this morning. (There’d been a point to prove to Sam about the frankly appalling bagels in DC.)
Still, his stomach was growling and no one was shouting about theft by bird or chasing this pigeon down. So…he took the bill and got back in line. The pigeon followed after him, letting itself get distracted by the scraps on the ground along the way.
“Found a twenty in my pocket,” he explained to the vendor when he got back up to the front of the line.
The man looked like he may have been skeptical but wasn’t interested enough to actually care. Bucky ordered two hotdogs with the promise he’d come back tomorrow for his handful. Not that he was going to get away with feeding Sam hotdogs two days in a row. Not unless one of them came with broccoli instead of mustard.
He started away from the food truck with his semi-ill-gotten gains in hand when all of a sudden a sharp pain stabbed through his ankle. He looked down with a scowl and found the pigeon basically glaring up at him. Again, with the birds having eyelids thing. He was going to google it as soon as he got back into the room him and Sam were locked in.
“What?” he asked. “It’s a barter system. I don’t have the money anymore.”
The pigeon bobbed its head like it knew what a barter system was. Then it looked pointedly at Bucky’s hotdog. Ah, Bucky thought. It was a barter system. He tore off a piece of his bun and tossed it at the pigeon. Without another look, the pigeon grabbed the bread and flew away.
Literally what was going on?
Read the rest on AO3 here!
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year
Darth Maul x Reader: Rescue
Word Count: 1,621
Warnings: Mentions of abduction, canon violence, injuries/wounds, angst, Reader tied up (bound at the wrists), and fluff.
Notes: I feel like I don’t write hurt/comfort enough. Hah, and I may have enjoyed writing Maul going from absolutely feral to a softie too much.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
  Abduction was not a part of your plans when you had arrived at the docks in Mandalore that morning. All you wanted to do was oversee the new shipments as they were unloaded from the ships. It had been proceeding well at the time. There even came a moment when you knew you would unleash compliments about the operations to Maul. However, you never got the chance to return to the palace. The group appeared to form out of thin air. Those on the docks did their best to fend them off, but they were out-numbered and caught off-guard.    Hours had passed since then. There was no telling where you were aside from the small room you were being held in. The room smelled of a stale light scent. You much rather not figure out the source of it, whether it was still in the room or elsewhere. It was particularly unpleasant. For this, despite your hesitance, you did not breath deeply.    This group, your captors, did not skimp out on details. A scratchy fabric bound your wrists together, rather than a cuff or chain of some sort. Likewise, you never caught a glimpse of their faces. Each one wore a helmet for one reason or another. That was the only similarity they had in common. All of their styles of clothing varied, creating no sense of uniformity. From is, you could only assume they were bounty hunters. Bounty hunters held no allegiance. Or so you were told by Maul once.    Your body had ceased aching long ago. However, you knew that you would develop bruises eventually, if not already, from knocking around their ship and being tossed to the hard ground. Oddly enough, you would find yourself left alone with only yourself and your thoughts. They knew you were not going anywhere. Wondering about your capture definitely became one of your first questions. Were you a part of a random and spontaneous napping, or was this all well-thought out? You did not recall doing anything wrong or harming someone in any way. If it had been planned, they likely knew that you held a significant importance because you lived in the palace. Beyond that, they held no detail further than that. And for that reason, they would not see their fate until it was too late.
  Your eyes became heavy again, exhausted and in dire need of sleep. It would have to wait though. You dared not to let your guard down, whether someone was in the room with you or not.   The door opened, and your head snapped back up, wide awake. A group of them ushered in, but just as quickly turned away from you. Weapons drawn, they faced the now shut door in defensive stances. There they stared, waiting in the dense silence.   You swallowed dryly in your confusion and fear. What could they be preparing for?    In the distance, beyond the outside of the room, came a mixture of muffled yelling.    Now it had occurred to you. It could mean only one thing—    Another more chilling scream cut off mid-breath.    —or someone.    Such a sound should not give anyone a sense of hope and impending relief as much as you felt it. But it did.    While they were distracted, you huffed quietly, wiggling your body against the wall in an attempt to sit up straighter.    The yelling and pistol fire neared. The ones in the room shifted on their feet.    In an uncomfortable effort, you pulled and twisted at your bindings. Surely the fabric should give to some extent. As much as it scratched and irritated your skin, you persisted. Your breathing hastened with each second. Glancing between them nearly made you dizzy at the speed of your paranoia. You could not be caught freeing yourself. Not now. Timing was on your side. You hoped. Their priorities had changed. It all appeared to be in your favor.    The door only just slid open, its sound breaking the room of its tension. One of their own flew through the small opening, crashing into another. As they clamored on to the floor, a growl coursed to your ears, and your heart leapt. Maul.   For the tiniest fraction of a second, your eyes met. The usually clear orbs were clouded with a fiery haze, but sharp enough to pierce through any armor.   Launching himself at his closest opponent, it was hardly a challenge. They were in the midst of falling from their wound when he slashed his blade at the next one.    All you could do was gawk as he hunted and slaughtered each individual down in his unhinged rage.    Maul blocked and deflected what bolts shot toward him with unmatched precision. The light and dark sabers in his grasp painted the space around him. His deadly accuracy created a singed scent permeating through the room.
   When the last one fell, you slumped in relief against the wall.    Maul surveyed the room with critical eyes. Deactivating his sabers, he clipped them to his belt and rushed over to you.    The echo of his cybernetics hitting the floor rang in your ears even as he knelt in front of you.    Reaching for your bindings, he ripped it apart effortlessly as if the fabric was entirely fragile and could turn to dust by simply breathing on it. It was discarded away from you in a haphazard pile on the floor.    Delicately, Maul took ahold of your hands. As they lied in his palms, he inspected your wrists wordlessly. The skin was more scratched up from your attempted escape endeavors. The determination was definitely there. Visible and clearly irritated. He looked to you then, his eyes impossibly soft. A stark contrast to his earlier menace.   He placed a gloved hand to your cheek. “You’re safe now,” he said, voice low and strangely calm for your current surroundings.    Everything happened so fast. After hours of waiting, for anything, it all ended within moments. A whimper caught in your throat. Barely audible, but enough to be noticeable by the zabrak in front of you. Mixed with the tears welling around your eyes, your braced state broke.   With heavy arms, you reached up tiredly to him.    Leaning into you closely, Maul gently nuzzled his face to yours as your arms hung over his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I have failed you,” he said, hand cradling yours to his chest.    You shook your head slowly, his nose poking into your cheek. “You didn’t. You’re here,” you whispered, tears now burning your eyes.    “And I shall take you out of here and back to Mandalore.”  
 Scooping you up into his arms, Maul straightened to his full height. As he turned with you toward the door, you could see the aftermath of his rage more closely. A light steam still lifted from the durasteel and other armor of your captors’ fatal injuries. It was ghastly. Thankfully, he walked you out of the room and into a long hall. The ease for your eyes, however, was short lived. No matter where you looked, you glimpsed a wreckage of unmoving bodies littering the floors.    Resting your head on his shoulder, you wanted to focus less on the carnage, and more on your rescuer. With a single hand, you placed your palm on his exposed chest. Feeling his warmth and hearts beat was a familiarity you needed after all of the previous events. Your senses became enveloped by him and only him. The fabric of his tunic brushing your cheek, the singular sound of his cybernetic feet making contact with the floor. Simply being with him again gave you comfort. You were safe. You were loved.    “Rest now,” Maul spoke soothingly. “We’ll be home soon.”    Your eyes grew heavy again.    When the sounds of the outside struck your ears, your interest peaked, if only a little.    “Lord Maul—” A mauldalorian.    “Prepare the ship. We go back to Mandalore immediately.”    And with his words, your eyes drifted closed.
   Eyes opening with a slow flutter of eyelashes, initial confusion swept over you. There was no clue visible to you as to how much time had passed since you were carried over to the ship. As long as you were safe, you did not really care.    Letting out a wide yawn, you felt your body’s arrangement. Your entire form was curled up snugly into Maul’s embrace. Resting between his arms and legs, it was no wonder you had not moved.    Peeking up at him, you gave a soft smile. “You’re still here?”    Maul’s head was surrounded by pillows. It made the intricate headboard of the bed non-existent to your eye-line. You could only imagine how many were supporting his back.    “Of course. And I don’t plan on leaving you any time soon.” His tone was calm but direct. And after what you had been through, you were certain neither of you were going to leave the other’s side for the next few days. Or longer.    One of his hands began caressing up and down your arm fondly. A simple comfort that even he needed deeply. You were with him. Alive and safe under his protection.    “I was scared,” you muttered into his chest. A chest that stilled in his breathing, becoming solid in his momentarily tense state.    “They can’t harm you. Never again. I’ve guaranteed it. For now,” Maul’s voice grew unbelievably silky, “you can continue to rest. I will remain here for as long as you need me.”    You hummed contently, your fingers curling around a fold in his tunic. “Then, I guess you’re not going anywhere.”    He chuckled. A pleasant sound to finally hear. “As you wish,” he smiled, kissing your forehead with the utmost tender touch.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
Thank you for reading! I hoped you enjoyed.
Also, a huge thank you for this commission. I really did enjoy putting this concept all together.
For those of you who may be interested, yes I do take writing commissions. You can check it out here if you’d like.
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joannerowling · 2 months
funny that she would say "Tell me something about Dean. You can't, can you? He had no backstory," when Dean gets the most characterization out of all the Gryffindors (minus the trio + Neville). we don't know much about Seamus, besides that he loves Quidditch, that he isn't brilliant at school, that his mom is annoying and that he seems to like confrontation. that's very basic info. we don't know much about Parvati and Lavender besides that they are pretty girly, love divination, are interested in boys (and that Lavender had a bunny). i don't think we know much about both of them individually either (but that's okay because they are kind of like a codependent female duo, every school has those). but DEAN? he loves football, he is a good drawer, he is good at quidditch, but he is also a fierce fighter and has no hesitation standing up to people like Umbridge when she insults Lupin. like, come on, there is a reason why ginny choses to date him and there's a reason why Harry hates him so much -- Dean is the archetype of the nice, popular boy made up in a lab for Harry to be jealous about! he is the Gryffindor version of Cedric, in that sense. "We don't know much about Dean" he literally gets more "screentime" than every other Gryffindor (minus the trio + Neville). Dean was in the Malfoy's manor. Dean was on the run with the goblins and Ted in DH, we literally get a scene where the trio overhears him and it's such a poignant and moving scene!! Dean was at Bill and Fleur's cottage. Dean was Ginny's boyfriend. Dean was on the Quidditch team. Dean was in the AD. Dean was literally the most relevant secondary character in ootp, hbp and dh (as far as the Gryffindors are concerned). Not to mention that he has a fully fleshed out backstory - his dad was killed for refusing to join Voldemort and Dean was raised thinking he was a muggle but he finds out it's not true (we actually do get to hear some echo of this backstory in that DH scene when the trio overhears him talking to the goblins and Ted).
"He had no backstory, I don't think we even met his parents, he was just "Seamus' nicer friend"." this is projection. this is not how Dean is treated in canon, but this is how Dean is treated by the fandom. the fandom constantly overlooks Dean and ruined his characterization to make him look like Seamus' nice friend when he actually has a personality of his own and is more interesting as a character than Seamus. now, as a former Popular Deamus Blogger, i can tell you the reasons why the fandom prefers seamus over dean sooo much is a bit suspicious but i don't want to wave around the racism allegations.... but they do constantly uwu-ify Dean and reduce him to Seamus' friend while Seamus receives significantly more attention from the fandom. canon doesn't justify this, if we were to follow canon, then Dean would be the one getting more attention and fanfictions than Seamus. (Dean also has great potential for fanfictions as you can also ship him with Luna) Anyway, all this to say that this woman probably forgot all about the books and is going on a whim about fanon characterization. I'm mad she turned off reblogs because I was ready to go out of my HP blogging retirement to defend my lord and savior Dean Thomas, the best background character in HP
Girl!! In the name of all Rowlingblr, i would like to appoint you head of the Dean Thomas fanclub. That was some good fangirling.
I didn't know that Dean was currently or in some fandom spaces LESS popular than Seamus. I always thought the opposite was true! Seamus is kind of annoying and confrontational in canon. Dean is way cooler and could have been the hero of his own story. Dean x Luna had its hour of glory circa 2007 (post DH release), it was definitely a guilty pleasure of mine.
I think people who get all up Jo's ass about Lavender and Parvati being kind of vapid and annoying need to take a chill pill. It's not like they're on Pansy's level of mean and hateful, they're just not heroines. God forbid a story imply that focusing on gossip, fashion and horoscopes might not make you a role model.
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97keanu · 11 months
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Predator!Neo x Prey!Reader
Premise: You and Neo have both escaped the matrix, and have been working alongside each other for a while. After nights of stolen kisses and foreplay in the real world, Neo tells you he has a fantasy he wants to play out with you in the matrix. He wants to give you a head start then hunt you down there, and claim you as his in whatever way possible. Soon enough, you've snuck off together to do just that...
A/N: based on this prompt. suspend disbelief from canon, no agent smiths to disrupt you two, and you're able to both be in the matrix alone and return by yourselves. I also featured the song I had on repeat for inspo and for your viewing pleasure, hope you enjoy! :)
Tags: predator/prey, hunting, submissive reader, dom neo, feral/primal sex, biting, clawing, aggressive, breeding kink mentions, power and control, suggestive pet play, wolf coded!neo, bunny coded!Reader, resistant!reader, TEASING, raw, no condom
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You and Neo are getting ready to go into the matrix. A world so different from the chill of the metal ship you two reside on. Neo has prepared a sequence to help pull you two out automatically when you're done fooling around, so no one else knows you're here. Still, you're so nervous, what if you get found out? This is not something the rest of the crew, especially Morpheus would approve of the matrix being used in such a way.
Ever since Neo joined your team, and was found out to be the 'One' however, you two just couldn't keep your hands off each other. Its as if you're two magnets, pulling, pulling, pulling...
Neo can see your concern as he helps you into your seat and begins to get you ready to plug into the Matrix. He does your straps, with care but does them firmly with a slight grin sneaking up on his lips.
"Don't worry...I won't do anything that will hurt you in the real world...at least nothing too much..." He says in a honey sweet whisper, leaning down into your ear to do so. You feel your whole body shiver, your legs clenching as your wetness begins. How easy it is for him to turn you on like this...
"Once I'm done with you, then you'll truly be mine..." He finishes with a bite to the soft arch of your neck, making you whine out into the cool night air...
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Soon, he finishes plugging you in and does himself quickly. You know the rules. You are to try to escape Neo's grasp, and you get a one minute head start. You better use it wisely, you doubt there's anywhere you could hide from The One.
As soon as you open your eyes again, you're in. You look around, you're in Chicago, it's night time and you're on a busy street as unknowing people pass by. You better get started, you know Neo didn't give you that much of a head start....
You begin running down the street, your body like a tight coil of playful fear. You know Neo will be looking for you soon, and in here he can even track you by scent, like a wolf. You're feet keep bounding on the pavement, rain beginning to pour down. You better find a place to hide, fast. You know deep down, it's no use. Neo will find you and claim your body for his, infect you with his scent and fill you with his cum. He is, The One, after all...It's hardly even a fight for him to find you...
You see an abandoned apartment and head there. The rain begins to stop as you head inside, only some holes in the roof giving way to trickles of water. The dirty, abandon factor somehow turns you on more. The thought of Neo taking and taming you here makes your head go fuzzy and your thighs clench together. You have to be careful with these thoughts, they'll just make your scent stronger...
You look around, and begin going up some concrete stairs, hoping to find somewhere to hide that will make this more interesting. You go up a few floors, but soon feel exhausted from that and the running, and decide to check out a hall of apartments. You giggle a few doors til you find one that's open, and you carefully creep inside.
It's dark in here, but somehow the fear of that and Neo finding you mix into something that makes you want to whimper out with an odd pleasure. Your stomach is all butterflies and fluttering, you know he must be in the matrix by now, but you have no idea where. He could have eyes on you already, and is just toying with time as he waits to pounce. The thought keeps you looking over your shoulder.
The abandoned apartment is actually pretty well furnished, and has minimal holes to allow elements in. It almost feels as if the owners simply up and left everything behind, giving into the eerie feeling with that as well. You look for a place to hide...
Neo has given you the allotted time before jumping into the matrix himself. When he opens his eyes and stands on the rainy streets of "Chicago", Neo can feel his muscles begin to tense, ready for the hunt...
It doesn't take long before he's on your scent, sniffing in the damp air. He can smell your want, your need...its sweet like vanilla and floral like lilac to him. He even let's you have more time to hide by simply standing there and enjoying the way your scent fills him with his own need...
Soon, Neo is tracking that scent, moving faster than you ever could here. The way he can bend this whole world to his will was always a turn on for you. You craved that power, not for you to harness it, but for him to use it upon you.
It doesn't take long at all til Neo is outside the abandoned apartment structure. He cocks an eyebrow as he looks up at the tall, decrepit building and laughs under his breath.
"Interesting scenery..." He compliments your choice.
Neo doesn't opt for going inside the building, no. He has a better idea.
He begins to scale the side of it, his body slick with rain, his black trench coat billowing. He loves how he can use powers like this here, how he can hunt you down no matter what, how is body is limitless in the ways he can fuck you.
Even just thinking about finding you, grabbing you, and pining you down gets him hard, his whole body is filled with a primal need, want for spreading his seed inside you until you can barely say his name.
He follows your scent until its so strong outside one of the windows he stops.
"You were never going to get away, my pet..." He muses as he silently slips through the broken window, creeping inside the rundown apartment slowly. He doesn't want you to try to run again. No, he wants to find you and pull you by your little bunny ears and plunge his cock deep inside of you like the wolf he is. He can't wait to sink his teeth into your soft flesh...
Neo knows you're hiding in the closet of the master bedroom, so he silently moves towards it, the anticipation building inside of him, clearly seen by his massive cock hardening beneath his black trousers. He soundlessly drops his trench coat onto the floor of the bedroom, and begins to undo his belt, getting ready.
As soon as he's down to just his pants, his chest bare and bright in the darkness, he wrenches open the closet.
Inside, is you, heart beating, pushed against the back of the closet. You were sure it would have taken longer than this, you thought you had a good hiding spot this time!
"It's cute that you tried to hide, my little bunny..." Neo snarls out softly, his eyes fixated on you in a way that makes you feel like a piece of meat. You can see his hunger for you in his eyes and in beneath his trousers. You bite your lip and try to escape, moving to get around him, but its no use.
He snatches you up by your pony tail and your waist, a bit of pain in doing so, but you can tell he's gentle, controlled.
"That's no good, bunny...you know I have to punish you for trying to run..." Neo says as he pulls your back to his torso, his voice against your ear as his hands steady your squirming waist and grip your ponytail. He is so much bigger than you, so much more powerful here there's nothing you can do.
"Why don't you be a good pet and submit to me so I can get what I want from you..." He growls low into your ear, his voice husky and full of lust.
He moves you swiftly, and positions the two of you in front of a floor length mirror that was left forgotten in the apartment. You can see him behind you now, his eyes wandering up your body in the reflection, his hands gripping your hips, clawing in practically. You can tell he's close to losing control...to taking you right here. If you only push him a little more...
As his hands begin to move, his grip on your hair loosening, to the point of him stroking your hair at this point, his grip on your hips beginning to wander. You take your chance, and try to flee again, elbowing him and hearing his soft 'oof' as you do. You can see him change in the reflection, that small bit of anger from you squirming out of his grip, if only for a second, has sent him into complete predator mode.
He doesn't even make a coherent sound, it's only a growl from his throat and he's grabbed both your arms and pinned them behind your back, pushing his massive weight onto you so you're on the ground now. You can still see yourself perfectly in the mirror as Neo begins ripping your shorts off roughly.
"If that's how you want to be, my pet, then I won't waste time taking you to the bed...." He can see you cry out in defiance as you try to fight him, but its no use, you know you're his prey and you've been caught...
"I'll fuck you right here, right into this disgusting carpet, and you'll wish you had submitted to me before..." He says low into your ear before biting into your neck, hard.
You yelp, and thrash, trying to get him off of you, but he's huge. You can feel his hard cock pressed right into your soft ass. He uses one large hand and a knee on your back to keep your elbows in his hand and you pinned to the floor. With his free hand he unbuttons and unzips his pants, pulling his underwear down and freeing his massive cock. You look up into the mirror and see it bounce out, hitting your bare ass with a light slap! and beginning to paint your ass with precum. You can't help but shudder and try to surpress a moan.
Neo moves so he's in between your legs, moving your ass in the air so he can fuck you better. He has his hands keeping yours from flailing, and his legs between yours so you can't run. You can feel the heat radiating off his cock as he rubs it between your soft asscheeks. He loves teasing you before taking you...
"I want you to watch yourself, bunny...watch as I fuck you into the floor and see yourself submit to me..." He says, using one hand to begin positioning his cock to your dripping wet pussy. His fingers make sure to swipe your slit first, testing to see if you're ready for him, and you are.
"I can see how bad you want this..." He purrs, bringing his hand up and inhaling the scent of your wetness before tasting you on his own fingers.
"No..." You say through gritted teeth, trying to fight the pleasure your body so badly wants. It feels so warm down there you can barely take it.
"Your pussy doesn't lie, my pet. You're soaking wet for me. You want me to breed you until you can barely speak..." He coaxes, trying to get you to admit how badly you want him. You know if you submit now the power trip he would have from getting you so easily would be huge.
"That's...that's not true!" You try to say convincingly, but its hopeless, your tiny moans as he begins to play with your clit betraying you.
"Please, go on, tell me how you don't want me inbetween moans..." He laughs as he says this, finding your helplessness to his touch amusing. He begins using two fingers to insert himself into your wet hole, before using scissoring motions to stretch you out and play with you.
"Please...I don't...I don't want you..." You look into the mirror and see your own eyes filled with so much lust and desire it really doesn't matter what you say, the evidence of your want is clear. You look away, biting your lip and looking back at Neo, who towers over you on his knees, still playing with your pussy and holding you down.
"That's no good my dear," He tuts before releasing your arms, and grabbing your pony tail harshly, pulling you up, up, up...until you can see yourself clearly in the mirror. You can't even use your free hands to your advantage, you have to have them under you to keep some semblance of balance. Your face is so hot with heat, your chest flushed and your breasts no longer squished against the floor, but hanging freely. Neo pulls his hand from your pussy, causing you to whine out from the lack of being filled, even if you didn't want to let him hear the want from that sound.
"See, isn't this much better? You can see yourself get fucked much more clearly like this..." He says as his hand begins to wander to your breast, claiming one as his other hand keeps you suspended, back bent, by your hair. Your wetness on his hand slicks your breast as he swipes across your hard, hot nipples. His hard cock now under your pussy, moving through your soaking folds with ease, but not entering.
You can barely find it in you to speak, all your energy being either drained by the pleasure you're feeling, or holding your breath as not to moan. You can't help it, when you do breath, it shudders out of you with cries and whimpers from the pleasure of Neo's cock sliding along your pussy, and his hand squeezing and pinching your sensitive nipples. You can see yourself begin to give up as you watch the mirror, your gaze looking to Neo as well, seeing him become more and more overcome with the need to plunge his cock deep into your wetness.
"Just tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you..." His voice barely a whisper, trying to contain his own groans as the hot tip of his cock continues to play with your clit, driving you insane. You try to resist, drawing the experience out, your body shaking from the teasing Neo is doing to you. No, you can't... you can't tell him how badly you want his cock yet...
"Darling, look at yourself...how much longer can you resist it?" He coos, his voice trying to gently coax you.
"Say how badly you want my cock inside of you, and I'll give it to you, my dear..." He continues, your desperation for him rising as he picks up the speed on your clit and breasts. Your voice begins to whine uncontrollably.
"Please...." You say, this time wanting him to take you. But that's not what he wants to hear, he pulls on your nipple enough to make you gasp.
"You know the magic words are 'Neo, I want your cock' not 'please'..." He scolds lightly, chuckling as you cry out from his touch.
"Fuck...Neo...please...I-" you're so close to admitting it, the pleasure of Neo's teasing rocking waves through your body, the pain of his pulling on your hair turning into something more.
"That's it, my pet..." He groans as his cock moves between your folds, positioning himself directly at your entrance, basically betting on the fact that you're going to break and submit to him.
"I-...Neo...I want your cock deep inside me, please..." You finally whimper out, your breath leaving your lungs as you look at yourself in the mirror, completely gone from how badly you want this, how badly you need this now.
"That's all I needed to hear, bunny..." Neo says as doesn't wait, plunging deep into your pussy, filling you inch by inch by inch until the head of his cock hits his limit inside you before stretching for more. You cry out, as Neo groans, his eyes clodsing, his hands now gripping your hips like his life depends on it. He's completely lost control, giving into his primal instincts to fuck and breed you.
Your hands grasp the carpet and you fall forward since he's let go of your hair, your entire body shuddering as he continues to stretch you until he's at the hilt of his cock, completely filling you up now. He's so big, you've never been with anyone this big and girthy, you can barely breath as he begins to move after savoring the heat of your pussy over his entire cock.
"Fuck, Neo!" You cry as he begins to pull back before slamming back into you, beginning to pound your pussy sloppily, with disregard. You can barely take it, it fills you with a type of pleasure you never knew you needed. You grit your teeth as he begins to claim you, begins to take your body for his own, his little pet...his little prey...
"God...." Neo groans out, his grip on your hips beginning to claw into you, his hands moving to run his nails over your ass, leaving behind claw marks. "You're pussy is so tight...." He admits, completely drunk on your pussy now.
You watch as you are claimed by Neo, looking into the mirror and seeing as he fucks you like an animal, taking you fiercely. The two of you are all sweaty bodies, huffing, and moans, completely lost in the feeling of filling and being filled. Of dominating and submitting. Of claiming and being claimed...
You can barely take it as Neo's raw cock continues its crusade inside your tight pussy, you dare to move, getting a hand underneath yourself and to your clit. Neo growls as you do this, taking your movement as a threat and pushing one hand against the back of your neck and pinning you to the floor, his massive body now moving to lean over you entirely, his face so much closer to yours now as he has your bent and smushed against the floor. Your just pleased to be able to rub your enlarged, needy clit. As you work yourself, your fingers slipping a few times from how wet you are and how Neo pounds you, causing you to whimper out with want and frustration as you can't find purchase, you feel your pussy begin to clench around Neo's huge cock.
The sensation pulls a low growl from Neo, his mouth clamping teeth down onto your shoulder as he locks you into place, your breath hitching as he sinks his teeth into your tender flesh. You know he will leave a mark on your real body, letting the rest of the crew know he's finally claimed you as his.
You continue you push yourself towards climax, your lower stomach a bundle of nerves, butterflies filling you as well as heat. You can't stop, you glance in the mirror and see yourself as someone you barely recognize you're so out of it. So entirely taken by Neo and the need to cum. What really begins to send you over the edge is seeing Neo, teeth sunk into your shoulder, body covering yours, his eyes closed with pleasure, completely lost by the need to fill your pussy deep with his hot, sticky cum. You feel yourself begin to climax, your pussy quivering and finally clenching down as hard as possible around his cock, a long, shuddering moan escaping your mouth as you do.
With that, Neo feels himself leak out inside you, he knows he can't last with your pussy so tight. He growls as he bites deeper, his hand on your neck clawing into the flesh, and his cock pumping harder than you ever thought possible. Finally he bursts with his own howl, his semen filling you up until you think you can take no more, your breath leaving you, and your legs shaking and giving out. Neo finishes inside you, slowing his thrusts until he finally just leaves his cock in, and collapses onto you.
Both of you are breathless, unmoving, for a few minutes. All you hear is his heart beat and yours, beating fast before after a while, slowing. God...you can't believe how full you are of his cum, the aftershocks of the whole thing make your pussy and your clot twitch.
Eventually, Neo pulls his teeth from you, and then laps at the bit of blood he caused, enjoying the taste of you. His hot breath moves across your aching, sweaty shoulder. Slowly, he pulls himself out of you, his cum leaking onto the floor. His strong arms pick you up off the floor, and pull you close. Your sweaty bodies stick to each other, and you're grateful for his embrace. You feel yourself limp, and completely as his whim, but he knows its time to hold you gently. He pulls your hair out of its tie, and pets your head as he leans back until you're laying on his chest. Your muscles ache, not wanting to move, but you flip so you can snuggle into his neck. The two of you remain here until you both feel calm enough to exit the matrix.
When you do, Neo is already getting out of his chair and walking over to yours with a look of care and bit of worry. He wants to make sure he didn't harm you in anyway you didn't like. He takes your face into his large hands and his deep brown eyes gaze into yours, looking for any sign that he went to far.
Your face softens in his hands, and you reach up to hold the outside of one of his hands, softly pulling your thumb across the back of it. You smile gently, and Neo knows that you're happy with what transpired. He reaches down and picks your whole body up with ease, and you snuggle into his chest, taking hold of his shirt he's still wearing since you're outside the matrix now. He takes you back to his quarters and gets you under the covers in his bed gently, but swiftly. It's clear all the two of you want to do is snuggle up and fall asleep together.
"Neo...?" You say softly into the dark of the room, Neo's deep breathing and body curled against you, so much bigger than you.
"Yes...?" He responds, his voice tired and weary.
"I love you..." You whisper out, knowing it's the first time either of you have admitted such deep feelings for each other, but also knowing after tonight how could you not? You can feel Neo smile into your neck, kissing you everywhere slowly, his throat giving way to a sort of hum or purr.
"I love you so, so, soooo....much...." He says between kisses and holding you tighter, his breath heavy with sleep. It's clear he never wants to let you go. You are his now after all. But you also have a hunch that he's yours just as much...
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zack-hazbin-blog · 3 months
Okay sooooo a lot of this was put in place before the show dropped so some of it seems really kind of out there. Sorry. ALSO i am aware that technically archangels are not a high ranking of angel but i am stealing paradise lost canon again for that. So there are the seven (eight if you count luci, another was made after he fell to even out the roster) archangels and then right underneath them are the seraphim and there are lots of seraphim. Also exterminators aren’t heavenborn they are just people who died and then signed up for the program, removal of your left eye is a key part of initiation for exterminators, and they are very knights templar-esque in their uniforms
I think hes the most important to start with so. Adam, I do not like him in canon at ALL sorry, in this he’s still kind of a dingus but he’s genuinely quite nice. Funny middle aged divorced man who shows up to meetings late on purpose and dresses like Adam Sandler no matter the occasion,,, hes the embodiment of the Are Ya Winning Son? Meme. Im going with Paradise Lost canon yet again here in that he is head over heels for Eve and only ate the apple after she did so they could get the death penalty together. He is sort of a paralell to Luci in the sense that he is also distant from his family but where with Luci it is a self imposed isolation spurred on by depression with Adam its just that he isnt good at conecting with them. 
He and Eve really drifted apart after the Cain incident and, while they are on good terms, they are like super divorced. He doesn’t know how to talk to Abel (who lives close to his mom in what is basically Heaven’s suburbs) and he only gets to see Cain on extermination day, and Cain really just. Doesn’t want to talk to him. So Adam is in a pickle. He was put in charge of the exterminations shortly after he died to kind of just like, give him something to do and he genuinely does a very good job at it. He sees it as getting back at Luci in a way.
Adam hates Lucifer with like his entire being, Adam is a very chill guy, he doesn’t dislike much of anyone, but he hates Lucifer. He hates him for the Eden thing and he also blames him for the Cain thing so any chance he can take to hurt him is good. Unfortunately Lucifer literally could not care less about the sinners dying so. Theres that.
Then canon roles around and suddenly Lucifer’s “daughter” (due to the nature of Charlie’s birth and the fact that Adam has never met her he doesn’t really buy that she’s a sentient being and not just a mouthpiece for Luci) wants to bring sinners into Heaven which is something that just reeks of foul play to Adam, he will not lose his second go at Paradise to God’s least favorite son, something needs to be done. He takes it to Sera (his boss, technically, more on that later) and she gives him clearance to pretty much do whatever he wants (she was not given the full story!!! Just that Luci is “acting suspicious”) so Adam kind of starts. Meddling
He wants to stop the hotel and he wants Charlie dead. Like honest to goodness he wants to kill her. Hes telling Lute (the only other person who knows the full details of this mission) and himself that its for the good of Heaven but really its just some kind of vengeance, Lucifer took his kids, why shouldn’t he give what he gets? Eventually like, season three climax would be the exterminators absolutely wrecking the hotel and like taking Charlie hostage. Adam is having second thoughts when shes actually like tied up and bleeding out though, he like kinda snaps out of his frenzy hes worked himself into and has a little Just A Man from Epic The Musical moment yknow. But whats done is done, no turning back now, right?
Lute is exceedingly different that in canon because I wrote all of my stuff for them before we knew anything about them as a character. They are from ancient greece now. More specifically Sparta.
When they died they were very eager to sign up for the extermination program, a warrior at heart and eager to do good. They quickly caught Adam’s eye and they like, surprisingly quickly rose through the exterminator ranks to Lieutenant (Lute) (Nickname that Adam gave them because try as he might he cannot pronounce their (dead)name.)
They are like Charlie’s age, both in the sense that they are both early twenties and in the sense that they are both ~2000, they and Adam have kind of like, almost father and child thing, Adam is the goofy divorced dad who listens to pearl jam and Lute is the daughter who has to listen to it on the way to swim practice. 
Lute is very strategical, Lute is very serious, Lute feels like they have a lot to prove (especially being one of the few high ranking people in Heaven who isnt either heavenborn or someone of Biblical Importance) less so than they did when they were new, but the itchings of anxiety are still somewhere in there. They are extremely devoted to Heaven’s cause and Adam, though they are having second thoughts about Adams hostility towards the princess by like, mid season three.
Adam (reluctantly, might I add) sent them down to the hotel for a “diplomacy mission” (spying) for a week or two early on in the season and they found that they actually can relate to Charlie? They both want to do whats best for their people and they both have major imposter syndrome (and they both know Vallie, which is awkward, (vallie was apart of Lutes like, personal squadron, kind of an exterminator elite guard before she fell) Lute and Vallie dont hate eachother by any means but the last time they were in a room together they were literally trying to kill eachother so its. weird) but Lute just, isnt as convinced on the prospect of Charlie being some kind of literal puppet for the devil? Adam shoots down her concerns about this though, hes the devil he is the king of lies and deceit, Lute, thats just what he wants you to think, trust me, I know how he works, Ive dealt with him, its okay.
Also they transitioned while in Heaven and asked Adam to set up their top surgery under the guise of like, improving their combat capabilites (he absolutely knew he was just humoring them, I love and adore him if you didnt know)
Eve is so cool. She isnt a major character because she is extremely disinvolved with the workings of Heaven, like, purely by choice. She lives somewhere in like, the Primum Mobile ring and has a garden and likes when Emily or the other Heavenborn visit her. Abel lives somewhere close by and he has some sheep. She rarely travels into the Empyrean (the capital city) and just. Shes hanging out.
She was absolutely the main person behind her and Adams divorce, she just really fell out of it after a while, she doesnt hold anything against him she just. Isnt interested in a romance with him. She also has far less of a grudge against Lucifer than Adam (she blames herself more than anything) and thinks that Adam should like. chill out. (Its not good to hold onto hatred for so long, you know.)(Do you forgive him?)(…no.)(Exactly. He isnt sorry, he doesnt deserve forgiveness, Eve.) 
Similar to canon except that like, she isnt antagonistic, shes a big cool angel lady who is technically in charge of the exterminations because she is in charge of like, soul circulation. In this au souls who are purged in the Cleanse get thrust back out into the reincarnation zone (hell doesnt know this, Luci never cared enough to ask and there have been no communications between like, anyone else) (heaven souls can also be reincarnated but its a voluntary process, you might ask if this causes like, an imbalance of any kind, with there being far more “evil souls” in circulation, the answer is no, new souls are also freshly created often) this technically puts her in charge of the whole affair, she appointed Adam to help her out and regrets it every day /silly
She isnt keeping the cleanse a secret because in her mind there is no moral issue to keep secret, though it isnt something thats like, advertised, it is perfectly reasonable to think that a lot of people in Heaven dont know about it. She probably would not take well to Adam’s hostility towards Charlie if she knew the full situation but as far as she knows its just a Lucifer plot and she trusts Adam to sort that out. Maybe she shouldnt! He is very biased!
Shes also not a huuuggee character, shes one of the youngest Seraphim and the most involved with the ascended soul population as shes the only seraphim to not predate humanity. Shes silly, she likes Adam a lot hes like a funny uncle who your parents dont like. She mostly hangs out in the residential area of the Empyrean just. Hanging out, she doesnt have a whole lot of official duties besides keeping morale up, though teeecchhhniically shes supposed to help Sera with soul regulation by keeping a handle on blessed souls who want to reincarnate by sending them to Sera. Shes also friends with Molly just because I think thats cute.
Im including her!!! You cant stop me!!! Shes angel’s twin sister! She is technically the youngest out of the Ragno siblings and also died second, shortly after Angel. She was very close with her twin in life and while she accepts that her oldest brother and father are probably both in Hell shes holding out hope that Angel is just taking a long time to get through Purgatory. (he is not) (shes starting to have less and less faith in this idea)
She lives in the inner part of the Empyrean with her mom and a couple other non-immediate family members that landed up there. Heaven doesnt really have any kind of currency so like, shops arent as much of a thing as like say, markets where you can trade knick knacks for other kick knacks (there is an unlimited supply of goods of all kinds but like, if you want like a handknit scarf and you want to trade a windchime you mde for one just pop down to the market) but she is running a small sort of beauty parlor thing close to the Centrum (basically heaven town hall, where the Seraphim and Archangels get access to the Abode Of God and also just hold other important matters) thats decently popular. Shes very nice if a little overbearing, has a temper though, also a bit of a prankster when the situation permits (something she picked up from Angel when they were kids), absolutely figured out that Angel wasnt into girls a long time before the actual news came out. She deduced this through years of trying to set him up with girls and her efforts turning up squat. Shes very supportive she is still mad at Arackniss for siding with their dad during the Initial Incident.
Hes the only archangel with any like. Major importance. Hes Lucifers twin brother and the highest ranking archangel since Lucis banishment. He was the main force to take down Lucifers rebellion back when that all happened (i hate viv canon he was banished from heaven because he launched a COUP not because he was silly or something. Hes the devil. Stop woobifying him let him have done something bad. He can regret it, he DOES regret it but he is not a poor little victim he started a civil war.) and would probably show up at the end of season three to like negotiate some kind of peace deal with Charlie. He would not have met Charlie prior to this incedent but he really likes her honestly, its been a few millenia he isnt as upset with Luci anymore, certainly not upset with his daughter who has proven to be nothing but virtuous and kind. 
But also before this he would show up in Lucifer flashbacks, mainly one where hes arguing with Charlie mid/late season one and it would like be cutting in and out of a flashback to Luci and Micheal arguing about Gods favoritism of Adam and Lilith (very new, having just been dropped in Eden, fighting had not yet occured and Lilith and Luci had not yet met eachother, they would not meet until after Lucifer falls to Hell and Lilith dies as punishement for abandoing Eden) and the argument would be like, Luci and Charlie fighting about the fate of the sinners and the ethics of the Cleanse paralleling Luci and Micheal fighting over Killing The Humans because they Suck and Dad Likes Them More Than Us and it would like culminate in a “They dont deserve to die!” where Charlie AND flashback Micheal say that and Lucifer being like, woah, its happening agaiiiiinnn im messing up agaaiiinnnn shes just like micheal and im going to lose her tooooooo and kind of like. Having a little bit of a breakdown. Hes so mentally ill
Also im assigning all the Archangels colors of the rainbow just because. Luci is red and Micheal is blue. None of the others are especially important.
Okay thats all the major Heaven people!!! I think ill do like. Lucifer and Lilith in a combination post with the various Pets (keekee, fat nuggets, razzle and dazzle, ect.) next, then maybe one on the other Big Overlords?? Ive been reading Shakespeare just for help developing one of them I am very normal. Anyway, as always, if you have any questions please ask, I am more than happy to answer!! byyeeeee love youuuuu <3 <3 <3
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picapicamagpie · 1 year
Sing Marine Life!
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I’ll deal with you at the end.
As promised, here’s the follow up post including the marine animals! We don’t see many in the film, so I’ve broken it down by each species.
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I love these guys. They don’t do much, but they look cool. The most notable thing about them is their bioluminescence, which is indeed a trait some real squid have, though not to this degree. Based off their size, bioluminescence, and spotted patterns, I believe these are firefly squid. The bioluminescence is very inaccurate in Sing, but it’s probably exaggerated for dramatic effect and it’s totally fair because the scenes they’re in look amazing. In real life, only the spots on the squid light up and they are only blue, I don’t believe they can change the colour.
Something worth pointing out is that the anatomy of the squid in Sing is completely wrong. And I mean royally messed up. Squid have a mouth that is more like a beak, no lips, certainly no teeth, and it’s located in the middle of the tentacles. The eyes are also further down the body, basically on the tentacles too. What Illumination has done is use the mantle as the squid’s face, when that’s actually their body. It’s the equivalent of putting Buster’s face on his torso. Soooooo something happened to the Sing squid to completely rearrange their bodies and essentially swap the locations of their head and body. Wild.
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This is fairly accurate because some crustaceans can survive on regular air for a short time and don’t need to be constantly submerged. Like the squid, these guys have been given a more mammalian body type and can even wear clothes. I don’t know the specific species of shrimp because my God, they all looked the same to me. There’s also this concept art crab who is just chilling about on land. He’d either be dead in a few hours or Sing crabs can now live on land. But I won’t explore it much as it’s not something that’s actually appeared in the films so it’s not canon.
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He doesn’t appear very much, but he’s there. We don’t see enough of him to determine his species but he wears a neat hat. I have nothing else to say about him. Why is Buster in the sky
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Again, super brief appearance and oh my God this screenshot was so hard to get?! I had to load up the film and grab it myself because no one cares about these fish at all. It’s too blurry to tell what species they are, and again, not much to say on them.
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I have beef with this walrus because his design interrupted the old, more realistic style of Sing. He really cemented the feeling to me that Sing 2 is no longer using the “rules” set by Sing 1. I remember first seeing him and thinking how odd and out of place he looked. While I thought he was a funny character, his design just bothered me so much, something about him felt so off. The sheer audacity of this man to walk on two feet and basically look like a big ape. Generally, Sing was quite realistic with its body types. Ok except the squids. Although technically four legged, walruses and seals have flippers and such a unique way of moving that I really kinda expected Sing to stick to this, or at least make them more hunched over or do something to make them a bit more real, instead of the weird “walrus head on gorilla body” design we got.
To start with, walruses are insanely heavy and huge. A male gets up to 12ft long. To put it into perspective, a walrus standing up would be roughly the same height as an elephant. Mason really should be as tall as Meena but he’s like, 2 Busters.
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Real life walruses could never stand on their rear flippers because of their sheer size, and because flippers are not legs. They’re too large and heavy for their adapted limbs to support. That’s why they do that weird flopping about thing that walruses and seals do. So it’s not a case of just making them stand on two legs like every other animal. However now that I’ve looked at him a bit more, Mason is a lot smaller than he “should” be, which makes me think maybe Sing walruses evolved quite differently. They’re much smaller, lighter, and thus able to stand. Maybe also their rear flippers never reached the stage of being super short and small, and are some sort of weird leg/flipper middle stage rather than just being flippers.
Ok Mason, you’re not as bad as I thought you were. But I still don’t like your design.
Also according to the Wiki there’s seals in some advert somewhere but I can’t find it. I’d love to see if they are designed the same as Mason so please if anyone can find it, let me know!
Here’s the canon “rules” I can gather for aquatic animals:
🐳 Honestly there aren’t any
🐳 ok ok, they generally only wear accessories rather than proper clothes but some do also wear full outfits (shrimp)
🐳 They still need water to survive and it hints that there’s an aquatic biome for them to live and work in, with regular cities having waterways as a method of transportation for them. I like this idea and hope it’s explored more
🐳 Bioluminescence can do whatever you want it to do as long as it looks nice, but it’s still limited to animals who have it in real life (which is basically just some fish and invertebrates)
🐳 Some, like the whales and fish, are essentially just the same as real life ones. Others, like squid and shrimp, are more mammalian now. Somewhere, evolution went wild and completely changed the body design of squid completely, reversing their heads and torsos
🐳 Walruses are smaller than they are in real life, and now able to support their bodies on two… flippers? They are much, much more humanoid now and are incredibly different to their real life counterparts
My main take away from this is that mammalian body types have become the norm in the Sing universe. Take (almost) any real animal, make it sort of humanoid, and it’ll belong in Sing. I reckon it’s some kind of convergent evolution thing where animals end up looking similar.
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creativesplat · 6 months
Mipha… where do I start!? 
First impression: 
I thought she was a very pretty fish-lady, and was instantly blown away by how romantic her memory with Link was (some poeople already know, but before I played the game I looked at fan art and stuff and really liked the concept of ZeLink people were drawing - it must be a canon ship if people are so intense about it right? and I almost always fall for the canon ship in a piece of media. So I got into the game wanting to rescue the princess Link was in love with. Turns out that princess wasn’t Zelda, and from my first impression I was like ‘oh ok, so we’re not avenging zelda then… we’re avenging fish’
Impression now: 
She was so wonderful why did she have to die!! Link loved you, your design is so cool, why did you die!! A strong powerful (dagnam play AoC and you’ll see what I mean) warrior princess who loved her people and her family and Link. what a woman she was (and is in aoc).
Favorite moment: 
Okay, so I know its a bit basic and there are some awesome moments in AoC (like the date her and link so on) but the first memory, the first time you’re introduced to her, it still gives me chills. Mipha's touch is and always will be my fave. I love it. 
Idea for a story: 
The tensions between Hyrule and Zora’s domain bubble over, leading to a siege or something, and link betrays Hyrule to join Mipha and bring the war to an end. 
Ooh another one: Link tries to run away from the duty assigned to him and is forcibly kept at the castle by Rhoam but the champions help zelda and link and they leave central hyrule to try and figure out the various powers without the added trapped in the castle stuff. Mipha rescues link from a tower like rapunzal effectively. 
Unpopular opinion: 
Link should have rescued her instead being with Zelda during the calamity. She was strong and could battle effectively, but if Link had gone with her, they would have dominated water blight as a badass couple. If link and mipha had defeated water blight, they could have joined the rest of the champions (due to the sheikhah slate being available for teleportation), weaken Gannon through attacking the blights and then go and kick is butt in the castle. What a good happy ending that is! (I think I just described AoC a little bit…) anyway. 
Favorite relationship: 
They are the perfect couple, and the proposal armour is just so sweet and I adore them both :) 
Favourite headcanon: 
Oooh. There’s a lot to pick from… 
The symbols on the Zora armour represent Link and Mipha’s marriage, and tying the families together:
the Rhombus with the luminous stone is what I head canon Link’s family sigil/ crest to be:
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And obviously the three cresents are Mipha’s family crest 
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And here we see them combined, with a white stone in the middle 
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White gems are often related to hope (link), healing (mipha), unity, and wholeness. So a unity between the rhombus and the crescents and the ideas of healing and hope? Am I reaching. Yes. Do I also love this head canon? Yes. 
2) Link understands Zoran (the Zora language) but can’t speak it very well on account of the fin movement and whistling required. Mipha regularly says ‘I love you’ or other comforting things via subtle tail or fin movements when in company. He has little hand gestures he uses, sign shorthand I guess, to tell her the same.
3) the champions all knew about Mipha and Link's relationship. because their little found family deserves to have a fun time trying to set them up on dates or make them do things together, so that even though things are tense between hyrule and the domain, the two can spend time together.
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blackch-rry · 9 months
The Summer of ‘89 (IT au) (Teaser)
Pairing: Sunghoon x reader, Heeseung x reader, Enhypen x reader
Synopsis: Derry, Maine, and all its residents thought the disappearance of a high school student was the first and last tragedy to occur in a long time, but once summer started in 1989 a terrifying nightmare had just begun. You had just moved to the small town a year prior; no friends and certainly no love life, but just after graduating high school you find yourself suddenly having a lot in common with a group of seven boys.
Warnings/Genre: Inspired by Stephen King’s IT, (the movies mostly), not really canon idk, horror, gore, angst, romance, more to come each update.
A/N: hi! I love horror and IT, so I thought it was time to finally write something about it. If you don’t like horror, my attempt at least, gore, and all that stuff, then this is not for you. I’m hoping the end of this series or near the end will come out near Halloween because that’s just perfect. So please be patient with updates! Enjoy this teaser :)
Fall 1988
Three teenage girls rode aimlessly down the street in their quaint town of Derry. Senior Year had started for all of them and as a last-ditch effort to cling onto summer, the group of friends hopped onto their bikes. One last late-night ride before the crisp autumn air took over. 
After an hour of aimless riding and chatting, the three had bright smiles as the wind wrapped around their hair as they sped up a slope in the road, that eventually died down when the trio came to a slow glide side by side. 
One of the girls, Chaewon, quickly smoothed down the back of her hair. She had a mischievous thought and voiced, “Hey, Kazuha…” 
Once she got her friend’s attention she continued, “Are you finally gonna find the courage this year?”
The last girl, Yunjin, laughed loudly, immediately knowing what her friend was getting at, but poor Kazuha was lost. 
“Huh? Courage to do what?”
“Oh come on,” Yunjin started, “It’s our last year of high school! You’ve had that crush on Jay since freshman year! You need to do something about it before we graduate.”
Kazuha let out a shriek of embarrassment, “No way! I can’t do that!”
Chaewon quickened her pedaling so she could get ahead and come back around to circle her best friends.
She said, “And why not? He hasn’t dated anyone for two years and when he was it broke you, remember that? The least you could do is confess and then he can take you to prom! Your dream!”
“The least? I can’t even ask my teachers to go to the bathroom during class. I can’t just go up to him and tell him I like him!”
The two giggled at their friend’s worrying. Chaewon stopped circling and joined the line, “Ok fine, you don’t have to freak him out by straight out confessing, but I think you really should talk to him at least. I just hate seeing you so down in the dumps, staring at him all day.” 
“I don’t stare…that much.” 
“Sure,” Yunjin said with a smile, “Hey, my house is right around the corner. I’ll see you guys tomorrow!”
The girls said their goodbyes as Yunjin took off. Kazuha knew Chaewon was about to head off since her house was close by as well, but before she did, she said, “Zuha, I’m serious. I know you’re scared about talking to a guy you like first, but we just want to see you happy. You know that right?” 
“Of course, I do… and yeah I guess you guys are some-what right. I should just go up to him after algebra and ask him out. Plain and simple…and it would ruin me again if he took another girl to prom.” 
Chaewon smiled, “There you go! Plain and simple. And if he doesn’t say yes, which he won’t do, it’ll be alright. You have us to cry on and eat ice cream with.”
“Gee, thanks.” 
Chaewon laughed before her house came into view, “Alright! See you later!” 
Kazuha let out a small goodbye before it was just her, alone, riding down the dimly lit street. Two minutes passed before she made a turn that would lead her home. One more block of easy riding and late-night breezes sending chills down her body, until something on the road up ahead caught her stare. 
She’s not really the type to stop for things out of her way, but something about it poked at her curiosity. Coming to a slow stop, she saw what it was in its entirety. 
A gasp left her lips. On the side of the cracked pavement laid a bloody cat. She hopped off her bike and let it fall to the ground. Kneeling so she could get a better look, a wave of disgust hit. The closer she got she could see the terrible state the cat was in. It was on its side; dark crimson blood stained the fur surrounding its stomach…where a whole chunk was missing.
Kazuha didn’t have a clue as to what could do this. For a second, she thought another animal attacked it, but the edges around the wound couldn’t have been bite marks from an animal, not around here. And the part bitten off was way too big. 
She had to look away when more blood and parts of the remaining organs spewed out. With a hand covering her mouth, she took a deep inhale to rest her stomach. A second later, she turned back towards the poor cat, but something beyond her by the side of a house made her pause. 
The backyard of the house she kneeled before was not well lit, but she saw more red. 
With a surge of fear and uncertainty, she got up from the ground. The dying cat was far from her mind when she saw it clearer. A single red balloon stayed floating next to the house. Her steps backward were slow and quiet. How could this be possible? Shouldn’t it be floating into the sky?
As if the object could hear her thoughts, the red balloon started ascending. Her eyes stayed glued to it, watching and watching until the bright color was consumed with the blackness of the night sky. She stayed staring at the distant sky as she continued to back away until the heel of her shoe hit her bike. The sound and abruptness of the impact brought her back out of her daze. She quickly snapped her head back to the ground and the fear she had grew. The cat was gone. 
She couldn’t believe it. Any of this. Was she going insane? First the mangled cat and now a floating balloon? Maybe she was hallucinating. Yes, that was it she concluded. She must be sleep deprived because everything was becoming nonsense.
With a sigh, she touched her forehead trying to calm her racing thoughts and nerves. A gust of wind rushed by her, and she startled. God, it must be so late by now. My parents will be so mad…
Kazuha stared at the empty spot on the pavement, wondering again what that was, before turning around to grab her bike. 
A second more and she would have been on her bike.
A minute more and she would be rounding up on her house. Home.
But the second she turned around her head was being swallowed whole.
Spring 1989.
“That time of the month, yeah?” 
Looking bored, you give a half assed smile, “You always know what to say to a girl don’t you, Jeno?” 
He leaned over the counter between you, hands placed on the edge, “Well, you can come back to mine and I’ll say a lot nicer-”
“Just ring up my damn tampons.” 
His charming façade wiped away, he stood back upright and lazily scanned the box. 
“A dollar fifty.” 
You gave him the money, took the bag, and said, “That wasn’t so hard. I mean you’re a cashier at a shitty drug store. I think you might need some more training on how to click a few buttons.” 
You left before you could hear the rest of his angry rambling. 
With the ringing of the store’s bell, you’re outside. The sudden uproar of summer was evident and it wasn’t even June yet. The sudden heat had you craving a cigarette. You walked until the nearest alley to reach into the back pocket of your jean shorts. You pulled out a cigarette from its box and placed it in between your lips before reaching back around for your trusty lighter. Once lighting and taking a deep inhale, you watched the smoke billow out in front of you. When it cleared you were met with a face. 
Taped to the brick wall before you is a poster of that girl who went missing at the beginning of the school year. 
Staring at her black and white photo and her parent’s information made you slightly uncomfortable. No, you were never friends with her personally, but she always smiled at you in the halls. 
You moved to Derry at the end of Junior year and making friends was never your forte, but it never hurt to see a smile directed at you, even if a stranger. 
You remember that day at school like a haunting nightmare. The somber voice of the principal over the speakers announcing her disappearance. You knew who was in Kazuha’s close group of friends and the chilling cry from Huh Yunjin sitting two rows in front of you still gives you goosebumps whenever you replay that moment. She had to be escorted out of the room by the teacher. 
Suddenly, smoking your cigarette in front of her missing poster feels disrespectful. You don’t put it out, instead you make your way back to the busy sidewalk. As you go about, you ponder over it all. 
Her weird absence from everything, the sight of her parents sometimes idling outside the high school wishing she’d magically burst out the doors after a long day at school, the way the halls got quieter the first two months after, and the rumors. 
The police never brought up too many details about her case on the news. It’s a fact that the police found her abandoned bike but nothing else, yet somehow gossip started to spread amongst your classmates. Some said they found her bloody shoe. Others said she was abducted by aliens. (That one you find incredibly hard to believe). 
No one said it out loud, but everyone has a feeling she’s dead. It’s been about seven months since then and she hasn’t been found. Never a good sign. The cloudy gloom her disappearance brought upon the town has finally subdued with the beginning of summer. 
Everyone has moved on besides her family and close friends, but seeing her face around every turn and corner makes it hard for you to forget. The whole thing really. 
You’re quickly brought out of your thoughts when you see a group of seven boys zoom past you on their bikes. While getting the last you can out of your fix, you keep your gaze on their backs. One of them stands on the pedals and shouts, “Fuck you high school! We’re free at last!” 
You hear the rest of them holler in agreement, but all it does is give you a headache. 
You forgot graduation is tomorrow.
You stomp the cigarette out in annoyance. 
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stellamancer · 1 year
don’t, if you value your life (one-sided nier x reader)
notes: i have had the idea of this fic in my head ever since i finished replicant like a year ago. of all the things i expected to write on my days off, this was absolutely not one of them, but at midnight a demon possessed my body and puked out the fic. though i think of it more of a writing exercise since anyone knows me knows that my typical genre of fic is completely on the other side of the spectrum of this. 
contains: angst (no happy ending), canon-typical violence, mentions of blood, suicide ideation, very minor stalking, character death, largely un-beta read, language (Kainé is present after all). 
wc: 3.9k words
if you read this and think i need to add a tag, please tell me. 
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Don't go into that village. 
Don't go near it. 
Don't, if you value your life. 
The words of your elders are etched into your brain— your mind. It's a mantra, a hymn, a warning. The village in question is a quiet place, nestled in verdant hills, built upon the ruins of the old world. They say it's peaceful there, pretty even, but the village houses a great and terrible monster. One that will kill on sight— without hesitation, without mercy. 
When you were younger, the curiosity, morbid and insatiable clawed at your heart. Maybe the elders were over exaggerating, maybe they were mistaken, maybe there was no monster at all. You thought about it sometimes, thought about tempting fate and visiting the forbidden village. Someone said that there's a library there and you'd love to see one, even just once. However, everyone who ignored the words of elders— who set off to see that village never, ever returned. 
That, in of itself, was enough to prove the monster was real. 
And so, you stayed away.
You didn't need to see a library, the view of the ocean near your home was beautiful enough to fill your heart and mind, leaving no room for thoughts of merciless, bloodthirsty monsters. For the most part, your existence has been quiet and peaceful.
At least it was, until the monster left its village. 
Until the monster came to the seaside town you called your home. 
Truth be told, it's not the first time the monster has appeared in your hometown, but its visits were well communicated— the sentries stationed outside the town quick to inform everyone to hide for the monster was on the way. Those visits were spent in the shadows hiding with bated breath— hoping and praying the monster would never notice. Your mother had hidden you well away, afraid that even laying eyes on the monster would condemn you to a fate far too sad. So you didn't know, you didn't know—
The screaming through the town is sudden and shrill, the sound running chills down your body. It is a siren biding you to run if you value your life. You and those around you act on instinct, running, scampering across the streets. Some run further into town, some toward the harbor, you run toward the lighthouse, abandoned since its caretaker died some years ago. You think it will be safest. The monster is said to be indiscriminate with its slaughtering, but also intelligent— surely, it won't come looking for murder in a place where no one is supposed to be. And if it does… you can choose to end it yourself rather than at the monster's bloody hands. 
You ascend the lighthouse, two steps at a time. The cacophony of carnage is muffled here— distant, but still ominous in the background. You quickly reach the top of the tower and the town is so saturated in the stench of death that not even the salty sea breeze that's filling your lungs can displace it. From here you can see it all, your peers running in all directions, scattering like petals in the wind. 
It is here, for the very first time, you see the monster. 
If not for the large, bloodied greatsword in his hands, you would think him more a man than a monster. You cannot make much of his features from atop the lighthouse, save for his hair, shimmering like a beautiful white pearl in the sunlight. A strange, morbid frustration tears at your stomach as you strain your eyes in efforts to get a better look at this monster. He rushes at a group, too slow, too unfortunate and looks to effortlessly cleave them, slicing their bodies into ribbons. 
You should be horrified. Disgusted. Afraid. 
Instead, you are transfixed. 
Your body is stock still as you bear witness to the monster's massacre. He is every bit as cruel as the elders said— there is no hesitation, no mercy in the swing of his sword as he fells your neighbors and friends one by one. You are lucky that you ran to such a secluded area, just as you figured, the monster of a man doesn't bother to come your way. You wonder if he thinks there is no carnage to be found in such an abandoned place. 
Do monsters even think?
You remain there, rooted to the spot until you see the monster, a bloodstained pearl, wander toward the town's entrance. Once he's gone, your legs finally give out from beneath you, the weight of it all hitting you like a tidal wave. Eventually, you crawl your way down the steps of the lighthouse and into the town proper to find any survivors.
After a few hours, everyone is rounded up. Only just a fourth of your small community remains. No one is without loss— friends, family, lovers are all victims to the monster's rampage. Your heart seizes in your chest when you realize your mother is among the lost. She had been home when the disaster came to pass, waiting for you to return from an errand she had sent you out for. Had she come looking for you when all hell broke loose? Was she searching for you when she drew her last breath? Was your unconfirmed safety what cost her her life? 
Despaired and disgusted, you retch. 
You should have run home instead of to the lighthouse. Because you didn't, your mother is dead. Or maybe, if you had gone back, you would have perished together, you holding your mother in a shielding embrace as the monster brings the sword down. Or, more morbidly, the monster taking your life before your mother's eyes before claiming her life as well. You don't know. You throw up again. 
The remaining shuffle to the beach, erecting crude graves of shells and stones there. One of the older members of the community recites a prayer, something reminiscent of the olden days before the ebbing tide washes the graves away. 
In the days after the slaughter, the community is especially quiet, mourning. You don't know what to do in the absence of your mother, most of your friends were among the deceased as well: you have no one left. Some of the few remaining turn to anger in their grief: marching off to the forbidden village to claim what all know to be suicide disguised as declarations of revenge. You think it's because they don't know what to do either. 
There is almost no one left in your small seaside town and the decision is made to find another community. You follow wordlessly, carrying nothing but your memories of your quiet and peaceful life because they are all that you have left. 
Fortunately, there is another community close to your seaside town, sequestered in a building large enough to home at least a dozen families. From the outside the building looks like a fancy mansion, but the interior creeps you out– it's too quiet, too eerie. To make matters worse, the community lives beneath the mansion, in what seems to be a mad scientist's lab. You almost feel like at any moment you're going to become an experiment. Some of the members of this new community seem like they already are one. 
The only good thing about your new home is that there is a library. Shelves and shelves of books line the wall. It is the only place in the mansion that has character, but there are rules that restrict visiting the library. You don't care. The rules don't matter much any more.
Nothing really matters much any more. 
It is in the library where you see the monster a second time. 
While perusing what appears to be some kind of fairy tale you hear footsteps in the hall and you instinctively scamper off into a hiding spot. You're not in the mood to be caught and lectured by the guards for breaking the rules tonight. The doors swing open and it's not the guards who walk in but the monster himself, accompanied by two— three others?
You watch from the shadows as the monster and his comrades move about the library. As he chats with them, you can't help but think of him as more of a man than a monster. He banters with… a floating book? How strange. How interesting. You'd love to see the contents of a talking book one day. 
It is much easier to make out the man's features in such close quarters. You think that he can't be much older than you. He's handsome, much more handsome than a monster has any right being. There's some odd urge to get a better look at his face pooling in your stomach. Your instinct is to act on it, to just get closer and look and look and—
Don't go near it.
Don't, if you value your life.
The old mantra holds you still like a spell, the warning coursing through your veins, keeping you taut. But still you keep watching the man, the monster. He laughs with what you have come to realize are his friends and you think he almost seems human. Is this really the same monster that wreaked havoc on your little town a few months ago?
The man and his friends soon leave the library, the talking book bickering with the man's lady friend about her choice in dress. When you are sure that they are gone and not coming back you emerge from your hiding place and settle yourself in with the fairy tale book you had been reading. Hours pass before you've read your fill and you make your way back to the cold, metal depths your community calls home. 
What you find upon arrival is not the low, but comforting chatter of your new friends and new neighbors, but dozens upon dozens of bloodstains— fresh and sticky. The stench of death is thick in the air, a sickening and stifling miasma. Before you can think, your feet are racing through the halls, screams reverberating against the walls as you search and search and search.
But you find no one. 
You are the only survivor. 
No one is left and you don't know what to do with yourself. There is a distant thought bidding you to return to the library, to drown yourself in books, in stories of another land, another time, another place where things matter and happy endings exist.
There is another thought, closer, louder and it is of the man. The handsome man. The terrible monster. Something in you desires to seek him out. Not for revenge, because you know that would be pointless, but merely because you want to get a better look at his face before you meet your inevitable end. 
You make it your goal— your reason to live. At this point, you're not even sure if you can call what you're doing living. You leave the mansion with this goal; it's all you have left. 
The journey to the forbidden village is not that long, it only takes a day on foot. But when you get to the edge you hesitate, unsure. 
What if the monster of a man isn't here?
You shake your head. Nonsense. This is his home. No other monsters have come to destroy it for he is surely the strongest one in all the land. He will definitely be here. 
Shuffling past what looks to be an abandoned camp, you make your way toward the village gates. Naturally, there are guards, but you manage to hop the fence, avoiding their attention. 
The village, despite being forbidden, is fairly peaceful. Quiet. It reminds you of your seaside home. You keep to the shadows as you steal past a row of merchants, watching as a few children play tag around a cobblestone fountain. 
Now that you're here, you realize you have no clue where to find the monster of a man. But there is one building, sitting atop a grassy hill above all the rest. You think it's a good idea to start there. 
You slink your way up the hill and you spot a few more children playing in the grass. To your surprise, a couple notice you. Surprising you further, they wave. Shyly, you wave back before bolting toward the tall building, not wanting to remain in the same spot lest the children go running to their parents. When you reach the top of the hill, you look back. The children are still playing and you breathe a sigh of relief before entering the building. 
It turns out that this is the famed library of the forbidden village. The feeling of joy, strange yet familiar, bubbles pleasantly in your stomach. You’re here to find the monster, but surely it’s fine if you take a detour. This library is much bigger than the one at the mansion— there are more books to bury yourself in, more stories to fill the void in your heart that’s been growing ever since you left your seaside town. You peruse the titles on the shelves and when you find one you don’t recognize you pull at it, freeing it from the shelf and watching as it falls to the ground, the smack echoing throughout the otherwise silent library. You freeze, fearful that someone will come running to find the source of the noise. When no one does, you scoop up the book and scamper off to a quiet, dark corner of the library to read. 
Part way through the story, the main doors of the library slam open, demanding your attention and you look up from the top of your book only to find the monster of a man. But it doesn’t look like he’s here to read, instead he briskly walks the length of the lobby. Your eyes remain glued to his form as he runs up the stairs and disappears onto the library’s second floor. The thought to follow him crosses your mind, but you remain still. He will have to come back down the stairs when he leaves— you will follow him then. You turn your attention back to the story, a little saddened that your attention is divided: it was just starting to get good. Maybe you’ll get a chance later to reread it, give it your full attention. 
Some time later, you hear footsteps again and quietly close your book. The man appears, descending the staircase, his handsome face marred by a scowl. Idly, you wonder what happened to make him upset like that, but ultimately, it doesn’t matter. You stare from your dark little corner, waiting for him to leave before you follow after him, sure to keep yourself out of sight, sure to keep yourself at a safe distance. 
Don't go near it.
Don't, if you value your life.
The monster heads toward a house, fenced in and half-dilapidated. Despite that, there’s something about the home that is warm, cozy. A stark difference from the terribly violent image of the monster that the elders painted for you. You watch, hidden in the shadow of a nearby building, as the monster tends to a flower bed next to his home, watering and weeding them before he heads inside. Through the window you see the glimmer of light, and once you’re sure he won’t suddenly come out and kill you where you stand, you draw closer to the house. 
Curious, you examine the flowers. You are not an expert on plants, but they look well cared for. It’s strange. Why would a monster so lovingly tend to plants? A monster by nature, by definition, is a creature of destruction, so why? You don’t understand. 
But you want to, against all instinct, against all odds, you want to.
You start to follow after the monster as he goes about his business, or more accurately, the business of others, running errands for them: delivering packages and messages, fishing, committing atrocities against your people. You’re always sure to stay a safe distance away— close enough to observe, yet far enough to not get wrapped up in the carnage. But sometimes, a reckless rush runs through your veins and you steal closer, listening in on his conversations with his comrades, his friends. You learn their names, their personalities and while they become more human in your eyes, their images are still blurry in your mind’s eye; you are not yet foolish enough to get close enough to get a good look at their faces. You are not yet foolish enough to delude yourself into thinking of them as friends. 
One evening, at the camp you hear the scantily clad woman— Kainé, very, very loudly announce that she is going ‘to go take a piss.’ The talking book— Weiss, complains loudly about her crudeness, disgusted, as he always is, with her choice of language. She scoffs, dismissing him with a wave before walking away. 
Walking toward you.
You scamper away, running toward a large, nearby bush and hiding within. She shouldn’t see you, or at least you hope she won’t. She approaches another bush and you look away, respecting her privacy as much as you can.
“Come out, I know you’re there.”
Her voice is a low growl, and you think she can’t possibly be talking to you. While your observations have led you to believe that there is a soft core to her brash outer exterior, there is little doubt in your mind that, much like the monster of a man, Kainé would slaughter you on sight. 
“Hurry up, I don’t have all fuckin’ night.” She stomps over to your bush, and you’re sure she can’t see you, but still she leans in and whispers, her voice both seductive and violent, “Or if you want, I can just end your miserable existence right damn here.”
Instinct takes over and you run out of the bush, away from her. 
“There you are, you little fucker,” she snorts. You back away slowly, as she straightens herself out. Kainé eyes you like a bug, one that she is about to crush beneath the heel of her shoe. You swallow thickly, unsure if you should try to run or not. The only thing you are sure of is that if you do run, you’re dead. 
“So, why’ve you been following us, huh?” Kainé demands, arms crossed over her chest, frowning. She must know that she could kill you in an instant, must know that you couldn’t lay a finger on her if you tried to attack her. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed a fucking shade like you lurking around us for weeks.”
Shade. That’s what they call you and your people. Shades— condemned to the shadows, unable to live peacefully with the humans, or, as the elders called them, the replicants… whatever that meant. You eye Kainé warily, wondering why she is asking you a question when it is known that humans can’t communicate with shades, can’t converse with them— if they could, then maybe the monster of a man would just be a man, his beautiful hands devoid of the blood of your friends, your neighbors… your mother. 
“Hey!” Kainé shouts. “I’m talking to you, the least you can do is answer.”
She’s right. Even if she can’t understand, she probably can hear the words from your Shade mouth. You take a deep breath and speak for what feels like the first time in an eternity. “...it’s because of… him.”
Your voice sounds so strange in your ears, a sound more foreign than silence itself. Kainé stares at you, scowling like she knows, like she can understand the Shade tongue with which you speak. It’s hard to tell, and you take one, two, three steps closer to look in her eyes, risking your life more and more with each forward step that you take. You’ve read that the eyes are the window to the soul, so maybe if you can see them clearly, you’ll be able to tell, to know, if she really, really understands.
Fortunately for you, Kainé doesn’t move, nor does she speak, but still you hear a voice— not hers, erupt in a manic fit of laughter from her body. Her scowl deepens, clearly annoyed, but it seems that it’s not directed at you. 
“How cute, the little shade has a crush!” the voice howls, mocking you.
Your face scrunches in bewilderment. The source of the voice… is Kainé herself, but she is clearly not speaking…  You shake your head. No, that’s not right. This isn’t a crush, this isn’t infatuation, it’s merely curiosity. “No… that’s not… that’s right. I’m just… I just…”
The laughter grows louder, more derisive, “Oh don’t fucking delude yourself. You’ve been stalking after us for how long? It’s frankly kinda gross if you ask me!”
Kainé mutters something under her breath that you can’t hear, presumably at the mysterious voice making a mockery of you. 
Your stomach churns violently, a grotesque concoction of fear and unease. He’s not wrong though. It is kind of gross how you’ve been following this group around like a pathetic puppy. Watching them at a distance, wanting to get closer, to satiate your curiosity, yet staying far away because that’s the only way you can coexist with the monster and his friends. 
You think of the monster, terrible and cruel in his extermination of your people, the Shades. You think of the man, gentle and kind as he tends to the flowers by his house. The images in your mind overlap. Terrible and gentle. Kind and cruel. The images blur. 
You can only see the smile he’s offered to his friends. 
It’s all you have left now, and you don’t know what to do with yourself.
You are not one of his friends, the image of his smile is something you’ve stolen, held in the shadows, kept like a treasure— a secret that should have never been yours.
In fact, it never was.
“Hey Kainé?” A third voice enters the fray and you feel as if you have been drenched in ice water, thrust into the icy depths of the ocean, your entire body freezing over. “You’ve been taking a while, Emil and I were—”
He stops short. You know it’s because he sees you. 
Don't go near it.
Don't, if you value your life.
Everything happens so fast, before you can run, before you can even blink. The spear that was affixed to his back is now in his hands, its tip embedded deep into your abdomen. The pain is mind shattering as it spreads throughout your body, like a wildfire in a forest. 
The monster is close, closer than he has ever been, than he ever will be, the view of his face clear, and unmarred by distance. He is devoid of expression as he draws even closer, plunging the spear impossibly deeper into your fracturing body. Rather than the pain, you focus what attention you have left on his face. 
It’s what you wanted, to get a better look at his face before meeting your inevitable end. 
But now that you’re here, you realize, regretfully, that you maybe want a little bit more. 
You want to live in another land, another time, another place, where you’re not just a Shade and you can have a happy ending. 
With what sense you have left, you focus on his eyes. They’re clear, and blue as the sky on a cloudless day. As your consciousness ebbs away, fading rapidly from existence, you distantly think that at least the last thing you get to see is breathtakingly beautiful. It would have been nice, if you had had longer to enjoy it.
You have nothing left.
You are nothing but a bloodstain on the monster’s spear. 
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elizabethsaige · 2 years
robin buckley, certified lovergirl
robin buckley x reader head canons
a/n: bc i can't write anything longer than bullet points :)
*not my gif
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i just love robin so much
your relationship is definitely the friends-to-lovers kind of relationship
it took both of you time to even realize that you two liked each other, let alone confess feelings
but everyone knew you two liked each other, it was so obvious
the tension!!!!
stealing glances at each other when the other wasn’t looking and sometimes looking for too long until the other one caught them
robin was the first to confess, but it was an accident 
she did it when she found out you were going on a date with a boy you didn’t even like
she !! was !! upset !!
“I don’t even know why you’re going out with Douchebag David anyway, he’s so mean to girls and you don’t even like him”
“well who else is there, robin? it’s not like i have any other options”
“you do though, you just don’t see them”
“right, I have Tony Marcus who still eats glue and stares at me in class, Vince Monty who i kissed in 5th grade and it tasted like pure gasoline, and Steve Harrington who has been trying to date me for years but has also been pining over Nancy since they broke up. i mean, how am i going to choose?”
“choose me then”
she actually gets so frustrated hearing you talk about all these mediocre boys when SHES STANDING RIGHT THERE
and she thought you just didn’t see her
but you did!! you’ve been crushing on her for months but didn’t think she’d ever like you back, let alone like girls
so you dated boys that didn’t even fit into your list of standards
u just wanted love, ok? or at least attention
oh man, was that first kiss with robin so ! good !
it was like one of those kisses that you’ve been wanting to have with someone you’ve liked for so long
it was sloppy and kind of awkward but in a really good way
robin is really shy around you when you first started dating, but not in a way where she doesn’t talk to you, but in a way where she doesn’t want to overstep and she’s all nervous around you because she’s not sure what she’s doing
but she doesn’t hide who she is around you, she just gets more anxious about it
of course she rambles and goes on her long tangents and then gets really self-conscious that she’s annoying you
needs a lot of reassurance that you actually like her and aren’t annoyed by her rambling and chaotic vibes
“are you sure i’m not annoying you? because if i am, please just tell me so i can chill out, i really don’t kn-“
“robin, i promise you’re not annoying me. please don’t think like that, i love hearing you talk”
kissing to shut her up
you actually really do love hearing her talk
she's the cutest ahhhhhh
and she's so smart??? like hello?? she knows four three languages, and the translating russian thing????
so fucking cool
makes her more attractive, but she tries to hide how smart she is
like no babe pls, you’re so hot when you know things!!!
she blushes ALL THE TIME, especially when you say anything even mildly cute or give her the slightest compliment
you’re constantly on her mind, thinking about how much she loves likes you
she thinks about how beautiful and kind you are, how you always know the right things to say and that makes her. so. fucking. soft
protective asf
anytime someone makes a mean comment about you or says anything remotely mean, she’s ready to fight
its lowkey kinda hot
she’s hesitant to touch you at first, scared that you’ll pull away
even small things, like holding your hand 
you’ll have to initiate most things at first because she’s so nervous around you
but once she’s comfortable, she can’t keep her hands off of you
like always has to be touching you in some way
she loves to hold your hand and do the thumb thing, you love it too, it calms you down
when you two go out to eat, she loves to sneak food off your plate when she thinks you’re not looking
but you always catch her :)
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