#(( figure best to know what people want to interact with more and that'll help my decision ))
waitlifted · 11 months
(( psst anyone got their thumb on the pulse of the nimona rpc who can tell me which characters are most played and which are most wanted? bc I'm in the mood to go a little crazy and set up a new muse perhaps ))
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mrghostrat · 6 months
I remember you posting a blurred gif of the outline of atws, so if you don't mind me asking, how do you do that? Like, get the outline onto paper and not just scenes in your head. That's something I've always struggled with, because it's hard to write without an outline, but hard to do the outline when I don't have a first draft? I'm not sure how to explain it so I hope this makes any sense at all lmao
ahh so fair! some people just don't operate that way and you gotta do what's best for your brain. no point exhausting all your energy trying to squeeze into a "standard writing process" that'll make writing even more difficult for yourself.
under the cut, i'm going to explain my writing process every step of the way, using scenes of ATWS. i hope it helps in some way? i don't think it's anything special, but this is just how i write to appease my adhd.
first, this might help: i once used storyplanner.com when i didn't know how to even start a story and i loved it. it's a great tool that can hold your hand every step of the way, or just prompt you to think on your own. there's over 20 planners that ask different questions like "what's your character's major flaw?" "what's the inciting incident?" "what outside elements hinder the character?" etc that will present you with a complete story structure when you're done with it.
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ok, now, how i write:
as for the post in reference, that's the 2nd stage of my writing process. i get carried away with tangents and hone in on details, so i plan in dot points to try and force myself to keep it simple and stay zoomed out.
i just write what happens in chronological order, and if i have an idea for a later scene (or something that i just want to happen, but don't know when/where/how), i note that in a separate document that i can refer to while i plan. this also allows me to gloss over vague sections to keep my writing flow going.
stage 1:
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i've started using Notion's "toggle list" feature to minimise the less important parts of a scene and keep myself focused on the overarching plot during this stage. this is what the first point looks like:
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i go beat by beat, essentially amounting to an elevator pitch for each stage of my story. "crowley and aziraphale are streamer roommates" + "people start to notice they each live with someone and the speculation starts" + "crowley and aziraphale interact on twitch" + "they attend the edinburgh meetup" etc.
i finish a story before i move on from this stage. i won't start writing something in earnest until i know how it ends.
stage 2:
this is what you saw in my gif, and why that page was so long. that's every scene i'm going to write in the story.
sometimes i jump straight from stage 1 to writing, but ATWS required a lot more figuring out before i started any kind of prose. here i'm basically noting down the details of what each scene is, the brunt of what's happening. this is when i have to figure out those "vague sections" i glossed over earlier.
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it's still just intended to be a rough outline so i know where the characters are and what's moving their relationship along. most of these dot points are short because i've already thought about them a thousand times, and may have more details noted down in a different document.
meanwhile some of them i'm planning out the scene as i'm dotting it, making not of dialogue that i want to include.
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stage 3: my bracket method
i only use this stage when i'm struggling to write and need to baby step into it. this is my "bracket method" in which i write the scene without, like... caring? some people may consider this "double handling" which may drive you mad, but it's the most helpful thing i've ever done for my process.
i switch tenses, i write how i chat (no capitals etc) and just word vomit the scene without focusing on prose. ATWS came quite easily at first, and i didn't need to use stage 3 until i got to chapter 4 and hadn't written in a few days.
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stage 4:
this is writing the actual prose, but i wanted to include it so you can see the differences, to help better understand my notes/planning/outlining stages:
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and this is what a scene looks like with stage three bridging the gap:
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spark-yukinghoul · 2 years
Never mess with The element Earth ( NSFW / 18+ )
Had no idea what else to post, no idea what else but to cherish the drummer but in a weird way, NSFW, some weird ass shit- uhh, Yeah, well, Enjoy, i hope- (there will still be spelling errors most definitely, i took my time- well then, it‘ll be taking a while for the next story- OR, you can ask me for a story-)
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(Gif by Cardi-c)
Before hand i wanna explain this story before the summary, This story is about the element of Ice and Earth, but the twist is that Ice and Earth do not get along together due to their difference and stuff. It's not the best of ideas, i am aware of that but i do not give a crap!
About the Element of Ice and Earth (This is my idea):
The Element Ice is able to choose whatever it wants to play, Violin, Piano, Drums, Guitar, Tambourine- You get the drill. The Ice Element is very energetic, open, hates the woods as they cannot find their way back from a blizzard or during a blizzard, Earth always telling them to not go outside then, but during their calling it doesn't matter what time of the day it is, what the weather looks like, they go. Earth always was a challenge to get along with, Ice avoiding the earth elements at all time.
Why? Because Earth is Quiet, a calm nature, adoring the plants and the beauty of the woods, being intimidating to that! The earth elements, despite of what the fandom of ghost says- (ITS MY IDEA!) Hates the cold, complaining to the ice elements when it is already Winter! When fall comes, Earth elements are going through their rut yes, but then when they are gone, the Ice elements make a whole ice skating hall out of the common room! (it pisses them off.) Putting it short:
Ice Element: - Energetic - Hates the Woods - has a choosing of what to play (Instrument) - Outgoing - Loud - Unorganized - Has never been Summoned before - Interacting a lot with people
Earth Element: - Calm - Loves Nature - More of a favor of Playing the Drums - More of a stay at home person - Quiet - Organized - Mostly often being Summoned - Not interacting a lot with people
Please Remember this is only a story Idea!
Warning: Swearing, Violence, NSFW, teasing, Blood
Information about the Reader: You are a Newly Summoned Ghoul, With the Element of Ice, also being the first Ice element of the Church of the Unholy, You play the Lead Guitar as you felt drawn to the instrument, Also you only learned about the Tall Drummer being an Earth Element when you felt your Element going crazy, snow falling in the dens when it happened. ( READER IS A SHE/HER!! )
Summary: You were against the idea of messing with the Earth Element, yet you were being begged to do so by your fellow Lead guitarist Dew and the Multi Ghoul Swiss, doing it but regretting it as soon as something happened while practice, this shocked you and taking matters in your own hands, you requested to stay at the Church, which Sister Imperator allowed you to do, then something interesting happened...
Pairing: Mountain x Ghoulette Reader!
You were walking to the Practice room with Dewdrop and Swiss, as you were only a few months in the band, but already 2 years in the overworld, having to earn your trust first before letting you join and knowing what you play for an instrument, these two idiots helped you practice the songs in private, Dew teaching you every riff and Swiss telling you all about the stupid stuff that'll be going on once on stage. It took you a while to figure out which ghoul was which element, but quickly knew which one was Earth, you remember it quiet good...
It was the first day of you being summoned, getting shown around the abbey grounds, it was winter as well, making your summoning something special, Winter, the Summoning, but no one thought about what element you are yet. "oh! Copia! We didn't think you'd be outside this moment, what brings you to us?" asked a ghoulette, copia shivering answered:"Looking for you my Ghulehs, Cirrus, be a dear and take this new Ghoulette to the dens with you and the rest." Cirrus took a look at you, you were only wearing a pair of shorts and a Shirt.
"Will do Copia, you go to your room though, we don't want you catching a cold!" Exclaimed Cirrus, copia waving her off before leaving to the main building were his office is found, you turned to the ghoulette, looking behind her to find another ghoulette and 3 ghouls.
Cirrus took notice of you looking behind her, giggling, "Hey guys! come meet the new Ghoulette!" she said, the other ghoulette and the ghouls walking over, taking a look at you, then a tall ghoul stepped forward, introducing himself and the others:" I am Swiss, i am the Multi ghoul, The one who called us over is Cirrus, to her left is Cumulus, those two play the Keyboard. The smaller Ghoul is Rain, he plays the bass while the last one is Aether, Rhythm guitarist."
You smiled at them, giving them a little wave before Swiss took your hand and took you to the dens to introduce you to the missing three of them, the other 4 followed, talking and laughing. Asking you a question here and there to make you feel included.
While you didn't feel unsafe or anything, it was weird being surrounded by other ghouls and ghoulettes of other elements, you only knew the feeling of being surrounded by Ice elements, now being amongst other elements, you felt a bit out of place. none the less when you have arrived at the Dens, you were lead to the common room were you saw 2 ghouls and another ghoulette.
"hey guys! we are back and we have brought someone with us!" spoke Cumulus out of the blue, the three ghouls looking at the doorway, the two who were playing uno got up and went over to meet you but the other one stayed in his place.
The ghoulette jumped at you and the other one gave you a death like stare,"I am Sunshine, that is dew!" told you sunshine, you gave them a smile, the only ghoul you haven't met yet sat on the couch close to the fireplace, the other ghouls left ,(well, Rain, Sunshine, Cumulus, Swiss, Cirrus have left-), you were standing there, with Dew, Aether and the unknown one.
Aether took your hand gently, walking over to the unknown ghoul, the closer you got to him, the stronger your element felt, as if telling you to run, the other ghoul seemed to notice it too, his element also telling him to run,"introduce yourself buddy!" said aether, the other ghoul looked at you,"Mountain...the drummer" was all he said before snowflakes fell on his face and landing on the floor.
Your eyes widened in shock, looking above you, there had formed a small cloud of snow, then hissing erupted from Mountain, you looked back at him, stepping back from Aether and Mountain, when mountain stood up, you saw how tall he is, you still felt like you should run but kept in place,"I'm sorry, i don't know what this means, this, this has never happened before!" You exclaimed
Mountain groaned, walking past you, stopping at the doorway,"Its because i am the Earth Element, you are Ice." he said before rushing to his room. "But...." you wanted to say something but cut your tongue, thinking for the time until the other ghouls had come back.
Thrown back to the reality you saw yourself standing in front of thought about ghoul, Mountain standing there, waiting for Copia to say something, not bothered b your presence beside him, you were pulled by your shirt over to Dew and Swiss, the two looking like they have something back in their head, which was exactly what you thought
“We have a plan and need you in it! Please?“ spoke Dewdrop, when dew says please you know its gonna be a lot of trouble,“No, not doing it, last time i heard you say please and i agreed you nearly got us killed!“ you exclaimed, Swiss chuckles,“We know, we know, but please? We wanna tease the tall one!“ Said Swiss,“Teasing Mountain? Hell to the nah!“ you spat back, the two kept begging until you agreed
“Shut up! Okay, okay, i am in, what is this plan?“ you asked, Dew clearing his throat,“You being jokingly choked, also being pushed up to him while playing.“ He explained, didn‘t sound dangerous to be honest,“ okay? Uh-“ you were given your guitar by Rain who just shook his head, that was not really a good sign at all, your so gonna die or do something stupid, but it‘s only one more week until the first tour, so you have to give it your best!
“Lets get Started Ghulehs!“ Exclaimed Copia, you always stood in between Swiss and Mountain, shaking you head at Swiss, flipping him off before playing the first notes of Kaisarion. Practice didn‘t seem bad, but you were choked here and there, having a little battle with Aether in between, stood several times like, next to Mountain, now, you stood in front of the earth ghoul, having a battle with Dew
You both didn‘t realize how worked up you guys were, Dew was hella angry, not taking notice of it, not until he snapped and actually flung towards you, biting your neck harshly, drawing blood from it, his teeth sunken so deep he could almost break your bones and other very needed nerves
You let your guitar hang from your shoulders as you roughly shoved Dewdrop away from you, both of you panting heavily, you felt your cold blood run down your neck, then down your shoulders, before staining your shirt with it,“WHAT THE FUCK?!“ you screamed, giving Aether your guitar, dew gave his to Rain,“I-it was an accident! I swear!“ he tried telling you
“Accident my ASS! You fucking BIT ME!“ you yelled again, that moment you flung towards him but flung at mountain who quickly jumped between Dew and you, not taking notice that moment, mind clearly fogged with anger, you have left a deep, stinging wound on his chest, using your element with the attack, making it sting thousand times worse, when Mountain groaned in pain and you were dragged away from him, you saw the damage, you didn‘t wish to hurt anyone but, except for Mountain sometimes but…you felt guilty, sorrowful…
Regret washing over your face, a stare of horror as you gaze upon the aching Drummer, You weren‘t able to say a word as you were shoved out the room by Aether, you became an animal that moment you wanted to hurt Dewdrop, now you stood in front of the door from the practice room in the ghoul dens, tears streaming down your cheeks, you weren‘t gonna allow yourself to go on tour when you can get mad this easily, also not in for when a ghoul would report this…
You quietly made your way up the dens, walking down the now empty halls as it is dinner at the moment, making your way to Sister Imperator, with a deep breath you wanted to knock on the door but stopped yourself, this is not only a one way ticket back to hell but also a punishment of your actions, you knocked on the door anyway
“Come in.“ You heard Sister Imperator, walking inside she saw the bloody claw you had, the teary face was also what gave away you did something terrible,“I-I‘m here to, hic, report myself…“ you stated, Sister Imperator stood quiet, waiting for you to continue,“I-It was at practice, D-Dewdrop a-accidentally bit my neck harshly, i-i was fogged up w-with anger, i flung at him b-but Mountain jumped between us, t-then i, i had an ice claw a-and i-i wounded him terribly…!!“ you explained
You sobbed, more tears streaming down your face,“p-please don‘t send me on the tour…i-I’d rather be send back to hell than that! I-i might hurt someone on tour…“ you added, sister imperator wrote something down that moment,“You will be staying here, i will have Mist and Alpha be your guide to control your Emotions, you will also be staying with them until the band goes on tour. Ok?“ she said, you nodded
“Who are those, mist and Alpha, Sister?“ You asked, she turned on the speakers, saying into them,“Mist and Alpha, report to my office immediately.“ turning the speakers off,“You will see in a few minutes, take a seat.“ She told you, gladly you took that offer, sitting down on one of the chairs, waiting for those Mist and Alpha, it might‘ve been 10 minutes when a knock finally was heard,“Enter.“ Sister imperator said, then two older ghouls entered, looking at you
“You wished our presence?“ asked the ghoulette,“I certainly have Mist, this ghoul, the newest addition to the band, will not be going on tour.“ Imperator said,“ She wont? May we know why?“ the ghoul asked,“Yes you may, She has reported herself, the report on being her hurting a band member in the process of a rage, certainly incapable of controlling her emotions.“ Imperator told him,“Oh my, that‘s horrible!“ exclaimed mist
“It certainly is, She will be staying with you and the other ghouls until the band goes on tour, i also wish of you two, that you teach her as to how to control her emotions.“ Imperator stated, the ghoul walked over to you, offering you a hand, your bloody claw arose, but quickly went back down, not wanting to like, get his clothes dirty, but he took your bloody claw into his hand and made you stand up,“My name is Alpha, my fiend here is Mist, pleasure meeting you.“ Alpha said, you nodded
“now, get out of my office!“ Imperator said, you were dragged out the room, but the dragging stopped after a minute or two, hand still being held but now you were walking in a slow pace,“Which one did you hurt, if we are allowed to know of course!“ spoke Mist, you were still crying but cracked out:“Mountain“, mist shoved Alpha away, he let go of your hand and mist hugged you tightly,“Oh unholy satanas, i hope he‘ll forgive you!“ she said
hopefully…..yeah…the three of you made your way through the halls of the ghoul dens before ending in a much more secluded and comfier area, then You stood in mist‘s room, taking in she has two beds but only one is being used,“I used to hope I’ll get a roommate, now its kind off reality!“ she said, a small smile crept to your face, she and alpha are so kind to you
The night was nice, full of laughter and chatting, meeting the other older ghouls, they were nice, except for the one group they call Nihil’s ghouls, you noted that you should never approach them, never ever! You had a fun night, you were asked about what you liked, what you have for hobbies, your element, etc.
The morning you woke up, looking at the calendar, you have 6 more days until the band left, you cracked your knuckles and neck before getting dressed and walked up the dens and down the halls with mist to go and do your tasks, you and mist have the same tasks, that was on purpose from sister imperator, you walking outside through the snow with mist to go to the library to help Sister Lisa with organizing returned books back to their place
The time flew by, tasks were done quickly, no practice too, it was on your plan yeah but, you skipped practice, not able to face the band, you were quick to think mountain will hut you as bad as you have hurt him, you didn‘t wanna risk it, you‘re NOT, gonna risk it!
On day 4 though, you wanted to have your guitar back, you left it in the practice room, knowing the band, their all in the common room of theirs, or in bed or doing whatever, creeping your way down the halls and to the practice room, you heard nothing in the room, no talking, no music, not even movement, you are lucky, you thought
You quietly entered the room, spotting your guitar quickly, the one ghoul you wanted to avoid most, was holding it, Mountain was fucking holding your Guitar,“Was wondering when you‘d get it.“ he spoke, he doesn‘t talk much, and you didn‘t like to stay quiet, but the tables have turned this Time, you were careful as you approached him,“not gonna talk?“ he asked you, you shook your head in response
He walked towards you, meeting you in the middle, he stood straight in front of you, guitar in hands and looking down at your figure, you looked up at him and waited for him to say something, but he didn‘t, he gave you your guitar, which you took but you didn‘t go dashing through the door, you were still feeling guilty for wounding him,“how…“ you took a moment to think, his head titled before you continued to speak:“ How is, your chest..?“ you asked
He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a big scar,“left a huge scar, but else its fine.“ he said, the scar worried you of your strength, quickly your gaze was directed to the floor, he buttoned his shirt again, you had this fight or flight sense kick but you stood there, on fight mode, pushing the chaos of element away,“I‘m, sorry…“ you said quietly, he heard it but said.“What? I didn‘t hear you.“
Thats when your head snapped back up at him, tears streaming down your face, mountain has heard a lot about the Ice elements but never heard of an Ice element Crying when hurting an Earth element and feeling guilty,“I‘m sorry! I‘m sorry, i am so sorry for hurting you mountain!“ you said, guitar over your shoulder,“I already have reported the incident to sister imperator, i am not going on tour that is in 2 days! I am staying here, to dangerous that i might hurt someone again!“ You added
Mountain was looking for some sort of joke in that one, he didn‘t find it, you were dead serious, you were done with the situation, dashing back to the other ghouls, down the halls and just crashing into Alpha who was sent to find you as it was dinner time for them, he took you to mist‘s room, letting you rest there, letting your emotions settle…
The band was already one tour for 4 months, you stood your ground and stayed in the Church, playing the music you love, practicing other songs, you even learned how to play the bass! You felt at peace with Mist and Alpha, you felt safe, you were currently in your and mist‘s room, mist and alpha went to town with some other ghouls but you don‘t like going out, thats when you suddenly received FaceTime call, it was an Unknown number
Swiss texted you only a minute later,
SwissBro: Hey! That FaceTime is safe! I gave one of the other members your Number!
You send a thumbs up before answering the call, you were met with the Body of someone, but not their face, you were to stunned to speak, you want to know which ghoul it is, You know about Swiss, Dew, Cirrus and Cumulus, so who is that? From the stature it is a male
The phone was placed on a table, facing down at the ghouls crotch, he proceeded to unbuckle his belt, hand sliding in his pants, pulling out his rather big Cock, it was twitching, precum already dripping from its tip, you felt your face heat up, hearing the heavy breathing from the ghoul, a sudden deep voice speaking up, making you flinch and feeling yourself getting turned on by the ghouls voice,“You‘ll be getting this big cock once we get back in two weeks~“
The ghoul stroke his shaft slowly, teasing you badly, he took his phone in hand, only showing his cock, you knew he‘ll hang up in the next moment,“Which, which ghoul are you?“ you asked him, a chuckle came from him, “You‘ll have to figure out yourself~“ was the only response you got before he hung up, you put your phone aside, thinking about it, who was it? It could‘ve been Aether or Rain, You do not take mountain in the options, you don‘t think at all it could‘ve been him.
The next few days until the band comes back, you and that number were Talking a lot over text, you even received some dick pics from that ghoul, though it was weird you have send nudes to him, receiving compliments or voice messages from him, mostly compliments or his moans of your name, you took your phone with you while walking around the halls
As you heard a chuckle behind you, a hand held your mouth shut, the same deep voice talking,“ we‘re back, any ideas ass to who i am?~“ you tried getting a glimpse of the ghoul, you hear held to look ahead,“ seemingly no, lets go to a more private room~“ slowly walking to the dens, you were forced to look ahead, not getting one glimpse of the ghoul
Walking into your room, you were suddenly blindfolded,“now you won‘t see my face“ he said, pushing you forward on your knees, choking you softly with his tail, it was a weird feeling, but you really liked this, though you should be running or calling for help, you thought it was Rain or Aether though, so you trusted the ghoul in the room, letting him choke you, his fingers feel so soft, his breathing was being heard perfectly, the way his fingers were choking you, his other hand roaming freely over your clothed body, softly gripping your waist
"Naughty girl, such a naughty little girl~" he spoke, his voice directly in your ear, his breath so hot, you could melt into the firey gates beneath you, back to hell, it was something you never could've imagined someone would do to you, your ice cold skin feeling a warmth creep within it, your blood feeling hotter than normal, an aching pain built in your stomach, did you wish to be touched this badly? Surely not! or maybe you did crave this kind of touch longer than thought?
You thought back a bit, you really wanted to crave this kind of touch yeah, but, this feeling only happened to creep in your body the other day that Mountain and you were alone in the practice room, as he gave you your guitar, seeing his chest with the big scar, it was kinda hot,"Your drooling little one~" you heard,"thinking about something?~"
You were thinking about Mountain, the ghoul you should hate, your Elements do not go together, you do not wanna hate him tho! You, want him to be yours, fuck, Satanas almighty, You craved the touch from Mountain, the one ghoul who you never expected to get in touch with! "I am talking to you Babe." You heard, flinching in surprise you also let out a squeak,"What are you thinking about?~" he asked, you had no way of talking your way out of it
"I'm, uhm, i'm thinking about the Drummer..." you simply said, a deep chuckle caught your attention,"Is that so? Why don't you just relax and scream his name when you climax little girl~" He told you, you must be blushing a deep shade of red, you felt like your burning, why did this ghoul told you to do so? You quickly were ripped out of your thoughts due to this ghoul pulling to your bed, making you sit on it, slender fingers sliding under your habit, softly pulling it off, the warm touch and warm air is something you barely feel, but it was amazing
His tongue licking across a scar that came with dewdrops bite those months ago, it didn't ache anymore but it was rather sensitive, you bit back a gasp, his tongue felt like it wants to taste every part of your body, heck, who are you kidding? This ghouls takes his time, making sure you are still comfortable! like he knows your every move, your every sensitive little spot, kinda creepy
His hands were resting on your thighs, your body was reacting in its own way, your hands were slowly roaming over his body, he was still in his Tour costume, your fingers were softly pushed further down, that moment you could've sworn you saw stars behind the blindfold, his erected cock was still clothed but it felt huge already, making you feel your folds, they were getting wetter every moment you thought about this ghouls length
no more words were spoken, it was making you feel a bit uneasy but this ghoul didn't seem to mean any harm, he only pulled away when he took off his shirt and boots, pushing on your back he pulled you further up on the bed, your legs around his waist, feeling your undergarments being taken off, first the bra, then the matching panties, not the thigh highs tho, seems he has a thing for it, his fingers found their way to your womanhood (i feel awkward for using Pussy- sorry!), pushing through your folds carefully with a single finger, biting your moans back he growled low
this send a jolt of pleasure down your spine, a shaky moan left you, a second finger suddenly entered you, a more breathy moan escaping you, it was a bit painful yeah, but you enjoyed it for some odd reason, you were enjoying this pain that came in a mix of pleasure, this feeling of pleasure and pain, making sure you are prepared to take his huge cock inside you, this ghoul must see you as fragile, else he wouldn‘t be so careful, you were quiet honestly becoming a moaning mess
A mess under his touch, under the touch of this ghoul, making you feel amazing, choking you softly, fingering you rather rough, stretching your insides for him, his tail holding down your hands against the soft sheets of the bed, his lips captured yours in a soft yet also passionately rough kiss, getting you all heated and wild for this, and oh Satanas, it‘s working, it is working so good, you’re trembling weakly, moans muffled by his lips, your skin felt warm and soft
When he pulled away from the kiss, he made sure to finger you even rougher than he already was, making you scream slightly, feeling you‘re coming close to your limit, you decided to play Naughty Girl and not even warn him, he was teasing you earlier, with a hitched, more like Sharp inhale, you trembled badly underneath his gaze, your limit reached, his fingers were no longer moving, he did slowly slide his fingers our of your folds, tasting you,“You taste excellent my Beautifully Naughty Girl~“ he spoke suddenly
“I thought i said to scream his name when you climax, or not?“ he asked, you gasped when his grip on your neck tightened a bit,“Y-yeah, you did“ you responded, trying not to come over as needy right now, fuck, you didn‘t care who it was that was about to screw you! You just want to feel good, your thoughts are foggy, this fog being from lust, something you never really felt before,“Heh, well, then scream it next time, cause i believe you‘re ready for my Cock~“ He said, you yelped in shock, hearing him unbuckle and unzip his pants, but it seems he doesn‘t take them off
You squealed when suddenly you felt his tip against your folds, his hands both roamed down to hold your hips tightly, pushing himself through your folds, making you cry in this new feeling, you have endured the constant screams of the other ghouls and sisters when screwing each other, but never thought you‘d do it yourself, his right hand slid down your thigh and pulled it over his shoulder, you felt so full
He groaned, his cock was so deep inside you, you could see the stars once more, but more clear, he is the first to make you see stars too, he seemingly is skilled with people like you, it must look really hot for him, this sight of you, hands held above your head with his tail, blindfolded, your half open mouth, your chest rising and falling rapidly, your right leg over his shoulder, his left hand holding your hip tightly, seeing how his cock is filling you up, he loves this sight
His hips snapped once to make you flinch, you didn‘t flinch, you let out a loud moan, a deep chuckle erupted from his throat,“So beautiful~“ he praised you, snapping his hips again, another moan came from you, his eyes were piercing through the blindfold, you could feel it, you wanted to see who this ghoul is, you wanted to know so badly!
Your tail wrapped around his waist, he didn‘t bother asking, his teasing hip snapping went to a rapidly rough pace, making you feel good with every move of his hips, moans coming from you, the sound of skin clapping, the smell of lust, the feeling of pleasure, it was all filling the room, he could only imagine the lust filling your eyes, this deep lustfull gaze, the one he also saw on the nudes you had send him
This ghoul knew so much from bandmates, siblings of sin and over your texts, but to that you were an open book to read for him, easily to tell what you like, love, dislike and hate, his lips were connected to your neck, kissing it softly, leaving a hickey here and there, You felt your second orgasm approaching, you were still a moaning wreck, yet you still had strength over your voice, his name being the only thing you can think off right now, the one he told you to scream when you climax
“M-Mountain, Ah Fuck, Mountain, Mountain!“ You screamed, his hips also moving faster than before, your second orgasm had already came to its limit but this ghoul wants to make sure you also come a third time, this being the last one and also his own climax,“such a good girl~“ the ghoul praised, groaning coming from him
As you were so sensitive from the first two orgasm, you were quick to approach your third and final one,“M-Mountain!~“ You mewled, your orgasm approached quick,“Mountain!!“ you screamed, his own limit reached as you screamed one last time, knotting you, he had also bitten down on the exact some spot were dewdrop had bitten you months ago, your chest was rising quick but falling shakingly, your trembling so bad, your mind completely fogged
This ghoul took his time when finally sliding out of you, a mixture of your own cum, his cum and some blood was flowing out of you, when he saw the blood you could feel that he tensed up,“shit…“ you heard him whisper, you were laying there, hands above your head, leg still over his shoulder, trying to catch your breath,“Ugh, fuck!“ he cursed out aloud,“what…“ you were still out of breath, trying your best to get this sentence out,“What‘s wrong babe?“ you felt your leg drop on the mattress, hands free again, thats when you felt your body ache
“Nothing, don‘t worry, just, Wait before you take off the blindfold, ok?“ he asked, with a nod you feel him getting off of the bed, buckling and zipping his pants again, the sound of the door and his quick footsteps were a clear sign of him getting something, you laid there, the pain and exhaustion hitting you, something else made you flinch, a yell from down the hall and someone running, a door slam and huffing,“I‘m, uh, back, jeez.“ he said
you were able to get a room with a connected bathroom, even an ice ghoul needs a nice warm bath here and there! The sound of water from the bathroom got your attention,“You need a bath lil one.“ he stated, an exhausted huff came from you, his fingers going softly under your back and ankles, carrying to the bathroom, the water running being stopped, your exhausted body hitting the warm water was only an addition to getting you sleepy
The ghoul took the messy bedsheets, stripping the sheet covers off, getting the fresh sheet covers, a softer kind, he somehow figured out how you like Soft and fluffy sheet covers, pillows, plushies and Pajamas, it makes you relax better, feeling so much better after a rough day, him making the bed gave you time to wash your body carefully, you were still blindfolded but you wanna take it off soon
“Are you, feeling good?“ the ghoul asked, you hummed in response, wanting to get to bed now, you feel so tired after being screwed tonight, the fog in your mind clearing, exhaustion hitting you in every corner of your body, sinking slowly into the water, you were held up by the ghoul quickly,“lets get you dried and dressed, you need rest right now“ he said, hey wait, his deep voice seemed to have softened
Your body hit the cool air at a sudden, soft towel caressing your body, drying your skin, then the feeling of clothing was suddenly crept up your body, first the panties, then the soft pajama pants and last but not least, a oversized, soft hoodie, the blindfold slipped down when the hoodie was pulled down your head, your eyes meeting the ghouls hair, horns and back in sight too, hair a deep brown with soft black ends, horns fading from ash grey into a dark green to the tips
He picked you up, your legs around his waist, arms around his neck, his arms around your waist, carrying you to the bed,“your hair looks beautiful…“ you said in a tired tone, back hitting the mattress, once he let go of you, you turned on your side, you scotted over a bit more, patting the space in front of you, he took a deep breath, lifting the blanket and layer down in front of you, when you saw his chest, you swore your soul left your body
Just before the tour, when they left, you and mountain had a small talk in the practice room, you apologized, he showed you his chest, showing you the scar you left, a chill running down your spine, you are shocked, “M- i, uh, Mountain?!“ you stuttered, slowly looking up to meet his eyes,“Yeah, Hey“, he pulled you into his chest, stroking your hair,“Wha, i don‘t understand!!“ you exclaimed
“At first, it was more of a revenge plan, it still was but, i did fall for you at some point last year, the guy that called you, it was me, i texted you the whole time, i couldn‘t talk to you without the colliding of our Elements, it sucked.“ he spoke, in all the time you have been here, all the time in hell, you never expected to end up with the one Element that is able to make your inner Elemental monster go crazy
“Wait, how were you, like, how-“ he pulled your figure up to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, you didn‘t feel this need to run, you had this feeling you needed to stay with him, that without him you‘d be all alone, that you‘d need to hide from everyone else, he pulled back from you, stroking your hair once again,“oh Y/n, don‘t worry you sweet little girl, when i was on tour, my element was going wild, but, didn‘t your calling happen like about a month ago?“
Thats right, your calling was different than normal, snow everywhere, but you felt no joy, your element going wild, but no one to be mesmerized, your body was feeling like it was pulled by strings by someone on tour,“You felt sad, right?“, you nodded in response,“Your calling normally is joyful, your mind not giving a care, as if the strings were cut, you being safe and sound, when we were gone, i was being pulled back, i felt angry, not what i usually feel.“
You don‘t understand it, before tour you guys were literally going NUTS when near each other,“I kept my element on defense, we are mates to put it short.“ You were fucking lost, exhausted to the max,“but…revenge?“ you made out, “though the scar wasn‘t on purpose, i wanted some sort of revenge“ he said
The gates of dreams welcoming you with open arms, snuggling into mountains chest, you purred, comfort, warmth, exhaustion, it all came hitting to you at once,“My naughty Little girl“ he said, you hummed quietly,“Remember my little Withered Rose, Never mess with the Earth Element“ he said, holding you close, so close,“mhm…never mess with an earth element…“ you mumbled, the slumber catching you…Goodnight
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havinghorns · 1 year
Hi, happy Friday!
Serious transition related Q. As always, up to your discretion to answer.
You've talked a bit about passing/not passing and how people react to/assume your gender.
I just started T and I feel like its not unlikely I'll end up in a similar zone of trans masc. I dress flamboyantly and my presentation is fluid. I know what my medical transition goals are, but I've been mulling over the social parts for the past few weeks.
I'm also neurodivergant and trying to figure out, what social norms might change depending on how im perceived and will those changes be awkward uncomfy like when I do neurodivergant things in public, or will they put me in danger as more visibly trans, has been puzzling. I'm curious how differently assumed identities affect how people treat you? I feel like voice drop should help a lot with interactions with strangers, but I also have long hair and am not very tall etc. I'm used to being perceived as a 'wrong type' of woman and socialized that way. I want that to change but I honestly don't know what direction that'll go in.
If you have any thoughts or resources on the topic I'd really appreciate it.
Hmm I mean, it's a little hard to answer because obviously it'll be really individual and really dependant on your own environment.
Like my job is almost entirely queer in terms of staff so there's really no difference in how any gender or expression is interacted with socially. With patients I do sometimes struggle with being seen as younger than j am and not being taken seriously, which I honestly get madder about than any gender perception lol. My current friends/partners have always known I'm trans so there's been no change there either.
Out and about, I mostly still get seen as a weird, unattractive woman, which essentially makes you invisible--something I personally don't mind. At worst (so far) I'll get a doubletake or stink eye in the bathroom, or moved over to the "female" pat down line for a concert, and I'm non confrontational enough to shrug and take it bc what difference does it make. But I also live in a pretty LGBTQ frienfly city. I do stress out about how to dress when I travel, and try to go for a more distinctly "gay man" style which feels like the lesser possibility of getting the shit best out of me but not offending my own vanity (I'm an idiot)
IDK I dont really have advice, some days are easier than others and I'm figuring it out day by day too. Pick your battles, my usual mantra is "If I'm never going to see this person again, it's not worth correcting them on my name/pronouns" but I'm also a weenie IRL lol.
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definitelynotshouting · 8 months
Hello!! I hope youre doing wonderfully :D Ive finally had time to do my first set of quotes for this chapter, enjoy!
- ☀️
"in this moment, he is both river and person, the turbulence of churning water sweeping him away beneath a layer of solid ice."
- I REALLY like the imagery of this. Grian being both the thing that destroys and the thing that gets destroyed. He's a force of nature: unstoppable and deadly (as a watcher, who *could* stop him from doing anything he wants, if he wanted to?), but he's also the one getting sucked under the water and unable to escape the flood. He CANT stop what he's doing; his actions hurt the people he loves the most, but as much as he fought against it he couldnt escape
- His hate for the watchers exists in two main fields: turning him into a watcher- turning him into someone else, and how his biology in turn hurts his loved ones. Ouch
- ☀️
"A wailing, ravaged keen rises up from the core of him— he just wants to die! He just wants to die."
"Grian latches onto it without thinking, digging claws and teeth into a dribbling cut and ripping it clean open."
- SO. 1) the fore is shadowing. Grian being so tired and hungry that he cant help but feed is making me super excited to see what happens once they get back to hermitcraft. Especially because im guessing that'll be right after he uses the harming pots, and he wont be in his right mind to stop himself. Either that or he'll just be so caught up in his feels like he is here and so hungry that he feeds. I cant wait to see how that goes down
- 2) this entire sequence making him more determined to kill himself. He was just spiralling about how he wants to die, and THEN he accidentally feeds on X and Scar, AND THEN when mumbo shows up we're already seeing the start of his destructive behaviour. Isolating himself from his best friend :( THAT WHOLE SECTION WHERE MUMBO IS JUST STANDING OUTSIDE THE DOOR ASKING TO COME IN AND GRIAN STAYING QUIET PHYSICALLY HURT. Me when im in a self-destruction competition and my opponent is hunger au!Grian
- ☀️
"Disquiet leaks out from beneath the door— a creeping, crawling notion that the world no longer makes sense, fits poorly around one's shoulders. Like a worn, childhood coat, stained with the devastating loss of innocence."
- D: *distressed* i love this metaphor so much omg <3333
- Mumbo just wants his friend back grian please let him in.
- I really like how the coat metaphor, "fits poorly around one's shoulders" could reference how Grian's body doesnt feel like his anymore because of the watcher parasite
- In reference to Mumbo, the coat was new before they found out Grian was the one who made the games, but now it's ill-fitting and Mumbo doesn't know who Grian is anymore. Their friendship feels hollow, or "stained."
im so glad you liked these quotes from the chapter-- it was a lot of fun writing them, and im also having a blast watching people try to figure out whats gonna happen next >:] im glad the interaction (or lack thereof) with Mumbo was so gutting, because my gods we are not even remotely done with that yet<3
Thank you for sending these!!! It was really nice to read them, im so happy you liked what you've read so far!!!! :]❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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flame-shadow · 1 year
Got an HK oc but don’t really have anything with them aside from the concept, any pointers?
Short answer: Put them in a situation that interests/engages you as the creator.
Long answer: This will get rambly as I have many thoughts and will include personal examples. You have been warned.
First thing to keep in mind is that people often tackle their character creation/development processes differently, so while I'll offer a few thoughts and methods, if they don't work for you (or whoever else is reading this), that's okay! I hope they'll at least help spark something that will help you get there. :)
To elaborate on my short answer, there are sooooo many ways to put a character in a situation, and what situation will be most inspirational depends on the character and the creator. (note: I will conflate situation and conflict. for the purposes of this post, they mean pretty much the same thing, as a situation wouldn't be a situation if there wasn't some sort of conflict qualifying it as such)
For example, I am a fan of Man vs Nature and Man vs Self. These conflict types include a character working against some natural process (Charon vs the crystals which trap his mind and animate his body) and a character working against some aspect of themself (Koretta dealing with her guilt and self-loathing while desperately wanting to form connections with other characters). If I want to develop these characters, I would put them in situations where they must confront these things. (Charon wants to destroy all the crystals so he can die, but the more he does that, the more the crystals regrow and the less autonomy he has. Given who he is, he will not stop, and neither will the crystals because of what they are. His actions and fate are futile but inevitable)
If you haven't developed a character far enough that you know what conflicts would best suit them, then think about what they already have (any personality or physical traits, any motivations, any associations with the world/other characters) and think about how one or two of those things might be explored and elaborated on. If you're trying this out, make sure you loosen up and remind yourself that it's okay if the idea doesn't end up working out or fit the character!
Sometimes, I go, "hmm, how would Fraught deal with this? let's try...." and then by the time I finish thinking or writing about it, I decide that she would not actually do that. And guess what, that's great! I might not have figured out what she does do yet, but I now know for sure something that she doesn't do, and I likely figured something else about her during the process that'll help me build on the next exploration.
Another thing that might help is to think about how the character fits into and interacts with the world! I like to keep the scope small, associating each character mostly with one or two regions that I most enjoy (Kingdom's Edge, Greenpath, City, Deepnest. most of my HK characters are associated with at least one of these areas). What do you like about the region? What questions do you have or details would you like to explore, and can your character help you dive in? (Cyra spends a lot of time in Kingdom's Edge because it's quiet and lonely, and I really like booflies, so I gave her Jerome, a boofly who becomes a friend and helps her work on being less lonely and antisocial)
Also also also!! Don't be afraid to indulge yourself! Maybe you have an idea which really interests you but which you aren't sure if it really fits. Or maybe it's something you've seen other people express disinterest or dislike in. Well, fuck that. This is your character, and if you want to make them a character you enjoy working with, you should make them fun! Give them magic! Let them be a master at all the martial arts! Make them the baddest bug around! For a less extreme example, I know some people are iffy about making vessel OCs who can speak, and that's fine if it makes their vessel OC more engaging to them, but the vessel is already "imperfect", so why not give it an "imperfection" which will ensure you enjoy writing them? It could be a simple voice (and think about what they sound like and if they like how they sound), and then there's how they speak and where/who they learned from. Or spice it up by having them be able to mimic voices, for example, if you want shenanigans! That could be fun, especially if they manage to maintain a guise of being voiceless.
Alternatively, if you like problem solving, then explore the limitations of your character. Continuing with the vessel example, leave them mute and then explore how they might communicate with other bugs. Are they good at charades? Can they learn sign language? What if reading/writing is too hard for them? Perhaps they learn Morse code instead? Or maybe they don't give a fuck about communicating with other bugs! How do they feel about the reactions that other bugs have to this? How do they deal with being misinterpreted? How do they react when someone gets angry at them "ignoring" being talked to? Etc, etc.
I'm sure there are other things I could add, but I want to wrap this up with a synthesis using an example of a character of mine who quickly became a favorite but who I almost didn't make at all. Mossy Fool! Take a gander at this specimen:
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[this ref is a few years old, so it's a little outdated, but it's a snapshot at a point in his creation while I was concluding the exploration stage and before I had fully developed him]
So, what's so special about him? Well, let's start from the beginning! I am a big fan of the Mosskin Tribe, and I love the Colosseum of Fools. Because those are often in my brain, I noticed one day that the moss knights and the shielded fools are kind of similar. In addition to general body proportions, they also both have nail and shield. So I gave myself the design challenge to combine the two. What if a moss knight joins the colosseum of fools? What would they look like?
I was just focused on the visuals. I did many sketches, came up with many ideas to combine the two aesthetics and accessories and features. Eventually, I went with one of the simpler but most cohesive designs. And then I thought that was it! I liked the design, but I didn't have any sort of personality in mind, no motivations, no skills apart from "can swing nail and block with shield" which is suuuuper basic.
But I liked the design too much to leave it alone. And so, I decided since it was already a curious premise, why not go further? What are some abilities I can give him to make it reasonable that he might survive in the Colosseum? What will be fun to me? I knew just making him Generically Good At Fighting wouldn't engage me enough (no shade on those types. I have other OCs who fill that role and whom I am happy with! but that wasn't interesting for this character), so I figured I'd explore what from Greenpath might have to offer to make this Mossy Fool fellow stand out. What charms and abilities are found in that area? I honed in on Thorns of Agony. I decided that his mossy cloak would have to adapt to the Colosseum as well as the knight, so under certain circumstances where the knight is under duress/close to death/startled severely, the cloak will lash out with thorny vines! (There were body horror aspects I explored later with the cloak, but they're less relevant to early development) Not only was it a cool way to incorporate the ability, but it made drawing the character more engaging because heck yeah vine time! It looks cool!
And speaking of looks, I wanted there to be more visual association to Greenpath than just him being a moss knight, so I thought about emphasizing his association with Unn and how knights/warriors in our world have developed sigils and symbols and clan markings and so on to signify their allegiances. And I imagine being as recognizable and iconic as one can be in a gladatorial setting like the Colosseum of Fools would encourage developing an identifiable symbol, too. So, he's a moss knight which means he serves Unn, so he paints Unn on his shield! I then decided that part of his post-fight ritual would be to repaint the symbol. This habit informs other aspects of his character, too.
And then, what about his personality? Well, I recognized at the time that I had many edgy/rude/antisocial characters, as that is one of my favorite types of character to play with. However, I wanted to go against that for this guy, so I decided to explore him being a himbo! (some friends also encouraged this choice, and we had many OOC jokes made at his expense) He's kind, he's strong, he's not bright; he loves fighting but he has a personal code and will not hurt others outside the arena unless it's self-defense. This was a contrast both to many of my other characters and also to what I perceived as the typical Fool personality type (ie. superiority, over-confidence, lofty goals, super competitive).
All of this combined was developed over, hmmm, a few months? Maybe closer to half a year. But it doesn't ever really stop! Three years since inception, and I still do stuff with him, and he's still developing as I put him in more situations and even explore his backstory, working out what factors caused him to become The Mossy Fool. (I love him a lot. He is one of my favorite HK characters)
And yeah! That is where I will stop before I go on for another ten paragraphs adksjflsajkdfld
I do hope this was helpful, insightful, amusing, or something else that elicits a positive or at least bemused reaction. Thank you for the ask, and best wishes on developing your character!
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writebackatya · 2 years
⭐ for the fanfic ask game! 🙂
Okay first off, thank you @shychick-52. Second, dealer's choice, huh? Well okay, let's see here: I know for a fact you're a big Gyro fan and I'm a big Della Duck fan so let's talk about what I think their dynamic would be
So like many DuckTales (2017) fans, I too am disappointed we never got to see Della and Gyro interact with one another. The closest thing we got to interaction seen in the beloved episode Timephoon!, but hey I don't see this as a bad thing. It's really fun trying to figure out the dynamic between characters that unfortunately never interacted
So based on their personalities, their relationships with others, comments about Gyro from Della, Gyro's cute little note about Della in the manual etc; I like to think that Della and Gyro would have this dynamic that I can best describe as "frenemies" mixed with sibling rivalry
So far, I've only written two things with Della and Gyro interacting with one another; The Indi-Quack! story Convergence at Bud's Dispensary! and the first chapter of The Three Caballeros (and Della)! but it certainly won't be the last time I write stuff featuring those two. In fact originally Gyro was only supposed to appear three times throughout the story; once in the first chapter of The Three Caballeros (and Della)! and then have a small moment in the middle of the story and then appear at the end. But I had a lot of fun writing the phone call scene with him and Della so I think I'll have Della update Gyro on her and Donald's journey throughout the story. And as for Indi-Quack! I have WIP that'll mainly focus on Della and Gandra, but there's this moment between Della and Gyro at the beginning of the story that I really want to talk about but can't because I don't wanna spoil it, so I'mma just gonna talk about what I have already written and published
Something I noticed whenever I write the two interacting with one another is that Della is always the one who is trying to start shit with Gyro. It's like she's playing this game of "How Quick Can I Make Gyro Stoop Down to My Level?" and Gyro is well aware of her game, but can't seem to help himself from giving into her little game
Anyway, let's talk nicknames! IMO one of the best part of writing interactions between characters that did not interact with one another on the show is coming up with nicknames for said characters to call one another!
One of the nicknames I love having Della call Gyro is Gadget Man, which is a reference to the original DuckTales series episode Sir Gyro De Gearloose where in that episode Gyro constantly reminds the audience that he is tired of being known as Duckburg's "Gadget Man" who fixes people's stuff by angrily shouting "Gadget Man" in frustration whenever he feels like he's being seen as just a "Gadget Man". Anyway, when I first watched that episode I remember immediatley thinking "Oh my god, Della would definitely call Gyro "Gadget Man" just to piss him off." I remember reading this one one-shot called Black Licorice?! and I thought it was funny that in that story the writer also had Della refer to Gyro as Gadget Man, so it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels Della would call Gyro that. But hey, I'm not saying the first person to do that, I just love opportunities where I can make the older character make references to the original DuckTales
And because I love making dumb puns, I like the other nickname Della has for Gyro which is Lab Rat. Some context for those who haven't read Indi-Quack! but in the story it is revealed that in the past Gyro had once caught Della smoking in his lab and tattled on her to Scrooge or in other words, "ratted her out"
And all though she was not brains behind this final nickname for Gyro, Bowtie, she has adopted it because she knows it gets on Gyro's nerves. More context for those who don't know. Bowtie is a nickname that I have Gandra call Gyro in the same vein of her calling Fenton, Suit. Della just thinks the name is funny because it's making fun of Gyro's bowtie which she thinks is dumb
As for Gyro's nickname for Della, it was a no-brainer. He knows he only needs one name to get on her nerves and that's Dumbella and yeah, it pisses her off
And all though the majority of the dialogue I write for the two are just petty bickering back-and-forth, I do try to imply that no these two do not hate each other and are really good friends, this is just how they show it
In Convergence at Bud's Dispensary! I like the moment where Della finds out that Fenton and Gandra were seeing one another while Gandra was working for F.O.W.L
and she responds with "Oh that is so cool! I've been on so many different adventures and met so many different people, but not once have I ever had a realtionship that came from someone that was once an enemy and/or rival!"
To which Gyro rolls his eyes and asks, "Oh what, that one Greek goddess you had thing with just wasn't enough."
To which Della responds with "She was never an enemy or rival, Gyro! It's not the same thing!" Because duh, it isn't. Come on Gyro.
I like that moment because Della and Gyro knew each other during a time when homosexual relationships were a taboo to society, so the very fact that Gyro knew about Della's relationship with Selene implies a mutual trust between the two and that they can confide in one another if they ever needed to. Which is why I also picked out Gyro to be the one who Della picks out to watch over the mansion in The Three Caballeros (and Della)!
Picking out Gyro as the one who watches the mansion for Della and Donald while Scrooge and Duckworth are gone in The Three Caballeros (and Della)! just made sense to me and I'm really happy with how the phone call scene between Della and Gyro came out
It starts off with Gyro answering his landline phone with a professional yet somewhat arrogant way by referring to himself as a "genius inventor" to which Della immediately responds by saying "Whaaaaassssuuup, Gadget Man!?" (this is a pre-canon fic that takes place in the year 2000 in case you couldn't tell) and then proceeds to treat him like a handyman service and asks him if he could fix her...well, there could be kids reading this post so I'm not gonna say what it is here
While writing the rest of their conversation I wanted to imply that they both know how to rub the other in the wrong way but know when to not take things too far with the other such as Della being extra careful not to offend Gyro about the subject of his robots always turning evil (but then immediately throwing that at him as soon as he insults her and Donald). As well as showing the two are willing to help one another out when needed such as the moment when Della and Donald get caught up in little slapstick on their end and Gyro immediately showing concern for Della and asking if she was in any danger. Or at the end when Gyro is in danger (because of one of his robots), Della asks if he needs them to help him out of his little mess before they head out. Another note about this story: I'm still proud that I gave Gyro the first proper F-bomb in the story. I just felt he deserved it
Anyway, hope you enjoyed my ramblings! Thanks again for the ask! It's funny when I started writing DuckTales fanfics, I did not know I was going to enjoy writing Gyro this much. Hopefully I can finish up the final chapter of Up, Up, and Away! so I can finish up that Indi-Quack! story where Della and Gandra work on the Gizmocloud in Gyro's lab and get super high. As well as writing for The Three Caballeros (and Della)!. So expect more Della and Gyro interactions from me in the future
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
With You Always
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***So I really really really love this idea, but I'm going to tweak it just a little bit so rather than only seeing them in mirrors, MC can just always see them when the brothers aren't around. This one is going to take place after they return to the human realm. I'm also going to be using he/him pronouns for the crush that'll be mentioned. I figured since all the dateables in the game identify as male, it'd be a safe bet. Thank you so so much for this creative request @gender-less-lemon (also I freaking love your profile picture. Monster Camp/Prom is hilarious)***
Summary: An average day of high school with MC...and the seven pact manifestations that haunt their vision.
TW: Bullying You were awoken not by an alarm, or your guardian, or even some random noise from outside, but rather a phantom gnawing on your arm. With a groan, you blinked open your eyes and saw just your regular old room, with one minor difference; a spectral red bear was happily teething on your elbow. You chuckled and pet the manifestation, noting the brightly glowing symbol of gluttony resting in its stomach. "Okay, Beel," you mumbled to yourself as you dragged yourself out of bed, pushing the purple translucent calf sleeping on your stomach, in the process. "I hear you." Ever since you had returned to the human realm, you had been followed around by spectral manifestations of the seven pacts that you owned. By the looks of things, no one else could see them, and they only appeared when the connected sin was active or needed, but it helped you feel less alone. You missed the brothers more than you had anticipated. It was more than a little bit of a culture shock to go from being loved and spoiled every day to being the misfit in your high school. Speaking of which, you needed to get going if you weren't going to be late. As you rushed around our room frantically grabbing the things you needed to get ready, the calf-like manifestation of sloth sat on your bed mooing in complaint. You sent a glare over to it as you finished collecting your belongings. "Trust me, I rather stay home and sleep too, buddy. But I have to go." Grabbing some fruit on your way out the door, you just managed to make it to school on time. Now it was simply a matter of surviving the day.
In all honesty, you preferred RAD to high school. In RAD, the subjects were interesting and grasped your attention without any problems at all. You had friends, even outside of the brothers. Sure there were always demons that would talk down about the kid human that clung to the demon lords, but you had the brothers to protect you. It was nice.
Now that you were back in the human world, you had none of that. In fact, you were even more of a misfit than when you were before. The teenager that vanished for a year and came back weirder than before; that was you. At first, you couldn't get people to leave you alone, but once they realized you weren't going to give them answers they backed off. You would occasionally laugh or whisper to the manifestations, which would earn you some more than weird looks, but you didn't care. These weird little ghost-like creatures were one of the only things you had connecting you to the Devildom. They meant more to you than anything else. As you entered your classroom, you had to bite back a laugh at the sight of one of your classmates looking around in confusion as, unknown to them, a golden yellow crow flapped around their head and pecked at the shiny earrings they were wearing. You took your seat in the back of the classroom and watch in amusement as the crow continued pecking at the various belongings of students, causing subtle chaos and confusion. Leave it to Mammon to make your day even when he wasn't actually there. Your teacher walked in and sat down in his chair. "Alright, class. Today we're going to continue with our history presentations. Remember these were subjects of your choice, so I do hope that you can at least pretend to be interested," he sighed and pulled out a clipboard. "Looks like the next person presenting is...MC." You winced and looked down at your notes. The topic was definitely one you were confident in, but to present it in front of your class. What if no one liked it? What if people laughed? What if- You felt a nudge on your arm. You glanced over to see a dazzling blue peacock, straightening its long neck out high as it puffed out its chest. The pride manifestation gestured forward with its head and almost seemed to smile at you. You smiled gently as you felt warmth grow from his pact mark on your inner wrist and stood up beside the peacock. It cawed and began to strut forward, leading the way to the front of the class. The mental image of Lucifer doing the same almost caused you to burst out laughing. You finally turned to the class and held your head up proudly as you began to speak. "My presentation today will be on biblical demonology and the way it has evolved throughout the eons of its existence." It was the best presentation you had ever given in your life. Riding off of the high from history class, the day seemed to fly by. Before you knew it was time for lunch. The bear was back, this time just softly moaning it continued butting your back with its head in an attempt to get you to go to the cafeteria faster. With one particularly heard shove, you were sent stumbling forward, directly into the chest of someone. "I'm so sorry! I'm a total clutz. I just tripped, I hadn't meant to-" you cut yourself off as you looked up and noticed you were looking at your crush. Your jaw snapped shut as you felt your face suddenly become uncomfortably hot. He smiled and waved off the apology. "It's alright. Just an accident right?" Your face became even hotter as you noticed a bright pink rabbit jumping up and down happily behind him. "I- Uh...Ehm...Y-Yeah! Yeah, t-totally an accident. I'm seat so I should go find my hungry. I-I mean!" He chuckled and nodded. "No worries, I get what you're trying to say. Enjoy your seat, MC," he gave you a wink, causing you to squeak as he walked off. You glared down at the rabbit running happy circles around your feet and the red bear that was sulking guiltily in a corner. "I blame you two for this." With an embarrassed huff, you entered the cafeteria and found yourself instantly wanting to walk back out. Everyone was laughing and talking with one another in their friend groups at their tables. Some gossiped eagerly over a magazine. Others sat silently with one another while they gamed or read books. There was even a table where a group of theatre kids were drumming out a soundtrack beat on the table while singing their favourite
songs. You ducked your head down and grabbed a tray of food before moving to the lonely table in the back, doing your best to ignore the giant orange snake that slithered between the tables, occasionally hissing and tripping students. You tried not to think of how you could be just like those groups of laughing friends, if only you were still at RAD. Your heart ached as you thought about the brothers. Maybe you could call them tonight. You let out a heavy sigh as you stood up and went to leave. You had almost made it to the door when a familiar face stopped you. Standing just a couple inches taller than you, surrounded by their groupies, was your tormentor, Taylor. You weren't entirely sure why they hated you so much. You just knew that they did, and that it got even worse when you came back from the Devildom. Taylor smirked with their arms crossed over their chest. "Where do you think your going? You haven't come to say hello yet." You scoffed and tried to walk past them. "Leave me alone, Taylor. I'm not in the mood for this today," before you could get very far, you were harshly onto the floor, stealing the breath from your lungs. You gasped and glared up at them. "What the fuck?!" The bully just sneered down at you. "You may not be in the mood for this, but I am. You know I heard about your weirdo presentation. Demons? Really? What are you, a satanist?" Their word choice was really ironic, for at that moment you noticed the large, white unicorn with flaming green hair and eyes appear behind them. The beast stomped its hooves and whinnied dangerously. You gulped nervously and looked up at Taylor. "Even if I was, it's not your business. I just find the topic interesting is all." You went to stand up, and therefore force the angry horse with a horn away from Taylor, but were stopped as they placed their foot on top of your chest. "I bet that's why you have all those weird tattoos, huh? What did you run away and join a cult for a year? Freak!" You could feel Satan's pact mark on the back of your neck grow hotter and hotter to the point that you were concerned the manifestation may be trying to summon him. Your eyes widen as you noticed it back up a few steps and point its horn at Taylor. You knew that the creatures normally could do small interactions with others, such as tripping or pushing, but you had never seen them attempt anything so violent. You couldn't just let it kill someone. "STOP!" The cafeteria fell quiet, but you weren't looking at them or even Taylor, you were looking at the unicorn. The manifestation neighed in frustration and jumped around, but obeyed your command. You slumped in relief. Looking back over to Taylor, you found them glaring down at you like you were nothing but a bug. They opened their mouth to degrade you even further when a teacher finally stepped forward. "What is happening here?" You walked over to the unicorn while Taylor fed the teacher a handful of lies. You leaned over to the manifestation and whispered under your breath. "Thank you for trying to protect me, but you can't hurt people. Just leave it be." The creature snorted and nuzzled your shoulder. In comparison to the hectic lunch hour, the rest of the day passed by with ease. In no time at all, you were back home in your room. You had just plopped onto your bed, when you heard a familiar ringtone. You smiled brightly and quickly grabbed your D.D.D. before immediately answering the phone. "Hello?" "Oh, you answered that quite quickly," you grinned at the surprise in Satan's tone. "I was just calling to-" "IS THAT MC?! GIMME!!!" You laughed as the sounds of Satan yelling and running from Mammon came through the other end. There was a yelp, a bang, and a victorious whoop before you could hear the device get picked up by someone. "'Hey MC! How was your day? I hope you didn't miss the great Mammon too badly. N-Not that I've missed you or anything just wanted to know how you're doin' is all." Belphie's purple calf climbed its way into your lap once more as you gently patted its head.
"I miss you too, Mammon. And today wasn't bad. I'd say it was pretty average overall." You could hear Satan growl in the background before there was a loud thud followed by a scream from Mammon. Satan took the phone back. "Just average you say? Nothing special?" You frowned and narrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "No, why?" To your right, the unicorn neighed softly and plopped down beside your bed. "Well, I could've sworn I felt our pact become triggered at some point today and...Well in all honesty I was concerned. We worry about you getting hurt without us there with you, MC." You couldn't help but smile softly as one by one each of the manifestations of your pacts made their way to your bed and laid down. "I know," you replied affectionately. "Though I'm never completely alone. So long as I have my pacts, you guys will always be with me." ***This was such an interesting concept to toy around with. I hope this wasn't too confusing and actually makes sense 😅😅 Thanks again for the amazing request @gender-less-lemon!***
Taglist @thegrimgrinningghost
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roselen-mylady · 4 years
the game
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"First one to kiss Thor wins." Wanda suggested. Y/n tried to hide her scoff but judging by Nat's elbow in her ribs, she hadn't been successful. "Come on, Y/n!" Wanda groaned, rubbing her forehead in frustration. 
"Oh, you come on! What? Are we going to play 'would you rather' after?" Y/n joked, earning yet another jab from Nat. The two red heads glared at her annoyed but Y/n didn't care as she took a sip of champagne.
Pepper had convinced Tony to hold another party in hopes of boosting the team's morale and while it wasn't the first time he'd done it, the parties were still enjoyable. Y/n couldn't help the enthusiasm and joy that came with drinking, dancing and mingling. Everyone came, at least everyone she knew, along with a hundred other people Tony knew. Even Peter had started to attend the last few parties, granted Tony only made him a frequent attendee once he'd reached 18.
The parties were fun, yes, but still being the drama and excitement addicts they were, Y/n and her closest friends craved the thrill of their little games. They played them at every party. The first was a simple game of truth or dare and the second had been the cliche spin the bottle. But with each gathering their dares and games grew more and more risky. And Y/n loved it. They all did.
But tonight was different.
Tonight was boring.
"You're just upset that Bucky didn't want to make out in the closet with you last time we played." Nat accused. A deep frown settled on Y/n's lips from the stab at her pride but she quickly waved off Nat's insult with a dismissing hand.
"That's because he knew I was drunk off my ass. I didn't really wanna make out with him either, he's my friend. You know what alcohol does to me." She argued, getting a short disbelieving nod from Wanda in return.
"Uh huh. Or maybe cause he knows you're into his best friend." Nat suggested, sipping her own drink with a smirk as she narrowly dodged Y/n's threatening hand. Wanda giggled at the interaction, knowing there was truth behind Nat's words. She had seen into Y/n's mind and her fondness toward Steve practically screamed back at her.
"I'm not into Steve. The man is too self righteous for his own good and you know I'm into bad boys." Y/n shrugged, her attempt at hiding her feelings becoming transparent in her friends' eyes.
Yet before either of them could argue further and perhaps bring up the kiss she almost shared with Steve during spin the bottle, Sam and Bucky arrived. "Who's into bad boys? You've come to the right place ladies, I'm the baddest of them all." Sam flashed a charming smile to which they all rolled their eyes.
"I'm sorry, Sam, but I think Bucky has you beat on bad boys." Y/n challenged, sending a playful wink toward the soldier. Sam gasped, mocking hurt while Bucky rolled his eyes rather unamused with the discussion.
"That's right, weren't you the second shooter in the JFK assassination? That's gotta be as bad as it gets." Nat commented causing a dark flush on Bucky's face. A short flash of guilt appeared on his face but he instantly brushed the comment off deciding not to dig into his cloudy memory for the truth. The second shooter was just a conspiracy theory anyways. But then again, so was the Winter Solider...
"What are you, a cop?" Bucky let out a strained chuckle, bringing his drink to his lips subtly trying to pull himself from the conversation. Y/n offered an apologetic smile and he returned it gratefully before she turned her gaze away.
Despite his closed off nature she'd actually become a sort of friend to Bucky and while at first it was rocky, she rather enjoyed her friendship with him. Through Bucky she heard stories about Steve when they were growing up and she saw another side of him that she wished she'd known.
"You ladies up to another game?" Sam questioned suddenly. Nat nodded sharing a look with Wanda but Y/n's focus had been drawn away. While lost in her thoughts about him, her gaze had drifted to the man of her fantasies and she shamelessly watched as he talked with Tony and another man she didn't care to remember.
He was smiling, a sight that she cherished even if he'd never notice. The blue of his eyes seemed to shine brighter than any fireworks she'd ever seen and her heart skipped a beat just looking at them. His blonde locks had grown out while she had been snapped away but not enough to make him appear drastically changed. In fact she wasn't sure if anyone else had really noticed. Maybe she was just a stalker.
"Well, we were going to play one but Y/n thinks it's not big enough." Wanda replied, giving Y/n a glare as she turned back to the group.
"Well, it wasn't. I feel like everyone's used to our shenanigans so there's no challenge." Y/n shrugged, peering at the others with a bored stare. Sam shook his head, refusing to let the tradition die.
"What did you guys have in mind?" He asked, looking over the three women as they glanced around the party.
"Wanda suggested a competition to see who could kiss Thor first." Nat explained. Bucky scrunched his nose in disdain at the dare, exchanging a exasperated look with Y/n.
"Thor would do anything, if you asked him." Sam sighed, drinking whatever liquor he had requested. Y/n remembered him saying something about woman being attracted to a man who can handle hard liquor but she had chosen to ignore him. Though she did have to admit it must've been hard for him to compete with both of his best friends being able to drink without the effects of the alcohol they consumed.
"That's what I thought! Thor would gladly abide anything if it made us happy. He's too kind for his own good." Y/n playfully rolled her eyes as they looked over to said god. He had slimmed down significantly during his time with the guardians and Y/n could almost swear that there wasn't an ounce of body fat left on the man. His hair had been cut as well, returning to his signature length and his beard had been trimmed down to a reasonable length. In other words, the Asgardian had almost every girl swooning once more.
But Y/n was swooning for another.
The same man she had for years.
"We could make it more of a challenge." Nat proposed. The group turned to her with interested eyes, the only one who hadn't seemed to match their intrigue being a very grumpy Bucky. "We could expand the dare to all Avengers. Unless you guys wanna be pussys and limit it only to men." Nat winked.
Wanda's face flushed at the suggestion and quickly shook her head. "I have a hard enough time kissing the people I've known for years let alone all the new Avengers." She squeaked. Sam chuckled nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, not that you guys are pussys I'm just saying that is a lot of people. That'll take forever. Let's just stick with Avengers pre-snap." Sam's laughter grew at Y/n and Nat's disappointed expressions, having reaped them of the extra challenge they'd been searching for.
"How about this?" He began realizing without a catch the game wouldn't be that much fun for any of them. "You have to get them to kiss you but only using cheesy ass pick up lines." Sam explained, looking rather proud of his game plan.
"What type of kiss?" Y/n questioned suspiciously.
"Any." A buzz of laughter and eagerness flooded over the girls and Y/n smirked knowing she'd been born for this challenge. "Are we all in agreement?" Sam asked looking to each for affirmations. Once everyone was on board they put their hands in the middle, a sort of ritual they had developed as a way to insure everyone's commitment.
But another presence had been added to their usual group and they turned to Bucky to see what he would do. He had never been on the scheming side of the games and usually was a victim but now he had a choice. Though he'd rather be removed from the plan all together he figured he'd might as well get it over with while he still knew what was happening.
"Yeah, alright but I'm not doing make outs. You guys do your lines or whatever, get your kiss, then I'm out." Bucky told them, putting his vibranium arm into the middle along with the rest. With childish grins on their faces they let their hands fall as Sam stepped forward.
"As per tradition, you all start off with a good luck kiss from moi." Sam explained, putting a dramatic hand over his chest as he turned to Wanda. She scoffed at his attempt at charm allowing him to peck her lips with a teasing smirk. Turning to Nat, he hesitated allowing her to quickly kiss him, learning the hard way that coming onto her was an easy way to get a black eye. The smack of her lipstick made Bucky shake his head, his 40s mindset unable to grasp how easily they'd all accepted the concept.
Sam then turned to Y/n, noticing the way she subtly glanced in the direction of Steve as his arm came around her waist. "Looking for someone? Cause your prince charming is right here." Sam flirted earning an eye roll from the woman before him.
"I thought we were supposed to do the crappy pick up lines." Y/n raised a brow, keeping a hand on his chest to get some distance.
"I said cheesy not crappy. I'm offended." He frowned playfully only to have it wiped off his face by the soft peck of her lips. She pulled away just as quick, slipping out of his hold and shaking her head.
"Oh, how will you ever recover?" She replied sarcastically, making the girls laugh quietly beside her. He smirked turning to Bucky.
"Alright, Buck. Let's get this show on the road." Sam announced patting Bucky's shoulder roughly as he urged him forward. Surprisingly Bucky seemed more nervous than he did annoyed so Y/n decided to take the lead this time, stepping closer to the brunette.
Deciding to keep it simple for Bucky's sake she trailed her fingers along his forearm, giving him a gentle smile. "Hey, can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." She spoke smoothly. Sam cackled behind them but Y/n paid no mind instead smiling back at Bucky as he chuckled softly, grateful she hadn't used one of the dirty lines he was sure she had.
Shaking his head he leaned down, placing a gentle kiss to the corner of her lips. Though he made it seem like he was annoyed by the games he was forced into every party, he found Y/n made them more enjoyable, being one of his only friends.
"Go on. You better win since it's your fault I'm a part of this." He grumbled and Y/n laughed, nodding before running off to claim more lips.
On the other side of the room a certain blonde had caught sight of her, his eyes narrowing slightly in interest as Tony leaned closer to him. "I think Y/n's playing another one of those games. I swear that girl is going to be the death of me. Let's just hope Morgan stays innocent." Tony mumbled, bringing his glass to his lips as he surveyed Steve's expression.
"Yeah." Steve replied dully, his focus directed at the only girl in the room he couldn't keep his eyes off of. Tony smirked knowingly, deciding he'd allow Steve to ignore him just this once.
Y/n had this in the bag.
Thanks to Sam she had a wide range of pick up lines to try out and she planned to use the right one with each.
The first person she recognized in the crowd was T'Challa and she made her way to him slyly, his gaze falling on her as the crowd parted. "Ah, Ms. Y/n. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He questioned, a bit of mistrust in his eyes when he recognized the smirk on her face.
"Just seeing how my favorite pussy cat is." Y/n replied with an innocent shrug. He squinted suspecting her ulterior motives. He'd been to enough of Tony's parties to know that she along with Nat and Wanda usually had some kind of game and while he was entertained by it he also knew he needed to maintain decency being a King.
"He is very happy you're here to make things interesting. He was just telling me about how boring this party was. Also he was telling me he should ask you when you're going to bring Peter to Wakanda, that boy won't get off my back." Shuri spoke up, stepping closer to the pair with a pleased smirk. T'Challa didn't seem to share her amusement but knew most of what she had said was true.
"Well, you'll be happy to know that I have to be in Wakanda next week, I'll see if he's free to tag along." Y/n replied, turning her gaze to the spider boy. He still seemed to follow Tony around like a lost puppy but Y/n hoped maybe their field trip to Wakanda would break him out of his shell.
"Would it be wishful thinking if I hoped your visit to our kingdom is the only reason for your presence now?" T'Challa questioned. Shuri and Y/n laughed answering his question. There was another game going on. "What's the challenge now? Let me guess, I should be expecting Ms. Romanoff and Ms. Maximoff next?"
"More than likely. But there's a twist this time." Y/n explained, noticing the bit of curiosity in his eye as she sipped her drink. "If you like my pick up line, you have to give me a kiss."
Shuri giggled next to them excited to hear whatever line Y/n had planned. The young princess was always up for some mischief especially if her brother was the victim and this was what made her adore Y/n so much.
"And what if I don't?"
"I'll just have to try again, I suppose. You know how persistent I am." Y/n winked. T'Challa shook his head, catching sight of Wanda across the room having already collected her kiss from Thor. With a silent sigh, he turned back to Y/n figuring he'd best not hold her up any longer.
"Fine." Y/n smiled, locking eyes with Shuri for a moment before turning back to T'Challa. She stepped forward, the soft click of her heels sending a chill down his spine as she put a hand on his upper arm. Her lips curved into a smile and he braced himself for the line that seemed to bring her so much pride.
"Meow you doin'?" Y/n smirked, her voice smooth as velvet as her eyes stared into his. Laughter erupted from his sister and he turned to her as Y/n burst out into her own fit of giggles.
"I don't get it." T'Challa told them, dumbly trying to use the little bit of context he was given to understand the joke.
"Oh, brother! As soon as we return home we are watching Friends! Now give her a kiss so that she may have a chance at winning!" Shuri spoke through laughs. T'Challa shook his head but lifted Y/n's hand nonetheless and placed a soft kiss to her knuckles.
"I feel cheated." He grumbled but the laughter from both girls was enough to take his mind off the pick up line that went straight over his head.
"Pleasure doing business with you, King T'Challa." Y/n curtsied before turning away to find her next victim, leaving T'Challa and Shuri with entertained smiles.
Next on her list was Bruce Banner, the most lost out of all of the men who had experienced the game. The first time they decided to target just one person, he had been the focus and while he enjoyed Nat's kiss, Y/n and Wanda following in the act seemed to put him in a daze for a week.
"You got T'Challa right off that bat? Sometimes I hate how good you are at this." Nat's voice cut into Y/n's thoughts as the two stood together surveying Bruce.
"There's nothing to it, my friend. Give a line, get a kiss. It's science. Did you already get Clint?" Y/n questioned, trying to see where she was at as far as the competition went.
Nat shook her head softly, glancing over at the other men they'd still needed to kiss. "No. He's not here. He says he wants us to take his retirement seriously so until then he won't be at the parties, I guess." She explained and Y/n nodded quietly. One less guy to convince, she reasoned.
"You know I'll never get used to his transformation thing." Y/n commented, gesturing toward Bruce with a nod. Nat followed her gaze, leaning into Y/n to see past the crowd of people in front of her.
"Yeah, me either." She replied. Y/n's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she glanced at Nat through the corner of her eye but ultimately decided it wasn't something she really desired to question further.
"You better save your best pick up line for Steve." Nat warned, the smile on her lips all too knowing for Y/n's liking. Her mouth ran dry and the familiar rush upon hearing his name coursed through her making her face burn.
"For the last time, I'm not into-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Too bad though. He's been watching you ever since the game started." Nat whispered, turning Y/n's head in his direction with a poke to her chin.
The red on Y/n's face grew darker at the sight of Steve looking back at her, his eyes locking with hers over the rim on his glass. A soft shade of pink settled on his cheeks to match her own and his gaze faltered before returning to the man he'd been talking to.
"Save the best for last." Nat teased softly as Y/n turned back to her. She tried to brush off Nat's words as she stalked off toward Bruce but she couldn't get the image of Steve out of her mind.
Had he ever looked at her like that before? Was she losing her mind?
A long sigh escaped her as she tried desperately to focus on racking her brain for any science puns she had.
"Y/n! Hey, long time no see!" He cheered, pulling her into a side hug. The laughter that bubbled out of her chest was involuntary as she practically disappeared under his good arm.
"It's nice to see you too, Bruce. How's the arm?" Y/n questioned gesturing to the cast that seemed to be permanent on the larger than life limb. Bruce offered a tentative shrug, looking down at it.
"Tony and I aren't sure if it's ever going to heal. He's been looking at the possibility of getting a prosthetic but I don't really mind it. We beat Thanos, that's all that really matters to me." He replied. Y/n smiled kindly at him, putting her hand on the cast as her fingers trailed Steve's signature. She couldn't help the racing of her heart when she realized he'd signed right below her own.
"So, Nat tells me you guys are doing another game. Why do you guys do that anyways? Don't you get embarrassed?" He asked, genuinely interested. Whatever Nat had told him seemed to make him more aware and Y/n found herself open to his questions.
"I don't know. I trust everyone on the team so kissing them isn't a big deal. If anything I think it makes us more open to one another. Not to mention half of us are touch starved and probably need a kiss every so often." She laughed thinking back to her poor Bucky.
Bruce laughed too, "Well, maybe next party you'll find a way to get everyone to play. That'll be a sight." He chuckled imagining everyone competing against one another in some intimate game. Y/n nodded perhaps taking the suggestion maybe a bit too seriously.
"Maybe...I've gotta win this game first though. I'm sure you know the rules." She raised a playful brow and crossed her arms. He nodded remembering Nat's line with a loving smile. "Good. Let's see."
Her hand rose to her chin, staring up at the ceiling for a moment as she thought. Bruce watched with a entertained smile as her eyes lit up before looking back at him.
"Hey, baby. If you were an enzyme I'd be a DNA synthase so I could unzip your genes." She nudged Bruce's side making him laugh.
"That was the worst." He chuckled and Y/n laughed as well, nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, but you laughed so..." He nodded wrapping his free arm around her shoulders and leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head, the most accessible spot from his outrageous height.
"I'm gonna remember that one." Bruce told her, his head bobbing unconsciously as he already began practicing the line in his head. Y/n bowed proudly before disappearing into the crowd once more.
"Who's next?" She mumbled to herself, running her hands along her dress, absentmindedly flatting the bunching in the fabric. The dress had been her favorite, hugging her perfectly as many of the tailored clothes Pepper sent her did. But this one was different.
This one was blue. But not just any blue. It was the same dark navy Steve wore on every mission. A color she found herself buying more often, whether it be on a folder or on a dress. She was almost attracted to it as much as she was to Steve and while it seemed a little silly, it made her happy knowing she could express her hidden feelings through little things such as that. She truly was head over heels but she could never tell him that. She could never risk the rejection she feared she'd be met with if she dared make a move.
So she loved him from afar.
"Oh no. Not pick up lines." Tony groaned next to Steve, his eyes nearly disappearing into the back of his head as he rolled them. Sam chuckled, nodding his head.
"It's true. Everyone is going to get hit on in the most undesired way possible tonight." He grinned, his lips still buzzing from the kisses he'd recieved.
"Yeah, you have bird brain here to thank for that." Bucky grumbled from Steve's left. Sam frowned, glaring at the semi stable hundred year old man.
"That's not what you said when you kissed Y/n." He retorted.
Steve tried to fight the jealousy that boiled in his gut but Bucky had already noticed the frown that reached his best friend's face.
"Only because I want her to win. She's my friend." Bucky explained, hoping his emphasize on 'friend' would put Steve at ease but the super soldier would never truly be at ease unless he had her in his arms.
He'd lost so much over the years including her and now that he had it all back-had her back, it felt wrong that they weren't together like he hoped. But he couldn't just tell her. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if he lost her in a way that no infinity stones could reverse?
"Personally I'm rooting for Wanda. That girl's smile would make you wanna kiss her. Not to mention her mind control stuff." Sam argued, using his hand to mimick Wanda's powers.
"Is this going to happen at every party?" Fury remarked from behind them making them turn to him, some with annoyed glances.
"You're not allowed to say anything about this, 'Mr. Off-Limits'." Sam proclaimed, feeling a tad responsible for keeping Fury out of the games. Especially after what happened last time.
"I won't be forced to partake in childish games like that. Y/n had it coming." Fury explained, any remorse he might've felt long gone.
Steve crossed his arms, his shirt tightening around his arms as he tried to bite his tongue. "You nearly broke her arm." He suddenly spoke up. Sam's suggestive smirk made him regret it instantly but thankfully Sam chose not to say anything.
"Gotta admit. Her resolve is pretty firm. It's actually pretty hot." Sam wiggled a brow at Steve. The poor blonde wanted to curl up and die in shame but Sam wasn't wrong.
Perhaps it was her determination and strong will that had attracted him. They were characteristics he was known for as Captain America but yet somehow her will was more powerful than his own.
It was one of the many things that he had loved her for. And one of the things that kept him going during the five years without her.
"Ugh. Can we please not talk about my niece like this?" Tony groaned, hating the idea of them sexualizing the girl he'd practically raised since she was a teen. Steve agreed, unsure how much longer he'd be able to stand them talking about her.
"Ooo, look. She's onto Thor now." Peter piped up pointing a finger toward Y/n as she made her way to the golden haired god. Yet the warning glare he received from Tony was enough to make him quiet again and he silently sunk back into the crowd behind them.
"I've got too many kids."
"Thor!" Y/n cheered. Upon hearing his name, the Asgardian turned returning her smile with a brilliant grin. The flask in his hand was opened yet there was no flush to his face signaling he was either only mildly buzzed or close to it.
"Lady Y/n. I was beginning to wonder when you'd come around. I do cherish our time together." Thor's smile was kind and radiant but she couldn't help but think there was still one smile that could outshine even that of a god's.
"Oh, you know I'd never miss a kiss from you." Y/n returned the charm, allowing his arm to come around her waist, resting at a comfortable distance from her hips. Thor had been the most accepting of their games and never seemed to go through the confusion that the rest did. Or maybe that was just her.
"I was just telling Valkyrie of your little games. She finds them truly amusing. Perhaps I'll convince you to accept her into the tournament." Thor explained, gesturing the hand holding his flask toward Valkyrie.
"Well, it's not exactly a tournament, just a little fun to keep things interesting. You're welcome to join if you're up for it." Y/n smiled, offering a small nod of acceptance toward the warrior woman.
"A competition among women where men are the victims? Sounds like my kind of crowd." Valkyrie replied, an excited smile landing on her lips as the two woman shared a look of mutual approval.
"Wonderful." Thor praised, the joy in his tone seeming to radiate off of him, infecting Y/n with each passing second she was in his grasp. "Now Lady Wanda spoke of this night's challenge. I believe you have a suggestive comment in which to lift me yes?" He spoke, looking down at Y/n as she began to giggle uncontrollably.
"Yes, Thor. In return for the pick up line, I get a kiss. But only if you enjoy it." She recited the rules earning a heartfelt smile from him in return.
"If it is spoken by you I'm bound to enjoy it." He told her earnestly. There was something in the way he would speak that made a girl's knees weak and while Y/n was able to withstand it better than most, she wondered if he was striving for that reaction from her.
Y/n shook her head at him, giving him a half-hearted glare as she looked up at him. "Alright, here it goes." She warned him, taking his attentive gaze as a confirmation to continue.
"Hey, gorgeous. Was your father a thief? Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes." Before Y/n could even offer a wink or a smirk, thunderous laughter sounded from the man beside her, drawing the attention of everyone around them.
A flush of pink bloomed on her face, slightly embarrassed under the eyes of so many, especially Steve, yet she wasn't able to dwell on it for long as she was swept up into the air. Ever the enthusiast, Thor had excitedly boosted her into the air and spun her before allowing her feet to reach the ground again, a little unsteadily from how fast he'd acted.
"You've certainly lifted me, Lady Y/n." Thor told her, bringing her smile back as she regained her balance. "Are you ready for your kiss now?" He inquired, his hand resting comfortably on her waist as he insured she was still willing to welcome a kiss.
With a small nod she leaned up accepting his lips in a teasing yet modest kiss not unlike the one they'd shared before. They pulled away a moment later, smiling at each other as Thor's hand easily slipped away from her waist.
"I'm afraid I must send you off in order for you to return victorious." Thor said, a hint of reluctance in his tone yet in a taunting way similar to friendly banter.
"And that I shall. I'm the best, you know." Y/n declared. Valkyrie laughed beside her, lifting her own glass toward Y/n in a sort of cheers.
"For now. We'll see next time who's the best." Y/n clinked her empty glass with Valkyrie's nodding respectfully as she made a note to get more champagne.
"May the best woman win." Y/n smirked, oblivious to the eyes on her as she walked off toward the bar.
Part Two
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"Sometimes the people that come into your life that you don't expect, they might just become one of your favorite people that you've ever met online. That explains my friendship with one of my best friends Lexci." (Me.)
Once I figured out that borders were a thing and that I could thicken the words around the letters I saw an opportunity. That opportunity being a chance to right my wrongs. An edit that tragically didn't work out so well for me the first time around was my edit for my best friend in the Haikyuu fandom @moons-and-stars-and-shit. Because her favorite color is gray it completely blended into Bokuto's hair. And that broke my heart because honestly she deserves better than that.
If there's one thing that this fandom gave to me that I appreciate more than anything, it has given me one of my favorite friendships that I have ever made online, my friendship with Lexci. She's one of the most passionate and talented people that I've ever met in my entire life. That passion goes into her blog and so many of her answered HCs, platonic and romantic mashups, and all the little challenges that she does for her blog. If I had known a few months ago that simply by sending her more information for my platonic and romantic matchup that I would make an amazing friend I would've been a lot less nervous I can tell you that right now. Her hard work and ability to put forth 110% effort into everything that she does to make sure that it both fits the person's personality that she's working with still manages to impress me to this very day.
If I could talk to somebody all day and be completely happy, one of those people would be Lexci. I often get nervous around people and whether or not they're secretly annoyed by me. At times I've wondered if I bother her too but she's just one of those people that is constantly encouraging. She always reassures me that she loves every interaction that we've had. I'm self conscious about a lot of things in my life, mostly how loud my laugh is. But one of the first people that ever told me that she enjoyed hearing my laugh was instantly contagious and that she loved it was Lexci. That encouragement was one of the things that helped me to later on embrace myself and my own quirks.
I love doing little things for my friends, I mean of course because this is something that I do all the time. I think part of me believes that if I constantly tell my friends what they mean to me then that'll be more reinforcement for them to continue to talk to me. If it can be something as simple as an appreciation edit that let's them know how much they mean to me, or I leave them a shoutout from their favorite anime husbando that's something that only I had the ability to do. When I bought my talk with Ian Sinclair the first thought that I had after "Holy shit I'm going to talk to Space Dandy" was "I have to leave a message for Lexci". Because if there's anything that Lexci loves it's her favorite winged spiker.
I've always thought that the character of Bokuto was just perfect for Lexci. Something about that enthusiasm and energy just matched her vibes so well. I've always treasured every conversation that I'm able to have with her. She's such a unique and amazing friend to have and I'm so grateful that she was my first friend in the Haikyuu fandom and that she welcomed me with open arms and encouragement. She is one of my favorite people to just talk to and I always love the moments when I'm able to chat with her. So Lexci, I just wanted you to know just how much I appreciated your friendship, from one lover of goofballs to another.
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 4 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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I never said anything about it before but I love Shadow Weaver's DCAU Batman eyes. They're so expressive.
Episode 1: Okay...I wasn't expecting Catra to do that. I mean, it makes sense. If she has leverage over Hordak then she's basically in charge of the Horde and that's what she's wanted (or at least believes she wants) since episode 1. It's an aspect that made her a good antagonist, that she's not blind to the evil of the Horde, she just doesn't care as long as she herself is secure. Which naturally begs the question, when the rebellion and the princesses are crushed, when the Horde is on top, when Adora is dead, when Catra finally has everything she's ever wanted...will she actually finally be happy? Somehow, I have my doubts.
I definitely feel for Glimmer in this. When you go through as big a loss as she did you need to be able to feel and vent if you're ever going to get through it. It doesn't have to be right away but everyone doing everything in their power to avoid the topic entirely can make you feel like you're going crazy. It'a especially bad for her since it unintentionally makes it feel like everyone is acting like it doesn't matter that Angela is gone when it clearly means everything to Glimmer.
Episode 2: I actually had a potted cactus plant once. Accidentally forgot about it and left it outside for an entire winter. Once the snow was gone the cactus looked like it had melted.
I kind of want to see what an interaction between Double Trouble and Clayface from the Harley Quinn animated series would look like. I'm guess Catra was just testing how good Double Trouble was as a doppelganger because it doesn't seem like she did anything while Adora was being distracted, though I suppose that could be a reveal in a later episode.
Not much to say except that I love how buff Huntara is while still clearly being a woman. Like, women can have a variety of different body types, as this series and Steven Universe show, and Huntara's build isn't just, like, Bow's body with lipstick and ponytail and the animators calling it a day. No, she looks like a freakin' jacked adult woman.
Episode 3: I didn't figure out the Flutterina = Double Trouble twist until a minute before it was revealed, so good job there. Before that I was wondering if Flutterina was some fan's original character where they won some contest where their OC got to be in the show for an episode. She was giving off some weird self-insert vibes. That twist made it all work though. It's honestly not a bad plan. Shapeshifters haven't really been a thing in the series before now so there's no reason to suspect it. Even if they did they'd probably be expecting it by way of magic or technology, while Double Trouble's seems to be a natural ability.
I like that even though Bow is definitely the goofier one of the trio he is still consistently shown as competent. That's never in question. He was very heroic and reassuring to the villagers this episode. I get why those kids idolize him so much.
Catra's having guilt over what she did with the portal and to Entrapta and her response is basically to just double-down. She doesn't know any other way to be. Not going to lie, I am kind of hoping we get another moment in the show where Adora just completely overwhelms Catra with the sheer power of She-Ra. I'm not saying like brutalize her or anything but just something where Catra is made to realize just how powerful Adora is and that she could just destroy Catra if she had a mind to do so.
Episode 4: Well, I was saying I wanted Adora to do it but I guess I don't mind Glimmer being the one to get some good shots in on Catra. Like I predicted, Shadow Weaver's moving in to become her teacher like she was with her father. Honestly I like that that was more Adora's problem than Glimmer using her as bait, which she seemed to get over pretty quick. Yeah, it was kind of a heartless thing to do but it was an understandable tactic and she clearly outright told Adora that she did it and why afterwards, which at least means she's still being honest.
It occurs to me that Glimmer and Catra may be the ones running parallel right now. Both are basically leading their respective sides of the war. They both have lost someone very important to them. And both are trusting someone they probably shouldn't. Both even have outfits that've been updated in the intro. The difference is Glimmer's just trying to deal with a bad situation while Catra's is entirely self-inflicted.
Minor thing but I like Glimmer's new outfit this season. I'm sure this is the intention but it makes her look older and more mature. A little more muscular in some shots too.
Episode 5: Heart of Etheria project. No idea what that is but assumedly whoever's a part of it doesn't like Light Hope and Mara being friends. Sounds like it's very much interested in She-Ra being just a warrior, and perhaps a tool, for the greater good. It does make me wonder though how much Light Hope remember from when she was rebooting. Even if she deleted the Mara memory she could potentially still have the memory of her and Adora watching the Mara memory, as well as Adora asking to be her friend.
Episode 6: Yep. Scorpia; definitely favorite supporting character. There is something kind of funny about her whole "Scorpions are loyal" line when you remember the story about the Frog and the Scorpion, where it stings the frog despite it meaning death for itself as well simply because that is its nature. But finally we're having someone go save Entrapta, and I can only assume at some point Scorpia's going to access the power of the Black Garnet.
The parallels between Catra and Hordak are definitely at their max here with that speech of hers to him. She's basically trying to convince herself that she doesn't need anyone, the timing of which is appropriate since she just drove away Scorpia and now truly doesn't have anyone. Not that I blame Scorpia, obviously. Like Adora before her, however good you believe someone can be and that you can help them, at some point you just have to cut the toxic people out of your life. You have the right to be happy too.
And man, Bow is just the best. He saw something was wrong between Adora and Glimmer and defused the situation like (snap) that, pushing them to talk like any sane person would.
Episode 7: I'm sure it is just because I've seen way too many TV shows and movies (both animated and live action) that don't do it but it is just such a relief to have a show where the characters just TALK and LISTEN to each other. It doesn't solve all their issues but they're at least not being stupid and freakin' petty. It helps the drama feel a lot less forced and contrived.
Episode 8: A little bit of amusement in Bow thinking at first that Glimmer and Adora didn't even notice he was gone despite them coming to his rescue very shortly afterwards, given Catra is only now realizing Scorpia has left and assumedly she did so a while ago. Bow and Sea Hawk hadn't been gone for that long so it's not unreasonable Glimmer and Adora wouldn't be worried about their absence (Bow was literally talking about "me time" when they last saw him), while Catra is only noticing Scorpia's absence now and it was because she wanted something. Like Scorpia said, she's a bad friend.
Kind of ironic given that a lot of Catra's issues are the direct result of Shadow Weaver giving her very little love growing up but it does seem this tough love is probably what'll get through to Catra the best. She might finally stop making bad decisions and lashing out if she's forced to live with the consequences of them, like Adora told her last season.
Glimmer gets a bit of slack from me since she suffered through a huge loss, that being her mother, and then was immediately thrown into being queen right after. It'd be hard for anyone to be 100% on their game and well-adjusted in a situation like that, and I buy that she was on some level resentful of Adora for coming back instead of her mother, even if unintentionally so. What definitely helps is that Glimmer very clearly and immediately regretted what she said to Adora. Like Catra she's lashing out but unlike Catra Glimmer recognizes some of the damage she's doing and knows, at least in this case, that she went too far.
Episode 9: Now that I can see the design in color I definitely prefer Mara's She-Ra with pants to Adora's She-Ra with shorts. Honestly, while the differences are pretty minor, I do think Mara's She-Ra design is overall a lot better than Adora's. Sharper shoulder guards. Bigger cape (especially the cape, I love capes). I don't know, there's just a lot that clicks with it and I wouldn't mind Adora getting a similar outfit later.
Madam Razz definitely had a Yoda feel this episode. I was very much expecting her to start wacking Mara with a stick over the sugar like Yoda did with R2. Though while that was Yoda acting crazy, for Razz it's because she experiences time out of order, and I don't think I've ever seen that concept taken to this extent, or at least done this way before. There are characters like River Song from Doctor Who, Professor Paradox from Ben 10, or even the Reverse-Flash who interact with other characters in time out of order but those characters are still on a linear path from their own perspective, even when travelling through time. Razz is just bouncing around her own timeline, seemingly not even any real reason or cause to it like Subaru from Re:Zero. Clearly she's not just remembering things oddly because her talk about things of the present are heard by people in the past and have an effect. I wonder if maybe the reason why is because Razz was at ground zero of Mara's actions and this is a side-effect of pulling Etheria away from the rest of the universe.
Bringing more Star Wars into this, it basically sounds like the Heart of Etheria project has turned Etheria into a magic Starkiller Base; storing power that'll be unleashed to destroy whole planets. And jeez, I think this was the first time I really felt creeped out by Light Hope when she was talking to Mara.
I'm looking forward to seeing what it means that the First Ones only made the sword and that Etheria made She-Ra. If that's the case, why is only the sword able to bring out the She-Ra form? Is it like MCU Thor's hammer and the weapon was just meant to help him control the power he already had? Or is what we think is She-Ra not actually She-Ra and that form that Adora and Mara take is just a stand-in for the real thing?
Episode 10: It didn't even occur to me until now but Double Trouble's capture is another blow to Catra's circle of "friends" too. They were at least able to make her laugh. One less person for her to talk to and just...really just distract her from her thoughts.
It's a good dilemma this episode presents about what to do with the Heart of Etheria. The safest and probably best option is to just dismantle it, like Adora and Bow want, since it could easily lead to the destruction of the entire planet if it goes off. Not the mention there's so little they know about it and what it was intended for and the one person who can potentially tell them, Light Hope, they were warned not to trust. But it's not hard to understand where Glimmer is coming from in wanting to use that power to fight the Horde. They're already losing the war and now she knows Hordak Prime and his FAR more powerful forces are on the way. Tapping into the Heart is a huge risk but she's not seeing any other paths for the rebels to win. It's a really good dilemma, with good arguments presented from both sides, and I buy this widening the schism between Adora and Glimmer.
Episode 11: I have mixed feelings on King Micah still being alive. On the one hand there's a lot of good potential interactions we can now have with him, primarily between Glimmer and Shadow Weaver, and he is a fun character. But on the other I can't help but wonder if this kind of lessens the impact of what Angela gave up to overcome the false reality. Part of what made it so emotional was that she had to accept the person she loved was dead and not coming back...except now we see that he wasn't dead and now he is coming back. Yeah, their family lost out on years together and that does still carry some emotional weight but I was already also half-expecting Angela to come back later in the series because she's stuck between dimensions, meaning there's a chance she could still be alive. If both Glimmer's parents come back then that really feels like it takes a lot of weight out of her story. But I guess we'll see what happens.
Also, why did the Horde exile him to Beast Island? Why not just kill him?!
Episode 12: So the Horde exiles Micah to Beast Island instead of killing him. The First Ones protect their secrets by sending their bad tech to Beast Island. Does no one know how to just destroy things in this world?
Ohhh, I am so looking forward to next episode. While it's debatable whether Glimmer should be going through with her plan she is at least being smart with how she's going about it. Double Trouble was being paid by Catra to work for the Horde, not out of any sense of loyalty. Glimmer has the resources of Bright Moon at her disposal so it's reasonable she could pay them more to switch sides. Double Trouble was very good at sabotaging even a group as tight-nit as the heroes, so Hordak and Catra are probably easy pickings with all their issues.
Episode 13: ....WELL THAT AIN'T GOOD!
I'll admit, I had a little bit of an unintended laugh. After all we've heard about Horde Prime, like this shadowy all-powerful monster, I wasn't expecting the fabulous flowing dreadlocks and smoothness. Credit where it's due, man has charisma and charm, which goes a long way in helping your big evil world conqueror not be a very flat character, because it's doubtful he's going to have the same kind of sympathetic motivation as Hordak or complexity as Catra to keep him elevated.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Double Trouble kicking at Catra while she's down. Adora and Scorpia were honest but they never wanted to hurt Catra. Not so much with Double Trouble and they just shove reality into her face. Everyone leaves Catra because of Catra. She's the common factor. It's her fault and no one else's. Again, I don't know for certain if Adora and Catra get together at the end (Catra would have a LOT to make amends for regardless) but Double Trouble was definitely implying Catra had feelings for her with the way they put Catra's hand on "Adora's" cheek while talking about how she left her.
I like that we see Glimmer's plan actually working at first. The princesses get a massive power boost and decimate the Horde forces. But the minute it starts going wrong she immediately admits Adora was right and she tries to stop the energy flow. I imagine having her there with Catra was intentional by the writers. Despite some parallels, Glimmer can actually accept her failures and work to try and fix things. Unlike Catra, she didn't blame Adora for things going wrong.
So the sword allows the First Ones to control She-Ra and the energy she'd be absorbing from the planet. Assumedly that means there are at least some parts to She-Ra that have nothing to do with the First Ones and thus maybe Adora can still use some of those powers without the sword.
Season 4 verdict: Yeah, the show keeps getting better, though I will admit last season's finale had me more emotional, but that's a bit of an unfair comparison given everything that happened in that finale vs. this one. This is definitely the series hitting its darkest hour, where it feels like EVERYONE lost. Not just the rebels but the Horde as well. The sword and Light Hope are gone and She-Ra (for now) along with them. Glimmer and Catra are basically prisoners. Hordak's probably going to have his personality stripped away. The Fright Zone is in ruins. The only one who's gained anything is Prime.
Really looking forward to what the final season has in store, especially since there seems to be the implication that Catra just saved Glimmer's life.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o1j5gk/going_in_blind_watching_season_4_for_the_first/
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guardianoracle · 4 years
What is a guardian? I made a quick guide explaining them! I'll be looking forward to posting my new fellas here over the coming days.
Guardians are a type of egregore, bound to an idol for physical form. The materials themselves can be virtually anything. The only thing that matters is what you think their effect will be on the finished guardian. 
It is also very important to make sure to use sturdy materials in crafting them. You want it to be string enough to withstand things like falls, rips, dogs, poltergeists, what have you. This not only helps keep them intact, but it reinforces your idea of their strength to protect them further on a spiritual level, too. 
You want to let go of imposing your ideas while crafting them, allowing your ideas to pool into a chaotic jumble of your initial impression of the spirit of the guardian you're crafting. Of course, you want to guide this chaotic energy to a degree to make sure things stay consistent and stable in the process. No matter what, trust and believe that it will turn out exactly as it should. Believe that it's spirit is helping guide it's creation and let it's creativity flow through yours. 
It's important to take this work very seriously and approach it with patience, persistence and care. This process uses the same faculties as wandmaking or enchantments. This process is assisted with skills in things like mediumship/channeling, enchanting, tulpamancy, thinking magick and magickal observation. Warding and banishment is important, too. You are crafting an egregore. A companion and friend. It is very important to treat them that way, as a true partner. They are your responsibility. 
As with any relationship, keeping strong boundaries is most important. You need to be steadfast in them. You are creating a living soul. All living souls will push and test boundaries, especially with whom they are closest with. This is completely natural and they should not be punished for doing these things, but a stern correction may be necessary from time to time. 
It is imperative to establish your authority with them from your first interaction. An easy way to think of it is to imagine them as your teenage children in a way. You are still their authority, but they are your obligation and will need your guidance to stay out of trouble. Even though you must dictate their behavior to a degree, it is very important to treat them with the utmost respect and not micromanage them. Even though they are yours in a way, they are their own individual and must be treated as such. 
Some people like to design every little aspect of their egregores. This can make them more tailored to your needs, but it restricts the entity to a degree that can make them feel depressingly robotic in my experience. Or, they may react by withholding information about themselves from you so that they won't risk losing those aspects of themselves. Fear of rejection is something that affects us pretty much universally, and objects or artificial things aren't necessarily spared from it. 
Personally, I leave my intentions towards their usage very open-ended. I prefer to instill morals into them over assigning purposes to them. You are their mentor in a way, as they are yours. Giving them the freedom to become who they want to be, with some level of structure, has given these things a level of humanity and personality that I couldn't feel more blessed to be able to witness. Even though this relaxed approach can be significantly more risky, it is my opinion that these risks yield great rewards and taking that leap into the unknown can allow you to experience so much more than you would otherwise. Always trust that things will happen as they should. 
Guardians get lonely, too. It's usually best to make companions for them. My guardians typically have a soul mate made for them as well. This ensures that they have a partner in their life, romantic, platonic or otherwise. They generally become inseparable partners in this way and have similar or very compatible souls with each other. 
Creating a tribe of guardians is a great way to give them a sense of family and identity. This also adds a layer of accountability between them. They are egregores after all, and will remain active without you. Giving them a pack gives them a way to stay occupied and fulfilled with each other while you're away. Of course this isn't exactly necessary and can be a big commitment to make. Regardless, socializing your guardians is essential to avoid unwanted antisocial behaviors. 
After you create a guardian, you're going to want to make sure they're awake. You hear them with your mind's ear, so attempt telepathic communication with them, even if you don't necessarily think you'll be able to. You'd be surprised. Ask for their name. If they won't tell you for whatever reason, ask if a nickname would be acceptable. There is a chance that they haven't decided on a name just yet, or that they can't figure out how to express their name with language, or they may not consider you ready enough to know. This is very personal information to them. You must respect their boundaries too, even if this is one. Don't try to find their name before they're ready to tell you. This is crossing a personal boundary and will hurt your relationship with them right off the bat. 
Remember, these are companions, not your tools. If you cannot sufficiently communicate with them you can try to use divination to communicate instead of telepathy. Communication is key to a healthy relationship with them. Ask them about their wants and needs. Ask them about what they've been up to. The answers might surprise you! They do live lives on the edge of our realities in a way that are completely different from our own. As we teach them about our world, they teach us about theirs. 
Go into your creation with an open mind. The perfect guardian for you may be something you'd never expect, or might even fear! Look at them as individuals and don't put flash judgments on them.
Use whatever you have handy to create them! Of course you can buy things instead, and if you do, make it special and treat the trip as a significant spiritual event, because it is. I prefer found objects though, as some of the best art seems to come from scarcity in my opinion. It's also best to use materials you connect with. I'm using pipe cleaners for these guys and that works wonderfully for me, but it might not for you. Use your instincts! Express your divinity. 
As with any enchantments, it's best to spend the with them after they've been born. I usually keep them with me for at least a week or two afterwards. As you spend time with them they get to know you, your life and the people around you. This helps them understand your needs better and improves your relationship with them significantly. They will learn their role in your life organically, based on necessity. This also helps you get familiar with them and their energy. 
Have a safety plan in mind, just in case something goes wrong. Plans on how to protect them or save them are important in case they get attacked or injured. It's also important to have in mind a way to destroy them if they turn into something dangerous. It is your responsibility to do so if you have to, but as a last resort of course. Fire and banishment is a method. As long as a fragment of them exists, they may live on. This is also my disclaimer. Playing with fire is a great thing, just don't let it consume you. I'm not encouraging anyone to make these, just explaining my process and opinions to anyone that has decided to do so already, or is curious as to these things. 
Don't forget about them. If you store them, store them together and have a special place to do so. If you can no longer care for them, consider selling them to transfer ownership. Always, always explain to the buyer what they are getting themselves into. Otherwise, this would be a spiritual attack and you will need to deal with the ramifications of this. Don't let the guardians fall into loneliness to the point of despair. Give them the ability to sleep. Unnecessary despair breeds all sorts of negativity and can cause all sorts of issues. 
Do not insist on asking for something they are not able to do. They may not be allowed to, or even be able to tell you why. You should respectfully as for their reasons and then respect their decision and privacy by allowing them to keep it to themselves if that's what they want to do. 
Don't hold back! If you have an idea, go for it. The worst that'll happen is you'll fail. At least you'll go down with courage! Push your limits. Believe you are more than you think, and you might start seeing that you really, really are. Trust yourself and be yourself. Create what you feel called to. Create for the sake of creating. Don't worry so much about rules or systems, you are perfectly qualified to make your own! You don't need loads of experience to do so. Let your instincts guide you instead, see where it goes. As long as you do that, whatever you do will be wonderfully magickal regardless. 
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 3 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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Episode 1: I know in the original series She-Ra was the sister of He-Man so I'm curious how much of that will be carried over to this series. Not saying He-Man has to make an appearance, same as how Batman didn't need to show up in Teen Titans. That was Robin's story, not his, and similarly this is Adora's story, not Adam's. Regardless, it makes sense why Hordak was so annoyed with the baby Adora in Shadow Weaver's flashbacks. To SW, there was something different and special about the baby, but to Hordak, whom seems familiar with the world before Mara separated Etheria from the rest of the universe, including Eternia potentially, Adora is just another "First One" child like he's seen many times before. Special in comparison to those who only know Etheria.
Great clap-back from Catra to Hordak, and not entirely unfounded. It's debatable how much he actually cares about conquering Etheria. He has others leading his forces in his war yet all his focus is on his portal creation.
According to Entrapta, productivity of the Horde is up 400% ever since Catra became Hordak's 2nd in command. I wondering how much of that is Catra's direct doing? Is she genuinely just that good of a commander? Is it because she's properly delegating and Scorpia has been handling most of the load? Or is this just because it's in comparison to Shadow Weaver? Entrapta said Catra's focus on First Ones' tech has been greatly aiding them and SW definitely focused more on magic, which was an aid mostly to herself since everyone else in the Horde seems to fight only with weapons and technology. And most of what she saw of SW while she was Hordak's 2nd was her being obsessed with bringing back Adora rather than fighting the war.
Episode 2: Let's see... Hordak's easily an adult and Entrapta is...[checks google] late twenties, early thirties. Oh good, then let's sail this ship!
But yeah, that was a heck of a backstory for Hordak. This reminds me of a video by a Youtuber named Savage Books comparing the villain Steppenwolf in the theatrical and Snyder Cut versions of Justice League and how, while he still wasn't a great villain, just a small addition made him a much better villain, that being a failure in his past and the desire just to go home. And in this case, Hordak is the much better, or at least way more developed, version of that. One of many clones of Hordak Prime but having a defect that labelled him a failure and had him cast out to Etheria, a "backwards world" as he's called it before. If he can conquer Etheria, perhaps by building a portal that'll bring forward Prime's army, he believes that'll prove to Prime that he is not a failure and that he can return home to rejoin his forces. Just this bit of backstory adds SO MUCH to Hordak, including new insights on his past interactions, and keeps him from being a flat character like theatrical version Steppenwolf. His lack of tolerance for failure makes sense when he himself is trying to prove that he's not. It gives him compelling motivation to want to conquer Etheria beyond just power and greed. Not motivation you're meant to agree with but one you can still understand.
I like the story with Huntara too. It's a nice little tie-in to something Adora was talking about with Glimmer and Bow last episode. Adora defected from the horde, not because she was different but rather very much in spite being very much like every other soldier there. She wanted to believe Shadow Weaver may have at least some goodness in her too and now we have Huntara as a fellow defector who realized the evils of the Horde, even if she chose to stay out of the war entirely after.
Episode 3: I legit thought Catra stabbed the goat lady for a second.
After Scorpia asking her why don't they just stay in the wastes I'm seeing a bit of a parallel between Catra and Hordak. They've both found a place where they can be the top dog, where they can do and have basically anything they want; her with the wastes and him with the Horde. They can be happy. ...But there's still this pull they're feeling to somewhere else. Catra back to the Horde and Hordak back to Prime. Because they feel they have to prove something; prove that they're not failures. They could be happy but they can't let go.
And that scene between Adora and Catra at the end. That was such a great line read from Catra's actor. "She left me for you. Everything that's happened is because of you." I got chills.
Minor note: While I'm only judging off the Mara hologram, which didn't have color, I do think the She-Ra outfit looks better with pants than shorts like Adora's She-Ra form. I think it makes it look sleeker, if that makes any sense.
Episode 4: Catra's spiral has turned into a drill and its taking her down as far as she can go. Though something I had to a laugh a little at myself over was that my biggest "Catra, no!" reaction wasn't to her wanting to open the portal but rather when she lied to Hordak and said Entrapta let the princesses in. She was actually a positive influence on Hordak's life and Catra with one move just destroyed that relationship and all progress Hordak had been making.
I'm guessing there's going to be some kind of long-term effect from Shadow Weaver continuously siphoning off Glimmer's magic. The woman is basically a parasite and the magic she uses is very different from the kind Glimmer does. I can't believe it never occurred to me that since Shadow Weaver trained Glimmer's father there might be a connection there between the two of them later in the story. While we don't know about anything that might've happened after she left, SW clearly had enough affection for Micah still to not kill him. I could see her trying to take Glimmer on as a student later like she did him.
Episode 5: There is something kind of hilarious about it being Scorpia's jealousy of Catra and Adora's closeness that causes her to be the first one after Adora to pick up that something is off.
11 is my favorite of the Doctor Who Doctors so naturally I'm comparing all this to the crack in Amy Pond's bedroom wall. Whatever goes in gets forgotten about and basically never existed. Though does that mean Bright Moon isn't going to remember the Horde? Basically that entire place got sucked up in the collapsing reality. There shouldn't be at war anymore because their enemy literally no longer exists.
Adora and Catra had their own little Star Trek 3 moment there.
Adora: "If we don't help each other, we'll die here!"
Catra: "Perfect! Then that's the way it shall be!"
Catra's just so far down her spiral she doesn't even care about getting her own win, just so long as Adora doesn't get one, despite just minutes ago clearly loving having Adora back in her life and on her side, to the point was trying to resist remembering the old reality. Her "perfect" world was them together again but when given the chance (another of many. I love those cuts to their past woven in there) she slapped the hand away.
I'm sure I'm wrong but I'm starting to theorize Madam Razz is actually Mara and just at some point went kind of crazy and started thinking as and Mara were two different people.
Episode 6:
"You are everything I ever wanted in a son. This... This is everything I ever wanted in a life. ...But I've got responsibilities, Van. And...I have to...go now."
-Superman, Justice League Unlimited: For the Man Who Has Everything
That was my favorite episode of JLU, where Superman is trapped in this world that isn't real but still perfect in every way, and the only way out was to give up everything he'd ever wanted, including a son he remembers watching grow up, even if it never really happened. With a similar premise, this definitely helped elevate Angela up a bit for me, whom I was kind just meh with before. I didn't dislike her but I didn't really care much for her either. This episode gave her a lot to work with though, with the heavy sacrifice she made. Not just saying behind to pull out the sword but just simply forcing herself to accept her husband is gone and not coming back. I was right that they wouldn't remember the Horde, but I definitely didn't think of the full effects of them never existing. They never exist, Bow never becomes a rebel instead of a scholar like his dads wanted. They don't exist, Micah never dies in battle against them. Glimmer gets to grow up with her father in her life. Everyone, most especially Angela, has to reject everything they would love to be real in favor of what actually is.
I'm guessing we're going to have Shadow Weaver taking advantage of this situation, trying to act like a teacher and mother-figure to Glimmer now that she's basically a orphan.
I talked before about how Catra and Hordak seem to have a parallel between them, especially regarding failure. Catra seems like she has a very hard time accepting her own failures and mistakes and thus why she more or less uses Adora as a mental scapegoat for all of it. Nothing is ever really her fault, it's Adora's, or Shadow Weaver's, or Hordak's. It makes for a great moment when Adora finally punches back, both literally and figuratively. She's not going to accept responsibility for Catra's actions anymore. She gave Catra every chance to make the right choice and she didn't, so now she has to finally live with the consequences. Heck of a glare She-Ra gave Catra at the end. Very much a "If I ever see you again..." and it certainly scared Catra, at least for a moment.
Now, someone go save Entrapta from Beast Island!
Season 3 verdict: Easily the best season thus far. I know this was technically the second half of season 2 but even in comparison to the full season 1 there was just so much that happened in this, so much that got revealed, and so, so many moments of emotion or tension. Weirdly I feel kind of disappointed that Hordak Prime is probably going to come in now and be the new big villain. I really like our Hordak's motivation and Prime seems like he might just be the generic conqueror for power that Hordak seemed like he was going to be at first. Not saying those types can't work. I love All For One from My Hero Academia and Frieza from Dragon Ball. Those guys are pure evil and selfishness, but they also have a captivating presence/charisma to them.
Naturally, since I bring her up the most out of all the characters, I'm very curious to see what happens with Catra now. She's basically nuked every positive relationship she had with anyone. Entrapta's gone, she threatened Scorpia, Hordak's not going to trust anyone including her anymore now that he thinks Entrapta's betrayed him, and Adora firmly sees her as an enemy. She has no one (those under her direct command don't count) and it's entirely her own fault.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o0trfz/going_in_blind_watching_season_3_for_the_first/
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