#''i don't care that they actually care for eachother!!2!!'' okay but you have to understand that you aren't correct!
rinringringu · 4 months
I think it's more embarrassing to make a million posts about how much you hate a ship than making a million posts of how much you like it. Just saying!
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scrollonso · 2 months
First Kiss (Race 7)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.2k words, no warnings) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {This is short, sorry 😭 I'm seeing a pattern of me ending chapters with Strollonso hugging so if u get sick of it uhhhh idc i love it theyre so soft}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Lance was in a great mood, coming into the paddock with Nico but quickly being taken away by Fernando.
They'd talked a lot since the older mans home Grand Prix, texting almost constantly and calling so Fernando could ramble about anything and everything (coming close to disclosing undisclosed renault information a few times)
"How are you?" He asked, turning to look at Lance while dragging him away from the paddock
"We were just texting, Nando" Lance laughed, shaking his head at Fernando as they came to a stop
"I missed your voice" The Spaniard hummed, looking up at Lance
"Yeah, yeah. You were just on the phone complaining to me about how Renault is changing their colour scheme next year." Lance didn't mind it, he liked talking to Fernando. It seemed like ever since Fernando won in Spain they'd just been getting closer every day
"That's besides the point!" Fernando laughed, waving his hand as he brushed it off "Do you feel good about today? First time in monaco for Racing Point"
"I do, I've raced here a few times so I know I'll be quick to get a hang of it in a Formula One car" Their conversations just seemed to flow, both of them listening closely to the other
"Planning to look pretty in pink on the podium?" The shorter man teased, elbowing Lance slightly as their hands fell apart
"On that highest step, yeah" Lance flashed Fernando a grin, playfully challenging the Spaniard
"The day I lose to you I will buy the moon in your honour"
They both laughed, Lance taking it as a joke but Fernando was seriously wondering if he could do that
Qualifying went by quick, as soon as he got to the pitlane Fernando ran up to him
"Lancito, what was your time?"
"Uh, 1:14:08"
"De veras?" His eyes lit up, Lance not understanding but going along "Lancito, you're p2"
Now he understood, this time he was the one to hug Fernando, practically smothering the shorter man
"Wait-" He pulled back, hands on Fernandos shoulders "You're-"
"Am p1, of course"
Lance smiled widely, his teeth exposed as he became excited for both him and Fernando
Lance was sat in the Racing Point garage, worrying about whethet or not he'd actually be able to keep his spot.
"Lancito!" A voice called, getting Lance's attention straight away. Fernando had just finished speaking with people from his team so now he could talk to Lance "Nervous?" He asked, Lance making his way to the Spaniard
"Of course not, you should be" Lance smiled, nudging the older man
"Am horrified" Fernando said, a serious look on his face that quickly turned into a small smile as the two looked at eachother, a laugh escaping his lips
Lance hit his shoulder lightly "Hey! This is no joke, I might make a crazy comeback and win the championship"
"Ah, yes, of course, Lancito" Fernando nodded, both of them knowing it wasn't possible but neither caring enough to be logical, they hadn't thought the two of them having a front row start was possible either but here they are
"Don't run into my car to sabotage me, okay? I need my rookie year championship"
"Of course, I'll let you have a head start, mi sol"
They were all lined up, Lances eyes glued to the lights in front of him, watching as they turned on one by one then stepping on the gas as they shut off.
Fernando kept the lead, not to anyones surprise. Lance managed to defend against Kimi who was trying to pass, building a 2 second gap between them and just over a second between him and Fernando.
On lap 23 he managed to pass Fernando, his hands shaking as he gripped his steering wheel, pushing his car as far as it could go. He led for a little over a lap before Fernando took it back, he wasn't too worried since there were still over 50 laps for him to take it back.
On lap 50 he started having problems.
"Brad, what's going on? Something feels off." He radioed in, having to shout over the noise of the track
"We aren't sure, Lance, just keep pushing. Fernando is .8 seconds ahead."
Lance nodded, knowing Brad couldn't see him but too determined to be in first again to think. The only thing on his mind was a podium.
Four laps later his hopes were squashed, his engine practically exploding behind him as he was forced to pull off to the side, half is car still on the track as they called out a safety car
"FUCK" He shouted, slamming his hands on the wheel. He felt his heart beating, he could hear it in his ears, how fast it was going, how much hope he had just a lap prior and now he was pulled off to the side with black smoke engulfing his car.
He got out quickly, moving closer to the barrier as he waited to be picked up. He felt as if he could cry. He had another great chance and it was ruined again. He felt like he couldn't win, like no matter what he was destined to just never get a podium. Every time he even thought about it his car would decide he didn't deserve it.
He was stuck in the garage debriefing for what felt like hours, Brad unsure why this kept happening, all he knew was Lance was sick of it. The teenager was getting restless, he wanted to show his skill, show people he's not just a billionares son but a brilliant driver. It didn't seem possible with the car he was given.
"I just- I'm so sick of it, I keep having any chance of succeeding torn away from me, I just want to do good. Why can't I just do good? Why can't i succeed?" He spoke quick, nails digging into his palm as he felt himself get more and more worked up over it, he wasn't sure why the DNF's were getting to him more, he knew he could do good, he'd done good, but the car would always give up before he could solidify his results.
Fernando left the podium, walking past the Renault garage and straight to Racing Point where he saw the Canadian sitting on a counter towards the side.
As soon as he saw Fernando he got up, going to him quickly. He didn't say anything, the Spaniard just opened his arms and Lance sunk into them, somehow always managing to feel small in the older mans embrace.
"You did good, am so proud, Lancito." He whispered, a hand finding its way to the boys head, stroking his long hair as he tried to make him feel better
Lance didn't speak, he just inhaled, taking in the scent of the world champion as he hid his face in his neck, not bothering to care about the crowds eyes and cameras on them. All that mattered was Fernando was there, his Fernando was there.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
I have a request, you could pick which ever <3!! stray kids (idm the member) making a bet on the reader to get with them, stray kids comforting reader thinking they’re cheating but the reader isn’t. I’m
I saw someone else do this and it was so good, but your one of my favorite stray kids writer , but if your not wanting to I totally understand ><
- 🌷
Silly bet
Warning: None
Pairing: Han x reader
Summary: ^^
!kinda proof read!
Thank you for the request love ☺️
Hope you enjoy the story!
It wasn't like I should have found out but the truth comes out at the end.
today was a long day at work. There was no lie there. Everything was so frustrating. The day started with my co-worker spilling coffee all over my brand new shoes, then losing the earring Han had just got me for our 2 year Anniversary and then lastly falling down and twisting my ankle when I was rushing down the stairs because my ignorant boss thought it would be "funny" to make me run with stacks of papers in my hand trying to see if I can make it for one side to the other. So yeah my day wasn't going great. At all.
"Han?" I call for my boyfriend but I hear no response. The house was quiet. Was he not home yet?
I put my shoes by the rack and limp over to our room to put everything away before I could start on dinner. All the rooms were dark and had no sign of human activity.
I put my bag down and changed into something more comfortable and head back out to the kitchen.
"What should I cook today?" The thought run through my head but after some time I just realized how tired I was so I just decided to order some Chinese. 
I grab my phone to call my boyfriend to see what he would want from the shop,
"Hey baby?" I say into the phone after he picks up after a few rings.
"Hey my love!" He beams. I could hear a few voices behind. The boys must be with him.
"I've had a long day, I don't think I'm going to cook." A sigh leaves my lips as I play with the collar of my...well his hoodie.
"Awe my love, do you want talk about it now or when I get back home?" His voice is laced with worry, I can hear it.
"When you get back home please, but don’t worry it’s not that bad," I explain to him knowing Han he would literally leave work at that moment just to come home.
"Okay…rehearsals are almost done anyways so I'll see you in like and hour yeah?"
"Okay but I'm ordering Chinese. What do you want? Should I get the usual?"
"Yeah let's do the usual yeah," I hear some laughter and a few screams which cause me to chuckle. “All of you shut up!”
"Okay I'll see you in a bit,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too baby doll,"
A small smile plays on my lips as I wait for him to hung up.
"Who was that?" I hear through the phone. My curiosity took the best of me. Plus he hadn't hanged up yet so I technically wasn't breaking boundaries?
"Just Y/n, she's had a long day at work," Han softly says and rummages through something probably in the studio. "I'm worried about her, she's been so stressed lately,"
"Dude I can't believe you’re actually in a 2 year relationship, remember how this all started?" The other voice says, it was hard to tell who is was.
"Chan, I still haven't told her about it and I don't think I ever will, it'll just ruin things," Han replies to him. What will ruin things? And what hasn't he told me yet?
Was he cheating? Is he doing something behind my back?
"I'm just saying Han, she was a stupid bet I don't think she'll really care if you tell her sooner rather than later. Plus your in LOVE for crying out loud. You guys have been together for 2 years! I don't think she'll care about a stupid bet,"
My body freezes as I listened in on the conversation even more. I was a bet? A bet? What the hell? I knew Han was out of my league when we first started to get to know eachother but I thought maybe he liked girls like me….i was wrong the whole time? I was just a bet?
"I know I know but it still feels wrong and she's been so stressed lately so no I don't think I'll ever tell her,"
I remain silent as a screeching sound runs through my ear. A bet? I was a bet….
I had no words literally and the constant voices were running through my head in all directions. Heartbroken was in understatement.
Nausea hits me really hard as the thought of my 2 year relationship was being based on a bet. 
"Anyways what time is it anyway, I need to get home to the wifey,"
The phone goes quiet until I hear Han's panicked voice. Probably realizing I was still on the phone.
"Y/n? You're still there?"
I small 'fuck' in the background made my Chan and whispers start to echo through the room.
"Y/n baby? Did you hear any of that?" He asks again. Panic was very visible in his voice. His breathing getting heavy.
"I was a bet?" Is the only thing I could say and ask. Nothing else could come out. My brain couldn’t scrape anything at all.
"No- I mean- baby- let me explain-" I hung up the phone and drop it to the ground. Everything was a lie.
My heart was aching with pain and the room seemed to become very very shaky.
A heavy breath leaves my mouth before a sob escapes. The vibrations make my body shake and the ground feeling like it was swallowing me.
The floor was cold and the room felt hot. The clothes in my bidy were slowly suffocaying me. i didnt know what to think or what to do.
My phone vibrates over and over. The picture of me and Han popping up with each ring. The feeling of throwing up coming now and again as I clutched my body trying to make sense of everything.
How could a person affect you so much Y/n? Han knew how much I loved him he knew how much I cared for him, if he really did love me why didn’t he just tell me? Why didn’t he just explain it to me?
My stomach started to hurt due to how hard I was crying. As each sob left my mouth a shiver went down my spine.
“Baby?!” A voice causes my neck to snap towards the direction of the door. The love of myself stood before me as he quickly shut the door and put his shoes away.
“Han?” My sore throat is able to make a sound but my voice is hoarse and breaking.
“Babe, don’t cry my love please?” He takes a few steps before he is right infront of me. His hands reach out but my body dodges his touch.
“How could you?” Was all I could say through sobs. “I thought you loved me..”
“I do love you mama, I really do. I just- we were just young and stupid. Please let me hold you. Please let me carry you onto the couch. You’re gonna get a cold.” His eyes are soft. His lips were plump and worry was painted all over his face. He was wearing a hoodie and some sweatpants with a beanie on his head.
I nod my head slowly and his hands work quickly . He pulls me into his embrace. His scent filling my nostrils.
“Are you okay?” He softly asks. I nod in response. It’s all I could do.
We were sat on the couch now. My knees were against my chest as I watched him move back and forth around the house before sitting down beside’s me.
“Can I please explain now?” He asks, “I hate seeing you like this my love. Look at me please?” I refuse to look at him. I was afraid that I would fold, I wouldn’t be strong.
He lets out a sigh before beginning, “Y/n the bet was stupid. The bet was almost 3 years ago my love you have to believe me when I say it only last a month before I noticed I was actually in love with you. I told the boys that I didn’t want the money and that I had fallen for you. They told me it was okay and that we would never have to speak about it again but guilt was eating me alive-“
“Then why did you just tell me?” I look at him looking for answers.
“I- I was so scared of losing you…” he pauses and takes a deep breath in before wiping the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes, “ You are my first love, my first everything, I didn’t want to lose you because of some stupid mistake,”
“Oh…but what about the trust? Has everything been a lie?”
“No no no no, you have to believe me there Y/n. That’s the only thing I haven’t told you. I swear, you know everything about me, more than the boys do-“
“Oh…” a silence falls upon us as I play with the promise ring he had given me when we had gone on vacation to Greece. He had gotten down on one knee when we were on the beach and I started to freak out thinking that he was going to propose but it was a relief when I heard his question. Don’t get me wrong I will marry him one day I just thought we were still too young to get married plus he has his career still building up. It was just horrible timing.
“It hurts, you know?” I break the silence.
“I know my love, please let me make it up to you? Don’t give up on me please. I was stupid and young and my action has no excuse but please forgive me. I love you with everything in me.”
A little sigh leaves my lips as I study his face. His hand was on my lap. The silence fell upon us again. The panic attack that had happened a few minutes ago had now died down.
“I- I forgive you Han but I don’t know maybe it’ll take time to fully forgive you for lying to me,”
“That’s totally okay my love,” a small smile plays on his lips, “I’ll wait for you but just know I really do love you okay? And your my everything,”
“I love you too Han, so much it hurts.”
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bibylers · 4 months
Byler vs Mileven
So, I haven't ever really "actually" thought about this question before. Mileven or Byler?
Byler, of course! But that's just what I think. What if we just think about it in general.
I decided to split this in three different questions.
1. Which one is better written? (long answer)
2. Which one is most likely endgame? (medium answer)
3. Which one has more fans? (short answer)
So, let's start with the first one!
Let's start with Mileven.
Mileven has been canon ever since season 1, and is still canon in season 4. Let's think about how Mileven started.
A very original "love at first sight" scene. Mike, Lucas and Dustin are in the forest, searching for Will, but instead of finding Will, they accidentally find El. The camera right away starts zooming towards Mike instead of the other party members, which at least gave me the "oh okay so they're gonna be the main young couple" thought when I first watched s1.
I have personally never liked the idea of "love at first sight", which is one of the main reasons I do not like the way the writers started Mileven.
But, thinking in general, a love at first sight start is a normal and basic way to start a relationship.
We through st get to see how Mike and Elevens relationship escalate quickly from friends to lovers.
Now - what l'm about to say is of course very according to the writer, but as a (non professional ofc) writer myself, I don't enjoy writing a fast burn love story. And this doesn't just come from me, but many other writers too. A slow burn adds way more to the tension than what a fast burn does.
But, of course again, thinking in general, many people enjoy fast burns too.
Mileven in s2 is very well written in my opinion. I love how they made a long exhausting wait before finally letting Mike and Eleven meet again, after a year of not being able to even see eachother. They did not get a lot of time together, but they still got the emotional, slow motion reunion.
Season 3 Mileven is where Mileven were in their "honeymoon phase". Mileven shippers LOVED it, meanwhile, others did not. It started getting a little boring almost, with the same repeating cycle.
S1: Mileven get together, Mileven gets ruined (El "died")
S2: Mileven aren't together, Mileven get together (reunion)
S3: Mileven are together. Mileven break up. Mileven get back together.
Were the duffers EVER going to let Mileven just be together for a whole season?
Season 4 proved that the answer was definitely no.
S4: Mileven are together, they "break up", they get seperated, they reunite, and still do not officially get back together, despite Mike's love confession to El.
So, the basic compilation of Mileven:
Very healthy from s1-s2, got a little confusing in s3, getting completely ruined in s4.
Now, Byler time.
S1 Byler gets barely any screentime together, yet we still get the understanding that Mike and Wills relationship is very different from the other relationships (for example Dustin and Lucas.
Were shown that Will cannot lie to Mike & that Mike is the most concerned from the party about Will's missing.
S2 Byler on the other hand, has a lot of screentime together, and a lot of adorable moments.
For example, these:
Crazy together scene (2x02)
Mike coming over to take care of Will (2x04 & 2x05)
Mike tells Will that meeting him is the best thing that's ever happened to him (2x08)
Of course there are many others, but those are my favorites by far.
S2 was a great season over all for Byler. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E.
Not yet generally thought as anything but platonic, but still, adorable.
S3 for Byler sadly wasn't the best season for them. Of course, Mike had ALOT of queercoding in this season and so did Will, but the Byler scene amount in particular were not even close to the same amount of Byler scenes in s2. We of course get the "It's not my fault you don't like girls" Byler rain fight (3x03), but that wasn't a very positive scene either.
This scene was the definition of Murray's "curtain explanation". The general audience does not usually try to look that deep under the curtain, meanwhile, hard core fans, st theorists and Bylers in particular LOVES to look behind the curtain. Search for clues everywhere.
And that search of course lead to this statement.
The duffers are building up a romantic plot between Will and Mike, specifically a Will Byers "gay plot" and a Mike Wheeler internalized homophobia plot.
And was that statement correct, 3 years later when S4 came out?
Oh yes it was.
S4: the Byler season
Bylers took over the whole fandom. (I'm not even joking).
S4 was of course mostly known for Max's plot, but secondly?
The byler plot.
Now, Byler compilation:
Very healthy from s1-s2, not at it's best in s3 (if you don't look behind the curtain), shining bright like a diamond in s4.
Byler is better written.
There, I said it. Please do not MURDER ME.
Now, question NO2.
Starting with Mileven, let's think about how s4 ended.
Broke up, seperated, never got back together.
Adding to this, El hadn't even spoken much to Mike after his love confession.
Now, that might sound a little strict, but the fact that all l just said was completely true, not even from behind the curtain, makes it just so clear how Mileven is obviously not at it's best, and most likely at it's end.
So, as a quick answer, I say: Mileven is most likely not becoming endgame in s5.
Now, Byler.
Awkward -> strong -> romantic.
Realize the buildup?
Their bond in S4 was absolutely adorable and strong.
Mikes face expressions towards Will:
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I mean, do I even have to say anything?
So incredibly in love.
So, once again as a quick answer:
Byler is almost 100% becoming endgame. Reasoning to why some of the general audience doesn't realize this is once again, because of the curtain. But, looking behind it, you realize right away how incredibly endgame they are.
Final question!
Well, basic explanation to this:
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Yeah. Byler it is.
Answer: Byler
Answer: Byler
Answer: Byler
There you go everyone. Mileven vs Byler, who wins?
Personally: Byler
Generally: Byler
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zeezelweazel · 1 year
|Yellowjackets| I'm not crazy|
I had this idea at like 1am and I had to write it down
This show is so underated like I'm literally hooked, one of the best tv shows that came out in a long time
Also I tried to do this a bit differently than the others, I hope it worked
Expect more yellowjackets ofc <3
Characters Included : Lottie, Shauna
• Lottie •
[ set between season 1 and season 2 ]
You are stranded in the damn wilderness. You are hungry and scared and lost but at least you have your friends and your girlfriend. You will support eachother. You will help eachother.
Lottie though... she isn't really helping. Now in the beginning you wanted to be understanding because you know about her mental illness. The talking to the trees and listening to the wind was alright but it has now gotten completely out of hand. The others worshiping her is making everything worse. When you saw her try to put her blood to the tea she makes and give it to Travis and Natalie you were done. Someone has to stop this.
You grabbed her wrist before she could do anything and pulled her away. Nat looked at you with a thankful expression. Lottie on the other hand seemed hurt and confused.
"I wasn't done. I need to make sure the wilderness brings them back safe-"
You suppressed the urge to scoff and only sighed, rubbing your temples.
"Do you really believe that Lottie? Like, you actually think that your damn blood and a few leaves are going to guarantee their safety?"
You didn't mean to sound so harsh really, but you were seeing your girlfriend decent into whatever cult bullshit this was and it was frustrating you to no end. You noticed Lottie looking around and nervously playing with her fingers just like she always used to do. The you heard her mumble something as she turned to leave.
"What did you say?"
You didn't expect her to turn around so abruptly but you definitely didn't expect to see tears in her eyes.
"I thought you weren't like the others. But you think I'm crazy don't you?"
"No Lot I don't think you're fucking crazy I just- this is creepy okay? I know that you're ill but you're scaring me."
Lottie took a deep breath and blinked back her tears. Suddenly she looked calm.
"If I'm scaring you so much maybe we shouldn't be together anymore."
You couldn't get another word out before she disappeared, quickly making her escape by going to the attic of the cabin.
• Shauna •
[ set after season 2 episode 7 ]
Your relationship with Sauna had it's ups and downs but after everything that happened out here you've grown closer. So close that you were under the impression that Shauna would want to talk to you about what happened with the baby. Or let you comfort her at least.
It was obvious she was not willing to let herself be comforted by anyone and Tai told you it'd be better to give her space. She would handle this her way.
Well you didn't know that her way consisted of beating the shit out of Lottie. You wanted to pull her of but you, alongside everyone else in the cabin, were frozen in shock and fear.
After Shauna seemed to run out rage she went outside, with you following behind.
"Shauna what the fuck!?"
Shauna only spared you a glance after that she continued looking at the trees in front of her, like she was annoyed by your presence. This didn't help you calm down, it only made things worse.
"You almost beat Lottie to death, are you even sorry? Don't you want to know how she's doing? Help Misty take care of your mess-"
"So what if she dies? We'll have food and then maybe the rest of them will stop thinking that they can talk to the damn pine needles."
You were shocked and hurt. This isn't the sweet girl you had a crush on. This isn't the girl that was so willing to help everyone after the crash. Her eyes are empty now and when you see emotions swirling behind them it's something dark and scary.
"Shauna you're acting off."
She scoffed, getting up to get back inside.
"If you're going to call me crazy at least say it straight up."
She had lost her child and her best friend. She had to do horrible things to survive. But so did you and you've never done something like this. You've never felt this darkness that everyone seems to have let inside. You also thought the same about Shauna, just a few days ago. The thought that she lost her soul so fast scares you because you know that it's not long before you are in her place.
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cheese12cake · 2 years
Important moments
Pairing: Wilhelm x Gn!Reader (although I won't really mention any pronouns)
Fandom: Young royals
TW: kissing? Is that even a TW? Idk.
1. How you met
It was a rainy day at Hillerska, rain pouring down the window and the leafes of the trees swaying in the chilly autumn wind. You were sitting in your seat, doodling away in your notebook, waiting for the teacher to arrive. You saw someone enter through the doorway. It seemed to be a boy. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him walk towards you.
"Hey, is this seat taken?" he has asked, looking between you and the empty chair right next to you.
"No. You can sit down if you'd like." with that he sat down. Only now did you look at him, and boy when you noticed who it was!
"Uhm, I- uh....it's a pleasure meeting you, Your Highness?" it came out more of a question but you didn't care at this point.
"Oh, please, none of that formal shit. Just call me Wilhelm." "Alright."
You then noticed he was staring at you, waiting for you to introduce yourself.
"I'm (Y/N) by the way." this was going smoothly.
"Pretty name" "Thanks, could say the same for you." you smiled.
"Thank you!" by now the both of y'all were smiling at eachother, that was until the teacher walked in.
After a couple minutes you could here a low "shit" coming from beside you.
"Hey, you don't happen to have a, uhm, pen do you?" he asked, nervous for some reason. You gave him a pen with a little smirk.
"Huh. Didn't expect the prince, of all people, to forget his things." he laughed at your response, not so tense anymore.
After class you saw him in a couple more places, like the hallway, so you both eventually gave eachother your phone numbers. This was the start of a beautiful friendship.
2. The first date
Wilhelm was a nervous wreck.
After months of being friends he decided to ask you out on a date. To his surprise you said yes! So now he had to come up with a great first date idea.
So he goes to Felice! Because who else knows more about dates then her? Together, they managed to plan the whole night.
It wasn't easy ofc, you would have to avoid going to public places so it was hard to come up with a place that wasn't public, so they decided that since it was a first date it didn't have to be the most glamorous date in the history of dates.
It would be a Netflix and chill night in Wilhelm's dorm, ordering take out Vietnamese (if you don't like that just change it to something you like) and listening to music.
So that's what y'all did. And it was so much better then a quick dinner in some fancy restaurant. You actually got to know eachother so much better, and by the end of the night Wille knew he was in love. And so did you.
This was only your first date, with many more to come.
3. First kiss
It happened maybe after the 3rd date. You guys were out in the park, the lights giving you the only source of light.
It was too romantic not to do it. And Wilhelm so wanted to. And here was his chance.
Y'all were turning back to go back to campus. Suddenly Wilhelm grabbed your hand and led you to a park bench.
You looked at him confused, not understanding what he wanted.
"Are you okay? Didn't you wanna go back?"
"I am, just.....You look so beautiful right now." you probably blushed harder then you ever had, but it wasn't too noticable due to your cheeks already being red from the cold.
"You look really good too, I'll have to admit." subconciously you both moved closer to eachother, to the point your noses were touching. You blushed again, asking : "Is this o-" but you were cut off with Wilhelm's lips on yours, you both sharing a sweet, loving kiss.
Lemme just tell you after this you looked like this 🍅. Literally. He just started laughing at your face & oml it made butterflies erupt in your stomach for the I lost count how many times today.
After the kiss you walked home in a comfortable silence with goofy smiles on your faces, feeling giddy.
4. "I love you"s
He's such a straightforward person with you oml😭. Like one day he will just blurt it out leaving you question yourself if you heard him correct.
He will also say this to win in something against you bc he's a bastard :)
No but for real now, his "I love you"s are always, always sincere. He says those 3 words with so much love & passion, with the biggest heart eyes.
And when you say it back! Boy will melt right there and just start blushing so hard he'll also look like a 🍅.
I don't think he usually got told this, maybe by Erik, do when you tell him how much you love him he'll tear up a bit.
Even though he craves affection bc he wasn't given a lot he still makes you feel like the most loved person on the whole ass planet.
5. Meeting the parents
Your parents : they were chill about you getting a bf, but they sure as hell didn't expect the Prince of Sweden standing infront of their door. They did a doubletake for sure. Maybe even a tripletake. Anyway, after some awkwardness they got along well, welcoming him into your family with open arms.
His parents: They were strict asf. Like during the whole dinner they kept looking you up and down, which made you slightly uncomfortable. Once dinner was over they went to talk about this situation with Wilhelm. Half an hour later he came back with the biggest smile on his face.
"They accepted it!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around you. In that moment you two were the happiest couple in whole Sweden.
A/n : this person asked me to tag them in the wilhelm stories so @chaoticlittledamon
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cogbreath · 5 months
i waint to hea r your bbt things
sheldon is also not the only one whos autistic imo. im not certain of who i all headcanon as such, but i feel its a fitting one for amy and bernadette actually. i think a lot of the problems with the way sheldon's autism is written is the fact that other characters don't *respect* him about it. like his needs and behaviors are often belittled or treated as nonsensical. overall i think everyone should be much kinder and understanding about it towards him seeing as they are literally his friends and all.
also probably a nitpicky thing and a matter of my own autistic sensory preferences but i feel it makes more sense for sheldon to NOT wear his sleeves rolled up for sensory reasons. whatever though im allowed to project. also i think they missed an opportunity to explore his interest in vexillology more? like there was maybe 1 or 2 episodes i remember about it but if youve ever met a vexillology enjoyer you know its a common topic they gush about.
speaking of gushing i think the dynamic between sheldon and amy would be like. two autistic best friends who love to infodump at eachother and do parallel activities. at most maybe they have some sort of queerplatonic thing going on? but im not actually super versed in what that means despite being aromantic myself xP
oh anothet thing that bothers me is how the female characters are written as not getting any of the geeky stuff??? it's stupid. like, yeah penny isnt a nerd, but she's an aspiring actress i think she would know what a star trek is. -_- honestly like, all of them would understand a lot of those things and are probably into similar stuff. bbt seems to think that like, these are Guy interests that all women dont understand or get when in reality like, dc comics n shit like that, literally your average person can follow along so i hate that they make the women seem as if they don't understand star wars references.
obviously this is probably one of the most common complaints about the show but id love to have made a lot of the pop culture references controlled and niche. we dont need a reference every other 5 minutes, id like to define each character's interests in a more sensicle way outside of just "haha guys look theres nerd stuff on tv hahah did you guys get that reference"?
also another problem is the way howard behaves. like some episodes his behavior is like, sexual harassment at times, which is met with a laugh track every time. not cool, and unnecessary, should be written to be more respectful. and then of course id like to make him have a better view of his mother, the dynamic in the show is one based off of antisemitic stereotypes about jewish mothers, and thats shitty. i wont retcon it to be a perfect mother/son relationship, like they would definitely still bicker, but i want to potray his mother as more than nagging and obsessive, like perhaps she does care too much and doesn't always treat him as an adult at times, but i dont find a lot of the overall nastiness that happens in the show between them to be funny or interesting.
raj is a pretty okay character imho, but definitely needs to be written more respectfully. He is a major example of the trope of characters of colour being sidelined. like the fact he was the ONLY character to be single in the end of the series? its kinda fucked up lol. obviously as mentioned before i think raj x howard should be the canon outcome. howeber both of them are bisexual, they both are potrayed as having interest in women; but i also think their interest in eachother is serious, or at least should be written as such. its also probably likely that the way he's written in terms of his culture should be improved but i havent gotten around to that just yet. i also think his anxiety issues should have been written with more respect, like the fact he was physically unable to talk to girls i think shouldnt have been an issue he had with *just* women. it seems they were trying to potray him as having selective mutism? but obviously thats not a thing that ONLY happens when one is a around ppl they r attracted to.
bernadette im actually rlly excited to write better because she reminds me of myself at times. i will dial her mischievous nature and her interest in microbiology up to 10. i will make her infodump about prions just i do.
also imho leonard is transmasc. i dont have any like, "evidence" or theory for why i think that other than just he feels that way to me. not that we even need justifications for transgender headcanons around these parts though.
also wil wheaton will NOT be existing anymore as a character in the narrative due to the fact he blocked me on tumblr for some dumbass shit. LOL.
uh i didnt expect to actually have all that much to say about this show... LOL.. enjoy my rambling!
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ahundredtimesover · 3 months
Okay firstly, wow. Mimi the way Jungkook redresses OC's bandage, it's so domestic and cute. And how they're both vulnerable to each other (Jungkook especially since it's the first time), it's so sweet and it's actually something that happens in real life..
I love how realistic this whole fic is mimi. 1) They sleep on TWO beds and not on one like how it goes in most stories/dramas/movies. 2) OC does not end up wearing Jungkook's sweatshirt and she wears other actual clothes. 3) The owners of the guesthouse don't automatically assume they are a couple and how one person addresses Jungkook as OC's friend to her. I love thisss. Mimi you're giving us such nice butterfly-inducing scenes that are not only REALISTIC but also when both OC and Jungkook are PROFESSIONAL. The way Jungkook and OC both know they're attracted to each other and they both want to seek eachother's company but refrain from doing so because they know it's not professional and they have to stay in their limits, that's really nice mimi. And also how OC acknowledges the crush she has on Jungkook and tries to act on it like an actual mature adult.
And let's not forget that teeeenyyy bit of jealousy Jungkook felt and acknowledged when Jimin and OC hug
Maybe it's only me thinking this way mimi, but isn't OC always on the recieving end when it comes to her friends? I mean yes, she's not as free as Jimin and Soomin but what about Yoongi? Yes, OC is kind and understanding to Jungkook, but (correct me if I'm wrong) she also did accept to Yoongi that she does this because it's also beneficial to her, right? Maybe it's not mentioned in the fic because the plot focuses on Jungkook and OC's relationship but I really am curious to know how OC is her friends..
And I'm saying this again coz of how you told you literally had to ask people on how they should give a chance to The Light of Dead Stars. That fic is literally my most favourite fic of all time 🩷 It's just so beautiful and how it's with Jin and how it also shows OC's feelings' transition from Namjoon to Jin 🩷🩷
I love it so much mimi🩷🩷🩷
I'm waiting to re-read it once I'm done-done with my exams
Okkk I’m back to asks and I’m sorry this is late but I remember being so happy when I read this! ☺️ As for that whole guesthouse scene - yes, I didn’t go with the usual bc I didn’t feel like it was time, and I’m glad it’s something you appreciate bc there’s also something intimate with a two-bed situation?? And ok, with all the tension, there’s bound to be some butterfly-inducing moments bc they’re honestly so cute about their feelings (savor this) 🤭
As for your question regarding OC as a friend… yes, it seems like she’s always on the receiving end especially with Jimin and Soomin who drive to her, treat her, are affectionate to her. But she’s the type of person that people like being around bc of the emotional safety she provides - as I got older, I learned that this is an important yet underrated aspect of any relationship. Yoongi told her once that she gives comfort to people, and her friends feel this. Jimin and Soo are rich socialites who also deal with alot of stress and drama but they let all that go with OC. They’re themselves with her, and she doesn’t push them away. Yoongi has a no-nonsense attitude but she doesn’t judge him; he’s introverted and she doesn’t force him to socialize or anything. He didn’t want their friendship to change and she didn’t let it. There’s something welcoming about her. She can’t offer much of the material things but there’s safety in her presence, and that’s what Jungkook has realized, too. And that’s what I love about her. They’re all subtle since she’s not a grand person, but the care is truly felt by the other person.
And yay, another TLODS enthusiast 🥹🥹 I’m so happy you loved it! I think it’s my one fic where neither one of them started with feelings for the other, like it organically just happened hehe THANK YOU.
And thank you for this. This was such a lovely message 💕💕 I hope you’re well, anon!
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einsteinsugly · 1 month
I'm sending this to three T70s blogs! What are your very most controversial/unpopular That 70s Show opinions? To get the ball rolling, I'll confess a few of mine since I'm on anon and can't be attacked :) 1. I always shipped Jackie/Eric to the point where they're a true OTP of mine. I have no idea why. Usually when I ship non-canon couples, it's because they're very close friends whose personalities seem incredibly compatible to me...but Jackie and Eric aren't especially close (despite being in the same general group), and they don't seem very compatible or even to care about and respect each other that much. (Though Jackie's "hero" line melts me!) Tbh, it probably just comes down to the fact that Jackie and Eric are by far my two favorite characters. I love analyzing, writing about them, and envisioning how they might have worked if I conveniently ignore 97% of canon. I'm pathetic :) 2. I wouldn't really like Hyde in real life and don't think he was a particularly good romantic partner at all. (*ducks*) I mean, he was an improvement over Kelso, but who isn't?! I just think fandom idealizes him a bit too much. It's a matter of taste, though---the super 'edgy, rebel, proudly rude, 'duuude, I shoplift and smoke a lot of weed and would rather set myself on fire than eat in a mainstream chain restaurant' kind of guys just aren't my personal type :) 3. Sort of related to the first two confessions: I don't think Jackie and Hyde would make each other happy long term. They had some wonderful moments on the show, but I really just don't think they'd give each other what they want. 4. I don't really get how some newer fans turn Laurie into this root-worthy 'girlboss' who's just misunderstood- she's supposed to be unrepentantly, hilariously terrible, and she is! Sometimes it really is as simple as that :) 5. (*whispers*) More often than not, I enjoy Kelso. Obviously as a boyfriend to Jackie, but as a character who - for me - really does add a lot of humor and energy to the show. i can't wait to read yours, and please don't hate me for mine!
Don't you mean, obviously not as a boyfriend to Jackie?
To your points.
1. Jackie and Hyde can work long term, to me. They're stubborn, but they give eachother what they want. Love and stability.
2. I do think Laurie was mistreated by her mother and was unrightfully slut shamed. However, she goes beyond this, and willingly home wrecks. Ultimately, she falls back into her old patterns whenever things get hard. She has potential to be better, but she is morally grey, if you will. She is willing to do almost anything to get what she wants.
Okay, now mine.
1. I've said this before, but I think T9S is worse than season 8. If only because season 8 is way easier to fix.
2. I tend to regard season 8 as canon, if only because it logistically meshes (unfortunately). Both post-season 8 and post-season 7 verses are canon. T9S is not, since it logistically clashes with both, in a huge way (*cough* sixteen year old Jay *cough*).
3. I do not think Jackie can truly overcome all of her conservative biases via Hyde. She would really struggle to accept a child that seriously strays from the norm. It sucks. It's one of those things where she outwardly accepts it, to be politically correct, but it's obvious that it's not how she really feels. She'd ultimately accept a gay or bi kid, but it would take her years to accept a trans/gender non-conforming kid. And even then, she still wouldn't get it/understand it.
4. Okay, T7S takes place in the past. Blatant historical anachronisms, to adhere to modern standards, do way more harm than good. It leads some readers to believe things were better than they actually were, which is a fucking disservice. I strive to be historically accurate, not just in material things, but in attitudes too. It varies from character to character, but still.
5. Jackie, for the most part, would be awful irl. I've met good Jackies in the past, but a lot of bad ones, too (*cough* family members *cough*).
6. Only Jackie, and maybe Fez, would be a Swiftie.
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caps-clever-girl · 10 months
Okay I'm going slightly wild because I think I know your opinions on the mainstream ships - don't feel the need to do all of these 😆
I ABSOLUTELY answered all of these and you did actually include one of my fave rarepairs in this jkjshdfkj THANK YOU!!!!!! Ship game here!
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Fell in love with this pairing in the peach milk fic, i CANNOT EXPAIN this??? But i just lve how soft robin can be and i think thomas would do well with that. Also having someone who’s a bit more blase about monogamy could help thomas calm down a bit with how obsessive he is (or it could of course backfire and make him sad :c ) also i feel robins pranking/little shit-ness could go well with toms dramatics IF he let himself.
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This one was DIFFICULT. I love burnt bread ok annie/mary is absolute soulmate shit. Its funny bc at the start of ghosts i did think kitty/mary was very cute, but between a growing fondness for kitmas and my LOVE for annie/mary i lost interest. I personally perfer this trio as annie/mary and their bestie kitty? But i do think the potential is cute as fuck and i an happy to be convinced of an ot3!!!!!!
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I FUCKING LOVE JULIAN FANNY AND I WANT THEM TO BANG. I WANT THEM TO BANG A LOT. I WANT FANNY TO FINALLY SHOW HER TRUE HORNY COLOURS AND I WANT IT TO BE WITH JULIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously i fucking love these two as an item, they were giving VIBES in s4 and i want those vibes to continue in s5 DESPERATELY. I think they get on so well when they arent insulting eachother (and when they are) like they’re both smart and can go toe to toe with eachother. And fanny is soooo repressed, i think she should unleash that and finally be her horny self and who better to do that with than julian? Yes he’s an ass but there is a chance he actually knows his stuff. Repressed posh horndog x huge manslut <3. The concept of these two send me so bonkers. I dont think its romantic, though i would not be opposed to seeing that develop, but i do think they would become besties with nasty benefits. Enemies to lovers, to Frenemies to lovers, to besties to lovers.
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CAP AND ROBIN CAP AND ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! 100% a case of have 2 fave characters? Ship them! Its a shame bc they have SUCH little interraction in canon :( i cry about that every day. But i think they would work and actually work WELL. Robin not only lets cap infodump about weaponry but he’s interested in it!! And again, robin is a little shit but he is also a soft bitch. He would be patient with cap, but in particular because sexuality doesnt really bother him?? (Twas simply not really a concept in is day) he has like…. idk how to explain it but like he has no kid gloves around cap navigating himself. He just says it how it is. He doesnt go overboard with encouragement or praises but its clear that he cares and that he understands its hard for cap?? Yeah?? And cap would appreciate that. Cap can go at whatever pace he wants, talk as much or as little abt it as he wants and robin wouldnt pester him, but would be VERY helpful if cap did need it. PLUS!!! They are nature boys. Tell me they would not spend HOURS out on the grounds looking at birds. Robin would show cap his mouse family and cap would LOVE it, and in turn he would show Robin the ants and robin would be intrigued by the fact insects can be organised and have jobs. Robin would teach him about the animals from his time and cap would be so interested. They would absolutely watch nature docs together. And robin would watch weaponry docs with him (not neccesarily war docs themselves). They would both spend hours watching How Its Made vids. God i love them. So so much.
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Ok my opinion on cap/mike. I do love the concept of this, but i do believe its one sided? Its hard to imagine mike falling for a ghost in general bc he cant see or interract with them in any way (hence i dont mind robin/julian/mike bc they kind of can have a bit of a chat and a joke). HOWEVER cap is canonically attracted to mike at the start of the series so hell yeah if that continued and developed that would be so good. The consequences of him being in love with mike would be excellent at any stage - pre-realisation of his sexuality would be incredible to watch, and it would maybe help him realise. It would be interesting to compare an infatuation with mike to one with havers and see the differences, esp if mike was mid/post realisation. I do think mike would be good mates tho. Just a vibe i have. I would love to see them interract so much. ALSO!!!!! I think the paralell of cap and fanny both having a thing for mike would be SO FUCKING FUNNY. Both of them sat bitching about it like “why me” “why me? Why HIM?” And “he lifted that box of silverware the other day and i fell through a wall.”
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eddiemunson-fanfic · 2 years
Bestfriends pt. 2
Eddie Munson x Plus size!FM!Reader
Warnings:some flashbacks, modern!day Eddie
Summary: Eddie always looked out for you, no matter what circumstances there were. He wanted you to be sure that you were safe, and he did everything in his power for you to feel safe. You just wish he understood that Hailey was no good for him, but what could you do when he loved her as much as he did? He was such a softie, and when he loved someone, he loved with his entire body and soul, no doubt about that.
Part 1, Part 3 ,Part 4, Part 5(coming soon)
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Eddie had went out to do some errands after you made some breakfast together.
He had asked if you wanted to join him, and you said you didn't feel like bumping into other people today.
"You and your social anxiety" he had said as he chuckled and rolled his eyes at you. You swatted his bicep as he tried to walk past you into his bedroom to put on some clothes before he was going out.
"Asshole!" you had yelled at him as he laughed. "Yeah, but an asshole you love!" he stated matter of factly. He wasn't wrong. You really loved him, and would do anything for him if he asked you to. But he would do just the same for you. You would walk through fire for eachother, and either of you wouldn't have it any other way.
When he walked out of his bedroom after he had changed into his regular ripped jeans, leather jacket and some Metallica t-shirt as he walked to you, wrapping you in a hug that made you squeal.
"You know I don't care about your anxiety, right?" he said as he looked down into your eyes, his eyes almost like glitter when he looked at you. You nodded and leaned your head against his chest.
You knew why he told you this. He knew how your head could completely turn on you in just a few seconds if something anyone said touched something inside you you couldn't control. He knew how your head overreacted for the simplest of things, but he was cool about it all the time. He reassured you any time possible that he didn't mean it the bad way at all.
"If you feel anxious, please call me, I turned on the sound, so I'll hear if you call me, I'll be gone tops 2 hours, okay?"
You nodded as he placed a kiss on top of your head.
He pulled away from the hug, holding you at arms lenght before he smiled.
"Love you, okay?" he said as he started to walk towards his door.
"Love you too!" you announced back at him as he blew you a kiss before he closed the door.
You were completely in your own head when he came home. You didn't even hear the door as he walked in.
You almost jumped out of your skin as you felt a hand coming from behind and touching your shoulder slowly. "FUCK!" you screamed jumping out the chair you sat in. "You know I fucking hate it when you do that!" you almost screamed at him, hitting Eddie's chest while he was laughing his ass off.
"I'm sorry" he said, acting like he was sad. You glared at him. You knew he didn't mean it. He loved how jumpy you were. How easily scared you got when you least expected it.
When he used to do this, you froze him out, because you knew he hated it when you did. Payback is a bitch. To hear him beg for forgiveness? Was kinda hot actually. You loved to see him on his knees, begging for you to forgive him for scaring you.
So that's what you did. You froze him out. You knew he would flop to his knees faster than lightning, and you enjoyed it. You might have enjoyed it a bit too much. But who could blame you? If they've seen Eddie just the same, they would understand, because the sight of him on his knees begging for you to forgive him? Phew.
As he saw that you turned your head away from him, and started to scroll on your phone again, you could hear him say fuck under his breath. Bingo.
He fell to his knees, and sat up with his arms folded in eachother, pouting.
"I'm sorry"
You plucked your lip out and acted like you pouted too. "You poked mah heart" you said in a childish voice. And just right on queue he started laughing.
You loved that you knew how to make him laugh just by one sentence. When that video popped up on vine, you played it non stop.
I still got it, you thought to yourself. And his laugh was the most beautiful sound of everything, except his singing, of course. You absolutely loved when he sang to you. It wasn't often, but the few times he pulled out his guitar and started to sing for you as he played?
You tried to convince him to start singing the songs he wrote himself, since he was the one who came up with most of the songs Corroded Coffin had instead of finding a vocalist for the band itself, but he didn't feel like he had a good enough voice for them.
But you knew better. Whenever he came up with a new song, he always played out the chords for you as he sang the lyrics, and you loved it. Every time.
"Fuck you" he said in a childish voice himself, glaring at you. You cupped his cheeks as he sat with his head basically in your lap between your legs.
"You love me"
He huffed, and smiled at you.
He stood up, walking over to the stereo he had in his living room, and played music on shuffle play. First song to start playing was Calling by Dead by April.
You knew he put on your playlist, because he didn't listen to Dead by April without you. He turned towards you, watching as you bopped your head to the music.
You jumped up off of your seat and started dancing foolishly around his living room. You loved his stereo, because you could choose to get the entire house booming with the same music. He had connected the stereo to the entire house, and wherever you went, you could hear the music if you played it.
You danced around his house foolishly, being old silly you, and singing to yourself, poruing your soul out as you sang.
"Never thought it existed, never thought it could be. The second I saw you, something changed in me" you sang your soul out. "It is like I'm naked out in the rain, alone and dealing with the pain, can you hear me calling" You was completely in your own little bubble of thoughts, when the music suddenly stopped, and you look over at Eddie who's just looking at you, grinning from ear to ear.
"Why did you stop the music?" you groan as your entire body was ignited with seretonin, and all you wanted to do was just to sing from the top of your lungs as you danced around silly to music some might not think was dance-friendly.
"You know, this is why I love being your best friend" he said, smiling. Starting the music again, and joining you in dancing and singing your hearts out to the songs that played, having the best time of your lifes, finally together again after so long.
«Are you okay?» you heard someone say trying to wake you up by slapping your chin lightly. What happened? And then it hit you like a brick. You suddenly felt a strong pain inside of your stomach. Fuck, now you remembered. Alex happened. Again.
You tried opening your eyes, but it was really fucking hard. Damn, Alex was angry that day.
Like, you were used to getting bumped into everyday by Alex, but this day was very different. He went full out on you, and you didn't know if you did something wrong again, or if it was something else pissing him off.
You knew he was always angry with you, but he had never done something like that before. Never. Yeah, a few hits here and there, and a few rocks thrown your way or your books ruined or whatnot, but he had never gone to this point where he basically abused you.
A hand slowly reached out for you, and you could barely see a silhouette. You thought it was a boy, but you couldn't really tell.
One thing was for certain, it was definitely not Alex. This person had curly long hair. Well, not long, but long enough to go down to his shoulders.
Maybe he was new in town, and didn't know who you were and that was the reason he was so nice to you? Maybe that's why this was happening? Everyone at school knew who you were, or more correctly thought they knew who you were. Rumours did that to you.
But because of those rumours everyone hated your guts. Everyone knew better than be nice to you, or else they would get a huge problem with Alex. But this guy? He didn't seem to mind helping at all, and it was refreshing really. He had braises too. Why have you not seen this guy before? You tried to remember if you've seen him somewhere, but you couldn't for the hell of it figure it out.
"I'm Eddie" he said, reaching his hand out for you to grab, smiling. You were almost more startled now by a friendly face, than you were when Alex went to town on you just a few seconds ago.
You didn't know how to react, so you just helped yourself up instead. Didn't know if he was one of the others around there who only wanted to see you in pain. Like just helping you up to push you back down and laugh at you when you hit the ground again. And you sure as hell wasn't going to allow it today. Sorry new guy, but that's just how it is.
You backed up a little bit, just trying to take in this guys look. So strange, yet so familiar. Looking at him made you relax. There was something about him that you knew deep down in your gut was good. He seemed nothing like the other people at school. His smile seemed genuin, and he radiated good energy.
You woke up to something heating up your chin. You completely forgot to close the blinds before you got to bed last night.
Wait a minute, this is not my room? Why am I not at home yet? It's been literally 5 days since you last talked to your mom.
Fuck, she must be so pissed. She still hasn't sent you any messages after you told her about your tattoo. Not like you needed her anyways. You felt more at home with Eddie than at home with her. You only wish you had the money to save up for your own place, but by the amount of money you got from being a waitress in this shitty town, there was no use. You would be living with your mom until the day you died.
And then the pain hit you. A pounding headache. Oh fuck, you were drinking last night. You only got this type of headache from drinking. But how? You couldn't remember anything past the point where you and Eddie flopped down on his couch after your imaginary dance battle.
You got startled by a small pling from the bedside table. A message on facebook.
You just sat there shaking your head at the messages as you smiled to yourself. He could make you happy from nothing. You connected your phone to the bluetooth speaker he had in his bathroom, and got undressed for your shower.
Punk 👽 you coming out of your room already? It's breakfast ☠️
Munchkin 🤠; yeah, I'll just head to the shower first, I reek off alcohol
Munchkin 🤠 ; wait, why am I suddenly a cowboy?
Punk 👽 ; welp, that's how the news goes 🕺
Munchkin 🤠; oh, fuck you and rick & morty, again?
Punk 👽;  i know you love it 😚
You really wanted to get this smell of alcohol off you. Almost like when you've been on vacation without the ability to shower or clean yourself up for a week. Awesome.
After your shower, you got dressed and headed down to kitchen for breakfast, and you ran straight into Hailey. Fuck. She just smiled the most creepy and unwelcome smile at you, and went upstairs probably to Eddie's bedroom.
You met Eddie's eyes at the end of the hallway, since he was sitting at the dinner table already with lots of amazing hangover food infront of him, and you could already feel that you were drooling. You were so hungry. You walked to him and sat down beside him as he watched you the entire way.
When you sat down, and you both looked into the hallway after hearing a door slam shut, you burst out laughing. Hailey was pissed seeing you here, and you knew by the look she gave you, she didn't like it.
"I'm sorry, but she just locked herself in, because she sat here when I came down to pick up the doordash delivery, not even looking at me as she stood up and walked past me into the living room" he shrugged his shoulders, trying to control his laughter. "She is mad" he said as he dragged out the word mad as much as possible.
"I guess I shouldn't be in such a rush in case of traffic"
"Dangerous I tell ya'!" he said, trying to control himself from laughing his ass off.
You took a deep breath, and looked around the table. Some orange juice was deeply needed, so you jumped up from your chair and walked to the fridge to pick up the orange juice. You desperetly needed some orange juice, but you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw he had bought you your favorite iced coffee, which he knew you demanded in the morning.
This guy knew you better than you knew the back of your hand.
Didn't even like eating breakfast because if you ate after you woke up, you got nauseous, but when you were hungover, food was the best medicine.
Normally one or two iced coffee's was good to go until lunch, really.
You walked back to where Eddie sat, munching on whatever he had in front of himself.
"Did she already eat?" you asked actually curious.
"I have no fucking idea, she haven't talked to me for weeks, and what I see when I come down is her just standing there and just looking at me like I've just killed her family, like she just didn't lock herself in to my place" he shrugged.
You could swear on your own life that Hailey just became more and more weird as time went past. Like, who the fuck did she really think she was?
"She's probably mad because she saw my jacket and shoes by the door when she came in, probably thought you were cheating, and wanted to catch you in the act or something"
"Then she have to wait for a damn long time, I will never cheat on her, and she knows this" he said as he shrugged.
"So, what do you want to do today?" he said, smacking his hand on the tabletop, changing the topic.
You took a sip from your coffee and thought for a while.
"Can I borrow one of your cars?" you asked, not really knowing what he'll say. Because he was very territorial when it came to his cars, but your car was at your moms place, and you would never go there unless hell froze over right now.
"I have to look for my own place to live" you suddenly said. "Do you want to help with that, or do you need to do something else today?" you asked, taking another sip off your coffee.
"I need to go downtown and meet my crew today." he said. "But I'm trying to take Hailey with me, and will probably be out until late" he said, smiling at you.
"Are you planning on running around naked again?" he smirked. When would he forget that? It was one time, and that one time only.
"Sure, take the ford, I'll take the subaru" he said, handing me the keys to his ford.
You didn't expect him to actually go in on it, but you were so happy nonetheless that he actually said yes.
"Can you message me when you're on your way home or something?" you asked, looking at him.
You rolled your eyes at him and smiled, placing a wet kiss on his cheek, stood up, and walked to his kitchen to grab a new pack of cigarettes, walking out again as you walked past him and into the hallway to get dressed.
"You sure you'll be fine on your own? I feel kinda bad that you have to do this alone" he said as he leaned against the doorframe as you took on your boots.
"Yeah, it's fine, I swear!"
"Please don't hesitate to call me or message me if you encounter some nasty asses, okay?"
"Yes daddy, bye" you said as you walked out the door, closing it behind you.
"Be safe!" you could hear him call after you as you walked to the car.
Yeah, you couldn't lie and say that you wished he would join you, but you knew he had his own life to take care of.
You just hoped you'd finally get a place of your own. Eddie had even said that he could help you with rent if you needed it. But you have been saving up for quite some time, and hoped it would last a few months atleast until you started the new job you got a few weeks ago.
You were so excited, but dreaded the conversation you were gonna have to have with your mom. She would flip. But she shouldn't. She have wanted for you to get your own place for long now, and by the way she is treating you, you know it's by far very needed right now.
She couldn't control you anymore. You've had enough.
Taglist: @eddiemunsonfuxks, @grimmbunniee, @jadeylovesmarvelxo, @charleetheefictionalfucker, @anaisweird, @marsmunson86, @eddiethesexy, @readsalot73, @warmaidensrevenge, @sherrylyn628, @sammararaven, @sllooney
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I'm so glad you opened a new blog for this game!
I can't wait until it gets out!
I actually understand a little bit of Japanese vocal (but not the kanji lol)
So to what I get of the character relationship with eachother (it might not correct though!)
Liam: says that will is their and doesn't want be hated him
Victor: says tha he and will are the head of the CROWN but their relationship doesn't go to be so close and advise to be careful around him
Liam: says that the 2 of them are partner and That he is a bit of a troublemaker but still kind but for some reason Harry looks at him with sad eyes
Victor: he likes him and finds him cool!!!! But it one-sided love...
William:(his lines are so complicated!!!) He finds him cute and says that Liam is ready to hurt someone or himself for love (not so sure about this one!)
Harrison:he doesn't not think of as a partner but as an acquaintance but doesn't think he's evil at all
Alphons: Since the first time they met he thinks he's a weirdo
Ellis: says that Elbert is always searching for beauty and he wants to help him and wonders when will he be happy
Elbert: thinks that Al know him better than himself
Roger:(i really had a hard time to get what he says) Al has the mirror of snow white which mean he can see through people (really not sure about this, but anyway Roger seems an expert of curses!)
Alphons:he say he is cruel and very egoist and for that reason to be careful around him
Jude:(I'm in love with his accent but it's to damn hard to understand every single word!!!) Roger is a messed dude and he used to do experiments on people (not sure! Cause this dude speaks kansai!)
Roger: they used to do the same profession (so doctor i guess?) But he decides to stop, still he didn't quit the habit to smoke
Ellis:the day he met him Jude made a promise and for that reason they are together! Doesn't say he is a good person but hoes he can find happiness
Elbert: says that Ellis gives him a lot of things and it hurts him that he can't reach ellis' expectation
Jude:(he sounds like his dad lol!!!) Says that he might seems like quiet but is actually pretty stubborn and because of that he is a pain in the ass and he doesn't want to be with him forever
William:(i really have a hard to understand the lines of this beautiful dude) since the day he met him he's free (not sure!) But is suspicious about the queen from Victor's story (maybe she might be dead JUST A THEORY)
Harrison: Vic puts a lot of tension on him, he is a pain, and a big liar! He can continue to talk bad about for the rest of the day!
First of all, thank you for this! This can be helpful for everyone!
William: I'm happy that William sounds dangerous. Please remain dangerous forever.
Victor: I agree with you! Even I think that Queen Victoria is dead and Victor hiding this truth from the others and is giving orders in her majesty's place...and if the male leads demand that they want to see Queen Victoria, then Victor can pose as Queen Victoria...that's why he grew that long hair, right? Victor? lol
Harry: Sounds like a free-spirited guy, who doesn't care about anything and is cool. Nice! Also, no pun intended.
Liam: This guy looks to be veryyyyyyyyyyyyy self-giving and I don't like those kinds of people. I don't mind if people are a little selfish about themselves. I hope he's not too selfless.
Elbert: I can imagine a scene where Elbert calls MC beautiful and keeps her locked inside his cage as the most beautiful thing in the world.
Alphonse: Still is a psychopath and I don't know why, but out of all, he is the most forgettable character for me. Sorry, Alphonse fans...
Roger: Jude has an accent? Since when? Am I racist for not noticing?
Jude: Okay, I came back after listening to Jude's voice lines and.....i didn't notice the accent, feel free to call me racist... I mean, it's not as noticeable as Yoimiya's accent. I'm sorry. When the trailer comes out, I might notice it. Sorry Japanese people, IF I'VE OFFENDED YOU.
Ellis: Sounds like he's very innocent and clingy?
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myevanlydaddy · 2 years
Melting part 2
Kit Walker × Reader
Authors note: im so sorry it's been a couple weeks guys. my mental health was NOT good. here's part 2! happy late Thanksgiving!!
Warnings: smut, language, mentions of not believing women, mentions of electro therapy, feel free to let me know what else i need to add!
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Five days have passed since I met Kit at Briarcliff Manor, though it feels like I've known him for years. And the days seem so much longer as I dread this unethical electro therapy Sister Jude requests for me.
"That's terrible and inhumane!" Kit exclaimed as I crumpled the paper cup once filled with water he graciously handed me after my little breakdown. He looked furious, "Why? How can they do this?"
I swallowed a big lump in my throat, "My husband, who admitted me here, gave permission and Sister Jude was very pleased with it."
"What? Why would yah husband do that to you?"
I swallowed another lump but this time it didn't disappear and tears streamed down my face. "I caught my husband cheating on me and I refused to sleep with him for some time. He didn't know I saw him though, until I decided to tell him I wanted a divorce. That was the night he dropped me off here. I thought he was taking me to my parents like he said he was."
"Y/N, I'm so sorry." His sincere tone mixed with his Boston accent somehow made him more sexier. He cupped his right hand over my left cheek and used his thumb to wipe away my tear. "I've found a way out of here. When the time's right, I'm running, and you're comin' with."
After that, we spent every minute we could together. Telling eachother about ourselves, talking about our lives outside of the asylum, what the future would hopefully be like, and, most importantly, the plan to escape.
"Theres these tunnels that leads to the outside. No one knows about them."
I looked at Kit suspiciously, "And how do you know about them?"
"My friend Lana," he sighed, "we tried to escape one time but it didn't go as planned." Kit looked at the floor as if he regrets something. "I don't know where she is. I think she somehow got out. I hope so, I hope she's safe."
I gave him a sympathetic look, taking his hand in mine and gently squeezing, letting him know I'm here for him.
The plan was, when the time was right, Kit would turn off the music that was always playing in the day room. Some French song that repeated over and over. We don't really understand why that one song was so important, just that he, and even I, were warned not to touch it, that it would cause a problem. Luckily it'll give us a chance to run, and luck was the only thing we had.
We were working in the kitchen today, I was dealing with rolling out dough with Kit on the opposite side of me kneading it. "5 minutes till' the shift is ova'. You ready to do this?" He whispered with his eyes glued on the dough.
I looked up at him surprised, "Tonight?"
"Yeah." His fingers looked so perfect working on the dough, I couldn't help but fixate. "Everyone is excited about work being done that they will be off the walls, on top of the music, hopefully that'll be ou' way out."
My eyes lingered on him, "Okay, yeah, that makes sense. I'm ready."
Kit must have felt me staring, he took his eyes off his work and gave me a teasing smirk and then back down. All in a blink of an eye. "You know, we shouldn't draw attention to ourselves." I immediately looked back down and continued rolling out the dough, heat rising in my cheeks. "We should keep ou' distance in the day room, can you do that fah me, doll?"
Millions of butterflies entered my stomach while I managed out a quiet little "Uh".
Before I could actually respond, he added, "Don't worry about the music either, I got that unda' control."
A guard scared me out of my thoughts, "Alright, works over, clean up and head out."
One of the sisters came up to me and Kit, "Don't worry about the dough, I'll take care of it." She bundled together the dough on the table and scuddled off.
Kit came around the table to meet me, checking to see if anyone is looking, "Go on out, I'll wash up the table," he softly kissed my cheek, "see you out there." He walked off to get some cleaning supplies.
I stood there for what seemed like so long, melting from his lips on my cheek. I left for the day room though, before he came back.
I went to grab a seat. As soon as i sat down I saw Sister Jude walk in, heading straight for me. She stood right in front of me, "Y/N,"
"Hi, Sister Jude."
She cleared her throat, "I've been seeing you around with a new friend."
"Kit Walker."
"You do know why Mr. Walker is in here, right?" She spews.
"I do." He told me what actually happened to him and Alma right after I told him about me and my husband. Given the circumstances with my situation, why shouldn't I believe him?
I saw Kit walk in out of the corner of my eye. He was staring at Sister Jude and I, probably thinking the same thing I was, 'hurry the hell up'. Then all I could remember was his warm lips on my cheek and I started getting hot.
"Mrs. Brown," I snapped out of my thoughts, "are you okay? You look faint."
I collected myself to reply firmly, "Don't call me that, that is my soon to be ex-husband's name."
"Still in denial I see." She snickered, "Anyway, I came to see you to let you know your electro therapy starts tomorrow first thing in the morning. You are not to eat or drink anything the rest of the night. Don't make me put you in solitary." And with that, she walked off.
My stomach churned. This plan has to work, I have to get out of here.
Kit winked at me and a couple seconds later, he tripped over his foot and put his hand out on the table where the music was playing. The record player toppled over but only the record broke. The room was quiet for a split second, then all of a sudden, panic gloomed over the patients. Screaming and violent outburst came from every direction, guards and sisters running into the room to help.
Sister Jude yelled out, "I have another record in my office!" and ran off.
I started slowly backing off into the hall and Kit followed. "Lets get the hell outta here." he whispers in my ear. He grabs ahold of my hand and pulls me with him all the way to the back of the building to the boiler room. "Help me move this, doll."
Immediately I let go of his hand to help him move a large bed-looking cushion off the wall. Only it wasn't a wall, it was a very well hidden, hidden door.
Kit opened it up quickly and grabbed my hand again, "Lets go!"
We ran down a long dark hall that eventually ended with another door leading outsode. I stepped out, breathing the fresh air in like it was my first breath. I started crying "We did it Kit! I can't believe we actually did it!"
"Not yet, doll." His voice seemed scared and I followed his gaze. I only caught a glimpse of something crawling towards us and I screamed. Kit took off running after making sure our fingers were tightly interlocked so I would follow right behind him. we ran through the woods for what seemed like an eternity, ducking under branches and barley missing the tree roots poking out of the ground, bullying us to trip, before reaching the road. We ran to the other side, into the brush and hid behind some trees.
I let go of Kits hand and grabbed my stomach, panting, "What the fuck was that!?"
"No idea, that's what me and Lana ran into last time. We were so scared. I couldn't stop thinking about it and I didn't see any legs on it before so I figured we could outrun it."
"We?" I said, standing up straighter but still grasping for air.
"Yeah," He breathed heavily, "I didn't think about that until I met you. I had to figure out a way to break you out of there."
We stared at each other in that moment. Our deep inhales and exhales mimicking the other. Suddenly, Kit stepped forward, backing me up against a tree, and kissed me with such intensity and hunger. I felt high, meeting his needy kiss and opening my mouth to welcome his tongue to explore. My hands cupped his face while his groped my chest. "Mm, Kit are you sure?"
His hands covered my breasts, massaging them even harder, "Shhh, baby. I've been wanting this as soon as I saw yah beautiful face."
Heat pooled in my underwear. His voice, his words, his face is so goddamn sexy. I blushed and he could tell, taking his hand off my chest and gliding it over my cheek. He pulled away from my lips to whisper, "You're so fucking cute." His fingers left my cheek and tangled in the base of my hair. Pulling my head back, he started kissing and sucking. Little moans escaped my mouth. His other hand reached underneath my Briarcliff gown and gently started rubbing the sweet bundle of nerves through my clothed pussy. "You're so wet for me, doll," he groand, his thumb circling my clit faster with each moan he pulls from me.
"K-Kit I need you, p-please."
As soon as he heard that sentence, he immediately dropped his pants and underwear, relieving the bulge from the tight fabric. He rubs the tip of his cock on my clit while I frantically entangle my fingers in his hair. The world stopped spinning once he thrusted in and simultaneously sighed together. Like, we were meant to be. He pulled my head back with each thrust and sucked on my earlobe giving me a new sense of adrenaline.
"I-I-Im gonna c-cum, K-Kit." I managed to squeal out.
"That's it, doll, cum fah me."
My walls tighten around him, obeying his demand as I quietly scream in pleasure. My release sparked his shortly after. Grunting, he kisses me a few times lovingly. He moves to pull his pants up, "Let's sit right here together fah a few before we start hiking again, doll." He grabs my hand, then sits on the ground.
Still dazed from everything, I smiled and sat down next to him and lay my head on his shoulder, "Sounds lovely."
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Got another Yandere Sephiroth imagine for you:
Yandere Sephiroth having a "friends with benefits" relationship with Darling. He's terribly stressed out and he does need relief,yes I heard that Sephiroth wouldn't actually be the one to go with having a sexual relationship but I do think he might consider the idea of it
Darling also feel attracted to Sephiroth in a way and she does want to help him,they both knew eachother long before they decided to have a mutually beneficial relationship together. Darling was quite experienced in sex and good at convincing and assuring others. So Sephiroth felt at ease with her,she did manage to convince him sex isn't all that bad, it's a thing that people do and it's okay
(Bet Shinra has those stupid say-no-to-sex propagandas and shit even though their CEO has more than one illegitimate kid. It's a thought I have about Shinra,after all they probably have the motto "Devote yourself to the Company,we don't care about what you think" )
At first, Sephiroth had a fear in their relationship,he feared he would love her. Sephiroth didn't feel like love is something for him at all,since he sees himself as a being unlike human or that he's not like a human at all. So Darling convinced him that there will be no strings attached should they end their relationship and they came to an agreement,none will ever fall in love with the other one during their relationship
Darling stayed true to the agreement,but on Sephiroth's part, not so much. He found himself developing affection for Darling and he tried to stop before it's too late. Until........
One day, Sephiroth is awfully exhausted about everything around him and he almost had a mental breakdown. Then Darling came to his aid and gave him a kiss in order to calm him down. During the kiss, Sephiroth felt that all the despair and agony go away when he's with her and he wanted to cherish this moment forever
Till she pulled away and found that he's indeed calmed down,she immediately left right after bc she cannot stay for so long,after all it is their agreement and Darling didn't want to deepen their bond in any way, shape or form. Leaving Sephiroth alone there does it make him realise something: Darling is the one who can easily slipped away and leave him the most
He understands why she left,it was the goddamn agreement between them and Darling wasn't wrong for abiding it. Just that it makes him feel the void in his heart all over again and only Darling can fulfill that void. Yes their time spent together were mostly sexual and physical but to him, those are special moments and not entirely meaningless
(Side note: I just hate how people exacerbate sexual bonds or relationship or sex in general as if it's not a thing and it's bad for you even though healthy sex is a thing. Plus sex is literally the only thing that keeps humanity existing)
Sephiroth thought that instead tormenting himself of his love for her and burying it deep inside his heart,why not embrace it like he embraces her? His heart began grow a dark, corrupted side,an obsession and possession towards Darling,he will never ever let her go
Hi there it's me,the one who created Irregularity AU,hope you like this new imagine and you mind if I'm🌹 anon here? It can be easier for you to know which imagine is from me from now on. I honestly prefer being anon, hope you don't mind
This is just part 1 btw, I'll send you part 2 after this
Content Warnings: NSFW
I like this imagine! I headcanon Sephiroth as demiromantic/sexual so this would make a lot of sense for why he developed feelings for the darling despite their agreement about not falling in love. Plus this boi is so obviously affection starved without knowing it initially. Poor darling truly did not know what she signed up for.
And yeah, Shinra for sure have those "don't do sex" type of propaganda. They already shape the world with their corporate interests, with the power of their money looming over everything imaginable.
I can imagine Sephiroth's sex education growing up would be something like this scene in Mean Girls (you guys probably already know it), so when the darling and Seph had sex after the first time, this lesson would be repeatedly playing in his head just as a lingering fear, even through he knows its bullshit xD
On an additional note, I always imagined Seph not enjoying the use of condoms but will use it for his and his darling's sake. Pulling out isn't fun for him either, as I think he would have a deep seated desire to stay inside of her. He always hated pulling away from his darling in any way or his darling pulling away from him...
Though, I wonder: Would he try to babytrap her eventually? I'm excited for part two! 💜
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doesntseeyourbeauty · 8 months
Helloooo 👻
It's so good to know that!!! OMG that's so exciting!!! I love making bracelets. I've been reusing some beads from old necklaces that I don't use anymore and some others that I got recently and it's so fun! I'm also going to maybe try making a mix of crochet and bead bracelets for my eras show next year. Sadly, my town won't get the eras movie, but I don't think I want to see it before the actual concert. But, I'm so excited for you all going and sharing these moments again!!!! 🤍🤍🤍
It's definitely the key to a successful future!!! Open communication and willingness to have empathy and walk a mile in someone else's shoes. I think we'll achieve great things when we care about eachother truly more.
Yes, it was a cool experience! I just felt like I could trust her and this time I wasn't wrong. 😂 I might sell some stuff I don't really use anymore. And give some others to my friends that I think fit the aesthetic perfectly. Definitely!!! I'm not exactly from a rural area, but it pretty much as gigantic in the middle of nowhere vibes. Hehehe
I kinda did back then!!!! It was a great time!!! And then speak now was out and that made everything even worse. I was so in love with it!!! I was drawing a 13 on my hand everyday in my senior year in highschool, during my study time for the final exams. Like a good luck charm. 🥰🤍 you're so right about that!!!! Her music is definitely different from eachother, but there's like this thread throughout that just makes it so Taylor! I'm glad you're also having the best time with the rerecordings, because I definitely am!!! I think it's something so incredible! Awww that's so sweet!!! How is it having brothers? I only have two younger sisters.
Hahaha what's your dog's name? I also had a dog and a cat before and it was amazing! They got along so well. 🤍🤍🤍
I haven't watched any of those do I'll add them to my list! Thank you 🤍
Oh, that's understandable! I used to listen to them too! We have a lot of similar favs!!!! ☺️🥰 what's your favourite non Taylor song atm?
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! I hope that you've had a lovely week so far <3
oh 100%, I am a bracelet making fiend! I do pretty basic ones to be fair, but I also work full-time so it's not as easy for me to do more intricate ones; although I LOVE seeing how creative people are with their bracelets (shoutout to my favs @hollyfhumberstone and @dancingwiththecoven bc they make GORGEOUS bracelets and I am forever in awe of coco's and jens talent!!!). OMG PLEASE MAKE CROCHET AND BEAD BRACELETS THAT'S SO CUTE!! I'm sorry that the movie isn't coming to your town, that's no fun, but I'm glad you get to go to the actual show next year (that's so exciting!)! I'm super excited especially because I'm taking the day off tomorrow to go spend it with my friends before the showing we're going to and we're all huge swifties so it's always a party with us!
EXACTLY! You hit the nail on the head!!! <333
Omg yessssssss, I love getting to support small businesses and especially small swiftie businesses, it's always my fav thing to do! Oh I feel that! I live in a big-ish city, but it's in the middle of nowhere and it takes almost 2 hours to get to the closest big city with things like target or even most chain restaurants like Panda Express or sit down ones like Olive Garden.
The OG Speak Now era was something else! I remember when it came out and being absolutely obsessed with haunted bc I was in a twilight phase and I firmly believed that haunted should've been on the soundtrack somewhere! Long Live is my fav from Speak Now (og and tv) but a lot of that has to do with the memories I have associated with it! Okay but I love that you drew the 13 on your hand for good luck, that's so precious!!
It's 100% Taylor's songwriting that makes it so clearly Taylor. Really and truly, it's amazing to see how she's consistent with her writing from debut to midnights considering how much she's grown as a songwriter and musician over the years. I firmly believe that her music holds up throughout the years and will continue to do so, especially with the re-recordings! Oh I am, I love getting to relive those eras again, especially because they were so important to me during the OG eras. I'm very lucky to have my brothers! We're all very close and I wouldn't trade them for the world (I'm the middle child lol)!!
Her name is Kayla! She's an 11 year old Labrador Retriver mix that I adopted last year and I love her so so much! Winnie is my baby but Kayla is my sweet old lady. They get along for the most part except Kayla is a garbage disposal and will eat anything, including Winnie's food (which makes Winnie angry because she's particular about her food lol).
I recommend them a lot! I'm always looking for new things to watch or listen to, I love broadening my tastes!
I love that!!! I think my favorite non-Taylor song atm is He Gets Me So High by beabadoobee or get him back! by Olivia Rodrigo. They're both songs I have constantly going in my head.
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controlkris · 2 years
Input> Soul color change purple: use ability check
before that:
Kris will Automatically "Check" every person they talk to or come across.The checks will include a hotness meter and an “easy to kill” meter
Hotness: She's pretty, very tall... She's okay. 5/10
Easy to kill: She looks like she's going to be hard to defeat, and maybe she can fly... 2/10 easiness to kill?
Razoolio asked: >input command: turn purple and use the ultimate check on them
Health: 2000
Defense: +50
How to best defeat: Turn them against eachother
Kris furrows their brows. Eachother...? What did that mean?
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Toriel clears her throat. "Hello! I'm so sorry to intrude, um... we need to get to that fountain over there--"
"No, You Do Not."
"You Do Not." Topsy smiles. "She Will Remain Flowing, As Long As We Stand Here."
Ralsei frowns. "I think she's guarding the fountain, Kris..."
Susie murmurs to Ralsei: "So...? Let' just rough her up and get her out of the way. There's always been someone guarding it."
Ralsei shakes his head and steps up to Topsy. "Pardon me, but we actually do need to seal that fountain... I understand why you don't want us to, as it would eliminate this Dark World, but my friends and I have a wonderful kingdom you could stay in!"
"We Do Not Have Any Desire To Move."
"Ah,... well, you see, if this Dark Fountain remains flowing, then it will cause an imbalance in the Light World... The Roaring--"
"We Don't. Care." Topsy's smile drops. "Leave. Now. We Know What You Wish To Do, And I Know The Fate That Awaits Us. It's Only A Matter Of Stalling."
"What?" Ralsei asks.
"I don't think she wants to talk." Susie grumbles and hoists up her axe. "Hey, listen, we need to seal that thing, so move aside or I'll make you."
Toriel glances at Susie disapprovingly.
Topsy cracks her knuckles, then her elbows, then twists around her neck and cracks that too.
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Susie (and all other chars)
What will Kris do? Vote now!
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