#。゚ ・ ✩ › ◜ mocha's borders. ◞
mochacappuccino · 5 months
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₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // a rp icon border inspired by the phantom troupe of the series hunter x hunter.
₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // 325.54kb download ; photoshop needed.
₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // feel free to edit however you'd like, but CREDIT IS MANDATORY.
₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // do not steal, claim, or redistribute as your own.
₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // if anything is wrong, please feel free to reach out !
download for $2+.
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batplushies · 4 months
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you'd think they wanted to play or something
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surielstea · 2 months
Taunts and Tension
Based on this request!
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Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader and Azriel go on a spy mission and come back a little more touchy than usual?
Warnings: Sexual tension | Briefest mention of a threesome | innuendo of oral (m receiving)
2.8k words
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“You have got to be kidding me,” The Shadow Singer grumbled as the High Lord told him we’ve been partnered for his next mission.
“Unfortunately, he’s not,” I huff to the tall male, just as annoyed as him. “Rhys with all due respect, I work alone,” Azriel contended and I scoff. “Does that apply to your love life too?” I quip but they both ignore me. “I know Az, but Eris likes her, he’s more likely to play by our rules if we use her as bait,” Rhys says. “It’s just a meeting, the both of you only have to get along for a few hours,” He hums and I roll my eyes, I couldn’t refuse the offer, he was paying me double for this. “Fine,” Azriel uttered, the fool agreed for free.
“Good, you leave at sunset,” The half-fae instructs then quickly dismisses the both of us when his mate comes into his office, a babbling Nyx in her arms. “Hi sweetie,” I coo at the two-year-old as I pass Feyre on the way out. “Auntie!” He exclaims with a bright smile. The High Lady waved at me and I returned it. “Be careful on your mission tonight,” She advises and I brush her off. “It’s just a meeting, nothing to be worried about.” I smile. “Oh, I wasn’t referring to your assignment,” Her eyes flick to Azriel and my lips form an ‘o’ shape in realization. She chuckled then gave me a wink as the Shadow Singer passed by me, muttering a curse under his breath. I return her smile then nod in a farewell and go the opposite direction down the hall.
The Spring Court was a lot duller than I had expected. Sure the flowers were in bloom and the sun still seeped through the trees but, there was no vibrancy to the colors. “Feyre really did a number on this place,” I hum, looking out at the deserted Court. It still held some beauty, the crystal clear lakes with lily pads floating heedlessly, the rolling hills, and flower fields.
“I kind of feel bad for him,” I mutter, bending down and plucking a daisy from a patch sprouting out the trunk of a maple tree. “Don’t,” Azriel huffed. We were on the border between Spring and Autumn so there was a weird merging between wildlife, the magnolia trees slowly shifting into maples, bunnies sectioned from foxes, and lush forests morphing into rustic woods.
“Are we early or is he just trying to make an entrance?” I sigh, already bored. “Early,” He replies and my shoulders sag. “Can you only respond with one-word answers?” I narrow my eyes on the Shadow Singer. He smirks. “No,” He says and I grit my teeth, looking down at the daisy in my hands.
We go silent for a moment. I stare out at the dusky sky, the last of the sun slipping below the hills. He seems content to continue staring at me, much to my dismay. I didn’t know what for, it’s not like he had to keep an eye on me, and there was nothing I could do that his shadows wouldn’t report back to him, they were often all over me, seemingly out of his control when I was around.
“What?” I snap my head back to him after only a minute, his stare becoming too physical, like I could feel the way his eyes traced my features. “Why are you dressed like that?” He tilts his head. I look down at my gown with creased brows. It was a silk slip, a rich mocha color. I look at what he’s wearing, his usual leathers. “It’s a meeting Azriel, we’re not battling warriors,” I remark. “Is it because we’re meeting with Eris?” He tilts his head. I cross my arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I bite back. “That you’re trying to impress him,” He surmises.
“Nuh uh?” He mocks. “That’s your defense?” The brunette scoffs and my frown deepens, leaning against the tree at my back. “I wore the dress ‘cause I didn’t wanna change, okay?” I explain with narrowed brows. “And it’s not my fault he admires me,” I add. “Not that you know the feeling,” I murmur under my breath but of course, he heard it.
He takes a menacing step forward, shadows turning sporadic around him and I roll my eyes on the dramatics of it— anyone else would’ve been begging for forgiveness just by looking into the darkness of his eyes. “What was that?” His hand comes to my chin, forcing my head toward him. I jerk out of his hold with a grimace.
“I said you don’t know what it’s like to be admired, or do you need a reminder that you’ve been chasing the same girl for five hundred years?” This time I was the one to take a step forward, my chest nearly pressed to his. “Because newsflash Az, she doesn’t want you—” I start but his hands come to my wrists and pull them up above my head, pinning me to the tree, his other hand on my hip so I can’t thrash.
His nostrils flared, eyes ablaze and I nearly laughed. “You’re constantly teetering on that edge huh? Can’t ever keep your temper in check?” I arch a brow up at him, my smirk only widens as I watch him grit his teeth. He knew what I meant. Knew that he pounced on anyone who damaged his fragile ego, and talked down on his precious family, gods forbid I mention Morrigan. His hold moves from my waist to my neck, wrapping his large hand entirely around my throat, softly squeezing.
“You’re choking me,” I whisper out and the sadistic fuck has a smile on his face. “You seem like the type to be into that,” He presumes and he wouldn’t be far off if this was a different situation. I flush pink at the idea, it’d be a lie if I said I hadn’t imagined the Spymaster on top of me more than once. My cheeks were burning hot, I was beyond embarrassed, and slightly turned on.
“Not so talkative now, are we?” He was so close, so close his body was pressed to my own, our breath shared as his face hovered above mine, cauldron damn his height.
“Let me go,” I pull at my wrists but his grip is iron, and maybe my attempts were halfhearted because, in all honesty, I didn’t want to leave this position one bit. “You learn your lesson yet? Or are you gonna keep being a brat?” He hums and arousal pools in my panties. I quickly glamour the scent, praying he didn’t recognize it before I got the chance. “Fuck you,” I seethe, continuing my futile attempts to escape. “Such a filthy mouth, you wanna put it to better use?” He asks and if I wasn’t red before I definitely was now. “In your dreams,” I hiss. “Oh love, it is,” He smirks, and my brain stutters. What’d he just say?
My pointed ears perk before I can reply, noticing an unfamiliar pair of footsteps. Not Eris.
“Someone’s coming, kiss me,” I say with a rushed tone. “What?” His hand loosened around my neck. “Just—” I don’t finish and interrupt myself by lifting onto my toes and crashing my lips against his.
He seems taken aback for a moment then to my surprise, leans into it. I melt at the feeling. He was tentative at first but once I showed him this was what I asked for he seemed almost, hungry. His hand slips from my throat and cups my jaw instead, calloused thumb pulling at my bottom lip and forcing them open. I can’t help but obey his silent command, parting my lips wider so he can capture me fully. His mouth seals over mine yet again and my stomach ties into knots, the thrumming sensation in my ribcage making me realize this was a point of no return.
His tongue explored my mouth like it was his and his alone, he was devouring me and I savored every moment. An energy buzzed between us, my wrists still pinned up by his hold, but I wasn’t any less greedy with my lips. I wanted him to taste me, to memorize me, and never forget the feel of his lips on mine, I wanted it to hurt when he had to pull away. Languid movements with his tongue turn into messy, impatient strokes, needing all of me right then and there— and I would’ve given it to him if not for that pair of footsteps returning, so much closer this time.
“What’s going on here?” A gruff voice demands answers and Azriel hesitantly detaches, like he was unwilling.
It takes me a moment to even open my eyes, gods if he’s got me this paralyzed over just a kiss who knows how much more I could take? Azriel lets go of my wrists and I regain consciousness.
“I’m sorry Officer,” I put on my most innocent smile. The male in front of me was Autumn Court patrol, lower in rank based on the patches on his arms. “What’s an Illyrian doing so far from home?” He snarled the word like it was a curse. “We’re traveling sir,” I say, intertwining my hand with Azriel’s. He stiffens at the action as if I didn’t just have his lips on mine. “Travelin’?” The officer scoffs. “Out here?” He hums. “Yes sir, it’s our honeymoon,” I grin wildly, trying to capture the excitement of newlyweds as I hold our linked hands up.
The officer raises his brows a fraction, he was buying it. He was visibly older, you had to be ancient as a fae to start having wrinkles and this guy had plenty. “You know, I feel like I recognize you,” He hums and I swallow thickly. It was more likely for Azriel to get recognized out of the two of us, so the Shadow Singer didn’t take his chances and stuffed his face into my neck, lining kisses from my shoulder to my jaw. My hand goes into his hair, weaving my fingers into his soft, dark locks as I continue carrying on the conversation.
“Really? What from?” I tilt my head, resting my luck. “Not quite sure…” He thinks for a moment. “Ah, forget it probably just confusing you with my granddaughter, she’s lovely like you,” He says and I giggle light-heartedly. “That’s sweet to hear,” I smile. “Alright you kids be safe, perhaps find an inn somewhere,” He starts his trek once more. “Thank you, officer!” I call to him and he gives me a wave.
I nearly cackle as Azriel pulls away from my neck, my lipgloss smeared along his lips. I reach up and wipe it away with a teasing smile. “Not much of a spymaster if I’m the one saving you, hm?” I say, hands cupping his cheeks. “You were the one distracting me in the first place,” He defended, crossing his arms and I snicker. “Awh, poor Illyrian baby is pouting 'cause I’m better at his job,” I taunt, his gaze on my lips as I talk.
“Well, that was quite the show,” A familiar, smooth voice intones from a short distance away and I whip my head towards the figure, leaning against a tree with an unmistakable foxlike smirk on his face. “How long have you been standing there?” Azriel questions and it seems like the Heir might laugh. “It’s truly a wonder how your shadows didn’t find me, though I suppose they’re preoccupied at the moment,” He gestures to the ground beneath me where they were pooling at my feet, flicking up and twining at my ankle every now and again, completely forgetting what their job was in my presence.
The meeting went smoothly, Azriel was a bit on edge with the lack of his Shadows but other than that Eris complied easily, he seemed to have something up his sleeve but we’d worry about that at a later date, we were only ensuring his loyalty was still with us.
He updated us on some information including his father, the two males briefing over a plan to take down Beron, and as I stood there I realized I was just for show, a shiny jewel for Eris to look at, keep his attention before he got the idea that he could survive on his own. Not that I minded being looked at by the Heir, he was quite pretty— hel, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t dreamed about both the males in front of me, at once, more than once.
Azriel shadow-walked us back to the House of Wind when we were finished, or rather when he was finished. I probably could’ve stayed a few more minutes just to admire Eris in the pale moonlight, but my plans just had to be foiled by the Shadow Singer.
Az flew me the rest of the way into the house bridal style— since you couldn’t winnow straight in due to the wards. His hold on me felt more familiar than usual, and when he put me down he didn’t step away so neither did I.
“Hey,” Cassian said from the dining table, a mouthful of food muffling his voice. We both swivel towards the male, sat next to Nesta who couldn’t be bothered to look up from her book to greet us. “How’d the mission go?” The brunette at the table said once he swallowed his food. We both stiffen, the memory of that kiss has been replaying in my head over and over since it ended and yet it felt odd for anyone else to bring it up.
“Uh, went nice…” I shrug. Nesta looks up from her page, eyes piercing as they read me like the chapters in her book. “Really?” She intervenes and I nod. “Yup, just, so normal,” Azriel blurts out, and for a Spymaster, he was awfully bad at lying. Cassian creased his brows, clearly concerned for his brother. “Why are you acting so weird, then?” Nesta interrogates and the male and I share a look. “I don’t think he’s acting weird,” I scoff. “Do you think you’re acting weird?” My words are fast like I only have one breath to finish my sentence. “Pshh, never,” He shakes his head, looking down at his feet then back up to Lady Death.
“Right, well, man am I exhausted,” I stretch, feigning a yawn. “Yeah, the mission really wore me out,” He sighs, rolling his shoulders like there’s a weight off of them, following me up the stairs towards the bedrooms.
Nesta looks to her mate, a small smirk on her lips. “What?” The lord of bloodshed says cluelessly. “They’re totally going to fuck,” She hums, sinking into her chair a little and picking her book back up.
Azriel and I split off into our respective bedrooms, just across the hall from each other.
I paced beside my closed door, wondering what the fuck was I thinking when I let him kiss me. Sure I’ve always thought he was pretty but that was always a stupid fantasy, not something I would ever pursue… until now. Fuck, I am so finished. I repeatedly hit my palm against my forehead as I racked my head for any thought that didn’t immediately trace back to him. I couldn’t even look at my own hands without thinking about his hands, how they held my jaw— no. I wasn’t going to let myself romanticize this, it was just a mission. Nothing more. Just a kiss. A yearning, passion-filled kiss that fed all my cravings and somehow created new ones.
I groaned, deciding that this was the finest form of torture. I now stand still in front of my door, hoping that if I stare hard enough at it, he’ll come knocking and kiss me again because, fuck, I do want him.
I can’t sit here and wait for him to come rescue me from my own torment so I do it myself, hand coming to the doorknob and before I can psych myself out, I fling the door open.
To my shock, I’m immediately met with Azriel’s figure, his hand up like he was just about to knock.
“You couldn’t even let me make an entrance?” He tilts his head and I roll my eyes. “Shut up and kiss me already,” I grab him by the collar of his leathers and pull him in, the door closing behind him as his lips crash onto mine yet again.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glitterypirateduck @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @fauxdette @going-through-shit @glam-targaryen @cauldronboilme27 @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogerbarnesxx @azriels-shadowsinger @stinkinstuffie @sandramalikstyles-blog @sassyangel16 @lilah-asteria @starsinyourseyes @inloveallthetime @melsunshine @nighttimemoonlover @ireallywannasleep127 @cumuluscranium
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leakyweep · 8 months
Passionate sex with Corazon, creampie, just some softness for this October 1st LOL
Minors DNI
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Making love to Corazon was like admiring a piece of greek art; his muscles and tendons were perfectly sculpted, flexing and tensing in all the right places to make him look like a marble god; the way his shaggy blonde locks fell flawlessly above his brows, mocha eyes framed by perfect strokes of a darker, hazelnut hue towards the borders; strong, capable legs that were now trapping yours, his worn and scarred hands yielding your hips while he stroked his cock deep inside you, motions slow, skillful, adoring.
"Whatcha thinkin' about, beautiful?" He husked into your ear, that meaty chest pressing to your sweaty back, "I hope it's my cock. It's so deep inside you..." Each sentence was punctuated with a nimble press of his hips into your sweet spot. Your ass was pressing against his abs now, his palms molding the pudgy skin of your breasts.
"Th-thinking about how buh-beautiful you are, mi príncipe," you gasped, turning your head to gaze into those beautiful irises boring into your own, "H-How I love you like a painting- ad-admiring your features-" As you spoke, his pace was picking up, fueled by your desire mixing with his own adoring lust. The melody of his thrusts and the squelching of your cunt was enough to push you over the edge, yelping his name.
When he spilled inside you, it felt so right, so perfect. he was your own version of a greek god- and as you admired his sculpted face of pale marble bask in the afterglow of his orgasm, you couldn't help but place a kiss upon his brow, thanking him for treating you like his own deity as well.
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mrsgiovanna · 1 year
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Priceless Acquisitions (Yan!Don Giovanna x reader)
A slightly longer version of a drabble. Unhinged Don Giovanna, barely any interaction between Giorno and the reader
Warnings: kidnapping, obsessive behavior, implied minor character death, general yandere behaviors,
Prompt: She's so pure… the last pure thing in this dirty, filthy world
Word count: 2k
It all started when you had chosen to intervene that day. It was a day like any other, you rose early, took care of your meandering morning routine and had started making your way to work. Naples hadn't looked more beautiful in all her springtime glory, but the owner of a pair of emerald eyes begged to differ when his gaze had fallen on you. Giorno had watched you intently from his vantage point at the rooftop cafe he liked to frequent on mornings like those. He appreciated the birds-eye view, like a deity overlooking his pantheon, he watched the hustle and bustle and spotted you darting your way through the crowd when you had stopped abruptly, your gaze being caught by something he couldn't quite discern. He had set down the mocha latte he'd been nursing and concentrated at the scene unfolding below him.
You had seen your fair share of atrocities that had taken place under that beautiful Neapolitan sky, each had irked you more than the last, but when you had seen a child almost snatched by someone who looked like a tourist, your body moved to intervene before your mind could rationalize the action. It was a simple action, in a crowded place like that, any inkling that you had known the child would have spooked off the potential kidnapper. Blissfully unaware of the doom she was spared, the little girl had run off towards an older woman with outstretched arms, chants of Nonna in her tiny voice mingling with the noisy surroundings. You watched as they walked off, ensuring that she was safe before you had resumed your trip to work.
The irony of it all, the simple act of saving an innocent had sealed your own fate… transfixed by the events that unfolded below him, rooted to that spot, Giorno’s interest was piqued, for the first time in years he was moved by the actions of another. Dropping a hundred euro bill on the table the don had finally exited the establishment, the barista followed at a safe distance in order to flip the sign indicating that the place was now open to the public, having been closed on account of Giorno's presence. He hardly dwelled in public spaces, the few choice areas that he had chosen to frequent were under express instructions to remain closed off to the public while Giorno was there, of course, it was for his own safety, but I left him feeling isolated nonetheless… Although he was no stranger to this… his entire life had been one isolated existence after another, save for one bizarre week in 2001, however, even that was short-lived…
Still thinking about what had happened a few moments ago, he had sent a few instructions to his consigliere to take care of the stray vermin that had managed to escape his new regime undetected, and had trusted that his wishes would be carried out, of that he was certain. The thing that posed a challenge to him though, was you. Reminded of both himself and his savior and being a firm believer in the power of shaping one's own destiny, his renewed resolve revolved around getting to know you. Any other intel gathering mission would have been passed on to an underling, this time, however, he had taken on the task himself. After a few days of relentless searching and pouring over videos of you going about your day in his free time, he had felt confident that he had your routine pinned down to its finest details. He knew his interest had bordered on obsession, he saw it in the way Mista and Fugo had guarded themselves when the topic of you had come up in their conversations. But none of that mattered, he was too far in to back out, too invested to give up, too taken with you to go back to life before he encountered you…
His stage was set, with all the world's citizens serving as his marionettes, all that was left now was to insidiously insert himself into all the facets of your life… for one as charming as he, that was the easy part, or so he thought… what he wasn't banking on was your fighting spirit, that had resisted him at every turn. It was infuriating. He was so accustomed to getting his way in the years that he had been leading Passione, he was at a loss when his charming advances had all failed to make an impression. His failure had spurned him on and soon there was not a minute in your day that Giorno was not aware of… which had brought its own problems. For all intents and purposes, Giorna was a fair man… his methods may have left some room for questioning, however, there weren't many who could question his ideals… so when he had seen you ensconced in the arms of another, his moral dilemma wouldn't be one that had an easy answer.
It was the brightest summer morning and Giorno had gone to his favourite coffee spot, the one you would pass by on your morning walk before you had gone to work. It was seven-forty-five when Giorno had lifted his head from his phone and had laid eyes on you with them. His thoughts had become erratic, trying to conjure up reasons for your interaction to the nature of the relationship until that kiss had put all of those thoughts to rest.
Silence… both in his mind and his surroundings. As if a wave had come crashing over his psyche, his eyes had darkened. Why was he limiting himself to the ordinary methods of acquiring you when both you and he were the furthest things from ordinary? He turned his attention back to his phone and sent a few messages to enact his plan. In order for this to work, he would need to know your whereabouts with pinpoint accuracy… a small task he initiated immediately as he used his ability to morph the tracking dot into a ladybug and had it settle into your bag just before you and your partner could disappear around the corner.
Blissfully unaware that your fate had already been sealed, you and your love had walked through the streets of Naples, enjoying the warm summer sunshine.
"So, has that guy ever tried his luck with you again?"
"Which guy?"
"Y'know, the well dressed one, dripping with swag… I bet just one of his watches costs more than my salary for a year…"
"None of that matters, I haven't seen him in a few days… Maybe the police finally listened to me… I don't know, I'm just happy I can go about my day unhindered," you had mused before branching off towards your office block. The day had gone by uneventfully, however, you couldn’t shake off the feeling that you were being watched.
You were just about to end work when you received a phone call from your partner, asking you to meet them for dinner. It was a short distance from your office so you suggested meeting them there. The sun had just started to go down when you had stepped outside and the air was warm and balmy from the day. A gentle breeze carrying a fresh, earthy scent blew as you walked down the street. It caught your attention because the smell felt out of place for all the bustling activity around you. You had arrived at the restaurant and saw that your partner wasn’t there, which you didn't think much of as you were ushered into a seat by the maitre’d. He wasn’t the person you were accustomed to seeing at the door. He was extremely tall, and had the most interesting, yet unsettling eyes you had ever seen, crimson irises affixed in obsidian. All your instincts had told you to leave, but you had ignored your better judgment and continued to wait. Your eyes wandered around the establishment and you realized that you didn't recognise any of the staff that were currently on duty.
Probably new owners… you thought, paging through a drinks menu. Settling on a glass of water, you had ordered your drink, and waited patiently still taking in your surroundings. You were one of the few patrons in there, and felt a little uneasy each time you locked eyes with the maitre'd. Suddenly, you had become hyper aware of the sensation of your blood flowing through your veins, rushing in your ears.
You willed yourself to stand but you had felt as if all the energy had been sapped from your body at once and then darkness.
A few moments had passed when Giorno had emerged from the back entrance, shedding his bloodied long coat and gloves, haphazardly tossing the items towards one of his men.
"Nero, is it done?"
The tall man looked in his Don's direction and nodded wordlessly.
"Good, remember, nobody learns about the events of today…"
"Dead men tell no tales, it's best you leave soon before rousing any suspicion,"
With a curt nod, Giorno had lifted you into his arms and gently carried you to the waiting car before speeding off to an unknown location. His hands ghosted over your face as if the mere action of touching you would cause you to vanish into a plume of smoke, but you were there, in the flesh, with all the obstacles that prevented him from being with you, eliminated.
He was a man who had rarely smiled but he could help himself as he mused thought about how flawlessly his plan had been executed. His consigliere had tentatively rolled down the partition to signal that they had arrived at the destination, and after passing through many layers of security Giorno had carefully placed you in your new bed. He gazed around the room with a barely-there smile, thankful that he had had the sense to incorporate some of your own belongings into the decor. Even though he retained a few knicknacks from your tiny apartment, easily acquired during your workday, his taste was evident in every detail of the room, from its high ceilings to the gilded details to the Egyptian cotton that you were now bundled in… nothing was too lavish. For too long he had been deprived and sought to make up for that time by unadulterated indulgence on the finer things in life. Your wardrobe had been filled with the most beautiful clothes and your bathroom stocked with the best care products. There was nothing that you could have wanted upon awakening. His position as don of Passione had also ensured that he had allies that possessed some of the strongest stand abilities known. His influence had spread and he built his network in tandem with a few other key players in Italy and Europe, and together, they had ruled from the shadows while maintaining a facade of reckless, privileged youth. He glanced at your form once more before leaving you to tend to the rest of his plans.
"Are… are you sure you want to go through with this Giovanna?" His Sicilian counterpart examined him with a hard stare, before tossing him a vial of ruby coloured liquid. Giorno turned it over in his hand a few times before setting it aside to pour them both a drink.
"Weren't you the one who suggested this? Didn't you take advantage of your crafty consiglieres' stand ability to acquire yourself a pretty little thing only a short while ago? Why do you look so concerned now?"
"I honestly didn't think you were crazy enough to do it… it was all fun and games until you took the bait and ruined my entertainment… although, annihilating that poor bastard was a step too far, even for you, no?" Giorno let out a mirthless laugh.
"Rich coming from someone they call 'The Reaper'," both men laughed before Giorno continued. "She's so pure… the last pure thing in this dirty, filthy world, I'll do anything to preserve that… anyway, salut,"
"What are we drinking to?"
Giorno thought for a moment, mulling over all godless things he'd done to get you under his control.
"To priceless acquisitions?"
His friend smiled and clinked his glass before reciprocating.
"May they always remain ours."
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lauratheghost · 13 days
My trip to Montreal
& the Sleep Token show
(long post below)
The Trip:
I went with my sister, who did the driving. The drive there was awesome. We left at 5:30 a.m. and there was no traffic at all. The border took five minutes. We laughed at the "warning Canada ahead" sign (that was like five feet in front of the border 😂)
It was like an hour of driving through massive farms before we reached the city? Idk why but I didn't expect the farms.
Driving in Montreal was another story. It was terrifying 😭 I have car anxiety in general but it was so stressful. It made traffic in Boston not seem so bad. The way the lanes were marked was confusing to us, and some of the signs were also confusing. We hit a speed bump going crazy fast because we had no idea what the sign meant and the actual bump on the ground wasn't yellow (now it seems obvious though, ok 🤷🏼‍♀️😂) and the buses drive crazy fast and one cut us off and almost hit us.
Our phones didn't work as soon as we crossed the border. We tried to add a global package to our plans but it still didn't work. This was only a major problem because we needed GPS. If we missed a turn we would have to find a Harvey's or Starbucks or something to get their wifi and reroute. It took us a long time to get to Laval 😂
Once we got to the hotel we parked the car and didn't use it again until we left. But we took taxis and that was cool! I don't think I've ever taken a taxi before and the drivers were really nice.
We loved our hotel and we could see Place Bell from our window. The area was so nice, and very clean for a city. It feels like Laval is an up-and-coming city because of all the construction we saw, and our hotel was also new apparently.
Everything was so cheap? The lattes I bought were like $6 CAD so $4.40 USD. In my hometown, lattes are double that. All the food and snacks were such a good deal. I stopped obsessively checking my bank account after a while because everything seemed so inexpensive 😂 (Also, I'm a cheap person so this is saying something lol)
It was more of a culture shock than I expected. I knew it was going to be a lot of French but I guess I didn't grasp the reality of that until I was there. Thank God I took french in high school. I could not really hold a conversation, but I could read some signs and menus and kind've get the jist of what people were saying to me.
Everyone was so kind and helpful. We asked a lot of strangers questions and they were all very nice. I only had two small experiences with rude people (and I laughed about it)
Crosswalks were also a bit scary lol. It was weird that some cars still go when the crosswalk button goes off. In my area, all directions of traffic stop while people cross.
My hotel was 50 % people with Sleep Token shirts and 50 % hockey players 😂
We LOVE Tim Hortons 😍 Their iced mocha latte was amazing. I wish I had one in my town now.
Three days went by so fast! It felt like one day.
We went to Mount Royal Park, the Cosmodome, the Biosphere, and La Rhonde. I rode the ferris wheel even though I'm scared of heights. I think my heart stopped for a second but the view was beautiful. 😂🥰
Some random things we noticed- nobody really wears jeans or Crocs 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 everyone dresses a bit nicer. And we didn't see any cops besides event security the entire time we were there, which is unheard of in Massachusetts, I see cops drive by twenty times a day everyday probably. There were lilacs everywhere which I loved. So many people biked- it made me want to be more healthy and active. Public transport seemed very available and I'm jealous of that because public transport where I am is trash.
Can you drink in public? Idk, but we saw a guy drinking a twisted tea while casually crossing the road lol.
The Show:
People were lined up starting around 7 pm the night before 👀
At 5:30 a.m. there was maybe ten or fifteen people camped out with tents and everything. I applaud their dedication, but I could never 😭
I kept an eye on the line and once the merch stand opened I went over and bought a shirt beforehand. I got a t-shirt with the tour dates on it 🖤
The line system seemed really unorganized. Nobody knew what line went where. Besides that, getting inside was easy and I liked the venue.
Our seats had a good view, but we were so high up it made me a bit anxious. It was a little hard to see III because of the fog/lights, and Espera was kind've blocked by a light fixture, but I had a great view of IV and II which made me really happy 🥰
ESB's opening set: So, they are not exactly my cup of tea BUT I don't think they deserve the hate they've been getting. My only problem was that the singers scream sounded the same over and over. I wasn't sure if he was saying the same phrase or not, but it made every song sound the same. They did have some good moments though! There was a moment where he screamed lower/more gutteral and I liked that more. There was also a moment where the guitar and instruments sounded really cool but I can't explain it. I was glad to see they had a little mosh pit going too.
Sleep Token was amazing as expected. I'm forever in awe of how good Vessel sounds live. I was so happy I could see II good too, I loved watching his little dances and hand gestures. I saw III do his little swimming motion and he did get a pit! A pretty big one too from what I saw. I didn't expect them to hand out drumsticks and stuff so early, because they didn't play TMBTE or Euclid yet- but they were just doing that fake-out encore thing I guess. 😂
I love the diversity of the fans at their shows- all types of people and all ages and it's so nice to see 🖤 The guy sitting beside me did not look like someone I would expect to listen to Sleep Token, but he was singing every word and recording all the same parts of their songs as me 😂
After the show I got to meet @shatterthefragments !!! It was so great, and they made awesome ST keychains- I will treasure mine forever 🖤
I still haven't really processed any of this yet because after the show I was constantly busy- between packing up and doing the few last things we wanted to do in the city, and then driving five hours back home. There's videos and pictures from this weekend that I haven't even looked at yet. I will definitely post some videos or photos here soon though
Overall, I give this trip a 9/10
I'm so glad I impulsively bought tickets and got my passport renewed. It was so fun and it makes me wanna travel more in the future. 🖤
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fullofgutsndopamine · 2 months
I’ve Got The Patience (My Form Is Reckless)
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or: the coffee shop au where you both are baristas and the bathroom is your enemy. also this definitely isn’t based off the tik tok ✨ anon sent me ha ha why do you ask?
“Hasan,” You hum, leaning against the counter, your fist in your cheek, “We have a question the crowd is just dying to know.”
He snorts, takes the rag off from his apron band and uses to it clean the coffee that sloshed over the edge of a cup.
“Does this question have anything to do with my coffee order?”
“It does!” you all but squeal, “Man, nothing gets past you.”
He huffs, “we’re in the middle of our biggest rush of the day and you think this is the time to interview me?”
“Yes.” you pause for a second, “Besides, since you’ve been kicked out of doing drive through it’s been so boring here. Anyways.”
You clear your throat and shape your hand to a microphone, holding the imaginary microphone up to his lips: “The fans have been dying to ask: as a barista, why is your order such dog water and shouldn’t you, as a barista-know better? What’re your thoughts on that.”
He throws the towel over his shoulder as he uses his knuckles to push his glasses up his nose: “Tall venti white flat for Abigail?”
He gives a weak smile as he slides the cup over to a woman speaking on speakerphone in a power suit who grabs the cup with an eye roll and stalks off.
He walks by and gives you a shove but it’s gentle, his other hand on the side of you to catch you and make sure you don’t hip catch the edge of the counter.
“You’re gonna be on mocha duty if you keep that up.”
He’s teasing, holds no weight here, but your hands go to your belly: “I have to go to the bathroom. Like, right now.”
He laughs. Throws his head back and claps, his eyes crinkle together:
“How fucking convienant,” he throws the dish towel at you as you duck out, a large smile plastered on his face, “Don’t get fuckin’ locked in there.”
it’s a joke, mostly. the bathroom itself is older than you are, a failing lock constantly-the amount of times customers have gotten stuck in there is nearing twenty, a tally list you keep behind the desk and hasan and you strike every time.
You’ll say you spoke it into existence.
Hasan will notice you are gone first. It’s his third matcha of the day and he goes to yell over this shoulder at you that this is somehow your fault-when the space where you usually would be is empty.
“Anyone seen my favorite co worker?”
It’s teasing, because it’s what you two have always said to one another, nudging each other while sticking your tongues out.
Anthony calls i’ve this shoulder, looking stressed as he pulls shots for a venti order.
Hasan checks the watch on his wrist- he isn’t one to police your time but he’s not use to the space you left being so empty for-twenty minutes-when he takes his apron off, throws it on the counter and stalks towards the bathroom.
There’s a small line waiting, tapping their feet and huffing already annoyed by the time he apologizes and makes it to the front of the line.
He knocks three times with his knuckles and your voice comes back, borders on frantic.
“Hasan?” You call and he knows without seeing you that your biting your fingernails down to stubs, the same way he’ll pass you at work and nudge your elbow, making your hand fall out of your mouth, “Oh my god. The fucking door-“
He shakes his head even though you can’t see him.
“That’s fine,” he says quickly, “You’re okay. Look, uh-“
his eyes scan the door in front of him. he knows from before the only option is a locksmith, or fire department or some other dramatic thing and that’s at least an hour wait and you already sound close to panicking.
he’ll say later it’s because they couldn’t possibly be down another person during the busiest hour, how you needed the attention as he nudges your elbow with a smirk.
“Okay,” He nods, licks his lips, “You’re okay. Step back from the door.”
He rolls his eyes, “Are you away from the door or not?”
Your voice comes back a little further away, a meek: “Yes” and he wastes no time looking at the doorframe before cursing and seeing the only option.
Look, it’s logical. he’ll insist. Saves the company so money, or some shit-
as his shoulder comes in contact with the doorframe all he can think is how bad this is going to hurt tomorrow morning.
He’s a second away from giving up, from lifting his foot up and trying to give way to the door handle when the door finally groans, gives in on itself and he’s able to open it.
Your further back by the sink, eyes wide as he comes in:
“Are you okay?”
He uses his finger to lift your chin up, turning your head around as if he’s looking for any evidence of any wrong doings and not just the lock giving away in your hand again.
“Hasan,” Your hand rests over his as it rests on the side of your face, feeling like you can finally breathe again. “I’m fine.”
And there’s more too it, this touching that you both have lingered on doing in passing, knocking hands as you two work or nudging elbows has always been calculated, thought out-lost sleep over.
“You scared me, you ass”.
You laugh finally, rips through the air as the line is rolling their eyes, ignoring how they’re clearing their throats to hurry you along.
“Couldn’t lose my favorite co worker during rush hour.”
He speaks softly, like he doesn’t fully want you to see this part of him that is softer around the edges.
“I’ll do anything to get out of work, right?”
he laughs, shakes his head as you put the broken lock in his hand, insist it’s a souvenir.
“You owe me at least four Frappuccino’s after this.”
but he seems relieved finally, dropping his hand from his hair as he moves it like he does when he’s nervous.
“Deal,” you follow him out, “and i’ll call the manager over the door you fucked up.”
He groans, not answering as he follows behind you.
“Kinda an overkill, don’t you think?”
you’re teasing as you walk backwards to the counter again, “like, a normal person would get a key? or-“
“I should’ve fucking left you in that bathroom.”
He’s teasing back as he holds the latch to the counter for you, takes the apron you threw off and waits for it to go around your neck, turns you around as his fingers work slowly but expertly at tying the tie in the back. Waits until you turn around to face him as you do the same for him.
“Oh please,” you’re finally laughing, “You’d miss me too much.”
He rolls his eyes: “Hardly. Do those frappes.”
“Yes, captain.” you salute him as you turn around, trying to act like you don’t see the way he looks at you out to the corner of his eye, carefully watching to make sure you’re okay.
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dracononite · 11 months
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I've listed a bunch of popular stickers and art prints on my shop!! the Pelipper Post Office collection is available individually and in a bundle, and some items have very low stock. reblogs appreciated, rent is due and we need groceries!
🌻 Shop link! 🌻
[Image ID: A three by three grid of colored backgrounds, each featuring a different merch item from the artist's shop. From left to right and top to bottom, the items are:
An art print featuring a Dragonite, Pelipper, Smeargle and Delibird dressed as postal workers. The background of the print is the bulletin board in front of the Pelipper Post Office from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
A sticker of a Dragonite and Pelipper dressed as postal workers and carrying mail. The border of the sticker is a dark blue.
A sticker sheet featuring six small stickers of Huggy Wuggy's face with varying expressions. The expressions are: smiling, excited, loving, unamused, very angry with blood on his mouth, and bashful.
A sticker of an Enderman taking refuge from the rain under a large leaf. The border of the sticker is clear.
An art print featuring the Mushroom Forest friend area from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. The Pokemon in the print are a Paras hiding in a log, a shiny Butterfree fluttering by, a Breloom in the background, and a Vileplume's flower in the corner.
A sticker featuring two bees from Minecraft. There is a tree with a beehive surrounded by pixel flowers, and a pixelized rainbow borders the top of the sticker.
A sticker sheet featuring six small stickers. These stickers are: the logo of the fictional Dragon's Brew coffee shop, a headshot of the OP's mascot character (a brown cookie themed dragon) smiling, a to-go cup of coffee, a mug of coffee next to a spoon and sugar packet, a frappuccino, and a mocha with a tea biscuit.
Four stamp shaped stickers, each of which feature a Pokemon dressed as postal workers. The red stamp has Dragonite, the teal stamp has Pelipper, the dark blue stamp has Smeargle and the yellow stamp has Delibird.
A sticker featuring Dotty the rabbit from Animal Crossing. She is surrounded by blooming flowers and is holding a sandwich half and watering can. The border of the sticker is a soft blue-ish purple.
End image ID.]
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wc-wild-rewrite · 8 months
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Next up, Jake! Mr firedad himself, bisexual icon, dad of all cats
Info under the cut
Born to Crystal and Mocha alongside his stillborn littermate, Stripe, Jake is a playful, curious, and adventurous tom. He's the second litter of his parents, and the shortest man ever, absolute short king material.
The rough events of Tallstar's book still take place, and he stays in love with Tallstar for the rest of his life, even with both mates. He tells tales of the strong, brave wildcat he met to his kits, information that comes in handy for Rusty later on.
While he does love Nutmeg, and loved Quince, his first love was Tallstar, and he spent much of his time looking out towards the moors and wondering how he was doing.
His first official mate, Quince, was a product of young love, jumping in too fast. He was very close to her, but in attempting to get over Tallstar, he went for the first molly that said yes, which ended up being the molly every tom in the twolegplace adored. Eventually, they realised it wasn't love, but a strong bond, and Jake left, both unaware that Quince was expecting. He didn't find out until Tiny ran away, and Quince came to him for help finding him. He and his older brothers tried to find the small kit, but when they caught his scent going into the thunderclan border, and found blood at the end of the trail, they assumed he died. He blamed himself for this, thinking that had he been there for his kits, perhaps he could've saved them. This only worsened when Ruby and Socks were split into twoleg homes, as they refused to keep contact.
And so, carrying the weight of his son's death and parental failure on his shoulders, it took a long, long time for him to take another mate. Still thinking about Tallstar and if he had had kits by then, he fell for and became the mate to Nutmeg. This time, it was genuine.
They were mates for many, many moons before Nutmeg fell pregnant. They had tried before, but kit death ran on his side of the family, and hard labours ran in Nutmeg's, so they were overjoyed when the kits were born, healthy and crying.
Nutmeg's owners assisted with the birth, and Jake was kept in a seperate room by the twolegs, so he was nauseous with anxiety until the owners let him out and- he immediately fainted, as Nutmeg's first and only litter was a litter of 6. Once he recovered from the shock, the first thing Nutmeg told him was that this was all the kits he was getting. He was more than alright with that.
He let the twolegs name the kits for the most part, but considered calling one of the two smallest after his late son. Nutmeg gently told him not to, as it'd be pressure for the kit to live up to. He called him Rusty instead.
For the few moons the kits lived with Nutmeg, he visited every day, oftentimes staying overnight to do a head count of them every morning while they were still asleep. He would admit, now, that he was a bit overly attached to them, panicking badly every time he couldn't find one, only for them to be under a blanket or under Nutmeg's neverending fur. He would play with them constantly, and teach them hunting tricks that Talltail had taught him, including how to sneak around. It lead to a good amount of kitten surprise tail attacks, which he dramatically fell over from every time.
Eventually, though, the kits were seperated into different twolegs. They weren't far, all within the same twolegplace, but he knew he couldn't coddle them. So, he watched from afar until they made contact with him themselves. Princess, Harper, and Luna were the most frequent visitors. However, not long after the kits left, he heard neighbourhood rumor from Smudge's mother, that one of the new kittypets had disappeared in the night. Jake panicked. Hard. His brothers' twolegs had left long ago and taken them with them, so he had nobody to help track him. He checked on each of his remaining kits, and anxiously checked the Thunderclan border. He caught Rusty's scent heading into the forest, and feared the worst. This time, he didn't have his battle-experienced brothers with him, so he didn't go in, though he knew it was cowardly.
To his relief, Princess kept him in the loop, and told him when Firepaw showed up, safe and sound, if slightly underfed. He was also told when Tommy and Filou joined the clans as well. Though, when he asked if there were any cats in Thunderclan with black fur and one white paw, she told him they didn't have any.
He didn't trust Thunderclan necessarily, not after Tiny's presumed demise, but if his daughter said Firepaw was happy, then he'd have to believe them.
One leafbare, though, he got to meet his grandkits. He was told of the arrangement by Princess, and was waiting excitedly with Nutmeg at her nest, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Icefang. His son, who he thought had died so long ago, was not only alive, but a father. A warrior.
He isn't ashamed to admit he cried, and cried, and forced all of them into a cuddle pile for a while. He cried again when they had to leave the territories moons later, but he was never told of Filou's death. As far as he knew, Talltail-now Tallstar- had taken the tom under his wing, and was his right paw tom. This, of course, wasn't true, as Filou was dead, but the siblings decided their dad didn't need the actual death of a son to deal with.
He died peacefully from old age, and reunited with his Tallstar. Once nutmeg, quince, and the rest of the family showed up, they decided that the collective 9 kits between the three kittypets now had two dads and two moms. Despite not believing in them, he was allowed to go in and out of Starclan to visit as much as he wished, and spent the rest of his afterlife entertaining the many kits of Starclan, and laying in family cuddle piles with his 9 kits, 3 mates, 9 siblings, and many, many descendants. Oh, and his in-laws, he got to meet those as well.
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mochacappuccino · 5 months
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₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // a rp icon border inspired by the phantom troupe of the series hunter x hunter.
₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // 339.82kb download ; photoshop needed.
₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // feel free to edit however you'd like, but CREDIT IS MANDATORY.
₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // do not steal, claim, or redistribute as your own.
₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ ♡ // if anything is wrong, please feel free to reach out !
download for $2+.
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floggingink · 9 months
My beloved @yeats-infection tagged me 2-3 years ago: some songs that come up on shuffle!
“Let’s Stay Together,” Al Green. As perfect an opening 30 seconds as can exist. I really dig his jacket on the cover of this album
“Oh, It Is Love,” Hellogoodbye. The cataclysmic importance of Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! to my high school cultural experience cannot be overstressed. This song feels like shoes squelching on the floor of my first after-school job making smoothies and tastes like the white chocolate mochas WITH EXTRA CHOCOLATE FLAKES that the cute boy at Seattle’s Best made for me at Borders just down the sidewalk! Is it the tiny Italianate guitar? Is it Forrest Kline’s incredibly cute nasal vibrato? Is it the giddy drum explosion of the third act? Whatever else sweet aspects of scene royalty came together here… 🤌 Truly romance peaked in 2006
“Spice Up Your Life,” Spice Girls. The cataclysmic importance of Spice World to my elementary school cultural experience cannot be overstressed. Had a big crush on Posh inside the C on the front of this CD…
“She Plays Bass,” beabadoobee. Ah I heard this on one of yeatsie’s wonderful newsletters!!! How lovely indeed is the girl who plays bass <3
“Give Me the Cure,” Fugazi. LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
“I Wish I Was the Moon Tonight,” Neko Case. I croon along to this alone in the car a lot
“Just One Kiss,” The Red Romance. This really got a hold on me during undergrad—I love a CLAPS ON THE BEAT song! It’s also on my mighty mighty That Chord playlist for the wah-wah-esque keyboard around 2:50. Kind of delectable ☠️💗🎀 vibes on this one…
“Hound Dog,” Big Mama Thorton. Her voice, her voice and that! Electric! Blues! Guitar!
“Rust,” Monolord. Also on That Chord for the frankly sickening gospel organ/heavy metal conglomeration at the end of the first minute. Heard this off the impeccably-named metallic fuckery playlist tits, clits, Satan, curated by the pinup artist who designed my motorcycle ring
“The Fallen,” Franz Ferdinand. The cataclysmic importance of You Could Ha[gunshot] I think about the word “slick” a lot as it’s used to describe some of the licky, jammy music I love from this era—The Strokes were forever “slick” in Spin. The Fratellis were kind of slick! The aughts’ Arctic Monkeys were a bit slick… I think FF firing on all cylinders as they so often are were the slickest! A perfect album.
I respectfully solicit @sullypants, @village-skeptic, @nimmieamee, and @gingertumericlemon
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sataniccapitalist · 1 year
Why does God kick people when they’re already down?
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oooh, I just saw the September prompts you reblogged and was wondering if you would be willing to combine 'coffee smell' and 'foggy morning' for chestervelle. I love your work. <3
Prompts courtesy of @creativepromptsforwriting September prompts list! Divider by @firefly-graphics
If you'd like to read more of my work, check out my pinned post!
Sorry this is so late, but better late than never!! I still really want to continue this, but I wanted to be able to post something for @mrcowboydeanwinchester's 1k so here it is! I LOVE the vibes of this prompt, thank you so much!!! To be continued ;D
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Jo shoved her hands in her jacket pockets, taking a deep breath of the crisp dew of early morn. The dense fog that hung in the air seemed appropriate for the eerie case they were working. Children were disappearing under mysterious circumstances without so much as a hair left behind, as if they'd just vanished out of thin air.
A sense of foreboding had filled her ever since they'd crossed the border of the remote mountain town. She'd mentioned it to Dean, which she regretted immediately, because he said, "Jinkies, Daphne, you don't think we're dealing with a g-g-ghost, do you?" To which she replied with a swift punch to his arm while he roared with laughter.
"Hey." Dean's voice pulled her out of her thoughts as he handed over her coffee. "You still got the heebie jeebies?"
"Fuck off." She taunted with only a whiff of real enmity. The sweet aroma of her mocha latte permeated her lungs before taking a sip, taking the morning edge off. Typically, Dean was the grumpy one in the morning, but today they'd switched roles. Jo had trouble sleeping the past 2 nights since they'd arrived, something she didn't bother to tell her boyfriend this time, he'd only tease her further.
Dean snickered at the vulgar remark. He then took a long sip of his own coffee; a dark roast straight up, no bells and whistles. "Alright, you ready to hit the road? Cause I'm starving."
"Yeah, me too."
That was all Dean needed to hear. With a nod, he said, "Let's roll."
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scotianostra · 1 year
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January 11th 1940, John Buchan, diplomat, soldier, barrister, journalist, historian, politician, publisher, poet and novelist passed away.
Born in Perth the eldest son of a Free Church of Scotland minister, he spent time in the Borders as a child before the family moved to the Gorbals in Glasgow, he went on to have a truly extraordinary life from humble beginnings.
Educated at Hutchesons Grammar School Buchan graduated from Glasgow University then gained a scholarship to Brasenose College, Oxford. During his time there – ‘spent peacefully in an enclave like a monastery’ – he wrote two historical novels.
In 1901 he became a barrister of the Middle Temple and a private secretary to the High Commissioner for South Africa. In 1907 he married Susan Charlotte Grosvenor; they had three sons and a daughter. After spells as a war correspondent, Lloyd George’s Director of Information and MP, Buchan – now Sir John Buchan, Baron Tweedsmuir of Elsfield - moved to Canada in 1935 where he had been appointed Governor-General.] Despite poor health throughout his life, Buchan’s literary output was remarkable – thirty novels, over sixty non-fiction books, including biographies of Sir Walter Scott and Oliver Cromwell, and seven collections of short stories. In 1928 he won the prestigious James Tait Black Memorial Prize, Britain’s oldest literary prize for his biography of the Marquis of Montrose. Buchan’s distinctive thrillers – ‘shockers’ as he called them – were characterised by suspenseful atmosphere, conspiracy theories and romantic heroes, notably Richard Hannay (based on the real-life military spy William Ironside) and Sir Edward Leithen. 
Buchan was a favourite writer of Alfred Hitchcock, whose screen adaptation of The Thirty-Nine Steps was phenomenally successful, the pair can be seen together in the second photo.
John Buchan served as Governor-General of Canada until his death on this day in 1940, the year his autobiography Memory Hold-the-door was published. His last novel Sick Heart River was published posthumously in 1941.
From The Pentlands Looking North And South is a poem by John Buchan I can relate to, The Pentlands was part of my playground when growing up on the outskirts of Edinburgh.
Around my feet the clouds are drawn In the cold mystery of the dawn; No breezes cheer, no guests intrude My mossy, mist-clad solitude; When sudden down the steeps of sky Flames a long, lightening wind. On high The steel-blue arch shines clear, and far, In the low lands where cattle are, Towns smoke. And swift, a haze, a gleam,-- The Firth lies like a frozen stream, Reddening with morn. Tall spires of ships, Like thorns about the harbour's lips, Now shake faint canvas, now, asleep, Their salt, uneasy slumbers keep; While golden-grey, o'er kirk and wall, Day wakes in the ancient capital. Before me lie the lists of strife, The caravanserai of life, Whence from the gates the merchants go On the world's highways; to and fro Sail laiden ships; and in the street The lone foot-traveller shakes his feet, And in some corner by the fire Tells the old tale of heart's desire. Thither from alien seas and skies Comes the far-questioned merchandise:-- Wrought silks of Broussa, Mocha's ware Brown-tinted, fragrant, and the rare Thin perfumes that the rose's breath Has sought, immortal in her death: Gold, gems, and spice, and haply still The red rough largess of the hill Which takes the sun and bears the vines Among the haunted Apennines. And he who treads the cobbled street To-day in the cold North may meet, Come month, come year, the dusky East, And share the Caliph's secret feast; Or in the toil of wind and sun Bear pilgrim-staff, forlorn, fordone, Till o'er the steppe, athwart the sand Gleam the far gates of Samarkand. The ringing quay, the weathered face Fair skies, dusk hands, the ocean race The palm-girt isle, the frosty shore, Gales and hot suns the wide world o'er Grey North, red South, and burnished West The goals of the old tireless quest, Leap in the smoke, immortal, free, Where shines yon morning fringe of sea I turn, and lo! the moorlands high Lie still and frigid to the sky. The film of morn is silver-grey On the young heather, and away, Dim, distant, set in ribs of hill, Green glens are shining, stream and mill, Clachan and kirk and garden-ground, All silent in the hush profound Which haunts alone the hills' recess, The antique home of quietness. Nor to the folk can piper play The tune of "Hills and Far Away," For they are with them. Morn can fire No peaks of weary heart's desire, Nor the red sunset flame behind Some ancient ridge of longing mind. For Arcady is here, around, In lilt of stream, in the clear sound Of lark and moorbird, in the bold Gay glamour of the evening gold, And so the wheel of seasons moves To kirk and market, to mild loves And modest hates, and still the sight Of brown kind faces, and when night Draws dark around with age and fear Theirs is the simple hope to cheer.-- A land of peace where lost romance And ghostly shine of helm and lance Still dwell by castled scarp and lea, And the last homes of chivalry, And the good fairy folk, my dear, Who speak for cunning souls to hear, In crook of glen and bower of hill Sing of the Happy Ages still. O Thou to whom man's heart is known, Grant me my morning orison. Grant me the rover's path--to see The dawn arise, the daylight flee, In the far wastes of sand and sun! Grant me with venturous heart to run On the old highway, where in pain And ecstasy man strives amain, Conquers his fellows, or, too weak, Finds the great rest that wanderers seek! Grant me the joy of wind and brine, The zest of food, the taste of wine, The fighter's strength, the echoing strife The high tumultuous lists of life-- May I ne'er lag, nor hapless fall, Nor weary at the battle-call!... But when the even brings surcease, Grant me the happy moorland peace; That in my heart's depth ever lie That ancient land of heath and sky, Where the old rhymes and stories fall In kindly, soothing pastoral. There in the hills grave silence lies, And Death himself wears friendly guise There be my lot, my twilight stage, Dear city of my pilgrimage.
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httpsgfg · 5 months
Srecna Nova godina my yugosos partner in crime 🎄🎉 Thank you for bringing JO to my attention, they really made 2023 a tad bit brighter 💜 Hope 2024 treats you better! 🤗🤗🤗
aww srećna nova ana!! 🎄hope you and mocha are having a peaceful night and an even better year ahead of you ✨️ forever thankful i get to be silly with you as my yugosos partner in crime across fandoms and borders 🫶🏻
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toumoromoro · 1 year
Fishing for the moon in the sea at night
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Just finished the game, it was pretty fun. 
Ok first why does this game has 3 names? Fishing for the moon in the sea at night / Towelket one more time 0 / Yorunoumi2
I have wanted to play this one for a long time, I have said it a couple of times before but TK4 is my favorite TK game (maybe one day I will explain why in detail) so a “remake” immediately caught my attention. In the end the game was completely different from what I expected it to be. While it borrows some concepts and story beats from TK4 it really is its own thing.
This game look so pretty. One of my favorite things about the series is watching how the art progresses in each game. I absolutely love how the world of the inn looks. White, black, red and blue look so nice together, and thanks to the border it’s like reading a story book. 
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Also the sprites look nice, it’s the same style from 5 so I have no complains... ok maybe I have one complain. Mocha’s sprite. I’m sorry but the sprite from 4 is still the better looking one. Oh also Buritoba and Sekken-bako got new sprites and now they actually look like TK characters. It bothered me a little how normal their sprites did look in 4. They were literally just girl#1 and girl#2.
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I almost forgot to talk about my favorite sprite, that’s right Nekojita’s(?). This weird fusion of Warawau and Nekojita that came out of nowhere. I love it, it’s adorable. Their palettes are pretty similar so no surprise why it works so well.
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Music was good as always, I could listen to Furikusuku’s mansion theme for hours.
About the gameplay, almost no battles this time around. There are a couple of mandatory fights, but you are basicaly guaranted to win. I think it’s alright, battles have always been one of the weaker points of the series, and this game clearly wants to focus on the story. I hope they return in the next games though.
This game is pretty unique in the sense that you need to play it multiple times to actually understand the story. It has a “route system” where you can date 1 of 11 characters and depending on who you dated you get a different ending. Most endings are pretty much the same, but some are essential to understand what’s going on. On my first playthrough I went for Koucha and after beating the game I was so confused that I blamed the MTL, but no, it turns out a lot of concepts and lore are in the other routes. Even the Koucha route splits! And did you know some dialogue can change based on the gender you choose? So save a lot if you play it. I ended up using all 15 slots. 
And this brings me to my first complaint. I think the route system ended up hurting the story overall. One of the things that I really did like from 4 is the amount of time you get to spend with Mocha and Koucha, we get to see how their relationship evolves, them interacting with others characters or just fooling around, by the end of the game you know them pretty well and you care if something happens to them. In this game you spend very little time with the character you choose, so the more emotional parts didn’t really do a lot for me. I understand that asking Kanao to write that much dialogue for 11 characters is just unrealistic so I wish we had less routes so the other routes could have more dialogue.
Trying to piece the story together was pretty fun. I understand “The true purpose of the inn”, “The story of Mocha and Furikusuku” and “The sins of the Inkeepers”, but I’m still confused about concepts like the Tokage and Uikechuke transformation. You get 2 examples for the Tokage one, but almost no info for the Uikechuke transformation.
This game introduces Smile DK, I think she’s okay, but she only really shines when she’s with Nyanyamo, they are really funny together. Also I really like what’s been done with Nyanyamo design and personality. If I had a top 5 she would definitely be there. Pucchi remains a consistently good character. PPU was there and had more lines than in 4. Please give Agochu her labcoat back.
Overall a fun and solid game, but I have to admit that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.  Maybe I had too high of expectations. 
A now some trivia: 
1) If you examine the game files it looks like a Buritoba route was considered at some point before being dropped, I didn’t even notice until I read a thread in Japanese Yahoo.
2) If you extract the StringScripts for the game there’s a lot of dialogue for what appears to be a route in which Koucha is possesed by Furikusuku. I couldn’t find any info about this, so please tell me if it was actually implemented in the game.
3) To unlock the Moochasu route you need to go on a date with him before going to Barrieland, then you need to tell Kyuuri or Chihedo that you love her when she confesses, so she connects the inn 1 day earlier. Finally you need to be on the Koucha route so you can go to the inn when you get the wedding ring. Moochasu is inside the bath, give him the ring and you are done. Took me a while to figure how to date him so I hope this helps someone one day.
Next game is:
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