billornot · 4 months
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vazdan · 1 year
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사자, 2019. Directed by Kim Joo-Hwan.
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heilmetropolis · 6 months
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밤에 편의점 가다가 골목에서 사자를 보면 무슨 생각이 들까? 자연스러운 척 계속 앞으로 가야하나? 뒤돌아서 전속력으로 도망가야하나?
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copyrightⓒ 2023 All rights reserved by TheOnlyUniverse
그대의 마음은 한 줄기 햇살이 되어 한 줌 바람이 되어 오래도록 나의 곁에 있을 거예요.
あなたの心は 一筋の日差しになり 一握りの風になり 末長く私のそばにあるよ。
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포효하는 사자  a roaring lion
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dx2-ta2 · 1 year
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#사자 #타투 #터치업 직업 입니다. 프리로 진행되었습니다. #Lion #touch_up #tattoo work. Free drawing work(Blind Studio에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnJ6lMnBitx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yum-jin-yum · 2 years
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#먹자 #사자 #깔자 #오늘아님 #기억그램 #센스맘 #슈퍼싱글 #푹신푹신 #좋으다 (도봉한신아파트에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjIrq_6P3Up/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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u-dol2vv · 2 years
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하늘에~ 조각구름 떠있고~ . . . . . #걸크러쉬#인산인해#koreaDoctor#호랑이#사자#지금만나러갑니다#긴생머리#하늘에조각구름#韩国美#神女#韓国のお姉さん https://www.instagram.com/p/CjHBEnzP-rf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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billornot · 4 months
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nineheavenspress · 2 years
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Illust: Jenny/asunnydisposish (https://twitter.com/asunnydisposish)
Jeoseung Saja are Korean psychopomps: reapers tasked with by the underworld, possibly King Yeomra and the nine other judges, to pursue people whose deaths are nigh. Their name translates to "underworld messenger". Incredibly dedicated to the establishment, mortal bribery never succeeds with them.
They are impartial beings that are not swayed by the morality or circumstances of souls. Good or evil, rich or poor, all beings are destined for death when their time has come. Though they tirelessly hound those that resist being guided beyond the Samdong River like General Sinui, they offer to those willing to gracefully take their assistance the peace of a gentle rest.
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seamayweed · 9 months
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Sometimes, fires break out at places that are very popular. If there's a fire at the entrance, customers run to the exit. But that single exit door may not open. Why not? Because some asshole parked a truck in front of it. If you hire us, we'll prevent such bizarre accidents from happening. Boss. Okay. Write down your bank details.
사자 THE DIVINE FURY (2019), dir. Kim Joo Hwan / Jason Kim
[ID in ALT]
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sayitalianolearns · 1 year
Multilingual post about (some random) animals!
Animals - (gli) Animali - (les) Animaux - (los) Animales - 동물들
dog - (il) cane - (le) chien - (el) perro - 개 cat - (il) gatto - (le) chat - (el) gato - 고양이 goldfish - (il) pesce rosso - (le) poisson rouge - (el) pez dorado, (el) pez de colores - 금붕어 turtle - (la) tartaruga (d'acqua) - (la) tortue - (la) tortuga - (바다)거북 tortoise - (la) tartaruga (di terra) - (la) tortue (terrestre) - (la) tortuga (de tierra) - 거북 bird - (l')uccello - (l')oiseaux - (el) pájaro - 새 pig - (il) maiale - (le) cochon - (el) cerdo - 돼지 donkey - (l')asino - (l')âne - (el) burro - 당나귀
cow - (la) mucca, (la) vacca - (la) vache - (la) vaca - 소 horse - (il) cavallo - (le) cheval - (el) caballo - 말 sheep - (la) pecora - (la) brebis - (la) oveja - 양 rooster - (il) gallo - (le) coq - (el) gallo - 수탉/닭 hen - (la) gallina - (la) poule - (la) gallina - 수탉 swan - (il) cigno - (le) cygne - (el) cisne - 백조 duck - (l')anatra, (la) papera - (le) canard - (el) pato - 오리 goose - (l')oca - (l')oie - (el) ganso - 똥침 fox - (la) volpe - (le) renard - (el) zorro - 여우 goat - (la) capra - (la) chèvre - (la) cabra - 염소
mouse - (il) topo - (la) souris - (el) ratón - 생쥐 rabbit - (il) coniglio - (le) lapin - (el) conejo - 토끼 hamster - (il) criceto - (l')hamster - (el) hámster - 햄스터 squirrel - (lo) scoiattolo - (l')écureuil - (la) ardilla - 다람쥐 snake - (il) serpente - (le) serpent - (la) serpiente - 뱀 fish - (il) pesce - (le) poisson - (el) pez - 물고기 bear - (l')orso - (l')ours - (el) oso - 곰 crocodile - (il) coccodrillo - (le) crocodile - (el) cocodrilo - 크로코다일
giraffe - (la) giraffa - (la) girafe - (la) jirafa - 기린 elephant - (l')elefante - (l')éléphant - (el) elefante - 코끼리 lion - (il) leone - (le) lion - (el) león - 사자 zebra - (la) zebra - (le) zèbre - (la) cebra - 얼룩말 monkey - (la) scimmia - (le) singe - (el) mono - 원숭이 dolphin - (il) delfino - (le) dauphin - (el) delfín - 돌고래 whale - (la) balena - (la) baleine - (la) ballena - 고래 shark - (lo) squalo - (le) requin - (el) tiburón - 상어
(bros, you really didn't have another word for hamster?) for Korean nouns I didn't know I used Papago
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yangismixtape · 1 year
soulmates beyond afterlife
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Minsung as 저승 사자 (jeoseung saja)
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잊지 말아 줘, 어제의 너를.
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gigiskjourney · 11 months
Grammar: it's not (___) [-아니에요]
2023년 5월 29일
Today's lesson is about saying that something is not something. Its very easy, and i'm sure most of us already hear this word a lot of times!
We will be using 아니에요 everytime we want to say that (thing) is not that (thing). It always goes after the noun. The word 아니에요 comes from the verb 아니다 which means "to be not".
For example:
Is not milk = 우유 아니에요.
This is not milk = 이거* 우유 아니에요.
* Remember that 이거 here is "this thing" (other than the milk) is not milk. Imagine you are pointing coffee, so you want the other person to know that that coffee is not milk.
How do you say "this is not milk"? (Milk = 우유)
How do you say "it's not a hat"? (Hat = 모자)
How do you say "not a lion"? (Lion = 사자)
How do you say "i'm not a student"? (I = 저 / Student = 핰생)
Correct answer under the cut.
이거 우유 아니에요.
그거 모자 아니에요.
사자 아니에요.
저 학생 아니에요.
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skz-saja · 1 year
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( stray kids 9th member au )
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‣ basics . . .
stage name: saja (사자)
birth name: kim saja (김사자)
english name: sara kim
nicknames: saj, baby, aegi, night fury, sweetheart, honey
birth date: november 2nd, 2002
birth place: south shields, england, uk
hometown: south shields, england, uk
ethnicity: korean
languages: english (mother tongue); korean (fluent); french (conversational/learning)
sexuality: bisexual (she’s only out to her mom and the members)
‣ physical traits . . .
facelaim: itzy’s yeji
height: 165 cm (5’5”)
eye colour: dark brown
natural hair colour: dark brown
body modifications: 8 piercings (2 helix on her left ear, and 3 lobe piercings on each ear)
blood type: a
‣ family life . . .
(read this section at your own risk. talks about death/murder, and guns.)
when saja was 10, her family was murdered when they were at the fair. someone had come in with a gun, killing 8 people, including her parents. saja was later adopted when she was 13, and is now in the care of her lovely adoptive mother.
‣ career information . . .
in 2016 she moved to korea to carry on with her dream of being a k-pop idol, and she later debuted in the band stray kids on march 25th, 2018.
stage name: saja
position: lead vocalist, lead dancer, maknae
unit: vocalracha
representative emoji: 🐯
‣ personality traits . . .
positive traits: trustworthy, very caring to others, loyal, independent.
negative traits: often forgets to take care of herself, especially when she’s focused on taking care of others, shy, forgetful, bottles things up.
‣ strengths . . .
vocal: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rap: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dance: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stage presence: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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© skz-saja
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