#@ my destiel romcom au
roublardise · 4 months
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"As if Cas had been planning to stop by eventually. As if them meeting again was some kind of scheduled appointment. As if their story didn't get its very clear-cut ending seven years ago." Dean made his brother's wedding his top priority, and he has everything under control. No surprise, no headache, his to do list is set like clockwork. Until two days prior. When Cas shows up at Sioux Falls. Pushed towards the rearview and forced to look back on their past choices, will they manage to untangle their truth.. and find what they're truly longing for?
cw: Referenced (past) alcoholism ; Anxiety Attacks ; Daddy issues ; Canon level of physical violence - rated T
This fic is completed! I will drop a chapter every three days or so through February, for a total of 5 chapters and ~54k.
-> read on ao3 <-
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soupernatural · 1 year
my writing style of no plot just vibes is actually problematic when i want to write plot heavy fics help
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sunshine-zenith · 4 months
In honor of Dean Winchester’s birthday (and to have an excuse to bring attention to some of these fics again), here’s a handful of my (destiel heavy) Dean POV fics
“Got That Something” — A lifetime of needing to jump from sleep to total awareness and surviving on an average of four hours a night prevent him from just turning over and dropping off again, but he doesn’t mind. Not when he gets to wake up to Cas sleeping beside him.
Rated G, 798 words, married fluff, post canon/canon divergent from 15x19
“Heavenly” — Cas has been avoiding Dean in heaven, despite Dean's best efforts to find some information on the guy.
Rated T, 2.5K+ words, canon compliant within 15x20, grief, humor, dumbasses to lovers, Dean Winchester uses his words
“Let Me Drive My Car Into Your Heart” — Dean loved his Baby, fact. He also loved his Angel.
Rated T, 3.5k+ words, fluff and humor, unsafe driving, brief butt touching
“Drag Can Bee For Everyone” — As Dean helps set up for the all age drag show his partner will be part of, he reminisces on how lucky he feels to have them in his life
Rated G, 2.5K+ words, Modern/Normal Human AU, Artist Dean, dad Dean, married fluff, nonbinary Cas
“Wings to Dance” — A night of awkward conversations, humiliating moments, and halfhearted attempts at trying to learn to dance for his brother's wedding take a surprising turn for the better for Dean when he realizes he accidentally locked himself out of his car. He and Castiel, the dance instructor he's admired from afar for so long, end up bonding over buried memories of past pain and find themselves dancing towards a brighter future together
Rated T, 12.5k+words, RomCom, Modern/Normal Human AU, humor, fluff, minor angst, Comfortably Bisexual Dean, references to biphobia/homophobia, references to past homelessness, Dancer Cas
“Flight Back to You” — Dean's exhausted, wracked with strange dreams that bring back memories of a teenage fling he had years ago. While on the way to check out a potential case with his brother, his exhaustion catches up with him, nearly sending both him and Sam over a cliff's ledge. Luckily, a familiar face from Dean's past comes at the perfect moment to provide them shelter for the night. The thing is, as it turns out, they actually have a lot more history than Dean initially remembers. And all three of them apparently have a lot more feathers than Dean is comfortable with.
Rated G, 11.5k+ words, Wings AU, Reincarnation, Comfortably bisexual Dean Winchester, minor Jimmy/Dean and Michael/Castiel, references to minor character death and divorce
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stillwinchester · 11 months
so I just finished reading twist and shout and I was wondering if you have any fluff destiel fics to try and fix the hole in my heart t&s left?
I don't have anything long to recommend, but maybe one-shots are something you need!
Free to be uquiz and me by fellshish - I recommend all fics by this author, most of these is funny, so perfect after reading something sad
we'll find a new home by sleepyvan - thee costco fic. fluffy and funny, post canon
Just Dudes Being Dudes by Theresa_Marxen - found it in my bookmarks, and I remember I enjoyed it!
The Resident Guinea Pig Expert by raths_kitten - cute petshop AU
Is it some freakin' romcom? by me - autopromotion, cute fic with romcom's trops, maybe even too many sugar in it!
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found--family · 1 year
So I have a few weeks until my new job starts and I want to work on something in that time. I'm not sure what I feel like writing (I'm kinda in hibernation bc it's winter rn and the last time I felt motivated to write was on-the-job in summer). I have dozens of wips and outlines to choose from but these ones are top of the pile bc they're fun..
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[1] Nursery AU: Paradise Nursery
Dean is grieving his recently deceased mother. He's in his early 30s and was her carer for the better part of a decade; he has no friends and no life to turn to for comfort or distraction. He needs a new job and to learn to navigate his loneliness. He ends up working at the garden nursery where his mom worked decades ago. Dean meets Cas and falls for him but also makes new friends in Charlie and Jo and Bobby and others.
Cas is the newly appointed manager of Paradise Nursery™ and he's not enjoying it; he misses the small minutia of everyday plantcare and loathes the pressure, office-based and people-interactive duties, and trying to find a buyer for the business his father left him in charge of. Cas is a single parent to Jack and guardian to Claire and gave up on finding love long ago, instead focusing on his children and the work he's passionate about. But then he meets their newest seasonal hire Dean who becomes a bright spot in Cas' workday.
As they become tentative friends and try to suss out whether their feelings are mutual and how to go about them, Dean is dealing with his problematic father while Cas is dealing with his arch nemesis - fresh-cut flower farm owner Crowley - who wants to purchase Paradise to eliminate Cas as a competitor while expanding his own empire.
Boss/Employee. Mutual Pining. Alternating POV. Misunderstandings. Familiar Faces and Friendship. Slow Burn (legit). Strangers to Friends to Lovers.
A/N: this one is close to my heart as it's inspired by my own experiences; every day I worked I was inspired to write something for these two. Still not sure whether to keep this one contained at the nursery or follow Dean as the season dies off and he finds work elsewhere? Endings are hard and I'm still living mine, so.
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[2] Dan In Real Life AU: Here Comes The Sun
Based on the movie but with its own flavour. Dean is a late-30s widowed songwriter and single father to young Audrey. The whole extended family is spending two weeks at Grandma Mildred's lake house for some quality time together before Autumn settles in. On his solo drive to the house, Dean meets Cas. There's chemistry and Dean thinks maybe there's something between them.. but he arrives at the house to discover Cas is dating his oldest friend Benny. Things are rocky at first but during their time together Dean and Cas grow closer until they can't deny their feelings any longer.
This one has intial Cas/Benny with some open relationship vibes but also cheating. Still trying to decide whether to write some explicit Cas/Benny scenes. The plot is heavily inspired by the movie but goes its own way. The whole two weeks will be covered day and night with alternating POV but mostly Dean and Cas.
RomCom with Family Dynamics. Lots of Familiar Faces. Papa!Dean. Alternating POV. Mutual Pining. UST. Strangers to Lovers. Happy Ending (for everyone, I promise).
A/N: I started writing this in.. 2020? It was my comfort fic but life changed so much that year I just couldn't stick with it. I've tried going back to it multiple times but kept getting caught up on how to finish the next chapter. I've done a bunch of art for this and would love to get it finished, but there's a lot of plot to still figure out (sometimes filler stuff, sometimes main events of the day).
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[3] Movie AUs: numerous!
I love subpar action comedies (and romcoms) because they're such easy fic fodder for Destiel. Simple, readymade, perfect practice for writers to work on our skills but don't have the time or brain capacity to work on plot.
I have outlines of a few I really want to Destielify: The Lost City (a fun little adventure with unique plot I'd love to give our guys), Knight and Day (made before algorithms it's overlong and full of secondary locations - better off as fic), Red Notice (terrible twists but it had some fun ideas so I'd tweak the plot in various ways), Ghosted (subpar with bare bones I'd like to put a bit of meat on), Quantum of Solace (the most straight-forward Bond flick, a filler in the franchise and easiest to create a standalone au with).
A/N: if you haven't checked out SPNMediaBigBang go do that now. I'm terrible at bangs but I'd love to write a few fun movie fics and post chapters every week.
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[4] Gotham Knights AU: make it Destiel
(GK being cancelled is another blow for queer rep and spncast stans but I hope it motivates fans to create more fic for this awesome show!)
The AU I've been working on is 'inspired by' not straight copy. It features batman-inspired Dean and harvey dent-inspired Cas with turner-inspired Jack.
Cas goes from being Jack's uncle to his guardian after his father was killed by the city's vigilante saviour The Hunter - who Jack once idolised but now thinks is a villain; naive Jack is out for revenge, to reveal The Hunter as a badguy and see him taken down. And he's not the only one looking for The Hunter's true identity. Meanwhile, friends and longtime mutual piners Dean and Cas finally act on their feelings for each other - but then shit goes down.
Friends to Lovers. Guardian/Single Dad Cas. Vigilante Dean. Heroes & Villains. Mutual Pining.
A/N: I started drafting the outline for this halfway through s1 of GK. It utilizes the darker vibes we get from Jack in season 14, which I love. And no, it's not related to my Destiel AU gifset series, sorry!
⮑ with all that in mind..
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cheerfulripley · 7 months
I really really REALLY want to work on my SPN Destiel Christmas fic but am struggling 😫!!
Please share your recs for Xmas stuff to get you in the festive mood: movies (romcoms would be great), albums, fics, tropes, Pinterest images. Heck, your favorite christmas memories would be fun to read
I really don't want to put off this fic another year but I need your holiday energy.
How about a trade? Here's som images from my pinterest board for the fic 😄
(The idea is an AU! Mute mountain man Cas and his dog Dozer have to play host to author Dean, who's car crashes in a blizzard before Xmas and Cas' cabin is the only place he can go! Will sparks fly?)
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queermania · 9 months
If you could have a destiel AU of any romcom which one would it be?
my answer for this probably changes daily but at this exact moment i would say "life as we know it." idk if you could consider that an actual romcom but it's in the general vicinity. destiel as two people who went on a horrible date once and now have to co-parent someone else's child (hi jack! you get to be involved too!) and end up falling in love through grief and frustration and unexpected fun? sign me up!
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and-make-it-double · 1 month
What is "part time soulmate full time problem" about?
Part Time Soulmate, Full Time Problem is s8 au gabriel fic for the Supernatural fandom
It started out as one multi-chapter fic but I've become very invested so it's going to a fic series with a bunch of sidefics lol
Summary- Following Dean and Cas' disappearance, Sam is left to deal with an old problem all alone. As the days pass by, a familiar face comes back into Sam's life and maybe, just maybe, all is not lost for Sam Winchester. or A post season 7 rewrite of supernatural with a focus on sabriel and minor emphasis on destiel.
sneak peak :3 "You were the song stuck in my head Every so that I ever loved" Sam laughed as Gabriel twirled him around. He felt silly- he was a grown adult for gods sake, not some teenager in a romcom- but he'd be lying if he said he didn't find this fun and he had a feeling that Gabriel knew this too.
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roublardise · 4 months
THE WAY HOME CHAP 2: FRIDAY - spring breaks loose
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tomorrow on ao3!!! lmk/like if you want go be tagged 🌻
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chaoticfandomgirly · 2 months
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top five destiel aus?
this is INTERESTING. I'll answer based on my most recent reading preferences?
1. roommates au - decimates me every time
2. college au. im such a simp for academically stressed and coffee addicted deancas. at the same time, i sooo love seeing them in that setup - woke and cusswords and huge friend groups and that good ole dash of relatability, sorry not sorry
3. single parent! au - need i explain?? it's just so good. so good. so wholesome. so fluffy. soooooo light-up-my-life-y.
4. other modern aus - I'm a simp for destiel in contemporary settings. like, football player au, or coffee shop au, or neighbors auuuu
5. idk if this counts but i ADORE the stories where its just destiel in some classic romcom setup with a twist? I've read one for Megamind, one for The Proposal, one for breakfast at tiffany's and they're all PURE GOLD. idk whether to call this a cinemaverse au or like? meetcute?
special mention, because idk if it's an au: canon divergent(?) destiel w baby jack, co-parent sam, living in the bunker!!!!!!!!!
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wormstacheangel · 1 year
I have COVID(don't be a preschool teacher i literally just got over the flu a week ago) someone recommended me stupid romcom movies that i can enjoy as a destiel au in my head
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gaygh0stt · 3 years
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Tropes And Prompts That I Wish To See More Of In Fanfiction
Enemies to lovers, coffee shop AU’s, “there is only one bed oh my whatever shall we do”. These tropes are all great! But what about the tales that are hardly told on AO3? What about the underused tropes?
-To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before AU: For those of you who don’t know the Netflix rom-com “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before”, the basic plot is this (It’s been a while since I saw it, so everything I say to you might be lies. Also, if you do not care about the plot of To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, feel free to skip ahead):
There’s this hopeless romantic girl, right? And somehow, no one will date her, despite her being gorgeous and funny and smart and sweet and having a room like a magazine photo (and her bed is in the middle of the room?? Every teenager I know has their bed against at least two walls, it’s common sense). Standard teen movie stuff. 
Instead of talking to guys she likes, she’ll write out detailed letters confessing her feelings to them. It’s a diary thing, I suppose. She also writes down their addresses on the letters. Where is she getting the addresses? Why is she writing them down? She never planned to mail them. Why are you the way you are, Laura Jean?
Anyway, wacky hijnks ensue and (le gasp) all five of the letters are sent. Somehow, this merely leads to a love triangle, where the proper thing would be a love pentagon, but whatever. There are no sword fights in this movie.
That was a roundabout way of saying why is that not a fanfic trope? There are enough fandom bicycles with several ships that this would work perfectly for! It’s a good way to add some drama to a high school AU.
-This isn’t a trope really, but Weddings: Once your OTP have trecked through the angst, skipped through the fluff, and settled into their domestic fics, what would the wedding be like? Weddings are really fun from a writing standpoint. You want drama? Emotion? Cute couple antics? Wacky best man and/or maid of honor shenanigans? First dances going well? First dances NOT going well? That one family member that shows up that no one wants there because they’re a reminder of when your grandfather split the family in half and caused quite a bit of psychological damage to 90% of the guests (that might be more of a specific problem with my relatives)? Let them get married!!!
-While in high school AUs, don’t neglect the drama club: The school musical is actually a great framing device for a story! It’ll be a common thing the characters are all striving for, a way to bring them together, a big final event for the finale, and, of course, no one can do drama like the theater kids. There’s so much to do here!
-On that note, D&D club will do a similar thing: Bonus points if actual paranormal activity starts happening and they have to become the heroes they pretended to be (and actually are in canon?).
-Amusement Parks: Amusement parks are up to their necks in story potential. Want romanticism? Want a kiss at night lit only by the glowing ferris wheel? Want humorous realism? Did someone throw up on the coaster again? Dear lord, this is my life, isn’t it. Want creepy stuff? Fun houses are less fun when everything is trying to murder you. And of course, your OTP could meet when person A decides to scam person B at carnival games, and person B is having none of it.
-Hunger Games AU: Ever wanted to murder people and not have to cover it up? Congratulations, the Hunger Games AU is for you! How will your ship react to a doomed romance? Will they Katniss/Peeta their way out of things, or will it actually be doomed? Will you pit all of your ships against each other? You decide!
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sacredprayerdean · 2 years
you know that feeling when you find a romcom that is SO GOOD that you start to believe in love again and you just lay on your couch smiling at the ceiling like an idiot for about an hour after it’s over? yea best feeing
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eileenleahy · 3 years
komodobits is actually a nobel prize laureate in my mind because she got me to cry over a destiel au of an adam sandler romcom
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