#;Team Guardian Update
weirdocartoongirl · 3 months
Allies of Elaine's Crew from my universe
The Age
Ariel Risen
Cole Carlos
Cassy Remy
Amy Williams
Kylie Karla-Gregory
Phoebe Sparks
Amaryllis (High Guardian Spice)
Little Bill (My version)
Sofi "Zoo" Wong
Tulip Olsen
Mao Mao
Zee Zatara/Zatanna (2019 ver.)
Ami and Yumi
Corey and the Grojband
Sal Fisher (as a ghost)
The Molly Gang
Jessica Flintridge
Mars (MWatGG)
McGee (Camp Lakebuttom)
Alexandra Trese
Alice (EverWing)
Tiffy (Candy Crush)
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salamander-crimes · 4 months
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still not sure how to feel about homestuck 2 and not keeping super close track of it howeverrrrr this panel goes so supremely hard
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professorreddmaple · 2 years
So good news, bad news, more good news, more bad news, even more good news, and even more bad news.
Good News, neither Ceri nor Tory do the weird zombie thing.
Bad News, everyone else is doing it longer. It’s taking nearly up until noon now for them to stop.
More Good News, Tory got to become a trainer early, and since technically she’s beaten all gyms available she’s part of the elite four now.
More Bad News, I gave her that mainly so she could fight against Team Wolf, who is still after me and is now after both of them as well.
Even More Good News, Devon’s here and staying to help!
Even More Bad News, Ceri will absolutely not share a room with anyone, so Devon and I are sharing a room until further notice. My air mattress broke so we’re sharing a bed, and I’m starting to think I misjudged that overexcited light feeling I get thinking about that and ascribed to “missing my friend”
Anyway, that’s how life’s going at the moment.
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triglycercule · 15 days
do you think that the bad sanses and the star sanses have whole ass fanclubs that follow their every move
the fanclubs are made up OCs and simps and self inserts and people who are just obsessed with these characters. they cannot leave their respective aus because the fans will find them. both teams regularly have stalker fans breaking into their homes. there are whole communities on the undernet dedicated to the teams. as soon as they are spotted in the multiverse update accounts tweet about whete they were spotted. it's like theyre multiversal celebrities except it's a protectors of aus, 2 emotion guardians who have beef, and a few random mortals that these immortal people dragged along
for the star sanses its a lot more freaky and scary. swap had to get ink to find a way to keep his underswap protected from all the people who would swarm the au and bother him in his day to day life. dream struggles with being able to help the people in danger who actually need help because every tine he enters an au people always swarm him for his autograph and photos (he has it the WORST with his positive aura making more people like him too 😭😭😭) ink tries to do this job but then he just gets distracted by the swarm of people gawking at the fact that OMG the protector of aus is here holy crap!!! and then he has to find a clever way to escape the swarm. it's really not fun for the stars
the bad sanses on the other hand have come up with a way to (kinda) avoid the fans. nightmare sends out the gang to go on missions with costumes and secret identities and stuff. 50% of the time missions fail because the costums get ruined or the fans are just smart enough to figure out the bad sanses are here 💀 killer started off enjoying all the attention but after a good month of thr fans swarming him it started to piss him off. dust tries to teleport away every time a fan spots him but thenANOTHER fan sees him. it's like a sick game of hide and seek for him. horror immediately gives up on the mission as soon as he's spotted because theres no point. nightmare has given all of them free reign to kill thhose stupid fans (even if it gets rid of negativity he CANT PROGRESS WITH HIS EVIL PLANS WHEN THERES LITERAL WALLS OF PEOPLE STOPPING HIM)
it's misery for all of them
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simp-ly-writes · 2 months
Friend of the Captain (pt.2)
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Pairing: Edward "Eddie" Horniman x afab!Reader
Summary: Years had past since you had last seen Eddie. Doctor, CEO and soon to be girlfriend of another man. You end up seeing him at Freddy and Tammy's wedding yet other forces keep pulling your both away from admitting to your feelings. What will it take for one of you to see the truth?- as Charlotte ever so indelicately puts it.
Warnings: 3755 words, utter jealousy, language, and light teasing, angst to potential fluff and lots and lots of pining.
A/N: I have watched an unhealthy amount of edits while on dinner break- I must be stopped (gods i'm supposed to be on break!)- this is way longer than I was expecting it to be, perhaps even a part three...
Masterlist | Taglist | somewhat un-edited.
(pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3)
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↳ Years had past since you had last seen Edward. You still kept in contact with his siblings and his mother, of course. Lady Sabrina refused to let you go- often sending various treats and letters towards your family's estate, you called her ever other week with updates to your studies, travels, and love life. Your mother teasingly voiced her jealousy towards her best friend choosing her own daughter over her best friend.
↳ You often joined the older ladies out for a dinner or lunch with Charlotte tagging along when she was not in school (yet you would never tell Charlotte's parents otherwise to you signing her out as a trusted guardian and taking her even out of the country some weekends). Clicking your glasses together while looking down upon the busy London streets, you smirked seeing someone wearing a piece of yours from across the street.
Tugging at your mothers dress-sleeve she trued around in her seat, grasping your hand in a tight squeeze of excitement and pride as her wrist glittered in your newest bracelet collection. After finishing your PHD of Business Administration you took a fake name to hide your identity for the public and papers for as long as you could. You often blushed now- seeing your face on gossip articles with your date of the evening.
Dinner tonight was a celebration of your recent contract with an up-and-coming movie star- he would be wearing your necklaces on the red carpet by the end of the week. A bottle of bubbly, bubbled your laughter to the surface as they all screamed in your ear, jumping up and down and clapping their hands in the restaurant as you ducked your head, trying to stray away from the attention.
↳ Unknowing to you though is that your's and Edward's mother collected all the gossip magazines, continuing their bet as Sabrinas heart fell every time you looked so in love with your new partner. Charlotte would often make side comments about your "slut era" she called it as you knocked her shoulder with your own, rolling your eyes before your mother swatted your shoulder at the dinner table and insisted on maintaining appearances in the public eye.
↳ When inside your studio-office space, drafting up new designs with your creative team. You spun around of your chair and became shocked when you eventually rolled back around to find a wax-sealed envelope with the Halstead crest so beautifully stamped. Peeling away the wax as carefully as you could, the thick, textured paper settled nicely between our hands as you read through the invitation. Tears beginning to well in your eyes before you were squealing in Freddy's ear through the desk-phone as he winced and handed the phone over to Tammy. Both laughing over your childish excitement to their own wedding.
↳ You called the brainstorming off early, rushing to help Tammy find just the right dress later that afternoon as she thanked you for assisting with the wedding planing (already fed up with Lady Sabrina's input into the event- though she was funding a large portion of it due to Freddys... interesting resume).
↳ Wedding dress shopping happened later that spring as you teared up seeing the woman in white. Helping her into your exclusively design accessories and veil. Later that day, you third-wheeled the couple during cake testing- eating double of your weight in sweets as your teeth ached afterwards.
↳ During the bridal party. You all got dressed up in small red dresses and matching heels as you style one another's hair and got your nails done for the evening. You all went to a bar to start of the week strong, you had never felt so carefree and young after the countless sleepless nights of being a CEO and Doctorate student- you really let yourself go that night. Waking up in the bed of a stranger who wrapped their muscled arm over your waist.
Trying to wiggle your way out of their grip and find your various articles of clothing spread round the downtown flat, you ended up stealing one of their shirts- not bothering to look at the design plastered on the front as you placed your phone on to charge and started breakfast.
The oven dinged, the eggs were done as you put out a spread across the countertop before doing a light clean of last nights activities- doing your best to put away things where you thought they belonged and were stopped halfway by an arm pulling you back into their chest and placing a kiss against your forehead, "thank you, love. Didn't have to do any of this at all- I appreciate it very much."
A blush spread over your cheeks as you led them towards the still hots plates and ate together. There name was William from your foggy memories of last night. By the groaning the man in front of you was excepting while pouring himself a coffee, he seemed as well wasted as you were.
"Can I get you any Advil or orange juice?" William asks, placing a coffee in front of you with a smile as you wipe your mouth and take a small sip. "No, I'm alright." When washing up the dishes together, he offered to place your things in the wash while making small talk throughout and even going for a round three later that morning.
Becoming lost in the bubble you both formed for yourselves, hands casting through the short strands of dirty blonde hair that tickled your palms. Your heart dropped in the slightest bit when his phone rang as a show you were both listening to in the background was paused. He whispered a sorry towards you, patting your knee before taking a stand and walking over to the bedroom, you could only hear the start to the conversation, "Captain, everythin' alright?"
Deeming yourself overstaying your welcome, you walked towards the hall bathroom, preparing yourself for the next day and left a small note with your name attached, softly shutting the door behind you before leaning your forehead against it. A stupid smile showing itself across your features as your hands drifted through your contacts, landing on Charlottes picture as it dinged for a few moments.
"Girl, where the fuck have you been since last night?"
"I think I'm in love Char," you stated while the elevator doors closed behind you and the busy city streets awaited you.
↳ In the remaining days of the bridal party, you all rented out a vineyard, playing various lawn games with sunbathing by the pool. You subconsciously looked up towards the glass doors of the modern home- unknowing of what you were expecting before returning to your book, humming along to the radio as Tammy splashed you with her dive. Drawing a quick 10 score on your phones notes app and presenting it to her, Charlotte snorted and did a dive of her own as you all laughed and enjoyed the warm weather.
↳ Your did frown later that night when William had yet to text you, throwing your phone onto the bed. You really have to get yourself together, you thought to yourself- waiting here on some guy... some guy that treated me fairly. And in this day and age, it was a rare sight to find. Charlotte had already given you a major thumbs up as did the rest of your university friends and some of the past boyfriends you still kept in contact with. They all approved.
↳ Looking into your suitcase, you picked up Williams freshly washed shirt- you had forgotten to return it as your head drifted towards your phone. A perfect excuse to see him once more, your fingers drifted over the keys, breath paused on the send button before tapping the green arrow in a split second. Your adrenaline soared as you ruffled your hair, huffing out and looking at the shirt once more.
Your fingers drifted over the warn edges, pausing at the left breast pocket before your eyes went wide in shock. Displayed was the same coat of arms as Eddies regiment, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. Was all you could think, hands now gripping at your roots as that text now burred your phone and your mind. It was the night before the wedding at by the looks of it, you were going to be up with your thoughts.
↳ The day of the wedding at arrived, you smoothed out your dress as you waited in front of the large wooden doors to the Halstead estate. The wedding was being held in the gardens- now in full bloom as the first week of summer sprang into season. The blush pink complimented your rosy cheeks as you sweated lightly in the blissful heat, everyone had already been partnered up and as the maid of honour- you were more than worried that Freddy's best man had yet to appear
Much to your shock, Edward slowed his steps, feet tripping over the blood red rug beneath your feet as he stumbled to a straight stand by your side. He dropped his gaze down towards your shoes, taking a long drag up of your form before casting you a charming smile. The voices around you soon became muffled as your gaze fell onto his broad shoulders, the scar against his chin and you wondered if the scar you left from throwing a rock at his head while children's was still behind his ear in the same place you remembered it to be.
He wore a navy suit, crisp white shirt underneath as his tie held small pink flowers- perfectly matching your dress. He picked up your hand, maintaining eye contact as he pressed a light kiss to your gloved hand. You were ever-so thankful for purchasing the matching gloves in this moment, holding that the material hid your light shakes from his reassuring hold. His hand soon slipped up your arm. Breath hitching as strings began to play in the background.
His fingers drifted to the skin left uncovered by your tall gloves and dresses arm before looping his arm with your own. The doors soon opened as you both faced forward, smiles plastered on brightly as you walked in perfect rhythm down the isle. You looked towards one another, a few gasps being hear distantly in the crowd yet you couldn't bring your eyes to see where the sound came from. Arms dropping as you continued separately to your respective sides.
Looking up towards the clear blue skies, letting out a breath, your gaze turned to find Freddy looking at you, soft smile on his face as he gave you a singular nod before turning to his wife who began her walk down the isle. You took her bouquet, tears streaming down your eyes as you silently sobbed in happiness for the couple.
You clapped when they kissed, cheered as Freddy dipped her as Lady Sabrina tossed a comment on their outrageous display yet you haded her the bouquet as she shut her mouth abruptly, turning quickly behind to stare at your mother who was already watching as you and Eddie walked down the isle, arm and arm. Your gaze solely focused on the couple, unknowing to the man on your arm who stared at you the whole time- enamoured by your happiness as another stood in the back isle's, rose in hand they stole from the gardens as they waited for the festivities to start.
↳ As the first dance had finished and the cake had been cut, the DJ started to turn on the selected playlist and you headed straight to the bar in order to hug the newly weds who had a mission of getting absolutely wasted by the end of the night. After chatting with them for a few moments, a cough from behind you has your eyes going wide as does everyone else in the general area who stops to watch
You pause, drink slipping through your fingers as they catch it just in time with a smirk. "Hello, love," William speaks in hushed tones, knowing of the curious glances around you. Your eyes fly across the white warm-event weather uniform he wears. The sharp colour of his blue pants matching his eyes as your mouth soon falls agape. He takes a hand, lightly underneath your chin as he closes your mouth, pressing a kiss to the side of your lips.
Your eye's drift over to his shoulder, looking at his rank as you return a kiss to his cheek in greeting, now taking the barstool behind you as he leans against the bar top, taking his hat off and setting it between you. "Why hello there, Lieutenant," you say before taking a sip of your drink to gain some liquid courage as the eyes around you both begin to turn back to their personal conversations.
"You know my rank?" he questions with a raised brow as you shrug your shoulders. "Have close friends in the military as well, memorized all that chest candy," you state, eyes now darting across the metals he displays. Williams chuckles, ordering himself a drink as the bartender nods in confirmation as you both ease into conversation with one another.
↳ Eddie currently talks with his family as Freddy perks his interest. "Did you see that guy she's been talking to at the bar?- dude is seriously laying it on thick." Freddy rolls his eyes as you throw your head back in laughter, hand pressed against the white uniform as the man looks down to your touch with another teeth-filled smile. Charlotte shrugs, stealing a sip of Eddies drink as their mother quickly steals the wine glass from her and returns it to Eddies open hand who tries to peer over Freddys shoulder as he continues on and on about the bachelor party he had.
Eddies eyes go wide, seeing the white uniform, seeing you pressed up against another mans chest as he spins you lightly, eyeing you up and down and how your dress twirls at your feet as you get both of your glass topped off once more. His gaze hardens as he catches Williams face, his arm drifting around your waist, mouth pressed to your ear as he kisses your skin teasingly- eyes darting towards the door as you look up at him through your lashes.
Eddie's hands turn into fists, his eyebrows furrowed as he starts to take a step forward yet Freddy still mindlessly talks as nobody is now listening as Charlotte begins to fill their mother in as she looks towards her son with concern. Hand ghosting on his arm that he has yet to take notice of. He watches as you bite your lip, pulling at his collar as you trace the seams of his uniform. Eddie lets out a sharp breath of air as he seems your lipstick begin to stain his skin, his mothers hand now tight against his arm as he stares down at it.
Charlotte shakes her hand, Sabrina now walking away to talk to your mother sat in the corner conversing with Tammy's parents. Freddy had finally taken notice of the lack of attention, returning to his wife's side as they stole bites from the cake before the official cutting. When Eddie turns back to see where you went, the bar is empty the door swinging closed as he speedily walks towards the hall only to find it empty both ways. As he begins to walk, a cough has him turning around to find Charlotte taking off her heels as she leans against the wall next to a suit of armour.
"Thought that you two were not together, no feelings right?" she presses, gaze determined as she slips off the last of her heels and begins to walk towards her brother who's shoulders only rise in their tensed form. He shakes himself off as she stands directly in front of him, shaking off his suit as he adjusts his suit-cuffs. "No, still is the case- just worried for my childhood friend is all."
"Alright, then..." Charlotte takes notice as his eyes keep darting back down the hall behind her, hope and hatred bleeding through his eyes as she smirk's, going in for the jab. "...If thats all you care about, he's a good man- that not right Captain?- They fucked a few times..." Charlotte presses her heels into her brothers chest as he keeps them there. His sister signals him to follow her outside as they begin to stroll towards the gardens all those Christmas's ago.
"She even told me she's in love with him-"
"What?" Edward asks in a breathy tone, his heart dropping as his sister continues walking further into the gardens and towards the centre fountain. "I warned you before Edwina, she's too good to have to wait so others take action. You had your time with her it seems, now it is time for someone else to take your place." She ends with a bittersweet smile. "You know... I always hoped she would become my actual sister- mom too but a best friend is better than nothing at all, right?"
The sharpness of her words twists itself deep in Edwards heart as he staggers, shoes dropped to the gravel beneath his feet, hands clenching at his tie that now seems too tight, his breathing laboured as he starts to see blood flashing on his hand and across his face. He hears your laughter filling his ears, the smell of your conditioner flooding his nose as it drifts off with the evening air.
↳ When Eddie returns to his work on boarder patrol, checking various people and their cars through the checkpoint. He enters the change-room at the end of every night, giving a nod and handing off his gun towards another officer who would be taking over the night patrol that evening.
↳ He often see's William changing as he enters, his shift ending 30 minutes before his own. He looks at the mans back, the angry red ail marks clawing their way up to his shoulders as the muscles his his back flex when a shirt covers up majority of the markings yet this shirt is old and warn. Having lost a great deal of his green colour, now a muted muddy colour as the neck hands low.
↳ Edward see's the the hickeys you undoubtedly left across his collarbones and neck, he recognizes that bite from the occasional moment you both shared as teenagers. William nods towards his superior officer outside of working hours. Picking up his jacket before moving to the sleeping quarters. Eddie sits on the centre bench, elbows against his knees, hands in his head as he grips and tugs at his hair. Frustration eating him alive as he imagines your touch, your lips against his own, the taste of your skin-
↳ Every day the same, every vacation time taken at a similar point as he notices a year afterwards the diamond ring hanging off Williams dog tags. He constant has been looking at it underneath his uniform throughout shifts, smiling before his mask returns as another car pulls forward. Eddies brain was struggling to come to cope with the images of that small ring hanging off Williams neck. He cursed himself alive as Freddy punched him square across the face when he drunkly ranted towards his brother a weekend he spent back home
↳ When he returned back to base, the ring he had around his dog tags was gone. William nodded towards the Captain as usual, that little display now irking him- pouring more fire into the gaping wound he sustained as the lieutenant paused. Face turning over his shoulder as eh spoke out into the empty change room, "I have been requested by management to switch towards the front lines... It has been a pleasure working with you sir. I wish you the best."
"Thank you, William. Do take care of her," Eddie states, looking at him square in the eyes. "Till the day she loves me no longer and afterwards," William promises before gently closing the door behind himself. Eddie does now feel himself crying before he calls his mother, not saying a word as he cries, she cries, as he can feel his fathers disappointment, his sisters distaste, and Eddies side remarks.
↳ But why stop at that? Eddie was soon being called back for your engagement photo, he glared at the ring on your finger. It's small for a jeweller, he thinks to himself yet had already bought the ticket, a gift and written a card voicing his congratulations to you both.
↳ Edward was beyond confused to walk into the empty venue space a few months later. Handmade stars hug above his head, a tray of champagne by his feet as the lights were dimmed, the afternoon sun finding its way through the blinds casting patterns onto the hardwood floors beneath. In his steps, the floors creaked as your tearstained face meet his eyes. He walked faster, taking a kneel beside you as you flung yourself into his chest as he dropped the gift, kicking it aside and held you tightly to himself. Hands beginning to drift through your hair as he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
He felt your tears staining his sweater, the rapid spikes of your shoulders as you sharply breathed between sobs. "H-He, He cheated on me! I fuckin' love another man and he cheats on me!" you wail, shaking your head into his neck as he rubs your back. Eddie holds himself from question the slight hope at, love another man.
"I am sorry to hear that darling, you are the most underserving person of such treatment I know. Downright motherfucker," Eddie whispers into your hair before you fall backwards, tugging Eddie by his shoulders to join you laying on the floors. You both stare up into the various stars coating the ceiling as you squeeze your hand in his own larger one.
A few moments pass as you listen to each other breathe in the empty room. Rain slowly begins to fall against the window panes as you turn your head to already find Eddie look at you with a soft smile. "Thank you, Eddie, for staying here with me... you're the best friend I could ever ask for," you speak out softly, hand resting on his cheek as he turns his head to kiss your palm.
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(pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3)
↳ Taglist: @daffodilstark @leavemeslowly
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lovedrruunk · 2 months
It would be so cool if you could write a venture x reader where Y/N is too nervous to speak to Venture so Mercy wingmans for them‼️
‘The best wingwoman ! ଘ(˵╹ᴗ╹)━☆
Venture (Overwatch) x GN reader
Authors note!; super cute request!!! Did I tell u guys I'm a mercy main…. DISGUSTING I KNOW!! But I also main Ana so it cancels out… also tbh there’s a lot of requests that I haven’t gotten to *YET* simply bc idk how to go about them :( but this one came to me rlly easily !! Ty!!! also finished this whole thing while listening to phantom of the opera on repeat for 2 hours (i need 2 write a moira fic omg...) UPDATE: HELLO??? THE MERCY MYTHIC? okok ill stfu now sry!!
Earlier today, you were dragged to a work party by your colleague and guardian angel, Angela Ziegler. You begged her to let you stay home, but she refused, saying she wouldn't be able to go without you since you were the only coworker she actually enjoyed spending time with. And so, being the amazing friend you are, of course, you agreed to go to keep her company!... Just kidding!
Angela knew you too well. Once she mentioned that the cutie from the Wayfinder Society was attending, you did a complete 180, now asking her what you should wear. She couldn't help but laugh at your reaction, amused at how predictable you were when it came to romance.
Sloane Cameron, also known as Venture, also known as the cutie from the Wayfinder Society, had quickly captured your attention ever since you first met them a couple of months ago when the Wayfinder Society was adopted by Overwatch as a sub-branch. Being the head anthropologist for Overwatch led you to spending a good amount of time with Venture and their team. Granted, it was just work and sharing data and all that, but you couldn't help but find them super intriguing. They were funny, lively, and so passionate about their work! But as badly as you wanted to get to know them, you just couldn't. Their confidence was a blessing and a curse, being the cause of why you liked them and the cause of why you were so terrified of talking to them.
Every week or so, you and Angela meet up at the cafeteria at Overwatch's headquarters to catch up while drinking your morning coffee/tea/whatever, which you of course just use as time to gush about your overwhelming crush on your new coworker. But last week... last week, you had decided enough was enough. You made a promise to Angela that by next week, you would at least ask them if they'd want to hang out outside of work. Feeling pumped and confident, you had excitedly gotten all dolled up for the party.
And now, here you were. The party was in an old Victorian mansion with lots of expensive art and chandeliers, nothing less for Overwatch, of course. The first time you had attended a work party, you were extremely underdressed, assuming it was a casual get-together, not at all expecting it to be an elegant and serious "ball" like party. You cringed at the memory before Angela snapped you out of it, handing you a glass of champagne.
"So? Is today the day?" she questions as she leans against the back wall you had been standing next to.
"I don't know, Angela..." you whined as you not so discreetly stared at them from across the room.
It was the first time you had seen them in formal attire, and you couldn’t help but admire how they looked good in everything.
"Go ask them to dance!" She suggested happily.
"What!? No way! I can't dance, especially not with them!"
“Oh, don't give me that! The worst they could say is no."
"'No' is definitely not the worst they could say. They could say 'get away from me' or 'why are you talking to me about something other than rocks' or 'your foundation doesn't match your neck.. and no I would rather drop dead than dance with you'."
"Don't be ridiculous."
"I'm serious!- Wait!! Did you see that? They smiled at the new rookie! What if they like her!? What if they came here together!? What if they're dating!? Married!!? Oh my god, and now they're chatting it up with Tiff from communications! They're laughing, what's so funny!?"
"You have got to be kidding me..."
"Right!? She's not even funnier than me..."
Catching you off guard, Angela grips your shoulders, forcing you to face her.
"Shut up," she says sternly, fighting off the urge to smack you in the face. "Just ask them. You'll never know until you do... And if you don't, I owe that infuriating geneticist twenty bucks..." She murmurs the last part to herself angrily.
"Y'know what? You're right!"
You quickly finish the glass of champagne, putting it on the table next to you. Feeling encouraged by your friend, you take a deep breath before marching towards Venture... right before turning your heel and marching straight back to Angela.
"I feel like I'm gonna throw up..."
"You haven't even said anything!!!"
After a bit of back and forth, Angela is fed up and tells you that if you weren't going to do anything about it, then she will.
As she makes her way towards Venture, you whisper yell at her, begging her to come back and let you give it another try. But knowing you, she decides to ignore your desperate pleas as she continues to happily strut towards them.
From the distance, you can't make out what they're talking about, and it's driving you nuts. Angela's back is facing you, but Venture's face lights up, so you decide to take that as a good sign. And just as you start to smile... Angela turns around and points at you.
You freeze in place for what felt like a year before your eyes focus again. Venture is grinning as they wave to you, and Angela uses her hand to call you over. You force a wide smile (not aware of how crazy you look) as you timidly walk up to the two of them.
"Y/N! I was just mentioning to our sweet Cameron over here how you love to dance! They've never been to a party like this, isn't that crazy!"
"Yeah!! Wayfinder never had the funding by itself to afford something like this! I've never really had a reason to learn how to dance, so I have no clue; was hoping you could teach me!?"
"Me? Oh, sorry! I don't know how to dance!"
"But... Dr. Ziegler just said.."
"I know! Poor little Angie... ever since her last birthday, her memory has been terrible!! Must've confused me with Lena!"
You could feel the death glare Angela was giving you, but you continued to smile innocently at them.
"Well... I guess this would be a good opportunity for us to learn, don't ‘cha think?" Of course. Of course, they would somehow find a solution to your excuse.
"Great idea!!" Angela claps her hands together happily. "Why don't you two head to the dance floor? You'll only learn from experience!"
"I agree!"
Before you can say anything, you're dragged by the hand of a very excited Venture, and although your palms are sweaty and your head is spinning, you can't help but feel so much excitement.
. . .
And so as the dancefloor clears and the two of you are making your way out to the gardens, you spot a grinning Angela and a scowling Moira putting away her wallet.
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heykayhayes · 1 month
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Updated NPC portraits of the leaders of the guild I built for the long-form DND campaign I just started this past month! I'm doing a very homebrewy take on the Tyranny of Dragons arc- starting with Hoarde of the Dragon Queen. I created a guild with seven factions based off of different birds/ adventuring skills, called the "Flocked Feathers." Each of my players is from a different guild faction. They'll be coming together under order of the Guildmaster for the special mission of collecting five Tiamat masks.
Murder of Crows - black ops mercenaries Study of Owls - protectors of arcane knowledge, artifacts Pod of Pelicans - sea-faring adventurers Flamboyance of Flamingos - guardians of high society, popular cities Kettle of Hawks - desert-dwelling heroes protecting trade routes Clutch of Hens - defenders of homesteads, farms, villages Swoop of Sparrows - preservers of nature, the natural world
Pyrus is going to be NPC/PCing as the party's Questmaster! He was "proboted" to this position by the Guildmaster. After Pyrus was caught leeching guild resources to support his personal quest for revenge against Tiamat cultists (thus working against the collective interest of the Flock), Guildmaster Viotto threatened to remove Pyrus from the Flock entirely. The trade to remain a member of the Flock was that Pyrus must accept a leadership position pursuing exactly what he wants- capturing Tiamat cultists- but as the leader of a team of worthy, young recruits. That's the "probation" part of the "probotion..." Pyrus is much more comfortable on solo missions and is not looking forward to being responsible for what happens to anyone else. Pyrus is in for a ride with this team, I can't wait to play him again, especially against all the amazing characters my friends have made!
What's really cool about a two-part campaign that spans so much time is everyone's character gets to begin at the sort of least-evolved version of themself, allowing a lot of room for growth over the course of the adventure. It's gonna be amazing!
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Stepping Up
Stepdad!Clark Kent headcanons about him stepping up to the plate when it comes to Bruce’s kids.
Inspired by this post:
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In order to appeal to Damian, he showed him all the pictures of the farm animals back at home. He saw the small smile on Damian’s face even though he insisted that there wasn't any. After Damian warmed up to him, Clark always gives him updates on the well-being of the animals whenever he gets home.
Lex had made a rather underhand comment on Tim’s handling of the company. Something about how a child has no place in a boardroom controlling men twice his age. And him being Lex also took a dig at Bruce (that man is so miserable). Tim ensured Clark that he didn't have to do anything and that things were being handled which was code for “drag this sorry excuse of a man through the mud and back as salt for the emotional wound he’s about to inflict upon him.”
While Tim was ripping Lex into strides about his empty promises to improve Metropolis, to how he’s a supervillain bc it was obvious he wasn't hugged much as a child, to yelling about his failures as a father to Kon. At the end told him to pick a struggle.
Clark was like, bet. So after Tim’s speech, Clark posts his exposé about the mistreatment of Lex’s workers and how they’ve been going on endless strikes to fight for their rights and to unionize. Let’s just say, Lex had to suspend his Twitter account for 3 months as his PR team scrambled to fix his image.
Clark learned how much Dick is trying to reconnect to his Romani culture: re-learning the language, cooking the food, singing the songs. Clark could relate to that, being one of the last Kryptoians ever. So in solidarity, he asks Dick if he could learn with him. So every Wednesday, Dick and Clark cooked a Romani dish for the family. This week was Mămăligă.
Clark and Duke understood each other. Their powers might’ve been different but the sentiment all the same. They feel different, the odd one out from their family. Clark feels honored that Duke feels comfortable telling him this. He knows how much the bats and birds love their secrets.
There was a practice at Cass’s dance class that was optional but basically, all the parents and guardians attended and participated in. Unfortunately, Bruce took a hard hit as Batman and was unable to attend, which sucks since they’ve both been looking forward to it. Clark, who knows absolutely nothing about ballet, went into it nonetheless. Cass was unsure about this but Clark looked really excited to join so she said yes. He was terrible at it, as expected. Cass was smiling because he tried anyway. He was clumsy and stiff, and probably embarrassed but he still showed up and did all of their moves anyway.
Once they were done, they both recounted the experience all while laughing over greasy food and soda. Cass didn't have to say a word either all was in sign language, something she greatly appreciated.
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Taglist: @bruciemilf, @iwantadamusername, @profoundpacmilitaire, @just-a-gal-with-a-boomerang, @mexican-owlgal, @mysteriesgalplusdamianthings, @adrunkskeletonsduck, @skylions-den, @dolliesanddahilas, @insanebutteredtoast, @queerly-bel0ved, @seasonsyeetingsstuff, @truck-kunwillbeourlordandsavior, @impossiblepeacehideout, @classybananacoloregg, @iamyouraveragestudent, @home-of-sexual-and-dumb-of-ass, @odd-spooky-rainbows, @thenamessexual-homosexual, @melonfavor, @akikkobara
Reminder: My asks and suggestions are all open so don't be afraid to pop in.
I have a taglist for Batfam & Co., so if you would like to join interact with this post: Link.
If you want to be taken off the taglist for whatever reason, please DM me.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
03/08/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&CrewSightings; DavidJenkins;RuiboQian;Samba Schutte; Alex Sherman; Rhys Darby Cameo; Fan Spotlight; SaveOFMD End of the Line Statement; SaveOFMD Billboard News and updates; Watch Party Reminders; OFMDCrew Gratitude Event; Kudoboard Reminders; New Kudoboards; Fundraiser Statuses; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= David Jenkins =
Chaos dad poked his nose out to send us some lovely and encouraging words. "Your power is noticed and admired, Don't doubt it. Ever."
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= Ruibo Qian =
Our Pirate Queen Ruibo Qian had so much love and support to send today.
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= Samba BTS =
Samba's keeping us fed with little bits of BTS each day, thank you Samba. Full Video here courtesy of @daria-meoi
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= Alex Sherman =
Oh Alex, our 'Ass Tonight' Guardian Angel. I love that he's just over here liking all our unhinged stuff on top of the usual porn.
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== Rhys Darby Cameo ==
Our wonderful crew-mate @_irene_adler and the Our Flag Means Daddy crew got us a wonderful bed-time story from Rhys. Please check it out on Cameo.
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== Fan Spotlight =
Thank you @melvisik for continuing to give us lovely collectibles for all our cast & crew. Tonight is Fred Armisen!
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== Save OFMD Crew "End of the Line" Statement ==
"Like our inimitable captain Stede Bonnet, we aren’t ready to give up just yet. We are devastated by the news from David Jenkins that attempts to find an alternative home for Our Flag Means Death have "reached the end of the road", but we want to keep fighting—not just for Our Flag Means Death, but for all the shows cancelled before their time. Shows that people put their heart and soul into. Shows that create life-changing experiences for their fans." Please read the rest on the website here.
== Save OFMD Crew Billboard News ==
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== OFMD Gratitude Event ==
Join the OFMD Crew on Saturday March 9th, 11 AM PST / 2 PM EST / 7 PM GMT / 8 PM CET, follow OFMDCrew on Twitter.
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
03/09/2024 there will be a watch along with the German premiere of OFMD Season 2!
@OurFlagRTL at 1PM EST/4PM GMT/5PM CET #OurFlagRTL.
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Feel free to watch in any language you like! #SaveOFMD#LongLiveOFMD
= Wrecked =
Wrecked Season 1 Catch Up Party Starts Tomorrow at 8 am CST / 2pm GMT on the #RhysDarbyFaction server, feel free to reach out if you need access.
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= Coming & Going =
Tomorrow 3/9, 9pm cst - 1030pm cst / (3/10) 3am gmt - 430am gmt on the #RhysDarbyFaction server.
We know it's awful, we're getting drunk and having a laugh.
== Kudoboard Reminders! ==
= Taika =
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Kudoboard Link
The board will stay up until March 12th, and we will share the link with him on March 13th. The Kudoboard is monitored prior to approval to prevent trolls from jumping in (so if you don't see your additions right away, that's why!)
== Cast & Crew Kudoboards ==
In addition-- thank you to @sharpenyersword on Twitter for setting up ALL THE KUDOBOARDS!
Go send the cast and crew some love folks!
David Jenkins
Nathan Foad
Con O'Neill
Ruibo Qian
Leslie F*cking Jones!
Matthew Maher
Samson Kayo
Alex "Ass Tonight" Sherman!
David Fane
Fellow OFMD Fan Crew!
== Fundraiser Statuses ==
Many fans are turning their grief and feelings of poison into positivity. Since this post by @gentlepanpirate was posted this afternoon around 1:45 MT, the eSIMS and Sanitary Products for Gaza has gone up 12%. Do you have a few dollars to spare? Everyone doing just a few dollars will move it up fast. If not no worries, please consider sharing the link instead!
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= In Soup Now =
In Soup Now in honor of Kristian Nairn's favorite charity Team Haven Belfast, is at 17% Great job everyone working on helping feed unhoused neighbors. Can't donate? No worries! Please consider sharing the link!
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== Articles ==
Lot of articles tonight yall. Remember that every one of these shows you made an impact. It sucks cause a lot of them say "failed to find a home" which isn't true, we were robbed of one. But they still matter. The fact that they wrote anything at all shows we've been making waves. You still have power, as Chaos dad said. They didn't take that from you.
Our Flag Means Death Creator David Jenkins Confirms Show Has Reached the End of the Road
Our Flag Means Death Fails to Find New Home After Max Cancellation — Read Creator’s Statement
'End of the Road': Our Flag Means Death's Fate Confirmed by Creator
Our Flag Means Death Creator Addresses Chances of Series Return
‘Our Flag Means Death’ Creator Raises White Flag on Former Max Comedy
‘Our Flag Means Death’ Creator Says It’s “The End Of The Road” After Comedy Fails To Find New Home
Our Flag Means Death Is Officially Done After Not Finding New Streaming Home
Series creator: No new home found for canceled 'Our Flag Means Death'
Our Flag Means Death Creator Confirms The End Of Cancelled Max Show
Our Flag Means Death creator couldn’t find a new home for the series, which is now officially on its way to Davy Jones’s locker
Our Flag Means Death season 3 not happening, creator confirms
Our Flag Means Death creator “officially confirms” show cannot be saved
Our Flag Means Death Canceled After Two Successful Seasons
Our Flag Means Death officially over as the queer series fails to find a new home
El creador de ‘Our Flag Means Death’ dice que es «el final del camino» después de que la comedia no logró encontrar un nuevo hogar.
Our Flag Means Death creator says it's officially the 'end of the road' after show fails to find new home
Unfairly cancelled show fails to find new home: ‘It’s the end of the road’
Heartbreak in the High Seas: Our Flag Means Death Officially Sails Into the Sunset
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies.
I know some of you found out the news later than others, and it's still very raw for you. I'm sending so much love your way, I know you had less support than some of us when you found out and that's got to feel terribly lonely. I've talked to some folks who were fine yesterday, and not okay today, and vice versa. Just know we are here luvs, we are here, and we're happy to talk. We're all going to be grieving for a while. So please be kind to yourselves. Give yourself some grace, it's okay if you can't do much right now. It's okay if you don't finish that gif set, or that artwork, or that fic. It's okay if all you do is get by today. You are doing enough. It's okay if you need to have distractions so you're doing twice as much as you did before. Distraction can help a lot with nervous energy. Give yourself room to be creative, and to let your mind wander, it could use a break. Take some time to laugh if you can. Laughter really can be healing. I wish I had some advice for tonight. I wish I had some better words of encouragement, I know it's all very hard right now for everyone.
Please just know a few things, and you've heard them before, but I need to hear them once in a while so I'm going to say them to you.
You are loved.
You are worthy.
You are enough.
You are beautiful.
You are kind.
You are exactly the way you should be.
You are loved.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Just som giggle from our two guys to hopefully bring a smile to your face.
Daily Darby Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome
Tonight's Taika Courtesy of @IBrokeCharacter on twitter.
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100 notes · View notes
❤︎ mama bear roars
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader no outbreak AU
Summary: Sarah calls you mom for the first time 🥺
A/N: This is a little 500 word drabble for Moth and Birdee's Mother's Day Challenge.
Of course, this had to happen when Joel was at a job site a few hours out of town. Of course, it had to be on you to take Sarah to the emergency room, when a hellion from the opposing team took her out on the soccer field so hard, it was obvious to everyone that something was wrong with her ankle.
Not because you didn't feel up to the task, but because over the years of being with Joel and eventually moving in with the two of them, not only had your love for Joel grobe but you also grew to love his precious daughter. Knowing she was hurt and there was nothing you could do for her but take her to the hospital made you feel useless.
Sarah was the brave one when the two of you sat in the waiting room for what felt like hours. You on the other hand were probably a menace in the eyes of the hospital staff because you could see Sarah was in pain and everything was progressing entirely too slowly.
"Okay mama bear, calm down. The doctor is already on his way."
You know it was meant to be patronizing, but that's exactly how you felt in that moment. Like a feral animal, ready to pounce protecting it's young.
When the doctor finally did come and asked if you were Sarah's guardian and if she wanted someone to come with her, you were just about to speak. But before you could open your mouth to say anything, Sarah's small hand made it's way into yours. "I want my mom to come."
For a few seconds you were to stunned to do or say anything and then, when if finally sunk in, that Sarah had just called you mom for the first time, you had to try really hard to keep your composure and hold back some happy tears.
You knew that Sarah knew you loved her and you knew she also loved you but hearing her say that word made you feel whole in a way you had never felt before.
When Joel finally came into the hospital room later on, he found you in a chair next to the bed, holding a sleeping Sarah's hand. He quietly dragged a matching ugly plastic chair to the other side of her bed taking her other hand in his and reaching for your free one, linking them on Sarah's lap, a gentle smile on his face.
"Hey, how are my two favorite girls doing?"
You had kept him updated the whole time and texted him with a bunch of happy crying emojis while they had been taking care of Sarah.
"She called me her mom."
His eyes were soft and shiny with some unspilled tears of his own. "I know. Because you are."
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ollypopwrites · 1 month
From Depths Unknown; Part 2
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Part 1 here ; You can also read on Ao3.
Rolan x F!Tav (AFAB, she/her) *Tav is a Storm Sorcerer, but no actual reference to her appearance.
Rating: E
Tags & Warnings: [18+ MDNI] Language, Canon-typical violence, drinking, sexual content (male masturbation, dom/sub undertones, switch dynamics, choking is briefly mentioned), slow burn, slightly enemies to lovers but not quite, background Bloodweave, the use of ‘idiot’ as a term of endearment, domestic violence and past child abuse, jealousy.
Series Summary:
Rolan couldn’t figure out what he did wrong. He thought he had been better, had held his tongue when a particularly harsh remark inevitably wanted to make it out, he had called her a friend, given her party free reign of the tower. But Tav seemed distant. 
Notes: We are getting a little spicy! I love these two, we should have another update soon-ish. Maybe not this weekend, but soon.
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Baldur’s Gate was busy.
After so long in the Underdark and then the Shadowcursed lands, Tav felt strangely crowded by the amount of people in the streets. And her mental list of tasks was getting longer by the minute. There was so much to do, and time was not on their side given the regular psionic earthquakes shaking the city. As she got them all settled in a room at the Elfsong (discounted thanks to a nasty murder in the room just next door) she wanted one night to get her wits about her.
Most everyone went their separate ways for the night: Shadowheart teamed up with Lae’zel to go speak with Voss, Halsin felt the need to shut himself up in the room, Jaheira had Harper business to attend to, while Wyll and Karlach went searching some old haunts for any friends that may still have been in the city. Gale and Astarion accompanied Tav downstairs to the pub, where they all delightfully wanted to share some quality drinks rather than the beggar's choices they had been drinking on the road. A familiar voice rang out amongst the crowd, singing a jaunty tune that had some nearby patrons singing along. 
“That’s Alfira!” Tav said excitedly. 
The bard had her audience’s gleeful attention, and nearby Tav spotted Lakrissa watching on. Her eyes flitted around the room, hoping to find another familiar face. The tieflings had set off for Baldur’s Gate shortly after the battle, ready to finally get to their destination now that the road was clear. The party had only crossed paths with them again just before entering Rivington. Rolan, Cal, Lia, Alfira and Lakrissa had joined them for a night of drinking to celebrate.
It was no party as they had after the Grove, but it was a much needed night of relief after the constant threat of the curse. Tav found herself wandering over to talk to him as often as she could. He was like a new person: excitement palpable at the prospect of finally making it to Ramazith’s Tower. She’d never seen him smile so much, and while she would never call him giddy — he was as close as Rolan could possibly be to such a state. 
The next night the tieflings left, and with them the rosy glow of victory dissipated. The tadpole crew  had been attacked by Githyanki and had to run to their Dream Guardians aid. only to find out that the mysterious entity in the prism was in fact a mindflayer called The Emperor. 
The idea that the one thing saving her was the very creature which she was actively trying not to change into felt poetic somehow. Fucked up to be sure, but poetic. 
Tav’s eyes danced along the crowd, looking for horns and flashes of red skin. Her excitement spiked, “look! It’s Cal and Lia.”
Astarion groaned, “here we go.”
“The tieflings are a charming group but everytime we cross them they need saving,” he said. “We really don’t have time for more heroics, darling, we got them to the city. Let them fend for themselves.”
“They’re friends, Astarion,” Gale scolded lightly.
“Needy friends.”
“I know all about those,” she gave him a pointed look. 
Astarion made a show of pouting, and batting his eyelashes which made Gale chuckle slightly into his cup. Their resident vampire couldn’t quite blush, but she saw his lips twitch in a sweet smile as he looked at Gale. 
“I’m going to say hello,” Tav said promptly, standing and grabbing her glass. “You two stay here and canoodle or whatever it is you get up to.” 
“Canoodle,” Astarion gagged the word. “You’re rubbing off on her now, Wizard.” 
“Expanding one’s vocabulary is nothing to scoff at!” 
“Having one walking encyclopedia is more than enough,” Astarion blithely retorted, “two would be intolerable.”
Tav was already making her way across the room as the two started bickering, her presence forgotten quickly as they started in on what she had to believe was their own special form of foreplay. As she came up, Lakrissa spotted her with a happy wave and she plopped down on the seat next to Cal. 
“It’s you!” He said happily. “When did you get here?”
“Just got into the city today. We crashed Gortash’s coronation and then nabbed the suite upstairs.” 
“Do you ever stop?” Lia asked aghast. “Less than a week ago you were infiltrating Moonrise.” 
“I wish I could stop,” Tav took a long drink. “It’s one thing after the other.”
“Being a hero is a full time job then?” Lia smirked. 
“More than full time,” Tav said. “And the pay is shit.” 
Lia laughed, “in that case, I’ll buy you a drink.” 
As Lia stood to head to the bar, Tav turned to Cal. “You lot made it in okay? No trouble?”
“Smoothest part of the journey. We got here just before they closed off the gate,” he said. “Lia’s already got work, and we’ve got a shoddy little place around here.” 
“I’m so glad to hear it,” Tav touched his shoulder. “Rolan must be so happy.” 
At the mention of his brother, Cal’s smile fell for a moment, but he quickly said, “he’s been working hard.” 
“Wouldn’t expect anything less.” She smiled, “is he staying with you?”
“No, he stays at the tower,” Cal said. “We… we haven’t seen much of him since we arrived.”
“Oh,” Tav said dumbly. Something felt off. 
“He writes though, just today he sent us some of his earnings,” Cal said. “We go to the shop to see him, but he makes us leave. Doesn’t want anyone to think he’s mucking about.”
Tav’s frown deepened. “I’ve got to head to Sorcerer's Sundries, maybe I can get him to come out for a drink.” 
“We’d like that,” Cal smiled. 
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The first time he can remember his father hitting his mother was because she took the blame for a broken glass. Rolan hadn’t meant to, he was toying with the weave, practicing from a book he was borrowing and the spell went wrong. It shattered the glass into a million shards. 
He and his mother had looked at each other for split moment before she grabbed the biggest pieces and put them in the sink. When his father stormed in, she apologized, showing a bloody hand from the glass. Her apology hadn’t mattered, nor had tears or begging. They never did. After she died there was no one else to take the blame or the beatings. Rolan had always been tall, taller than all of his friends, but he was lanky and awkward. His hands were never comfortable in the shape of a fist, his arm never created the momentum to do any damage. He tried; every time his father’s fist made contact all Rolan felt was hot fury, his arms flailing and seeming to slide off of his target. It wasn’t until the hot fury turned into a witchbolt that he ever felt on even ground with his father. Rolan had left the house leaving him in as bad of shape as he always left his son, for once. 
He never went back into that house after that night. 
The bruises currently on his face felt nostalgic in a way that turned his stomach. Lorroakan and his father were similar in a sense that everything and nothing turned their moods, but his new master had the unfortunate upper hand of also having magic at his disposal. He had worked too hard to get where he was to up and leave the apprenticeship. Too much suffering, too much sacrifice; there would be no running to Cal and Lia’s doorstep as in his youth. He had to stick it out until he was in a position to claim something better. 
His mind had justified the beatings as a test, perhaps on keeping the mind focused even under threat. If he let the inkling that he had been duped linger too long he felt a shame and rage that was unbearable. So he put his head down, he worked hard, he took the beatings and he learned. Not from Lorrokan, but from other tellers around the shop. From the books Tolna suggested with her whispers becoming more conspiratorial and her eyes sympathetic. He hadn’t been to see Cal and Lia in days. 
He knew how they would react. His plan was to wait until the bruising went down and then face them again. Rolan’s position at the front was never boring, there was no way Sorcerer’s Sundries could ever be boring, he was convinced. It was incredibly busy, people coming in for protections against the threat of the cult that was at the doorstep of the city. He didn’t think twice when an armored group of four walked through the doors, just continued making sure the stock requisition forms were correct. 
That voice. For a moment he forgot that he had been beaten to a pulp the night before, too distracted by excitement when he looked up and saw her. Gale, Astarion and the Archdruid fell behind as Tav bound up to the front desk. 
“Tav,” he  greeted, unable to keep the warmth out of his voice. “What are you doing here?”
Her smile fell a bit and her eyes flicked over his face. “Rolan, you - you look a little… worse for wear.” She frowned, “what happened to your face?” 
“Nothing for you to worry about,” The stinging of the cut on his lip splitting with his forced smile made him aware of how badly he looked again.  And Tav looked unconvinced. 
“Hardly a place to learn, working behind a desk,” Halsin commented. 
“This is my… apprenticeship.” He shrugged. “It has not been what I expected. Master Lorroakan is a… difficult man.” 
There was a crackle of static, the light shining from behind Tav’s eyes. He saw her take a deep breath, and place an easy smile on her face. Saving him his dignity, he’d presume. 
“He’s consumed by this pursuit of the Nightsong. I haven’t learnt a thing, and I fear it will stay that way.”  
“A lucky escape,” Gale chimed in, “given Lorroakan’s reputation. He’d have little of value to teach you.” 
Rolan smiled in thanks. “But never mind that. What can I do for you?”
Tav looked like she wanted to say something, even opened her mouth to start but she hesitated. Finally, she said, “funny you mention it, we actually have information about the Nightsong.”
Rolan leveled her with a serious look. A pit forming in his stomach. “Be very sure before you make a visit to Lorroakan,” he warned, “he’s got a beastly temper.” At her raised eyebrow at the comment, he quickly added, “but if you really do know something, he’ll want to see you. Head upstairs, you can find the way into his tower up there.” 
“We will,” she nodded. 
“Before we speak with your… beastly master,” Gale chimed in, “might you direct us in the direction of where we can find tomes of a rare nature?”
“Tolna handles tomes,” he said, “just around this pillar.” 
“Wonderful, thank you,” Gale said, then leaned in, “if you want a real teacher, the Elfsong is our home for the duration of our stay.” He winked before he walked away, ushering Astarion and Halsin away with him.
“Rolan,” Tav said. 
“Don’t,” he said, a bit more brusquely than he wanted to. “There’s nothing you can do.” 
“Has that ever stopped me before?”
“I mean it,” his temper flared, he closed his eyes, breathed deeply and then, “your party will be waiting for you.”
“Come by tonight,” she said quickly. “We don’t have to talk about it, but I owe you a bottle of Arabellan Dry.”
She walked away then. He tried not to let his gaze follow her, but it did anyway, interrupted by a customer coming up to the desk. And then another. Incapable of controlling the desire to look at her, he turned to Tolna’a corner of the shop.  Tav was looking at him, a darker look than he had seen before. She looked away quickly when she was caught, speaking with Tolna until they decided to make their way up the stairs. 
If Lorroakan laid a finger on her, Rolan was not sure he could contain himself. She could handle herself, she had her friends by her side even if she couldn't, but he would never forgive himself if she came down those steps with a single mark from his bastard master.
He wasn’t sure how long they were up there, speaking to his master. But when they came down she was storming towards the entrance, not looking back, with her party following as they always did. At the very least she looked unharmed, if not furious. He opened his mouth to call after her, but someone came up to the counter and he had to keep himself from chasing after her.
After his shift, he withstood the usual line of questions watching Lorroakan closer than ever. The man seemed unharmed, a little angrier than usual, but so distracted he waved Rolan off after one sharp smack across his face. It was not too late, and the walk to the Elfsong was not terribly long.
Rolan made it to the door of the inn, people were gathered outside speaking, the doors open and letting the sounds of revelry spill into the street. There was no initial sight of anyone he knew from his spot on the threshold of the door. The idea of pretending everything was fine made his stomach churn, in fact, he was not sure he was capable of it. 
Every negative emotion he ever harbored only ever warped into an anger he was still learning to temper. He was angry and ashamed and the pub was too loud so he turned around. Cowardly of him, he knew, but he couldn’t bring himself to face her or know if she had confronted Lorroakan on his behalf. Ever since she had come back from Moonrise separate from the freed prisoners, an uncomfortable parallel had drawn itself in his mind. 
Seeing her bruised and bloody always reminded him of his mother bearing wounds and blame that were meant for him.
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When Rolan didn’t show up at the Elfsong, it had stung. She tried not to take it personally, she tried not to think too much on it, but there she was alone with an unopened bottle of his favorite wine. She was sat dejectedly around the unused pipe the room came with, sitting on some of the pillows that littered the floor. 
“Well, no point in letting it go to waste,” Astarion sighed, feigning actual sympathy for her situation as he sat with her, “may as well crack it open.” 
She tugged it closer to her protectively. “I owe him this bottle, I’ll bring it to him when we go back.” 
Astarion gave her a look that not even the tadpole needed to decipher: it screamed ‘you can’t be serious.’ She felt her face heat up, and looked away. 
“If I knew you liked your sweethearts a little mean I would have gone about my seduction much differently,” he finally teased. 
“And you think you were what? Sweet?” 
“Not sweet,” he conceded, “more… sultry.” 
“Well it seemed to work on Gale,” she muttered. 
Astarion leveled her with a half-hearted glare. “I thought you weren’t interested. I could always ask him if he’s up for a third.” 
“No, thank you,” she shuddered dramatically. “That’s too much ego for me.” 
“Afraid you couldn’t keep up, darling?”
“I’m afraid I won’t fit into the bed,” she scoffed, “it’s remarkable enough that the pair of your giant heads fit into one room.” 
Astarion chuckled a little. “It’s not  just our  heads that are big, my dear.”
Tav launched a pillow at him, and his true laugh, high pitched and unrehearsed echoed making her smile. “I suppose we ought to tell Dame Aylin about Lorroakan.”
Astarion hummed. “I do want to see her rip him in half, but we just settled in for the night. Perhaps in the morning.”
“The morning sounds good,” Tav nodded, trying to hide her disappointment.
When she had discovered Lorroakans goals for Aylin, Tav found an opportunity present itself. While he had his own head up his ass, and was a cruel bastard, she could feel his power even by just standing in the room. She had more than enough reasons to blast him out of the window; he wanted to imprison Aylin, he had been rather rude to Gale, and then there was the state of Rolan’s face. 
Gods, she could have sent a fireball in his face for that alone. 
But he was powerful. And having Dame Aylin at their side to rid the world of his wretched smirking face would probably be a good idea. And Tav supposed it would mean a lot to Aylin to take down another megalomaniac that wanted to use her for immortality. After hundreds of years of imprisonment she could offer her new ally that. 
“He’s very proud,” Astarion said suddenly. 
“Lorroakan? Proud is putting it lightly.” 
“Rolan,” Astarion emphasized. 
“When we found you by the lake I thought he might hit you,” Astarion was not looking at her, but his tone had a rare tinge of sincerity. 
“Oh, no, Astarion, no,” Tav said immediately. “He was angry, but he had just saved me. Pulled me out of the lake and I — I said some unkind things.” 
“I’m only saying,” Astarion seemed to bolster every genuine fiber of his being to say, “you ought not sit around sullenly for a man who is only ever angry at you for helping him. There’s plenty of people whose eye you’ve caught, you hardly have to settle for someone who can’t be bothered to show up.” 
It hurt to hear, but there may have been a tinge of truth to it. Still, Astarion had not been there by the lake when he shared his last bottle with her. She’d seen something in him that night, something that plagued her thoughts when the rest of camp went quiet and she was alone. It was some unknown depth she had yet to reach, and desperately wanted to. 
She shook her head. “You still can’t have this bottle. I’m a woman of my word.” 
“Spoilsport,” he pouted. 
The moment passed, and they went about the night without mentioning Rolan. Except when Gale came to sit with them and inquired after him to which Astarion elbowed him hard enough to make the Wizard wheeze. For the rest of the night it was business as usual with her friends and as she fell asleep she found herself wondering  if Astarion was right to be warning her off of these feelings that had bloomed. 
An ungodly crash shook the building, raining down glass upon the patrons and stopped only by some quick thinking on Tonlu’s behalf. Shortly after Tav and her crew came storming through the door and without even a passing glance they ran up the stairs towards the top of the tower. 
“Hey! What are you —“ 
When none of them were stopped by his exclamation, he jumped over the desk to follow them up.  As he followed them into their portal of choice, Lorroakan stood confronting an incredibly tall otherworldly looking winged woman. 
Tav stood a decent distance behind, her arms folded over her chest and her stance sturdy. He had rarely seen her in action, and the one time he had it was a dark chaotic whirl when she saved him from the Shadow Curse. Gale stood at her side, even his demeanor in the face of confrontation had changed from its normal welcoming smile to a stern focus. Karlach was bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement, and the Archdruid stood still but there was something about his demeanor which resembled a creature about to pounce. In all honesty, they were terrifying. 
“What are you so scared of magus? Not the Nightsong, surely, she’s nothing but a relic to be purchased and pursued.” The winged woman seethed. 
Rolan was brought out of his awe at Tav and her companions. He stared at the winged woman. “My gods, the Nightsong is a person?”
“Boy! At the ready,” Lorroakan commanded, “once I’ve taken control of the aasimar she must go directly into the caging runes.”
Everything in him rejected the idea. He felt Tav’s eyes on him, leaving him bolstered by righteousness “No, Master Lorroakan,” he said firmly, “I would never have assisted you if I knew you planned such horrors.” He would not be cowed by the rage that slipped onto Lorroakan’s face. “You lied to get the Nightsong here. Made us all believe she was nothing but a relic.” He turned to Tav, “I  have seen what true leadership can accomplish — “ and finally to his master, “but never under your tutelage.” 
“Watch your tongue, you child,” Lorroakan hissed, “I could make it such that no wizard in the realm will touch you.” 
“If they’re all like you, I think that sounds like an excellent bargain,” Rolan shot back.
This pleased the aasimar, who rallied a truly hateful laugh, “face us, charlatan! We who detest you so.”
Then it was a blur of violence.
 Rolan kept his focus on Lorroakan as did the Nightsong. Tav and her friends kept the myrmidon’s he had summoned at bay after making quick work of his assistant. Tav was a storm of magic, untamed and rawly powerful. She moved in perfect tandem with her companions, they knew how to leave room for attacks, when to parry and duck. 
Rolan had to focus. Keeping Lorroakan from blocking or containing the Nightsong was no easy feat. He threw counter spell after counter spell, surprising himself every time his will overpowered his former master’s. The fire myrmidon sent a blaze of fire toward him — not enough to truly hurt him but it broke his focus. With a yell, he saw Tav fly to get in position and then call down a chain of lightning which stuttered the movements of the myrmidon and rained down on its allies. Even Lorroakan was hit. 
Finding an opening, Rolan deployed an onslaught of magic missiles which hit him in instant succession. Lorroakan fell to his knees in a daze. Behind them, he saw Gale finish off one of the myrmidon’s and Karlach made quick work of another. The Archdruid had taken the shape of a bear, claws shredding the armor of the third. Tav very nearly pushed him out of the way as another hail of fire fell on them, the smell of burning hair and flesh filling the room. She gave an angry yell, thunder boomed and the construct of fire hit the wall before turning to ash. 
Just as he was going to ask if she was okay, Lorroakan howled. They watched as the Nightsong lifted the famed master of Razamith’s Tower and snapped his spine in half over her armored knee. 
It was cathartic, and quite the relief when she tossed him onto the floor as if he were nothing. 
He watched as she left, wordlessly, in a haze of feathers and silver light. 
“Lorroakan is dead,” he said, in disbelief. “The Bastard is dead.” 
“Are you alright?” Tav asked. 
“I am, now that the bastard is in bits,” he smiled a little. “Lorrokan was a cruel and vicious man. By day, I’d tend the shop. By night, he’d fire the most nonsensical questions at me. And for every one I’d answered wrong he’d beat me.” 
Flashes of the nights spent in the tower flickered by, Lorrokan’s pale skin in his memories sometimes replaced by red skin and eyes that matched his own. He looked away from Tav’s intent stare. 
“I could have killed him with my own two hands,” he breathed, “but I kept thinking it was all a test. It had to be.” At her patient gaze, her friends, maybe their friends, standing by just as understanding he found himself unfurling. “I thought it was the price to pay to become a true wizard. I realize now he was just a sick, sick man.”
“I’m sorry, Rolan,” Tav said. “You were so looking forward to your apprenticeship.” 
“I see things clearly now,” he shook his head, “if I wish to master the weave, I must do it myself.” She didn’t look convinced. “Thankfully I have everything I need, right here.”
“More than everything,” Gale said. “You’ll make a fine wizard, Rolan.”
“Thank you.” 
“You should go to Lia and Cal. They’re worried sick, mate.” Karlach piped up. 
“I’ll move them in right away,” he assured her. “Lorroakan refused to let them stay here. They are gonna love the tower.” 
“I’m sure they will,” Tav smiled, but it was weak and somewhat forced. 
She was singed by the fire myrmidon. A few of her hairs were singed, she had ash on her face and an angry burn just below her chin. Tav had looked worse, he knew, but again he understood the gravity of what she had done for him. Even inadvertently.
Instead of anger, he felt deep gratitude and finally the means to pay her back. 
“I wouldn’t have all this — the tower, my family — if it weren’t for you.” At once Tav’s face shifted to something softer, the storm in her eyes quelled. “What can I do to thank you?”
“You don’t have to thank me,” she assured him. 
Before he could respond, Gale cleared his throat. “Certainly, Tav’s generosity is to be commended but,” he said, “we could make use in the way of supplies and… access to some of the rarer tomes.”
Tav winced slightly. “Supplies would be helpful,” she admitted. “And Gale has tunnel vision about a book that’s hidden in the tower.”
“I’d be happy to assist,” he nodded his head. “I’ve yet to journey into the vaults, we can figure them out together.”
“An excellent idea,” Gale nodded with a slight bow. “Perhaps we may also employ Astarion’s assistance, he’s the pilfering sort.”
“He may have stolen some material components when we were here last,” Tav seemed mortified but Karlach was cackling behind her. 
“You can have whatever you like,” Rolan said quickly. “Leave only the scrolls and tomes.”
“Thank you,” she breathed in relief. “We’ll — erm — let you settle in.”
“Before you go, know this,” Rolan quickly gathered his courage, “Ramazith’s tower and its master, are now your friends. And when the time comes, we will stand with you as allies.” 
“Enjoy your new digs!” Karlach called as they turned to leave. 
“We will be back soon,” Gale assured him.
Tav had nothing else to say to him as she left. 
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It was a bit awkward as Tav, Gale, Astarion and Rolan ventured into the vaults. 
Rolan and Gale were getting along swimmingly, volleying knowledge and theories off of each other. Astarion hung back with Tav, unlocking doors as needed, but lingering behind the two wizards gushing over the hidden collection of Ramazith’s. The tiefling was rather charming, she found, when he was matched in wit and interest. Perhaps it was Gale’s own warm nature that brought it out of him, but regardless, Tav found herself watching the two of them interact so easily with an uncomfortable prickle under her skin.
She’d never been so annoyed at Gale before, not even when he nearly blew them all up in the name of forgiveness for his ex. He also thought he would be saving the world, but even so — the fact he even considered it worth mentioning had made her want to smack him. Now she just wished he’d shut up. 
“I think one wizard is more than enough,” Astarion said blithely. “You needn’t bring this one back to our rooms.”
“He has a big fancy tower now,” Tav replied. “Our suite at the Elfsong looks like a hovel in comparison.”
“Do you think they’d even notice if we left?” 
“Probably not.”
Astarion sighed dramatically. Tav felt his eyes slinking toward her. “Shall we take off without them?”
“That sounds like a terrible idea. I’m in.”
It was a terrible idea and they had quite a few burns to show for it. They had stumbled upon an armory, full to the brim with enchanted armors and weapons. Of course, the room had vaulted a fireball at them at Astarion’s initial failure to pick a magical lock. But a column of alabaster had saved them from being incinerated, only the immeasurable heat had gotten them. Tav was, as Gale had so diplomatically put it at the start of their journey, not studied in magic. She just was magic, always had been.
Her knowledge of the arcane only went so far beyond what she felt. She knew spells, knew the names of them, but she mostly just went with her gut at what to throw around and found its name later. When faced with a room full of enchanted objects, she only could pick them up to see what they did. Some of it came with tags that had details of the magical abilities they held, but at some point Lorroakan had taken to hoarding rather than cataloging. 
Tav slipped on a ring, basic in appearance, a simple gold band with writing engraved around its circumference and felt herself thrust into a state of unbeing. She could see Astarion, but around him was a whirl of  chaos. Energies of different colors collided and roared, in a cacophony that felt somehow familiar but overwhelming. Her hand reached out and a trail of lightning wrapped around her arm. She knew the tingling zap of it well, the rumble of thunder taking the place of her heart beat and the soft spray of rain. But it became too much, the sear of the lightning overtaking her and she wrenched the ring off. 
“Tav where the hells did you go?” Astarion asked.
“Did I go somewhere?” 
“You disappeared!” He said. “Is that a ring of invisibility?” 
“Definitely not,” Tav said, quickly taking off her vambraces where her skin still tingled. 
“Oh, my,” Astarion looked down at her arm. “Have you always had that?”
Her forearm was covered in white divuts that spidered out and glowed slightly. As if lightning lived there in her arms. It didn’t hurt, but it felt as if the remnants of a touch were electrically charged. Her and Astarion were still enraptured by the marks when the door flew open. 
“There you two are,” Gale said. “By Mystra’s eyelids, you can’t go wandering off in a highly guarded wizard’s tower!”
“By who’s eyelids, darling?”
Even without knowing all the details of their relationship, Tav could see the coldness in Astarion’s eyes and the flood of tension that took over the room. Gale looked as if he had fallen into a frozen lake. Something was transpiring between her friends and she felt as if she was not supposed to see it. 
“Look what we found!” Tav said  to Rolan who stood back with arms folded and looking unamused. “An armory!”
“Is that so?” 
She bounded up to him, if only to get away from the unspoken conversation happening between Gale and Astarion. 
“What happened to your arm?” 
“Oh, I don’t know.” 
Rolan leveled her with a look. 
“I put on this ring, and Astarion said I disappeared — “ Rolan’s eye actually twitched, so she barreled on before he could yell, “but I could see him it was just like I don’t know, everything around was just energy. And something reached out to grab my hand and it felt like my magic, like my own magic was holding my hand!” She was excited despite the unusual state of her arm. “And when I took it off I had this.” 
He grabbed her arm, fingers running over the divots and inspecting it. Turning it over, his nails dragged along the sensitive flesh of the inside and dragged over her palm. A pleasurable shudder rippled down her spine. 
“Did that hurt?”
“Uh,” she felt her brain zap, “no.” 
It felt very good. 
“They’re fading.” 
Now that she looked at it, the glow was siphoning away very slowly. “Huh.” 
Rolan brought her arm closer for him to inspect. His hands were incredibly warm. As he asked her questions about what she saw, she found herself answering almost dazedly. It was only after he seemed to have asked all the questions he could and was simply holding her arm in quiet contemplation that she realized he was rubbing his thumb along her skin. 
“Rolan,” she said quietly. 
“Can I have my arm back?”
He dropped it as if it flooded him with an electric shock. “You seem fine. Please refrain from playing with magical artifacts you have no idea how to properly use.” 
“That’s no fun.”
His eye twitched again. 
“Erm,” she said, “did you find Karsus’ book?”
Rolan’s eyes slid over her shoulder, back where Astarion and Gale were. He motioned for her to follow him, and around the same pillar of stone which had saved her and Astarion,  he led her out of the room. 
“We found the book.” 
“Oh, good,” she said. “Gale says it’s integral for figuring out how to deal with the Elder Brain.”
“Yes,” Rolan said quietly. “What do you know of Karsus?”
“Only what Gale has told me,” she replied. “Fall of netheril, tried to become a god, - just the juicy stuff.”
“Then you know how it ended last time someone played with that kind of power.”
“I do.” 
“Gale is an immensely talented and knowledgeable wizard,” Rolan prefaced.
“Got a crush, do you?”
The tone of her voice was a little more pointed than she liked. An ugly thing inside of her scratching at her chest at his praise of Gale. Which was unreasonable. Gale was everything he said; Gale was one of her best friends. There was no reason for her to be acting this way. 
Rolan frowned. “I’m not trying to argue with you nor insult him, I’m only letting you know there was something about the way he talked about the crown, and the book. Please, keep an eye on him.”
Tav remembered how Gale had reacted to first seeing the crown, and then to the way he had near badgered her about finding the book. He had to correct himself when he talked about what the crown would do for him — the quick addition of for us that he added as an afterthought. 
Tav nodded. 
“I don’t mean to intrude,” he said. “You’ve helped my family a hundred times over. I owe it to you to do the same.”
“You don’t owe me anything.” She corrected. She hated how transactional it sounded. 
“Are you angry with me?” He asked, an edge to his voice that she knew spelled trouble. 
“Angry? No.”
Yes. No? She wasn’t sure. She almost wanted to pick a fight. It seemed to be the only time he ever gave her any mind. She didn’t know arcane history, couldn’t gush over magical theory with him — and he had never shown up for that bottle of wine. He only paid attention to her when he was upset with her. She wanted to needle at him, to make herself the focus of that blazing amber gaze even if he was snarling at her. 
Astarion was walking out of the room, jolting them out of the staring contest they were having. “Send him back when you’re done with him,” Astarion waved at Rolan. “He wants to identify some of those objects.” 
He walked off, an air of finality about his path. Something had happened. Her role of leadership reared its head, if there was dissent amongst the camp it was her job to temper it. 
“You have to go,” he said.
“Duty calls.” She sighed. “Thank you for the warning. We will drop by again, I’m sure.”
Rolan only nodded in reply and she set off. 
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Rolan couldn’t figure out what he did wrong. He thought he had been better, had held his tongue when a particularly harsh remark inevitably wanted to make it out, he had called her a friend, given her party free reign of the tower. But Tav seemed distant. 
Only in crowds would she thaw. He’d been making his way to the Eflsong with Lia and Cal, under the guise of watching Alfira perform or to see Lakrissa. The team of heroes often joined them, sometimes looking worse for wear but never bringing whatever challenges they were facing with them. Tav talked when everyone was around, talked to him and was friendly enough. But they never had a moment alone.
 Even if they did he was not sure what he would say. Being the new owner of Ramazith’s was a full time endeavor; if he wasn’t experimenting he was busy trying to manage the shop. More and more people were turning up for protective measures against the string of events which threatened the city. Cal and Lia helped, happy to have a place to live and a job. It was becoming a rather fluid family business. 
But when the day slowed down or at night when laid in bed in Lorroakan’s reclaimed room, his mind drifted always to her. If he saw her at the bar that night he had committed to memory what she wore, any new cuts and bruises, and how the old ones were healing. His hand would drift under his trousers, gently massaging his length as it swelled with interest at the thought of her.
Every peak of cleavage where that damned pearl pendant dangled so teasingly where he wanted to kiss was seared into his mind. Each glance at her leaning over the bar to speak with Alan and order a round of drinks for everyone had him begging to grab at the swell of her bottom. Her eyes when she had stared Lorroakan down before she erupted in a flurry of magic. The calm before the storm of her wrath. How they would soften for her friends, and even him when she glanced over. 
Rolan would stroke himself to different imaginings of her. His gallant hero riding him, hands on his chest and glorious as she chased her pleasure. Or beneath him, soft and pliant for once, only for him. Teasing but humbled as he was a benevolent but stern authority, until she finally allowed him to experience the bliss of her submission. To let him take care of her for once.
He could even be the submissive, he thought despite never having considered it before, imagining cooing praise as he gave her whatever she wanted. Gods, he knew she would take him apart in ways he could never recreate with anyone else. He would trust her to hold her hand around his throat, to lovingly claw at his skin, to whisper words of adoration in contrast to the way she had control of his very breath in her grip.He would spill over into his own hand with visions of her eyes crinkling at the corners with a smile. She was, so far unwittingly, boring her way into his mind the same way the illithids had done to her. 
But that very tadpole had kept her very busy. The trouble in Baldur’s Gate only grew more intense. Everyone had seen less of her crew as the days went on, only Alfira or Lakrissa getting glimpses of them racing to and fro at the inn day in and out. Everything was coming to a catalyst, he could feel it in the air. It was bad enough that his family had viewed Baldur’s Gate as a haven only to find it on the verge of chaos, now the very object of his desires was at the very center of it all. Storybooks often spoke about the plight of heroes, rarely did they touch upon the abject misery of the ones who loved them.
Watching them destroy their bodies, minds and hearts to be brave enough to save the day. Unable to do anything but offer mere pittances. And Tav wouldn’t even allow him to do that. 
In the midst of his musings on her one night as they closed the shop, a violent earthquake shook the city. They were more common these days but this one felt different, it lasted longer, the tremor nearly knocked potion bottles off the wall and the whole city seemed to freeze moments after it passed. 
“Do you think it’s them?” Cal had asked, breaking the terrified silence. 
“It always is.”
They had gone to the Elfsong after the shop was locked up. All agreeing that their friends might need them, even if just to buy them a drink. When he arrived, the place was packed. Voices loud as people theorized and panicked over drinks, not even Alfira’s songs could carry over the din. 
Their heroes were nowhere to be seen. 
They found Lakrissa, who was attempting to be a one woman crowd for Alfira. “Have they returned? Do they know what’s going on?”
Lakrissa looked grim. “We saw the Archdruid carrying someone small  — maybe a halfling or a gnome or something — up the stairs. They looked bad.”
Rolan felt his stomach plummet through the wood floor. 
“Tav came down to grab wine, Alfira said she was heading up to the roof when she came down to perform.” 
Rolan was turning for the stairs before Lakrissa finished the sentence. Something was off. He passed by the suite which he knew her party was in, voices were low but they were in there. He saw the open hatch and climbed up with a grunt.
The roof was not lit up, but the city lights allowed for a low glow that partially blotted out the stars. The crescent moon above was not much helpful but it was out clear as day. He spotted a figure, alone, slumped over at the far end of the roof. Even in the dark he knew it was her. 
He approached only to be met with her calling, in slurred together words, “‘ready told you, Karlach. I don’ wanna watch you arm wrestle Minsc.”
“They should sell tickets to that,” he said in response. “You’d all be rich.”
She turned around sharply. “S’ you.”
“It’s me,” he replied. “May I join you?”
“M’pissed, and miserable,” she slurred. “Not good,” she belched, “company.” 
It was oddly charming, despite her drooping eyes and the way she dryly licked her lips after. He was so used to her being a force of unflappable willpower and leadership, seeing her just be a person who gets piss drunk to drown her sorrows was novel. Rolan sat next to her, amongst a small nest of pillows and blankets Alfira and Lakrissa had put up there when they first got to the city. Tav looked out at the water. 
“I wanna go swimming.”
“I think the Chionthar is only slightly safer than a cursed lake,” he replied. “Best stay on land.”
“No fun.”
Despite her attempts at lightning the mood everything felt off. She leaned her chin on the stone wall that she sat in front of. The bottle in her hand precariously tipped. 
“I felt that quake earlier, your doing?”
“killed a Bhaalspawn.” She said plainly. “Stole a netherstone. Brain is getting restless.”
If anyone else had strung those words together it would have been utter nonsense. 
“Thats good, isn’t it? You ought to be celebrating.”
“No,” she shook her head slowly. “No celebrating.”
“What happened?”
“Bhaalspawn bitch took Yenna,” she sniffed. 
The little girl they had picked up in Rivington. Rolan had yet to meet her, but she had been their newest addition. Rolan recalled being horrified that they allowed a child in their camp, given their circumstances. He thought it might not be a good idea to bring that up, just then.
“Is she alright?”
“Physically? Sure.”
It was quiet again. He heard her breathing pick up, a wet swallow. 
“They made her eat her fucking cat.” She spat, voice cracking. “She’s ten years old. Lost her mother, and all she had was Grub. They took her from right under my nose. Killed the damn cat and made her eat it.” 
When he looked over he saw tears, his heart stuttering. Half unsure what to do in the face of such a horrifying thing to imagine and half desperate to hold her. 
“Everywhere I go,” she said distractedly, “there’s just blood and horror.” She pulled a long drink of wine from the bottle. “And everyone’s fucking lost it in this city. Gale wants to become a God, and we all know it’s just to get back at Mystra — they ought to call her the bitch queen — and just two days ago I had to talk Astarion out of  the right of ascension — 2000 people he was going to sacrifice!” She was ranting, hiccups and sobs breaking through every once in a while. “Karlach’s given up. Shadowheart’s parents — we looked for them and she  fought so hard and they’re just gone. Lae’zel wants me to make a deal with a devil, and poor Wyll,” she sniffled. “His dad — he — and Mizora that cunt! We have to find his dad.” She had her head in her hands. “There’s still one more netherstone, we have to get the hammer, then there’s the brain.”
“You need to breathe,” he reached out. 
“I’m not meant to do this!” She yelled suddenly. “I’m not — I’m supposed to take over my mum and dad’s stupid pub, I’m supposed to be at home, with my little sister and my mother.”
“Tav,” he tried to interrupt.”
“Instead I’m here, and I’ve got this thing in my head and they want time to lead them — and I don’t know why! I’m nothing — no one — I don’t know what to do —“
“Sweetheart, stop,” he pleaded, reaching out to her. “You’re alright.” 
“I’m not,” she choked. “I can’t, Rolan. I can’t do this.” 
“You can,” he said firmly. He grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him, “you’re going to sleep this off, and tomorrow you will infuriate me by accomplishing the impossible — as you always do.” 
She was at least calming down, breathing coming easier even if fresh warm tears spilled out of her eyes onto his hands. His thumb gently wiped them away, careful of his nails. 
“You didn’t see what I saw out there in the cursed lands, or even in the tower. You may be an idiot but you’re a capable idiot. If anyone can save the city, it’s you and your freak show of friends.” 
She smiled, a soft laugh nothing more than a breath escaping her lips. Rolan had a sinking feeling he was in over his head, with the way she still looked so lovely to him; face puffy, drunk and still covered in gore he thought she was the most beautiful person in the world. His thumb gently rubbed the skin of her cheek, and she closed her eyes, seeming to have rid herself of all the tears she could and now seeming calmer. 
They sat like that for a while. She breathed and came back to herself, he contemplated how awful he had been to her before. Tav was larger than life, but even she was only flesh and blood. The weight on her shoulders was more than he could even imagine. He’d never been more sure about his decision to offer his help when the time came, anything to lighten her load. 
 For a moment he thought she might have passed out until she spoke. 
“Are you going to kiss me?” 
Rolan felt struck by lightning by the change of subject. “You — do you want me to kiss you?”
Tav opened her eyes, albeit somewhat blearily she smiled mischievously. “Don’t be dumb,” she said, “you know I do.”
“I do not know that,” he said defensively. 
“Well now you do,” she leaned forward, her hands still curled into his robes. Her eyes slid shut again and Rolan tilted his head and leaned in, unable to resist the magnetic force that she seemed to emanate as their lips came closer. 
Her breath smelt so strongly of wine, he suddenly outstretched his arms to keep her at a safe distance. “You’re drunk,” he scolded. Whether it was her or himself he was scolding, was unclear. 
“Yes.” She nodded and then seemed to get dizzy from the motion
“We should get you to bed.” 
“Stop it,�� he tried not to laugh, but it didn’t work. “You’re going to bed to sleep.” 
“That isn’t fun.” 
“I’m not fun,” he reminded her. “I’m a prick with a stick up my arse, as my sister so kindly put it.” 
“Sorry, Rolan,” Tav said seriously, “wasn’t paying attention. Whose prick is going in whose arse? Because m’not equipped — I guess we could buy one but at this hour?“
“Bed!” Rolan said immediately. 
“No,” she whined, “I’m sleeping up here.”
“You are not.”
“I am,” she said, draining the last of her bottle only to have it yanked away from her. “You can’t carry me down the ladder.”
It was said petulantly, with a singsong voice and a cackle of laughter afterwards, but she was right. Rolan grabbed at the pillows and blankets Alfira had snuck up and threw together a makeshift bed. He  shoved at her shoulder until she laid back and she sighed happily, turning onto her side. 
“I like when we get along.” She said in a quiet voice.
“Me too.” 
After a while he laid on the ground. His feet faced her head and there was a safe amount of distance, in case anyone found them. He didn’t need her friends getting the wrong idea if they found them, he was already sure Astarion wanted to kill him. 
He felt something pulling at one of his horns and his eyes slid open. Tav was over him, trying to lift his head. 
“What are you doing?”
“Pillow,” she said plainly. “Head up.” 
He allowed her to place one under his head, and then rested back. When she laid back down, her fingers brushed against him. Barely noticeable, only The back of her knuckles pressed against his. He curled one finger around hers and she did the same. As he looked down, even in the darkness her arms still had marks from whatever had happened when she put on that ring in the tower. 
After a few days with no other side effects, they had all assumed it had been some kind of magic attachment that hadn’t taken full hold. The lines were thin, barely there, but he considered what it could have been. After all the work that had to be done at the shop, it had slipped his mind to research it. At least now he had something to do to keep his mind off of her running to infiltrate the new archduke’s home and murder him. 
“Why didn’t you come?” Her voice interrupted his thoughts. 
“What do you mean?”
“Gale wanted to teach you,” she mumbled, “and I… have that bottle for you.” 
Things had happened so fast, getting Cal and Lia settled, being thrust into owning not just a massive home but a very popular magical goods shop had made him forget that night entirely. He had made it all the way to the door of the Elfsong, skin still stinging from Lorroakan’s ‘training’ just the hour before. 
“I got as far as the front door,” he said, “and turned around.” 
“I was… overwhelmed.” 
He said nothing in response and after a few moments he heard her start to snore. With a sigh he settled in and closed his eyes. The stone roof was a poor substitute for his new large, exceedingly comfortable bed in the tower. Leaving her side seemed far from worth it to sleep in his own bed, even if she did snore.
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Thank you so much for reading!
Next Chapter
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redfurrycat · 4 months
🤠🛖🛏️🐓And They Were Roommates & Only One Bed Fic Recs🐓🛏️🛖🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Barnes_Brain, Billpaxton, Coconutcordiale, Crueltether, Davidbyrne, Dracculaura, Fuddlewuddle, Honestlydarkprincess, Imafriendlydalek, Indybob, Lesbiseresin, Nickies_Nonsense, ReformedTsundere, ReiverReturns, RosannaDrinksToForget, Sceld, Sreshaw, Teacupivy, Trinipedia, Vannral, Violation_of_faith_and_devotion, WaffleToaster, Writerofthelorde, Yourstrulytay.
I'll ride in this life with you by Fuddlewuddle {E}
Rooster is called back to Top Gun along with 11 other pilots for an important mission. Not only does he have to deal with the unresolved issues with Maverick now the Captain is going to be the one training them, but he's also been assigned to live with the one person who seemingly lives to infuriate him; Hangman. He'll be lucky if he even makes it to fly in the mission in the first place.
Squadron Scorpion by RosannaDrinksToForget {E}
Maverick, Rooster, Hangman, Phoenix, Bob, Fanboy and Payback make up the Deadly Seven more widely known as Squadron Scorpion. Maverick isn't done teaching and the young pilots aren't done learning. Things can't get any worse when Rooster and Hangman of all people are forced to room together. They waited in silence. Each catching a breath. "Rooster, still with me?" "Still alive, but barely."  "I... I think I need this." "I don't think I can live without it."  "Glad we agree on something." Or maybe for the better.
Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Barnes_Brain {M}
When Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw was 14 his mother passed away, leaving him an orphan in an ever changing world. With no other family, and Maverick halfway across the world, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky took over as primary guardian. Through hard work and extreme perseverance Bradley reached Top Gun at age 27, even with Maverick pulling his papers. Take that asshole. But now that he’s at Top Gun he’s going to find if he has what it takes to be one of the best pilots in the world. That includes learning how to work with a team he doesn’t know, and doesn’t know if he can trust. Especially his obnoxious roommate who he can’t help but stare at. If only he could shut up.
show me again by dracculaura {E}
He hasn’t had a roommate on land-based assignments in years, not since flight school, so it takes him by surprise. He just isn’t used to it, not anymore. And he’s especially not used to sharing a room with fucking Bradley Bradshaw. (jake and bradley are roommates during their time at topgun)
T-shirt by violation_of_faith_and_devotion {E}
He inadvertently takes a breath and before he realizes what’s happened, Jake is already away, making his way towards the bar. He’d like to blame it on the alcohol, but he’d need to lie to himself. *  Or, three times when Rooster smelled Hangman. And kinda liked it.
You Are My Deepest Lonely by Writerofthelorde {T}
Post mission. Neither Rooster nor Hangman can sleep. Both have nightmares and they get grumpy and rude. When it finally comes out that neither of them has slept in ages, Phoenix jokes that they should sleep in the same room or something, and they look at each other. A silent agreement. The thing is… Jake refused to let anyone in. Every nightmare just left him in a panic alone. Bradley sound asleep next to him. Because it worked, of course it worked. But now, Jake was just alone with someone next to him, and that was worse. So much worse. Aka Bradley and Jake share a room, but there's only one bed... They pine, they long, they ache and flirt. Jake has nightmares and panic attacks but refuses to share that with Bradley, who grows increasingly worried. When will they break?
coming up for air by vannral {T}
"The horizon blurs into blue and bone white. It’s so light it burns Jake’s eyes. The entire cockpit is eerily silent, except for the thundering in his ears. ’fly, fucking fly like your life depends on it – fly FASTER, THEY’RE GONNA DIE – !’" In which Jake shares a room with Rooster on the carrier, he has a nightmare about not reaching Mav and Rooster in time, and Rooster comforts him. And ends up sharing the bed.
I Won't Stop Running by ReformedTsundere {M}
"What? You said you were heading somewhere, didn't wanna give me the exact location, so sure, I've got a shotgun with no passenger and snacks that'll get us from here to Texas." When Bradley continues to stand there, with no response other than a widening of his eyes and slackening of his jaw, Jake takes two steps forward, close but not crowding into Bradley's space. "So, what'da say Bradshaw? Wanna come see the lone star state with me?" It strikes Bradley like he's been doused with a bucket of water, that Jake is serious.
Whiskey and Rye by sreshaw {E}
a.k.a. The Fic Where There's Only One Bed Because the Navy Fucked Up Hotel Reservations The Dagger Crew got turned into a real-deal instructor squadron after the mission. They get sent on missions and demos to teach new pilots how to do what they do. On this trip to Florida, the WSOs are staying with their pilots, but Jake and Bradley, since they are WSO-less, have to room together. And the hotel fucked up.
nothing safe is worth the drive by davidbyrne {E}
this slope is treacherous (and I like it)
It begins, like most things in Jake’s life, with a questionable decision. Or they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
I will follow you, follow you home
missing scenes from the first year of jake and bradley's cohabitation
You Love Him, and No One Else by Sceld {T}
“I’ve got it,” Jake offers, holding his hand out, but Rooster only tuts disappointedly. “What kind of host would I be if I made you carry your own bag?” Jake blanks on a response, his mouth twisting into a smile without his permission. Rooster turns to where Jake can now see the Bronco. Its engine is still running, and it’s warm inside when Jake closes the door behind him, clicking on his seatbelt by feeling along while he stares intently at the glove compartment in front of him, waiting while Rooster puts his bag in the boot. He doesn’t feel as weird as he thought he would, as he probably should. Every conflicting feeling from the F-14 is returning in waves. He’s helpless to resist the pull of the tide. It’s terrifying and exhilarating all at once. or; Jake's apartment floods and his only other option is to stay with the last person in the world he wants to spend time with. Shenanigans ensue.
Wave goodbye and say hello to unfamiliar circumstances by trinipedia {E}
Finally, the glances and the expression on Bradley's face that morning made sense, and Jake found himself grinning as widely as the cat that got the cream. Okay, maybe not yet. But soon, sooner than he thought. OR: Jake has a crush on Bradley and decides he has to have him. Incidentally, Bradley agrees.
I should be scared, honey, maybe so by yourstrulytay {T}
It’s several nights into their new sleeping arrangements that Bradley jolts out of sleep, heart pounding, and for a second, he can’t figure out what’s woken him. The room is filled with silence as he looks around, trying to spot something that may be out of place. He’s confused until a sound emanates from the bunk next to his. It’s a soft keening sound and Bradley’s heart twists to hear the pain laced through the drawn-out noise. It’s the next sound that has Bradley stopping cold, head whipping around to look at the man inhabiting the other bed. It’s mumbled, but undeniable. “Rooster- Bradley, no-!”
will the teasing of the fire be followed by the thud? by davidbyrne {T}
as he can to understand. “Because…you always are first,” Jake offers, shrugging. It’s the truth, as lame as it may be. “I think I have the right to be a dick to the person who broke my heart,” is Bradley’s abrupt response. 
Hey Hey Hey Lover by Nickies_Nonsense {G}
After the mission Bradley and Jake are both granted a month of leave. Mav offers up his house but it feels too soon so Bradley does the only reasonable thing and rents an apartment with Jake for a month. Terrible cooking, stomach bugs, beach days, nightmares, and first kisses follow.
Some Unspoken Thing by indybob {M}
With paths that have crossed for the better part of a decade, Jake and Bradley have a history unlike any other. A history that sees their relationship develop from best friends, to bitter rivals, to eventual lovers. The five times that Jake felt there was some unspoken thing between himself and Bradley, and the one time he decided to do something about it.
waking up to you by honestlydarkprincess {T}
Jake drinks too much at a party he and Bradley throw for Bob's birthday. He wanders off, settles into Bradley's bed and they fall asleep. That's it, that's the fic. Based on the prompt "we’re roommates and you drunkenly passed out in my bed; move over I’m coming in"
Calefaction by ReiverReturns {M}
It's 2am, and Bradley isn't used to sharing the hour.
tell the truth, I look better under you by lesbiseresin {G}
Before Bradley knows it, there’s a hand landing on his shoulder and squeezing as Hangman slips past him towards the door. “Hope you don’t snore. Otherwise I might have to shove your face into a pillow,” he tells him, completely cheerful. It makes Bradley want to reach for his collar again, face no longer numb but burning hot in a way he hopes doesn’t show through in color. Instead, he tightens his jaw and does what he’s been doing for the past few days every time Hangman tries to push one of his buttons. He ignores him. (alternatively: and they were bunkmates…)
Storm's Coming by imafriendlydalek {M}
There's a hurricane headed toward San Diego and Rooster gets sent to a nearby aircraft carrier to help move planes back on land before it sails out to sea. Too bad the storm has other plans.
you next to me by coconutcordiale {T}
“We can play for it,” Bradley offers, twisting to reach across Jake and pull a deck of cards he’s tucked into the rack supporting Jake’s mattress. “Loser has to trek across the ship and sleep with Zing.” “He’s not my type,” Jake says, mischief glinting in his eyes when he peers up at Bradley. “Too skinny.” + aka three times there was only one bed and one time there were too many
waiting for a star to fall by billpaxton {E}
Bradley's been struggling to adjust after the uranium mission so Maverick generously gifts him with a weekend pass to a mediation retreat in the Californian woods. He should be grateful - really it's an awfully nice gesture and a getaway Bradley's been desparate for. But it's hard to be appreciative when Maverick forgot to mention anything about having a roommate.
Being your something (for Christmas) by WaffleToaster {E}
It all started because of a damn Christmas sweater. Bradley's pretty sure there's some underlying motive behind all this, all he wants to do is to survive the party, but Jake ends up making everything ten times worse than it actually is. So what can he do other than defend his pride? Throw in some alcohol, some stupid questions and some shameless behaviour and just maybe.. maybe, he'll admit that he's actually having fun. And maybe he'll also admit that he's kind of hoping for something more..
I’ll save you a seat by teacupivy {M}
“What if…” Seresin starts, but then he shakes his head. He’s about to walk away when Bradley grabs for his wrist, nodding at him to go on. “It’s stupid,” he says, rolling his eyes, “but what if we go together?”
feel it all by crueltether {E}
The battery percentage on Jake's phone is nearing the red zone and the last thing he wants is to be completely removed from society (being stuck in a snowstorm in the middle of nowhere is bad enough). He leans down to find the charger in his bag when – “Seresin?” Jake goes still, grin on his lips before he even looks up. “Bradshaw,” he replies, grin twisting into a fond smirk. “As I live and breathe. The hell are you doin’ here?”
Maybe We Were Always Meant To Be by indybob {E}
“And since my flight got rerouted I have to stay at a hotel nearby. It’s supposed to be a nice one at least.” Jake sounds a bit on the annoyed side considering he’s going to be stuck at a hotel for his entire leave, and Bradley can’t say he blames him. The idea of Jake having to live out of a hotel doesn’t sit right with Bradley. It sounds just as boring and lonely as it’s been for him alone in his house. He’d hate for his friend to go through that for two weeks. The perfect solution suddenly dawns on him. At least, it’s perfect logically, but in reality, it’s probably a terrible idea. Oh well. He’s got to jump off the perch sometime, right? “What if you come stay with me?” Or: Two boys. Two weeks. One everlasting love.
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thecuriousquest · 9 months
Master List Part Two
Updated 11/29/2023
***My request rules have been updated on 12/11/2023 and can be found here.
<Master List Part One
Master List Part Three>
💙 = Platonic Yandere
💜 = SFW Yandere
🖤 = NSFW Yandere (I want to make a note that not all NSFW material mentions sex. Some of it is labeled NSFW because of heavy abuse, suicidal thoughts, graphic depictions of whipping or death, etc. Read at your own discretion)
💙🖤 = Platonic Yandere which includes NSFW material such as but not limited to: heavy abuse or abuse mentioned (whether brief of not), suicidal thoughts/tendencies, graphic depictions of whipping or death, etc. Read at your own discretion
🩶 = NSFW non sexual/non consensual spanking (EX: punishment spanking)
🩵 = NSFW platonic spanking
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou:
Have No Fear, Nii-Chan’s Here 💙
Have No Fear, Nii-Chan’s Here Part Two 💙
Sharing is Caring Headcanons 🖤
SFW Bakugou Sharing Headcanons 💜
Dirty Mouth 💙
Yandere Drunk Bakugou (NSFW) 🖤
Hole in the Wall 🖤
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
The Barbarian King and His Queen 🖤
The Ultimatum 🖤
Keigo Takami:
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Baby Bird Part Two 💙
Come on Out, Chickadee 💜
Helplessly Trapped 💜
Eijiro Kirishima:
Yandere Big Brother Kirishima Headcanons 💙
A Night Out 💜
Your Big Brother is Here 💙
My Big Brother, My Hero 💙
Gentle Dabi Headcanons 💜
Playing with Fire 💙
Death, Sweet Death 🖤
Reaching into the Fire 💙
You’re Pissing Me Off 🖤
Body Mods 🖤
Tamaki Amajiki:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Shoto Todoroki:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Daily Reminder #2 💙
Skin and Bones 💜
Izuku Midoriya:
You’re My Everything 🖤
Shigaraki Tomura:
Yandere Shigaraki Headcanons 💜
Stockholm with Shiggy HCs 💜
Shouta Aizawa:
A Stressful Punishment 🖤
Kai Chisaki:
The Infection 🖤
Big Brother Overhaul Headcanons 💙
Overhaul HCs 🖤
Hitoshi Shinso:
Mind Jack’s Late Night Catch 💜
Don’t Get Your Hopes Up 💜
A Little Tied Up Right Now 🖤
Guardian Angel 🖤
Dating Rules 💙
Platonic Yan!Dads EraserMic Drabbles 💙
Tag Team (NSFW) 🖤
Naruto Shippuden
Kakashi Hatake:
What Happened to Your Tag? Part Two 💜
Mud Puddles Aren’t Fun 🖤
His Little Leaf 💙
Horny Blurb 🖤
Itachi Uchiha:
Difficult Times Call for Drastic Measures 💜
Shikamaru Nara:
You Have Friends? 💜
Sasuke Uchiha:
Yandere Sasuke Pregnancy Headcanons 🖤
My Dearest Friend 💙
Naruto Uzumaki:
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Yandere NSFW Alphabet: Kurama (Pre & Post Redemption) 🖤
Multiple Characters:
Punishment no Jutsu 🖤
Yan!Rock Lee & Yan!Shikamaru Nara + Chubby Reader Headcanons 🖤
Yandere Team 7 💙 & 🖤
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman:
The Favorite 🖤
Promise Me (AU of A Tonic for Jealousy) 🖤
If the Boot Fits 🖤
A Good Cadet Follows Orders 🖤
The Captain and the Duchess Part Two 🖤
Platonic Yan!Dad Levi Headcanons 🩵
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Best Husband Ever 🖤
My Stone Cold Husband 🖤
The Captain and the Duchess Part Three 🖤
Levi x Broken Reader Headcanons 💜
Midnight Walks 🖤
A Good Cadet Follows Orders Part Two 🖤
That Fateful Night 🖤
Little Pet (Prequel to The Favorite) 🖤
Runaway Soldier 🖤
A Rough Punishment 🖤
A Token of Appreciation 🖤
Safe Word Denial HCs 🖤
You Look Handsome Today 🖤
The Proud Marleyan Soldier 🖤
A Happy Little Family 💜&💙🩵
Years Later… 💜
Big Brother is in Charge 🩵
Be Quiet 🖤
Easy Way or Hard Way 🖤
Where Rebellion Leads You 🖤
Armin Arlert:
The Art of Manipulation 💜
Erwin & Levi:
Working Together 🖤
Fairy Tail
Natsu Dragneel:
Parties and Punishments 💙
Period Pains Headcanons 💜
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Demon Slayer
Muzan Kibutsuji:
To Obey, to Service, and to Kneel 🖤
Horny Blurb 🖤
Giyu Tomioka:
The Choice 💜
True Adoration 🖤
Inosuke Hashibira:
Yandere Inosuke Headcanons 🖤
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Tengen Uzui:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Tanjiro Kamado:
Tanjiro Big Brother Headcanons 💙🩵
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
heyhey! You said you had a request but couldn’t see it and in case it was mine here i am once again humbling asking you to feed my delusions. I am the same person who asked for the one with the fake dating trope and the one where reader spawns into the lobby :))
But i am here now going for a more angsty route! >:) Granted, this is more of an OC x Alastor but im describing it more generic for the populace BUT HERE GOES
right before “Cover me” reader kept silently glancing over at Alastor which was on the dance floor, subconsciously making him approach her. He goes of course they have a (Important for later) conversation like “I havent seen you around here. Are you new around town?” “Just moved in actually~” “Well, Id love to give you a tour someday, the names Alastor” and he kisses her hand “Ah a charmer, ill have to be careful around you” (OR A MORE ELEGANT CONVERSATION THEN THAT I SUCK AT DIALOGUE) then theres the knife and gun scene and the team up
And then they get together after about a year or two and I dont wanna say theyre legally married but eventually use wife and husband terms because its more fancy and gives them more respect in eyes of others but they have been together for around 5 years at this point.
but then the events of 1925 happen where readers twin brother dies because some bastards set fire to his house and Reader has an argument with Alastor before eventually going alone to avenge her brother (theyre like “theres too many, youll die” “so be it!”)
Reader kills them all (duh) but because it was January and extremely cold she eventually gets hypothermia and during the delusions it gives she stumbles and gets impaled on an abandoned rusty fence spike and dies :3
Alastor find her and gives her a proper burial and 8 years later in 1933 while visiting readers grave he gets shot canonically
But these 8 years gave reader enoigh time in hell to establish her own dominance and due to the life she lived and the death of hypothermia- she gets turned into a sort of blizzard demon. Around 180 cm with black limbs, white fluffy hair and fluffy ears and a white tail as a sinner form and for the demon form im thinking of the faceless Room Guardians by Anyaboz on Instagram (incredible artist btw) with ice powers like summoning weapons and ice spikes and ice touches and moving freely (like Kindred’s wolf in League) in her blizzard. Taking over half the pentagram like this-
Until 1933 when Alastor pops up in hell, does his demon business and eventually wants to check out these frozen parts and goes into a bar very similar to the one they met and sees reader at the table and then THEY HAVE THE EXACT SAME CONVERSATION THEY HAD WHEN THEY FIRST MET (maybe with the knife and gun scene too hehe) and theyre both like “i forgive you” or smth idk maybe they just have a silent agreement- either way.
After they met the blizzard stops and no one knows why or who did it :>, readers identity as the blizzard demon remaining a secret
BTW I LOVE YOU FOR MAKING MY DREAMS COME TRUE- if you want more i have a ton of ideas because brain rot- (also lil side note i kind of imagine reader as albino because it would fit my ocs lore a bit more- but keeping it basic would fit everyones ideas of their own reader so! do what you please you already made my day better by reading my ideas come to life :3))
yes!! i did see yours and it is currently in third place for requests i need to fill so ill probably get it done by this weekend, early next week at the latest. it’s just taking me a bit because i’m in midterms rn and also i want to make sure i get in all the details :) i think it might’ve been a request for alastor’s mom reader x lucifer?? i recall getting one about that but can’t seem to find it anywhere. long story short,, your request is in progress and i will post it as soon as i have the time to finish it up :)
UPDATE: This piece has officially been posted as of Friday February 23rd, 2024.
Frostbite (Alastor x Reader)
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lightwing-s · 1 year
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pairing: titans!dick grayson x female!reader
summary: a family, a home, was all Yn ever wanted, and when she got it, she had to part ways. coming back shouldn't hurt, shouldn't be this hard. Dick Grayson shouldn't be an asshole, but she shouldn't love him either. word count: 3,5k warnings: cursing, mentions of death, grief, family issues , and my absolute lack of knowledge of green lantern’s lore.
a/n: definitely not proof read, and it's 3:05 in the morning, so pls be kind with any errors lol a/n 2: updated on january 4th, 2024.
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! ♡
⌜masterlist⌟ ⌜requests⌟
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Outer space was vast.  Immense with emptiness, and yet still full of life.
The last five years of Yn’s life were spent in this vast nothingness, travelling, patrolling, protecting. The bit of galaxy that was gifted to her by the guardians was her place to keep safe, and the same place where once she had felt safe herself, before discovering the magnitude of this emptiness and the dangers it hid from humans. 
Never in her young life had she expected it to take this turn, to be granted with a ring and the responsibility to be one of Earth’s protectors. She had just turned fourteen when gifted with a ring of hope, but never did she doubt her abilities, embracing the new challenge with a bravery the guardians hadn’t seen before from someone so young, and teaming with Earth’s own green lantern on the quest to defend the planet.
If only Hal knew the young girl was the one in need of defending.
As many heroes' stories go, Yn Sn was the product of a tragic life, having lost her parents at a very early age, and since then bouncing from one foster family to another. The “family” she had found herself in at that point didn’t have anything on family and on foster. They couldn’t care if she went missing for days, only to return bruised and in pain. They just cared for the money in their bank account at the end of the month.
As far as she knew, she was always alone.
Hal Jordan was the first thing to come close to family for Yn. Although reluctantly at first, he took her in and trained the young girl to become a lantern just as good as him. With time, he turned into an older brother, constantly worrying that the life of a lantern would interfere with her personal life, worrying if she was missing school or getting in trouble with her parents for disappearing for too long, but she would constantly brush off these worries, telling him they were with all that.
However, when he found out the truth, he got furious. He took her in, made her his ward “Just as a friend had done with a young boy he’d met, Yn”. But Hal was often away, be it for lantern duties or his own work and personal life, so he was concerned she would feel too alone in their apartment. That she would feel left out.
That’s when he heard about the Titans from Batman, the group of young heroes created by his own protégé, Robin, and a few others. Considering they were all of close age, he hoped they would get along, that she would make friends and finally build her own chosen family. So, with much arguing and persuasion, he took her to San Francisco to join the young team.
At first, Y/n was careful with the other teen heroes. She didn’t know if she could trust them, or even if they trusted her. But with each training session and with every mission she eventually grew to appreciate their company and little by little they became that family Hal had so wished for her.
However, even within the best families there’s always conflict and a certain level of distrust, and her greatest source of both came in the form of a green, red, and yellow costumed boy: Dick Grayson. The famous boy wonder, self-proclaimed team leader, the one that could get on her nerves like nobody else.
Always reprimanding her, always pointing out her flaws. He was unbearable, and sometimes she wished to punch him so hard he’d end up on the other side of the galaxy.
“I told you to stay in formation, not to go rogue and almost ruin the mission, lantern.” He scolded her after their most recent encounter with Cheshire.
“But I got to her anyway, and also disarmed the bomb. You should be thanking me for doing your job, and much better than you ever would.” She confronted him, knowing very well how to trigger the boy.
“We are a team, Yn. T-E-A-M,” he spat out. “Supposedly, these work together, but you wouldn’t have known, as you’re trapped too deep into your own ego to care for anyone else.” Pointing his finger in her face, his own getting red and spit jumping out of his mouth.
Gosh he hated how she could so easily rile him up, how she held a power over him that made everything good turn bad with single a snap of her fingers.
“My ego?!” She laughed, getting even closer to Dick than he already was. “Look who’s talking, Mr. I made myself team captain because I clearly think I’m above everyone else. You think so highly of your plans that…”
“Enough, you two!” Donna interrupted, rubbing at her temples. “If you keep doing this after every mission, I don’t know what I’m capable of doing.”
During her time with the Titans, Yn had to withhold herself from arguing with Robin 80% of the time. The other 20% were times they were sent on missions separately and she finally could feel at peace. But somehow it worked. The team ran as a connected unit, never missing a beat, one complementing the other as if they were parts of the same body.
But that didn’t last long. They worked well until loss and grief broke the connection entirely. With Garth’s death much of that confidence and team spirt was lost to fear, anger, and distrust, and there seemed to be no fixing that.
“If only you had listened to me. If we had taken care of Deathstroke like I wanted to, Garth would’ve been alive today!” Yn screamed at Robin, as her voice trembled, her eyes soaked, and tears started rolling down her cheeks like a waterfall. She had told him, warned countless times, that they couldn’t deal with Deathstroke by simply doing whatever shit he and Batman did in Gotham. Slade was too dangerous to be left alive, and death was the only way to get rid of him for good.
“So, you want to blame me for something that isn’t my fault? You were the one that made him angry in the first place.” he responded.
“We all pissed him off, Grayson. Don’t try to put this on me. I could have been as much of a target as Garth and Donna were…”
“Don’t say this…”
“Or even y-you!” her voice barely made it to the end of this sentence, a lump forming in her throat impeding her from continuing to argue. Tired of everything, exhausted in fact, Yn stormed out of the room and ran to her bedroom, collected her few belongings in a rush and made her way out of the tower.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” asked the Boy Wonder, his voice was shaky and covered in a feeling Yn couldn’t fully comprehend.
“Away!” she replied rashly. 
“Away from where?“
“From everything! The tower. San Francisco. Earth for all that matters. I want out of here!”
Dick was sure her screams could be heard all the way on the street, and just as loud as that was the sound of his heart breaking, shattering on the floor like broken glass. The team was over, and there was nothing he could do about it except watch it crumbling down.
Leaving Earth all those years ago wasn’t an easy decision. After all, it was her home. But with the end of the Titans and the destruction of the only thing she deeply cared for in this world, there was nothing holding her down to stay anyways. The galaxy was now her home, where she travelled and visited so many planets, she didn’t even know were real.
Hal tried to bring her back to Earth with him an uncountable amount of times, but all of them were unsuccessful, and he learned that leaving her be was the best he could do to allow her to heal. When she felt ready, she would return. 
And then, finally, after a little bit more than five long years, Yn felt confident in herself enough to consider going back. It was about time, she missed their sun, the food was always superior then anywhere else, and she had to know how he was. Go back to Earth, she would often think, You have no home here, Y/n.
Upon her return, she expected things to have changed. She expected to see that her old friends had moved on from the crime fighting world, from the hero gig, and left the Titans just a memory. But to her surprise, the present didn’t appear to be too different from what was left all those years ago.
Turning the TV inside her new and tiny apartment, the news shows were all about the apparent reopening of the Titans Towers, about Robin going rogue in Detroit and his return to the city San Francisco with intentions of bringing the once beloved team back. Y/n knew Dick was stubborn, but gosh he could go beyond expected. Why would he do that? Who would do that with him? Did Donna or Dawn or Hank come back too? Are they all stupid brainless masochists?
She knew it would sound hypocritical of her, after all she’s still in her position as a Blue Lantern, patrolling a patch of the galaxy where Earth belonged to. But she had no choice, she made an oath to protect it and if there was one thing Yn was never going to break was a promise.
If it wasn’t the oath, Y/n would have quit five years ago. Or maybe not. Being a hero filled a hole in her heart that left untouched would be filled with pain and hurt instead, so maybe she would stay and keep it filled with everything else but her true feelings.
All those questions were eating up her brain and wouldn't let her sleep at night. So, deciding to rid herself of all doubt, she searched for the one she wished she had left behind all those years ago.
Dick had just turned off the last light in the Titans Tower, the whole team probably sound asleep by that point, as he so wished to be.
Restarting the Titans was an unexpected gift, but also the reconquering of a number of responsibilities that were leaving him gradually more exhausted day by day. A good night's sleep might solve his problem just temporarily, but the temptation of a good rest was always irrefutable.
Just as he entered his bedroom, he noticed a shadow. The shadow of a human, a person he couldn’t identify in the darkness, and his fight instincts kicked out. But before he could’ve attempted anything, the shadow’s sweet voice sent a shiver down his spine:
“When I came back to Earth, I expected it to be in a better position than the one I had left it on, but it appears that humans are much clingier to the past as I thought they would be.” It told him, the owner of the voice someone he hadn’t expected to hear and see any time soon, but that he would have recognized even if hundreds of years had passed.
“So, you want to bring back the team that took so much from us?” She questioned, and although she was still hiding in the dark, he could notice her trembling chin from just her voice. She questioned him incredulously, still not daring to look away from the huge floor to ceiling windows. “You want to take kids into the crime fighting world just like the man you hate the most did to you?”
Finding Yn Sn in his bedroom wasn’t in his yearly bingo card, nor his decade one. In fact, he truly thought he would never see her again, with how upset she was the last time they had talked. But, ironically, here she was and just as angry as the last time they’d talked. Too much for hanging on to the past, huh?
“This is not what you think.” He declared and Yn turned to him abruptly.
“Explain to me, then,” she demanded, a dark humor hovering her voice. “Why did you take those kids in?”
“You’re acting as if you didn’t start fighting crime yourself as a teenager…”
“That’s different, “ she interrupted, her voice only getting louder. “I got chosen by the ring to defend the universe, it’s a different situation.”
“Don’t come to me with your “I’m special” bullshit.” Dick made quotation marks with his own finger, feeling the anger climb his spine. “Even if it wasn't for the ring, you'd have been just like us, and you know it.”
“Well, now I know better. Kids are not supposed to be fighting crime, or don’t you remember what happened the last time we were in San Francisco?” Shaking her head judgingly, she adds. “You’re unbelievable, Grayson.”
“And you still fail to see the bigger picture, Yn.“ Dick counter argued. “I’m not doing this for the sake of having a team back. I’m doing it for Rachel and Gar, for Kory. They’re strays just like one day you and me were, or did you forget how it was to not have a family and desperately want one?”
The mention of a family had Yn frozen, standing still and staring right back at him without knowing what words she should muster. He knew it was her weak spot, he knew that through it he could make her understand, so poking her wound was his only option.
And he was right. Y/n didn’t forget. The Titans were not just a superhero team, they were a family just like no other, built of strays with no hopes or expectations, those who lived in someone else’s shadows and desperately tried to strike on their own. Even so, the consequences of bringing the team back were far larger than one would think, and Yn so badly wanted to avoid any more heartbreak.
“Still… Don’t you mind the stakes? Don’t you remember the pain anymore? The hole left by Garth’s loss, do you want to feel it again, Dick?” her voice got softer, pain evident in every syllable. “Because you know it will come, eventually. Much stronger than the first time.”
“It’s a risk worth taking.” He replied honestly. If it wasn’t him, then someone else would do it, otherwise they’d be allowing too much shit to hit happen that he couldn’t even contemplate what future it would lead them to.
“Really?! You wanna risk children’s lives, your life? Do you wanna risk all that pain in the name of a mission that never seems to have an end?” She spat out, anger returning to her tone. “You had quit, I saw it. And you have no idea how jealous that made me because I couldn’t do the same. Travelling through space did nothing to soothe the emptiness I felt inside, no crime fighting would fix my heart and you tell me you’re willing to go back to it all when you were finally free?” the burning sensation in her eyes told her news she hoped wouldn’t happen, but at this point, crying was inevitable.
“We can’t be sure if something is gonna happen. It’s a risk worth taking because so far, it has worked for us. We did lose Garth, but remember how much more we had conquered?”
“Having you say Garth's death was worth it, Dick…” she shook her head before being interrupted.
“You know it was not what I meant. Stop twisting my words.”
Dick was growing infuriated. It doesn’t matter how much time passes, Yn Sn is still going to try to paint him as the bad guy when he just wants to get on her good side.
“Because you are so damn capable of keeping everyone alive, right? How about your own life, who’s gonna protect it then?”
“My life is the smallest of my problems.” Dick stated nonchalantly, surprising Yn a little.
That line, that simple sentence had Y/n’s heart shattered. Did he think so little of himself to consider his life worthless? Because to her, his life was worth millions. His life was worth putting hers in danger or sacrificing an entire planet for.
"Don’t say that!" screamed the girl fiercely. "Losing Garth already had me broken. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you too!”
Her sight was blurred due to the tears that allocated themselves in her eyes, uncontrollable, untamed. Her voice felt hoarse, weak, the lump on her throat making her words barely leave her mouth. I am weak, she thought. He knows.
And he did now.
He felt nauseous at first. If his thought process was right, if what she said was real and not a product of his imagination, she… liked him, she cared for him. Liked him enough to not want to lose him, even hypothetically.
Dick was astounded. Never would he have believed it, if anyone had told this him before tonight, that Yn Sn was in any level into him, he’d tell them they were insane. He thought she would rather see him burn over something like this. But it all made to him, all the fights they had after he put himself in dangerous positions during missions, all those arguments when he ended up hurt. She cared about him, him. 
"Yn, what do you mean?" he asked carefully, approaching her ever so slowly. He feared if she saw what he was attempting to do that she would flee like she did before.
"Nothing…" she said while drying her eyes. Stupid, stupid, stupid. "I have to go."
She felt disoriented. She had guarded herself so well all her life, and here comes this stupidly good-looking guy, with his stupidly charming smile, breaking her walls and making her feel so… small and insignificant. Trying to recompose herself, she fixed her shirt and rushed past her old “friend”, only to be stopped as she felt his strong hands holding her in place.
"I know I would’ve gone mad if I had lost you." he confided.
Coming onto his own senses, Dick realized all he wanted was her safety too. Her health, her happiness, her smiles every time the team would fight for the front seat in the plane, the remote control or about what movie they were going to watch. He wanted to see the sparkle in her eyes every time she would make the most eccentric creations with her ring. He wanted her to have the family he knew she had always wished for, he wanted her cared for and loved. And even more, he wanted to be one providing her all of it.
"I wouldn’t have made it if you were the one to have gone. If you were gone… so would I.”
Hearing his confession, Yn body stopped working, her heart stopped pounding and her mind kept repeating his words. Her body didn’t respond to her head saying go, or even to her heart telling her to kiss him, right then, right there.
All these years of hatred made her believe he truly despised her. She thought he would hate her for leaving, for being selfish, for hurting him. She hated that pain and herself for feeling it, making her a fucking coward. But all this time, he was hurting just like her. He was a coward too, she thought. A silly, stupid, and lovable coward.
"You are incredibly stupid, you know." she blurted out, and he laughed.
"And you are the hardest person to love in this whole entire world."
The four-lettered word threw a burst of energy into Yn’s body, awakening it and her thoughts. Her body erupted with an energy not even the ring had made her feel, and without another thought, without wasting anymore time, without waiting five more years, she kissed him.
Passionately, lovingly, intensely. She kissed him for all the lost years, for all the accumulated anger he made her feel. For never stopping being that boy full of hope and determination, and the hardest of heads she’s even known. 
Yn loved Dick Grayson. She always did. And from the way he kissed her back, she knew he did it too.  That his words were not lies of his to try and get her back. She felt his love, his passion. She wanted to feel it more and more and more…
"Stay with me…" he begged, voice mixed between heavy breaths. "With the Titans."
His forehead rested on hers, his eyes closed, as if praying she'd say yes. Even if her mind kept telling her it was a bad idea, that bringing back the team was dangerous, her newfound softness for him pushed her into saying yes, into staying. Into building again, the family she once had, but now in the right way, now with him by her side.
With a sigh and a desire of getting intoxicated on him once more, a desire that was making her lose all her senses and certainly her mind, Y/n answered:
"I’ll have to think about it."
Unbelievable. With a shake of his head and a soft, breathy laugh, Dick held her face in his hands and kissed her once more, giving her what her eyes were begging and knowing damn well this time she was gonna stay. She was gonna be with him, and there was no way he’d let her go.
She was here, with him. At home. He was her love, her friend, her home.
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mlmshipbracket · 5 months
Fourth MLM Ship Bracket Propaganda Submissions
Below you will find all of the submitted and approved ships for the Fourth MLM Ship Bracket Tournament along with the form to submit further propaganda at the bottom
This is another opportunity to submit propaganda for your favorite ships. Wether you were unable to submit propaganda for them in the initial form or you spot your favorite ship who has no propaganda submitted. Ships with a strikethrough have propaganda submitted, I will continue to update this post as propaganda is submitted. I will accept further propaganda for ships with already submitted propaganda but please prioritize those with out.
The goal is to have propaganda for all ships but I understand that may not be possible. Therefore I will be leaving the form open for a few weeks to see if we receive propaganda for at least half the ships.
Note: Please reach out to me if you spot any mistakes in character or fandom names, even if it is only formatting or spelling issues.
Monkey D. Luffy/Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Kyojuro Rengoku/Akaza (Demon Slayer)
Mikhail”Misha” [Heavy]/Dr. Ludwig [Medic] (Team Fortress 2)
Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas (Homestuck)
Chu Shuzhi/Guo Changcheng (Guardian, 2018)
Oliver Marks/James Farrow (If We Were Villains)
David Starsky/Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson (Starsky & Hutch)
Tinn/Gun (My School President)
Loki Odinson/Mobius M. Mobius (Loki)
Jaime Reyes/Bart Allen (DC Comics)
Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim (Grey's Anatomy)
Ren Amamiya or Akira Kurusu/Goro Akechi (Persona 5)
Wallace Price/ Hugo Freeman (Under the Whispering Door)
Daffy Duck/Bugs Bunny (Looney Toons)
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan (Guardian, 2018)
Isak Valtersen/Even Bech Næsheim (SKAM)
Henry "Monty" Montague/Percy Newton (Montague Siblings)
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (Camp Half-Blood Chronicles)
Argos/Mr. Plant (The World of Mr. Plant)
Richard St Vier/Alec Campion (Swordspoint Universe)
Klaus Hargreeves/Dave Katz (The Umbrella Academy)
Woody/Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Victor Lawson/Hap (In the Lives of Puppets
Charlie/Babe (Pit Babe The Series)
Fred/Shaggy (Scooby-Doo)
Simon Snow/Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Grimm-Pitch (Carry On)
Gaius Octavius/Jedediah Smith (Night at the Museum)
Sound/Win (My School President)
Pat/Pran (Bad Buddy)
Mike Wazowski/James "Sulley" P. Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.)
Nicholas “Nick” Bell/ Seth Gray (The Extraordinaries)
Evan 'Buck' Buckley/Edmundo 'Eddie' Diaz (9-1-1)
Sean/White (Not Me: The Series)
Vegas Theerapanyakun/Pete Saengtham (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Runaan/Ethari (The Dragon Prince)
Larry Daley/Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)
Tintin/Captain Archibald Haddock (Tintin comics)
Bai Lang/Jin Xun An (My Tooth Your Love)
Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin (The Man from U.N.C.L.E)
Wario/Waluigi (Mario franchise)
Peter Parker/Miguel O'Hará (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse)
Steve Rogers/Anthony "Tony" Stark (Marvel Comics)
Dave Miller/Jack "Old sport" Kennedy (Dayshift at Freddy's)
Boston/Nick (Only Friends)
Kinn Theerapanyakun/Porsche Kittisawasd (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Satoru Gojo/Suguru Geto (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Craig Cuttlefish/Octavio Takowasa (Splatoon)
Tulio/Miguel (The Road to El Dorado)
Sun Wukong/Neptune Vasilias (RWBY)
Zachary Ezra Rawlins/Dorian (The Starless Sea)
Fox Mulder/Alex Krycek (The X-Files)
Thomas/Newt (The Maze Runner)
Fulgrim/Ferrus Manus (Warhammer 40k)
Kim Theerapanyakun/Porchay Kittisawasd (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane (The Mortal Instruments)
Tan/Bun (Manner of Death)
Qrow Branwen/Clover Ebi (RWBY)
Rhy Maresh/Alucard Emery (Shades of Magic)
Yashiro Isana/Kuroh Yatogami (K Project)
Jaskier/Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Dustfinger/Mortimer "Mo" Folchart (Inkworld series)
Brandon/Sky (Winx Club)
Phineas Taylor “P. T.” Barnum/Phillip Carlyle (The Greatest Showman)
Alfred Hillinghead/Henry Ashe (Bodies TV Show)
Baal/Inanna (The Wicked + the Divine)
Timothy "Tim" Drake/Bernard Dowd (DC Comics)
Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun Stampede)
Anthony Lockwood/Quill Kipps (Lockwood and Co)
Henry Winter/Francis Abernathy (The Secret History)
Crowley/Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Dainix/Falst (Aurora Comic)
Prince Rupert/Prince Amir (The Two Princes)
Finn/Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
Jean Luc Picard/Q (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Will Stronghold/Warren Peace (Sky High)
Heart/Li Ming (Moonlight Chicken)
Wallace Wells/Todd Ingram (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
Sunai/Veyadi Lut (The Archive Undying)
Linus Baker/Arthur Parnassus (The House in the Cerulean Sea)
Aaron Slaughter/Jace Boucher (House of Slaughter)
Hercule Poirot/Captain Arthur Hastings (Hercule Poirot)
Phaya/Tharn (The Sign)
Hercules/Iolaus (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys)
Todd/Black (Not Me: The Series)
Julio "Rictor" Esteban Richter/Shatterstar (Marvel Comics)
Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor)
Siffrin/Isabeau (In Stars and time)
Kendall Knight/Logan Mitchell (Big Time Rush TV Show)
Yuichiro Hiyakuya/Mikaela Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph/Seraph of the End)
Palm/Nuengdiao (Never Let Me Go)
Khatha/Dome (Midnight Museum)
Asterix/Obelix (Asterix Comics)
Bowser/Luigi (Mario Franchise)
Lucien "Luc" O'Donnell/Oliver Blackwood (London Calling)
Kazuki Kurusu/Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
Benjamin “Ben” Tennyson/Kevin Ethan Levin (Ben 10: Alien Force)
Lumière/Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast)
Damian Wayne/Jon Kent (DC Comics)
Spy/Dell Conagher [Engineer] (Team Fortress 2)
Shanks/Buggy (One Piece)
Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Ecks (Six of Crows)
Harold Finch/John Reese (Person of Interest)
Ulrich Stern/Odd Della Robbia (Code Lyoko)
Vincent Freeman/Jerome Morrow (Gattaca)
Eustass Kid/Killer (One Piece)
Christopher Hitchcock/Jalil Sherman (Everworld)
Frodo Baggins/Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
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