lazerdash · 1 month
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i am begging you all to stop treating this site like instagram if you dont want it to be content free by next year
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lazerdash · 2 months
How to get into the mind of a character? Honestly this can be for your OWN character or a fictional character. I'm wanting to write for characters- headcanons and fanfictions- and I'm so afraid I'll write them so uncanny to how they actually are.
How to get into the mind of a character?
To get into the mind of a character, you have to understand that character, believe in that character, and even "live" the character's life. But we all know each individual is different, and we cannot live different lives. A normal person who grew up in peacetime cannot fully understand the hardships of a warrior, and a doctor cannot know the thoughts of a mafia boss.
So, how can writers create believable characters? How can they possibly offer a believable soldier, cop, detective, alcoholic, or any given character type if they themselves haven't lived as them? How can they possibly offer a believable character in a situation that they've never been in?
Here are some tips you can use to get into the minds of characters:
Tip 1: Observe real-life people
To create well-rounded characters, observe real people around you. Pay attention to their behaviors, mannerisms, speech patterns, and thought processes. Take note of how they express emotions, handle conflicts, and make decisions. Drawing from real-life observations can add depth and authenticity to your characters. You can also search for novels and movies with different themes, study how characters with different pasts, biographies, occupations, and personalities act, behave, gesture, and speak. The best way is to prepare a small notebook and a pen so you can carry it with you wherever you go.
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Tip 2: Create a detailed character profile
Develop a detailed character profile that includes information such as their age, background, beliefs, values, goals, and fears. Consider their relationships with other characters and how these dynamics influence their thoughts and actions. Delve into the character's past and explore significant events that have shaped them. Consider their upbringing, traumas, successes, and failures. These can provide you with a roadmap for understanding the character's mindset.
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Tip 3: Use internal monologues and journaling
Imagine the character's internal thoughts and dialogues with themselves. Consider what they might be thinking in different situations, their hopes, dreams, and fears. (And why do they dream of that? Why are they afraid of that thing? What in the past made them afraid? Always asking questions.) Writing internal monologues or journal entries from the character's perspective can help you delve into their mindset and gain insight into their unique voice.
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Tip 4: Consider their external influences
Characters are influenced by their environment, culture, and society. Reflect on how external factors such as family, friends, societal norms, or even the story's setting impact their thoughts and behaviors. This will help you portray their worldview more accurately.
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Tip 5: Study the source material
If you're writing about an existing character from a book, TV show, or movie, immerse yourself in the source material. Pay attention to their dialogue, actions, and interactions with other characters. Take note of their personality traits, motivations, and backstory. This will help you develop a strong foundation for understanding the character. For example, recently I suddenly became interested in Nightwing (do you know him? Nightwing from the Batman series!), and I wanted to write a few short stories about him. So I found all the comics and movies that featured Nightwing and watched them one by one. I don't take notes because I have a pretty good memory (especially for characters I like), but I still recommend taking notes on special things to note.
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Tip 6: Practice free writing
Set aside time for free writing exercises where you write from the character's point of view. Allow your thoughts to flow without judgment or editing. Just write, write, and write. You can reread and make corrections after you're done. Remember to gather your posts in one place; otherwise, you'll lose or forget them (like me!).
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Getting into the mind of a character is an ongoing process that requires continuous exploration and refinement. The more you invest in understanding your character's thoughts, feelings, and motivations, the more compelling and authentic your writing will become.
Additionally, you can read my articles on how to write an effective character here:
How to create a superbad villain
How to make a villain's appearance memorable
Basic questions for your character
Describing a villain's appearance in a natural way
Create an effectively past for character
Common character motivations
How to create a good main character
How to avoid the instance where a secondary character stands out more/ is more lovable?
Character flaws
Writing a good Anti-Hero
Character positive traits
How to write an elderly main character?
Protagonist who is a ballerina
How to write a believeable egotistical character
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lazerdash · 2 months
The alt text feature exists for you to write descriptions of a photo for blind and otherwise visually disabled people. It is not there as a super secret hilarious place to hide memes or troll your audience. Alt text is an accessibility feature that enables disabled people to gain access to images and screenshots, and using it as a weird hidden way to Rick roll people is not funny. It misleads people who can’t see the actual image and makes it impossible for us to know what the image actually is. Please research what the purpose of alt text actually is before using it for shit it isn’t there for.
A Very Irritated Blind Person
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lazerdash · 2 months
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Happy 46th birthday Jensen Ackles!
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lazerdash · 2 months
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lazerdash · 2 months
What does that mean? Where am I going? Why am I taking a break? And etc.
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photos from Pinterest - collage made by lazerdash
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Hello Darlings! Unfortunately, like the title of this blog says, I'm taking a break. I hope this blog helps anyone who cares better understand why I am taking a break from Tumblr.
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What does this mean?
Well... What does any break mean? A pause in work or during an activity or event. Breaks can also improve things for all sorts of reasons! It's a temporary pause in my writing for both me and also in order to make my writing even better.
Where am I going?
I am NOT going anywhere guys!! Not permantly at least... I am just going to go hang out with some of my friends, catch up on my studies, and etc..
Why am I taking a break?
I know I haven't made barely any posts on this account (just yet...), but I'm taking a short break for school and to hopefully make these fanfictions and head-canons better! I also have my personal reasons for taking a break, which I am not going to be discussing on here.
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I hope to be back soon, but thank you so much guys for the reads and likes on my other posts.
Tagslist: @via-l0ve, @jamsshifts,
P.S. If the people I tagged are reading this, SORRY IF IT WASN'T OKAY TOO– I just didn't want to suddenly disappear without a reason.
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lazerdash · 2 months
Me: *Wrote an ultra detailed script and on events and anecdotes DR*
A shifter from Tiktok: There is no need to have an ultra detailed script or script at all for shift 😀
Me: ...
Me: *Shrug* *Keep writing ultra-detailed scripts or modifying them*
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lazerdash · 2 months
lemmie just rant for a second
i made a post similar to this a couple months ago
but you literally don’t understand how short life is. older people will tell you “like is short” and you’ll shrug it off with a smile but guys. life is so short and it goes so fast. you don’t even notice it until yesterday is suddenly three years ago and you look back at photos and ask yourself where all the time went.
my uncle’s death will be 7months in a couple of days. i found that out today and i haven’t stopped thinking about it. i am absolutely baffled. i remember the traumatic hospital experience. i remember leaving (getting kicked out. long ass story) and sobbing in the car with his grandson who was just a baby.
i remember getting woken up the next day and learning he passed away.
but it was over half a year ago.
fucking crazy.
anyways. my point is to take risks. kiss that person! wear those clothes! eat that pizza! gain weight! lose weight! ghost those toxic friends! make new friends! be weird in public. talk to that schoolmate or coworker you always see but you’re too shy. get that new haircut. get that house. get that car. get that tattoo. get that piercing. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. and it’s so short. be the best you can be. make mistakes! cry! laugh! smile! learn from your mistakes! be you.
sincerely Via <3
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lazerdash · 2 months
Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, it is up to I, the only fucking cishet on tumblr, to drag this out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
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lazerdash · 2 months
someone in a fanfic: s-stutters in embarrassment
me, closing the tab: sorry I must go
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lazerdash · 2 months
shifttok is so obsessed with rationalizing shifting. literally everything they say is trying to justify why they didnt shift.
"i didnt shift last night because i just said affirmations and went to sleep" BITCH. people do that ALL THE TIME and they DO shift
"i didnt shift because i put my dr on a pedestal" people put their dream colleges on a pedestal. THEY STILL GO TO THOSE COLLEGES make it make sense
"i didnt shift because blah blah blah" bro.. you didnt shift because you're imposing these rules upon yourself that didnt exist in the first place.
think about it. you're jogging on a clear path at a nice pace, you know that you're gonna get to your destination soon. SUDDENLY you start putting down hurdles you have to jump over and holes that you have to avoid. does that make sense to you?
you can shift. everybody can shift. i spent literally 4 years trying to figure out how to shift when i already knew. fucking take a breather and just do what feels right.
the first time i shifted i turned on a sub and went to sleep. no affirmations, no method.
"i dont like doing affirmations, i get distracted." then dont! no one said u needed to
"i have trouble focusing on my method and i keep wandering off" then do that! just let go
you will shift because thats just what happens. this isnt some superpower. instead of searching for the key, realize that you are the key.
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lazerdash · 2 months
Why are some people still saying that scripting that your s/o falls for you is “manipulation”?
Sweetheart, I’m just shifting to a reality where they eventually fall in love with me. Period.
If I want misinformation I’ll go to TikTok, so please leave my tumblr alone.
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lazerdash · 3 months
I just noticed something, everytime when someone wants to shift back to their CR, they simply assume and intend to shift back by affirming "I'm shifting back to my CR", they KNOW they can shift back and they don't need to worry about being "stuck", and they always come back.
Now.. imply this to your DR. Assume that you're going to shift to your DR, assume that you're not stuck in this reality, because you can easily shift to your DR, just like shifting back to this reality.
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lazerdash · 3 months
so uh- all of my wips are gone.... I had to wake up the morning to all the things I'm writing just- disappearing...
Great way to start off Valentines Day...
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lazerdash · 3 months
y’all know i’m a tenrose girlie first and a human being second but the doctor and donna dynamic is just. peak. like most iconic most Relationship of all time
Doctor: listen you can’t travel with me because you’re gonna fall in love with me and that’s kinda terrible for me
Donna: that’s fucking presumptuous is what it is. i have standards you two-dimensional noodle man
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lazerdash · 3 months
i know "gn!reader" means gender neutral, but, my brain always short-circuits to goodnight reader!
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lazerdash · 3 months
... Has this been done yet? 👀
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Ol' Husker testing his limits 😂
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