gigibrumit · 4 years
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harold, they’re lesbians
people are gay, steven 
i’m a lesbian, carl 
don’t be a transphobe, chad 
we support the gays, david 
i’m not jealous, flavio. i’m gay
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gigibrumit · 4 years
My circumstances do not define me,
I will not permit it,
I cannot give them the power.
I want nothing more than to be free
Of all these labels.
I refuse to be locked in a tower,
A prison that binds me in fear.
“You’re not good enough,” they say.
And then they expect me to cower,
To fail by default of never trying; to retreat.
I will rise up, I will not be held back.
The whispers in my ear,
“You’re not strong enough to flee.” 
Oh, but I am. 
I will fly away, free;
An unfettered bird in the sky
As the wind blows in my face,
I will overcome.
My fears below 
And my possibilities ahead.
I am free, 
Just let me be.
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gigibrumit · 4 years
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gigibrumit · 4 years
She's watered the earth 
Like a garden
With pieces of her heart.
Her tears, her love, her pain, her joy
Seep into the earth, the ground.
Scattered from east to west,
Here and there. 
She's been everywhere so fully,
She's not fully here.
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gigibrumit · 4 years
The sound of two people's pain
Colliding at the speed
Of our harmonizing heartbeats,
The rhythm of your breath
Up and down, in and out.
I feel it on my chest,
Your breath on my neck.
Naked and exposed,
But covered by
The emotions rushing
Through our veins.
Authenticity shattered
By the sun's rising.
For the light exposes
What the darkness hides,
The naked truth.
I don't think you were
Ever meant to be mine
We were just
Two broken people
Who found solace
In the echoes
of the other's misery.
- Gigi Brumit
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gigibrumit · 4 years
Out of all the memories I have made
A million faces on which my eyes have laid
The thousands of places my feet have wandered
And the hundred more I have pondered
Out of all the steps my feet have taken
And the many shoes I've learned to fill
Through the impossible that has left me daunted
You have left me forever haunted
Eternally etched into my memory.
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gigibrumit · 4 years
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Those dark skies
The clouds on the rise
The sparrow has no path to fly
A picture of what life is like
Filled with all those lies
That we are no more than a prize
To win, to placate, to bridle
No more than an idol,
Expected to sit quietly
And play the part of
The meek and the mild
Our anger and emotions
Are to be contained
Any mutter of frustration
Of the ceiling that we hit
When we advance
Or take a chance
Is said to be a wave
Of senseless emotion.
Boxed in, contained like Pandora
But only that which is feared is bridled.
And we are on the path to freedom
Freedom from those reins,
Freedom from these restraints.
Like floodwaters, we will rise
Like the ocean tide,
Inevitable, predictable
but yet somehow still a surprise.
Those dark skies
Are becoming clearer
Dark looming clouds are breaking
With the light of equality
Where we can soar
With no fear of being fettered
Because we are not birds of a feather.
We are a force with which
We dare you to reckon.
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gigibrumit · 4 years
Catch the memory 
Before it fades,
Hold it close 
Before it slips
Through your loose grip.
Knuckles white,
Though all in vain
As it whisps like smoke
Through your fist,
Gripped with fear.
The past is lost,
The present- fearful failure.
The future taunts
And dances just out of reach. 
Time has left you
Lonely. Solely
With your painful reality.
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gigibrumit · 4 years
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Well watered,
Shallowly sprouted.
Stretching everywhere,
Planting nowhere.
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gigibrumit · 4 years
Finally Free
For a moment,
A small fragment of time
Standing still
While breathing it in
When you were still mine
And the sun did shine
Staring at your smile lines
Drawing me in with a chill
Travelling down my spine
That was the moment
I felt our love was dying
That was the moment I knew
You weren't meant to be mine
That was the moment I realized
I am worthy of so much more
That was the moment
I was finally free
Of the warped reality
Created and crafted by your
Tangling web of lies
That was the moment
I was free of you.
That was the moment
I learned to fight for myself
That was the moment
My life began.
Your faulty love
Taught me how to love myself
Your toxicity awoke in me
The power to be me
Your attempts to break me
Only strengthened my will power
Keeping me down
Only empowered me more
So go ahead
I dare you
Watch me soar
Hear me roar
The chains you kept me in
Became my armor
I took your power
Now it's mine
And it is time
For me to be
Finally free
Of you.
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gigibrumit · 4 years
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Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine
Just me and my thoughts
My dreams and my schemes
Just me and the leaves
Underneath this sprawling tree
Just me and my thoughts
Sunshine and those tall pines
Reality stands still like a time stamp on a polaroid
As have my dreams, so it seems
Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine
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gigibrumit · 4 years
You took my breath away
You took my breath away
Along with my sense of self,
My pride, and my confidence.
You stole my breath away.
You took the air from my lungs
And left me gasping,
Drowned me
In all the tears
I can't cry.
You stole my breath away.
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gigibrumit · 4 years
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Dreaming to Survive
To go places
To escape
To plan possibilities
Physically in the present
But the mind
Is anywhere but here
Always three steps ahead
Some call it dreaming,
I call it surviving.
- Gigi
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gigibrumit · 4 years
Anxiety Attacks
Gripped me from the inside
Clawing, tearing up
The halls of my heart
To shreds.
I try to run
But every move I make
Tightens its deathly grip
On my lungs.
Claws sinking deeper
Every chance it gets
Pain pours through my blood
That runs down my heart
Fear seeps out
Through my
- Gigi
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gigibrumit · 4 years
What a fucking queen! 👑🖤
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Listen I would die for Jameela Jamil
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gigibrumit · 4 years
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The flicker of the strings of lights
The understudy to the sunset
Rarely themselves the spotlight
Unnoticed by those passing by
The twinkling strings of lights
The flicker of the strings of lights
Barely brightening the street
Beneath their soft glow
Dancing off the window panes
Illuminating the shadows below
The twinkling strings of lights
The flicker of the strings of lights
Light so subtle and so pure
Each one fueled by the hopes of those
Who marvel at the magic
The twinkling strings of lights
-Gigi Brumit
0 notes
gigibrumit · 4 years
You feel familiar,
As if I've known you once before,
Or maybe all along.
A whisper, a remnant of the past
Colliding with the present.
A conundrum. Confusing. Complex.
The past and the future merge together
To create the present,
And my present is you.
But somehow you fill my past;
Though there is no evidence of you,
No memories to be found.
Now that I've met you,
It's as if it's only ever been you.
Are you sure we haven't met before?
I feel like I know you from somewhere.
Time is a funny thing.
-Gigi Brumit
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