waitingissuchpain · 3 years
Junhui reaction when you dry hump him
junhui would absolutely love this kind of situation, he’d be able to have his hands all over you and gets to feel you grind down onto his hardening dick. he would love hearing the small sighs leaving your lips and tiny whimpers when he lets his teeth graze upon your neck and leave small love bites that bloom later, as well as seeing how your cheeks flush pink with his actions. his moans would be so pretty as well and letting his neck loll back against the chair so you have access to his neck so that you can leave pretty marks also.
it probably happened suddenly, a few quick kisses beginning to turn into a messy makeout session which was definitely his idea. he probably also moved his hands to your waist and began to move your hips to stimulate the dry humping, but he wouldn't last long before he’s flipping you over and his leaking cock is situated at your entrance
in short: he probably initiated it, but he loves it nonetheless and cant get enough of you
MTL and Reactions!
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waitingissuchpain · 4 years
remember us | will you help me? (15/30)
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ミ★ synopsis: it’s been four years since you last saw jun, and you made it a mission to block out all your memories with him. it worked, until you ran into him on your first day at university, finding out that he’s one of the four most sought after bachelors on campus.
ミ★ word count: 1,587
ミ★ taglist: @shoshishua @lcveletter @woozisnoots @grassywoozi @omgnctchina @starlightshua @vannitey @gostickywombat @assiqueen @wants-to-be-bad-but-is-soft @flower0930 @softkons @haotheheckk @lovebotss @dwcljh @loveclubmo @veryberryshort @frogiehao @shra-vasti @mingoats @suhfluffy @minghao-will-be-the-death-of-me @joeycheungg @fviona @ayla-hathway @arivics @maybeminhosbabey @shuatoyou @samemagicpoint @vernonvsblog @rjsmochii @moon-asia @notminniie @kpopssuregi @dimpledsatan @yurazuyori @youdawonu @moonlightmasquerade @uglyratlmao @etaerealboy @bcbymingi​ @muhanuibean @bononswife @doughgogh @waitingissuchpain @wooziverse
let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist !
ミ★ won’t let me tag: @euphoriasvt
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waitingissuchpain · 4 years
remember us | wonwoo, you’re my receipt (4/30)
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ミ★ synopsis: it’s been four years since you last saw jun, and you made it a mission to block out all your memories with him. it worked, until you ran into him on your first day at university, finding out that he’s one of the four most sought after bachelors on campus.
ミ★ word count: 1,504
ミ★ taglist: @shoshishua @lcveletter @woozisnoots @grassywoozi @omgnctchina @starlightshua @vannitey @gostickywombat @assiqueen @wants-to-be-bad-but-is-soft @flower0930 @softkons @haotheheckk @lovebotss @dwcljh @loveclubmo @veryberryshort @frogiehao​ @shra-vasti @mingoats​ @suhfluffy​ @minghao-will-be-the-death-of-me​ @joeycheungg​ @fviona​ @ayla-hathway​ @arivics​ @maybeminhosbabey​ @shuatoyou​ @samemagicpoint​ @vernonvsblog​ @rjsmochii​ @moon-asia​ @notminniie @kpopssuregi​ @dimpledsatan​ @yurazuyori​ @youdawonu​ @moonlightmasquerade​ @uglyratlmao​
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waitingissuchpain · 4 years
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waitingissuchpain · 4 years
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Im so emo rn :’(
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waitingissuchpain · 5 years
In Consult - Chapter 2
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Characters: Jungkook, IU, OC, Lisa
Genre: Slowburn, Office!AU, Angst, Fluff, Mentions of Smut
Pairings: Jungkook x Y/N, Jungkook x IU
Chapter 1
Plot: Eri Kim. A 20-year old fresh graduate who got accepted into her first job as a process executive. Once she was introduced to the production floor, there she met Yukio Mita. A tenured agent who was assigned to help the new hires out, including herself. Slowly as time goes by, Eri found herself being attracted to Yukio. Seems harmless right? That’s when she realizes Yukio has a girlfriend. Would she continue on with her feelings or should she back off?
New faces. New clothes. New surroundings. Seeing handbags and sophisticated things in their hands instead of piles of readings and a backpack is so weird to me. They all look so… serious and mature. Am I really in the right place? Thank God I’m with Hisa. Grinning at her widely as I tug on her sleeve. “You ready?” I ask as Hisa grins, shaking her head softly as he sighs. “Lets get it on bitch.” 
Walking straight inside the building, being greeted warmly by the staff as we both grin widely, saying our hellos loudly as we giggle, running inside to the hall where we’re going to have our first few orientations from the company. 
The start was already going so good. Just when we thought it couldn’t get better, we thought wrong. Walking into another building, seeing the biggest search engine in the world’s logo in the lobby of the office made my jaw drop. Holy shit, it was real. It wasn’t a scam. 
“Ya.. this is the real shit. Can you imagine we’re going to work at this kind of place?” I mumble a whisper to Hisa, who was equally checking out the place, nodding slowly. “Jackpot.”
Imagine getting any better than that? Huh. The following week, we went to another building. They said this is where we’ll work. And might I just say, Holy Lord God did I save a whole country in my afterlife to deserve this kind of work and workplace? Jesus Christ.
The smell of fresh lavender engulfing my nose as we walk around the lobby of our building, seeing the fun and quirky seats on the sides and the big sign of “Diagonally” on the receptionist’s desk. The staff smiling widely as we were escorted to the conference room, it didn’t even look like a conference room at all. It felt like a theater if I were to be honest. 
“Working here would be a fucking dream.” I mumble loud enough for Hisa to hear. “I know.” She replies. And then our trainer came in, introduced herself and I’ve never had a more friendly trainer in my life.
Being able to work in one of the biggest and most prestigious companies in the world, it’s expected that the training period would take forever. Thank God our trainer was kind enough to teach us everything there is in the easiest way possible. She made us understand clearly every lesson and tool we were to use at the production floor, where we’re going to work. 
We were already enjoying the time we spent with each and everyone in our wave. Our trainer, even the room where we’re always at. We were starting to get comfortable - well at least I was. I had people I can call as mom and dad, a few pairs at least. But before we knew it, we were being sent down to the production floor for nesting. You can call it as a trial period to see if you’re fit for the work given or if you’ll have to say goodbye. 
Nerve-wrecking. Anxious. Everything negative I was already feeling it. Do you know that feeling when your gums suddenly gets so itchy you can’t do anything about it? Yeah. That kind of feeling. God, we were going to be put to the test, whether we’re worthy enough to handle cases or are we just not for this job.
First day at the job, even though I was part of the less fortunate people in our wave who only had one day of rest for that week, I was excited and scared at the same time. A part of it was because Hisa’s schedule is different from mine. Separation Anxiety? Maybe. Walking into the office, all dressed up and had a smile on my face as I greeted the security guard before finally entering the production floor. Hm, Odd enough there wasn’t many people present that day - well it was a sunday so I guess it’s understandable. 
You know those typical scenes in the movies where everyone’s rushing to get the papers off their hands, or when they’re running around the floor trying to read the papers they had as quick as possible while drinking their steaming hot coffee? Yeah i didn’t see that in our office. It’s a lot more… chill here. 
“Wave 48?” I was taken back to reality when a girl with pretty highlights on her hair and comfy clothes called out our wave, smiling widely as we all walk towards her and two other guys beside her, greeting them a good afternoon since it was almost going to be 2pm, start of our first shift. Our first day. 
“Okay, so just look for an open station where no one’s assigned to and go log in. Once everyone’s settled we’ll be starting the shift.” She explains with a smile as we all disperse to look for a place we’d be comfortable in working at. Settling for a seat close to the window just because the view looks so gorgeous. Something I can look out at when I already feel stressed from the cases I’ll be receiving. 
It’s been about fifteen minutes since I’ve logged in onto my laptop, just scrolling through the tools that we’ll be using as well as looking at my social media accounts here and there when the Production floor GC started to make noise. “Hello, I’ll be assigning 5 cases per person in awhile.” Someone said in the gc while we all acknowledged, waiting for the cases to load onto our laptops as I plug in my earphones, already opening up spotify to play some music to distract my nervousness.
“Don’t worry, you can ask us for clarifications before you send out the emails you’ll be composing. Just track them onto the tracker when you’re done and wait for our go signal.” They explained as we were all nodding and getting ready to show them what we’ve got. 
Actually handling a live case was more nerve-wracking than I thought it would. “Hey.. Queen. Are you ready?” I mumble as I grin widely, nudging her shoulder as she looks at me with a confused face. “Do you think we have a choice?” She spits back as I hum in agreement, leaning back to my seat as I see the queue on my laptop change. Fuck. I have cases now. 
Totally forgetting everything I’ve learned from training, I start to panic just from reading the first few lines of their issue. “Jesus Christ… why did I not listen…” I mumble against myself as I bite my lower lip nervously, sighing deeply as I shake my head gently. Re-reading the case as I get the things I need to take down to assist the person contacting us. Taking down notes on what to take a screenshot on, to see if they’re eligible for it, checking every little thing before I go and look for someone available to ask if what I did was correct. 
Biting my lower lip as I look over my friend, Queen, who was already stressing over her own cases I decided not to disturb her. Getting up as I look around for an available tenured agent to ask from. Almost giving up as I see the girl from before have everyone else surrounding her, I see a guy wearing a red jacket, a little on the thin side, maybe the same height as I am also very quiet. I also remembered he was with the girl from before, Cathy, yes. 
“Hi? Can I ask you or?” I mumble out as I walk forward, unsure if I should go on and ask him or not since he wasn't even looking at me. Slowly, he turned his head towards me with a neutral look on his face before nodding slowly. “Okay.. so he’s asking about having this official badge.. I’m not quite sure if what I’m doing is right so… can you help me out?” I ask as I try to walk back to my station, hoping he was right behind me as I sit on my chair, showing him the inquiry as he leans down, reading the query quietly, nodding. “Hm.. yeah. You can just take a screenshot of his homepage, as well as his writings to see if he’s authorized to these and then you can send the email to him.” He says quietly as he nods before walking back to his station. Already saying “Yes” to my case on the trix, making it good to go for sending the email. 
“That was easy.. I guess?” I say to myself as I send my very first email of the day. My very first email as an employee. I hum at myself as I take a look back at the matrix. Reviewer’s name: Yukio. So his name’s Yukio, nice to meet you Yukio. 
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waitingissuchpain · 5 years
In Consult - Chapter 1
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Characters: Jungkook, IU, OC, Lisa
Genre: Slowburn, Office!AU, Angst, Fluff, Mentions of Smut
Pairings: Jungkook x Y/N, Jungkook x IU
Chapter 2
Plot: Eri Kim. A 20-year old fresh graduate who got accepted into her first job as a process executive. Once she was introduced to the production floor, there she met Yukio Mita. A tenured agent who was assigned to help the new hires out, including herself. Slowly as time goes by, Eri found herself being attracted to Yukio. Seems harmless right? That’s when she realizes Yukio has a girlfriend. Would she continue on with her feelings or should she back off?
It’s been a few months since I graduated from college. Already a few months since I’ve been doing nothing in life - I can now be officially called a house potato. Or maybe a pig since I’ve been eating non-stop. I haven’t been visited by the God of cleaning since my room looks like a pig’s den. I should really clean up before my grandmother nags me to death again. 
I finally get up from my bed as I start picking up the pieces of papers scattered everywhere in the room, after I blast on some music from my phone. Throwing them into the plastic bag I went and stole from my aunt’s room as I sit back down onto the bed, throwing my clothes onto it as they pile up into a big hill. Why do I own so many clothes but never find the ones I want to wear? Sighing I start to sort them out one by one, folding them neatly as I set them into one orderly pile inside my wardrobe. Smiling proudly at the small percentage of cleanliness in my room as I look towards my phone from the sudden ‘ding.’ 
“Aren’t you looking for a job? We have an opening here if you want to apply.” My aunt told me in messenger as I plopped back down onto the bed, humming at the thought. Maybe it’s time I get up and look for a job, earn some cash for the boys I’ve always wanted to see. 
“Really? Can I bring my friend with me?” 
“Sure! Just tell me both your Emails and you can come anytime and start the application.” 
Perfect timing. From what I remember, Hisa’s mom has been bugging her to look for a job here before she can live in Japan. 
“BOO! I got news, wanna come with me to apply for a new job? 😜” I say as I messaged her, laying back down onto the bed as I take a “short break” from “cleaning.”
“Fine. So I can finally tell my mom I tried to find a job. I wanna leave this country so bad.” Typical Hisa.
“Yeah yeah. So, Tuesday? See you?” 
“Yep. I’ll sleep over your place the night before and the night after.”
“K. See u” I say as i toss my phone away, looking around the evident mess still around the room. “I’m too lazy for this fuck it.” 
Throwing my stuff onto the floor as I sigh, jumping onto my bed as I groan. “God I really hope we get in this one, I badly need money to support my fangirling needs.” I say as I grab my phone to scroll onto my social media accounts to keep me distracted. Even though it’s about 1 in the morning. 
“If we get in, we get in. If not…. Then Lord God please give this to us.” Hisa mumbles out as she sits onto the extra bed, already fixing her overnight stuff out as she gets ready to take a shower. 
“I mean, for you it’s fine if you don’t. At Least you have a backup plan, living in Japan with your family. I, for one, really want this job.” I whine out as I curl up into a ball, still scrolling through facebook as I grin. “You think I can find a boyfriend when we start working?” I ask as I chuckle shaking my head at the thought. 
“Girl, better pray you get in before asking for the impossible.” Hisa hisses out as she grins teasingly, earning a side eye from me as I sit up from the bed. “Go and shower you stinky mushroom.” 
It’s the next day, Hisa already went home by herself and I’m here staring at my phone waiting for the final interview phone call from the company. 
“3:15pm...they said they’d call by 3:00pm..” I mumble to myself as I pout, already thinking of the worst as I roam my vision around my room, biting onto my lower lip nervously as I decide to message Hisa and ask if she received any call yet. 
“Do you think we failed? Like… Are they not gonna call us anymore is this the end? :(“ 
“Shhh. they said we had potential.. I’m sure they’ll call just, give it some more time.” Hisa says as I start to play with my fingers while anxiously waiting for the call. It was when I thought they really wouldn’t call back when my phone started ringing. Picking it up after the third ring as I stand up suddenly. “Hello? Yes? Yes it’s me.” I say while panting, grinning as I get the jitters running down my spine once more as the interview continues on. 
“Yes.. Yes thank you so much sir.” I say as I end the call. The interview went well - well at least to me. A few seconds after it sank into my head I decided to write to Hisa, telling her how my interview went. “God, I was so nervous, He even asked if it was a good time to call since I was panting…. But it went well overall. They’re gonna call you soon. Tell me how it goes! God I hope we get this both.” I say as I see Hisa typing, then disappearing. Hm, they must’ve called her already.
“Thanks for your time, Erina. We’ll text you the results within the week.”
It’s only been a day, but I’m anxious. My aunt said that it usually takes less than 24 hours for them to respond if you’re in the company or if you got rejected. God, why am I so nervous? 
Walking downstairs with my phone in my hand as I sit onto the chair, opening the TV to distract myself for some time, Hisa floods my messages. 
“Hisa sent a photo.” 
“HoLY shIT.”
Fuck, she got in. She got accepted. Holy fuck. 
“I still haven’t received mine..”
“Shhh, maybe you just gotta find the right spot there. We both know how much of an igloo your house is. Find some signal!” Hisa says as I start losing hope. Leaning against the window as I lay my phone right beside it, refreshing it every second just in case it was coming in late. Sigh. I decide to open up the messages app hoping and praying I got a message that just didn’t notify me. 
“Diagonally: Hello! Please be advised that you have cleared the hiring process and you are now good for job offer. You are scheduled for Offer letter signing on (July 26, friday) at 11:00 AM. Proceed at 2nd flr Technology Hub Tower 4, Mckinley Hills. Don’t forget to bring a valid ID and a Pen. For confirmation, reply with your full name. -Talent Acquisition.”
Holy Fuck. I got in. I’m hired. HOLY FUCK.
Two months ago, all I wanted was a job. Two months ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Two months ago, I didn’t knew he existed. That was two months ago. 
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waitingissuchpain · 5 years
In Consult - Teaser
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Characters: Jungkook, IU, OC, Lisa
Genre: Slowburn, Office!AU, Angst, Fluff, Mentions of Smut
Pairings: Jungkook x Y/N, Jungkook x IU
Plot: Eri Kim. A 20-year old fresh graduate who got accepted into her first job as a process executive. Once she was introduced to the production floor, there she met Yukio Mita. A tenured agent who was assigned to help the new hires out, including herself. Slowly as time goes by, Eri found herself being attracted to Yukio. Seems harmless right? That’s when she realizes Yukio has a girlfriend. Would she continue on with her feelings or should she back off? 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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waitingissuchpain · 5 years
Hi guys, please read my first fic!
In Consult - Chapter 1
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Characters: Jungkook x y/n, Jungkook x iu
Genre: Office!AU
Tags: Slowburn, Angst, Fluff, possible smut if you squint
a/n: the first few chapters of this will be based on my irl crush in my office khdkjhgkfhk the ending will be different ofcourse. unless i wanna make this heartwrenching and stick with the way it is right now.
Chapter 1
It’s been a few months since I graduated from college. Already a few months since I’ve been doing nothing in life - I can now be officially called a house potato. Or maybe a pig since I’ve been eating non-stop. I haven’t been visited by the God of cleaning since my room looks like a pig’s den. I should really clean up before my grandmother nags me to death again. 
I finally get up from my bed as I start picking up the pieces of papers scattered everywhere in the room, after I blast on some music from my phone. Throwing them into the plastic bag I went and stole from my aunt’s room as I sit back down onto the bed, throwing my clothes onto it as they pile up into a big hill. Why do I own so many clothes but never find the ones I want to wear? Sighing I start to sort them out one by one, folding them neatly as I set them into one orderly pile inside my wardrobe. Smiling proudly at the small percentage of cleanliness in my room as I look towards my phone from the sudden ‘ding.’ 
“Aren’t you looking for a job? We have an opening here if you want to apply.” My aunt told me in messenger as I plopped back down onto the bed, humming at the thought. Maybe it’s time I get up and look for a job, earn some cash for the boys I’ve always wanted to see. 
“Really? Can I bring my friend with me?” 
“Sure! Just tell me both your Emails and you can come anytime and start the application.” 
Perfect timing. From what I remember, Hisa’s mom has been bugging her to look for a job here before she can live in Japan. 
“BOO! I got news, wanna come with me to apply for a new job? 😜” I say as I messaged her, laying back down onto the bed as I take a “short break” from “cleaning.”
“Fine. So I can finally tell my mom I tried to find a job. I wanna leave this country so bad.” Typical Hisa.
“Yeah yeah. So, Tuesday? See you?” 
“Yep. I’ll sleep over your place the night before and the night after.”
“K. See u” I say as i toss my phone away, looking around the evident mess still around the room. “I’m too lazy for this fuck it.” 
Throwing my stuff onto the floor as I sigh, jumping onto my bed as I groan. “God I really hope we get in this one, I badly need money to support my fangirling needs.” I say as I grab my phone to scroll onto my social media accounts to keep me distracted. Even though it’s about 1 in the morning. 
“If we get in, we get in. If not…. Then Lord God please give this to us.” Hisa mumbles out as she sits onto the extra bed, already fixing her overnight stuff out as she gets ready to take a shower. 
“I mean, for you it’s fine if you don’t. At Least you have a backup plan, living in Japan with your family. I, for one, really want this job.” I whine out as I curl up into a ball, still scrolling through facebook as I grin. “You think I can find a boyfriend when we start working?” I ask as I chuckle shaking my head at the thought. 
“Girl, better pray you get in before asking for the impossible.” Hisa hisses out as she grins teasingly, earning a side eye from me as I sit up from the bed. “Go and shower you stinky mushroom.” 
It’s the next day, Hisa already went home by herself and I’m here staring at my phone waiting for the final interview phone call from the company. 
“3:15pm…they said they’d call by 3:00pm..” I mumble to myself as I pout, already thinking of the worst as I roam my vision around my room, biting onto my lower lip nervously as I decide to message Hisa and ask if she received any call yet. 
“Do you think we failed? Like… Are they not gonna call us anymore is this the end? :(“ 
“Shhh. they said we had potential.. I’m sure they’ll call just, give it some more time.” Hisa says as I start to play with my fingers while anxiously waiting for the call. It was when I thought they really wouldn’t call back when my phone started ringing. Picking it up after the third ring as I stand up suddenly. “Hello? Yes? Yes it’s me.” I say while panting, grinning as I get the jitters running down my spine once more as the interview continues on. 
“Yes.. Yes thank you so much sir.” I say as I end the call. The interview went well - well at least to me. A few seconds after it sank into my head I decided to write to Hisa, telling her how my interview went. “God, I was so nervous, He even asked if it was a good time to call since I was panting…. But it went well overall. They’re gonna call you soon. Tell me how it goes! God I hope we get this both.” I say as I see Hisa typing, then disappearing. Hm, they must’ve called her already.
“Thanks for your time, Erina. We’ll text you the results within the week.”
It’s only been a day, but I’m anxious. My aunt said that it usually takes less than 24 hours for them to respond if you’re in the company or if you got rejected. God, why am I so nervous? 
Walking downstairs with my phone in my hand as I sit onto the chair, opening the TV to distract myself for some time, Hisa floods my messages. 
“Hisa sent a photo.” 
“HoLY shIT.”
Fuck, she got in. She got accepted. Holy fuck. 
“I still haven’t received mine..”
“Shhh, maybe you just gotta find the right spot there. We both know how much of an igloo your house is. Find some signal!” Hisa says as I start losing hope. Leaning against the window as I lay my phone right beside it, refreshing it every second just in case it was coming in late. Sigh. I decide to open up the messages app hoping and praying I got a message that just didn’t notify me. 
“Diagonally: Hello! Please be advised that you have cleared the hiring process and you are now good for job offer. You are scheduled for Offer letter signing on (July 26, friday) at 11:00 AM. Proceed at 2nd flr Technology Hub Tower 4, Mckinley Hills. Don’t forget to bring a valid ID and a Pen. For confirmation, reply with your full name. -Talent Acquisition.”
Holy Fuck. I got in. I’m hired. HOLY FUCK.
Two months ago, all I wanted was a job. Two months ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Two months ago, I didn’t knew he existed. That was two months ago.
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waitingissuchpain · 5 years
In Consult (Teaser)
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Title: In Consult
Characters: Jeon Jungkook x OC
Genre: Office!AU 
Tags: Slowburn, Angst, Fluff, possible smut if you squint
a/n: the first few chapters of this will be based on my irl crush in my office khdkjhgkfhk the ending will be different ofcourse. unless i wanna make this heartwrenching and stick with the way it is right now.
Plot: Eri Kim. A 20-year old fresh graduate who got accepted into her first job as a process executive. Once she was introduced to the production floor, there she met Yukio Mita. A tenured agent who was assigned to help the new hires out, including herself. Slowly as time goes by, Eri found herself being attracted to Yukio. Seems harmless right? That’s when she realizes Yukio has a girlfriend. Would she continue on with her feelings or should she back off? 
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waitingissuchpain · 6 years
u know what makes me lowkey sad? when someone says ‘i know it seems silly’ before talking about something they clearly care very deeply about bc u know that means someone gave them shit for caring that much about that thing before which is Fucked Up.
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waitingissuchpain · 6 years
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© I Dare U | Do not edit.
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waitingissuchpain · 6 years
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© SLOW BUT STEADY | Do not edit.(1,2)
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waitingissuchpain · 6 years
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© RabbiTiger | Do not edit.
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waitingissuchpain · 6 years
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© ROTIFUL | Do not edit.
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waitingissuchpain · 6 years
If you'd still love Jimin without abs, reblog this.
I wanna see how many actually love this baby for him…not just his chocolate. 
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waitingissuchpain · 6 years
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