#you were never my bullies I love you all dearly
sapphicpoetspost · 1 year
the only reason to hook up with a jock, in my opinion, is to make cringe jokes about "omg I'm emo and you're a jock. this is just like wattpad."
this will trigger their flight or fight response. they will finally understand why you listen to my chemical romance. personally it's done wonders for healing all those years of bullying.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 24 days
Heyy hiii I love your blog🤍 If you're still taking requests... Could you write an Aemond Targaryen who is obsessed with his half-sister or aunt?
As You Wish Sister -Aemond T.
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(Fuck yes I can!
For this story the ages are a little off which frustrates me but I did that to make sure that Y/n wouldn’t be considered ‘too old’ to marry. If however, the person who made this request wants something with an older OFC, like a cougar-y kind of story with him obsessed and willing to do anything to have her then let me know and I will try my hand at that for you)
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Y/n had been born first just before her mother Aemma had died giving birth her twin brother, who sadly died just a few hours later, leaving Y/n alone.
Rhaenyra took very good care of her, as much as she could as her younger sister was just a babe and now had no mother and no father as Viserys had all but checked out…especially after marrying Alicent and having more children.
Y/n was only just under 1 year older than Aegon as Alicent had gotten pregnant almost immediately after the wedding however as Rhaenyra was having her own children she took care of her sister less and less, leaving the girl on her own a lot of the time. Alicent had taken a liking to the young girl and they were quite close, which is what led to Y/n and Aemond’s relationship in the first place. Aemond loved Y/n from the moment he was born. When he was with her he was always content and happy, but if she left him alone he would cry and scream for her until Alicent could no longer take it and sent for her once again. That lasted until the boy was about 3 and she was 6 and from then on he was basically attached to her skirts.
Neither of the children had a dragon to their name and spent their time dreaming of flying across the 7 kingdoms together. Aemond had always promised to take his half sister with him when he mounted a dragon one day, and though Y/n thought it a nice dream, Aemond was determined to make it come true. He swore to her that one day he would be strong and that he would protect her, no one would ever bully them again. Y/n did not know just how seriously her younger brother took that vow.
He was 9 years old when Rhaenyra moved to Dragonstone and snatched his happiness away as she took their 12 year old sister with her and it was at that moment that Aemond realized how in love with his sister he really was. She would be his, no matter what he had to do to ensure it.
When they met again on Driftmark it was like no time had passed, they stayed by each others side while everyone mourned, but Aemond wasn’t sad, he was determined. With the death of Laena there was now an unclaimed dragon, the largest one alive and he was going to claim her or die trying. To say Y/n was upset that he risked his life to mount Vhagar would be an understatement however he had done it and the pride and happiness on his face wiped away her anger…for about 10 minutes before watching her nephew slice her brothers eye from his head. She held close to his side for as long as she was allowed, holding his hand as the maester stitched him up painfully.
‘I do not wish to frighten you with my scarred face sister, you shouldn’t have to see this.’ He told her later that night as she sat beside his bed to watch over him, the milk of the poppy he had taking quick effect as his good eye began to close against his wishes.
‘You could never scare me brother, you are as handsome as ever and anyone who says otherwise is blind. I will never fear you, no matter what. I love you too dearly.’ She swore, curling up into her chair and drifting off by his side in case he needed anything during the night.
Aemond’s hand held tight to hers all night long, never letting go as if terrified, even in his sleep, that she would disappear.
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Aemond was comforted by her words and it is the only thing that got him through the next years. That and the fact that he had “convinced” his sickly father to betroth Y/n to him.
Aemond was told by the men he paid to keep watch over his Princess on Dragonstone that Rhaenyra had been trying to betroth her to Cregan Stark of Winterfell. The Wolf in the North was apparently quite taken with his Princess and Aemond couldn’t blame him, but he would kill him if the man went anywhere near his sister and he made that perfectly clear to his mother and Grandsire. Aemond had vowed that if they didn’t betroth him to Y/n immediately that he would take Vhagar and have her burn Winterfell and every Stark in existence to the ground. He would melt all of the snow in the North if he had to to make his point. Both Alicent and Otto knew that her son was serious and would do exactly as he promised, they also knew that no one could stop Vhagar if Aemond decided to put his threat into action and so they had the King order the marriage.
However other than Rhaenyra acknowledging the order from the King, he heard no word from his betrothed until he was 18 and it was ordered that she return to Kings Landing to be with her soon to be husband. Aemond had kept eyes on her since the day she had been forced to leave him, men that worked for Rhaenyra were secretly under his command, 2 of which became Y/n’s personal guards and wrote the Prince everything about her so that Aemond didn’t miss a thing. He knows all of her interests, what she loves to do everyday, her daily schedule, the foods she likes and more importantly doesn’t like, and he also had them ensure that no man got close to his future wife in anyway. He knew that Jace had an interest in his aunt, the guard reporting to him that the boy had been grounded to his chambers on more than one occasion for watching her bathe or trying to sneak into her rooms in the night and it both enraged and delighted Aemond that Jace wanted his sister but also that he would have to see her happy with the person that Jace hates most. Aemond would ensure that he could rub it in his nephews face that the babes that Y/n would bare would never be anyone’s but his.
Over the years since she had been gone her brother had changed, not just at her having been missing from his side but especially after Aegons actions in taking him to the silk streets on his 13th nameday. Aemond felt disgusting but he was determined to be a better husband than his elder brother was, after all, Y/n was his. His sister, his wife, his everything and he would ensure her happiness. He would make her his and fill her with as many Targaryen babies as possible, Aemond couldn’t wait to see her swollen with his child at his side and in his bed, his elder sister was just too perfect not to be full of his children for the rest of her days.
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2 days after the letter was sent to Rhaenyra he was greeted by the sound of huge wings and angry dragon roars as the large black dragon descended on the Red Keep, a dragon that everyone recognized instantly which prompted them scattering like mice. Aemond had heard that his sister had mounted the cannibalistic dragon but to actually see the creature was incredible. He found it funny that his sister, who was a loner with a tendency to be aggressive ended up with the aggressive loner dragon who would have burned anyone else to dust…he must feel how similar they are, honestly it was a fairly perfect fit if you asked him. Though he could have done without the teeth bore in his face from this scarred beast.
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He got as close as he dared, watching as a beautiful women slid down the dragons neck to her feet, the dragon nuzzling her and nearly knocking her from her feet (though the gesture was gentle for such a giant dragon who had to be just slightly bigger than Caraxes) before he took to the skies again and left her to look around the courtyard.
She was a vision, more than Aemond could have imagined after all these years without her and as she turned to see him for the first time, the smile that lit up her face gave him butterflies. ‘Aemond? Wow! Look how you’ve grown, you are certainly not that little boy I remember anymore, you are a man grown! Look at this handsome face!’ Aemond took her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles in greeting, unable to look away from her perfect purple eyes.
‘You are a vision, more beautiful than I could have imagined…and I have imagined for years.’ Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink as she blushed and he held his arm out for her to take. ‘Come, I will show you to your chambers and you can freshen up, I know you must want out of your riding clothes-‘
‘Actually…I had hoped we could go riding together like we always promised we would. My sister would not let me come to Kings Landing before now but you did swear to take me on Vhagar when I returned.’ She reminded him as he guided her through the halls of the castle.
‘I could never forget my promise to you, however we will not be permitted to disappear together the night before our wedding, it would be improper after all.’ He teased making her roll her eyes with a smile.
‘Right because riding a 10 ton scaly lizard into the night is definitely a romantic evening.’ She paused after saying that before speaking again. ‘Actually, never mind, for a Targaryen that has to be the most romantic night possible. We’ll save it for tomorrow night.’
‘As you wish sister. Here is your chamber for the night, tomorrow night your things will be moved into one of our own. You change and get comfortable, I will return in a half an hour and we can take a walk in the gardens, how does that sound?’
‘That sounds lovely brother. I look forward to it.’ Aemond leaned down and pressed his lips to her hand like the gentleman he was, watching once again as her face grew pink and he loved her sweet blush, vowing to make it happen as often as possible.
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The wedding that next evening was a huge affair. Everyone was present, members of every house in attendance for the event, and even all of the peasants celebrated as they left the Sept, throwing flowers and cheering their congratulations as they had all loved Y/n since the moment she was presented to the world as a baby (often ordering the gold cloaks to feed the poor, especially the children in need). Rhaenyra and Daemon had shown up with the children late, clearly hating being there for a marriage they didn’t want and Aemond couldn’t help but silently gloat to Jace who glared at him all through dinner. As they locked eyes Aemond could not resist giving in to his petty attitude, leaning down and touching his lips to his wife’s and enjoying the feel of her lips pressing against his in return as she clearly enjoyed the show of affection. His nephew glared harder at him before eventually taking Helaena’s hand and bringing her to dance as if trying to anger the One-Eyed Prince but nothing could do that right now, not now that Aemond has everything he’s ever wanted.
‘Would you like to retire now my beautiful wife? I want to make this marriage official before one of the dozens of men here that are jealously staring, attempts to steal you away from me.’
‘As if anyone else could take my attention away from you.’ At that moment there was suddenly the sound of several women screaming and they both turned to see that right in front of the Kings table Jace was locked in a physical fight with a man on the dance floor. Aemond turned his wife’s body away and pulled her to his chest to shield her, not wanting her innocent eyes to see such violence. Even if he enjoyed watching Jace get hurt he knew that his wife would never be the same if she was forced to potentially witness him die and he loved her innocence too much to let that be ruined. The guards pulled the man out of the hall and most likely to the Black Cells after Daemon had saved Jace from being butchered, following along with a rage filled Rhaenyra to question the man. Y/n pulled away from her husband and moved to the floor, inspecting her nephews face and Aemond nearly growled as Jace leaned into the affection. ‘Are you alright nephew?!’
‘Yes, of course, I am fine. I had it under con-‘
‘Thank goodness Daemon was here! You could have been killed! What were you thinking?!’ She demanded and Aemond watched on as Jace’s face fell once again. ‘You are my sweet nephew, not a soldier or a brawler in the streets!’
‘I don-I’m-Uh…‘
‘She is right nephew, we could never forgive ourselves if you had been hurt attending our wedding…perhaps it is time for you to retire for the evening. Too much wine makes the mind do stupid things.’ Y/n nodded along with Aemond but Jace just glared at him.
‘This has nothing to do with you Uncle! Keep your thoughts to yourself! I don’t need-‘
‘Jacaerys! How Dare You?! Have care how you speak to your own family, Aemond is simply showing his concern for your well being! If this is your current state then he is correct, you should retire. I’m sure Luke will help you to your bed, won’t you sweet boy?’ Luke nodded his head, moving to take his elder brothers arm.
‘No! I don’t need to-‘
‘We should be retiring as well anyway. I must ensure my new wife is taken care of…’ Y/n blushed at her brothers words, leaning into his body as his hands found her waist comfortingly.
‘You are right brother, I think I have had enough partying for one day. We have a family dinner tomorrow evening anyway, we can celebrate more then.’ Suddenly Aegon, who had been drunkenly enjoying this whole situation, was grinning in excitement and stepping up to the newly weds, hand on his younger brothers shoulder.
‘Yes brother, time to retire. The bedding ceremony must be seen to before the end of the evening! I shall get our Grandsire and elder sister to-‘
‘No!’ Aemond snapped, everyone that was listening jumping in fright at the rage in his voice. He had felt his wife’s body tense as she pulled him closer by his jacket that she was now clinging to for dear life. ‘There will be no bedding ceremony, I will have neither my sister nor my wife gawked at in her most vulnerable state as if she is some cheap whore on the street of silk! Y/n is my wife now, and no one else will ever see her in such a way ever again. I assure you brother, I can handle consummating my marriage just fine without your wandering eyes and words of encouragement.’ Aemond looked back down at his bride and took her face into his hands, wiping away the tears that escaped in her moment of panic, no one having mentioned a bedding ceremony and Aemond himself having assured her that it would not be happening.
‘My young Prince, it is tradition to have a maester and at least 3 members of the family present to ensure the wedding is consummated. Your brother, myself, Rhaenyra and Daemon are going to-‘
‘No Grandsire, you are not-because if you try to enter our marital chambers tonight, or really any night from this moment forward for any reason under the sun, I will break your spine and be feeding you to either Vhagar or the Cannibal in the morning. I will let my wife decide which she would prefer to make a meal out of your body as it is her you are offending. I am uncomfortable with how determined you are to watch me make love to my wife, and I am telling you that it will not happen.’
‘Aemond! You cannot speak to your Grandsire this way, you must-‘ Aemond cut his mother off quickly, startling her as he had never spoken to her like this before.
‘Do not make the mistake of believing my words to be exaggeration mother, they are not. Anyone who steps foot into our marital chambers this night or any moment from this one onward will find themselves being fed to a dragon of my wife’s choosing. She is my wife! And it is my job to care for her as such! I will not have her humiliated or upset as she gives herself to me for the first time…or any time. That is the end of the discussion, however you may wait in the hall and once we are done I will deliver you the sheets from our bed as your proof. That will have to suffice because it is all that you are getting.’ He looked back down at Y/n who had tears in her eyes once again but this time they were not fearful or embarrassed, but grateful and full of love. ‘Come my wife, it is time that I make this marriage official and fill you with my son. I must give my wife all of the lovely Targaryen babies that her heart desires.’
Aemond bent down slightly before lifting Y/n into his arms like a babe, whisking her away and out of the party. ‘Thank you Aemond…I know I should just accept it but I-‘
‘My wife will never be seen by anyone but me in any state of undress from this moment on, and should anyone sneak a peak at you I will deliver you their heart and feed the remains to Vhagar. Don’t you ever apologize for being uncomfortable, it is my job as your husband to see to your safety and I take my job very seriously.’ He assured her, kissing her head as they reached their new marital chambers where all of their things had been moved to. As Aemond carried his sister through the door he kicked it shut behind himself and locked it with both locks before using the thick wood plank and barring the door so no one could get in without more work than it was worth.
‘Will you assist me with the dress, husband?’ She teased making Aemond smirk, eyes darkening at the thought of finally undressing the prize he has worked and waited for, for so long.
‘You need not even ask, my love. Come here.’ He quickly unlaced the back of her dress, allowing it to fall to the ground and leave her in her small clothes which she removed before crawling into the bed and looking back up at him nervously. ‘Relax my love, you will love every second of this, I promise you.’ He swore and she took a breath, nodding, though her eyes grew wide again as he removed his trousers and revealed himself to her for the first time, now naked as he crawled onto the bed, leaning down to kiss her, sucking his way down her neck and chest.
‘A-Aemond? What are you-‘
‘Shh…just relax. I’m going to take care of you Princess, just trust me.’ He lifted her leg up by the back of the knee and leaned in, pressing his mouth over her slit before trailing his tongue up between her pussy lips and brushing against her clit, causing her hips to jump against her will.
‘I’m s-sorry-‘
‘Don’t apologize again, just enjoy it.’ Aemond wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking on the little bundle of nerves, brushing his tongue against it repeatedly which seemed to shut her up quickly, the only sound remaining was her never ending moans. He pressed a finger into her tight hole followed by a second one which earned him a soft mewling noise that he couldn’t help thinking was adorable as he began pumping his fingers in and out of her, stretching her as gently as he could to prepare her for him.
‘Oh Fuck! Aemond!’ She seemed to be hanging right on the edge in that moment until he curled his fingers up and just as he did she cried out at a whole new octave and her pussy squeezed his fingers in a vice grip, her body shaking while she panted as if she had run a long distance and he couldn’t help but find her flushed face absolutely beautiful.
‘You are so gorgeous…’ he crawled up over her and touched his lips to hers while spreading her legs. They wrapped around his waist before he pressed his cock against her hole and instantly felt as if he had died and gone to Heaven. 9 years he had waited after realizing how in love with Y/n he truly was, 9 years dreaming of this moment and wanting to make it just as special for her as it was for him just knowing how good his sister would make him feel, and he was right. Her cunt was like the sweetest vice grip he had ever experienced, he had never felt anything more wonderful in his entire life as he stilled his hips and just waited, not wanting to hurt her or cum so fast that she would inevitably laugh at him. ‘Are you alright?’ He questioned, wanting to make sure he wasn’t hurting her too badly but she nodded.
‘I want to see all of you brother…I never want you to hide any part of you from me again.’ She spoke as she reached up and pulled the eye patch from his face. He reflexively turned his head away but she caught him, turning his head back and pulling him down to kiss the scar both over and under his eye. ‘My husband nor my brother will ever have to hide from me, you are so strong…and I think my husband is the most handsome man in the 7 kingdoms. I will fight anyone who chooses to disagree with me.’ She teased making him smile before he choked on his breath, her pussy squeezing his member suddenly before she wiggled her hips. ‘Take me brother, I am all yours now!’
‘Yes you are…Mine! I will kill anyone who even thinks to disagree with me! All mine…’ Aemond spoke, shifting his hips back before pushing back in gently, doing it again only to thrust up into her this time. ‘Your husband is going to fill your belly so full tonight that no one will be able to question whether or not you are carrying my son. You want that, don’t you Princess? You want me to give you a baby?’
Y/n’s head nodded frantically as Aemond was now jack hammering his hips into her mercilessly, her whines prompting him to go faster. ‘Yes Brother! Yes! I want to give you everything! Fill my womb so that I may give you all the sons you want!’
‘Never going to stop breeding your cunt, Gods you feel magnificent! We’re going to end up having an entire army because I am never going to stop fucking you! Cum for me Princess and your husband will fill your womb, give me your pleasure!’ He demanded just before she cried out, her head thrown back as her cunt clamped down on him so hard he briefly thought it would hurt before the pleasure shot straight up his spine and he buried his cock into her as deeply as he could.
Aemond couldn’t tell how long they laid there breathing heavily and just holding each other, it felt as if they lost time before there was a knock on the door and Y/n flinched, instinctively trying to cover her body with a blanket despite no one entering. ‘My Prince? If you have finished we need-‘
‘Shut Up! Say Another Word and I Will Remove Your Tongue!’ He growled to the maester at the door. ‘Stay still my love, I will take care of it.’ He kissed her head and she smiled, humming contently before wincing as he pulled out of her, using his thumb to press his cum back into her abused hole as it leaked out. Aemond jumped up and pulled the sheet carefully from under her and off of the bed, rolling his eyes as he saw the small amount of blood on the white linen that he had made sure to fuck her on top of as he wasn’t willing to argue about them needing evidence that consummation took place. ‘I will be right back, then you are mine for the next week, because I do not plan on us leaving this bed for at least that long.’ He teased, kissing her nose and making her giggle as he pulled his trousers on and moved to the door, unbarring it and stepping outside while shutting the door behind him, unwilling to let anyone see his wife in her current state. At the door stood Maester Mellos along with his Grandsire, his mother and brother, and also Rhaenyra and Daemon. ‘I do not understand why this needed to be such a spectacle for so many of you but here.’ He shoved the sheet at the old man angrily. ‘Now, all of you will leave because if I find out anyone continued listening at the door I will slit you from balls to brains!’ The maester inspected the sheet before nodding to the Queen who genuinely looked sorry for her son.
‘I didn’t know you had it in you brother!’ Aegon laughed, Otto shoving him away quickly and dragging him down the hall before Aemond could move to cut him open as he wanted to, Daemon following along, clearly not caring about being there and only having done so as he loved his niece- to ensure Aemond was a gentleman.
‘Take care of your wife Aemond, I know you will be a good husband, better than your brother.’
‘Thank you mother-oh! We will be taking all of our meals in our chambers tomorrow-and for the foreseeable future. Please be sure a maid is sent to do that, my wife will need breaks to eat.’ Alicent didn’t look shocked at all, just nodding her head before she walked off.
‘Brother.’ Rhaenyra spoke, Aemond sighing before giving her his attention. ‘Take care of her. She is a gentle soul, if you hurt my sister I will make sure you do not live to see whatever children you give her.’ He rolled his eyes, not giving a fuck about his elder sisters threat.
‘If you think for a moment that I would harm her then you know nothing about our relationship at all-oh! Wait! You don’t…it took 9 years but I always knew that I would make her mine no matter what I had to do. I’m just thankful that father gave into my threat before you could give her away to that idiot Wolf in the North.’
‘W-what are you-‘
‘Of course, you don’t know! I made my mother aware of the fact that if you were successful in marrying off our sister that I would have mounted Vhagar and burned every inch of the Starks home, and every other home and stronghold that had snow covering it. She was never going to marry anyone else, that was decided quite a long time ago…it just that no one but I knew it.’ He explained, enjoying her shocked expression before opening the door to go back to his wife. ‘Oh! One more thing! You should make sure that you keep your eldest on a short leash, because if I find out-or Gods forbid catch him-peeping at my wife like he did under your watch, he will be locked in the Black cells until I decide to feed him to Vhagar. Your heir or not, father will not be able to argue with him dishonoring my wife and his favorite grandchild, and you know it…it was lovely to see you again sister.’ With that Aemond slammed the door in her face and turned back to his wife.
‘Is everything okay?’ Y/n asked, clearly nervous that the sheet wouldn’t be enough evidence and they would demand to watch this time.
‘Of course my Love, I will always ensure that it will be. Now, let us continue enjoying our marital bliss for as long as we can, hmm?’ Y/n smiled, dropping the blankets and revealing her naked chest to his eyes and he couldn’t help but imagine the breasts that he was in love with, swollen with milk to feed the boy that was growing in her womb. He was desperate to taste it himself, his cock growing hard in record time at the thought before he leapt into the bed beside her.
‘I want to stay here with you like this forever.’ She admitted, now sitting in his lap, his cock buried in her pussy as he enjoys worshipping her breasts with his mouth.
‘As you wish Sister…Always.’
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Aemond Targaryen Masterlist
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fangirl-dot-com · 10 days
🏆 Sei a Casa, Charles 
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader Genre: Fluff, Comfort, Light smut Summary: Monaco finally loved him back. Charles is home.
*my long awaited Charles Monaco win imagine! it is completed after my computer was finally fixed and after 30+ hours of having no power at my house. it's been a rough couple of days, but I'm still reeling in the moment that Charles won his home race.
*A big thank you goes to @pucksandpower for helping me with the smut parts. you all know that I can't write anything beyond a small make out sesh. you all will know what parts she wrote! but look for this ✨ if you want to skip it!
You couldn’t pick out the exact moment of when you started to cry. 
Was it lap 1? Lap 20? Lap 76? Maybe tears finally started to leak from your eyes as you stood under the podium, waiting for the love of your life to finally appear? Or were the tears drops of champagne that flowed from his winner’s bottle? 
You didn’t know, but you knew that the pride in your heart could not be contained internally. It had to escape somewhere, so it formed itself into tears that were shed as you watched the whole vast of Monaco finally love Charles back. 
You remembered the past times you cried as you stood below. 
Tears from him, from you, and from the both of you stained the past asphalt here in the principality. Disappointment after disappointment would forever be written in the streets of Monte Carlos. However, today was the rain that would wash everything away. 
Today was the day the sun finally shone once again. 
But the sun would not dry the tears of pride from your face, you wouldn’t let it. The testament of your love and pride could make divots in your face for the rest of time, and you’d never want to fill them. 
The applause around you grew as Carlos walked out, waving below. You could guess that the Spaniard knew that these people weren’t for him. They weren’t for anyone other than the green-eyed man in red. 
More applause sounded as the green and yellow suit of Oscar stood out against the red of everything else. Your partially adopted son for the weekend caught your eye and gave you a sad smile. You could only shake your head, hoping to relay that these tears were finally not for a broken heart. 
The moment the applause grew to screams, yells, and everything in between, you knew what it meant. In this moment, everything stood still in the chaos. Flags of red, yellow, red and white flew around your face. Joris stood behind you, hand on the small of your back to keep you steady. 
But like you, his tears didn’t stop: they multiplied. 
Finally, you had the courage to look up and gaze upon the subject of praise that would ring for all of eternity. You couldn’t help but join in, making a small dent in history for yourself. 
Pride seemed to double, tripling the number of tears that fell. You knew a camera was focused on you, but nothing could take your eyes away from him on the step, flag in his trembling hands. You were almost silently saying, “Turn the camera on the man who has rewritten his and the country’s history.” 
You watched as your prince wrapped his arms around his most precious gift. No one had been able to do what he did. A national treasure for the rest of time. 
You witnessed your princess hug him dearly. His hands still trembled as he clutched his red and white flag. If it made him feel any better, you were trembling too, along with the hosts of Monaco. The people trembled in their spots, the flags swished back and forth. Hell, the boats in the port still roared for him, almost thirty minutes after he had crossed that beloved finish line. 
When he finally turned to face the crowd below, your world went silent as your focus pinpointed on Charles. 
History’s Charles. Monaco’s Charles. Formula One’s Charles. 
Your Charles. 
A laugh finally bullied its way through your tears as you saw him accidentally drop the flag and scramble to pick it up. Joris had started to rub your back, knowing that you needed some comfort. Where Joris was, there you were too. 
The two of you liked to claim both spots of Charles’s right and left sides. Deemed the best WAGs by fans everywhere, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere but next to the boys. He had had a chance to race down to see your race winner before he had to go to the cooldown room. You had wanted to run with him, an invisible force wanted to drag you along. But you had stayed, to comfort and hug the people around you. 
Where Joris was on your left, Arthur was on your right. He looked so much like his brother. The boy, who you had watched grow through his own disappointments and sorrows, also had his tears. 
Today, however, every tear shed was the opposite of sorrows. They weren’t of heavy hearts or disappointments. 
Every tear shed was pride incarnate. 
The podium ended with Charles almost being drowned by his teammate and “adopted son.” How you wished you could be up there with him. You knew, though, that you’d have your time with him soon. 
When you were allowed to leave, Charles’s driver room was the first place you’d go. In the back of your mind, you knew that he’d still be a while, the media taking up his time. And after was the principality dinner, and then probably Jimmyz with however many people you could fit in the club. 
But then, after the whole of Monaco had a piece of him, he’d be yours. 
The door opening caught your attention as you looked up from your phone. Many say that second- or third-place-Charles still had a smile, but it wasn’t a true one. Today was a testament to that stamen as he walked in with the biggest smile on his face. 
If he could shine, he’d rival the sun. 
A sigh escaped Charles’s lips when he saw you sitting on his couch after he was done with media. He could see that your mascara had slightly run, the only clues that you had cried. 
“Mon ange,” he said as he dove into your awaiting arms. He felt damp under your hands, a mix of champagne and port water. You were ready for him to drop on you, and you welcomed the familiar weight. 
“My race winner,” you whispered, pressing a long kiss to his hairline. Charles had none of that as he leaned up to press his lips against yours, wanting a true feeling of you next to him. He could die happily now if he needed to. 
Your hands wrapped themselves in his hair, lightly tugging him back so that you could breathe. A low whine escaped him, making you lean your head back in laughter: his favorite sound of all. 
“We have to get going,” you gently reminded him, already in the process of standing up. “And you need to shower. You stink.” 
When you looked back down, Charles was definitely trying the puppy eyes on you, a pout joining on his lips. You shook your head. 
“None of that, Char. You know that only Leo can pull off the eyes.” 
Grumbles responded as he begrudgingly pulled himself off the couch. You knew that you only had a certain amount of time before people came looking for Charles. At that moment, you wanted to whisk him away, keep him from anyone for the rest of the night. However, your moments together wouldn’t happen until either late into the night or early in the morning. 
You could wait, he’s waited long enough for this. 
As the two of you quickly got ready after Charles biked home, which you thought was ridiculous, you enjoyed the quiet of your home. He seemed a bit on the quiet side, but you thought that he might be saving his energy for what was to come. You had picked out a very nice black dress that hugged your figure in just the right areas. 
When you walked into the living area, Charles’s back was to you, his hand patting his pocket. You cleared your voice, making him turn around. 
Charles’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of you. He stalked over and placed his hands on your hips, bringing you flush against him. 
“I think I must have died for an angel is before me.” 
You scoffed, hitting his shoulder lightly. 
“I must have done something good in my past life to have my own prince,” you said, hands joining together at his nape. Charles, aware of the time, led you over to the door, opening it for you. Below, his Ferrari Competizione waited to take you to the dinner. 
Charles didn’t know what he was expecting when he got there, but a standing ovation wasn’t one of them. You had to hold back more tears, as you didn’t want your makeup to be ruined. You stood with the halls of Monaco to honor Charles for his moment. 
Pascale, Arthur, and Joris watched you as you kept clapping with the others. The three knew that you loved Charles probably more than you loved anything else in life. You two had been together for five years, going through the ups and downs together. It was hard, but your love strengthened with every hurdle. 
When Charles got to sit back down as they started on the first course, you leaned over. 
“So, are you going to be knighted or something now?” 
Your question made him snort as he wiped his hands on his pants. It was probably nerves. He licked his lips, eyes flittering at the three who were watching on with hopeful eyes. In his mind, he knew that Antoine was waiting behind at a different table.
“I was hoping to be titled something else?” 
You cocked your head. “Oh? What were you thinking?” 
He didn’t answer, but his head moved to look at something on the table. Your eyes followed his line of sight to a small black box sitting in front of your plate.
You whipped your head back to Charles, who had a hopeful smile on his face. Your hands rose to cover your mouth. 
“You’re being serious?” you questioned, voice hitching with excitement. The small nod of his head made you want to squeal, but you kept in inside. Charles knew that you were a bit on the shyer side and probably didn’t want him to get down on one knee, so he gently reached over to grab the box. He turned to you and popped it open.
He grabbed the bottom of your chair and slid it next to him so that your shoulders were touching. He looked over, and it was his turn to have tears sliding down his cheeks. 
“Mon coeur. Mon amour. Mon soleil. Mon vie. You are the best thing that I have in this world, and after today I know that no race win could ever compare to you. Please let me be happy for the rest of my life with you.” 
This time, you let the tears fall as you nodded your head. “Yes.” 
Charles let out a sigh of relief as he took the ring from the box and slid it on your finger. Small claps came from the three at the table, as to not bring attention to the sweet and intimate moment. You leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips and rested your forehead against his. 
“Only if you’ll let me be happy for the rest of my life with you.” 
Charles lost his voice, too deep in emotion and happiness to answer. So, a simple nod would have to make due. 
Arthur decided to make a statement. “You both are going to get so wasted tonight.” 
The table erupted with laughter, because you knew he was correct. Charles deserved a party, and that’s what he was going to get. 
You at least had the smart thought process to keep your ring at the bottom of your purse that you carried in the club. Your hand clutched the handle, not letting anyone get near it in fear of having it be ripped out of your hand. 
Pierre was one of the first to congratulate you and Charles. The Frenchman held the two of you in his arms as he whispered congratulations. He wasn’t the only driver that knew of Charles’s plan. 
You smiled as your eyes caught Charles with the Monaco flag over his head. You had to pause your conversation with Max, jutting your head in the Monegasque’s direction. 
“I better go get him.” 
Max wiggled his eyebrows. “Wouldn’t want him to get into an inchident would we?”  
You playfully bumped your shoulder against his as you walked in Charles’s direction. If you thought your boyfriend’s eyes were wide before, they found even more room to widen when he made eye contact with you. 
Charles raised his arms up. “Mon ange! Everyone, it’s my fiancé! I’m getting married!” 
You wanted to wince as you prayed that everyone either was too drunk to comprehend his screeching or that they couldn’t hear him over the sound of the bass. 
You grabbed his arm and brought him closer. “I think it’s time to go home.” 
He nodded immediately. “Oui, oui. We need to go make beuacoup de bebes!” 
You flushed red under the lights of the club as Charles now dragged you along, Monegasque flag still over his head. Now you were really hoping that no one heard. You knew that he was joking though. However, when you got home, he might have been serious. 
The bass of the club still rang in your ears as you stumbled through the door of your apartment, lips locked with Charles in a passionate kiss. He fumbles blindly for the light switch, finally bathing the entryway in a soft glow as you pull apart breathlessly. 
“Mon belle,” Charles murmurs huskily, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. His eyes are shining with a mix of exhilaration and adoration. “My amazing fiancé. The true winner today.”
You let out a breathless giggle, feeling giddy and invincible in the wake of his historic Monaco win. “I just stood on the sidelines and cheered. You’re the one who drove like a demon out there.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you,” he says fervently, capturing your lips again in a searing kiss. His hands roam hungrily over the curve of your waist, the soft swell of your hips, pulling you flush against him. You can feel the rumble of his groan against your mouth as your fingers tangle in his sweat-dampened curls.
“Bedroom,” you whimpered between heated kisses, already tugging at the buttons of his button up. “Now.”
Charles needed no further encouragement, sweeping you up into his arms in one fluid motion. You let out a squeal of surprise that quickly morphs into breathless laughter as he carries you down the hallway. Kicking open the bedroom door, he deposits you onto the luxuriously soft mattress before stretching out beside you, propped up on one elbow.
“You are so beautiful, mon chérie,” he husks, trailing a line of scorching kisses along your jawline. “My perfect girl.”  
“And you’re an overachiever,” you tease, smoothing the crinkles from his furrowed brow with gentle fingers. “Winning your home race. Proposing at the principality dinner. What more could a you ever want?”
Charles let out a low chuckle, capturing your wandering hand and brushing his lips over your knuckles. “Just you. It’s always you.”
You felt your cheeks warming at his words, the sheer intensity of his forest-eyed gaze. Even after all this time, he still had a way of making you feel like the only girl in the world. Sliding one hand around the back of his neck, you pull him down for a long, smoldering kiss.
“I love you,” you whisper against his lips between heated caresses. “My champion. Mon fiancé.”
He lets out a low groan, deepening the kiss until you’re both dizzily breathless and straining against each other with a rising tide of desire. His clever fingers are already making quick work of the buttons on your dress, pushing the satiny fabric off your shoulders in one smooth motion.  
You arch against him with a soft moan as his lips blaze a path over your collarbones, dancing lower to the hollow of your throat. Every brush of his mouth against your tingling skin has heat unfurling low in your belly. 
“Off,” you demand impatiently, tugging at the stubborn zipper of his pants until he finally kicks off the sweat-dampened fabric. His skin is feverishly hot to the touch, the lean muscles of his back rippling under your stroking palms as he settles over you.
Another breathless giggle escapes your lips as he nuzzles along the sensitive curve of your neck, whispering a stream of endearments. “You are insatiable.”
“Only for you, mon coeur,” he rumbles, amusement dancing in the depths of those enchanting eyes as he props himself up on his forearms to gaze down at you adoringly. “My everything. Ma vie.”
His mouth covers yours again in a long, drugging kiss that has your toes curling against the soft sheets. You lose yourself in the velvet glide of his tongue, the addictive taste of him, the delicious weight of his body pinning you to the mattress. Every nerve ending feels electrified by his scorching touch, every brush of skin against skin lighting up new sparks of longing.
When you finally break apart to catch your breath, Charles presses his forehead to yours with a contented sigh. “What did I do to deserve you, mon ange?”
Cradling his face in your hands, you meet his intense gaze steadily. “You won my love. Every single ounce of it.”
His smile is radiant, lighting up the room more brilliantly than a thousand racing spotlights as he leans in to capture your lips again. This time the kiss is softer, more tender — a communion between two souls completely lost in each other. He let his hand trail up your forearm and settled in in your palm. 
Your ring, that you had put back on in the car, felt cold against his fingers. He shivered at the feeling. You were his for the rest of his life. 
You and he lost all track of time in that blissful tangle of limbs, trading fevered caresses and breathless whispers of adoration. When climax was finally reached between the two of you, you let yourself bask in the pants coming from yours and his lips. 
Charles watched as you slightly winced as he pulled out, gently comforting you with sweet words. He quickly got up to grab a towel from the bathroom, wetting it with some water before going back to bed. Charles let his eyes gaze over your form, still coming down from the high. 
When he didn’t make any moves to get closer, you turned your head and sleepily smiled at him, arms reaching out. It was only then that Charles walked back over to the bed. He quickly wiped you down, and then himself before grabbing the duvet at the edge of the bed. 
You hummed lazily when the fluffy blanket was draped over your body. You scooted over and laid your head on his chest. 
“Welcome home, Charles. You’re finally home. Je t’aime.” 
Home, to him, would never be a place anymore. Because why would he need a place, when he could hold his home, his world, right in his arms. 
charles_leclerc has posted
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liked by arthur_leclerc, charliexy/n, and 3,644,920 others
charles_leclerc BEST DAY EVER ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for everything, I love you all ❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍
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f1crusade congrats! for everything, brilliant drive
oscarpiastri congrats mom and dad! ❤️
y/n_l/n thank you son!
liamlawson NUH UH IT WAS ME
charles_leclerc it was actually none of you
logansargeant it was actually me ☺️
f1 ferrari champagne at the wedding on us!
arthur_leclerc so, so proud of you ❤️ Jules and papa would be so proud
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️
y/nleclerc I knew it!! I will never change my username EVER
scuderiaferrari that's our boy 🇲🇨☀️
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlmj @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicora @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-s2 @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis
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meltinghun · 6 months
A real gentleman ; Joseph Descamps.
summary: Joseph and Reader never got really along until something changed.
warnings: genderneutral!reader, enemies-to-lovers, idiots in love!!, Y/N mentions lol, just kiss already.
author's note: Hi! I wrote this bc I fell in love with Mixte 1963, and when I looked up for ffs, there were NONE, so I said, 'I'll take one for the team' and came up with this. Please keep in mind that I'm not a writer and english is not my first language, I'll appreciate it if you can point at any errors. <3
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The chilly breeze hitted their faces, making them close their eyes momentarealy due to its force, breathing in the smell of wet soil mixed with the freshly made bread from the bakery a few houses down the road.
The day looked very promising; today they woke up a little bit earlier than usual, using the extra time to finish in advance some english homework assigned for the next week and even strarting a big upcomig proyect due to the end of the month, hearing the weatherman in the radio as a background noise, announcing that it was going to be an unusually warm day of autumn.
Everything seemed perfect, the subtle orange hue of the skyes illuminating their face as they walked and the soft rumbling of cars passing by the principal street made them feel like a character of one of those romantic movies they dearly love watching, a thought that felt reinforced when every leave they stepped on made a perfect crunch sound. A soft greeting left their lips when they walked past one of their neighbours who was heading out to work like many other people did at those hours.
It truly felt like a peaceful morning.
'You seem lost in thought. Are you daydreaming about me already?'
Until it wasn't.
They dedicated a slight scowl towards the person who dared to interrupt their peace and inhaled a big breath of air before answering.
'Not even in your greatest dreams, Descamps.' They made a condescending gesture with their hand. 'Now leave me alone, yeah? I was perfectly fine until you came with your annoying presence.'
A booming laugh abandoned his throat. 'Don't act so disinterested. I know you couldn't live without my annoying presence even if you wanted.'
Joseph Descamps. He was a classmate of theirs that took an interesting liking towards their persona, or how they liked to say, a liking towards making their life miserable.
Since the start of the year he took every possibility to annoy them out of their mind, it started with some snark remarks insulting their way of doing certain things and it slowly progressed to petty acts, such as slighty tugging their hair when passing each other, hide their belongings when they aren't looking and even blocking their path by standing in the entryways, smiling down at them while demanding a 'password' that changed every day. Just petty acts meant to be a pain in the head.
He was everything they couldn't stand: a bully with some serious narcissist tendencies who, on top of it all, loved to get a rise out of people by pushing their boundaries and provoking them in any possible way.
But even with that horrendous description, Y/N couldn't avoid that rare feeling at the bottom of their stomach whenever he was close. At first they thought that it was a reflect of how disgusted they truly felt by his persona and the gross acts he usually did, a few weeks later, that feeling was accompannied with their heartbeat increasing when they noticed that he was invading their personal space, but chalked it up as just being nervous of his tall frame hovering them like some sort of prey, that made total sense on their head. However, some days later, he did something that made them realise what they truly felt for the boy with the patch.
It started to rain towards the end of the day, exactly 15 minutes into their english class and the frustration was clearly palpable, it was so unexpected that nobody could've predicted it; what it seemed to be a passing grey cloud turned out to be a massive downpour, Y/N started to complain with their friends about how it was a shame that they chosed to use the new sweater their grandmother knitted for them and how sad it was that now it would get ruined under the relentless rain. When the class was over, they noticed how Joseph went outside the building running and disappeared behind the school gates. They thought it was really weird, but they knew better than to expect something coherent from him. Minutes passed and it seemed like the temporal was getting worse so a few people decided to just suck it up and walk under the cold rain, sighing for themselves and rapidly lamenting once more the lost of the sweater, they prepared to follow the steps of the brave mass of students when a breathless voice interrupted their movements.
'L/N, wait!' A disheveled and completely soaked Joseph made himself seen, his shout drawing attention to the both of them.
'What do you want now, Descamps? I'm already late to home, I don't need you keeping me here any longer than necessary.' They stated with a confused frown, curious as to why was he there but trying to mask it behind indifference.
A smirk made its presence on his sharp features. 'I know, but I couldn't just let you go like that under the rain, that wouldn't be so gentlemanly of me, don't you think?' From behind his back, he pulled a blue umbrella and extended it to a dumbfounded Y/N.
Was that really happening right now? Did the most annoying person they ever met just ran under the rain to bring them an umbrella? And not only that, but he somehow managed to get one with their favorite color, too. Did he just called it to be a mere gentlemanly act?
It might as well start raining cats and dogs.
They opened and closed their mouth, being left without anything to say for the first time, a half-hearthed chuckle interrumping their messy train of thought.
'I heard what you said about your sweater and how sad you would be if it got ruined.' They swore that their heart would get out of their chest for how hard it was beating. 'And I didn't want you to get heartbroken for it, so I thought that you could use one of these.'
He closed the distance that separated them by taking a few steps, reaching out for their free hand and making them hold the umbrella, the contact between their fingertips sparkling a something deep inside each other.
'I know we are supposed to not like each other, but let me be nice to you for once, please.' His eye shining with an intensity they couldn't explain. 'Don't worry, we can keep hating us tomorrow.' When he saw that they wouldn't object, he turned around and began walking outside, getting under the rain once more.
Feeling the heat creeping on their face and having found their voice, they asked out loud.
'How did you know?' His head turned around enough for them to see his face. 'How did you know that it's my favorite color?'
They knew that it could've perfectly been a mere coincidence, something insignificant that shouldn't be overly analized, but something told them that it wasn't like that. They really hoped it wasn't. And it was confirmed when he flashed them another one of his infamous smirks.
'Sometimes I listen to you more than i should.'
Since that very moment it's been really difficult to fight the involuntary smiles that made a way into their face when he unexpectedly tries to integrate them to a conversation by asking their opinion on a subject, or the feeling of warmth that invaded their chest everytime they made visual contact and let's not forget how everytime they both "accidentaly" brush hands Y/N had the extremely rare need to interlock their hands with him.
But after all, he was still Joseph Descamps, the attractive cocky idiot who is always up on some trouble that he himself seeked out.
'...-ou cold?'
They blinked repeatledly with confusion written all over their face, the taller boy smiling down at them for being able to catch them distracted.
'I asked if you weren't cold.' He repeated the question slower, a soft look on his eye. 'You are shivering'.
If he didn't pointed it out, they wouldn't noticed that, in fact, they were shivering. The chilly air becoming colder than before making them lowly insult the unstable weather of the so-called "unusually warm day", having only a thin cardigan that didn't do much to help.
'It's nothing. The school's a few blocks ahead, and I can take a little bit of cold.' Grumbled under their breath, only to sneeze some moments later.
The boy snorted while shaking his head before swiftly taking off his coat and placing it on their sholders. 'You are not going to catch a cold, or at least not on my company.'
'You are being awfully nice to me lately.' In a slight moment of braveness, they blurted out the question that was tormenting their head. 'Are you flirting with me, Descamps?'
An incredulous look got settled in his face, and they regretted saying it immediately, wishing to come back on time to stop themselves and save them from the embarrassment. Did they read the signals wrong? Was he only trying to become their friend? Was he only being nice? Was he...?
'Yes! Thank you for finally noticing it, I was starting to think that you were cruelly ignoring my advances.' A beautiful and dashing smile was sent in their direction, the biggest they ever saw him smiling.
And it was because of them.
A shaky sigh left their lips accompanied by a nervous laugh, not realizing they were holding their breath, with equally shaky hands coming up their head to accommodate their hair on a jittery action.
'I... I didn't know, really. I had a slight impression, but I thought that I was imagining things.' They cleared their throat in an attempt to regain their cool and collected personality. 'So, when are you taking me on a date then?'
The slight quiver on their voice was noticed by the still very amused boy, who took mental notes on how cute they looked flustered and to try to do it again in the future when given the opportunity.
'Would you accept if I asked you to skip school with me and have a date right now? I don't think I can wait any longer.' He asked with a playful tone, typical of him.
They let out a snort. 'I would tell you that you are crazy if you think that I would do something as risky as that. But lucky for you, I'm free today, so meet me at the cinema at four o'clock.'
'Then I shall see you there.' Replied between soft laughs, not believing that this was really happening. 'Some recommendations for this poor soul?'
The open gates were a few meters ahead of them, the other students that hanged outside throwing curious and shocked looks on their direction when they noticed the much larger coat that lied on Y/N's shoulders and the flustered smiles on their faces.
'Yes, the most important thing, don't you dare being late. If I get there and I don't see you, you can even forget that we know each other.' He brought both hands up in the air in a sign of redemption. 'I'm serious about this. You'll regret it if you do.'
'I wouldn't even dare thinking about it, I'll let Magnan take my other eye before screwing my opportunity with you.'
Their eyes widened at the hidden seriousness of the statement and the simplicity with which he pronounced it, the sincerity of it all making their heart race like crazy. Slowly nodding their head while trying to gather their thoughts.
'Well, it's settled then, at fo-...'
'Four o'clock sharp, I couldn't forget even if I wanted to.' He made a pause, regaining his usual playfulness. 'Should I bring you flowers? I want to be a real gentleman with you.'
'Okay, now you are showing off that you know how to flatter someone, shut up.' Rolling their eyes with a smile, they started walking toward the gates, leaving him behind. 'And I like camellias, for your information.'
'I only wish to flatter you, nobody else!' He said loudly, making people start to whisper about the supposed swear enemies.
'You don't want to know.' Was the only thing they said, accompanied by a slight shrug of shoulders.
Trying to bite back a bigger smile they waved him off, getting closer to their friend group with each step they took, all of them looking the exchange with incredulous eyes, silently begging for an answer as to what just happened.
They never before wished that the day would end up sooner.
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scarletta-ruan · 2 years
hi hi, could you do a headcanon with chuuya and dazai where reader hides behind them when scared/shy??? thanks and have a good week!
WARNING: OOC, soft!characters, character acted like they were your heroine, mention of some nicknames (small candy, Belladonna), shy or scared reader, reader is female btw
TYPE: Headcanon
PAIRING: Osamu Dazai || Chuuya Nakahara x fem!reader (seperately)
WORDCOUNTS: 0.6k+ words
NOTES: Your request is here, sorry for being late on the writing after all. It is kinda short so I hope you will enjoy it.
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1. Chuuya Nakahara
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How could he deny you hiding behind him? I might say that Chuuya loved how you hid behind him a lot.
Chuuya would feel that he was the only person who was born to protect you, and he would be proud of it a lot. 
Okay, let's imagine that when you first meet his Mafia family like Kouyou, Mori, or maybe his colleague like The Black Lizard. You were walking beside Chuuya, and his hand held yours to make you feel calm but you were too worried to meet them.
“Aw, my little candy, you don't need to worry about that. They are all our family, after all, they would be happy to see you, of course.”
As the door of the room opened you immediately hid behind his back because you were too shy to look at the people who were present there. Maybe you did not know, but you accidentally caused Chuuya’s face to be as red as yours when you hid behind his back. 
Man, Chuuya still introduced you to the new people here but some of his speeches would mess up because he found your cuteness distracted him from saying.
Another situation here was when you felt scared. Recently, you had just watched a horror movie so when you laid your back on the shared bed with Chuuya and decided to close your eyes because you no need to worry about when he was here with you after all.
Suddenly, you heard a noise resounding from downstairs, that sound made your body shiver and caused you some goosebumps. You knew that you had to get out of bed and then checked out on it, that was the reason here, you were so scared when it came to you going alone.
Finally, you had to wake Chuuya up for him to go with you. Because you were too scared so you hid behind his back, Chuuya’s hand held yours tightly as you held his shirt in your hand. 
“Don’t worry, I’m here. No one can scare you, my darling.”
Chuuya’s heart felt like he was in Heaven when you trusted him like this, he comforted you while walking downstairs to check out what was happening.
2. Osamu Dazai
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He would be surprised at first, Dazai never had anyone to hide behind his back just to make them feel safe and you were the first one who made it.
This was your first time meeting up with his colleague at the Armed Detective Agency, Dazai was meant to introduce you to his own acquaintances. And when you felt so shy and cling dearly behind him.
He felt happy that you trust him dearly with all of your heart.
Might tease you a little bit but not too bad, because he did not want you to cry in front of him.
“My, my, are you being a shy, cute kitten? Oh, my love. You had no idea how I felt about it.”
Another situation was when you were scared, let’s imagine that you and Dazai were hand in hand, walking on the crowded street. As you saw something afraid of you, for example, the person who always bullied you at work or at school. 
And when you hid behind his back because you were so scared of them, Dazai would be your hero. He stood in front of you and held your hand tight in his just to make sure that no one could harm you at all. 
If you were crying because of scaring them, Dazai would whisper something just to calm you down.
“Sh, sh, you are alright as long as you are here beside me, my Belladonna.”
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elysianymph · 10 months
my unpopular marauders opinions
(i'm scared 😟)
'nothing is ooc bc we know nothing about the characters!' might work with the girl characters and the lesser known ones but it does not fly when we are talking about the marauders and other characters like barty, regulus, etc. we have so much (biased) information on these characters and you can't erase all they were in the original text bc you want to make an oc in the marauders era.
sirius is literally one of the most interesting characters in the fandom and i hate how he's been dumbed down to regulus' brother or remus' boyfriend depending on who's pov we're reading. what happened to cool sirius and why has he become a loser who follows remus around like a lapdog??? what happened to casanova sirius who all the girls were into but he never paid them any attention??? what happened to the sirius who risked his life and ran away bc he refused to become like his parents??? and why has been reduced to a whimpering mess who cries bc remus is mean to him (ooc on remus' part too). you're lying to yourselves if you think sirius wouldn't start throwing hands the moment remus insulted him. i need to write an entire separate post for this bc it makes me viscerally angry when i see him portrayed like this. who decided that giving remus all of sirius' main character traits was a good idea??
similarly, remus has become so boring. he has literally become the toxic love interest in a werewolf story please STOP IT. i'm tired of remus constantly yelling and calling other people (specifically sirius) worthless or hitting their deepest insecurities but it's all justified bc it's the full moon and he's angry and emotional. it's overdone, it's toxic, it's boring and i don't want to see it. my remus will forever be a an old sweater-wearing, bookworm people pleaser who wanted nothing more than to have friends who loved him despite who he was and he treasured them so dearly when he found them. he carried extra pens and quills in his bag because he knew peter always forgot his, he always came to james' games to cheer him on despite not being interested in quidditch. idk what you people find appealing about remus thinking sirius is a nuisance or annoying when they're dating but it's not <3 he spent years staring at sirius' back during class and being satisfied to just be in his presence because he didn't think he deserved any of it. how could he wish for more when sirius was wrapping an arm around him and whispering the plan to their newest prank? you want me to think the shy boy who looked away anytime sirius made eye contact with him was a smooth talker who found sirius annoying?? at this point he's an oc with remus' face be fr
sirius >>> regulus any day. cry about it
speaking of regulus i hate how the fandom has characterized him. you've created sirius 2.0 with his storyline (while simultaneously slandering sirius' character) and then made him an emo version of remus' already awful characterization. he's not an uwu victim who begged his brother to come with him, he was a blood supremacist who was probably overjoyed that the stain on his family tree was gone. 'i hate you but i love you' describes the black brothers perfectly but that 'but' doesn't undo the hatred they feel for each other. sibling relationship are so complex, especially in a family like theirs, and their relationship would've been turbulent. by the time sirius had ran away i fully believe the hate they felt for each other was bigger than any love they had left. regulus who is a manipulative asshole, regulus who is actively trying to get rid of sirius so he can get to be the heir he thinks he deserves to be will always be more interesting than the way regulus is written in most jegulus fics.
also james would've literally bullied regulus. it's the truth
also, let james be an asshole! let james be a bully! he was a teenager for fucks sake let him be mean and cruel! give him an ego the size of the sun and nothing else to 'make it better'. he was an only child raised in a pureblood family, i would be more surprised if he didn't turn out to be a narcissistic teenager. he was talented and spoiled and wanted everyone to agree with him bc he had never been brought down to earth from his high horse. let him be messy. i don't understand why the fandom has such a problem with complex characters
this fandom hates on severus too much while babygirl-ifying characters who have done the same or worse than him. was he an asshole? yes. was he also a really interesting character that people choose to ignore or push aside bc he's not conventionally attractive? yes. you've idolized barty and evan and regulus, characters who are also canonically death eaters and have done unforgivable things, yet you continue to hate on severus because?? i don't like him either but commenting 'stan bambi' on every single severus edit is a bit too much effort for a character you claim to not give a shit about :/
remus would NOT be friends with barty, evan and regulus. he's a loser and those three would bully him to death
'i wish people would make more marauders era girls content-' 💥💥💥make it yourself. there is PLENTLY of girls content all you need to do is look in the tags (but oh wait you can't look in the tags bc no one in this fandom has apparently heard of fandom etiquette and they're all tagging every ship under the sun on a post about jegulus. trust me, if i wanted to see jegulus content i would go in their tag. now stop tagging it with dorlene and marylily)
idk if this one is that unpopular cause i've seen it around quite a bit recently but the lupins are literally one of the best families and they are so underrated. the relationships between hope and remus and lyall and remus and the effects that remus' lycanthropy has on them is always on my mind fr. you don't need to give every character mommy/daddy issues to make them interesting or complex ❤️
the prank is SO overdone. like every post prank fic is the same shit and i'm tired. sirius felt no remorse, remus called it an unfunny prank, get over it. it can be interesting to explore (especially sirius' thoughts during it and how remus deals with the consequences of one of his best friends betraying him) but so many times the prank has just been used to justify writing remus being so so incredibly shitty to sirius and poking at his every insecurity that at this point i don't even want to read about it anymore. remus had every right to be mad but once again you're ignoring the canon characterization just to make him seem like a badass when he would absolutely not confront sirius about it.
'[girl character] is just the female version of [male character]' literally makes me want to bite someone's head off. how is it that you have time to create whole new personalities for james, sirius, remus and every other male character under the sun but lily, mary, dorcas or marlene don't get that treatment?? slapping sirius' old characterization on marlene or remus' old characterization on lily doesn't make for compelling characters but none of you care enough to actually flesh these women out and make them something more. it's no wonder people complain about them being boring when the main fanon is just slapping on a guy's personality onto them but make it misogynistic. if you can give regulus an entire backstory and justify his every action then you can give the girls some interesting character traits in your works be fr.
rudy solos grant chapman 🫶🏻
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madarasgirl · 6 months
A Night for Hunting Ch. 14 -Interlude II
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T/W: 18+, NSFW, Alucard (Ultimate) x F!Reader, explicit sexual content, masturbation, size kink, corruption kink, mild blood drinking, throat/thigh fuck, dastardly vampire bullying his Reader in a good way, angst. Hi the ovaries woke up for this Ch. On AO3 Words: 4480
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays to those who celebrate something else! I hope this December finds everyone in the company of those you love most. Another year is just around the corner!
Wow! 500 kudos and many, many notes for this fic. Thank you to all my readers for your ongoing support! And if vampire smut isn't for you, I hope you will enjoy the next chapter in the New Year!
The lights were dim in your bedroom, the quiet hum of the furnace coming on and your muted, laboured breaths the only sounds breaking the tranquility. It felt like you were on fire. The skin on your back was slick with sweat as you held your breath in concentration.
Pleasure shot up your spine. You sighed blissfully, sinking further into the bountiful pillows by the headboard so the fluffy surface eased some of the muscle ache from your neck as you plunged a small toy into your core repeatedly. In and out at a snail’s pace, to savour the sensation of the rounded ridges catching on your gummy walls.
A droplet of sweat beaded at your temple. Your clit tingled from your treatment as you pushed in the smooth dildo again slowly, relishing in the mild stretch from the thickest segment as it passed through your entrance. It was all you could handle.
So stiff! This felt too good. After being with Alucard's mouth a handful of times, occasionally the need gripped you. Damn that vampire for introducing you to his decadence. You bucked your hips up to meet the imitation shaft, lost in the fullness of your self-gratification.
You rotated the silicone clockwise, squirming from the newfound friction the motion introduced as you juiced around it. Your new toy was quite simple by modern standards, but it was wonderful. The pink device was silky smooth and retained your body heat, not unlike when you were with Alucard, whose frigid body warmed the longer he was within you. 
Your eyes opened to slits, fixating blindly on the ceiling as your thoughts wandered back to what you knew of a man’s touch. His fingers tracing meaningless patterns on your skin until you went mindless as the girth of his talented tongue entered– 
Oh, ALUCARD'S TONGUE. You picked up the thrusting and writhed as you sank your toy deep with a silent moan and turned on the vibrating feature, mind clouded with desire for your absent lover. It had been over a month. Where was he? Gasping, you clumsily flipped onto all fours as you continued to fuck yourself silly on plastic.
Close. The climax you seeked was right there. You pushed the buzzing dildo back in place with shaky fingertips and smushed your clit desperately with the other hand, your face buried in the pillows with your ass in the air like a common whore for your unbidden fantasies.
Something was amiss. Your own efforts could only be described as bland. Maybe what your worked up bundle required for release was a more delicate touch. Your hips swayed when you brushed your pearl again with a frustrated whine. 
“It appears I was dearly missed.”
“AHHH!” You screamed with the horror of a teenager caught masturbating by your mother as you crashed sideways into the mattress, fumbling over your loose limbs to dive into the sheets and hide yourself. 
The smuggest vampire stood by the window.
“Wha- what are you doing here?” You stared bug-eyed at him as you clutched the blanket, thoroughly conscious about your nakedness when you were not in absolute darkness. Not that the lack of light influenced a vampire’s vision. And not like he had never seen you bare.
“Oh? Clearly I came to visit my human. Don’t let me interrupt your activities, Sweet ♪,” he tilted his chin up and cackled. The beast stalked closer, an amorous gleam to his gaze as twin fangs flashed with amusement.
“Y-you should at least knock! I was busy!” You hollered. Still he approached and you scrambled back incrementally until your back hit the board. 
“You were occupied, yes, but you could be heard and scented from outside. Should I deprive myself of the show?” He lowered himself onto the end of the bed. “It was rather ravishing.”
“Cretin! Idiot!” Heat lanced through your body from embarrassment as you hurled insults. Freaking vampiric super senses!
The shit-eating grin stretched wider as crimson glittered with mischief. The hat disappeared, followed by the jacket. He stood and the cravat melted away in an instant. At full height, he towered over your bed, his overbearing presence swamping the modest room. It was impossible to look away. In this lean and handsome form, Alucard was still a giant. Another layer –the suit vest– vanished from broad shoulders as the said vampire dismissed it. 
“Stop stripping!” You squeaked.
Gah! A lithe porcelain torso with enticing rippling muscles appeared on display for your visual pleasure. The exhibitionist would coerce you into looking at him while he did unspeakable things to you. You flung the dildo at his face.
It landed in the centre of his palm with a wet slap. “A gift for me? Very well, I accept.” He dangled the fake dick from two fingers. It was tiny in comparison to the proportions of Alucard’s hand. You gulped as your gaze went to his mouth.
Time froze. His tongue rolled out from between glistening teeth, as long and flexible as you dreamed. You held your breath and watched in a trance as Alucard lapped at the pink rubber with languid swipes, curling his muscle around its circumference to collect your creamy nectar coating. His eyes never left yours.
He purred.
“You remain as delicious as ever.”
You ignored him. Your dilated pupils tracked your cream at the tip of his tongue as it retracted back into his mouth before it flicked around in a semi-circle to wet his lips. His tongue was thicker than your toy. Your pussy tingled –it appears she missed him. You cursed your traitorous body.
The toy dropped beside you with a plunk.
"What is it you desire from me?” You could hear the smile behind the words. It was an apt reminder that he was an evil entity. You didn’t care what the history books said about him being Christian, he must have worshipped Satan.
Alucard chuckled. You stiffened when even that sound shot to your loins. Did he know what his voice did to you? That sonorous baritone woke something primal. It was too unfair. Everything about your unholy lover turned you into a harlot. Was it really so long since you last coupled with him?
You’d rather have been caught by your mom. Nothing could compare to the level of mortification elicited by being discovered by Alucard. You fidgeted and looked at your feet bundled within the sheets.
You recalled his lips on yours, claiming you as his. His fingers were inside you… scissoring… Pressing your legs together, your lips quivered knowing your mind projected your longings. Your starving cunt dribbled with lust.
“Use your words, Sweet. There is no use for pride when it comes to our indulgent hedonism.” 
Your head snapped up, face scrunched with the need to protest his accusation.
“Neither is there shame in pleasure.”
You recoiled.
Descend with me.
The mocking was absent when you examined your vampire while taking shallow breaths. Why were you so hesitant? What were you holding back for? You’ve experienced the pleasures of the flesh together numerous times. Why did you keep resisting him for anything other than misplaced pride or the engrained idea that the carnal is shameful?
He was right. 
The mental blocks yielded, moved by his gentle lulling. The feeling of emptiness grew too great. With a quiet mewl, you grasped your forgotten toy and returned it to your hungry hole, again plundering yourself before your lover’s eyes. Alucard sighed with contentment at the sight. He was, as always, ever the attentive audience as he studiously observed your performance.
!!! Right there. Leaning back and propping yourself up on an elbow, you adjusted your angle to strike that sweet spot with each impalement. You wondered if he heard the slimy slurps of your greedy cunt. Probably. It was a sloppy mess down there.
“There is a rage swelling between my legs,” your undead lover murmured.
Faster. You raced to the finish line with haste. Quicker and quicker you charged ahead, your thighs tense and hands a blur of movement as your pleasure peaked. In the distance, you heard a faint, rumbling growl whilst consumed by your bodily appetites. It shook your core and you tumbled over the summit with stuttering hips and the sharp cry of orgasm.
Alucard was on top of you. His lips were on yours, his enormous hands covering every inch of you, the cooling touch providing some welcome relief from the heat of passion. Your skin remained inflamed with arousal, each caress sent sparks flying through your nerves. The body now only moved by instinct through the fog. You returned his kisses with equal fervour and grabbed him by his hips and across his back, desperately clutching your anchor to reality wherever you could find purchase.
He drew soft gasps from your lips as he nibbled your shoulder playfully and you flexed around the toy, groaning at the presence of the solid invader holding your pliant walls apart. Tentatively, you leaned in and kissed down his jaw, stopping at his throat. You peppered him with pecks and nuzzled the alabaster column before swiping up his throat. Sheltered under his larger body, you were lost to the throes of orgasm, his skin and scent now so familiar that your heart hurt. You forgot yourself. With no warning, you nipped him.
The undulating shadow limbs paused, the darkness they casted a monstrosity upon your bedroom walls. Finally, your vampire hissed dangerously and you briefly wondered if you offended him. Fortunately, your worries were short-lived.
The last of his clothing disintegrated and his cock sprang forth to catch your full attention. You stopped to inspect him, every inch of his ivory glory. With lidded eyes and gently rocking hips, you crawled up to that proud shaft and palmed it, rolling its heft between your hands and sniffing him.
He was an aphrodisiac. You moaned with want and peered up at him with your lips parted. The vampire’s midnight locks came alive midair, hellfire blazing as he watched you carefully. That gaze stirred at your softest, most repressed emotions regarding this breathtaking fiend and you keened with the desire to please him. You flicked your tongue across his glans and then took him in to nurse, just the tip.
He was salty. You weren’t sure what you expected a vampire’s penis to taste like, but Alucard was decidedly pleasing. Licking at his opening again for another sample, you realized you were in trouble –he might be addictive. You whimpered and tried to sink deeper into the fair shaft until he touched the back, the forced gargle barely clearing your mental haze as you drowned in the musk of male arousal.
You went down once more and gagged. You pulled back and tried again, spit filling your mouth and overflowing as tears came to your eyes after only a mere inch of progress was made. Again, but you were unable to stop the reflexive need to wretch despite how much you wanted to do this for Alucard.
Wrapping your lips around his side, you suckled downwards and gave him lollipop licks, alternating the force of suction as you went before periodically heading back to the top to take his head. You thought back to what Alucard did for you whenever he drank your pussy chalice and mimicked massaging the vampire’s thighs as you enthusiastically performed clumsy fellatio, but remained unable to swallow him whole.
His member was both too thick and too long, making you whine with dejection. How you wanted to return the favour so badly, to do something right and give him release. An ancient vampire who lived for centuries must have had amazing lovers in the past. Your chest clenched. The feeling of inadequacy permeated your thoughts and you were ashamed of your inexperience. Hanging your head, you stared at his crotch and pondered what to do next through pursed lips.
"Darling, there is ample time for you to learn."
Alucard was often an insistent lover who demanded his chamber partners to reveal all: every insecurity and imperfection. He wanted them to give him everything. Everything that was you also belonged to him, including your insecurities regarding your appearance and lack of experience. You were flawless. And he was looking forward to showing you this.
Bare hands wrapped your fingers around his shaft, placing your thumb to his frenulum and guiding you to stroke. Your hand was so tiny in his. The No-Life King groaned at the size difference. Yes, he will teach you the ways to satisfy these rapacious hungers. 
Like this.
That silken flesh glided beneath your fingertips, revealing the shiny head with each pass. The pressure increased fractionally around your hand, an unspoken instruction to squeeze harder at the base. The purring gave you encouragement and his actions touched you. Even now, Alucard took your comfort into consideration. How many others could say the same?
You caught his lips and plunged hard into his maw, pushing his tongue aside with your own and wrestling with it. Unwarranted courage made you dumb and you thrilled from the excitement of dominating the kiss. Tugging his cock with amateur zeal, you continued to swirl and shove at that delightful oral muscle before brushing boldly around pointed canines. 
Alucard ripped himself away, his mouth lined with rows of razor sharp dentition, eyes burning with untold rapture as you separated. Your female perfume saturated his sinuses. The loss of your sensibilities fed his need to corrupt you with his depravity. His gums ached with the need to drink, unknowingly biting himself while he witnessed you fall apart. He was leaking like a schoolboy, his balls tight with the urge to unload.
You succumbed to the devil's seduction. You were his, even if it took you until now to admit it. And he wanted you. Your legs trembled at the first revelation as you parted them to display your openings for his inspection. For his use. The dildo –wholly inferior compared to the vampire’s elegance– fell out coated thickly in cum, your gaping hole winking in anticipation. 
Yes, yes, yes. It was finally happening.
Ruby irises settled upon your lascivious presentation with a feral leer. The craving within them made you shudder in suspense. He promised many things back then, including taking you to Nirvana.
His shaft smacked your vulva and he slid between the lips of your drooling slit, dragging it down lengthwise. Once again he marvelled at your wondrous heat as you whimpered when he passed over your clit. The vampire sighed and stayed flush against your slit as he pushed your legs together to hump your thighs with zest. Wandering fingers found their way inside.
The teasing stimulation was both too much yet not enough. You wanted his cock, though on reflection, he was actually way too large and you'd rip. You didn't care as you locked your ankles over his shoulders to pull him in further and rocked against him. Your basest urges screamed for more and you moaned for him like a wanton whore while drizzling honey around the intruding fingers.
He grinned with utmost satisfaction. "That's it, Dear. How flattering to have a lovely little human offer herself to me so earnestly."
"Do you want this?" He asked.
"Please!" You spread as wide as you could to show yourself off again, but he pulled you onto your front. His heavy white pillar bobbed at your face, dripping with fluid. A hand threaded through your locks and held your head to his crotch, lightly pushing you onto him. 
You took him immediately without hesitation, fervidly filling your mouth with the heady flavours of sex. Delectable. Eagerness did not equate to skill, and you sputtered with a string of spit and coughing. Your eyes flickered to his with uncertainty and the unspoken plea for him to help guide you, hoping he felt your sincerity about pleasing him. You truly wanted to become adept at this.
Fingers rubbed your scalp for several moments before he drew back and drove his hips forward, precisely up to the point where you began to gag. He began to copulate with your throat, until you gagged repeatedly and slobbered over yourself. You heaved with discomfort, but though your eyes watered and your jaws locked, you did not attempt to escape his grasp beyond tightening with tension. You gave your trust in his touch and his experience even as you choked on him.
If you were finally honest with yourself, you’ve wanted Alucard to fuck you for years, perhaps even soon after you first met, only you were too overcome with fear of him then. 
He hit the back again, but didn't force himself further than the few inches that were already embedded. You tried to relax your throat and go loose. It became apparent you didn’t actually want control, but to let go and have Alucard lead. Let him have his way with you. Hopefully, he will sate himself as he did for you. 
The melody of gurgling and choking filled the room. All you could see was him. All you knew were his taste and his behemoth presence stretching your mouth.
Alucard withdrew and offered a chance to breathe, leaving you bowed over in a hacking fit as you greedily drank in the air. You inwardly thanked him for the lenience and sniffed, wiping away the spit before steeling yourself to try again. Sucking him wasn’t as distressing when you weren’t involuntarily fighting the intrusion.
He was enjoying himself as he maintained the smooth, steady thrusting. Blinded by tears, you worried about your unflattering gargles, but stayed put despite the cramping. Who knew keeping your mouth open was so tiring? You supposed that was why blowing was called a “job.” You swiped the bottom of his dick with the flat of your tongue.
Through bleary eyes, you saw impassioned red observing you intently. You returned the stare with docility as he continued to tickle your throat, putting your hand around the part of him that didn't fit into your mouth. You caressed his flesh as he demonstrated as he pleasured himself with your body.
His grip was steel, until he yanked himself out with a soupy slurp and leered at the sight of his fluids and drool sliding down your chin as you coughed and tried to catch your breath with a dazed expression. 
“Beautiful.” He exhaled. 
The hand tangled in your hair tugged to let you look the King in his eyes. "Do you want this?" He repeated.
Was that still a question? Spittle oozed down your jaws and pooled in your lap. Through lidded eyes, you whispered, "Yes, I can take it Alu. Put it in. Need you." The simple word couldn't describe how you NEEDED to be one with your vampire. If he wasn't holding your head, you would have turned over to present yourself again, to persuade your lover to finish what he started.
He growled upon brushing minds with yours, fully aware of your repressed libido come undone and he nearly went rabid with the urge to bury himself and seed you well. How you tempt him into the irreversible. "How improper for a lady such as yourself to beg for a monster's cock," he commented through jagged teeth. "Naughty girl."
You moaned at his words and wiggled free to spread yourself further and prove his assessment correct, if it would facilitate him in providing what you desired.
Alucard’s covetous gaze roamed your splayed body as agitated shadows whipped about. Strangely, the thought of making love to you remained tantalizing, but he didn't want to anymore. No, that wasn't it. More than anything, he wanted to have you. He wished to defile you in every way possible for a week straight, but he knew with increasing clarity that he wouldn't if it meant you might die for real. 
He was a selfish, Godless monster. He needed the option to turn you should anything happen to you, or if you decided to fall with him. All he wanted…was to be with you for as long as possible. He rumbled from the internal conflict as he brushed a palm down your calves and licked them.
He looked at you again and noted your complete ease and openness with him, a stark contrast from the paralyzing fear of when you first met. He preferred your bliss. You were lovely, warm, and willing. It would be so easy to take you. You were his. His to fuck, his to devour, and you were an absolutely scrumptious morsel. But at the thought of an existence without you, the void in his chest that did not beat ached.
Nothing was happening. Your eyes fluttered open before alarm seized you. There was blood trailing down his eyes! Gasping, your hands shot out to hold him, your heart throbbing at your vampire's expression – he was a broken man. 
Before you could ask if he was okay, he fell over your body to cage you with his arms, his bangs tickling your forehead. "You are a mere human. What have you done to me?" The powerful vampire whimpered, his face furrowed with emotion.
No, the instant gratification was not worth losing you. He got off of you.
”Wait! Don't go!” You scrambled up and reached for his wrist.
–Only to be spun around and sat in his lap with his overly long, gangly arms twined around your waist and neck unnaturally like rope to press the back of your head to his shoulder. He wouldn’t let you see him. 
His steely length wedged between your butt cheeks. You sat facing away from Alucard, disoriented from the sudden shift in mood, quietly panting as you waited for him to do something. He hooked his arms around your knees to cradle you while fingers meandered their way to your open pussy. Vaguely, you were aware of ferrous fluid flowing down the side of your head and neck. 
“Is this about my virginity?” You ventured, parting your legs further to grant him better access. “To turn me?” You had an inkling of an idea of why Alucard refused to take you.
Dexterous digits explored every ridge and valley inside your sheath and you melted into him. The pleasure was such that you regretted holding back for so long because you thought sleeping with the vampire was wrong. Being with him like this was meant to be, and it felt so right. 
His prodding and caresses were expert, yet though you suspected you knew why Alucard dallied with your inevitable penetration, you kept begging to be plumbed. You moaned and wriggled in his lap to try mounting him properly, earning a low, warning growl. 
Shadow hands materialized to grab your wrists and ankles, holding you down snugly on top of him with your back to his chest. He dominated the interaction from below. 
“I alone shall have you in this manner. No one else,” he declared. 
As if anyone else would ever compare. It wasn't like Alucard forever ruined your standards of what to expect from men. “I don't want anyone else, Alucard. Only you,” you clarified. “Alucard…” 
Your hips rocked in an uncoordinated ride of his fingers while he held you captive. No matter how you squirmed, you were unable to impale yourself on your vampire's rod. You whined piteously with need. This wasn’t exactly what you desired, but it was as close as he’d allow without fucking for real. 
The fingers scissored to stretch the ring of muscle before plummeting to the knuckles and continuing to dance. You wailed from the welcome assault. As you twitched, a consideration came to mind and you pouted. "Can't you simply make yourself smaller? When I lick you, I mean."
The wicked vampire cackled and drew you closer to himself. "Fragile little human, you have no understanding of how I must already restrain myself to be with you in this capacity."
“Then let go,” you told him, the phantom limbs thwarting your attempt to turn and look at him. You wanted to reason with him. It was his inhuman size that was an issue. If he was smaller, giving him head should be at least manageable, even if he became more animated.
He chuckled, "Tempting." A sharp talon traced down your throat as you held still with your head tilted up at the lights. "But you would not survive my passion." His tongue replaced the claw and lapped slowly down the same path before nibbling on your throat, causing your skin to pimple into gooseflesh. You tensed, your pussy pulsing with climax nearing as you felt the tingling of every individual hair on your arms with heightened clarity.
“Oh, you do not wish to be bitten, yet you want me to drink from you? Bad girl." You were a sack of boneless limbs, nearly incapacitated by your lover’s devilish ministrations as he read your deepest desires and voiced them. 
Your nails dug into his legs, you stopped breathing as your vision went white, blinded by the dazzling luminescence of the light fixtures above. The tip of a claw pressed against your throat and you winced at the briefest of sharp pains when he opened a tiny wound in the side of your neck. You hissed and tightened around his digits.
The vampire king was on your throat in an instant, lapping up the few droplets that oozed to the surface, moaning as he fed. Pain morphed into pleasure and you arched against him, nearly delirious from the staggering cocktail.
He snickered between licks. "If only I knew you were this partial to pleasure from the beginning.”
Alucard simulated intercourse. He pistoned against your rump with his fingers buried to the hilt inside your snatch. You spasmed from the relentless, ravenous assault as you moved as one.
At last you strained, shuddering around his digits as he sprayed your back and crack. His semen was indeed cool.
Sure enough, his face was now clean of his tears. Neither was there evidence of any blood on your back. It was as if Alucard never broke down. You reached back to stroke his hair, twisting around as much as possible to gently kiss his temple as he rocked up and down to fuck his essence back between your mounds.
You crumbled into his chest to rest. “How am I still a virgin after everything we do?" You questioned with a mouth full of cotton.
"You are a virgin according to vampire laws." He pecked your cheek.
You muttered, "I told you your vampire rules are stupid." He threw his head back, laughing raucously at your willful comment and pulled you tighter to himself. His teeth had retracted back behind his lip and he pressed his face to yours with a tender smile. "I adore you, sweet human."
~To be Continued~
Next Chapter: A New Home
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pearlywritings · 2 years
They got it from you
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synopsis: envious nobles are at it again, ruining your day with their venomous remarks and making you doubt certain things. What a relief that your family is always ready to make it feel better.
pairing: Diluc x fem!reader, feat your sons
tw: hurt/comfort, bullying, established relationship, fluff, tiny mention of pregnancy
word count: 6.9k+ words
author’s note: @sleep-deprivedracoon you can call me a liar. I know I said I was not going to continue A child of our own anyhow, but here I am, making a whole family AU (yes, here is a separate masterlist for it)
Biggest thanks to @lunargrapejuice​ who shared my brainrot and gave me an inspiration to write it 💛
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Life couldn’t be better. Honestly! You have everything and then some more that fills your every moment with happiness - you have an amazing husband, who is your lover, your support, your dear friend and the person who looks at you like you hold the whole universe in your hands (and you do, whenever you cradle Diluc’s face in your palms). You have two amazing sons - four-year-old twins, sweet and active, polite and respectful, happy and playful, though sometimes borderline mischievous - but they are kids! That is to be expected. You found home in the manor of the winery, where every single member of staff came to love you dearly, always smiling and sounding fondly whenever ‘My Lady’ or ‘Madame’ leaves their lips both in your presence and absence. You have great friends - your close circle of old ones and the ones you befriended after stepping into your now-husband’s circle, the best possible addition being his brother’s family. His wife and daughter adore you and the feeling is wholeheartedly mutual. People of Mondstadt always loved you, but now they love you even more and are always excited to see the whole Ragnvindr family of four members in the city.
Sadly, not all people.
Sure, there is nothing wrong in someone not liking you and not approaching you as a couple of others would. After all, it’s impossible to be loved by everyone, there is no such person in the whole Teyvat. It’s a completely different thing when someone openly despises you.
While Mondstadt is a city of freedom and all people are declared to be equal, there are descendants from the noble families that centuries ago used to be glorified, respected and ruling. Of course, many do not pay attention to it, but there are some that continue exalting the pureness of their blood and going around puffing their chests like some arrogant roosters. To them the likes like you are a thorn in the side. It’s their daughters, cousins, younger sisters, or whoever else, who were deserving of marrying the young master of the Rangvindr bloodline, not… not you!
They blamed late Master Crepus for not being sagacious to establish an arranged marriage contract with any of these families before dying, that way you would’ve never been given the chance to even think of being in his eyesight!
But you not only dared to be there, you became the center of it. They don’t know how could they miss years you two spent dating, but the next moment they knew - you two were happily married. And that’s after all of their attempts to set him up with one of their young female members of the family!
They detest you, they hate your guts, froth at the mouth every single time there is at least the tiniest hint of your shared happiness and affection. Venom fills their words, but they do not dare to utter them in Diluc’s presence of course not. They target you when you are alone.
They already caused you much distress five years ago, when all your mind could do was worrying about the topic of kids. Back then Diluc did make it clear - if anyone has balls to verbally attack his wife, they are welcome to visit the Angel’s Share, where he’ll have a very nice chat with them.
Insults stopped and you could finally breathe freely, concentrating on carrying your child (at that time you had no idea it was going to be two) and then raising up the twins - beautiful brilliant redheads, that quickly became the talk of the town. People adore them, smile and greet them whenever both parents or one of you brings them to the city, give them free treats, rope you or Diluc in any kind of conversation, and admire your pretty babies. There were more times than you can count when Kaeya appeared unexpectedly and stole (saved) you from the never-ending chitchats.
You think that at last, everything is magnificent - Diluc heeds you and really makes attempts to dedicate time to not only you and children but himself too, he takes his walls down even more, now struggling less when discussing with you something that keeps him restless; Rufus and Lucas - your sons - are healthy and content, being nothing but joy to both you and your husband, and everything else is pretty much the same, and that’s really enough for you.
Until a couple of months ago nobles started to express their hatred again.
At first it was very very subtle, and if it was a bystander, they would’ve never guessed the real meaning behind small comments. But very soon it became very clear, but still pretty much bearable.
“Look, it’s this woman again.”
“Ah, yes, her. A greedy gold digger.”
“I don’t understand what our Master Diluc found in her. My cousin is so much prettier!”
“I don’t know about your cousin, but my sweet daughter Lily would’ve looked so much better at his side.”
“Yes, dear, you are right, our daughter would’ve made a much better match for Mr Ragnvindr. If only he gave her a chance at that teaparty…”
And something alike. Statements like this didn’t bother you at all. You know Diluc knows you love him dearly and fondly and care little to how loaded he is (you do handle his budget sometimes, but even then you do not have any inappropriate thoughts, no matter how many times your boyfriend and then husband tried to spoil you). You also know Diluc loves you and wouldn’t dream of marrying anyone else - he makes it very clear with words and more often - actions. And you also know they are just envious of your happiness and blame you for, how do they say “stealing what could never belong to you from them”. You do not treat your husband as an object, maybe that’s why he never looked at your families, you, imbeciles.
However they are determined in their attempts to get under your skin and they resume to the topic that worked before - your children. They used to talk you down for being a bad wife for not giving Master Diluc heirs sooner, such a remarkable and great bloodline must’ve been restored in their opinion. Well, you do have children now, so it won’t work twice.
Now, there are offhandedly thrown comments about how much young Ragnvindrs resemble their father. Yes, yes, gorgeous thick red little manes, just like their father’s, beautiful ruby eyes - surely inherited from their father, their delicate noses and overall face features - one look and you could easily guess their father in them!
Too bad they look nothing like their mother.
Suddenly, to them you even lost your identity as a person. Now you're just a ’Master Diluc’s kids’ mother’. Not your name, not even your family name. Just a function, making it sound like it’s the only thing you can do, contribute to this marriage.
Today was the final straw to your composure. Someone - possibly one of the minions -  was brave (and foolish, if you ask me) enough to state you are not even their mother. Your pregnant stomach? Pff, totally fake, just a pillow under your dress. They know the woman - the real mother of Master Diluc’s children - who the owner of Dawn Winery asked to bear his offspring because his wife was just a failure.
You didn’t acknowledge them - the whole group that gathered around the speaker and was snickering and sending dirty glances your way. You, calmly and gracefully, continued your path, smiling and joyfully chatting with vendors on the street, as if those obvious lies weren’t gnawing on your insides and infiltrating your thoughts.
Oh, but it did hurt.
And it hurts still, when you hop off the wagon - one of the winery workers was ready to head back and happily offered a ride home as you were exiting the city gates. Your heart is so heavy and eyes strain from unshed tears - you really didn’t want to worry the sweet elder man, who was so kind to his Lady, and it gets more and more difficult to keep yourself together as you approach the front doors of the manor. Workers and maids greet and wave at you and you try really hard to wave back and give each and every one at least a couple of phrases to have a small talk and show how much you care - because you truly do.
At last, the doors are closed behind you and your back is pressed against them, a shaky exhale leaving your dried mouth. That was surely an exhausting trip - while the conversation with the talkative employee and observing such familiar landscapes served as a distraction, all kinds of thoughts never stopped swirling inside your mind. With eyes closed your brain starts creating images of their twisted expressions and nasty laughter, mocking you for something that is obvious nonsense. Ah, people really can be cruel, but you will be fine. You need just a moment to dispose of these emotions and worries.
Tapping of small feet makes you aware you are not yet in private to let yourself go and you make an effort to push through it for a little bit more, opening your eyes and lovingly staring at two boys running down the stairs, closely followed by your head maid.
“Mama! Mama!” you crouch down and catch them in an embrace, letting out a small grunt when their bodies bump into you at full speed. Two pairs of arms quickly wrap around your neck and each cheek is loudly smooched. A smile appears on your lips and for a moment you forget about your pain and a reason for your sadness, giving each boy a kiss on their noses, to which they erupt in giggles.
“Hello, my little fireflies. How have you been?”
“But we missed you and papa!”
“Oh, but Addie read us a story!”
You glance at Adelinde and the woman only smiles, watching the sight in front of her with a soft emerald gaze.
“Did she? Was it interesting?”
“Not really…”
You laugh at the pouty expression of the younger twin, guessing it was the older who chose the story this time.
“I am sure the next one will be to your liking, my dear. Right, Adelinde?”
But before she can answer you, the boys unwrap their arms around your neck and instead grab your hands - Rufus has both of his little palms wrapped around your wrist, while Lucas holds just onto your fingers with one hand, the other pointing to the back exit.
“Mom, we don’t wanna read! Come and play with us!”
As much as you want to give in and let them lead you out to have fun, you understand the desperate need to be alone for some time. Even though everything doesn’t come back crushing onto you all at once, you know it can and desire to prevent such escalation wins.
Your face must’ve fallen, because the twins definitely notice.
“Mama..? Is something wrong..?”
“Do you not… want to play with us?”
You can see that the other woman in the hall is ready to rush and help you, but you can handle it, they are your children, no matter how bitter it sounds in your wounded thoughts right now, and you are their mother, you are the one to bring them comfort.
“Oh, no, no, no, babies. Mama wants to play with you. But,” you stand up from your crouched position carefully, not to rip your hands out of their hold accidentally, “I am very tired right now… I will be very happy to play with you later, after dinner… If my boys don’t mind,” just as carefully you slide your wrist and fingers free and reach to pat the tops of their fluffy heads. Your sons exchange quick glances. You swear, they have some invisible connection between them, as if they can communicate via reading each other’s minds, and it makes you smile a little. The agreement is reached when they look back at you and, though a little bit pouty, nod.
“Of course, mama. We understand, and we will wait for after dinner!”
You can’t help yourself and not poke their round cheeks, effortlessly making them let out the air held there. Boys giggle again, rubbing at the poked spots and jumping a step back to avoid more teasing to come. Straightening up, you give them a small smile.
“Thank you, Rufus, thank you, Lucas. Mama really appreciates it and loves you.”
“We love you too, mama!” The declaration is exclaimed in unison and that’s what plucks the strings of your heart and makes you even more emotional. You make an unspoken vow to yourself, you’ll shower these redheads in so much affection when you feel better.
Twins’ crimson eyes follow your figure slowly walking up the stairs and all the way to the bedroom where you hide behind a heavy door. Something is not right, they can sense it. You rarely call them by their full names, unless they are in trouble, or you speak to someone else about them. The lack of ‘Ru’ and ‘Lu’ spoken in your sweet voice makes them question your behavior. Besides, you looked very gloomy - they are used to seeing something similar on their dad’s face, but not on yours.
So their heads whip into Adelinde’s direction and a second later they are already standing in front of her, craning their necks to look up.
“Addie, is mama sad?”
“Why is she sad?”
“Something happened?”
“Can we help?”
“Will papa be sad too?”
“Yes, papa is always sad, if mama is sad… It’s bad if they are sad!”
“Yes, it’s bad! We wanna help!”
The head maid bends down to tuck some stray locks behind their ears and to gently cup their cheeks, which always effectively makes them fall silent. The woman finds it extremely sweet how willing to make it better these two angels are. But, she is afraid, there is nothing they can do at the moment. Their Lady is known to lighten up everyone else’s mood with her presence - cheerful and kind, the stormy clouds hang above her head very rarely, and there is always a very specific and unpleasant reason behind it. There ought to be some kind of an issue, hard to resolve and that hurt you a good amount, if the pained look in your eyes and your rueful steps were any indicator.
“Listen, boys,” she starts in a smooth voice, making sure every word of hers reaches them and sinks in, “your mother is really tired. Sometimes being tired can cause you feeling upset - low energy and overworking do feel bad. Right now she needs to rest, to regain her strength back, so she can play and spend more time with you, and believe me, she doesn't want anything as much as this. As for your father… I am sure he will be fine. If he doesn’t join us soon I will go and talk to your mother, okay?”
“And…you will tell us everything?” Rufus looks at her hopefully and she gently smiles, caressing his cheek with her thumb.
“Of course. You two will be the first ones to know. And I will tell you right away if your mother asks for you to come pay her company.”
Boys know that Addie never lies, so for now, they are satisfied with her answer, even though they really really want to run right to their parents’ bedroom, crawl onto the bed and cuddle with you. Your warm cuddles always helped them feel better, surely it can work the other way around, right?
But their train of thoughts is interrupted by Adelinde who takes their hands and straightens up.
“So, young masters, what would you like to do meanwhile?” the twins exchange glances again, and then Rufus looks back at her.
“I want another story!”
“But I choose!” the younger tugs the woman’s hand and his brother huffs. Mom and dad say to always share though, and, besides, Lucas’s choices are to his liking sometimes.
“Alright, you choose,” he says instead and his brother beams with happiness. The head maid only chuckles and takes them back to their room, so Lucas could pick another book from the shelf and she - read it to them.
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Almost half of an hour passes when Diluc finally opens the door of his study and takes a look outside. The second floor is empty and, upon walking to the varnished wooden railing and glancing down, he notices just a couple of maids dusting around the first floor. How strange, he thinks, combing his fingers through fiery bangs. He can swear he saw you out of the window quite some time ago. Usually, if he’s home and busy you always stop by to greet him and either have a small conversation if he has some time, or just give each other a kiss if he can’t let his attention stray too far from calculations and planning. 
Today, however, you didn’t. The twins could be at fault - they have an ability to easily drag any of you into games and other activities, and it is borderline impossible to resist them. Adelinde always teases him, saying that as a child it was the same and his father had a very hard time telling his son ‘no’, but Diluc wholeheartedly believes that these charms they got from you.
Floorboards make no sound as he is making his way to the twins’ room. Twisting the knob the man can indistinctly hear Adelinde’s voice, muffled by the wood, soon becoming clear as the door opens. He sees the maid sitting on a chair, pulled in front of one of the beds, and holding a fairytale book, which she lowers, turning her head in his direction. The boys - Lucas lying on his stomach and swinging legs and Rufus, sitting closely and hugging his knee - immediately perk up when they hear the door open and, while expecting to see their mother, still feel very excited to see the other parent.
“Papa!” the door clicks shut behind him and Diluc moves further into the room. He greets Adelinde and immediately motions for her to not stand up - she is a servant, but a close friend, he doesn’t need any physical display to know she is loyal and respects him.
“Hello, my little flames,” he sits on the edge of the bed and instantly Rufus climbs in his lap, soon followed by his brother. Boys hug him and kiss his cheeks, letting their weight rest in their father’s strong muscular arms - two small bodies are like two feathers for the man who’s overcome years of training and hardships.
Adelinde closes the book and fondly observes the scene in front of her. It brings distant memories of many years ago, when she was just a young maid, who had just recently started working for the Ragnvindr family. Crepus was a good man and he nurtured and cherished his son and then two. He too used to hold a boy in each arm and carry them around like that when they were still young. Those were such good times and she is so glad they are back so many years after. And all thanks to you.
"Papa?" The voice of the younger twin brings Adelinde back from her thoughts. Her young masters finished giving their dad an overview of their day and now are snuggling to his body.
"Yes, Lu?" The man hums, closely observing both boys. Something isn't right. All of a sudden they both became quiet and something seems to be concerning them.
"Mama is sad," Lucas takes a hold of a thick lock of his father's hair and starts braiding it - or at least imitating something similar, twisting the smaller parts of the strand into something very poorly resembling a proper braid.
"Mama is what?" Though he is asking his son, the eyes are directed to Adelinde, who only shrugs her shoulders in unawareness.
"Mama is sad," eventually repeats Rufus, staring at the ruby brooch on Diluc's cravat, which plays in the light magically. "She came home, said she'll play with us after dinner, and went to your room. But she looked like you when you return home sometimes."
To Diluc that was similar to 'when he returns home looking distraught after a failed mission or nuisance that was ruining his whole day'. This is not good.
"Are you sad too?" Lucas is quick to ask, glancing at his face, abandoning attempts to make dad's hair pretty. A small smile appears on the man's usually neutral face and he shakes his head.
"I am not sad, baby. Do not worry, I promise I'll make mama feel better."
"Can we help?" Again said in unison and from the corner of his eye he sees Adelinde trying to hide her wide grin. He understands her though, his kids are adorable and very compassionate. And this they learned from you.
"Not now, loves. I need to talk to her first, and then we'll do it together. She will be really happy to see you, but a little bit later, I promise.”
“But we want to do something!” Rufus crosses his small arms and Lucas is quick to mirror his brother, nodding his head, making the strands of his bangs bounce.
“Yes! Mama always helps us, we wanna help her too!”
Looking at their pouty but determined faces Diluc feels disarmed - there is no length in this world he is not willing to go for his children, but at the same time he understands that your situation must be delicate and should be handled accordingly.
“If I may, I have a suggestion,” all three glance at Adelinde and she puts the book aside. “Lady promised to play with you outside after dinner, right?” the boys nod. “Then why don’t we organize a picnic! It will be both dinner and the funtime and you get to spend it outdoors. I can cook and you can help me. I am sure it’ll cheer your mother up!”
Diluc sighs in relief. Archons, his father was the smartest person to put this amazing woman in a position she’s been holding for two or so decades now. Not to mention, she raised him and Kaeya in a way, so she is irreplaceable in handling two boys at the same time when first-time parents still struggle.
Boys seem to really like the idea, uncrossing their arms and grabbing onto their dad’s shoulders to climb off of him.
“We are gonna help!”
Adelinde stands up and puts the chair in its original place. Diluc remains sitting for a moment, catching Lucas and settling him back down with the boy's back facing him.
“Wait a little bit, Lu, your ponytail is loose,” Lucas doesn’t have any other choice but to watch Rufus show him his tongue and shake his own little mane of flaming hair proudly - the older twin prefers to wear them down. His glee is short-lived though, as Adelinde bends down and starts combing through his wild locks as well.
“We don’t need any hair in food, so let’s tie a ponytail too.”
“But Aaaaddie!”
“No ‘but’s, right, Master?”
Diluc hums, tying black ribbon in Lucas’s hair. Now, as the two stand side by side, it would’ve been hard to tell who is who, if they wore similar clothes. Though, even with different clothes and different hairstyles, they are still constantly confused, which the twins are always happy to use in their favor.
“Addie, come, come! The picnic!”
“Alright, alright, let’s go. We’ll see you soon, Master.”
And by ‘you’ she means both the husband and the wife.
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Three careful but steady knocks against the heavy wood of the only barrier that separates him and his own personal paradise of your shared bedroom, the only obstacle that is keeping him away from you.
"My love? Can I come in?"
He strains his ears to hear any sound from the inside - shuffling of blankets, thudding of feet against the floor, rattling of curtain clamps as the thick fabric is moved to reveal the window - anything that would tell him of your state. But there is no such sound. The only thing Diluc hears is your rasped 'come in!' and then you clearing your throat.
Your husband doesn't need to be told twice, and a moment later he pushes the door closed behind him. Ruby eyes take in the room to estimate the severity of your condition. He notices the blankets in a heap on the bed and pillows rearranged - this must've been your improvised shelter for releasing your emotions, abandoned when the purpose was served. He notices the clothes you left in this morning on a chair, - you, most likely, didn't have much energy to hang it in the drawer after changing, and he doesn't blame you for it. Then his focus is on the window, something that has been teasing his peripheral vision. It is not obscured by the drapes and is, in fact, opened ajar, filling the bedroom with warm soft light, enough to not lit the candles just yet. And then, basking in this sunlight, your figure is seated on the armchair, hair just slightly swaying in a small breeze, creating an ethereal image together with the halo of sun rays
You watch as the love of your life loosens his cravat a little and takes a deep breath, before finding his way in front of you. He towers above you, but you do not feel intimidated, looking at him from your sitting position and offering him a meek smile.
“I am sorry I didn’t come to greet you as always… Didn’t want to worry you much, but it seems I did in the end,” a small chuckle and a soft hum when his hand gently cups your cheek, thumb caressing the skin where dried tear streaks were easy to make out in the light.
“Please, don’t apologize,” his voice is deep and soothing and makes your wearied heart flutter. “If you needed a moment for yourself I respect your decision.”
Oh, Celestia must love you. Diluc has his flaws, admittedly (and who doesn’t?), but he makes sure that in your relationship respect and trust are never forgotten, and you greatly appreciate it. Gazing into his eyes, warm as a fireplace on a cold night, fills you with serenity and tranquility, making the photo album in your hands feel less heavy.
Finally Diluc notices it and then a couple more on a windowsill nearby. Seems like you’ve been relishing in some memories and now, when his worries have been a little bit subdued, he is curious.
"Love, stand up for me?"
Nodding, you swiftly lift yourself and take a small step aside, just enough for him to slide into the plush armchair and bring you in his lap. A blissful sigh leaves your chest when you feel the heat of your husband’s body. One arm securely wraps around your waist and you tuck your head under his chin, feeling the other hand resting on your knees right under the book of captured moments of your life.
A comfortable silence settles between you two for a while. You keep turning the pages, eyes traveling over the colorful pictures, and Diluc just holds you, rubbing absent-minded circles on your hip with his thumb and looking in the album over your head.
Diluc gives you a little bit more time and only when you sigh and lower the book he attempts to start a conversation.
“Do you want to talk?” somehow, the question doesn’t fill with dread and the next phrase makes your heart burst with pure joy. “Ru and Lu are worried. They said you looked sad when you arrived and really wanted to make it better.”
“Ah, aren’t our angels the sweetest?” you softly murmur, reaching out to rub at your eye.
“Of course they are. They got that from you.”
From you… But did they really? 
After ridding off the pent up emotions with tears, as if guided by some unseen force you took the photo albums out. There are many brilliant pictures that tell your family’s story: starting from the images of your multiple dates, transitioning into dozens from your wedding and then hundreds of your life as spouses and parents. Some were taken by either of you, some - by bystanders, some you got thanks to the winery staff, some were sneaked by Kaeya (those are ones of the most heartfelt, as the man managed to catch Diluc in his softest moments) and some were done by professional photographers. The photos that you needed to see the most were ones of your sons. You spent much more time on those, examining their hair, eyes, facial features and everything else in regard to their appearances, only to come to one simple conclusion - they truly look like carbon copies of their father.
“Luc…” you start with uncertainty, gripping the pages of the newest of the albums. “I wouldn't say I am sad… More like I got overwhelmed and my emotions had better of me. Needed a moment to let it all out not to combust later. I didn’t tell you, because I believed in myself and thought I could withstand it on my own, but the nobles started bothering me again,” you feel his body going stiff and a hand on your knee clench involuntarily. You lift the album and put your palm on top of his, squeezing it. “It wasn’t bad at first, nothing unusual - it was very simple to ignore. But in a couple of months it got worse. Now they openly say nasty things about me. They refer to me as nothing but a 'Master Diluc's kids' mother'! As if I am some kind of a decoration to you, like I am not my own person now! Can you imagine that..?" A deep sigh. "And then they say that I can't even be their mother, because they look nothing like me! I guess,” you gulp, forcing the bubbling emotions back down, “the very notion that someone considers such a possibility offended me and despite my better judgment I couldn’t just disregard it… So yeah,” you show him the pages that are currently open: there are pictures of your boys, one where they chase the crystal flies and the other of them napping on each other on a sofa in the living room. “I just wanted to see if they really do not resemble me at all. I know it’s stupid-”
“No, it isn’t,” you abruptly close your mouth - the firmness of his tone has taken you by surprise. 
Diluc didn’t mean to cut you off so harshly, but your words made him feel two things. The first is a total fury - how dare someone to have the guts to speak to or about you like that? Say whatever you’d like about him, but when it comes to you and his kids - it’s a totally different story. The second is a heartbreak - while he doesn’t let pointless words get to him personally and he logically thinks you know he loves you dearly and that Rufus and Lucas are yours, he can see how much those scumbag’s words affected you, and it crushes him to see you weighed down by this.
“None of your concerns is stupid, even though what those…vermins say is an absolute lie,” he brings a hand to your face to gently hold it and smiles when you close your eyes and lean into its warmth. “My flame, our boys are like you too, a lot actually. Maybe not in their looks, but they have so many of your lovely personality qualities that I couldn’t possibly have given them. Look at their wide smiles and ardent gleam in their eyes - they are yours. They definitely share your spirit - which I admire with my whole heart.”
“You really think so..?” you ask quietly, tips of fingers touching the back of his hand, that quickly leaves your cheek and holds onto yours instead.
“Of course, and I know that deep down you believe so too, it just got buried under all of that emotional shambles," Diluc is still not the one to talk a lot, but if it is you, he has so much to say. "Let me remind you that the world doesn’t depend on those idiots’ opinions - you are adored by many others in the community, by our friends and family. Every time our boys look at you, I see the purest love reflecting in their eyes. And I,” he takes a small pause to press a kiss to your knuckles, “I adore you the most. You are the glue that holds all of us together, the Lady of the house, the mother of my children, my loving wife and partner, but most importantly - you are yourself and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Stooop,” you whine, hiding your face in his chest, but not letting go of his hand. “You are making me blush.”
“It suits you,” Diluc chuckles, lifting his other hand to comb through your slightly messy locks. “Red looks really good on you.”
“Pff, the last time you told me so was when you tried to excuse the marks you left on my chest!” you gently bump your forehead into his shoulder and start butting him. 
“Still stand by my point,” the redhead presses his cheek to the side of your restless head, returning his arm back around your waist. “But I mean it when I say that without you we are nothing. If you hadn’t entered my life, I wouldn’t be blessed with this family. We smile and laugh and feel so full of love every day only because you are here to love and guide us in ways I don’t feel like I’m capable of.”
“You totally are, the fire of my heart,” he feels your lips on his neck and knows that his own cheeks are being attacked by pink dust.
“Maybe I am, but your contribution is way much more. You know what the boys kept asking after telling me of your sadness?” you lift your head and curiously stare in his gemlike eyes. Diluc is mesmerized for a moment when he sees yours - so clear and honest, with no tear threatening to spill. The smile is back to your pretty lips and your body language is no longer closed off and wounded. You finally look like yourself again, and it fills Diluc’s with joy and pride for you and how strong you actually are.
“They kept asking if they could help you anyhow. They were very eager about it and got a bit moody when I told them they can’t just yet. They love you, dearly.”
“Yes, we do!” 
Both of your heads whip to the still closed door and you nearly drop the photo album, which your husband is quick to grab.
“Did you hear that too?” you ask Diluc confused and he nods, putting the book aside.
“Yes, it seems like we have an audience here,” he quietly murmurs to you and then continues in a louder voice, “boys, what did we tell you about eavesdropping?”
“It’s bad!” two voices chime cheerfully and you snort in your fist.
“But affi… effisi… argh, good when work!” adds Rufus and you bet he looks proud. Side-glancing at the groaning redhead, who gently lifts you off his lap and then joins you on his own feet, you ask:
“Why do they know about work?”
“Probably Kaeya. Gonna strangle him later.”
He won’t.
Nevertheless, you are the first to step to the door and open it, revealing the two little troublemakers, who immediately pounce on you, wrapping their arms around your legs.
“Mama, we were so worried…” Lucas presses his face into the fabric of your skirt. Rufus nods but looks up at you with big carmine eyes.
“How are you?”
Such a simple question, but it makes you feel so loved and cherished. Heaving a sigh you reach to comb through their soft locks - the action, which works wonders on any of these three redheads of yours.
You feel Diluc joining your side, wrapping a loose arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple, which makes you even more confident.
“I am fine now, rested and ready to spend time with you as promised. Thank you for asking,” you smile, patting the tops of their heads. “Just let me tell the maids to start on dinner.”
“No need, we did it!” the twins grin, unwrapping their arms from around your legs and instead clasping your hands in theirs. You have a feeling of déjà vu - it really reminds you of the scene when you came home.
“What do you mean, sweethearts?”
“You’ll see! Just come with us! Come, come!” They chant and chant, tagging on your hands and you feel how Diluc takes a step forward, attempting to push your body into motion with his own.
“Oh, okay,” you are confused, but you can’t really fight when all three are on the same mission, so you choose to follow them. You walk through the second floor and then down the stairs, but, much to your surprise, pass by the empty dining table and to the front door. You start to doubt their intentions.
“Wait, wait, I am wearing my house dress! And my hair must be such a mess!”
The boys stop right in front of the exit, turning their heads to look at you.
“I think mama is very pretty,” Lucas says.
“She is the most pretty!” Rufus huffs, but reaches to his hair - which you only now notice to be in a ponytail - and takes his ribbon off, offering it to you. “Here, you can use it, if you want.”
“See? They got this from you,” your husband whispers in your ear as you can’t fight back the gleeful smile, rearranging your hair to look decently.
Outside meets you with such a familiar smell of full ripe grapes that mixes into the wind and envelopes you in a summertime embrace. Soon is the harvest season and you'll enjoy watching your family picking up the juicy berries alongside the winery workers. 
Your kids lead you and your husband through the vineyard and a little bit to the side, where you, even from a distance, notice Adelinde tending to something on the ground. When you get closer, she straightens up and smiles at you warmly, to which you respond with a soft smile of your own.
“I am happy to see you with us, my Lady,” and you know that she really means it. Diluc is right, there are many people who love and respect you, way more than a small group of envious remnants of the past.
“Mama, look, a picnic!” The boys point at the big blanket and you finally take in the many plates with fresh and mouth-watering dishes, a big jug filled with juice and four glass cups to match. Adelinde also has four pillows ready for you to comfortably sit - the blanket and the grass underneath do little to soften the ground - and hands everyone one so you can settle.
“Boys, this is amazing… Honestly, I am speechless,” you admit, clenching the pillow to your chest and not believing your eyes. The boys in question smile happily, waving their pillows around in excitement and nearly hitting each other with them.
“Addie cooked and we helped!” Rufus eventually puts the part of the decor - which you are sure were taken from the sofa in the hall - on top of his head and pretends to be a pirate in a cocked hat. Oh, the uncle’s influence.
“We also put everything here. On our own!” Lucas clarifies, watching the other twin closely.
You look at Adelinde for explanation.
“Ah, yes, they chose the spot, laid the blanket out and then even tried to carry the plates with food here, but I worried they’d be heavy for them, so they had to leave it to other maids. But they told where and what should be placed.”
Before you can open your mouth and praise your sons, Lucas playfully swings his pillow and knocks his brother’s off of his head, to which the eldest indignantly yelps. He doesn’t stay stunned for long though, grabbing his now imaginable sword and gets ready to attack the giggling younger and start a pillow fight. 
But their father clears his throat.
“Rufus, Lucas, behave,” Diluc warns them before they can knock or spill something on their improvised dinner ‘table’. Twins glare at each other, yet hold their respective ‘weapons’ to themselves. “After all, you worked so hard to make mama happy. You don’t want her to be sad again, right?”
This makes both little redheads instantly forget about the battle and their attention is back on you, complete and undivided. 
Finally the four of you sit down - Diluc across you and boys immediately by your sides - and begin your outdoor dinner. The oldest Ragnvindr contently sips on his juice and watches his wonderful wife handle their fidgety sons. His keen eye notices everything - matching bright smiles and identically sounding sonorous laughter, the way the boys gaze at you charmed and lean into you when you refill their plates or glasses and your gentle touch and soft voice when you interact with your precious fireflies - so many obvious traits they share with you and anyone who doesn’t see it is either blind or an idiot.
He hopes you see this truth as well, and both your heart and mind make peace with it. After all, there is only one person that can be by his side, be the mother of his children and make this family happy - and the answer is always going to be you.
taglist: @sleep-deprivedracoon ​
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darkdevasofdestruction · 10 months
My Most Cherished Friend - Lu Bu Fengxian x Reader
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Life in the Wu Commandery was a tough one, especially for frail women, but the people of the village were united and kind, like the members of one big family, protective over their own, especially the younger generation - The children. Though, even the little ones had to grow up fast and pull their weight in any way they could, be it seaming clothes, carrying fire wood, help with the buildings and maybe hunting also.
Y/N had the privilege of being born in a happy, loving family, and though none were rich, they were content with each other and the kindness they spread around. There was one boy who wasn't as fortunate however, though Y/N couldn't understand why -
Lu Shang, the kindest man in the province, the protector of all children, had adopted a child born under the blood moon - A demon child, as they say. Y/N asked her parents why the village shuns a child, he did nothing wrong! Even the other children strayed away from him, in case they'd also get afflicted with his unfortunate curse.
"Papa, why are they so mean to Lu Bu?" Y/N asked one evening, during dinner. "He just wants to play. He always looks so sad." "Well, darling, what do you want to do?" her father smiled kindly. "I... I want to be his friend!" the two parents looked at each other proudly, before patting her hair. "Then do as you wish." Y/N looked up at her mum and dad before dashing out of their little hut, all the way to Lu Shang's home. She smiled widely at the two surprised residents of that tent. "Do you two want to join us for dinner?" her brilliant smile full of tenderness and kindness shocked the young boy, but more than that, made the father throw his arms around the girl and hug her tightly, thanking her for being his child's only friend.
Y/N guided the two back to her cottage where the adults had a merry time, and the two children, well - Y/N tried to make conversation, hoping to ease Lu Bu into their fresh new friendship. Thankfully, by the end of the night, Y/N spotted the cutest, smallest smile on his face, and the faintest of blushes on his cheeks.
He is so cute.
Since then, Y/N accepted the rejection of her other so-called friends, and the whole village, just to spend time in Lu Bu's company. Somehow, despite being so quiet and supposedly dangerous, he was a far better friend than any other one she had before.
Y/N would cook for the two men, and would tailor them clothes of all kinds - But what Y/N loved the most was to play with Lu Bu's gorgeous hair, though somehow, no matter how much she tried to brush it or braid it in all sorts of ways, it would break any tie, and would get spiked up like a porcupine or a hedgehog.
He really was so adorable.
Y/N was fawning over him shamelessly, complimenting him, kissing him, hugging him - Lu Bu almost felt the need to pull away from her, as she's behaving just like his father - But somehow, he also... Liked it?
"You have such beautiful eyes, Lu Bu! They always look so tender and kind - But also so sad and lonely." she would cup his face and kiss his forehead dearly. "I know I may never be able to erase your sadness, but I want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always be here for you, okay? You will always be my most precious and dearest friend." Lu Bu looked at her, his eyes gleaming with surprise and sparkles of hope. He offered a toothy grin and pulled the girl in a strong embrace. "My precious friend."
Every time Lu Bu would go out to hunt and get large game, he would share it with Y/N's family also, and every time he'd see her being bullied by the other kids, he would stand in front of her, defending her. He needn't actually do anything - They all feared his mere presence, let alone even try to confront him. Weaklings. They were all weaklings. How come a small and frail girl like Y/N can brave him, but grown up adults cannot? Ha. Ridiculous playthings.
Y/N continued being his best friend through all of his sadness and hardships, being his only friend and supporting him and his dad. Funny enough, their parents kept talking weird shit about marrying one day and what not - How strange, how peculiar. He didn't need any of that. Y/N was his precious person and he never wanted to part from her. He needn't some silly marriage pact to define their bond - They were inseparable, in life and death, and he was going to protect her at the cost of his life - Though he doubts there's ever going to be anyone to best him in combat. He was born a warrior, will live as a warrior, and will die as the strongest warrior that China ever had and ever will.
Though the years passed, Y/N's misfortunes began to grow - Once, with the death of her mother, due to an unknown disease, and later on, with father's death, out of sheer grief. Y/N was all alone, refusing to exit her tent and crying the day and night out, starving to death.
"Where is Y/N? I haven't seen her in a few days." Lu Bu asked his father, who offered a sad smile. "I think she is in dire need of a friend." Lu Shang explained, patting his head. "What do you mean?" he asked, confused. "Am I not her friend anymore?" the boy gasped, fearing the worst. "Does she not like me anymore?!" "No, no - Nothing of the sort. It's just... She lost both her mum and dad in a short amount of time. I bet she feels alone and scared right now." the father-figure watched the gears of his son's mind rotating. "But she's not alone - She has us, right?" the innocent boy answered quickly. "Sometimes, when stricken with grief, we tend to forget that we have people to rely on." the father explained, patting the boy's head. "We just need a gentle reminder that we have someone out there, still caring for us, even if life feels heavy on our shoulders and we can't see the light of hope through the thick darkness."
Lu Bu was a little confused, but had a good idea on what to do. He rushed out of his tent and into the forest, where he got a bunch of pretty flowers and made a flower crown for Y/N. She always loved flowers, and liked braiding them in his hair - But he wasn't good at braiding her hair, so he settled for a pretty crown. Hopefully, she'll like it.
With afternoon coming quickly, Lu Bu ran into the silent tent of Y/N and watched as she kept herself into a little ball, continuing to weep even after a few days since her father's funeral. She was outright distraught... And so alone.
"H-Hey, Y/N?" she hadn't answered. The boy stepped by her side, placing the crown on her head. "I-... Uh... I'm your friend!" he boldly declared as he wrapped his arms around the girl. "So, uh... So I want to see you smile again."
Y/N looked up at him - For Lu Bu, she was still so pretty, even with her face pale from her unhealthy habits, the dark bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, and the puffy pink face from excessive crying. She looked at him, deeply shocked that he did all this, just for her. Suddenly, the boy picked her up in his arms and ran outside, and to the flower field on the edge of a cliff. "You can put flowers in my hair if you want!" he declared with a large smile on his face. It seemed that such simple gestures brought some pink hues in her cheeks, and she even had the faintest smile.
They didn't really speak the entire time, instead, Y/N found comfort and peace simply from his presence next to her. Together, they watched the Sun go down, painting the sky in numerous gorgeous colours, before it got dark and the stars started twinkling. "Do you think they are up there? Sparkling brightly and watching over me?" Lu Bu looked at the girl, before looking up - A star was shining very brightly, right in front of them - He smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah, I think so. I think they are right there. Happy." he pointed at that star. Y/N smiled. "That's reassuring." she said as she threw her arm around his body. "Thank you. Friend." Lu Bu said no words - Instead, he mimicked a gesture she'd often do for him. He kissed her forehead.
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When Fengxian was around nine years old, he experienced sickness - Or rather, his father's, and nothing that Y/N did, nor even the elder medics, could save him without the aid of expensive medicine that wasn't available within their district.
"All of this is the country magistrate, Li Tang's, fault!" Lu Bu heard Y/N's grandfather mumble as he tried to care of Lu Shang. "It's become nothing but heavy tax and tributes since that fucker came." he growled lowly. "Did you hear that he wants young girls as tributes now? What if he wants our sweet Y/N next?" her grandmother was evidently in distress. "That fucker is ruling as if he's the king of the country. He doesn't even consider us humans. At this rate, he'll make us commit suicide. We have no choice but to leave these lands soon, if it continues this way." Lu Bu and Y/N remained by Lu Shang's side as he rested, never once moving, though the worries of the adults weren't ignored by him. "Don't worry, Fengxian." despite his delirious and weakened state, Lu Shang mustered the strength to ruffle his boy's hair. "If I get some sleep... I'll get better." they both knew he wouldn't. But that's a parent's duty, isn't it? To care for his children and their happiness?
That night, Lu Bu went to the magistrate's mansion to 'ask' for some medicine - Y/N knew he was going to get in trouble, so she followed stealthily behind him. She watched as he easily killed the guards and forced his way within the mansion, taking just about all the important medicine in a huge sack. Silly boy. With such a noticeable bounty, he was bound to get noticed.
Before she left, Y/N left a handmade jewellery, evidently a girly one, and left it at the crime scene, as evidence. The guards will surely blame her instead. And so it happened, though the massacre and destruction was far larger than she ever anticipated. Li Tang's guards burnt the village to the ground, captured Lu Shang and all the children while all the other adults had to watch as they cut off the man's entire arm. They were surrounded by the magistrate's army, but the only happiness Y/N and Lu Shang had was that Fengxian wasn't there - They didn't want him to get killed because of his kindness.
A tall man garbed in regal armor and a sun-like mask walked in front of them, wearing a nasty grin. "I am the magistrate of the Han Empire. There is a child who committed robbery in my mansion, and apparently, she is a child of this village. Her name is Y/N." the disgusting man held up the tassel in his hand. "If the girl steps forward willingly, I may have a little mercy on these filthy slaves."
The elder of the village stepped forward and kowtowed to the ground, his forehead glued onto the ground. "Master Li Tang, we offer you the criminal Y/N without hesitation. These children don't deserve punishment for anything. I beg you... I beg you...! Please spare their lives!" the elder got stepped on harshly with the heel of his boot, getting kicked and hit by the flickering magistrate. "There's NOTHING you can say - Why I would need to punish some dirty nomads - I will give them a painful death, one that you all will find unforgettable! If you keep provoking me, I'll spill their filthy nomad blood everywhere!" "It was me." Y/N stepped forward, her head held high and with the dignity of an Empress. "You gave us no choice. We are people also, and have every right to live. If you are going to oppress us, then we must retort to crimes to survive." she spoke bravely, allowing the elder to return to his people. "I don't regret raiding your expensive house for medicine to save a worthy man." The magistrate looked down at the small girl, a sadistic grin twisting his face. "A little whore like you dares speak so bravely?" he took out a huge scissors-like weapon, and slashed at her, ripping at her clothes and slicing her skin. You could see blood pouring through the ripped material. "I will give you an easy death, if you kneel to the ground and lick my boots - Repeat this phrase - You will say - We, Nomads, are the whores of Li Tang, the county magistrate in Jiuyuan district of the Han Empire." he opened the blunt-edged scissors, taller than her, and pointed the tip to her nether regions. "I'm going to fuck you with it if you don't obey." "I will not soil the name of my people for a cruel imbecile like yourself!" Y/N pride was met with a demonic expression from the magistrate, who rose his arms up in the air. "Kill them all." he growled like a rabid dog as his army rose their bows up to aim.
Quickly, Y/N extended her arms to the side and stood tall in front of the kneeling Lu Shang, ready to protect him with her life. But death never came.
Instead, Lu Shang, with his remaining arm, grabbed Y/N by the back of her outfit and pulled her down to safety as he tanked all the many arrows, shielding the children of the village.
"Are all of you okay?" Lu Shang asked the children, barely standing up from the over twenty arrows stuck in his body. "No! Why did you do this?! I was supposed to protect you! When Fengxian finds out you died, he's going to go crazy!" Y/N yelled at the man, sobbing as she fell to her knees in front of him. "Why...?" he smiled gently as he fell to the ground. "Protecting the smiles of children is the duty of an adult." "THEN WHO WILL PROTECT FENGXIAN'S SMILE?!" Y/N cried out at him, desperate and frustrated with him. "You."
A psychopathic laugh, followed by the magistrate grabbing Lu Shang by the hair, and pinning Y/N on the ground, strangling her with a single hand, sent terror through everyone's heart. "It's useless - Useless! From the very beginning, I decided to massacre all the nomads." "LET HIM GO, YOU SICK FUCK!" Y/N tried to claw at his hand and struggle away, only to get a punch in the diaphragm, knocking her breath away.
A sea of gasps and curses attracted the attention of the nomads, as Lu Bu appeared out of nowhere. "Fengxian..." Lu Shang felt tears in his eyes as his own child had to witness such a horrific sight. "FENGXIAN, RUN! HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU!" Y/N yelled at him - The Magistrate quickly realised the demon child wasn't important only to his father, but to this wench also. To taunt Lu Bu, Li Tang threw the father away before grabbing the little girl, his perverted hands crawling all over her skin, despite her futile struggling.
The poor child watched the decrepit state of his father - His arm cut off and still bleeding, his body torn apart by countless arrows buried deep inside his flesh. His only friend was bruised and bloody, her clothes ripped to shreds and body defiled in front of him. Lu Bu felt like crying from a myriad of emotions overwhelming him to the core. He was ready to rip everyone to shreds.
"Ahh, what a scary face! Lu Bu, was it? I was playing with your father and girlfriend because you were taking so long!" the whole army surrounded the feral child. "Kill him! It's your turn to be punished!" "REMOVE YOUR HAND!!!" Lu Bu screamed loudly, his voice echoing through the entire plains.
Everyone watched with awe and wonder as a mere child of nine massacred an entire army, weaponless, right in front of their eyes. Lu Bu Fengxian was truly a monster demon child. Seeing his useless soldiers getting killed, Li Tang threw the girl away and readied his famous weapon to kill the child - But it was futile. Lu Bu needn't a weapon to defeat trash. In a single punch, the magistrate was mauled. "You, who brings misfortune, is a child of evil." were his last words before his head was kicked off his body.
With the fight over, Lu Bu watched as Y/N dragged his father to lean back on a tree, his arrows already taken off, but the bleeding was insane. Her outfit was ripped to shreds in a failed attempt to stop the bleeding - But with such injuries... Not even the Gods could save him.
"N-No... No, you can't! Can't we stop the bleeding in some way?!" the poor boy panicked wildly, only for his face to be cupped tenderly by the man's remaining hand. "Fengxian... Fengxian... S-Show me a good face... Please..." his father looked the boy in the eyes, encouraging him to go search far and wide for the man whose strength will rival his - A man he would be able to call a friend. "Just don't forget... Myself and Y/N will always be with you. You are not alone." Lu Shang touched his forehead to that of his child. "Y-Yes... Yes... I-I understand...D-Dad..." it was the first time Lu Shang got called 'dad' by his child. He was the happiest he's ever been in his life. "It's the first time... You've called me that. Haha... I am the luckiest man..." he smiled gently. "Fengxian. You are my proudest treasure." he died in his child's embrace, with an accomplished, content smile on his face.
It was the first and only time when Lu Bu would wail to the skies, his heart broken irreversibly from grief and mourning - A cry resounding through heavens, as if it were coming from a dragon.
Throughout the day, Lu Bu wailed, and as the Sun began to set, he had to bury his father. "Fengxian..." Y/N held him the whole day, hoping to ease his pain in some way, though she was well aware that there was nothing to mend a shattered heart.
Everyone mourned, but Lu Bu was the most stricken with grief - He wore his black outfit, unable to look away from the grave. Behind him, he heard the villagers mention a future attack of retaliation from the empire, and how they needed to start fighting. They asked for guidance from Lu Bu, to teach them how to fight like him.
Instead, the boy ate away his own mourning and whistled for his mount, a large warg, jumping on it. "I don't need weaklings. I will devour all the troops." he said, his determination infinite. He was going to find that friend his father spoke of. "Afterwards, I will go west. If the Han army comes, pass that on to them." "Fengxian, wait!" Y/N ran to him, looking up into his empty eyes. "I don't want to lose you." He gave a small smile, offering his hand to her. "Come with me, then." he said. Y/N grinned, not hesitating as she slapped her hand over his own, letting him drag her up on his mount, right in front of him as to not fall over from the speed. "I will follow you to the ends of the world, Fengxian. In life, and in death. How's that sound?" "Sounds fun." he smirked.
Following that, believing in the words of his father, the boy continued to travel decisively, all to find someone worth his time.
Years passed, and Lu Bu never knew the taste of defeat. Him and Y/N would grow together, with him protecting her from anything that might threaten her, whilst Y/N would take care of him - Only he knew, he never did bother changing his clothes, cooking anything tasty or caring for his hair. He was a man, after all. A traveler, a warrior - Why should he care about trivial things? That's how women are, always worrying over little things - Though he couldn't deny, he was enjoying her care over him, to the point that he was purposely getting himself in situations to earn her spoiling treatment, like a sly little cat seeking affection.
He relished in her sweet kisses, loving the feel of her lips all over his face - The most beautiful woman in China was his best friend, his companion, his lover, his family, his most trusted and cherished person. Y/N was his everything. She was the only being he ever loved - And through that, he allowed her to abuse his love for her - Whenever she wanted to kiss, he would kiss her. Whenever he wanted his embrace, he would let her sleep cuddle in his arms. Whenever she wanted his love, he would give it.
For as long as this life keeps him, he will seek strong men to fight, a friend to understand him, and keep Y/N happy.
One day, in Luoyang, they brought one of the Three Jewels of China, the strongest horse to ever exist - Red Hare - The most sinister horse in history, that could run 500 km in one single day. A horse that was never ridden before.
Y/N tugged on Lu Bu's hand as he was munching on a carrot, as she excitedly wanted to see the fierce mount. Without any fear, she walked ignorantly past all the screaming people, and the mangled merchant, and stepped in front of the horse. "Hello, beautiful!" she smiled sweetly, raising her hand up to caress his snout. "You truly are China's most treasured jewel. Red Hare. You are fantastic." the woman's gentle compassion seemed to calm the steed's ferocious hostility. "I have brought you a friend. I am sure you will get along well."
In that moment, human caught the attention of the monstrous horse - It instantly turned to the human because of his odor, the smell of someone strong. "Wanna go?" Lu Bu smirked as he challenged the horse to a race. For the first time in a million years, mankind witnessed a race between a horse and a human. "I'll wait you here, darling!" Y/N cheerfully waved to her childish darling as she went to have her meal at some restaurant.
The man and the horse just kept running as far as they could, until they ran into the merchant and his army who arrowed the animal down - Still, he wasn't about to fall down so easily, and he trampled over the evil man a second time to continue his race, followed by Lu Bu who slapped the man dead to get out of his way.
Fengxian watched with sad eyes as the animal was unable to keep standing anymore. "You can't run anymore, Red Hare?" he picked the large steed on his back, walking him back home, for Y/N to treat. "Let's go home together. Y/N's gonna get worried if we don't return for dinner." seeing the human walking, carrying him on his back; with his body completely exhausted, Red Hare observed his own defeat. "Hey. Can I ride you till your death?" and so, he got his war partner, running together for life. Red Hare's back is made for Lu Bu Fengxian.
Over the course of time, Lu Bu would kill all the people standing in his way, claiming the title of the Strongest Man in China - He destroyed Dong Zhou, and the Seven Grails of Uruk who protected him, and massacred so many who dared attempt to cross him at Hulao Pass, only for Sun Jian Wentai to defeat him by forcing him to cross the self-imposed line he made in the sand.
And so, Lu Bu had found an admirer who looked very similar to his father - And they continued to fight together throughout his life. He simply asked for a friend who could understand him.
The God of War, the Strongest Man in China, the Raging Dragon, the Flying General Lu Bu Fengxian was entirely undefeated.
His greatest distress of all times. Eventually, nothing would stand before him any longer, and in exchange, the number of those following him gradually increased - And so, after 30 years of life, Lu Bu had come to his journey's end; In that moment he realised that under all heavens, there was no longer anything stronger than he.
"I'm done with life." Lu Bu told Y/N one night as they sat by the edge of a cliff. "I can't take it any longer. Disappointment after disappointment. There is no one left to fight. I have reached the pinnacle of strength." "Then, you wish for death in hopes of finding a worthy foe amongst the Gods?" Y/N hummed, looking up at the stars. "Yes. I will let Cao Cao capture me." he spoke bluntly. "Will you let me follow you?" Lu Bu looked down at the calm woman dangling her feet from the edge. "I haven't forgotten your promise to me - But you are still young. Are you sure you wish to forsake your life, just to be with me in heavens?" his voice was as gruff as always. Y/N looked up at him with a sweet smile. "Of course. What's the meaning of life without the one you cherish?" Fengxian let out an amused huff. "I have a single request from you, though." "What is it?" "I want you to be the one to take my life and deliver me into the next." Lu Bu rose a questioning eyebrow. "I don't want to end up as Cao Cao's slave or plaything. They won't just kill me. That's the life of a woman... So - Will you offer me this kindness? Will you let me wait for you in the skies? I promise I'll tell Lu Shang you've been a good boy." she giggled sweetly. The man huffed, looking up at the sky with a smile. "I won't let you wait too long. Take care of Red Hare until I come." "Of course I will."
Fengxian got up to leave for a few minutes, only to return with a beautiful flower crown, which he placed on her head. "As beautiful as always." he knelt down in front of her, pulling her into a strong embrace. "Forgive me, Y/N. For everything." he whispered in her ear. "There is nothing to forgive, my darling." her sweet voice shattered his heart. "I love you, Fengxian." "I love you, Y/N."
Lu Bu pulled her into a deep kiss, keeping her mind away as he drove the dagger into her heart, and he deepened the bittersweet kiss tainted by the metallic taste of blood as she died in his arms with a smile on her face. Just like his dad. "Wait for me, Y/N. I'll be there soon." he cried once again, for the second time in his life, as he buried his dearest friend at the base of a flowering magnolia tree.
Thus, Lu Bu allowed himself to get captures, and as he looked at the noose, he yawned loudly. "Oi, just hurry up and end it, will ya? What's takin' so long? You're borin' me to death here. Y/N's waiting for me."
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As promised, Y/N was there, waiting for Lu Bu to come to her, followed by Gong Chen and his faithful army. For a while, the afterlife was an eternal peace - A boring one - Until a woman called Brunhilde came over with a most exciting proposal - Fight a God, for the sake of humanity. Of course, Fengxian couldn't care less about mankind's fate - He cared only about fighting a most fearsome opponent like he experienced nowhere else on earth.
And thus, he became the first human to fight the Mighty Thor, using the spear made from a Valkyrie's body and soul morphing into the soulbound weapon.
For the first time in his entire life, Lu Bu was truly happy, excited, thrilled even, to be fighting a man equal in strength, or perhaps even stronger than him. A God of War, just like himself. He was beyond a shadow of doubt so enthusiastic to fight Thor at his strongest, without his gloves on, and with that large hammer pulsating with life - Thor considered him a worthy foe, a friend even. He wasn't just a 'human' anymore in his eyes. He was Lu Bu, Thor's friend and his mightiest opponent he's ever faced, with both of them smiling truly for the first time, facing each other.
In this battle, Thor would display his finest smile, and Lu Bu would meet it with his worst.
Though he would manage to injure Thor himself, he blocked his strongest hit yet - At the cost of his own tibia bones breaking, causing him to fall on the ground. Whilst Gong Chen and his army were weeping loudly, Y/N ran to the stables where Red Hare was being kept, and rode him into the arena. She smiled down at him, extending her hand to him.
"My dearest friend, we vowed to live and die together, didn't we? Red Hare and I haven't changed our hearts about you. So - Will you allow us to accompany you for the last time?"
With incredibly strength, Lu Bu used his halberd to get back up and slapped his hand over Y/N's much smaller one as she helped him get up on Red Hare's back.
"Y/N. Red Hare. In this moment, I ask you - Would you entrust your life to me?" the man asked, readying his weapon, happy to be allowed to use his most perfected technique against a worthy foe - The Sky Eater. After thousands of years, Lu Bu finally met the man who could take the brunt of this strike. "Always."
Lu Bu instinctively knew that the next swing would be the strongest in his entire life - And indeed, Thor also felt the exact same way. Thor's Hammer against Sky Eater.
In this exchange, Fengxian's left arm was ripped off, while the left was half torn. "Fengxian." Y/N called out as the man bit off his dangling arm. "Red Hare became your legs. Allow me to become your arms." Y/N said, holding the halberd clumsily. "Silly woman, you never held a weapon in your entire life." the man grinned widely at her. "About time, huh?" she said. "Are you happy, my love?" "I gave it everything I had. This... This right here - This is what true joy is, huh?" he chuckled lightly, kicking Red Hare's side. "What would I know? My joy is seeing you happy for the first time."
As Thor struck his hammer, both Y/N and Fengxian were killed at the exact same time, their bodies destroyed and toppling over to the ground in a pool of blood.
Thor looked down at his opponent, smiling - Those 16 minutes of their fight were the happiest he's ever been in his long existence. What a worthy man - Truly the strongest humanity ever had.
The Gods celebrated their victory, while the humans toasted in honor of the greatest general to ever live - But Red Hare and Gong Chen were griefing. "Red Hare, I feel your pain. Heaven or Earth, a land without Milord already holds no value to us. We shall follow him!" Lu Bu's entire army was right behind the strategist and the Jewel Steed. "We're coming, Milord!" the soldiers wept as they rushed into their last, honorary battle. "We are the army of Lu Bu! We follow our general, no matter how many deaths we face! Prepare thyself!" the army attacked, knowing very well the outcome. Thor smiled, his heart trembling with emotion and thrill. "Very well. I'll send you as offerings in his name - To Lu Bu." "To hear Milord's name resonating alongside Thunder...!" Gong Chen, Red Hare, and everyone else experienced the greatest honour of their life, following Lu Bu and Y/N in death, forever, with smiles on their faces.
Though their souls were shattered and reduced to dust in the vacuum of space, unable to return to the cycle of reincarnation, none regretted their actions. Their greatest joy finally appeared in front of them - Seeing their most beloved person truly happy.
For Fengxian and Y/N death was not a cruel end, but the happiest outcome that could befall them. With smiles on their faces and hearts filled with love and bliss - Together, forever, be it life, death, samsara or nothingness - No matter what form their bodies take, or even if their souls are no more - Somehow, Fengxian and Y/N's happiness rang eternal over all realms, like a gentle, warm breeze in Spring.
The strong bond of a most cherished friend.
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kentofication · 1 year
oh my days. gee willikers. where do i start. my apologies for not posting for a long time. there was some technical difficulties with my laptop for a long time. sorry for the long pause. and GYATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT WHAT THE FUCK⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉⁉ YALL GOT MY RECENT POST TO 1.2K LIKES? WHAT IN THE WORLD. OH MY DAYSSSS. i never expected for one of my posts to get that many likes. like, oh my days. oh my goodness. also, thank you all for 200+ followers. this is like a milestone for me. thank you all for the recent support and the support beyond levels of comprehension. may i bless you all with this drabble i wrote in the midst of all this chaos.
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the headboard was breaking again. 
the loud creaks kept getting louder and louder the harder he pounded. he was breaking you yet again tonight. and all you could do was take it. 
of course, it may or may not be pent up frustration from his job as a ceo, but you were rocking the boat between pleasure and pain—leaning more over to the pleasure side. 
his thrusts were getting more harder and faster. his hips were snapping the back of your ass so hard, that it started to go numb. scratch that. it was already numb. 
one of his hands held both of your arms firmly, preventing you from pushing him away. you could faintly hear his grunts and groans as he slipped his cock in and out of your tired hole. 
“jesus christ.” he mumbled under his breath, bending over to nibble on your ear. “you’re so good f’me. aren’t you?” he asked, his breath fanning over your ear as he kissed you cheek and stood back up. 
he licked his lips, tasting the saltiness of your tears that were still running down your face. he teased his cock up and down your enterance. he chuckled, “no need to cry, baby. this is what you wanted, is it not?” you whined and tried to protest as he slipped his cock back in your bullied pussy, but all that left your lips were babbles and pleas for him to slow down—which in his ears signaled him to move faster. 
this was your eleventh orgasm of the night, you think. it was all such a blur. you don’t even remember your eyes rolling to the back of your head or your nails scratching your skin and his. 
you don’t remember his sweet voice telling you that you did so good and that you were his good girl. 
you don’t remember him carrying you bridal style to the bathroom to get washed up. 
you don’t remember him sitting in the water with you in his lap humming lullabies. 
you don’t remember him dressing you in nightwear and carrying you to bed. 
you don’t remember the kiss that he gave you before he dozed off. 
you don’t remember how he held you in his arms, whispering words of assurance in your ear. 
but, you do in fact remember one thing: he loves you dearly.
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enderwoah · 1 year
jimmy solidarity is so intrinsically mind-meltingly confusing i love him dearly and i want to squish him with a passion and i want him to win (or lose) the next life series installment and here is why
(this is a very long insanity fuelled rant sorry but if you too are obsessed with jimmy solidarity and the concept of him actually not being pathetic and possibly winning heres the post for you)
jimmy solidarity is the kind of guy that literally has one gimmick and its being the most pathetic person on every server he has the pleasure of being on. he is the wet cat of a man that gets bullied and taken advantage of and nobody listens to him when he complains or objects to anything and yet not once has he truly gotten angry about it because hes just that nice of a guy. sort of.
cause i dont know about yall, but jimmy solidarity is kind of a bastard to me?? i will never forget him swindling joey out of 50% of his gunpowder profits (u think that wasnt swindling?? consider the following: he was earning NOTHING before joey started doing gunpowder on his own. NOTHING. and yet all he had to do was go over and put on his little sad pitiful pathetic song and dance and beg for a cut of joey's profits and suddenly: whats that? a net profit?) i will never forget the sheer amount of times this guy has had to hold himself back from straight up killing or aattacking someone; not because of morals or kindness or goodwill, but out of spite. but out of "i need to be better than this person it hurts them more if i dont kill them in cold blood (in my head)." i will never forget the amount of times he has just straight up punched someone in the nose (/rp) because they were being mildly annoying in the middle of a conversation.
im not saying hes a mastermind thats manipulating everyone by acting lame but also just a little bit?? minus the manipulation part?? hes proven on multiple occassions that he isnt like stupid idiot baby man. like yeah he can be a little incompetent sometimes but so can scar and by now we have ALL recognised that scar is terrifying and could raze the server by himself if he so pleased. i think if jimmy solidarity's main bit wasnt 'its funny when my friends bully me' he could genuinely cause some serious damage. i think the one time hes like ever made a trap on his own in the life series (the one in his doorway in last life) it worked flawlessly which. like. a trap. in the life series. working flawlessly. hello. sure it was basic but the fact that it worked without a hitch should alone be a testament to his ability
and if thats too obscure for u i mean we can step out of the life series for a little bit and just direct you to the fact that he isnt bad at minecraft like at all?? if u havent had the pleasure of watching his dodgebolt 1v3 i really reccomend it because youd THINK that someone bad at minecraft would be trembling in his boots and being in a total panic in that situation. hell even someone AMAZING at minecraft in that position (grian) literally sounded on the verge of throwing up for his entire time and thats FAIR. thats NORMAL.
all i am saying is that jimmy solidarity rolled up to this 1v3, said 'ive got this,' and took out two people in literally a second and a half. and then just chill-ly said 'ive got this' again. the only time he sounded mildly panicked was when tommy was making him dodge for a ridiculously long amount of time. as soon as tommy missed twice- or, rather, as soon as he dodged tommy's bolts twice, mine brother in craft took one shot after like five seconds and it was over. every SINGLE time i decide to watch a jimmy mcc pov im sitting there like. 'damn. DAMN?? JIMMY SOLIDARITY???? POPPING OFF???????" at like more than one point every single time. there are so many other places that hes demonstrated that he isnt bad at minecraft but its late/early and my memory doesnt work like it used to
which brings me back to the life series. since we all know that his 'being bullied hahaheeheehoohoo' bit is a bit (and hey. its a good bit. im not saying its a bad bit. i think its funny and i think it gets even funnier when jim starts fighting back. if youre gonna have a long-lasting gimmick thats a good one and jimmy does a swell job at making it entertaining and also making it clear that it isnt serious) this means that he can un-bit it for a bit. or at least peel away the bit a little.
im just saying jimmy solidarity has huge bastard energy and hes allowed to let it free in the life series!! he will burn things down he will cheer at traps he will fight for his friends he wil fight tooth and nail and claw for his life (he started last life with two lives. he never got any more. he only died due to a trap and due to murder like COME ON). if he wanted to burn down a base he could if he wanted to set up a huge trap PERSONALLY i think he could hell i think if he went up to someone in 1v1 combat he would at least have a chance (depending on the person of course). i mean look at his dodgebolt performance all the man needs is a bow and some distance and hes APPARENTLY set for life!!
ill say it
if jimmy solidarity played it smart, he could win the life series. easily.
jimmy is good at making alliances with people (coughs and kicks the southlands betrayal underneath the rug Ignore That One he was Desperate he started off with two lives remember honestly it was a justified move) hes a litlte bit silly stupid and oft acts impulsively but he can direct that impulsivity against one person and for another. if he got himself in a squad like he did in 3rd and last life and stopped playing up the pathetic bit and set a trap for once in his life (/endeared) he could actually get himself some kills. some Real kills, not accidentally blowing up ren and skizz with tnt.
i dont even care how he does it. i just want him to win. and if he doesnt win, i want him to come top five at LEAST before getting horrifically stabbed in the back by someone he had been running with for the whole series that is the ONLY loss i will accept and still be happy about. the man deserves a girlboss moment please we're approaching two years let the man LIVE
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
Your avatar!grace headcanons made my heart so happy ugh I miss her and wish she could be part of the story still. She’d use Jakes kids to bully him constantly I just know it. When you mentioned the part about Grace knowing Spider is stressed because Quaritch is trying to get him back do you have any headcanons for if Quaritch kidnapped him like in the movie?
I feel like the moment Spider was taken she would realize there was no way to get him back and it would kill her inside and she’d feel mass amounts of guilt about not being fast enough or strong enough to get him.
Also do you think she’d be more like Jake or Neytiri when it came to the decision of leaving the forest? I imagine she’d be a mix of both especially because she has Kiri still to protect but Spider was taken so she wouldn’t want to leave him behind but she knows she has to protect the child she still has right in front of her.
My angst meter is going off. Thank you so much for asking me this so I have an excuse to write angst 😭 click "read more/keep reading" for angst!
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Grace wasn't spiritual before Eywa saved her, but she is now (still likes science and wants to understand Pandora in a scientific way) and Kiri inherited that from her (so Kiri still has that connection to Eywa as we see in the film). Grace understands that she won't be able to get the answers she wants out of studying the flora and fauna of the world. She knows that some things will remain a mystery, and I would like to believe Mo'at would be the one to tell her, "Eywa sometimes does not provide the answers. She is mischievous as well as merciful. She wants to keep you guessing, hungry, for more answers."
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that when Spider is captured by Quaritch, Grace feels helpless. She's not a warrior, so she couldn't do anything to stop her adopted son from being taken. The only thing she can do is pray. Pray to Eywa.
"Please protect him. Protect my boy. You may not be able to sense Quaritch in his new body, but you can sense Spider. I know you can. Protect him, please, if you are all powerful. He is more your child than either Jake or me. Spider was born here, raised here, and loves everything you have given him and expects nothing in return. He is more Na'vi than me, but he's forever cursed in the body he was given. Just-- please keep him safe. And if you have any influence over Quaritch, give him a gentle soul. At least make sure that the sonovabitch treats his son gently. If he is to be his father from here on out, please help him See Spider through my eyes."
She doesn't want to leave the forest. She tells Jake as such, "We can do good here. We can make our stand HERE. We can help find my son HERE."
Technically, Jake can't force her to go with. Since she's alive, he never adopted Kiri. But she grew up alongside his kids. She was raised beside Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Tuk like they were her siblings. So was Spider. Jake wants them all to stick together. "Sullys stick together."
That card doesn't work on Grace, so he takes a different approach. He plays the Sylwanin card. He plays the Hometree card and Tsu'tey card. Grace's attachment to those lost souls is what tugs at her heart strings. Jake knows that Grace blames the humans for the deaths of her brightest students, children she misses dearly. Jake reasons with her. He says that all of that will happen again if they stay. If the Sky People come after them, then the Omaitkaya will die. Anyone who harbors Jake and his family will died, and Grace will be forced to live through that guilt and pain again.
And, let's remind everyone loud and clear. Spider is her boy, but so is Jake. Jake was her first boy and she may be hard on him and pushes him around and uses his kids against him, but she can never stay mad at Jake and can usually never say no to him.
So anon, you're 100% right. Grace sees both Jake's and Neytiri's point and it's a constant battle in her head and in her heart.
She's forced to say goodbye to Mo'at and all of her students, little kids who cry as she leaves with Kiri and the Sullys. They cling to her and her daughter, calling them 'sister' and 'mother' in both Na'vi and English because Grace is such a good teacher. It only makes her feel worse. Not only is she leaving her boy behind to keep her daughter safe, but she's leaving the rest of her children as well.
Neytiri is holding Tuk's hand in one and Grace's hand in the other. All three are crying. Grace doesn't have an ikran, so she flies with Kiri.
So I know I mentioned wanting to see Grace on a skimwing. But for some reason, I don't see her riding an ikran. Like I said, Grace wasn't a warrior before Spider was taken (therefore, she couldn't save him). She was still a scientist at heart and just wanted to figure out how things work. I think once Spider is taken, things change. Yes, she still loves trying to figure out how things work, but now she's motivated to do more. To be more.
She starts training alongside the Metkayina. She learns to hold her breath, learn the sign language, and especially learn how to hunt. She tames a skimwing the first time, determination flowing through their bond. The skimwing she chose to ride knows that she's motivated to one day go after the man who took her son and that skimwing is all for it. It respects her immediately and pushes her to be better at riding.
She's not going to be helpless the next time her children need her roams around.
I'm making this a whole new tag and putting it in my official masterlist! So keep leaving requests, discussions, and asks in my ask box! My masterlist is the top pinned post and the tag for this whole au is #avatar!grace lives au
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kllypsooo · 7 months
My grammar isn't the best (I apologize for that) but I wanted to share a few Omega headcanons I came up with! He is my favorite ghoul, if you couldn't already tell 😭
Love him dearly
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✧ Quintessence ghouls love shiny things! Jewelry in particular. Omega has a fascination with rings, which he finds joy in collecting. Some he'll wear, while others he just owns for the fun of it
✧ Another quint ghoul headcanon I have: they can shape shift! Omega's preferred form is a cat. It's easier to cause mischief as a feline than a 6'4 demon man.
✧ Believe it or not, but Omega isn't all that into metal music. He definitely prefers songs from the 60's-80's. His favorite bands/artists are: ABBA, a-hah, The Beatles, Blue Öyster Cult & David Bowie!
What is his favorite song? Has been and will always be Dancing Queen by ABBA!
✧ He has gladly accepted the title as the Clergy's "dancing queen."
✧ Omega loves literature! Specifically poetry. Every night, he spends time locked up in his room, writing away in his journal. His knack for poetry is something that must be kept hidden, as the topics present in (not all, but some of) Omega's work can be quite.. controversial. This is initially the ghoul's way of venting.. and his writings mainly focus on his disdain for the clergy, how corrupt it is. There was a time where he ripped the pages from his journal, plastering them on the walls of the ministry. This bold act elicited a mixture of reactions within his peers, both positive and negative.
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✧✧ Sexuality & relationships ✧✧
✧ He is gay & demisexual.
✧ Omega isn't too keen on dating or just romance in general. Terzo was the only real love he had. He has had crushes in the past: Lake, Earth, Ifrit.. though never acted upon those feelings
✧ Unlike most ghouls, Alpha, Omega, Earth & Chain were summoned as kits. Around 8-11 years after Copia (can't remember how old he is) was born, making them about 45 in age. Alpha was the eldest of his peers, and Omega was the youngest. Normally, Alpha would've bullied the younger ghouls, but he somehow took a liking to Omega, eventually forming a close bond with him. They remain childhood friends to this day
✧ I like to think he and Terzo started dating during Secondo's era. They'd always been close, though that was when Omega realized his feelings for Terzo weren't entirely platonic.
The two kept their relationship a secret for a good while, afraid of how the clergy would react. When it was revealed, was anyone surprised? Not at all. It was assumed they were dating even before they formed a romantic relationship. Let's just say Terzo can't keep his mouth shut. He's always yapping about Omega and how pretty he is
✧ Expanding on Omega's interest in poetry: Terzo is basically his muse! He has written many, many poems expressing his feelings for his beloved. Terzo has had the pleasure of reading them, although they were given to him anonymously. Half of him deems it as fanmail, while the other half suspects Omega is responsible. It's a sweet gesture nonetheless.
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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨| Joseph Quinn x Celebrity!Reader
Warnings: Bullying, death threats, s3lf h@rmïng, people calling Joseph ugly, Pedro and Jamie being menace
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"Y/N, darling wake up!! You need to go and have your hair and make up done in one hour and return to the set!"
Groaning out loud and trying to get out of the covers, your manager chuckled at your disheveled morning hair and tired look while he turned his attention back to his phone to have a convo. Wondering what the hell he was speaking about over phone that passionetly, you blindly looked for your socks and wore them while rubbing your eyes to get rid of the sleep. It was a known fact that you ran from project to project nonstop, the latest ones being the new Marvel series and Star Wars series, which your fans loved dearly. Your shoots with the Star Wars happened a long time ago but since the release of the new series had unfortunately hung up for some time, its date was the same one as your dear project, the one who gave you the recognition...
Stranger Things.
People would always jokingly say which one would get the highest record, some would be a little shit about it but over the years, you learnt how to ignore most of the comments. You could still vividly remember some "fans" reactions to you playing an important role in Star Wars and how you didn't "deserve that role at all" which made you... throw some snarky comments at those terrible people.
Giggling at your fond memories, you side eyed your manager and listened to what he had to say about your day.
"Okay, I know you're tired like hell and trust me I am too... Like, can you please have some rest after finishing this season of Stranger Things? You're still too young and already had done a lot for your age... YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A PARTNER!"
"I never cared about those though..."
"No, you want to have one but are scared of what would happen to you if they turned out to be a douchebag!"
Touché, you thought while grinning sheepishly at him with your mouth full of toothpaste, not really denying anything. It was true that in this indurstry, most people would date another for more fame and money so, it was only natural to be reluctant about relationships in general.
Your latest and only partner almost ended your career though...
"Well, there is nothing I can do about it! Stop being my mom, Pedro, Oscar and Ewan do that enough for anyone..."
".... Even they tell you to find someone but you just... Unbelivable. Just... Go and get changed please."
Being done with your shit, he got out of your hotel room to give you privacy and also leave you to think by yourself. You were aware that at one point, you would stop acting and that your mom would start to pester you about a son or daughter-in-law but even though your heart longed to have a cheesy love like those in historical shows and books, the life was no fiction.
People would always look for something in return, they would always ask for more while giving nothing and unfortunately, that would be the same with love. The world no longer cared about emotional things, rather money and even though you didn't care about it that much, you convinced yourself that, that was for the best for anyone.
But for mostly you.
You didn't want to break a gentle soul with your trust issues, use them as a bandage to cover your past wounds so, you buried every affection you had felt over your years deep inside your heart.
Who knew a man with cute dimples and soft curls would change every rule you had set for yourself?
The set was in a chaos, and that was an understatement. People were running around, actors were trying to memorize their lines and the younger cast was playing pranks at others. Meanwhile Joseph alongside Gaten who was making him get used to the set were just idly looking through their phones, Joseph looking around anxiously. It was his first time being around all these very famous people and he was getting anxious over what they might think of him. He was confident with his acting skills but these people were together for almost 6 years and literally knew everything about each other, having a type of connection so rare.
"Stop thinking too much, Jo! You already blended in and nobody is judging you!"
"It's easy to say! There is an actress who is so talented that everybody, and I'm not exaggerating, everybody is fighting for her to be in their project! And she is my celebrity crush for as long as I can remember-"
" Stop whining! She's such an easygoing and relaxed woman that she would gladly hang out with us and do every kind of things! She even imitates a seal to make someone laugh so think about the person she is!"
Joseph just groaned and dragged his hands down his face and looked around with tired eyes. To be honest, as long as he could remember, he was your fan. You two weren't that far of age, being almost peers yet you were much more successful and well-known than him and pretty much most of the people here, with you working for Star Wars and Marvel. But you weren't a rude douchebag, you were still the same as you used to before the fame.
Wearing loose clothes and never making a show with any part of your daily life, you were the paparazzi's favorite celebrity to run after to. Always trying to make new friendships with other actors, even going as far as meeting their families and also becoming friends with them... All of these, alongside what Gaten said, were what he adored in you.
And also what made him fall in love.
Yes, he didn't want to admit it since you were way out of his league, at least he thought, but he already knew that you wouldn't bat an eye on him that much. After all, there was a slight chance that they would be lying, right?
Turning to look at where the cheerful voice that he knew very well coming from, he widened his eyes at your form which was hugging the girl thightly to yourself while munching on a donut, stuffing it inside your cheeks. He squealed silently at your cuteness and wanted to take photo to gaze at after but decided that it would invade your privacy. Watching you hug everyone after not seeing them for long, he failed to realize that Gaten had run at full speed at you and knocked you down to the ground.
Shaking their head at your childish attitude, your manager just walked towards you and pulled Gaten off of you and held you from your armpits like a cat. Whining at him for "obviously being a party pooper", you looked around as if trying to find something.
"So where are the newbies? I hope I didn't make a bad first impression, I mean I'm cute and energetic and have no problem with being loud but these can be hard for someone who just met me for the... first... time... Oh wow..."
You muttered the last part in awe when your eyes landed on the British man who had a wig on with the clothes of his character. You just stared at him with blank eyes and a hung jaw. He has big, soft, brown eyes... He has puppy eyes... Oh Lord, not on the day I just said I wouldn't fall for a man, you thought while wiping your palms onto your jeans.
His eyes were watching you with a fondness and soft look you saw rarily on man, though it would be because of his big, comforting eyes. The brown eyes would always give you a sense of comfort you used to have when you were with your parents, whether on a woman or man, it was nice to look at them.
Gulping down hard, and feeling your cheeks heat slowly, you hoped that they wouldn't give away your hammering heart and anxiousness and stood in front of him with big, doe eyes, extending your hand to shake with him.
"Hi, welcome to the set and I hope we can be good friends... You're a great actor, I actually watched Dickensian and you were... nice..."
Cringing at your shyness and thinking that yes, you actually drove him away, you were shocked when you felt his bigger hand in yours. Looking up at him, you smiled unconsciously at the sight of his dimples and the crinkles around his eyes. For fucks sake, the man has dimples too... Don't fall in love Y/N!
"It made me so happy to hear such a compliment from an actress like you! I'm surprised that you watched it, most people doesn't even know the name..."
And your manager could only watch with a wide mouth while others were giggling at the shy yet adorable first meeting of you two, silently making bets if you would end up together.
Meanwhile your manager was busy calling the "Space Sisters' group and tell them what he just saw.
Oh they are going to do everything they can to set you two up together.
This scene was going to kill you and that wasn't overreacting. Who taught that shooting a scene with Jamie was easy? Even Pedro was a better choice that you were ready to just go and say "Aight, I'm done." with the amount of teasing you were facing with.
"Jamie, stop tickling me! Dear director, say something!"
"Awww, are you embarrassed darling? Maybe we should call your crush?"
Hitting his chest playfully, you shoved him aside and grabbed your drink while trying to fan yourself. You hated to admit it but currently, you were having a huge crush on your eccentric co-star. You cursed at your sudden crush for the sweet and warm man and before you could scold yourself inside your mind, a certain blonde came in view with a sly plan.
"Y'know... You're a young, talented and beautiful woman who could pull anyone she wanted with just a look and you fancy someone so why not go after him?"
"Because... Well, I don't know if he's single and two, I'm not ready after... you know..."
Looking at you with soft and undestanding eyes, he pat your head and sat down next to you to grab something and have some rest until the next scene.
"But you can't go on like that forever... I know your shitty ex who is beyond fixing abused you emotionally but... he really isn't like that. The man talked to you and us about all the stuffed animals he had for collection the other day for God's sake! Do you think a man like him who has the cool uncle vibes can be the same as that asshole?"
Shaking your head no, you played with your fingers nervously. You wanted to have a beautiful relationship, experience all the things you should have done with someone special, and maybe even get married one day...
But opening your heart fully cost you everything and you would do anything to protect yourself from the same pain.
Unfortunately, even when thinking like that, you couldn't help but smile softly at the memory of him talking excitedly about the little trinkets he would buy or find, or how he loved to look after the kids... Seeing you blush while looking down on the ground, Jamie was happy to see that you were getting ready to open up step by step. It would take time but he wouldn't give up until you two were together.
Texting to Oscar who became his friend after their whole plan of "Get these stupids together", he turned to you innocently.
"Well darling, I don't know what will happen between you two but he was looking for you alongside Gaten and Joe."
Raising a brow at him, you shrugged your shoulders and looked at the director if you could go and with a nod from him, you began to search for the sweet man while Jamie was smirking at his phone.
"We're this close to get them together, Jam! Now, let the plan begin :) -Moon Boy"
Joseph was pacing around his trailer after shooting his scenes and the director gave him some time to rest but he was anything but resting. He seriously couldn't believe the events that happened in the past few weeks. He got to meet you, his long time crush, become friends with you and many people, and you two almost spoke all the time despite his worry about you not opening up to him at all.
He knew pieces about your past from the media and at first, he didn't want to force himself on you, even if he wanted to be close to you despite his heart hammering around you whenever he was close to your gorgeous form but with each passing day, it was obvious that you started to trust him as well. Gaten would always tease him for it, saying that it took nearly 2-3 months for you to trust them while it took only a few weeks for him but even if it was teasing,it couldn't have made him happier than anything to know that he was someone you could trust.
But the biggest part was his feelings. He wanted to confess, to tell you how gorgeous and amazing you were, how he wanted to just hold you against himself and indulge in every little activity you wanted to do but... Deep down, he knew that you deserved someone well-known, someone more popular just like you. What would you possibly find anything remarkable in him, with all the other significant men around you?
He almost jumped when he heard a knock outside his trailer, wondering who came to talk to him but upon hearing your soft voice, he immediately rushed to open it, almost tripping over himself.
"Geez, calm down Jo! Are you good?"
"Y-yeah! Just uh... Wasn't expecting a guest?"
" Oh, now I am a guest huh? My poor heart is breaking!"
Chuckling at you and rolling his eyes, he stood at the side to let you in while you were grinning from ear to ear. He knew that look, you did something and was planning to explain it to him. With wide and suspicious eyes, he sat you down on the makeshift bed.
"What did you do this time?"
"First of all, it sounded like you are accusing me and two, I bought us some cake! It's your first month anniversary at this set and trust me, staying alive with a sane mind here is pretty remarkable so it deserves a celebration!"
Shaking his head amused at your happy face, he went to bring some forks so that you two could eat the cake but he widened his eyes at feeling your smaller hands on his forearm with his heart almost bursting out of his chest and turned to look at your toothy smile.
"I brought forks and napkins, dork! Now sit and let's talk about our lives if that's okay?"
"Yes, yeah! Absolutely!"
Giggling like highschoolers while telling funny stories from your sets, you were discreetly watching him throw his head back at you and the wrinkles around his soft eyes whenever he laughed ear to ear with a thundering heart. Feeling your insides melt at his precious laugh, you realized how bad your case was. You didn't have to refuse it anymore...
You had fallen hard for him.
But did he feel the same? You were a very popular actress after all, paparazzis would always be on your tail, you would be seen with a co-star just because you had to and you would always be shipped with someone. People even shipped you with your "Space Sister" for God's sake! You wouldn't be able to give him the life he wanted, he wanted a somewhat normal life despite his career, have a little house away from city, maybe even some puppies or eventually kids...
Your life was far different than his and you didn't want to make him feel unworthy of himself...
"I can't believe Finn almost cried in the IT! How did that happen?"
Ah, one of the sweet memory you had of the now young adult and you were about to use it against him but to be fair, he started it when he thought that sharing your crying self over the movie Hachiko was a great idea.
"Ah well... I wasn't on the cast but since I'm great friends with the Skarsgård family, Bill invited me to come and visit him and I didn't refuse. To be honest, clowns make me irritated and uneasy but this role was important to him so I went to visit and they were so nice to me! When I arrived, Bill was pretty sad because they wouldn't let him speak and play with the kids since they could get attached to him and not get scared easily..."
Cutting a huge cake and eating it with stuffed cheeks, you failed to realize that Joseph clenched his jaw and grabbed the fork thighter at the mention of Bill. When had he started to feel jealous of you? He turned his downcasted eyes to your pretty face when he felt you poke at his face with the tip of your fork with worried eyes.
"Are you okay? If you're bored or if I'm talking so much I can stop... I probably talked a lot and you have a few things to tell me too but I just got excited and-"
Realizing you were getting panicked since he wasn't saying anything and because of the hard look on his face, he immediately loosened up and gave a soft and understanding look to you. He didn't want you to feel bad for being happy while talking about your friends, he wasn't that kind of a man and he would kill himself before making you feel uneasy.
"No,no darling, please continue... I just dozed of because of your pretty smile..."
Winking at you and making you blush, you hit his arm for his teasing nature to hide your embarresment and looked at his face, inspecting every little thing about him and thinking how the wig suited him for a few seconds, you continued after stuffing another chunk of cake into your mouth which made Joseph laugh at your eagerness and grab a napkin for you.
"And I just had to pat his back because he was sad he was making them scared and told him to hang on for a few months and assured him that they would come and play with him because they were looking up at him so much already. The next day, he had to scare Finn and Jaeden and this time, Finn got so scared that he cried at one of the rooms. Meanwhile Bill was crying too and I just had to play the mother and calm the boys and buy everyone in the set ice-cream... It costed me one hell of a money but hey, it could be replaced after all!"
"Don't tell him I have the video and especially that I told you this!"
Making a cross at where his heart was, he grinned at you and extended the napkin to you since he didn't want to make you uncomfy just in case. You looked at him with big eyes and took it with gratitude and realized that you didn't really know much about his life outside the set. With anxious fidgeting and hoping that you wouldn't be asking something offensive, you put the fork down.
"So what about you, Jo? How is your family like?"
Looking at you with a side look, he fangirled inside at your curiousity about his life, not the actor one, and happily told you about his mother. Giving small smiles at him when he would talk about his mom so lovingly, your inner voice just sighed at your miserableness. Grow some balls, and fucking confess to him already! Look, the man has respect for his and your mom, nothing bad would come out of this!
Just when you opened your eyes to finally tell everything you have been feeling about him, his phone started to ring and he looked at you apologetically. Waving your hand as if saying that it was no big deal and that he could talk here, you grabbed the forks and the box of the cake to throw them at the bin when you heard a soft yet older female voice from the speakers.
"How is my boy doing, hmm? Is everything alright in there?"
Cooing at his mother's soft words and concern for him, you chuckled when he looked at where you disappeared a few seconds ago anxiously to see if you heard anything. Seeing that you were still in the kitchen and your back was turned to him, he continued his talk with her.
"Yes, everything is fine mom! Everyone has been kind and Y/N is here right-"
"Oh my God! You work with her?! Is she really that pretty and kind in real life? And... she was that one actress you had been crushing on forever, innit?"
"Yes, oh God, yes she is and... Mom! Don't say things like that so loudly!"
Giggling in your hands while blushing profusely, you stayed in the kitchen and returned when he finished the call with her just in time. Seeing him look at anywhere but you, you just smiled and sit down in front of him.
"My mom says hi and now, you're invited to our home... You don't have to come if-"
"I would like that more than anything, Jo! But, oh shit! I don't have a dress with me and I need to find one quick and I have an interview to do and I-"
"Easy, easy, sweetheart... She invited you when our shooting is done so you still have time and besides... You are already beautiful as the way you're..."
Timidly looking at your wide eyes, you couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat at his affectionate words and the feeling of his much bigger hands holding onto your arms. Your mouth dried, and you started to sweat slightly at how close you two were suddenly. Eyes looking at each other, deep brown melting into Y/E/C and hearts beating erratically, you knew that he was a man you deserved.
Fame, money, nothing mattered in that moment. You were just 1 inch apart from each other, one inch away from finally sealing the deal and become something much more than just friends. Maybe you just met, and maybe there were things you need to learn but deep down, you knew that he would mever treat you the way your ex did.
He wouldn't belittle you, he wouldn't blame you for everything, he wouldn't use you. Instead, he would hold you when things went bad, he would call you beautiful things instead of crude words, he would cherish you, love you till the day you two would die...
Holding onto his arms thightly and looking at him with shaky eyes, he shuffled closer to you, hands now holding your face delicately. He was no different than you, he couldn't believe that he was about to do what he thought he was going to do and you, looking at him with tearfull and shaky eyes with somewhat a painful yet full of hope eyes burned something inside of him.
"Y/N, I... I know you faced many things alone. I know you don't trust people easily anymore but... I love you. I always loved you ever since I was like 21 as soon as I watched your first film and I don't want to force you into anything. I'll be yours if you'll have me and if not, I would just stay as your friend-"
"But... what about everything? Are you fine with me being shipped with someone all the time? Not being home at all? Are you sure you would trust me with all your heart? I... I don't know if I'd be a good significant other and I-I d-don't wanna fuck things up-"
Wiping a stray tear softly from your cheeks, he brought your forehead close and touched it with his own. Even though he had the wig on, he could feel your heart beating with both love and worry. Behind the cheerful and noncholant mask you had, you were just a young woman who was betrayed by someone you trusted once. Someone who didn't make you feel loved and cherished and he would be damned if he did the same mistake.
"As long as you come back to me and I have your heart for mine to love... Then yes, I'm sure with everything inside me that I would go to the very end of-"
Stumbling down on his bed with the shock of your soft lips kissing him slowly with your hands cupping his cheeks lovingly, rubbing the apple of his cheek as if afraid you would break him, he let out a shaky and relieved sigh at finally having you between his arms. Feeling overwhelmed of everything that has been happening to you and the realization that you finally had your "prince charming" between your arms, you smiled into the kiss and shifted to get closer to him. Moaning into the kiss when your leg made contact with his crotch and your stumbling only added more pressure, you both blushed like crazy and parted your ways slowly. Looking at each other shyly with lovesick smiles, he put your stray hair back and dragged his hand down from the side of your face and rested it on your cheek while the other held onto your waist. Giggling happilly at him and throwing your arms around his neck, you two hugged each other while laughing to your hearts contents.
"I don't know why I'm laughing so much! I guess it's been a long time since I felt this happy!"
"Me too, love... Me too... But you're so unfair, now that I got a taste of you, I don't know how I'm supposed to stop myself from kissing you."
"Who said I want you to?"
And being unaware of your manager throwing his fists into the air in victory and texting to the groupchat that you two finally did it, you two kissed each other hungrily and grinded on each other like horny teenagers, moaning into each others mouth with the newfound happiness of you two finding each other.
Please don't let her come to us with hickeys all around her body... I don't know If I can take it- Hello there
Sitting at the back and bouncing your leg up and down while waiting for the signal to come and sit in front of the camera to have the yearly Buzzfeed interview with Eduardo and your boyfriend Joseph while the said man was sitting next to you with a hand on your thigh. Smiling at you cheekily, he kissed your cheek fast and you turned to him with wide eyes, trying to hit him with the soft pillow you had when you used if you need to take a quick nap.
"Jo! Don't do this kind of things so suddenly!"
"Afraid of not being able to stand against my love? I thought you loved me!"
Rolling your eyes at him, you looked right and left to see if a certain blonde who became overprotective after learning from your manager that you two were together was around. He had all the right to do so, after all, you went to him when the shit went down alongside with Pedro and Oscar.
Kissing him from the lips quickly, you stood up and went to sit down before the camera while Joseph was grumbling under his breath.
"No fair, you little fox..."
"Beat this, bub!"
Turning your attention to the puppies who ran at you, you didn't see the way he blushed at your nickname and how he looked at you with heart eyes. Introducing yourselves after finally having a puppy on your lap, you three answered the questions about yourselves and your career.
"Y/N, this one question is specifically for you. What is Y/N Y/L/N known for and is there an embrassing story behind any of it?"
Humming to yourself while petting the dog absent mindly, you leaned back on one of your hands while giving some of your body weight to Joseph, trying to be subtle while the staff was watching with smiles at you.
"Well, I'm mostly known for my role in the Star Wars I guess? And maybe my interactions with others, especially our group the Space Sisters? So uh... Oh, there is one story I could tell you! When I first got the role, I met with Oscar first and he terrified me! He was loud and energetic while I was anxious, then one day he and Pedro came and just said 'We're adopting this one!'.And I was just standing there like a kitten being held from its neck and they dragged me to everywhere to show me off which was... overwhelming. How about you Eduardo, Jo?"
Smiling at your way and how you included them too, Eduardo started to speak while Joseph held your hand thightly in his behind your back. The rest of the interview went smoothly and you two said your goodbyes but you couldn't help but get sad over Joseph not getting a puppy while he wanted to have one and remembering his tongue poking out sweetly at the little puppies, you decided to do something you never did.
"Love... would you mind... you know... coming at my home? I-I mean you never saw where I lived and I want you to be part of my life fully and I want to introduce you to someone..."
Widening his eyes at you and your offer, Joseph smiled widely and hugged you to himself.
"Like? I would LOVE to come, darling! Are we going like now or later, oh I should go change my clothes and I-"
Cooing at his accent and the word "darling", you kissed the corner of his mouth and played with the curls at his nape with a soft smile.
"No need to Jo, I have some spare clothes since men's are much comfier. And we can go now since I think they can't wait to meet you. I mean they don't like people that much and they mostly bark at new people but-"
"Wait, wait... Bark? Who... Who am I going to meet with?"
"Well, my dogs and their puppies obviously? Also the newest addition to our little family, a sweet kitten- Owow, slow down Romeo!"
Dragging you to your room and closing the door behind himself, he laughed and kissed you sweetly before your manager could come and ruin the moment again. Kissing him back and running your hand on his bare back, he groaned into the kiss and before things would escalate, the ringing of your phone made him groan out and you laugh out hard.
"Don't you dare give me babies~~ Or else I would come with little bees~~To sting you from your weenie~"
"I'm sorry Jo... I don't know how he came into my room..."
Coming out after having a shower, you felt freshened and happy after all the things that heppened today. Drying your hair with the towel, you sat down beside him on the couch and layed against him while he was playing with your hair with one hand and the other petting the puppies who loved him immediately and jumped at him as soon as they saw his tall figure.
"It's okay sweetheart. They're protective of you but I seriously wonder what they will do when we get married..."
Gulping down hard, you felt the shivers all around your body when he mentioned marriage. He wanted to...marry you? It wasn't something strange, you two almost dated for 8 months now and was happy that you were able to keep it hidden from the media but... You never thought that he was that serious with you.
"Marriage..? Oh God, I'm sorry if I did made you uncomfortable! Just forget it-"
"You want to marry... me?"
Looking at you with shocked eyes he put the puppies down and took your form on his lap to look at your face closely.
"What? I always dreamed of being married to you! I even have the whole speech ready from the moment I saw you first, even though it's cringy with all the fanboying... But I'd understand if you... You know... didn't think like that..."
Seeing his saddened eyes made you feel like shit, and also helped you remember that you both had insecurities. His had skyrocketed after starting to date you and the new season started, with people saying that they didn't like him at all. That he was better with the wig on and that he wasn't handsome at all. And that wasn't the end, people even picked on Millie, for the millionth time, and Millie and Joe had to stop you from going off on someone on your social media. You could still remember how liverish you were while trying to get a hold of your phone which was in Joe's hands.
Giggling at the memory, you didn't think about how it would be seen by the man under you who was swimming inside his insecurity pool. He knew he shouldn't read and think about the people and what they thought of him. He never cared about his appearance before he dated you, and it wasn't gonna change. You told him time and time again that he was the prettiest and most handsome man you had seen and you would always love him, not for his looks but for his sweet personality, the one which would shy away from a lot of attention, would poke his tongue out while thinking, the one that had fallen in love with you.
There was only one way to prove to him and the rest of the world how amazing he was and you exactly knew what. Suddenly getting up from his lap and looking for your phone, he looked at your back confused and hurt since you just left without saying something, he was even more confused when you sat down next to him and entered your gallery. He widened his eyes at seeing so many random photos of himself in it, him trying to focus, him reading a book, him with the wig on, him on the events...
"Love, what are you doing?"
" I thought I fucked those insecurities away from you last night, but apparently, I was wrong..."
Blushing at your blunt words, he put his hand on your waist and softly pinched the fat there lovingly begore his hand froze in shock.
"So I'm gonna share you and our very happy children to tell the world to fuck off!"
Shuffling away from you to take your hands into his to stop you, he looked at you with panicked eyes. You didn't mean to make him that anxious and seeing your sunshine like that made you but angry at the so called fans and sad for him. Taking his head into your hands, you kissed his lips passionetly in which he responded with the same amount. Parting away while panting and looking at each other eyes, you kissed the underside of his eye and smiled at him sweetly.
"I know you're anxious and I get it. The amount of hate I got for taking a role in the Star Wars universe was so bad that I... I tried to end it all. For good..."
Getting the meaning behind of your words, he immediately checked your wrist and when he saw the faint scars, he looked at you with tears in his soft eyes. Wiping his tears away, you continued before he could go on.
"Don't worry, Oscar and some others found me just in time and I'm fine. I never tried to do something like that again. My point is, even though it's hard, don't listen. They will talk no matter what you do and understanding this took a long time for me but I don't want the same things happen to you... I'd fight with every single one of them if it meant you'd be happy but... if you don't want people knowing, then I'll not share anything."
He looked at you with unreadable eyes, shook that you went through this. He stared at your hands and back at you, feeling too much at the realization of what might have happened if they didn't come in time. Suddenly yanking you to himself, he smelled your shampoo over and over as if to memorize it. Soothing him by rubbing back and twirling his curls, you put your weight on him with the relaxation and listened to his heart when he started to talk.
"I-I didn't know... any of this... I'm so sorry darling, for people and for not being in your life at that time... You can share whatever you want and I'll do the same besides... the internet will be upside down by the hottest couple, no?"
Smirking at him with a proud look, you nodded your head and set yourself onto his lap again. Back against his chest, his hand were on your tummy, hugging you close to himself. He smiled at the photos you had chosen with his chin on top of your head, he pointed to each photos, asking when you took them. You smiled and hugged his arm to yourself while your kitten was hissing at the background.
"I took the first one at the World Premiere secretly because you looked so cute, the second one as soon as we entered and the third one was when you went to bathroom... Now let me poor all my badass attitude into the caption, love!"
And rolling his eyes at you, he watched you type fastly with a fond look. He didn't know what the future would bring for both of you, but he thanked God for giving you to him, letting you fall in love with him and making him be a part of your life.
Putting your phone down after posting the photos, you snuggled him up with your puppies on your lap and around you with your kitten on his head, hanging on his curls.
That was all you've ever wanted, and finally you were happy.
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prettybillycore · 2 years
You’re Gorgeous, Doll || Billy Hargrove x Reader
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Pairing(s): Billy Hargrove x Plus Size!Wheeler!Reader; Minor Jonathan Byers x Nancy Wheeler
Universe: Stranger Things
Summary: Billy didn’t understand why you wouldn’t come to visit him at the pool so eventually, you agreed to go after some convincing from Nancy. The problem came from someone who you didn’t expect to be there; your mother. Billy sees her making you feel guilty about your weight, so he does the absolute most to shut down her fat shaming.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 6.0k
Warnings: Fat Shaming, Body Confidence Issues, Possessive!Billy, Major Karen Wheeler Slander, Headcanon that Mrs. Wheeler has disordered eating. Minor Jonathan Slander if you squint.
A/N: the reader is gender neutral (neutral nicknames, outfits, pronouns, etc), the only thing that is not gender neutral is the style of bathing suit they wear later in the story. Mrs. Wheeler also treats the reader similarly to Nancy. I did my best to keep it gender-neutral tho!
Read it on A03 or here on Tumblr below the cut
Billy Hargrove was still learning how to be a good boyfriend. You appreciated all of his efforts to become a better person in general, but he definitely still had a ways to go. He loved you dearly, but he couldn’t always understand your insecurities. He wanted so badly to understand, but he would often become frustrated and not know what to say when you let your insecurities get the best of you. He saw you as one of the most beautiful people in the world and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t understand why you saw yourself as anything less. He would make a ‘tsk’ sound with his tongue and sigh when you would bring up anything about your weight insecurity. It’s not that he didn’t care, it’s that he could not, for the life of him, figure out why you were so sensitive about your weight. You knew the reason though, but you were afraid to tell him. 
You were Y/n Wheeler. You were born a year after your older sister Nancy, which also made you one year younger than Billy. Your sister had a few classes with Billy before you all got out for the summer and she did her best to treat him with kindness. She didn’t understand what you saw in him, but she respected your choices. Billy also did his best to be nice to her and (much more reluctantly) Steve and Jonathan. You loved your sister with your whole heart. You two had always been close. You taught Mike how to be a Dungeon Master and you were like the older sister of the whole party at this point. You were not super popular in school, but you had a good group of friends + Billy to keep you company. The only person in your life who you felt like was against you was your mother, Karen Wheeler.
You knew that she was the reason, deep down, for your insecurities about your appearance. Of course, over the years at school people had made comments about your weight, but between Nancy, Steve, and Billy, people your age had pretty much stopped bullying you entirely. None of them, of course, could stop your mother. Billy and Steve had no idea what your mother had been saying to you. Nancy knew, you two had grown up together, but she didn’t know how to stop your mother. She tried to step in, but your mother was never receptive to what she had to say. You appreciated the effort, but your mother’s words were getting to the point that you were starting to really question if you were good enough for Billy.
You would bring up the ladder to your boyfriend and he would just roll his eyes. “If you weren’t good enough for me, Sweetheart, I wouldn’t be dating you, simple. I think you’re the most perfect person in the world, so we’re dating. Don’t overthink it, just run away with me when we graduate, yeah? We’ll get married at a courthouse and buy a little place in California, somewhere on the water. We can bring whoever else wants to come, if it’ll make you happy.”
You would toss him a small smile and do your best to hide the tears that were welling up in your eyes. You would softly plunge your face into his chest when you realized you weren’t going to be able to stop yourself from crying. He would let out a deep sigh and close his eyes in frustration. Even so, he would still hug you back tightly and let you cry it out. His head would be resting on top of yours and his arms would keep you locked in place until he could feel your heart rate calm down. He knew that he had to be missing something. This insecurity ran deep. You had helped in through so many of the insecurities that Neil had caused him. He wondered why you weren’t comfortable enough to tell him who was causing you all this distress. He knew it was still happening, so he suspected someone in your family, but he couldn’t place who. The bullies of your past, Tommy and Jason, left you completely alone now, hell, they wouldn’t even look in your direction. He doubted your sister or little brother were causing you this much anguish, but he couldn’t decipher which of your parents would be saying hurtful things about your appearance to you. 
He eventually would pull away from the hug and rest one of his hands on your cheek. “If someone is being mean to you, you’d tell me right?”
You nodded. Your face was flushed and your eyes just looked so heavy. He could feel the defeat in your body and it absolutely broke his heart. “Yeah.”
He stepped back again and sat down on your bed. He would gesture for you to sit on his lap and you would always hesitate. He would gesture again, “You’re not gonna break me, Doll.”
  You would give in and straddle his waist, balancing yourself by wrapping your arms around his shoulders and putting your knees firmly on the bed. “I just get nervous that I’m gonna crush you.”
He chuckled. He knows that you’re serious, but he does his best to lighten the weight in your heart. “Sweetheart, I love every part of you. From your lips, to your stomach, to your hands, to your gorgeous, gorgeous thighs.” The palms of his hands were flat against your bear skin. Your shorts rode up when you sat down, leaving your thighs defenseless to his touch. He ran his hands up and down your skin. You leaned your forehead against his to keep yourself steady. 
“Billy…” You mumbled. It basically just fell out of your mouth. 
You were so close, that you could see the mix of lust, love, and adoration in his eyes. One of his hands stayed on your thigh, the other cupped your face. Your breath hitched. He sucked in a breath and you could basically see his eyes rolling into the back of his head. “You are literally a god(dess). My god(dess).”
He pulled your lips to his and your thoughts started to fuzzy. Your hands started to pull at the hair at the base of his neck. “I love you, Billy.” It was a whisper between kisses.
He smiled into your kiss, though you could tell he was doing his best to hold back a groan. “I love you too, Y/n. You are my home.”
| < ♥️ > |
Billy did everything he could to give you the world and raise your confidence, but something your mom did/said would always ruin it. She would bring you back from the high that Billy gave you and make you feel like you were a little kid again. A little kid who had no say in anything again. She counted her calories the best she could for every meal, and she taught Nancy and you to do the same thing. She never tried to teach Mike; he was a boy and got to eat almost anything he wanted to ‘grow big and strong.’ You and Nancy were forced to follow your mother’s ways in your pre-teen and early teen years. Nancy was doing her best to get away from it, as were. You just had a different genetic makeup, and different medications, and your body just had a different shape than your sister and mother. Nancy never made you feel bad about that. She would offer to do your makeup and would go clothes shopping with you if you needed moral support. She had even gotten Steve and/or Jonathan to join in on it a few times. The first time she started to see good in Billy is when you dragged him shopping with you two. He treated you like royalty the entire time and Nancy was happy that you had a partner who lifted you up; since you still had a mom that carried you down. 
Since you started dating Billy, you were getting more confident. It was the little things– wearing one of his shirts to school as a tight crop top with a jacket over it, wearing colors of eye shadow your mother said brought out the roundness of your face, and letting yourself enjoy lunch periods again. Billy had his hand pressed against the small of your back, skin completely exposed by his shirt and his eyes, again full of love and lust at how beautiful he thought you looked. However, not even he could get you to wear a swimsuit. You two hadn’t seen each other stripped that far down yet because you weren’t there yet, and he respected that entirely. He had one problem though; you refused to come to visit him at the pool for longer than a few minutes. Your family was at the Hawkins pool all the time this summer. He saw your little brother and your mother all the time there. Your sister even was there with some of your other friends sometimes. Billy asked Nancy why you didn’t come, in a joking manner, of course. He thought you were just coming in your own car or something. Nancy’s response made him more annoyed and confused though. “They’re not coming. They don’t do pools.”
Every time you stopped by the pool, you were fully clothed and sat with Billy in the office while he was on his lunch breaks. He was completely respectful of the fact that you weren’t ready to have sex, but he was dying to spend more time with you this summer. He was missing you terribly now that he had this job. If you brought all the little shitheads to the pool a few times a week he would be able to spend more time with you; plus he thought you would look so cute in a swimsuit; hair slicked back while playing Marco polo with the party. He wanted to see it so badly, but every time he asked about you bringing the party to the pool for the day, you would just shake your head and change the subject. 
One day, when Nancy was there with Jonathan and a few other friends, Billy approached them when it was his turn to head out onto the pool deck. Heather eyed him curiously as she made her way inside, but she didn’t say anything. “Wheeler,” he called. 
Nancy quirked her eyebrow at the young lifeguard. Jonathan scooted a little closer to her on their shared beach chair, which didn’t go unnoticed by Billy. Though, he chose to ignore the older Byers brother, whatever he was thinking wasn’t of importance to Billy right now. “What can I do for you, Hargrove?”
“I think you know,” he said with a slick smile. Though it soon faded when Nancy shook her head. 
“She’s not gonna come here Billy, not in a suit. Probably not even with a T-shirt over one.”
Billy grumbled and swayed a bit. “Do you know why? I thought their confidence was getting better. I want them to be able to enjoy the one summer activity this shitty town has to offer– plus I’m missing them like hell right now.”
Nancy smiled at him and Jonathan watched the interaction with a puzzled expression. “I will try to convince them to come. Are you working tomorrow?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I’m on all afternoon.”
“I can’t guarantee that they will bend, but I will try. I’m in charge of giving the party something to do tomorrow and I told them we were going to come here. They haven’t come much this summer because they’re all kinda nerdy and the indoorsy types. Us older siblings are trying to get them all to go out more,” she said, briefly turning her attention to Jonathan.
“I appreciate it Nanc, really. And like, I don’t want them to feel super pressured. I would just like if they stay for a while, even if they decide they aren’t ready to swim, just be here while I’m trapped here.”
Nancy’s smile grew wider. “I never expected you to be so good for them, Billy, but I am really glad that you are. You help them more than you realize, I think.”
Billy felt his heart soften. “I know that people in this day and age can be really shitty to each other about their looks. I see Y/n for who they are on the inside; a fucking angel really and they have the looks to match. I’ve never been able to figure out who the fuck made them feel so shit for their weight, but if I figure it out, I will kick their ass.” 
Nancy could see his jaw lock. He was staring toward the ground as he spoke. She knew it was a lot for him to be genuine with someone other than you. “You really are doing so much more for them than you realize, I’ll talk to them about it tonight.”
“Thank you, Wheeler. Have a good day here at the pool.” He gave Jonathan a bit of a stare down. He didn’t know what it was, but there was something that Billy didn’t like about Jonathan. He did his best to be nice to him for your sake though. “You too, Byers.” 
| < ♥️ > |
Nancy was nervous to talk to you, but she thought you might come if she expressed to you what Billy had said. She knew that you sometimes wondered, out of insecurity– not out of reason, if you were good enough for Billy. She knew that you questioned if you were worth Billy Hargrove’s time. She also knew though, that Billy was completely in love with you and she just had to figure out how to make you see that for certain. She knocked on your door after she arrived home from the pool and changed into some dry clothes. “Come in– oh hey Nanc! How was your day?”
She tossed you a smile, but you could sense her nerves as she shut the door. You shut the book you were reading and pulled off your headphones. You had been listening to a mixtape in your walkman and vibing by yourself for the evening. There were way fewer family dinners during the summertime because everyone’s schedules were so different and you both were honestly thankful for that. “I had a great day. You know everything has been so stressful and all; it was nice to just go to the pool and relax. In fact, I’m taking all the kids tomorrow for a pool day. You should join us.” You went to say something, but she put her hand up. “Wait wait wait, before you say no. I wanna tell you what Billy said today when Jonathan and I were out there.”
“Have you ever told him about mom?”
“About mom?” you asked.
Nancy gave you that look. “You know what I’m talking about.” She sat at the edge of your bed. She was staring at you. It felt like she was trying to stare through your soul. 
“The things she says about my body? About food? About my clothes? No, I haven’t. It’s not that I won’t tell him or anything, it’s just that I’m nervous too. He’s receptive to me being insecure about things, but I think it annoys him or makes him anxious when I talk about it too much. Like he sees me a certain way and can’t see why I don’t see myself that way. I know it’s partly because I haven’t told him about mom, but I also just think he wants the change in mindset to happen quicker than I am capable of.”
“He doesn’t want to push you, Y/n, trust me. Neither do I. You don’t have to talk to him about any of that if you aren’t ready. I just–”
“Then what is this about?” Your tone was a little snappy, but Nancy ignored it. She knew it was because you were getting anxious.
“Billy is totally head over heels in love with you, Y/n, just the way you are. I didn’t understand what you saw in him when you first introduced him to the family, but I really think I understand now. He’s still an asshole, but he’s learning and he thinks the world of you. I know your brain sometimes gets in the way of you seeing that, but trust me, as your sister I want what’s best for you, and Billy Hargrove, shockingly, seems to be just that.” You furrowed your eyebrows and she continued to speak. “You remember that bathing suit we bought you last fall when they were all on sale because they were going out of season?”
“Yeah, the teal one with the side cutouts?”
“Yeah, that one! You should come with me and the party to the pool tomorrow and wear it. Before you say no, I promised Billy I would ask you to come. He came up to me today and basically begged me to get you to come to the pool with us. He’s missing you a lot since he started his job. You know everything that happened with the mall; we almost lost the Byers family, we almost lost him, and Steve and Robin! He just wishes he could spend more time with you and I’m sure now that he’s pretty much back to healed his dad is making him work. I think he’s still feeling the effects of that near-death experience, you know? He said that he wished you could enjoy the pool as we do in the summer. He also said he didn’t care if you just decided to wear normal clothes and sat on the deck with me all day. He just wants to see you.”
You felt your heart swell. You weren’t going to cry at that moment, but you could totally see yourself crying later when it was time to head to bed and Nancy was gone. Billy was brash, stern, and easily annoyed, but the fact that he shared how he was feeling with Nancy told you that this meant a lot to him. He genuinely was missing you and wanted to spend a day at the pool so he could see you more. The thought was precious to you. You were incredibly nervous about going to the pool because you knew that there was a chance that your mom was going to show up at some point (as she and the other local moms often just appeared there in the later afternoons), but you pushed that feeling down deep. You did your best to shove it inside the deepest cavity of your chest and lock it in there. “Alright, Nancy. I’ll go with you and the party tomorrow. I’m not sure I’ll wear a suit, but I’ll go to the pool.”
She smiled brightly and threw her arms around you in a tight, lopsided hug. “I’m so glad you’re gonna come with us! Wear whatever you are gonna be most comfortable in, Y/n. I’m sure Billy will just be happy to see you there.”
| < ♥️ > |
You woke up the next more to your stomach being tied in a knot. You knew it was from your nerves, but shit, you didn’t expect it to be as bad as it was. You ended up staying in your room for the most part until the early afternoon so you could give yourself a chance to relax before going to the pool. Nancy didn’t bother you, and shockingly neither did your mother. Nancy only knocked on your door about 30 minutes before you were supposed to leave so she could make sure you knew it was time to get ready.
You pulled yourself from your cocoon of blankets and reached into the darkest part of your closet. You felt the bathing suit material squish in your hand and you almost grimaced. It was crumpled up for almost a year, but it looked perfectly fine when you pulled it out. It was the beautiful shade of teal that you remembered it to be. The cutouts on each side ran from under bust height down to the curve of your hips. They were broken up by bathing suit strings that crossed over the gaps. It was so cute, but you were absolutely terrified. 
You took a deep breath before putting it on. It fit you perfectly. You looked in your bathroom mirror and you were honestly surprised by how much you liked the shape on your figure. It made you feel confident in the shape of your different body parts; much like Billy, it made your parts feel like they were meant to make up the whole you. You took another deep breath before deciding to pull an oversized men’s romantics shirt over your head. Billy always seemed to like it on you. It was one of the few shirts that you felt confident in. It was missing the top part of the collar ( you had cut it out a long time ago) so it showed a little more skin than the average T-shirt, but it also was loose around your hips. It looked super cute, in your opinion, with a pair of denim shorts pulled under it. You pulled your favorite pair of shorts on to finish off your bathing suit cover-up look and you checked yourself in the mirror one more time. Your hair was resting a little wildly today, but you decided not to worry about it too much; you were going to the pool after all. The shorts were just barely peaking out from under the bottom hem of the shirt and you felt pretty good about yourself. You weren’t sure if you would have the confidence to take off this overlayer, but you knew that would be okay. You were just excited to surprise visit your boyfriend and spend some time with the collective of younger teens that you inherited from Steve while he was working at Scoops Ahoy. 
Nancy and the party were all excited when you came down the stairs. Dustin and Max seemed the most excited out of all of them though. Dustin had become a fan of you because of your amazing DMing skills, but as he got older, he’s just become such a sweetheart. When he started high school you were 100% going to have Billy help you look out for him. Asshats like Jason and Tommy would surely try to target him. 
Max and you had a special bond. She told you once, prior to the incident at the mall, that she thought of you as an older sister. You knew her and Billy had issues; you accidentally became a mediator for the siblings pretty soon into your relationship. Things had gotten a lot more stable since Billy returned home from the hospital, between your help and the discovery of monsters, he seemed pretty keen on turning his life around. Max was grateful that you were helping him become a better person. You both knew Neil wouldn’t let him receive the therapy he needed. This was the best you could do for now. 
She ran up and gave you a hug. It had been a while since you had seen her. You were both healed from your injuries at this point and you thought she looked fantastic for everything you all had been through. The whole party, even Will and El, seemed to be looking bright today. “Damn, you’re all really excited about the pool, huh?”
Some of them nodded, and some of them shrugged. “I think we’re excited to play pool games with you and Nancy like we did when we were kids.” 
Dustin’s comment made you actually kind of want to get into the pool if you were honest with yourself. “Well, we can’t play games here. Everyone pick a car; Jonathan’s or mine and we’ll get going!”
| < ♥️ > |
It was a struggle trying to get everyone into two cars, but you all managed to make it work for the short ride to Hawkins Pool. You were filling up with anxiety as everyone made their way toward either the locker rooms or the pool deck. It was getting close to time. “Well if it isn’t the love of my life.” 
Billy approached you from the locker room exit. His expression alerted you that he was excited to see you and also surprised. His eyes trailed up and down your figure before he placed his hands on your hips and leaned in for a kiss. “So Nancy was able to convince you, huh Doll?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Well, it was actually what you told her yesterday that made me want to come. I miss you too Billy. I never thought I would say this, but fuck I miss school. I can’t wait until we are back and I’m with you for every second I can be.”
His face was plastered with a grin. He placed a deep kiss on your lips; it was so passionate it was almost bruising. His fingers were playing with the bathing suit strings of your suit through the fabric of your shirt. “Doll, I am so glad you are here. Just you being here makes this place a thousand times better. Why don’t you join Nancy, Byers, and the rugrats in the pool and I’ll get you out when I have my lunch break.”
You sighed and thought about it for a moment. You looked over Billy’s shoulder and saw your sister, her boyfriend, and all of the party playing toward the entrance to the pool. They were splashing each other and laughing. It was scary, but you would be in the water most of the time today anyway, you might as well hop in and have some fun since everyone you came with had gotten in. It was pretty blistering out just to sit on the sidelines. You eventually nodded to him and kissed his nose. He blinked in surprise, which he did every time you kissed his nose, and you giggled. You stepped out of his grasp and pulled the romantics' shirt over your head. When your eyes met Billy’s again, he’s flicking his tongue and shaking his head. “What?”
He set his hands on your hips again and pulled you even closer than he had before. “You are so so hot. You’re gorgeous, Doll. I mean it.” 
You pulled back enough that you could see his face. You could see it in his expression, Nancy was right; he was completely enamored with you; stretchmarks, cellulite, rolls, and all. 
You didn’t understand it. You couldn’t see past all the things your mother had picked on you for, but somehow it went right through for Billy. “When we first met, did you think the same thing?”
Billy’s face became confused. When you first met Billy, it was his first day at Hawkins High. Some of the girls in your grade were laughing at your appearance as you were walking by them in the hall. Billy heard what one of them said as he was walking in the same direction as you. You had heard them too, but you had decided to ignore them. Billy wasn’t sure why, but he was incredibly bothered by the comment. Your eyes briefly met and he could see your sadness even though you didn’t say anything. It wasn’t usually like him, at the time, to protect people he didn’t know. He kept his circle big, but everyone in his circle was at an arm’s length. “Hey!” he barked. The girls all jumped out of their skin and your head snapped to look toward him. He could feel all eyes on him. He realized, in that moment, that you were considered one of the school’s punching bags and he wanted to change that. “Leave them alone. Focus on your fuckin’ selves before you go commenting on other people’s shit.” The words were vile; they came out of his throat with the burn of venom. The girls all shrank and quickly began moving in the other direction. They were whispering about how he was a dick, but he didn’t care. He looked toward you.
Your eyes were alight with fear and wonder. He’ll never forget how you looked that day; flared blue jeans, a metallic shirt– tucked in, combat boots, and men’s flannel hung loosely around your shoulders. Your ears were pierced and you were wearing some kind of all-black necklace. He could tell you were heavier, but he thought you looked adorable nonetheless. Your weight never stopped him from thinking you were just about the cutest person he had ever seen. “Uh… thanks-”
“Billy, Billy Hargrove.” 
“Thanks, Billy Hargrove.”
“No problem, Doll. I’ll walk you to class if you’d like. I don’t really give a shit if I’m late to mine.”
You smiled a bit. His heart almost melted entirely on the spot. “That would be nice.”
“Darlin’,” he said, his tone almost scolding. His hands were on your cheeks, “Never question how I feel about you. I have had my eyes on you since that day and nothing anyone says is gonna change that. When I say I think you’re gorgeous, Doll, I really do mean it with everything I’ve got.”
You folded into his chest. Your arms squeezed him tightly around his middle. His hands found their place on the back of your head and on your lower back. He gave you a tight squeeze in return. “I love you so much, Billy. You make me feel so much better about myself and if my opinion matters at all. You are the hottest man I’ve ever seen and I feel incredibly lucky to call you my boyfriend.”
It was all said in a mumble against his chest, but he heard every word. Each one vibrated his skin slightly and honestly, it was the first time he ever felt like happy crying. He pulled air through his nose harshly and smiled down at you as he backed out of the hug. “I love you too, Sweetheart. I have to get to my post before Heather comes for my ass, but we will talk about this later.”
“Sounds like a plan, I’ll see you on your lunch break.” He planted one last kiss on your lips before turning away from you. 
What neither of you saw coming was what happened next. Billy only made it around the corner before he heard your mother’s stern voice. Every word made him cringe. “Y/n Wheeler! Put that shirt back on. You don’t need to just be in a bathing suit. There’s too much showing. You can swim with that shirt on; it’s old and unbecoming anyways.”
You spun around to face her, your skin was hot and you felt like you were crumbling under her gaze. Her friends were whispering to each other while she was staring at you sternly. Her hands were resting on her hips as she and all of her friends were wearing just bathing suits. Of course, they all had similar figures though. Their figures matched their fatphobic ideals. “Mom please–” Your voice came out smaller than expected. It cracked under the pressure. 
“No ‘mom-ing’ me. You can’t just walk around like that. You have too much weight on your bones for that. Where did you even get that suit? It’s hideous.” she paused for a moment. You knew she wanted you to put the shirt back on so the conversation could be over with, but you were completely frozen and mortified. Some of the other patrons at the pool were starting to notice the situation. 
“Don’t argue now, I am your mother.”
That was the moment Billy snapped. He came flying back around the corner and placed his arm around your middle. He rested it on your hip and basically lodged himself into your side. He wanted you to know that he was right there and he was not going to back down from this situation. He had always been civil with your mother, even through her attempts to flirt with him. This he could not be civil about, he just knew that this is what you had been hiding. Mrs. Wheeler wanted people to like her and if she had known that Billy was in earshot, he doubted that she would have said anything at all out loud. “Suddenly, the self-loathing makes sense,” he started. He was staring down your mother. You were watching his face from beside him. You could see the pain and anger in his expression. “All the time Y/n asks for reassurance, and now I finally understand why. You say shit like that all the time, don’t you Mrs. Wheeler?”
“Billy. I didn’t see you th–”
“No, you didn’t. I was on the way back to my post when I heard you harassing my Y/n. I am not going to let you talk to other guests of the pool like that, especially your own kids. You need to take a big fucking look at yourself, Mrs. Wheeler. How could you put your child down like that? I constantly have to remind Y/n that they are worthy of love and attention, despite their looks of all things, and now I know it’s because of how you treat them. Don’t try to force your kids to look or dress a certain way; you’re not going to get your way, you’re just going to make them less confident in their appearance. I will tell them every day that they are beautiful if it means eventually they will start to believe it. Jonathan does the same sort of thing for Nancy. Fuck, I will spend the rest of my life trying to convince Y/n that they are gorgeous as I see them, but Y/n, Nancy, Jonathan, and I should not be responsible for undoing years of trauma, the trauma that is completely on you, by the way, if you couldn’t tell by the anger in my voice.”
Your mother was completely stunned and so were her friends. Billy Hargrove had put your mom in her place, something no one had ever done for you. You knew that she had to be pissed, but you really didn’t care. Billy just made you feel so loved at that moment that nothing else really mattered to you. “I… I had no idea that–”
“Bullshit,” Billy didn’t let her finish her thought. “All of you, out of my pool. Hawkins Pool is a safe place, and you aren’t allowed to be in it when you talk to your kids like that.”
You looked toward your mom. She looked like she wanted to fire back, but one of her friends placed a hand on her shoulder and told her to give it up. They all liked Billy, they were going to fight with him about being banned from the people. They knew if Karen kept trying she was going to get them banned for life. “I… I don’t– thank you, Billy.”
He kissed your temple though you could tell his attention was still focused on making sure your mother left the pool grounds. “Doll, if she ever says anything like that again, you tell me and we will share plenty more words that she won’t like.”
You smiled up at him. “You really are in love with me, aren’t you?”
He rolled his eyes and grabbed your chin. “Again, Doll, never doubt my feelings for you.”
End :)
Tags: @whoringrove @thatonegirlwhowrites @alexis-m-kruger @mothshabby
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see ive had this marinating in my mess of a brain for a Very Long Time™️
hcs for the boys dating someone with glasses if ya havent already? 🫶🏻
A/N: Hey Butter! This was a lot of fun to do, thanks for requesting it! 
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I firmly believe, with all of my heart, that Darry has reading glasses
Nothing you can say would convince me that this man doesn’t wear reading glasses when he’s sitting in the living room, leafing through the newspaper
So having an S/O that wears glasses really doesn’t bother him in the slightest! 
He thinks you’re super duper cute, thinks you’re the cutest thing really, especially when you adjust your glasses shyly
Tons of compliments, expects so many compliments from Darry about how pretty he thinks you are, more so if you feel insecure about wearing glasses! 
10/10, would definitely trust this boy to hold onto your glasses, he’s gentle and he’d make sure they don’t end up broken
Sodapop will ask to try on your glasses and then proceed to squint through the lenses and make fun of your eyesight
I’m talking full-on, stumbling around laughing with his hands out because “Christ Y/N, I didn’t know you were this blind”
But then he turns around and talks about how pretty you are so don’t be alarmed my dear friends, he does, in fact, love you dearly 
Sodapop will poke that little spot between the lenses, right over the bridge of your nose when you’re not paying enough attention to you
I don’t know why he does it, he just does, I don’t think he really has a reason for it
Is surprisingly gentle when it comes to your glasses! I think he’d actually be very gentle when it comes to handling them, he’s afraid of breaking them 
Ack, Ponyboy with an S/O who wears glasses makes my heart super duper happy
I think just seeing two little dorks together? I just really, really love that
Y’all look like the perfect dorky couple and please trust me when I say that I mean this with nothing but love for dorks-
Tons and tons of blushy compliments about how cute he thinks you are, most of them are written notes <3
He’s the kind of boy who if you walks in without your glasses, he’d pout in confusion and ask where they were 
Out of all the boys, he’s the one to really trust to hold your glasses and keep them safe from everyone else
Dally calls you four-eyes. That is all my friends
Is it teasing? Yes. Is teasing how Dally shows his affection because he struggles putting his emotions into words? The answer is also yes
I feel like I talk about this a lot with him, but he’s definitely got the vibe of I’m going to bully you out of love, but the second anyone else does it, they’re dead <3
He’ll never admit it do you, but he likes that you look a little geeky, he thinks you’re kinda cute and soft and it makes him feel big and bad
Dally likes feeling needed when it comes to his partners, he likes feeling needed in general and I think having softer-presenting partners makes him feel like that
Don’t let him touch your glasses, they will end up broken and he’s not even going to apologize for it 
God he thinks you’re the cutest thing he’s ever laid eyes on from the very moment he sees you
If you so much as glance at him over the tops of your frames, Johnny’s melting under your gaze
Loves the way you look with your glasses and will undoubtedly shower you with compliments
I can totally see him being weird and tracing the edges of your frames for no reason whatsoever
Definitely trust him with your glasses, he wouldn’t break them
They’re safe as can be in his hands! I trust him!
Do not, and I mean do not let Two-Bit hold onto your glasses unless you’re alright with cracked frames and smudged lenses
Two’s got a heart of gold, but he’s immensely clumsy and that never means good things
I feel like he just wouldn’t get the concept of keep your hands off the lenses?
Like half the smudges and fingerprints on your glasses are his, I swear, it’s mostly Two-Bit
He’ll like grab your face? To pull you closer for a kiss to your cheek and touch the lenses on accident
Thinks you’re super duper cute though <3 you can’t feel self conscious about them when you’re around him because he compliments you so much 
Hype. Man. I bring this up every time because I don’t think you guys fully believed how whipped Steve is for his partner
Steve loves your glasses. He loves you and your glasses are part of you, he loves them
Don’t try and be shy and not wear them around him, he wants to see them!!
Although he can be sweet, Steve’s gonna tease you too, it’s just gotta happen
Asking if you can see that far or if you can read this or that, simple things like that!
I don’t know if you should trust him with your glasses? I definitely wouldn’t trust him with mine because he’d get grime on them
Tim loves your glasses and is going to be a little more vocal about it than Dal is whenever you’re behind closed doors
He’ll nudge your glasses back up when they slip down your nose, his finger gently pushing them back into place
But at the same time, he’s gonna tease the hell out of you cause it’s Tim and that’s how he shows his love <3
Teasing pt. 2 but a little softer than Dallas-
Teasing nicknames mostly and asking you to read everything when you don’t have your glasses on cause he’s trying to test how bad your vision is
“C’mon doll, just that sign, it ain’t even that far away, just the other side of the street-”
Curly will ask if he can wear your glasses and will pout if you tell him no
Don’t trust him with your glasses, he’d break them and then pretend like he’s innocent and try to shift the blame to someone else
He likes the look on you though, thinks you’re pretty with them on <3
No real compliments? But he’s gonna make sure that you know he likes them, he’ll presses kisses all over your face and be extra smiley when you’re wearing them
If he hears about anyone deciding to mess with you for wearing glasses, Curly is not above murder
No one messes with you and Curly isn’t afraid to throw fists to reinforce that point
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