#you forgot to mention the part where they have 20 cats
slasher-male-wife · 4 months
My Valentine: Harry Warden x gn reader
So this is a kind of short and nothing too serious. I just wanted to put something out for Valentines day before the day passes. I might make a part two for this but I'll hopefully have more Valentines day stuff for y'all soon.
Themes: Angst?
Warnings: Home invasion, drugging, murder mentions, slight swearing
It was a stupid dare. A stupid dare that you should have never done in the first place. Your friends convinced you to go to the mines in your town and go down in them with nothing but a flashlight. You wanted to refuse but you knew you’d get shit for it if you didn’t do it. 
Now here you are. Walking down a dark mine tunnel with a flashlight in hand, trying to go deep enough to find a piece of coal to prove to your friends you actually went down there. Every creak, every groan of the wooden beams, every micro sonic noise you hear makes your body tense and mind ache with the effort of not running right back up to your friends. You finally reach low enough to find a piece of coal and you quickly pick it up, turning around and walking back towards the tunnel. You point your flashlight ahead as you speed through the mines. 
“Happy Valentines day Y/N, we know you’re single so we’ll hang out with you but you have to go into a dangerous mine and do a stupid dare.” You mumble to yourself in a bit of a bitter tone. But up in the distance a figure emerges from an alcove. You stop walking and point your flashlight down. They’re far from you, but you can tell they’re a miner, probably someone who forgot to go up earlier in the day. 
“Oh I’m sorry.” You say, trying to think of a way to explain yourself being down here, holding nothing but a piece of coal and a flashlight. You stuff the coal in your jacket pocket and clear your throat. “My uh boyfriend lost his wallet down here earlier and I went and got it for him. I hope you don’t mind me being down here. I wasn’t trying to pull anything, I promise.” You say, hoping whoever this is doesn’t call your bluff and get the police involved. You start to walk forwards again but the person doesn’t move from where they stand. 
Eventually, as you walk up within 20 feet of him he ducks back into the alcove. You pause, look around, then walk forward even faster. You peer into the alcove once you reach it but find nothing waiting for you there. You let out a breath from deep inside your chest before you point your flashlight ahead and get back to walking up the mine. 
But that man reminds you of that story from town. The man who went crazy in that mine in the 50’s and he went on a killing spree. You’re unsure what happened to him but his name. You can’t remember his name. You just shrug it off and sigh, getting closer and closer to the entrance.
Later that night you’re finally back at your house later that night. You turn on the light to the kitchen and walk in, sliding off your shoes and coat before you make your way further into the house. Soon you pick up on a strange smell. Something earthy and sour. You try to follow the smell but it’s not strong enough to come off in one central direction, so it’s probably just your clothes smelling funny after being down in the mines that night. 
You make your way upstairs into your bathroom and you turn on the shower when you hear a noise downstairs. You open the bathroom door and look down the stairs. It’s probably just your cat. But you hear it again, then again, and again. It sounds like something tapping against wood. You turn off the shower and slowly walk back downstairs. 
“Kitty? Kitty kitty.” You say, walking around downstairs trying to find the source of the knocking. After walking around aimlessly for a couple of minutes you finally find that the noise is coming from a closet. The silly cat must have gotten itself stuck in there. You sigh with a soft smile and shake your head. “Oh alright kitty I’ll get you out.” You say, walking over to the closet. You open the door but when you look at the ground you don’t see a cat waiting for you, you see a pair of large boots, then, looking up, you see the man they’re attached to, the man you saw in the mines. 
You’re stuck frozen for a moment as you just stare up at him. You can hear his breathing through the gas mask he’s wearing, the lens's darken to the point you can’t see his eyes behind them. The initial shock starts to wear off and you slowly back up as he starts to follow after you. You shake your head and turn, running away from him as fast as you can and over to your front door, practically breaking the handle from the door as you thrash it open and sprint out of it. 
You don’t even bother to check if he’s behind you as you run out to your car to find a human heart sitting on top of it, the words ‘Be mine forever’ written out on the hood of your car with blood. 
You suppress the urge to vomit and you shake your head before you see him making his way back over to you. You freeze up again momentarily before you start to run, looking around and trying to find another way back to town, not fully processing the cold, harsh ground on your bare feet. 
“Stay away from me! Stay away you fucker!” You shout back at the man chasing you. You keep running for a good couple of moments before you turn around and see that he’s gone, and it’s quiet. All you can hear is the beating of your heart deep inside your ears. You look around for a moment again before you start to run back to your house. You get inside and slam the door shut again. You rush over to your phone and try to dial 911 but your hands are too shaky to fully connect to the keys. 
“God damn it! Come on!” You shout desperately, trying to force your fingers down on the keys, your heart beat still ringing in your ears, stopping you from hearing the footsteps coming up behind you. You’re unable to stop yourself as an arm wraps around your torso and pulls you against a body. You know who it is. It’s him. Then the legend comes back to you, the miner from the 50’s. 
“Harry Warden.” You say to yourself breathlessly. Before you’re able to do anything else he shoves something that tastes like chocolate with a bitter medicine liquid taste in your mouth. You start to thrash and struggle against him but it’s no use as your body grows tired and limp against him. The last thing you remember being carried off bridal style by him. 
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lightblue-stories · 5 months
How I found my favourite anime. (Servamp)
No I do not watch every anime under the sun, I've only watched about 4-6.
Now that's out of the way. Servamp, how did I find out abt it? Youtube, I found a clip of Servamp of a Youtube short. WAIT, No i do not find anime by shorts, okay? It was a very special clip. Not a fight or funny line or anything. It was, a guy in a blue cat hoodie turning into a black cat.
And you see, i like cats. Also i liked things where something is meant to be scary but have that scary factor ruined for them within a quick second. (Thats why I like the Arcane Order from Trollhunters)
AHEM, now how i found it is outta the way, lemme talk a lil abt the show (No spoilers if you wanna watch the show after reading this.)
Aight, so putting it simply, a school boy find a stray black cat and takes it home, putting a bell onto the cat. Surprise the cat is a vampire but is lazy as hell, so the boy doesn't die. Later the villian shows up outta no where are is the cat's younger/youngest brother. And what made me really like this villian character is well, you remember how i said that i like when someone who is meant to scary has that ruined for them?
WELL, the villian is a fox. A FOX, you know, the little thing with the fluffy tail and ears and lil paws and laughs in a "hehehehehe" way. THATS THE FREAKING VILLIAN OF THE WHOLE SERIES. Ahem, so as you can imagine the villian lost all abilitly of being scary in my eyes.
So that's Servamp, theres only 12 episodes, but there is 20 books and a lot of CDs including storys and songs. Which again ruin all fear the villian ever had.
If you wanna watch it i do highly reccomend it, if you are into comedy animes or just good story line. Warning the intro isn't the best in the world and i do suggest you turn down your volume a bit.
Annnd thats how I found my Favourite anime and watched my first anime series. I guess i forgot to mention that part. Oh well. Also i may talk about Servamp more in the future if this post is liked by you guys.
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stonechatcher · 3 months
Dead boys x (Y/n) intro
Warning, zombies, Ghosts, and more undead. Also mentioning Suicide in Axar's part.
Zombie (Fleshy) -
Fleshy was bitten by a zombie when the first outbreak happened. When he was alive, he was 24 years old, and on his way to work. He was a Caucasian male. Now bears pale, sickly skin.
CAUSE OF DEATH: Infected (Living dead.)
When he was alive, he was very popular, played soccer, and was a very smart guy. He worked at a business that handled finance. Life was good for Fleshy. But his name wasn't always Fleshy, it was Walker. Walker Wood. He's quite the prankster, and loves to pull pranks on people. But… Sometimes, when his hunger is to hard to control, and he will try and eat you. He is still dressed in the attire he died in, now very tattered and beaten. He has short, messy black hair. His eyes are a dull, lifeless green.
Ghost (Axar)
Axar died before the zombie outbreak. He died in the 80's by taking his own life.
Cause of death: CLASSIFIED (Rumor is it is unknown.)
But not even in death can he be free. He's bound to this world for a ghostly reason. He was in his late 20's, maybe even his early 30's when he died. He travels as he pleases, moaning and crying for a second chance at life. He seems to deeply regret taking his life.
Seeing as he's not attached to a building like other spirits are, he watches the living with jealousy. He's not sure what he was when he was alive. He simply forgot.
He doesn't look like the others. He looks like a normal human, just a little transparent. He can touch you, but if you try to touch him, your hand will go through him. He prefers colorful attire, wears his hair up in a pony tail. African American male. Any and all information about spirit is unknown.
Fallen Angel (Asgore)
Asgore was Heaven's most beautiful angel. High above the clouds, he lived with Helios, the revered god of the sun. Asgore wanted to have powers like Helios did, he was tired of being ignored and shunned away from the god's praise and worship. Jealousy took over and he attacked Helios one day. The two were locked in battle for 2 days, and Helios banished Asgore from Heaven. As Asgore fell, Heaven began to crumble and collapse.
Asgore was banished to the earth, where he fell into to a forest where no light shines. He would forever be cursed to roam the forest, becoming a hideous, horrible creature who lives in jealousy and hatred. Asgore reveres himself as a god, but he will never match the strength and power a true god holds. He shows no mercy, nor will he pity those in need.
As Asgore fell, his form began to crack and break, turning him into a ugly, hideous creature. Before he hit the ground, he transformed himself into a cat, a black cat with orange eyes. He uses this to hide his true form, and whoever lays eyes on his true self, dies a painful death because of how ugly it is. He feasts on the corpse after. He has built a throne out of the bones and pieces left behind of those who had such a fate.
With the zombie outbreak in tow, he begins to see less human activity and more zombies. But, he will feast upon anyone, regardless if they are infected or not. Unless he finds you beautiful, you will be spared and kept as his "bride". He shows no mercy to his bride and keeps her and the others locked away in a tower. Countless have failed to rescue them.
He was once a very skilled musician, but now, his paws don't allow him to play. So he'll attempt to sing, but it's more like a screeching sound that the locals say is the Rapture. Every life form freezes in time and cannot move while he is "singing".
He is Hispanic, having had long white hair when he was an angel. His wings were a pure white, and reflected the sun beautifully.
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nysocboy · 4 months
In the Line of Beauty: Thatcher-era gay guy settles in with a conservative MP, dates closeted guys
Amazon Prime has been pushing The Line of Beauty, a British drama about a poor boy who moves in with his ultra rich, ultra powerful classmate.  The trailer shows him smooching with an old guy, so apparently he seduces the Dad. There are three parts, each an hour long, set in 1983, 1986, and 1987.  I'll review the 1983 episode, "The Love Chord."
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Scene 1: Closeup of a huge mansion in the ritzy Notting Hill section of London. Two guys arrive. "Is this where you live?" Nick Guest (Dan Stevens) asks, overwhelmed. Guest, har har.  His classmate Toby (Oliver Coleman): "Well, where my parents live."  Sounds like a Saltburn or Brideshead Revisited coming up.
Nick continues to gawk as Toby leads him through the house. An elderly lady with an Italian accent shows him his room: quite a let down, tiny, with awful wallpaper. Don't worry, you'll be in the master suite as soon as you seduce a few family members. 
Scene 2:  Dinner time.  Dad (Tim McInnerny) has just been elected a Member of Parliament for the Conservative Party.  In the homophobic 1980s!  Their affair is going to cause quite a scandal.   
Plot dump: Nick has graduated from Oxford with a First in English, and is now is working on his doctorate, researching Henry James. He has agreed to housesit all summer, while Mom and Dad are in France and Toby is traveling through Europe.  Wait, I thought this would be a Nick-Toby romance, or at least Nick seducing Toby first on his way through the family.   "Oh, we forgot to mention that you will be taking care of our mentally ill teenage daughter, Cat."
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Cut to Toby shaving in a towel (nice physique!), giving Nick the deets.  Cat used to cut herself, but she's on medication, and feeling better. 
"Does she know...?"  Nick asks.  Sure, and she's fine with it.  Say the Word, idjits!  He gazes at Toby's butt.  Not good enough -- say it!
Scene 3: Mom, Dad, the housekeeper, and Toby say goodbye and drive away.  That night, Nick is reading a Henry James novel, when Cat appears in a bathrobe with booze and two glasses. She lights up a marijuana joint. I thought she knew?  Maybe Girlfriend wants to snag herself some gay cock
"What's it like being gay?" she begins.  "It seems perfectly normal to me."
Next question: "Have you shagged Toby?"  No, he's straight. "But you fancy him."  Of course not. Are we going to get an unrequited love plotline?   Nick isn't dating anyone at present, so Cat decides to find him a guy. 
Scene 4: Nick comes home to find Cat talking to an elderly working-class man, who keeps grinning and gazing lustfully at him.  Ulp, not Nick's type!  Psych: he's not a hookup, he's just visiting.  She has actually been searching the personal ads (remember those?).  "Black guy, late 20s, very good looking." 
Nick calls to make a date with Black Guy, Late 20s, then rushes downstairs to tell Cat.  But she's gone -- and one of the knives is missing from the kitchen!  She's cut herself.  But she was so happy before.   He bandages her wound, then goes to her room and confiscates her knife collection.
Scene 5: As they walk in the garden, Nick asks if Cat knows what causes the urge to cut herself, or if she can tell when it's coming.  She doesn't get any advance warning: her mood has nothing to do with it.  Suddenly everything suddenly goes "black and glittering," and she has to stop living.  He wants to call the parents, but she assures him that it won't happen again. If  she has no control over it, how can she promise that?
Cut to evening. Cat doesn't want to go back to her room, so she sleeps on the couch, while Nick plays the piano. Hey, she's trying to sleep!  
Scene 6: Nick rushes to an outdoor restaurant for his date with Leo (Don Gilet), the personal ad guy.  It's rather awkward.  Leo looks for an excuse to dismiss Nick as racist, is disappointed to discover that he isn't rich, and is annoyed when he misunderstands "Let's get going."  Neither has a place, so they end up kissing and doing anal in the private garden.  Nick is the top.  A little of Leo's butt is shown. 
Scene 7:  Mom and Dad return from France with gifts of foie gras and perfume.  Nick and Cat agree that everything was brilliant, so they suggest that he stay on as Cat's attendant. Shouldn't he have training in mental illness, crisis intervention. and such? Of course he can still work on his degree, and he can bring friends over.  But can we screw in my bedroom?
Scene 8:  They visit Hawkeswood, Mom's brother's estate, which is loaded-down with French impressionist art. Uncle is impressed by Nick's knowledge of 18th century furniture.
Uncle says "Come with me -- I want to show you something," and the whole family flashes salacious grins.  This must be the old guy that Nick is snogging in the trailer. 
Psych!  He doesn't want to show Nick his dick: he has some photos from Henry James' visit to the manor in 1903. 
They discuss the guest list. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher can't make it, but a lot of Conservative MPs and the Home Secretary will be there. Ugh!  Everyone hates him.
The full review, with NSFW photos, is on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends
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Episode 20 let's go babeyyy
Oh kits on the recap hello!!!! I spent thirty seconds like "did essay go on T?" HFKDGSKDGKSGZZ
And oh yeah it is worrying about Jack right now...I hope he's alright. I hadn't really thought about it that hard...
Hearing Jordan and ila go "mhm, mhm" in unison is so funny because as soon as I realized Jordan's (usually three times) "mhm"s are like, a thing, I was like yeah. There's no way that's not gonna become a vocal habit for me now. It's infectious!
Talking about the schematics are making me think of the "👀 I also don't know how you party agent vellum" scene and it's sending me all over again. And I will NEVER get over the third T taekwondo.
JDVLSGDKD IM THINKING OF THE TRIPLE THREAT IN A COWBOY AU WHERE THEY'RE COWBOY BOOTS—this is not an advanced thought, but vellum in cowboy boot would be SUCH a look.
OOOOOOF vellum is shattering my heart into a billion pieces right now I just...he deserves to have a family that makes him feel....familial!!!!!
Couples dance happening on the same day as grey's arrival is .......hmmmm the pieces are piecing together! They're piecing!
The harvest and feast for singles and couples is pretty cool. OF COURSE DIAMOND IS IN THE COUPLES SHOW LMAO
Crystallis being a name for morpholomew sympathizers
Ohhh so stone skin is in Crystallis
GOD these facts are so good today
FIRST MENTION OF THE NAME IOSWITCH CROWSWADDLE he doesn't.....he doesn't know cars exist 😂😂😂
Louie zong never fucking misses
THE FUCKING DNDADS HOLD MUSIC. something about that tune is like a cat making biscuits with my brain
If Tatiana...okay not Tatiana
"for bad reasons to do crimes probably" 10/10 investigator shit
Spar just became a customer service agent.
Ooooooooooooof. Oof. Fuck.
Vellum hyperfocusing just like me fr <3
T....T Felspar...........
THE WAY I GASPED!!!!! JAKUB IS BACK!!!! I LOVE HIM! AND HE'S A REPORTER!!!!!! GAHHHH special place in my heart!
Ohhhh my god this comic book ass situation is gonna have my whoooole heart, isn't it? Fuck.
The three genders. Man, person, other.
OH MY GOD THEY'RE GOING ON A DATE. Ipswitch completely forgot why he was here fjsjdvsodgsodg
Jakub! You're so forward! But oooh the obvious next step to the mysterious in-costume encounter.
*Half of a building goes up in flames*
IC: Hmm...well there cutie pie! I've uhh. Gotta go shuffle some papers. Let's talk later, huh?
Jakub: 👁️👁️
Yeah the hotel is definitely a distraction, huh?
I love that ipswitch is gonna walk away from jakub, change behind a bush, and return to helping where Jakub is in a thin-ass disguise and I am SO pleased with this.
Oh my godddd these shenanigans are so good. The clovenheart vibes were also wonderful and the sense of the creeping past is a part of the slow I adore, but the urban comedy these episodes are becoming is SOOOO good also. This show is giving me everything. I am FEASTING. I am also nearing the lastest episodes, which does make me feel a little bit sad! But the anticipation of serial media is just as good as the binge, if to the left. Oh I'm so hyped.
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u2fangirlie-blog · 9 months
Post-Op Humor: Commentary and Dark Humor After Surgery
I had surgery to correct my deviated septum and reduce turbinates bilaterally on 19 Jun. 2023. Following are the dankest, funniest observations and bad jokes about rock salt.
This post is long.
Forgot to tell everyone: I promised my mother I would wear clean underpants with no holes in them. I kept my word. LOL! - 20 Jun. 2023
Before surgery, I asked the anesthesiologist if he knew about Neil Gaiman's Sandman graphic novels and the character Morpheus, aka Dream. I said, "You put people to sleep for a living, so I hope you know about the Lord of Dreams." He said yes! Then I said, "Good! Then I can do business with you." LOL! My sister Heather looked at me weird. I said "That's how I get to know people, Heather." LMAO! Any anesthesiologist worth their job should know about Dream. My sleep doctor - the type of doctor who does sleep studies and treats apnea - did not know about Sandman. I strongly recommended to him that he read it because his job is literally helping people to get better sleep, and he needs to know about the Lord of Dreams. - 20 Jun. 2023
"Mouth breather!" LMFAO! That's me now! One of the things they didn't mention about the surgery. Dry mouth and dry throat are extremely unpleasant. Accompanied by GIF of Eleven from Stranger Things saying "Mouth breather." - 20 Jun. 2023
ICE CREAM TIME! Good kids get ice cream after surgery. - 20 Jun. 2023
One thing they didn't tell me about post-op care, I'll just say that saline sinus irrigation in the bathroom sink can look a bit like an episode of serial killer series. - 20 Jun. 2023
Trivia help needed: Is there a version of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where the Vogons wear spit buckets under their chins? Wearing this dang drip pad under my nose is reminding me of this. Not sure if it was part of Douglas Adams' version or if it was mentioned in Eoin Colfer's sequel "And Another Thing." - 22 Jun. 2023
SALTY. That's something they neglect to inform you. When you irrigate your sinuses with 8 ounces of saline every 4 to 6 hours, everything will taste and smell salty. EVERYTHING. IS. SALTY. - 22 Jun. 2023
I'm going to turn my skull into a geode and grow rock salt inside all the cavities. - 22 Jun. 2023
After 5 days of brining, does that make me a salt-cured ham? - 24 Jun. 2023
After all the saline irrigation, I'm brainwashed. Stockholm Syndrome has set in. I love my little blue bulb syringe and the salt water. Is this what surfers experience in the ocean? LMAO! - 25 Jun. 2023
Since surgery a week ago, I have been unable to sleep more than 2 or 3 hours at a stretch for a variety of reasons. I'm hoping today that I can get some good sleep. May Morpheus, the Sandman, King of Dreams, Prince of Stories, Lord Shaper, the Oneiromancer, grant me sweet uninterrupted sleep. - 26 Jun. 2023
Morpheus delivered real REM sleep this morning, finally. Sweet relief. Visit more often, Lord of Dreams. While sleep was interrupted a few times by a hungry cat and feeling hot and needing drinks and a bathroom break, I was able to go back to sleep right away. - 27 Jun. 2023
Rest in peace, little blue bulb syringe. Our relationship was short-lived, but you forced me to love saline solution. Your seal cracked and you no longer function. Now it's time for me to move on to the next torture device - the 8-ounce irrigation bottle. - 27 Jun. 2023
The nasal irrigation bottle comes with a 32-page color instruction / health education booklet / product catalog. It has information about 10 devices and accessories for nasal irrigation and aspiration (squirt bottles, neti pots, electronic pumps, cleaning and drying tools, and manual and battery powered aspirators) for adults and children, at least 8 to 10 various saline (powders, sprays, gels, and bottled and canned liquids) and decongestant (sprays and nasal inhalers) products, and lastly an earwax removal kit. Who knew the variety of sinus and nasal cleaning products was available? - 27 Jun. 2023
If salt is used for purification and to create a barrier of protection, then my nostrils have to be impervious to demons by now. I'm flushing the evil spirits out of my brain. LMFAO! - 2 Jul. 2023
Post-op appointment with the surgeon today. I'm healing nicely. Everything looks good. No rock salt crystals were found in my skull. However, a few nose goblins were suctioned out. Then stitches were removed. I can return to normal activities, including sleeping without the wedge pillow. Follow up again in 2 weeks. Now it's time for ice cream! Good kids get ice cream! - 5 Jul. 2023
I told the surgeon my joke about brining myself for a week with saline solution, if that makes me a salt-cured ham. He said I should be well seasoned now for people to eat for survival like in the movie Alive. We both laughed. Good one, doctor. - 5 Jul. 2023
Four weeks post-op. Doctor says I'm healing perfectly. He doesn't need to see me again. The elevator was out of service in the clinic, and I was able to walk up 4 flights of stairs (after using my rescue inhaler first) with little shortness of breath today! Best news is I don't have to water board myself twice a day anymore!!! He recommended to use saline as needed to control allergy symptoms. I don't have to use Afrin anymore. (OMG Afrin is vile shit. I'd rather saw off my head than use it willingly. They use it in office visits along with lidocaine so the scope can go up your nose.) My skull has not turned into a geode full of salt crystals. I asked. He checked. I've noticed increased airflow. When I have an allergy or asthma attack, now my airway is less constricted and I recover more quickly. (That's code for I don't feel like I'm going to die during an asthma attack.) - 17 Jul. 2023
Posts are reruns from Facebook.
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 9 months
Stranger Things season 2 episode 5 baby!!!!
1.) I commend the props department for putting this shit together. This must have taken ages to plan out and execute this maze of tunnels on paper
2.) mike is doing his best to help will
3.) hopper got spat on by a monster, and now he’s gonna pass out. Oh I forgot the hole he entered through closes with terrible cgi
4.) comparing scars and having Nancy say hers is bigger means something but idk what
5.) ‘I waited’ ‘yeah only like a month’ you’re both morons
6.) will saw hopper in trouble!!!! I forgot he saw him and that’s how people know to help that dipshit!!!
7.) I love this Sinclair family breakfast. They are a cute family
8.) I am super mad at Dustin after having my day go missing and spending a couple days sleepless with worry and my dumb cat was under my own porch, not in the stomach of a monster from another dimension. Poor poor Claudia doesn’t know where mews is
9.) that was a bonkers way to get the thing into the cellar but like, points for getting it done
10.) I’m remembering as El knocks on the door that her aunt is a snitch, I think
11.) ok Murray’s place is in season 2. And I forgot he instantly recognized them.
12.) I also forgot that Nancy and Jonathan just immediately spill the beans
13.) I forgot Lucas got Dig Dug shut down to talk to Max
14.) and then Max finds out everything
15.) Hi bob!!! I’ve been looking forward to him coming to solve this. I did forget they’re like uhhhhhhhhhhhh no questions. Solve these crayon drawings!!!
16.) ‘it’s a map of Hawkins! Right will?’ Will’s like ‘uhhhhhh yeah, totally. Knew that one for suuuuuure’
17.) hopper found something with fire
18.) Erica gave Dustin a code shut your mouth and honestly that’s valid
19.) the nursery for Jane is so cute
20.) follow the blinking lights to talk to mama
21.) bob is super shocked that they’re going
22.) ew Margaret thatcher was mentioned
23.) and Steve arrives back in the plot!!! I forgot Dustin just gets into Steve’s car and demands he drive
24.) hopper is so tired. I get it, bud. But those vines don’t
25.) I forgot that Max thinks the story is fake
26.) I. Hate. Billy.
27.) I forgot Murray gets all the info and then drinks Russian vodka while listening to jazz. He’s the first person to tell Nancy people won’t believe them
28.) I forget the dirt is connected and floats when part of it is heated up in the lab
29.) oh hi baby kali. I forgot you were in Terry’s memory
30.) I forgot bob helps Joyce down into the tunnel and then follows after her
31.) oh it’s government trucks
32.) has anyone ever made it be bob/joyce/hopper
33.) oh right. Will seizes and screams when the vines are burnt m. That was unpleasant.
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calamityandme · 11 months
It’s been sort of a sleepy day for me.
I have been in bed most of the day, getting up every couple hours to take my dog outside. We can’t let her be out longer than 10 minutes because we discovered she’s an escape artist. I won’t use her real name so we can call my pup Fish.
We came home one day to find a note on our back fence from a neighbor that Fish has learned how to jump our small backyard fence.
It’s kind of funny because of course she has, Fish is the kind of dog who totally has been secretly hanging out in our yard or exploring the alley by our house but comes right back before we bring her inside.
We have to be careful now. It’s very dangerous for her to get out like that. People drive recklessly on our street all the time. I would never forgive myself if she got hit by a car.
So now she can only be outside for a bit of time. Not that she was out for extensive periods of time before (15-20 mins usually).
I made a cup of constant comment in my special mug and I’ve been slowly sipping on it to get some energy. I have a bit of a headache (maybe from not having caffeine until 4:45) and I just don’t want to do much. I feel kind of burnt out. I think I overdid it yesterday.
I thought about playing The Last of Us Part two but I can’t find the PlayStation controller. My partner is probably charging it somewhere very obvious but I don’t have the energy to look lol.
So instead of gaming I have just watched tik toks, Malcom in the Middle, and What We Do in the Shadows on my phone. We probably will be able to get wifi Friday.
I forgot to mention I did do something fun earlier. I decided to try a tik tok trend where you test your indoor cats to see what they would do if you put them outside.
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I took my first cat outside. He is 10 years old and is a mama’s boy. We can call him Scott. I placed Scott on our front porch and pet him. He immediately started meowing a high pitched cry, sounding something like, “whyyyy”. He went to the front door and waited to be let in. I felt so bad for him in the thirty seconds he was outdoors. He really doesn’t want to go back to the streets. Scott was a stray as a kitten. He remembers the trauma the streets gave him. He’s totally fine now and we’ve had many cuddles today.
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Our second cat is a little over a year old. Cushiony life, never was outside. We can call him Winnie. I put him on the porch and he sniffed around hesitantly. He refused to leave the porch. I was kind of relieved. I worried the most that he would leave because of his youthfulness and rambunctiousness. Maybe we will get a good harness and he could go on some walks around the house.
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After that I hosed down Fish because she was very jealous the cats were outside without her.
It feels good to have a day that’s mostly relaxed and not much happens. Soon I’ll make some easy pasta for dinner and the rest of my day I will just relax.
Hope anyone reading this has a great day ✨
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Part 1 Here! / <This is part 2!>
Commission info for a Love Letter from a HP character here!
A/N: This part is shorter but deff expect a part 2/3/15/ and 20 lol. If you would like to be added to the tag list, it will be open until tumblr limits my tags, comment that you want to be added!
Also something I forgot to add a lot of the house decision part of this post was inspired by another post I read on tumblr where Harry belongs to all the houses. I couldn’t find it, so if it’s your post (or you know who it is) lmk so I can give you credit!
- “Their mother was in my house-“ McGonagall starts
- “And their father was in mine, I have equal claim” Snape cuts in
- “Let’s not forget that before that, historically, they came from a long line of Ravenclaws” Flitwick adds
- “Oh tosh, this is a kind child if I ever saw one, did you see the way they were reassuring the other children- even Cedric apparently-“ Professor Sprout adds
- So she’s heard about that
- “What has that got to do with anything?” Snape snaps
- You’re not sure what’s weirder
- The fact that the sorting hat couldn’t decide where you belonged
- Or that all the heads of each house are fighting over who gets you
- Honestly with how well the whole situation was handled in front of everyone else you didn’t think something like this would happen
- Dumbledore silenced everyone, and said it would be discussed afterwards
- You watched each child get sorted in their appropriate house
- And afterwards, while everyone was feasting, you were lead away by Dumbledore and his four house heads to his office
- You’re not really sure what’s there to fight about-
- Honestly they should probably be fighting over who has to take you with how much trouble you’ll be.
- “Enough!” Dumbledore shouts and the four are immediately silenced
- And then he looks at you and you feel your hair stand on end
- “I believe it only natural, in this situation, that they get to choose which house they wish to be apart of”
- Snape blanches at the mention
- “But sir-“
- “That is my decision” he says with an air of finality and none of the others protest when his attention sweeps back to you
- “So which will it be?”
- You Blanche
- “Isn’t there some sort of quiz - or test I could take instead headmaster-“
- “There is not”
- You feel yourself sweating
- “Well-“ you start
- Ravenclaw was your initial choice, it’s the safest
- But then, if you were in Gryffindor you could be friends with Fred and George
- And if you went to Slytherin, you might be able to knock some sense into those blood obsessed freaks, not to mention Blaise in there
- But then- Hufflepuff isn’t looking too bad either, and Cedric seems to like you. It would be nice to have someone older looking out for you
- “How am I supposed to decide?”
- The words escape you without realizing and you see all the professors flinch at your words
- “What do you-“ Snape starts with a hiss, but Dumbledore stops him with a wave of a hand
- “And what do you mean by that child?”
- You gulp
- “Well-“
- You take a deep breath looking into his twinkling eyes
- “I want to be brave-“ you see McGonagall swell from the corner of your eye
- “But I also want to to be kind-“ she deflated and professor Sprout stands a bit taller “And wise and ambitious”
- “I want them all, how am I supposed to pick just one trait and make it my defining characteristic? People are nuanced, they’re more than just one thing”
- Everyone in the room stiffens at your words, and feeling as if you might have said something terribly rude you rush to make amends-
- “So if there’s some sort of trial, or-“
- “Alright we’ll do that then” Dumbledore says with an air of finality and you feel baffled
- “Do what sir?”
- “A trial period of course, a month in each house.”
- .
- .....
- .........
- (Y/N).exe is broken
- “Headmaster that’s completely-“
- “What kind of impression will-“
- “-nothing like that is stated in the handbook”
- “Think of the other students Albus!”
- They’re all shouting over each other, but you understand the basic sentiment
- This is pretty out there, even for a magic school
- “I have decided” Dumbledore doesn’t even say it all that loud, but the other four immediately clamor up
- “We’ll start alphabetically, with Gryffindor and work our way through”
- Huh?
- You’re mind is only just start to repair itself, assessing the situation
- Well it’s not exactly a bad deal now is it?
- In a way you’ve gotten exactly what you wanted
- But the anxiety of having to make a choice looms over you
- “Well, come now I’ll show you the way-“ and so you chase after the strict lithe woman as you follow her to the Gryffindor Common Room
- The other two shuffle out, but Snape stays
- “You’re just doing this because you’re bored aren’t you?” Snape asks
- Dumbledore shrugs
- “Can you blame me? It’s been so long since anything interesting has happened”
- “You say that like one of the Weasley boys doesn’t cause trouble every other week”
- You follow McGonagall down several poorly lit hallways, making mental note of the a few choice paintings, hoping to remember them for later
- “The password this year is “chartreuse” “ she tells you
- And just like magic the portrait swings open, and several hands emerge from the inky depths to grab onto your arm and pull you inside
- The portrait door shutting close
- McGonagall sighs
- “Children will be children I suppose”
- A small smile curling onto her mouth and walked to her chambers
- You would have half a mind to be afraid, if the second you made it inside you didn’t see fireworks and pert poppers popping
- “Welcome to Gryffindor,” the boy on your right, Fred says
- “We knew you’d end up here” George finishes
- Everyone is i the common room, and they all congratulate you, happy to have you in their house
- The room is as big as a banquet hall, full of dark red rugs and gold tapestry’s
- A little gaudy if you’re being honest
- Like something out of a Harry Potter themed room in a pottery barn catalogue
- But that’s probably the point
- “So how did it all go down?” Fred asks, sitting on your right side on a red couch in front of the fire
- “Did Minnie manage to convince you?”
- “Oi they didn’t need convincin’ Fred, we’re clearly the superior house”
- “Well you see, it’s not quite official”
- They look at you with wide eyes as you recount the tale
- You almost feel bad bursting their bubble, especially when they’re being so nice to you
- But when you’re done they both sport identical grins, twinkles in their eyes
- “That’s wicked” they say in unison
- You grin
- You think you’re going to like it here
- The twins basically monopolize the rest of your night, asking for your input on pranks
- “If it were me-“ you start, their eyes on you with rapt attention
- “I would brew some amortentia and give it to Filch-“
- “And make him fall in love with Snape!” George says like you’ve just said the most brilliant thing
- You shake your head
- “I would give it to the cat- Mrs. Noriss, And make her fall in love with something crazy, like a dog- it’s that subtle annoyance that makes it all the more satisfying”
- The both grin
- “So when are we doing it?” Fred asks
- “Doing what?”
- “Brewing the love potion of course”
- You grin
- Yeah, you’re really going to like it here
Tag List:
@parascape​ @imdoingathingmom​ @smileygirl08​ @awesomebooklover17​ @taferris​
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: Phil Reacts to His Old Videos
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Date video was published: 06/22/2015 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 273
It had been a while since either DNP had posted a video. In mid-June they celebrated Dan’s birthday, of course (1, 2, 3). They went to see Matilida the musical and did a puzzle/escape room with friends. DNP also hosted a live event with John Green for the Paper Towns movie (1, 2, 3).
So then we get to Phil watching his old videos! Dan had done his video like this back in January of 2015. (A somewhat rare instance where Dan does a video before Phil, rather than the other way around.)
0:00 - starting off with an itchy nose and dramatic music, lol. Also, he’s got way more stuff left on his bedside table than usual when he films a video
0:06 - and now it’s over 15 years old. wow.
0:18 - Phil is already cringing at himself and he hasn’t even started
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0:23 - lol king of comedy Phil there including the other tweet
0:33 - Phil is constantly sidetracked 😂
0:36 - wow, really old YouTube (also, I never noticed that Phil had stars in the background of his channel, and when Dan started making videos, he also put stars in the background of his channel. Hmmm...)
0:37 - Phil has watched over 15,000 videos at this point! And he has 5,649 subscribers. This was his channel sometime in 2008, as he says Faintheart is upcoming, and that was released in January 2009.
0:38 - none of the videos in the screenshot are still public. (Although he does show clips of the “extreme weather” one in Reacting to my DELETED VIDEOS! in 2018.)
0:44 - awww, PJ mention! And aww at Phil being jealous of their hair.
0:49 - yikes old YouTube comments
0:56 - “not the literal birth” ...thanks for clarifying there
1:00 - have to start with his first vlog of course: Phil’s Video Blog - 27th March 2006 
1:05 - awww, he’s already got a cringe-face
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1:09 - he does sound pretty different! I don’t think his face looks that much different.
1:22 - Phil, I’m not sure you can talk about bad gifts for Kath still...
1:35 - lol, Phil is bored of himself
1:41 - Phil remembering his nervousness is cute. But by the next video he talks about here (from 3 years later), his editing skills are SO GOOD.
1:50 - good advice there.
1:58 - of course Phil thinks “ghost.” Definitely couldn’t be air from the radiator that’s right there...
2:00 - yeah, Lion didn’t appear until later. Awww at Phil liking the animal noises part 🥺
2:08 - ahahaha, Phil laughing at past-him for thinking that’s long
2:24 - Phil immediately smiling when he sees Dan’s video playing next
2:27 - I will never be over him letting this play and then leaving it in the video. And the fond little smile his face as he watches. 😭
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2:33 - too much 😭😭😭
2:37 - “I just wanted to see that bit” christ.
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2:41 - Phil doesn’t know what to say here at the start of A Static Lullaby - Toxic
2:44 - hilarious, considering he almost forgot to make his bed a couple videos ago. His background/room was often very messy in his old videos
2:56 - he’s so embarrassed at himself but I’m sure that video was very popular for...reasons. 👀
3:06 - “I saw a bit of chest hair then.” ...reasons 
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3:13 - he really is flirting with the camera in that video
3:20 - “I could be in a screamo band” help 😂😂😂
3:22 - even Phil doesn’t know why
3:44 - I would have loved an explanation for the idea for this Phillippa video. Such an embarrassed smile before it even starts
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3:49 - he’s already slightly horrified
3:59 - why DID you make this video, Phil?
4:02 - “I look quite good as a girl” ...he’s not wrong. Although the makeup is something
4:06 - I love that he didn’t ask Kath to borrow stuff 😂
4:20 - jump-scared by his own editing
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4:32 - love his ownership over the cat whiskers. Love that he likes the eyeliner!
4:46 - he’s so disturbed at himself
5:01 - “the weirdest video I’ve ever made” ...that is a bold claim when thinking about some of his old “experimental” videos
5:05 - that one is a choice to leave public
5:26 - PHIL what.
5:46 - he loves toast so much
5:55 - love the random creepy ending
I really love this video. Phil had way more old videos than Dan to choose from for this, but I wish he would have done Snokoplasm. I would love to see a post-coming-out version of Phil reacting to old videos!
When Phil posted this, DNP were both visiting Phil’s family for a few days (probably for Father’s Day). Dan posted a photo and commented on a slightly horrifying childhood photo of Phil they must have found. This was also the trip when they fed horses and Dan’s eyebrow was missing, lol. Also the first time in a while where they publicly acknowledged Dan going with Phil to visit his family.
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sushishorts · 3 years
magic hour highlights!!!
i am gonna try to put the highlights under the cut; i survived the live with the kind people who were translating as they go
anyway, all of these are non-verbatim. onwards!
first segment is basically an interview by the mc; normal questions that we've heard before really
second segment is question from the fans!
key questions were what if kurosawa was the one with magic? and machi answered that kurosawa might use his power to solve adachi's problems HAHA
another one was after five years, if they had the opportunity to work together again, what would they want to work on?
third segment is called photo stories, where they share the backstory of the various behind the scene photos posted in the official account
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one is this — basically they were waiting in between shots and machi doesnt even know that their picture was being taken?
another is the delulu date one with the champagne, posted here
ANOTHER is this
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and sonnu mentions that the cherimaho pose is from one of the staff from the costume department (or sth, i don't remember the specifics); he and machi did a quick demo. it was adorable.
they also discussed this
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where they mentioned that as much as they were relieved to be able to shoot properly during the pandemic, there was an overall sense of sadness that the production was over from both the cast and staff :'(
also MC asked what's their fave flowers: machi likes narcissus bc it grows in gunma apparently, and sonnu likes tulips bc he's from class tulip in kindergarten. aka that pinned tweet of his in twitter pfft
fourth segment is MAGIC MOMENT RANKING, where sonnu and machi rank their top 3 fave cherimaho moments
sonnu 3rd: the kurosawa poetry scene
when asked what part he liked, sonnu just said that he likes the entirety of it HAHA. he was also excited to see it air, which made machi feel pressured to do his best for it HAHA
sonnu also said that he memorized the lines of the poem pfft
machi 3rd: when adachi stayed over
when the scene was airing, sonnu was laughing hard in the bg when kurosawa licked his chopsticks (apparently he never knew that machi did that when they were shooting so he only knew when it aired) tmachi also mentioned the gap between adachi at kurosawa's house and adachi at work, and machi was excited bc sonnu's expressions looked so cute
sonnu 2nd: rooftop kiss
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they mentioned again the bottle thing that took 20 takes HAHA sonnu mentioned being surprised that the end of ep 3 aka this scene didn't have BGM; machi mentioned that during the scene, sonnu wasn't even looking at machi at all; sonnu said that he was looking at a building behind machi bc he was embarrassed
machi 2nd: confession scenes
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yes, scenes: both kurosawa's and adachi's; he really liked that line adachi said about having the magic to touch kurosawa's heart
sonnu 1st: scarf scene
sonnu mentions that this is basically the scene where adachi's heart opens, and it's the beginning of it all, so that's why it's his fave
machi 1st: adachi mannerisms compilation aka
mc: what's your favorite scene of all machi: yes
sonnu demonstrates the face slap live after having a lil sip of water. which is cute as HECK
NEXT SEGMENT IS CAN YOU READ MY MIND portion, aka they try to guess what the other prefers more; this has a prize at the end and loser gets a punishment game
i can't remember all questions (i'm sure it's around in twitter) but:
COFFEE vs TEA - sonnu & machi prefers tea YAKINIKU vs SHABU-SHABU - both prefer yakiniku NIGHT vs DAY - if i'm not mistaken, sonnu likes night and machi likes day? OUTDOOR vs INDOOR - sonnu likes outdoor, machi likes indoor COOKING vs EATING - they both like eating, as far as i remember?; sonnu answered cooking for machi and machi was like "that's such a kurosawa thing" MONOCHROME vs COLORFUL - they're both wrong; they answered colorful but both prefer monochromatic SUMMER vs WINTER - they both like winter, but sonnu answered summer for machi bc of how sports-inclined machi is MOUNTAIN vs BEACH - they both like the mountains CAT vs DOG - they're both cat people! ONIGIRI vs RAMEN - they both like ramen! they also like tonkotsu ramen
ok forgive me i forgot the rest
anyway MACHI WON and he got blue muay thai shorts; sonnu's punishment is pressing on those electric shock gag pens. there's videos of this on twitter (I KNOW IT'S NOT ALLOWED) but the funniest part is how he managed to actually. convince machi to do it too even tho he won. SONNU GREMLIN
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they had machi give sonnu the bouquet; sonnu is surprised bc he mentioned it wasnt in the script and he was nervous for a bit haha! while MC is translating his thanks, off-mic he leans over to machi and asks if he knew, machi just nods and smiles
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ANYWAY that's pretty much it?? they mentioned their upcoming shows, said that they'll see us again on the bluray event, and thanked everyone for attending, yadda
nope, no season 2 news so far. i know, i know. also i couldnt resist squeezing event pics here and there i am so sorry
ANWYAY god this is long. excuse the typos i am sleepy as hell. CANT WAIT FOR THE BLURAY EVENT!
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yunsoh · 3 years
alrighty season 3 ep 2 thoughts. this post got ridiculously long so the rest is under a read more:
- literally i love every single time we see akito sleeping in this long and empty room. there’s something very encompassing about how empty it is + how the angle emphasizes it, especially when we can clearly see she’s sharing her bed 
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- shigure and tohru’s moments alone are always soo so sweet. their relationship so far is very much one where there’s a lot of affection between them (which ofc makes one of their biggest scenes together during the final act feel especially hurtful even though it’s a side of shigure we’re well aware of by that point -- it’s just something that tohru up until that point hadn’t witnessed, much less been directly confronted with. but i’m getting ahead of myself lmfao moving on)
- actually related to the above love tohru asking “wouldn’t i just be interrogating him?” and “the things kureno told me make me feel like i’m looking into a deep, dark well” just ahh i do love this background progression of shigure and tohru’s relationship and how it reaches a head when they have their talk about kyo later. 
- this is perhaps unintentional but: having this shot of machi noticing yuki + clearly having some new feelings about him overlaid with/directly followed by momiji and tohru, where we still know momiji has an unrequited crush on her. yes it makes me laugh a little but it’s also fitting because at this moment in time yuki does not have a crush on machi in return + sees her only as a friend.
- it’s been mentioned but it bears repeating. why are they not progressing momiji’s height whatsoever lmaooo. funny because yuki and kyo have had gradual changes but they’re really just trying to make this growth spurt reveal super jarring huh. also holy shit he looks TINY next to haru in this shot. next
- the one kid in class asking hana to fuck the priyuki girls up but she’s like “actually i really don’t care” LMAO........ love her
- ugh i really love this moment with yuki.......... i think it’s been a while since we’ve seen the general student population (not just the prince yuki girls) still treat him in a revering way, now also in part because he’s the student council president but definitely still because of his reputation as the prince. this was something that was so deeply ostracizing to him early on in the series, and does still remind him of his loneliness -- but that loneliness isn’t crippling to him anymore, because now he does have friends who like him and who he can have fun with. 
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i’m going to write a bigger post on this later probably because this is a really important progression point in how yuki understands himself to exist in his school’s ecosystem + how his self-esteem is still developing.
- additionally i just want to say that this scene isn’t yuki suddenly falling for machi, or really something to be read as mutually romantic between them -- machi i think absolutely has a crush on him at this point (because he is. the only person who is actually nice to her and considers her existence aside from kakeru but moving on) but yuki’s perception of her at this moment is heavily tied to how he thinks of himself as a friend + whether he’s a worthy enough person to befriend. the fact that machi shatters those doubts for him in such an overt way is important.
- anyways machi is rly cute here i loooove that she’s comfortable being more expressive around him even though it’s mostly out of embarrassment LMAO...... she’s learning how to display her feelings and trusts him with that..... cute.
- also of note yuki putting his hand on the top of her head which is like... he’s trying to convey that he feels they have (or are starting to have) a trusting friendship with each other but it’s like. a bit too much for machi to handle omfg. honestly this goes in hand with way back when ayame patted yuki’s head in praise which was clearly something yuki didn’t receive much of as a kid, and i’m assuming machi also rarely if ever received that same sort of praise. what i’m saying is they’re both trying lmaoo
- also as usual shimazaki’s deliveries are spot on yuki is soooo fucking cute in this scene. “what? seriously? they’re even worse than the ones i made” he’s so casual and funny with her it’s so good
- okay the timeskip to sunset makes me laugh it makes it seem like tohru and kyo have just been waiting in that room alone for hourssss
- ugh how sexy would it have been if the brief flashback to kureno + the music overlay had been cut out here. like tohru seeing the birds and then turning to ask kyo what he would think if someone’s curse had been broken would have gotten the message across just as well + i think would have been more emotionally impactful.
- tohru’s expression here though is so good just. ugh. will say this point in hers and kyo’s relationship is just so tasty because he really is her most trusted confidant but she’s also so aware of anything that could be construed as him rejecting her or pushing her away, which now that she’s getting especially wrapped up in the family’s secrets...... it’s a thin line she’s walking w wanting to protect him but not wanting to push him away bc he’s resigned to what will happen
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- this visual is so weeeeeird aoghjksd the screen being framed by her bangs. what. why
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- hmmmm in general idk if the flower scene hit very well. it felt kind of awkward? kyo and tohru both seemed really stiff which is weird because literally just a minute ago they were animated pretty well tbh
- this post is already so long and i only JUST started the akigure part of the ep....... i’m so sorry
- machi and kyo both handing off white flowers to yuki and tohru respectively and then we’re hit with shigure giving akito a red flower instead. obviously because akito is symbolized by red camellias + to refer back to her memory of shigure giving one to her, but also just basic color symbolism -- white being more indicative of purity and new beginnings, red being something both passionate, evocative, dangerous.
- oh we’re back to the kids. it is not in fact akigure time yet. 
- i loooove this tohru outfit so much she’s so cute in it. also ig it bears mentioning because i didn’t say anything about it last time, but the reboot hinting more directly to the audience that something bad happened to rin, rather than just her disappearing entirely, is def more overt than in the manga. that short scene of ren intercepting rin in the last ep was chronological yes, but in the manga we don’t see that happen until after we know that akito’s been keeping her in the cat’s room. so just by tohru mentioning that she hasn’t seen or heard from rin in a while, we’re clued in that something bad to her must have happened because of ren. which i don’t think is a bad decision honestly -- since ren is set up as the antagonist for this season, it might make viewers assume that ren did something bad to her, only for it to be revealed that it was akito and that akito is still becoming more and more unhinged. but that also ren is unhinged. disasters.
- “i’m sorry, i’m afraid i do have parents” this rly is just the mid-20s mood isn’t it
- mitsuru fucking hissing at shigure i cannot
- nakamura’s acting during this phone scene is so goooood oh my god. the LOATHING. honestly this alone just makes me crazy abt the insanity that is akito + kureno + shigure like jesus christ. 
- kureno’s pitiful little “nii-san” after shigure obliterates his entire life. there we go
- honestly it’s funny how shigure’s expression looks when akito yells at him for sleeping with ren because for a moment it looks like he has NO idea what she’s talking about but then. nope. he fucked her mom.
- do like the little detail of akito pointing as she tells shigure to get out, but when he leaves he just turns in the opposite direction. like truly he has never followed orders to the t once in his life.
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- this shot of ren is so fucking absurd oh my god. pls get ur male gaze directing out of here.
- “i... thought you forgot” man the way this is delivered feels really striking. i think because akito is never caught off guard in a way that surprises her in such a quiet way, or in a way that leaves her plainly vulnerable. like her vitriol towards him has to do with the fact that she feels he’s abandoning the bond they used to have (and ofc they bond they have through the curse), and that memory of him does act as a linchpin. 
- it’s primo bitchy shigure hours. primo akito meltdown hours.
- this shot is soooo foreboding wow. straight up darkness. tho i kind of wish this shot was used instead for the “i want to crush her to a pulp” line, or at the very least that the shot for that line was just framed differently
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- god they’re so fucking awful for each other. purely just a disaster duo. shigure taking control of the conversation + dismissing akito’s meltdown and emotional manipulation leaves akito feeling the only way she can have control over him is through seducing him since no other method works. the convo that has with her accusing him of sleeping with a lot of other women + her not knowing how to handle the fact that he slept with ren, and ofc the convo it has with her misogyny and how she views herself. they have this really vitriolic push and pull for control because akito doesn’t know what to do when she loses any control at all, and shigure’s grasping at what little control he can have considering how their power dynamics work with the bond -- walking away when she’s being manipulative, refusing to coddle her. like shigure’s wish for them to be on an equal playing field without the curse is a pipe dream because their relationship is just so, so damaged as is and is so heavily informed by what has already happened between them. takaya why did you have them end up together for realsies why did you--
- what is with the reboot team making akito break down the walls and doors all the time lmfao. bro the structural damage caused by this little 90lb disaster.
- i think i understand why they took it out (like maybe it would have been too overt with how they’ve set up the audience to expect something bad happened to rin after running into ren) but man they really just didn’t adapt one of the most haunting parts of the series huh. like this shot of rin being trapped inside the cat’s room right beside shigure thinking “i’ll be waiting for you” maaaan man!!
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- okay addendum: apparently she is in the room. in hindsight i did notice this but it did not register as a person because i thought it was just a glare on the window 😭
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cuddlesslut · 3 years
Live my Life Ch.1
Kuroo x fem reader
Summary: sometimes life is full of making the wrong choices and not knowing till it’s to late.
A/N: this is chapter one of my new story. I’m still writing the Home series I must really wanted to start this story as well. I hope you guys like this one.
Warning: Angst, Smut, Drunk Sex, Underage drinking, toxic behavior
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You found yourself sitting in this dingy bar nursing a drink you weren’t supposed to have. This had become part of your routine. It all started about three weeks ago. Your friend Kana, or well you suppose she could be called a friend she was more of a friend of a friend. She seemed nice enough kind of the free spirit type of girl always into the new big trend, not really what you would describe yourself as, more of what you wanted to be. You weren’t exactly some shy shut in but still your anxieties held you back from charging head first into in life and taking the bull by the horns. That’s why you surprised even yourself when you offered to be Kana’s bar buddy.
Kana is bartender at this whole in the wall bar with dim lighting. It got fairly good business but not enough to warrant more than one bartender at a time. That being the case Kana would often be there by herself well late into the night, the neighborhood wasn’t horrible but it still was unsettling sometimes. So as her bar buddy you would come at some point in her shift and find a free seat at the bar hopefully far enough distance from any other patrons. You’d order some fries or whatever greasy snack food you craved and waited there with her while she worked until she was ready to lock up. It was pretty easy you’d just sit there offering her someone to talk when she was bored or when she need to escape some overbearing customers. She’d make her way over too you and pretend to make you a drink. Although she offered you a drink you usually turn her down for the clear fact that you were underage when it came to drinking. It was perfectly fine for you to sit in the establishment since it also served food but at the age of 18 drinking was still prohibited. Being the laid back girl and bartender she was Kana didn’t care about bending that rule for a friend.
Most nights you’d pull out some school work on your tablet that your carried with you or just read some stories on your phone. Usually trying your best to avoid conversation with the regulars. That didn’t work as well as you hoped and soon enough you were quickly learning all of the local gossip and being included in the group known as the regulars. Which is what you were since you found yourself here four nights out of you week. You didn’t mind spending so much of your time here with Kana it was kind of nice to stray from your comfort zone plus you and Kana were steadily getting closer as friends too. Everything was smooth sailing until you met him.
It was a usual Thursday night you got dressed in your causal but sleek outfit. Wearing a comfortable pair of Jeans that hugged your body nicely not too tight but still showed your curves. You paired it with a black blouse and black ankle boots. You freshened up your make up of the day not needing to try to hard seeing as you weren’t going there to impress anyone. In fact you preferred to not draw any attention. Your brushed through your hair finally heading out of your home and too the dingy bar. Things seemed a little off tonight some felt different but still you took your usual seat as you scanned the bar. It was fairly empty only two other customers sitting all the way at the other end of the counter. Kana wasn’t anywhere to be found, she’s probably just grabbing something back you reasoned. And sure enough you could hear a clang in the back of the establishment that was hidden from the public eye. Although it wasn’t Kana that popped around the corner. Instead stood a tall and extremely handsome guy. He was wild black hair that was strewn in a chaotic fashion but it suited him. You could tell by his physique that he was fit , not too overly muscular but when he reached up to put the box he was carrying on the top shelf you could see a peak of a very well defined v line on his tanned skin. This man was the definition of tall, dark ,and handsome. And that wasn’t even mentioning his intense honey eyes that felt like they pierced your soul with just one look. He wore a black pair of fitted jeans and a red button up with strange print on it. You could inspect the odd design more intensely as he approached you with a smirk plastered on his face. Ah they were little black cats that littered his print. The style screamed I’m stylish but quirky.
“Well hello there sweetheart how can I help you?” You could tell he was using his customer service persona. Ah he goes for the smooth talkng flirt, he probably does very well with middle aged woman, you think.
“Um yeah,” you state giving the room one more look “ do you know where Kana is?” You questioned.
His perked at the mention of your friend. You could see him relax a little as he released some tension rolling his shoulders back. “Ahh you must be YN,” he smiled placing his hands on the bar leaning forward. His voice was a notch higher no longer Using his deep Casanova tone, this one was more natural. You eyes widened at the sound of your name leaving his lips.
“Yeah,” you replied hesitant.
“I’m Kuroo Tetsurou,” he presented his hand offering a firm shake to which you awkwardly accepted. “I’m guessing Kana forgot to inform you that id becoming back to work my usual Thursday shift today did she?” He let out a small chuckle.
Damn it Kana you cursed inside your mind. You could have been cozy in bed right now. “Ha nope she did not,” you let out a sigh. “I didn’t realize she was just covering these last few weeks” you respond.
“She just had my Thursday shift Mondays and Wednesdays are still her regular days.” He grinned “she was nice enough to take my shift while I was out with some family stuff.”
“Ahh I see, well I’ll should probably get out of your hair,” you stated starting to slide off the stool.
“Hey wait you came all the way out here let me get you a drink,” he offered.
You froze in your seat for a moment kind of embarrassed. You felt heat creep to your face as you respond “ oh umm I’m not actually old enough I’m only 18,” your eye locked on the surface in front of you.
He let out a chuckle “let me see your ID.”
Your face scrunched in confusion “but-” you start but he cuts you off.
“Shh just hand it over,” he smiles. You raise your eyebrow as you reach into your handbag fishing out your ID and handing it over. He backs upmholding it as though it was valid. “Well look at that! Sure enough you’re 20,” he gives a cheeky smile “so what can I get you to drink?”
You take back your card placing it back safely in your bag a look of shock present on your youthful features. You lean forward whispering “won’t you get in trouble!” Not wanting to have someone risk their job. He lets out a haughty laugh. “My dads the owner so I’m not too worried.” He stated cockily. “So again what are you drinking sweetheart?” Again he flashed that stupid smirk that sent your stomach doing flips.
After two drinks and some idle chit chat in his free time you decided it probably be best if you headed out. He was quick to stop you. “Ahh come on dont leave so soon I was hoping you’d be my bar buddy too,” he pouted. You rolled your eyes at his teasing. It was enough to keep you there though ordering another drink to nurse. It felt nice chatting and casually flirting with this attractive stranger.
This too became part of your routine. You still went to the bar during Kana’s shift to keep her company but you kept going on Thursday and spending you night talking to Kuroo. The both of you spending most of the night getting to know each other. It was just surface things like school, you found out he was two years older than you going to a university near by studying chemical engineering,and your taste in music which was something you had a lot in common. The conversation focused mainly on you. He always directed the flow of the conversation he was so out going and smooth, always asking questions about your day liked hearing about your day as if being a 3rd year in high school was the most exciting thing. You’d sit there for hours with him trying new drinks sometimes finding yourself leaving the bar at three am as if you didn’t have class in four hours. But you didn’t care it was exhilarating this was the most rebellious thing you had ever done. The flirting was harmless never going to far. And although you wouldn’t admit you were getting a crush on the raven haired bartender.
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It was just another Wednesday night but today something inside of you told you to dress up more than you’d usually go for. Tonight you wore a simple black dress with a deep neckline that really showed your figure without being to flashy. Your period had recently finished so knowing you were securely dried up you decided to go for a pair of your fancy red lace panties and a matching bra that always boosted your confidence. Not that anyone would be seeing them. You checked yourself one last time before heading out to the bar and damn did you look hot.
When you entered the bar you were surprised to it was rather busy with customers all over the place, luckily you find a seat at the bar. You noticed that Kenma was also behind the bar. Kenma was the other bartender that worked the shifts opposite of Kana and Kuroo. He was also Kuroo’s best friend. You’ve only met him a couple times when he’d come to the bar to see Kuroo while he was on shift. It must be really busy if they called him in to work the bar with Kana.
Kana gave a sigh of relief and smiled as she saw you sitting at the bar. “Oh my god girl hey,” smiled “do you see how hectic it is?” She laughed. She took a moment to fully look you over her eyes wide.
“Damn girl you look fucking hot!” You felt some pride grow in you hearing your friend complement you. She always looked amazing so hearing that she thought you looked great felt like high praise.
“You want a drink babe?” She asked although it was more a of statement as she was already whipping together a drink before you were finished nodding. She handed you a strong yet sweet drink before she was whisked away by some needy patrons.
You sipped on your drink watching Kana handle the crowd. You and Kenmas eyes would lock every now and then but it’s very short and awkward. You don’t know him very well. Part of your anxieties had you convinced he didn’t like you. But you tried not to read into it to much. Kuroo had told you once that it was just that he wasn’t much of a people person only working at the bar as a favor to Kuroo and his father. You sit there silently observing the world around you not noticing someone taking the seat next to you.
“Boo,” a husky voiced whispered into your ear sending shivers down your spine. Kuroo cackled as you jumped turning around clutching your chest.
“What the hell Kuroo!” You gasped trying to steady your breathing. “They call you in too?” You ask referring to the booming business you sat in.
“Nah it’s my day off and I wanted to come have a drink and bug Kenma,” he rose his hand singling said man for a drink. “But looks like I lucked out now I get to bother you all night,” he smirked.
“Oh really and who said I want to have you around I deal with you enough on Thursdays,” you smiled back with a sly look.
He feigned a look of hurt. “Ouch YN you wound me, I thought we were friends,” giving you look that definitely didn’t come off as just friendly. You just roll your eyes trying to hide your intrigue. “Well it seems I need to prove my friendship to you let me by you a drink.” He rested his hand on yours as he signaled for a refill on your drink.
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You should have seen it coming but you acted surprised when after several drinks and a couple rounds of shots you found yourself in the back seat of his car. Your red panties tossed to the side somewhere in the vehicle. You were laying back as he dove under the hem your dress. Kuroo looked up to your face his lips barley an inch away from your heat. He had a devious look on his face as he watched your face flush with need. Your lips were swollen from the heated make out sessions you had outside the bar. He quirked his eyebrow teasingly his heavy breath tickling you. He was waiting. It was almost tortuous but you knew what he wanted.
You pouted your chest rising and falling from your hard breathing. “Please!” You begged. He smiled content with hearing your pleas before diving into you his tongue lapping at your wet folds. Your head fell back in pleasure as he ate you out like a man starved. Your moans filled the car as he worked his skilled tongue in and out of you. He could feel how close you were as he felt you clench around his fingers as he worked you loose. Relief flooded your body as you came on his face. Lust still flooding you as you watched him lick up all your juices. He moved up your body sealing your lips into a searing kiss you could taste your essence on his lips.
Your hands reached down his body grabbing at his bulge. He let out a groan in your ear before picking you up and placing you on his lap. He attacked you neck nippping and sucking harsh purple marks into your skin. He pulled the collar of your dress down pulling your breast out . Moving your bra down he latched his lips around your swollen nipple rolling it between his teeth. You let out a pained moan as you rolled you hips into his lap. He finally hit limit. He lifted you up as he pulled his pants and boxers down before lining his achingly hard length with your wet cunt before pulling you down on it. Both of your groans filled the space as you felt him fill you whole. You hid your face in his neck as you panted while he let you adjust to the intrusion. You could feel his hands roaming your ass pushing the skirt of your dress up. A sudden smack came to your ass. You let out a hiss. He rubbed the mark he left on your soft skin.
“Go ahead sweetheart ride my cock,” he demanded. His dirty words sent shivers over body. You did just as he said starting to move your hips up and down rotating on his dick as it reached deep inside of you. Your body was already on edge from your earlier release so it took no time to have you clenching tightly around him you next orgasm fastly approaching.
“Fuck you’re so god damn tight,” he groaned. Lust took over as he grabbed your hips holding you still as he drilled up into your pliant body. Your moans egged him on as he chased both of your climaxes. He loved the feeling of your pussy clamping down on him. Feeling you milk his cock drained him of his will and of his semen as he came deep into you.
You both sat there for a moment both coming down from your highs. Bodies worn from the intense session you had just had. He groaned throughing his head back, “fuck I didn’t wear a condom,” he cursed.
“I’m on birth control” you breathed moving off his lap. You searched for your panties sliding them on quickly trying to contain the mess between your legs.
“Good, that’s good,” he breathed a sigh of relief he looked around both of you. It seemed no one notice dyour little drunken romp in the parking lot. There was a slight awkward pause neither knowing what to say.
“Well that was great,” he offered, “uhh do you need a ride home?” He questioned.
You shook your head, “no I’ll just grab a quick Uber home,” you respond pulling your phone out to do just that.
He nodded seeming to like that idea not wanting you to walk home. “I’ll probably head back in and sober up a little before heading home. I definitely can’t drive right now. I’m not even sure my legs will get me back inside,” he laughed. You giggled as well. A chime rang from your phone, your ride would be pulling up soon.
“Hey give me your number and message me when you get phone safe.” He said taking the phone to send a message to himself successfully trading numbers. He gave you one more deep kiss before you left to catch your Uber.
That night your body passed out exhausted. You knew you were going to regret drinking so much tomorrow morning when you have to wake up for class.
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And damn was your body sore. Your head was ponding from all the alcohol and the rest was sore from the wild sex you had. Still you woke up bright and early making sure to shower off any evidence from your delinquent activities. You made sure to take some Advil before leaving for school opting to skip breakfast since your stomach was still unstable from the liquor. Your morning classes were relatively easy not but extremely boring. You found yourself daydreaming through most of your history class thinking back to your night with Kuroo. Little fantasys of dates, and more long talks at the bar, even some naughty ideas popped into your head. It was almost like you willed him into existence because not two seconds later your phone vibrated. Your heart skipped a beat seeing his name pop up in your notifications. You laughed at the way he saved his number last night. Oh my god he texted me you thought you were so giddy. That was until you read the messages.
Kuroo 🥵: Hey YN.
Kuroo 🥵: Last night was a Mistake. Look I have a girlfriend and I love her so I think it’s best we pretend last night never happened. Sorry.
Ouch. That hurt.
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General Taglist: @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @graykageyama
Taglist: @captain-janeway @elianetsantana
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Shdjdjjddjjs okay but, more buff cat hcs when ?? But seriously, i know it probably counts as crack hc but i enjoyed it way to much i cant get it out of my head anymore, i havent laught so much in a while now sjdjchdj. I sure hope the buff cat saga will continue !!
You know what? I’ll give you some buff cat content now. 😤 my school work can wait. And trust me, the buff cat saga WILL continue. I just tend to work on requests first rather than my own wants haha.
I’m really happy you like buff cat! Buff cat is my life now. Constantly haunted by buff cat. Maybe one day I’ll introduce a girlfriend or friends for buff cat too 🤔
Maybe I’ll do a background about buff cat and how they met MC?? And why buff cat is so attached to MC? I don’t know. 👉👈 maybe if someone requests, otherwise I’ll just do whatever I feel like in the moment.
Anyone can also feel free to request any buff cat scenarios!! If not I’ll think of some up. THIS IS SO LONG IM SORRY. I WROTE THIS LIKE 1 HOUR OR SOMETHING STRAIGHT AHA.
The boys react to buff cat teaching you
Lucifer had noticed your grades were improving recently, and wanted to take you out to eat for working so hard to both keep up with your class.
When he came to your room, he saw a scene that honestly shouldn’t of surprised him, but did anyways.
You were sitting at your desk, books sprawled across the entire surface area of it. On top of a book pile was buff cat, wearing a pair of glasses, and he was using a pointer to show you important parts you should remember.
He watched in awe as you two never exchanged any words, but you were scribbling down definitions and important notes, while buff cat turned the pages and reviewed your work.
He’s gotten fairly use to buff cat cooking, cleaning, intimidating others, but he has never seen buff cat act like a teacher before, it was sort of new, and he even had a teacher outfit.
He swears that he never sees you buying these outfits, or that people in the devildom actually sell muscular cat clothing.
Buff Cat is the first to break the silence, looking over at Lucifer and positioning his pointer at Lucifer’s head, and then to in front of your desk.
You were still focused on your studying, knowing that you were steadily improving. Buff Cat got out a notepad from one of your desk drawers, and wrote “Leave what you require on this note, I am instructing MC right now, and when we are done tutoring I will give this note to them.”
Lucifer ended up having to take a rain check on taking you out to eat, and learned that your cat has really advanced vocabulary.
He was failing the majority of his classes, and ended up asking you for help. You were his best shot, and you seemed to be passing all of your classes with flying colours.
You said you were happy to help him! Except that someone else was actually helping you study. They were a very efficient teacher.
He was relieved to hear that you’d introduce your teacher to him, until he found out it was that fucking demon spawn from hell.
He screeched so hard and ran out of the room, crying like a girl. “aAAAAaaaaAAAH”
Mammon is terrified of buff cat, and now you’re telling him this cat has the intelligence of a genius? You came to the devildom like a few months ago how is this cat tutoring you and making you pass your classes with ease??
He swears your cat is trying to plot for world domination or something. Will NEVER ask you to study with him again.
You walked into Levi’s room trying to find buff cat. It was a Sunday, which was typically a boys night out between them, but it was getting pretty late and you need to study.
There was a test tomorrow on devildom history, and you wanted to review one more time with buff cat, as to make sure you’ll do well on it.
“Mr. Kitty, are you here?” You called out, as soon as you said that Buff Cat paused the game and ran up to you. Levi was slightly annoyed as Buff Cat was beating a hard level for him, but he is your cat above all else.
You smiled as Buff Cat greeted you, and apologised for interrupting them. You explained to Levi how you wanted to review for the test, and if it wasn’t an issue could he spare around 20 minutes?
Levi huffed and agreed and called you a normie, and was about to pick up his switch when your words finally set in.
You put down the book you were carrying and got out a pencil, and took a piece of paper out of the book. You began writing down all of the important stuff on the paper while Buff Cat watched over your shoulder.
When you were finished, he went into the book with you and showed you a couple things you’ve missed or had forgotten, and then got you to write it down three times each as to remember. He even wrote a few essay questions for you which you got.
Levi was impressed. Not only did Buff Cat seem to know the whole devildom history by heart, he knew the exact pages and lines, and even how to write.
He didn’t really care as long as Buff Cat beats the hard level for him. He just considers it to be cool.
Satan was impressed with your high grades. It must be hard for a human to suddenly learn about a whole new realm, right? So if you had Cs he would understand, but you were getting 97s and 94s.
He understood everything when he started to notice what kind of books Buff Cat had been reading in his room, recently.
You all were having a test on curses soon, and Buff Cat came by his room and began looking for books about curses, and similar ones to what you all had been learning about.
Satan ended up chuckling to himself and found it amusing. It was amazing how your cat even spent his free time coming to someone’s room, finding books for your tests, and reads them before going back to you to help you understand the content.
He likes to get coffee with Buff Cat and talk about the stuff you’re learning in classes, he never directly said it to you, but he helps Buff Cat find specific books when Buff Cat comes over.
Lucifer decided to punish the house of lamentations by taking away all of their electronics after they did something stupid again. The only way to earn it back, was through getting an 80% or higher on their next test.
You and Asmo suffered because you would normally look up answer during your test, and Asmo had no social media or contact with any of his friends with benefits.
You two weren’t ashamed to beg Buff Cat for help to pass your next test. He was probably the smartest in the house. He goes to Satan’s room almost every day and purchased books when he goes out. Your cat even tutored you when you were in elementary school.
You and Asmo barely needed to convince Buff Cat, as he was ecstatic to help you again. He’d do anything to help you, and was even willing to help Asmo out as well.
Asmo thought that Buff Cat looked REALLY adorable in his teacher’s outfit. A suit, tie, glasses, and his claws were so shiny from their manicure earlier.
Buff cat even slicked his fur back to look like he gel’d his hair. He was a literal fashion icon. Asmo could do some sewing, but nothing to the degree Buff Cat did.
Buff Cat had so many outfits he made himself, and he even did them so quickly. They all turned out perfect. Oh right, this was about studying wasn’t it?
Asmo never really asked questions about why your cat could just be so smart, and more so focused on how cool your cat looked. Priorities.
Beel and Buff Cat are gym buddies, so naturally they’d walk home together from the gym. Everything was fine until Buff Cat’s MC senses were tingling, and began to walk towards you, crouching down in a store trying to figure out which notebooks to buy.
Beel thought it was pretty cool Buff Cat knew where you were, like how he and Belphie were that close to each other.
Brel asked you what you were doing, and you explained that you wanted to get some new notebooks because your old one is messy and confusing. You just scribbled whatever you could down, and were having a bit of a hard time in class.
Buff Cat immediately perked up, and you two seemed to have a conversation. He meowed and you happily said “I’d love that!”
Apparently, Buff Cat had offered to tutor you. Beel wasn’t so sure how well your cat could teach, though, considering he still is a cat, and offered to help you as well, since he wouldn’t like to see you sad from overworking yourself.
He was scribbling notes alongside with you five minutes into your first session together. Buff Cat wrote such simple explanations, and even prepared notecards ahead of time, Beel forgot he was supposed to teach you.
He is pretty fine with Buff Cat teaching you both, and once again forgets that Buff Cat is a “normal”? cat and not some weird creature that knows the answer to life.
Is really fucking terrified of your buff cat. Like TERRIFIED. So when he sees your cat in a teacher’s outfit sitting at the dinning room table, teaching you math, he was frozen.
He came down to get a glass of milk but what is this. Do you- do you have to do it in the living room?
There is no other reaction than physical fear coursing through his body his adrenaline is at the highest and his fight or flight instincts kick in.
He’s already fought once and that caused Buff Cat to exist in constant Buff form around him, so you can bet he is running.
Probably has a group chat with Mammon and Luke. “Buff Cat Conspiracy”. They talk about how scary buff cat is.
Buff Cat told Diavolo he was the one who helped you study. They were having conversation (buff cat used a notebook) and the topic of your studies came up. He mentioned how he had been helping you study, and understand the terminology in the Devildom better.
He was happy to hear that you understood it, and that it wasn’t too complicated for either of you too.
He actually asks if he can watch your study sessions, to see if he needs to lighten your workload just in case you’re pushing yourself too much.
You two allow him to watch, and he’s giving soft claps and smiles as the two of you give it your best.
Is honestly very happy with how much you two get along, and how you say it’s very simple since Buff Cat explains(meows) it in a very efficient manner.
He already knew Buff Cat was smart, but haha. Maybe he should hire Buff Cat to be a teacher or support class teacher for RAD?
You had grown accustomed to the devildom these past few months, and with Buff Cat with you, you were allowed to freely explore it when you want.
Buff Cat also happens to have a spare key to open the castle when he wishes.
Exam/testing season was coming up, and you knew you couldn’t study at the house of lamentation.
It was very distracting, and so you decided to go to the castle. No one will be screaming there, or trying to convince you your cat is a weird entity trying to plot world domination.
Barbatos was sort of used to seeing Buff Cat come and go as he pleases, but why were you here? Before he could say anything, you told him that you were visiting to study! And that you hope he didn’t mind that Buff Cat was going to tutor you.
Alright, so you’re studying, but why at the castle? You had to explain that it was very distracting at the house of lamentations, and Mammon was trying to convince you to get rid of your cat 24/7.
Ah, he could see that. Your cat isn’t exactly normal, and Mammon does occasionally scream like a girl. I promise I love Mammon. But it’s not like he minded, so long as you two were quiet and actually studied.
He left to clean for a bit, and when he returned to the guest room he saw you wearing a headband, violently writing down and muttering definitions at an insane pace. Buff Cat was in a teacher’s outfit, and holding out flash cards.
He’s slightly taken aback, but doesn’t show it anywhere on his face. He has never seen you so serious before, and neither has he seen Buff Cat so focused on you, as well.
He’s quite proud of you two for your hard work and dedication. He doesn’t interrupt but instead pours you three cups of tea, Buff Cat thanks him, and watches over you two.
Solomon invited you over for a study session. He may be a little shady, but he does care for you, as a fellow human.
He was ecstatic to see Buff Cat come with you, because he still wants to dissect your cat.
He was about to talk to you about letting him research you cat, but you made yourself comfortable on his bed, and Buff Cat began to put on glasses and take out a pointer.
He didn’t have anytime to talk beforehand, as you were highlighting certain areas of your book, your cat pointing to certain parts, and you patted the bed beside you for Solomon to join.
Solomon’s plans to dissect your cat are set back another day, but he takes great interest in the way he teaches. Your cat is very methodical about how to remember things, and explains(meows) it rather simply.
He swears that your cat is not a normal human cat, but why can he sense literally zero magic power from it? If only Buff Cat could teach him that.
Solomon also gets 100% on the next test by remembering everything the way Buff Cat had taught you two.
Absolutely chaotic man, when he sees you and Buff Cat in a classroom when school was over, he approached you two, and said hello.
You greeted him, and so did Buff Cat. He asked what you were doing after school so late, and that it was dangerous for the two of you. Buff Cat not so much but could still be in danger.
You told him you were studying for the upcoming test, and that Buff Cat was helping you.
Simeon was like!!! 💖👉👈💖💖💖💖🥰🥰🥺🥺 could I join?? This sounds so fun!! Buff Cat is so smart!!
He does not question the fact he’s studying with a cat, learning from a cat, or just how nice your cat can write on paper, like perfect handwriting.
He has such chaotic energy that he’s just like you, what a cute cat!
just no.
he’s fine with your cat but does your cat have to be in buff form when you’re being taught?
he is happy you are getting good grades but please get him away from buff form buff cat.
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voidcat · 3 years
– a case of bad luck
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3. making a scene
m.list ; prev ; next ; wc: 2.7k
a/n: rmr when i said i'd not post a chapter befre writing at least one chapter ahead? ahahaha anyways,,, here's wonderwall. song name mentioned at the end of the chapter!!
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He doesn’t show his face for the next few days.
The feeling of being watched goes away with him, despite knowing it’ll be over shortly.
Finding things to occupy your mind starts off easier than you thought, no one bats an eye to it either. Slowly rumors start to spread about the boy who hasn’t shown his face in weeks.
Exes complain and bad mouth, friends stick around and make excuses, some believe he ran off to chase a dream or start a new life; a theory from each head, all speculating, not even close to the truth of it.
Then comes the news reports, a close friend must’ve heard from the cops, body found dead, covered in bruises. ‘They say he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, crossed an alley too narrow at a time too late.’ Nobody speaks of the bodies found with him, someone must’ve messed with the crime scene.
“So, how are things going with him?” a voice from your right snaps your attention.
What?.. You stare at your friend, then realize she must mean Dazai.
“Not much. He’s still in town, we hang out sometimes.” The lie slips off smoothly yet they seem disappointed at your answer. Then remembering what he claims to have said to them, it makes sense in a way, although a dumb way it is.
“Do you think he was murdered?” “What could he have done to die a brutal way?” they join the flock of gossipers. Nothing new or exciting to do recently, taking a guess has become the new sport, as if a correct guess could earn them something of a meaning.
You close your ears to the same whispers of different voices and try focusing on what’s at hand. Maybe you should remember what it is for first.
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The dreaded feeling comes back after few more days and with it, so does he.
Waiting in the same spot just like the last time, another suspicious smile decorating his face, accompanied by fresh bandages. Rolling your eyes at the sight of him, you look for a means to escape, even just for one more day but your friends spot him short after, wave their hands at him and push you to his direction.
A cloying voice to match that smile, he greets you first. “Hello darling-“ “Don’t call me that.” You cut in. He pays no mind.
Like last time, the two of you begin to walk, ignoring the curious looks of your friends focused on your back. “Have you thought about my offer recently?”
“Honestly? I forgot.” You expect a raised eyebrow or a glance thrown your way at the very least. “I have a life of my own, you know.” He shows no sign of emotions or annoyance.
“And so do they.” He shrugs and looks at the each store window you walk by. It’s the air within him, that rubs you the wrong way, you decide. The way he talks as if he is discussing over what to eat for breakfast when it’s lives, living breathing lives you’ve spent your whole life with that he threatens.
Exactly how many times has he done that to not care at all?
Another answer- no, a possibility, an explanation to this lies in your mind and you brush it off –or try to do so. It’s cruel, maybe not exactly but such an idea shouldn’t come to your mind so easily, no matter how… logical it sounds to be.
“What do you want me to do? What do you expect me to say? Just blindly agree?” your steps begin to get louder, more pressure applied to each one you take.
Then his voice rises, a stretched out ‘ah’comes first, “Bella, you’re making a scene,” he makes a move to drape an arm over your shoulder as you take a step forward to escape it. “-especially when you don’t even have the slightest clue what I’m asking for.” And comes back the empty tone of voice with his last words.
Few steps ahead there’s a turn you can take. You wonder if he will stop when you part ways, will he wait, walk after you to grab your arm and make you follow him again? Another voice tells you instead he will keep walking ahead, not even sparing a glance your way, already aware you’ll fall defeated to fear or curiosity only to trail after him again.
But still, the possibilities are still worth the risk, no matter how true he is to his threats, it’s better than to walk into an alley with him again.
People around walk on and continue their lives, out to enjoy the sun or to hang out after their not-so-busy lives. You don’t cross the street at the lights like you did the last time.
From the corner of your eye you peak at him but the bandages cover a good portion of his face, not that he is loose with his expressions and mimics. You focus on the walk again.
“Whatever it is, it must be something dirty, or risky, considering you’re threatening me into this.”
“Now now, don’t flatter yourself just because you have an ability. It isn’t anything big, just a small chore I don’t want to deal with.”
“From the way you talk, the list can go from taking the trash out to murder y’know…” To this, he just lets out a dry laugh. You’re unsure if it’s a good thing or not that he doesn’t even deny it.
The scenery around begins to change slowly, store by store, people by people. Maybe this is a good time to take a turn right or back, before ending up in a part of town who knows where. Nearby you spot a pot of flowers and stop as you reach it. A checkpoint, of sorts. It used be enjoyable at least, to have little checkpoints of your own on paths you took daily, on streets you weren’t familiar with. Stores, a pavement stone sticking out, a cat that sleeps in the same place all day, all to yourself, –as if a checkpoint could actually serve you as if life is a video game.
As you stop, he does too. “That’s fair.” He shrugs, “but it’s nothing big. I just want you to capture this guy by the end of tonight.”
Narrowing your eyes, you observe his face, “why, is the mighty Dazai incapable of such a simple task or does he carry an infectious disease of sorts?”
“Neither,” crossing his arms behind, he rests his head. “I just don’t feel like doing it.” Unbelievable.
It’s your turn to cross your arms this time, take a step back and balance your weight, just to say alert. “So let’s say that I agreed to this, will you get off my neck? Even if it fails?”
“Ah, bella, failure isn’t an option in your case.” You wince at nickname, again, and positive why he avoided the first question. Like it or not, getting involved in even the tiniest task would link you to the mafia somehow, an accomplice, even if he says he will leave you, there’s no guarantee someone else won’t show up. And this time with a better excuse to use, that’ll get worse for you if the said person is tortured or murdered.
“Okay, I… have a song in mind but-“ you look around and down and around and at his face again, he seems to be waiting for you to finish whatever it is you’ll say. Straightening up, you speak the next words with more confidence, no matter what, showing any signs of weakness or submission is not an option. “-even if this whole ability thing is real, I doubt it will work unless it’s night time.”
He waits there for a moment, looking more like he dozed off then considering what you’ve just said. “Alright!” he claps his hands in front of him suddenly, “I’ll be waiting by the door around 8. Don’t make me wait.” “wait!-“
Coat wavering in the air, he turns and continues walking the direction you two were following.
Your ‘How the hell am I supposed to find an excuse to get out at 8?’ waits on the tip of your tongue, his shrinking form looking more and more punchable with each passing second. Waiting a little longer to make sure he’s gone, though it isn’t important since he made it clear he knows where you reside, you begin to walk back home.
Now each word spoken, his gestures, moves and his voice start to come back at you one by one. Want it or not, you did agree to become an associate to them, even if it’s a weak link. A disposable one, easy to trace, not important enough to protect. Taking one arm off, you hold your bag in front and search for your earphones.
If you’re really going to do this, that ability thing better be working. Typing in the song title and you click play, putting it on repeat, that might help get you in the mood at least.
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A dinner like any other evening, occasional chitchat mixed with the clanking of cutlery. Your cat peaks from the door frame and goes back into the living room, leaving the three of you alone. Few nods here and there, hums instead of ‘yes’ and ‘no’s.
You consider if you should try to sneak out or make up a lie to go out, though there’s no guarantee on the latter that they’ll allow. That is, until you see alcohol in the mix and stay silent, then offer once to refill their glasses and refuse “No thank you, it’s a school night after all.”
Pleased with your reply, their attention is back on talk about their day, few complaints here and there, and soon after they grow tired. Dimming the lights and burning an incense stick in a far corner of a room helps to set the mood.
“You seem tired father, why don’t you go to bed earlier tonight?” he doesn’t even loom up from his cigarette but the heavy eye lids suggest he is keen on the idea.
“Mother, didn’t you say you have an early meeting tomorrow? It’s better to sleep now and review the papers in the morning than to stay up all night.” If she suspects your sudden interest in her schedule, she doesn’t make a comment. And always being the first one to go to bed, she puts the documents into a neat pile and gets up first.
You wait for the sounds to come to an end and glance at the nearest clock. 8.05, not bad. Who is he to complain when he didn’t even bother to ask if it works for you anyway?
Tiptoing to the door and grabbing the keys, you ignore your cat’s curious gaze and grab your shoes.
Like he said, he waits 20 meters from your house.
“Ready?” he offers his arm, which you ignore.
Putting on your earphones and pressing play, you let out a breath. “Just lead the way.”
With music in your ears, the journey there goes faster.
At first you lend an ear to Dazai, seeing his mouth move, but once it’s clear he’s just babbling about some random thing, you let your focus loose and allow the tune to surround you.
Losing count on how many times the song replayed, you eye Dazai, waiting for a word on at least what you’ll do.
And as if on cue, he stops whatever nonsense he was sputtering and that tone comes out of his mouth again. You make a mental note to control your body language better in the future.
“It’s just one man, slightly taller than me, built in but not very bright. He should be easy to spot in the next turn to the left, I doubt he got company.”
Turning the volume down, you slow your steps to match his pace. “So he is just… there? Why would he even walk into a trap?”
“Oh he isn’t! But he will arrive in-“ he pulls out his phone to check the time, “-in half an hour.” as his voice starts to get more excited, not genuine like a kid’s, but fake, you get a bad feeling in his intentions –worse than before.
“What if it doesn’t work and I cannot use my ability?” you ask and immediately regret upon seeing a smile on him, as if he was waiting, –who are you kidding, of course he was waiting! “Well that sounds like a you problem, doesn’t it?” he says with a shrug.
“Good luck! I’ll be back in an hour!” he turns around and walk into a shadowed corner before you can run after him.
Eyes fixed on where he was standing a while ago, with that smile on his lips, you mutter to yourself, “What the hell…”, and turn the volume back up.
In the remaining minutes to his arrival, you’ve taken off your earphones, humming to yourself and waiting by the corner.
By the time he arrives, you watch him look around for a minute then walk into the alley with ease.
“Hello, sir! If you’re not busy at the moment, can I borrow 5 minutes of your time?” Adding a sweetness to your voice isn’t hard but he seems vary of you.
Who wouldn’t be? In the dead of the night, a high schooler appearing in an alley when they’re supposed to have a meeting.
“Oh please, it’s nothing big. You see, I’ll be auditioning for a band and I’m waiting for my friend before we go in.” You wave your hand like it’s nothing. “And though I know I’m somewhat decent, I need actual criticism from someone who won’t sugarcoat it for me. Would you like to hear me sing?”
He doesn’t look impressed, nor does he look like he wants to deal with a brat. But twisting his lips once and looking around for a sign of arrival, it’s clear he prefers to hear you once and get rid of you for good.
“Okay and before we begin, if you understand the lyrics, please don’t get any ideas. The actual theme and story of the song lies in the verse.” You flash a smile when he raises an eyebrow, maybe it was a stupid thing to say, it’s not like everyone can understand a song in a foreign language on first listen, even if they know the language.
Pulling out your phone, you press play, keeping rhythm to the beat with your foot and drum your fingers to your leg.
“I am not, I am not, I am not, I'm alive, live-” you begin singing and close your eyes for a brief moment.
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Perhaps you should’ve picked a… more convenient song, instead of spending your day til dinner listening to this.
But would another one be as interesting as this to witness? It’s a hard no, of course not.
Yet this doesn’t help silence the creaking sounds from earlier leave your head. And now those mixed with the song itself, sends a shiver. Would that happen to me if I sang it in a moment of weakness?
You wait with your back to the cold wall, check the time again and like clockwork, faint footsteps reach your ears.
It’s Dazai’s face to show itself first, peaking from the street opening like your cat did today during dinner. He spots you, and him, and his expression changes suddenly.
Unsure what he thinks of this, you decide don’t want to learn it, or any other expression of his now that you’re at it. Decoding him means knowing him, to an extent, and this also means spending time with him, getting closer to him. None of which you’re eager to participate in.
As he opens his mouth to say something, you push yourself off the wall and take a step to your right to avoid colliding.
“There. I’m going home.”
Steps long and fast, you leave immediately, putting as much distance as possible. Hands into fists, moving in sync with your legs and your gaze focused ahead. It seems trip back home will go faster than it was to get here. You ignore for the night how easily you could turn your back to him and just walk.
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song: Crows - Rest in Bigger Pieces Remix by Car Seat Headrest
yep, thats the full name. if u listen to it, it'll make it easier, but if u dont, here's a brief summary:
the song is written for one of will's friends, cate wurtz (for one of her webcomics) the main theme of the song and the webcomic is in the verse but lyrics beside it are references to having sex at a park at night, hence the reader telling "dont get any ideas"
33 notes · View notes
ricksroaches · 3 years
Namjoon - Dysphoria ch. 3
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pairing: Yoongi x Reader, OT7 x Reader (platonic)
Summary: As a last resort, Namjoon tells his strict, overbearing father something that isn’t exactly true. He ends up having to find a way to prove his bluff.
Notes: Namjoon is also a junior. Jungkook and Taehyung are sophomores, Jimin, Y/N, and Namjoon are juniors, and Hoseok and Yoongi are seniors. Jin has graduated but still hangs out w them.
word count: 5.4k
warnings: cursing, mentions of drug use, mentions of mental hospitalization
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The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines perfection as: freedom from fault or defect.
Perfection was the standard held over Namjoon’s head since the day he could walk. His dad expected perfection. Not excellence, no. Excellence has the stain of room for error. Perfection was pure, unscathed by failure. Freedom from fault or defect. And he accepted nothing less. He was obsessive. His mom always said that’s where he got it from.
When Namjoon was 13, he stayed up all night binge watching Star Wars. He didn’t mean to, the time just flew by. What he forgot though, was an Algebra unit test he had that day. He snuck a cup of coffee from the pot and felt tip top, but by the time 5th hour came around, he was dying. You know that feeling when your in class dozing in and out and time kinda warps and every time you blink, 10 minutes have gone by? It’s also not easy to think about quadrilaterals and Euclidean triangle proofs while your at it.
He made a C. He never scored less than an A. Ever. He was sure his fate was sealed. The walk home alone had his palms sweating.
Namjoon remembered a lot of screaming that night. At him, his mom, his brother. No one was safe. Even long after they’d been sent to bed, he could hear their shouts, muffled by the walls. Sleep didn’t come to him that night either.
Naturally, he grew to resent his dad, but then strive for his approval at the same time. All that stress festered into rage. The kind that would put the fear of God in anyone. It scared him, and he was smart enough to know he needed to do something about it. Every time he felt that twinge, that compulsive urge to bash someone’s head in, he’d do push-ups. 10 turned to 20, 20 turned to 50, 50 turned to 100.
By 14, he had developed a strict diet and workout schedule. His body fat dropped from 23% to 10%.
He joined the football team by his dads wishes as a freshman and quickly excelled. By sophomore year, he was not only the starting quarterback, but the team captain. His IQ and OCD allowed him to see patterns in the other team’s offense that others were too brain damaged to notice. He was basically the team’s strategist and often took the coach’s job of giving the rundown before games.
He loved to win. He loved the endless cheers and adoration they showered him with. None of that, however, could compare to the feeling of seeing his dad watching in the stands with a proud, contained smile. His dad’s approval wasn’t Namjoon’s driving force. It was the wrath that he’d do anything to be spared from.
Beads of sweat were blown from Namjoon’s forehead as he sprinted around the track surrounding the school football field. His heart hammered in his chest and his legs begged for rest, but he needed to make exactly 7 laps without stopping or he had to start all over again.
He could see the finish line inching closer in the distance and he pumped his legs even harder to go even faster until he sped over the thick white line. With a parting ‘fuck you,’ his muscles went slack and he collapsed into the grass. He couldn’t hear himself think over the all consuming sound of his heart thundering in his ears and him gasping for air.
Once his pulse slowed to a non frightening pace, he pulled the hem of his jersey up to wipe the sweat from his eyes. He laid his arm over his face to shield his eyes from the afternoon sun and let his body sink further into the grass.
He thought he fell asleep, because the light reaching through his eyelids faded, and he couldn’t feel the cancer waves beating down on his arm. Confused, he peeked under his arm-“JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!”
Y/N was standing at his side staring down at him. He didn’t fall asleep, he was just laying in the long shadow she cast. “What the fuck what are you fucking Annabelle?!”
“I called your name like twice.”
“What the fuck do you want?”
“Okay first of all,” she took the sucker she had out of her mouth and pointed it at him “watch it. Second of all, Jimin told me you needed a ride home, so I’m telling your ungrateful ass ahead of time.”
“Why aren’t you in class?” She put the sucker back in her cheek.
“Skip n trip.”
“You’re a dumbass. There’s no way they won’t notice your gone.”
“Joon this school’s budget is $300 and a handful of Chuck E. Cheese’s tokens. Those teachers could give a shit. Besides, this isn’t my first rodeo.”
“What did you take?”
“What are you gonna do until I get out?”
“Dunno. I might rescue a cat from a tree, might steal the Constitution. You never know.”
“Okay well I need to shower before next period so,” Before he could finish she offered him her hand. He took it and she heaved him up a lot easier than he’d expected for a 5’4 druggie.
“Thanks. Now begone, demon.” With the small shove he gave her arm, she turned and meandered to the front of campus.
Namjoon’s stomach fluttered when his 7th period teacher started talking about what they were going to do tomorrow. A key sign of the end of class nearing. He watched the clock make its way around and around until finally, the bell rang.
He came down the brick front steps of the main hall, eyes sweeping for Y/N’s car. Nothing. With an annoyed huff, he made his way to the parking lot. “Why can’t you use the carpool like a human?”
He was nearing the back of the parking lot when the 1993 Corolla e100 came into view. Its dusty blue paint job and modifications courtesy of Yoongi and his father’s garage that he worked at. A pair of converse hung out the passenger window. When he got closer he saw Y/N laid across the front seat, plastic sunglasses balanced on her nose, hands folded behind her head.
He wrenched the door open making her feet flop to the seat hard enough to wake her with a choked snore. He swatted the bottom of her feet so she’d move. He sunk into the passenger seat and watched her hastily rub her eyes trying to wake up, glasses now perched in her hair. “You good?”
“Then why the hell were you asleep when you were supposed to pick me up.” She rested her forehead on the steering wheel.
“Sorry. Shroom come downs make me hella sleepy.”
“Do you want me to drive?”
“Nah, just hand me a Monster. I keep some in the pocket behind your seat.” He gave her a concerned look but reached around and pulled a lime green can from the pocket. She shifted the car in reverse and cut the turn to exit the parking lot, opening the can in her hand with her teeth in the process.
“I could’ve gotten that for you.”
“And not look badass? I think not.”
“That wasn’t badass.”
“Sure it wasn’t.”
Y/N wanted burritos and Namjoon was getting hungry so they stopped by La Michoacana, their favorite Mexican place, and ate them on the hood of her car.
By the time she pulled in his driveway, the sun was beginning to sink below the trees and buildings. He grabbed his backpack and sports bag from the trunk and walked around to her window, leaning his forearm on the edge and bending to be eye-level. “Thanks for the ride. My dad's home so don’t floor it out of here okay?”
“No problemo brochacho.” She gave him an OK sign before pulling her shades back down and driving off with two small growls of her engine.
His family was already having dinner when he came through the door. “Joon honey, is that you?”
“Yeah mom!” Who else would it be?
“Come eat dinner will you?”
“It’s fine I already ate-”
“Come sit with your family.” His neck hairs prickled at the sound of his dad's voice. He knew better than to keep him waiting. He dropped his bags by the coat rack and made his way to the dining room. He took his seat across from his older brother, Geongmin. “Care to tell us why you were late coming home?” His dad, at the head of the table, finally spoke.
“I was just getting something to eat with my friend who gave me a ride home.” His dad took in his answer before giving a dismissive nod and returning to his plate. Another wave of silence carried the table for another few minutes before his mom spoke up.
“So, Mrs Kwon told me today that her daughter Somin is still looking for someone. Why don’t you give her a call?”
“What? Mom, no. Why?”
“Aw come on sweetie it could be fun you never know. You need at least one highschool relationship before you graduate.”
The truth was, he’d actually had a few relationships in the past. He just never let them find out about it.
“Listen to your mother, she’s right. If you want to understand women enough to marry one, you better start learning now.”
“But…I just can’t.” His dad's gaze zeroed in on him.
“And why is that?” The words came out before he had time to rethink his idea.
“Because I already have a girlfriend.” His mom dropped her fork. Geongmin let out a snort and choked on his iced tea.
“What?” She placed a hand on her chest. His dad didn’t seem too mad. Yet. He set his silverware down neatly and folded his hands in front of his mouth.
“Who is it?” Oohhhhh shit. Now everyone was staring at him, waiting for an answer. Okay Namjoon, just say a female name. Any name, just say something.
“Y/N.” FUCK!
“Y/N? Y/N who?” His mom jumped in.
“Hmmm…. I've never heard of her.”
“You wouldn’t have.” He turned back to his dad who was still eyeing him. He could tell something wasn’t right, only making Namjoon’s thighs sweat more against the seat.
“I want to meet her.”
Fuck a duck.
Y/N took a thoughtful hit of her joint. “So you're telling me…that I have to go to dinner with you…to meet your parents…because you said you had a girlfriend?”
“Yes.” The pair were sitting on the school roof during lunch. Her usual hiding spot.
“You know,” she blew out the wispy cloud, “for a genius, you’re really fuckin stupid.”
“Please Y/N they’re trying to get me to date this girl I used to go to preschool with. We hate each other!”
“Woah woah chill my guy. I never said I wouldn’t.” His eyes lit up and she held her joint above her head to avoid it being crushed by Namjoon’s hug.
“Thank you so much I mean it! I owe you big time.”
“All you have to do now is ask Yoongi.” She had to hold in her laugh when she felt his body stiffen, and ever so slightly take his hands off her.
“Hey, Yoongs.” Y/N tapped one of the boots jutting out from underneath one of the various cars in the garage. The raven haired boy rolled out from under the car, laying on one of those rolly things. He looked up at her with streaks of motor oil and sweat on his face. His eyes lit up when he recognized the lame stance and shaggy hair that was his person.
“Hey, N/N.” In one swift motion, he was on his feet, wiping his hands on the red rag that was tucked in his waistband. He noticed Namjoon standing behind. “Sup. What are you guys doing here?”
“You see…about that.” Namjoon scratched the back of his neck.
“Come on Joon, spit it out.” She shoved him forward.
“Fuck’s wrong with him?” Yoongi pointed at him with his thumb.
“He has to ask you something.”
“Well on with it I have a job to do.”
“IneedtotakeY/NtodinnerwithmyparentscauseIsaidshewasmygirlfriendtogetoutofthemsettingmeupwithsomeone.” Namjoon squeezed his eyes shut and braced for his reaction.
“I don’t think that was a question, but okay.” His eyes popped open.
“Wait, really??”
“Yeah. If she’s willing to clean up your mess that’s all I care about.”
“I told you he’d say yes.” She bumped his arm with her elbow with a smirk. The wave of relief washed over him like jumping in a pool on a hot summer day.
“There are rules that come with that.”
“State your terms.”
“No touching below her waist, no pet names, no staring, and have her home before 10. You’re also allowed exactly one kiss if things get sticky.”
“So when is it?” Yoongi listened to Namjoon explaining their plans while Y/N took his rag and started wiping the grease off his cheeks, nose, and forehead. Namjoon watched him sit still while she practically climbed all over him like a jungle gym. His patience with her was simply astounding.
By the time she finished and tucked the rag back in his waistband, Namjoon got a call. It only lasted a few seconds before he hung up. “That was my dad. I gotta get home.”
“Ight. That means me too. Bye Yoongs.” She spun around and followed Namjoon to the car.
“Ah, ah, ah.” She turned around. Yoongi held his hand up and made a ‘come here’ motion with his index finger.
“Oh shit!” She came bounding back and threw herself on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He held her chin and planted a kiss on her lips. He made eye contact with Namjoon over her shoulder and gestured around her figure clinging to his body, dramatically mouthing ‘mine.’ Namjoon chuckled and climbed in the passenger side and waited for the lovebirds to finish their visit.
Y/N had just stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel when there was a knock at her door. She padded to the door and opened it. “Jimin! You learned to use the door!”
He rolled his eyes and stepped in.
“I was told I’m needed for assistance.” She swung open her bedroom door and they entered.
“Yeah, I need your help picking an outfit that won’t get Namjoon killed.”
“Hmm. I see.” He put his finger to his lip and eyed her closet. “Are they religious?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Old school or progressive?”
“Pretty old school I think.”
“Underlying misogyny?”
“What? Fuc- Jimin I don’t know.” He simply eyed her hair, face, and body, nodding.
“Okay, I think I have an idea.”
“And what is thAH!” Her towel was ripped off and he began rifling through her drawers. “JIMIN!”
“Oh please, nothing I haven’t seen before. Let's see…” He tossed a plain bra and a pair of underwear over his shoulder to her.
“Something comfortable, since you won’t be getting lucky tonight.” He moved to her closet nonchalantly while she scrambled to clothe herself. He pulled out an armload of clothes and tossed them on the bed. It was funny how he seemed to know her closet better than she did.
After countless trial and error, he finally decided on an outfit. A white, one shoulder long sleeved bodysuit with a black velvet pencil skirt.
Next was hair. “Jesus what am I gonna do with all this?” He held locks of her curls in each hand. It ended up not being as big of a problem as he thought. A nice bun with a few curls hanging out suited the look well. It was messy, but not too messy, and made her look put together.
Last was makeup. He opted for nude shades on her lids, minimal foundation and contour and a soft peach lip gloss. “In case they’re secretly Amish, I don’t want them thinking you're some whore.” She chuckled, his light hearted nature broke through her nerves. He pulled her in front of the mirror and admired his work. “You look stunning.” She couldn’t help the bashful smile that she hid behind her hands. Suddenly he gasped. “SHOES!” He raced to the closet and looked through her meager collection. He settled on a pair of white block heels, the white strap across her toes complimenting their fresh white pedicure. She slipped them on and he repositioned her in front of the mirror. “Now,” he slid his hands down her arms and rested his chin on her shoulder, “you look perfect.”
Her phone buzzed on the bed, interrupting the sweet moment.
Joon🦒: I’m almost there.
“Okay he’s almost here, do I look like a good girlfriend?”
“The best.” With a smile and a peck on his cheek, she slipped into the bathroom and shut the door. She opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bottle of Hydroxyzine. Namjoon had asked her to refrain from being stoned at dinner, since she tended to say some crazy shit when she was. Granted, he didn’t say sober, just not fucked up. Shaking out three capsules, she eyed them before tossing them into her mouth.
Namjoon’s grey BMW M4 pulled into the driveway, it’s headlights pouring through the front kitchen window. Y/N and Jimin shot up in unison. He grabbed her by the shoulders and faced her. “I know you're probably freaking out right now, but just remember, you got this. There’s no way you can fuck up so bad they never want him to see you again.”
“Way to put that in my head.” He just smirked and opened the door for her.
“Go get ‘em tiger.” He landed a playful swat on her ass, sending her out the door for him to close behind her. No going back now. She made her way down the front steps and Namjoon got out wearing a matching charcoal grey suit and met her on the passenger side. He opened the door for her and held her hand for support until she was settled before shutting it gently. His car was spotless. Yoongi took great care of his car but even he had maybe a jacket laying in the backseat. It looked like he just rolled out of the dealership.
He climbed in the drivers side and pulled out of the driveway. “Was that Jimin?”
“Haha yeah. He helped me get ready.”
“How is he gonna get home if you don’t get back ‘til 10?”
“Hobi’s on his way to pick him up. Apparently they’re gonna drop and watch scary movies.”
“Hobi? Watching horror movies. You're kidding.”
“I've done it with him a few times, it’s quite entertaining.”
“I’m sure it is.”
It wasn’t a long drive to the restaurant they were meant to meet his parents at. It was a restaurant she’d never heard of, and probably would never be able to afford. He offered her his arm which she gladly took and they entered.
She was immediately hit with the smell of olive oil and fresh bread. Italian music floated over the light din of patrons dining on luxury dishes. Namjoon leaned down and whispered, “I didn’t think they’d pick such a nice place.” A hostess carrying an arm full of menus approached them.
“Mr. Kim?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Right this way please.” Y/N almost couldn’t keep up in her heels with the swift steps the hostess made. She remembered why she never wore them.
The woman led them past table after table, until they reached another smaller room, lit with candles and a crystal chandelier. It was quieter than the front, but still filled with the light chatter of diners sipping million dollar champagne. Okay, she knew Namjoon was wealthy, but this? God damn. She might as well be meeting the President.
They eventually stopped at a table with a couple already sitting. His parents. She put on her best face and gave a polite bow when they stood to greet her. “안녕하세요 당신을 만나서 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다” She looked back up to see them both frozen in surprise. His mom looked to Namjoon.
“You never told us she could speak Korean.”
“주금” Y/N held her index finger and thumb close together with a humble smile. This was good. She’s off to a good start. Once they exchanged pleasantries, they all sat down. A waitress came by for their drink orders. His parents ordered wine and they both ordered sparkling water.
“So, Y/N, how did you get to know our son?” His mom was the first to speak. She was clearly the more excited one. His dad looked like he was at an interrogation.
“We met at a pep rally sophomore year, and I noticed he kept visiting the art room where I worked after school, so when junior year came around I just risked it and asked him out.” His mom melted over the story she made up on the fly. God bless her wicked creativity. It wasn’t until he met his dad's eye that his smile tapered. Although it wasn't noticeable to anyone else, it was obvious to Namjoon. His dad wasn’t happy. Allowing himself to wait around to be asked out by a girl? Disgraceful.
Y/N basically lied about everything she was asked. Where she lived, who her parents were, plans for the future. Somehow the conversation shifted to religion.
“Are you religious, Y/N?” His dad asked. She definitely feared talking to him the most, given the few rants Namjoon went on in the past.
“I was raised Catholic, mass on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the whole deal, but nowadays we hardly have time to go.”
“Were you confirmed?”
“No sir.”
“Why not?”
“We…” Her mind froze. She couldn’t get past the memories of that age. Cold metal bed frames and IVs, stringless hoodies and slip on shoes. “We moved and by the time we found a church to join, my parents were too busy with new work to take me to the classes. So it never really happened.”
“Aw, well that’s a shame.” His mom remarked. And the conversation moved on.
Y/N barely remembered the rest of dinner. Her mind still stuck in the padded rooms. Eventually, the last of dessert was finished and it was finally time to go. She briefly excused herself to use the restroom. She was feeling pretty good while she washed her hands. She said all the right things, they didn’t seem annoyed or too judgmental. She pushed the door open and nearly ran into Namjoon’s dad on the way to the mens’ room.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!”
“No, it’s alright. Listen, I’ve actually been meaning to tell you something.”
“You and my son seem to have a strong bond. I can tell he likes you a lot. But just between us, I know you lied to me.” Her heart dropped into her stomach. “I know you don’t live uptown, I know you don’t live with your parents. I know where you actually live.”
“W-what?” She was frozen in place as he stepped closer. “I understand you may be embarrassed of your financial standing and I’m proud of Namjoon for accepting you for who you are. But I’ll tell you one thing.” He leaned in her ear. “You will never be good enough for my son.” With that, he turned and vanished into the restroom.
All Y/N could do was plod back to the table where Namjoon and his mom were standing. “Joonie? Would it be okay if we went now? I’m starting to get cramps.”
“Oh no please. Namjoon, take the poor girl home.” Best. Excuse. Ever. Works every time.
Once they were inside the car, she let out the breath she’d been holding. Had she been holding it the entire time? It felt like it.
“Ohhhh shit.”
“Dear god what now.”
“Don’t look now but my parents are staring at us from inside. I don’t think my mom believes us.”
“She’s talking about how I wasn’t affectionate enough.”
“How do you know that?”
“I've seen countless of their conversations, I don’t need to hear to know what they’re talking about.”
“Nuclear option?”
“Going nuclear.” With that he leaned across the console and cupped her cheek, melding his lips to hers. It wasn’t as bad as she expected it to be. She thought it’d be rigid and awkward, but he had a way of making them feel comfortable. They parted and he shifted back into his seat.
“Did it work?”
“My mom is jumping up and down. I think it worked.”
He started up the car and pulled out onto the road to her apartment. “What you said about cramps, was that true?”
“Yeah.” She didn’t dare tell him the real reason. Knowing Namjoon she knew that would only turn out one way. He reached over and popped open the glove box in front of her. Inside were tampons, pads, makeup wipes, muscle relaxers, and more lined up in neat rows. She gladly took one of the pills. “How you don’t have a girlfriend yet I’ll never know.” Namjoon may be a compulsive hothead, but at least he knows how to treat a lady.
“Hey, N/N?”
“Are you actually Catholic?”
“Yeah. All of it was true except for the moving part.”
“Did you, you know, believe in it? In God?”
“I mean it’s kinda like Santa. Your parents tell you he’s real and you’re too naïve to think for yourself so you believe. To answer your question, yes, I used to at least.”
“What happened?”
Hospital gowns, bed restraints, pills in little paper cups.
“….I pretty much lost faith in anything I couldn’t see the moment I was admitted to that place. Shit like that kinda breaks down your character.”
“Are there still times where you think you might still believe?”
“What are you, Jehovah's witness?”
“I’m just curious. You’re the last person I’d expect to be religious.”
“Rarely. I only turn to a higher power when I think there’s nothing left between me and death. When I’m so sure that my life is coming to an end that the only thing I can think to do is pray that heaven is real.”
“H-how many times has that happened?”
“Three times.”
“Namjoon, promise me something. If one day you see me with my rosary, I need you to throw me in a mental ward and burn all of my religious shit. The whole box I keep in my closet. All of it.”
“I…I promise.”
The Beemer pulled into her driveway and he helped her out of the car, heels in hand. She took the shoes from him and he gave her a warm hug. “Thank you.”
“No problemo brochacho.” He mocked a scoff and pushed her away.
“Ruined it.” He circled around and climbed back into the driver's seat. Y/N made her way up the steps and turned around. She gave him a wave and he waved back from behind the windshield. With a chuckle, she went inside.
She was met by Yoongi and Taehyung sitting cross legged at her kitchen table. “And just where have you been all this time, young lady?”
“Yoongi, why is it here?” Tae sipped from the mug he carried daintily in one hand.
“Heard Yoongi whored you out. I tagged along to watch the drama.” She chuckled.
“There isn’t any. Go home Tae.”
“Yes you can. We were gonna hang out tomorrow anyway.” Yoongi fished his keys out of his pocket and tossed them to the fluffy haired pervert. “Leave even a scratch and I’ll skin you. Make sure you lock the garage cause if someone jacks it then I’m really gonna come for you.” Taehyung gave him an exaggerated salute and a boxy grin before he bounded out the door and to the car like Tigger. Yoongi shut the door behind him and spun to face her. “What’s wrong.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play that game with me, you know it never works.” She let out a long sigh and flopped onto the couch. The cushion dipped beside her when Yoongi sat down. She instinctively laid her head in his lap. He began plucking out the bobby pins holding her wild hair in place. “So how did it go?”
“It was fine at first. I pretty much had to lie about everything so they wouldn’t think I’m some gold digger.” He loosened the hair tie, finally setting her locks free. His fingers rubbed her scalp to ease the tension from the tight hairstyle.
“That’s obviously not the problem. You have no shame lying.” She giggled.
“It was pretty much fine halfway through, then for some reason they started asking if I was religious.” His veiny fingers mindlessly scratched her head, nearly sending her to sleep. “His dad asked if I went through confirmation, but it just reminded me of other stuff.”
“The hospital?”
“What about the other half?”
“I couldn’t really focus after that so I’m sure my conversation wasn’t the best.”
“You don’t remember?”
“No, I was pretty much in a different place after that.” He tucked a piece of hair that was hanging in her eyes behind her ear. “After dinner, I went to the bathroom and ran into his dad on the way out.” Yoongi stilled.
“Relax, he didn’t diddle me or anything.”
“What did he do?”
“He knew I lied about where I lived. Luckily he still believed we were actually together, cause then he told me that I would never be good enough for his son.” The head scratches halted all together. “It’s really not that big of a deal, it’s not like it matters. We’re not even dating.”
“Y/N look at me.” He met those e/c eyes and made sure he had her full attention. “You don’t actually believe that do you?”
“Believe what?”
“That you're not good enough.”
“I mean….no?”
“That didn’t sound very certain.” She turned her head back so her temple rested on his thigh.
“I mean I haven’t exactly been the gold standard in my lifetime.”
“You don’t have to be. Name someone you think is perfect. I’m talking not a single flaw inside or out.”
“So, why do you think you have to be?” She was quiet. He didn’t need her to answer, he just wanted to plant the thought in her mind. The softest sniffle could be heard. “Hey, come here.” He laid longways and guided her on top of him. She pressed her ear to his heart and he cupped the back of her head in his hand. He brushed a tear from her cheek with his thumb. “You might not be good enough for him, but you're too good for me.”
“I think I can live with that.” He could feel the small smile grow against his chest.
After a half assed shower, Yoongi tucked them both in bed. Once again her head was on his chest. “Did you tell Joon?”
“Although we did get kinda deep on the way home.”
“Like what.”
“My religious awakenings.”
“Oh, you really went balls deep didn’t you?” Her head bobbed when he chuckled.
“Ha, yeah. Speaking of which, there’s something I forgot to mention earlier.”
“Oh boy.”
“When we were leaving, his parents were starting to get suspicious because the entire night he didn’t touch me once.”
“I don’t see the problem here.”
“So he had to kiss me in the car where they could see.”
“Hey you can’t get mad you said he could.”
“I’m not mad. I’m just thinking.”
“About what?” He gently rolled her off him and he peeled the covers back. “Where are you going?”
“Hold on, I gotta piss.” She just laughed and watched him lumber out of the room in his t-shirt and boxers.
When he came back, she was sitting up with her knees hugged to her chest. “So what were you thinking about?”
“Was it good?”
“Was what good?”
“The kiss.” She thought for a second.
“I’m gonna be honest, it was unexpectedly pleasant, but you have nothing to worry about.” He came to stand at the foot of the bed.
“Why’s that?” She stood and bounced to the end of the mattress. She grabbed both his shoulders and looked down at him.
“Why would I cheat when I already have the best sex I’ve ever had?” He gave her a long, cool look.
“Until now.” He grabbed the backs of her knees and swept her onto her back with a surprised yelp. He crawled onto the mattress and attacked her with a barrage of kisses anywhere he could reach. It was going to be a long night.
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