lightblue-stories · 6 months
How I found my favourite anime. (Servamp)
No I do not watch every anime under the sun, I've only watched about 4-6.
Now that's out of the way. Servamp, how did I find out abt it? Youtube, I found a clip of Servamp of a Youtube short. WAIT, No i do not find anime by shorts, okay? It was a very special clip. Not a fight or funny line or anything. It was, a guy in a blue cat hoodie turning into a black cat.
And you see, i like cats. Also i liked things where something is meant to be scary but have that scary factor ruined for them within a quick second. (Thats why I like the Arcane Order from Trollhunters)
AHEM, now how i found it is outta the way, lemme talk a lil abt the show (No spoilers if you wanna watch the show after reading this.)
Aight, so putting it simply, a school boy find a stray black cat and takes it home, putting a bell onto the cat. Surprise the cat is a vampire but is lazy as hell, so the boy doesn't die. Later the villian shows up outta no where are is the cat's younger/youngest brother. And what made me really like this villian character is well, you remember how i said that i like when someone who is meant to scary has that ruined for them?
WELL, the villian is a fox. A FOX, you know, the little thing with the fluffy tail and ears and lil paws and laughs in a "hehehehehe" way. THATS THE FREAKING VILLIAN OF THE WHOLE SERIES. Ahem, so as you can imagine the villian lost all abilitly of being scary in my eyes.
So that's Servamp, theres only 12 episodes, but there is 20 books and a lot of CDs including storys and songs. Which again ruin all fear the villian ever had.
If you wanna watch it i do highly reccomend it, if you are into comedy animes or just good story line. Warning the intro isn't the best in the world and i do suggest you turn down your volume a bit.
Annnd thats how I found my Favourite anime and watched my first anime series. I guess i forgot to mention that part. Oh well. Also i may talk about Servamp more in the future if this post is liked by you guys.
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lightblue-stories · 6 months
How Trollhunters made me terrifed of Highschool. (A Life story)
Ahem hello world, no I am not dead. Now thats out of the way:
Here is how Trollhunters planted a fear in my head before I went to highschool. For those who don't know i'm currently 16. Which means I am now in my final year of Highschool, But it also means i've had this fear for around 6 years and now it's comeing true.
What is this fear you ask? How does it link to trollhunters? I'll tell you.
Do any of you remember that one episode where Jim has to turn small to catch a gnome? And in the process, miss a day of school and miss being there to a spanish exam? Well I remember it well.
And no, my fear isn't missing a school test. But it is to do with learning a forgien language. Back when i watched trollhunters for the first time, I was learning Spanish in my Primary school. And i hated it. I just couldn't memerise anything that was said but hey i was 9 or 10 soooo. Moving back to the episode.
Jim's exam was a speaking exam. A freaking speaking exam. My little mind couldn't handle the fear of having to 1) Speak infront of anyone at school. And 2) Speak in a language that isn't English.
So the fear of one day having to do it stuck in my mind all that time. And it made me scared that once i'm in a highschool i would have to do that exam.
Time passes. And i was put into a class to learn German. Do i like German? No. Did i get a choice? Hahahaha no. No i DID not. Anyway so that fear climbed it's way back to the front of my mind. And stayed there.
And ALSO i only stayed in that class because i "Knew how to do the work that one else did" WELL TEACHER, MABYE THAT'S BECAUSE THE ANSWERS WERE ON THE BACK OF THE BOOKLET AND NO BODY ELSE BOTHERED TO NOTICE!. Ahem. So now i'm stuck not only doing German, but the harder course. I barley understood the normal course.
And you guessed it, I have to do a speaking exam before i leave the school. And it's the thing i've been dreading since i was young.
So yea, thats my story. If i'm still hear by the time i finish school i'll tell the story of how it went. BUT until then. I will just be thinking of how everytime i rewatched that one trollhunters episode i got shivers before i even got into highschool, all because of the speaking exam.
Cya next time!
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lightblue-stories · 8 months
Finding good Trollhunters AMVs, so you don't have to. #7
This song was made for the show, prove me otherwise. Enjoy
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lightblue-stories · 8 months
Finding good Trollhunters AMVs, so you don't have to. #6
This was not one of, but the first trollhunters amv I ever found. There did used to another one but the channel was deleted. Anyway heres something for you to enjoy. Also I already have the 7th one prepeared and ready so look forward to that!
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lightblue-stories · 8 months
Finding good Trollhunters AMVs, so you don't have to. #5
Now, with this one. It was a reupload from an account that was deleted sadly. But I was still able to find the same version of it.
I also found this other video I used to watch
Despite the thumbnail trust me that one is really good. I'm putting these two together cos they are the same song. Enjoy your bonus video.
Note: "Finding good Trollhunters AMVs" is now an official tag so if you ever feel like you have missed one or just want them all in one place feel free to check the tags.
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lightblue-stories · 9 months
Finding good Trollhunters AMVs, so you don't have to. #4
Now, I used to watch this amv so many times back when wizards first came out. And it wasn't just the song, it was very much the feeling that it brought. It couldn't wait until next week so you get it today, You're welcome.
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lightblue-stories · 9 months
Finding good Trollhunters AMVs, so you don't have to. #3
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lightblue-stories · 9 months
Finding good Trollhunters AMVs, so you don't have to. #2
I had planed for this to be the second one, and I already know what i'm going to do for the third one. Also back when this one came out I watched it so many times.
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lightblue-stories · 9 months
Finding good Trollhunters AMVs, so you don't have to. #1
Welcome to an all new Lightblue series, where I search youtube and bring you the best Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia AMVs that I can find.
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lightblue-stories · 9 months
My Second Year Of Tumblr
Old screenshot for proof:
Tumblr media
It has now been two years since I found Tumblr and made my first account. Sooo here's a quick story on how I found Tumblr.
In short the reason is Skrael. Yes the small blue ice power demigod. Here's how it happend. It was a few months before Trollhunters: Rise of the titans came out, and me not being satisfied with the lack of Arcane order youtube had. I went on google and typed "Skrael of the north wind" into the search bar. Fast forward to a few days later, I searched Skrael on google again and there was this one picture, fan drawn and i wanted to hunt down who made it cos it looked really cool and what would you know someone on Tumblr made the picture sooo. Here I am.
Also I was totally fine with not being logged in to tumblr cos I didn't see the point in it, yes I had some ideas for fanfiction but no one really needed to hear them. UNTIL TROLLHUNTERS: RISE OF THE TITANS CAME OUT! I swear I was not having that film be how a remember the fandom. So I made an account. So on the 25 of august I made my account and posted my first post.
Inshort I made my account to create a better world for the chatacters who were wronged in the film. Mainly the Arcane Order.
Outro: So thankyou people for being here and Thank Skrael for being a good enough character that I would resort tot googling them.
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lightblue-stories · 11 months
As it has been the 21st of July, i wanted to create something for the occation.
I think this movie shows alot about how people felt.
So yeah, like last year i am going to rewatch the movie and i just thought this would be funny to make and it was. (Also the reason this may appear late it because their was a problem this the tags for the original post)
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lightblue-stories · 11 months
Heatwave VS The North Wind (Short)
It was around 3am in the city, it was to be expected that the temperatures would rise as they do every year. But there are always some people who refuse to let the weather beat them.
In the apartment where Douxie and the Order are staying a gust of hot air came through the slightly opened window. And just like last year the heat tried to overtake the apartment. But their is hope for the apartment yet as the enbodiment of all things cold had been disturbed by the sudden rise in temperature.
Skrael's eyes shot open as he began to feel the first attack of the weather's attacks. "Oh no, no, nope, not again...." were the first words that Skrael said. Skrael then climbed down the ladder that connected his bed to Nari's and then he walked over to the door, wakeing Nari in the process. Right when Skrael went to open the door he heard Nari's voice asking him where he was going. Skrael turned around to see Nari sat up in her bed stareing at him with interest. Skrael simply replied "To war Nari, I'm going to a war." He was expected her reply to that to be her offering to help but instead Nari just looked away from him and said "Okay, good luck then" Skrael didn't have energy to waste on her so he said said that it was nice to know how much he had her support (Which he really didn't). And then as soon as Skrael stepped one foot out of the door he then heard Nari say to make her that he gets her a popsicle. Skrael's eyes widened at that command but he didn't reply.
Later that hour Nari's was hit with a popsicle in the face.
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lightblue-stories · 11 months
As some of you will know, next month on the 21st it will again be a time to try to forget the trollhunters film i mean remember all the good memories the main series gave us. That being said i'm going to share 3 different Trollhunters AMV videos that i watched before and after the movie came out. Credits to the youtuber for these amazing edits.
1st Video:
2nd Video:
3rd Video:
With that done, do think about checking out this person's channel cos they do put alot of effert into what they make and all these old-ish songs mixed with trollhunters can really bring the memories back.
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lightblue-stories · 1 year
Arcane Order Living With Douxie Layout:
I am putting this here as i'm starting write Arcane Order fanfics again sooooo i thought it would be best to tell all you guys how the apartment I base my stories in looks and stuff. Right here we go.
Starting with the view when you walk in the front door: When you look forward we'll see the window leading to the balcony on the other side of the room. The window also acts as a sliding door to access the balcony. All the of the apartment is also carpeted by the way. Other than that, turn to your right once entering the door and walk about 10 feet and you'll find the bathroom door.
Now go back to the main door and walk 15-20 feet and theres a door to your left. This door leads to the demigod's room. Inside against the right wall is 2 sets of bunkbeds. The far one is Nari and Skrael's, Nari is on the lower bed whilst Skrael is on the top (and yes he fought for that spot). Bellroc just stays on the other lower bed leaving the top bed unused. Wall paper is grey fading into black the higher it goes. Carpet is a dark grey. There is a window in the middle of the two bunkbeds showing the street outside and another window near the far bunkbed. Back to the door and walk 20 feet and then turn left and there is a closet built into the wall, mainly filled with ice weapons and random god things. Also there is a desk 2 feet away from the window next to the far bunkbed.
Right back to the main room. From the main door keep going forward and then your met with the main living space. TV on the left side and sofa on the right, with a red,blue and green rug connecting the two. Behind the sofa there is a small kitchen section that goes long and stops 5 feet before Douxie's room.
Douxie's room is left from when you walk through the main door and further than the bathroom. In Douxie's room there is a black carpet and dark mixed with light blue walls. In the middle of the room there is a double bed with night stands on either side. There is also windows on both sides of the bed. There is a Archie sized cat bed on the right side of the bed. All clothes are put in a closet to the left side of the room. Exit the room and walk 4 feet turn left and you are again met with the bathroom door. Turn right after that and boom you are back at the door you came in by.
Yeah I know i missed minor details buuuut this was a simple layout of the apartment i made for Douxie and the Order a while ago. Right now you know the overall placement of everything any and all fanfics from the point should make sence.
Alllll Right! Cya whenever.
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lightblue-stories · 1 year
Do you ever just:
This is too true.
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lightblue-stories · 1 year
Trollhunter knew series news!!!!!
Right now i have your attention, first off
This gods damn video was meant to come out LAST YEAR and I remember that is was first pushed back to summber 2022 so i was checking on it everyday making sure i wasn't just imagining this. So it didn't even get to summer and it was put back A WHOLE YEAR but now i swear when it gets to summer it better come out and i don't care how bad it might be. Truth is i just want some new trollhunter things. Also Netflix it really only interested in putting all their money into Boss Baby. Oh well hope to talk about this again at summer
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lightblue-stories · 1 year
Is This Relatable?
Okay so, do you ever get like 10 different story ideas and like it's practicaly writing itself in your head and you love the ideas your thinking of-
AND IT'S 2AM?????
Like whyyyyy do i get all my best ideas when i'm trying to sleep. Not the time brain let me sleep. BUT when as soon as you are able to write whatever you think of YOU GET NOTHING! Nothing, NO ideas at all. I need to know if this happens to anybody else. It can NOT just be me.
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