#you can pry them from my cold dead hands.
As much as certain typing styles make me squirm, I acknowledge I type like a Millennial and am proud if I make others squirm. mwahahaha ;) ^.^ XD deal with it >:D rotflhhh
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simonzriley · 23 hours
COD Sexuality HCs for Gay Month
(Modern Warfare Reboot only for this one, Black Ops and Ghosts coming soon)
(if you disagree with any of these you're homophobic)
(not a single one of them is capable of being straight)
• Simon Ghost Riley: First of all this man is aro-ace spec, demisexual/demiromantic perhaps (what? no. im not projecting). Man kisser. He likes boys.
• John Soap MacTavish: That's a bisexual if I've ever seen one. Slight preference towards men, but for the most part, if he thinks you're attractive he'll hit on you. Man or woman, doesn't matter. I don't think I need to say much here. He's just a bisexual man, case closed.
• Kyle Gaz Garrick: Also bisexual, but I'm gonna say he's a bit of a ladies man. I just get that vibe from him. He is dancing with all the girls in the club, and they are eating it up.
• John Price: There's one of two options here. Gay, and Straight. I'm sorry, I can not see an in between. I don't know why. I think it's just one or the other here. He's either the gayest man you've ever seen (bear btw), with a husband at home, or he's very respectfully a straight man with a wife at home.
• Alex Keller: Golden retriever bisexual. Case closed. No preference. Might actually be pansexual but doesn't care enough to look into it. He likes whoever, and when he likes them, he's the fucking sweetest man ever about it. He's incredibly romantic. I have strong feelings about this one. Pry this headcanon straight out of my cold dead hands I dare you.
• Farah Karim: I also get demisexual/demiromantic vibes from her. I don't think she's even worried about finding a partner, tbh. She is very devoted to the ULF, and outside of that doesn't make it a priority to find a partner. As for gender preference, I don't think she has one. Very much so 'I'll end up with whoever I end up with and I'm gonna love them' vibes.
• Alejandro Vargas: Raging bisexual. So many bisexuals but you know I'm right. Look at him, and then look at Rudy, and tell me they're not married. As for why he's bisexual and not gay? Idk? Vibes. You tell me.
• Rodolfo Rudy Parra: Gay your honor!! Gay!! Gay, and married to Alejandro. That's it. He crushed on Alejandro for most of his young adulthood. He's still crushing on Alejandro.
• Valeria Garza: Lesbian! She doesn't care for men. Very 'fuck the patriarchy' as well imo. Very proud about who she is, though I don't think she advertises it.
• Phillip Graves: Homosexual. Gay man. Boy kisser. Extremely closeted though, even well into adulthood. Being brought up in the south, I think he was definitely raised Christian. He was also raised in a very conservative small town. Like, the closest Walmart is an hour away typa small town. So he's got a lot of shit to work through internally. I think he even has an ex-wife that he was never truly in love with. You couldn't pry this one out of my cold, dead, gay, country boy hands if you tried. I will never stop pushing the gay graves agenda.
- Anyway that's all for now, if you disagree that's fine, I don't care these are just my thoughts. I don't know shit about shit! So take these with a grain of salt. As always. -
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caus34concern · 9 months
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monthly stagedorks post just to remind everyone how normal i am about them
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critterbitter · 5 months
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The twins attempt reparations. Elesa is charmed by their wet emolga impressions and earnest earmuffs. She still can't understand their words very well but she can read between the lines of script.
A day after after this Unfortunate Sequence of Events!
For more submas content, feel free to hit up this masterpost.
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kokodrawings · 8 months
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Artober day 3!
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wizardsimper · 5 months
I love my druid parents
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shima-draws · 4 months
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horrorlesbians · 7 months
we as a society have lost our culture when we let VHS tapes die. and now they're killing DVDs. is the physical not sacred anymore?
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malin-la · 4 months
You can pry this adhd x autism couple from my cold dead hands
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cassandracain52 · 13 days
And now some weekly TimSteph content because they are still an iconic couple that you can ship if you want to😤
A Prime Example:
(Robin (1993) issue #60)
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The time Tim made a fake identity before Stephanie knew his real name just so he could take her to baby classes. For the baby that was not even his btw
(Robin (1993) Issue #64)
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He also made sure to be at her side when she actually had said baby, having had The Flash run him there while he was still in full Robin gear when he found out she was in labor
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sock-tin · 11 months
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garrance posting on this fine friday eve
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deconstructing my simplistic slugcat designs (+ headcanons) in a kinda sorta height chart!
thinking about animating a few things so i wanted to have a more solid ref, very true to canon because i think the in-game sprites are such a silly shape and i love them sm <3
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The racism my beloved Simon had to face….my baby. 🥺💔
Although painful to watch, it felt incredibly validating. It was so annoying watching some people say this show was “only about class” while dismissing the BS that Simon had to go through. The abuse was ten fold because he’s POC and S3 finally exposed that.
That being said, and on a more positive note, it was so incredibly sexy when Simon sang happy birthday to Wille in Spanish (he feels safe with him!) and when Wille admitted to fantasizing about stroking those beautiful curlssss (and then actually did it). 🥹❤️‍🩹
Wilmon forever. 🤎🤍
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thatdammchickennugget · 6 months
All the marauders are pretty but...
[includes the girls + Regulus]
...Remus is pretty like fairy lights and annotated books
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...James is pretty like orange trees and colourful kites
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...Sirius is pretty like the stars and stage lights
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...Peter is pretty like sweet honey and soft grass
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...Lily is pretty like cherry blossoms and freckled skin
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...Marlene is pretty like street art and coral reefs
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...Mary is pretty like lace and stained glass windows
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...Alice is pretty like butterflies and sunny creeks
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...Dorcas is pretty like swans and poetry
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...Regulus is pretty like calligraphy and the northern lights
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myfandomhalf · 5 months
BSD is the only fandom I know of that would take canon content between a ship and say “that doesn’t count bc it’s fanservice” 💀 what does that even mean?? And yes I’m talking about
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This is an actual scene in a movie / manga / light novel. Asagiri was involved and supervised the whole thing. It HAPPENED. It’s CANON. Wdym it “doesn’t count”??? Who decided to write this off as fanservice?? Like you guys are taking one of the most canon gay scenes and saying it doesn’t count bc it’s too gay so therefore it must be fanservice. You really think they had a meeting like “we should do something nice for the skk shippers let’s have Dazai and Chuuya be super gay” you think Asagiri with his track record would do/allow that?? You think he’d throw in some unnecessary yaoi just as a treat?? Please bffr.
If this happened with any m/f ship it would be treated as genuine ship content. Hell, if this happened with bakudeku half the fandom would rejoice and the other half would be beyond livid and disgusted but they wouldn’t say “doesn’t count it’s just fanservice”
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jeronandor · 1 month
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"this is a rebellion, isn't it? i rebel."
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