#yes its sirius related. whatever
finedinereception · 4 months
writing smth rn and i had to check for a. uh. hyper specific. tag on ao3 and quite frankly i feel the eyes of god on me now more than ever
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iheartmoons · 1 year
yk what pisses me the fuck off? people being so obsessed w regulus that they downplay sirius' trauma just to make reg a sadder character that they can relate to. do whatever u want with reg - this is a free fandom, jkr doesn't run it and ur allowed to think whatever, but its actually baffling how ur willing to legit take away sirius' trauma for reg. i've seen people say that 'reg is the second choice child' like... ur kidding me, right? just because... he's younger?? doesn't make him second choice??? i will confidently say that sirius is 100% the less favoured child and i will fight anyone on it - i mean, how is this even a fucking debate?!? what is wrong with people?! sure, reg's story is sad and interesting but i desperately need you to stop depriving him of every little good thing in his life just to improve his story.
i will 100% confidently say that sirius is objectively one of the most, if not the most, traumatised character in the marauders fandom. yes, i know we shouldn't compare people's trauma, and with any other character i wouldn't. but this is sirius. he was physically and mentally abused by his parents, he felt that he had to protect a young child when he was only a year older and developed a martyr complex, had his family try and manipulate him into joining their cult at 16, ran away from home and was disowned at 16, grew up in wartime, he became a child solider at 18, his *adoptive* parents died at 19, his brother died at 19, his relationship w remus was falling apart, he got framed for the murder of his bsfs at 21 and then spent 12 years of his life getting his soul sucked out of him, at 33 he gets let out and his godson thinks he's a murderer and he has to un-learn his dog-like behaviours, at 34 the war begins again, at 35 he dies, and then in the afterlife watches remus have a wife and child. please fight me on this because i could go all day for him.
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esorxy · 4 months
remembering all the insanely long marauders fics ive brainrotted over because i kinda forgot all of them. roughly in the order i read them.
Whatever happened to the young, young lovers?
355k, jegulus wolfstar rosekiller. post war (ended by regulus) where they just hang around grimmauld place all day. i literally cant remember anything that happened. but i liked how they stayed home and didnt go outside, because i relate to that. it was alternating chapters between post war and pre war, honestly i dont even know it was just so much relationship angst and regulus being incredibly competent and hurt.
All The Young Dudes
526k, the character development and buildup, its like the level of the actual series without the annual voldemort attack. i was DESTROYED by the ending, it lived in my brain rent free for like a week. why did it have to be canon compliant???! the way they spent so much time pining, so much time apart, and so little time together. but that theyre literal soulmates, which is so sad for grant (he suffered true emotional damage) lmfao. I guess this is the basis (canon??) of marauders era
we can be heroes, for ever and ever
102k alternate happy ending to atyd - yes PLEASE this is what i needed to heal the pain after reading atyd.
624k. lowkey feel the same way towards this as atyd, except it didnt live in my brain rent free for a week. in that i respect that it's good and got heartbroken when everyone died and they didn't get their happy ending, but it did get me into jegulus so I'm not complaining. IDK it's just sad, but i love regulus and evan and cerci. even though i deadass can't remember anything else.
crimson rivers
865k actually SOBBING this fic is everything. so much plot and so much hurt, it is amazing and painful and intense. it has the most picturesque scenes, beautiful happy ending. but i did kinda get sick of it near the end cos its so fuckin long, and i was not into the girls in the fic so i was kinda cbs
just lovers
321k fake dating au. this is GREAT. its so light hearted which is a great change from the akckdjebakzj. this is the climb to the top for regulus being my favourite character. lowkey can't remember shit but i liked it and i need more fics like it because it was creative and there's not much room for that in marauders verse
only the brave
645k and The fic of my dreams. this is everything and i loved every second of it. every character is so great, and it got me into pandalily!!! perfect amount of hurt (a lot), and such good plot. it has every ship i like, i was like drowning in a hot spring of happiness while reading this
147k, oh it's so creative and new. it was so suspenseful cos we got 0 answers, and the fic is deadass incomplete wtf!! i love how everyone is sad but mostly rational. the jegulus was really really nice, and i liked how the cruciatus was made out to be a big deal so the hurt/comfort is better. i feel like the plot is better than the delivery
wolfstar my one true pair, jegulus my second true pair, evan®ulus has a special place in my heart, marauders fanfiction a permanent space in my mind for at least the next few weeks
new edit: shit! i forgot to update and i read so many more long fics and can barely remember them now
311k i cant even remember anything that happened ... except i liked the dynamic between narcissa and regulus, and narcissa is so damn pretty. this was the one where regulus made james and sirius go with him to the cave, and then james had to force him to drink the potion, so much angst arghhhh.
all along there was some invisible string (tying you to me)
103k spiderman AU + high school and all i can say that its an original setting... the pining was great, and the spiderman kiss!! but other than that like it was good, i guess
I adored you madly, extravagantly, absurdly
243k Victorian AU with arranged marriage trans regulus. I loved regulus' character, he was so spiteful and petty but also down bad, and jegulus matched so perfectly together. i want his life so bad because his literal job was being married, like deadass he didnt do shit all day except read, play with his cats and pine for his husband...
a violent kind of spin
212k not going to lie, my favourite/most striking parts of this fic were the $h scenes... and i just finished it last night so I dont even have an excuse. james asking sirius to turn around and not even waiting for him to do it??? oml hes unhinged and it was so well written. the bathtub scene when he was on a timer and then just walked out like everything was fine!!! help it was so angsty im in love. i feel like i speedran this fic and didnt read it properly, which is probably accurate
Im not gonna teach him how to dance with you
122k. rosekiller is the BEST. i love the whole plot tbh and it was so well paced. love that for evan because nobody else is gonna keep by with barty's crazy. i would have liked it more if it had crack undertones but yknow whatever, cant have everything. i thoroughly enjoyed all the romantic tension in the leadup, the way they were both so in love im gone.
All the young dudes - Sirius' Perspective
628k, let me tell you, canon has no right being that sad, and the beloved author just fed off that like a parasite. i should have expected how this fanfic would destroy me, but the delivery made it so much more painful. i sobbed reading the Halloween and Azkaban chapters. and sirius,,, like why did you have to be so angry all the time. and so obsessed with remus from day 1. it was great. although like halfway through i just felt like ... wolfstar is so basic. jegulus once jegulus forever i guess.
I'm not okay (I solemnly swear)
105k and unfinished :0 the horror. it's so sad poor reggie im so sad for him he deserves the world and more but no he's just alone 😭😭😭
whatever our souls are made of
157k hanahaki where we really gotta work for the happy ending. OML it was so beautifully sad. reggie 💔💔. sirius said nobody on the earth deserves his baby brother, but if he had to pick someone, it would be James 😭😭 I'm a broken man
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itsjaywalkers · 5 months
yk i WANT to ask about nothing happens bc i always want to ask about nothing happens so if you want to tell me about nothing happens.... please do. but also tell me about the fucked up road trip fic PLS <3
dil u can ask about as many wips as u want.. ur wish is my command and all that <3
so let me offer u a nothing happens snippy + a bit of info about the fucked up road trip fic !!!
“Of course. If you’re happy, then I’m even happier.” Regulus’ grin spreads even wider, but then Sirius is gagging loudly and obnoxiously behind him, and his expression falls a second later, being substituted by a scowl. The boy attempts to turn around again, but James tightens his hold, keeping him in place.  “Sirius, you’re such a—” Regulus begins through gritted teeth. “Shush, leave him be, it’s not worth it,” James cuts him off, speaking quietly in his ear. Regulus’ body relaxes against his at the action, and he can’t help but smirk slightly. “Just focus on me, Reggie.” The younger boy nods once at the same time as Sirius raises an eyebrow, hands resting on his hips. “Yeah, Reggie? I’m what?” Sirius taunts, a dangerous glint in his eyes. James sends him a warning glare from behind Regulus, but his best friend doesn’t even spare him a glance. “C’mon, don’t be a coward, finish your sentence.” James watches as Regulus cocks his head to the side, considering, and for a very stressful moment, he’s convinced he’s gonna have to break up a fight between the brothers. It’s not like James isn’t used to it at this point, since they use him as a mediator almost as much as they use him as the main source of discord between them, but that doesn’t mean he enjoys it. Mostly, because he rarely comes out unscathed.  But in the end, Regulus simply clicks his tongue before turning his back on his brother, choosing to face James once more and getting on his tiptoes just so he can wrap his arms around his neck. James grins down at him, and rewards him with a little squeeze on his hips, before raising his head up to smirk at his best friend.
AND THEN ABOUT THE FUCKED UP ROAD TRIP FIC the most fun part about this fic, to me at least, it's the fact that it's inspired by the left right game, which means i have all this material i can use but !! i also get to play around with it !! like yes they're gonna play the left right game and end up in the Road (which is this sort of limbo . between our world and whatever there is on the other side, where u have all these creatures and where rules are completely different and where absolutely everything out there can kill u bc ur not supposed to exist in there and the Road will try to regain its rightful balance) but i'm not gonna follow the original storyline so i really want to . explore this universe in a different way. it's very intimidating and idk if i have the skills to do it right but i'm also !! incredibly excited to get started with it
the ones who go on the road trip are james, reg, pandora, peter, marlene, barty and evan!! i'm toying with the idea of including one more character but . we'll see, depends on what they can do for the story. and all of them have their own selfish reasons to decide to play the left right game (in fact most of them have played it at least once before) and james is the one who's more at a disadvantage bc . even tho he's the one organising the trip and bringing all these ppl together . the only info he has is thanks to all the notes lily left behind. bc yes, he used to play with her, but since he can barely remember her, he has also forgotten about all the shit they did together
i can also tell you that reg's reasons to play are related to his brother, that pandora lies about hers from the very beginning and that evan is only there for his sister
and !! this is the opening line !!!
It doesn't matter where you choose to begin this story; it has always been about Lily Evans.
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ellecdc · 2 months
oh my god i can't believe i haven't thought to ask u if u have a hockey team u root for? i saw u say u were watching hockey while writing (absolutely iconic i love) and im wondering if its to keep up with a team or just for something to watch? also on the topic of hockey, in relation to hp i feel like barty would LOVE it. like the absolute chaos of balancing on knives while hitting the crap out of the puck (and other players) seems specifically geared towards him in a way no other muggle sport is. anyways i love youuu and your amazing writing, you have literally remolded my brain with how talented you are. lastly and most importantly, CONGRATS ON FINISHING EXAMS YAYYY!! i know u absolutely crushed them :) have a great rest of your day/whatever time ur reading this. -much love from a fellow (half) canadian :D
AH A FELLOW (half) CANADIAN! hi baby 🥰
hahaha so I do technically watch hockey; and I embarrassingly cheer (talk a lot of shit) about the leafs - not because they're a good team (cuz......lol) but because we're from Toronto 😞 but my family and I watch a lot of local hockey - we had seasons tickets to our OHL (Major Junior) team when I still lived back home and now we have seasons tickets to our local MHL team (Junior A)
but right now I'm watching all the hockey because my family does a playoff pool each playoff season 😅
also YES Barty would get sooooooo into it - honestly I feel like so would Sirius and James? The sports/competitive guys - I think they'd think balancing on knives was some kind of magic in itself, and the fighting you don't see in a lot of muggle sports (granted, I don't want a lot of other sports so maybe there is fighting?)
and STOP no don't compliment me; I blush and melt into a pile of goo and then can't function for however long it takes me to recover (thank you though you're very sweet)
thanks for being here with meeeee 🫶
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rosesareyellowtoo · 2 years
Notes for you, based solely on the Superache song you relate to the most
I am. so sorry
Just keep watching romcoms and keep crying. Ice cream helps
People Watching -
Very similar to my Movies girlies, I'm sorry
keep doing what you are doing, just don't stare at people it’s creepy
I applaud you for still having any ounce of hope left
Disaster -
My dear, It will be okay
Look love lives are very stressful but please don’t let it be this bad
You are overthinking right now aren't you? yea
 Best Friend -
You probably have the best vibe. Also, your Instagram is probably pretty rad
You’re gay, I don’t make the rules
You either met your best friend as a young child or less than a year ago
Astronomy -
You’re hot
You take the bridge of this song personally and will turn into a sob fest at the simplest mention of it
Yours -
Oh honey
It’s for the best, truly
but take your time to grieve. even if it was never an ‘official’ thing
having this song on repeat, although a bop, is nOT the same as therapy
Jigsaw -
Cliché? yes. but you are perfect just as you are. You never have to change for anyone
it’s okay to take a few months or years to rediscover yourself
read that again babes
you give me johnny depp stan energy
that probably comes from some deep-rooted Edward scissor hands imagery
Family Line -
Go to therapy
If you like hp, you probably heavily relate to Sirius black and felt some sort of attachment to him
you didn’t deserve whatever made you relate to this
Summer Child -
My people
Its okay to hate summer
You probably like Gilmore Girls
there is a lot to cover in this song actually i might make a whole post for my summer child girlies
Footnote -
Are you okay ? like right now ?
There is no reason to feel guilty about liking them
im sorry they dont like you back
someone will. i promise. you will find someone who doesnt make you feel like this
Memories -
bestie -
your feelings are valid
its okay to block them out
also throw away their cologne. get rid of it. right now.
The exit -
honestly there is nothing i can say that will make this better
have you tried eating ice cream ?
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infinitenebulae · 1 year
intro post
hi i'm sirius (yes like the star) (no not my real name) and i made this blog specifically to interact with kink content
i'm not new to the concept of kinks but this is my first time actually engaging with the community so in that respect i am pretty new, i’m open to making friends even if we’re not going to interact in any kinky fashion. outside of kink stuff i’m into science fiction, space, ttrpgs, video games and music (to name the more common interests)
bigots (should go without saying)
cishets (ik its tumblr and i shouldn't have to worry about them but whatever)
ageless blogs
under 18/over 25 (under 18s should not be here under any circumstances and also i'm not comfortable with the over 25 crowd interacting with me. its just weird to me)
ageplay/raceplay/detrans kink/etc
kink details
this blog is mostly gonna be dedicated to hypnosis related stuff. i love dumbification, spirals, audio/videos, and drooling. i am submissive.
i am not comfortable with r*pe fantasies, bimbofication/feminisation (on grounds that i am a very dysphoric trans man), petplay, scat, or anything that appeared on my dni. if you disrespect that you are getting blocked.
i encourage dms and asks! just respect my boundaries and we'll be okay
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kellyurban18 · 1 year
Chapter Six
Lunch was at the Lunar Cafe, a family friendly style restaurant that had a fun nighttime/moon theme to it. Apparently it had been Harry’s favorite restaurant as a kid.
“He was obsessed with everything moon related.” Henry told him, “Especially Full Moons.”
“He was like that as a baby too. He had like a sixth sense for it, we had to have his crib angled just right so he could see the moon at its highest peak from the window in the nursery. His night time feeds had to be by a window so he could look at it.” James sat down across from Henry, beside Harry at the booth they were led to.
“You know it’s said that babies know they’ll be a werewolf before they are one. I don’t know if it’s true or not, it seems a little farfetch'd in my opinion, but if I ever did believe that, it’d be because of Harry.”
“That’s because I begged my Papa into insanity to let me camp out on a full moon night until he finally said yes.” Harry said.
“Is that how you became a Lycan?” James asked
“Yes, can you believe that? The one time I finally give in just so I don’t have to deal with a crying pouting toddler all night is the night he gets attacked. I cursed myself for years after that.”
“It was a new wolf’s first moon and no one knew they were near the house we were staying at at the time. He attacked the tent I was staying in before anyone realized he was there. My Uncle Frankie had control over the Full Moon and attacked the New Wolf, it lasted maybe three seconds before I was scratched. Frankie killed him instantly so the wolf didn’t go into a bloodlust. By that time my Papa was running to me full moon be damned.” Harry told him
“Normally a scratch wouldn’t change him, but the wolf got his saliva and blood in Harry’s open wounds and it was deep and large scratches.” Henry said, “I immediately took Harry to the nearest flat surface I found which happened to be the dining table. I started connecting hoses to the wounds and started draining the venom. If you know anything about Lycanthropy venom you know it attacks the bloodstream which means I had to drain his blood from his body. As much as I could without killing him. I kept giving him blood replenishers until I couldn’t anymore then finally I had to stop. The next moon we put him in a cage and waited. When he didn’t shift, it was such a relief. No one, no matter how supportive you are, wants their child to go through that.”
“That’s how Lycans are created?” James asked
“Actually most Lycans are created by people trying to kill themselves by bleeding out. Enough of the venom stays in their system however to have a wolf form and traits just not the venom or a few other things that make werewolves different from Lycans.” Harry said.
“That’s insane.”
“It is…speaking of wolves.” Harry said, making Henry laugh.
“Here we go. Hope you’re ready James.”
“I have the right to refuse to answer any question I feel should be answered by them. Understood?”
“Yeah sure whatever. Why were they there if they weren’t supposed to be?” Harry asked
“According to Sirius they were there to make sure I wasn’t talking to a divorce lawyer without talking to them first. According to Remus they were there to make sure I wasn’t cheating on my wife. If that doesn’t tell you how great our marriage is right now I don’t know what will.”
“Are you? Cheating or getting a divorce?”
“Cheating? No. Never. Divorce? I don’t know. It’s been a thought recently, but I don’t want to put Charlie and Ariel through that.”
“They’re already going through it. You do know that they know you’re not happy right? They told me last weekend. Said I shouldn’t take Lily not being there too personally because you two can’t be in the same room as one another without arguing.”
"That's different than knowing and going through a divorce."
"Maybe. I didn't go through my Papa fighting with his husband."
"That's because we didn't fight. Not until the week before our divorce or something like that. Can't remember but I do remember we didn't fight. We argued, we disagreed, we would spend the day away from each other at times, but never fought. Especially around you."
"Are you always perfect?" James asked, slightly annoyed, making Harry laugh.
"No, but Matteo and I both grew up in horrible households and didn't want that for our child when we adopted. It was agreed before we started looking at the paperwork we wouldn't fight around the kid. Most couples can't avoid fighting around the kids however, we were lucky I guess."
"Or unlucky. Make up sex is the best sex " James said
"We had a lot-"
"Please for the love of Merlin no more." Harry begged, "I'm forbidding you two to be allowed to talk alone or be alone together. You're going to end up showing each other my baby pictures."
"I do have a picture of him on his first Christmas wearing absolutely nothing and eating wrapping paper." James said to Henry
"I have one of him at age four sitting outside in a huge mud puddle. Covered in mud from head to toe. The only thing you can see are two small green eyes squinting at you."
Harry dropped his forehead against the table then groaned very dramatically.
"Alright we won't talk about your baby pictures. This time." James relented
“Good. We can get back to my questions.” Harry said
“Right. I’m all yours. Ask away.” James said, turning his body towards Harry.
“Well… how did everyone else react to the news? Like Charlie and Ariel?”
“We haven’t told them yet. Or your mother. But look, it’s going to be weird no matter when we tell them and you’re still underage. Nothing needs to happen anytime soon.”
“Well actually Remus is going to start coming into his more alpha tendencies that don’t happen until they smell their Omega mate for the first time.” Henry said
“What do you mean?”
“Well for starters he’s going to go into a rut sometime after this moon, during that rut he’ll need Harry or at the very least his scent around him so he doesn’t go looking for him when he doesn’t have a clear head.”
“Remus wouldn’t hurt Harry and I’m not just saying that because they’re mates.”
“It wouldn’t matter if Remus is the kindest person you know, when he goes into his first rut and if Harry isn’t near him so he knows he is safe he will find his way to him.”
“And though he wouldn’t take me against my will, he will be persistent and needy and well…most likely very naked. It would make it easier to scent me when he found me.” Harry told him
“He wouldn’t…hurt you?”
“If I weren’t a virgin he’d probably try harder, but since I am one it’s a specific scent that sort of deters the alpha from taking the omega during a rut or a heat. Outside of those times it’s a sweet, almost addictive scent, but during a rut and a heat the smell of a virgin is sort of…sour or off putting. It’s hard to explain because every mate describes it as something different. Like their most hated food. So if I were an alpha or were to be mated with a virgin their virginity would smell like seafood or brussel sprouts.”
“Not the brussel sprouts again.” Henry groaned, “I thought we were over this.”
“We are never over the brussel sprout incident Papa.” Harry said
“Do I want to know?” James asked
“I played a small harmless prank on him with chocolate truffles and chocolate dipped brussel sprouts one time and he has never forgiven me for it.” James couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped especially when Harry pouted, folding his arms across his chest like a child.
“Oh sure, laugh it up. I’ll remember this.” Harry said, rolling his eyes with a soft smile as he looked down at his menu though he was probably going to order the same thing he ordered every time he came here.
“Okay that was a great steak.” James said, leaning back against the booth with a groan, “I think I need to go home and unbutton my pants for a little while.”
“Gross.” Harry said through a soft giggle that went straight to James’ heart as it reminded him a little of his baby giggles.
“I am in the same situation as James over there. I couldn’t let James show me up with his 16 ribeye. I had to match him. I regret that now.” James laughed resting his head against the top of the booth seat, his body shaking far longer than it should considering it really wasn’t that funny.
“I have to eat big the night of the moon so I’m not starving by sunrise. Speaking of which I need to get to the Manor so I can be there. So I will see you Harry, Friday night?”
“I’ll be there. I already spoke with my professors and most of them have agreed to give me the classwork. I have a test in Alchemy just before lunch, but after that I can leave.”
“Oh good, well then you can come eat lunch at Hogwarts if you want to.”
“I’ll see what time I’m able to leave, but it should work out.”
“Alright well then Harry is your responsibility after 8 o'clock on Thursday night. I’m leaving the country for a few days for my job, I’ll make sure the school knows to firecall you instead of me.” Henry said
“I’ve already added him as an emergency contact. Pretty easy when his floo address is Hogwarts.” Harry told his Papa.
“What kind of trouble are you known for?” James asked
“Hurting someone’s feelings.” Harry said bluntly with a small shrug, “It’s not my fault.”
“Harry doesn’t have a brain to mouth filter. I’ll get more into that later, but just as a warning in general if he says something that’s out of context or very…blunt. He can’t help it.”
“I thought we were going to let them discover that on their own.” Harry said
“I don't want him to give you back so I had to give him a heads up.” Harry rolled his eyes as he stood from the booth, “Love you.”
“Uh huh. Love you too Papa.” Harry leaned over and kissed his Papa’s cheek while also taking his bag of books he had bought at the store earlier, “I’ll see you later.”
“If you need me-”
“I’ll be fine. I always am, aren't I?” Harry grinned cheekily then turned to James and leaned over giving him a hug that James returned immediately, “I’ll see you Friday at lunchtime.”
“See you Friday.” James said grinning as he watched Harry leave the restaurant, “Don’t you even think about it Henry. You paid for lunch much to my displeasure. It's my turn to pay. Especially since I unintentionally challenged you to a steak eating contest.”
“Fair but only because it was your son who ordered two large milkshakes.” James laughed, “I don’t know where that boy puts it all.”
“He eats like his grandfather. My father could eat so much and never show it.” James said, shaking his head as he grabbed the quill and wrote down his vault number on the bill.
“Well…it was nice to see you again James. Thank you for the steak and I know you joining us made Harry happy even if he likes to complain.”
“He’s a teenager. No teenager wants to admit they like to spend time with their dads.” James said as he climbed out of the booth with Henry, walking out of the restaurant together.
“Well I will see you sometime in April probably.”
“Yeah and if there’s nothing that comes up naturally we can always plan a day to exchange baby pictures, you may have more of them, but I have the baby baby ones.”
“Deal. I’ll owl you.” James nodded watching Henry head off back to the main parts of Diagon Alley. Then James turned and walked to the nearest apparition point and apparated to the foyer of Potter Manor.
Sirius and Remus were typically found in the library, main living room, sunroom, or the outside sitting area. James figured the best bet would be the sunroom or outside sitting area so he headed to those destinations first stopping to peek into the main living room first since it was on the way. James found them in the sunroom, Remus laying on the off white sofa, his arm covering his eyes giving off the impression he was sleeping or trying to sleep.
“Hey.” James greeted softly, Sirius tuned from his Daily Prophet puzzle grinning when he spotted him.
“Hey you. I was wondering where you were.” Sirius said
“Sorry I ran into Henry and Harry at the bookstore and they invited me to join them for lunch. I of course accepted.”
“Probably getting a big meal before the moon. I remember Remus used to eat three plates at lunch to substitute not eating at dinner on full moon nights.”
“Actually about that…Harry isn’t a werewolf.” James said, setting his bag of books down on the glass table.
“James, believe me I wish I was wrong too, but I’m not. Harry is our omega mate.” Remus said from where he was still laying on the sofa.
“Your mate, yes, but not a werewolf.” Remus removed his arm and looked at him.
“Fine, tell me your theory since you obviously have one.” Remus said with a sigh as he sat up rubbing his forehead with his hand.
“It’s not a theory Henry and Harry told me Harry is an Omega Lycan. Which reminds me they both know you’re his mate. Before you give me the Remus disapproval look it meant to only be revealed to Henry, but Harry was eavesdropping.”
“Harry is a Lycan?” Remus asked, ignoring the comment about his disapproval look which he did not have.
“Yes he was scratched when he was a kid and Henry, a Magizoologist and a Healer for Werewolves, was able to drain the venom out as much as could until he had to stop before he killed Harry since the venom is in the bloodstream. Well when he didn’t change the next moon they were able to check being a werewolf off. Harry presented as an Omega Lycan at thirteen.”
“Harry is a Lycan. Like a real Lycan? Like a werewolf shifter at will Lycan?” Sirius as,ked
“Is there any other kind of Lycan? Yes, Sirius. Harry, your mate, my son, is a Lycan.”
“Okay..so what does that mean?” Sirius asked, looking between Remus and James.
“It means that we have books to read once Remus is up for it.” James said, pulling out the many books he bought about Werewolves and Lycans today.
“Holy shit mate, did you clear out a Vault at the bookstore today?” Sirius asked, eyes wide as the pile continued to grow until twenty books later every book was out. Five on Werewolves, Ten on Lycans, and Five on Alpha, Beta, and Omega mating bonds between Werewolves, Lycans, and Humans.
“No but not for lack of trying, Henry is also going to send over a few books he thinks will be helpful that the shop didn’t have in stock.”
“Alright I think I know everything there is to know about Werewolves so give me something else.” Remus said
“You’re sure you’re up for it? This can wait until you feel better.” James told him
“James, really it’s just a headache, nothing I’m not used to. Give me a book.”
“Alright well then here pick out of these three. Henry said these will be the most important for you and Sirius to read as it pertains to your mating bond and Omega Lycans.” James said, grabbing the three books and setting them on the small coffee table where Remus was sitting. Everything To Know About The Second Breed of Werewolves: The Lycans, How Omega Lycans and Omega Werewolves Differ and How They Are Similar, and The Humans Guide To Werewolf Mates Whether It’s An Omega Werewolf Or An Alpha Lycan Or If You’re Really Lucky One Of Each.
“Really?” Remus asked, looking at James after reading the last title.
‘What? It looked helpful.” James said, Remus shook his head then grabbed the last book.
“Here Sirius, this one is yours.”
“Henry said it could be useful to you too.” James told his werewolf friend.
“I’ll read after he does.”
“I don’t particularly think myself to be really lucky, but who knows maybe this book will change my mind.” Sirius said sitting back against the chair, “So what are you reading Jamie?”
“Werewolves, Lycans, and What’s The Difference. Henry said it’s a good beginner book for learning about Lycans. He also said some authors have sort of combined werewolves and lycans to be the same thing so it can be a little confusing if you don’t know the basics. I think I got a pretty good grasp on them from Harry’s essay, but just in case I wanted to read this one too. We have..four hours before sun down let’s make them count.”
“When we get back to Hogwarts I want to read that essay you’ve been hogging.” Remus said
“Sure and we have to tell Lily that Harry is a Lycan at the very least, maybe not the mates thing just yet. I don’t want to load her with too much too soon. She’s still trying to wrap her head around Harry being alive after all.”
“You know we’ll be there with you if you need us to. Not to worry. Hopefully we’ll know more than just ministry approved information by the time we have to tell her so we can answer any questions she has.” Sirius told him, James nodded then opened the book to the first page and began reading.
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The Warning - Chapter 8 Snippet
In the second week in October, an announcement has been put up on the common room noticeboard about the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. The whole of the Hufflepuff common room is filled with excited chatter. The first trip has been scheduled just in time for Halloween. People will be able to get costumes, and stock up on sweets from Honeydukes.
Eva can’t deny she’s excited, especially since the Gryffindors are having a massive Halloween party and invited her. She got warned by Sirius if she doesn’t wear a costume, she’ll be made to wear James’s quidditch robes. Chris leans over her shoulder to read the notice. “Thank Merlin. I was running out of peppermint toads.” He says relived. Eva lets out a small laugh. “What?” He asks her.
She shakes her head. “Everyone else is worried about getting a date to go to Madam Puddifoot’s with or costumes for parties. Then your main goal is peppermint toads.”
He looks at her gravely. “What idiots are prioritising romance over peppermint toads?”
Eva chuckles. “The ones over there trying to decide which boys are single.” She says indicating a group of girls in the corner talking enthusiastically. It’s not that she thinks wanting a boyfriend is stupid, or even giggling with your friends over boys, more the plotting of how to date boy.
Chris mouth quirks into a small smile. “Yeah, I prefer peppermint toads. I get it though.”
“Really?” Eva asks. “You get sitting in the corner plotting which boy the ambush, to take you to Hogsmeade?”
Chris lets out a breathy laugh. “Not quite that. But I do get the wanting to be cared about, to go on dates and stuff you know.”
Eva turns to him curiously. “Then why not ask someone? There are literally so many girls in this castle that would want to go with you. Hell, Chris, they’re probably plotting against you right now.” She says pointing at the girls in the corner.
Chris’ expression becomes sombre. “I’m not interested in them.”
“Oh, so there’s a someone? Who is it?”
Chris shakes his head. “I’m not telling.”
“That’s not fair, you can’t say there’s someone then not tell me who it is. I’ll just assume the worst Chris. I swear I will.” She warns.
“And what is the worst?” He asks anxiously.
“That you and Professor Diggle are diggling.” She says seriously.
Chris lets out a loud laugh. “Diggling?” He exclaims.
“Yeah diggling. In his office.”
Chris snorts. “No, he’s not my type either. Plus, that would be extremely inappropriate. I am a prefect after all.”
Eva shrugs. “I said the worst.”
Chris sighs. “I just want to go and get a butterbeer and some peppermint toads.” His face is lacking its usual happy warmth.
“Do you want to come with me?” She asks.
“Not as a date.” She amends quickly. “As friends. I want to go get a butterbeer too, maybe some fizzing whizzbees and a new costume for Halloween.”
Chris gives her a grateful smile before pulling a face. “You’re picking fizzing whizzbees over peppermint toads?”
“Yes, I am Christopher. I’ll probably get some peppermint toads too, but I adore my whizzbees.”
Chris snorts. “Whatever floats your boat.”
“Hilarious.” Eva replies dryly.
Chris stops laughing and gives her a genuine smile. “I’d like that, thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure. It’ll be nice to spend time together that isn’t prefect related.” She replies.
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clairecrive · 3 years
“Voodoo doll” - Billy russo x reader
A/n: and here’s another one for Billy. I got the idea from a request I got for another character and I thought it perfectly fit Billy. As if Ben Barnes could ever be considered anything but beautiful, *scoff* please.
Warnings: a bit angsty, fluff though, jigsaw!billy, season 2 billy
Prompts(loosely): “Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so…” 
(let me know if you want to be tagged to any of my writings)
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“Oh, hi you’re up.” You let yourself inside Billy’s hospital room smiling when you saw that the back of his bed was pushed up. He was sitting instead of lying down and that usually meant that he was awake. 
“How are you feeling today? The nurse outside told me that she gave you something for the pain but that everything is healing nicely.” Billy recovery looked like it was going to be long but after the impossibly long surgery you were just happy to see him alive and breathing. He didn’t look like he shared your optimism though. Granted, he was bound on a hospital bed, his body probably ached him all over and above all, his face was completely covered in bandages. It was the part that had taken most of the hits and Billy was one lucky bastard to even be in a hospital bed instead of being underground. That’s what the doctors had told you, at least.
Still, you could see how hard it was for him to see this whole situation in a positive way. It was taking its toll on him and you knew that no matter how many bruises and broken bones he had, his psychological health was the one which was in the worst shape.
You tried to offer him all the support you could. Sometimes that meant cheering him up with jokes and terrible puns, others simply required you to be next to him. 
Seems like it was one of those days because Billy stayed silent.
“Billy?” you tried again, setting your bag on the ground and taking your usual place by the side of his bed.
“What are you doing here, y/n?” His voice was hoarse from how little he used it these days but hadn’t lost that gruff edge that you loved so much.
“Visiting his majesty of course.”
“You shouldn’t be here. It’s a waste of time anyway.”
“Waiting for the bus for 20 minutes before they tell you that the run has been cancelled, now that is what I call a waste of time.” You complained recalling what had happened that morning.
Since you had entered his room, Billy hadn’t moved. Not that he could manage any big movement given the restraints they had put on him but at least he could move his head. It had been laying on his pillow up until now. He lifted it to try and look you into your eyes.
“I’m not your Billy anymore.”
“Why? Has anyone made their claim on you? Is that what this awful smell is? Your new playmate’s piss?”
Billy made a noise, it sounded a halfway between a laugh or a sob but since his head was covered in bandages, you couldn’t really tell. You hoped for the first, Billy had always loved your sense of humour- he had told you it was one of the reasons why he had noticed you- even if it consisted of terrible jokes. You thought they were hilarious, Billy thought you were adorable. Whatever.
“Listen, I can see how hard you’re taking this whole reversed beauty and the beast plot. But just so you know, I’m willing to let my facial hair grow if that makes you feel like a princess again.” You added on a more serious note, kinda, hoping to convince him that his face wasn’t the only thing you loved about him.
This time, the sound that left him was most definitely a sob. Startled, you didn’t know what to do. 
Could he even cry? Wouldn’t it mess up with his bandages? Why was he crying though? 
Still unsure on how to go about this, you reached for one of his bound hands only to see that it was tightly close in a fist. Your hand wrapped around his anyway, hoping that this small contact could soothe him in some way. 
Fuck, you must be really worse at this than you thought. You were trying to make him laugh and here he was crying.
“Billy?” you tried again in a whisper. 
All jokes aside, something must have happened this morning to make him feel this on edge. Had someone been rude to him? Well, he was a wanted person of course people weren’t going to respond to him like they did before. Billy couldn’t even count on his charm and good looks and you knew how good he was at using them to get what he wanted. 
Wait, could that be the problem? 
You thought about the best way to word the question when Billy spoke again, saving you from the embarrassment.
“I don’t think this is going to work.” Uh, what? Oh no no, he doesn’t get to do that.
“I agree, I’m not a fan of facial hair myself. We could buy you a tiara though. That is definitely going to do the trick.” Completely refusing to acknowledge his words, you kept going along with your previous joke.
“I’m serious y/n.” He insisted, his voice straightening to highlight his intent but still to no avail. Still clueless to it, he had laid on a silver platter your next pun.
“I thought your name was Billy, not Sirius. Wicked name though.” His hand tensed in your hold and you knew that he was getting angry.
“Would you stop joking around for one second? I’m trying to tell you that you shouldn’t waste your time around me.” His voice grew rougher, not exactly the high and strict tone he used to use at Anvil, but you could see he had strained his vocal cord to even attempt a stern voice.
 “I’m going to look like a butchered voodoo doll, forget the beast.” He added in a quieter voice. A confession laced with guilt.
“Oh Billy, don’t say that. You’re so much more than your looks, you know that. Besides, I’m sure you’re still going to be the one with the dashing looks of the relationship.” Your voice came out all wobbly and squeaky but you couldn’t help it, hearing Billy’s words, a far cry from the man he used to be made you emotional. You wanted nothing more than to help him but you didn’t know how. And here he was, trying to push you away.
“There’s no relationship, y/n.”
“I know that you’ve taken a big hit on your head, the doctor told me about your memory loss. It’s okay, they told me that some things are going to come back and you remembered my name when you woke up so that’s a good sign.”
Billy contemplated the idea of making up a story about him not remembering about you and come up with someway for how he knew you name when he first saw you after the incident but even though he wanted you to see his point, he couldn’t do that to you. 
He did remember you and he knew that the first part of your relationship had been based on lies. About his work, about his past, about his whereabouts when you asked him where he was going to late at night. 
He also remembered how that almost had cost him your relationship entirely.
Billy wasn’t one to make promises but he had made one to you. To at least try to be open and honest with you. There were still things that Billy didn’t talk to you about but this time around, instead of coming up with an excuse, he openly said that he couldn’t tell where or what he was doing . That, in the long run, had gained your trust back. You knew it was for your safety and that every time he told you you couldn’t know something, it was work-related.
And despite the fact that Billy was trying to self sabotage himself and your relationship, there was a part of him that didn’t want to see you go.
Yes, he still thought that you deserved more. Not only for his looks but for the things he knew he had done but couldn’t remember. If half the things he was accused of were true, then that didn’t make him a good person, did it?
“I do remember you. There is nothing more vibrant in my mind than my time with you. That’s not the problem.”
“Then I wholeheartedly refuse your attempt at breaking up. You can say whatever you want but I assure you it isn’t going to work.”
“I wish I could say that I did not remember you being this stubborn but we both know it would be a lie.”
“Oh, honey we both know that you enjoy it quite a bit when you want to.” You wriggled your eyebrows, trying and completely failing at making a suggestive face. You were successful, however, in making him laugh.
“Fuck don’t do that y/n, I can’t laugh.” he groaned, his head resting back on his bed.
“Well that is going to be a problem, ‘cause all I’m good at is being a huge cosmic joke.” You smiled at him, happy that he was finally done with all that nonsense he had just tried to pull. Instead, you dived into your back to show him what you had brought him.
It was his favorite comic book.
Apparently, a successful CEO of a security firm had an extensive collection of comic books which was also his most priced possession. The first time he had come around after the surgery, he had asked about them. He was worried that in searching his place for clues and whatnot the police had ruined it or something. You couldn’t see his face but the long sigh he let out when you told him that you had taken care of it personally looked a lot like relief.
What were hundreds of expensive tailored suits in comparison?
You started reading one of his favorite ones, including a very poor but very engaging representation of every sound of action in the story which made Billy smile under all those bandages. He felt like the luckiest voodoo doll in the world.
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drowsy-writer · 3 years
I Can't Stop— regulus black x reader
Summary: An unmovable object vs. an unstoppable force (aka Reader tries to get Regulus to bed) 
Warning:  cursing, angst, bittersweet fluff, crying
Notes: Reader has she/her pronouns and is a Hufflepuff; this can also be read as either romantic or platonic also yes I sometimes face claim regulus as Benjamin Wadsworth pls don’t @ me i’m new here lol
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Hogwarts 1975
Every Hufflepuff knows that when 10:00 hits, the kitchen goes silent. No pots boil, no ovens switch on―without the house elves, the place is as silent as the library on a good day. The alluring scents of the day’s meals would linger in the air, hitting the face of every Hufflepuff who entered eager to make it to their common room and call it a night.
Tonight the smells of roasted chicken and creamy beef stew were replaced with the stingy aroma of coffee as two students sat at the end of the kitchen’s massive table, books spread out amongst themselves. Two gigantic porcelain mugs were placed within arms reach and a fresh pot of coffee sat between them.
“Find anything yet?” the Hufflepuff asked. Her [h/c] curls bounced slightly as she looked up from her piece of parchment, observing the pale Slytherin boy across from her scrunch his brows.
“No,” Regulus shut another book and tossed it on top of the stack next to him. He reached over to his mug, which embarrassingly had an orange flat-faced kitten painted on it, and downed its remaining contents. He then slammed the mug on the table and ran both of his fingers through his short ebony locks,” nothing. Yet.”
“House elves are bound to wake up soon,” [Y/N] mused. She cocked her head towards the tiny door sitting next to the fireplace,” maybe we should call it a night.”
Regulus groaned as he reached for the pot of coffee and poured himself another cup. The pot shook a bit as Regulus poured it, the bags underneath his eyes growing darker. [Y/N] looked at her friend and sighed.
“We’ve gone through almost the whole library, Reggie,” [Y/N] said. Regulus took a quick swig of his refilled cup of coffee and cracked open another book,” look! That’s even the same book you opened last night. Cover and all!”
“Nope,” Regulus held up the book and tapped his pale finger on the cover where it read Volume 2. It was [Y/N]’s time to groan as she took her own mug, this one with a silly looking dog on it, and sipped at the now cold contents. Her face scrunched up as she placed the mug down,” Zatara might’ve been a loon, but he was Bullock’s assistant. He probably hid something in here so Dumbledore or anyone else couldn’t find and burn it..” 
“What makes you think that Volume 2 is gonna have something when the first one didn’t?” [Y/N] had got up from her chair, cold cup of coffee in hand, and dumped it down the drain of the sink behind her. She turned the faucet on, rinsing out the mug and gently putting it back on the drying rack. When [Y/N] spun around, she was met by Regulus’s signature scowl,” don’t get your knickers in a twist. You know I’m right. I’m always right with these sorts of things.”
“I know,” Regulus hissed. He looked back down at the book,” but right now, I’m hoping you’re wrong.”
[Y/N] huffed as she sat back down on her chair again. A small yawn escaped her lips but she knew it’d be a while until Regulus decided to pack his stuff and leave. This was the case every night since 2nd year where Regulus and [Y/N] would stay up right before the elves came back in to prep for breakfast, reading and discussing topics both school related and pure nonsense. Neither knew how this little tradition started and, quite frankly, neither cared. It was a breath of fresh air for [Y/N] and a sense of normalcy Regulus craved for within his ever turbulent life. 
As of recently, however, their midnight meetings were overwhelmed with a sense of dread. It had been months since Regulus had properly been exposed to the world of the Death Eaters and of Lord Voldemort, courtesy of his mother. From then on, he had been put into an almost inescapable hole, one that he was intent of crawling out of. Regulus might've not had the luxury of running away like his brother, but he sure as hell wasn't going to give in without a fight.
“So if I am wrong, what’s gonna happen next?” [Y/N] asked.
Regulus quirked a brow as he stopped reading the passage he was on. Not even bothering to look up, Regulus clicked his tongue in thought. He then, to [Y/N]’s annoyance, shrugged his shoulders and continued to read.
“I don’t know. Haven’t thought that far yet.”
“What do you mean you haven’t thought that far yet? We’ve been looking into Horcruxes for the past three months and you haven’t the clue as to what you’ll do next?!”
“Something like that.”
“You're so—,” [Y/N] let out a muffled scream as she buried her head in her hands,” you're insufferable, you know that? Why am I even friends with you?”
“Haven't thought that far yet either,” Regulus smirked. 
“Very funny, Reggie. Now c’mon,” [Y/N] motioned towards the stack of books,” let’s stash these away. We’ve got a Potions exam tomorrow morning, remember?”
“Yes, I remember.”
Regulus didn’t make an effort to get up and continued to read through the book. As Regulus flipped through another page, [Y/N] muttered underneath her breath as she jumped down from her seat and walked over to the Slytherin’s side.
“Alright. That’s it.”
Before Regulus could make sense as to what was happening, [Y/N] wrapped her hands around his waist and hoisted him up from the seat.
“[Y/N]?!” Regulus sputtered, dropping the book from his hands,” let me go!”
“Oh shut it, Black! You need to get some sleep!”
Still in her arms, Regulus tensed as their bodies pressed against one another. He cursed himself underneath his breath as his face flushed red.
“Just put me down. Now.”
[Y/N] tightened her grip as Regulus squirmed within her hold. She dragged him from his chair to the middle of the kitchen where he finally pushed himself off.
“What the hell was that for?”
“You need to sleep, Regulus! You can’t keep burning the candle at both ends. You’ll fall back if you keep doing this.”
“Well what else am I supposed to do, then? Run away from my problems like my brother? Ignore them? I can’t just turn away from my family and pretend nothing ever happened!” Regulus shouted. His breathing turned ragged, as if he just finished yet another Quidditch match, “what would you expect for me to do?”
“I—I don’t know! I don’t have the answers for everything!” [Y/N] retorted. Regulus groaned as he turned around, intent on picking up where he left off in his book,” but I do know that when the time comes, whatever remnants of a plan you do have, you’ll be too exhausted to do anything about it!”
Regulus stopped in his step as he stared at the rack of spices before him, afraid of meeting his friend’s eyes. He took a deep breath, composed himself, and turned around. His eyes had yet to meet [Y/N]’s as they shifted throughout the room.
“Why are you—ugh,” Regulus sighed as he ran his hands through his hair,” I just—this is how I work, [Y/N]. You’ve known it since 2nd year. Even when I stop, I can’t stop. When I go to sleep at night, my mind is still racing with all this bullshit about purebloods and Muggles and—.”
“But you can’t just—.”
“—And the fucking potions test you won’t stop telling me about! There’s so many things in my mind that I think Bellatrix’s head looks healthy compared to mine! I can’t stop thinking about my family, my house, even Sirius for Godric’s sake! I can’t stop worrying that if I were to put a pause for even a sliver of a second, everything I’ll ever love will cease to exist. I can’t risk that [Y/N]. Not for a second. Not when I have so much on the line.”
[Y/N] looked down at the floor as her friend’s words ran rapid through her head. She touched her forehead with the palm of her hand, dragging them down until they met the bridge of her nose. 
“Fucking—I know that, Regulus. I just—,” [Y/N] gave a pained expression as she pinched the bridge of her nose,”—fuck! I just want you to be okay, ok? You’re my friend. My best friend, actually. It hurts like hell because there’s nothing I can do about it. I can get you as many books as you want, sneak out around the castle as much as you want, lie to as many people as you want , but I can’t—no. I won’t stand here and watch you whittle away. Not when I can do something to prevent it.”
Regulus swallowed hard as his eyes met [Y/N]’s and the pit that had been growing inside his chest began to increase, pushing painfully against his rips. He felt his lungs constrict and if Regulus didn’t know any better, he’d say someone casted a Crucio curse on him and it was slowly ripping his body from the inside out.
“I just can’t let him win, [Y/N],” Regulus mumbled. He leaned back on the table and pressed both hands to his face, rubbing at his eyes as tears began to build up in the corners,” I can’t let that thing win, no matter what.”
Shielding his face from [Y/N], Regulus quietly sobbed as his friend stood in front of him, tears threatening to pour out from her eyes as well. Taking a deep, shaky breath, [Y/N] slowly walked towards her friend and gently wrapped her arms around him. Despite the slight size difference, [Y/N] was able to situate her friend so that his face was buried in the crook of her neck. She combed a hand through his inky, black locks.
“I know won’t,” [Y/N] said,” but I highly doubt snake face over there is going to wait for you to take a quick power nap. We’ll beat him, but not like this.”
Regulus’s grip tightened around [Y/N] and she felt his lips pull into a smile as a low chuckle emitted from him. 
“It’s amazing how you’re not a Ravenclaw with how much wisdom you spout out.”
“Well I’m far more interested in my friends then a bloody book,” [Y/N] stepped back, hands still wrapped around Regulus, and smiled,” now let’s clean up and head to bed. You deserve at least one good night’s rest.”
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dramionedaydream · 3 years
More of "Soulmate Prophecy" for Jilytober.
by diamonddaydream
Read the rest on ao3 or ffn or wattpad
“Un-human -- you’re animagi?” Lily said, her eyes wide. “All of you? That’s what’s behind all the rat jokes about Peter? He is actually a rat?”
Peter grinned, proud of his power in spite of his nerves. “A Norway rat, to be exact. Call me Wormtail.”
Lily looked at each of them in turn. “And you, Sirius, named for the dog star. You are literally -- “
“A dog, yes,” he said. “A dog of no purebreeding anyone could name. Something to scandalize my mother if she ever found out about my life as Padfoot, the big, black, gorgeous mutt.”
“But you can call him Snuffles,” James said. “Now go on and guess my transformation.”
Lily looked him over, from his dark tousled hair to his long legs stretched out in front of where he sat beside her. She hummed. “I reckon the need for glasses would rule out anything known for its piercing eyesight. No birds.”
Sirius was snickering. “James the blind mole, keeping Peter company down in the dirt.”
James shook his head. “No birds. No moles. Guess again.”
Lily hummed. “No birds, but you do have a knack for flying. Is it a bat?”
Peter made a hooting sound. “Spooky, like Moony.”
“Enough with the tiny creatures,” James said. “Try something bigger.”
“Oh, here he goes about size again -- “
“Alright fine then,” Lily went on. “Something bigger, and maybe related to your name, like Sirius’s dog. Potter, pot, pot-bellied pig?”
They were all laughing now -- all of them but James.
“It’s not a pig?” Lily said. “They can get quite big -- “
“No, of course it’s not a pig. You’ll never guess. Just stand back,” James said.
It sounded too grand to be taken seriously, but the boys were giving him space. “You’re really going to do it? Right in front of her?” Peter said. He turned to Lily. “Might get racy. Sometimes the clothes don’t quite make it through the transformation process. I’ve lost more socks that way -- “
“Shut it, Pete,” Sirius said. “None of us has had a mishap with nudity in years -- in months, anyway.”
Remus slapped Peter on the back. “No worries, mate. I’ll cover her eyes if there’s any glimpse of a -- “
“You’re all stalling,” Lily interjected. “Let’s see it, whatever it is.”
James pocketed his wand and his glasses. He surveyed the space around him, and closed his eyes. Lily couldn’t tell if he’d started or not. There was no stretching or struggling, no shouting or contorting, or clothes ripping at the seams. His transformation happened in much the same way as their Professor McGonagall changed in and out of her cat form. He lunged forward, springing from his heels and landing on the ground on his hands and feet.
And somewhere in the movement, he changed. James Potter no longer looked like a seventeen year old human, but like a large deer covered in a thick coat of brown winter hair. He was a stag with a rack of long, branching antlers. The eyes in his head were still big and brown, but different. James, but not James.
Lily didn’t know where to look, trying to see all of him -- the four long, thin legs, the bowed back, the bushy tufts on his neck and shoulders. She blinked at him. “By the stars,” was all she said.
Sirius smirked at her dumbfoundedness. “That’s our Prongs. Quite the eyeful, isn’t he? If he could talk, he’d be bragging about how he’s the largest native land animal in Britain.”
James bent his long neck to nuzzle the snow at her feet with his nose. His antlers framed her legs, as if he wanted her to notice them. Their texture seemed to be fuzzy. “Do they mind if untransformed people touch them?” she asked, not taking her eyes off the antlers.
“See for yourself,” Remus said.
Lily turned to find him scratching the ears of a great, shaggy black dog. He was a rather badly behaved animal, tossing his head between Remus’s hands, jumping up to put his wet paws on Remus’s chest, nearly knocking him over.
Sirius, look at you,” she said.
“Yes, I know, Padfoot,” Remus said to the dog. “All the hair gets itchy. Yes it does. Yes it does. Now if you’d only hold still...”
Lily looked back at the antlers Prongs still held around her feet. With one fingertip, she touched the inner curve of one of the outer branches. It was soft, velvety. Prongs lifted his head and straightened up, stamping his hooves in the snow.
There was a squeal and a streak of brown-grey running along the base of the snow wall. “Wormtail,” Lily said aloud as he rushed by.
“That’s all of them,” Remus said, pushing Sirius’s head away. “You’ll understand if I don’t change myself. The effect is rather different. Far more murder in it.”
Prongs bolted into the open, Padfoot and Wormtail chasing after him, raising a cloud of snow.
“Honestly, lads!” Remus called. “What was the point of toiling over a snow wall all morning if you’re just going to -- “ He left off, frustrated but amused. “It’s no use. Impulse control is harder to manage outside a human form. It’s not just a werewolf problem.”
Lily stood beside him, still speechless as she watched Prongs and Padfoot circling each other in the field. From a distance, Wormtail was harder to see. That they’d learned to do this so well, without any help or coaching while still so young was remarkable. James hadn’t been bragging in vain when he’d told her the night before that they were talented. Truly, they were.
It wasn’t only that James had been lucky enough to be born into a family that owned an invisibility cloak. No one had made James an animagus but himself. For all of them, it was something they’d cultivated for themselves.
From the snow fort, Remus watched them wistfully, as if he wished to join them. But his powers of transformation weren’t a talent. They were a curse. Lily still believed he was the kindest boy in school. But now she knew better why. He was kind because of the kindness shown to him by friends like these. It was touching. Lily felt it stirring her heart.
It might have been why she blurted out, “Does he really like me?”
Remus startled. “What?”
“James,” she said. “His fancy for me, at this point, is it all just a tired old joke? I mean -- look at him. Look at this place. He’s the miracle child of a wealthy, noble family. He’s not starved for affection. He’s got amazing friends who’d do anything for each other. He’s smart, and the Quidditch captain, and then this magic of his -- it’s astounding. Why would he bother to like someone who was less than mad for him?”
Remus chuckled. “He’s mad enough for both of you. That’s clear. How can you ask this? There isn’t a soul who doesn’t know how James Potter feels about you. What are you playing at, Evans?”
“There’s no playing about it,” she said. “I think maybe one of the reasons I’ve done nothing but refuse him all these years is because part of me doesn’t believe he’s in earnest. Like it’s a game for him, isn’t it? And if he actually won, if I were to accept him, that might be the end of the game.”
Remus sighed. “You’re overthinking it.”
“I am,” she agreed. “All last night, in that guest room, I laid awake asking myself if it’s really me James wants, or if he just wants to win at something he started too long ago to quit.”
Remus nodded, his eyebrows raised. “And how would that make you feel? If James quit, and stopped trotting after you? If you let him catch you and he lost interest? You’re saying you’d be disappointed?”
She wouldn’t face Remus, but continued to watch the animagi gamboling in the snowy field as the sun started its slow bend toward the horizon. “I know now that I would be,” she said. “But that’s not to say I should be disappointed. My feelings -- they’re all wrong. So don’t tell him I’ve been thinking about it. Everything’s too confusing. I’m not sure what any of it means.”
He palmed the top of her head. “It’s not that complicated, Lily. Doesn’t it just mean that you must like James back, at least a little?��
She sighed heavily, bowing her head under Remus’s hand. “Of course I like him a little. We’re partnered as Head Boy and Girl at school. We have to get along now. And we do.“
“That is not what we’re talking about, and you know it -- “
“Actually, I have no idea what we’re talking about,” Lily said, turning her face up to smile wanly at him. “No idea at all.”
Something in James’s deer-brain remembered her and he came springing back toward where Lily and Remus waited. In his last bound toward them, he came out of the movement as human James again, rumpled but fully clothed, his hair and face wet, reaching into his coat for his glasses.
For a second time, Sirius transformed so swiftly Lily didn’t see it happening. The black dog was gone and Sirius was back, fluffing his damp hair, sniffing it to make sure the scent of wet dog had transformed away with the rest of Padfoot. Wormtail darted behind the snow wall to change, stepping back into view slightly flustered, looking for a scarf he’d mislaid.
“So that’s us,” James said, blinking behind his glasses. “Are you alright with that, Evans?”
She nodded, her voice coming solemnly, as if in awe. “It’s brilliant. You’re all brilliant.”
James already knew that, but he was so unaccustomed to compliments from Lily, he blushed behind his cold reddened cheeks.
“And you say you’ve got more secrets yet to come?” she said.
“None so fine as this,” Remus answered. “What do say, lads, should we go inside and show her -- “
“No,” James said, far too loudly. “She gets to learn one secret a day. If we spill them all at once, she won’t have any more reason to stay.”
It was the kind of thing he said all the time -- the little, low-key confessions Lily had learned to take with a smirk, a roll of her eyes, maybe a groan. But this afternoon, it felt different. As he’d spoken about not wanting her to leave, her stomach had dropped and her heart had skipped, like she was flying a broom that had slipped out of control for a moment.
She stood in the snow, watching James rub condensation from his glasses again. As he worked, his neck was bent, the way it had been last night, underneath the invisibility cloak when his voice had raised a shiver through her. She watched him in the low sunlight, his dark, well-formed eyebrows curving along the ridge of his forehead. Would his brows have the same velvet texture as Prongs’s antlers?
Her mouth had gone dry, her heart gathering speed -- when a snowball smashed into the side of James’s head. Sirius was cackling, packing a second snowball, raising his shoulder to fend off one hurtling at him from Remus’s direction.
“Take cover!” James yelled to Lily.
She wouldn’t, stooping instead to arm herself with snowballs, shouting out threats as she took a hit in the back. The wall was not going to waste after all. The battle was on.
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weasleydream · 4 years
Sirius, little Sofia and the Christmas tree
I feel like this one is so precious 🥺 I’ll never say it enough but soft Sirius is bae really 
This one is for @wonderful-writer​‘s ficmas challenge! Thank you for organizing such a fun event, love! My prompt was “Do you want to put the star on the top of the tree?” and honestly I fell in love with it!
As usual feel free to like, comment, reblog and enjoy!
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St-Mungo’s was a place with a special meaning. Of course, as a hospital, it obviously had an immense importance but it was one of the few places that was such a big part of James’, Remus’ Peter’s, Sirius’ and my heart. For James, it was because he had ended up there after particularly severe wounds from Quidditch when he wasn’t at Hogwarts. For Remus, it was because of this amazing nurse that had taken care of him after his first full-moon as a werewolf. For Peter, it was because he had always been welcomed with kindness when his father had stayed there for a while after having been hit by a strange curse. I didn’t know why Sirius seemed to be the most attached to this place. As far as I knew, he had never been here after having been injured and I doubted he had ever visited a family member here. I also knew for a fact that his parents hadn’t worked here for years before leaving the country for an abroad mission like mine. But despite this apparent lack of link between him and St-Mungo’s, I eventually understood how he felt bound to the place. So bound that, a few days before Christmas 1977, he announced to us he would spend Christmas eve at St-Mungo’s. 
“I thought we were staying at Hogwarts all together.” I frowned. “Why this sudden change of mind?”
I glanced at Remus, who shrugged, and at James and Peter who were eyeing Sirius suspiciously. 
“Is that where you spent Christmas last year?” asked James, who ignored our interrogative looks. 
Sirius looked away and I could have sworn he was blushing. 
“It’s a promise I’ve made…” he mumbled. 
He seemed afraid that we would make fun of him or something, but nothing like this happened. Everything in him, from his sparkling eyes to his straight posture, everything was showing how important this promise was for him and never would we have laughed for such an essential mission. 
James fell back on the couch of the common room, the one that was just in front of the fire, and put his arm behind his head before releasing the golden snitch he always had with him. 
“We’ll have to ask Minnie to let us five leave school for Christmas eve, then. Do you think Lily will want to come with us?”
Remus threw a sarcastic remark that only him had the secret and I caught Sirius’ smile which, in my opinion, had nothing to do with James’ dark red cheeks. 
_ _ _ 
Strangely, Professor McGonagall hadn’t even tried to refuse to let us leave for Christmas eve. In fact, it was quite the contrary: she had accepted almost immediately after having addressed a knowing smile at Sirius. 
“I wonder why she accepted that quickly…” said Peter as soon as her office door was closed behind us. 
Remus elbowed him, hissing that she could still hear us, and only spoke when two corridors separated us from Professor McGonagall. 
“I’m pretty sure it’s because of Pads.”
“Obviously. It has to be because Sirius already went there last year and she had to know it.” answered Peter matter-of-factly before waving his wand in front of my eyes. “Y/N! You still with us?”
I removed his hand, my eyes still fixed on Sirius’ back. He was a few meters in front of us, walking next to James who nudged him playfully. Since he knew we would accompany him, Sirius seemed less exuberant, less loud, and I was pretty sure it was because he was scared. Whatever had motivated him to cancel our Christmas together at Hogwarts wasn’t something he had ever told us about, that was for sure. And it probably wasn’t something usual for him, or else he would have kept it a secret. 
“Let her stare,” smirked Remus. “You won’t be able to stop her in anyways, Wormtail, you should know it.” 
Peter laughed and shook his head. Remus imitated him and nudged me. I groaned, used to this almost constant teasing that had begun at the beginning of our previous year. 
“Shut up, Moony.”
_ _ _ 
The street was crowded, way more than usual. The Muggles seemed even more pressed that they were at any other moment of the year. They had their arms full of bags probably containing various presents and any kind of food. A woman who was holding a plastic box against her ear pushed me hurriedly and continued her rushed race to whatever was stressing her. The movement caused me to trip and I would have ended the nose directly against the hard ground if solid arms hadn’t wrapped around me. 
“Maybe one day you’ll learn how to walk properly!” Sirius winked.
I was sure my cheeks were red and that they didn’t stop darkening even when his hands left my waist, leaving my skin almost burning through the wool of my Christmas sweater.While Sirius left and disappeared through St-Mungo’s entrance following James and Peter, Remus patted my shoulder with a broad smile. 
“Admit it, you tripped on purpose.”
“To make a fool of myself? No way.” I groaned.
“Come on, you may be a fool but Sirius thinks you’re a cute one.”
Remus threw me a mysterious glance and disappeared too, leaving me alone in the street with my thoughts and the Muggles. Eventually deciding to join the boys, I crossed the magical barrier with a sigh. 
It had been a while since the last time I had stepped in this hospital during Christmas. It had always brought me betterness and guilt to be there, perfectly well and with my family whereas a lot of patients here were alone. The worst to me was the bunch of kids that practically lived here, kids whose parents weren't with them with or without a good reason, if there was really a good reason for this. 
Sirius led us through the hall and we took the stairs to the cafeteria’s level. In my memories, this lever was the most decorated during the end of the year but it was nothing compared to how decorated it was now. The walls were covered in drawings representing Christmas trees, Santa Claus, snowmen and a lot of other coloured items representing Christmas, all of these drawings coming from children. Each window was adorned with bright red ribbons, Tinsels and wreaths were disposed wherever they fitted. In the middle of the cafeteria, from where all the tables had been removed, a big tree that hadn’t been decorated yet had the pride of the place, and around this tree were gathered nine kids. They were all wearing Christmas-related clothes, and a little girl even had a headband with reindeer antlers. Two little boys and the girl with the headband rushed toward Sirius, their little arms wide open and their eyes sparkling. 
“We were waiting for you!”
Sirius hugged the two boys and then wrapped his arms around the little girl. 
“How are you little princess?”
“I was scared you wouldn’t come…” she answered shyly. 
Sirius smiled softly and ruffled her hair, causing the headband to almost fall. She replaced it, giggling, and extended an arm to mess up Sirius’ hair too. 
“You’ll decorate the tree with us?”
“Of course! Let’s make the most beautiful Christmas tree ever. After you!”
Sirius glanced at James, Remus, Peter and I. His eyes were as bright as the kids’ and my heart swelled at the sight. Then he rolled up his sleeves and headed to a group of three kids to help them open a box of decorations. With barely a glance accorded to each other, the boys and I joined the little groups of kids to help them. 
Christmas carols were resonating, both from little bells floating everywhere in the room and from the kids, my friends and I. Slowly but surely, the tree was becoming the prettiest Christmas tree ever. Thanks to these adorable kids, it was putting on its most beautiful colours. Even though it probably lasted quite a long time, it felt like we had only been there for a few minutes. I was having so much mun, I didn’t want this moment out of time to come to an end. It was too light-hearted, too magic, I wanted it to last forever. 
“Lost in your thoughts?”
Sirius walked to me and stopped by my side. We both turned to the tree around which the kids were debating on which star they should put at the top of it. 
“You came here last year, right?” I asked curiously. 
“Yeah.” Sirius nodded and I looked at him. He had a light smile on his lips and his eyes were sparkling. “To be honest, I don’t even know why I came here in the first place. I should’ve been at James’ but… I don’t know. I was feeling bad and I left. I came here and I saw most of these kids. Yes, they were already here.” He added when I gasped. “They were so sad and I just- I couldn’t let them have a Christmas as crappy as the one I was having. The nurse on duty was half asleep and she asked me to keep them busy so I helped decorating the tree…”
“And you promise to come back this year.” I finished softly. 
Sirius scratched the back of his head and smiled almost shyly. 
“I’ve come back a few times already. There’s- there’s this little girl, the one with the antlers. Her name is Sofia. Her parents… Let’s say they weren’t especially loving with her. She reminds me of myself, you know? Except that she has absolutely no one. I- I just don’t want her to be alone.”
“Sirius, that’s-”
“Sirius! We’ve chosen this one!” suddenly exclaimed Sofia while waving a golden star. 
Sirius immediately joined her and kneeled so that his face was in front of her and asked with a smile:
“Do you want to put the star on the top of the tree?”
“Oh yes!” she beamed and opened her arms to Sirius. 
He lifted her up effortlessly, extending his arms so that the little girl could reach the very top of the tree. Delicately, as if it was the most precious thing in the world, Sofia put the star at its place and all of us applauded. She seemed to be as glowing as the star. Sirius pretended to drop her and her laughter filled the cafeteria. The kids surrounded Sirius and Sofia. 
“You know what? I think your tree is beautiful.” declared Sirius who ruffled a boy’s hair. 
“This is our tree!” corrected the boy, whose name was Tim. 
The nurse on duty - who was fully awake - broughts biscuits and tea. The kids, joined by James, Peter and Remus, gathered around a table to share this well deserved snack. As for Sirius, he stopped next to me. 
“I believe you were going to say something.” 
“I was going to say that this… It’s incredible, Sirius. You make them so happy!”
“They make me equally happy.” he murmured. 
I turned to him and put my hand on his shoulder. 
“Does that mean you’re a softie?”
“Shut up, Y/L/N.”
We laughed and Sirius wrapped his arm around me . Slowly - because I was now walking into an unknown territory - I rested my head on his shoulder. Far from flinching, he even did the same and we stayed like this, looking at our friends who were making fools of themselves to make the kids laugh. A strand of Sirius’ hair fell in front of my eyes and I didn’t even bother to remove it, afraid it would break whatever was enveloping us. And then, suddenly…
“Will you kiss already?”
James and Remus were smirking and Peter was smiling as broadly as the kids. I looked up: there was a piece of mistletoe that was slowly appearing above our heads. I felt Sirius’ other arm pulling me against him. Without losing a second, I crashed my lips on his and intertwined my hands in his hair. Even the whistles of James couldn’t have made me react, at the moment Sirius seemed to be the only part of my world. 
_ _ _
It was very late at night, now. Half of the kids had fallen asleep while the boys and I had told them stories, curled up ones against the others. Not Sofia. Comfortably snuggled in Sirius’ arms, her thumb was in her mouth and her eyes were wide open. She even groaned slightly when the nurse in charge announced it was time for them to go to bed.
“You can’t be tired for the opening of your presents tomorrow!” she said.
The kids who were asleep were woken up and the joyous group left the cafeteria. Tim and Sofia stayed a bit longer. 
“Will you be there next year?” asked the little girl, who was in front of Sirius.
The latter kneeled and shook hands with her.
“I’ll come back even sooner, that’s a promise little princess.”
Sofia nodded, laid a wet kiss on Sirius’ cheek, waved at us and left. Tim grabbed the bottom of Peter’s sweater. 
“And you? Will you come back?”
Peter nodded with energy and James and Remus smiled broadly. 
“Of course we’ll be there. And you know what? We’ll organize a competition.”
“The biggest chocolate eater will win a special prize!” exclaimed Peter. 
“You should begin to train, you have a master in front of you!” added James on the tone of confidence, pointing at Remus with his thumb. 
“Shut up, Prongs.”
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engie-ivy · 4 years
Since I loved writing the first one, I wrote another fic for @swottypotter Wolfstar Comfort Mini-Fest. I really wanted to write a birthday-themed fic for 23/09, as today is my birthday🎉 So this is my birthday treat to you😅
It became way longer than I intended, so my (theme-related) apologies.
23/09: an apology
Keeping your relationship healthy can be a challenge. In the middle of a war, dealing with secrets, false accusations and unjust suspicions, it’s even more of a challenge. But a fight can lead to an apology, an apology can lead to forgiveness, and forgiveness just might lead to happiness. And as it turns out, not all secrets are bad.
If tomorrow the world crumbles
Sirius is freaking out. Outwardly, nothing seems amiss. He’s sitting at the kitchen table in the flat he shares with Remus, reading the Daily Prophet. Inwardly, however, he’s on the verge of panic. He has been on edge all morning, his hands are fidgeting, and he has been staring at the same sentence for the last hour.
You see, Sirius doesn’t know where Remus is. Normally this wouldn’t be such a problem. They’re not attached at the hip. They’re in a healthy relationship and respect each other’s independence. But Remus is acting secretive, which still wouldn’t have been such a problem, if they didn’t have loaded conversation about that very thing just a few weeks ago. The war had been taking its toll on them and miscommunication, false accusations and unjust suspicions were threatening to break their relationship.
It started when James asked Sirius to come over for a meeting with him, Lily and Dumbledore. The threat to Lily and James was getting more serious and they needed to talk about an option that involved Sirius’s help. James asked Sirius not to tell anyone. Sirius didn’t even consider this to include Remus, and he thinks James didn’t either. What Sirius knows, Remus knows, that’s just how it is. The only reason Sirius didn’t tell Remus right away, was because Remus just happened to not be home at the time.
During the meeting, Dumbledore informed them about something called the Fidelius charm, and how it was James and Lily’s best chance of survival if the situation were to get worse. They talked about the technicalities of the charm, the best practice of how to implement it, and the possibility of Sirius being the Secret Keeper. By the end of that first meeting, it was Dumbledore who asked Sirius not to tell anyone. Once again, Sirius had agreed, without considering it to include Remus as well, but unlike James had done, Dumbledore pressed the issue further. There was a traitor amongst the members of the Order of the Phoenix, and they were completely in the dark about who it could be, so the general rule had to be to not tell anyone, no exceptions. Dumbledore assured Sirius this did not mean they thought Remus was the traitor, it simply meant they didn’t have concrete proof that he wasn’t the traitor. None of them could imagine Remus ever betraying them, but then again, that could be said for all their friends, and one of them was undeniably betraying them, so that line of reasoning simply couldn’t be applied anymore.
So Sirius had to go behind Remus’s back. Sirius went to meetings with Dumbledore, James and Lily without informing Remus. They discussed the information Dumbledore was getting from his non-disclosed spies, and tried to monitor how urgent the threat against James and Lily was, and they discussed the risks that being the Secret Keeper would involve for Sirius (“Are you sure you want to do this, Pads?” “Yes, Prongs, I’m sure.” “Don’t you need more time to decide if you want to put your life at risk just to help me?” “Prongs, I’ve known I’d give my life to protect you since I was twelve. I’ve had plenty of time.”). Every time Sirius got back, he ignored Remus’s questions. He could barely look Remus in the eye, because every time he did, he could see the hurt and confusion. His solution was to avoid Remus as much as he could after these meetings.
If things weren’t already strained, they got really bad when Remus started acting strange. He was going on Order missions much more often. Normally, Sirius knew exactly what type of mission Remus was on. Having someone to talk about it helped them stay sane, and sharing information and gaining more knowledge on the enemy could be beneficial. Now Remus suddenly had all these Order missions Sirius didn’t know anything about, and Remus wouldn’t tell him anything about. It was unsettling. Remus never flat out refused to answer his questions, which Sirius would’ve preferred, as then they could’ve had an apparently much-needed argument, but Remus gave these infuriating meaningless answers. “It went as you would expect.” “You know how these things go.” “It’s no use dwelling on it.” “We did what we had to do.” Remus started to stay away for longer periods of time, and the longer he stayed away, the snippier Sirius got with him. They couldn’t talk about the war or the Order anymore without one of them storming off, but the war consumed every aspect of their lives, so eventually they didn’t seem to be able to talk about anything anymore.
Things went from really bad to even worse when suspicion started creeping in. Sirius tried to think rational, to not let himself be blinded by his feelings for Remus, which were, despite everything, still so strong, but to look at the facts. There was a traitor in their midst and Remus was evidently keeping things from him. Remus caught him looking through some of his papers one night (some cut-out articles on Lycanthropy, some maps of England and Scotland, a letter from his dad; nothing incriminating). Sirius had expected Remus to snap, like he was constantly snapping at Remus these days, but Remus had just stood there and looked at him with so much hurt in his eyes that it made Sirius want to disappear.
The following morning, Remus was gone. Sirius found a note with just four words scribbled on it:
On an Order mission
Remus stayed away for two weeks. All that time, Sirius didn’t hear from him, not a single word, not any sign of life. Every time the thought crossed Sirius’s mind that he didn’t even know if Remus was still alive, it was immediately followed by the thought he didn’t even say goodbye.
Then, after two weeks, Remus came home. It really was as simple as that: opening the door and walking into the kitchen. He looked terrible. Pale, tired, thin, cuts on his hands and face. Sirius had been sitting on the couch and he watched Remus come in, feeling a whole range of emotions coursing through his body. He focussed on the anger and clung to it like a lifeline, as that was the emotion he knew, the emotion he grew up with, the emotion he knew how to express. The other emotions were too unfamiliar, too scary, too revealing.
“Where were you?” Sirius got up from the couch and stood behind Remus, who was standing at the kitchen counter stirring a Strenthening Potion, back turned to Sirius.
“Order mission,” Remus replied, without turning around to face Sirius. “Left a note.”
Sirius folded his arms over his chest. “Is that all you’re going to say?”
“No,” Remus replied in a flat tone. “I’m also going to say that I'm tired and I’m going to bed.”
“Fuck you, Remus,” Sirius hissed. “You think a four-word note justifies two weeks of absence?”
Remus finally turned around and glared at Sirius. “I don’t have to justify anything to you.”
“So you can just do whatever the fuck you like then?” Sirius asked. “Disappearing whenever to wherever doing whatever, and leaving me without even an inkling of when you’ll be back?”
“Don’t you dare, Sirius!” Remus shouted, pointing the spoon he was holding at Sirius’s chest, sending a few droplets flying. “Don’t you fucking dare. Don’t put this all on me when you’re the one who bloody started it. Leaving to secret meetings, not telling me what for or why I wasn’t allowed to join, acting distant and evasive. And I’m supposed to sit you down with a cup of tea and trust you with every detail of my missions when I get back?”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “So that’s what this is about then? You don’t trust me. Do you think I’m the traitor, Remus?”
“No, you stupid idiot!” Remus smashed his cup down in the sink. “I don’t think you’re the traitor, I think that you think I’m the traitor, and that’s even fucking worse!”
“Well, what am I supposed to bloody think, then?” Sirius shouted back. “You’re obviously keeping things from me! How is this sketchy behaviour going to make anything better? Why couldn’t you just come talk to me, so you could have proven that you’re not-”
“Because I shouldn’t have to proof anything to you!” A hint of pain was seeping through in Remus’s frustration. “All my life I’ve had to proof myself to everyone, and all my life I’ll have to continue proving myself, simply because of what I am, but not to you. Never to you. You’re supposed to believe in me! You’re the one person who’s supposed to be on my side.”
“And I was,” Sirius said, trying to make Remus understand. “But you know how I am, how I overthink, how I get in my head. And then you leave me alone with my own thoughts without so much as a word?”
“You were already shutting me out,” Remus replied. “Leaving me alone with my anxieties and insecurities.”
“I was gone for a couple of hours, at most,” Sirius defended himself. “You were gone for two weeks, two weeks of me having no idea where you were. Two weeks, Remus! How could you even think that was okay? How could you do that to me? I thought something had happened to you! I thought I was never going to see you again. I thought...”
It was quite a remarkable thing. Sirius looked in Remus’s eyes and suddenly, in a single moment, all his anger seemed to dissipate. Because that was just the thing now, wasn’t it? He thought he was never going to look in those eyes again. He hadn’t been angry, mistrusting or betrayed, he had just been fucking scared. Scared that he was ruining the best thing in his life and didn’t know how to stop it, scared that something had happened to Remus, scared that he had lost him.
All the emotions that used to be hidden underneath thick layers of anger, were suddenly washing over him. Threatening to overwhelm him. Fear, sadness, hurt, guilt... It was too much all at once. Sirius’s legs gave out from under him and he crumbled to the floor. He was crying. For the first time in weeks, he was crying, and now there was no stopping it.
“I thought you weren’t coming back, Moony! And you didn’t even gave me a chance to say goodbye. I thought I would never get to tell you that I love anymore. I was so scared, Moony, I was so scared...”
Sirius felt two arms wrap around him from behind and he was pulled backwards against Remus’s chest. He heard Remus softly talking to him. “I came back, I’m here, I got you, I’m here, I’m not leaving...”
They stayed like that for a while. Remus sitting on his knees, his arms wrapped around Sirius, and Sirius clinging to him. Sirius used the steady rhythm of Remus’s breathing to ground himself. He spoke again when he regained some of his composure.
“I am on your side, you know.”
He felt Remus’s arms tighten around him.
“I never thought you were the traitor,” Sirius continued, and the moment he said it he knew it was true. He had tried to shut off his emotions and only use rational thinking. He had told himself that he couldn’t know for sure Remus was truly loyal to them, and that Remus’s behaviour was suspicious. But no matter how much he had tried to use only logical reasoning, deep in his heart he never truly believed Remus would ever betray them.
“Dumbledore and I were meeting with Prongs and Lils. They want to use the Fidelius charm to go into hiding, and we were discussing me being their Secret Keeper,” Sirius said, because he was just sick of it. Sick of pretence, sick of secrets, sick of feeling like half of him was missing.
“Dumbledore asked us not to tell anyone, no exceptions. Maybe I’m blinded by love and this will be my downfall, but Merlin, I’d rather face my downfall with you by my side than get through this war alone.”
“Moody wants a spy within Greyback’s werewolf community,” Remus replied. “We were trying to make connections, and infiltrate. Moody also told me to not tell anybody. Normally I wouldn’t even consider that to include you, but you were shutting me out. I guess I wanted to... get back at you? I was being petty and vindictive.”
“You were right to be.”
Sirius felt Remus shake his head.
“No. I should never have left without a word. It was cruel and selfish and I regretted it the moment I did it. Please know that I thought of you every day. Please know that I... Merlin, I’m sorry, Padfoot! I’m just so sorry. What I’ve put you through... I’m sorry.”
“No, Moony, it was my own stupidity,” Sirius replied. “Thinking I could just start keeping secrets from you and everything would be fine... I’m an idiot. I didn’t even try to talk to you, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for creating this mess. I’m sorry for ruining everything we built together.”
“Don’t say that.” Remus’s voice suddenly sounded firm. “I’m here, aren’t I? And we’re talking.”
Sirius felt a glimmer of hope that they were actually working towards something good here, that this could be a new beginning instead of an inevitable end, that this fight was long-overdue, but maybe not too late.
After a silence, Remus whispered against his hair. “You’re going to be in a lot of danger.”
Sirius squeezed Remus’s hand. “So are you.”
“Fucking war,” Remus mumbled.
Sirius pushed himself up and turned to face Remus. They were now both sitting on their knees on the kitchen floor, looking at each other, their hands clasped together between them.
“This war is going to take so much from us,” Sirius said. “I don’t want it to take this as well, to take what we have.”
“Me neither,” Remus said. “But we’re still here, we’re still together, still fighting for us. And I’m not going to give up that fight.”
Sirius looked at Remus with a resolute expression on his face. “If we want to give us a fighting chance, we need to be honest with each other, believe each other, and trust each other.”
Remus looked back at him with the same kind of intent. “I promise I will. No matter what.”
Sirius held Remus’s hand a little tighter. “No matter what.”
From that moment on, it seemed like they managed to restore their relationship. They could rely on each other again for support and advice. Remus could vent to Sirius about the anger, frustration and powerlessness he had felt when seeing Greyback again. Sirius could check with Remus some of the plans he and James came up with regarding the going into hiding, such as the idea that has been playing in his head of making Peter the Secret Keeper in an unpredictable move, while he himself will serve as a distraction. He was slightly taken aback when Remus pressed him not to, but as Remus explained, he understood his reasoning. Remus had been worried about Peter lately. Peter seemed to have lost all hope that they could win this war, and he was terrified of what the opposing forces might do to them once they’d fall into their hands. Remus thought his fear might make Peter an easy target for You Know Who and his Death Eaters, and you never know what kind of bad decisions a desperate person can make. Sirius listened to Remus and decided to put that idea out of his head. He felt bad he hadn’t noticed Peter was in such a bad state, and this was just one of many reasons why he needed Remus in his life.
But it wasn’t just talking about plans and tactics. There were also moments of intimacy, calmness, happiness. Mornings of being tangled up in each other and not leaving the bed, afternoons of Sirius lying with his head on Remus’s lap while Remus reads to him, evenings of sitting on the carpet and eating greasy take-out, nights of dancing in the living room. Moments on which they could pretend there was no war.
But back to Sirius freaking out. You see, Remus is doing it again. He’s going to places and Sirius doesn’t know where, he’s talking to people and Sirius doesn’t know who. Once again, there’s something he’s keeping from Sirius. Sirius hasn’t confronted Remus, as he had promised to trust him. But had Remus not promised to be honest with him? Well, he’s obviously not. Sirius tries to not overthink it. Remus probably has a good reason, and he just has to wait until Remus is ready to tell him. He does trust Remus, he really does, but what if Remus doesn’t trust him anymore? Or what if he has tried, but just can’t forgive Sirius for his stupidity after all, and now he’s pulling away?
This morning, when Sirius woke up, Remus was gone. He hadn’t told Sirius where he was going, or even that he was going somewhere. The only thing there was, was another one of those damned notes, only three words this time:
Running some errands
Sirius tries to put his mind to rest as he apparates in Godric’s Hollow and makes his way over to James and Lily’s. James has asked him to come by to help him go over some documents the Order confiscated. Sirius told Remus about this, but he wonders if his boyfriend even remembers. Maybe the task can be a good distraction, but Sirius highly doubts he’ll be able to focus on any documentation right now.
He’s recognized by the protective spells surrounding the house, speaks the required passwords and steps into the hall. Unsuspecting, he walks into the living room.
The outcry is followed by a huge cloud of confetti flying in Sirius’s face. Startled, Sirius jumps backwards, and, once the cloud has subsided, looks around the room in shock. The room is excessively decorated with a large variety of garlands and balloons. In front of him are the grinning faces of his fellow Order members and friends Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Peter, James and Lily, and, of bloody course, Remus.
Sirius blinks. “What... What is this?”
“Oh, Merlin.” James steps forward and wraps him into a hug. “Moony wasn’t exaggerating when he said you had completely forgotten about your birthday.”
“My birthday?” Sirius asks dumbfounded. Is it November already? Yes, come to think of it, it is.
“And not just any birthday!” Lily exclaims. “Your twenty-first birthday! Who knows, maybe someday you’ll become an actual adult after all.”
“Let's not hope too hard, Lily,” Marlene grins.
Sirius looks around the circle of friends, still feeling rather overwhelmed. “Can I maybe talk to Moony for a second?”
“I’m sorry,” Remus says, as soon as their other friends are in the kitchen. “This was a bad idea, wasn’t it? I’m sorry, Padfoot, I just wanted to do something nice for your birthday and you always love parties so much... I could tell you noticed something was up and I could tell you were freaking out. I really am very sorry, I should’ve-”
Sirius wraps his arms tightly around Remus. “You wonderful, kind, amazing man. I love you so much, but don’t ever do that to me again!”
Remus hugs him back. “But you do like it?”
Sirius pulls back just enough so he can look at him. “I do, but please, no more secrets. And we need to work on your note-writing skills. Really, Moons, first a four-word note and now a three-word one?”
The evening really couldn’t be better. James and Lily have prepared an elaborate dinnerl and they sit around the kitchen table, just eating, drinking, talking and laughing. By the end, they serve a large, home-made cake, complete with candles. Sirius has to make a wish while blowing out the candles, because apparently there’s no age-limit to that tradition. Sirius looks around the table, to Marlene, who’s leaning with her head on Dorcas’s shoulder, contently sipping her Butterbeer, to Fabian and Gideon, who are sporting identical goofy grins, to Peter, who’s bouncing in his chair from excitement (and a few sips of brandy too much), to James, who’s looking back at him with such incredible fondness, while his arms are wrapped around Lily’s waist, and to Remus, who’s sitting next to him, holding his hand underneath the table and leaning his head on his other hand, tilted towards him with his lips curled into a soft smile. Sirius blows out the candles.
Please, please let us make it through this.
“You really put way too much effort into this,” Sirius says, as Lily is dividing the cake.
“Well,” Lily replies. “You can make us all coffee then.”
It’s a well-established fact in their friend group that Sirius makes the best coffee, and therefore it’s usually his task, birthday or not.
Sirius grins. “Normally I shouldn’t be put to work on my birthday,” he says, while getting up from his chair. “But the idea of having to drink coffee made by any of you...”
Lily jokingly rolls her eyes at him. Sirius walks towards the kitchen counter, grabbing the container in which James and Lily keep their coffee. He opens it, and it’s like his heart stops and the whole world fades away for a moment. There’s no coffee in the container. Which is not the reason for his reaction. Sure, he likes coffee, but really not so much to have an almost-heart attack at the sight of a coffee container containing no coffee. No, in the container sits a small, black box.
Sirius picks it up and turns around. His friends have huddled behind the kitchen table, staring at him with huge, hopeful smiles, and James suddenly holding a bottle of champagne, but Sirius hardly registers any of that. The only thing he focusses on is Remus, sitting on one knee right in front of him. Sirius is crying before he has even processed what’s about to happen.
“I know you didn’t want any more secrets, but I promise you, this is the last one.” There’s a tremor in Remus’s voice, probably from keeping his emotions under control. “I don’t even know how to put in words what you mean to me. With you... I don’t just want to be a better person, I’ve actually become a better person. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I hadn’t had you. I am braver, because I can be scared around you, I am more confident, because I can be insecure around you, I am happier, because I can be sad around you. You embrace every part of me and make me feel like I’m enough. You’re it for me, Sirius. I know you aren’t thrilled about my note-writing skills, from a four-word note to a three-word note, but I’m afraid there’s one more. Open it.”
With shaking hands, Sirius opens the black box. Inside, he sees a beautiful, elegant silver ring, and a small piece of parchment tucked in the lid. Sirius takes it out and unfolds it, seeing it is, indeed, a two-word note:
Marry me?
“Yes,” Sirius manages to say through his tears. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.” He flings himself forward to tackle Remus to the ground in a hug. He vaguely registers the sound of cheers and a champagne bottle popping open. He stares at Remus. “I’m yours, Remus Lupin,” he whispers, before kissing him.
Later that night, when they’re home and in bed, Sirius lying on his back with Remus nestled against him, head resting on his chest, Sirius has his hand stretched out in front of him, and both of them are staring at the ring around his finger, gleaming in the dim moonlight.
“When Prongs and I were discussing the idea of me proposing,” Remus says. “I said that a war was no time to be thinking about a wedding. Prongs replied that a war was no time to wait with the things you truly want, as tomorrow the whole world may crumble.”
“If tomorrow the world crumbles,” Sirius replies. “Having this, this evening, this moment, just this, makes it all worth it.”
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ineloqueent · 3 years
hi tina 💞 not sure how easy this is, since my astrophysics knowledge is nearing -273 *C, but you could do mutuals as astronomical sights? comets, planets, galaxies etc... sorry if not!! 💖✨
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anna! and anon! you’ve given me a wonderful chance to ramble about space. you may come to regret it, however...
if i’ve forgotten you, please do not take it personally! i didn’t mean to. my mind is just but a glorified puddle :)
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@archaicmusings — vega
vega is the brightest star in the constellation lyra, and happens to be my favourite star. don’t ask me why vega is my favourite star, or why lyra is my favourite constellation, because i haven’t got a coherent answer for you. i’ve just always been drawn to them. a bit like cal, really. i feel like we’ve known each other for far longer than just four months, and she’s so lovely that i’m fairly sure i could say anything to her and she’d just accept me for whatever rubbish i’m rambling about this time. and, in the depressing year that’s been 2020, cal has been a bright star.
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@drivenbybri — halley’s comet
honestly, is there anything more iconic than halley’s comet? there can’t be much. probably the best known comet of all time, halley’s comet is a short-period comet (and if you’ve read starstruck, you know how much i prefer short-period comets to those long-period comets with their damned 200-year perihelions, even if certain people suggest that this makes them quite special), meaning that it is visible from earth every 75-ish years. halley’s comet last made an appearance in the lovely year of 1986, and will thus appear next in 2061 (i’m so excited for my 59-year-old self!!!). halley’s comet, though well-known, is still a rare breed, so to speak. it is rare, and extraordinarily beautiful that a comet appears to a human twice within their lifetime. sofie is rare, just like halley’s comet, and equally beautiful, both in heart and with that lovely curly hair of hers. i’m honoured to know her, just as i shall be honoured to see halley’s comet one day.
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@brianmays-hair — cassiopeia a
cassiopeia a (or rather, the remnant of cassiopeia a) was a supernova within the constellation of cassiopeia. for those of you who do not obsess over interstellar matter the way that i do, supernovae are explosions of massive stars, or white dwarfs drawn to nuclear fusion, within their final stages of life. not much is known about how these explosions necessarily take place, and nasa has only caught on video one such explosion, back in 2016. the most commonly presented image of the remnant of cassiopeia a is a false-colour image, composed with three different wavebands of light. it is, as you can see, very beautiful. supernovae radiate energy and light throughout the cosmos during their existence, and thus having a great effect on the space surrounding them. i therefore liken jess to cassiopeia a because she has a brilliant personality, vibrant and inspiring, which comes across especially in her writing. but of course, the beauty of cassiopeia a has nothing on her.
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@deacyblues — sirius
as far as we humans and the scientists among us know, sirius is the brightest star in the observable universe. housed within the constellation of canis major, sirius has always been monumentally important in terms of navigation, since ancient times. i tell pearl this all the time, but truly, i mean it; her outlook on life is inspiring, how she never fails to be positive even in times of great trouble. like sirius, pearl is a light, ever-present within the mindset of living for today, ever-determined, and unfailingly kind.
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@joemazzmatazz — black hole
please let me explain before this gets taken the wrong way: I LOVE BLACK HOLES. i specifically want to study black holes, whenever i get the chance to specialise within astrophysics. they fascinate me to no end, with a kind of allure that only the mysterious can hold. furthermore, black holes may be the key to understanding the universe; if we understand black holes, we will be able to make headway on other matter, such as dark matter, and dark energy, the latter of which makes up the majority of the observable universe, and will lead us to astronomical (if you’ll pardon the ill-worded expression, and the unintentional pun) conclusions concerning both the beginning of our universe, and the eventual end. regan, just like a black hole, is a wealth of information, especially concerning the knowledge she harbours about disney, and the business management sector of it. it’s quite truly inspirational.
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@im-an-adult-ish — the milky way
ah yes, the milky way. home to all of us. and that is the essence of my explanation here. meredith has such a friendly way about her, and she’s the kind of person you can easily turn to and feel welcomed. a bit like our little corner of the universe <3
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@almightygwil — the sun
i think this is probably self-explanatory, if a bit repetitive, but ellie is a ray of sunshine. but perhaps that sells her a little short, because ellie is just so genuinely lovely that she must herself be the sun. her writing talent astounds me (you could say it blinds me, ha ha), and she never fails to be somehow both sweet and very chaotic at the same time. it’s very admirable (and certainly relatable, on the chaotic front). the sun itself, if we think about the surface and the fusion that takes place there, is both the sweetest sight ever seen, and quite chaotic, so i think it fitting that ellie is the sun.
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@hijackmy-heart — callisto
callisto is one of jupiter’s moons, and my favourite, because it looks like a piece of the night sky decided to curl up into a ball. i don’t know nat too well, but i know that she’s gorgeous, like callisto, and loves roger taylor. let me explain. jupiter, in roman mythology, is the god of the sky and of thunder. in norse mythology, thor is the equivalent of jupiter, and to me, roger has always had a bit of that typical scandinavian look going, with the blonde hair and blue eyes (not to say that all scandis look like this, but he fits the stereotype :)). nat loves roger, and callisto orbits jupiter, so there you have it.
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@six-bloodyminutes — the moon
the moon has a serenity about it, and mo has a knack for telling quite wild things with a most casual air. for instance, according to my sources, when a certain dorm room caught fire (?). mo thus bears this serenity, akin to the serenity i associate with the moon, with equal grace and chaos.
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@dancingdiscofloof — pluto
pluto! the not-planet-oh-wait-maybe-it’s-a-planet-jk-jk-unless..? i still think that pluto should be considered a planet, despite the many arguments against the poor sod. pluto was once a planet, and should therefore have remained a planet, for the plain and simple fact that taking away its planethood was like giving a person a present, and then taking it back immediately afterward. anyway. i’m rambling. i also do not know rove very well, but i know that she’s kind, and, judging by the memes she shares, both of ryan gosling and tom hanks, that she is quirky— a bit like our beloved pluto.
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@imcompletelylost — aurora borealis/aurora australis
also known as the northern lights/the southern lights, the polar lights, the merry dancers, the fox fires, or swarms of luminous herring (you can thank my ancestors, followers of norse mythology, for that one), the aurora is an astronomical phenomenon precipitated by the complete ring of light surrounding the poles, “which at its brightest has a distinctively green tint” (may, brian, et al. the cosmic tourist. carlton books, 2016.). yes i just made a citation from one of brian’s books. don’t worry about it. anyway, particles emitted from our sun are caught by the magnetic fields of earth’s poles, and thus produce this ethereal effect. but you know what the aurora has always reminded me of? disco lights. and libby is noting if not the queen of disco. oh, and, libby’s makeup talents? the aurora could never.
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@aprilaady — butterfly nebula
the butterfly nebula is incredibly beautiful. but also, depending on from which angle it is beheld, it looks quite different. dor will surprise you, in the loveliest way possible (and sometimes the funniest) with a kind word or a joke, or even just a relatable comment. she has so many talents, being rivetingly smart within so many fields, especially the sciences, and in this, conveys multitudes, like the butterfly nebula. one might say her soul is painted like the wings of butterflies...
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@doing-albri — solar eclipse
the alignment of the sun, moon, and earth. difficult to see, especially in totality, if you continually live in the same place. but there’s something magical in that alignment, i think. something quite poetic. it’s partially in the name ‘eclipse’ and partially in the nickname— a “ring of fire.” i saw the solar eclipse in august of 2018, and looking up at it, i was quite awestruck. you’re not supposed to stare directly at solar eclipses, because despite the moon overshadowing the sun, you can still damage your eyes significantly by looking at them. vi is so bright, both in her attitude and in her intelligence, and thus i’ve chosen the solar eclipse for her. also, when a solar eclipse occurs, using a piece of cardboard with a hole (or generally any thick-radius circular object with an opening), you can recreate the phenomenon on another surface, resulting in beautiful patterns and light-art, which i think speaks to vi’s eye for aesthetics.
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@imalososos — meteor shower
meteor showers are perhaps some of the most beautiful phenomena i have ever seen. back in the summer of 2016, i stayed up all night to watch the perseids rush across the sky, and i was not disappointed, by any means. within the early hours of the 12th of august, an estimated 80 meteors darted across the heavens each hour. meteors, in essence, are clusters of mineral, usually debris from comets, which enter the atmosphere of a planet, and thus seem to shoot across the sky. now, you may be wondering, what’s the bloody blooming difference between meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites, and why are we talking about meteors in particular? well, meteoroids are cosmic debris that have not yet entered an atmosphere; as soon as a piece of cosmic debris enters a planet’s atmosphere, it is classified as a meteor. as for meteorites, nothing is a meteorite unless it strikes the ground. anyway. you didn’t come here for my science ramblings. meteors are also called ‘shooting stars,’ and let’s be honest, they’re space’s idea of art. streaks of light across the sky? sounds like a painting to me, and darya, among many other things, is an artist— and a brilliant one, at that. so i think it very fitting to describe her as the art of the universe <3
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@mazzell-ro — saturn
i! love! saturn!!! being the only planet in our solar system with highly visible rings, it just stands out to me. it’s absolutely gorgeous, and an object of much inspiration to me, when i was little and decided that space was absolutely something i wanted to see. i could write an eight-verse song about saturn, i love it so much, and honestly, i think ro could write one too; she’s an excellent musician. but aside from its lovely rings, saturn is unique because its composition, in the ratio of its gases, would allow the planet to float in water. ro is uniquely wonderful, and her writing!!!!!!!! makes me so soft and happy and makes me want to give her the word. quite how i feel when i look up at saturn.
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@mistiermistshazierdays — zodiacal light
you may recognise this term as brian’s speciality from when he was studying astrophysics. but what is it? zodiacal light is that strange triangle of light that appears glowing in the sky after twilight and before dawn, and is the subject of much earth-based astrophotography. extraordinarily beautiful, scientists are still not entirely sure what the phenomenon is, but most research and practical experiments are in favour of zodiacal light being sunlight reflected off of cosmic dust (also known as stardust!). now, if my knowledge of ancient greece and its mythology serves me, the name phoebe comes from phoebus, and (thank you google) means ‘bright.’ zodical light… bright… phoebe… you might say it’s a match made in the heavens. quite literally if we’re talking space. phoebe, you kind soul, you are stardust.
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@speciallyred — andromeda galaxy
and last, but certainly not least, dear anna. i name thee the andromeda galaxy, partially for your own name, and partially for its poetic beauty. andromeda, the neighbour galaxy of our deal ol’ milky way, is actually about 2.5 million lightyears (15 trillion miles, 22.5 trillion km) away from us, here on earth. call me vain for the number of times i’ve described the beauty of space throughout this rather extended exposition, but andromeda is startlingly beautiful. one reason for this objective beauty is that andromeda is estimated to be home to roughly double the number of stars within our own galaxy. anna is one of the most talented poets i have ever come across, hands down, and what be the food of poetry, if not the stars?
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Due to my laptop being a piece of shit I accidentally deleted the request but I finished it and saved it so its fine side note: this user was so creative when they came up with this and I’m debating on whether or not to make a Remus fanfic.
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You hated the moon. The fucking moon. That thing needed to DIE. When you were five you had a nasty attack from a werewolf, it injuring you and leaving a wonderful bite. One that led you to have the same affliction as your attacker. It was a lonely experience to be a werewolf, no one could relate to your constant struggle with the moon, your need for chains so you couldn't hurt anyone and worst of all the literal pains of changing into what you were. You usually hid in a cave near the forbidden forest, waking up freezing and alone. You had no one helping your with this, no one there.
That's where Remus was different. He had his friends, who all secretly became Animagus to assist him during rough nights. He had people there, that was where you differed. He had someone. You didn't.
Well... Until recently. It was a particularly hard night, lot of screaming from you. Usually there wasn't a soul who could hear you, but Sirius was walking back from the shrieking shack and heard it. You had chained yourself to the cave wall, aching as you could feel the changes coming when you heard footsteps. You were snarling, slowly changing as you moved back into the dark. "Get. Out." You huffed at the figure.
"You're a werewolf..." Sirius said, kneeling. You thrashed in the chains, growling at him. "You chained yourself!?" He asked. "Get. Out." You repeated, more begging than anything. You laid on the ground twitching as your chest was rising and falling rapidly. Sirius walked out, you still going through an agonizing pain. He came back later though with a bottle, sitting cross legged on the floor. "W-what are you doing!?" You asked.
He waited for your next violent urge to grip your face and force feed you a potion. Your pain suddenly stopped and you were sweating. "W-what did you give me?" You asked. "A potion to stop the pains. You'll still change but it'll hurt less." Sirius said. "Why are you helping me?" You asked feeling the claws slowly form. "Because I have a friend that's like you and I refuse to leave you alone when you clearly need help." was the last thing you could remember before blacking out.
It was a rough night indeed, Sirius having to change into his Animagus form to slow you down and stop you from hurting yourself. You woke up to the sunlight from the cave entrance hitting your face, a leather jacket draped over you and three boys standing there baffled. "I don't believe it, she's actually like Remus." a black haired boy gaped. "She chained herself?" another boy asked, scars across his face. "Yeah, probably to keep herself in here, she didn't even have a potion with her to help." Sirius said looking at you. You slowly leaned up, wincing like it was a bad hangover. The boy with the scars kneeled to you "Careful there... It's always harder after the potion." he warned. You pulled back, shaking as you did and seemed to be terrified seeing other people. "Why are you here!?" You asked. "We're here to help." The dark haired boy said. "I could hurt you-- please get away from me!" You panted. The boy with scars got up, finding the keys to the chains rather quickly and unlocked them. You winced, gripping your shoulder.
"Sirius did you bite her?" The boy with scars asked. "Had to, she was going to rip off her fucking wrist at the rate she was going." Sirius said. "You. Do you have clothes?" James asked. "I-in a bag over there." You said, pointing but then wincing. "How deep did you bite man?" The black haired boy asked. "Sorry." Sirius said to you. "What do they mean by bite?" You asked as the black haired boy handed you the bag and the boys faced away from you.
"Sirius is an Animagus, we all are except for Remus." the boy with black hair said. "Who's Remus?" You asked, looking at the boy's backs as you changed. Remus raised his hand. "That would be me." He said. "You guys can look now." You said. They all turned around. "Who are you? and why are you here?" You asked. "I'm Sirius, that's James, that's Peter and you know Remus." Sirius introduced. Peter extended his hand and you shook your head retreating back. It was almost like you were afraid of touch. "Uhm... Remus is a werewolf-- We all thought he was the only one on campus." Peter admitted. "It feels strangely good to be wrong." Remus admitted. You swallowed and looked down. "We're not going to tell anyone but... Do you need help--" "No." You lied. "Bullshit." Sirius called you out. You looked at him before hiding behind your hair. "We know where you are now, we know where you go. Now it's obvious you do this alone so you can lie to us and tell us your fine but I will show up here and I will sit in that fucking corner and watch your ass like I did last night regardless if you want me here or not. Now. Again. Do you need help?" Sirius asked sternly. The group gaped at him and you shook.
"No one was supposed to know." you whimpered. "Now we do... And we want to help. We really want to help." James said. You looked at them, tears falling. "Please help me." you whispered. Remus understood this pain, this gut wrenching pain of feeling alone. So it was no surprise when he hugged you.
From that point on you were with the group. You tried to hang out alone but one of them was always with you. Remus was usually the one who you were around the most though, he was calmer than the others. James, Peter and especially Sirius were all hyperactive nutbags that ran off of pure energy. Remus understood you. He understood your thoughts and your way of things. He didn't approve of you constantly keeping to yourself by any means. But he understood why you did it. Though, the Marauders were all DETERMINED to get you out.
They got to know you before the next full moon. Like REALLY got to know you. Their hearts hurt listening to you talk about what it was like at home. How after you found out you were a werewolf your mother wouldn't look at you. How your dad used to help you with the transformations but after a year he just stopped so you were alone. How most of the scars on your body were self inflicted because even the wolf in you hated being alive. But the thing at nearly broke Remus was finding out that when he hugged you in the cave, it was the first time you had been hugged in nearly a decade.
A part of you was glad Remus was your first hug in a while. As time was passing, you and Remus became particularly close. Hogsmeade didn't help this either. Both of you were close together. Physically close. Sirius didn't realize why until he realized you had a cold and your body temperature was going everywhere. The funny thing about werewolves is they are REALLY FUCKING WARM. And because you had a cold it was also being a bitch. Remus wrapped his scarf and put his hat on you, keeping you close if you were too cold. Sirius noticed at look everytime you were leaned against Remus, he had this small smile and occasionally would keep his arm around you until you pulled away.
"I'm sure it's not that bad Y/n." James said. "Oi, it is fucking cold, fuck off." You whined. James snorted and you shivered as Remus held you close. "I've been sick before, it actually is really bad." Remus agreed. "See, I'm not crazy." You said, sticking your tongue out at James. "I didn't say that." Remus joked making you playfully punch his arm. "Let's get something warm in you, your throat is probably killing you." Remus said.
The other boys swapped looks of "he really likes her" and smiled. "Hey, we're going to Honeydukes to see if they have anything that might help." Sirius lied. "We are?" Peter asked, earning a smack on the back of his head and Peter realized what they were doing. "WE ARE!" Peter said walking away with James and Sirius. "...Okay... Then?" You muttered confused.
You sat down in the Three Broomsticks out of the cold. "Why did I have to be sick? Why?" You whined. Remus chuckled as he ordered while your head was on the table. You watched him, your head resting on your arms while you did. "Your eyes are pretty." You mumbled. You figured amongst the crowds and the talking he wouldn't hear you but instead he looked over with a kind smile and said "yours are too Y/n."
You blushed and looked away making Remus smile. "Next moon's coming up..." You mumbled. "Yes, the boys seem to have some plan. They were discussing it before we left." Remus said. "Any clue what it is?" You asked. "Nope." Remus shrugged. Warm butter beer ws placed in front of the two of you and you sipped on it. "I honestly don't know how this is going to go." You muttered. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean, I am now aware of Sirius' presence. What if I try to attack him instead of myself?" You asked. "He'll keep you at bay, trust me." Remus said. "That's a lot of trust."  You noted. "they've done a lot to earn that trust." Remus said. You nodded but still kept a troubled look. "They can help you Y/n, I promise." Remus assured. You gave a small smile before sneezing and groaning. "this sucks." You groaned.
Remus and you ended up walking around hogsmeade, you two talking about whatever came to mind before you saw the aforementioned Shrieking Shack. "So that's what the Whomping Willow is connected to?" You asked. "Yep." Remus nodded looking at it. "...Seems strangely... Peaceful in it's own way." You muttered, watching the house sway. "It's not as terrifying as once you've been in it." Remus chuckled. "There you two are!" Sirius said from behind you, slinging his arms over both of you. "So. The plan for the next full moon?" You asked. "Ohh. Right about that." Sirius cleared his throat.
You found yourself sitting again, in the three broomsticks with the whole group. "Sorry, you want to do what!?" You asked. "We think it's a good idea, it was a unanimous decision." James shrugged. "When the hell did you consult the two of us?" You asked. "We didn't. But we're the ones who have to keep you two at bay and we think it'd be better to keep you together--" "What happens if I attack Remus!? You're literally leading us into a DOG FIGHT!?" You asked, clearly panicked. "Breathe Y/n." Remus soothed. You gripped your skirt, clearly bothered. "Y/n, we promise if it goes south we'll pull you both out of there." Peter said. "Yes, because that's easy with werewolves." You spat. "Y/n... Try to trust us." James said. You ran a hand over your face. "Sirius. Side bar." You muttered.
Sirius got up and you stood outside. "I need a favor." You said. "What's up Crescent?" He asked. "...What?" You asked. "Mooney. Crescent." Sirius pointed to Remus through the window and then you. "...I need you to make me a promise." You said. "What?" Sirius asked. "If you can't separate me and Remus, put me down." You said. Sirius blinked. "You want us to kill you!?" He asked, making Remus' head snap to the direction of your voices. "Yes." You said. "Y/n that's a very loaded thing to ask me to do!" Sirius said before Remus walked out.
"Tell me you didn't ask him to do what I think you did." Remus said. "Remus--" "Tell me you did not just ask him to kill you!" He said. "If I hurt you--" "Y/n I am not letting that happen!" Remus said. "If I hurt you Remus I don't know what I'd do!" You snapped. "Y/n, you're not going to lose me--" "I literally don't know what I'd do if I knew I had hurt you!" You admitted. "Y/n--" "I care about you Remus and if I lost you--" "Y/n--" "I can't lose you, I'd be back to being alone and I-I just can't!" Remus cupped your face, forcing you to look at him. "I won't let that happen Y/n." He said sternly. You didn't say anything, swallowing the lump in your throat before hugging him. He cradled your head to his chest, Sirius watching the two of you with a small smile.
The next full moon was dreadful. You packed your bag and walked out of your dorm, the boys all standing around. "If this fails..." "It won't." James assured. You sighed and walked with them, slipping through the halls and to the whomping willow. You went through the gap in the roots after Remus, literally sliding into his arms after you fell in. The others slid in behind you and you sighed, watching the sun slowly fall. "Scared?" Remus asked. "I always am." You muttered. Sirius handed you and Remus potions. "Bottoms up." Remus sighed before drinking it. You drank yours and gagged. "Fuck that's disgusting." You winced.
You sat against the wall, waiting for the moon to present itself and you sighed. "Do your transformations hurt?" You asked Remus. "God yes." He nodded. You swallowed and noticed the glow. "Here we go." You muttered before feeling your body go numb. You breathed heavily before feeling your claws dig in the floor, snarling as you slowly changed.
The boys watched you and Remus go through the transformation, all them preparing to potentially separate you two. But something strange happened.
You both snarled at the sight of each other but sniffed each other. James rose a brow and watched Remus do what he assumed was a bark and you two... Just played together? It was like watching two dogs be the best of friends and you two eventually tired yourselves out, laying against each other. All of the boys fell asleep, seeing how peaceful it was.
The sun hit your face, an arm draped over you. You had someone breathing against you, who was that? You leaned up, wincing as the sun seemed to be a lot brighter making one of the boys wake up. "Oh shit-- you're naked--" James said looking away. You blushed and rolled over, seeing a sleeping Remus who's hair was in his face. Your eyes widened and you pulled away, grabbing your bag and changing. Remus woke up, due to the abrupt movement. James chuckled and threw Remus his clothes making him start to get dressed. "What was keeping me warm?" Remus asked. "Y/n." Sirius yawned. "What?" Remus asked. "You two didn't fight, actually it was like watching puppies play together. But uhm.. you two just fell asleep and because it was so peaceful so we did too." James explained. You walked in fully clothed now and blushed looking away from a shirtless Remus.
Sirius smirked and you cleared your throat. "you two were so calm." Peter yawned. "It's so weird, I've never even heard of this happening before." James muttered. You rose a brow. "What happened?" You asked. "Apparently we were very calm around each other last night." Remus answered. "We were?" You asked. "So much so that we fell asleep." Peter added. Sirius chuckled looking at you, who was blushing. "What does this even mean?" James asked. "I'm not sure, I've never heard of werewolves even acting calm like this before." Remus said. "Me neither." You noted. Peter pulled a book out of his bag and started flipping through pages. "What the hell?" James asked. "What?" Peter asked. "You keep a book of werewolves on hand?" Sirius asked. "I carried it to see if there were any methods to separate them if we needed to." Peter said, earning "oh's" from all of you.
Peter flipped through and shook his head. "Not seeing anything on this. Maybe a teacher would know." Peter said. "Yes, that will be normal 'Hey Minerva, what do you do if two werewolves don't attack each other?'" Sirius said sarcastically. "Think Severus would know?" Peter asked. James gagged at the idea of talking to him. "What if this is like... A mating thing?" Sirius asked. "What!?" You and Remus asked in unison. "What if the reason you two are calm is your in your mating season or something?" Sirius asked making your face turn red. "No. Sirius that's not how this works." Peter said. "Then how does it 'work' Wormtail, because I'm pretty damn confused?" Sirius asked. "If they were in mating season they probably would've done a lot more than goof off." James said making Peter nod and Remus blushed, putting a hand on his neck and looking away. "CAN WE CHANGE THE SUBJECT!?" You asked. "Okay okay! We'll figure this out, there's got to be a book or something in the library." Peter assured.
Well there wasn't. Which led to Peter asking about it to his defense of the dark arts teacher "Mr. Greyland". He wasn't a cruel man by any means, in fact he was very kind. Old. But very kind. "Mr. Greyland I have a question." Peter asked after all the students had left. "Yes Peter?" The professor asked. "Say two werewolves were put together and they didn't attack each other... What does that mean?" Peter asked. Greyland turned around and rose a brow. "That would be a very rare event... See that only happens when a werewolf was paired with a soulmate." He replied. Peter's eyes went wide. "Uh... Thank you sir... Read it in some crappy novel lately, wanted to find out why, thanks bye!" Peter lied, running out the door.
He went to the Gryffindor common room, grabbing James and Sirius. "What's going on?" Sirius asked. "They're soulmates!" Peter said. "What?" James asked. "Remus and Y/n, the only reason they didn't attack each other was because they're connected by fate, it's something they can sniff out or something!" Peter said. "....Holy shit." James gaped. "Wow, so Remus REALLY has a shot at this." Sirius said. "More than a shot, he literally has a thousand lifetimes to say something!" Peter said. "Do we tell them?" Sirius asked. "DUH." James said.
Almost on cue you and Remus walked in, both of you laughing at something before you noticed the boys looking at the two of you. "Uhm.. hi?" You waved. "We found the answer." Sirius said. "To what?" Remus asked. "To why you two canoodle instead of fight." James answered making you blush. "You're soulmates." Sirius said. You snorted. "Sorry what?" You asked. "Soulmates." James repeated. "That's..." "Ridiculous." Remus agreed. "Seriously!? WE LITERALLY FLY ON BROOMS FOR SPORT AND THIS IS WHERE YOU DRAW THE LINE!?" James gaped. "Yeah because it sounds like a cheesy movie." You laughed. "I know, what's next-- we're actually from two separate planets and we're literally star crossed lovers or something?" Remus asked.
You two shared many laughs over this but at the end of the day you found yourselves back in the shrieking shack. You and Remus were basically locked in a room together and sure enough you two were found the next morning in the same predicament as last time, his arm draped over you and holding you close. You both woke up around the same time both of you looking at each other. You blushed and looked away, Remus doing the same. He noticed a long scar though on your thigh. "how'd that happen?" He asked. "Hmm?" You asked, grabbing your clothes. "The thigh scar." Remus pointed. "Werewolf hunters in the area... Thought I was an adult they uhm..." You cleared your throat. "They nearly killed me." You muttered. "Christ." Remus gaped as he looped his belt through his pants and you slid on your shirt.
"Do you think the guys are... Right... About the soulmate stuff?" You asked. "...Maybe?" Remus said. You looked at him surprised and he rose a brow. "Is that so crazy?" He asked. "I mean... No but--" "So you think there is a connection?" Remus asked. You blushed and looked away. "Remus I--" the door opened and you both saw Sirius eating an apple. "Morning losers." He said nonchalantly. "Hey." You said quietly. Sirius rose a brow as you brushed past him.
The rest of the day you avoided Remus, it was so strange. The group didn't know what was with you. You were jumpier, you were more anxious and Remus was worried. Did he do something wrong?
Tonight though, was the last full moon. You knew this was going to be the worst night. The last nights always were. You could never remember what you did all you could remember was the pain. That night the boys could tell you were hurting too, Remus seemed worried even in his werewolf form. You were yelping and he'd whine making the boys deeply concerned. When the sun finally came out you were curled into Remus's arms. You didn't even sleep you woke up wincing and your skin was almost burning. Remus didn't say anything holding you as you shook in agony
"it burns--" you whined. "it will pass just hold on a little longer." Remus soothed. You whimpered against him, Sirius walking in with another potion. "Y/n, try to take this, it'll stop the pain--" "It will make it worse." You whimpered. Remus and Sirius exchanged a look of confusion. "What do you mean?" Remus asked. "It will just make the pain worse-- it's a-a allergy." You heaved in pain. "So we have to watch you suffer!?" Sirius asked. "You don't have to watch you can leave." You breathed. Remus pulled you closer, Sirius handing you a shirt. You wrapped it over you, flinching at the cloth's contact with your skin. Remus actually had to assist you in getting dressed, even when you all got back to the Gryffindor common room you were shaking and flinching at any noise. Remus was not leaving your side and he managed to lull you to sleep, you nearly passing out on top of him while he read.
Remus didn't dare to move something so precious, something so kind and sweet who didn't deserve to bare this curse. You had suffered long enough. You deserved something better than this. Whether that was unconditional love, friendship or romance, Remus didn't care. He just wanted you safe and happy.
You woke up with a wince, a headache still present but the burning gone. You realized Remus was underneath you, sleeping and with his arm holding you. You blushed but didn't move to wake him. Your hand seemed to have a life of it's own as you brushed his hair out of his eyes. His lips parted and you smiled softly. For someone who could be considered a killer he seemed so normal and tranquil. You kept your hand on the side of his face, tracing the edge of his scar with your thumb before you felt his hand clasp yours. Your eyes widened and you pulled away, shocked and he looked at you. "Enjoying yourself there Crescent?" He asked. Your face flushed and he smiled. You sat up, looking away.
Suddenly everything clicked for Remus. The soulmate question, the sudden need to avoid him, the fact you always spent time with just him. "How long have you liked me?" Remus asked. Your face darkened and you got up. "I should study--" "Y/n. Please. Tell me." He asked. You couldn't say no to those god damn puppy eyes. You sighed and shook your head. "I think I started liking you after you hugged me. I never said anything because... Well I figured because it was the first real touch I've had in a while, I was just liking the first thing that came along... Then I... Then the guys told us we were soulmates and..." You explained. Remus found himself smiling at you. "It's okay if you don't feel the same way. Honestly." You assured. "Are you joking?" Remus snorted. "What?" You asked. "How could I not feel the same way Y/n? Did you know for the first time since I was four I've been able to sleep? Like actually sleep?" Remus asked. You cocked your head to the side almost like a confused dog.
"I love you Y/n, long before I even found out we were soulmates." Remus said making you gape. You swallowed and stared at him in silence. "....Y/n?" Remus waved a hand in front of your face to see if you zoned out. You grabbed his hand, yanking him forward and kissing him. He was of course shocked but once he figured out what was happening he cupped your face, closing his eyes and practically became putty in your hands.
It wasn't until a thud from someone dropping something rang out that you two pulled away from each other. "OH. MY. GOD." Sirius gaped, his books on the floor and his eyes wide. You blushed and Remus pursed his lips looking down before snorting. You looked at Remus and then Sirius before laughing with Remus. "H-How long have you two been like that!?" Sirius asked. "Like two seconds, but my God your face was priceless!" Remus wheezed. You laughed harder and nearly fell off the couch, red in the face from laughter.
"We deserve a soft epilogue, my love. We are good people, and we've suffered long enough." - cardiamachina
Taglist: @amhyeah​ @newtaholic-staygold​ @bbeauttyybbx​ @fleurho​ @yodeadxss​ @secretaccshh 
And of course the creative requester: @green-intervention​
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