#yeah that person really needed to just go to sleep if they were bored enough to do this
helluvapoison · 4 months
Hi! I feel a little awkward bc I’ve never asked anonymously but I really wanted to ask this but wasn’t comfortable enough to ask regularly, but I really enjoy your hazbin works and the hyperfixation has been gripping me HARD and I wanted to see what you’d think of a Lucifer x Reader where they have a sort of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts vibes, where Reader is his personal assistant and what your thought on that are?
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
i put my thoughts at the bottom :3c
• As his colleague, Lucifer is rather frustrating. He hired you as his personal assistant but won’t let you assist
• In the beginning, the most he’ll ask of you is if you know where something is. The answer is usually in his hand or line of sight. Without making him feel dumb, you simply retrieve it for him
• It doesn’t go unnoticed by Lucifer either. He praises you often and in the form of a soft, “What would I do without you?”
• “I’m sure I don’t want to find out, Mr Morningstar.”
• Maybe it takes a minute for the initial “I’m working for the King of Hell” shock to wear off and when it does you realize it was clouding your judgment. Lucifer truly does require your help but he’s incapable of asking for what he needs; it’s up to you to step in and make necessary decisions on his behalf
• That’s what he’s paying you for, right?
• You tell him exactly what’s going to happen before you do it so he’s not caught off guard. He still is. Baffled, really, that you got so ballsy overnight
• Let the banter and boundary pushing begin. Nothing major! You just keep to your word, continuing your courageous streak
• Plucking all the sticky notes off the wall and collecting the ones that were so old they dropped to the floor, you spend an entire day sorting through them. You give his schedule a must needed update and sync it to both your phones so either of you could make changes and be alerted to it
“Why do I need your play-by-play?” He asks teasingly
“So you don’t call me at 4am because you forget I’m not here. Y’know, like last time.”
• Oh yeah, personal space and boundaries cease to exist between you. He’ll sit right next to you, or pull your chair closer to his. When he’s bored, he’ll sit right on your desk
• When he brings you to meetings, which is always because you’re supposed to be focusing on his behalf, he leans in and makes jokes that have you pressing your lips together to be quiet
• “I need to take notes,”
• “And you’re doing great, now jot down how Asmodeus’ shirt is on backwards,” He snickers
• Texting outside your shifts is a regular occurrence. Messages sent back and forth until it’s beyond sleeping hours and you tell him to go to bed
• “See you in 3 hours.” He texts back like he’s counting down (he is)
• Miraculously, you covered all corners of his (rather empty) mansion. Nothing was off limits to you except Charlie’s old room. You made sure dishes left his room or office and made it to the kitchen, checks for the house staff went out on time, supplies were stocked, etc.
• You take paperwork off his desk, screen and divert miscellaneous calls to your phone instead of his, overall taking unnecessary weight from his shoulders. You go as far as to pencil in mealtimes. It’s appreciated even though he’d still forget if you weren’t around
• “I’m beginning to suspect you’re underpaid,” Lucifer partially jokes
• You’re really, really not
• Sure, he spouts his stream of consciousness and it’s up for you to decipher what’s important and what’s just him sharing random details. Yes, he has you sit on his chair while he gestures wildly and explains the mechanics of something you don’t understand just because he’s excited about it. And yes, maybe, you spend too much time in his house than your own
• But you’re disgustingly overcompensated. You thought he made a mistake when you saw your paycheck. If not by actual money, Lucifer spoils you rotten in ways he definitely shouldn’t and doesn’t for his other employees
• “You deserve it for putting up with me,” His voice is laced with more adoration than acceptable, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
• You haven’t been doing it for the money in a long time
• The two of you have been teetering over the line of professional and inappropriate, praying, begging really, to fall on the side of the latter
• You almost kill him when you say you want to quit. Lucifer’s ready to offer you Hell on a golden platter if you’ll stay
• “It’s not about the money. I-I can’t do this anymore, I feel like a gold digger and I hate it! I don’t want to be your assistant, I want more and I–”
• Lucifer heard more and is struck with the overwhelming urge to kiss you
• “How much more?” He asks instead, voice cracking in anticipation, “If it’s in my power, it’s yours for the taking.”
• “Mr Morning—“
• “You want more? I can give you more. I can give you everything, anything, just tell me what you want. I know I’m a mess but I can be better! I can— I can,” Lucifer scrambles to find something, his wild eyes searching the air between you for anything you haven’t already done for him. He sighs, “I can be better, I promise…”
• “Because I want more too. I want to take you on cheesy dates, I want to have you beside me everywhere I go, I want all of Hell to know you’re mine. I want you to come here and stay here because you want to!” He wheezes and tugs at his collar, “And now I feel like want isn’t a word anymore because I’ve been saying it too much— do you ever do that? You say it over and over again and it starts to.. to…”
• He stares at your hand, placed softly over his to stop him from clutching at his clothes. Oh fuck, he can’t breathe
• “You’re really working for that pride title, aren’t you?” You tease softly, smoothing out the wrinkles in his vest before stealing his other hand, “Tell me more about what you want, Mr—“
• “Lucifer,” He all but begs
• “Lucifer,” You hum and he shivers, “What else?”
• “Don’t leave me,” He breathes, “I’ll be better.”
• “You’re already enough.”
• Painfully aware of how close the two of you have become, Lucifer struggles to keep your eyes locked with his. Your lips look so enticing, they always have
• His voice is quiet, almost broken, when he says, “I—I need you to say it.”
• “I won’t leave you. I’m still quitting though,” You smile, hovering over his lips, “So you’ll have to find a different way to compensate me.”
• “Pfft. Easy peasy,”
• He says nonchalantly as if he hasn’t tripped over nothing imagining your lips on his before. It’s nothing compared to the real thing
• Once again, you’re overcompensated
╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ hello hi ✨! you’re getting a kith, c’mere. I absolutely see the vibes you’re going for and I am here for it!
i think tony and pepper are hilarious and adorable but i recognise it isn’t the healthiest of relationships out there. i know that’s not what you were implying at all though! the flirting, the bizarre requests, the shameless spending, the nonstop talking, the nonexistent boundaries, the devotion– yes, i see it i see it i see it!
i don’t think lucifer would raise his voice (not to you, anyways) you could get away with actual murder and that’s before he realizes his feelings for you. he can get rid of a body easily
lucifer may (like tony) forget the day of important dates but when he realizes, he makes up for it completely! he feels awful about it
if you look at something for 3 seconds too long, he’s buying it. if you show him something, he’s buying it. if he thinks you want it, he’s buying it
(like pepper) you definitely do put up with a lot of similar antics behind them though are good intentions and lucifer’s better at accepting fault. so if they genuinely upset you, he’ll find a way to mend it... usually it goes over the top
there’s really nothing lucifer wouldn’t do for you, it just takes some reminding that you’d do the same for him
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silken-moonlight · 15 days
Older Alpha and Human Waitress Part Two
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A/N: Here you will find part one. I hope you like part two! It's difficult for me to write story-oriented, since I am very used to introducing characters and their stories. I hope you guys like this! I am tired now and definitely have to catch up on some sleep. See you in the morning! -Swan/Moon
Your POV
You were already feeling a little tired when you went to work. You always worked in the afternoon, since your workplace does not open before 3 p.m. So you had the whole morning and noon to yourself. Usually you slept a little longer, but today your father had needed someone to accompany him to his doctor's visit. Since you were the only child of your parents, the responsibility to take care of them fell on you. You had a wonderful relationship with your parents; however, being always the one to care for them, since they both are chronically sick, could be draining. Sure, they could do most things on their own, but they had bad days where they needed your assistance. Also, somebody needed to take care of the two dogs from your parents: two corgis, Pumpkin and Spice, who were just lovely and brought your parents so much joy.
So after fulfilling said responsibilities for the day, you made yourself ready for work. Quickly arriving at your workplace by tram, your coworker, Andy, was already there. He had the first shift, and you had the second. Quickly, you walked to the staff's changing rooms and put your things in your locker. There wasn't a work uniform like in some other restaurants; the only requirement your workplace had was black clothing and the apron provided by the restaurant. It allowed you to wear something that at least slightly resembled your personal style. Today, you had decided on some loose pants and a basic black T-shirt with a pretty neckline.
You did the usual: checking if there were enough straws at the bar, having a quick chat with the kitchen about the reservations for today, and checking if there were enough coasters. You kept yourself busy while Andy took on the few tables.
Everything was really slow and nice for the first two hours. You looked at the door once and suddenly saw a familiar face. The tall man from yesterday walked in. You were a little afraid you had messed something up, since why would he return to the restaurant the next day? He gave you the most subtle smile when he saw you, greeting you with a nod while Andy brought him to a table. Seemingly, he had returned to eat here again. The barkeeper, Mandy, leaned over to you: ""The hottie is back," she said and wiggled her eyebrows, a unique talent of hers. You laughed. "Well, shoot your shot then. You could ask him for his number," you suggested while you looked over at the man from yesterday. You had to admit, he was really attractive—totally your type. He was tall, possessed dark, long hair and a beard. Gods above, you loved it when a man had a well-kept beard. His eyes held such a stern and dominant gaze. Also, he was older than you. You always had a thing for older men.
It was something about the stability an older man brought. Often, they had their lives already figured out and set their priorities. At least in your mind, an older man would not play games or create big drama like guys your age did.Also, you could not hear a: "Yeah, I am too young for settling down, ever again." That was the sentence with which your last boyfriend broke up with you. Also, he had told you that he felt neglected because you had to take care of your parents. He also added that you were no fun, never going to parties and never drinking until you passed out. He was bored by the nature walks you had dragged him to...Your ex's list went on with boring things about you. Honestly, it had hurt a lot hearing that from him, but you had found your peace in it.
"I will try my shot later," Mandy told her while she began to prepare the drinks that had been ordered. Quickly, you stood at the attractive man's table again, setting down his drinks like yesterday. "Well, hello again." You greeted him with your usual waitress smile. "Didn't think to see you so fast again," you added. Again, he gave you the most subtle smile. "Sometimes such unforeseen events happen." You kept your smile but internally wondered about his strange answer. You walked back to the bar with a strange feeling in your chest. You wanted to continue to talk to him, however, work was waiting for you.
A couple of hours passed; guests went and came, but the man stayed. It was a little weird; however, you wouldn't complain since yesterday he had given such a large tip. He didn't really fit into the vibe of the restaurant. With his dark suit... why did men in suits always look that good?
While she was serving another table, her attention had slipped, and some of the cutlery had fallen from her tray onto the ground. Nothing happened but a loud bang as it met the floor. The guest, however, was not amused. "Can you not be a bit more attentive? You startled me!" The woman nagged and scolded you. "I am so sorry," you said to her as you went to pick up the cutlery from the floor. The woman went on about how unprofessionally you were behaving. You just nodded along, aware you weren't allowed to sass back. When she was finally finished, the attractive men waved you over. "Are you okay?" He almost asked genzly, his gaze meeting hers. "Yeah, I'm okay. Not the first time somebody scolded me for being 'unprofessional'." You told him, he frowned. "Pwople should really have more respect, I mean I am very sure you do not work here for fun." He said that, and you nodded, still a little dulled from the woman's little tantrum. "Thank you for saying that; some people are just...not nice," you added carefully. He gave you a soft smile this time. "If anyone gives you trouble, you can call me, sweetheart," he said to you and gave you a little card. It was dark gray, and the name Desmond Lyall and his phone number were printed on it in gold letters. "Thank you," you answered, and a flush crept onto your cheeks. You tried not to think much of it as you returned to the bar. He had just been nice to you because he pitied you—you told yourself.
The hours passed until the restaurant closed. Again, he left a big tip. The tips of the day were collected and split evenly between all colleagues who worked that day; that was written in your contract. Today’s tip was quite large due to—now you knew his name—Desmond’s tip.
The next day, you went to work, even more tired than before. You had to drive to the animal clinic in the night; Pumpkin had whined in pain half the night. The doctors told you that he had a stomach flu and gave you the medications for it. You didn’t sleep after that, watching over your dog as he finally had been able to rest properly.
The biggest surprise, however, was when once again Desmond walked in. “Back again?” you asked with a teasing smile. He chuckled:"Well, what can I say? I've been caught by the beauty of a certain worker here." You laughed. "I'll tell Andy that, maybe you can get his number." You said, chuckling. "Well, the person I have in mind is female." You smiled at him and then looked over to Mandy, who had just come down from upstairs. You were sure he meant her, as he had often ordered a specific drink from the bar. Surely she must have caught his eye; she was a beautiful woman.
Once again, he stayed long, engaging in small talk with you. You enjoyed it; he was kind and used a specific kind of wit. It was refreshing and nice. He told you he was there on a business trip; you knew that before, but he told you again. He told you about his family; he seemed to have quite a large one. He asked you about yours, so you told him about your parents' illnesses. Even about your ex-boyfriend.
"I honestly gave up on love," you told him with a subtle wit in your voice. "Oh, don't be so sure; a pretty thing like you will have countless people who want to date you," he said with a chuckle. You rolled your eyes but laughed. "Charmer. But no, I don't go out much, so I don't meet many people. I don't want to, actually. I prefer to be on my own; at least I have some peace and quiet then." He smiled knowingly at you. "We have that in common because, of my work, I am forced to have some business friends. But I prefer to be alone too." You nodded:"Sounds similar to me, I have some friends still from school...They always trying to get me to meet them at some kind of party. But i do not feel comfortable there, I am more of a stay-at-home-and-read-a-book or a-take-a-walk-in-the-forest-instead-person." You went on.
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baby-tini · 14 days
Reader sees Dabi in an alley by accident and tries to get away quietly but Dabi sees her and brings her into the alley. He has her up the wall with a hand firmly around her neck but not chocking her but enough to threaten her. He asks for her personal info and takes pictures of her for reference just in case anything happens. And he looks at her more closely and he's like wow she's always more pretty. So he thinks for a bit and makes a deal you get out in one piece if you let me fuck you. The reader already knew he was giving her a false sense of choice so she agrees. Dabi likes her submissiveness so he gave her the choice of the location to fuck. And while she is thinking Dabi is already so handsy with her. Kissing her neck and running his hands up and down her body. He's like 'if you don't pick quick im fucking you here in the alley'. And she eventually picks a love hotel not too far from them. Once they were done fucking it's the next morning and Dabi is gone but she checks her phone messages and there's a lot of photos and videos of them together in different positions and a note at the end
See you next time Doll~
(the blackmail really gets me fr😭)
TW: DUBCON, blackmail, noncon pictures and video taking, a hint of coercion. Work was always so boring, you wanted something fun. There was nothing fun about serving drunk men alcohol as they thanked you with raunchy comments. Trying to grope you while you were just doing your job. Complaining about their "bitch wife" in a drunken slur then passing out. The money was good though.. and your co-workers weren't awful. But that really didn't mean anything in the end.
It was too much, you just needed a cigarette and then you could finish your shift then go home and sleep the rest of the night away. It was warm outside, pretty too. Sky full of different shades of blue, no clouds in sight. It was quiet surprisingly, considering you weren't in the best part of town. The attacks from the League of Villains ramping up by tenfold, charred bodies appearing in multitudes. Consumed by beautiful azul flames licking away at ash. Some were lucky though, if you could even call it that, some people were burned so bad they were disfigured, leaving ugly third degree burns on their face and arms. Hopefully they weren't in this part of the city yet.
But then again, the heros were on their ass.. so it's possible. Leaning your head back against the wall, you sigh out, closing your eyes for a couple seconds before you hear footsteps. Your eyes snap open as your head snaps to the sound. There's a man in a black tattered coat, he looks exhausted. Purple burnt skin attached to healthy skin by staples. Tattered clothes with mangy boots.
Holy shit, it can't be... they shouldn't be in this part of the city, not this soon anyway. You have too get out, now. You try to be quiet, you really do, but you can't be quiet wearing heels. You mistook a step, catching the eye of the assailant. His piercing blue eyes shoot up towards you, a sick grin crawling up on his lips. As he walks closer, stumbling back you trip over your heels. He chuckles at you, grabbing your arms too lift you up, "easy there doll, what's your problem, hm? You scared?" You swallow down the dry air, shaking your head at him as you try to shake off his grip. But his hold on you just tightens, reminds you of a boa constrictor, trying too keep his prey at bay.
He presses you into the wall with an-unassuming amount of strength, pressing into you as he leans down towards your ear. "Where you goin, doll? I'm not gonna hurt you... if you comply that is." Squeezing your eyes shut, you nod into his chest, trying too control your breathing. You inhale deeply before stuttering out a response. "What did you, uh.. what did you want from me..?" There's a sniffle between your words.
"Mmm, yeah, need something real bad baby, think you can help me, hm?" You swallow down your spit, hesitantly nodding at him. "I- uh... I think, what did you need Sir.." He chuckles at that, running his nose up and down your cheek, inhaling deeply into your hair. "Sir, huh? You into that dolly?" You feel your fingers twitch against his tattered coat as you shake your head at him.
"N-no.. I just- I don't know your name..so," he leans back at that. Eyeing you up and down he grins, "that's cute baby, you really don't know who I am? That makes me a little sad honestly, but it's Dabi... I like Sir much better though, what do you think?" You swallow again, your right hand rubbing up and down your left arm, as your eyes look to the side. Rolling his eyes, he grabs your chin and makes you look at him. "Nah ah, don't look away from me, I'm not done talking to you bitch." Licking your lips, you swallow before looking up at him again. "There you go, you gonna behave for? Gonna help me with my... big problem babydoll, hm? Say, "Yes Sir." Your left hand twitches before you nod up at him, "Yes Sir, i'll help you with your... big problem." He hums at you before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear and smirking at you. "I knew you would, you're so good, huh? Gonna let you pick the location cause' you're being so sweet for me... go 'head." You sniffle before licking your lips and nodding again. He hums, rubbing his thumb over your cheek and pulling down your bottom lip. "I wanna... can we go to the love hotel.. it's only a couple blocks away.. I want my first time to be.. a little special." He grins, pulling you towards his side with an arm wrapped around you. "Ahh, little slut's a virgin, wouldn't 've guessed." You try to shuffle away at that but he just tightens his hold around you. "C'mon baby, I was just joking, I'll behave from now on, promise," he snickers. It take's a minute to get there, with Dabi trying to get there as quickly as possible... his problem continuously growing as you walk with him. The hotel is pretty run down, smelling of weed and sex. The painting is peeling from the walls as women and men alike are staggering around and theirs people making out just outside the hotel, grinding and sliding their hands down the others clothes. "This is where you wanted your special moment?" He raises an eyebrow at you as he throws a wad of bills on the check-in desk. You huff at him, "it's better then some sleazy alleyway, surrounded by heroin needles." You retort, grabbing the key from him and walking to the room. He follows closely behind not failing to be as touchy as possible while you open the door. He ushers you into the room as he pins you against the wall and getting to work marking up your neck.
You try to slow your heart rate as your hands ball in his shirt, with a hiss he grinds his cock into your thigh. Nipping at your collar bone and running his tongue over your jugular as he nuzzles his nose into your neck. You tilt your head back, giving him more access as you run your hands up his shirt. He chuckles into your neck, pulling your shirt over your head and sucking your nipples through your bra. He laughs against your chest when you let out a choked whimper, clawing at his stomach. He huffs before snapping your bra from the back and sucking nipple and playing with the other, pinching it and leaving hickeys between your tits. He grabs you by your hair, pulling you towards the bed and throwing on it face first. Your breasts flat against the rough-feeling mattress, as you try to get up, he pushes you back against it, a hand holding pressed into the curve of your lower back. "Nah ah, fucking stay.. don't need you IDing me now princess." You breathe out softly and nod into the sheets, your body relaxing against the bed while he pulls your pants and panties down, letting them fall to your ankles. You hear him groan from behind you, he runs a warm hand over your ass before slapping it a couple times and chucking when you squeeze your legs shut. "Dirty little bitch, you want it real bad, yeah? Yeah you fuckin' do, say please and I might fuck you with the tip bitch." You whine into the sheets, salty tears leaking down your cheeks and staining the sheets. He chuckles, taking a hand and pushing your head down into the mattress as his other hand unzips and takes off his pants, his boxers being pulled down in the process, he spreads your pussylips apart before leaning down and spitting on your clit, before fucking his tip into your cunt and groaning when he feels you tighten around him. Your pussy feels so good, warm and tight, just how he likes it. He fucks into you harder, using a hand to stabilize himself next to your head as he fucks into you harder. He's so big, you can feel him in your stomach, it hurts a little, stretching so wide to accommodate him as he growls in your ear. You're so deep into it, your head so fogged up that you don't hear the camera shutters or feel him spread you wide as he films the two of you locked together. He fucks you good, you'll give him that, you don't remember passing out as he fucked into you, waking up to your familiar ringtone of your phone as you sit up, breasts spilling over the blanket as you lean towards the bedside table... 'Dabi' left you a text, "I had a fun night doll, I know you did too.. or else you wouldn't 've passed out on my cock, It was good wasn't it, I know it was, don't worry you can tell me in person when I come see you again. You're the best pussy I've had in a while if I'm being honest. Pretty wet pussy too, It's like a hug for my dick, if you will lol. Also, don't even think about trying to get away .. unless you want these getting leaked to your boss and family pretty baby." A couple seconds later six pictures and four videos pop up. Now it all makes sense... he wasn't worried about being Ided, you had already seen his face, plue he gave you his name... you're screwed literally.
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roo-bastmoon · 8 months
Thoughts on 3D
So Jungkook's collab with Jack Harlow is out. It is catchy; it will go viral. I have purchased it; I will add it to my new releases playlists--same as I do for all our boys.
But while the dancing was cool and JK's parts are okay (I'm not thrilled that the word "girl" is used literally 20 times, but I get what the western music industry is), I was--I need to be honest here--really taken aback and unhappy with how misogynistic Jack Harlow's rap lyrics were. As far as I'm concerned, he's absolutely unnecessary, and I'll be supporting the alternate version with a lot more enthusiasm.
A deeper look at the lyrics and more of my thoughts are under the cut if you're interested (but by clicking, you're agreeing to keep it respectful in the comments or you'll get banned.)
All my ABG's get cute for me I had one girl (One girl), too boring Two girls (Two girls), that was cool for me Three girls, damn, dude's horny Four girls, okay now you whorin' (Hey, hey, hey) Hey, I'm loose I done put these shrooms to good use
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Setting young women up in a line and talking about how sleeping with just one is too boring but sleeping with four is whorish? Yeah, miss me with it.
Then there's this:
You won't regret me (You won't regret me) Champagne confetti (Champagne confetti) I wanna see it In motion In 3D (Show it to me, girl, now, why?)
I was given to understand that "ABG" stands for "Asian Baby Girl" and refers to an Asian party girl who likes clubbing, wearing excessive makeup and tattoos, and revealing clothes, etc.
I also learned from Urban Dictionary—which can be an unreliable site with outdated or incorrect information—that "champagne" has referred to underage girls in the past and "confetti" or nowadays “champagne confetti” refers to orgasm, or sometimes when a group of men or women surround someone, masturbate, and then ejaculate on them.
Not even going to get into the shrooms thing. I'm not in a hyper conservative country with harsh punishments for those type of drugs so... I was a bit taken aback about a song about being fucked right, and now there's lyrics about what amounts to harem girls.
*sigh* Do you know how much I hope I'm reading into things incorrectly? Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding the innuendo, but this is what urban dictionary says. I'm 44 and live in a cave. Maybe I'm wrong.
But in any case, the vibe of Jack's parts in the video was not coming off respectful.
I don't care how many other rap songs objectify and insult women--I won't get behind any content that does. And don't even try to gaslight me or other ARMY into saying we should like this because it's comparatively worse in other rap songs. Don't try to suppress any discourse about it, either--let women discuss how they feel about how they are represented. Don't police women. Don't silence women.
BTS' rap music got so much better once they incorporated feminist feedback, so I'm used to a higher standard and I won't be lowering those standards for anyone. I have no hang ups about sex, but please miss. me. with. misogynistic. bullshit.
Then again, it seems some of the rap hyungs were on board with this.
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So I guess industry pros have a different take on stuff like this!
Okay, we have established that I really don't like Jack Harlow's contributions to this song. Which means I'll support the alternative. Thank goodness they had the foresight to provide an alternative!
Now I can work for JK's charts in a way that doesn't aggravate my conscience. All good. Enough said on 3D.
Personally? I really hope JJK1 showcases JK's range of genres, but also has a range of topics besides pursuing girls or being cool.
I just can't vibe with a fuckboy persona; I never liked Justin Bieber or Justin Timberlake for that very reason, even if some of their songs sound fine. Now, if Jungkook really admires their style and wants to pursue it, I'm not going to rag on him for it. Of course not. It's his choice and I can respect people's choices without making the same choices myself.
I will always try to support our members as far as I can, even if not everything is my cup of tea.
But I can't help hoping for something personal and authentic and substantive, when it's just Jungkook coming to us without a collab. (And with Scooter at the helm for an all-English EP, I guess I'm not holding my breath. But maybe this is all part of the learning and growing process. Time will tell.)
Please know that I don't expect other people to suit me and my tastes, but neither will I enthusiastically support content with my time and money when they don't suit me at all or actually really turn me off, ya feel me? It's a real and respectful relationship I have with BTS and their music; not performative. I don't follow along quietly out of obligation, but rather a sincere joy to participate.
I love Jungkook deeply. He's a sweet and intelligent and kind-hearted young man. Amazingly talented and humble. Sincere, open to being vulnerable, protective of those whom he loves. He donates to kid's hospitals, for goodness sake. Jeon Jungkook is a good egg.
I guess I'm just sort of feeling a bit whelmed by the type of music that is in vogue these days. JK worked hard, he did well on his parts. I just am hoping his album showcases some of the emotional depth and meaningful thoughts I have seen from him in the past, if I'm being purely honest. *shrug*
Those are my less-than-two cents. Of course, you may have a vastly different perspective and I appreciate that. Just please keep it respectful of all members and each other in the comments here. It's been a long day and I desperately need some real rest now. I'm trusting I can post this and not come back to a warzone.
I've got a Friday Thirst post in the queue for you guys, and then I'll be taking a bit of a break from social media for a few days to work on work deadlines. Please keep voting for Jimin and of course stream and buy for Jungkook and other new releases.
Sending you all so much love!
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year
Forget Everything And Just Love Me
drew starkey x fem!reader
continuation of this request
warnings: self doubt, like one cuss word, angst, mentions of doctors, sickness, and medicine
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You spent close to two hours in the doctor’s office, having to be so close to Drew, and the tension was thick and heavy. You wanted to scream in frustration, but you also just wanted to kiss him and hug him. The images of him crying big crocodile tears and the pout of his lips have been replaying in your mind on loop since the minute he was driving away from your house.
His house.
You could feel gravity trying to pull you two together, forcing a reconciliation. Although, you were sure it was your heart wanting to forgive him. After he had left that night, you went over everything, and realized that you did believe him. How could you not when he’s never given you a reason to not believe him. You had a moment of weakness. He might’ve been to close to Odessa, but you really didn’t believe that he’d cheat on you. You just couldn’t get yourself to ask him back. You figured that he was annoyed with your accusations and jealousy.
You still had to pack your things, procrastinating because you didn’t want to separate from the house, or Drew. You didn’t even want to start thinking about how you were uprooting Jolene’s life and moving her somewhere else. You didn’t even know where you were going to go.
It was a worry for a different time.
Right now, you needed to get Jolene back in the car, and go get her medicine from the pharmacy all while trying to dodge Drew’s longing stares, and huffs that you’re sure are because he can’t comfort you the way he wants.
You were correct when you figured that she had an ear infection. It had got worse as the days went by, being that you had to wait 3 days until the doctor could see Jo. So one ear infection turned into two. Your were exhausted because you kept having to get up throughout the night to make sure she was okay. She was also really sad because she missed Drew, and she kept fighting her sleep in hopes that she would see him come home. You felt like a terrible mother.
After the doctor visit, you were carrying Jolene’s sleeping body to your car. It was as if she could tell whenever Drew wasn’t around because the moment you buckled her in her car seat, and Drew went off to his car, she woke up and started sobbing. You had to get out and open the car door to where she was so you could try to soothe her, although that was tough to do lately.
Drew’s large hand pressing on your lower back made you jump in surprise. He had a concerned look on his face, one that grew more worried when he noticed your eyes welling up with tears.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He asks hurriedly.
“She misses you and I’m a shit mother,” you let out with bitter laugh.
“Are you okay to drive? I’ll follow you to the pharmacy,” Drew says, and a big part of you wants to cry because he didn’t reassure you that you weren’t a shit mother.
“I’m fine to drive. You don’t have to follow me,” you say.
“I want to.”
With that you just nod your head and move your way back to the driver’s seat. You try to close your door, but Drew stops it, looking at you like he didn’t completely believe that you were truly fine. He knew you well enough to know that “fine” mostly didn’t mean that, just that you didn’t know how to explain yourself.
“I promise I’m okay,” you whisper to him.
“I’ll see you at the pharmacy.”
When you get there, Drew is waiting outside leaning against his car. You park in the spot next to him, so Jolene quickly sees her favorite person.
“Daddy!” She squeals.
“Yeah, baby. It’s daddy.”
She wiggles in your arms when she’s close enough to him, desperately wanting to be in his arms.
“Hi, Jo! I love you so much,” he says to her before kissing her chubby cheeks.
The process of getting her prescription filled and prepared is boring, and also filled with tension. You’re stuck in a daze, going through all the things you have to do in order for you to move out. It’s all so overwhelming that you start tearing up again, but you don’t allow yourself to cry because you know Drew is watching you.
You wait there for about 10 more minutes until you’re finally out the door. You’re not looking forward to the battle Jolene is going to put up when she realizes that Drew is coming with. Even though she’s sick, she’s happily babbling while in Drew’s arms. Content and warm.
When you open the door you just stay there for a minute. Debating if you should do what you’re about to do.
Drew’s about to ask what’s wrong when you turn to face him with tears rapidly falling down your cheeks.
“I need you to keep her. Keep her with you in the house. I still have to pack my things before I leave, but I can’t leave with her. It’s not fair when that house is all she has known. I also can’t do this on my own, as you can tell. I’m a terrible mother, and she just wants you anyways, so I need you to keep her for a while, or until I get my shit together,” you say through loud cries. You’re lucky no one else is in the parking lot to see your breakdown.
“No. I can’t keep her,” Drew says, shocking you in return.
“You don’t understand! I’m not in the right state of mind to take care of her. I feel like I’m dying without you, and she doesn’t need to he around me; it’s bad enough that she’s seeing me have this breakdown right now,” you snap, looking to see Jo who has her head buried in Drew’s neck like she’s hiding.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that this is all my fault. I’m the one who made you doubt our entire relationship. I’m the one who started to replace his family with someone who could never compare to my family. I love you, y/n. I’m sorry that I put you through this. I hate that you’re in such a turmoil because of me. I promise, on everything good in my life, I never cheated nor did I ever think about cheating on you. On my family. You both are the loves of my life. Please, please let me prove that to you. I will cut Odessa out, I don’t care. I will do anything. Please, I need you,” he pleads. Both of you have tears rolling down your cheeks.
“I need you, too,” you say, causing Drew to immediately pull you into a bone crushing hug.
“Can I come home?”
“It isn’t home without you,” you say and mean it.
“We still have a lot to talk about,” you add.
“I know. I’m ready to talk whenever you are, but most importantly, I’m ready to come home, and prove to you for the rest of my life that I will always choose you and Jo.”
You just nod in response, wanting so badly to have more of a connection to him than a hug. You lean up on the tips of your toes and press your lips to his, putting so much love and want into it. The hand that pulled you into his hug makes its way to hold onto the back of your neck, you sigh in relief. You suck on his bottom lip, dragging a groan out of him, but also making him pull away in the process. You pout at his action.
“I had to stop before things escalated. Plus, we have Jolene here,” he huffs out with a small giggle.
“You’re right. We should get home,” you answer back.
“I’ll drive your car and you can drive mine. I know Jolene’s been giving you tantrums because I wasn’t around,” he suggests.
Your mind goes back to that dark places that tells you that you aren’t worthy of being a mother, but Drew nips it in the bud.
“Stop, you’re not a bad mother. It killed me to hear you talk that way about yourself, especially when you could never be a bad mother. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that sooner.”
You sigh and nod your head, not being able to resist going back in for another kiss. You try to make it a long one, but your daughter has a different plan. She tries to pull you apart from Drew, and lisps out a small “mine,” letting you know to back off. You and Drew can’t help but laugh at her possessiveness.
“She’s the only girl that can take you away from me,” you state firmly, peering into Drew’s eyes with that sexy fierceness that he loves so much. So much that when you start to pull away from his embrace, he brings you back in by the belt loops of your jeans and squeezes on your ass, making you gasp and laugh out. You shake your head at him and then squeeze his ass in return.
He couldn’t agree more. He’d never let another woman come between his family again. He couldn’t believe he let it happen the first time. It was the biggest mistake he had ever made, and one he’d do whatever to avoid making it again.
a/n: The requested part 2 is finally here!!! I hope you all enjoy it!
Taglist: @southernbaguette @fangirl-kimora @brooklynscherry-z
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t0mkaulitz-luver · 2 months
alcoholic bill fucking u rough after getting drunk w tom💞💞💞
ofc i can bae 😝 ALSO for anyone wondering i know this person IRL and we clarified they meant DRUNK bill not alcoholic 😭
a/n: first post ever pls be kind 🙏😭
WARNINGS: smut, filthy smut. drunk!bill dom!bill sub!reader, rough-ish sex, one slap, overstimulation yeah that’s about it
I’m up late waiting for Bill to get home, he went out with Tom a few hours ago so i’m not very worried, he’s in good hands. The movie is playing in the background but im not really focused, i’ve been waiting for Bill to get home for a few hours now and i’m getting bored. As i’m thinking about all things i would do with Bill if he was here (🤨) my thoughts were interrupted by a phone call, it was Tom.
I answered to hear him yelling into the phone over the sounds of a party, half of it was jumbled and i couldn’t hear it, i could hear Bill shouting my name in the background then Tom telling me he was on his way with Bill. I paused the TV nervously waiting for Tom and Bill to arrive, every time i could hear a car outside i hoped it was them, until it was. Before Tom could even knock on the door i was there opening it, Bill was thrown into my arms, his head falling into the crook of my neck, he reeked of alcohol. “He’s been asking for you all night” Tom sighed. “I could only have a few drinks i was too busy babysitting this one” He rolls his eyes upset over his lack of being shitfaced. “Thank you for taking care of him, he can be such a baby when he’s drunk”. Bill whines in my neck not liking my “insult”. Tom scoffs, “Well i should head home, good luck with him.” I lean in to kiss Tom on the cheek goodbye, “Get home safe and text me when you do”, “Will do, auf wiedersehen schatzi”. I wave him off lifting Bill from my grasp, his eyes are low. He’s definitely drunk.
“Hey baby” he leans in for a kiss, i almost gag at the taste of alcohol on his lips, “Hey my love, why don’t i get you upstairs and showered so you can go to bed, hmm?”, i start walking up the stairs with my arm around his waist trying to keep him steady, “I missed you so much tonight liebe, i couldn’t wait to come home and see you”, he stumbles up one of the stairs “i missed you too baby”. I get him upstairs and lead him to our bedroom, i take him into the connecting bathroom and sit him on the toilet. “Sit right here for me while i get the shower ready. okay?”. “Okay -hiccup- liebe”.
I turn around and turn on the shower waiting for it to get warm, i walk back over to Bill to help him get undressed, i remove all his jewelry putting it to the side, i slide his shirt over his head setting it atop of the laundry basket, then i stand him up and undo his belt, removing his pants and finally boxers, i put them with his shirt. Then i start to undress myself, my top first, un-clipping my bra, then i slide my pants down my legs followed by my panties. I kiss Bill on the cheek leading him to the shower, he grabs my hand to guide himself, be seems more steady on his feet though, i get us all showered and cleaned before wrapping a towel around myself and stepping out.
I walk into our bedroom close the curtains and drop my towel turning on only the bedside lamp, then i feel Bill slide his hands around my waist i can feel his boner pressing against my back. “Not now Bill you’re too drunk and you need to get to sleep” i’m firm with him, although i do wish he could just fuck me right now but i have to be responsible. I turn around to face him, his puppy eyes looking at me begging me to bed him, “No Bill, you’re too intoxicated”, “I promise you i’m not schatzi, the shower helped and seeing your body made me so horny” I debate it in my head for a minute, yes i’m horny, yes he’s horny, but isn’t it wrong when he’s drunk? “Please baby, it hurts” He looks down to his throbbing erection, the pain and begging in his eyes makes me give in.
“Fine, but only because i believe you’re sober enough” “Thank you baby, come to me” I walk over to him, his hands snake around my waist pulling me closer so i feel his hard on pressing against my stomach, he pulls me in for a passionate kiss, his tongue leaping into my mouth as my hands fist his hair, i can taste the alcohol in his mouth. His hand pulls me even close before he breaks our kiss, a string of saliva connecting us before breaking as he moves his head towards my neck. He begins nipping and sucking at my sensitive spot, making me let out a quiet breathy moan. He pulls away with a pop satisfied with the purple mark he’s left on my neck.
His hands travel down to my lower stomach before one of his fingers runs through my folds, slowly rubbing my clit in circular motions, my mouths lets out whimpers as i lay my head forward on his shoulder, leaving open mouthed kisses all over, his hand speeds up and my moans get louder, i start to feel my climax building, he senses this and pulls away, i let out a whine at the loss of contact but it’s cut off as he kisses me once again this time rougher, his teeth clashing with mine, his hands slide under my thighs picking me up and throwing me onto the bed, breaking our kiss.
He starts leaving a trail of kisses all the way down to my area, before licking a stripe up “So sweet schatzi, so wet for me” i let out a whimper of frustration and embarrassment, he comes back up to my face and strokes my cheek, his other hand slowly pumping his dick before slapping the tip against my entrance, “Please Billy, i need you, stop teasing me”. “I thought you were against this? me fucking you like this, i guess not”. He slowly inserts his tip into my sopping hole, before thrusting his length all the way in, i let out a cry of pleasure and pain as he fills me all the way up, “Such a tight, perfect pussy liebe, you were made for me” He begins thrusting into me slowly as we both let out heavy breaths, he begins picking up the pace, making my moans get louder, i can feel his tip perfectly hitting the spongey spot inside of me definetly leaving bruising against my cervix, it makes me want to scream. I bite my lip to muffle my noises receiving a light smack against my face “Don’t hide your screams pretty girl i want to hear you”. Somehow he picks up the pace, drilling into me relentlessly, still hitting that perfect spot inside of me, my moans get louder and louder practically screaming at this point, i can feel my climax building up, “BILL- i’m gonna cummmmmm” My moans disrupting my words. “That’s right schatzi, cum all over my cock”. I came with a loud cry of his name, but he doesn’t slow his pace.
Still pounding into me letting out moans and groans as i tighten around him “T- Too much~ mmmmm~ i can’t take it” tears filling my waterline from the pain and pleasure of overstimulation. “You can take it baby i know you can, just a little longer i’m almost there”. Tears completely clouding my vision beginning to fall down my cheeks as his tip repeatedly ruts into my cervix even after cumming. I can feel another one building up as he gets closer, he can feel me tightening around him sensing my second climax. “Cum with me liebe come on” With only a few more thrusts he cums inside me his sticky ropes coating my insides, i came just after him, he pumps a few more times riding out both our highs.
We stay in silence for a few moments as our breathing returns to normal. He slowly pulls out of me, i hiss at the feeling of being empty, our mixed cum beginning to drip out of my hole. Bill leans over grabbing a few tissues wiping us both up, being careful not to overstimulate me even further, he throws the tissues away and comes to lay next to me, he pulls me onto his chest pushing strands of my hair out of my face before kissing my forehead, “You did so well baby, you want to sleep?”. I can only let out a soft hum as he turns off the bedside light and i drift to sleep on his chest.
a/n: not very proofread so there will probably be mistakes
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shattersstar · 9 months
ok but we need to hear more about college dick now👀👀
hehe ask and u shall receive because ohhh myyy dick in college is such a messsssssss but like so pretty it’s almost unfair
i love the idea of dick and a bunch of his friends getting a house together with the intent of being Normal for the first time in a while, which means being absolute menaces as most 20 smth yr old guys are
very much known for being a party house bordering a frat but all the guys r so nice that it’s rlly hard to think of them like that. it’s a space where he can let go, feel like himself and with the encouragement of his friends, dick puts the brakes on like relationship hunting and just has fun..
he’s been in pretty committed relationships since he was old enough to be and has always struggled with casual dating let alone sleeping with people he barely know. but when dick learns there r ppl out there looking for the same thing and not everyone wants to b the next future ex mr/mrs. grayson it makes it a lil easier to be his charming self with no bounds <33
and then he mets you and it’s the usual routine, flirting you to his bedroom which is in the basement—of course—well alllllmost doing so until you vanish out of his grasp for reasons dick cannot discern (you weren’t here for him silly)
and while he’s not like one of those oh i wanted to hit and couldn’t so im gonna chase you types, dick does have to reconcile with the fact your friends with roy and spend a lot of time at the house now
which also means he learns how cool you r and how goofy he feels for just tryna sleep with you
and despite his friends vouching for him you really only see (and have heard the numerous rumours) dick as a rich playboy and that’s not for you. plus he’s def a business or poli sci major……….but with a psych minor bc it feels the most practical despite how boring dick finds most of his classes
though when he realizes your both in a psych elective together he’s all toothy grins and obnoxious air which isn’t helping his case but of course he’s a decent student and when you mentioned hating statistics—you were stuck with the worse prof outta the two—dick jumped at the chance to help
you were sooooooo skeptical and even though agreed you kept brushing him off until dick just started helping you when you were over to hang out. he drops a textbook in your lap while sitting in roy’s bed or starts reviewing your notes and adding examples while your hanging out on the living room floor building lego sets with everyone else.
and dick did that a lot—sure it was his house and roy was his best friend along with all of his other housemates but dick never hesitated to insert himself into whatever you were doing when you came over. and it shouldn’t surprised you but everyone being so..unbothered by it had you confused. like maybe that’s how dick is but it spoke bounds to their closeness and was the First time you actually saw a little more to dick than just some campus hottie douchebag who threw parties to get laid
and while you weren’t about to tell dick that, you did start coming over with the intent of working on stats together. it usually meant dick having to re-lecture whatever your prof barely managed to explain and helping you with the page long equations needed for assignments
and dick keeps it as platonic as possible, on a mission to prove he’s not the person you think he is and not only because he wanted to be with you—well yeah he does—but because dick cares what you think about him. he knows his friends care about you and value what you have to say and he wants you to know it’s the same for him
and maaaybe you see that too but dick needs to suffer a little more
bonus: you talk to dick abt ppl you’re interested in at some point (either genuinely or to mess with him) when he insists on always hanging out with you and roy. and while he gives advice with a smile, still trying to prove his capacity for mature, platonic relationships, dick screams into his pillow later that night when he goes over the convo again and again and agai—
bonus bonus: he’s probably on the school’s gymnastics team <3
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wonyui · 1 year
Carnival Games
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SUMMARY Feeling bored and incomplete, Minji decides to skip studying for once and focus on the fun plans that her friends had made at the carnival. Not being the best shooter out there, she tries to win the teddy bear that had been left to complete her odd teddy collection just for it to end in complete failure. Almost giving up entirely and leaving with a frown, she finds herself watching the pro shooter beside her go for the teddy that she originally wanted.
Pairings: Kim!Minji x F!Reader
Genre: carnival setting, strangers to lovers(not really) au, romance, comedy-romance
- silent add: I finished this when I was sleep deprived, so please lmk if there's any incorrect spelling 💔
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"Bro, I suck at these games, but how do you manage to not knock down at least one bottle?" Hanni half questioned and complained, causing Danielle to nudge her in order to shut her up.
Minji stared at her friends like a menace, even more terrifying when Haerin stared at them for no absolute reason. The sound of the toyish gun machine was the only thing she continued to hear, along with the disappointed sighs, for every time she missed a plastic bottle.
"Should we get more snacks? We could get a soft cold drink for her," Danielle whispered with care in her voice, but since she was a terrible whisperer, it caused Minji's hold on the toy gun to become stronger. "Yeah.. we are definitely going to the snack and drink bar. Minji, we'll be just over there if you decide to give up, okay?"
"Make sure there's ice in it, I can't stand drinks without ice in them!" Haerin looked over to her shoulders as she continued to make her way over to their new destination, her cute yet annoying stare creeping Minji out to the point Danielle had to stop the younger girl from staring.
It took over more than Minji's monthly allowance to finally realize that she needed to stop. Otherwise, she wouldn't have enough money to buy more stuff that intrigued her. Before walking over to join her friends who watched her while making conversations, a stranger took the spot next to her. The strong visuals of the stranger next to her gave her the sudden gay panic attack. Seriously, who knew it'd be a blissful night when all of a sudden you see a cute stranger? It's definitely a win for Minji.
"It's a struggle for beginners." The girl happily hummed, almost as though she was talking to Minji.
"Uh.." Minji awkwardly looked back to her friends, wondering if she should reply(if it was even for her).
Hanni shot a thumbsup, giving it as a sign for Minji to reply even though she didn't know the exact reason for why Minji was staring at them with a questionable look in the first place.
Danielle watched the whole thing, sending a frown at her fellow Australian friend. "Do you even know why she looked over at us?"
"Hey," Hanni shrugged, "anything is good when it comes to a pretty girl."
Hyein, the only 14 year old there, snorted. Acting as though she didn't beg her mom to join them in the first place. Perks come when your mom is a social person. Plus, they were all basically her older sisters, so it was a win-win situation(only for Hyein).
"Unless she told her to stop staring because it creeped her out!" Hyein stated proudly, giggling to herself afterward.
"Right, staring is weird." Haerin added quietly, causing the three of them to look at her to see if she was even joking.
Back to Minji. Iternally gay screaming out of her mind Minji. The awkward silence between her and the cute stranger in front of her made her suffocate. For some reason, she wanted to leave, but it'd also mean missing a chance on at least starting a conversation with you. Yeah, blame it on her half introverted when meeting strangers and half extroverted when cursing at her friends personality. It's truly a blessing for her.
"I'm thinking I should aim for the one on the right top and get 10 more points," you spoke out your thoughts, "but I already have more points needed for the prize I want and it wouldn't really matter anyways unless I want to impress the pretty girl besides me and get one for her too. Which one do you think I should go with?"
Minjo turned red the moment you finished your sentence—or question. She didn't really know, but all that matters was the fact that you had basically called her pretty. It was also smooth along the lines.
"Uhh.. I'd say pick your choice? I don't know." Shs quickly answered, biting her lips and cringing mentally for sounding too dry for her own liking.
"Pretty girl, it is." You smiled, aiming perfectly for the toy bottle.
The worker clapped, feeling proud of himself for setting up such an 'easy' game, blind to the fact that half the people who paid to play didn't really win because the bottles were far and not everyone had great vision. Also, because some had horrible control over their aiming.
"Could I get the teddy bear on the top, right?" You kindly asked as he sent a proud thumbs up. "Thanks."
Minji's eyes stayed on you, waiting for you to look back at her to start another conversation. You eventually did, holding onto the teddy bear that the worker had given you.
"Do you still want this?" The shock on her face made you giggle, turning her even more redder than before.
Nodding her head shamelessy, not because her collection was about to be complete but because you had gifted it to her with your own efforts, made everything about the teddy bear feel more special.
"SHE'S SINGLE BY THE WAY!" A loud voice coming over the snacks and drinks bar made you jump a little.
Judging from the way Minji glared at the pretty girl who proudly wore her bangs, they must have been close friends. The passerbys continued to walk after hearing the loud shout. It was gonna be a memorable moment to you, but for the shy girl in front of you, it was definitely gonna be an embarrassing memory for her.
"I'm Minji, by the way," you smiled and nodded, waiting for her to finish so you could introduce yourself. "And I'm very thankful for the uh.. teddy bear. Am I supposed to give something in return? Because.. I'd really love to, so I don't have to feel as though I'm in debt."
"Y/N, and if anything.. I don't really need anything in return!"
"No, no, I insist."
"No, it's fine!"
"No, like, I want you to ask for something in return. Don't make me feel guilty."
"Oh! Then would it be fine if I took some of your time? It'll be short since you clearly have friends over there waiting to hang with you." Minji looked over at her friends who immediately sent another thumbsup, mouthing the words "we don't mind!'' or "we don't care, just leave."
"It's a yes. Take as much time even. I think they'd be more happy that a stranger took me out of their sight.."
You chuckled. "Alright! Where to?"
"I'm so fucki— oh. Is it alright if I swear?" Minji asked all of a sudden, waiting for you to finish tossing the ring so you could answer.
"You're cute," you laughed, finding her question funny. "Yeah, I sometimes swear, so it's nothing new to my ears."
Minji flushed, feeling her ears turn red.
Ah.. maybe hanging out with a fourteen year old 24/7 got to me.
The odd feeling of someone staring at her made Minji look around to find the source, making eye contact with one of her friends all of a sudden. The glare that she sent wasn't obviously enough to scare them away.
"What are you doing?!" Minji mouthed.
Hanni grinned. Danielle looked away. Haerin continued staring, although her eyes had a glint of mischief. Hyein looked more busy trying to count the many licks it took in order to finish her questionably big lollipop.
"We came to spy on you guys for our own entertainment!" Hanni mouthed back.
"Something wrong?" You asked, noticing how badly frightened Minji looked.
Making sure to use her whole figure in order to block the other girls out from your view, Minji sent a soft smile. "I think we've had too much ring tossing! Why don't we try bean bag tossing?" It was too fast that you couldn't utter out a single word before Minji could drag you by the hand, making sure the other girls couldn't catch up.
"Should we tell her that we happened to find her by coincidence and played along with it?" Danielle asked, feeling worried. Mostly for you.
"Nah," Hanni grinned, "didn't you see the way they held hands? I'd say it was a successful plan."
"And we voted Haerin the most devious.." Danielle trailed off.
Haerin gasped in disbelief, not believing the fact that her friends would do such a thing. "Hey!— I may stare all of a sudden for no reason, but it's because her reactions are always funny. I don't have the brain to think of something like this."
"Woah dude, congrats." Hanni clapped all of a sudden.
"Your first words throughout the whole night! Maybe getting a girlfriend next is on the list?"
"I despise you." Danielle giggled at Haerin's reply, not noticing the lingering glance that Haerin sent before looking elsewhere the moment her brain woke up in realization.
Inhaling for air, you thanked Minji for giving the bottle of water. It was enough coming from her for making you run more miles than you expected.
"I'm sorry, I guess I was just excited to throw bean bags." Minji immediately apologized, looking for any signs of her friends.
Gathering enough air to talk, you pointed to where the bean bag tossing was actually located. "That's nice, but bean bag tossing is over there.." With a huff of annoyance at herself, Minji looked elsewhere to find any fun things the two of you could do together. "Hey.. this might sound crazy but are you down to use your legs paddle something? Well—it's not really paddling, but we're using our feets so basically, it is." "You mean you wanna hop on those boat paddlers after running a whole 6 minute run?" "I'm down if you're down." "Honestly that's crazy, but because you're down, I'm down."
"This was a bad idea." You undeniably admitted the truth.
Minji tried to reply, but she had to catch her breath. After regaining her energy(well, half of it, but nobody was gonna point that out), she sinked into her seat and sighed.
"Well, it was worth the amount of oxygen I needed," She too, admitted. "But hey, we have the best view right now."
If the two of you weren't facing the wrong direction, it would have been the best. Right now, it was a huge wall filled with horrible yet funny art. It looked like junk.
"Are we looking at the same thing?"
"Are we? I believe the view is pretty from my point of view." Finally realizing what she meant, you turned to make eye contact with the latter who wore a coy smile on her face. "So we definitely weren't looking at the same thing."
"I guess the cute shyness disappeared?" You grinned, feeling quite content at the moment. Also, the redness that crept up under your cheeks felt too overwhelming to control.
"Well," Minji clicked her tongue with a geeky smile forming afterward. "I definitely wouldn't pass on a great opportunity like this. Would you?"
Shaking your head at her question, it brought her a great amount of happiness. "Definitely not."
"You sound kinda wayyyy too experienced with that reply. Are you sure I wasn't the only girl you've flirted with?" She joked, feeling comfortable to joke with you this time.
It was a suggestive joke, too, giving you the opportunity to reply back with something more funny. Or maybe a pick-up line at that—she hoped.
"I'm not sure," you pretended to ponder, "was I the only girl you've flirted with too?"
Minji simply shrugged. "Never in my life. In fact, I think you raised my standards."
"Well then, to be honest," you shyly spoke this time, "I've never actually shot my shot and vice versa. It was always questionably a given whenever a person would come up and ask for my phone number."
"Maybe it's cause they don't have toy guns just laying around, waiting for someone to use them?" Minji joked, getting nudged by you. "You know what I mean!"
"Yeah, you wanted my phone number."
"Don't get too confident.."
"You never denied it."
"And I didn't admit it!"
It could go on for long until Minji averted her eyes elsewhere, looking at her friends who waved at her, looking so small, yet she could see that they clearly wanted something. "I think we might need to go back on land.."
"What is it?" The annoyed girl grumbled, glaring at her friends(mostly at Hanni).
"Yeah, we get it. We interrupted your date, but we wanted to meet her too!" Hanni spoke out for the rest of them.
You nervous smiled, feeling a bit small in their presence. Minji noticed this, of course, taking your hand and interlocking it with hers. It was somewhat a habit of hers whenever she'd notice a friend was feeling a bit uncomfortable—which was rare. Something about her holding hands with you felt new—it made her feel things that she had never felt before.
"Okay, we'll pretend not to notice that!" Danielle positively smiled.
Before greeting you and introducing herself, she made sure to nudge Haerin. It was the only option she had to stop her from what it seemed like rudely staring at you.
"The names Danielle! That's Hanni, Haerin, and this one.. she doesn't need to be intro—" Before the poor girl who radiated sunshine energy could even finish, she had been interrupted. "Yeah, I'm Hyein. Nice to meet you!"
"Hyein, you're too young to involve yourself in this conversation!" Danielle reminded.
You raised your eyebrows, wondering what she meant by too young. Hell, the latter looked to be the same age as the one who seemed to have a bad case of staring for no absolute reason(which you didn't mind).
"She's fourteen.." Danielle sighed, feeling disappointed.
"Oh.." Sounding a little rude there, you paused. "I meant, oh! She looks mature! I'm in like—shock."
"Really? I sort of get that all the time." Hyein proudly grinned.
"Mhm! And the names Y/N." They all nodded in sync as soon as you introduced yourself.
"Pretty name!"
"For a pretty girl, that's for sure."
"Hey now."
"Relax, I'm not gonna steal her?"
"That's not what I mean- Ugh."
An idea was what Danielle wanted. Specifically something that could allow all 6 of you to hang out. Minji frowned, noticing the happy grin that presented on the younger latter's face. "Anyone up for bean bag tossing? Losers do whatever the winners want."
"I WANT A REMATCH!" Hanni complained.
Hyein side-eyed the older girl, feeling happy about the win that she didn't participate in because it was mostly you doing all the work of tossing the bean bags in. It felt truly horrific knowing that there was probably nothing you were good at.
"I honestly should have been in your team. A free win would have been good for me." Minji sighed.
"Be for real," the annoying Australian spoke, causing Minji to glare at her. "We know that's not the real reason." Minji continued to glare, "playfully" pushing the younger girl away so she wouldn't have the chance to say more stupid things.
"It's already eight pm?" Danielle looked at her watch, pouting at the thought of having less time to spend with you. Though it couldn't beat the disappointed stare that Minji gave, knowing that it'd be too upfront to suddenly ask for your phone number.
"We still have the bet going on, right?" You asked, looking at Minji mostly.
"Ah!" It had hit Danielle in realization at the sudden question. "Yeah, gosh. I almost forgot!"
"I'm cold. Hanni, give me your hoodie."
"Um. No?"
"The bet. Loser. Give."
Feeling defenless and giving up at that moment, Hanni started to mutter curse words under her breath while taking off her jacket. Handing over her jacket, Hyein smiled in victory before putting it in on. Danielle watched the whole thing unwrap, looking over at Haerin with a mischievous grin.
"Haerin? Are you afraid of heights?" Haerin immediately shook her head, hoping Danielle would ask her to join her on the ferris wheel.
"Great! How about you ride the ferris wheel alone for three minutes?"
A frown fell on her face, along with a big sigh. Danielle was a difficult person when it came to those who liked her. Usually, it was a blessing for Haerin, but she was now annoyed. Minji snickered, finding the situation funny. Haerin lazily made her way over to the ferris wheel, cursing the universe for ruining her enjoyment.
"I wanna join her." you stated, hoping Minji would take the hint.
The butterflies in her stomach disappeared, feeling more like a pit all of a sudden. "Oh. Well, you could if you want to.." Her disappointment sounded way too obvious, causing you to chuckle, "Well you obviously didn't get the hint. I meant I want to look at a better VIEW this time," you emphasized the word 'view'.
Minji unnoticably gulped, nodding quickly so her chances of being alone with you on a ferris wheel on wouldn't go to waste. "Yes. Please."
"What are you guys doing here? I thought the winner was supposed to order the losers around?" Haerin genuinely asked, wondering if the two of you had gotten fooled.
Minji flushed, feeling both nervous and giddy that she couldn't answer the cat-like latters questions. You, on the other hand, took the initiative to answer her question, almost sounding as though you weren't internally panicking in your mind.
"We're actually gonna ride the ferris wheel together."
Haerin bitterly smiled, blaming Danielle for her stupidity. Now, she has to basically third-wheel and sit all by herself. 'Good going, Danielle. Look what you did, dense idiot.' was the only thing that echoed in Haerin's head.
"It's so pretty.." You stared at the cities that looked small from your view.
Minji had been admiring the view, too, not looking at you this time. "Pretty good, I guess. I've seen better."
"Really? You're seriously a picky one, aren't you?" You raised your brows jokingly.
"Hey— you don't know exactly what I've seen in my life, but it's pretty admirable," Minji jokingly huffed, sounding way too proud of her own accomplished
"I'm sure it has been," you added, pretending to sound uninterested, "I'm sure it has."
The silence grew, keeping it peaceful. Minji had more to say, but she wanted you to have a great time enjoying yourself. The silence grew even more, this time a little awkward than it was before. Thinking of how to start her sentence, Minji decided to go big or go home.
"Listen I-"
"Hey so-"
The cut-offs made by each other quickly turned into laughter. "I'll go first since I'm an impatient one." Minji quickly added in between her laughs. You agreed, waiting for her to continue. "Listen, I had a great time with you and everything. It was truly enjoyable," Minji softly smiled genuinely.
It was mutual. You grew fond of the girl. You wished that the time didn't fly past, but repeated as though it was meant to be. You wanted more time spent with her, but it'd be too weird to admit in front of you.
"Thank you.. for this time. I also enjoyed it," You paused, wanting to add more, "your friends were also funny!"
It grew quiet once again. This time, the two of you had nothing to worry about, letting the silence overtake the atmosphere. Maybe it was the fact that you felt a little sentimental that you couldn't even look Minji in the eye. Just how different would have things been if you saw how fond she looked while staring at you? Would you have done the same? It filled her with questions that felt almost too possible to answer nor ignore. It was on border of being either too annoying or exciting to feel.
"I-" Before she could even finish, the ferris wheel started moving again, showing that the ride was about to finish. "Huh?" You questioned, waiting for her to finish. Minji fake smiled, "it's nothing, I was just gonna spit out a fun fact."
You slowly nodded, wondering if there was more to it than just a fun fact. Oddly enough, she looked more disappointed than you did at the moment.
"So, how did the two of you enjoy your time?" Haerin asked bitterly, remembering how it was just more than 3 minutes to herself. At least it was good enough to question her whole existence.
You who sounded enthusiastic looked over at Minji, who looked down. You wanted to say more but a familiar face stopped you from doing so, realizing that it was your older brother coming to pick you up. Also, the friends that you had accidentally ditched just to hang out with Minji, though they didn't seem to mind because they looked like they also had a great time.
"Ah, my brother is here.. this is where I take my leave." This time, it was you who had bitterly smiled.
The glare that your brother had sent for straying too far sent chills down your spine, causing you to bow and apologize before running off to where he was. All of it was too sudden for Minji to even bid you goodbye. Hell, she was frozen, trying to process things.
"Nice going!" Hanni nudged, disappointed that you had left without leaving your number or anything.
There were too many emotions she was feeling at the moment. You turned back, waving one more time with a smile as Minji finally returned it. Your figure leaving further and further away from her was all she needed to realize that you had already disappeared.
"I'm such a coward. Please tell me you angels had gotten her number!" Minji basically begged, feeling like she could cry at the given moment when her friends shook their heads(except Hyein).
Minji faced the youngest one, hope laced in her tone. "Hyein?"
The youngest pretended to shake her head, that is, until Minji's head began to hang low in disappointment. "I'm joking. Oh my god, take a joke."
"Pause. Are you saying what I'm thinking?" Minji asked, a sudden adrenaline rush coursing through her.
"Yes, I asked for it earlier, knowing you'd be a full-on coward. You're welcome." Hyein rolled her eyes, giving the note.
Taking the note from Hyein's hand, Minji's stoic expression melted into a soft smile. Although she wasn't brave enough to ask, she felt happy that her friends(mostly Hyein) had her back. Who knew a handwritten note was what made her night the most besides spending time with you? Minji read the note all over again as if you included words in it.
'xxx-xxx-xxx don't spam text/call please TT joking do it :)'
"Hyein.. I'm definitely buying you whatever you want. You're finishing your barbie doll collection tomorrow, okay?" Minji patted the younger latter on the back.
Hyein smiled while the others frowned in envy, wanting the older girl to buy something for them, too. "Hey! What about us?" They asked in unison. Minji stared at the other girls in distaste, ignoring them before pulling Hyein under her arms, planning to spoil her with candy and drinks for the rest of the night. Who knew an ex-stranger would be the reason for Minji's sudden giddiness?
"Shoot. I forgot the teddy bear at the duck paddling thingy majiggys! We gotta go back!" Minji yelled, running a little later on as the others joined in.
Luckily enough, she was smart enough to hide it under the seats. Otherwise, it would have been a total loss for her and a big treasure find for whoever found it.
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Open Window (Part 1)
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Pairing: (non threatening) thief!Hyunjin x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Non idol au, fluff
Summary: You’re nearing the end of your gap year, and you decided to spend your last month of it at your aunts house. Unfortunately, a very stupid criminal has struck your house many times and you need to figure out who they are and why they did it.
854 words 
Warnings: Hyunjin LITERALLY ROBS YOU. DO NOT DO WHAT Y/N DOES SHE IS A DUMBASS. Usage of pet names, swearing. 
Lee know is mentioned
You were so bored. So extremely bored. You had completed your third walk around the block, which you normally would be too tired to do, but you had to do something that didn’t include death-scrolling on your phone and making small talk with your aunt. 
You thought that taking a gap year would include traveling and spending time with your close friends, but it was really just a whole lot of nothing. 
When you were preparing to unlock the door to get into the home that you were staying at for a month, you noticed the weird gnome on your doorstep was missing. ‘Eh, whatever’ you thought to yourself. The next day, while going on another walk around the block, half of the garden decorations were gone. You just brushed it off, because who the fuck would steal garden decorations. 
A few hours later, you had gotten ready for bed because ‘if you can’t entertain yourself it's better to just sleep’ you thought, but you had left the window open. It was extremely hot and you were lying on top of your bed sheets, trying to get to sleep when you heard a noise. You looked up to see a person, halfway inside of your room. 
As soon as you realised what was going on, your hand flung to your bedside table to turn the light on. But the shadow of a man was gone. Thinking it was just a dream, you slept peacefully.
“Did you hear anything last night Y/N?” your aunt asked, while washing dishes by the sink. “No, I don’t think so. I think I went to sleep immediately after getting upstairs.” “Oh, I must have been imagining things then.”
The nights were uneventful for a while, until you slept with your window open again. 
Tossing and turning, you couldn’t sleep. It was around 3 am when you heard a noise again. This time, you were sceptical and terrified. The fear was so intense that you felt like you couldn’t move your hand to turn on the light. 
“Who are you?” You said. It came out quieter than intended, but it was audible. “Uh, a ghost. This is all a dream.” You could see a silhouette of a man wiggling strangely and you couldn’t help but laugh. He looked about 5’11 and his voice was strangely attractive. 
“Okay, what the fuck is going on? Because I’m weirded out at this point.” He shrugged. “Yeah, that’s fair enough.” You could hear someone take a deep breath and then blurt out. “I’m robbing you.” “Sorry, what?” “I’m robbing you, well, attempting to.” 
Your fear was slowly melting away as you realised how stupid the criminal was. “What do you want me to do with that information?” “Whatever you do, please don’t tell the police, Minho will kill me.” “Who?” “The guy who organises this shit, whenever I fuck up, he stuffs tissues in my mouth.” 
“That seems pretty civil for a robber.” “Well, we don’t usually hurt people. Unless they want us to.” “Was that meant to be a threat, or an attempt at flirting?” “Flirting, but it obviously didn’t work since you didn’t even realise I was trying to flirt.” He said, sounding slightly embarrassed. “Well, maybe you should try harder.” “We can save that for another day angel.” You felt your face flush a little after hearing that.
“Another day?” “Well you’ve left your window open these past few nights, so your house is the easiest to rob.” 
“Oh this isn’t my house, I’m just staying here for a bit.” “Are you sure you should be telling me that?” “Honestly, you don’t seem that much of a threat so I don’t really care.” “You don’t seem like much of a threat either.” “What do you mean?” “You haven’t attempted to kill me yet. I mean, someone has chased me down a road with a guitar before, so compared to that…” You cut him off with a giggle and sat up a little bit. 
“You also haven’t called the police yet, unless you’re planning to.” You thought to yourself for a second then looked back at the robber. “I’m actually enjoying this.” “Damn, you must be really bored.” “Yep.” He rocked back and forth awkwardly for a bit and then finally spoke up. 
“Well, I’ll just take this.” He held up an item. “What are you taking?” “I genuinely don’t even know, I can barely see.” “I think-” You squint trying to figure out what the object is. “that’s an empty bottle of Mountain Dew?” “Ah. Valuable!” He picked it up and started climbing out of the window. 
“Wait! Are you gonna tell me your name?” “I’ll tell you next time, as long as you leave your window open again.” 
And with that, he was gone. You began to berate yourself for the absolute stupidity of what you just did. 
‘You let a burglar into your aunt's house!’ ‘What would she think!’ ‘What if he comes back and gets violent?!’ 
But with all of that, you couldn’t help but feel excited for the next time you leave your window open.
Author note: Thank you so much for reading! I seriously appreciate it. This was actually based off of a dream I had! (which was a lot more chaotic but whatever)Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! I'm planning to make a part two to this so if you found it interesting stay tuned! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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black-aurora-nora · 1 year
Doll House Pt. 1| Platonic!Yandere Shinaguzawa Brothers x Reader
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For @tengensimp (this will be the last no age request I do. From now on if someone requests and doesn’t have their age in the bio, I won’t do it and will block you)
“(Y/N)?” A hand grabbed at your shoulder and shook you gently and you quickly slapped the hand away.
“I’m already awake.” You snapped tiredly, bringing your warm blanket up to cover your head.
Every morning, you wake up to the same voice and face. A face that you once liked but have now grown to hate.
“Then get up, I need to change your bandages.” Genya sighed, as if he were dealing with a troublesome teenager.
You didn’t move, only closing your eyes once again as you slowed your breathing. Maybe Genya would take the hint for once and leave you alone.
But of course, like the caring person he believed he was, Genya did not take the hint and roughly tugged at your cover, “(Y/N).” He warned.
Tired of hearing his voice, you sat up and pulled the covers away from your bandaged feet with a huff, “Here. Hurry up and fuck off.”
Genya huffed back as he slowly began to take off the bandages, studying the deep slices at the bottom of your feet. They definitely looked better than 2 weeks ago, but you still weren’t ready to walk yet.
“You’re feet are healing good. You may be able to walk sooner than Sanemi and I thought.” He stated.
“Great.” You replied sarcastically.
Genya glared at you, “What’s going on? Why the hell are you so mad lately? Are your feet still bothering you?"
You knew that the insanity was probably clouding his mind, but you couldn’t help but stare at him like he was stupid. How could someone be so oblivious?
“Yeah, my feet that have been sliced and fractured are still bothering me,” You droned, “But it may also be the fact that I don’t want to be here with people that kidnapped me.”
Genya only sighed at that, “I know it’s boring being stuck in the house all day, but that doesn’t mean that you should say hurtful things to your bro-“
“You are not my brother!” You snapped, “Neither you or Sanemi are family to me. I’d rather you leave me for the maggots than pretend to love you.” You growled.
Genya only stared at you, his eyes reading a mix of pain and sadness. They sharpened with hot anger; a look that could kill.
“You think you don’t need me?” He challenged.
You didn't like his tone, but you were far too angry to not bite back. “I don’t. You guys are the ones who made me this way!” Everything was their fault. You were taking care of yourself just fine before Sanemi attacked you that night.
“You don't need me?" He repeated knowingly, as if you were a child having a tantrum. Slowly, he rose from his spot and shrugged, a hard look on his face, "Alright, we'll see about that."
The door slid shut and you were left alone once again with just your thoughts.
You huffed, rolling back over to sleep again.
Genya didn't speak to you for most of the day. The only time he helped you was when you begged to use the bathroom, but other than that, he acted as if you were a fly on the wall.
Not eating for the day sucked, but you didn't mind it too much. It was nice to get time away from Genya's coddling.
On day 6, you decided that enough was enough. Genya was acting ridiculous.
He and his brother were the one's that put you in this fucked up situation. He couldn't just decide to stop caring for you just because you hurt his feelings. It's like he wasn't even thinking about how you felt being kidnapped.
Your feet were beginning to itch and ache from lack of care. You couldn’t wrap them yourself since Genya purposely stored them where you couldn’t reach the bandages or the ointment.
You couldn’t really eat anything of real nutritional value either since he’d put most of the food in unreachable places.
Now, you were beginning to realize that he’d planned all of this. He wanted you to beg for him. He needed you to need him.
You'd weakly crawled out onto the engawa, watching him train.
"Genya." You called out. He stopped and looked at you with expecting eyes, "You know that you have to help me, so just do it. I don't care anymore.”
Instead of helping you like you’d asked, he went back to training.
Your mouth gaped like a fish and you called for him again, “I won’t complain anymore, I promise. I’ll do everything you and Sanemi say, okay?”
“Genya… please. I’m hungry.” You begged softly, “My feet hurt and I can’t change the bandages by myself… I don’t want them to get infected, Genya, please.”
There was still no response and you felt your resolve melting little by little each time Genya didn’t answer you.
Your feet hurt so bad and your stomach churned got something other than soup.
“Genya…” Your voice wobbled, “Please help me. I need your help.” You told him with bitter tears, “I need your help with my bandages and I need your help to eat…”
He finally stopped training and looked at you with knowing eyes, “You do?” He asked in a mocking tone. “My little sister needs her big brother?”
“Yes.” You bit out.
He picked you up with a warm smile, “I’m glad you realized that you do need us.” Instead of taking you back to your room, he headed back outside.
“Where are we going?” You asked.
Genya chuckled at the question, as if you were a child, “You stink! We’re going to take quick bath and then we’ll worry about eating and changing your bandages.”
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ultimateyapper · 12 days
anyway, here's wonderwall. | chapter one
[ chapter 2 ]
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were you truly mentally prepared for what would unfold in hotarubi? it couldn't be any worse than having a gun to your head right? despite the late hour, it's nearly impossible to get what taiga said out of your mind.
there's a mole.
but why would there be a mole at darkwick? who would it be? someone you know? a friend? how does taiga even know this?
there's officially too much on your mind to get any sleep.
yawning, you turn over to pull your phone off the charger. it was cute with an adapter shaped like a cat paw. the smile kaito wore as he handed it to you was full of pride. he said he got it "just because". it was clearly a lie after luca suggested it was consolation for skipping out on training but it's funny remembering how red he got afterwards. it was a sweet gesture but how does he expect to pay off his debt if he keeps buying things "just because".
the screen lights up and after blinking away tears from the initial brightness you read the time. ten minutes after midnight. maybe there's something interesting on wickchat? there wasn't a lot of time to check during the last mission.
eventually you make it to your messages. only a select few people are active due to the late hour and kaito is one of them. you can see him typing in your group chat. the one he made after the mission in frostheim. you temporarily left the chat while talking with taiga. although, in all honesty, trying not to get killed by taiga would fit better. you had texted him more than 10 minutes before you came to his room. yet still a gun was pointed to your head for the third (maybe fourth, you were losing track) time that week.
with complete and utter seriousness he claimed he "didn't know any honor student".
how many times did he expect you to introduce yourself exactly? you considered being a smartass and just saying a fake name. instead you decided to move, slowly so you didn't set him off, and show the texts.
suddenly the blonde started spamming the group chat in all caps, lighting up your phone with vibration after vibration. something about getting his point across to that dumbass, who you're assuming is probably luca. in hindsight, you could've just turned notifs off but when taiga was clearly starting to get pissed off you went with the quickest option. upsetting the guy with a machine gun for a special artifact isn't exactly at the top of your to-do list.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
im surprised to see luca up this late
the conversation comes to an abrupt halt. three dots circle at the bottom of your screen followed by a cat emote waving hi.
( kaito ✮ )
hiii : D
i added you back earlier btw i dunno why you left but it was probably an accident right??
wait sorry did i wake u up
mb 💔💔
( Lucas Errant )
I suppose it is a bit strange, yes? My conversation with Kaito must have made me lose track of time haha
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yeah you're usually knocked out lol and dw kaito i was already awake : )
( kaito ✮ )
ohh ok lol
i can't sleep either
( Lucas Errant )
You can't? I thought you said you were going to sleep because I was boring you.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
bro you were talking about fun facts and shi
ofc i was nodding off
( Lucas Errant )
My apologies. I assumed because of your life at home you'd be interested in it.
( kaito ✮ )
no not really
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
he was telling me about farm life as if i didn't get enough of that at home
( #1 peekaboo fan )
wait you grew up on a farm!?
( Lucas Errant )
I'm really interested in the culture. In the U.K I took horseback riding lessons but I've never seen any other farm animals in person.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
ooo that does sound fun
pigs are really cute
( kaito ✮ )
you would take horseback riding lessons
( #1 peekaboo fan )
you didn't like it there?
( kaito ✮ )
i mean... i liked being able to help my grams.
she's older so she needs that support
but in any other scenario??
nobody is getting that muddy for free
like you won't say that when you have a bull sprinting at you full speed
( #1 peekaboo )
this visual... 💀
( kaito ✮ )
bro 😭
( #1 peekaboo fan )
nah but fr
luca if ur interested you should volunteer at jabberwock
it's not the same but it's close
haru could use the extra help
( Lucas Errant )
Working with anamolous creatures would be an interesting learning experience. I'm not familiar so one day if you're free?
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
i'll show you everything i know ^_^
( kaito ✮ )
just the two of you?
( Lucas Errant )
I'm glad! I'll be available tomorrow during advisory. We have the same class right?
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yeah I'll meet u and we can go from there!
it's a date :3
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
u coming with?
( kaito ✮ )
yeah I'll come
( Lucas Errant )
I do worry if this is suited for you Kaito, but if you feel up to it I won't stop you.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yea u don't like getting dirty right? you don't have to if you don't wanna
( kaito ✮ )
no it's fine i'll just try not to get anything on my uniform and
...keep an eye on him
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
right so
see y'all tomorrow
im gonna go to bed
( Lucas Errant )
Yes, me as well. I wish both of you a good night's rest.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
seriously get sleep kai or im gonna to get you
( kaito ✮ )
promise? 😳
an emote of a cat waving goodbye signifies the end of the conversation. that's that you suppose. haru wouldn't mind right? he did really need the help. he's impressively good at what he does but you can't help but feel that he overexerts himself. maybe before you go you should text him to—
you nearly jump out of your skin. below you a soft yet prickly sensation is revealed to be a cat, pawing at your leg. the cute little thing is an orange cat with light spots along it's body and tail. as soon as your attention is fully away from your phone it jumps on your leg making you laugh.
it makes no complaints as you scoop it into your arms and cradle it close. it's a bit surprising to see one of the campus cats being so cuddly. they're friendly but very independent as chancellor cornelius had said. most of them don't linger for long, always busy with something else. this one is is a bit smaller though so maybe it was still new to the school.
the vibrant orange of it's coat of fur is reminiscent of the cat who fixed your window. where did that one go off too?
you finally lay down for the night. the warmth from your new companion lulling you to sleep as he settled on top of your chest.
in the morning you'd call haru to let him know you'd found some extra help.
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ahungeringknife · 8 months
365 May 3-6
After a point Desmond just came to the understanding that his life was weird and he really didn't feel like arguing with it anymore. Coming back from the dead? Near death? Limbo? Whatever did that to a person. He was so beyond his life throwing arguably impossible shit at him.
"I'm home," he said looking at the living room of his apartment that absolutely should not fit as many people in it as it did. And yet.
The first week it'd happened he was sure he was having a new mental break down. But no. That'd have been a reasonable explanation for a bunch of murderers showing up at his door looking like people out of a ren fair. He didn't know why they were there. They didn't know why they were there. When Desmond asked they just grabbed his blackened hand or arm. They were drawn to it. Somehow? For some reason?
Seven languages all roughly saying, "Welcome back," came in a chorus. They could all understand him at least. Whatever fucked up magic or whatever had given him that at least so he didn't have to sift through seven different tongues in his head to pull out the one he wanted.
"I brought bread," he said which got everyone interested. He didn't anticipate people from previous centuries to be picky eaters but they absolutely were. And that didn't even cover Ezio's insanely high standards for olive oil, which he basically drank. But everyone ate bread. Thank god. He always had to go down a few blocks for an actual bakery because of course they wouldn't eat store bread. The bakery knew him on sight now since he'd been going there every other day for a month and bought the exact same arrangement of bread. When they saw him coming in they just packed up his order for him.
"Everyone get their shit done while I was gone?" he asked amid some talking. Some of them could communicate but it was a near thing. Some of them even spoke English, which was cool.
"It was boring, but yes," Ezio said.
"Good. Who wants to make dinner?" Desmond asked, going into the kitchen and taking the bread out.
"Everyone stop looking at me," Evie said. "Just because I'm a woman."
Desmond didn't engage while Jacob was defending his sister's honor, or whatever. After a bit of bickering he called out, "Fine then we're all going to be unhappy and Altair will cook." There was some groaning.
"Fools," Altair said and Desmond was the only one who understood. He got up from where he was sitting on the floor and entered the little kitchen with Desmond. "My cooking isn't that bad... now," he added. Altair, like the rest of them, were not how Desmond remembered them from the memories as mostly wild and blood thirsty twenty-somethings. They were all older. In their thirties or forties. It was still weird seeing Altair in a beard. At least he wore it better than Ezio.
"Yeah you don't burn my pans now," Desmond said. Desmond still helped him figure out what to do. They all knew how to use the appliances by now but other than Connor, Bayek, and Evie none of them had ever had to cook for themselves until they'd shown up in Desmond's life. But like good Assassins they all took to instruction quickly and Desmond just had to tell them what to do and they figured it out.
"How much longer are we staying here?" Arno had come around to the kitchen while Altair was cutting onions with freakish laser precision. Desmond wasn't sure Altair couldn't understand French but he always acted like he couldn't so he didn't push it.
"I dunno. Until you guys fucking leave?" Desmond said. Who knew when that would be. Who knew why that would be or how!
Arno gave him an annoyed look. "I know that. But this is unsustainable," he motioned to the living room which had all the furniture shoved into the corners to make enough room for everyone to sleep. Desmond's bedroom also had some sleeping space on the floor. "Even at our lowest this is too much."
"Well if I want to break my lease I need to pay a fee. And then I have to find a new place that I can afford. And if you guys all fucking vanish one day I'm going to be in a big place all by myself unable to pay. I don't mind having roommates from former head mates but actual normal people? I'd rather die."
"That can be arranged," Altair said behind him.
"Shut it, you," Desmond frowned at him but Altair wasn't even looking at him.
Arno was also frowning. "Well perhaps it would be more useful if we put our minds to figuring out what happened to bring us here instead of what you have us doing."
"If you want to go ahead but I can't afford to feed someone who isn't helping," Desmond said, folding his arms. Because magic that they could all understand his spoken English they could also understand written English. Desmond had found all of them some reasonable paying translation gig work. Desmond knew they all hated it but also had no idea what to do in this century, let alone how to cross a street without almost being run over by a car.
Arno also folded his arms and mirroring Desmond. "I am not a stranger to hardship. But I'm tired of waking up with someone's feet in my face. Also Jacob snores; loudly," he put a pained look on his face.
Desmond grimaced. He could sympathize. Before he could keep going with Jacob Altair tugged his sleeve. He turned around. "Is this right?" and it was still so baffling hearing a hard ass like Altair ask him something so kindly.
Desmond looked over the chopped vegetables Altair had in the pan. He'd added raisins. Always with the fucking raisins with Altair. "Looks fine. Don't cook it too long or it'll turn to mush." He turned back to Jacob. "Look I'm not unsympathetic. I just don't know what to do myself," he said.
"Can we help you? Clearly we're supposed to be here? So we should help you."
Desmond sighed, "I would love that but none of you know how to use a computer."
"... A what?"
"Is that the little glass tablet you carry around with you?" Arno asked.
Arno looked conflicted. "It seems... confusing but I'm willing to figure it out if it gets me into an actual bed."
"Fine," Desmond said and already knew it was going to give him a headache. "This weekend when I'm free."
Arno smiled. "Great," and he walked off.
Desmond sighed dramatically. "Punk," Altair grumbled, or about as close an approximation as Desmond could translate out.
"I knew you could speak French," and Desmond punched his arm.
"My wife is French, of course I can," Altair said with a grunt. "His accent is so snooty. I hate it."
"He's Parisian," Desmond said.
"No wonder he sounds like a prick," Altair grumbled and Desmond laughed.
Having seven people crowding your space while trying to use your laptop was... something. It sure was something. Somehow they all managed to perch around him without getting in each other's way too and were all staring intently at the screen. Desmond had been talking to them, very slowly, for about three hours now explaining how a computer worked. He typically had all their translation work printed out and then on his days off typed it all into the programs or emails for the clients.
Surprisingly the one who seemed to understand it the best were the two old guys Altair and Bayek. Bayek was especially insane because he was from before the common era. Like the numbers ticked down on the grand time line of human civilization from where Bayek was from. Desmond wasn't particularly surprised by Altair who'd had his head in the future through the Apple for decades. That didn't mean either of them were good at it but they asked the least questions when he asked if they understood.
"I think that's about as much as I can just explain. You have to try it now. Who wants a go?" Desmond asked. He expected Arno to immediately volunteer. Hadn't he been the one excited to help him find a new apartment?
"I do," Bayek said.
"Weren't they still playing with sticks and rocks in your time?" Jacob asked, not knowing what Bayek was saying but getting the idea. Evie smacked his arm, hard, making him complain.
"Sit," Bayek sat. "It's light, hold onto the keyboard area so it doesn't fall off your lap," Desmond said and put the laptop on Bayek's crossed legs. There was a moment of confusion as Bayek figured out how to use the touch pad but then he got it. "I'm surprised you're at all good with this," Desmond said casually.
His answer absolutely floored Desmond. "This is nothing compared to the Isu ruins." Desmond hadn't personally lived through Bayek but he'd been told the story. Bayek was really good at telling stories. "That is actual confusing shit."
"What'd he say?" Ezio asked.
"He said it's nothing compared to Those Who Came Before," he said. "Didn't know Egypt had that sort of tech involvement with the Isu," he said thoughtfully.
"Ask him if it's as easy as it appeared when you did it," Arno said.
Desmond did and relayed it back while Bayek was clicking around on the computer and internet. "He said it's like reading a scroll where the words and pictures move with your thoughts."
"How poetic," Arno said.
"I also wanna try," Evie said.
"Yes, and I," Ezio said.
"Give him a few minutes," Desmond said.
"The keyboard is... confusing. I know what these letters mean but their arrangement is-- quite stupid," Bayek said.
"Yeah, basically," Desmond agreed.
"It also hurts my eyes."
"Yeap. It'll do that too," and he took the laptop back. Then Evie got to mess around with it while Bayek rubbed his eyes. He hadn't blinked the entire time. Then it was Ezio's turn once she'd had a go at it.
"Is there a way to see these mmm- webbed sites in Italian?" Ezio asked.
"Sort of? Just type into the text box in Italian. It should pull up Italian sites."
Watching Ezio pick and poke through what he wanted to ask Google was excruciating. "Ha! Italian," and he scrolled through the search results. Desmond leaned over to see what he was looking at.
"Hey!" Desmond snatched the laptop away. He switched into Italian himself to scold him and god he sounded a lot like Claudia by the way Ezio wilted. "Don't look up boobs on my fucking laptop. Of course I leave you alone for a minute and you're trying to see some tits. What are you? Seventeen again?"
He was going to have to put child locks or something on this thing so these Assassins didn't give his laptop a fucking virus looking up porn. "What can I say. I'm a man of simple pleasures?" Ezio said with a wry grin.
"Banned," Desmond pointed at him in annoyance.
He let everyone try out the laptop. No one was as taken with it as Bayek and Connor somehow almost broke it. Arno at least came away from the lesson and hands on part being slightly confidant in using it. Everyone also complained it hurt their eyes. Because none of them blinked while using the laptop. Blue light was hell of a thing.
They dispersed after that. Bayek, who still sat next to him, said, "Can you show me more things?"
"Sure? Like what?"
"I want to know what happened to Egypt," he said. "And the Romans. And the Greeks. Are they still around?"
"Well Ezio is what you could call Roman," Desmond said slowly. "He lived in Rome, the city, for a while."
"Is Rome no longer an empire?"
Desmond chuckled, "Buddy, they wish."
"... I would like to see what made Rome fall," he said, not in a sad way but rather he was very interested. "And what happened to Julius," his eyes narrowed.
"You're going to love what happened to Cesare," Desmond said and pulled up some wikipedia articles. He showed Bayek how to navigate the site, what the colors meant, what the little numbers next to words meant, and the sources at the bottom. After that Bayek was glued to it. "And make sure you blink," Desmond added. Bayek nodded.
Desmond got off the couch and wandered into his room, flopping down onto his bed. That had taken so long. He picked up his phone and looked at it. It was only mid afternoon. He had a few missed texts. It looked like they were from work. He ignored them. He wasn't paid enough to answer texts on his day off.
Desmond was used to being watched at this point even if he couldn't see them. Didn't bother him. This time when he looked across the Goodwill it was Jacob staring right at him looking like he was dying while Evie was trying to find some clothes. Seemed that even after a few hundred years brothers still would rather die than shop with their sisters. He chuckled to himself and went back to ignoring him.
Desmond was more concerned with convincing Bayek and Connor that no they couldn't just walk around shirtless or tank tops all the time.
"But it will get in the way of my movement," Bayek said about the long sleeved shirt Desmond was trying to get him in. It was summer so was pretty warm and Bayek had never existed in any sort of cold weather in his life. His logic was sound for Egypt.
"Yeah but you can't enter most stores without a shirt, dude," Desmond said. Connor was more accepting of full shirts having grown up around Westerners but Desmond remembered being in his head. He always felt too big for in his clothes. Especially Achilles' old uniform that he'd nearly ripped several times from just how thick his arms were.
"But it's hot out. We don't need sleeves until later in the year," Connor said.
"What'd he say?" Bayek asked and Desmond repeated it. Honestly a lot of the time he was just repeating what everyone said so any two of them could hold a conversation. "Why would the time of year matter?"
"... What is that?"
Desmond pinched the bridge of his nose. "Think like the flood season but instead it gets cold."
"It would get cold in Egypt sometimes," Bayek said.
"No like water turns into ice," Desmond explained.
"But it's not like that now? And there's so much clothes here surely I won't want for them," Bayek said. Everyone had been pretty stunned when Desmond had brought them to Goodwill and it was just filled with more clothes than any of them had seen in one place.
"In winter cold weather clothes tend to go quick," Desmond said.
"Desmond," he looked over at Evie's voice as she came through the aisle. Jacob was sulking a ways away.
"My brother is useless as ever. I need input on these modern clothes," she said.
Evie showed him two shirts. They looked pretty nice and were fairly subdued, which he expected. One was a feathery blouse, the other was a thin sweater. They complimented her skin color. Desmond didn't know a lot about fashion but he'd seen enough women come into a bar to know what was good. "Which one?"
"I like them both," Desmond said.
"That is not helpful," she said.
Desmond reached over and grabbed the tags. They were both five bucks each. "Do you like them?"
"Then you can get both-
"What?" she asked, confused. "But these are so fancy and high quality," she said. Desmond knew the Industrial Revolution had been going on during Evie's time but fast fashion was a hell of a thing.
"It's fine, they're just a few dollars-
"That's expensive! Are you sure?" she asked.
He chuckled. "Yeah. If you like them we can get them. Make sure you find some bottoms you like too to match."
"Are you really sure?" she asked.
"Yes. And tell your brother to stop looking like a creep and pick out some clothes too," Desmond said.
She rolled her eyes. "He knows no other way. But yes, thank you," she held the clothes to her and walked off.
"Those are expensive though, are you sure?" Connor asked. He understood modern money better than Bayek who was ignoring them and looking at clothes.
"It's about the equivalent of fifteen cents," Desmond said, knowing Connor would understand that.
"Oh! Really?"
"Yeah. Inflation is hell of a thing-- don't worry about it, it's economics," he told Connor who just looked so confused.
"I think I like this one," Bayek said and Desmond sighed when he pulled out the most Dad shirt he could have found. It was a tie die tank top. "Finally something brightly colored. This time is so drab," he scoffed. The worst part was Desmond knew he'd absolutely wear it.
"Okay," Desmond said, defeated. Then he groaned at the sound of some very angry Arabic a few rows over. "Now what?" he looked and saw Ezio harassing Altair about... something? "Excuse me. Before Altair kills his biggest fan boy," Desmond said. "Find a shirt that fits you, Connor," he told Connor and went over to where Altair very nearly had his hands on Ezio's neck.
Desmond easily slotted himself between the two of them. "What's this about?" he asked.
"Ezio says I dress like a woman," Altair pointed at Ezio furiously.
"... What? Also how do you know what he's saying?"
"He's just speaking a different version of Latin," Altair said. "That isn't the point!"
Desmond turned to Ezio. "Did you say he's dressing like a girl?"
"I said he'd look like a fancy lady with his dress," Ezio said and yeah Desmond got why Altair was about to kill him.
"Take like twenty steps back while I defuse this bomb you made," Desmond told Ezio.
"I resent that," Altair growled at him.
Ezio did step back and Desmond turned around to him. "So what did he get you about?" Altair raised a shapeless dress that was very much a dress but it was also shaped like a thobe which was traditionally exactly what an old guy like Altair would wear. "Looks like a thobe to me," Desmond said, realizing what Altair was going for.
"Yes. That's what I tried to tell him."
"But it's a dress too."
"Look I don't care," Desmond raised his hands before Altair bit his head off. "You'll get looks if you wear that though and I know you hate being perceived." Altair grimaced at that. "If you want a thobe I'll order you one or find one at a Middle East bodega or something but you should just find some pants and a shirt." Altair huffed in annoyance. "Yeah I know, you hate rules. Get over it," Desmond rolled his eyes.
"I am more annoyed you know me better than myself at times," Altair grumbled, arms folded. "Same as the rest."
"Trust me I really wish I didn't. Either way, we can still get it if you want but I would suggest pants."
"Fine," Altair huffed.
"Connor, Connor," he heard Bayek calling from the end of the aisle. At the least that was something they could do. Desmond watched Connor join Bayek down the aisle and Bayek triumphantly held up an old sleeveless Laker's jersey. Desmond snickered imagining Connor's face of horror at the yellow and purple monstrosity. Connor for his part waved his hands like he didn't want it.
An hour or so later Desmond was finally in line for check out with the others. Evie had taken what he'd said to heart and found a bunch of stuff but everyone else was still too stunned by the variety to pick more than three or four pieces. The cashier was pleasant and had clearly seen weirder shit than a guy like Desmond shepherding a bunch of adults forward to have their clothes rung up and then put into individual bags. The total wasn't even that bad for buying clothes for seven people. The more modern Assassins still gasped or gagged at the price but Desmond didn't flinch at the hundred and seventy dollar price tag.
"That had to be wrong," Connor said once they were leaving.
"What was?" Desmond asked.
"The price-
"You said not to worry. That was a fortune!" Evie cried.
"It was like five dollars," Desmond said.
"That's not what the cash register said," Evie insisted.
"It's the equivalent of five dollars," Desmond rolled his eyes.
"Seriously?" Jacob asked.
"Yes. Seriously."
"That's still a lot of money," Arno said.
"For seven people buying clothes that is a steal. I've seen people buy a single shirt for five dollars," and he chuckled when Evie, Jacob, Arno, and Connor looked appropriately disgusted. Bayek, Ezio, and Altair just looked confused.
"Are these dollars worth a lot?" Ezio asked as they walked down the sidewalk.
"I do not have the brain power to convert to florins," Desmond groaned. "Or dinars or deben across like a thousand plus years okay?" he asked. "Like a shilling?"
"Ah," Ezio nodded.
"If you aren't worried about it neither am I," Bayek said.
"Sounds like a bunch of poor people to me," Altair said, specifically in Latin.
"I would agree," Ezio said absently. Desmond slapped his hand over his face.
"I wasn't poor. That's still a lot," Arno said in something recognizing Latin. Both Ezio and Altair laughed at him. "What?"
"Your accent," Desmond said.
"What of it?"
"Sounds like he's talking without moving his lips," Ezio chuckled. "Open your mouth when you speak," he said loudly. "Or speak with your hands. I can understand you better if you do," and he did indeed wave one hand while talking.
"Can we not do this?" Desmond groaned as they got to the parking lot. He'd rented an actual van for the day just to avoid public transport. He'd gotten them all on a bus or subway individually as they'd appeared but he didn't want to have to watch all of them at once on a subway. He knew somehow, someway, someone would get lost and he didn't want to hunt down an Assassin in a big city. Especially not these guys who could be... a bit stab happy if you bothered them too much. Well except Connor.
They all loaded into the van and Desmond reached into the center console to grab the single dose of pain killers he'd made sure to bring with him. Because he knew and had been right; by the end of this shopping trip he could feel the start of a headache. "Okay everyone buckled in?" Desmond turned around once he'd taken the pain killer. There was still some confusion about buckles for Bayek but Jacob had gotten it for him. They all gave him a thumbs up to cut down on the cacophony. "Great. Who wants lunch?" More thumbs up. "How about McDonalds?"
"What's that?" Jacob asked.
Desmond chuckled. "You'll see," he said and backed the car out of the parking spot and drove off from Goodwill.
Desmond was looking over rental listings drinking his morning coffee in bed. Altair and Bayek were both on a blow up mattress on the floor. He'd bought a few over the past month but there was still only so much room. It was going to be so expensive to move. Thankfully now that everyone could operate the laptop or tablet now they could input their own gig work so could do more so long as they weren't blinded by boredom. A single bedroom apartment wasn't enough for eight full grown adults.
There wasn't much reasonable in the city itself but outside the city he could rent a full house. That was doable. And about as expensive as his current apartment actually. He scrolled listings on his phone but did consider just picking a neighborhood outside of the city and calling a realtor to find him a rental house. He didn't even care what it was.
He knew it was light out because Bayek woke up. He was punctual and even with the curtains over the windows Bayek always woke up at dawn. He sat up blearily. "Coffee?" it was the one English word he could say because the word didn't exist in any language he knew. It wouldn't have been invented for another sixteen hundred years for him. Didn't mean he hadn't immediately become addicted just like everyone else.
"Full pot in the kitchen," Desmond said, sipping his mug.
Bayek got off the inflatable gingerly and left the room. Desmond didn't have the heart to tell him no matter how careful he was about it Altair always woke up after he left. On the bed Altair huffed, awake now as well. "You could just go back to sleep," Desmond said.
"No," Altair said softly and that tracked. He sat up. "Do you ever worry?"
"I grew up in the twenty first century, my entire body is just made out of anxiety," Desmond said.
Altair grimaced. "I mean why we're here?"
"Why not?"
"After the shit I've seen this isn't even the worst of it," Desmond said, sipping his coffee, barely paying attention to Altair.
"How is that possible?"
Desmond looked at him now. "I died, you know," he said casually, like discussing the weather. The only indication that had actually happened was his left arm was fucked up beyond belief. "And coming back from death? Nothing really bothers you," he shrugged. "Certainly not some old head mates."
"Which you won't tell us what that means," Altair said.
Desmond shrugged. "Better that way."
"So you really don't care? Why we're here? Where we came from?"
"Not even a little," Desmond was done looking at rentals. He'd just call a realtor, get them to find him a three bed two and a half bath with a yard. He switched over to Twitter. Perfect turn your brain off activity.
They sat in the dark quiet of Desmond's room for a bit. "What's it like, being dead?" Altair asked after a few minutes. Desmond didn't answer him. "Desmond?" he looked over because Altair's voice was close. He had moved to be next to Desmond's bed.
"You should know what death is like, you've killed more people than me," Desmond said off handedly.
"I've sent people to the afterlife. I've never been to one. The others have grand Catholic ideas. Bayek said he fought gods in his afterlife. But you've died. What's that like?"
"Nothing," was all Desmond said.
"It was nothing?"
"Sure. We'll go with that."
Altair scowled at him. "You're being annoyingly obtuse, young man," he growled.
Desmond looked right at him. "Don't with me," he said in a serious way. It must have been plain on his face because Altair didn't press the subject.
Light spilled in from the living room when Bayek opened the door but it was Ezio behind him who spoke up, "Desmond, Jacob drank all the coffee and there's no more left."
"I made a pot. How'd he drink an entire pot?" Desmond groaned. "Also I know you idiots know how to use the coffee machine."
"No powder," Bayek said in his Dad tie dye tank top.
Desmond sighed. "Okay I'll go to the store," he got out of bed and rummaged around for some pants. Ezio and Bayek left the doorway. "Jacob," he yelled into the main room, "you're coming with me for drinking all the coffee."
"I didn't do shit!" Jacob yelled back.
"You better be dressed when I get out there or I'm dragging your ass to the corner store in your skivies!" and it was a real threat. Desmond changed his shirt and his dead beat dad would have been so proud of him tucking his long sleeved shirt in all the time now. He didn't like it rising up when he lifted his arm, you could see the death damage on his flank too, horrible thick black veins and old burst capillaries. He also always wore a glove now.
Jacob was fuming standing in the living room when Desmond came out of the bedroom but he was fully dressed. The inflatable mattresses had been put away already and the only person with coffee was Bayek since he'd woken up first. "I didn't even drink it all," Jacob complained. "Ezio just says whatever he wants and you believe it."
"Contrary to what he thinks its because the guy can't lie to save his life. Least of all to me," Desmond said. "Now stop complaining," he pulled on his shoes.
When he opened the door to walk out he almost bumped into someone. It was a woman. She was tall for a woman with ash brown hair and old eyes wearing an insanely sharp pant suit. "Veronica?" Jacob said next to him.
"Jacob?" she said with an accent Desmond couldn't place.
"Holy shit what are you doing here?" Jacob asked.
The woman, Veronica?, looked at Desmond, then at Jacob, "That's my question." She looked over Desmond's shoulder then back at Desmond, her eyes wide in an expression just from the way she held herself Desmond took as she wasn't surprised easily. "What are they doing here?"
"Uh... they're my friends?" Desmond said, confused by the line of questioning also who the fuck was this lady? For a moment he thought she was like the others but there was no befuddlement to her, no wide eyed bewilderment. They'd all appeared looking out of time and place. She was not. She was something else.
"Who's at the door?" Ezio came around. "Ah? Maria?" he asked.
"You also recognize her?" Desmond asked.
"That's Veronica," Jacob said. Now the others were coming around.
Desmond looked at the woman who was looking right back. "You also shouldn't be here," she said and it stuck him right in the chest.
"Well that's rude," Evie said. "Don't be mean to our friend, Veronica."
"Do you all recognize this lady?" Desmond asked the Assassins and stepped back into his apartment. He felt better being surrounded by them. Whoever or whatever she was wouldn't be able to fight off seven Master Assassins.
"Of course."
"She was our friend."
"She helped me."
"She knew my father."
"She helped me complete my mission."
They all said almost at once. What the actual fuck? He'd never seen this lady in any of the memories he had but apparently they all knew her. She was a friend. They all knew her by a different name though. "What are you doing here, Melite?" Altair was the only one asking a serious question.
The woman just sort of smiled apologetically. "My name is Kassandra actually," she said. Then she looked at Desmond. "I think we need to talk."
And… that’s it lol Oops sorry If you want to see other scenes maybe suggest some? We should talk about it
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one-piece-aus · 8 months
Is it ok if i request Shanks for day 9 of your whumptober? hope u have a good day~~
Yes, of course! Enjoy your evening with this angsty read ^-^
Whumptober Day 9
Shanks x Reader
Tumblr media
You sat in your office drinking black coffee, ignoring the taste in favour of keeping your body running, sleep can wait till you're done here. You just got photographic evidence of who your mystery mastermind is, you were just waiting for the pictures from the polaroid to develop.
Your thoughts are interrupted when you heard a phone ring. Your brows knitted in confusion, the office phone stay still, you checked your pocket for your work phone but it remained silent. Wait- you pulled out your personal phone and sure enough there it was, ringing in your hand. Your sore eyes soften once you see who it is and you answered.
"Shanks, you know not to call me while I'm at work."
"Ah come on sweetheart, it's 2 in the morning, I'm sure no one's going to complain about a little call from the outside." As always, Shanks' easygoing nature pulls a smile on your lips. "Why are you in so late anyways? Isn't the latest you stay midnight?"
"I just needed to oversee something before I call it a day," you tell him as you swish your drink around.
"Don't stay there all night, I wanna see you later." There's that charming tone you could hardly resist.
"What? Got bored drinking with your buddies?" You teased, spinning around in your chair.
"I can only stand looking at their faces for so long," he laughed at his own joke. "But seriously I'd like to see you, you've been busy all week."
"It's called working Shanks, something you wouldn't know."
"It's called being a workaholic, normal people get off at 5."
"Hmm, maybe but mysteries won't slove themselves," you said glancing at the spiderweb board behind you.
"I'll buy you something from the bakery~" Shanks bribed.
"Deal," you agreed and ceased your spin when you face your desk again. "I'll see you soon."
"See you soon, sweetheart."
You ended the call and pocketed your phone, already missing his voice. How did you go a week without seeing him? You frowned, staring at the black coffee in your mug. Did you really bury yourself in your work that much?
"Out of coffee already, boss?" Tashigi asked as she walked in and noticed you were staring inside your mug.
"No, but I'll need a refill soon."
"Well, if you're staying up because you're waiting for the photos to develop, worry no more!" Tashigi held up a box and placed it down your desk.
"You only collected the ones taken from 11pm to 2 am, right?" You checked reaching your hand in the box and pulling out a few pictures.
"Yes," Tashigi nodded.
You hummed in thought as you shuffled through the pictures. Most were low quality and blurry, the figures in them were covered in shadows. Halfway done looking through the photos and you felt this technique is proving to be a lost cause when you saw the next photograph.
You dropped it, letting it land on you desk as chills crawled up your back. Disbelief painted over your features as you stared down at the picture smiling at you.
Of all people- no, surely you're just sleep deprived. You hardly had any sleep this week, you're just halluctionating, right? Yeah, there's no way it's-
"Tashigi-" You picked up the photo and handed it to the woman. "Can you describe the features of the person in the photo to me."
"Uh- well..." Tashigi adjusted her glasses as she began examing the picture. "It looks like a red-haired man in his late 30s."
It's as you feared.
The man in the photo is Shanks.
Tag: @roseoftrafalgar @bookandyarndragon
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writing-whump · 1 month
Would loveeee to see hector super sick and feverish with a stomach bug where all he wants is to be comforted by Isaiah/Arnie/both- just love his softer side- pretty sure he’s a softie deep down 🤭
Hey nonny! Thank you for the request!! Found a good way to insert it. This will have a part 2 for another request hehe.
Something serious
Hector burst through the door, heading straight for the kitchen without a word of greeting.
Arnie was not taking it personally, but he was curious about what kind of hunger spree made Hector so desperate.
He got up from the couch to check. "Did you skip lunch or-?
Except Hector wasn't riding their fridge. He was braced over the kitchen sink and retching loudly.
"Oi. Okay," Arnie said with a wince as a huge gush of puke hit the bottom of the granite. "What happened to you?"
"Ate-uuurp-too fast." Hector burped up another mouthful before spitting and letting the faucet run over the mess.
"Really? Wasn't something off about the food?" Hector's speed and capacity were way too impressive for this to happen easily.
Hector swiped his wrist over his mouth, sweaty all over.
Arnie tore off a handful of kitchen towels and handed it to him.
Hector took it gratefully, mopping his face and mouth. "I was so hungry at lunch that my stomach hurt. Must have eaten too quick, cause I got queasy on the way." Hector put a hand on his belly as it whined loudly. For puking just a minute ago, his stomach looked distended, as if he was still full.
"Sure it was hunger? Maybe you were getting down with something and ate lunch on top," Arnie sighed, grabbing Hector by the elbow to steer him towards the living room. "How many times do I have to say that you shouldn't eat, when your stomach is hurting?"
Hector was feeling crappy enough to follow Arnie's guidance, flopping down on the couch and curling his hands protectively around his middle. "Ugh. Thought it would help."
Arnie rolled his eyes. "It's always the same with you—no restraint. Listening to your body's signals could have spared you from all this puking."
Hector huffed. "Stop lecturing, snotnose, and get me some water."
Arnie stuck his tongue at him, but obeyed, getting some cold water from the kitchen, checking if the sink was clean on the way.
Hector gulped down the water greedily, even as Arnie patted his hand. "Slow down, you'll make yourself sick again."
To be fair, Hector tried to slow the tempo before it picked up again. Arnie sat down next to him with a grimace. No helping that.
"You want to watch something and take it easy?" Arnie asked, putting the back of his hand to Hector's forehead. He was a little warm. "I think you should rest. Looks like a flu to me."
Hector, feeling evidently better, swatted his hand away. "And whose fault is that? You're the only flu spreader around. Damn human germs."
Arnie gave him another eye roll. "Your immunity needs some work then, if you catch things that I don't even have symptoms for."
Arnie put on a rerun of Big Bang Theory, which was usually so foreign and boring to Hector that it put him to sleep. And he was right, his older brother was snoring away, head lolling to the armrest, in a few minutes.
After two episodes, Hector stirred though, grimacing with a moan.
"You want a blanket?" Arnie asked quietly as Hector curled into himself, although he could see some more sweat beading on his neck.
"Nah. Think I'm just going to sleep this off in the bed," Hector said, not bothering to muffle a burp as he got up clumsily. His hand shot up to cradle the top of his belly like it was about to fall open.
"You sure you didn't eat something spicy at lunch?" Arnie said, watching him stumble out with another burp. "You get disgusting like that every time."
Hector gave him an angry glare. "I do not. I can handle spicy food."
Arnie snorted. "Yeah, yeah. Tell that to someone who doesn't have to live with you and hear all the consequences."
Hector grunted something crude on his way, which caused Arnie to chuckle.
It wouldn't be unusual in the slightest if he did eat something spicy and then played it off as a flu just to not feel embarrassed.
It would be fine. Hector was a grumpy patient, even if it was the flu, but as long as he stopped eating and took a day off, he would be fine.
Wolves were so senstive to pain. Just a bit of discomfort, and they were all dramatic and moaning. Hector more than most. Physical injuries he got rid of with his shadow, so any sickness, cold, or flu that wouldn't heal had him up in arms and whiny. Arnie had gotten used to not taking it too seriously.
Arnie watched a few more episodes, checking his phone and dozed off on the couch himself.
He went to check on Hector, but he looked peacefully asleep in the bed.
Arnie prepared him a glass of water and a bucket, just in case. Leaving the door open and satisfied with his precautions, he went to his own room, catching the sleeping wave before it was worse off.
Arnie woke up to the harsh sounds of throaty retches. Scrambling up a little slow from sleep, he braced himself on the doorframe in Hector's room, switching the small bedside table lamp on.
Hector didn't even get up, hunched over the bed and heaving over the bucket.
What did, however, get up was his shadow. It was sprawling across the wall behind the bed and wiggling uneasily across the floor.
Arnie stepped around it gingerly. Hector's shadow wouldn't hurt him, he knew, but it was a scary big thing to crawl around his feet.
Despite Hector's best efforts, the bucket was basically empty, only spits of yellow bile inside.
Arnie sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed sleepily. Always so dramatic with Hector.
"Hex, you got nothing inside you, you are empty," he said, patting his back.
"Doesn't-doesn't feel like it-" Hector coughed between heaves.
He moaned, clutching the side of his belly as he lay back down, breathing harshly. "That freaking hurt."
"Flu it is," Arnie said with a yawn. "You are heaving even when running on empty."
"Then why the hell does it hurt?" Hector complained, sniffling. Arnie admonished himself for not bringing some more paper towels, too.
"It's normal to get cramps during the flu-"
"No, not crampy" Hector protested through gritted teeth. "It fucking hurts. And the pain travels."
Arnie frowned. "Travels? What?"
"The spot," Hector said, clutching at the right side of his stomach. It was still bloated, even though he had nothing to vomit. Arnie's eyebrows scrunched even more. This was starting to get weird.
"It was in the middle and now it's freaking here and it feels like someone stabbed me," Hector said angrily, just a breath away from whining. His shadow made an aggressive, wavy motion above their heads.
Arnie rubbed at his eyes, much more alert now. "So to sum it up - you felt sick during lunch, thought it was hunger, threw up at home and you were in pain since then?"
"I - I felt kind of off yesterday too, but like...just sluggish? Thought I was tired." Hector rolled onto his back, hands sliding lower on his right side.
Arnie leaned in closer. "Show me." He gently pried Hector's hands away, lifting up his shirt. His stomach was still so blown up, but he could see nothing on the spot. It seemed too specific for a place though, lower right abdomen...he pushed his hands around, trying to find some kind of physical proof, a bump or swell. Hector didn't protest his poking, eyes closed and pinched.
Arnie was the one with any basic knowledge of human anatomy and complications, since Hector always insisted that were human weaknesses that had nothing to do with him.
Arnie retracted his hands with a sigh, considering writing it off as a cramp lasting too long, when Hector whimpered. Like a real little whimper. He locked his limbs together, arms around his stomach again, tears leaking out. His shadow all but flooded the damn room, swinging angrily from one side to the other at Hector's pain.
"What, what did I do?" Arnie asked in panic, falling to his knees on the floor and taking Hector's forearm in both hands. "Hex? Hex, what-"
Hector twitched under his hands, twisting his face into the sheets as a trickle of bile came out of the corner of his mouth.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" Arnie said, pressing his forehead to Hector's as his older brother rode the pain out.
Hector said nothing, another little whimper coming up.
Arnie got up as quickly as he could to grab his phone. He dialed up the ambulance and called as he returned, not wanting to leave Hector alone.
"Noooo, no hospital," Hector whined pitifully.
"Yes, we have to," Arnie said in a strangled noise, putting his free hand on Hector's shoulder. "Please. Trust me. This is something serious."
With great effort, Hector pulled a hand away from his stomach and clutched Arnie's forearm, breathing raggedly as they both waited for the medics.
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kteezy997 · 7 months
6 Months-Part Four// t.c.
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Warnings: sexual themes, cursing, swimming in underwear
18+ Readers Only, Please
Cameron went to bed that night feeling something resembling butterflies. She was feeling an onslaught of differnet emotions, and she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned but could not stop picturing HIM. She could also see the pool, and then that became just water. Water all over Timothee, like he was in the shower. His curly hair half kinky, half sloshy, his eyes bright, and a smirk on his lips.
In her dream he was naked, of course, and he was all lean muscle, and milky white perfect skin. He turned to face her, and her focus went to his-
She sat up in a rush, snapping out of the dream. She wiped the sweat off of her forehead. Having a wet dream about him was not in the cards for her.
Cameron spent the next few days writing in her journal, watching TV, and spending time with Timothee. She found herself growing more comfortable with him. They had learned to trust each other more and more. They went to McDonald's one day and chatted at a local coffee shop the next. It was like they were becoming friends after all.
She could see why women fell in love with him. He was handsome and tall, as well as charming and endearing. He made it difficult for anyone to hate him. Cameron felt her walls coming down each time she was around him. It didn't help that she was attracted to him. Fuck, he was winning.
She was growing a little bored being in the mansion for the majority of the time, so after breakfast, she decided to help clean up the table, clearing away the dishes.
"Oh, dear, you really don't need to trouble yourself." insisted Mrs. Davis, "We work here and you..."
"Live here? No, Timothee lives here. I'm just...a guest, I guess."
"Honey, we work for you now, too. You just go relax, maybe you could write a little?"
"Mrs. Davis, I have had enough relaxing for the whole dang year. I can only write for so long before I go cross-eyed or get a headache. He is supposed to be getting my devices back. I just want to talk to my mom, and my best friend, Nova. I miss them so much. I just want a little bit of normalcy, so can I help with dishes, at the least?"
The elder lady smiled softly, saying, "Sure you can, dear, only if you think it will soothe your mind. Come with me."
Cameron was in the kitchen with the young man who was a hired dishwasher, helping him and the others working in the kitchen.
"Cameron?" called Timothee's voice.
She looked up, seeing him walk in. She wondered if he ever even came back there. "Yeah?"
"I've been looking everywhere for you all morning. Is this where you've been?" he turned, sternly speaking to Mrs. Davis, "You guys making her wash dishes now?"
Cameron didn't have to speak, Mrs. Davis had it covered, "She asked to help, sir, and I strongly insisted that she relax instead, but she wanted to help in the kitchen."
Timothee then looked back at Cameron, "Is that true? Why?"
"Because I'm cooped up in this house almost all the time and I'm bored!"
"But I thought you were writing."
"A woman can only journal so much until she goes mad with her own thoughts."
"Sir, Ma'am, maybe this discussion is too personal, perhaps you should take it elsewhere?" Mrs. Davis kindly cut in.
"Yes," Timothee said, "thank you, Mrs. Davis, sorry to intrude. Come with me, Cam."
"A 'please' can go a long way." she remarked, taking off the apron she was provided with, but she didn't move an inch.
Timothee inhaled, forced a smile and said, "Come with me, please."
"I thought you were starting to enjoy being here. Are you not happy?" Timothee inquired as they entered the hallway, walking side by side.
"I'm not unhappy, I just have no purpose here. I miss my family and friends, I miss my old life. You have to understand that."
"Yeah, I understand, and I'm sorry it's taking so long to get your phone and stuff back. It's not my intention to keep those things from you, I swear."
"How do I know you mean that?"
"Stop for a second." he said, taking her by the hand.
"Timothee." she breathed out his name, feeling her heartbeat accelerate as he pulled her closer.
He looked deep in her eyes, "I want you to hear the sincerity in my voice when I say that I want you to be happy. I want you to have your family in your life. Believe me, Cameron. I want the best for you, in every aspect."
Cameron thought he would kiss her in this moment, and she knew in her heart that she would not resist it. She felt guilty, falling for her captor like this. But for her mental well-being, she no longer wanted to see him as such. He wasn't a sadistic person, just a depressed individual, who felt he was at the end of his rope when he took her. Perhaps the characters she wrote about in her novels weren't too far off from what Timothee felt.
But he didn't kiss her. He released his hold on her. "Maybe I can give you something to look forward to: I'm going to a party tonight. A fancy Hollywood party. I'd love for you to accompany me, if you're up for it."
Cameron grinned widely, "Yes! I'd love to." she jumped into his arms, hugging him.
Timothee wrapped his arms around her, snuggly, but not too firm. He took in her scent, and he could feel it in his bones that this was the first of many hugs between them. "I figured you would want to go, so I asked hair and makeup people to come over for you."
She pulled away from the embrace, "Wow, I've never had my makeup done professionally before."
He responded with a soft smile.
Cameron looked ahead, nodding toward the pool area. "Do we have time for a swim beforehand?" She took him by the hand, leading the way.
"I mean, yeah. Do you have a bathing suit?" he asked, raising a brow at her.
"No, but is underwear okay?" she asked, giving him a cheeky look. She wanted to test the waters; no pun intended. She wanted to have a vulnerable moment with him, she wanted to see him wet in real life, to see if the attraction was truly viable.
"Yeah under...underwear is fine." Timothee stumbled over his words some and cleared his throat. As they both removed their clothes, he remembered how easy it used to be for him to make the first move with women, to be the flirt, to be the sexually aggressive one, but this was different territory for him: having Cameron be the initiator. What did she want out of this? Should he touch her? Should he not? No, just let her lead. Let her come to you.
Cameron had on cotton panties and a non-padded bra. When she got in the water, her nipples poked the soaked material that clung to her breasts, but he did his best to pay it no mind. He had on just his boxer briefs, also cotton-made. If he were to get out of the water, his underwear would leave little to the imagination when it came to his cock.
They stayed quiet for a little bit, the only sound was the soft splashing of the water surrounding them. Timothee plunged his head under water, just for a second, then resurfaced, shaking his hair and letting droplets fly all around him. Cameron watched as the tiny streams of water cascaded-almost sensually- down his cheeks, his neck, his chest. He was, in fact, more delectable now in the flesh than in the erotic dream she had. She was fucked.
"What are you thinking about?" Timothee asked, his voice low. He pushed his sopping curls, and they were slicked back on his head, looking so effortlessly sexy from Cameron's point of view. His green eyes flicked over at her from behind the stray ringlets that remained along his forehead.
She sighed, "What are you thinking about, Chalamet?"
"I asked you first." he retorted.
"Answer me, or I'll dunk your ass." she warned, teasingly.
"Oh? I'd like to see you try." Timothee chuckled, putting his back against the wall of the pool and bracing himself with his hands on the wall behind him.
She then swam over to him quickly, grabbing him and pushing him downward. They both laughed as he fought back, taking ahold of her wrists. They were soon face to face, and the water stopped splashing as their bodies became still. Suddenly the both of them felt hot, they were soaked head to toe after their playful battle.
"Were you...thinking about fucking me?" she asked, shamelessly, just needing to know.
"Cam, baby, you have no idea of the things I want to do to you." his voice was practically a sultry purr channeling directly into her ear.
His words paired with the sinful look in his eyes made her feel weak, and she was wet in more ways than one.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss
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winniethewife · 7 months
Kinktober day 22
Day Twenty Two: Voice kink (William Tell x reader)
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If you live in or near Atlanta just pretend you don’t. I picked a city at random, live with it.
Warnings: smut under the cut, nsfw, 18+, FemBodied, phone sex, masturbation, dirty talk,
Minors DNI
Words: 843
She woke up to her phone ringing. She groggily looks at the caller ID. It was William, she wasn’t quite sure what to call their relationship. Can you really call someone you’ve seen in person maybe all of five times your boyfriend? Lover? She answers the phone.
“Hey you.” She says trying to shake the sleep.
“Hey Sweetheart. Did I wake you up?” his low voice came in over the phone sending chills down her spine. The things his voice alone could do to her…
“Yeah, but that’s okay I’m more than happy to talk to you any time.” She says with a smile.
“I’m glad to hear that. I’ve been thinkin’ about you. I miss you.” He croons, the sound of his voice. Dear god. She held back a moan.
“Miss you too. Where are you now?” She asks. She doesn’t really care but anything to keep him talking as her hand travels down past her waistband
“Just outside Atlanta. The heat is terrible.” He chuckles
“Oh Yeah, I can imagine. This time of year? I don’t envy you.” She says trying to hide the lust in her voice as she starts to gently run her fingers in circles around her clit biting her lip softly
“Yeah, yeah. No joke. What are you up to today?”
“Oh you know, the usual…work, errands…” and then she slips up, letting out a small moan.
“Sweetheart? You okay there?” He asks half concerned half amused.
“Okay you caught me. I was…getting off to your voice.” She admitted with slight embarrassment.
“Huh? You mean…Oh! I uh… didn’t know that my voice did it for you.” He says, she can hear the slight blush in his gravelly voice and she chuckles slightly in response.
“Yeah, it uh…does a lot for me actually.” She admits.
“Even if I’m not saying…sexy things?”
“Hun you could be reading me the yellow pages or a recipe for meat loaf and I could get off to it.” She says with brutal honesty
“Oh, wow. That sounds…boring.” He says with a laugh
“I mean it’s probably better when you say sexy shit but I’m just saying…anything works” She says with slight hesitation.
“Damn…baby that’s… kinda hot…I um…fuck…I want you, real bad.” He says. She can hear him shuffling in his own bed, he releases a grunt.
“Tell me about it, please. I wanna know.” Her hand is back on her wet pussy as she slides her fingers between her folds teasing herself.
“Uh…Yeah yeah…” he sighs “Um well I’m, rock hard and I’m stroking myself. I’m picturing you, on me…god... I want you to ride me, I want to fill that tight cunt of yours. Ugh.” He starts to describe the things he wanted to do and her whole mind starts to go into overdrive, the way he says that. The way he says everything. The way erhe moans at the end of his sentences while hes stroking himself, it was divine.
“Fuck, Yeah I want that too, god, I wish you were here. I need you inside me.” She moans as she rubs circles over her clit, thinking of straddling him, lowering herself on his cock. The image along with his low whisper like voice over the phone was enough to make her buck her hips into the air in desperate need.
“Yeah, I wanna be there. I wanna fuck you like there’s no tomorrow. Like this is my last day on earth. I…oh fuck baby… is this doing it for you darling? Are you gonna cum to the sound of my voice? Oh fuck…” William is almost losing his mind over the idea that she is finger fucking herself to the sound of his voice, that just the sound of his voice is enough.
“Yeah, Yeah. I am… please don’t stop talking. Please…” She was practically begging as she jammed her fingers into her aching walls, it’s not really enough to satisfy her needs but its enough to bring her to the edge.
“I’m close too sweetheart. Just thinking of you… god I need to see you, as soon as I’m done here I’m coming to you, I’m getting in the car and I’m going to drive all day and night to get to you, I need you that bad babe. Oh fuck. I’m gonna make a mess of you darling. I’m not going to stop until we pass out. God I love you… I swear… ah mpgh. Fuck I’m cumming.” He lets out a groan at the end as he spills his cum all over his hand and chest, panting. The sound of which caused her to also reach her limit whimpering as she rides out her high her breathing heavy. They listen to each other breathing on the other end as they come down from their high.
“Yeah sweetheart?”
“Do you mean it? That you love me?”
“Of course I do…did you think I didn’t?”
“Well…you never said it before…” “Oh… Damn… that’s it I’m driving up there tonight. I need to prove how much I love you.”
Kinktober Masterlist
taglist:@steven-grants-world @queerponcho
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