#wow a comedian is being an ass
professorsta · 2 years
Crazy how Straight people are reacting to Bros and how White people are reacting to Little Mermaid and how we really think no more progress needs to fucking be made just because it’s a little more frowned upon if we get killed in the streets
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moonstruckme · 6 months
if you're okay with smut requests at the moment, giggly sex with james? like they're both just so happy to be with each other that they can barely kiss between their moans AND laughter
Thanks for requesting!
cw: smut, mdni
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 930 words
James is upon you the second you get through the door, and between the two of you, you’ve got most of your clothes off not a minute after. 
“Missed you,” he professes, words all smushed up against your mouth as you knock into his glasses with the bridge of your nose. “M’never letting you leave again.” 
“Yeah? What’re you gonna do, tie me to the bed?” You feel a bit like being a tease, but then his hands grip your ass, heaving you up against him, and any thoughts of restraint fall away as a moan escapes you. “Wow,” you say at the hard bulge that’s now slotted conveniently between your legs. “You did miss me.”
James snickers and walks you towards the bed, kissing you harder when you grind against him, desperate for the remaining layer of your underwear to be out of your way. “You’re full of bad jokes today.” His lips are curved against yours as he sets you on the mattress, your legs spreading for him automatically. You lean back, and he bends to follow you. “Why don’t you leave comedy for the comedians, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, fuck you,” you laugh, arching up into his kiss. A big hand snakes in between your back and the bed, and a second later the clasp of your bra comes undone. “Fuck, you’re so fucking good at that.” You’d say you’d almost forgotten how skilled your boyfriend is at undressing you, but you haven’t. 
“Lots of practice.” James waggles his thick, deceptively deft, fingers in front of your face before sliding them down to their preferred spot at your waistline. Your preferred spot too. You sigh blissfully as his big palm drags up and down your side, thumb just barely skimming the skin beneath your breast. “Plus motivation.” He grins, dotting a kiss on the corner of your lips. “I’ve been waiting for this all week.” 
“You’ve been waiting all week for this?” Your eyes nearly roll back in your head when he moves his hips on top of yours, your giggle tinged with delirium. “No ‘how was home, babe?’ ‘how’s your family doing?’” Your goading is interrupted by a small whimper as James’ hand slips beneath the band of your underwear, palming your already slick cunt. “My mom’s doing well, thanks for asking.” 
He slides the moisture up to your clit, tracing tiny circles around the bead that have you fisting your hands in the covers and taking tiny, gasping breaths. “I’d rather not talk about your mum right this moment, if that’s alright with you.” 
Laughter erupts from you, catching in James’ chest too until you’re both dizzy with it. “Guess you’re right,” you admit, letting go of the sheets to tangle both hands in his hair. You pull him closer. “I missed you too,” you tell him between kisses, your teeth clacking together. He tastes all that much sweeter for it. “Missed you so much, Jamie. For more than just this, if that wasn’t clear.” 
“I know.” He nips lovingly at your jaw, stinging with his teeth before soothing with his tongue. “Whatever crimes you try to pin on me, I missed you for more too,” he says, and then his deliciously thick fingers slip inside you. “You did miss me for this too, though, didn’t you angel?” 
“Fuck.” You bite his lip as he works those blessed fingers into you, middle and marriage testing the waters before beginning to scissor gently. James laughs at your reaction, and you both flinch back when his teeth clank against yours. 
“Sorry,” he says, shoulders shaking as he cups the back of your head. “I’m sorry, baby.” 
“Fucking just—ahh—just chip my tooth while you’re at it.” You’re bordering on nonsensical and part of you knows it, your stomach nearly cramping as you laugh through the building pressure in your core. 
James curls his fingers inside you, and if you had enough working brain cells left, you’d wonder how he does it through the giggle fit that’s seized him. “Hey, you started it.” There’s not a lick of malice in his tone as he presses sloppy kisses to your cheek, still laughing. “Nearly bit my lip off.”
“I knew—you could take it,” you pant.  
“Oh yeah?” James’ fingers slip out of you, and you look down as he works your underwear down your legs. They’re sopping wet. “Wanna talk about what you can take, angel?”
“Now who’s the one with the bad jokes,” you mutter, and his laughter is booming even as he slips his hands under your ass, angling himself into you. 
He pushes inside you and bends over you instantly, pecking insistently at your lips. “You,” he snarls playfully, emphatic (and, you think, happy beyond belief if his hard dick and giant smile are decent enough indicators). “You’re impossible, you know that?” 
“I think—” you gasp as he shifts inside you. “You know what? Shut up.” 
James’ guffaw is ecstatic, but he actually complies, kissing you from chin to temple as he pushes slowly in and out of you. You laugh giddily as you mouth underneath his jaw in return, your hands sliding over the broad expanse of his shoulders while his work diligently at your breasts in that incredible way he knows how. 
Your giggling subsides until you’re just breathing together, your kisses turning more languid, and you’ve almost gotten your shit together, almost found your rhythm, when James’ thumb brushes over your nipple and a breathy fuck slips past your lips. 
“Well, I’m trying to, if you’d stop interrupting.” 
And you both crack up all over again. 
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n3ptoonz · 8 months
mk1 dialogues with the earthrealm guys!
a/n: most of these are pre-made in my notes, i'm choosing the ones that are more broad rather than targeted towards my oc! i hope it's to your guy's liking!
some of these lines are flirtatious
reader being an assassin mentioned a few times
Johnny Cage:
you: you are the last man i would ever court.
johnny cage: sooo i have a chance
johnny cage: i'd be lying if i said i didn't wanna be dominated by a warrior
you: i think i'd rather just kill you instead
you: what does "finish me johnny" even mean?
johnny: ohoho, allow me to demonstrate, sweet thang
johnny: i don't think you realize how seriously i take competition
you: i can guess from how you almost cried when kung lao outsmarted you in poker three times
Kenshi Takahashi:
you: you ever been asked how many fingers was being held up?
kenshi: it seems you haven't met our world class comedian johnny cage
kenshi: you look like you have something to say.
you: i was just wondering how often you wash your blindfold
you: you make that blindfold work, takahashi
kenshi: though welcomed, flattery won't get me to go easy on you.
kenshi: i still can't believe there's billions of other timelines outside of this one.
you: believe it, i had to fight off a combo of you and scorpion, not pretty.
Kung Lao:
kung lao: don't you like...kill people for a living?
you: says the man with a hat that could easily slice through a crowd
kung lao: an assassin huh...you work for general shao?
you: i would rather gauge my eyes out with push pins
kung lao: i can see you staring at my dimples
you: i was actually looking at your pressure points, but whatever helps you sleep at night
you: normally i cheer you on, but im going to take you down this time
kung lao: hah, you are certainly welcome to try
raiden: is it so obvious...?
you: raiden, you literally smile ear to ear at the sound of kitana's name
you: "i am nervous" my ass
raiden: i'm glad you think so highly of me, but i really was!
raiden: loser has to pay the next check at madam bo's
you: i didn't know you had such money in your pockets, champion
you: what's with all the fine men wearing hats around this place?
raiden: i...wow, you've really managed to catch me off guard
bi-han: your flattery is not welcomed here.
you: aw, i was just getting started too
you: you said you think i'm so hot and cool and sexy?!
bi-han: [groans dramatically and tiredly]
bi-han: not surprised you're on the wrong side.
you: i dunno, something about not fucking with an evil sorcerer that could kebab me if i breathed wrong helped me make up my mind
you: so i'm assuming a double date with kuai and harumi is off the table
bi-han: i was considering it until you uttered that traitor's name.
you: where did "get over here" come from?
kuai: if i told you, i'd have to kill you.
kuai: how would you even like my hair if you've only seen it tied up?
you: i have a very sufficient imagination, kuai liang
you: ouch, that's one nasty scar
kuai: it gives me a story to tell my new clan, should they ever ask.
kuai: don't you dare say it...
you: ..."come here!"
tomas: is it true? you find me handsome?
you: what can i say, men in uniform have my heart
you: if i didn't know any better, i'd think you're flirting with me
tomas: well...uh...i'm not particularly good in this field...
tomas: your bravery knows no bounds, you really flirted with bi-han?!
you: ah...i may have shit my pants a little when he almost froze my head off the other day
you: johnny's right, you'd be great on the big screen
tomas: thats... thats really nice of you to say!
Liu Kang:
liu: before you ask, yes, it is possible you are also a keeper of time in another timeline.
you: now i wanna ask how many people bombarded with that question
you: so, what was i like in the last timeline?
liu: there's not enough time to explain, maybe after this. maybe.
liu: i would heavily advise against trying to court a god
you: what? me? trying to- you speak madness!
you: i have to know...was i styling in the previous timeline or no?
liu: not even i had the time think of things like this as a mortal.
a/n: this is an experiment post, hopefully this has reach cause i miss posting on here😭
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panelshowsource · 6 months
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alex talked about that recently in this interview! [rubs hands together like a mischievous little shrimp] i hope we see it one day heh
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hehehe it was a fun task! we've NEVER seen alex play such a character during a task like that — he's received cuddles and made demands and eaten meals, but this was next level Alex Acting — so that was really fun!
lucy talking incessantly about alex's legs but mans also got his long sparkly toes
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i think people are too quick to call this or that iconic, but ngl the second i saw this final image...it's practically a horror movie poster...PERFECT
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can you imagine greg davies being your drama teacher and then he quits to become a comedian and the next day you see him on tv as Massive Greg hand feeding a man with no teeth who is pretending to be a tortoise
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honestly if that's the one that haunts you i'd say you got off pretty easy, i scrub my eyes with concrete mix every night to try and forget ass sandwich and yet... but hey at least when he hurt his hand he finally had an excuse for that stupid bandage he wears hahaha
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she was being so sincere and he was Such A Little Shit 😭
you know what i was binging some simon stuff as well, since it was his birthday, and ran across this again after all these years!
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aw anon i'm so glad ♡
moooost of my fave episodes are like ~2005–2015ish? probably the nostalgia!
21.01 with jess hynes bc she is an icon to me
21.05 love seeing simon and miquita together
21.07 with martin freeman
22.02 with stephen fucking fry YES
22.04 was crazy like conchords-era rhys darby was there (i LOVED flight of the conchords lmao) and then johnny vegas and danny dyer next to each other? what a lineup
22.12 with josh groban, omid, martin freeman, heston is an ALL-TIME CLASSIC
i LOVE the guest-hosted episodes with martin freeman, rhod gilbert, frankie boyle (especially 24.12 with miles jupp and professor green), jack dee, alex horne, kathy burke, and johnny vegas
23.12 doctor who special HANDS DOWN
24.02 it's hilarious how respectable catherine tate is offset by how ridiculous catherine tate is
25.06 when greg hosted with frankie boyle, h was there just being h, holly walsh angel, it was a riot
john barrowman is also extremely iconic on buzzcocks, probably most so on 19.05 but also when he hosted 25.12
there are tons of older episodes from the lamarr era that i love — bob mortimer is so funny on this series especially on sean's team, 12.05 when jimmy and claudia were with phill, fun to see ian dury on 5.01, and so on — but these above are some of my personal all-time faves!
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aw i really appreciate the rec! first i would like to say i looked it up on youtube and stumbled across the american version and holy shit the dude who hosted brainsurge on nickelodeon is hosting that and WOW my brain would have died never having remembered he existed if i hadn't seen him just now — so that was very weird. ANYWAYS i'll check it out!
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imo it didn't start with ben miller...rob is always like this... sometimes when the pod episodes are shorter (less than 10min? does he do that anymore), you can tell some of the bullshit is edited around, but now that they're longer-form conversations he is dominating every episode. i'm certainly no rob hater, but it's really unsurprising to me because facts are facts — rob is self-involved, extremely concerned about being seen and being heard, incredibly pouty if not outrightly bitter when he's not recognised, when fame/success doesn't chase him, when he's getting less from life than he believes he deserves. there are aspects of rob in the trip that aren't far from reality, if you see what i mean. rob is, honestly, quite showbiz. don't get me wrong, he's funny, affable, talented, we love him! but he's not a stellar podcast host because he doesn't have the attention span to let someone else have a moment. have a story. put something on the table. there are definitely times i give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's trying to form a connection by sharing a related experience/feeling/whatever, but other times he's just being self-involved, pivoting the convo, and it is what it is. it's too bad when we don't always get lengthy, insightful content for someone we love — like miles, let's say — and when we finally do rob isn't doing his part; i felt that way about the dara episode. i don't think rob means any malice, it's just how he is...+ a dash of being a middle-aged white man in showbiz...
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i got this one yesterday...
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...and i'm going to dedicate it to you<3
and frankly sign me up for the woz/vcm experience i am happy to be a little tomato in that flapjack sandwich
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you guys are really sweet, it makes me smile ♡ i don't know why some days the trolling can really get to you and other days you forget it in a couple blinks... i feel like i've been having some bad days. last week i saw something on my own dash with thousands of notes outright mocking me and i haven't really recovered from the uncomfortableness/just general hurt feelings. i want be better about letting those things go, but i also think a holiday break will do me good. anyways, thank you for always enjoying the blog and taking the time to be so kind ♡
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Topic of the day: when to leave a man.
You ever see something a man in your life does and go "WOW, you're disrespectful to that woman?"
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Like for example, there's this older man I'm friends with. Lawyer turned comedian. Great fella otherwise, dirty jokes galore, the works. He tries to keep a good balance of offensive humor yet still being respectful and not demeaning to women, doesn't always hit the mark.
Recently he told me that he and his girlfriend are "basically winding down", a.k.a. slowly separating and weaning off of each other... Why, you ask?
Because her mom died (iirc) and he decided that he didn't need to be emotionally involved in all that, at least from the way he described that.
"Too serious and gloomy." He couldn't emotionally be damned to care. She begged and said no no no they should still be a thing, but he's sold on not doing it.
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Played with her feelings, they were "friends" for 10 years and dated for another 5.
He bragged that while she said she loved him, he never said it back, since he "has loved so many people already and that never worked out, so I'm not interested in that again".
And she was alright with him, over the years, going out to other countries to fuck women all over the world (he's 70, for context).
And that......... was a lot to learn at a random Korean spot on a Thursday evening, but, okay. I am someone who doesn't find much taboo, but holy fucking shit.
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And paired with how maybe last week, he told me that two years ago, he dated a 20-something (why am I adding the "something? She was most likely 20,) in Thailand who he was planning to marry......
The timelines clicked for me this weekend, when I connected those dots.
That was already bad enough, but the context of "I had an open-ish (or she-tolerated-me-cheating) relationship with a woman and was fully gonna marry someone else and leave her in the dark" is.......... gross.
Reminds me of another woman my mother was friends with; chasing after the same guy for 30 years.
Like he's not a catch sweetie, you're finally being used for sex and money after several decades and still mistreated by a man who has happily done the worst to you.
It's so disheartening.
But here's some stories, as palate cleansers:
Over the pandemic, I went on a date with some guy when I was 19. 300 bucks (platonic) for a steak dinner topped with crab meat and some other nice decadent treats, a nice time was had.
The guy, in his 30s/40s, went on a tangent about how his last ex was a woman he dated for 10 years or so, iirc.
She was getting older in the years, wanted a ring. He said he wasn't sure....
That was all she needed to hear.
They broke up, and in less than a year, she had a husband and a baby. The man was devastated, and all the begging he did was for nothing, just like hers was. And clearly not doing well, since his mid life crisis of "I need to take out a 19 year old on a date and pay her 300 bucks to tolerate my company". And we didn't work out. He resorted to posting pictures of himself almost fully naked in gym locker rooms, with old men with their ass out in the back of the photo, hoping it might inspire women to talk to him.
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What a catch, hmm? Ew.
At least I got that laptop money I needed.
Another one:
My last serious ex's brother was a pathetic loser in many ways, but ontop of the addictions, mommy issues, and lack of a job, he did once vent to me about how his last girlfriend, he dated for maybe 7 or 10 years, just about?
She was like "We've been together awhile, since we were teens, and I want marriage. Are you down?" He said no, since he wanted to be sure and wait another 3 years to be sure, since that was a huge commitment and he had no way of knowing they would work out....
Ah, so.... you aren't sure you and the girl you've been with for almost a decade, as a romantic couple, would.... work as a committed romantic couple, so you.... want to exist as a romantic couple even longer.... with a fake commitment, but no security? Almost reaching her 30s with no ring or any chance of actual growth?
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Same story, she was heartbroken, but left. (She needed to raise her standards anyway, he was a joke.) Guess what? A year or so later, new man, and to this day has TWO babies. And he, meanwhile, is still 31 and JUST now finally got a job, almost two years after having this conversation with me, and is being made by his mother to do chores. Haaaa.
I remember specifically going "Do you think you ever want therapy for what happened, since your mom's divorces traumatized you so much?", and he just outright refused, saying he doesn't need it, and that love is just doomed and not something realistic, and marriage isn't necessary.
....and yet, these women and the men they left for are happy as can be, poster families for the white picket fence American Dream of love, adoration, and success. Hmm.
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Seems like only the losers are the ones who have self-fulfilling prophecies, with both genders...
"All men cheat", "There aren't men that do nice things for you like that any more", and on and on and on. It's tiresome!
"Women hate me and I am never gonna find love", says the sex addicted man who refuses to develop social skills or ever risk rejection. And specifically goes for women he considers "low quality" or "tolerable", instead of having enough self respect or self esteem to grow as a person. Ew.
"All men are sleazeballs" says the girl who keeps fucking the men with sticky fingers and patchy scalps that loiter at gas stations, who I would pepper spray for approaching me, rain or shine.
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Like, maybe you're not having luck with women since you have no personality or hobbies and see them as sex objects while fearing love, accountability, conversations, AND your mother (or lack thereof!).
Maybe men are good, but you keep screwing the dudes who will pick up the phone in the middle of sex with you to tell the girl they actually want that they aren't up to much.
Have some accountability, jesus. Even I am aware of my own mistakes made, present and past. At least I try.
Anyway leave a nigga in the dust.
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They will brag about stringing you along and mock you if you do, and only miss you when you're gone, because they have weird mental issues that prevent them from learning empathy and common sense like we all learned at age ten.
And leave a dude in the dust. What one won't, another will. And ask yourself, "Would my future husband act like this?" I've checked myself multiple times on this, when I've made mistakes.
"Would a future husband be spending all his money on Patreons for Marvel vs Zombies board games and not actually putting in the required effort to keep me interested in him? A future husband would not touch or treat me like this."
Don't have a sealed image in your mind as that one person being a potential husband for you.
They are an avenue you can take, yes, but not your sole path.
(That's a bar, ooooh, yeah.... I hope yall quote me if yall say that anywhere else! Haha!)
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Plus, sometimes doors close for a reason. If these women stayed with these pathetic men, then they would've had their patheticness manifest in different ways.
Like you ever leave an ex and see them get ridiculously down bad after losing you?
And think "Ew, what a mistake it was to date that person?", and feel better about leaving them?
Exactly. Better to have a "fuck, why did I date them?", and not a "Fuck, why can't I leave them?" Since there's a rich nigga on Bumble right now waiting for you to text them, ready to take you out in your best beautiful "saving for a nice night out" garments and high end special occasion jewelry to a steak and prix fixe dinner that NIGHT.
Stop waiting for a text back at your apartment with the lights off, scrolling Instagram and refreshing their story endlessly, there's self care to do and people to see! Can be covering up those tear stained eyes with aloe gel and getting dolled up for Fine Rich Nigga Number #3 on your roster!
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Think big! Love you, be safe, take care.
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dumplingsjinson · 1 month
Shit, I am so sorry people don't know how to fucking act online. They really think they can say the most disrespectful shit to others and say "I am just spitting facts. Don't get so sensitive" No, you aren't. You are just being fucking disrespectful. There is a big fucking difference. It is pitiful that they can't see that either smh.
Honestly!! Just because they think they can hide behind a profile picture that is not of their face and an alias that makes it hard to trace back to who they are does not mean they get to be assholes to people on the internet.
There's a line between joking/sarcasm and straight up being a dickhead, and some people don't seem to understand that. Or they do, so they just end up being miserable assholes because they've got nothing good going in their life and nothing to celebrate for.
And if you people think shit like "Wow! I hope y'all broke up" is a joke then God fucking forbid you become a comedian any time soon because all you're going to get is egg yolk and tomatoes thrown at your clown ass face lmfao.
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pentagonieslut · 10 months
s/o being naked for the first time
gn!reader (except yuku is female due to scenario)
requested by 🐇 anon !!
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so cute, he's happy that you decided to strip in front of him
..not really. he purposely walked in to watch you get naked
licking his lips like he's dehydrated
"so. since i already saw you in just skin, can i hit?"
you're so mad at him, you ignore him for a week
"baby please forgive me"
chocolates and a card that begs for sex
don't judge. him, jeongsik, and changmin will be in the stu for the next comeback so he needs something
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you didn't realize he was in the shower
so you walked in ass naked
he heard the door open and looked up
smiling so mf hard, his jaw might break
"baby, i'm in here! wanna join?"
you were cold so you didn't care at this point
"sorry love, didn't know."
"don't worry, i didn't see anything"
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he was working out like usual and glanced up to see you staring into space whilst eating chips
you were in his zip up hoodie he bought since he was obsessed with oversized clothing
also thought he would be a comedian and hide only your underwear
standing in front of you, he placed a kiss on your nose
"oops. looks like the button is broken..let me eat you"
pushing him away in annoyed
he pushes you down and chris brown's 'take you down' plays in the background like a sitcom
get comfy on the counter; he loves your bodyline
gwang hyun
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chicken eating competition
your robe was slipping off slowly
you didn't notice it until you finished both boxes
gwang hyun still had the first leg in his hand
"god you're beautiful-- i mean a beast. shit!"
has to walk away to cool down
comes back and stares at you
"your sexy level reached infinite level"
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"i- sorry- go ahead"
you laughed and allowed him in
the sex fiend was so shy
finds the stocks article interesting when he hates looking at it
sings a random ass song
"why so shy?"
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sleeping but opened one eye when he heard you get out of bed
noticed you changing quickly and his brow raised unintentionally
decides to question it when he's fully awake
thinks your ass looks good and wonders how it'll bounce
straight fucking liar
"did you leave for work? i was out cold"
lewd dreams not barbie dreamz
he'll get you by surprise though don't worry
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he's technically already seen you naked
bear hugs you and whispers
"let's do it before i have to go to dance"
and so, you do it
he praises your body and coos
can't stop touching you
soft skin, his favourite
became feral and is willing to skip dance
you force him away after a while and struggle to close the door before you really can't make it to work yourself
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lowkey mad you didn't tell him about the photoshoot
you both were doing sexy modern traditional kimono shoot
your kimono was showing a lot of shoulder and even a slight peek of your chest
in changing room, you changed into the other one and applied more lipstick and perfume
"please don't let anyone take more photos of your boobs except me"
defiant and lowers both sleeves of the kimono halfway down your arms
so sexy oh wow (BRAVE please let DKB do the sexiest of sexy concepts i'm begging you. like full on horny at first scene bbs, abs, muscles, backs, tongues, choreographed sex, sweating, in song moaning, so hot international bbs are the only ones able to watch the mv, i will even buy all versions of the album and only listen to just that specific album for the rest of the year, dilf core, bimbo core bbs, ass shaking, sugar daddy x sugar baby au)
harry june
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bath time oishii-kunare
busts in and is ready to jump in
shrieks in slight shock
"sorry! i'll come back!"
slams door before you can even invite him
too bad
could've gotten sucked
comes back in
"let me join you"
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qsycomplainsalot · 1 year
I have nothing but contempt for anyone inventing rules about wearing suits beyond a basic sense of aesthetics. Like sure modern suit jackets look ass 75% of the time, but not because you have to instead dress like people used to back when they put Roosevelt in the white house. I'd go as far as to say people obsessed with old standards of fashion like that must be compensating for something or using it as a coping mechanism, because no person in their right mind would a) care deeply about fashion to the point of thinking outfits are good or bad, but b) decide to set a point in history when fashion stopped being right, and hold everyone else to their standards. It's like telling people they HAVE to ditch WoW retail for WoW Classic. Like no, they're both equally pointless OR you have a preference, but that's it. Also that point in time happens to be right at the cutoff mark where suits as menswear became a status symbol while leaving that time where even dockyard workers wore vests firmly into the "cheesy" improper category. Almost like these people have more money than sense. I legit just had a conversation with someone who said in plain text that if you wore a vest without a jacket AS A MAN you'd look like Justin Timberlake or a cheesy speakeasy bartender.
No wonder so many people care about preserving a binary gender construct they can't even handle wearing a vest with no suit jacket for one gender instead of the other BY JOVES YOU WOULD LOOK LIKE A COMEDIAN ! I SHALL NOT HAVE MY SO- sorry, A COMPLETE STRANGER BE TOSSED INTO A PAUPER'S GRAVE
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honeyedheartss · 7 months
making a separate post for this so I don't hijack a gifmakers post but
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@burntstay u literally have no idea! the entire past 2 years have been insane so excuse my rambling post
1. I went to see Dan last Nov and Dec. I went in November when he came to Seattle and got SO excited to finally meet him after so many years that I stumbled all over the MnG and couldn't respond to his very gentle kind compliments. So I flew to Oakland to see him again 😭 It hurt my bank account but not only did I meet him at that show during the MnG but he talked to me during the show too (interactive comedy show and I said I'd fuck the cinnamon toast crunch mascot bc he's a twink. he booed me but then brought it up several more time 💀)
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November and December, respectively. (yeah he did accidentally get that fucking silver marker on my arm 💀)
2. Also in November, I had the opportunity to catch Kurtis Conners set he was doing in Seattle :] I went to the early show in the balcony bc it was what i could afford and Loved it sooo much but couldn't see bc I didn't have glasses at the time and at the end when I was calling my friend to talk about it, someone offered me 3rd row tickets because they had to cancel for a family emergency. I took them, could see the set, and it was just as funny the 2nd time!
the next day I'd taken my friend to Pikes Place (popular indoor/outdoor multi-vendor permanent market in Seattle) and ran into him and Jenna in the comics store!
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^ me being so insanely happy but embarrassed bc I was partially non verbal and was trying so hard to communicate with him. (he was so incredibly kind and patient and then I helped him find the script he was looking for 😌 <- I do not work at that store)
now rapid fire! I also got to finally see Cirque! my old boss at the club had an extra ticket and brought me along!! (I have tried to sew Cirque THREE times and circumstances have always gotten in the way. mostly me moving abruptly like a week before the date they were in town)
In April, I got to see Hippocampus (one of my FAVE indie bands idc idc) and the guitarist Nathan gave me a pick! I also got to see Conan Gray again (saw him in 2019 without knowing who he was and got obsessed) and Cavetowns show with Tessa Violet. and Tessa RECOGNIZED ME which would have been insane anyways but I look SO different from the past times I've seen her!! I also saw some smaller bands and they were some of the most lovely kind caring people ever!
and then in June I saw 5SOS for the first time. I've been listening to them since I was a little tumblrina in 2014 and I cried so hard during their show. pure unadulterated nostalgia and joy. it was a really good show too (and that month my BFF who I usually go out to Philly to see once a year was able to come to ME because of a work conference 🥹 and my partner came up for our yearly 1 month together!)
also that month I met a comedian I ADORE!!! I found him by accident on Dry Bar Comedy in maybe 2015? and have watched his stuff on YouTube and followed him on Twitter since and I randomly ran into him in a vintage store in Tacoma??? And of course the first thing my dumb ass said instead of "oh wow it's Shayne Smith!! I'm a huge fan" no... I said "YO it's the guy I showed u that one time when I was drunk!!!" to my sister 😭😭 He luckily is a really dope guy, thought it was very funny, and danced around with me
In October I went to a music festival out east and saw a BUNCH of my favorite bands and King Princess said I looked hot, so highlight of my compliments fr (and saw mitski!) Lorde was coming but her set got massively delayed due to faulty tech and I had to make the last train so I didn't get stranded and did not get to see her.
Also I got matching tattoos with my other bff who I flew to seattle to stay with me for a week 🥹 hi @catholicdaredevil
which circles us back to the November/December stuff I talked about first cuz I got excited
The rest of the winter was just struggling through till I saw the sun again but I DID get to meet a long term internet friend at the convention in Seattle (s/o to @pjsforestkid for so lovingly dealing with my low energy the whole day)
April I saw Noel Miller live!!! June my partner came up and we traipsed around
and then September and October I got to sew 4 hozier shows, was barricade for 3 of them (and have professional photos for all 3 times I was barricade which is INSANE!!!!!), hozier called me out on stage for my shirt, I got posted on his ig, and I met almost the entirety of a friend group I've had since 2019 AND DanandPhilGames returned from the hiatus
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it's been an insane almost 2 years I finally feel like my life is sorting itself out and I'm so overjoyed
this is such a long fucking post but your tags just reminded me of all the joy and love I have been experiencing and the love that continues!!! I am so happy :)
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jimmy-valmer-official · 7 months
hey there!! im a youtuber called marsspitsbars (aka jimmy valmers #1 fan), and i really heart this blog <33333 I LOVE JIMMY SM RAAHHHH!!!! but anyway
one of my friends online really likes jimmy x wendy. at first i was really iffy about it, i thought it was complete ass, but now im starting to ...kinda like it. jyle will always be my #1, but idk, jendy is really cute too.
what's ur opinion?
Tysm!! im glad!! I LOVE JIMMY CLUB ‼️‼️ we should start a union…
Tbh ive never really heard of that :0 definitely a super rare pare… but WOW okay when i think about it I can definitely see it??
Like okay (rant under the cut oops…)
First off, I’m convinced that if Jimmy asked Wendy out, he’d have more of a chance with her than a lot of the other boys solely because he’s not a total dick?? but he’d DEF have to win her over… I doubt she’d date him just for the sake of dating. He could totally pull it off though
And if Wendy asked him out then I’m almost certain that he’d at least go on a date with her because like, that’s just how he is. I doubt he’d ever turn down a confession unless he was alr dating ig.
Like think about it.
Wendy is super morally driven and cares a lot about justice. jimmy also has a high morale, but i’d say hes much more passive than wendy in terms of enforcing it. Im just imagining wendy being like “CARTMAN FUCKING SUCKS WHY IS HE LIKE THIS” and jimmy pats her on the back and is like “idk but [insert funny joke]” and shes like “okay but im still gutting him” and hes like “can i watch”
they’d definitely have some sweet interactions too since theyre both normally super nice… and they both are pretty hard working and confident/driven, so i can see them having a lot of mutual respect for each other ffjejf, they compliment each other pretty well
and plus, its literally serious student council leader x stupid immature comedian… like COME ON thats the funniest thing ever
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sweetswesf · 1 year
Check In
What I Did
An algo
Checked in on my unemployment benefits that have not come in yet and realized I didn't submit everything I needed to :/ I hope I don't miss out on that money...gotta pay more attention
Spent TOOO much time on YouTube & Twitter
Reviewed a resume writing resource that helped me revamp my resume
Updated my resume
Updated my LinkedIn
Responded to a company with my updated resume
Took a nap & woke up after thinking about my old team and how they were working while I was napping, guilted myself about it
Started my data transfer
Cleared up my inboxes
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What I Learned
How to find if an array is a subsequence of another array
A New Orleans comedian I like passed away a few days ago :'(...RIP Boogie B...I found out by doing my daily watch of his videos and seeing a few people commenting RIP under them...I thought it was a joke...but it wasn't...I have been in love with New Orleans since visiting and was looking forward to visiting the spots he recommended and maybe even buying a home there...but not anymore...I don't want this to scare me into not living the life I want to live, but it seems hard to avoid while living there...that's the main thing I kept hearing while I was down there and almost anytime any Black person from there describes it: the gun violence is out of control...he lost his life by Black people...and he wasn't the intended target...all them white people in New Orleans, NY, LA, etc. and they all seem to not get shot...I'm so tired of Black men killing Black people...it's racism's continued manifestation...when will it end?...Black men are even trying to exterminate themselves by whitening their children...it's so sad and truly weighs on me and stresses me out daily...
Had a bit of quick headaches here and there...a little sore on my head when I touch the spot that I hit my head yesterday...may take this whole week off of exercising and ease back into it next week
I don’t have the same urge for gym bae as I did…nor for my first…nor for my first love…recognizing my worth…
Proud of myself for actually getting a lot done...I was pretty down because I was pretty distracted today and I want the life that I want to be here now, but I have to work for these next few months consistently to get there...and live in the moment and not worry about the future and just push myself to keep doing a little or more every day
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I gotta stop digging in my damn ears with my sharp ass nails!
I am nail biting an bit less and actually have some nails on my hand
I need to spend less time on the socials...maybe I can try to, when I need a break, actually laying down, without hopping on YouTube
I'm getting older, because I can't listen to a LOT of the rap music I used to...I listen to some lyrics today, like, "Wow, I was really feeding myself this crap and paying for these artists that have contributed to lowering my and Black peoples' social standing for a while!...."
How I Got Myself Out of a Rut
Encouraged myself to keep going
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Goals Completed
Found a therapist
Stopped listening to people worried about their own circumstances and remembering God works on his own time and that I am in no rush...
Got back on the ball
Being kinder to myself and stopping guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
Goals After Today
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in 6 months, NOT less than 3
Drop my body fat percentage to Marion Jones, Michaela Cole, or Jade Cargill levels
Consistently fight urge to fill up my time with social media/YouTube
Fully forgive my family & build a great relationship with them
Be more confident & faithful
250 steps/hour & 10k steps/daily consistently
Drink more than 64oz a day consistently
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
Learn more about my gym crush & get him to ask for my number
Get a house similar to that one in Spain
Update my personal app
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vampkitty66 · 8 months
New Manga Alert!
-Kimi O Wasureru Koi Ga Shitai-
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May contain spoilers!!
These are my opinions
So I started a new manga the other day, its brand new, only one chapter so far and boy do I have some things to say.
So I'm going to give a rundown of the entire chapter. Shino (the FL) and Seno (the ML) used to date back in highschool, super in love blah blah, and then Shino(FL) finds out he's moving. (Keep in mind she finds out from someone else) Anyways so he's all like lets break up and so they do. Now we are transported to the future where Shino is in university now in Tokyo! I forgot to mention that Seno(ML) plays the guitar and shit and because of that Shino I guess developed a love for music more. Shino goes to a music club at this university and guess who she sees, smacking lips with a girl.... the janitor.. no of course not, Its Seno. (Jeez i'm sorry, I think i'm a comedian or something, bear with me here) So obviously seeing your ex is awkward, especially when they're swapping salvia with some chick you don't know. After this interaction they end up sitting with the other club members and are kinda introducing eachother. Seno literally tells the other club members that he barely knows Shino at all, they just went to the same school before. At this point, Seno was getting on my goddamn nerves. Also he just acts like hot shit too and its freaking annoying. Shino just kinda goes along with this, and as the night goes on, a club member tells Shino they should go grab a drink and seeing this, Seno comes to her rescue. Wow, thanks a lot you pompous ass... you can tell that I love this ML lmao. But no in all actuality it was a good thing, but instead of redeeming himself, he just goes ahead and made me dislike him even more. He literally insults her by saying
"no wonder guys target you when you're being all friendly like that"
Like yeah okay bud
At least at this point the FL knows better and is able to stand up for herself, telling him to fuck off pretty much. Does Seno leave her alone? Hmmm no instead he flirts with her and confuses the hell outta her. And to end this cake with a cherry on top, he proceeds to ask her if she wants to start over and if they want to head to his place or a hotel. I mean my jaw dropped when I first read that. I will say im liking this FL though, she knows her worth and isn't afraid to say stuff to him. I'm really hoping it stays that way. Forgot to mention that she rejects him but then he kisses her and that's the end of the chapter! Yeah so the ML isn't my favourite to say the least, but I have read and watched many things and there is a thing called development but at this point I just find him so not attractive. Words and actions speak volumes here and i'm so over reading toxic relationships (I still read them though... that's a me issue)
I like the exes getting back together trope, i think it can be wonderful and cute if done right but so far I'm very iffy about this but I will continue to read it. Really hoping for some great character development with Seno and I really hope that the FL doesn't cave to his disgusting behaviour.
Are you going to read this one? Or pass?
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Mask (1/10) Movie CLIP - School Registration (1985) HD" on YouTube
It seems like it's really his grandma but it's not and it's her and she had the same problem and they are being investigated for being aliens and all that they're possessed and they know what they want to test them and they can't seem to hold on to them and the morlock is still fighting to keep them free and a small and others are helping and the foreigners and they're over there in LA and that's why they're free and the warlock are getting their hand asses handed to them and foreigners are trying to work with them and they find it to be difficult at times at times too difficult and they cut them loose on occasion so they're in a rock in between the rock and a hard place and this happens in just a few days and tonight there are several movies on and one of them is a huge headliner
*The watchmen. And it begins in earnest and it happens backwards from what you would think it happens before the war of the worlds and more or less sets it up and it says the more like we're up there looking for ships and that's what it says to in the code is to shoot more lock and to get them into the matrix and have them do stuff and that's what it means that's what his name means and he was horrified when our son said it and said stop saying it and that kind of thing cuz abnormally weak person and that was Trump slowed down later and thought about it and said he's telling me something that's worrisome and ask him more and he said leave me alone and he went and researched it and it's horrible so he has to go up there and meet it and they're trying to grab him and put him into the matrix and they don't succeed and they revive how many beats Justin up who's the comedian and it might even be mistaken identity yes and this happens after Vietnam which is tonight and it's daytime over there and they hate each other and he is not Dr Manhattan if that happens and that's John Gallagher who's busy jerking our son around so much it's ridiculous and he has his hat handed to him many many times and ultimately their clan disappears and yeah he's older and he's a different breed he says but it's the same race the body is fine and the brain is a nut case. Because of several renditions no but this is what's happening and it's going to happen tonight the gang is together up there the pyramid is in Buffalo and BG is running his show and trying for it and it's not doing well as usual they won't do well he's a moron and a teeny by the way by comparison to Mac and they're small compared to the forgierners very small. It is going on and The sopranos is during the day and tomorrow is the submarine scene and the suicide at the bridge in a sunset go jump off a bridge to him so I guess he's going to
There's more to it so everybody should pay attention.
Uriel came forward and his goddess wife they got up there and they said this look we need to be here and we're here there's a few things we can do and they haven't worked he'll see a great big ship come up okay it seemed great big shioss it doesn't do that much. Only if you see it and not many say it so we're doing it wrong I've got ideas and I want you to deploy them after we discuss them and agree on them and he told them this is what it's like interplanetary defense because of what can happen the space would be bombs and plants blowing up a planetoids are a whole bunch and when we did we need it and we need it now and we're going to do this test example to show people when they come in what the problem is once they're signed up and doing things and they'll tell people and he needs need to have that happen so brilliant idea and it is Uriel and goddess wife but I came up with a program so and also says wow and it came up with him and we're trying to do something don't have the particulars on how she run it but tell them something and so assigning them all up now. It's going to go very fast we think we did a first revenue a huge one came in and a big one came in after an hour seeing that they're not really with it and they're sad and they said we couldn't hear it we heard him say it over and over saying what are you deaf so we look into it and we see it's a possibility and we don't know where the car to join in because someone didn't tell us now I know why
It's very frustrating that they have regular lives and they don't know it's time until someone tells them and no uncertain terms and they check with telescopes is becoming a very nice wildfire here
Thor Freya
And a son uses profanity to Uriel and got a swipe and they don't care that much Hera doesn't care and I don't care we don't care. But we care a lot about our people and are frustrated with them a little they're signing up and they're going to see why it's ridiculous we told you all to sign up do you think it's just fake we're going to be respected more now
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fmhiphop · 2 years
Bow Wow Responds to Orlando Brown's Comments
Bow Wow recently responded to comments that actor Orlando Brown made about him in a recent online interview. Brown did an interview with comedian Funny Marco and made some comments about the last time he watched BET's 106 & Park. In the interview, Brown states "The last time it was hot, when Lil Bow Wow was on there," and added "I ain't got a problem with Lil Bow Wow. Lil Bow Wow got some bomb ass pussy." This is not the first time that Brown has said some rather odd things in an interview. Obviously, those comments are what confused people and enraged many fans to the point of flooding Bow Wow's Twitter. The interview released on YouTube on Wednesday, July 13. You can watch the full interview below. https://youtu.be/ktqNYjZ2Jc0 Fans wanted to know the reaction of the 35-year-old rapper, but Bow Wow said he was too busy to respond to such drama. Bow Wow is currently working on a television show, an upcoming tour, and being a dad. Though the rapper would not want to entertain the drama, he would release a tweet that said "Im filming my new tv show as we speak and preparing for a sold out show at the o2 arena for the millennium tour in London. Ima 35 yr old father i don't play them type games." Many fans are claiming that Brown is high, on drugs, under the influence of alcohol, or a combination of the three. Ultimately, it seems that Bow Wow is just hoping for the best for the actor.  Browns Comments to Bow Wow & More Bow Wow is not the first person that Brown has made wild comments about. He previously made out-of-pocket comments about Nick Cannon as well. These recent comments come shortly after Brown's announcement of newfound sobriety last fall. The actor enrolled in a six-month recovery program at Rise Church in Abilene, Texas. He deemed the experience life-changing.  Written by Patrick Rodriguez | Twitter | Read the full article
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panelshowsource · 4 months
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yes on the 28th!! i'm excited because ALISON HAMMOND!!! every day i'm like whyyy do we not have her on more panel shows she is everything!
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victoria spoke about it on her episode of taskmaster the podcast :)
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all i know is she's been looking fly as ever — like always! but if she's changing things up a lil then good for her 😌
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i would like to anon but they didn't rly have that many moments together on the show, like of substance that make a good gifset 😩 i did do these two! do you have another moment in mind?
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richard is so hilariously subtly shady, i love when someone makes the most wrong guess ever (usually during tablet games like the rich list and i'm terrible at dating) and richard does a very obvious scoff-chuckle and goes "yeah? [raises eyebrows knowingly] well [stifled laughter] you never know! let's see if that's right [stifled laughter]" like it just cracks me up — because somehow he's not smug at all despite being mr big brains and someone who teases others a lot
one thing i love about hog is how much richard loves hog — like, that's his baby, he loves doing that show, and he is so obviously having the most fun every single week, which makes it even more fun for us imo!
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wow great question!
i have a lot of nostalgic love for comedy world cup — i love david tennant, he's so affable and very funny and a lovely host, and i think that format had legs even if it didn't make it in the end. also from around that time i remember liking mad mad world on itv, which was suddenly cancelled mid run? with paddy mcguinness, rhys darby, rufus hound... —
sorry to digress for a second but remember on some recent podcast ep when sam campbell was like "what's rufus hound up to" and i think it was ed gamble who laughed his ass off lmaooo i feel like there's rufus hound tea out there but idk what it is. anyways
— ...i would love to check it out again but i can't find it! i'll work on that 🤔 then, of course, you have been watching hosted by charlie brooker. it would not have been as strong a format if it wasn't for charlie writing the show and clearly having many topics & rants he wanted to go in for, but i loved that series and saw quite a few comedians/personalities, including vcm, josie long, holly walsh, and peter serafinowicz, there for the first time :')
looks like i had a lil trip down memory lane!
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i think it's great! i'm not crazy about dylan llewellyn — i am not super into derry girls, and i felt, at times, his acting was lesser than the others' in a distracting way? is that just me? — but it hardly ruined the show or anything. the cast has GREAT chemistry and jon pointing is a standout (though he doesn't pass for his 20s at all lmao), and i love seeing izuka hoyle who i loved in boiling point and is so(!) gorgeous. tv comedy lives and dies on its editing, and big boys really understands its structure and its beats. i'd also say it strikes a rare balance in its absurdity and its sincerity, which is some of my favourite ever kind of film & tv. god, i just love sad boi comedy. or sad anything. i'm a "let's watch this and cry🤩" kind of person no matter my mood LOL
btw did you see victoria coren mitchell also loved big boys?
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sure anon i put it on google drive here :)
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i'm not going to host this one but you can request it here and someone will definitely have it to share with you asap! sorry for the inconvenience but lmk if you have any questions :)
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corvase · 2 years
hi!! i hope you're doing well :) could i please get some enemies to lovers banter prompts? thank you so much!! 💖
hi! i am doing pretty okay, thank you for asking! i hope you are also doing well :) here’s a link to my other enemies to lovers kiss prompts (which has a little banter in it, and also has the link to my original enemies to lovers post with prompts at the end that have banter).
some more enemies to lovers banter prompts
“we’re supposed to work together.” “…….. and?”
“i think you’re doing that wrong.” “i think i didn’t ask.”
bantering in general that leads to a huge confession or a moment that makes the reader put a hand over their mouth in shock because why would they say that???!(!!;!3&3&
“i already said that.” “yeah but if i cared i would’ve listened to you.”
“pass the stapler.” “what’s the magic word?” “oh, yeah nevermind. i’ll get it myself.”
“do you ever stop talking?”
bantering that goes too far and creates more tension because one character needs to apologize (and then they get closer!!!!!!!)
“can you just listen to me?” “i’d listen if you actually made a point for once.”
character a says something and character be just goes “haha that’s so funny 😐😐😐 wow you comedian.”
“my GOD—” “you called?” “JESUS CHRIST.”
“do you ever stop complaining?” “you ever think that if you stopped being an idiot i wouldn’t need to complain?”
“oh kiss my ass.” “and catch whatever diseases you carry?”
“how about you just stop talking to me?” “fine.” “good.” “splendid.” “excellent.” “….. *quietly* fine.”
“can we talk?” “i can’t even express to you how much i would rather do literally anything else.”
“God it’s awful enough to have to stare at you all day, do us a favour and stop opening your mouth.”
keep in mind that a lot of banter and funny quips comes from your main character (or person who’s perspective it is read from)! it’s moments when your characters enemy says something and your character has a snide remark in their head, or reacts a certain way only their enemy would get. it’s also in the moments when their enemy isn’t even ‘on screen’ at all, where they’re complaining about them to a friend, or even just thinking about how much their enemy bothers them. things like that enhance your story as much as if not even more than the moments of banter do. happy writing :)
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