#working out their birthdays nearly broke my brain
woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Call Up
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You get called up
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Your first senior call up happens when you're seventeen (nearly eighteen) and still playing at Arsenal.
You've got a day off before the derby against Chelsea so your mothers have flown out to support you and, somehow, you've ended up at Millie Bright's house.
You're surrounded by your Momma and Morsa's old teammates (and a few of the Arsenal girls who were on the team when you were very little). There aren't enough seats for everyone but you're happy to sit on the floor in front of Momma and let her slowly card her fingers through your hair.
It's one of the things you've missed about being in England. You miss the little things about Momma and Morsa like this. You know they miss you too because there's never a day where they rearrange your daily video calls or don't send Leah around to your apartment when they think you're feeling especially sad on the call.
You miss them. They miss you. But you all know that it's best for you to be here, in England. You're still the second choice keeper but you know that if you keep working hard then by your eighteenth birthday, you'll have managed to clinch the number one spot.
After the derby, it's international break and you know that, while the senior teams are calling everyone up this week, you need to wait a few more days until the Denmark youth team sends for you again.
You've settled in well in the under-nineteen squad and you know that there's a round of friendlies coming up soon that you're excited to be apart of.
"The third choice keeper broke her arm," You can hear Morsa complain about the Swedish team," It was such a freak accident. It was gory to even watch. I almost threw up."
You don't pay much attention though, leaning back easily into Momma's hands. You're not paying attention to anything actually because you almost miss the vibrating of your phone on your leg.
You don't recognise the number but you pick it up anyway.
"Is this y/n?" A professional-sounding voice asks," The Arsenal keeper?"
"Yes? Who is this?"
"Excellent. I'm calling up on behalf of the Swedish Senior team. I'm sure you know by now but our usual third keeper has been injured. We're offering you the call up in her place."
You must sound especially panicked because everyone in the room has turned to look at you in confusion.
"I understand that you usually play for Denmark's youth teams but we've had our eye on you for a while. We've got a round of three friendlies coming up, one for each keeper, and would love to have you with us."
You feel frozen in place, capable of nothing but blinking.
"Sorry," The person says," I'm getting ahead of myself. I understand completely if you wish to stay with Denmark. You're such a talent. Forgive me for wanting to have it on my team. I understand if you need to discuss this with your mothers as well. Do you need some time to think about it?"
"No!" You say quickly.
You've never really thought about a senior team call up. You just kind of assumed that Denmark would be the obvious choice. You've spent so much time in a Denmark shirt that you just assumed Sweden didn't want you anymore.
"You've already come to a decision?"
Your feelings on this call up must have already been decided. It must have been decided for years in some deep, hidden away part of your brain because there's no need to even think about it. There's no need to even discuss it with Momma and Morsa.
Somehow, you think you've always known the decision you would come to.
"I'd love to join you for the friendlies."
You can hear the person's smile through the phone. "Excellent," They say," The details will be sent to your email as well as your agent's, who I'm sure will forward it to your mothers. Just in advance, what would you like on your jersey? Your name or Eriksson-Harder, like your Denmark jersey?"
You make eye contact with Momma, who looks increasingly worried the longer you stay on the phone. "Harder-Eriksson," You say," Please."
"You've got it. I'll see you very soon, y/n."
"Yeah, you too."
The call ends and you stare at your phone for several seconds.
"It's a bit early for the youth team call up," Morsa teases," You're changing your name? Does Eriksson-Harder not cut it anymore for Denmark?"
You blink. "More like Harder-Eriksson suits Sweden better."
"Sweden called you up?" Momma asks," That's strange. You've never had any problem rejecting their call if it came before Denmark's before."
You shake your head. "No, it wasn't the youth team. It was the senior team."
The room's quiet enough to hear a pin drop.
Morsa's voice goes hoarse. "What?"
You look at her. "I got called up for Sweden's senior team."
Someone else in the room, Leah, you think, says," Holy shit."
Momma pulls you into a hug. "Harder-Eriksson?" She asks, eyes glistening with tears.
You manage to shrug. "Morsa got Eriksson-Harder when I played for Denmark. You get Harder-Eriksson when I play for Sweden."
Morsa is still frozen in shock, looking much like how you feel. Her hands are shaking a little as she crushes you in her embrace. When she pulls away, she's crying too.
"Magda," Momma says," Why don't you call Frido? I'm sure she'd want to know."
Morsa nods robotically. "Right. Yes. Frido. Would want to know. Yes."
"And you," Momma says fondly, cupping your face and kissing your forehead," I think you should call a certain retired keeper, shouldn't you?"
You've already got Zećira's contact lined up on your phone.
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random-fandom-tandem · 7 months
Mike Schmidt: Dating Headcanons
Because this guy hasn't left my brain since seeing the movie a few days ago, and I finally broke down and had to do something about it.
18+ only
Minors DNI
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Sweet (SFW):
❤️ Can be a bit overprotective at times. Given that he still blames himself for his brother's disappearance, though, it's understandable. While he doesn't admit it out loud, he's uncertain he could handle it if something terrible happened to you too.
❤️ Having grown accustomed to being up at night, due to his recent security job, on the nights he's off and is able to find someone to watch Abby, he'll sometimes invite you for an evening drive. His hand remains on your thigh nearly the entire time, occasionally giving it a gentle squeeze, as you two sit in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the soft music on the radio.
❤️ Is actually pretty lenient when it comes to what is chosen for movie night. He's more happy to just have some needed downtime with you. Also, cuddling during the movie is almost always guaranteed. (Please give him some, the poor man needs it.)
❤️ Got a little annoyed with you one time after you borrowed his walkman and forgot to swap back the cassette tape to his nature sounds one. Cue him getting startled one night when he turned it to help him sleep, only to be greeted with whatever pop or rock idol you had been listening to beforehand. Being that it was an honest mistake, he couldn't stay mad at you...but he never lent you his walkman ever again. (On the flipside, though, he did gift you one of your own for your birthday.)
Spicy (NSFW):
🔥 When it comes to sex, he typically lasts one round, just because he's often so tired, but he tries his best to make sure it counts. Even if he's exhausted, he will try to make up for it with lots of kisses and soft words.
🔥 Exception being when he's extremely pent up or needs to release some frustration after a bad night at work. During those times, you can expect at least 2-3 rounds out of him. He starts out with a rather quiet intensity, focused on just getting rid of that mounted tension, but the volume of his groans increases the closer he gets to finishing.
🔥 On the mornings when he ends up waking up earlier and doesn't have to go anywhere, he actually enjoys sleepy lovemaking. During those times he just wants to hold you close (and/or to be inside you, if applicable) even if you two don't move very much.
🔥 Expanding on an earlier headcanon, car sex is absolutely a thing. He likes the privacy it offers, and will often just park at some abandoned spot where it can just be you and him, with no outside interruptions. He's barely put the car in park before you are straddling his lap, furiously making out with him and rubbing yourself up against his hardening cock. Next thing you both know, hours have passed. Uh, he didn't need to be at work that night...right?
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fanartist666 · 2 months
Idk if passenger is really a thing on here or if Barry Sloane gets any love on this app BUT I literally adore that show already.
Passenger. Oh my fucking GOD. I've watched it so many times. Eddie Wells has altered my brain chemistry. The tears I shed over that sweet, beautiful man.
The way he didn't even remember doing it, but thought he must have done because he was told he did, because everyone else was so fucking sure he'd done it, he believed them. He was branded evil, a monster, a freak, and probably everything else under the sun for something he didn't even remember doing. The guilt he felt. The staggering loneliness in those five years. It isn't discussed but I bet you any money his family didn't go and visit him once. In five fucking years. (I do understand why, I totally understand Joanne, Katie and Lily's motivations but that doesn't make it hurt Eddie any less)
Then he got out, and all he wanted was to be a part of his own family again. He wanted to be a husband and father again. He missed his little girls, he missed his wife. He missed his home.
And what did he find, what was his open and welcoming heart met with? Coldness, tension, conflict. His family is everything to him, and they didn't want anything to do with him. He wanted to bring Joanne a sandwich to her work, just to be nice, and she asked when he was leaving. Later his eldest daughter nearly threw boiling coffee in his face, his little girl, ready to cause him serious harm. A few days after Lily asks if she can tell him a secret.
He looked so delighted to be trusted with one. To be let back in just a little by the baby of his family, his darling baby girl. And she tells him "I wish you were dead." The TEARS I SHED when he looked up at her and visibly broke. (Barry Sloane is fucking slept on as an actor i swear to god, he is literally incredible). You could see something die in his eyes. The resolve when he stood up.
He went to end his life in the icy lake. 'This is what monsters deserve'. And who saved his life? But Jim, his 'victim'. Jim pulled him from a terrible death.
Because he was owed an answer.
Because Eddie was the beast that attacked him for no reason. Because Eddie was evil and did an evil thing, and Jim wanted to know why.
And then it turned out he was fucking innocent.
The whole time, HE DIDN'T FUCKING DO IT. 5 years in prison, in a 6x8 shoebox. For a crime he didn't even commit.
If you've read this far, do you get why he's changed my brain chemistry forever? He was pushed away, shunned, got himself beaten up, nearly killed himself over something he didn't fucking do.
Eddie was broken by the people of Chadder Vale. Even his own family. And none of it was his fault. 5 years stolen from him, his relationship with his family stolen from him, his reputation stolen from him, his life stolen from him.
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I'm sobbing all over again. Don't even get me started on the 'it felt real, no?' When Joanne rejected his affection so harshly, because my boy was fucking devastated. (Again. I can empathise with her, I do get it, I do understand her point of view. Eddie has just messed my brain up and I adore him.)
Sincerely, I love him. Thank you Barry for him. I'm going to sob in my corner and think about giving Eddie a hug until there's a season 2.
I am never going to be the same.
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billys-pretty-babe · 3 months
Tropicana's Where I Lost My Heart
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Stripper!Fem!Reader
Summary : March 29, 1988 was the first time Billy could step into a strip club where there was both tits and alcohol in the same room. Los Angeles, California was a long way from Hawkins, Indiana, so why was his ex girlfriend there dancing for a room full of pervs?
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Warnings : Swearing, alcohol, lap dance, smut (protected piv, cumshot), vch piercing
Word count : 3,108
A/N : Inspired by Girls, Girls, Girls by Mötley Crüe (X)
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Los Angeles was not a place that Billy visited very often, but the night of his 21st when his childhood friends and Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins came to visit, Tommy suggested a strip club. So, that's what they did. Tropicana always had a line outside of it, one of the best strip clubs because it served alcohol, you could pay for private rooms, could pay for lap dances, and best of all tits were out.
He leaned against the brick wall, a lit cigarette in his mouth as about twenty people, men and women, were lined up to get inside as bouncers checked IDs and gave people stamps or X's. "How's she been," Billy asked around the butt of his cigarette. Tommy shrugged, puffing on his own cigarette, handing it to Carol. "Haven't seen her since you left, she's probably dead." Billy pushed Tommy as Tommy laughed obnoxiously, fixing his stance as he leaned against Carol.
"Just saying, you guys broke up in August of '85, that was nearly three years ago, man. She's not around no more, at least she's not in Hawkins. Her folks are still there, her mom's still friends with Susan. Oh, Neil's in jail, I forgot what for." Billy hummed, nodding and he flung his finished cigarette into the road. Soon, they were all cleared to go inside, and Billy took in the atmosphere.
The lights were bright on the stage, men and women of all ages, mainly men that were older sat near the stage. Tommy had rented a booth close to the stage and someone led them to it. "Birthday boy gets the closest seat." Billy rolled his eyes as everyone piled into the booth, Carol sitting on Tommy's lap as Billy sat down at the outside seat.
A bar girl got their drink orders, checking ID's and wishing Billy a happy birthday before taking their orders to the bartender. Throughout the night, Billy remembered why he stopped drinking with Tommy who was ogling the topless women. Carol was no different, whistling at the girls, making Billy shake his head at the two of them.
Billy finished off his beer and Carol ordered shots for the table. Billy could handle his alcohol, he knew that much from all of Tina's parties that he attended, beating his own keg record each time. He wasn't paying attention until Carol gasped. "Told you she wasn't dead, Tommy," she said, slapping her boyfriend's shoulder.
Billy looked up to the stage, watching you. Men and women whistled watching you work the shiny silver pole on the middle of the stage. Billy's childhood friends looked to the stage, seeing who had caught their best friend's eye. "She's hot," James said. Billy's eyes flickered to him before going back to you.
Tommy snickered, "That's his ex." James' jaw dropped, "No way he bagged that." Tommy laughed, "She didn't look like that in high school, not that I remember at least." You did look the same, Billy was the only guy to ever see you naked, your body was ingrained into his brain forever after the night he took your virginity.
He noticed the pretty little tattoos on your body, seeing one right under the string of the material on your hips. The bar girl came back, and Carol began asking her about you. "She does lap dances for five dollars, private rooms are twenty and she won't take her top off on stage but give her ten bucks and she will." Carol nodded, pulling money out of her clutch that Tommy was holding onto.
"Birthday boy gets a lap dance." He looked at her as Tommy began cheering, Billy's friends egging him on and cheering too. "I'll get her over here when she's done." Carol nodded, thanking her and she left the table. "Fuck you," Billy said through his teeth to his friends and they all laughed at him. "Lighten up, she probably doesn't remember you anyways. Like I said, nearly three years, and who knows, she probably has a boyfriend somewhere around here."
Billy's jaw clenched at Tommy's words; he wanted you to be happy but with him. The two of you ended on bad terms, he wanted you to follow him to California, you told him no and he left in the middle of the night because he was angry. You never got to say goodbye to him.
You finished your dance, security gathering the cash for you and handing it to you as you thanked the large man, going backstage. You went to your dressing room, putting the money into neat stacks and into bags, tossing them into your locker. Someone knocked on the door and you looked over, smiling at Claire, the bar girl. "Hey, we have a lap dance." You nodded, touching up your makeup.
"What's he look like?" She smiled dreamily, "Tall, blonde with curls, pretty ass blue eyes. He has some tattoos on his hands. He's with a group of friends, I'll bring them all to your section because they're in a booth." You nodded, thanking her and finished touching up your makeup.
You put on more deodorant and a little perfume behind your ears and neck, knowing the guy would be close enough to smell it. You bent over, fixing the laces on your heels and stood up, looking in the mirror, bending over and fixing your boobs in your top. The entire outfit was skimpy but left enough for a man's imagination to go wild, wanting to pay for the clothes to be taken off.
You walked to your section, immediately recognizing Tommy Hagan's freckly face as Carol had her arm around his waist. Blonde hair. You knew it wasn't Steve Harrington, he was a brunette. There were only two blondes that Tommy hung out with, Billy Hargrove and Jason Carver. For once in your life, you were hoping it was the latter but with the look on Tommy's face, it wasn't.
In the chair, your designated lap dance chair, was Billy Hargrove. Your heart raced. He looked different; he was still hot, hotter than he was when he was your boyfriend. He had more tattoos that peeked out of the muscle shirt he wore, his hands had tattoos as well, but he never touched his pretty face. His brow still had a slit in it and his blue eyes were just as striking as you remember them to be, the same ones were in your dreams every night.
You had half a mind to give another dancer him but at the same time, you didn't want to see your co-workers grinding on your ex-boyfriend. "Who's paying," you asked. Carol put the money out and you took it, putting it in the tip jar that you had. You sat in his lap; his thighs were bigger than you remembered. You'd know because you had ridden him practically every night after he took your virginity.
"This okay," you asked him, and he nodded, his hands on the sides of his thighs. You grabbed them, placing them on your waist. A song started, some type of R&B, it was definitely music to fuck to. Tommy's eyes were trained on the stage, practically slobbering like a dog as Carol teased him. Your hands laid on Billy's shoulders as you began the lap dance. Billy's eyes were trained on you, his lips were slightly apart.
He felt himself getting harder with each second you were grinding on him. His hands gripped your waist tightly, wishing it was a different situation, wishing he was holding you close and kissing you. Sooner than he liked, it was over. You leaned to his ear, "Happy birthday, B," you said, just loud enough for him to hear it over the loud music. His heart stopped.
Did someone tell you it was his birthday? There was no way you remembered that. You glanced at his friends, seeing all of them occupied. "Come with me," you said, getting up and he stood up behind you as you grabbed the money from your tip jar and going to your dressing room. He followed you, sitting in an office chair in the corner of the room as you shut the door.
You added the money from your dances into the bags in your locker. You sat in your chair and looked at him, really getting a good look at him in the well-lit room. "Didn't expect you to be a stripper." You shrugged, "College didn't work out for me. I needed to get away." He hummed, "So you chose California?" You nodded. He pursed his lips, "Bullshit, you're lying. You're doing that thing with your nose. What's the real reason you came to California?"
You shrugged, "I don't know, needed a change of scenery." He hummed again, "And lie number two within in the span of five seconds." You rolled your eyes, fixing the lipstick at the corner of your lips. "You followed me, didn't you?" You shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not." He nodded, "How long have you been here?" You looked at him in the mirror, "Since March '86." Two years and he had never run into you.
"You're lying to me about college. You left during Spring semester; you didn't even give it an entire school year." You sighed, "Cause I fucked up. I should've come with you instead of letting you come here alone." He nodded, practically burning a hole into your skin.
"I still think about what could have happened if we were still together. Probably married with a kid or two with one on the way." You looked at him, turning in your chair. "You wanted kids with me?" He nodded, "And marriage. You were the only girl I had ever thought about being married to. I hated marriage until you came into my life."
The way he looked at you looked like he wanted, like he still loved you. You had never forgotten about the way he loved you, he loved you like every single day was his last day with you. You looked at your dressing room door, getting up and locking it and you moved to where he was, standing between his knees.
Your hand went to his cheek and his hands darted to your waist, pulling you close. He leaned in, stopping when his forehead touched yours. "Did you kiss anyone tonight?" You shook your head, "No, I don't kiss customers." He nodded, kissing you. The kiss was different than the others the two of you had shared. You couldn't describe it, but it felt familiar.
Billy kissed like he was hungry for you, like he needed this. His hands wandered under your butt, pulling you so you were in his lap. His hands messed with the strings on the bottom of your two-piece outfit. He pulled away from you, panting a little. The most action he had recently was with his left hand and whatever shitty porn he was able to get his hands on.
"Are you clean?" You nodded, "Haven't fucked anyone since you." His heart did a little skip, he believed you. "Are you clean," you asked back. He laughed and nodded; he had a few hook ups after you but those ended in 1987. "You got so hot," you said with no shame. He laughed, "Me? Fucking look at you." He kissed your jaw, pressing hard kisses to your neck, kissing a few of your small tattoos as he bit the top of your left boob.
"B, I know we love foreplay, but I need you in me, right now." He laughed, kissing you as he reached between the two of you, unbuckling his belt. Your hands went between the two of you, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, pulling them down to his knees as he pulled his dick out through the hole in his boxers.
"Was that what the hole was for," he asked himself in his head. He reached into his wallet, thanking himself that he put it in his front pocket rather than his back pocket. He grabbed the gold foil, tossing his wallet onto the floor.
"Open your mouth," he said, to which you did. He put the corner of the pack in your mouth, and you bite down, and he ripped the corner off, taking the condom out. He rolled it on himself. He went to undo the strings on your bottoms. "Is this, okay?" You nodded, "More than okay, please, just need you." He nodded, quickly pulling the strings as your lower half was revealed to him and when he hiked your legs up, he saw something shiny.
He put his right arm behind your back, gently leaning you back. He hooked his thumb at the top of your labia and gently pulled up, revealing the clit piercing. He whistled when he saw it, "It's pretty." You smiled, your skin heating up. "Does it add more stimulation?" You nodded and he hummed, "We'll be testing that out at my place, but for now," he said, grabbing two inches below his tip as he brought your chest to his, running his tip through your slick.
He tapped it against your clit, and you moaned, thankful for the loud music playing throughout the club. "Ready," he asked you. You nodded, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, holding your hands behind his back, hoping he wouldn't smash your fingers against the wall.
He pulled you a little closer so you could feel the curls on his base on your clit. You felt the condom slide against your entrance before his thumb guiding his tip inside of you. He moved his thumb to the edge of your hole, gently pulling it to allow a little room for his cock and you moaned, back already arching at the feeling.
Both of his hands went to your waist and once your butt was on his thighs, he moaned, head falling back to the wall. He swallowed, his Adam's Apple moving, and you couldn't help but you place your lips right under his jaw and sucked a hickey onto his skin.
Albeit he tasted like alcohol from his cologne, but you ignored it because right under it, you could taste him. He controlled your hips as he looked at you, peppering your skin with kisses and little bites. He spread his legs a little, thrusting up into you, making you cry out for him, your nails digging into his back through the material of his shirt.
Your body was overtaken by pleasure, not being able to ride him like you used to. Your head fell to his shoulder at a particularly hard thrust and he laughed. You thought about how pathetic you looked. Your ex-boyfriend mentioned marriage and here you were on his dick, how embarrassing. Billy moaned in your ear as you clenched, getting him back for laughing at you.
"God, you feel so good," he moaned out. "Fucking missed this, don't ever make me miss out on you ever again, please." He sounded like he was begging for you. You put one of your hands in his hair, tugging it gently and he let out another moan. Your moans were his favorite, they were authentic, they were him.
You began moving your hips with his thrusts, a deadly combination for the both of you. The room was filled with skin slapping, the wet squelches coming from your body every single time he would thrust back into you, along with the moans from the two of you.
He knew you were close; he could feel the way you were clenching around him. "I got you baby, let go for me. I'm right here, it's okay." Billy was a talker which was good and bad, it was bad when he talked you through your orgasms because his voice was hot, and it made you want to stay on his cock and just soak him completely.
Your thighs started to shake a little. "That's it," he said in your ear, rubbing the small of your back. You succumbed to the pleasure, letting out a loud moan of his name as he talked you through it, his voice was muffled as your body tingled, your eyes rolling back a little.
"Good girl, there we go," he said, trying to stave off his own orgasm, wanting to watch you. God, he loved you so much, he never stopped, and in this raw moment of pleasure, seeing you so vulnerable to him, he loved you even more than before. He kissed you after you caught your breath.
He couldn't help it as his thrusts were getting sloppy and messy, gripping your skin as his breath was coming out heavy. He was so close, and he pulled out, taking the condom off, giving his cock a few quick tugs as his cum landed on your stomach, painting it in uneven stripes with little drips and some globs.
He put his head on your shoulder, his body shaking a little as he was coming down. You gently scratched his back, and he kissed your cheek. "Do you have a towel or something, I kind of made a mess." You laughed and nodded, getting up on shaky legs and you grabbed a clean towel because you tended to shower at the club after your shifts.
You went to clean it yourself before he leaned up, snatching the towel from you. He beckoned you over and you sat back down in his lap, and he cleaned off your stomach, kissing your shoulder as he did so. He cleaned himself up and threw the condom away in your little trash can. "Ready to go to my place?" You nodded quickly. He helped you put your bottoms back on as you slipped on a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt over your top. You took your heels off, putting a pair of socks on and grabbing your sneakers, sliding your feet into them.
Billy tied your shoes for you, and you smiled. You got all of your stuff together, including your bags of money and he finished redressing himself and getting himself together. He grabbed his wallet off of the floor and you led him out of the back of the club as he followed you to your car. "Do you still have Blue?" He nodded, "My house, I didn't drive just in case I got drunk." You nodded and got into the car.
From that night forward, everything changed for the better for both you and Billy. Your guys' story didn't end, there was just a pause in it, but the two of you always knew you'd rejoice.
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temnurus · 7 months
More Wangxian Faves: Post-Canon & Canon Divergent
This list was made to honor the request in the notes on my WWX recs post from @100percentserenity for some more fics featuring Wei Ying set in canon or canon divergent fics. Now, not all of these are strictly from his POV, but they all feature him at his quick-witted, charming, & hopelessly oblivious best. Canon divergent can be a pretty wide category, so do keep that in mind if you see a rec & think, "This isn't very canonical.." Haha. There are two repeats from my first Wangxian rec list, but they fit the ask & are both excellent & worth mentioning twice! Now, in no particular order, may I recommend:
Far Away You Are by cqlorphan (E, 17,358)
Thoughts: I absolutely loved the idea of the esteemed Hanguan-jun being this not-so-secret purveyor of comfort hugs & heartache advice. Wei Ying’s shock upon finding this out was so funny I couldn’t help but laugh, & my amusement only intensified when he made the scary Yiling Laozu face while asking who broke Lan Zhan’s heart, only to be told it was him who’d done so. I wanted to hug all the Juniors myself. They’re all so very precious. This was a lovely story where very little hurt in the end, & sometimes that’s just nice after the gut punch that canon gives us.
my age has never made me wise by idrilka (E, 63,439)
Thoughts: I absolutely loved this. It was pretty CQL (The Untamed) compliant & told the post-canon story of Wei Ying wandering alone as a rogue cultivator after the events of the show. Of course he was pining after his zhiji the entire time, so when he heard gossip that the Chief Cultivator might be married by summer's end it nearly undid him. The angst was excruciating, but One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again fics somehow always manage to be fun at the same time. I've read several post-canon, wandering Wei Ying stories, & this one was particularly good.
Not What We May Be by brooklinegirl (E, 29,222)
Thoughts: I love Wei Ying’s cleverness in this. He’s his usual irreverent, chaotic, charming self, & I never get tired of how wonderfully his mind works. The odd phenomenon occurring in the town he’s staying in was an interesting mystery to solve, & I had to laugh when Lan Zhan arrived with the usual Lan Juniors ensemble in tow. Watching them all work together to figure out how to fix the issue while also dealing with the healthy side helping of oblivious Wei Ying & searing sexual tension between him & Lan Zhan was a fun treat.
All Caught Up by brooklinegirl (E, 36,934)
Thoughts: Wei Ying proposing to Lan Zhan to get him out of an arranged marriage he didn’t want is so something he’d do. There is no character more quintessentially chaotic good than Wei Ying. You can’t change my mind. The practice kissing was a lovely regular feature from this author, & my particular favorite thing in this fic was Nie Huaisang’s cameo as their pseudo wedding planner with his classic meddling while insisting he’s useless shenanigans. This was super cute. I liked it a lot.
love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360,042)
Thoughts: This was an example of a cool MDZS-specific trope I hadn't seen before, & in it Wei Ying, the infamous Yiling Patriarch, was a cultivator who had achieved immortality (aka, he's OP as fuck but in a fun way). The great sects enlisted his help to win the Sunshot Campaign, & what did he demand in return? Lan Zhan's hand in marriage, of course! It was a fantastic slow burn in which poor Lan Zhan suffered the mortifying ordeal of falling in love with his own husband. An amazing & complex plot, chock-full of angsty goodness.
Birthday Party by waffles_4_breakfast (E, 100,123)
Thoughts: I loved the idea that Wei Ying would actually get to attend Jin Ling's one month celebration, but I was, of course, still concerned about the continued danger he'd be in. This fic nicely showcased Wei Ying's sharp wit, charm, & ever-present sass. I also loved his dramatics when it came to his interactions with Lan Zhan (and in general, of course, haha), but their sweetness together was ultimately my favorite thing about them. The continued threat to Wei Ying's life & all the plotting surrounding it was interesting, but the best things about this fic were the characters & their bonds with each other.
Fentao-laoshi's Guide to Cut-Sleeve Pleasures by occultings (E, 31,775)
Thoughts: This was set during the Cloud Recesses Study Arc, & it was so, so good. The sexual tension between them was just simmering the entire time, & the idea of them “practicing for marriage” on each other was fucking hilarious. Their banter was top notch, & I absolutely loved Lan Zhan’s nearly overwhelming desperation for Wei Ying, not to mention Wei Ying’s bullshit getting him in over his head (as usual, but this time in a fun way, haha). The feelings were actually very sweet, too. I enjoyed this a lot.
wide enough and wild by impossibletruths (E, 64,120)
Thoughts: I love the tag “Noping Out Of Society With Your Boyfriend And Your 50 Wen Refugees: The Novel”. It made me laugh before I’d even started the fic. While this was set during the time period in which Wei Ying frees the Wen refugees, they didn’t end up in Yiling this time. I won’t get too specific, but they still ended up rebuilding their own little settlement & farming to survive, basically. Lan Zhan found them & decided to stay. The slow burn was so good, & I loved the pining in particular. I cried a couple of times in this. It really was just that good.
your problem as a mountain. by cupofwater (E, 30,989)
Thoughts: It was so cute to see the difference between Wei Ying’s & Nie Huaisang’s fantasies, & Wei Ying’s turning out to be more vanilla & romantic in nature absolutely cracked me up. I nearly hurt myself laughing when Nie Mingjue sent Lan Zhan some of the letters by mistake, & I was delighted by Lan Zhan’s reaction. I won’t spoil it, but the smut was lovely & despite the misunderstanding our boys definitely both got their happy ending, haha.
The Vermilion Ribbon by Unforth (E, 233,368)
Thoughts: This sat on my Marked For Later list on AO3 for the longest time, & I really did myself a disservice by not reading it sooner. It was absolutely fantastic. The world-building, pacing, & intricate plot were all brilliantly done, & Wei Ying being in the Wen clan was nothing like I imagined it was going to be in this. Instead of his core family being the Jiangs, we get Wen Qing in Jiang Yanli’s role & Wen Ning in Jiang Cheng’s. Now I’ll warn you that this got super heavy in some places, so mind those tags & take care of yourselves. Nothing was graphic enough that I had to stop reading, but it didn’t shy away from the serious subject matter it covered either. The whole fic was a real emotional roller coaster, & I can’t recommend it highly enough.
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Hotch x Daughter!reader - not fixing this
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im begging you for another anger hotch x daughter reader Like he missed her graduation or something and then they argue - Anon💜
A/N: I have absolutely no idea how American graduations work
You were so nervous but so excited when you stood up to receive your certificate of graduation, and as you beamed out into the crowd, your eyes scanned around.
You couldn’t find your dad, but maybe it was because the hall was so packed so you didn’t worry about it too much.
As everything came to a close, you started to search through everyone to try and find you dad, praying that maybe he was just lost while looking for you.
But you couldn’t find him anywhere and you felt defeated.
Heading out to your car, you pulled your phone from your bag and checked it, no missed calls, no missed texts.
You were furious and upset, getting in your car you drove home and stormed straight up to your room.
He wasn’t even home yet.
For days you managed to successfully avoid your dad, you spent most of your time in your room or out with your friends.
As you got into the house you were greeted by your dad standing by the front door, phone up to his ear as he looked at you.
He pocketed his phone and scrawled at you.
“It’s nearly midnight, where have you been?”
“One, I’m an adult. Two, I don’t have a curfew. Three my phone died on the way home.”
You kicked your shoes off and made your way through the house as you dad followed you, trying to talk to you.
“What’s gotten into you?” He asked.
Spinning around you glared harshly at Hotch as you jabbed his chest.
“I don’t know dad, maybe wrack that head of yours and maybe you’ll figure it out, unless you forgot how to be a detective as well as a dad.”
With that, you marched up the stairs.
Hotch frowned as he watched you leave, he was beyond confused. As he wracked his brain trying to figure out what you were on about.
It wasn’t your birthday, it wasn’t movie night, it wasn’t family day.
Hotch mulled around the house as he did some cleaning, still trying to figure out what you were going on about.
He walked past the calendar and stopped, staring at it for a moment before he cursed under his breath and ran up the stairs.
He knocked on your door a few times but you ignored him, and he sighed and went to bed.
The following morning, he sat on the couch and waited for you to come downstairs.
Eventually you did and you didn’t even bother to look at him, you simply made your way straight to the kitchen and he followed you.
“Sweetheart.” He said softly.
You turned around, bowl of cereal in your hand as you looked at him.
“I’m so sorry I forgot about your graduation.”
You said nothing as you walked past him to the living room and sat down, and again he followed you.
“(Y/N) you have to understand, I had a case.”
“It’s always a case.” You bluntly replied.
“I can’t just stop mid case.”
“You shouldn’t have taken the case dad! You promised me for months you would take the day off to be there!”
“It was important!”
You set your bowl down and scoffed as you rolled your eyes at him.
“And I’m not important dad?!”
“Of course you are!”
“Apparently not! Get fucked!”
You stood up, grabbed your keys and bag and left the house.
Hotch knew he screwed up, and even though he could fix whatever it was that you were going through, he didn’t think there was any way to fix this.
You were beyond mad at him, you were furious, and he wasn’t going to be able to find anyway to fix this, because he promised you.
He broke his promise to you, and he couldn’t go back in time to be there
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milkhoney531 · 3 months
Coffee and Zombies (CaZ)
Summary: Life and Death, two very contrast things. Or are they? In the zombie apocalypse, what is death? What is life? Is anyone truly living? A scientist searching for a cure to his mistake, a firefighter bent on helping survivors, two supernatural brothers struggling to adapt and survive, and two brothers who desperately want to rest and find safety. Will they survive?
Chapter 1
   The world didn’t end with a bang. It didn’t end in war. It didn’t end in nukes. It didn’t end with the sun going supernova. It didn’t end with pollution or melting ice caps. No, it ended with a cup of coffee. Two scientists for the company Lily of the Valley, the flower of death, destroyed the world. The two never got along, they were working on a new project. Unfortunately together, unfortunately at unsustainably long hours. Unfortunately, with their brains impaired by lack of proper food, sleep, or hydration, tensions boiled. They weren’t as careful as they should have been. They fought over the last bit of coffee and beakers broke. They became the first two infected with the zombie virus. All over a cup of coffee.
   Death watched in disappointment as he held the two souls as their body spread the virus, ripping flesh from the people near them. Making his job harder than it ever should have been. They would never even see the damage they had done. They would never live through the fear they had brought over the world. Life appeared next to him, her normally warm features stony. She took the two souls from him.
     “I’m tired, Death. They have doomed my creations.” Life said quietly.
     “I am tired as well. But there is work to be done.” Death sighed.
     “Not for us. They made this mess. They can deal with it.” Life said, looking scornfully down at the two souls.
   The smell of coffee filled Roman’s senses when he woke up. He rose from bed and was going to wake up Remus only to have his brother’s hand clasp over his mouth. He held a finger to his lips and pointed towards their bedroom door. Roman saw the blood seeping from beneath the door. He smelled the blood. He heard the screams outside. He saw the word zombies written in blood on the door. He looked at his brother, there was blood on his face and hands, his pajamas were ripped. With shaky hands he moved his twin’s hand from his mouth.
     “Mom? Dad? Are they-?” Roman couldn’t finish the whispered question.
   Remus only nodded. He didn’t look sad. Was this a prank? No. Remus looked too serious. The blood, he could smell it. They were orphans in the zombie apocalypse. This was a shitty way to start their eleventh birthday. He heard a thud against their bedroom door and nearly yelped, but his cry was muffled by Remus pulling him into a hug. He was shaking. Remus was shaking. This was real. What were they going to do?
   They couldn’t stay here. Roman gently pulled out of the hug and took his brother’s hand. He led him to the closet and gave him a bag. Remus seemed to know exactly what he wanted to say. They started packing what they could, trying to keep it to things they needed, but Roman couldn’t help but include the scrapbook he had been working on with his dad and grandma. It had too many memories to leave behind. Were his grandparents still alive? He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw the look of worry his brother had. At least he still had him.
   Roman gave him a reassuring smile. Silently, they got back to packing and getting ready. He didn’t know where they were going to go or how they were going to get out of the apartment alive. But they’d figure it out. They had too. Remus’s constant planning for alien invasions and zombie apocalypses seemed a lot less stupid now. Maybe his brother’s love of gore would save them? He gave a silent sight. They were eleven now. He woke up to coffee and zombies. Great.
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msweebyness · 1 year
Derision Break-Up AU:
(Leak spoilers, I guess.)
So, I’m a HUGE Kimdine shipper, and Derision hurts my heart. I wanted them to stay together, but Kim was really out of line and I was really torn. So my brain made this! Enjoy, I guess!
-Ondine does end up dumping Kim after Derision. She’s angry with him about his actions, his lack of regard for Marinette’s feelings, and believes he’s still fixed on Chloé. She storms out and leaves him stunned.
-After the shock wears off, Kim is left completely heartbroken and breaks down in devastated tears. He nearly gets reakumatized, this time into Dark Cupid again, though thankfully he is able to resist, with some help from Ladybug.
-With her anger and the bad terms of the breakup, they don’t stay friends like they were before they started dating. She refuses to speak or have anything to do with him, leaving him even more crushed.
-Following the breakup, Kim is left extremely depressed, unable to find his usual motivation or exuberance. He starts falling behind even more in school and is even struggling with his various sports, shocking everyone. Thankfully, when he receives his miraculous full-time, Xuppu is able to snap him out of it, stating that he’s never going to get another chance, and he’ll lose his friends too, if he keeps moping around and pushing everyone away instead of working to be better.
- Motivated by the words of his Kwami, Kim decides to really start making up for his past behavior, be the good guy Ladybug believes he is. He starts by apologizing to all his classmates for things he’s done to hurt them, including Ivan, Alya, and of course, Marinette. He promises to work hard and do better, and everyone accepts his apology with some thought, seeing that he means it. (CLASS GROUP HUG💖)
-Later, he ends up having a one-on-one talk with Marinette, and he tells her about the breakup, and how much he misses Ondine, that he realizes he may never get another chance to be with her, but he wishes they could at least be friends again. She encourages him that, if he really loves her, he shouldn’t give up, to try and do things the RIGHT way. To be kind to her and try to be a good friend, because you never know what may happen.
-Kim struggled for a while with feeling like he was worthy to be a hero, despite affirmations from his team. (He actually bonds a lot with Miss Hound over it.) But he was able to work through those feelings by genuinely making the effort to be a better, more considerate person and friend. (Minding what he says, apologizing when he upsets someone, trying to be more helpful and less competitive, etc.) He even was able to pull his grades up more than what they were before his slump! (Max was so proud.)
-Kim took Marinette’s advice to heart, and he wrote a note to Ondine apologizing for everything and saying that he hoped they can be friends again if she feels up to it. It didn’t immediately earn her forgiveness, but it started to chip away at the ice between them. Kim just tried his best to be good to her while respecting her boundaries. Offering his help whenever he could and just going out of his way to be kind to her, show her that he still cared. He even gave her a birthday present he made himself, a shell necklace beaded with small pearls and clay beads (Nath may have helped him a little). (He got the idea when he found a shiny oyster shell that was almost a perfect heart.) (The girls gushed over it for hours)
-It was a slow process, but Ondine slowly warmed up to her ex again as she saw how much he’d changed, grown up. What finally truly broke the ice between them was when her boyfriend at the time forgot to pick her up from volleyball practice(she plays a lot of other sports too) while it was pouring rain, leaving her waiting for almost fifteen minutes, before Kim’s basketball practice had let out and he’d offered to drive her home. (Kim gets a Jeep that’s outfitted for off-roading, FIGHT ME.) He was able to cheer her up by just being his goofy self, and she admitted that she had missed this, the way they were before. After that, they were able to get back to their closeness before the Syren Fiasco.
-Ondine ended up dating two other guys in the timespan leading up to the summer before their final year of Lyceè. Despite how unbelievably painful it was for him to see her with someone else, he supported her through both relationships. He himself went on dates with a few people, but it never went beyond that. They just…weren’t her.
-Ondine broke up with BF #2(another guy from the swim team) when she found out he’d been cheating on her with a girl she had considered to be one of her closest friends. (No need to kill BF #1, don’t worry! He was a longtime friend she was in choir with(I HC that she loves to sing and has a beautiful voice.), and they just decided they were better off as friends and broke it off on good terms!) She ran off in tears after cussing them both out, and ended up at the pool.
-Kim ended up being the one to find Ondine after the whole snafu, and being a good, caring friend, listened and tried his best to comfort her. (“You want me to kick his ass for you? I wouldn’t mind.”) But when Ondine started to say that maybe there was a reason her relationships don’t work out, that she’s just not good enough, he cut off that thought, telling her how sweet, funny, beautiful and all around awesome she was. His emotions were at a high, and he ended up blurting out “That’s why I love you so much!”, before freezing with the realization. Mistaking her stunned silence for her being upset about his (accidental) confession, he apologized and ran off in tears.
-After Kim ran off, Ondine was left alone with her confused thoughts and feelings. She knew her feelings for him had been coming back full force as of late, but she was lost on whether she should act on them. After talking with the girls for a while, both the Girl Squad and her own school friends, she decided that this was a good thing and she should take her chance while it was here.
-After she had sorted herself out, Ondine went to find Kim, hoping a butterfly hadn’t gotten to him first. Thankfully, he still had his magic charm, (I don’t think Chrysalis would be able to master Megakumas quickly) so no akuma. She had a lot of things she had thought of to say…but she ended up just kissing him. A LONG kiss, mind you. Afterwards, they had a good talk and decided maybe it was time to give this another shot.
-Despite knowing they loved each other, Kim and Ondine were both nervous entering a relationship again. They gave each other space for a few days, before going on a ‘second first date’, going on more dates after that went well. It was two months before they officially got back together, and another three weeks before they kissed again(aside from pecks on the cheek). They were both just shy, okay? But they were happy, and all their friends were happy for them.
-As happy as they were, there were still some things under the rug when they got back together. In the early stages, Kim was far more jealous and possessive than he had been before, stemming from a deep-seated fear of losing her again. (He was especially jealous of the ex she remained good friends with.) Ondine struggled with feeling secure in the relationship and it caused her to pull back at times. Fortunately, they were able to work out these issues through actually TALKING (and lots of cuddles❤️)
-With the early kinks worked out, their relationship flourished, strong and healthy. Their friends describe them as ‘disgustingly affectionate’, but they don’t care.
-Chloé DID eventually come back to Paris, more bitter than ever. (I am the furthest thing from a fan of hers(Scarlet Lady is MY canon, if that tells you anything(@zoe-oneesama>>>>Asstruck. You created a masterpiece, darling!)), but even I pity her being stuck with Audrey.) Under her mother’s influence, she wasn’t able to improve much. She tried to push her former “lackeys” back under her thumb, but Sabrina straight told her to f*$& off, and ya boi barely even noticed her presence. He’s perfectly happy with his girlfriend thanks!
-An epilogue, of sorts, I guess. Five and a half years after getting back together, they were happily married. She learns his identity, of course, and they eventually welcome two baby girls. (Kim just screams ‘GIRL DAD’ to me!)
So, I like to think that I’m good at thinking up ideas for stories, but I absolutely SUCK at actually writing them out as full fics. (I’m also incredibly anxious and fearful of people not liking what I make, so even posting THIS was a mental bAtTlE) But if you want to adopt this plot and make a story from it, have at it, it’s all yours! I’d love to read it, just make sure you credit me! Ciao! Feel free to let me know what you think!
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lordoftherazzles · 1 year
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I can’t believe we’re at 2023!! What a year it’s been...both good and bad. First and foremost, I want to say thank you to my followers, readers, mutuals, friends, whoever you are - thank you. I couldn’t have made it through this year without you! 
I did this last year and I wanted to do it again with a few added/removed questions, but I feel like we all need a little moment to celebrate our successes and accomplishments, so here’s mine under the cut!
Fandom(s) written for: The Hobbit, Our Flag Means Death Pairings written for: Bilbo/Thorin, Ed/Stede  Number of works (total): 20 How many of those are completed?: 11 Word count (prev year): 241,178 Word count (2022): 534,448 (293,270 more than last year, not counting tumblr drabbles) # of WIPs: Enough?? Literally, I don’t know anymore loool. I have 7 active fics currently, 8 plot bunnies that have outlines/content written, and at least 15 sitting in the little brain-crockpot (aka my idea spreadsheet) waiting to be fleshed out.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
I’ll always say I wish I had posted more, there were some chunks in my year that really hit me hard and made writing nearly impossible, but looking at the actual numbers...posting almost 300k on ao3 this year? I can’t be mad at that. Here’s to hoping next year maybe I can break 300k!! 
To put my year into perspective a little bit, I broke it down a little bit more!
Posted 37 chapters/updates
Posted 7 oneshots (2 within my King and Lionheart collection)
Posted 9 plot bunnies
Finished 2 big fics (6 chapters each)
This doesn’t count the drabbles I did for tumblr, and looking at it this way, I am definitely feeling pretty good about my 2022 - here’s to hoping 2023 is even better!!
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I feel like I did!!
Participated in TRSB
Created a fic writer’s blog to support other fic writers @fellowshipofthefics
Wrote for a new fandom (OFMD)
Hosted a new Hobbit Event via FOTFICS
Plot bunny follower event!! SO MANY IDEAS.
I did a lot of birthday gift writings this year
SO MANY COLLABS!!! And more to come...
Did you participate in any fandom events this year?
I took part in two! It was my first time participating in the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang this year, and I was partnered with the ever delightful @mysandwichranaway! We came up with a very fun modern!royalty AU that I am very proud of. Sandy did some amazing artwork for it as well, and honestly, this was my first multichapter fic finished (6 chapters!) and was written in about 3 months. Not too bad! → Between Vices and Virtues
Fellowship of the Fics hosted a Hobbit event, An Unexpected Collaboration where I was partnered with @consultingpacha! I had a few plot bunnies stored away and one worked so well with our prompt, and it was nice to get one off the list! Pacha’s artwork continues to blow me away, and I’m very happy with this fic. The positive response has been overwhelming already! → The Night We Met
Both fics have potential sequels! We’ll see how time goes for me this next year.
Do you have any fanfic or general writing goals for the new year?
I’d like to finish projects first and foremost, as well as unleash some new ones. Alongside that though as a writer I’d like to explore new situations/tropes/vocabulary/smut and just expand on what I’m doing already. I’m hoping to put out more words than I did this year, and focus more on my fics rather than events (though I had a lot of fun!)
Next year is the year of Razzy fics - I have so many different plot bunnies I want to tackle! That in itself will help me expand my horizons.
From the past year of writing, what was your…
Longest story: May Your Forge Burn Bright (79,010 words)
Shortest story: Concerning Dwobbits (2,635 words)
Top 3 by kudos: Though I don’t like to think that stats say what is a good fic and what is a bad fic, sometimes I just can’t help but look at them. My current top 3 by kudos in no particular order!
→ Seasalt and Silk (OFMD) → May Your Forge Burn Bright → Dragonhearted
Best story of this year: I am picking this one purely on the fact that in 2 chapters, it’s blowing some stats out of the water, and we’re on the pirate train (thank you, OFMD) I am thoroughly impressed with the feedback and response from this fic already, and I am so excited to continue it! It’s going to be a fun ride! → As The Tide Turns
Personal favorite of 2022: My first collab project, and with my beloved @stardryad-random!! Honestly, this story feels so original even though it has head nods to other forms of media, and it just took on a life of its own. This one will also finish out in 2023!! So be on the lookout for more updates from both myself and Star! → When Darkness Shines Brightest
Most fun to write: I think this one is a tie. I feel like I have the most genuine happy-crackshit-fun when writing two of my modern AUs that have been around for a while, both for completely different reasons. First there’s the band AU, there’s just something about a slice of life journey featuring music and books (which are two of my favorite things) that really touches my heart. Then there’s the real crackshit fic, my WWDITS inspired vampire fic, where I can literally put the stupidest ideas and it just...works, somehow. It still has a plot, I promise!! I feel like the readers have fun with these fics as well! → Bookbinder//Songwriter → Where The Shadows Lie
Most challenging to write: I think every fic is going to be challenging in some way, but the one that springs to mind (which is why it was delayed so much) is Dragonhearted. The latest update was a bit chaotic. Lots of characters, lots of fighting, and it was very important for me to ensure it was clear to the reader as to what was going on. Battle scenes aren’t something I’m overly confident in yet, but this made me figure it out pretty quickly (or slowly, actually).  → Dragonhearted
Fic I’m proudest of writing: Honestly, this is the year of events (yes, even just two) and I am insanely proud of both of them. They may not be “big behemoth fics” by any means, but considering they both have decent word counts and I did them in 1-3 months a piece, I’m pretty grateful and have every reason to be proud! → Between Vices and Virtues → The Night We Met
Story with the single sweetest moment? (Top 3)
Bookbinder//Songwriter (The Acorn Tattoo) - Bilbo has spent the evening with Bofur, Nori and Ori, preparing for Bree Bash with a more “rockified” look, which includes piercings and one tattoo. We have an “acorn” scene, a declaration of not needing to change for the other, and overall, it’s just very sweet.
Between Vices and Virtues (Gold and riches cannot compare to you) - Here we have a cliche train scene, but with a small twist. Thorin doesn’t make it to the station in time to catch Bilbo before he leaves for the Shire after a misunderstanding/falling out. He pulls strings to make the train come back so that he can right some wrongs that never should have happened in the first place.
(Take Me Back To) The Night We Met (Forget-me-nots) - Without spoiling too much as this is a newer fic, we see Thorin and Bilbo talking about a few keepsakes, such as a rune stone, some forget-me-nots, both gifted by the other. Give it a read!
Story with the most angsty moment? (Top 3)
When Darkness Shines Brightest (The Fall of Erebor) - This whole story takes the cake on “angsty” but this particular scene where Bilbo is whisked away into a shadow dream to witness for himself what happened to Erebor truly wins the angsty award.
May Your Forge Burn Bright (Mine Collapse) - Bilbo is caught in a mine collapse, and Thorin desperately tries to unbury his hobbit with doubt in his head and worry in his heart that it may be a body to be recovered.
Kurdu ‘abadaz (My sister’s sons) - Thorin gets to see Fili and Kili for the first time since Ravenhill. He’s smacked with the severity of their injuries, and naturally, blames himself.
Least popular fic: A one shot request that is a gen fic for Thorin, Fili, and Kili. I found it very fun and sweet to write, but it’s definitely showing me that ship fics get way more attention. → I’ll Keep You Safe
Biggest Disappointment: While there are always going to be highs and lows with writing, I am pretty disappointed in the response to my TRSB fic, which is one I am very proud of, and it just didn’t seem like there was the response I was looking for. I understand that the event was VERY Silm heavy, and probably should have altered my expectations, but I had wanted it to do better. Sandy and I both worked very hard on this Modern Royalty Bagginshield fic. I know modern!au can be a bit finicky with the fandom...but give it a chance!! → Between Vices and Virtues
Biggest Surprise: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Collaboration - honestly, this fic was a small nugget of a plot bunny after spotting some artwork some months ago, and I wanted to do a little short story based off of it. It blew up. It was a perfect prompt for Pacha and I’s collab, and it’s not even been out a month, and it’s SOOOO loved by the community??? I’ve never had a story with so many comments asking for a sequel. It’s overwhelming in the most unexpected, yet amazing, way! → The Night We Met
What can we expect in 2023?
Word Count: I almost hit 300k this year, so I want to surpass the 300k mark if possible!
Finishing Fics: I am determined to finish a few of my big fics such as ”Dragonhearted”, “May Your Forge Burn Bright”, and “When Darkness Shines Brightest”!
Starting Fics: Some of the plot bunnies are going to show up in 2023, you can check them out → here!
Collaborative Works: I would love to do more collabs with my fellow creators! (Stay on the look out, you just might see @sunnyrosewritesstuff and I working together soon enough.)
FOTFICS Participation/Drabbles: While I don’t really take requests anymore, I will be participating in more FOTFICS monthly challenges - which means taking suggestions from my followers <3
Positive Vibes Only: A more positive Razzy.
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Now, to tie off my Year In Review, the ever lovely @i-did-not-mean-to tagged me in a fun little game to show off some of my favorite bits of work I’ve done this year.
Five works I'm proud of (tho I’m proud of them all)
When Darkness Shines Brightest
As The Tide Turns
May Your Forge Burn Bright
Four new WIPs I am excited to release next year
Fuck Thy Neighbor (Accidental Marriage)
Led Only By The Stars (Space!AU)
Sweeter Than Honey (Modern!AU)
Heartstones (Soulmate!AU)
Top three improvements
I’ve improved in expanding my horizons to different tropes/Ideas I didn’t think I would touch before.
I do not check the stats regularly, and I feel a LOT better as a writer and just overall mentally.
My outlining/organization process has SIGNIFICANTLY improved this year, and it’s making my life a ton easier.
Top two resolutions
Finish some big fics!!!
Never compare myself to another author. There is only one of me, and my stories are unique to me and make me happy, that’s what matters.
(Honorary mention: I want to read more fics!!!)
Favorite line
This is an impossible question, but I threw an imaginary dart that landed on my pirate AU, so we gotta go with this one!
“What have we here? A stowaway, or a rat? I’ll give you this, you almost had it…but the secret to escaping somewhere quietly,” that blade tilted a bit, forcing Bilbo’s chin upwards as the man holding it crouched, knees bent to bring them near face to face, “is to be quiet.” (-> As The Tide Turns)
I picked this because....let’s be real, the sexual tension of this scene alone is just....yes. Bilbo’s chin tipped up with a sword, hell yeah.
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reneesbooks · 1 year
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@lena-rambles u bet ur butt i'm willing to share my unnecessarily elaborate calendar that nearly broke my brain
So Raedora's calendar is based on the cycle of the silver moon, which is one of three moons in their world. In the Raedoran belief system, the three moons are three deity-like beings who make sure the world runs smoothly while the gods deal with the affairs of mortals. The silver moon controls magic, the blue moon controls skill, and the red moon controls compassion. There's a lot of other cultural significance to the moons which is why my brain would not let me continue working on the actual story until i had hammered out the calendar
unnecessary additional worldbuilding fact--in neighboring Fierodia, the moons are believed to be the three eyes of their god instead
there are 336 days in the Raedoran year, 7 months of 48 days each that follow the cycle of the silver moon. the seven months are named after seven of the Raedoran gods. in order, they are Talamh (goddess of the earth), Seisyll (god of the home), Hyklios (god of education), Tidon (god of judgement), Isena (goddess of agriculture), Cadeyrn (god of war), and Ailis (goddess of health). Winters are very short in Raedora and occur during the month of Cadeyrn and the majority of Ailis. Spring occurs from Talamh to Seisyll, summer is from Hyklios to about halfway through Tidon (reaching its peak at the beginning of the month bc the people who made this calendar had a sense of humor) and the rest of Tidon and Isena make up the harvest season/fall. there are more gods in the Raedoran pantheon than just these seven but that's its own separate post
there are 6 days in a Raedoran week, with 2-day weekends and 8-week months. The silver moon is full halfway through the month, so it isn't uncommon for each month to be broken into "waxing" and "waning" periods to make timekeeping easier. The weekends are also based on the phases of the silver moon--they take place after a major phase (full, new, half, etc.) and were traditionally time for witches to rest after performing major spells with the silver moon's power. As magic became less common in Raedoran society over time, this slowly faded into a general cultural attitude towards rest on those two days.
here's where it gets complicated: the three moons are never full on the same night, but once every 110 years or so, they are all new on the same night. it's known as a triple new moon and is considered very bad juju. there's a character in lacuna that we haven't met yet who was born on the triple new moon and as a result was left in the street to die as a baby. lot of superstitions around that night. the math was figuring out how that would happen and how often it would happen. but once i had that date set I could calculate out the phases of the other two moons, which have 31- and 25-day cycles (red and blue respectively) so that I could figure out when they would be full/new/half/etc. (non-sponsored recommending campfire writing for this bc it saves you the math. did not discover this until too late) and then I could easily reference the calendar to make sure that the moon phases and the plot events were lining up since i went and tied my entire magic system to the complicated moon cycles
all of this to say that jack's birthday is actually the most important date on the raedoran calendar bc without it i would have no idea when anything happens. thanks street rat king <3
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sunlightbabe · 2 years
hey, I've seen you're doing secret prompts 🙂
can I ask you for Thomas x 2 (fluff)
you absolutely can my dear!!! i hope you enjoy it 💛
Thomas is definitely sunburnt. His cheeks and the bridge of his nose are a bright pink- you’re sure that his collarbones are the same color, from where they peek out from his open collared shirt- and yet he looks perfectly content.
The two of you are sitting on the edge of a fountain, ice cream cones in hand. Thomas went with strawberry, the pink of the ice cream nearly matching the color of his cheeks. You went with something plainer- vanilla with a drizzle of chocolate. It’s simple but it just tastes so good, especially after a long day on the beach.
It was supposed to be a day trip for the five of you. At the last minute, Damiano said he was feeling unwell, Victoria had a doctor’s appointment she forgot about, and Ethan had lunch reservations with his aunt. So here you were, just you and Thomas- not that you minded.
You and Thomas frequently ended up going on little adventures together. Whether it was grocery shopping trips (that truthfully ended up in both of you buying too much junk food) or late night walks or impromptu trips downtown that resulted in thrift finds you didn’t need and vinyls you had never heard of, you two always ended up being the only people wanting to explore. The two of you shared a restlessness that suited you both just fine.
It wasn’t uncommon for either of you to show up at the other’s doorstep unannounced, claiming boredom and a desire to do something. 
Today it was ice cream. Tomorrow? Who knows! But you were excited to see what would come of your outing.
From across the plaza, you can hear a group of children playing. It’s tag or some variation of it you think as they chase each other around, filling the air with the sound of their laugher. It’s a gorgeous day and it feels like everyone is out and about.
You turn to look over at Thomas and find that he’s already looking at you.
“Hmm?” you hum in question, quirking an eyebrow and getting another mouthful of ice cream.
“It’s- it’s nothing,” he says, voice a little off. You wonder if the sun has gotten to his head. Before you can ask, before you can suggest moving into the shade so he doesn’t get anymore burnt or the sun doesn’t scramble his brains, Thomas clears his throat and continues, “Happy with your choice?”
It takes a moment for you to understand what he’s asking. “Oh! Yeah, I mean. Can’t go wrong with a classic, right?” You smile and shrug your shoulders before leaning in for another lick. “You happy with yours?”
Thomas’s ice cream is melting, dribbles of pink cascading down the cone and onto his hand. He doesn’t seem to notice- or if he does, he doesn’t care.
“It’s good, yeah,” he nods. A drip of ice cream falls onto the ground. “.. you want a bite?”
Of course you do. You shift forward and offer your own in turn. Thomas smiles and the two of you try to hold out your ice cream for the other, but the angle is awkward. Thomas has to dip his head to get at yours and his ice cream nearly collides into your forehead but somehow, you make it work. You two always make everything work.
Like the time your car broke down and Thomas swore he could fix it, even though he barely knew how to change a tire. A youtube video and the help of a generous passerby had gotten you through that ordeal that had taken up the better half of your afternoon- you had missed the movie you were driving to, but you both managed to stumble upon an arts and crafts fair tucked into the backside of town, down by the docks. You both still had the matching rope bracelets you bought.
Or the time you both tried to prepare snacks for Victoria’s birthdays and nearly set his apartment on fire. Or when he tried to help you paint your bedroom and you both splattered paint all along the ceiling and floors. 
It was always an adventure and dear god, you loved that about your time with Thomas.
You lean back and lick your lips- he might have picked the better flavor. The taste of strawberries is sharp and sweet and you want to ask for another bite. You almost do, the words on the tip of your tongue, but Thomas starts to giggle.
“Dare I ask?” you smirk. Perhaps it was too late, perhaps all that time in the sun had gotten to his brain. You weren’t sure how to explain to the others that you had finally broken him.
“You-” Thomas takes a moment to collect himself, laughter dying out, face pinker than before. “You have a little...”
Thomas brings his free hand up and lightly taps the end of his own nose. “You have a little ice cream on your nose."
You go a little cross eyed trying to see it but lo and behold, he’s right. A small dab of pink rests on your nose. You try to lick it, face screwing up as you struggle, but you can’t manage to snag it-
“Stay still, doofus.”
“Hey! Who are you calling-”
You’re voice catches in your chest as Thomas leans forward. You expect him to maybe wipe it away with his fingers, or perhaps a napkin that had been tucked into his pocket if you’re lucky. What you aren’t expecting is for Thomas to lick it off your nose, as gentle as a kitten.
It’s absurd. It’s weird. The sun exposure has rattled his mind beyond all repair, clearly.
“... Your nose tastes weird,” Thomas says, still lingering close by, his own face scrunching up in distaste. “Sunscreen? I think I can taste it.”
You can’t help yourself. Before Thomas can say anything or pull back, you turn your head and kiss him.
It’s clumsy. It’s quick and chaste, your mouth slanted against his, which goes a little slack, caught off guard by it. But his lips feels warm against yours and you feel something settle in your chest, like a puzzle piece sliding into place.
The ice cream cone falls from Thomas’s hand, landing on the ground between you with a splat.
Thomas moves back and stares at you owlishly. From this close, you can see the freckles splattered against the bride of his nose.
“You taste weird,” you tease and you’re close enough to see his eyelashes flutter as he scoffs, shakes his head in amusement... and lean in to give you another kiss. A proper one this time.
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ectonurites · 1 year
sad rambling don't mind me
The passage of time just doesn’t feel real, man. Alaska would have turned 24 today. The last time I can distinctly remember seeing her alive she was newly 15.
It’s just this weird thing of like, yeah, I don’t think about it all the time anymore, not the way I did when it was really recent, but little things do still remind me of her. I can’t believe how close it’s getting to a decade since she's been gone. 
It came up when Emme and I were talking about her a few weeks ago, but at the time she felt so grown up to us. I was a year older than her, but back then she managed to feel so mature regardless. She would nerd out with us (The last time we actually hung out was at the con the college in our town used to hold), but she also did all these grown-up things with people we didn't know—she'd tell us stories about it all though, she just seemed so cool. But god, she was a kid. A kid! Just a kid. She was 15. She was a kid. We all were kids.
So much of high school is honestly just a blur when I think back to it now, but things related to this are so distinct it's kinda scary.
Like, it’s been nearly 9 years! But I can still remember the exact seat in Jenny’s 1st period mechanical physics class I was sitting in when that first announcement about her attempt and coma went out over the loud speaker, it didn’t use her name or anything but just alerted everyone at the school that this had happened to a student. I already knew, I'd known for a few days, and I knew the announcement was probably going to happen that day, so it wasn’t a surprise. Our other friend got to stay home, but I had too many absences so my mom wouldn’t let me. I was in a class of mostly upperclassmen (only three of us were in my grade, nobody in Alaska's), and no one else in the room knew her or at least seemed to know this was about her, it was just whispers and speculation and I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I broke down in tears in front of my math teacher the following period when he asked me about the homework I hadn't done and in hindsight it was almost kinda funny, because he just did not know what to do. 
I remember sitting at Lily's house on the couch with her and Emme—having a sleepover to work on cosplay because that's what we did back then—when Lily's mom came home in the middle of the night and we knew something was wrong. And we got told the news that she'd passed a few hours earlier.
I remember on the first birthday after she passed, Emme and I went to the park across the street from the high school to let go of balloons. It had snowed recently, but we wanted to be in the center of the park, because otherwise they'd get stuck in the trees, so we trekked our way out there and laid on our jackets in the freezing cold and laughed and talked and cried.
I don’t know. I don’t know where I'm going with any of this, or what I’m trying to say. It's just like, time is supposed to make these things feel easier, and in a way I guess it does, but my brain just gets so focused on dates and anniversaries so every year when this day and the day she died roll around I still get hit with so much all at once.
(the anniversary of the day she died was particularly rough this past year because it was the same day Stranger Things Vol. 2 dropped and I went to a watch party thinking 'oh cool it'll be fun to watch this thing I like with my friends as a distraction' and promptly got punched in the fucking gut by what happened with Max, the hospital scene towards the end sent me spiraling for hours)
Happy Birthday, Alaska. I met you on a Tuesday afternoon in late August at the park I roller skate at now, two days after me and my mom finally called the cops on my dad and everything in my life changed. You were the first new friend I made after all that. I didn't get to know you for a long time, but you’re still on my mind even after all these years. I miss you. Happy Birthday. 
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Would love any kind of Reigncorp set in season 5. Maybe even a phone call or texts between them ❤️
Where are you?
The text comes through at about three in the morning. Lena blinks awake, squinting against the light of her phone as she peers at the message. It's from Sam.
Groggily, Lena wracks her brain for any memory of today being special-- a birthday, a meeting, a business trip to Metropolis, anything that would warrant Sam texting at this hour. She gives up.
??? she texts back.
Almost immediately, the typing bubble appears on Sam's side of the thread.
We haven't spoken in weeks. Are you avoiding me?
Lena huffs, then rattles off a short reponse she barely has to look at before sending. Busy.
Fuck you too, comes the reply, nearly as swift. What is going on?
Lena frowns. Without responding, she snaps the screen off and places it face down on her bedside table. She settles back in to sleep, only to startle a moment later when the phone clatters loudly on the wooden table, vibrating more viciously than it has any right to. She ignores it, but ultimately relents when a second call comes right on its heels.
Clearly, Sam isn't in a mood to let it go.
"This couldn't have waited until business hours?" Lena snaps, not bothering with a hello.
"If I'd waited til business hours you'd tell me it was inappropriate to talk about personal stuff at work."
Lena's mouth pinches. She's not wrong.
"Lena, this isn't like you. This isn't like us. What is going on??"
The truth almost spills from her automatically, eager to be screamed from the rooftops. But Lena resists. Barely. "Nothing," she says.
"Bullshit." Sam hesitates. Then, more gently, "Did something happen with Kara?"
Lena's heart lurches in her chest. How Sam could see right through from across a continent is beyond Lena's understanding. Loathe to concede, however, Lena remains silent.
That's enough of a response for Sam.
"Oh, Lena..." she breathes across the line. Lena clenches her eyes shut against the sympathy that scrapes at the walls she's erected around her hurt, eroding them with every word. "How bad is it?"
Lena takes a breath. Then another. Then a third. With each one, her chest tightens.
"She lied to me."
Finally, silence comes across the line, as Sam processes what Lena's relinquished to her. It takes a long moment for her to respond.
"About what?"
"Everything," Lena spits bitterly. "Everything I thought I knew about her was a lie."
"I... find that hard to believe," Sam says hesitantly, clearly choosing her words carefully. "Kara adores you."
"Not enough to keep from lying to me every. single. day." Through clenched teeth, Lena hisses the truth she's kept close to her chest, letting it fester in her heart. "Our entire friendship was based on falsehood after falsehood."
Again, Sam pauses. "Was?"
Lena chokes out a laugh. "You don't honestly believe I'd keep her in my life after what she's done?"
"I believe there might be more to it than you think. Or at least, more than what you're telling me."
"And you're the expert on friendship? The last person who claimed to be one was the worst one of all."
Sam sighs. "Lena..."
"If you're going to take her side, then this conversation is done."
"Lena, wait--"
"Good night, Sam."
With that, Lena ends the call and slams the phone back on its charger. Of course her one friend-- the one friend who has never asked anything of her, never had reason to lie-- would side with the person who broke her heart.
Stubbornly blinking back her tears, Lena yanks her sheets to her chin, curling tightly in on herself. It doesn't matter, she tells herself. She doesn't need Sam.
She doesn't need anyone.
//prompts are closed
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firstelevens · 2 years
omg i would love to ask you all the questions but i'll settle for ❤️🎁💕📚💌
What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
I did just answer this, but because I can never pick favorites I'm using this space to shout out one from the way you sound in the morning:
As Bucky yelps and sets the mug on the nightstand, he feels rather than hears Sam let out a quiet laugh. He’s loose-limbed against Bucky’s back, none of the usual weight sitting on his shoulders, and Bucky wonders if he could get away with turning off Sam’s alarm a little more often. 
I know I'm the one who wrote it but I'm just very emotional about them being tactile and soft with each other.
Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
from the fill I'm working on right now, in the hopes that it'll nudge me into actually finishing it:
The boys ignore his question and rush in for hugs instead. It’s a complicated affair, now that Cass is nearly as tall as Bucky and AJ is mid-growth-spurt, but the three of them separate without anyone getting elbowed in the neck, so he’ll call that a win.
“Happy birthday, Uncle Bucky,” says Cass, slinging an arm around his shoulders. “If the pancakes taste weird, it’s AJ’s fault.”
What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
They're all my children and I could NEVER choose. That being said, here's a top 3:
parks and rebellion, the Rogue One Parks and Rec AU written for my beloved @birdhapley
by land, by sea, by dirigible, (especially chapter 5, which nearly killed me)
love on rewind (everything is so throwback-ish), because it broke a four year fic writing drought and also Sam and Bucky trapped in the trunk of a car together will never not be entertaining
Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Well first of all if y'all aren't reading Mak's fics I don't know WHAT you're doing. All I have to say to you is PRINCESS DIARIES 2 AU!
Otherwise, in the FATWS/Sambucky realm, I am at the moment very tender over Routine Maintenance, while make my body come alive (i've got a right to hurt inside) lodged itself so thoroughly in my brain that I can no longer make a pot of chicken stock without thinking of Bucky Barnes.
Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Much Ado About Nothing permanently rewired my brain when I was 15, so anything involving rivals to friends to lovers or bickering friends to lovers is just...my ideal, although I don't know how often I successfully put it on the page. Also: found family/team-as-family means a lot to me and if left unchecked I will throw it into EVERYTHING.
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morganlefaye79 · 2 years
OC Interview Questions
I saw this I think it was yesterday on @smilepal blog for their oc Hiro Oda and I thought this to be a good idea for Vicco. Maybe I will do it also for Valaire.
I did this already last year but for 2 of my DA oc's and I had much fun.
A word of advice though: Vicco is a joytoy, so you can expect some answers being very sexual oriented. So if you don't want that, this interview is unfortunately not for you. I tagged this with nsft for this reason!
Vicco is smug, nonchalant and has a loose tongue, and doesn't take many things serious. He lies also when he feels the need to do so, so take his answers with a grain of salt.
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Your name is?  
Vicco, the rest is none of your business.
Are you single?  
I am, and in my line of work it’s better that way.
Are you happy?  
No, and truth be told, that’s hella long ago. When my son was born was the last time I was genuinly happy.
But I get by somehow.
Are you angry?
Yes, a lot. Mostly at myself. Because everything that’s wrong in my life was caused by myself, although I sometimes try to blame others. I know exactly who destroyed my life.
Are your parents still married?
Fuck if I know! Fucking hell I don’t even know if they still live or where they went. Actually, I don’t care either.
Birth place?  
What the hell are those questions? I don’t fucking know!
Hair color?
Pink, normally dark brown.
Eye color?
I wear optics, but I kept them in my natural brown eyecolour.
I don’t know, no one knows who I am or where I came from, so no birthday either. My ex always celebrated my birthday with his together, it was kind of cute and nice of him but I stopped doing it when we broke up.
I don’t know, I’m not allowed to have “moods”. I have to smile, always and everywhere I go with whoever I’m with. My clients tell me which mood they want me to have. 
I’m a male. I try to look as androgynous as possible though because most my clients are more pleased by it. But I keep the beard!
Summer or winter?
That’s a difficult question because it depends how you look at it. 
In summer, I’m constantly busy and nearly every evening on a different party to keep guests happy. Many new people as well, when they are here on vacation and need someone to help them unwind. 
During winter there isn’t much to do, you mostly have your regulars and sometimes here and there a stray. You have literally too much time to think about stuff. Which is bad, at least for me.
Morning or afternoon?
When morning is defined to whenever I wake up, then mornings. 
Are you in love?
Sweetheart, I’m in love with all my clients. That’s what is expected of me, isn’t it?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, but “I want to fuck you” at first sight does happen occasionally.
Who ended your last relationship?
My partner at the time. He had found someone that was better suited for him, and they are happy together.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I guess, probably even more often than I could ever imagine.
Are you afraid of commitments?
Not afraid, but very careful. Therefore I never made many of them.
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
Do hugs during sex count? Nevermind.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Yes. I had and if you’re waiting for a cute romantic story then, sorry to disappoint! It was rather a creepy stalker that didn’t know boundaries.
Have you ever broken your own heart?
Every day.
Love or lust?  
Sweetheart, look at me! I earn my money with lust. Of course you have the occasional client that just needs a hug and a few loving words, but most of the time they want you to fuck their brains out.
Lemonade or iced tea?
Neither, too sweet for my taste. What about champagne?
Cats or dogs?
Cats. I admire them, bowing to no one’s whim. If only I could do that.
A few best friends or many regular friends?  
I know many people, I have to when I want to do this job a bit longer, but none of those I consider friends. I had friends once but they either died or betrayed me. I have a few people I could call friends I guess, but I’m bad company.
Wild night out or romantic night in?
For a night to be romantic you need to have a relationship, and I only have clients. Some of them go out with me, spend money on my drinks and food, sure, but as soon as we’re alone you bet they want something in return, and it is rarely romantic.
Day or night?
Day, because that’s mostly the time when I sleep or can relax a bit.
Been caught sneaking out?
I have, but sneaking out in my job is not a bad thing. When you already got paid and your client is so exhausted that they fall asleep, it is rather complimentary. 
Fallen down/up the stairs?
I tripped a few times, but falling up or down never happened to me. But did you ever got fucked while trying to go up the stairs? That’s something else.
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
That’s why I said earlier that it is better for me to be alone.
Wanted to disappear?
For many years throughout my life, sometimes even today I have my moments, when life is fucking you over again.
Smile or eyes?
Eyes, they are the mirror to one’s soul. If anything tells you who you’re up to it will be their eyes.
Shorter or taller?
We’re talking body heights I guess? Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart, you didn’t specify what was meant!
I have no preference. Until now I always could make it work. *wink*
Intelligence or attraction?
Doesn’t matter really. I know both types of people. The guy that is so highly intelligent and tells you things about science you don’t understand, being pleased with himself on how smart he is. Or the guy that looks perfect, perfect body and face, but with a void behind his eyes. Same difference. 
Hook-up or relationship?
Only hook-ups, not going to hurt myself again with relationships.
Do you and your family get along?
What is family? I have a son, but he doesn’t know that I’m his father, he calls me uncle instead. I get along well with him when I’m around.
Would you say you have a “messed up life”?
Do you have enough tissues to listen?
Have you ever run away from home?
I didn’t have a home where I could have run away from in the first place. But I ran away from people with ill intentions and I ran more than once away from the orphanage they wanted to force me in.
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
Nah, I always kicked myself out.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
No, what’s the point?
Do you consider all of your friends good friends?  
Yes, those that I think of are good friends, as I said, I’m rather a bad friend to them.
Who is your best friend?  
My ex actually, sounds weird, I know. It probably is. He is the only one that knows me well enough to call me out on my bullshit.
Who knows everything about you?
No one, It’s enough that I’m traumatised by my life.
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halfsizehellboy · 1 year
god i have so much to get off my chest
mainly tits, but some other stuff too. tw; it’s a vent/rant. relationships, mentions of telling someone to commit stop breathing, and emotions.
there are some people that I have known since elementary school like third fourth grade, and ever since then we’ve been pretty good friends. Unfortunately for me I am neurodivergent, and part of how my brain works means that i am really good at analyzing behavior and recognizing patterns. this is a fun tool that will come in handy later.
i don’t think one of my friends likes me anymore. ive known her since fourth or third grade, and we had always been stuck like glue until the pandemic. even through it— i kept trying to text them funny things about the online classes we shared, talked about the marvel shows that were coming out, and even with that she slowly… stopped… replying. during the height of tfatws they promised me they’d make a winter soldier sweatshirt for my birthday— the one where you rip the arm off of one and replace it with another so it looks like bucky’s arm— and normally i’d not complain about not getting a present, but i was excited, she told me multiple times, and it’s been years. she has worn the anti-sweatshirt (what you make with the other sweatshirt parts) recently, too. they’ve started ignoring me subtly, and she’s made plans in front of me with other people. i tried asking her what was going on and they didn’t answer. i had to go ask their partner at the time, who has quickly become one of my best friends, what was happening. they were planning galentines day— and while i get that i am a boy and i might not qualify for galentines day; but we’ve been friends for so long, and i was there for her first galentines day she hosted, wouldn’t tell me what was going on, and ignored me. i had a great palentines day the next night, however. but it now seemed i was more friendly with their partner.
their partner, now here is a story: i’ve known this person— the aforementioned person in the first paragraph, fake name here: Gertrude (they/she). I’ve known Gertrude for years. never did i expect them to be a terrible partner. their partner, Jenny (she/he), is amazing— so kind, funny, and a great friend. he’s been there for me a few times as i have for him. i might have a bit of a crush on jenny, admittedly. i don’t know for sure. one time jenny and i blew off the rest of our half day at school to shop for birthday presents for Gertrude and our other friend Grant, who share a birthday. i asked jenny what was going on with her. i did not expect him to talk for nearly three hours about how Gertrude has been emotionally unavailable and manipulative, has yelled at him in front of friends, and has been downplaying and shutting down both Jenny’s emotions and attempts at physical affection. Jenny is a physical touch love language person, and i have seen Gertrude actually jump away from their mother touching their arm. Jenny talked about how she was having an anxiety attack in Gertrude’s car one time, and Gertrude got uncomfortable— when Jenny asked what was wrong, Gertrude said that they felt like a predator when Jenny was feeling small. Jenny asked if Gertrude would like to know how to help him when she’s small, and Gertrude said “oh, idk how to do that.” and shut down, wouldn’t really talk more. Gertrude has in general undermined Jenny’s actions and work in our community, and been a shit partner. i told jenny that these are red flags and do not sound like the awesome person i knew in middle school who had been my friend through depression. this was a few months ago. Jenny broke up with Gertrude recently.
speaking of break-ups: i dated a different best friend for a week. Mordecai, (fake name) (he/she) has been a friend also for years, around the same time as Gertrude. Apparently Mordecai has been in love with me for a long time. we went on a date (i made him latkes in my kitchen while he stared at me) and we ended up agreeing to date. for a little context, we’re both reasonably autistic (neither of us are in a place to get diagnosed, i am an insane researcher and have done so much reading and quizzing) and i have a really hard time with emotions in particular. for instance, i admitted to having intrusive thoughts about her as a result of jokes made about characters we were playing in a production. he said, “so you have thought about me”, which is not the same thing. i didnt catch that he didnt catch that. i struggled for a couple days about just going with it for her sake, since i know the last time she got broken up with he took it a little rough, but i also didnt want to lead him on. i broke up with him in the car right before i dropped her off at home. here’s the thing though: i care about this person a lot. it’s not romantic, but i care. i could probably be better about how i show it. i am a doctor’s child so i take health seriously, and not a lot of my friends do— Mordecai, for one. to show i still care about her, i started worrying more obviously about his health, and she took it wrongly. i was on edge badly for a few days, and ended up getting into a twitter fight with Mordecai about telling people to k!ll themselves. i asked him to stop, and she told me to k1|| myself, so i reported her and got her account permanently suspended. this was like… last month. yesterday i deleted the twitter app off my phone, and i haven’t done anything to suggest that i’m still active there— just checking my notifications. nobody has checked in on me to see if it’s real, or if i’m ok.
i cant believe that i’m 17 and getting lowkey cyberbullied by people i thought were my friends. i joined and subsequently deleted the instagram app, i only check it on browser about once a week; last december because i wanted to be able to communicate with our group number people for rehearsal scheduling. from what i’ve been able to gather, the chat they were using decreased in use when i had the app, and it’s back to being used semi-regularly now that i am not there. i also offered multiple times to help drive a group around to shop for prom dresses, and i was told that i didn’t need to. i offered. i wouldn’t offer if i couldn’t deliver.
i think im going insane, or somethhing, i don’t know. i go back to therapy soon. i might pursue a diagnosis. this all ends with an Important Conversation with someone who doesn’t do those well, and avoids them.
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