#work stuff and trying to buy a house make word brain no work good
auroradicit · 7 months
goals for today: do some replies new follower interaction call ???? profit
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carolmunson · 2 months
almost fell into that hole in your life.
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orange colored sky set list.
older!modern!eddie x thirties!reader summary: ficlet. you haven't been acting like yourself these days and eddie notices. unfortunately for you, eddie can't help but wanna make you feel better. tw: implied depressed reader, alcohol mention. implied praise kink if you squint really hard? still 18+ tho! songspiration: black balloon | the goo goo dolls
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Eddie doesn't like it when things are too quiet, it makes him hear the static in his brain -- gets too aware. He can hear his eyes blink, the sound of his breath, so when you've been clammed up on the couch all night on your phone he can't help but start to make noise.
"Babe," he says from the kitchen, "Do you want me to make quesadillas or something? I have some shredded chicken I wanted to use up."
"Hm," you respond. He barely hears it, padding his way over in his 'house slides' that you like to tease him about. Such an old man.
"I was thinking quesadillas and I can make some margs, would you like that?" he asks, standing at the end of the couch. The way you're laying on your side, eyes glazed over, is enough to let him know that you haven't heard a word he's said for the last hour. Just scrolling with with a glassy look, numbing yourself ten times over.
"Peach," he says, albiet little sharply, "Are you listening to me?"
"Hmm, no way, that's wild," you respond, a zombie in his midst -- replying just to reply, to fake like you're hearing him. Eddie bites his tongue and then his cheeks to sting the frustration out.
"Hey," he says again, ringed hand reaching down to squeeze your chenille blanket covered thigh, "You hearin' me?"
You finally look up and see his face and the world around you comes into view. In your trance, the world outside had become night, the TV was off, you weren't even sure how much time had passed since you plopped yourself under Eddie's blanket on the sectional in his livingroom.
"Yeah," you squeak out, heart racing because you can tell he's disappointed, "Y-yeah I'm hearing you."
"Then what did I just say, huh?" he doesn't sound mad, or accusatory. Worse, he sounds disheartened. And even worse of worse, he sounds worried.
"Um...it was about um, you were asking about food," you try to answer confidently, and you know it was food adjacent, but you aren't sure.
"Do you want me to make quesadillas?" he asks again, "I have some chicken I wanna use up and I got all the stuff for 'em."
"Yeah," you nod, "Yeah that sounds nice."
"You wanna come help me?" he asks, "I can make us some drinks while we work."
"Uh," you start, that familiar pull tugging in your chest -- laying down feels good, getting lost back in your phone will feel better. It's so comfortable to hide under his chenille blanket and tune out. It feels better like that.
"Please?" You hesitate again, but you're not fast enough to redirect Eddie's attention, and it's then that he catches it in your eyes. The ache. He comes around the the front of the couch to sit in the divot of your thighs and chest, hand moving from your thigh to your shoulder. "What's goin' on?" his low voice twangs at your chest.
"Nothing," you urge, but your voice is too high and so are your eye brows. He doesn't believe you for a second.
"I don't like when you lie to me, peach," he confesses, "Don't lie to me, please."
"Psh, okay dad," you tease, trying to lighten the mood while you get up.
"I'm not kidding with you," Eddie's timbre keeps you in place, "I'm not playing around, babe. What's goin' on with you? You've been -- y'know -- you've been really I dunno -- inward this week. I'm missin' you."
"I'm okay," you urge again, but now you're too quiet. You don't mean it. He raises his brows and blinks at you in disbelief.
"I promise, I'm okay," you continue, "I'll be okay. It's fine. I'm fine."
"You're not making a great case for yourself." "Well then it's a good thing I'm not a lawyer," you joke again. He doesn't buy it.
"You're sad, baby," he tells you, reaching up to hold your cheek in his palm, "Why can't you just tell me? It's okay that you're sad."
"I'm not!" you try to say cheerily again, but the words get stuck in yout throat -- eyes stinging with wetness after hours of being open.
"I'm not sad," you say breathlessly, choking on the lie while a tear sneaks its way onto your lash line.
"Oh, sugar," he coos while you try to tread the water of your feelings -- flailing to keep your head above the pain in your chest.
"No, no, I'm okay -- I'm fine!" but you're starting to cry now and it kills him. Before you know it, he's made his way under the chenille blanket with you, nose to nose.
"Hey, hey, it's okay if you're not fine," he coaches you through your deep breaths while you try to guide yourself out of a full blown sob, "You can tell me. I'm here. I'm here, okay?"
"I'm sorry," your voice becoming a wraith of itself.
"Don't be sorry," he presses himself against you, enough so that you can feel the pressure of him and the pressure of the back of the couch on both sides, "Just talk to me."
"I don't..." you shrug, "I don't have anything to say."
"Just sad?" he asks, you feel an arm snake around you between your back and the the couch, pressing your chest to his. You nod, it feels pathetic, but you're cornered now and there's no use in arguing with someone who was born to win every argument he's ever had.
"Yeah," you mumble weakly, "Yeah, I'm sad. Think I'm more than sad."
He nods, his demeanor softening to something gentle -- heart reaching out to yours with caution like you'll run away, "Yeah, honey I can tell. You really haven't been actin' like yourself these days."
"I just don't wanna bother you," you confess, the brick coming off your chest, "I always get over it, I don't wanna like -- bum you out if it's not like...if it's not a big deal."
"I don't care if it's a big deal or a little deal," his heart bleeds for you while he speaks, "I don't care if you're gonna be over it in fiteen minutes. When you're hurtin' like this -- babe you gotta tell me. You gotta talk to me. Or else how're we gonna make this work?"
"It's just not important."
Eddie can tell that you mean it when you say it; he's never felt more frustrated with whoever convinced you that this was true.
"It's super important to me," he encourages, "Your shit is like, top of my list babe."
"Top of your list?" you crack a weak smile.
"You think the first person I think of when I wake up and the last person I think of when I go to sleep isn't on the top of my priority list?"
"Okay, well now you're doing to much, Ed," your face scrunches in the way that he loves, not letting you totally get out of his hold yet while you try to squirm away.
"Hey, look at me, before you get up," he cups your cheek again, gently, your eyes meeting his brown ones. Eddie leans in for a kiss, a soft reminder that he's not going anywhere anytime soon -- not that you'd want him to. Not with lips like that.
When you break away, his nose nuzzles yours, coasting up to press another gentle kiss on the center of your forehead. Long and intentional, warm enough to get you to close your eyes.
"It's gonna be okay," he assures, "It's okay if you're not, but -- I gotcha until you're feelin' better, hm?"
You nod, sniffling snottily and wiping your wet cheek.
"I am ordering us quesadillas," he whispers, stealing another kiss from you, "Because if you're going to rot on my couch, I'm gonna make you rot next to me."
"We're rotting!" you cheer half heartedly, pouting when he gets up to get his phone for take out. When he finishes, he holds his hand out and you sheepishly put your hand in his.
Eddie curls bounce when he shakes his head, "Peach, you know what I'm asking for."
"No," you frown, "I need it to rot."
"Peach...please?" it's more of a warning than a question, and you slide your phone into his hand. He doesn't check it, but he knows that if you don't have it 'locked away' in his sweats pocket for a while you'll just end up zoning out the same way you did before.
"Thanks, sugar," he smirks, "You're so good."
Your cheeks burn at the priase, rolling your eyes with a grin that cracks against your features, "Don't. We're not doing anything sexy."
"Yeah I know," he shrugs innocently, finding his way next to you again, "But when you smile like that, who am I to deny you a lil' somethin'?"
He dims the lights in the open space from the remote on the coffee table, settling in while you make yourself comfortable in his side. Eddie keeps you close on nights like this, when he knows you're on unsteady ground. You're still quiet, but the start of another Twilight Zone marathon keeps you more alert than before. With steady breaths you start to relax in what he'd deem a healthier way than before, and the quiet doesn't make his brain too fuzzy this time around. In the still of the living room and the hum of Rod Serlings voice, he feels you squeeze his hand -- a silent thank you. He doesn't think he could be any more in love.
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roosterforme · 11 months
The Younger Kind Part 19 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley have resorted to planning accidental run-ins as an excuse to see each other. When Penny insists that Bradley joins her and Maverick for dinner on Thursday night, you agree to watch Noah. But dinner doesn't turn out the way he thought it would.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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After Meredith managed to throw off Bradley's entire week, he was really antsy to see you, and he could tell Noah was, too. He really couldn't fathom how Meredith got the hearing postponed, and every time Bradley thought he was prepared, she threw him for a loop. 
He couldn't stand the thought of Noah worried and upset, being forced to answer questions about his home and his life in the courtroom. Even the idea of Meredith being allowed in the same room as Noah had Bradley clenching and unclenching his fists as he left work on Wednesday. He could tell Maverick was getting a bit annoyed that he kept asking to use his time off and then changing the schedule. 
When he checked his phone as he climbed into the Bronco, Bradley saw a text from you.
Babysitter: I'm going grocery shopping tonight. I thought maybe there was a chance I could "bump into" you boys at the store?
Bradley could always groceries anyway, and he knew that spending a little bit of time with you was just what he needed. He asked you which store and what time, and then he picked up Noah and took a few minutes to get changed and fix his hair. 
More than anything, he wanted to be able to invite you back to his place, do the bare minimum to help you make a perfect dinner, and then clean up while you and Noah played with the blocks. The option to make that a routine was in Bradley's brain now, and he knew it wasn't going to go away. You should be here with him.
"Let's go shopping, bub," he told Noah. "I'll get stuff to make ants on logs."
"Just like my babysitter?" 
"Just like Princess," Bradley agreed, and soon they were on their way to the store. 
Bradley had Noah buckled in a shopping car, strolling aimlessly through the produce area, looking around for you. He tossed some bananas and carrots in along with some apples, and then Noah was smiling and trying to climb out of the cart. Bradley looked over his shoulder and saw you pushing your own cart toward them. Then you let go of it and rushed over to them.
"Hi," you said to Bradley, barely glancing at him before you wrapped Noah in a tight hug. "Can I help you shop? Make sure your dad buys you all the good stuff?"
"Yes!" Noah cheered, and Bradley just shook his head. He really wanted to kiss you, but he kept his lips to himself. After running into Meredith at the coffee shop, he was a little hesitant.
"Hi, Princess," he whispered in his Daddy voice, and you finally looked up at him with a smirk. 
Then you and he pushed your carts along slowly, adding groceries and sharing some subtle touches. When you reached for him in the cereal aisle, Bradley didn't stop you. He let your hand come to rest on his chest, and when your lips met his in the softest kiss while Noah picked out some Cheerios, he pulled you a little closer. 
"I can't stay away from you," he whispered as you took a small step backwards out of his arms. 
You looked between him and Noah, and Bradley could see longing and sadness in your eyes. "I don't want you to. I miss being at your house. Do you think you'll be able to come to my graduation?" you asked, and Bradley would have done anything you wanted. 
"Of course," he promised, hoping like hell he could make that happen. He wanted to be there to make you happy. And because he was so proud of you. And because Noah loved you. "We'll be there."
You slipped your hand in his and kissed Noah's rosy cheek. "You should get some Rice Krispies too."
Bradley added a box to this cart and followed you around the store, soaking up your presence and attention and hoping he'd get more of you soon.
Bradley was at home, unpacking bag after bag of groceries. You didn't let them leave the store until he had plenty of food, and he told you he wanted to take you home and unload you from his car, too. You laughed, but he was pretty fucking serious about it.
Noah was coloring as Bradley put away some pasta sauce when his phone started blowing up. He got texts from Nat and Penny at the same time, but before he could respond to either one of them, Tracy called him.
"Apparently Meredith was in breach of contract with her lawyer," she told him immediately. 
Bradley held onto the jar of sauce and asked, "What does that mean?"
"Could mean a number of things, but the bottom line is, her lawyer walked out because of something Meredith did intentionally. And apparently she found new representation, and the judge is adamantly refusing any further postponements. So please, be ready for next week. You and Noah both."
Bradley swallowed hard and nearly dropped the jar as his eyes landed on his son. "We're ready."
He finished with the groceries and made two sandwiches. Nat was already bugging him about Thursday night, trying to get him to stop by her place for a drink. And Penny was asking if he was free to have dinner with her and Mav. Apparently she wanted to chat with him about his future.
Bradley sighed and bit into his sandwich, watching Noah eat his as well. He knew everyone was concerned about how he was dealing with everything, but he just wanted them all to fuck off. A movie night with you and Noah was the only thing he really wanted. The three of you could watch a Disney movie before Noah's bedtime, and then Bradley would take you to his bed and spend hours making you cum with his lips all over your body.
He leaned back and sighed. Nat wasn't going to leave him alone until he texted her back. And Penny was likely to get Mav to side with her until Bradley agreed to meet them for dinner. So he texted you.
Princess, any chance you can watch Noah tomorrow night? Penny wants me to have dinner with them.
Your nearly instant response of "I would love to" had him smiling. 
"Hey, bub, wanna play with your babysitter again this week?"
Noah had jelly all over his cheek which made Bradley smile. "She can cook the food so you don't do it," he said innocently. And Bradley thought he made a very good point. If Bradley tried to cook half of the groceries he just bought, he and Noah would be starving in no time. 
"Yeah, that's a good idea," Bradley told his son. And now he could look forward to tomorrow, knowing he'd see you then.
You dressed for the evening with Noah like you were going on a date. Because you were hoping Bradley would take one look at you and rush back home after dinner to spend some time with you. Having a sleepover was probably out of the question, but you were definitely interested in recreating some of your dirty moments on the living room couch with him.
You moaned as you applied some eyeliner. You already packed up your bag with some new coloring books, and you made a playlist of kid friendly songs for Noah. He loved singing with you, and you knew Bradley was a bit of a music buff. With a little luck, Meredith would be out of the picture soon, and you could spend more time with your boys, listening to music and hanging out. 
When you checked the time, you dashed downstairs to slip your shoes on. Bradley asked if you could be there by 5:30 which seemed pretty early for dinner. But you promised him you would be. You grabbed some skittles to share with Noah and ran out to your car. When you caught your reflection in the window, you smiled. You looked good. You couldn't wait to see Bradley.
The front door was unlocked when you arrived. "Hi! It's me!" you called out, and Noah came running right for you. "Noah! I missed babysitting you!" you laughed, scooping him up as your tote bag slipped down your arm. "I brought songs and stuff to color and a snack."
"What kind of snack?" he asked, and you smiled.
"I'll show you after I make you dinner."
And then Bradley was in the living room doorway, looking so good, your mouth was watering. Snug jeans, fitted dress shirt, slightly messy hair. Fuck.
"Princess," he rasped, walking toward you with a smile on his handsome face. He leaned down and kissed your cheek while Noah was in your arms, and that thrilled you. Then he held up a key. The house key you practically threw at him when you stormed out in tears after he was so mean to you. "Will you take this back? Please?"
When you nodded, he slipped it inside your tote bag and then slipped the straps down your arm and set it down for you. He was examining your face, his eyes trailing down your neck and body while Noah rambled about a cartoon he had seen. The subtle flush of Bradley's cheeks as his eyes returned to your face had you squeezing your thighs together. 
Somehow he could tell. He knew what he did to you. The little grin on his lips as he kissed your neck made you want to roll your eyes. "I'll see you later, Princess," he whispered, running his fingers along your arm as he kissed the top of Noah's head. 
And then he was gone, and you were left with Noah. "Mac and cheese? Or spaghetti?" you asked.
Noah yawned as you set him down on the carpet next to the snag. Next to where you and Bradley had sex the very first time. You sighed, already counting down the time until he'd be back home. 
"Ummm, mac and cheese."
"You got it!"
You taught Noah some new songs while you cooked the pasta, and he colored a spaceship purple. But you noticed he was a little quiet, and he was yawning a lot. 
"You okay?" you asked him softly when you set his dinner down in front of him. He just nodded as you poured him some milk. "You wish your dad was home?" He nodded some more, but at least he was eating and drinking. But when he was done, he was reaching for you with his cheesy hands. You cleaned him up a bit and tried to play with blocks on the floor. You even offered to get the paper crowns. But he only seemed interested in watching a cartoon on the couch.
So you let Noah curl up on your lap, but soon he was asleep. And when you pushed your fingers through his soft, curly hair, you noticed his forehead felt warm. You let your palm rest softly against his skin. He definitely had a fever. 
You managed to slide out from beneath him, letting him rest on the couch while you went in search of a thermometer. After tearing apart the bathroom and the drawers in Noah's dresser, you were getting frustrated. You backtracked to the bathroom and then checked the first aid kit in the kitchen. Nothing. 
Before you dug around in Bradley's bedroom, you thought you ought to text him. 
Hey Daddy, I think Noah has a fever. Where's your thermometer? 
But you got no response from him. And when Noah woke up a little while later, crying for you, he had very rosy cheeks and a runny nose.
"It's okay, sweet Noah. I'm right here," you promised, picking him up and carrying him around with you. "You don't feel well, do you? Do you know where your daddy keeps the thermometer?"
"No," he whined, crying a little harder. His forehead felt even warmer now as he rested his face against your neck, so you decided to run a bath to help him cool down. 
You checked the time on your phone again. It was pretty late, and you wished Bradley would answer your text or just come home. You poured out a dose of the children's Tylenol you found in the bathroom and knelt down next to the tub. 
"Drink this up. It tastes like cherries," you promised, coaxing the liquid into his mouth. Then you brushed your fingers through his hair as you ran a washcloth all over his skin. 
At this point, you had sent several unanswered texts, so you decided to call Bradley and interrupt his dinner with Penny and Pete. He might even be on his way home. You weren't worried, exactly; you were studying pediatric nursing. But you really wanted to know exactly what Noah's temperature was, and you wanted to care for him the way Bradley always did when he was sick. You figured that would make Noah feel better. 
"It's okay," you whispered to Noah. "I'm sure your dad will be home soon." 
You wiped tears away from his eyes while you called Bradley. But when someone else answered his phone, your heart sank, and you could feel tears in your own eyes. 
Bradley lounged on Nat's couch and sipped a beer. He had about an hour until he was supposed to meet Penny and Mav, and it was so nice to just spend some time with her here. 
She plopped down on the couch next to him. "So your babysitter is with Noah tonight?"
Bradley snorted as he peeled away the label from the bottle. "I wouldn't call her that."
Nat rolled her eyes and asked, "So would you call her your girlfriend then?"
"Nope," he murmured. "Not allowed to do that yet."
"Yet," he replied, taking another long sip. "But as soon as I can get Meredith out of the picture, I'm asking her to move in with us."
Nat whistled. "Wow. Skipping right to the point, I guess? No more dating apps ever again?"
"Nope," he said with a smile. And then he did absolutely nothing for a full hour except bullshit with his best friend. 
"Have a nice dinner with Penny," Nat said as Bradley stood to leave. "You know she worries about you, right? Kind of wants to be a stand-in mom and grandma to you and Noah?"
"Yeah," Bradley grunted. She meant well. Penny always meant well. And she was a huge help with Noah, even going so far as to keep him when Bradley was deployed. "She just wants to be helpful. I gotta get to dinner with her. See you at work tomorrow."
"Yeah, you should be in a great mood after Penny buys you an overpriced steak and you go home to your dream girl."
"Goodnight, Nat," he said with a grin before he walked out to his Bronco. 
He was really looking forward to the overpriced steak now. He knew was running a little late as he left Nat's place, but when he passed a flower shop that was still open, he quickly stopped to get you a bouquet of flowers. Wildflowers. They smelled just like you. He set them on his passenger seat, and he couldn't wait to get home after he ate dinner and give them to you. 
He found a parking space right in front of the restaurant, and after he hopped out, he jogged inside, ready to apologize for being a few minutes late. "Hi," he said when the hostess smiled at him. But before he could say anything else, he heard someone calling his name.
He spun to see Helen stand up from a table and make her way over to him. She was wearing a very short dress and some high heels, and it struck Bradley that he had never seen her in anything other than a Hard Deck shirt. He'd also never seen her anywhere except the Hard Deck. It was kind of surreal. 
"Helen," he said with a nod, but she strolled right up to him and wrapped her hands around his forearm. Her nails were a boring shade of pink, and he started to imagine your purple nails and soft skin. 
"Come on, Bradley," she said with a laugh, trying to pull him away from the hostess. "I already have a table."
He cocked his head to one side slightly and then glanced down at her hands still on him. "I'm actually here to meet Penny for dinner."
She was shaking her head and biting her lip as she tugged on his arm until he started following her. "You're not here to have dinner with Penny."
"I'm not?" he asked with a laugh, looking around and seeing no signs of her or Maverick. 
"No," she said, planting her palm on his chest and guiding him toward an empty chair. She patted his chest as he sat, and she took the seat next to him. "I got Penny to get you to agree to come here so we could have dinner together." Bradley's heart was pounding as she put her hand on his knee, but he was completely frozen now. "After she told Missy and I that you were dating again, I told her I've had a thing for you for years, Rooster."
"Oh," he managed, still thoroughly confused as to how this had happened exactly. "Okay."
She laughed and sipped a martini as she rubbed his leg. "I just thought you and I could definitely have a lot of fun together. Either dating or just... you know."
He knew. He knew exactly what she meant. And right now he was absolutely livid with Penny. But he was also livid with himself, because he had never taken the time he should have with you. Because even in spite of Meredith, he should have been in a real relationship with you by now.
"Uh, Helen," he murmured, pulling his phone out of his pocket as a means to get her to move her hand. He set his phone down on the table and said, "I'm kind of seeing someone."
"Oh," she said softly. "Penny told me you weren't. She said you were too focused on Noah and your ex."
Bradley cradled his head in his hand. "I mean, I am. But I'm also seeing someone else. It's new. Penny didn't know."
Helen looked dejected, but she shrugged and said, "If you're just kind of seeing someone and it's new, staying for dinner wouldn't hurt anything. I already ordered you a beer. I know exactly what you like." He couldn't help but notice the way she leaned toward him and pressed her breasts together. And then he saw his favorite kind of beer sitting on the table next to her martini. 
Suddenly an overpriced steak was the last thing he wanted. "Just the drinks, okay? Then we'll call it a night. Excuse me for a minute." 
He stood and headed to the restroom as she nodded at him. But he made it all the way to the men's room before he realized he left his phone on the table and couldn't even text you to check in. All he wanted was to get back home to you and Noah as soon as possible, but he was going to have to have a drink first. He really hoped Helen could finish that fucking martini quickly. 
After he splashed some water on his face, he rolled his shoulders back and sighed. He would need to have a discussion with Penny about this. But when he saw Helen talking on his phone as he approached the table again, he started walking faster. 
A woman had answered Bradley's phone. And it definitely wasn't Penny. It wasn't even Natasha. You were frozen, one hand on Noah's forehead and the other gripping your phone to your ear. 
"Hello?" came the woman's voice again. "Hello?" She sounded annoyed now.
"Where's Bradley?" you asked, your voice breaking pitifully. 
"He just ran to the restroom."
You swallowed hard and managed to ask, "Who are you?"
"Helen," she replied, and you nearly dropped your phone into the bathtub. Why was he with Helen? 
"Where are you?"
"We're out to dinner," she replied, and you could practically hear the smirk in her voice. "Shouldn't you know that if you're the babysitter?"
He lied to you. He lied to you again. He told you he was going out with Penny and Pete. He told you that you meant something to him. That he was waiting to be in a relationship with you. That you were the only one. 
"Put him on the phone. Now," you said with as much force as you could muster. Noah was crying again, and now your eyes were filled with tears, too.
"I'll have him call you back when he comes back to the table." 
The sound of her voice was grating on your nerves as you abruptly stood. Noah was looking up at you, his pink cheeks streaked with tears. "Tell him his son is sick, and I don't appreciate any of this!" you shouted. 
Helen said something about having Bradley call you back, but you were too busy trying to end the call before you burst into tears. 
"I'm cold," Noah whined. You looked at him and then dropped back to your knees to fill the tub up with some warmer water.
"Sorry," you whispered, swiping at your tears before you pushed his hair away from his damp forehead. "I'll fix it for you."
And then your phone started ringing. Bradley was calling you back.
"Okay, well, I'll have him call you back, but we're still in the middle of dinner," Helen said, and then she ended the call and set his phone down.
"Who was that?" Bradley asked, startling Helen as he loomed over her. 
"Your babysitter," she said with an eye roll. "I saw that's who it was on the caller ID, so I thought I'd answer it for you. She said your son is sick, but it's probably just a tummy ache."
"Noah's sick?" he asked, sinking down into his chair and fumbling with his phone. If you were calling to tell him there was something wrong with Noah, then it was definitely more than just a tummy ache. Then he noticed that he had somehow missed some texts from you as well. 
"I'm sure he's fine," Helen said smoothly. "Are you sure you don't want to order dinner? I'm starving, and I've heard the steaks here are excellent."
But Bradley barely heard her as he tried to call you back, listening to it ring and ring before you picked up. 
"Hi," you muttered without emotion. 
"Is Noah okay? What's wrong?" he asked. He was met with silence. "Princess, what's going on?"
He heard your humorless laugh before you said, "That's what I should be asking you. And Helen."
Fuck. Bradley knew what you must be thinking right now as he stood and glared at Helen across the table. "Baby, I'm on my way home. What's wrong with Noah?"
"He has a fever, and he's miserable. And I can't find your thermometer. And don't call me baby," you spat, and Bradley quickly tossed some cash onto the table and started heading for the exit.
"I'm on my way home right now, okay? I'll take care of everything. I'll explain everything." 
But you had hung up on him. And now he was panicking. About Noah and about you.
"Bradley!" Helen called, running after him. "Can you at least give me a ride home? I took an Uber to get here."
"Fine," he growled, barely listening as he stormed out to the sidewalk. When he opened his door and climbed in, the Bronco smelled like the flowers he had purchased for you on his way to the restaurant. 
"Fuck!" he nearly shouted as he drove away. He was vaguely aware that Helen was with him. He'd worry about that later. You and Noah were his primary concerns right now, and he'd figure that out first.
"Your babysitter is the girl you're kind of seeing?" she asked as he neared his neighborhood.
"Yeah," he grunted. "And it's actually not that new. And it's not casual at all." 
She remained quiet as he pulled in and parked next to your car. He left her in the Bronco. Hell, he wasn't even sure if he closed the driver's side door as he ran up his sidewalk and unlocked his front door.
"Princess? Noah?" he called out, frantically looking around the kitchen and Noah's bedroom before he saw the bathroom light was on. "Baby, what's going on?" he asked when he saw you kneeling on the mat next to the tub while Noah sat in the bath.
Slowly, you rose to your feet and turned to face him, and Bradley had never seen your beautiful face so angry before. Tears were dripping from your eyes as you took a step closer to him.
"Daddy!" Noah called out. And between the look on your face and his son sobbing in the bath, Bradley had no idea how he was going to fix any of this.
"I can't believe you lied to me again," you gasped. "I can't believe I let you lie to me again." 
And when he reached for you, trying to explain what happened, you pushed his hand out of the way.
Oh, shit. Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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yooniesim · 6 months
Small Simblr Saturday Appreciation Post 💜
Hey y'all! Since @tau1tvec came up with the idea for this event, I thought I'd shout out some of my personal favorite always free creators :)
To start it off though, you know I gotta recommend @alwaysfreecc, the finds blog currently managed by myself, @superflare, @nicatnite88, and @toastie-sim! We only reblog cc creators that are always free (no exclusive or early access) and use the tag #alwaysfreecc to find your posts! If you're an always free cc creator, please use the tag and/or mention the finds blog so we can get your catalog reblogged there 😌 now, onto the list~!
@xiuminuwu - a creator I've really been loving lately! they have a variety of cute cc, including poses and unique, fashionable clothing~
@hexcodesims - a very underrated creator with tons of clothing edits for masc frame sims, I also love their big bud press palette~
@herecirmsims - makes amaaaazing unique poses for a variety of situations
@adelarsims - has awesome ideas that you wouldn't think of, amazing variety of cc like hello
@janjumjam - adorable cc for kids, gives me happy feels and nostalgia
@ceeproductions - some of my fav cc on this site, great variety for both masc and fem frame
@powluna - super cute items for kiddos... a staple in the mods folder
@ssspringroll - occult cc for daysss, cool sliders and presets, they got it all
@nicatnite88 - yes I'm biased, but the variety and hustle cannot be denied, just look at the amount of cc!
@bobnewbie - hairs, facial hairs, accessories, gorgeous sims... what else could you want?
@darlyssims - UNIQUE. really cool ideas for hairs, accessories, and more
@cliffirem - clothes and hairs with an alt twist i really enjoy
@sammi-xox - beautiful skinblends and super useful skin details
@warwickroyals - gorgeous formalwear, especially good for all you royal simblrs!
@marsosims - cute cute cute all over... hairs, clothes, even build/buy cc!! we stan
@whyhellosims - lots of stuff for kids, build buy cc, and a slant of humor!
@creamlattedream - masc cc staple in this house, lots of cute recolors and casual wear
@pluto-sims - the cutest patterns EVER, adorable kids clothing, posters and walls~
@deathpoke1qa - unique is my word for the day bc my lord... it's popping off! alt staples you can't miss
@icchixxxxxx1 - hairs hairs hairs... and more cute hairs! if you like the cutesy anime look but still mm, go here
@mellosakicc - so. many. t-shirts. but also other clothing, tats, and hairs! another alt cc maker with work ethic for days
@whirliko - cute bright recolors... we have no choice but to stan the pop of color
@shandir - conversions, historical, occult, variety... hello??? get going
@mangosimoothie - the ideas are popping... once again things that would never pop into my brain but are brilliant... just go look and see what I mean
@igorstory - facial hair... a totally unrepresented niche of sims cc.. I have all their stuff... download it
@madameriasims4 - CLASSICS. STAPLES. I use their clothes all the time and they also got build/buy stuff.
@aniraklova - alt & punk vibes to the tippy top, fallout, chains, mohawks, whats not to love??
@pixelunivairse - ONE OF MY FAVS. use their cc constantly for my fem frame sims. uses tons of cute patterns that I love
@demondare-sims - cas cc i love, I use it pretty much every time I play, mm and practical
@fiftymilehighclub - talking about work ethic, it's here... so many recolors in bomb palettes that you'll never download them all... or can you??? try
@sforzcc - retired from cc making, but I gotta recommend, bc I use their wardrobe sooo much... brilliant
@casteru/@woosteru - also retired, but same as #16, I use their cc every day!
@xldkx-cc - am I just listing staples of my mods folder now? yes!! I am not biased!! go and get all that cas cc and poses and deco sims NOW!!
@a-luckyday - if you don't know ms a luckyday poses u have not lived in life!! they have a huge amount of them, solo, couple, group, accessories, and more
@gothoffspring - really cute and vibey recolors, I use them a lot, also some build buy items too!!
@jellymoo - we love the clothing... mm aesthetic to the core and cute af
@gladlypants - lotsa adorable items I adore, variety of patterns too
@birksche - tons, I mean TONS of hairs bro, years worth, always free... a treasure trove
@teekalu - supreme maxis match, vanilla vibes that are so lovely... ideal for low cc players
@honeyssims4 - poses, honey!!! the variety will shock you. and they ALL look good
@sewerwolfx - really cool stuff with alt style, some recolors and some from SCRATCH, we love to see it
@historysims4 - historical cc from many different eras!! iconic
@hamsterbellbelle - some of the most unique scifi cc i ever seen... idk how they even make some of that stuff! must see
@surely-sims - beautiful legendary amazing gorgeous never been done before... their fallout inspired cc made me weep and almost solely furnished one of my households, work
...annnndddd I hit my limit!!! I guess thats it for now but maybe a part two... 😉
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mindfulstudyquest · 2 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗱𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗺𝗲 𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗱𝘆
organization: i know it's the most trivial advice in the world, but i swear it works. before doing anything, i take my planner and review everything i have to do, i divide the study by subject, amount of things to study and review spaces for exams. realistically, you can't expect to do it all in one day, but a good plan could almost allow you to sleep at night!
a clean workspace: i can't fucking concentrate if there's a mess aroud me, i get distracted easily, even by dust, so before i start studying i always deep-clean my desk. i know that not everyone can afford a personal and quiet place to study in their houses, so try to find yourself a small angle where you can really focus.
go to study in a library / café: i didn't believe it at first, but it's actually useful. if you have the opportunity to go to a library or a café after school ( or near your house ) do so. being surrounded by people who are studying like you really helps to focus, you'll be less inclined to get distracted and procastinate. i would feel uncomfortable using my phone in a library with other people who are doing their work while i'm sitting there scrolling on tumblr.
breaks: ik ik, not very blair waldrof, hermione granger, spencer hastings, rory gilmore of me, isn't it? but is it worth it. sometimes i end up having really bad headaches from studying and, even if i keep studying, the quality of my work decreases significantly. breaks are fundamental. i would not recommend using social networks for your beak, because they litteraly drain your attention, rather do your skincare, prepare yourself a snack ( eating is important! it's what makes you focus ), read 10 pages of your book, dance a little bit in your room, do stretching, go outside and buy some mint chewingum, something like that.
EAT!: girls, boys and theys, we know. i honestly think that almost every person that craves academic validation ends up developing a sort of eating disorder. it's not even the food, is the fact that you are too busy studying that you forget to eat, ignoring stomach cramps, or the fact that you didn't get that answer right and now you don't feel like you deserve the lunch. i understand bc i AM like this, like you. but think about it: you need to do it in order to survive ( but this is secondary to the grades, right? ) and to keep your brain active. you can't walk around with blurred vision because you haven't eaten or drunk for fourteen continuous hours. i swear that eating like a normal human being helps you to keep going.
sleep: same thing as eating, but with our terrible sleeping schedules. i know that school is toxic so we end up finishing our homeworks at 2 am everyday ( if we're lucky ) but when you have the chance, take a nap and recover.
repeat things as if you were explaining them to someone: this is litterally the fastest way ever to learn fundamental concepts when you're studying. imagine that you're talking to a friend that doesn't know anything about the subject that you're studying and try to explain the topic to them. finding simple words for a difficult topic will help you understand it thoroughly, on this basis you can then build an articulated and more academic speech. repeat things out loud, doesn't matter if you look crazy, you already are <3
check and organize your notes the same day: i never have time to take proper notes in class, so i review them as soon as possible, with the lesson still fresh in mind. it really helps me understand the subject and makes the further study much easier.
watch youtube videos: youtube is my favourite class. sometimes teachers are dumber than students and you, who don't have a degree in that subject and are tackling a topic for the first time, don't understand a damn thing. ofc not!! sometimes professors are terrible at explaining stuff, but fazal from pakistan isn't. i passed my physics class with a 10/10 thanks to an indian guy on youtube. documentaries and yt videos are a simple and nice way to understand better topics and do insights for extra credits.
delete social media: i'm gonna do another post specifically for this.
"STUDY!" wallpaper: last but not least, the dumbest yet the smartest advice, set as lockscreen a white / black / whatever background with a big fat "STUDY!" written on it. everytime you're about to pick up your phone and procastinate the wallpaper will scold you.
hope this was useful or at least fun to read byee
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cookiepie111 · 9 months
I'm insane HOWEVER! König with milf darling.
A/A This piece is finally escaping draft hell! Again started as rambling so sorry if its all over the place. not proofread, feedback would be appreciated 🙏🏾( Hopefully, part 2 at some point, eh🫠) x black fem reader
It stared out small, nothing terrible. He'd just admired you and your strength. Being a single mum wasn't easy.
The lady next door who's always so kind dropping leftovers at his house, she'd bring over missed letters and parcels to him.
He notices how you're always rushing back home whenever you drop something off as your youngest chases after you outside. He makes sure to come to you now.
He's seen you through the window struggling with your kids trying to guide them to the door with bags of shopping. Tapping away at the sink his eyes following you with shopping. He should help you, yet he stood there thinking a little while longer racking his brain for... something.
He can't help but project. Are you managing okay where is husband he must no good if he's not around if you're constantly struggling.
You'd invited him over a handful of time merly pleasantries, he refused each time. This time, when standing at your door, waiting for you to find his parcel, "Can I come in?" You're surprised he refused your previous offers, and frankly, you're a bit scared to have a man so.. intimidating in your home. You look to the side, hesitating "sure"
He sits at your coach, dwarfing the space around him. The scene before you reminds you of Alice in Wonderland, as if he'd drunk a position to grow making the biscuits in his hand look comically small. looking around your house, toys, books, honestly half your house was just scattered about. pictures of you and your children on the shelf, yet no baby pictures. Strange.
He's laying on the seat in his house, he's antsy, hasn't done anything in a while, in the army there's structure and routine he hadn't planned to be off for this long. He needed to put himself to work.
He felt bad, he was reminded of his mother he wasn't much help back then not much he could have done, but its different now, he can still help a mother in need right?
It wasn't exactly intense work, but it was something, your house needed a bit of help, and it wouldn't hurt to do something to keep his body busy. You were adamant he didn't need to. "You don't work, you don't eat, you've been feeding me for some time, let me put in the work." He was so flat with his delivery, A shocked look was all you could give him. that seemed to squash any argument in you.
He got work picking up the toys and items putting them in the fabric box, so flimsy. "You need a proper place to put this stuff. Your lack of furniture and storage, you should have spaces for these in your kids room". he thinks he's helping giving you good advice.
his words come out harsher than he expected. You tensed under his words, you'd been working yourself crazy trying to get your two kids settled in. You didn't want your oldest to become a second parent to their siblings. Between working and looking after your youngest, you simply didn't have time. You were making do with what you had. You didn't need this man shaming you. "Yes I, I'm trying." He hadn't meant for his words to come out as criticism of you. He turned back at the ground. "Wait here"
You turned looking out of the window huh?! He was dragging a cupboard out his house "wait wait what are you doing" was he serious? You could get a cupboard later. It took a lot of convincing that you didn't need it he could put it back in his house. If your neighbours were to look outside, they'd see your panicking form waving arms about over a confused giant. He let up but left at "fine tomorrow we can go and buy new cupboard"
" I can't I have to stay with my kids"
"Bring them" You're pretty sure he was giving you an order there, no room for discussion. This man is really throwing you for a loop, you're only pulled out of confusion when your youngest pulls on your leg. 'How did they get out so fast?!'
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nikosaki · 2 months
Can I request Chuuya x fem!reader fanfic about the readers being a writer that trying to avoid conflict with mafia? But instead the reader always meets with Chuuya.
Summary: You are a simple writer who just want to live a normal writing life in Yokohama and want to avoid conflict with the mafia, for many reasons but if a man so ethereal just happens to be around, can you really not let him be your muse? Genre: fluff, romance Warnings: small mentions of blood and violence, reader is the quiet and calm type. A/N: this man can choke me everyday and I would thank him for it :3
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How does he find interest in you?
To start it off he was merely visiting a coffee shop near your home when he met you writing a chapter of your book.
Chuuya has made many types of people but he couldn’t tell why he was just so intrested in you.
Perhaps it was your deep devotion to writing, or your vocal skills when he came to talk to you,or how you described things so detailed.
So it all started with a simple coffee!
How it goes + dates
I can totally see him buying you all types of paper because he probably barely knows anything about writing stuff
but it’s okay! Because after work he visits your house and you teach him vocabulary and when you used rare words and told them their meanings
He kinda of blushed because those words were meant for him <3
You two go on coffee dates and you let him read your poetry, stories etc. that is if u dislike places like restaurants
Chuuya probably buys you the most best quality and exported manuals on writing
So it goes pretty good for you two!
When he tells you he works for the mafia
You were certainly a bit taken aback when he said where he works and he isn’t surpirsed.
But he is more surprised when you take the courage to head to the mafia just to meet him! :D
For that he told his subordinates to make a separate table and office type place for you so you can stay close to him!
Chuuya will keep you safe don’t worry, he will try his best to keep you away from blood and violence. Especially since he doesn’t want to make you see his violent side. He has all the money in the world to buy you paper and you have all the vocabulary in your brain to write poems about him!
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Divider credits: @cafekitsune
©2024 angeliczazuko- Do not copy or plagiarise my works, banner belongs to me. Reblogs and likes appreciated :)
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kaisfruit · 6 months
Motivation (Sportacus x GN!Reader)
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a/n; i'm just gonna drop this rn bc im taking a while on some of your guys' reqs! i promise im working on them, but i feel bad not posting much so...have this fic i wrote and finished a few days ago while i continue on writing other things <3 warnings; probably ooc stephanie and sportacus and i totally just made stuff up but like,,,otherwise no warnings! <3 word count; 7.8k
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Lazytown was exactly how the name described it; A lazy town. Though, with the arrival of Stephanie and then Sportacus the town had its days where it definitely picked up in activity. 
Unfortunately, it seemed as if you couldn’t get any of this energy that was being spread around.
You had attempted to perk up like so many others by starting with a simple job, but that didn’t do it. You still had the job of course since there’s not a lot of people in Lazytown who have the job as an ice cream vendor. Despite your efforts it seems as if these active attitudes have hit everyone but yourself. You really were trying! You tried to exit your house at least once a day (even on days when you didn’t have work!) That usually proved too much for you after about 5 minutes and you’d retreat back within the comfort your home provided. You had tried eating healthier, as you had seen Sportacus advise the kids, but it was semi-successful at best. Those things were just harder to make or find and you simply did not have the energy to deal with such a thing.
It was no surprise to you when Stephanie approached your ice cream stand with a frown on her face.
“Good afternoon, Stephanie.” You greeted, a customer service smile on your face. “What’s up?”
It took her a moment to process your question as she had gotten distracted by the mini-menu on the front of your cart. She had said she would get ice cream for the other kids so they could take a slight break from playing before getting back to it, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have an ulterior motive to offering to go.
“How are you doing?” She decided to ignore your friendly question with a question of her own.
“I’m good, thank you for asking.” Your brain seemed to work on autopilot here, the socially acceptable response tumbling from your lips. “How are you doing?”
Stephanie shook her head, “no. How are you really doing?”
“What do you mean?” You tilted your head in confusion at her, suddenly intrigued by what she was implying. 
Stephanie pursed her lips at you and it seems as if her focus had switched off the chilly treats completely. She wanted to speak to you. You mentally grimaced, this is why you usually stayed in your house most of the time.
“I think you should come and play with us!” Stephanie had a big grin on her face, leaning slightly forward as she looked up at you with big eyes.
“Oh…um,” you averted eye contact awkwardly, “I don’t really think I’d be that much fun…” You trailed off, feeling a bit bad. But it just felt…wrong. Your brain was screaming at you to just be active like everyone else and to spend time with the townsfolk. Yet your body had an argument of its own that your energy was too low and it would only drain you further.
“Sure you would!” Stephanie was adamant. “Everyone has more fun when they’re doing something!!” She had leaned more forward with the palms of her hands resting on the top of your ice cream cart. Her face filled with hope.
You shut her down.
“I’m sorry Stephanie, but I just don’t think I have it in me.” Your voice reeked of tiredness. “Do you want to buy ice cream? Or some popsicles?”
The girl seemed to deflate a bit, but begrudgingly paid for a few popsicles to take back to the others. A small treat was always welcomed by everybody. Well, everybody but…
Stephanie suddenly had a greater pep in her step than she had previously.
Meanwhile, you let out a huff of air as Stephanie began walking away. That was genuinely tough. You knew you had an issue, but you didn’t know it was bad enough to catch the attention of anyone in town. You didn’t even know if anyone in town noticed you outside of the ice cream stand! And that wasn’t in some “you’re so dark and mysterious and not like the other girls” way, but in a genuine way that you didn’t do anything too impeccable but you’re not completely forgettable either. When asked who lived in Lazytown, the citizens could pick you out just fine. Just when it came to such bright figures appearing in town, it didn’t seem like your problems were a big deal. There were bigger matters to be dealt with. You were just one person in an entire town, and it’s not like you were hurting anyone. You just had to convince yourself you’d get through this drag in your life eventually. It would happen one day. This endless slump that has existed your entire life, you had to believe it would go away one day. A day where you’d feel the energy to get up and maybe make a meal for yourself, or to go for a walk in the morning, or to even make your bed. Even if it hasn’t happened yet, it will happen. Maybe…
You leaned forwards against the ice cream stand and rested your elbows on the top to support your weight as you hung your head downwards. You sighed heavily as you closed your eyes. Just had to get through the rest of today then you could go home and feel the comfort of your bed. Just had to get through the rest of today. You’ve done it before, you can do it again. 
And you did just that. Since Stephanie had bought the treats in bulk, the day went on pretty smoothly. There were only a few other purchases here and there, but that was about it. Closing up shop made you let out a sigh of relief. You could finally let yourself recharge, even if it was just a little bit, but it was enough to get you through another day. 
As you walked to your house, you couldn’t help but think of your weird interaction with Stephanie earlier. She had been in town for quite some time now, so why was she suddenly taking an interest? Had she grown bored with everything else? That was unlikely. So unlikely that you questioned why you even thought about it in the first place. Had she seen everyone be active but you and wanted you to be included? But still, why did it take her so long to approach you? Nevermind. You shouldn’t think about it like that. Its not her job to make you feel included. But then…why?
You shuffled your shoes off at the door and closed it behind you, inhaling a deep breath as you finally got to experience home once again. If it were up to you, you’d just spend all of your time here and nowhere else. Technically, you could do that, but you really were trying to better yourself even if it felt useless. 
You mustered up just enough energy to switch into pajamas before falling asleep on your bed. The sheets warm and welcoming like an old friend who you hadn’t spoken to in years yet the bond still alive and going. You felt yourself smile lightly as you let sleep take you.
A sleepy groan escaped your lips as the sound of knocking on a door is what woke you up. Squinting blearily at your alarm clock you read a time that was far too early for your liking. You laid there sprawled out for a bit, hoping the visitor would just go away, but within a beat the knocking started up again. With a bit of mental preparation, you got yourself up and out of bed and slowly began shuffling towards the door.
Rubbing an eye with one hand, you opened the door expecting to see a neighbor wanting to speak to you about them not getting their mail or something of that sort, but you blinked rapidly at the true sight before you.
It was Sportacus. The town’s very own superhero!
Your tiredness seemed to melt away instantly and you stood up a bit straighter at the sight of him. He had never come to speak to you directly before, what was going on?
“What’s going on…?” You mumbled, voicing your exact question aloud. This earned you a slight chuckle from Sportacus.
“Why don’t you tell me?” He countered which instantly clued you in to one thing.
“I’m fine,” you smiled, “I don’t know what Stephanie said, but everything is well and okay.”
Sportacus frowned slightly, yet still wasn’t deterred in the slightest. “Well, you should go and get dressed!”
“What for?” You squinted at him confused, you had barely just woken up. “I don’t have work today.”
“All the more time for activities!” 
You grimaced at his answer. “What?”
“Come on, it’ll be fun!”
There was a pause in conversation. A silent battle happened between the two of you until you eventually sighed in defeat. You didn’t even have the energy to fight against it. You shut the door on him for a bit as you dragged your feet along the ground as you went about your house doing everything you needed to get ready for the day.
Finally, you made your way back to the front door and opened it to see Sportacus standing in your yard seeming to be admiring the grass and trees within the small area. It brought a small smile to your face as you shut your door behind you. The noise got the man’s attention and he flipped over to you, a spring in movement that never failed to surprise you whenever he did it.
“So, what activities are you having me do?” You asked, hoping to just get all of this over with as soon as possible. This would probably be a good first step for you, but you just didn’t feel the motivation. You felt no drive. 
Sportacus grinned as he rested his hands on his hips, “how do you feel about some breakfast?” The question caught you off-guard and you guessed it showed on your face as Sportacus laughed a bit. 
“Eating?” You voiced your confusion. “That doesn’t sound very…active.”
“That is where you are wrong.” Sportacus grinned, “just come with me.”
You followed behind Sportacus as you eventually left your house. Usually, that was your least favorite part of your day, but the hero had you too curious for you to even think about your house right now.
Very soon, it became very clear what he meant by eating being active.
He had insisted you two walk the longest route possible and this could quite possibly be considered the most walking you had ever done in your life. It was probably due to the incredibly fast-paced speed Sportacus had started you two out with. You were trying your best to keep up, but the distance began growing and growing until eventually Sportacus turned around and ran back to where you were.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a bit of warm-up!” He tried to reassure you, but your legs were too achy to really take it in. You thought you could do a bit of walking but maybe…
“Do you think we could walk a bit slower…?” You tried, not looking at him. He seemed to contemplate this before realization dawned on him.
“Yes, we should! That is a much better way to ease you into this.” Sportacus nodded as your head jolted up to look at him. “I’m sorry for not realizing my own speed.” He clapped you on the shoulder before gesturing for you to continue on with him. You felt awestruck, yet slowly took up a pace at his side.
“This is much better.” You smiled, a sigh of relief escaping your lips. “Thanks for listening.” 
“What kind of slightly above average hero would I be if I didn’t listen to those around me?” Sportacus proposed the rhetorical question. “I love it when you guys help me as much as I help you! That’s how growth happens.”
This sparked conversation between you two for the rest of the walk. Now that it was at a slower pace, it allowed for your guys’ words to flow freely between one another and it felt as if you were truly getting to know the hero. It was….fun! A feeling that felt completely new yet familiar in Sportacus’ company. 
“The perfect place for breakfast!” Sportacus announced abruptly, pausing in his steps which caught you a bit off guard. You look around the area with a slight frown on your face. It was a park. A park which you had never seen before (which wasn’t saying much.) There were trees scattered about and the grass was neatly trimmed. Sportacus seemed proud and took a seat beneath a tree, you stayed standing as you quirked an eyebrow at him. 
“This…isn’t a place to eat?” You asked as you still frowned. This got a good laugh out of Sportacus which only confused you more. You really were expecting a quaint café or a restaurant or even a food truck, but not an empty park. 
Sportacus just pulled out two granola bars and tossed one at you and, unsurprisingly, you didn’t catch it and it landed on the ground. You slowly bent over to pick it up and looked at the wrapper, trying to identify the contents. 
Timidly, you walked over to where Sportacus sat on the grass and decided to finally sit next to him as you made quick work of the wrapper. You tucked the plastic into a pocket, you may be lazy but hurting the environment was a no-no, and took a small nibble of the granola bar. 
“It isn’t the most healthy option,” Sportacus started once you had finally taken a bite, “but it isn’t junk food either. You will need something light for the start of the day! A bigger breakfast can come a bit later once your stomach has settled.” He shot you a reassuring smile as he said that. 
“Why do I need something light first?” You asked, wiping your hands on your pants to wipe off any leftover granola residue after you finished. “I thought a good breakfast is good for the brain?” You weren’t exactly sure about that, but you were pretty sure you had heard Sportacus say that before. 
“Right you are!” Sportacus agreed with a nod. “But I did say we were going to get active, yes?” You nodded slowly. “Well, that wouldn’t go over well if you had a full stomach. Getting sick would not be ideal.” Realization dawned on you as he said that. Sportacus was going to have you doing actual big time exercises? Right off the bat?! You don’t think you’ve ever taken the time to exercise in your life, which is probably why you felt so incredibly sluggish all the time, but still! That sounded horrible. You’d much rather just lay in your bed all day and maybe be on your phone when you’re not sleeping…Yeah, that sounds more your speed.
“Um…how active?” You asked as Sportacus reached his hands out towards you which you accepted as he pulled you up. 
“Nothing big! I promise you.” He grinned, slowly releasing his grip on you once you gained balance. Strangely, you missed the warmth his hands provided. “The hard stuff won’t come until later.” The look that came across your face must have been some sort of funny as it caused Sportacus to chuckle. 
“Come now, we’ll start light. Then we can get actual breakfast. How does that sound?” He spoke calmly, surely luring you into a false sense of security even though you knew Sportacus didn’t have an evil bone in his body. Your body slumped in defeat as you let out a sigh while nodding. The elf was absolutely beaming. “Great! Let’s get started!”
An hour later and you were drenched in sweat and could barely catch a breath. Meanwhile, Sportacus looked as if he had barely done anything. You were insanely embarrassed by this fact, but he was trying his best to help you feel normal.
“You’ve done great so far!” Sportacus praised, whipping out a water bottle which you gratefully took. Truth be told, he was right. You didn’t do much. Just a few cardio workouts and he allowed you to move at a comfortable pace. Still, that didn’t just erase all of your years of no workouts and you were now contemplating if you could even do this at all. “Honestly, I’m surprised you’re still here.”
“What do you mean?” You panted, lowering the water bottle from your lips.
“Well, when I first got here it took a while for everyone to just…take my advice?” He said this more like a question, as if the right words for what had happened weren’t coming to him. “I could maybe get 10 minutes of working out before getting ignored. You’re a real trooper!”
You weren’t sure you quite believed him, but you appreciated the effort. Everyone really seemed to enjoy Sportacus’ company and were happy to engage in activities with him. No way the citizens started out ignoring him? “Thanks.” You finally said, a light smile on your face. 
“Anytime!” Sportacus clapped you on the shoulder. “Now, about that breakfast I promised–” Your eyes widened and you perked up which made him huff out a bit of laughter. “Let’s head out. Then we can take a walk after and then, I’ll let you have the rest of the day as you want it. It wouldn’t be right for me to control your schedule and make you do what I want.” You nodded gratefully to him with a smile and you two slowly made your way out of the park and towards a local restaurant that was currently serving breakfast. 
The conversation while eating flowed seamlessly and it was nice having someone’s company. You weren’t expecting the town’s superhero to be such a great hangout companion, but this charisma of his is probably how he gets others motivated towards bettering their lives. It was…appreciated. You didn’t really know if this would fix everything for you, nothing could be some magical one trick quick fix, but it helped put healthy behaviors in a positive light for you. At least a little bit. Your bed and your house still sounded like the most perfect place in the world, but you wouldn’t mind getting out like this every now and again.
After lunch, Sportacus took you on a walk as he had promised but this time your time with one another was spent in silence. It wasn’t bad. Quite the opposite. You probably talked more today than you had in your entire life, so quieting down and just appreciating your surroundings while in the company of someone else was perfect. You’d probably feel like a huge dork if it was just you walking around all quiet like this, but Sportacus being there just made sense. 
You weren’t quite sure when the walk would end and it seemed as if it wouldn’t until a familiar head of pink hair began to make its way over to your position. Sportacus got a bit shifty on his feet as she approached while you just waved at Stephanie with a smile on your face. A genuine one compared to the customer service one you had given her yesterday.
“What’s up?” The girl asked, a smile on her face. “Did your guys’ morning together go good?”
You nodded at her. “Yeah. I’m exhausted to be honest.” You laughed which caused Stephanie to let out a little laugh of her own. “How’d you know we’d been out together?” It was with that question that you finally noticed Sportacus acting a bit off. Stephanie just stifled a laugh behind her hand at his behavior and you were made aware of the fact that they knew something you didn’t.
“Well, Sportacus here–”
“Stephanie told me about how you were at the ice cream stand yesterday!” He quickly interrupted her which only caused the girl to laugh a bit louder. “So she knew of my plans to come out and help you.” That made sense you supposed, but why would the two of them be acting so weird about it? Sportacus seemed to have a light red hue to his face and Stephanie looked like the cat who ate the canary.
“Well, I’m gonna head out.” You began awkwardly, a nervous smile on your face. “Thanks for getting me out of bed this morning, Sportacus!” You waved and the other duo waved back to you before you turned and began walking away. In the distance, you could hear more of what you assumed to be Stephanie’s laughter. 
What was so funny?
This routine continued on for a month. Sportacus would wake you up in the morning, you’d work out, eat breakfast, then part ways. It became a part of your routine even if some days you guys would switch it around because of your job or his self-assigned duty to help the town against Robbie Rotten. It, strangely, became a welcome change to you. Maybe the change you had been trying to make all of these years had finally come to you. You just needed a little push to get the ball rolling. You found yourself actively making the bed in the morning, choosing more healthy options to your usual diet, you even started noticing you didn’t dread leaving the house as much anymore. Sure, you still had a few of your quirks like thinking you deserved a little treat for every success or preferring to sleep in, but you weren’t dragging your feet along just trying to get by one day at a time. This was the best you had felt in a while!
Once a few more weeks passed after that first month, you started hanging out with Sportacus more outside of his personal training with you. You got along with the hero surprisingly well and it felt nice to finally have a close friend within the town. With his help, you finally began talking and making friends with other townsfolk. You had accepted Stephanie’s requests to play or hang out more and more. Being around everyone really made you feel like you were a part of a community instead of just being some random face within one. Sportacus had helped you a lot…
“Soooo whatcha thinking about?” The voice startled you out of your thoughts and you suppose you jumped a little too because a “relax, it’s just me,” was quickly added on. You lifted your head up from where you were staring at the ground to meet the eyes of Stephanie. A light smile graced your face as you gave a nod of acknowledgement towards the girl as she sat down on the bench beside you.
“Nothin’ really.” You answered. “Just sitting on this bench and looking at my surroundings.” Stephanie pursed her lips at that answer as if she was hoping to hear a different one. But she let that grievance go with a sigh and instead decided on something else to talk about.
“I’m really proud of you.” 
“For what?” You huffed out a laugh. “I haven’t done anything.”
“What do you mean?” Stephanie said to you, wide-eyed. “A month or two ago, I would’ve only seen you at your ice cream stand! Now, look at you, I found you out in the wild without any coercion from anyone in Lazytown!” You shrugged at what she said and she comically deflated where she sat. 
“I mean, I guess…” you began slowly, “but this really isn’t much. I really haven’t done anything. It’s been Sportacus’ influence.” The mention of the hero had her perk back up and she leaned forward a bit in her seat. She was now swinging her legs since they didn’t quite touch the ground and her hands rested on the seat of the bench.
“Still! You’re the one doing the things!” Stephanie encouraged.
“Yeah, but–”
“But what?”
You sighed, “I’m nowhere near his level! How am I supposed to truly be better if I’m not even up to his active standard?”
“Are you joking?” Stephanie deadpanned with a raise of a brow. “He was made to be active. I like to have fun and play and move around, but at the rate he does it? No way!” You were silent after that, your gaze once again focused at the ground. Stephanie was having an internal battle with herself before she finally let out a groan of frustration before speaking. “Besides, you’ll always be up to his standard. He’s…” She had a pause as she searched for the correct word. “He appreciates every ounce of your effort. He appreciates you.”
Stephanie let that sit with you and decided to finally go silent herself.
Sportacus…appreciated you? Well, he probably appreciated everyone he was nice like that. But hearing the words made you…feel something. Something that had your face heating up and making your stomach do flips.
“Th..Thanks, Stephanie.” You got out, a shaky smile on your reddened face. Now this was what the pink-haired girl wanted to see. 
“Anytime!” She said with a grin and waved jovially as you excused yourself from the park bench and began speed walking home. You barely had half the mind to wave back as you were in such a rush. Why were you in a rush again? Your mind was scrambling with ideas that you barely even registered that you had made it home. 
Closing the door behind you, you quickly locked it and leaned back against it as you let out quick breaths of air. You held a hand to your chest as you had to force yourself to even out your inhales and exhales. What had gotten into you?
He was so nice to you, so kind, supportive. Could you have…
You hopped into the shower, a shaky attempt to clear your head. You just needed a shower and to go to bed. That’d fix everything. After that it’d be like Stephanie never said anything that made you think about something you’d been pushing down for weeks. Girl math!
Those things didn’t help.
In fact, you couldn’t even get to sleep. Your mind was running wild with the idea that you maybe sort of fell in love with Lazytown’s slightly above average hero. You had done everything you could think of: counting sheep, drinking a warm glass of milk, breathing exercises, etc. But nothing would calm your racing mind and rapid heartbeat. The only person you felt comfortable enough to call at a time like this just so happened to be the source of the issue, so you were forcing yourself to suffer all by your lonesome.
Sportacus was most definitely nice to everyone in town just like he was with you. You’re so stupid for falling head over heels for a man over the slightest acts of kindness. But he was just so sweet and he took time out of his day to make you feel included and he was charming and–
You needed to shut up (even if you weren’t actually speaking.)
Safe to say, you didn’t sleep that night. By the time you heard the routine knocks on your door, your head was swimming with unsolved drowsiness. Knowing who it was caused a pit to form in your stomach, but you still got up out of bed and shuffled slowly towards your front door. You opened it up just a crack and saw the man himself standing there like he always did. You noticed him perk up when he noticed the movement, but a frown formed on his face when you didn’t open the door all the way.
“Is everything alright?” He asked, peeking through the small crack in the door to see a sliver of your figure.
“Yeah, I…um…give me a moment.” Your voice was overwhelmed with exhaustion as you closed the door and slowly got ready for the morning. It seemed as if sleep had tried to win too late because your mind was no longer racing with thoughts of Sportacus, but instead it felt blank. You can’t believe you pulled an all-nighter. Granted, you really tried not to.
Finally you made your way back to the front door and Sportacus was quickly on you once you made a step onto your front porch. He had noticed the slightest shift in your behavior and damn it if that didn’t make your heart skip a beat.
“Let’s go.” You smiled at him softly which caused a bit of the tension to drop from his shoulders, but he was still on guard. He couldn’t really tell what was wrong, but he knew something was off. 
He carried most of the talking on your guys’ way to the park and you were happy to listen, trying your best to suppress any yawns so that he wouldn’t take it as a sign of disinterest. How could you not be interested in everything he had to say?
Sportacus handed you a fruit cup for today’s light breakfast and you accepted it as you two sat side by side under a tree while eating. The conversation seemed to fall as you two ate, or, as Sportacus ate. He didn’t realize you weren’t until he felt a head fall against his shoulder. The elf jumped a bit and looked down at you and noticed you had fallen asleep on him as he heard a soft snore drift from you. A fond smile graced his features at the sight. That answered every question he’s had since seeing you this morning. You hadn’t had a good night’s rest. But what was the reason for that, he wondered. Carefully, he grabbed the fruit cup from your hands and set it aside to avoid a mess and began taking some time to figure out what to do. Sportacus was not very fond of staying this still if he wasn’t sleeping, but you probably needed this more than your daily workout even if it would ruin your sleep schedule for a bit. You also looked so incredibly peaceful and he couldn’t say he wasn’t glad about the fact that you trusted him enough to fall asleep near him.
To be honest, Sportacus has taken an interest in you since he had first arrived in Lazytown. Despite having the same problems as literally every citizen here, you were kind and you really did seem like you wanted to be doing your best. Plus you got along well with the kids (which may or may not have had something to do with your job) but he spent a long time admiring you from afar. He wanted to help you like he helped everyone, but he was selfish, And by that he means that you made him incredibly nervous. An emotion that the elf didn’t feel often, so he struggled to deal with it. Stephanie, the ever so observant kid she was, noticed his glances at you, the way he seemed extra interested anytime you were brought up in conversation. Once piecing together what all of it meant, that’s when she had made her way up to your ice cream stand that day. She didn’t want to be outright with anything, but she at least wanted to help Sportacus talk to you and what better motivation for him than to help you out of your slump. Stephanie didn’t know if you two would be all romance, but what kind of friend would she be if she didn’t help out the one person who was always helping everyone else? 
That’s how Sportacus got himself into this current situation. He realized he had been staring at you the entire time he was lost in thought and got embarrassed by that fact despite the fact no one was around to see him. You looked cute when you slept, but this surely wasn’t an ideal place for you to sleep, especially with the position you were in as your neck would definitely feel it when you woke up. With a disappointed sigh, Sportacus shook you awake.
“Wha?” You exhaled, rubbing your eyes a bit. You blinked rapidly trying to get a feeling for where you were even if you had only been out for at least 10 minutes. Upon realizing your position, you quickly lifted your head off of Sportacus’ shoulder and apologized profusely with your face lit up a bright red.
“It is alright! I promise!!” He chuckled lightly, a smile on his face. Yeah, you were cute. “We can workout another day. I think you need to catch up on some sleep.” You tried to protest, but a yawn cut you off which made you groan. You began moving to begin the walk back home, but found Sportacus doing everything for you and at his super fast pace so you couldn’t even begin to protest. He had picked up your fruit cup and every other belonging you both had brought along before holding his hands out to pick you up like he often did. You looked up at him with wide eyes and softly rested your palms on his. His grip didn’t falter as he hoisted you up and you stumbled forward closer to him once on your feet since you were a bit disoriented from your lack of sleep. A matching set of red complimented both of your faces at the proximity, but your eyes stayed locked with his. A beat passed before your gaze casted downwards, getting nervous at the prolonged eye contact.
“Come on, I’ll walk you home.” He spoke softly, his hands still clasping yours. You rubbed your thumbs along his knuckles absentmindedly as you nodded at him. You’re not sure who pulled away first, but your hands separated and you two were now walking side by side. Finding yourself incapable of walking in a straight line, constantly bumping into Sportacus as you walked, you felt a strong arm come to rest along your shoulders and it held you steady. You gasped at the touch, but welcomed it all the same. It felt nice.
Meanwhile, Sportacus was a bit panicky. Was this too much? You weren’t complaining, but you always were extremely polite. In all honesty, he did just want to help. No one could walk perfectly straight all of the time, but he noticed how your constant faltering was getting on your nerves and while he didn’t mind it, he wanted to relieve that extra stress. But what if this was the wrong way to go about it? He would not be overthinking it this much if it were anyone else…
“What kept you up last night?” He decided to ask. You tensed up at the question and sent quick glances at him as your heart began racing again. How could you answer that? You were NOT about to pour your heart out to this man. No amount of sleep deprivation could get you that delirious.
“I don’t know,” you eventually settled on, “just couldn’t get my mind to ‘turn off’ I guess.” Sportacus nodded as if he didn’t quite believe you, but he trusted your boundaries enough to not push past that.
The rest of the walk continued on in relative silence as he never let go of your shoulders until you two had safely made it back to your house.
“Thank you for walking me back.” You said as if he didn’t walk you back everyday. “I’m sorry for cutting today short.”
“Don’t worry. Your well-being always comes first.” 
You two spent a moment just staring at one another as if neither of you wanted to actually separate from the other.
“I hope you rest well.” Sportacus broke the silence and sent you that damned smile of his, the smile that made you weak in the knees. And you nodded, a soft ‘thank you’ escaping your lips as he somersaulted off to who knows where. You let out a sigh of contentment as you shut your front door. He was something else.
You couldn’t fall asleep faster.
Stephanie knew something was up as soon as she saw Sportacus zooming around the town square haphazardly as he was doing an assortment of exercises. A slight frown was on her face as she watched the hero for a few moments before calling his name. This made him pause and he looked over at the girl. His attention finally had her walking over to him.
“Hey, are you okay?” She asked. “You’re usually like this when you need to, I don’t know, occupy your mind or something.”
Sportacus was conflicted on telling Stephanie anything. On one hand, he knew she knew he had feelings for you, but on the other why would he let the child get mixed in with his love life? She was extremely intelligent for her age, but that didn’t make it any less strange in his head.
“Is it about [name]? Pleeeaaaassseee tell me it is! I love hearing about you two!” She exclaimed with a big grin on her face. His reaction was everything she needed and she clapped excitedly. “Are you guys finally together? Wait no, can’t be. You wouldn’t be so stressed out. But no way they rejected you either hm. What if–”
“Stephanie.” Sportacus began which effectively quieted the girl. “Nothing happened.”
The girl quirked a brow in disbelief and crossed her arms along her chest.
“Nothing happened! Seriously!” Sportacus exclaimed. “They didn’t get much sleep last night so we canceled this morning.” He explained.
“Ohhhh so you are upset?”
“No! It is very much important that they get the proper amount of sleep. It’s just, what if they’re sick? Or something is wrong? Those are the only reasons I can think of that would make them lose sleep.” He finally voiced his concerns and it got Stephanie thinking. Sportacus was pacing as she stood still, a hand on her chin in thought. Suddenly, it seemed as if a lightbulb went off above her head and she squealed. Sportacus sharply turned towards her, looking at the girl as if she had grown a second head.
“Maybeeeee…They like you too!” Stephanie planted that seed. She was trusting her gut, and based on her previous interaction with you, it seemed pretty likely.
“I don’t know Stephanie…” Sportacus thought. He usually wasn’t the one to second guess such actions, he was always certain and dove in head first. But, as stated previously, you made him nervous.
“I think,” Stephanie started, “you should ask them out! Awwww you guys would be sooo cute!!” The pink haired girl cooed and Sportacus couldn’t help but laugh a bit at her enthusiasm, even if his stomach seemed to churn at the thought of possibly overstepping a boundary with you. It’d hurt the most to know that he had made you uncomfortable in some way. Stephanie had begun staring up at him with puppy dog eyes trying to use her cuteness that all kids were granted to sway Sportacus into making a move. The hero sighed.
“I’ll think about it.”
That might have been the best sleep you have ever gotten in your life. You had even managed to sleep until early the next day which is just ridiculous, but at least you didn’t wake up in the middle of the night and continue a cycle of a poor sleep schedule. This felt like your entire body had done a factory reset.
You made your way through your morning routine and got on your phone once you finished. Sportacus could show up any minute now, and even if you feared embarrassing yourself in front of him due to your feelings, not spending time with him sounded like a new form of torture. So risking embarrassment it was!
Only a few more minutes of scrolling through social media and you heard the sound of knocks on your door. You rushed over to go answer it as fast as you could. Opening the door you grinned as you saw Sportacus standing there. His face brightened at seeing you and he opened his arms up wide in surprise.
“You’re awake!” He exclaimed which made you laugh with a roll of your eyes. “Ready to get going?” Something seemed…off with the hero. He was pretty normal, but he seemed jittery, anxious. Two words that didn’t fit him all that well.
“Oh, so ready! I really need to stretch my limbs out after all of that resting.” You said, pulling your arms up above your head in a stretch to accentuate your point. A look that could only be described as pure adoration crossed Sportacus’ face and you looked at him strangely. “What? Did I say something?”
He stumbled a bit over his words as the two of you finally began your walk to the park. “You didn’t say anything, it's just,” Sportacus sighed before turning his gaze to you. His eyes were filled with a sincerity you hadn’t ever seen on him before. “I’m very proud of you, [name].” That was absolutely the last thing you expected him to say, but you stayed silent as if urging him to continue. “You’ve come very far in such a short amount of time. Of course, I’m proud of everyone here in Lazytown for their improvements! Even with people like Robbie Rotten around, all of you continue on and are unknowingly eager to better yourselves. But you…” He trailed off, his gaze finally leaving yours as he stared ahead. “Your progress is special to me.”
You were certain your face was bright red at his statement and you turned your head to look at the ground so he wouldn’t notice.
“Thank you.” You murmured bashfully as you played with a piece of your hair. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Nonsense!” Sportacus spoke incredulously. “I only got you out of bed in the morning. The rest was all you! You are extraordinary.” 
The conversation died off there as you replayed his words over and over in your head. He was too perfect. You were totally going to explode. Maybe you couldn’t keep up with your guys’ daily workout if he was going to keep acting so sweet. 
You hadn’t even noticed it yet, but you had made it to your guys’ tree. You set down your workout bag and were waiting for Sportacus to offer you the snack of the day, but quickly you noticed that his attention was focused somewhere in the distance. You tried following his gaze, but it was apparent he was just lost in thought. Timidly, you waved a hand in front of his face to snap him back to attention and it did the trick.
“Ah! Sorry, I was just thinking…”
“About what?”
Sportacus’ stomach was doing flips, cartwheels, he felt as if he had just eaten a singular bar of chocolate. This must be what sickness felt like. The elf wetted his lips nervously before he let his eyes land on you. He stood there for a moment and let himself take in your appearance. No matter how many times he saw you, he didn’t know if he’d ever get enough. Maybe he should just,
“[Name],” he spoke softly, gaining your full attention, “you’re incredible. Seriously. You may not think so, but you inspire me everyday. You’re different from everyone else here. Yes, I care for everyone, obviously. I wouldn’t protect and encourage people who I didn’t genuinely like and believe in, but you’re…what I’m trying to say is that I look forward to every moment I get to spend with you. Hanging out and working out with you is more refreshing than any amount of sleep or relaxation I could ever get.” Sportacus had unconsciously moved closer to you as you spoke and you were just listening in pure awe. You gasped and looked down as he took your hands in his, his grip soft yet firm as if he didn’t want to lose this moment with you. “I was wondering if you would like to…go on a date with me?”
Your eyes were full of wonder as you stared up at the man. Every word he spoke was swimming around in your head and you were in complete disbelief.
“You? Want to date me?” You asked softly, looking him in the eyes.
“There is no one else I would rather be with.”
“Why?” Your words echoed despite the open area you two currently occupied. “Why me? I’m not the most athletic person around and I’m still pretty lazy. You’re…you’re a superhero! And I’m just…well, I’m just me.”
His hands quickly left your hands so he could cup your face. He brushed his thumb along your cheek as you two stared at each other intently.
“And you are exactly what I want.” Sportacus said with complete sincerity. “I’m only a slightly above average hero. That is nothing compared to how you appear in my eyes.”
Your eyes welled with tears, but you refused to let them spill. No one had ever spoken such words to you before in your life. Without thinking, you lunged forward and wrapped your arms around Sportacus’ neck in a warm embrace to which he quickly returned. His arms were wrapped strongly around your waist as you buried your head a bit into his shoulder. 
“I’d love to.” You finally murmured, pulling back slightly so that you could look at him. Your arms still rested around his neck and now his hands just lightly rested on your waist, trying to be careful with his placement out of respect.
“Love to what?” He asked, a confused look on his face that just caused you to smile.
“Go on a date with you. I’d love to.” You clarified and it's as if stars lit up in his eyes at your words. 
A beat of silence was held between the two of you as you both just stared at the other, happy to be in each other’s presence.
In an instant, you both surged forward as your lips interlocked. It was soft, tender, spark-inducing as the kiss continued on. The only thing running through your guys’ minds is that this is how it’s supposed to be. This kiss was right. Your lips moved in tandem for what felt like eternity in just a few seconds. If you had it your way, you would never separate, but your lungs’ cries for help cause you to back away and rest your forehead against his as you both caught your breaths. Staring at him, you couldn’t help but smile which caused him to smile in turn.
You knew you’d find motivation to become better eventually. What you never expected, however, was for it to come from someone else’s belief in you.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Body Double
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A/N: A little bit of friendly Sy fluff I started during a moment of struggling with some lovely Executive Dysfunction (I get that for free with my ongoing ADHD subscription 🥰🥲)
Summary: You need to clean your house, and you get a good friend to help you...
Word count: 679
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @keanureevesisbae @fvckinghenrycavill @ellethespaceunicorn @peaches1958 @sillyrabbit81 @peyton-warren @summersong69 @mayloma @livisss
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“You need me to what?” Sy looks at you in surprise.
“Body double,” you say plainly, blissfully unaware that there’s nothing wrong with his hearing so much as he doesn’t have a clue what you’re talking about. “Eh. I need to get some stuff done and I... can’t...”
“So you want me to help you?” The tone in his voice suggests that he absolutely would help you, and you love him for that. But no.
“No, I don’t need you to help me. Alright, no, wait. I want you to help me, but not by actually helping me. I just need you to be there while I do the thing.”
“And why does that work?” Sy says. You feel the expression on your face change, even though you’re not sure to what, and Sy raises his hands. “Not a judgment, just trying to understand why this helps you.”
“Right. Well, having someone in my space who knows what I’m trying to get done very gently shames me into actually doing it. Also, I can talk to you, which keeps my brain occupied while my hands do the boring thing.”
“Alright,” Sy shrugs. It’s not as if you were planning on doing much other than hang out on the couch all day. Might as well straighten out a bit of your house while you’re at it… “Where do you want to start?”
“Ehh...” Decision making. Not your greatest skill. “I need to do laundry, dishes, tidy and clean the bathroom and kitchen and tidy the living room...” Fuck. Breathe. In. Out. In again. When did breathing become a chore you have to also consciously do? Shit.
“Help. Overwhelmed.” Sy immediately wraps you up in an almost bone-crushing hug that helps you settle down right away. He’s the only guy you know who’s strong enough to squeeze your soul back into your body. “Thanks.”
“Can I make a suggestion, or is that going to make you want to not do anything at all?” You’re happy to hear he remembers your memo about demand avoidance. A nod will have to do as an answer: you can’t speak yet. “Washing machine, dishes, kitchen, dryer, bathroom, living room, fold laundry. Plan?”
“Alright, lead the way.”
“Did you know that emperor penguins lose up to fifty percent of their body fat during winters, and their feather density increases to compensate for that?” Sy has been sitting at the kitchen table, staring at his phone, for about an hour while you are hard at work. The dishes are done, dried and put away, and the counters are clear for the first time in months.
“I did not,” you laugh. “Keep hitting me with those, they make my brain happy.” God, you’re so glad to call this guy your friend, because he delivers way beyond what you’re asking of him. He spends the next few hours throwing random facts and trivia questions your way, and you couldn’t be happier.
“Let me buy you pizza,” you say when you’re finally done with everything. Now it’s finally time to laze around and watch movies! Sy takes the beer you’re holding up.
“No need, sugar,” he replies as if you were asking him a question. In the four years you’ve known him, this man has never allowed you to pay for a meal. Ever. It’s ridiculous.
“You helped me, you deserve pizza,” you remind him.
“I wasn’t helping you,” he shrugs. You schlump down on the couch next to him and poke him in the ribs.
“You have no idea how much you really did help me, though,” you say. “But you know what? I’ll just order a large pepperoni, and you can just take a slice when you decide you want food, after all.” Stubborn as a mule, this one. And you just know he’ll never learn.
“Alright, fine.” Sy scowls and rolls his eyes at you. “But as far as I’m concerned, we’re already square.”
“How so?” You raise your eyebrows in surprise.
“You bend over a lot when you clean, let’s leave it at that.” Unbelievable.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
sorry if you’ve already done this 😭😭😭 but could you do Avery and Gigi headcanons!! Like when they meet and become friends ((((:
avery and gigi head canons
OMG YES! i honestly didn't think of making head canons for those two, but now that you mention it, i'm extremely intrigued. might not be as good as my other posts considering we don't know a whole bunch about gigi but i'll do my best. i've also been working on requests/posts for literal hours so my brain might be out of head canon making power. hope you like them though <3.
gigi is always asking questions about avery's childhood bc avery has the weirdest stories ever bc of the way she grew up.
avery taught her self-defense after some guy tried to come after her. gigi is now better than avery and will most definitely end you if you try to hurt her (she may or may not have also learned self-defense in order to kill duncan)
gigi loves talking to avery bc she doesn't really talk often which allows gigi to spill her guts out. she always has so many different stories to share and stuff, but most people don't spare the time to listen to her.
gigi forces avery to do tiktoks with her (dances, grwms, etc) bc avery looks so awkward and uncomfortable, and it makes her laugh.
she will steal avery's coffee bc no one allows her to have any. avery knows she steals it but doesn't say shit.
gigi forced avery to talk about sheffield and what he did to her. gigi now despises (but still sort of loves him cause he's her father) her father. she didn't think he had it in him to do smth like that to a literal child.
she encourages avery to talk about her emotions and let everything out. gigi is like the mental health advocate (for everyone but herself)
gigi loves ice skating and wanted to bring avery to the ice rink with her. avery didn't know how to ice skate though so gigi taught her how to (their lessons involved a lot of falling, near death experiences, concussions, etc)
avery is like an overprotective mom. if gigi is getting bullied or smth, she heads to that person's house/school or whtv and beats the crap out of them (verbally). they always run away in fear and never bother gigi again.
gigi buys avery clothes all the time. she thinks avery is really pretty and likes dressing her up.
avery gives gigi her credit card and tells her to spend money on whatever she wants (gigi calls avery her sugar mommy)
for some reason, avery is a really good twerker (is that even a word) and gigi forced her to teach her how to shake ass.
gigi feels comfortable enough to open up to avery and ask for advice/vent. she finds avery to be really non judgmental and straight forward which she appreciates.
avery and gigi will constantly gang up on grayson and pull pranks n him (they once replaced all of his expensive skincare with cheap shitty drugstore skincare and he actually screamed)
avery helps gigi with her homework when she's struggling. gigi is convinced avery is a saint bc she always explains the stuff to her better than her actual teachers.
gigi is bi (at least in my head), and avery was the first person she came out to.
they both talk about how much of a fucking coward grayson is when it comes to his feelings for lyra(?). they'll be watching grayson and lyra and they'll be saying things like 'omg how fucking dense can a man be, like, just fucking confess', and gigi will be like 'i fucking hate men'
avery bought her a cat (idk if its been mentioned in tbh if gigi actually has cats or if she just likes them, but if she does own cats, just pretend avery bought her another one)
they go out together and buy her cat(s?) cute little outfits (tutus, gucci coats, bows etc).
gigi has (not anymore though) a tinder account, and avery found out about it. she absolutely freaked and deleted the account telling gigi that it was dangerous and that she'd find a man for her if she was that desperate.
avery never got to experience things that most kids got to experience (she grew up too fast/didn't have the opportunity), and gigi finds it sad, so, she brings her out to like trampoline parks and stuff. it makes gigi happy seeing how happy avery is.
avery is always apologizing to gigi about her father. she blames herself and thinks she should've found another way to escape (when she was kidnapped). gigi reassures her by telling her that there was no other way and that, after everything her father did, he sort of deserved to die.
they shit talk men. they fucking hate them.
in my gigi and grayson post, i mentioned gigi loves knitting. avery knows this and buys her yarn all the time. when she's out with max (or alone or with gigi), she goes to stores that sell yarn and looks for smth cool for gigi.
gigi and her family don't have much money after what happened in tbh. avery gave them all a huge amount of money. acacia feels bad, but avery insisted. when gigi found out, she was so fucking happy she literally knelt on the floor telling avery she was a literal god. she then cried in her arms.
gigi gets her to dress up in the most scandolous shit ever. she somehow found out avery's bra size/underwear size and buys her lingerie whenever she goes out. avery secretly loves it but pretends to be scandalized.
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melonba11s · 11 months
Taking Care of You (Strade/MC (and kinda Ren) BTD fic)
a sister fic for yesterdays! Same soft, fluffy, domestic themes. Though I feel like maybe its turned out rather bland lol.
Contains: Strade, Gender Neutral MC, Ren
Strade had recovered from his flu within a few days, and for  another few, he thought perhaps he had spared both Ren and you from contracting it. Then one night, while the two of them were watching one of Ren’s shows, he heard a sniffle. Then a cough. 
It seemed to grow even worse overnight, his dreams filled with the sounds of retching after a bout of coughing, until in the morning… He found both you and Ren laid up on the living room couch, barely giving him a glance when he came in. The TV was on again, but instead of one of Ren’s shows, it was playing some morning crime drama. Classic Sick TV.
Strade placed both his hands on his hips, staring at his miserable pets before letting out a long sigh. 
“I’m heading to the store. Do you two want anything?” he asked. He’d better grab some more cough medicine. 
“W-Watermelon, and juice.” you mumbled, your hand covering your eyes. You seemed to have a headache. Ren was in no better shape, barely lifting his head off the arm of the couch. 
“Throat tea, and soup.” Strade took mental notes, and turned around. His house was turning into a petri dish, once everyone was feeling better he’d probably want to lysol everything in the house. 
It was a bright, sunny morning, and not wanting to eat breakfast in a house full of germs, Strade stopped to get himself a coffee and bacon sandwich, making sure to stuff several crumpled bills into the tip jar as he made conversation with the cashier.  
The store wasn’t too busy, Strade had no issues finding a parking spot close to the doors. He figured that was normal for a monday morning, most people had work to go to. Speaking of work… He should probably host another stream soon, not just for the money, but to keep the audience around. If he shut down for too long, they’d probably find someone else. 
Also, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for him to mess with you or Ren while you were both so ill. He’d felt the itch growing the moment he started feeling better, he’d probably need to go out hunting soon. 
Grabbing a shopping cart, Strade made his way through the store, first making sure to grab a few new containers of cough medicine. Remembering your request, he picked up a container of pre sliced watermelon. 
He remembered once bringing that home, and earning some criticism from you.
“It’s much cheaper to just buy a whole melon! I’ll cut it myself!” He chuckled to himself, imagining you trying to hold a knife in a shaking hand, getting out of breath just cutting the melon in half. He wasn’t entertained enough by the idea though to consider making you eat your words, and kept the pre sliced stuff in the cart. 
As he made his way past the deli, he paused. Ren had requested soup… Strade had originally planned on just grabbing several cans of the stuff. He wasn’t much of a cook, after all. At the deli section they had tubs of soup. It wouldn’t be as good as homemade, but it’d be a lot better than what tasted like a nuked can of salt water.  
He wrapped up his shopping, grabbing the tea and juice his pets had asked for, as well as another case of beer. He could never have too much of that in the house. 
As he loaded the items into the car, he pulled out his cellphone and called the house. Only one person had the number to his house phone. And that one person was him. 
“Strade…?” a gravelly voice answered, it took Strade a second to register it as your voice. 
“I’m on my way back, Schatz. I’m gonna pick up a movie for us to watch together, what do you wanna see?” 
“Huh?” He could practically hear the cogs grind against eachother as your fever rattled brain tried to think. “I don’t know, whatever is good… And, Strade?” 
Your voice cleared up a bit, Strade could tell they were about to say something they’d been reciting in their head. 
“Thank you, for uhm, taking care of us.” Strade paused. There was a finality in your voice. This wasn’t just a thank you for him picking up a few groceries, it was a thank you for everything he’d done. 
He gave a soft chuckle, shutting the trunk of the car. 
“It’s no problem, Schatz. I enjoy it.” 
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dearestgojo · 2 years
I ended up losing all my mind when I read the part of the card. Celeste- I have no words, I swear, I just need you to keep talking about toji with a mommy kink
Ahhh okay, I feel like I should be the last person writing this, but I'm having thoughts. Quick shout out to @sunaswife for helping me collect my thoughts lol
Warnings: 18+. Mommy kink. Sugar mommy reader. Sugar baby Toji. Nipple play. Edging.
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I'm going to start by saying, I don't think you have to be older than him to be his mommy, just financially better off than him, enough to give him a decent allowance (sufficient for him to have some leftover if he decides to gamble a bit). You take care of every bill, pay for dates, his gym remember ship, his clothes, everything. He lives in absolute comfort. He does try to return the favor by keeping the house clean and cooking dinner, he'll try to dress up (or down) for when you get home.
I think most people (even if you're older than him) would think he's the one in charge in the bedroom and homemaker, and they're a little shocked when you pull out your card at the counter when you go out shopping and he just stands there with his hands he is pockets looking around. Especially when they see that most of the stuff on the counter is for him, there are expensive thick watches, tailored suits, gym shorts and tanks, and huge ass golden rings for his thick fingers.
Him calling you a mommy started out as a way to feel like you had some power from the stress of working in a male-dominated field where you always felt talked over. He didn't think he'd enjoy it as much as he did, but he loves hearing you call him your good boy, telling him everything you'll buy him if he makes you cum at least five times. He never disappoints, he'll do anything to make his mommy feel empowered, happy, and stress-free. He'd even do it without the promise of more gifts because you already take such care of him, so it's only right he return the favor and have you cum on his tongue three times, twice on his fingers, and however many times on his fat cock until you give him permission to cum.
It becomes a norm after a while for you to come home to find him in just an apron and boxers serving dinner (sometimes it's just the apron). He'll meet you at the door and take your shoes off before carrying you to the couch where he massages them, dick twitching a little when you purposely press your heel to it, asking you bout your day as dinner cools down a little.
On the days when you are very tired from work, you'll end up on the bed, naked, him massaging your back, his big hands undoing all the stress knots from the day, rutting a little against your ass. He's trying to be a good boy and not think about how warm you feel wrapped around him, and he's trying so desperately not to beg you to let him fuck you a little, even just the tip. But he can't keep his thoughts in check every time you groan when he presses against a knot, or squirm under him, he ends up begging and humping your thighs, "Mommy can I please fuck you. I've been good, cleaned the house, and made your favorite. Just want to feel your warm pussy mommy."
You give the okay, but before you can even switch positions he's telling you to just lay down and that he'll take care of you, that he'll do all the work. And he just fucks you while your own your tummy, spreading your cheeks apart as he presses his chest to your back, turning your brain into mush along with his. and he's just repeating "mommy" over and over, begging for you to let him cum inside. And you can't say no to him because he has been a good boy today. You leave him your card the morning after for him to treat himself to a spa day when he gets out of bed.
On days he doesn't manage to finish everything you left for him you punish him, by edging him and not letting him touch you. Which is hard for him because he just wants to feel you close and hear you praise him as you caress him and call him your good little boy. He has to grip the edge of the couch so he doesn't thrust up into you, every time you stop just as he's about to come, and get more on your bad side. But you're tweaking his nipples and pulsing around him. He doesn't think you'll notice if he moves a little when you slide up his length, and he's so wrong.
You look down at him with disappointment and say "I thought you were a good boy, but I guess your just a bad boy. And bad boys don't get rewards." And he just starts breathing harder, whimpering a little when you get off of him, putting your skirt back in place, and picking up your bag. I don't think he would beg for forgiveness, but he'd figure something out quick to get back in your good graces before the night ends.
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wilchur · 10 months
Okay. My actual RDR2 Modern AU might be set in 1990s USA and pretty dark, but I have this nostalgic worm in my head that wants to throw these funky guys into late 90s/early 00s Poland SO BAD agshdjdbfk
Ramble under the cut because I can't be normal about any idea ever.
I can see it in my head so clearly... a silly "Rodzina Zastępcza" type sitcom. Hosea and Dutch are still crooks who sell counterfeit shit at the local outdoor market with a side business smuggling in cheap cigs and alcohol from abroad. I would do a little age fuckery to shrink Arthur's, John's and Tilly's age differences so that they all still live with them. Arthur would be like 16-17, John 12-14 and Tilly arund 10 or so. Arthur and John are fucking Monster Children, but Tilly is good at pretending an angel lol
Miss Grimshaw and Dutch are technically married, but just because they got hitched on impulse years ago and can't be bothered to get a divorce. It's good for appearances as well so whatever. She lives with them too, keeps the house from imploding.
Uncle is the town drunk and can usually be found thoroughly soaked through near the local grocery store. Always bugs Arthur for change and never gets shit, but John sometimes slips him something in exchange for buying him some beer or cigarettes with a part of the money.
I see Swanson as this comic relief "friend of the family" character that keeps waltzing in uninvited all the time. There's like no protestants over here and I don't know shit about the eastern orthodox church so I'm making him a washed up catholic priest (sorry my dude). I think it would be pretty funny if he was like totally oblivious to the fact that Dutch and Hosea are Very Gay despite it being super obvious. "Mr Matthews and Mr Van der Linde must be very good friends if he lets him, his wife and their unruly foster children share his home :)" ahah
Most of the names would probably need to be changed to make sense.. Arthur mostly works, just have to throw out the h. Tilly is short for Matilda apparently, but I don't see it. Maybe Tosia? Tola?Both short for Antonina. John>>Jan makes me fucking insane... Little Jasiek Marston 😂😂Though American media had a real boom in the east after the soviet union fell so I could maybe keep Johnny/John as a nickname? So that I don't cringe myself to death. Dutch is going to make me go grey so I won't even try. Hosea is biblical so he could technically stay, but apparently they translate it to fuckin' Ozeasz in the polish version of the texts so idk. At least the surname is easy because it's from a given name and I can just go with a Polish surname of the same meaning -- Matysiak. Uncle is easy because that's just a common word so >> Wujek, or Wujcio if i really wanted to make it silly. Susan is Zuzanna so very easy, but Grimshaw is untranslatable. Though I could just pick something phonetically similar like Grzymała or Gryszkiewicz or something (good luck trying to pronounce that). Orville is straight up a fake name from the 1700s and has no real meaning? Makes it hard to switch out so I'm just gonna be lazy and go with Oliwier? Sounds similar enough. Swanson doesn't have a straightforward equalivent either, but it apparently means "servant"? And "Szewczyk" (tailor) feels like it could work. I dunno, my brain is fried at this point. I'll leave it at that.
I know this probably makes no sense to anyone else but I'm So Into the idea it's insane agsjdkflk I had to write some of it down. I just want them to be silly. Nothing bad ever happens in a polish sitcom ✨
I think I might doodle some stuff for this since I don't have an actual story in mind to write... We'll see. I just want to be self-indulgent and go crazy a bit 🥴🥴
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I'm sorry that I'm delving into unnecessary topics, but I love (and need to function) knowing the details of the most insignificant things (ah i love being diagnosed with autism spectrum at the age of 18 💀 I'm really sorry, but my brain won't let me rest without this knowledge) do you have more thoughts about Hunter? His character, appearance, style of clothing, maybe some fancast? What about his adoptive family - did they beat good people and what would he think about Spider?
No need to apologize! Your message had me smiling all day long💞 I'm sorry I kept you waiting for a response. I work nights and weekends so i wasn't able to answer your ask until now. But i'm really happy your interest in this Spider has a sibling Cabin in the Woods Au.
First off Spider is fifteen at the start of Cabin in the Woods (I know he's 16 in canon but I aged him down a year to better fit the timeline I wanted for the endings) Hunter is about two and a half years younger then him making him 12-13 in this au.
So I'm going to start with Hunter's upbringing. His adoptive parents are the complete opposite of Quaritch and Paz. His adoptive dad is a workaholic white collar business man and his adoptive mom is an internet addicted, pinterest aesthetic, almond mom. Hunter knows that they love him but even though he doesn't know he's adopted he can just feel that he's different then them. He wants to play sports but his mom wont let him because she doesn't want him getting hurt/ doesn't want him bringing dirt into her perfect white house. Hunter wants to go camping but his dad doesn't know the first thing about roughing it. Hunter will fight bullies at school and his parents will scold him wondering how they raised such a wild child.
Hunter is a pretty good kid on the whole. He was raised as an only child in an upper middle class family so he's a little spoiled but he's not a brat. He's just naive to his own privilege. By nature he's very energetic, and can be a bit hot headed at times, but because of how he was raised he's a "children should be seen and not heard" kind of a kid. He's quiet but not shy. A bit of a loner but will stand up for himself and others if need be. Subdued would be the best word to describe him (before he meets his brother)
Looks wise you'd be able to tell at a glance that Hunter is Spider's younger brother. They share a lot of the same facial features. The only major differences are Hunter's hair and eyes. Hunter has curly hair like everyone else in his family but his is brown like Paz's and kept short and neat by his adoptive parents. He's got Quaritch's blue eyes. Style wise since he's 12 his adoptive mom buys all his clothes and it's all some real sad beige baby aesthetic stuff. Like he's always dressed like it's business casual day at the office and he hates it. It makes him feel like a boring nerd.
So when he first sees Spider, despite being terrified he thinks the teenager by his side is the absolute coolest. Spider's got long intricate braids like a Viking and has a total skater look but with brightly colored handmaid bracelets and necklaces. He's everything his parents would disapprove of, and Hunter loves that. Spider fearlessly berates their kidnaper, and is so kind and comforting to Hunter without even really knowing him. Hunter is so shocked, scared and angry as Quaritch shows him the truth. That Quaritch is his father, Spider is his brother and his mother brutally died. In the beginning of it all Hunter clings to Spider and the two of them bond very quickly.
Quaritch won't allow Spider to use his nickname strictly calling him Miles or Junior and will give Hunter a look if he slips up and calls his brother by his preferred name but in small moments when they know there father can't hear, Hunter will call his brother Spider and it makes the older boy feel like he's glowing every time. When Quaritch cuts off Spider's braids, Hunter does his best to try and comfort his brother even though Spider is putting on a brave face and pretending like it's no big deal.
In the beginning it felt like Quaritch was playing a sick game of house with them, having normal sit down family meals together, playing board games, helping them with there homework that sort of thing. But when ever he has a moment where he's one on one with his children he'll take the opportunity to get into the boys' heads. He'll say to Spider, "Hunter was given a good home, with a loving family but because you were "too old" at the ripe age of two. you got passed around the system like you were nothing. They took your brother away from you and didn't even have the decency to tell you about it." And to Hunter he'd say, "Those so called "parents" of yours knew about your brother. And they let him rot in the foster care system. They lied to you your entire life. Kept you from your real family. Do they sound like good people to you son?"
Spider would never resent his brother for having a better life then him. He knows that wasn't Hunter's fault. even if he did think that, Quaritch wouldn't want his sons resenting each other and would stress to Spider that it's the system he should hate, not his brother.
I could keep going but I've got another ask in my inbox about the au so I will continue my thoughts there. If you have anymore thoughts or questions though feel free to ask me. I'm always here for you guys 💞
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barrygeuse · 1 year
maitland-deetz household on a snow day!
it's blizzarding where i live today and i just had to get this out of my brain. based on the musical canon, as usual <3
is up at the ass crack of dawn. this is unrelated to the snowstorm, he's just the first person to get up in the house. he gets up before the sun rises and stays up so late and no one knows why
anyways, he gets to see the calm before the storm (literally) if it hasn't started snowing overnight
usually he is always dressed up, but on days with inclement weather, he stays in his pajamas. i'm talkin' navy blue silk matching two piece pajamas with his name embroidered in white above the chest pocket
while waiting for barbara to wake up he brews coffee and gets hers ready. does the wordle. charles is a wordle fanatic. he and adam have a groupchat where they just send their daily wordle results. charles is really good at it! adam not so much
has a snowblower that breaks so frequently that it's a winter staple to see him and adam in the garage trying to fix the stupid snowblower. they probably spend more time working on it than actually using it
lydia's like, "guys. just buy a new snowblower." and adam insists he can make it work again so she just says whatever and leaves
does a little bit of everything. some reading, makes some tea, dusts the shelves in the bedroom, tries to fix the sink so it stops dripping. being stuck inside makes him restless
snow is not her thing. she always complains the entire day before the storm about how she's achy and she knows there's bad weather ahead
much like charles, she stays in her pajamas. in fact they have matching pajamas. hers are purple, though, and they say her name on the opposite side
it was a sweet gesture (his idea) and she loves them. lydia pretends to gag when she sees them together
her hair is a wreck. she does not bother to attempt to fix it. really snowy days for delia are a day of pre-accepted dread and she is going to maximize her comfort god damn it
the second last to get up, besides beej, who basically doesn't count because he spends a lot of time sleeping (like a very lazy cat)
has a cup of tea and joins everyone for breakfast. makes conversation. everyone is happy when delia joins because she does most of the talking if they're still waking up
spends a lot of time lounging on the furniture or maybe taking a very long bath with candles and crystals and the like. in the total darkness
it does help to soothe her joints and stuff! she always feels a lot better after a hot bath so sometimes charles tries to coax her to take one (admittedly it does not take much coaxing at all. it's more like a suggestion)
gets up around the same time that lydia does (usually before her by five or ten minutes) and goes downstairs to help finish up breakfast
also stays in pajamas. plaid pants and a plain tee shirt. has house slippers and his reading glasses on
reads the paper at the kitchen table. likes to keep up on the news. unfortunately they probably didn't get a new paper due to the snow, so he rereads old ones
does the wordle (with commentary aloud to charles about how he can't imagine what the word could be while charles tries to give vague hints but they're way too vague or straight out misleading)
makes hot cocoa for everyone in the evening when it gets dark. the real good kind, by whisking actual melted chocolate into heated milk
takes some time to work on his little projects up in the attic, like whittling or model work. he tends to focus more on house-related projects when it isn't a day he can 'relax'
makes dinner for everyone, too. something warm and comfortable and homemade that leaves everyone feeling full and happy. beams whenever someone compliments whatever it is on their first bite. he knows it's good, but to hear it makes him happy
she's the second to wake up and immediately goes down to the kitchen to help charles with breakfast. they usually make it together for everyone
he's got her coffee ready for her when she gets downstairs, right on the counter and in her favorite mug
unlike pretty much everyone else, she gets properly dressed. she layers well to stay warm, but could go outside and not be seen as wearing pajamas
loves the snow. is happy to see it, even when it's dangerous conditions outside (plus it means the whole family will be together for a while!)
it makes her and adam extra cold, though, which she doesn't enjoy, especially when they're trying to rest together or if the family watches a movie, because whoever sits by them has to deal with it
always wants to make a snowman if it's nice enough
forces everyone to dress for the weather if they're going outside. boots, long underwear, hat, scarf, gloves. they complain but they'll thank her for it later
spends a lot of the day reading in the living room by the fire
gets out of bed when she hears adam go down the stairs. he knocks on her door to let her know that he’s up and that breakfast will be ready in five or ten
changes out of pajamas but into comfy clothes. so essentially daytime pajamas
doesn't drink coffee but knows that adam will make hot chocolate later and looks so forward to it
when bj gets up she nags him to go outside with her. barbara always frets a little bit and worries she'll get frostbite so makes them both bundle up really good before going outside and will not let them if it's snowing too hard or really windy
adam joins them sometimes. on a nice day where it's sunny and there's not a lot of actual precipitation the whole family (well, save for delia) will go outside and have snowball fights. lydia and bj vs charles, adam, and barb
barbara is SCARY competitive when it comes to stuff like this. she's really nimble and great at dodging. charles is really good at throwing and adam is good at hiding. they are both bad at not getting hit.
lydia is also great at dodging and decent at throwing, and beej just goes to town throwing as many snowballs as he can with as many arms as he can possibly generate. he looks like a cartoon with his arms spinning that fast. it's almost as scary as barbara
it really comes down to barb vs lydia and bj if we're being honest. sometimes adam will "sacrifice" himself by jumping in front of her to catch a hit and it makes her laugh so much
sleeps in to the afternoon. this is no different than any other day
entertains himself by changing the embroidery on delia and charles' pajamas to say different things and then see how long it takes for someone to notice
lights the fireplace when he gets up because no one else has bothered to
is pleased when barbara offhandedly thanks him for it. he's still not used to praise for the little things like that
think of calvin and hobbes making snow goons. that's him and lydia so very much. they create the most dastardly snow abominations together and have so much fun doing so
showing them to barbara who's like, "those are so terrifying!" forced smile because she is unsure how she's supposed to react
this seems to satisfy them and she is relieved.
eats snow. so much snow. didn't see a lot of it in the netherworld (maybe none at all) and he has no idea why he isn't supposed to just put it in his mouth and eat it.
has the common sense to not eat yellow snow but doesn't care if there's dirt or mud on it.
sometimes the snowballs he throws have bites taken out of them. adam always cringes to imagine sinking his teeth into snow
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
YOOO time for more she-ra rewatch
lolol at myself bc when I opened Netflix it was clear I'd left it paused right at the end of that sword-dragging scene eheheheheheh
so I watched it again
ahem, anyway
s1 ep 10, the beacon
my headphones aren't buzzing this time, thank fuck
(lol I got real distracted during this one)
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oh right they all think Entrapta's dead
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I mean I can't blame any of them for feeling that way
lol and then I got distracted and wrote a bit on my fic--I got some ideas at work today and wanted to pursue them.
and by "ideas" I mean I suddenly thought "hey remember that one bad breakup when you were 23, how the weekend after when you were alone in the house you cried so hard you worried you couldn't stop and started to panic and hyperventilate, and it only ended because a friend called to check on you? you should put that in the fic :D"
back now.
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I dunno if they meant to do this, but to me it looks like Adora's WAY more upset than Glimmer and Bow are. I know part of it is her blaming herself.
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yeah that's not good
"I'll recharge, stop glitching, and my mom never has to know :)" that's not how that works bb but okay
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(hordak is speaking here)
And...that's a good point. She-Ra is even more dangerous than Hordak thought before, because she was part of the Horde and knows a LOT about them.
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So this is one of the episodes I watched the first time with Daci over rabb.it. (That was actually our first "date," which is THE MOST LESBIAN THING EVER. Literally watching She-Ra online together in voice chat because we were long-distance.)
And I know this because I made a joke post about it to tumblr referencing K/DA, my fandom obsession at the time. That was on April 30th, 2019. I think that was the day Daci bought the plane tickets for their first visit. They moved in with me less than a year after that first visit.
Okay I looked up that date in our discord chats and
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EIGHT HOURS lolol okay we watched the show the day before I made the post. Also Daci had just bought the plane tickets I was right-- that visit was the last weekend in June.
We'd been flirting for months but I didn't actually believe Daci was serious about it until they bought the plane tickets. And then the NEXT WEEKEND after watching she-ra and Daci buying those tickets my dad had a brain hemorrhage and we took him off life support a few days after that, and Daci and I started video chatting EVERY DAY because I was alone in the house and off work for two weeks of bereavement leave.
Fuck one of my keys is acting up and the the paintbrush I use to dig under my keys to fix it is upstairs where Daci is sleeping, if I drop any r's that's why
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I mean that seems fair. Also: Emily!!!
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I'm trying to suppress how hard this is making me laugh and FAILING
Also her nose is wiggling omggg
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Did you know it's canon that Catra is entirely covered in hair like an actual cat? Or at least it's "word of God" via the showrunners on twitter. But outside of fan art by furries nooooobody includes that. Especially not in fic. Which is fine. Because I personally do not want to write that. Her ears are fuzzy, the marks on her arms are just birth marks, but the hair on her body is just normal human body hair and that's it.
THAT SAID I think I've only read one fic that intentionally included her sense of smell being stronger, and it was referenced in ONE LINE for smutty reasons eheheheheheh
Anyway it's this fic and it's by a friend and it's good
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Catra's expression is so often some variation on "...the fuck?"
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Literally read a fic last week with a scene about how getting ill in the Horde was a good way to end up dead from a combination of bad nutrition/healthcare and being a victim of bullies but I cannot remember which fic it was
NO WAIT it's this one I think. I've still got two chapters to go reading that fic because I've been intentionally savoring it, the character stuff is just SO GOOD and it's just such the opposite of my own writing style. (But it's also the fic that has a scene of "Adora has a nightmare and injures Catra in her sleep," and I really hope nobody thinks I copied it considering I wrote mine before I read it in their fic, aaugh)
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oh god there's a gif I can't find of a guy pressing his lips together like he's trying not to laugh and then looking at the camera and if you know the one: that one
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Entrapta and her lack of ability to understand personal space or normal boundaries is just so great but also the phrase "another woman's tail" is just perfection
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Yeah yeah I know Catra's being a manipulative little shithead here but also if I were to meet Entrapta and she didn't mind I would absolutely be twisting her hair CONSTANTLY just like I do my own
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the weird noises she's making must've been so much fun to voice-act
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So like, the whispering woods are like that one forest the hobbits walk through in the book version of lord of the rings where the trees keep like, closing in on them?
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that's the name of a g-idle song
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oh right I see what's going to happen here
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she's trying to comfort Shadow Weaver after immediately insulting her, bc of course she is
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"I was hard on you, I won't deny it; and I won't apologize. I just wanted to prepare you for the world. I just wanted you to be strong. :(" BULL FUCKING SHIT
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well, for a given definition of "strong"
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oh shit
Yeah that's a weird thing to bond over but okay
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I dunno why they did the cute little fangie thing here but I'm not complaining
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Okay so her face is stupid here (couldn't get a screenshot that included the caption and not the terrible face) BUT she really leaned into the sexy voice for this one and I made a noise and my laptop nearly slid to the floor pfft
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