#wonder if that makes sense
takami-takami · 1 year
I try to avoid talking about what I think is Keigo's "type" because this is an x reader blog and it should be accessible to everyone; but I think in general, he does well with people who have something about them that's troubled, out of the norm, or doesn't fit in. Not necessarily someone who needs saving but basically someone who needs saving. Someone who makes his wingtips twitch with a need to protect and heal.
I think he does well with a person who scratches that itch of his to give what he cannot have, but for the first time in his life, they want to save and nurture him too. He gets entangled in that, he's actually quite romantic.
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kelddaa · 3 months
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I was plagued by a vision
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What’s William Afton’s problem in FNAF….
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soupinaboot · 3 months
In my opinion, Bruce should be above average height or at least average. But since he surrounds himself with demi-gods, aliens, meta humans, etc, he's just dwarfed next to them. Like maybe about 6'1 or 6'2, but that's NOTHING compared to Diana '7'3 feet tall' Prince. Or Clark '6'9' Kent.
All the tabloids claim he has to be at least 5 feet tall because the only photos they can get of him are when he's next to his giant ass friends.
It is also my personal headcannon that all the robins stay shorter than him, except Jason, who should be at least 4 inches taller.
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renata-dp · 3 months
Since I've seen it I couldn't stop thinking about it (please don't kill me x,,d)
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Ironically I think Doofenshmirtz and Perry's dynamic kinda could work with Mike and William
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keferon · 3 months
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Pow you messed with the Wreckers. Or something haha
Listen I don’t have a type. BUT SOMEHOW every time I find and add a character to my favorites, he turns out to be a wrecker. My best theory - I have a built-in wrecker radar~
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spiky-imp-teeth · 5 days
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the thing about the miscommunication trope is that it truly can be SO good when it's done well
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puppyeared · 11 months
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Wyrm on a string
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navree · 11 months
my adventures with superman turning deathstroke the fucking terminator into an anime twink is the single greatest thing i've seen in the history of animation i have not been able to stop laughing
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When Danny enters the Fenton portal for the very first time, he still trips and shocks himself but at the same time damages the inside of the portal enough that it can’t sustain itself past the point of changing Danny’s molecules.
The electricity and damage done to both Danny and the portal isn’t something Danny, Sam, and Tucker can cover up and his parents find out immediately. They’re more concerned about their son then the portal (they have the blueprints for the portal and can rebuild it later but can’t replace their son if something happened to him) and go through a lot of things emotions regarding the existence of ghost human hybrids.
Danny’s new biology could easily be passed as meta human traits. Unfortunately President Lex Luther had just recently passed laws against meta humans. Meaning they can’t risk people find out about Danny’s new powers, at all. The Fentons decide that Danny should live with one of Maddie or Jacks relatives off grid until he can control his new abilities better.
luckily Jacks sister, Martha, and her husband have experience with a super powered child and after their son moved to the city could probably use a hand on their farm. All Jack needed to do was call.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 months
Please intentionally attempt to see the magic in everything. Everything is magic, even if you understand the "boring" reasons why things happen. Look at the magic in growing plants, the magic of your muscles flexing and retracting, the magic of your eyes and skull, the magic of a cat's purr.
It's all magic. Understanding the "why" is just understanding what makes things magical, it doesn't change that it's all significant and magic.
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maddymoreau · 1 year
Thinking about how Diavolo’s feelings transcend time and how in the Nightbringer UR+ card Demon Lord’s Castle Tour this conversation happens.
When asked, “Do you wish to see your father?”
Diavolo responds:
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“I suppose I do . . .” isn’t the typical reaction to how a child would feel about wanting to see their parent. Especially when said parent has essentially been in a coma for a year.
Along with how Diavolo describe his father.
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It makes more sense why when you learn in Lesson 56 how Diavolo was treated by him growing up.
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Diavolo can tell when others are lying but is unable to understand his father’s intentions.
Diavolo mentions that he lived a very sheltered life growing up. That from a young age his father never allowed him a chance to talk to anyone outside the castle.
His childhood friend was Mephistopheles. A demon literally RAISED to be his friend. Putting a barrier between the two because Mephistopheles would put Diavolo on a pedestal.
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The isolating childhood he experienced riddled with his strict father constantly scolding him.
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Despite everything MC is so important to him he wants to see his father again so we can meet.
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auncyen · 2 years
Soulmate world except two people without marks decide they're going to fake being each other's soulmates with fake tattoos and what starts out as wacky shenanigans to reassure their families they can settle down and be happy ends up with them delving too far into the lore to make sure they get the act right and slowly piecing together, to their horror, that the whole soulmate system is a scheme of their people's gods to make the population boom before an upcoming war.
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potatobugz · 1 year
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im glad we can all agree that Craig approaching Thomas in "Le Petit Tourette" and asking him if he could do his laundry was very gay
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ruporas · 1 year
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getting the attention of the humanoid typhoon
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mettywiththenotes · 25 days
I see some people asking "when are we going to get a Bakugou moment where he encourages Izuku??" But didn't he already have it?
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I believe he was the one who started the whole "do your best" thing off before 422
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