#with everything i am so stressed out and have these cool achievements and then when i get to my goal… just a flat line lmfao like okay idgaf
ashmp3 · 6 months
just finished meeting with my taurus friend and the serbian slash finnish architect we are working with for this competition and while in the meeting i got a text from my TA that everyone loved this little video my colleagues and I made with our projects (video which i narrated lmfao!) but why are my thoughts just like. Whatever that’s cool. Need to be put down
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a-d-nox · 1 month
pac/pap: how can you rejuvenate yourself this spring
take what resonates leave what doesn't - nothing is 100% for you because these aren't personalized so please no angry comments or dms about what i am saying not being a good fit for you or that you "don't claim" just keep scrolling if that is the case. be kind, self reflect, and have fun.
last pac/pap: what awaits you at the end of the rainbow and how can you follow the path to abundance?
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
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pile one
it is time to hit a rest button - it is not too late for you to begin again. take inventory of life right now. what needs to go in your life? when you identify these things, habits, and people, realize that now is the time to declutter. keeping these things, habits, and people in your life is just holding you back and sabotaging you from living your best life.
now is the time to be more empathetic, compassionate and emotionally intelligent - start with yourself first and foremost. life is hard and at the end of the day it is just you against the world, so be kind and protect yourself. create boundaries to protect yourself from others who are trying to disturb your peace.
lead others and be a voice of authority and stability in the tough times ahead. try your best to remain calm and hold your ground. rely on your instincts to be mature and confident around others that might try to knock you down. now might be the time for you to take a trip so that you can cool off and get away from situations that might be negatively effecting you.
pile 2
celebrate everything you can. reflect on where you are in life and what you have achieved - celebrate it. the more you show enthusiasm, the more you will find yourself feeling pleased in life. you have to balance all that hard work someway, so do so in a way that brings you joy (shop, go out, take a trip, etc).
this the spring is an end of something and the start of something entirely new. let it end - allow yourself to see everything that has happened as a lesson (nothing is without purpose). peace is coming so just practice some gratitude in the meantime, and you will find yourself in a better spot. start making space for new things.
you are fighting for your happiness, but i feel like more and more challenges and obstacles are bound to arise. be assertive and strategic instead of defensive. show courage in the face of adversity. listen to your intuition during this time - the storm isn't over yet. focus only on what you can control and do so with grace.
pile 3
now is the time to be a bit more confident in yourself - you need to trust that you are capable of anything. have faith in the universe that it will protect you as you begin to live life more authentically and in the way you wish to. don't hesitate, don't worry about looking weak, and be comfortable with being vulnerable.
self-reflecting is a good thing but i get the sense that you might a bit too hard on yourself. release yourself from these harsh judgments - you aren't perfect, no one is so accept things that you view as faults/wrongdoings and move on. it does you no good to be too self-critical. look at spring as if this a new beginning - nothing from your past needs to be connected too you. begin again with a new outlook on life.
take breaks when you need them. you are hard on yourself so please take any chances you can to calm your mind and try out some introspection in regards to the pervious paragraph. are you creating your own stress and anxiety? meditation and sleep might be the cure - so rest, self-reflect, breathe, and calm yourself.
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inner-viper · 1 year
An Overview of your FS/Lover Soulmate. Who is your soulmate? What are they like? How will you meet them or what is in their current alignment? (18+ ONLY)
Hello everyone, I am Viper, a seer/oracle reader. I am well-versed in my divination and intuition. I decided to do this love tarot reading for fun. I love doing love readings because they are delightful. I hope you find enjoyment in it as I do. Remember nothing is set in stone, you are free to make any choice in your life. For entertainment purposes ONLY. NO MINORS. 18+ ONLY. TW: Mentions of SEXUAL CONTENT. If you are not into that then please leave.
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Choose an image that resonates with you. The image that you catches your attention the most is most likely your pile. You can choose 2 or more piles if it resonates. Only take what you deeply resonate with and leave the rest for another. Remember this is general, not every detail will match up.
CHECK OUT MY SHOP AT: https://innerviper.etsy.com
Classical Tarot Deck: Nine of Swords, Three of Cups, Eight of Wands, The Sun (in reverse), Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles
Oracle Cards: Appreciation, Contract, The Garden and The Gate, Woman holding a heart (in reverse), All Tied Up, Patience
Ok, this person is a hard worker. They are extremely ambitious and a go-getter-type person. I am also seeing that they are very soft looking. They present themselves with grace and they take amazing care of themselves when they aren’t working too much. Their features are very soft and round. You can tell that this person is very kind. They are also well-liked by their peers. They honestly might be very popular. (Like everyone likes them/knows them but no one really knows them. Although, this is very general you can apply this to everyone). They definitely give off Pisces energy or Gemini energy/FIRE ENERGY TOO. They could have strong earth placements as well. I see that this person is independent, they don’t rely on anyone because they are always achieving their own goals for themselves. They don’t care about other people's goals but they do care about their reputation. I’m seeing that this person has new creative projects or ideas that they value. They definitely have a lot of patience and balanced. Wow, this person is extremely balanced. Honestly, this person is reliable as fuck. If you are ever stranded in the desert, they would drop everything they are doing to come and help you. That’s the type of person they are. They do not wear their heart on their sleeves so they honestly hide their true emotions from others. They seem to have a fear of being vulnerable and a fear of things not going their way. I see how they can get caught up in taking too much workload. They are learning to balance though. The universe is definitely giving lessons to this person about balancing and being honest with themselves right now. They also have strong morals and or philosophy, they could be a lawyer or in the business/fine print side of the business. For some people, they might work in gardening or landscaping. I also see that they present themselves as very beautiful and they are not the type of person to show up in pajamas to go to the store. They are very rich/abundant. They love it when people appreciate them and they appreciate others as well. They probably didn’t have many words of affirmation and when others praise them they get happy. They love nature when they are stressed they stroll through gardens or forests to clear their mind. They would love to go with you to take a walk. Some people might get invited to some nature location and this might be them. They are very warm towards you for sure. This person will be madly in love with you, they will try to play it cool though. As in, they want you to see how independent they are and might be flashy with their material items. They definitely will flex so you can choose them over others. They definitely will respect whoever you choose but they will get secretly jealous but I think they think no one can tell but everyone can LMFAO. This person is mature and very wise beyond their years so they aren’t irrational, of course, everyone has their bad moments in life. If you are in your 20s, I feel like this person will be around your age as well. For some people they might be in their 40s. For those older, they might be in their 30/40s divorced. They also might have one daughter/son.
For their appearance: White person/Hispanic tan person/dark brown eyes/brown hair (could be light or dark), for a feminine presenting person could have highlights and she has long beautiful hair, (she’s fine asf), beautiful smile (it’s contagious), beautiful hands but they are strong
SONG: Lana Del Rey- Playing Dangerously (the lyrics 100% match this energy of theirs)
Classical Tarot Deck: The Lovers, Two of Swords, Six of Pentacles, King of Cups, Ace of Wands (in reverse), Knight of Swords (in reverse), Four of Pentacles (in reverse) extra card that went flying LMAO
Oracle Cards: The Garden and The Gate, All Tied Up (in reverse), Blossoming Abundance (in reverse), Attachment, Woman Holding a Heart, The Thinking Woman
Your Fs is probably a player/hoe. They like to sleep around with others because it brings them deep satisfaction with their HIGH sex drive. Honestly, not many people can keep up with their sex drive so.. They aren’t pushy either, they honestly attract a lot of people from their looks or aura. They are extremely attractive. This person walks into the room and everyone turns their head. If this person isn’t attractive to you, then they definitely have a strong magnetic aura that draws people’s sexual energy in. They have been in a couple of serious relationships. Once they see you, for some, you already know them (👀🫣) they will suddenly act strange. They will feel weird for wanting to commit to someone (commitment issues LOL). This person has strong qualities as well, they don’t let their emotions get the best of them and that’s very admirable. If someone is actively provoking them they will 100% ignore them and walk away. They are not afraid of walking away from others that don’t interest them. They also like you because you are intellectually challenging, you are able to talk to them about anything and everything. I see that they definitely have or will grow from their last flirtatious events. As they will learn to eventually move towards serious commitment. The majority of people have not met them. That’s why the universe is not putting you both together yet. I also see that they are very tall, or taller than you. This person likes to take you out on multiple fun dates, they need a friend before a lover. This is friends to lovers or friends with benefits to lovers. They are very honest about their emotions and feelings. They will communicate how they feel and they will tell you directly if they like you. They spend a lot of time worrying about meaningless things. I also see for some people that they might be attached to someone or something. They will eventually have to learn to let it go. Remember humans have free will and this is ultimately them not you. I also see that they are very free-spirited, like to spend on others, and are definitely a giver/provider. They like to be given gifts randomly as well. I also see that they love going out to parties and having a good time. They definitely party a lot if they are in college. They might have a hard time trying to balance school workload and partying. This person is very direct but something about them is that they won’t reveal much to you at first. I’m getting something from the cards that something is hidden from me, so maybe at first, they hide away from you. They stare at you and they think you don’t notice it. They have NICE lips. This person is very kissable. This person is open about their sexuality, they don’t give a fuck about the taboos surrounding sex. They believe it’s natural to want to have sex or make love. I’m also seeing that they are very romantic and passionate. If you are in your 20’s or early 30s this person is the same age as you, maybe being 1-2 years older. I really feel like most people will meet them through friends/college. For older people, this person is not what they appear to be. They look younger but they are actually older than they appear. There is no competition with them, they will make it known that you are seeing them. They honestly are possessive because they think you and them are meant for each other. They will respect your boundaries so if you don’t like something then call them out. They are definitely funny at times LOL. VENUS IN AIRES/VENUS IN GEMINI. Scorpio is strong in their chart.
For their appearance: Tan skin/darker skin color. Dyed hair or dark black hair. Their hair changes often? If they are very feminine presenting, they have long hair. Very well kept. Beard that suits their face. They got a nice body though, nice pp or vagina (LIKE ITS VERY PRETTY) Luscious lips for sure.
SONG: Boys a Liar Pt. 2 - Pink Pantheress (Yeah, this is 100% the situation i’m gathering)
Classical Tarot Deck: Five of Pentacles (in reverse), Nine of Pentacles, The Hanged Man, Ace of Swords (in reverse), Eight of Wands (in reverse), The Lovers
Oracle Deck: Blossoming Abundance, The Thinking Man, Financial Constraints, Seventh Chakra/Archangel Uriel, Angel of Balance (in reverse), Walking Away
This person is very calm when it comes to their finances, they are very smart too. They are connected with the divine and are most likely very spiritual. They aren’t a witch/magician but they do believe in the divine. This person is wise in multiple aspects of their lives. Their life might have been one of teaching wisdom and patience, good thing comes to those who wait. I’m also seeing that they are very serious about lovers and relationships. They will be very glad to have met you because they will go through a whole new journey with you! This person is very kind but you don’t want to cross their boundaries because their words are like sharp knives. This person is very attentive towards their friends. They won’t give them the whole world but rather push them to be the best they can be. They also like to focus on gaining material success. They are very materialistic, to be honest. They have so much abundance and wealth that they are trying to constantly grow. An empire that lasts for decades. I honestly see that they don’t give a single fuck about others opinions. I mentioned this before but be careful to not say something malicious to them. This person spends their time thinking. They are always in their thoughts, you will be in their thoughts LOL. They definitely are straightforward. They may lack a balance between work and their personal life. They lack knowing how to balance other areas as well. They like to initiate projects and ideas. They are very worried about money, to be honest. It’s like they are constantly worrying if they have enough. They are very humble and well-respected in their careers. I feel like you guys will match well with each other. You’ll both push towards the best. They will be very sweet to you guys in private. HONESTLY, IM GETTING BUTTERFLIES. They know how to talk 100%. This person is a charmer LORD-. Watch out because they will catch you off guard. They have strong mercury in their chart. I also see that they love being in silence. If you already met them, (which I feel like you all haven’t :<) they will like to just feel your presence. They appear to be striking. Like honestly they aren’t too approachable but you can definitely come up toward them? This is very poorly described but they are intimidating. They are probably thinking about what they are going to eat for lunch and people will think they are thinking about the next new technology. I also see that they are probably in engineering, COULD BE Mechanical engineering (look it up if you don’t know what it is), or something of engineering. They also dress casually ok! They know what to appear as in certain occasions/events but they like being comfortable more. They give very honest advice, but also might come off as cruel? They are like you ask for it LOL. ALSO, SARCASM IS BIG HERE. They definitely are sarcastic.
For their appearance: Brown hair, Colored eyes, (Skin tone is varied here! Very diverse for this pile) They got a nice body if not on the thinner side. Very nice lips for this pile as well.. For a feminine presenting, they like to have long beautiful hair. (I think all piles had long hair?!) They like to wear gold!!
SONG: Cry- Cigarettes After Sex (This person is SO FUCKING SWEET TO YOU KSNFKFD)
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I have no idea how accurate the outfit is (and I suck major ASS at drawing hats) but I tried and I hope u enjoy :333 (I also made the lil clip thing for the cape the logo thing (???) yall have bc its cool >:D) (AND ALSO PLS PLS PLS TAKE THIS AN EXCUSE TO RANT ABOUT EXECUTIVE DYSFUNCTION OR SMTH BC I HEARD U HAPPEN TO RANT A LOT ABOUT AUTISM AND I AM V INTERESTED IN THAT STUFF!!!)
Me when J saw the art:
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I actually infodumped about executive dysfunction before!
But I will share some additional information about it because you drew this amazing piece of art & I am very joyous. ✨️
Here is my personal experience:
Executive dysfunction can be really challenging & for me, it is a huge part of all the things that make autism a disability.
The everyday experience as an autistic person is already loaded with stress, anxiety & discomfort - and on top of that we are getting blessed with not being able to do things even though we need to. There is a barrier in our brain that says "No" & you can't do anything about it. You are perhaps paralyzed, doomscrolling social media or just staring at the wall for hours.
The outside perspective of this is always "You are lazy, you are not trying hard enough, just do it", but it is not as easy as that. If it were that easy, we wouldn't be struggling. Because, you know, we DO KNOW we need to get these things done & sometimes we WANT TO get them done!
In short, executive functioning skills are cognitive skills that help us to regulate & control our thoughts & actions. Planning your actions is actually a higher executive functioning skill just like problem-solving.
Struggling with executive functioning can look like:
Not being able to begin a task that involves multiple steps, e.g., cooking a meal - it's just too much to process, too much to do!
Hyperfocus: getting too absorbed in a task so you forget everything around you, including bodily signals like hunger, thirst, tiredness (although hyperfocus can also be a blessing to get things done and/or experience a large amount of joy, especially when it comes to our special interests)
Struggling to reply to messages in time (e.g. my inability to answer inbox messages even though I genuinely want to)
Struggling with decision making, e.g, which task do I do first, what should I wear? Even crucial things like 'Should I get up?'
What helps me:
ROUTINES. Honestly. As an autistic person I have a lot of terrible days, but there are also days that are not too bad. And the perfectionist that I am, on days that are not too bad I try to do as much as possible- which can lead to having a terrible day straight after. BUT I have established a very well basic system of routines & tasks that IF I stick to them, I will be fine (mostly). (If I were sticking to it. It's a struggle. AHEM.)
And it is OKAY to have rituals & routines.
We seek to replicate success when we experience it because it makes us feel safe, grounded & happy!
And also bring order to the chaos that is the world around us - it is REALLY upsetting to live here, isn't it?
For Leon it's incredibly hard to establish routine because of his ADHD & this is a whole new topic to cover.
And yes, it is fairly common that people of all neurotypes have routines.
The difference though:
My day will get significantly worse if I can't do what I have planned or if I miss a segment of an established ritual.
For example, if I can't have my lunch in the time frame I always have it, it will cause physical & mental pain - sometimes to the point of a meltdown if things add up.
As I mentioned before I am sometimes NOT coherent with sticking to these routines & that is because of internal ableism & my own ignorance.
I struggle to accept that I have a disability & that I am not functioning like neurotypicals. Their standard shall be mine, but I can't live up to that standard. This is a problem I still have to overcome.
I sometimes expect too much of myself & burn myself out, blame myself for not achieving goals etcetera. This is not healthy.
There should be a base level of respect for an autistic person's need for routine & compassion when it does get ripped to shreds.
The world is unpredictable. Unexpected changes will happen if we want it or not.
I hope I was able to provide additional input! /g
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vetusmemoriae · 1 year
Yan!Dottore x Reader
Author's note: Yes, another Dottore x Reader. If you know me, just saying I write a lot of M!Reader, so no surprise if it sneaks here.
Summary: You're Dottore's assistant, and with so many Dottore's you never see anyone else. But when you do, he's not happy, and he doesn't knows why.
WARNINGS: Murder (major character, don't go ahead if you like all harbingers lol), mentions of lobotomy, mentions of children (you know...), Y/n has no personality
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Maybe it is that they were created for this, that they've been someone's butler for as long as they can remember, but this lifestyle doesn't seem to bother them at all.
The routine is simple:
Wake up at 6am
Make breakfast for the rest of assistants.
Have breakfast at 7am.
Help Dottore.
Maybe have lunch, usually at 3pm
Help Dottore.
Make dinner (if there's time).
Have dinner at 11pm.
Go to sleep at 12pm.
That's if it was a good day, some others they woke up at 4am and didn't get any food or anything until they went to sleep, maybe the next day, the better was at 12pm.
So why did they like it? Was it Dottore? Y/n wasn't sure, but they wanted to think that, if they ever had liberty to study or do as they please, they'd have thought of something similar to this. If they weren't the assistant or subject, they would have been the doctor. Maybe that's what he liked so much about Y/n, that they didn't get grossed or tried to escape, knowing that whatever he tries to achieve is pointless and straight up gruesome and morbid. Because they knew that if those children weren't used for experiments, they would be taken away any sense of individuality to be fatui, Y/n didn't feel to bad, just as bad as you feel for an experiment rat. They had no other use, just as Y/n: some had the luck to be assistants rather that subjects, sometimes some were both, sometimes they just died on the way.
On their job, they left their mind blank, not hearing the screams, and only the orders of the boss telling to bring him the scalpel or to get rid of the body (though that job was usually his clone's). The assistants that when on doing paper work were the ones that lasted the less: they got too much papers, and usually got them mixed and that made everyone's work slower, and that's what none of the Dottores like: slow work. So everything had to be fast, little thought, just fast and sharps actions, and you were the best in that.
Every Dottore wanted some time from Y/n:
'Y/n! Come help me with this ruin guard!'
'Y/n! Come get me my surgery instruments!'
'Y/n! Go give this to Landa!'
It was, stressful, but at least they understood that, while Y/n was working for one of them, they couldn't work for the rest, because they did it as fast as they could and as perfect as a human can. No words, just actions, and Y/n forgot what their thoughts were about the experiments, what they wanted in life: their mind was now the one of a robot, and sadly, the body the one of a human.
That's why they were desperate the day Signora died. Y/n knew it was day of mourning, but after breakfast they stood at Dottore's lab, waiting for an order on what to do.
'What are you doing here, comrade?' A ginger was in front of them.
'I am sorry, sir. I am waiting for instructions.'
'Don't you know we are mourning? We won't work for a day.' They were silent, looking at the floor, confused. 'That psycho made you think everything's work...' Childe took your hand. 'Come on, I'll teach you how to have fun.'
'Yes, sir.'
Y/n followed Childe to the inner garden, were he showed them how he made a sword out of his hydro vision. Shortly after, the sword froze, turning into cold ice.
'Here in Sneznaya it's like I have a cryo vision, all water turns into ice so fast... But it's really cool, just weird when I leave.' They didn't answer. 'Cat got your tongue?'
'I just don't think I can share anything.'
'Whatever you think.'
'Maybe... I don't know... What should I think?'
'Wow, it's even worse. I know that you had to be reeeally bad to work for Dottore, but it's like he did lobotomice you or something. Wait, did he?'
'I don't know, I don't have any memory of him hurting me, or... no, I wouldn't say he did.'
'Well, you look as if he did.'
'Is it a bad thing?'
'Well, yes, at least for me. I guess that for Dottore it's just convenient.'
'Should I change?'
'For your own sake, you are no longer yourself if you can't even think. Someone already said that...'
'Why am I to change then? All due respect, if I can't be what Dottore wants of me, there's nothing.'
'I can't think of a single reason to like Dottore' Childe noticed something. 'Wait! You asked yourself why you had to change! Dottore didn't lobotomize you, you are just straight dumb!'
'I am sorry...'
'No no, that's great. If you are dumb Dottore can discard you, and I can get you.'
'Am I late to something?' A voice asked behind them both. Dottore was looking down on Childe. 'I believe Y/n was waiting for me on the lab, right?'
'Hey, they don't work either' Claimed Childe.
'I didn't know assistants were at the same level of privilege of harbingers, Tartaglia.'
'You may say that about your subjects, because they will die either way, but assistants were assigned to us, and they are not property.'
'Well, Y/n is. Come with me.'
Y/n stood up to go with Dottore, but Childe took firmly Y/n's wrist before he went away completely. Dottore looked at Childe without any sight of anything but disgust. The doctor waited for Y/n to do something, anything, but Y/n was there, motionless. Was he thinking? Were all the things he do to Y/n in vain? Childe took Y/n closer to him, but they didn't move.
'Looks like they're having a bit of a conflict...'
'How wouldn't they, when they've been poisoned by your ideas of "freedom". They know what is right, that is to go with me, and wrong, that is to go with you.'
'What's all the fuss about?' Arlechino entered the garden. 'Did they do something wrong?'
'Dottore doesn't let him fulfil his right of day of Mourn.'
'Dottore, leave the boy alone, they have the right decreted by the Harbingers to have half free day.'
Dottore left, not saying anything and with Y/n by the other two harbingers fate.
'Tell them to stop or I'll take care of the matter myself.'
'Thanks, Arlechino!'
Childe left with Y/n, and they still didn't understood why was it such a problem to be with Dottore or not. They didn't understood that Dottore went even beyond on that one, but it was no big deal for Y/n, he just didn't understand what it meant a free day and still had some curiosity.
Childe was with Y/n all day, showing them around the palace and a bit further, explaining a lot of maters he knew little, but more than Y/n. Some of that knowledge wasn't even for an assistant, but he felt grateful and powerful after making Dottore leave.
It was the next day weird things started to happen. Y/n woke on time, but on Childe's bedroom, yes, on different places, but what the fuck were they doing there. Why was he still asleep. Y/n got close to Childe, but before there was anything on sight, they saw Dottore at the feet of the bed, cleaning something.
'It was bout time, you've always woken up right at time. Can you help me clean this?' Dottore was without his mask, red, carmine eyes looking at Y/n while he offered a scalpel. Y/n took it and started cleaning it with his shirt. 'No, with water,' Y/n was confused, there was no water there. 'lick it.'
And when they did, they noticed the taste of metal, there was blood on that scalpel, and there was blood on the couch, and on the floor. Y/n stood up to see a body inside the sheets, with a big red stain at the height of the pillow. Y/n looked, no expression on their face. But they were not happy, neither were they sad.
'Is this my fault, sir?'
'Your fault?' Dottore stood right beside Y/n with a smile. 'I wouldn't say so, you were just a bit confused. He was right in some things, you act as lobotomized, and there I thought you were really by my side... But I can't blame you, dear, I would never blame you, but I can't say I am not disappointed on how easily you went along with his games... He did good there in Liyue, but their time was up, he should have already knew it when they took your wrist. Anyway, are you finished?' Y/n gave Dottore the scalpel, fully clean. Y/n had no words, but no thoughts either. 'Maybe I was a bit too rough with you...'
'I am sorry I did disappoint you.'
'There's nothing to worry about, dear.' Dottore took Y/n's hand placing a light kiss on their knuckles. 'I will make sure you never disapoint me again.'
AAAAAND THERE'S THE CLIFFHANGER!!! Did you like it, I had so much fun writing it that now my keyboard is kinda squeaky, it's weird. Requests are still open by November 17th so id you want to have something written go ahead
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aphfanficwriters · 27 days
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Every month we will pose a question and collate responses as a fun and informal little exercise in getting to know each other and spark discussion. This month's question is:
“Who is your favourite character to write for and why?”
Beetroot / @council-of-beetroot: Feliks is a fave for me because he seems straightforward when writing but everything he says and does is only a small piece of how he feels and there's a lot of things that are subtly implied that you have to take into account. He's fun to write too because of his style of speech is so out there. There is a lot of humour that is mixed in with the angst of Feliks so it's incredibly fun to get to work with that and put it on to paper to dive deeper into what canon hints at.
Fed / @fedpawstered: Kiku is my favorite for doing most things with.. Idk I just have a lot of personal headcanons about him I really like sharing or showing off, not to mention my uselessly vast knowledge of eastern history finally has a usage when I write works for him. He’s an interesting character, and I love seeing fandom interpretations as well as creating my own! :)) silly little creature is what he is
Lacy: I think Yao is my fave to write because I am the most comfortable with his character design, maybe I just like a guy with long hair. I just vibe with him slightly more than other characters in hetalia for most of the stories I intended to write.
Tama / @delgumofics: I love to write Alfred the most. I think he's super cute and charming and he just inspires me like no one else. His silly little face begs me to torment him!
WhiteWings / @smuttyandabsurd: To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Ivan is my favourite Hetalia character to write for. He's multi-faceted and malleable and doesn't give me any trouble with characterisation; I can dream up practically any situation and he just pops up in my head fully formed and ready to take the leading role. He's fun to explore the silly things I come up with, but I'd like to give him a role with depth too some day.
Eru / @eruverse: My Kazakhstan OC is the one in my head. I’ve worked hard on his characterization and he’s evolved a long way from his early days until today; he’s not only someone who is based off of his dynamics with other countries (boring, plainly), but he is also his own individual. I like writing him bc I love his character; a formidable ball of intense drive that he tries to package underneath a smooth and neat persona because he loves to seem like a cool guy. In fact tho, he is anything but cool — but he has a lot of faith and pride in his abilities, and he will achieve his ambitions even if he has to forsake his health and sanity sometimes. He’s like your overachieving classmate with chronic insomnia due to stress. However he also has a lot of gags and humor potential, also why I love him.
Moss: My favourite character to write for (and my favourite character in general) is Ivan. I wish I could write him well enough to make readers love him as I love him ) he is my darling and my baby boy, I enjoy everything about him.
Vitya / @veetyuh: My favourite is (historical) Sealand, because of the insane things he has survived. A direct hit from a Nazi bomb, abandonment, piracy, several invasions, a coup, stalking and a bombing attempt from England, and framed for drug smuggling and Versace's murder — all over a family of four living in international waters. That, paired with the contradictions of his character: smallest country, yet he canonically has Russia's level of physical strength. Built to serve England, but must prioritise his own sovereignty. So dramatic. I love dissecting him, and I hope to make him feel like more than just a gag character. 💕
FoLightening / @folightening: Thought hard about this, and I still can't figure out who I like writing more so: Spain and Switzerland. I like thinking about how they think, how they interact with others, what makes them who they are. They both have so much to them that makes them fun to write - for different yet similar reasons I can't find the words for. I suppose it helps that Spain's my favorite character in general and I adore Switzerland.
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flipchild · 9 months
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145+ Best Instagram Quotes For Girls 2023
Leave a Comment / Caption For Girls / By Paul Chrish
Yeah, all the girls out there. Are you searching for Instagram quotes for girls and landed on this blog post? If so, you’re in the right spot. This is where we post 145 + Instagram quotes for girls.
That is just what you wanted to say if you got your shot. Now just a simple act of writing quotes for an Instagram. From the given list take our Instagram quotes for girls.
Table of Contents
Instagram Quotes For Girls
Best Instagram Quotes For Girls
Instagram Bio Quotes For Girls
Good Instagram Quotes For Girls
Instagram Quotes and Captions For Girl
Cool Instagram Quotes For Girls
Instagram Quotes For Girls
Instagram Quotes For Girls
Let Them See You Smile And Burn.
If I Wanted To Hear From An Idiot, I Would’ve Watched Sarah Palin Videos.
The Easy And Hard Only A Matter Before Achieving One Thing.
Make Life Fun, Tomorrow Isn’t Guaranteed.
A Smile Is A Curve That Sets Everything Straight.
I Know My Heart Is Weak, But My Soul Is Brave.
I Am A Very Private Person, You Don’t Ask, I Don’t Tell.
Note To Self – I’m Going To Make You So Proud.
The Happiest Moment Ever.
I Smile Like An Idiot When I Think About You.
My Heels Are Higher Than Most People’s Standards.
Best Memories Are Made Of These.
I Feel Like I Can Conquer The World.
Life Isn’t Perfect. But My Hair Is!
Move Your Face I Don’t Want My Day Will Go Bad.
I Look Down Only To See My Shoes.
One Day I’ll Be At The Place I Always Wanted To Be.
Missing You Is My Hobby, Caring For You Is My Job, Making You Happy Is The Duty And Loving You Is My Life.
My Circle Is Small Because I Am Into Quality, Not Quantity.
Your Priorities Decides Your Attitude!!
An Extra Ordinary Day With My Friends.
When Life Gives You Curves, Flaunt Them.
Nothing Is Impossible To Achieve.
Let’s Celebrate With A Toast And Get Lost In Tonight.
I Usually Play Video Games, Because, I Don’t Like To Play With Feelings.
I Love You More Than Chocolate.
My Ex-boyfriend “stress” Always Miss Me.
We’re All Born A Little Crazy; Some Of Us Just Choose To Stay That Way.
My Style And My Attitude Always Change.
I Have No Right To Say A Thing Wrong About My Selfies.
Best Instagram Quotes For Girls
So, you got the best shot. Now just one easy act of writing a girl’s best Instagram quotes. Take our best Instagram quotes for girls so you can share your best pictures anytime you want to caption your Instagram posts. We’ve got some girls best Instagram quotes to show your images from short to long captions.
The World Is Full Of Nice People. If You Can’t Find One, Be One.
Just Like The Alphabet, Bitch, I Come Before U.
Gravity Can’t Forget To Pull Me Back To The Ground Again.
Admiring Someone Else’s Beauty Makes You Beautiful.
Love When My Bae Hugs Me Like This.
I Rolled My Eyes Up So Hard I Have Become Mad-eye Moody.
Beautiful Girl, You Were Made To Do Hard Things. So Believe In Yourself.
The Mind-blowing Picture Comes With A Crazy Idea.
Beautiful Girls Have A Strong Sense Of Confidence.
Looking Beautiful Is An Art And I Am A Master In It.
Little Girl With Dreams Become A Woman With Vision.
The Most Beautiful Curve On A Woman’s Body Is Her Smile.
She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity, And She Laughs Without Fear Of The Future.
Nothing Can Dim The Light That Shines From Within.
Girl Chasing Her Dreams Have The Spark Of Her Own.
My Hobby Is My Job. It’s A Jobby!
Have The Courage To Be One Of A Kind.
Who Said I Was An Angel?
Be The Girl With Not Just Beauty, But Also Swag.
Don’t Be Like The Rest Of Them, Darling.
We’re Happy, Free, Confused, And Lonely At The Same Time.
Instagram Bio Quotes For Girls
Dear Parents Before Fixing Yours Daughter Marriage
Move On. Someone Better Is Waiting For You.
I Am Bermuda Triangle. One’s Stuff Goes In It Never Comes Out.
Ask Your Daughter May Be She Also Have Dream About Future.
Every Girl May Not Be Quuen To Her Husband But She Is Always A Princess To Her Father
A Girls And Her Bed On Sunday Is An Endless Love Affair.
A Smile Creates The Best Confusion In The People.
Don’t Blame People For Disappointing You, Blame Yourself For Expecting Too Much From Them.
Be You Be Gorgeous Don’t Let Anyone’s Comment To Dim Your Sparkle At The End You Are The One And Only Star Of Your Life.
Boys Fall For Because I Make Them High.
If A Man Excepts A Women To Be Angel In His Life He Must First Create Heaven For Her.angels Don’t Live In Hell
Don’t Let Someone Dim Your Light, Simply Because It’s Shining In Their Eyes.
I Lost My Smile.
The More You Hide Your Feelings For Someone, The More You Fall For Them.
I Am A Magnet Of Strong Attraction.
It’s Better To Arrive In Style Than Early.
If Pain Makes You Stronger Then I Should Be The Worlds Strongest Woman.
Good Instagram Quotes For Girls
Want any good quotes for girls on Instagram? It is then exactly where you need to be. Don’t go out and look up good Instagram quotes for girls here and there. Here’s a amazing list of quotes for girls with good Instagram quotes. See our list of girls Quotes that have good Instagram quotes.
Good Instagram Quotes For Girls
We Hope You Will Get The Good Instagram Quotes For Girls And Won’t Be Disappointed By Our Sharing.
Slay Them With Sweetness.
You Don’t Walk Into Love, You Fail In. That’s Why It’s So Hard To Get Out.
Burn Them With Your Makeup.
I Am Always Been Afraid Of Losing The People I Love, But Then, Sometimes I Wonder If There Anyone Out There Afraid Of Losing Me.
Don’t Depend Too Much On Anyone, Everyone Changes When They Meet New People.
You Are Cute, Can I Keep You..??
I Am A Girl With A Milky Smile And Silky Hair.
Some Kisses Are Given With Eyes.
You Have No Idea How Fast My Heart Races When I See You.
Boots Make Me Cool. Heels Make Me High.
A Bad Day Is Turned Into A Good Day By Your Attitude.
Yes, You’re On My Mind Right Now. And Yeah, I Can’t Help It.
Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want To Come.
I Could Spend Hours Looking At You And Your Smile.
It’s The Little Things You Do That Makes Me So Crazily Attracted To You.
I Just Wanna Spend The Rest Of My Life Laughing.
I Am A Classy Girl With A Sassy Attitude.
Instagram Quotes and Captions For Girl
When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade.
Mature Women Prefer Truth Over Lies.
He Has Got My Back And I Got Him, Always.
You Are My Hero – She Said Looking In The Mirror.
Life Is Not Perfect But Every Second With You Is.
Hard To Express My Feeling With You No Words Cannot Describe.
Regret The Regret.
Promise Me To Never Promise Me.
Your Hair Is 90% Of Your Selfie.
Friends Are The Most Important Ingredient In The Recipe Called Life.
I Graduated From The University Of Selfies.
Worry Less Smile More.
Captions For Selfies… Nahhh… I Don’t Need It.
In My Friend, I Find A Second Self.
Be Brave And Let The World See Your Sparkle.
One Of The Best Things In Life Is A Good Friend!
Sea You In The Morning
Spread The Smiles And Capture The Emotions.
Don’t Find Fault, Find A Remedy.
Spreading Wings Is The First Step To Fly.
Life Is Short Wear Cute Shoes.
Cool Instagram Quotes For Girls
A Confident Woman Smiles And Has An Air Of Comfort, Comfort, And Kindness.
A Rule That All Girls Should Live: Just Because It’s Beautiful Does Not Mean You’re Not.
Standards Are Not Meant For Ordinary Girls.
Although It Is Small, It Is Fierce.
She Was A Girl Who Could Be Happy Even When She Was Sad. And This Is Important, You Know.
Adorn With Modest.
When I Die My Gravestone Is Going To Have A ‘like’ Button.
Warning!!! I Am A Heart Breaker And Soul Taker.
It Takes Strong Women To Face The Truth, But It Takes Stronger Women To Speak The Truth.
She Loves Herself Before Loving Someone Else.
She Is Obsessed With The World She Imagines.
I Am An Angel, But Very Dangerous When Turned Into A Witch.
Once A Queen, Always A Queen.
Glasses Are Tools To Increase Girls Beauty.
When There’s Nothing Better To Do, It’s Just Pouting And Pouting Because Being Lame Is My Game
Thunders In My Eyes Wonders In My Smile.
The Spark Will Light.
A Girl Never Says Anything About Boys. He Should Understand Own.
It Is Far From Healthy, But It Is The Right Crazy One, The Class To Which You Are Addicted.
Instagram Quotes For Girls
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odetoavillan · 2 years
   Maul enjoyed watching his human do her wierd human things; brushing her teeth, brushing her hair, adding creams to her curls to make them glow and bounce, creams that softened her skin, removed excess hair... none of this self care routine was ever consistent,  the only thing that was consistent was her avoidance of the fresher mirror. Not just that mirror either... all reflective surfaces were avoided by his mad little human.
      So with curiosity, Maul used the force so that the mirror would open and it would be facing her. She simply ignored the mirror and finished brushing her teeth. She smiled at him as she walked into thier shared room.
          "Ready for bed?" She asked brushing her hand over his torso as she walked by.
          "I'll be there in a moment." He answered. When he walked back in he studied her as she hugged one of her dogs. She studied him back. He could feel her cool eyes observe every facial, and muscle twitch, no matter how small and insignificant, she understood its meaning, no matter how hard Maul tried to mask his emotions she knew.
          "You look contemplative... worried even." she observed. Maul shooed the dog away from his spot as he lay next to her.
          "I am troubled..." he answered staring at the ceiling. She flopped closer and rested her chin on his shoulder as the dog lay on her other side.
          "How can I help." She questioned. Mauls warm amber eyes met her cool teal ones.
          "Tonight, we sleep... tomorrow, we face everything anew..." He stated caressing his knuckles over her cheek.
          "Together?" She inquired.
          "As we achieve everything... together." He affirmed.
         "Pinky swear." She firmly shoved her pinky forward. Maul rolled his eyes.
          "Karabast, woman." He huffed locking his pinky with hers. "I pinky swear... now, rest my hearts delight." He bid kissing her lightly. She nuzzle into his chest. As she drifted off her fingers tapped out the rhythm of his hearts.
     Maul watched her again slowly start to wake in the morning. He enjoyed her waking sounds and bleary eyes blinking. Honestly, he just liked being the first thing she saw in the mornings.
     She hummed happily reaching up to lazily pat his face. Anywhere on his face... he didn't mind.
          "Good morning, my moon. How did you sleep?" He questioned.
         "Still... sleep." She pleaded practically laying on top of him now.
         "I have a question, for when you wake." Maul chuckled stroaking her back.
          "Ok... I'm awake." She answered proping her head up slightly, obviously more awake now.
          "Why do you have such an aversion to mirrors?" He asked. She stiffened and blinked, sitting up more.
         "There probably no use in trying to deny the fact." She mused. Maul sat up leaning on the head board.
         "None." He growled lightly only to indicate the seriousness of his statement. She sighed and sat up rubbing her face and forehead, tell tail signs she's growing stressed.
          "Basically I look into the mirror and see a terriblely distorted image..." she shrugged. Maul shook his head.
         "I don't understand... how you can see something that isn't there." Maul stated. One of her brows raised.
        "I do that... all the time, Maul." She chuckled.
         "You see apparitions, sense the visions of others, and read emotions better than you read your own language. Those are all things that are there..." Maul sighed.
          "It's just how my brain works..."
          "No, come..." He shook his head draging her out of bed and in front of the fresher mirror. He watched her reflection flinch away from the mirror.
          "Maul, please stop..." she pleaded pulling away to avoid the mirror.
          "Did we not swear to face everything together..." Maul hummed. She rolled her eyes and slumped in defeat.
          "Yes... you crafty son of a bitch..." she scoffed rubbing her face.
          "Look into the mirror and let me see what it you see..." He ordered, in a gentle tone. She winced.
          "It's some sight... more feeling... Maul I don't want to do this." She protested. Maul grabbed her shoulders tightly.
          "Therefore you must." He insisted. She groaned lightly and stepped in front of the mirror opening herself to him. When they were connected she looked at herself.
     Maul shuddered, his skin felt like it was crawling, his stomach dropped, and felt himself flinch at his own reflection.
     A moment later his head was spinning as she closed herself off to him and  walked away.
         "That's enough of that." She snapped returning to thier room and quickly threw some clothes on. Maul stopped her actions by hugging her tightly, resting his forehead on the back of her head. "Please let go of me." Her voice sounded flat and hollow. He shook his head.
          "I had no idea that you suffered so..." He spoke into her hair, barely whispering. "Please allow me to show you how I feel when I gaze upon you." Maul pleaded turning her to face him. She reached out again and Maul connected with her, flooding her senses with everything he flet when looking at her. She sobbed, covering her face with her hands, and Maul hugged her to his chest. "May you never again feel that... other way again." He growled. The mirror shattered into a million pieces.
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animebw · 1 year
Short Reflection: Mob Psycho 100 Season 3
Mob Psycho 100 is one of the greatest anime of all time.
This is not up for debate. Though even if it was, I doubt many of you would disagree. Was it really only 3 years ago that the second season of this off-kilter little slice-of-life action comedy showed up and utterly blew everyone away? Only 3 years since ONE’s crudely drawn webcomic about an overpowered psychic boy just trying to live a normal life stepped out of One Punch Man’s shadow and rocketed to the top of everyone’s Best Of lists? Mob Psycho 100 is the kind of show that feels like it’s always been with us, one of those enduring staples of anime that defines everything good about this medium and remains a permanent nostalgic fixture point for new and old fans alike. From its utterly gobsmacking animation that forever raised the bar on how to portray superhuman action to its achingly human story of the things that make even the most extraordinary of us so wonderfully ordinary, this show is a triumph of empathetic storytelling and visual artistry on a level almost nothing else even comes close to. And while my opinion of the second season may have cooled slightly over time- I’m not the biggest fan of how ONE writes dialogue- it still stands as one of this medium’s crowning achievements.
So when I say that this third and final season feels like a step back, let me be clear: I am in no way saying Mob Psycho 100 Season 3 is a bad twelve episodes. Even if I were the most contrarian asshole imaginable, I couldn’t say that with a straight face. This is still Mob Psycho Goddamn 100. It’s still some of the most likable characters and some of the most spectacular animation ever put to screen. Even on its off days, this show runs circles around 90% of your average seasonal slop. But as this season wore on, knocking down the last few dominoes necessary to bring Mob’s story to a close for good, I kept waiting for the moment that would shoot this season into the stratosphere. Mob’s first fight with Teru in season 1, the astounding Mogami arc in season 2, every prior season of Mob has that one spectacular moment that kicks the story into an entirely new gear and never lets up for a second after. And as we approached the final episode, almost everything as wrapped up as it could possibly be, I realized... I was still waiting for that moment. As much as I enjoyed this last round with Mob and company, it never took off the way I know this show is capable of. It just coasted at 80% the whole way through, hitting plenty of killer pitches along the way but never pulling off a single grand slam. This is a good season of Mob, even a great season; it’s just not a spectacular one. And considering how damn high this show has raised the bar, the fact that it’s ending on such a comparatively lackluster note (again, I must stress the comparatively part of that statement) leaves me a little disappointed.
So why does one of the greatest anime of all time feel like it’s taken a step back for its victory lap? Well, after rolling it over in my head for a while, I think there are three big issues that keep season 3 from reaching MP100′s previous heights.
Reason #1: A lack of purpose
Let’s be honest, MP100 could have ended with season 2 and it would feel almost completely natural. Sure, there might be a couple loose plot ends here and there, but the actual story- Mob’s personal journey of self-acceptance and self-betterment, Reigen managing to overcome his worst impulses and treat Mob with the respect he deserves, the looming threat of Claw and the thematic challenge they pose to Mob’s humble worldview- was basically all wrapped up by the time season 2 ended. We’ve watched this bowl-haired, awkward middle schooler embrace what’s special about himself, work to overcome his flaws and become a truly well-rounded person, and defeat the literal manifestation of egotism and narcissism that stands in opposition to everything he believes about the inherent equality of people. His story is already about as complete as it could possibly be. Anything after that would just be icing on the cake. And sadly, that’s kind of how season 3 feels a lot of the time: icing. Very delicious icing, to be sure, but by now the cake’s already finished, and there’s only so much icing you can eat on its own before you start yearning for the solid food that used to be attached to it.
Which brings us neatly to:
Reason #2: Less interesting characters
This is related to reason #1: with all the important characters’ stories basically taken care of, most of season 3 is spent wrapping up the loose ends of the various remaining side characters who could still use some closure. Unfortunately, that means the focus is on the characters who, in my opinion, are among the less interesting parts of Mob Psycho as a whole. Like, I like Dimple well enough as a comic foil, but it’s been so long since he’s had any sort of serious pathos. And while I appreciate how the giant broccoli arc that takes up the season’s first half gives him a meaningful place in the narrative again, I just don’t have the built-in investment to care about him like I care about Mob, Ritsu, and Reigen. It’s a good way to close his arc, but he’s just nowhere near as compelling a character as Mob’s star players, so it doesn’t hit nearly as hard. And it’s completely blown out of the water by a two-episode wrap-up for the lazy telepathy club that Mob refused to join back at the start of the show. Now that’s what I call comedy.
Meanwhile, the final arc of the entire show brings the spotlight back around to Mob’s crush on his classmate Tsubomi, and... alright, full honesty, I was initially planning to write something here about how I really don’t care that much about Mob’s crush on Tsubomi and how it’s always been the least interesting part of this show, so spending the final arc focusing on it wasn’t my idea of a good time. But after seeing the way it actually played out? It actually works. I think ONE understands, on some level, that the actual question of whether or not they’re going to get together is far less interesting than how Mob’s feelings toward Tsubomi reflect his ongoing personal growth and struggle with his own inner turmoil. So instead of being about Mob trying to finally get the girl, this final arc uses those feelings as a lynchpin to finally make Mob confront the last hurdle on his stage to self-acceptance, all while inadvertently becoming a locus around which everyone else can bring closure to their own character arcs in turn by showing how much he’s improved their lives while he’s struggling with the last stage of his journey to improve and accept his own life. And it’s really fucking solid! Especially the final episode, my god does it bring it all home. The only issue is that this is the final goddamn arc of Mob Psycho 100, and it’s largely about the part of the show that’s always interested me the least. Even if it handles it about as well as it possibly could, there’s just no way for that not to feel underwhelming, especially compared to the astounding work of action spectacle that was season 2′s climactic showdown with Claw.
Reason #3: Weaker visuals
OKAY STOP AND LISTEN BEFORE YOU RIP MY THROAT OUT. Mob season 3 is a great-looking show. The way studio Bones brings ONE’s sketchy, janky drawing style to life is, was, and continues to be a singularly unique delight. Weaker, in this case, does not mean “bad” in any way, shape, or form. It’s just that, once again, I’m used to Mob being a spectacular-looking show, so anything less than 120% feels like a letdown. But weaker is weaker no matter how good it still is, and there’s just no getting around the fact that this is the least visually interesting season of Mob yet. Look back at any random episode from the previous two seasons, and you’ll find enough experimental animation, creative cinematography, and truly gonzo visual style in five minutes to outdo many full episodes of season 3. Far too much of the time, it relies on simple medium shots or panning shots when it’s not time for the action to break out. And even then, the action, excellent though it still is, has so few moments that match the sheer awe of the Teru fight, the Mogami fight, or either of the big Claw fights. Sadly, it seems losing Yuzuru Tachikawa, the director who pushed those first two seasons to such incredible heights, really did leave a dent in its visual identity. MP100 in the past felt like it worked to make every single moment of animation interesting and uniquely meaningful; now it only feels that way maybe 70% of the time.
And again: this is still a really good fucking season of anime. It’s still a ton of fun, the action kicks ass, and getting one last chance to bid these characters goodbye was definitely appreciated. The only reason I’m being so critical is because I know what this show is capable of. If MP100 had been at this level of quality from the beginning, it still would’ve been a high-tier shonen romp with enough heart and style to easily recommend to anyone. But I’m not used to MP100 settling for just being good. I’m used to MP100 shattering every conceivable barrier in its way as it rockets into the stratosphere. I’m used to MP100 going so far above and beyond that it redefines what’s even possible in animation. I’m used to this show being an absolute masterclass of spectacle and storytelling alike. So the fact it doesn’t get to be that one more time for its final outing turns what’s otherwise a perfectly delightful season 3 into a sorrowful reminder of glories past, weighed down by just how much better it used to be. Never before has a really good show felt so crushed under the burden of failing to rise to greatness.
But you know what? Fuck it. Just because it’s not as jaw-dropping and landmark-setting as previous seasons doesn’t mean Mob season 3 wasn’t a damn great ending to a damn great series. If nothing else, the OP drop in the final episode probably pushed my score up a full half-point all on its own. This may be a step down from what this show is capable of, but at the end of the day, there’s still more than enough heart, imagination, and sheer talent on display here to close Mob’s story out on a deeply affecting note. Mob Psycho 100 has already earned its eternal place in the anime pantheon; it’s earned the right to rest on its laurels for its farewell party. And I’m sure I’ll still be thinking fondly back on the whole beautiful journey long after the momentary disappointment fades from memory. So with all that said, I give MP100′s final season a score of:
So long, Shigeo. So long, Reigen. Here’s looking forward to whatever the future has in store.
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privateanxieties · 1 year
Hi, first of all, I love your work so much. You understand the character, and your writing is so eloquent and compelling, it’s UGH love it. The golden age has a very special place in my heart, makes me as writer go “this. this is what I want to achieve.” Tangent aside, just wondering if I could get some more info on the next update of “the nearness of you in my imagination?” 🫶
Hiiiiii! Thank you so much! The golden age is my favorite story I've written so far. I think I was just in a different headspace entirely, and more focused than I am now. I also wrote it for me and no one else, and I think generally, writers do their best work when they don't pay any mind to things like audience reception. I honestly hope to write more like this in the coming months.
As for the coffee shop AU... boy, if that story isn't banging pots and pans in my head because I want to finish it, and at the same time, I don't even know what I was going for when I wrote those chapters. I think something got away from me and the more I tried writing the next chapter, the more frustrated I got. I suppose I'm not very good at writing serial fics without finishing them first, and then posting. I wrote a little more of the next chapter in December, and should I finally have a serious conversation with the stubborn part of my brain, maybe I will finish it this month. For now, here is a little snippet of Chapter 5:
"Alchemax is a hydra. With over four hundred official divisions worldwide and who knows how many unofficial hiding holes, the likelihood of escaping their grasp once the tentacles have ensnared you is slim. It's this knowledge that has kept Peter nailed to his spot at the edge of her bed until the clock struck 7 p.m., long after he returned from the subway station.
He should have never left her alone. Waiting for her on the fire escape after their fight was the worst decision he made, but he figured she needed some time to cool off. She was safe, after all. She had his scarf.
But then he found it lying at the bottom of the stairs, the brown wooly fabric turned a nauseating maroon and the tracker he'd sown into the lining crushed beyond use. She couldn't have done that herself. Either the scarf was removed by her (and considering his fuck-up earlier, there was a high possibility), or it was forcibly removed by someone else. The blood on the stairs makes him think of all the ways she might've been killed, but the absence of a body has him hoping against all hope.
He was minutes late when seconds counted. Now, he has no idea where to start looking.
Is he even looking for her? Or is revenge the only remaining option? They would not have killed her so quickly. Why threaten and intimidate for weeks just to end it with no grandiose gesture? Why break into her apartment just to leave without incident?
No, that's not like Powell, Peter thinks. And tonight, Spider-Man will pay him a visit.
Being kidnapped is not the ideal way to find out things about yourself, but it is no less effective than any other method. For example, she'd probably have to undergo a year of therapy just to figure out she's not as afraid of dying as any normal person should be. Instead, here she is: figuring it out in the less than twenty minutes that she's been awake, strapped to a vertical slab of metal. She's not afraid of dying, because she suspects it would be preferable to whatever is in store for her.
It's quiet where she is, and bright enough that keeping her eyes open for more than a few seconds at a time hurts. The two or three times she's tried inspecting her surroundings revealed little more than the sterile environment she could already identify using her sense of smell. White tile, stainless steel, glass and antiseptic - the laboratory setting is unmistakable and not that fascinating. She isn't terribly interested in studying it. It only adds to the stress bubbling under her skin, weighing down already heavy limbs. Everything hurts. From the moment she came to, the pain worked to propel memories to the forefront of her mind.
Stairs. Cold. Sharp edges. Acute panic. Stolen breath. Despair. She cycled through the abstract until the concrete materialized soon thereafter.
Someone pushed her, that she knows. She tumbled down an interminable flight of stairs that cut into her kidney and broke more than one or two essential things. At the bottom, her head cracked off the pavement so hard that it erased the pain for one blissful second. It didn't last. Lying there in disbelief, involuntary squawks and forced breaths all disordered, she waited for something to happen that would annul reality. Maybe she would wake up in bed. Maybe her body wasn't giving out on her.
The taste of copper threatening to choke her contradicted everything her mind came up with to soothe itself, until it finally caved into nothingness.
She was making her way out of the station, lost in bitterness and on the verge of angry tears. She wasn't paying attention; she was trying to shove down feelings that made her chest tight and her hands clammy. Played. Strung along. Used. Exploited. Coaxed with sweet words and overt affection. Before her stomach was churning with dread and pain from the fall, it was already gnawing at her from sheer defeat."
So. Yeah.
I also have a problem with this story because I wrote it in the present tense and have since written all my other stories in the past tense. It's getting harder and harder to switch!
I'm sorry to keep people in suspense, waiting on a story that isn't finished, but at least I know now not to post any kind of story in chapters before it's well and truly wrapped up. It's not just better in terms of managing expectations, but serial writing is just very open to a lot of errors, plot holes, inconsistent characterization etc...
I hope you stick around to see it finished! Thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts with me, it means a lot! :)
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pepprs · 2 years
HI so… per my last post today i did nothing but play video game ♥️. i havent done a wobbledogs post in a couple weeks in bc i got an ear infection and then my wifi adapter broke lol but here are some dogs i have loved recently... (im leaving a lot out bc.. there have been SO many since my last post. but these are like my favorite favorites over the last couple weeks)
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this is vasthy! idk why i love them so much i just think she looks rly cool. a lot of the dogs she’s related to look kinda similar but.. idk she specifically just rly grew on me :D
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this is PIGLET and they are just a happy little guy!! i wasnt expecting to love him so much but their pinkiness just makes me so happy and i love his little eye shape (it’s charlotte’s! in fact i may be wrong but he might be descended from her now that i think abt it? which would be funny bc of charlottes web lol charlotte and then a pig….) and also he was always just super friendly w the other dogs lol. i just loved having him around. an all around good guy
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this is BEAK!!! i dont have many good pictures of her and u cant really tell from this one but she is my first dog who got honest to goodness horns out of nowhere…. and she has a UNICORN HORN at that! ive tried to keep horns on her offspring but i havent been successful yet and its rly frustrating lol but i will work on it
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this is beanie! i think she’s piglet’s descendant somehow.. just an all around cool pup who loved holding dirt in her mouth <3
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this is dumbo (named for those GIGANTIC wings) and he is the wobbledog equivalent of the get stickbugged meme lol. he had a difficult life bc as he got older he had trouble walking around bc his body got so long and his wings were so huge and his legs couldnt support him. so he would just do a lot of flips to move around and get stressed out all the time and i caught him in some funny poses (like the one pictured) but.. overall he did not have a good time. but i like him a lot and i wish i had done more to make sure he wasn’t in distress all the time
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this is FLOCKA my absolute beloved!!!! (i FULLY meant to name him floppa after the meme bc of his coloring like the big cat… but i got it mixed up w flocka and by the time i realized my error "flocka” had already grown on me 💀💀💀) he only had 1 leg and he had a rude personality so instead of getting stressed he would get really angry.. and he absolutely STOLE my heart bc i started watching him rly closely and learning what would stress him out and removing the stressors before he could react to them badly! i was rly excited and proud of kinda coming up w a language to interact w each other... like he couldnt grab food a lot of the time so i would move it to this specific spot against his forehead that he would always get it from and things like that. idk i just love when dogs have like a unique personality or way of doing things that stands out and then i feel like i bond w them lol (throwback to charlotte 🥴) but thats flocka!
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and THISSSSS is wammawink (solid green body, lighter red face... yes named after the centaurworld character 🥴) and her daughter wiggly (yellow hearts on green body, darker red / pink face)!!!!! wiggly is my first ever worm dog and bc of her i have completed every single achievement in the game except for one wing angel and i am SAURRR excited. wammawink only has two front legs (i kinda cheated by finding a dog code on the discord that i figured would give me a good chance of having offspring with 2 front legs 😭 but i nabbed her as soonas i saw her) and i had a TON of dogs w only two back legs to try to pair her with... it was actually soppy from one of my earlier posts who was the other parent to wiggly so that was rly cool since i loved them so much! i also am very amused / pleased that wiggly looks SO much like bambi.. like the same coloring and everything except bambi’s face is brown, same face shape and eye shape and pattern, etc.... so true of her <3
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AND FINALLY!!!! LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!!!! IS MY BABY BOY CUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am OBSESSED with his nose and as soon as i saw it i knew i couldnt let him go. look at his little paws i am SICK!!!!!! look at his EARS! HIS EYES! HIS SNOUT!!! WAUGHGHGHGGHH!!!! BABY BOY BABY!!!!!!! the pictures dont convey it (also all of these are from before he was an adult bc i was so focused on getting a worm dog when he grew up lol.. as an adult his ears and nose turned into a light purple and im still not used to it) but cub is absolutely fucking LARGE. he is maybe my biggest dog ive ever had. he was already a pretty big puppy and he maybe tripled in size as he grew up to the point where he can’t really sit inside the den now without having to bend his head. also this was more exaggerated when he was a puppy / juvenile but when he flies his wings kinda.. jerk him backwards and all over the place and splay out his hind legs? and i am SO obsessed w it its the cutest thing ever in the whole world. i love himmmmm 💓💗💝❣️💖💞💗💓💞💝💖❣️💓💓💞💗💖💝❣️💓 (also he literally picked up the fucking VACUUM and was flying with it in the first pic. icon behavior)
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi, I have been struggling to find my mbti and enneagram type so I’ve been recommended by a few friends to come to you. I would really appreciate it if you can give me recommendations of the type I should look into.
You're an ISTP, but I'm not sure about your Enneagram type. I see attachment core (friendly, adaptable, likable) either paired with a competency wing or a boundary-enforcing wing, so I think either 6w5 or 9w8. I lean 9w8. Anyway... some things I noticed...
I would say that I am a quiet, low-key, reserved person who maintains an easy-going, charming demeanor to others. Even though I prefer to be alone most of the time, I still like to engage in social interactions whether it will be parties or events because have a good time and not engaging in trouble is what is important to me. Even though I am a friendly, easy-going person I am who someone who is serious and no nonsense that doesn’t tolerate too much bullshit and childish behavior. <- this feels 9w8 to me. Being approachable, good-natured, and easy-going, but with a side of you that "doesn't tolerate bullshit."
I like to engage in a lot physical activities throughout my day whether it be playing basketball or learning new skills hands on. <- high Se / SP
I also enjoy researching, gain knowledge and having intellectual conversations for hours and dive deep into serious topics like history, politics, psychology etc. <- this supports the idea of high Ti, but also suggests your Ni isn't inferior (ISTPs have tert-Ni)
Being analytical and logical comes very easy to me. I naturally analyze everything around me as I constantly need to understand everything and everyone to see what makes them tick and to decide if this is a person I should engage with or not. <- being detached and analytical, seeing people as something to "figure out" is very ITP/Ti-dom -- but there's also a strong gut-driven decision-making process here that could speak to 9w8 as well (8 wings are black and white, either I like this person or they suck)
I am very adaptable person that can adapt to any group of people and situation with ease. My persona tends to change with the type of people I am around so if I am around people who are more jokey I will be jokey to fit in and things of that nature. <- this can be 3ish, or it can also be 9ish, but it shows me you are an attachment core with low Fe that isn't opposed to altering yourself to fit a situation
Under stress I tend to become more emotional and irritable who complains about things the that are causing me to stress and then go silent and have a regret about having a temper tantrum. <- this is extremely normal behavior for ITP types, they become unusually emotional under pressure, release their emotions, and then often feel humiliated for having 'lost control' like that
I also tend to have a doomsday vision when I am stressed out and tend to think that everything is going to go bad, if my current situation is bad etc. <- low Ni
My core fears are being without peace, light and fun also being seen as a unworthy, uncool and not a competent person. <- this is a positive core with a competency component; it COULD be 9w1 as opposed to 9w8, or 9's connection to 3.
In life I strive to be successful, cool, professional and respected to those among me. It’s very important to maintain a polished image of myself and become very angry and upset when I feel like other are trying to ruin my reputation. <- this sounds more like a 3, which could also be a potential core here instead of 9.
The best feeling of life to me is achieving my goals and succeeding as it gives me a reminder of improving myself. <- 3ish
Living a life without fun, adventure and not peace is another thing I can’t go with out. I am a fun person but I also believe in `Work Hard, Play Hard’ and `Live Life To The Fullest’. <- this could be 9 or 3
So, I am confident of ISTP and encourage you to look at 3 and 9.
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youknowzach · 2 years
11/6/22 rants and musings of a singer in los angeles
i promise i'm not just going to complain on here, it's just been a rough few months full of high highs and low lows and i want to share where i'm at. we'll start with the lows so i can finish on high notes. the ups the downs... cest la vie etc
i've been in LA for three months now, still working my remote jobs in nashville and it's been stressful. the music is going well i think, i've been writing and exploring my creativity a lot these days but it's been hard because i feel like i'm completely alone. as soon as i got here, all of my relationships fizzled into dust. of course, i still love everyone that i was friends or more than friends with but it feels as if they look at me and think "he's fine, he's busy, he's gonna be alright." i've made a few good friends here which is nice. but i hate that feeling of "starting over." it's been really hard to deal with on top of trying to continue growing in my music career.
despite feeling like that, i've been escaping more and more into production and songwriting and meditating. i am constantly doubting my skills and my abilities which seems normal but at the same time, when i'm working in logic and being creative and doing whatever i want to do with the music and the tunes, it is a distraction from my loneliness and my heartbreak and my boredom.
i want to reiterate that i'm grateful and diving more into meditation and praying and seeking peace. i'm not sure if i'll ever know peace but just being on the search for it and trying to ground myself has helped some. i'm so scared you guys... (tyra banks gif) but no seriously. i fear for my future. i get so scared about "what if it doesn't work out." what if i don't make any money from music and have to live in my mom's spare bedroom, what if success never happens for me in the music industry and i'll have to work in the library again or at starbucks again. not that there is anything wrong with that but those aren't my career goals... when you're going for your goals in your career you want to achieve those. for me those goals are making money and being successful in the music industry. being able to fully dive into production and writing without having to work 2 jobs that have nothing to do with music like i'm doing right now. i don't want to just complain about "how hard my life is" on here but like i said, i'm lonely and no one hears me. so i'm turning to meditation and prayer in hopes that someone out there can hear me. i miss my friends, my lover, my optimism, and my hope.
i went to ethel cain's concert this week. it was so good :) i loved it. good thing.
i've been connecting with really exciting individuals that look promising for my music. some co writes that could be really lucrative, some opportunities that could really move the needle. good thing.
my single got played on the radio this week which was cool. i'm trying to figure out more creative ways to make content for social media, so filming my reaction was one of those ideas. good thing.
i have three co writes i set up this week, i have two photoshoots scheduled, i have a gig next week at hotel cafe. i'm blessed. good things.
i got back in the gym this week and felt amazing afterwards. if you know me, you know i ran my first half marathon right before i came to LA. but since moving here i've been slacking since i've been so busy with everything. getting back in the gym this week was a win. good thing.
i made a great pot of coffee this morning. good thing.
i'll post some pics as well.
i'd love to update this regularly and keep everyone posted (everyone being whoever reads this)
i do journal privately but i think a little update for anyone who wants to keep tabs on me is nice. i'm screaming into the void but someone may see this that needs to. i feel alone but i know i'm not alone. i have people who care about me. i have a lot of love in my life if i sit down and think about it.
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disasterghaster · 1 year
Oscar Meyer has a first name.
I don’t bother to use the bench press anymore. The ghaster matter can move whatever weight it pleases–any weight I please. It’s not made of muscle fiber, tendons, and bone. It’s made of will and whatever it manages–what ever I manage–to put together.
I try not to think about it.
Instead, I focus on other parts of me. The parts still made of meat. Curls and squats and lunges and whatever else I can pressure myself into doing before the whole matter seems overwhelming when I feel constantly empty.
I manage a full set of excercises today. Something of an achievement. Usually I miss one or two sets. Or all of them.
I make it this time, though. Closing out on the specially designed treadmill. I don’t go as fast as I can. I’m not qualifying for the supernatural track and sprint or anything. I’m merely confident that I’m good at a full sustained run of 110 for twenty minutes before I start to sweat too much. Breathing too hard, too. An improper dismount jars my knees when I hop off to the side and come to such a sudden stop.
I end up sititng on the ground as the muscles in my legs burn. Maybe I really pushed it just then. Or I haven’t been drinking enough water. I rub my thumbs and palms along hamstring and calfs until they’re intermittently barking about the strain I put them through and my lungs no longer burn.
I take my time standing up and getting a towerl off the rail of the mil and due a little swipe of my face and back of my neck. Since I’m in the privacy of my gym in the expanded basement, I give the girls a quick dry off under my A-shirt.
Towel goes into a hamper when I pass it on my way back up the stairs to the main level of the house. By then, the juice the work-out soaks my brain with during fades out. The world goes back to feeling slightly sideways. Like everything is one of those crooked photo frames that never seems quite straight or level with the rest of the wall. Every day feels like that anymore.
I ignore the bit of jello feeling in my legs as I travel up the next flight to the second floor. Getting to my bedroom and ajoining bath before long. Something in my neck and shoulders droops as I pass into the sanctity of that space. It’s quiet there. Black out curtains are a bit ajar so the room is brighter than usual, but that’s alright. Cool fresh air breezes in through the open window and makes it feel less like a self-imposed tomb.
I leave the bathroom door open and flick the light on in there. It’s harsh in comparison to the rest of the lightning I keep in the house. I don’t always use it, usually just go by a nightlight plug into the socket next to the mirror and sink. But I need the light today. I want to cut my hair.
I got caught up looking at my reflection instead. I’m reminded of days where metal chafes at my throat and my wrists. I was thin then, too. With piano wire muscles strung tight along bones. I didn’t have so many lines on my face back then. Or much hair. Inky fingers, off black and almost gray, scratch through the couple inches growth on much of my damp scalp until they wander higher into much longer and darker hair at the top. Pulling tie out and tossing it into nearby basket that held the others I used.
That hair is long and reaches an inch or two past my shoulders. Tying it all the time makes it crimped in some places. I know it’s wavey even if it weren’t. I notice there’s more streaks of white there than there used to be, too. I already knew about the thick banded streaks above my ears in the shorter hair. I think the color seeps into other places due to stress more than age. Could be age. I don’t know how long someone like me is supposed to live if they make it to a ripe age.
About then, I remember to pull off the eye-patch. It doesn’t hide a dulled eye. They're the same anymore. Same matter my hands are with dots of ambiently glowing purple. It’s a comfort to wear the patch. Like a reminder of who I am. It helps me mentally control how much I see or don’t see. The world is so many layers of information if I don’t. Much of the time, it’s too much. I don’t need to see every little creature peaking through the mirror or what type of rock the nickle backing was refined out of. Takes a few seconds to tune it back out without the patch helping my psyche retain a muscle memory for it.
I pick comb out of a seperate basket and take to working knots out to one side of my head. Then the other. Then back so I can tie it up neatly again. A thick bristled boar brush and a bit of water, and touch of comb, helps me seperate the long and the short with great accuracy.
Then it’s time for clippers. I debate a few comb length attachments before, as usual, I decide to do it with a naked blade. It would grow back. Would also leave a fine centimeter of fuzz until it did. After fetching a black plastic trash bag I use for just such an ocassion from under the sink and lay it over the sink, I set to work. The buzz of the clippers is medatitave after a few moments of hair falling onto the plastic under my head. The buzz is comforting in my hand and against scalp. I have to switch hands at times and can feel the vibration in my fingers still.
I work it around the sides and back quickly with a few reruns to make sure it ends up all the same length. Feeling with fingers to ensure what I couldn’t see.
The fine work of lining the sides and back of the longer patch take the most time. Don’t want to fuck it up. I have some practice, though. It doesn’t take too long.
When it’s done, I keep over the plastic filmed sink and take boar brush to it just to work out as much of the smaller clippings as I can. Off my scalp and shoulders and back of my neck. Satisfied, clean the blade and oil it, then return it under the sink. Clippings are wrapped up and put in the nearby bin. It’s a bit wasteful, but it makes it so I don’t have to clean the sink. I can sweep the floor later. 
Off peels my shirt and the sweatpants. Those go flying out into my room for now.
On comes the hot water in my shower. I wisely sit out the first cold minutes on the closed, chilled, lip of the toilet. Head in hand.
All of these things are a practice of not thinking too hard as I watch the water patter on the shower wall in silence. A practice in functioning when it’s the last thing I want to do with myself. There is nothing else I can do. Semi-retirment allows me much more idle time than I allowed myself before.
Into the shower I go. Closing curtain and taking a spin under water to rinse off loose hairs before having a seat on shower stool with back to the water. The heat soothes out my back nicely. It’s a while before I pull over toothbrush and paste.
Taking a shower is a whole ordeal when I’m not in a rush. Starts with teeth.
Takes a tough and big brush to handle my teeth the further back you go. Doesn’t hurt to be resilient against the roughtness of my tongue, either. I realize, with some dismay, that I’m out of orange toothpaste. Might have to suffer mint if I can’t find another supply. Bleck.
I don’t know if it helps to do this, but I leave the suds in my mouth while I wash my face with vigour and some good cleansing face wash. I do this with everything that suds. Just leave it for a bit while I do the rest. Hair, next with shampoo and one of those scalp massagers. Same with the soap, I use a loofah to suds up from neck to toe. Just feels like it does more if it’s not on for two seconds and gone the next.
Rinsing is the same pattern as sudsing. 
And, yes, before anyone asks, I get the bits. I like to do that last and seperate. Those parts require getting up and spreading things out, alright. It’s work. I save it for last.
At some point, I remember my tail. After everything else. Almost bleatedly. It’s attached to me. I don’t know why I forget sometimes. Bit of shampoo for that does the trick.
Then the water comes off and I let water dip off me for a bit. While I squeeze the fur on the tail out several times. The fur there is dense and likes to hold onto water. Drying it takes time. I imagine my head would too if I had more than that little bit of hair. Of which I still take a moment to squeeze and ring, too.
By then I can step out without dripping everywhere onto a bath mat. And grap towel to dry off with. Special attention, again, to hair and tail. Then privates. No one likes to smell funky there. Towel is hung up and I leave the bathroom with a small bottle of oil for my hair and a comb.
Deaftly working light bit of pleasent lavander smelling oil into my hair with fingers and comb before it has a chance to dry. Both are discarded onto dresser afterward.
Then I flip face first into my bed. Naked and slightly damp. Energy gone. I’ve done abosolutely all the self-care I can. I don’t care that my stomach is growling or my throat is dry despite all that time, and maybe even more so, due to the shower. 
Thoughts threaten to filter in. I refuse their entry as I pull a pillow to myself and tuck it under my head, shifting onto my side where I can curl with it. It doesn’t stop a few tears burning across my nose onto the pillow. I can’t stop them as skillfully as I used to. They often come too fast and hard for me to stop. Out of the blue or over some sappy ending to a movie I wasn’t even closely paying attention to or just emotional comercials. It’s very stupid and very annoying.
I’m so tired. Always.
Even when I wake up after the sun’s no longer falling through the bedroom window. Mn. Time lost.
I sit up and rub crust off my eyelashes for a while. Coughing a few times as I make it up to my feet and over to the window. Closing the curtains. Not worried about getting peeped my neighbors so much as just wanting to be alone.
I left a half-finished bottle of water by the absurdly large beanbag under the same window that I now pick up and finish in a couple of chugs. A brief crush and tightning of cap compacts it one empty. Making it easy to pitch into trash can near the door.
I don’t feel any better. The water tasted stale.
Somehow, I still drag on some clothing. Cotton sleep pants and loose fitted gray t-shirt that said ‘show me your kitties’ with a gray tabby peering over a flat horizontal line on it. I feel a pang of guilt as I think of Tiggs. They were with someone else, I knew I couldn’t take care of Tiggs like they needed right now. Still, I missed them.
Finally, I leave my room and go downstairs to the kitchen. None of the floorboards creak. I don’t need physical strength to remember how to walk like a ghost. Or open a cabinent silently. I stare at the box of cheerio’s for a while. I know I am hungry. I feel a bit sick and my lower stomach hurts. But it doens’t look appealing. The memory of it on my tongue recalls like grit and sawdust.
My shoulders slump with a huffed sigh. Leaning forhead into the cabinent door’s edge that I still hold open.
Maybe I should hire a chef. Trick my brain into just eating things put in front of me. I weakly ponder this for a moment until it’s dashed away. I can’t trust anyone to feed me that isn’t explicitly trustworthy to me. Hire a chef? Sure. Let an assassin right in. Great idea. If they don’t filet your throat, they’ll slip some sort of poison into a chicken dinner.
The corners of my eyes prick with fustration. I just want to eat.
I close the door with more of a thud than I normally would and go to the firdge. My eyes immediately end their scan by lingeirng on the bottle of whiskey down low on the door. I take it out and set it on the counter, then look back into the firdge.
God, fuck. Everything has to be cooked in some way. Same for shit in the fridge. Even hotpockets got to go in a mircowave. Back to looking in the fridge. There’s a package of balogne and a bottle of ketchup.
I take both out and get a paper plate and a red solo cup. All get tucked into hands and arms including the whiskey bottle before I make the walk out the back door.
It’s dark out, but I can see fine in the enclosed and screened off back patio. I tick the light on anyway and sit at the table there. Nudge a couple of electronics out of the way to the otherside of the small table. A pile of sleeping things, that is. Tablet, phone, bluetooth keyboard, and a e-reader. Space is replaced with plate and accouterments in short order.
Oscar Meyer bologna gets peeled out of packet and red wax ring. Sorted out in a four-by-two formation on plate and then their centers get a squirt of ketchup. I leave that a moment to pour half a cup of whiskey. There’s a plan here. A bad one, but it’s a plan.
I roll up a slice of ketchup filled bologna and take a bite. It’s fucking disgusting in that way in which desperate and depressive food is–but ultimately tastey enough to get addicted to. It’s salty and a bit sweet. And, anyway, there’s whiskey to mask the taste with when I swish down a mouthful.
This pattern quickly leads me to being able to eat the following slices in peace. Being drunk takes away most of my taste and leaves just the salty and the sweet. Two things alcoholic brains love. It’s less of a slog then. I eat slower due to groginess is all.
I don’t stop until the package of quesitonably labeled deli meat is empty. It’s better than nothing.
By then I’ve had three half cups of alcohol and my face feels close to numb. I’m sweaty and too warm. Thankful for the chilly breeze that comes through the screens from the outside.
I’m struck with the dreaded curse of actual thoughts. Thankfully, the ones that make it are sloshy and breakup on rocks before they fully form.
Still, every so often, they linger. None of them are good. My next breath is deep, but it shudders due to my lungs having shifted down into very shallow breaths to then. I toss plate ontop of the pile of devices and lay my head down on the cool glass of the table top.
The thoughts keep looping back on a common thread and theme which forms one repeating coheasive concept; I’m not good enough.
It’s not always that sentance. Today it is.
I admit that it’s a frequent one. One that rides off the back of my lack of self-worth. One that points out that I can’t think right or talk right or love right or cry right or–well, there’s so many things. All the things that matter when every bit of your worth is tied into keeping people ‘safe’ and ‘happy’.
All I know is gaurding something that I imagine is black and ashy in my chest and lashing out in feeble attempts to protect other people.
Often, I admit while gulping down the fourth half a glass, missing the mark and lashing out at the same people that I love so deeply it hurts just to look at them
There’s other things. But it comes down to that. All roads lead to Rome.
Heh, so why can’t I get off them? I want to go somewhere else.
I don’t notice that eventually my vision blacks out along with my thoughts and my memories. I wouldn’t come to until late in the morning from the depth of my beanbag with an urgency to get to the bathroom for a good wake-up vomit.
No wonder I’m alone.
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vantaesfairie · 1 year
Hello!!! New here. Just saw ur post and i'd like a reading from u if its not too much to ask 🦋. My question is how would my forever person/FS shows me he loves me? Like his love language and etc. 💕 My initials is SS gemini sun.
Your vibe:
It's kind of like my first impression of you combined with my intuition lol. considering I'm new here. I got the idea that you love the outdoors especially the nature and u may even enjoy raising animals that people could consider weird or exotic as pets, such perhaps frogs. Also, snells, snakes, etc. I believe that those around you are aware of your kindness, especially those who are truly close to you. I think that sometimes people misunderstand you, but when you let them in, they truly open up to you and see a whole new world. You seem to enjoy trying out different things, but on your own terms maybe? You definitely give me a main character energy ngl! Lol
In fact, you make me think of these two characters: Sydney Novak from I'm not okay with this and Leslie Burke from Bridge to Terabithia.
I have the impression that you are a loyal friend who will go the extra mile for your friends. Are you stubborn? I'm not sure why, but I'm getting this lol, sorry if u're not . And I get that you'll do everything you can to achieve your goals. You might be a perfectionist. This a great traits to have but remember to take of your health first and don't be too hard on yourself. I believe ppl also view u as a strong and confident person, and so freaking funny when they get to know you. What about Harry Potter? Do u like this movie? Bcs I keep seeing Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Maybe you have a blend of both personalities? Both cleverness and bravery. Are you also a fan of astronomy? since I also keep seeing Telescope and saturn 🔭🪐.
That is it yayyy, I would love to hear about what resonate and what not ✨.
Take care<3
hello! thank you for participating. welcome to tumblr too (if thats what you mean when you said you were new lol)
i do love animals and nature, but frogs i literally cannot stand to touch lol snakes they’re very cute and snails also nope. yeah i’m constantly misunderstood, and i googled those two people and i sort of resonate to how you found them similar to me. i am loyal and quite stubborn. and yes i love harry potter! i’m in hufflepuff but used to be in gryffindor. i’m not into into astrology, but i’m cool with knowing more about it 🥰
SS’s ffs love language and showing how they love SS
your fs will show that they love you through giving you your own space, especially when you are tired or stressed and just want some time to yourself. they will also show that they love you by letting you have fun with your friends outside of them, and giving you the space to indulge in projects that make you happy. they may be someone who doesn’t really like physical affection so you will have to respect that too. instead, their love language in return is actually quality time, taking you out, having time and adventure with you, and letting you experience the things that make them happy so you both can share it. they will support you not only as a lover, but also a friend and confidant. they will be your silent supporter. i got a specific message: if you are unhappy in bed at night, they will learn what you like and dislike and give that to you as a sign that they love you and will always be beside you. probably, they will always refill your water, pat your back. this sounds very sweet to me already. they want to see you happy with or without them. they sound like a very self-sacrificing person who does more than they say (in a good way), so treasure them. 
hope you enjoyed! feedback is mandatory. please like and reblog, it would be greatly appreciated. 
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
6, 7, 18 :V
What is your darkest fear about writing?
Oh god uh uh uh
I worry my stuff is bad, like literally everybody else. I get stressed out when I feel like I just can't make the story work, when it just has way too many flaws, or when I feel like I just can't reach the level that I want to reach. It frustrates me and I definitely vent to friends that I'll never be good enough for myself and my own standards.
But that's just frustration. That's my shit self-esteem and my bad habit of wanting things to be perfect without putting the effort in. I WISH I was a perfectionist. That's a huge part of my psyche that I have to manage in every aspect of my life.
That's not fear. Fear is anticipation of negative consequences. Fear is 'I'm terrified this'll happen, because then X Y and Z will happen'. These consequences can be physical - I'll flunk, I'll get rejected, I'll crash the car - or they can be emotional - she'll hate me, he'll be disappointed in me, they'll dump me, I'll hate myself. There's, like, stakes.
There's no stakes in my writing? If I post a fic and it gets no hits, then I've lost exactly nothing in this process. If I write a fic and it's terrible, then I'll get really frustrated and go cool off and then go back to writing something better. Worst case scenario with my writing is...?!...my friends will think it's bad..?!...I don't know. That I'll never be good enough...? I will never, ever be good enough for myself, this is a me problem that has little to do with my writing. This is why I write to destress. Everything's made up and the points don't matter?
(This is why I'll never be a professional writer, for what it's worth - hugely rooting for your success in that aspect).
What is your deepest joy about writing?
I sometimes get extremely nice comments about how much a story meant to them. That is always so wonderful, they are very meaningful to me. I also sometimes get comments that I have made somebody realize that they are ace/trans/has made them quit their job, which are the ABSOLUTE BEST. I love talking about my writing and discussing it with other people, and I achieve this through writing stuff that is hopefully good enough that I can make other people care about it. It's hugely rewarding and feels wonderful & it makes me happy to know that I brighten days. The best part of fanfiction is the friends I make through fanfiction.
But my actual joy is - I don't know, just in the writing. When I'm wading through a scene and I just really love the scene, and I feel like a freaking genius, and I can't type fast enough to keep up with my brain. When the image is incredibly vivid in my mind and I'm feeling everything in the scene, and it's coming out even more beautiful than in my head. When I'm, like, ALMOST THERE. Writing a sentence and going 'that's the EXACT right sentence' or writing a line of dialogue that is so clever or writing a joke that is just so funny. When everything is just right and I'm just having a complete blast, and then I go brag to my friends about how smart I am. I just like doing it.
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
This post is already pretty long, so I'll attempt to be laconic.
I like Wolverine , Khonshu said wistfully. 
“Damn, then go staple yourself to his adamantium skeleton. Their crusade’s a waste of time. This ain’t a team-up issue, it’s a multiversal mistake.” Jake snorted softly, flexing his hands inside his hoodie pockets. “Mark my words, Boss. Day after tomorrow my knife’s going to find that kid’s heart. He’s going to die because our little justice system’s fucked up, because he made the shit choices a shit situation gave him, and because the keepers of the peace like us care more about justice than what’s right. And the same thing’s gonna happen next month, and the next month, and the next month. ‘Cuz there’s nothing cruel or unusual about state-sanctioned serial killing. How’s that for your piping hot pie of justice?”
The entire process of trying to make Jake was complicated enough, and he changed a tremendous amount through conceptualizing him. I hadn't intended to have him in the scene - I actually never intended to do a Jake POV until the final scene - and him becoming a major character actually fucked some stuff up. But I just liked my brand new OC so much he started eating up word count (The joy of Jake Dialogue is real). He was going to be a bit more unhinged until I wrote the passage, really loved it, and swerved hard in this direction.
This passage is to blame for a lot of that, because it cemented Jake as: an astute outside observer of the situation, a mouthpiece for the justice-themed moral, keenly intelligent, a kinda spicy fourth wall breaker, pretty hilarious, uncontrollable, pettily cruel, and bugfuck insane.
Anyway I actually just bring up this passage because I read The New Jim Crow in prep for this story and somehow Jake became the character in universe who's read The New Jim Crow. I also re-read all of She-Hulk 1989, and although Shulk was always gonna be 4th-walley it somehow became INCREDIBLY funny to have Jake be the only other 4th wall breaker just because he is bugfuck. I also watched many telenovela recaps and none of them made it in except for the general vibe of extreme drama.
Thanks for the ask!
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