#why does my ass drawing need recording man
lemm-moxx · 2 months
I screenshoted ONE very quick body sketch you made yesterday literally seconds before you erasing it and me leaving
This ask feels weirdly threatening
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c-nstantine · 1 year
hey I was wondering if I could request a Wally x batsis!reader x Roy where the two are fighting over batsis and the batboys are taking sides and getting a little too invested in her love life, thanks luv!!❤️
Warnings: references to sex, cursing,
word count: 0.6k
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Y/N Wayne was the crush of hundreds of thousands of people and it was obvious why. Her gorgeous brown skin managed to shimmer under the Gotham clouds, her smile that could replace the sun, and she had a heart that was pure. Her track record was not as clear. Having dated a few professional basketball players, a few cheerleaders, and even a few actors, no one really stuck around. Not like Wally and Roy, at least.
Wally had a crush on Y/N from the first time that Dick invited him over. Of course, Y/N was a year or two older than him but that did not stop him from flirting with her. Dick always hit him in the back of the head after he did but Wally thought it was well worth it. Especially, because Y/N was his first kiss, not that he told Dick that. He figured that he would grow out of his childhood crush but he never did. Sure he dated other girls but something about Y/N kept drawing him back.
Roy had a crush on Y/N since Jason broke into her apartment while they needed a place to lay low. He remembers the night like it was yesterday. Jason had slipped the both of them into a rather nice safe house, which ended up being a condo. Y/N was supposed to be at fashion week in Paris but she ended up not going. When she heard footsteps in her apartment, she threw two batarangs at Roy's head and he'd been infatuated ever since. Not to mention, she babysits Lian from time to time and he nearly melts every time he sees them together.
"I'm telling you, she's gonna end up with Roy," Jason spoke as he and Dick were playing Super Smash Bros. It had been a big debate between the two.
"Nah, Wally doesn't have as much baggage. Love the guy but not for my sister," Dick was honest. Wally seemed to be the option with the least difficulties. However, they were Waynes and if their love wasn't difficult, it wouldn't be them.
"Oh, so you'd rather our sister be with someone who regularly disappears into the speed force," Jason countered as he unlocked his special move in the game. He regularly kicked Dick's ass in this game but for some reason, Dick insisted on playing it.
"What are you guys talking about?" Y/N asked as she walked into the home theater. She couldn't find her other siblings so she was stuck with these two for now.
"You need to pick between Roy and Wally," Jason stated as he put the game on pause. Y/N raised her eyebrows at the sudden statement. No one in her family had ever demanded something of her before.
"First of all, I don't have to do shit but stay black and die. Second of all, I am trying," She whined a little.
"I mean it can't be that hard," Dick said hoping to lighten the mood.
"How's Kori? Or are you with Babs?" Y/N asked looking him in his eyes. Dick was taken aback as he put his hand on his chest.
"Damn," Jason mumbled, he was suddenly grateful that his love life was not being broadcasted.
"Low blow, man," Dick sniffled.
"I like them both," Y/N admitted. She wasn't sure which one she liked more. They both were great in their own ways. She also didn't want to be a heartbreaker.
"Which one do you like better?" Jason asked, wishing for a little clarity. He was really hoping she was leaning more toward Roy.
"Well, Wally can vibrate his entire body but Roy does this thing with his tong-," Y/N started. She knew saying this would allow her brothers to leave her alone.
"No! No! I do not need to know," Dick started screaming while covering his ears. He quickly left the theater room and did not bother to look back.
"So, what'd we learn?" Y/N asked while looking at her remaining brother.
"Not to ask about your love life." Jason made a face of disgust while Y/N just smiled.
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bunni-v1 · 9 months
My request is for riddle x reader where the reader is a very skilled equestrian
Riddle and His Equestrian Partner 
TW: My little pony reference; swearing
Info: Riddle x Reader; Horses; Idk shit about horses
🍓This low-key turned into a whole short story in several parts before I remembered these were head cannons and forcefully split it up lol. It’s not too long, because little concepts like this aren’t exactly the easiest to write a multi-page story about, but I try my best. I kinda of just went off on my own though, so I hope this is what you wanted lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it, and sorry about the whole waiting thing only for a mini piece like this.
-Ah! Riddle Rosehearts, we meet again.
-Riddle is a proud man. He’s multi-talented, incredibly hardworking, intelligent, and not so much kind, but it's not his fault his mother shoved a stick up his pompous ass.
-He takes great enjoyment in being the best at the things he does, but he fully accepts that… maybe… possibly he won’t always be at the top of the top.
-He does try, though. Very hard, because if he doesn’t his mother will be very cross with him.
-Something he takes greatest pride in is his talent in horseback riding. He’s a very talented equestrian, and he adores his horses. It’s one of the very few hobbies he was pushed into that he genuinely loves.
-He loves it so much that, when he gets accepted to attend NRC, he willingly and excitedly signs up for the equestrian club. In fact — other than his mother forcing the school down his throat — NRC’s equestrian club was one of the main draws of the school to him.
-This is where he meets you, his freshman year of college. 
-He walks into the stables, the smell of hay, feed, and mud (and horse shit) filling him with nothing but delight. 
-Students are allowed to bring their own horses from home if they’d like, but the school provides a handful of wonderful purebreds for those new to the sport or not willing to transport their own to campus.
-Riddle decided against bringing his old girl the first semester, even though she would be more reliable. He wanted a change, something new and exciting. He was good with horses, so he was sure whichever one he was given would be easy enough to work with and train how he liked. 
-While he was looking at the different horses, one in particular caught his eye. A beautiful Appaloosa with a shiny clean coat and pretty braided hair.
-It was love at first sight for him. This was his horse, gaping at it with an open mouth, he looked rather stupid. 
-At least, that’s what you thought at least. Stupid and endearing staring at your big baby of a horse like she was the most perfect creature on earth.
-To be fair, she was really pretty, just not… not pretty enough for this reaction, you think.
-“Hey, you okay?” You ask.
“Ah- Uhm, yes. Just… appreciating the horse.”
-Riddle is bright red trying to explain why he felt so… inspired by your horse. 
-Surprisingly, however, it goes well, as you very enthusiastically tell him all about Rainbow Dash, “Dashie”, the third. 
-You’re his first friend on campus! (Other than Trey).
-However, your name sounds very familiar, and he can’t quite get it out of his head after your first meeting.
-So… he looks you up, and he sees your insanely impressive track record. First-place medals, championship trophies, the whole shebang. You’re far more talented than him, and it almost makes him jealous he wasn’t so incredibly impressed.
-Truly Night Raven College has the most impressive students attending within its walls.
-He would initiate some sort of rivalry, but you’re just so… cool. So relaxed, and confident about your skills. He can’t help but admire you more than he wishes he were you.
-The two of you have very different schedules, so you hardly get to see each other outside of club meetings, your interactions are strictly horse-related.
-However, you hear about his violent temper and you find it kind of funny. 
-“You’re like an untrained horse, you need a good rider to reel you in.” You always tease with a wink whenever he gets particularly angry at a match or during practice.
-To everyone’s surprise, he doesn’t blow up at you, just flustered and grumbles like a toddler being scolded by his parent.
-In fact, you’re the only person he really doesn’t blow up at. Your mutual love for horses and hard work in classes make you a nearly unstoppable duo.
-When he gets frustrated training his new horse from the school, you’re there to help cool him down and find a productive way to retrain the horse. When he doesn’t perform well in a match or compares himself to you and your records, you remind him of how different your training was compared to his.
-You two become incredibly close through all of this.
-So it’s no surprise when you both decide to start meeting up outside of class to study together. Then you start meeting up to just hang out in his dorm room. Then you start treating him to sweet treats off campus. Then you start showing up to Heartslabyul’s tea parties.
-It was honestly only a matter of time before the two of you decided to make things official, and when you do, it’s incredibly easy!
-You both plan horse riding dates with each other and spend the majority of your time together talking about training techniques or studying for your upcoming tests.
-Him bringing you home to meet his horse was honestly a bigger deal than meeting his mother.
-He was afraid you wouldn’t find him as beautiful since you own Dashie, but you were absolutely in love with his old girl. She seemed to like you too, given she didn’t try to buck you off the second you claimed onto her back.
-He’s incredibly supportive of you at your own matches and your matches alongside him. 
-Now he’s proud of not only his skills, but you and yours as well, and he wouldn’t want it any other way.
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i'm outta my head over you Pt. 7
prologue (Pt. 1) | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6 | AO3 | playlist
this is the last chap of my steddie week fic!! i have a little blurb i may do for tomorrow's open ended prompt, but for now, here's the last @steddie-week prompt: misunderstandings
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Robin stops him as they’re herding the gremlins into their respective vehicles. You’d think that after nearly five hours of spending the four barely adults’ money would be enough time at the arcade. But no. They’re all fighting them on leaving. As if they all won’t be asleep by the time they get home.
“Once you get it done, you may want to get up early.”
“Steve always goes for a run at like ass o’clock in the morning.” she’s speaking low and fast to try and not draw attention to them, but their normal level of volume with one another is normally 100 times louder than this, so she’s really doing the exact opposite. “If you get up early enough, you can leave it for him while he’s gone.”
“Okayokay, I got it! Now stop making this weird.”
She looks around to find Steve already staring at the two of them questioningly.
“Oh shit… OKAY, YEAH, GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR DATE EDDIE.” she practically yells.
“What the hell, Robin? I don’t have a date!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure it’ll be great!” she’s walking away already, shrugging like even she doesn’t know why the fuck she said that. “Call me when you’re home!”
Eddie smacks his palm against his forehead and turns to his van, not even daring to look at Steve again.
He finally does dare once he’s in his van and has started moving, giving Steve a ‘nothing wrong or weird here’ wave as he pulls away.
The expression on Steve’s face is indiscernible. Somewhere stuck between totally blank, and the most devastated look he’s ever seen.
Damnit, Robin.
He only ended up with Max in his van on the way back, so when they get back, he helps her inside, and resigns himself to staying up all night to finish the tape.
He pulls in next to Wayne’s truck at the same time his uncle is coming out the front door, a dufflebag in hand. 
“You off to work early old man?” and he asks as he gets out of his van, it’s only about 9 PM now and his uncle doesn’t usually go in until near midnight. 
“Yep, gettin’ some dinner with the fellas before we head in. Gotta leave shift early to go visit yer aunt.”
Ah. “That time of year is it?”
“Yep, I’ll see ya tomorrow evenin’, son. Don’t be getting into any trouble, y’hear?”
Eddie just shrugs. “You know me.”
“That’s exactly my point.” Wayne says with a crinkly smirk.
He gives his uncle a short hug, and Wayne kisses the top of his head with another ‘be safe’.
Then, because he’s agonizing about it, Eddie spends the next couple hours cleaning the trailer instead of picking the last two songs that will go on his side (listening to said tape while he does).
He’s still got some ideas from before, but only a couple good ones..and not all of them will fit in the time he’s estimated is left on the B side.
It isn’t until he gets to Be My Baby on his second listen through that he knows which one he’s going to add next.
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After he’s got that one figured out and recorded, there definitely isn’t enough room left for the rest of the picks, so he adds the one he thinks says the most about how he feels about Steve, the one that says everything he needs to say.
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“Robin did say ‘ass o’clock’,” Eddie says to himself, glancing at the clock in his dashboard.
5:13. Yeah, that sounds right.
Eddie lets out a huge cracking yawn. Okay, he’s definitely gonna crash once he gets back to the trailer. He was so wired after finally finishing the tape, he couldn’t sleep even though he wanted to.
He makes it to Steve's street and parks up the road a bit (not wanting the rattle of his van to alert Steve to his presence if he hadn’t left yet), and walks the last leg. The tape in his pocket feels like it weighs a million pounds.
When he finally rounds the bushes at the front edge of Steve’s yard, Eddie feels every cell in his body seize up at once.
Nancy’s car is in the driveway.
What the–
Suddenly, the front door opens. He dives back behind the bushes, peeking through the leaves. You know, like a sane person?
Why the fuck is Nancy leaving Steve's house so early
Why is Steve only wearing those tiny fuckin’ shorts?
Oh no..
Oh shit.
There’s only one fucking reason
This is all wrong! Nancy knows he has feelings for Steve, was that not what that was at the arcade?
She’s with Robin, she didn’t refute it.
Oh fuck, he’s gonna have to tell Robin.
Eddie debates making himself known, let himself barrel over whatever awkwardness may arise, but he’s still got his heart in his pocket, addressed to Steve.. What’s he supposed to do with that then?
“Oh hey Steve, didn’t see you there! Just came by to drop off your very personal property that your best friend stole for me to defile! Nancy? Oh hey, you’re here! What’s up with tha–”
He’s startled out of his thoughts when the door of Nancy's station wagon shuts, the engine turning over. 
She pulls out, thankfully heading away from where he’s hidden.
Eddie watches until she’s out of sight, then jumps again when he hears Steve’s front door close.
Steve does a few hops in place from foot to foot on his front stoop (still shirtless), and starts off on his run the same way Nancy had gone. Had he been able to see shirtless, sweaty Steve whenever he wanted?? He just goes for runs like this every day? Why had no one told him??
‘Oh fuckin’ hell, shut up, shutup!!’ He yells at himself.
Now what?
Eddie sits in the grass in Steve Harrington’s front yard and stares at the back of his mailbox.
Does he still leave the tape? Of course he should, it is Steve’s tape afterall.
But what about the songs? Steve’s not gonna want his bullshit now…
He could go back to his van and re-write the note then come back and leave it. No, he wouldn’t have time now, Steve’s athletic, yeah, but Eddie’s been frozen in his front yard for a while now. He’d be back soon.
Fuck it. 
He’ll drop the tape on the front step, go back home and pack up his shit. Yeah. Good a time as any to get the fuck outta here.
Confessing your feelings to one of your closest friends who very obviously just got back together with his ex not even ten hours after you’d seen him and were very obviously flirting with each other?
Yeah. Not ideal.
Does he have the funds to get the fuck outta here? No. But he’s got enough for gas and he’s got a van. He’ll just load his mattress into the back and be gone before the rest of the town fully wakes up.
Good plan, Eddie’s brain. Thank you, rest of Eddie.
Steve slows to a jog once he can see his house, cooling down from his run on the last little bit of his road, and stopping in his driveway to do some stretches back to the door.
He’s sinking down into his last lunge when he sees the little square of…something…sitting on the front step.
“The hell?”
He stoops down and picks it up, turns it over. There’s a piece of lined paper rubber banded around it.
Peeling off the band, Steve steps inside and unfolds the letter, leaning back on the now closed front door to read
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“...oh no…” Steve looks down at the case in his hand. Now he sees why the rubberband was necessary, there’s another folded wad of papers shoved into the cassette’s case, now popped open without the band holding it together.
His heart, previously calmed down from his run, now beat wildly in his chest as he unfurls the short stack of paper.
He reads the first line, ‘8. I Was Made For Lovin’ You...’
“Holy shit.”
Steve books it up the stairs, he’s gotta get showered, he’s gotta get changed, he’s got one more song to add to the tape.
Eddie’s just finished packing up his clothes when his alarm clock radio goes off, the 7am alarm still set for when he has to get up for school.
“...still don’t believe it, he was just leaving OH there must be some misunderstanding! There must be some kind of mistake…” blasts through the tinny speakers.
Nopenopenope, not dealing with that right now.
He slaps the clock around until it finally shuts off its maniacal teasing, and goes back to packing (and blinking away some wayward tears).
He’s just dropped the second bag of clothes and his sweetheart in her case by the front door and is contemplating if his mattress would actually fit in the back of his van, when there’s a knock on the door.
Eddie’s gut freezes mid-flip.
Oh no. Please n–
“Eddie, are you there? It’s Steve. Can I come in?”
‘Don’t move. Don’t make a single sound. Maybe he’ll think you’re not home and just leave.’
“C’mon man, I know you’re in there. You’re van’s out here.”
Eddie trudges his way to the front door and opens it.
Even with floppy, just-washed, hair and an inside-out polo, Steve’s still the most beautiful person in existence.
“What do you want, Steve?” Wow. Even he’s surprised at how morose he sounds.
“I uh, I got your tape..my tape? I got your note. I added one more song and I thought, maybe, I could–” Steve looks down. “Are you..” his voice pitches high so he clears it. “Are you going somewhere?”
“Mhm.” Eddie can’t look him in the eye. He stares at the porch.
“Where are you–”
“Just going, ‘kay Steve? No need to worry about me being around anymore.” Eddie practically spits, still not looking up at his friend.
“Eddie, what are you–” he cuts himself off, his voice going soft. “Did you not mean what you said?”
That makes Eddie look up at him. Steve’s gaze is now cast downwards, staring blankly at Eddie’s packed bags.
“...I meant every word. Every song, Steve. But that doesn’t matter now, does it?” he’s truly mad now, who does he think he is, trying to act all glum like he wasn’t the one betraying his best friend.
“B-betraying my best–Eddie, what the hell are you talking about?”
Damn! He said that out loud.
“Just go away, Steve. I won’t tell Robin, but you definitely should.” Eddie moves to close the front door and turns back towards his room. He doesn’t hear it close, but he hears the creak of the floor when Steve follows him in.
Of. Course.
“Tell Robin what, Eddie? I already told her how I felt about you, that’s why she stole you the tape in the first plac–”
“Not that! You–” Eddie clenches his fists at his sides and spins back to face Steve. “That you hooked up with her girlfriend last night.” Steve’s face pales and Eddie continues on. “Yeah. I came by to drop off your tape; Robin thought I could leave it there when you left for your run. But lo and behold, what do I see when I come by? Nancy Wheeler’s car in your driveway at ass o’clock in the morning.
“Now, I may be a third time senior, but even I know what the fuck that means. Especially when, not long after I’ve gotten there, the Lady Wheeler herself waltzes out the door with Tiny Shorts McGee following her like a lost puppy.” he gestures at Steve, who’s still frozen in place by the door.
“So yeah, you can just burn those notes for all I care, I don’t even know why I still left it. Whatever. I’m leaving today anyway so you don’t need to worry about me pining hopelessly after you, ‘kay?”
Eddie’s chest is heaving, his eyes are burning with unshed tears, and Steve…starts laughing.
“I fuckin’ knew it!” There are tears spilling freely out of his eyes now. “You’re really good y’know, had everyone fooled. Even me! King Steve is alive and well, everyone!” Eddie spreads his hands wide and yells to no one.” I can’t believe you got me to fall for your good guy schtick. Get the fuck outta my house, Harrington.” Eddie points to the door, stalking forward.
“Eddie! Eddie, wait, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed.” Steve puts his hands out and Eddie stops, crossing his arms and glaring. “Eddie, please, Nancy was only dropping something off for me.”
“Yeah righ–”
“She was! She came by that early because she’s driving to an interview this morning at a paper in Indy. She knew I’d be up for my run anyway, so she stopped to give me the revisions she made to my–you know what, hold on. I’m calling Robin.”
“Steve, I told you to get the fuck out of my house, not go further into it.”
Steve ignores him and goes to the phone, giving Eddie as wide of a berth as he can while he passes. He picks it up and dials.
“I’m not fucking kidding, Harrington, get the fuck out of here–” Eddie’s anger is multiplied tenfold when Steve holds out a finger to shush him.
“Hi Mr. Buckley, this is Steve. I’m sorry to call so early, but can I please speak to Robin? There was a last minute change to our schedule…thank you.’
Eddie watches Steve’s face morph from his customer service expression, to an admittedly frightening pissed off smile when Robin apparently gets on the line.
“Hey Robin! I found my Eddie tape! It’s the funniest thing, I came back from my run and it was sitting on my doorstep.”
Eddie can hear the muffled sound of Robin’s voice coming through the earpiece.
“I know, isn’t that crazy?” Damn, Steve’s passive aggressive voice is…something else. “He must’ve dropped it off while I was gone..why wouldn’t he give it to me in person?”
Steve waves at Eddie to come closer, and when he stubbornly doesn’t, Steve rolls his eyes and comes to him, stretching the cord across the kitchen as he does.
“Hmmm...maybe.. Or maybe something scared him off?” He takes in an over-dramatic sarcastic gasp. “Or maybe, my best friend and soulmate who stole the tape for him, told him to come by at the exact worst time! When she knew a certain ex of mine and current girlfriend of hers was stopping by before leaving to Indy and it scared him off!”
Steve tilts the handset out from his ear so Eddie can hear..there’s complete silence on the other end.
“That would suck, don't you think? Seeing your crush’s ex leaving their house early in the morning when you’re coming over to confess to them?” He continues.
“Oh. My. God. Steve!! I am so so sorry I–”
“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to Eddie.”
Steve grabs up Eddie’s hand and wraps it around the handset, forcing him to take it, then stomps off into the living room.
Eddie puts the phone to his ear and walks back to the receiver, Robin rambling in his ear the whole way. 
“--ddie, I’m so so sorry! I totally forgot Nancy was dropping off Steve’s paper this morning before she went to her interview! Please please don’t be mad at me, actually, scratch that. Be super mad at me, but definitely not at Steve, okay? I should have remembered, I should have told you, I should hav–”
It’s effective, he feels the anger draining out of him. “Robin, Robin! It’s okay, you’re okay.” Eddie glances over at Steve, who’s pacing up and down the short length of the trailer’s living room. “But now I have a very pissed off Harrington in my house right now…you got any survival tips for me?” he mumbles lowly.
“...Oh! I know, just go over there and kiss hi–her–stupid!” Eddie snorts through his nose, her parents must still be nearby.
“Got it, I’ll try that. Thanks Birdie…for everything.”
She sighs in relief. “You’re welcome, Doofus.”
Eddie slowly hangs up the phone, and turns to where Steve is. Now stationary, he’s got one hand on his hip, and the other is rifling through his hair nervously.
‘Yep. Buckley’s right.’
Eddie takes a deep breath and crosses to Steve in three short strides, grabs his face in both his hands, and kisses him deeply.
Steve responds immediately; he wraps one arm around Eddie’s waist, his large palm centered squarely on his lower back, and one around his arm, lacing his fingers into Eddie’s curls and cupping the back of his head.
Steve pulls their bodies flush and cants his hips into Eddie’s, tugs a breathy moan from Eddie’s throat when the hand in his curls tightens.
Eddie’s nose is pressed uncomfortably into the space between Steve’s nose and cheekbone with how close they’ve smushed themselves together, but Eddie can’t find it in himself to care. 
He’s kissing Steve Harrington. 
There’s a strong thigh slotted between his, and Steve Harrington is kissing him back. 
Eddie moves one hand down to clutch at Steve’s shirt, and pushes the other back, grabbing onto those short hairs on the back of Steve’s neck.
They finally come up for air after one too many teeth clashes, their foreheads coming together.
“Hi.” they breathe out at the same time, chuckling at the absurdity of it all.
“We’re kinda idiots, huh?” Steve says, looking cross-eyed between Eddie’s eyes. The hazel of his eyes sparkling with the movement.
Eddie chuckles. “Dingus and Doofus, remember?” he points to each of them in turn, only lifting his pointer finger out of the grip on Steve’s shirt to do so.
“Can I play you the last song now?”
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and then they low dance in eddie's living room
Yay!! that's it, thanks for following along with this one!!! here's the last tags :o) @hellomynameismoo, @messrs-weasley, @manda-panda-monium
Here's some notes since it's the last part:
this is the most I’ve ever written in such a short time, I literally wrote each of these chapters the day before their day to be posted….most of it while at work lmao
Steve used a Sony C60 tape. i.e. there’s 60-ish minutes of space on it. before At Last, the songs on the tape totaled 55 min 55 seconds, a perfect amount left for Etta James (ending up at 58 min 54 seconds in total according to my spoofy playlist).
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I know that the Eddie half of songs weren’t really…’Eddie music’, but in my head, Eddie likes music for being music. All music is good (like he said to Max in part 5). Plus, he wanted to put songs on the tape that he knew Steve would like/want to listen to.
steve asked nancy to make revisions on his nursing school application essay (he found he quite liked the process of taking care of eddie and wants to go to school for it!)
anyone else just recently realize that Take Me Home Tonight had an allusion to Be My Baby?? anyway, love that, wanted to make that a thing here :o)
and lastly, a couple of little things i LOVED about this fic that i didn’t see anyone else / only a couple people point out:
Steve singing the rubber duckie song to Eddie in part 5
Eddie literally giving Gareth the shirt off his back in part 2 when Tommy threw his pop on him (in my head, this is the same red buffalo check flannel that Gareth ends up cutting the sleeves off of and wears in S4).
that's all!! thanks for reading, friends :o)
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zhongrin · 8 months
ー and that's a wrap!!!
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note: this is a thank-you post and i’ll be posting an ‘explanation’ post after this, just give me some time to compile all the information <3
so. obviously i just have to do this because man. that was a whole ride hahahah thank you so so so so so SO MUCH to people who participated actively in the ebg???? i am????? not worthy??????? lsjdkfjskldf
special mentions to: (ps. please check them out; these are all wonderful, talented writers. be sure to read their rules first, though!!!)
@kurikurikurisu / @risustravelogue thank you for putting up with my insanity throughout this event…. and for being the first to bring in their hubby to sneak around the teahouse! lol smart move!! i’m guessing you’ll bring your other hubby next time for the fun of it and i am. looking forward to it already hahahah also that morse code → vigenere cipher will haunt my nightmares now thanks- /silly
@crystalflygeo you precious precious gem. i am still wheezing at that meme you sent me. here’s to hoping the next time crys visits the teahouse it doesn’t smell like sea salt and frost anymore heh ;)) also fontaine tea time double date when? <3
@floraldresvi thank you for being the source of romance this ebg lol tartarin is a sinking ship so everyone better hop in to covivi!! all jokes aside, i love writing your interactions with coviello so much (and based on the comments everyone else seems to enjoy it too hahahah) i 🚢!!!!!
@silentmoths MOTH!!! YOUR WINGS 😭 will drinking tea make it grow back??? i offer the finest silk for you to munch on after this hsdlfjskdf anyway, be it the last ebg or this one, i love seeing the little moth flying about in the teahouse hehe <3
@ainescribe / @lychniis i hate (read: love) you. why did you have to bring back the nightmarish cipher into this smh /j anyway…. another event to be recorded in the record keeper’s books, eh? i hope you enjoyed this ebg too <3
@queen-belial you madlad /pos. the way you write ousldjflshdjflksd i feel a little bad i can only respond with small snippets because man. those are. yummy yummy meals you were dishing out there!!! capitano is coming for childe’s ass atp that ginger better watch out lmaoooo
@abyssmal-skies tysm for granting me the opportunities to up the creepy factor lol i’m glad you managed to piece together what happened!! looking forward if you ever decide on joining an ebg next time :3
@the-travelling-witch HOLLYYYYYY. thank you for letting me 'borrow' your husband and allowing me to make him a little... uhh... #deranged lol. honestly you’re one of the reasons why i went “ok so…. only my blog needs to simp for childe. i don’t…. time to make someone else ‘run’ the blog…. >:)” because for lord’s sake i am very much not attracted to him and i just. can’t. do. it. #chilly4ever #chillyno1
@leftdestiny-posts / @intothegenshinworld that letter almost took me out ngl i am. i am still crying and sobbing over it hsldfjskldjflksdf PLEASE. also shiro protection squad &lt;;3 *silently wipes bloodied hand on a tea towel*
@kopidense / @ask-court-genshin heyyyy fellow murder accomplice (for legal reasons, disclaimer: this does not involve any real human bodies whatsoever) 🙌🏻 thanks for dropping by!! also pls tell your two friends i said hi winkwink #truezhonglimainsstickstogether /silly
@navxry actually yk what no. no thanks for you, you gremlin /silly but thanks for the trauma i guess- /j
@i23kazu YING!!! thank you so so so so much for hosting this ebg! it has been super fun and i (and i’m sure everyone else thinks the same) really appreciate your effort in putting things together!!
and of course all of the other people who sent in asks, be in anon or non-anon, be it a silly ask or a sabotage attempt or a rp attempt — please know that i really really really appreciate each and every single one of you!!!
your participation means a lot and it’s the literal driving force behind my passion in constantly drawing and writing stuff whenever i have time these past 7 days. i haven’t written or drawn any content whatsoever in weeks. do you see the power you hold over us writers by sending in fics & silly stuff now?? i hope you do.
also, even if you didn’t participate at all, i appreciate you for still sticking with me despite having to deal with my silliness for past week 😌
sending you all my kithes /p and hugs and a cup of your preferred tea! <3
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vampirkit · 4 months
list of my random hcs for kamilah sayeed (x lucy) that no one asked for but here they are bc i need to write them down:
kamilah has read literally EVERYTHING (except for modern fiction bc she says she’s read the same stories a thousand times before); and
lucy lovesss modern sapphic romance fiction + gets super excited about the plot and the characters getting together, so she tells kamilah about it. And kamilah is like, “oh, that’s similar to [insert a NICHE ASS 1500s novella that no one has ever talked about in the last 500 years bc why tf would they]”
kamilah has the nicest (and most effective, bc she’s had 2000+ years to deveop it) skincare routine known to man - even though she doesn’t technically need it. she is an immortal vampire after all; tell kamilah that, though, and she’ll respond: “i have an image to maintain, do i not?”
more under the cut
due to the fact kamilah’s day job requires human employees and council duties require nighttime hours, kamilah rarely ever sleeps. she drowns herself in work (literally constantly) bc it gives her something to do other than mulling over her past. yes, vampires don’t actually need sleep, but everyone does so anyways, bc they have all the time in the world really; there’s no real need to stay up all the time. and
lucy asks kamilah when she’s free (it’s never more than 5 hours at a time), adjusting her schedule accordingly (i’m writing a fic where lucy confronts kamilah on that issue, so prepare for angst)
lucy sends kamilah historically inaccurate memes - on purpose - bc she knows that kamilah will respond with a mini essay explaining how that’s wrong and the true events (it’s the easiest ways to draw stories out of the ancient vampire); kamilah never catches on
kamilah ONLY listens to music on vinyl (i imagine “Turn Me On” by Norah Jones constantly playing in the background of her penthouse); and
lucy sends kamilah spotify links all the time, bc she wants to know what kamilah thinks (of that! specific song!). kamilah promptly orders the album’s vinyl record to give it a listen, and she returns with a simple x/10 rating for the entire album
kamilah loves the lego botanical series. it all started when lucy bought her one, expecting typical unamused kamilah^TM; but she actually really enjoyed it???? (only after lucy convinced her to give it a try) and now it sits on the coffee table next to kamilah’s business magazines and lucy’s pile of current reads
kamilah always upgrades to the newest iphone, yet she uses her phone for less than an hour a day AND all of her devices wallpapers are the boring default ones
mhmm simple gold band thumb thing for kamilah. yes. on her right hand. and occasional rings on her middle + ring fingers on her left hand when she’s feeling extra slutty
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fuckmeyer · 7 months
random! but I absolutely love your interpretation of Bella and Edward and was wondering what you think Bella would gift Edward for his birthday — i know she gifts him her visions as a vampire and compiles them in a lil montage, but I'm more interested in what you think she'd opt for left to her mere human talents
aw, thank you, anon! glad you like my interpretation of Bella & Edward. love your question. tricky! what do you get the rich century-old vampire for a celebration he typically ignores? the perfect gift requires a fundamental understanding of who this man is, what he wants, & what he needs.
i think (& believe this applies to canon too)...
Edward has a contradiction within him that leads to his suffering. he reads others' minds; no one can do the same, yet he hears everyone's judgments about him. most are projections, but what they all instinctively know is also what he fears: he's a monster. this skews his perception of himself because it "confirms" what he "knows." being a monster makes him inherently bad. selfish. cruel. violent. unworthy. soulless. his opinion isn't all negative: he knows he's curious, intelligent, musical, etc., but these traits all stem from or are influenced by his vampirism...meaning all his positive traits are shadowed by his "evilness"
by virtue of trying to be a better person, some part of him knows this is not who he truly is. deep down, he wants to be seen— the parts of him he's forgotten, denied, or ignored but exist nonetheless. he wants to be seen as good. worthy. deserving. human. lovable. soulful. he wants someone to see the suffering, the contradiction. he wants someone to see he's lonely. that his needs aren't met. that he's misunderstood.
part of why he's drawn to Bella is her "goodness" &, more importantly, her silent mind. not only does she draw the best out of him, but he can't see the worst of himself through her eyes. as annoying as he says it is, being blocked from her mind is a relief.
which leads us to another thing Edward wants: Edward wants to see Bella's mind. canon Bella kinda understands this by the end with the lil vampire montage, but as a human, she lacks self confidence & self awareness to understand Edward truly is interested in knowing her.
ok, so say she has more self-confidence & enough self-awareness & knows Edward well enough to understand what he wants and needs... here's how the birthday goes:
she would take him someplace where he can't hear anyone's thoughts (e.g. the meadow, but tbh it'd be fun if she took him someplace he's never been. he can enjoy the surprise & mystery.)
she would plan activities he's typically excluded from. e.g., a game of chess/cards, maybe a picnic (even if he can't eat, he can enjoy a human experience)
she would wear an outfit he loves on her (NO green sweater. sorry folks)
she might make a mixtape of songs she loved as a child & details the memories behind them, OR a mixtape of songs from their relationship showcasing her favorite memories together. i.e., giving him a peek into her mind through something they have in common
fucking CUTE ASS HOMEMADE CARD drawn/painted by her. if she was brave, all her mushy feelings she would never say out loud would go into this (or in an accompanying letter). i could also see her making a collage: she would cut out quotes about love from his favorite books, put in some pressed flowers he's given her, maybe mementos from their time together (ticket stubs, fave lyrics, scraps from their Bio homework with their flirty notes written in the margins, photos, etc). if she journals, maybe she cuts out some sections where she's writing about him. something that shows him that, just as he's grateful for every second of their time together, she values that time just as much
straight up she might ask him if there's anything he wants to do with her. if he wants to take her to a bookstore or record store & drop a cool thousand on her, she will grin & bear it. if he wants to slowdance with her for hours, great. if he wants her to go to Mike Newton's & kick him in the balls...well, maybe they can compromise & egg his house or sth
ok this idea won't leave my brain so here ya go: taking a favorite date of theirs but making it totally solo. thinking particularly of going to the drive-in theater. except instead of going to the drive-in, she would roll that Chevy out to the woods, there's a projector & screen all set up, the truckbed is filled with blankets & pillows & snacks, & they watch his favorite movie together
she would touch him. not sexually because that would put him on edge. but she would play with his hair & rub his back & touch his skin & cuddle & hold his hand etc., because LORD KNOWS this man is touch-starved after decades of being alone & this lack of contact has contributed to his low self esteem
ultimately, she would give him what he wants (her) while showing him that she understands what he needs (to be seen). THAT, to me, would be the ultimate gift for the man who seemingly has everything.
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therestofmyfandoms · 3 months
turnabout succession thoughts
parts 1 2 and 3
this ones gonna be a lil different, ill be adding thoughts as I play, then do a summary at the end. ill probably do this one under a read more
edit: i've finished, and yeah, glad i put it under a read more. just a massive block of bullet points under there, so i'll do my summary up here instead. full breakdown is under the cut. spoilers ahead!
apollo: loved his whole thing here. glad he still got to do the final blows to kristoph. phoenix did take over a lot, but i'm glad apollo was still there, yknow. also his bracelet! i know some people are probably like "great magic bracelet" and tbh the "power" is a little stupid, but i like that the bracelet technically has nothing to do with it? it's just something that tightens perfectly to your skin, and it feels like it gets "tighter" because you get more tense. fascinating
phoenix: mans is so mysterious. why do you not explain anything to anyone. please please please fucking tell your daughter she has a brother wtf. i get things are on a need-to-know basis with you but like. come on. that seems pretty need-to-know. also his fuckin hat camera thing!! oh my god!! man has been recording shit (presumably) this whold fucking time!!! what the fuck!!!!!!
trucy: never change queen i love you. been bossing people around since day fuckin one and no one can stop you. queen shit
klavier: this man. has been through. so fucking much. how are you still standing. how have you not collapsed under the anger and the grief and the stress youve been under?? baby boy please take a rest. please see a therapist. please im begging you
kristoph: what an evil man, but tbh? im still a little confused on his motive. why did he want to be so famous? why did he decide to kill so many people. why. mans a fuckin insane serial killer and yet. he still trusted his brother. maybe because klavier would've been harder to get rid of. the mishams, whatever, they're reclusive painters, no one would've noticed if they up and disappeared (technically). but klavier? man
conclusions: i love this game and i love apollo justice. thank you.
i called it i knew valant was gonna come back. yet he's only technically tangentially related to this case. suspicious......
vera. pretty..............
WHY does drew misham have that hair. fuckin mad scientist lookin ass
the fuckin. layer thing?? the minigame x-ray thing?? honestly super fun i want to do more
why did misham draw our cases???? how did he get this images when he has barely left his house at all?? im ngl i genuinely got a shiver down my spine when that got revealed like wtf. i felt like i was being watched
also didnt mention earlier but like. the envelope that nick gave trucy? fuckin. chekov's gun. deus ex machina. "this is a surprise tool that will help us later"-looking ass. thats so suspicious phoenix what the fuck
and hes gonna be a fuckin witness because of course he is goddamn it
and the trial's starting i do not feel prepared but what else is new
goddamn brushel. why do i have to look at him sweating. i hate this
klavier?? just fuckin flirting with apollo?? and my man just goes "anyways heres the point i was making" like my boy. my man please he wants your attention so bad hes so desperate
apollo goes "what if drew was a fake himself" and i suddenly caught on to his train of thought and felt like i slipped into the matrix. for a moment i felt so incredibly smart
"the... de.. vil...." vera please. did you just call kristoph the devil??
aaaaand of course this ties back to the case 7 years ago of course it does. phoenix "haunting the narrative" wright motherfucker. man please i just to play as apollo why are you bringing phoenix back into this
baby boy why are you wearing shades i cant see your pretty eyes.... baby your hair is so short why..... so young so pretty
oh right and phoenix and gumshoe are here. but klavier......
also calling it now valant is gonna be the second witness
in the meantime. did zak (shadi) actually do it???? did valant do it?? is perhaps my dislike of valant coloring my perception of the case?? so many questions so little time
fuckin called it there he is twirling his stupid baton. man idk what it is but i hate this guy so much
maybe he reminds me of max galactica. maybe i just have ptsd from the big top case. not sure
man also had a letter. but for a later time. hmm...
also where does the girl fit into this. isnt troupe gramarye a 3 person show? is the girl just. eye candy or somethin? did she also get a letter? or was she fully excluded from this whole thing?
speaking of girls theres a lot of guys in this courtroom. i miss maya. where's my favorite small medium at large?
klavier i love you PLEASE shut up about your music. no one cares
oh god oh no not the magician's grand prix please no
""ace attorney" Phoenix Wright" he did he said the line
"theres no proof he didnt do it, either" FUCKING THANK YOU. how long have we gone... with perfectly good explantions and reasonings, only for the prosecution to be like "yeah but i dont think they did therefore youre wrong" shyagzjfhsjks
fuck i know this evidence is forged but like. phoenix doesn't?? also is just the page fake?? is the whole book fake?? and klavier knows, right? didnt kristoph tell him that phoenix made-up evidence? though i got it from trucy, who got it from a mysterious man in the hallway. what the fuck is going on
god its such an obvious trap but theres literally nothing else i can do. it fits too well goddamn it
oh fuck and klavier's trying to warn me. god fuckin...
wait wait wait hold on. so we knew misham was a forger. we've known for years. it was brought up in court, in front of a judge. and they didnt arrest him???????? my only thought is that maybe they decided to "overlook" this crime in exchange for him cooperation but like. why
aha and im already seeing inconsistencies. misham is obviously covering for his client, he "never met them". vera, on the other hand, claims she met them face to face. a clear discrepancy, and now klavier's earlier (later?) freakout makes much more sense. hes been under the impression that phoenix is a liar and a cheat this whole time. obviously, he has no idea his brother's involvement in this whole this (tbf im still not clear on the details myself but dramatic irony at its finest)
just as a little aside as i embark on the mason system: looking at the court record, i see that kristoph and apollo have been added. both of them have (what i presume to be) their "present" descriptions, but their "past" ages. so apollo says "a greenhorn defense attorney. i call him apollo" and his age is 15. like first off. you did not meet apollo at 15 i call bullshit. plus kid is not a defense attorney he is in HIGH SCHOOL
anyway the kristoph one is funnier because it says he's 25 but "incarcerated for the murder of shadi smith" which has not happened yet. they dont even know shadi yet (well they do but. you get my point). okay aside over back to the game
awww its officer meekins. ill be honest i really was not expecting to run into him of all people
baby truce is the same as ever i see. she has immediately taken over phoenix's life and honestly? good for her
"i just dont know much about anything other than law" yeah thats what happens when you drop out of art school to save your crush from 2nd grade, phoenix. you end up knowing nothing
god fuckin. trucys mother. the woman in troupe gramarye. lamiroir. fuuuuuck
why does kristoph have a full study for a cell. what is this. what kinda rich asshole bullshit
black psyche-locks??? what does this mean...
okay wait im just now doing valant's locks. did they fucking shoot thalassa??? is that what happened to her??????? oh my god poor lamiroir....
no wait wait wait apollo has the same thing as trucy yeah but youre not implying what i think youre implying are you game?????? trucy and apollo?? are actually related???? nah nah nah say it aint so. i thought those were fuckin. headcanons. not. not actually....
ah so magnifi killed himself. okay. sure
"mr. wright told me everything that's been happening" did he mention you have a sister. did he mention you and trucy are related. did he fucking mention that
god klavier... youre helping me against your brother.... man what this man must be going through.... your brother is a murderer yet you still help to make sure the truth comes to light instead of covering for him... fuuuuck
"i have to pull that darkness out of him" GOD FUCKIN-- apollo is trying to save klavier and klavier is trying so hard to help apollo even through all this emotional shit jesus fucking christ im going FERAL
okay so even though kristoph is a fuckin murderer and does not care about anyone... he still cares about his brother. he killed literally everybody else who knew about the forging (or tried to), he covered all of his bases..... except for klavier. did he just never expect klavier to betray him? did he trust klavier? if youre killing everyone else, why not your brother?
ohhh fuuuckkk and the reveal of the other bracelet omggg
if you didnt piece it together by this point that would be a HELL of a reveal
i love vera im glad shes alive
question. for the straight people out there. is vera supposed to be apollo's love interest? like i know he was a lil blushy around her or whatever but like. is that just typical ace attorney stuff or are they trying to insinuate stuff.
i mean obviously klapollo is superior regardless but like. is that the intention
trucy dear we dont need to find you a mommy we just need to figure out where your other daddy is. probably in germany somewhere
and thats the end! lets go me
and as an aside for those who read through to the bottom of this: i'll be playing duel destinies next, and ill probably be writing my notes as i play again. my question to you is this: would you prefer this play-by-play again? or simply the post-case breakdown like my first posts were? thanks!
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your-local-scene-emo · 5 months
all my marble hornets notes
alex is the guy who saw slenderman first, and made the bad decision to explore it, and he survived i think.
alex sees anxious in all of the clips in entry 3
entry 4 is alex in a park, running from slenderman, or an entity. whatever it is, alex does not seem to want to interact with it.
jay is the man recording in entry 5, and alex is doing a tour of the ground for marble hornets
it may be that slenderman followed him home after the encounter at the park or the road with his dog.
brian, alex, and a girl off camera entry 7, further notes here. alex is off camera and brian is now talking. they are in a car. also, brian is hoody.
the man confirms that someone is most definitely following alex
alex is seen drawing the slenderman poster thingys
sarah and tim are reading a script, and alex is pissed that they aren't doing it how he wants them to. alex seems to want to have the camera recording at all times, this may just be a minor detail only for the set, or it may be because he feels unsettled by the tall man stalking him. seth is the one recording right now.
alex is running away from the tall man in entry 10
in entry 11 alex is checking his house and outside for the entity, it also appears he has hanging the pictures of slenderman up.
in entry number 12, brain and alex are shooting a shot together with alex acting more like himself. the camera distorts, and then seth zooms in on the slenderman.
alex is in the woods all by himself, and finds a symbol that is an 'O' with an 'X' alex notices something and begins to run
it seems slenderman ha invaded his home, alex records for about 35 minutes and gets nothing, but next we see him bleeding from his head, but conscious.
jay and tim are meeting up entry 15. so tim mentions that at first, alex was a pretty good director until moving forward. so that would mean that an clips of alex being himself are the first clips he made, and then the ones of him acting off are the ones that are the result of being exposed to slenderman.brian and alex are good friends it seems, while tim was just along for the ride. someone was leaving dead animals on alex's front yard, so this can conclude that slenderman is most likely hostile if it is him. TICK TOCK
we are in the pov of jay, and he's looking for brian in entry 16 why are these mfs always in the woods at night??? anyway, jay is knocking on maybe brians door. jay attempts breaking and entering. jay succeeds at breaking and entering. oh damn their house is like what comes out of my ass when i eat too much mcdonalds jay i need you to get your shit together and leave immediately. i'm just saying i would know if i'm in a horror film somebody give this mans some cough medicine his coughing is freaking me out more than the spooky tall guy omfg jay don't go upstairs he went upstairs omfg oh boy blood splatters, lets go towards it! OMFG JAY TOUCHED THE SINK FULL OF BLOOD THIS DUMBASS it seems brian took pills, also this is brian's house i'm going to assume
alex is nice now in entry 17 so this is when they first started. slenderman is in the background, no has noticed him yet
maybe alex done did suicided himself
entry 18- more of my rants about this dumbass jay. he's knocking on the door like someone's gonna answer more breaking and entering EW DON"T TOUCH THE DOLL uh oh, you know what that looks like, naked slender man doll :0 also, was that masky or am i tripping? yep, i rewinded it. holy shit, top ten anime battles aw masky dropped him off
so jay is going insane too, great, entry 19 is starting off great. omg masky is sleeping with him, girls night!
totheark is masky's name? refuse to believe. i'm googling it rn uh uh his name is tim dumb ass
so jay is probably gone lol
stopping at entry 19.5 cus i'm tired.
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shitpostingsystem · 5 months
bsd wan! ramblings
dazai stopping his kids from fighting is so real
the dogs role play?? kewl
the chibi animation style <3333
dazai is so silly
“as a part of clean-up duty it’s our job to banish it”
kenji having a cow in his locker is great
dazai has a noose in his locker. real
everyone is so smol i love it
this show is so fucking weird i love it
everyone is so silly
koyouka is my child
“suicide by drowning therapy” SILLY
the port mafia is so silly
“okay let’s stop before we get in trouble with the censors” lmao
“i’ll kill anyone who doesn’t value life” that’s very ooc of you dazai
ranpo <33
i love kenji
“get your ass up you blockhead” i love you kunikida. now kiss dazai
kenji loving cows is great
pretty sure it’s the cat special ability dude but idc
kunikida is such a cat dad
fukazawa loving cats is so real of him
“i already told you! i’m a tiger!” ok atsushi. big cats are still cats.
i love ranpo
dazai being the narrator fuels me
“if it were for you dazai, i would move out of a moving airship” god i love akutagawa
awww the shin soukoku babies are fighting
akutagawa climbing through the window is real
i love akutagawa. he’s a plant dad canon
“i wanna be a marshmallow, preferably on a s’more” mood dazai
“as if bruh!” — atsushi
“straight man atsushi” he is anything but straight dazai
i love dazai
i love how dazai’s va says “wan! iddy biddy shorts!”
dazai’s a furry now?? lmao good for him
now he’s a box?? kewl
why does he hate dogs?????
skk <33
chibi ada and pm dancing isn’t something i knew i needed but i love it
KYOUKA <33333333333
“for being older than me, you’re pretty short” isn’t he like 5ft8in or smth?? that’s how tall my dad is. UPDATE HES 5FT3IN. CHUUYA IS 3/4 OF AN INCH TALLER THAN ME.
akutagawa being protective of dazai is fun. dadzai <3
i want to go to bungo preschool
“yeah i love him” “that’s kinda weird” LMAO
i love dazai so much omfg
i think they cuss more in wan! than they do normal bsd
gin using paper to talk is so real of her
higuchi is such a simp
“my brother is sensitive” LMAO GIN
“ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA YOU SON OF A—“ kiss him akutagawa
bro loves yogurt damn
“lets go see what ranpo is up to shall we” POE MY BABY
i love gin so much
being a pedo is a criteria lmao
gin <3
yosano being weird omfg
istg everyone in this show is my blorbo
“drowning oneself” MOOD
the danger warnings are great
“i hope i go out just as beautifully” same here but that’s “not mentally stable” and “don’t jump off a bridge”
dazai is so suicidal. mood
the censors are really shitty
i’m a big brother odasaku truther
i’m gonna cry i love the bar lupin squad
they’re so prone to loneliness omg
omg atsushi and dazai did a freaky friday (they switched bodies)
kyouka is so me-coded
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oneslimybastard · 2 years
The Nunpire AU Masterpost
Aka, that one AU I fucked with a little bit that got me some attention on twitter, where Piers pokémon was a nun... but also a vampire! Yay!
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From 2020 baby. I'm just really tickled by the idea of this Very Obvious Impostor with no one really questioning why they're there. Oh, the one walking around in a sexy Halloween costume? That's just Sister Piers, he never comes out during the day, he probably just gets sunburnt because he's so pale so we don't worry about it. Yeah no he's a guy, why? He's gay and devoted to our lord, amen, so the sisterhood sees no issue with having him be part of it.
I also made it part of the lore that his particular method of hunting was to play a ditzy innocent nun who'd gotten lost, then he'd get down on his knees and just suck 'em dry like a packet of coolaid ripe for M I L K I N G.
For the lord of course, amen, ave maria.
The increasing amount of corpses with Suspect Bitemarks on their wieners was what initially sent off alarm bells in town that there might be a vampire lurking around, so the ~Demon Hunting Agency~ just sent out ya boi Raihan out to deal with it, because I was way into kbnz at the time so Why Not Shippify It (still am for the record, the fixation has just died down)
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Raihan was a weredragon you see, because why keep things simple when you can follow your heart? I never drew him more than once in his dragon form though which is kind of a disgrace because I still kinda fuck with it. It's very Todd Lockwood but in these gaudy colors of bright orange and dark blue, it's a fun color scheme, and I like the proportions I came up with for it. Also I got some compliments on his Hat, which agreed, the Hat is pretty Neat.
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I didn't really consider the world building that intensely beyond what would make my ape brain go Unga Bunga, so he kiiinda had sealing magic or something but could also puke? Fire? He could do what he needed to for Piers' silly little vampire ass to end up in Magic Holy Bondage, that was the point, that was the ends to the means.
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Similarly, I made it a Thing that if dragons like Raihan started to munch on demon hearts they'd get more powerful — but also addicted. Because if you can't tell already, I have a little thing for blood and violence and liked the idea of this dragon man trying really hard to not eat his way into Piers' ribcage to just gobble that heart up.
Piers for the record was kind of into it, and they made a deal that when it was time for Piers to just peace out for good, Raihan would get to eat his heart: because vampires are demons, their souls are tied to hell, but if you get eaten by a dragon your soul will get entrapped within them instead, which was a bit more appealing than eternal punishment for the crime of just kinda being born.
The last related thing I drew for the Au (as far as I can remember at least lmao, might be some other doodles scrambling about that I've forgotten about) was mainly inspired by VtM brainworms, where I just played with the idea of Piers having access to Blood Sorcery, because that term is fucking metal.
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I did doodle some more stuff but for other ships in the same universe (mainly huntershipping) but only like. Three things. And I never really posted them anywhere nor do I intend to do so ,':)
Cus my fixation just kinda fizzled out like it usually does so I stopped drawing for it, and now I'm just kinda sitting here on a phat pile of Lore my brain spawned in because I can't help myself. Things got real cursed real fast once my Ghetsis-enjoying burst out into full bloom and I began to ponder what he'd be up to in there 8) spoiler alert: no fun very bad time for Natural Harmonia Gropius, 0/10 do not recommend.
But that's the Nunpireverse! I still like it, and might flesh it out with more art one day, right now it's mostly just a testament to what my brain looks like on self-indulgence run amok. Cross-dressing nun-vampires with dragon-shifter men and also blood kink shenanigans out the ass.
Cultured and refined tastes, you see.
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
Bingo: Speedwagon
Oh man, I missed the chance to post this on October 16th, Speedwagon's canon birthday! My blunder, everyone, I'm sorry.
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Do I even have to say I love Speedwagon? Everyone loves Speedwagon, even people that dislike Part 1 love Speedwagon, and I'm on the record stating Phantom Blood's my favorite part. But yeah, I love Speedwagon, I love the roles he plays, I love what he does for the story and JJBA as a whole.
I love that Speedwagon is a cartoon gangster named after a 70s rock band with a razor-bladed boomerang hat and who walks around saying he can SMELL evil. A dude who gets kicked in the face ONCE and immediately commands an army of thugs from the nastiest street in London to stop, and let the protagonist pass through unharmed, on top of swearing lifelong loyalty to the guy on the spot. A dude who walks into hell with no superpowers to fight off zombies with a giant hammer. a dude who gets Scrooge McDuck-level rich by sheer accident and proceeds to start a foundation that exists to fight evil, in order assist the family of the guy who kicked his face so hard his entire moral character did a 180. A DUDE WHOSE PIPING HOT ABS ARE ENOUGH TO STAVE OFF SUPERNATURAL FROSTING, is a dude who is, comparatively speaking, one of the more normal JoJo characters. Speedwagon sets the tone for the entire series from the get-go, the first intrusion of the "Bizarre" into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
I love that Speedwagon is, in a way, the voice of Araki. He follows the role of anime hypeman as the guy who stands in the sidelines narrating everything going on in detail and making sure everyone knows how deeply cool his buddy JoJo is and how deeply evil his enemy Dio is and how much JoJo needs to kick his ass and SAVE US ALL, and he does that better than anyone, but he's also the character most important for Araki to convey points of characterization too. When he looks at the scene where Erina's taking care of Jonathan and drawing attention to her hands, her hands! This fine lady's hands are all cracked and calloused! She must have been tending after JoJo's burns for hours! Why would an ordinary nurse be this devoted?!!! and, just, why would you ever want this kind of information conveyed to you through an ordinary narrator when you can have The Meddlesome Dastardly Interrupting Speedwagon excitedly narrate things to you that you need to know?
Or when Speedwagon quite literally acts as Araki's voice in the text to tell us that Dio's lying through his teeth in using his poor background as an excuse for his evil, and Speedwagon of course exists to provide this contrast because he himself is a dirtbag from the slums and yet, HE KNOWS TRUE EVIL WHEN HE SMELLS IT, or later when Dio's freaking out over the Hamon rose in his eye and Speedwagon pointificates THERE IT IS! HIS CHEAP SOFISTICATION, NOTHING BUT A MASK!, just, man, I live for Speedwagon shittalking Dio like this. This is exactly the kind of character needed to sell the pro-wrestling nonsense of early JoJo to a 2010s irony-poisoned anime audience, sometimes you absolutely need a highly enthusiastic Captain Obvious to narrate and announce these things and make it clear that this is what the series is about and it’s not gonna be tongue-in-cheek about it, this is the completely earnest ridiculousness you signed up for, get with the program. 
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I love this moment, so much, and what it informs about their dynamic. I do like that Speedwagon is also to show how dramatically the stakes raise upon Dio’s transformation to vampire, where Speedwagon, a big shot criminal who'd given Jonathan a rough time and had been instrumental in taking down Dio, is completely and utterly powerless before him now, but even after seeing Dio rise from the grave and slaughter officers before him, Speedwagon doesn’t bat an eyelid at shooting Dio in the forehead to protect Jonathan, who still couldn’t bring himself to fire at him. I like that Speedwagon does the best he can even while being helpless, whether it’s the aforementioned ab-based cooldown or shouting warnings towards Jonathan or holding off zombies with a giant hammer or, y’know, dedicating the rest of his entire life towards helping raise Jonathan’s son and grandson and establishing a foundation for the purpose of helping fight off supernatural evil and assisting the Joestars even after Speedwagon’s death, even to the point of dying a bachelor at the age of 89. Little things you just do for your buddy, y’know, after he kicks you in the face that hard, and not even hard enough! 
Like, the crux of Speedwagon’s entire initial admiration for Jonathan is that, while he was in the process of mugging him and sawing straight through his arm, Jonathan didn’t kick him hard enough to kill him despite being able to! That was enough for Speedwagon to command the ENTIRETY OF OGRE STREET to stop so he could ask Jonathan why (and ALL OF OGRE STREET stops when they hear Speedwagon, not even threatening them, just saying he wouldn’t forgive them if they attempted anything, and honestly that in it’s own already says a ton about the kind of prestige and influence Speedwagon must have had), and upon hearing that Jonathan was worried about Speedwagon’s life and the possibility of upsetting his father (which Speedwagon immediately thinks as naive), upon noticing that this towering nobleman didn’t even hurt his stabby friends too badly either, immediately started calling him friend and decided to help this guy, also partially to make up for slicing open his arm. 
This is an incredible introduction to a character, and one that I think implied some pretty fascinating storytelling threads for Speedwagon, even some pretty sad ones, considering Speedwagon’s instant dismissal of Jonathan’s concern for his father, and the fact that all it took for Speedwagon to turn his life around was getting kicked in the face more nicely than he expected to, by someone who could have killed him but chose not to. As funny as it is, it sets up a pretty damn morbid idea of what kindness even looks like to him. More importantly, it helps to set up Jonathan as an archetypal paragon to match Dio’s supreme evil, because Speedwagon starts off a bad guy, but he’s a human bad guy (the first of many JoJo characters to follow the “you beat me up, we’re friends now” shonen school of redemption), one who becomes small and petty by comparison to the greater evil  at play, and through contact with Jonathan, Speedwagon finds a better purpose. Even when following Jonathan into hell and meeting horrors beyond anything he could have imagined, even when despair and fear hit him hard, he still throws Jonathan his sword and does what little he can to make a difference, and that little eventually turns into a lot. 
I love that Speedwagon, a lowly street thug born into functionally identical circumstances as Dio (and without the 7 years spent as a privileged son of a noble family), who showed up almost specifically to shit over Dio and the idea that his background is an excuse, proceeded to achieve the riches and prestige that Dio backstabbed the Joestars in pursuit of, and used them to become the single greatest force of good in this world. Even decades after his demise, the Speedwagon Foundation is still around, providing ambulances and vehicles and resources and doctors and the means for the Joestars to be helped out and provided for, all the way to Stone Ocean in 2012 with Speedwagon Foundation doctors working around the clock to keep Jotaro Kujo alive, a full 60 years after Speedwagon’s demise. 
He wasn’t a Joestar, he wasn’t a supernatural force or able to fight them, and he still stood his ground and pulled his weight to the bitter end and beyond to make the world a better place and make sure his friend didn’t die for nothing. Speedwagon rules, plain and simple. Completely deserves his status as a fan favorite and I’m glad he was never entirely forgotten.
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engagemythrusters · 9 months
okay. ahsoka. here we go
Immediately a fan of the music. Did they get the same people as TBOBF and The Mandalorian? The Ludwig person? Forgot the name…
But also red? Why red crawl?
Why is she searching for Thrawn not Ezra. Like I know the two left together but you think Ezra would be the priority. Not thrawn.
Aaand there’s the ship. Always start Star Wars with a ship.
Uuuugh my pirate site keeps buffering. Booooooooo
“They’re jedi” okay vibe but are they actually. Or is it those sorta-Sith guys
Ugh okay my annoying I have to go without subtitles now… :/ tbjs js gonna be hard
Okay that was a very Star Trek move. Why. For what.
Shin Hati evil love that for her. Love evil gorls
Evil granpa got shoulders daaamn love that for him
Ah it’s Bad Wig Girl.
God seriously why are the wigs so bad. Fucjing Disney. Boo.
Man I miss when Star Wars had cool titles. Phantom Menace. Return of the Jedi. Now it’s just fuckin NAMES.
Oooo interesting place. Old jedi temple? Looks like it.
Aaand her Lekku and Montrals still look like shjt styrofoam.
Okay fun lightsaber trick. At least theh didn’t forget how cool Ahsoka Tano is.
Wonder if we’ll see Morai…
Oh wow. Ahsoka wearss lipgloss ig. Okay.
This is very slow paced. Move a lil girl.
Those remind me a lil of the Zeffo spheres. But if they were filled. Idk maybe I’m making a connection that isn’t there. I just really like Star Wars Jedi games. Their lore was WAY COOL.
What do droids need capes for tho. Like why. That’s literally so fuckin impractical
God I love T-6 shuttles. Best Star Wars ship. I mean other than bobas. But yeah T-6 sexiest SW ship
Do we get to see Sabine soon I miss her
Okay her makeup and contacts really really suck
Hera just. Disbelieving. I get it. She’s so hurt she can’t let herself hurt anymore.
“Does that mean Ezra—“ WEEPING
Hera “oh my god more jedi bullshit I can never escape” Syndulla
Oh lothal so so pretty
Ohhh it’s that wall
Ohhhhhh weeping
Oh she’s not there
Hehe I love her
I love u Jai
God look at them. Look at the wall. Christ. Kanan…
Hehe sabine
Sabine u shit hehe
This is a good actress for her 10/10 thank you for giving yourself to our beloved explosions girl
“She’s crazy” yeah she had years of being stupid with Ezra to make her nuts xoxo
What’s the kitties name
Ohh it even uses the same loth cat sounds from the show AND real kitty sounds
What’s the NAME of kittyyyyy
Oh Ezra’s stuff 😭
“More than others” WHAT?! Okay. Not sure what that means.
Not sure that I like the change that recording brought. But. It’s okay I’ll accept it.
Evil gorl <3
WHYD she choose such a bland ass name then?!?!!
oh my god. Jesus that was force shit wasn’t it. Fuck that oh my fod DONT MAKE HER FORCE SENSITIVE YOU DUMB FUCKS. IM SO FUCKING MAD.
Haircut time?
No not yet.
That was CRAP dialogue. That was HORRIBLE. Wow. Oh my god fire these writers. So hard.
I do love this music tho. It’s p good.
Okay so far it does NOT make sense how ahsoka arrives at the tower at the end of rebels. This isn’t fair. I loved that scene so much.
Awww chopper drawing.
Okay she’s a puzzle maker now as well as an artist? That’s dumb
And she’s gonna steal it isn’t she hehe she is def Ezra’s sister >:)
Huyang like “I taught this”
Luke so not the only jedi he was meant to be hehe I mean k get it. But also it’s so dumb 😂
Sad that they didn’t make Lothals mountains just like the ones in the real series.
callin him Turkeyleg until told otherwise
Sigh I miss Ezra.
Fucking miss Kanan. It still hurts so much.
It’s been so long does Sabine still hurt? Does she still miss him the way she used to?
Heraaaa hiii 🥰
Hera knows her daughter
Okay so why is holograms so. Sounding like this. It’s more… MORE. Than how they used to sound. Is technology worsening or some shit?? Don’t like that.
Ahsoka stop being MEAN TO MY SABINE.
Yeah SNIPS. Ha.
Heras greatest strength is that she is understanding above all else. And I love her sm for it.
I better be
Palm hand fist…
Okay fine.
Mr Tukeyleg
Ah shit yeah I figured
Nothing will ever be easy for her. Nor for ezra.
She can use a lightsaber and she can use the Darksaber BUT BY GOD SHE IS NOT FORCE SENSITIVE
Why are u flying so slow 😭
No not my girl 😭
Oh is that the end ep 1?
Oh who is Ray? Rest well, Ray <3
Ep two coming in a sec.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
🖊🖊🖊, Julissa, San and Chidori !
thank youuuu 🥺🥺
juls my baby haha you deserve so much better 😭 some random factoids about juls: she loves the color yellow (has a yellow phone case, yellow amp, yellow guitar—you get the idea) bc of a near death experience in her childhood involving a yellow elevator. if i say anymore it’s spoilers but she holds that color close for a reason lol. she’s also very bi. the narrative does focus a lot on her attraction to joaquin (bc he’s hot like 😭) but i know from Meta she is attracted to pretty much all the friends she has except rene bc rene has a gf and he’s not really her type lmao. but saul, andres, daisy & joaquin she’s 👀. honestly when i write draft two i think im gonna try to make it More obvious that she’s attracted to all of them lol. in the “it never happened” au they’re a polycue to me. she adores her older sister juvia and would fight tooth and nail for her, but she has an estranged relationship from both of her parents. her original goal at the start of the book is to become a famous recording artist but her dream quickly shifts to i just want to be a one hit wonder. make one great song, get money and fame, then disappear from the public eye. she’s both headstrong and cowardly at the same time—just a girl full of juxtapositions lol
san 🤌🏾🤌🏾 SHE. so, san is a hunter—hunters are the first specialized fighting class that ever came into being in terrae (came about around 450-470 but i cant be assed to pull out the timeline rn) as a response to the decimation and overrun of the first capital city of terrae, argos. hunters are very proud of their heritage and it’s pretty unusual for them to enter guilds but san (and her sister moira by proxy) are some of the few exceptions. hunters are ALL ABOUT DAMAGE BABY. armor? who needs that we die like men. they tend to wear revealing, hardly armored clothes made of leather and hides, decorated with furs, spikes and belts (this goes for all genders—it came about bc when hunters came into being there was a huuuuge shortage on materials to make armor so they just went without and it’s become a tradition at this point). san herself uses a short sword and a whip, usually in tandem. she’s the youngest of the mc bunch, and it kind of shows in her temper 😅. she has a huge grudge against her elder sister (aforementioned moira) and hates being seen as weak. she’s very argumentative and untrusting, which isn’t unusual for someone from eros however san does take it to an extreme. it does eventually mellow out for her as she learns to trust her team but MAN she has them all going through it for awhile lmao
chidorkyyyyy. i’ve rambled about him so much already tbh lol but something i do wanna draw attention to is despite how fun loving, energetic, clumsy etc that he is, he’s extremely good at his job as a train master. it’s like he was born for it in many ways. i get the whole thing of having mcs who are incompetent bc they have to learn and they’re underdogs but i don’t really want that for chidorky? like he’s quite skilled and it’s hard to tell Why bc he’s never done this before yknow! he also has great chemistry with his weapon, torment, which is embedded with cool ass glowing pink gems btw. but i haven’t figured out the entire weapon system i just know it’s one of those “your weapon chooses you” situations. he can be very serious when he needs to be and it throws people off guard tho basically lol
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muselixer · 2 years
dumb things my friends and I have said: 2022!
part two: april - june apologies ahead of time for length! feel free to change pronouns if need be. warning for foul and dirty language, and capslock-implied yelling :)
“You get points for trying, Jesus said so.”
“Not gonna lie, I just want an excuse to be a huge dick in a fancy suit.”
“You’re sorry? You’re the one who shot orbeez into my soup.”
(maniac laughter) “I get to destroy the government!”
“I am NOT a closet pickle eater.”
“The real blackmail is the photos of the frosted tips.”
“Loving the Home Depot commercial remix.”
“This is what made his doctor’s degree disappear into the woods.”
“I drive myself to drink.”
“The frozen balls are gonna hurt more.”
“It’s a record, you dumb fuck.”
“Yeah, well Twitter’s a lying sack of shit― Oh.”
“Working here is going to begin my Joker arc.”
“I dunno how to explain this to you without breaking any HIPAA laws.”
“I was about to be really mad, and then I realized I couldn’t read.”
“Back in my day, we touched grass.”
“You’re so valid. I’m 24 and get carded at the mall.”
“Are we pillaging or not?”
“Okay why did this personality quiz just read me to filth.”
“I feel like if I told him ‘please don’t kill me I’m very mentally ill’ he wouldn’t do it.”
“Hearing that comment is the equivalent of McDonald’s Sprite.”
“Do I look like I know how to draw feet?”
“Can we maybe please be normal about literally just another human being?”
“You can’t gobble at me and expect me not to gobble back.”
“He may be qualified but he is also not...that.”
“Stop pretending to be a lesbian every time I’m near you.”
“Sorry for the lukewarm take, I’m gonna go ride my bike now.”
“You can chew ice cream with real teeth if you’re not a coward.”
“It’s not that hard to figure out, you just suck at trying.”
“Oh hang on, I can make a funny joke about this.”
“Post theft reverse pickpocketing.”
“How do we have the same brain?”
“I’m not here to fight spiders.”
“Imagine needing a GPS to get to McDonald’s.”
“Please don’t clap your ass for the kids.”
“He really sells water.”
“I’m not into toes!”
“That rat just fucked your girl.”
“If I were a crocodile I’d live in Florida.”
“They’re fucking high on volcano ash. Okay.”
“That would require your death, according to the lore.”
“Bitch I am on the ground.”
“This tastes so much.”
“I dug this grave, and so I lie in it.”
“I dunno, I think my tweets are kinda banger.”
“I’m too sexy and iconic to have a job.”
“I’m gonna go join my milkshake in the shadow realm.”
“Oh, hey, good job! You don’t have to get fucking plowed by a 2006 Saturn Ion!”
“Would you be mad if I showed up dressed as Spider-Man?”
“She’s juicy for her food.”
“I dunno man, I’m only certified in bird law.”
“Please do not arson the cacti.”
“You have been identified by the government as a huge bitch.”
“We should steal a cactus and get charged with a felony.”
“This is what Oklahoma does to a motherfucker.”
“He looks very pro-police.”
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vanosslirious · 2 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts #207
BBS Dialogue Prompts & Sentence Starters: [ 10 ]
What did we get?
No, this joke is not over.
Don’t tell him how to actually do it.
What is it?
Do you have more coal?
How does this help us?
He fucking didn’t do that on purpose.
That was the last time we ever saw him.
Why are you out of breath?
Well, you’re normal sized.
And you chose the coffee table?
I was slowing down for you, that's why.
I like that, it's dangerous.
How do I get back in the air?
Hey, listen man, we didn't get to practice.
What is this, Starbucks?
That’s right, I made that joke.
I’m glad you practiced that on Sunday.
Stop being a dumbass.
Ooo, Buttons.
I might go push him.
Oh shit, we can set up cameras.
Oh my God, it is dark.
I’m gonna set this camera out here, and hope I don’t get killed.
Why don’t I have a weapon?
I keep hearing shit!
We are hiding the whole night in this motherfucker!
Dude, he’s here.
That scared the fuck out of me!
We have to get away, my voice is cracking, I’ve had enough of this game.
You killed my woman…thank you.
I made something special to start today off.
I made someone a home…
You have to go earn it you little fucking bitch.
We're in a different dimension!
What have you done to me?
This is nice…let's go fuck it up.
What the fuck did I just draw?
I always enjoy recording with you.
Just so you know, I'm desperate for footage.
Now this guy probably wants a lot of money from me.
I shit you not, we missed it by one.
You rolled the bad number for us.
Oh my God, this guy and his logic.
Look at you now, broke bitch.
Gee, this guy gots some anger problems.
Dude, this game is laggy.
They don't have time.
We didn't talk strats at all.
I died and there was no lamp.
Call him a bitch when you hit him!
They're gonna hear you in the halls.
Give it to me, I know how to read.
You might have enough.
My game’s crashing.
It'll be fixed in a minute then.
I knew I would be the fucking last one.
He’s always doing that shit, man.
That’s useless.
I deserved that!
Are we allowed to snitch, I’m snitching.
I have the most boring cards.
That’s a mystery, isn’t it, my friend?
I shouldn’t have lied.
This game is trash!
I clicked it too!
That is not what you should’ve done!
It’s like we haven’t played for an hour.
What, it’s your turn, go, I’m letting you go again.
I'm on fire…wait, I'm actually dying!
I can't see anything.
It growled at me and ate my ass and I died.
You can try, I'll watch you, go for it.
It’s pitch black outside.
I don’t know, but I totally didn’t just drop him off a ledge onto your head.
What is our goal here, by the way, are we going to get shit on by shit we don’t understand for two hours and be done or what?
Wait, you guys are just now getting here, you were trying this whole time?
We killed that thing five minutes ago.
You're the one who got fucked by that possessed demon cow.
Go run away and bleed all over the place, you fuck.
Don’t put that in either.
I’m a broke bitch cause I jumped off the edge.
I need money!
This guy gets top.
I have dog-shit cards.
You couldn’t keep it going, you suck.
Who’s clicking like a motherfucker over there?
I don’t give a fuck what you got, bitch.
This guy’s got layers to him, he’s like a lasagna.
Kermit's getting his second DUI right now.
He transformed into something else.
I'm good.
This fucking witch is still in the lava.
How many did you fucking make?
What is the lumbar for?
Sounds about right.
Why won't the trees grow?
Is that where we are going?
We’re hella late.
Don’t shoot him.
You read like me.
Can’t even do that right.
I know it’s there.
And we’re still getting chased.
Til death do us part, bitch!
You gotta let go!
Hey, he’s about to stab that goat in the ass.
We’ll kill them on the way back.
Right, I’m stuck in a tree!
Santa, son of a bitch!
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