#whump your characters
generic-whumperz · 7 months
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Haven’t shared a bad meme in a minute so here ya go 😘
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whumpacabra · 6 months
Writing Accessibility PSA
Please avoid using long strings of characters as line breaks in your writing - these are not screen reader/TTS friendly!
Every ‘°’ will be read as ‘degree’ - can you imagine how long it takes to read out a string of 25? Let alone more complicated combinations of characters (eg. imagine listening to TTS read out ~*~ |°| ~*~ multiple times per line break)?
A good rule of thumb is to stick with short, 2-3 character line breaks (eg. I don’t find — or *** too egregious to listen to). Your readers can tell there’s been a scene change whether you use two or twenty em-dashes, but if you use twenty, some of us might have to listen for 30 seconds to read the next scene. If you’re more concerned about aesthetics, you can insert an image of your aesthetically pleasing line break with alt text simply reading ‘line break’ for accessibility.
Don’t feel bad if this is something you’ve never thought about before - now you know better and can make your writing more accessible moving forward!
I would like to invite any other screenreader users to add their own thoughts or preferences to this post. We’re not a monolith and there’s a variety to how different softwares interact with repeating character strings and images with alt text, so there’s bound to be some conflicting opinions on what I’ve suggested above. Let’s try to make the stories we share accessible for everyone :]
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kabie-whump · 4 months
Tag Yourself: Whumpee Edition
♡ Stubborn Whumpee: Refuses to cry, but inevitably breaks down under too much pressure, starvation, torture, sleep deprivation, anything to wear down their will, clenching their jaw, biting back screams, cold glares
♡ Resigned Whumpee: Never fights back, the definition of ‘lay there and take it’, losing track of how long they’ve been in the basement, forgetting the names of their old friends and family, too tired to scream, dissociation
♡ Contented Pet Whumpee: Sedatives, expensive outfits, warm baths (always carried out by Whumper), leans into head pats and scritches bc it’s low key nice to be adored for once, popular with Whumper’s guests, delicate golden collars, hickeys
♡ Misbehaving Pet Whumpee: Bites, bites, bites, muzzle, shock collar, good for Whumper to take out their anger on, hunger strikes, sleeping in a barn or on the porch, never left unattended or unbound, sprayed down with a cold hose when they get too bloody
♡ Masochistic Whumpee: Laughs in Whumper’s face just to see how they’ll punish them, not at all what Whumper bargained for, low key scary, likes the taste of tears when they drip onto their cracked lips
♡ Experiment Whumpee: Needles, questionable glowing green substances, shaking so hard they think they’ll pass out, strapped to a table under fluorescent lights, headaches, hospital gown with nothing under it, body modifications
♡ Defiant Whumpee: Screaming and crying and kicking, bloodied knuckles, cracked elbows, face pressed into a stone floor by a dirty boot, “god, do you ever shut the fuck up?,” “stick your tongue out at me one more time and I’m cutting it out”
Whumper edition
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welp this didn't take me nearly as long as i expected it to lol, but here's a letterboxd list containing all movies from the @whumpapedia !
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prompts-by-anjali · 7 months
“Don’t hurt them. Hurt me instead. I can take it. I can —”
“Oh, loveliness, you can’t. You’re already crying, and I haven’t even touched you.”
“… no, I’m just sweating a lot. It’s sweat.”
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cyberwhumper · 7 months
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When he finally came to, the first thing that hit him was the smell. Suffocating, pungent, so strong it made him scrunch up his face in disgust.
He sits up groggily, wondering what kind of dump he ended up into this time and why this hangover didn't feel particularly like any other he's had. The pain doesn't seem to hit him until he hears the chain links clinking softly against each other, piercing the fog inside his brain and suddenly jolting him wide awake.
The metal bolt stares back at him, firmly lodged through the bones on his ankle, still drenched in blood. At least they had the decency to attempt to wrap it up in gauze as if that would do something to contain the damage. The searing pain rises up from the foreign object and seems to explode on his chest making it impossible to breathe. He doesn't even have enough air to scream, gawking at the wound dumbfoundedly as if his brain could not possibly process what is currently happening.
Oh fuck. Oh no. No no no no no. This isn't happening, I'm just imagining things. Fuck. Fuck!
Immediate panic. Even touching the bolt makes him feel queasy despite not being the particularly squeamish type. There's no way he can pull that out on his own, no way to undo the nut holding it in place, no way to pull it off the bone. He's trapped, totally and completely at the mercy of his captors, with no one even knowing he was gone at all.
And his time is running out fast.
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echoingalaxies · 9 months
Character A is possessed/bitten by something, and they can feel it taking over their mind and body, but slowly enough for them to grab B's shirt, pull them close and beg, "Please kill me before I hurt you."
B refuses, assuring them they will be okay, even though A knows they won't be able to fight it, they will lose control of their body, possibly forever.
"Please, B, please," A says, tears rolling down their face. "I'm too weak to fight it. Please kill me. Let me die as myself."
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snaillamp · 4 months
CW: contains major character death
“Uh, Villain, I mean no disrespect when I say this, but this building is a waste of money. I do not recommend purchasing it. You’re flushing money down the toilet here.”
Villain clenched their fists, whirling around to look at their assistant. “It’s not about money. This building. It’s more than that! I’m purchasing it now. I won’t let them knock it down!”
The assistant frowned at Villain’s sudden emotional outburst, taking a step back and glancing around the roof they were standing on. The apartment complex was old, a small 6 storey thing with a dirty, crumbling exterior. But when Villain had learned of it’s impending demise, they insisted on purchasing it.
“May I ask something personal, Villain?” The assistant asked cautiously. Villain huffed in annoyance, nodding. “What?”
The assistant sighed, glancing around at the roof. “Why do you want to buy this… derelict building, Villain? There are plenty of good apartments that are in need of renovations, what makes this one so special?”
Villain gazed out at the slowly setting sun, breathing in a soft breeze and smiling. “Let me tell you a story…”
Villain spotted Hero making their way towards them, ready to thwart their plans. Villain quickly took off, running though the streets and scaling a fire escape, Hero hot on their heels. Finally they reached the roof, where Villain chuckled evilly, turning to face their nemesis and sliding into a fighting stance. Hero rolled their eyes, assuming their own and waiting for Villain to attack.
That was weird, Hero always jumped to make the first move. Villain threw a punch, then another, then kicked, easily making contact with Hero, who half heartedly fought back. Stopping suddenly, Villain panted, frowning. “Come on, Hero. Put your back into it, it’s no fun if you don’t try.” Hero scoffed, walking away from the fight, shaking their head. “Hey come on, what’s up?“ Villain asked, following them as they sat on the edge of the small, 6 storey building they were on.
Hero sighed, glancing away. “It’s nothing, Villain, and anyway, why the hell would I tell you? You’re my enemy. We hate each other.” Villain pulled a face. “I mean… sure, I’m not exactly your biggest fan, but I don’t hate you. I like our fights, our banter, everything. It’s all part of the fun that is our job.” They punched Hero’s arm playfully, only for their nemesis to glare at them and shuffle along the wall. ‘Yeah, okay somethings up…’ Villain thought, their face softening. “Hero… I know I’m the last person you wanna tell anything, but… Are you okay? You look… off.” Hero looked up at Villain, sighing. “No, Villain. I’m not.”
Villain shuffled over again. “Come oooooon. It can’t be that bad!” They smirked, wrapping an arm around Hero’s shoulders. “What, your partner leave your or something? Well, there’s plenty more fish in the sea, Hero.” Hero scowled. “I don’t have a partner. I live alone. I don’t have anyone.” Villain’s smirk faltered, “Aww come on, Hero! You have me!” They smiled desperately, trying to get Hero to smile, but their nemesis only seemed to grow darker.
’You have to tell someone…’ Hero’s mind reasoned.
“Don’t be so down Hero. I’m sure whatever it is, you’ll be able to fix it! Come on, you’re Hero, you can to anythi-”
“It’s cancer, Villain.” Hero interrupted. “I have cancer…”
Villain stopped, staring in shock as their mind reeled. But Hero was so healthy and strong and alive? So youthful… so witty and smart and… how could they have cancer? “Oh, but I’m sure it’s fine, Hero. I mean, they’re great at treating cancer these days. A few months of chemo and you’ll be right as rain, and back to beating me up for robbing banks or something.” Villain was desperately trying to reason their way out of this as Hero sighed, their eyes shining with tears.
“The prognosis isn’t good, Villain. It’s a rare, aggressive type… It’s in my bones, my blood… my organs. It’s not going to get better.” Hero’s voice cracked as Villain’s head began to shake in disbelief. “But you’re Hero… you can survive anything! You can survive this… you have to!” Hero shook their head.
“No, Villain. I can’t.”
Villain sat in the weight of the silence for a moment, before pulling Hero into a hug. “You didn’t have anyone else to tell, do you?” Hero shook their head. “I live alone… have no friends… work a dead end job and my parents are gone… there’s no one to tell. No one to go through this with me.” Villain shook their head. “No. You have me. I’m not letting you go through this alone. I promise you, I’m gonna take you back here, a year from now and where gonna watch this same damn sun, set right damn here.” Villain pointed at the slowly setting sun, Hero glancing at it, laughing softly. “Okay. You’re on. If you can get me here a year from today, you win.”
The two enemies shook hands, before watching the sun set below the horizon, before both heading home.
Hero sighed as they lay in bed, feeling awful. The chemo had been destroying them, the radiation and the needles and the operations. It was all so much. They were tired.
“And here’s my favourite hero!” Villain piped up, walking into their room. They were holding an obnoxiously large bouquet of colourful flowers. They smelled wonderful. Hero was honestly surprised they could still smell, their taste had vanished not long after chemo started.
Villain hugged Hero tightly, before gently tucking some of their hair out of their eyes. “How are you feeling?” Hero sighed, looking weak. It had only been a couple weeks of treatment but they already looked awful. At least they seemed to be happier with Villain around. They had really come to like each other, outside of being work enemies, they had similar interests, senses of humour… they got along like a house on fire.
Hero admired the flowers as they sighed tiredly, looking back to Villain. “I feel better now that you’re here. I was getting bored out of my mind without you to piss me off.” Villain blushed, hiding it with a smirk, sitting beside Hero, and taking their hand. They held it, rubbing Hero’s pale, weak fingers as Hero began to tell them about the different nurses and doctors.
“Well have you heard about Superhero and their sidekick?” Villain asked, grinning. Hero perked up. “No?” Villain sat back, looking at Hero with a glint in their eye. “Apparently they’re a thing now. Like officially.” Hero laughed, “I knew it! I knew they had a thing for each other, the romantic… hell, the sexual tension was so strong between those two.” Villain nodded eagerly. “I know right? I was wondering when they were gonna stop fucking on the side and make it offical.” Hero frowned. “I didn’t know they were fucking, how did you?” Villain pursed their lips, smiling mysteriously. “Well I was in my way back to my base one night, after fighting you actually. I heard a crash in the alleyway below me, looked down and saw them. They were really going at it…” Villain’s eyes widened at the memory.
“You’re bullshitting.” Hero smirked. “No! I swear!” Villain raised their hands in surrender. “Promise! I saw it.” Smiling, Hero nodded. “Honestly, kinda not surprised. They kept undressing each other with their eyes in the field I swear to god.”
The two laughed, swapping embarrassing stories about their coworkers for the rest of the evening, until Hero began to doze. “Sleep well, my Hero.” Villain whispered as they tucked their friend in, watching them sleep for a bit.
Villain sat with Hero who gazed at nothing in complete silence. They were doing this more and more often since the months of treatment had begun. “Hero?” Villain murmured, touching their arm. Hero seemed to break out of their daze, looking upset. “Oh, Hero… what’s wrong?” Villain asked, already knowing the answer. Hero burst into tears, Villain deciding to crawl up onto the bed and hold them tightly as they sobbed into Villain’s shoulder. Villain rocked them back and forth, hugging them tight and running their hand over Hero’s thinning hair.
“I don’t-wanna d-die, Villain.” They stammered. “I know.” Villain replied, unsure of what to do. “But the treatment has been working, you said yourself, things are looking better.” Hero nodded, sniffing. “Yeah… I guess…” They looked up at Villain. “It’s just… it’s not fair! I wanna be like everyone else my age! Go on stupid dates and mess around with my friends and go to work and complain about the weather… I don’t wanna be here! I don’t wanna be waiting to fucking DIE!” They screamed, voice shaking as Villain held them.
“Hero. You can’t give up. You can beat this, I know you will!” Villain tried to say the words with strength, but they didn’t know if they were saying it for Hero or for themself. “You said yourself the chemo was working pretty well.” Hero shook their head. “Not well enough. Villain, I told you, this is gonna kill me. I’m not gonna see that sunset.” The reality of what Hero had said set in, Villain clutching Hero tightly. “No. You’re gonna see it. I promise you. You’re gonna make it through and see it. You’re almost half way, Hero. You can do this.” Hero shuddered beside Villain. “Bag.” They gasped, reaching with a shaking hand for an emesis bag. Villain grabbed one quickly from the table beside the bed, holding it over Hero’s mouth as they threw up.
“It’s okay, Hero… let it out… let it out…”
Hero seemed to be doing a little better, as Villain helped them up the stairs to the roof. Together, they crossed the building, looking up at the sky. Villain had set up a little picnic before hand, helping Hero sit and eat as they waited for the sun to begin its descent.
Hero lit up at the sight of it, and they laughed, cuddling in the cool evening as they ate way too much cake.
Eventually, they both sat in the edge of the roof, watching the sun go down, hands entwined.
“Told you.” Villain smirked, kissing Hero’s cheek. “I win.”
Hero chuckled, nuzzling Villain’s shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“It’s been a year today, since we sat on this exact roof and you said you wouldn’t live to see this sunset.”
Hero laughed, wrapping their arms around Villain. “And I’m glad you made that bet. I couldn’t have done this without you. Especially after I lost my lease on my house… it’s just been nice living with someone too… someone who I love so much.”
The breeze blew gently. “You know… after I’m gone, I don’t want you to mourn me. Move on. Live life to the fullest. All I want is to see you happy.” Hero gazed into Villain’s eyes, before gently pulling them in for a kiss. Villain smirked against their lover’s lips. “You will live to see many more sunsets, my love.”
They watched the vibrant colours begin to fade, as Hero sighed in content, the breeze blowing gently around them. “Hey.” They murmured. “Yes?” Villain asked, running their hand over Hero’s head. “I want you to know, that after everything… every time you feel a breeze, that’s me. My spirit will live on the wind, flying and free… and it will always be with you.” Hero’s voice cracked, as they looked up at Villain, shivering. Villain smiled, cupping their hero’s face. “I like that. I like that a lot.” They swallowed back the rising sob.
“You’re cold. Let’s go home.”
Villain sat beside the bed, clutching Hero’s emaciated hand. They had been in a coma for days… and it was time. “Hero?” Villain breathed through sobs. They had heard hearing was the last thing to go. “Listen to me. I love you. Okay? I love you so, so much. I always will.” They gasped, wiping away tears. “G-Go when you’re ready… okay? Go and fly, and become the wind. It’s okay… alright? You’ll be okay…”
Villains body shuddered as they looked up at Hero’s pale face. “Go when you’re ready… go when when you’re ready…”
Villain wasn’t ready. It had only been two months since the roof picnic. They weren’t ready to say goodbye… and yet, somehow… they were.
So they sat there, repeating their phrase as Hero’s breathing got slower and shallower. They repeated it through the tears, the cries and the shakes…
And then Hero drew their last breath, sighing in relief as they became the wind.
They were finally free.
Villain stood in the rain in front of the grave. Everyone, heroes and villains alike stood shoulder to shoulder, gazing at the stone.
None of them could believe it. A hero so young and full of life… gone in just over a year. So that day, they all stood together, in solidarity.
For Hero.
“That’s why I can’t give this place up.” Villain whispered, gazing at the sunset. “I’m not ready to move on. I never will be.” They smiled as a gentle, warm breeze kissed their face. “But I have to move on. Which is why I have to make this place something. Help their legacy stay alive.”
Villain glanced at the assistant, who had pulled off their glasses, dabbing their eyes. “I see.” They replied. “Well. I’ll get started on the payment process, and uh… give you a moment.”
Villain nodded appreciatively, feeling the breeze, stronger and warmer this time push against them. Something told them to turn around, so they did. A gasp escaped Villain, before they could stop it.
Hero was standing there, on the edge of the roof, gleaming. Their body was strong, healthy, just as it had been before and they looked so, so happy. Warm golden light illuminated their figure as they nodded at Villain, smiling softly. They were okay. They were free.
Turning into the sun, the light glowed brightly, Villain shielding their eyes as Hero dissolved into the breeze and the light. They could almost hear Hero’s laugh of glee.
Smiling wistfully, Villain nodded.
“Goodbye, my Hero. I love you.”
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generic-whumperz · 7 months
*Makes some sweet little oc who wouldn’t even kill a bug with the sole intention of whumping the shit outta him and leaving him a shriveled up bloody heap*
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beebooca · 11 months
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dark Rune AU?? YESSIR
this AU is so damn sad, I made myself cry when I was figuring it out LMFAO I might share some lore for it if anyone wants to know more
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jellyjaws · 7 months
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do you know how crazy making it is to be in Bark Bark Bark mode for a character for whom it is VERY difficult to make indulgent niche kink art and have it be both fitting and in-character. how i have been pounding on this anvil until i wound up with something i like
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whumperofworlds · 3 months
Whump Dialogue
"Let them go!"
"As you wish!"
*Whumper drops Whumpee from the cliff*
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sicktember · 2 years
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Welcome to the Sicktember 2022 prompt list!
Sicktember is a month-long, multi-fandom prompt event that is taking place in September! This event focuses on sick characters and their caregivers.
Please refer to our FAQ . If you still have questions or need clarification, feel free to send an ask on this blog, or our personal blogs @yes-i-am-happyaspie and @obsessionoftheday.
We are so excited about this event and hope to have lots of participation! We can’t wait to read what you all create with these prompts!
[Text Version of the Prompts Below the Cut]
30 Prompts!
1. ‘Do You Know How To Take Care of a Sick Person?’
2.  Homesick
3.  Painkillers
4.  Hangover
5.  'Great. Now I Have Your Germs All Over Me.'
6.  Sick on vacation
7.  A cry for attention
8.  Intense coddling
9.  Home remedy
10. Excessive use of tissues/ ‘Blow Your Nose’
11. Emergency Room/ Ambulance
12. Psychogenic Fever/Stress Induced Illness
13. Seasonal/Pet Allergies
14. 'I Might Be A Teeny Tiny Bit Sick, But It's Fine.’' 
15. Frostbite/Sunburn
16. Care Package
17. Syncope/Fainting
18. Nausea/Upset Stomach
19. Whining/Crying 
20.  Cold Sweat
21. ‘Does this look infected to you?’
22. Common Cold/Flu
23. Tepid Bath
24. ‘I Need You To Pull Over!’
25. Acid reflux/heartburn
26. Tickle in the Throat
27. Sleepless Night/s
28. Chronic Illness
29. Lethargy/Exhaustion
30. ‘Get Back in Bed!’ 
Alternate Prompts!
Alt. 1. Soft Pajamas
Alt. 2. Vapor Rub
Alt. 3. Cuddling on the Couch
Alt. 4. Taking a Sick Day
Alt. 5. ‘Can You Be Brave For Me?’
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connieslovers · 1 month
i’m sick rn so have this
Your f/o notices you’re sick one morning when they hear your coughing while you’re sleeping. They feel your head lightly, you don’t have a fever, but you’re clearly not well. They prop you up slightly so you can breathe better, and gives you a kiss on the forehead before setting up a humidifier or something similar. They come back and curl up next to you, kissing your head before they fall back asleep as well.
i’ve been sick the past 3 days including today. wish me luck lol.
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prompts-by-anjali · 7 months
“A,” B gasped, panting from the sprint over. “Where does it hurt?”
A snorted from their hospital cot. “What, you need to know the details when you’re adding insult to injury now, Your Highness?”
“Cut the jokes, dammit,” B’s voice demanded sharply. “Where does it hurt?”
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