#when there were rumors going around that s3 was the last
riickgrimes · 3 months
call me delusional but s4 confirmation = sydcarmy endgame
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albentelisa · 8 months
Hi!! I like your writings very much and may I ask you to tell something about your headcanons with Draal and Nomura please? About their common past in precanon and "what if" situations if Draal survived in s3👀
Oh, I love Dramura so much! My headcanon about their first meeting is that it was an accident and a heavy misunderstanding.
Nomura was on a mission to assist a different changeling in getting a part of the Killahead bridge from the troll warrior living in seclusion. They defeated him together, but the fellow changeling decided to betray and backstab Nomura (as he had been trying to finish the mission for ages until her arrival and understood that Nomura had demonstrated her usefulness, unlike him).
Draal arrived during their fight, killing the other changeling and mistaking Nomura for the lone troll warrior apprentice or associate (Nomura got her khopeshes from that troll, and, apparently, those were passed from master to apprentice).
Draal had seen two trolls fighting and didn't even think it could be a sudden infighting between the allies. And Nomura just decided not to correct him. Firstly, because she wasn't interested in fighting him after having two fights already, and secondly, because it was the first time for her that someone came to help her in a dire situation.
Nomura back then was still more hopeful, and the idea of leaving the Janus Order was oh-so-tempting (not to mention that her impression from Peer Gynt was still fresh). When Draal took Nomura to the Trollmarket, she saw it as her chance and assumed the identity of someone else. She was sure she could pull playing the role of a regular troll as long as there were no gaggletacks in the close vicinity. And who would question her if Draal was the one who brought Nomura in?
For Draal it was an instant crush as he had never met someone as strong, sassy and determined. Besides, Nomura was the first one who never saw him as Kanjigar's son unlike everyone else at the Trollmarket. And she also never expected him to be like his dad or getting the amulet and become the Trollhunter. She was fine with Draal as he was.
As for Nomura, she was scared of her feelings at first (the Janus Order indoctrination left its ugly mark here). She was always uncomfortable at first, expecting some ulterior motive, but Draal with his straightforward personality made her feel at ease at last. She felt she could trust covering her back to Draal and would gladly cover his. The only regret Nomura had was not being able to tell the whole truth, but she hoped she could do it one day.
I believe that Kanjigar was really supportive of that relationship as Draal had seemingly let go of his trollhunter title obsession and seemed calmer and happier with Nomura around. I also like the idea of Kanjigar already starting to treat Nomura like his daughter.
I headcanon that the reveal happened because of Krax (remember the changeling who worked with Usurna?). He thought that everything was Nomura's scheme to get the amulet and that she might also expose him. So Krax first started spreading rumors and feeding Draal's doubts. It ended with Draal doing a gaggletack check.
Obviously, both felt betrayed after that. It only made it worse that Nomura fled before any explanation. So, Draal thought that everything had been just a lie, and Nomura was hurt because Draal didn't trust her enough (yes, she lied but she wanted to tell the truth herself when she was ready).
I feel Draal and Nomura had the so-much-needed talk after the return from the Darklands in Season 2 (and yes, I wish we had at least a glimpse of that).
As for what could be… Well, there is so much missed opportunity here. Dramura is so blatantly Romeo and Juliet coded (way more than Jlaire. Seriously). Besides, if Stricklake shows that humans can accept changelings, Dramura could possibly work to demonstrate that trolls would accept their estranged kin too. And Draal working hard to change other trolls' horrible opinion of 'impure' (starting with dropping that 'impure' part) would be really powerful, IMHO. It could also give him a role he so desperately needed - surpassing Kanjigar without being his shadow.
I also like the idea of Draal and Nomura having kids eventually, even though they both would claim they could only be horrible parents. They could make it work, besides, having a whelp between a troll and a changeling could easily make some inverse naysayers shut up.
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polniaczek · 8 months
What are some episodes of The Facts of Life that give off the most gayest vibes to you?
Well you have your gay episodes aka episodes where they seemingly have no self-awareness and all their focus is on each other, and then you have your episodes where gay things happen but are otherwise typical.
I've skimmed the titles to make a list but if I miss any it's because I haven't actually watched them in a while.
Gay Episodes
S2 The New Girl
S2 Double Standard
S2 Teenage Marriage
S3 The Four Musketeers
S3 New York, New York
S4 Ain't Miss Beholden
S4 Magnificent Obsession
S5 I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can
S6 Dear Apple
S6 The Last Drive-In
S6 Sisters. Don't judge me, it just is.
S7 3, 2, 1
S7 The Apartment
S8 Another Room
S8 This Is Only a Test
S8 Rights of Passage
S8 Rights of Passage Too. That hug kills me.
Episodes Where Gay Things Happen
S2 Free Spirit. It's just a look but I swear to god you'll know it when you see it.
S3 Kids Can Be Cruel. Jo unabashedly tries to get out of dating any guy at all in an auction and then bids on herself.
S4 Take My Finals, Please. When they're talking in the dark.
S5 Brave New World. The dorm room scenes. lol
S5 Advanced Placement. The only thing I really remember about this episode is the scene where Natalie is telling Jo and Blair's college friends about how someone tried to set Jo up with someone else's sister because people thought she was a guy. lmao
S5 The Christmas Show. The gayest episode in the series for the final scene alone. now-kith.jpg
S5 Big Fish, Little Fish. The scene upstairs always gets to me more than the puppet scene everyone loves that follows.
S5 Star at Langley. Not an obvious choice but Jo is so so butch in comparison to the other women in this ep and we don't talk enough about her feeling like it's her place to protect Blair's heart from the possibility of Cliff cheating.
S5 The Way We Were. It's a recap ep but there are a few bits between the recaps and the last one is so domestic. Jo's lil smirk!! I love.
S6 Cruisin'. A couple of 🤔🤔 lines of dialogue for sure.
S6 The Rich Aren't Different. There's a nice little scene for relationship growth at the end. <3
S6 Edna Garrett On Campus. I think this is the ep where they share a book? I just remember it looking really cute.
S6 Jazzbeau. This is one of the eps where they're quietly background!married the entire time.
S6 With a Little Help from My Friends. Jo gets all protective in this one and makes Blair's business her business.
S6 The Interview Show. They really talked about each other in their interviews and never wanted each other to find out, and the self-sacrificial part about Blair bowling is sooo something.
S7 Out of the Fire. "A brand new Mr. Frog!" :')
S7 Ballroom Dance. Blair and Jo are lowkey kind of flirting at one point.
S7 Atlantic City. It's so unserious but all of their scenes are together and Blair gives Jo a really nice compliment.
S8 The Little Chill. Ignoring that their friendship has little to do with the plot, they have a couple of sweet moments.
S8 A Winter's Tale. Jo is so unfazed by men in this ep. lol
S8 Cupid's Revenge. Really cute final scene.
S9 Rumor Has It. Jo's reality check pep talk for Blair is why they're perfect for each other.
S9 Something In Common. Jo and Rick both in drag going to a "reverse costume party" that Blair wasn't invited to!!! They're bearding!
S9 Less Than Perfect. There are two scenes that make me lose my mind. Something about Jo appreciating Blair when Blair isn't around to hear it... And then the part where she's in the room with Blair in the dark. A weirdly intimate ep for them.
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palindrome-mystery · 2 years
TUA S3 had some lazy writing that is still bugging me.
Not just characters illogical reasoning because the writers wanted something to happen without really earning it plot-wise (yes Viktor, Allison's daughter would totally still exist, you should totally encourage Allison to go to CA to find her; or yes Luther, let's equate Allison intentionally murdering Harlan, someone Viktor loved, to Viktor accidentally causing the apocalypse).
Klaus keeping his mom's info from the original timeline in the heel of his shoe. He landed in the 60's wearing bowling shoes, pocketless pants, and an army vest. It makes no sense for him to have had his mom's info in the heel of his boot in S3.
Allison's rumors suddenly not working in S3. Her rumors always worked instantly in the past seasons. And now in S3 she gets a power down? Sloane can "fight off" a rumor? Her rumor on Fei that "you can't move" wears off as soon as Allison is out of proximity when her rumor on Viktor to think he was just ordinary lasted literally 25+ years?!
Related to powers suddenly getting a downgrade, Viktor, who literally just figured out how to fly and murdered an entire army of time agents in one go, suddenly can't focus enough to get one coordinated energy blast during the Sparrow fight? He gets one "oopsy" power surge hit after Sloane drops him?
Sloane, who was powerful enough to help contain the Kugelblitz, is struggling to hold back 1 guardian? Would make sense if the guardian was beyond dense to where it's hard to manipulate gravity around him. But Luther could fucking pick him up and toss him like a sack of flour?? It made no sense for Sloane to have struggled so hard to hold him back.
What kind of low-budget scooby-doo/ghostbusters scene was it with Klaus and Reg in the graveyard? The ghosts, which looked like blue humans in S1 and S2, are now floaty creatures with cartoony ghost-tails reminiscent of the first ghostbusters movie (as in they looked like they were created with 1980's tech). Reg somehow can SEE the ghosts too and points a flashlight at them to stop them?! What the fuck, are they ghosts or vampires?! Is this Super Mario logic where if you look at a ghost it can't move? AND WHY THE FUCK WAS IT NOT ADDRESSED THAT REG COULD SEE THE GHOSTS?!
TUA is a show where S1 was great and then the seasons after get more generic to "appeal to a wider audience." Instead of taking the good storyline and expanding it, S2 and S3 felt more and more like the writers ticking off generic boxes at the cost of an original and interesting storyline.
How would the first battle have gone down if they didn't downgrade Allison and Klaus's powers? If Allison's rumors worked the same way they had in S1 and S2? If Klaus actually made a ghost corporeal at any time during the fight? Or if they had Diego, who has been shown to take on multiple enemies in S1 and S2, throw a knife at literally anyone except Christopher?
Scenes and conversations happened not because they made sense, not because they were earned in the story, but because the writers wanted them to happen and screw past development. They downgraded the characters to fit generic boxes.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
only a correction: lumax only kissed because mlvn kissed. originally, there would be no kisses at the snowball. and, yeah, millie asked them to include a kiss so the fans wouldn't be disappointed with them.
people love to say that bylers are annoying and supposedly put much pressure on the cast about their ship, but don't they remember how insane mlvns were around S1-S3? some of them even shipped millie and finn, and spread rumors about them dating each other. the actors even had to tell the fans to stop doing that because it was making them uncomfortable.
Im not sure if there’s some confusion from other interviews maybe.? But in this interview with Millie, she says Sadie and Caleb always had to kiss according to the original plan. Whereas for Millie and Finn that wasn’t the case and she had to ask them at the last minute on set when they were already done filming all of their shots, with the Duffers literally having to sit on it and think/rethink about how it would fit their plan, only to concede and be like LETS DO IT!
It is crazy though how fans insist byler would be fan-service, bc even just looking at the comments of that video, fans are praising Millie for giving in to fan service… like literally they’re using that word and showing appreciation for it…
I don’t wanna hear about byler being fan service ever again 🤣 especially in combination with the Duffers saying that Netflix was really scared about s2 as a whole bc they thought fans would be mad there was no milkvan and not tune in. And yet, the duffers still did s2 like that bc it’s what they wanted…
S2 is probably the season with the most byler out of all of them, so the fact that they took that risk and went for it, risking everything says a lot. Along with them saying in more recent years that they have had to go with what fans wanted in the past but that it just never worked how they wanted it to bc it was never their vision in the first place. Which is why they had to let go of that pressure and just finally give in by doing what they want/planned from the beginning.
Despite them wanting to just do what they want, they had to go about it a certain way that didn’t make what they had planned super obvious. I think that’s why the show had to play out the way it did. Even if some bylers are convinced that it should have went differently if they wanted people to ship byler, I would argue that straight-baiting the way that they have been, essentially a series long straight bait (similar to Robin and Steve’s, though that was only 1 season long), bc otherwise they would have put the success of the show at stake.
Instead they gave those fans everything they could possibly want, on the most shaky ground possible. Now all milkvan can do is go down from here and there’s one whole season left. They know exactly what they’re doing.
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noemitenshi · 10 months
I’m really struggling to imagine Troy as a father (if the rumor is true lol but I feel like it is) 😭. Whether his daughter is his biologically or not how do you think he would’ve raised her???
YES I've finally found the time to answer this ask! I have been burning to ever since I got it but was too busy until now.
OMG, nonny! That's the question, isn't it?! I've asked myself the very same thing more than once - and, unfortunately, can't quite land on an answer. I think the biggest problem is that we don't know anything about what Troy has been up to in the last 10? years between s3 and s8. So truthfully, anything could happen!
Also I do think there is a difference re: adopted kid vs. biological one. Mostly because there's a difference between being responsible for a baby (most vulnerable being) vs. taking in a older kid (fully formed human, own personality). So let's go through that bit by bit.
I think the baby would soften Troy very early on. I also think being so loving towards his own child would reopen old wounds and traumas, make him see the things he never got to have so who knows how that would go, right… he's not the best adapted person after all. Even so, I think that the way he would be needed by a baby (and the easy way they love/respond towards caregivers) would work wonders on him. Make him live up to being a good dad with a fierce determination. Not for himself, this time, but for the baby. I also think that the influence the mother could play on him can't be neglected (if she's still around haha). He does have his issues with parent-figures ('mommy issues', but also daddy issues) and so there's lots of opportunity for angsty, dramatic stuff happening between him and the mom - mostly I'm thinking of how he'd overreact to perfectly normal behavior of mom that would seem abusive to him - especially in the cases when she is tired/exhausted. At the same time there is also opportunity for lots of healing. Depending on mom's character this could end up being really good for him - or fucking him up further (especially if mom is manipulative etc). After all, we can't forget that Troy in s3 didn't really know yet who he was - remember Jeremiah telling Madison something along the lines of "Even Troy doesn't know what he'll do next/how he'll react". But I still think if he has a baby instead of an adopted kid the probability of him mellowing is greater. Sure, they'll hit bumps in the road (terrible twos for example) but all in all I think he'll do his damnest to be a good dad. To be different than his parents were. With the same determination he doesn't drink, he'll also make sure not to repeat these sins of his parents (abusive behavior). And mom can help, again, depending on her character. I also think if mom turns out to be abusive Troy's not gonna stay (I mean, truly abusive towards the kid. He'll probably do the less healthy thing and stay if she's 'only' abusive towards him…) And of course, no matter which path he'll follow, he will teach the kid everything she needs to know to survive. Just, his methods may differ (being patient and kind and enthusiastic vs. being more like I imagine his parents were (easily angered when kid!Troy didn't get things right the first time, annoyed by questions, brutal teaching methods like leaving her out alone for a night etc).
Now, if he adopts, there's more opportunity for clashes between him and the kid from the start and the transition could be more difficult. Doesn't have to be, of course, depending on how it all starts out. If he stole her then there definitely will be clashes. If he saved her from her parents or zombies or whatever, much less so - or, at least, it will happen later (I'm of course assuming the kid is grateful for being saved….). If the clashes do happen later, their relationship will have had a chance to blossom though and they could get through it smoother. He would react much gentler I think than if the clash happens right at the start (or, keeps happening). And yes, overall I do think having someone helpless depend on him so obviously (either the baby thing or him having to save the kid from a bad situation) will turn him gentler too, at least towards her. Also having adopted (pre-)teen (I assume) will most likely remind him starkly of his childhood self, too (or even more so than a baby) - and this could go either way, too. Him becoming like his parents in response to the uhm stress of it all (since stress or being overwhelmed does make it more likely to fall back to behaviors well known. And his parents abuse is very well known to him I think…) or him making a very conscious effort to break the cycle of violence. I could see him do the former in this scenario more likely than the one with the baby.
Though I think another factor plays into what kind of dad he becomes. Namely, his own headspace (and what kind of person he is at the time of the adoption. Since, again, he didn't really know himself by the end of s3, not fully. There was still so much opportunity for growth and getting to know himself). Is he only out for revenge and the kid thing just happened to have happened on the way along and well now he's saddled with it but like, not really putting too much thought into this? Not dedicating too much time to it? Then he'll be a more distant dad, more easily annoyed, more like his parents. From the short teaser (not the newest one, the one that showed him listening to Madison's broadcast and him having Alicia's arm(?)) it seemed like he is out for revenge, for hunting down Madison. But it could as well be used to mislead the viewers so I'm not putting too much stock into it until we see s8B… (to me, personally, it doesn't feel like he would want revenge - he'd just want another opportunity to interact with Madison… but that's my personal interpretation and could well not be canon-compliant…).
In conclusion, it is really difficult to say what kind of dad Troy ends up being (mostly because we have so many things missing and have to make up our own theories). If well explained, any path could work, I think. Good dad or Jeremiah 2.0 or something in between… (though the Jeremiah 2.0 would break my heart and I'd really love to see some good dad Troy)
I hope this answers your question (otherwise feel free to send clarifications haha). Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you have a great day 🧡
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redhead1180 · 3 months
Okay this may be weird and also idk if you know but anyway …. Okay so I’ve been watching some TikTok edits of interviews of the obx cast and especially Rudy and Madison Bailey and they seemed on and off camera great friend with potential for more . Yes I know they have significant others ( I don’t name Rudy’s partner in denial lol) but it got me thinking that maybe they were close to being more but then they both got with other people . It just seems so odd to me that they were so close in season one and maybe even2 and 3 (haven’t really seen bts stuff from that) but and I saw another anon say that they thought Elaine might have pushed him to distance himself cause now when you see bts video or pics their ( Rudy and Maddy) seem to be off . I know it’s speculation and it’s their own personal business but it just is interesting that such a great friendship ended . Anyway curious about your thoughts .
Hehehe. Well this is of course all speculation because we only see a snippet of there lives.
Watching BTS videos and interviews of s1, honestly, it really felt there was an attraction and vibe going on between Rudy and Madison. There are so many videos where one or both are just making heart or bedroom eyes. Now I, honestly don't know if they acted on it before they got with their SO. I am leaning in the they did not category, but we will never know for sure.
I see between S2 and s3 their friendship took a hit, there was words said by each's SO and it effected their relationship. There were multiple times they unfollowed each's SO on IG, then followed again, Rudy removed comments or posts pertaining to Madison and vice versa. It got kinda childish at one point. You can really see in interviews for s3 the difference in their friendship. Rudy is really stiff and standoffish to Madison.
Then last year Madison unfollowed Elaine, sometime around the start of filming s4, and since then will post weird sayings about lost friendships or wishing things were like in s1. Most assume it is about Rudy, but honestly could be about anyone. In recent BTS videos, unless filming, Rudy is off with just Elaine. He doesn't seem to hang out with the rest of the cast anymore. Not to say he doesn't, cause like I said we only see a snippet of their lives.
I don't want to start anymore rumors than there already are about them, that is just what we see from the outside. I try to be neutral and not read too much into things, but some of it is really hard not to. I do think there was some heated words and maybe more, but to say it was all Elaine, I am not so sure. I think it was all of them.
Just my thoughts.
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Seeing so many anime nowadays getting production issues and delays, I'm really glad that Mob Psycho 100 is not one of them.
It's worth mentioning that the animation producer is often the one to blame for production issues as they are the one who bring the anime staff together (I recommend checking this thread since it brought up the recent case of Nier anime’s indefinite delay, 86 anime's notorious delays and many episode recaps that happened a while ago), so it's not always the studio's fault or the staffs’ fault. Digging through more information and sources before assuming what happened/blaming someone for something bad happening within the production is always good.
I am reminded of Wonder Egg Priority and how they had to ask help from many people all around the world just to complete the episode hours before airing, and the plot going completely off the rails, the staffs were overworked so much they went to the hospital (I believe it's either one of the animators or the director, I don't remember), and the final episode was delayed one month before it concluded with many mixed reactions. It started off great, like a passion project beloved by many, but it didn't last long before it started crumbling apart nearing the end.
Production issues have always been happening a lot since a long time. It's not something that has only happened in recent years. Anime industry is a complicated and harsh place. Animation producers like Kadokawa is aiming to produce 40 anime per year, which resulted studios unable to handle the project and many staffs are being overworked. Even Revue Starlight anime, despite managing to finish the series without a significant drop of quality or delays, was also known to have a lot of production issues behind it, even the chief animation director said "it's a miracle that we managed to finish the show".
Let's look back to Mob Psycho, and let's see how "far ahead" the production is. The second season trailer was released one month before its broadcast in January 2019, and it already has many footages up to Episode 8. And the third season trailer that's released before its broadcast, which showed footages and voicelines all the way to episode 12. Rumor has it that S2 had finished production a while before it aired in Winter 2019, but it’s never specified when, while S3 had finished its production in Spring 2022 (around April-June 2022). I can see why people are upset over the third trailer spoiling the final arc, but when I watch this trailer as a manga reader, I don't feel upset, instead I feel relieved. I'm glad that the production of the anime has finished in advance, which means it wouldn't be subjected into delays or mid-broadcast production issues many anime are suffering right now, and it still delivered many standout episodes like it’s never left. Even though many talented staffs, at that time, were booked for other projects (such as Tachikawa Yuzuru having to step back from being a Director to Chief Director, handing the position to Takahiro Hasui because Tachikawa-san had to direct the upcoming Blue Giant movie), Mob Psycho still kept the high-quality production of S3 even until the end. It just shows how different a series can be if handled by the right production team. Not just the right studio, but also the right director, character designer, producer, episode directors, animators, and many, many others.
Think about what would happen if Mob Psycho hadn't been handled by the same people, and not with the same amount of love and passion towards the series. It could have production issues. It could have delays. It could have a lot of episode recaps mid-broadcast. It could have many staffs hospitalized. Or it could manage to finish on time but with VERY recognizable drop of quality. Or it could be just another forgettable anime adaptation with nothing special happening in it.
I think we as Mob Psycho fans should be grateful that we have not just BONES, but also Tachikawa Yuzuru (director of S1, S2, Chief Director in S3), Takahiro Hasui (episode director of S2's Separation Arc and Director of S3), Yoshimichi Kameda (Character Designer and Chief Animation Director), Hiroshi Seko (Series Composition), Kenji Kawai (Music), Miyo Sato (the artist of all paint-on-glass and S3EP6's sand-on-glass sequences), all of the staffs, animators, episode directors working on it, producers, all of them. We are so blessed to have an adaptation full of love, passion, and care from the staffs. It's such a rarity these days.
I recommend checking this for reading Mob Psycho S1 and a bit of S2's production notes, or production notes of other anime that you want to see. For S3, I recommend SakugaRelux's very detailed production breakdown thread here.
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daniellarusso · 2 years
what stargirl and cobra kai characters give off the same vibes?
Thank you for sending in this question because I think about this all the time! I’m only going to go in depth for some of the characters because I’ve thought about their similarities before, so sorry if not everyone gets a long description.
Courtney / Miguel - I think Courtney and Miguel are pretty much the same. They both come from single parent households ( that parent being the mom ), they have absent dads who are criminals, and their stories begin with them carrying on the legacy of someone else. For Courtney, it's becoming Stargirl after Starman. For Miguel, it's Johnny with Cobra Kai. They are also what I consider to be the heart of their teams. When their friends need help or need leading, these two are usually the ones giving guidance and orders to them. They are the glue that keeps everyone and everything together. Without them everything else will probably fall apart. They also find a father figure role in men who aren't their biological fathers. I think Courtney shares a lot of similarities with Robby as well. I'd go into depth, but I don't want to keep you here all day lol.
Yolanda / Sam - I've seen people compare Sam to Courtney and I can see why, but I think storyline wise? Sam and Yolanda are way more similar. Both Yolanda and Sam have a bad experience dating a guy ( Kyler and Henry ) which causes the whole school to turn against them. Yolanda's private photos to Henry got sent around and Kyler and his friends spread messy rumors about Sam. Besides that, they both struggle with PTSD after a traumatic event. For Yolanda, it was killing Brainwave in s1 and for Sam it was getting attacked by Tory in s2. Although the two of them come from completely different life experiences, they both struggle with pleasing their parents. Constantly trying to meet their expectations. They're both kind and sweet, but they can be the complete opposite when they or their loved ones are threatened. They are also struggling with carrying on their legacies. Yolanda being Wildcat and Sam being Daniel’s daughter.
Beth / Demetri and Moon - I’m giving Beth both Demetri and Moon because when I see them on screen I automatically think of her. When it comes to Moon, her and Beth are both peacemakers. When the JSA or the different dojo’s are in a disagreement these two are usually always stepping in to bring amity together. They would rather see everyone get along then see them fight. They also think that fighting should be a last resort. As for Beth and Demetri... not only are they both geniuses, but they are capable of fighting when necessary. Demetri and Beth both struggled with learning how to defend themselves at the beginning of each series, but are slowly coming into their own as things move forward. They’re the characters that you’re always rooting for and they can never do wrong. At least.. that’s how I see it :)
Rick / Robby - There is so much to unpack with these two... again, they both come from completely different circumstances but are very similar. Rick’s parents both passed away and he’s had to deal with their loss. In a way Robby’s lost his parents too. Except they are alive, but are both extremely absent in his life. They were both forced to take care of themselves at a very young age. People look at them and see a couple of no goods, but deep down they are just two troubled teen boys. They can be soft and vulnerable. Especially with those they are closest to. They have so much potential, but can be angry and self destructive at times. I also think it’s kinda funny that Rick was in jail in s2 and Robby went to juvie in s3 lol. Juvie crossover when?
Cindy / Tory - These are two of the most complex characters I’ve ever seen. The definition of same text, different font lol. Cindy lost her mom when she was very young and Tory is going through the same thing with her mother being sick and there being no signs of her getting better. Simply put, they are both filled with so much anger. They are strong fighters, but they can go a bit overboard at times. Both Cindy and Tory put Courtney and Sam into the hospital. These two dynamics parallel each other sooo much and if you’re a watcher of both shows you’d see it. Although Cindy and Tory played antagonist roles for most of their time on screen, they are both going through what could potentially be really amazing redemption arcs. Tory is softening up and has discovered Cobra Kai’s true colors. Cindy wants to be a good guy and aspires to be apart of the new JSA.
Cameron / Moon and Hawk - Cameron is really hard to place because he really isn’t anything like the characters in CK. I’m saying Moon because I think they are both artistic and laid back characters, we also haven’t really seen much of them which is extremely unfortunate. If Cameron gets a villain arc in s3 *fingers crossed* then I could potentially see him going down the same path as Hawk did in s2-s3. I don’t think Cameron will become a full on villain like his dad, but I can definitely see him teetering back and forth from being a good guy to a not so good guy. Just like how Hawk went to the dark side and back to the good side throughout the last few seasons.
Pat / Johnny - I can’t explain why these two are similar. They just are. I think it’s because they both play a father figure role to kids who’s fathers aren’t present in their lives. They are both great teachers, but their lessons can be flawed at times. They also both drink coors banquet :) and that’s the only reason I’m saying they are the same lol.
Mike / Demetri - I’m not going into depth about this, but they are both nerdy, kind of obnoxious at times, but they always have the best comebacks.
Barbara / Amanda - They are great moms, sweet as can be. But lay a single finger on their kid and they’ll definitely curse you out and slap you silly.
Jakeem / Kenny - Also won’t be going into depth about this, but they have the same vibe! You can’t tell me I’m wrong.
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kmze · 23 days
Are you planning to do a rewatch of The Originals? I'm actually watching it for the first time and season 3 is by far my favourite of the first three.Barring Cami's death,I loved it.The show can be melodramatic at times but the storytelling is much better than The vampire Diaries.I love Marcel and Vincent and feel like s3 could have been a great ending to the show.I think Paul would have enjoyed it if they had crossed Stefan over to The Originals.He did much better on that one crossover episode than an entire season s7.He used to speak highly of them back in the day and the casting is pretty strong.Do you think if, by chance, vampire diaries had not been renewed for an 8th season,julie would have crossed some characters over?
I'm thinking about it Anon, I did watch 3x14 during my rewatch since it was important and I always thought the world building on the Originals was much better than TVD. Yeah S3 was my favorite season of TO I LOVE Vincent and Marcel and I loved the trio of Lucian, Aurora and Tristan in that season. I was so happy that Lucien and Stefan shared a scene and they sassed each other because they are both Klaus' murder boyfriends it was only right. I also like TO S4 it's different but I thought the Klaus/Hope relationship was it's strongest that season and I thought the big bad that season was fantastic, like genuinely scary.
So apparently there's some rumors that Stefan was someone they wanted to move over to TO and that crossover was a test to see how he'd fit in. There's a thread on Reddit about it so of course take with a huge grain of salt because anyone can post anything there. Julie also said after S7 ended that there was a possibility that was going to be their last season because they hadn't been renewed yet when it was written and that they wrote it with the intention it could have worked as a series finale. So if the rumor on Reddit it true then that would fit because that finale would have set up Steroline together (AS VAMPIRES) and Damon probably would have died when he went in the vault. I'd kill Enzo too and have Bonnie go to TO with Stefan and Caroline so Boncel could happen if I were in charge but c'est le vie.
According to that Reddit post they offered Paul basically what Matt D got, guest spot on TO to introduce the Salvatore school, Klaus would have hit on him while sassing him about his wife. Then maybe him and Caroline guest spot on TO in S5, dare I say they'd do the Klefaroline triangle a bit and I think Klaus still would have died and Stefan and Caroline would have ran the school until they died (Julie pretty much confirmed that here). But I think Paul and Ian had an agreement after Nina left that when either of them were done the other was too, I think that's why they both wanted their characters to die they wanted finality.
I think Stefan became a tricky character for them after Klaus was introduced because he became so much bigger than the triangle of doom. Stefan as much as he complained in the early seasons about being a vampire he loved having vampire powers and he loved to "play the game" which is why Klaus wanted him around, Stefan's ability to manipulate people was one of his greatest skills. The problem was the premise of TVD was Stefan's story and the foundation of it was anchored by both Damon and Elena and that's why it was always hard to remove him from either of them. I think that's why they would have offered Paul the chance to go to TO (plus him and JoMo had AMAZING chemistry) because that show had nothing to do with the triangle of doom and in general wasn't as much about romance as it was family and supernatural politics.
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turtle-ly · 3 years
Do you have any catradora fic recs?
i am MADE for this, okay im gonna pick some non-popular ones bc who havent seen them got rec'd a thousand times? let's fucking go:
Oneshots (<5k):
1. blood by lesbians_harold, pre s5 nightmare angsts have a different Spice to it <3
2. Houses Will Build Themselves by jockvillagersonly, somft domesticity, adora builds a drawer
3. but at least the pain will last by TurtleTotem, i throw you on a loop! itsa angst again :) i love soulmate aus but soulmate aus when they're enemies? muah
4. we didn't start the fire (it lived in us) by blackranger (robpatFF), oh how i've thought about you days and nights, op'd adora is very good for your health actually, i've talked about it more here
5. Memory by CabbageCommander, yes i've rec'd s1 angst, s2 angst, now it's s3 angst >:) this fic urged me to do a gifset, one of the only 2 i've ever made, the impact 😌
6. When you’re away (losing sleep) by ClaraZorEl, i love character studies cant you tell
7. Gold, Falling from the ceiling by oliwellwhocares, hair, and the feels
8. how a blessing feels just like a curse by artemiswords, oh turtle you said you dont like angst that much! now explain your bookmarks pls. infected!she-ra :)
9. being chill, being chill with you (oh it kills, they ain’t chill at all) by emdashcomma, how does it feel to see our two favorite dumbasses dancing around each other but like, through the horde kids POV
10. your catra by bogfenwetland, or adora's fight with prime hive mind catra
Oneshots (>5k):
1. Eclipse by theamberissubtle, i guess this is canon divergence since it's from 2019, but great post-war fics are timeless and come in all shapes and sizes
2. Gold, White and Red, hnnnng im feral over goddess adora post s5, see me losing it over the fic here
3. Time to Go by elowen_p, as much as i like canon divergence, im not usually one for s1 cd fics. This is the exception, bc it's slightly Fucked Up and my guilty hc is that everyone in the horde is fucked up in various ways and degrees. adora remains in the horde, but at what cost?
4. tell me (you won't leave me) by insanetwin, post s5 catra submits herself to the mortifying ordeal of being known in order to enjoy the rewards of being loved
5. want me down to the marrow by auberigine, i am rubbing my hands all over s3 aus
6. a rumor, a legend, a mystery by nuttyshake, anastasia au, im gonna be honest with you, i havent watched anastasia for reasons, this one still melted my heart though
7. how can anybody have you by lavendersgreen (M), horde lord! catra. i almost forgot this one is angst angst disguised as fluff lol
8. brave face talk so lightly (hide the truth) by nuttyshake, this is the second time i rec'd this author in this post so im gonna do you a favor and add their tumblr, @/clacing, okay no more angst and its cousins this fic is pure yearning and fluff i promise
9. Meet Me At The Finish Line by clottedcreamfudge (E), haha dumbasses, you should also check out their other spop fics, namely the galling stones series lmao
10. baby, i'm a house on fire (and i wanna keep burning) by wittchers, i was about to stop with these but i cant scroll past this, i think this one is popular with the early fandom actually, medieval arranged marriage au with lord catra, sexy :)
1. 82 Hours by burstofpeony, dancer au where they also got separated bc drama, the usual, but now on a train. i read this fic in one sitting i think
2. notes on fashion by slowdown, im adding this one bc i have taste
3. dangerous woman by n7punk, i KNOW i know, who havent known them?! but this hc is superior babes!
4. on another note im gonna rec on the other side + their and they were roommates collection too. at the 3rd reread im considering this is my comfort fic, if comfort fics are the kind that makes you roll around on your bed and take several breaks to calm down from the dumbassery.
5. wild things by sevensevan, Shadow Weaver sends Catra into the woods to die. Catra doesn't. tbh i'd like to read more about this since im soft for aus where catradora leave the horde on their own, it's still good where it's at tho
Im pulling my bookmarks out for y'all except the almost pure spicy ones that i wont name in this post haha. read these and you might just be able to pinpoint my fic taste :)
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yunsoh · 3 years
s3 episode 3 thoughts and oh boy!!! trio time. disaster siblings + yuki time.
- man have i missed the student council. just wow have i missed them 
- tbh my first thought is just how cute kimi is at the start of this ep. also i love that she and yuki have this same problem with the seniors suddenly confessing their love/trying to ask them out before they graduate and while yuki’s sitting here like “i can only hurt their feelings :(” kimi’s straight up like “let them throw a pity party!! whatever” queen
- and of course “what makes a guy attractive is his bank account 💖” fave. and kakeru agreeing with “true facts” god the two of them. mhm.
- the way that kimi decimates nao’s entire life and career in one fell swoop. get his ass. also i find it endlessly funny that nao has a crush on minagawa of all girls because she is point blank the most obnoxious girl in the whole school. like it just seems like he wouldn’t have the patience for her at all LMAO but i guess crushes just do that to your brain sometimes
- the girls calling machi scary for knocking over a bunch of chalk while being dead fuckin silent on haru literally destroying their classroom. actually not even dead quiet the girls literally cleaned up after him. hot privilege. 
- i’m endlessly curious about how this rumor about machi trying to kill her little brother even got around like. i have to assume it was something that slipped from either her parents or kakeru’s mom to other parents of kids who go to the same school/adjacent schools. because obviously it did not come from kakeru and he’s the only other person who knows yk.
- kakeru: *sulks*
- machi: *trots*
- ugh man it’s machi’s parents just continuing to put her own feelings in her mouth and never once letting her have control over her own personhood, down to displaying her thoughts or emotions. “you’ll be more comfortable alone.” also her dad saying that he assumed that machi might try to hurt her brother and treating that as the truth because she’s never had the space to become an individual to them separate from what they project onto her. how much can you hate your child actually.
- also find it interesting that kakeru has never fully questioned whether or not machi actually tried to kill her brother. when he says it to yuki, he says “what those girls said is pretty close to the truth.” and when yuki says he finds it hard to believe, kakeru says he “may be right,” since it’s just the version of the story he heard from his parents. but all things considered i don’t think he’s necessarily ever believed it to be true; he’s just never been able to see machi’s side of the story because she’s been fully closed off to confiding in him, which is mostly because she feels as though she won’t be listened to or understood anyway thanks to the treatment she’s had from her parents.
- that said. kakeru go to jail
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- it’s about yuki feeling comfortable enough to engage in physical acts of friendship without so much as thinking about it. yeah :)
- i do find it interesting that kakeru remembers this moment of machi making footprints in the snow when they were younger. it’s something that would probably be easily forgettable but it stuck with him because even he found something a little off about it.
- this whole minute is just such a whirlwind. the little arrows pointing to yuki. machi trying to slam the door on them. kakeru dragging yuki in to the point that he’s tripping over his own feet. yuki calling it the sea of decay with sincerity but machi has no idea what the context is. the bra. machi about to throttle yuki. kakeru finally fucking leaving after getting hit and still being a shit. this all happens in like forty seconds.
- her best quality: her squiggles 
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- oh this visual of her having to walk this tightrope with her mom. interesting
- also interesting how young machi sounds in this scene where her mom is talking down on her to another person. i know she must be in her first or second year of middle school (just because kakeru was in middle school when he finally got out of the inheritance situation) but it really drives home just how young she was.
- also heartbreaking because this is a moment where machi is trying to stand up for herself and asking why her mom is saying those things about her when she’s the one who shaped her this way, and she’s just so thoroughly shut down by her that she can’t cope.
- i thought this shot was adapted well, although i think the scene itself is kind of confusing -- in the manga, it’s insinuated that she has this breakdown moment right after this conversation with her mom, and that it’s the first time she reacts this destructively (in the manga her outfit is the same between shots, and it doesn’t appear that she’s in her own apartment yet -- it’s more ambiguously just a home office). here though they change it so that it’s a more recent event -- more like she’s reacting this way because she’s remembering this conversation, rather than reacting directly after it. the outfit she wears in this scene is the same one she wears when her parents are accusing her of trying to hurt her brother, too; it’s also reasonable to read this as her having a breakdown after being left alone in her apartment for the first time. to the team’s credit her window is also broken in the season 2 ep where we see her apartment for the first time, so we can assume that they made this change deliberately.
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- yuki is so genuinely kind as usual, but it’s also because he does have a thread of personal understanding of where she’s coming from. he also suffered from being held to an incredibly high standard and was similarly emotionally neglected because of this, but it’s also something he’s come to terms with and has started to heal and move on from. so he’s at a place where he’s able to give her some comfort. even just the simple act of praise for still being here, and just being herself, is something that is so desperately needed.
- kakeru listening in..... boy take ur notes
- literally yuki is like the epitome of being machi’s senior like this moment is just sooo gentle but also protective i think. like he’s really just taking the helm where kakeru has been unable to all this time. he’s her mentor in a way. 
- kakeru’s goofy fucking ringtone and the animation that goes with it. love that
- the chalk-breaking scene did change the game. yuki is just completely on for her to the point that he doesn’t even stop what he’s saying to consider it. he’s just really looking out for her :’(
- rest of the ep under the cut because i know this is gonna be about minagawa lmfao
- oh this new scene is cute? love kyo actually helping out + uo and hana just fucking chilling. also uo hana and yuki only giving a fuck about tohru while kyo falls from like eight feet up.
- yuki literally only coming in for that second lmfao king
- i knew that this would be the minagawa ep and yet when yuki said he had an appointment i was like...... are you....... going to the doctor’s for some reason....... this is a weird reboot addition..............
- the beginning of this scene is weeeeeird what a weird transition to minagawa. also this feels super jarring and i knew this was coming?? like there’s no setup for this being a goodbye to minagawa she’s just suddenly sitting there getting super nostalgic 
- i am grateful though that they didn’t split the time these chapters got completely 50-50. minagawa only getting like five minutes of screentime before gong away forever feels apt.
- minagawa really is just here to say “thank you yuki for being the center of my harassment campaign on the general student body here for these past two years” before bouncing. this isn’t even a point of character development she literally didn’t learn anything.
- the pacing of this feels so WEIRD like. on the one hand, glad it’s only five minutes. on the other hand why was it included at all. it really dampers the rest of the ep and just feels super distracting.
- the dramatic music....... the dramatic flashbacks......... i mean it tracks for her but i just cannot take it seriously lmaooo
- wow the way this is delivered just makes this scene with minagawa feel extra undeserved. like even more so than in the manga. that’s pretty incredible.
- am i going to sit here and make mental parallels between the fact that neither minagawa nor machi actually know yuki personally. like they’ve both been observing him from afar this whole time. like is that the parallel i’m supposed to draw this episode that both of these girls have crushes on him but he hasn’t actually divulged anything personal to either of them. idk. like i know the answer is no and that it’s more fodder for him having a romance plot and whatever but. idk!
- what is happening what is happening what is happening
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- this departing song + the shots of the empty school feels so fucking weird. we’re saying goodbye to minagawa and takei. what is being imparted emotionally does not match the actual narrative we are receiving. also feels weird to put a scene with this much “goodbye” emotion in the third episode?
- did i just fast forward through this nao and minagawa scene. maybe.
- oh that’s right we also get hiro at the end of this chapter too. and kagura talking about rin. this pacing is weird
- it still baffles me that rin was able to graduate how tf did she manage that
- wow i really wish these last parts of the ep were moved to the next episode or something. they feel really out of place squashed into the end here. this rin bit definitely deserved more time to let the weight sink in.
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lucascsinclairs · 3 years
I need your honest thoughts on Mike and El's hair, as well as Lucas' and Will's too, since they all changed the most with their hair styles.
This is a great question, anon, I'd love to give my thoughts! I was so happy to finally get a good look at the cast's new s4 looks, since we really didn't get a lot of set pictures this time around, and no set pictures for most of the characters involved in the California plotline. So finally seeing the new looks and hair over the weekend was great, and I definitely have Thoughts. So I guess I could go from worst to best in my opinion?
Okay I'm sorry Mike, you're one of my favourite characters but that hair... Not a fan. The idea of him having longer hair could've worked, but the way they did it, with the weird 2008 style straightened bangs and otherwise wavy hair just looks odd to me. It's also a bummer after having seen Finn promoting the Ghostbusters movie recently with his hair cut shorter and it being curly, why couldn't they just style it like that, it looks much better. So yeah, not his best look unfortunately.
Next up is Will, and I know, I'm also surprised he's not in last place, given his hair's track record. It could just be that compared to his s3 hair that I really didn't like at all, any change is an improvement in my books haha. I'm pretty sure his s3 hair was a wig and it really looks artificial and just so mushroom-shaped. Putting that on Noah again would've just looked beyond ridiculous this time around. So while his s4 shorter bowlcut isn't great or anything, I don't personally think it's that bad in comparison. It looks a bit more natural, like it's actually his hair and not a bowl placed on top of his head. It's not great, but I'm surprisingly fine with it.
Speaking of wigs, next up is El's s4 hair, since I'm pretty sure Millie is wearing a wig this season. I was surprised by the bangs like I think we all were when we first saw them in that short little clip. And though I wasn't sold on them based on just that shot, I didn't think they were too bad. And now after getting a better look at her hair in the teaser, I'm really liking the look on her! It reminds me a bit of the hairstyle of Ali, the love interest in Karate Kid, so it fits the whole 80s high school in California setting. Also everyone has already pointed this out, but it really makes her a look a lot like Joyce, which is really sweet and shows her connection to the Byers family this season, and continues the trend of her being influenced by the people close to her in her appearance. I think she looks really cute!
And leaving the best for last, we have Lucas's awesome new hair in s4! His hair stayed pretty similar across the first three seasons so I'm really happy they are switching it up this time around! And considering the rumored plot of him joining the basketball team and becoming more popular in high school, a changeup like that also makes sense. And from what I've understood from looking up info about it online, it seems like that style of high top fade was a popular trend that started in the mid-to-late 80s, so giving him the haircut is a great nod to the trend of the time. I also read that it was popular among players in the NBA during that time, so it's a perfect fit for Lucas who is joining the basketball team. He looks great, can't wait to see more of s4 Lucas!
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
billy hears about how steve can make guys cum untouched just with his fingers/dick. he gets keyed up, post s2 or s3 (whichever floats your boat) and goes to steve begging for him to finger billy open then make him cum untouched.
who exposed me??
coming untouched is my favorite thing hhhhh
I revealed this information to only a small number of people I’m coming for all of you 🔪
anyway... I hope you enjoy this because i sure did
Billy approach’s Steve at his locker with both the bravado of a man on a mission and the nervousness of a twelve year old asking his crush to dance.
Billy had learned a very interesting rumor about his boyfriend from the pitcher for the baseball team. After several attempts of the guy trying to get into Steve’s pants, Billy was unleashed to put the kid into his proper place. Billy refrained from anything too physical, knowing if he left any marks on Saunders he would definitely be receiving the cold shoulder from Steve. And it’s not like he could blame the guy. If he had been on the receiving end of one of Steve’s magical blow jobs and had that taken away, he might have done the same thing.
Billy just shoves him around a bit. Makes a few veiled threats that he doesn’t need to know have zero merit. Steve has truly made him soft. But still, Billy’s reputation preceded him. Dixon Saunders easily submitted.
But before Billy could walk away he had to open his big mouth.
“Word of advice. Let Harrington in the backdoor. You’ll be fuckin’ seein’ stars I tell you. Doesn’t even have to touch.”
Billy allows himself to walk away. Manages to fight the urge to probe him with all his questions. But those words they fucking bore a hole into his brain and he’s gotta know. He’s gotta experience that first hand for himself.
“You free after school? I wanna test out a rumor.” He says, leant up against the locker in an attempt to seduce, while also masking the scared little kid inside him as he beats around the bush.
Steve and him have not progressed past hand jobs and blowjobs. Billy’s only ever had actual, back breaking, sex once. And he wasn’t on the receiving end. So this was uncharted territory for him. But his dick twitched every time those words echoed in his skull.
“Doesn’t even have to touch.”
“And what rumor would that be?” Steve asks as he shoves the remainder of his books into his locker.
And Billy can’t bring himself to ask for it. Not here where people can see Steve laugh in his face. No, he’d rather lose his dignity in private.
And it’s not that Billy thinks Steve will laugh at him for wanting it, but laugh at him for the clear desperation he has for it.
“I’ll tell you when we get to your place. Wouldn’t want it to spread around school.”
Steve just laughs it off and nudges Billy’s shoulder, but Billy’s already looking him up and down with a bit lip and hungry eyes. Because Steve is looking like an entire meal right now. Wrinkles next to his eyes and shiny white teeth exposed with his smile. Long fingers brushing through his hair.
He wants.
He needs.
He doesn’t know how he intends to make it through the last hour of the school day without popping a boner in history class. Having to come up with a reason why the assasination of Franz Ferdinand has him so aroused.
When they’ve finally made it to Steve’s house Steve is begging Billy to tell him the rumor, and billy is begging for something else entirely. Billy pushes Steve down onto the couch and gets into Steve’s lap. Facing towards him with a knee on either side of Steve’s legs. Steve wraps his arms around Billy’s back as Billy leans down to kiss him. Steve’s neck craning upwards to meet Billy’s lips.
“A little birdie told me you can make a boy come untouched. That true?”
And Billy was correct to assume Steve would laugh. But it isn’t a mocking laugh. More delighted and intrigued.
“Well if you want me to do that we’re gonna have to get you in another position.”
And suddenly Billy is flying off his lap and Steve is dragging Billy up the stairs and into his room. Bending Billy over against the bed, propped up by his hands until Steve knocks him down to his elbows. Billy let’s out a quiet chuckle at this amount of aggression and heat he’s not used to seeing out of Steve.
Steve reaches for his bedside table and pulls out a bottle of lube from one of the drawers, sparing no time at all before yanking Billy’s pants downs to his knees and squirting a bit of lube onto two fingers.
“You’re sure you’re ready for this?” He asks, and Billy is already spreading his legs. Bracing himself. Yeah. He’s fucking ready.
“If you don’t start right fucking now I’m going to scream.”
Steve laughs before sliding in one slicked finger. Billy’s fingered himself before, but this right here was an entirely different ball game. When he did it to himself he could never get the angle quite right. And the added fear that his father could walk in on him with fingers up his ass, he’d rather not entertain that.
The one finger felt good. Better than he could achieve himself. But he definitely wasn’t seeing stars.
By the time Steve added in a second finger he started to feel it. Not overwhelming pleasure, but the desperate need to touch himself. He was already leaking pre onto the bed sheets, gripping the cloth tightly and clenching his teeth to fight the urge to stroke his dick. His hard, red, throbbing dick.
Okay maybe he wasn’t entirely ready for that.
Steve’s fingers are now scissoring inside him spreading him apart slowly and teasingly. He’s slow and meticulous and he’s doing all the right things. Billy feels the need so bite down on something. His nails now digging into his palms, sure to leave marks. He’s sputtering nonsensical pleas to speed up. More more more.
Then there’s a third finger and Billy lets out and embarrassing moan.
He needs Steve inside of him. Now.
And apparently Steve agrees as he slowly removes his fingers from Billy’s hole, Billy letting out a deep breath as the pressure is released.
Suddenly Steve is flipping Billy onto his back, ripping his own shirt off, pulling Billy’s jeans the rest of the way down and over his ankles. Pulling Billy’s legs up to where they are now resting on his shoulders. Billy follows Steve’s lead and reveals his own bare chest. Unbuttoning the only two buttons that were ever fastened. His hands are too close to his dick for Steve’s liking. Billy’s so close to wrapping his hand around himself and holding on for dear life.
Steve grabs Billy by the wrists and pins them down to the bed just above Billy’s head.
“Hands off the merchandise. We’re testing the rumor aren’t we?”
And Billy just whimpers underneath the weight of Steve on top of him. He needs Steve inside of him. He wants so badly to come undone at just the feeling of Steve inside him. Tearing him apart. Destroying him until he’s a blubbering mess.
Steve releases one hand from Billy’s wrist hesitantly. Slowly to ensure Billy remains complaint and keeps the hand where it lies. Then he’s using the free hand to position himself, and it all feels like slow motion. Like time stops completely before Steve is complete filling Billy up. Then he’s pumping in and out at an agonizingly slow pace and Billy just wants to scream.
Steve is leaning over him, hands back on Billy’s wrists, kissing, sucking, biting on Billy’s neck and the show is almost over for him. Tears spilling out of his eyes. He’s desperately fighting against Steve’s grip on him.
“Come for me baby.” He whispers in his ear with a breathy moan. “I’m close too.”
It’s the combination of the hot breath against his ear and one final thrust that he feels all the way to his stomach that does it all for him. Almost instantaneously he’s shooting off onto Steve’s chest. He’s not seeing stars. He’s seeing the whole damn galaxy.
And he could easily get hard again at just the sight of Steve on top as he comes inside of him. Mouth agape as he releases a heavy and unsuppressed moan. Hair filling into his face, beads of sweat on his forehead. He looks fucking ethereal. Of course a boy who looked like that would live up to the rumor. But there was never really any doubt in Billy that Steve would deliver. And boy did he ever.
And then Steve’s aggressive performance from just a few minutes ago is flipped on it’s head. Slowly removing himself from inside, Billy feeling as Steve’s come slowly drips from his hole. Steve coming up to his face to gently push a hair out of his face before peppering gentle kisses to the space below his eyes where shedded tears came to rest.
“I would ask you if the rumors are true, but I think that’s kinda obvious don’t you think?” Steve says with a little smirk.
Billy scoffs before gently moving a now freed hand up to grab Steve by the chin. Angling his face to his eyes are locked straight on his own. “Shut up you cocky little bastard.” He says before pulling him down to meet his lips, wrapping his legs around him and locking his ankles together and pulling Steve down until Steve’s chest completely pressed up against his own.
“I’m still stronger than you. Don’t you ever forget it.”
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samuelturn · 2 years
I am in a mood and upon the suggestion of my cousin here is a long-ass ramble about the Doctor Who Classic Series Blu-rays (aka The Collection) and the animated serials of missing 60s Who.
PART 1: The Blu-rays of Gallifrey
Ok so, so far over the last four years we (as in Whovians in general) have gotten 10 seasons of Classic Who onto Blu-ray sets. For the most part the sets rule. They’re less bulky on a shelf than having every classic DVD and only as expensive as buying like 2 or 3 of them when they were new. My only quibbles being the formatting inconsitencies not only between the US sets and the much prettier UK sets, but the fact that the US sets have inconsistent text and graphic formatting that is a different rant for a different day. As follows: here are the 10 released from 2018-2021 (the last one is being released in the US sometime Spring 2022):
Season 12 (Tom Baker S1)
Season 19 (Peter Davison S1)
Season 18 (Tom Baker S7)
Season 10 (Jon Pertwee S4)
Season 23 (Colin Baker S2)
Season 26 (Sylvester McCoy S3)
Season 14 (Tom Baker S3)
Season 8 (Jon Pertwee S2)
Season 24 (Sylvester McCoy S1)
Season 17 (Tom Baker S6)
With these, we’ve got 5 seasons of 70s Who and 5 of 80s Who. If rumors are to be believed, the next box will be Season 22 (Colin Baker S1), finishing the tenure of the Sixth Doctor and having all his serials (bar Twin Dilema from S21) on BD. My personal projection of the remaining 9 sets from the color era of Who would be Season 21 (Peter Davison S3), since then all of Six will be on BD and we haven’t had a Davison season in a while. Then I would bounce around the 70s for a bit, with either Season 7 (Jon Pertwee S1) or Season 13 (Tom Baker S2) next, followed by the other. Next I’d bet they go for Season 25 (Sylvester McCoy S2) to finish Seven’s era, followed by Season 9 (Jon Pertwee S3) then Season 15 (Tom Baker S4). Of the remaining three left after that, I’d bet they’d do Season 20 (Peter Davison S2) to finish off 80s Who, and because The Five Doctors is usually lumped in with S20. Season 11 (Jon Pertwee S5) would be next, featuring many a loving tribute to Elisabeth Sladen’s first sesson as Sarah-Jane Smith. The current crop would end with Season 15 (Tom Baker S5), The Key To Time. A fan favorite season and the first to get a box set as a DVD. I say current crop because after this, rather than dipping into the 60s sets, I predict the BBC would instead go for…
PART 2: The Animated Wilderness
A 90s Who Collection. The Paul McGann film (newly remastered from the negatives for the Live Action footage and combined with upscaled VFX), More Than 30 Years in the TARDIS, The Curse of Fatal Death, and a disc for the flash animated Who stories (Death Comes to Time, Real Time, Eighth Doctor Shada, and Scream of the Shalka). In that order, per disc, with like an extra disc for more bonus features. All of this as a stalling tactic for the BBC to finish more animated serials and to let them make some money as individual DVD and Blu-ray releases.
One might wonder why the BBC haven’t finished more animated serials to start putting out Collection sets of 60s Who. Firstly, aside from the above economic consideration, they are running out of the less expensive serials to animate. With The Abominable Snowmen coming out soon, this leaves Seasons 2, 5, and 6 having one un-animated serials each. The ones from Seasons 5 & 6 are sci-fi, which did better sales for 60s Who DVDs than the historical serials. But, both are not well regarded. And while Enemy of the World was panned somewhat before its recovery and re-appraisal, The Wheel in Space is considered an average Cybermen story with the debut of Zoe as a companion. The Space Pirates is largely comedic, and the TARDIS team weren’t even in Part 6 all that much because they were on location filming The War Games. And Season 2’s odd one out is The Crusade, a half-missing 4 part historical featuring blackface. And even if all three got animated and released this year we’d still not see a Collection set for those seasons for a couple years probably.
Aside from the above the remaining two Troughton stories un-animated are The Underwater Menace (supposed to be animated for its DVD but the studio raised its prices and the BBC bailed) and The Highlanders (Troughton’s only historical and Jamie’s debut). Not to mention that Season 4 also has the opener The Smugglers, a Hartnell historical, completely missing. The remaining Hartnells, aside from Mission to the Unknown, The Dalek’s Masterplan, and The Celestial Toymaker, are all historicals as well. And MttU and TDMP being big monoliths of S3 means that they’d probably do them last as a big fanfare event. But, extrapolating again into the future, here is my prediction for the remaining animated serials…
PART 3: The Undrawn Future
Its 2022 and after the airing and release of The Abominable Snowmen BBC announces the upcoming animation of The Underwater Menace, aninating only its missing two episodes, and full serial animations of The Wheel In Space and The Space Pirates, in roughly that order. TUM releases in Summer, TWiS in Fall, and TSP in December 2022. 2023 begins with the announcement of the animations of The Highlanders and The Smugglers, completing Troughton’s era in animation and all of Seasons 4-6. The Crusade is announced as a half-animated serial, with the missing two episodes animated and new restorations of the existing two epsiodes, completing Season 2. To celebrate the 60th Anniversary they animate Marco Polo and will air in full on Part 1’s original broadcast date of February 22, 2024 and completing Season 1.
For the remaining serials of Season 3, they start with The Celestial Toymaker, using audio editing to replace the n-word with the word tiger in the poem “Eeny Meany Miney Moe” in Part 3, causing uproar amongst a very tiny but annoyingly vocal minority of Who fans. Next up is The Savages, followed by The Massacre of St. Barholomew’s Eve. 2025 will see the end of the animated serials. Beginning with an airing (but not release) of Mission to the Unknown, they will next release The Myth Makers, ending 2025 on a banner release of a fully animated version of The Dalek’s Masterplan on November 13th, its 60th anniversary. The BD release includes MttU on its own disc. Thus, Season 3 is completed.
And should any missing episodes turn up after all 27 collection sets are released I’m betting the BBC would just release stand alone BD discs of the newly returned serials with some slightly new special features. Same probably for a complete copy of The War Machine (its missing a whole minute of footage in Part 3 that had to be remade using editing of existing footage) or The Time Meddler (poor quality film print missing 20 seconds from Part 4 due to censorship of violence).
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killmongerkink · 4 years
Adult Problems
Summary: Oscar removes his mask and tells you how he really feels.
Pairing: Oscar "Spooky" Diaz X Black!Reader
Warning: fluffy fluff fluff, oscar being soft, sincere and cute ;_;.
Length: 1.3k
BTW: this is my first time writing for on my block so i wanted to make this short and sweet .. it’s heavily inspired by oscar and cesar’s conversation in s3:e8. depending on how people like it, i’ll consider writing something more original for oscar in the future. i hope you guys enjoy & sorry for any typos!
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An amused look was on your face as you watched Oscar shuffle the boys out of the door, Cesar and Jamal’s attempts at bidding you a goodnight failing terribly when their words were cut off by the door slamming in their faces.
“Aren’t our brothers just the cutest?” You voiced, a set of eyes cutting towards you before a not so thrilled grunt was used as a reply.
Oscar grabbed two handfuls of the candy that you had brought over earlier and made his way over, his body dropping next to yours on the couch and you watched as the collection of sugary goods flooded his lap. The both of you passed time by eating and chit-chatting about normal stuff, or as normal as things could be for the leader of one of the most notorious gangs in Freeridge. You allowed him to rant a bit and he made sure to talk without saying too much. He didn’t want you worrying about his dealings and you couldn’t lie and say that you wanted to know more than what he was letting on. You’d catch the specks of blood on his clothing, see him slipping a silencer into his pants pockets before he’d kiss you goodbye, and let’s not even talk about the countless rumors that you’d hear people whisper behind your back. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you decided to start seeing him, but it didn’t make the relationship any easier.
“Are you happy?” He asked suddenly.
The question came out of the blue and you paused from unwrapping your third mini snickers to look at him. He looked relaxed as he sat in the corner of the couch, man-spreading with one arm stretched out behind you and the other on the couch armrest. His face on the other hand was a different story. You could tell that he was deep in thought, those eyebrows of his that always gave away his true feelings were furrowed and down, nose defined and nostrils slightly flared. 
“Of course I’m happy.” You answered without much thought, Oscar’s head turning to you but he was still looking away. “I’m happy here. With you, my family, your family-”
“What family?”
“All I got is my hermano and even then.”
He stopped himself before he could go any further and when you leaned in closer in an attempt to make him look at you, he purposely kept his eyes away. Calling out his name didn’t help, not even when you tried holding his chin and turning his face to you. You pushed the excess candy from the couch and his lap, the small pieces hitting the floor before you were cuddling up against him. Knowing that he was keeping things to himself made you scared and the random question of your happiness put you on edge even more. People didn’t just ask that all willy nilly. Something was bothering him, something that he didn’t seem eager to share.
“You know what would make me reeeeally happy? Going away with you.” Your fingers played with the cross that hung around his neck. “I don’t care where we go. An hour away .. ten hours away. It doesn’t matter. I just want us to get away from everything for a little bit. I don’t want you worrying or having to look over your shoulder. Just somewhere nice. Somewhere with no problems.” 
You ended your words with a smile at the image you had playing in your head. Oscar’s carefree grin as you both walked hand in hand like a normal couple. It’s not like you guys couldn’t do that now, but with the heat that had been going on with the Santos, Prophets and now 19th Street, Oscar didn’t like you going out alone or with him, which sucked. He was scared that he would get caught up while out and didn’t want you being a witness to anything, or worse. You already had a few quick run-ins with some knuckleheads that were trying to scare you while you were out shopping and Oscar damn near went crazy when he heard the news from said knuckleheads and not you. That earned you a not so nice speech about hiding things from him and you remembered him talking to you as if you were a child before you calmed him down with a couple kisses and much more later that night. Looking up at him, you pressed your lips against his lower cheek.
“What would make you happy?”
“Adult problems.”
You tilted your head to the side and scoffed. 
“Fool, now why would you want-“
“I want to own a house. Maybe have a wife, a kid. All I have right now is resentment and missed opportunities. I don’t want that shit no more. It’s time to give it away. Start a new chapter.”
You were taken aback by his sudden confession. Oscar had never spoken about having a life away from his current one, he just always seemed worried about making sure that Cesar didn't follow in the path that his grandfathers, father and now brother had. The way he talked let you know that this had been on his mind for quite some time and although it made your heart smile that he had hope of a life away from the gang, you knew that it wouldn't be so easy to get out even though he was the leader. You didn't know how the Santos worked when it came to leaders stepping down, but your binges of Gangland let you know that it wouldn't be a walk in the park. Just imaging him trying to leave and them ... you stopped yourself before your mind could run wild and decided to lighten the mood.
"A wife? Is she gonna be a fine ass chica?"
His cheeks rose and body jumped as he smirked loudly, those being the same words he had used on you when you both first met. You remembered giving him a hard time about how that wasn't the correct way to approach you, but you couldn't deny the fact that his accent mixed with that sly smile of his had you smitten and thinking of him for the rest of that night.
"She's gonna be you so yeah."
Sucking your teeth, you rolled your eyes playfully and moved off of him only for him to pull you back and situate you on his lap this time. His face was back to being serious, but you kept a smile on your face as he placed your hand on his chest, the steady beat of his heart making you caress the skin with your thumb.
"Mi corazón late por ti."
You rose your brow, waiting for him to translate his words like he always did when he spoke to you in Spanish, but instead he ignored your puzzled expression and kept going.
"Y mi amor por ti, esta mierda es real."
He tightened his lips and nodded at his words, his arms wrapping around your waist as he laid his head against you. You smiled to yourself and used your unoccupied hand to hold him snug against you, his arms tightening as though he was scared that you would try to move away like last time.
“I don’t know what you just said, but I heard love so same.” You laughed when he leaned back and shook his head, large hands lifting up and cupping your face softly before he was moving upwards and running them across your scalp until they met at the back of your head. He moved his fingers back and forth and you watched his eyes follow the movement of your slightly frizzy braid out bouncing up and down all over the place, your head being pulled towards him before his lips met yours softly.
“Wanna work on them kids now?” He mumbled against your lips and you watched his eyes squint as he smiled.
“So now it’s kids?” 
“My shit’s potent chica.”
translations (curtesy of google translate)
hermano - brother
mi corazón late por ti - my heart beats for you
y mi amor por ti, esta mierda es real - and my love for you, this shit’s real.
taglist: @theblekromantik @blxckquiescent @lackbbaby @davidat420 @liajiah @arleeen @brwnsugababe @artilient @savagescorpion @heyyy-itsmoni15-blog @becauseimmaya @bbymuthaaa @lola-bunny765 @imamusing @suprwhatevr @guldstrum @crispydonkeyweaselapricot @paxignite @princessshanae14 @babyfacebuttercup @jai-doodles-losers @babykidtacopeach @doomedwings @iamofficalliyah @rosemilage @enyasairpods @chrmdnbeautiful @ovoxosavage​ @asdfghjklnia​ @santaniaaaa​ @lovirgo​ @uhlxis​ @queenprattwrites​ @alexundefined​ @kgkgkgkgkg​ @amirra88​ @t3mporaa​ @theblulife​  @kenziealeece​ @depressionandfandomsinc​ @chloe-anneeee​ @missdforever​ @selmachoukri​ @nickidabarb​ @jersey-nic​ @ravenp​ @ingriandrea​ @maybachsxdiamonds​ @how-enticingly-sweet​ @klaylakayblack​ 
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