#weight loss mention
fatphobiabusters · 6 months
Theres something really insidious about how gastric bypass advocates deny that essential organ mutilation is unhealthy.
"I've lost so much weight I'm so healthy" your stomach is mutilated.
"My doctor is praising my progress" your stomach is mutilated.
"I fit in so many more clothes now"
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Because an essential, life sustaining organ in your body was cut up and your digestive system rerouted.
Health isn't the end all be all of value, humanity or importance but I feel like there is a huge lie here when this is "healthy" and it's just ignored.
Sorry to just bring this up out of no where but I was reminded of how little this is really talked about in bypass circles. Like, no matter what, you are now unhealthy. The spector of health continues. The Ouroboros is unbroken. Only this time it's doctor approved.
-mod squirrel
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cripple-council · 2 months
doctors care more about weight loss than helping a fat chronic pain patient not suffer from crippling pain 👍🏻 what a world
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arofulboyfriend · 26 days
I love you fat transmascs who can't pass because of our curves and boobs. I love you fat gnc transmascs. I love you fat transmascs for whom passing won't make you happy. I love you fat closeted transmascs. I love you fat transmascs with PCOS. I love you fat transmascs with sensory issues who don't want to or can't grow facial hair. I love you fat transmascs who can't get gender affirming surgeries because of archaic BMI limitations. I love you fat transmascs who don't want to lose weight. I love you fat transmascs who've tried everything and cant lose weight. I love you fat and disabled transmascs. I love you fat transmascs who don't want hrt or surgery. I love you fat balding transmascs. I love you fat hairy transmascs. I love you fat transmascs who gained weight because of hrt. I love you fat transmascs on birth control. I love you fat transmascs.
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spectrum-spectre · 6 months
Ok I've seen a recent rise in Soft Tummy Steve fics and I love them with all my heart, seriously they're all fantastic, but can we get some love for Soft Tummy Eddie?
He's already a bit on the thinner side, and I imagine he'd probably lose more than a few pounds after being trapped in the Upside Down with little to no food for a while. Once he's back though, and his body realizes it can finally rest? Boy's deffo gonna gain some weight back with interest. The human body is literally designed to hold onto weight for as long as it possibly can in case of starvation/a famine, and it is Ridiculously easy to gain it if you're not actively trying to keep it as is.
Plus, he's gonna be bedridden for a while, whilst the bat bites and other various ailments get sorted out. Less physical activity + a steady (no pun intended) diet of hospital food and whatever snacky stuff the kids can sneak into his room = good rounding out.
All this is to say, once he's fully recovered and a bit more healthily plump, Steve is gonna be all over him.
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floodnetworks · 3 months
i know we all know this but weight loss propaganda ads are truly the devil i go blind with rage every time i see a thumbnail of a cute tummy and im like "wooaw awooga" and then i see that the caption is like "learn how to lose weight fast!" i will kill you. i Will kill you.
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sirfrogsworth · 8 months
It's always hard to talk about weight loss on Tumblr. People have some very complicated relationships with the concept. Understandably. But I have found any mention of weight loss usually elicits a negative reaction from someone.
I am going to talk about my own personal weight loss. I will tag this as well, but if you do not want to hear about it, perhaps just move on after reading this sentence.
I need to lose some weight to avoid health complications. I am over 300 pounds and I cannot bend over at the waist without discomfort. I don't have many options to facilitate that weight loss. And even though I am taking Ozempic to help my blood sugar, so far I have also lost about 7 pounds.
I think most people eventually plateau, but it did feel nice to be going in the right direction. I have no goal. I am mostly focusing on controlling my diabetes before I start to actively tackle losing some weight. But the head start from the Ozempic is appreciated.
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i hate you fatphobia i hate you diet culture i hate you counting calories i hate you bariatric surgery i hate you weight loss drugs i hate you bmi i hate you doctors prescribing weight loss no matter what complaint a fat person has i hate you parents forcing children to diet
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frickfatphobes · 5 months
so apparently Weight Watchers had some sort of apology for not realizing fatness isn't a choice or something
and now they're going to be giving out weight loss drugs
i just. they didn't fix anything. nothing's really changing.
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creature-wizard · 6 months
It seems that there is no way for me to convince you of the Truth of this world, this universe. Some people are just unable to be enlightened. Goodbye and shalom. Please leave our community and our tags be
I will continue to post in your tags so long as you people are telling children that they can manifest overnight weight loss, get perfect grades without studying, change their entire life histories, and that they're all just doing it wrong if their desired results don't manifest. You people are a bunch of heartless ghouls.
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galaxywhump · 7 months
Ghosts of the Past
[SV-240 masterlist]
Timeline: post-captivity, set after A Day of Revelations.
contents: recovery from slavery whump and forced relationship, hospital setting, nightmares, mentioned surgery, torture, branding, therapy and past weight loss, absent parent.
He must have fallen asleep.
He wakes up with tears in his eyes and the memory of Daniel clear in his mind, in the hospital room, not alone. Blinking, he expects to see steel-gray eyes and a familiar fond smile, feel a hand brushing his hair away from his forehead, hear a voice that tries and fails to be soothing. Instead he sees brown eyes and concern written all over the familiar face of the person leaning over him, their hand still resting on his shoulder after they shook him awake.
“Breathe, Wren. Breathe.”
He doesn’t remember this voice ever being soothing, but it works. Breathing deeply, he nods, his body in a state of panic even though he can hardly remember why. He reaches up to wipe his tears away, and his breath stutters again. There’s no way he can speak in this state.
“Are you okay?” Nathaniel asks, just as, if not more, nervous as his son.
No. Isn’t it obvious?
Wren nods again, and Nathaniel frowns.
“Sorry I had to wake you. You were…” He hesitates, looking for the right word, or maybe considering how much to tell him. “Thrashing.”
Another nod. Wren’s throat is squeezed tight, his heart fluttering in his chest, so he stays silent, focused on breathing.
He had a nightmare, and his father saw it.
It’s a strange realization, as if he had mentally placed a division between the person he was on SV-240 and the person he’s here now. He knew that returning to Earth wouldn’t erase his memories and trauma, but Daniel’s strong presence in his mind is the most striking reminder of that. The captive from SV-240 has been transported to Earth and sticks out like a sore thumb.
“Sorry,” he mutters. “Must’ve had a nightmare.”
It’s Nathaniel’s turn to awkwardly nod. He parts his lips as if to say something, and his grip on Wren’s shoulder tenses, but in the end he lets go and looks away.
Despite knowing better than to expect any comfort, Wren’s disappointment is almost painful, and he barely stops himself from reaching out to grab his father’s hand, begging him to care.
“I brought you some things,” Nathaniel says, and when Wren follows his gaze, he notices a large bag by the wall - his bag, one he hasn’t used in years, but seeing something that belongs to him fills him with warmth, a feeling so strong he can’t believe it’s caused by something as mundane as an old object.
“Thanks.” Smiling requires a shocking amount of effort even when it’s for the most part genuine.
“Have you thought about where you want to stay?” Nathaniel pulls a chair closer to sit down. “I’ve found some places for sale or for rent, I can send you the offers.”
“Can I stay at your place?” Wren blurts out before he can stop himself. It’s a terrible idea, he knows it is, but the thought of having to choose is overwhelming. His recent nightmare also causes him to tense up and his mind to protest when he imagines being alone. Just him and a ghost, and nobody else.
“Of course.” Nathaniel’s response is immediate despite the look of surprise on his face. “It’s still your home too.”
This time there’s nothing forced about Wren’s smile.
“Thanks. I won’t stay long, just until… I get back on my feet.”
“You can stay as long as you like.”
That’s a relief when Wren has no idea how long it will take him to get back on his feet, if that’s even possible. What does that even mean? Functioning on his own, probably; the thought makes him anxious, so he drops it for now.
“Thank you. Really.”
Nathaniel nods, and they both fall silent, with too many unsaid words ringing in the air. There has always been a barrier between them that Wren couldn’t get through, and even now, when Nathaniel’s being more vulnerable than Wren’s ever seen him, the barrier is standing strong, intimidating and stifling. Worst of all, it prevents him from telling his father about anything, really. He should at least mention the tracker that’s going to be removed shortly, but even that fills him with deep shame. And then, of course, there’s the relationship Daniel had forced him into, the affection and intimacy that affected him more than anything else did, which is the last thing he wants to reveal to anyone, period.
Bearing it alone makes it hard to breathe, but he can’t imagine choosing the alternative.
The bag contains clothes, his clothes: familiar flannel shirts, plain t-shirts and relaxed pants, all ironed out and neatly folded. He reaches inside the bag and rests his fingertips on the clothes, and the feel of the fabric is familiar too. He clears his throat and blinks rapidly when tears threaten to gather in his eyes, and pulls out one of the shirts, unfolding it and holding it in the air, staring at it while his mind is racing.
It’s been years since he was allowed to choose what to wear. The clothes chosen by Daniel weren’t bad, they were comfortable and practical, but that was the problem - they couldn’t get in the way of Daniel’s sadistic ideas, and it wasn’t much of an issue if they ended up stained with blood. He was a plaything, a blank canvas, dressed accordingly, even when Daniel tried to convince him that they could be close to equals if he only gave in.
Now, he can finally make a choice, even one as seemingly inconsequential as this.
Once he’s dressed, he stands in front of the mirror and chokes on his breath.
The clothes still fit him well; they would’ve been noticeably more baggy if he’d stayed malnourished like he was during the first few weeks on SV-240, but since his starvation ended and Daniel allowed him to start working out again, he’s gone back to looking like himself, the person he used to be. It’s all the more jarring as he stares in the mirror at someone from over two years ago.
Someone he no longer is.
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath when tears come back, this time impossible to stop. He shoves his hands into his pockets and looks up at the ceiling, away from the mirror. “I’ll get used to it,” he whispers, closing his eyes. “It’s just clothes, and they should make me feel better, for fuck’s sake.”
Wearing them does help, but seeing them does the exact opposite, so he ends up walking away from the mirror, and avoids looking into it if he can help it.
He spends a few more days in the hospital, and every single morning he wakes up from a nightmare. While it might be better than waking up to a nightmare, it’s exhausting in its own right, and leaves him a mess.
Reality doesn’t help as much as he hoped it would. He’s free, but everything feels like too much.
Someone visits him and introduces herself as a therapist; that information alone makes him so anxious he fails to catch her name. She talks to him, and he’s tense the whole time, mentally building walls around his mind as if the therapist could read it and learn about everything he went through. His input is limited to nodding along, waiting for the conversation to be over. He doubts therapy will help when his plan is to take the full scope of his trauma to the grave.
Later that day he’s scheduled for surgery. Something in him flares up in protest when he slowly slips into unconsciousness, a scared part of him that doesn’t want him to be defenseless, at someone else’s mercy, with no guarantee that they won’t hurt him or tie him up, but there’s nothing he can do at this point. When he wakes up, everything is alright, his shoulder is bandaged and the tracker is… gone. He can’t help but think that it would feel more significant if he wasn’t still branded - and he can see the sympathetic looks on the faces of the doctors who saw his back. He stays silent.
His father visits him again, they talk about nothing in particular. With the visible bandage on his shoulder Wren can’t hide the truth any longer. He had a chip. A tracker. It was nothing, and it’s gone now.
“That’s good.” Their conversation dies down.
Another night, another nightmare, which a nurse wakes him up from. His face burns with embarrassment, and he doesn’t know how to explain himself. Thankfully, they don’t pry.
He’s sitting in an armchair by the window, looking outside, when raised voices out in the corridor make him flinch. He looks in the direction of the door with a frown, and recognizes one of the voices as his father’s, but the other one he’s never heard before. It’s probably a hospital worker, but the conversation certainly sounds… heated, though he can’t make out enough words for it to make sense. The voices get calmer eventually, and he can hear footsteps getting closer. Then a moment of silence - and someone knocks on the door. His father and the hospital staff have used knocking as a mere formality, letting themselves in unless he tells them to wait, but this person doesn’t open the door.
“You can come in!” he says.
He doesn’t recognize the person that enters the room, but there’s something about the way she looks him up and down and her eyes widen that gives him the impression that she recognizes him.
“Hi,” he says, standing up.
“Hi,” she responds and clears her throat when her voice trembles. “Wren, right?”
“Yeah. Wren Rackham.” Who is she? He narrows his eyes when he considers all the options and lands on one he’s not excited about in the slightest - that the person in front of him is a journalist, here to ask him about everything he went through. That would explain the heated discussion, too, but he really hopes that’s not the case. “Do I know you?”
There’s a flash of emotion on her face, too brief for him to try and understand it before she speaks.
“No, I suppose not,” she lets out a soft sigh. “I’m… My name is Jonna Schulte.”
Should that tell him something? She looks at him expectantly, but no matter how hard he tries to place the name in his memory, he fails.
“I’m sorry, I don’t…” He shakes his head helplessly.
“So he never… okay.” Jonna clears her throat again. “How do I even say this… You… you’re my son, Wren.” Her words feel like a punch to the face, and Wren’s eyes go wide. He doesn’t get to say anything to that - and he has no idea what he could say anyway - as she continues, clenching her fists to hide the trembling of her hands. “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, Wren. I never wanted to abandon you, but I was forced to, and I regret it every single day. I-I know I can’t make up for my absence, and I’m sorry I’m visiting you out of nowhere, but when I heard what happened to you I… I had to see you.”
Wren puts his hand against the wall to steady himself when his legs threaten to buckle under him. As he’s staring at Jonna’s face in disbelief, he can’t help but notice that there is some physical resemblance between them, which means… she might not be lying.
The thought turns his world upside down to the point where the memories plaguing him are overshadowed for a short moment.
His mother was never in the picture, and he was used to it. Nathaniel didn’t seem to like talking about her and avoided the topic until Wren gave up and dropped it. All he knew was that she left him when he was three, and since he couldn’t remember her at all, he just… never had a mother. As hard as it was sometimes, he had to accept it.
And now she’s here. A complete stranger, appearing in his life when he’s already overwhelmed and her presence feels like an explosion that only destabilizes him further, his mind racing, torn between confusion and… anger. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down, not wanting to say something he’ll regret later.
“I’m sorry,” Jonna repeats. “I shouldn’t have- You’re already going through a lot and I- I’ll leave you alone.” She turns to leave, but before taking a single step she pauses and hesitantly takes out a small notepad and a pen. “We can pretend this never happened, but if, um, you’d like to get in touch someday…” She writes something down and sets the note on an end table. “Here’s my number. You don’t have to do anything with it, I just… thought I’d leave it here.” When he doesn’t respond, she swallows and looks away. “Goodbye, and… I hope you make a good recovery.”
Does he want to pretend this never happened? Maybe. It would be easier not to have this bomb of a revelation on his mind, but he can’t just forget about it. He used to think his mother had decided to abandon him, but if she hadn’t, and she seems to really regret it… it changes everything.
“Wait,” he says, stopping her in her tracks.
“Yes?” She looks so tense, like she’s waiting for him to start screaming at her, and a tiny part of him almost wants to do that, to vent his frustrating confusion, but he nips that thought in the bud.
“I-I’ll think about it. It’s a lot right now, but I’m… not saying no. I just need some time.”
She nods and relaxes her shoulders.
“Of course. I’m not going to push, it’s your decision.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
The corners of Jonna’s lips rise in a slight smile of relief, and Wren can’t help but wonder if their smiles are similar too.
When the door closes behind her, Wren can finally breathe again. He sits down and works his fingers into his hair, and sits motionless in the quiet room - too quiet, oppressively so - for a long while, until reality becomes blurred enough that he’s not sure if Jonna Schulte had actually visited him. Maybe it was another dream, a weird one that’s still preferable to the nightmares tormenting him every time he falls asleep, but…
He lifts his head and his gaze lands on the note left on the end table near the door. It’s real without a doubt; he confirms it when he picks it up. He reads the number several times until he’s memorized it, and hides the note in his pocket.
For the rest of the day it’s all he can think about, and he wouldn’t be surprised if the note somehow burned through his pocket with how aware he is of it at all times.
At least, no matter how he feels about it, it’s a welcome distraction until Daniel inevitably visits him in his dreams again.
taglist: @faewhump @inky-whump @whole-and-apart-and-between @whatwasmyprevioususername @procrastinatingsab @funky-little-glitter-bomb @goneuntil @redstainedsocks @luminouswhump @lonesome--hunter @as-a-matter-of-whump @renkocchi @whump-only @muddy-swamp-bitch @girlwithacoolcat @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @sophierose002 @whump-headspace @to-whump-or-not-to-whump @kixngiggles @ohwhumpydays @whumpsical @wibbly-wobbly-whump @stab-the-son-of-a @his-unspoken-words @pumpkin-spice-whump @onlyhappywhenitpains @suspicious-whumping-egg @morning-star-whump @burtlederp @there-will-always-be-blood @springwhump
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fatphobiabusters · 8 months
I don't understand why my natural hair color always comes back. Everytime I dye my hair, it never lasts. I've used every brand of dye on the market, each promising me a long-lasting, permanent hair color. But after dozens of attempts, my hair still reverts back to its original color! No matter how much willpower I have, what expensive hair products I buy to keep my hair that color, how much I avoid the sun, how few times I allow myself a hot shower, none of it ever works! It only lasts for a short amount of time before going back to my ugly, worthless, natural hair color. What am I doing wrong?? Because the problem certainly must be me. I'm just not trying hard enough. My best friend's aunt has managed to keep her hair dyed for three years, and all she had to do was a few simple steps and then keep the willpower to not ruin all of her work. Why is my hair not doing the same? And every time I dye my hair, it damages my hair immensely. I even bleach my hair constantly, which is also extremely damaging. But that doesn't matter because the people who naturally have the hair color I want are shown to have better hair health, so all of this damage to my hair will be worth it! I just still don't understand why my hair refuses to be the color I want it to be. Why do these hair dyes advertise themselves as permanent? I must be slacking and not doing enough. And no, I don't want this other hair color just because society treats people with my hair color like trash. That's simply a coincidence.
-Mod Worthy
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intersexfairy · 1 year
"your weight is making your spine problems worse, you need to lose weight" ok in that case can i have top surgery? surely carrying H cups (or larger) around on a 4'11 frame for at least 8 years, even when i was thinner, has something to do with this then.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Vent about viewing myself as ugly
(I know I'm asexual for sure)
Am I aro, or is the idea of someone being genuinely in love with me (not some stupid ass obsession) too hard to believe? Am I aro, or am I so ugly that no one would ever see me as a romantic partner? Am I aro, or am I so jealous of my friends with their literal harems or whatever it's called meanwhile I've never even held hands romantically. Am I aro, or does it just "make sense you arnt into anyone "? Am I aro, or am I just repulsive?
I've done everything in my power to be beautiful. I've done it all. Diet, exercise, bad diets, make-up, shareware. Everything yet still no complements from people unless I ask how I look. Like I know I'm hideous, but you can at least lie. At this point I'd take a lie.
Submitted April 24, 2023
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honeysuckle-venom · 3 months
The good news: no surgery in the immediate future.
The bad news: I have been told unequivocally that I absolutely must lose weight. So I’m going to try.
I’m in the lobby and don’t have the spoons to write a full post with lots of info and my feelings and everything but. Yeah. That’s where we’re at.
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transenbyconfessions · 10 months
Cw dysphoria/comments about being overweight
I am a minor. (Young enough that I haven’t developed breasts) I have been blessed with being pretty much flat chested, they basically resemble the “man tits” you would see on a chubby kid. I was looking in the mirror and realized, I pass. If I saw myself at the beach without a shirt on I would think, “yep that’s a boy 👍” I think I’m a bit chubby but that’s normal for boys of my ethnicity so I would still pass. I get really uncomfortable after having my shirt off for too long. I also feel this way when wearing outfits that show my belly or outline my butt. I don’t know if it’s dysphoria or just being uncomfortable with skin showing but either way I hate this feeling. I am pretty that confident working out, losing the chub and top surgery would help.
Submitted July 7, 2023
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Jfc this is the worst, most harmful take regarding fat kids I’ve seen in a long long time.
They’re honestly saying that “[t]eens 13 and older with severe obesity (sic) should be evaluated for [bariatric] surgery”????? And “use of weight loss medications is appropriate” for kids 12 and older?????
It’s fucking disgusting and indefensible. These poor kids! God this could’ve been me and I’m so so angry.
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