#wealth privilege
So long as you privatise part of the NHS, more of it will become private
When the middle and upper classes know they can go private to get seen sooner and frequently better, they will take advantage of this
Encouraging more to become private because money can be made off it
My family considered going privately for my ADHD diagnosis but I decided it was too expensive when I could get it free but a lot of people we know went private and it was significantly quicker to go private
Someone my family knows who works with students who have dyslexia openly admits it's better for them to work private because they have better work hours and pay and it is better for the people they help to go private because they will get help sooner
People with minor physical issues will go private if they have the money because the issue they have maybe minor but it is also still an issue, and they might not get seen for months unless they go private
The NHS is overworked and understaffed so it is better for the patient to go private but this screws over other patients
It encourages more privatisation for the businesses and the workers to move to the private sector because there is money to be made and benefits to be gained
Meaning the services that are free slowly get worse as more people move away from the NHS
And it's a problem when the politicians making things private are exactly the people for whom medical fees don't mean anything because it's barely a drop in the ocean of their personal wealth
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lifewithchronicpain · 10 months
Based on this post
I decided to be kind and add an answer between once or twice and annually.
Bonus question, how many of you as kids started to figure out the wealthy kids based on all your classmates who went to Disney every year and you never went once? I think I figured it out by 8.
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writingwithcolor · 5 months
Diversity Win: Is "Crazy Rich" POC Representation Necessarily Empowering?
sodapopsculptor asked:
I’m writing a story with two sets of protagonists: A trio with a Black girl, a Latino, and a Vietnamese-American boy who all come from middle-upper class to ridiculously rich families, and a pair of white working-middle class sisters. They’re all heroes of this story. I’ve seen way too many rich white people and poor poc people in fiction, and I’m kinda getting sick of it, but I’m worried that by having the poc kids be rich and the white girls not so much, I’ll be reinforcing the idea that poc somehow rule the world. The only time the rich kids use their status as leverage is when the Asian threatens to sic his cop dad on a bully (race unstated but I imagined him as white) picking on a freshman, and during the Black girl’s birthday party, when she pays the biggest jock there fifty bucks (And later says offhandedly that it was just what she had in her pocket) to chase off a creep hitting on her.
OP, have you ever seen the “diversity win!” meme before?
I understand that your motivation for these narrative choices is to give POC a chance, if you will, to be the rich characters. But it is evident from this ask that you have not asked yourself what this entails. I want to ask you to critically examine the race and class intersections you’re creating here, as well as these kids’ roles in oppressive systems.
You explain that these rich POC are heroes and only have righteous reasons for leveraging their power.
But is your Black girl character aware of the potential disciplinary and/or legal consequences her jock accomplice might face while she has the resources to keep her hands clean? Are you?
Is your Asian character aware of how much of an abuse of power it is to “sic” a cop on someone, and the sheer amount of harm a criminal record or incarceration does to a juvenile with behavior issues? Are you?
So you want to put POC in positions of power for #representation.
Does it resonate with the group you’re representing?
Do you research and portray the unique ways race, ethnicity, class, and majority vs. minority status come together?
Or are you putting these characters in oppressive hegemonic roles for the sake of a power fantasy, on behalf of a group you're not even in?
To your question, you're not reinforcing the idea that "POC rule the world" because such a generalized belief does not exist. Instead, you're reinforcing:
The idea that society has “winners” and “losers.”
The idea that the problem with disproportionately powerful people is the lack of “equal opportunity” as opposed to the power imbalance to begin with.
The idea that those in oppressive positions of power need only have the right intentions to justify their use of it.
To be clear: that is not to say that you can't have jerk aristocrat billionaire millionaire crazy rich POC. Evil or mean rich characters are fun! I have some myself! You can even have rich characters who are gentle-hearted and well-intentioned, but you have to know the ways in which they’re privileged and decide how aware of that your characters are. That’s no problem.
But if you think that wealthy and powerful POC would have the same values and priorities as their poorer counterparts, you’re deluding yourself. There’s a reason why the quote “power corrupts” exists. There’s a reason why no matter where you look on the globe, there are historical dictators and tyrants.
If you want bratty rich POC who lack regard for the consequences of their actions, because you want bratty rich characters, great! If you want them because it would be uplifting or empowering representation? You’re doing it for the wrong reason.
~ Rina
I fully agree with Rina, and truly want to emphasize the last paragraph.
If you want bratty rich POC who lack regard for the consequences of their actions, because you want bratty rich characters, great! If you want them because it would be uplifting or empowering representation? You’re doing it for the wrong reason.
I don't think you need to aim to subvert or purposely make all the BIPOC rich and powerful and the white people poor and suffering. Add diversity and include upper class rich and class privileged BIPOC, sure thing! And you can avoid your fears of intentional subversion message by including rich and powerful white characters as well, even if they're not the focus of your story. Just their existence helps. You could also include middle-class characters of Color as well.
More reading: Black in upper-class society
~Mod Colette
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yarrayora · 2 months
the thing about people calling laios white is that theyre somehow framing it with the mindset of real world's political and social justice context where white privilege exists but this is a fantasy world written by a japanese living in japan where most of the time white privilege isn't something you can utilize so is it any surprise that the manga doesn't discuss race by making it a metaphor for racism in the west?
the black skinned elves are depicted as royals, we've never seen kabru got shit for his skin color but he did got shit for having blue eyes back in his hometown, shuro was never depicted as a victim of anti-asian racism because hey. get this. asia as a concept doesn't exist in dungeon meshi's world. in fact im not sure colorism is even a thing in dungeon meshi world? most of the time we see it based on whether they're long-lived or not, and. well. the racial biases of fantasy races that have nothing to do with skin color.
laios is white in the sense that his skin color is pale, but he's not white the same way white americans are more privileged than poc
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alwaysbewoke · 3 days
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frociaggine · 3 days
not to be a radical but I think rich people should have more shame
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jessmmariano · 8 months
Just saw a comment on the Gilmore Girls subreddit that Jess was exactly like Christopher and Logan was exactly like Luke…closed the app after that one. 😬
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dennisboobs · 7 months
some of you should not speak on dennis until you've rewatched sunny in full instead of just the macden-centric eps.
#literally not even a matter of like. different interpretations it's just some of y'all forget literal canon events that disprove shit#i get schooled by people abt den too i have my weaknesses w writing him#but like oh my god#some of y'all would be better off if you looked at him outside of a macden context#he's not evil incarnate#he's fucked up and he does awful shit#but that is a little boy wearing an adult face#to just make him evil for no reason completely removes any interesting bits of him.#one of the keys to sunny's writing is that#rcg always makes sure that motivation is understandable *in that character's eyes*#dennis has a very specific purpose for everything he does#he isn't just cruel for no fucking reason#he's 'brutally honest' because he thinks its his duty to break the news#he's absolutely entitled and arrogant and misogynistic#but he doesn't set out to be Mean just for the sake of it#den thinks he is doing good. he thinks he's in the right. its not him it's everyone else.#he's doing you a favour by saying you're ugly (and propping up his own decimated self esteem)#that being said he's also not innocent pookie either#but i would say its like. in a lot of ways he IS oblivious to the reality of what hes saying/doing#part of that is his privilege as a white man who grew up being supported by and continues to be supported by his parent's wealth#but the gang enables the shit he does just as frank financially enables him#they are so insular it's like impossible to break out of the gang and interact with normal people#because if they don't get it then dennis is going straight back to the gang to feel validated and to hell w everyone else#on some level he knows shit is unacceptable but he's never learned Why and never will because theres no reason to#like when mac is completely fucking shocked by den talking abt the implication dennis CANNOT let that go unchecked#he needs mac to understand him because he's realizing that it's *actually* fucked up. bc even mac thinks so.#and when dee calls what happened with klinsky Rape everything IMMEDIATELY crumbles for him#dennis is introspective but he will justify shit and compartmentalize until his friends challenge it#he looks to media; tv and movies where the protagonist gets away with shit because its schlock fiction#and dennis DOES see himself as a protagonist. it's all justifiable bc he's the good guy.
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who, when presented with a glass that is exactly half full, say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty.
The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was half full! And it was a bigger glass! Who's been pinching my beer?
And at the other end of the bar the world is full of the other type of person, who has a broken glass, or a glass that has been carelessly knocked over (usually by one of the people calling for a larger glass), or who had no glass at all, because he was at the back of the crowd and had failed to catch the barman's eye.
William was one of the glassless. And this was odd, because he'd been born into a family that not only had a very large glass indeed but could afford to have people discreetly standing around with bottles to keep it filled up.
Terry Pratchett, The Truth*
*For the anon who requested the full account of Pratchett's glass class theory.
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piosplayhouse · 8 months
What is about mxtx characters that makes their worst fans become infamous for literally the opposite of what their faves represent.. like bad wwx fans being outright hostile towards anything that strays off the path of canon, bad sqq fans being dicks to teenagers with bad takes, and now bad sqx fans arguing that scum villain fans are just bitter over tgcf being luckier and getting more stuff right now. Like the fables write themselves
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tomorrowusa · 1 month
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Self-made billionaires are self-generated illusions. Donald Trump is a prime example.
Trump is a nepo baby who got into college and obtained a military deferment through graft and ended up with a huge bundle from Daddy Fred. He squandered his wealth on projects which showed poor judgement.
It was TV producer Mark Burnett who rescued Trump by making him the star of The Apprentice. More importantly, Trump's part in the series and offshoot gave tens of millions of viewers the false impression that he was actually a savvy genius businessman rather than a loser who declared bankruptcy six times in real life.
Enormous wealth isn't an indicator of virtue or genius. More often than not it is a sign that you are a good con (wo)man or that you were very good at choosing your parents.
Poor people who idolize the filthy rich often end up as victims in scams which only make the rich richer. *cough* Trump University *cough*
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touchlikethesun · 2 days
okay so. don’t crucify me. but su she and jin guangyao do actually make some pretty compelling points.
#critical class analysis of mdzs when???? when will i write it when????#but like.#like#fuck okay i love how it ends#because i love a happy ending#but i just keep thinking about how su she and ESP jin guangyao are right that… they kinda… had to do what they did#like su she has a few more blunders and he’s clearly jealous/resentful but… he’s not necessarily wrong about being looked down on in the la#for reasons he can’t really control#and jgy… where to even begin like okay he shouldn’t have done all those horrible things#but they ALL did horrible things#the difference is that jgy did not have anyone backing him if he fucked up if he wanted to live in dignity#he had to make sure his spot was secure#lxc lwj and whoever else was in the guanyin temple can judge him all they want#but except for wwx they’re all clan leaders or uncontested heirs#they have a level of wealth & security that allows them to make judgements on the actions of others#knowing that they can act basically free from lasting consequence#the only person who isn’t immune is wei wuxian but even then… he had the jiang clan in the past#which. it’s complicated. i know it’s complicated.#but he did attain a lot of privilege thru his connection with them and they did protect him as much as they reasonably could have#in the circumstances they were given#for the most part#and then in the future he has lan wangji who will literally kill anyone that comes at him#makes sure he’s warm and fed and kept entertained and away from pesky things like#responsibilities#and difficult conversations#so even tho he once knew a life like jgy’s he’s so far removed from it now#and just#sorry there’s a reason why all of this is in the tags#it’s not super clear in my head yet#but this is the start i promise i will come back to it
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months
Joe Marino , Chris Harris , Isabel Vincent, Chris Nesi and Emily Crane
It takes privilege to protest at Columbia.
The 114 anti-Israel protesters who were busted at Columbia on Thursday include members of the upper crust: an intern for New York State Attorney General Letitia James — and the daughter of a prominent UPS executive who killed an elderly couple with her truck as a teenager and got off with a slap on the wrist.
A Post deep-dive into the backgrounds of the protesters shows many list multimillion-dollar mansions as their home addresses, according to sources, and come from wealthy and powerful families.
5The 114 anti-Israel protesters who were busted at Columbia on Thursday include an intern for New York state AG Letitia James — and the daughter of a prominent UPS executive who killed an elderly couple with her truck as a teenager.
In 2020, at the age of 16, Isabel veered her Toyota Tacoma pickup truck across a double yellow line on US Route 7 in Charlotte, Vermont, killing Chet and Connie Hawkins, a married couple in their 70s, according to a report by the Barre Montpelier Times Argus.
She pleaded no contest to a civil traffic ticket for “driving on roadways laned for traffic” and was issued a $220 fine — which her mother paid, according to the Rutland Herald.
Many are students at Barnard College, Columbia University’s liberal arts sister school.
Others are career activists with multiple arrests under their belts.
Minnesota congresswoman and “Squad” member Ilhan Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, a Barnard student with a long history of civil disobedience, was among those cited for trespassing and taken into custody.
She was released a few hours later and declined to speak to The Post.
Also cuffed and removed from the Columbia campus was Isabel Jennifer Seward, daughter of high-ranking UPS executive William J. Seward.
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5Then there’s Avery Reed, a former summer intern for Letitia James who also worked part-time on “gender equality” for the Biden-Harris campaign in 2021 in Florida.Linkedin
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mothicbeauty · 8 months
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snowivivienne · 5 months
I’ll be making a podcast, which i will be on more then here !! If you guys are interested, it will be of glow up, hair care, skincare beauty science, health, nutrition and fitness!!
I’m a personal trainer/ nutritionist and esthi student trying to make a small business - help a girl out 💕
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prolibytherium · 5 months
The assumption that modern (read: abstract) artists are all or mostly rich people whose wealth, free time, and social mobility is solely responsible for allowing them to paint Line On Canvas or etc and therefore the "I could do that" sentiment is like rooted in class struggle or whatever is funny to me
I don't disagree that part of the "I could do that" impulse is sometimes about seeing the (TINY minority) of that art that actually sells for more money than you make in a year, having the impression that it's low effort low skill garbage, and feeling frustration in that, but it's just not accurate to think modern (abstract, which is what people mean) art is Like That in any capacity that any other art form is not
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