#we love narcissists
faeriecap · 2 months
mcu releasing cacw like: “sorry mackie ur character who is actually a crucial part of the cap storyline historically can’t get any significant screentime in cap 3 yeah we know it’s the final movie sorry we had to have an endless fucking montage of maria stark trauma porn bc it actually wasn’t already clear tony was emotionally unstable and had mommy and daddy issues followed by the wandavision cooking special for,,,,,, reasons,,,,,,,,,,,, and oh yeah did we forget to mention this is actually another avengers movie and the first spiderman??? best we can do is a scene where sam’s mean to bucky lol …… what about steve rogers??? wait whos that uhhhh is he even in this script?”
(it’s bc they didn’t care about developing sam at all until he was their “only” option for cap and could safely not be shipped with steve if they ever actually interacted wait what huh who said that)
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houseofborgia · 10 months
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"It’s interesting that Juan’s attempt at relieving pain is through closeness and hugging and love. When he forgives Cesare at the end saying how they’re brothers and wants to be together, I think that’s genuine. That’s the first time you realize what he’s always wanted." (x)
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bietrofastimoff23 · 2 months
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«the child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.»
this pain and rage of Tai Lung on the second pic.
abandoned by his biological parents, Tai Lung definitely had his basic trust in the world violated. a world that rejected him before it even knew him. how could he see his self-worth when even his own blood, which should have loved him unconditionally, left him? from the very beginning, he was doomed to wander all his life in search of confirmation that he was really worth something, that he was important, that someone could love him and be proud of him.
and Shifu became the main object in the search for this. he became literally everything to Tai lung. his teacher, his master, his father. for his sake, Tai Lung devoted his entire childhood and youth to kung fu, shed sweat and blood, and broke bones. all this is for the sake of fulfilling a dream imposed on him. he was ready to make any sacrifice, just to hear the cherished words from the master, capable of dispelling deep fears. tai Lung didn't need the recognition of the world he was born into. he needed recognition of the world he had chosen for himself, and that world was Shifu. the only person he had ever trusted, loved and respected.
but history tends to repeat itself. and now the day that was supposed to dispel the last doubts, on the contrary, only confirmed them. the world rejects him again. coldly, silently. and everything inside Tai Lung turns over. the one who led him along this path, who was supposed to be a support in difficult times, leaves without deigning to look at him.
Tai Lung leaves the palace in confusion. there are constant questions in his head about why. why wasn't the scroll handed to him? why didn't Shifu stand up for him, why didn't he tell him anything? why is everyone acting like it's nothing when Tai Lung has been working hard for decades for this scroll.
and then confusion is replaced by resentment and anger.
and so Tai Lung bursts back into the palace, intent on getting the scroll at any cost. he is ready to resist the decision of the senior master, he is ready to hurt his master, because if they could not help him in the fight against inner demons, then the treasured scroll should definitely help. this time he fails to get to it, and therefore the determination and motivation remain with tai lung for many decades (and when he succeeds, he opens the scroll and comes face to face with himself. "i'm nothing." Ironically, the road he took to escape from his inner fears led him straight to them.).
and returning to the pics, I want to draw attention to the difference of views again. in fact, all of this could have been avoided. at least most of it. for this, Shifu only needed to say anything, but he did not do it. cause the only person he was disappointed in was himself and never Tai Lung. and he couldn't find any words to justify himself.
Tai Lung was ready to forgive the master who had misled him, but not his father, who had so easily abandoned him and had done nothing to prevent his downfall.
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lostmyremembrall · 2 years
Tom turns to you out of the blue: Do you wanna start a cult.
Y/N: Ok. who’s leading it?
Tom: Me.
Y/N: And…what are we worshipping?
Tom: Me :)
Tom Riddle Incorrect Quotes
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gale-in-space · 1 month
“Narcissists will butter you up and shower you with compliments in order to lure you in so they can abuse you!!!” No, we heavily compliment people because that’s the kind of stuff we wish people would do to us. I gush over people and try to be specific with my compliments because it's how I want people to treat me. I desperately want to be seen and to feel loved and appreciated the way I try to make others feel. Why is this so hard to understand
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doyouknowthemossinman · 8 months
i need to know why waltz of the psychonauts doesn't have more plays. like what the fuck guys is it just not special enough to you?? did it not shift your molecules around enough??? am i vaguely obsessive about this song for no reason??? absolutely yes
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im so sick of all the anti-cluster B hate narcissists arent inherently abusive borderlines arent inherently manipulative histrionics arent inherently selfish antisocials arent inherently violent there isnt a single diagnosis that makes someone a bad person. some diagnosis might mean you have to work harder to be healthy towards yourself and others. that just means your goodness is even more admirable. this account fully supports people being their best selves while living with a cluster B diagnosis. i love yall
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Giving all the kisses and flowers and everything to all the narcissists today. We deal with so much fucking ableism and it fucking sucks. Today is from now on Narcissistic Awareness Day cause narcissistic abuse isn't real and doesn't deserve a fucking day. We love all narcissists here. You all deserve love and support and plenty of supply. I love you fellow narcissists. And I love you fellow queer narcissists since it is also now pride month. Wishing you all a fantastic pride month and a fantastic day in general cause y'all deserve the fucking world. 💜💜💜💜💜
Wishing every single narcissist a good day. 💖💖💖💖💖
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valyrfia · 3 months
sometimes being gay is about getting ready, pausing to check your reflection on the way out and thinking “yeah i’d do me”
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outlawssweetheart · 1 year
“I can fix them” this, “I like them, I wish they didn’t turn out to be a killer” that. 🙄
BORING! WEAK! You people are pussies! I love them exactly how they are! I wouldn’t change them AT ALL!
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dysany · 1 year
you know I'm thinking a lot about Jason Grace tonight, I don't know if this is how I want to start 2023
How did Beryl convince him to stay put, probably for a few hours, when she handed him over to Lupa? Did she say it was a joke? If so, how does Jason see "jokes" after he grows up, since in his last experience, his mother abandoned him in the cold of the night for hours while wolves surrounded him
She just... yelled at him? Threatened him? Maybe she said something mean, about how she only wants him to behave once? She wasn't a good mother, not a good person, it's not an impossible scenario. But she must have hurt him so much about it. A little baby, Holding back tears, in the cold and alone just wanting to make his mother happy for a second. He doesn't like it when she screams, it scares him.
He must hate being yelled at, probably hates being left alone and doesn't like the cold or The smell of drinks and perfumes. Everything reminds him of that last moment with her
What Im trying to say is: poor Jason :( (And Thalia, but I think her part is more about confrontation and neglect than literal abandonment.
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There's a point at which disliking Rebecca just falls into vastly tired women-hating tropes lacking any nuanced thought and part of this fandom's definitely made it there
#abuse mention#inspired by seeing the tv tropes page. and then people praising it#brief summary of parts of the tv tropes page would be *she was an awful bitch who deserved to die*#like can we have some perspective#some consideration for where info on her comes from. those characters vested interests. the fact that all of this is then filtered through#*i*. you think i is reliable here#ich and maxim are weird and fascinating and i love them as fictional characters#but i hate how horrible and downright stupid the rebecca hate has got#and i dont like her anyway#but phrases like 'utterly selfish narcissistic bitch' who's husband killed her in a 'righteous fury'#because divorce would have 'destroyed manderley' (bullshit) and she 'rather had it coming' because she was 'utterly rotten'#just say you dislike women and go jesus#thats not even all the quotes i hated on the page#its excused with well she was an abuser/maxim's a victim of abuse which is headcanon.#which i still dont rhink justifies the stuff being said but more importantly#its as easy to textually back up maxim being an abuser as it is rebecca#and he's the one with structural power and she's the one who's been murdered#he's also the one with all the power to shape the narrators views. because he's alive and rebecca's been murdered.#which will affect how the narrator reports events and conversations thoughout the story#my headcanon? sure but just as supported by the text as the other interpretation and i dont belitted and victim blame women to do it#and in no way do i think rebecca's perfect. I think the level of awful you think she is is based on personal interpretation#and that maybe in a public fandom space/website and not just your own blog not talking about women like might be nice
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2 my fellow narcissists
Yall r rly epic n cool n u got some of the coolest swag ever
Keep vibing ur doing great n ur gonna win @ everything n defeat every1 with ur swag
Just keep being great n if noones appreciating u rn dw eventually some1 will cuz how could they not lmao
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oliveo-il · 1 year
Thank you for the drawing! If you still need something to draw, What is Each main character's dynamic with each other? Some characters I feel like need more attention are Sweetheart, Captain Spaceboy, and the Bread twins, maybe draw that?
Since you ship Sunflower, What if you did Pre-Omori of them? (Flower and Omoriboy, Sunny And Rowan, etc.)
Have fun with any of these!
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I love Sweetheart so much, this is my first time drawing her! Thank you for the suggestions, they’re still open for everyone :)
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lilac-gold · 1 year
A Sweetheart Analysis because she might have a god complex
In-game, Sweetheart has always been a narcissist. She literally tries to marry herself, calling herself perfect and beautiful. It's a huge part of her character and personality, Sweetheart clearly believing that she's superior to everyone else, but another part is her laugh. And it was while looking at her laugh that I came upon a realisation:
Sweetheart has a god complex.
Now, I am by no means a psychological expert, but by researching it, I found that some typical traits of a god complex- often associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)- were:
Extreme entitlement
An inability to take responsibility
Believing in their superiority to others
An alarming lack of empathy for others
An inflated sense of self-importance
A conviction that one is infallible (See sites such as verywellmind for evidence)
And Sweetheart exhibits all of these throughout the course of Omori. She believes that Hero is obligated to fall in love with and marry her, outraged when he doesn't and saying that the idea is preposterous. She locks Hero and Rococo away when they refuse her/break up, and has a special cell made for Spaceboy after they seperate, refusing to accept responsibility for the falling-apart relationships and completely uncaring of how this affected them. She constantly compliments herself, taking self-love to its extremes as she tries to marry herself and later clones of herself. She's flabbergasted when she loses to Omori and co. in their fight, disbelieving and in denial. Her deepest desires are manifested into a castle where she has everything, from films made about her to an endless crowd of mindless, adoring fans. She's egocentric and shows no regard for others, and apparently has since she was younger, Rococo saying that she 'always won' their arguments and since he 'fought back', he got very good at running. She's ready to and tries to destroy/eternally imprison a group of children because they crashed her wedding.
Not only this, but Sweetheart compares herself to a literal god in-game:
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The fact that 'blasphemy' is defined as 'the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk' speaks for itself. Sweetheart views herself as a god, or at least whatever comes closest to it.
Furthermore, I'd like you to look at her laugh:
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...yeah. Now, does it remind you of anything? No? How about this:
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Both of them use 'oho' as a sound in regular conversation, though Sweetheart incorporates it through her laugh while it is the only word that Biscuit uses to converse. In a way, it's his language.
Now, consider the fact that Sweetheart was raised in Orange Oasis, where the Unbread Twins are known about and respected. Bread is left under a giant carving of them. There are still legends about them. They're treated as gods, because that's what they are. Doughie and Biscuit are actual deities, and one of them only uses the language of 'oho'.
Sweetheart knows all of this, and most likely believes in the twins herself. By imitating Biscuit's manner of speaking at times, she could be interpreted as imitating the language of the gods. It's a stretch, but the connection between 'Ohoo' and 'OHO' is made easily enough.
She considers herself to be so superior to everyone else that she compares herself to a higher being multiple times. She even attempts to bend the laws of nature in Headspace and make sentient copies of herself that are just like her so that she can have someone to marry.
I'm not saying she definitely has a god complex because that's not something that I am able to diagnose, especially not to a video game character. But there's certainly evidence to support this, and it's been fun compiling it!
Bear in mind that Sweetheart potentially having NPD does not mean that everyone with NPD is exactly like Sweetheart! Everyone is unique, and a mental illness/disorder does not define a person. Do not use this as an excuse to stigmatise NPD or take this as me being against it. I am talking about a fictional character who is incredibly overdramatised because that's her whole character- the narcissist looking for a date who serves as an obstacle to finding out the truth. NPD and a god complex are also not the same thing, so consider that when bringing it up!
Thank you for reading my little analysis- I love seeing people's responses, but please be respectful! I'm not trying to start a fight or offend anyone, just have a discussion about a fun character from a game I enjoy :)
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semidecentpoet · 3 months
I think “Art Is for Amateurs” by Jam Mechanics, featuring Bug Hunter and the Narcissist Cookbook, might be replacing “Ghost Stories” by the Narcissist Cookbook as my favorite song and I Don’t Know How To Feel Ab That
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