#we help each other with our various health problems
landofgay · 2 years
I love how quickly me and bf fell into domesticity lol it's cute
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Dateables when you are sick
No warning. Fluff. Reader is gender neutral 
Summary: your favourite characters take care of you. Luke is included
The moment he heard about your sickness, he ditches his work to see your condition with his own eyes. You try to reason him, by saying that “you don’t want him to catch cold too”. You were afraid that Barbatos wouldn’t forgive you, if young prince indeed became ill.
But anyway, he found extra time in his busy schedule to bombard you with lots of sweet messages, which included wishes for your speedy recovery. “I can’t wait to see you in a heathy state, so that we could hold our usual tea parties, without you, it’s not the same.” – you understood exactly what he experienced, being locked in your room without anyone, especially without Diavolo, was unbearable.  
Knowing that you were really lonely, Diavolo would send you many stuff, from medical supplies to Barbatos’ pastries and tea sets. This should somehow keep you occupied, so you wouldn’t worry much about your temporary isolation.
One day, Diavolo still decided to visit you, before going to you, Barbatos insisted that the prince put a mask on himself so as not to get infected from you. After stepping in your room, he hugged you tightly, even though you suggested not to get too close. He was not empty-handed. He and Barbatos made you a soup, this gesture was so lovely, you thanked Diavolo and asked him to tell your gratitude to the butler too.
You spend some time talking with each other, he promised to visit you again after some time. “Please, MC, get well soon. I need you around, only you can light up my day.”  
When you are sick, Barbatos is the person you wish to run to. He is good at taking care of other people’s needs, so it’s not a problem for him to quickly cure you. But one freighting thing is, that when he would hear about your illness, he would lecture you like Lucifer, or even longer than prideful demon himself.
-          MC, please you know better, than wearing thin clothes, even just for a quick shopping for foodstuff. If you don’t take care of yourself properly it will affect every aspect of your life, like studying, that means you wouldn’t get good grades, which will disappoint Diavolo. And more importantly it will make me sad. I need you to stay strong, if you are not salubrious, it also makes me stressed about your well-being, - after he finishes though, you know that you will be looked after, so there is no need for you to be anxious.
Barbatos will shelter behind Diavolo, in every possible way, using him as an excuse, just not to say that he himself is very worried about you. But you know the butler for too long, to understand that he is in fact, concerned about you.
“Open your mouth wider” – he says with a sympathetic smile. Barbatos hands you a spoon with medicine, you blush a little, but still do what he asked. Then he proceeds to pet you gently saying, that “you are doing great”.
-          Simeon, help me out please! Should I make them some cookies, or something more filling with vegetables? - the little angel spent the whole morning in the kitchen trying to cook you some tasty food, so that you would recover as soon as possible. If the angel had the opportunity to somehow brighten up your time, he would try to do so. However, Simeon insisted that Luke wait until you get better. Firstly, because he didn't want the little angel to get sick too, and secondly, Simeon wanted you to be able to spend time in peace and quiet.
But even being locked up in your room, you got a lot of attention from Luke. He made you cute postcards with various kind messages with his own hands. On one of the postcards, Luke drew one of your last walks where you played with street cats. It was so cute, you hardly held back tears of happiness.
He would call you every day, to check on your health and to tell you how his day went. “MC, you are watching over yourself, properly right? Please do so! I need to share a new recipe with you”
When the news of your poor health reached Simeon, he was very worried about you. He offered you his help in every possible way, asking about your needs.
The angel offered you his own notes for the days that you were not present. Simeon explained the topics of the new lessons to you so that you would not lag behind the others. He wanted you to be able to integrate into your studies without any problems, as if you hadn't missed it at all.
-          You are doing great, little lamb. I shall reward you with some homemade cookies and hot tea. After little break, we should continue the lessons, so you would not fall back, okay? – he smiled at you.
It was inconvenient for you to ask Simeon for help, even though he insisted on the opposite. He understood that you are not in the best condition at the moment, and that you need to gain more strength.
While you were taking a bath, angel took the moment to clean up your room. Simeon opened the window to ventilate the space and to let fresh air into your room. After all, sleeping in a clean, tidy room with a pure air is a pleasant thing. You thanked Simeon, for all the work he has done to you. He only replied, that you are always welcome to turn to him, if you have any problem.
When Solomon found out that you were sick, he decided that he would cook everyday soups especially for you, because this dish is so nutritious and good against colds. But lucky for you purgatory hall guys, dissuade him from doing so, you were the most overjoyed person and thanked everyone, including fate itself.
-          Sorry, MC, I couldn’t prepare a meal for some reasons, but I’ve got something else that will make it up for you, - behind his back, Solomon was holding something that was glowing, you were suffering from curiosity, trying to guess what he was hiding. “This potion will quickly put you on your feet, it is designed to increase immunity. Please drink it, so that we’ll be able to spend carefree time soon”
Most likely, Solomon spent a lot of time to prepare this potion for you, his face was very pale, and there were bags under his eyes. You were overwhelmed with mixed feelings, you were infinitely grateful to Solomon, that he did this for you, but at the same time you were sad to realize that Solomon was very tired, and had many sleepless nights because of you.
As if reading your thoughts Solomon said: "You're not blaming yourself right now, are you? Please don't fill your head with such thoughts. I did it because I'm worried about you, and because you're an important person in my life, and for me it's a duty to take care of my beloved ones." – he gave you a warm smile. “So, no worries, okay, my love?”
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2treez · 5 months
I’ve always said that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. But after reading the following, you’ll see what I just realized. 💜💜
"Watch out! You nearly broad sided that car!" My father yelled at me. "Can't you do anything right?"
Those words hurt worse than blows. I turned my head toward the elderly man in the seat beside me, daring me to challenge him. A lump rose in my throat as I averted my eyes. I wasn't prepared for another battle.
"I saw the car, Dad. Please don't yell at me when I'm driving."
My voice was measured and steady, sounding far calmer than I really felt.
Dad glared at me, then turned away and settled back. At home I left Dad in front of the television and went outside to collect my thoughts.... dark, heavy clouds hung in the air with a promise of rain. The rumble of distant thunder seemed to echo my inner turmoil. What could I do about him?
Dad had been a lumberjack in Washington and Oregon .. He had enjoyed being outdoors and had reveled in pitting his strength against the forces of nature. He had entered grueling lumberjack competitions, and had placed often. The shelves in his house were filled with trophies that attested to his prowess.
The years marched on relentlessly. The first time he couldn't lift a heavy log, he joked about it; but later that same day I saw him outside alone, straining to lift it. He became irritable whenever anyone teased him about his advancing age, or when he couldn't do something he had done as a younger man.
Four days after his sixty-seventh birthday, he had a heart attack. An ambulance sped him to the hospital while a paramedic administered CPR to keep blood and oxygen flowing.
At the hospital, Dad was rushed into an operating room. He was lucky; he survived. But something inside Dad died. His zest for life was gone. He obstinately refused to follow doctor's orders. Suggestions and offers of help were turned aside with sarcasm and insults. The number of visitors thinned, then finally stopped altogether. Dad was left alone.
My husband, Dick, and I asked Dad to come live with us on our small farm. We hoped the fresh air and rustic atmosphere would help him adjust.
Within a week after he moved in, I regretted the invitation. It seemed nothing was satisfactory. He criticized everything I did. I became frustrated and moody. Soon I was taking my pent-up anger out on Dick. We began to bicker and argue.
Alarmed, Dick sought out our pastor and explained the situation. The clergyman set up weekly counseling appointments for us. At the close of each session he prayed, asking God to soothe Dad's troubled mind.
But the months wore on and God was silent. Something had to be done and it was up to me to do it.
The next day I sat down with the phone book and methodically called each of the mental health clinics listed in the Yellow Pages. I explained my problem to each of the sympathetic voices that answered in vain.
Just when I was giving up hope, one of the voices suddenly exclaimed, "I just read something that might help you! Let me go get the article..."
I listened as she read. The article described a remarkable study done at a nursing home. All of the patients were under treatment for chronic depression. Yet their attitudes had improved dramatically when they were given responsibility for a dog.
I drove to the animal shelter that afternoon. After I filled out a questionnaire, a uniformed officer led me to the kennels. The odor of disinfectant stung my nostrils as I moved down the row of pens. Each contained five to seven dogs. Long-haired dogs, curly-haired dogs, black dogs, spotted dogs all jumped up, trying to reach me.
I studied each one but rejected one after the other for various reasons: too big, too small, too much hair. As I neared the last pen a dog in the shadows of the far corner struggled to his feet, walked to the front of the run and sat down. It was a pointer, one of the dog world's aristocrats. But this was a caricature of the breed.
Years had etched his face and muzzle with shades of gray. His hip bones jutted out in lopsided triangles. But it was his eyes that caught and held my attention. Calm and clear, they beheld me unwaveringly.
I pointed to the dog. "Can you tell me about him?" The officer looked, then shook his head in puzzlement. "He's a funny one. Appeared out of nowhere and sat in front of the gate. We brought him in, figuring someone would be right down to claim him. That was two weeks ago and we've heard nothing. His time is up tomorrow." He gestured helplessly.
As the words sank in I turned to the man in horror. "You mean you're going to kill him?"
"Ma'am," he said gently, "that's our policy. We don't have room for every unclaimed dog."
I looked at the pointer again. The calm brown eyes awaited my decision. "I'll take him," I said. I drove home with the dog on the front seat beside me. When I reached the house I honked the horn twice. I was helping my prize out of the car when Dad shuffled onto the front porch. "Ta-da! Look what I got for you, Dad!" I said excitedly.
Dad looked, then wrinkled his face in disgust. "If I had wanted a dog I would have gotten one. And I would have picked out a better specimen than that bag of bones. Keep it! I don't want it" Dad waved his arm scornfully and turned back toward the house.
Anger rose inside me. It squeezed together my throat muscles and pounded into my temples. "You'd better get used to him, Dad. He's staying!"
Dad ignored me. "Did you hear me, Dad?" I screamed. At those words Dad whirled angrily, his hands clenched at his sides, his eyes narrowed and blazing with hate. We stood glaring at each other like duelists, when suddenly the pointer pulled free from my grasp. He wobbled toward my dad and sat down in front of him. Then slowly, carefully, he raised his paw...
Dad's lower jaw trembled as he stared at the uplifted paw. Confusion replaced the anger in his eyes. The pointer waited patiently. Then Dad was on his knees hugging the animal.
It was the beginning of a warm and intimate friendship. Dad named the pointer Cheyenne . Together he and Cheyenne explored the community. They spent long hours walking down dusty lanes. They spent reflective moments on the banks of streams, angling for tasty trout. They even started to attend Sunday services together, Dad sitting in a pew and Cheyenne lying quietly at is feet.
Dad and Cheyenne were inseparable throughout the next three years. Dad 's bitterness faded, and he and Cheyenne made many friends. Then late one night I was startled to feel Cheyenne 's cold nose burrowing through our bed covers. He had never before come into our bedroom at night. I woke Dick, put on my robe and ran into my father's room. Dad lay in his bed, his face serene. But his spirit had left quietly sometime during the night.
Two days later my shock and grief deepened when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dad's bed. I wrapped his still form in the rag rug he had slept on. As Dick and I buried him near a favorite fishing hole, I silently thanked the dog for the help he had given me in restoring Dad's peace of mind.
The morning of Dad's funeral dawned overcast and dreary. This day looks like the way I feel, I thought, as I walked down the aisle to the pews reserved for family. I was surprised to see the many friends Dad and Cheyenne had made filling the church. The pastor began his eulogy. It was a tribute to both Dad and the dog who had changed his life.
And then the pastor turned to Hebrews 13:2. "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."
"I've often thanked God for sending that angel," he said.
For me, the past dropped into place, completing a puzzle that I had not seen before: the sympathetic voice that had just read the right article... Cheyenne 's unexpected appearance at the animal shelter... his calm acceptance and complete devotion to my father... and the proximity of their deaths. And suddenly I understood. I knew that God had answered my prayers after all.
Life is too short for drama or petty things, so laugh hard, love truly and forgive quickly. Live while you are alive. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second chance.
And if you don't send this to anyone -- no one will know. But do share this with someone. Lost time can never be found.
God answers our prayers in His time... not ours...
God doesn't give us what we can handle, He helps us handle (stands with us, and gets us thru) what we are given. In other words, God's Grace keeps Pace with what we Face!!
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-----2 Corinthians 12:9
Winston is my Cheyenne….
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Deconstructing Dieter Bravo: Part 2
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If you haven't read chapter 25 of Destiny & Deliverance, do so before continuing with this post to avoid spoilers. 😉
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Now that the story is starting to dive into what is going on with our dear Dieter, I felt it was time for Part 2 of the Deconstructing Dieter Bravo series to discuss the topic of psychiatric medication.
Just to be clear, this is not a post for or against the use of such medications. I want to put that out there before we get started. It is also a very high-level overview.
Most individuals that do not have experience with mental health struggles (weather that be personally or via someone close to them) do not realize the affects that psychiatric medications can have on the patient and further complications that they can cause during treatment, which is why I feel it is important to share some of this information.
While psychiatric medications are meant to help manage symptoms, they can also make things a hell of a lot worse. In many cases, the first medication isn't the correct medication or the correct dosage. There is a lot of trial and error involved in the process because everyone's body chemistry is different. Which means the patient is often left dealing with side effects that can range from minor to severe. Figuring out the correct medication and dosage for an individual can be a long and unpleasant process, which is why many give up on the use of medication all together.
There are six main categories of mental health medication: antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, depressants, anxiolytics, and stimulants. Each category is used to treat different types of disorders. Each come with their own set of side effects, but the most common are headaches, weight gain, dizziness, dry mouth, muscle spasms and cramps, nausea, loss of sex drive, constipation, sleepiness or problems with sleep, loss of appetite, and fast heart rate.
More serious and less common side effects are always a possibility too. Especially if patients are taking certain medications after being misdiagnosed (more about that in a later post). More serious side effects include nightmares, blurred vision, depression and/or paranoia, aggressive behavior, agitation, anxiety, personality changes, concentration problems, mania, suicidal ideation, and memory damage.
To complicate things further, psychiatric medications easily interact with other substances such as headache mediations, vitamins, and herbal supplements. It is important that the patient is aware of that possibility and ensures that their doctor is aware of all consumption habits. This includes ingredients in meals and drinks. It is also highly recommended not to mix alcohol with the majority of psychiatric medications.
Given all the possible side effects it is important that patients and their families/caregivers communicate to their doctor any changes they are experiencing with their bodies, feelings, and thoughts no matter how minor to avoid any further complications that could eventually result from continued medication use. Some medications take effect immediately while others can take up to two weeks or longer. Antipsychotics can take between six weeks to three months to get into your system and become effective. Therefore, obvious side effects could be delayed which is why it is important to continue to make note of any changes.
There are many long-term effects of using these types of medications such as organ damage and disorders like tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements of various body parts). Therefore, it is very important that the patient regularly check in with their doctor and have regular blood work done to check on things.
It's important that patients find a doctor that they trust and that truly listens to their concerns so that no minor detail is overlooked. It is also important that patients and their family/caregivers are proactive in their own care, ensuring proper follow-up and tests are performed. Otherwise, important factors could be overlooked and lead to complications down the road.
Given this brief overview of information, it is safe to say that Dieter is experiencing both the common and more severe side effects from the medication he has been taking. There have been hints throughout the entire fic that his meltdown was slowly building, though it wasn't completely obvious. Which is the hard part about these types of things. It's often not an issue until it's bad.
There are some behaviors that could be a direct result of Dieter's diagnosis, while other behaviors could have been and were most likely exacerbated by incorrect medicating. That is just something to keep in mind as we work our way through the story.
In Chapter 27 we will get a formal diagnosis for Dieter and take a deeper dive into his disorder as well as how the medication he is on has created a perfect storm.
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Tag List: @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @for-a-longlongtime @hisandsnakes @chaoticfestninja @survivingandenduring @partyofone3413 @wannab-urs @cakipy-blog @titlee78 @poodlebae @guelyury @missladym1981 @maried01 @alokaerza @samiamproductions @misstokyo7love @themonadiaries-blog @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @avastrasposts @weho2kcmo @harriedandharassed @tkchaos @girlofchaos @yghuibt
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autism-autobot · 1 year
Based on previous polls:
Optimus Prime and Ratchet had finally made their way to the Scrapyard where Bumblebee resided. There they found him in his room, a dimly lit storage unit makeshifted into a type of one room apartment. It was a small (and at the moment quite messy) space set aside just for him. Bumblebee was merely sitting on his bed staring at the wall lost in his own dark thoughts and memories when the two elder bots approached, animal carrier in hand. Bumblebee was startled by their sudden, unexpected arrival.
Bumblebee: "Uh, hi. What are you doing here?"
Ratchet: "We merely came to lend you our help in whatever way we can."
Optimus: "We noticed that you were struggling quite a bit with your mental health, and we, along with the rest of your team, are quite worried about you."
Bumblebee: "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make anyone worry. I've just had a difficult last couple of cycles."
Ratchet: "Indeed. We thought you could use something, or rather someone, to aid you in both the short-term and the long-term."
Optimus put the carrier down in front of Bumblebee and opened the cage door. The emotional support bee previously dubbed 'Bumbly' was slow to exit their carrier, and climbed gently into Bumblebee's lap. They rolled over a bit to get comfortable fitting perfectly in the space provided, all the while Bumblebee stared at the smaller being in awe.
Bumblebee: "What's this?"
Optimus: "An emotional support bee, to help you in your struggles."
Ratchet: "Optimus named them 'Bumbly', but you can change their name if you so wish."
Bumblebee: "Yeah this one definitely needs a better name. How about Vanilla? I remember it was Raf's favorite flavor of that treat that humans call ice-cream."
Ratchet: "That is a lovely name."
Bumblebee: "You know, on Earth, most working animals have some sort of vest indicating what field they work in and to show that they're not a normal pet. Maybe I can make Vanilla one?"
Ratchet: "That sounds quite wonderful, Bumblebee."
Optimus: "However, I believe you may need a bit more space in order to construct such a vest."
Bumblebee: *looks around the room* *realizes that his room is a complete train wreck of a mess*
Bumblebee: "Yeah, you're probably right, I'll get this place cleaned up and then I'll get right on it."
Bumblebee, along with the assistance of Optimus, Ratchet and Vanilla, took several hours (yes his room was that messy) to clean and rid the room of filth and set up some necessary utilities for Vanilla. All the while Bumblebee spitballed some ideas as to what Vanilla's vest should look like. He came to the decision that he would pick one color and Vanilla would pick another to be woven into a stripped vest. Before he went to work on the vest, he chose a cloth golden in color and laid out various other colored fabrics in front of Vanilla. Vanilla chose one of a minty hue, and buried their face in the soft fabric. Bumblebee hand measured, cut and sewed each fabric piece into a lovely jacket vest that fit perfectly on Vanilla, who seemed to enjoy it as they snuggled up in Bumblebee's arms and chirped happily. Bumblebee petted the soft arm-lengthed bee, familiarizing himself with them. Optimus and Ratchet beamed at the sight of it.
Bumblebee: "Can I show Vanilla to the rest of my team?"
Ratchet: "It's your pet, do whatever you like with them!"
The rest of the team had mixed reactions to the small addition to their team. Grimlock took a bit to warm up to Vanilla, as they reminded him of a cat. Sideswipe tried to act like he didn't care but he ended up being the first one to hold Vanilla. Strongarm just squealed with glee at the sight, unable to fathom the amount of cuteness in front of her. This frightened Vanilla, and they buried themself in Bumblebee's neck to hide from Strongarm. Drift only cared that Bumblebee was finally getting himself the help he needed. He would never admit it out loud, but he was the one who first brought Bumblebee's mental health problems to Optimus and Ratchet's attention. The minicons and humans present all took turns petting Vanilla as Vanilla was slightly bigger than each of them individually. Sideswipe later found the Vanilla's vest to be a bit too plain and stuck a near countless amount of stickers on it, much to both Bumblebee's and Vanilla's liking. Bumblebee made vast improvements in the upcoming months and both him and his team were happier and mentally healthier than ever before.
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subir-astrologer · 4 months
Saturn is one of the most important planets in Vedic astrology. It is the planet of karma, justice, discipline, and order. It also represents the challenges, limitations, and delays that we face in our life. Saturn teaches us the value of hard work, patience, and perseverance. It is the planet that helps us grow spiritually and mature as a person.
Saturn’s behavior with other planets depends on its placement, aspect, and conjunction in the birth chart. Saturn can be friendly, neutral, or hostile to different planets. According to Vedic astrology, Saturn is friendly with Mercury and Venus, neutral with Jupiter and Mars, and hostile with Sun and Moon. Saturn’s friendship or enmity with other planets affects its influence on the native’s life.
Saturn is a solitary planet that likes to be alone. It is not very friendly or sociable. It prefers to work in isolation and focus on its goals. Saturn does not like distractions or frivolities. It is a serious and sober planet that values responsibility and duty. Saturn can make the native introverted, reserved, and detached from others.
However, Saturn can also give positive results when it is well placed and aspected by benefic planets. Saturn can bestow wisdom, longevity, fame, wealth, and authority to the native. Saturn can also make the native humble, compassionate, and charitable. Saturn can help the native overcome obstacles and achieve success through hard work and dedication.
Saturn’s influence on the native’s life can be seen through its various periods and transits. The most significant period of Saturn is the Sade Sati or the seven and a half years of Saturn.
This is the time when Saturn transits over the natal Moon and the two signs before and after it. This period can bring major changes, challenges, and difficulties in the native’s life. The native may face problems related to health, career, relationships, finances, and mental peace. The native may also have to face the consequences of their past actions and learn from their mistakes.
The Sade Sati period can also be a time of transformation and growth for the native. The native may develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their purpose in life. The native may also gain spiritual insight and enlightenment. The native may become more detached from worldly attachments and more devoted to God.
The mahadasha, antardasha and pratiantardasha periods also have their importance and they give results as per their significance as per that horoscope ( as per KP Vedic astrology system ), be it positive or negative according to that horoscope.
Very technically speaking as per KP Vedic astrology, when Saturn is in conjunction or aspecting other planet then it will also give the results of its significances during the activation period of that planet in conjunction or aspect.
Saturn is a speed breaker and always like to have slow and steady growth which later on comes out to be a stronger one, but people don’t realize that and wants everything fast.
Saturn conjunction with moon or in aspect or in each other’s nakshatra, gives rise to punarphoo yoga which creates hurdles and delays in major events of life and thus gives frustration to the native. It doesn’t give job satisfaction and creates challenges in life in many spheres.
In a nutshell Saturn gives good as well as bad results and it depends from horoscope as per the placements of Saturn in that horoscope and its significances.
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rissi-chan · 3 months
Patreon Launch!
Hey, fellow fanatics!
I decided to finally take the plunge and launch a Patreon for my art (fanart and original) and writing (fanfic and original). Both becaue it will motivate me to draw and write more often, and because of my current life situation (which will be explained as best I can under the cut, for those that care to read).
There will be NSFW content in certain pledges, so MDNI with the subscription levels that include that stuff!
Fanart will mostly be BG3 as that is my most recent and current hyperfixation, but other fandoms I am likely to produce content from include:
Dungeons and Dragons, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Touchstarved
AND potentially the occasional/rare otome/dating sim fandoms, Fire Emblem, and various anime and/or manga.
Along with original content and characters that live in my head rent free!
I will also most likely periodically do commissions—but I will have to set up a pricing breakdown/separate web page for that, probably.
Here is the link to my freshly launched page!:
Now, the life ramble that explains my current situation:
So, life is hard.
I've been lucky. I don't pay rent (I still live with my mother). I only have to help pay for groceries on occasion. I have a job (barely, but we'll get into that) with probably the most freedom/flexibility on could possibly imagine. I have free time—loads.
So what's the problem?
The job I mentioned is hard to really call a job. I'm all but officially unemployed. My parents (when my dad was still alive) bought the local newspaper that my mom has worked at for nearly as long as I've been alive. We live in a small, SMALL town. The run of each weekly issue is maybe in the 2,000-4,000 range. We make most of our money selling ads (which is gross, but the newspaper industry is failing in general, and we are a just a local, rural print and many choose other, more advanced forms of advertisement which reach a broader audience). We've been in the red for the past 2 years, my mother often skipping her own pay check to ensure that she can pay the 2 other elderly employees that are on staff. I make less than $400 a month. Much less.
That's the price you pay for freedom. Little pay, LOTS of time. The reverse is also true, which is something I'm sure a vast majority of people can relate to.
Capitalism is so much fun, isn't it?
Those that are out of college and live with a parent may also be able to relate to what comes next.
The relationship between my mother and I has always had its strained moments, to put it mildly. We are very different people. We have different life experiences, we cope with stress differently. There is a running joke on social media that living with your parents after college/as an adult has the financial advantages, but at the cost of your mental health—and that is very much the reality of our situation.
My biggest insecurity in recent years—since the sudden passing of my father in 2018—has been the feeling of being a burden.
I've never been a healthy person. We always joke that I got all the sickly genetics and my brother got all the cosmic bad luck. I'm autistic. I have anxiety and depression. I have an autoimmune disease. I inherited the genetic heart condition that killed my father. I had a blood clot 2 years ago. I no longer have health insurance. None of this is uncommon, certainly. But I avoid healthcare entirely unless it's an absolute necessity (like the blood clot).
I limit my eating, so we don't have to buy groceries as often.
But my mother has always had a temper, especially when she's stressed. And with the business so up-in-the-air and the constant worry of having to close our doors and find new jobs in a VERY small town + in a society with very limited options, spam job listings, and bogus opportunities, she is almost ALWAYS stressed these days.
She takes it out on me. I'm the only one here.
My feelings of being a burden are all but confirmed for me in those moments. She knows just what to say to hurt me most (whether she realizes it or not, she uses my insecurities against me), and my mental and emotional health worsen, as does the relationship between my mother and I.
I play games or draw or write to feel happy. To have some reprieve from reality.
But "it doesn't make money" and therefore it's a waste of time.
And that brings me to where I am now.
I may make next-to-nothing by launching a Patreon, but it will still be more than the next-to-nothing I make now as well as the LITERAL nothing I will be making if the business is forced to close.
I continue to job hunt on a daily basis, mostly for remote work given my middle-of-nowhere location (if anyone knows of any legit positions I could look into PLEASE let me know—send me a PM, reply to this post, anything). But this will both motivate me to keep doing the things that make me happy and also provide a tiny bit of support to our financial situation.
I have also been in a long distance relationship going on 9 years now. Long distance as in nearly 9,000 miles and an entire ocean away. I try to visit every year, but obviously during Covid that was not an option (totally and completely understandable), and with our finances so precarious, it gets more and more difficult to see my now (as of my visit last year) fiance.
If I can manage to get the money together, we plan to elope during my visit this year. But our future is undeniably going to be difficult without money. Moving isn't cheap. Immigrating isn't easy.
But that's all on the back-burner for now, while we address the more immediate concerns.
I am motivated to do what I can to make ANY extra money while looking for a legitimate job to provide a more stable situation.
Any support—a reblog, a share, a pledge/subscription, a job listing suggestion, ANYTHING will be MASSIVELY appreciated.
I know life is difficult for pretty much everyone on the planet right now. If we could all help each other easily, we would. But I understand that that's not an easy ask for most people at this point in time. I hate having to resort to monetizing my passions, and asking people for support (not pressuring, but even asking is hard in the current state of the world).
But I see few other options.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my rant and please reblog/share <3
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duhbatmann · 1 month
Welcome to Arkham Asylum. Our staff are here to help you.
When Amadeus Arkham built this fine institution few would’ve believed it could be the premier psychiatric evaluation and rehabilitation center is become today. Everyone knows the stories of the various so-called super criminals who've been treated here, but that is only half the story. Our low security wings offer normal, but troubled individuals, a safe haven for recovery. An extensive breakdown of costs and healthcare packages can be found at the front desk or at www.arkhamcare.com/prices. We accept most major HMO's. Our website contains everything you need to know about our facility, and how we can help you. Did you know that the children's area of the site can provide you with the detailed but discreet psychiatric profile of your problem, offspring? Time times have changed at this establishment and through our pioneering techniques we believe that anyone can be cured! We represent all medical specialties and offer a wide range of medical, surgical, diagnostic and wellness programs. High quality of care coupled with Arkham Asylums convenient location Have ensured we are voted the number one facility in the entire state, Arkham asylum is a 500-bed psychiatric Hospital serving the entire Gotham area. We offer internships, and in the last two years have continuously hired from our cities, finest universities, our intern package and insurance programs ensure you get the best start in your new career. Pick up leaflet today!
Mental health and substance abuse issues can significantly impact a person’s life, affecting outcomes in school and work, and making it difficult to maintain relationships. Arkham Asylum offers multiple programs and various levels of care for patients age 13 and up. Our programs promote increased functioning and increased the quality of life for each patient that walks through our doors.
Arkham Asylum works to create individualized treatment plans that are structured to provide a unique continuum of care. As soon as a patient is admitted to our facility, we begin planning an appropriate course of treatment with our dedicated team of physicians, nurses, therapists and social workers. As our patients get the care they need, we simultaneously starting planning for their return to their communities. These plans may include continuing care with the attending physician, partial hospitalization, an outpatient treatment program or other community resources.
Arkham Asylum is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide a no-cost mental health assessment for you or your loved one. Call us at 1(800)-123-4321 or visit our Gotham facility to get started. In the case of a medical emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
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justforbooks · 1 year
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The guitarist Gary Rossington, who has died aged 71, was the last surviving original member of Lynyrd Skynyrd, who formed in Florida in the mid-1960s. He was a pivotal part of the group as both musician and songwriter, his most arresting claim to fame being his slide guitar work on the band’s imperishable theme song, Free Bird. He also co-wrote their most successful single, the US Top 10 hit Sweet Home Alabama, and wrote songs regularly throughout the band’s career, up to their final studio album, Last of a Dyin’ Breed (2012).
Lynyrd Skynyrd reached the US Top 30 with each of their first five albums, three reaching double platinum status, but the group was plagued by a horrific litany of tragedies. Rossington, under the influence of drugs and alcohol, had survived a road accident in 1976 in which his car hit a tree, prompting Skynyrd’s lead vocalist, Ronnie Van Zant, to write the song That Smell – “Ooh that smell / The smell of death surrounds you”.
Then, in October 1977, Rossington survived an air crash in Mississippi in which Van Zant, the guitarist Steve Gaines and his sister, the backing singer Cassie Gaines, died. The chartered aircraft in which they were flying had previously had engine failure; despite a mechanic having supposedly fixed it, both engines failed on the next flight.
“I remember most of it,” Rossington told Guitar.com in 2020. “The rapid descent, the screaming, my friends in pain like something out of Vietnam. Waking up with the plane door on top of me … The main thing is we lost our best friends – that’s the hardest part. Our motto when we started was ‘If we don’t make it we’ll die trying.’ And we made it but at a terrible cost.”
Rossington recovered, after having steel rods inserted in his right arm and right leg, but for several years fought an addiction to painkillers, acquired during his convalescence. He later formed the Rossington Collins Band with his fellow Skynyrd guitarist Allen Collins, but they split in 1982 after Collins’ wife died.
He then formed the Rossington Band with his wife, Dale Krantz-Rossington, before rejoining the rebuilt Lynyrd Skynyrd in 1987, with Ronnie’s brother Johnny Van Zant on lead vocals. The group continued to tour and make albums for the next three decades, despite the deaths of several members. They were due to embark on a 22-city tour with ZZ Top in July 2023, though Rossington’s participation was uncertain because of health problems.
He was born in Jacksonville, Florida. His father was serving in the US army but died shortly after Gary’s birth, leaving his mother, Berniece, to raise him single-handedly. He would later name his favourite 1959 Gibson Les Paul guitar “Berniece” in her honour.
A keen baseball player, he had an early ambition to play for the New York Yankees, but the arrival on US shores of the “British Invasion” bands, especially the Rolling Stones, fired in him a desire to become a musician.
His twin enthusiasms combined when he met Van Zant and the drummer Bob Burns while they were playing on rival baseball teams in Jacksonville. They formed a band, and the first song they attempted to play was the Rolling Stones’ hit Time Is on My Side. They added Collins on guitar and the bass player Larry Junstrom, and went by various names including the Noble Five, the One Percent and My Backyard, playing in clubs and bars across the south before becoming Lynyrd Skynyrd in 1969.
The name was adapted from their PE teacher, Leonard Skinner, at Robert E Lee high school in Jacksonville. The New York Times reported how Van Zant’s father, Lacy, had asked teaching staff to allow Rossington to keep his long hair, since his musician’s earnings helped pay the household bills and he could not rock successfully with short hair. On the other hand, as Rossington told Rolling Stone magazine, “some places we’d get into fights – they didn’t like us ’cause our hair was long”.
It was not until 1973 that they released their debut album, (Pronounced ‘Lĕh-‘nérd ‘Skin-’nérd). They had been rejected by nine record companies before the musician and producer Al Kooper signed them to MCA, after seeing them play a storming live show at a club called Funocchio’s in Atlanta. It was Kooper who helped the group turn Free Bird into a nine-minute epic, which became their anthemic calling card.
They had already made a couple of attempts at recording the song, but Kooper added the hymn-like organ passage at the beginning, and helped Rossington to achieve the distinctive sound of his mournful slide guitar theme. “It’s actually me playing the same thing twice, recording one on top of the other, so it sounds kind of slurry, echoey,” he revealed. He had taken inspiration from the slide wizard Duane Allman, of the Allman Brothers Band, who had also formed in Jacksonville.
The band’s single Sweet Home Alabama (1974), co-written by Rossington, became their biggest hit, reaching No 8 on the US chart and 31 in the UK. It was an irresistibly exuberant riposte to Neil Young’s songs Southern Man and Alabama, which the group deemed unreasonably damning of the American south, and in his 2012 autobiography, Waging Heavy Peace, Young admitted he had been “accusatory and condescending”. The song was later used to promote tourism in Alabama as well as supplying the movie Sweet Home Alabama with its story and title.
The band scored four successive US Top 20 albums with Second Helping (1974), Nuthin’ Fancy (1975), Gimme Back My Bullets (1976) and Street Survivors (1977). Lynyrd Skynyrd were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2006. The event prompted Rossington to say: “I don’t think of it as tragedy – I think of it as life. I think the good outweighs the bad.”
In 2018, Stephen Kijak’s documentary about the band, If I Leave Here Tomorrow, was released. Street Survivors: The True Story of the Lynyrd Skynyrd Plane Crash was a dramatisation of the Mississippi air disaster, released in 2020.
Rossington is survived by Dale, whom he married in 1982, and their two daughters.
🔔 Gary Robert Rossington, guitarist and songwriter, born 4 December 1951; died 5 March 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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anitravance · 6 months
Week 3: Social Media Blog
The impact of big data and algorithms cannot be overemphasized. The speed of technology changing the way we live, work, and connect with others has changed tremendously. After watching the lecture and the Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma," have shown how important it is to reflect on the tools and potential dangers they pose. The blog will talk about the reasons why big data and algorithms are powerful and their associated risks. Then, I will talk about the different strategies to address these issues more on a personal and professional level. The Power of Big Data and Algorithms have so much control over humans that we haven't even begun to recognize how much it affects each one of us daily. With them having the ability to identify patterns and making predictions helps them keep control.
“The Social Dilemma” said that many social networks exploit human weakness by designing a positive intermittent reinforcement in mind. This makes humans stay connected to their phones and are sitting there scrolling for hours on end. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Businesses, governments, and organizations are using big data and algorithms to make informed decisions. These tools help them see consumer behavior and market trends, while also helping to predict disease outbreaks. Then with Personalization Algorithms make sure to put highly tailored content and advertisements you encounter online. This is all done by watching your preferences and behaviors, aiming to increase engagement. They check people's scale and speed in real-time. Like for the Tesla car and others we have efficient and automated vehicles that are self-driving cars and other things that humans no longer must do for themselves.
The Dangers of Their Use and Abuse
The algorithm didn’t see how much it affected the people's mental health and well-being. The addictive nature of social media platforms has pushed a lot of individuals over the top and feel they can’t go a day without having it. The documentary "The Social Dilemma" talked about how user data is harvested and monetized by social media platforms, potentially undermining individuals' privacy. Big data algorithms can be weaponized to spread misinformation.Algorithms can exacerbate societal biases, leading to discrimination in various aspects. If we educate ourselves more about data privacy and digital literacy. This will help us protect our personal information. Cutting down and limiting your screen time will help you.
In my view, dealing with these problems requires a multi-faceted approach. On a personal level, individuals need to be more aware of their digital footprint and take steps to protect their data. This could include using privacy tools, limiting time spent on social media, and being critical of the information they consume online. On a professional level, tech companies need to prioritize ethical considerations in their use of big data and algorithms. This could involve implementing stricter data protection measures, being transparent about their data practices, and designing products that promote user well-being. On a societal level, there needs to be stronger regulation of tech companies and their use of data. This could include laws that protect user privacy, prevent data misuse, and promote competition. 
The influence of Internet business models on information privacy is profound. The prevalent 'free' model, where services are provided in exchange for user data, has led to widespread data collection and a lack of privacy. Users often unknowingly trade their personal information for access to these services, which is then used to generate revenue through targeted advertising. This model has been criticized for its lack of transparency and the potential for abuse.
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youthculture2b · 6 months
Body Dysmorphic and the effect on teens mental health
Luisa Morettin
Body dysmorphic disorder (BBD), nowadays is more known as body shaming problems and comparisons around what society decided as a perfect as well as an ideal body. BBD is a concept that has been around for quite some time, being first recognized in 189. During the 1800s the concept of body shaming was very different and much more related to women and how their bodies were seen in our society. It was and is a very big topic that can affect mentally and sometimes physically. With that, it’s important to talk about how beauty and body patterns stabilized in the youth culture and how this can bring anxiety and other issues in teenagers these days.
Instagram is one of the tools that helps to emphasize certain beauty and body patterns, putting other characteristics in the shadows and not validating them enough. Thanks to this tool we often scroll through and find videos of girls with very slim bodies, defined stomachs, and skinny legs. These videos embrace a body type that our society has considered as ideal and these are the girls that are considered attractive and pretty. On another hand, it's clear that not only girls like this are on social media. Nowadays it's common to see people encouraging various body types and beauty traits, and also how many people fake the way they look on the internet, just to be able to fit in. Even though encouraging posts are more common now, online bullying and mean comments around these differences. According to Mental Health America, forms of bullying such as body shaming, fat shaming, and slut shaming can cause a negative image of your own body, causing low self-esteem, and eventually resulting in something much worse, such as eating disorders for example.
In addition, social media is not the only scenario these type of situations occur. In schools, beauty patterns are very determined and this can affect how students create relationships with each other. This is an environment that different kids, teens, and adults go to, and rarely is it for us to hear about a bullying situation involving a behavior that disrespects different body types that travels away from what is considered pretty. According to the BBD foudation this can bring problems where kids and teens start to not attend school anymore, because of severe symptoms or even being difficult to meet people when you are unhappy with your body and already considering what people are going to say or think about it.
Lastly, it is important to emphasize the different mental health problems that can show up, because of these determined body and beauty aspects. The most known ones that happen a lot with teens and young adults, would be eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. These affect people who have a distorted vision of their body, thinking that, under no circumstances should they eat or even throw up what they have eaten. This is a very complicated disorder and it can affect somebody's mental and physical health at a very high level. Of course, not only are these the complications, but it is good to know that there are various people who can help when it comes to this subject. It's interesting to see how studies around this have developed because 30 years ago people who suffered from BBD probably did not have the same tools to take care of themselves as teens have now, but at the same time, in no way was social media such a big tool that could spread these problems even more.
In conclusion, the insecurity present in many teens when it comes to this topic is very real, and sometimes people never had heard about it. It can also be hard to realize because it tends to be something that people keep to themselves, especially girls, which makes it even more important to talk about it. It's also good to compare how this is something that has existed for a long time, but it had had a very different repercussion if compared to the start of the 1990s to the 200s, to nowadays.
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solhwellness · 8 months
Different Types of Psychotherapies: Exploring Your Options | Solh Wellness
Several psychological therapies provide useful strategies for overcoming life's problems when it comes to improving your mental health. These treatments, often known as talk therapies or psychotherapies, offer a framework for comprehending and controlling your ideas, feelings, and behaviors.
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Let's look at the various forms of psychological therapy available:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
A well-known treatment method called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) aims to recognize and alter unfavorable thought patterns. By recognizing and addressing these ideas, people can manage disorders like anxiety, melancholy, and stress efficiently. Through CBT, you acquire practical abilities to change your negative thinking.
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) 
DBT combines techniques that encourage mindfulness with cognitive behavioral treatment. Those who struggle with strong emotions, risky behavior, and interpersonal problems benefit the most from it. DBT teaches individuals how to control their feelings, strengthen interpersonal bonds, and encourage self-acceptance.
Psychodynamic Therapy 
This therapy focuses mostly on the unsolved problems and unconscious mechanisms that influence your ideas and behaviour. To uncover ingrained patterns and advance consciousness and personal development, psychodynamic therapy digs into past interactions and experiences.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)   
ACT places a strong focus on accepting one's ideas and feelings as opposed to trying to repress them. It helps people define their values and make a commitment to upholding them. This therapy effectively treats anxiety while enhancing general wellbeing.
Mindfulness-Based Therapies  
Self-awareness and present-moment awareness are encouraged in therapies that place a strong emphasis on mindfulness. These therapies include:
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR):Through the practice of moderate yoga and mindfulness meditation, MBSR aims to reduce stress and promote emotional control.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT): Since the MBCT program combines cognitive therapy techniques with mindfulness training, it can benefit people who have recurrent depression.
Humanistic Therapies  
The goals of humanistic therapies are the pursuit of self-actualization, self-growth, and self-discovery. These consist of:
Person-Centred Therapy: In the encouraging, nonjudgmental environment of this treatment, people can examine their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Gestalt Therapy: The value of fully experiencing the present moment is emphasized by gestalt therapy. It promotes self-awareness and accountability.
Family Systems Therapy
Understanding how a person's ties with their family impact their mental health is the aim of family systems therapy. It tries to promote harmony within the family and communication.
Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)  
In IPT, emphasis is placed on interpersonal and communication skills. Both treating depression and resolving interpersonal conflicts can be done using it.
Narrative Therapy  
Examining the narratives we tell about our lives is an essential component of narrative therapy. Retelling and recreating these tales can offer people fresh perspective and a sense of empowerment.
Behavioural Therapy  
Behavioral therapy seeks to alter a behavior by identifying the reinforcers of that behavior. For phobias, OCD, and other conditions, there are two methods of treatment: behavior modification and exposure therapy.
Last but not least, each therapy has its unique technique and benefits. A licensed therapist can help you discuss your options and help you discover the option that best suits your needs. Remember that choosing the ideal approach could need some trial and error because therapy is a collaborative process. By incorporating psychological treatment into your regular routine for maintaining your mental health, you may offer yourself the resources you require to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.
At Solh Wellness, we take great care to fully understand the range of mental health issues and offer treatment that is uniquely tailored to each potential client. Our therapists are skilled at adapting the course of treatment to meet the demands of the patients. In order to assist you practice mindfulness and self-care, we also provide resources and techniques.
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grabezstasa · 1 year
Podcast filming
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Activity title: Podcast filming
Type of activity: CREATIVITY and SERVICE
Duration: Around 2 hours.
Learning outcomes:
❗️Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth;
❗️Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process;
❗️Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively;
❗️Demonstrate engagement with issues of global importance;
❗️Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
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Activity description
On November 11th, my friend and I participated in filming of a podcast that is going to be a part of a show ‘Science Speaks’. We were asked to come and talk about the mental health, its issues and awareness about it, with focus on the youth in our community. We mentioned some of our experiences in the topic, discussed how does the society treat the people facing some of the problems related, and also stated what can be changes in terms of this challenge. The conclusion we have reached was that the young generations must be well-informed on where to seek for help, and that they should be encouraged by the social media, school community and their family members to speak up about their problems with professionals and people close to them.
I am very happy that I have had the opportunity to participate in such an event. I find mental issues, especially among my generation, a great problem of modern world, affected by numerous factors. My friend Ana and I both talked about it freely and clearly stating our own opinions, which were pretty much overlapping. We both agreed that the first step in overcoming this obstacle in one’s life is acknowledging that the problem exists. Next step includes facing the fact that it needs to be solved with someone’s help – and finding a person reliable enough to speak about it. Usually, this should be a parent or a close family member. However, another issue can be caused by addressing a ‘friend’ who is not necessarily a person of trust, as they might take advantage of it and engage into bullying, or spread the information and expose the person already experiencing difficulties. Therefore, we have discussed who the mentally issued people can rely on and talk to, within the school community, their friends, family, or professionals in the field.
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This has been an amazing experience, as we got to be a pert of something I believe is highly beneficial and engaging, since our podcast is just one of many, each regarding one huge problem of our modern society. For example, there were other podcast topics, that involved women  in science, contemporary art and its various aspects, etc.
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psych-zone · 11 months
11 June 2023, Sunday
12:32 pm
Hi Explorers !!!
How’s everyone doing ? … Really hope each one of you is absolutely fine. Before we together move on to explore me, you have full right to know who I am !!
I am SOMYA , a teen ager ( accurately 18.11 years ). I am done with my schooling from a renowned school St. Thomas School & right now I’m perusing with Bachelors of Arts from DU … I’m also doing Psychology Hons. side by side to attain what I need from my life & not what the life needs from me. So, I would be posting my blogs here so that they can reach up to all of you. My blog account : *Psych - Zone* defines me _ my interest for psych world. I would share on with you guys, what basically Psychology is - how important & helpful it is in this technical world : more of a depressed world.
Problems like :
Trauma Bonding
Indivisual Differences
Intrapersonal relationships & many more will be openly discussed here
All of you are humbly requested to stay connected to me via “Psych - Zone” … together we will beat all the hardships & reach to the Zenith.
All your reviews are most welcome … don’t hesitate to express what you feel about it !!!
12 June 2023, Monday
6:33 pm
Hi Potential Readers !!!
A very cherish able & benevolent Good Evening to all my readers … Through the depth of my heart that wish each one of you is healthy & fit !!!
Today we would know :
What is psychology ?!
When we hear the word Psychology … what comes to our mind is : brain - decision - mind - understanding.
Exactly ! That is what psychology is !!!!!!!
The word *Psychology* is formed out of the word *Psyche* - that means :
Your mind, your different feelings & attitudes.
# PSYCHOLOGY is the scientific study of mind & behaviour. The psychologists are actively involved in studying & understanding mental processes, brain functions & behaviour.
How Psychology Helps ??!!
Psychology helps us (people) is various dimensions … such as :
1️⃣. It explains why people act in a certain way.
2️⃣. A psychologist can help people improve their decision making.
3️⃣. It guides about the Stress Management techniques.
4️⃣. It studies the behaviour … based on past behaviour - it predicts the future behaviour pattern.
That is all for the beginning.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for connecting with The Psych - Zone
12 June 2023, Monday
9:45 pm
Hi Efficient Army !!!
Welcome back to The Psych-World … Hopefully all of you are good !!!
* Today, we will be talking about what the actual problem is … where does an awkward behaviour arise from ??!!
1️⃣ . Avoiding Discussion
# Someone exhibiting strange behaviour may not want to engage in important discussions … this leads to issues that remain unresolved.
# For avoiding these very essential discussions the person behaves awkward … to repeal people’s interest in communicating to him/her.
2️⃣. Not taking accountability
# You may find it difficult to acknowledge your mistakes or blame others for your own shortcomings.
# If you are not able to reflect your own behaviour … it will become an issue & affect your personal growth.
Other important factors are as follows :
# Refusing to apologize
# Manipulating others
# Not respecting boundaries
# Being inconsistent
* What to do if you are the problem ??!!
# Improve your mental health
# Offering heartfelt apologies
# Respecting boundaries
# Taking responsibilities
*Self - reflection can help you to answer the question : “ Am I the problem ? “
*If you notice the signs of your shortcomings … you can twist them to be your positive point.
*You can consult a therapist for mental health support.
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Combine Supplements To Get The Best Health Benefits
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Many people choose to take one supplement to treat an issue with their health. But research indicates that mixing certain supplements can result in synergistic effects, meaning that the combination of different supplements can produce a greater effect than each supplement alone. In this article, we will explore the advantages of mixing supplements for the best well-being.
Synergistic effects
The combination of supplements may result in synergistic effects. As an example, vitamin D as well as calcium can be combined to support the health of bones. Calcium can help increase vitamin D absorption, while vitamin D helps in absorption of calcium. They have a greater impact when consumed together, than if they were each taken in isolation.
Combining omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin E have the same positive synergistic effect on inflammation. Vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acid provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Oxidative stress can be a major contributor to inflammation.
In the end, mixing probiotics with prebiotics could result in an effect synergistic to digestive health. Prebiotics, which are fibers that are not digestible by humans, but that nourish the healthy bacteria found within our digestive tracts and are also known as probiotics. They can improve digestion and functioning of the immune system when taken in combination.
Combine supplements for certain health problems
In addition to producing a synergistic effect, combining supplements can also be helpful to address specific health issues. Combining glucosamine with chondroitin may benefit those who suffer from joint stiffness or pain. Both chondroitin and glucosamine work to improve joint health and reduce inflammation. This can reduce stiffness and joint pain.
Similar to this, people suffering from memory loss or cognitive issues may benefit from combining omega-3 fatty acids as well as phosphatidylserine supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial to brain health and cognitive function as well as phosphatidylserine helps improve memory and attention span.
CoQ10 combined with omega-3 fatty acids could be beneficial to those with heart conditions. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that promotes heart health while omega-3 fatty acids can aid in reducing inflammation and improving the lipid profile.
Quality and the Importance of Quality
In the event of combining supplements, you must choose high-quality products from reputable manufacturers. Select supplements that have passed safety and effectiveness testing as well as research-based support. To ensure that supplements are as effective as possible, it is crucial to stick to dose guidelines and to ensure that they are stored properly.
You should also keep in mind that some supplements can be combined with other medications. For example, combining blood-thinning supplements such as fish oil or vitamin E with blood-thinning medications can increase the risk of bleeding. Combining a supplement like St. John's Wort with antidepressant medication can also reduce its efficacy.
Contact a healthcare provider
Talk to your doctor before mixing any supplements. This is especially important in the case of taking medication or have underlying medical issues. It is possible to ask your health physician for recommendations on what supplements to mix and how many of them to mix. They will also be able to provide specific information on the potential interactions between medicines as well as the supplement.
Your doctor will be able to help you determine which supplements you need for your particular health concern. Instead of jumbled the various supplements, focus on addressing specific health concerns with targeted supplements.
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piyaaaaaah · 1 year
Blog 1
"Gutoma oi!"
When student hunger strikes, 'Foodie Munchies' are here to help. As we know, food is our primary need. We can resist from buying new clothes, but it will be hard to resist hunger. This is why our start up will make college life easier. Sprawling campuses and people with packed schedules are the perfect environment for a delivery service.
During the beginning of the pandemic, restaurants and food establishments only offered options for take-out and delivery. As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, considering this type of service might just be the key ingredient in enabling our startup to generate a revenue.
Figuring out a daily routine and regular eating schedule can be challenging for us. Amid juggling schoolwork, extracurriculars, social activities and other opportunities, we often neglect to eat well.
As a student nutritionist and dietitian, we college students need to prioritize eating healthy, balanced meals each day. Learning to eat well will boost our health and enhance our college experience overall. Food establishment outside campus could have been a solution, but not all have enough time to go there between classes. Thus, a food delivery service is one way to solve this problem. Students aren’t the only customer base. Faculty and staff also will love the fact that they can get their food delivered to them in their office.
We came up with the idea of making food more accessible. An online platform that connects to various food stores in and outside campus that allows customers to place orders. We will charge a delivery fee and will hire students in need of extra money to be student riders.
To put our hypothesis to test, we interviewed one of the owners of a food store on campus. She either agreed or disagreed with the idea, because for her it is first to identify the food consumers' preferences. The interview progressed and reached up to eight (8) student respondents. The basis for the interview were as follows; Distance of the market place, compliance to food delivery and compliance to delivery fees.
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 An approximate of 8 of 8 respondents (100%) claimed to have difficulties buying food because of the distance-factors of food stalls available.
 An approximate of 8 of 8 respondents (100%) agree on availing food delivery.
 An approximate of 7 out of 8 respondents agreed to be willing to pay for the delivery fee. The remaining one (1) respondents is uncertain.
Although the result of the interview we conducted have high agreed compliance. As of now now, we still need to do more research and time it right.
“To become a student entrepreneur, I've learned that all I need is a great business idea that adds value to the lives of your target audience, a plan, and a resilient mindset. And, both academically and entrepreneurially, don't be afraid to ask for help, make mistakes, and take risks.”
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