#ways to calm yourself
infinitydivine · 1 month
Mental Health Awareness Month 🫂🩷
As someone who is undergoing a lot mentally and also as someone who wants to work in the same field, I just wanted you all to remind yourself that you don't have to suffer alone. I know saying things will not make anything easier for anyone and it's easier said than done but I am the same as anyone who has gone through shits mentally. Earlier, I used to think "Oh I know everything, I can handle this, I know better about myself bla bla bla" but my triggers proved me wrong. They told me "Babe, you still have a lot of healing to do". It was tough for me to accept that I needed professional help. But I took that step and I am still working on myself, it is a long way to go but hopefully, I will reach there and you all will. Don't stop working on yourself and take your emotions very seriously. Value yourself and You are valid. Take care of yourselves and make yourself a priority. Be the person you are looking for.
I will not tell you to think positive and blah blah because I know when things happen, you can't simply be optimistic and over-positive all the time. Sadness, anger, rage, guilt every emotion is valid as happiness and joy. Just please take it easy and don't run from them. Feel them, sit with them, and let go. Don't try to run from them because they will hunt you down and make you suffer more. Instead, accept them as they are no matter how uncomfortable they might be.
I am sending you tons of love and hugs from my side. We got this.
Love, Infinity 🩷
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*** If anyone needs good free resources for Therapy and educational purposes you can ask me and I will make a separate post about it. But please don't hesitate to ask for help, i am just a stranger online and I won't judge you ***
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creekfiend · 1 year
Something I've learned recently is that there's multiple ways you can respond when you identify hypocrisy in yourself.... like, supposing you notice that you have treated someone in a way that is not in line with your values. You COULD beat yourself up about it and be like "ugh you hypocrite, you SAY you have x values but then you treated these people in this other way"
Or, and I think this qualifies much better as "taking responsibility for your actions": you can go "huh. I definitely do have x values and believe people should be treated in these ways... and much of the time I am able to behave in ways that are in line with those values... and yet under these specific circumstances I was for some reason not able to do that. Let's look at those situations and people and try to find some patterns there so I can identify what types of scenarios make it hard for me to behave according to my values"
And then when you identify situations like that in the future, you can try and give yourself the time and space to really process stuff and try to remind yourself "this is a situation where behaving according to my values has been difficult in the past" which will help you be more intentional and careful in how you proceed.
Anyway. That's hard but it's a big relief to do because it really feels like being armed with magical knowledge lolol
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Thank you. I'm sorry.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#jin guangyao#lan wangij#jin ling#LWJ shifting into fight mode was so damn cool. He is always ready to start throwing hands.#It's in a way that befits someone with a bit more bloodlust that his calm demeanor lets on - but nearly always in defense of someone.#What a great synergy with his personal philosophies! see that he is a Genuinely Noble Guy time and time again!#Is is also way more hilarious and unhinged than most people give him credit for? Also yes.#Nothing and no one ever said he did not or would not rip off JGY's hat mid-fight. I think LWJ needs to snatch more wigs LITERALLY.#Yes I'm delaying the part where I have to address the emotional turmoil of Jin Ling stabbing wwx. It gutted me terribly.#What is worse that realizing that someone you respected has done horrible things#than discovering someone who did horrible things being a kind and trustworthy person?#What is more horrifying that realizing other people are extremely complex and cannot be categorized into black and white?#When people hurt us or our loved ones we very much want to make them out to be irredeemable monsters. But they are not.#It is not actually such a terrible fate to just be a person. To be forgiven and forgive is possible. To change is possible.#This lesson is hard. It is something you have to actively challenge yourself to do. Black and white is the innate path to go down.#And its *why* I love Jin Ling so much. He is the character who fights the longest and hardest to challenge social and personal beliefs#He gets a pass for stabbing wwx for being so deliciously conflicted and tormented by it.#And with wrists THAT limp I can't imagine the wound was particularly deep
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possamble · 21 days
I absolutely really need to be writing anything but random ideas while I procrastinate and this is so awful rough bc I literally wrote it on my phone in one sitting while avoiding work but
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Do you see my vision. Her Nosy Bitch Syndrome would actually be good for him when they've both chilled out a little in the postcanon.
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uncriticalbunny · 10 months
sydney and carmy have such a deranged dynamic so it's very funny when people try to put them in a "professional coworkers" box like bffr nothing about their relationship is professional
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littlefankingdom · 4 days
Jason faking his death is funny simply for the heart attack he gave to Bruce. His brothers knew he was faking, but not Bruce (I hope). Make the old man pay for all the time he faked his demise or disappeared without telling anyone.
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/spy x family movie hate (IM SORRY)
...what the fuck was that 😭
fym Handler wants to REPLACE FORGERS... her? handling the operation strix to someone else instead of TWILIGHT so randomly?? and he reacted so calmly?! what?? what??? whose idea was to write this?????
why are we back to the jealousy problem. we've solved it a long time ago. im tired
there were just... so many stupid details that i can't remember anymore. i'll write what i can recall in the tags
The movie was thoughtless entertainment. I could've watched two hours of stupid youtube videos instead and feel exactly the same afterwards.
"Oh it's just a kids movie, this is enough for them" — well don't kids deserve a good movie with a thought behind it? Doesn't sxf deserve it? Don't all the people involved in the production deserve it? The manga might not be a masterpiece of the century, but it's still a good story with a thought behind it...
I didn't expect (and didn't want) to see anything plot-altering, but I expected something on the level of cruise arc, with all the characters working in secret for each others' sake and for the sake of peace. Not this mishmash that unsuccessfully tried to satisfy both those who have and haven't seen the anime. They could've written a much, much better story but decided to go with this.
upd: my opinion hasn't changed but i'm not trying to start a fight. no aggression toward people who loved the movie 🙏 peace and love on planet earth
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jittyjames · 6 months
ptsd is being such a bitch to me tonight guys. your girl is not doing well.
#i don’t want to feel this way#but i don’t know how to stop it#i just feel myself spiraling out of control again and all of these thoughts keep coming with it#it wont leave me alone#i want it to leave me alone#i don’t want to go on more meds bc they fucked me up even more and i want to be able to think#but my heart has started pounding so quickly again that i can’t focus on anything else#i feel so empty and weird and vague#december is always a bad time and it’s hard when i don’t have class or work as a distraction#i’m always on the verge of crying and#i just do all these breathing techniques that don’t work#and i just lay in a ball on my bed shaking and hurting#you know it’s bad when even writing doesn’t calm me down#ocd combining with ptsd is a hell of a thing#how can you calm yourself down when you’re not thinking rationally and it won’t leave your head#part of me just wants to panic and get it over with but i feel like if i start i won’t be able to stop and just simply fly into hysterics#idk#just haven’t felt this bad in a while#i just want to get out of my head so bad#i wish i could turn thinking off#sorry i know y’all aren’t my therapist and i should get my own#but im still on my parents insurance and i don’t think they would allow that#i don’t mean to vent#i just feel really hopeless and shit rn#anyway#i’m going to try to sleep and hope it will be better in the morning#it wont be tho lol#nothing is ever better#bc the universe and god hate me
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fuckyeah-bears · 1 year
literally exerting sooo much self control and impulse control not to snap back at idiots replying stupid shit on my posts. people are annoying as fuck sometimes. like if you have 'commentary' about how i interact with shit and answer asks, you can literally fuck off. i spend absurd amounts of time trying to be nice and provide specific bears and nice replies to people at their request. and then the one time i get slightly irritated people freak the fuck out and start lecturing me about being 'unprofessional' and 'rude' and 'obnoxious' like im sorry but fuck all the way off. this is fucking tumblr. nothing about tumblr is professional. i don't have to provide y'all with bears. i don't have to make a pinned post to explain myself. newsflash, i already have a pinned post that i'm rather fond of. i don't have to act or respond to things any kind of way. i choose to respond kindly with nice encouraging messages and provide bears, and spend ridiculous amounts of time looking up specific requested bears for people. i choose to do that because i want to make people happy and spread some positivity. i choose to do that because this world is shit as fuck sometimes and i want to create a little space free from drama and negativity where people can enjoy bears and get a little reprieve from this shit ass world and the bullshit of life. i choose to do all that because i want to. but heaven forbid i'm not in the mood 100% of the time to always be perfectly nice and happy and go-lucky. and then i get shits giving me crap over it like i'm somehow obligated to do all this shit for free and always respond exactly the way they desire me to. and it is pissing me the fuck off. because i genuinely put so much effort into bearotonin and trying to make other peoples' lives better in this one tiny small way. i have a life y'all. i have a job and school and an actual adult life with responsibilities. but i choose to do this because i love bears and i think bearotonin is hilarious and making people happy is something that makes me happy. but i don't owe anyone anything, and if you have complaints about the way i comport myself or respond to messages or posts i make, well you can fuck off. i don't want to hear it. you don't need to reblog my posts and tag them with little messages about how you disagree, or write replies/comments saying i should act better or should be expecting this, or send me stupid asks. you can literally keep your negative thoughts to yourself. because people need to fucking realize that your tags are not private. if you put them on a post, the op is going to see them. and in this case, the op is going to be super pissed off by them.
to be clear, 99% of people are awesome and super nice and i love y'all dearly (and this post is absolutely not about you in any way), but the other 1% are really getting on my fucking nerves right now and it is taking a lot of effort to not engage with them directly and tell them to fuck off to their faces
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summerfullofsnow · 6 months
okay so what i've gathered is that nant & nuth probably had a very similar deal that nuth & phop have: sex work for drugs instead of money. idk if nant also developed feelings for nuth(like phop seems to be). nuth seems kinda obsessive so i feel like it's possible he developed feelings for nant, he didn't reciprocate -> nuth did something to him. would explain the necklace he's keeping & why he freaked out after seeing nont.
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warlordfelwinter · 7 months
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alisaie's going to kill them both in their sleep
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nordic-language-love · 11 months
quick reminder that my blog is a safe space for people of all genders and that i support trans rights <3
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
lonan clark google searches: jesus stained glass
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mitsmebinch · 1 month
sometimes it's good that your data cuts out in the middle of nowhere sometimes it's good that you dont have music downloaded sometimes it's good to be caught out alone with your thoughts sometimes it's good to be alone with the noise we make in our own heads
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mainfaggot · 2 months
had a moment of whimsy followed by a moment of genuine irritation
#i went outside for 20 mins bc i felt like crawling out of my skin and thought swinging alone in the windy weather would maybe help me calm#down just a bit. like a little tiny bit#for the first 5 mins i felt like my heart would burst from the anxiety of being in my neighborhood and ppl seeing me through their windows#i get so weird about existing in public (has an anxiety disorder)#i started swinging aggressively and started calming down a bit#then this little kid got onto the swing next to me and his dad started pushing him#and i could hear the kid laughing through my headphones blasting music#i started smiling without realizing and then made eye contact w the kids dad while smiling 😭#and tjen i took off my headphones bc i felt obligated to say hello just to be polite idk!#and i was like aww how old is heee so cute#the kid was 5#and then the dad was like how about yourself? i went: im 20 haha#and he was like. Oh? i thought you were like 12 years old. 🤨#PLEASE?#and then i was like haha yeah! i get that a lot! (no i don't?)#im actually a uni student#and he asked me what i was studying so i said psych#and he was like yeah youll need a masters there arent any jobs in that with just a bachelor's#and i was like I know right! ill probably get a PhD haha the job market is so horrible!#and then he was like so you live at home? and i was like yeah its so much cheaper!#and then awkward silence i said nice to meet u and got the fuck out of there#like why did he have to tell me i needed a masters Bitch I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWW my life is already falling apart dont remidn em 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#it was way more wholesome when i jjst smiled silently at him and his cute ass chuld#z.post
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thefleshyougoveggie · 3 months
genuine question:
how do people cope without escapism???
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