#warlock fucks real and true
little-candy-raver · 1 year
so we’re playing cos right ???
my character amythest gets grabbed my this tentacled thing in the death house and just fucking. decides to try to charisma his way out because warlock things !
he rolls a 23. twenty. fucking . three so now yipee a grick pet cool, immediately once we finish the death house, we meet strahd ! my goal was to tag team him with a party member (the bard)/babygirl him, so i roll charisma right, (just to make him like me) ? TWENTY TWO. I OUT CHARISMA THE BARD.
Warlock is the new horny class real and true.
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ladykailitha · 1 month
Well Met By Moonlight Part 13
Hey, guys do you all remember that period of time when I was working on this story but refused to show you snippets of it on WIP Wednesdays? Yeah, this is that chapter. (I'm pretty sure, anyway. Because this shit was super spoilery.)
We finally get what happened to Steve and why he didn't grow up as Pack. This chapter does get a little dark in its themes so be careful when you read and if you need specifics, DM me and I'll fill you in.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Eddie and Wayne landed in front of their trailer with a deft touch. Eddie still wasn’t over the joy of being able to fucking fly. Like sure when he was younger, Wayne would take him for flights occasionally, but nothing beat banking on a breeze as the wind lifted him higher and higher.
“Your boy’s got a mouth on him,” Wayne said gruffly as he walked up the stairs to their trailer.
Eddie chuckled. “Always had. Even in school.”
Wayne huffed out a laugh. “True enough.”
As soon as they were safe inside, Eddie asked, “Hey, do you remember that couple who took Stevie in when his parents died?”
Wayne frowned. “You mean the Franklins?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
Eddie snapped his fingers. “Yeah, them. Why was Steve placed with them? And not, I don’t know, the pack?”
Wayne went to the kitchen and pulled out a six pack of beers. “That’s a bit of story. Drink up, you’ll need it for this.”
Eddie opened up a can of beer and settled in for story time.
Wayne downed an entire beer and wiped his mouth off with his sleeve.
“Hopper had gotten bad,” Wayne began. “Like real bad.”
“You’ve mentioned that before. That was around the time I came to live with you, right?”
Wayne nodded. “It wasn’t just drinking. It was drugs, too. And not just weed, either. I’m talking the heavy stuff.”
Eddie nodded. He had sold said heavy stuff to Hopper just before he cleaned up with El coming into his life. When Wayne asked him why, Eddie told him that he had no idea what he was doing with it and honestly didn’t care.
Knowing what Eddie did now, he regretted it, but he was so close to being able to afford his Warlock that that was all he cared about at the time.
“Steve’s dad Clint Harrington was getting ready to challenge Hopper for the position of alpha,” Wayne continued. “He knew that he might kill Hopper, but at that point it probably would have been a mercy.”
Eddie nodded solemnly. Maybe if Clint Harrington had lived, lived to be the alpha, the town wouldn’t be experiencing the troubles it was now.
“So what happened?” he asked gravely.
“Allison’s father died out in New York,” Wayne said. “The timing of it was so suspect, Ed. Like, you know I hate conspiracies with every fiber of my being, because there rarely is one. But this smelled rank from the get go.”
“You think whoever had the Harringtons killed,” Eddie said, “you think also popped off Granpappy, too, don’t you?”
Wayne glared at him, but conceded the point. “Whatever happened to the Harringtons was bad, boy. Like their bodies were savaged–”
He stopped and his eyes went wide. “It was exactly like this morning. I couldn’t tell the scent then, just like I couldn’t now.”
Eddie nodded. “As near as I could tell, there wasn’t a scent to be had. Whatever it was who killed the Harringtons and attacked Patrick, didn’t leave behind a scent.”
“There are very few things in this world that leave a scent so minuscule I could barely detect it,” Wayne said.
Eddie nodded. “So what happened with Steve after they died?” He was interested in the other thing, but he was really worried about his boyfriend.
“The old mayor, Larry Kline and I,” Wayne said amused, “made the decision that the pack wasn’t safe for Steve. But despite what Steve thinks the Franklins weren’t human.”
Eddie frowned. “They weren’t?”
“They were Were too,” he said with wary tilt of his head. “Were-bat. We figured that with them being at least Weres would be able to teach him how to shift and how to shift back comfortably.”
“So what went wrong?” Eddie asked, moving closer to Wayne on the sofa. “Because holy hell, pops, if Steve had been human CPS would have been called and fast.”
Wayne drank more of his beer and then rubbed one eye with the other hand. “I don’t know. I honestly don’t. There were no indications that Steve was anything other than a kid who’s parents died and was adjusting to it. Yeah, he wasn’t exactly happy, but we didn’t expect him to be, you know?”
“So what changed?”
Wayne drank the last of his beer and set it on the coffee table. “They were away on a trip and I don’t know if they forgot, didn’t care, or planned it... but Steve wolfed out for the first in his entire life when he was eighteen.”
Weres were supposed to shift for the first time when they hit puberty. Early teens for most of them. But to not shift until you were eighteen was just begging for the Were to go insane.
“Fucking hell, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie groaned. “Whoever this is is playing a long ass game. Jesus Christ. They were hoping he would go crazy, ending the Harrington line for good. So what happened?”
Wayne licked his lips. “Steve ran to me. He was frightened. Terrified out of his mind. Old Mack nearly shot the poor bastard as he came tearing through the trailer park.”
“Jesus H. Christ...” Eddie whispered.
Wayne chuckled. “It wouldn’ve done shit, it was just a regular bullet, it wouldn’ve even slowed him down.”
Eddie breathed a sigh of relief. “So what stayed Mack’s hand then?”
“You’ve seen your boy in wolf form,” Wayne said, “can you imagine how beautiful he looked then? The cream of his under belly blending with the warm brown of his back and face as he tore down the gravel pavement?”
Eddie could imagine it in fact. Steve was gorgeous as a human, but as a werewolf? He was exquisite. It came from his mixed breeding of being born from another born werewolf and his turned wife. Born werewolves tended to be more timber wolf in their appearance. Almost dire wolf-esque. Big, with course fur and fierce. Bitten werewolves tended toward the smaller red wolves. Quick, slender, and cunning as hell.
Steve was a mix of these two breeds and it made him the most beautiful thing on four legs Eddie have ever scene.
“To fire at something so majestic would have been a travesty,” Wayne was saying when Eddie came back from his revery. “So Mack just stood there, rifle in hand as Steve made straight for my door.”
Eddie frowned. “Where was I? I don’t remember this.”
“You and your friends had gone to Indy for some concert or another,” Wayne said. “I don’t rightly recall.”
Eddie’s frown got deeper, he’d only gone to one concert with his friends in Indy because one of the ‘85 Hellfire Club members had gotten tickets for graduation and had taken all of them.
“Is that why you weren’t home when I got back into Hawkins?” he asked. “You were dealing with Steve?”
Wayne nodded and popped open another bottle of beer. He held one up to Eddie, but he shook his head. Eddie held up his still mostly full can. Wayne licked his lips.
“You’ll want to drink more of that,” he muttered.
Eddie did as he was told and it took the edge off of his anxiety but settled sour in his stomach.
“After I got Steve sedated,” Wayne said, “and yes it was fucked up I even had to in the first place, I went a paid the Franklins a visit.”
“That sounds ominous,” Eddie said flatly.
Wayne grinned. “They tried to tell me that they were frightened of Steve. That as a wolf he was much bigger than they were as bats. That all it would take was one snap of his giant jaw and they would be but a morsel to the boy.”
Eddie blinked at his uncle in confusion. “What now? His first change would have been a literal puppy. He wouldn’t have even been able toddle after them, let alone get within biting distance.”
Wayne huffed. “Right in one, boy. And if they had been teaching him from his first change on, he wouldn’t have thought of them as prey at all. Not even on moon nights.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“And then they tried to attack me,” Wayne continued.
“They did what?” Eddie squawked.
“They probably would have succeeded, too,” he said, “but apparently Steve is a hard wolf to keep down and followed me like a lost puppy. When he saw Dick Franklin raise a fucking yew stake to stab me in the back, Steve leapt on him.”
“Where the fuck did they get a yew stake?”
Wayne just shook his head. “The hell if I know, kid. But in comes this wolf and just snatches the damn thing out of Dick’s hand. He runs off with it Ella Franklin hot on his heels in bat form. Bats are fast and she catches up quickly. The problem is that in or out of bat form she knows she no match for Steve, so she tries to blind him by going for his eyes.”
Eddie’s hand covered his mouth as he listened to him go on about this horrible night.
“But despite what a lot of people think,” Wayne continued, “your boy ain’t dumb. He keeps his head down and makes right for the Creel House. He tosses the thrall on duty the stake and suddenly a werebat is face to face with Tammy Thompson, now holding a yew stake as Steve just continues running past the Coven.”
Eddie blinked. “I didn’t realize that Tammy’s family were thralls.”
“Just like the Perkins, Buckleys, and Hagans are hereditary keepers,” Wayne said with a nod, “the Thompsons, Carmichaels, and Bensons have always been hereditary thralls.”
Eddie was starting to think that he really should have paid closer attention to the hierarchies in school, they were a lot more important than he knew.
“Anywho,” Wayne said with a shake of his head. “Ella flies back to their house to find me beating the hell out of Dick. She manages to distract me long enough for Dick to get on his feet, but now it’s two against one and they’re still strong in their human forms, but wicked fast. I was able to take out Dick, the coward that he was, but Ella was proving to be too fast. She was going to get away.”
Eddie drank the rest of his beer and popped open another one. He leaned forward so that he was on the edge of the sofa, and his knee began to shake.
Wayne put his hand his knee to settle it, but Eddie stared at him wild eyed.
“I don’t have to finish if this bothering, Ed,” he said warmly. “I can give you the Cliffnotes.”
Eddie shook his head. “What happened next?”
“Just as she took flight, the thing they had always feared happened,” he said softly. “Steve’s jaws came down on her with a sickening crunch. Dick started spewing all sorts of curse words and things I didn’t understand. Something about how werewolves were a plague among the Weres and that they had to be exterminated and how if Steve hadn’t had my protection they would have drowned the bastard in the bathtub.”
“What. The. Fuck?” Eddie asked, can crumpling in his fist as it tightened on it.
“It didn’t mean anything until the events going on now,” Wayne said with a heavy sigh. He crumpled his can one handed and stared at the twisted mass. “But I think whoever it is who is trying to tear this community apart is getting desperate. They’re starting to make mistakes. And I think one day soon, this is all going to blow up in our faces.”
Eddie gulped, but nodded.
Part 14
Tag List:
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
Anti-Romantic | TEASER | CHAPTER 3 OUT NOW!!
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Pairing: Hyunjin x Fem!reader Genre: non idol au, fluff, smut, romcom, drama, opposites attract Warnings: swearing, explicit sexual content, dysfunctional relationships, taboo couples/relationship therapist and patient dynamic
P.S. ♡ If you like my work, please consider giving me feedback in the form of reblogs, comments, and asks! ♡
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As the most beloved dating coach in the sunny state of California, Hyunjin has dealt with all kinds of nightmares— from real desperate housewives and their indifferent husbands to toxic shotgun marriages doomed to fail— and he’s fixed them all. Dubbed the “Love Doctor,” Hyunjin has a PhD in both sociology and broken hearts. Every single day for Hyunjin ends the same: yet another flashy career success and to celebrate, sliding on his rose-tinted glasses and sipping on pink champagne, his perpetual poison.
That was all before you, of course.
For your entire life, you’ve been unlucky in love. From your endless unrequited high school crushes to your situationship who turned out to be gay, love has just never been in the cards for you. It’s all changed you from a hopeless romantic into a pessimist who doesn’t believe in true love. You now make fun of every couple you see, religiously watch wedding fails on Youtube, and absolutely hate romantic comedies. 
But no amount of lackluster girls’ nights or hours thrown into your crappy job can fill the hole in your heart. You’re absolutely lonely. In one last attempt to give love a chance, you ditch your Tinder dates and decide to turn to L.A.’s famous “Love Doctor,” this hotshot relationship therapist all of your friends rave about. 
Barrelling into Dr. Hwang’s office like a cyclone, you bring along your signature stormy attitude and want a remedy to your emotional dry spell, even though you still believe in your heart that counseling won’t work for you. You don’t expect, however, your new intimacy expert to be hotter than hell, definitely not a middle-aged woman ready to lecture you about putting out.
No, Dr. Hwang is more like the Grandmaster of love, the amorous warlock of the West Coast, and with the way he silently strips you with his bedroom eyes the moment you walk in, perhaps even the sex scholar of the Valley. As he slowly disarms your defenses, you do your best not to let him know of your inappropriate fantasies about him. But even worse than your impossibly vivid wet dreams, you’re falling in love with your fucking therapist. Or Hyunjin, as he so charmingly commands you to call him. 
And you try to keep your feelings for him at bay, you really do. But Hyunjin just doesn’t give up, relentlessly tugging at your mind and heart and taking up every quantum of your life. Because after all, the Love Doctor loves a good challenge.
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TAGLIST @army-stay-noel, @hwangjuhong, @chizumiyoshi
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📢 ©jisungsdaydreamer 2023 | All rights reserved. I do not condone translations or transfers of my work onto other platforms such as Wattpad, AO3, etc. Tumblr is my only platform. Acts of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
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bladesmitten · 5 months
3 years late rant incoming
it made NO sense that ppl hated EA wyll (well we know why--racism). his story just started like literally everyone else in camp. everyone has their own issues to deal with and there's zero character development to be found. they're all so cagey and shitty liars about their pasts! it's not just wyll!
and it also makes no sense when people say that they rewrote wyll to frontload his story in act 1 because he didn't have any in EA. THAT'S NOT TRUE!!! 😭 in EA he straight up tells you what happened to him and his pact on like, the third or fourth long rest! he says he wanted out of his pact and that's why he's so desperate to find mizora! he's possibly the most involved companion in the goblin camp which is the main quest in act 1! are you for fucking real!!!
and again, the whole frontloaded story still isn't true in release because he doesn't tell you about his pact until literally the end of act 2. he has plot relevance and quests in every act![1] are we even playing the same game!!!!!
also it's so interesting (not!) that he still gets the same """criticisms""" of being a hypocrite even in release... lmfao... and ppl STILL also hate that he's trying to hide that he's a warlock when it's obvious because of his eldritch blast. like first of all, where's your suspension of disbelief. and second of all, shadowheart does the same thing with her shar worship and i don't see you racists saying anything about that. fuck off
[1]: that's not to say that he isn't "underdeveloped". he is. but it's not an excuse to not engage with his character and it's also not an excuse to say stupid untrue racist shit about him. 8 hours of voice lines is still a lot of character content and yes while he deserves more and better quests that actually focus on him (*cough* ansur *cough*), it's not a good enough reason to just... ignore him and call him boring. lmao
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babygirl-diaz · 13 days
Hello what about some vampire buck ??? Or something like that idk 🤷‍♂️ just throwing something out there ok love you bye🩵
Vampire Buck?! Okay, I love that??? Okay, okay, how does this play out? I have ideas for both Buddie and BuckTommy.
I always loved the idea of Eddie being a witch. So do like witch Eddie and vampire Buck, two people who are not supposed to be together, get together and go against all odds?
I don't know how vampires work but I like the idea of Buck being born a vampire and his parents are vampires too.
When Eddie first joins the 118, Buck hates him so he wants to bite him and kill him. But then he approaches Eddie and Eddie immediately uses a spell on him and knocks him down on his ass. From there on, they become enemies. They're constantly butting heads at work, to the point where Bobby tells them they can either play nice at this firehouse or get transferred to different ones. They keep getting put into situations where they have to work together and despite being so different, they realize they work together so well and become hesitant friends, leading them to become great friends eventually.
Eddie ultimately introduces Buck to Chris, and he is more than shocked when Chris immediately clocks Buck as a vampire and wants to be his friend rather than fear him. That overwhelms Buck because no one has ever been so nice to him after finding out who he was. Eddie finds out that Chris is a witch as well and a more powerful one than he is. He'll later discover that Chris is actually a warlock and he and Buck work together to keep Chris from going to the dark side.
During all of this, the two of them fall in love. Eddie is terrified because his family dislikes vampires, werewolves, or other supernatural beings. And if they find out that Eddie is with one then they will find a way to kill him, even though vampires are immortal. So Buck and Eddie hide their relationship.
Okay, now if you want BuckTommy instead, then here's how that could play out.
Tommy is just a regular human being while Buck is a vampire. When Tommy starts hanging out with Eddie, Buck gets jealous and he fully intends to bite him, only for Tommy to kiss him.
Buck is left dumbfounded and his brain doesn't compute. So he makes a new plan. No biting Tommy and turning him, he'll protect Tommy instead. So it's a bit of a Twilight saga.
Buck keeps trying to hide his true self from Tommy because he's scared if Tommy finds out then he will hate him. But then one evening while they're on a date, they are attacked by a group of muggers and Buck almost rips their throat out when they hurt Tommy.
After the muggers run away, Buck and Tommy are left alone and Buck just knows that Tommy will leave him but instead of leaving, Tommy wants to know more about Buck, the real Buck, because he loves him and won't leave him. So they go back to Buck's and talk. Tommy finds the fact that Buck is a vampire, unbearably hot. So he lets Buck fuck him and drink from him.
They have a beautiful relationship and Buck is extremely protective of Tommy. He keeps getting told that he will have to turn Tommy if he wants to stay with him forever, but Buck refuses to do that because a. Tommy has shown no inclination to wanna turn, and b. he will never turn Tommy against his will.
Anyway, these are my Buddie and BuckTommy headcanons with vampire Buck that no one asked for.
Also, love you too, anon! 💜💜💜
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princess-leaorgana · 1 month
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Summary: After the takedown of The Absolute, Zelphie finds her city in need of more help and her home destroyed. She won't stop helping, but who can help her?
Rolan x Tav (Zelphie; ~30y.o AFAB, Sorcerer, Tiefling, not really described physically on purpose <3)
Author's Note: I fucking love tielfings. Along with this being a budding romance/smut/fluff/word vomit fanfiction, it's also my case study in DnD 5e tieflings, how they act, what sets them apart from humans and devils and elves. That being said, I have a few artistic liberties in here as well where I couldn't find a straight answer, if you'll amuse me.
Warnings - Spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3, alcohol consumption, mild hints of abuse, and OH DEAR is that my smut I left out? Oh, that's a lot of smut. I'm so embarrassed.
Chapter One Two Three
While dinner was being prepared, Rolan helped Zelphie with her room. She had done a lot of shopping for furnishings. New curtains for the balcony window, new blankets and pillows for her bed. She had gone clothes shopping as well and she pushed him away from snooping through her new dresses, stockings and tunics. They would share dinner with each other and Lajy on the balcony. Zelphie made a fun decision to place down the old furnishings of her room on the balcony to create a nice sitting space while they ate. It was cozy, very intimate. Sitting down on plush pillows and a thick blanket on a balcony of a wizard’s tower, drinking wine, eating and watching the sunset next to Rolan seemed divine to Zelphie. As they ate, they did what felt right for a budding couple, asking each other questions. They now knew each other’s favorite flower, color, wine and sweet treat.
‘So…if you can remember, as you told me you were young when you were left on your own, is Zelphie your real name?’ He asked her and she swirled her wine glass a little.
‘No, the matron of the orphanage named me. I was named after her parrot,’ she said and Rolan shook his head.
‘That is not true,’ he sighed, almost annoyed at her story.
‘I swear it is! At least that’s what she told me. She told me she named me after the parrot because I never learned how to shut up and be peaceful,’ she said and Rolan snorted.
‘Alright, that I believe,’ he said and she nudged him.
‘How about you?’
‘I’ve always been Rolan,’ he answered her and cleared his throat. It was incredibly common in tiefling culture for tieflings to change their names. Many didn’t even have last names. Tieflings did not have a great societal sense of a family unit. Their children ran wild and some parents who did try to raise their children were ripped from their children, just like Zelphie and Rolan’s had been. The state of the orphans she had met at the Emerald Grove was normal, unfortunately. At least this was true for the tieflings of the Sword Coast.
‘What was your mother’s name?’ She asked and Rolan smiled.
‘Dayryn,’ he answered softly and leaned against the tower’s wall. ‘She was the most wonderful person in the world. Just imagine, if you will, the person who is the reason for Lia’s bravery and passion and Cal’s loyalty and kindness,’ he began and Zelphie just smiled. What a wonderful thing to say. ‘And, to her credit, most of my brilliance,’ he added with a smirk and Zelphie laughed, but shook her head.
‘She might have fueled the flames, but she did not spark them, Rolan,’ she said and he looked down at her. ‘Trust me, with the rows I’ve had with wizards and warlocks all my life, you have something more special than books can teach and devils can promise,’ she said, and she had been hiding a little secret from him. Rolan was a powerful mage, there was no mistaking that. When she first met him, he was incredibly boisterous about his talents, which was very funny to hear as he had gone on and on in front of Mystra’s previous chosen, Gale. But when she heard of Rolan’s power in the Shadowfell Lands and saw it for herself about a month ago, she knew Rolan was special. He was very hard working and well read, she wouldn’t take that from him. But he was born with a talent.
‘I’m sure there was a compliment in there,’ he said and she nodded.
‘Yes, I mean, I don’t know if you were born this way Rolan, but your magic is….different. I didn’t go to Blackstaff or perfect my craft as an apprentice. I don’t know what the spells I yield are called. Sorcerers just…do. Like blinking or breathing. Because of that our magic that a wizard may learn is always a little unique. Very strong but also unique. Does that make sense?’ She asked and Rolan simply nodded. ‘I didn’t notice it at first…but when you cast a magic missile, it has the potential to stun. That’s not something a wizard is taught. You can cast mage armor on a person wearing armor. That is not something that is taught. Gale made that remark to me a while back, about you. He noticed it right away. Were you…did you always have a connection to the Weave, when you were very young?’ She asked and Rolan frowned and nodded slowly. ‘Then…maybe…you are just a very very well read sorcerer.’ Rolan was frozen and a little tense. Zelphie had only meant for her words to be complimentary, but it seemed to not have that effect. ‘Rolan?’
‘I’m not a sorcerer,’ he said and seemed to relax a little and sipped his wine. ‘I worked very, very hard for what I have-‘
‘Of course! Oh! Rolan, I don’t mean to say all of that to insult your education. Oh, no, no I’m so sorry. Obviously everything you have accomplished in your life is incredible. I mean, wizards usually get so far up the chain because they are privileged. Gale grew up a spoiled only child in Waterdeep. Lorroakan had his family name to raise him to the top, you, you did all of this yourself.’ She rambled quickly and Rolan sighed. ‘And bully for me, I think sorcerers are impressive people.’ She said and tilted her head. Rolan’s eyes widened and he shook his head.
‘Well, of course…I just-‘ Zelphie giggled and shook her head. 
‘Hush you,’ she said and leaned up for a kiss. He was very happy to oblige her. Happy to kiss her and very happy to not be in trouble for insulting her. She was just as happy. She still couldn’t believe herself. Kissing him, enjoying his company as they lounged on her new beautiful balcony. She sighed happily against his lips and she felt his arm slowly coil around her waist, pulling her closer to him. ‘Stubborn wizard,’ she muttered against his lips and he growled a little laugh. Another almost fight, and she dissolved it with grace, as she always did. This wasn’t very normal for him but he was very happy about it. He was stubborn, he knew he was stubborn. He was proud of being stubborn. His stubbornness got him where he was right now. With a little help, of course. Help from the woman who was kissing him on a balcony as the sunset on the sea in front of them.
His arm pulled her tighter, the ease in which he was able to move her made her feel good. She liked that neediness and strength. He pulled her so close she felt it only natural to get as close to him as she could. With care and patience, she crawled into Rolan’s lap. She was timid in case he would object, but no protests came from him. Just a tighter grip on her waist. Her dress lifted to her thighs and Rolan touched her thigh and laughed. She barely pulled away from him, just enough to speak.
‘What’s so funny?’ She whispered and he nipped at her bottom lip.
‘Fucking stockings,’ he muttered a pinched the soft fabric that created a barrier between her thigh and his hand. Her heart melted, hearing his voice so low and soft. Almost demanding. She could have passed out.
‘They are a nuisance, aren’t they?’ She asked and lowered her face, her lips finding the delicate skin of his neck. He shivered and sighed at her touch. ‘Good thing they don’t go all the way up,’ she muttered. Rolan was frozen for a second, and then moved his hand up her thigh slowly, until his fingertips could feel her delicate skin. She shivered and lifted her head to look at him.
‘I would…like to be a gentleman,’ he whispered, his hand moving a little more and his thumb rubbing soft circles on her inner thigh. She gasped at his new touch, that look on his face, she was lust drunk, completely different from the drunk she was earlier.
‘I’ll give you permission if that will help,’ she whispered back and his hand inched closer.
‘Whatever my lady requests,’ he whispered back, daring her, daring her to ask him.
‘Touch me Rolan,’ she said and he leaned back down to kiss her. As he did, she felt his thumb gently stroke her bare slit and she moaned happily against him.
‘Oh, maybe you aren’t my lady. Stockings but…no underwear? Tut tut, my dear,’ he said playfully and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
‘I promise I’ll behave next time, Master Rolan,’ she muttered and his fingers parted her lips. She moaned once more and rolled her hips into his hand.
‘Oooh, now, don’t be so greedy, I’ll give you what you need,’ he muttered into her ear and she whined, only grinding her hips harder. ‘Oh, my little hero is so desperate, isn’t she?’ He chuckled. ‘Up with you, love,’ he said and his hand moved from her groin to her hip, patting her backside a little. With a little whine, Zelphie stood up and was followed quickly by Rolan. A little too naturally, Rolan took her hand and walked her back inside. ‘Now, you be good for me and sit on the bed,’ he told her and she eagerly obeyed. For some reason, she didn’t picture him to be so commanding in the bedroom, but his confidence scaled his whole personality. Very fortunate for her, she did like it. She’d never been led before, it felt very nice. She sat on the bed, her tail beating the mattress with excitement. Rolan watched it for a moment and walked over to her. ‘My happy little sorceress, are you happy?’ He asked, getting close enough that Zelphie spread her legs easily. He tipped her chin gently and she nodded.
‘Happy is a very poor word, but yes, I am happy,’ she said and he chuckled.
‘What’s a better word?’ He asked her and she looked up at the ceiling.
‘Hmmmm….delighted, excited, enraptured, curious, a little nervous,’ she said with a giggle and Rolan’s smile just kept growing. He was terribly handsome. ‘Incredibly aroused,’ she said, running her hand down his robes. They were made of a very heavy velvet. He was a showman. Down his chest and torso her hands went before they landed to his middle, where she felt his erection.
‘You feel what you do to me?’ He asked her and she nodded, rubbing the area and he sighed out. ‘Oh, very good,’ he told her and slowly guided her face to look to the side. She easily moved her head, feeling his eyes on her, baring into her. His fingers left her chin and his nails pulled the fabric of her collar and he sighed, not gaining the access he wanted. ‘This needs to go,’ he told her and she stopped rubbing him. She placed her hands in the delicate buttons on her shoulder, but he took over. She looked back up at him, watching him fuss easily over her collar.
‘You’re so beautiful,’ she said softly, she was so lightheaded from lust and love she barely registered that her mouth opened. His yellow eyes moved from her shoulder to her face and he stopped moving for a moment, then returned back to his work.
‘You’re drunk again,’ he said and she shook her head.
‘Drunk, maybe, but not like I was earlier. This has nothing to do with alcohol. You are the potion that has my brain in a chokehold,’ she told him and reached up to his face, cupping his cheek. He was just in control. He had lost it. He had gotten her collar loose and he looked back at her. ‘Everything you do just…sets my heart on fire, Rolan,’ she told him and he searched her face. ‘You are devastatingly beautiful.’
‘Do you really think that?’ He asked her softly and she nodded.
‘Yes, I think that because you are. Your strong jaw, those beautiful eyes, I love your nose,’ she said and his brows furrowed and she giggled. ‘I do, it’s so sharp and I love the little bump,’ she said and his nose wrinkled. She laughed again and shook her head. ‘Yes, that nose,’ she confirmed and he laughed.
‘I’m sorry, but getting accolades from you is…hard to believe,’ he told her and she tilted her head. She let go of his face and slipped the rest of her dress off, sitting almost completely naked in front of him. He swallowed hard when he looked at her properly. There she was. He would have loved to control himself and be a gentleman, but his eyes traveled down her neck to her collarbone, she had freckles on her shoulders. Her breasts were beautiful and he felt his hands reaching out to touch them. Her chest heaved with a heavy breath and he glanced back at her face to make sure this was alright. She was just looking back at him. He had been in control, but now he seemed timid.
‘I’m all yours, it’s alright,’ she told him softly and she saw him swallow hard. He took in a deep breath and breathed out.
‘Lie back on the mattress,’ he requested, his voice cracking a little. She smiled and scooted up on the bed and began to remove her long stockings. ‘Mmmmm, leave those on, please,’ he told her and she giggled. As she climbed up on the bed, her tail curled to an S-shape and Rolan quickly began to undress. She sat down and watched him closely. She chewed on her lip as his robes fell around him. She ogled him a little less subtly than he had just done to her. Her grip on her own lip hardened as she took in his body. He really was beautiful. He had such a strong, lean frame. The ridges on his chest were beautiful and symmetrical. He caught her and smiled, confident that look on her face wasn’t faked. ‘I told you to lie down,’ he told her and she giggled and obeyed, lying on her back. Quickly, Rolan climbed into the bed, crawling over her. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. She wrapped her arms around his neck. His teeth nipped at her bottom lip and she sighed happily. Her tail curled around his leg and he chuckled. ‘Greedy, greedy little thing,’ he whispered and his lips moved to her jaw, trailing kissing down to her neck. He leaned up a little and moved her face to the side once more and let out a very satisfied breath.
‘What are you looking at?’ She asked and he leaned down to kiss her neck.
‘Your lovely neck,’ he whispered and his hand traveled down the side of her body, giving her skin bumps and a shiver. She gasped at the light touch of his nails on her skin. Damn anyone who assumed a wizard wasn’t good with their hands. With ease and allowed access from Zelphie, Rolan’s hand returned to her middle as his kisses met her breasts. ‘Mmmmm…so ready for me already, my dear, very good girl,’ he said, feeling her warmth and wetness. She gasped in delight, his fingers teasing her, his lips on her nipple.
‘Oh!’ She squealed and gasped, which only egged Rolan on.
‘Shhhh…they’ll hear you down in the city,’ he whispered playfully.
‘Let them,’ she moaned. Her hips twitched as his fingers found her sensitive little nub.
‘Oh, lucky me, you’ll have to indulge me. I’m a bit pent up…so I’ll need some time to play. I want you to unravel, I want you delirious, begging,’ he told her, sitting up. ‘And when you have completely lost your senses, I’ll take what I’ve worked for and fuck you through this bed,’ he said, kneeling in between her legs, his thumb still rubbing her clit in a steady motion. She leaned up on her elbows and he leaned down, kissing her thighs, biting their sensitive skin. She gasped and yelped a little at the feeling of his teeth breaking her skin. He made eye contact with her and she let out another loud moan. He removed his teeth from her skin and kissed her gently in the same spot. His kisses again traveled until she felt him in her middle. His tongue ran up to his thumb and she sighed.
‘Oh…oh Rolan…t-that-‘ she couldn’t finish. His thumb rubbed her clit and his tongue entered her, attempting to lick her clean. Her head hung back in ecstasy. He hummed happily against her and she continued to moan. He felt wonderful, loving, needy, demanding. Warmth ran through her body and she relaxed, lying back on the bed, her left hand finding the top of his head and grabbed at his hair. ‘That feels so good, you’re so good,’ she moaned and he grinned, but continued eating her out, not changing anything about his movements. If they were working there was no reason to change. He wanted to feel her melt on him. Her moans and cries and shakes were killing him. He was doing everything he could not to sit up and fuck her properly. But he knew, he knew he would spend himself quickly. It had been a long time for him. Their first time must be perfect. Or at least memorable. He felt powerful watching his lovely sorceress unwind. And gods she tasted delicious.
He got what he wanted, very quickly. Her ragged breaths slowly became a little louder and more deep and he felt her hips roll up. Her hands left his hair and she held his horns. 
‘That’s my girl, that’s my little love, cum for me,’ he said and her grip on his horns tightened and her thighs tightened around his head.
‘Oh! Oh fuck! Yes!’ She cried and Rolan felt her muscles contracting. He lapped up as much of her as he could handle and sat up. She let her grip on him go and he laughed proudly, wiping his face. He watched her writhe for a moment longer and she looked up at him. Her body was perfect for him. The spines down her collarbone to her breasts were delicate. He leaned over and kissed her mouth and she moaned, kissing him back.
‘Gorgeous,’ he whispered and without moving his face from hers, he lifted her hips back up and she gasped when she felt his erection right up against her. ‘Are you alright?’ He asked her and she nodded. ‘Speak, my love,’ he whispered and she swallowed hard. What had he done to her?
‘I’m alright, Rolan, I need you,’ she said and rubbed herself against him. ‘Please,’ she whispered and Rolan pushed inside of her slowly, making her whimper. He groaned loudly and stopped moving.
‘Gods you feel wonderful,’ he groaned and slowly began to thrust in and out of her. Each thrust was slow but still made Zelphie call out a little sound with each one. He felt wonderful. He leaned his forehead to hers, bending her a little, and her moans got louder. ‘Is it alright?’ He asked and she opened her red eyes to look into his yellow ones. ‘Am I alright?’ He asked her and she nodded, completely unable to speak. Just little cries and moans, so she leaned up to kiss him, her hands on his face. He had one hand holding himself up, on the bed beside her, the other hand had a very firm grip on her hip. She felt his nails clawing a little anytime he moved back in her. The sensation was nice, possession and neediness. She trusted Rolan not to really hurt her. It made her feel good to be needed so desperately by him. She felt beautiful, more than she felt if he were to simply call her that.
‘Oh gods,’ she cried when he made a simple change in pace. Her hands moved to his hair, tangling her fingers in his once neat locks. His thrusting became eager, and she gave back as she could, arching her back for him. ‘I love you,’ she muttered and his lips caught hers. She heard him whimper, feeling the vibrations of his lips against hers.
‘I-I can’t-‘ he stammered and she felt his whole body on her. His face was in her neck, shuddering and with two hard thrusts he shook and sighed out, trying to catch his breath. She still held him close. ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,’ he whispered and she caught his lips again. Her kiss was tender.
‘Don’t apologize, that was magnificent, you are wonderful,’ she whispered to him and he kissed her once more.
‘You are…you are perfection, the way you feel, those sounds you sing so sweetly, I couldn’t help it,’ he continued and she laughed.
‘There is no higher compliment,’ she told him, her fingers stroking his hair back, which had completely fallen from its neat little knot. He sighed and rolled off of her, she gave out a little wince when she felt him leave her completely. He didn’t look as happy as she felt. ‘Rolan….are you alright?’ She asked and rolled onto her side. She placed a hand on his chest and he sighed, taking her hand.
‘I thought I had more in me…but…well, when you said you loved me I just…’ he sighed and closed his eyes. She laughed and leaned over to kiss his cheek.
‘Please, Rolan, I mean it, I feel wonderful. And you are all to blame, please tell me you feel the same,’ she said and he opened his eyes to look at her.
‘Zelphie, it’s been a long time since I’ve felt like that. I’m just afraid you think me….’ He didn’t finish and she smirked.
‘Well, if you’re going to be stubborn about it,’ she said and he grunted, which made her laugh. ‘You make it up to me in the morning, hm?’ She asked him and littered the side of his face with kisses. ‘But until then, enjoy the afterglow, because I’m going to,’ she told him and he rolled over to face her.
‘I consider myself incredibly lucky,’ he told her. ‘Being here with you, you know…the party all those months ago, the light show? It was to impress you,’ he said and she laughed. He sighed heavily. ‘I mean it,’ he told her and she shook her head, still laughing.
‘I believe you, I’m laughing because I was enamored with you at that party. And neither of us were brave enough to admit it,’ she said and he finally smiled.
‘It was probably for the best, romance back then was probably not the best of plans,’ he said and placed his hand on her cheek.
‘I won’t regret anything, I’m very happy right now,’ she told him and she felt his tail curling around her leg. ‘Stay with me tonight,’ she whispered and he grinned.
‘Of course but uhm…if we could migrate…I uhm…I’d like to be in my own room, if that is alright. I would have brought us there in the first place had I assumed we would…’ he said and she smiled.
‘Whatever would make you comfortable. I’m very adaptable,’ she told him and he nodded.
‘Come then, let us not get too comfortable here,’ he said and grunted as he sat up. She sat up with him and when she climbed off the bed and walked to her wardrobe, finding a nightdress and a robe to wear for the quick journey across the hallway. Once she removed her stockings, she pulled her nightdress over her head. She felt the fabric fall from her head to around her body. It felt wonderful. Her skin was so sensitive. Before she could pull on her robe, Rolan walked up behind her. She hummed happily as she felt his hands on her hips. ‘Now you are devastating…’ he whispered and kissed her neck. She shivered at his touch and the feel of his lips and breath on her neck. She leaned back in him, his hands ran up her sides, grabbing at her breasts, just to feel them.
‘You better not start anything you cannot finish,’ she told him playfully. He chuckled against her skin, meaning only to play, to touch, he was too tempted by her. He nipped at her skin and little and she giggled. ‘You have a biting fixation, don’t you?’ She asked and he laughed. She could still feel the small sting of his little love bite on her thigh.
‘I suppose I do, or maybe it’s just that I’ve had a taste of my favorite treat,’ he purred into her neck and she continued to giggle. The rush of joy, lust and the feeling of his lips were driving her mad. His hands were terribly needy, but gentle. His thumbs stroked her nipples through her gown. She sighed softly. ‘Mmmmm, maybe I will be able to pay you back sooner than morning,’ he muttered and gave her neck one last little bite and walked away from her. She almost fell over. Instead, as he dressed himself, she pulled on her night robe and called for the little kitten.
‘Come now Lajy,’ she said and made a little sound from her lips to coax the kitten from the balcony. He came running and Zelphie shut the balcony door, a little embarrassed that it had been left open. ‘Lucky me, it seems I’m getting everything I want today,’ she hummed happily and Rolan laughed as he lazily redid the buttons of his robes. It wouldn’t be staying on much longer.
‘Tell me then that you wish for at least one more glass of wine, a hot bath and then a deep deep slumber?’ He asked her and she grinned.
‘You read my mind, I’m terribly lucky,’ she said and he held out his hand for her. She smiled and picked her little kitten up and took Rolan’s hand. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. ‘Even luckier now,’ she said and he gave her quite the proud smirk. He radiated joy and pride and that made her even happier. The couple left Zelphie’s room and made it to Rolan’s. She hadn’t been to the master bedroom before, why would she have? It was incredibly clear that Rolan had fully renovated this room. Not a glimmer of Lorroakan was left. The room was warm, a fireplace roaring a blue flame. It was bright but had no heat. The rest of the room was dark, but incredibly illuminated. Along with the blue flame, the ceiling had an illusion cast on it, a brightly lit night sky. Zelphie placed the kitten on the floor, but did not take her eyes off of the effect.
‘It’s not too jarring, is it?’ Rolan asked and she smiled at him and shook her head.
‘It’s beautiful,’ she said softly and he smiled.
‘I hope you can sleep through it, I…I need it, to sleep,’ he said and Zelphie tilted her head.
‘Afraid of the dark?’ She asked and he nodded.
‘Yes,’ he said, very simply. ‘Well, uneasy to sleep in the dark, it was never dark where I lived,’ he said and Zelphie’s mouth opened a little, remembering exactly where Rolan was from. Elturel. Elturel, a capital city that had descended to Avernus, suspended over the River Styx, had been a daylight city. She knew very little about it, but the city was under the constant glow of a light source referred to as The Companion.
‘That must have been so strange…never seeing night,’ she said and he shrugged.
‘It was all we knew until The Descent,’ he told her and she nodded. ‘So, I sleep with a little light on,’ he said and she looked back up and smiled.
‘Was The Companion this bright, or brighter?’ She asked and he grinned, happy for her curiosity.
‘Bright as the sun, but none of the heat. It would be as bright as a spring day while it was snowing,’ he said and she laughed a little. That was joyful. She didn’t think she could deal with that much light, but it was better than the reverse. ‘But, after The Descent, we’ve had to make due with evolving our sleeping schedules. Once on the Sword Coast, after all tieflings were expelled from Elturel, I used to sleep during the day, although that proved to be very dangerous. Everyone else we traveled with seemed to be able to cope with the night sky, but…I never really could. So, this is my compromise. I hope it does not disturb you,’ he said and she looked back at him.
‘I don’t see how it could. It’s so beautiful, you amaze me with how talented you are,’ she said and his cheeks burnt up. ‘The other day you were in such awe of my concentration on a little mage hand, but you’ve had this just going on and on? Don’t you ever be impressed with me again,’ she said and he laughed.
‘Well, that is…very nice to hear,’ he said and got himself undressed.
Rolan ran the couple a bath, which Zelphie was very excited about. As lovely as their recent activity had been, she hated going to bed less than clean. The past tenday had proven to her that she still felt that way, even after her less luxurious adventures. Rolan had a large bedroom, it had an adjoining washroom, a wine rack, a desk and seating area, Zelphie could have lived in just this one room her whole life and have been happy. He also had a balcony that faced the west, looking to the mountains and sea. She looked down at fuzzy little Eliminster and wondered what he thought of the giant room. He was snoozing on a lounge chair. Zelphie poured two glasses of wine and met him in the washroom.
‘Now this is terribly luxurious, wine in a bath,’ she said, handing Rolan both glasses so that she could undress and set into the water. Boiling hot, exactly as she liked it. As she sat in the large tub, Rolan handed her her glass and he got in carefully, able to balance his own glass, sitting across from her.
‘It is the very first thing I did after calling Cal and Lia to the tower,’ he said, smiling. ‘That might have been the strangest day of my life, back at home, my family home, I was desperate to work under a man like Lorroakan. I would never have dreamed this is the situation I would find myself in. I had a lot of work to do, but that night, I needed to just…soak it all in, so to speak,’ he explained and she nodded.
‘For what it’s worth Rolan, I’m still coming to terms with the events that happened this year. When everything was over, I thought it was so strange that I would be going home, living a normal life, and going back to work. It’s what I wanted, but it felt almost wrong,’ she explained to him and took a sip of wine. He laughed lightly and was clearly in thought from what she said. 
‘Back to work? What on Toril did you used to do for work?’ He asked her and she frowned.
‘I worked with a jeweler in the upper city,’ she said and took another quick sip of wine. ‘I was…I helped set stones in gold and silver and bronze,’ she explained and Rolan frowned. Zelphie didn’t really want to discuss her past work. She was a setter for a jeweler in the upper city, and she did set precious gems, but that was not all she did for her employer’s clients. Rolan took a moment, but asked against his better judgment.
‘What has you so upset about that?’ He asked. She took a deep sigh into her wine.
‘I don’t think you want to know, Rolan. I don’t…I don’t have good stories about my past employment. Either I lie to you, or you will be upset and I don’t wish to lie to you or sour the mood,’ she told him and his frown only deepened.
‘Did your last employer treat you like my last employer?’ He asked her softly and she shrugged.
‘She never touched me…but…I was a bit of a…’ she huffed and looked at him. ‘Until the refugees from Elturel came to Baldur’s Gate, tieflings were very rare in the city and some patriars found me…exotic,’ she began and Rolan’s face turned to a scowl, full of disgust. She glanced at him and looked away. She didn’t like that look on him. She swore she felt the water get hotter. ‘I shouldn’t have told you,’ she said softly and Rolan looked up and away from her.
‘Where was this?’ He asked, a cracking in his voice.
‘Like I said, it was in the Upper City, so it’s probably rubble. I think this tower is the only thing standing,’ she explained quickly. ‘Rolan, please, I shouldn’t have said anything,’ she told him and leaned forward. She placed her goblet on the side of the bath and climbed into his lap. ‘Please, don’t be upset,’ she told him softly, but he was terribly tense. She wrapped one arm around his neck and placed her free hand on his face. ‘Please,’ she begged and he looked up at her.
‘Tell me who she is,’ he asked her as calmly as he could. Zelphie chewed on her bottom lip. She was very angry with herself for upsetting him. He didn’t need to know about her past. Not that. It didn’t matter, that was well over. No one could touch her again, she was safe. ‘I’ll drop it if you tell me,’ he told her and she frowned but sighed, relenting.
‘It was in The Wide, called Love’s Secret. It was owned by a woman named Mayleen Starheart. Although, I would place a bet that was not her real name,’ she said and Rolan sighed and nodded. He sipped his wine and placed his goblet down. He would keep his promise to her for now. His arms wrapped around her and she leaned down to kiss him. She felt him relax and she leaned back up. ‘You know, I never pictured your hair would be this long,’ she said and her finger twisted around a lock behind his neck. He smiled at her.
‘If I want to keep it long, I must keep it neat,’ he told her and she nodded.
‘Could I wash it for you?’ Rolan’s eyes widened at her question and he nodded. She climbed off of his lap and he reached behind him for his soap. She took it as he dunked his head back, soaking his hair. ‘Make yourself comfortable,’ she said, sitting up high and he turned himself around, laying back, his back against her chest.
‘Is that alright?’ He asked her and she hummed. He felt like a weighted blanket on her.
‘Wonderful,’ she told him and began to rub the soap into his scalp just at his hairline, along the crowns of his horns. ‘You Lia and Cal all have fully black horns,’ she mused and he hummed. ‘I’m terribly jealous.’
‘Your horns are beautiful,’ he told her quickly and she laughed. ‘I meant it, they are very large, but they are so…graceful. They only enhance your beauty, my darling,’ he told her and she smiled, continuing her work in his hair.
‘Thank you, Master Rolan,’ she said with a smirk. He laughed, she felt the vibrations of his body against her chest.
‘We are naked, newly coupled, your fingers are in my hair which all on its own is stirring something in me, and you keep calling me Master Rolan,’ he said happily. ‘You need to stop that,’ he told her and she smiled proudly.
‘I told you earlier, I’m all yours, I think that’s a very fitting title for me to call you,’ she said and Rolan quickly submerged into the water again. After a moment under the water, Zelphie was laughing loudly. Now he was being silly. He re-emerged and quickly ran his hands through his hair to get the water out, and he got right out of the bath. ‘Uh-oh,’ she said, still laughing a bit as Rolan turned around, grabbing a towel to dry himself off.
‘Uh-oh is correct, and you’ll be in much more trouble if you don’t get that heavenly body out of that bath and into my bed,’ he told her and Zelphie almost froze. She did as she was told and got out of the bath. She grabbed herself a towel and dried herself off, glad her hair hadn’t gotten wet. Rolan gave her about ten seconds and took her hand. ‘Come come,’ he said and she smiled up at him. She might have just created a monster. He led her to his large bed, a large white blanket with dark purple satin sheets underneath. It was incredibly plush. ‘Lie back,’ he told her gently and once her head reached the pillow, he climbed on top of her. ‘You look very, very good in my bed,’ he told her and that possessive tail of hers wrapped around his leg again. He leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Her hips rolled up into him, coaxing his erection and he sighed happily. He then laughed. He laughed hard and she looked at him with wide eyes.
‘What?’ She asked, a smile growing on her face. Oh, he was incredibly silly. She loved it, she loved seeing him so happy, and she loved even more to be the center of his joy. He shook his head and kissed the side of her mouth. 
‘I feel spoiled,’ he told her and lifted his head to look at her again. ‘You, you of all people in this world are in my bed. And you want me, I’m just having a hard time processing it all,’ he said and she grinned up at him.
‘I hate to boost your ego even further, but you need to know how much I am thinking the same. I really didn’t think you would ever want me, like this,’ she said and placed her hands on his face. ‘Can I show you how much I want you?’ She asked and let her tail loosen from his leg. He nodded slowly. ‘Lie on your back,’ she whispered and he did just that. Zelphie smiled and climbed over him, but stayed by his legs. She knelt between his legs and bent over, running her tongue against his erection and he sighed out with a shake in his voice.
‘Aahhh…’ he whimpered and Zelphie smiled, keeping close attention to the head of his cock, lapping at it like a cat to water. ‘Oh…you.I’m supposed to be..p-paying you back,’ he whimpered and she giggled.
‘You are,’ she whispered. He hissed and she felt him twitch. That was the truth. She wanted to pamper him. She had been earlier, washing his hair, but he needed attention elsewhere and she would give it to him. It turned her on, watching her partner be satisfied with just her mouth. She rocked her hips happily and once he was slick with her spit, she took as much as she could of him in her mouth. Rolan moaned and she felt his tail rise up between her legs, asking for them to part. She parted her knees and his tail rubbed up against her and she moaned against him.
‘Oh what a pretty thing you are…’ he muttered and she began to bob her head up and down. As she did, she naturally rubbed herself against his tail, which he kept pressing against her harder and harder. He was only encouraging her. She felt his tail move against her and she grinned.
‘Looking for something?’ She asked him playfully and went right back to her work. He made eye contact with her for a moment and she watched him. She had never seen him like that, completely enraptured, nervous, a little confused. He sighed out happily and leaned his head back, closing his eyes.
‘I want to fuck you, so you’re going to need to cum for me,’ he told her softly and she wiggled her hips.
‘It makes you feel good when I cum, doesn’t it?’ She asked, using her hand to work his cock as she spoke to him. He nodded and swallowed hard. ‘You make me feel so good, Rolan,’ she said and put his cock back in her mouth. His sounds and whimpers as she sucked him, his cock growing harder in her mouth was sending her on edge. She couldn’t help it. She felt the warmth rise up inside of her and she arched her back, slowing down. Rolan opened his eyes to watch her. His tail rubbed her harder and a little faster to make up for her frozen form.
‘Yes, yes, oh you beautiful thing, yes, cum for me, cum like I asked, be a good girl,’ he whispered a spasm shot through her body as she writhed, riding her orgasm out on his tail. ‘That’s my girl, yes, enjoy yourself on me, use me,’ he coaxed her through her orgasm, leaving her legs shaking. She crawled up and kissed him hard, rolling her hips in his. He placed one hand on her backside and the other positioned himself so she could feel him at her entrance which was begging. ‘Do you want it?’ He asked her through kisses and she moaned. ‘Say it,’ he commanded her lightly and she nodded.
‘I want it, I want you,’ she muttered and he lifted his hips and she groaned as he entered her. He held her hips still so she would stay exactly where she was. In and out, so slow, so careful. With every movement of his hips she cried out. Her body ached. He watched her carefully and she sat upright. She then leaned back, her hands on his thighs behind her and bounced. He cursed under his breath and moved his right hand to her middle. His thumb rubbed her clit and she called out, feeling that rush of warmth again. She felt like she had no control over herself, pure instinct had taken over. She bounced and rocked her hips on him like a mad woman, crying out his name.
‘You’re so beautiful,’ Rolan muttered. She moaned again, looking down at her.
‘Oh Rolan,’ she moaned and he leaned up on his elbow, still rubbing her clit.
‘Mmmm…take what you want, take what you want, I want to feel you cum with me inside you, be selfish,’ he whispered and that was it. She lost the ability to breath and her hips curled around, as her second orgasm rang through her. Rolan gasped and moaned and she felt him shiver under her, twitching and then his hips pressing into her more. That was magical.
‘I love you,’ she whispered and bent down to kiss him. A shiver ran up her spine and she giggled. Rolan pulled her down to lay on top of him, his arms wrapped around her.
‘I love you too,’ he whispered and kissed his lady. She giggled, a feel of pure joy and release washing over her, delusional joy. She felt happy, she felt silly, she felt stupid, she felt playful and warm. The couple stayed like that, not getting enough of the other, just kissing and grabbing in the afterglow. Their tails intertwined and fought over dominance. Zelphie kissed down his face, giggling happily and he laughed at her. ‘Oh don’t tell me you have energy left,’ he said and looked down at her with heavily lidded eyes. Her eyes were bright.
‘Is it annoying?’ She asked him, wiggling a little. He shook his head, still smiling and closed his eyes.
‘Not in the least, I just hope you know this old man is physically spent,’ he said and sighed out.
‘What old man?’ She asked and he just laughed. She crawled off of him happily and sat next to his head, and her fingers combed through his wet hair happily. He had a very low and quiet purr, but it was there and it made her happy. He scooted to his side and pulled on her arm.
‘Come down here and lay with me, I want to hold you,’ he begged and she did as he asked. Though first, Rolan kicked down the covers to situate themselves on the sheets. Once under them, Rolan pulled Zelphie in closed, their noses nuzzling and her horns clinked against his. ‘Comfortable?’ He asked her softly and she nodded, her tail and legs wrapping around his. If she could find a way to get closer to him she would. ‘Good,’ he said and leaned his face up to kiss her forehead. ‘I meant what I said, Zelphie, I do love you. That wasn’t wine or lust talking. Your courage, your kindness, your patience, your warmth, your beauty…I…I’d have to be a damned fool not to consider myself the luckiest person in Faerun by having you in my arms, in my bed. And I will take advantage of that, I will cherish you, I will make sure I am worthy of your love in return,’ he spoke and Zelphie’s mind buzzed. She didn’t know what to say. All of the accolades coming from him meant everything to her. So that’s what she would tell him.
‘That…that means quite a lot coming from you, Rolan. Thank you, and know that I will also cherish you, and boost that goddamned confidence of yours, because everything you say you see in me I see in you,’ she said and he looked down. ‘I see a trustworthy, devoted, brave, hard-working, intelligent and beautiful man when I look at you. I’d give anything to have you know that about yourself,’ she continued and he frowned a little. ‘You don’t need to fight for me. Just…promise me you’ll continue being this man that I love, hm?’ She asked and he smiled again and nodded.
‘I promise,’ he told her and she kissed him tenderly. ‘Goodnight, Zelphie,’ he whispered and closed his eyes.
‘Sweet dreams, Rolan.’
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 9 months
I straight up DO NOT believe that Terry Jr. is in hell. They're going to get there and he won't fucking be there. He won't be there because willy lost all his leverage, hes gonna bring back Terry Jr. and hold him as a bargaining chip because he KNOWS scary cares about him.
Scary cares about Terry jr so much that she asked willy to bring him back, and when she knew he wouldn't, that broke their partnership. Scary loves Terry jr more than she fears willy and willy KNOWS that.
Why wouldn't he hold Terry Jr hostage? He's done it before. If some guy who's not even scarys real dad means so much to her that she'd forget all the fucking favors hes done to help her ungrateful ass get stronger then he KNOWS she'll make the trade of the doodler for Terry jr.
It works mechanically too. He's definitely strong enough to know wish if he's a sorcerer or wizard, but if he's a warlock, he has to look to his old buddies. Luckily, Bill is a bard who would have access to the spells ressurection and raise dead. While barry is a druid who would likely (depending if hes level 17 or not) have access to the spell true ressurection. All he'd have to do is convince one of them to cast it. They're scared of him. They likely would if he threatened them.
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victorgrwrites · 8 months
Gortash is an Artificer
Some people doubt this, and those people do not see the light. One angle I've seen is that he just steals other's schematics, but let's be real. If you're not stealing or finessing into other artificer houses' schematics, you're not an artificer.
Two, there's documents that clearly comment about additions to those schematics in Gortash's writing. It takes knowledge to alter those schematics, let alone comprehend them.
AND ANOTHER THING, there's no reason for a warlock (and by extension a devil patron) to be interested in a dirt poor kid with shitty parents. Unless that kid happens to be good at something, and there's multiple times where his mom talks about how he was a smart kid that was too smart for his own good.
If I had to hazard a guess, parents that talk like that probably didn't like that he was more interested in artifice than shoe making, didn't like that he was smarter than them in anything, and didn't like the 'mess' or 'time wasted' on pulling apart and putting together little machines.
Now, with my rant done, here's some bonus HC broth I've been making specifically about Gortash.
He absolutely snuck into the Hall of Wonders all the time as a kid, just to look at everything. There might have even been a worker there who let him sneak in cause Enver just looked so damn excited every time.
Man doesn't have a crossbow, fuck that. He has a gun/enhanced arcane focus, Larian just didn't have time for artificer stuff yet we're just not ready for it.
In case anyone hasn't noticed yet, he likes artifice because they're machines and can't turn on him. He literally builds them; they can't lie and choose to hurt him, they can't leave for something better, they are the ultimate barrier between him and anyone else.
The majority of his knowledge came from his time in the House of Hope, or maybe elsewhere in the Hells. It's why the Steel Watch have infernal engines.
Durge Bonus:
I've got a little bit in mind for the first fic where Jack (Durge) and Gortash meet, and Jack asks to use his knife. He throws it back at Gortash to give it back, but instead of stabbing his leg, it just comes back to Gortash's hand. Returning Weapon, not RAW, but rule of cool, baby. Because again, Enver's machines never hurt him.
Jack often wonders if he'll find metal in Gortash if he digs around in his body enough. Even though he knows it's probably not true, his instincts tell him it'll be in his chest, near the spine, under the sternum. One of the many and various kinds of looks he'll give Gortash is the 'searching for your metal' look every now and again.
And Gortash finds it weirdly flattering.
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 3 months
The Dragon gives terrible relationship advice
“What is it this time, boy?” the Dragon glanced up from his napping position.
‘Nothing, really nothing.” The stupidity of this idea was rapidly dawning on Merlin, but he couldn’t back out now. “I was just wondering… if I’m destined to serve Arthur, is he destined to serve me?”
“A moor is docked to a boat as much as a boat to a moor,” the Dragon offered as a response.
“I’m not a fucking boat,” Merlin rolled his eyes. “Or is he the boat?” he muttered to himself. “Look, this bond between us, destiny or whatever, does it only go one way?”
“Although one cannot know the length of the string of fate, you can be certain that it has two ends.”
“What does that even mean?” he tipped his head back in frustration. “I just want to know, with everything I do for Arthur, does he… like me?”
The Dragon abruptly burst into deep laughter. “What you speak of is a fearsome power indeed, but not so daunting that you cannot call it by its true name,” he taunted.
Merlin’s cheeks burned as hot as the fire torch in his hand. “Fine, love. Does he love me? Will he ever love me?”
“You ask those two questions as if they are different. You are so naïve young warlock. Forces of this kind do not change from now till then, they exist at the core of the soul. But I must caution you against dwelling on such things. You have proven already that your idealism is your biggest weakness." The Dragon lowered his head ominously, "devotion will do nothing to redeem you in the end. You would do well to remember that.”
Merlin took three ideas away from this. First, that he was an anchor holding Arthur back. Second, that Arthur’s feelings towards him would never change. And third, that Merlin’s stupidly blind love was his doom. “Great, thanks, real inspiring. You should start an advice booth at the market.”
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sidthedollface2 · 10 months
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Third Love
Ch 1 La Dama
Pairing: Eddie x Mexican Female Reader
Word count: 3.7k
Summary: Eddie tries to win over your affection and use you in hopes of getting signed to your dads record company. There's just one problem. Your situationship and a heartbreaking past that threatens to expose the darker side of you.
CW: MDNI 18+ Nightmares, mental illness, smut (p in v, bjs) Modern au Eddie, fuckboy Eddie. Spanish words. Reader with other man (not cheating). I gave you a cute lil nickname cuz youre a sweetie. 🍑
"What's her name?" Eddie asked, flipping through his phone, swiping right on the dating app he was currently in, not once looking up at his bandmate. "They call her Peach." Gareth voiced sitting down on the chair next to Eddie, nervously picking the skin around his nails. "Does she have a fat ass?" Eddie questioned, eyebrow arched with a dimpled grin, now swiping left. Shaking his head Gareth continued. "I don't know man, Her uh.. her dads in the business though." Eddie smirked as he looked up from his phone. A sly smile graced his face, thinking of all the ways he could weasel his way into your social circle and finally get the band a record deal. "Don't even think about it Ed, she's not like that. And neither are you, especially after New York." Eddie scoffed and stared at the man before him, eyes burning a hole through Gareth's forehead. Eddie had a reputation for being a bad boy, always getting into trouble or being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He had an even worse reputation with women. After he broke off things with Becky he'd use women any chance he got and not even gracing them with a call back.
Maybe he was still bitter for what had transpired between them but to Eddie right now a hole was a hole. "What's that supposed to mean asshole?" Gareth huffed, and kicked his feet up on the coffee table, twisting the copper cap off his beer. "Look man, I know how it goes. I get your still pissed about she who shall not be named, but you can't just fuck everything that moves." It was true. Eddie had gotten the routine down to a T. Saturday nights He'd play his Warlock with all the passion and desire one would when trying to make it big. Large strong hands flying swifty over the neck of his sweetheart, Strong fingers holding his pick and gliding over the strings for each chord played beautifully and to perfection. His hair thrashed back and forth as he bounced and swayed feeling the music and energy of the crowd. He'd then scan the front row and pick his favorite out of the screaming groupies. He didn't have a preference on what they looked like or how they acted "the sluttier the better" he had once told Gareth. He knew the minute he was done with them he'd never call or see them again.
One wide smile and wink from Eddie was all it took for the busty blonde to follow him backstage. Within 5 min he'd have her bent over in the back of his van. Hands grabbing the plush of blondies backside while he thrusted deep within her. Every forceful thrust resulting in muffled moans and cries from the slut beneath him. Once he was done he'd toss them their clothes and shoo them on their merry way. He never gave out his number and tossed every number that was given to him. He wasn't looking for a relationship, he just wanted to get his dick wet on the daily. "Yeah, well those girls are sluts, what makes Peach so different?" Gareth stood up from the couch and paced the living room throwing his arms up in frustration. "Have you even been listening to me?!! Her dad is CEO of Twisted Records in Los Angeles! Thats what makes her different! She has connections!! Real fucking connections." Gareth stopped in front of Eddie and looked at him like something else was on his mind. "Go one spit it out" waving a hand in front of Gareth signaling him to continue. "My buddy Nick is having a party and she's gonna be there. We gotta go man. That's our way in." Eddie thought the name sounded familiar. Rubbing the stubble on his chin he stood up and walked to the cupboards, reaching for his salted pretzels and popping a few into his awaiting mouth. "Are you talking about Nick from Glass House? Holy shit are they trying to get signed too?" Taking a sip of his beer Gareth nodded his head in confirmation." Yeah apparently the lead singer Sebastian has the same idea we do." Eddie scoffed at this information, both boys acknowledged that if Glass House was also trying to get signed they needed to act fast.
Eddie intended to sweep you off your feet before Sebastian could even try. He hoped that by Saturday Night he'd have you so cock drunk you wouldn't be able to stay away from him therefore being a shoe in with your dad and landing him and the rest of Corroded Coffin a record deal. Little did Eddie know that getting you to fall for him was going to be much harder than he thought, considering it had been less than a year since your attack.
By the time you were released from the hospital all your belongings from your childhood home had been moved into a smaller, more secluded area with 24/7 security and advanced motion sensors in place. It was your decision to continue working, trying to busy the chaos that took place in your mind. Your dad had told you it wasn't necessary and he only wanted you to heal and get the medical help you desperately needed.
Currently your mental state was hanging by a thread as the events from that tragic night often played in your mind. Your mother brought you into this world and you held her tightly to your chest as she took her final breaths. The heartache and pain are sometimes unbearable, but you find solace in knowing you said your goodbyes. She didn't pass alone and for that you're grateful, the wounds caused by her death scab over, only to rip back open at any given time.
Sleep wasn't enjoyable like it once was, leaving too much stillness only brought the pain from the inside to the outside. You can't remember if the screams from your nightmares were hers or your own but you find yourself locked in your bathroom, hugging yourself tightly, rocking back and forth with your tear stained face pressed against your knees."You didn't show me how to live without you. I. I. Miss you so much. I can't do this. I can still see your face. I needed more time." Hiccuping sobs escape your trembling lips, saddened words spoken to the cold tile of your bathroom floor where the only form of comfort felt were your own arms tightly wrapped around your shins.
"Mija estás bien?" The knock at the door startles you, the worried voice of your dad has you blinking back tears.
"It's me, I'm coming in." He announces, as the handle turns and his large frame fills the space in the bathroom. His eyes are wet, clearly terrified at the state his daughter is in. Not used to giving comfort when needed he breaks that cultural norm and envelopes your trembling body in a tight hug that only loving fathers know how to give. "No puedes vivir con este dolor hija, dame lo a mí." Your dad cried on that floor with you, begging to release all your pain onto him, he was strong enough to carry it for the both of you. Sleep came easily that night, and soon enough you found that rest became better with someone else.
Being the VP of A&R your work consists of mostly networking, which usually means attending live music events. Concerts, open mics, festivals, and private music industry events. Something you were able to do in the comfort of your home was review a long list of demos and toggle through multiple social media accounts, looking and listening for the next big hit. Staying home was no longer an option, if your dad was going to pass the company down to you you needed to be out there, socializing with producers, meeting potential talent and becoming the strong fierce woman your mother taught you to be. Making genuine friends and relationships has always been hard for you. Did they value your friendship as much as you did or were you just a stepping stone to further their career. Were all your relationships one sided? Did they fall for you or did they trip you only to step on your back and reach for that record deal dangling in your dads hands. One thing for sure, every interaction was to be met with skepticism. Everyone you met wanted a hand in the cookie jar, and since witnessing ur moms death, it had changed everything. Life was fragile and at any moment it could be taken from you. The urge to find your forever person lay heavy on your heart, cement walls built so high it would take one man a lifetime to claw his way through. Maybe seeing your parents' love cut short made you crave arms to hold you at your worst, tender soft kisses and gentle hands. Whispers of sweet nothings only for your ears to hear. Although the man laying behind you held you tight to his chest and caressed every inch of your body with soft slow strokes it wasn't enough because he wanted something from you, just like they all did.
A mumbled "morning" breaches the man's lips as he nuzzles his head in the crease of your neck inhaling the floral scent of your shampoo. Your eyes slowly adjust to the sun peeking through. Checking the time you quickly jolt up frantically searching for your clothes. "Nooo kitten, stay in bed." Missing your warmth next to him he pats the bed beckoning you back next to his side. "You weren't supposed to stay." You sigh quickly brushing your hair and gathering your purse for your meeting that you were going to be late to. Groaning the man stands and at 6ft 3 he towers over you concern laced in his eyes. " I thought we were over this? I just wanna be with you." Sebastian embraces you, gently gliding his hands up and down your arms. He places a kiss atop your head as he releases you. Lies. It's all lies. Sebastians been trying to be more than what you both were currently in. Him wanting to be exclusive and you keeping your heart guarded. Afraid that once his band was signed that he'd leave you, becoming just a distant memory and an inspiration for a break up song. You smile brightly, giving him a peck on the cheek and rushing out to your car, refusing to continue the conversation.
You spend the next 14 hours meeting with managers, producers, future talent and settle any disputes between assistants and the current artists signed to the label. Utterly exhausted from your long day you find yourself knocking on Sebastian's front door. Ever since your Moms tragic passing you were too scared to sleep alone. Always opting for warm arms to keep you safe or the company of your best friend, who at the moment was out of town with the love of her life. Love, oh how you wished it would find you. No one ever spoke the words to you. Even if they did, you always feared that they had fallen in love with the idea of you or that you'd fall so hard and deep for them just for muttering those three words. Before Sebastian there were others but currently he offered peace to your troubled mind.
Opening the door Sebastian embraces you, placing a kiss on the crown of your head as he always does. Stepping aside he lets you into his home that he shares with his bandmates. Grabbing your soft small hand he leads you up the stairs to his bedroom. The room has a soft glow from the bedside lamp and his laptop is perched open on the desk. You notice Multiple instruments are scattered around the room and wonder if you interrupted his session. "Were you working?" You question pointing to the guitar laying on his bed. "Yeah, wanna hear it?" Sebastian smiles, gently removing his guitar so you could lay down. "It's not done yet but I'd love to know what you think." Snuggling under the covers you gesture for him to begin. It takes 2 minutes for his sultry voice to lure you to sleep and he takes this time to study all your features. His deep brown eyes record every scar, beauty mark and freckle that graces your beautiful face and wishes more than anything that you feel even an ounce of adoration he feels for you. Quietly he removes his shirt and cuddles close behind you. His bare chest to your clothed back and god he craves skin to skin contact. So he pulls you close, arm over the dip of your waist and settles for the warmth of his large hand caressing the smooth skin of your tummy. Nuzzling the curve of your neck he whispers "Stay till morning."
Eddie and Gareth had arrived at the party early, not wanting to miss out on the opportunity to see you in the flesh. He wondered if other bands were here to get noticed by you or if they were here for the groupies, which currently many had made their way through the door. Tired of gawking and looking like a creep he went inside in search of a restroom. Seeing as many more people had filled the inside of the house, hallways had narrowed and soon Eddie was bumping into people and excusing himself. Quickly rounding the corner to finally reach the restroom Eddie's arms shot out to prevent his crotch from grazing the plush of someones ass but it happened too fast and it was too late. Contact had been made and Eddies dick twitched at the sensation. You had dropped your phone and on the way to pick it up Eddie had accidently ran into your behind. Rough hands on your hips to prevent the collision was futile. Quickly removing his hands from your body Eddie apologized profusely. "Shit. Im so fucking sorry. I didn't see you and uh. I shouldn't have gra...."
Eddie froze because in that moment his heart skipped a beat, butterflies took flight within his stomach, and if angels were real he's sure you'd be their queen. Clearing his throat and extending his hand to you he introduced himself. "I'm Eddie." You giggled at the thought of telling him your name but you met his rough hand with your soft one anyway. "You can call me Peach."
"Of course it's Peach" Eddie smirked, given the manner in how you both met, hilarity ensued and you both were doubled over in laughter. Your laugh was so angelic he wished to hear it every morning as his wake up call, until someone cleared their throat.
"What's so funny?" Sebastian questioned looking down at Eddie while placing his arm around your shoulders, showcasing ownership of you. Eddie almost missed the way you tensed under Sebastian's arm and slightly leaned away. "Oh, this is Eddie, he just accidently bumped into me." You swallowed. "And Eddie, this is Sebastian." You look up to Sebastian gauging his reaction.
Both men looked each other up and down. Eddie was slighting shorter and more muscular while Sebastian was tall and lanky. Both had a similar style. Eddie wore jeans with rips in the kneecaps and his iconic Hellfire shirt while Sebastian had black slacks and a white t-shirt that displayed both his sleeves of tattoos. "Hmmm, do I know you from somewhere?" Sebastian asked, pulling you in closer to his side."Don't think so man." Which was a lie, Corroded Coffin and Glass House both played Battle of the Bands a few months back, it had been the first few shows they played in California.
"Yea actually I remember now." Wagging his finger toward Eddie Sebastian continued. "Battle of the bands. You were there with.... what was her name...oh Kelly!" Pulling his lips between his teeth Eddie looked down ashamed that he couldn't remember this Kelly girl. "Must have been a fling." He shrugged, placing both hands in his pockets and staring at you sheepishly. He knew Sebastian was trying to make him look bad in front of you. He wondered if you two were together and why you seemed to tense up around him.
"There's lots of girls here to satiate an appetite, just not this one." Sebastian countered, sensing his glares at Eddie, you placed your hand on his tummy signaling Sebastian to back off. "Eddie, it was nice meeting you, but I have some mingling to do, and I hope you enjoy the lovely ladies." You give a tight lipped smile and proceed to walk down the stairs with Sebastian at your side, when Eddies calloused hands from years of playing gently grab your hand from behind. Glancing down you see his thumb ghosting over your delicate fingers. A touch so tender and pure yet every neuron in your body buzzes with static, charging up to reach capacity just waiting to burst. Your gaze meets Eddie's eyes, and his pupils dilate in acknowledgement of the current traveling between you. Stunned by the shock he blinks back to reality and the words 'I'll see you around' escapes his lips. With a wink and wide smile he releases your hand and stares as you descend the remaining steps.
For the rest of the night Eddie watches you interact with guests. He observes how affectionate everyone is to you. Constantly getting hugged, different hands gripping your elbow or being placed on your shoulders. Men placing their hands on the small of your back to walk past you. Women giving you tight hugs and kisses on your cheek. He furrowed his eyebrows as guys try to innocently squeeze behind you knowing very well what their true intentions are. It makes him sick knowing that he was one of them. From the looks of it you seemed to not be bothered by people pulling you here and there, yet there's a hyper vigilance that doesn't let you relax. You're constantly scanning and locking eyes with everyone who passes you, giving them the green light to show you their social media pages and slipping you their phone numbers. Throughout the entire night he noticed Sebastian was never far behind. "You're being a creep." Gareth teased as he slapped eddies back in a bro hug. Eddie laughed and told Gareth how he accidently bumped into you. "Looks like Sebastian beat us to it man." Eddie took a sip of his beer gesturing towards both of you. Sebastian had placed a tender kiss on your head and was walking you out." Nah man it's not what you think, i'll tell you tomorrow." Gareth whispered afraid someone would hear. Both men talked quickly and decided they would figure out a new strategy. As Eddie was walking out he could hear voices in the distance and saw you standing between Sebastian's legs as he leaned his back against a car, His hands were cupping your face and he was looking deep within your eyes. Eddie could hear him ask you a question.
"Come on kitten, just a kiss. Hmm?" Sebastian cooed. Pulling you closer and running his hands down your arms to settle on your hips. You smiled shyly, stood on your tippy toes and locked lips with Sebastians. His lips were dry and chapped compared to yours soft and supple. Parting his lips he ran his tongue along the seam of your mouth begging for permission to deepen the kiss. Before you could gently push away his large hands grabbed at your ass pulling you up to his waist. You squealed and swatted at his chest. Moving your mouth away from him he found the soft curve of your neck as he turned around and placed you on the hood of his car. "Sebastian stop." You pleaded through your giggles. "I'm ticklish" You squealed. "Never" he replied, peppering kisses down your neck. Hugging you close and placing a final kiss to your forehead. "Why don't you stay with me tonight? Please."
The sound of chains caught your attention as Eddie walked out to his car. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Putting his hands up in surrender and smiling innocently. You hop down from Sebastian's car telling him goodnight with a quick peck to the cheek as you walk with Eddie to his car. Looking behind him Eddie eyes Sebastian's hard glare and just smirks in victory at getting you alone.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Eddie questioned throwing a thumb over his shoulder to a retreating Sebastian. You sigh contemplating your response. "Shit" Eddie pats his front and back pockets in a panic. Pulling out his keys and lighter but not finding what he was looking for."I think I left my phone inside." Looking towards the house, Eddies hopeful it's still there. "Oh! here you can use mine to call, maybe we could hear it." You hand Eddie your phone so he could punch his number in and as you both head towards the house you hear the buzz and ring of a muffled phone. Searching the ground and the area nearby Eddie chuckles as he sees the glow under his seat through his car window. "Must have fallen out of my pocket." Fumbling with his key in the door it unlocks and he retrieves his phone from under the seat. Checking the screen he smiles at the 1 missed call and the 10 digits of your number. Gotcha.
"It's getting late i should really get going." You announce with a shy wave, stepping back, crossing the street to your car. Eddie nods in agreement and walks you to your door, his chains clinking with every step. He holds the door open for you as you sit in and fasten your seatbelt. "Drive safe yeah?" You smile and nod as Eddie gently closes the door and he watches as you drive away. For the entire ride back home you think of Eddies soft brown eyes and his dimpled smile. The silver rings on his fingers when he grabbed your hand on the stairs and the heat you felt when his palms had met the delicate curve of your hips. You wonder if he had felt the burst of energy between you or if it was one sided. Probably one sided.
Mini tag list
@amira0303 @edsforehead
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utilitycaster · 2 months
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
2. Favorite thing: so much, but I particularly like how good and effective he is at herding the cats of the Mighty Nein. There are many reasons why they bonded so tightly, but a factor was that Fjord early on was insistent that they figure out ways to work together. You can tell how carefully his backstory was constructed; part of why Sabian and Vandran are such beloved figures despite almost no screentime is because you can get such a clear an outline of them from Fjord’s behaviors and discussions that is honestly more thorough than that of some fully introduced NPCs. Getting back to the original point, you can tell from early on that this is someone accustomed to team dynamics under pressure (ie, a sailor). In general, everything we learned about Fjord, as it was revealed, made me go “ohhhhhhh yeah that makes sense,” which is in my opinion the sign of incredibly skilled storytelling and character building.
3. This is tough; this is a character I truly love and I am always team “this person’s flaws are an important part and erasing them means you do not fucking get it," so like, I am in favor of his perfectionism and control issues and closed-off-ness and in case it's not clear from my Midst blogging and which characters I'm drawn to there, nor my enjoyment of Vex, a particular vibe of which he is one of the best examples. I also, admittedly, am defensive because while people watching C2 now without all the fandom discourse of C2 tend to enjoy him, he got done rather dirty by the fandom and was the recipient of basically every single thing I dislike that fandoms do (he is not alone; Keyleth got this with the added complication of rampant misogyny, and Veth got shades of this too, and all have similarly been received much better by people watching without fandom influence). So, for example, while I would love to have seen more of his backstory in-game, I am hesitant to say that because, well, ever notice how Caduceus was sidelined by the party and we didn't explore his past but Fjord avoided his backstory? Ever notice how Caleb's asshole behaviors are because of trauma but Fjord (grew up in a Dickensian orphanage, bullied over his race to the point of willing self-harm from a young age, betrayed, stabbed, and left to drown at which point he was forced into a warlock pact he didn't remember) is just an asshole? (I'm saying this as someone who very much likes Caduceus and Caleb, but this was blatant from the fandom, and pretty constant too.) So to be clear I think he has plenty of flaws, as a complex character, but I do not dislike those flaws as canonical aspects of him.
Anyway. The joke but also kind of true answer is, as Laura herself pointed out, why did he wait 7 entire years to propose to Jester.
25. I liked him from the start but Beau was actually my favorite in early C2! I liked the top table (and what faint impressions I had of Yasha) from the start, but Fjord had the Percy and Vex trait of "guy who can act normal in a social situation when no one else can" for the first stretch of the campaign, which meant he was high up there but didn't move up in my estimation until he started to reveal how civilizedly (not a real word, but vitally important as a modifier here for a number of reasons) unhinged and insecure he was.
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illwilledomen · 5 months
What is the hierarchy and the political structure of the illager empire?
Illagers are ruled by an oligarchic monarchy.
At the top we have the Arch-Emperor. This is the supposed ruler of illager kind, but really, these monarchs are often at the mercy of the whims of their various advisors. To use Archie as an example, he seemed ultimately powerful, and while he does have a lot of political influence, he was fact more of a figurehead for the empire (and the literal cursed forbidden object, but that’s not relevant) and is vulnerable to competitors or mutiny. Then we have the second-in-command. This is made up of the most powerful, influential and skilled mages, warlocks, generals, warlords and captains. All use titles pertaining to a key aspect of their authority: E.G, a skilled vindicator general with a high body count would be called The Executioner. A uniquely powerful evoker would be called The Thaumaturge (side glances at my musty crusty man Herold). A dude known for his engineering prowess would be called The Engineer. So on.
Thirdly, we have the warriors. This is made up of mostly vindicators. Pillagers are more expendable, where as vindicators are the real weaponry. This is made up of illagers specifically trained, brainwashed and surgically altered to be killing machines. This is where vindicators with lapis implants are situated. Not every vindicator gets a lapis implant, of course — Lapis is a precious material, with many uses. Illagers are picked carefully to be operated on. Stronger, bigger, hardier and higher up vindicators are often chosen. Illager parents whom are particularly patriotic may offer up their children to be turned into weapons. Fucked up! But to them, it’s like sending their kid to Harvard. This class is also made up of less skilled magic casters, and younger ones who are still students of the arcane arts.
And then we have the workforce. This is made up of the lower class illagers who weren’t born wealthy enough to be educated. Some are still given military training: Those are your good old pillagers, sent to outposts to be tutored by captains. They are used as expendable meat shields, for the most part. You also have workers like miners, farmers, shopkeepers…. Non-combat oriented ills. They need someone to put food on the table and iron in the forges, after all.
Lastly, we have the strays and peasantry. This encompasses a variety of different classes. Stray illagers are those like illusioners and some witch covens. They aren’t special enough to be Real Illagers. This may include lords and ladies who have been stripped of their ranks for treason or some other crime. Often aren’t welcome in illager society, and live on the outskirts. We also have religious minorities, like the Gale Sanctum, who are relatively oppressed and have considerable tension with “true illagers”. They’re considered primitive and lesser by many illagers. Simply weirdos who live in the mountains and clang rocks and ice together with their silly wind powers, not a real magical culture or anything. (Sarcasm)
At least they’re not… villagers…. [sounds of illager disgust]
This is also made up of non-illager aligned witches and villagers who have been taken into illager society as slaves. Many villagers are taken in raids and sold off for labour, experimentation and prostitution. Slavery is legal in illager society, if you hadn’t guessed. They don’t call ‘em ill-willed villagers for nothing.
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lurafita · 3 months
The wish was granted many years before prompt
Okay, give my brain a Minute to formulate its latest spitball. So, if I got this right, while the wish that Raziel promised to the shadowhunters could have been used for anything, it was kind of universally understood as a failsafe in case of demonic overrun. Like: "Okay peeps, so here is the tea. If you mess up and can’t do what I hired you to do and take care of pest control, you can ring me up and I will do you a solid. As in a one time spring clean deal, got it? If the critters get too much, I will come down and sweep them off the mundane plane. But after that, I expect you to keep the invasion levels to a minimum. Cool? Cool."
Like that, right? No talk about closing the rifts permanently. No talk about destroying all greater demons and hell realms (which I honestly don’t buy that Raziel could, even if he is the head honcho feather thing. That would make him far too op) One time deal, will make all demonic blood disappear, and give the shadowhunters the opportunity to gather back together to then continue their work without getting overrun. So the demons will, in time, get back to earth, just not in such overwhelming numbers. And the shadowhunters will fight them again. Just now, if the wish has been granted, there are no downworld allies. No warlocks to close rifts or ward institutes or heal wounds. No vampires or werewolves who might have taken care of some stray demons on their turf before. No seelies to ask for assistance on any matter.
Okay, now lets pretend that the wish was used by a shadowhunter like Valentine, without true cause and for asshole reasons, decades or even centuries before the show's start. Now you have a generation of shadowhunters cursing the very name of the bigoted asshole that robbed them of any downworld support, wasted the wish, and left them to deal with facing being overrun by demons for real. The few downworlders that have come into existence since the wish are treasured allies, but they are no where near the numbers or power/experience needed. And then one day, a warlock fights his way out of the hell dimension that his father has kept him in for the far too fucking long!!!
That is the day that Magnus Bane comes back into a world that has drastically changed.
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funandexploring · 3 months
- Ravina gave a wedding gift to Cassandra. "A Bridle of Frost, that she might command a team of fiery horses"
- Cassandra and Galicaea were traveling together (night and moon) side by side. Elven deities starting out with Cassandra having more Fey. Sol (sun) also traveled with them to the great mountains
- Written like it was a part of a saga. It's included but not the main point. The significance is that they were connected (low-key, Cassandra might not even be the connection. It could be her sister, and it just happened to be Cassandra's wedding)
- Murph thinks Cassandra marrying a giant? Siobhan thinking it was to one of the gods of the giants like Ravina?
- Cassandra, Goddess of Mystery and Doubt, can make other gods weak? Hit on her life because of this? Sister can't help her because of the rule about gods not helping other gods!
- Sidenote: In sophomore year, it was stated that mortals were convinced to no longer say Cassandra's name and took down her monuments and scriptures as if it would grant her more power as the Goddess of Mystery and Doubt. Someone on earth knew how to get rid of her. Mortal plot? Or a god possibly breaking the rules of influence? (If this, were/how were they penalized?)
- Sidenote: Was Cassandra technically a dead god as The Nightmare King? Or transformed into something else entirely? How did Kristen learn her name again? Cassandra introduced herself? Anyway, someone's pissed she's back!
- Obliviati Mori - The Law of Theothanitc Silience - when a god dies, you forget their name (Yes! is dead but everyone remembers Yes!) VERY SIGNIFICANT THAT THE GODS DO NOT FORGET THE DEAD GODS, only that they cannot remind mortals of a dead gods existence
- Sidenote: Lucy (possessed? A god herself?) had a way of knowing a true dead gods name and writing it down without breaking Obliviati Mori (or taking the penalty for it?) Did Lucy even write that document?? Or did someone do so in her name and she came back later like huh?? Change it back. Is this a prank lol Where is she??? Also, how did it not break the rule if someone at school had to read it to process her forms?? WHO was in that office that could possibly have read the name??
- You can break the above rule with penalties or find a way to work around it somehow
- Lydia and crew never even knew the gods name themselves
- Cassandra reacting to the red stars like "I thought you were dead?!"
- Emily thought that the Rat Grinders (or at least Ivy) are in on it because of how they reacted to Fig in disguise as Lucy
- some celestials and archfey are gods that decided to become something less faith-based (was Bakur once a god? Or strictly a creation of the dead god?)
- Shut the fuck up. Cassandra possibly marrying the embodiment of rage which combined with mystery and doubt could be too powerful so someone(s) started a campaign to kill them both!! Galicaea also being a goddess of the moon so in relation werewolves could have once had a connection?
- Riz saying Galicaea is growing at the same time as the dead god is somehow getting their powers back. Galicaea as the moon goddess where the moon is a reflection of the sun (isnt she married to Sol?) But the dead god has a 26 point red star symbol so could they not also have a connection to Galicaea? More worship for her through Tracker's movement means more power by proxy to the dead god? Also WHY is Tracker's girlfriend so keen on showing face on social media? One part because this is probably their first real relationship after the reveal of where we know her from. But also there's so much going on, so why would it not be suspicious that she literally put Tracker on a deadline??
- I don't get Kristen's theory that the dead god is in Lydia's chest because how did they do what they did at the mall without leaving Lydia? Fig's dad was stuck in a gem and he could only do things through influence as a warlock's patron
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 140- Vengeance
Summary: Josie dreams of the past that holds a message. Stephane and Jo have another talk. A birthday party is planned. Josie experiences a new power. She and Charles search for something. Another side of Garrett is seen. A secret is kept. A surprise is in the works. An ultimatum is given. A visitor comes bearing bad news.
*Warnings* language, angst, death mentions, death, violence, graphic depictions, blood
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Your dreams took you back in time as you saw yourself at Sarah's house, your best friend in your teen years and the one you saw Harker kill when Jareth had showed you the memory of it.
It was a typical weekend afternoon of tarot cards and witchy stuff that she was into and it also happened to be Halloween, the night she went missing and the day you unknowingly met Jareth the goblin King for the first time. Back then, you didn't believe in all that voodoo stuff so much, although you remembered how your mother did. Sarah though, was all about it, a witch herself and you didn't realize the truth of it all until almost seven years after her death.
For some fun and a break from taking care of your sick dad, you would go to her place to let loose since it was right next door. The night would consist of pizza, sneaking booze from her mom's pantry since she worked in the evening, and cranking up the music while Sarah filled the room with candles and would give you readings. As skeptical as you always were about it, strangely they always became relevant to your life at some point, but you would just chalk it up to be a coincidence.
As she laid the cards out one, she placed the last one in front of you. The high priestess that held the letters B and J on it.
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"Sooo, what does that mean?" you asked with an arched brow.
"The high priestess is a card of mystery, stillness and passivity. You need to reflect upon your situation and trust your instincts to guide you though what is to come. Things around you are not what they appear to be." Sarah explained, but then she just stared at the card with a head tilt.
"What things? My instincts tell me my life is exactly what it looks like...all fucked up."
"No...something is....amiss...now and into the future. I've drawn this card for you before, but it never spoke to me util now."
"Sarah, my dad is terminally ill with only a few years to live if he's lucky. That's what's amiss and that is the future."
"Jo, no...you're taking things literally, which sometimes the cards can be but sometimes they have deeper meanings, metaphoric even. I know you don't believe this stuff, but I'm telling you there's something huge about your life and your future. You see this?" she said and pointed to the lady on the card.
"Uh yeah...it looks like a queen or something. Oh my god Sarah?? Am I going to become the Queen of England??" you jested and laughed.
"No!" she scoffed. "But...you will be of some great importance. Something magical and powerful. The half moon at her feet tells me that. I know you never believe me, but I feel it in you. The witchy vibe. I mean come on, why do you think you and I connected so well. I believe you're a true witch who just don't know it yet."
"Yeah umm we connected so well because you live right next door." you chuckled. "I can't even make toast without burning it. I am far from a powerful witch."
"Jo, seriously. You even said your mom was into this stuff....and christ, look how your dad dresses and speaks, like he's from another century or something."
"She was, but I never saw her twinkle her nose and make things happen or ride a broom stick, or lure little children into her house like Hansel and Gretel. My dad, he's just old fashioned. Are you saying he's a witch too??"
"There are male witches you know. They're called warlocks and can you be serious for once? That's not what witches are all about. That's all fairytales. This is real."
"It's all hocus pocus if you ask me, pun intended but ok fine...so I am going to be some witch queen is what you're saying? Who's my King? He better be hot! And what do the letters mean?"
"Well...I definitely feel the J resembles you but...."
She stopped and cocked her head again as she ran her finger over the B.
"A...counterpart to you...soul mate of some sort maybe? I keep seeing the word....missing....and...child....a baby maybe??"
You hysterically laughed. "The B stands for baby? I certainly know I am not pregnant...oh god!! Wait! Am I going to have a baby with my future King??? If anyone is missing, it is him! Maybe his name starts with a B! Oh my fucking god, it Bon Jovi!! That's what the B and J stand for!"
"Stop it! It's not that! It's someone you will meet. They will have the answers you seek."
"I'm not seeking anything right now except to get drunk after my encounter with that creepy guy on my way here. Like, he knew my freaking name so I umm, kinda told him my name was Sarah."
"Oh great, now we have some weirdo stalking around here infatuated with the many looks of David Bowie that knows BOTH of our names now and he probably saw you come here because I saw him from the window when you were walking over, and he saw me too. Talk about going all out for a Halloween costume and I didn't like his eyes."
"Calm down, he's probably just some senior from school out trying to score free candy like they did in Hocus Pocus, which is why he knew my name."
"Yeah well, he wasn't carrying a trick or treat bag and he looked way older than that. Def a witch vibe on him too. Probably into some cult shit and will sacrifice me tonight. Speaking of weirdos, tonight for dinner, you will meet the dude my mom is fucking, some Phillip guy. He's def creepy. I get nothing but bad vibes from him, like the hair on the back of my neck stands up when he's around. Witches sense those things."
"Ok miss superstitious, you are not going to be burned at the stake tonight or sacrificed on some stone slab in the middle of the forest. I have an idea. Since you seem to think I am a witch, we should look for our third and fourth to complete the circle, like that movie the Craft. You can teach me how to change my hair color to blonde like that girl did, what was her name...oh that's right, it was SARAH.." you joked some more.
"Fine, mock this all you want. Even the song playing right now is a message. These things don't just randomly happen."
"So when all of this happens, always remember this day and always remember, things are not always as they seem...remember Jo...remember....remember....remember....he's alive...."
Her words reverberated and echoed as your eyes sprung open.
"Sarah??" you gasped as you sat up. "God, what the hell was that?" you asked yourself out loud.
You realized it was late afternoon and that you had been asleep on Lola's sofa since you had come back from seeing Garrett. You hoped he wasn't upset with you for making him leave but you weren't sure what Narcisse and Haldir were going to do after seeing you locking lips with the vampire. Although Garrett was under Amara's protection mark, you didn't know how far that protection went and didn't want to test the waters to find out. You also knew Garrett could hold his own against them or anyone for that matter, but you didn't want to see any of them get hurt.
You sat with Leean, feeding her and as you did so, you began to recall the song Sarah mentioned, so you softly sang it to her, for she was a witch too and already coming into her powers at the mere age of 5 weeks old.
"I walk in worlds that no one can come by. I seek the trees and whispering stones. I dance at night and sing to the firelight to wake the witch who lives within me. I run with wolves and howl at the pale moon. I conjure storms that no man can tame. I love with fire so red it consumes you to wake the witch who lives within me. Music charms me like a spell. Voices fill me with tales to tell. All the women burned before are burning in my soul. All my darkness, all my fears fall away when their ghosts are near. Chanting, dancing, calling me to wake the witch in me. I sought the trees to flee all who hurt me. I whispered spells to endure their stones. I hid in dreams so no one could find me to veil the witch who lives within me. And now I fly at night like a raven. I dance with ghouls and devils till dawn. And in the forest, I’ve found my haven to wake the witch who lives within me."
Leean's big round moonstone eyes danced through yours as she listened to your voice. Little coos came from her daddy's shaped lips as she suckled and lightly kicked her feet.
Just then, a knock sounded upon the door. You already knew who it was, for your intuition told you and...you could smell the peppermint seeping under the door.
"Jo...may I come in?" Narcisse softly asked.
You covered yourself and carried Leean with you to the door, fretting that you were about to get an earful over the kiss of the vampire, but strangely, it was the exact opposite.
As you reluctantly opened, there the warlock stood and his typical grin with his hands resting at his midriff as his fingers fidgeted with his ring like always and there at his feet sat his loyal companion Merlin staring up at you.
"Well there's the two most beautiful girls in the world....and one of them has a most angelic voice from what I just heard, wouldn't you agree Merly?" he said in a baby tone as he tickled Leean's cheek. Of course, she cutely responded with an all out Thranduil smirk, making your heart shatter and ache for your King.
You turned and went to lay her down as Narcisse followed with his faithful feline right at his heels, who then jumped on the sofa making himself right at home as he laid down and yawned.
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You gave the Maine Coon some quick chin scratches and then went over by the window and sat down.
"Well...let me have it about Garrett, I mean, that is why you are here, is it not?"
He smiled his arrogant smile and sat down beside you."
"No, actually I am not here about that, although I must say, I don't know what you see in him, the vampire is so boring."
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You rolled your eyes as he continued.
"I came to tell you that I have retrieved your belongings."
He pulled out the spell book from within his jacket, along with the record and the dreamcatcher, then laid them beside you.
"The book was found in Claude's room and beside it laid a doll made with hay from the stables, smelling of my horse."
"Oh...gosh. Stephane, I am so sorry. It's all my fault, if I hadn't been in possession of the book, that never would have happened."
"Nonsense. The only fault here lies upon Catherine for her dastardly deeds and possibly her daughter too, which she will soon be questioned after she recovers from giving birth. Claude's diary was found as well and I have a pretty good feeling the answers are in there. I will read over it soon...but if you will notice the bookmarked page in your book. I think that explains the spell on Garrett."
After giving a concerning look, you quickly opened it to see the page stained with a yellow tint. You then looked at him in confusion.
"It's warlock blood, but still man's blood to a vampire and in this case, dead man's blood. Asher's. I can smell it. Somehow Catherine got her hands on it after his death. I have reason to believe she used Claude to place the spell. With that said, it is the same as if Garrett would have drank it himself."
"Jesus, what is it with this bitch and poison?"
"Because that's what Catherine is. Poison. Now...if you'll turn to the back, you'll find another item you were looking for...."
You flipped it to the back to find the letter you wrote to Thranduil.
"Thank you Stephane, for all of this. I will do better at keeping this book out of the wrong hands. I'm glad to have my dreamcatcher back as well."
Narcisse noticed your despaired expression when you mentioned the moonstone sleep aid.
"Jo? What is it?" he asked as he gently laid his hand upon yours.
'"It's...I don't know really. I had fallen asleep earlier and had this strange dream of...well actually it was a memory my friend Sarah who Harker killed. Honestly, I don't want to talk about it. It's my fault she is dead. I should have never left her that night, but I had to get home to my dad. The really fucked up thing is that she had cracked a joke that evening about something happening to her and of course I basically told her that she would be fine."
"You don't have to talk about it. I will say, I am sorry about your friend. She obviously meant a lot to you. And again, it is not your fault...it is Harker's."
"If only I had believed her about her witch sense and all. She figured out who he was that night and that is why he killed her. All the years I knew her, she was a witch just like me, but I didn't know I was and I made fun of her for believing she was. What a shitty friend I was."
"Jo...please don't be so hard on yourself. You were so young still and had no idea who you were. I wish I would have been around more for your dad, maybe I could have done something, or figured out what was going on. If only I had known he was sick."
"Stephane, you obviously had your hands full with Catherine and the situation with Charles. It's no more your fault than mine. You're right. It was Harker's and even my mother's. Jareth too. You would have been there for my dad if you could have. He knew how much he meant to you. You were a good friend to him. Hopefully we can find him soon and fix whatever Jareth has done to him."
"You're too kind Jo. We will get him back. I promise you. I really should get going. I have a birthday party planned for you this evening. I figured you need a break and need to unwind."
"Ummm what??"
"Your birthday, remember? I know it's not actually until tomorrow but I'm too excited about it to wait. And...it's such a beautiful December day, strangely warm as usual which makes it perfect for a nice outside gathering. What color fireworks would you like this time. I had them do purple for you at the last party...that is your favorite color is it not?"
You were completely mind blown over his attentiveness to your likings. He had told you before that he paid attention to the little things.
"I...I...you...did that? for...me?"
"I did. So...purple again? I had a cake made too. It's 25 candles now right?"
Your hands went to your face, covering it as you began sobbing.
"Jo...sweetheart. What is wrong?" he kindly asked and pulled your hands down so he could cup your face in his.
"I...I haven't celebrated my birthday since my seventeenth one, which was the last one with my dad....and he died...well supposably died the next morning. He..he still, in his sickness, made sure a cake was delivered for me, candles and all....and also had a dinner sent to the house because he knew I couldn't cook for shit....and...and this would have been my first one with Thranduil...."
Narcisse offered the most compassionate smile. "I will cancel the party. I apologize for overstepping. I just thought something of some normalcy would make you feel better...."
"No...don't apologize for being nice. You went to all this trouble for me..so it's the least I could do to attend my own party. Purple...yes...and please don't put that many candles on the cake. One will suffice so I can easily blow it out."
"As you wish your majesty. Now...I do have one other reason I came here. You promised me a date sometime. Maybe tomorrow? An afternoon carriage venture along the countryside by my villa?"
"It's Garrett isn't it? Is someone making you spend time with him?" he sarcastically asked.
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"No one makes me do anything and you know it. And honestly, it is none of your business."
"Tell me then, is it my business when just the other day, you were kissing me?"
"Ok well you kissed me."
"And you kissed me back. It scared you didn't it? What you felt, so you turned to Garrett instead. But you, you came clear to the city to try and stop me from that fight. You care for me whether you admit it or not. You and I, we are the same Jo. Both witches that share a rare electrifying sensation when we touch. We empower each other."
"Maybe so...but this is all a game to you. You even said so yourself once, that you like games. I cannot trust what you say is real. I feel this is all just about winning to you, especially over that of a vampire. as if I am some prize...and he does not make me feel that way. I know him...I don't know you."
"Then get to know me. Give me that chance to prove that my feelings for you are genuine. What I said is that I had never had a worthy opponent. I will not deny thinking of you as a prize because you are just that and I would be the luckiest man to ever be able to call you mine. A winner indeed of true happiness that I have never experienced. All that I have done and am doing is because I have come to deeply care for you. This is all new to me. I know in the past I have come across as a seeker of victory but I assure you, that is not the case with you. Since our eyes first met, I wanted more. Much more. I have felt your approach long before you ever arrived."
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Narcisse certainly knew how to choose his words, but you knew he meant them. He wasn't wrong. You did feel something for him and yes, you were scared. And you didn't want to hurt Garrett because you felt something for him too. Your dream made sure you faced that. You were just flat out scared to move on because this isn't where you were supposed to be, having to choose between two men. You were supposed to be with Thranduil forever, for he was your only choice.
"I'll tell you what. I will not hold you to your promise, for I know you were just trying to keep me alive at the time. Wear a flower in your hair tonight and if you do, then I will know you have agreed to share a date with me tomorrow. There is fresh new array of them in my office that the servants brought in this morning. I would love to spend your birthday with you. I must be off. It is time to serve more retribution where it is due."
Narcisse got up, offered you a head bow and then left.
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Who crossed Narcisse this time? you wondered as you sat where he left you and stared out the window.
Lola then came in and her presence helped aid you in your decision for tonight.
"Lola...how would you like to join me tonight with Leean for a party. It is a beautiful day out and you are always stuck inside."
"A party miss? I was not aware that there was one."
"I was not either, but Narcisse was just here and informed he that he was hosting a birthday gathering for myself."
"It is your birthday? How wonderful..but...why do you not look so eager to attend? Oh how foolish of me to ask such a thing. Of course I know why. My apologies."
"No Lola, it is quite alright. I truly need to face reality and stop wallowing over what will never be again. Besides, he went to all the trouble to do something so nice for me when I was certain after what he saw today...well that's not important. Will you come? I hear there will be cake....and fireworks, although I don't know if that will startle Leean. That will probably be around her bedtime anyways. So what do you say?"
"Of course my lad...Josie. I would love to attend."
"Perfect. I need to do something first. Will you stay with her?"
"You know you do not need to ask. Of course I will."
"Maybe you could pick us both out something to wear while I am gone?"
Lola smiled and nodded, then you left for Stephane's office, still pondering over whether you would wear a flower or not, but you decided to go look at them anyways, for anything floral made you think of Thranduil.
A beautiful rainbow of flowers in a large crystal vase sat on Narcisse's desk just where the sunlight shone in to feed them. Cleary there must have been a greenhouse on the grounds for they couldn't be from the gardens in the middle of winter, but then again, as Narcisse said, the weather was strangely warm...and you did see a purple one sprouting from the ground a few weeks ago after the ice storm.
Of course you chose a violet beings that it was purple. You put it in your hair and stood at a mirror to see how it would look, but all you could see was the memory of the vision you had at Lestat's of Thranduil in the mirror. You closed your eyes and turned away, trying not to cry again.
As you took the flower out of your hair, you stood there and just inhaled it's scent, reminding you of how you would sit in Thranduil's gardens for hours when he was out tending to his Kingly duties. How you missed his Kingdom. Would you ever be ready to go back? You knew you needed to. It was Leean's home...it was your home...and you missed Legolas something awful and surely he was missing Leean if not you. You needed, wanted to make things right with him, but could you? Knowing how he felt about you now and how hurt he was. And why couldn't you hear him anymore? Did you just imagine it all?
You began to leave when something caught your eye on the desk. It was the doll made of hay that Stephane mentioned they found in Claude's room. Out of some strange intuitive feeling, you picked it up and looked it over....and then, something happened that had never happened to you before. You saw a vision.
Arion, standing alone in a place of darkness with a mangled mane and he turned to look at you as if he saw you. His eyes were so sad and lonely.
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And then the darkness began to fade and you could see the surroundings. A place you didn't recognize but appeared to be some sort of desolate dungeon standing at the edge of a forest.
You gasped and dropped the doll and ran off to find Narcisse. As you turned a corner, you almost ran into Charles who was coming out of his chambers.
"My lady? Where are you off to in such a rush and why are you out of breath and look frightened??" he sincerely asked.
"Charles...you know the grounds here well, do you not?"
"I..I do yes, why?"
"Is there somewhere around here that is desolate...another dungeon maybe? A big round stone structure by a forest??"
"Umm..y..yes I believe so? A bit south off the back side of the castle. It hasn't been used for years. Why would you ask of such a place?"
"Can you take me there??"
"Yes, please Charles!"
"Josie, what is this all about??"
"Just take me there. If my vision is true, I am about to make your father the happiest man in the world."
After saddling up some horses, you and Charles galloped off down a discreet pathway behind the castle and headed off into the woods. Roughly twenty minutes later, you came to a clearing and at the other end of it was the stone building you had seen on the edge of a cliff, hidden behind the forest.
"Wait. Stop!" Charles loudly whispered. "There are guards?? Why are there guards at this run down place?"
"Because I believe your mother has something valuable to your father locked up inside of it. I'll take care of them."
"With what? Magic? My father has rules about magic used on his guards. Trust me, I just got an earful about it this morning."
"Fuck the rules." you quipped and rode off.
"I'm going to be in so much trouble...." Charles whispered to himself with wide eyes and took off after you.
"Halt! What business do you have here? This area is forbidden." One of the two guards said as he walked towards you with his sword drawn.
You dismounted and fearlessly walked up to him as Charles jumped down and followed.
"There is no need to draw your weapon on a lady!" Charles snapped. "I know who you are and you know who I am. Exactly what business is it that YOU have here at a deserted dungeon??"
"That is classified information young warlock. If your father wished you to know, you would not be questioning me. Now move along."
"I take no orders from you! I demand to know what is inside, for I feel my father has no knowledge of this at all!."
"I said it is forbidden." the guard snarled and took a few more steps towards the both of you as the other guard then joined him.
"What are you going to do if I pass? Kill me? My father will have your head if you harm me or Josie."
"I will not harm you...now the girl on the other hand means nothing to me...but...maybe for a small price, we can work something out? I have not had the pleasure of a woman in a very long time."
"Nor have I." the other guard said with a twisted grin.
"And I can see why you disgusting oafs. Narcisse will have your heads either way for I know what is inside. His beloved horse. Arion."
"What??" Charles strongly asked as he whipped his head to you.
"That's right. Arion is not dead. Your mother stashed him here to make your father suffer by making him believe she killed him and fed the horse to him. I'm sorry Charles but I told you Catherine was sick. Now, let us pass or..."
"Or what??" the guard laughed. "See, now we have a bigger problem. You should have minded your own business. We cannot let you go now...my lady." the guard said, bearing a sinister smile as he neared you.
Just then, something swarmed him. It was so fast that you couldn't even see it...but you smelled the gush of wind that burst over you....Garrett.
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The man backed away in panic, nearing a steep cliff that held only massive sharp rocks below at the ocean's edge. He was stormed again, but this time you saw something you had never saw of Garrett before. He appeared from a swarm of bats and raged in the man's face, causing him to lose his balance and fall backwards, screaming to his death below.
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It all was happening so fast, you and Charles were frozen solid as you watched the horror unfold before you.
Garrett charged the other one with his fangs in full view, something else you had never seen on him before, and then he bit into his neck and ripped his throat out.
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The man fell to the ground and frantically scurried away from Garrett, ending up being backed against a tree.
Garrett leaned over the horrified man and bit into the other side of his neck, killing him instantly.
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Your terrified gasp caught Garrett's attention and he froze, keeping his head down. He then slowly opened his blood soaked hands and looked at them.
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Garrett's hands began to shake and his breathing became heavy.
"G..Garrett?" you squeaked as you took a step towards him.
"Stay back!!!!" he growled. "You...you can't see me like this..."
You ignored him and slowly crouched beside him, gently placing your own shaking hand on his shoulder. Your touch startled him and he quickly scooted away, keeping his back to you.
"I said stay away! This...this wasn't supposed to happen...they...they were going to hurt you...I could hear their disgusting thoughts."
"Garrett...it's ok. Please look at me."
"No! I...I never meant for you to see me like this. I can only imagine what you must be thinking. I heard your fear...I can smell it as well."
"Garrett...I...I'm not afraid of you, I was just taken by surprise. They were bad men Garrett...this...this is what you do to those kind of people."
"But you weren't supposed to see it! Not ever! I lost control...I...I'm so...sorry....I...I'm so ashamed..."
His voice was breaking as if he were going to cry as his entire body was now trembling.
"Garrett talk to me...Did...did something happen to cause this?"
"I...I'm a monster Josephine! Just like I always told you I was. That's what caused this. You...you need to stay away from me. I...I don't belong in your world just like everyone has told you."
"Garrett, stop talking like that. You are not a monster! They were the monsters. If you hadn't have come, even I myself would have hurt them. I was going to set them on fire. Does that make me a monster too then? Garrett, please...look at me...let me help you."
"Have a great birthday party and date with Narcisse." he softly said and then his scent rushed through your hair as he vanished.
"Garett wait!!!!!!! You don't understand!!!"
You turned to see Charles still frozen solid with wide eyes and shaking.
"Charles, it's ok. I know him. He wouldn't have hurt you. He was only protecting me."
"Even so, he's...a vampire...on our lands...he just killed two of our guards. I...I have to tell my fath..."
You ran up and grabbed him. "No! You cannot tell Narcisse about this, ever! Do you hear me?? He will have Garrett hunted and they will kill him and I will not let that happen! Those guards were evil and you know it. If Garrett hadn't killed them, I would have...and so would your father if he were here!! But the fact that it was a vampire won't matter to Narcisse, especially that it's Garrett. Please Charles, I'm begging you. I...I care about him...very very much."
"I...I don't know Josie. I think you should just tell him so he does not find out another way. He would understand that the monst...sorry, the vampire was only protecting you...and judging by the way my father looks at you, I would think that your safety would be all that mattered to him. Do you not trust him?"
"I...I want to...but...I just can't risk Garrett's safety...not after all he has ever done for me."
"If..if I stay silent, how will their deaths be explained?? It's quite obvious from the one's wounds what killed him. My father will eventually know they are missing and have them searched for."
"Then they shall not be found."
You turned to the dead guard and flung your hand out. It ignited into flames and you showered it over him, setting him ablaze.
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"There. No more evidence. He will burn to ash. As far as the other guy, he wasn't wounded. It will just look like he accidentally fell if he is found. As far as Narcisse, he only needs to know we found Arion here, nothing more."
"Jesus. Remind me to never piss you off. Alright. I won't say anything...but if I am asked...I will not lie to my father."
"Ok...I can deal with that. Thank you Charles. Now, let's go get Arion."
Sure enough, the snow white horse was inside alive and well, but seemingly depressed and in untidy conditions. His eyes lit up when he saw you, for he remembered his first meeting with you....and of course he knew Charles.
"It's alright now big fella. I am going to take you home where you belong and that wicked witch will never harm you again." you assured him as you lovingly stroked his nose.
He tilted his head and nudged it into your chest, making snorting sounds which had you and Charles laughing. Strangely, it was the first time you had ever heard the boy laugh and you felt slightly guilty for berating his mother in front of him. You understood exactly what it was like to have a love hate relationship with a parent.
You brought the Lipizzan horse outside and let him drink from the canteen you brought, then let him snack on an apple while you tried to untangle his neglected mane. Once he finished his fruit, you both took him back to the stables where the other horses were overly happy to see him as they loudly greeted him with many different pitched neighs and hoof stomps. You spoke with the stableman, asking him to see to it that Arion was pampered, cleaned up and well fed. You also told him to have him ready for a surprise tomorrow and to keep his return a secret until then, for Arion needed a good nights rest in the comfort of his home. After giving the gentle giant a kiss upon his nose, you then left to get ready for the party you were definitely not in the mood for after the recent events, for all you could now think about was Garrett, who was ignoring all of your calls to him. He obviously had heard your conversation with Narcisse and that is what had triggered his anger.
As you and Charles arrived back at the castle, there was a large gathering of of guards and horses in the court yard, along with some man lying on the ground.
"Oh look, Narcisse is serving punishment to one of the guards who caused you trouble the other night in the dining hall. The other guard knew of what would come, so he fled, but he will be found soon enough and pay for his involvement. Come, let's go watch!" Charles eagerly said and trotted off.
How quickly the boy went from referring to Stephane as his father while defending him, then right back to addressing him as Narcisse when it came down to business.
When you walked in, the man on the ground was being tethered by his arms and legs. He saw you and your eyes locked.
"Please....I was never going to hurt you, I swear it! I...I had too much to drink. I shouldn't have said such vulgar things...I...I'm sorry my lady!" he cried.
You gasped in horror, looking all around for Haldir but he was not there. You then rushed up to Narcisse, who turned to you and explained what was happening.
"Do you know why they bind him at up the arms and legs? For a good clean break...or they can do it the other way, at the hands and feet...which do you think would be more painful?"
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"Stephane, you cannot be serious? Please, stop this now!"
"Why on earth would you want me to stop? You know how things are done here when it comes to harassment of women, especially you. I had my men stoned to near death as equal punishment over harming a bird, so certainly you must know that this offense would deserve a far worse punishment, for men like Asher should not breath at all."
"The...the crow..." you muttered, wondering where your feathered friend had been since then."
"Yes? I was told by witnesses that it was a black bird when I caught them just after the heinous act of hurling rocks at it. How did you know that?"
"Because that crow is my friend who has saved me many times from danger. He came to me that night, barely able to fly and covered in blood. I had meant it speak with you about it but so many things were happening. He told me, well, he showed Garrett what happened to him, but Garrett said he saw that you had returned from the city and were handling the situation. I'll have you know, the bird would have died if it had not been for Garrett. He healed him when I could not."
You defense of Garrett was another attempt to make Narcisse see he wasn't a monster in case what happened earlier with the guards was ever revealed, but of course, Stephane's response only proved your efforts pointless.
"Ah yes, the infamous heroic vampire saves the day once more. Well...for the crow's sake and yours, I am happy he was saved. Why was the bird here anyways?"
"He's a messenger and my guardian of sorts. Usually he has something to tell me or bring to me. He is how I had gotten my moonstone back. I guess he knew I needed it or something."
It then be became clear to Narcisse that, that is where Thranduil's letter came from that his guard found nearby one the ground that night. The crow somehow knew the Elvenking was alive and brought it here to tell you.
"Can we get back to what's happening here Stephane? I understand you have rules and beliefs and whatever but...I was the victim and I am telling you, it was only drunken words. He does not deserve to die over it. He is sorry, you heard him,...and I believe him. Please, punish him some other way."
"He is only sorry because he is about to be drawn and quartered. Carry on." he then said to the horsemen as if your words meant nothing.
They began moving the horses, pulling his arms and legs nice and taut as the man screamed in sheer terror.
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"Stephane Narcisse!! This is not you!!! I thought you believed the spell had been broken?? This is a disgusting vile act!" you shouted in one last plea to save the man.
"Tell me something Jo...your King has done similar and even far worse things to those worthy of their punishments and you did not have a problem with that, so why is it that you have a problem with how I operate things here?"
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"I never said I liked it and many times, I told Thranduil how I felt about it, not that it's any of your business, and many times I was able to get through to him because he had a good heart inside of him that only I or Legolas would ever see....and I have seen that heart inside of you. This man does not deserve to die and if you go through with this, you can shut that party down and kiss your date goodbye, and me for that matter, for I will not stay where death takes precedence over what is right. You told me you were not a soulless animal now prove it!" you reeled with your own nose flaring like that of your Elvenking's.
Stephane's bright blue eyes softened and he turned to Bash and nodded at him to stop.
"Release him and take him back to the dungeon. This is your lucky day Rossif." he said to the warlock who mouthed the words 'thank you' to you with tears in his eyes.
"Will I...see you tonight then? Hopefullllly with a flower in your hair..."
You wanted to say no and you wanted to still be mad at him...but you couldn't and it drove you crazy that this warlock lord was growing on you.
You simply nodded with a light smile and left.
On your way to the front entrance, you sensed someone familiar. A vampiress and only vampiress that smelled of baby powder. Selene.
As your eyes scoured for her, you then caught sight of the dark haired vixen standing on the edge of an empty loading dock where she could easily dart off over the Rhun if detected.. Discreetly, you snuck off and made your way there.
"Selene?? Oh my god...." you raved as you stepped onto the dock and then ran to her.
She braced herself for the impact of your bear hug, laughing as you pounced upon her.
"It is soooo good to see you again! I have missed you immensely. Is everything alright? What has brought you to the danger zone?" you asked with a chuckle.
"Well I have certainly missed you as well, my only human friend and I wish this was just a social call but..."
"But? What's going on?" you asked in wariness due to the irresolute look in her ice blue eyes.
She reached into the pocket of her black leather pants and pulled out a small piece of folded paper, then reluctantly handed it to you. Dithering to open it, you slowly unfolded it and softly read it aloud.
"This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I am leaving Devil's Island. You will not see me again. You know you and I could never be and I cannot bear to look you in the eyes again after you saw the real me. I would rather be truly dead than to feel this kind of pain. Hopefully I can make that happen. The dumbest thing I ever did was fall in love with you but it's the happiest I have ever felt. I will carry the memories of you with me until my last breath. I am so sorry I have ever hurt you. I love you. Forever. Goodbye my little one....- Roman"
"This...this is a joke right?? He's just going to leave me??"
You crunched up the letter in a fury and walked to the end of the dock, shouting out into the sky.
"You promised!!!!"
"I..I'm sorry Josie. I begged him to change his mind but he wasn't having it and he wouldn't tell me what happened."
"I'll tell you what happened. Garrett's a fucking LIAR!!" you screamed back at the sky again. "He can't leave anyways, he has my..."
You stopped yourself, because no one but you and Garrett knew about your moonstone's whereabouts.
"You mean the gem? He told me where it is in case you needed it. Don't worry...I will never tell a soul."
'Wow, well I guess he thought of everything didn't he. I guess this means he really is leaving...I...I..."
You could feel your chest tighten as a panic attack threatened to consume you.
"He...he leaves me now, when I need him more than ever....he's gone." Tears filled your eyes, blurring your vision. "Well I guess he made my choice quite easy for me....although it would have been quite simple."
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"I would have chose him....."
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blazingstar24 · 1 year
It’s highly likely that Ludinus is Ruidusborn. Because if he truly is able to communicate with Predathos, it would make sense that is due to his connection to it through being Ruidusborn. Otherwise, why would Predathos choose him out of everyone to speak to, why choose him over say Otohan, a known powerful Ruidusborn.
If we go of the notion of him being Ruidusborn, it becomes really fucked up and interesting. Because he would be the longest living one so far that we know of which would explain his higher connection to Predathos. (This is dependent on which ending for COTN is canon as Alyxian could be the real longest living one)
All other known Ruidusborn have been human. Imogen and her mother. Otohan. Even Alyxian was human in the beginning.
Imagine being an elf and Ruidusborn? You have 750 years to hone those powers. To live with that connection. His connection to Predathos would be so much more stronger than the rest because he’s had to spend centuries with it being there. He’s also had centuries on Otohan and Imogen to figure out what the fuck is up with the God Eater.
Also Ludinus has been repeatedly described as emotionless or stoic. And considering how much emotion plays into releasing the powers from Predathos? It would make sense that over the long years, he would have perfected complete emotional control to be able to unleash the storm at will. Versus Imogen who is new to all of this and accidentally destroys city blocks when in emotional distress. (Although lol at the founding of the CA, we know the wizard duel destroyed 2 city blocks! One more than Imogen so maybe Ludinus popped off on the now interestingly named “Eve of Crimson Midnight”.)
The implications that Predathos could have been speaking to Ludinus for years, maybe decades, maybe centuries is insane. Because then it becomes how long has he been planning this? And is the goal that he is selling to his followers even true? Because Ludinus is a smart man. Arrogant and hubristic, yes. But he’s not stupid. He’s outlasted so many other shitty wizards in the CA. He knows the Divine Gate would still be up if Predathos is unleashed. Unless Predathos is going to eat that too, there’s way too many things protecting the gods currently if he unleashed it during the solstice. It would be more likely that Predathos would then wreck havoc on Exandria. Because even if you believe he only eats highly divine things, with the amount of magic that the mortal race has been able to do and create? Wouldn’t that be on par with the gods if you look at that as a whole? Or even just the land itself has been infused with divine magic! What’s stopping it from just eating the world?
Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out Ludinus was now also a warlock with Predathos as his patron. (Is a wizard/warlock dual class even good?) But also it is interesting to wonder how speaking to an ancient eldritch being for centuries (presumably) would affect a person’s mind. Ruidusborn Ludinus just makes a lot of sense but also opens up a lot of very interesting possibilities.
(Or the even funnier alternative is Ludinus isn’t Ruidusborn and is just Predathos’s little blorbo. Otohan was like “I am the strongest Ruidusborn, choose me as your champion!” And Predathos went “hey what about that hot elf over there? He seems fun.”)
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