#want to avoid my multi because i feel like if i don’t see how cluttered it is it won’t make me feel like i’m suffocating and make me have
marsheo · 2 years
bologna is just hot dog pancakes.
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bella-studyblr · 3 years
Task Management:
Creating + Maintaining a Schoolwork Schedule
Key elements
Your schedule suits your individual time/task management preferences.
It is flexible enough to accommodate sudden changes, plus fluctuating energy levels, states of concentration, symptoms and moods.
Daily tasks are not over-whelming; they are small enough that they are achievable.
You do not get “burned out.”
It allows you to be consistent.
Steps to create your schedule
Decide if you want your planner to be paper or digital
Find an “order” that’s logical and achievable for you (more on this later)
Refer to your addendum/syllabus and write down all the assignments, tests and other events taking place that week/month (and their due-dates).
Then break these down, assigning tasks to each day of the week (more on this later).
Break down your tasks even further (more on this later).
Decide if you want to follow a simple daily to-do list or a timed schedule (more on this later).
Find your “order(s)”
Mandatory: Schedule assignments around other commitments (work, social, hobbies, etc.).
Do the hardest task first to get it out of the way (so that the rest of your tasks are less daunting, and because your smaller tasks require less energy therefore can be done even after completing the hard task).
Do the easiest task first to build momentum (give yourself a feeling of accomplishment which will motivate you to continue, and boost your self-confidence early in the day to establish a positive mindset for the rest of the day).
Do the task that’s due first to minimize deadline stress, and so your assignments don’t fall through the cracks (causing you to get discouraged and lose momentum).
Plan according to your energy level throughout the day and week: Do you have Pilates once a week? Maybe you can reserve that day for easier assignments. If you know you’re going to be tired for whatever reason, account for that in your planning.
Consider your state of concentration: If you know you’re too groggy or spaced out for the first hour of your day, you can either schedule easy tasks in that time, or none at all. If you take a medication in the afternoon/evening that makes you tired, schedule easier tasks or none, and get harder tasks done earlier/later in the day. If you have ADHD and crowded places mess with your concentration, but you like studying at a café, go when it’s not busy.
Be mindful of your emotions and symptoms: If you have depression, or are prone to depressive episodes, you’ll need to consider that when scheduling. You might have to rework your entire schedule when you get into a depressive episode (like adding lots of breaks). If suddenly you’re going through a big life event (like a breakup), you need to account for that when scheduling. For instance, if you can’t stand to be alone, maybe you can go out instead of staying in, and if your motivation is low, you may need to up your reward-system or break down your tasks even more.
Break down this week/month’s tasks
Refer to your addendum/syllabus and write down all your due dates for the time period you’re scheduling for.
Based on due dates, outside commitments, predictions of energy/mood/symptoms, assign assignments to the days of the week/month that make most sense for you.
Break down daily tasks into sub-tasks
You can do this (in advance) for your full week/month’s assignments, or do it every morning/evening.
Generally, your assignments will follow a variation of this formula: brainstorm, create an outline, research, write rough draft, edit and revise. Test/exam prep will look something like: check to see what the test is based on, pinpoint important sections, review to see how well you know the material, create a list of items to study, rewrite select notes, make flash cards, study topic 1, study topic 2, etc.
What are the individual components of these steps? Here are some examples. Brainstorm: what should my topic be, what should my thesis be, what points can support my thesis, what do I need to research, what questions do I need to ask my prof? Outline: topic, thesis, points, conclusion. Research: write down all the important parts from each source (separately), then sift through to sort into Supporting Point 1, Supporting Point 2, etc. Rough draft: opening statement(s), intro, point 1, point 2, etc., conclusion, closing statement(s). Edit/revise: read and check for grammar only, then read again and check for spelling only, read again and check for cohesiveness only, etc. Topic 1: Part A, Part B, etc.
Each of these small components can be individual items on your to-do list. Big tasks like, “write essay” are too big for most people. Even “write rough draft” is daunting. If you start with something specific and small like brainstorming, and work your way up, it’s a lot easier to approach. Plus, being able to check off tasks more often and more easily will boost your confidence and your sense of competence, thus building momentum.
Here is a sample to-do list: Research X for Point 1 of Literary Essay, create outline for History Essay, Edit/Revise Assignment 1, study Topic 1 and Topic 2 for Test 1.
To-do list or time-based schedule?
To do list: Write down all your assignments for the day. Put them in the order you want to do them, or go through them intuitively (based on what you feel like doing, or what’s most practical at the time/place you’re at).
Timed-based: Write down all your assignments, then write down the time you’re going to do each of them. You could set reminders or alarms if you want, or simply refer to the list. There’s an awesome app I recommend if this is your thing. It’s called Structured (iOS only).
Curate your study environment for maximum focus
Eliminate distractions such as uncomfortable clothing, sounds (or silence), phone and computer notifications, clutter in the room and on your desk, people who may try to talk to you (shut your door and/or inform them that you’re busy).
Designate a space to doing homework only and avoid spaces that you associate with other things (do not study in bed, as you will want to relax or sleep, and/or you will mess with your sleep by weakening the bed’s association with sleep).
Build associations: Incorporate other events and items into your study/homework routine that you only use while doing that, so that you associate those things with studying/homework (examples: specific playlists, pencils/pens, cups/bottles, scents, rituals, decor, etc.).
Ensure good lighting (preferably including daylight).
Get dressed in clothes that make you feel good about yourself. They don’t have to be “professional” and they should definitely be comfortable. Do not stay in your pyjamas. Believe me, I know this can be hard, and I love PJ’s. But they are not good for productivity.
Don’t “multi-task.” It may feel like you’re getting more done this way, but by splitting your focus, not only do tasks take longer, they also diminish in quality. Commit to the task you’re doing.
Meditate: You can even meditate for just 1-5 mins right before studying, homework and/or classes.
Practice self care (daily!)
Sleep (enough, well, and regularly).
Daylight: Get outside, work by windows, use a light therapy box. These can help regulate your sleep, improve and maintain mental health, and boost energy.
Fresh air: Getting outside even for a couple minutes can help you refresh and reset, and feel good about yourself and your life. Fresh oxygen can help you wake up and is great for your health. Even just opening your window can do a lot for your mood, energy and motivation.
Movement: Try to move at least once per day. The benefits of exercise are numerous and immense.
Healthy and consistent eating: Avoid spikes in insulin levels by eating regularly so you don’t have extreme dips in your energy level. Also, brain power uses calories too, so make sure you’re eating consistently, and try to eat healthy. There are so many other reasons eating consistently is good for your health (and by extension, your productivity).
Relaxation and leisure: Make time for fun and socializing, as well as intentional relaxation. Hobbies, movies/tv, time with friends/family, meditation, baths, progressive muscle relaxation, etc.
Therapy: Your therapy sessions are not daily, but you can do 5 minutes of inner-work per day based on what you and your therapist are currently working on. Working with a therapist is a great way to stay on track with your goals, and develop the skills and positive mindset required for success in school.
Reward yourself
Track progress: Reflect on all the assignments you’ve completed and your grades to remind yourself that you’re capable!
Completing to-do lists daily maintains a sense of accomplishment which keeps your momentum going. Check those items off! Or give yourself gold stars! ⭐️
Treat yourself with non-food rewards: Tie completed school work with fun tasks like video games, or take yourself out for coffee, or some other small (non-food) outing. What I’m trying to do right now is not do my leisure activities until my daily tasks are done.
Develop a positive mindset
Take promises you make to yourself seriously. The more you break promises to yourself, the easier it will get to continue breaking promises. You will lose respect for yourself which lowers motivation, and you will lose trust in yourself which can become debilitating as well. The more you keep promises, the easier it will get, the more motivated you’ll become, and the more you’ll trust and respect yourself. Your confidence will improve, and you’ll feel better about yourself. Productivity is choosing yourself. Discipline is choosing what’s best for you instead of what you feel like doing in the moment. Discipline is a muscle, and like any muscle, it can be strengthened, and it can atrophy.
Remember your “why.” What is the end goal of being in school? What’s your career path, and why did you choose it? What will your life be like when you have that career? What would your life be like if you gave up and didn’t make it to your goal? Aiming for your dream while running from your nightmare is a great strategy for maintaining motivation. Lighting a fire under your *** can be a huge motivator.
Remember how good you feel when you get schoolwork done, and let this motivate you to stay consistent. You can also remember how you feel when you don’t get work done, but definitely focus more on the positive!
Go to therapy and/or hire a coach. There are SO many benefits to therapy and I’d honestly need a whole other post to get into it. You don’t need to be depressed or mentally ill at all in order to benefit from talking to a therapist. They can even help you with time management, procrastination, motivation and more! If you can afford it, please do it. It’s such a worthwhile investment.
Be consistent
No “zero days.” Do at least a bit of homework or studying every day so you don’t slip into vacation mode. Make schoolwork a daily part of your life, so it just becomes the norm.
Build productivity momentum (track progress, check items off your to-do list daily, treat yourself, keep promises to yourself, remember your “why,” remember how success feels).
Stay on top of projects. Your assignments are made up of smaller tasks you assign yourself across time. “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” - Robert Collier
Avoid burnout (more on this later).
Keep it interesting (more on this later).
Avoid burnout
Self-care: shower and/or bathe regularly, maintain proper sleep habits, stay hydrated, take care of your skin, do relaxation activities like meditation and reading, do fun activities, pamper yourself every now and then with face masks or foot baths, take your meds as prescribed, eat well and regularly, get outside often, move daily, etc.
Break up study/homework sessions into small, manageable chunks of time, with constructive (refreshing) breaks in between.
Break assignments down into even smaller tasks so that you aren’t over-working yourself during the course of a day, and so that you don’t overwhelm yourself (the stress can lead to burnout).
School-life balance: Keep up with your social life as best as you can, make time for your hobbies, maintain self-care, say no to things that don’t serve you, etc. Try to follow through with scheduled schoolwork 100% of the time, but know that you won’t. Sometimes you’ll need to prioritize mental health over schoolwork (be careful though, this is a very fine line, and a slippery slope). Sometimes things will come up and it’ll be out of your control. But more than anything else, there will be times when you just decide to prioritize something else like fun and socializing over schoolwork. This is why your schedule needs to be flexible: to accommodate sudden invites to hang out and random decisions to skip a homework/study session, but more importantly, flexibility will reduce the odds that you’ll skip in the first place. If your schedule includes hobbies and socializing, and anything else that’s important to you, then you won’t feel deprived. If you have school-life balance, you’ll have more of yourself to devote to schoolwork when it’s time to.
Keep it interesting
Romanticize your life by putting effort into making all of your daily tasks a special occasion.
Make meals and drinks special by using your favourite dinnerware and cutlery. Perhaps even incorporate extra elements such as: a beautiful tablecloth, napkins, candles and/or dim lighting, music, wearing your favourite clothing, etc.
Pretend you’re the main character in a movie about a successful, productive student (because you are the main character in your life).
Make games out of studying if this is something that interests you (the Forest app comes to mind).
Use lots of colours in your notes and buy colourful stationary! 🌈
Vary your approach/methods if needed to avoid boredom.
Study with friends (online or in person).
Reward yourself often.
Remember your “why.”
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obae-me · 4 years
The Demons Inside- Part 2
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Part 1 (Lucifer)      Part 3 (Levi)
Description: Mammon’s Part of the request “The brothers reacting to an MC crying suddenly in front of them and then trying to act as if nothing happened”
Words: 2201
Mammon groaned, sinking down deep into the chair. He slumped down so far, his face was nearly eye level with the low table. How long had it been now? Two hours? Four? An entire night? The lecture his older brother was torturing him with was worse than being strung up on the ceiling. All of this over some dumb assignments. 
“Mammon, are you listening to me?” The deep grumble of Lucifer’s voice snapped him back up in place. The demon of pride continued briskly pacing back and forth, gesturing towards the strewn papers on his desk. Even just a flickering glance over the parchment would reveal how poorly they were done. Red marks, endless corrections, poor letter grades. Oh how he hated the study. Lucifer only ever brought him here of his own volition when he wanted to chew Mammon out in private. When his brother was angry with him, he wasn’t afraid to let the entire household and Devildom know it, but when he was disappointed? He was forced to have one on one time, listening to Lucifer scold him with something darker than anger in his eyes. 
“Yes, I’ve been listening to you prattle on for the past few hours now!” Mammon exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration. 
Lucifer’s eyelids lowered as he stopped pacing to look Mammon straight in the face. “Mammon, it’s only been twenty minutes.” With a wave of his hand, he brushed that irk aside, slightly impressed he used the word ‘prattle’. “Diavolo addressed me directly to confront you about this, Mammon. Do you understand the position you’re putting me in, the situation you’re putting yourself in?” The words were coming out of Lucifer’s mouth through gritted teeth. With one of his gloved hands, he plucked up a single assignment out of the many, showing it to his brother as if he didn’t already know what a failure it was. “Why can’t you just be like your brothers and get things done?” 
How many times had they been through this now? How many times would they go through this same song and dance as if Lucifer didn’t already know the answer. Why him? Of all his siblings, why him? He severely doubted his older brother dragged his brothers down to have an in depth talk about their sins. He knew none of them were as severely punished as he ever was. 
“Because I don’t want to! Why always me, eh? When was the last time you had Beel in here to talk about his eating habits?” He had almost had enough, he was out of his seat, hand on one hip, his teeth almost grinding together out of anger. Another push and he wouldn’t be able to control his form. The aura around him was already starting to thicken, the air getting hotter. 
“Diavolo doesn’t approach me directly about Beel’s habits, but he ordered me to talk to you!” Lucifer closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly, his voice calmer. “Sometimes we do things we don’t want to do.” Lucifer normally wouldn’t have hesitated to always be towering above his brother. Typically, at this point, his wings would’ve been unfurled, his eyes glowing, his form large and intimidating. But for right now, he stayed in his normal image, the bags of exhaustion and worry unable to hide themselves under Lucifer’s eyes. The firstborn pressed both of his palms on the surface of his desk as he leaned forward. “I know it’s harder on you than the others. I know how hard you fight against your sin, but I know you have the strength to-” 
“Ah, don’t bring up that sorry line again, I’ve heard it enough.” Mammon looked his brother in the eyes before turning his back on him. “What’s the point? I’m outta here.” Mammon ran a hand through his hair to clear his vision. He had half a mind to keep his vision blurred with them, it was preferable to seeing his brother like this. It was better when he was angry. He hated it when it was...too real, too personal. 
Mammon turned to leave, and instead of Lucifer dragging him back to save his own pride, he only called out to him one more time, haughty plopping down in his chair. “I know you’re capable of it, Mammon. Get it done. You’re...dismissed.” 
* * * 
His skin still prickled with irritation, but he thought he had a plan that would best suit everyone. He knocked on the door, adjusting the many books and papers under his arm to prevent him from losing his grip. He had that typical golden Grimm-making smile on his face when the entrance swung open. The rush of air from within the bedroom flooded out the door, and he felt his body calm down with the scent and sight of MC. 
“Mammon?” MC rubbed their eyes, they hadn’t quite been to sleep yet, but it was very late in the night, and anytime now Lucifer would be doing his Light’s Out rounds. They were already in their pajamas, a pencil still lingering in their dominant hand. 
“I have a favor to ask of you, MC,” Mammon started, assuring himself that this would bring about the best outcome. Lucifer would get what he wanted, he would get what he wanted, and MC would get whatever they wanted for their efforts. He pulled out the large stack of books and papers from the crook of his arm, presenting them to MC. Their eyes went wide in a bit of shock, and MC braced themselves for the question they already knew. “Can you do my homework for me? It’s not too much, just a few essays, reports, multi-question assignments. You do this for me, and I’ll--get this--pay you for the work, eh?” 
“I-uh…” MC stuttered as Mammon practically shoved the books into their hands. He beamed at them, looking at them with hopeful pleading eyes. MC was always so nice, they never hesitated to extend a helping hand, and it was just what he needed. MC struggled to carry the books in their arms, maybe it had been more than he expected. “I…” 
“I’ll help carry these to your desk, what do you say?” He didn’t give them much of a chance to say anything regardless. He plucked the books back up, heading into their room while MC still struggled with words. The desk MC was using was already a mess, covered in stacks of tomes, multiple notebooks, and a plenty of assignments, more than should be assigned to one person. He raised an eyebrow as he placed his own books alongside the rest. He went to question them. “Oi, MC, what’re-” He swiveled his head to glance back at the human. 
They had their head down, hands covering their face as their shoulders shuddered. The hair on the back of Mammon’s neck immediately stood up on end, the heart in his chest felt like it sunk down to the floor. Without another word, he was at MC’s side. The room, for him, was almost moving around him in circles as he watched MC cry. He bent his knees and squatted down slightly so he could try to look at MC’s bowed face. He grabbed them by the shoulders, thumbs rubbing their skin in small circles. 
“Hey, hey, MC...listen you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. It was a joke! Yeah, a joke!” He forced out a laugh. MC didn’t laugh with him. Emotional walls he kept surrounding were cracking. Tonight had not been his night. He quickly left MC, taking heavy but quick steps back to their desk. Stupid, he was stupid. He grabbed his books back, talking to MC while he gathered his work. “So, I’ll-uh-just take these back, and-” 
“No, wait.” He felt a hand touch his arm. MC tugged at the fabric of his sleeve. They were no longer crying, and for just a moment, Mammon wondered if he imagined the whole thing. Their eyes were a bit puffy, but already they had their usual smiles plastered over their lips. They were acting like nothing had happened. “I’ll do it. I’ll do your work.” They touched his hand and guided the stack back to the hard and cluttered surface. The gentle gesture caused his cheeks to go a bit red. Their actions were leaving him winded. Were they upset or not?
“I mean, if you want to.” With those words, Mammon saw MC’s lip twitch. As an avid and talented gambler, there was one form of body language that he was well acquainted with. Tells. Little physical involuntary forms of a lie. His eyes narrowed, and he took the time to actually get a closer look at all the work MC had. Assignments with MC’s handwriting but labeled with different names, multiple copies of the same book, even tasks from classes MC wasn’t even enrolled in. Nerves in his body jolted. His legs almost felt like shaking, what was he doing? Was he just another scummy demon dumping their work on a human? His human. What had he done? 
“I don’t mind, Mammon.” MC placed his stuff to the side, alongside all the other works MC had taken upon them. They adjusted a pile of parchment, the tip of their finger fiddling with one of the corners. Their somber look of recognition that someone else would be taking credit for their work. “If it makes you happy, I’ll do it.” He watched the muscles in their throat strain to say the words. They didn’t want to. They didn’t want to do this any more than he did, and they were doing three times the work.  
“And that’s what you want, huh? To do other people’s duties?” He found himself growling. MC looked up at him with mild shock. “So what happened, eh? Did they threaten you? Trick you?” He wanted to tear up everything on that desk, but he clenched his jaw and waited. 
MC shook their head slowly, their hair falling in front of tired eyes. “Nothing like that, they just asked. Just like you did.” 
Those words stabbed through him like a dull knife. He wanted to scream but the air in his lungs quickly went absent. He was finding it hard to breathe. “And you said yes? Why?” He took a few steps closer to them. He could feel their body heat, hear their ragged breaths. 
MC squirmed in place, their lip betraying them. They were going to cry again. “Well...just because.” For some reason the lecture he had been privy to earlier reverberated around in his brain. MC’s gaze flickered around the room, avoiding him. He envisioned Lucifer and himself, the tough love his brother had shown him. He scoffed and shut his eyes as he silently thanked his brother for all that he taught him. 
He gently took MC’s face in both of his hands and forced them to look at him. “Do you want to do it?” He knew the answer already, he just had to keep working on chipping away their stubborn wall. They continued to stammer, giving vague answers that avoided being a direct yes or no. “Do. You. Want. It?” He enunciated every word, wiping away a single tear that strolled down MC’s face. He was almost there. They grabbed his wrists, trying to break free, but Mammon wouldn’t let them go. He could hear their chest puff out suffocated sobs. 
He watched their shields crumble down in front of him. MC leaned into his touch, tears unable to be held back any longer. “No...I don’t. I don’t want to do it anymore.” They allowed him to pull them close, and he let out a brisk sigh. 
“You’re too selfless for your own good. It’s running ya ragged.” He fiddled with a strand of hair on the nape of their neck. “Can’t you be a little greedy?” They didn’t respond, they just kept on crying. He held onto them tighter. He tisked. “Listen, I’ve got a special one-of-a-kind deal for you.” He felt them start to calm down, slowly but surely. “Take some of my greed for yourself, eh? Greed isn’t always about money or power. Sometimes it’s about doing what you want, solely for the fact that you want it.” Their head swiveled up just enough so he could see their eyes. He almost choked up just looking at them. He cleared his throat. “You clearly don’t have a selfish bone in your body, so I’ll just have to do it for you. We’re tearing up those assignments. And…” He took a deep breath in. “Because I’m so great, this once-in-a-lifetime offer comes with me, Mammon, doing your work for you. IF-” He dried their eyes, thankful their fit had come to a close. His hand lingered on their skin. “You promise to do something for yourself in exchange.” 
MC weakly agreed, and Mammon piled up MC’s work on top of his own to take to his room. He was unaware of the dark shadow lingering in the doorway that stepped away like a whisper. Striding away with a proud smile on their face.
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Communication Issues (AT:TTSIMBCMEOAYSFIL)- Chapter Three
Ao3,   MasterPost,   Chap.1,   Chap.2
Relationships: Eventual Romantic Analogince, Romantic Prinxiety, implied background Moceit
Warnings: Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Self-isolation, Arguments, Unintentional Emotional Repression, Body Horror (in the form of Remus being Remus!), swearing, some small descriptions of pain, self-deprecations. There’s some fluff in the middle cuz I’m not pure evil, but this is pretty angsty :3 (I promise it’ll have a happy ending u just gotta wait ok). Remus uses it/its here, and is also aromantic.
Word Count: 8,167
Now, dramatism isn’t one of your functions, so you like to think that you’re being entirely  reasonable when you say that you’d rather die than inform your closest friends that you’ve grown to love them a bit more than platonically. 
And yet, here they are. Sitting on your couch, in your cluttered room, staring up at you with expectation in their eyes. They’re waiting, Logan. You didn’t actually expect to avoid this forever, did you?
Maybe you did, but it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve been wrong.
But you digress: you owe them the explanation they came here for. And as you open your mouth to speak, your voice is not nearly as measured as you’d like it to be. 
“As I said before, It was never my intention for you to think I did not want to see you- that is to say, it simply wasn’t feasible, given- well- there were certain complications, you see…”
Virgil narrows his eyes, bemusedly, from his contorted position across the arm and top cushion of your couch. 
“What kind of complications?”
You look at the carpet, but it doesn’t offer much visual stimuli. You look up at the ceiling, but the angle makes your neck ache. You settle your eyes on your bookshelf instead, studying the multi-colored covers of novels that span the length of the entire opposite wall. 
“...Complicated ones.”
Virgil snorts, a sound that usually has you thinking about just how adorable he can be, but the sound is devoid of humor in its current form. 
“Care to elaborate, Teach?” Roman inquires, his legs folded comfortably under himself as he watches you. He’s managed to keep himself pretty still and quiet, though you aren’t sure if that’s attributed to his current restraint or the effects of your room.
  You push your glasses up on your nose. They fall back to their original position. You repeat this action almost compulsively. 
“It’s foolish- Very foolish. I know this is somewhat hypocritical of me, but I believe it is for the best that I do not burden you with it.”
“You aren’t a burden!” Roman squawks indignantly, in conjunction with Virgil snipping: “We’re well past that, buddy.”
You feel your face heat, embarrassingly enough. You aren’t sure why, but their instant and vehement defensiveness for you is a bit motivating. They… they won’t hate you for it. They might even understand, if you’re willing to be optimistic about this. 
“You could call it. Jealousy, I suppose.”
“Jealousy?” Roman scrunches his nose, uncomprehending.
“Yes- I know it isn’t exactly fair of me to feel this way, but it’s the unfortunate truth. I have noticed that the two of you have become much… closer, than you once were,” you see the two of them flush in embarrassment, which only serves to prove your point. “Rest assured, I’m very happy for the both of you and your bond. It’s just that I’ve realized that I have become essentially irrelevant, which I find to be… upsetting. And I know you both are far too kind and non-communicative to outright tell me this, thus I decided that I would take matters into my own hands by giving the two of you your much-needed space willingly.” 
You do not add that you’re also avoiding them because you can barely stomach being around their PDA. It seems unnecessary, and maybe a tad pathetic.
Virgil recovers from his embarrassment at your calling him out quickly enough, his abashment being engulfed by indignation. Oh, wonderful. They really can’t let up without a fight.
“What the hell are you talking about?” His anger is clear, but all three of you know that he’s only upset at the situation. 
“I would love to remain as your friends, of course, I only meant that it would be best if I didn’t interrupt you two-”
“Interrupt us?!” He’s very near shouting, leaping up from his seat and stalking towards you. He stops less than a foot away, and you try desperately not to recoil from him. 
“Yes,” you sound meek, don’t you? “It only made sense-”
He stares at you as though you’re an idiot. It’s a despicable look, but when you turn your attention to Roman for a reprieve, his expression is no different.
And then they- oh, what they do next brings you more pain than any expression ever could. It starts quiet, like they’re trying to hold it at bay, but their resolves crack and crumble. 
They laugh. They’re laughing at you. 
You shouldn’t have let them in- not into your room, not into your head, not into your life at all. You should have known that when your genuine emotions came to light, they’d only find it humorous in the end. Because you, Logan- Logic, your ‘feelings’- they’re hilarious. They are nonsensical and hardly befitting a being such as yourself, yet you have them! And you actually began to speak about them! What a comedic situation. You’re a fool in every sense of the word- both a jester and an idiot. 
They aren’t even laughing that hard, but to you each small sound reads as a raucous, villainous cackle that tears apart your skin and leaves you raw. Roman’s head is tipped back and he appears to be shaking with amusement; Virgil is trying to press his lips together and stifle his chuckling, but he’s doing a poor job of it.
Something writhes in you, much uglier than your shame or guilt. It squirms beneath the layers of your skin and runs up and down your spine, tensing your muscles with its electricity. It’s fury, burning nearly as bright as your face surely must be with this humiliation. 
How could they, tricking you into caring for them, convincing you to help them and support them, only to then heckle you when you hand them your trust. It was such a fragile thing already- which you know is preposterous, trust isn’t tangible, but in this moment it feels quite like a cracked window finally shattering to useless shards.
Virgil is startled into silence immediately; Roman makes a strangled sort of sound as he stops laughing.
“What?” They chorus, both looking ready to contradict you with drawn out and over-emotional arguments. 
You won’t give them that satisfaction.
“Get. Out. Of my. Room,” your shaking speech is blanketed in monotone; it’s like a towel thrown over a forest fire; it won’t last long.
Their eyes widen comically. They speak all over each other, clamoring to explain or excuse their actions, but to you the pleading is naught but white noise. 
You gave them a chance to leave of their own volition, but if they’re so keen on remaining a nuisance, then fine. You huff a sigh, turning your back to Roman and Virgil. With a snap, their chatter cuts off unceremoniously, and you are left cold and lonely. 
When you turn around, they’re gone.
You don’t get a chance to react before you’re thrown upwards through the floor of your bedroom. You land in an unceremonious heap, half-on and half-off of your bed, losing your balance almost immediately and toppling to the floor. Rising up makes you dizzy enough as it is, but being forced away from somewhere makes you want to vomit. 
You pull yourself up from the ground, holding your head in your hands until the world stops spinning. As soon as your brain gets working again, you can hear thunderous footfalls out in the hall. They stomp right past your door and down the hall. There’s a series of loud thumps, rattles, and shouts, before whoever it is retraces their steps.
You walk to your door as if on autopilot, opening it just as Roman was about to knock. He’s panting, distressed. 
“We fucked up,” he says.
“Yeah,” you pull him inside, slamming the door behind him, “We did.”
“I didn’t mean to, you know that right? I wasn’t laughing at him, I wouldn’t, alright?” Roman spirals, “He thinks I did! It was just ridiculous, was all! To think that we don’t want him around- to think-”
He curls into himself. You catch his hand before he can press it against his chest, unfolding him. You hold his wrist and rub little patterns into the back of his hand.
“Ro, hey.”
He glances up at you, wild-eyed. Eyeshadow is already creeping its way down his face.
“Why don’t we talk about this in your room instead, hm?” 
He nods, shaking, with a small mutter of ‘right, right’. You nod back, holding onto him just tight enough that your claws don’t quite dig in. 
You materialize in Roman’s room, dragging him along with you. Almost immediately a fierce pulse of energy overwhelms you. You stagger in shock, but Roman doesn’t even blink at the force. He pulls away from you and falls upon his massive, plush, circular canopy bed with a despairing whine. You can’t really blame him. 
The Creative power of this room takes its effects on you faster than any other side’s abilities could- you really wonder how Roman is so used to it. You sit on the bed beside him, intending to comfort him as he buries himself further into his hoard of pillows. But then, you can’t. You can’t sit down. Far too much troubled excitement is pooling in your stomach; far too many ideas and thoughts are running through your head, and the loudest of them are desperate appeals to start fixing this mess.
Anxiety and Creativity wouldn’t theoretically mix well, but that’s just the thing about theories. They’re often wrong, so very wrong or crackpot or conspiratorial. The truth of it is Creativity and Anxiety work together wonderfully, both as concepts and as actual, metaphysical creatures. You’ve known this, even if you won’t admit it, since you were all teenagers. But only now does it hit you just how much Roman’s abilities can do for you. It takes all of your energy, all that pent-up fear and frustration from what’s just happened, and it gives you the tools to actually use it for something.
It also makes you, ya know. Just a little recklessly confident.
“Alright, Princey, get up.”
He whines again, shifting his head just enough to glare at you.
“I’m wallowing in self-pity! For the reason that one of my dearest friends thinks me a- a bully! How are you not freaking out about this?”
“Honestly?” You wrap your hands around his wrist again, pulling him into a ragdoll-ish sitting position, “I’ve got no idea. Mentally I think I’m in the fifth dimension or some shit, so we gotta work this out quick before I come back down and really lose my mind.”
He grumbles, but you see him biting back an amused smile. Flopping his legs over the edge of the bed and making no movement to stand, Roman narrows his eyes up at you. 
“Alright, alright. We need to give that conversation another go, I know that, but we should give Logan some space first. He’s unlikely to hear us out now. You know how headstrong he is when he gets… like this.”
You nod, vacantly, because you're already three steps ahead of where he is in the conversation. 
“Yeah, good point. More time.”
“Right,” Roman draws the word out, looking at you strangely, “So why aren’t you moping with me?”
You pull the reins of your practically palpable energy enough to sit down, right next to him.
“We obviously have to work out this-” you gesture between yourself and Roman, “-before we can really talk to Logan,” once the sentence is out of your mouth you wish you could swallow back the ‘obviously’, because Roman is usually slow on the uptake and you’d never intentionally make fun of that. But he does nothing more than scrunch his face up in exaggerated confusion, the pink tint to his face giving away that he must have at least some idea what you’re implying. 
“What- what do you mean by that? The two of us already get along famously!”
“I think you know that’s not what I meant. You’re using your stage voice. You always do that when you lie.”
“Who are you- Janus?” He cough-laughs awkwardly, breaking eye-contact with you. You’re surprised that you’re holding up any better than him, but your strongest reaction at the moment is a mild blush and some prickling at your skin. 
It is for these reasons that you both love and hate Creative-Mode Virgil. He is a very productive and efficient version of you, but his propensity for acting bold and impulsive makes you want to strangle him. Him being you, of course.
“Look, Logan was wrong to think that he was a third wheel, or whatever, but I’m pretty sure he was right about the… closeness with us, I guess.”
Roman’s staring at you with wide eyes, a deep red flushing him from his ears right across his nose and cheeks. He’s clearly trying to smile, but it’s coming out awkwardly strained, almost twisted sideways. There’s a second when the anxiety rushes back to you in a wave of oh no you misread this so fucking bad of course he doesn’t feel that way about you you’re his best friend whatthehellwereyouthinkingVirgil- and it almost wins you over, but you’re in Roman’s Room. And that doesn’t just mean motivation and creativity. 
Your paranoid thoughts could never beat what’s ingrained into you as a fact. You can feel the romantic tension, almost like it’s a physical presence in the room. Maybe it is. A part of you- most of you, in fact- still wants to convince you that you’re doing something wrong. But it’s getting harder and harder to believe the longer you sit here, knowing that these emotions you feel aren't entirely your own. 
“Virgil,” he breathes, and you can feel it on your skin- when did you get so close?
“We don’t have to do anything about this,” you start to backpedal, but you don’t move away from him, “Not if you don’t want to, yet. I just… we had to talk about it, I think.”
“So you…?”
The hesitance in his voice destroys your resolve. You reach out, tucking up both of his hands in your own. 
They’re warm. 
“Yeah, I- yeah.”
He surveys you for far too long; it’s hard not to squirm. You let him watch you, though, just so he can find whatever it is he’s looking for in your expression. When he does, it only draws him in nearer.
“You and Logan are right. I love you, V.” 
You try not to smile. It doesn’t work. 
“I figured.”
He huffs at you, shoving you, but he’s grinning widely. You roll your eyes at him. You don’t speak for a while, holding your tongue for as long as you can- but you really need to say it. Just so he knows.
“I love you back, though. Or- something like that, I don’t know…”
Roman laughs outright at that, tossing his head back. You can already feel the energy you were given twisting into an entirely contradictory exhaustion. Because of that, you don’t even try to pretend to be annoyed; you just watch, fondly. 
When he’s settled, that amused look turns sharply to worry. 
“So now what?”
You pause, running your thumb over his knuckles as you think the question over. 
“Yeah, that.”
“Well, like you said, we give him some space.”
“And then?”
You glance up at Roman for confirmation, but you don’t need to. Like you said, you can feel it; his room is a pretty big snitch. 
“We tell him we love him.” 
 You let yourself forget about what happened, just for the afternoon. It’s hard, but what choice do you have? It’s out of your hands for now. And, while usually that makes you even more nervous, you manage to force yourself into the shape of something vaguely undaunted. After all, if you can’t tell Logan just how much you care about him, you can still remind Roman. 
In your own way, of course. 
“Hey,” you mutter, for what must be the millionth time that evening. Roman turns his attention away from the vent-art he’s working on, glancing at you.
“Yes, Knightmare?” He asks, but the tired and affectionate smile on his face says that he already knows your game. Damn, and here you were thinking you were subtle. (not.)
“Mmh,” you press your face into the side of his neck, leaving a few miniscule kisses to the skin there. Your arms are twined around his waist, a position that bordered on- oh, who are you kidding, it’s exceptionally clingy.
The embarrassment that you feel from so openly displaying such sappy, disgusting affection is overturned, however slightly, by the quiet laugh and kiss to the top of your head that Roman returns to you for your efforts. You hide your smile in the crook of his neck.
You continue to shower Roman with attention for a minute or so, covering his face with little pecks and pressing yourself against him, before leaning back a few inches. You sigh. He resumes his work, resting his back against your chest as he does so. 
You will let him continue to draw for ten or so minutes. You will ask for his attention again, and he’ll give it to you with a slightly wider smile than the last time you did it- that smile grows exponentially, but only by tiny increments.
You’ll kiss him all up his neck and the side of his face, hug him even tighter, listening to him laugh in a much too relieved voice before you let up once more.
And he’ll be a little more sure of you each time. A little more sure that you two can do this together. 
You are not a patient entity when it comes to the things you want. You are, in the best of cases, the exact opposite. This gets about One Million Billion times worse when the one thing that you want is to declare your love for someone, and said someone hasn’t left his room even once in six days.
Virgil, Patton, and Janus (once you’d relayed the situation to the latter two) have essentially been keeping you on a leash at all times of the day- or night- to make absolutely sure that you don’t break Logan’s door down. Which- to be fair- you wouldn’t put it past yourself to do that, but still. 
But even with the distraction of a new boyfriend (boyfriend!!!!) and those two overbearingly caring friends of yours, you are still Physically Unable to Not Do Anything currently. And, you suppose if you can’t break Logan’s door down, you might as well try that idea out on someone who wouldn’t bat an eye at such an, ah, intrusion seems to be the fitting word. 
You drop yourself face first onto Remus’ bed in your usual melodramatic fashion, immediately regretting it because fuck that smells horrid. When was the last time it washed its sheets?
Probably never, actually. You sit up.
Your sibling is sitting cross-legged on its desk, working on something that’s got a good deal of goop and limbs. It looks up at you blankly. 
“Ro? What the hell are you doing in here?” It doesn’t sound angry, just very, very surprised. 
“My life is ending.”
“Fun! Does that mean I get full creative control?”
“No! And it’s not fun, you animal!” 
It scrutinizes you, setting its strange arthropodic creation down on the desk. You lean back when it leans forwards.
“Wow, shit must be really bad if you’ve decided to come here!”
You nod, miserably. 
“Okay,” it claps its hands together, standing up only to fall against the bed beside you. It’s half-sitting, half-laying; the way it twists all its limbs up can not be comfortable. “What’s going on?”
You glare at it, but you aren’t sure why. Probably just because it is there and you need something to glare at while you talk. 
“It’s Logan…” You trail off, waiting for Remus to catch on. It takes its time thinking, even more expressionless than before. 
“You know why he hasn’t left his room in days? I tried to check on him but he barely told me anything. Just said he was tired, and ‘thanks for the concern’,” it says at last, catching you off-guard.
“You mean you haven’t heard? I would’ve thought Patton or Janus might have told you.”
It taps its claw to its chin a couple of times, thoughtful. The implication clicks just a second later, apparently, because it lets out a whining groan and drags its hands down its face.
“Oh, not that. I can’t do anything if it’s that!” It exclaims, “Yeah, they did mention it, but I guess I just tune that kind of thing out,” it pauses, “...It’s because you and Vee are fucking now, right?”
You flush, embarrassment and indignation welling up at the back of your throat. You bat Remus’ shoulder, bristly as a thornbush.
“No, we aren’t- I mean, not yet- I mean, that’s none of your business!”
“You did kinda come to me for help, though, so it actually is.”
You glower, refusing to justify that with a response. It rolls its eyes at you, turning over so that it’s flat on its back with its upper half hanging off the bed.
“It’s your bad to come to me for romance advice. You couldn’t have asked literally anyone else- yourself, for example?” It fusses with its talons as it rants, snapping off a couple of nails absentmindedly, “It’s not even the fun kind of gross.”
You can’t believe you’re considering saying it. You won’t! You shouldn’t! You refuse!
“...Please?” Oh fuck, you’ve done it now.
Remus pulls its head up slightly, a very smug grin across its face. Its teeth are horrendously crooked and yellow-stained, looking much too big and sharp to fit into its mouth. 
“Awww, you’re begging? God, you’re so desperate.”
It’s very difficult to resist the urge to push it off the bed. But you are a pillar of restraint today, because it’s not entirely wrong about that, and you still need it to help you.
“Look, it’s too personal to my own life for my abilities to do me any good. And Virgil can’t talk about it- he’s way too frazzled to even think about it, the poor thing. Plus, Patton and Janus aren’t… great… at things,” that’s a very soft way of putting: the former gets much too emotionally invested and the latter is entirely snarky and unhelpful. “So I came here. I think a more, erm, detached point of view could help.”
Remus hums at that. 
“I guess there’s nothing more detached from romantic issues than someone who’s never had any- you’ve come to the right place in that case.”
“So you’ll help?” 
Remus slides slowly forward until it’s landing in a heap on the ground, various crunching noises resulting from the impact. It huffs, lifts itself up to rest its chin on the edge of the bed, and stares at you unblinkingly.
“You’re not allowed to tangent about how pretty his eyes are or how much you love his voice, or anything like that, got it? Otherwise, I will puke, and probably into your mouth just to shut you up.”
You gag, perhaps a bit exaggeratedly.
“That’s vile!”
“Thank you! Now, bitch to me about your problems before I get bored.”
You look down to your lap, winding and unwinding your fingers repetitiously. You think about the past couple of days; in many aspects, it’s been wonderful. Virgil actually wants to be your boyfriend! And that’s what he is now! Of course, you both are just as cuddly as ever, but now you don’t have to worry about holding back. That’s been an amazing relief.
But there’s always that little thing missing, holding you back from being content completely. You want to give Logan his space, truly you do, but every day you feel a little more distant from him. A little further from being able to fix things. It’s familiar in all the worst ways.
You blink rapidly, remembering where you are before the emotions overcome you. With a shaky breath, you begin to speak. It’s just a summary at first, but then you can’t help but give Remus your most detailed accounts of, well, everything. 
You gauge its reaction intensely, but it’s as inscrutable as ever. You finish the tale hurriedly, expectant for some sort of response from the creature across from you.
There is an intolerable silence as you practically see the gears turning in Remus’ brain, which is funny because you thought Octopuses were supposed to have nine of them. You have no idea what it’s using all the other ones for, if that’s the case.
“You laughed at him,” it smirks when it speaks, sounding out the words slowly. You scoff.
“We were laughing at the situation! We didn’t mean it to seem that way. It was just bad timing! ”
It cackles at you, sitting back on its legs and tossing its head back. It sounds like a shrieking kettle.
“No wonder he’s so pissed! He thinks you think his feelings are a joke! His whole deal is not wanting to be that. That’s, like, his big thing.”
You’d… sort of figured that’s what happened, but hearing it out loud still stings. To think you’d done that to him. He was getting so much better with his feelings, but you had to go and ruin it. 
“I already know that I- we-” mental filtering, Roman, “We caused the issue. I wanted to know how to fix it.”
Remus stops laughing as suddenly as it’d started, looking at you with all the sincerity of, perhaps, someone capable of being serious. 
“Corner him,” it answers simply.
“Excuse me?”
“Corner him. Your first mistake was that you went to him in his room, which meant he could just throw you out of there. He’s stubborn, right? Plus, he thinks you were making fun of him. He’s not gonna come out to have a civilized conversation on his own, cuz he’s a dumbass, so I don’t think more space is gonna help you out here. Lure him out! Tie him up, if it’ll make him listen!” Remus pauses thoughtfully, “Orrrrr you could try amputating his legs entirely, but he’ll probably grow them back. He’s annoying like that.”
You choose to ignore the last suggestion, focusing instead on its main point. 
“Are you sure that won’t make things worse?”
“Define ‘worse’ for me, in terms of right now, currently, in here on this day.”
“Good point.”
Remus nods to itself, standing up from the floor and stretching its arms above its head. Its shoulders dislocate, but it pops them back into their sockets once its done. This almost feels like the conclusion of the conversation, but you get the impression that it’s taking its time to piece together a sentence with a little more finality.
“He was obviously crazy about you two before, which means he probably still is. He’s also a sad little shit, though.”
You move to stand as well, curling your fingers against themselves again.
“You really think so?”
“Oh, I have no idea. That’s your department, remember? Now, get out of my room; no alloromantics allowed after-” it checks the time, clearly making the rule up on the spot, “Five twenty-six P.M.” 
“Fine, fine, I can take a hint,” you place your hands on your hips, feeling just a little more confident in the wake of this talk.
“‘Hint’? I explicitly told you to leave.”
You grumble at Remus, but make your way to the door nonetheless. It turns back to its desk, grabbing for a jar that seems to be filled with insect legs. It’s immediately refocused into whatever strange creatures it was working on, pulling them apart and shoving them back together. You let the affronted look fall from your face, replaced by a small, fond smile.
“Thanks, Re.”
It glances back at you, briefly.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing…” it pauses, its hands stilling. “Good luck.”
“Thank you,” you say, earnestly.
You leave, letting it get back to its work. 
 The hallway smells like a fucking Macy’s compared to Remus’ room. Jesus Christ, it’s a relief. 
You shut the door behind you with a soft click, leaning back against it with a deep, shuddering sigh. It’s been a long week. 
Ah, and just on time, as if to prove your point, there’s a gravelly shout and a thump from downstairs. You draw yourself to attention, shaking the slump from your shoulders. You flit through the narrow hall to the top of the stairs, listening carefully for an issue to resolve or an unseemly beast to slay. A prince must protect his subjects, after all.
For a few seconds, all you can hear below is frantic whispering. You set a foot on the top step, but you don’t get the chance to descend.
Virgil is there like a flash of lightning, speeding up the stairs and heading right for you. 
You startle, spiraling back to escape his path, but it’s futile. He catches you at the top, sending you both crashing into the opposite wall. Pain shoots up your back at the impact, as well as sparking in your shoulders where his claws are gripping you. You hiss, the sound dying when you meet his eyes. 
They’re bright. No, glowing. No, seeping- their color is seeping into the world around them, curling in little streaks of murky green and violet around Virgil’s face. 
He speaks, but it’s without distortion. It’s clear and crisp. It isn’t quite anxiety that’s consuming him this way, no, it’s something much more powerful.
“Roman,” he takes your hand in a fervent grip, “Ro, it’s Logan.”
You blink, and before you really know what you’re doing, you're already halfway downstairs.
Light, sparse taps are turned out against the solid wood door. The sounds, however small, echo throughout this packed little room.
Your fingers stall above the laptop’s keyboard, and for a fraction of a second frustration overcomes you. It’s gone as soon as it comes, replaced unceremoniously by numbness. This is a minor inconvenience to your work, but not much else. Thankfully, you are not one to dwell on it; after all this time, you are finally in complete control of your faculties and your emotions. 
The knock returns, more sure of itself as it hits against the surface. Bemusedly, you wonder why on earth they’re still bothering- but, that isn’t them, it belatedly occurs to you. The rhythm isn’t that of some showtune or another, nor is it harsh and pounding.
You aren’t sure how many days it’s been since you’ve heard that particular sound. You aren’t sure… What day is it?
Well, regardless, you’ve been jarred from your work. You could ignore it and continue on- you’d likely forget it soon enough- but the fact that you recognize the presence specifically as Patton stops that idea in its tracks. He’s sensitive, an overthinker to an extreme degree. He could entirely misconstrue it as a dislike of his company if you were to not respond, unlike a flippant Remus or a collected Janus. And, well…
You’re over it. You’ve been over what Roman and Virgil did to you. But even though you very much are, it’s still perfectly reasonable to not want to be near them. There would be nothing to gain from talking to them, and you’d like to spare yourself the headache. But, you digress; Patton was not a part of what transpired. He would not do that to you, and therefore he is not an impediment to your work. Looking at it rationally, he is in fact a great source of comfo- help, for you. 
With this in mind you stand, making your way across the room. You stagger when you walk, like something’s pulling you in different directions. Odd. The feeling is somewhere in your head, sinking down your vertebrae, insisting that you need to remain in the sanctity of your room. If you leave, the pull suggests, then all your carefully built clarity of mind should become disrupted. How strange for such a convincing conviction to be so seemingly baseless, you reflect.
The knock returns, and that is of course a much more pressing issue. There’s a pull coming from there as well, only one much fiercer and easier to place. It’s the strongest thing you’ve experienced in some time, like someone’s arm around your waist, guiding you forwards (even if there isn’t anyone there, really). 
“Good afternoon,” you intone, drawing the door open with excessive force. Strange, again; maybe you had just forgotten how heavy it was. 
Patton stands across from you, shock written across his features with his fist still poised in the air, as though to knock again. He drops the hand quickly, reaching out instead with both arms while a grin consumes his face. But the limbs spasm concerningly, and stop. He sweeps his arms back and presses his balled hands tightly against his chest, still smiling at you, only a little more strained. His eyes are big, murky pools of color and emotion, raging and contradictory and impossible to make sense of. Even looking into them is overwhelming. 
“Hi, buddy,” he says it so quietly, but the actual words don’t matter. He says it with force, like perhaps he’s localized every emotion he’s ever felt entirely into his tone of voice.
You blink at him, an undefined question on your lips before that pull behind you turns into a sharp push, and before you know it you’re slumping forward into the hallway and out of your room. As you’re forced out, you narrowly avoid hitting the carpet. That’s thanks to Patton, who rushes forwards with a yelp, hauling you up into his sturdy arms with very little effort. 
The confusion you’d felt leaves you in a great big rush, replaced by fire. Your skin is consumed by burns at your friend’s touch- or at least it feels that way, but logically it cannot possibly be actual flame- but fuck logic because you’re on fucking fire.
It’s an all-consuming heat, but that’s hardly all it is. It’s breathing. Like you’d been holding your breath to the point of mad deliria and only now are you gasping in great, relieved breaths of clear air as some great and stifling weight is lifted from your lungs. It also feels like moving from an ice bath to a sauna all too quickly, giving you the greatest relief in conjunction with horrific pain. 
Oh. You’re crying. 
“Shh,” Patton whispers, as though this isn’t anything out of the ordinary, “It’s okay, it’s alright.”
You hold onto him hesitantly. Are you sitting? You think you must be, judging from this position.
“Do you need me to let go? Is it too much?”
You open your mouth to speak, and your voice is in perfect, frightening monotone.
“Yes, please.”
Patton draws back gently, just far enough so that you’re not touching. Big, crocodile tears crawl down your face still, but they begin to die down after a moment. You get your breathing under control, even if just barely.
“I didn’t want you to fall and get hurt,” Patton explains, “But I realize that making you touch a living vessel for emotion might’ve hurt, too, after- well, after that,” he gestures vaguely to your room, and then to yourself. You tilt your head in confusion.
“What-?” You look down at your arms, and the question dies on your lips.
It’s lifeless; corpse-like. The cold, slate-gray painted up your arms and probably across your whole body. The color looks sucked out of you, leaving only emptiness in its wake. The only sign that you’re a living being and not a husk, a shell, a piece of shed skin- other than the tremble of your frame- is the shocks of electric blue running up your body. They could be veins, if not for the fact that the lines were perfectly straight and geometrically cornered.
Patton reaches out, pensively, and presses a cautious finger against the back of your hand. At his touch, the spot bursts into life like watercolor on wet paper. Lively, peachy skin with cool undertones appears, before fading back to gray as Patton removes his finger. And it stings. 
You jump to your feet with a struggle, hardly registering when Patton follows your lead. You spin on your heel, staring through the open door and into your room. You can’t imagine entering it- just the feeling of being near it shortens your breath. It’s frigid, it’s hard and unshakeable and dark. It is completely and entirely devoid of emotion or life, and you hadn’t left that frozen hellscape in days.
It’s a wonder you can feel anything at all, after what you’ve done to yourself.
A shaking gasp rips out of your throat, and before you can think another panicked thought you jolt forward and wrench the door shut. You back away from it until your back hits the opposite wall.
“I- I didn’t realize I was doing it,” your words sound like pleas, falling from your mouth without your consent.
“I know,” Patton stands beside you, close enough to feel but not to burn.
“I didn’t mean to, I just-”
“I know.”
“I was doing better. I was doing so well, I was happy.”
He nods solemnly. 
You’ve been aware of the existence of your emotions, and relatively accepting of it, for a good deal of time. Hypocrisy is unsustainable. You can’t very well preach the negatives of repression on a weekly basis and then go on to practice it indefinitely. 
But what you are… everything that you encompass, everything that encompasses you, it makes it much too easy to slip up. To force out every pesky feeling in favor of more ‘important’ things. What it really is is a pitiful defense mechanism, unfortunately built deep into you by the purpose of your being. And it seems that your room can even do it without your knowledge.
You look up, unsure if he can even see how miserable you are. Can you emote anymore? You try to frown, but your muscles are stuck like plastic.
“Why don’t we get you somewhere else and see if we can get some of the feeling back into ya, okay?”
You adjust your glasses once, then twice.
“Not your room, I would hope?”
“Oh, goodness,” he lets out a startled laugh, “Of course not, that would be way too much! I was thinking somewhere a little more, uhm, neutral?”
You perk up at that implication. You could just go to the common room, of course, but that’s hardly the only unaffected area in the Mindpalace. Your world isn’t quite real- and even if it is it’s extremely fluid and easy to influence- meaning you can make about just as many locations as any of you would like. Which includes structures ‘outside’ of your ‘house’.
An ill-defined existence like that might irk you, if you were in a philosophical mood. Thankfully, the only mood you’re in right now is sad. 
“Yes, I think a change of setting could be beneficial.”
Patton chirps happily, much like a tree frog, and makes to lead you downstairs. You follow close behind him, chasing that emotional high but still nervous of the pain that it could cause you. 
You’re on edge for reasons enough already. The idea that you could run into them is a prominent one that you’d rather not focus on. 
For a split second you think you might have to, though, because there’s someone sitting on the couch when you step down from the landing. Your breath catches in your throat, but then he looks up at you, heterochromic eyes wide with surprise, and you exhale steadily. 
“Hello, Janus.”
His eyebrows arch up at your greeting, perplexion in his smile. Appraisingly, he observes you, offering only a small wave. He addresses Patton when he speaks. 
“Well, Dear, it seems you were right to be concerned about him.”
Patton mutters something that you can’t quite make out, looking disconcerted. 
You’d be flushing indignantly, if you had the ability to. Your shoulders hunch up as you glance between your friends.
“You’ve been talking about me?” 
They both look acutely uncomfortable, exchanging looks. That’s answer enough for you, though. 
Oh, just look at yourself. You’re a spectacle now, aren’t you? Poor Logan, getting his metaphorical metaphysical heart broken, only for it to become the talk of the MindPalace for days on end as he relapses into repression. Isn’t it such a lovely thing for you to be? A piece of gossip. Entertainment.
Janus’ worry grows on his face, and soon he’s up from his spot and hastening towards you. You step back from him, trying to remember what glaring is meant to look like. He doesn’t invade your space again, but he just… stares at you. 
“Would you like to talk about it?” He asks. You can almost laugh at the question. 
“I’m sure you already know all about it, though, don’t you?”
Both of them are taken aback by your snapping. You regret it immediately; they haven’t done anything wrong, not really. They’re trying to help you, it isn’t their fault that they got caught up in your ‘tragic tale’. But your frustration is difficult to push down. You get the feeling that you can’t push anything down, without worrying that something will snap; it’s almost like an overworked muscle. 
“Whatever you think has been happening out here,” Janus speaks, even and slow, “It’s not that bad, alright?”
Patton nods along with him, and reaches towards you. He falters, eventually opting to hook a finger through the band of your watch instead. Your skin prickles, but there’s no pain. 
“C’mon, I was thinking we could try heading to the Clubhouse.”
That settles your anger, microscopically. You think Janus is being truthful, and Patton is nothing but consoling. And, of course, there’s the clubhouse…
You might not ever admit how much you like it. It’s been around since before you were around, back in the days of just Anxiety (the oldest), Creativities (tied for second), and a very newly formed Morality. Back when it was first made, it really was just a little child’s clubhouse, made primarily by Roman, with some disruptions by Remus, and small additions by a tiny Patton. It was probably the first neutral structure made up by the sides, as they had just begun to figure out their powers and the ‘world’ that they inhabited. Of course no one had the heart to get rid of it after that.
You give Patton a nod, angling your face so that it maybe looks like you’re smiling. He lets go of you, smiling back as he turns on his heel and heads for the door. You trail behind him, knowing that it must look very silly that you’re basically tailgating him. Janus follows you in turn, a few feet behind. He watches over the both of you protectively. 
You step out onto the lawn, hearing grass crunch beneath your shoes. The wind is particularly biting, and the sky above threatens a storm. You’re sure that the weather in the real world isn’t this chaotic, so someone in the mindscape must be sulking. You don’t mind; it’ll only make the warmth of the Clubhouse all the more pleasant. 
The Clubhouse has changed so much over the years that it’s unrecognizable as its original iteration. What once was a little stick-and-stone glorified fairy house is now a cottage-like building, one story high with a thickly thatched roof. Beside the door on either side are big bay windows, each made into little reading nooks. It’s essentially one big room, the outside painted with such vibrant pastels that it easily stands out against its surroundings.
The doors creak when Patton opens them, but not in a way that denotes damage or wear. It’s an old and comforting sound, one that comes from familiarity and consistent use. You step through the threshold, and affection floods your chest.
It isn’t large, but it’s well-equipped. There are ancient oaken tables stacked up with crafts materials, squashy bean bag chairs, and a bright rug or two thrown over the rustic hardwood floors. The nooks have pillows and blankets piled in them, looking like nests. There are bookshelves, art supplies, vinyl records (complete with a record player)- even some new-looking wall displays of preserved bugs and butterflies for decoration. To top it all off, fairy lights were strung across all the walls, making it all seem quite mystic. 
You find yourself taking another step inwards; the amenities are incredibly inviting. Everything here is inviting, and homey, and lived-in. The house itself almost feels alive, nonsensical as that is.
It’s no wonder this is everyone’s favorite.
Patton watches you patiently, his hand resting on the door handle. You take a deep breath, but you aren’t sure why you need it. You make your way to the perfume-y, floral print sofa against the wall to your right, treating everything around you rather reverently. When you sit, you sink down into the couch.
Patton sits a respectful distance from you. Janus strolls right after him, knocking the door shut with the back of his boot before settling in an armchair on the left of the couch.
There’s a comfortable silence, and you start to feel your numbness abate. With a contented sigh, your head falls back against the cushion and your eyes fall shut. Not in an effort to sleep. You’re just… resting. You breathe deeply, letting the atmosphere envelop you.
The corners of your mouth twitch up.
“Logan!” Patton squeaks, “Look!”
Your eyes blink open, mildly startled at the outburst. Patton’s gaze on you is intense, first focused on your face and then moving down your arms. You follow the look, to see your...
Your perfectly normal, flesh-colored arms. Your human-ish, mildly tan, average arms. You feel what you can now recognize as a smile grow wider on your face. 
“Well,” Janus chimes, “It seems you just needed a little break.”
“Maybe so,” your voice creaks from lack of use. You hadn’t even realized you’d been nonverbal since you’d last snapped at them. Neither had drawn attention to it, which you silently thank them for (they, after all, were all too familiar with the experience). 
“Do you feel good enough to talk about what’s been upsetting you?” Patton gently asks you. And you… don’t have an answer.
“What is there to talk about?” You tilt your head bemusedly. 
“I think he means, are you ready to talk to who’s been upsetting you?” Janus explains. Patton hesitates before nodding his agreement.
“I- what?” Your serenity leaves in a rush, replaced by astonishment and outrage, “You expect me to- to talk to them?”
You give them approximately three seconds to respond before plowing forwards with your rant.
“I’m talking to you both, isn’t that enough? You’ve done nothing to wrong me, of course. What does it matter if I don’t speak to those- those- those-”
Janus’ eyes expand to circles, the pupils shrinking to anxious slits.
“Those?” He prompts.
“Tricksters, betrayers, playactors, wolves- whatever you want to call them!” Where were vocab cards when you needed them? All your synonyms can’t carry the punch that you need them to. Insults aren’t much good if you have to explain them after. 
“No!” Patton practically screams, out of absolutely nowhere. You glance at him, stunned, to see him looking like a kicked puppy- er, froggy. He’s on the verge of tears, leaning towards you precariously, with devastation swirling in his big eyes. “This is why you need to talk to them, please, Logan.”
You are so very bewildered, you barely notice that Janus is standing from his chair until he’s already across the room. 
“As I said earlier: whatever you think happened, didn't. I can prove it, too,” he mutters, standing by the door.
“You weren't there, Janus,” you snap, "I tried to tell them how I felt and they- they laughed at me.”
“They didn't!” Patton squeaks. You shake your head frantically, still reeling.
“It was- it was awful, you can’t-”
“No,” Patton interrupts, “I meant that literally. They didn’t do that.”
This interaction is making your head spin with indignation. You are capable of immense patience when it comes to Patton- and Janus, for that matter- but this has become ridiculous. 
“I’m so tired of being made a mockery of, Patton. I won’t stand for it any longer, even if you’re just trying to help.”
He breathes in sharply, about to argue, but then his gaze catches on something behind you. His mouth stays open, but he’s soundless. You jump to your feet, spinning around to see just what he’s looking at.
The door is open. Janus is gone.
There's a shout from the main house.
Taglist: @shrimp-crockpot @glitter-skeleton-uwu @intruxiety @thefivecalls 
(Lemme know if you wanna be added or removed :3)
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backtothestart02 · 5 years
Mixed Drink - 8/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: No WA interactions but a necessary chapter. I hope you enjoy! Many thanks to @travelattwilight for commissioning this!
*Many thanks to @valeriemperez for beta’ing.
Chapter 8 -
With a generosity she was not feeling, Iris responded with a smiley face emoji and an agreeable sure followed by an enthusiastic can’t wait to see you!
Barry had canceled on her. Again.
She supposed it was partially her fault. She’d been ravenous with him the last couple days. He’d indulged her, of course, but she’d been the one constantly pinning him to the bed or the door or the wall or down on the seat in the shower so she could straddle him. Honestly, she couldn’t remember ever being this horny in her entire life.
Then again, she hadn’t gotten laid in months, maybe even a year. She was long overdue for some body lovin’.
It was more than that, as reluctant as she was to admit it. She sexed the man up because lust made no sense. She had despised him shortly after they first met, and now she was calling him pet names because the last few days had consisted of probably the best sex she’d ever had.
It was ridiculous. She was ridiculous.
But one thing wasn’t.
What Barry said about Patty… Well, she didn’t want to do it, but she knew she had to. Great sex with Barry wasn’t going to make her problems go away. And he was right that she needed to have a plan for after he was gone, since he wouldn’t be there to assist her for another month. She couldn’t force her boss to take her back, and the problems with her family were too difficult to resolve in one day. But Patty… Patty had always been on her side, even after she heard about the family drama that would make anyone else side with Iris’ parents.
Patty had been royally pissed off the day she kicked Iris out, and she hadn’t tried to call her, but it was difficult for the cop-in-training to stay mad. Just because Iris hadn’t ever seen her actually get this mad before now didn’t mean she wasn’t also capable of coming down from it after a certain period of time. She might not take her back as a roommate, but maybe their friendship could be mended, and Patty could even help her look for a job.
Iris bit her bottom lip, debating her two very straightforward options: to call or not to call.
She opted not to call and texted instead.
Pulling out her phone, she found Patty in her contacts and opened a text message.
Can we talk?
She hit send.
Moments later she received a reply. The buzz from her phone nearly made her jump out of her seat it was so instant.
Iris breathed a sigh of relief. Patty knew her. She knew she was an in-person kind of girl when it came to resolving conflict. And often, that she needed the other party to come to her.
The Charlton. Rooftop café.
Patty didn’t respond for a full minute.
Iris smiled to herself and sent one final message.
Get here as soon as you can. 😉
Humming quietly to herself with a headset and three computer monitors in front of her as well as two hanging from the ceiling, Felicity Smoak multi-tasked through five of the big projects of the day that she’d been steadily going at since eight o’clock that morning.
It was now noon.
A light knock on the door frame leading to the gloomy room lit only by a couple dim lamps and monitors did nothing to dissuade her from her tasks.
Opening the take-out bag containing her favorite meal though, was.
She stopped, her fingers hovering over the keyboard in front of her. She sniffed a few times, the sounds in her headset fading away due to her concentration. She turned around slowly.
“Is that…”
She saw his huge, gorgeous smile seconds before she connected who he was without seeing his face clearly and what he’d brought for her without seeing that in front of her.
“Barry All-”
But she nearly went down in her haste to get to him, thanks to a headset still attached to the monitor and now wrapped around her head.
Barry, with his long stride, got to her seconds before her heels went sideways and managed to catch her mid-air with one heel still barely touching the ground.
She straightened her glasses that had gone sideways and blinked a few times before looking at him, scrutinizing.
“Is my food safe?” she asked, which made him laugh belatedly and glance at the bag before him on the floor.
“Perfectly,” he said, setting her down. But she was too worried that somehow her food being that close to the floor might taint it somehow.
“Barry, you can’t just-”
He raised his eyebrows after she’d turned around with the bag clutched tightly in her arms.
“Thank you for lunch.”
She climbed up the two steps to get back to her seat, then sat down.
“You can go now.”
His jaw dropped.
“That’s it?”
He followed her over to the semi-circle desk and sat down on the least cluttered part of it, despite Felicity’s fussing that he was moving her very important papers to the wrong piles and thus messing up everything.
He resolved to stand up and search out the stool but found that also had a stack of papers on it that was likely just as important as the rest.
“There’s got to be a better way to organize this,” he muttered under his breath.
He thought briefly back to his file on Iris and how she’d always had the cleanest presentation boards and well-written papers in school, and how – until she’d been kicked out – her bedroom had been immaculate.
He shook his head at how ridiculous some of the facts on people the government deemed important for a later date.
But he dismissed his initial thought too. Iris deserved so much more than just making Felicity’s endless paperwork organized and presentable.
“I thought I wasn’t going to see you this week,” she said, taking a bite into a sandwich Barry couldn’t even pronounce let alone imagine actually tasted good. She moaned appreciatively.
“Yeah, I…” He tried to come up with a good excuse and came up blank, which was so unlike him.
“Draeger finally got to you, huh?”
He sighed. “It’s not that I don’t like seeing you, Felicity. We’re friends. You’re one of the few women in the whole department I haven’t slept with yet.”
She turned around slowly.
“Always an encouraging thought.”
Silence lingered between them.
“Who is she?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Don’t play coy with me, Bartholomew,” she said around a mouthful of food. “I know you met someone – like, really met someone. Like, not a one-night someone, but a someone someone.” She closed her mouth and finished chewing as his mouth fell open.
“How did you-”
“I’m good,” she said, relaxing some as she set her sandwich on a napkin.
“You’re the best.” He grinned.
“So, tell me about her,” she said, swinging one knee over the other. “What’s she like?”
He ran a hand through her hair and approached her, sinking his hands into his pockets.
“What makes you think-”
“It’s a her? Well, you’re straighter than an arrow, my friend, so it can’t be-”
His brows were fused together, and Felicity’s mouth went dry.
“I was going to say serious.”
“Right!” She brightened up. “Right, that’s exactly what- I was just messing with you.”
His eyebrows shot up.
“I promise! I’m not that out of sync with you. We’ve known each other for what? Ten years?”
“At least,” he agreed, and hesitantly sat on a stool Felicity appeared to have pulled out of nowhere.
He wrapped his hand around the back of his head and hesitated, avoiding eye contact.
“Wow. It is serious.” Her heart swelled. “I didn’t think I’d see the day Barry Allen fell in love.”
His eyes fixed on hers immediately.
“I’m not in love.”
He hesitated again. She smiled victoriously.
“Infatuated, it is.”
“Don’t get too excited. Kevin says I have to be on the plane back to London tonight. I told Iris I’ll come back to see her once a month, but-”
“Ooo…Iris. Iris as in Iris West? As in who we all originally thought the target was supposed to be?”
He nodded once, tired already of retreating from the truth.
“One and the same.”
“And you’ve been what? Romancing her for the last three days?”
“Well…” His voice squeaked a bit.
“You haven’t just been having sex with her nonstop since the gala, have you?”
“You know me so well, Felicity.” He leaned towards her lecherously, and she leaned back against the desk just as far.
“Ray told me you got hit, though.”
He angled his head so she could get a better look.
“You probably can’t see very well in here, but-”
Felicity reached around under the desk and flipped a switch, immediately lighting up the room.
“Since when-”
Jax installed it last week with a couple of the other guys. That’s one of the reasons I was hoping to see you this week, so I could show it off.
“But you choose to keep it off when you’re working, because?”
“I focus better in the dark.”
He raised his eyebrows again, but there wasn’t time for him to remark, because she had turned his head to the side again and nearly screeched into her loud gasp.
“Oh, my God, Barry.”
He frowned. “It’s not the worst I’ve gotten.”
“No, but it’s bad. Who got you?”
“Henry, if you can believe it.”
“Henry’s new.”
Felicity pursed her lips.
“Well, I hope you didn’t take it out on him too harshly. What did you tell Iris?”
“That I went for a walk and got punched in the face.”
“And she bought it?” she deadpanned.
He glared.
“Wow, she must have it bad. Almost as bad as you, I dare say. Did she… ‘kiss it all better’?” she teased.
“If you must know,” He pulled back. “She iced it for a good three hours before any kissing came into play.”
She chuckled.
“Oh, my God, I can’t believe this. Barry Allen – in love.” He opened his mouth to correct her. “Sorry, sorry, ‘infatuated’.”
He rolled his eyes. “This may come as a surprise, but I didn’t come here to talk about my love life with you.”
“Oh, it’s a love life now, not a sex life?” She wiggled her foot dangling in the air.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” She giggled. “My guess is you came because you need help finding Bethany.”
He was surprised again but made no show of it this time.
“You guessed right. Have you found her?”
“Well, I wasn’t sure you would come, but…yes.”
She handed him a small pile of papers.
“This is all the information we have on her. She was last seen entering the bank on North and Bower 20 minutes ago.”
His eyes zeroed in on hers.
“Unlikely. Her M.O. is night robberies. She’s pretty legitimate during the day. It’s why she’s been so hard to catch. Plus her husband, interestingly enough, makes wigs. So, the whole family makes their getaway through convincing disguises from one state to the next.”
“Has she ever tried to go overseas?”
“Not as a criminal, but she used to go to Italy every summer up until she was in her early 20s. She has a dual citizenship there.”
Barry’s lips thinned. “Interesting.”
“Indeed.” She tilted her head to the side. “Need anything else from me?”
He looked down at her and relaxed, smiled.
“Just your word that you won’t go around telling people I’m sleeping with or in love with anyone.”
“So, infatuated is still on the table then?”
He glared, and she laughed.
“You have my word.” She waved him off. “What more could I possibly want in life than to have Barry Allen’s dirty little secret kept all to myself?”
She kept chuckling until after they’d said their goodbyes and Barry left.
When she stopped, she realized there was more than one of his secrets she was taking to her grave.
*Also posted on AO3 and FFnet.
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aoademic · 6 years
Tumblr media
so, you’re new to the studyblr community and dont know where to start. many people have been in this position, including myself. i was recently asked by @theboldrevision on how to grow their blog. here are a few tips on how to start a studyblr and how to grow.
your blog name / URL
have it something related to yourself and/or studying. this way it makes it easy to distinguish yourself as a studyblr. try and make it short as it is easy for people to remember.
have an appropriate theme which correlates to your content. if your predominant focus is on photos; you can get away with a multi column theme but I find them personally difficult to navigate. if your blog is based mainly on text a singular column theme is a must have, it makes it easier to read large blocks of text i.e masterposts i recommend these themes: hera | genesis |  caerus | nocturne | easton | 176 | nayeli
your icon
the icon size on tumblr is 135px x 135px it can be made using photoshop, (windows / mac) or if you prefer a legal route you can use vecteezy.com. your icon can be whatever you want, it can be a selfie, an icon or even a drawing
header icon (Optional)
this is up to personal preference, I have one but many blogs don't. the size for the header is 640px x 360px. yet again, it can be anything you desire, you can have a photo (max size 10MB) or a gif (max size 3MB)
choose a colour pallet for your theme, i recommend coolors.co for all my colour pallet needs. make sure the colours are visible and don't interfere with your content. this will ensure that your log is easy to see. on the topic of visibility, make sure your text size is visible for those with poor vision, we really appreciate it. choose a background which contrasts your text colour, I prefer a white background with black text but as long as it is legible it will work. i personally prefer minimalist themes as they are clean and easy to navigate but as long as it isn't overly cluttered and is legible it will work.
intro post
make an into post so people can get to know you, state some facts about you, your ambitions in life and with your blog, who inspired you etc. it is an easy way for people to get to know you and make friends as people with similar interests may ask you questions or dm you
make friends, almost everyone is friendly and is always willing to help you out. don’t be afraid to message or ask people for advice. try and reply to messages and dms, you might make a friend. 
participate in events, eg blog rates, blog awards, ask games etc.host your own events; same as above, giveaways (if financially viable), follow forevers. join networks such as the small studyblr network @smallstudyblrsunite. it is an easy way to make friends and have your content reach an audience
original content
what is your focus going to be? photos, masterposts, tips, or a variety. choose what you want to post as it is important in forming your niche. A rule of thumb is original ideas are the best ideas when it comes to masterposts and advice. 
how to take photos
you don't need a fancy camera, i use my phone. i strongly recommend natural lighting as it provides the best picture quality and it prevents over saturated photos caused by artificial light. choose a background that complements the object you’re taking a photo of. some people use their desk, a bench, table or their bed. i have also seen people use paper for their background. your options are limitless. you can try putting stationery or other things around your photo to make it interesting. you can include stationery, a drink, flowers, washi tape etc. make sure there aren't many/any shadows directly on top of what your photographing as it makes it harder to see.  then it comes to editing, i usually increase the brightness and/or exposure, the warmth and the highlights just a bit to make it clearer. Some apps which people use are vsco (android / iOS) instagram and photoshop. i mainly use the the photos app on iOS to edit but i sometimes use photoshop. however, all photos don’t need to be staged like this, sometimes authentic photos are just as good. at the end of the day do what feels right to you. 
tag your posts with related tags and use tracking tags of your favourite blogs so they can see your content (mine is #aoademic) here is a directory of a lot of tracking tags made by @enfpstud 0-C | D-G | H-L | M-R | S-Z and some more by @getshitdonetbh (X) using popular tags will help you gain some extra exposure such as #studyblr #new studyblr #studying #student #studyspo #notes. tag your favourite blogs in your posts so they can see them but don’t go over the top.

don't focus on followers and notes as the purpose is to become motivated to study and share that with the studyblr community. just think of notes and followers as icing on the cake, they’re a nice extra but what’s the point of icing without a cake? (terrible analogy, i know)

the queue is a lifesaver. it auto posts your posts and if you activate queue 2.0 in tumblr labs you can schedule how many posts are posted, what time intervals you want a post posted and how long per day your queue is on. It makes it look like your blog is active when you are not online so you can focus on other things and not be on tumblr all day.  i have mine set overnight as people on the other side of the world can see fresh content from my blog while I'm asleep. it is very convenient but you can queue 300 posts.
protecting your content
always source your original content so if people add to your post or delete your caption you will still be noted as the source. this can be done by clicking the gear icon and putting your blog url in the content source section. you can also watermark your original posts. this is usually done by placing your blog name or url somewhere in the post where it cant be cropped out but isn't too distracting.
ground rules
please don't repost, always reblog!!! (i can’t stress this enough) along those lines, avoid reblogging photos without captions or photos from pinterest and weheartit as it is probably stolen content. this is because many posts are being reuploaded and initially they might state the source and is later deleted or they don’t give credit at all. to respect the content creator please avoid doing this.
the best advice is to be friendly and be yourself. i wish you the best with your academic future ♡
576 notes · View notes
jvj246018 · 3 years
Next day
I pull my aching body from the comfort of my sheets and strat rummaging through my chest of draws settling in an oversized plane black t shirt and faded blue skinny jeans it was going to be a long day she knew it just by the feel of the morning after pulling on her flat riding boots on and grabbing a black jacket and her purple handbag/ back pack its one of those multi functional / compasidy bag that can hold literally everything perfect for my slaying gear and of cause my school supplies.
Grabbing my mobile placing it in my bag and quickly doing my make-up just light done to hide the bags under my eyes and the fact that I slept for literally 3 hours.
Then I head down to the kitchen where I hear Aunt Jenna toast I can make toast
Elena : it's all about the coffee aunt Jenna
Jeremy: is there coffee
Me : there's always coffee.
Oh aunt jenna have you forgotten about your meeting thing?
Jenna : that's at crap now...
Me : Go will be fine right guys
Jeremy huh .
Elena: of cause we will be.
Oh Nicki are you coming to school with me and Bonnie or making your own way?
Me : if it's cool with Bonnie I'd like a lift
Elena : I'll tell her it's both of us then.
Me : cool thanks .
In Bonnie's car.
Bonnie : so my Grams is telling me that I'm a psychic.
Me : maybe you are?
Bonnie : really not you too .Elena hey elena back in the car ..
Elena : oh god I did it again didn't I.
Me : its okay Elena we get it
Elena : you were saying that ?
Bonnie: that I'm physics now.
Elena : then product something somethings about me.
Bonnie : I see ..
Crack ..
Me : was that a bird ?
Elena : uhm.
Bonnie : yeah it was like a bird I'm so sorry guys.
Elena : it's okay we can't be freaked out by cars forever.
Bonnie: I predict that this year will be kick ass and all the sad and dark times are over and you two will be beyond happy.
Then we get back on the road and arrive at the school when Bonnie starts again.
Bonnie: total lack of male reliastate , oh wow look at the shower curtin..
That's where I choose to stop listening I don't like ragging on people's cloths it's not cool regardless of weather they appear to be wearing a shower curtin that's their perogative.
I'm pulled from my thoughts by Elenas whine he hates me.
Bonnie : that's not hate thats you dumped me and I'm to cool to show it but secretly I'm listening to air supply's latest hits .
Me : she's right he doesn't hate you.
Maybe you are psychic?
Bonnie : umhum.
Wait who's that ?
Elena : all I see is back.
Bonnie : that's a hot back, I'm scencing seattle he and he plays a guitar
Me : not gonna drop this are you.
Bonnie: nope I'm pretty much going to run it into the ground.
Care: oh my god Elena Nicki your here how are you, how are they are they good
Me : yes we're fine
Elena : much better.
Care : you poor things she says as she breezes past us into her other friends.
Elena : no comment.
The bell rings and we all go off to class I sit second left at the back because Tanner didn't want me helping Elena in class so here I sit the new guy is in front of me and there fore behind Elena. Tanner called on Elena and Bonnie and the new guy jumped to there rescue just as I was about to, I'm kinda glad because i was too tired to play the Knight in shining armor today, he even rubbed Tanners face in it. Harsh considering he was just trying to make them pay attention but it's was nice enough of him I think he's trying to let Elena know he's interested witch she already knows. But he might not know that so I'll give him some credit but you know I can't get this feeling that he's... there's something not right he feels old. He feels like Angle but different too he's the same and yet not. Deciding to shake that thought away since he's new and I'm supposed to be in class not in slayer mode not that I'm ever out of it but he's knew deciding I'll text Wilson see if he knows anything.
Its probably just my elevated paranoia but still.
I look down at my phone send a quick text and head to my next class without waiting for Elena since I'm in art next.
She has French on the opposite side of the school.
So I sit in my class drawing on to my canvas over the dry paint to draw a silhouette of the moon that I will paint later .
There's a few stems of trees too that will have leaves when I find my natural sponge.
I'm pulled from my thoughts by a text from Caroline.
Have you spoken to the new guy ?
I send her back a message No.
And continue as I ignore my phone after putting it on silent.
To continue the project scenary views the moon is the view from my window I have a picture to prove it.
My teacher loves that I work in the style of Bob Ross. So she's okay with me using it alot.
All in all I like this class it's a lesson where I don't have to hide just got to be me that's it.
The rest of the day went really quickly since I had double art and pe last. I found myself walking home to avoid the Stephen talk.
I also wanted to stop in to see Wilson see if he turned up anything.
Oh boy did he ever.
Inside Wilson's spacious but cluttered apartment he is sat at his desk I'm opposite him reading his ansesters diary on the Salvetor brothers. Getting frustrated I lean back into his blue arm chair using a ribbon as my book mark.
Wilson: Stephen is a ripper, a ripper that forces himself to eat animal blood to survive according to my ancestor he's actually a good guy when he's on the waggon.
But his brother Damon he's a peace of work. And determined to make Stephen suffer.
Me : grate. Anything else I should know ?
Wilson : not yet but if I find more I'll tell you.
Me : this is just grate Stephen is vampire that may aswell have a drug addiction and he brings his brother that takes glee in murder and all things that vampires reval in.
Wilson : you may have to kill them.
Me : yes only problem Stephen is Elenas new thing.
Ugh this will be hard.
Wilson : your going to need to cast a protection charm.
Me : grate how do I do that? I don't have a spell book the things I taught my self were just academy's that kept happening I learned to control them
Wilson : here, taking the offered book I check the index .
Chaper 5 page 156780. Right .
So herbs holy water vervain talismans will that work on them they are of a witch made line.
Wilson : humm yes just pay attention to the making talismans really understand what you want them to do.
Me : right okay what do I use ?
Wilson : stones crystals metal wood just about anything really.
Me : okay where's that book on stones and what there for?
As if he predicted it he handed it to me then he sat with me and we found the one that will make it so they have to be invited in every time they leave and come back.
With that in mind she started digging through the crystals making sure to have them represent an angle since they are strong representation of a protector.
Carful to choose the representation stone tigers eye for Jeremy, Lapis lazuli for Elena , strawberry quartz for Jenna and amethyst for me. I figure I'm lucky that he keeps these things he's abit of a pack rat.i smile as I think this.
Then I made one for the house to be kept by the front door and it had all 4 stones in it each one is made from stones and steel for durability.
Then Wilson drove me home and thanked me for all my help with the restoration of old books.
Jenna might know but Elena and Jer don't so secrets to be kept.
After hanging the houses talisman up then I had jenna her one I attached them to the keys jenna nodded understanding and then I give Elena and Jer theirs and they thank me Jer likes his and Elena dose too its nice.
I never hide the supernatural I just don't come right out and tell them either.
They would never believe me.
And Elena would want to help but that would probably get one or both of us killed. They know I believe in this stuff and they think I'm mad for it. One day they'll know I hope but for now I'll just be the crazy sister.
Pulled from my thoughts by a text from Carebear or Caroline depends who you ask.
You better be coming to the back to schools bash .
I text back
Yes I am I'm just debating on an outfit I'm thinking riding boots to below my knee thermal leggings black boots navy leggings black dress top.
And a leather jacked .
She beeps back no the swishy floral top I gave you for your last birthday.
Laughing at her since she's grate at this kind of thing I pull on the top she demanded I use, and then the rest of the outfit.
Pulling it back off placing it to one side I think I'll just wear it all day tomorrow that way no big change and frees me up but care would kill me so my burgundy long top in place of the floral top for school.
Same purple bag I take for everything always be prepared.
Then I did a cleansing to keep out the vampires that Elena might end up inviting in, but she they won't be able to get in and out as they please.
I love Care but her need to be popular is suffercating its why we don't have the whole BFF thing going we are but out of the lime light I'm the one she can just be herself with not even Bonnie can claim to have that.
We have sleep overs monthly and she catches up on everything and in-between Elena tells me her self absorbed versions care is definitely the more trust worthy for gossip but you need to take her exaggeration with a pinch of salt.
With that last thought Nicki found herself headed out to patrol. She just hoped that she wouldn't have to slay Stephen tonight that would be a major downer.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Forex And Online Traders Want To Trade In The Zone - This Does It!
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Forex And Online Traders Want To Trade In The Zone - This Does It!
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    Dear Trader
How would you like to suddenly turn your trading around, so you became successful with every position you took?
If you know how to execute a trade, but are still losing far too many trades, relax, there is an answer.  There is a simple solution that will unleash your ability to move with the market and capture the profits that are there on a second-by-second basis.  Sound crazy; it’s not – it’s science.
What this is NOT:
Not a ‘system’
Not another ‘training’
Not special ‘signals’
Not a ‘robot’
Not a newsletter or secret site
Not another ‘Guru’
Not even expensive
Don’t you think you could trade better if you could recognize patterns faster and clearer?  Don’t you think you would profit nearly 100% of the time if you could filter out the noise and false signals and identify what is pertinent to your position?
There is a reason why the top 5% of traders constantly pick winners.  It’s not luck, chance, insider info, intelligence or even somebody’s ‘system’; its 99% of the  time that Winners trade in the ZONE!
What if there was a way for you to quickly move into the ‘Zone’ like the professional master traders have?  And what if you could do it right away?
Take 2 minutes to change your life and read this important information.
Being in the Zone – What would that mean to you?
Never missing the profitable trades and positions
Having the Mindset of a Master Trader
Consistently SEEING winning positions that are revealed to all, but seen by few
Being in Mental Top shape to take trades
Having your Brain ‘tuned up’ for trading
Total Brain Optimization for Pattern Recognition
Zen-like Peak Performance
Smashing through Plateaus
Following the fast flow of the market without a challenge
“When I started out with this program did I really think it was actually going to make my trading abilities better? NO, I was very skeptical, how could an MP3 teach my mind to see moves and strategies clearer?  My simple answer after one week of using this tape is “I don’t know” but seriously it changed everything about my game. I’m in and out because I now see where to get in and where to get out and most importantly I am making money now!”
SP, Ontario, CA
Would you like to find a way to move directly into ‘The Zone’?
The Zone, the Winning Mindset, that special Trader’s Edge where your subconscious takes over and acts faster than you can act, sees patterns that you don’t see, foresees events that you will only notice after the fact,  and constantly picks profitable trade after trade after trade.
Want proof?
Have you ever met or listened to trainers explain their system?  Most of the time, you come away feeling like,  ‘that’s not really anything I’ve not thought for myself’.  In fact, after you ‘learned’ the basics, the only REAL difference between you a successful trader is the time or experience  that they have.
What happens over time?
Like any thing you do, eventually you can learn it so well, that it is now instinctual; you can do it without consciously thinking.  That is the key.
Remember the last time you drove home from the office and you got out of your car, and could not even remember the trip?  That is because your subconscious mind was able to perform most of the actions for you.  Perhaps you were deep in thought, or talking on the phone, but you were trusting your subconscious mind to take you safely home, and it did.
“After huge success with your program, my friend Erik was bringing in the money and telling everyone how he suddenly changed his style of trading; he had moved into “The Zone” he said. Honestly, I needed to be in the zone too. I went right to your website and ordered my own Perfect Mind Training. He was totally right, just listening over and over, (which is very pleasant) to the different tracks, and within a couple of weeks I was quicker on spotting patterns, entries and exits,  and now I know I have ‘cracked’ the zone too.  Finally I was following the flow of the market with clarity.  Thank you for your awesome program….”
Simple, yet POWERFUL – some people can’t drive a car with ALL their attention – yet you can and not even remember it.
This is the Zen edge that the Master Traders have; sometimes they don’t even know it, sometimes they think it’s some secret system that only they understand, but it’s not.  It’s just that they now trade in the Zone, that mental state of consciousness where the subconscious has taken change.
For a Master Trader trading in the Zone, their subconscious mind digests information, and faster than your conscious mind even notices it; a pattern emerges, and then they are told to take a trade, or a position by their subconscious mind.
You have seen it time and time again.
How can you speed up the process and get into the Zone now?
How can you make use of your lighting fast subconscious mind and use its powerful pattern recognizing ‘software’ to show you the same signals that are invisible to your conscious mind?
What would it be worth to you to suddenly turn your trading around – so you were always up?
Introducing the amazing state-of-the-art Perfect Mind Trading Subliminal system.
If you have struggled with ‘systems’, special signals, newsletters, robots, etc, you probably know how to trade.
Profitable trading opportunities are being presented to you on a daily, perhaps hourly basis.  It’s just that you don’t act.  You are either missing what is right in front of you, or seeing your entry or exit too late.
That’s where the Perfect Mind Trading program takes over for you.
It will unblock your mind from all the clutter and noise and reveal to you the entry and exit points that those in the Zone see.
Identify and Exploit market opportunities in real time
Enhance and Magnify all your knowledge and training
See patterns as they emerge, NOT by looking back
Cut out the false messages of the market
Achieve market confidence
Be at peace with the flow of information, not afraid of it
This special Audio download is a unique mutli-track MP3 program that you listen to.  It will train your brain to attain the ‘Winner’s Edge’, allowing you to trade in the Zone like the pros.
Just sit back and listen, on your computer, your Ipod, Ipad or other MP3 player, or even on a CD player if you like.  The more you listen, the more powerful and effective you will become.
How does it work so well?
Through a scientific technique called Brain Entrainment and Subliminal Affirmation Self Hypnosis.
While you sit back and listen to The Perfect Mind Trading Subliminal tracks, this powerful program uses specific, positive commands sent DIRECTLY to the subconscious mind, commanding it to only see ‘winning trade patterns’ and filter out distracting market noise, and it alerts your conscious mind once it sees a pattern, so you can act on it.
These messages are just under the threshold of hearing – in other words ‘subliminal’.
Subliminal Affirmations are specific, positive commands to shape your subconscious into  a Zen-like Master Trader.  These commands are sent DIRECTLY to the subconscious mind, thus avoiding the ‘gatekeeper’ or your conscious mind.  You see, if you were to say to yourself, “I see profitable trading positions” that would be rejected by the conscious mind, because it worries – making you indecisive and confused – not traits of a Master Trader.
Subliminal Affirmations work better, faster and more effectively than using ‘Will Power’, or the conscious mind, or even reading positive affirmations aloud to yourself.
Your Master Pattern Recognition Subliminal Program
Your program comes with 6 different tracks, each with your powerfully designed Zone inducing affirmations.  One of the tracks is silent, allowing you to listen to these affirmations in the background– when you don’t want binaural beats or other music or sounds.  The other tracks are the same affirmations, but you will not hear them, instead, you will hear different music or background sounds.  Don’t worry, you’ll have full instructions and FAQs, but we don’t expect you’ll need any help, it’s pretty straight forward.
Track 1 A powerful Binaural beat that puts you into a Zen like state
Track 2 A relaxing Ocean background
Track 3 A Tranquil music background
Track 4 A Thunder shower rain background
Track 5 A Country Picnic background
Track 6 A Silent track to play anytime, anywhere
Listen to any and all of these tracks – the affirmations are all the same – repetition is key – that’s why you get so many different tracks, so you can enjoy the variety.  And as a special bonus you will receive a binaural track which is much more powerful than the others, (except that you cannot listen to it when driving or operating heavy machinery).  Don’t worry, full directions and a complete FAQ is provided with each order – nothing left to chance.
Don’t waste another minute or another dollar in losing trades – this program is fully backed and guaranteed, so there is no risk to try it out.
What Affirmations are actually on the Subliminal I’ll be listening to?
Be our guest and listen here: https://vimeo.com/300402589
Your subconscious mind will hear these affirmations many 1000’s upon 1000’s of times due to multi-tracking repetition built-in to your Mindware program.  It’s easy to see why it works; life-changing affirmations repeated over and over and over again, in an almost simultaneous fashion, penetrating to your subconscious mind.  You could never repeat this many affirmation to yourself in the same amount of time.  This one track alone is repeated 1000’s of times as you use your Mindware program.  It’s Powerful!
Remember, when you engage and use your Mindware program, you won’t hear these actual words when you listen at home, you’ll only hear the background sounds or even nothing if you listen to the silent track, so that your subconscious mind picks up these affirmations directly without your ‘gate-keeping’ conscious mind ‘wondering’ about them.
You see, your subconscious mind believes what it ‘hears’ – but our conscious mind ‘wonders, doubts, disagrees’ etc. That’s why it’s so hard to find success through the application of saying affirmations out-loud to ourselves. Repeating them out-loud will work, but you must firmly believed in them without any doubt, and that’s not always easy.  That’s the wonderful advantage of subliminal affirmations, you go about your daily business, or even sleep, and your subconscious is picking them up and acting on these affirmations – believing in them, and changing you and your attitude to make a new you.
Your Mindware program makes getting success faster and easier, and you can do it without even stopping doing what you would be doing anyway.  Just slip on you headphones or whatever method you desire to listen to your Mindware program.
Your Bonus download programs can be placed into iTunes or any music player
Listen to any and all of these tracks – the affirmations are all the same – repetition is key – that’s why you get so many different tracks, so you can enjoy the variety.  And as a special bonus you will receive a binaural track which is much more powerful than the others, (except that you cannot listen to it when driving or operating heavy machinery).  Don’t worry, full directions and a complete FAQ is provided with each order – nothing is left to chance.
Don’t waste another minute or another dollar staring at the phone, feeling bad about yourself, or taking ‘another training’. You already have the knowledge within you – the Perfect Mind Trading Subliminal program just unleashes it! It works, and is fully backed and guaranteed, so there is no risk to try it out.
If you are NOT making money as an Agent, while others are, you can’t afford NOT to use the Perfect Mind Trading Subliminal program!
Download Today And We’ll Also Give You 5 Valuable Bonuses
100% FREE!  Value Over $150
How would you like to have 5 additional reasons to get your hands on your Perfect Mind Trading
Mindware download right now? A total value of $150 (well, $149.75 to be accurate) – truly a powerful
combination of Subliminal programs to make you into a top performing online Trader – take a look
and you’ll want to take advantage of this offer while it still lasts.  Soon we will be
withdrawing these bonuses.
Look, if you are trading, you know there are many OTHER factors that make up the full success package.
While most is Attitude, and the perfect Zen-like state that you can have with the Perfect Mind Trading
Mindware program, there are a few other areas that are important too. And we’ll help your decision
to purchase our product by offering you these bonuses if you make your purchase now:
Manifesting Abundance
Retail Value $29.95
you’re in business to make money AND keep it. Sometimes money comes in and it flows out again – with this very important
Subliminal download you’ll change your attitude toward money so you attract it – and not repel it. You need Manifesting Abundance especially in your profession where you could earn as much as decide..
Creating an Amazing Memory
Retail value $29.95
clearly in trading having a first class memory is important, this Subliminal download directs the brain to increase  and strengthen your memory.
Great for remember all those factors that affect a trade, past or false indications, etc. This Subliminal is also good for non traders too, so feel free to share with a spouse or other family member.
End Insomnia and Get a Great Night’s Sleep
Retail Value $29.95
We’re including this now, because if you want success in trading, you may need the value of a good sleep. Worry, or even excitement is a sleep thief – this will reverse those sleepless nights and allow you to perform at peak perfection all day or whenever its best for you to trade, feel rested and ready for action! Works for anyone, not just for traders.
Become a Master Goal Setter
Retail Value $29.95
You have heard about Goal setting all your life – but how few actually do it? No matter what level of a goal setter you are – from not at all, to reluctant, to pretty good – this Subliminal Download will turn you into a Master
Goal Setter. It works, and you need to set HIGH goals if you’re going to become a successful online trader! Consider it done!
Radiate Health and Vitality
Retail Value $29.95
Now consider your health. This very important Subliminal will motivate you to make healthy choices in food and lifestyle, so you are not too focused on your charts to eat right and keep your health. Your family, your Doctor,and your body will thank you. Once again, this Subliminal is not just for traders.
P.S. Remember – you have invested thousands of dollars in time and training to get where you are now.  Don’t sell yourself short and miss this powerful tool.  Subliminal training is used by the US Forces, scientists and training experts to speed up the process of pattern recognition.  The cost for this program is a small price to pay for the benefits of seeing the market like a Zen Master Trader.  And with your 60 Day money back guarantee, you can’t lose.  Act now and invest in your future!  You’ll see the difference in your trading account!
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Looking for unique camper gifts? We found tons of them! From ingenious RV accessories and electronic gadgets to fun travel journals, decor, kitchen/barware and more! We’ve got a great list of RV gifts that are awesome housewarming ideas for new RV...
Awesome Gift Ideas RV Owners Will Be Crazy About! RV Owner Gift Idea Categories To make your shopping easier, we have grouped these awesome RV owner gift ideas into 7 categories. You can leisurely scroll down this post or jump to a specific group of gifts if you are looking for something specific. Practical But Cool RV Gift Ideas Map And Travel Journal RV Gift Ideas Decor Gift Ideas For RV Owners Kitchen And Barware RV Gift Ideas Fun Entertainment Gift Ideas For RV Owners Electronic Gadget RV Gift Ideas Wearable Gift Ideas RV Owners Love 😍💜 PRACTICAL BUT COOL RV GIFT IDEAS Aluminum Telescopic Extension Ladder Some RVs have ladders attached to the rear of the rig so owners can easily climb to the roof for inspections and repairs but that might not be the only place you want to climb to! This Aluminum Telescopic Extension Ladder is one of those practical RV gifts for owners who need the functionality of a ladder but need to limit the space required to transport/store it. This telescoping ladder extends to 12.5 ft, weighs only 14 pounds but holds up to 330 pounds. The best part is that it collapses down to fit neatly in its carrying bag.   & HitchSafe Key Vault Storing valuables in an RV can be challenging. This HitchSafe Key Vault is ingeniously designed to secure keys, cards and valuables inside the receiver! It features metal construction and the lock combination can be changed with 10,000 codes possible. My husband saw this and said “This thing is so cool! Why didn’t I invent that?!?” My response…Good question! 😉 We have more campsite security gift ideas RV owners will totally love in our A Secure Campsite Protects Valuables From Theft post! & Talk about unique gifts for camper owners and their dogs … yes, I said dogs! So many RV owners travel with their dogs and they need to keep track of their keys, fobs and dogs all at the same time. That’s why we think this Camping Key Fob Strap with the matching Camping Dog Collar are perfect RV gift ideas for camping families with fur babies! Woof! 🐾 & Camping Key Fob StrapCamping Dog Collar & Digital Tire Pressure Gauge & Emergency Tool Having a full set of tools is important! Get our FREE printable RV Tool Kit Checklist here. It’s also good to have a handy multi-tool when traveling in an RV. This Digital Air Gauge Car Rescue Tool is a combo Digital Air Tire Gauge, LED Flashlight, Seat Belt Cutter, Glass Punch Breaks Side Window in Emergency and more. Multi-tools make fabulous campervan gifts because of the extremely limited storage areas in those vehicles. & An RV In Line Water Filter is probably one of the most unimpressive camper gifts you could think of but RV owners will love you for it! This simple in-line filter design easily connects to an RV water system and protects against bacteria and sediment in drinking water while reducing bad taste, odors and chlorine. It really is a meekly marvelous RV gift! &  RV/Marine Water Filter With Flexible Hose ProtectorRV In Line Water Filter   & Hang N Out Trash Bag Holder Trash cans are big and bulky but totally necessary … or … are they? Because space is always tight when RVing, using gadgets that save space during storage and transportation is critical. This Hang N Out Trash Bag Holder eliminates the need for a trash can. The bag holder mechanism fits snugly over tires and holds a 30-gallon drawstring trash bag open and ready for use. These things make great gifts for campers who have everything (or so you think!) P.S. I just had somebody tell me I was a genius because I have this cool gadget in this blog post BUT I didn’t invent it … I just found it, so I guess that means I am a genius camping shopper! 😉 LOL & Home Is Where We Park It RV Mat This Home Is Where We Park It RV Mat is one of those totally practical yet ridiculously cute RV gift ideas for the clean freaks on your gift list! RV owners who like keeping the dirt out of their rig will love this rug because it is so easy to clean … just sweep the dirt from the polypropylene material … if it gets really dirty, you can just hose it off with water and let it quickly dry in the sun. These mats are lightweight and fold easily to fit inside the carrying bag. & These Vehicle Extraction Mats are seriously cool RV camping gifts for people who like to do off-road camping. We can speak from experience when it comes to spinning wheels while trying to pull out of a muddy National Forest dispersed campsite after a weekend of rain and thunderstorms! 😳 YIKES … it is not fun! Extraction mats are raised tracks that help prevent vehicle tires from spinning on snow, sand, mud or ice with no requirement for towing or pushing … and the large size fits almost any vehicle. &  Vehicle Extraction MatsOff-Road Mud, Sand And Snow   & Taz “Back Off!” Spare Tire Cover Spare tires are an absolute necessity for RV owners but who says the protective cover needs to be boring? This Taz “Back Off!” Spare Tire Cover says what so many RV drivers want to say when a vehicle driving behind us is tailgating … BACK OFF! LOL! 😉 Unique tire covers make fun camper gifts and they are easy to pack and ship if you are sending your gift across the miles! & Trailer-Aid “Plus” Tandem Tire Changing Ramp Wanna be a Rock Star to a friend who owns an RV? Get them a Trailer-Aid “Plus” Tandem Tire Changing Ramp! I’m not kidding!!! We have friends who have a business that requires them to tow lots of trailers across the country (getting the unavoidable flat tire on the highway every once in a while) and they turned us on to this little gem. You just drive the good tire on the ramp and the flat tire is lifted off the ground high enough to change the tire WITHOUT A JACK AND WITHOUT EMPTYING CARGO (even horses can remain inside a horse trailer!!!) There is a 15,000 pound limit which means it can handle most travel trailer RVs, cargo trailers and horse trailers! These ramps may seem like funny gifts for campers but they are worth their weight in gold when you need them! & Universal Clip-On Towing Mirror Visibility to change lanes when towing a trailer with a car, SUV or even a truck with small mirrors is a challenge because the standard vehicle mirrors don’t extend far enough to see traffic very well. That’s when using Universal Clip-On Towing Mirrors becomes necessary. These mirrors make driving safer and nervous passengers feel more secure. Drivers with those types of passengers will thank you over and over for this gift! 😉 & Memory Foam Mattress RV Short Queen Some RV beds have awesome mattresses … most do not. I used to put sleeping bags over our RV mattress and then put our sheets over that. The sleeping bags gave us a little extra cushion which was great UNTIL we received one of the most unique camper gifts we ever received … a memory foam mattress! No more sleeping bags on our RV bed! Using an RV Memory Foam Mattress is a great way to improve a less-than-desirable RV mattress! This one features 2 inches Memory Foam and 6 inches High-density Base Support Foam! & Happy Campers Personalized Campsite Flag Marking your territory with a campsite flag is fun and an awesome gift for RV owners when you get it personalized just for them! This Happy Campers Personalized Campsite Flag is one of my favorites because it includes a BBQ grill … and … you know how much I love good camping food!?!? I didn’t name my blog Camping For Foodies for nothing, ya know! 😉 Want more ideas for personalized gifts for camper owners? Check out our Personalized Camping Gifts For RV And Tent Campers post! & RV Designer Klippy Clips When we are RVing, we are always hanging something around our campsite … like lights, banners, flags, and whatever else we can think of … LOL! These RV Designer Klippy Clips are great for hanging stuff from an RV awning. The clips are made of high impact plastic, have rust-proof stainless steel springs and they pivot/swivel! These clips make practical gifts for camper owners and if you combine them with something fun to hang on them (like string lights), they are even better! Check out our Best Camping Lights For Lighting Your Campsite for more lighting gift ideas!💡 & Happy Camper Printed Duct Tape Every RV owner uses duct tape once in a while so why not use a designer looking tape? This totally funky Happy Camper Printed Duct Tape is a high performance strength tape that adheres to a variety of surfaces, including wood, vinyl, plastic, leather, metal and laminate! I’ve actually witnessed RV owners decide duct tape is the only way to “fix” something after receiving a roll of this stuff as a gift! 🤣 LOL & Spice Gripper Clip Strips Storing spices becomes a challenge in a regular home kitchen and because space is limited in RVs, it is an even bigger problem. These Spice Gripper Clip Strips are the perfect solution for that problem! Why not use the wasted space on the back side of a cabinet door to solve RV kitchen organization problems?!? The added benefit of this gadget is the ability to easily see when spices are getting low! These make practical gifts for RV people who love cooking! & Upright Position Plate Holder Someday RV designers will create better kitchen cabinets so there is not a ton of wasted space where dishes are stored. Until then, using an Upright Position Plate Holder is a great fix! Making wasted space usable is the way to reduce clutter and easily find items in the small spaces of an RV. To make these a super-cute and more substantial gift for RV owners, add a set of RV camp themed plates! & Pop-A-Toothbrush This toothbrush holder is one of the cheapest but coolest gifts an RV owner could ever want! The Pop-A-Toothbrush protects toothbrushes from dust and germs and avoids the need to use valuable shelf space in the RV medicine cabinet. It easily fastens to the bathroom wall with double-sided tape and is vented for quick drying. & Wrap Around Step Rug Keeping the inside of an RV clean is easiest when you keep the dirt out! Using a Wrap Around Step Rug is an easy way to catch dirt prior to entering an RV. It wraps around the existing RV step and is fastened by hooking springs into the holes. It can be used with manual or electric steps, measures 18″ x 17.5″, and adjusts to fit steps with a tread of 8″ to 10.5″. These things make awesome camper gifts for the entire family because nobody wants to get assigned the chore of sweeping out the RV when it is a never-ending task! & RV Fridge Airator Cooling an RV refrigerator evenly is not automatic because they typically don’t have the best airflow. This RV Fridge Airator is a high-volume air circulator which also absorbs odors! It measures about 4 x 6 x 8 inches so it doesn’t take up a ton of space and it operates on batteries. We have more practical food safety gift ideas in our Camping Food Safety Tips Including How To Pack A Cooler For Camping post! & RV Fridge Braces These are seriously cool! Lots of RV owners don’t even know these things exist but when they find them, they fall in love! Shifting cargo is always a problem when traveling in an RV but these RV Fridge Braces keep food and beverages from sliding inside the fridge during travel and easily attach to RV refrigerator wire shelves. As long as an RV has a fridge, these braces make great camper gifts. & Adjustable Broom And Dustpan Expandable gadgets are SWEET for RVs because storage space is always limited. These types of practical RV gifts may not be exciting to people who don’t own RVs … but, are off-the-charts cool for people who do! This Adjustable Broom And Dustpan is perfect for keeping RV interiors clean. The handle length is adjustable! The broom collapses to 24″ for compact storage and extends to 52″ when in use. Yes, you can stand straight up when brooming inside an RV! & Mudbuster Portable Dog Paw Cleaner Dog-loving RV owners will be crazy about this Mudbuster Portable Dog Paw Cleaner! Keeping the dog outside the RV just to keep the mud out is not necessary … which makes these little cleaners unique camping gifts for dogs and humans! This little gadget has gentle silicone bristles inside and it works by adding a little water then inserting the dog’s paw and twisting a little to wash off the mud. Do that to all 4 paws, pat them dry and let Queen Elizabark (or whatever the dog’s name is 🤣 LOL) jump in the RV without a mess! They come in 3 sizes to fit small, medium or large paws! & RV Flag Pole Kit Parked RVs never feel like home until the flag is flyin’ high! Whether you are flying the stars and stripes or your favorite sporting team flag, this RV Flag Pole Kit is a sturdy RV system that mounts to any flat surface and fits most RV ladders. When extended, it can accommodate flags up to 3′ x 5′ and the pole collapses for easy storage too. These pole kits make especially great gifts for RV campers who use their RVs at special events (like car races, horse shows, hot air balloon events etc.) and park in a sea of campers … flying a flag that is visible from a distance makes it easy to find one single rig among hundreds of others! & Pack of 2 Wheel Chocks Rolling down the highway is fine … rolling at your campsite isn’t! Using wheel chocks helps keep your RV trailer and tow vehicle in place while parked. This Pack of 2 Wheel Chocks is designed to be used with tires up to 26″ in diameter. & Camp Casual Travel Map Throw It’s always a good idea to keep a few extra throws and blankets around the RV … especially when camping in cooler weather. This Camp Casual Travel Map Throw is one of the most unique gifts for camper owners who like to add a little quirky retro style to their practical gear. This throw is super comfy and soft, 100% polyester and machine washable! & Stabilizer Jack Pad 4-Pack Looking for a super-practical gift for RV owners? Here it is! This Stabilizer Jack Pad 4-Pack helps prevent jacks from sinking into soft ground. The pads are specifically designed to use with stack jacks, fifth wheel stabilizers, swing down stabilizers and awning arms. Each pad measures 6.5″ x 9″ x 1″, has a built-in handle and the set includes a storage strap. & RV There Yet? Vanity Front License Plate In states where a front license plate is not required, displaying a fun RV vanity plate makes perfect sense! This RV There Yet? Vanity Front License Plate is one of those RV gift ideas that is inexpensive, easy to ship and a sassy little surprise! 😎 & Leveling Blocks 10-Pack This Leveling Blocks 10-Pack allows you to level an RV that is parked on an unlevel surface. The interlocking blocks can be used under tires, trailer tongues and swing arm supports. We use ours often when boondocking (aka remote camping or dispersed camping) in areas like National Forests. The blocks are not designed to be used with big rigs; more sophisticated RVs have built-in levelers. Always know your equipment and its limitations. & Teardrop Camper Trailer Night Light Did I mention that practical RV gift ideas don’t have to be boring??? This whimsical little Teardrop Camper Trailer Night Light is the most adorable way to gently light the path to the RV bathroom when hosting overnight guests! It’s so fun and blingy! 🤩 & Natural Eucalyptus Mosquito Repellent Candle Gifts for camper owners that do triple duty (like smell good, put off a warm glow and deter bugs) and can be used inside or outside the RV are winners by all measures! This Natural Eucalyptus Mosquito Repellent Indoor/Outdoor Candle burns for 88 hours and uses no chemicals to ward off bugs … instead, it uses essential oils including lemongrass, citronella, geranium and lemon. For more bug deterring gifts, check out our How To Keep Bugs Away While Camping post. & It is not always easy to find gift ideas for RV owners with babies or grand babies! This Happy Camper Baby Collection is so adorable and so unique! The collection includes a Happy Camper Baby Quilt and a Happy Camper Changing Pad Cover. These babies will love RVing before they learn how to talk! 👶 &  Happy Camper Baby CollectionHappy Camper Baby QuiltHappy Camper Changing Pad Cover   & MAP AND TRAVEL JOURNAL RV GIFT IDEAS This Passport To Your National Parks Booklet is one of the most popular travel journal gift ideas RV owners absolutely love for pre-planning visits to America’s National Parks as well as memory capturing during the trip! The book comes in different formats and it lists all of the National Parks in the United States and U.S. territories. My favorite part is the space for the “cancellation” stamps you can add to your book during your visits. 😊 & Passport To Your National ParksSpace For “Cancellation” Stamps & RV Permanent State Sticker Part of the beauty of RV travel is experiencing the journey (and not just the destination) and tracking your travels … Many RVers use state sticker maps to do that. This RV Permanent State Sticker Set is unique because each sticker depicts a license plate graphic of each state. The peel and press vinyl stickers resist water, sun and salt. These make great motorhome gifts for people who do a lot of traveling. & Travel journals are fabulous gift ideas for RV owners who do lots of traveling to diverse locations and like changing up their trips. Some travel journals have awesome covers but are just filled with lined pages and you capture your journey with whatever thoughts come to mind. I really like this RV There Yet? My Road Trip Journal because of the RV specific writing prompts on the inside pages which include things like dates/weather/routes, odometer readings/miles per gallon, who you are traveling with/meet along the journey, sites/memorable events, dining experiences and places to remember for next time and more! & RV There Yet? Travel JournalWriting Prompts For RV Trips & Life Is Good In The Trailerhood Travel Journal This Life Is Good In The Trailerhood Travel Journal is one of the most detailed journals we have ever seen for RVing. One of the coolest things in this journal is the map of the United States for coloring in as you travel! It also includes writing prompts for: (1) Departure, Destination and Route Information, (2) Weather and Mileage Log, (3) Detailed Campsite Information including hookups, amenities, wifi and more, (4) Places Visited / Activities, (5) New Friends, (6) Food / Dining / Restaurants, (7) Places to Go and Things to See Next Time, (8) Places to get Water, Propane and Dump Stations for boondockers. This particular journal makes awesome gifts for RV owners who are full-timers as well as those who are planning a special “bucket list” type of trip.   & Arizona Benchmark Road & Recreation Atlas If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you already know how much I love my Arizona Benchmark Road And Recreation Atlas for our RV travel planning. National Geographic Maps publishes these for many states and the information includes backcountry roads, trailheads, campgrounds, points of interest, hunting units, RV parks, golf, and boating locations too! These books make awesome RV gifts for campers who will be exploring a new state on an upcoming trip. & RV Travel Journal: Roam The Roads Capturing your travels in a journal is a great way to revisit your trips and share them with others. This RV Travel Journal: Roam The Roads includes writing prompts like “The day started like this”, “Things I should do today”, “Today I feel”, “Favorite moment in the day” and more. Travel journals make great gifts for RV owners who travel to many different destinations and like staying in new places rather than campers who have a “routine” camping trip and regular camp spot. & National Geographic Guide To Scenic Highways And Byways: The 300 Best Drives In The U.S. Most RV owners will tell you that RVing is all about slowing down and enjoying the journey which includes taking in beautiful landscapes while traveling from one camping location to the next. That’s why we think scenic drive guide books are awesome gift ideas for RV owners who love camping and taking the “long route” so they can soak up the beauty of America. The National Geographic Guide To Scenic Highways And Byways: The 300 Best Drives In The U.S. is packed with beautiful illustrations and helpful tips to explore more than 300 getaways throughout the 50 states.    & This National Parks Journal is so unique because it features full-color poster art … original National Park poster designs by the Anderson Design Group. This 128 page hardcover journal includes information about each of the 59 American National Parks with travel tips, fun facts, and space for writing which makes them awesome RV and camping gifts for people who love traveling the U.S. and visiting Parks throughout the nationwide system. &  National Parks JournalNational Parks JournalNational Parks Journal   DECOR GIFT IDEAS FOR RV OWNERS Happy Campers Pendulum Clock Don’t you just love functional and whimsical decor items? This Happy Campers Pendulum Clock is soooooo cute and it is a working clock too! It is the design of artist Michelle Allen. This is one of those gift ideas RV owners with a quirky artistic creative side will treasure forever. I just love the little tow vehicle truck on the pendulum! The clock runs on one AA battery so it is great for RVers who like boondocking without hookups! & I Do Have A Retirement Plan I Plan On Camping Sign Plaque Everyone I know who is looking for gift ideas for RV owners … has at least one person on their list who totally fits the message of this funny I Do Have a Retirement Plan … I Plan on Camping sign!   & Home Is Where The Welcome Mat Is Outdoor Mat Every RV needs a cool welcome mat! We love this Home Is Where The Welcome Mat Is Outdoor Mat with the fun retro trailer image in the woods! The material is indoor/outdoor carpeting that can be cleaned with a hose and brush. The real gift is keeping the dirt outside your RV! 😂 LOL & Happy Camper Pillowcase Cover Some of the most unique RV and camping gifts are slightly functional but over-the-top delightfully decorative! This Road Trip Travel Pillow Cover is one of those gifts! It has a fun design which makes a cute throw pillow for an RV sofa, recliner or bed. You don’t have to worry about it being “decorative only” because the cover has a zipper making it easy to remove and it is machine washable too! If you want to give this gift as an entire throw pillow (rather than just a cover), make sure you get a Pillow Insert too!   & Camp Casual Road Map Throw Decorative throw blankets make pretty and practical RV gift ideas that quickly add a splash of personality to any rig! This Camp Casual Road Map Throw is really soft, 100% polyester, measures 50″x60″ and is machine washable. The retro travel images of highway signs and vintage cars pulling tiny trailers is sure to put a smile on your face. 😍   & Welcome To Our Campsite Where Friends & Marshmallows Get Toasted At The Same Time Sign Cute signs can be hung at home or in RVs. This colorful Welcome To Our Campsite Where Friends & Marshmallows Get Toasted At The Same Time Sign measures 5″ x 10″. The funny message is printed on MDF and a rope hanger is included. 🔥 They make fun camper gifts for people who like to socialize during their camping adventures … whether in a small pop-up camper or a massive motorhome. & Home Is Where You Park It Throw Pillow Case Cover Decorative throw pillows are a fun way to add a little whimsical style to any RV. When a camping woman also likes to decorate, some of the best camping gifts for her include pillow covers that can simply change the feel of a room with an inexpensive new cover. This Home Is Where You Park It Throw Pillow Case Cover is a cotton/linen blend measuring 18″ x 18″ inches and can be used with 18″ x 18″ or 20″ x 20″ pillow inserts. The hidden zipper makes the case easy to remove for machine washing too! & RV Home Is Anyplace I’m With You Terry Towel This totally cute RV Home Is Anyplace I’m With You Terry Towel features artwork by artist Suzanne Nicoll and measures 16″ x 26″. The 100% cotton material is fast-drying and the towel has a loop for displaying the towel when not in use. Don’t you just love camper gift ideas that are decorative and functional too?!?! & Camper Trailer RV Picture Frame We love the personal connection time we have with friends and family on camping trips! This Camper Trailer RV Picture Frame is a cute way to frame a photo to be displayed inside an RV! They come in all sorts of models including 5th Wheels, C Class Motorhomes, A Class Motorhomes and Pop-Ups! Some of the best gifts for campers are the ones you can personalize, so don’t just give a picture frame … add a fun photo from a camping trip too! & Happy Camper Garden Flag Garden flags are a popular way to quickly decorate a “temporary yard” for RVs that are always on the go! This Happy Camper Garden Flag features solarsilk polyester fabric which means it is mildew and fade resistant. The flag fits standard garden flag holders. We have more cool flag gifts for camper owners in our Flag Your Camp With Cool Camping Spinners And RV Flags post! & RV Camper Birdhouse Birdhouses and feeders attract wild birds and are a fun addition to any RV campsite! This RV Camper Birdhouse has an adorably quirky design with a “trailer for sale or rent” notice hanging on a camper reminiscent of the old classic Airstreams. It is made of resin, measures 8.5″L x 4.5″W x 5″H and includes a wire for hanging too! Birdhouses are wonderful camping gift ideas for couples who like watching birds AND those who travel with their cats who like to watch the “nature show” outside of the RV window! & Retro Travel Trailer Party String Lights Using string lights is a popular way to light up campsites. You can find them in all sorts of designs now and we just love the idea of mini RVs lighting up the real thing! The Retro Travel Trailer Party String Lights are UL approved for indoor and outdoor use. Each 120V with overload protection is an 8′ strand that contains ten lights. Each set includes two spare bulbs and a spare fuse. Don’t you think they make cute gifts for camper owners?!?! 😍 &  KITCHEN AND BARWARE RV GIFT IDEAS Camp, Hike, Cook, Drink, Eat, Repeat Stainless Steel Cocktail Shaker Gift Set Shaking a cocktail at the campsite couldn’t be more cool! This Camp, Hike, Cook, Drink, Eat, Repeat Stainless Steel Cocktail Shaker Gift Set includes a sleek brushed stainless steel strainer-topped shaker, muddler and two-sided jigger all in a ready-to-give decorative box. This is just one of the things we take on our glamping trips! We have more adorable gifts for camper owners in our Cute Glamping Accessories And DIY Glam Camping Ideas And Tips post! & Chopping veggies and camp meal prep just got way more fun! This Retro Camper Flexible Cutting Mat has the cutest design with a retro RV camper next to a dutch oven cooking over a campfire! It also comes in a Retro Camper Flexible Cutting Mat Set which includes 3 different sized mats for various tasks. All of the mats include holes for hanging on hooks when not in use. These mats make great gifts for camper owners who like to cook! &  Flexible Cutting MatFlexible Cutting Mat Set Of 3   & Portable Espresso Machine Coffee gift ideas for RV owners who enjoy a shot of espresso may seem like an impossibility. But, this Portable Espresso Machine makes it totally possible! This unique gadget is small, lightweight and requires NO electricity, compressed air or N2O cartridges because it is operated by a simple piston! This travel espresso maker is so compact, it is even a favorite coffee gadget for backpackers! & Happy Camper Cocktail Napkins Camping-themed paper products are fun and unique gifts for camper owners. These Happy Camper Cocktail Napkins add a colorful touch to happy hour at the campsite! These adorable little napkins make a great addition to a retro camper themed DIY gift basket too. & Camp Casual 12-Piece Dish Set Using colorful dishes with retro RV camp scenes is a fun way to eat your camp culinary creations! The Camp Casual 12-Piece Dish Set includes a setup for 4 with dinner plates, salad plates and bowls that come in a reusable box with a handle. The BPA-free heavyweight melamine material should not be used in a microwave but it is safe for top-shelf dishwasher cleaning. Dish sets make fun gifts for the camper who has everything but can always use a few extra dishes to entertain friends at their campsite! & Camp Casual Bowl And Serving Set Classically retro camper serving utensils bring a whimsical feel to your campsite dinner table! This Camp Casual Bowl And Serving Set has the cutest pattern ever! The pattern of retro campers, trucks, cars and gasoline pumps is included on the bowl and the two serving utensils. The BPA-free heavyweight melamine material should not be used in a microwave but it is safe for top-shelf dishwasher cleaning. I call these “happy camper gifts” because the camper-themed designs are so fun AND they serve FOOD which are two of my favorite things in the world and the combination of them makes people happy! & Most people think to use silicone glasses outdoors around swimming pools but they are also great for RV camping too! Having unbreakable wine glasses during storage and transportation is awesome for RV campers … and … it is an extra bonus when they have cute camp-themed messages on them. These Camping Themed Silicone Wine Glasses make great camper gifts for wine drinkers. Cheers! &  Camping Themed Silicone Wine Glasses SetUnbreakable Shatterproof Camping Cups   & Some of the best RV gift ideas are the ones that make “work” feel more like “fun” including chores like doing the dishes! This Camping Dish Towel Set comes with two towels that have adorable graphics and favorite quotes that are used often by RV owners: Home Is Where You Park It and Life Is Better When You’re Camping which are both sooooooooooo true!  Home Is Where You Park It TowelCamping Dish Towel Set   & Retro Camping Insulated Tumbler Can RV owners ever have enough camping-themed drinking mugs? We say no! This totally adorable Retro Camping Insulated Tumbler is great for both hot and cold beverages, holds 16oz, has a lid and is microwave and dishwasher safe! This gift idea is so cute, you may want to buy one for every RV owner on your gift list! Translation: don’t make husband and wife RV owners share one 😅       & Teardrop Camper Salt And Pepper Shakers Adding salt and pepper to food gives it flavor, doing it with these Teardrop Camper Salt And Pepper Shakers does it in style! This adorable set is made of hand painted ceramic and the shakers measure 3 x 1.75 inches. With such a fun design, these make adorable gifts for camper owners who like to season their food and leave the S&P on the counter for a cute decorative touch. & The combination of these campfire cooking gadgets make unique RV and camping gifts For RV owners who are serious pie iron cooks! Square Pie Iron Cookers are the most popular pie iron shape … partially because you don’t have to “work” to cut off the crust of the bread and eating crust gives you curly hair. 😉 A Pie Iron Kickstand is a convenient resting place for hot pie irons that have just come out of the fire and need a safe place to cool down before you pack the irons into a neat Storage Bag. You can’t forget to add a fun cookbook to the mix and this Pie Iron Creations features yummy recipes like Peanut Butter Waffles, Inside-Out Jalapeno Poppers, BBQ Cheesy Chicken, Extreme Brownies … just to name a few! Pie Iron CookerPie Iron KickstandStorage BagPie Iron Creations   & Happy Camper Mug Every camper we know loves a good cup of camp coffee to get the morning started! Why not sip your java from a Happy Camper Mug designed to resemble a camper with windows, pink flamingo and propane tank?!?! The mug holds approximately 12 ounces and hand-washing is recommended. Silly mugs make funny camping gifts and there are so many designs, you are bound to find the perfect cup for your RVing friends and family members on your gift list! & These bowls are awesome RV camping gifts because they nest for storage! The totally cute design and fun colors in this Camp Casual Nesting Bowl Set makes cooking … well, just happy! 😄 The set contains 4 melamine bowls with lids and include sizes of 6-inch, 7.5-inch, 9-inch and 10-inch in diameter. I don’t know about you but these bowls make me want to bake a cake! 🍰 &  Camp Casual Bowl Set With LidsCamp Casual Nesting Bowl Set   & Heart Shaped Pie Iron Some RVers do all of their cooking inside their rigs while others venture outside to do some of their cooking using grills and campfires. These Heart Shaped Pie Irons make fun RV camping gifts for RV owners who like to add a little extra heart to their campfire “on-a-stick” meal cooking creations! 🧡💜💚   & Starry Night Coffee Mug Oooooo, aaaaah … Just picture sitting around a campfire enjoying a creamy hot chocolate from this Starry Night Coffee Mug with the retro campers scene! The Camp Casual line of mugs features different colors and designs which are 15 oz. sturdy ceramic mugs that are both dishwasher and microwave safe. Cute mugs make really fun camping gifts and they are even better when you add a touch of homemade goodness! Make a batch of our Campfire Hot Cocoa Mix and put it in a plastic bag with a decorative ribbon then place that inside your mug for affordable and unique camp gifts! & Retro Camper Pot Holder Set When we are cooking over the high heat of a campfire, we use heavy-duty heat-resistant gloves … but … when we are cooking in a gentler environment, like with our RV oven or camp stove, we use regular pot holders. Consider kitchen gift ideas for RV owners who typically cook inside their rigs like this Retro Camper Pot Holder Set which is functional and cute enough to hang for display too! & Picnic Backpack For 4 With Complete Cutlery Set, Stainless Steel S/P Shakers, Waterproof Picnic Blanket And Cooler Bag RV kitchens can be beautiful but every so often you want to change your setting for your meal. Picnic Backpacks make great gifts for campers who want to explore a bit to find a beautiful landscape setting for a refreshing picnic. You can get them with settings for 4 people or two and they come with utensils as well as a picnic blanket and cooler bag.   & Life Is Better In A Camper Mugs There are so many cute coffee mugs for RV owners! These Life Is Better In A Camper Mugs are really popular this year and I can totally see why! A set of these will make coffee-drinking RV owners agree … life is better in a camper! They make great gifts for camper owners who like to start their day with a little java jolt! ☕☕ & Vintage Trailers II Set Of 4 Coasters Hands-down … the best way to deal with sweating drinks is by using totally adorable retro RV coasters! This Vintage Trailers II Set of 4 Coasters is made from absorbent stone with a cork back to protect furniture. The set features Paige Bridges licensed artwork and comes in a printed box. Campers who like to recreate inside their rigs while also keeping them tidy (and don’t appreciate the “lived in” look, if you know what I mean😉) really enjoy RV gifts that are cute, functional and protect their RV. & 3-In-1 Folding Camping BBQ Tools Cooking inside the RV or outside over the campfire, this 3-In-1 Folding Camping BBQ Tools is one of those great multi-tool space-saving gifts for camper owners! You’ll find more gift ideas in our Campfire Cooking Equipment You Can’t Live Without post! & Life Is Better At The Campsite 32 oz. Reusable Water Bottle Camper-themed water bottles make fun gifts for RV owners … especially for people who are trying to reduce their use of individual serving plastic water bottles. This Life Is Better At The Campsite Water Bottle holds 32 oz./1,000 ml and has a silicone gasket that prevents leakage with a tight-fitting screw-on lid. Personally, I think the bright color, cute graphic and absolutely true saying make this an irresistible gift idea!    & FUN ENTERTAINMENT GIFT IDEAS FOR RV OWNERS     I’m Unplugging Hammock With Attached Carrying And Accessory Bag Relaxing is what RVing is all about! This I’m Unplugging Hammock With Attached Carrying And Accessory Bag is awesome because it keeps your beverages, sun glasses and reading material within easy reach while you are lounging in the great outdoors. When you’re finished, just roll it up and pull the string because the bag doubles as a carry bag too! These hammocks make great gifts for RV owners who want to recline under the trees rather than in their loungers inside their rigs. & Portable Campfire Ring Camping in an RV means you can set-up home almost anywhere … an awesome adventure! That also means you may not have campfire rings at every location and that is when this Portable Campfire Ring saves the day! The steel ring accommodates natural wood-burning fires and the tree cut-outs create a cool look when the fire glows behind them. When in use, the ring measures 27 inches wide; it easily folds and packs inside the included storage bag too. These camper gifts are perfect for people who enjoy campfires and also like camping in remote locations at unimproved camp spots without fire rings. & Toasted Or Roasted Card Game Set Kid-friendly games are part of the camping experience for many RV owners. This Toasted Or Roasted Card Game Set can be played with 2-6 players over the age of 6. The object: be the first player to start your campfire and toast three marshmallows but don’t forget to play defensively because “Roasty” will try to burn your marshmallows. We have more fun game gift ideas in our Camp Games: Prove You Are A Super Hero Camper post! & The Long, Long Trailer Movie Consider movie gift ideas RV owners will love! There are lots of movies about RV owners traveling throughout the country … the funny ones are the best! You know, when you “see yourselves” in almost every scene?!? 🙄🤣😉 The Long, Long Trailer Movie is a massively popular, family-friendly, hilarious comedy that will have every RV owner thinking “I remember doing that when we were new RVers!” & Trailer Life Magazine Magazine subscriptions are great gifts that continue giving throughout the year! A Trailer Life Magazine brings a wide variety of information to readers including trips, destinations, RV maintenance/repair, purchasing travel trailers and trucks and more. & MotorHome Magazine Subscriptions make great motorhome gifts for current owners or people thinking about purchasing one. MotorHome Magazine readers enjoy reviews of campgrounds and new motorhome models for all classes and price ranges. There is practical information covering things like towing and mechanical features too. & The Most Scenic Drives In America: 120 Spectacular Road Trips Part of the fun of owning an RV is taking your home-away-from-home on a road trip with jaw-dropping scenery. That’s why we always say, you’ve got to enjoy the journey … not just the destination. The Most Scenic Drives In America: 120 Spectacular Road Trips book is a great gift for RV owners who travel a lot or those who only get to travel occasionally but want inspiration to make those special occasions totally magnificent! We have more gift ideas in our RV Camping Road Trip Ideas With Unusual Roadside Attractions post! & Happy Campers Coloring Book Coloring books have always been fun for kids but now they are popular stress-relievers with adults! This Happy Campers Coloring Book celebrates the good life on the open road with 30 vibrantly detailed art activities. The quirky illustrations can be colored using markers, colored pencils, gel pens, or watercolors. An adult coloring book is a great gift for campers who need a little help slowing down (yes, I am included in that group!) & Bedside Caddy Using organizers inside an RV helps to keep small spaces clutter-free and manageable. This Bedside Caddy has multiple pockets allowing for streamlined storage of lightweight items like books, glasses and tissues. We have more totally practical ideas for gifts for camper owners in our RVing Tips For Beginners: Enjoying The Maiden Journey post. & Handheld Hummingbird Feeders So many RVers love getting close to nature on their adventures … attracting hummingbirds to the campsite seems to be a “required” entertainment event. 😉 These Handheld Hummingbird Feeders are great gift ideas RV owners will totally enjoy because they can get up-close and personal with their little flying friends and the feeders are small enough to pack neatly away without taking up a ton of valuable storage space inside the rig!   & National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Special Edition) There are a few RV gift ideas that actually appeal to non-campers too … the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation movie is one of them! This is one of our family’s “must watch” Christmas movies. In some strange way, every RV owner has the ability to relate to cousin Eddie in an endearing yet slightly uncomfortable way. 😳🙄😲🤣 We appreciate gifts for people who love camping that can be enjoyed with “I don’t understand why anybody likes camping” friends! 😉   & ELECTRONIC GADGET RV GIFT IDEAS Kindle Paperwhite, Waterproof With 2x The Storage Avoiding the space and weight required to carry books in your RV is simple when you use an electronic reading device. This Kindle Paperwhite E-Reader has a higher resolution display (300 ppi) and a built-in adjustable light to read in daylight or at night. Even in bright sunlight, there is no screen glare! A single battery charge lasts weeks! This latest device is WATERPROOF so you can enjoy reading at the lake, beach, pool or even in the bath! Electronic readers are great gift ideas for campers who like to do a lot of reading and don’t want to carry the bulk and weight associated with paper books. You know how bulky heavy things are the enemy of clean and clutter-free RVs?!? & Happy Camper RV PopSocket Grip/Stand For Phones/Tablets Not all electronic RV gift ideas are electronic! This Happy Camper RV PopSocket is an awesome accessory for electronic gadgets! It is a grip/stand for phones and tablets. They come in tons of different RV and camping themed designs … it is hard to choose just one! 🤩 & 4Ucam Digital Wireless Camera System Every RV owner needs an extra set of eyes when backing up the rig … unless they have a backup camera system! This 4Ucam Digital Wireless RV Backup Camera System doesn’t have a complex wire layout between the monitor and IR LED night-vision waterproof camera because it is a WIRELESS system! Both units need power, the monitor is powered by your cigarette lighter and the camera is powered by a 12-24 volt source of your vehicle’s electrical system. This is one of the more expensive RV gifts on our list of favorites … but … it is one that has the potential to save huge amounts of money when it comes to damaging an RV or surrounding property and/or people during an accident while backing up a rig. & Garmin RV 760LMT Portable GPS Navigator Navigating a travel route in an RV couldn’t be easier! This Garmin RV 760LMT Portable GPS Navigator has a 7″ high-resolution touchscreen display and provides RV-specific services. You can customize routes based on restrictions including height, weight, width and length. With voice-activated navigation, you just have to talk to it! These devices make awesome gifts for RV owners who do a lot of traveling to different destinations and like to take the local, scenic route rather than staying primarily on highways and truck routes. & DOSS Touch Wireless Bluetooth V4.0 Portable Speaker Great-sounding tunes are easy at your RV destination, both indoors and out! This DOSS Touch Wireless Bluetooth V4.0 Portable Speaker has 12 watts of superior sound quality. It packs a pretty mean punch for its size and price. It has enhanced bass and dual high-performance drivers. The built-in rechargeable battery provides up to 12 hours of playtime and it recharges in 3-4 hours with the micro USB cable which is included. You can even answer phone calls with it through its built-in microphone! These make great camper gifts for people who don’t have built-in (interior and exterior) speakers in their RV. & Goal Zero Torch Some of the coolest gifts for camper owners include off-the-grid camping gadgets that make it possible to use electronic devices without electricity. The Goal Zero Torch is one of those astoundingly awesome gizmos that has a built-in solar panel and USB port so you can charge your phone and use it as a flashlight, floodlight or red emergency light … all from the power of the sun or using its hand-crank! You can find more unique gift ideas in our How To Charge Your Phone Without Electricity While Camping post! & WEARABLE GIFT IDEAS RV OWNERS LOVE Admittedly, kids don’t own RVs but their parents and grandparents do so they come along for the adventure! Can you think of anything cuter than camping clothing for kids?!?! There are so many adorable camper gifts for tiny kids to wear like this Happy Camper Newborn Onesie, and the I Love Camping Toddler T-Shirt and the This Is My Camping Shirt that comes in sizes for men, women and youth. &  Happy Camper Newborn OnesieI Love Camping Toddler T-ShirtThis Is My Camping Shirt   & Crazy socks are always a fun gift! These fashion socks by Foot Traffic include designs featuring RV trailers, tents, campfires, trees and marshmallows on sticks ready for roasting! They come in sizes for Men and Women. We have more fun gifts for camper owners who camp as couples in our Camping Gifts Couples Will Love post! & Men’s Outdoor Camping Themed SocksWomen’s Outdoor Camping Themed Socks & Hats and camping just go together! They give protection from the sun and hide “camp hair” very well making them totally awesome camper gifts for men, women and kids! The Happy Camper Baseball Cap and the Camping Hair Don’t Care Hat and the America Distressed Baseball Cap are all really popular styles. &  Happy Camper Baseball CapCamping Hair Don’t Care HatAmerica Distressed Baseball Cap   & If you are looking for RV gifts for owners who always seem to forget to pack something, in addition to giving them a fun gift, give them a FREE copy of our checklist for camping, Ultimate RV And Tent Camping Checklist … that might be the best gift they receive! 😉 & Need More Camping Gift Ideas? Check Out These Posts! The Christmas holiday season is one of the biggest gift-giving times of year! Our Christmas Gifts For Campers And RV Owners: 100+ Ideas For This Holiday Season post is updated daily during the shopping season so you can see which are the most popular gifts of the year! & Small gifts that fit in a Christmas stocking are perfect for giving all year round! Our 100+ Camping Stocking Stuffers For RV And Tent Campers post features some of the best little camping gifts that start under $10! Some of them even start below 5 bucks and they are NOT JUNK! & Thinking you might want to do a little DIY camping gift holiday giving? Check out our Campfire Hot Cocoa post! It’s warm, yummy and makes a thoughtful, inexpensive and unique Christmas gift for people who love to camp! & Need More Camping Gift Ideas? Check Out These Posts! Personalized Camping Gifts For RV And Tent Campers Camping Gifts Couples Will Love Flag Your Camp With Cool Camping Spinners And RV Flags How To Charge Your Phone Without Electricity While Camping Solar Products For Camping Best Camping Lights For Lighting Your Campsite Best Quiet Generators For Camping Unique Camping Gifts For Men Gifts For Active Women Cute Glamping Accessories And DIY Glam Camping Ideas And Tips Camp Dutch Oven Accessories Campfire Cooking Equipment You Can’t Live Without RV Tool Kit Checklist How To Keep Bugs Away While Camping Awesome Ideas For Father’s Day Camping Gifts Fun And Unique Mother’s Day Gift Idea Guide For Camping Moms Get Fun Camping Wrapping Paper And Creative Gift Wrap Ideas here! & No time to look for recipes, create a menu and write a grocery list? No Problem! Get our 3-Day Dutch Oven Camp Menu Plan here! Our Cool Camping Products Make Great Gifts! Cutting MatMat SetShaker SetHammock & If you need camping recipes and menu ideas, you can find them here at the Camping For Foodies Camping Recipes list. Don’t miss a thing…sign up for Camping For Foodies email updates! Your purchase of our products will help support World Vision ® Building a better world for children. Pin It For Later! Pin It For Later! Pin It For Later! The post Unique Camper Gifts For RV Owners appeared first on Camping For Foodies. #RvGear #RVingTipsForBeginners #RVGifts #RvCooking #RvProducts
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/looking-for-unique-camper-gifts-we-found-tons-of-them-from-ingenious-rv-accessories-and-electronic-gadgets-to-fun-travel-journals-decor-kitchen-barware-and-more-we-ve-got-a-great-list-of-rv-gifts-that-are-awesome-housewarming-ideas-for-new-rv
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smartwebhostingblog · 6 years
You Don&#039;t Need to Burn the Midnight Oil. Use These 5 Productivity Hacks Instead
New Post has been published on http://croopdiseno.com/you-dont-need-to-burn-the-midnight-oil-use-these-5-productivity-hacks-instead/
You Don't Need to Burn the Midnight Oil. Use These 5 Productivity Hacks Instead
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When leaving the office on Friday at 4 p.m. feels like a high-stakes undertaking, something’s wrong. Many honor the 40-hour workweek as sacred, to the point that anything less induces guilt and a skipping-school mentality. Yet experimentation by a New Zealand firm shows it’s possible to cut back on-the-job hours without missing a beat.
When the company Perpetual Guardian temporarily moved everyone from five work days per week to four, employee productivity and engagement shot up and stress levels plummeted. The experience was so positive that the firm has instituted the change permanently.
While a scaled-back workweek may not be easily implemented in all fields–emergency medicine and manufacturing come to mind–it’s worth investigating. Even billionaire Richard Branson is on the cutting-back bandwagon; he asserts that a healthy relationship with technology will allow people to work fewer hours.
Consequently, I’m concentrating the next few months on how to hack my own to-do list as an entrepreneur–not by working more hours, but by working less to get bigger wins. Want to join me? Use these five tactics to do more in less time.
1. Make smarter to-do lists.
I used to have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists. Writing them made me feel organized, but they never made a big enough difference in my productivity. What I realize now is that I was treating every item with the same urgency, which didn’t help at all.
Rather than putting everything on one to-do list, arrange all your must-do essentials. Which are high-impact tasks? Which bite-sized ones will move you toward the completion of big-picture goals? See which items consistently get overlooked. The problem might be the way they’re worded or that they’re too broadly defined. Or perhaps these tasks belong on an employee’s to-do list and not yours.
2. Hack your inbox.
Every entrepreneur has an inbox whose clutter can inhibit efficiency. To sort the important stuff from the rest, use Gmail’s label function. This allows you to better determine what’s need-to-do versus good-to-do. Remember that your email program probably has a ton of useful features that you haven’t considered.
You can also use your email in tandem with your must-do planning. I use ActiveInbox for my to-do list management inside Gmail. Have an item to add? I email myself. I check my emails and new to-dos once or twice daily, marking them as needed and then knocking them out. In David Allen’s Getting Things Done style, if a task will take two minutes or less, I do it right away.
3. De-tether from digital.
Your devices are a godsend. They’re also chewing up your precious minutes and distracting you from having a balanced life. Believe me, I know: Two bad habits I have are using my phone at dinnertime and checking it first thing when I wake up.
The obvious answer is to store your phone out of sight. Take a break from it and other devices to initiate a real-life refresh button. For instance, I put the phone on “do not disturb” for a few hours each evening. This helps me get out of firefighting mode so I can begin the next day with a clear head and renewed focus.
4. Stay single-minded.
You may believe that multitasking is the entrepreneur’s M.O., but author Daniel Levitin says it’s really a delusion. He suggests that multi-taskers are addicted to the idea that they’re getting tons done, but it actually hurts their productivity.
I’ve begun focusing on one task at a time because switching tasks midstream doesn’t produce results. I block out time to work on projects and then avoid looking at anything else until the work is finished. I even silence my Slack notifications. Unnerving at first, it becomes automatic when you get accustomed to taking back control.
5. Don’t waste your meeting minutes.
My staff meetings used to be a wash, especially in terms of product development. When we first adopted an agile methodology, each meeting added more stress due to unreasonable deadlines and a lack of purposeful communication.
I’ve since started exercising my prerogative to decline meetings, heeding Jeff Bezos’s two-pizza rule: Essentially, only key stakeholders should be present. And to maximize meeting productivity, I’m trying out the three-meeting approach. Pioneered by Tony Scherba, president and founding partner at product development studio Yeti, this “applied agile” strategy enables new product versioning in a week.
For each project, Scherba’s team meets only to plan the product, prototype it, and report progress to stakeholders. With no wasted meetings, his “team feels less burnt out, more productive, and more heard.”
I haven’t fully embraced a four-day work week, but I’m certainly learning to do more in less time. You, too, can look for areas of improvement and hack your way, bit by bit, to maximum effectiveness.
0 notes
You Don&#039;t Need to Burn the Midnight Oil. Use These 5 Productivity Hacks Instead
New Post has been published on http://croopdiseno.com/you-dont-need-to-burn-the-midnight-oil-use-these-5-productivity-hacks-instead/
You Don't Need to Burn the Midnight Oil. Use These 5 Productivity Hacks Instead
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When leaving the office on Friday at 4 p.m. feels like a high-stakes undertaking, something’s wrong. Many honor the 40-hour workweek as sacred, to the point that anything less induces guilt and a skipping-school mentality. Yet experimentation by a New Zealand firm shows it’s possible to cut back on-the-job hours without missing a beat.
When the company Perpetual Guardian temporarily moved everyone from five work days per week to four, employee productivity and engagement shot up and stress levels plummeted. The experience was so positive that the firm has instituted the change permanently.
While a scaled-back workweek may not be easily implemented in all fields–emergency medicine and manufacturing come to mind–it’s worth investigating. Even billionaire Richard Branson is on the cutting-back bandwagon; he asserts that a healthy relationship with technology will allow people to work fewer hours.
Consequently, I’m concentrating the next few months on how to hack my own to-do list as an entrepreneur–not by working more hours, but by working less to get bigger wins. Want to join me? Use these five tactics to do more in less time.
1. Make smarter to-do lists.
I used to have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists. Writing them made me feel organized, but they never made a big enough difference in my productivity. What I realize now is that I was treating every item with the same urgency, which didn’t help at all.
Rather than putting everything on one to-do list, arrange all your must-do essentials. Which are high-impact tasks? Which bite-sized ones will move you toward the completion of big-picture goals? See which items consistently get overlooked. The problem might be the way they’re worded or that they’re too broadly defined. Or perhaps these tasks belong on an employee’s to-do list and not yours.
2. Hack your inbox.
Every entrepreneur has an inbox whose clutter can inhibit efficiency. To sort the important stuff from the rest, use Gmail’s label function. This allows you to better determine what’s need-to-do versus good-to-do. Remember that your email program probably has a ton of useful features that you haven’t considered.
You can also use your email in tandem with your must-do planning. I use ActiveInbox for my to-do list management inside Gmail. Have an item to add? I email myself. I check my emails and new to-dos once or twice daily, marking them as needed and then knocking them out. In David Allen’s Getting Things Done style, if a task will take two minutes or less, I do it right away.
3. De-tether from digital.
Your devices are a godsend. They’re also chewing up your precious minutes and distracting you from having a balanced life. Believe me, I know: Two bad habits I have are using my phone at dinnertime and checking it first thing when I wake up.
The obvious answer is to store your phone out of sight. Take a break from it and other devices to initiate a real-life refresh button. For instance, I put the phone on “do not disturb” for a few hours each evening. This helps me get out of firefighting mode so I can begin the next day with a clear head and renewed focus.
4. Stay single-minded.
You may believe that multitasking is the entrepreneur’s M.O., but author Daniel Levitin says it’s really a delusion. He suggests that multi-taskers are addicted to the idea that they’re getting tons done, but it actually hurts their productivity.
I’ve begun focusing on one task at a time because switching tasks midstream doesn’t produce results. I block out time to work on projects and then avoid looking at anything else until the work is finished. I even silence my Slack notifications. Unnerving at first, it becomes automatic when you get accustomed to taking back control.
5. Don’t waste your meeting minutes.
My staff meetings used to be a wash, especially in terms of product development. When we first adopted an agile methodology, each meeting added more stress due to unreasonable deadlines and a lack of purposeful communication.
I’ve since started exercising my prerogative to decline meetings, heeding Jeff Bezos’s two-pizza rule: Essentially, only key stakeholders should be present. And to maximize meeting productivity, I’m trying out the three-meeting approach. Pioneered by Tony Scherba, president and founding partner at product development studio Yeti, this “applied agile” strategy enables new product versioning in a week.
For each project, Scherba’s team meets only to plan the product, prototype it, and report progress to stakeholders. With no wasted meetings, his “team feels less burnt out, more productive, and more heard.”
I haven’t fully embraced a four-day work week, but I’m certainly learning to do more in less time. You, too, can look for areas of improvement and hack your way, bit by bit, to maximum effectiveness.
0 notes
lazilysillyprince · 6 years
You Don&#039;t Need to Burn the Midnight Oil. Use These 5 Productivity Hacks Instead
New Post has been published on http://croopdiseno.com/you-dont-need-to-burn-the-midnight-oil-use-these-5-productivity-hacks-instead/
You Don't Need to Burn the Midnight Oil. Use These 5 Productivity Hacks Instead
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When leaving the office on Friday at 4 p.m. feels like a high-stakes undertaking, something’s wrong. Many honor the 40-hour workweek as sacred, to the point that anything less induces guilt and a skipping-school mentality. Yet experimentation by a New Zealand firm shows it’s possible to cut back on-the-job hours without missing a beat.
When the company Perpetual Guardian temporarily moved everyone from five work days per week to four, employee productivity and engagement shot up and stress levels plummeted. The experience was so positive that the firm has instituted the change permanently.
While a scaled-back workweek may not be easily implemented in all fields–emergency medicine and manufacturing come to mind–it’s worth investigating. Even billionaire Richard Branson is on the cutting-back bandwagon; he asserts that a healthy relationship with technology will allow people to work fewer hours.
Consequently, I’m concentrating the next few months on how to hack my own to-do list as an entrepreneur–not by working more hours, but by working less to get bigger wins. Want to join me? Use these five tactics to do more in less time.
1. Make smarter to-do lists.
I used to have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists. Writing them made me feel organized, but they never made a big enough difference in my productivity. What I realize now is that I was treating every item with the same urgency, which didn’t help at all.
Rather than putting everything on one to-do list, arrange all your must-do essentials. Which are high-impact tasks? Which bite-sized ones will move you toward the completion of big-picture goals? See which items consistently get overlooked. The problem might be the way they’re worded or that they’re too broadly defined. Or perhaps these tasks belong on an employee’s to-do list and not yours.
2. Hack your inbox.
Every entrepreneur has an inbox whose clutter can inhibit efficiency. To sort the important stuff from the rest, use Gmail’s label function. This allows you to better determine what’s need-to-do versus good-to-do. Remember that your email program probably has a ton of useful features that you haven’t considered.
You can also use your email in tandem with your must-do planning. I use ActiveInbox for my to-do list management inside Gmail. Have an item to add? I email myself. I check my emails and new to-dos once or twice daily, marking them as needed and then knocking them out. In David Allen’s Getting Things Done style, if a task will take two minutes or less, I do it right away.
3. De-tether from digital.
Your devices are a godsend. They’re also chewing up your precious minutes and distracting you from having a balanced life. Believe me, I know: Two bad habits I have are using my phone at dinnertime and checking it first thing when I wake up.
The obvious answer is to store your phone out of sight. Take a break from it and other devices to initiate a real-life refresh button. For instance, I put the phone on “do not disturb” for a few hours each evening. This helps me get out of firefighting mode so I can begin the next day with a clear head and renewed focus.
4. Stay single-minded.
You may believe that multitasking is the entrepreneur’s M.O., but author Daniel Levitin says it’s really a delusion. He suggests that multi-taskers are addicted to the idea that they’re getting tons done, but it actually hurts their productivity.
I’ve begun focusing on one task at a time because switching tasks midstream doesn’t produce results. I block out time to work on projects and then avoid looking at anything else until the work is finished. I even silence my Slack notifications. Unnerving at first, it becomes automatic when you get accustomed to taking back control.
5. Don’t waste your meeting minutes.
My staff meetings used to be a wash, especially in terms of product development. When we first adopted an agile methodology, each meeting added more stress due to unreasonable deadlines and a lack of purposeful communication.
I’ve since started exercising my prerogative to decline meetings, heeding Jeff Bezos’s two-pizza rule: Essentially, only key stakeholders should be present. And to maximize meeting productivity, I’m trying out the three-meeting approach. Pioneered by Tony Scherba, president and founding partner at product development studio Yeti, this “applied agile” strategy enables new product versioning in a week.
For each project, Scherba’s team meets only to plan the product, prototype it, and report progress to stakeholders. With no wasted meetings, his “team feels less burnt out, more productive, and more heard.”
I haven’t fully embraced a four-day work week, but I’m certainly learning to do more in less time. You, too, can look for areas of improvement and hack your way, bit by bit, to maximum effectiveness.
0 notes
rkolunen · 5 years
The Zero-Waste Home
See how a family manages to produce only two handfuls of trash per year
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Meet the Johnsons
On trash day in Mill Valley, California, the Johnson home has no garbage. Nothing. There is a hefty compost bin and a teeny recycling bin—one that Béa Johnson is embarrassed exists at all. “So much recycling really goes to waste, so you need to try to reduce that too.”
Garbage, though, is something that happens rarely in this modern, minimalistically decorated house. That’s by day-to-day intention—to live simpler and lighter on the planet. Their quest started three years ago when Béa and husband Scott downsized from a 3,000-square-foot home to their current 1,400 square feet. But it had been on Béa’s mind ever since she’d nannied for a family that lost everything in a fire. Béa decided she wanted to truly love and use and know everything she kept in her home. “Even down to the vegetable peeler,” she says.
Béa documents her zero-waste lifestyle in her blog, The Zero Waste Home.
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Less is more
“When we started getting rid of things, it was kind of addictive,” she continues. “In a recession, people are inclined to keep things, but I feel the opposite. The less I have, the richer I feel. Stuff weighs you down.”
Even life memories and heirlooms. Béa says, “Photos are a good way to keep the memory of something without keeping it because of emotional attachment or the guilt of letting it go.” Put another way: Hang onto the photo of your grandmother in her fur coat, but if you never wear the coat, it’s just taking up space in your closet.
Scott and Béa still have “vices.” Makeup has been hard to purge for Béa, and English muffins for Scott—both come with some nonrecyclable packaging.
“We don’t do everything right,” she says. “We do have garbage. We do fly overseas to see my family in France once a year.” Despite the regressions, the way the family lives makes others at least sit up and take notice: Béa says one neighbor visited, remarking that the house is “futuristic and alien-like,” opening cupboards and asking, “Where’s all your stuff?”
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The kitchen looks eerily unlived in, yet Béa cooks every day.
What’s missing?
Packaging in the pantry: The Johnsons go to the grocery store with their own jars and buy bulk snacks and other pantry supplies. “Some of the kids’ friends came over recently and said, ‘You have no food here,’ ” says Béa. “They didn’t recognize this as food since there weren’t any boxes.”
Packaging in the fridge: The family shops with glass jars, fabric bags, and canvas totes, and returns containers for a deposit. Even cheese and meat go in jars. Cheese is purchased when it is cut, to avoid plastic wrap.
Packaging in the freezer: Béa buys loaves of bread by the dozen from her grocer, carrying them in a pillowcase, which she then transfers to her freezer.
Cluttered drawers: Cooking equipment is kept to a minimum and is multipurpose, like a cheese grater doubling as a zester.
Paper towels: Clean up is done with microfiber cloths. “People are really attached to paper towels,” Béa says. “But they’re the easiest thing to give up.”
Try it
The natural-foods aisle is great for dry-good staples and refillable shampoo, conditioner, and Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap.
To use glass jars, ensure that your store has a scale to measure their tare (empty) weight.
Tips for wine: Scout for best local sources. Near San Jose, Guglielmo Winery offers refillable bottles for red wine.
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Living room
The living room has only what they need: a sofa, a video player, blankets, and pillows.
What’s missing?
A single-use couch: The sectional couch here expands to a queen bed; pieces separate for extra seats; and a mirror-top tray turns seating into a table. To buy something similar, Google “adjustable sectional sofa.”
Books: All come from the library.
Photos, art: Memories get stale when photos are displayed for too long, Béa says. To keep the past fresh, albums come out yearly around the holidays. As for art, she hasn’t found anything she likes and can afford, although Béa sees the living wall as an ever-changing art piece.
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In the playroom there are four bins of toys. The rule is simple: If the boys want something new to them, it needs to fit in the bins.
What’s missing?
Lots of toys: If the boys outgrow something, it’s donated, sold, or re-gifted. Béa and Scott encourage friends and family to give gifts of expe­rience rather than things. This year, their 10-year-old’s birthday gifts included a weekend of skiing and gift certificates to a climbing gym and the local ice cream shop.
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One medicine cabinet in the bathroom holds toiletries for the entire family.
What’s missing?
Makeup case: Béa uses only four beauty products: face powder, eye cream, mascara, and eyeliner.
Trash can: The family uses no Q-tips, cotton balls, or tissue (handkerchiefs sub in here). Toilet paper rolls come wrapped in paper, not plastic.
Try it
To eliminate packaging, Béa mixes her own multi-purpose cleaner: 11/2 tsp. castile soap, 3 tsp. white vinegar, and 4 cups water.
The family orders their compostable toothbrushes from an Australian company (environmentaltoothbrush.com).
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The house closets are enviable for their lack of clutter. Shopping is done only twice a year at a thrift store and replaces items that are stained, worn, or outgrown.
What’s missing?
A bulging wardrobe: Everyone has a set number of items. For example, Béa caps out at 6 pairs of shoes, 7 tops, 7 pants, and 2 skirts (1 also wearable as a top). Same idea goes for Scott and the couple’s 9- and 10-year-old boys (each has 7 casual tops, 1 dress shirt, 4 bottoms, 3 pairs of shoes, and 1 pair of PJs per season).
Shopping bags and shoe boxes: Secondhand items are preferred over new. Last April, for example, Béa spent only $40 replenishing clothes for her whole family (she even found nice $1 Abercrombie & Fitch tees for the boys).
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Really? No waste?
Béa and Scott Johnson answer some questions about how their household works.
Q/ Do you have a car?
A/ We have two cars, which we’ve had since before we started this lifestyle. Scott needs one for his job, and I need something once a week for errands. There’s no Zipcar in Mill Valley.
Q/ Do you have a TV?
A/ We do, for movies, but no television channels. We rent through Netflix—either online or by mail. In the return envelope, I put back that little strip of plastic that is intended to be thrown away. I’ve contacted Netflix, encouraging them to find another way.
Scott: I thought I’d miss sports TV—like ESPN or college football—but I’ve figured out it’s all online and we can stream it. If the cable company did à la carte, we’d be set.
Q/ Do you get junk mail?
A/ I’ve done dmachoice.org to get off direct mail lists like credit card applications, and there’s catalogchoice.org for catalogs. For first-class mail and third-class marked “address return requested,” you can write “refuse” on the envelope. For other third-class, you must track the sender down via phone or email and tell them to take you off their list. Every time I get something, I tackle it right away.
Q/ What about when your kids are sick?
A/ Though we have a neti pot [for flushing nasal passages with saline], sometimes we do have to buy medication. It’s less wasteful to purchase a small bottle, and the containers are recyclable. Instead of Band-Aids, we mostly use peroxide, then gauze and paper tape.
Q/ Living like this must take a lot of time.
A/ I save time. While other people are zigzagging the aisles of the grocery store, I shop the perimeter. The deli and cheese departments take extra time with my jars, but then I shop the bulk-foods aisle for all dry goods. I do the farmers’ market for produce. And I go to malls only occasionally, for shoes.
Sunset readers have been commenting up a storm on our Zero-waste home story. Béa Johnson has responded to some of your comments on our blog--check out more of Béa's take on living simply.
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creatives-spot · 6 years
How to change your own perspective
I thought I had it all together with my finances, my relationship with my family and friends, my behavior and everything else I thought I excelled in. But one day while I was on my way to work, I realized just how unpleasant I have been. It led me to think about changing my ways. I was exhausted emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
At that moment, I had a reality check. I wasn’t the person whom I wanted to be, I didn’t have the life I want and I am not the person I am meant to be. I said to myself, “you really suck as a person, you really do and you need to change you.” It hit me hard hearing myself say it but I am glad I did because change starts when you admit and accept your mistakes. I wasn’t trying to condemn myself (of course not!). I simply wanted to change my life and be better. Just like in financial abundance, you need to determine your financial pain(s) before you can move on to financial abundance. That pain will be your drive to success (but I will go in depth about what I learned in financial abundance in another blog. I am honestly not quite there yet.)
Admitting and accepting those flaws gave me the motivation to take charge of myself to be a better person and a good role model to my little girl. Here are some tips:
1. Stop comparing yourself to others
I know, I know! We hear this a lot but do we really do it? Insecurities kick in when we see people posting on social media about their travels, fitness, bodies, jobs, successes, cars, clothes and just about anything and everything about their lives. How about not letting ourselves compare and compete?
Instead, learn about their certainties and apply it to yourself and maybe get inspired and be motivated to work harder?
2. Focus
We live in a world full of distractions. As much as possible, avoid multi-tasking and learn to
prioritize. Get one done and move on to the next one. Also, let’s not procrastinate and put off doing things because the to-do list will keep getting longer. Do it today so that tomorrow you will be free to spend quality time with family and do fun things.
3. Practice and have a heart full of gratitude
When you appreciate the little things you have or what is in front of you, you feel the sense of joy and your brain will switch to being wealthy. Yes, growing up I was taught to be grateful but didn’t realize how powerful the word “gratitude” was until my two- year old uttered the word, “Thank you.” She says thank you to everything she hears, sees and touches. For example, she’ll hear fireworks and she'll excitedly says, “Thank you, fireworks!” I will never forget the look on her face as she spoke those words. She was filled with happiness. That is the kind of heart we should possess. A heart full gratitude.
4. Know and be yourself
Remember it starts when you accept and admit. Quit trying to be someone you are not because it is exhausting. Be true to yourself! You are unique, you are beautiful and perfect just the way you are!
5. Don’t waste your energy
Prioritize your time and energy with what’s important. If it doesn’t make you happy and it seems like it will have a negative impact on you, don’t entertain it. Move on to better things.
6. De-clutter your mind
It starts when you stop thinking negative thoughts. Start feeding yourself with positive thoughts and what you want to achieve as a person. Have an attitude of POSITIVITY and POSSIBILITIES. Always keep moving forward never backward.
7. Hold your horses
Stop trying to do things at full speed. Slow down. Relax and take a breath. When given the chance, prop up your feet and drink a glass of wine! Don’t forget to celebrate every success whether it be big or small. It matters!
8. Have a to-do list
Plan your day ahead by simply jotting it down. I am the type of person who likes to write everything down. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I see things checked off on my list. There are different ways to get things accomplished. Find what works for you.
9. Accountability
Own up to whatever choices, decisions and actions you make in your life. Be a leader to yourself first before you can lead others. Don’t hide behind excuses after excuses. Admit when you’re wrong. Apologize. Remember, the truth will set you free!
10. Set goals with good intentions
Having a goal with good intentions produces a healthy mindset. Intentions will set the standard on how you live and act. Don’t take the easy way out. Work harder for what you want. Always remember, if it is easy it will not last.
11. Pray and Trust
Know that you are not fully in control of yourself. Pray to the One who can transform your heart, mind, and soul. Regardless of who you are and what you have done in the past, know that you are always loved. Trust the process. A greater calling awaits.
Don’t let fear take over. Accept who you are and if there is an area you feel you need to work on, take the step. Live the life you want, in the way that is right.
Be motivated and be willing to change!
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sualkmedeiors · 7 years
5 Important LinkedIn Updates for Marketing Professionals
LinkedIn, as many of you know, is the world’s largest professional network on the internet, and is striving to keep it that way. To stay the course, LinkedIn has been quickly improving its product and adding new features.
In August, I received a LinkedIn Marketing Solutions email update about some “big new features” that were added to the platform. After assessing the full message, I learned that LinkedIn has added a variety of options and capabilities including ‘multi-photo posts’ and a ‘disable comments’ feature, just to name a few. This is exciting because it shows how LinkedIn is embracing recent industry trends in marketing and transitioning into more of a content-based platform.
So, what does this mean for marketers? For some, this could be a game-changer. LinkedIn rolling out these new functionalities means that businesses and users will now have more control over their content and a better ability to personalize that content. I think this change is huge, not only for LinkedIn but for B2B marketers everywhere!  In this blog, I’ll take a deep-dive into five new LinkedIn updates that could help you achieve your marketing goals.
1. Upload Multiple Photos in a Single Post
LinkedIn will now give users the ability to select multiple photos in a single post. This is a pretty straightforward addition, but a great one nonetheless. With this capability, you can personalize your content however you want with more images to choose from. This is especially important if you’re looking to get more engagement from your audience. Personally, I’ve been waiting for LinkedIn to implement this feature for quite some time, as I often want to share more than one image from an event, but don’t feel like cluttering my feed.
2. Post Native Videos Directly to LinkedIn
Say goodbye to switching back-and-forth to your camera roll and/or another source. With this feature, you’ll now be able to record and post videos natively from the LinkedIn app, giving you a faster and easier method to share your professional insights and perspectives. According to Forbes, “native videos get 10x more shares than YouTube alone.” You’ll no longer have to go through the lengths of your camera roll and downloads to upload a single video with this option. Simply click the video feature in the app, then either record in real-time or share a previous recording without having to go through another data-source. This will surely speed up the process especially during time sensitive situations. Another A+ addition in my book!
3. Share Your Content Off LinkedIn
One of the biggest challenges for any marketer is maximizing the exposure and viewership of your content. For LinkedIn business users, sharing your content meant sharing only to your connections/followers, which of course, could only go so far (unless you’re willing to boost your post with paid advertising). If you’re looking to expand your reach, this new feature will come in handy. Guests and logged-out users will now be able to see your posts, videos, and articles on the platform. Why is this so important? Because your precious content will now appear to readers who aren’t logged in to LinkedIn. Better yet, they don’t have to be a LinkedIn member. Talk about capitalizing on your content sharing!
Take a look at this view from a logged-off users’ perspective:
4. Share a Draft of Your Article Before It’s Published
Typically, when you create a post as a “Draft” on any content management platform, only the author is given access to view it. This could be troublesome for many organizations because you want to share a post with a client or manager to get their input. In order to do that you’d have to draft an email with your text copied and pasted in it. However, you also have the option of creating a shared Google Doc or Dropbox, which is something I’ve done in the past. The good news is that LinkedIn has answered the call for users looking for an approval process for their LinkedIn Pulse articles that want to avoid having to go through other sources and off-platform.
What’s the solution? LinkedIn has created a feature that allows you to share your draft articles and blogs before publishing. So, if you’re looking for some feedback on a piece you’re about to send out, you now have the option to “Share Draft”. Keep in mind, your drafts will only be available to those who have a direct link that you choose to create.
5. Enable or Disable Comments
And finally, the feature that gives you control over your comments. One of the most frustrating things as a marketer is seeing an irrelevant or raunchy comment on a post you’ve toiled away on. These days, you never know what to expect out of your audience and what they could possibly say. As part of LinkedIn’s ongoing efforts to provide a professional environment that encourages you to share your thoughts, they’ve rolled out the ability for users to manage their comments on their posts and articles.
This is especially helpful for your those who manage content daily. This added feature gives you the ability to enable and disable comments on your posts. All it requires is just a few clicks of your mouse (or finger, if you’re operating on your mobile phone) to prevent your audience from seeing comments that may detract from your original intent.
These new features are a win-win. They allow you to properly manage your content and maximize your potential reach with your audience. As marketers, it’s important that we take these new concepts into consideration as they’ll allow us to more effectively drive our content. That said, if you haven’t tested the new updates on LinkedIn yet, I suggest you do.
What other methods do you use to boost and manage your content on LinkedIn or other social platforms? I would love to hear your thoughts!
The post 5 Important LinkedIn Updates for Marketing Professionals appeared first on Marketo Marketing Blog - Best Practices and Thought Leadership.
from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/modernb2bmarketing/~3/3rQlGcKVBhg/5-important-linkedin-updates-marketing-professionals.html
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Forex And Online Traders Want To Trade In The Zone - This Does It!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/forex-and-online-traders-want-to-trade-in-the-zone-this-does-it/
Forex And Online Traders Want To Trade In The Zone - This Does It!
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    Dear Trader
How would you like to suddenly turn your trading around, so you became successful with every position you took?
If you know how to execute a trade, but are still losing far too many trades, relax, there is an answer.  There is a simple solution that will unleash your ability to move with the market and capture the profits that are there on a second-by-second basis.  Sound crazy; it’s not – it’s science.
What this is NOT:
Not a ‘system’
Not another ‘training’
Not special ‘signals’
Not a ‘robot’
Not a newsletter or secret site
Not another ‘Guru’
Not even expensive
Don’t you think you could trade better if you could recognize patterns faster and clearer?  Don’t you think you would profit nearly 100% of the time if you could filter out the noise and false signals and identify what is pertinent to your position?
There is a reason why the top 5% of traders constantly pick winners.  It’s not luck, chance, insider info, intelligence or even somebody’s ‘system’; its 99% of the  time that Winners trade in the ZONE!
What if there was a way for you to quickly move into the ‘Zone’ like the professional master traders have?  And what if you could do it right away?
Take 2 minutes to change your life and read this important information.
Being in the Zone – What would that mean to you?
Never missing the profitable trades and positions
Having the Mindset of a Master Trader
Consistently SEEING winning positions that are revealed to all, but seen by few
Being in Mental Top shape to take trades
Having your Brain ‘tuned up’ for trading
Total Brain Optimization for Pattern Recognition
Zen-like Peak Performance
Smashing through Plateaus
Following the fast flow of the market without a challenge
“When I started out with this program did I really think it was actually going to make my trading abilities better? NO, I was very skeptical, how could an MP3 teach my mind to see moves and strategies clearer?  My simple answer after one week of using this tape is “I don’t know” but seriously it changed everything about my game. I’m in and out because I now see where to get in and where to get out and most importantly I am making money now!”
SP, Ontario, CA
Would you like to find a way to move directly into ‘The Zone’?
The Zone, the Winning Mindset, that special Trader’s Edge where your subconscious takes over and acts faster than you can act, sees patterns that you don’t see, foresees events that you will only notice after the fact,  and constantly picks profitable trade after trade after trade.
Want proof?
Have you ever met or listened to trainers explain their system?  Most of the time, you come away feeling like,  ‘that’s not really anything I’ve not thought for myself’.  In fact, after you ‘learned’ the basics, the only REAL difference between you a successful trader is the time or experience  that they have.
What happens over time?
Like any thing you do, eventually you can learn it so well, that it is now instinctual; you can do it without consciously thinking.  That is the key.
Remember the last time you drove home from the office and you got out of your car, and could not even remember the trip?  That is because your subconscious mind was able to perform most of the actions for you.  Perhaps you were deep in thought, or talking on the phone, but you were trusting your subconscious mind to take you safely home, and it did.
“After huge success with your program, my friend Erik was bringing in the money and telling everyone how he suddenly changed his style of trading; he had moved into “The Zone” he said. Honestly, I needed to be in the zone too. I went right to your website and ordered my own Perfect Mind Training. He was totally right, just listening over and over, (which is very pleasant) to the different tracks, and within a couple of weeks I was quicker on spotting patterns, entries and exits,  and now I know I have ‘cracked’ the zone too.  Finally I was following the flow of the market with clarity.  Thank you for your awesome program….”
Simple, yet POWERFUL – some people can’t drive a car with ALL their attention – yet you can and not even remember it.
This is the Zen edge that the Master Traders have; sometimes they don’t even know it, sometimes they think it’s some secret system that only they understand, but it’s not.  It’s just that they now trade in the Zone, that mental state of consciousness where the subconscious has taken change.
For a Master Trader trading in the Zone, their subconscious mind digests information, and faster than your conscious mind even notices it; a pattern emerges, and then they are told to take a trade, or a position by their subconscious mind.
You have seen it time and time again.
How can you speed up the process and get into the Zone now?
How can you make use of your lighting fast subconscious mind and use its powerful pattern recognizing ‘software’ to show you the same signals that are invisible to your conscious mind?
What would it be worth to you to suddenly turn your trading around – so you were always up?
Introducing the amazing state-of-the-art Perfect Mind Trading Subliminal system.
If you have struggled with ‘systems’, special signals, newsletters, robots, etc, you probably know how to trade.
Profitable trading opportunities are being presented to you on a daily, perhaps hourly basis.  It’s just that you don’t act.  You are either missing what is right in front of you, or seeing your entry or exit too late.
That’s where the Perfect Mind Trading program takes over for you.
It will unblock your mind from all the clutter and noise and reveal to you the entry and exit points that those in the Zone see.
Identify and Exploit market opportunities in real time
Enhance and Magnify all your knowledge and training
See patterns as they emerge, NOT by looking back
Cut out the false messages of the market
Achieve market confidence
Be at peace with the flow of information, not afraid of it
This special Audio download is a unique mutli-track MP3 program that you listen to.  It will train your brain to attain the ‘Winner’s Edge’, allowing you to trade in the Zone like the pros.
Just sit back and listen, on your computer, your Ipod, Ipad or other MP3 player, or even on a CD player if you like.  The more you listen, the more powerful and effective you will become.
How does it work so well?
Through a scientific technique called Brain Entrainment and Subliminal Affirmation Self Hypnosis.
While you sit back and listen to The Perfect Mind Trading Subliminal tracks, this powerful program uses specific, positive commands sent DIRECTLY to the subconscious mind, commanding it to only see ‘winning trade patterns’ and filter out distracting market noise, and it alerts your conscious mind once it sees a pattern, so you can act on it.
These messages are just under the threshold of hearing – in other words ‘subliminal’.
Subliminal Affirmations are specific, positive commands to shape your subconscious into  a Zen-like Master Trader.  These commands are sent DIRECTLY to the subconscious mind, thus avoiding the ‘gatekeeper’ or your conscious mind.  You see, if you were to say to yourself, “I see profitable trading positions” that would be rejected by the conscious mind, because it worries – making you indecisive and confused – not traits of a Master Trader.
Subliminal Affirmations work better, faster and more effectively than using ‘Will Power’, or the conscious mind, or even reading positive affirmations aloud to yourself.
Your Master Pattern Recognition Subliminal Program
Your program comes with 6 different tracks, each with your powerfully designed Zone inducing affirmations.  One of the tracks is silent, allowing you to listen to these affirmations in the background– when you don’t want binaural beats or other music or sounds.  The other tracks are the same affirmations, but you will not hear them, instead, you will hear different music or background sounds.  Don’t worry, you’ll have full instructions and FAQs, but we don’t expect you’ll need any help, it’s pretty straight forward.
Track 1 A powerful Binaural beat that puts you into a Zen like state
Track 2 A relaxing Ocean background
Track 3 A Tranquil music background
Track 4 A Thunder shower rain background
Track 5 A Country Picnic background
Track 6 A Silent track to play anytime, anywhere
Listen to any and all of these tracks – the affirmations are all the same – repetition is key – that’s why you get so many different tracks, so you can enjoy the variety.  And as a special bonus you will receive a binaural track which is much more powerful than the others, (except that you cannot listen to it when driving or operating heavy machinery).  Don’t worry, full directions and a complete FAQ is provided with each order – nothing left to chance.
Don’t waste another minute or another dollar in losing trades – this program is fully backed and guaranteed, so there is no risk to try it out.
What Affirmations are actually on the Subliminal I’ll be listening to?
Be our guest and listen here: https://vimeo.com/300402589
Your subconscious mind will hear these affirmations many 1000’s upon 1000’s of times due to multi-tracking repetition built-in to your Mindware program.  It’s easy to see why it works; life-changing affirmations repeated over and over and over again, in an almost simultaneous fashion, penetrating to your subconscious mind.  You could never repeat this many affirmation to yourself in the same amount of time.  This one track alone is repeated 1000’s of times as you use your Mindware program.  It’s Powerful!
Remember, when you engage and use your Mindware program, you won’t hear these actual words when you listen at home, you’ll only hear the background sounds or even nothing if you listen to the silent track, so that your subconscious mind picks up these affirmations directly without your ‘gate-keeping’ conscious mind ‘wondering’ about them.
You see, your subconscious mind believes what it ‘hears’ – but our conscious mind ‘wonders, doubts, disagrees’ etc. That’s why it’s so hard to find success through the application of saying affirmations out-loud to ourselves. Repeating them out-loud will work, but you must firmly believed in them without any doubt, and that’s not always easy.  That’s the wonderful advantage of subliminal affirmations, you go about your daily business, or even sleep, and your subconscious is picking them up and acting on these affirmations – believing in them, and changing you and your attitude to make a new you.
Your Mindware program makes getting success faster and easier, and you can do it without even stopping doing what you would be doing anyway.  Just slip on you headphones or whatever method you desire to listen to your Mindware program.
Your Bonus download programs can be placed into iTunes or any music player
Listen to any and all of these tracks – the affirmations are all the same – repetition is key – that’s why you get so many different tracks, so you can enjoy the variety.  And as a special bonus you will receive a binaural track which is much more powerful than the others, (except that you cannot listen to it when driving or operating heavy machinery).  Don’t worry, full directions and a complete FAQ is provided with each order – nothing is left to chance.
Don’t waste another minute or another dollar staring at the phone, feeling bad about yourself, or taking ‘another training’. You already have the knowledge within you – the Perfect Mind Trading Subliminal program just unleashes it! It works, and is fully backed and guaranteed, so there is no risk to try it out.
If you are NOT making money as an Agent, while others are, you can’t afford NOT to use the Perfect Mind Trading Subliminal program!
Download Today And We’ll Also Give You 5 Valuable Bonuses
100% FREE!  Value Over $150
How would you like to have 5 additional reasons to get your hands on your Perfect Mind Trading
Mindware download right now? A total value of $150 (well, $149.75 to be accurate) – truly a powerful
combination of Subliminal programs to make you into a top performing online Trader – take a look
and you’ll want to take advantage of this offer while it still lasts.  Soon we will be
withdrawing these bonuses.
Look, if you are trading, you know there are many OTHER factors that make up the full success package.
While most is Attitude, and the perfect Zen-like state that you can have with the Perfect Mind Trading
Mindware program, there are a few other areas that are important too. And we’ll help your decision
to purchase our product by offering you these bonuses if you make your purchase now:
Manifesting Abundance
Retail Value $29.95
you’re in business to make money AND keep it. Sometimes money comes in and it flows out again – with this very important
Subliminal download you’ll change your attitude toward money so you attract it – and not repel it. You need Manifesting Abundance especially in your profession where you could earn as much as decide..
Creating an Amazing Memory
Retail value $29.95
clearly in trading having a first class memory is important, this Subliminal download directs the brain to increase  and strengthen your memory.
Great for remember all those factors that affect a trade, past or false indications, etc. This Subliminal is also good for non traders too, so feel free to share with a spouse or other family member.
End Insomnia and Get a Great Night’s Sleep
Retail Value $29.95
We’re including this now, because if you want success in trading, you may need the value of a good sleep. Worry, or even excitement is a sleep thief – this will reverse those sleepless nights and allow you to perform at peak perfection all day or whenever its best for you to trade, feel rested and ready for action! Works for anyone, not just for traders.
Become a Master Goal Setter
Retail Value $29.95
You have heard about Goal setting all your life – but how few actually do it? No matter what level of a goal setter you are – from not at all, to reluctant, to pretty good – this Subliminal Download will turn you into a Master
Goal Setter. It works, and you need to set HIGH goals if you’re going to become a successful online trader! Consider it done!
Radiate Health and Vitality
Retail Value $29.95
Now consider your health. This very important Subliminal will motivate you to make healthy choices in food and lifestyle, so you are not too focused on your charts to eat right and keep your health. Your family, your Doctor,and your body will thank you. Once again, this Subliminal is not just for traders.
P.S. Remember – you have invested thousands of dollars in time and training to get where you are now.  Don’t sell yourself short and miss this powerful tool.  Subliminal training is used by the US Forces, scientists and training experts to speed up the process of pattern recognition.  The cost for this program is a small price to pay for the benefits of seeing the market like a Zen Master Trader.  And with your 60 Day money back guarantee, you can’t lose.  Act now and invest in your future!  You’ll see the difference in your trading account!
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