#wait he ACTUALLY made a spider man inspired musical????
ourcborcs · 11 months
Taken from this meme
Say hello to your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Pete Parker!
Okay. So last year my friend made me watch Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark around the time I joined a Spider-Verse inspired rp server on discord. And so my idea for Pete was born.
If you don't know what Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark is, it is the Spider-Man musical that almost killed both its actors and Broadway. Waiting in the Wings on youtube has a good video on it. I'm not going to go too much into it but the production was a mess and Bono didn't help and the cast's talent was wasted on it. Although this song is absolutely wonderful and I'm so upset that the soundtrack version is a solo because the harmonies elevate it but that's a petty complaint.
Back to Pete!
Pete is basically if the musical was run by competent people, or if the musical was more dark. Somewhere between the two. Everyone's names have been slightly changed apart from J Jonah Jameson because it's funny. He's still an awkward nerdy guy, madly in love with MJ, standard Spidey stuff.
My personal spin mainly lies in the topic or Arachne. In the musical she shows up, gives him a pep talk, and dips. My Arachne is actually an alien whose interest was piqued by Pete's emergence and decided to make contact; as is a pretty common trope within sci-fi they took the form and persona of a being that would not cause him to freak out and chose a figure he has been fascinated with ever since he was a kid: Arachne from Greek Mythology. Pete is aware that they aren't actually Arachne but calls them that because he isn't about to question too much. She (I use both she and they for Arachne) communicates telepathically and through dreams/visions and is pretty chill and was a good shoulder to cry on after Green Goblin died (which in my canon Pete was absolutely fucked up from).
Now, this is an ongoing B plot in the server but as the Spider-people are glitching Pete gets a bit desperate and Arachne offers to help stabilize his DNA. Just a small alteration, not too much. But the plan is over the course of his stay he will give in to more and more alterations and merges more and more with Arachne until he basically becomes Venom. I'm super excited to do this plot thread!
Anyways for your troubles here's a picture of Alice Cooper and Ben Stiller at Spider-Man Turn off the Dark that I found while looking for reference photos
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evermoreholland · 3 years
in harmony | tom holland
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-> singer!reader x tom holland
-> summary: after a nasty break up, you go to london with your two best friends in hope to find inspiration for your upcoming album and a london boy soon became your muse.
-> word count: 5.7k
-> a/n: wow. this is probably my favorite fic of mine. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i do. big thank you to @rainbowrobin for hyping this fic up and being its biggest fan. also thank you to @cali-holland for beta reading this for me! your support means the world to me and you inspire me every day to keep writing. love you to bits <3
Breaking up with someone you used to care about was never easy. In fact, grieving and eventually getting over that person was the hardest thing to do. You were a singer so relationships that went public usually ended up terribly wrong. The good part about it is that you can write a hit song about the experience.
Breaking up with your past boyfriend was probably the worst experience for you thus far. You thought that he was the one, every move you made was for him and you ended up depending on him constantly. And he broke your heart. He played you like a fiddle and played with the strings of your heart. He cheated on you with someone you were insecure about the duration of your relationship with him, which made everything feel worse.
You decided that you needed a change of scenery in hopes to clear your head. You had been spending time in your Los Angeles apartment moping around, trying to get over your ex-boyfriend. You also had a deadline for your new album and you haven’t even started. Your album was due towards the end of the summer, and it was now spring.
You sat down on your sofa with a pen and notebook in your hand. You were determined to write something. You didn’t want to write songs about your breakup, but that was all you were thinking about. You saw your phone on the coffee table light up and buzz. It was your manager and agent, Cassandra. You picked up the phone nervously, knowing that she was going to ask about your progress or lack thereof.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Hello, Y/N,” Cassandra greeted sweetly. “How’s the album coming along? We need to start recording soon.”
“Funny you ask.” You always tried to make fun out of an uncomfortable situation.
“I’m sorry, Cass! I have no idea what I should be writing about for this album.” It’s not like you didn’t want to write. You did, but you had no idea what to write about.
“Maybe you need a change of scenery, dear. You haven’t been out in months,” Cassandra suggested.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Where would you want to go? You can stay there for the rest of the spring and the beginning of the summer.”
You thought about it for a moment. You definitely wanted to leave the country.  “How does London sound, Cass?”
“Sounds nice. I’ll book you, Natalie, and Sarah tickets for this weekend and I’ll rent the three of you an Airbnb for your stay,” Cassandra confirmed. Natalie was your personal assistant and your best friend. Sarah was your older sister who traveled with you everywhere and she helped you with many of your songs. She was good to bounce ideas off of. You had the perfect team.
“Perfect. Thank you.” You both said your goodbyes and hung up.
Tom got off the airplane and sighed in relief. He was finally home. After many months of filming on another continent, he was back in London. Tom was ready to finally sleep in his own bed and hang out with his brothers and friends once again.
Harry and Tom took an Uber back to Tom’s apartment. It was fairly late and all Tom wanted to do was sleep. In the Uber, Tom and Harry made light conversation.
“You want to go to the new pub by our flat this weekend? Haz and Tuwaine want to hang out,” Harry asked.
“Sure,” Tom mumbled. To be quite honest, Tom had absolutely no desire to go out at all this weekend, but he knew that his mates wanted to see him. He did want to see them too, so he agreed.
“Sounds good.”
You packed your suitcases for London at the last minute. In your defense, Cassandra only booked Thursday night’s tickets on Wednesday, so you didn’t have that much time in the first place. You were planning on using your time in London to relax and to create a healthy headspace to write your next album.
You called Natalie to ask her opinion on some of your outfit choices. “Nat, am I going for a  casual look this trip? Like sweatpants and t-shirts?”
“Absolutely not, Y/N. Are you insane?!”
“It was just a question, Natalie.” You defended yourself. “What should I pack then?”
“I don’t know, just look hot. You need to get out of the post-breakup sweatpants phase.”
“Fine,” you grumbled. You grabbed some cute spring sundresses from your closet and threw them into your suitcase. You packed some jeans and blouses as well.
You hung up with Natalie and took a look at your bag. “Should be good.”
The flight to London from Los Angeles was long and exhausting. You arrived at Heathrow airport in the early afternoon on Friday. You immediately went to the house to rest up from jetlag. Once you woke up a few hours later, Sarah was pressuring you and Natalie to get dressed. “We’re going to the pub! Get up, ladies!”
“What? Why?” Natalie groaned. You and Natalie were laying on your beds in your shared room. Sarah jumped onto your bed and tackled you.
“Sarah, we’re exhausted,” you said. You pushed your sister off of you and sat up. “We can just go tomorrow.”
“It’s the pub’s grand opening! It’s supposed to be fire!”
“Fine,” you mumbled. You got up and began unpacking your suitcase. “But I refuse to wear heels.”
Harrison made his way to his best mate’s flat to pick him up for the Cheer Beers grand opening on Friday night. Harrison used his spare key to get into Tom’s place. “Tom,” Harrison called out. He made his way to Tom’s bedroom to make sure he was ready for the night.
“In my room!” Tom exclaimed. Tom sounded upset and agitated. Harrison entered his room anyway because he wanted to hang out with his best friend. He opened the door and noticed Tom laying his bed under the covers.
“Are you alright, mate?” Harrison asked. Harrison noticed Tom in his pajamas while in bed. “Why aren’t you ready to go? Harry already went out with Tuwaine to wait in line.”
“I want to hang out with you all, but I’m just so jetlagged, mate.”
Harrison took his phone out of his back pocket to check the time and noticed an Instagram notification from you. He opened it out of curiosity and it was a direct message. It said that you would be at Cheer Beers tonight with your friends and asked if he was going. Harrison and you had met at an award show a few months back and you became friends. “You know what I just found out, Tom?”
“Y/N L/N is going to the grand opening tonight.”
“You’re lying just to get me out of bed!” Tom accused him. Tom didn’t want to admit it, but he fancied you. He has been following you on social media and listening to your music for a while now, so Harrison saying you were going to be at the pub caught his attention.
“I’m not.” Harrison showed Tom his phone with your direct message. “I had no idea she was in town, though.”
“No clue, either.”
“Now will you come?” Harrison asked. “I know you have a huge crush on her.”
Tom eyed him skeptically but then let out a sigh. “Fine, I’ll go.”
You waited in line outside of Cheer Beers with Sarah and Natalie. You were wearing a black sleeveless cocktail dress with black slip-on vans. You saw a few familiar faces approach you and you realized that it’s your friend Harrison and his mates. You recognized one of his friends to be Tom Holland.
“Hey, Haz!” You greeted. He pulled you into a hug and squeezed you tightly. You pulled away and said, “Following me, I see?”
“Very funny,” he replied. “We were coming to opening night anyway. We were planning this in honor of Tom’s return from filming.”
“Oh, that’s right,” you said and then turned to Tom. You put your hand out for him to shake. “I’m Y/N.”
He shook your hand and you felt his sweaty palm touch yours. You could assume that he was either unwell or nervous. “Tom. Nice to finally meet you.”
You introduced Natalie and Sarah to Harrison and he introduced the rest of his friends to the three of you.
“Would you like to share a table with us?” Harry, Tom’s younger brother, asked you.
“I’m sure that Y/N L/N would have much better opportunities than to sit with us, Harry,” Tom interjected.
“Actually, Tom, we would love to.” You all entered the pub and grabbed a table in the back room. Harrison sat between Sarah and Tuwaine. Harry sat by Natalie. You sat between Natalie and Tom, per Natalie’s whisper in your ear to go for it. You all got your first round of drinks.
“So what brings you to London?” Tom asked.
“Needed to clear my head,” you said and then ate the olives from your martini.
“So you flew halfway across the world?” Tom was amused and you could tell. He wasn’t trying to laugh at you particularly, he just thought it was funny that you chose London of all places.
“Shut up,” you teased. “We’re here for the summer. A vacation, or holiday, if you will.”
“Nice, nice.” You could feel the slight awkward tension between the two of you. You were basically strangers so it made sense. You decided to try and break it. “How was filming for the third Spider-Man film?”
Tom’s eyes lit up at your sudden interest in his work. “Can I tell you a funny story?”
Three hours passed by and you decided to call it a night. You talked with Tom the entire night. You enjoyed his company but you were also jetlagged. “Tom, I’m tired,” you said as you leaned on his shoulder.
“Me too.”
“Want to walk me home?” You asked.
“Would love to.” You both got up from the booth and Tom paid for your drinks, even though you protested. Harrison, Tuwaine, Harry, Sarah, and Natalie didn’t look like they were ready to leave any time soon so you said your goodbyes to them and left with Tom.
“How far are you away from here?” Tom asked you.
“About a ten minute walk.” You began walking in the cool London air.
“So, Harrison told me that you were writing for your new album. How’s that going?”
“Not well,” you said as you crossed your arms over your chest. “It’s been fucking difficult.”
“I’m sorry, love.” The pet named warmed your heart and body even more. Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. “I wish I can help you out somehow.”
“It’s alright. Getting out tonight helped me get into a good headspace,” you said.
“Glad to hear it.” You arrived at your Airbnb and Tom walked you to the front door. “I had a great time tonight, Y/N.”
You smiled, the first genuine smile that you’ve had in a while. “Me too, Tom.” You opened your door to enter.
“Wait.” Tom stopped you. “Let me get your number.”
Two weeks had passed since you arrived in London and you and Tom have been texting back and forth. He had even taken you on a tour of London. He took you to all of the hot spots. Occasionally, Tom, Harrison, and Harry would come over to your Airbnb to hang out with you, Sarah, and Natalie. You were developing friendships with everyone, but you felt a bit stronger about Tom. He was charming, kind, and really funny. You enjoyed his company and you finally got the chance to start writing for your upcoming album. You realized that you didn’t want to write about your breakup with your ex, but instead write about your crush on the brown-haired London boy.
“How is the album coming along?” Cassandra asked you on the phone.
“Pretty good. I have a killer single coming your way and many other songs too.”
“Remember, we need to start recording at the end of July.”
“You got it.”
“You sound happy,” she commented. She was right. You were happy and finally completely over your ex. “It’s a good look on you.”
“What are you writing about?”
“Oh, you know… London, pubs, boys,” you trailed off.
Harrison was busy planning his upcoming date with your sister, Sarah. They hit it off extremely well at the opening of Cheer Beers. They got each other’s numbers and planned to go on a date. To be honest, Harrison was stressed out. He scored a date with Sarah L/N, which ultimately shocked him. So, he decided to go to his best mate for some advice.
Tom was sitting in his living room and Harrison entered with two dress shirts in hand. One of them was a white button-down and the other one navy. “Which shirt should I wear on my date with Sarah?”
“Black slacks, right?” Tom asked.
“Yeah, and a black leather jacket.”
“Go with white,” Tom suggested.
“Thanks, mate. Another question,” Harrison proposed. It felt natural for Harrison to ask Tom about his lady troubles, even though Tom had been single for a while.
Tom nodded his head to urge Harrison to continue.
“What if I fuck this up?” He asked nervously. “I really like Sarah.”
Tom got up from the couch to come closer to Harrison and put his hand on his shoulder. “You’ll be fine, mate. Just be yourself. She’ll fancy you, I promise.”
“How are you so good at giving me advice but you can’t get a girlfriend?”
Tom mocked being bothered. “Rude,” he scoffed.
“What are you waiting for?”
“If I say the perfect girl, will you slap me?” Tom joked.
“Yes, yes I will,” Harrison laughed as he replied. “I think that you already found the perfect girl at Cheer Beers.”
“We’re still getting to know each other. Why must we move so fast?” Tom wondered. He wanted to take things slow. His life had always moved fast and he wanted something to move at his pace, for once. Too many relationships have moved too fast and he ended up hurt.
“Because she’s only here for so long and I have a feeling that she likes you,” Harrison reasoned. Tom was starting to feel the same way about you too.
“Fine. While you go on your date with Sarah tonight, I’ll see if Y/N wants to hang out.” He picked up his phone from the coffee table and texted you asking if you wanted to come over. You replied saying yes and he smiled. “We’re hanging out.”
“Great. Don’t forget to use protection,” Harrison said as he ran away to go get dressed for his date.
“Fuck off, you div!”
Tom went to the grocery store to pick up some snacks and beers before you came over to his flat. He tidied up the living room once he got home and made sure to fluff the pillow to make them look nicer. Even though you and Tom were only friends, he couldn’t help but make sure that everything looked perfect for you.
You arrived 30 minutes later. You wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt, along with your slides. Your hair was out of your face and Tom thought that you looked stunning. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Tom blushed. “Nice sweatshirt.” Your sweatshirt was light blue and it had butterflies on it. Tom realized that he loved that color on you.
He led you to the couch and he sat beside you. “So what did you do today?” You asked.
“I worked on a script that I’m writing and then I helped Harrison get ready for his date with your sister. What about you, love?” The pet name made your heart flutter. Tom was definitely charming.
“I worked on some songs for the album,” you answered proudly.
“Care to share?”
“Willing to share what the script’s about?” You asked back, already knowing the answer.
“I’m legally not allowed to share, so no. I’m sorry, darling.”
“Then my answer is the same.”
“Well played, pretty girl,” he flirted. “Wanna watch a movie?”
“Sure, what do you have in mind?”
“Avengers: Age of Ultron?”
“Yes, it’s one of my favorite Marvel movies!” You exclaimed. “I have a feeling that you knew that already.”
Tom smiled at you as he picked up the remote from the coffee table and turned on the television. “I may have, but only because Haz told me. Don’t worry, though. It’s one of my favorites too.”
Tom found the movie and before he hit play he got up from the couch. “May I offer you some popcorn before we start the movie? I have beer as well.”
“Yes to both, please.” Tom went to the kitchen to pop the popcorn and grab some beers. He came back around five minutes later with everything.
“Here you go,” he said as he handed you a bottle of beer. “I know it’s not a martini.”
“It’ll have to do,” you teased. You pat the seat beside you to urge Tom over. “Now, come sit.”
Tom pressed play and the Marvel introduction appeared on the screen. You moved closer to Tom and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, just like he did that night at the pub. “Is this ok?” He asked.
“It’s perfect.”
Around an hour into the movie, the popcorn was finished along with your first bottle of beer. Tom’s hand was still resting on your shoulder but now your head was resting on his. “Y/N?” Tom called out.
“Yeah?” You asked as you moved your head away from him so you could look at him.
“Can I be honest with you about something?” You nodded so he would continue. “I really want to kiss you.”
“Can I be honest with you?” You asked while smiling.
“I really want you to kiss me,” you said as you leaned in. He pressed his lips against yours in a soft first kiss. You kissed back almost immediately. After a couple of seconds, you pulled away from him.
“Wow,” he said.
“Ditto,” you said and then pulled him back towards you. You kissed him again and you knew that from now on, you couldn’t get enough of him.
Tom and you didn’t finish the movie the other night. After your many makeout sessions with him, you decided to go home, and you promised him that the two of you would get together again soon. You went home with the biggest smile on your face. Since your kiss, you and Tom have not talked about the status of your relationship. As of right now, you were just friends who have kissed before. No biggie.
It was now the 28th of May and you were sitting on a park bench having coffee with Harrison. It would be Tom’s 25th birthday in four days and the two of you were attempting to plan the perfect party for him.
“You’ll get the decorations, Sam will cook a few dishes, and I’ll provide booze,” Harrison said, listing things off. “We’ll host it at my new flat and I already called everyone.”
“Sounds great, Haz. I just hope he has a great time.”
“I’m sure he will,” he said as he winked at you, indicating something.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You asked, referring to his wink.
“I know that something happened between the two of you last week. Tom hasn’t stopped smiling since the two of you started hanging out. I’m sure he’ll be happy to know that you planned a party for him.”
“We all are planning it,” you corrected him.
“Yeah, but it’s not like he fancies me,” Harrison laughed.
You rolled your eyes at the blonde-haired boy in front of you. “Whatever.” You got up from the park bench and began walking towards his car. “Come on, Harrison. We need to go to the market.”
It was the 1st of June; Tom’s birthday. You woke up early to make sure that everything was ready to go for the party tonight. Harrison and Tom’s brothers planned a golf trip with Tom while you set up Harrison’s flat. You brought Sarah and Natalie along with you to help.
“Move that banner a little more to the right,” you told Sarah. She moved it as you requested. The banner said, Happy 25th birthday, Tom! in light blue glitter. “Looks great. Thanks, sis.”
You blew up balloons, set up tables for the food and drinks, got streamers and ribbons, and finally assembled the cupcake tower with the cupcakes you and Natalie baked the night before.
“Red velvet. Nice choice,” Sarah said as she took a look at the cupcakes on display.
“They’re Tom’s favorite,” you pointed out.
“Seems like you know a lot about him.”
“Well, he is my friend.”
Natalie laughed at your response to your sister’s comment. “Is that all he is?” She asked.
“For now.” You pulled out your phone from your pocket to check the time. It was the early afternoon and the party would start in a few hours. “We better get going to get ready. Sam will bring the food and set it up within the hour.”
Before you got into the car, you texted Tom to wish him a happy birthday and he responded with a heart emoji. You smiled to yourself and then got into the car to drive to your Airbnb.
The three of you washed up and got dressed for Tom’s party. You decided on wearing a light blue sundress with daisies on it. You matched it with white wedges and you did your hair to your liking. Once you were all ready you drove to Harrison’s. When you got there, Harrison, Sam, Tuwaine, and a few other friends of Tom’s were already there.
“Harry is bringing Tom in around 15 minutes,” Harrison told you.
“Ok. Everything seems to be going pretty smoothly.”
“We make a pretty great team,” Harrison said in appreciation for all of the work to make Tom’s party happen.
“Tell that to Sarah over there,” you teased him. His date with your sister went well from what she told you, but because of Harrison’s nervousness, they haven’t talked much since. “She’s been dying to hang out with you.”
“Are you just saying that so you can have Tom all to yourself when he gets here?” He tried to joke.
“No,” you said seriously. “Go talk to her, Haz.” You pushed him lightly in her direction to encourage him to go talk to her.
“I see Harry’s car pulling up!” Sam said a few minutes later. “Everyone get ready.”
Harry used Harrison’s spare key to get into his flat and once both of them entered you all yelled, “Surprise!”
“Thanks, guys!” Tom said in shock. Tom made his rounds to greet everyone to say thank you. You waited patiently in the kitchen for the birthday boy. He finally approached you after a few minutes. “Hey, love.”
“Happy birthday,” you said as you pulled him in for a hug. “You look very handsome.”
He pulled away to look at you. “Thank you, but you’re absolutely stunning.”
You leaned in to kiss his cheek and then said, “Thanks, Tom.”
“I should be thanking you,” he said and then grabbed your hands to intertwine your fingers together.
“For what?”
“Harrison told me that you helped him plan all of this, so thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure,” you said genuinely. “You like it?”
“I love it. He looked over to the counter and saw the cupcakes. “Is that a cupcake tower?”
“A red velvet cupcake tower,” you confirmed. “I baked them.”
“You’re a goddess.” He kissed your lips for half a second and then grabbed a cupcake from one of the tiers. He unwrapped the cupcake and then took a bite. He hummed in delight.
“I’m taking that you like them,” you giggled at the man in front of you. He could seriously make anything look cute.
“They’re heaven,” he moaned. Tom dipped his finger in the frosting and swiped your nose with it. You looked at him in shock. “Aw, you look so adorable,” he said.
You laughed at his antics. “Glad you think so, babe.”
Tom’s lit up at the pet name. “Babe? Hmmm.”
“Yeah, babe.” You took some frosting from what was remaining of his cupcake and placed some on his nose to match you. “You look very cute with frosting on your nose, babe.”
Tom grabbed a napkin from the counter and cleaned the frosting off the both of you. “We’re both very cute.”
“Ok, lovebirds,” Sam called out for the two of you. “Let’s get this party started!”
“Before we go out there, I have something to ask you,” Tom said.
“And what may that be?”
“Will you go out on a date with me?” He asked nervously. You felt your heart skip a beat and you could’ve sworn that you felt Tom’s heart beating rapidly from how close you were standing to him.
“I would love to, Tom,” you said and then kissed him to confirm that you really wanted to.
The rest of the night went well and Tom enjoyed his time with his friends. You, Sarah, and Natalie crashed at Harrison’s place along with Tom and Harry. The party ended late and the five of you were too tired to drive home, so Harrison offered to let you all stay there.
You woke up early and made your way downstairs to heat the kettle for tea. As you were waiting, you heard footsteps, and soon enough a pair of arms wrapped around you. “Good morning, beautiful,” Tom said and then kissed your clothed shoulder.
“Morning.” You turned around so you could face him. “How did you sleep?”
“Not so well,” Tom said as he stretched out his arms. “Harrison’s a kicker.”
“Poor baby,” you teased, and then Tom pouted. “Quit pouting, Tommy. I know you’re faking it.”
“Fine,” Tom mumbled.
You turned to the stove and saw that the kettle was ready. “Want tea?”
“Please. A splash of milk and a spoonful of sugar, if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” you said as you poured him a cup. “So where are we going on our first date?”
“That’s a surprise, darling.”
A week after Tom’s birthday, Tom texted you asking if you were available to go on your first date. You had been working on the album the entire morning so you thought it’d be nice to go out with Tom. You replied yes and he told you to be ready within the hour. Tom knocked on your door around an hour later, with a bouquet in his hand. “These are for you, love,” he said with a smile as he handed them to you.
“Thank you, Tom,” you said and then sniffed the flowers. “Come in while I put these in some water.” Tom entered your Airbnb and you searched for a vase in one of the cabinets. Once you found one, you filled it up with water and put the flowers in. “We should be good to go now.”
Tom held your hand as he led you to the car. He opened the door for you and then got in and started the car. “You ready?”
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“You’ll see in around 15 minutes, angel.” Tom grabbed your hand that was resting in your lap and brought it up to his lips to kiss it. “I don’t think I told you this, but you look ethereal.”
“You’re quite the charmer, Holland.”
“I aim to please,” he joked. “But in all seriousness, you always look gorgeous.”
Tom was by far the kindest man you have ever met in your entire life. You have known him for barely two months but he made you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. You had never felt this way about anyone before.
Tom drove down to a lake. “It’s one of my secret spots,” he told you.
He led you down to the grass near the water and he set up a picnic there for the two of you. “I made sandwiches, cut up some fruit, and some apple cider.”
“It looks good. Thank you, Tom.” He pulled everything out from the picnic basket and handed you one of the sandwiches.
“Anything for you.”
“So this is one of your secret spots, huh?” You asked.
“Mhm,” he mumbled as he took a bite from his sandwich.
“So you bring a lot of girls here?” You teased and you could’ve sworn that you saw Tom almost choke on his sandwich. “Is that why it's so special?”
“Very funny, love,” Tom said. “No, I actually come here alone.”
“I’m guessing because it’s quiet.”
“Yeah, I come here when I need to clear my head.”
You looked around the area and you immediately understood why Tom liked it so much. There was a beautiful, cool breeze and the birds chirping sounded like music to your ears. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“I can drive you here to write songs if you’d like,” Tom offered.
“That would be lovely.”
You and Tom spent a couple of hours at the lake. You talked about anything and everything, and you finally felt yourself get closer to him. You felt him opening up to you too, which you felt good about.
“Would you like to go on a drive with me?” Tom asked once you both packed up the remainder of the picnic.
“Will there be music involved?”
“What would be a nice evening drive without music? C’mon, let’s go.” Tom led you to his car and you began your drive. The sun was setting and it was beautiful. “It’s wonderful outside, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is,” you said.
“I had a great time with you, Y/N.”
“Me too.”
*** Once Tom dropped you off, you began writing another song. His date left you inspired and you were starting to like him more and more. Each time you saw him your feelings for him grew. He inspired you to write your song, London Boy.
Tom wanted a second date. He felt so good leaving the first one and knew that he wanted to pursue a relationship with you. He knew that it would be hard but relationships won’t always be easy. He decided to call you the next to ask when he could see you again.
“Tom, we just went out,” you teased.
“I know, Y/N, but I like you. A lot.” You thought that it was cute how Tom was eager for a second date. You were excited too.
“I like you, too. I would love to see you again, too,” you said.
“Coffee? I don’t drink it but I know how much you like it,” Tom offered.
“How about tea? Know any good spots for a cup of tea and maybe breakfast?”
“I know just the place. See you soon, Y/N.”
Many amazing dates with Tom and a bunch of fun days in London later and you know that you’re ready to start recording your next album. People had their assumptions about you and Tom. Rumors had gone around but Tom and you didn’t address them.
London inspired so much of your album that you decided to record there. The rest of your team flew out and you began recording.
You called Tom asking him to come to the studio. “I’m recording one of my favorite songs today. I would love for you to come if you’re free.” You were recording London Boy today and you wanted Tom to hear it since he hadn’t before. It would also be a good way to officially tell Tom that you’re falling in love with him.
“I would love to come. Send me the address.”
“You got it. See you in 20.”
You sent Tom the address of the studio and he was there within 15 minutes. You greeted him at the front. “Hey, babe.”
He kissed you on the cheek and then asked, “Are you excited for today?”
“Very. I’m excited for you to hear the song,” you said as you led him into the studio. You introduced him to Cassandra and the rest of your team.
“Y/N, get your pretty ass in the booth,” Cassandra said. You walked into the recording booth and put on your headphones. “Let’s do this.”
“Tom, sit up in front,” you said and then he took a seat beside Cassandra. “This one is called London Boy.”
The upbeat music came on and you knew that you were skipping the intro for now so you went in with the first verse.
I love my hometown as much as Motown, I love SoCal And you know I love Springsteen, faded blue jeans, Tennessee whiskey But something happened, I heard him laughing I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent They say home is where the heart is But that's not where mine lives
You heard Cassandra tell you to stop so they could play it back. You saw Tom smiling at you as you were singing and you took that as a good sign that he was enjoying it.
“Now for the chorus.”
You know I love a London boy I enjoy walking Camden Market in the afternoon He likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet Darling, I fancy you Took me back to Highgate, met all of his best mates So I guess all the rumors are true You know I love a London boy Boy, I fancy you (Ooh)
You ended up finishing the recording of the song in an hour. You left the booth for your break and you first greeted Tom. “What did you think of it?”
“I love you, too,” he said. You leaned up to him and kissed him with every fiber of your being.
“That’s good because many of these songs are about you.”
“And I can’t wait to hear them all,” he said and then smiled.
“I can’t believe how I’ve only been here for three months and I already feel this way,” you said honestly. You have never fallen so fast for anyone, but it feels right with Tom. Everything feels right with him.
“Well, believe it because it’s real,” Tom confirmed. “Be mine, Y/N?”
“I thought you’d never ask, lover.”
leave feedback!
tagging: @tomsbabymomma @canwekissforever-hazzy @pinklxmonade​ @tomsbrina​ @storybookholland​ 
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sckyie · 3 years
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song: driver’s license by olivia rodrigo
word count: 2.5k
genre + warnings: angst; swearing, fear of driving, reminiscing in old memories
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: this was orignially supposed to just be an imagine inspired by the song, not apart of the song series but it fits too well to not change oikawa’s song. i also wrote this for @kybabi​​ bc i love her :D n e wayz enjoy :) (part 2)
"So here you're going to turn and he'll make you do a parallel park in the street. You remember how to do that right?" Oikawa asked as he guided you to the next turn. As you turn the steering wheel, you spot a crowded curbside.
"No, can you please please park for me? I hate parallel parking," You pleaded.
"Only because you asked so nicely," He teased.
Ever since you told your best friend that you wanted to learn how to drive, Oikawa never let it go whenever you wanted to hang out. Having you drive him around for practice and giving you tips as you went. He's helped you a ton while you drove around, the only issues you had were parallel parking and merging onto the highway.
"Maybe we should try the highway again," Oikawa said after you two switched seats.
"Are you asking for a death wish?" You joked. "I drive too slow and I'm scare to merge into lanes."
"We can practice on smaller freeways if you want," He asks.
"No," You growled.
It was always a terrifying thing to drive on the highway. You always saw those horrid accidents and feared being in one. Oikawa would always put his hand on your thigh as you merged to calm you down. Just having him be there was enough to get you to get onto the highway. All your fears just faded with him beside you.
Just having this intimate driving lesson with him was enough for you. You grew to fall in love in your best friend. A cliché thing, yet you couldn't say anything. Only you and your girl friends knew about your big crush. It was a funny thing, falling for your childhood best friend. Iwaizumi always joked about you doing so but you never admitted to liking Oikawa. What would that do to your friendship?
Today was the day, it was your test day. The scariest thing you anticipated was finally here. The thing you practiced days on end with Oikawa. The thing that could either make or break you. Today, you'd either come out with your license or you'll be walking home.
The nerves crept up your body like spiders leaving a trail of anxiety webs. You bounced you leg as you waited in the lobby looking out for your driving instructor. As your sweaty palms go to check the time, you notice a text message from Oikawa.
butthead: hey! good luck on your test today!
That's what cooled you down. A simple saying of good fortune will help, right? Sure enough, the test was a breeze, minus the parallel parking as it was the one mistake you got. You happily drove home to tell the news to your parents.
"Have you told Tooru yet?" Your mom asked.
"I'll wait until my actual driver license to prove to him I got it," You smiled.
"You like him don't you?" Your mom gestured to the joy on your face. "I can tell."
"No," You looked away from your mom as she raised her eyebrow. "Okay, maybe but you can't say anything. I'm going to my room now." She chuckled as you dragged you feet to your room.
Two weeks passes and you finally received your license in the mail. You smiled happily down at your new card as you walked outside the school building. You looked up to search for your best friend. Your eyes scanned the courtyard before landing on Iwaizumi. Assuming Oikawa was nearby, you headed towards him.
"Hey Iwa, where's Oiks?" You asked. Iwaizumi raised up his hand and pointed across to the gate. You looked over to find Oikawa talking to Kasumi, a classmate of yours.
"He's asking her to go on a date with him again," Iwaizumi says.
Again? He's done it before?
"Are they dating?" You ask.
"Not yet, Oikawa wants to ask her to be his girlfriend on the date," Iwa explains. "What's that?" He points to your hands as you fiddled with the corner of your driver's license.
"Oh," You said solemnly. "I got my license."
You waved goodbye to your childhood friend before going into he parking lot. Without thinking, you started the car and just began to drive. Out of the school and onto who knows where. Your mind grew blank as you drove.
How could he not mention Kasumi to you? He used to tell you everything but lately he'd been so distant. Maybe that's why he hasn't texted you all week, you thought. Who could blame him for liking Kasumi? She's so pretty and not to mention how smart she is. She's the class representative and she's one of the nicest girls around.
You fell for the one man you shouldn't have. It was too late to even confess how you felt. He was already falling for another while you were left behind. You felt a sharp pain in your chest as you drove by familiar buildings.
The laundromat where you and Oikawa would go to help with the laundry. You both would end up messing around and your parents would have to kick you two out. You and Oikawa would go across the street to the convenience store to buy steamed buns.
He doesn't like you.
The library where you would wait for Oikawa to finish practice so you two could study together. He'd bring you a bottle of tea and some sort of snack to keep you from burning out. Those study dates where you'd stay until the library was closed.
Give up, stop thinking of him.
The ramen restaurant where Oikawa would take you if he won a game. It was a great celebration and you two had made so many memories there. You two had gone there so often, he convinced the owner that you were his girlfriend.
Let him go.
All the feelings you had for him began to ache in your heart as you reminisced in the memories. You gripped tighter on the wheel as you saw an highway exit. "Fuck," You whispered as you merged into the fast lane. Suddenly all those fears you had of driving, just disappeared. You felt this peace as your eyes locked on the long highway. It was like, nothing hurt anymore. Your tensed shoulders relaxed, yet you felt tears roll down your cheeks. You took deep breaths as you drove attempting to stop your tears.
Soon enough, driving on the highway had shifted from a phobia to an escape. Everyday after school, rather than meeting up with Oikawa and Iwaizumi before practice, you'd drive on the highway and on backroads. It was the only thing that kept you sane when you see Kasumi with Oikawa together.
You became accustomed to the fast pace of the highways. Occasionally you'd speed if you felt some type of pain grow in your chest. You'd blast music to drown out any thoughts or feelings you had. You knew Oikawa could never be yours, so why bother crying over him, right? The thought of being around him began to make you uncomfortable. If you kept your distance, you wouldn't get hurt. You wouldn't be considered a distraction.
butthead: hey?
you: what's up?
butthead: it's been a while since i've seen you :( i miss my best friend
you: are you sure you mean to text me or iwa?
butthead: you, y/n i miss hanging with you
butthead: you didn't come to the restaurant after our game
you: i was busy, sorry
butthead: :(
you: i gotta go, ill talk to you later
Oikawa sighed at his phone and looked across the table to Iwaizumi. "Have you talked to Y/n lately?" He asked.
"Yeah, she borrowed gas money from me," Iwa says before slurping his noodles.
"Gas money? She got her license?" Oikawa tilts his head. "How long has it been?"
"A month? You got caught up with Kasumi," Iwaizumi says.
"Hmph," Oikawa huffed as he sipped his drink. He'd been spending so much time with Kasumi that he forgot about you. Or was it, you started to forget about him? He glances at the window behind Iwa and noticed a familiar car parking.
You parked your car across the street of the restaurant next to a convenience store. You quickly got out and went into the store looking for something to drink. As you began to scan the fridge, you heard the door open. "Y/n?" You turned to find Oikawa.
"What are you doing here?" You turned back to grab a soda.
"Iwa came to eat with me since you didn't make it," Oikawa says. "He's still there, did you want to join us?"
"No thanks, I'm kinda busy at the moment," You say dully. Oikawa goes to speak but you had already walked to go pay for your drink. "Later Oikawa."
"Oikawa?" He watched as you left the store and into your car. He follows suit and watched you speed off. Oikawa quickly makes his way back to the restaurant and seats himself disgruntled. "Y/n called me Oikawa..."
"That's your name isn't it?" Iwaizumi raised his eyebrow.
"She always calls me Oiks or Ru, never Oikawa," He says. "Did I do something wrong?"
Iwaizumi shrugged even though he knew the answer well enough. After Oikawa had asked Kasumi to be his girlfriend, your demeanor had changed. Iwa was the first to notice too. Typically, after school you'd see the duo before practice started, yet since you learnt Oikawa had eyes for another, you stopped.
One day, Iwaizumi decided to follow after you when school was over. He trailed behind as you walked to your car door. You pulled open the door handle only for Iwa to shut the door immediately after. You turned to find Iwaizumi with scrunched eyebrows. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. "Why haven't you came by before practice?"
"No reason, I'm just busy," You lied.
"Liar, what's wrong?" He asks yet you remained silent. "I won't tell Shittykawa just tell me why you're being so distant...and also why your eyes are always puffy."
You paused before answering, "I'm just...upset with Oikawa...and Kasumi.."
"Do you..?" Iwaizumi implied. You nod and looked at the ground. "What have you been doing since you found out about them?"
"Driving," You sighed. "Just driving...It's keep me off my mind all week. I bear the fact that he looks so happy with her and not...me. God I'm so stupid."
"Don't say that-" Iwa started but you immediately lashed out.
"It's true! I was too late to confess! And I fell for the one boy I can't have!" You felt tears well up in your eyes. "I can't even drive by certain places without getting upset. I take backroads and I avoid them completely. I hate driving by his house but it's the only way to my own. He just treats me like another fucking fan girl! I'm just so stupid for falling for my best friend." Since that day, Iwaizumi kept to his promise. Not word about your feelings were said to Oikawa.
butthead: hey are you busy right now ?
you: no, what's up?
butthead: can you help me with something?
you: depends
butthead: meet me at the library so i can tell you more :)
You locked you phone and tossed it into your passenger's seat. You looked up to see the light change to green, allowing you to speed into the highway. Your hands rested at the bottom of the wheel as you drove. The slow, lo-fi music surrounded your car as you drove which let you get out of your trapped mind.
It was a crazy thought to think that you and Oikawa were so excited to drive together. Yet now all you want to do is drive alone. You turned up the volume of your music as you merged into your neighborhood. You leaned further back into your seat as you were driving around the suburbs. You glance at the white cars lining one street leading to the library. You scoffed at the sight as a repressed memory resurfaced.
"Why do you like white cars so much?" You chuckled.
"Because they look clean and nice? Sorry I don't like your basic silver car," Oikawa raised his hand to block your face.
"I'm basic? Says the one who wants an automatic," You pretend to throw up to mock him.
"For someone who can't drive yet, you talk big," Oikawa pats your head only to be smacked a few seconds late. Oikawa drapes his arm over you as you walked down the street to the library The entire walk was filled with mocking and talking about the future. "Let me teach you how to drive, that way we could go out together more."
You finally arrived at the library, spotting Oikawa before parking the car. He watches as you easily parallel park and is stunned by how casual you are as you drove. You set out and approach him. Oikawa holds out a snack to you but you politely refuse.
"Let's go inside?" He asks. You shrugged and followed him in. Rather than sitting beside him like usual, you sat across from him. You still had those feelings for him but you couldn't stand sitting next to him. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as you anticipated his next words. "I was wondering if you could help me with Kasumi?"
"With what?" You ask.
"I want to give her a gift, right?" He starts. "A gift that goes along with me telling her I love her."
He loves her?
Your heart aches but you decide to move past that. "Isn't it a bit early to say I love you?"
"Well, we were long time friends before we started dating and I feel like it's the right time to, y'know?" Oikawa leans forward on the table. "Can you help me find a gift?"
This feels familiar. Helping him find a gift for a girl that isn't you. It seems like anytime he does have a crush he'd come to you for advice. This is the first time that you didn't want to give into his favors.
"No," You sighed.
"No? Wait why not?" He raised his eyebrows at you.
"Because," Say it. "Because I-"
"Because?" Oikawa tilts his head at your response.
"Because I can't keep doing things like this for you," You stood up and began heading for the entrance. Oikawa followed afterwards as he could see the pain in your voice.
"Y/n, talk to me, we haven't talked in forever. Tell me what's wrong," He says as you exit the library. You ignore his voice and reached for your car door. He grabs your arm but you shove him off.
"Would you just- leave me alone?" You snapped. "I don't want to help you, okay?"
"What did I do?" Oikawa was beyond confused at your response.
"I- You- Ugh! Just go away, I don't want to see you!" Your voice cracked as the suppressed feelings began to rise again.
"Why not!" Oikawa grabbed your arm again, this time you weren't able to break free.
"Because I fucking loved you idiot!" You yelled. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks as you stopped struggling in his hold. Oikawa paused and stared at you in wonder.
"You...loved me?" He asked.
"I still fucking love you! God, I hate you- I just- Let go!" You pulled off him. "I'm leaving. If you try to stop me, I'm never speaking to you again." You wiped your tears as you entered your car. Driving off into the neighborhood, crying at the red lights knowing you could've ruined your whole friendship.
Oikawa watched as you sped off. Those words lingered in his ear as he stared down at his hand where you let go. His mind was lost in thought, how could his best friend love him? Was he that blind that he couldn't see your admiration? "She...loves me?" He thought.
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme​ @d0llpie​ @elianetsantana @joy-laufeyson @kac-chowsballs
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
If life gives you melons...
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Ship: Loki x F!alt! reader
Rating: Explicit / word count 5,5k
Summary: You've heard about meet-cute, how about meet-ugly? Reader has tattoos and a tongue split. There's this joke that "bisexual alt girls go looking for a girlfriend and end up with sad, tall and skinny white bois" and boy did that hit home. Inspired by this cringy video of Hiddles [youtube link].
During a panel at a comic con, Loki notices reader and they go on a date, reader gets railed: top!Loki, choking, rough sex, unprotected sex, all the good stuff. Open ending, with a bonus of reader and Loki pranking Clint.
x. I usually fancy they/them pronouns for Loki but seeing as it's a smut-shot, I decided to go along with he/him for the sake of simplicity. Loki's at least 6'4 tall and you can fight me on that. Also, I write like a Tony stan - I feel the need to apologize to Loki stans for that. I love you guys! 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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The long line of people appeared to be neverending. Loki was an enhanced, as the government recently had adopted a politically correct term for Earth's non-human inhabitants, but even his enhanced endurance had begun waning due to sheer amount of people wanting a piece of memorabilia signed by The God of Mischief. Loki had gained a considerable amount of fans after doing his part in killing the mad titan Thanos and by extension, saving the world. It turned out, humankind was a sucker for a good redemption arc.
Loki's hands ached where they wrapped around the pen that he'd been using for nearly 4 hours to neatly place his name, written in neat runescript, on various pieces of merchandise that his fans (and wasn't that a strange thing!) presented to him. He used to think that he would have actually succeeded conquering the earth if he had a grasp on how to use social media and his charm; now, he just wanted the torture to end. An involuntary sigh left his mouth when he saw another print of himself in full battle gear being placed in front of him by a reasonably attractive young woman.
"Um, thank you," She stammered, giggling softly, and Loki spared her a painstaking smile, scribbling his name once again. The woman briefly caught his eyes. "Um, you're the reason- the inspiration for me. I became a stripper."
Loki blanked, feeling his eyes widen and blink on their own accord a few times. He wasn't sure if he heard the woman correctly, as the unusual statement made his brain freeze.
Loud snickering from behind the blushing woman interrupted the system error that he was experiencing in his head. It wasn't often that somebody managed to render him speechless. It looked like whoever was in line behind the stripper woman had taken advantage of that. Loki's eyes snapped to the short-haired person, who looked torn between cringing and breaking into embarrassed laughter.
The stripper left without a word, and as Loki picked up the cursed writing instrument once again, the short-haired person smiled at him kindly. "That was a little weird," They snorted, "And thanks, have a nice day Mr. Loki."
"When life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic," Another woman, that appeared to be the short haired person's friend, deadpanned and gave a cynical side-eye to the departing stripper. Loki heard snickering coming from the short-haired person and quietly joined himself. The woman noticed it, winking at him as she collected the newly signed t-shirt. "Bye," She smiled kindly.
It was a split second decision, really. Something about the cheeky way she addressed the situation sparked Loki's interest. "Wait, you forgot something, darling," His baritone called out to the departing woman. She turned around, confused, and hastily grabbed the standard issue photo that he was holding out to her. With a final grateful nod, she smiled and left.
If Loki's smile had returned for the time being, none of his teammates made any remarks on it. Only his brother, Thor, gave a couple of knowing looks to the Asgardian sorcerer.
The woman in question didn't think twice about the photo that she stashed in her backpack along with the signed t-shirt. The Comic-Con had been full of people and the lines were unfairly long. The sheer exhaustion after attending a 3-day long convention had set in and she was eager to simply come home back to her apartment and crash on the nearest soft flat surface. Upon arrival, she did exactly that, flopping down gracelessly on the couch, her backpack landing next to her with a careless thud.
Unloading her trophies was a short time affair: a single white tee with a dozen signatures on it, written in what she hoped was waterproof Sharpie; one mug, shaped like an Iron Man helmet; one poster, showing Spider-Man on a picturesque NYC horizon and a signed photo of one Loki. Strangely enough, she did not remember requesting it - not that she was complaining. Free merch was free merch.
The front side wasn't signed whatsoever. Overcome by curiousity, she turned it around. A phone number was written on the back of it, the handwriting neat and the letters obviously being inked out by a thinner, more sophisticated pen than the one Loki had used for scribbling on the tee. The woman gaped silently, not believing her eyes. Did Loki himself had given her his phone number?
One margarita and a hefty helping of Chinese takeout later, the numbers persisted staring back at her mutely, the neat cursive being almost mocking in its quiet. The woman's smartphone had found a comfortable place right next to the photo, equally mum regarding the unusual situation.
An additional margarita was needed to gather the courage required to actually type out the number in the receiver box. Fruity alcoholic concoction in one hand and phone clutched in the other, the woman's eyes squeezed shut tightly as soon as the dreaded "Hey, got your number today! :)" read delivered. She'd typed and erased the message several times, groaning in embarrassment. How the hell does one approach an alien god?
"Hello! May I ask your name?" The response came after a brief moment - a moment the woman had suffered through by taking too haste sips of her drink, her common since screaming her to not overdo it and wait at least a full minute before replying. Everything felt awkward and misplaced.
In no time, she was sending the screenshots of the conversation to her girl-advice group chat that consisted of her closest friends. Chatting with Loki turned out to be surprisingly easy and he was great at upholding conversation, something that couldn't be said about all those Tinder matches she had had back in the day.
Even if using proper grammar during a text message conversation was something she had to reacquaint herself with, she was glad he wasn't just another boring, shalllow, condescending-ass white boy. Despite the cultural differences and his lack of knowledge of things like pop culture and music - something he said he was working on since New Asgard became a sovereign state on Earth - they bonded over music and tattoos and generally being rebellious against society's standarts.
The invitation to dinner didn't come as a surprise for the woman. She agreed happily, looking forward to continue their conversation outside of the internet - if Loki's part of the chat was anything to go by, not only was he charming, but also quite intelligent. And easy on the the eyes, too. They had traded selfies at some point and the Asgardian didn't look any worse in a hoodie and sweatpants than he did in his battle leathers. Loki had appeared to truly have had integrated into Earth's society.
The night of the date, the continuous text exchange did very little to calm her nerves. Loki texted as much as an overeager teenage boy: every now and then he would double-text and grossly overreact to her sending a simple meme. In fact, he smugly conveyed the fact he'd single-handedly started a meme war between the Avengers and even Steve was forced to participate; something that was, allegedly, out of character for the blonde man.
She didn't mind. Not like she had many friends to have so much fun with. Even if it took her twice the time to do her favourite eyeliner style, it was worth it. She hoped Loki would appreciate the bold, but classy make-up and the dress and shoes combo that accentuated her assets. Her date expressed curiousity about her tattoos and the difference between her preferred style and the humans he spent most time with. She guessed secret agents were not particularly fond of anything that made them memorable so she held out quite the hope for... Showing off some of her tattoos in a more private setting.
In other, simpler words, the woman came in prepared for both a friendly, leisurely stroll and a quality night. Either way, it would be a time well spent.
Loki's shiny, raven hair was impossible to miss as he towered over the rest of the people waiting by the restaurant's entrance. He wore tailored black trousers and a simple cashmere sweater, perfect for the evening's damp, cool air. Tall and lithe, Loki was mouthwateringly handsome.
"Come here often?" She wormed her way through the crowd, causing the man to smirk down at her. Her cheeks flared from the tiny gesture alone.
"Just waiting for a friend," Loki uttered lowly, extending an arm towards the woman, which she gracefully accepted as they made way towards the entrance. "Reservation for Loki," The Asgardian stated to the hostess, who, after a rapid doube-take, led them to a private, secluded area in the back of the restaurant.
Loki shouldered the slightly awkward interaction with grace, paying no mind to the girl. His focus was solely on his date and he was nothing but gallant as he took the woman's purse and held out the chair for her to comfortably sit down. As a prince, he was taught well, she mused.
"Usually I would ask 'what brings you to our little ball of water and dirt?' but I think we can skip that part," The woman stated with a sheepish grin, idly flicking through the menu and curiously eyeing the items that were unfamiliar. The desire to try something new fought with the possibility of accidentally ordering something too far out - like snails or other things that rich people fancied, for some reason.
Loki's greens briefly appeared over the top of his menu, grateful and sparkling. "I think it's best if we do just that," For a second, he looked away, before returning to the menu. "I can think of better things to discuss. I recall you didn't finish telling me about that college friend of yours, who was an anarchist... I'm dying to know..."
The waiter came and went, barely noticed by the pair, as they both poked at something that sounded the most familiar for both of them. Stoically, Loki admitted that Tony Stark did the booking for him and the woman reluctantly acquitted she wasn't very familiar with upscale establishments, being of middle-class background and working a middle-class job.
Interrupting the story she began telling hours ago, the woman took the time to point out the things she was familiar with on the menu and advised Loki to stay away from - like the aforementioned snails, and other things, slimy and salty things that she considered to be 'disgusting but rich people liked it for some reason'. The conversation slowly progressed into Loki telling her the mischief he got up to at the feasts Odin threw. The Asgardian shared the woman's disregard for influential people doing gross things to show off.
The food was good - it was really hard to miss with a traditional Italian lasagna - and seeing Loki shovel an obscene amount of food was an experience, but she didn't comment on it, tactful enough to consider his alien biology might have different dietary requirements that her human one. It was great, really, that she could order dessert and not feel guilty about it.
The gelato melted in her mouth like sweet ecstasy and she moaned with her next bite, only partly aware of how obscene really was the noise.
Loki's hand stuttered on it's way to his mouth. Wide-eyed, he stared at her lips, at her mouth, where her tongue lapped up the small drops of dessert from the spoon. "Why the split tongue?" The Asgardian finally gathered his wits, having had a good look of what he was sure was a trick of the eye at first.
She grinned, acutely aware of the effect that particular body modification had on men. "I like being different. I embrace the weird." She giggled, not at all ashamed, sticking out her tongue and wiggling both parts of it teasingly.
Loki's Adam's apple bobbed; "Weird?" He raised his eyebrow, fighting to maintain his previous cool composure.
She nodded. "Weird," She retorted coyly. "I usually don't divulge the details at least until the third date. Wouldn't want to scare my potential suitors off," The playful wink was the proverbial cherry on top. He was hooked, his eyes darkened, following the plump arch of her lips as she took another spoonful of the treat and savoured it, closing her eyes for a brief moment.
It was pornographic.
"Obviously, Midgardians don't know what's good for them," Loki scoffed in his usual bored monotone, fully aware of how fitful his attempt to conceal his excitement was. He sounded needy even to his own ears.
"And you do?" She pushed away the empty plate, chastely patting her mouth with a napkin. The raised eyebrow and the little smirk spoke volumes.
The grin he wore was hardly anything but feral; he asked for the waiter's assistance by flicking his wrist in an impatient fashion. Once the bill was paid and the woman's cardigan found its rightful place on her shoulders, Loki once again took hold of her arm, this time holding her smaller body against his larger one, taking care to slow down and keep his strides shorter.
She found the coolness of his presence refreshing in the moist, heavy air of the New York city.
"Where to, milady?" Loki asked her, looking down at the woman fondly.
"My place is a block away. Walk me, good sir?" She gave a delightfully easy smile in return.
He nodded, letting her lead the way, allowing himself to get a little bit lost in their shared presence, a little bubble of them in the middle of a busy city. It was as if someone had quickly turned down the volume of the honking cars and noisy pedestrians around them, leaving the soft breeze and the sun slowly descending below the skyscrapers. It felt far too short, partaking in the comfortable silence together, skin tingling under the thin layers of cloth where they were touching.
The sun was trapped in the strands of her hair as she smiled at him from her doorway, worrying her lip between her teeth. It was a bittersweet moment.
"A kiss good night for the good sir?" She asked hopefully, eyes darting between his face and his mouth.
Loki obliged, resting his palm flat on the door frame, towering over the woman as he gently slotted his thin, cool lips against her warm ones. The woman stood on her tippy toes, eager, placing a hand on his chest. The pair melted into the kiss - it had no business being this mind-blowing, brain-freezing for two people that have not met until that very day. The woman didn't refuse when Loki probed with his tongue, requesting entrance to her mouth; she licked into his own with fervor, fisting her hands in the soft fabric of his sweater.
With the hand that was free, Loki pulled the woman flush with himself, feeling the heat of her start a fire of its own inside of him. Her breathing rapid, the gesture only served to tighten her hold on his sweater, until a soft, barely audible moan slipped into his mouth, causing his brain to quickly reassess the situation.
Regretfully, Loki pulled away, clearing his throat. "Perhaps we should take this elsewhere," He meaningfully looked at the array of doors around them.
"I thought you'd never ask," She retorted with a fond eyeroll, tightening the grip on his sweater once more, to pull him inside her apartment and shut the door behind her. The awkward moments were few and in between; neither knew who reached for the other first, mashing their mouths with less grace than before, clutching at the other's arms and hips with hunger.
This time, Loki didn't hold back his own muted groans of satisfaction, shivering when the woman's hands snuck under his sweater and the simple tank top he wore underneath. Blunt nails scraped along his abs.
Step by step, she pushed him further inside her apartment, determined in her small quick strides. There was no mistake of their destination; no mistake in her desire: she was as hungry and as impatient as him. The crease between his eyebrows deepened, long arms extending to unzip the top of her dress to reveal a simple but tasteful black lacy bra covering her breasts. The woman barely noticed the action, stepping out of her dress as soon as it hit the floor.
He admired her. Inches of soft skin covered by intricate ink, some patterns bizarre and complicated, some beautiful in their simplicity. Loki couldn't wait to find out about the meaning behind every one of them, to trace the lines with his tongue and sink his teeth into the heated flesh.
The hands that were holding onto him for dear life tugged on his sweater and he chose to simply vanish it, too preoccupied with looking at the view in front of him. She gasped and her eyes met his: uncanny, magnetic emeralds shone with magic and power and desire.
"Fuck," She more mouthed than said, walking backwards in a trance until her shins hit the bed.
Loki grinned, advancing on the panting woman with the grace of a predator. "Darling?" His tone was innocent; his expression was anything but. His large hand encompassesed the side of her face, thumb running over her bottom lip in a possessive gesture that had her squirming in her place. He loved the way she just melted into his touch.
Their lips met again, slower this time. The kiss was once again graceful and unrushed, allowing them to explore the softness of each other's skin, mapping the arches and valleys with gentle strokes of their palms. The broad expanse of Loki's back was uneven, riddled with scars and blemishes, and she mapped every single one, blunt nails raking down it as she pressed into him, arching into his hands where he held her.
The soft flesh of her ass, barely covered by a scrap of black lace, was shamelessly grabbed - the woman didn't doubt there would be marks left - letting her feel his arousal pressed against her belly, hard and twitching. She didn't resist her desire to ge handsy and palmed it, taking note of the gasp and the twitch coming from the man occupied with the clasp of her bra. In no time, it flew away, forgotten somwhere the very moment Loki's palms took over her breasts, running a careful thumb over each nipple.
"Fuck," She parroted her previous statement, equally breathy and considerably more aroused.
"That's the plan," Loki's chuckle was hoarse.
She huffed, biting her bottom lip before reaching out to swiftly pop the button of his trousers, smirking at the hiss the friction of her palm produced against his cock. It shouldn't have surprised her that Loki was a commando kind of guy, but still, she gasped, partially from the ministrations of his clever fingers, partially from the mouthwatering sight in front of her. The thick, flushed length made saliva gather in the corners of her mouth.
He must've heard the audible swallow. "Not so haste, darling," He tutted, giving her relaxed body a gentle push, causing her to land on her back, heated skin against the soft duvet of her bed. "Let me taste you," A thud; Loki had dropped to his knees, using his large palms to spread her legs, opening her up to his eyes.
If his previous work hadn't made her so pliant, so aroused, she'd have been rendered speechless; instead, the woman arched her back, presenting herself and the desire that had pooled down below. The Asgardian chuckled, fingertips soft against the scratchy lace.
"Tease," The woman moaned, outstretching her arm to guide him but quite unable to reach him. She had to settle for squirming in her place, receiving a fraction of the desired traction against her swollen lips.
"Am I, love?" Loki asked her sweetly, caving enough to dip a single finger to run along the outside of her slit. It glided easily thanks to all the moisture gathered there, lips parting easily before his touch. The panties were vanished away promptly, another finger joining in immediately to rub slow, precise circles around her clit.
She keened low and long, fisting the fabric in her hand until her knuckles turned white. Loki knew what he was doing. It didn't take him very long to slide his long digits to the welcoming heat of her opening, dipping them inside until she began to make the noises he so craved. His mouth followed after that, long agile tongue drawing senseless shapes on the inside of her labia and dipping deeper, where her clit stood out engorged and slick.
He could smell the bittersweet of her arousal, mouthwatering and hot.
"Loki, fuck," She moaned, only half-coherent and partially aware of her own hips following his every stroke, every flick. He only advanced, hitting that sweet spot inside her with every stroke; the sparks traveling up her spine quickened with each time she changed his name like a prayer. "Loki, Loki, Loki..."
He growled, attaching his mouth firmly to her clit, and she arched for the final time, coming undone, squeezing around his fingers and gushing in his mouth, the obscene sounds covered by her own scream of delight and his impatient growling. The growling that sent shivers of aftershocks throughout her body.
"Darling, you taste so sweet," Loki groaned, still panting.
She took the time to open her eyes: Loki looked comically out of place in her bedroom, he dwarfed her bed and made her feel small, but it didn't matter at all at that very moment. His erection stood out hard and proud; despite the leg-shaking orgasm just moments ago, she wanted more, she wanted to taste him, she wanted to feel him inside-
With unsurprising agility, one swift motion was all it took for her to rest comfortably against the pillows, his throbbing member resting against the juncture of her thigh. She tasted her own release on his lips, however brief, whispering a weak, "Please," aching to feel the emptiness.
"As my lady wishes," Loki's cool breath ghosted over her cheek. She waited with baited breath until the tip of his manhood breached her, exhaling a moan into his neck and immediately wrapping her lips around a patch of skin as he stretched her so sweet.
Loki's arms shook slightly as he waited for her to adjust. He kissed her, soft and sweet; there was something vulnerable in him, something as sweet as the ache he'd taken away. Once he began to move, slow and fluid, all there was left was an all-consuming need to feel. As graceful as dancer and with a deadly precision, Loki pounded gasps, moans and screams out of the woman's slack mouth, kisses turning hungrier and sloppier by the second.
"So sweet," He cooed, relishing in the snug grip of her cunt around him.
She only keened in approval, too far gone and unused to the intensity of the feelings from a man with centuries of practice and the power of a god.
His thrusts slowed gradually until he was rutting into her, grinding his pelvic bone into her clit. The gasps and screams turned into drawn-out, longing moans; her hips followed his, meeting in a slow, sensual motion.
Loki was not a patient man. He withdrew - she gasped in protest - flipping the woman over on her fours with ease, taking but a split second to admire the curve of her body presented on display for him. Just for him.
With that thought burning in his mind, Loki sheathed his cock deeply inside her spasming cunt. It was nearly unbearably stimulating and only his own desire to prolong the bliss held back his own impending orgasm. That, and his own ego; he was naught if not a generous lover.
She slurred something, quiet and incorrigible, fucking back onto his cock as eagerly as he was plunging into her heat. The hand he'd placed on her shoulder promptly wrapped around her throat in hopes of lifting her close enough for him to hear the words but instead, it sent a full-bodied shiver throughout her. Loki grinned, tugging her that much closer.
The arch in her back looked quite uncomfortable yet she didn't mind; it was the exact opposite, in fact, her cunt tightened around him, drenching his shaft down to his balls. Her fingernails dug into the flesh of his thigh, the sting of pain going straight to his cock-
"Loki, I'm gonna, I'm gonna-" She slurred, gasping for air.
He weakened his hold on her throat enough to let her gulp the so-needed oxygen. It was her undoing: was it the rapid pace of oxygenated blood traveling to her brain or was it his cock, mercilessly pounding against her g-spot - she was violently spasming around his cock, much like she did around his fingers not too long ago.
It felt like ages, her crescendo coming in waves with no signs of stopping any time soon. Loki's continuous thrusts, his hips slamming into hers, her skin feeling like molten lava.
"Gonna fill your sweet cunt with my seed," Loki moaned lowly, holding her up by the throat, the other hand leaving fingertip-shaped bruises on the outside of her hips. "Mark you from the inside out," His voice had gone into primal territory, growling filling up the room.
"Please..." The woman rasped, oversensitive.
And he pleased, with a series of sharp thrusts, he buried himself to the hilt in her, the force of his release making her shudder and moan once against, going limp in his arms. Loki kept her in her place until every drop was inside of her cunt. Nothing was sweeter than that.
The Asgardian didn't bother with getting under the covers to hold her, conjuring a soft, comfortable throw in modest green, to cover their nudity. He didn't need the extra warmth but his companion was by far more fragile and sensitive to these things- Loki's fingertips traced the array of bruises he'd left in the wake of their passion, expression surprised as he found the woman smiling.
"Feels nice," She supplied meekly, eyes half-lidded, face trusting and open towards him.
He gave a small grin in return, placing a chaste kiss atop her head. "Yes, it does, darling."
Time after time, she didn't expect much out if their date. The sex was nice, nice enough for both of them to want seconds and thirds after their rushed first time - but it wasn't like she expected him to hand around. It was a pleasant change from the usual mutual ghosting she'd done with her previous partners, but Loki had texted again and they had resumed their conversation via text like nothing had happened.
No, that would be incorrect. Now, she had a wonderful friend who was a great conversationalist and an even better lover. There was no pressure to put a label on their relationship so the woman didn't bother with it; it didn't seem like Loki cared about the label, either, so she left the topic alone and enjoyed things the way they were. It wasn't like she had a line of suitors anyway.
She couldn't help the smile that creeped onto her face when she unlocked her phone and saw a video call request from other than Loki himself. She still had thirty minutes worth of lunch break to waste and this was a wonderful time to chat with a friend.
"Stark, hand it back or I swear to Norns-" Loki's voice sounded agitated and far away, accompanied by sounds of a struggle; the bearded, smug face on the screen was not who she expected at all. Only years of customer service and low bullshit tolerance combined stopped her from freaking out seeing none other than Tony Stark smirking at her from the screen of her phone.
"Yes?" She arched an eyebrow, taking note of the anger of Loki's tone.
"Hi, I don't think I need to introduce myself," Stark babbled, eyeing her - disheveled and with a wall full of sticky notes and miscellaneous items acting as the background to her video. "Reindeer games refused to show you to us so we decided to persuade him," Tony's grin grew wider, muted whispers being rapidly exchanged in the background all the while Loki screeched "BROTHER!" and various expletives at the top of his lungs.
"You could've, I dunno," She paused, unimpressed. "Asked me to dinner, like a normal person. Instead of stealing, you know, like a thief," The eyeroll that she performed had the team worried her eyes would fall out of their sockets.
"I merely borrowed his phone, don't be dramatic," Stark huffed, and for a moment, she could see various other people trying to look at the screen and by extension, at her. "So, what is it that you do? Because Smurf over there wouldn't..."
"Oops, bad signal. Sorry, can't hear you properly," Her side of the call suddenly shook and in a moment, she ended the call, not at all willing to deal with people that lacked boundaries. Sure, it might have been Iron Man, but if he was planning on being a snooping asshole, she wasn't gonna go down with that easily.
Exactly five minutes after she had clocked out, an incoming call from Loki had her equal parts excited and mortified. What if..? But he was apologetic. And very angry, swearing in his native language - something that he'd promised to teach her at some point.
"So, Clint did it?" She sipped her beverage, strolling home with the phone pressed snugly against her ear.
"Most of it was his fault, yes," Loki grouched on the other end of the call.
"I vote we get back at him. Invite me over, if he's so inclined to see me, and watch him get humiliated in front of everybody," It wasn't a secret she had her own mischievous tendencies.
"As much as I appreciate your vigour, darling, I doubt the Widow will appreciate you verbally castrating the Hawk in public," He replied sourly, his voice still betraying the faint notes of interest.
"I have a backup plan!" She stated without a hitch. "He'll embarrass himself and I'll be your alibi."
"I'm listening," Loki perked up immediately.
They decided to not to stall and schedule the 'family dinner', as Thor himself dubbed it, for the next available weekend. Loki had made sure Tony's AI had been made aware the trickster would be gone all day, and it took him very little magic and effort to pop in and out of the tower for the five minutes that were needed to execute their prank.
His friend barely managed to keep the snickering at bay as they ascended the elevator to the common floor where the dinner was being held. Not only that, but the woman spouted an area of dark purple love marks, barely obscured by the low turtleneck of her blouse.
She made her introductions and they made theirs. "This affair could use some background noise," She remarked off-handedly, casting a meaningful glance at the TV.
Tony Stark was known for being a great host so he entertained her wishes, flicking on the huge flat screen with a flick of his wrist.
The team froze.
"I... -" The woman stared at the screen, mouth hanging wide open at the scenes that played out. "... am not going to kinkshame, but please turn it off," She stated in a small voice, seemingly unable to tear her eyes away from the mass of tentacles commencing erotic assault on a woman's body.
Wordlessly, the TV shut down, immersing the room in stunned silence. Loki face-palmed, the slap of his palm against his face echoing in the eerily quiet room.
"Loki!" Captain America, red as a tomato, instantly accused the most obvious person.
Except, he had forgotten one thing. "Loki was with me all day," The woman replied, unkindly. "Do you need more proof?" She tugged on the hem of her turtleneck, exposing an inch of skin marked blue.
The good Captain's face changed the shade once again, venturing very well into beetroot territory. "Who was the last one to use the TV?" Rogers asked, now with a hint of anger, as he stared at a guffawing Bucky.
"I believe it was Mr. Barton," The AI piped up, mechanical voice sounding almost insinuating. Or, perhaps, it just appeared that way.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Slashers / Horror Villains as: Animated (Children’s) Movie Villain Songs
+ A Nightmare Before Christmas 
First of all, its mostly Disney. Second of all, I hope you know that this was a struggle for me. 
Also, note, Bubba will be the only Leatherface in this post and Billy and Stu will be the only Ghostfaces. There is Norma Bates though, so sort of a consolation. 
There are links to videos on YouTube ^^
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher / Ghostface: Playing With the Big Boy’s Now (Hotep and Huy, Prince of Egypt) 
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Well... they’re part of the ‘big boys’, now! They are part of the Slashers group that, uh, ‘inspired them’. Imagine instead of Egyptian Gods, they’re chanting Slasher names. 
[HUY] Pick up your silly twig, boy [HOTEP & HUY] You're playing with the big boys now! Ha ha ha ha!
[EGYPTIAN PRIESTS] By the power of Ra Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket Anubis, Anukis Hemsut, Tefnut, Meshkent, Mafdet... 
Chop Top and Nubbins + Bubba Sawyer / Leatherface: Kidnap Mr Sandy Claws (Lock, Shock and Barrel, Nightmare Before Christmas) 
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I mean... they aren't Drayton’s minions, but they are like this XD 
I say that we take a cannon, aim it at his door And then knock three times And when he answers Sandy Claws will be no more
Yes you're so stupid, think now If we blow him up to smithereens We may lose some pieces And then Jack will beat us black and green
Kidnap the Sandy Claws Tie him in a bag
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray: In The Dark Of The Night (Rasputin, Anastasia)
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Mystical man? Check! ‘Betrayal’ (As far as he sees it)? Check. Made them pay? Check; I think Nica, Sarah and all the other families he destroys throughout the franchise can attest to that. And ‘One little girl got away’? Well Andy isn’t a girl, but yeah. Check. 
I was once the most mystical man in all Russia When the royals betrayed me they mad a mistake My curse made each of them pay But one little girl got away Little Anya, beware Rasputin's awake
Drayton Sawyer: Don’t Fall In Love (Forte, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas) 
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Its such a crochety, unessessarily rude way of describing relationships to someone! I mean, I understand completely and resonate deeply with the desire to be alone and not be responsible for anyone else, but- come on! Beast doesn't share your view! Let it go! 
Its just like Drayton’s reaction to Bubba having a crush. Super cool video too! 
As soon as your heart rules your head Your life is not your own It's hell when someone's always there It's bliss to be alone
And love of any kind is bad A dog, a child, a cat They take up so much precious time Now, where's the sense in that?
Freddy Krueger: No More Mr Nice Guy (Rothbart, Swan Princess) 
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A man with an uncomfortable relationship with the main female character pretending to be normal and not homicidal for a while before unlocking more power and letting there inner bad guy loose and taking great pleasure in it? Sounds familiar. They also have a similar vocabulary- except of course Rothbart is rated G. 
I'll become that nasty, naughty, dirty, spiteful Wicked, wayward, way-delightful Bad guy I was born to be
Lyin' loathesome, never-tender Indiscreet repeat offender No more Mr Nice Guy That's not me 
Inkubus: The World’s Greatest Criminal Mind (Professor Rattigan, The Greatest Mouse Detective)
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‘Inkubus’ is literally a movie about him listing all his crimes over the centuries and messing with the police force because he has a bone to pick with a detective. Sounds pretty similar to me! Listen to the song! ^^
Now comes the real tour de force Tricky and wicked, of course! My earlier crimes were fine for their times But now that I'm at it again An even grimmer plot has been simmering In my great criminal brain! 
Jason Voorhees: Despicable Me (About Gru, Despicable Me) 
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I... this is all I could think of!! But the more I listen to it and read the lyrics... it f i t s Jason so well! XD Please just let this slide; I know Gru isn't really a villain but he is at the start!! Let me have this. 
Why ask why? Better yet "Why not?" Why are you marking x on that spot? Why use a blow torch isn't that hot? Why use a chainsaw? Is that all you got? Why do you like seeing people in shock? But my question to you is "Why not?" Why go to the bank and stand in line Just use a freeze gun it saves me time. I'm havin' a bad, bad day It's about time that I get my way Steam rollin' whatever I see, Huh, despicable me I'm havin' a bad, bad day If you take it personal that's okay Watch, this is so fun to see Huh, despicable me
Jennifer Check: Trust In Me (Kaa, The Jungle Book) 
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She’s a succubus demon. Tempting boys into a safe-feeling, docile state so she she can strike is her thing. 
Will cease to resist Just relax Be at rest Like a bird In a nest
Trust in me Just in me Shut your eyes And trust in me
Mayor Buckman and Granny Boone: Savages (Governor Ratcliffe and the Colonizer’s parts, Pocahontas) 
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Obviously, because of the (Inaccurate) historical relevance of both movies (Different time’s, same terrible prejudice,) and also because there is definitely a very cult-ish feel about both Governor Ratcliffe’s song and Buckman’s leadership. How easily they’re able to gather support from their people for the most horrible reasons. How horrifying it is to audiences and historians. 
They're only good when dead They're vermin, as I said And worse
They're savages! Savages!
Barely even human
Savages! Savages!
Drive them from our shore! They're not like you and me Which means they must be evil We must sound the drums of war!
Michael Myers: The Gospel Truth II (Muses about Hades, Hercules)
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In a Disney movie, Michael would have others sing his song about him as he goes about his silent, determined walking XD 
If there's one God you don't want to get steamed up It's Hades 'Cause he had an evil plan He ran the underworld But thought the dead were dull and uncouth He was as mean as he was ruthless And that's the gospel truth He had a plan to shake things up And that's the gospel truth
Midnight Man: Oogie Boogie’s Song (Oogie Boogie, Nightmare Before Christmas)
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A song about a “Gamblin’ Boogie Man” is perfect for the Midnight Man! He and Oogie could be pals. 
Woah! The sound of rollin' dice To me is music in the air 'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man Although I don't play fair It's much more fun, I must confess When lives are on the line Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy Now that'd be just fine
Norma Bates: Mother Knows Best Reprise (Mother Gothel, Tangled)
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Norma is soooooo so so so unbelievably manipulative towards Norman (And Dylan. It just works better on Norman) and this song absolutely presents that. She can go from sweet, loving mother to spiteful, heinous bitch in two seconds if Norman or Dylan don't do what or react the way she wants them to. 
Likes you? Please, Rapunzel, that's demented
This is why you never should have left! Dear, this whole romance that you've invented, Just proves you're too naive to be here Why would he like you? Come on now, really! Look at you, you think that he's impressed? Don't be a dummy Come with mummy
Pamela Voorhees: My Lullaby (Zira, The Lion King 2)
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In a opposite approach to a villainous mother to Norma, we have Pam, who was heartbroken by the camp councillors letting her son die and vowed to get revenge. She didn't know she was teaching Jason to be the Crystal Lake killer like Zira did, but she did, and the whole song does have her kind of feel to it also. 
Sleep, my little Kovu Let your dreams take wing One day when you're big and strong You will be a kingI've been exiled, persecuted Left alone with no defense When I think of what that brute did I get a little tense But I dream a dream so pretty That I don't feel so depressed 'Cause it soothes my inner kitty And it helps me get some rest
Patrick Bateman: Cruella De Vil (Arthur, 101 Dalmations) 
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Never before was there a song that described audiences reaction to watching Patrick living in his daily life and hearing his thoughts better then this one. 
Cruella De Vil Cruella De Vil If she doesn't scare you No evil thing will To see her is to Take a sudden chill Cruella, Cruella De Vil
The curl of her lips The ice in her stare All innocent children Had better beware She's like a spider waiting For the kill Look out for Cruella De Vil
Pennywise (Both): You’re Only Second Rate (Jafar, Return of Jafar)
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Mostly for the video and Jafar’s energy in this scene actually XD So many transformations, so many tasteless puns! I was going to give this to Freddy but its the closest thing to Penny I could think of. 
Go ahead and zap me with the big surprise Snap me in a trap, cut me down to size I'll make a great escape It's just a piece of cake You're only second rate You know your hocus-pocus isn't tough enough And your mumbo-jumbo doesn't measure up Let me pontificate upon your sorry state You're only second rate
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt: Hellfire (Judge Claude Frollo, Hunchback of Notre Dame) 
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A nasty filthy man who think’s he’s in the right despite being the biggest creep and monster ever? Mhm. 
*Note: I honestly didn't notice the deformed baby, Quasimodo/Thomas link until the day after I wrote this. Don't know how I feel about it. I mean, Hoyt is actually nice, in his way, to Thomas so the connection isn't totally there but onwards:
Beata Maria You know I am a righteous man Of my virtue I am justly proud
Beata Maria You know I'm so much purer than The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd 
End of Post! 🌼
(Bonus’ under the cut) 
I did think of other connections which I obviously didnt landed on but still have merit! Here! 
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher: ‘Gaston’ was considered, but that would have just been a joke XD I don’t think Stu is quite as obsessed with Billy as LeFou is with Gaston. 
Chucky: Friends on the Other Side. Obviously! That link was actually what inspired me to make this post. In The Dark of Night fits to a T though. 
Freddy Krueger: You’re Only Second Rate! Ah, its perfectttt. But No More Mr Nice Guy fits better. If I ever do a Slashers as Disney Villains post, he’ll be Jafar for sure. Or Hades. Or Scar. Or Oogie. Probably Hades. You know what? Without the gore and blood and explicit sexual references, Freddy could be a Disney Villain himself. Its not like Disney hasn't towed the line before with perverted villains. >_> (Jafar and Frollo) 
Jason and Pamela Voorhees: Mother Knows Best! Of course. 
Jennifer Check: Love is For Peasants (Barbie Island Princess) Because Jennifer thinks like this: 
Men? <<< Literally anything else. 
Patrick Bateman: How Can I Refuse? (From Barbie Princess and the Pauper) XD If Patrick were a kids movie villain, he would totally join the ranks of corrupted usurpers pretending to be trustworthy royal advisory staff. Also ‘Let It Die’, that little interruption part of another song that O’Hare sings in the Lorax and ‘How Bad Can I be?’. 
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mytrashs-blog · 4 years
Drunk On You- T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: SMUTTTTTT. Please do not read this if you’re under 18. The Smutty part is between this signs: [...] so if you want to skip over the smut, you can, but it won’t make much sense. Also... There’s A LOT of swearing.
Summary: You’re a virgin and you’re drunk so you send a risky DM on instagram.
Word Count: Almost 6k... she’s thicc
A/N: I cannot tell you just how much I enjoyed writing this! It started as a 2 am inspiration punch and then it took me three weeks to finish it. It’s my first time writing smut, so I don’t know if that part’s good, but I like it and I really hope you do too. (Please if you do like it, reblog it so it can be read by more and more people).
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(Gif isn’t mine and I couldn’t track the author, so credits go to the owner)
Fuck this shit, you’re 22 years old, you’re in college and as much as you enjoy leaving fratboys with blue balls in the middle of a party, you need to get this over with. You’re tired of waiting for the “right guy”, if you keep on doing that you’ll end up virgin for your whole fucking life. But where the fuck can you find a guy that’s not gonna judge you for being a sad, drunk virgin in the middle of a tuesday night? Being drunk and alone at your dorm was pathetic enough…
So you scroll through instagram for a while only to find out there’s no right suitor for the job, but in the heat of the moment you notice that Tom Holland, yes the scrawny white boy that looks 12 and plays Spider-man has just posted a shirtless picture and boy, he does not look 12 anymore. So you slide into his DM’s just for the shit and giggles:
“Hey, Tommy boy!
You probably get millions of DMs like this every second of everyday, but fuck, I just wanted to say that you are extremely hot and I am extremely virgin and I’m also drunk, so I thought I’d write you to ask for a massive favor.
Would you have sex with me just to take my virginity away? Ok, thanks.
P.S. I think you’re great in your new film.”
And yes, you did press send to that, but of course you don’t even remember writing it in the first place the next morning while getting ready for your 9am class, so your daily routine goes on as normal.
But then, while you’re making your best effort not to fall asleep while your professor talks about some depressed artist that beat his wife and was super sexist, but was somehow excused because he made some decent poem, you hear the unmistakeable ping of your phone, which can only mean that you got a text, so you go to see it, because that is far less rude than falling asleep during class, but you were surely not ready for what was showing on your phone screen.
All air, and life to be honest, left your body for a second, you double checked, and then triple checked and yes… Tom Holland had wrote you on instagram’s direct messages.
“Holy fuck” you only realize you said that out loud when the three people closest you turn to look at you and shush you, but you’re still in shock and still have not opened the message, but maybe it’s not a great idea to open it in front of everybody, specially your professor, so you figure the bathroom will be the best place to do it.
You lock yourself in a stall and sit down, get your phone out, take a deep breath and open the instagram message. My God, you were not expecting what your screen showed:
“Haha, this is too cool to ignore! I happen to be in your area right now… Give me a call and I’ll make it happen ;)”
And yes, his phone number was there too. The phone number of THE Tom Holland! like… WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! What are the odds of him actually reading your DM? And the odds of him replying? And the odds of TOM MOTHERFUCKING HOLLAND agreeing to be your first time?! Someone up there must be having a good laugh.
But it would be rude to chicken out now, right? One does not simply say no to fuck with a Marvel actor. You gotta do it. It's your holy duty. So you reply with a simple “Looking forward to it” and you get your shit together before returning to your class.
You think about texting him while you walk to grab some lunch, but what do you say to a celebrity that agreed to deflower you?… Wait. Holy shit! You’re actually gonna have sex with Tom Holland! He’s super ripped! And you’re gonna see and feel all his bits and pieces… honestly, your panties got a bit damp just thinking about that. This is gonna be fun.
You decide to shoot the text while waiting for your iced coffee. “Hey, it’s (Y/N) from instagram. Are you serious about the thing? If so, when are you available?”
And that’s when the game begins, cause he replied almost instantly and you decided he’s just another fratboy playing around, so you played along.
“I’m dead serious, babe. I can do it tonight.”
“Nice. That’s how I like it… what time are we talking about?”
“9 ish, maybe 10.”
“Gotta give me an hour… also, it would have to be at yours, cause I live in a dorm that I share with another girl.”
“You could ask her to join…”
“Haha. Nah, this is all for me to enjoy.”
“And you will. 9:30 sounds good for you, babe?
“I can pick you up. Send me your location and I’ll go there.”
“Nice. I’m liking it already.”
“You’ll like it even more.”
You go about your day with a stupid smile all day, nervous and excited for what’s gonna happen later. Paying attention to class? What is that? Concentrating on your due projects? You don’t know her. All you can do is think about the things that man might do to you later.
Wait… you gotta shave. Also, should you go buy some nice underwear? It overwhelms you how unprepared you are and you run, abandoning everything you had to do that day to go get ready to have sex with a super hot celebrity.
You shaved, exfoliated, bought nice underwear, picked out a sexy outfit, you even tried to work out a little to look a bit more toned for him. You allowed your most extra self to come and shine, and you definetely enjoyed the process.
“What are you getting ready for? It’s wednesday. I doubt there’s any interesting party. Oh God! Do you have a date?” your roomate asked as soon as she saw you posing a skirt for the mirror when she walked in.
“I think so… I don’t know. I’m gonna meet this guy I met on instagram.” She gave you a corncerned look, but you were definetely not gonna tell her the details, that’s extremely private, it’s rude to tell people about celebrities intimate life, even if it’s with you. He didn’t mention anything about keeping it secret, but it would do a lot of harm to freely go around saying that he likes having sex with fans. It would ruin his privacy completely. At least from your part, you can guarantee no one’s ever gonna find out.
True to your word, you sent him your location an hour before the time you arranged and he called you, yes. HE CALLED YOU at 9:30p.m. on the dot to tell you he was outside and it took you a second to process the call, so much that you couldn’t voice anything more than an “Okay”… that basically ruined your super confident text attitude, and this was over the phone, would you even be able to get inside his car? The nervousness really hit you like a truck the second you hung up the phone, and your roomate noticed, but she didn’t say anything.
After taking a few deep breaths and counting to ten trying to calm yourself down, you get your purse and walk down the hallway and the stairs of the dorms and by the time you get to the main door, your legs are shaking like crazy and your palms are a little sweaty, so you gotta calm down again and remind yourself that this man is just a regular human being and that nothing has to happen if you don’t want to. And just like with tequila shots, you stop thinking and just go for it.
As soon as you see the car, you walk confidently towards it, and as he rolls down the window you can see it really is him, but you don’t let his face tear your confidence down, so you slightly smile and get in the car, it’s an extremely fancy car and you’re sure you’ve never set foot in anything this luxurious, honestly there’s no doubt that the seat your ass is resting on right now could easily be worth your entire college tuition and student loans. Okay, maybe that is an exageration, but it sure looks expensive.
“Hey, nice to finally meet you in person… I’m Tom!” he smiles in a polite and friendly matter, and you can see there’s a hint of nervousness in his smile aswell and that eases you a little because it confirms that he’s just as normal as you are.
“I’m (Y/N), pleasure to meet you. Thank you for agreeing to do this. I know it’s super weird and all, and I was definetely not expecting this outcome when I sent that message last night, but I’m grateful regardless…” you’re rambling, but he doesn’t seem to mind, he looks amused even. When you finally stop talking he drives away and you fall into a slightly uncomfortable silence, until he turns the music on and you recognize the song so you start humming along, and he joins, but other than that, there’s not much talking on the way to the apartment he’s staying at temporarily right now.
The place looks expensive, but it’s also very simply decored, it does look a temporary thing, but it also looks like a place where a single chaotic youn man exploded, so there’s empty beer bottles here and there, clothes literally everywhere and dirty dishes in the sink… but it does smell like cologne, very manly aswell… being at his place sets a whole new level of anxiety, because this is just so intimate. You’re inside his little world, his safe space, and even if it’s just for a brief moment you’re just happy that he agreed to do this with you.
“Do you want anything to drink? I have wine, beer and a spare champagne bottle from the other night… or just water. Please make yourself comfortable, sorry about the mess, I really don’t like cleaning.”
“That’s alright… you should see my dorm during finals week, that’s a whole other level of messy, haha… and wine would be great, thanks.” You’re slowly calming down and trying no to overthink about what’s about to happen and forget about the reputation of the man you’re doing it with, because the fact that he’s famous doesn’t mean he’s less human and maybe glorifying him for his job is a little rude from you. So you sit down in the couch, right next to a thrown blue hoodie, hold on a second… this is the one from Spider-Man: Homecoming, the one with the emblem of the highschool, shit, this is a historical piece of clothing for the cinematic world and you’re sitting right next to it. Shit, there goes all the progress you had made in the last fifteen minutes.
When he comes back with two glasses of wine in one hand and the bottle in the other one, you help him put down the stuff safely because he looks so stressed carrying the things and it is a small funny moment, before he sits down right beside you and it becomes impossible to get your words to come out of your mouth. So he takes the lead.
“Listen, I don’t want you to think I’m some sort of predator, okay? I don’t know why I agreed to do this, but it was not to take advantage of you, so if at any point you feel uncomfortable and you don’t wanna do this anymore, you can just tell me and we’ll call this off, okay.” He puts his hand on you knee to reassure you and it does make you feel better, and you relax into your seat  and just nod a little before speaking.
“Thank you” And it comes out like you’re breathing out in relief, and that’s when he leans in to kiss you and you take a deep breath before corresponding and taking the last step to seal your lips together.
Your mind just goes blank and you forget what you were nervous about in the first place, kissing Tom is not that much different than kissing any other guy, except for the fact that his lips are softer than most guys’, but this one does have to take care of himself, it is literally part of his job and it should not be that surprising that a guy takes basic care for his appearance, but it is nice.
The kiss moves in a nice rythm and his hands start sliding from your knee to your waist and he pulls you closer to him and your hands find their courage and go to the back of his neck and so you’re also pulling him in, and all you want is to have him closer, as close as you can possibly have him, and when his hand moves down to your ass, you take that as the perfect moment to throw your leg over so you can straddle him and now both of Tom’s hands are on your ass and you grab onto his shoulders for leverage, and just because you need to breathe in properly, you let your lips disconnect and you see him beneath you.
His hand comes up to move your hair out of your face and you stare at each others eyes for a second and it doesn’t feel overwhelming anymore, so you smile at him for a brief moment, but being apart from his lips feels terrible right now so you lean back in and his hand is in your head and he’s pushing you closer to him, and your hands just slide down to his chest, you play with the chain he has on for a second and he smiles into the kiss, but then you move your attention to the buttons of his shirt and start undoing them.
You take your lips to his neck and he becomes super responsive, you find his sensitive spot quite quickly and he moves you closer to him so you feel his lenght rubbing against your core and it makes you go undo the buttons faster, before you know it he’s taking the shirt off and throwing it to the floor, when his hands are free, he takes advantage and lifts your blouse and you put your arms up to give him easy access. You’re glad you rush bought that set of nice underwear, because Tom’s eyes visibly fill with lust at the sight of the barely there lacy piece covering your breasts.
He touches your chest ever so lightly it gives you goosebumps, he traces a path to your breasts but he stops right before getting to them “Can I?” he whispers, looking straight into your eyes, and there’s something so sexy about him seeking your explicit consent, it makes your panties a little wetter, you nod lightly and he goes ahead, tracing the shape of your breasts with his fingers, like he wants to get familiar with them, he takes one of your nipples between his fingers and applies a little preasure on it, and then on the other one, he’s taking his sweet time before cupping them and pressing his lips in the space between them, and your hands respond to that by taking his hair and pulling lightly and he moans into your skin and it makes you shiver.
He keeps leaving wet kisses on your nipples and sucking on sensitive spots and you can swear it will leave marks, but who cares, you’re just over the moon with everything that’s happening and you just want more and more. He takes one hand to your ass again and he holds it tightly, using the other hand he slides to the edge of the couch and just like it’s nothing heavier than an empty box, he stands up, and you gasp because frankly you were not expecting it, he laughs a little and gives you a reassuring smile.
“I just thought we’ll be more comfortable in my room.”
“Okay, then.” You find it so odd that he’s so unbothered while carrying your full weight, like you’re not exactly the lightest woman in the world, but you won’t deny that being so close and personal to his biceps like this, it’s something you could get used to.
He takes you up the stairs, and along the corridor, once you reach the door, he turns the knob but decides to kick the door rather than opening it like a normal person, but you can’t complain because every moves looks hotter than the previous, and when he lays you down on his bed and stays hovering above you, you just can’t handle it and you kiss him again, your legs hug around his bum to bring him closer where you need him and he takes the hint, he pushes your skirt to your stomach and before he does anything else, his seeks your consent “Is this okay?” he asks, “Yes.” you say loud and clear and he rubs his fingers on your core, and it feels good, but your panties feel like a concrete wall, you just need to feel his fingers, his everything all over your body, so you arch your back and unzip the skirt and he pulls it down and throws it to a corner of the room.
He takes a second to look at you in just your underwear and you feel exposed, but he’s looking at you like you’re some sort of Goddess, he kicks his shoes off and goes to undo the button of his jeans, and it looks so slow and you need him now but you watch him and when he slides down the jeans and you can make out the shape of his member. You feel a little overwhelmed with the view in front of you, and you take a moment to take it all in. His face is crowned by (now) very messy curls, his eyes that used to be brown are practically pitch black by both the dim lighting and lust, there’s freckles all over his nose and cheeks, but they’re barely noticeable, his jawline is the most defined you’ve ever been near to, but even though there are a lot of strong features in his face, he looks almost childish and innocent… until you drop your eyes to his chest, that is.
Every single muscle in his chest has some sort of definition, he’s not as ripped as in the movies, but then again, he’s not super dehydrated and over exercised right now, and he still looks more muscular than any guy you know, his abs are defined, there’s a visible V marking the path from his hips to his member and it is stupidly making your mouth water. He has black Calvin Kleins still on, but that’s the last piece of clothing he has on, and the anticipation is killing you.
He takes you by the ankles an pulls you closer to the edge of the bed and he spreads your legs open and gives you a devilish smile before leaning back in to give you a quick yet intense kiss on the lips and he slides down to your neck and chest again, but he keeps making his way down your body towards your bellybutton and it gives you goosebumps everytime he gives you even a peck or a light touch, you’re shivering with every touch.
“Relax, love… if you want me to stop you can just say it, okay?” He says looking up at you and you nod, you breathe in to calm your nerves down, he waits for you, when you’re finally ready you nod at him again, he gives your waist a light squeeze, smiles at you and places a kiss to your stomach and keeps kissing you lower, until one of his hands goes to your thigh while the other teases the waistband of your panties, hooking one finger on it, he starts pulling it down painfully slowly, you lift your bum to make it easier for your panties to leave your body, once Tom strecthes them to throw them to some part of the room, you sit up to take off your bra and he looks intently at you while you do it, so you smile and lock your eyes to his just to make it more interesting, and you also take your sweet time unclasping the clips, and Tom starts to get impatient, you can see it in his smile, but you enjoy playing with him so even when you do unclasp both clips, you keep the piece on and he puts his hands on his hair in exasperation and you just laugh, enjoying this small moment of being the one in charge, but you give in and take the lacy bra off and throw it to him, he catches it and throws it to the side.
You’re completely naked in his bed and he’s taking the view in. “You’re very beautiful, you know?” he says and you feel the blush creep up to your cheeks, but you smile and thank him regardless, he smiles back and leans back down, he kisses one of your thighs and then the other one, before he does anything else he looks up at you, once again looking for any signs of hesitation “Are you sure you want this?” he asks from his position and when you nod, he dives in.
He presses a light kiss into your folds and you immediately feel electricity emmiting from your core. Needless to say it’s your first time recieving an oral, every sensation is new, you can’t even tell if he’s good at this or not, but for you, it feels like the best sensation in the world, his tongue dances over your clit and you just grasp the sheets for dear life and when he sucks on it you swear you could come right there, but you manage to hold it for a little longer and he keeps going, it doesn’t take long for him to introduce one finger inside, the moan you let out is just obscene and he seems to love it, because he moans too but the vibrations that it sent to your clit make you lose it and you come yelling his name like your life depends on it and he guides you through your first orgasm of the night with his mouth and finger still pumping in and out.
“You’re dripping wet, you know that?” He tells you once you’ve calmed down and have regained your ability to function like a human being, you smile at him, trying to speak, but that function has not come back yet. He kisses you in the mouth and you can taste yourself in his mouth, you start relaxing into the kiss, and he starts tracing gentle circles on the skin of your stomach and you turn your body so can be face to face and your leg happens to feel his dick, and it feels impossibly hard, so you try to relieve the pressure by stroking it with your hand, but when you get your hand down his waistband, Tom stops you “If you touch me now, I’ll be the biggest dissapointment of your life.”
“You forget that I’m a virgin… I have nothing to compare you to.”
“Still… I’ve got my pride.” he finishes as he gets up and rumbles in a drawer of his nightstand, he finds the condom and shows it to you. “Do you want to do this?”
You take a deep breath, there’s nothing you want more than do it right now, but it sure makes you nervous, still you give him verbal consent “Yes, I do.”
That’s all he needs, he stands up completely and takes his underwear off, it happens quite fast, but you do get to apreciate his dick in full exposure, not that you’d know, but it sure looks like it’s gonna be hard to fit that inside of you, and you panic a little and Tom notices and chuckles while he slides the condom on, “It’s gonna be alright, I’ll make sure of it.”
He crawls back to the bed and hovers above you, his hand go to your core again and he slowly introduces one finger into you and starts pumping in and out slowly, he stays looking in your eyes, watching your every reaction, you’re moaning slightly, when he notices that you’ve gotten used to the sensation, he adds another digit and the pressure feels uncomfortable, but he notices so he waits for you to get used to the feeling before he starts pumping it, you bite your lip as you enjoy his movements, moans coming out of your mouth to the rythm of his fingers, when he starts stretching you by doing scissor motions with his fingers, the feeling increases and it is a lot more intense so you hold onto his arm, he’s still looking at you, wanting to be sure that you’re okay and staying alert to see any signs of discomfort in you, but you like it so much.
He takes his fingers out and the emptiness is just overwhelming, but when you see that he’s trying to align himself to your entry, you relax and stress at the same time. This is real. It’s gonna happen. Actually it’s happening at this moment. He looks at you again and lifts his eyebrows in question, you nod lightly and you hold on to his forearm and his neck in preparation. He pushes slowly in, it hurts a little but it’s not that bad, Tom sees you wincing and stops, waiting for you to get used to the new feeling, when you do, he keeps pushing a little. The rythm goes like that until he’s fully in.
You can see he’s having a hard time trying not to hurt you, it’s clear that he just wants to go for it, but you’re grateful he’s containing himself while you get used to the feeling of being so full right now, when you’re ready, you nod at him and he pulls slightly out, waits for you, and pushes back in. The rythm is slow at first for you to get used to it. At first it feels like too much, but the more he thrusts into you, it starts being not enough.
His grunts and moans sound heavinly to your ears, and whenever you are brave enough to just open your eyes and see him, his face is just so beautiful, he has a frown in his face out of concentration and self control, you’re admiring him when he opens his eyes and they meet yours, it’s such an intimate moment, it makes you blush a little bit, you caress his cheek and hair, interlocking your fingers in his curly locks, he lets out a soft moan in pleasure.
The pace gets faster and stronger and you’re getting closer to your high with every thrust, he’s hitting a point inside of you that you didn’t even know existed and it’s a whole new level of pleasure, it’s even making you feel like the world is spinning, you grab onto his back and scratch as you try to keep it together, he moans loudly and stops and pulls out suddenly.
“Get on all fours for me, love.” he tells you and you comply, he pulls you closer to the edge of the bed so he can fuck you while standing up off the bed, you try to arch your back to give him better access, he slides in easier now, and the sensation changes completely, he’s hitting another point that feels even better in this angle, the pleasure doesn’t let you stay stable and your arms can’t keep you up, so you press your face to a pillow and you can’t stop moaning his name, your high creeping up from your stomach once again.
“T- Tom… I think I’m gonna…”
“Wait for me, darling, I’m right there with you.”
His thrusts become sloppy and arythmic, he goes faster, his grunts louder with each thrust, your names falls from his mouth a lot more now, and his is the only word you can say at this point. You come first with an incredibly loud moan of his name. The feeling of you reaching your orgasm around his dick is enough to send him over the edge too, your name being dropped with a loud grunt, he squeezes your breast and rests his head on your back when he comes down from his high, both of you panting. You stay like that for a moment, but then Tom pulls out and goes to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.
You lay in the bed completely naked, but you do feel more exposed now that the moment’s over, so you cover up with a pillow and think about what just happened, relishing on how good it was, you figure this was the best idea you’ve had in a while, even if the most ridiculous but it worked out pretty well.
Tom comes back soon after and hands you a water bottle (because he apparently just keeps water bottles in his bathroom), you thank him and he lays in the bed with you. “How was that?” he asks you in some worried matter, like his whole career depended on your answer, you look at him and smile at him like he’s crazy, you had two orgasms, isn’t that enough proof that you liked it? when the anxiety becomes aparent in his face, you give him the verbal confirmation. “Of course I did, wasn’t it obvious?” you say while trying to hide your face, he takes your arms to stop you from doing so.
“Y/N! Don’t hide! It was actually really good for me too, and I’m happy you had a good first time, it’s cool.”
You smile at him bigger now, getting more comfortable now, and he leans to leave a kiss on your forehead, and you lay there just chilling for a while. Checking the clock in Tom’s bedside table you realize it’s almost 2 in the morning, you haven’t talked about this, but you think it’s not a good idea to stay the night, maybe he has things to do tomorrow, and you do have a class at 9, so you start to get up to recolect your clothes.
“Where are you going?” Tom asks in a whiny tone, he was right about to fall asleep before you got up.
“I think it’s time for me to leave, it’s quite late and I’ve got class tomorrow.” you reply with a slightly sad tone, just for the drama.
“You don’t have to go. There’s no way I’m letting you take an uber and I’m too lazy to get up and drive you… so stay, I promise I’ll take you to your front door tomorrow morning, alright?” also, he gives you mad puppy eyes to convince you, but you still move around the room trying to find your underwear, just to not be naked anymore.
“Okay, just let me put some clothes back on, cause this is weird.”
“Can you throw me my underwear, please?”
“Yeah, just let me try and find them.” You throw them at him once you find them among the mess and they land straight in his face, you just gotta laugh at it and he just rolls his eyes at you and puts the thing on jokingly bitching about you being rude to him and you just laugh at him while you walk back to the bed.
At some point, Tom goes to retrieve your clothes and the wine from the living room while you just scroll through your phone absent mindedly, you half read the tweets and just ignore the instagram posts you see until he gets back and gives you your barely touched glass of wine and lays back down next to you.
You stay there for a while just talking and drinking, actually getting to know each other, you tell him about your major in college, how hard it gets sometimes, and you even tell him about why you had never had sex before. He tells you about his work, his family, the things he wants to do next… he does tell you a little tiny spoiler of the future of Marvel, which you had to swear you wouldn’t reveal to anyone ever and it would be a secret you take to your graveyard. It’s a nice pillow talk, you’re laying in the bed, facing each other, his hand is lazily resting on your waist, yours playing with the chain on his neck. This is likely even more intimate than the sex itself, and it’s nice.
When you do finally fall asleep, is in that position. Wine bottle completely empty in the floor, clothes laying around, only sound in the room being the light snores of Tom and heavy sleep breathing. You’re extremely comfortable and relaxed, long forgotten how nervous you were before this happened. You could get used to this.
Your slumber is ruined when the alarm goes off at half 7 in the morning, you feel tired, but you get your clothes back on anyway, Tom takes a little longer to fully wake up, but he keeps his promise and throws a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt, he also throws a hat on just to not deal with his morning/sex hair, for the same reason, you also just put your hair in a messy bun.
He actually parks the car and walks you back to your dorm, it’s quite early, but there is some people around the hallways anyways and it makes you a bit anxious thinking you might get him in trouble if he does get recognized, but he seems relaxed and unbothered about it anyway.
“I had a lot of fun. It was really nice to get to know you… call me up if you ever want to do this again, okay?” he tells you with his hands stuck in his pockets, it makes you smile how cute he looks.
“Thank you, Tom. I really enjoyed it… thanks for not being weird about this whole thing.”
“That’s alright. Okay, take care and don’t be a stranger, okay?”
“Okay.” He gives you a last kiss on the cheek before you get inside your dorm to get ready for class, and he goes back home, and that is it.
Months go by without you ever talking to or about Tom, you just assumed that was the end of everything you lived with him and it is a lovely and super hot thing to remember, but there's nothing more to it.
Your phone goes off in the middle of the night. You were studying, so you weren't talking to anyone. As you check the notification, you freeze just like you did the first time you saw his name on your screen.
"Hey! I'm in your town! What are you up to?"
Tagging some people to avoid the flop:
@caeruleum-in-caritate-lupus, @softstarkk, @peterparkerbabyy, @dottirose, @legit-fandom-trash, @carostar2020, @appreciating-chase-brody, @mvmakki @madmadmilk @hollandrecs @starksparker @sunshinehollandd
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fanficparker · 4 years
Under My Umbrella | Tom x Haz one-shot
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Tom Holland
Word count: 5.5k words
Warnings: Swearing, angst, lots of tears, alcohol
Summary: The one where Harrison did the audacity to kiss his life-long best friend or his twin sister’s boyfriend.
A/N: Life is short and this is just a piece of fiction, why stop myself from posting it on my own blog?
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PART 1 ♡
(Tom's POV)
"I am so sorry. OH GOD, I AM SO SORRY!"
I hear Harrison screaming on the top of his voice. My vision is blurry, the rain isn't allowing me to see much, although I am sure there is much more than just the rain pouring down his face; his tears were also streaming down along with it.
He had taken five steps away from me after kissing me in the rain and my world has already fallen apart. He is pulling at his curls so aggressively. He will hurt himself. I take a step towards him with my hands reaching out but he takes another step back.
He is drifting away from me. And I am drifting apart from myself.
I freeze on my feet. My heartbeat feels non-existent. I am confused. Am I dead or alive? If I am dead then where am I? Is it heaven or hell? It kind of feels like both.
Harrison has just kissed me. His taste is still lingering on my tongue. My head is spinning without even a single drop of alcohol. His touch did this to me. And now I am starving. Starving for more.
"I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have. Shit! I SHOULDN'T HAVE!"
"No... No... " I try to stop him but he's already running. My ankle is aching. I can't run fast, I can't catch his pace. Then, he slowly vanishes away from my sight.
"HARRISON! HARRISON... PLEASE STOP! Please stop... Please..." I scream, sinking down to the footpath. I was too late to scream. I was too late to stop him.
He's gone. He broke the promise.
I can hear those distinct lyrics as the soft music resonates in the air. It's the Ember Island's version— our favourite version. I am sitting here waiting for the interviewers to arrive but my mind keeps drifting off to the song.
"This is our song!" Harrison says as we are lying down on the bed.
"Umbrella? Really?" I ask, surprised.
He turns on his side and faces me, I do the same. His head rests on his elbow while my head is still on the pillow. We were looking at each other.
"Yeah..." His voice is soft. He hums and looks back at the ceiling while the music plays from his phone. He starts lip-syncing along with the lyrics, "Cause in the dark, you can't see shiny cars. And that's when you need me there with you, I'll always share. Because..."
"When the sun shine, we shine together. Told you I'll be here forever---"
"You are singing." RDJ chuckles sitting beside me. And I realise that I was actually singing. My stomach twists into a knot and my face gets warm.
"We can sing it together, kiddo!" He says, enthusiastically.
"I... er..." I try to stop him but he is already singing.
Why am I always late?
"Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh..." RDJ is singing, he is nodding his head sideways and is peaking at me occasionally.
The song is the same but the voice is different. The lyrics mean different when Harrison sang them. In Harrison's voice, they meant something but right now they are just raw. Hollow.
We are on the same magazine cover.
Oh my god.
We are on the same freaking magazine cover!
'The Spider-man 3 star tells us about his secret power food', The Hollywood Reporter headline reads with my gym photo-shoot as the background.
There are three more sub-headlines to the cover, placed near the right margin. The second one says, 'Harrison Osterfield: The young British actor tells us about his inspirational journey as the young face for Agent 007. (Pg. 3-4)'
The rumours were true. He has done it.
Oh my god. And I am not even there to congratulate him.
"I am so proud of you. I knew you would grab it!" Harrison bounces on his feet while I stand near him, blushing furiously.
"My mate is Spider-man! My mate is THE Spider-man!!" He proudly yells and keeps his palms on my shoulders. When I look up into his blue eyes, they are glossy and act like mirrors. I can see myself reflecting through them. Then I notice a little pinch of sadness shining through them.
"Don't forget me though..." He says slowly. His energetic voice started sounding cracked. It made me think for a moment.
I gulp, "You can be my assistant. I-It will help you... gain experience in the industry." I was planning to ask him this since my role was confirmed because how was I even supposed to step into my new, more chaotic life without my biggest support system?
He pulls back his arms from my shoulders and looks at me with wide eyes.
"Yes!... Also, you know... I-I am kinda afraid going on the journey alone." I bite at my lower lip.
Just say yes, I pray silently.
"Oh, div! You'll not be alone there. You'll have big stars. All those fancy people, fancy life-style and those fancy---"
"These fancy things will never come in between us, Harrison," I cut his rambling off. He pauses and glances at me.
"I am alone without you..."
I am always alone without him.
I regret not saying always, even though it doesn't matter anymore.
My fingers flip through the pages, my eyes land on his half-page portrait. He was wearing a black and white formal suit; his index finger is pressed against his forehead as he is bent forward while his were eyes boring into the front. They are staring into my soul.
My breath hitches in my throat. It's just his portrait but those eyes. Those eyes. I avert my gaze from the picture to the text. He talks about his journey from school to landing this role. He talks about his family, he talks about his journey as my assistant and then he talks about me. I can hear his voice even when it's just plain text.
'I cannot thank Tom enough. He pushed me harder whenever I slowed down. He pulled me up when I fell down. I really look up to him.'
No Harrison, you are wrong. You pushed me harder when I slowed down. You pulled me up when I fell down. It's me who looks up to you.
"Oh em jee!" The teen girl squeals seeing me at the airport. Harrison and I were walking, dragging our trolleys. I was wearing a cap, sunglasses and even had my hoodie on yet she somehow spotted me. She ran towards me.
"You are Tom Holland! I am such a huge fan of you!!!" She is still squealing as she takes out her phone, asking me for a picture. I was really sleepy and sleep-deprived at the same time, but it still made me smile. I lowered my hoodie and took off my goggles.
Harrison was standing beside me, grinning too. I was ready for her to take a selfie with us but then she walks up to Harrison and points her phone to him.
I see a little confusion appear on his face.
"Take our picture," She says almost disrespectfully. I feel a pang in my heart, I can't even imagine what he must be feeling. But then he looks at me, takes the phone and smiles.
The girl stands beside me, and Harrison is standing in front of us.
"Smile..." He whispers, looking at me in the eye, his face breaking into a bigger grin and I can't stop the smile that spreads across my own lips seeing him smile.
But I know he was sad from inside and even when I was physically present there, I wasn't still there to make him really smile, the one that makes his eyes crinkle.
I am really sorry for making you feel left out when all you did was try to make me feel included. Sorry for every time I left you alone. Yet, you always kept smiling. How do you do that?
I seriously need to learn a lot from you...
I had stopped stalking him on social media weeks ago. It was taking a toll on my mental health. But much to my dismay, I had a notification of him mentioning me in his Instagram story. My finger hovers over the unseen story. I click to see it.
The story was completely black, he has even tagged me in black. This story is exclusively for me. The song plays in the background.
No. No.
He can't do this to me.
He can't fucking do this to me.
"Now that it's raining more than ever, Know that we still have each other, You can stand under my---"
I threw my phone at the wall and the song stops playing abruptly. I am sure that I broke the device. But at least the song has ended.
I hate him for this!
How can he do this do me? How can he go so low?
I sunk down to the floor of my room. I am not just crying, I am screaming. Just like that night when I sunk down to the footpath...
Harrison and I were walking on the wet footpath. The rain was only getting heavier but none of us cared. The occasional honking of vehicles or the whooshing sound of tires against the wet concrete didn't bother us either.
Our shoulders were bumping against each other while we talked and laughed at stupid things. We sometimes did it, went out to have an ice-cream and talked about everything. It cleared off our minds and provided us with a break from our busy lifestyles. Harrison was holding the umbrella over our head as he was the taller one. A small portion of my other shoulder was slightly wet even when we were super close to each other. The umbrella was small, so I shifted closer to him. But I accidentally twisted my ankle due to the slippery path.
"Ouch!" I stop, putting my arm across his shoulder to balance myself, lifting the injured foot in the air.
"What happened?" He asks in a voice full of concern, stopping his motions.
"My foot. I think... I got a sprain."
"Oh, Tom. I tell you to be careful." He says and hands me the umbrella while I shift towards the wall, supporting myself. He crouches down on the empty footpath and unties my sandals, holding my foot in his hand.
"At least I didn't break my nose this time." I chuckle but it ends up as a whimper when he twists my ankle.
"It looks mild," He declares, re-tieing my sandals and stands up. I smile at him in gratitude but he wasn't smiling back. My expression changes to reciprocate his'. Then I realise that he wasn't properly standing up. His knees were slightly bent and his face was at the same level as mine. We were staring at each other. He took a step closer to me and suddenly all my senses were shutting down. The only thing I could feel was how close he was to me, how the scent of his aftershave was the sweetest smell I have ever inhaled, how his eyes were staring at mine, how they flickered down to my lips, how they closed, how the sound of his shaky breath made my heart shiver, how his lips were feeling against mine, how his breath tasted of vanilla and chocolate...
My limbs lost all their strength and the umbrella fell down, drowning us both in pouring water. His hands came to hold mine as he interlaces his fingers through mine, giving them a little squeeze.
He was kissing away the water droplets off my lips. I didn't do anything. I just let him. Or maybe I was kissing him back but it was all... so natural. I have never felt so calm and protected in my life. The way his lips rolled over mine... I was completely intoxicated.
There was something intimate about rain. Something soothing. Your ears are drumming with the pitter-patter sound that you can't hear the regular hustle-bustle. For once I felt like Harrison and I were absolutely alone in this world. I liked that feeling.
But we weren't.
That's when the reality hit him and he panicked.
I was dating his twin sister.
PART 2 ♡
(Harrison's POV)
It's 5 am and I am still not sleeping. My headphones are plugged into my ears while I feel like an absolute piece of shit. Not just I have done the forbidden audacious task of falling for my best friend but also the heinous crime of kissing my sister's boyfriend.
Lily doesn't even know why Tom broke up with her after a relationship of over a year and that too, over the phone. She has no idea that the person she trusted so much for consoling her, the one she chose to cry in front of, the one she chose to hug, the one she chose to share her pain with was actually the sole creator of the pain. Her twin brother was nothing but a snake.
The day after I kissed Tom, there was a knock at my bedroom door in the middle of the night. As soon as the door opened, I stumbled back with what force Lily hugged me. She was crying into my t-shirt. Her behaviour confused me and an instant fear of something bad happening to her settled at the bottom of my heart; my brother instincts made my fists clench. I wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who had hurt her this way.
"Tom broke up with me," She utters in between her sobs. Her words acted like salt being rubbed over my open wounds.
Turns out I was also a hypocrite. I didn't kill myself.
I was helpless. I felt both like the criminal and the victim at the same time.
I hugged her back tighter, hiding my face in her hair.
"I am so sorry, Lily. I am so sorry," I whimpered and kissed the top of her head as she snuggled closer to me.
She thinks my sorries were of sympathy. No. They were my apology. But they feel hollow just like my heart and existence...
Out of so many editions, The Hollywood Reporter apparently, chose to put me and Tom on the same one. Seems like nature has decided to pull me inside the deepest guilt trap possible. I lock the magazine in my cupboard. I no more have any desire to look inside of it.
I haven't slept for the past twenty-four hours. I am so nervous. I feel so insecure. I want to talk about me landing a significant role to him. I know it's just me playing James Bond's younger version in a long flashback and not the real James Bond, but still...
He is the only one capable of calming my nerves after my mum. But sometimes mum couldn't, sometimes it's not her field of expertise. Sometimes only a friend could help you.
Tom was roasting marshmallows in this garden when I entered and sat beside him.
"What's up champ?" He says, not even looking at me.
I was quiet and looking down at my lap when he finally notices and turns to look at me.
"How's it going?" He asks. I look up to meet his soft brown eyes, instantly melting at the sight.
"Not well... I dunno... I feel weird. I don't know if you will want to hear my rant but--"
"Just vent to me. My ears are always open..." He says, patting my knee.
I nod my head. He knows exactly what I want. He listened to all my rambles with zero interruptions even when my mouth was stuffed with marshmallows, without judging me or passing any opinion...
Turns out the asking for help from Tom option doesn't exist anymore, considering he had blocked me after me mentioning him in that blank music story and now my and his names are bouncing all over- #1. The old fashioned, not being used for what it was first designed for: Instagram; #2. The infamous, super political, the lifeline of democratic announcements: Twitter; and #3. The safe from boomers, modern version of fanfiction dot net: Tumblr.
The fans think they know better about our situation then what I and (probably) Tom knows.
'Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield have unfollowed each other on Instagram!!!' reads one of the fan posts.
I didn't unfollow him, it's him who blocked me and that's how Instagram works. Our mutual following, likes, comment and tags on each other's posts are automatically removed.
'No, they haven't unfollowed each other. One of them has blocked the other!!!' reads the reblogged version.
Holy Shit! This user is far more observant (or a stalker) and knows how Instagram works. I know Tom isn't very good with the working of social media, but it also turns out that he doesn't know how this tabloid fan culture works too.
P. S. All these triple exclamation marks on the fan posts are making me freak out.
Also, I am so grateful that they all are unaware about Lily and Tom dating and their break-up, else they would have dragged her into the controversy too.
Thank God.
I have blocked the supposed tags they tag me with and limited my comment section, so I don't have to deal with any kind of questions, speculations or hate in general.
I feel bad for Tom, he hasn't done that yet. I don't even know if he knows there's an option for it. It can seriously degrade his mental health.
I wish I could tell him.
It's kind of awkward when people are watching you eat and in my case, my mum and my two sisters are gawking on me instead of eating their own food. Woman's stare is always intimidating and I am blessed with three female pairs of eyes on me.
"You know... You don't have to block Tom just because he broke up with me." Lily says, sitting across the dining table.
That almost made me choke on my food and drop the fork on the plate. I could already feel the glimmer of interest sparking in mum's and Charlotte's eyes. It is as if they all were planning to have this conversation with me for a long time.
But wait... Does she think that me deleting Tom from my life is because of her break-up?
Oh my god!
Was there too much miscommunication between us?
There was no communication from my side.
It was my mum this time. She keeps her hand over my shoulder, her voice sounds super worried.
"What is it, Hazza?" She asks, lovingly. She speaks as if she knows it is more than Tom and Lily's break-up. But I don't know how to tell her...
The next moment, mum has shifted her chair near me and had engulfed me in a side hug. Soon Charlotte and Lily walked up to me and were covering me from all sides. That's when I realised that I was crying. No. I wasn't just crying, I was sobbing. It was even difficult for me to breathe.
I need air.
I excuse myself and got up. They don't ask anything, maybe in an attempt to go slow with me. I really appreciate the gesture.
That's how I end up in this pub, pouring my heart out to a stranger. He's carefully listening to me, while occasionally sipping his drink and nodding his head. It really feels good to be listened to. I am telling everything to him from the exact beginning and how I fell for my best friend and then he started dating my sister and then how everything came crashing down...
"That's really fucked up, friend!" He comments in his Indian accent.
He was a trans-man who found me sitting in the corner with a cigarette in my hand. I wasn't even smoking but lost in thoughts. The stick was almost going to burn my fingers when he came and slapped it away and now he was listening to everything I was saying.
And then he's narrating his own sad love story to me and oh my god it's so much worse than me, yet he's pretending that I am the worse affected.
"And that's how she killed herself and I couldn't do anything..." He finishes as I blink. Like a fish, my mouth opens and closes, I instantly gulp my beer in one go in order to not look like a fool who has nothing good and uplifting to reply.
"That's really sad..." I somehow manage to say.
"Yeah. It is..."
I seriously need to go, else I will breakdown crying. I excuse myself and leave, I am not even drunk enough which sucks.
There is a guy walking in front of me on the pavement and he's really really drunk, unlike me. I really want to reach home fast and lay under my soft blankets but this guy is walking, occupying the whole pavement, stumbling on his feet with every step. He stumbles harder this time, about to fall face-first on the concrete. I rush forward and catch him.
My hands feel as if they were made of hard ice when I see his face.
He chuckles, "I know you are not Harrison... but I am seeing him everywhere. So funny... haha..."
"Tom..." I whisper and he starts to cry. He seriously looks like shit. His shirt is all wet and hairs are super messy. It's hard to even see him like this. I throw my arm around his shoulder and place his hand around my neck and get him straight on his feet. I try my best to walk him to my house.
Mum was terrified of seeing Tom like this, so were Charlotte and Lily. Although, Lily helped me carry him to my room, while he was babbling some unintelligible stuff.
We lay him over my bad.
"You should change his shirt, it's really dirty," Lily suggests and walks out of the room, giving us privacy. I intake a sharp breath as I drag the half-asleep, completely drunk Tom to sit up on the bed. And before I could pull his shirt up, he's puking over my chest. I back up.
"Sorry..." He mutters and falls over the mattress.
I gotta' change my shirt too.
My hands reach to the edge of my shirt as I try to pull it up but then I see Tom, and suddenly it feels wrong. Hasn't he seen me shirtless like thousand times before? And he's not even completely conscious... Yet, I turn my back to him and change into a new jumper. Then I struggle to get Tom changed too, making him wear one of my hoodies and then throw both our dirty clothes to my laundry basket.
"You should wash your face and brush your teeth. It will feel nice..." I suggest, not sure if he was even listening to me. I again get him down on his feet and carry him to the bathroom where I splash cold water over his face. He drinks some water too. And then he's brushing his teeth, a little messily though.
As we complete, he refuses to go back to my room and instead, tries to sit on the bathroom floor, too tired to walk back. The next moment I find myself lifting him up with my arms tucked below his knees and the back of his neck. He's heavier than I anticipated but when he holds my shoulder and snuggles close to my chest with his warm breath hitting directly over my neck; my knees feel like noodles. I try my best to not look down at his face or fall down and successfully carry him back to my room and get him back on the bed.
"Haz, I need to talk about something..."
I flinch hearing Lily's voice. I turn on my feet and see her standing by my door. Warmth rushes to my face, realising- she must have seen me carrying Tom in my arms...
I swallow and walk towards her as she walks outside the room and shuts the door behind us.
She takes in a jitterybreath, "I really think..." She hesitates for a second, "Tom likes you... more than a friend and more than how he likes me..."
"I-I-I---" I try to speak but only a ragged stammer comes out, not expecting this conversation at all.
"He always talks about you and when he finds me wearing your clothes..." She fidgets with her fingers, "He gives me extra attention and... asks me not to remove them while we have... sex..." She pauses, looking embarrassed. I try not to react and stay still, listening carefully.
"I think the only reason he was dating me was that I look like you..." She finishes, knocking out all the air from my lungs.
"Why-why are you telling this to me?" Out of a million things I could say, I chose this.
"Because..." She looks straight at my face, "No one looks at a person as you look at Tom unless they are madly in love with them."
"But then why did he date you?" I ask with a heavy heart.
"... Cause it's easy to be... straight?" She speaks, her lips pressing into a thin line. I think for a moment.
"B-but what about you---"
"It's all about you and him right now. And anyway, he loves you and not me. You don't want your sister to end up with a man who doesn't really love her, right?" She asks, hopefully.
I inhale and nod.
"And I won't want my brother to not end up with the man he really loves..."
For the first time, I don't feel guilty, rather I feel some burden lifting off my chest. I walk inside the room, remembering my conversation with Lily. Tom was fast asleep on the bed and that makes me smile. I take out a blanket and cover him with it, switching off the lights. As I was trying to move away, his hand grasps my wrist making goosebumps rise over my skin.
"Can't we even... not share the bed anymore?" He speaks, sounding tired.
Suddenly, I am again feeling guilty. I turn on my feet, his hand was still gripping my wrist when I get into the sheets beside him. I prevent looking at his face. I am too weak for that stuff, especially when he sounds already half-sober.
His hand slowly slips off me and I clench my eyes shut.
I am sure that I was lying on the bed unable to sleep for several hours now. It's raining outside, pouring heavier with each passing minute. But it's better than the silence because seriously when the raindrops weren't tapping against my windowpane, all I could hear was my jittering heartbeat, heavy breathing and the sound of Tom's own breathing.
I shift underneath me, turning on my side to finally look at Tom.
Now that he's sleeping, he won't catch me staring, right?
He was sleeping on his side with his arm tucked below his head, facing me. My fingers slowly slide across the skin of his face as I breathe in deeper and rest my palm over his cheek. My thumb softly strokes his smooth skin while my pinky was playing with his ear.
His eyes flutter open, lashes resembling butterfly wings. Those freaking pools of chocolate. Once again, I was frozen on the spot.
How fair it is that people can be naturally born with eyes as soft and as brown as those?
"Haz..." He whispers my name and I feel the knots in my stomach tying.
"Why did you run...?" His voice is quiet but sounds serious. He seriously demands an explanation. But I am just staring into his eyes, not speaking anything.
Because I did some outrageous friendship destroying shit and running away was my way of escape, albeit, it just made everything much worse...
"I am sorry," That's what I say, finally. He huffs at my words.
Then he shifts closer to me, my heart clenching tighter than ever, my armpits sweating disgustingly.
"That's not the question I asked..." He says, wriggling a hand out from under the covers and putting it over my face, stroking my skin and playing with my ear, just like I was doing a few moments ago.
I lick my dry lips, swallowing softly.
"Okay, wrong question..." He smiles lightly, "Why did you kiss me?"
His grin appears to tease me. I am already overwhelmed by the closeness when he's asking me such questions. I try to divert the question as I avert my gaze, suddenly unclear of how long an eye-contact should be maintained.
"I thought you would be mad at me... You blocked me and---"
And then Tom shoves his head forward, pressing his lips against mine. My mouth splits open at the contact, an embarrassing puff of air escaping.
Tom's other hand is quick to find my arm from below the sheets as he slips his fingers through mine, while his other hand is busy tracing a thumb across my jaw. It's weirdly soothing. The sound of the rain tapping against my window makes it even better.
My eyes are shut as he tilts his head, pressing his lips tighter, his tongue licking at my bottom lip. He squeezes my hand, making me gasp. He sees the perfect opportunity, sliding it inside my mouth while I am a whimpering mess. His breath smells and tastes of mint from the toothpaste, eliciting tingles in my abdomen.
I lurch forward, trying to kiss him back but he's swift to pull away, lips separating with a soft popping sound. My eyes flutter open at the loss of contact.
"Ask me why I kissed you?" He mumbles against my lips with a big, confident smirk.
Son of a...
How can I ever forget about the surge of confidence levels in him after there is some alcohol in his system?
"Ask..." He repeats, more forcefully this time making me look directly into his eyes.
I breathe in, "Why..."
He raises his eyebrows and I fight the urge to roll my eyes back.
"Why did you kiss me?"
He chuckles and softly pats my cheek, pulling away his hand from my face but the other one continues to hold my hand in his.
"... 'coz I wanted to. I wanted to kiss you."
"Did... Did you think of Lily?"
His face turns serious at the question, almost sad. He shakes his head.
"No..." He pauses, looking at me sternly. His Adam's apple bobbles in his throat, "When you are with me I forget about everything else."
A tear escapes his eye, sliding though the side of his eye and falling directly over the pillow. He clenches his eyes shut, squeezing my hand tighter.
Drunk Tom is also emotionally unstable...
"I am sorry Haz. I can't love her when I am already in love with you." His voice sounds so wrecked, so broken... I just pull him to my chest, pulling my hand out of his grip and wrapping it across his torso.
"I understand why you ran... And yet I kissed you again," He speaks in between his sobs.
I don't know why but his words made me smile. Maybe because he understands, yet he did it. It's so courageous. He's so brave. Like it's us against the world.
"Lily understands," I tell him. He stops sobbing abruptly, his body freezes as if he's unable to comprehend my words.
"Huh?" He asks in disbelief, pulling away from my chest and looking into my eyes.
"Yes. She does. She just told it to me." I smile wider, swiping the tears off his face while he blinks.
"Really?" He utters, voice creaky.
He keeps staring at me like a frightened animal. He is still not believing me. It made me chuckle.
"Yes, div! Come 'on just believe me!" I insist.
His mouth parts, tongue poking out. He's silent for a minute as I notice the changing expressions on his face.
"She did not!" He exclaims.
"She did!"
"Oh god. Am I this obvious?" He laughs, probably assuming my conversation with Lily to be something funny. Not his fault though. I cut him some slack, considering all life he's been surrounded by three brothers in an easy relationship not the complicated and competitive one I share with Lily. Although with Charlotte it's all super smooth.
Still, the sound of his laughter feels good. I can't complain.
This time I pull him into a kiss interrupting his giggles. I am going to keep kissing him till his lips swell. But all we both are doing is smiling into the kiss, unable to hold the contact even for a few seconds.
But then again, now I have plenty of time to kiss him like that later. Right now, it's this moment that matters. It's Tom who matters.
No more holding back...
Taz taglist: @hazmyheart​ // @justasmisunderstoodasloki​ // @tommysparker​ // @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​ // @thenoddingbunny-blog​ // @calltothewild​​ // @viagracex​ // @httplayer​ // @slytherin-chaser​ // @perspectiveparker​ // @catkeeperthetall​ // @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​ // @its-a-leap-of-faith-kid​ // @emmaloo21​ //
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jayznetworth · 3 years
Jay Z Net Worth
Jay Z Net Worth is assumed to be an incredible $1 billion dollars by 2021, which made him the richest rapper actually, along with the preliminary {BuzRush.com} millionaire inside the rap business. However, Kanye has since end up being the wealthiest, pushing Jay-Z lower to #2.
Jay Z Net Worth Corey Carter, is undoubtedly an American citizen rapper, business owner, and buyer. He became a single in the top selling music artists ever, after getting supplied 100 million records, and gotten 21 Grammy awards for his work.
Much like the majority of {BuzRush.com} other powerful musicians and athletes around the world, Jay-Z did not allow music serve as the be-all and finish-all his job. He diversified, and started out purchasingnightclubs and restaurants, their very own clothing line and report label.
Early Living
Shawn Carter came to be across the fourth Dec 1969 in Brooklyn, New You can actually, U . s . Claims. He was elevated in Marcy Properties, {BuzRush.com} a real estate task in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant area. Gloria, Shawn’s mommy, increased him along with the 3 sisters and brothers following their father abandoned them.
Shawn joined Eli Whitney Senior citizen Secondary School in Brooklyn till it was shut down reduce. He then attended the encompassing George Westinghouse Technical and Career Education and learning Elderly Senior High School with upcoming rappers The Well-known B.I.G. and Busta Rhymes, adopted by using a stint at Trenton Main Senior High School Graduation in Trenton, Nj. He in no way done Senior citizen Senior High School.
Gloria obtained a thrive box for Jay-Z’s bday, primarily sparking a need to have music. Pursuing this, he started off cost-free-styling and creating words, after a name ‘Jay-Z’ to identification his coach ‘Jay-O’.
In the beginning, Jay Z Net Worth was promoting documents from the trunk area of his car. He’d no history deal, and it was unsigned, so he do whichever he could to market his audio.
He launched the history content label Roc-A-Fella information with Damon Dash and Kareem Biggs, that had been kept along with them stunning a submission deal with Top priority. This then authorized Jay-Z to generate his very first recording ‘Reasonable Doubt’ in 1996.
Go toward right now, and Jay-Z {BuzRush.com} can handle the document for several top rated albums using a solo performer around the US Billboard 200 with 14. He’s also possessed a number of number #1’s round the Billboard Very hot 100.
The amount is Beyonce & Jay-Z’s put together online worthy of?
By 2021, Jay-Z’s internet worth is $1 billion, and Beyonce’s internet worth is $500 million, which provides the pair a combined internet price of $1.5 billion.
So, how Exactly Does Jay Z Spend His Money?
Jay Z exists in the $6.85 thousand condo in Manhattan. He apparently hired a $400,000-for every-four weeks summertime time residence within the Hamptons.
Also, he features a large selection of automobiles for example Tesla Product S, Bugatti Veyron, GMC Yukon, Mercedes-Benz Mclaren SLR, Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud, 1957 Chevy Corvette, Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, Ferrari F430 Spider, Most Respected Phantom plus much more.
In New Orleans, Jay Z Net Worth stays in the $2.4 million previous Presbyterian Church featuring 3 learn rooms.
He’s an amazing range of pieces of jewelry just like a strong gold chain diamond necklace that may be worth $234.000. Also, he includes a Hublot Huge Group view worthy of $73,700.
Often he brings his family members on a break on $3.half a dozen mil personal Bahamas isle and $61.4 zillion yachts.
Allow me to share the favorite features of Jay-Z’s profession:
Favored Rap/Cool-Hop Artist, United states Tunes Awards (2004, 2009)
Very best Men Cool-Hop Musician, BET Honors (2001, 2004)
Online video of the year, Guess Honours (Otis, 2012)
Hustler of the period, Guess Cool-Hop Awards (2009,2012 and 2011, 2013)
Lyricist of the season, Guess Trendy-Hop Prizes (2009)
MVP from the year, Wager Cool-Hop Awards (2009)
Performer from the time of year, Billboard Songs Prizes (1999)
Finest Around the world Men Solo Designer, BRIT Honors (2010)
Finest Rap Single Overall performance, Grammy Prizes (99 Issues, 2005)
Preferred Jay-Z Estimates
“I would deal with the area go shopping, the bodega, and just grab a pieces of paper bag or get liquid - something just to acquire a paper bag. And I’d create the terminology round the document stuff and bag these ideas in my budget right up until I obtained back. I Then would move them within the notebook.” - Jay-Z
“I’m not even near being our god, nevertheless i function the lord damn challenging.” - Jay-Z
“I consider connections are destroyed up because of the media.” - Jay-Z
If you haven’t been effective, then you definitely don’t understand how it feels to get rid of everything.” - Jay-Z, “Successful individuals have a larger anxiety about failure than people who’ve never done anything
3 Strategies of Good results from Jay-Z
You’ve now learned about Jay-Z’s web worth, and exactly how he obtained success here work most effectively success instruction to learn from Jay-Z:
1. Creativity Can Attack at any time
You observed the man, he familiar with invest in a package exclusively for the brownish pieces of paper to ensure he could create lower any lyrics or ideas that discovered his brain. If this hit, Inspiration can strike anywhere, and Jay-Z ensured he was ready for. He most likely drank that bottle too, but that’s near the point.
2. Constantly Be Hustling
Jay-Z’s web well worth isn’t similar to this of many other rappers on earth. Need to find out why? he did not check out rapping. He entered entrepreneurship, purchasing dining establishments and clubs. This is the time virtually all his web worthy of originates from.
3. Don’t Hold out Til You Have Everything Required
Jay-Z did not also have the products or cash he’d have loved because he initially started out. However, he earned use what he’d, and began where he could.
This could probably be precisely why many people never get commenced alone dreams. They are declaring they’re waiting right up until they’ve everything they require. Powerful folks learn other techniques for getting commenced without everything jazzy information.
Jay-Z is among the most efficient hip-hop performers in the world, and he’s additionally a efficient businessman. Everyone knows he or she is the real thing, and also the internet cost of more than $1 billion shows it.
He’s encouraged lots of other performers in the future frontward and commence making.
More Info-
Related Searches - 
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vergilthelibrarian · 4 years
Tumblr media
Yandere!Taeyong x Male!Reader
So like tw for drugging. I got a spark of an idea and decided to write this ^^ 
I hope y’all like it
Taeyong stared at the canvas, sighing as he realized that he still suffered from an artist block. He scratched his head, pouting slightly. Maybe he needed to go out for some coffee, he thought to himself. He’s been locked up in his house for about 4 days now and he needed to go out. The reason why he’s been in his house for 4 days was well, because of art block.
Thinking it was a good idea to get a cup of coffee, he threw on a sweater, a pair of sneakers and headed out.
Taeyong Lee was an up and coming artist in the art scene of Seoul. He usually painted people in a multitude of scenarios and scenery. He was becoming rather popular to say the least and he had a deadline approaching for his new art exhibit. He just needed one more painted to finish his exhibit but nothing came to mind of what to paint.
He even searched up scenery online to get some inspiration but nada.
Taeyong was stuck and he needed to find a muse and fast.
As he walked to the cafe, he kept his eye out for anything that would spark his artistic streak. Anything that would make him want to drop everything and paint.
Seeing nothing, he gulped as he open the heavy door of the cafe, noticing how thirsty he was.
The cafe wasn’t full today, only 3 people sat at tables, one being a couple.
Taeyong walked up to the cashier and ringed the bell as no one was at the stand.
Hearing soft footsteps approaching, Taeyong’s breath hitched as he saw the most breathtaking man that, in his opinion, he has ever seen.
“Hi! How may I help you?” he asked and Taeyong blinked his eyes rapidly, his palms becoming sweaty.
“I-I uh-I” he stuttered which caused the barista to giggle.
Taeyong coughed.
“I’ll have a hot matcha green tea with a chocolate cake.”
“Will that be for here or to go?” “Here.” “Okay, coming right up!” and the man gave the black buzzer to Taeyong and then walked away to fix the order.
Taeyong grabbed the buzzer and took a sit.
He taking glances at the young foreign barista, realizing that at one point he was staring.
Taeyong always came to this cafe because the food and drinks were good but he has never saw this worker before.
He must be new here, he thought remembering that the place were hiring again.
He looked at his phone deciding to play a game instead of continuously glancing at the young worker.
A couple of minutes has passed, Taeyong felt the buzzer go off, signaling that his order was ready and he got up to get his order.
“Thank you.” he quietly said before turning around only to be stopped by a voice.
“Umm, I don’t mean to be rude but aren’t you Lee Taeyong?” He turned around, nodding his head.
“Y-yeah. How do you know that?” The barista laughed and Taeyong felt his heart skip a beat.
“Oh, well I was searching up about the art scene here in Seoul and came across your paintings on a couple of websites that conveniently also had a picture of you as well.” he answered, his cheeks heating up.
“Really now?” and the young man nodded.
“Mhm. I really like your work. It catches everyday life in a dreamy way.” and Taeyong smiled.
“Why thank you. Really. It’s always nice to get a compliment from someone as cute as you.” he blurted, cursing himself in his head.
The barista became bashful.
“I-I’m not cute.” he stuttered which caused Taeyong to shake his head.
“You’re stunning.” he responded back, an idea popping into his head.
“How about this, I’ll paint you and show you just how beautiful you are.” Taeyong had no idea where this confidence was coming from but he rolled with it mostly because in his mind he had found his muse.
“Um, o-okay.” the barista smiled shyly.
“Since you know my name, it’s only best if you tell me yours.” “I’m Y/n.”
~~ Taeyong stared at his phone.
He took deep breathes trying to gain the courage to call you over for the first day of him painting you.
He bit his bottom lip and pressed your name, hearing the ringing of the phone. You picked up after 2 rings.
“Hi Taeyong.” and said man let out the breathe he didn’t realize he was holding.
“Hey Y/n. You’re still coming over right?” “Yup! I’m putting on my shoes now.” “Okay. See you in a few.”
“Alright.” and you hung up.
Taeyong threw his phone onto the couch, sitting bedside it.
This was his last week before his deadline which was this Saturday. He needed to get a painting done now and he thought that you would be his best bet. He was stressed out but he had hope that you would make that change.
Rubbing his temples, his head whipped to the direction to the sound of knocking. Getting up, he walked to his door, opened it and smiled warmly.
“You made it!” and you giggled.
“Yeah. I got kinda lost on my way here though. I took the right train going the opposite direction but it’s all good.” you say.
Taeyong moved to the side and you took off your shoes. Once you put your shoes neatly to the side you looked around at the living room. Natural light was shinning into the space and paint splatter along with a few hand prints decorated the wall along with some classical paintings. It was very Taeyong in your opinion.
You took your book bag off and unzipped your sweater and Taeyong took them, hanging them both on the coat rack.
“Just take a sit on the couch.” he said before walking off to the canvas. You went through your book bag and took out a book.
“Is it alright if I read?” you asked and Taeyong smile.
“It’s fine.”
You took a seat on the couch and began reading your book. Taeyong started his painting, noting beautiful you looked.
~~ Taeyong had turned on some music, it was classical music but you didn’t mind.
You yawned here and there, covering your mouth when you did.
You didn’t know why you agreed to be painted by this handsome stranger but you didn’t really care either.
Just in case he turned out to be a psychopath though, you did tell your friends where you were going and who Taeyong was, some of them even making comments on how jealous they were that you were being painted by the handsome young painter.
As you read, your ears perked up and you looked up to see Taeyong getting up from his stool. He began walking to his kitchen and you, curiously, set you book marker into the book, set it down on the couch and got up to follow him.
“You’re hungry aren’t you?” he questioned and you nodded. You practically slept all day today, only waking up when it was time for you to get ready for your painting session so you didn’t ate today.
Going through his fridge, Taeyong took out some fruit.
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and green grapes to be exact.
He cut up the strawberries and made you a fruit salad.
Handing you the bowl he took a grape and ate it, smiling at you once he was done chewing it.
“Thank you.” you said shyly and he chuckled.
“No problem. You’re my guest. I can’t have you starving now, can I?”
You 2 walked back to the living room and Taeyong sat beside you instead of sitting on his stool.
“I’m a bit curious about the book you’re reading. What is it?” “It’s called Tale For The Time Being.” “What’s it about?” “It’s about a girl who’s planning to take her life but before she does, she writes about her grandmother who was a Buddhist Monk. It’s really good.”
“Hmm.” he hummed.
Taeyong asked some more questions and you did the same with and before you both knew, you 2 were getting to know each other.
“Wait! You like bugs?” you asked in shock.
Taeyong laughed.
“Yeah haha! I have a beetle collection downstairs in my basement actually.” “Well, as long as you don’t have spiders, I’m good. I’m scared of spiders.” you shivered “Spiders aren’t insects though.” He told you about his pet frog to which he decided to get and show you.
“Aww~” you cooed. “He’s cute.” “His name Minho.”
The more you 2 talked, the later it got and soon it was time for you to leave which Taeyong hated. He wanted you to stay if he was being honest with himself but he had to let you leave.
“See you tomorrow at the same time?” you smiled which caused him to smile back at you.
Taeyong stared at his ceiling.
Another day with you and he was ecstatic about it.
He believed in love at first sight and you were exactly that, love at first sight.
He dreamt of the 2 of you having a date, a picnic in a field of flowers.
It was the best dream he had in years but just like with any good dream was ruined by the crushing reality that he had 4 days to complete his painting.
Getting up, he went downstairs to check the painting.
He was surprised at how far he had gotten thinking that he may get down today if he was lucky.
Though that made Taeyong happy, he became slightly sad at the thought of you ditching him once he was done painting you.
A small voice in the back of his mind told him you wouldn’t do that but he couldn’t shake the fear of you leaving him forever.
You were foreign after all and though you were here in Seoul for college, you may leave and go back to your country one day and Taeyong couldn’t have that.
Running upstairs to his bedroom, he grabbed his phone and made a call.
You knock on the door, waiting patiently for Taeyong to open the door.
After a couple of seconds, the door opened and Taeyong smiled at you, saying hi and letting you in.
You repeated what you did yesterday, taking off your shoes, sweater and book bag. You took out your book and sat on the couch and began reading.
Taeyong took his spot and began painting.
Some hours passed as you read and once again you ears perked as Taeyong said, “You must be hungry. I’ll fix you something to eat.” and got up to go to the kitchen. You sat your book down but didn’t follow him this time, instead you went on your phone.
You heard footsteps a couple of minutes later and saw a bowl of fruit and a cup enter your vision.
“I gave you some orange juice since that’s all I had. I really need to go food shopping soon.” he muttered, taking a seat next to you.
You ate some fruit and took a sip of your drank.
“Sooo, you’re scared of spiders?” Taeyong brought up and you nodded.
“Yeah. I have a serious fear of them. I can kill the smaller guys with no problem but the bigger ones.” you shuttered. “Like tarantulas scare me!”
“Hmm.” he hummed. “I don’t think it’s right to kill them. They’re living creatures after all.” “But they creep me out! Seriously, I can’t even look up pictures of spiders without it freaking me out!” and Taeyong nodded.
“I get it. But who knows… Maybe you’ll get over your fear soon...” “Oh, I hope so. I’m tired of being scared of things that are actually afraid of me! It’s a bit silly when you think about it.” You took another sip of the orange juice.
“Are you done yet?” “Pretty much. Wanna see?”
“Of course!” you responded excitedly but for some reason, you were beginning to feel tired.
Getting up, you 2 walked over to the painting and the you gasped.
The painting was of you reading and though it was a simple painting, it was beautiful. Every little detail of you he got into the painting and your eyes welled up a bit.
Let’s just say you were a very happy customer.
“I… Taeyong wow… And in only 2 days? How?” “You’re my muse.” he answered and suddenly you were hit with a wave of grogginess.
“I-I need to sit down.” you said, stumbling over to the couch and sitting down.
You’re breathing became shallow and your eyes began to flutter and soon you were passed out.
Taeyong stared at your unconscious body and it laid on the floor, his eyes drinking in your figure.
He had tied you up in the basement of his house which thankfully, was sound proof.
He yawned a bit as he continue to stare at you.
He didn’t really think this through but was glad that he did it anyway.
Yes, you didn’t know each other well, but he knew that his feelings were real. He was in love and you were simply going to have to deal with it.
Once you began waking up, you blinked a couple of times, the light of the basement blinding your vision a bit.
As soon as you could see though, you met the brown eyes of Taeyong and when you tried to speak, your mouth was taped shut.
You tried to move but noticed that your body had been tied up.
Beginning to panic, you thrashed around only for Taeyong to stop you.
“Stop struggling Y/n. It’s no use really.”
You’re breathing became hard and quick.
“You know, even though I was popular with girls growing up, I always felt alone. Have you felt that way Y/n?” Your muffled cry filled the air as tears began forming in your eyes.
“I always wanted someone to love. Someone to love me, someone to heal me… I’m so broken Y/n, that’s why I paint.”
Taeyong crawled over to your body and grabbed your face, staring deep into your eyes, his head tilted.
“You… you bring light to my dull life and I can’t let you leave, no. I can’t.” he wiped your tears away with his thumbs. “My friend Jaehyun gave me the drug that I spiked your drank with. I should thank him later...”
He let go of your head, gently placing it back onto the floor and got up.
He went to the back of the basement and opened a box that was on the floor. He picked up whatever it was, turned around and your eyes widen.
It was a goddamn tarantula.
You began panicking once more.
“That’s it. That’s what I want to see. Fear. I want to see the fear in your eyes. And I want to paint it.” He looked at the spider. “You’re probably wondering why I’m doing this. I’ll tell you. 1. I’m in love with you and 2.” he looked at you, his eyes holding an unreadable emotion. “You are my muse.”
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dereksmcgrath · 3 years
In order to talk about this episode, we have to talk about how manga publishing and anime production does (and does not) work.
And before we can get into this episode, and its originating storyline that comes not only from the My Hero Academia manga but also its spinoff Vigilantes, I have to talk about three things:
The challenges of adapting more than one manga series.
An imaginary Vigilantes co-production (an “Imagine If,” to steal a phrase from a writer better than I) between Studio BONES and Studio Trigger.
But first, another franchise Studio BONES adapted the same year as MHA: Bungo Stray Dogs.
(Bear with me–this is all going somewhere.)
“More of a Hero Than Anyone,” My Hero Academia Episode 107 (Season 5, Episode 19)
An adaptation of Chapters 253, 254, and 255 of the manga, by Kohei Horikoshi, inspired by My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, Chapters 59 to 65 by Hideyuki Furuhashi and Betten Court. All translated by Caleb Cook with lettering by John Hunt and available from Viz.
My Hero Academia is available to stream on Crunchyroll and Funimation.
Spoilers up to the My Hero Academia Chapter 324, Vigilantes Chapter 108, and the film World Heroes’ Mission.
There are also spoilers for Bungo Stray Dogs and Gurren Lagann.
Created by writer Kakfa Asagiri and illustrator Sango Harukawa, with additional spinoffs illustrated by Kanai Neko, Ganjii, Oyoyo, and Shiwasu Hoshikawa, Bungo Stray Dogs is about a world where characters, who happen to have the names of real-life authors of Japanese and other literature, also happen to have superpowers based on the titles of works by those same famous authors. For example, Herman Melville can summon the giant battle fortress Moby-Dick, Nikolai Gogol can transport items through his overcoat, and Motojiro Kajii has the ability “Lemonade,” which prevents him from being harmed by bombs shaped like lemons.
(…Bungo Stray Dogs is weird. The first anime doesn’t even have dogs in it.)
Studio BONES premiered an animated adaptation of Bungo Stray Dogs in 2016, the same year the studio premiered the MHA anime. What makes Bungo unique compared to some other anime is that each season adapted from not only the manga but one of the franchise’s light novels as well. While some of the light novels take place concurrent to the manga, most take place in the past–which made Season 1 awkward, re-setting some events from the Azure Messenger Arc in the present and hampering some characterization for what was supposed to be the very first meeting of the characters Osamu Dazai and Doppo Kunikida.
The next light novels adapted for the Bungo anime all take place in the past, with Season 2 giving what I think is the best of the adaptations, The Dark Age, as we learn more about Dazai’s time with the Port Mafia and his relationship with fellow mafioso Sakunosuke Oda. This arc set a high standard that I don’t think the next light novel adaptations have reached, as it not only fleshes out the characters and builds the world, but it also has two important accomplishments. First, on its own, you could watch the entire four-episode arc as its own movie. While some details will gain more significance if you watched the first season, and will become more important as you watch the rest of the series or read the manga and light novels, by itself, The Dark Age is a thrilling narrative of intrigue, deception, betrayal, and heartache. Second, thematically, The Dark Age ties in very well to the rest of Season 2. Some of it is cheap shorthand: the Lupin Bar matchstick container becomes a visual indicator for Dazai helping Atsushi Nakajima save an ally when Dazai couldn’t. But even as cheap as that may seem, it enhances the overall season, giving Dazai more to do in a story where he is otherwise on the sidelines and playing everyone like chess pieces. Plus, you kind of needed to see The Dark Age to understand who Ango Sakaguchi is in Season 2 and why Dazai hates him.
Season 3 gave me high hopes for where the next light novel adaptation could go. This season focuses on a third party attempting to destroy Dazai and Atsushi’s organization, the Armed Detective Agency, along with the Port Mafia. When Agency founder Yukichi Fukuzawa is poisoned, we see the usually lighthearted and arrogant Ranpo Edogawa become momentarily silent and devastated by Fukuzawa’s hospital bed. I blame myself for reading theories online that this moment would lead the season to do a flashback arc to one of the light novels, one that shows the origins of the Agency, how Fukuzawa first met young Ranpo, and explains what that cat was doing all throughout The Dark Age and Season 3.
Instead, as soon as I started Season 3 and saw the premiere was beginning with a lengthy adaptation of a light novel centered around Dazai and his former Mafia teammate Chuuya Nakahara, my heart sank. Nothing about that story thematically tied into the overall season as well as would Ranpo and Fukuzawa’s light novel, a story that reveals how much Ranpo has lost in his life and why he clings onto Fukuzawa for approval and why the dissolution of the Agency would not only deprive him of family and friends but also the very meaning to his existence. That is a heavy story to tell, one that would make the audience better appreciate the lengths the Agency goes to for Fukuzawa. By comparison, there is next to nothing about Chuuya’s back story that accomplishes the same. If anything, all that light novel adaptation tells us is that Dazai and Chuuya’s partnership mirrors that of Atsushi and the Mafioso Ryunosuke Akutagawa–and that detail was already established well enough in Season 2, so we’re just retreading the same old material.
Adapting Chuuya’s story is like explaining Aizawa’s back story: as I’ll explain in the moment, all you really learn in either case is why Chuuya hates Dazai and why Aizawa is a lone wolf–and it’s the reasons you already see in the present day, Chuuya hates Dazai because he’s annoying, and Aizawa has always been a loner, end of discussion. The choice to give these two characters the spotlight doesn’t really do anything new for the audience. I’ll say more about Aizawa later, but for now, I’ll say, nothing against Chuuya as a character, but the decision to adapt his light novel seemed very much like a marketing strategy by manga/light novel publisher Kadokawa and Studio BONES: Dazai and Chuuya’s relationship is popular with fans, there’s a lot of back story to mine, and the light novel that gave us this anime adaptation already set up a sequel that itself could serve as a Season 4 adaptation or even a feature film.
(Honestly, that Chuuya sequel novel in Bungo is more entertaining: there’s a cyborg named Adam Frankenstein. Re-read that sentence: a cyborg named Adam Frankenstein, who treats Chuuya like a little kid, offering him candy because he read that young people like candy and the serotonin from sugar can help with dealing with times of stress. Chuuya’s babysitter is Frankenstein: it’s so absurd that it just works.)
So, why am I talking about Bungo Stray Dogs instead of the other anime Studio BONES makes, My Hero Academia? Because I’m seeing a set of mistakes and Band-Aids repeat themselves all over again.
I profess ignorance about how the anime industry works: there are better people than I who can speak to it. As far as I can gather, just by looking at the evidence in that industry, and the evidence of just about any industry, the goal is to make money. I don’t think the goal to make an anime is necessarily to get people to watch it, especially now that streaming makes the cost of entry very low or even free if you wait long enough for Crunchyroll and Funimation to put it up with commercials. I don’t think it’s to get you to buy the manga: even if you get hooked like I am to read ahead to see what happens next, why read something you just watched? Instead, I think the goal is to buy merchandise, like how musical groups have switched from record deals to selling individual songs online and getting merch sold at concerts (pre-COVID). The conundrum for the anime and manga industries are not dissimilar from those in comic book publishing in the United States: DC and Marvel can have all the crossover events in the comics that they want, but those don’t always get someone who to read a new series just because Spider-Man or Wolverine pop up in it. I have not looked at sales for Vigilantes, so I don’t know whether Aizawa, Midnight, and All Might popping up in there boosts its sales. Rather, the comics are testing grounds for what works. Marvel uses its comics to test what can work in films and streaming, where money now is, while maybe Vigilantes was testing the Oboro story to see if there was something there to put into the anime. Sure enough, the fan art out there for Oboro has increased since the episode, merchandise can’t be far behind.
But let’s move on to actually looking at the episode itself. “More of a Hero Than Anyone” centers on Aizawa and Present Mic being brought to the prison Tartarus to interrogate captured League of Villains member Kurogiri. As I have complained for most of this season, BONES has made confusing choices regarding which chapters of the MHA manga it is adapting first: this story comes from manga chapters that were the last before the big Pro Heroes vs Paranormal Liberation Front Arc, and we haven’t even gotten to the Meta Liberation Army Arc yet. True, this episode ends in a way to set all of that up, showing us Shigaraki getting his power boost, but it has been a befuddling choice of what to adapt first. Making matters more confusing is that, while this episode introduces Aizawa and Present Mic’s classmate Shirakumo, someone alluded to during Shinso’s arc this season, that story doesn’t really originate in the main manga: it started in an MHA spinoff.
The manga My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is to My Hero Academia like the Bungo Stray Dogs light novels are to its main manga: it is largely a prequel that fills in back story for major characters and some worldbuilding details while telling its own story with its own protagonist and plot. Chapters 59 to 65 are the first major departure for the series, as it shifts from the usual protagonist to a plot about Aizawa, showing his time as a UA student and setting up why he ended up returning to UA as a teacher.
The first time I read Aizawa’s arc in Vigilantes, I hated it: it is a cynical attempt at giving us an origin story to explain how Aizawa got to be the way he is–without actually showing us anything we could not have figured out ourselves. It tries to set up this idea that, if Shirakumo had not died, Aizawa would not have been the lone wolf.
That idea butts up against two details. First, we already see Aizawa keeps up the lone wolf appearance anyway in the present, so imagining an alternative timeline doesn’t make sense, especially when, in its own flashback arc, Aizawa was already a lone wolf–that was his entire dynamic with Mic, Skirakumo, even Midnight, so it’s less that Shirakumo’s death made him this way when he was always this way. Hell, this was a gag in the supplementary material of the manga that got adapted into the anime, when Mic had to come up with a Pro Hero name for Aizawa because he was that checked out–and, again, that was before Shirakumo died.
Second, we know Aizawa’s lone wolf persona is just that, a front he puts up that belies his pragmatic willingness to work with others. Just because he is annoyed by the antics of friends like mic and Skirakumo, just because he bristles at Midnight trying to rope him into teaching at UA throughout most of Vigilantes, and just because he is overly serious when dealing with his students or with newbie heroes like Vigilantes’s protagonist the Crawler, none of that ignores that, despite everything, Aizawa, maybe more than anyone else, fulfills the collaborative spirit of Pro Hero work that other characters do not.
Aizawa’s strengths as a teacher center around his understanding that people have to work together. That detail fails when remembering he is still the one who is not properly reprimanding Bakugo to stop being a bullying, violent dick to Izuku. (Seriously, this episode is yet another moment of him being awful: how many times in the anime alone has he kicked the shit out of Izuku for no reason, as if any reason would justify it?) But otherwise, Aizawa understands how to work with others, and that has set him apart for so long from other prominent Pro Heroes. All Might doesn’t really collaborate–he’s been trying to hold up the peace of the world on his own. Endeavor may run an agency with sidekicks that enhance his abilities, but as seen in the Endeavor Agency Arc he would rather rush ahead to save the day on his own, in this pathetic desire to catch up to All Might. Aizawa, though, knows his limitations and is willing to work with anyone else to help him achieve his goals, something we have seen him learn to embrace more and more, whether hanging back to be the face in front of the camera to distract the League while the other Heroes rescue Bakugo, or when he accepted Izuku joining on the Shie Hassaikai mission. And you can pick up on all of this from just reading the main manga–so why bother reading Vigilantes if all it’s going to tell you is,”Aizawa’s friend died and that’s why he’s sad”? Even little details get lost in the shuffle: while I should appreciate Aizawa bringing up the cat Oboro rescued, that’s such a big part of the Vigilantes plot that it feels like a nod to the story rather than getting fully into it. (Trivia: That cat, Sushi, is adopted by Midnight. Enjoy feeling awful that Sushi may have passed away by now or is going to be without an owner when Midnight dies.)
I had thought I could put that frustration with that Vigilantes arc behind me. Then the main manga revealed Shirakumo’s corpse was used to create Kurogiri–and I rage quitted. Okay, that’s exaggerating: I didn’t stop reading the manga, but I did take a long pause in keeping up on it, seeing as the next arc got to be so bloody and depressing that, on top of enough real-world concerns, that wasn’t the kind of escapist reading I was looking for. I needed some time to sit back and process how annoying this revelation was. That means, for all of Vigilantes, this detail, that Kurogiri was Shirakumo all along, was just waiting to be revealed. To again repeat the SpongeBob meme I used last week, this series used me for plot contrivances.
(Vigilantes also seems like one long troll. After the main manga shows the Hood Nomu used to be an underground fighter, he gets a backstory in Vigilantes. And Vigilantes give you the last bit of Midnight you’re going to get before she’s killed off–which, now that I think about it, makes her exclusion from this episode even worse: she was friends with Shirakumo, too, so bring her into this episode before we fridge her!)
It doesn’t help how ignorant I feel for not realizing this sooner: Skirakumo’s name and abilities are the white-and-black opposite of Kurogiri’s. The cover to a collected volume of Vigilantes made that all the clearer. But if that’s the case, why wasn’t this hinted at when Aizawa and Kurogiri first encountered each other way back in the USJ Arc? I know it’s a lot to expect the audience to track throughout the series, and I appreciate the story trying to explain that away by Aizawa asking the same question I have, before someone tells him that maybe Kurogiri’s reprogramming made Oboro’s personality disappear. But Horikoshi’s creation of Shirakumo seems more like a late addition rather than something always there since the earliest chapters. And that’s fine–it’s just disappointing compared to other comics creators like Oda who sets stuff up years in advance before payoff in One Piece. And it’s more disappointing it didn’t come up in the anime adaptation: I would have hoped, if Horikoshi had that idea so early, he would have told BONES so they could throw in a hint early in that fight. I don’t know, maybe Aizawa has a flashback to the last words Shirakumo told him and that motivates him to use his Quirk one last time to save Tsuyu and Izuku, or maybe Kurogiri pauses before Aizawa just long enough that you think that’s a weird choice, then upon rewatch now you realize, “Oh, shit, Kurogiri was remembering his classmate and trying to process that information!”
It doesn’t help that the Shirakumo story doesn’t feel like something Studio BONES should handle. Granted, that story is from Vigilantes, not the main manga, so I anticipated BONES would not adapt it here–even as I held out hope for an OVA or, as I hinted earlier, something akin to Bungo Stray Dogs: start the season with this three- to four-episode adaptation of Aizawa’s back story to introduce this season. I’ll say more about why placing that story at the beginning of the season in a moment, but there was another reason why I didn’t think this was a Studio BONES story: it always felt like a story suited for Trigger, the studio behind Kill La Kill, Little Witch Academia, and more, built by people from Gainax of Evangelion and Gurren Lagann fame.
The Shirakumo arc in the Vigilantes manga felt like a visual love letter by Shueisha to Trigger saying, “Please adapt this!” Betten Court’s illustrations for Vigilantes emphasize diagonals, even when adapting MHA characters originally designed by Horikoshi, as well as facial expressions with sharp lines rather than curves, all visually reminiscent of some Trigger and even Gainax anime. Characters’ facial expressions look more like Panty and Stocking than Studio BONES. Aizawa’s final fight in the arc is against a stories-tall behemoth with laser powers that, if not visually, then narratively invokes similar fights in Gurren Lagann, Gridman, and Evangelion. Speaking of Gurren Lagann, in this arc Midnight is sporting Kamina’s shades, and Skirakumo’s last words to Aizawa come through an intercom, after he supposedly died, similar to Kamina’s death. Also, Midnight is running around in a nudist beach outfit from Kill La Kill–so, yeah, the Trigger allusions are that in your face, in all senses of that phrase. Again, I’m not saying I personally would like Trigger to adapt MHA: it’d be different, they are not the first studio I would go with or one whose output I would like, given a lot I don’t like about their output, but when you look at the manga-based evidence, going in that direction makes sense.
I don’t know what plans Shueisha, Toho, and BONES had for this episode, but the style of it already feels so different and off-kilter anyway, due to Aizawa’s nostalgia, that I can’t help but think that someone at some point did have an idea to go with a different studio to animate it, or at least a different approach. I appreciate how much they changed Chapter 254’s opening, re-staging Oboro’s agency talk to be outdoors instead of a walk-and-talk scene as in the manga. Even if I can’t quite say the street walking and outdoor sitting under a bright sky is indicative of Trigger exactly–if anything, the fixation on centering the scenes Wes Anderson-style (the hallway walking in Tartarus, Aizawa and Mic and Oboro hanging out under the blue sky) looks more like something out of Shaft or BONES’s Bungo Stray Dogs–that difference tells me there was something more ambitious in mind than what we ultimately got. It’s the same when we get Kurogiri’s point of view as Aizawa and Present Mic get through to Oboro.
Imagine how gutsy it would be to start Season 5 with an entire Oboro flashback arc. Imagine moving forward in time to this moment of Aizawa and Present Mic interviewing Kurogiri, disorienting the audience asking why we’re skipping the Classes 1A and 1B fights, the League of Villains vs the Meta Liberation Army Arc, and the Endeavor Agency Arc, to show this moment that was supposed to come later. Imagine how gutsy it would be to start with Aizawa and Present Mic learning all of this at Tartarus, setting up the finale for this season, the Pro Heroes versus the Paranormal Liberation Front–then not actually showing that fight start until next season. Why do all of that? Because, if you’re going to delay the LOV vs MLA Arc for that long, you might as well start your season assuring the audience that, no, we have not forgotten the Villains, they will be relevant this season–because, since Aizawa and Present Mic’s high school years, they have been the Big Bads all along and were toying with these two for so long. Imagine how gutsy all of that would be.
Instead, all of that is reduced to just one episode. It’s all so cliche. Aizawa points out, towards the beginning, that this power of friendship trope won’t work–then it does work, negating the entire point of calling it cliche. (Well, it does work, for now: given often we’re told rather than shown how All For One is a chessmaster, it wouldn’t surprise me if he let Kurogiri spill the beans like this knowing it would help him break out of prison later when the Pro Heroes foolishly take on the PLF all at once with little back up plan.) If we had had the full story of Oboro, like did readers of Vigilantes, the slow revelation that Nomus are hardly puppets but, more than that, are reanimated Frankenstein’s monsters capable of agency and personalities, would make this hurt more. We would have seen Oboro, we would have been as horrified as Aizawa and Mic are to learn he was resurrected–but, instead, it is already upon our first meeting with Oboro that suddenly we learn he is also Kurogiri, and it’s just too fast.
How disappointing, but sadly realistic.
It feels like BONES has made a lot of safe choices this season, and while that helps sustain the studio during the unpredictable times of COVID and does what works already for MHA, it doesn’t feel very adventurous. It makes me wonder whether BONES should have put in that time improving Season 5 than trying to make another MHA film. I have not seen World Heroes’ Mission, and while I’ll reserve my review of it until I see it, and will limit as many spoilers as I can, based on just the plot summary I have read, I fail to see how putting in the budget on that film makes sense in terms of narratives, even as I understand how it makes sense in terms of increasing an audience and getting box office sales (in a pre-COVID model, of course).
But speaking of COVID, yeah, I do see why World Heroes’ Mission is necessary right now: it is a globe-trekking film, from what I read it includes beautiful scenery as characters travel vast distances–it is a film needed right now when many of us are still social distancing and still staying at home in the hope that our contributions limit the spread of this deadly virus. (Get vaccinated, mask up, stay at home when possible, and stop being a jerk, people.) Still, I can’t say I’m not disappointed that, with a season whose animation has depended a lot on flashbacks, even if that makes sense given how much ground to cover and how far along the story has come over more than 100 episodes, it is disappointing to not get something more stylistically out-there.
I’m also not saying it’s realistic that Trigger would ever animate this arc. I don’t even necessarily want them to: I find most of their productions to be so light on story while heavy on themes, message, and the animation that, while I appreciate people getting into how visually stunning the artwork is, I find the story so empty that I just can’t get into it. And I’m not expecting Shueisha, Toho, or Studio BONES to cut some kind of deal with Trigger to give them the rights to adapt part or all of Vigilantes: Trigger is animating Star Wars stuff next, that’s a wider market than My Hero Academia (regardless how many Star Wars references Horikoshi puts into his series).
I know I’m being very critical of the production choices behind the episode. Granted, the recap to the last episode was needless–and seems like it’s just there to remind us that we’re somehow supposed to see Aizawa, Mic, and Oboro as analogous to Izuku, Bakugo, and Todoroki–which does not work at all. And somehow BONES made the unfunny All Might part from the manga even longer and even less funny: we already got comedic relief off Iida to accent how much a contrast there is to the Aizawa stuff, and that has a more personal connection as he is Aizawa’s student, while All Might’s Dad Joke is as painful a pun as it looked to be for the students.
Otherwise, I thought the episode was good, just not meeting expectations I set that are not fair. Present Mic’s extended pause, then the long pause before Aizawa has to hold back from crying, when realizing Kurogiri’s concern for Shigaraki means he is indeed Oboro, is more powerful than it was in the manga. Aizawa letting loose the tears at the end while claiming he has dry eyes is very much Roy Mustang complaining about the rain. I do think the ambition for the storyboarding hints at something bigger they had planned, and largely the animation and tension, especially trying to reach Oboro, did work. Wrapping up this episode showing that Kurogiri was just the start of an experiment that would lead to Shigaraki’s transformation only creates a more foreboding tone.
Furthermore, the voice direction and acting in the English dub was very good. Ever since David Trosko replaced Sonny Strait as Present Mic, he has upheld all that works in the character, and while I feared that kind of loud acting would disrupt any pathos for this episode, it worked incredibly well, putting up so much bluster that shows how powerless he feels facing this madness and how this is as heartwrenching for him as it is for Aizawa. I especially appreciate, in the English dub, how much Oboro sounds like Izuku: while the series has never made Aizawa see a bit of Oboro in Izuku, that casting lends a new way of interpreting why Aizawa sticks with that masochist after everything he lost when Oboro died.
(You know that if things had worked out differently, Vic Mignogna would’ve ended up cast as Oboro, given his roles already as the dead friend of the hard-ass teacher in Naruto, and the presumed dead Sabo in One Piece, and his dynamic acting against Kurogiri’s Chuck Huber in other productions).
So that takes care of all the stuff about Aizawa: what about his students? I don’t just mean the class he failed–which, no, that detail doesn’t really work for me, that Aizawa failed a class as we were told upon his initial introduction, and now we reveal it was an empty threat since, while that is on their record, it was to reset matters with his class, not so they would take him seriously but so that they would value their lives. That’s not how that works. I don’t pretend that students, myself included, took our education so seriously that a failing grade or a career setup felt awful–but not the same kind of life-threatening that is literally dying. A poor mark on your report card does not typically result in that kind of same mortal fear, and I hate this story for trying to compare the two, especially when it positions teachers like us to have a fatal power we don’t have: we’re not the Grim Reaper, this isn’t Soul Eater, this is real freaking life. I can’t imagine any good teacher wanting that kind of power to think they are the difference between life and death. We don’t want our students to think these are mortal matters–especially right now, in this context, where I don’t think it’s at all appropriate to re-start in-person teaching and learning (without masks and without social distancing or remote learning opportunities) at a time when not enough of us are vaccinated and the threat of COVID remains too dangerous even when vaccinated. This takes me out of the story. Granted, it’s not the rest of this story is somehow like real life: this is a school where Nezu somehow has a ton of money, so applying real-world matters to a work of fiction is foolish. The only bar this story needs to clear is believability, and it’s not unbelievable that Nezu made that money and overlooked Aizawa’s behavior.
(It’s also why I wish Midnight was in this episode: she recruited Aizawa to UA as a teacher–it would be fascinating to hear her say she chose him for these reasons, that she knew the school needed a hard-ass like him.)
But like I said, I don’t just mean the class he failed: I mean his current students. Re-reading Chapter 253, I now understand why Iida doesn’t pop up in the third film: if he had his new desire to loosen up, then it would make a lot less sense seeing as he just came off a mission to save the world like Ochaco and his classmates did.
And that again leads to a paragraph of me repeating that I don’t give Ochaco enough attention. I promise, I will say more about where her character stands in this series at some point, if not when talking about Chapter 324 tomorrow. But even as this story keeps insisting she is important, it feels like it’s hanging her up like that All Might toy from Izuku. I appreciate putting in the budget to animate her dive-and-hide on Izuku’s gift, something not as obvious or visually impressive in the manga–but we couldn’t have put that budget into doing something more creative with the Aizawa story? Building her characterization around Izuku, at this point in the anime, remains frustrating–until the manga gives that a good payoff and seems to be sticking the landing on it. That’s one of the challenges of reviewing the manga as it goes on, and why reviewing the anime is in some ways easier: I can see where the pieces fit in and what is being set up. It doesn’t change that it’s annoying right now in this moment, but it fits in the overall scheme of her and Izuku’s story. But When it comes to how Toga is going to tie into this, I’m less convinced, but we’ll get to that in the next few episodes and in tomorrow’s manga review.
Oh, and Bakugo remains the worst. I’m so grateful he is tolerable in the manga right now, because the fact that he was getting away with this nonsense up to Chapter 253 is an indictment against teachers like Aizawa and All Might.
I apologize for how much this post seemed like a long college lecture (a college instructor leturing–shocking), or a Rachel Maddow monologue–only far less repetitive than Maddow’s condescending “I’m going to repeat the same point five times and treat you like you haven’t been paying attention”–and far less financially profitable. This is basically a joke I told a friend after posting last week’s review:
“Show me you’re an academic without telling me you’re an academic.”
“I wrote nine pages reviewing an episode without actually reviewing the episode."
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Marvel’s Loki Episode 5: MCU Easter Eggs and References
This article contains Loki episode 5 spoilers.
Marvel’s Loki episode 5 is a big one. Yes, we know…last week felt like that. And the one before it, too. But this one really IS, with the entire episode taking place (as DoG’s Kayti Burt put it) on top of a literal “trash pile of MCU and Marvel Comics Easter eggs.”
With that in mind, let’s have some fun with all the incredible Marvel references they managed to sneak into Loki episode 5.
Journey Into Mystery
You probably already know this, but Journey Into Mystery was the book that first introduced the Marvel Comics version of Thor, with Loki following shortly after. The title eventually was just renamed Thor since the Asgardians had become the primary focus of the book for years by that point. However, Journey Into Mystery was revived a few years back, with its primary focus being on the adventures of Kid Loki this time around.
Thanos Copter
The Lokis pass a helicopter with “THANOS” on the side. This is a reference to Spidey Super Stories #39 from 1979. The all-ages comic featured a story of Spider-Man and the Cat (Hellcat) taking on Thanos, who was on the hunt for the Cosmic Cube. He flew around New York City in his own helicopter with his name on the side. The reference comes up as a joke here and there, including an issue of Deadpool. Even Thanos’ giant two-sided blade weapon from Avengers: Endgame has been considered by many to be a sly reference to the Thanos Copter.
While the Lokis are all drinking wine, Kid Loki is shown drinking Hi-C Ecto Cooler. The Slimer-based citrus drink was a tie-in to The Real Ghostbusters cartoon of the 1980s and lasted into 2001 due to its popularity. Afterwards, it became a fondly-remembered relic to time. Ecto Cooler made a brief return in 2016 to coincide with the Ghostbusters reboot. Sadly, there’s no news of it coming back for the upcoming Ghostbusters: Afterlife movie.
Speaking of Kid Loki…
Kid Loki
Kid Loki seems to be wielding a flaming sword, which looks an awful lot like Laevateinn, the sword he wielded in the Loki: Agent of Asgard comics.
In the background of the Lokis’ lair, we see a Polybius arcade machine. Polybius is a long-running urban legend. Supposedly, back in 1981, an arcade machine was set up in Portland, Oregon, watched over by various men in black. The game was so addicting that it caused fights to break out and horrible side-effects to its players. We wrote more about the decades-old mystery of Polybius right here.
Pretty sure there’s an old Williams Space Pinball machine in there, too but that’s not as wild as Polybius.
The Void
Fittingly, the realm where all the pruned victims end up is called the Void. In the comics, the Void is a dark, inexplicable, and possibly biblical entity that acts as the evil side to the Sentry. During the storyline Siege, the Void murdered Loki, which facilitated his rebirth as Kid Loki.
Alioth first appeared in Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective #1, the same 1993 comic that also introduced Ravonna Renslayer to the world…and one that features Kang as its central villain. Hmmmm…
Oh, and Alioth was co-created by Mobius M. Mobius inspiration/model Mark Gruenwald, who gets another shout later in the episode.
Vote Loki
The “politician Loki” who we see leading (inasumuch as they can/want to be led) the loose coalition of Variant Lokis is modeled almost exactly on the version of Loki from Marvel’s Vote Loki story by Christopher Hastings, Langdon Foss, and Paul McCaffery. In it, Loki ends up running for President, with his ridiculous campaign built on the “honest” deception of openly lying to the American people inadvertently aided by a credulous news media. It’s a good read and you should check it out.
This episode also engages in the old MCU/Star Wars tradition of someone getting a hand cut off…in this case it’s our pal, “Vote Loki.”
Frog Thor
A frog resembling Thor is shown in a jar labeled “T365.” Wouldn’t you know it, Thor #365 is the issue where Loki transforms Thor into a frog. Yes, it was a whole thing. Walt Simonson’s run on the Thor comics is really spectacular.
“Frog Thor” also got a mention in Thor: Ragnarok, during the “play within the movie” seen as “Loki” apologized to “Thor” for turning him into a frog.
You know, there’s even an independent wrestler with a Thor Frog gimmick. Life is beautiful sometimes.
Classic Loki
So it appears that Classic Loki is basically what would have happened if “our” Loki survived the opening of Avengers: Infinity War, which he did by allowing Thanos to kill a duplicate while he disguised himself as some debris. Classic Loki went into hiding and developed a taste for brighter greens and yellows, and aged into Richard E. Grant, before he was pruned by the TVA and found himself here in the Void.
Classic Loki’s line about “the god of outcasts” comes from 2019’s Loki #5, by Daniel Kibblesmith and Andy McDonald:
“I am Loki. God of outcasts. They see themselves in me. And I in them. All of us, alone together. It’s why my stories always end with someone trying to put me in a box. And begin with my spectacular escape.”
Later in the episode, Classic Loki and Kid Loki literally “exit stage right,” in what feels like a very deliberately “stagey” moment that plays on the Shakespearean overtones of all of this.
The Living Tribunal
On the ground in the Void there’s a large severed head…and it’s that of The Living Tribunal, a cosmic entity created by Stan Lee and Marie Severin back in 1967. The presence of a Living Tribunal (even one who is dead at this present time), whose entire purpose for being is predicated on the existence of a multiverse, means that the TVA is trying very hard to cut all ties and any evidence of the fact that the multiverse is already out there.
U.S.S. Eldridge
The USS Eldridge was a real Cannon-class destroyer in the U.S. Navy in use from 1943 to 1992. It was supposedly sold for scrap after it was decommissioned but Loki posits that perhaps it was an unwanted Variant in the Sacred Timeline. Perhaps this is because the ship was rumored to be subjected to the “Philadelphia Experiment” that was supposed to render it invisible to the human eye. The story is sadly probably a hoax.
There’s a not exactly great 1984 movie called The Philadelphia Experiment which adds time travel to the equation, making this little callback even more Loki appropriate.
Is That Stan Lee?
At about 9:38 there’s a mural in the TVA headquarters. On the right there’s a guy in prescription shades, with a familiar moustache and salt-and-pepper hair. We’re not saying that’s Stan Lee, but…
The Castle
Yes, we know, that ominous castle sure looks like Doctor Doom’s  home of Doomstadt, but…it’s probably not (or is it?). More likely, this is Castle Limbo, home of Kang the Conqueror (or…is it?).
We unpacked these possibilities some more here.
The Music
The “heroic Loki” theme at the end sounds like it’s about to break into Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries.”
Speaking of, the regular Loki theme is very similar to the part of the Delfonics “Ready or Not Here I Come (Can’t Hide From Love)” that was sampled for Missy Elliott’s “Sock It To Me.” The original (also sampled for the Fugees’ “Ready or Not” and Dr. Dre’s “Still D.R.E.”) was about the inevitability of love, and Missy’s song was about sneaking into somebody’s house to get your back blown out, so basically the same thing. Could have some bearing on Loki and Sylvie’s story.
The music that plays during the “Loki brawl” is this show’s equivalent of Scooby-Doo chase music. That’s a good thing, by the way.
Pixar, is that you?
Was that the Pizza Planet truck? Mobius’s ride, a station wagon with a slice of pizza on top, immediately brought to mind the popular Pixar easter egg/elaborate timeline mcguffin that has appeared in every Pixar movie to date. Also, very nice touch having Lightning McQueen himself drive it.
An even nicer touch is the license plate on the car Mobius is driving: GRN W1D. As in “Gruenwald.” As in (say it with us, kids!) Mark Gruenwald, the Marvel writer and editor who Mobius is based on.
At one point on the ground in the Void we can spot a gigantic Yellowjacket helmet. Yellowjacket is the codename for several size-shifting superheroes in the Marvel Comics, but is best known to MCU fans as Corey Stoll’s Darren Cross from the first Ant-Man flick. 
Guardians of the Galaxy
There’s lots of crashed spacecraft, one of which kind of looks like the Dark Aster (Ronan the Accuser’s ship in Guardians of the Galaxy), and there may be a Helicarrier hanging around. There’s also a flying saucer that vaguely resembles the ship from John Carpenter’s The Thing, and a pirate ship that if Doctor Doom were actually the villain of this show (he isn’t…or…is he?) would make us think of that character’s very first appearance in Fantastic Four comics, where he sent Ben Grimm back in time to become Blackbeard. No, really.
Miscellaneous Time Variants
The fate of the Lokis is reminiscent of What If? #12, otherwise known as What If the X-Men Had Stayed in Asgard? At the end of the story, after tasting defeat yet again, Loki begged Those Who Sit Above in Shadow to allow him to rule Asgard. They agreed by sending him far into the future at the end of time. As reality started to break down, Loki went out laughing in the face of oblivion.
The bus ad at the beginning is for Calum Ross, who is an editor on the show. 
The shot of all the Lokis walking as the camera swoops overhead is very much reminiscent of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies.
Loki and Sylvie are cold in The Void. But wait a minute, aren’t they both Frost Giants? Why then would Loki conjure a green blanket? Unless he wants a convenient excuse to cuddle up with his Variant…
Loki is drinking “RoxxiWine” pinot noir…out of a box…which is a nice touch.
Is that weird, very large plant in the bowling alley hideout supposed to be a Variant Yggdrasil? Or wait…what if that’s Plant Loki?!? He’s green, isn’t he?
Next to Alligator Loki’s kiddie pool there’s a copy of The Mystery and Lore of Monsters, a 1930 book by Charles J.S. Thompson.
The tower we all keep thinking is Avengers Tower is in fact Qeng Tower, the headquarters of Qeng Enterprises, the company that Tony Stark (mistakenly) sold the old Avengers tower to in the comics.
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Spot anything we missed? (Probably, right?) Let us know in the comments!
The post Marvel’s Loki Episode 5: MCU Easter Eggs and References appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3Az8Dbv
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teeseforestrunner · 4 years
Getting into the Spirit of things
** Dukeixety Week @dukexietyweek **
Day One: Halloween 
Ship: Dukexiety
Word count: 1058
Characters: Remus (duh), Virgil (duh), Roman mentioned only
Summary: Virgil and Remus visit a Halloween store on their day off.
TW: blood and gore mentioned, murder spoken of casually, 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26121577
This was partially inspired by a recent trip to Spirit I had with my sister and her fiance . When I found out about this ship week and prompt  I had to write this because it fits the two so well. Enjoy!
“Move it, Remus. It’s been TWO HOURS, I want to get there before October! ” A figure in mostly black yells into the apartment in the hope that his roommate/fiance would hurry. Today was one of the few days both had off from work so they had decided to go to their local mall to visit Spirit, the Halloween store that invades abandoned department stores every year.
Virgil has been dying to go since they opened earlier that week but because of college and work neither have had time, so he was understandably a bit impatient. He would have waited in the car if it wasn’t for the late August heat beating outside, stupid Florida weather.
“Yeah, yeah, I know scare bear. I just finished getting ready, so let’s go.” Without a moment of hesitation, Virgil rushed out the door to the car with a chuckling Remus following behind.
The ride over was filled with demented Halloween music since Remus was the DJ, (Virgil loved the chaotic man but would never let him drive anywhere after the “Bumper Car” incident, but that is a different story). Both men singing along at the top of their lungs getting hyped up for the shop.
Virgil barely parked before both him and Remus were sprinting to the entrance to the mall. Walking into the store was like coming home to both of them since Halloween is their all-time favorite holiday. The dark blood covered clothing, spiked jewelry, gore, and monsters as far as the eye can see! A paradise for the two chaotic edgy men.
Remus wasted no time making his way over to the prop weapons picking up the nearest knife. A foam serrated dagger. Virgil follows after grabbing a basket, knowing how much Halloween merchandise the two of them will probably get, and eyes the dagger too, running a finger over its blade.
“This could be used to kill someone, even if it is dull the serrated edge could cut through an artery,” Remus says eyes lighting up in the weird way it does when he talks about murder.
Virgil just scoffs entirely used to the way Remus’s mind works and picks up a dragon claw staff nearby. “Anything could be used to kill if you are determined enough … Wow, this staff is hefty, would be good at bashing knee caps or skulls. Really good quality for a costume shop.”
“Yeah…” Remus says trailing off as he spots a small packaged knife and his eyes light up. “STABBY!”
Virgil follows Remus’s line of sight to see the cheap retractable knife on the top left hook of the display and snorts. “Right, I forgot you used to have one of those you named Stabby… Whatever happened to it?”
“I was stabbing Roman with it a few months ago when he grabbed the blade and tried to twist it out of my hand. I didn’t let go of the handle so when he twisted, it snapped in two. Made him feel bad since I loved it so much and it stopped me from actually stabbing him, but the look on his face was so funny I couldn't be mad at him for long.”
“Well that settles it we’re getting this one to replace it,” Virgil smirks as he puts the toy knife in the basket and Remus beams.
“I’ll call it Stabby Two!”
Later at the punk costume section, Remus sees some spiked bracelets he KNOWS Virgil will love so he grabs them to show his fiance. Virge is in the next aisle looking at the skeleton costumes and accessories so Remus makes his way over. Before he reaches Virgil, a weird song starts over the store’s radio that annoys Virge to no end, What Does the Fox Say. Smiling as he passes masks that fit with the song Remus grabs one as well to mess with his emo lover. Just as the song reaches the chorus Remus reaches Virgil and places the mask in front of the emo.
Virgil turns to glare at him and hisses out, “Really Remus.”
The chaotic gremlin just snickers as he hands his annoyed finance the true prize he brought to show him. Virgil rolls his eyes and just takes the bracelet and drops it into the basket.
The two move further into the store and find the witchy decorations. Moon phases pillows, tarot decks, pentagram covered items, black cats, and other demonic stuff.
“I think I need to get a pentagram pillow to mess with Roman,” Remus states as he reaches for one of the pillows. Virgil just smiles as he grabs one of the tarot decks to look at; he's been meaning to get one for the fun of it to see if they are like how some of the witchy memes he’s seen one Tumblr have said. Both are placed in the basket.
They pass the end of the aisle and they see ouija stuff displayed there but neither Remus nor Virgil really want to summon a demon any time soon, so they ignore it. The pair head towards the outdoor decorations when they hear a crash and turn to see an ouija candle had fallen off the shelf. Both just looked at each other since no one was near the shelf anymore, luckily an employee is nearby so Virgil goes to tell them about the glass so they can clean it up before someone gets hurt.
After grabbing some cool light up lace spider web curtains and a black crown the pair head to check out vowing to come back and get more next paycheck. It takes a few minutes since all workers are busy helping other customers but soon enough the pair have paid and left the shop with matching smiles and bags filled with their loot. Of course, they're barely out of the shop before Remus has Stabby Two out and is stabbing his fiance in the neck, cackling with glee at the sound the springs in the toy knife’s blade make as it sinks back into the hilt. Virgil just sighs and smiles fondly as Remus dashes out of range of retaliation before he can react. Virgil thinks that overall it was a successful day out for the pair, especially since Remus seems to have forgotten that the car is locked and only Virgil has the keys.
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yelenasdog · 4 years
rockstar (peter parker x gn reader)
Tumblr media
genre: fluff with a lil angst 
summary: peter always comes to the reader when he’s hurt, but reader wonders if it could mean something more.
words: 1465 ( more or less LMAO)
warnings: light cursing, peter being hurt, some kissing? idk if that counts sorry lol.
a/n: hello! so this is inspired by the song Lover of Mine by 5 Seconds of Summer so i strongly reccomend listening to it by reading! if u prefer to read it on wattpad from my peter parker imagines book, click here !
knock knock!
I was abrubtly woken from my peaceful sleep by the loud sounds coming from my window.
"What the hell," I muttered out as I groggily checked the current time. 3:47 am. I reluctantly made my way over, having a feeling it was a certain webslinger. I peeled open the entrance to see Peter, still in his spidey suit, without the mask may I add. I grabbed onto his broad shoulders, pulling him through the opening, almost slipping on the hard floor due to my fuzzy socks.
"Pete, what are you doing, people could see you without the mask." I heard his feet as he quietly padded over to sit on my soft comforter with an obvious limp.
I went over to my lamp and switched it on, a warm glow being strewn across the room by it. As Peter sat on my bed, I turned to meet him, gasping at what had been brought to my attention by the light. I rushed over to the boy, pressing the spider in the center of his suit, causing it to slide off and pool at his feet.
Peter grimaced as I soflty dragged my fingers against his bruised and battered skin from where I sat on the floor next to my bed.
"What happened to you, Pete?" I spoke, looking up at him, my facial expression laced with concern.
"Well," he began as he tried to sit up, groaning in the process, "just got hit a little harder than usual, that's all. It's no biggie, really."
I sighed, placing a tender hand on his from where I sat on the floor in a crouching position. I stood up, my hand staying in the same position.
"It kinda looks like a biggie, bud." One of my hands moved to run itself through his messy brown locks as I looked him up and down once more, scanning for any underlying injuries I might have missed at first look.
He flashed me a tired smile which I returned.
"I'm gonna go grab some stuff to patch you up, k?" This time I gave him a small smile, and he was the one who returned it gratefully.
"Thank you y/n." I squeezed his now bare hand, standing and turning to go.
"It's no problem, Pete, honestly." 
As I tried to leave, he lightly tugged me back by my wrist, catching me by surpise. My breath caught in my throat at the action.
"Really, y/n, I don't know what I would do without you."
I smiled at him once more, "Same to you, BugBoy"
He released my hand, allowing me to go get his supplies. As I gathered what I needed from the cabinet, my head was clouded with thoughts of the boy. The same thoughts that had been clouding my head since the day I had met him.
We had first met at midtown through decathlon, and grew quite close. I was entranced by the boy and everything about him, from his starwars obsession to the way he would rant about different scientific theories. It made my heart swell for reasons I would like to think I couldn't understand. He would confine in me with any problems he was going through, such as Uncle Ben passing, or even some of his biggest secrets, Spider-Man being one of them.
He hadn't meant for me to find out. Not in the way I did, at least.
It had been after a long day at school, when Ned had gone to hang out with Peter and build the lego deathstar, and I tagged along to surprise him, as I had been gone on a trip for quite some time and wanted to see him. Turns out I was the one in for a surprise, because I found out peter was Spider-Man that same day when he walked in on the ceiling through his window. It was a bit of a shock to say the least.
My feelings had only grown for the boy since that point, which also left me with uncalled for emotions that I had a difficult time dealing with. Especially when Peter would do this every time he would get hurt. This whole routine of coming to me at ungodly hours of the night, and me patching him up every time without question. It was sad to say the least. 
The way my heart would ache for the boy in red, so much so that I would sacrifice so much for his happiness, whatever form that would take. 
I tried to deny the feelings that would arise when I was around him, and God, was it difficult. I looked myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath. I walked back out to where Peter was waiting for me, reaching out and placing all the supplies on my mahogony side table.
"I know you hate hearing this, but we might have to do stitches, Pete."
He groaned, looking up to my poster covered ceiling as if one of the singers on the paper would somehow deny the fact he needed the medical attention.
He looked back at me, giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Come on, Rockstar? Really?"
My heart swelled at the nickname he had gifted me after finding out about my love for music, one of the many things we bonded over. I was tempted to give in, but quickly snapped out of it.
"Nice try, Peter, but this is for your own good, so lets just get it over with, yeah?"
His head dropped and he nodded, looking down to his feet.
"Head up, bub, I need to be able to see what I'm doing and get this done before it starts to scab." I could have sworn Peter's pupils dialated and he seemed a little off at the pet name, but yet again, it was nearly 4 am, so I very well could have been imagining things, and probably was.
As I started to run the needle through the forming scar, he let out a whimper, gripping my shoulder in pain as his eyes screwed shut. He did this often, grabbing me “as hard as he could” whenever he was hurting. 
It was an idea I had introduced to him to deal with any especially bad injuries, our little way of dealing with the pain. I knew it might cause me some minor damage, as he would never hurt me. I assured Peter every time that I felt okay, but something nagged at me telling me he felt guilty, and that he wasn't gripping as hard as he could.
As I went through what I imagined was an especially painful part, he cursed loudly under his breath.
I stopped what I was doing momentarily to check on him after the short outburst, unusual for his kind and calm demeanor.
"Are you okay, Peter?"
He moved his large hands to tightly grip his hair, moving down to his neck, back and forth.
"No, y/n! I'm not okay. I'm hurting, I'm hurting so bad, y/n/n" His volume increased and decreased again, silent tears falling down his face.
I had dropped the needle that I had been using, shocked by his volume. I picked it back up again, resuming my task with conceringly shaky hands.
"I can try to be softer if it would help, Pete." My voice was gentle as I spoke, in a feeble attempt to not upset him further. 
He looked at me and to his shoes as he began to talk, his voice low I could barely hear him.
"No, y/n, it's not you, you're doing amazing, it's just," he didn't finish his sentence, he rather just trailed off.
I blew out a deep breath, my eyes never leaving the work in front of me.
"What is it, Peter?"
I tied the knot on the stiches, cutting the thread and disposing of the needle in the small biohazard waste kit froom the first aid box.
I stood up directly in front of him to where I was slightly higher up than him. I reached a hand forward, wiping away a stray tear. He took my wrists in his hands, taking me off guard.
"Actually, y/n, I lied." I tensed, concerned about what he was going to say.
"It is you. It's always been you."
Confusion consumed me as I shook my head, and I wondered if it was just my tired state that had caused the emotions.
"Peter, what do you mean you're not making any sens-"
Before I could finish my sentence, he leaned forward encapsulating our lips in a sweet and long awaited kiss. He let go of my wrists, moving his own hands, one to rest around my waist protectivley, the other on the back of my neck under my hair. I moved one of mine to lazily drape over his left shoulder, the other playing with the curls on the nape of his neck. The kiss lasted a long while, but not long enough.
Our hands went to the sides of each others faces when we parted, and his own strong hands started running small circles on my jaw. As we struggled to catch our breaths, he began to speak, the boyish smile I loved so much covering his face.
"My feelings for you are there, Y/n, always have been, and they always will be. I want you to take all of me, Rockstar."
I giggled at the wording of his statement, appreciating it nonetheless. He pressed our foreheads together, a mutal content taking over us.
"Although that was extremely cheesy, I’ll allow it this once. You have no idea how long I've wanted you to say that, BugBoy."
idk how i feel about this tbh, kinda love it kinda hate it. stay funky! xx hj
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Hidden In Plain Site (2)- Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count:  2348
A/N: This was inspired by this wonderful post by @starsholland. Without it this would not be happening. This will be a multi part fic, but I don’t know how many chapters or when it will be posted so if you’d like to be tagged let me know:)  Welcome to Tom being undercover on Tumblr. Quick notes- Y/T/B = Your Tumblr Blog
Chapter One || Master List
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The edit turned out better than you thought it would. You had decided to use blue and red, since they’re Spider-Man colors and it honestly suits Tom and Haz so well. You still are wondering when the picture is from since you scoured the depths of Google and Tumblr to no avail. It’s either really old, or not really posted. Either way it made an adorable edit and will look great in your edit’s tag. It’s also sparked some ideas for a friendship imagine. It’s been so long since you wrote anything, with work and family stuff weighing you down, but you can picture the outline in your head so as soon as you finish the last touches on your outline, you click open a new document and drop a few lines down to get going. 
“What you working on?” Your brother calls to you from across the living room. He knows that once you’re home for the afternoon, it’s not normally work stuff, but sometimes your graphic design projects run into your post work day.
“Just some edits. Nothing too big.”
“Bringing work home?”
“Nope, just working on some extra stuff.” You type some more into the document, wanting to make sure that everything is hitting the moment right. In your browser, you pull up your tumblr and make a new post.
Ask me stuff while I work on my latest imagine. Give me a number 1-100 and I’ll give you a song from my writing playlist and a memory attached to it.
Across the ocean, Tom can’t sleep. It’s nearly 3am, but something is keeping his mind from sleeping. He should be able to sleep just fine. He isn’t working on any movies that have him worried, he doesn’t have any auditions coming up, and he doesn’t have press for a few weeks. So why can’t he get to sleep?
Lifting his phone in his hand he sees a notification from Tumblr saying that Y/T/B has posted. He swipes across and waits for the post to load. You want questions? Well, he can help with that. Plus, he’s interested in learning about what kind of music you’re interested in.
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked: 
Three Anons come in right after another. You weren’t expecting that quick of a reaction. Sure you had a couple hundred followers, but you didn’t tend to get that many reactions to your posts. At least not back to back. But you’ll take it, and reply. As soon as you send the edit to that blog that asked for it.
You pull up the thread between you and tomholland2013. You click the camera button and upload the edit you had done. 
Hey, here’s that edit. Hope this works for you! 
Surprisingly, whoever is behind the account messages back immediately.
That looks awesome! Thanks so muchX
Hows your night going?X
More like afternoon here lol. I’m just getting some work done after getting home earlier.
How about you? Is it night there?
It’s like the middle of the night here and I can’t sleepX
If it’s middle of the night there, did you see the news? 
What news?X
That Tom saved Spider-Man?! It’s been all over Tumblr since I got home from work.
It’s kind of the reason I made your edit in red and blue tbh.
I hadn’t had time to look at my dashboard to be honest. I’ve been busy with work stuff most of the afternoon.X
It wasn’t a lie. Over the past few days having talks between him, Bob and Tom trying to smooth everything over, there wasn’t much time to glance over the explosion that had happened since the original news had been released. But after clicking send on his message to Y/N, he clicks over to your main blog to see the reaction to the news. There are some general reblogs of the news announcing Spider-Man returning to the MCU but then there were also some general posts about Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Your tags are what really get to him. Some like hashtag my-baby-is-back-where-he-belongs and hashtag get-tom-drunk-more-often-if-it-saves-my-baby. He can’t help but laugh at the last one. True he hadn’t exactly been sober when he and Bob had first talked about getting Spider-Man back in the MCU, but he didn’t think that story would take the world by storm.
Going into his settings, Tom quickly updates his picture with the edit you had done for him. Honestly, it looked better than he had hoped for. You had done Spider-Man colors and if he wasn't trying to keep this blog on the down low, he would share it on his Instagram so his fans could see how talented Y/N was. As he hits save, another message comes through from you.
Do you mind if I use the edit I sent you as inspiration for an imagine?
A what?X
An imagine. It’s a specific type of fanfic. I had a great idea of one while I was working on the edit for you, but if you’re not cool with it, I’ll find a different picture.
You did all the work on it. Feel free to use it. What kind of story?X
Basically like a Tom x Reader with hints of Harrison friendship notes in it. It’s hard to explain lol
Have you written other stuff?X
I think everyone on this site dabbles in it from time to time, but yeah I’ve written a few pieces over the past few years.
Do you have a list of them?X
Sure, it’s here.
You had linked a page in your message. Apparently dabbling meant one.. Two.. three… his finger drags down the page as he counts the stories. Holy hell, you’ve written fifty stories about him, Peter Parker and even some of the other Avengers. But most of them revolve around him and x Reader, whatever that means. You had mentioned it in your message, but he wasn’t sure what it meant.
Ok, I’m new to the whole fanfic thing, so pardon my stupidity but what does x reader mean?X
It’s a self insert fic. Basically anywhere that it says Y/N or you, you put yourself into the fic. They’re one of the most popular types of fics.
Before he can reply to your message, a notification comes up saying that Y/T/B has posted a new post.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B/ Answered: Heather by Conan Gray. So I love this song and totally have screamed along with the chorus of this song when I’m alone at home and writing or in my car driving places (otherwise I would freak my family out). When I wrote a fic called The Smell of Your Sweater, on my master list here, I listened to this song on repeat for three days straight to be in the right mind set. Honestly I could probably listen to this song until the end of time and never get sick of it. 
Tom reads over the answer and can picture someone jamming out to a song so much that they love it. He pulls open his Spotify app and pulls up the song, because he wants to feel closer to you, even though you’re time zones apart from each other. The fact that it’s afternoon where you are and nighttime where he is makes him think that you’re in the United States.
So reader insert are some of the most popular type of fics, but what are your favorite to read?X
That’s not even something that I would share on a first date lol you’ll be waiting a bit to find out. 
Is sharing that you write fanfic something that you don’t talk about on a date?X
Not normally. Talking about it with tumblr friends is one thing because I link it on my blog, but what I read is a whole nother thing. It literally says so much about you with who you read, what ships you ship, and especially what kinks you look for.
You haven’t read much yet have you?
Literally no. I’ve only been on tumblr since I messaged you the first time. That was the day I made my blogX
So you’ve been on for a month? And you’re deciding to get into fanfics?
No I’m thinking I should stay away from it still. It seems like virtual porn.X
It doesn’t have to have anything smutty in it. Just click on ones that say fluff or don’t say smut next to them. You can also block certain tags so they don’t come up on your dashboard. Like Starker is a popular one to be blocked for a lot of people.
I don’t think I even want to know what that is if people are blocking it who are into this porn esque writing. X
It’s not porn lol You seem to have only found smut so far. We need to find you some fluff. Maybe some Tom x Reader?
Maybe I’m just not ready for it after all.X
Does he want to read about himself? Not at all. That seems creepy. But other people write about him too. It’s not just Y/N. He decides to research this further. In the search bar he types in Tom Holland Fanfic. The first four post all say smut or NSFW so he’s not going to bother reading them, but the thing that catches his eye is the fact that they all have over 2,000 notes on them. Two thousand people have liked or reblogged about him in a sexual way? What the actual flipping hell?
Before he has the chance to flip out even more, another notification from your blog pops up.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B answered: Praying by Kesha. THIS WOMAN COULD MURDER ME AND I WOULD THANK HER FOR IT. Plus that chorus makes me want to write some epic breakup scene and have one of the people begging the other to feel the same as they are feeling. Oooooo maybe I feel a one shot coming up. Anyway, a memory of this song- my best friend and I blasted this song while we drove from California to Philly to visit a school. It literally got us through so many hours of that drive. Kesha is bae lets be real. Or is that not what the cool kids say? 
When he sent you these asks, he thought he would get one or two sentences in response, but he’s learning so much about you from all of these asks. Maybe he would send you some non song related ones, maybe some To- Peter Parker ones to see what else you liked. Purely science based research. 
If you’re not ready for it, don’t push yourself. Fanfics can be a weird mindset to put yourself in. I used them at first to distract myself from some shitty family stuff that was going on, but now I read and write them for fun too. I think I mainly read Avenger ones at first as well as some TV shows too. Plus would I be a teenage girl if I didn’t read a few Twilight fanfics back in my day? 
Twilight? Like Rob-Tom makes himself type out Rob and Kristen’s full names like a fan would-ert Pattinson and Kristen Stewert Twilight?X
That one exactly. I was the generation it was aimed for and so fanfics galore were my teen years. But I’m proud to say I’m a recovered Twihard.
Glad to hear it darlingX
What about you? What were you into as a kid?
I’ve always been a fan of Spider-Man, ever since I was a kid.X
Comics or movies?
Comics. They’re the originalsX
Which Spider-Man is the best? 
Is that a trick question? Obviously HollandX
Was that conceited? Maybe. But hopefully, Y/N doesn’t think so. Oh wait she has no idea-
It was a trick question. A trick question that you clearly got right. 
Another notification pops up and you suddenly remember the last number that you sent Y/N. Well hopefully the number doesn’t seem like you.
Anonymous Asked: 
Y/T/B Answered: Noice. 
But the actual answer is Bad Religion by Frank Ocean. This song got me through my last bout of depression lol. I remember sitting on the floor of my bedroom with the lights off and just playing this song on repeat. Always open about that here. It also gets me to channel some deep emotions into some pieces that I’m working on because it reminds me of being in that dark place. I also really like the beat of this though, like how it sounds like a mix of an electric piano and an organ. So if I ever name a one shot Bad Religion, it’s probably named after this song.
Tom feels like a weight is sinking in his gut. Almost like someone slammed an anchor into the lower part of his bowl. He didn’t mean to bring up something so dark with that number. He was hoping it would actually make her laugh. So guess he will send her one more number, but this one won’t be on anonymous.
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Huh, he must have seen all the responses you posted. Between posting and replying to him, you hadn’t gotten much work on your imagine done, but you could post once more before jumping back to your word document. 
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Y/B/N answered: The Night We Met by Lord Huron. I literally saw them in concert with my friends last month so a lot of the memories I have of them are about this. But I have a great fanfic idea for this song specifically. To not spoil it completely I’ll just leave you with three spoilers- first date, first dance, secrets spilled. It’s a work in progress.
Now it’s time to get off the internet and back to writing, or else you’re going to Tumblr your day away.
Taglist: @ serendipitous-amor @im-still-tryin-to-find-it​
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thundermaximoff · 5 years
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Deity | Loki x reader
Pairing: Loki x reader
Style: One-Shot
Word count: 3048
Warning: fluff
Summary: Y/N new between Avengers. But she's not so confident with her powers and their controlling. And now she needs to attend Tony's annual Gala.
Will anyone be able to help her with her confidence?
A/N: Holy molly...I did it! First of all, I'm not good in writing One-Shots. It always ends as multichapter. Second thing is that this is my first fiction in English after 6years. So I know it's actually crappy. But I needed to write something different, since I'm stuck with my other stories. And I want to thank @devilbat @that-writer-who-never-posts and @ladybugsfanfics for their amazing stories that inspired me to write this one.
Hope you'll like it.
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"So...The Gala." Said Wanda, trying to sound like she wasn't interested at all.
"What with that?" Sam got caught by her little bait and shifted a bit on the sofa in the living quarters, so now he was half lying.
It was again that part of the year,when none other than Tony Stark forced everyone, to dress up and kiss some wealthy asses, to get money for the upcoming year. 
Or at least, that's what Natasha told Y/N when she asked why is there such a fuss around it. It was clear to her that no one actually wanted to go. Except Steve and Thor. Thor loved every party with alcohol. And Steve was just like labrador. He loved people and couldn't help himself.
Y/N put down the book she was barely reading, because of so many voices interrupting her peace. She was sitting on the floor with back resting against the sofa. 
"Alright guys, it's not going to be that bad." 
Y/N turned her head after the voice, raising eyebrows on Clint. 
"I don't have dress." Mumbled Wanda to herself, because no one didn't paid attention to her anymore. 
As they were loudly arguing one over the other Y/N sighed to herself. It wasn't about that nobody noticed her presence in the room so far, but because being around big crowd of people just wasn't her thing.
Even just thinking about, what can go wrong there, made her nauseous. Y/N looked at her hands and bit her lower lip to gain back at least a drop of her control.
"I can't go there." Y/N muttered, hoping that no one could actually hear her.
"Sorry for ruining, whatever your plans are Draga, but everyone needs to attend." Said lazily voice behind her back. As Y/N turned her head, clearly startled by whoever noticed her, she met with half asleep Bucky. "That's the rule."
He didn't even look at her. Just comfortably folded his arms on his chest. But thanks to this old soldier,  everyone was now looking at her.
"Is there any possible way to get out of it?" Y/N looked desperately around, searching for anyone to save her.
"What's the problem?" That spider-boy, who she couldn't even remember the name,sat beside her.
Natasha walked into the room. And Y/N was glad she did, because thanks to it, she was able to address this poor boy by his name again.
"What?" He asked Natasha with puppy-like face.
"You're not going." She said firmly with serious, or rather more murderous look.
"WHY  I CAN'T  GO?" Peter immediately threw a tantrum. Huffing like a little boy he was.
"Tony banned you. You know, what happened last time." When Natasha said that, that boy's face turned its colour to crimson red.
Y/N could only presume, what happened, since she wasn't part of the squad back then. And that was the thing Y/N feared the most. Her powers were unstable, when she got nervous. And she got nervous easily. The last thing she wanted was to make a scene or turn the room upside down. 
Which could happen even now. She loved all the Avengers. They were her only family. But they were too much to handle, when they were all in one room. Sometimes Thor was enough to get on her power control.
"Are you worried about your powers?" Asked Clint as if he was able to read her mind.
"Nothing's gonna happen." Pietro swifted behind Wanda, leaning to kiss her forehead as she was sitting in the armchair comfortably. 
Y/N was envious of their relationship, even though they were just siblings. She didn't want to admit it out loud, but she was jealous. 
"How do you know that?" Y/N asked, her lower lip now shivering slightly.
"Because we all will be there to get embarrassed instead." Said Bucky, finally giving up on sleeping. He sat up and smiled with still sleepy eyes at Y/N.
Y/N felt a bit reassured by his words. But still felt uneasy about the upcoming event, she couldn't run from.
"But can you imagine, Y/N tripping while walking down the stairs, starting to panic in the middle of the fall, only to teleport onto someone's lap?" Sam wasn't even able to say that without laughing like a mad man, rolling from the sofa, falling on the ground.
Y/N cheeks started to heat up as she imagined it vividly. 
"Or that Y/N get so scared that she turns to liquid in front of the prime minister." Ads Wanda and high-fives with Sam.
Few other laughs, but it doesn't seem so funny to others. And especially to Y/N. 
In the middle of those two laughing and Y/N feeling embarrassed like never before, Bucky stood up and looked at everyone. 
"Not so funny to me." He silenced them both by that single sentence. "And now, if you excuse me. I need to prepare my formal arm."
Everyone burst out laughing. Every one except Y/N. As she more and more succumb into her own fear, she's not able to stay in the room. Without any other word Y/N vanished, scaring the hell out of Peter.
Y/N was pacing in her room. Opposing emotions fighting inside her. She once again glanced at dress sprawled on her bed.
I heard what happened. And I know you feel insecure about your powers. I'm not going to persuade you to come, but if you decide to come, I'll be glad.
Y/N sighed and buried face in her hands. Everyone tried to calm her anxiety. Bruce tried to find way to calm her. But all the science was useless. Sam and Wanda even apologised for their childish behaviour. But none of that helped to decide.
It was that note, stucked to those beautiful dress in front of her, which made her think about going.
There was no name on the note. Y/N had no idea who sent those, but they were exquisite. Part of her didn't want them to come in vain. Even if that meant, she'll get embarrassed in them.
Hour and half later, and already being late, Y/N stopped in front of the elevator doors. She didn't feel like herself. It was easier for her to run in shirt and pants around the compounds than in dresses. Her uniform was better than this. Mostly, because she already got used to it. Partly.
Another sigh escaped Y/N lips as she absentmindedly looked at doors.
I can't do it
Yes I can
No I can't 
I can
Y/N's hands shaking as she finally pressed the button on the side of the elevator. She wanted to do this for herself. To stop being such a coward. Like when Avengers found her. When they saved her.
She was scared a lot more back then. For a few weeks she was able to talk just to Steve and Tony. Y/N forced herself into it. Just like she was forcing herself now.
Part of her wanted to find out, who is the person, which sent her the dress. But she already had idea who it might've been. That note was diligently and beautifully written. That left just a few options to choose between. 
Y/N got out of the elevator and walked down the hall. Each step accompanied with loud thud of her heart. She at least tried to find a piece of confidence in it.
Cabaret music was faintly playing as a background to loud voices of the people in the room. It was the largest one in whole compounds and yet it was overflowing with people.
Y/N halted in front of the railing and looked around, feeling a bit nauseous. She spotted a few of her friends laughing loudly. Some were in the middle of passionate discussions. And Thor was occupying the bar, as always.
Close to him was standing person Y/N saw only occasionally around. Mostly on missions or in the library. It was none other than Thor's brother, Loki. 
His raven hair tidily combed to the back, curling behind his ears and around his neck like snakes. His Asgardian clothes were a little bit off today, but he looked good despite that. He was standing out. It wasn't even his classic one. The black, green with hints of gold. This one was mostly blue with yellow and black. It perfectly underlined his icy blue eyes.
As if he knew, someone was looking at him, Loki raised his gaze, meeting with Y/N's eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes. On the top of the stairs stood completely different person than he knew. She was always like gray mouse. But in the blue sleeveless dress with, yet to discover, bare back and veil, she looked like a goddess. Like she wasn't earthling at all.
He couldn't take his eyes off her. Nor he was able to speak.
Y/N immediately looked away and slowly walked down the stairs. Holding onto the railing the whole time, as she clearly remembered what Sam said before.
"Oh my God Y/N. You look stunning. Where did you got those dress?" Wanda squeezed both her hands, thoroughly examining the gown.
"Someone sent them to me." Y/N answered shyly as she tucked loosen strand of her hair behind her ear. 
"Gave you that needed confidence to come, huh?" Appeared Pietro out of nowhere.
But that didn't scared Y/N at all. She was a master of appearing from nowhere.
"Or...she want to know, who sent her these." Wanda smiled at her devilishly, which made Y/N blush through thin layer of makeup she had on.
"Let her be, you sharks." 
Y/N heard Thor's loud voice as well as Maximoff twins. Her face immediately lightened up as she turned at the God of thunder. 
"Thor! I'm so glad to see you." Y/N shortened the space between them and hugged him, which the God returned gracefully. 
"I'm glad to see you as well lady Y/N. " Thor bowed when he let her go.
He clearly had something greater than earthling's beer. But there was something else that made Y/N stop in her tracks.
"Can...can I ask you something?" Y/N bit inside of her cheek to calm herself and actually wait till God's answer, to ask. 
"What can I help you with?" Large smile was plastered on his face, even though his eyes were a little hazy from the alcohol. 
"Did you, by any chance, sent me these?" Y/N asked as she pointed on her dress, too eager to know the answer.
Thor furrowed his eyebrows,  as if he was thinking hard.
"I'm not aware of that." 
Y/N's face dropped a bit. She thanked him and took a stroll around the room. Trying to talk to people. 
It was harder than she thought. But of course she tried, holding her head high and smiling ever so slightly,  so that nobody would tell she felt insecure. 
"Ahh, Y/N. Come here. I would like to introduce you to someone." Tony spotted her in the crowd, even though she thought it was impossible. 
He had one of his expensive suits with crimson handkerchief in flap pocket. With load of jovial manners he held his whiskey glass in one hand, motioned at Y/N to come closer with the other.
Y/N nodded slightly, wanting to please the organizer. Till now she thought  that everything went well. 
And as Y/N walked towards Tony and his company, someone bumped into her rather roughly. 
And that was the moment, everything started to fall apart.
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she stumbled, trying to find anything to catch herself onto. Only to overthrow waitresses tray as her arm turned into liquid. She accidentally ignited alcohol beneath her feet, falling to the ground. Y/N closed her eyes firmly. Feeling the heat of embarrassment running up her cheeks.
But when she opens them again, she's nowhere near the spot she was just a few seconds ago.
Instead she was face to face with wide chest covered in blue leather. Y/N knew exactly who's chest it was. But at the same time she was scared even to look up. 
"Trying to lit up the party?" Loki chuckled as he looked down at Y/N. 
Once again he saw the same person in her. And he thought  it was somehow cute. 
Y/N started trembling, embarrassment taking over once again. 
"That...really was not my intention." Even her voice was trembling.
She made one step back, to get away from that intoxicating scent of his, only to be pulled back by his hand. Her eyes widened.
Loki's hand was cold, casually resting on Y/N's bare back.
"Careful. If you don't want to repeat the whole scene." The God of mischief whispered with his deep voice into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
Breath hitched in her throat, pushing Loki away. Y/N shot him a deadly glare.
"Now, if you excuse me, I really need some air." Y/N said almost growling at him, before she disappeared once again, as she didn't wanted nothing more than to run away.
As Y/N teleported on the balcony, the furthest point she could go beside missions, bit cold air fan over her figure. Warming herself by softly stroking her arms, she walked towards railing.
She looked at the buzzing city in front of her.
All those lights and sounds made Y/N feel lonely. She wanted to be like others. Not minding what everyone thought about her.
"Can I join you?" Loki's voice cut through the seemingly pleasant atmosphere. 
Y/N turned to him, annoyance glistening in her eyes.
"What do you think?" She spat at him.
But that remark just made Loki chuckle as he walked over to her.
"What do you want?" Y/N said, clearly not happy that Loki wasn't understanding her even a bit. Or maybe he did it on purpose, to ruin this evening even more.
"It's such a beautiful night, isn't it?" Loki leaned his body to the railing, observing Y/N's every move. Even the tiniest one.
He was fascinated by her brusque tongue and how she could change her behaviour in seconds.
"What do you want, Loki?" Y/N asked again, folding her arms on chest, feeling pissed with each second. 
She just wanted to be alone. But now she was forced to stand in front of the person, who made her heart beat like crazy.
Y/N knew very well, it was a bad idea to like the God of mischief, but she couldn't help herself. She fell for his every inch the moment she first saw him. Even though he didn't spare her glance back then. There was something that pulled her to him. Like a magnet. Or maybe more like a drug.
Shivers ran through her whole body, overshadowing the feeling of coldness.  Which Loki immediately noticed, taking off his cloak, putting it around her shoulders.
"I just wanted to admire dress I sent you." Loki's eyes sparkled softly, turning Y/N speechless. 
She didn't dare to dream that it could've been him, sending her those. And actually, she forgot about that little mission of hers, after she got so badly embarrassed. 
Y/N wanted to ask him so many questions in that moment, wanting to turn down his smug smile. But first of all, she poked Loki's chest, to be sure he's real and not just her imagination. Even though that cloak seemed pretty much real to her, warming her body.
When the tip of her finger actually touched the leather surface, she looked at him shocked. As if she just realized everything was true. 
Loki was calmly standing there, looking at her with clear interest. Y/N was different from others, in his eyes. 
"I suppose you like them." Loki chuckled, catching Y/N's hand, before she could take it back.
"W...why?" Y/N whispered, looking down at her hand in his.
It didn't make sense.
Nothing did anymore.
"You needed confidence and I wanted to see you in dress. It's a win win." 
Y/N narrowed her eyebrows in disbelief.  It seemed as one crappy reason to her.
"Look. I know that you still feel more useless than the benefit. "He squeezed her hand, sending yet another wave of shivers through her body. 
"But I saw, what you can do. On the missions, you're practically different person. So radiantly confident." Loki took a step forward, slowly closing the distance between them.
Y/N wanted to run away yet again. But this time from completely different reason. This was something that she didn't count between her options.
She was just looking at that Mischievous God, thinking that it must be one of his pranks.
"Do you want to know, what I saw when you were standing on the top of the stairs?" Loki made another step forward, causing their bodies to touch on all those right places.
Y/N's breath hitched in her throat, all her thoughts and rational reasons vanishing. Like if she was drunk or drugged. 
And she really was. Intoxicated by his scent, voice, heat of his body and even those damn eyes. But Y/N nodded almost desperately, eager to hear his voice again.
"Confident dazzling Goddess." 
Moans were bubbling in Y/N's throat, as Loki hit all those right strings, making her weak in the knees. But Loki leaned even closer and whispered to her ear.
"I saw Deity." 
Embarrassment and fear was no longer in Y/N's body system. As if Loki casted a spell over her. She turned her head a little, just to be able to look at him.
"You liked that?" Y/N asked, biting her lower lip.
"Damn, I love it." He licked his lips before attacking hers.
"What do you think?" Thor asked happily, pointing at the balcony.
"That we have two problems now." Sighed Steve, massaging bridge of his nose.
"It was your idea" Gasped Bucky and Peter in disbelief. 
"Peter?" Everyone turned to the youngest.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You, your boyfriend Brian, and his best friend Jeordie are forced by lack of finances to share a hotel room one night while Brian's band performs in Miami Beach. You two have to be quiet not to wake Jeordie...
Notes: Set during Spooky Kids era!! Partially inspired by this video. **Twiggy wasn't a part of the band at this point in time, but fuck it. I wanted to include him.
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July 17, 1992.
"I've got... thirteen dollars."
Everyone (aka you, Brian and Jeordie) is sitting around in a circle on Jeordie's messy living room floor.
You and your boyfriend look over to the bassist.
"Thirteen?" Brian sputters, "You stupid fucker, you had 500 dollars last night. Where the hell'd all that go, up your ass?"
Jeordie picks at a hangnail. "Hookers and blow." He begins to pat his leg, drumming a beat. "We should make that a song..."
"We have better things to sing about than hookers and blow," Brian snaps.
"I don't know, I think it'd go with your whole theme," you tease, resting your head on his shoulder. Brian glances down, gaze softening fondly as his fingers thread with yours.
"Yeah, says the girl who probably encouraged him to burn our valuable hotel money on dumb shit last night."
You giggle. "I promise, I had nothing to do with it. Besides, I was with you last night, remember?" Brian smirks, recalling the record you two set.
"Yeah. I remember making you come a bunch of times. What was the challenge again?"
"I dared you to make me come more times than my vibrator could in one night."
"Mmm, and did I pass?"
"With flying colours."
Jeordie whistles, then tries to flip one of the coins from the pooling pile on the floor. It pings off something then disappears into the pit that is his studio apartment.
"Twelve seventy five," Jeordie corrects, staring sadly behind him at the lost quarter. Brian shakes his head, scratching through his hair.
"Jesus Christ, what are we gonna do?! This is a huge stop on the tour. Daisy, Pogo, and Sarah are already there, and the Spooky Kids can't afford to cancel this show because we're... fuckin broke hobos!"
"I'm not a hobo..." Jeordie whispers, watching an ant crawl across his toe. Brian scrapes up some bills to count again, painted fingernails a blur as he shells them out. You count your own too, nodding.
"Okay. I've got 210. Together with your 600... we should have enough for airfare and hotel room, for one night."
Jeordie gives a punched out snort-laugh, staring at the ceiling like it's about to cave in. "Yeah, for one shared room between the three of us."
You and Brian look at each other, shrugging. Jeordie hesitates, then looks at you two in distress.
So, the next day, after successfully making it to the next stop on the Spooky Kids' tour by way of crappy budget airline, you get to the hotel to check in before the show. It's not awful-- it's a pretty good motel, at least.
"I can't wait til we can afford a tour bus," Brian growls miserably, flopping down on one of the double beds. It shoots his lanky body up four feet off the bed as the overly-loaded springs catapult him, and you double over with laughter. Though he looks ready to murder, your laugh is infectious, and Brian starts to chuckle too.
"What the fuck is this?" He goes on, picking up a towel folded into a swan. He turns it around, and pretends to stick his dick into it, humping it as he waddles around the room.
"It's a swan," Jeordie smiles, face smushed into his own bed opposite yours, "I requested the towels be made into pretty swans for us."
"Yeah?" Brian discards the towel in a heap. " Did you also request little chocolates be left on our pillow every night, princess?"
"Dammit. I knew I forgot something."
"Why did we let Jeordie book this?" you groan. "We all know I'm the responsible mom here."
"I beg to differ," Brian says, crawling over top of you and securing his stringbean limbs around you like a giant spider. "I'm more of a mom than you." You giggle.
"Says the man who just pretended to fuck a towel swan."
"What do you mean pretended? That slutty motherfucker's got my jizz all over him, he was begging for it." Brian grins, collapsing on top of you, and you shriek as he attacks you with kisses.
"Go put your makeup on, or you'll be late getting on stage! Then nobody'll ever know who the Spooky Kids are, and your career will never take off, all because you wanted to fuck your girlfriend. Again."
"I'll just tell the bouncers we were busy with hookers and blow, like proper rockstars," Brian murmurs, sucking a hicky into your neck. "They'll buy anything people like us feed em."
"Hookers and blow?" Jeordie perks up, turning to you two.
"No," you and your boyfriend both say at the same time.
Brian does his makeup with a little help from you, and Jeordie does as well. Brian's lower face is covered in red lipstick, and he’s got his striped pink and black leggings on, with an unbuttoned vest and a cat in the hat top hat on his head, long hair brushed out and down to his waist. Jeordie's got one of his green ragdoll dresses on, dreads done up in pigtails.
You three meet up with the other band members, all dressed and ready for the show as well, and you can immediately tell Brian is slipping into his stage persona when he tells the bouncer to go fuck himself on a butcher knife after being asked for ID. (You display the IDs you've got in your purse with many apologies after your boyfriend and his delinquent band waltz in like they own the place, despite the fact that they're only the opening act.)
You stand in the front row of the make-do mosh pit of the dive bar, all big smiles and support. Despite what your family warns you, you have the utmost faith in Brian and his aspirations, and even though he's got an absolute clusterfuck of personalities making up the band behind him, it's a wild wonder of a musical act, and you just know the five of them are gonna go places someday.
"Good evening, all you crazy motherfuckers here in Miami Beach," Brian points out to the crowd, "Let's fuck shit up!" Their opener, Thrift, leads to Lucy In The Sky With Demons, then eventually to everyone's apparent favourite, if the cheering is any guage-- Lunchbox. You like that song too, bouncing around and screaming for it like one of the fans for the night. Brian keeps looking at you, and halfway through the song, he pulls you up on stage, obscenely groping his hands all over your breasts and sucking on them through your bra. You don't mind-- you make a show of moaning, squeezing them together, until you eventually slap him off, wag your finger, and slip back into the crowd, to the laughter and heckles from the crowd.
The show goes later than expected due to the enthusiasm of the crowd. After the show, everyone hung around the bar for a bit too, drinking a couple beers and doing a few lines of coke to mingle with any ego-stroking fans or labels that may have been scouting. 
The guys are still all riding the high of the adrenaline and drugs, but it's 3 in the morning now, and since you three have not only one shared suitcase and one shared hotel room but one shared brain cell as well, you all decided it would be a good idea to book a 7 am flight home.
Well. Blame it on it being the most affordable return time.
Once you get back to the room, some Judas Priest is cranked on the tinny room radio because "fuck the other hotel guests, I'm Marilyn Manson", and the air guitars are broken out.
Brian inspects himself in the mirror, making Herculean poses and sticking his tongue out grotesquely, checking for warts or something. He pinches his nipples, scratching down his pale torso.
"I need more tattoos."
"The ones you have now are rad," you mention, kicking off your shoes, "But a few more would make you look even more badass."
"Yeah, I already wouldn't want to fuck with you. More tattoos? I'd be terrified."
"I thought you were already terrified. You scream every time you see my cock."
"That's cause it's so big..." You playfully lick your lips.
"Yeah? You wanna suck it?" Brian unzips his pants. "Wanna suck on it, baby?"
"I wanna get into bed, is what I want to do," you yawn, peeling your top off and tossing it at Jeordie. Jeordie catches it and dutifully slingshots it into your great big shared suitcase. The neighboring hotel room tenants bang on the wall, mumbling something bitterly incoherent about turning the music down.
"I will kick down your door and skullfuck you, you entitled asshole!" Brian shouts back. The pounding stops abruptly, and you question how you haven't been arrested yet.
"Seriously, I think it's time for bed though," Jeordie mumbles, crawling under his covers like an elderly cat. He jumps and frowns at something on the wall, something you're glad you can't see. 
"Fine, grandpa," Brian rolls his eyes, and kills the volume on the rock station.
Five minutes later, you come out of the bathroom in one of Brian's oversized Black Sabbath T-shirts, and run a hand through your hair, walking over to get into bed with Brian. He's still scrubbing some of the eyeliner at the sink, and you beckon him. 
"Come here. I wanna cuddle."
Brian grunts, and rubs his face once more, walking over to the door naked save for his boxer briefs to make doubly sure it's locked.
"Only space for three psychos in this room," he says, then does a barrel roll into bed, sweeping the covers over you both. The light is turned out, and Brian snuggles into you from behind, wrapping his arms around your middle.
"Bri," you whisper. He hums into your hair.
You flip around to face him, your noses touching. He blinks, and you bite your lip, reaching under the covers. He bites back a moan, and you lean in to whisper. 
"I'm wet for you."
Brian immediately looks over, and tosses a pillow at his best friend's head. "Hey Jeordie, fuck off for the night."
"What? No! I'm... trying to sleep..."
"The one night he decides not to get shitfaced and wander the streets," Brian sighs.
"It's no fun to do that yourself," Jeordie mopes. "Actually, that's not true. I'm just tired." 
"Fuck," Brian mutters. You two let a few seconds go by.
"Is he asleep?" you whisper.
"I think so," Brian mumbles back, then gasps as you cup him again through his underwear, reaching in with the other hand to wrap around his half-hard dick.
"(y/n), I gotta be in you," he hisses, "Fast." 
"Just... shhh..." you giggle, and he bites his lower lip, rolling on top of you under the covers. His long raven hair curtains around you, and he reaches down to pull his dick out. You wiggle your hips excitedly, holding onto his forearms, and he takes a condom off the bedside table, rolling it on. He winces at the contact, the touch of his own hand to get the rubber on enough to make him harden even more. He moans, finally pushing into you.
"O-oh..." you try to keep your voice down to a squeak. "Bri... Bri, Bri, Brian, fuck... I love your cock..."
"Call me Marilyn," he whispers.
"Call me Marilyn, I wanna hear you say it," he grunts, rocking his hips in again. He holds your wrists together above your head as his thrusts get deeper.
"God, please... fuck me harder, Marilyn," you breathe softly. His pace increases, both of you still attempting to be quiet so as not to wake your partner.
"Yeah... yeah, yeah," he whispers, "Fuck yeah, baby. You're so good for me. God, oh..."
Your eyes roll back as you smile in bliss, feeling your hands down your boyfriend's back as he does his best to make you come not in record quantity tonight, but record time.
"That feel good?"
"Uh huh..."
"Your pussy feel good now? Nice and full?"
"Yeah, oh my god. Mar... Marilyn..." You feel your orgasm coming, so you hook your feet just above his ass and smirk, thinking of something you know will do the trick. It may be dumb, but it's bound to work.
"It feels so fucking amazing getting fucked by the antichrist."
He buries his face beside your shoulder as his hips stutter, and you can feel him finish inside the condom, thrusting his hips erratically and quickly as he milks it. Each thrust is taking you closer, and you two breathe and pant together as Brian holds you, making you come with wave after wave of a gorgeous climax.
"Ah, fuck that was good," you breathe. Brian rolls off of you, depositing the condom and tucking it under his pillow. You wrinkle your nose. “Ew, man.”
"It'll make housekeeping smile. She can sell it on eBay, make more than we earn in a tour. Or she can jam it up inside her and call us for child support."
You giggle, and slap his chest lightly. He kisses you, and settles comfortably down beside you again, slipping his arms underneath yours.
"Do you think Jeordie's still asleep?" you whisper, stifling a laugh. Suddenly, a clear voice rings out. 
"If you two loud assholes think I slept through that, then you must think I'm fucking deaf," Jeordie blurts. "Assholes."
Brian starts laughing, even as his friend keeps calling him an asshole. "You're next," Brian teases, and Jeordie sighs.
"Leave me alone and let me sleep."
"Get the lube, (y/n), it's Jeordie's turn to be violated by the dirty man who broke into this hotel room, aka me."
"Fuck off!"
"Fine, fuck you, more dick for (y/n)," Brian grins, and you smile, holding him to you.
You listen to the white noise of the deteriorating air conditioner. The rhythmic rising and falling of his chest tells you he's passed out behind you, dreaming and adorable with his face pressed into the back of your neck.
You glance behind you. "Jeord, babe? Sorry for keeping you up. Really."
Jeordie just smiles. "Honestly, I was listening the whole time to see what his secret is. How do you make someone come that much? It's insane."
You giggle into the pillow, and Brian wakes up long enough to croak: "Cause I am the God of Fuck."
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