#ty for indulging me pls continue to indulge me
bropunzeling · 7 months
director's cut of your choice of scenes from the elopement timestamp :)))))
hello from the airport :)))) here is matthew and brady's conversation aka a secret fave scene of mine:
"Dude, you're so wound up," Brady says as they go through a bucket of pucks at Centene. The ring of the posts and their muffled curses fill the rafters. "Are you stressed about something? What is there to even stress about?" [this scene had two goals. one was more sibling/ratfam content (since its very lacking from the original works for obvious reasons) and the other was to get to the point at the end of the conversation. i decided that brady needed to be the guy because (1) i like writing him (2) matthew would actually open up to him and (3) because he's already been married for a couple years/is gonna be a dad/etc etc it adds this nice, your sibling is further along than you (helpful, rather than anxiety provoking)]
Matthew’s shot goes off the post and rolls away. He curses. "Nothing."
"Uh-huh." Instead of grabbing a new puck, Brady leans on his stick. "Try me." [matthew has not acted like this since the summer of 2022 and brady is not stupid]
Matthew takes another shot, straightens up. Brady’s still looking at him, flat and even. God, he’s not gonna move, is he. 
Giving up, Matthew checks the rink—safe, Leon went off to hit the bike five minutes ago and no one else is around [one of my editing points was reminding myself of the secrecy! like obvs they are not as horribly repressed and not telling anyone anything as they were in meet me halfway, but like, leon's reputation matters to both of them and neither want to test and see what would happen if it came out that they were dating. theyre admittedly sloppy, but it’s still a thing they think about]—and then says, in a low voice, "I asked Leon if she'd ever want to, uh. To marry me."
Brady sucks in a breath. "You proposed?"
Matthew shakes his head vigorously. "No. No. [i mean, you kinda did.] I didn't mean now, I meant in the future. Someday. You know."
"Sounds like you proposed,” Brady says, much too loudly. The whole building might have heard him.
"I didn't," Matthew insists. "All I wanted was for her to think about it, you know? I wasn't going to—to spring anything on her." [me on my relationship soapbox like SURPRISE PROPOSALS ARE SHITTY AND YOU SHOULD ALWAYS TALK ABOUT IT FIRST] He clutches at his stick. "Just—I wanted her to know that I was serious, and see if she'd also want that, and now it's been like four days, and she hasn't said anything, and I kind of think I fucked something up. Fuck, maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. What if I scared her off?"
"Dude. Breathe." Brady's infuriatingly calm. [the contrast between brady's general inflappability and matthew's anxiety is always funny to me.] Matthew glares at him. "I doubt you fucked anything up."
"You don't know that.”
Brady shrugs. "Okay, no, I don't know for sure, but like—you can't really think you scared her off."
"It's happened before," Matthew mumbles. [obvi like -- they are pretty good and over the events of The Battle of Alberta, Playoffs Edition; it's been years. however, that won't stop matthew from being anxious! last time he thought they were on the verge of a relationship upgrade leon ghosted him! he doesnt want that to happen again] He doesn't want to stand here while Brady looks at him with that calm, know-it-all expression. Maybe he'll go collect some pucks. He heads towards the goal.
Skates scrape behind him. "Matt." When Matthew looks over his shoulder, Brady’s trailing behind him with the bucket. "She’s stupid in love with you." [one of the fun things about this time stamp, along with everything, was finally getting to let this version of leon be stupid and romantic and overcome by her own feelings. she's soooooo gone.] At Matthew’s glare, Brady rolls his eyes. "I was there when she showed up last summer, remember? I think I'd know." [another fun thing was dropping bits of Lore that im not sure will ever become a proper cleaned up ao3 time stamp, and this was a big one i wanted to hit!!!]
Matthew bends down and grabs a few pucks out of the crease. He hadn't actually been awake when Leon had shown up in Florida last summer; he hadn't been expecting her. They had agreed, after the Oilers got knocked out, that she'd wait to come out until after the playoffs were over. She had to close up her house; debrief the season with Connor. And—they'd fought about it, over the phone, more yelling than there had been in a long time, but Leon had asked how he'd feel if he was there watching from the sidelines while she won the Cup without him. If he'd really be all that happy for her. [it was important to me to hit this because obvi we see the opposite in meet me halfway - matthew checking in and gone even when leon beat his team - but crucially they never did get to this point, and im not sure matthew ever thought through what it would look like if leon HAD made it that far. mr hiding in the garage when the cup was at his house probably wouldn't have handled it well! and like - even if they are in love and in a relationship, they are still the same fundamental people who are competitive and desperate to win and hate to see other people get what they want. so of course they fought.] [obvi my solution to this tension is in 5 or so years they play on the same team, win cup, put baby in cup.]
She'd apologized the next day, but she'd made her point, too. When she booked her flights for late June, he hadn't argued.
Then his sternum got cracked. Mom and Dad had to drive him home from the rink and help him out of his own clothes. And when he woke up after a miserable night, it was to find Leon asleep sitting up on the bed next to him, holding his hand like it was a lifeline. It wasn't until later that he'd gotten the details out of Mom—how Leon had shown up at two in the morning, exhausted and incoherent and making a beeline right for his bedroom. How she wouldn't leave, even when Mom tried to insist she go find an actual bed and get some sleep. [(a) she was doing so bad. (b) this is absolutely the tipping point for matthew's people to be like oh shit this is a big deal thing, as you can see with the below]
Matthew had spent the next few days thinking mostly about how much his chest hurt and how badly the team was playing, but he also noticed the way Brady and Leon had quietly teamed up—to get him out of bed, to get him dressed, to get him to the arena. [there is a whole unrealized scene in my head of them watching matthew suffer during game 4 on the couch and both are like, quietly so fucking stressed out for him, and it’s this little moment of quiet bonding and acceptance where its like you love him, i love him, we both wish he wasn't on the ice right now] Once he got past the self-pity, he’d found it pretty funny. However Brady had felt about Leon before—and Matthew was pretty sure that feeling wasn't acceptance, no matter how much Brady tried to hide it [brady really did not like leon after the Events of rob thomas' party. as soon as he connected the dots that girl matthew has been moping over for months = leon draisaitl, leon was fully on his shit list. he definitely headhunted her that whole next season]—apparently Matthew breaking himself could smooth over almost anything.
"Listen," Brady says now, leaning against the net and holding out the bucket for Matthew to dump pucks into. "Do I think she was a dick when she ghosted you? Yeah. But she's fucking crazy about you now. You can't miss it."
Matthew drops a handful of pucks into the bucket with a clunk, then heads for the boards. "Okay, but like—she hasn't said anything," he says. "What if she doesn't want to?"
"What? Get married?"
Matthew nods. [crux of the scene!】
Brady skids to a stop by the boards. "I don't know, man. I mean, maybe she doesn't because she thinks it's too soon. Or maybe it's not that big a deal to her. Half the guys from Europe do the whole, you know. The partner thing." [matthew: spiraling. brady: repository of reasonable takes] He shrugs. "I guess the question is, if she wants to be with you, but doesn't want to marry you, are you gonna be okay with that?" [and here we go! so like, a Big Theme of meet me halfway/the girl!leon cinematic universe (gcu) is like, dealing with expectations and hangup and how you pictured your life going vs how it's actually going vs how you actually want it to go. and obviously for most of it this is leon's journey - reconciling hockey and a personal life, understanding that she doesn't have to shut out friends or family or the potential for partnership in order to have a career, that it won't make her lesser or softer, that it’s okay to be soft in the first place.
but. BUT. it's very important to me that matthew is ALSO going through this reexamination of his own expectations. his picture of life was not so subtly based on his parents and structured in a very particular way. and falling for another hockey player who wouldn't be staying home, who would push and challenge him and be her own independent person, naturally upends some of those comfortable images he had of his future. and this is just one more instance of him needing to look at what he imagined for himself and changing the picture to fit not what he thought he would get, but what will actually work for him and leon, what they actually want together. and here and in the next scene is when it hits that its not about the trappings but about the knowing. he doesn't want leon to push him away, he wants to know that theyre going to be doing this together, but that doesn't mean they have to do things the way everyone else does, either.]
Matthew chews the inside of his cheek. Would he be? It's hard to know. For so long, he's had that little picture of what his future looked like. Even as it changed, that part—being married, that sense of permanency—it’s always been there. He doesn't know how he'd feel if it were gone. [again the permanency is the thing. obviously i am like, in the middle of my own feelings about all this, but really it is like: you're here with me, im with you. even when we're annoying or stressed out or tired or miserable or caught covid on our romantic vacation when you were gonna propose. you're with me and i'm with you and it's gonna be for the long haul.]
"Just something to think about," Brady says after a moment. He claps Matthew on the shoulder. "But for what it's worth, I think she's pretty fucking serious about you."
Matthew hip checks him back. Brady doesn't move, the fucker. "When did you get so smart, asshole?"
Brady laughs. "Who says I haven't always been this smart?"
"You were a fucking idiot when you were thirteen," Matthew retorts.
Brady shoves him into the boards, the bucket of pucks clattering to the ice. "You really gonna bring up teen shit? Because I remember—" [brothers!]
Things go a little haywire after that, first chasing each other and then all the loose pucks scattered across the rink. By the time they've collected everything, they're both laughing hard enough that they can't catch a breath.
"Hey," someone shouts. Leon's leaning on the boards, wet hair sticking to her head and the nape of her neck. "Are we gonna go soon? I'm starving." [relatable]
"Yeah," Matthew calls back, making his way towards her. "We're done, I think."
When he makes it over the boards, Leon’s already reaching out, one hand fisting in his jacket. She yanks him closer, kissing him, then pulls back and says, "Go shower. You stink." [they would be so much better at keeping their secret relationship secret if they didn't want to make out and or fuck whenever they're within five feet of each other. alas]
"Uh-huh," Matthew says, ducking back in to kiss her again, just to see if her nose will wrinkle. It does. [gross!!!! and!!! in love!!!]
"Shower," Leon repeats, slapping his chest and shoving him towards the door. "Hey, Brady. You coming to lunch?"
Matthew misses whatever Brady says to her, but he doesn't miss when Brady comes into the locker room and snaps a towel at him. "Told you," Brady says in a low voice. Almost subtle, for him. "Crazy about you." [rip to brady, who has to witness god's most embarrassing pda every day of his summer and then deal with his older brother thinking that his girlfriend doesn't love him]
Matthew busies himself with his towel. His cheeks are warm.
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miguelswifey04 · 10 months
ive been wanting this hhhh wedding night sex with miguel fem reader pls 💞💞💞💞💞 & ty!
oh my god yes!!
wedding night sex—miguel o’hara x fem! reader
cw: nsfw 18+, smut; no plot, wedding night sex, oral sex, vaginal sex (p in v), praise kink, slightly aggressive sex
as the night falls and the celebration of your wedding comes to a close, you and miguel find yourselves alone, finally able to indulge in the intimacy of your new union. the anticipation and excitement hang thick in the air as you step into the room that holds the promise of passionate encounters. miguel takes your hand in his, his touch gentle yet filled with desire. he pulls you closer, his lips finding yours in a deep, longing kiss. the weight of the day's emotions melts away as you succumb to the embrace of his strong arms.
with each kiss and caress, your clothing begins to fall away, revealing the raw beauty of your bodies. miguel’s eyes rove over your exposed skin, a hunger evident in his gaze. his hands roam over the curves of your body, worshipping every inch of you with tender yet possessive touch. he lays you gently on the bed, his hands trailing along your thighs, teasing, and exploring. as he positions himself above you, a rush of anticipation floods through you, the realization that this is the beginning of a lifetime together.
miguel's lips journey across your body, leaving a trail of kisses and gentle bites in his wake. his hands explore, cupping your breasts, his thumbs brushing against your hardening nipples. he takes his time, relishing in the pleasure of every touch, every gasp and moan that escapes from your lips. as he reaches your most intimate area, his lips part, his tongue flicking gently over your sensitive folds. he brings his hands up, gently parting your legs, his tongue delving deeper into your warmth. the sensation is overwhelming, pleasure pulsating through every nerve in your body.
miguel's expert tongue works its magic, skillfully exploring every inch of your most intimate parts. the sensations are overwhelming, a whirlwind of pleasure emanating from your core. your hands grip onto the sheets, your body writhing in ecstasy as a sweet release builds. as your climax approaches, miguel’s pace quickens, his tongue moving with fervor. the sensations overloaded your senses, and with an eruption of pleasure, your body tenses as a powerful orgasm consumes you. wave after wave of pleasure washes over you, leaving you gasping for breath. “would you like me to continue, my princess? there’s so much more i want to explore with you tonight." his voice drips with desire, his eyes burning with lust as he looks at you, waiting for your response.
“yes please…” with a powerful surge of strength, miguel effortlessly flips you onto your stomach, your naked body exposed and vulnerable. the anticipation builds as you feel his warm breath against your ear, “you’ve been a such a good girl for me. don’t worry, it'll be pleasure mixed with a touch of pain." without warning, miguel’s strong hands grip your hips possessively, pulling you closer to him. his impressive length brushes against your wetness, teasing and tantalizing.
he enters you slowly, bit by bit, his sizable girth stretching you, filling you up completely. the sensation is overwhelming, a mixture of pleasure and a twinge of pain that only heightens your desire. miguel’s pace quickens, his thrusts becoming more powerful and full of purpose. his hands roam your body, gripping your curves firmly as he takes his pleasure. with each thrust, he hits a spot deep within you that sends you spiraling towards bliss. the sounds of skin slapping against skin fill the room, blending with your moans of pleasure.
time seems to lose meaning as miguel takes you again and again, each thrust bringing you closer to the peak of your desire. the rhythm intensifies, his movements becoming more urgent, more primal. feeling the intensity building, your body tenses as a powerful orgasm approaches. with one final thrust, miguel pushes you over the edge, your body convulsing in ecstasy as waves of pleasure crash over you. miguel, not one to rest, continues his relentless assault, extending your pleasure, prolonging your release. his determination to savor every drop of pleasure pushes you to the edge once again, and with a cry of his name, you surrender to the ecstasy that consumes you.
both of you lay there, panting and sated, riding the waves of post-orgasmic bliss. miguel wraps his arms around you, pulling you close as you bask in the afterglow of your intimate encounter. “you’re incredible, sweetheart.”your hearts beat in sync as you lay there, bodies intertwined, ready to explore the depths of pleasure that await you throughout the night. there’s no doubt that you'll both leave this experience utterly satisfied and hungry for more.
tags 🏷️!! @kairiscorner @sabcandoit @emiemiemiii @meeom @astro1bloom @obi-mom-kenobi
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hwaslayer · 5 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | 13.5
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 1.8k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing/mature language, just a peek into some stuff that happened over break, very self indulgent honestly i just wanted more yuyu time lolol, the usual teasing between these lovebirds, making out, handjob, teensy weensy bit of spit play, unprotected sex, riding yunho after hes fresh out the shower purrrr 🤪
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—a/n: hi! dropping a bonus chapter because it's like ... kinda necessary in order for the next update to make sense? more self indulgent tho LOL but it wasn't long enough to be a chapter chapter 😭 anywho, enjoy!! pls vote on my poll if you haven't already cause ya girl needs to figure out her priorities hehe ty 💕
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"Get in the damn car! We're late!" Chaery yells at Seungmin as he lazily walks over after forcing for a pitstop just to get snacks. Yunho laughs as he watches from the rear view mirror, popping his mouth open when you lean over and feed him a fish ball.
"Why don't you get in and stop worrying about me? I'm getting there!" You hear Seungmin yell back as Soobin swings the door open and slides into the back seat.
"Maybe they'll never notice if we just drive off?" Soobin suggests, making Yunho chuckle again.
"He's almost to the car." 
"Why is she hella mad anyway?" Soobin shivers in his jacket.
"He's taking his sweet ol' time. Plus, you know how Chaery is. Her family is full of seasoned travelers. They don't do pitstops and stuff." You dip the fish ball into the sauce and pop it into your mouth.
"Right." Soobin sips on his cup of coffee, scooting closer to the door when Chaery and Seungmin finally slip into their seats.
"We're literally so behind now. You made Yuyu wait." She continues to go at Seungmin, making him roll his eyes.
"Yunho, I'm sorry. I really had to use the bathroom. Some people don't understand it's a thing." 
"You're good." Yunho starts up the car and instantly turns up the heat. "We've only got about an hour and a half left." 
Today, you and your friends were off to spend a few days deep in the snow; renting a huge cabin near a snowboarding and ski resort. Yunho graciously offered to drive, patiently dealing with your friends and their requests on the way over.
Yunho heads to the cabin to help drop off the bags before meeting up with the rest already at the ski resort. He pulls into valet while the rest of you hop out and head straight into the store to get some gear and rent some snowboards. You find the rest of your friends hanging around in the café, sipping on hot cocoa while waiting for your group to arrive. Everyone is in good spirits, excited to see Yunho alongside of you. Even though he's tagged along a few times, you still can't help but feel worried about Yunho. You don't want him to feel isolated or left out, especially if you and your friends already have a good bond with each other. But, he fits in so well every single time, you almost feel like he's been friends with them for as long as you have been.
He tries, and the effort shows.
Once the snowboarding finally takes off, you find out that Yunho has been snowboarding before and is pretty comfortable with it. You, on the other hand, are terrified out of your mind. It takes a few tries, a patient Yunho and constant falls before you're [at the very least] boarding in a straight path. But, you're having fun and sharing lots of laughs with your friends, and you find yourself enjoying yourself no matter the circumstance.
After an hour or so of boarding, you, Yunho and a few of your friends sit off to the side to observe everyone else and play around with the snow in the surrounding area. You give your sister a Facetime call during the brief break, getting your friends and Yunho in the screen. Your sister kept calling Yunho a cutie, demanding for you to bring him over for dinner ASAP. Yunho agrees and tells your mom and sister that he'll see them soon again, waving goodbye before helping you stand to your feet for another round of snowboarding.
You and your friends are out there for another 1.5 hours before you call it quits, heading back to the cabin for a relaxing rest of the evening before another day of playing in the snow tomorrow. Everyone pitches in to make a good, hearty dinner— Yunho and a few of the other boys grilling in the covered back patio while the girls stayed indoors and finished preparing the rest of the dishes over some drinks. Once everything is set, everyone sits at the table and quietly enjoys their food before debating what to watch for the rest of the night.
After dinner, most of the food is gone, and the group is cleaning around before you head upstairs to your shared room with Yunho. You take a shower first, while Yunho hangs out with the group downstairs, enjoying the hot water as it hits your skin. You take a good, lengthy 20 minute shower; gently moisturizing before getting into Yunho's shirt and some shorts, leaving your wet hair to air dry.
Luckily, the cabin is warm enough, but you know you'll get cold the longer you sit around. Before leaving the room, you turn on the portable heater just to warm the room a bit more before you get to bed. By the time you've headed back downstairs, a few of your friends are huddled around the living room now watching a true crime docuseries with some snacks; the rest already resting in their rooms or asleep from the eventful day.
"I'm gonna shower." Yunho kisses your cheek before excusing himself to shower. You watch for a bit before helping clean up around the kitchen and living room. You then bid your friends goodnight— the exhaustion kicking in quick that you don't really have time to sit and enjoy the rest of the docuseries they've started. When you get back into the room with a cup of tea in hand, Yunho has just turned off the shower and steps out in nothing but a towel. His hair is damp and you can't help but ogle at his frame, his body. "Hey. You didn't wanna watch?"
"No, the exhaustion is hitting me pretty badly now. I just helped clean up a bit downstairs and made some tea."
"Mm. Is the room warm enough for you?" He points at the portable heater that he's turned up a bit more.
"Yes. It's cozy." You chuckle. "Thank you." You sit on the bed with your back against the wall, watching as Yunho takes a seat on the edge. He's running a smaller wet towel across his damp hair, his back facing you. You can't help but crawl over and throw your arms over his shoulders, planting random kisses against the side of his neck and shoulders.
"Cutie." He chuckles. "What can I do for you?" 
"A kiss?" He smiles, dipping forward to connect his lips with yours in a sweet kiss. 
"You sure that's all?" He teases. "You know you can just tell me, baby."
"That's all." You continue to kiss him, hand traveling down his chest, to grazing across the tent forming in his towel. 
"Hey." He whines in between kisses, slightly hissing when you continue to gently palm him through the towel. "If you keep doing that, I won't be able to stop myself."
"Your fault for walking out of the damn bathroom when it's literally below 0 outside." He laughs, hands falling onto your hips when you crawl onto his lap.
"It was warm enough in here!"
"Sure." You playfully roll your eyes.
"Take these off." He whispers, tugging on your shorts.
"So bold." You tease as he helps you out of your shorts and bites his bottom lip.
"Mm, well. You started it." His hands come up your shirt to squeeze your sides. "Care to show me what exactly you need, love?" He smirks, a drip of a suave tone slipping through his lips.
"Mhm." You sit back a bit and run your hand up his towel to gently stroke his already-hardened member. He hisses and tilts his head back in pleasure, tempted to thrust into your hand as you pump him at a steady pace. He lets out low, strangled moans, trying his best to keep contact with you through hooded lids. You take the opportunity to spit onto his dick, letting it drip down the head and down his length while you pick up the pace. Yunho's moans are a little louder now, and hearing it drives you crazy.
"Jesus." He lowly groans. "Baby, wait, wait, wait—" He grabs at your wrist and stops you. "You'll make me cum if you keep going."
"You don't want that?"
"No. Or else, we would've gone through all that trouble of taking off your shorts for nothing." You giggle, adjusting your position to line him up at your entrance. 
"We have to be quiet."
"Do we? They have the docuseries on loud downstairs." You slowly sink down his length, lips attaching to his as you both let out soft moans while adjusting to the feeling.
"Mm, but there's still rooms across—" Yunho chases after your lips, enclosing it in a heated kiss before you can say anything else. He grips onto your hips and guides you at a steady pace, more gargled and low moans leaving him as you work him.
"They won't hear a thing, pretty. Don't worry." He smirks against your lips. "Is it really a bad thing, though?"
"Yunho." You giggle, tilting your head back in pleasure when his cock hits you in all the right places, clit rubbing against him perfectly. 
"Love when you say my name like that." He mutters against your neck, tongue swiping against the surface before he bites onto your neck. You let out a sigh just as his hand comes to your neck, gently squeezing as he watches you ride him at a steady rhythm.
"You feel so good." Your hands trail up the nape of his neck, tugging at the ends of his hair. His hands come back to your sides as he whispers in your ear, praising and cooing you straight to the edge.
Gonna keep being a good girl for me?
Riding me like you were made for me.
So pretty, so beautiful.
My baby.
And it only takes a couple of more rolls against Yunho before you're twitching and trembling in his grip, digging your nails into his shoulders as he thrusts up into you and fills you up shortly afterwards. He groans as lets out every last bit into you, lips grazing against your neck before planting a soft trail there, to your jaw, to your lips.
"That was fun." You say, making Yunho chuckle.
"Let's get cleaned up." He looks down at the towel that's now on the floor. "Again." You laugh, heading to the bathroom to clean up, get dressed and do some final touches before slipping into bed with Yunho. He instantly pulls you into his arms, wrapping one around your shoulders while you lay on his chest. "Can barely keep my eyes open now." You smile when Yunho kisses you on the forehead, letting out a content sigh with you in his arms.
"Thanks for coming along on this little trip."
"Wouldn't miss it for a thing, love." He hums against you, falling asleep in due time just to repeat the agenda all over again tomorrow.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk @kunikku @idkwgoh @kyeos4ng @agust-d2 @araknoid @bintificreads @primoppang @betray-the-light @aurorasjoongie @wineyoungie @yunholuvrsblog @yungigiggles @jaerisdiction @ignoretheskies @luminouskalopsia @naeviscall @vixensss @choisansplushie @arya9111 @my-lightspirit @dazednconfusion @astro-doll-the-star @faesmingi
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myg-butterfly · 1 year
How Many Things
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: Yoongi invites you out to a party with him, and in trust, you say yes. But what happens when you lose him in the crowd, just to find him again with someone else by his side? In the midst of panic and longing, you wonder how many things he thinks about before he gets to you.
Tags: Non-Idol AU, Anti-Social Reader, Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Fluff
Warnings: Anxiety, descriptions of panic attacks, Yoongi is an asshole for a minute, some of his friends are big time assholes, insecurities, social anxiety, lots of feelings, Teahyung and Namjoon are sweethearts, crying, jealousy, author's first fic lol.
A/N: HEY HELLO HI!!! This is my first fic that I'm publishing here so pls be gentle 🙏 And if you enjoy, leave feedback, good or bad, I love interactions. This is self-indulgent comfort that I've been thinking about for a long while and I was like ,,,,,, Yoongi got me 🥰🙏 Also this was slightly inspired by Sabrina Carpenter's "how many things" from her album EICS go listen if you want the extra angst. So yeah, enjoy!
main masterlist
You began to panic, the music was so, so loud, the clattering of dishes and glasses from the bar, the yelling, all the bodies and their humidity, it was all becoming too much, and to your dismay, Yoongi was nowhere to be seen.
You tried to recollect yourself as you began pushing through the crowd, determined on finding him. With every slip past a person, every step and stumble, you grew even more exhausted, but then finally, Yoongi came into view.
He was to the other end of the bar, a smile plastered in all his glory. Whoever he was talking to was clearly making him laugh, and just the sight of him made the tension in your shoulders ease a little bit. You were just about to call out to him, maybe even when fling yourself in his arms, but then-
Then you saw her. The one responsible for the way his face was currently scrunched with a happy grin. They stood close to each other, even as they turned the other way and moved to take a seat together at the bar. They were hand in hand, they looked like the human embodiment of perfection.
You felt your heart deflate as Yoongi pulled out a chair for her, proceeding to signal something to the bartender, the peace sign on his fingers and the pointing between him and her gave you the idea he asked for a drink for both of them. They continued to laugh and talk, and you had to force yourself to look away.
The sight of them made you remember why you hated going out, but even worse, you remembered why you vowed to not get romantically attached to anyone, especially not Yoongi.
The turning of your stomach was becoming hard to ignore, your quick breaths making matters worse. You knew you had to get out of there; with or without Yoongi. So with one last glance at him -who was still engrossed deeply in conversation with the woman next to him, leaning to whisper something in her ear and her reacting in a flustered manner- you fought your way to the door, tears beginning to spill the moment the night breeze greeted you.
As much as you wanted to just run and run and run until your body gave out on you, you knew better than to try and make it back to the dorms by foot.
You sighed defeatedly and pulled out your phone, texting the one person who you knew would be here without fail. As much as you didn't like bothering him (even though he's told you countless times you're not) you knew he'd scold you if you walked home on your own, and a scolding from him was never an enjoyable experience.
Y/N: are you busy rn?
Namjoon: Not currently. Why?
Y/N: can u pls come pick me up
Namjoon: Where are you? Are you safe?
Y/N: yeah, here's my location *📍*
Namjoon: I'll be there in less than 10. Stay put, okay?
Y/N: ok. ty joon.
Putting your phone away, you sat at the nearest bench you found, and attempted to stop the tears from falling further before Namjoon arrived.
But no matter how hard you tried, it was pretty much impossible to not think about why you were out here in the first place. Were you overreacting? Yoongi's allowed to have friends. So why are you so hurt? It's not even like you're together or anything.
In all honesty, you wanted to be mad at them.
You wanted to be mad at him for giving you even the slightest hope that there might be something more between you two.
You wanted to be mad at that girl he was with for being so damn perfect for him, for being everything that you could never begin to come close to.
But deep down you didn't have it in you to be angry at anyone but yourself.
How could you have been so stupid?
You knew that no one would want you romantically, you knew that all he felt for you was pity, that you'd never come first, and yet you still got your hopes up.
You let yourself dream that he wanted you like you wanted him. You believed all those things he said out of pity, all the reassurances and compliments, you knew that they were nothing but him simply being who he is; a naturally kind person.
You knew all of this, so why the hell were you crying? Why were you walking out and aimlessly trying to find anywhere else to go?
'Pathetic' you scoffed at yourself. You were being immature, everything everyone else had said about you was true. You were stupid to think otherwise.
Before you could continue to wallow in your self-pity, you felt a small tap to your shoulder, and you looked up to find Namjoon looking down at you.
"Y/N? Are you alright?" You quickly wiped away your remaining tears and nodded your head, standing up to greet him. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. Thank you for coming Namjoon." You bowed slightly, trying your best to look well put together. "It's no problem dear. My car's this way, come on."
"You want me to drive you back to your apartment?" You both got in his car and he asked as you put on your seatbelts. "Yes, please. Thank you." He only hummed in response as he began to drive, a soft tune playing on the radio, just loud enough to make it less awkward.
Namjoon knew you probably weren't in the mood to talk, and you were grateful for the silent understanding you guys shared. You weren't awfully close, but you'd shared your own personal memories with each other, and you mutually knew the other would be willing to lend a hand when needed. That's what you liked about him. He was just understanding like that.
The drive to your apartment was short, and even though you lived on the 3rd floor, Namjoon insisted on walking you to your door.
"Hey, take care okay? If you need anything else don't hesitate to call me, yeah?" He said as you reached your door, the genuine look on his face made you tear up once more.
"Yeah. Thank you, Joon." You waved him off as you stepped into your apartment, closing the door as he began to turn around.
You immediately kicked off your heels and went to grab a glass of water. You chugged it down as if you hadn't had a drop of water in days, proceeding to open your fridge and let the waterworks begin as you realized your appetite was gone just seeing the carton of orange juice sitting there with a sticky note that reads, "YOONGI'S!!! DO NOT DRINK >:("
He'd helped you with your groceries about 2 weeks ago, and the orange juice he bought was claimed by him, protesting that he needed "emergency juice" because he was at your apartment so often.
Not wanting to look at his skrunkly handwriting anymore, you shut the fridge door and rested your head in your hands on the kitchen counter.
The more you thought about it, the more prominent the ache in your chest became. He was the one who invited you to that party in the first place. He was the one who wanted you to have fun. He was the one that promised he wouldn't leave your side. Yet here you were, back at the dorms, hugging yourself in attempts to conceal your heartbreak.
If you had gone on your own and just happened to see him there with another girl, then that would have been a different story.
But no.
Yoongi himself told you two nights ago that he was invited to a party, and he wanted you to accompany him as his plus one. And as nervous and hesitant as you were, he spurred you on, encouraging; "No matter what you wear you'll look stunning." And "Everyone will love you" and "I won't leave your side, okay?"
That one stung the most when you thought about it, because not even 15 minutes into the party, Yoongi was nowhere to be seen. You could tell that most of his friends weren't too fond of you, and you felt ridiculous in the pink dress you wore.
You thought of how you'd taken hours to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and not cry at your appearance made you cringe. You tried so hard to look nice, to feel pretty, to feel wanted, and it still didn't work.
You grew angrier, why weren't you good enough? What made it so hard to love you? You practically ripped off your dress, the fabric suddenly piercing your skin, your arms wiping off your already smearing makeup furiously, and you stomped to your bed, plopping down violently before letting out a strangled groan that sounded more like a whimper.
You felt like shit. Your whole night was shit.
Were you overreacting? You had been rude too. I mean, you left without even telling him. You're just as bad, right?
He's the one who left you standing there, Y/N. Your brain going back and forth until you decided that falling asleep would be easier.
"Sooo how'd it go with lover boy last night? Assuming things went well from what I saw." An overly excited Taehyung appeared at your side, a smug grin on his face as he poked your arms. You just shrugged your shoulders as a response, the mere mention of the previous night was enough to deflate your already souring mood.
"Don't give me that look, Y/N! I know you and Yoongi got it on last night!" Taehyung flailed his arms accusingly, as if waddling around would make his statements true. "We didn't get it on, Taehyung. Literally nothing happened. Nothing." You tried to remain calm as you spoke, but your patience was running thin.
"Oh come on Y/N. Yoongi was absolutely plastered this morning and you're gonna try to tell me nothing happened?" He kept on going as he shook your shoulders, and it took everything in you to not slap his hands away.
"Did he get home safe last night?" Your brows furrowed in slight worry at the mention of Yoongi being wasted, and no matter how hurt you were, you had to know if he was okay.
"Uh, yeah. Were you drunk too? I thought you guys left together. Do you not remember?" The lump in your throat was becoming harder to swallow down as Taehyung spoke. You had to be strong. You were not gonna cry over this to your poor friend who's excited.
"You know I don't drink. And, no we didn't leave together. I asked Namjoon to take me home." You hoped he'd stop asking questions, but much to your dismay- "You left with Namjoon?!?! Does Yoongi know?!?!? Did anything happen with him!?" At this point you were on the brink of tears, you hated talking about this.
"Taehyung, please let it go. I just wanted to know if Yoongi got home safely. Can we please just drop it?" Taehyung caught onto your pleading tone and the hurt look in your eyes, and he nodded with his softened expression.
"Sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to pry." He spoke cautiously. "It's okay Tae."
He shot you another worried look before returning to walking in silence beside you once again.
The rest of the day went painfully slow, your mind too exhausted to deal with walking from one side of campus to the other, and much less to pay attention to what your professors were saying.
Expectedly, you collapsed onto your bed the moment you went back to your dorm. You were gladly going to continue feeling sorry for yourself, but the ringing of your doorbell rudely interrupted you.
You groaned, hoping they'd just go away, but after a few seconds another ring came. You [grumpily] got up, running your hands through your hair in attempt to look somewhat presentable.
As you made your way to the door, you wondered who could be at your apartment, especially now that it was beginning to get late, the sun going down quickly outside.
You hesitantly opened the door, immediately wishing you would've just continued to ignore whoever was at the door once you saw who was standing in front of you.
"Hi, I brought dinner." There Yoongi stood with a soft smile on his face, lifting a brown bag in reference to dinner.
You stood stunned, wanting to say something, but your mind went blank.
"Y/N? You there?" He playfully waved his hands around trying to get your attention.
"Oh, uhm, yeah. Sorry. Just didn't expect you to come by."
"Oh, sorry if I startled you. I texted you but you didn't respond, and you didn't answer last night when I called, so I wanted to come check if you were okay." He shuffled from foot to foot, worry evident in his eyes.
"Oh, just haven't been on my phone lately." You looked down, feeling unsure on how to talk to him without showing him your hurt.
"Oh alright. So, we heading in for dinner?" The smile returned to Yoongi's face, and no matter how hurt you were, you still found it hard to say no to him.
"Oh, yeah, sure. Of course."
You opened the door a little further and stepped aside to let him in.
On a normal occasion, dinner with Yoongi would've been the highlight of your day. But now, it was filled with awkward silence and poor attempts at small talk — Yoongi hates small talk as much as you, so you don't know why he's still trying — the tension in the air was hardly going unnoticed.
It wasn't until you finished eating that he decided to just rip the bandage off.
"Are you angry with me?" Yoongi asked, and you almost questioned if he was being serious or not, but the expression he held made you realize that he was in fact clueless about the hurt he put you through.
You weren't sure what to say, so you stayed silent. I mean, it's not like you were angry at him. But you also weren't too happy with him either. Yoongi felt his heart drop as your gaze dropped his own, denying him from an answer.
"Y/N? Did I do something?" He asks from across the table where he's sitting.
For some reason hearing those words from him made the tears you've been holding back so well spill over.
Did he really have no idea? Were you genuinely overreacting? Did you just make everything up in your head?
"Do you really not know?" You tried to push your voice out firmly, but it came out in a broken whisper. You wanted to look at Yoongi, you wanted to see if his face washed over with realization, but your eyes stayed glued to the floor.
"Is this about me getting drunk at that party? I thought you said you didn't mind if I had alcohol." His wording sounded harsher than he intended, but with your already weakened state, you had to hold back from full on sobbing right there in front of him.
"This is about you leaving me by myself in the middle of the party when you promised you wouldn't leave my side!" Your frustration began to take over, did he really not see it? He's supposed to know you better than anyone else.
"Leaving you by yourself? Last thing I heard, you had found yourself a new companion for the night." Yoongi scoffed, his mood souring when he recalls finding out that apparently you'd left with some other guy.
The drinks he'd had were enough to make the night slightly blurry and to make him work a little harder to recall the night's events, but unfortunately, they weren't enough to make him forget how someone had stole you away from him.
"Where did you hear that?" You asked, trying to mask the hurt you were currently feeling.
"My friends" He responded, as if that was supposed to change what you had said.
"Your friends ... the ones you introduced me to?"
"Your friends really don't seem to like me." You muttered, but Yoongi somehow caught the soft mumbling.
"What do you mean? To me it looked like they were all happy to meet you." His tone remained cold, and you felt more tears forming quickly.
"Well, you weren't there with me when they all laughed at me because I'd lost you in the crowd." You tried to defend yourself.
"They're not like that, I know they aren't."
"You wouldn't know how they acted towards me because you left me alone." You continued on, his face morphing into one resembling more of guilt.
"He left you already? Didn't even last half an hour."
"They haven't even had 1 drink tonight, no wonder Yoongi ran away so fast. Prude."
You winced while recalling how they'd laughed at you when you tried asking for Yoongi, passing it off as a joke when you'd gotten visibly upset.
You softened your tone, sadness catching up with you and replacing your frustration.
"It hurt, Yoongi. You know me better than anyone. You're supposed to know me better than anyone. You know how much I hate parties and bars, how I hate talking to people I don't know, how I don't do things alone. Ever. And you know that if I made you promise to not leave my side it's because I'm not ever planning to leave yours either. Do you know how bad it hurt to be panicking only to turn around and see you having the time of your life? Especially with someone else, when you promised me that night was for you and I only? It hurt, so damn bad."
Yoongi's heart dropped at your words, had it really been that bad for you? How did he not notice?
"I didn't leave with anyone yesterday, Namjoon brought me back to my apartment and left the moment I walked inside that door. You're the one that left with someone else last night, and it wasn't me."
A thick moment of silence engulfs you, and you begin to wait for a snap, or some sort of outburst from Yoongi, but all that comes is—
"Y/N... I- Shit. That's not-" You looked up hesitantly at the sound of Yoongi fumbling his words. He ran a hand through his hair in disbelief before slowly moving closer and crouching down in front of you. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I swear didn't mean to leave you. I went to go get the drinks, I did. And then when I couldn't find you I went and asked my friends if they had seen you, and they said that you'd gone off dancing with some guy, and so I went to go look for you and I ran into a classmate, which is the girl you saw me with. And I thought, since Y/N's off with someone else, it wouldn't hurt to have a drink with a girl from my class. I wouldn't have left you if I knew that you were by yourself. I'm so sorry."
Yoongi's gaze dropped to the floor as he finished, ashamed for being the root of your tears.
"I should've known better, I- I was just so opposed to seeing you happy with someone else that I immediately rejected the idea of looking for you to avoid the possibility of someone else making your night special. And I know that's not really a valid excuse, not looking for you because I was jealous- of something that wasn't even fucking happening- it isn't fair to you whatsoever. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I truly am." He takes your hands in his and takes a moment to recollect his next words.
"What can I do to make it up to you? Even if it's just the smallest fraction, I want to show you how sorry I am. Anything you want. Please." You paused for a moment, even though your conscience immediately knew what you wanted.
Hold me. Please. Hold me. Nudge your head with mine, lock our pinkies, put your leg against mine, anything. Please, hold me.
With your brain screaming mantras of 'I need to be held', you reached out for him for a second, before your body jerked to a stop.
No. I need him to hold me. I need him to reach out. He needs to initiate- please-
Yoongi's quick to notice your body language, and equally quick to react. "Do you want to be held, sweetheart?" You swear you felt yourself physically start to glow at the sound of him uttering the words you've been dying to hear for god knows how long.
You nod your head and you're so delighted by the aspect of someone- well, not just someone, but Yoongi- comforting you, that you don't even notice the soft whimper that leaves you as he scoots closer to you.
"Words, darling." He says softly, and your body automatically responds with soft chants of "Yes, please, yes Yoongi."
You don't even notice how tears begin to fall against your cheeks again when you feel Yoongi's hands wiping them away.
"C'mere, I've got you baby. Let's go to bed, yeah?" He grabs your legs and wraps them around his torso, before he holds you against him tightly and begins to stand up with you in his arms.
You feel yourself melting at the pet names he's giving you, glad that he's carrying you because you're sure your legs would've given out on you at this point.
You continue turning to mush when you feel how gently Yoongi sets you down once you reach your bed, how he squeezes your hand and asks for permission to lay with you with his eyes, how he reaches for you under the covers and cradles you close, fingers running through your hair softly.
The bliss is only momentarily, broken when your mouth moves faster than your brain;
"Why did it upset you when you thought I was at the club with someone else?" Your question comes out as a whisper, scared for his response.
"Y/N." He pulls back a little to see your face.
"Yoongi." You reply mocking his tone.
"Are you really gonna make me spell it out for you?" He's secretly glad that it's dark in your room, otherwise you'd be able to see the blush coating his cheeks.
"What are you talking about?" You ask, and his only response is a huff while pulling your head back into his chest.
"Yoooongiiii" Your whine comes out muffled by his shirt.
"Y/nnnnnn" It's now Yoongi's turn to mock your tone.
"Answer the questionnnn"
You feel the vibrations of his chest as he mumbles something into your hair, and you would've lost it on the spot if you weren't so focused on getting an answer out of him.
"Yoongi I can't understand you when you're mumbling like a child." You chuckle slightly, not wanting to dwell on how you can feel his heart beating rapidly against you before he mumbles once again, only this time louder.
"I don't understand you for shit." At this, Yoongi lets go of you and sits up with a sigh, looking at you for a second before securing his gaze on his hands. You follow suit and sit up as well, only slightly behind him.
"I like you. I've liked you. For a really long while." His voice is so soft and it sounds so timid, you almost think you're imagining it.
"Wait- that's not a good way to respond to that. Uhhh- wait." You quickly shift so you're facing him fully.
"Do you mean like as in 'you're a homie' or like as in 'you're not just the homie you're THE homie'? Because before I say anything you would have to clari-"
"Do you think I do this with all my friends?" He cuts off your nervous ramble, grabbing both of your shaky hands with his equally shaken ones.
"What specifically?"
"All of it."
"The sharing food? The holding hands and carrying you and bringing dinner over and inviting them everywhere with me? The cuddling and the 'baby' and 'doll'? You know how I am about my personal space, and you know how I am about my sleep, and you know how I am about affection. Do you think I do that with just anyone?"
"Well- I don't know, I mean- I don't know what your other friendsh-"
"I don't. You're the only one that gets to see me like this. You're the only one I treat like this. You're the only one I want to treat like this. I like you. And I want to be with you. And that's why I was upset. Because when I thought you were with someone else, it made me feel as if you didn't want the same thing as me."
Before you got the chance to even begin to process, Yoongi catches himself and feels the need to justify: "Obviously if you don't feel the same then I won't like, lash out at you or anything, it'll hurt but I don't want you to feel forced into something more with me than what we have now, it's just you asked me why I was upset and that was the only way I could explain it but I-"
"Yoongi." He's stopped by a soft tug to his shirt and the even softer sound of your voice.
You catch each other's eyes, the flickers of hope and longing between them, and the search of honesty.
"I feel the same."
A sigh leaves his lips and he breaks into a smile before picking you up in one motion and setting you on his lap so you're straddling him.
"Does this mean we're like, um- like,,,,"
"Like...?" His tone is teasing, and you know he knows what you mean.
"Like, y'know- like..."
"I actually don't know...."
"Yoongi." You huff out, your shyness getting the best of you.
"Yes?" His tone is smug, making you groan into his chest.
Working off of pure adrenaline, you mumble quietly: "Like, together."
"What was that doll?" You could practically hear the smirk on his face, making you try and shuffle away from him, but Yoongi's quicker, pulling you back into him with a giggle.
"If you're asking if we're officially dating, then don't even question it baby." He's still laughing, but his tone is firmer this time.
"So I'm taking that as a yes?"
"Fuck yes."
You burst out laughing at his response, and soon enough you've both fallen into a fit of giggles, as well as back into the bed, with you on top of Yoongi, before he flips you over so he's hovering over you.
"Can I kiss you?"
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bloodynereid · 5 months
okay okay hear me out. gn reader. jordan. sleepy cuddles. just the two of them in the dorm with lazy kisses and snuggles and all the fluffy love in the world (and cute pet names of course). i think it would make me melt. i want i need i love - 🧚🏻
Ice Crystals & Hot Chocolate
pairing: jordan li x gn! reader
tw: kissing, mentions of ice storms, cuddling, overall veryyy fluffy
description: a snow storm arrives on campus and you know what that means... cuddles and hot chocolate galore.
a/n: hiii ty for this request omg i loved writing it!!! this is probably the calmest i've ever felt writing something weirdly enough. sorry this is so short btw, i'm just not feeling like writing anything reallyyyy long. anyways i hope you enjoy because ahhhh i really like it. ALSO pls listen to this snowstorm ambience and spotify playlist (which i didn't make but is soooo good) while reading because it just sets the vibe so so well <33
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Howling wind roared against the windows. It was cold and dark outside, with swirling flakes of ice dancing with the air and falling in neat piles which quickly covered the ground. You were grateful to be cozied up under mounds of your favorite blankets and a cup of steaming hot tea. The one thing that didn’t let you totally relax was the fact Jordan hadn’t made it back to your dorm yet.
They had volunteered to brave the common room to try and find some hot chocolate, a must in this weather. However, she had been gone for over an hour and there wasn’t any news.
“Fuck!” A loud voice filled the room as the door was wrenched open and standing in all their glory was Jordan. You laughed in relief before bounding up from your cocoon on the bed. Just as you were about to embrace her into a hug you had the realization that Jordan was covered from head to toe in snow.
“Jordan, honey, what did you do?” You asked in both an admonishing and worried tone. They didn’t even head out with proper winter gear! She was literally wearing a leather jacket and a knitted scarf!
“I- well, you seemed so happy at the mention of hot chocolate and I couldn’t find any in the common room so I decided to go to Luke’s-” You interrupted their mini rant with a short laugh before throwing yourself into their arms, not caring about the fact your pajamas would probably be all soaked through now.
“I fucking love you so much, but you really didn’t have to do all that for me, sweetheart.”
“Of course I did, darling. Plus the mission was successful.” Jordan exclaimed as she pulled out a can of some very fancy hot chocolate from the pocket of their leather jacket. “Luke said that Vought sends their regards.”
You both laugh at that before you place a kiss on their lips, which felt like kissing an ice cube.
“Shit, Jordan. Let’s get you out of these clothes. You’re freezing!”
“Aww take me out to dinner first, darling.” Jordan said with a smirk, making you softly smack her shoulder before you started to pull off different layers of clothing.
Once you had both changed into fresh pairs of pajamas, matching ones of course, you settled back into your little nest of blankets. However, this time holding large mugs filled to the brim with hot chocolate which smelled and ended up tasting like heaven.
Your legs were entwined with Jordan’s and quickly tried to warm them up with fleeting kisses to his neck. Something which was probably more of an indulgence than an actually helpful action.
‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ was playing softly in the background, it was already thirty minutes in but you carefully rewinded it so Jordan didn’t miss anything.
As the movie continued you could feel your eyelids starting to drop a few minutes after you had finished your hot chocolate. The movie, the thick chocolate and the solid warmth that was Jordan was quickly easing you into dreamland.
“Darling?” Jordan quietly asked as they pulled you closer to them and brushed his soft fingers against the skin of your cheek. 
“Are you falling asleep on me?”
“Noooo.” You murmured before cuddling closer to them, an act that was basically impossible at that point.
“Mmmhh, go to bed darling. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“I promise.” Jordan laughed out before placing a kiss on your forehead. You started to feel the weight of drowsiness really settle in at that moment that you almost missed the phrase Jordan uttered out.
“I love you.”
“Love you too.” You sleepily slurred out, you fell asleep to the sound of Jordan’s twinkling laugh. The perfect sound to end the night. A sound that you hoped to hear next to your ear forever.
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i want sleepy jordan cuddles right this instant ! i would also love some snow to start falling, we had a minor snow fall a week ago but it was like for 2 seconds.
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zhxngii · 2 years
hi 😁😁 i wanna be 🫧 anon pls ty
ANYWAY can you indulge me and write about diluc shower sex <3
ofc ofc for you yes.
𖠵 Diluc ft. Thoma & Cyno 💙
𖠵 shower sex (I did quite a bit for diluc...😭)
        𖧷 Mdni. Nsfw content ahead!
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✶ Diluc. The pleasant light scent of the lavender wash he uses on you fills the room you two occupied. In the midst of cleaning you, you notice how his touch is lingering a bit too long on your chest. Peeking back at the man behind you who only gives a smile as he continues rubbing circles on your breast. 
The suds trickling down his hands and your chest gets to him more than he likes to admit. He continues his antics as he leans down, his breath fanning against your neck sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Do you..” kiss “..want more?” His voice, so sweet sounding, has you pressing your thighs together as you answer back with a small “yes”. He notices this, sliding his hand down your body between your legs, spreading them again just enough so he can slide his digits through your wetness.
✶Thoma. not being able to keep his lips off of your pretty body he settles on the floor before you, placing your leg over his shoulder, and proceeds to kiss and lick your sensitive bundle of nerves. hand, fingers tangled in the blonde locs of the male under you.
grinding yourself down on his tongue he can't help but moan at the sight and the stinging sensation on his scalp as you tug on his hair. The cute sounds you're making encourage him to continue his actions.
✶Cyno. The cool feeling of the tiles before you in contrast to cyno's hot skin against your back drives you mad. his hips not showing any signs of stopping, using your pussy just as he pleases.
his face hidden in the crook of your neck, can't help but let out a few strings of curses as you tighten around him even more than before. His arm wrapped around you to prevent you from falling as your legs are soon about to give up.
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© DO NOT REPOST.  ⚞ zhxngii ⚟
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
hi hi!! can u do #8 from the prompt list with steve pls? ty!
hello! i hope you meant the 'what are we' prompts bc that's what i've done! this prompt is: rubbing comforting circles into their skin. this is a very short, very self-indulgent fic bc i hate going to the doctor, so here's steve making that a little less awful. enjoy! __
The room smells like carpet cleaner and plastic. You shift in the slightly uncomfortable chair and your leg bounces up and down, up and down, until Steve gently puts his hand on your knee.
"Hey," he says. "Temp check."
"The doctor is gonna do one in the exam room, Steve," you joke weakly. He smirks at you but starts to rub his thumb in small circles over your denim-clad leg. "Still nervous," you tell him.
"S'okay," he says softly. "Do you want to talk through it again?"
"It's just a routine check-up," you recite. "They will listen to me if I have questions. If anything is wrong, they'll tell me. If anything is wrong, we'll figure it out." You know that your doctor is a good one, great, even. They've been nothing but good to you. But for some reason -- maybe one too many scary movies and horror stories -- you're almost unbearably anxious every time.
But Steve helps. And he never minds coming with.
"And," he adds. "I'll be here when you get out." That's not part of the small script you wrote to help you manage your nerves, but it makes you smile. His thumb continues to stroke your knee and you can feel yourself calming at his gentle touch. "And we're getting milkshakes after, don't forget."
"What are you going to do while I'm in there?" you ask. "I'll leave you my book if you want."
"Is it the one about the clown?" he grimaces when you nod. "No thanks. Gonna make me freaked out." He reaches blindly with his free hand to pick up a magazine from the waiting room table next to him. "I'll read...Bird Watching Monthly."
You laugh again, maybe a little too loudly for a doctor's office waiting room.
"No, I'm serious," he says. "Hey, I'll read it to the fish. They'll love it." He jerks his chin at the glowing blue tank on the opposite end of the room.
"Thanks for coming with me, Steve," you say. You cover his hand with yours and squeeze gently.
"What're you thanking me for?" he says, but his eyes are bright, mouth curled up at the corner. "I'm here for the free sucker you're gonna get me at the end of your appointment. Maybe a sticker, too."
A nurse calls your name before you can tease him back. You tense up almost right away. "I'll be here when you're out, okay?" Steve says as you stand. He keeps your hand in his grip to plant a kiss on your palm. "Go kick some ass, baby."
"I don't think that's what you do in a doctor's appointment," you say. Thank you, you mean. He winks and picks up the birdwatching magazine as you walk toward the nurse. You feel so fond, so in love with the boy in the waiting room that you forget to be nervous.
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corruptballin · 2 months
do you mind sharing your thoughts on clayhoun ( and other figures and ships from the period?)
woof..! okay a girl can try! i fear i am everything but educated in most historical subjects and i instead just toy with these figures like doll’s on my floor like im seven years old. i actually, genuinely, hated us history all throughout middle-high school and then i awoken one day in janurary like a sleeper agent and went oh… i get it. as far as collected thoughts go.. well I’ll try. if anything i say is inaccurate pls keep in mind im a just a girl
clayhoun: clayhoun for me is almost this push and pull dynamic, where as we have Clay, who is openly a charismatic charmer, who (quite literally) plays poker: he can be dealt a hand of cards and will figure out a way to win, in this almost fantastical sense, and we see Calhoun enter in the early 1810’s
and fall inline with Clay’s rational as a war hawk, with Jeffersonian ideas licked and reinforced into him, and we see in his early years this sense of nationalism that pairs well with Clay. I love these early years, as they lay the basis and foundation for their relationship. I especially love that, when Calhoun was challenged to a duel with Grosverenor, we see this push/pull: calhoun is set on defending his honor, with high ambitions, and openly defends his actions so early in his tenure. He, of course, asks Clay to be his second, and before the duel commences it’s resolved by Clay.
Here you see my entire dynamic and fun laid out: that, Calhoun is bent on the reflection of his honor in a metaphorical sense that is reflective of Americas, because if he cannot defend his own personal honor, then what of America’s honor in 1812? What the entire war is practically based upon. It’s a whole debacle I toy with. And here is Clay trying to rise in his own ambitions, with his own charms, while also keeping the fraying union together as it progresses.
I think it’s also fun, of course, during 1824 & later Jacksonian politics we see Clay attempt to climb this political ladder— over and over he attempts to become President, become something— and here is Calhoun, who’s ambitious, who’s outspoken, and the ballot falls upon his lap and he’s made VP. And we see this turn from nationalism, from a strong federal goverment into state’s rights, and we have Clay who watches his dissent, who watches his ability to rise. Utter jealousy, is what I would feel if I was Clay. Here is a man around 5 years my junior who I considered my friend, who I saved from death, who rises and continues to rise and I cannot. Just absolute chef’s kiss. Clay revolves around this big precense, this show-man ship and here is Calhoun with his humility and stoicism who rises. Literally listen to the song w.a.m.s by fall out boy. please.
I sadly do find myself intrigued by Calhoun, as it’s simply my nature, but I in no means endorse either of them. Quite frankly I don’t even like modern politics inside the US since they all shift wayyyyyy too conservative/right-wing for my liking, but ahhh well what can I do but hope to lay the foundations for future generations, but that is me being side tracked. I simply and genuinely just find his turn and complete 180 and abandonment— or rather, return to southern ideas— fascinating. My clayhoun songs I leave to you as an emo: w.a.m.s for 1824-1828-ish with Calhoun’s rise ofc, PAVLOVE!!!!!!, our lawyer made us change the name our song for corrupt bargain / calhouns rise… i simply think calhouns rise that is ultimate paired with his descent sooo juicy and the way they used to be friends. Braunrot.
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rapid-fire for the rest: clay/webster ultimate failed prank on biddle re:charting of the second bank. they fight for joint custody with jackson over who keeps the orphan biddle 💀mvb is hilarious to me and can be described as a giant bunny in my head. just silly and fat and magical.
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ty for ur indulgence on these very pressing matters… my friends have absolutely no idea what i mean when i talk abt these things so its fun to be let out of my enclosure.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
Coffee is bittersweet to me ˖⁺。˚⋆˙♡
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🐶: pairing: Kim Seungmin x F!Reader 
🐶: genre: fluff, angst (?)
🐶: synopsis: you was living your fathers life. Seungmin helped you to be free.
🐶: warnings: estranged relationship, negative relation with father, powerplay (?), drunk kiss, implications of arranged marriage.
🐶: words: 4.5k
🐶: a/n: Seungmin took me a while to think of. the ideas i currently have just didnt fit him. Hopefully this is okay for you all 🥺
i have a part 2 of this in mind. will be a continuation and most likely smut if people want it, ofc. 
likes, feedback and relogs are welcome, especially reblogs as they help get my fics and blog out there. ty all for the love as of lately!
i feel like there should be more warnings, idk though so pls lmk if i did miss anything!! 
ty for the love and support. i hope you enjoy! 🖤
🐶: master list
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"Yes. absolutely sir. The papers will be on your desk tomorrow morning." You internally sighed, your boss giving you an earful over the phone over a problem that wasn't even yours to begin you.
Letting hot, frustrated air out of your nostrils slowly, you continued to repeat the words "yes" and "absolutely", like an automated robot. Your heels clacked against the pavement as you was making your way home.
The chilly autumn September air flowed hitting your body causing shivers to run all over your body. Times like this, you really hated wearing a skirt and tights, but hey, it's work policy.
"Yes sir. I apologise for the inconvenience. See you tomorrow." You hung up and groaned, throwing your phone in your handbag. "why am i always in the firing line. Its not my fault the rookie fucked up." You grumbled to yourself.
You didn't love your job. After finishing your education, your father knew a few people and put in a good word for you ultimately landing you this 'dream' job. Of course, you're grateful for it, but sitting at a desk, shuffling papers and picking up after other people, its not your thing.
As more time passed, the more you realised that you was getting bored. Bored of the same old routine. Wake up - go to work - get yelled at - go home - sleep - repeat. you needed some fun. It was only recently that you decided to indulge and buy yourself some fancy art supplies.
You spent the entire day just painting, listening to soft music and just, forgetting about the world, even if it was just for 24 hours. You wanted to leave your job, it was your fathers dream, not yours. You wanted to be a vet, treat sick animals and give them a second chance at life.
Was you scared of leaving your job? Absolutely. Your father is a powerful man and you know that he would be deeply disappointed in you if you turned around and told him you wanted to be a vet.
Your father never understood. To him, being a vet is a 'lower-class' job. he wouldn't understand why you would want to be like them – them being lower / middle class people. Coming from a rich background and watching the way your father treated people, made you determined to not be like him. To not pre-judge.
your father will never understand you and it hurt a part of you, more specifically, the younger side of you. You never really had a bond with your father. You remember growing up with him being surrounded by important people. When you would ask for attention, you would either get ignored or shooed by your mother.
Once you became 18, your father suddenly took an interest in you only because he wanted to see you grow into a successful business women. He told you to give up on your dream of being a vet, ultimately forcing you into the career you have now.
To this day, you have little to no contact with your father. After you moved to university accommodation and learnt to live and fend for yourself, you never wanted to go back to live with your father.
Sure, the money is good with the job you have now, but it isn't you. This isn't what you want and you felt trapped.
Lost in your thoughts, your legs had carried you a nearby café. Coming to the conclusion that it was new – considering you've lived here your whole life and never see it before – you decided to try it out.
There's no such thing as bad coffee, right?
You pushed open the heavy doors with both hands, the bell above chiming letting staff and customers aware someone has walked in. The café was decorated in a modern vibe, typical café quotes decorating some walls, hanging plants hung from the ceiling.
There were round tables allowing people to sit and enjoy with a group of friends, or if you was feeling antisocial and came alone, there were singular tables. Outlets allowed people to come in to work on their laptops or phones. Soft music was playing in the background. It felt – welcoming.
You walked to the counter, looking at the array of deserts on display. Cookies, brownies, pastries, sandwiches, you name it, this café had it.
A member of staff walked out of the back room. He gave you a bright smile, eyes crinkled at the corners, teeth on display
"Hello and welcome to ocean paradise. What can i do for you today?" You looked up, instantly noticing how beautiful he looks, his freckles decorating his features. His Aussie accent indicated he wasn't from around here. His black hair was slicked back, wispy bits of hair fell in front of his face.
He was dressed in the standard barrister uniform. White shirt, black pants, trainers with a brown apron. You looked at the menu and hummed, thinking of what to pick.
"Mhm, could i have a iced americano and a brownie please?" You smiled. He nodded, punching the numbers into the cash machine and telling you the cost. You fished your purse out off your bag and paid with your card.
"Will be with you in just a second." You nodded.
"Thank you, uh –" you glanced at his name tag "Felix." He nodded and got to work in sorting out your order. You looked around, noticing how peaceful it was, give or take it was five in the afternoon.
It felt homely, like you could spend the majority of your day here, sipping coffee and reading a book. You couldn't help but also notice that it felt familiar. You felt like you had been here before. The vibe it was giving you felt like you had experienced it somewhere – somehow.
Your phone buzzed. You took your phone out off your handbag and checked your phone, groaning audible.
father: hi daughter. letting you know, dinner at my house tomorrow evening. 7pm sharp. Have some important people that wish to meet you. Don't be late!
You rolled your eyes, putting your phone on silent before throwing it back in your bag. 'Important people' meaning he has hand-picked some people who he thinks is best suited to marry his daughter. The whole thought of marrying someone you hardly knew made you sick to your stomach.
"You okay, Miss? You look rather pale." Felix placed your coffee and brownie on a tray, eyebrows knitted together with concern. You smiled softly at him.
"Oh, just family stuff." You sighed out. Felix nodded, understandably
"Well, whatever the problem may be, I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem solving it. You seem like a reasonable women." You looked at your feet, shyly.
"Thank you." Felix nodded and smiled again as you took your tray. You sat at one of the singular tables, taking off your coat and making yourself comfortable.
You grabbed the brownie and took a bite out off it. The chocolatey, gooeyness leaving your sweet tooth satisfied. You hummed and wiped your mouth before sipping your coffee. Bitter. Coffee always tasted bitter to you, yet at the same time, it was sweet. You settled on people watching, getting lost in thought about tomorrows dinner plans with your father.
It was bothersome to you. You couldn't stand it.
"(Y/N)?" You looked up at the person who called your name. At first, you thought it was one of the many men your father had picked out for you, until you noticed he was in the cafés uniform.
You tilted your head, looking at his facial features, trying to figure out who he is. Then it hit you.
"Seungmin?!" Your eyes widen, a grin plastered across your face as you stood up.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Seungmin hugged you tight, the warmth of his touch felt homely, bringing back many memories.
"What are you doing here?" You pulled away and sat down as Seungmin pulled a chair up to your table and sat opposite you. "I thought you moved away?"
"I did, but i came back to pursue my dream. Plus, i was getting homesick." He laughed.
"What did you want to do?" Seungmin looked around and grinned.
"This is my café. I opened it up a few days ago. Im the boss and Felix, who im sure you've met, is my partner." He grinned, looking proud.
This café, is his?! You was shocked and impressed.
"I'm impressed, Seungmin. It's a beautiful café. Explains why it felt so familiar to me"
"It did?" you hummed, sipping your coffee.
"It has that aura around it. Homely. It's how i felt when we hung out together." Seungmin nodded.
You and Seungmin met when you moved to university. He was your roommate at the beginning before moving in with someone else named Bang Chan.
You both became close instantly, the chemistry between you both made people think you was together. He knew about your father and how little he respected you and your life choices. He voiced his opinions about him, calling him a coward for not believing in his daughter.
Seungmin became your comfort. You was down? You'd call Seungmin and in 5 minutes, he was around your dorm, comforting you. When you needed help revising for exams, Seungmin was there to help you. You'd spend your free time together, watching K-Dramas or going on lunch dates. You never liked coffee "It's too bitter for me." You'd say.
Seungmin managed to convince you to try Iced Americano, you couldn't say no to those puppy eyes after all. Soon, coffee began to taste so sweet to you. The more you had it, the sweeter it tasted - the more it reminded you of Seungmin.
You shared a drunken kiss one night. Someone on campus, Seo Changbin, organised a party and you both went to have some fun, let your hair down. Exams were coming to an end, your father was being extra dickish to you and you needed to forget for one night.
A few shots and alcoholic beverages later, you found yourself straddling Seungmin in one of the spare rooms. You was both drunk - not blacked out drunk, drunk enough to understand where you are and what you was doing. You was crying to Seungmin about your father, how he always makes you miserable and how you can never be good enough for him
That caused you to be anxious and overthink, the alcohol making it worse. You was thinking and feeling a lot of things that night, mainly because of the alcohol running through your blood stream. Seungmin couldn't take it anymore. It broke his heart to see you in such pain. He would do anything in his power to heal you of your pain.
Next thing you know, you was straddling Seungmin, his lips against yours. It took you a few moments to register what was happening and when you realised, you didn't hate it. You kissed each other, embracing each others touch and warmth.
You remember his lips feeling soft against your own, your skin feeling like it was on fire where ever he touched. Butterflies erupting in your stomach, fluttering all over your body. For a brief moment, you forgot about life, about where you was. The loud music and chattering of drunken people became background noise to you
It was magical.
When you both parted from each other, you both laughed, feeling shy around each other. You both didn't hate it, it felt natural. After that, you went back to his dorm and fell asleep in Seungmin's arms.
A few days had passed since then and you hadn't heard anything from him since. You became increasingly worried. You left voice messages, texts, calls, facetime and nothing. No reply. You decided to ask his roommate who stated that Seungmin left. Claimed university was stressful and he couldn't do it anymore.
You was heartbroken. You felt like you could finally be happy, be human and it was stripped away from you in an instant. You went back to your dorm and cried. You didn't understand, you refused to understand. It didn't make sense. Seungmin was thriving, top of his class and he just quit because it was 'too hard'
There was something more to it than that. Unfortunately, you never heard from him again. You finished your course and continued on with your life.
That sweet coffee taste, soon became bitter to you once again.
"You a vet yet?" Seungmin winked. You faked a laugh, gesturing at your work uniform. Seungmin raised his brows. "An office job? really? that's not like you, (Y/N) You studied hard to become a vet and you work behind a desk?"
You sighed. "Yeah, i know. Once i finished uni, my father spoke to some people and yeah, you get the rest."
Seungmin sighed. "You're still letting that bastard control your life, huh?" You raised a brow, his words as bitter as the coffee you was drinking.
"Why do you care? You left me." Your tone low, hurt evident in your voice. Seungmin bit his lip.
"I had no choice." He whispered, facial expression showing hurt and regret. you frowned.
"What do you mean you had no choice? You left me Seungmin! We kissed and then you up and left. No calls, no texts, not even a warning! You could have told me you disliked kissing me so much! Do you know how i felt when i spoke to your room mate and he told me you just, up and left? Broken. I had a chance at being happy and it was ripped from me in an instant!"
your voice shaky, vision blurred as tears filled your eyes, memories of that day flooding back to you
"(Y/N) i didn't want to leave! Believe me! You know me and know i would never do something like that."
"Then what happened? Why did you leave because the excuse of 'it was too hard for you' is bullshit. You was doing so well and all of a sudden it was too hard to the point where you dropped out?"
Seungmin looked to the side, biting his lip. He took a deep breath after several minutes and held your hand in his, his palms clammy.
"Your father came to see me. He paid me off to leave you alone, said i was an interference." Your eyes widen, blood boiling. "I refused the money, told him to fuck off but, he's a powerful man, (Y/N) told me he knows people and would make my life miserable. So i left, moved away for a while until it was safe for me to return."
You squeezed Seungmin's hand tightly, jaw clenching. Angry tears ran down your face. Just when your father couldn't stoop any lower, here you are learning that he tried to pay off your potential lover to leave you alone.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N) i didn't want to leave, but i was scared! i tried to find you on social media but i just couldn't. I wanted to meet you again, contact you more than anything in this world. When i was loosing hope, Felix mentioned that an old café in this area needed some TLC, so i moved and started this business."
You wiped your eyes with your free hand, tears of anger continuing to fall. Seungmin sighed, leaning back in his seat, letting go of your hand.
"Forgive me for saying this, but, you know what he is like, what he is capable of, so why are you still obeying him?" You blinked.
"because I'm scared." You whispered. Seungmin raised his brow.
"Scared of what? Disappointing him? (Y/N), he's been disappointing you his whole life, why are you still living his life? Be free, you have everything you need to follow your dreams." He paused before speaking again. "And you have me to support you, i always have and i will continue to do. You can always find comfort in me."
He's right. He always has been right. Why are you living your fathers life? You can do whatever you want, be whatever you want and he cant stop you. The thought of telling your father that you didn't want this life anymore, terrified you but knowing that Seungmin was here to support you, empowered you.
"Thank you, Seungmin. It means a lot to me, to hear that and well, to finally have you home again." He smiled brightly, making your heart flutter. The bell chimed as someone walked into the café.
"Best get back to work." He laughed. You grabbed a napkin and pen, writing your contact details on it and passing it to him.
"text or call me anytime, Seungmin." He took the napkin off you and nodded before serving the customer. You brought up your fathers contact details, heart pounding against your chest, anxiety rising.
"It's now or never." You whispered before pressing the call button. "Time to get my life back."
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3 hours later, you found yourself outside the closed café, your bags and suitcase situated by your feet, along with moving boxes. The chilly September air ran through your body, making you shiver, nuzzle into your scarf and wrap your coat around your body tightly. The streets were silent, with the occasional car passing by.
Looking around, you noticed a car coming pulling up to you. You frowned, your flight or fight mode activating. It was only when you recognized the figure that was coming out off the drivers side, did you relax.
"Hey, (Y/N)" A comfortable looking Seungmin walked to you, embracing you in a tight hug. He was wearing sweats, face bare and prepped for sleep. His figure looking small in an oversized hoodie that drowned him. You gripped onto his hoodie, nuzzling into his neck. You melted into him, into his warmth that you had longed for.
Seungmin held you, rubbing your back and whispering that he was proud of you. Butterflies evident in your stomach, you felt lost in the sweet moment. Seungmin pulled away and nodded at your luggage.
"You have everything?" You hummed as Seungmin opened the trunk of his car.
"Yeah, well, everything that's deemed as important to me." You lifted up the boxes, putting them in the trunk with Seungmin's help. Once done, the trunk closed and you seated yourself in the passenger side, the warmth welcoming you from the bitter outside air.
You sighed in content as Seungmin got in the drivers side. "Where to?" He asked, buckling himself up and placing his hands on the wheel.
"Oh, just to a hotel." You buckled yourself up also, looking at Seungmin who raised a brow.
"A hotel?" You nodded. "I don't think so, (Y/N) You're staying with me." Seungmin started the ignition and drove to his apartment.
"Are you sure? i don't want to intrude."
"I'm a million percent positive. Cant have you staying at a hotel, especially after the day you've had."
"Okay, if you're sure. It will only be a short while, until i find something." You mumbled, slouching in the seat. Seungmin hummed, his attention on the road ahead. You looked out of the passenger window, the silence comforting. For the first time in years, you felt free.
Right after Seungmin went to serve a customer, you called your father, claiming you needed to talk and it was urgent. You told him to meet you outside the company building you worked out.
What he didn't know, is that you went inside the building and told your boss to stick his job where the sun doesn't shine. You was done picking up everyone's mess.
Your father picked you up shortly after, driving to his home that you grew up in. You disliked where you grew up because it just held memories, memories of torment and heartbreak. Memories of a little girl getting denied by her father countless of times.
Once your entered the house, you wasted no time in telling your father how you truly felt. How you knew that he tried to pay of Seungmin. How you just quit your job five minutes ago. Years of pent up anger and hurt, exploded in the space of seconds.
Your fathers blood ran cold. "How dare you betray me and treat me like this after everything i have done for you!" You scoffed at his words, claiming that it wasn't done for your gain, but for his own. You was done living his life, done begging for your father to show you some love. You was done, full stop.
Your father warned you, told you to think very carefully because he could strip you of everything that you have, including the roof over your head. He used his power to dominate you, to try and intimidate you. That trick would have worked on you years ago, but not anymore.
True to his word, you became homeless in the space of one hour. You knew your father was a jerk, but tonight was the icing on the cake. You texted Seungmin, explained the whole situation. He told you to meet him outside the café.
You thanked the heavens above for having a kind and gentle man like Seungmin. A second chance of happiness has be granted to you and you snatched it with greedy hands. You never believed in fate, but after todays events, you worshipped it.
Seungmin's car came to a stop, the engine shutting off as he unbuckled himself and took the key out off the ignition. "We're here."
You unbuckled yourself and got out off the car, walking to the trunk. Seungmin opened it up and helped carry the boxes up to his apartment. Opening the door, you heard the pitter patters of feet against the hard wood floor. You placed your boxed in the hallway, taking off your shoes and coat.
"Hey buddy!" You looked over to see Seungmin squatting in front of a dog. You walked towards him, the dog becoming aware of you. They sniffed your feet's, legs figuring out who you are and what you was doing here.
"You got a dog?" You beamed, kneeling down to say hello.
"Yeah, his name is buddy." You laughed softly, noticing that he was a golden retriever. It was funny to you because you would always tease Seungmin, saying he looked like a Golden Retriever.
"He's so cute." You patted Buddy's head, giving him the occasional chin scratch. Seungmin made his way to the kitchen area, you and Buddy following.
"Make yourself at home. Feel free to shower and borrow some clothes if you have to. There is food in the fridge if you get hungry and of course, i have coffee."
"I might take a shower, if that's okay." Seungmin nodded.
"Of course. Spare towels are in the closet. Feel free to use the hairdryer." You thanked him, your feet patting against the floorboards. You rummaged in your luggage, getting clean panties and shorts. You settled on 'borrowing' one of Seungmin's t-shirts.
You grabbed a towel and locked yourself in the bathroom. Various toiletries decorated the sink and shelves. You picked up his perfume, inhaling the cinnamon scent.
You took a quick shower, allowing the warm water to relax your tired muscles and wash the day away. washing your hair and body, you turned the shower off and stepped out, drying yourself before dressing. You dried your hair and plodded your way to the living area where Seungmin was sitting, watching tv.
He glanced up at you and smiled as you sat next to him, shoulder to shoulder. "Better?" You hummed.
"Much. Thank you." Seungmin shrugged.
"Anything for you." You blushed at his words, feeling shy. Your heartbeat sped up. You settled on watching whatever was on tv, your mind drifting off.
Today has been one hell of a day. Something deep inside you ignited, your confidence grew to the point where you was able to stand up for yourself. You knew you wouldn't have been able to do half the things you did today if it wasn't for Seungmin.
Which begs the question, How long have you loved him? Since you shared the kiss? When you spent countless hours together? or when you first met. He has always been there for you, no matter what. Been the person you could fall back onto when times got tough.
Even when he left suddenly, your feelings never fading. Instead, they were buried behind the frustration, heartbreak, guilt and now all that was gone, your love is able to flourish and overcome your entire being.
You love Seungmin. You always have.
"What's on your mind?" You was pulled from your train of throughs by Seungmin.
"Oh, just, y'know. Long day." You smiled softly, crossing your legs on the sofa.
"You did good, (Y/N) I'm proud of you."
"I couldn't have done it without you." Seungmin went to dismiss your sentence. You raised your hand. "I mean it. You gave me confidence. I would have never been able to do what i did today but knowing i had you to fall back onto, knowing you have my back, gave me hope and confidence. So thank you so much."
Seungmin smiled as you held his hand in yours. "How you feeling about it all?"
you thought for a second. "Relieved. maybe a bit sad. All i wanted was my father so i guess the younger side of me died when i told my father to fuck off." You laughed, Seungmin nodding as his thumb stroked your hand gently.
"Understandable. At least you can live your life now. Be who you want to be, be with whoever you want to be with." His voice drifted off. You looked at him as he turned his head to the side.
"What's wrong?" Seungmin debated whether he should say what he's been wanting to say for years. In one deep breath, he blurted out: "I love you."
The confession was sudden, leaving you in a state of shock. Seungmin was becoming increasingly anxious the longer time went on.
"I'm sorry. Its been a long and rough day for you. The last thing you need i-" You cut him off. Your lips pressed firmly against his. He was shocked, brain failing to register that your lips are moving against his. He kissed back, lips moving in synch as he pulled you onto his lap.
You straddled him, legs either side as you cupped his cheeks, his hands on your waist. The kiss was slow and tender. Years of pent up feelings and passion exploded between you both. Your hearts hammering against your chests, butterflies in the stomach.
Seungmin's hands giving your soft flesh gentle squeezes, your lips parting slightly. Seungmin took this opportunity to slide his tongue inside, tongues meeting half way. Tongues colliding in a heated and passionate kiss, Seungmin swallowing your soft moans.
You was the first to pull away, panting and lips swollen slightly. You laughed and nuzzled into his neck going shy. Seungmin chuckled and rubbed your back. "I love you too, Seungmin."
It was in that moment you realised, coffee has never tasted so sweet to you.
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get to know me tag!
ty for tagging me @hischiersdraisaitl @23knies @barbiezal @rattkachuk 😘💕
Last song: fake - the tech thieves
found on my "now playing" list/ i.e. my phone is always listening and im cool w that long as it continues shazaaming my life for me like the true bestie it is.
Currently watching: Welcome To Wrexham
post hockey i seriously needed a heavy injection of sports and this is sorta hitting the spot (but ugh that hooligan epi was pain). i usually hit up sports docs in the off season.
and catching up on Abbott Elementary s2
Currently reading: late bloomers by rich karlgaard
creatives need this kind of affirmation and less 30 under 30 bs. also my brain is stressed and indulging in hrpf like nobody's bizness. i'm usually either non-fiction or queer romances
Current obsession(s): houseplants🌿
love starting out w teeny tiny plants or propagating from cuttings. every morning i walk around checking out their new growths🥹 and which leaves are progressing through their life cycle and slowly dying by giving their energy to the rest of the plant🫶 i observe them and don't do anything to them except provide good home conditions, followed by a single chill weekend planty session to tend to their specific needs. i have perfected parenting.
tagging: sry if you've already done it or don't feel up to it; pls know i'm just lil ol' me out here in toronto thinkin 'bout you at 1am all super creepy like (affectionate)
@sirjaybobovka @sirjaybobobka @dougiejack @robindrake13 @selkiesmile @ronandhermy @forgottenflowers @graves-makar @stereax @notthequiettype @irrelevanttous @leafsboys @warmupbrawl @hooked-from-behind @2ndgenflowers @gingercatleaf @lemondropbois
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
could you do one where shirou is complaining to tatsuma about mephisto always showing up to spoil the twins (like hes annoying by all the clutter he brings the kids or how obnoxious hes acting) all while tatsuma is just inwardly sighing about how much shirou clearly just loves to complain / talk about about mephisto rather than being actually annoyed at all? pls and ty, love your writing!
This prompt gave me so many ideas, lol. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy <3
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“Mmhmm,” Tatsuma hummed, paying the barest amount of attention to Shirou’s seemingly endless rant. “That so?” He rolled Ryuuji back over on the changing table and tickled his tummy, earning a string of giggles and flailing fists as Ryuuji tried to roll back over. Little guy liked to make diaper changes as difficult as possible.
“It is! And it’s the third time this week!”
“That isn’t too many.” It was Friday, wasn’t it? Time had been harder to manage since everything happened. There was too much to do in each day.
“For bringing over clothes?! Kids don’t need that many clothes. And that’s not all he does. Stupid outfits aside, there are so many toys!”
Tatsuma distracted Ryuuji with his prayer beads and shuffled over to get the clean diaper. At this point, he should really remember to bring them over before he started, but he was beginning to think he never would.
“What? You’re upset about him spoiling the twins?” Mephisto was probably just delighted to have a pair of people who couldn’t object to his fashion sense and was likely using the excuse of buying the twins toys so he could indulge his own ridiculous love of toys.
There was the slightest pause. “Yes! No… Yes! They’re babies. They don’t need this much junk. Why does he keep bringing them stuff?”
Tatsuma paused mid step as Ryuuji stuffed the beads in his mouth and cooed with utter delight. He blinked twice, and a smile started to spread along his lips. This was the fifth call this week about this one subject, and he was done playing the dutiful and sympathetic friend. This was too funny to continue dismissing. Shirou loved complaing (and just talking) about Mephisto, and it was hilarious.
“You know,” he said in a ‘it can’t actually be this’ sort of tone, “it sounds like you’re jealous.”
He did not, in Tatsuma’s opinion, sound nearly incredulous enough. He crossed back to Ryuuji and tickled his tummy again, delighting in how easily his baby laughed. How easily they all laughed. He had been so afraid that that horrible night would rob them of this.
“Yes,” Tatsuma said when it felt like he could hear Shirou’s frustration, “you’re upset he’s not bringing you gifts, aren’t you?” There was a shocked sort of splutter Shirou would never admit to making. Tatsuma wedged the phone between his ear and his shoulder and set to quickly removing the dirty diaper while his son was still distracted by the wonder that was old prayer beads.
“You’re upset that it’s the twins he’s hanging with instead of you.”
Shirou’s sputtering got momentarily louder and there was a slight shuffle of someone (Shirou, presumably) rising up. “No! He’s a damned mess! I don’t want his attention or shitty gifts!”
The man doth protest too much.
“Have you told him to stop with the gifts? That they’re too much?” Diaper removed, Tatsuma (with more effort than should be required when one’s opponent was a baby) got the new diaper in place and set to pinning it close. Funny that this entire conversation had never come up during Mephisto’s frequent visits. He’d only mentioned Shirou in passing, and then it had mostly been in amusement at how zealous Shirou was in his drive to learn everything about babies and still seem to know nothing.
“Of course I told him to stop! Old clown didn’t care. Just brought more shit over. And he’s here for hours. Just talking to them and making faces and laughing.”
Tatsuma tapped Ryuuji’s nose. His baby drew back in surprise and his mouth popped open in a tiny ‘o.’ Tatsuma plucked the beads out of his now open mouth and hooked them back around his hand. Ryuuji promptly started to scream at the robbery of the prayer beads.
Boy was born to be an aria with those lungs.
“Sounds like a good time for you to catch up on all that paperwork you’re always talking about.” He scooped Ryuuji up, murmuring a blessing as he pat his back and tried to soothe him over the tragic loss of his favorite toy.
“That Ryuuji?”
“Yes.” Funny that Shirou now noticed Ryuuji. His son had been giggling and babbling the entire time. Tatsuma could hear the twins in the background making similar noises. “Diaper change.”
“Yeah. That’s the one thing Mephisto won’t help with,” Shirou muttered. Rin shrieked in the background. Yukio’s lungs weren’t quite strong enough to make that big of a noise. At least not yet.
“Jesus Christ. What is it?” There was another shuffle, and –“Oh, for fuck’s sake! You’ve gotta be kidding.”
Tatsuma left his chamber and looked around at the sunny evening. Juuzou was racing across the yard after Mamushi with Renzou strapped across his chest. The baby was looking around in wide eyed wonder.
The sight had him murmuring another prayer and hugging Ryuuji a little closer.
“What is it?” Mephisto was obviously there, but Tatsuma wanted it confirmed.
“He’s back.”
“Well at least you won’t have to worry about him for long. If it really was Friday. Tatsuma had to check on that. Heading towards the inn, he waved at the children and listened to Shirou swear a little more in a few different languages.
“Huh? Why won’t I? Idiot likes to hang out for hours.”
“It’s Friday,” Tatsuma said absently, not thinking the words through as he noticed Torako  hurrying his way. Haruta was hanging off her robes and Konekomaru was in her arms. Was everything okay?
“He has tea on Friday’s.”
“Trade?” Torako called, holding out a fussy Konekomaru. Tatsuma accepted him and passed his wife Ryuuji. The boy immediately reached for her hair. She deftly dodged the seeking hand and distracted him with her necklace.
“Hi,” Tatsuma mouthed to Haruta, patting his head as he cuddled Konekomaru close. The baby buried his nose in Tatsuma’s robe and muffled his little cry there.
“Wait, are you saying he has tea with you?!”
It was so strange that the phoenix who literally fed on lies and mistrust was not the most dramatic character in Tatsuma’s life. Not by a long shot.
“I didn’t, but he does. We talk and enjoy the afternoon.” It was one of the only times he got to talk solely to adults about adult things.
“That—” Shirou cut off in a string of expletives. “I gotta go. He won’t keep bugging you.” Shirou hung up and Tatsuma shook his head.
This was absolutely going to come up at tea.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✩ :・゚✧:・゚✧
It did come up at tea.
Tatsuma served the treats and set the tea to properly steeping as Mephisto made himself comfortable at the table. Torako was busy with chores and the Myoa Dha were tending to the barriers, so Tatsuma was on baby sitting duty. Konekomaru was fast asleep and entirely content to stay on his little cushion, and Renzou was fascinated by how sparkly Mephisto was, but Ryuuji screeched the moment he was set down.
He never gave his mother this much trouble. No, the tiny fire cracker behaved for her. Still, Ryuuji had taught him how to complete most tasks one armed, so he was managing.
Mephisto was chowing down on the tiny cakes without seeming to care about the fussiness or babies. He waved his fingers at Renzou and made silly faces (mildly horrifying with the way his demonic features could stretch) whenever the baby looked his way. It earned a string of giggles each time, which was better than a sob.
They talked mostly about True Cross and the 'settling' after the Blue Night. There had been a power vacuum--because of course Satan would go after the most powerful of bodies in an attempt to find a suitable host (Buddha protect those poor babies. May they never know the terror of possession) and Mephisto was 'suggesting' certain people for certain roles and really, it was entirely astounding how well he had played his cards. He would come out with a stronger hold on this organization than ever.
It wasn't until Mephisto's opulent cell phone -- much nicer than the sort Tatsuma ever saw around -- chirped multiple times that the demon king's eyes narrowed in a way that meant mischief.
He somehow knew what was going to happen before it did. Mephisto scooped Renzou up with a broad smile and leaned towards Tatsuma.
"Smile!" he sang, lifting his phone as he leaned in and squished their cheeks together. His phone flashed before Tatsuma could look anything but surprised, and the photo appeared on Mephisto's phone. Ryuuji and him had the exact same expression of confusion on their faces while Renzou was hamming it up with Mephisto.
"Shirou will love this."
Ah. That explained it. He was going to be receiving another call from his friend.
"Will he?" Tatsuma asked, feigning indifference as he poured the tea. Ryuuji stole his prayer beads and started gumming on them while he eyed Mephisto.
Mephisto's smile was utterly wicked. "Of course."
"He mentioned you bring the twins toys. And outfits."
"Shirou has no sense of fashion."
Buddha help those children, they were going to be teased relentlessly when they were older. Mephisto's fashion would get them beat up or toughened up very quickly.
Mephisto adamantly shook his head. "No sense of décor or showmanship either."
Renzou chose that moment to try and pull Mephisto's goatee. His hand was caught before it could move more than an inch, and he suddenly found himself in possession of a small shiba inu plushie. Renzou squeezed it in his tiny hands and a strain of poppy music filled the air.
Tatsuma eyed the opulent toy for a moment. At least it would be Yaouzou's problem and not his.
"Shirou has a sense of showmanship. And drama."
Mephisto laughed in a way that was polite and endlessly amused. "Ah, yes. He does have a sense of drama."
He's not the only one.
Mephisto's phone rang and the most delighted of grins spread across his face for a moment before it was smoothed out into something mildly pleased as he lifted the phone to his ear.
"Ah, Shirou~!" Tatsuma could hear an angry sort of jumble of words from the phone. None that he could decipher, but the tone of which was clear. "Yes," Mephisto drawled, eyes practically sparkling with delight, "We're having tea."
Tatsuma looked down at his drooling son and cuddled him closer. Please, he thought a bit tiredly, don't be this dramatic.
Ryuuji eyed Renzou's toy -- it was lighting up now -- and apparently decided that Renzou having the flashing and musical toy was not fair, promptly wailed.
Mephisto reached over and passed him a small dragon without missing a beat in his ramble about how delicious everything was and how refreshing it was to have someone to talk to. Ryuuji looked at the little toy in utter wonder and giggled when it roared at being squeezed. The puff of fire coming from its mouth lit up as well.
Looking over, he saw Konekomaru had been given a toy as well. A stuffed cat he'd already curled his arms around.
Yes, he thought again, smiling despite himself as Shirou's indignant yell rose above the cacophony of musical toys and Mephisto took more pictures of the children and their new toys, thank Buddha Shirou's the only dramatic one.
He sipped at his tea and resigned himself to listening to a lot more rants from these two ridiculous men.
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klumsymaid · 6 months
Slight cough technically double pleasedontkillme but also good aunt is good ty for continuing to indulge this anon
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i love angst. let me get my heart ripped out pls.
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oblxvion · 2 years
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⇲ PAIRING: roommate!eren jaeger x female!reader
⇲ WARNINGS: panty thief eren >:(, smut, swearing, humping/grinding, unprotected sex (wear a condom), creampie, UNDER 17 DNI.
⇲ WORD COUNT: 1,079
⇲ SYNOPSIS: eren is your roommate, and an annoyingly attractive one at that. but one by one, your panties begin to disappear. surely it can't be eren?
⇲ AN: this concept and 'ren :,)..this was very self indulgent bye.. but him <33 pls god help.. ty @yeagertv for beta reading bae i love u🤍 please let me know if i missed anything in the warnings! likes + reblogs are always appreciated !!
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At first, you didn’t pay it any mind. Maybe it got lost in the wash, or perhaps you’d mistakenly thrown it out. It was just a pair of panties, you had plenty — and if need be, you could buy yourself some more.
But as the weeks went on, you began to notice how within each wash, you’d be ending up with fewer and fewer pairs of panties — the amount you had in your dresser shrinking day by day. The thought of asking Eren about it, seeing if he was accidentally mixing in his stuff with yours crossed your mind, but it would be weird for you to talk to your roommate about your intimate clothing, so you just let it be.
You had no idea how you ended up in this situation, your lips against his as you entangled your hands in his hair. Maybe it was the stupidly sexual movie that you’d decided to watch together, or the built-up sexual tension both of you shared after living together for so long, or maybe the fact that he’d noticed that you weren’t wearing panties under those obscenely loose shorts — you weren’t complaining.
And somehow, you ended up in his bedroom, bare pussy grinding up against his fully-erect length — all swollen and puffy with arousal. His grip on your hips was firm as he guided you along his shaft, groaning into your mouth with pleasure.
“Lemme fuck you,” His voice needy, borderline begging you to let him sheath himself inside your gummy walls — wanting to feel the warmth of your pussy all around him as he plunged himself into you. After all, he’d been the one stealing your pretty panties, using them as jerk-off material for the past few weeks. He’d snag them before they were put in the wash and wrap them around his cock as he fisted his cock, eager for release — your name on the tip of his tongue each time he came. The need and desperation to feel you around him fogged up his mind.
You only moaned into his lips in response, placing your hands on his as you brought them to rest under the swell of your breasts — Eren’s thumbs encircled your nipples, taking careful notice of how your body reacted to the soft ministration.
Your body sets on ablaze from his touch, making you wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.
His cock wasn’t even inside you yet, and here you were, whimpering and whining at the sensation — this alone could make you cum.
“‘Ren,” you cry out, resting your arms around his neck as the tip of his cock rubs against your clit so nicely with each movement of your hips — your slick mixed with his precum, only making it even more sloppy.
What the two of you were doing felt weird.
It didn’t feel wrong per se, but it felt weird to be doing something so dirty with your roommate — couples did this sort of stuff; it made you feel like you were a couple for a moment.
“Oh, ‘Ren, it feels s’good!”
“Yeah?” He grunts, his lips slightly chapped, pressing open-mouthed kisses along your shoulder — his saliva leaving your collarbone wet as he makes his way up to your ear, jaw, and back. You could feel his smirk up against your neck as his hands ghosted your back, regaining their grip and position at your hips — his fingers drawing circles aimlessly as you continued to rut against him. “You like grinding on my cock?”
You nod your head, earning a chuckle from him in response — his breath hot against your ear. Eren was impossibly hard, and having you here, grinding on top of him, so desperately really didn’t do him any favors.
He’d been fantasizing about having you beneath him ever since you moved in; he would’ve never admitted it before, but now…
“Been dreamin’ of having you like this, baby,” he slurs, drunk on the feeling of your cunt engulfing his cock — the coil in his stomach began to tighten, signaling that he was nearing his orgasm. The voice in his head told him to hold out; he needed to feel you come undone for him first — his body ached for it. “Having you here in front of me all nice ’n pretty. So pretty, (name), fuck.”
His praise only pushed you closer to your orgasm, legs beginning to tremble and shake from the stimulation of his head repeatedly brushing up against your clit — you knew that you would come undone within the next few moments; Eren knew it too.
“Fuck, ‘m so close, ‘Ren, ‘m gonna —” your words cut off as Eren’s lips meet yours once more, swallowing your cries and mewls.
“You gonna cum?” His lips ghosting over yours, eyes half-lidded as he takes your lips in his once more. Eren reached a hand between your sweat-slicked bodies, positioning himself with your entrance — causing you to gasp at the intrusion of his cock inside you.
You’ve had your fair share of hookups and sex, but they never stretched you out the way Eren did. He’d bucked himself inside you in one smooth stroke, pulling out of you almost entirely before slamming himself back inside.
“Ohmygod, Eren,” you sob.
“Wanna feel you cum ‘round my c — holy shit — cock, angel,” Eren’s voice rough, unable to contain himself with the warmth of your walls clenching down on him — your arousal making it easy for him to thrust himself inside you.
You felt heavenly — your walls pulsating around his length as he brought his thumb to draw small circles around your clit. At this rate, neither of you would last long, and both of you knew that.
With just a few more thrusts of his hips, you felt your orgasm crashing over you — body seizing and twitching against his as he followed soon after you, not being able to control himself at the feeling of you milking his cock.
You could feel the underside of Eren’s girth throb as he spilled himself inside you before pulling out of your hole, his seed warm and thick, dripping down your pussy and onto his pelvis.
You lay there for a moment, both of you trying to calm yourselves and steady your breathing, when you notice a red lace fabric sticking out from the drawer of his nightstand — a particular red that you’d recognize anywhere; your favorite pair of panties.
That son of a bitch.
“So, which of my panties is your favorite?”
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TAGGING: @saintkiri​ @loyenne​ @kurosaaki​ @mdmakki​ @yeagertv​ @vlyntage​ @thatgirlrei​ @sauza​ @killraee​ @getoswhore​ @dearmegumii​ @haruchiyo
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chocolate-parfait · 3 years
Hey✌️ I was wondering if you could do cuddles and kisses with Leviathan, Beel and Mammon? Headcanons if you would? Thank you! Have a nice day!
also!! ty for requesting this!! I had sm fun writing it and it's been a long time ever since I wrote for obey me🥺
Kissing and cuddling - Obey me! headcanons (Mammon, Levi & Beel)
He’s one of the clingiest brothers, if not THE clingiest one. He’s a man that has been starved of proper affections for far too long, so the moment he has you within arm's reach, you can bet that he’ll always be touching you in some sort of way. Arm around your waist, fingers gripping your sleeve, hand reaching for yours, whatever is fine as long as there’s some sort of contact. This habit of his comes out in particular whenever your attention isn't on him. If you’re talking to someone, he’ll just come behind you and give you a back hug, resting his chin on your shoulder as you go on with the conversation.
The first few attempts at intimacy make him blush like crazy, but he gets better over time (not that much but at least he’s not on the verge of passing out each time). Still, his cravings for affections make him naturally drawn to you, so he can’t help you but trail after you most of the time (whenever he’s not out gambling or causing mischief yk). This said, his happy place is definitely between your arms. In fact, a daily part of his routine consists of laying on your bed, snuggled close against your chest. Cuddle sessions mostly take place in your room because the moment you get close to Mammon that will automatically become his room too. It’s like living in a shared apartment, since he strolls in without much care, showers in your bathroom (he has his toothbrush, cologne and everything else there) and keeps his shirts in your closet. He does all this because he believes you’re okay with it, but if you tell him to stop he’d remove all his traces from your bedroom and distance himself with a slightly broken heart. It’s part of his love language, and denying it can kinda damage your relationship.
Back to the fluff though! He’s the smallest spoon ever and no, I do not accept criticism. Go argue with the wall or fight me. The only time he’ll be a big spoon will be when you need comfort. Any other time he just wants to be held.
His kisses can start off slow and be sometimes shy, but they all soon turn into eager, sloppy kisses. He enjoys it so much he drowns in the moment, unable to think of anything but you and your lips. It’s not like he’s an inexperienced kisser (quite the contrary actually) but anything that involves you makes his head spin and stomach flutter with feelings he has never felt before.
This man accepts any and all types of kisses you wish to give him, but if he had to choose a favorite one then that’d be the flurry of smooches you fire at his face as you squish his cheeks in a burst of love. Not even his skin tone can hide the massive blush that blooms across his profile with every peck; but no matter what he tells you, don’t stop. Never. If you do he’ll catch your wrists and pout like a kid deprived of his favorite candy until you continue with your cascade of pecks.
This man wishes he could be as smooth as all those otome protagonists, but no matter how much time passes and how comfortable he gets with you, his blushy cheeks will follow him everywhere, anytime. What changes though is that despite the embarrassment, as time goes by he indulges and initiates intimacy more and more. Moreover, he’ll never deny you; even in public, he might squirm and protest but in the end you can always get away with whatever you want (as long as it’s not too “hardcore”).
One of his favorite cuddling poses that he fantasizes about for days, consists of you sitting on his lap, encaged between his arms as he plays with his videogames. When he finally finds the courage to pull you close, he’s trembling so much he absolutely cannot concentrate on the screen in front of him, failing every mission/level of his current game; he won't move though! He's kind of like petrified.. It took him so long to get into this position in the first place, so he's not letting go now, that's for sure. The position in itself isn't anything too particular or scandalous, but that's why he likes it. It's something so ordinary that it's a special thing for someone like him.
Sleeping is a good countermeasure to his shyness, because his unconscious body will chase after yours no matter how far apart in bed you are (in BED because you aint sleeping in a damned bathtub??). He’ll hug you to his body and entangle his legs with yours, basking in the shared warmth of your bodies. (please please PLEASE sneak under his oversized hoodie and snuggle in there while the two of you sleep!!! He’ll have five consecutive heart attacks once he wakes up but he’ll find it the cutest thing ever).
Kind of a big spoon but he’s too shy to initiate anything. Lean into his touch like a cat (maybe purr too) and he’ll be putty in your hands, letting you hug and kiss whatever part of him you want.
Just like any other display of intimacy, kisses aren't his forte, but still, he tries. He's a bit clumsy and might throw in some signature phrases worthy of any tsundere afterwards, but he can get serious too! There are times when he wants to demonstrate you his "manly" side (why would it have to do with gender levi?) and that he too can be a proper lover! During those sudden spurs of confidence turn his kisses into really pleasurable experiences, and truthfully, they are his best ones.
You guys know those gigantic teddy bears right? 2 meters tall of pure fluff?? That’s Beel.
This man is,,, where do I even start. It’s as if God made him with the sole purpose of creating a professional cuddler. Beel gives the best hugs and cuddles in all three realms. His hugs are warm and soft, and they have the power of making even the most obstinate of insomniacs fall asleep within mere minutes under the right circumstances. Of course the duration of your sleep is not guaranteed, as you’ll probably awaken at the sound of munching or his stomach’s roars. Still, he won’t move unless he’s literally on the verge of unleashing his demon form out of hunger, as he doesn’t want to interrupt your sleep.
His kisses are as soft as feathers but full of love, always accompanied with a toothy smile or a fond giggle. He doesn’t mind going for deeper kisses (particularly after you’ve eaten something so he can directly taste it from you), but Beel generally remains a big softie most of the time. Smooch him all you want, cradle his face with your hands, pinch his cheeks and tickle his sides, he’ll let you do anything you want as long as you’re enjoying it!
He’s kind of scared of hurting you seen the size and strength difference, so he’s usually very gentle when touching you, although he really really likes enveloping you in a bone-crushing embrace every now and then. Sometimes, as a playful manner to show his affection towards you, he’ll bite whatever spot of skin he finds nearest. You’re sitting next to him? He’ll target your shoulder. You’re chomp. They don’t really hurt, it’s just a genuine gesture for him! He’s munching on food all the time and he loves food, and since he loves you too… *chomp*
All cuddle sessions with him must involve three things, and they are fundamental: you, him and food. The more food you have, the longer you’ll cuddle. When the inevitable happens and the mountain of snacks you prepared is nowhere to be seen anymore, he'll gently wrap your arms and legs around his torso and walk you both to the kitchen, carrying you around like a big baby that doesn't want to leave its parent's embrace. He'll keep you there for as long as your muscles let you, supporting you with an arm as he ravages the fridge with the other.
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kreidewaltz · 3 years
skyblue + thorns + tsukishima <3 congrats sm on 200 luv ily
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about. he knows you're exhausted from all the work you're doing. he decided to bring you to a flower field and he thought he might fall in love all over again.
word count. 1.6k
genre & warnings. fluff, timeskip, comedy, established relationship, mentions of overworking, teeny tiny suggestive.
author's note. i was abt to make this angst but changed the last minute >< sorry for getting to this vv late pls enjoy this bc he's done w all the angst we're giving him he says <3 not prfr as usual okay
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“be careful, dumbass.” he expected you to frown at his choice of words, instead you give him a wide smile before doing dances in the middle of the flower field. he pushes his glasses up to his nose to distract himself since he hears the wild beating of his heart. a gasp leaves your lips when your hand touches the different kinds of flowers and you get enchanted when you look at them closely. the azaleas are your favorite because of the bright color it brings to the field and it blends in beautifully. when your boyfriend mentions you’re going here, the hitachi seaside park, it felt like the worries and problems stacking up in your life disappeared for a moment.
you grabbed your blue instax camera and took pictures of the flowers dancing with the wind and took a picture of your boyfriend under the bright sun. you move the polaroid for a few minutes before hiding it in your tote bag before running through the field and imagine as if you were on a music video. he shoved his hands in his pockets, watching you get exhilarated with a smile dancing on his lips. he trails behind you and glance at the tulips few meters from him. he thinks of picking it but he didn't want to cause worry in the field that's suppose to distract you from work. he recalls the trouble he's forced to go through with you since you became a little reckless but he has no regrets, he's done those things with you after all.
"kei! come here!" you wave your hands while he chuckles to himself before taking large strides towards you. you loop your arms together, walking around the field which looks amazing when you're in it. we should come here again, you noted. 
a part of you is relieved that he thought of going here with you to unwind from everything. you recall the time he carried you in bridal style and covered you with blankets, with that you learned that you have no one to blame but yourself. his preposition began when you keep doing that one thing he tells you not to—overworking then excuse it as a way to be productive.
he wasn’t supposed to find you like this.
he wasn’t supposed to see papers and pens scattered around your desk, the cup of coffee in your coaster that he never saw empty in the time he checked up on you. “kei, ten minutes!” you pleaded with a pout on your lips and look at him, your voice laced with desperation because you really needed to finish this email tonight or as your friend quotes, you’re damned. you rub your hands together and shut your eyes, hoping that he wouldn’t protest or flick you in the forehead. your boyfriend sighs in defeat before going back to your shared bedroom, a joyful aura surrounding your face when he didn’t react violently. 
your co-worker messaged you earlier asking about the client’s response about the presentation he did a few days prior. he spams you with messages asking why it is taking so long to hear about the response and while you’re typing, you remembered your conversation with him last friday. you were supposed to email the client and provide him basic information about the presentation and add the link so he can thoroughly look at it. for once, oikawa wasn’t the irresponsible one between the two of you and you swear he’s not going to let you forget about this. damn oikawa, you curse in your head before stretching your arms.
you shoot him a text saying i’ll send it tonight and add emoticons even though it contradicts on what you’re feeling right now. you went through your emails and drafted what you wanted to say, the link, and double checked if there are grammatical mistakes and whatnot. when you’re sending an email to a client without checking the message and the information, it lacks decency and poor time management, that’s what you tell yourself. 
luckily when you overwork you don’t do it for weeks but you force your work and deadlines on a day. when he heard you saying this, you hear his caring boyfriend scolding as you call it and flicks your forehead with a frown on his face but you got a glimpse of his lips twitching afterwards. while you’re mentally panicking on how to finish the email that reaches your standards, tsukishima is laying down, staring at the ceiling with his hand running on the (your) empty side of the bed, looking for your warmth. he misses your gentle touch when you draw miscellaneous shapes on his back.
he hopes you get yourself together and actually takes care of you but he doubts you’ll do that, you’re stubborn and prioritize work over yourself. he slowly sits up and grabs a pillow to put in between his legs before opening his phone, thinking of what to say that’ll get you out of your desk. he tries to remember an activity or a place that you’ve mentioned because he misses seeing you being happy without worrying about deadlines or your co-workers. after looking around the room he sees the tulips he gave a month ago, looking bright and healthy since you insisted on not letting the flowers die. ah i’ve got it she’ll like this, he thought of a place he knows you’ll enjoy and begins to search on his phone, knowing he’s got you wrapped around his finger.
“hey, c’mere for a second.” your boyfriend rests his hands around your shoulders while you hum, your eyes going back and forth to your laptop and the papers around your desk. he knows you wouldn’t budge so he propped his chin on your shoulder, wrapping his long arms around you. “don’t be a brat.” he whispers too close to your ear which makes you pause on typing and look away because now you’re only thinking about how close he is and the way his voice gets low. 
“consider this as your break, you dork.” he lightly flick your forehead before leading you to the room and the way his face turned to a serious one after locking the door raised suspicions in your head. he grabs the wooden stool and sat there while you’re on the edge of the bed, wanting to know his intentions for locking the two of you. “i’m thinking of going out tomorrow,” he started off gently, and right now he waits for your—
“what about my work?” 
“ah ah, stop talking about work, idiot.” he effectively shuts you up when he rests his finger above your lips and when your shoulders slump and let out a sigh, he knows he’s got your full attention. he pushes his glasses up to his nose to focus himself and clears his throat to continue. he’s getting distracted with the way you look adorable with lounge wear.
“we’ll go to the hitachi seaside park, to get your mind off work and stuff…” you couldn’t hide your enthusiasm and squeal repeatedly while moving your feet around the air. the fondness you have for him never decreases but it grew more and more, but you don’t mind at all. your first reaction was to jump at him and wrap your arms around him but seeing the stool he’s sitting on, you didn’t want to risk having injuries. he remembered, you thought while he looks to the side and act nonchalant about it, but the faint redness to his ears going to his neck failed his cover. you opted to grab the dinosaur plush sitting quietly on the bed and lightly hit him with it, convincing him to let loose. the two of you made eye contact and mouthed thanks and your eyes full of sincerity is more than enough for him. he holds your hand and gives it two squeezes, his way of saying no problem, i got you. 
and we ended up here. 
“babe, i know i’m great and i’m flattered but,” you couldn’t continue to talk as laughter bubbles up your chest and clutch your stomach to laugh out loud. he looks like a long stick a few meters away and you walk back to him, twirling so your dress can spin gracefully. he quickly looks at you when he realized what he did, one is stare at you for too long, and two he got caught. you bat your eyelashes to tease him while he curses under his breath. 
you take a quick glance at your bag to see if the polaroid showed the picture already and your mouth parted seeing the result. the picture looks ethereal, the left side too bright because of the sun, the colors of nature and your boyfriend tying everything together. after hiding it in your bag, you offer your hand. 
“let’s go! don’t leave me there.” a pout coming to your lips before intertwining your fingers together and walking around the field in silence. this is what he needed after the games he had, a day to indulge in whatever he wanted, what you wanted. earlier, you're on your favorite restaurant and got a box of desserts to enjoy when you got home. you’re pulling him where the narcissuses flowers are gathered. 
“mhm, hey give me your camera.” you hum to his question, completely focused on the narcissuses. he presses the button beside the camera and tries to find the angle he’s looking for, he also wears the strap to prevent it from falling. it’s his gift to you in the first place. he takes a few steps to the side and angles the camera to his chest and when he takes a look at it, he wants that scene imprinted on his memory forever. your hands almost cupping the white petals, and pretend to blow it and giggles slip from your lips, thinking you look hilarious. the sky behind you creates a happy yet calming atmosphere to the picture, and there’s one thing left to do—
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lockawayknight · 3 years
hhhh all those hair cutting prompts got me thinkin,,, abt creighton’s hair,,,,,, which i actually have a lot of hcs abt,,,, you can basically tell how old he is based on the length of his hair in my hcs it’s rlly important to him and UH pls indulge me while i rant abt this cus aaaaa hair hair hair
i mean to start it off, this all goes back to my hc abt how undead age, physically-speaking, which is that all processes of ageing Stop once an undead becomes a certain amount of hollow, so things like hair, beards, and nails stop growing. that only continues, along with the regular ageing process, when fully human. so like i said, you can kinda tell how old creighton is by his hair since Big Life Events sparked him using effigies, which caused his hair to start growing again, until he inevitably died, which caused it to stop. so yeah!!
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as a human, his hair was LONG AS SHIT and well-maintained since he was semi-royalty. he kept it braided most of the time cus it legit was just way too much to deal with, esp as a warrior, but it was a sign of his status (and made him look more like his granddad uwu) and so he kept it longgg
once doing the whole murderspree killing thing and defecting (and dying oops), he ended up chopping all his hair off, which is where the Worst Cut Bangs In Majula came from — just this real emotional visceral Fuck Mirrah moment of getting rid of one of the things that most tied him to his status, title, and fam
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by the time we meet him in the game, his hair has grown to about shoulder length, just enough to be tied back under his coif, but he still has those fuckawful bangs that stick out a tiny bit in the front. short bangs = pre-tseldora incident/game events
i usually draw/write him post-tseldora stuff (or ds3-era), where using an effigy and spending time as a human to work stuff out with pate left him looking much better. his bangs finally grew out to a decent length, but he kept them still sticking out cus it’s a fuckin Look tbh (okay no he’s just lazy but it IS a look i mean come tf on)
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NO BALD CREIGHTON STANS IN MY HOUSE listen by the time ds3 rolls around a million years has passed and his hair has finally grown out, been cut, been cared for, and although it’s a lot thinner is finally all a single length and ALL able to be tied back, which is why you don’t see his hair sticking out when he invades u in ds3!! finally took care of his fuckin self smh. i draw him like this a lot too uwu
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bb verse is where his hair is the absolute worst, since he was so neglected and abused in the church, it was hardly ever washed, hardly ever brushed, it just turned into an irredeemable mess, and he continued to neglect his hair even after escaping since it just wasn’t something he was used to doing for himself :( god bless anyone who tries to help
modern and neo stuff is where his hair is healthiest tbh, nice layers and some decent volume and an average length. antipsychotics / a kingdom that isn’t 10000% corrupt works wonders on a man, and so he’s able to take better care of himself and his body :)
sooo yeah!! just my personal hcs :] ty ty for indulging me + reading!!💕
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