#two of them were a lot friendlier than the two others tho
If i had a nickle every time a huntlow shipper started a friendly conversation with me but it quickly devolved into them aggressively sending me the same 3 screenshots or repeating the same 3 ooc headcanons to convince me that the huntlow ship is canon and therefore it must be good and therefore i have to like it, i would have at least 4 nickles.
Which isnt a lot, but the fact that its happened at least 4 times means i am never going to like this ship lmao
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actualbird · 1 year
rating luke cards solely based on how handsome peanut looks in them
dear reader, come with me on this magical journey through a 1.6k word long post where i arbitrarily rank the visual renditions of tot's best character: peanut pearce the myna bird
basic tier: he looks lovely, but there are things that could be improved
last CG of SSR Peaceful Place and the first two CGs of SSR Shape Of You: basic teardrop shape
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these are good peanuts, but ive put them in this Basic Tier because they default to the Basic Teardrop shape of how birds look when theyre just chilling, wings closed and pose perched. the overall shape is also kept generally smooth without much texture.
essentially, to me, this is the bird equivalent of 🧍‍♂️. nice to look at, but could definitely do with some flair, yknow?
first two CGs of SSR Under The Milky Way: now THIS is a basic pose with some FLAIR. alas, it's still basic tho
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while hes still in the basic teardrop, there’s more Personality happening here: his body is angled in a way that shows his curious demeanor examining the tiny peanut blob handle luke made, the lighting and coloring shows off a more textured rendition of his plumage, his folded wings dont blend with the rest of his body thus giving him more depth. 
it’s a GREAT basic pose! 
if the previous peanuts were like 🧍‍♂️
this peanut is like ✨🧍‍♂️✨
third CG of SSR Twinkling Eyes: obscured by luke's (granted, beautiful) big head
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i like how peanut looks here but it wouldve been nice if the fairy house window were just a bit bigger, or maybe the placement of all the things in this CG cld have been moved to allow peanut some more visibility, especially given how prominent peanut’s Role is in the story of this card. as it is though, he still seems to be in a basic pose, but i like how the lighting differentiates the parts of his body instead of being just one big smooth black teardrop. 
also, this CG gets points here because peanut looks extra chunky.
and lastly a special case for this tier...
the third CG of SSR Perfect Partner: PEANUT IS THAT YOU??
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originally, i wanted to put Perfect Partner-peanut in the Better Tier, because i really appreciate his fluffiness here, his open wings, and that the animation for this CG shows him flapping his wings. however, Perfect Partner-peanut is also very much a Proto-peanut. 
Perfect Partner is among the roster of regular banner SSRs, and thus one of the very first cards available in game and probably one of the very first ones illustrated, and it shows in peanut a lot. he looks different.
i figure the artists were still getting a feel of either 1) how to draw birds or 2) what Kind of myna bird they wanted peanut to be. there are a lot of kinds of mynas, with their defining characteristics usually in the shape of the yellow face markings and also other plumage colorings, like in the wings.
here, peanut is lacking his specific kind of signature yellow markings that he has in all the other cards, where the yellow is visible under the eye and then looping around the back of the head. Perfect Partner-peanut instead has his yellow marking Just on the nape. additionally, peanut’s eyes here arent the beady little black we usually see, and are instead black with yellow lining. and lastly, all these factors make him look much wilder than the usual peanut we see in later cards.
usual peanut is rounder, a bit more simplified and smoother (in terms of texture), and all in all he just looks friendlier. Friend Shaped. meanwhile, Perfect Partner-peanut with his beak detail, feather coloring/texturing, open talons that are posed like hes gonna GETCHA make for a more intimidating look.
basically, Perfect Partner-peanut looks to me like beta design peanut. and thats alright! i still love him dearly! but it is jarring when you start to look at the details, and that unfamiliarity makes this peanut rendition one that still couldve had some improvement
peanut in all the other cards: who are you?
Perfect Partner-peanut: im you but i look like i could kill a man. or worse…a pigeon.
better tier: NOW we're getting some good bird visuals
first two CGs of SSR Peaceful Place: VERY GOOD BASIC POSE
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okay so if the first few basic peanuts were like 🧍‍♂️
and then the Under The Milky Way basic peanut was like ✨🧍‍♂️✨
THIS basic peanut is like 🌈✨🧍‍♂️✨🌈
IT’S ABOUT THE IRIDESCENCE!!!!!! his wings and body are still differentiated in the rendering, the lighting bounces off of his plumage in a very nice way, and hes FLUFFY LOOKING!! 
unseen in the above image is also how lovely peanut’s animation is here—which i didnt make into a GIF because im scared tumblr will eat this post for the 87494837568th time if i tried to put a GIF in—where peanut’s head endearingly tilts and moves in a curious and interested-in-what-birddadluke-is-doing way. and the movement is really dang fluid too, who was the 2d rigger in charge of animating this peanut?? i hope they have a good day today. this is a really good peanut and i like him very much
both CGs of MR Entrusted Feelings: the real love interest is peanut
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it’s from here onwards that you may observe that ive got a bias for peanut renditions that have him with his wings open and flying. and im very right to have that bias cuz hes a BIRD OF FLIGHT, it’s lovely to see him doing what birds of flight do best! FLYYYY!!! that being said, this peanut didnt get into the Best Tier because his fly animation is a tad too jelly-like for me; it’s fluid and smooth but slightly off cuz it doesnt seem like his wings have uh…Bones. which is important for birds to have, if they wanna be doing stuff.
still, i like this peanut enough to put it Better Tier because hes so adorable!! hes hovering, his body is beautifully rotund, and his Visage is so enrapturing that hes who mc is focusing on and looking at in this card! she isnt looking at luke, shes looking at PEANUT! 
you better watch out, luke…ur bird might just get ur girl 
both CGs of R Gaze: 👏STRUT! YOUR! STUFF! 👏
now, at first glance, this card seems to follow the basic teardrop pose again with no flair….until you swap through both CGs of the card quickly. because not only does luke strike a pose in here, but pEANUT DOES TOO!!!!
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literally just for that, this card ended up in the better tier. hes Feeling It.
both CGs of R Reunion: sorry my owner is a pathetic wet dog of a man
following the thread of R card peanuts that get so much better when you flip through the CGs, this is a good one. while the visuals are basic, the visual storytelling within it happening when u go through the CGs is IMMACULATE.
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peanut looks like he was giving luke a peptalk so luke will stop being so nervous, like “get it together, dad, act cool,” and then luke fails at acting cool so peanut looks into the camera like “yes i know hes still cringefail but hes cute, right? give him a chance!” wonderful amazing never been done before. we love a bird that doubles as a wingman (pun INTENDED) 
first CG of R Partner: TAKE A GANDER AT THOSE WINGS!!!
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we’re going to skip over CG 2 of this card because it’s just another basic teardrop but
while this isnt my favorite depiction of peanut As A Whole, this is definitely my favorite depiction of his WINGSSSSSS
theyre so majestically and gorgeously spread out, the back wing is so beautifully articulated at the joints showing the Real shape of a wing (whereas a lot of visual renditions tend to treat wings as just this One Big Flappy Thing, instead of these cool foldable beauties we see here), the FLUFFINESS AND ROUNDNESS OF THE FEATHER EDGES, and how you can cleARLY see the layering of the feathers in the coloring, the primaries and secondaries clearly different from the coverts, IT’S ALL SO GOOD!!! literally the only reason why this isnt my top favorite is because we cant see his beautiful face. but please know that this one is SUCH a close second
that leaves us to the last one…and this last card is actually the reason i made this whole post in the first place. only one card managed to charm, bewitch, and beguile me, managed to delight everything i love to see in a visual rendition of a bird
best tier: second cg of R Following The Wind
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even if this was the card that inspired me to make this post, i hadnt planned to make this my top fave. i saw this card and was struck by handsome he was and wanted to go through everything else and this one just so happened to STILL end up on top. Why?
full body seen and nothing is obscured from view, his cute little talons are spread out too
wonderful texturing and not just a single smooth black tear drop
wings spread out doing some Great flying AND the wings are articulated at the joints to show the lovely shape of how wings are
coloring on the feathers is clear in the different type of wing feathers present
so it’s currently my top favest peanut-in-a-card of all time. THAT! IS! ALL!
so there you have it. every luke card that has peanut in it ranked based on how much i enjoy how peanut looks in it. my concluding thought is that i hope we see peanut more, i never get enough of seeing that little guy. 
fly high, fellow peanut enjoyers. 
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
yes that’s a real word. FIGHT ME ON IT!
I have questions for you :D (finally T-T)
What do you find sparks the most inspiration when writing?
Pick: never be able to read again, or only be able to read backwards (no word shuffling)
What’s a fav hobby for you outside of writing?
Top 3 fav fandoms go!
What gets you mothers most excited? Reblogs, comments or asks?
What was the first thing that sparked an idea for a dsmp gt centred fic?
As a fellow mlb fan, fav ship out of the love square?
You’ve asked me before but: what do you write on, font and font size, colour user?
Your favourite dsmp gt fic
Your least favourite dsmp gt fic
A fic you wished got more notes then it did
A fic that performed better than you were expecting
Do you write for yourself or for others?
If you could change one canon thing from dsmp season 1, what would it be and why?
A character you think is underrated
Something canon about your c!sona
Your fav oc and lil bit of info about them.
A random thing you like that others often don’t.
Ok I think I added enough questions! Go wild!!! Love you Brick!!! Have a lollipop 🍭
probably music when i'm actually writing, and sometimes shows/movies will spark aus ideas cause yk it's pretty easy to pick a plot from a movie/show subplot,,
read backwards!! it'd be cool because 1. i could learn to read backwards and 2. it'd make suspense & tension so much better! i love when characters in a horror movie slowly make sense of something written backwards :D
mm probably baking? idk i'm a very boring person irl so it has to be baking--i'm not very good at making baked goods look appealing but it always tastes really good :D and it's just fun to be in the kitchen and bake sdjjgdsdnf
uhuhuhuh g/t dsmp & horror,,,, is horror a fandom??? it is now!
mm time to get into this !! probably little streamer au, because that sparked an idea for an au where dream was tiny and george was human. then i wanted to ask ppl for prompts and then curiosity came from a prompt i got on a random prompt generator. at the time it wasn't g/t and was a normal fic following the same plot except wilbur was a lot friendlier and didn't trap tommy sdhjsdnf
marichat, it's so basic and so underrated, i get so hapy whenever i see the two of them together :D also for some reasons they're vibes are pretty cool. all of their scenes are nice
i used to color my pages when i was bored but then i stopped. so currently, i write in size 8 and my font is times new roman. aaand i write mainly on google docs, but sometimes i'll write on notes if im in a hurry (usually tho notes is for quick idea jots)
supermarket au will forever have a VERY special place in my heart and i looove supervillain and super...tiny? au, so i'm going to go with those two before i add more and never end my ramble sdjgjsdnf
alr for this i am not doing anyone elses fic and instead doing mine because 1. i don't think i could pick one and 2. if i did i don't think i have the heart to say cause i don't want to make anyone upset :'D SO from MY aus, my least favorite is probably my mlb au. the concept is amazing but worldbuilding is incredibly confusing and i keep changing the au plan,,,
hmm probably oh george. i knew it would do semi-well but i didn't expect it to get almost 100 notes--- the dsmp g/t fandom really likes dream apparently sejhgjsdnf
it depends, some of my wips are for me and won't be posted (looking at you non g/t fics) but my g/t fics are usually for other people, especially those gifts i give out. looking at my recent post i definitely think i like writing for other ppl tho
honestly (and this may be just because i haven't finished the lore yet) i think i would want tubbo to do the s1 ending. when he mentioned that he said he thought amnesia was lazy but it wasn't up to him, it makes me wonder what he'd come up with, because tubbo is a really smart guy when he needs to be
hbomb!! i don't watch him a lot and i've only seen him a bit in lore but so far all of the interactions with sbi in pogtopia era i really like hbomb :D
her home is very tidy despite her temper,,
i don't have too many ocs but my favorite is probably celina! i made her a while back with my friend a few years ago. basically the whole thing we did was celina is a "crazy lunatic nurse" get it? C(razy)eL(unatic)iN(urse)a i was pretty proud of that one lol. anyway the "lore" was just me and her doing a huge game of hide and seek in a roblox game asfdjgdfsjdnf. legit i was hunting her for about 4 hours
i genuinely have no idea-- maybe VORE?? i mean i have this little friend group on here that likes it and i'm in a community that likes it but if i walk up to someone irl and say "hey i like people eating other people alive :D" then i don't think it'd end well LMAO
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perruvianily · 3 years
Sixth Sense
Suna x gn! reader; floofy; can be interpreted as either platonic or romantic tho im not sure friends do this. Simp friends maybe.
Warnings ⚠: none i think, uhh reader wears earrings and has sensitive ears. And Suna has his ears pierced <33
Word Count ☜: 735
Synopsis: Sensitive ears are always a bother to you. Good thing Suna, your knight in shining armor, is here to help.
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You can hear the AC’s running inside the store, blowing cold wind for the people inside to indulge in. You’re focused on picking a pair of earrings for you to wear even though you’d rather stand in front of one of the AC’s— maybe even in front of two of them.
“Have you made a decision?” One of the staff asks you rather impatiently, “No, sorry, just a minute.” She gives you another smile, one even more strained than the past ones. You pay her no mind and walk over to the counter to pay for one of the two pairs.
“Would you like to try them on?” The cashier asks you. She’s much friendlier than the one you encountered before her, and her smile is genuine. You smile back but decline, “No thank you, It’s alright.” She gives you your purchase and bids you a friendly goodbye. What a lovely girl.
You should’ve tried them on. You really should have. “Ya should have tried them on first, idiot.” Suna scolds you, seeing you fuss over your ears in the bathroom. “I know, I know, I was in a hurry.” You answer back, the itchiness hasn’t gone yet, and your ears were still red.
Surprisingly enough, he helps you out. “I’m just kind this way” he says, and you elbow him in his stomach, “AH- hey, stop, okay.” Pshh, kind? Soft maybe, but not kind. You stay on bed for the remainder of the day, too drained to do anything.
The next time you buy earrings for yourself, Suna’s always there. Then the next, and the next and the next, and now today. He’s almost always on his phone, looking bored, or scanning all the different jewelry, sometimes buying one.
Today though, he claims he can make himself useful. “Poor you, always have to check the earrings, so I, your knight in shi—“ you put a hand over his mouth to shut him up. “If you want to be useful, be quiet.” He kisses your palms and mumbles a little “so mean, and for what?”
You’re examining the earrings when Suna leans down and prompts you to put it on him. “What? I told ya I’d be useful. Plus, I bet you’re tired of your ears itching all the time. I’ll check for ya.” You would’ve cooed at him, something along the lines of ‘oooh you’re sooo lovestruck, just for me?’ but you spared him. He is helping you after all.
You put it on him and ask, “Well? Is it okay?” You look at him, waiting for an answer. He’s concentrating, his ears aren’t sensitive but there must be something. After a few seconds, he finally tells you, “This is a no. It’ll make your ears itch.”
He’s rising to his full height and taking the earrings off, “And how do you know that?” you ask him, you try the earrings on yourself to see if he’s right. “Hey! I said that’s a no-go!” Before you can answer him, your ears start to itch and at your sudden stop, he smirks. “Told ya.”
Suna leans down automatically, seeing you examine a pair of earrings. He’s still on his phone, barely aware of his surroundings. “Is it okay?” you ask him, your fingers still faintly brushing his ears. He thinks for a while, “no.” You sigh, all the ones you’ve liked are a no-go. “Honestly, I don’t know how you do this.” He grins at you, “I’m just amazing is all. Hey, don’t glare at me.”
“Then give a proper answer.”
“Sixth sense maybe, I dunno.”
One of the staff is looking—staring —at the two of you weirdly. You sigh, doesn’t she have anything better to do? You stay there for a little while, looking for a good pair of earrings. Once you found a ‘quality piece of useless jewelry’ as Suna had called it, you were off.
Purchasing a single pair of earrings takes a lot longer with Suna but you suppose you wouldn’t have it any other way. “See? I’m plenty kind. I saved ya from distress yet again—“ he starts, but before he could announce to the whole world how kind he had been to you, you had pulled at his ears and stormed off.
Yeah, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Tag/s: @weewoo186 (as promised)
A/n: self-indulgent since i have sensitive ears </33 also suna w piercings✨✨ (@weewoo186 look away, this is just a small infatuation for like 2 days) this is to celebrate the hell of a week i went through ✌️
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mittenred · 3 years
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"You know what’s going on?“
“You just joked?“
“Congatulations, the joke was to good for these two.“
“...We’re princesses now? :D“
The moment when Wolfes totally agree with Cats.
Saw @laly-481 ‘s post, we exchanged our admirations to Swap!Sans and my hand went to draw by itself. Tho I can’t remember the last time I drew anything UT-themed...
Guys behind @bonelyheartsclub certains, you are someting amazing!
I don’t really know a lot about Multiverse Sanses/Papyruses, so I could almost say we were meeting each other for the fisrt time both in the game and for real... And I thought “C’mon, fisrt interaction with sceles, nothing big” (cuz I never played date sims before and the date theme ebarasses me easily, not to mention I never imagined myself with any character before, I downloaded the demo out of pure curiosity). And everything was just fine and okay ‘till I met Blue and Red.
Like, if it happened irl, I would most likely drop poor buddy on the floor. (Maybe I’m not a cornstalk and falling from my height is better than from a pillar of boxes, but it would probably be far from pleasant :0) His joke-dash-flirt literally knocked me out, I even think I went red for a sec... It wasn’t expected, like, at all. This bonehead acted too cute for my system not to go for a reboot...
And then I met Red, and right before the choice I was like ‘Ruuuuuuuude’. This guy knocked me out when my rudeness back (I would’t mean it as rude as he did, tho, I was mostly offended) caused him to become friendlier. WhaT? 0_o
I mean, I guess it’s his character, and it’s okay anyway. But it was unexpected by silly me :\
That doesn’t mean I didn’t like the others! Blue and Red just left a bright memory of our first meeting (plus Black, the “Yeah, FCCK the ladder!” option was something XD). It was very nice to meet everyone with more or less friendly demeanor (to be more precise, I was glad there were no leaps into romantic stuff from the very beginning as some ficwriters like to do, cuz, as I mentioned earlier, those kinda things embarrass me too easily and usually I don’t like it). I can’t wait for the possibility to get to know them all better! :3
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maariarogers · 3 years
random plot bunnies from my seojun x sujin brainrot on a fic that i might?? or may not write. based primarily from k-drama, following the webtoon plotline:
so, this is set in the future, maybe about five years in?? so theyre all 25 years old at this point and seojun’s a well-established idol (singer)
seojun’s nutritionist provided by the agency is going to resign because she's six-months in into her pregnancy and wanted to focus on raising her children
seojun feels a little disheartened at this point; a lot of the time, being an idol, the few constant things he could rely on was the same faces of the team that took care of him - because in other aspects of his career, he has to meet new people a lot, and his scene and environment changes so much
so this was lowkey a blow for seojun, who just wants every sense of familiarity, regardless how little, to sorta stay?? the same??
but he can’t really have much say on it too, because a lot of the team members who took care of him which he has are provided by the agency, and he knows the agency will be doing placements for that too
but then his nutritionist sorta knows he’s a lil sad (she’s become like a surrogate older sister for him) and she’s like, “i have someone in my mind. she’s... a little rough around the edges. she’s been through a lot. but - she has a good heart. like you.” the nutritionist smiles, “i think the both of you could get along well!”
so the new nutrionist? that’s our badass girl, kang sujin.
now sujin has already known that her senior wanted her to replace the position for han seojun’s nutrionist because her senior trusted her to do a good job, but sujin’s a bit queasy about the entire arrangement if she’s honest
she wants to say no, but her senior has always been supportive and strict in ways that’s got her shaped up to her best ability, and she just didn’t have the heart to say “no” in the end
so on the day they met, seojun recognised sujin immediately, and sujin, at first, pretended that she’s only met seojun for the first time
seojun consecutively tries to trigger some sort of reaction in sujin, but she deflects pretty well? every time he tries to confront her, she’s like “hi mr. han seojun” and “what can i do for you today?”
even during their private sessions while sujin goes over seojun’s daily food and nutrition intakes and adjusting new set of schedules for him, sujin’s all serious. she’s gotten close to snapping at him - but then she quickly just, “noooo :) im not mad :) what do u mean”
after a while, seojun sorta lets it go and focuses back on training
his team is planning a tour, maybe even concerts outside korea, and seojun’s lowkey scared because even though he’s toured and flown to various countries to perform at this point, he still has the anxiety
he wants to be so good to his fans, wants to do his best now that he’s come so far to the point he essentially sacrifices a chance at a relatively ordinary life
but then, he starts overworking too
seojun’s never been the best dancer, you know; he could always make up for it with singing, but he still?? doesnt feel like it’s enough???
and then one day sujin just comes barging in at his apartment, mad, because seojun’s had a fever and couldn’t train for two days now and turns out?? he hasn’t really been eating as much as he should, or he’s not drinking as much as he should
that was the first time sujin showed any sense of familiarity from their high school days
she gave him a good whip, talks to his doctors, and adjusts his diet according to his schedules and for the next week, she sorta comes quite frequently to make sure even when he’s training, he’s doing okay
seojun comments that she’s “scarier” than his last nutrionist, and sujin’s like, “good. it means you’ll listen to me.”
one day, he starts asking her to stay just a while instead of just leaving, which she always does, and he’s like “have a beer. what, you have a strict diet too?” and sujin reluctantly stays? even tho she’s awkward and quiet
finally seojun’s like, “why did u pretend u didn’t recognise me?”
and sujin’s just.... “didn’t you hate me?” referring to what she did to jugyeong (implying the k-drama events i assume?? but imma keep this vague as hell) and she just, “i did something horrible to the girl you love.”
and because this is seojun, esp their dynamics dkjhksdhf, he’s just straight up, “yeah. you were a bitch.” because to him, that was the facts, you know
sujin sorta stays quiet, but then she puts the beer down and like?? “i don’t have to explain anything to you.” but seojun’s like!!!!! thats not what he meant!!! and hes just, “hey no! sit. you just started relaxing, right?”
but after a minute he comments under his breath, “i didn’t know you were this sensitive.”
but then sujin quietly replied, “she was my friend. i loved her too.”
and that sorta got the two of them quiet, but then seojun decided to change the topic because its Its_Too_Awkward.jpeg, “last i heard u were gonna be a doctor. your dad’s professor Kang right? he treated my mom.”
and that sorta??? causes sujin to tense up, but then she deflects with a snappish, “why are you so interested in me?” “i’m not! i’m just asking questions.” “i should be asking you questions - why the hell did you think it was a good idea to pull the shit u did now that your touring schedule is in the talks? how are you supposed to perform if you can’t even stand?” “aish, didn’t you already nag me?” “you’re so stupid, i’m scared you’ve forgetten”
they started bickering again but that night was really what triggered for sujin to be a little more relaxed with seojun, and for seojun to sorta - try a bit harder to?? not be friendlier, no, but he likes that he’s known her from an era in his life where he didn’t have to always be a face in the screen.
more and more, seojun asks sujin to stay and have dinner after she’s done evaluating his weekly meals and they have a better comradeship
he starts anticipating her more when she comes to evaluate another idol or something at the agency and he’s just!!!!!!! “you’re here? why are you here? did u miss me already? what do u mean i’m not the only one you’re treating”
and then slowly we also found out why she didn’t become a doctor (she didn’t wanna follow her dad; and she still carries the guilt of what she did to jugyeong and admitted, more than the result of her father’s anger, she likes the version of her who always wants to help others - and, she can memorises easily, so... nutritionist didn’t seem bad)
sujin starts bringing in board games or sometimes she sneaks a few of supermarket-brand goods since seojun’s been behaving with his meals and vitamin intakes, and the one time seojun’s invited to a tv show where it has quizes, she tutors him the whole night so he “doesnt make a fool out of himself”
she also starts to keep up with whatever show he’s in, and she’s always texting him that she’s watched him with this horrible washed-out screenshot because she takes the photo on her laptop with her phone. and her texts are all “the dance was good” and “you’ve improved that move huh” and then sometimes “idiot. why did u answer like that”
sujin makes fun of her for not being able to take a clean screenshot, but he never really leaves her un-replied
and they started talking about relationships - how they were both so enamoured with suho and jugyeong respectively, and for sujin specially, how she can’t wait to be loved by someone who can make her feel like suho’s not a big deal at all
but then she admits she doesn’t think she deserves to be loved, and sorta has this sad smile, and seojun confesses that he’s scared if he loves someone, he has to lose them due to his career
and they’re really sad about it, but the night also isn’t as bad cause they had each other
and ok i have a LOT more i think - and i honestly dk how nutritionist actually works BUT. yes. them.
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punksarahreese · 3 years
hmmm 31. “Wanna, like–I mean, if you’re not busy.. We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?” maybe restart? idk but just think resident Sarah super nervous and fellow Ava like hm sure why not- it can be other au tho but this prompt 31 is too good not to be used at all
Sorry this took me way longer to write than expected ahsjsk
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a descending aorta in such a state,” Ava mused, bumping Connor’s shoulder with her own as she reached him at the nurse’s station, “Absolutely shredded.”
“Welcome to Chicago,” Doctor Zanetti replied as she came around the corner, “I’m glad one of us is enjoying gunshot trauma.”
“You’re a trauma surgeon, Sam,” Connor reminded her, “How was the surgery, anyway?”
“Doctor Zanetti is an excellent assist,” the other woman said with a nod to her friend, “I think I have a new favourite trauma surgeon.”
“Coincidentally I may have a new favourite CT surgeon.”
Since Ava had moved to Chicago, she had become rather close with Connor’s trauma surgery colleague. The three of them did butt heads pretty often, too much ego in one room according to Ethan, but they had gotten better in recent months. Ava was glad to have friends in the new city, despite Connor’s insolence on most days and the way Doctor Downey’s favouritism of him still irked her. Work drama aside, Connor was a good surgeon and a decent friend when he wanted to be. Sam helped even things out, not afraid to help Ava knock Connor down a peg. Ava was also 100 percent comfortable with pointing out when both of the trauma surgeons needed to get their heads out of their asses, their god complexes together could be a bit much after all.
Despite the clash of attitudes, the three surgeons had realized they had more in common than originally thought. They all enjoyed sports and Ava was quickly integrated into Connor and Sam’s game nights whenever a sporting event was on. She hadn’t expected to make friends, didn't even want to originally, but it was nice to have people to talk to outside of work. It gave her something to look forward to on the weekends, besides curling up on her couch alone with some whiskey and a cardiology journal. Sam did say she needed to get out more, “become more personable”, and Ava supposed this friendship was a decent first step.
“Rude,” Connor rolled his eyes, “You’re both traitors, actually.”
“Aw, Connor,” Sam came around the counter to fling an arm around his shoulder, “You’re still our favourite pain in the ass.”
Ava laughed at their bickering, leaning across the nurse’s station to put her charting tablet down on the charger. She zoned out a bit, barely hearing as her friends switched to discussing the GSW repair that she and Sam just did. A fairly loud group of medical students were walking through the CT floor, which Ava quickly realized it was her group of loud med students. She sighed, ready to call out and chastise them for being a disturbance, but someone at the back of the group distracted her.
Sarah Reese was walking alone, as she often did, and she seemed nervous. This wasn’t unlike her at all, Ava had told her many times that she needed to work on her confidence, but she assumed that was just the student’s resting state. Still, Sarah had gotten better in the past couple weeks and that showed in how she broke off from the group completely, walking over to the three surgeons.
“Ava, can-,” she stopped herself and Ava couldn’t help but smile as her cheeks flushed when Connor and Sam glanced at her, “Um, Doctor Bekker? Can I... talk to you?”
Ignoring the amused looks she got from her friends out of the corner of her eye, she nodded, “Of course, Miss Reese.”
She led Sarah away from the nurse’s station, across the hall where she knew the other surgeons couldn’t hear them. She was aware of their gaze tracking them though and Sarah seemed to be too, evident in her posture and anxious fidgeting.
“Miss Reese?” Ava couldn’t help but laugh at the incredulous look Sarah gave her, aware that the student hated how that sounded. It had taken her about a week to break Ava from the habit, insisting that her first name was just fine. Ava only agreed to calling her that when it was just the two of them, which was good enough for her at that point. The two had gotten friendlier since their first encounter, somewhere in between Ava’s cheeky remarks and Sarah’s insistence on treating her mentor to coffee often. It was only fair, she argued, because Ava had stayed late with her in the skills lab practicing on more than one occasion. A feat that was reserved only for her, the student knew that, but she prayed no one else noticed out of fear of them getting in trouble for favouritism.
Not that she thought she was Ava’s favourite but, if the shoe fits and all.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bug you when you were with your… friends…”
Ava smiled at her and shook her head, “We just finished a surgery and I promise you didn’t interrupt anything,” she resisted the urge to give Sarah’s hand a reassuring squeeze, “What did you need?”
“Oh, um-” Sarah looked downright adorable with the way her forehead furrowed slightly, “I was wondering if you wanna, like–I mean, if you’re not busy... We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?”
They were both clearly taken aback by the question, not expecting Sarah to make a move like that. Usually she would just shyly bring Ava a cup of black coffee and, if they had time, they might take a walk around the hospital grounds together. It wasn’t ever a date, they had never even discussed that kind of relationship; they were just friends. At least, that’s what Ava had been trying to persuade herself in hopes that she wouldn’t unearth any feelings. Sarah was cute, sure, but she was also a student; her student. Even if she was a legal adult and a fourth year medical student, Ava was still her senior and the last thing she wanted was to get the other woman in trouble with the board.
So she tried to suppress her own hopefulness as she chuckled a bit, trying to ease Sarah’s anxiety, “Why so nervous, Sarah? Lunch would be nice, today?”
“I- um… yeah! If you have time, that is.”
“I can make time for you,” Ava replied smoothly, ignoring the nagging thought in her head saying she needed to write her post-op notes. Maybe if she was lucky Sam would do it for her, or at least not mention it when she didn’t finish them until later that evening. It wasn’t every day Ava got to spend lunch with someone and as much as she liked being with Sam and Connor in the CT lounge on break, Sarah’s hopeful eyes were on the verge of making her melt and she had already made up her mind.
“Really?” Sarah tried to hide her excitement quickly, “Okay, meet you in the cafeteria, then?”
“Give me fifteen minutes, I’ll be there.”
Sarah nodded, glancing back at Ava’s friends before regaining her composure, “Thank you, Doctor Bekker.”
With that the medical student was off down the hallway, her classmates long gone but her attitude had changed immensely. Ava had to laugh a little at how she had a little confidence in her step, wondering why Sarah Reese had such a softening effect on her. This woman was bad for her reputation, in any sense, but Ava couldn’t find it in her to care at that moment.
She tried to evade Sam’s curious eyes when she walked back over but the other surgeon wasn’t having it, “Was that the cute med student you’ve spoken so highly of lately?”
“Yeah, the same one you bullied in the ED a few weeks ago, Zanetti,” Connor reminded her, “Sarah Reese.”
“Shut up, Connor, this isn’t about me.”
Ava had been quietly gathering her white coat and stethoscope from their resting place over a desk chair, hoping she could escape without further questioning. No such luck, though, because now Sam was even more interested.
“Why’s a newbie calling you by your name, Ava?” she raised an eyebrow, “You didn’t even let me call you that until a month ago.”
“She prefers a first name basis,” Ava mumbled, which wasn’t untrue, “Makes her less anxious.”
“Well, she still seemed fairly nervous if you ask me. What did she want?”
“Nothing,” she sighed, “Just questions about our skills lab assessment later this week.”
“Mhm,” Sam clearly didn’t believe her and, judging by the look they shared, Connor didn’t either. The last thing Ava wanted was to be late to lunch because of her friends’ nosiness but she figured they would just press her for answers later at Connor’s place. Of course it was a game night and they would know something was up if she suddenly cancelled, so Ava was silently preparing to accept her fate. Not that there was really anything to admit, not what they expected anyway, but being friends with a med student she was mentoring was bad enough.
“I have to go,” she said as she swung her braid over her shoulder, “I will… see you later.”
Ava was very aware of their amused staring as she walked away, clearly not heading to go do post-ops as she was walking in the complete opposite direction of the ward. She was a bit anxious, for no real reason, but it felt like them knowing was the end of the world. That was dramatic of course and she knew they would probably just tease her about being soft but Ava still kept having a nagging feeling that it would end with the worst case scenario. She tried to ignore that thought, though, and it thankfully left her mind the second she walked into the cafeteria.
Sarah was sitting at a table that was a bit secluded, writing away in her notebook. She had her glasses perched on her nose, which were admittedly very cute on her; not that Ava would ever say that out loud. The student must have heard her approach because she looked up before Ava had reached the table, smiling widely at her in a way that had her forgetting why she was even anxious.
She would just have to tell Sam and Connor to stuff it, she decided; it wasn’t their business anyway. Besides, they always said she needed to make more friends, be more personable and all that. Really, Ava was just doing as she was told and being a good mentor by connecting with her students. At least that’s what she told herself as she greeted Sarah softly, watching patiently as she dug her wallet out so they could go get lunch together.
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lovely-ateez · 4 years
For The First Time Pt.2~
ꕥPosted: 7/25/20
ꕥGenre: College!au, Fluff
ꕥPairing: Fem!reader x Jongho
ꕥWord Count: ~1k
ꕥWarnings: None
ꕥA/N: I know this isn’t a popular series which makes me a little sad but I wanted to finish it anyway. If people end up liking it and it actually gets attention I might(?) make a part 3. It’s most likely gonna end here tho. Read part 1 also if you wouldn’t mind! Things will make a lot more sense if you do. You can do that here
ꕥA/N Cont: So even though I provided translations for some words, there is a phrase that I clarified in the middle of the writing bc I didn’t want to spoil anything
ꕥPhrase Guide:
你= You
加油 = You can do it (encouragement)
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Jongho was surprisingly easy to talk to and we got along better than I thought we would. Not that I thought we wouldn’t get along, but I was still surprised.
After we had lunch together we exchanged numbers and began to hang out more, usually every couple days given our busy schedules.
He was so talkative that I found out almost everything about him in no time. He just turned 20, was a music major, and took Chinese because he wanted a challenge. He loved snow but hated the cold. Soccer was his favorite sport but he didn’t play often since he was always either studying or working as a tutor for underclassmen. He was born in Korea but grew up in America. Fluent in Korean but insecure enough about his American accent that he only spoke it with close friends and family. He met Mingi during a soccer camp he went to in middle school and his best friend - the guy with the mullet - was named Hongjoong and apparently much friendlier than he looked.
The more I spent time with Jongho, the more I realized I had feelings for him and the stronger they became. When Marina and I were alone in our dorm, I told her everything I was feeling and the response was exactly what I suspected.
“HA! KNEW IT!” Marina yelled, “I just won myself ten bucks.”
“I’m sorry, YOU WHAT?”
“I may or may not have made a bet with Mingi that you would catch feelings within three months of meeting Jongho. And you’re two days away from three months, girly.” She shrugged but kept the smile on her face.
“Oh my god you did not. Actually speaking of...what’s up with you two? Are you official yet?”
Marina went quiet for a moment then bit her lip, finally speaking up, “Well...not yet, technically, but we’ve seriously considered it. We have another date this weekend. Now all you have to do is get with Jongho and we can go on a double date.”
“Yeah I don’t know about that, M.”
“Y/n he totally likes you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No I know. He’s got a few tells so I know he feels at least a little something. I’m just not sure if I should commit to anything, you know?”
Marina let out a loud laugh before speaking again.
“Pfft no. I dated all throughout high school. If I’m being honest, though, I really think you should give it a chance. People always freak out about possibly ruining a friendship by confessing but honestly if a friendship can’t withstand a little crush then you probably weren’t solid friends in the first place.”
“You know what? You’re right. I’ll tell him tomorrow.”
“Hell yeah girl! Go get him!”
The next day arrived way too quickly. Although I told myself I would confess, I was getting anxious. I walked into Chinese class holding hands with Marina for emotional support. We were the first ones there, as always, so I had a bit of time to rant.
“I’ll be honest, M. I’ve never felt butterflies like this before. I’m actually shaking.” I lifted up my hand to show her my slight tremor.
“Oh sweetheart! It’ll be all good! Promise. Just take a few deep breaths.”
I slowly breathed in and out for the next several seconds.
“You’re right. I can do this.”
The trio walked into class several minutes later. Mingi gave a quick kiss to Marina and Jongho gave me a friendly smile. Hongjoong rolled his eyes at the four of us and walked to his usual seat, propping his feet up on the seat in front of him.
The rest of the class filled in and soon our professor arrived.
The professor loudly clapped her hands, speaking up, “Alright class. Today I’m going to have you pair up in groups of two and work together. I don’t care who it’s with, as long as it’s with somebody. We’ve got an even number of students so we should be fine. I’ve got some games for you to play today.”
I turned to Marina but she was already halfway up the stairs to sit next to Mingi. I looked at Jongho but he motioned at Hongjoong, mouthing that he was sorry.
Okay. That’s fine. I thought. I’ll find someone else. Looking up I saw the unfamiliar young man standing in front of me. He blanked for a moment when I looked up at him.
“Hey! Uh...would you maybe want to be partners?”
“Are you sure? With the both of us together we’ll probably beat the whole class by a landslide.”
He laughed and sat down next to me, visibly more confident.
“I’m sure they can manage. I’m Tommy, by the way. You’re y/n, right?”
I nodded and smiled at him as we shook hands. I looked Tommy in the eyes and saw a slight blush on his cheeks. What I didn’t see; however, was the death stare Jongho was giving him.
The professor looked up and let out a laugh, pointing at Tommy and I.
“Yeah no way in hell am I letting that happen. You two are my best students and - no offense everyone - but no one would stand a chance against you two.”
“Ouch.” I heard Mingi say.
Jongho quickly stood up and raised his hand, “I’ll partner up with her!”
“Very good. Get on with it then.”
Tommy looked upset, making me feel bad for leaving him.
“Hey that’s okay, Tommy. Maybe next time?” I gave him a smile that he soon returned.
I walked up to Jongho, sitting next to him as Hongjoong sat down next to Tommy.
Jongho leaned in and whispered, “I’ll be honest, y/n. I’m really glad the teacher separated you two.”
“Yeah, I bet everyone is. We are the best in the class, no offense,” I laughed.
“Actually no I meant-“
“Alright class. I have talked in English for an unusually long time but in my defense, I was up basically all night grading essays so I’m running on two hours of sleep and a cappuccino. Nevertheless, I’ll now switch to Chinese. 加油.”
The first game was simple enough. The teacher wrote beginner to intermediate level phrases for us to translate. If we got it right, we got a point.
My team eventually won, beating Tommy and Hongjoong by a single point. Jongho really surprised me, getting almost as many questions right as I did.
Mingi and Marina ended up last because neither of them were paying attention, instead flirting with each other.
The second and final game was a little more complicated. We had to translate the sentence, as well as pronounce all the characters correctly. Tommy’s team was tied with mine until Jongho answered the last question correctly. I smiled at him and bounced in my seat.
“We won, Jongho!” I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. He froze at first, but then put his arms around me and pulled me closer.
The professor spoke up once more, “We’re out of time for class today but remember you have a test next week. I expect you all to be studying!”
Our classmates soon left the room along with our teacher. Hongjoong quickly ran out to meet his new boyfriend - Seonghwa I think he said? - and Mingi and Marina were already gone. I assumed they left class sometime during the second game.
“Hey,” Jongho said to me as I was slipping on my backpack, “I was wondering if you could help me out with my writing in Chinese? Sometimes I mess up the stroke order and I could use the practice.”
“Sure! When do you want to study?”
“How about now?”
Jongho grabbed my arm and led me down to the whiteboard at the front of the class. I looked around at the empty classroom and nodded. I didn’t want to disturb anyone. He picked up a marker and began to write.
“I’ll write and you tell me if I make a mistake, okay?”
I laughed, “Sure, Jongho.”
As he started writing I didn’t see any mistakes. When he finished writing, I gasped.
[I like you. Who you you like?]
I smiled and took the marker from his hands, placing it back on the podium. I looked him in the eyes and cupped his face. “你” I said as I kissed him. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. He smiled and kissed me again, this time wrapping his arms around my waist.
We pulled back for air and I whispered, “You know, I was actually planning on telling you today, too. Marina encouraged me to tell you, but I guess I didn’t have to after all.”
“I mean you can still tell me, if you want.”
I gently kissed his cheek, “You already know how I feel.”
“Hmm. Actually I’m not quite sure. Could you clarify for me?” Jongho laughed when I playfully hit his arm.
“You know,” he continued, “when I said I was glad the teacher separated you earlier, I meant that I was glad you were away from Tommy. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and I really didn’t like it. I got so nervous because even though I tease, this is the first time I’ve felt like this. So I guess the question is...will you let me take you on a date?”
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Drama CD Flower and Oni Translation
First post of the month! so as always, I’ll once again start by asking you to please support me if you can either on ko-fi, through paypal or patreon  for access to my blog post translations or just to support me (current special access is my translation of the seventh Saito Ginsei no Shou chater)... also let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my looking for list since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that i can share... 
btw, was there an image of the sky in SSL that matches the one here? sorta want it for something but can’t exactly remember if it was in the game cuz i haven’t picked up my vita in a long while since i screwed mine up....
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also, to whom it may it concern: 中秋快乐! slightly delayed tho lol.
Anyway, this is my translation of the Hakuoki MesseSanoh store exclusive drama cd  - Flower and Oni “花と鬼.”
one of the dramas i found back in june... at the time, i coincidentally obtained CH translations of all the other Tokuten cds that were released with the ps2 Hakuoki Shinsengumi Kitan game (based on info from tokio-fujita’s drama cd livejournal page). no idea when i’ll get to those.... since all the ones that haven’t been translated yet are +10min long (i did somehow manage to obtain the audio for all of them months before i got the CH tls for em).
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Also, there was one sentence missing in the tl for this. had the translation of it commissioned from @jokertrap-ran​. left that text in bold.
enjoy~ final edits will be done when i do a video for it (i’m 90% sure the sighs/laughter and other misc sounds weren’t translated properly in the text i found but oh well).
Hakuoki MesseSanoh Store Exclusive Drama CD Flower and Oni
Translation by KumoriYami
Kondou: Hah......to be able to relax on the porch/corridor/veranda while enjoying the flowers, it really is nice.
Souji: Areh? Kondou-san? What are you doing over here?
Kondou: Oh, Souji, do you want a cup of tea? Come, sit here.
Souji: Are you appreciating the flowers right now?
Kondou: Although there are assignments, and despite how every day is recently bloody [reword later], it's really nice to be able to appreciate the flowers like this once in a while
Souji: It's really nice, the sun is warming and shining brightly, and the blooming sakura are beautiful.
Kondou: Yes
Souji: Nn, it's really nice [says comfortable/feeling well].
Kondou: haha, Souji, have another cup of tea.
Souji: I won't be polite then.
Kondou: Nn, those footsteps are quite noisy.
Souji: Those footsteps, they're Hijikata-san's.
Hijikata: Really, everyone is like this......
Souji: Look, I guessed correctly.
Kondou: haha, that's really amazing.
Hijikata: What, it if isn't Kondou-san and Souji.
Kondou: You don't look that happy, Toshi, come have a cup of tea.
Hijikata: You two are really relaxed, to be drinking tea while enjoying the flowers. 
Souji: I think this is better than drinking, or it because we're not having sake that you're angry?
Hijikata: Kondou-san, this concerns the warriors who recently joined our ranks.
Kondou: Ah, it seems that a lot of people have gathered, so the Shinsengumi will get better and better in the future.
Hijikata: If only if that were the case.
Kondou: Nn, what's the problem?
Hijikata: I was training the new members just now. Although it's good there are many new recruits [says volunteers. if audio doesn't have xin in it, i'll change it to interested volunteers], a lot of them are lazy and completely useless, few of them can be used/can be put to use.
Souji: Isn't it your job to train them? Vice-commander Hijikata. [check for -san]
Hijikata: Souji don't just relax and drink tea, you should be training them with me. 
Souji: No/Don't wanna.
Hijikata: What?! For what reason?
Souji: Because I'm resting right now.
Hijikata: It doesn't matter if you are or aren't resting. If the executives don't take the lead, what is to be done? tell me [answer me]!
Souji: Really. Here we go again. It's because you take these arbitrary and out of place actions, that everyone gets annoyed [more literally: bored].
Hijkata: Oh, who's fed up with me [then]? I'll ask you to give me their names.
Souji: You didn't notice? Hijikata-san, you're unexpectedly slow.
Hijikata: Hey, I say [literal translation. i'm assuming this is more along the lines of 'say that again!']
Kondou: Come on, come on [im guessing the audio is 'ma, ma'], you two should let it be. Come, calm down and and look at the sakura......
Hijikata: don't say anything else Kondou-san, this is Souji's and my problem.
Souji: Sorry, Kondou-san, I don't want to bother you, you can look [at them] by yourself.
Kondou: Ah, is that so?
Souji: I've wonder, but is Hijikata-san's way of doing things really okay?
Hijikata: What? Souji. Do you have a problem/complaints with me? [Or] are you looking down on me/[Or it] just that you hate me?
Kondou:  What am I, your nanny!?
[will probably change that to ‘what are you, his nanny?’ for language flow]
Souji: No/That's not it? Anyway, I'm still the First Division Captain of the Shinsengumi.
Hijikata: If you're a captain, you should act like one, and take care of the team members.
Souji: I have taken care of it [that].
Kondou: To be fighting in front of beautiful flowers...... really what a headache. As a warrior/samurai, how can you not enjoy the cherry blossoms?!
Hijikata: What is there to look at/see, it's because of this that I work so hard.
Souji: You're not happy/Are you upset? I thought Hijikata-san was quite willing/happy to do this.
Hijikata: What?!
Kondou: Oh, right, I've thought of something good, both of you listen. As the chief of the Shinsengumi, I have a proposal.
Hijikata: What?
Souji: What?
Kondou: In order to promote friendlier relations within the team members, how about holding a hanami/sakura viewing party?
Hijikata: Kondou-san, do you know what time it is right now?
Souji: I approve/support that. I think that that the team members will improve after those that don't know each other are able to deepen their friendship.
Kondou: Nn, thats it/like that, I also wanted to say that.
Souji: That's just like Kondou-san, you're different from a certain someone who is difficult to deal with.
Hijikata: Souji, say that again!
Souji: What?
Hijikata: well, i finally understand. compared to those new guys, souji, you're the one that's useless.
Souji: If yo're too harsh, the new recruits will run away. Hijikata-san, drink some tea and calm down.
Hijikata: You!
Kondou: Toshi, take a teacup and quickly drink.
Hijikata: Ah.
Souji: then i should probably go back to training.
Kondou: You're going, Souji?
Souji: Yes, Kondou-san. But, don't let everyone run away from the training grounds again. [tho that's an accurate tl, i'm guess this should be more among the lines of "But I can't help it/it's not my fault if everyone runs away from the training grounds again/ But make sure that no one runs away from the training grounds again]
Kondou: Oh?
Souji: they all ran away as soon as they saw my face Why is that?
Hijikata: That's because you're way of teaching is extremely bad. Really, your swordsmanship is better than everyone else's/you are one of the best swordsmen, but why are you so incapable? Listen Kondou-san, rather than training other people, this guy loves fighting way more. Everyone was beaten to the point where they could't get up off the ground.
Kondou: Then it's understandable for why the team members are unwilling.
Souji: Ahaha, to speak of being gentle, I really didn't expect those words from the demon vice-commander.
Kondou: What, in fact Toshi is a very gentle man, right, Toshi?
Hijikata: Hn, who knows.
Kondou: That's how it is, be gentle to everyone.
Souji: Yes yes, but, i've really been gentle with everyone. Then I'll be going. Kondou-san, thank you for your hospitality.
Kondou: Ah, I'll be counting on you [tl literally: please requesting you. check audio]
Souji: Yes.
(souji walks away)
Hijikata: Hah, well, never mind that guy.
Kondou: Do you want another cup of tea?
HIjikaa: Ah, another cup.
Kondou: Then I'll have another as well.
Hijikata: Souji's way of teaching is extremely rough/cruel, so it's unclear if he's actually training other people, or using them for himself to practice.
Kondou: That's because he takes what he does for granted/his success for granted, which is why it's impossible for him to understand those who are unable to.
Hijikata: That guy is still a child, he sticks his foot into everything, but always gets bored immediately after.
Kondou: You don't quite understand souji.
Hijikata: everyone will probably run away again [?].
Kondou: If you're worried, you should go and see.
Hijikata: Eh, there's nothing to be done about that/no way around it then, I'll be going then/I'll be going.
Kondou: I'll go too.
Hijikata: No need, Kondou-san you should just stay here and relax.
Kondou: Nn?
Hijikata: It's because you're the face of the Shinsengumi. The trivial matters of the troop, it's best for you not to be involved in them at all, I'll deal with everything.
Kondou: Nn, is that so? I'm sorry.
Hijikata: the tea was verry good. Then I'll see you later.
(hijikata leaves)
Kondou: Oh. It seems that the beauty of sakura has no effect on an oni. Heh. Good grief.
  Hijikata Toshizou, Miki Shin'ichirō Okita Souji, Morikubo Shōtaro  Shōtarō Kondou Isami, Ōkawa Tōru
image from suruga-ya.
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Samuel Xavier Watts
Name: Samuel Xavier Watts Nickname: Sam, Sammy Age: 38 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi-curious Species: Human Appearance: (Face-claim: Cillian Murphy)
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Height: 1,83 m Tattoos: the date of his father's death in greek numbers on the back of his neck Personality: Sam is very outspoken, usually no matter what is on his mind, it'll probably be spoken out aloud in mere seconds with no regards how it might affect the person he's speaking to. Due to his position, this rarely proves to be a problem, he only ever needs to keep his mouth shut during business meetings, a visible struggle for him. To many's surprises tho, he's a very manipulative and charming man, just knowing what to say to get people to do things he wants them to and if talking won't help, everyone is payable or has a very special person who'd they do everything for just to keep them safe. Because of his over-confidence, arrogance and little regards for others in general, many people tend to call him a narcissistic asshole. However, Samuel would prefer the title of a born leader because of his dominance, planing and strategic skills. There is no scenario he didn't already expect and plan for. Samuel has a good ability to understand difficult problems and create a solid solution for them. Because of his parents' successful lives, Sam is also quite image-conscious and image-focused, desiring to be just as good of a leader as his father was and is ready to do everything for accomplishing his dreams. Nevertheless, he is very social, outgoing and comfortable around others. Being alone is more of a punishment than a blessing for him, consequently, he tries to surround himself with his family and friends whenever possible. Therefore he can also come off as clingy and ridiculously jealous to people he is very close to. Relationships: Anastasia Watts – mother; 61 years old; retired model; widow Leonard Marcus Watts – father; deceased Likes: spicy food, black tea/coffee, reading biographies, expensive gifts, fast cars, cats, cuddling, affection, being so high he stops thinking of the past, little kids Dislikes: being ordered around, people standing up to him, being alone, sour sweets, pop music, cocky business partners, having to compromise, others trying to lecture him about his addictions/health, ingratitude, well-off people taking what they have for granted Hobbies: horseback riding, reading, playing the flute, judo, kickboxing Occupation: Mafia Boss Position: Switch Virgin: No Turn-ons: scratching, love bites, spanking, leaving marks in general, intelligence, being rough Turn-offs: body fluids, too much teasing, pillow princesses, being forced to do things, crying, knife play Other:
owns three cats named Lucy, Minsk and Cookie
takes drug, smokes and drinks heavily but knows when to be sober
Backstory: Samuel's mother was a model and his father was the head of a mafia family, so the two were nearly always occupied by work, never having time for their son – for their family. What most mattered to them, was work and money. However, they couldn't just let a small child alone all time, they felt bad for their son. So, Sam got everything he asked for and was surrounded by servants and his nanny the whole god damn day. He didn't like it one bit, he wanted his alone time and not met a fake polite person after every few steps he took. He didn't mind the servants as much as his nanny, a strict elderly woman, who watched his every move and often complained about how spoiled and lazy he was. The nanny would often get angry at him and scold him. One time she screamed so loud and much at Sam, that he began to cry. Still, with tears in his eyes, he phoned his parents a while later. Worried his mother asked what was wrong and Samuel explained everything to her. The next day the old woman was gone and a much younger woman stood in Sam's room and introduced herself as his new nanny. At first, Sam was confused, but he soon accepted the new situation without questioning it any further. His new nanny was much nicer than the old hag and wasn't so strict as his former one. However, that was not the only thing that changed, the servants began to behave strangely. They all seemed nervous whenever they were around him and they all were much friendlier than before. Samuel didn't know what happened until he heard some servants talk about the incident a few months later. A servant, who worked already pretty long there, told a new one that she has to be careful when she talked to Sam, his old nanny got immediately "taken care off" as he talked bad about her to his parents. Finally, Samuel understood what was going on and felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. Even though he was only 8, Sam liked this new feeling of power. Since then, he complained immediately to his parents, about servants when he didn't like them or their behaviour. The problem for him was that he only had those powers at home, however, this did not mean that he was any different at the private school he visited. Samuel was a witty and charming boy, who knew exactly how to use words to manipulate people, even at an early age, which made him pretty popular in school. Even though, Sam only talked to people who he thought were worth enough his time, nearly everyone wanted to befriend him due to his status and family background. So, Samuel grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth and nearly everyone adoring him or at least faking it. At the age of 13, his father finally decided to let his son partake in the family business. Obviously, Sam was only introduced to the "fun" and tame sides of his father's work. Ordering his people around and going with him on the non-dangerous business meetings, being introduced to a lot of influential people with whom he would make business one day. Despite the boring aspects, the young boy enjoyed the time he spent with his father a lot. They grew quite close and it turned out that Samuel was quite a natural talent, everything his father taught he picked up fairly quickly. By the age of barely 15, he already knew how to handle more weapons, especially guns, than an average police officer and shortly after his 16 birthday he had already killed a man. A traumatic experience which his father used to form his son more and more into the perfect heir, telling him how it was okay to kill and which people actually deserved it. Not really having anyone else to turn to or any other role models, Sam ate up his father's words, believing every single one and letting them influence him. The remorse and guilt he once felt were soon lost and he started to actually enjoy the more exciting aspects of the mafia world. At his 18 birthday, a tragedy happened. A meeting his father went to turned sour and ended in a shooting which only barely anyone survived, Sam's father included. This affected Sam badly because he was supposed to be there with his father but was running late due to celebrating early and sleeping in with a hangover. He felt like everything was his fault, if he would have been there with everyone else, he might have had the chance to save his father. Besides, he was the only one who seemed to genuinely care for Sam after all these years. Afterwards, Samuel took over the family business and let his anger and frustration out on everyone who annoyed him just in the slightest. Even after years, Sam still didn't overcome the loss of the only person he ever really cared for. Not knowing how else to forget about his pain, the young adult drowned his worries in alcohol, like he saw older adults do it. Even though Samuel was still too young to drink such liquors, he knew very well who to pay to get it. As time passed on Sam even got involved with drugs at the age of 21, to let loose once in a while and forget about these bad memories and his responsibilities. Despite all of that he still tried to honour his father and his work by trying to follow in his father's footsteps and running the business the way, his old man had wanted him to. Maybe not really sober nor completely mentally well but nobody seemed to care about because Sam actually managed to do a good job.
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leqclerc · 3 years
I like how sebchal helped bring seb and charles fans together on here?? Personally I'm a fan of both of them (even tho nowadays I lean more towards charles simply because seb is already accomplished) and didn't mind the "rivalry " in 2019. But I have an irl friend who is a seb fan and refuse to show charles any support to the point of starting to support carlos (she wasn't a fan of him before, I swear) 😭
True! However, I’m afraid it wasn’t always like this. Granted, I only really re-joined the fandom midway through 2020 so I don’t have a first-person account of the true extent of it, but some of my friends who were around through 2019 brought me up to speed and...Yikes. There were definitely rifts between the more staunch supporters of the two, especially in 2019. 2020 was...well. They didn’t have a competitive car, which I guess helped temporarily alleviate the tension. Seb also knew he was out of his Ferrari drive and this - on top of them not being remotely competitive - allowed them to have an openly warmer, friendlier relationship with more teasing, banter and mutual comfort. But arguments between fans still flared up after tense on-track moments (Styria, Bahrain.) Generally though I think it has gotten a bit better...I have a lot of more Seb-leaning mutuals and I’ve never personally had any unpleasant experiences. Like you, I support both of them (though, also like you, I’m probably leaning more towards Charles. Which means I’m sadly stuck in clown hell for the foreseeable future) and always try to be fair and objective in my judgement. 
Oh no! That sucks :( Yeah some people are just...like that, I guess. 🙄 They latch onto hating something or someone so much that literally any alternative is better for them because they’re acting purely out of spite. I hope you have other irl friends who are into F1 though? 🥺 That’s the thing, like...for me it’s kind of an lonely experience? My friends...are aware of the sport and know that I’m a fan but they themselves aren’t into it/don’t follow it closely so...not much of a conversation there. I mostly end up watching the races with my dad although he’s, yeah, more of a casual fan than anything and I would definitely be too embarrassed to reveal the full extent of my hyperfixation, not to mention the fact that I...dedicate so much of my time to come on here and yell about these dumb men in cars, lmao. But the community’s been so lovely and welcoming and I’ve made a lot of good friends, so it’s not all bad. And I’m glad you (seem to have) had a positive experience too 🥺💕
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CAN I GET ME SOME PETER FROM BOC? (I promise he's overage ajdjfjff) he has no content and he's just,,,adorable 🥺
listen here, I’m now head over heels for Peter and I’m blaming you
I hope this doesn’t disappoint, it’s full of feels and there is a LOT to unpack here! I based it on this set of headcanons I did a while back wherein someone saved the circus members and nursed them back to health, so that person (tho I went with a lady) is this reader’s boss
also this got WAY longer than I meant it to but considering the absolutely criminal lack of Peter content, I don’t think you’ll mind
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Sometimes, on nights when it’s warm, you’ll find those two sitting in the courtyard behind your employer’s manor.
(Mistress) never told you what the story was with these circus performers, and as far as you know, she’s never told any of the other servants either. Hell, she may not even know herself. If PETER and Wendy are anything to go by, this lot doesn’t open up easily. They’ve all been living here for six months, and the only thing you really know is that (Mistress) took them in after finding them horribly injured, that Peter and Wendy are basically adults stuck in bodies which never matured, and that they used to be trapeze artists in their troupe.
They’re both very hard to read, though Wendy is marginally friendlier than her brother. The two of them seem closer to each other than even to the other members, and the whole lot of them keep to themselves, perhaps trying to avoid the household’s staff entirely, so you’ve not had much interaction with any of them.
These two, though? They intrigue you; Peter in particular. He seems on edge all the time, a shock that so much anger seems to exist in someone so small. Even if you didn’t trust their word that these two aren’t children, you would know he was an adult. No child is that angry all the time without any discernible reason.
You just want him to be able to relax. Whatever the reason he’s always ready to fight, he would be so much less stressed if he could let go of it just a little bit. Doesn’t he know he and his sister are safe here? Don’t they all know that? If they don’t, someone ought to clue them in.
When you step out into the courtyard, the balmy night air welcomes you.
There they are, the two of them, and Wendy looks to be lying down in the grass. Sleeping, maybe? It’s late, but not past midnight quite yet. (Mistress) has no strict rules for her staff nor her guests except that she would prefer everyone be inside the manor by midnight. Oddly enough, unlike anyone else you have ever worked for, she’s very concerned with everyone’s safety.
The grass rustles between your feet as you walk. The closer you get, the more Peter’s shoulders seem to shoot up toward his ears; indeed, until they’re buried in his hair. Wendy, on the other hand, only moves by breathing, so she’s definitely asleep.
After a moment of standing, staring at the sky, you lower yourself onto the ground next to Peter. Close enough that you could touch him, far enough that, hopefully, he doesn’t feel crowded. “Lovely night,” you hum, crossing your legs. “It’s nice when there are no clouds at night. You can see the moon so well. Lady (Mistress) is happy someone is finally enjoying the courtyard. She’s never really been one for stargazing or―”
“Oh, what the bloody ‘ell d’you want?!” Peter interrupts you before you can even finish your sentence. His voice is harsh, not loud, likely because he doesn’t want to wake Wendy. “Did y’ come out ‘ere just ta talk me ta death?!”
His bad attitude is still a bit surprising to you, but to have such rude comments coming from such an innocent-looking mouth is no longer the shock it once was. “Well… it wasn’t my intention, no. I’m sorry.” You tilt your head at him. “Do you want me to leave?”
The look he gives you is equal parts incredulous that you’ve said such a thing and sorely tempted by the offer. At last, his face contorts into a scowl, his head jerking back down to the grass he’s yanking out of the ground. “That ain’t what I said. Just stop prattlin’ on about nothin’.”
A moment passes in silence, then you reach over to tear out a couple blades of grass yourself. It’s not that you pretend to understand why he’s doing it, but you want to show him that whatever he’s doing, you’ll join him if he wants, even if you don’t know the reason why.
“… What should I prattle on about, then?” you speak up once he seems to have calmed down a little. “I started with the sky, but… I get the feeling you’re not actually out here to look at the sky. Not as dumb as I look, you know.”
Peter huffs, and a small sigh comes from Wendy as she turns over in her sleep.“So, y’ saw a bloke what didn’t wanna be bothered, ‘n’ y’ came out ‘ere ta bother ‘im, is what y’re sayin’?”
A small shrug is what he gets from you before you say anything else. “Well, no, I’m not trying to bother you. I just wanted to see how you’re doing… if you’re settling in alright. Wendy seems pretty comfortable.”
He snorts, the bitter look from earlier taking over his face again. “We ain’t ‘settlin’ in’. We ain’t gonna be ‘ere longer’n a year, I’ll bet, if we even make it that long.”
“Why do you think that? Lady (Mistress) says she likes you all and that you’re welcome to―”
He lets out a violent grunt as he pulls a clump of grass blades from the ground. They’re tossed down in short order, accompanied by a growl. “(Mistress) don’t know nothin’ ‘bout us! Y’ think she’d want us ‘ere if she knew the truth?! Y’ think anyone’d want us anywhere if they knew the truth?!” He presses his hands into the dirt, digging it under his frayed fingernails, and hisses furiously. “There’s a reason we were left ta fuckin’ die ― because we should be dead! We’re BAD PEOPLE, (Name)!”
Now his voice has gotten louder, causing Wendy to stir and make noises of what sounds to you like distress. You scoot over a bit, reaching around Peter to give a few soft pats to her shoulder. Then you turn your attention back to Peter. “… You’re not,” you say softly. “You in particular, you’re a little rough around the edges, but you’re not… bad.”
You shift around some to get more comfortable. When you cautiously set your hand on top of Peter’s, he flinches, but ultimately lets your fingers stay where they are. “Even if you were bad… you’re not the only bad people to ever exist. You don’t deserve to die.”
“What d’you know?” he grinds out lowly. “Y’ don’t know nothin’ ‘bout us either. Don’t know nothin’ ‘bout me. Y’ don’t get ta make that judgment.”
“Then what judgment am I fit to make?” If you sound frustrated by now, it’s because you are. Why does he seem so insistent about this? Doesn’t he think that if they all should have died, they would have? “Do my feelings really mean that little to you? Does what I think really not matter to you? Because whatever else you may be, good or bad or somewhere in between ― I’m glad to have you here. Perhaps this comes as a surprise to you, Peter, but I happen to like your company, and Wendy’s, and the others’.”
You curl your fingers around his, tightly, securely. “If you should have died, then God wouldn’t have let you live. You’re still alive for a reason.” Despite that you move closer to him, he doesn’t pull away. “You’ve all been given a second chance. Regardless of whether or not you think you deserve it, you have it. And you’re prepared to spend it feeling sorry for yourself, saying you don’t deserve it, instead of doing something with it?”
What surprises you is that he wraps his fingers around yours in response, holding your hand as if you’re his last connection to life. When he looks up at you, his expression is old enough to betray his youthful face. “Y’ don’t know what y’re talkin’ ‘bout, (Name). We shouldn’t ‘ave this chance in the firs’ place. It should’ve gone ta someone else. Y’ don’t know us, er what we done, er anythin’ else. Y’ don’t know… me.”
“But I want to.” Something strange thrums in your chest, your heart fluttering against your ribcage. “I don’t know you because you won’t let me. None of you will let any of us in even the smallest bit. Meanwhile, Lady (Mistress) and I and some of the others… we want to know you. Whatever that means. Even if there are things about you that aren’t pleasant. We like you. I like you. How do you know we wouldn’t accept you if you won’t give us the chance?”
What comes out of his mouth is a mix of a scoff and a laugh. That look in his eyes is so dark and tired you don’t know what to make of it. “Lord, y’know, I never met anyone like y’. Mos’ people don’t want us anywhere near ‘em, even the parts of us that ain’t so bad. But y’re tellin’ me, y’ expect me ta believe ― y’ actually want the bad parts?”
You lean even closer, almost desperate that you’ve come so close to potentially getting him to open up and be vulnerable with you. “Yes,” you breathe. So close you are now, your noses are almost touching. “I want the bad parts. I want the good parts. I want all of you. Is that so crazy?”
“Yeah!” This time it’s a full-blown laugh, though it’s so mirthless, he nearly sounds closer to crying than laughing. “That’s very crazy! Y’ oughta be locked up in some asylum! It ain’t enough yer lady took us in, but y’re tellin’ me y’ actually want every single part of me? Y’ take a look at me lately, ‘uh? I ain’t no gentleman! I ain’t refined, I ain’t sweet… I mean, damn, I look like a little kid!”
The tip of your nose presses to his. “You’re not, though. You’re not a boy,Peter; you’re a man.” You get the feeling very few people acknowledge that about him. He looks like a child, so he must be!
“And I don’t care about refined or sweet… and anyway, who says I want a gentleman?” Your hand stays in his, and your other arm snakes around his shoulders. “What I want is you. I understand if you can’t… or don’t want to… give me all of you. Or any of you. But… no matter anything else… know that there’s someone who will take every part of you. There are people here who want to accept you… if you’d only let us in. You’re not alone.”
Peter lets out a shuddering breath, and you can feel its heat against your lips. His hand clutches yours with such ferocity that his arm is shaking. After a long, long moment, his other hand comes to rest against your waist. How long must it have been since anyone’s treated him as the adult he is ― how long must he have been holding himself back so that he doesn’t make people angry or uncomfortable? “Stop,” he murmurs, and his hand bunches the fabric against your waist in a fist. “Stop bein’ so… good. I can’t… I can’t take it. Jus’ gonna make it ‘urt more… when we get chased outta ‘ere…”
He presses his forehead against yours, his chest heaving as if he’s using his whole strength to stave off the sobbing he’s already been holding back for his whole life. “… If I open up… if y’ do accept me… ‘n’ then I ‘afta leave y’ be’ind…” He’s still holding himself so tensely, wound so tight that he could snap at any moment.
“… I can’t…”
That he gives no resistance when you push forward and kiss him is something you didn’t expect. The way he leans into the touch, bowing to you with a stunning softness you weren’t sure he possessed, speaks volumes about how much he needs someone to embrace his whole self. He seems to even lose himself in your approval for what feels like an eternity.
You draw away, only to be pulled back in against him for another kiss. This one is rougher, hungrier, with a neediness that’s somehow the same as the first kiss and yet wildly different. It’s the kiss of a man who just wants to be wanted, who has tasted that someone desires him and became addicted to that in an instant.
When he pulls you back, you’re only too happy to submit to his wants. You can feel his hand at your waist, his fingers fanning out from that fist so they are splayed against your side.
As soon as you come up for air, you move your arm from his shoulders to let your hand rest on his cheek.
“Don’t worry, Peter,” you whisper as if you can quiet all his fury and anxiety with just those words. “You’re not going anywhere.”
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nessacoleman · 4 years
[  china anne mcclain  .  20  .  cis female  .  she/her  ] just saw VANESSA COLEMAN dragging their suitcase up the steps to CABIN 2D  .  good luck living with HER  ,  i hear that that they’re MEDDLESOME  ,  CHILDISH  ,  CLEVER  &  OUTSPOKEN  .  Apparently they’re a VOLUNTEER.  let’s hope the upcoming season doesn’t affect their JUNIOR year of COMPUTER SCIENCE.
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yoooo it’s rae again! more info about vanessa under the cut <3
brief background - feel free to skip ( drug mention tw )
born to on-again, off-again high school sweethearts in california. she lived with her mom and maternal grandparents until her parents were ready to move into another place when she was two. they married shortly after that, and her dad started dealing to better provide for the family.
growing up, school came very easy to her. she felt ostracized by her classmates, which made her pretty shy around them. this led to her becoming quite the teacher’s pet. she spent many recesses hanging out with teachers or reading. 
it was in early middle school that she became extremely interested in STEM. her school didn’t have a great program, but she did a lot of outside research and studying to build her skills in its various subjects.
once she hit high school, she was granted a scholarship to attend a prestigious private high school in her state. she had already come out of her shell a lot by then, but she realized she didn’t have to only be “the smart one” anymore. she became more talkative and silly, no longer feeling pressured to act a certain way. 
around sophomore year, a warrant was made for her dad’s arrest over multiple charges. he disappeared. vanessa and her mom had no idea where he was, until he contacted them two years later. to this day, they both have to pretend they’ve had no correspondence with him, even though her mom is still in regular contact with him. vanessa refuses to be a part of it. she’s still angry about the way he left them hanging with no initial explanation.
at school, she just pretended the situation wasn’t happening. whenever someone tried to ask her about it, she’d change the subject or do something to make them want to leave her alone. she started acting out and pulling pranks as a source of entertainment.
when it finally became time to start applying to colleges, she had her sights set on hollis. it took a lot of coercing ( and a teeny bit of blackmail ) to get good recommendation letters from some of her teachers, but she managed to conjure up a glowing application and get accepted.
doing pretty well academically, but she’s had a couple run-ins with the disciplinary committee due to her petty pranks and occasional rule breaking. picture vandalizing school statues, setting the computers in the library to play “goofy goober” all at once, stupid stuff like that. basically the school decided that compulsory volunteering at the knight camp was a suitable punishment for whatever antics she was involved with last year.
she prefers football, so she’s kinda annoyed that she has to spend the summer at a soccer camp. she’s trying to make the most of it tho and treat it like a personal paid vacation. catch her trying to shirk as many responsibilities as possible.
think stiles stilinski, penelope garcia, and mariana foster. smart as a whip, doesn’t think much before she speaks, and much more curious than she should be. she’s nosy asl and loves to find out other people’s business. she’ll often go out of her way to try to help someone, even if they specifically ask her not to.
thinks she’s the funniest, coolest, most awesome person anyone could ever meet, but she’s a dork tbh.
wanted connections
fellow jokester friends: they pull pranks, make tiktoks together, and constantly tag each other in worthless memes. probably even tried to start a youtube channel at one point but that flopped.
study buddies, classmates, project partners, etc: it’s mad stressful to be in a project w vanessa bc she tends to do all her work last-minute. they could’ve become friends or ended up resenting her for that.
frenemies: people that vanessa probably annoys but they keep her around for whatever reason anyway.
close friends/best friends: she can be friends with all types of people.
rival: for whatever reason, these two are constantly at some type of war with each other.
one-sided crushes, friendlt exes, unfriendly exes, people from childhood, high school friends,
sorry for all that y’all and excuse any typos! i told myself that i had to really think this out if i wanted to bring someone new lmao but pls like this or message me if you’d like to plot! i’m pretty open to most connections. she’s a lot friendlier than rashad ;)
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Personality Switch AU
Nightmare/Depression Stage PART III
Part 1
- Virgil was having a migraine when he heard Logan knocking on his door. It was so surprising, he opened out of curiosity, finding not an angry side ready to take their frustration on him but a wrecked Logan. The Disney fanatic looked so tired and scared, clothes wrinkled, tie loose, bags underneath his eyes. The anxious side was immediately worried, dropping his face smile and ignoring all of his problems to focus on Logan.
-”What’s wrong?” he had asked and Logan had cried. It was too much for him. Virgil immediately started fretting, quick to lead the crying logical side to the living room and make a bowl of broccoli soup for him. Once he calmed down Virgil asked for an explanation, what he got made his eyes water.
- Patton was sick, depressed, Roman was acting crazy and villainous (a description that greatly bothered Anxiety, cause Logan only describes Virgil as villainous but he loves Roman), Deceit was sneaking around and Logan was stressed. He was so busy fighting with himself and the mean voices of his anxiety he didn’t check on anyone.
He was certain everyone would feel better without a scary, fake and unstable worrywart like him. So how does it feel like everything is falling appart...?
-The first order of business was to check on Patton. He was sleeping on Logan room, not reacting. Virgil tucked him in better, summoning his plushies to keep the tense side company and left a camomile tea close by, just in case the heart woke up thirsty. He swore his touch brought Patton more color but that must have been wishful thinking.
- After that, he went to check on Roman, knocking and knocking but only getting an answer after announcing his name. The kiddo immediately opened the door at the familiar voice. Logan had stated the creative side has been more attracted to nightmares then fairytales lately, so Virgil shouldn’t have been surprised when Roman smiled at him, teeth sharp but eyes sparkling with genuine joy “Virgil, I was hoping to get your opinion on something! Hypothetically speaking, if a murderous Dragon Witch were to hunt you down would you be more anxious in a forest like setting or a deserted Shopping Center,” and Virgil was shoved inside Roman’s room before he could even think about answering.
The place was very dark, only illuminated by a few candles. Every corner was full of half-finished ideas, sharp shadows moving in every corner, climbing walls and changing shapes whenever Roman thought of something new. Each step made a loud noise. Virgil definitivaly did not like it in here, his anxiety spiking drastically.
-He hesitantly indulged in Roman bizarre questions, unable to resist the boy request, especially when he was that excited, but he keeps an eye on the room's shadows. Swearing he saw glowing eyes of various colors and shapes staring back at him before vanishing. He gulped, finding comfort in the familiar mess of notebooks in Roman’s table, his latest ideas and his dream journal partially illuminated by a half melted candle, it fires blue, oddly cold.
- He could see why Logan would accuse Roman of going mad but personally, Virgil did not agree. The Kiddo new aesthetic is rather...Interesting, his energy oddly heavy, more powerful, and the room does give him the creeps, but Roman still has that curious look in his eyes whenever he asks something, sure, it looks less focused but he still growls at any pun he detects, forgetting stuff and taking slangs too literally.
It’s probably just a phase, like when he spent a week thinking only about the ocean and started smelling like salt, or that month he fell in love with space and got his star freckles. Or when he got obsessed with steampunk, asking Logan about mechanisms and writing down all he heard...
- So Virgil tries his best to not shush Roman down. Paying attention to his morbid ideas with increasingly shaky nerves and waiting until Roman was staring at him with a proud smile, happy to share his personal world. When finished Patton congratulated his narration structure and wonderful draws, gently explaining why he did not like the concept despite how well made it is.
- Surprisingly, Roman was not connecting what was happening very well, eyes swirling randomly “I don’t understand.” His voice grew weaker, unsure “Do you not like it...?”
- Virgil wasn’t sure how to explain it, much less in this fear indulging room, so when he heard another ominous sound he jumped, determined to change locations. He got some complaints from the short side but Anxiety was determined, using his Stern Voice (Or ’Fear Spell’ as Logan put it) and feeling strange when Roman shivered, more fascinated than anything. It really was bizarre, Virgil doesn’t think he is thinking straight. He stares at Logan door, smirking. Hopely some clarity would snap him out of it.
-Roman hissed at Logan when they faced each other, holding a grudge for sure. Virgil ordered Logan to get out, ignoring his squeaks of indignation and gently leading a tense Roman to Patton side.
-Roman still seemed confused when Virgil started explaining everything he learned but between his Fear Spell and Logan’s logical room, Roman was slowly going back to his senses, eyes getting more focused, going from confused and insecure to slightly worried.
-The two fussed over Patton, Logan joining soon after. That afternoon was a mess -Thomas must have been experiencing some horrible mood swings. Roman tried to follow Logan meticulous instructions about medicine, doing his best despite still having a vaguely threatening aura, while the two bickered Virgil hugged and comforted Patton, humming at the weak but fortunately relaxed side.
-Roman’s tea smelled delicious but its texture was suspiciously like blood. Virgil hesitated but he ultimately decided to feed the half-conscious heart the tea. The drink brought a shy tint of pink back to his glasses, unfocused eyes narrowing at Virgil fake ears, using a lot of energy to grab the stitched heart in his cotton ear and promptly going back to sleep.
-He watched the sick side with soft eyes, feeling immensely happy when he noticed Roman smiling at the two of them, his teeth still sharp but his eyes back to their familiar red and blue pattern. Logan still sends Virgil strange looks but the anxious side was pleased by the whole scene, coming to the conclusion he is not the most pleasant but still necessary for this family.
-It took a while but Roman did his best to find a passion less detrimental. He was still attracted to darker themes, probably influenced by Patton own love for spooky stuff, but he did his best to mix it up with softer messages and other of his interests.
Thomas was officially a fan of Horror Games after the whole experience tho, not even Virgil influence could change that.
-Patton got better and better. Going back to his old self after two days. Everyone was happy about it. Virgil smiled at him, only to freeze when Patton's eyes -now lucid and focused- widened, staring at his sharp fangs with clear fear.
“Is only logical to fear deadly creatures after so many nightmares,” Logan said, always glad to share his knowledge (his opinions).
-So Virgil laughed his pain away, letting them celebrate alone.
- He was sad to notice his relationship with the other haven’t changed much...
- If there were no questions to be asked, Roman still acted awkward or quiet in Virgil presence, it hurt that they weren’t on friendlier terms after all that but he silently accepted (Unaware the reason Roman acted that way was because he fell ashamed of his action, yet he is too emotionally stunted to apologize)
- Logan was less aggressive but he still narrowed his eyes at Virgil. Not fully trusting him.
- And then there was Patton. Patton who was clearly scared yet he still knocked on Virgil’s door, anxious in every movement but willing to offer an olive branch. Willing to be his friend.
Virgil jumped at the opportunity, barely beliving his eyes and ears
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kingofthrowingfits · 6 years
“Essay” 1.0 Rhacks to Riches
So I decided this should be a good start as any. There’s quite obviously a very popular (Dare I say The most popular) ship in the Borderlands Fandom that I called Rhack. Comprising of Rhys from the Tales from the Borderlands Telltale series and Handsome Jack from... The Borderlands series! I personally just don’t see their potential relationship as lovers to be viable or healthy for either of them and am just writing about why i see it like that because I haven’t seen anyone else mentioning this. I am not against people shipping this but I feel that they might be missing some points about these two characters that make any relationship they’re going to engage in to be abusive.
Don’t read if you want to remain ignorant about these facts or ship Rhack so strongly that it offends you to see criticism of this ship. Also Spoilers for all BLands Games Btw.
Here we go! 
So I want to open this in saying that Rhys was written to be a very big parallel to Jack, both in personality and appearance. I’ll just list their parallels to save time and space.
They are both company men,both of Hyperion.
Known for being attractive and advantageous because of it. (Great Hair, heterochromia)
Same vaguely white race. (Not important to the relationship but adds to fandom popularity. Tea.)
Contain a mean streak when it comes to screwing over their superiors for money or power.
Both are self absorbed, prideful and arguably vain.
Both are hackers, something that is sometimes downplayed with Jack but was notably his own beginning in Hyperion.
Awful fashion sense. Ex. Rhys’s underwear tie and Jack’s thousand layer wardrobe. I refuse to diss Jack’s sneakers and Rhy’s socks but y’all can go off.
Same gray morality basis (Depends)
Both have a strength of being a charismatic negotiater (But not really)
Now with some of these parallels laid out, It would seem that these two would get along and possibly be romantically inclined towards each other but I mus stress another point. Rhys IS NOT A FULL PARALLEL TO HOLO/DEAD JACK. He is more close to being a representation of what Jack was when he was younger and had not yet made all the wonderful decisions that led to the events of the other Borderlands games.
The typical canon Rhys (By Telltale Popular choice Rhys) is a kinder, (Somehow) More down-To-Earth, less egotistical and friendlier person than Jack had almost ever been. He is a protagonist in Tales mainly because he is representative of what Jack could have been had he chosen a more “moral” path through life. Which is why the game ends with him receiving a vault treasure but ALSO inheriting Atlas from Jack, as a kind of teaser to the question of “Will Rhys rule like his hero had?”. Not to mention the entire last convo he had with the handsome devil.
The Differences
 Rhys sticks by his friends and trusts them in moments of doubt. As seen with Fiona in the Atlas lab, Loaderbot in prosperity junction, Sasha in the Atlas Atrium, and Vaughn with literally the whole story. Also you can include his trust in Jack right in here too.
Jack loses allies constantly by alienating or killing them. As seen with the poisoning of Wilhelm, a very loyal employee of his, his dismissal of Nakayama despite him being a brilliant scientist, the murder of Felicity (Justifiable,however) and whatever went on between him and Moxxi (Might delete later this is a tricky one that I think Moxxi was in the wrong on and can be claimed self-defense by Jack but like? Facts??? BLAHGGH) Not to mention the abuse of his own daughter that he was blind to simply due to sheer dumbassitude and self-serving ego on his part.
Rhys accepts the mistakes of his friends and can take apologies from them. As seen with his semi-betrayal from Vaughn
Jack literally kills a whole ass team of his own scientist that he saved in the first place simply because they *MIGHT* turn against him.
Rhy’s kinder and more sociable personality conflicts a lot with Jack’s harsher view of how he has to keep people away due to previous trust issues and how it is absolutely okay for him to use people to further his own agenda that serves only himself. Not to mention that Rhys does NOT vibe with Jack’s sadistic sense of humor and repeatedly calls him a psychopath for killing people in front of him.
This comes to a head obviously when Jack wants to put a metal skeleton inside of Rhys and Y’know, take over both his body and mind.
Which brings me to the most convincing part of this argument against Rhack.
Jack is a manipulative person, he admits to it himself when he begs Angel not the kill herself, She tells the Player Character that he is emotionally manipulative and warns you against it and Rhys recognizes that the most manipulative people in Hyperion, Including HUGO VASQUEZ, were inspired by Jacks tactics.
Keep in mind that one of Jack’s first actions towards Rhys was trying to strangle him for stumbling over his words, before he realized he was a holo-gram.
Then Realizing that he cannot simply kill Rhys with no repercussions as he would normally be able to, of course Jack turns to his next best option- Leading Rhys into situations where he could either 
1. Get out of his head (The office, Atlas Labs) Succesful btw
2. Kill him. (Indirectly, abandoning him with Vallory, where Rhys had a very high Probability of dying. Directly- Attempting to shove a robot skeleton into his body, killing Rhys and allowing him to control his body or Literally just trying to choke him out with his own hand, actually an act of desperate and rageful suicide as well.)
Most scenes where Jack is getting along with Rhys are that way because Jack is getting what he wants or he is trying to manipulate him into well... Getting what he wants. Otherwise Jack is sometimes downright rude, mean or verbally abusive to Rhys. I guess i should mention that Jack also talks to him for the sheer shits and giggles of it at times.
When Rhys actively rejects Jacks offer to rule together, is really where Jacks self-absorbed and hateful attitude towards Rhys comes out too. Just. He gets so fucking angry for almost no reason. Jack cannot give up the mantle of CEO to Rhys and reveals that all the stuff about training him to be a successor was all bullshit and it’s true purpose was to get Jack an immortal body.
So there you have it. I’ll come back and edit this but for now this my analysis of why I cannot stand seeing cutesy-feelsy fanart or otherwise of these two. Because they are downright incompatible and would be an abusive relationship if they ever were together. Feel free to complain and continue shipping whatever you want however! I needed to get this out.
Also as an after-note and side commentary: I sound anti-Jack but I really stan him, he’s just an asshole. Rhys is a good guy but i don’t even like him that much, my fav’s Fiona, lol. My one true love from Borderlands as a whole is Nisha tho. R.i.p. I miss you, you funky little cowgirl.
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Harry wearing lipstick while  Draco has messy hair, Drarry fic
So I wrote a drarry oneshot based on these ideas/headcanons:
- More feminine Harry who starts wearing better looking clothes, lipstick and growing his hair out and who decides he will not have people decide his life anymore and so gets better at saying no and doing more what he wants (though he still has a bit of a saving-people-thing.
- More masculine and careless Draco who doesn’t care that much about looking formal/powerful anymore and rather goes for a softer yet rugged look with wilder hair with no gel, sweaters and plaid and muggle clothes (bc they’re just more comfy and varied!), and maybe a bit of a beard? And who doesnt sneer at people or act mean but still has (kinda faked) confidence and a self-assurance hes building up with how its not his fault he had to do the stuff he did, tho he still apologises and regrets the stuff he couldve done something about
- them being a bit of the opposite of what they are commonly shown as in fics (Draco is so often long haired and feminine while harry more rugged and bearded etc.) 
Tags: drarry, first kiss, potions, potions partners, Harry in lipstick, Harry in a skirt, Harry with a bun, Draco with messy hair, gay boys in love
Words: 1100
Thank you to beta reader @irldothewindything !
Potter was wearing that strong red lipstick and biting his lower lip at the same time. His hair was coming loose and curling out of his bun as he bent over the potion they were working on. Of course, Draco had to be paired with Potter on a day Potter was wearing Draco's favorite lipstick and then also wearing a skirt and pulling his hair in a bun. It was getting harder and harder for Draco to ignore his urge to kiss Potter, and he had given up on not staring at his lips an unusual amount of time.
Malfoy's hair was loose and wild in its short-but-not-too-short style, looking like he had just been thoroughly shagged (and that was an image Harry needed to stop thinking about). Harry and Malfoy may be friendlier now, despite their continued arguments, but that didn’t mean Harry should think such things about him, at least not in class. He had discarded his robes, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and his tie loose. He didn't seem to care so much about his image after the war. At school at least, he seemed to wear what was most comfortable, and with his damn gorgeous body, he of course pulled it off brilliantly. At least, that’s what Harry thought.
(more under cut)
And now they were paired up for potions and Malfoy's hair was getting even wilder in the steam that filled the room. At the moment, he sat by in his chair as Harry stirred, and Harry couldn't help but sneak glances at him over the cauldron only to see Malfoy was now staring right back. At Harry's lips.
He seemed to do that quite a lot since Harry had started wearing lipstick and he wondered if he had something against guys in lipstick or make-up. He didn't really seem to be staring in disgust though, and as Harry let go of his lower lip (that he had been biting) - did Malfoy's breath hitch? Could it be Malfoy might be more interested in something more than Harry thought?
Shit! Potter was staring back at him! Did he notice him staring at his lips and starting to lean forward? Draco hurriedly went back to his notes, writing some bullshit about stirring that he wasn’t even sure would make sense. "Malfoy?" Shit.
"Yeah?" He looked up at Potter, focusing on keeping his eyes away from his lips, though Potters eyes were also beautiful with their green ring, and was it just Draco or were Potter's pupils abnormally dilated?
"I think I’m done stirring, what do we do now?"
Draco checked the book. "It needs to simmer for a few minutes before we add the rest. I think we need some more ingredients from the storage, so I can go get those."
Potter adjusted the flames so the potion would be down to a simmer. "I'll come with you."
Fuck. Draco needed a moment to compose himself. "You don't have to."
"I want to, there’s nothing else to do."
"Fine." Draco couldn’t come up with a better excuse so he turned and headed to the storage cupboard.
Harry smiled. Perfect. Now he could check if maybe Malfoy fancied him back. Harry followed Malfoy in and closed the door behind him, leaning against it. He smirked and looked at Malfoy. Malfoy searched the shelves for the ingredients they needed without looking at him. "Malfoy," said Harry after a moment of appreciating Malfoy’s profile. Harry bit his lip again as Malfoy looked at him.
Malfoy swallowed audibly and cleared his throat. "Yeah?"
Harry took a step closer, which brought them quite close in the small cupboard and Harry needed to tilt his head up slightly to look into Malfoys eyes. He let his eyes flick to Malfoy's lips before speaking. "What ingredients do we need?" He tried to keep his voice normal, but it came out a little low and breathy.
Draco's control snapped. First Potter leaned against the door in that way, then he bit his red lip again, and then he moved closer and now he looked at Draco’s lips and spoke with a voice audibly affected?? So, Draco had to look at Potter's soft-looking lips again. And looking at his lips when he was this close meant he couldn't help but lean forwards and tilt his head. He heard Potters breath hitch and noticed him stretching upward and parting his lips, his breath ghosting over Draco's. And how could Draco stop then? He couldn't.
He leaned in the last bit, finally feeling his lips press against Potter's soft lipstick covered ones. It was better than he could've imagined, and he let out a groan as his eyes fluttered shut. He reached up, with one hand on Potter's neck and one at his hip over his skirt as he pulled him closer. Potter - or maybe he should allow himself to call him Harry in his head now - let out a soft gasp before kissing back passionately.
Oh, Merlin. Harry was in heaven. Malf-Draco. Definitely Draco now. Draco's lips had looked firmer than this. Harry hadn't expected them to be as soft and pliant as they were. Harry finally got to card his fingers through Draco's soft hair - and oh, it was like silk, so soft and thick and perfect to touch. Harry leaned forward more, letting their chests touch as well. He slid the hand he had laid on Draco's chest around to his back as he pulled him closer.
Then the door flung open abruptly and the two boys hurriedly separated their mouths. "-just going to get the last -" Neville stopped mid-sentence.  "Oh. Hi." Neville chuckled. "Mind giving me the aconite?"
Draco and Harry scrambled the rest of the way away from each other and Harry grinned bashfully at Neville while Draco occupied himself with adjusting his clothes and searching the shelves for aconite, despite the blush staining his cheeks.
"Sorry, Nev," Harry said.
"Here," said Draco shortly, handing Neville a small jar.
"Thanks." With that, Neville left, letting the door glide almost closed.
"Well," Harry cleared his throat. "I suppose we should get back to our potion too then."
Draco felt like he had been in the cupboard for a long time and had almost forgotten about how their potion was supposed to simmer for only few minutes. It felt like it had been a lot longer than that, but at the same time much less.
"I suppose," Draco said as he got properly back to reality.
"So, um, what do we need? Aconite?”
"Er, yeah," started Draco, his mind blank of other ingredients as he looked back at Harry and his flushed and disheveled appearance, making Draco blush all over again.
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