#two of the hottest characters on TV meeting
booasaur · 5 months
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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - 1x09
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Loved By Seven | Chapter 1
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Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Human!Reader, Peacock!Seokjin, Serpent!Yoongi, Hawk!Hoseok, White Tiger!Namjoon, Merman!Jimin, Leopard!Taehyung, Wolf!Jungkook
Summary: Hiking was just an activity to get you out of the apartment, the last thing you imagined was ending in a whole different world by touching a jewel. That not being enough you end up meeting seven hybrids, and they all claim you shared the Connection with each of them making you their partner for life.
Notes: Hi! This is my first time posting my writing, it may not be perfect but please give it a try :). Help, likes, reblogs, comments are always appreciated. English is not my first language so pardon me if anything is misspelled or grammatically incorrect. Also the main idea came from a webtoon but I can’t remember it’s name. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Support me?
"Don't fall behind girl!" Your smile is so big and beautiful, you can't say the same about your sweaty face though. You're so excited that you decided to leave behind the path marked on the map the employees from the walking trail gave you.
"You shouldn't…go there…N/N" Jiwoo, who's out of breath and drenched in sweat, is holding the rope so tight you're concerned that by the end of this she's going to have her hands full of sores.
"Come on Jiwoo, didn't we come here to explore the unknown?" you look down where your best friend is, as you move your eyebrows and smirk at her. Jiwoo rolls her eyes and moves her hand to reach a higher spot to continue climbing, wishing she had the same physical ability you have just to punch you and shutting you up.
"We came here…because…you're always at work…or at home" at this point you're afraid Jiwoo's going to faint from the way she keeps talking between breaths. You can't blame her though, after all that statement is 100% true. It's not your fault of course, you just happen to be a very young and responsible lady who doesn't like to go outside except for work and groceries.
"You are making me sound like a workaholic, which I'm not" now you're frowning, she may be telling the truth, but is not cool making you feel a little conscious about your social habits, or lack of them "After all I'm not the one who's out of breath" You've never seen Jiwoo this sweaty and out of breath, not even in the hottest days of summer.
"Well it's not…everyday that…we choose…to climb a mountain…in the middle of nowhere" in all honesty Jiwoo thought this would be a great thing to get you out of your shared apartment, after all both of you haven't gone out in so many months she was getting tired of the couch and Netflix was feeling drier by the day.
"One, it was your plan and second, there are people waiting for us down there so we are somewhere" You know your best friend is about to punch out that smirk of yours, well that would happen if it weren't for the meters separating the two of you.
"Shut…up" She wheezes.  
Jiwoo's plan was simple: Knowing you only go to two places every work day, and spend every weekend on the couch, she thought you would be out of breath first and would be more active after this, now ridiculous to her, activity. That's why she decided to enroll both of you to an excursion to the Mountain…who cares about the name now, of course she didn't expect you to be so athletic, even with all the junk food you eat when you're in front of the tv. And that after this you would want to explore what's outside your apartment and socialize; and why not get a nice, cute boyfriend.
In your defense, you are just not a very open person and it's difficult for you to make friends. Jiwoo doesn't count she's like your sister, you two met at the orphanage and didn't separate after that. At work you are very sociable and you like to be around people but when your coworkers invite you for drinks it just makes you feel uncomfortable, so you just go home to the safety of your apartment.
Following your own path you get to the entrance of a cave, and sit down on the corner waiting for Jiwoo. After a few minutes you finally see her hand grabbing the border next to where you are, she gives you puppy eyes while making grabby hands with the other asking for your help. You can't say no to those eyes and she knows it, so you help her climb up. Jiwoo sits down and chugs down what was left of one of her waters, the bottle was half empty, surprising you by not choking like she would usually do. Looking down you two were really high up and very far away from the ground, but the view was awesome: there was green everywhere you look and if you close your eyes and concentrate enough you could hear the flow of a river nearby. It was beautiful and breathtaking.
"It's beautiful here, thanks for doing this Jiwoo" your best friend smiles at you, giving herself a pat in the back for bringing that look of admiration and big smile you're giving to the landscape.
"Come on, let's go explore" you stand up and extend your hand to her, she takes it and stands up. Cleaning your clothes from dirt, you start walking towards the cave, it's like it's calling you and you can't take your eyes away from the black inside.
"Don't go there, let's just continue, we have a long way ahead of us" Jiwoo says looking up, to the top of the mountain. "Come on, I just want to see what's inside. I feel like it's calling me" you do a dorky move pointing the cave, but seriously you can't take away your eyes from it; it's scary but you just want to explore today and then continue with your boring but comfortable, to you, life.
"I don't know N/N, I do feel like it is calling me but that just scares me and is making me wanna run" ignoring what she's saying, you take Jiwoo's hand and drag her to the entrance of the cave. Pulling your flashlight out of your backpack and turning it on, you see something glowing at, what it looks like, the end of the cave, Jiwoo gasps at this "Please tell me you're seeing this too" You just nod, hypnotized by it. Without knowing both of you start walking towards it and extending your hand you touch it, and the light starts to glow more and more until you're blinded by it.
"What the hell is going on?!" You scream and take Jiwoo's hand so hard it hurts, you're so afraid now that you want to be close to, what you consider, the only family you have. Jiwoo returns the hard grip, and before you know it the light swallows both of you.
"Okay, F/N let's get out of here before we get blind" Jiwoo lets go off your hand and goes out of the cave. You follow her after taking a look to the, now dim light, jewel. "Hey, what time is it?" she turns around to ask you. "I don't know, it looked like it was 12" you exit the cave "Wow…why does it look like it's 5pm?" you start looking around at the sunset. "I don't know…the ropes are gone too…and the mountain doesn't look the same either" Jiwoo is looking around with a worried look. Paying more attention to your surroundings, you can see that the ropes aren't where you left them and the top of the mountain isn't flat, to welcome the climbers, but is pointy instead. Now you're starting to worry even more when you look down and don't see the employees anywhere where they're supposed to be. You take out your phone to call the security number they gave you in case anything happens, but when you're dialing the call doesn't go out and then you see if you have signal but it doesn't have any bars. You turn around to ask Jiwoo if she has any signal but when you meet her face, that you're pretty sure is the same as yours, you know she had the same luck as you. "What are we going to do, if we don't have service…" she starts to panic and goes to the border to look down "Hey, hey…we have to calm down and stay here. I don't know anything about this environment but it's getting late and we should find shelter. At least here we have a roof, down there…we don't " you hesitate after thinking what can happen down there.
"Yeah you're right…but what if something comes in" Jiwoo has worried written all over her face. "I don't think so…I didn't smell anything inside, it seems like nobody…" "More like anything" "Okay anything lives here, though I think we should be careful when we eat" you're just hoping you're right and that there are no animals that can smell your food and climb. "I think we should look what's in our backpacks that can help us here" when Jiwoo swallows down her nerves she's very calm and thinks things through. "Thank God you're a mom and pack many things" you look at her offended "Hey…thanks to me being a mom and you wanting to spend the night in the woods we brought plenty of stuff" yes, you can be a mom when you go out, but right now you're really thanking both of you, Jiwoo because of this plan and you for not wanting to miss anything you might have need.
You two pour everything out on the cave floor: Two sleep bags with a blanket for each one, hopefully it would be enough and won't be too cold; two packs of 10 sanitary towels, in all honesty you prefer the cup but none of you are on your period, and you never know when these can come in handy; the lunch, that now is going to be dinner; snacks, right now you don't know when you two are going to eat properly after tonight; two pair of underwear for each, you wish you had more since you don't know long is going to take both of you to go home; swimsuits, the brochure said the lake nearby could be used to wash yourself; pajamas, at least you can sleep comfortable with them; toothbrushes; toothpaste; a comb; clothes for outdoors, two shirts, two shorts and two pair of socks; flashlights; matches; bottles of water; and sunscreen.
"We have certain commodities…though we need food…and know where the hell we are" Jiwoo's mind is running to what is going to happen tomorrow. "Do you think that jewel and the blinding light had anything to do with this Jiwoo?" you're trying to figure it out what happened, why did you two come here. "I don't know…maybe…I mean, it was weird all that blinding light and why that jewel would be in that cave and no one noticed before?" This is so bizarre, because Jiwoo's totally right you are not the first ones climbing up that mountain and for sure you weren't the first to go through that path, you saw the floor a little eroded; and a jewel like that drags attention. Before your thoughts consume all your mind, your stomach rumbles and Jiwoo looks at you with a little smile "It surprises me how, even with our current conditions, your love for food is the main thing in your life" "Well…I'm sorry!...we haven't had anything since breakfast" "And snacks!" You smile sheepishly at her, but you can't do anything, you love food. Jiwoo laughs "Let's eat our lunch", you smile like a child in Christmas morning.
While you two eat, you start to think the reasons why that jewel could have shine so much, and therefore why everything's so different outside; but the only reason that comes to your mind is ridiculous right?...that only happens in movies and sci-fi books: teleportation. What are the chances of that actually happening in the real world? Was it some kind of punishment the place has for those who don't follow the path? Karma? At this point you can't even enjoy the food you're eating thanks to these thoughts. You frown while you take the spoon to your mouth. "What are you thinking N/N?" Jiwoo startles you when she speaks, but not wanting to worry her you say with a bit of a forced smile "What makes you think I'm thinking about something?" she gives you her look of I don't believe you and decides to add "I know you since we were ten and you never frown to food, except when you don't like what you're eating, which I know you like this since you made it, or when you're thinking and your thoughts are not nice soooo tell me" Damn she knows you too well, sometimes you wish you could keep things from her "I'm just thinking reasons of why are we here and the only logical illogical thing that comes to my mind is teleportation…but we're not in a movie so it's impossible right?" She looks at you and stays silent for a few seconds before she opens her mouth "Honestly, I don't know what to think…I mean outside looks pretty different from this morning so…what you say could be a good explanation even if our brains can't comprehend it" the way she says it doesn't make you feel comfortable, it sounds as a fact and not just a crazy possibility "But this kind of things don't just happen…this is not one of my books… I mean don't get me wrong I always dreamed about going to places instantly but I never thought it was going to happen…It must be karma or a prank right? for following a different path…ugh this is all my fault, I'm so sorry Ji" you touch your face in regret while bringing your knees to your chest. "Hey hey" Jiwoo approaches you "It's not your fault okay?" she takes your hands to look at your eyes "we don't know what actually happened and we could be wrong about this theory, and we won't know for sure what happened until morning" her calm voice helps tranquilize you and you offer her a small thank you smile "Let's finish eating and then we go to sleep" you nod at her and start eating again this time sitting next to each other, as a way to comfort each other.
After finishing your meal you take out your sleeping bags, after all you two are drained from all the events that happened today. "Do you think we can sleep next to each other" you ask your best friend, she looks at you with a smile "Stop reading my mind" she laughs slightly "Yes, I would like that", you say with a tiny voice "I just thought it would be better for keeping us warm if midnight is cold". With that arrangement you put your sleeping bags at the end of the cave and next to each other, after entering in it you say to each other "Night Jiwoo" "Night N/N". Thankfully both of you were so tired and fell asleep pretty quickly without knowing the things you were going to live starting the very next morning.
The next day you wake up because you can't feel total darkness around you, instead you feel a dim light coming from the entrance of the cave. While you're stretching you can hear some of your bones cracking, sleeping bags make sleep a little bit better but they don't make cave floor softer. Being a little more awake now, you remember that you have to go down the mountain to find out what happened thus you turn around and see Jiwoo still sleeping "Aww what a pity" while saying that you start to moving her shoulder as a way to wake her up. After a few more seconds, her eyes start to open and with raspy voice she says "Why are you waking me up so early?" "Because we need to go downhill to know where we are remember?" With her eyes more open you know she is now realizing where you are "Yeah…right" she shakes her head as if that would dissipate her sleepiness. You get up and start packing the sleeping bag back to your backpack "Come on, get up Ji I'm sleepy too but we have to do this" you grab her hands and try to pull her up "I'm coming I'm coming" she finally stands up with half closed eyes and, finally, with the pace of a snail she packs her bag while you put out a few snacks thinking you don't know when you will be able to eat properly again. "Here you go Ji, I know it's not much but we have to save up until we get a proper source of food" "Wow you saving up for food, something new" she smiles a bit more awake now "Ha ha you're so funny in the morning aren't you" sarcasm drips out of your mouth. After eating, you two stand up and grab your backpacks to start walking towards the entrance "Should we take the jewel with us? If we find someone we can explain our situation and they'll probably believe us with it" You tell Jiwoo while you pass next to it "Yes, you're probably right and even it can light up again like last night" you nod at her statement.
When you're finally outside the suns blinds you "Wow yesterday the sun wasn't this bright" Jiwoo says while putting her hand in front of her face, covering her eyes. "I know" you say covering your eyes as well, looking for a way down was becoming a hard task without ropes but you two couldn't stay up there without investigating what happened and the reason you're now here, whatever here is. "Okay, look over there" She says pointing at the right side of the cave "and I'll look over here" pointing at the left side; looking at the right you don't see much except some kind of trail but is somewhat thin and any misstep could lead to a nasty fall, while you're searching for another way down you hear the unmistakable call of a hawk and looking up you see a quite large bird that because of the bright sun you can't make up their shape but by the looks of it it's really big almost impossible for it to be a normal hawk. "Hey, I couldn't find anything on my side…what are you looking at?" Jiwoo startles you and looks up to see what you're seeing "Hey…I think I saw a hawk but it was way too big to be one" you say confused "Weird…anyway did you find anything?" "Well, I found a thin trail which I think leads to the bottom…we have to be very careful though" you say looking at the bottom of the mountain "Okay, since there are no more ways to go down I say we use that trail" You nod at Jiwoo's words.
Grabbing your backpacks you both start to descend down the trail that at some points it gets thinner, at one point your foot slips but thanks to Jiwoo's quick reflexes she gets a hold of your hand and steadies you. After that quick scare you pay more attention to where you're stepping. It feels like you're sweating more going down than going up, but taking into account that you're risking your life here without ropes plus the scorching sun you can understand the sweat. After hours, and scaring life-threatening missteps, you finally get to the bottom "Finally…I thought I would never see you grass" Jiwoo says while kissing the grass "Ewww…come on Ji really? Kissing the grass?" you say looking at her with disgust on your face "We could've died coming down that thing so I'm sorry if I'm grateful for the fact that I'm alive and by the way we're never doing hiking again" "Fine by me" you say laughing at her squinted eyes.
"Okay, coming down is checked now we should find potable water so we can fill our bottles" You say trying to listen for a source of water near you "Well if this place is anything like where we were yesterday there should be a near river" Jiwoo says, walking towards the density of the trees. After a couple of minutes of walking very slowly in case you're disturbing some animal, it's obvious there are no other people around, you hear the flow of a current of water; you look at each other and smile walking a little faster towards it. When you arrive, you two find the clearest river you have ever saw, not caring how you look you bring your hands together to cup some water and drink it "Ha ha ha" Jiwoo was laughing at you "What? I'm parched" water's dripping from your jaw because of you talking "I know but you could've wait" she's taking her empty bottles from her backpack and starts filling them, after drinking enough water with your hands you do the same with your own empty bottles. You two sit there since it was really hot and warm, and you just want to rest for a little bit before you had to start walking again, Jiwoo's very comfortable laying down on the grass with her head on top of her bag and you have your back against a nearby tree, you take out of your bag snacks and hand some to Jiwoo "Ji, where do you think we should go next? We still have no idea where we are" "Let's not worry about that now, just enjoy the sun N/N" at the same time she's saying that you hear rumbling from a bush a bit away from you, and suddenly a pack of wolves came from the bush "Ji, Ji, Ji get up, get up NOW" you say in shushed tone looking at the wolves "Wha…" she starts saying in a loud manner and you quickly cover her mouth, so she looks at where you're looking and starts to panic; luckily the wolves hadn't noticed you yet so both of you stand up and start to walk backwards but your foot snap a branch and it's that the thing that make the wolves look at you. Jiwoo and you, holding hands, start to run after the wolves get closer.
You two run, as fast as you could, for what feels like hours but probably where just a few seconds and those wolves aren't slowing down. And, in like your everyday life, your clumsiness just has to appear in the form of a rock that makes you trip tripping Jiwoo too; as the wolves are getting closer Jiwoo gets up and you try to get up but a pain in your ankle makes it impossible "Jiwoo, run…I can't get up, save yourself please" wincing you stare at her and start to crawl backwards "No, I'm not leaving you… we just need something that helps you walk or distract them" she says looking frantically everywhere "I know! A large stick can help you getting up" Jiwoo runs towards the forest leaving you with the wolves. You're practically surrounded by now, you know you're going to be eaten thus you close your eyes waiting for the inevitable; and suddenly something or rather someone lands in front of you, thinking it was Jiwoo putting herself in danger you open your eyes but what you see isn't Jiwoo it's someone? something? else, you can't tell because the sun's in your eyes. The only thing you see is that thing? a leopard? fighting with the wolves, the interesting thing is that it isn't trying to kill them, looks like is the other way around, it's trying to not wound them too badly. The wolves notice they aren't going to win this fight and run away.
Sitting against a tree you now could see the thing that saved you and to your surprise it's a damn leopard, now you know it saved so you could be its meal. Jiwoo comes running from the trees and steps in front of you with large stick not noticing the animal behind her "F/N I found a stick now you can run!" "Ji there's a leopard behind you" you whisper "What?!" turning around she looks behind her and what you see isn't a leopard but a man? You can't describe what you're seeing, it's man with normal clothes but it has two animal ears on the top of its head with a leopard pattern and from behind it has swinging tail with a leopard pattern too. Where the hell were you? Jiwoo walks backwards trying to take your hand but the man-animal growls at her making you two whimper with fear. The man-animal starts walking towards the tree, specially towards you saying something that surprise you "Mine…You're mine…I finally found you" "What're you saying?" Those words come out fearfully from your mouth "You're my partner, beautiful" he says while bending in front of you "What?...Partner? What are you?" you're talking to him but looking at Jiwoo who has her eyes wide open watching the exchange between you and the man-animal "I'm Taehyung, a leopard hybrid" he says with a beautiful boxy smile "and what's your name, not that I mind calling you Beautiful" you feel like you're in a trance just by looking at that smile that without caring you answer him "I'm F/N and that's Jiwoo" you don't know how it's possible but his smile grows "F/N" he says in a low tone like tasting your name on his lips.
The next thing you know he's carrying you bridal style "Hey hey hey…what do you think you are doing with my friend" apparently Jiwoo finally finds her voice when she sees that "I saw how she fell and her ankle is swelling" he says looking at her in a sad tone, like he's at fault for your injury "I'm so sorry you fell and I wasn't there to prevent it" he talks to you almost crying "hey hey it wasn't your fault instead I should be thanking you for saving me from those wolves" you grab his face so he could look you in the eye and knowing you're telling the truth "But from the moment I smelled you I should have come running, but I got distracted by some pretty flowers I wanted to give you in a way to court you and that's why you got chased by wolves and then fell…It's my fault" he looks so sorrowful "Wait…we smell?!" Jiwoo smells her armpits and talks at the same time, but those words made Taehyung lift his head "No…I mean yes…but you know I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the smell that comes from the Connection" the hybrid? looks at you and Jiwoo like you're the crazy ones and not him by talking about some connection?, which appears to be something important and smelly "Is it something common from where you're from?" you ask him "What do you mean by where you're from? this is something that happens globally" he says with an eyebrow raised looking at you "Well we're from Bastion and that's not a thing" Jiwoo says to him with an eyebrow raised too "There's no Bastion as far as I know" you look at Jiwoo with a worried face "Then where are we going?" you ask him with wide eyes "Well we're going to the Capital of the World, Bangtanimal City" he says with a smile addressed to you "Well we have never heard of it either" you say, and start to see buildings in the distance wondering for how long has he been carrying you "Taehyung" "you said my name" his smile is really something else "mmm yes? Mmm you can put me down you know? I can walk with the stick Ji found" you say with a small smile "NO" he growls "I want to have you in my arms" "Okay" your voice quiver a little bit "I'm sorry I didn't mean to growl at you but I've waited for you for a long time and I don't want to let you go" "Oh hey it's the city…Great because I'm tired and hungry" Jiwoo stops for a moment massaging her feet "Uuuuu I'm hungry too" You grab your belly and Jiwoo deadpans at you "Wait until we get home, Beautiful, I'm gonna cook for you" Taehyung brings his face closer to yours caressing your cheek with his nose making you blush, in your defense this is the first time a boy is so close to you, noticing the red on your cheeks he says "I love the color red on your cheeks" finishing the sentence with that damn boxy smile.
Chapter 2 
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
I’ve started watching The Artful Dodger and loving it, it’s far better than Bridgerton at actually capturing the essence of a romance novel (my first thought upon seeing Jack and Belle interact was that it could’ve been ripped straight from a romance novel). Do you have any recs for tv shows or movies that have the vibes of a romance novel?
Ooh yes!
Oldie but a goodie and if anyone hasn't seen it they should (and really, the whole trilogy--the second movie gets a bad rap, but I personally so enjoy it, and I love the third movie for a lot of reasons but the "REIGNITE. OUR. LOVE." sequence is absolutely one of them, the "we are gonna FUCK THIS SHIT OUT" vibes are sooo romance novel for me). Bridget Jones's Diary. Mark Darcy is just an amazing hero. Bridget is a legend. Hugh Grant as Daniel Cleaver is PEAK Hugh Grant, and his introduction in that film is one of the greatest character intros I have ever. Seen in cinema. I see some people knock on it because of things that have aged--Bridget worrying over her weight because it's the early 2000s and super skinny was the trend, the workplace harassment. I don't give a fuck. If you haven't seen Bridget Jones's Diary, you are doing yourself a disservice.
(It is based on a book, but that book is not a romance novel. The movies are.)
Ummm speaking of Hugh Grant, Music & Lyrics is an underrated BANGER and absolutely fucking reads as a romance novel. A washed up has-been pop star begins a creative partnership with the messy neurotic woman who waters his plants? He does a flop attempt at defending her honor to do the guy who did her wrong. There's a grand gesture/grovel moment ffs. It's GREAT. The music is AMAZING. POP! Goes My Heart!
This one is borderline because it is more of a girls trip comedy, but the romance is truly centered so well and is a swoony romance and it features peak Richard Madden and it is again, so underrated. Netflix's Ibiza, dude. Buttoned up marketing girl goes on a business trip to Spain, her two best friends (who are both much wilder than her) accompany her and they go to the club one night and see DJ Richard Madden (LEOOOOO WESSSSST) and he and the main girl have this amazing meet cute that involves someone drawing a dick on her face in glow in the dark marker and him coming to the rescue, but then he has to go to a gig in Ibiza and she and her friends decide to track him down because some people are destined to go to the moon, but her destiny is to FUCK. THAT. DJ. But Harper and Leo's connection is more like love at first sight than pure horniness? I just miss movies that like, unabashedly capture zany happiness and the flutters of first love (and the sex scene is so good???). This movie is amazing and I adore it.
Bros. Look dude. I know Billy Eichner fucked up the marketing for this one. I know he's annoying as hell. Bros is objectively a romance novel movie lol. It's not as inclusive as it could/should be, I will agree with that always--but the romance arc is so good, and it is legit funny, and it has a FAILED GROVEL which we all know is one of my favorite things. And I do think it has a deeply true heart and soul and is really amazing.
Brown Sugar. PEAK Taye Diggs and Sanaa Lathan. It's a slow burn friends to lovers movie in which there is sooooo much sexual tension and so much angst and so much follow the fuck through. Also, Taye Diggs has one of the most magnificent line deliveries of all time with "riCHARD LAWson".
Imagine Me and You. The sapphic romcom we deserve. A bride falls in love at first sight with hot florist Lena Headey while walking down the aisle to marry her groom, as you do. What follows is a woman desperately trying not to cheat on her husband while experiencing extreme sexual tension with Lena Headey. Surprisingly soft and super romantic.
Lady Chatterley's Lover (2022). Required viewing for historical romance novel fans. Obviously based on a book, but again, that book is not a romance lol. The movie is. And it's one of the hottest movies in recent memory. Jack and Emma did the WORK. The kiss right before he goes down on her is maybe my favorite movie kiss of all time.
Obviously. Pride and Prejudice (2005). I shouldn't have to include this, but to be fucking clear lol. I will always maintain that while P&P (the novel) is a predecessor and a shaper of romance novels, it is not a romance novel. It is a contemporary novel with a lot of social commentary and a good love story. This movie? Makes it a full, sweeping romance with some of the best tension ever committed to screen.
Faraway. Omg, an amazing slept-on movie that is a rare romcom featuring a middle-aged woman! Basically, right when her mom dies she finds out her husband is having at min an emotional affair with his younger employee, and she also discovers her mom had a secret property on a Croatian island. She goes there, and is immediately courted by this younger real estate developer guy, but why is she constantly butting heads with the gruff guy who's been living in her mom's house????
Far and Away. Hate to recommend a Tom Cruise film, BUT it is is very romance novel, and it does star Nicole Kidman as well, and I hate to say it but those two did have bomb chemistry when they were married. The Irish accents are rough, but the plot is delightful because he's a poor guy who ends up getting roped into her scheme to leave for America (after his harebrained revenge scheme against her dad fails lol) and they live in a boarding house together pretending to be brother and sister... But like, everyone can tell they aren't because of their extremely obvious sexual tension lol.
When Harry Met Sally. Cliche, but it is a classic every romance lover should see. I'm not a big Billy Crystal fan, but his chemistry with Meg Ryan is MAGIC in this, and you really do get the sense of two people slooowly falling in love without even realizing it until suddenly they do all at once.
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2manythoughtz · 5 months
Damon Vs Stefan, But They’re Both Toxic
One of the most popular debates on the internet ever since the first season aired is: which Salvatore brother is the best love interest? But is it really up for discussion?
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(before reading, this is only my opinion based on my knowledge of the series, I'm not trying to hate on the characters or the series)
Most movies and series have their fanbases discussing many topics which can lead to real divisions among fans. The hottest topic you can ever discuss with another fan is probably what’s the best ship (romantic couple) or love interest.
The biggest example is probably the Twilight Saga which has people still arguing whether the best love interest is Edward or Jacob.
Speaking of supernatural romance, The Vampire Diaries is still to this day one of the most popular TV series, with eight seasons and two spin-offs, it quickly became revolutionary.
Seeing how people still talk about it, I wanted to compare the Salvatore brothers and explain why they’re both terrible choices. To do so, I will focus on both of them singularly so that, even if you haven’t seen the series or you don’t remember it that well, you can understand my point of view.
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I’ve seen so many people arguing that Stefan is the best love interest because he’s “the good one” and his love for the protagonist, Elena Gilbert, is so pure. 
While I can see why one would think that he’s not as “evil” as his brother, I wouldn’t say that he is good. In fact, I think he’s just as bad as Damon on so many levels.
But let’s take it from the start. We meet Stefan immediately in the first episode, he’s portrayed as this mysterious, good-looking and emotionally unavailable guy who was extremely acclaimed in every 00s movie. He’s enrolling in the same High School as Elena, and we can see right there that he’s not like any other boy in that school.
In fact, he’s a vampire and he’s decided to study there just to meet Elena. Why, you would ask. Well, because Elena looks exactly like Stefan’s old lover Katherine. Funnily enough, a few seasons later we find out that Stefan never truly loved Katherine, they had their share of fun and he cared for her, but once he realized what she had done to him, he immediately resented her. 
Elena and Stefan fall in love and they help each other whenever something goes wrong, which happens very frequently. Because of that, they get separated and their love slowly fades away as they break up after a year together. 
Elena gets with Damon, but we’ll talk about that later, and Stefan has some up and downs before falling in love with Caroline. Their relationship is peculiar in a way, at first they both push each other away, then get together, then push each other away again and then get back together again. 
Spoiler alert: Stefan dies in the end as he decides that he wants to sacrifice himself to help Elena and Damon live a happy life together as they wanted. 
So, as you can see, he seems like a very gentle and honorable guy, but there’s more to be said about him. 
Stefan is a ripper, he can’t control himself around blood and ends up losing his humanity as he slaughters and eats every human along his path. He’s known for killing entire villages, spreading chaos and fear. Sure, one might excuse him because later on it’s revealed that he got that gene from his mother. 
But let’s put it this way. For Stefan blood is like alcohol for an alcoholic, they may not know what they’re doing when they’re drunk but that still doesn’t excuse their actions, the same goes for our vampire. 
Stefan is a hot mess as a vampire, he’s a ticking bomb and only has two regimes: he either feeds on animals, which results in him being way too weak, or he drinks blood and goes crazy.
Not to mention, the young Salvatore isn’t exactly an angel. He’s done many wrongdoings throughout the series but they’ve all been forgiven just because he’s Stefan and everyone likes him, only in the last season he finally realises everything that he has done once he becomes human, a big foreshadowing of his death in the end. 
He’s still manipulated and killed people because they were getting in his way, but maybe that doesn’t really count as toxic seeing as most characters in TVD do so without any problem. 
So let’s talk about his attitude throughout the 8 seasons. Stefan has had a few love interests after Elena broke up with him, that wasn’t necessarily his fault since he had been compelled by Niklaus to turn off his humanity, but even after regaining his humanity, he seems off and distant. 
After Elena, Stefan is confused and doesn’t really know what to do. But just as he was about to get over her, his brother gets sucked into another dimension (so much happens in TVD, so I hope you can keep up with me) and he decides to just leave everything behind and get a new life and a new girlfriend.
That doesn’t go too well since the girl dies soon after, he was never really into her and never opened up about anything with her. 
So later on he realizes that he’s in love with Caroline, what a surprise, but the two of them cannot be together yet. Once they actually become a thing (it takes a while), Stefan’s first love appears and Caroline is very jealous.
Does that stop Stefan from running away with his first love and having a relationship with her as soon as he’s in danger? Nope, he does leave Caroline without saying anything and spends years with his first lover. 
Not to mention, as soon as he gets back in town he gets dumped by the girl and he goes back to Caroline. She accepts but tells him that he can’t run away from her anymore.
He kind of runs away again? He proposes to her but he’s also wanted by the Devil to work for him, so he turns off his humanity and leaves Caroline… again. 
See a pattern here?
In the end, as I said, he sacrifices himself for Damon and Elena… right after marrying Caroline. 
Now, I’m not saying he’s the worst person in the whole series, but I must admit that his relationships were all very weird and superficial. He never really got in-depth about his feelings with anyone a part maybe from Elena. He always sacrificed himself for Elena, which was cool when they were together, but after breaking up my question is… why? He gave up on his brother when he thought he was dead, but never gave up on his ex-girlfriend? 
Let’s see it from Caroline’s point of view. Her boyfriend took his sweet time to realize that he liked her, he left with his first lover, proposed and then immediately un-proposed since he worked for the devil, he had a full debate about whether he should’ve married Caroline and after marrying her he basically kills himself for his ex… 
As I said, I don’t think he’s exactly good. I personally think that he’s very toxic in his ways, we just learn to ignore it throughout the series because he’s always painted as the best brother. But to be fair, even if he had stayed with Elena things wouldn’t have gone any better between his blood problems and tendencies to sacrifice himself for anything. 
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Let’s talk about the older brother.
It’s fair to say that most people love Damon even if he’s the bad boy, or maybe they like him because of that. 
I honestly think that he’s had a big character development in the first 3/4 seasons, but after that, it got really boring and repetitive. At least, unlike Stefan, he learned to value himself and those around him. 
Damon is presented to us as this jerk and heartless older brother whose only goal in life is to torment Stefan for everything he’s done to him. That promise gets forgotten very quickly in the series, but that’s a different topic. 
I personally cannot stand Damon in the first 2 seasons. He’s so exaggerated in every way, he’s made out to be this big bully who kills without remorse and sleeps with everyone. 
He literally kills for no reason if not for fun, but everyone gets over it very easily, if not for a few times when they kind of point out to him that he’s not the best person ever, but what really ticked me off was the way he treated Vicky and Caroline.
Vicky’s death is something spoken about every season with her making an appearance every single time. So many things would’ve changed if she hadn’t died! And Caroline… well, I just felt sorry for all the abuse she had to endure and that everyone ignored once she became a vampire.
Can we also talk about the fact that Damon is like 25 (ignoring the fact that he's been alive/dead for 170-something years) and sleeping with Caroline who’s 17 while having a crush on Elena while she’s also 17? Yikes.
He’s very determined to find Katherine, his only true love who is later revealed to be a traitor and a liar. Everything Damon has done to get her back means nothing and the worst part is that Katherine has always been in love with Stefan and Stefan only. 
Once his love dream gets destroyed, he focuses on Elena full-time. He seems to be dependable on his love interest, meaning that he lives his life based on that only. 
And his personality doesn’t really change when he turns off his emotions so there’s not much to compare him to, if anything it just makes it worse because it means that he’s always so bloodthirsty and perverse in a sense. 
He doesn’t really have any relationships other than Elena and Katherine, he does hook up with many people throughout the series but it’s nothing more than sex most of the time, except for a few women he befriended.
The only good development he had was about caring for his friends other than his girlfriend. But that doesn’t cancel the fact that he was willing to kill and actually killed Elena and Stefan’s friends for nothing. But yeah, there isn’t much to say about Damon since his main problem is killing people here and there and his obsession with his love interest.
But even that doesn’t stop him from sleeping with other people while being deeply in love with Elena or Katherine, although this is a bigger problem in movies and series, cheating is so normalized that people don’t even think about it anymore. While one could discuss that he didn’t really cheat since Katherine was allegedly blocked under a church and Elena was asleep and couldn’t wake up. But is it really a good excuse? I mean, if his love for her was so deep that he wanted to become human and spend the rest of his life with her, shouldn’t he only want to sleep with her?
As per toxicity, in his relationships, he’s pretty stubborn and easily irascible. He’s Stefan’s opposite, so while he’s understanding and open to confrontation, Damon tends to think that his opinion is always correct and there is no other way until proven wrong, and even there he won’t admit that his idea wasn’t the best. I think it’s safe to say that he has some anger issues, every time he has an argument with someone or feels threatened he goes rogue and unleashes his anger on people. 
He’s not the nicest but as I said, that doesn’t mean much. He might not be as nice as Stefan but that doesn’t make him worse, to be honest. 
So in conclusion I don’t think that there’s a better choice, both brothers helped and ruined Elena's life in many ways. Both of them had this superhero complex and wanted to sacrifice themselves all the time, they could’ve just come up with another idea or something half of the time but they didn’t. And every time Elena got in trouble it was mostly because of them, because someone wanted to get revenge on what they did in the past or simply to hurt them and she was the perfect way to do so. I’m also pretty confused by the fact that they fell in love with Elena just because she looked like Katherine at first, Damon’s infatuation is plausible since he was head over heels for that woman, but Stefan? He never really loved her, so why approach Elena in the first place?
Like most stories with supernatural characters, vampires are not the healthiest partners. Stefan or Damon? That’s not an easy decision, but not because they’re both amazing people, although they did care for Elena till the end. They’re both toxic and difficult to deal with but maybe that’s exactly what made them so memorable and acclaimed by fans. No matter how cold and scary they could seem, they had a sweet side of them with the people they really cared about.
Which brother do you prefer? Let me know!
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sohemotional · 10 months
My Name Is No (You Need To Let It Go) - Brittana Fanfiction
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Summary: Santana closed her eyes, pushing out her lips and tilting her head in anticipation of a kiss.
Then she sang to her, punctuating her sentences with small taps against Santana’s chest.
“My name is no. My sign is no. My number is no. You need to let it go. You need to let it go.”
Santana is an egotistical celebrity who instantly falls head over heels in love with Brittany and tries anything to get her attention but the coy blonde keeps playing hard to get. Can she make Brittany fall for her too? Brittana RomCom AU
Rating: M
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It all started one night at the club. 
Mercedes kept telling her in her disapproving, long-suffering way that she needed to actually get serious about women after she had caught the millionth scantily clad blonde damsel doing the walk of shame out of Santana’s penthouse apartment with mascara running down her face wearing yesterday’s clothes. 
Santana wasn’t planning on meeting the love of her life that night. She had just had a work week from hell, her label wasn't too impressed with her latest media scandal about that fight she had in the bar the other week - even though she totally won it - and there was talk about dropping her, she was slightly buzzed on tequila and she hadn’t slept with a girl in a month, which was a record for her but it also meant she was going out of her mind from sex deprivation. The Pussy Cat was exactly where she needed to be that Saturday night. 
Santana was hot, famous and rich, so every woman wanted her. At least that’s how she saw it. She had her TV career… okay maybe a stint or two on Bad Girls Club and her singing career… the losers who said her album flopped didn’t know what they were talking about. Clearly, she had made it. Sure, she didn't have some cheesy, super lame Broadway career like Rachel Berry and okay, maybe she was considerably less wealthy but who needed Broadway when she had all this? 
She knew Madison with the great legs from their previous monster truck rally hookup was waving at her flirtatiously from across the room and that platinum blonde, daisy duke-wearing redneck, Lindsey, was giving her the eye from the other side of the club. Santana knew she could get any of them in the backseat of her car but at the moment she was highly distracted.
There she was, dancing right there in the center of the room without a care in the world, as if no one was watching even though she had caught the attention of every man in the room and Santana. As if she wasn’t a divine moon goddess descended from Aphrodite herself. 
Santana gasped out loud, grabbing the front of Mercedes’ shirt and gesturing toward the ethereal nymph goddess. She couldn’t contain her enthusiasm. 
“That’s what I’m talking about! Do you see her?” 
Mercedes was less than amused with Santana. 
“Her! What a woman!”
She was the hottest woman Santana had ever seen in her thirty something years of life. Santana couldn’t take her eyes off of her long, sexy legs in the tiny, pink mini dress she was wearing as the angelic blonde fairy shimmied and rolled her hips like she was being paid for it.
She heard Mercedes muttering something in the background about how she didn’t sign up to be her wingwoman but she didn’t pay any mind to that. Santana had tunnel vision. 
The Latina gaped at the blonde, dropping the glass she was holding as her eyes raked over the woman’s form. She was completely captivated by this woman who put all other women in the universe to shame. If she was a cartoon character there would be hearts popping out of her eyes and she would be drooling all over. She heard a million cheesy love songs playing in her head. 
For one thing, this blonde vixen was tall and had legs for days. Santana loved tall women. Santana could tell from those legs alone that this woman was a dancer… and God did Santana love dancers. She was drawn to them like a moth to a flame. 
It was difficult to even describe this level of sheer womanly beauty she was basking in. The woman’s legs were just unbelievably sexy, so perfectly toned but thick, just the way Santana liked it. 
Her striking, alabaster skin was so pale that she stood out from everyone else there with their obnoxious fake tans and her light blonde hair fell in soft, beachy waves.
There was nothing Santana loved more than long, pretty, flowing hair. Everything about this enchantress was so striking and feminine that Santana forgot about everything else as she watched her. Hell, she forgot her own name. 
When the bewitching blonde turned around slightly, Santana finally saw her face and let out an audible gasp again. She had these upturned, startlingly blue eyes that Santana could only describe as being feline and they glinted with playfulness. She had never seen eyes shaped like that before and they were just so seductive. 
Her features, right down to her enticing pink lips were so delicate and her body was so svelte but curvy in all the right areas. Her freckled skin looked unbelievably soft. All Santana could think about was getting her out of that tiny slip of a pink dress. 
Santana wasn’t a genius but if there was one thing she knew how to do, it was getting girls. She considered herself a master, actually. If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that she could make any hot bicurious, bisexual, or experimenting blonde babe within a ten mile radius fall for her. If this girl had any remote interest in other women, Santana would have her in bed within the next ten minutes, she was sure of that. 
She made up her mind that she was going to shoot her shot with this woman. She’d be a fool not to. 
She kept staring in Miss Sexy Blonde’s direction, making no secret of her interest in her and when the girl went to join her friends at a table, Santana made a point of having drinks sent to her, making sure to turn up the charm when she smirked in Sexy Blonde’s direction each time. Girls loved the Lopez smirk. 
She just continued talking to her friends and didn’t even seem to notice Santana at all though, shrugging each time a drink was brought to her. That was no problem. Santana loved a bit of a challenge. At least, she loved it when it came from this girl. 
The Latina waited to make her move, pretending not to be sneaking glances at her constantly. Blondie had to know she was the sexiest woman in the entire place. In the entire world, probably.
She noticed that the woman didn’t seem to have any boyfriend or girlfriend around… not that such things had ever stopped Santana before. 
As the night wore on, she made a point of laughing extra loud with her friends and acted like a lunatic, just to get the girl’s attention.
She ignored the way her friends were giving her strange looks. Again, the nymph-like, elfen goddess didn’t look her way even once. Santana’s smug smile dropped but she had a new plan. 
She eventually swaggered up to her, keeping her back straight, pushing out her chest and throwing her head back. If this was the animal kingdom, Santana would be strutting and displaying her feathers like a peacock to attract her mate but this was the best she had to offer.
If Blondie wanted some attention, she’d give her some. Santana searched her head for the best pick-up lines she could come up with. 
She knew she had game. These had totally worked on all of her hookups. 
“Hi. You’re gorgeous,” Santana came up behind her, making sure to pull out all the stops for this girl. When the girl turned to face her, Santana put on her megawatt, dimpled smile and she was sure her dark brown eyes were extra smouldering. No girl could ever resist the smoulder. “Dayum, Girl. Where’d you learn to dance like that? Who you dancing like that for looking all hot like that?”
The sexy blonde didn’t respond, continuing to twirl around in place with her dreamy expression. 
“What I want to know is, what time them legs open?” Santana drawled, unfazed when she ignored her the first time. She had to at least be impressed with this. 
“Oh, is that supposed to be a pick up line?” The girl quipped, those upturned, foxy eyes filled with mischief as she finally turned them on Santana. Even her voice was so sexy. She had this rich, preppy, untouchable mean girl vibe that was absolutely doing it for Santana as she stared right into her eyes. Santana was stunned speechless. 
Oh I’ve got her attention. 
The dark-haired woman swallowed nervously and clenched her thighs together, suddenly wondering if she maybe bit off more than she could chew.
She was practically throbbing now just from that sassy comeback and the way the girl tossed her blonde waves back as she smirked at Santana confidently and seemed to see right through her with that laser blue gaze. Keep it together, Lopez. 
“So, you know, I’m on top of things. Would you like to be one of them?” Santana waggled her eyebrows, moving closer. “Ooo is it hot in here or is it just you?”
That earned her a snort and an eyeroll. Oh yeah, this was going so well. She was picking up signals from this woman that her intuition had been right. Miss Homecoming Queen was definitely into her. 
“Ooo, I’m in trouble,” Santana made sure to keep her voice low and raspy. Girls liked that. Yeah, she was nervous as hell but she had to act confident. Santana’s eyebrows rose when her Barbie goddess came a little closer and poked her finger into her chest. “Oh, that’s how it is, huh? What’s your name, Pretty Girl?”
Oh fuck yeah. This was really happening! Sexy Blonde was finally invading her personal space. She kept looking at Santana, her eyes trailing over her toned body, with a little impish sideways smirk as if she liked what she was seeing and Santana was suddenly thankful to her lucky stars that she had chosen her sexy black dress that night. She knew she looked hot.  
Oh yeah… she’s definitely checking me out.
Then that shimmery sapphire gaze met hers and it was as if time stopped. Santana tried to maintain her composure because it wasn’t exactly cool to admit you were practically about to come just from a girl looking into your eyes but she was getting so overwhelmed, the room suddenly feeling about one hundred degrees hotter. 
The tall blonde beckoned her to come closer as if there was something she wanted to tell her and Santana couldn’t keep her eyes off her lips. She was so curious about this girl. 
Santana could hardly handle being in the presence of this much pure unadulterated estrogen without short circuiting. 
If this was how she was feeling when the girl was barely touching her, she wondered how she’d feel when she actually got the blonde into her bed. 
She was so sure she was about to get a kiss from the leggy goddess as she leaned in really close and felt her hot breath against her neck. She felt goosebumps rise on her skin, shivering slightly.
There was some perfume the woman was wearing, or maybe it was her natural scent that was so sugary and light, in this intoxicating way. It was driving Santana insane. Santana closed her eyes, pushing out her lips and tilting her head in anticipation of a kiss.
Then she sang to her, punctuating her sentences with small taps against Santana’s chest. 
“My name is no. My sign is no. My number is no. You need to let it go. You need to let it go.” 
There was the sound of girlish giggling and Santana realized she was laughing at her. So it was pretty embarrassing to be left hanging as the blonde didn’t give her anything more and she pulled away. She just left her there hanging like a loser with a duck face and no kisses. 
At first, Santana was so turned on and entranced by that adorable singing voice that she didn’t quite register what she had just said in that sultry voice of hers. She thought she should have been offended but hell, she could hardly even breathe or think straight after that. Even that giggle was the most seductive sound she had ever heard. 
Santana was so confused about how this woman was rejecting her with her words yet giving her “Fuck Me” eyes at the same time and fluttering her long lashes. It all made her head spin. 
Let it go? That only made Santana want her way more. 
So that wasn’t really expected but it was somehow the hottest thing in the world that Miss Sexy Blonde was giving her come hither eyes yet turning her down in such a sassy way. This woman was so sneaky. She knew how hot she was and the effect she was having on Santana. 
There was no way she could be looking at her like that with those eyes and then expect her to not chase her. If the little minx wanted someone to chase her, Santana would be more than happy to.
Long years ago, her first ever girlfriend’s father had chased her out of his pickup truck with a shotgun when he found her hooking up with said daughter in the back of said pickup truck. After that, nothing could scare her. 
“Oh, she’s spicy,” Santana smirked, undeterred and following the girl the entire time as she spun herself further into the room. “Such a little tease. I like that in a woman. You want me to work for it, huh? C’mon, Babe. I know you want this.”
Temperature by Sean Paul began to play and Santana grinned. 
“Oh, this is my song!” She announced excitedly. 
Santana began to dance up beside the girl, wanting to show her that she had some moves too and could more than keep up with her, even if she wasn’t some professional dancer like she was. The girl didn’t seem too impressed with her body rolls, however and she was chuckling as Santana danced aggressively beside her as if she was strung out on cocaine. 
“You’re cocky,” The girl said flatly. “That’s how you dance?” 
Santana could hear the smirk in that cute, sassy, preppy girl voice as she said all that without even looking in her direction. 
“You like that, huh, Babe?” Santana took that as a compliment. So yeah, she got carried away again but in her defence, the sexiest woman in all of existence was dancing literally right beside her. Santana slipped her arms around her waist, whispering into her ear in a smoky voice. “You want all up on this, don’t you? I’ll make you feel so good, Princess. Trust me, I’ll make you scream my name.”
That comment definitely made the girl blush and Santana was proud. She looked adorable with those flushed cheeks. 
“Is that so?” She said coyly, batting her eyelashes. 
“You bet. I think we should get to know each other better. Preferably with way less clothes on.”
“Hmm, oh you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” The sexy mean girl scoffed in that little soft-spoken voice, rolling her pretty eyes as she sniffed. “What else?
“Roses are red, violets are fine. You be a six and I’ll be a nine.” 
She could tell Brittany was trying not to laugh.
“Mm hm. Is that all?”
“Fuck yeah. What else could you want? Girl, I’d do you right here if I could. Your ass is so amazing,” Santana moved closer to her, grinding against her to emphasize her point and heard the blonde gasp. “Just imagine it, you and me tangled up in my silk sheets. Let me take you home, Babe.”
So maybe she was being crude but girls liked that. At least the girls Santana ended up in bed with liked it but Brittany had her jaw dropped, her pale cheeks still flushed and rolled her eyes as Santana shifted closer. 
“Nuh uh. I don’t think so.”
Santana wasn’t sure how the girl managed to do it but in a series of super fast, cat-like maneuvers and agility, she slipped out of her arms and Santana yelped as she fell back on her ass hard after losing balance. This girl was deceptively innocent looking. 
Everyone was staring at her and yeah, it was pretty embarrassing. Mercedes was laughing at her. 
She was also reeling from getting kneed right in the crotch. It was then that she discovered that even for girls, that really hurt. 
“Oops! My bad!” The woman exclaimed, cupping her hand over her mouth, although she didn’t sound remotely apologetic. She was doing that sexy giggle again, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement. 
Santana was lost in a daze, her whole world transformed. The more the hot chick rejected her, the sexier she became in Santana’s eyes. Santana had never been so horny. There was just one thought going through her mind. 
Oh she might not know it yet but that’s wifey right there!
“Whoa, wait,” Santana limped up to her when she saw her grab her little purse and leave, struggling to move due to her now aching groin. She had never felt so desperate for a girl in her life. “What’s your name?”
“You need to let it go,” The girl flipped her long hair back with sass but then the corners of her lips curved upward as Santana leaned up against the wall, trying to play it cool. “It’s Brittany.” 
Cute… Even her name is so adorable and perfect for her. 
Then she walked away, swaying her hips.
“That’s the one,” Santana murmured in a dreamy voice as Mercedes shook her head in disbelief and looked to the heavens as if she was praying for help. “I want her, Mercedes.” 
“Girl, you’re insane.” 
Santana was going to make this sexy, Viking goddess of a woman fall for her if it was the last thing she did. 
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heloflor · 6 months
Probably my hottest Mario take: I might actually like the 1986 Anime Movie more than the 2023 Movie. Yes the 2023 one is a better movie overall while the 86 Anime didn’t age well and is filled with plot conveniences and random things happening just because, along with the bad animation, questionable voice acting, weird soundtrack and sound design, but idk I still really like it.
It’s just that there’s something very charming about that movie. It came out a single year after the first Super Mario Bros, back when there was little to no lore about the Mushroom Kingdom, and it really shows in the way enemies are used and random characters exist but also you can tell they made an effort with the little they had. It’s like watching the very beginning of the franchise, way before it became the phenomenon it is today, and there’s something about it I really like.
I’m also fascinated by the way Peach and Bowser were written in it. This was the first time these two were given a personality past “evil bad guy” and “damsel in distress”. And not only are they both great in the little screentime they have, but these new personality traits, given one single year after the creation of those characters, remain to this day their personality, albeit with a few small tweaks (Bowser being a dad becoming a huge part of his character, Peach losing her temper in most versions). Kinda funny how these two are the biggest highlight of the movie despite only being in it for like 5 minutes, but still, love what was done with them.
And when it comes to comparing it to the 2023 Movie, I actually find it hilarious how many similarities the two have, including having the exact same skeleton for their story. It’s been 37 years yet Nintendo is still writing the same thing, I love it (more on the comparison here).
Oh yeah and because I just know there are some people who will go “the hell you like about this movie?!”, here’s an actual list!
- Literally everything about the intro is great once you get past the weirdness of the Mushroom people coming out the TV. We get Mario playing the Famicom, Peach managing to defend herself for a while before getting overwhelmed, Mario being hilariously chill about all of this, Mario more than willing to fight Bowser until he sees just how enormous Bowser is and gets intimidated, the back and forth between Peach and Mario hiding behind each other, that moment where Bowser gets rid of Mario with one finger and then smiles about it followed by a beat and then Peach starts throwing furniture at him, the Game Over screen, Luigi reacting like you’d expect. Just. Everything about this scene is great!
- The wooden title cards look amazing. It’s a small thing, but I love the “fairytale” vibe it gives the movie. And now that I think about it, that might also be why I’m being so nice with this movie, since fairytales do tend to be small stories with little going on and not always making sense, making it easier to forgive its flaws.
- The shop scene is also very solid in showing us who Mario and Luigi are as people and how they play off of each-other. On that note, I like their dynamic. It’s a bit of the usual bickering siblings who would still do anything for each other, but it works.
- The meeting with the wizard guy is also solid with the way Mario and Luigi react to things. It’s a bit of an exposition dump, but you can tell they try to make it entertaining. Plus, it works for how simplistic the story is (yes I’m giving this movie a lot of slack).
- The travel montages...yeah I’m gonna be honest with this one, it sucks. I do like how they use them to show the different power-ups they get, but it’s still very boring and I skip them when watching the movie. Except for the last one on the airship, that one is pleasant.
- Luigi tripping on mushrooms. Do I even need to say more? But yeah that whole sequence with the paratroopa is nice (once you get past the fact that a turtle made a bunch of birds). And I like how clever Mario gets to save himself and Luigi from the babies.
- I’m not one to care about people drawing smut of cartoon characters, but the internet is sleeping on those Toads. That’d actually be hilarious if the main takeaway the fandom had of this movie were to be the Toad girls. And on an unrelated note, their designs is more original than the Toads we get now!
- The whole sequence with the Piranha plants and the Lakitu honestly bores me and drags on a bit. The Piranhas might also be the worst animated part of this whole thing. I do like how much of a selfish bitch the Lakitu is though. Idk, that’s a fun character in their shittiness.
- The scene in the cavern is fine. I like how the Hammer Bros is used as that intimidating guard, and we get to see Luigi be the one to solve the issue this time around! On that note, I love that Luigi’s love for money isn’t only for jokes but is at times used as a plot point (him later on flooding the castle and finding Mario’s star). Mario’s daydream is also pretty cute.
- I probably watched that scene between Peach and Bowser a dozen times since I re-discovered this movie this year. I adore the way they are characterized, especially in the context of this being the first time they’ve been written this way. Bonus points for Bowser who has no rights being as adorable as he is in this. Ultimately this scene doesn’t really advance the story, but I still love that we got some insight on who these two are at such an early stage of the franchise’s existence.
- The underwater scene is also a slug to go through, though it’s interesting to see how they used the Cheep Cheep. Also Mario dressing up as a ballerina while the dog references that one queer music star is a yes.
- I find the third act of this movie to be honestly solid. Sure there are some contrivances with the fire platforms room and the water somehow destroying the castle, but I still like it. Granted it might be due to how much screentime Bowser gets here. Speaking of which, it’s actually surprising that Bowser turns down Peach when she promises to marry him if he lets Mario alone, with Bowser refusing because he knows Mario might be trouble since he already ate two of the power-ups. This is probably top five smartest things Bowser has done in the entire franchise. This isn’t an insult to Games Bowser btw, I fucking love this dumbass, and he is kind of a dumbass when interacting with Peach in this movie as well!
- While the ending is hated for a reason and I do find it dumb as well, it’s still incredibly sweet how Mario accepts it and wishes happiness on Peach.
So overall, is the 86 Anime good? Ehh, not really. But if you’re able to get past all the weird shit going on, it’s very charming as a piece of Mario history, and it’s especially funny to see all the small things that end up becoming a core part of the franchise. And because of that, I can’t help but like it more than the 2023 Movie, even if the 2023 one is an overall better movie (I’d give the 86 Anime a 4,5/10 and the 2023 one a 6/10 in terms of movie quality; but in terms of enjoyment the 86 Anime is above the 2023 Movie for me)
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tiny pumpkins
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50988967 by Winchesterek Stiles then busied himself helping a few others take several pumpkins to their cars before he sat down on a stack of hay bales. That’s when he saw him. The hottest guy that Stiles had ever laid eyes on was trailing behind two adorable kids who were practically frolicking through the patch. They were excited and giddy and Stiles heard their glee and wonder as they looked at all the different sizes and colors of pumpkins. Some huge, some tiny, and others that were perhaps the right size for their little hands. Words: 2125, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of Sterek Fall Fest 2023, Part 1 of it started with pumpkins, Part 17 of Sterek Weekly Prompts Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Original Hale Character(s) (Teen Wolf) Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Everyone Is Alive, Farmer Stiles Stilinski, Park Ranger Derek Hale, Autumn, Pumpkins, pumpkin patch, Fluff, Meet-Cute, First Meetings, Kid Fic, Slice of Life, Uncle Derek Hale read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50988967
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Do you have any favorite and least favorite tropes
Least Favorite Tropes
If you've followed me a while, you know I love to shout that tropes aren't bad. So, when I hear this question, my brain usually defaults to least favorite clichés. I always forget that just because tropes aren't inherently bad doesn't mean there can't be tropes I don't like. So, at your request, I sat down and really thought about it, and came up with the following list:
CW/TW for r*pe CW for s*x (They're #9 and #10 if you want to skip them…)
1 - The Alpha Male - He's tough, strong, emotionless, skilled at everything, hot and built, and full of raw sexual power. Every masculine person wants to be him, and everyone attracted to men wants to be with him… you get the drift. Guys like this are just a bunch of red flags sewn into the shape of a person. Unless he's the antagonist or a dirtbag with a positive change arc, it's just not my thing.
2 - Emotionless for Edge - I've said it before and I'll say it forever: specifically writing about a character experiencing a neurological or psychological condition that numbs emotion is fine (as long as it's either your own experience or you do your research and use a sensitivity reader), BUT… when a character is emotionless for the sake of drama or to be edgy, it just doesn't work for me.
3 - Insta-Love - You know how it goes… person meets person and within twenty-minutes of meeting, they're declaring their everlasting love for one another. That's insta-love, and I want to clarify that because I'm seeing a lot of confusion about that lately. Somehow, the popular definition of insta-love became about time spent together, and it was never about time at all. It's about whether or not the love feels earned, both through the events the lovebirds jointly experience and through how their budding love is shown through their interactions. Because, you can have two people trapped in a room together for six hours, during which time they experience a lot of harrowing situations, have to learn to trust and rely on one another, and confide things in one another they've never shared with anyone else, and you can make it believable that they develop romantic feelings for one another in that amount of time. But if you just stick them in a room together for six hours and nothing much happens other than they have a couple of random conversations and an argument about sports, and then try to tell me they're in love, that's not going to feel earned to me.
4 - Unreliable Narrator - This is where the narrator, usually the POV character, gives the reader information that isn't true. For some reason. I've never been a fan of this trope because I've never really seen it used well. It never really seems to serve a purpose other than to mislead the reader, but that just feels cheap to me. I'll concede that it probably can be used well and I'm sure there are great examples, but I'm just not a big fan.
5 - Obviously Beautiful - They're gorgeous. Maybe even the hottest person wherever. Everyone thinks they're gorgeous. Everyone within a ten-mile radius is madly, deeply in love with them. But they have no idea. As far as they're concerned, they're just a Plain Jayne. Pass…
6 - Dark and Tragic Past - Something unspeakable happened in their past, and it really doesn't have that much to do with the rest of the plot or who they eventually became, but you'd better believe the memory of those events will haunt their dreams and every waking moment where it can provide drama. Unless you're specifically writing about dealing with trauma, or the terrible events are both plot relevant and plot-necessary, this is a hard no for me. There are so many more interesting ways to give your character an internal conflict and emotional wound than by giving them a dark and troubled past.
7 - Never Together, Always Apart - This is really more of a TV problem than a book problem, but I've seen it in long book series now and then. It's when two characters are in love, they're obviously meant to be together--and they are together very briefly off and on--but even though it's not really that important to the story in any way, these two characters are going to be kept apart again, and again, and again. You'll breathe a sigh of relief that they're finally, finally, finally together once and for all, then something happens to drive them apart for the six-hundredth time. Not a fan.
8 - Hobby as Personality - I see this more often in YA, but it happens in all categories. It's where the protagonist has some special skill or hobby unrelated to the plot, like they love to read, play the bagpipes, write really deep poetry, or have a beautiful singing voice, but this is the most important thing about them outside of their role in the external conflict. There's no other attempt to flesh out their personality. They don't really have an internal conflict or emotional wound. There's nothing at stake to keep them up at night. They don't have other interests or obvious likes/dislikes. Their hopes and dreams, if they exist at all, revolve entirely around the special skill or hobby. I mean, I'm all for giving protagonists a thing that makes them special, but if that's their entire personality, it's not for me.
9 - R*pe for Realism - This is when r*pe exists in the story simply because it's a gritty setting, like a Viking village, medieval fantasy, or a pirate ship. Just. No. There are many, many, maaaaaaany examples of stories set in the distant past, dystopian futures, The Republic of Pirates, or dark and gritty fantasy worlds that don't include people being r*ped for "realism." It isn't necessary. It doesn't add realism. It's just an excuse to write about someone being r*ped. So, that's a great big giant bowl of nope for me.
10 - Emotional Situation Sex - The world is falling apart around them. Things just couldn't be worse. The future looks grim. But that's not gonna stop these horn dogs from getting it onnnnnnnnn! And they're doing it while both in tears and moaning their goodbyes. Nope-ity nope noooooooope! And hey… if you like this kind of scene, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Some of my favorite people love this trope. It's just not for me.
Now, just because I don't personally like these tropes, with the exception of #9 (which is just generally no...) doesn't mean they're inherently bad. I'm just not a fan. And I know some of these probably border on clichés by now, but for some genres they're still considered tropes.
Thanks for the fun question! I'll do favorite another day or see if I have a link to a past post.
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The right universe.
Summary: After Y/N's life turns upside down, she's full of grief. Somehow, one day, she manages to travel to the MCU, where she meets her favorite characters, including a certain god who seems willing to establish a friendship with her. Suddenly she's enwrapped in this new world, where everything she loved in a screen is now reality. How will she react? Will she be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt her? Or will she let them consume her? Will she be open to accept the love she is offered? Read to find out!
Read this on AO3! 
Category: F/M.
Relationships: Loki/reader.
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, other minor appearances of other characters but these are the main ones, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel).
Additional tags: Loki/reader - Freeform, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffyfest, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining a lot because we love to suffer, Domestic Avengers, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark is a parental figure, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Everyone is a good bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, y/n, After Infinity War but no one died and the purple bitch was defeated, Missions, Y/N is a universe traveller, Grief, Therapy, Protective Loki (Marvel), Loki in love.
Chapter 24: Jealousy. 
“Hey!” Y/N said, hugging Sarah.
“Hey stranger! How have you been?” The blonde asked, sitting down on a kitchen stool. She had invited her to the compound since almost everyone else was busy and it would be empty.
“I've been fine, after the accident it took me a while to get back to normal life but I'm slowly getting to it now.” She hadn't told her the whole truth, or the truth at all; she told her that she was robbed and shot because she refused to give her things to the robber. Sarah couldn't visit her since she was in a work trip. “And you?”
“Oh I'm fine, you know, the same as always.” She said, dismissing the question with a movement of her hand.
They talked for a while about life and settled on the couch to watch some episodes of a TV show that Sarah insisted was great. It was, Y/N had realized. After a few episodes, Loki entered the kitchen, unaware of the two women there.
“Loki,” Y/N said and he turned around with a small smile on his face, but hid it when he saw the other woman. “This is Sarah, my friend!”
“Hello,” he said with a nod.
“Hi,” the blonde woman said, smirking.
“I just came to grab some water, I will leave you two now.” He said, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.
“You can stay if you want.” Sarah said and Y/N looked at her with a questioning look.
“No, thank you. I would not want to intrude.” He said and left. When he did, Y/N's friend looked at her with wide eyes.
“God he's hot!” She fanned herself with her hand. “How can you keep your hands off of him?” Y/N stopped herself from frowning and gave a small, fake chuckle.
“Well, it would be weird to… do that? Especially since I'm just Mr. Stark's assistant.” She said, in a questioning tone and her friend let out a laugh.
“Do you know if he's seeing anyone?”
“Oh! I don't know about that, we are not friends… But I did hear from Thor that he met a woman, it sounded like it was serious, but I don't know much more than that.”
“Ugh!” Sarah groaned. “Why are the hottest men always taken?”
“I wouldn't know…” Her friend sighed.
“Whatever, their loss.” That made Y/N purse her lips.
“Yeah, their loss.” She said, smiling a bit uncomfortably at her.
After a while of more talking and watching TV, Sarah left. Y/N was cleaning up when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. She turned around and grinned at Loki.
“Hello darling,” he said, nuzzling his head in her neck and kissing her there, while she sighed and tangled her hands in his hair. He groaned in pleasure and she giggled.
“Do you like that?” Y/N asked, knowingly. He lifted his head and smirked.
“I do,” he said, leaning in and giving her a breathtaking kiss. “So,” he started, smirking close to her face, “I met a woman you heard?” She looked like a deer caught in headlights, but then she frowned.
“Hey! You were listening?”
“I couldn't help myself. I was about to leave when I heard your friend talk about me.”
“Oh and of course you heard someone talking about you and just had to listen.”
“Well darling, what can I say? I do enjoy hearing people drool for me.” She rolled her eyes and hit his chest playfully. “So…”
“Was it jealousy that I heard in your voice or do I need to go to the doctor for my hearing?”
“Oh the second, definitely.” He bit his lip and she sighed. “And what if it was jealousy?” She asked, looking up at him.
“Well, that would be ridiculous because I only have eyes for you, my beautiful mortal.” She pursed her lips, but couldn't stop the grin appearing on her face.
“You are terrible.” She said as he began kissing down her jaw.
“I've been called worse.” he responded, smirking against her neck. He was terrible, but God, did she love him.
“Argh! Stop killing me!” Y/N groaned and Loki furrowed his brows in confusion. Entering the living area he saw her and the spider child immersed in some game on the television. “Peter I swear to god I… will call you Itsy Bitsy in front of MJ!” She said, smiling maliciously.
“You wouldn't dare!” He said, dramatically.
“Try me.”
“What on earth are you going on about?” Loki finally called their attention and they both said “Playing Fortnite!” in unison.
“Forth night?” Y/N snorted and he frowned.
“No Lokes, Fort-nite.”
“And what is this Fort-nite that has you two yelling like tortured chickens?”
“Have you ever heard chickens getting tortured Mr. Loki?” The spider child asked, horrified.
“No child, it is a saying.” He looked relieved beyond imagination.
Y/N scooted closer to Peter and patted the spot next to her on the couch.
“Come sit Lokie Dokie, we'll teach you how to play…” She said, smiling deviously as the kid tried to contain his laughter. He had caught them kissing a few days ago, so now he was officially the only one who knew about their situation. She couldn't call it a relationship yet because they hadn't discussed that and he still hadn't told her that he loved her; so, for now, she was settling on situation.
“I wouldn't want to ruin the fun by winning all the time.” He said, sitting down with a smug look on his face. He wasn't completely sure he could win, yet he said it, deciding he would figure out a way. He was the God of Mischief after all, he knew how to cheat.
“I wouldn't rush to say anything Lokes, the game is hard and you are not particularly great with technology.” She said and he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“Please, I am a god. Some stupid midgardian game will not defeat me. Give me the controller thing.” Y/N raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips as she did what he said. He took the controller, how difficult could a midgardian game be?
“This is outrageous! I was not in the line of fire, that man cheated!” Apparently, it was very difficult. Loki put down the controller on the coffee table, barely containing his anger.
“Everywhere is the line of fire…” Y/N told him, amused and a bit worried about him.
“That makes no sense at all.” He said, throwing daggers with his eyes at the TV. She laughed and caressed his hair.
“You are adorable when you are wrong.” He looked at her, frowning but biting his lip in order to not smile.
“I am not adorable.”
“Yes you are…” She said and started to slowly approach him with a devilish grin.
“Y/N…” He said in fear of what she was going to do.
Throwing herself at him she started to tickle his torso; to her surprise he was very ticklish indeed.
“Y/N!” He said between laughs. “Stohohop, stop!”
“Admit you're adorable and I will.” She said, smirking at him while continuing to tickle him.
“I refuse!”
“Fine.” She shrugged and went for his sides. He almost convulsed.
“I yield!”
“How do you yield Your Highness?” She cocked an eyebrow.
“I. Am. Adorable!” He said and she immediately stopped. As he was catching his breath, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his lap. “You little minx.”
“Now you are hot.” She said, half jokingly. He smirked.
“Do you like it when I call you a little minx?” He said, getting closer to her face and fanning her with his breath. She smirked and got more close, but still their lips were not touching.
“Do you like it when I call you baby?” He took in a sharp breath.
“Guys…” Peter said. They had completely forgotten about him. They both looked his way. Y/N smiled sheepishly at him while Loki looked amused at his expression.
“It's okay,” the kid said, turning red from embarrassment. Being the only who knew was cool but those two could not keep their hands off each other.
~taglist~ @mischief2sarawr @midnights-ramblings @mealoncholy-hill 
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
Two of Europe's hottest stars sit in a green leather armchair each between a movie poster adorned with a bouquet of flowers. They look like two carefree unshaven Irish lads who could be on holiday in the sun. Paul Mescal wears a white t-shirt, while Andrew Scott sports a turquoise "No problem" t-shirt emblazoned with pop culture alien ALF, the 80s sitcom character whose name stands for "Alien Life Form" .
Perhaps a subtle reference to their new film, "All of us strangers"? It is certainly not about aliens, but is in any case a cosmic love story about two extraterrestrial aliens who find each other in a lonely world. At the same time, it is a kind of supernatural "ghost story" about a queer son who gets a second chance to talk to his dead parents.
- Although the role scared the crap out of me, Andrew Haigh's script was the most original I've read in ages. Everything in this film is rooted in tenderness and love – and who doesn't dream of going back and redefining the relationship with their parents, Andrew Scott wonders rhetorically, making a gesture where he is given the opportunity to discreetly flex one of his biceps at a zoom screen from London.
For a Swedish audience, he is perhaps best known for the role of the arch-villain Professor Moriarty in "Sherlock Holmes" and "the hot priest" that Phoebe Waller Bridge becomes obsessed with in the second season of "Fleabag".
Andrew Scott believes that "All of us strangers" is the most personal thing he has done.
- I love the mix of naturalism and surrealism in this film, it's completely different from anything I've played before. I've always wished I was in Derek Cianfrance's tragic love story "Blue Valentine" and suddenly I get a chance at a film similar to "All of us strangers". I've never before brought myself into the role in the same way and for once I didn't have to work on my accent, smiles the Dublin-born actor who has long lived in London.
In "All of us strangers" he plays Adam, a gay writer with writing cramp who slowly falls for his mysterious neighbor Harry (Paul Mescal) who lives in the same soulless and deserted apartment complex in London's East End. Parallel to the budding romance, he commutes to his childhood suburb to meet his dead parents (Claire Foy and Jamie Bell) exactly as old as they were when they died in a car accident when he was 11 years old.
Andrew Haigh got the idea from Taichi Yamada's novel "Strangers" from 1987. After much effort and trouble, he managed to transform the rather traditional Japanese ghost story into something more poetic, psychological and personal.
- I ignited this whole idea of ​​meeting his dead parents again and being able to reconcile with his own past in order to help with the future. It was of course crazy risky, but it wasn't about making a traditional ghost story, but about creating something vulnerable, true and honest that would be an emotional experience, says Andrew Haigh.
In the past, he has directed wayward films such as "45 Years", "Weekend" and "Lean on Pete", as well as TV series such as macho "The North Water" and "Looking", which revolves around three gay friends in San Francisco. "All of us strangers" is his most personal film to date. To get closer, he made the main character a gay writer.
- I am gay and this is a story I have wanted to tell for a long time, a film about the experiences of "queerness", non-heteronormativity, and how it can make people feel like strangers in their own family. The concept of going back in time and dealing with the complicated issues of growing up queer within a family has its own challenges. It's also about the difficulty of parenting and saying the right things at the right time, says Andrew Haigh.
- For me, the film is also about the writing process itself. To investigate one's own past through a fictional world. Not that I look back on my upbringing with a desperate sadness, more curiosity, melancholy and a strange nostalgia. But just like the character Adam, I look back on my own life, says Haigh.
For the director, it was also a highly private experience. Among other things, he filmed several scenes in his real childhood home in Croydon, south London, which he left 40 years ago.
- It was a ghostly experience. Like walking into a haunted house, but it was my memories that were the ghosts. We designed it the same way as when I was a kid. When we finished, I closed the door behind me and experienced a catharsis, as if I was free and could move on, says Haigh.
Nevertheless, it is still not straightforward. In the same vein as he was to film a key scene where the grown-up Adam talks to his father, Andrew Haigh visited his father in the dementia home.
- Although I had the same partner for 18 years, he asked me: "Do you have a wife?". My first thought was, "Oh my God, am I going to have to come out again?", but then I pretended it was raining. Oddly enough, I felt a bit terrified about having to tell him I was gay again - even though he was fine with me coming out in my 20s, says Andrew Haigh.
- So that scene with Adam was extremely difficult to write. I wanted to make it a moment that was as simple as it was meaningful. I was incredibly moved, he says.
In many ways, "All of us strangers" is reminiscent of "45 years", which is also a kind of ghost story. A fate-filled drama about a struggling British couple (Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay) who are suddenly haunted by an old love story just in time for the couple's 45th wedding anniversary.
- Yes, I think there was definitely a similarity between the films. But I've always been interested in the past versus the present because that's how we learn throughout our lives. Our first fifteen years have such a dramatic and profound impact on who we become as an adult, he says.
In "All of us strangers" he fills it with pop music from his upbringing in the 1980s; Pet Shop Boys, The Housemartins and, not least, Frankie goes to Hollywood's "The power of love", which becomes a signature song for the entire film and not least its emblematic final scene.
- There was something in that song that spoke to me already as an 11-year-old without me really knowing about it. A bombastic pop song that is loaded with longing. Actually, it was quite subversive to be mainstream, there's a melancholy and darkness lurking beneath the surface, says Andrew Haigh.
Although Holly Johnson's "The power of love" wasn't exactly Paul Mescal's cup of tea, it helped him get in the right emotional mood during the recording.
- Andrew has interpreted the power of love in the most extraordinary way. This is his way of saying that Adam and Harry's relationship is also a grand love story that has its place up there in heaven with all the other heterosexual love stories. I think it's very beautiful, says Paul Mescal who was Oscar-nominated last year for his performance in Charlotte Wells' Aftersun, where he played a tormented father on his first joint charter trip with his eleven-year-old daughter.
He does not think that the self-confident but traumatized Harry is an essential character from father Callum in "Aftersun".
- Harry belongs to a certain kind of family of characters that I have played, but is also completely different. Subconsciously, I'm obviously drawn to this kind of material that deals with tormented masculinity and humanity, smiles Paul Mescal.
Like Andrew Scott, he is a great admirer of Andrew Haigh's films. In addition to the script, Scott was also a decisive factor in his acceptance. Before "All of us strangers", they had admired each other from afar. The recording turned into a bromance in full bloom that ended with intimate scenes where Paul Mescal "went down" on Andrew Scott co-star and licked a kind of cake mix from the co-star's body. In interviews, Mescal has explained that it was such a powerful moment that it almost scared him.
- Yes, there was a special charge between us. We were both very aware of how intense it was and how we were somehow aware of how committed we were to each other. It is very beautiful that the story often lies in the character who is listening, which is quite unusual. The challenge was to tell a story via sexual intimacy. We treated the sex scenes as if they were dialogue scenes, the only thing different was that we were half-naked, smiles Paul Mescal.
Andrew Scott believes that sex scenes between two male actors often tend to be about raw sexuality, but that "All of us strangers" felt radical because it was more interested in highlighting the tenderness between the characters.
- The first scenes when Adam and Harry meet in the elevator and at the front door trigger the film's sexual charge. When they are separated after the slightly awkward meeting, it creates an urge in the audience for them to reunite. When they finally sit next to each other on the couch and they stare at each other, it gets very, uh, sexy. I like the scene where Adam forgets to breathe because he hasn't been with anyone in a long time, says Andrew Scott.
Like the director, Andrew Scott talks about working on "All of us strangers" as a kind of cleansing bath. Before the recording, they both talked about their experiences in the loneliness of growing up queer in the gap between the 80s and 90s.
- Going back in time can be both anxious and nostalgic. For me, the challenge was trying to bring together Haigh's story with my own story, both the pain and the joy, says Andrew Scott the day after the film's Irish gala premiere in Dublin.
Although he was not entirely comfortable with the idea of ​​being in the same room as his parents when they watch the sex scenes in "All of us strangers", he seems to have managed it without a pillow of shame.
- It was a magical evening in my hometown. My family was there and all the other people I love so much. Suddenly it was as if I saw this whole journey that I've been on, realized that this is a deeply personal film that hit me right in the heart. I really love this movie.'
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usuallydeepcoffee · 2 years
Ooh, Sam/Steve/Nat is just the best ship.
They are three of the best and hottest characters in the MCU.
Every two person combination is also great - samsteve, samnat, and romanogers are all top-tier ships.
They actually spend a lot of time together and care about each other deeply. Don’t get me wrong, I love ships where the two people never speak to each other onscreen as much as the next person (winterhawk my beloved) but there’s just something different about a ship with some actual canon meat on its bones.
Two years as fugitives living out of the quinjet and cramped, sketchy safe houses. It’s like one long “there was only one bed” scenario.
In fairness to the “where’s Bucky” commenters on that fan art, I do think “why is Bucky here?” every time I see something about the cap quartet. Though of course I’m not rude enough to say that on the post.
(P.s. thinking about them makes me regret that we never saw much of the adventures of the Avengers between Age of Ultron and Civil War, because the lineup we saw at the end of AoU [Steve, Nat, Sam, Rhodey, Wanda, and Vision] was amazing.)
I love the smell of fresh, immaculate takes in the morning!
I swear, samstevenat is the only poly relationship I can realistically picture, because they all have such a strong connection with the other two characters.
It’s like a rubik’s cube, but no matter where you turn it the faces come out perfectly solved. You have SamSteve, who have their meet cute + shared life experience and a deep sense of duty; you have SteveNat, who go from ‘coworker I like but don’t fully trust’ to ‘only person I can trust in this line of work and have shared multiple near death experiences with’; and then you have SamNat who sure, have less interactions, but still a relationship is there. Like I’m ready to bet that convo about Redwing in cacw happened more than once. And oh to see their reunion after Steve breaks team cap out of jail… No way Sam didn’t make some kind of remark at Nat betraying them (after all, last time he saw her, she was on the other side, taking away his wings and fighting them).
I can’t think of any other mcu trio that has the same range.
And yes, we do have plenty of evidence that these three are besties, but there’s so much missing time (especially between aou and cacw and cacw and iw) that you basically have free reign over the what the how and the where.
The aou-cacw time skip is perfect for consolidating the relationship/feelings: they live together, they work together, they train together for a whole year!! There is so much that could happen!! Undercover, fake relationship trope! Jumped-in-front-of-a-bullet-for-you-and-now-I’m-not-waking-up trope (Steve, I am looking at you)! Saved from becoming an Avenger pancake by flying Sam trope (for his and his back’s sake I’ll picture Nat in that one).
Also maybe it’s just me, but the movie nights that fandom love so much sound more likely with the Avengers 2.0 roster? Wanda literally uses TV shows to cope, Vision is just curious by nature and does whatever Wanda does, Steve has a long ass list of movies to catch up on… it’s almost inevitable that they spent some down time together watching tv shows or a movie. All it would take is Wanda watching something on her tablet while she cooks in the common room and one or two avengers strolling in and boom. Tradition set.
And then of course there’s the post-cacw, pre-iw time skip which is PRIME for things happening. I mean, these three just came from a pretty big rift, they are on the run for TWO ENTIRE YEARS, the living quarters are small and cramped, you can’t tell me they didn’t catch each other in various states of undress (Sam and/or Steve seeing Nat’s bruises after the events of the black widow movie!!), or that they didn’t have some middle-of-the-night, half-whispered conversations. Maybe Nat even told them about Yelena and her fake family. Maybe Steve told them some things about his life pre-ice.
Also, it’s a shame Sam canonically doesn’t know about Madripoor because it’s the perfect place for something debauched yet revealing of romantic feelings happening. Then again, this is what fanfic is for.
(Still, doesn’t mean I wouldn’t sell my organs for a 9 episode series of Sam, Steve and Nat eluding international surveillance, saving the world and being total badasses…
Plus a post credit scene of t0ny telling friday to delete all footage of the trio while secretly keeping a pic of bearded!cap because apparently he’s canonically that deranged about steve)
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superiortremaine · 2 years
@blaiselumiere​ location: halloween party (event)
Drizella was over this blonde wig. She had let her costume be a voters choice and the only freedom she really had in it was selecting the options. As much as she had hoped that her followers who understood her would have selected a fun little feature from one of her favorite movies Jawbreaker, a Fembot was probably one of the most obvious choices because a lot of her followers just wanted to see her as naked as possible. A disgusting intent but she was not the type of person to let it bother her. In fact, she entered that party with full confidence, walking into that town hall like she owned it and she was the hottest thing there even though her mind was going into a frenzy with picking out everything wrong with herself. 
Naturally, she went straight to the drinks. She needed something expensive and something strong and she ordered hereself a few shots to throw back so that she could record some of this stupid party with ease. She had pulled out her phone and was ready to start recording when a familiar voice called out her name. She sighed, still staring at her phone. “Do I even want to know what you are?” She was sure it was something obvious, but she hadn’t looked up at him yet. “I’m guessing some pervy character on tv or film, a superhero, and something incredibly stupid that your friends made you do.” She finally raised her eyes to meet his and one little lookover and she sighed again. “Two of the three. Impressive, Blaise.”
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 10 months
[PODFIC] Nacre
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pP5wVIg by skeens_leap [podfic version] Maybe it’s because the guy is just an inch or two shorter than Dean, but Dean’s eyes keep sagging down from those full, pink lips to the way the string of pearls lays delicately right where neck turns into shoulders, under the bow of heavy, prominent collarbones. Coffee shop dude might be the fucking hottest guy Dean’s ever seen. (Nacre is mother-of-pearl: the biomaterial that creates that lovely, iridescent layer on the inside of a mollusk shell.) Words: 7, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Meet-Cute, Slice of Life, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Flustered Dean Winchester, Genderqueer Castiel (Supernatural), Wingwoman Charlie, Fluff and Humor, Awkward Flirting, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Podfic, Podfic Length: 20-30 Minutes read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pP5wVIg
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atlanticcanada · 11 months
People flock to Newfoundland in search of the Come From Away kindness -- and find it
Janet Hayward didn't show too much outward excitement Friday night as she walked toward a Gander, N.L., theatre to see the musical that inspired what she calls her "Newfoundland Quest" -- but she did arrive a full hour early.
The 54-year-old high school teacher from Indiana has spent the past three weeks driving all over Newfoundland to capture the essence of its people, culture and landscape, and relay it for her students. She began dreaming of the trip after she saw "Come From Away" over a year ago on Apple TV Plus. The musical tells the story of the town's efforts to care for thousands of people stranded there on planes grounded after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S.
The story gripped her, and she couldn't let it go. So she applied for, and won, a special grant for teachers in Indiana to embark on the journey.
"It's the kindness of the whole thing," Hayward said in an interview. "I really wanted to meet the people behind the kindness."
She is among many, from all over the world, who have come to Gander in search of that kindness. And she was not disappointed.
Thirty-eight planes carrying more than 6,500 people were ordered to land at the Gander airport on Sept. 11, 2001. The town has a population of about 11,800 people and "Come From Away" is about those who opened their homes, community halls and businesses to shelter the "plane people" for the five days they were stranded. Its characters are based on real people in Gander, and the real things they did to dampen the passengers' horror as they learned what had happened.
The musical was a smash on Broadway, running for a record-setting five years at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre in New York City. The Gander production is the first fully staged presentation of the musical in its hometown, according to Michael Rubinoff, the play's originating producer. He congratulated Friday night's crowd for snagging "the hottest theatre tickets on the planet."
Barbara Amiel Pearson first saw the musical in 2017, during a particularly dark time in her life. She lives in Florida, and she said she was "despondent" after Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 election. "I had lost hope in this country, I had lost hope in the world, I had lost hope in people," she said in an interview this week. "And then I see this play ... and I felt like I had to go and see if people could really be this good."
She arrived in Gander for the first time in October 2017. "I had one goal: I wanted to meet Newfoundlanders," she said. So she went to the Tim Hortons across from her hotel and started talking to people.
Amiel Pearson, 72, said she met people on that trip she is still friends with today, including Gander resident Diane Davis, who is the inspiration for the character Beulah Davis in the play.
As is a common experience for many Newfoundland visitors, both Pearson and Hayward were invited into strangers' homes for meals, tea and lengthy chats.
Amiel Pearson returned to Gander in 2019, and she'll be arriving again next month; she has front-row tickets for the "Come From Away" performance on Aug. 12. She says her will includes instructions for her two daughters to use part of their inheritance to visit Newfoundland. "It really caused a profound change in my life," she said.
Derm Flynn said he's heard many stories like Hayward's and Amiel Pearson's, but he's still moved by each one. He was mayor of nearby Appleton, N.L., on Sept. 11, 2001. He and his wife, Dianne, took in six passengers.
"We're not used to a big deal being made of the fact that we can invite someone into our home for a cup of tea," he said this week, adding that Newfoundlanders don't want to be seen as "blowing their own horns."
"There are contrary Newfoundlanders, just as there are contrary people all over the world," he added.
The Flynns' story is told through the Derm Flynn character in "Come From Away." About a year after the play opened on Broadway, they began hosting an event for tourists called Meet The Flynns, where they invite people into their home for lunch, tea and a chat. They've entertained guests from the rest of Canada, the United States, Australia and Germany, he said.
They charge for the visit, but it's a way to give people who've seen the play the kind of welcoming experience they're looking for, Flynn said.
Hayward hopes to instil in her students a sense of the kindness she has discovered in Newfoundland. To that end, she plans to start an after-school social club. She'll get students together to talk about themselves and their interests and what they'd like to contribute to their community. And then, together, they'll undertake "one wonderful kind act or service a month," she said.
In the meantime, her husband and both of her sons have joined her for different parts of her Newfoundland adventure, and they've loved it as much as she has, she said.
"We'll definitely be back."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 8, 2023.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/gvVx86k
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V recommends catarrh pastilles for my new, constant and futile need to clear my throat, leftover from a cold I never had. I would never bring this malady to a doctor because I already know the lifestyle choices that led me to the waiting room, and how little I wish to change them. If mucus living forever in the no-man's land between my nose and oesophagus is the price of admission to enjoying cigarettes in winter, so be it. And yet please god, or Boots pharmacy, remove this mucus immediately, I am not in the business of "ramifications" for "bad habits". The pastilles are bitter like an art school professor which, in that specific way medicine which burns or tastes bad feels like it must be working, works
C goes to Marseille to meet friends of ours from our teens. "Friends" is a loose term for my relation to them - they were a group of boys I wanted nothing but acceptance from. I shared a bed with one between psychiatric units in 2008, and he wet and soiled himself from being so drunk. C has kept in touch while he and I have outperformed them in basic adulthood milestones. He promises to report back on how broke and alcohol-dependent they all are, with plenty of unflattering photos for me to gaze at next week and feel smug about having a mortgage
Before she flies to Hong Kong, V sits in my studio on Friday drained by the week's social obligations. She is tearful, which is relatively rare considering she gives so much to everybody in her orbit and takes so little. How she deals with artists on a regular basis is beyond me, since we can be so awful. We also have two distinct sides to us that require constant management, our actual selves / egos and then our practices / careers. Often these two sides are more at war than in harmony. The ethics and sentiments of The Work aren't always the same ones an artist upholds in their character, and this is exhausting for everybody, including the artist. We are expensive - emotionally and often financially - to keep. I cherish my closeness to V and the trust she places in me to be able to switch into friend-mode and vent a little. It keeps my own gratitude for her in check, and reminds me that making money for the gallery is but one shred of what it means for me to be with the gallery. To all artists: making good work does not excuse bad behaviour!!
The NHS sent me a letter asking me to take part in a blood pressure trial. "A chance to learn more about your blood pressure". Instagram shows me a video of a German woman demonstrating four rules for "Clubmoves" - how to dance to music made by and for the Latino community. The fourth rule is "just have fun". N recommends a TV show called The Bear to me and I quickly decide its star actor Jeremy Allen White is the hottest man I've ever seen. After a couple of years of friendship, I now know when N is texting me without looking at my phone, just from the cadence and volume of vibrations I feel in my pocket. She likes to send between 4 and 24 short iMessages at a time
I have never received so much hate on the roads while biking around as I have this weekend. Two "cunt"s from drunk men jaywalking, a Lucozade bottle thrown at me from a window (this was an accident but still felt aggressive), and a fellow female cyclist telling me to "calm the fuck down" when I ring my bell to overtake her. I wish I could, strange woman, I wish I could
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thejackalhasarrived · 6 years
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