#trying out a more text heavy format
yeehawpim · 7 months
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A Proper Author Hat
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Quarterfinals, Match 2
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expand to see all propaganda received! (wall of text warning oh my god this is a severe cautionary message)
Lauryn Hill:
"she paved the way and was hot as fuck the whole time"
"Girl c'mon. Look at her. You're gonna try and tell me that isn't the most beautiful and attractive person alive? Okay. You're lying but okay."
"if u freaks don't give ms. lauryn hill the respect she deserves..."
"actually one of the prettiest women ever I'm such a lesbian for her. like irl I'm already a lesbian but she is helping"
Damon Albarn:
"Don’t think Damon should be here? Why don’t you get your head checked by a jumbo jet? Maybe you’ll feel heavy metal and calm down."
"If Damon is in the “some guy” category, he’s the heavenly and heartbreaking version. Damon is the sort of significant stranger I’d see on the train out of Colchester but could never speak to, just a face seen in passing yet too radiant to be real. I’d fall in love for an hour and carry the ache for a month."
"Damon sets the standard for me. I think he’s the most fascinating man alive. What I find attractive in Damon is not just his gorgeous bone structure and boyish charm, but how wholly he’s committed himself to music. Damon is an artist who walked the walk: in one of his roughest years with some of his rawest songwriting, he said he was no longer excited by anything except the creative process. He was disillusioned with the celebrity of it all, with his relationships suffering for it, and only wanted to make art: nothing more, nothing less. He would go on to compose film scores, write operas and stage musicals, produce other artists’ records, form collectives to fulfill his passion for world music, and create some of the most globally successful music of his career in a completely innovative format that placed him as the phantom behind the characters. Whenever one band takes a break, he makes a solo record or puts together a supergroup to stay busy. He’s uniquely collaborative and still writes personal letters inviting artists to record with him, and yet can function as a one-man show, acting as a multi-instrumentalist, a singer-songwriter and a producer. He’s been a constant voice of bringing British music to the world *and* bringing world music into Britain. Sure, he’s won Brit Awards and a Grammy among others, but he also has a Guinness World Record and was named an Officer of the British Empire for his services to music; his long work with Africa Express earned him respect even from peers who’d previously dismissed him, and his commitment to support his Malian collaborators in the face of violence earned him the title of Local King in Mali. There is so much talent in the world, but there is truly no one else with a career that looks like Damon Albarn’s. Damon is far more than just a prettyboy to look nice on a magazine cover, but looks are the ultimate point of this tournament, so make no mistake: he was terribly, terribly pretty. You watch him performing in the 90s, you sift through photoshoots and interviews and documentaries, and it feels *cruel* how beautiful he was. If his talent was god-given, so was his face. To put a bow on this thesis: I don’t know if Gorillaz and Damon’s musical universe would be the experimental, globe-trotting, boundary-pushing community affair it is if Blur hadn’t become such a central figure in Britpop and if Damon had not been made such a media spectacle, and I don’t know if Damon would have been that spectacle if he wasn’t so ungodly pretty. The domino effect is that Damon’s cherubic face launched a thousand multimedia art school projects for decades to come."
"I wish I was basically any bloke in the 90s so I could tongue Damon Albarn down. Damon will see a man and ask “is anyone gonna kiss that?” and not wait for a response."
"I have a pillow with his face on it. I sleep with it every night 😊"
"“I’m more homosexual than Brett Anderson, always have been. As far as bisexuality goes, I’ve had a taste of that particular fruit, or have been tasted you might say…” is just the rawest most Shakespearean statement ever"
"he is the ultimate Pretty Boy ™. his glorious golden locks, his electric blue eyes. he is if Princess Diana was a Britpop Dude. he is the Regina George of Britpop. he is if Aphrodite took male form. Zeus would come down to earth to fuck him if he knew. he is a caffeinated orange cat let loose. he is deranged. he is unhinged. you never know what will come out of his mouth. he had sexual tension with every single man who knew him. he pulled justine fucking frischmann. his aura knows no bounds. he is a siren. he is a weird guy. but being so gorgeous stunning ethereal didn't stop him from also being one of the most prolific songwriters of his generation"
"literally where do i even begin. i could write entire essays on this man. a good place to start would be the beetlebum music video, i suppose. i'll never forget the first time i watched that music video. something in me changed, my brain chemistry was altered, my life was never the same, i view the world a lot differently now. and a lot of the viewing i'm doing is of pictures of damon albarn's face because of boy do i have a lot of those saved. every time i try to look for a photo of something on my phone i can't find it because there's so much damon. okay that's maybe an exaggeration but this man has the most unfathomable beauty ever. his eyes? HIS EYES. god dammit i love his eyes i want to stare at them until the end of time like nothing else exists. i'm so normal about this man (lying) and while i'm usually very shameless about my interests i'm actually incredibly glad this propaganda is anonymous because otherwise. yeah. but the world deserves to see damon albarn's beauty and also hear his fantastic voice because what the fuck. his voice is literally the most gorgeous sound ever produced like bro sounds like that and expects me not to fall in love? i want this man to sing his silly songs and talk absolute nonsense to me until the sun eventually blows out and the world ends. cmon damon girlies let's demolish this tournament i know there are a lot of you."
"He’s beautiful. He’s a little rat. He’s a sweetheart. He’s a dickhead. He’s a musical genius. He’s a dumb bitch. He’s a jock. He’s a weirdo. He’s real. He’s an illusion. He’s everything. He’s just Damon."
"DAMON DAMON DAMON where do I begin oh jeez I've hyperfixated on this man for a solid 4 years and still going strong. Damon makes me wish that British people are real. That says A LOT. This man created a whole ass ANIMATED BAND WITH A SHIT TON OF LORE as a SIDE HUSTLE??? Not to mention, what other man has collaborated with Stevie Nicks, MF DOOM, Del the Funky Homosapien, Snoop Dogg, AND Beck?! People, we're literally in the presence of a god. And he's STILL GOING. Anyways, TL;DR, damon is so so so neat and cool and he should definitely win this competition. Thank you."
"Okay 90s Damon is The Perfect Boy yes yes, but the people who parrot the Daily Mail and say "he's ugly now" will never understand. I would still suck every drop from him on his deathbed."
"Vote for whoever you want to. But Damon is so pretty."
"i did not spend hours admiring this beautiful man's face on pinterest just to see him lose."
"Damon Albarn just brings me joy. When I'm watching him perform, following along as the camera lingers on and adores his pretty face, I get butterflies like I'm 15 again. It's nice to still feel that totally unguarded giddiness sometimes."
"God let the intrusive thoughts win making Damon. What if he's a beautiful blond twink with eyes like saucers and dick to his knees, he reads Herman Hesse and plays footie and is insufferable about both, he'll be the most prolific musician of his generation and write operas and seminal albums in 5 different genres and also he's gonna be the dumbest bitch alive? He'll also be kinda bi, but only kinda. And send."
"when i found out about his existence, my life was changed forever. i wish i could use him like the hannah montana boot milk pillow and chuck him at the wall so he makes a loud thud"
"Think of the drama and anon fights it'll cause if Damon wins it all! And think of how quiet it'll get after Damon's out. You'll miss him when he's gone, like memories of a noisy house years after it's grown silent. Choose Damon, and keep the messy train chugging."
"Even the Gallagher brothers have the hots for him."
"Kiss kiss I love him also you can't vote for any of the Seattle men they're literally copy and paste it's not fair. We need Brit representation"
"I want to take care of him, I want to provide for him. I need to gauge his baby blue puppy dog orbs out to I can clean them with wood varnish, paint shades of Pantone 320 C in his eyes, spray eau de parfume by dior in them and sew it back into his eyes like that scene in Toy Story 2."
"Seeing as simply filling the page with ‘Damon’ written 10000000 times isn’t going to cut it 😅 may I admit/submit: I DO have him tattooed on my being (no descriptive, is this anon?); he’s inspired somewhat unhinged late night/early morning fandom conversations in which I’ve served as ‘parish’ priest hearing confessions from all manner of folk about what they’d like to do to him/receive from him; sadly I lost an essay where I detailed why the letters that make up his name suit him so well, and described him as the hot caramel sauce to Graham’s cool vanilla ice cream. He’s a faerie princess with a nose that makes people weep and a voice that feels like the warmest home and he gives amazing hugs. He loves trains and chickens and his tuxedo cat. He’s annoying and sweet and somewhat unhinged and his music saves people and all this is on top of that fantastic dick. He’s a dream yet very real and we’re fucking blessed to be on earth at the same time as him, amen"
"Damon Albarn was a beautiful, beautiful boy. The world saw that, regardless of if every individual reading this has the same taste in men; it felt like a truth of the universe at the time. They don't make celebrities that angelic in face and erratic in personality anymore."
"I need to touch his eyebrows, nose and prostate just one time JUST ONE TIME COME ON"
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lunarw0rks · 9 months
I would like to request 141 and Konig noticing that they needed something from the reader (presence, hearing the voice, something the reader gave them) to calm down and they notice they are in love with the reader and they're just "I'm fcked". If it was too vague you don't need to do it, thank you and be safe
 ˖⁺。˚⋆˙✧⋆。°⋆࿓ Needing You // 141 headcanons (+ k)
��♡』 masterlist ♡ rules ♡ ask box Warning(s): none, sfw + gn!reader Word Count: 641. A/N: might start answering requests in this shorter "drabble" format. It takes a lot less time on my end, and I think it looks better :)
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SYNOPSIS; he realizes he needs you; a.k.a head over heels in love with you. ˚ ༘`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
price realizes when he feels his exterior soften. sure, he's still the same on the battlefield. but, even at work, when there aren't bullets plummeting toward him — you've gotten to him. he'll take the teases of his coworkers, all of it, only because you're there.
price is no less professional, no less of a leader, but even the most clueless on his team noticed how much... lighter he seemed. less tension in his shoulders, no more evenings with a half-empty body to cradle until he passes out.
he would never the subtle changes unless someone pointed it out (if they dared). you, with him, strong in the areas where he's weak. that's what a man like john needs.
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
simon realizes when he can't fight himself anymore. when he stumbled his way up the stairs after an exhausting mission, ripped his mask off his head, and wanted nothing but you. your touch, your scent, your roaming fingers, the whispers of comfort you provide him.
the mattress creaks under his dead weight as he settles into his side of the bed, wrapping both arms around your torso, gripping on like you were his lifeline.
in a literal sense, you were. you were the reason simon fought so hard to get home. he couldn't restrict himself anymore. once, it was him convinced he would poison you with his past, and now he only cared that you were a part of his future.
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
soap realizes when you've become a drug. him, wrapped around your finger so tight he'll never let go. once he falls — he falls hard. it's a bad habit of johnny's. but with you, this run is different. you understand him... or try to, and that's enough to make him sink to his knees in worship of you.
anything you need; it's yours. something material, something verbal, something subtle, something from himself. he'll have moments where he gains awareness of just how far he will go for you, yet he wouldn't change a second of it.
you stuck around this long for a reason, right? besides, he never learns his lessons, nor does he give up. he's your rock and that's how a man like soap wants it.
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
gaz realizes when he spends every waking moment wanting to talk to you. for a man so content with his own solitude, it's a striking contrast to who he was before he met you. video calls, text paragraphs, even letters if he's deserted enough on deployment.
[password locked for safety, of course] he has countless screenshots on his personal cell. sometimes they're of you half-asleep on call, a smile he caught in time, others are blurry because you were in the middle of moving.
his letters are an array of entertainment written just for you. sights he saw across the world, a joke he heard, what he wants to do with you when he's home — all a distraction from the warfare surrounding him as the ink glides across the paper.
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
könig realizes when you consume his thoughts. he's focused, driven, a calamitous workaholic, even. not for long, though. his work is still a heavy portion of who he is, and that's how he wants it to be. there's no way you'll ever be the highest priority — but you'll be the closest thing to it he can manage.
he finds himself searching for you first, no matter the situation. even when everything is in order, his eyes are glued to you. if he's occupied, you'll always get that voiceless nod from him, as his gaze wanders.
könig's touches become less about intimacy and more a reassurance to himself that you're still his.
————— ୨୧ ————— divider cred. - cafekitsune
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catopoliscat · 1 month
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nail day / fem!reader/atsuya kusakabe.
you always had a way of catching atsuya off-guard in your relationship. you decide to take things to a whole new level with just your nails, and then atsuya's doing things he never thought he would be doing, in places he never thought he'd be doing them.
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tags: nsfw. 18+. fem!reader. afab!reader. established relationship (you've been together a few months). ‘get your nails painted the colour of his tip’. canon!verse. atsuya gives me heavy boomer energy ngl. sexting. semi-public sex (kind of, solo masturbation). mentions of edging (reader). shades of dom!reader but feels more like more sexually-open!reader lmao. shades of insecure kuskabe. man has feelings but don’t tell him. toge, maki and panda cameo at the start because i love them. no use of y/n or any other placeholders. ever.
wc: 6.9k
a/n: a masterclass in how to stretch a 2k concept into nearly 7k for no reason ft. an overlooked side character, blegh
also tumblr keeps fucking up my formatting with the texts in this so,,, ignore that. i've tried to fix it twice.
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The ‘ding’, though faint, rings out through the quiet walls of the classroom, disturbing the languid, tranquil air. 
Atsuya purses his lips around his lollipop, eyes slowly opening. He’s reluctant to move his body from its semi-comfortable position—feet propped up on the edge of the worn desk in front of him, hands behind his head. It was a favourite of his during the warmer hours of the afternoon on a slower work day, like today. From his spot, the soft sun filters in through the windows just right, warming his body and making him just the right amount of relaxed. 
He doesn’t have to look at the clock above the dated chalkboard to know what time it was, his body told him that. Just another twenty minutes and then it was home-sweet-home. 
Swinging his eyes lazily across his cluttered desk, he spots his phone amidst the ungraded papers and documents. The screen is lit up, lighting up the cracks on the glass he is still yet to replace. He can make out the faint outline of a text message, from you no doubt, but once again, he’s reluctant to move to check it just yet. 
Astuya rolls his tongue around the sweet in his mouth once, then twice. The stick rolls from the left side of his mouth to the right. 
His eyes flick up to his students across from him, his gaze moving across each one. Panda’s head rests in his large fist (paw?), his beady black eyes slowly blinking, clearly still trying to stay awake although his teacher was almost napping mere moments ago. Toge was reclined in his chair, feet kicked out across the aisle, fiddling with his phone underneath the desk where he presumed Atsuya couldn’t see it (he could, and he could definitely recognise the sound of Candy Crush when he heard it). His eyes finally meet Maki’s where she sits, arms folded, spear resting against her desk like a faithful dog. 
She holds Atsuya’s gaze with a strength a sixteen-year-old shouldn’t have, something searching in her gaze. After a few moments of uncomfortable eye contact (at least on Atsuya’s behalf), she raises an eyebrow at him, the thin arch peeking above the rim of her glasses. 
The ‘ding’ rings out again. 
“Are you going to answer that?” she finally says. Panda jolts in his seat, straightening up, looking across the classroom as if expecting someone to come running in. Toge’s eyes do not move from his lap, ‘delicious!’ echoing through the classroom a second later. 
“Get back to work,” Atsuya grumbles, shooting Maki a withering look before reaching for his phone anyway, pulling it toward his eyes. 
pain in my ass sent you a photo. 
He squints, just about making out the small icon of the photo in the corner of the notification. It looks like your hand. 
Oh yeah, he thinks to himself, nail day. Even when you were away on a mission, you always seemed to make time for it. 
Atsuya flicks his gaze across his students again and sees three sets of eyes trained on him despite his earlier order. Seems like he was the most interesting thing in this classroom right now. 
Ignoring the expectant look of his students, he unlocks his phone with a swipe of his thumb. He pulls up the text thread with you, presses on the photo and low and behold, there’s your hand, nails adorned with a fresh new colour. A pretty kind of dark pink.
Atsuya exhales a gush of air through his nose, admiring the contour of your hand for a moment. You hadn’t sent a message with it, and for a moment he’s tempted just to leave a thumbs up on the picture and call it a day. After all, what the hell did he know about manicures? Your nails looked nice, he guessed, but you always looked nice, even without them.
But then he remembers the lecture you had given him about his ‘lacklustre’ responses once and he hesitates. Despite having a sister, he still didn’t get women. At all. And it showed sometimes. Sometimes.  
He clears his throat and glances across at his students. “Woman sends you a nail picture, what do you say? Go.” 
Maki raises an eyebrow at him again, her expression the definition of the question ‘really, idiot?’
Panda perks up a little though, scratching at his chin. “Something complimentary, maybe? How about… ’looks very nice?’” 
Atsuya nods, pursing his lips around the lollipop in his mouth for a moment. It sounded good to him, at least. 
Toge shakes his head, a small, negatory ‘fish flakes’ falling from his lips. Atsuya frowns at him for putting doubt in his mind—and for the fact that the speech-user didn’t give him any sort of clue as to what he should say instead.
“Is this really necessary?” Maki drawls at last, kicking one heel over the other, “She’s your girlfriend.” 
A beat of silence passes in the classroom. 
“Give me a good response and I’ll let you leave now.” 
Maki holds his stare for a moment longer, before pushing back her chair with a loud scrape. She walks over to Atsuya’s desk and holds out her hand, even that small movement is somehow aggressive. 
Atsuya hesitates for a second, glancing down at the girl's slightly calloused palm. His eyes flick to the message thread after, scrolling up a little, making sure there wasn’t anything… obscene, before handing her the phone. 
He watches as she types something, both thumbs moving faster than Atsuya could ever manage before he hears the little familiar ‘woosh’ of a message being sent. She hands him back the phone a moment later. 
She folds her arms across her chest again. “Well?”
Atsuya raises a finger, looking down at the message. 
Gorgeous as always. I love that colour on you. 
He keeps his finger raised as he stares down at the message, watching as the small ‘read 2:37 pm’ pops up underneath his forged text. 
A little heart pops up a second later, and Atusya clicks his fingers before jabbing his thumb in the direction of the classroom door. His students waste little time in grabbing their things and filing out of the classroom, the door shutting a moment later. 
Wow, who knew you could be so adorable, Cutiekabe? 
Atsuya smiles, a touch smugly, to himself. He briefly contemplates how weird it would be if he got his students to write more of his texts to you. They clearly understood something he didn’t. 
what can I say? I try
He slumps back in his seat a little more, pleased with himself. His pride quickly melts away, however, when you reply again. 
So, who was it? Maki or Toge? 
Atsuya mutters a small ‘shit’ around his lollipop, before pulling it from between his lips with a pop. He should have known better. You had always been freakishly… aware of things. 
… what gave it away? 
The correct grammar. idiot 
Dumping his phone in his lap with a sigh, Atsuya scratches the back of his neck, wondering how he can try and salvage the situation. He knew you weren’t mad-mad, but still. It wasn’t exactly a good look for him—and he knew he wouldn’t hear the end of this for a good long while. A grown man having a sixteen-year-old write his message because he was useless with genuine affection and emotion? Embarrassing. 
The phone dings again, and he picks it back up, shoving his lollipop back into his mouth. 
Do you like them though? The colour’s special. Really special.
Raising an eyebrow, he scrolls up back to the hand photo to see what he just missed. Was pink your favourite colour? He couldn’t remember. He didn’t think so… but now he was doubting again. He had already messed up once, and now he was on a fast track to digging himself a deeper grave. 
i like them  a lot its a real nice pink
Atsuya cringes at his choice of words and wishes he could unsend the message, but he knows you’ve already seen it. 
You should. You look at the same shade every day, you know. 
“…the fuck did I miss?” he mutters to himself, frowning down at the screen. 
It’s the colour of your tip, Kusakabe. 
He raises an eyebrow at his phone as his thumbs tap out another reply. 
the tip of my what? 
It takes Atsuya three heartbeats before he realises what you’re saying.
He almost drops his phone in his haste to scroll back up to the photo, his feet sliding off the desk as he leans forward in his seat. That pinkish shade on the tips of your nails glares back at him, and his eyes grow wider and wider by the second. Only now you’ve pointed it out, the shade is really fucking familiar, and it’s all he can see now. 
His lips part, the lollipop falling from his mouth and onto the floor. 
The tip of his dick. You got your nails painted the same colour as his fucking dick. 
ur kiddingreally? why
There’s a pause before he sends another stream of messages. 
is this some trend thing?  or a prank? seems fucking weird u couldn’t have done my eyes or something?  anything that wasn’t to do with my actual dick???
It’s as if he can hear the echo of your laughter in the room with him right now, even though he knows you’re a few hundred miles away. In his mind's eye, he can make out the crease of your eyes and cheeks as you take in his borderline shocked and repulsed expression. 
Atsuya knew you were younger than him, though only a little—but sometimes it felt as if you two were worlds apart when it came to things like this. He didn’t know how you kept up with it all. Especially if the main trends of today were getting your nails painted dick-colours. 
What, you don’t like it, baby? It’s like I have you with me wherever I go, now. Or your dick, anyway.  
He rolls his eyes, your teasing tone heard loud and clear. He briefly contemplates letting the message hang, let you bask in your own foolishness while he heads back to the apartment—though he had been spending more time at the school lately. Home felt a little weird without you there, as much as he loathed to think about it. 
Another ding. 
It’s gonna be so much more fun touching myself later. 
And just like that, Atsuya feels his whole world grind to a halt with just a few words. In a flash of smoke, all thoughts of his dick shade (was it really that pink though?) disappear out of the window, replaced instead with an image that comes as clearly to him as his own reflection. 
You, sprawled out on some dusted futon in a rundown hotel, naked and flushed—thighs parted, pussy glistening and wet, ready for him; clit swollen underneath those pretty pink fingertips and—
Atsuya’s head whips over his shoulder left and right, clutching his phone a little tighter to himself, despite the classroom being blissfully empty. Still, he’s cautious—as he should be while at work. In a fucking school no less. 
goddamn womanare u trying to kill me? im still at work
Atsuya’s hand drifts down, adjusting himself as discreetly as he can manage. He’s not fully hard, but his cock is definitely sitting a little heavier in his slacks just from the mere thought of your words alone. You always had that affect on him. 
Well, that, and two weeks (15 days to be exact) without you was starting to drive him insane. His hand could only do so much—even with your panties wrapped around them. 
Atsuya curses, trying (and failing) not to think about that as he feels himself swell a little fuller. Luckily, another ding registers before he can dwell on what he’s more than likely going to do as soon as he gets home. 
Why? I bet you sent the kids out ages ago. 
He purses his lips. There was that freaky-woman-sixth-sense you seemed to have. That, or he was just that predictable. 
still!!!u know what u do to me…u really gonna do that tho?
Atsuya pauses, his thumbs stilling a moment, before he continues on. 
send pics if u do 
He hesitates again, his face pulling into some sort of grimace. 
i really fucking miss you
Cringing a little, he locks his phone before you can reply, shoving it into his pocket and standing from his desk. He couldn’t deal with anything else right now, not while he was at work. Not with Satoru hanging around too. 
The last thing he wanted in the world was for that white-haired fool to see him walking around with a goddamn boner. 
Packing up his things in an even more harried and rushed way than usual, papers half-spilling out of his briefcase, he throws on his coat before heading out the door. All he had to do was pick up a few things from the store for dinner and then he was home free and he could… indulge.
Although the idea of another night fucking up into his fist imagining it was your hand around him wasn’t ideal, it would do for now. Maybe you really would send a few pictures to help him along. Hell, at this point he’d use that damn hand picture. 
Continuing down the hallway, his mind a million miles away, he tells himself he won’t check his phone until he gets back home just in case you do. It was safer that way. You were… unpredictable sometimes. Especially when it came to sex.  
“Not until I get back home,” he mutters under his breath as he strides down the hallway. 
He tells himself that, anyway. 
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What Atsuya Kusakabe tells himself and what he actually does are sometimes two separate things. 
Standing in a small supermarket an hour later, looking at the different packages of instant ramen (God, you’d moan at him if you knew he was eating ready meals instead of something sustainable, but what you didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you), he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. 
His eyes move from the rows of brightly-coloured plastic packaging down to the square lump in his slacks. He chews on his bottom lip indecisively for a moment, telling himself it was probably just you goading him for actually admitting he liked having you close—and not the pictures he had already spent an entire train journey fantasising about. 
Atsuya swallows, ignoring the vibration as he pulls a random ramen packet from the shelf and dumps it in the basket on his arm. 
He’s standing in the beer and wine aisle when his phone vibrates again, reminding him about the notification. His eye twitches, but once again, he ignores it—dumping a four-pack of cheap beer into his basket alongside his cheap meal. 
Again, his phone vibrates in the fresh-food aisle (he doesn’t pick anything up, just passing through on the way to the candy), and again, he ignores it. 
Three more times it chimes, in quick succession, as he picks up a lollipop. His fingers twitch around the stick as he stares at the packaging—strawberry and sakura-flavoured! 
Flushed pink colour, stick included. 
Atsuya swallows, throwing the lollipop back on the pile quickly and instead grabs a watermelon-flavoured one. Bright green. 
His phone vibrates once more on his way to the checkout, and Atsuya’s resolve breaks like a taut wire. Impatience finally wins out. 
As he digs his hand into his pocket, fishing out his phone, he tells himself it’s because he cares. After all, you rarely texted him this much. What if you had run into trouble? Maybe you were asking for help? Burying the voice that tells him that if that were the case, then you’d at least call him—he swipes open his phone— 
—and then he nearly drops the damn thing on the floor. 
Phone opening straight back up on the message thread, he’s greeted by several photos of you—fully naked, spread out across sheets, just like in his earlier fantasy… but fucking better because this was real. Right in front of him. So close, yet so far. 
Atsuya slams the screen against his chest so fucking quickly it makes a loud thump, and an older woman further down the aisle sends him a strange look. He offers a strained smile in return as he turns his back to her, his heartbeat thumping against his ribs. 
Close the damn thread, Kusakabe, he tells himself, wait until you get back home. 
What he tells himself and what he does, however… 
Atsuya walks quickly, quicker than he ever did at work, until he disappears down an emptier aisle, heat prickling at the back of his neck. His footsteps draw to a stop right next to some laundry detergent, and with a quick look left and right, he peels his phone from his chest like a bloodied bandage, slowly, as if scared of the damage underneath. 
He takes another peek at the images, and sure enough, there you still are. It might not have been some rundown motel or futon (thank fuck), but the white sheets underneath make the familiar flush of your skin practically glow. The first few images are of your face and chest, smiling up at the camera above you all sweet and saccharine like you have no idea what the fuck that look does to him. His eyes trail over your face, your lashes and the curve of your lips, before slowly dragging downward, down your neck and across your collarbone, until his eyes lock onto your breasts. 
You’ve got one hand squeezing one of the mounds, freshly done fingernails digging into the plump flesh just enough to leave indents. The pink of your nails shines in the low light, and his mind snaps to the thought of his cock between your tits, sliding between the valley slick with spit and pre-cum as you looked up at him from underneath your lashes. It was something he hadn’t done yet but fuck if he hadn’t thought about it. Dreamt about it sometimes too.
“…oh fuck,” Atsuya mutters under his breath, glancing around him once more to make sure he was still alone. He was, but this was dangerous—he knew it. He became distinctly aware of the potential of cameras around, scoping out for thieves and delinquents. All it would take was one dedicated employee who was paying attention to see a grown man lusting at pictures of a naked woman on his phone in the middle of a fucking store. 
Was it… wrong that Atsuya kind of liked that idea? Not the thought of anyone else seeing you like this, fuck no, but… the thought of someone seeing that this was the person he got to go home to every day. The woman he called his own. The woman he got to see like this in the flesh. The woman he got to touch, feel, fuck. He’s always been proud to show you off in his own way, but this was a whole new level. 
Atsuya’s really glad he adjusted himself earlier, but fuck if the growing thickness in his slacks wasn’t uncomfortable. And embarrassing. 
Glancing down at the photos again, he releases a shuddering breath. The POV of the pictures taken above makes Atsuya feel like he’s there, right above you, hips between your thighs like he fucking should be—not about to pay up on some groceries and go home alone to an empty apartment that still smelled like you. 
Another picture comes through, this time of between your thighs, and Atsuya has to suck in his bottom lip to stop from groaning aloud. 
Those pretty folds of yours, already glistening with arousal; underwear hanging off the soft thigh of one leg… the sight is fucking sinful. Your middle finger is already buried deep inside you all the way to the knuckle, the rest of your fingers splayed out around. 
That fucking shade of pink is staring at him once again, reminding him of your choice, your reasoning, and Atsuya finally gets the prank, the trend, whatever it is. He fucking gets it now. 
As his grip on his phone tightens, threatening to bend the already damaged plastic underneath his fingers, another message comes through. 
I miss you too, ‘kabe. See how much? Two fingers deep and all I can think about is your cock instead. 
Atsuya’s mind spins, clouded with lust and thoughts of you and you only. He feels like he might sway on his feet as the full force of his need and longing seems to hit him square in the chest, sending him dizzy. 
Oh, how he missed you. He missed you so fucking much. 
He leans up against the shelves, some of the boxes of powdered detergent rustling underneath him, but he pays it little attention. His eyes are locked on those photos, and the reminder that you missed him just as fucking much as he missed you. 
Are you hard for me too? 
Atsuya’s quick to adjust the basket hanging off of his arm as he brings both hands up to his phone. 
u have no fucking ideaur so goddamn sexy you know that??i’m hard as a goddamn rock right now
Show me. 
Atsuya’s eyebrows shoot up his forehead in surprise. He glances over his shoulders once more and sees a young couple walk past the aisle and onto the next one, giggling about something. 
i canti’m in a storenot in the mood for getting arrested for public indecency
Oh? Opening my nudes out in public? Dirty old man. 
Atsuya can’t bring himself to disagree with you, although the use of ‘old’ does sting a little. 
Do they have toilets? Go there. I want to see you. 
Oh, now you were playing with fire. Opening your messages in public full-well expecting what was in them was reckless enough, but if this was heading where Atsuya thought it was—and it probably was if his resolve was all that was holding him back—then this was downright idiotic. Dumb. Stupid. Gojo-coded. 
And yet the sound of his shoes against the tiles rings out across the store anyway as he marches toward the public bathrooms, the half-filled basket abandoned on the floor.  
He swings open the door of the male bathrooms a touch more forcefully than necessary, quickly scoping out the space. It’s clean, thankfully, although the scent of bleach and other cleaning chemicals hangs heavy in the air. Hardly the sexiest place, but it’s empty—though that’s always in danger of changing. 
Striding past the sinks and urinals, he heads toward one of the stalls, pushing open the door and stepping inside before shutting it once more—and locking it too. He rests his back against the door with a sigh as he swipes open the camera app on his phone. 
The fluorescent lighting isn’t the best, but it’s all he has to work with as he takes a slightly shaky picture of the swell in his dark trousers. His cock sits thick and proud against his zipper, the outline of it abundantly clear. 
He sends it to you without a message and without a second thought, staring down at the screen intently as he sees those familiar three dots immediately pop up. 
Fuck, you really are hard. Just for me? 
Atsuya scoffs out loud, though the sound is weaker than usual. 
who else???u think I’d send pics like this to anyone else? in a public bathroom??u drive me goddamn crazy
So cute.Take it out. I want to see it properly. 
Atsuya freezes for a moment. Although getting your dick out in a public bathroom wasn’t exactly new, this was… different. For him, anyway. Sexting, sending nudes, let alone in a public place… he wasn’t exactly well-versed in this type of thing. It had always seemed a little young for him. None of his previous partners had done anything like this. 
But he had no idea whether this was a regular thing with your past partners though… 
…and the thought of that alone has his one hand fiddling with this button on his slacks, trying to tug it free of the hole. He just about manages, though his zipper requires a little more finesse, but eventually, that gives too.
He heaves a small sigh of relief as the constriction on his aching cock finally lessens, and inching his trousers and boxers down just enough, he lets it spring free. He shivers slightly as the cool, stagnant air of the bathroom hits his overheated skin, the flushed head (pink, pink, pink) shining up at him. 
With a slightly shaking hand, he wraps his free hand around the base of his cock, twitching at the minute stimulation. He snaps another picture and sends it once more.
see what you do to me? god I wish u were herethe things I’d do to you right noweven in this fucking bathroom
Your reply is almost instantaneous. 
Touch yourself and tell me. 
His eyebrows shoot up his forehead. He wonders if that would be too far for him right now considering his environment. He wonders how the hell he’s even meant to type one-handed. He can barely do it with two. 
A second later, you’re answering his questions for him as he sees his phone light up in his hand, displaying your caller ID. A picture of you and him on one of your first dates stares back at him, the pair of you smiling together in a dimly lit booth, his arm around your waist, your head on his shoulder. You look so happy to be there. Atsuya still looks faintly surprised you turned up. 
It’s one of Atsuya’s favourite photos. His students had teased him for it when he had set it as his lock screen, so he had changed it back to default and set it as your caller ID instead. It’s how they had found out you and him were even a thing. He still remembers feeling smug at his student’s surprised faces… before the questions had started. You and her?! Is she okay in the head or…? 
Atsuya stares down at the vibrating phone in his hand, looking at your soft smile staring back at him. It’s a romantic picture. Doesn’t quite fit the vibe of what he’s about to partake in at all. 
He answers the call, holding it up to his ear. He’s immediately greeted by your breathy purr, dispelling all doubts or hesitancy like wind on sand. 
“Hey, baby,” he hears you say down the line. “You have no idea how fucking wet I am for you right now.” 
Atsuya groans, his head hitting the cool door behind him with a dull thunk. 
“Fuck, don’t say it like that,” he groans, before wedging his bottom lip between his teeth.
“Why not? It’s the truth.” 
Atsuya doesn’t doubt your words, because he can fucking hear it. Behind muted moans and breathy sighs, he can hear the sound of your fingers plunging in and out of your heat, the wet squelch so audible it’s lewd. His cock twitches at the sound, and he scrunches his eyes closed.
In his mind's eye, he can almost see himself with you, between your legs, thrusting into you like his life depended on it. Though your fingers are slower than what he’d do if he was there right now, he lines his imagination up with the audio queue you’ve given, and another guttural groan seeps past his bitten lip. 
“Come on, baby, talk to me,” he distantly hears you purr into the receiver. “Are you stroking your cock for me? Just like I would?” 
Atsuya spits a curse as his free hand curls around his shaft on instinct, giving the base a small squeeze before he drags his hand up to the flushed tip. He repeats the motion a few times, practically milking himself, trying to mimic those irritating fucking teasing motions you always worked him up with. 
Not as if he needs much working up though, not now. 
“Yeah,” he exhales shakily. “Fuck, ‘s pretty fucking s-sensitive right now.” 
He hears a breathy chuckle in response to his words. “Aw, too worked up?” 
“Pent-up, more like,” he replies, fighting back another groan as he feels himself leak. He quickly collects it with his fingers, smearing it down his shaft and lubricating the way. 
“Been saving yourself for me, ‘suya?” 
Atsuya huffs a breath that’s almost like a chuckle. “N-Nah, not really, ngh—“ His hips buck up into his palm as he grazes over the sensitive tip. “Just ‘s not the same without you.” 
You coo down the line in response but the sound abruptly cuts off, replaced by a breathy moan instead. Fuck, those were amongst his favourite sounds of yours—almost as much as when you’d moan his— 
“Fuck, Atsuya,” you moan, and his cock practically jumps in his fist. He hears the sound of your fingers working faster, and his eyes roll back underneath his closed lids. 
He widens his stance and leans back further against the door, his hips jutting outward as he quickens his pace to match yours. He can feel his loosened slacks dropping lower on his thighs with every buck of his hips, his untucked shirt ghosting across his lower abdomen. His mind is trying to scream at him that this isn’t the place to be letting go like this, but it’s been so long without you, without hearing you, without touching you that he feels like God himself could break down the bathroom door and he wouldn’t care. Not while you were moaning his name like that. 
“God I miss you so fucking much,” Atsuya groans, his voice thick and choked. He works his fist a little faster over his cock, focusing on the tip mostly—just like you would when you really wanted him to make some noise. “Are you close? God, tell me you’re fucking close.” 
The urge to say ‘please’ is on the tip of his tongue but he just about resists for now—but his pride was quickly melting down into pure, unadulterated desperation as he felt his balls draw tighter and his stomach clench harder. He thinks this might be the quickest he’s ever cum. 
“Mm, I’m so close,” you reply in a semi-strained whisper. “I’ve been close for days.” 
Atsuya’s hand stutters on his cock, his eyes slowly blinking open. “…days?” 
There’s a pause before you answer, and he can already picture the way your brow arches pointedly. “You should know me better by now, ‘suya,” you chuckle. “I don’t mind edging myself now and then, especially when I’m away from you. It’ll just make it all the more better when I finally do see you.” 
Atsuya’s breathing is still ragged as he stares at the far wall of the toilet stall, his brows pinched in slight confusion. He realises that those wet noises on the other end have stopped too.
“You haven’t… cum since you left?” 
“Of course not,” you chuckle. “You think I want to cum around anything other than your cock?” 
Goddamn, does Atsuya’s cock throb something fierce at that. His breath hitches in his throat, his eyes widening at the wall. He immediately stops moving his hand, pinching his fingers around the base instead in the hopes of stopping the climax that just snuck up on him like a tornado in the dark. 
Your words, fucking hot as they were, put Atsuya in a little predicament though. Whilst he liked (actually loved) the idea that you were waiting just for him… did you… expect the same of him? Was this just all a little fun? Because he was hard as a rock right now, throbbing in his own palm, and all he could think about was how close he was and how this climax was probably going to knock the breath from him. Not the little ports-in-the-storms he’d been having since you had left fifteen days ago.
“Did you stop?” 
Atsuya blinks, feeling strangely awkward like some teenage boy on his first date all over again—exactly how he had felt on his first date with you, seeing you all dressed up for the first time, just for him. 
He becomes distinctly aware of how loud his breathing is, how it carries against the cold tiles around him. “Yeah… I mean, did you want…” 
“Don’t stop,” you say, saving him the agony of asking. “Just because I like edging myself doesn’t mean I expect the same of you.” He hears the rustling of sheets on the other side as you change positions. “Keep going, baby, let me hear how much you want me—and I’ll return the favour and then some when I get back.” 
Words fail him for a moment, because all he can think about is how much he wants to kiss you right now, to cover your body, head to toe, in kisses that he hopes portray his gratitude for you better than his words ever could. For once, he wants to leave his cock neglected and bury his face in your cunt until you’re screaming out, clawing at his scalp as he shows you just how much he fucking loves y-
Slowly, his hand starts moving again; slow, languid pumps from base to tip. His eyelids flutter, a half-choked moan pushing out from the bottom of the chest.
“I don’t deserve you,” he mumbles, his words thick and laced with something not even he knows. “You’re so fucking sexy, everything I want.” 
“Mm, you’re always so sweet when you get worked up,” you purr into the phone, the words so breathy that Atsuya swears he can feel the heat against his ear. “Keep going. What would you do if I were there, right in front of you? Would I be on my knees?” 
Atsuya’s eyes roll as his lids shut, his chin jutting up toward the ceiling as he picks up the pace on his cock. He can picture it so fucking clearly that the stagnant air of the bathroom fades away. The image of you on your knees, looking up at him from underneath those lashes of yours… you’d swipe your tongue over your bottom lip just to tease him, and it’d work every damn time. 
He nods his head in eager, stuttered movements, as if you could actually see him. “On your knees, on your back—ngh!—I don’t fucking care,” he groans. 
Through his haze of lust, he knows what you’re trying to do, what you always tried to get him to do. Dirty-talk. It wasn’t his forte, you usually took the lead with that (he much preferred actually fucking you rather than talking about it… that and his imagination wasn’t exactly the best), but you seemed to lap up whatever pathetic attempt he usually tried to give you. 
Swallowing thickly, he clears his throat once. “Y-you’d be naked, just for me,” he mutters, his eyes fluttering open again as he gains a little confidence. “You’d use your mouth just how I like, y-yeah?” His grip around his shaft tightens, his pace quickening a touch more. His breathing grows ragged, harsh puffs slipping past his bitten lips. “F-fuck, you always look so goddamn sexy when you look up at me with my cock in your mouth.” 
A resonant hum greets him in response. “Oh, yeah? What else do you like?”  
“The way your tits bounce as I fuck you, s-shit.” Something scarily close to a whimper coils at the back of Atsuya’s throat as he feels himself nearing that precipice again. His thighs tense up and tremble, most of his weight supported by the stall door behind him now. “W-When you, mmf, dig your nails into my b-back like you’re trying to fucking kill me—oh fuck—“ 
Atsuya’s hand is working almost fervently now, the slick sounds mingling with his harsh breaths and low voice. He’s loud, far too fucking loud for a public bathroom, but he’s so close, so worked up that it barely becomes a concern anymore. If he focuses, he can smell your perfume instead of cleaning chemicals, feel the heat of your body against his instead of the cool door against his back—feel the heat of your pussy hugging his cock so tightly it’s like you’re begging him to fill you up with every stroke— 
“I’m close,” he rushes out, his tone almost panicked as he feels the intense prickles working up the base of his spine. His skin feels like it’s burning, the hairs on the back of his neck standing to attention like there’s a storm coming. He knows this climax is going to be intense—intense in a way that only you can ever work from him, even if you weren’t actually here. 
“Waiting for my permission?” you giggle, and Atsuya wants to snap at you but he can’t, not right now because… well, he is. He just wants to hear you say it, that you want it. That you want him. 
“F-fuck, don’t joke right now I c-can’t hold i—“ 
“Cum for me, Atsuya.” 
And just like that, Atsuya lurches over the edge so fierce it sucks all the air from his lungs. 
A sharp gasp catches in his throat as his cock pulses in his hand, ropes of his essence shooting from the tip so suddenly it makes his back arch. A loud, guttural groan bursts from his lips, his hips stuttering, expression pinched into something almost pained as he cums harder than he can ever remember before. Thick, pearlescent ribbons land across his fingers, shirt and tie, some even hitting his collar too. Pitchy curses leave his lips in a symphony, his vision swimming. 
Distantly, over the pounding in his skull and the blood rushing in his ears, he can hear you coo praises down the line as he continues draining himself of every drop he has, stiff grunts accompanying each stroke. His hand only stops when the sensation becomes far too much to bear, and he lets his hand fall from his cock back to his side with a ragged sigh.
His body slumps against the stall door, his eyes hooded as he tries to catch his breath. He can’t even bring himself to look down at the state he’s in, not right now—not while his head was swimming with endorphins and he finally felt sated for once. 
Fuck that warm, sunny spot at his desk. That had nothing on this. 
“Fuck, I wish I was there to see that,” you finally say after a moment of silence. “Feel good?” 
“…you have no idea, babe,” he murmurs, a small, lazy smile tugging at the side of his lips. “God I needed that.” 
You chuckle again. “Sounds like it, babe. I’m surprised the whole store didn’t come running to see what that groan was.” 
Atsuya can’t help but chuckle in response, though his smile is a touch embarrassed. He makes a mental note that he should probably avoid this store in future. It was going to be awkward enough leaving. 
And he still had to get something for dinner. He’d probably order takeout. 
Fuck it, it was worth it. 
Going to raise a hand to his clammy brow, he swiftly pauses, the sight of his soaked fingers making him curse. His eyes finally flick from his hand to his stained shirt after, the mess causing him to grimace, almost repulsed. “Fuck, it’s everywhere,” he grumbles, wedging his phone in the crook between his ear and shoulder as goes to grab some tissues. 
This, of course, makes you practically howl with laughter into the receiver—but Atsuya can’t bring himself to be pissy. Not when he hears you like this, not after you just talked him through an orgasm so explosive his legs are still trembling. 
Not while you were… well, you. 
As Atsuya does his best to wipe himself down and pull his trousers back up, your laughter eventually dies down. “Now I really wish I had been there to see that… just a pity it wasn’t inside me.” 
Atsuya pauses as he curses under his breath, his oversensitive cock twitching in his repsonse. “You and your goddamn mouth,” he mutters, dumping the soiled tissues in the toilet and flushing. “You’re the whole reason I’m in this toilet, you know.”
“Hey, you chose to open those photos in public, perv.”
He doesn’t argue with that. Though he would never admit it aloud, lest he give you the pleasure, he was weak for you. More than even he was aware of–and time away from you was only proving that.
“When are you coming back?” 
“Tomorrow morning,” you reply easily, making Atsuya wonder just how the hell you were so relaxed after supposedly edging yourself for days. “The cursed spirit was dead before twelve today. Got my nails done afterwards as a little treat.” 
Atsuya shakes his head with a snort as he steps out of the stall finally, making his way over to the sink as he continues to try and fix the damage he caused. He places his phone gently on the counter. “You’re strange, you know that?” 
You hum in agreement, and he can already envision the way your lips pull to the side in that little smile he loves so much. “You love it.” 
Atsuya washes his hand in the sink, glancing up to catch his reflection in the mirror. His face is still a little flushed, his clothes still dishevelled—he’ll definitely have to throw out his tie probably—but he realises he looks… 
“Yeah,” Atsuya mumbles, shaking his hands in the sink. “Yeah, I do.” 
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haesunflower · 11 months
zb1 to you being cute when they’re mad at you .....₊˚⊹♡
genre: fluff/comedy
pairing: reader (mostly gn) x zerobaseone
slight suggestive for jiwoong :D i can't help it sorry, yujin written in the context of friendship only
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⠀⠀♡ kim jiwoong ♡ ⠀⠀
when he's mad he's not really vocal, rather he just sighs really loudly and walks with heavy footsteps
he's alone in the living room couch minding his business, really not in the mood to deal the problem rn
but you plop yourself on his lap, facing him as your hands snakes itself to rest on his chest, then to his neck
Is not making eye contact with you, he knows he’ll break. he’s supposed to be mad over the scratch on his car (!!)
true enough, he breaks after you lean down and whisper “sorry babe, you know i didn’t mean to. let me make it up to you, hmmm?”
and then you’re kissing his neck and jaw
long story short, he’s no longer mad
the lesson here is that seducing him works 😭
⠀⠀ ♡ zhang hao ♡ ⠀⠀
he’s giving you the (virtual) silent treatment after you said you weren’t able to watch the first zb1 live
you texted him saying you missed it because you couldn't get out of work, but he's not responding
you call him and he picks it up to let you explain, but doesn't say a word (yeah he's THAT petty he can give you the silent treatment in phone call format)
you've said sorry so so so many times and he eventually texts that he just needs time and space before talking to you again
and you're like "okay love, i'll just be waiting at home"
when he gets home he sees you cooked him dinner and prepped his favorite movie on the TV screen and gets so soft
he feels kinda bad that you felt the need to overcompensate for something you couldn't control (your terrible boss)
wraps his arms around you the moment you get home and you're so relieved
the stress from the day leaves his shoulders as he nuzzles his face into your hair and basks in your scent
⠀⠀ ♡ sung hanbin ♡ ⠀⠀
you guys got into an argument while you were on date, which is so rare
you decide to leave the cafe and just drive for a change in scenery
he's so serious, brows furrowed and hands gripping the wheel, he's also mumbling something to himself but you can't quite make out what he's saying
fed up, you go over to him and plant a quick kiss on his cheek
surprised by this, he 😳 and turns really red
he has to pull over because he can't focus anymore
"you can't just do that when i'm driving!" nags at you cutely, dimples showing and all
"you're not mad at me anymore, hanbin?"
"mad at you? i thought you were mad at me?"
you're both giggling because of the misunderstanding
in the end, you enjoy the sunset together by the hood of his car
⠀⠀ ♡ seok matthew ♡ ⠀⠀
for lack of better term, matthew is so "good" at staying mad at you
like internally, he's not mad anymore
externally, he will still keep up with the mad act
it's because he loves how you get so much cuter and lovelier around him in an attempt to gain his forgiveness
he sighs loudly, drags his footsteps, and leaves the room everytime you enter – he's making it known that he's still annoyed with you
but you kept following him around the house, trying to get him to talk to you "matt please can you just talk to me?"
he needed a dish washed? you got it. he needed his phone charger? you fetched it from the other room.
you’re literally clinging on to his arm now repeating things like “babe I’m so sorry” and “I’ll do anything you wantttt”
you’re swinging his arm back and forth, on the verge of tears when matthew decides to quit the act
he laughs and presses a kiss to your lips “you’re so cute sweetie”
⠀⠀ ♡ kim taerae ♡ ⠀⠀
the biggest difference is his demeanor towards you
usually a simp, but there's no more sweetness in his voice when he talks to you – even calls you by your government name when he needs to speak to you "y/n it's cold, turn the heat up"
is so deadpan with you it's...almost scary
you do everything he asks with no complaints whatsoever because it is YOUR fault
it's evening now, and the rain is getting louder, you're curled up with the duvet wrapped around you
when he reaches the bed, you ask "i know you're still mad but can i still sleep with you here tonight, i'm scared of the thunder" with the biggest doe eyes ever 🥺
and he's like?? why are you asking if you can sleep in your own bed?? it's yours??
even if he's "mad" he still wants to sleep next to you no matter what
feels kinda bad that you felt the need to ask him that question
"i'm not mad anymore angel" and envelopes you in a hug
⠀⠀♡ ricky ♡ ⠀⠀
this boy CAN and WILL be able to stay mad at you if he wants to
when Ricky starts acting cold, you genuinely do not know the reason why
since he wasn’t speaking to you :( talking to him was of no use :(
so you made a cute little “I’m sorry” card and you even decorated it with pink glitter and strawberry stickers
you slipped it under the bedroom door, where Ricky was icing you out
Ricky thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
he comes out of the room to find you in the kitchen, cleaning up all the mess you made to make his card
he doesn’t say anything, instead, helps you pack up (especially the pesky pink glitter)
when he’s done he tells you he liked it and that you’re forgiven
you jump at him and he catches you by your legs, hoisting you up as you’re kissing him mwah
⠀⠀♡ kim gyuvin ♡ ⠀⠀
I don’t even think he wants to be mad at you right now
he got over it in two seconds but likes to play fight with you...for fun
so when you attempt to cuddle up to him on the couch asking for forgiveness for forgetting to walk eumppappa he shields himself with the couch pillow
he places the barrier between you two and karate chops the air so you don't touch him (what a nerd...help)
so you just sit there and pout
and he looks at you pouting back
it's a pouting contest now
he gives up because you're so damn cute!!! next thing you know he's squishing your cheeks and doting on you about how cute his partner is
"i can never stay mad at this face, you're too cute baby!"
⠀⠀♡ park gunwook ♡ ⠀⠀
when you get into an argument (which you're both very good at btw) the both of you tend to have a hard time backing down
but it was a particularly long day for you and you didn't wanna argue at all so you just said "yeah yeah you're right, i'm wrong, so i'm sorry"
but gunwook isn't fully satisfied because you didn't even get to talk about the issue, just threw in the towel so quick for the sake of ending the discussion
he's about to say something
when he hears your restrained sniffles and sobs and he's thinking like 😧 why is my baby crying
a fun fact about gunwook: his weakness is your tears
"sorry wook, can we talk tomorrow please i'm too tired"
he looks at your red nose and tear filled eyes and thinks you look cute when you cry so he just cups your hands and kisses your nose fondly
"okay baby, we can talk tomorrow"
⠀⠀♡ han yujin ♡ ⠀⠀ (friendship)
zhang hao's son because like him, does not speak to you
when you show up to school with his BROKEN speaker he just takes it from your hands and walks away
literally doesn't speak to you the whole damn day
you show up to school the next day and place a milk carton and snacks on his table with a little note saying "sorry, yujin i'll be careful next time!!"
sits next to you at lunch and shares the snacks you got him
then pretends everything is normal
later that day, you found out from gunwook that the speaker was totally fixable and working again, so yujin just pretended to be mad to get some forgiveness snacks -_-
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A/N: after 2 weeks...i'm back? haha
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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wolfes · 11 months
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Hi friends! I know I said I would do this way back in April/May when this change was announced but I've been massively busy lately so thank you all for being patient with me :)
Based on the results of this poll, I will be trying my level best to help make a guide for gifmakers to best deal with any problems that have been present with the new editor. However, it's worth noting that I have personally not experienced any of these problems myself and I have no record of any problems from other people that I could send to staff and get guidance on, so for some of these issues I will unfortunately be a broken record.
That being said, I have been using the new editor for a few months now and it hasn't been too bad. So don't be discouraged by the new editor if you still love to make gifs and share them. You may need to adapt a bit, but it's doable!
This is meant to be comprehensive and will be explanation and image heavy. Full guide under the cut.
What is the new editor?
Steps to take before posting
Making a post
Some of you may be asking yourselves what the point of the new editor even is and why it's being implemented in the first place when we already had a (mostly) functional editor. My very limited understanding of it as a CS student is app compatibility and flexibility. I'm not totally clear on the details nor am I 100% certain this is the case, but NPF posts (basically, posts made with the "new editor") first started with the mobile app. I'm unsure if the different post types were simply too unwieldy to transfer to the app - having to make a whole bunch of post types when with the new editor you can now have posts with any elements you want without the rigidity of a set post type - or if it was simply not able to be implemented, but the apps have always used NPF. The majority of Tumblr users are coming from the mobile apps. Then it became a case of having the legacy editor for the web users (which were fewer in number) and the new NPF editor for everyone else. That takes resources to keep around and it's pretty inefficient. Naturally the older editor that was used by less people was going to get the axe, especially since you couldn't tell on mobile that there was even a difference between NPF or legacy posts.
So now here we are and the posts are NPF. This means they're in "Neue Post Format." Basically, every post you make is by default a text post, containing "blocks" of other media - as gifmakers we will primarily be dealing with photos.
I understand that it's frustrating to many to see "our gifs are now rendered as text posts" and ask WHY it's happening when photos should logically be rendered as photo posts - but the fact is, there's now no real delineation between a "text post" and a "photo post." The reason NPF posts are now "text posts" is because that's how they are rendered for desktop themes, not because everyone is going to see your post as text and your gifs are going to be compressed into the quality of a potato (though I know some have seen this issue - more on that later.)
The long and short of it is that you may have to update your theme. More detail here for those who are interested, but check that your theme supports "new editor posts" or "NPF posts" AND that this is true for original posts (you can read more about why in this ask and, although this may be a bit time-consuming, test it out on your blog). I can say with certainty that my second theme Cygnus supports original NPF posts. This is NOT true of my first theme, though.
You can try to add the NPF Fix by @glenthemes to your own theme (beware if you don't know HTML/CSS) or try this tip by @burningblake for original posts.
Feel free to add theme makers with fully NPF-compatible themes in the notes! I have been happily using my own theme so I can't say to what degree others' themes are NPF-friendly.
If you're sticking around to post on the new editor and you have trouble ordering your gifs around, here's a little guide on how to post.
If I click on "Photo" from web and open up the editor, here's how it looks:
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I went ahead and added three full-width gifs and the editor put them in like so:
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You'll most likely also have to order your gifs around in the way you want them. You can go ahead and hover over your gifs to see the button to orient them (the four dots in the top left corner) and the button for an image description (the three dots in the bottom right corner). I've attached images of all three below:
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If you hold the orientation button, move your gif around until you see the blue line that shows where your gif will end up in the spot that you want it. For example, I wanted to move the second gif below the first one, so I oriented it so that the blue line would show the marker between the two gifs:
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Now my gifs are oriented nicely! Of course, this is a simpler layout, but the principles still hold.
If you save your gifs as a draft and reopen them or you just notice a large gap like this in between your gifs when you're in the editor, don't worry.
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This will not show up in dash view or on a desktop theme that supports original NPF posts. For example, this is how the gifs' gap (without modification) looked in my desktop theme:
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With your gifs ordered, the final step is to add alt text. You can read more about alt text and why you should use it here. (Feel free to ignore the sections about the captions on the legacy editor since it is no longer relevant. It's also unnecessary to clearly mark descriptions if they're not in the caption of your post because they will clearly show up under "ALT" on Tumblr.)
If you click the three dots in the bottom right corner as seen above, and click "update image description:"
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You can add the description you like and click "update." Your photos' alt text will show up under the "ALT" bubble on Tumblr. This is generally a good practice to get into to make your content more accessible, so I hope you guys will consider using alt text regularly :)
Also, I've noticed that in the editor, if you go back and edit something it will take some time to show up. You may have to refresh the page or load it again after some time, but your edits should be there. I would not go back and edit posts again if you see your posts haven't shown up. I also advise against editing your posts on mobile because it's easier to make a mistake.
And there you go, you've successfully made a post with the new editor!
I'm sure you've all been waiting for this. Unfortunately I am probably going to be extremely unhelpful if the editor hasn't been refined in the last few months for those experiencing issues. I'm going to go in the categories that I listed out in my original poll, but keep in mind that I haven't personally seen any of these issues on my end so I haven't been able to contact staff with any evidence that this happened other than my poll.
Dashboard view quality issues: I haven't noticed this issue. I'm not sure if this has been fixed since the original poll was posted. If you're experiencing this issue, this is not something I know how to fix so I would contact staff with screenshots of the issue.
Desktop theme side padding: As noted before, this is a theme issue. If you change themes to something that is NPF-compatible with original posts, there shouldn't be any more issues here.
Small gifs on mobile: In my experience this was happening regardless of what editor was used; it's a bug that seems to have been fixed since this poll was created. If you're still experiencing it, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I would advise contacting staff.
New editor doesn't accept gifs of size 9.8MB < x < 10MB: I haven't experienced this issue so I would say the only workaround would be to either trim the size of your gif so that it is under 9.8MB or whatever threshold seems to be the cutoff or contact staff (I am so sorry for constantly having to suggest this 😭 unfortunately there's no trick I can offer because the new editor has been taking all my gifs just fine)
Logistical issues ordering gifsets: I hope this guide has been able to answer the majority of questions and shed some light on some of the more buggy behaviors of the new editor, but if you have any more specific questions you can feel free to shoot me an ask!
HTML issues / colored text: Unfortunately it seems colored text may be deprecated entirely? This could be for accessibility purposes because I believe screen readers would read out every single letter of gradient text in captions which I imagine can get quite frustrating for users of this technology. I recommend just using the normal rich text editor. If you want small text, you can highlight and click the <s> button!
Other: If it seems like something I may be able to answer, please feel free to ask me. Otherwise... hound staff 😭
Here's where you can hound staff, btw. If you're having major issues I would advise you guys to submit support tickets. That way if there are any widespread bugs, staff will hopefully be able to fix them.
I hope this guide was helpful to you guys in dealing with the new editor, and happy giffing <3
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heartsfourdazai · 6 months
with a energenic, sick reader
warnings: lowercase writing, headcanon format, however told through a short story. female reader!! REQUESTS ARE OPEN !!
a/n: AWH glad you luv my dazai writing!! hope you enjoy reading anon<3
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"dazai-NO-i'm not a child! i don't want to stay in bed-"
you kicked your legs as he held you bridal style. although your kicks were heavy and high- he somehow found a way to hold you in place.
"you say your not a child- however not wanting to stay in bed seems very childish to me."
he reasoned. but his reasoning brought him nowhere.
he gently places you on the bed of your shared apartment, hoping you would stay put.
thankfully you did.
"there we go. comfy?" he asked as he pulled the covers over your body.
you grumble, peeking your eyes out as you body was fully covered.
"aeh- don't be so sour~ you have your boyfriend, who loves and cares for you, by your side all day to help you get better!"
"dazai-i have plans with friends today!"
"post-pone it. your sick, 'donna."
he kissed your lips before sitting up from the bed and went to make you some lunch. "we'll see how you feel in the tomorrow~ now stay put, i'll be back in a few minutes."
you were left staring at the ceiling of your bedroom.
it was boring.
real boring.
were you even that sick??
yes. you turn into akutagawa and cough for like 20 minutes straight then complain about your throat.
don't lie to yourself.
you looked left and right.
then out the window.
you thought for a moment before nodding to yourself and carefully stepping out of bed and you feet touched your slippers that were on the ground by the bedside.
you grabbed a small sweater and some track pants, quickly throwing them on and quietly left the bedroom.
you sneaked around the hallway and toward the kitchen, where you can hear dazai softly humming to himself.
you peeked your head out to see him steaming some food; you were unsure what they were....
wait- is he cooking??
he can't cook!
he must just be heating them up.
of course.
your sick and he buys store-made food and will probably tell you he cooked it...
since he was distraced- you made your move.
you texted your friends your on your way and grabbed your small coat.
it was cold..and you didn't want to get more sick then you already were.
the moment you took your coat and was reaching for your keys, you heard a sinister giggle in your ear.
you screamed, despit it hurting your vocal cords, you whip around to see dazai.
he held your wasit as he spun you around to face him, almsot dipping uou but the wall stopped you from falling on your back.
your back was arched alittle between the wall.
"my, my what's this~? my belladoona trying to sneak out?!" he gasped playfully. "i thought i told you to stay in bed? tch, tch~"
you blushed softly but glared at him, "because i have plans today dazai! i'm not going to post-pone because we're going to watch a movie! the tickets are half-off!!"
he hummed, "but- that doesn't explain why you disobeyed me?"
"yes it does!!"
you felt his hot breath on your neck as he smirked softly.
"you know, this isn't the first time i've caught you sneaking out?"
you cocked your head to the side, "w-what?"
"w-w-what?" he teased, "do you really think you can keep things hidden from lil'ol me?" you rolled your eyes as he pulled away from you, but held your hand with a soft grip as he lead you back inside the apartment.
"c'mon~ let's get you back to bed."
"but- no dazai! i'm so bored! my friends will hate me!"
"no one can possibly hate you for being sick, my dear~"
"but- i'm bored!"
he chuckled, "then i shall make it less boring! nothing's boring when your with dazai, hmm?"
he tilts his head at you, waiting for your response.
"ugh, your insuffurable!"
"then you must be 10x insuffurable beeeeeecause" he clicks his tounge, "your dating me~"
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khoipyan · 1 year
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tell me you love me! ☆
how they confess to you.
gn!reader, you/your, romantic
characters; floyd leech, leona kingscholar, rook hunt
warnings; no major ones, heavily implied mutual feelings between you both, reader lives in ramshackle for rook’s part but is not stated whether to be yuu or not
notes; slowly trying to expand who i write for… also i want a simple writing format layout and not a billion trillion headers so here we go ig 😿 on the other hand YAY MOTIVATION!! 
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☆ FLOYD makes sure you hear him loud and clear.
ehh? confess? hasn’t he been clear enough already? or are you just dense?
azul tells him that to be officially dating, floyd needs to ACTUALLY (and properly) confess. however, floyd doesn’t see the need. have his little gifts of trinkets, random items and heavy affection not won you over already? still, he’ll make sure to confess properly if that’s what’s needed.
and so, floyd searches for all over until he finds you. resisting the urge to tackle you in a lovingly-death grip, he explains how he likes you, more than friends! and that you should like him back too!
as you accept his confession of love, you find that floyd has impulsively tackled you with a passionate squeeze. 
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☆ LEONA meets you in person.
it’s a bit awkward for him, but it’s the easiest way to convey feelings.
he could have done it over text, but he thinks that it’s too low effort to show how he really likes you. writing letters takes too much time, especially when his mind wanders off while thinking of what he could possibly put on the paper with his pen.
so, meet leona by the botanical gardens at a specific time and he’ll (embarrassingly but) gladly pour his heart out for you to hear.
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☆ ROOK goes all out.
why do you think he’s a self-proclaimed, ‘chasseur d’amour’? ah, my mistake. he’s LE chasseur d’amour. emphasis on THE hunter of love? i think my point has gotten across by now.
absolutely prepares the best confession yet. nothing too heavy so that if he gets rejected it all goes to waste, but he puts enough effort to be able to subtly hook you.
it’s no surprise when a bouquet of flowers with a wax-sealed letter placed neatly within it meets its way to the ramshackle doorstep, now is it? but the letter is anonymous, telling you to meet the person at a specific place.
now here comes the final part. when you arrive at your location, rook let’s his feelings to you spill out his chest. he makes sure to add french midway to his sentences per usual, and spouts out poetic words only he would be able to put together.
rook could never admit it, he says that you’ve put him in a position where he is deeply head over heels. you’ve trapped him. he’s deeply in love with you.
and yet he does admit it, but only for him and yourself to hear.
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( due to be edited at anytime )
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plush-rabbit · 2 years
Dating Enji to Get Back at Touya
Request: Idk if youre down to write thing kind of thing but the idea is; Touya is a shitty immature boyfriend whos never treated reader right even though theyve been dating for a long while. They finally break up after a big fight inwhich reader is just done with his bullshit. They sont talk for a while until he sees reader with his father of all people. Reader is with Enji and he treats her RIGHT☆ he spoils her and treats her like the women she is.  Touya is not happy♡  thats it, just reader dating Touyas dad for revenge but actually is really happy w him 
A/N: I’m gonna try a different format here so let me know how you think of it, kind of like a fic, but not a full one
Touya isn’t the best partner to have. He’s never cheated on you, but he’s so dismal of your feelings. He can be mean- ignoring you, walking out on you when you’re crying, staying for a quick fuck and leaving immediately and if he doesn’t leave immediately, he falls asleep and wakes up early to raid your fridge and leave without a note. 
There’s a certain charm to the relationship. Despite him being mean and the fights where he’d raise his voice and tell you nasty things in order to hurt you, to see you cry- he could also be sweet. He’d call you pretty, and kiss your cheek. He could fuck you nice and soft, and kiss you with so much passion you could have mistaked it for some deeper feeling. He wasn’t the type to say sorry, but he would bring you gifts- expensive ones that he’d know you’d like. 
But the fighting is too much. It’s mean and cruel, and both of you brought out the worst in each other. And one day, you had enough. You broke it off and deleted his contact and even though you couldn't bring yourself to delete the text messages, you did.
Maybe you should have gone with his brother, Natsuo, who you know would be a sweetheart and would treat you better than anyone could. Or maybe his sister, Fuyumi. She was always cute and had such a sweet voice. But, for better or for worse, his father was there, going through a divorce and desperate for something or someone to just relieve himself on, you and him both took advantage of one another after a few drinks and a confirmation that both of you were single. 
Due to his failed marriage, Enji uses you as a rebound. It works out, really, since all you’re using him for is just to get back at his son. A “fuck you” and the pride- or something far more ugly and hurt- getting to tell him that you fucked his dad in his childhood home. And Enji gets to not be so alone anymore, gets to relieve his stress and use you in all sorts of harsh ways without a complaint. He gets to fuck somebody else while going through a mid-life crisis.
That’s all the relationship that it is, a ”fuck you” and a rebound. 
But then he visits one night after a long day of work, and like father, like son, he wants to use you, forget about his day. Maybe he should have called you, checked to see if you were awake, because even if light peeks out from under the door, you could be asleep. He takes out your key, and tries not to think about the implication of having a key to your home, and opens the door. Enji has memorized the walk to your room already, could walk the exact number of steps and turn without pumping into the corner of the wall if he were blinded. 
He can already feel his cock harden at the thought of getting to scoop you into his arms and have you ride him, to feel you clench and kiss his neck. His mouth salivates at the thought of kissing you. There are whimpers coming inside and his perverted mind, he knows he came at the right time- all it will be for the night is rushed kisses and a wet hole aching for him.
And then he opens the door, and you’re under the blanket, crying and taking shuddering breaths. You’re crying and you take notice of him. You can’t stop the tears, and you can’t mask the heaviness in your voice when you speak.
“Enji,” you sniffle and he stands at the doorway. “Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t-” you rub at your eyes and tears drip down the curve of your face- “I didn’t know you were coming.”
He thinks about when Rei would cry and how he’d snarl and yell. How his youngest would stand between them, and he thinks about all he would do is yell even more. Late in the night, he would apologize, and in the morning, he would fuck her, muttering against her skin about how he loved her. 
His lips are dry and he can’t tell you that he just came here for sex.
“I- uh. I’m sorry.” You’re apologizing- for either the awkward situation or for crying. “I’m a mess right now.” You scratch at the space where your shoulder and neck meet and you leave lines behind. “You can leave if you want.” He can leave, because if you had told his son, Touya would have left in a heartbeat and you would cry about it, but you wouldn’t hold it against him. He would come back the next day and wouldn’t ask how you feel. Tears shine in your eyes, and you’re alone in your room, crying. “It’s fine,” your voice breaks and your lips tremble.
He thinks to himself that he doesn’t want to see another significant other cry because of him.
Quickly, he takes steps towards you, and he crouches by the bed. “What’s wrong?” His hand cups the side of your face, a tear catching on his thumb. “Did something happen?”
You start with a few heavy breaths, and your eyes shine and he can see himself in your eyes, kneeled on the floor, trying to comfort you. All you can do is cry, muttering about how work was awful and you can’t stand it anymore. You cry and he has such an urge to hold you, to run his calloused hands down your back and make it all better.
He isn’t sure when it happened, but he’s on your bed, stripped down to a white tank and his briefs, and you on his chest, with hands entangled in one another and his other hand running up and down his back. You fall asleep beside him, and he stares at you for a long time. His arm is asleep under you, and he makes no attempt to pull away from you. 
In the morning, you wake up and make breakfast for him. He sits with you for it, and sits on the couch next to you, his arm spread against the back of the sofa watching the morning news.
“I’m sorry for last night,” you say without looking away from the television. “I- uh- if you have time, I can make it up to you.” Your hand is on the inner of his thigh, and you look up at him, parting your lips and grabbing his hand that rests behind you, feebly guiding it to the back of your head.
“Sorry, but I have to go to work.” He kisses the top of your head and stands up. “I’ll come by tonight.”
If it was Touya, you would have been sure that was a lie, bet your life on it and bet your favorite blanket too. But Enji does come by tonight, and he comes with flowers and takeout and he sits with you, and he kisses you goodnight before sleeping beside you. And in the morning, he’s still there, sleeping beside you with his face buried into your chest.
“You really didn't have to do all this,” you tell him, the petal of a tulip tickling the tip of your nose. 
“Do you like them?” He feels like a child, standing awkwardly, hoping you’d say yes and waiting for your answer is the most nerve wracking thing he’s done all day. You nod and tell him you love them, keeping them close to you and unable to keep your hands off of the petals. And he swells with pride knowing you like what he got you.
Dating Enji is odd. He’s been married, but not once has he ever called you Rei. Never treated 
He’s large and imposing. And he’s kind and soft. He likes having you close to him, always a hand on you when you’re within arm’s reach. All the little things are celebrated, and wants you with him. 
you as her or compared you both. He kisses you good morning and kisses you goodnight. He makes you cry and apologizes. He holds you tight and tries to fix himself. You wonder what happened to Toiya to make him be so cruel, but you wonder who Enji was before you, why his ex-wife wanted to divoarce him. Why some of his children don’t call. He must have been mean before. You wait for the other shoe to drop, wait for him to yell at you and call you mean names until you cry. You wait for him to do something, but he never does.
He kisses you sweetly and makes room in his closet for you. He peels you mandarins and cracks open your pistachios. He holds your bags and carries you inside when you fall asleep on the drive home. He treats you so well, and it makes you want him. 
Touya was so sure that you would come back to him. Whether it was for a quick fuck or actually wanting to get back together, he wasn’t sure, but he knew- or believed- that you would come crawling back.
And days turn to weeks and weeks to months, and he’s with someone else, hoping that you’d call him in the middle of the night, asking him to come over. 
There’s something that he needs from his father, and when he walks into the smaller house than the one he grew up with- the family home being left to his mother- he can hear your laugh. He thinks to himself that he must be so stuck on you, that you must be the exact same way. It’s early in the morning, and he’s still a bit tired, a headache about to form in the back of his skull, and he thinks that it’s his imagination, until he walks into the kitchen, and sees you leaned against the counter, and his father with his hand on your hip.
Neither of you take notice of him until he clears his throat and you both tense, turning to look at him. 
His father looks a bit ashamed, but you don’t. You wave at him and return to cleaning up the table where two sets of dinnerware rests, a plate once full of food, now just scraps. Touya’s stomach drops and he realizes what all this is. His father fucking his ex, and living with them in some faux happy daydream. 
The worst part of whatever weird situation that he had the unfortunate luck of walking into, is that you actually look happy. 
You wear a necklace, one far better than the one he could ever have given you, and his father is speaking to him, wrds all garbled up and nothing more than nonsense as he stares at you, ready for a punchline, ready for you to be mean and attempt to make him jealous by kissing his father in front of him. All you do is kiss his cheek.
“I’m gonna go throw the trash, ‘kay Enji?” Your fingertips tap at his jaw to turn him towards you, giving him a kiss and walking away. 
You’re on a first name basis with his dad, and his father’s gaze follows you, watching you walk away with a smile he doesn’t think he’s ever seen him make. 
“I know it must be odd-” Enji starts, and it goes unlistened to, only glimpses and phrases, actually making sense. “-it just happened-” , “They’re really nice-”, “I hope you don’t mind.”
The last sentence is such a slap to his face that he gets up and walks out, slamming the front door hard enough that picture frames rattle.
When he goes outside, he finds you there, the bag of trash beside you, and your phone held in your hand. You ask if he’s leaving already, and you wish him for a safe drive. You don’t even give him a spare glance. 
He’s furious and he hates himself and you and his dad. He hates how happy you looked. How domesticated the both of you were- are. He hates how you moved on from him. That you meant it when you said you were done with his bullshit. He thought he would have had another chance. But he knows himself- he would have ruined it too, and even though the relationship was awful, he still went to you when you called him. He still bought you gifts and he still has your house keys.
“Do you live with him now?” His voice is emotionless, and there’s a hint of disgust in there to ask whatever void is growing in him.
You shrug. “Yeah. Got my own toothbrush here and everything.” You smile. “My place was starting to get cramped anyways.”
Inside, Enji calls for you, and quickly, you stand, wishing Touya a good day, and he stands outside with a bag of trash and a key with no home to return to.
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cosmictrashqueen · 3 months
I’m still trying to figure out the best format for these little writings, but here! Have some Dick Grayson angst!
It was about an hour before Dick came home you had received a text from Jason- a heads up that patrol didn’t go well and Dick most definitely needed some support through it.
After reading that message, you hadn’t been able to fall asleep as the anxiety of “what happened?” buzzed in your mind. Did Dick get hurt? Did a mission go wrong? Did they lose someone on the team? You hadn’t been told about any nefarious plans they were currently trying to stop, and as far as you knew Dick’s patrol for the night was just a normal one of patrolling around the city and stopping any crime that he saw happening.
It was nearing 4am when you heard the sliding of the bedroom window opening, rousing you from the half unconsciousness you had fallen into. “Dickie?” Your voice was quiet as you sat up, seeking out his silhouette in the darkness of the room. The lights from the outside filtered through the window and gave just enough light to cast a soft blue into the room.
Dick didn’t say anything as he moved, his body language that of an injured cat trying to curl in on itself- though he didn’t move as if he himself had an injury. You opened your mouth to ask if he was okay as the anxiety spiked once more, but your words died on your tongue as Dick all but slumped into the bed, burying his face into your chest as his breathing was a little labored.
“I lost a kid tonight…” Those words whispered against your skin may as well have been a bullet sounding in silence. His words were heavy with sorrow and regret, and you knew Dick well enough to know there was self loathing and blame weighing him down as well.
“Oh baby… I’m so sorry.” You say, your heart clenching at the pain you know Dick feels right now. Your fingers gently run through his hair soothingly, “… if you want to talk about it, I’m listening.”
Dick remains silent for a while, his breathing shaky as it seems he’s fighting back crying. Moments later you feel his tears against your skin and his body sags into yours, “It was a bunch of the usual thugs, low names in one of the crime syndicates looking to up their rank. They… kidnapped a kid and were trying to use him as leverage.”
His voice was getting more strained as he talked, your collarbone feeling more wet with his tears, “Oh Dickie… I’m so sorry-“
“That bullet was meant for me. If I hadn’t moved to take him down when I did, it would have hit me and not killed someone’s child. It’s my fault. I should have- I should have….”
“Shhh, it’s okay…” Your words are soft as you hold Dick, his words devolving into sobs as he finally lets it out.
Over the course of your relationship, Dick has had some rough times with losing civilians, and each and every time it’s like the first time ever. He has so much care in his heart for the citizens of this city, a fierce longing to protect them, and whenever he feels as if he’s failed them, it’s not so much a blow to his ego as it is a new tear in his heart. Dick was kind, compassionate, loving, and losing civilian’s lives on his time- especially a child- was not something he took lightly.
You hold him close as he cries into your neck, fingers rubbing along his scalp soothingly as you can do nothing but be an anchor for him so he doesn’t get ripped out to sea in his emotions.
“I know it’s hard, but even though you’ve been doing this for almost your whole life sometimes things are unpredictable. Things can just… happen. Unfortunately that’s what happened tonight… it’s not your fault. You were trying to save that little kid, and things just… escalated.” You never really knew the right words to say to Dick when things like this happened, when he needed the support and comfort from his partner through tough times.
The two of you stay quiet for a little while longer, his laborer breathing and soft sobs slowly coming to a rest as he calms down more and more. You’d stay here holding Dick as long as he needed you to, though you knew he’d probably relax more if he wasn’t still in his suit.
“Let’s get you out of this, okay baby?” You say quietly, gently pushing him away so you can help him start to undress out of his suit. Even after all these years you still struggle with taking it off him by yourself, so once your fingers begin to fumble he lets out a soft chuckle and sits back to peel himself free from Nightwing, coming back to your arms as just Dick Grayson.
“There we go, much better.” You whisper as your nails gently scratch along his back. Your lips place gentle kisses along the smudged black ringed around his eyes, “A life was lost tonight, and I know you know it’s not the last time it will happen. You’re out there every night fighting, Dickie, fighting criminals from the lowest of ranks to those like Joker and Freeze. You’ve been saving countless lives between your time in Gotham and Bludhaven, don’t ever forget that. I’m not saying that little kid’s life is meaningless, what I’m saying is don’t forget him as you keep fighting to save other lives.”
Dick remains silent until the two of you drift off to sleep together, his head resting on your chest as your arms are wrapped around him. You knew come morning Dick would be a little more recovered from the night, and that little child he lost would be his driving force for new actions taken against the criminals of the city.
The following week during dinner, Dick is talking to you about the Avery Fund, which is a new Wayne financial fund he and Bruce agreed upon that would help with family’s who have lost children to the crime rates in the city.
Dick never ceases to amaze you with the efforts he takes both as Dick Grayson and Nightwing to better the lives of civilians.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 11 months
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Pairing : boyfriend!Han Jisung x softdom!F!Reader TW : heavy smut ; soft dom reader ; little bit of oral ; 0 foreplay ; unprotected sex ; fluffish ; kinda crackish at the end ; Word Count : 2.9k Request : Anonny : The felix scenario u wrote for anon got me in the feels shsksks. I have been obsessed with dom readers lately too. Are you able to write something/anything soft dom for Han too? A/N : ABSOLUTELY!! Also, trying a new topper format, don't know if I like it yet... Lemme know... :')
“He’s not done working yet?” You asked Changbin over the phone, you had been laying in bed for hours, quite uncomfortably as well, waiting for Jisung to return home. You were trying to spice things up, and you had bought a brand new lingerie set, and you had been planning on him coming home and finding you laying in the bed waiting for him while wearing the set. 
Jisung had texted you an hour ago letting you know that he’d be home soon, and after that hour passed without him coming through the front door and not responding to your texts, you had called Changbin in a state of slight panic. “I asked him to check out a song before he left and he hasn’t gotten off the computer since… I’m sorry.” You heard the elevator ding through Changbins end of the line, and then the sound of doors sliding open. “Do you want me to go grab him? I can let him know you’re waiting for him…” 
You hummed softly, getting up off the bed and grabbing one of his hoodies off the back of his desk chair. “No, it’s alright. I just wanted to make sure he eats. I’ll bring his food to him.” You said cheerfully, and while that was part of the plan, you had bigger things brewing in your mind, ideas that had you far more excited than what you were originally thinking. 
Driving to the office, the street lights illuminated the street one by one, like they were following right behind you as the sun set in front of you. Evening was here and he still hadn’t even texted you back, all of the cars that were originally in the parking lot were gone. Everyone had gone home for the evening, everyone except the person that you wanted. 
You quickly walked up to the entrance, letting yourself in with the keycard that had been specifically made for you by Jisung himself so you could visit him at work. It came in handy during times like this, surprise visits were his favorites, and he had no idea that you were coming right now. There was a chill in the air, one that you could feel against your legs that were quite bare considering you had simply thrown on the hoodie that was more like a dress for you, not even bothering with pants considering he was the only person you were going to see. 
The elevator dinged when you pushed the button, already on the bottom floor thankfully, and you quickly climbed in, pushing the button for the floor that you knew by heart that he was on. The ride was quite short, and the doors slid open with one last ding of the bell, one that you hoped he hadn’t heard. It would ruin the surprise if he knew that you were there right now, but luckily none of the doors in the long hallway opened. He must’ve had his headphones on. 
Walking down the long hallway, it was eerily silent, the sound of your shoes against the carpeted floors that would have been silent any other time were now extremely loud. You couldn’t wait to get to the room. You knew you were getting closer when you heard rapid mouse clicks and a couple keyboard clicks following after. As you got up to the door, you could see through the small window, he was sitting at the computer, his head bobbing as he listened to whatever it was that he was working on through the headphones. 
He looked so cute, even from the back, he always did, and you couldn’t help but stare at him for a moment before opening the door and walking into the room. Not even that had him turning around though, his head still nodding along to the music as you shut the door as quietly as you possibly could. 
There were no windows in the room, and when you looked around, you could see that his phone had been plugged in to charge beside the couch, out of eyeshot, he probably didn’t even realize how long he had been working, and he definitely hadn’t been up to check his phone for a while. Being as he was your boyfriend, you knew how he got when he was wrapped up with working, there was nothing that could pull him away from it unless it was a legitimate emergency. 
Still, you needed him to take a break, and that’s what you were here for. You walked over to where he sat, keeping your hands in the pockets of the hoodie as you got right up behind his chair, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. He let out a quiet shriek as he jumped, the chair swiveling around so fast that he almost kicked you and the headphone cord almost wrapped around his neck. “Baby? What are you doing here?” He asked, his hand over his heart as his breathing slowly returned to normal. “I was just finishing up this song… I’ll be right out. I promise.” He held out his pinky to you, and you wrapped yours around his as you nodded, although you were planning on him coming out a little faster than before the song got done. 
You laid out across the couch, stretching your legs as you watched him return back to work, although he kept one ear uncovered just in case you wanted to talk to him. He truly was the perfect boyfriend, and watching him work was so damn mesmerizing that you almost forgot about what your plan was. Key word being almost. He was mesmerizing, but he was also so damn hot, watching his fingers work along the keyboard had you wanting him even more. “Is it always so hot in here?” You questioned, pulling the hoodie over your head and tossing it to the other end of the couch, hoping that you’d get his attention. 
“Sometimes… I think it might just be that I have so much stuff going right now it’s heating up the room.” He commented back, although he didn’t look up from the screen, as a matter of fact, he leaned closer to it. “You can turn on the AC if you want…” He added, his hand lifting just enough to point to the thermostat on the wall. “I have blankets in here too, so you can make it a little colder than we have it at the house.” 
God, it was so hard to get annoyed with him when he was being so sweet. “Where do you keep the blankets at?” You quizzed as you walked over to the thermostat, wondering if your movement would catch his attention. You were wrong though, there was no reaction, no audible gasp or anything that would let you know that he had seen what you were wearing, or better yet, the lack of what you were wearing. 
“There’s a little cupboard next to the couch… There’s a bunch in there.” He said, and you could hear him smiling, as though just talking to you was enough to bring him joy during this process. Damn him and his adorableness. “Oh… Baby, can you bring me one though, just in case I get a little chilly?” He asked, and you silently celebrated as you scampered over to the little cabinet and pulled out one of the throw blankets that had been neatly folded and placed inside. 
This was your chance, and you held it out in front of you, covering the view, at least until he grabbed it. His hand was outstretched, but his eyes were still glued to the monitor. Your grasp on the blanket was tight though, and when he tried to grab it, you pulled back, finally getting him to look up at you, his eyes wide but his smile even wider as he let out a little chuckle. “I miss you…” You whispered, acting as innocent as possible as you pouted at him. 
“I’m right here, baby.” He cooed, and your fingers loosened around the fabric. The blanket fell, finally unveiling the sheer black lace lingerie set that you had been wanting to show him. “Oh… Shit…” He tongue darted out along his lips as he took it all in. You could see his adams apple bounce, swallowing thickly as his eyes wavered between you and the screen. “I… I miss you too, baby… I’ll be done really soon… promise…” His words were breathy, and it almost seemed like he was upset with himself for having to work. 
“Mmn mmn…” You mumbled, stepping between his chair and the desk and slowly pushing him back, your hands resting on his knees as you leaned over. “I miss you now…” You murmured, your hands slowly moving up along his thighs, stopping at the bulge that was growing harder in his sweatpants. “How much do you miss me?” 
His head fell back against the chair, already panting heavily as you palmed him through his pants. “Fuck… So much, baby… I miss you so much…” His hips instinctively raised up, and he moaned loudly when your hand pressed harder against him. “Such a tease… You know I gotta work…” He whined, although he wasn’t trying to stop you either. His hand moved down over yours, guiding you just how he wants. 
“Oh… But you’ve been working for hours…” You hummed, lowering yourself down to your knees between his legs, your fingers dipping beneath the hem of his pants and slowly lowering them. “All work and no play makes my Sungie very sad…” His cock sprung free from his boxers and you immediately wrapped your fingers around it, stroking him slowly as you gave small kitten licks along his tip, watching through your eyelashes as his head rolled forward to look at you. 
“Shit… Baby… More…” You panted, his hand moving to your hair, grabbing a fistful of it and guiding your mouth down around him, moaning loudly when your lips met the base of his cock, your throat tightening around him as you gagged. “Oh… Fuck…” He groaned, your tongue already coated with the salty taste of his precum. 
You pulled back quickly, your lips making a small popping sound as his dick fell from your mouth. “Oh no… I came all the way here… You’re gonna give me what I want.” You said, your grip on his dick tightening as you stroked him faster. His breaths were coming out heavy, his chest rising and falling fast as he watched you, his head nodding in response to your command. 
“Anything… I’ll give you anything you want, baby…” He practically pleaded between whimpered moans. “What do you want me to do, baby? Fuck… Tell me… I’ll do anything…” You smiled sweetly up at him before standing up, pressing a kiss to his already pouting lips before leaning back against the desk. 
“I think you already know what I want, Sungie…” You cooed, and in an instant he was out of the chair, his hands on your hips as he pushed you back further on the desk. You were already soaked, the thin fabric of the thong clinging to your core before he quickly pulled it to the side, his knuckle brushing against your sensitive bud in the process and making you shiver. He was just as impatient as you were, not even bothering to fully undress you or himself as he lined his tip up with your entrance. 
His hands slapped against the wall on both sides of your head as he pushed into you, bottoming out with one quick thrust. “You’re so fucking wet, baby…” He grunted, his forehead falling against yours as heavy pants left both of your mouths, only silenced by the sloppy kisses that he gave you. “God… Don’t know how much I needed you… Feel so good…” He rambled, heavy thrusts pushing you further back against the desk. 
“Just like that… Don’t stop, Ji…” You whimpered, your eyes focused on the way his cock disappeared between your legs, the sight of it turning you on more. He let out a low groan, the sound coming from his chest as his hips picked up speed, the sound of his thighs slapping against yours filling the soundproofed room. One hand came down between your legs, his thumb rubbing quick circles against your clit. “Fuck… Fuck! K-Keep doing that… Gonna… Fuck!” You whined, your moans growing louder as your body began to shake, your slick walls squeezing around him as the knot in your stomach tightened. 
“You like that, baby? You gonna cum?” His thrusts lost their rhythm but got harder, the tip of his cock brushing against that sweet spot deep inside of you causing you to cry out, your nails digging into his back as you came undone around him. Your mixed moans filled the room, hot strings of cum filling you as he continued to thrust, pushing his cum deeper into you. “God damn… Fuck… Shit…” The string of curses spilled from his lips as you both rode your highs until his head fell forward, nestling into the crook of your neck. 
“Mm… Coulda done it in the bed if you would’ve come home…” You murmured as you brushed your fingers through his sweat-dampened hair. “You gonna be okay to drive home?” You asked, and his head lifted up a little, eyeing you with a smirk. 
“I’ll be just fine driving home… You’re the one that won’t be able to walk when you get off the desk.” He teased, kissing along your collarbone before pressing a deep kiss to your lips. “Plus… I like doing it here… Might have to make it a monthly thing.” You rolled your eyes at the comment, although you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it too. “Let me just send the file to Chan, and then we’ll go home, okay?” 
You nodded as you scooted off the desk, your legs quite sore, especially your inner thighs that you were sure would be bruised, causing you to stumble as you walked over to the couch. He chuckled softly behind you and you whipped your head around to glare at him. “Asshole…” You muttered playfully, but he simply blew you a kiss as you dropped back down on the couch, pulling the hoodie over your head and yawning quietly, your eyes slowly drooping shut until you fell asleep. 
Last night had been amazing, even the part where he had to help you stumble tiredly to the car. You looked so cute, he absolutely adored you, he loved you with his entire being. He wanted nothing more than to spend the entire morning in bed with you, but his phone was going off nonstop, and if it had been anyone else, he would have ignored it. It was Chan though, and he wanted to know if he liked the edits he made to the song, so he pressed a kiss to your forehead, hoping that you had been conscious enough to hear his promise that he’d be back for lunch. 
When he got to the studio, Chan and Changbin were standing in the middle of the room which, in itself, was quite strange considering at least one of them would usually be sitting in the chair and the other would be on the couch. “What’s up?” He asked as he walked further into the room, seeing that the mp3 file was already pulled up on the computer. “Did you like it?” 
The guys blinked awkwardly, not even making direct eye contact as their faces flushed a bright red. Jisungs heart sped up as he wondered what was wrong. Did they not like it? Was it not good enough? “I should have told you to go home last night.” Changbin said, and while it was an answer, it didn’t give Jisung the answer that he wanted to hear. It was quite vague, and honestly, it had him feeling more anxious than anything. 
“So… She came to the studio last night?” Chan asked sheepishly, his hands fiddling in front of him as he chewed nervously on his bottom lip. Jisung was even more confused now as he slowly nodded his head. “Yeah… We know… You should uhm… You know what… Here.” He said, handing Jisung the headphones and making sure they were on before pushing play. 
Mixed almost perfectly with the beats that Jisung had been working all night on were the sounds of his and your moans, the desk banging against the wall, his grunts and your whimpers. So that’s what they had been talking about. “Oh…” Was all he could say, his entire body heating up with embarrassment, and all he wanted to do was run back home and hide under the blankets and avoid everyone for at least the next three months. 
“I mean, it doesn’t sound bad… I just don’t think STAY would appreciate, you know.” Changbin said, and both Jisung and Chans eyes widened as they looked at him. Jisung looked absolutely mortified and Chan looked completely shocked. “What? I mean, it’s got a nice flow to it and it fits the-” 
“Shut up.” Jisung blurted out, quickly taking off the headphones and shoving them back into Chans hands. “Delete it! Burn it! I apologize for that… I’m gonna go home now. Goodbye!” He quickly ran out of the room, bullets of sweat dripping down his face as he ran to the elevator, his finger slamming against the call button. 
“Oh hey, Han! I heard that-” Felix called out, but before he could finish, Jisung was screaming and squeezing between the barely even opened elevator doors, his screams still heard as they shut behind him and carried him down. “Oh… Welp… I guess he doesn’t want the limited time coffee on the menu… I’ll go to Hyunjin.” 
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juergenklopp · 1 year
How do you make your gifs?
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Hello hello! I love talking about gifmaking, so thank you for giving me the chance to ramble.
Instead of a detailed step-by-step walkthrough, I will link tutorials and resources written by the wonderful Tumblr creators on here along the way. Everyone has their method and preferences, and there’s no right or wrong way to make gifs. I’m going to share techniques and resources I picked up along the way that work best for me—they may or may not be suited to your preferences, but I hope you’ll find some helpful things here.
(Warning: screenshot/image heavy)
Here are some tutorials and resources that I found very useful when I got back into gifmaking:
Gifmaking tutorial using video timeline by @hope-mikaelson is identical to my own process
Gifmaking and coloring tutorial by @kitty-forman​, whose process is very similar to my own
Giffing 101 by @cillianmurphy​, an incredibly detailed tutorial that covers everything you need, including a step-by-step guide to using HandBrake
Gifmaking and coloring tutorial with 4K HDR footage by @sith-maul​, another incredibly detailed tutorial with many useful tips
Gifmaking tutorial by @jeonwonwoo, incredibly comprehensive and covers so many aspects of gifmaking from basics, sharpening, captioning, and text effects
Gifmaking/PS tips and tricks by @payidaresque
Action pack by @anyataylorjoy​, the Save action is especially a true life-saver
@usergif and @clubgif are amazing source blogs with many tutorials on gifmaking, color grading, and gif effects, can’t be thankful enough for the members for their work curating and creating for these blog!
Adobe Photoshop CS6 or higher, any version that supports video timeline. @completeresources​ has many links to download Photoshop, have a look!
Photopea is a free alternative to Photoshop, but it has a slightly different UI, check out these tutorials for gifmaking with Photopea
HandBrake or any other video encoder, especially if you’re working with .MKV formats 
4Kvideodownloader for downloading from YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, etc.
OBS Studio or any other similar screen capturing software. To prevent duplicate frames in gifs that prevents your gifs from looking smooth, try to match the recording frame rate (FPS) with the source.
I work exclusively in video timeline instead of importing video frames to layers or loading files into stack. For videos that don’t require converting/encoding using HandBrake, especially ones that are already in .MP4 format, I tend to open the video directly on Photoshop, and trim the videos around directly.
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As mentioned above, this gifmaking tutorial using video timeline is exactly how I make gifs. I find it more efficient, especially if you’re making multiple gifs from the same video/the same scene with little to no change in lighting conditions You can simply slide around sections of gifs you want to save, and they will all be the same length.
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Another thing also covered in the tutorial linked is the ability to change video speed in video timeline mode. Right click on the video and set the speed before proceeding with cropping/resizing. This is also very useful when you’re making blended gifs where you need the footage to have the same length.
Slowing footage down.
As mentioned in this post, changing the FPS before slowing down the gif results in smoother gifs. Doubling the frame rate before slowing down your gifs usually yields the best result.
Speeding footage up.
I love using this to speed up slow motion B-rolls to make the speed slightly more natural. It will result in nice, smooth gifs:
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(B-roll footage, normal broadcast speed)
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(200% speed)
Subject won’t stay in frame?
Another feature of the video timeline mode. Keyframes are your best friend. This tutorial by @kangyeosaang covers everything you need to know about panning gifs. I use this technique regularly, it’s a life-saver.
Here are some coloring tutorials I found very useful:
Coloring tutorial by @brawn-gp beloved, their coloring style is second to none
Mega coloring tutorial by @yenvengerberg, for stylized /vibrant coloring
Understanding Channel Mixer by @zoyanazyalensky
Coloring rainbow gifs by @steveroger, which delves deep into Channel Mixer
I tend to go for neutral-saturated coloring in general,  especially for minimalist gifsets with no effects (blending/isolated coloring/overlays etc.), but the possibility is endless for stylized coloring. Here’s what my adjustment layers look like for the example gifs above.
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The base footage for this Charles gifset is incredibly desaturated. I started with a Curves layer to bring contrast to the gif, as well as do some color-correcting to bring the base footage to a more neutral tone. To bump contrast, I also like to add a black and white Gradient Map layer with a Soft Light blending mode at 10%-30% opacity:
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The Vibrance layer is then used to lift the saturation of the base footage, with the Selective Color, Hue/Saturation, and Channel Mixer layers to help remove the green/yellow tint to his skintone.
An underrated adjustment layer/preset in my opinion is the Color Lookup. You can layer in pre-loaded .LUT color grading presets to help speed up your process. For this gif, it’s simply a base preset Soft Warming Look to achieve a warm, pink-tinted tone.
In hindsight I feel like this gifset is too saturated, his skintone is skewing very red/pink, I could’ve bumped down the lightness of the reds with a Selective Color layer or a Hue/Saturation layer. Try to err on the side of neutral for skintones. Experiment with layer orders—there’s no right or wrong! Remember that each layer build up on the one before it.
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The base footage of the Jalen gif is already quite nicely color-graded, but it’s still muddy and underexposed. As with the Charles gif, I started with a Curves layer to bring the gif to a better baseline contrast. Then I focus on brightening the gif with the Brightness/Contrast and Exposure layers.
The Hue/Saturation and Selective Color layers are to color-correct Jalen’s skin tone—it’s something I spend most of my time coloring gifs and focus a lot on, especially when color grading BIPOC skintones. Putting a Vibrance layer, upping the Vibrance and Saturation, and calling it a day would make his skintone skew very, very yellow/orange.
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Focus on the reds and yellow for skintone, play around with the Saturation and Lightness sliders, use the Hue slider with caution.
It can be tricky to achieve the right skin tone when working with sports footage vs the higher quality, higher dynamic range footage of films or TV shows, but I try to keep it as close to the subject’s natural skintone as possible.
Here are some of tutorials with tips and tricks on coloring BIPOC:
How to fix orange-washed characters by @zoyanazyalensky
How to prevent pink-washing and yellow-washing by @jeonwonwoo
Coloring tutorial by @captain-hen
Changing lighting conditions?
Fret not—this is why I love working in video timeline. I’ll take this gifset as an example: it’s a deceptively difficult one to color. The footage is 720p and the sunlight shifts throughout the video, so matching across gifs was tricky.
My solution was to split the clips in sections with consistent lighting, and apply adjustment layers to the individual sections before applying general color grading layers on top of everything.
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We can make use of the Fade Transition effect for sections where the lighting changes within the gif section we want to color.
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(without vs with Fade on the Brightness/Contrast layer)
The difference is subtle in this example, but the brightness in the right gif is noticeably more consistent throughout. You can also add the Fade Transition effect to the beginning for a fade in, of course.
This tutorial by @anya-chalotra​ covers everything you need to know about optimizing gifs for Tumblr.
Sharpening is essential to making crisp gif images. Here’s another ask I answered re: my own sharpening settings and maximizing gif quality.
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(base footage, unsharpened)
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(color graded, unsharpened)
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(color graded, sharpened)
The final gif is sharpened with Smart Sharpen, 500% at 0.3px and 10% at 10px (my standard sharpening settings).
Here are some tutorials and resources on sharpening:
Sharpening process by @anya-chalotra
Sharpening tutorial with added gaussian blur by @haleths
Sharpening action by @daenerys-stormborn
Size your gifs for Tumblr correctly.
This is essential: full width gifs are 540px wide.Two side-by-side gifs should be 268px wide. Here’s a handy post on gif size guide for Tumblr.
Incorrectly sizing your gifs will take away the quality of your gifs: undersizing your gifs will especially make them grainy, blurry, and /or pixelated, and won’t display correctly on many people’s desktop theme. Oversizing usually isn't as dramatic as undersizing, but it will make the gifset glitch when displayed, and the file size will be unnecessarily bloated.
Work with HD footage if possible.
Media fandoms (films/TV shows) are luckier than us in the sports trenches—we have to work with what we have. Broadcast footage is usually subpar: lacks contrast, pixelated, very desaturated, the list goes on. But it’s possible to still make high quality gifs from subpar footage. Here are a couple of tutorials to mask low source footage quality:
low quality video ➜ “HD” gifs tutorial by @nickoffermen
Sharpening low quality footage by @everglow-ing
(This gifset I made is from a 480p footage with horrendous lighting conditions and colors, and the end result is decent I’d say)
Save for Web (File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy) or Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S) settings.
I default to Adaptive + Diffusion but also use Adaptive + Pattern from time to time. Any combination of Adaptive or Selective + Diffusion or Pattern will give you a good result. In my experience some gifs will need the Selective color table for the colors to display correctly.
Here are my default settings:
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Converting to frames and adjusting the gif speed.
If possible, avoid exporting your gif and reopening it to adjust the frame speed. I used to do this sometimes when I’m lazy, I have to admit, but this is where this Action as mentioned at the beginning comes in very handy. It converts all visible layer into smart object, then converts it back to frame animation.
1. Select all layers
2. Right click > Convert to Smart Object
3. Go to the Timeline menu (≡) > Convert Frames > Flatten Frames into Clips
4. Go to the Timeline menu again (≡) > Convert Frames > Convert to Frame Animation
5. In the same menu (≡), select Make Frames from Layers
6. Delete the first frame (it’s a duplicate) then set your frame speed
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Now you can adjust the frame speed before exporting it (Save for Web).
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Pay attention to the source framerate.
The frame delay of 0.05 s is usually the default to make gifs for TV shows and films, and it is preferred by most gifmakers. This stems from the fact that most movies and TV shows are 24 or 25 FPS. This may not be the case for all source videos: you might get 30 FPS footage, and sports or gaming footage can be 50 or 60 FPS. Gif speed also depends on the FPS of your original file. Play around with gif speed and see what feels most natural to you.
My rule of thumb is the frame delay Photoshop gives you + 0.01 s. For example, 50 FPS footage will give you 0.02 s frame delay (25 FPS gives you 0.04, 30 FPS gives you 0.03, etc.), so set it to 0.03 s. I usually err on the side of a faster frame delay for smoothness in in-game sports footage, anything else (interviews, press conferences, B-rolls) can get away with being slowed down. Again, experiment and see what you think looks best!
Keep gifs under the Tumblr file size limit (10 MB).
Cut down the number of frames. My gifs are usually around 60-70 frames for 540px full-width gifs, but depending on the coloring, sometimes you can get away with more. 268px gifs can go up to 200+ frames.
Crop your gifs. Remember to keep full-width gifs at 540px wide, but if necessary, you can crop the height. My go-to sizes are 540x540, 540x500, 540x450, and 540x400.
Amp up the contrast of your gifs. Flat colors like black cut down gif size.
The Grain filter or Noise filter, though beautiful for aesthetics or simply necessary sometimes to mask low source footage quality/pixelating, may bloat your gif size.
Play your gifs back before exporting.
Pay attention to duplicate frames or glitches, you might need to get rid of them!
Hope this is helpful! Don’t hesitate to send an Ask or DM if you need any help, I will happily answer all your questions and send over PSDs. (I’m also on Discord—just shoot me a message if you need my tag!) Happy creating :]
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
this one to me feels much more oc-like than a reader-insert (bc of all the details i added) but a few of yous said to keep it as a reader fic so i hope this is okay!! don't hate me if you can't relate to it please n thanks <3 also sorry for the weird formatting of my fics/the random bold or italics or small text idk tumblr hates me and keeps doing it!!! comfortember day five: treehouse (+day eight: grief/mourning) aaron hotchner x gender neutral reader aaron is there for you, just like he always is, after you lose your mother. word count: 2.1k warnings/content: parent loss, death of reader's mother, hurt/comfort, some emotional conversations and sad topics, mentions of crying, pet names, kissing, hugging, established relationship. lyrics that inspired this: "do not enter" is written on the doorway / why can't everyone just go away / except you / you can stay / what do you think of my treehouse? / it's where i sit and talk really loud / usually / i'm all by myself
comfortember masterlist here!
also on ao3!
the treehouse
You step out into the back garden and take a deep breath, closing your eyes as you allow the crisp air to wash over you. Aaron steps out moments after and closes the door quietly before his hand finds your lower back. 
"You okay?" He asks, his voice just above a whisper. It's almost drowned out by the sound of mourning doves overheard.
You shrug, your shoulders feeling as though they’re being weighed down by the heavy armour you’re trying–and failing–to shield yourself with. “I will be.”
“Yeah.” He looks around the garden and lets out a short, flat hum. “But no one is expecting you to be okay, you know that, right? There’s no time limit; you’re allowed to grieve.”
“I know.”
“I know you do, sweetheart. But I just wanted to remind you.” You turn to look at him and, at the sight of his genuine concern, your brave face crumbles. He wraps his arms around you immediately, pulling you close and enveloping you in his warmth. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’ve got you, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you whisper as you cling to him, trying your hardest to hold back your tears but failing miserably. “I know.”
“I just don’t know what to do.” 
Aaron presses a kiss to your forehead. “You don’t have to do anything.”
You pull back and look up at him, confused. “Yes, I do. I have to… to get rid of everything and sell the, the house. And do all the paperwork and figure out what to do with her antiques and, and, and–”
“Hey, hey,” he interrupts you gently, pulling you back into a tight hug. “Don’t worry about any of that right now. I’ll do that.”
“What, no–”
“Let’s not talk about this now, okay? We’ll sort it out later or tomorrow. Give yourself some time to think about it.”
“But what do I do in the meantime? I can’t just… sit around.”
He thinks for a moment. “Show me around.”
“Show me around the house. Tell me everything you can, anything you can remember, and I’ll listen. I wanna know what life was like for you.”
You almost burst into tears at his words. “Really? You wanna know about my childhood?”
“Sweetheart, I wanna know everything about you.”
You take Aaron inside the house, taking him to the living room. The room hasn’t been touched in a few days, save for a few files on the coffee table you checked earlier, and you feel sick at the thought of leaving the house behind once everything’s packed away. Then the thought of having to pack everything away makes you feel even worse and you sway on the spot. Aaron notices you falter and reaches out to squeeze your arm gently, standing beside you patiently. 
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do when all this is gone.”
“It doesn’t have to be gone,” he replies. “You can take it all.”
“And keep it where?”
“In our house, in a storage container… there’s many places.”
You think for a moment, holding back tears, before shaking your head. “No. I need to… to let it go. Not all of it, but I can’t keep everything. She wouldn’t wanna weigh me down with all her stuff.”
“Alright,” Aaron says, squeezing your arm again and leaning to press a soft kiss to your cheek. “Take anything you need. I promise we’ll find a place for it. That sound good?” 
You nod and lean into him for a moment before slowly making your way through the living room, grabbing the objects with the most significance to you and telling Aaron about them before sorting them into a box to take back to the house. You pack a few of your favourite DVDs, ones you’re sure won’t even play anymore with how scratched they’ve become, as you tell Aaron vague memories of watching them as a kid. What happened when you watched them, who you watched them with, how you felt–anything that comes to mind because you know he’s listening.
A few family photos are displayed on the TV stand, as well as a cabinet in the corner, and you relive the memories of when they were taken as you tell him all about them. He asks to look at one closer and you give it to him, watching as he smiles down at a photo of you with your old dog. “You looked happy.”
“I was,” you reply, nodding. “Some of the time, anyway.”
He gives you a small smile and hands you the picture. “I know what you mean.”
You continue to walk him around the house, showing him dents in the wall from where you hurt yourself and little drawings you hid behind drawers and peeling wallpaper. He listens intently, smiling at your happy anecdotes and comforting you when tears well up in your eyes as the worst memories cloud your mind. You show him your childhood bedroom, telling him about friends that used to come over for sleepovers and the first time you kissed someone behind the open door so no one would see. 
“My first kiss was with Haley,” he replies. “In the theatre room at our school.”
“Isn’t that where you first met her?”
“Yeah. I kissed her in the same spot I first saw her.”
“Aw,” you smile as you grab an old diary and throw it into your bag. You’ll read that later when you’re alone so you don’t embarrass or upset yourself anymore in front of Aaron. “You’ve always been a romantic, how cute.”
He blushes and presses a kiss to your cheek as he passes by, making his way to your desk and flicking through a few papers you left there when you were last over. “You think you’d want these?”
“Probably not, doubt they’re important.”
Aaron nods and begins to open the drawers, pulling out miscellaneous items and silently dividing them into piles of things you might want to keep and things you’d throw away. You watch him with a sombre smile, feeling your chest ache at the realisation that he knows you so well and that his love for you is endless. When he catches you watching him, he pauses and raises an eyebrow. “You okay?”
“I love you, you know that, right?” 
“Of course I do,” he replies, closing the drawer and walking back over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist to tug you close. “I love you, too. More than you’ll ever know.”
“Hm, I don’t know. I think I have a pretty good idea.”
“I don’t want to doubt you, sweetheart, but I really don’t think you do.” He presses a sweet kiss to your lips, channelling all his love into it. “I can’t even begin to express how much I love you. I just… do.”
You press another kiss to his lips to hide the tears welling up in your eyes. The love you feel for him is so strong it feels like you might burst. He kisses back, letting you take the lead. Pulling back, you look deep into his eyes and smile the first genuine smile you’ve been able to manage since you first heard the news. “I love you more.”
Aaron chuckles. “Sure you do.” He presses a chaste kiss to your lips with a hum. “Ready to carry on?” 
“Yeah,” you mutter, going to pull away before a thought strikes you and you let out a sharp breath. Aaron pulls you back into his arms immediately, looking down at you in concern but keeping silent to give you a moment to think. “Sorry, I just… realised that that was gonna be my last kiss in this room.”
“Is that a good thing? Or bad?”
“I don’t know,” you reply honestly, feeling out of it. “I don’t like the thought of everything we do in this moment being the last of anything, but… the fact that it’s you that I’m doing all this with… yeah, I think that’s a good thing.”
He smiles sweetly at you, love shining so clearly in his eyes, and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Then let's stay here for a little longer.”
“We should get it over with, I don’t wanna waste all your free time off work. You deserve to get some time to yourself.”
“Oh, honey,” he sighs, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and resting his head against yours. “This isn’t a waste of my time. Trust me. I want to be here, with you, for you, and that’s all that matters. Don’t think like that, okay? I’m here because I want to be, not because I feel like I have to. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah,” you whisper. “It does.”
“I guess that leaves the treehouse,” you shrug, feeling drained as you step back outside with Aaron following you. You stare up at the treehouse, wondering if it's necessary to go up there. “You don’t have to come up. It’s pretty small.”
“I’ll go wherever you go.”
“You’re so cheesy,” you say with a small smile, even when his words mean the world to you.
He smiles at you. “You love it.”
“I really do.” Making your way to the treehouse, you glance at Aaron and allow a small smirk to dance over your lips. “Don’t stare at my ass as I go up.”
Aaron laughs. “No promises.” 
You roll your eyes and begin climbing, risking a glance back to find Aaron’s eyes firmly on the ground and being as respectful as ever. It makes your heart skip a beat. Reaching the top of the ladder, you look at the treehouse's entrance and cringe at the big ‘DO NOT ENTER’ sign hanging beside the doorway. It was a sign you carved yourself when you were younger. When you look inside the treehouse, your heart aches as memories flood through you. It takes you a few seconds to force yourself inside but once you clamber in, you call down to Aaron to let him know he can join you.
The sound of him climbing up surrounds you as you push yourself into your favourite corner, one filled with soft padding and blankets. A few of your favourite books are scattered across the floor and pictures of you and your childhood friends cover the walls. The nostalgia hits you hard and you bite your lip to stifle a sob. 
Aaron joins you, crawling inside and looking around with interest. As he gets comfortable in the small space, his long legs curling against himself to fit, you realise it’s the first time anyone’s ever been in the treehouse with you. Or at all. 
He remains silent, waiting for you to be the first to talk. You appreciate that. 
“I used to come up here a lot,” you say after a few minutes. “To read, to think, to talk to myself out loud… everything.”
“And did it help?”
“Yeah,” you nod, reaching over to grab one of the books beside you. It’s one you’re sure you’ve read a million times over, the pages worn and yellowing and a small layer of dust covering the outside. “It was nice. Peaceful. Somewhere I was never bothered.”
“I had a place like that,” Aaron muses, smiling at you. “Not as personal as this, though. It was a bench a few blocks from where I grew up, hidden by a few overgrown trees. I liked it.”
“Did you go there a lot?”
“Whenever I could. Couldn’t go much in the winter because of the cold, though.”
You huffed out a laugh. “Same here. Still came here even if I meant I almost froze to death.”
His smile becomes sad but there's clear understanding in his expression. “Yeah.”
The two of you sit inside the treehouse for almost an hour, talking about whatever comes to mind. Aaron listens intently to every word you say, his comforting hand drawing patterns over your thigh and eventually over your side when you move to curl up against him. You feel yourself drifting off at one point when the exhaustion settles deep in your bones, feeling so safe and warm and loved and comforted beside him, but you force awake to finish back up in the house. 
Aaron follows you inside, as he always has and always will, and comforts you through everything that comes after that. He helps you pack up the house, assuring you over and over that you can take however many boxes you want back to the house you share with him. He sits with you for days after, mostly in silence when the grief catches up to you and you can hardly think, never once looking as if he’d rather be elsewhere. He holds your hand throughout the funeral, never once leaving your side or once letting you think for a moment that you’re ever alone. And even after it’s been weeks, months, years, since that moment, he’s there for you whenever you need a shoulder to cry on. Just like he always has been. 
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lewsnumerounofan · 1 year
late last night (lh x reader)
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summary: lewis flies you out for a fun weekend, and maybe something more.
notes: nsfw, established hu to smth more?, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), tiny bit of angst. 2k words. did i change tense halfway thru? yeah i did. we dont talk abt it tho. all heavily inspired by @lewisyellowhelmet !!!!
+ check out other works here
+ was too lazy to fix formatting issues. oops
The text came in just after midnight. In typical Lewis fashion it was short, to the point.
Come get away for a few nights. Promise I’ll make it worth your while.
And then a plane ticket, first class.
You tucked your phone into your chest, eyes scanning the street in front of you. He always did this. A late-night text and plane ticket, a promise for a fun weekend. And it was fun -- visiting Lewis’ expensive hotels under a fake name, eating lavish meals in the private rooms of the most esteemed restaurants, touching him quietly, secretly under the table. But Monday always came around and you’d wake up to an empty suite, cold coffee and a note from Lewis thanking you for a good time. 
Sighing, you texted back, fingers clumsy with cold.
Cant. Work is busy.
You closed your messages and made to head back inside when your phone lit up again.
A photo this time. It was poorly lit, but you could tell that whatever exotic timezone he was in had him in bed, shirtless, tattooed fingers resting easily over a white sheet. A white sheet that sat dangerously low on his taught hips. Though his face was cut out, the compass stretching over his muscled chest was unmistakable.
Even now, hundreds of miles between you, you felt a slow curl of heat between your legs.
And then: See you tomorrow
Cocky bastard.
It was mid-afternoon by the time your flight touched down, and the heavy race-weekend traffic ensured it was almost sunset before you arrived at the hotel. The man at the desk handed you a key and a knowing smile when you gave him your name.
The lobby was full of people, well-off couples preparing for a night out. You had to look away from a pair giggling together on one of the high-backed love seats, the brush of their lips intimate and familiar.
Lewis answers the door on your first knock. Doesn’t wait to help you drag your suitcase in, only cups your face and let his full lips slant over yours. Everything slips away as he holds you so reverently in his tattooed palms like you were the most precious thing in the whole world.
“Missed you.”
His voice is rough as he speaks, sleepy almost in its comfort. You smile at him, turn to kiss his wrist, bite it quickly.
You hear him groan as you shift back to your suitcase, pulling it inside the high-ceilinged room. You can barely concentrate on the dim candle-lit interior with Lewis’ hot body at your back, but you let your eyes linger on the twinkling sky line for a moment -- the stray lights of other lives, so far away.
And then Lewis, all pressed up behind you. Hands around your waist, pulling you back to him, back on him.
“Missed the way you say my name.”
You let him shuffle you to the couch, low set and plush, soft on your cheeks.
His hands on your jeans, eager but not rushed as he pulls them down. You shiver at the cold, at the glaze over Lewis’ eyes as he watches you squirm. A hot, wet kiss to your thigh, quick as he kneels between your legs. Kneels for you. Your lips part as his big hands wrap around the outside of your hips and tug you to the edge of the seat. Eyes on you, he tucks a finger into you, knowing you want more, need more. It’s too much and you look away, afraid he’ll see the vulnerability you’ve been biting back since he first opened the door. But he tuts and forces you back with a hand on your jaw.
“Eyes on me. Want you to watch what I do to you.”
And then he’s tugging your underwear off too, leaning down to replace his fingers with his tongue. You arch into him, trying to get away, trying to get more, but his hands are solid on your hips, keeping them open and splayed out for him.
He doesn’t bother responding, too busy fucking his tongue into you and circling your clit with his calloused thumb.
“Lewis, Lewis, Lewis.”
A prayer now, as you tug at his braids. Already your core is clenching, legs twitching on either side of his head. The sinful image of his ringed hand pressing into your stomach to pin you down --
You can’t stop yourself from tipping over the edge when he looks up at you, cheeks rosy, mouth red, tongue still working you. 
Hazy as he picks you up and carries you to the bedroom. The hotel now rests in a dark navy. Your breathing is loud in the quiet of the big room. Laying you down, Lewis kisses your forehead once, twice. A firm press of his lips. You feel him shift away and catch his wrist as he goes to stand. He can see the question in our eyes.
“Gonna get you a cloth to clean up,” he says, real soft and low.
You have to swallow before you speak again, quiet like it's a secret.
“You don’t have to. I mean, I want you. If…”
You’re flustered now, heat rising on your cheeks. Lewis’ sharp eyes don’t move from your face. He cuts you off with a kiss, harder this time. I want you too, it says.
“Okay,” he mumbles against your lips.
He’s moving over you now, the strength in his shoulders, his arms, making the predatory advance up your body easy. But he’s gentle as he nudges you back like he too can feel the shift.
The sheets are cool at your back, a stark contrast to the feverish heat from where your bodies are joined. You can feel him heavy and thick at your thigh even with his pants. Fumbling, almost desperate through kisses you unzip him, palming him once over his briefs before slipping your hand under to touch him.
He curses into you, breaking from your lips to rest his forehead on yours, eyes shining as they watch where you grip him. You’re aching to take him into your mouth, to finally taste him like you’ve been dreaming of for weeks, but Lewis has other ideas, instead going to fully remove his shirt and pants.
Seeing him like this always takes your breath away. The steady strength of him, the dark markings of his tattoos, the hard length of him. Looking at you from under a few escaped braids, Lewis looks like a god. A god intent only on worshipping you.
He’s crawling back up to you, groaning into your mouth as you brush together. His tongue claiming you, running along your teeth. He draws back quickly, pulling your thighs apart deftly to spit on your cunt. You throw your head back, gasping -- too tight, too frenzied at the feel of his spit coating you.
And then he’s back over you, crowding you. All Lewis, only Lewis.
You nod into his shoulder, hands already leaving marks on his muscled back. Tomorrow, in the paddock and in the car, he’d feel them sting and think of you. The idea was enough to have you clenching on air, begging him to let you take it.
He only laughed, a lazy smirk revealing the tooth gap you loved so much.
“So needy for me, huh princess.”
And then he was forcing into you, even the tip a stretch, filling you up and more, more, more. You bit down hard on his shoulder as he sank into you.
“So good. S’always so good.”
His hips finally resting flat against yours, and the pressure of him inside you was more than you could bare. Lewis slipped his hand down -- down to press on the bulge in your stomach where he was now seated, chuckling roughly again when you cried out.
“You take me so well.”
He tongues the words into your mouth, finally moving inside you. A long drag out and then a snap of his hips and you knew you wouldn’t last. Not with him watching your lips with half-lidded eyes, jewellery glinting from the city’s lights, mouth open and red.
He shivers mid-thrust, burying his head back into your neck, kissing up your throat.
“Lewis,” you gasp, watching the push and pull of his back as he moved in you, the bunching of his shoulders and quick, timed rhythm of his hips. His hands on your leg, forcing you wider, taking more. Mouth wide as he bites at your neck, forces you back into the pillows. It’s too much, too good -- the clench of you around him, the moans he keeps spilling onto your skin.
“Lewis, I’m gonna-”
A slightly different slant to his pelvis, the hard slide of it over your clit as Lewis bottoms out inside you and you’re cumming, vision white as you gasp into his chest.
“Almost there baby. ‘M so close.”
Everywhere he’s touching you is fire, the overstimulation casting stars across your vision.
“Almost there,” he murmurs again, so low and husky. You can feel the stutter in his thrusts, hear the break in his voice as he pants above you.
“Finish in me.”
It’s a plea more than anything else but you know as soon as you speak the words that there’s nothing you’ve ever needed more.
“Cum in me Lewis, need it.”
His whole body tenses, eyes near savage as they meet yours.
You nod once, whimpering as his pupils blow wide, darken. His thrusts pick up again, harder this time. Vaguely you’re aware of the clock being knocked off the nightstand beside you, but you’re too busy watching Lewis to care.
“Gonna fill you up. Gonna make you mine, only mine.”
And then he’s cumming, pulsing in you as his hips weakly stuttered through a last push. Your weave your hands into his hair, place soft kisses over his nose, forehead, cheeks. He’s lazy as he kisses you, his full weight boring you down, keeping your legs open and aching. Only when his heart stops pounding does he pull away, a hoarse groan leaving his parted lips as he slips out of you. Not even self-respect could stop you from reaching for him but he stayed kneeling before you, big ringed hands parting your knees.
His hot gaze on your core, he drops two fingers down to push his cum back inside you. Arching against the mattress as he watched, mesmerized, as you fluttered around them, desperate for him again already.
“Need my cum inside you, yeah? Need me marking you.”
God. What was he doing to you? So desperate -- for what? What more could you take? But then he was moving again, tucking his semi-hard cock back inside you, pushing his cum deeper.
“Lewis,” a half sob this time, nearly drooling at the press of him, the sensitivity.
Tears in your eyes as he kissed you.
“S’okay. You can take it.”
The weekend was over before you knew it. Another win for Lewis. You watched from the hotel TV, suddenly feeling so very far away from him. The sticky lingers of champagne you licked off him when he got back.
This time was different somehow. He’d stayed to eat breakfast with you each morning, fingers playing over yours as you cradled your coffee. Or Saturday after a disappointing quali when you’d opened the door and he’d folded himself into you, kissing softly at your neck. You’d fallen asleep to a stupid TV show, room service discarded on the floor, Lewis’ chest rising and falling at your back.
But now it’s Monday. And when you check the clock -- the clock you’d had to get replaced after its untimely demise -- you see it’s late and you know Lewis has already left.
It shouldn’t bother you so much. Shouldn’t make you feel quite so empty. You take your time getting ready, showering but leaving your hair down and wet along your shoulders. It’s only after, when your stomach begins to grumble, that you leave the bedroom and the lingering smell of Lewis.
Except at the kitchen counter, clicking through data sheets and absentmindedly sipping at a steaming mug of tea is Lewis, sweats low at his hips, braids drawn back.
You wonder if you've got your days wrong, if you’d somehow dreamt up the glory of yesterday's win.
“Hey sleepy head,” he grins, twisting to watch you. You’re confused. He knows it too, tries not to flush as he clears his throat.
“Uh, I know I promised the weekend only. But my favourite caffe is only open Monday to Friday, so I thought I’d stay another day and we could go together.”
He’s not looking at you, hands twisted quietly in his lap. The seven time world champion sat before you blushing like a school girl. Oh, Lewis.
“We don’t have to though, I know you’re busy so-”
“What about tomorrow?” you ask.
Hi eyes are on yours now, brow furrowed.
You bite your lip, smile. You can’t help yourself as you move towards him, dragging your palms up his muscled legs.
“Yeah, what're we gonna get up to tomorrow?”
He’s grinning back at you now, all tooth gap and eye-crinkles.
“I’m sure we can come up with something. Okay?”
You're leaning into him, pushing up onto your tippy toes to kiss him, to fold the word into his mouth:
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aemoonie · 2 years
dating svt's hip hop unit ✰
somebody pinch me 😰 henna writing again? and for svt?? unheard of 🤭 i tried to change the format of these a little, so lmk how it is! <3 | gn!reader, mlist. wc: ~1k cw: fluffy af, based on their natal charts
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leo sun, mercury and venus
he knows what he wants and may have high expectations of himself and his partner. but he is a very loving person, absolutely not afraid to show his love. he wants the same energy from the person he loves, and he will melt anytime his s/o praises him even in the slightest. is the most loyal partner, and will fight for what he loves and wants. loves gifts, and romance and takes pride in his romantic side. may be prone to jealousy and possessiveness because he has no intention of sharing his s/o or their attention. with his airy mars, he will probably get whiny when he needs some love from his s/o <3
cap moon, libra mars
he may take his time to fully warm up to someone new, and maybe someone he is friends with first will make him feel more comfortable as a partner. it's hard to get through his shell and make him open up because he himself may sometimes lack in checking up on how he is feeling. he is far from cold or detached however, his leo stellium and libra mars balance out his cap moon quite well in my opinion. he can be flirty when he wants to and loves LOVES talking to his s/o! the type to take better care of you than of himself :( <3
dating seungcheol is like finding comfort in a person. like warm embraces, head-pats and hushed promises. like inside jokes and leaning against each other as you laugh. like sweaty hands refusing to let go of each other during summer. like not being able to sleep without being in each other's arms.
cancer sun, leo moon, leo mercury
he is committed, he is loving and he is romantic. he likes knowing what he's on with the person he likes. i don't think he would be the type to actively hide his interest in someone, but it will be hard to notice anyway (it's the resting c: face lmao). he loves hard though, but with his airy venus and mars he may have a hard time placing these heavy emotions. also a sucker for praise and compliments, and would get so so shy when his s/o is the one giving it to him.
gemini venus and mars
he likes variety and needs mental stimulation in a relationship! he'd love someone witty and smart, who likes to have fun with him. i think someone playful would help get him out of his shell. is the type to randomly check up on you during the day, maybe he texts you during lunch or sends you a small reminder to eat and drink enough! it's the little things with him that make a difference. do the same to him and you'll catch him giggling and blushing at his phone smh :')
dating wonwoo is calm and sweet. like finding little notes in your pockets from him, like smelling his cologne on practically everything he touches. like finding your favorite snacks in his bag and sharing earbuds. like finding each other's eyes from the other side of the room and quietly checking up on one another.
aries sun and venus, pisces moon
mingyu loves deeply and passionately. he is impulsive and may go into a romance head first, he is likely the type to fall head over heels for someone right away. his earth placements could try to shake some sense into him, so i can imagine him being shy in his passionate nature. he probably like to test the waters beforehand and may idealize his s/o, especially at the beginning of a relationship. loves love though, he wouldn't it trade it for the world.
taurus mercury, virgo mars
a little stubborn and set in his ways, mingyu likes to be organized and will probably not like someone overly messy or wishy-washy who would lead him on. i think genuine people will fuel his interest way more. he would love to do acts of service for his s/o and would genuinely be over the moon if they tell him how much it means to them. he is someone who can be very rational and could need some time when arguments happen, but with his pisces moon, he is easy to soften up <3
dating mingyu is like knowing the other's favorite orders inside out, it's bear hugs and soft kisses, homemade dishes, and lukewarm tea. it's freshly washed towels, vanilla soap and warm baths. it's getting ready for bed together in the middle of the night, blasting music, and pulling faces in the mirror.
aquarius sun, mercury, capricorn venus
a bit aloof sometimes, maybe even a bit clueless, but he is committed throughout. the best friend type of boyfriend. will need time and trust to open up and similar to seungcheol, he sometimes doesn't know himself what he feels. he could go decades admiring his crush from afar unless he is suddenly struck with a boost in confidence (likely from one of his close friends). will probably love domestic or chill dates like movie nights, shopping dates, or visiting museums. more the act of service type of person, but quality time might be just as important to him.
scorpio moon, pisces mars
under his clueless demeanor, there is a big big heart, someone just needs to dig it up hehe! i said he needs time to pursue a crush, but his water placements suggest that he would fall hard for them regardless. his scorpio moon (and cap venus) make him a pretty loyal person, he'd be the type to be stunned if his partner ever expressed the fear to be left by him. his pisces mars would have such a soft spot for his s/o, he'd likely idealize them a bit in his head. i think he'd like someone genuine but dreamy, who is artsy and committed.
dating vernon is like wearing your favorite oversized hoodie, sharing an umbrella on a somber afternoon in the city. it's hot coffee and intertwined fingers, finding weird pictures and going "that's you". it's shared meals and laughing with just one look, knowing smiles from others, and doing kind of everything together.
© a͏e͏m͏o͏o͏n͏i͏e͏ all rights reserved.
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solradguy · 11 months
What you need to scan a book.
How to do it.
How to do it better.
What to do now that it's scanned.
This is a long post with images.
A scanner.
I use an Epson Perfection v39. It's old but it was affordable (~us$60 in 2016 money) and it's reliable. You need something that can scan in color, greyscale, and black & white modes at 300 DPI. DPI (Dots Per Inch) is the resolution the scanner outputs the scan in. Anything over 300 DPI for art/comic scans is a little overkill, imo. However, if you're planning on printing physical copies of your scans, consider scanning them in at 600 DPI for something around printer paper sized, or 1200 DPI for posters. These files will balloon in size considerably with the increase in DPI. It may be worth it buying an extra hard drive just for managing work in progress scan files if your computer's local hard drive is smaller than 500gb.
Black construction paper.
Construction paper that's black. Put this behind the page you're scanning and it prevents page bleed through. More on how this is used below.
Masking tape.
Not really necessary, but useful for mapping out the ideal scanning area on your scanning bed. Speeds things up.
Art/photo manipulation program.
I use Clip Studio Paint EX ver. 2.0 and Photoshop CS5. Your program should have a clone tool and basic image manipulation such as cropping and rotating. Free alternatives are GIMP and Photopea.
White inspection gloves.
These are thin cotton gloves used to handle sensitive things such as historical photos, coins, and old books. Highly recommend investing in a cheap pack if your book has glossy pages. Don't have to worry about cleaning up greasy fingerprints in post with these on.
Bone folder.
This is a flat plastic (bone, historically) stick used to crease pages in book-making. I find having one is useful for carefully pushing pages flatter to get cleaner scans. If your book has tense binding this tool might prove useful.
Heat gun, hair dryer, or a stovetop + big skillet.
Tools for de-binding books in order of most to least useful. I use a heat gun. More on how these are used two sections down.
X-acto knife.
For skinning. It's sharp, it's a knife.
Non-abrasive document cleaning pad.
If you buy a book with glossy pages that's greasy as hell consider picking one of these up. It's a fabric pouch full of a soft powder that gently picks up and removes dirt and oils from paper. I've got one by Lineco and used it on the Dengeki PlayStation magazine scans. Some art stores will carry these but I had to buy mine online.
Remove the dustjacket, obi (informational band around the book), and any other loose materials inside of the book (mark what pages those materials were found on). Clean the pages as best as you can with the doc. cleaning pad or just wiping it down gently with a dry paper towel, then get your black construction paper and stick it behind the page that's going to be scanned. If your book is really big, remove the lid on your scanner. It's only going to get in the way.
Try to put as much pressure on the spine as you safely can and hold down the parts your hand can't reach with something heavy-ish. I usually use this paint water jar. Scan in PNG or TIFF format at 300 DPI. For art books and manga use either the color or greyscale modes. Raw text (novels, etc) benefits from the black & white mode.
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Here's the raw scan:
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Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007 scans very nicely despite being perfect bound (bound with glue) and rather stiff, but it's still an old book and has some minor damage that will need cleaned up in post later, as well as any dust that I missed cleaning off my scanner bed beforehand. The gutter is on the left. Note the black specks of dust in the right corner and in the big white area, and how you can't see any of the image printed on the other side of this page due to the black construction paper preventing bleed through:
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SKINNING BOOKS. A scary thought... But sometimes necessary. Manga volumes have really tight binding that makes them almost impossible to get clean scans of in a traditional flat scanner bed.
You will need either a heat gun, hairdryer, or a big skillet and a stovetop for this part. I use a heat gun. Warm the spine of the book CAREFULLY over the heat gun while gently pulling back on the cover until it pops free from the glue. A hairdryer will be used the same way as a heat gun, just slower. Turn it to the hottest setting.
For the skillet method, heat it up until it's just a little too hot to touch (BE CAREFUL; don't actually touch the skillet with your bare hand). Then hold the book spine-down on the skillet and peel the cover off that way. This method can burn your book very easy because it's harder to gauge how hot the skillet is. Take your time.
Now that the cover is off, use the same method to remove the pages one by one. Make sure to keep them in the right order. Sometimes there will be a thick glob of binding glue that can be sliced off with the X-acto knife. Watch your fingers.
Scanning loose pages is mindlessly easy and there're ways to make it even more mindless. Tape black paper to the top of your scanner lid and use masking tape to mark where exactly on the bed to put the pages so you can get them all in about the same spot. Makes lining them up later in the digital cleanup stage a piece of piss. Don't be a fool and think to use regular tape or duct tape. Cleaning adhesive off glass is a nightmare.
Time to put on some Zeppelin and zone out for about an hour. Remember your page order.
My setup and the raw scan:
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I number my pages how they are in the book with the cover, obi, and inside cover flaps usually being zeroes with a letter following it ("00a-dustjacket-FRONT, 00b-dustjacket-BACK, etc":
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Your art program should load in the file as a layer with the file name. Load in about 10 to 20 at a time (if your computer can handle it), line them up, clean the dust, adjust colors, sharpen image, then save them in a new folder separate from the raws. Use the clone tool to clean up dust. If you sharpen the image, remember that less is more.
Upload it. I put all my (non-doujinshi) scans on Archive.org and include a .PDF of the scanned book with smaller resized pages and a .ZIP of the full size pages as loose files. This is optional, don't feel obligated to do both because it really adds a lot of extra work saving the files in two different sizes. Having the full size files is more valuable than a compressed .PDF, though, if you're unsure about which to go with.
For smaller files (<25mb total as a .PDF or .ZIP) you could put them on Neocities too. Neocities doesn't really like the idea of people using their site as a file sharing host so while I don't really recommend using just Neocities, it's definitely something you could do if coding a website sounds fun to you. Here's the archives page on my NC site for an example of how you could code/organize your own archive, if you wanted: solradguy.neocities.org/archives
If you scan something and wanna get more eyes on it, feel free to slap my @ somewhere on the post or you can email it to me (junkyarddogmkii [at] gmail [dot] com ) and I can reblog it and share it with the lore server crew.
Here's a link to the Guilty Gear scans masterpost: https://solradguy.tumblr.com/post/701138089295364096/comprehensive-guide-to-unofficial-guilty-gear
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