#try capcut again
kenobihater · 21 days
>use capcut for 3 years
>attempt to edit a 2 hr movie down to twenty seconds with original audio overlaid by a song
>video lags, audio is fine. editing is impossible
>download inshot
>video lags, audio is fine. editing is impossible
>research reasonably priced mobile editing apps
>spend thirty dollars on luma fusion
>video is good. audio is now nearly inaudible demon cows you can only hear if you crank your volume way up
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are we gay 🏳️‍🌈🤔
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dudewotheck · 1 year
i would die for u dr kieran pls… u got me venturing into capcut for u.. the power she holds
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sjyuns · 9 months
enhypen ot7 x fem!reader warnings -
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( heeseung ) as your loser bf
— don’t be fooled by his stunning visuals, lee heeseung is a loser. he is most probably the type of boyfriend who’ll buy those silly socks with his favourite ramyeon brand patterned on it, asking you to match with him. you can’t say no to him, but blaring red shin ramyeon socks are definitely not the best thing to wear out to meet your friends. you end up persuading him by saying that you’ll match with him when you’re alone and he agrees ( thank god )
the rest under the cut !
( jongseong ) as your embarrassing bf
— when i mean embarrassing, i mean endearingly embarrassing. the kind of boyfriend who will shout across a carpark that he loves you, along with the furious waves of his hands and if that doesn’t make your cheeks red enough, he’s asking ( shouting ) you why you’re not saying it back. he gives immense princess treatment and will bring a camera everywhere, asking you to take a picture every ten minutes. collects them and makes a collage for each date for keeps.
( jaeyun ) as your clueless bf
— sim jaeyun is so goddamn oblivious about anything going around around him it’s so adorable. and it makes him treasure every single surprise ten times more because of this trait. you could literally buy him a lego set and leave it out in the open and he probably won’t question a single thing. when you tell him gossip about a person you dislike, he’ll be like “yeah i hate her too, who is she again?” will get you mixed up with your own story
( sunghoon ) as your competitive bf
— coming from a sports background, how can sunghoon not make everything a competition ( it’s literally entwined in his bones ). imagine going to a restaurant to eat, he will bring it up if his food arrives before yours. even when you bid goodbye to him and tell him that you love him, he’ll definitely say something like “no, i love you more, i win,” when it was never a competition to even begin with. ( but he wins things for you during fair dates so you can’t complain )
( sunoo ) as your simp bf
— sunoo will brag about you anywhere he goes, if you are the topic of the conversation or even if you’re not, he’ll find a way to bring you up. he will stop anything to attend to your needs, and will do anything for you. you’re tired and need help drying your hair, he’ll do it, even if he complains about it “why can’t you do it yourself” he still ends up doing it for you ( god bless me i need sunoo in my life )
( jungwon ) as your possessive bf
— i haven’t really seen much about jungwon being a clingy boyfriend, but i am 1000% sure he is clingy and possessive. has an arm around you at all times, and will constantly compliment you on absolutely anything. most definitely will say “wear what you want, i can fight” and he will fight for you no matter what. is the type of boyfriend to tease you a lot, but can’t take it if someone else teases you.
( riki ) as your playful bf
— you and riki have the goofiest dates that are out of the world, forget watching a movie or going to the fair ( pft boring ) you’re probably having a water fight in your backyard at 2 in the morning, trying to make the weirdest yet tastiest food combinations, filming the weirdest tiktok challenges or seeing who can make the funniest capcut edits. will definitely throw you the worst pickup lines at random moments “hey girl, are you fever? because you make me weak”
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femininemenon · 5 months
Hii! Sorry to bother you, but I just saw your post about that one GoT scene with "camera raw filter" and *have* to ask...what is that?! That looks insanely good. I tried doing a quick google search, and it seems like it's a Photoshop pluggin, maybe? I'm not too sure... Would you mind sharing a bit more about it, pretty please?
the post anon is referring to:
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this is by no means an adequate guide or even a comprehensible explanation, but i hope it helps out somewhat.
you are correct, camera raw filter is a photoshop plugin. you can download it from here (works with 🏴‍☠️d/portable versions too): the installation is pretty straight forward, just do it as you would with any program.
before you do anything, make sure your screencaps are a smart object (it will obviously be faster if you add a camera raw filter after you've resized and added whatever it is you need to add, but you can always just do it with the original sized screencaps). it's easier to edit the properties from a smart object than to go back and try to get it right again from scratch.
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you will find it under filter > camera raw filter… this will bring up a new window:
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you can add as many of them as you need to. if you want to edit it because you think you've made it too bright or too blue or something, just double click on camera raw filter under your smart object:
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if you're editing one scene and you would like for everything to look uniform, you can also just bring over your settings because they're smart objects:
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okay enough yapping, back to what you came here for. let's go through all that i use/have used and how they work. you can mix and match them however you want - what works for one scene might not work for another.
the 'Light' section you can use to fix the light of the scene but i basically only use it if i want to "strengthen"/darken the whites and highlights. if your files are too dark or lack contrast, you can fix that here.
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the 'Color' section!!! chef's kiss. this is what i used for the Sansa screencap. first you need to think about whether your screencap is too yellow or too blue, and then slide it towards the opposite direction. after i did that, it was way too green, so i used the tint feature to help out with that.
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if you have handled today's media, you know that they haaaate color. so still in 'Color', in vibrance/saturation (i have never worked out the difference and atp i don't really care asdfghjkl) you can adjust that as well but it's for all the colors of the rainbow. you can enhance colors better in 'Caliberation' (see below).
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i don't really use 'Effects', but the Vignette feature is a lifesaver if you encounter those. an example:
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i have never touched 'Curve' but i image it works just like curves.
'Color Mixer' is good to manipulate colors. it's basically hue/saturation but lowkey better. if you switch to 'Color' in Adjust, you can edit them more accurately (Capcut has a feature similar to this i think).
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ngl i don't have a good example of this now so enjoy this cartoonish something:
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and we have arrived at my favorite!!! with 'Color Grading', you can fix almost anything: Midtones, Shadows and Highlights. it's basically a color wheel and you can try to find the black midtone and white points that will neutralize your screencaps. you can be more accurate with them if you click the circles in Adjust. basically a more freestyle curves i think.
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lastly, 'Calibration'. you can also enhance or diminish colors here based on whether they belong in the red, green or blue primary. eg if you have a scene that's way too yellow, you can try and bring down the saturation in Blue Primary and it will help tremendously.
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if you have any further questions, feel free to send me another ask!
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
how i make affirmation tapes (tutorial + affirmation tape at the end)⋆.ೃ࿔*:・✍🏽
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im still looking for a more efficient way to make affirmations tapes so if u know a different way pls dont hesitate to share, but this is just how i've been doing it so far ;
download the capcut app
go to pinterest and download a cute photo (can be related to ur desire or unrelated it doesn't rly matter)
create a new project with that photo
make that video about 5-10 minutes long (thats just how i long i like to make mine)
go to the audio and do a voice over
before you do the voice over, choose 1-2 affirmations, preferably one to two so that then the affirmations can saturate more
say your 2 affirmations/put it in text to speech
make it 1.5x or 2x speed and duplicate until the audio lasts for the whole video
and then thats it! i loop mine and listen to it over and over again while doing something mundane or something in which i dont have to think much for and it rly helps.
im gonna try something different today and make you all an affirmations tape ✨ the affirmations that im using are self concept focused and they are ; "i am living my best life" and "manifesting is so incredibly easy" i used a text to speech but normally i'd use my own voice.
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idyllcy · 10 months
couple tiktoks with the robins
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Word count: ~ 700
Summary: cheesy tiktok trends with the robins :3
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𓅫. "Heard you're looking for a boyfriend" - Tim Drake
"'kay, just," you show Tim the tiktok, fingers laced together, practically begging him to do the tiktok with you. Tim grimaces, but it's minimal effort, so he listens. He stands to the side as the audio plays from your shared airpods, waiting for you to move the camera to the side. He hates to admit it, but as he steps next to you to lean on the mirror, raising a brow with a mask on and your eyes light up, his breath catches in his throat. You're always so pretty— too pretty. You're always so pretty. And god, if doing couple trends meant that you'd stare at him like that, then he'd do all of them with you. (Though, he has to make sure none of his friends finds out about them. The embarrassment would eat him alive) Tim waits for you to stop recording, the noise going off in his ear as he steps next to you, staring at the tiktok. He looks just as lovesick as you. "Aww, you're supposed to look a little intimidating." You mumble quietly. "You're looking at me too cheesily" "You look too excited too." Tim sticks his tongue out at you, pointing at the way your pupils were blown wide. "Maybe we're both just lovesick fools." Tim doesn't see a problem with that.
𓅫. "she is the best thing that's ever been mine" - Jason Todd
"I know this is a trend for sapphics but please please please PLEASE—" You beg. "The only photos I'd be able to put are the ugly ones of you." Jason rolls his eyes. "No." "But you have a whole album of—" "No." You pout, jutting out your bottom lip at Jason as he wavers slightly. He doesn't even have capcut downloaded. He doesn't want to download it. It's just a silly tiktok trend, and sure you're obsessed with showing him off on your private social media, but there was no way he was posting you on his accounts. You grumble, going back to scrolling through your phone, typing on it, and Jason assumes that you're complaining to your friends about how he won't do the trend. He goes back to his own phone, putting his airpod back on, a video playing. You could complain all you want— He wasn't doing it. Yet, the recently deleted app on his phone and the newly downloaded video on his hidden album suggest anything but. Stupid. It's in his drafts. (Not that he'd tell you.)
𓅫. "Oh, I can't stop singing" - Damian Wayne
"Stay still." You set your phone on the table as you squish onto Damian's lap, and he raises a brow at you, setting his pencil down. He notices your phone recording, and you pull out your lipstick. Damian pauses. He knows this audio. He's pretty sure one of his classmates was showing him it a while ago. You draw half a heart onto your cheek, pressing your cheek to his affectionately, warmth pressed to Damian's cheeks, leaving the mark of a heart... no you drew the half the wrong way. You pause, the mistake registering in your head as the audio continues playing. "Habibbti, I don't think—" You burst into laughter at the accident, hiding your face in his collar, kicking your legs in embarrassment. Damian purses his lips in amusement with you, running his hand down your back soothingly while shaking slightly. That was funny. "Sorry for messing up and making you pause." You stop laughing after a while. Damian smiles, shaking his head, reaching for a wet wipe on his desk. "Would you like to try again?" Who are you to say no?
𓅫. "stay with me, I don't want you to leave" -Dick Grayson
"Okay, so—" "I'm in." Dick gives you two thumbs up. "I recognize this audio." "I really can't surprise you with any couple trend, huh?" You laugh. "Sweetheart, I'm on Tiktok more than you." Dick smiles, handing you your lipstick. You pout, taking it anyway, peppering Dick's face with kisses before the lipstick dries, smudging some of the kisses, letting the others look fine on their own on others. Dick presses kisses back to your skin while you reapply the lipstick, some of the red on his lips getting on yours, causing you to pout. He was getting you red too. You finish, eventually. (Dick's face is practically a red mess from both you and the lipstick) You step to the side to wipe the lipstick he got onto your face, setting up your phone and starting the tiktok. Dick stares at you the whole time, eyes gentle, sick with an affection reserved for only you, lips pulled into a foolish smile. You pout when you ruin your lipstick, only for Dick to reach for your chin, the phone panning to his face, a mess of red on his face, a stupid smile on his face, eyes crinkled, holding all of the love in the world for you and only you. (and god do you melt at the sight)
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tinywafflerat · 8 days
CapCut is so unfunny I can’t even. I spent 2 hours trying to find a template good enough to use.
But anyways Coffee the cat goes crazy (again)
I gave up trying to caption it halfway through 🤷🏻
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mybelde · 1 year
Lost My Way
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pairing: solo artist! Kazuha x former idol! fem!reader
genre: celebrity au, fluff, crack, angst, smau
summary: You were once a very successful idol and everyone in the nation adored you. However, the music industry is not all rainbows, as you fell from grace after being caught up in scandal after scandal, being framed for things you didn't do. You were a mess, and decided to go MIA for 2 whole years. However, one day, you were offered an opportunity to turn your situation around. One of the top idols of the nation, THE Kaedehara Kazuha himself, had asked you to collaborate with him to release a remix to one of his albums "Lost My Way". But the question is, why would he ask you out of all people? Could there be a hidden goal he was trying to achieve from this collab?
status: soon (after completing an ongoing smau 💀)
warnings: will add along the way!
author's note: sheesh, fourth smau i've decided to make 🫣 i've taken inspiration for this celebrity au from @aestherin and her smau privacy (ilysm for making it) and one of my fav webtoons "No Longer A Heroine!" and also by The Weeknd making a remix of "Die For You" with Ariana Grande 🫣🤩
and before you ask, the banner for the smau is made from capcut 💀💀 (quality lowkey shit, i'll try to improve it later on)
YN's friend group -> official | private
Kazuha's friend group -> official | private
taglist — open: pls specify which smau taglist you want to be added to, I have 1 in the making and 2 in the works 🥲💀
↻Other works
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00: All time popular..... downfall
01: MIA
02: Who are you again?
03: Call me
04: -
05: -
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the-river-runs · 1 year
Fandom has once again asked me to share an edit she has made! All edits were made by Fandom (http.redshoes on Instagram) and all art used in the edit was made by @just-a-drawing-bean
This edit was made for @naffeclipse and her fic, Sleuth Jesters, which you can find here!
Fandom has a message she would like me to share:
"Hello Naff! I hope that you’re having a good day as always <3
And hello everyone :) it’s me, Fandom, your local fic meme maker for one of the best DCA writers here.
Today, I bring not another meme comp, but another edit of MB!Eclipse. I’m trying an “After Effects” style on CapCut and this is my second attempt at doing so! If any of you saw the DCA content creator appreciation post my friend made, you know then that was my first attempt. I hope that I’ve been showing more improvement since then, and that everyone, (ESPECIALLY the simps), enjoy this edit.
(DISCLAIMER: None of the art featured belongs to me. It belongs to Bean, who is a wonderful artist that everyone should appreciate. If you don’t already follow them, you should! If not, do me a solid and step on a Lego pretty please 🙏😊)
Ac: ririiowo & TSAMS (YouTube)
Sdt: @naffeclipse & @just-a-drawing-bean
Dt: All the simps duhhh (my love letter to you guys after the bullying in the meme comps 🫡💕)
Once more my Insta is at http.redshoes where you can stalk me there. I’ll be making more content there soon, and!! If you liked this edit, go crazy in the reblogs/comments. I wanna see if my plans worked >:D" -Fandom
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Here's the cover of the edit Fandom made, featuring more art from @just-a-drawing-bean
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nat-without-a-g · 3 months
I want to try to make an animatic to Take An L from episode 49.
- I have been drawing for years
- I have a general mental animatic after listening to it over and over again
- I’ve been watching animatics for years and would love to connect to the fandom like this.
- Never Made A Proper Animatic Before (attempted and failed)
- I want to do it before episode 51 comes out in case its the finale and things get solved
- my only animation resources are CapCut and procreate and I find both tedious for animation ^^; (big reason why i failed in the past)
Any advice would be lovely, it’s probably gonna be 90% thumbnail sketches
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betelgeusey · 1 year
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I posted a bunch of stuff on #chive and #of and I'm coming for #tiktok tonight. If you didn't tune in to last night's #twitchstream #twitch #twitchstreamer I found a really nice sewing machine for free yesterday while on an excursion with my mom. As a #thriftyartist this was a #realfind I haven't looked up the retail price but I have done every single one of the 69 stitches it can do. Did I mention it can sew buttons on? 🤯 I'm about to finish the office part of today and then get in twitch again to tidy some before getting into some crafting. I repaired about 10 things in my sewing dungeon and I would like to finish a couple more things with you guys. For those of you that actually read these, I'm recovering from the chaos of making new accounts and back to my game plan. I have started posting on a lot of my new pages as far as TikTok but I need to get a better organization system for my content because of the massive scale I have now made for my content creation journey. I am trying to streamline how I edit, videos especially. I forget how awesome capcut really is. If you want to be sure to not miss ANYTHING I post go to my linktree and subscribe. You get free alerts that can be sent to your phone or email. Keep in mind not all my pages are spicy so go see what else I have to offer. Between today and tomorrow I'm trying to fix my highlights on my pages so I have a: new streaming schedule highlight, studio tour, and posting schedule. I need to be better about weekly device cleanup and file organizing. #contentcreator #content #contentcreation #streamlinetheprocess #spicyartist #fiberartist #spicyart #spicy #spicyaccountant #bootyqueen #bootyoftheday (at Harnett County, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp3TFtqO3hL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mimisempai · 7 months
Hi again! If you don’t mind, can I ask what you use to make gifs? I’d like to try learning this myself but there’s so much out there I don’t know where to start. Yours are always so lovely!
Thanks for any info you’re willing to pass along!
I first use CapCut to enhance the video file, sharpness brightness etc… or when I want to put to scene in one gif. It allows to work on big files and then I use ImgPlay to create the gif.
Hope it helps!
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soragawanaeru · 5 months
Uhh... Sorry for not posting NEXOCEMBER again, I... Have some mental block that I don't know what to do AAAAAAA!!!
But I have something for youu ✨✨✨
Do you know CapCut right? That app for video editing? You know CapCut has template feature right?
So what I'm going to give you is... A compilation video of NEXO KNIGHTS in CapCut template, except this is Indonesian-based because yeah, you can later guess which country I'm from. Audios are Indonesian but I put English subs that maybe not suits but hey, I want to give you guys some 🤡✨ C O M E D Y ✨🤡
I just put Google Drive link here so you can watch in one compilations:
1. Lance: No, Aaron, that's... Not how you do it... (Anybody got the reference?)
2. Morale of the video: Good kids don't try this. Aaron soon will regret his choice to sit in that position. Macy lost the bet so she sits in the back, while Clay... He's needed. No Axl because if you add him then thing turned worse.
3. Don't worry Aaron, everyone feel that with their mom too (Including me, hahaha) And if you find typos, please ignore it.
4. Aaron when Cloud of Monstrox exists out of nowhere be like:
5. Poor Clay can't take a rest. (A/N: The last song is actually Javanese. And though I'm partly half-Javanese, no, I can't speak at all. I betrayed my dad's ethnic, even I need Google translate for that)
6. Thank god Clay follows the right way, the way of justice, honesty, and chivalry.
7. CW // Crossover PRSK. Mizuki Akiyama asked a random people and got Lance Richmond from Knighton! What things that will turns bad?
8. Deleted scene why Aaron's vehicle of choice is alway never a land one, always aerial. (This features Clay and Macy)
If you want the full drive collection, I also put the link here (And maybe updated as I add more videos)
So, have fun and eat that comedy 🤡🤡🤡
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tornoleander · 7 months
Good Morning Ninjago, today I’m once again on my Skybound bullshit✨. FSM I thought the art would relieve the fixation a bit, but it’s only gotten stronger.
Especially because I finally found the clip that sent me down this road. Shit the line delivery breaks me.
Might make something off my own headcannons for once. Don’t know if I’ll make an edit or animatic of whatever. But I’ve been messing with audio in CapCut and some lines are make me bash my head against the wall.
Very Skybound typical, The closer you look the worse it gets. Never think you know everything there’s always something more.
On day I’ll do like an actual deep dive into the people who made Skybound and try to discover any thought process behind this season. Hopefully cure a lil bit of the insanity.
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kooktrash · 7 months
hey a banner tutorial, please😭
I feel like I’ve done one of these before but I can’t find it 😭idk yall it’s kinda a process since my banners are all a bit different
step one: I usually find a background pic [or gif] first on pinterest IF I don’t have a full pic of Jungkook I wanna use
step two: I find the right person pic that fits the vibe of the fic and I either cut him out over background like this:
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I use the original pic and add an overlay through CapCut [usually a gif] like this:
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and put the overlay in front of the whole pic before cutting him out OVER the background again so the overlay is behind him
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in this one I used his original pic and only added the bottom part through picsart and usually try and blend the pics to match a color scheme
if you want to turn video banners into gifs you could use picsart OR free option — ezgif.com
I know this might not be helpful but it’s the only way I can explain it since I make them so different 😭
also I’m not a gatekeeper hehe
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