#total drama zoey x reader
dockofshame · 11 months
Zoey x Reader x *Mike Relationship Headcanons
(*With a mention of the alters)
The three of you were already good friends from your time on Revenge on the Island, so the transition from friends to being significant others was pretty smooth. If you three have Facebook, all of you have your relationship statuses listed as “it’s complicated”.
Mike’s preferred dates are all over the map. He can have just as much fun at a theme park- Vito really liked the Hagrid’s Motorbike ride at Universal Studios- as he can at a sporting event or at an escape room… Manitoba really likes the escape rooms. Zoey’s preferred dates are pretty similar to what I mentioned in my Zoey x Reader headcanon list as she’s more into the vintage dates such as trips to a diner or going to the drive-in.
Zoey and Mike kept in touch with Cameron outside of the show, so he joins your hangouts sometimes too! They’re all huge Nintendo fans and all have Switches… Zoey likes Animal Crossing, Cameron likes Brilliant Diamond, and Mike likes the Zelda games. They also like Mario Kart and Mario Party.
Mike’s mostly pretty confident in himself in your relationship; thanks in part to Vito (“of course, why WOULDN’T these two want to be in a relationship with me?”). Zoey needs more verbal reassurance and has to be reminded that she doesn’t have to panic about trying to obtain your approval, or Mike’s for that matter.
With Zoey’s parents, there’s not really any formal “meet the parents”; they just suspect you all enjoy each other’s company and that when the time comes, Zoey will find her person. Mike’s parents catch onto the throuple thing pretty quickly but they’re very “don’t ask, don’t tell” about it.
Zoey would 100% be the person who got a Cricut and makes cutesy matching vacation shirts or ugly Christmas T-shirts (she can’t knit to save her life, so no sweaters), so she has tons of photos of the three of you in them. She also got you guys to dress up as the Avengers for Halloween one time; she wanted to be Black Widow.
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sockmeat · 11 months
Okay, hear me out
Total Drama fanfic where the reader is dating Mike and the alters (minus Chester) and it's really just the series + the reader
I haven't written anything like this so it'd definitely be a challenge... I think I'd probably replace a character or make her a surprise character (honestly, I might replace Anne Maria out of everyone simply because I don't want her near my man🔫)
Imagine all the cute scenes oh my god ??
Vito fronting and immediately looking for his babe aghagha
Mani holding onto her waist so she doesn't wander off and get hurt while in the caves AAAAA
Svetlana helping reader with challenges so she can show off ❤
Mal being a sour puss about not being able to love on the reader like everyone else can, so the second he is finally able to, he runs off to find her and will literally not keep his greedy paws off her. He tries to play it off as being Mike, but reader knows her baby well and he's never this assertive... Suspicious hmmmm
And no I will not be doing that "erasing the alters" bs I hate it SO MUCH. WHY IS THAT CANON
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silly-writes · 11 months
Camper(s): Courtney, Gwen, Heather, Jasmine, Zoey, etc.
Prompt: Camper falls for a reader who suffers from Imposter Syndrome (person is successful at things they do but doesn't acknowledge it themselves and think they're unworthy of their achievements or skills due to strong self-doubt and fear of exposure as a fraud which they aren't) with said camper being the only person to realize the self doubt of the reader yet still falls in love with reader. How'd things develop?
Contestants with reader who suffers from imposter syndrome
Tysm for the request, I hope you enjoy :]
Everyone knew you were amazing and gifted, everyone.
A fact not gone unnoticed by Courtney. (She’s got an eye for these things, she used to be a CIT after all).
At first she uses you for a little bit of extra leverage during the challenges, but after a bit felt too guilty to continue to do so.
So as a sort of apology she wanted to spend more time getting to know you as a person, rather than just a tool that everyone in the competition had been utilizing.
She sat beside you on the cabin steps one night, after you had absolutely crushed it yet another challenge.
“Really great work today, I’m impressed,” she said, putting a hand on your back.
You couldn’t help but recoil just the slightest bit, but tried to play it off with a smile “uh. Yeah, sure.”
It wasn’t great work, not to you. You saw all your little slip ups, your stress. No less than anyone else’s, you saw it when you fell, or when you tripped. It was an awful effort.
Courtney mistook your self consciousness as humility and so she smiled at you brighter “oh you don’t have to be modest around me you know? You’ve earned a bit of gloating.”
You chuckled a little albeit a bit emptily “do I? Really?” You just couldn’t help that self doubt seeping through a bit.
Courtney’s face changed at that, maybe it was your tone, or something in your eyes. But her expression softened.
“Hey- don’t be like that. Of course you do. You’re great, I mean- you’d have to be stupid to disagree with me on that,” she says with an assured expression.
You chuckled again, this time more amusing dances in your tone “stupid huh?”
She crossed her arms and gave you a pointed glare “I know a worthy competitor when I see one. And I definitely know refined skill when I see it too. You better not be getting cold feet on me now.”
You smiled at her, leaning towards her hand which was planted firmly on your back “no. No, of course not.”
“Well-“ she looks a little flustered, but beyond determined to keep her footing in the conversation “-good then. Better be on your A game again tomorrow.”
You watched her walk back into the cabins. Maybe if she thought you were something great, maybe you were.
Courtney goes out of her way from that conversation on to compliment you (something that is rare, and hard for her to do).
But she really likes you, and she wants you to see yourself the way she sees you.
Gwen mainly hangs out with you for your snappy witty sense of humor.
She couldn’t stand to deal with anyone who couldn’t match her social wit.
But it’s not like she hasn’t seen you during challenges, you’re good, too good.
She’ll tease you about it to no end, you could never tell if it’s because she’s actually upset with you for winning challenges for the team, or if she just likes to get on your back about stuff.
“Wooow,” she deadpanned after watching you do one challenge that was particularly physically taxing.
“What?” You said lifting a brow at her.
She scrunches her face a little at you for a moment and then begins “oh nothing, but do you have to make the rest of us look bad while doing the challenges?” She laughs (somewhat evilly from your point of view)
You know she was just teasing you, she always is, but it hurts a little more.
“What?” She asks.
“No, seriously. Why do you have that look on?” She presses again, leaning over on her knees to get a good look at you.
“Nothing it’s just- it’s stupid,” you admit.
She snorts a little “from you? I doubt it.”
“It kind of freaks me out when you say stuff like that?”
She makes a face at that “why?”
You shrug “makes me feel like everyone is expecting something great from me that I can’t give.”
She stops chortling at you then, because she can see it plain as day written on your face. You’re not kidding.
You of all people worried about not being great? She could hardly believe her ears, she thought the world and moon of you, you were the only person at this shit hole camp who she could stand.
She punched your side lightly “you better not really believe that you know?”
“What, that I’m a fraud?” You say darkly.
She scoffs “you’re ridiculous you know that. You work harder than anyone else here to compete in these mind numbing challenges, and still you can’t see?!”
“Well I guess-“
“No, you guess nothing. Don’t you dare believe you’re anything less than what you are any longer.”
She said it with such a sense of finality it was hard to argue back with her. Impossible even.
“I knew you had a heart in there,” you smirk at her.
She goes red (which doesn’t take much honestly she’s paler than fresh printer paper) at that, and pushes you a little. “Shut up.”
After that she lays off comments like that, and you don't hear much teasing from her to anyone.
It feels a little weird at first, not getting teased, and even more shockingly getting a few compliments from her.
But the two of you slump into it after a while, and it becomes the new natural for your relationship.
Heather can read you like a book.
She knows right away that you’re useful, skilled, and have a strong self doubt about yourself.
(Sorry but yk our girl is evil, she definitely manipulates you especially if we’re talking island)
She definitely somehow pulls you into an alliance, and you kind of just float along with her for the most part.
You know it’s wrong the stuff she’s making you do to the other campers sometimes, but you glom onto her praise a little bit.
“You, I need you to go find Lindsay for me. We need to have an alliance meeting,” she demands hands on her hips.
"What for?" Heather seemed to get tripped up sometimes on even the smallest of things, sometimes it seemed like stupid things, but what did you know?
"What for? What for? Excuse me, hello, earth to _______! We totally bombed that last challenge in case you're not paying attention!"
"Right, sorry," you said in response.
That wasn't totally true though, we weren't right, more like they.
Not that you would ever correct anyone to say something that conceded, much less Heather (she'd kill you).
"What's that look for?" She demands.
"What? nothing," you assure.
She scoffs "So then what are you doing still on your butt? Go get Lindsay!"
Lindsay going against Heather in the end makes you turn on her the same, if it's someone Lindsay hates, they must be bad news. Not that you didn't already realize that, I just imagine that to be the final straw.
Oddly enough, after being with Heather makes your self worth increase.
Despite the fact that she verbally assaults you on a daily basis, it's easy to feel good about yourself since in comparison to Heather not only do you look even extra adequate in challenges, but you seem nicer too.
It doesn't take much to warm up to Jasmine, she's wildly easy going, kind, smart, and good at everything she tries.
You two click based on skill alone.
Being in Pahkitew requires a lot of athleticism, and a lot of survival instincts.
Being good with Jasmine is just common sense.
She's always giving you praise and compliments about everything you do, she's always delighted and amazed by your skill.
"Wow! Look at you, you're better than a bear on December first at foraging!" She said over her pile of berries.
"uh... sure," you shrug.
She gives you a look "What's that face for?"
"Nothing," you shrug, not wanting to give yourself away for the fraud you are.
"You should be proud, not everyone is a master forager right out of the gates."
You shrug again "it's just picking berries."
"Not quite, its picking the right berries,"
"...yeah" you say.
She stands up and looks at you with her hands on her hips "what's wrong?"
Jasmine is very good with people's emotions, she can always tell when something has shifted with someone. So there was no real use in hiding it.
"It's just... I feel weird accepting compliments from you sometimes," you admit.
"Why's that?"
"Cause I just feel like they're never really... deserved I guess."
Jasmine frowns down at you, and puts a hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that. I get it, you know? It can be hard to get to a point where you feel confident enough in yourself to accept that stuff. But you should know by now I'm not a liar, you wouldn't really think I'd say that stuff about just anyone, would you?"
"No... I guess not. But-"
"Right then, we'd better get these back to the team then, huh?"
She said and then pulled you along.
From that point on Jasmine would take extra note of when you were feeling particularly off and would try and nudge you into the right direction.
She'd always give you extra support, but it never sounded forced, or fake, with her things are always very natural I imagine.
With her things truly are a team effort especially after your heart to heart.
Zoey always knows you will be there to save her, or help her when she needs help.
She is caring and sweet, and super cute, so of course you would go to great lengths to know and understand you.
I do think (solely based on how long things took with her discovering Mike's system) It would probably take you spelling anything like that out for her.
She's always impressed by your work, be it social, academic, physical, she's just impressed by you, through and through.
It was another night of lengthy praise from her, after you had rescued her from yet another fatal situation (why had you come on this show again?).
You could feel yourself growing more and more uncomfortable as compliment after compliment ticked on, you just couldn't live up to what she thought of you.
How could you? She over and over told you she thought the world of you, how could this pressure do anything but build and fester?
"Zoey! Please," you interrupt, trying not to let your outburst cost you the challenge.
"What?" she asked innocently.
"Nothing, it's just... It's kind of a lot," you admit. And you hate how weak it sounds, but you knew you needed to be direct with her.
"Oh no I'm sorry. The pressure is a lot for you I'd bet..." She said sort of sadly, shaking her head.
"Yeah, a little bit," you nodded.
She rubbed your back comfortingly "I promise I won't do that to you anymore. How about from now on we decide to expect less from each other?"
It sounded a bit strange, expecting less from your teammates should sound like a bad deal, but it's what you needed. On top of the fact that you felt like a big huge liar, you didn't need everyone expecting the world of you on top of that.
Things run a little more smoothly with your team from then on. Zoey finds unique ways to praise you that go unnoticed to you sometimes, and gives you as much support as you give to her.
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wawanakwawritings · 1 year
Can I get Brick, Scott, and Zoey with a s/o that's very flirty and likes to pick them up bridal style?
Brick, Scott, and Zoey with a flirty S/O that likes carrying them bridal style
a/n: thanks for the fun request!
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Someone who's very flirty & forward is one of the best potential matches for this boy! He's spent his whole life training, but dating is something no manual could ever prepare him for. An s/o that takes initiative and constantly affirms their feelings for him helps him feel secure in what's definitely his first relationship.
It's easiest to fluster him when you two are in the infancy of your relationship; a simple smile or compliment sent his way is enough to make him lose his focus. Please have mercy on him, S/O. He's prepared to deal with enemy distractions, not S/O distractions!
Thankfully (for him), you flirt with him so often that he eventually gets used to it, at least to the point where he no longer trips over his own feet when you comment on his muscles. Now he only trips over his words! Maybe his drill sergeant will allow you to attend his training sessions again.
One thing that never changes is how happy it makes him to be literally swept off his feet. He swoons every time. Even if he's injured! He was pretty worried the first few times it happened though; he's a heavy guy, S/O, are you sure? He'd hate for you to get hurt because of him.
If it's a regular thing for you, he comes to expect it. He's prepared to jump into your arms at any given moment — just give him the order!
You're going to make Scott insufferable with how much you're inflating his ego. For example, someone thinks his voice is annoying? Well, you once said you could listen to it all day and as far as he's concerned, yours is the only opinion that matters. Why should he care what some loser thinks?
He likes to think he takes the flirting in stride, but he gets so red when you do things like hold his gaze and confidently tell him his blue eyes are the prettiest you've ever seen. He does his best to return the compliments, but fumbles and mixes up his words more often than not.
Keep the flirting directed at him. If you're flirty in general, it's going to cause problems in your relationship until you have a discussion with him about it. Underneath all that scheming and general mean-spiritedness lies an insecure farm boy who worries he's not a good enough boyfriend for you!
It honestly wounded his pride a little the first time you easily scooped him up in your arms. He's got some impressive upper body strength, y'know, you could hop in his arms next time!
Scott gets a little frustrated with himself if you can do something for him that he can't do for you, so the best course of action here would be to take turns carrying each other. He gets to enjoy some time off his feet in your arms and you get to do the same. It's a win-win, hun.
VERY easily distracted by you and your flirting. You think her perfume smells nice today? Wow, thanks, S/O! It's not actually perfume, she's trying out this new berry body wash and... well, she's glad you think it smells nice! She was worried it'd be too strong. Everything else seems to melts away when you shower her in compliments.
It makes her especially happy when you flirt with her in front of her peers. She spent a long time thinking she's too plain to be noticed by anyone, it's so nice to have a S/O that's unashamed of being with her. She hopes she makes you as happy as you make her!
Don't worry, she's not the sole receiver of sugary words in this relationship. Zoey's way of flirting is more lowkey and earnest, but no less sweet. You styled your hair differently? She's the first one to notice and tell you it looks amazing. Is that a new shirt, S/O? It really suits you! And so on.
Like Brick, she swoons every time you sweep her off her feet. It's a little cheesy, but in a good way! A really good way. Just give her a head's up beforehand, okay?
She tries to carry you too! Keyword: tries. She's decently strong, but her arms and legs give out ten minutes after she's picked you up. It's nice to have you in her arms once in awhile regardless.
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insanetvgirl · 4 months
Gender Neutral! They/Them
Reality show/original au or non reality au(Up for interpretation)!
Poly or team up!(Up for interpretation)
Theme song: Bust your kneecaps!
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Gosh,these two love you too much!
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TOO MUCH! Really
Zoey and Mike are obssesive,they only think about you,everytime,eating,taking a bath,sleeping,in a challange,they always think about!
You are so perfect,you are beautiful,smart,kind,sweet,you must be a angel who feel from the sky!
Ok,they get jealous easily about you,they trust you! But the persons who talk with you(and flirty with you)don't deserve your attention! Only they must hear your voice and around you!
Now,Mike is the most overprotective,Zoey is really protective too,but hell you don't need even to ask for help that Mike is on your side(but because of him Zoey is starting to be more protective with you)
" Hey Mike,where is Y/n? "
" Uh? Y/n? Y/n!? Y/N!!! "
They are always around you,privacy? That word don't exist! They must be around you everytime silly! How do you think they are going to protect you? Oh,and because of that they easily discover your secrets! So don't matter how much you try to hide something,they always know what is happening with you!
They always try to make you happy! They even made some hand made gifts for you!
Come on! They love you! You don't would leave they?
Right? Right?
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" Jonny don't leave me
You said you'd love me forever
Honey, believe me
I'll have your heart on a platter "
Yup,i love roti
If you all want i can make a part 2 with the alters! I wanted to make this focused in Mike and Zoey!
I love u all and thanks for reading! Remember of taking care of youself and drink some water!
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the-milk-monarch · 6 months
hello hello! I really like your writing! can I request a Mal x autistic reader but all good if not. Have a nice day/night!
☣︎ omg yes I wanted to write sth similar but I felt like it'd be too self-serving lmao I hope you don't mind I added Mike in there as well
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Summary: Mal pretends to be Mike but Reader picks up on it. After the reveal, Reader has to spent a cold night out with Mal as a challenge + dating headcanons.
☢︎ | Total Drama | 6k words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Mal | Mike ⚠ | Mal being an ass, reader having a meltdown
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Ever since you joined the Total Drama show, you knew you had to get an ally if you were to win.
Your social skills weren't the best, but you had your good problem solving skills to make up for that. At least you hoped so.
You were a little anxious while interacting with other contestants, hoping they wouldn't notice your a bit different approach to conversations.
But there was one boy who didn't seem to mind your awkwardness. On the contrary, he was a bit awkward as well, which filled you with adoration.
Mike was always so kind and respectful you never felt anxious around him, even with your quirky way of speaking.
Or the fact that you avoided eye contact while you spoke.
And when you cringed at yourself whenever you tripped on the flat ground, he didn't think of you any less, he was just worried whether you hurt yourself or not.
You could say you caught a small crush on Mike because of how comfortable you felt with him, but you knew he was interested in Zoey.
Although you were unsure about some small gestures received from him. "Was he just nice or is it his interest?" played in your head, although your mind told you to assume the worst and not hype yourself up.
That didn't stop you from simping from afar though.
What you loved the most about Mike was his willingness to listen to you ramble about your special interest.
You were really worried about being annoying around other people, knowing you might get a bit too excited the stuff you like and it'd be "inappropriate".
But Mike seemed to be into it, asking follow up questions and overall being engaged with you talking.
Your trust towards Mike was put to a test once you got a bit too overwhelmed in the middle of a challenge.
This particular day you seemed to have extra clumsy coordination which pissed you off a little, as it was important for you to win this time, given how strict the criteria for losing were this time.
"God, I have enough-" You desperately and a bit irritated announced while trying to tie a knot.
The challenge Chris McLean decided to do today was a scout obstacle course. Each person had to partner up with someone and do some scout activities, which included tying knots into various shapes shown on the picture.
The rope fell out of your hands for the 5th time while you were almost done with it and it made you forcibly exhale in irritation.
Mike had just finished his part of the activity and he noticed you had some troubles.
"Um, what is it?" He asked carefully, looking at your closed off body language.
"My hands don't listen to me and I can't tie these damn knots-" You tried not to make a scene, hating how much a simple, stupid task made you upset.
Your breathing got slightly heavier as you tried to suppress your rising emotions. You knew you had the right to express it, but not now. Not in front of Mike.
You took a step back from the ropes laying on the ground helplessly and given up, wanting to get some space from the irritating item.
Mike had noticed your change of attitude and immediately sensed you were losing it a bit.
"Hey, it's fine- I'll do your part." He suggested quickly, hoping to give some reassurance. "I-it's just ropes, right? We can still win!"
You felt a bit silly but you had no power to complete the task. You meekly nodded.
You stood there, just looking at his hard work until he finished.
"Okay, let's go!" Mike announced as he was done with your both parts.
At the end of the day, you and Mike managed to avoid elimination and after the challenge ended, you had some alone time to yourself.
Once you had a chance to be alone for a second, you quickly escaped the large crowd of people, wanting to get some space after such tiring situation.
You were chilling on a bench until you noticed a familiar face appearing on your radar.
Mike had managed to find you.
You quickly changed your way of cross legged sitting on a bench due to fear of being perceived as weird, even though you knew Mike probably wouldn't bat an eye on that.
You politely smiled as he approached you.
"Hey, there you are-" Mike reciprocated your smile a bit nervously.
"I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I noticed you kind of- disappeared from the rest earlier, did something happen? Are you alright?" He asked with worry on his face which made you soften your expression. Did he really care about your wellbeing so much he came after you?
"No, no, you're not disturbing-" You said, halfly honest. You wanted some time alone for yourself, but you couldn't say you didn't appreciate him coming here.
He came up to the bench you were sitting on and sat beside you, keeping a respectful distance.
You didn't even notice when you started slightly bouncing your leg as you spoke.
To a keen eye (or even not so) it was clear that even though your face was calm, you had some bottled stress inside.
Mike was mindful enough to notice it, so he proceeded carefully.
"So- you're fine, just wanted to- chill out alone for a second?" Mike gently asked, looking at your face, even though your eyes avoided his.
"Yeah. You know, people overwhelm me a bit sometimes-" You admitted a bit bluntly.
"Oh, yeah, it's fine, I get what you mean-" He assured you with a smile. But then his smile faltered a little in worry.
"Wait, since you wanted to be alone, aren't I a bother?" He asked again, ready to stop bugging you in case it wasn't welcomed.
You softly smiled at his politeness.
"No, I said you're not a bother. I don't mind you being here, and- I like that you came here, actually." You admitted with a bit awkward and coy smile. You weren't used to speaking your mind freely like that, in case something came out wrong, but you concluded your response was acceptable.
Mike grinned bashfully as he remembered your previous words.
"Right, right, sorry heh." He scratched his neck as he showed a toothy grin.
"So..." He started after a few seconds.
"Tell me if I'm crossing any boundaries here, but I felt like there was some shift from you since that, um, knot situation." He carefully said. "...Are you- mad at me? Did I do something?"
You cringed internally at yourself.
"Oh, eh- no-" You quickly chimed in. "No, I'm sorry if I came off that way-"
"I just got a bit overwhelmed because I'm so clumsy- But I'm alright now." You assured him with a half smile while your leg continued to bounce. Until you noticed the movement and promptly stopped.
Mike had noticed all of your quirks but never commented on them.
"Hey, it's alright- I didn't mind helping you." He gave you a warm and a calm smile.
You waited a bit before thinking about saying something.
"I- I dunno if you know what a 'meltdown' is...?" You carefully started. You never explicitly stated you're autistic, nor you wanted people to treat you like a child whenever they found out, but you trusted Mike wouldn't do that.
Mike blinked once before tilting his head slightly.
"A meltdown... Uh..." He looked at the ground, trying to think about it.
You explained before he could say anything else, saving him from an awkward silence.
"It's an autism thing, I just kinda shut off for a moment there. I know it's not really useful in a competition." You bluntly admitted, waiting for his reaction.
Mike then seemed to get the idea "Oh, right! Yeah, yeah I know what is it." He nodded to emphasize.
"You- You don't have to worry about that! I know how it is to get overwhelmed sometimes-" He chuckled nervously.
"Just so you know, it doesn't change anything." He showed yet another reassuring smile which made the corners of your lips move up as well. "I'll help you whenever you need it!"
"...Thanks." You hoped the shine in your bashful eyes didn't expose your feelings too much.
After several days on the island, you noticed something changed. Mike seemed off to you.
Others didn't seem to notice, but your eyes caught some discrepancies in the way Mike acted.
His whole demeanor changed in an uncanny way.
You were used to being very chatty around him due to his always reciprocative stance, but recently Mike started to seem annoyed.
Worries flared up immediately once you noticed he might get bored of your ramblings, so you decided to ask him about it.
"Hey, uh, Mike? Can I ask you a question?" You tried to casually introduce the topic.
"Hm? Yeah, sure. Go on." He answered with fake investment in his voice, smiling.
"Am I talking too much? You can tell me to stop if you got bored or something-" You awkwardly informed him, hoping you weren't a bother after all, waiting for the confirmation.
He stopped for a moment, showing an unsure but cheery smile.
"Oh, no, no- Of course I love listening to you- But I'm just a bit tired today, so maybe you could tone it down a little today?" He tried to be as gentle as ever while shutting you up.
He wasn't very disrespectful but it kind of hurt you. Even though you knew he had the full right to politely ask you to stop, you thought he enjoyed the discussions with you.
You tried once again a few times, but all you were met with was subtly seeping annoyance from his responses.
"Oh my, that's interesting- But tell me, do you have anything else to talk about?" He asked while smiling and pretending to be invested.
"Uh- yeah. If you want I can-"
"Cool. Then talk about something else." He abruptly cut you off.
So with time you slowly shut up with the ramblings, which Mike seemed to be happy about.
You couldn't believe he just changed like that, as if it wasn't him. But you also felt like you had any right to force him into listening to you.
The changes in his behavior didn't stop at that, as you also noticed some remarks coming his way, which you had trouble deciding whether it was sarcasm or not.
He also seemed to get a bit more demanding, not being as keen to help you with things now.
You didn't take Mike's kindness for granted of course, but you knew something changed.
You had a bad feeling.
Your logical thinking made you come up with theories on what happened.
You knew about Mike's D.I.D. and wondered if it was maybe someone else. But you also knew Mike's alters well enough to know it wasn't any of the ones you were acquainted with.
Only thing that stopped you from outright asking him about it was your common decency. It would be rude to just assume.
So you decided to test something.
You once again started your favorite topic, one that Mike had a lot of questions and discussion about while he still acted like himself.
"Hey, Mike, I recently thought about that one tv show we talked about recently and I forgot to tell you some trivia. Wanna listen to the facts about [character] or [character2]?" You asked with halfly casual tone, wanting to check his reaction. You mentioned Mike's favorite action movie, so you believed he would reply with some enthusiast about it.
"Wow- um- Yeah, [character2] sounds good." He responded with pretended interest but you caught some annoyance from him, "per usual".
"...I thought you didn't like [character2]?" You asked a tricky question. The character in question was his favorite one. At least Mike's favorite. You purposefully asked an untrue question.
"Eh- I mean- Hate-listening is a thing, right?" He tried to get out of the hole he fell in due to not listening previously to you. His attempts at trying to be casual were obvious to you now.
You stopped for a moment to look him briefly in the eyes.
"Actually, you mentioned [character2] being your favorite." You tilted your head and raised your brow a bit accusatory.
He looked to the side, as if caught in a lie, but still tried to save face.
"Well tastes change, don't they?" He crossed his arms in a bit of annoyance because of you poking holes in his story.
"That's really rude of you." He furrowed his brows in slight irritation as his patience was running out.
That was it, you knew Mike wouldnt' just tell you that! Or, at least you hoped you were right about it.
You took a leap of faith as you also crossed your arms in a defensive state, staring at him.
"You're not Mike are you?" You asked bluntly.
He got a bit surprised at your boldness.
"What?" He chuckled a bit patronizingly, as if you said something stupid. "Of course I'm Mike. Why do you say that?"
"Well- I didn't wanna assume, but looking at your behavior recently I noticed you got a lot less enthusiastic about spending time with me. So obviously something's up." You concluded, still sticking to your belief. You hoped you weren't wrong.
"God you have to overthink everything, do you?" His tone changed to a slightly deeper one.
You noticed him gracefully swish his hair in a way which made his bangs cover his eye.
"Are you usually this annoying? How did Mike even managed to deal with you?" He expressed his thoughts freely now while you were under his judging eye.
Your eyes widened a little - you were right, it wasn't Mike.
"Wow, okay- Who are you then?" You asked now without any restriction.
"I'm Mal." He responded with arrogance.
"And if you tell anyone I'm not that nerdy freak, you're done." He added with an undertone of threat.
"Hey, what's with that hostility?" You tilted your head and asked a bit bluntly but still remaining polite.
"I am simply direct. I don't have the time or patience to deal with any of your foolish questions." Mal's cold and serious persona was quite intimidating, but you managed to stay calm.
"Okay- I'm direct too, but I don't have to threat you while at it." You pointed out calmly.
"I'm not threatening you. I'm simply telling you what will happen if you reveal my true self to anyone else." Mal's words echoed a threat without any hesitation.
You sighed, sensing some mixed messages from him. "Alright- Uh, so- Why don't you want me to tell others you're not Mike?"
"It's not your business." Mal's face displayed no change in expression, still remaining as firm and strict as ever.
You waited a bit before shrugging. "...Fair enough."
Mal stared at you, showing no reaction whatsoever. "Anything else?"
"Uh- Since you're obviously not Mike, why don't we start again?" You tried to make something out of this unusual situation.
Mal raised his brow skeptically, trying to sense your intentions with that question.
"And what do you mean by that?" Mal's demeanor stayed unchanged, keeping a sharp and indifferent look on his face.
"Like- I know nothing about you, but- I'm opened to still hold an alliance, you know?" You shrugged, hoping he'll agree.
"I'm not looking for any kind of alliance with you." Mal's words sounded harsh and blunt. He never cared for any relationships, especially with people he doesn't even know.
"Okay, harsh." You bluntly put it, a bit awkward he wasn't keen on it. "But- uh, why not?"
"Because there will never be any mutual benefits here." Mal's statement was short and concise, showing no further interest in their current conversation.
"Uh- How so?" You continued.
"You have nothing worthwhile to offer me. No one else has anything worthwhile to offer me either. It's why I'm alone." Mal's words sounded as cold and harsh as ever, as if you weren't even there.
"…Isn't it a bit lonely?" You didn't wanna push the matter further, but without Mike or anyone else in an alliance, you felt lonely yourself. That's why you tried to save the situation you had before.
Mal stayed silent for a bit. "Lonely? Yes. Do I care? No." Mal's face showed no visible change of expression, staying as cold as ever.
"It doesn't matter to me if I'm alone. I can survive on my own, I don't need any friends. I never have and never will."
Your face showed a bit of concern as well as mixed emotions.
It was hard to get to him, but you still had some hopes.
"Well- I'm not saying you need them, but- since I already know you're not Mike, why can't we be at least on a positive terms?" You tried your best to seem an appealing friend.
Mal stayed silent for a bit, considering your words. He remained indifferent and unamused, but your words at least reached his ears.
"You don't even know me, yet you want to be on positive terms with me… Are you that desperate?" He looked at you patronizingly amused.
"I'm trying to be nice here." You bluntly said, a bit discouraged by his unwillingness to cooperate.
"Nice, you say? Do you even know what 'nice' means? To my knowledge, 'nice' is something you do to manipulate people and get their trust. I'm not interested in those kinds of games." Mal's words were cold and sharp, as if challenging you to answer him.
You stood there a bit dumbfounded at his definition of "nice". "No- And I'm sorry you had this experience if that's what you think it means. But I hold no malice towards you, really."
"Well you're either lying, or you're just a fool. I haven't decided yet." Mal didn't make an effort to hold back his words, just letting them slip with his usual bluntness.
You rolled your eyes slightly, but you were determined to change his mind. "Look, I know you have no reason to trust me, like me, or even believe me, but- let's say it makes us even then? We get to be in an alliance, and I don't tell your secret?" You didn't like blackmail, but you had to save yourself somehow.
"…Let's say your offer interests me… What would be your goal of this alliance?" Mal's demeanor changed slightly, becoming noticeably more analytical and entertaining the possibility at least slightly.
"Well- First off, a buddy is always nice to have on the competition, second reason- I like Mike. And you're a part of Mike So- I also wanna be friends with you. And- I hope that's reasonable?" You put it in a honest way.
Mal chuckled out loud before looking at you entertained and looking as if he was about to burst your bubble. "But I'm no Mike. If you think I'm gonna act like him then you're mistaken."
"No, I don't." You quickly disregarded his words. "That's why I suggested a fresh start."
You waited a bit before elaborating more. "Yes, I know that probably sounds stupid, but I'll be blunt. I just wanna make a friend and stay in the game. And I suck at social interactions." You knew how desperate you probably were to him, given his indifferent approach to you, but you had no other idea what to do.
Mal was clearly entertained by your responses. He couldn't help but chuckle at their naivety and the sheer persistence of being his 'friend' or something similar. "…You're one odd individual. I must say."
Mal stood silently for a moment, pondering the possibilities for an alliance between you two. He sighed before responding. "…Very well" Mal's face looked serious now, having a proposition in store.
"Should you fail to respect my boundaries, or try to manipulate me in any way… you're dead meat." Mal's tone of voice changed a bit too, now sounding as if he weren't joking anymore.
"And I also want you to not interfere with any of my plans. Understood? I can tolerate working with you for the time being, but only for the sake of mutual benefits." Mal's words were harsh and intimidating, but there seemed to be a slight tinge of… skepticism.
That was a good thing, you thought, because at least he was considering your request.
You nodded.
[Mal at the confessional]
"I can't decide whether they're planning something I didn't give them credit for, or are they that stupid to think I'm really gonna be in a real alliance with them." Mal chuckled to the camera. "Probably the latter." He added with a smug smirk. "That naive pawn… it's too easy to manipulate them. All that talk about "friendship…" nonsense." He obnoxiously mocked your words with a hand gesture as his look held entertainment. "As if that mattered to me… or anyone." Mal thought to himself out loud. "No one ever mattered to me, and they never will. People are merely tools in my eyes, and I will use them to get what I want..." His expression seemed to stay serious and pondering for a moment before the video cut off.
You had very mixed feelings about the situation.
You were very well aware Mal probably didn't respect you and only agreed to it for his benefit, you weren't stupid.
But you also had some hopes he would come around with time.
Your relationship proceeding further was very rocky, as Mal didn't really treat you with kindness, which you kind of expected, but weren't happy about.
Still, he didn't try to vote you off, and for the time being it worked.
You were a bit lost about what to do, but the days on the island didn't let you have a break to think about things, and the challenges proceeded as usual.
Today's challenge was a camp-out one. People in the team had to partner up with someone and then spend a night outside, in the forest.
"Easy enough", you thought, but you noticed some eye-roll from Mal.
Obviously you and Mal ended up being partners, due to the "mutual" alliance you had.
Once the teams had chose their respective campsites and you were alone, Mal swooshed his hair so it fell on his eye once again without a comment, seemingly more comfortable with this hairstyle instead of Mike's usual standing hair.
"So- How about this place?" You pointed out to a simple area that didn't have a lot of pinecones on the ground, offering a softer ground to set a tent on.
"Whatever, can be." He briefly acknowledged your words without any further interest.
You were a bit tired of his apathetic demeanor but you let it slide.
You placed your backpack on the ground, preparing to take out the necessary equipment.
Mal sat on some available tree root, expecting you to do all the work.
It took you some time but you were determined to set out the tent properly, even under Mal's judging eye.
To no avail. Without an instruction, it wasn't your strong suit to just "wing it".
Mal raised his brow unamusedly while crossing his arms.
"God that's pathetic." He commented without any hesitance.
"Okay then, you do it." You crossed your arms as well, now looking at him.
You heard a "tch-" from him. "Really? You're that helpless?" He smirked.
"It would appear so." You just bluntly admitted, gaining some surprise from Mal, which quickly disappeared after a moment.
"Weak." He murmured to himself, making sure you also heard him. He walked up to the tent, setting it up without much resistance.
You plopped down on the tree trunk Mal was previously sitting on, watching him work.
After he was done you didn't want to be useless, so you got up with an idea of gathering some wood. What's a camp without a camp-fire, eh?
Mal saw you leave but didn't comment anything, choosing to go sit in the tent he just set up.
You were really trying to be nice and respectful to Mal, but he was slowly draining your willingness to do it.
As you were collecting random twigs from the ground you were thinking about him though.
No one was mean without a reason, and given Mike's situation, he probably went through lots of stuff to get to his current behavior, which made you feel sympathetic towards him.
You came back to your little campout, noticing Mal lazily sitting inside the tent, holding a knife in his one hand that was carving the wood he held in the other. You wondered where did he get it from?
"I brought wood." You announced, letting the twigs fall onto the floor.
"Congrats, you made yourself useful." He commented briefly, but mostly ignoring you.
It was a start at least.
Soon enough the air became colder, forcing you to make a fire.
You gathered some rocks and formed them along with several pieces of wood, trying to set the fire with 2 rocks, as you had to do with Mike on scout-type challenge, until Mal took out a match with unamused expression and started the fire.
You blinked as you saw the fire appear, then looked at Mal. "How did you get a match?"
"I stole it." He replied carelessly without a hint of shame.
"...Okay, that works." You only managed to say.
You both got near the source of warmth in a careful distance away from each other, you sitting on the tree trunk nearby, him sitting in the tent.
The challenge was going pretty smoothly, until it began to pour.
The rain quickly took out your fire, making Mal groan in irritation.
As you felt the droplets of water on your clothes, you quickly went into the tent where Mal was taking most of the space, but he reluctantly moved to the corner once he saw you coming.
You stayed silent as you observed the aggressive change of the weather, with Mal not making a peep either, only keeping his outward display of annoyance towards the rain visible.
It was getting dark and cold, with the weather having no plans of going back to the sunny afternoon it previously was.
Mal backed out into the tent, sitting quietly and looking outside with an upset expression on his face.
There was a long, awkward silence that got to you internally, but you didn't want to risk annoying Mal with bringing up "annoying" topics to talk about, as you had no other ideas.
You came to the show with quite a thick jacket with a hood on, so the cold didn't bother you that much, but you observed Mal pressing his bent knees to his stomach in attempt to keep warm.
There was no sign of struggle from his side though, as he made a good job of sitting still, acting like it wasn't bothering him, with the exception of subtle trembles of his body once in a while.
It was obvious he felt cold with only a short-sleeved shirt to keep him warm.
"Are you cold?" You asked hesitantly, even though you knew the answer.
He shot you a death glare. "I'm fine."
You waited a second, looking at him briefly and thinking about your options. You decided to press further.
"You have short sleeves though." You pointed out, looking at his face getting agitated.
"So fucking what? My fault this moron can't dress properly?" He barked at you with hostility, as if you were pointing out his misfortune.
"No." You responded a bit taken aback by his tone, but you remained calm.
"But- We can share." You made your intentions clear as you took off the jacket, handing it to him.
He looked at you with skeptic and confused eyes as if you had some hidden intentions behind that move, but he accepted the gift without any comment.
You noticed his grumpy expression soften slightly but still keeping that distrustful glare, avoiding your eye as he put the jacket around his back.
You judged his reaction as a positive one though.
After a moment you scooted closer to him, touching his side with yours, to which he raised his eyebrow at your "audacity".
"What are you doing?" He muttered, looking at your movements with mixed feelings.
"You're not the only one cold here. I'm also freezing." You explained a bit lightheartedly, hoping to ease the thick tension between you two.
Mal only briefly looked at you and let out a "hmph" noise as an acknowledgement as he looked away from you, yet he didn't move away, letting you stay in this position.
You sighed contently for the first time in a few days now.
You watched the rain fall in silence, but at least it wasn't as overwhelming now.
Finally the exhaustion caught up to you both as a product of several hours of walking and doing stuff.
Mal let out the first yawn and so you asked him whether he wants to go to sleep.
He shrugged, still keeping his indifferent behavior but accepted. "Sure, whatever."
You both moved to the far away corners of the tent and layed down, feeling the fabric of the tent soften the hard ground halfly. Chris didn't pack you any sleeping bags, that would be too easy.
All you had was your jacket as a make-shift blanket.
You noticed Mal laying on his side, in a way that wouldn't make him face you.
You offered him a part of the jacket but his ego didn't let him accept this time.
"I'm fine. I don't need it." He harshly turned down your offer.
You sighed. "Fine."
Mal remained stubborn, even though the cold was biting his ass, he managed to fall asleep.
You however couldn't, due to the uncomfortable place of sleeping.
You laid on your back for a few seconds, staring at the ceiling of the tent, before deciding to take a look at Mal.
His breathing let you notice he was asleep, although his shaky body was visibly cold.
You didn't have the heart to let him freeze, so you very carefully moved near him, putting a part of the jacket on him to cover him up.
You pressed your back very slightly against him, craving some additional warmth from his body that would benefit you boths
Fortunately he didn't wake up.
You managed to fall asleep after some time as well.
Mal woke up after several hours, thoroughly confused about the state of his being, as he expected to wake up cold, but he was quite- cozy.
His expression changed as soon as he noticed you very close to him.
He cringed at your proximity, with your front facing him in a blissful state of sleep, hair over your eyes as if in rom-com movie.
He was about to forcefully shake you off him, but he decided against it for some reason.
Perhaps it was his self-preservation finally speaking, instead of ego getting in his way of survival. Your position was both comfy and warm, after all.
He only turned to lay on his back, letting out a heavy sigh, furrowing his eyebrows slightly as it was now his turn to look above without any particular reason, just to think over the situation.
As soon as you started to wake up, he immediately backed off, putting the whole jacket on you.
"Finally you're awake." He said as if it was a big bother.
You softly rubbed your eyes, yawn escaping your lips as you done so.
"When did you wake up?" You asked with a bit of haze still.
"Doesn't matter." He sharply shut down your question, although his tone was just slightly different than his usual bitterness.
After you both past the challenge timer of staying and ready to leave the place, you noticed Mal taking down the tent, without you having to ask him for it. Huh.
[Mal at the confessional]
Mal stared at the camera with crossed arms for a longer moment, having an ambiguous expression on his face. After some time he finally decided to open his mouth. "God, they're so helpless. They can't even set up a damn tent." His scornful tone made it obvious he was making fun of you. "How would they even make it so far without me?" He once again made it clear to the recording device that he was needed for your victory. Yet another few seconds passed by before his thought was said out loud, this time his face turning less arrogant and more figuring out what he's gonna say. "...They're so naive." He reiterated once more, as if to reassure himself what to think. "But- Maybe with my help I'll be able to use them to my advantage." He finally found the correct direction of his further words. "I'll make sure no one gets between me and Y/N getting a chance at winning the money." "Of course, just for me to forcefully take the victory away from them, later." He said confidently, but he felt the need for a clarification on that last part. He lingered in the confessional for a moment more, before getting to his final words, looking straight at the camera. "And if anyone plans to interfere with that, they're gonna go down."
Of course if you and Mal become a thing, he'll be more keen about tolerating your quirks and listening to you ramble about your hyperfixations.
He won't be as invested in them, but he'll treat you in a way he'd treat a cat enjoying it's favorite toy - "You do your thing sweetie. It's stupid but adorable to look at."
Once he gets used to your true thoughts and trust you, he'd also think your honesty is refreshing.
He thinks neurotypicals play too many complicated emotional games.
He can also play them as a form of manipulation, but if it comes to trusting each other he appreciates you always being blunt when it comes to what you think.
It's obvious Mal most probably has ASPD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, so he's not a stranger to people not liking his attitude and way of thinking.
He might be a bit too harsh on you at first, not used to having someone caring about him (or vice versa) but with time he'll learn to not go as hard on you.
Like with your 'special needs', not tolerating some textures and foods, your obsession about only on topic at a time, or stimming, which might be distracting to him.
He might panic a bit inside once you have a meltdown first time around him though, not knowing how to act around you in that state, as only thing he knows it's hostility, so don't expect him to be much help.
He might listen to your requests how should he act later on, though.
He will also be more straightforward around you when he notices your "denseness".
"Do you- want my jacket again?" You asked, looking at Mal. "No, let me freeze to death." He remarked sarcastically, expecting you to pass him the jacket again, but you just blinked, unsure if he wanted it or not after your previous similar encounter with him being reluctant to accept it. He looked at you a second more, now elaborating a bit annoyed. "Yes, I want it."
Even more so after Mal became less insecure about showing his interest in you.
"Aren't you cold?" He asked, looking at you expectantly with a hint of tease in his voice, obviously wanting you to come closer to him so you'd need him as a source of warmth. "Kinda-" You responded casually, yet still did nothing. Mal waited a moment before finally sighing and pulling you closer to him in a smooth manner, making you a bit surprised. "That means come here." He reiterated slightly more greedy about your presence. That amount of possessiveness made you a bit stunned, but in a kind of positive way. He wasn't negative towards you anymore, after all. "Do I really have to spell out everything for you?" He asked halfly serious. "Well- apparently." You admitted a bit embarrassed at your lack of clue. He rolled his eyes, pulling you closer. "Okay then. You're mine now."
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hi Zoey!! Hope you're doing well!! You deserve all the love!!
This is my 2nd request ever, and you handled my 1st request beautifully, so i thought that perhaps i would request again?
Recently, i was randomly hard-blocked on Tumblr by a (now former) mutual.. and also got randomly cut off by some friends irl too ...
To this day i have not the faintest idea what i did wrong and don't even have the capacity to ask any of them.. it makes me incredibly sad/disheartened to loose them, especially since i don't know/understand if/what i did anything wrong..
As far as i've been aware i never violated anyone's guidelines/boundaries.. it makes me physically and mentally ill to think that i could have somehow done something so terrible accidentally/unknowingly and gotten cut off for it.. 😥💔
Despite getting some support and lovin' about it, I've been crying about it so much and don't know how to deal with it still 😓💔
What are your thoughts on how the TBB, (and possibly Wolffe, Rex, and/or Cody if it isn't too much), would react/deal with/comfort (preferably fem!) Reader on randomly loosing friends and getting very sad over it?
I'm sorry for all the angst here!! Also, i know you already wrote something kind of similar (had to do with TBB helping the reader lose a toxic friend), so if this is too much, repetitive, or uncomfortable for you, i totally understand not doing the request!!
Take care and thank you so much for all that you do!! Your love and support and kindness knows no bounds!! 🫶🏼💕🩷
Aloha, hun!
I'm really sorry to read that. It's hard to lose friends, especially when you don't really know why or what's going on. The only way to find out would be asking them about it. But you mentioned you don't feel up to ask them yourself. Maybe you have someone, a friend, who'd be willing to do that for you? Sometimes you can't change peoples minds, and you don't have to. Real friends don't just leave you behind without telling you what bothered them. Real friends communicate and try to fix things and don't just leave or ignore. Hold on to the real ones and let the ones who want to go just go. I know it feels devastating, but you don't need people like this in your life. If they just show you the cold shoulder without voicing what's the deal, they are not willing to really make an effort for this friendship, so why should you run after them? Invest your energy in your real friends.
And friends who need some time to themselves for personal reasons usually at least tell you that they need to retreat for a while, at least in my experience (I do that sometimes when I need to charge up my mental batteries). Cutting someone off without at least addressing them once about the reason is Kindergarten or headless teenager behavior at best. People who really care/cared, don't just vanish out of your life quietly.
That's probably not making you feel much better, but what I'm trying to say is, that you should focus on yourself a bit more and those who deserve your friendship. Don't cry over undeserving idiots. Easier said than done, I know. It'll take time, like everything emotionally heavy does, but you'll feel better at some point when you manage to sort out your priorities. And Drama queens who cut you off on purpose, to make you run after them, are even worse. Those are energy vampires, don't play that game with them, you will always be at the exhausted, losing end.
But, I'm still here, not exactly a close friend, but a mutual I guess. I hear you and even though I can't do much for you right now, I can send you a hug and write something for you 🤗
I picked this request out of my list to do before the others, because I felt this was a little more... urgent, at the moment.
The Bad Batch/Wolffe/Rex x F!Reader HCs - True Friends
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Warnings: Angst/Hurt/Comfort
Losing friends is never easy. You struggle with being left behind by some of them. How do the clones react?
He is organizing and sorting a few things for the next mission when he talks to you and asks what is bothering you. Your revelation makes him wonder.
"And they didn't say anything? Didn't say why?
You shake your head sadly.
Hunter puts down the datapad on which he's just checked an inventory list and turns to face you fully.
"Then they're not friends either"
You frown and look at him questioningly.
Gently but firmly, he says, "Friends don't just turn their backs on you without comment. Someone who doesn't even expend enough energy to tell you what might be bothering them didn't really care much about this friendship or you in the first place."
You wrap your arms around your body, really not feeling much better now.
Hunter comes closer and takes off a glove and gently strokes your cheek.
"I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't have to chase after these people. Focus on your real friends, the ones you can always count on. Me, for example," he says with a smile, "Or my brothers. We would never abandon you".
"It just bugs me that I don't know what's going on," you say dejectedly, leaning your head against his chest.
Hunter puts an arm around your shoulders and continues to stroke your cheek with one hand.
"I know, that would keep me busy too. But all I can tell you is focus on other things, other, real friends, important things in your life. If you want I can ask them if you tell me who it is, but I can guarantee you, no matter how it turns out, friends like that will always let you down, again and again"
You sigh wistfully.
"You are a great person, a great friend and partner, don't worry, there will always be someone who appreciates that, one way or another"
He looks at you worriedly, a depressed expression on his face. Echo can't quite understand why anyone would act this way toward you.
"Maybe they just need some time to themselves?" he asks cautiously.
"All three of them?" you say doubtfully.
Echo sits down next to you in the grass in the shade where the found you and moves a little closer.
He says thoughtfully, "Real friends talk to each other, they say what's going on and don't just take off. Maybe they weren't as good friends as you thought."
"Maybe," you say quietly.
Echo puts an arm around you, and you automatically lean against him, seeking warmth and comfort from his body.
"You're never all alone, Mesh'la. I'm here, my brothers are here, and Omega adores you. You have a family here with us that you can always count on, at all times."
You smile. The loss of your friends hurts, especially that you don't know why. But the thought and feeling of having Echo by your side gives you a sense of security, the impression that everything is actually okay.
"I love you, Echo, what would I do without you?"
Echo gently hugs you and says, "Don't worry about that, you won't get rid of me that easily".
He looks at you in confusion.
"Why would they do that? Friends don't do that"
With a helpless sigh, you look up at your gentle giant.
"Maybe I've upset them?"
Wrecker frowns critically, takes your hand and pulls you with him to the open ramp where he sits down on it and pulls you onto his lap.
Gently putting both arms around you, he says, "Even if that were true, which I kind of can't imagine, then you bring up something like that. Problems that you ignore or eat into yourself only become bigger and bigger problems. If they're really upset about you, then they need to tell you, have a conversation. To just ignore you or shut you out is pretty childish."
You lean against him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"It just feels so weird, so heavy and devastating".
Wrecker strokes your back and pulls his arms, gently, a little tighter around you.
"Don't be sad Cyar'ika, you still have us after all, and that won't change. I love you"
"You are so sweet, Wrecker" you say softly with a small smile.
He chuckles, "I know, I'm great, aren't I?"
"Indeed," you say with a soft laugh, "I love you too."
He listened to you carefully. When you finish your sentence, Tech puts the datapad aside and looks at you thoughtfully.
"Why would a friend turn his back on you without justification?"
You shrug your shoulders helplessly.
"That's just what's bothering me. Did I upset them, perhaps?"
"Come here, my love," Tech taps the seat next to him invitingly for you to join him before he says, "Well, I think that's unlikely, but it's still possible. However, it still wouldn't justify a lack of explanation about the situation."
You look at him for help.
"What would you do, Tech?"
He blinks, then says, "You know me, I wouldn't dwell on it for long. Even if I had negative feelings about it, I would go on my way and do what needs to be done."
"But what if it was Hunter and Wrecker?"
Tech sighs, "Well, we had something similar with Crosshair, however he gave us some sort of explanation. I don't know, honestly, I don't think there could be a fault line between us that isn't addressed. Especially Hunter would be looking for a dialogue to clear things up, and Wrecker probably would too."
He looks at you, trying to read your face.
After a pause, he says, "Well, in my estimation, these friends aren't worth your concern or friendship. If they don't feel the need to communicate with you about any problems that may exist, then they are obviously not willing to put any particular effort into this relationship. So my conclusion would be, if you are not worth their effort, then you should do the same the other way around and save your energy for more important things and people that are worth yours. Time for new priorities. If it helps you, I could work out a plan with you to help you redirect your energies and reorganize. It may be a good therapeutic distraction."
You smile at him.
"My beloved genius, I would greatly appreciate your help, yes."
He frowns.
"Well, I guess they're idiots," he says dryly, "You know I don't like most of your friends anyway."
Crosshair doesn't like to share your attention, that's the main reason. He tolerates your friends for your sake, but he'd much rather have you to himself. However, he would never go so far as to try to separate you from your friends.
When he sees the sad look on your face, he says, "If they just cut all the lines without telling you why, then they weren't friends either. You don't turn your back on a friend for no reason, and even if there is a reason, at least you talk about it, and then you decide whether to go your separate ways."
"Is that so?" asks Echo dryly from the background.
"Quiet back there," Crosshair grumbles, "You knew why we parted ways, I never made a secret of why I left."
Crosshair looks at you again and says, "People who really care about you don't turn their backs on you without comment, no matter how much your opinions may differ. What happens after a clarifying conversation is another story"
"Sometimes an ugly one," Echo mutters.
Crosshair snorts, "Would you please stay out of this".
You look from one to the other, finally looking up at Crosshair and asking, "What do you think I should do?"
"Keep going. Don't run after them, focus on yourself and the people who are really there for you," he lifts your chin slightly with his long fingers, "Like me for example."
He puts down the box he just took off his speeder, takes off his helmet and tucks it under his arm. He looks at you with a furrowed brow.
"Well, I guess they're not really friends, then."
"What do you mean?"
Wolffe looks at you urgently, "Someone who really cares doesn't turn their back on you without comment. Simple as that."
You wrap your arms around your body.
"I guess they don't care about me then."
Wolffe sighs, lifting your chin with his fingers and seeking eye contact.
"I care about you, a lot. I'm certainly not the only one"
You look up at him, swallowing and blinking back tears.
"It's just so scary. It feels like at some point everyone could suddenly be gone and then I'm alone"
Wolffe puts his helmet on the speeder, then puts both hands on your shoulder left and right.
"Cyare, you're not alone, you won't be alone. It may feel scary and defeating now, but you'll get over it. You will see and learn in time who your real friends are, what really matters and what your priorities should be"
"You won't abandon me, right?"
Wolffe gently kisses your forehead and says, "Never."
Rex looks at you in surprise. He expected everything possible, but not really.
"Do I know these friends?"
"No not really"
He shrugs and says, "Well, I don't really know what to tell you. In my experience, friendships are never one sided, at least they shouldn't be. You invest quite a lot of energy in these contacts and suddenly nothing comes back? Mesh'la, it sounds like you were used and… well, don't need you anymore. That doesn't have much to do with friendship, though."
Startled, you sit down on a bench nearby. Rex follows you. He looks at you meekly and says, "Sorry, you probably didn't want to hear that."
You sigh softly and say, "Maybe. But maybe I needed to hear it."
Rex shrugs and says quietly, "Maybe I'm wrong too, Mesh'la, but you should focus on yourself for now and be careful in case they contact you again. You can't let them hurt you."
He sits down next to you and says with a gentle smile, "In any case, you have me, I won't let you down."
His hand clasps yours with gentle pressure.
When you look up at his face, he gives you an encouraging look with that mischievous, yet soft and warm smile of his.
"I got you, Mesh'la, always"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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barbsgirlfriend · 5 months
What I’ll Write For/Kind of a Master List/Small Intro Abt Me
About Me 💜💜
Tja! Läget? My name is Annika! I write and draw things. I live in Sweden and my first language is Swedish. I am okay with English, but it is not best. If you notice grammar mistakes it because I use google translate. I have a TikTok account: barbsgirlfriend . Also have ao3: AnglalikaAnnika . Feel free to send me requests to write or draw. I will try to respond :)
I will write:
Some violence
Canon x Reader
Canon x Canon
I will NOT write:
Straight up gore
Gross stuff
Canon x OC
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Who I’ll Write For
Barb (ofc)
John Dory
Hatchetfield Universe
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Who I’ll Write For
Linda Monroe
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Who I’ll Write For
Glam rock Freddy
Glam rock Chica
William Afton
Michael Afton
Total Drama
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Who I’ll Write For
Mike & Alters
Chris McLean
I’ll add more maybe. This list is my current fixations <3
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wickeddruig · 2 years
Secretly Dating
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pairings: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: the two of you are secretly dating because you’re embarrassed of each other. aka inspired by logan and quinn from zoey 101 or normal people idk whichever you prefer dude
warnings: unedited, jealousy, angst, f!receiving
you had a rule that the two of you didn’t talk at school. you didn’t look at each other at school and if you crossed paths you don’t say hi. you had plenty of rules. you don’t go on dates anywhere in hawkins unless it was at the kissing lake during night. your parent didn’t know that two of you were dating and you just said that you were tutoring him.
there were many more rules, you’d be here all day if you listed them. the plan was that if you lasted until graduation you two would come towards with your relationship over summer. the two of you had 6 more months of school and it seemed like you two might really last. this was an agreement that the both of you came up with. this isn’t something that steve came up with on his own.
you two were embarrassed of each other and that’s okay, it was just high school. you two were in totally different cliques. you were the nerd and the captain of the debate team and chess club. steve harrington was on the basketball team and the swim team. you two simply just shouldn’t be together, it would ruin both of your reputations.
you were talking to a fellow member on the debate team, connor. you had a meeting tonight and he was on your team so the both of you were comparing notes. you were going over strategies. connor was more your type. he was nerdy and cute, you let your mind wonder on what it would be like to date him instead of steve, you loved steve and would never cheat on him.
you just wondered what it would be like to date someone you could be seen with. what it would be like to date in hawkins. you had never dated anyone before steve so you didn’t know what it was like to go to the movies with someone or go out to dinner. all you knew was the makeout rock and sneakily watching movies in your room at night.
you were laughing at something conner said when you heard a voice coming behind you. you knew it was steve but you did your best not to look back at him, he was laughing really hard at something one of his friends had said. he walked right past you as if he didn’t even know you.
“god, if he laughs any harder his hair might flatten” connor said when steve was still in ear shot, you snickered and steve looked back at you, making direct eye contact. you cleared your throat and looked away.
you went back to your conversation with conner, you were showing him some notes you had at your locker and you felt eyes on you at the end of the hallway. you wanted to look up but you knew that wasn’t a good idea. why was steve staring at you? the no eye contact rule was his idea anyways. sure you agreed to the rules and had your own but the eye contact one was his specifically so why not follow it.
you were feeling uncomfortable in the way your boyfriend was looking at you. it wasn’t in a creepy way at all but he had never looked at you like that. it was filled with lust and anger at the same time. there wasn’t really a reason for him to ever look like that, it’s not like guys flirted with you. you’re the one that’s usually jealous, girls threw themselves at steve all the time. but you controlled yourself perfectly when that happened and he’s expected to do the same.
you laid on your bed, laying on the bed as the tv played and you were looking at some of the magazines you had. they were filled with celebrity drama and cute celebrity boys you had a crush on. your phone was ringing off the hook all night but you ignored it. it was probably your friends plus your mom told you that whoever kept calling would hang up as soon as she answered.
so it definitely wasn’t anything important. you were giggling to yourself at one of the articles it had when you suddenly heard something at your window. you placed your magazine down and slowly walked to your window. you peaked out your curtains to see steve standing there. you rolled your eyes and opened the window. steve climbed through your window. out of all your years of dating thee steve harrington never climbed through your window you would usually have to sneak him in.
“you weren’t answering the phone” steve immediately said as he adjusted himself in your room. taking off his shows as he usually did.
“well hello to you too” you said, he usually wasn’t this abrasive.
“your phone? why weren’t you answering?” steve answered almost in an ordering tone. it was sort of turning you on which you weren’t expecting.
“i didn’t know you were calling, we aren’t supposed to call each other remember” you said looking up at him “the rules?”
“right, the stupid fucking rules” he huffed, he went over to the edge of your bed “how was your conversation with that dickwad from earlier”
you were confused at first but then it clicked for you. you were so smart yet so dumb. the answer was right in front of you.
“you’re jealous” you said
“of course i’m jealous y/n some asshole gets to make you laugh in the hallway like that and we can’t even look at each other” steve replied. you were standing up in front on him while he said on the edge.
“but those are the rules we came up with and agreed to steve” you said
“i hate them, i want to walk through your front door so i can meet your parents, i want to walk into school together and show everyone who you belong to and i want to take you on a real date dammit” steve said
you had never been more happier, you wanted all those things too but you didn’t know how realistic that was. what would everyone think of you both together?
“what about everyone at school?” you asked looking into his eyes
“i don’t care about school y/n, we’re out of there in school, everyone can know about us. i just want to show you off” he stood up and took your face in his hands, laying his forehead against yours “let me show you off”
you thought about it for a second and you’d rather lose your reputation instead of losing him “okay”
“my fucking girl” he picked you up and spun you around. he put you down and threw you on the bed “now let me show you how much i appreciate you”
you bit your lip and nodded, he unzipped your pants and pulled them down to your ankles then took them all the way. he looked up at you as he placed himself between your thighs. he placed his hands on his hips and licked his lips before removing one of his hands from your hips so he could pull your panties to the side.
he started to lick your clit, taking his pointer and middle finger and sliding it inside of you. he moved his other hand from your hip and took his thumb, placing it on the entrance of your asshole. you were arching your back and biting your lip so you didn’t moan too loud. you placed one hand in his hair and pulled on it.
“so fucking tasty angel” he mumbled as his tongue lapped over your clit “taste”
he took his fingers from inside of you and placed them inside of your mouth. forcing them down your throat, making you gag as you coated his fingers with spit. he removed his fingers from your mouth and moved his from your clit. he started to rub your clit with his wet fingers and he started to fuck your hole with his tongue as you grinder on him.
you wrapped your legs around his shoulders and squeezed your legs together, trapping his face. you were about to come but couldn’t even warn him. you just let out a loud whimper through your bit lips while arching your back and came all over his face.
“my favorite meal” steve said sitting up and placing his lips against yours, making you taste yourself he slid his tongue inside your mouth. he then pulled away and looked down at you “now everyone will know who you belong to”
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hibiscusheir · 2 years
general rules/info! (updated)
Fandoms and Characters I will write for!:
-BNHA: Bakusquad, Deku, Hawks, Dabi, Shigaraki, Shinso, Eri, Toga
-The Owl House: Hunter, Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Darius, Raine
-Total Drama: Gwen, Duncan, Heather, Courtney, Alejandro, Mike, Zoey, Cameron
-Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, James Potter (marauders era), Sirius Black (marauders era), Remus Lupin (marauders era), Regulus Black (marauders era), Lily Evans (marauders era)
-FNAF (Movie): Mike Schmidt, Steve Raglan/William Afton, Abby Schmidt(platonic or sibling only, obviously.)
What I WILL Write
-Sensitive topics such as (TW) sh, ed, su!c!de, etc.
-Mental illness
-Romantic and platonic character x readers
Romantic and platonic character x characters
What I WON’T Write
-The usual, pedophila, incest, stepcest, and more like it.
-Romanticizing of mental illness.
-NSFW, i’m a minor and i’m not comfortable writing that
I can refuse to write an ask for any reason. Sorry, thems the rules.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Scott x Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Total DRAMA; All Stars
I had a blast with the few parts 'Mike' was in, haha (;
FINALLY, this is done. Oh my god. I hope there are some Scott fans here other than me XD
Plot: In true McLean style, Chris decides to release some NEVER BEFORE SEEN CLIPS! from Revenge of the Island, of the absolute WORST moment between you and Scott, alone.
Warnings: Courtney being a bitch and calling you a whore. Yeah I may have taken her antagonistic nature too far... but the writers started it.
As soon as the scene ends - a very incriminating scene between you and Scott last season. Set in the dark, in a secluded part of the woods, stars over head... and no vicious creatures around to ruin it, - and Chef turns off the TV, you start praying for the ground to open up underneath you at once. And you desperately begin to wish that a blind gopher will turn up, decide that you're its new child, and carry you off to the safety of a cave. Or even better- Ezekiel!
You don't even hear all the oooooh's and evil laughter from other campers.
Instead, all you can do is turn to Zoey and just try, to explain yourself. Her arms are crossed over her chest and that glare that's focused on you... jesus christ. She's so mad. It hurts to look at. "Zoey- please- listen to me. That was before we knew what he was doing! I swear, if I could do it now- I'd take it back!"
"Then why didn't you tell me??" A glint of heartache, rather then anger, flashes in her eyes and your stomach rolls. The last thing you ever want to do is hurt Zoey. She's your best friend! You only met last year, during Revenge of the Island, but you cant even imagine a life without her in it, now.
"I... I don't know."
She immediately looks away, making your heart fall.
"- And you! Boyfriend kisser." As soon as Courtney's voice registers in your brain, your feelings turn a little bit more into anger. But, still- you're not concerned with her. You just ignore her. "Look at me."
"Zoey, please talk to me."
"Y/N! I want to talk to you." Courtney screeches, still trying to get your attention. And you're still ignoring her.
"Its Scott! I cant... even... - You kissed Scott!"
The words themselves cause a twinge of guilt and disgust to twist in your gut, and you fight not to glance over at the boy. At the time... it was a nice kiss. And even at the start of this season, once you already knew what an ass Scott truly is, you were content in just keeping it to yourself as a pleasant little memory, to open every once and a while and relive- but otherwise never to be mentioned. It wasn't something you regretted. Not for a moment.
.... But, hell. The way Zoey said it...
Now you sure regret it. You don't know if you can enjoy it ever, again.
"He played us all for fools Zo, it wasn't just me! Please, believe me- if I had known he was manipulating us- I would never, ever, have- "
Courtney taps your shoulder now, forcing a deep eye roll from you and even deeper shoulder roll. Don't touch me.
Zoey looks down at her feet, then at you for a moment and you watch her lips tremble and her eyes give away the fight going on inside her - between forgiving you, and how betrayed she must feel, - before she looks away and your heart just sinks. "I... don't know, Y/N. I just... cant believe you did that... "
As you're wondering helplessly of what you can possibly say to make it up to her, to clear this whole thing up, Mike comes up to Zoey and touches her shoulder in comfort. "Y/N maybe you should go... "
"Mike- " You start, when Courtney grabs your arm and you finally give in to her nagging. Growling, you whip around and come face to face with her, shaking her hand off your arm viscously. Scott is standing nervously behind her, but you don't dare pay him any mind.
"Oh my god, Courtney, what!?" You snap, entirely frustrated with this girl. "I'm a little busy, in case you couldn't tell."
"You were ignoring me!" She whines, offended, making you roll your eyes and sigh, deeply.
"Yeah-take a hint maybe??"
"I wanted to talk to you!"
"Ugh- Yeah! I got that. But as far as I see it- my trying to apologise and get my friends back is a whooooole lot more important, then you picking a fight with me over a kiss that happened before you even met the guy." Narrowing your eyes, you make like you're going to turn on her, which you have 100 percent intentions to do- twisting your body a bit back towards your friend. "Bugger off."
Courtney scowls, that perfect little nose scrunched up in fury as one of her hands rests on her hip. "You cant talk to me like that! I'll get you voted off."
"Oh go ahead!- " Jesus christ- she can do whatever she wants. As long as you can get back to Zoey. God, Courtney's like an annoying fly- why Gwen puts so much effort into being her friend you will never get. "Just let me talk to Zoey first yeah?"
The wicked witch of the west crosses her arms, this time. Rolling her eyes, she titters. "Whores last wishes... "
Immediately, you stop. You hear a gasp from behind you but apart from that, everything seems to come to a crashing halt around you. Everything seems to stop. The people around you, the wind, the sound in your ears- as all you can think is that phrase over and over.
Whores last wishes
She called you a whore.
She dared to call you, a whore. How many boys has she kissed on this show?? And you kiss one boy, who she just happens to be dating now, and somehow you're the slutty one?
Your blood boils under you skin, but you're caught so off guard that she would dare to say something like that to you - and on TV, to boot, - that no words come out of your mouth. You just stand there, wide eyed.
Scott steps up and puts a hand on Courtney's arm. "Hey, that one mighta been going a bit far... "
"What?? Its true. Any girl who kisses another girls boyfriend is a whore. Whore, whore, slut, whore. And to boot, she ignored me. What kind of selfish bitchery, is that!?"
"I mean... " Scott rubs the back of his neck, awkwardly. "... you did kiss Cameron... while we were dating... " Courtney rounds on him, hands on her hips, and the weasel holds his hands up immediately, a traitorous smile on his face. "I mean you're so pretty!!"
Scoffing, you roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest, protectively. Figures. Greasy little weasel. And you even got your hopes up then, that he just might stand up for you.
You wont make that mistake again... for the third, time...
"He wasn't. Even. 'Your boyfriend'. When it happened!!" You exclaim, 120 percent frustrated at her. "Are you fucking delusional??"
Yeah, if she's going to use grown up words- you can too.
"Hm." Her high fricken voice sounds smug, and she smirks as she turns away from you. "You're right. But better delusional, then sad, bitter and lonely. You're a perfect match for Chester. Or Chef! I'm no novice where boyfriend kissers are concerned- " At that little comment you catch the sight of Gwen wincing, as she stands over by Alejandro and the other gawkers. "But at least I ended up with the guy, this time."
Your fists clench at your sides, shaking.
... Sad... bitter... and lonely.
Worrying your bottom lip, you actually start to feel like crying. She hit the nail right on the head, there. Before Revenge of The Island... you didn't have a lot of friends... so when you met Zoey, and Mike, and Cameron,... and they seemed to see something in you, that no one ever had previously, something that made you worthy of friendship... you vowed to keep them safe. Never hurt them. Because without them you would be alone again.
And... bitter.
And sad.
But now you've gone and hurt them, and you're about to lose them.
And Courtney's just rubbing it in.
God, everyone can see it, cant they? How pathetic I am...
You don't know what to say in response. Your mouth is dry. You feel like running away. You desperately want to disappear, right now.
Courtney, Gwen and Scott walk off before everyone else seems to get bored and disperse as well, and you're sure that you are what she said - alone, - when suddenly a hand slips into yours from behind and you turn around, nervously, to see Zoey, Mike and Cam behind you.
She's looking sympathetically at you, squeezing your hand. "... Come on." She speaks softly, and tears fill your eyes. Tears of relief or sadness, you don't quite know. Probably, both. "Its okay. It'll be okay."
Relieved that she's not gone, you wrap your arms around her and start sobbing, as she holds onto you.
A couple hours later, you're taking some peace and quiet, on your own. By choice. Sitting cross legged by a stream, you take in a deep, breath. "... hell."
Well, today was awful. A huge mess, actually. Fucking Chris, showing you all that stupid video. You wish you never even gave him the fodder.
But how could you have known... God, it was just a kiss. It was just a kiss! You're a teenager... and it was just a little kiss... how could it have caused that all that!?
When the sound of a twig snapping catches your attention, you practically snap your neck turning around to see what's in the clearing with you- and feel anger and something hot, but different, flare up in you at the sight of Scott. Your eyes immediately narrow.
"What do you want?"
"I, uh... " Your gaze flickers up and down his form, trying to figure him out. What is he doing here? Rubbing his neck nervously and avoiding your gaze like a coward? "I... wanted to see, how you were going? After all that mess with the video? Courtney was a little outta line... "
Scoffing, you turn away. "Yeah, she was. Its not like you really cared, though."
His brows suddenly furrow and a deep frown crinkles his face; Defensive. "Wait a minute there, I cared."
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms and absolutely refusing to look at him. Excess sarcasm drips off your tongue. "Oh yeah, that really translated- what with you standing behind her and shutting down the moment she snaps at you, and all. Everyone knows you're not a wimp like that, so you staying quiet like you did really sent a message. Don't worry, I got it."
Scott is literally starting to fume, now, fists clenched at his sides and frown so deep in his face it looks like its digging to China. "Look Y/N, I was only backing off cuz it was clear you didn't give a damn about me. With all that 'I swear, Zoey, if I could take it back- I would!!' crap and the 'I would never ever have' kissed me bullshit." As you peak back at him, realising you did say that... and only realising now that he had heard it, even though he was there the whole time and only its natural that he would have, you see him cross his own arms as you let yours relax at your sides. Oh, jeez. How crazy that was hits you like a ton of bricks. "You got the message? Psh. Well hell, so did I. Loud and clear."
Suddenly you're on the defensive, turning fully to look up at him with wide, sorry eyes. "Look, Scott, I didn't mean to be hurtful, I just... "
"You just what? Thought that stuff wouldn't bother me? Y/N I never used that kiss to manipulate you or put Zoey off her game, so I thought you got what I meant, by it." His shoulders sag suddenly and you feel your heart immediately sink along with them; He resembles a kicked puppy in this moment way too much, considering the jerk he really is. Or tends to act like. "It had nothing to do with the freaken show- " As your heart is swimming around sadly at your feet, the scowl reappears on his face - a face that you, admittedly, are pretty fond of, - again, spite burning in blue. "So yeah, you throwing it back in my face like that does bother me."
Leaning back, you cant help but look unconvinced Scott's way. After a moment, you get up from the ground and, after wiping the dirt off your butt, you stand up to him; Hands on hips. "What exactly are you saying Scott?"
"Look, I'm not good with... romance... " The way he says the word conveys a deep aversion to the whole thing, due to awkwardness. His pale face has become red, even though its clear he's still not pleased with you. The scowl is still present and he refuses to look at you in the face; Preferring to avert his gaze to the grass. "I don't know how to do it. Which should be glaringly obvious, by now."
You huff, snapping. "For goodness sakes, then just say it simple!"
He immediately blurts it out, struck by your tone like a spooked broodmare. "I like you!" ... Okay, now you're bright red. And silent. Scott winces. "... Okay?"
After a moment of just looking shocked and embarrassed at him, heart hammering in your chest, you cross your arms over it and focus on digging the tip of your boot into the dirt. "We- um... Well... uh... I did not know that... "
Scott's accent, as always, comes out thicker in his annoyance. He rolls his eyes- still pink, but not letting that get in the way of being irritated by you and this whole damn situation. "Yeah, no kidding."
Taking a deep breath and glancing nervously, for just a moment, up at him you try to apologise. Not that he has, or anything, for the betrayals last season. "I wouldn't have said what I said, If I'd known... "
"Yeah, well, I don't need your pity Y/N so don't bother." He growls, making your stomach roll - which weirdly enough isn't super unpleasant... or even unpleasant at all... -, but surprisingly he doesn't leave. He stays here, arms crossed half a foot away from you. Probably too close, actually.
But you don't dare step away.
... that is, until you suddenly remember Zoey again, and how she feels about Scott and how there's no way you're making another mistake like this again, and a clipped gasp slips from you as you do indeed step back. "Um, well, I don't pity you. Because you're still a jerk. And also- I'm leaving. So- "
Turning around, you try to make your escape when Scott seems to have conniption behind you and jolts forward, grabbing your shoulder first way too tightly, then forcing it to become far too gentle, before letting go entirely. It's clear he didn't know what was acceptable, but he still sure captures your attention, though. "W-wait! I... broke up with Courtney."
You sigh, hesitantly turning back around. He's doing that thing where he looks innocent, but this time you believe it. "Ugh- Scott, that... I don't even... that doesn't change anything!- "
"And I... talked, to Zoey."
That catches your attention, and your gaze snaps up to his. "You what?"
You can only imagine how something like that went. Those two hate each other, maybe even more then Gwen and Heather hate each other, and that's saying something.
"Yeah, yeah, trust me when I say that it wasn't easy." He rolls his eyes, deeply, and huffs. "The nitwit just cant make anything easy, for me." At that, you set him with a glare and he waives you off, aloof. Then he flashes a smirk at you, a mischievous twinkle in his beady blue eyes. "Whatever. Aren't you interested in what we talked, about?"
Narrowing your eyes and pressing your lips into a thin, disapproving line... you hesitantly, give in. "... Well, yes- "
That mischievous smirk only broadens, and he seems to get closer suddenly - or maybe you're only just now realising it, as he looks down at you like that, - , and you realise how your hearts beating so erratically in your chest- Scott always did have that effect on you... when he wasn't being an idiot. Eyes widening, you wait patiently for him to say something. "... I told her how I liked you." You can hear your heart beating in your ears, as Scott struggles with his words; Rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding your big round eyes. "How... I'm not so good with the... romance... but it felt more natural, when it was just you and me. Like- with Courtney, it's hard. Really, really hard! I end up looking like a real dumbass when I try with her. But then when we're alone, I can... I- I don't know, breath. And that's how the kiss happened. I told her, I'm sorry it upset her... which may or may not be true, or any of her business in the first place... but- the point is, she also said it was kind- kinda, sweet."
All through this little speech, Scott was becoming more and more focused, and with every surprising word that came out of his mouth you became more and more hooked. You would never have thought that hearing Scott of all people tell you things like this would effect you at all but your words are caught in your throat- even though all you want to do is tell him something back. But- "Uhm... " Managing to tear your gaze away from his, cheeks heated up like Chris's tanning bed, you cross your arms and force different words then you want to form, from you lips. "That... that doesn't really change what you did, does it? Or the fact that my friends hate you."
Suddenly Scott's hands found your waist and gasp tears out of you, gaze snapping up to his face as your hand automatically catch his shoulders. What the hell!? You haven't really touched each other since the kiss, and its like electricity courses through your veins now that you do. Its a shock, and pleasant, and it makes you confused as you stand there, Scott under your hands. "She also said, that if you wanted to do this," Was it you or him that moved you in closer against him? All you know is your feet drag across the ground almost on their own accord, and your hands find their way to his shoulders. Scott's shoulders. "She wouldn't get in the way. Which isn't a surprise, I mean- she's way too nice. Its annoying, usually, but- I think I can make this one work."
Your eyes slip heavily from his strong hands on your waist, to yours on his freckled shoulders, to his eyes- this all just seeming too good to be real. You've liked Scott - of course you have. You wouldn't have kissed him if you hadn't, and you certainly wouldn't have hated him so much after the betrayals if you didn't really care about him, - secretly, basically since that first time the country boy smiled at you- but it just hasn't been a real option very many times on this show. "Zoey said that?"
"Yeah. I mean, she also punched me in the face for not standing up for you when Courtney called you sad, but- "
He stops talking, and though his eyes were already on you- they soften, now. Blue hues looking the least evil as you had seen them... in a while. Since last season... in the dark... stars over head... and no vicious creatures around to ruin it. Chewing your bottom lip, you think this over. He's getting slowly closer, a kiss that you don't think you could push away if it actually connected, rearing nearer. Your gaze falls on his mouth, and your cheeks heat up.
He says Zoey said it would be fine... and god you want to... But...
Taking a deep breath through your nose and closing your eyes, you take a step back; Hands falling down his arms to his hands. He looks confused at you, before you hold up one finger at him, opening your eyes and looking earnest. "Give me one one minute."
A smirk flickers on across his face. "Okay, but what- " You whip around, and start bolting off towards the cabins. "Where are you going!!!?"
"Be back in a minute!!" Jeez!
But... you need to check with your friend.
It takes you less then a minute to reach the losers cabin, in which the hero's would be staying the night, throw open the door and collapse beside Zoey on her bed; Huffing and puffing. She raises her brows at the entrance, a tiny smile quirking at the corners of her lips that she tries valiantly to push away. "... Hi?"
"Zoey- Did Scott- Huff- Did he talk to you??"
"Oh- yeah, just after you left us actually. I have to admit, he said some pretty sweet things about you... Didn't he, Mike??" Zoey turns her head to her crush - or, whatever they are to eachother. You can never tell. Mike's been acting very weird, lately, - sitting on a top bunk on the other side of the room. For a split second he looks disgusted, and rolls his eyes, before giving a thumbs up and a big goofy grin.
"Oh, yeah!! It was nauseating! Villainous Vulture?? More like Sympathetic Squirrel!" He announces in agreement using a very cheerful voice, to which Cameron - on the bottom bunk, - raises a brow, weirded out by the juxtaposition between tone and wording. Zoey just giggles, though, and turns back to you.
She takes a deep breath, and reaches over to hold your hand. "Look, Y/N. I don't... totally get it? Haha." She giggles again, but this time nervously. You take a deep breath, holding her hand back with both of yours and searching her face for... anything. Anything she might be holding back. Because she's your best friend, and if she's going to have a problem with Scott in the future, you are not going to risk it. Risk her. Not again. "... But I believed him. And, so, if you... ugh, want to date him?? I wont get in your way."
Squeezing her hand, you let out the deep breath that you were holding- not wanting to jump the gun. "Zo, I wont do it, if it makes you uncomfortable."
For a moment, then, she says nothing. And you think you've blown it, that she' going to take her blessing back and you're going to have to move on, which would suck... but you would do it, in a heartbeat. For her. Even if it was hard. But then you see how she's searching your face, face pinched in focus.
... Before she lets out a breath, of her own. "You really like, him don't you... " She says, almost to herself. Eyes on the wall. "Honestly I don't know how I didn't see it before!" She turns to you, scootching closer on the bed and taking both your hands in hers, now. "Look, I get that you're worried about me... but I think we can do this! You're my best friend, too, and I... I want you to be happy!" She smiles, now, and its such a true and warm smile that your heart aches. In your peripheral, you catch sight of someone on a top bunk shaking his head and sticking out his tongue at the affectionate scene. Probably fucking Duncan. "So yes, I'm sure!"
With that, Zoey pulls you into a hug and you bury your face in her shoulder, before pulling back and getting up to leave- but, you stop at the door, and turn back. "And- Zo? I heard about the punch." Looking down at her, she looks guilty for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip and averting her eyes. "I cant comment now because I'm his girlfriend- but- " You give her a wink and a smile, trying not to laugh when she rolls her eyes and chuckles, before you let the door shut behind you and rush off again at top speed.
When Scott enters your vision again he's kicking at some dirt on the ground, looking bored and worried until he sees you and his eyes widen. "Woah- hey! Welcome back, what happen- "
When you reach him, you throw your arms around him and press your lips to his, nearly pushing you both over the force of your connection but he immediately catches you both, twirling you around before you both steady yourselves on the ground, deepening the kiss this time.
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dockofshame · 11 months
Some Quick Zoey Halloween Headcanons (and a couple of Zoey x Reader ones)
Because my TikTok algorithm is filled with Halloween videos.
Halloween- and fall in general- is Zoey’s favorite time of year. She’s the one buying pumpkin-scented body lotion in July and she was one of the first people who got a pumpkin-spiced latte when it came out. If you live together, expect there to be a bunch of decorations up by the end of August.
She also likes driving around and seeing how people have decorated their houses (and even their campsites/RV sites) with lights and inflatables.
Because she didn’t have any friends to do it with as a kid, Zoey likes to do couples’ costumes with you or, if Mike and Cameron are also involved, group costumes.
While she’ll go to one of those walkthrough scary corn mazes or a Haunted Horror Nights-type thing if it makes you happy, Zoey’s kind of squirmy when it comes to the actual scary part of Halloween, and prefers trick-or-treating or, if you’re more of an introvert, staying home and watching Halloween cartoons while occasionally getting up to give out candy to the other trick-or-treaters.
On that note, she’ll watch horror movies with you and, if they’re involved, Mike and Cameron, but she immediately wants to put on something calming/silly afterward so it cancels out the “fear” aspect to keep her from having nightmares.
Zoey does like candy (candy corn and Skittles are her favorite), but she prefers the TikTok/Pinterest-y Halloween snacks if given the choice… think Halloween puppy chow or rice krispy treats shaped like Frankenstein’s monster.
As much as she’s into indie/retro things, Zoey has a few shirts with Hocus Pocus quotes on them that she whips out solely for this time of year, and she somehow managed to obtain the viral Nightmare Before Christmas blanket.
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 3 years
23 - Change of Plans
Prompt: #23 “This time, do what I say”
Fandom: Total Drama (Mal x Reader)
Word Count: 317 words.
Summary: Mal loses it when his plan fails.
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“No, no, no, no, no!” Mal screams out those words as he sees Gwen and Courtney take the first lead in the challenge, his eyes wide open with anger as he grinds his teeth. “No, we should have won the first part!”
You quirk an eyebrow at the brown-haired boy, staying silent for a few seconds as you watch him throw one of his many ‘evil’ tantrums. “I told you we should have sabotaged their map. They would have been as lost as Cameron and Zoey right now.”
He gives out a sigh filled with annoyance, one of his hands pushing some strands of his hair away from his face. “I thought they’d fall into the trap we set up for them…”
“And I told you it wouldn’t work. Well…” You take a small pause, then you shrug. “…it might have worked on Gwen if she were alone, but Courtney?” You shake your head, the mere action causing Mal to glare at you. “She probably saw it from a mile away.”
“I get it.” He squints his eyes at you, imagining popping your head off your shoulders. “No need to rub it in.”
“Hey, don’t look at me like that.” You squint your eyes back, your index finger pointing at him. “I wanna win this challenge as much as you. I’m tired of sleeping in the old cabins.”
His lips stretch into a hard smile. “Well, you don’t seem to make much effort to show it.”
You give out a scoff, your eyes sending him a deathly glare.
“I’ll show you how winning is done.” You put your hands in your hoodie’s pockets as you walk past him, your lips forming an angry pout. “This time, do what I say.”
Mal simply rolls his eyes as he follows you; though, a smirk soon graces his lips.
He sure had more fun with than he did with Zoey.
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kelieah · 4 years
you guys suck (tom holland x reader)
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request: @danicarosaline​ (summary): Hey cutie, i was wondering if you can do a tom x reader where they are dating but no one knows yet until Harrison, the twins, Tuwaine all have their suspicions so they planned to flirt and throw compliments at her during dinner time together to get a reaction out of Tom and he gets super jealous and upset during the whole thing until he finally snaps? I dunno i thought this was cute!! 🥺🥰
word count: 1.1k
warnings: fluff
a/n: awee this is super cute, thanks for the request! and ur cuter 
As everyone knows, Tom is horrible at keeping secrets. So having to keep one of the biggest secrets of all, your relationship, is a challenge for him. Luckily, you two have been together for almost a year now without any drama.
He couldn’t help but hold your waist at times, or press kisses against your neck. Now of course you love the affection he’s shows you, but you both agreed to keep things on the down low.
There was this one time you, Tom, Harrison and a bunch of his other friends were on live. You were all messing around and answering any questions people had. It was such a mess, you two almost got caught because of Tom’s constant flirty innuendos. 
Tom’s had many slip ups, while you didn’t have many. Fans and the media aren’t that suspicious but close friends and family are. No matter how many times you tell them the two of you are just friends, they only shrug it off.
Now you and Tom were getting ready for the twin’s 21st birthday. You couldn’t help but be worried, there was going to be drinks and Tom plus drinks, isn’t the best case for keeping a secret.
“I swear babe, if you slip up tonight,” you murmur, fixing yourself up in the mirror of your room.
“I promise, I won’t darling,” he comes up from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Right, then you take one shot and suddenly the whole world knows about us,” you hum as he places his chin on your shoulder.
“Shut up,” he huffs, placing kisses along your shoulder.
“I’m not wrong.”
“I know,” he sighs, “But how could I resist? Look at what you're wearing, love. I know I got you this dress, but do you have to wear this?” he whines.
“It’s Valentine's Day, it matches,” you refer to the red silk dress that hugged your body just right, “Plus the party is at some exclusive club isn’t it?”
He nods, grabbing your hand and spins you into his chest, “True, and luckily it’s just friends and family.”
You look up at him chuckling and smile. He holds your face and kisses you gently, “You wouldn’t have to worry anyways, I’m all yours,” you say in between kisses.
On the other hand, your friends were more suspicious than you thought. Harrison, Tuwaine and the twins were all ready for the party, setting up at the club.
“They’re totally fucking,” Tuwaine snickers, organizing the alcohol.
“Dude,” Sam rolls his eyes, “Not cool.”
“Just saying!” Tuwaine raises his hands in defense, “I mean am I wrong?” he looks over at Harrison.
“We should test our theory, if they’re dating or not,” he shrugs, leaning against the bar.
“How would we do that?” Harry asks, folding some napkins.
“What if we all flirt with Y/n? If they’re really dating, I bet you a million pounds that Tom would snap,” Harrison smirks.
“That shouldn’t be too hard to do,” Sam murmurs.
“Easy for you to say, you’ve been crushing on her ever since Tom introduced her to us,” Harry shoves him playfully.
“Shut up!” Sam groans.
Dinner came around and everyone was sitting together at a table. Everyone meaning you, Tom, Harrison, Tuwaine and the twins. Other family and friends were sitting at other tables.
“Y/n, I just have to say if you don’t mind,” Harry pipes up.
“Yeah?” you smile, sipping on some champagne. 
“That dress looks amazing on you, it hugs your body just right,” he says sheepishly.
You sputter on your drink, “Awe, t-thank you,” you cough slightly, averting your eyes over to Tom who suddenly took interest in the conversation.
“He’s not wrong, have you been working out lately?” Harrison asks, leaning on the palm of his hand.
You laugh softly, “Actually yeah, thanks for noticing.”
“Can’t help it,” he shrugs. Tom places his hand on your thigh and you quickly put your hand on top in an attempt to reassure him.
“Your hair looks amazing by the way,” Sam also chips in, blushing.
Tom’s eye twitches and he looks down at his food, holding his tongue.
“Thank you, it must be Tom’s conditioner I steal,” you tease, trying to lighten up the mood and cut the tension.
“Wait what?” Tom whines.
“Nothing,” you shrug, laughing quietly. Luckily, the out of nowhere compliments died down.
We were all talking about Tom and Zendaya, “Right, she’s like perfect for you isn’t she mate?” Harrison grins.
“Ah, I don’t see her like that,” he shrugs. You didn’t mind though, you trusted Tom and felt no reason to be jealous or uptight.
“She is beautiful though, are you sure Tom?” you tease.
He rolls his eyes, “Very sure.”
“Speaking of significant others,” Sam says slowly, “Do you have anyone Y/n?”
“Nah, men are gross,” you shrug, hearing Tom choke slightly on his food.
“That’s too bad, I was going to ask if you wanted to dance soon,” Sam pouts.
“Oh?” you flash him a tight smile, “Maybe next time.”
“She’s just trying to be nice, she’d rather dance with me,” Harrison smirks.
You feel Tom’s grip tighten on your dress and you squeeze his hand, knowing he’s about to burst.
“In bed,” Harrison winks, causing the rest of the boys to laugh. You roll your eyes, suspicious of all the boys at this point.
“Highly doubt that,” Tom finally speaks up.
You look over at him worriedly, “Where have you been? You haven’t said a word,” Tuwaine snickers.
“Probably too distracted thinking about Y/n, I mean I don’t blame him-” Harry shrugs until Tom cuts him off.
“I’ve been trying to keep my mouth shut before I go ape shit on all of you little fuckers,” he snaps, “So would you all keep my girl’s name out of your mouth because she’s my girlfriend and unavailable!” he raises his voice, causing your jaw to drop.
The whole table goes quiet, tension rising. “Fucking called it!” Tuwaine bursts out laughing.
Harrison shakes his head, “We’re not that dumb,” he chuckles.
“I-I’m sorry, what?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
“We all wanted to know if you two were dating, because it’s kinda obvious,” Harry says.
“So we all decided if we flirt with you, Tom would snap,” Harrison mutters, rubbing the back of his neck, “Which he did.”
“We’re also sorry if we made you uncomfortable in anyway,” Sam says quickly. “It’s alright,” you wave your hand in dismissal, “I knew Tom would break at one point. He spoiled his movies, there’s no doubt he’d spill about us,” you giggle.
Tom groans embarrassed, “Sorry guys, I just. I didn’t like how you were all up on her.”
“You’re good, mate,” Tuwaine grins, “At least our theory is confirmed,” You let out another laugh, shaking your head.
“You guys suck,” Tom huffs rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
@rcmxnoff​ , @spideyparkerstark​ , @lidixbug​ , @pluckypete​ , @lovewolfspirit​ , @sky-cosplay​ , @janieavalos​ , @averyfosterthoughts​ , @ivvitm1109​ , @yoinkyourheart​ , @tomsppsleeve​ , @zoey-one-oh-fun​ , @tomholland-mcu​ , @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts​
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wawanakwawritings · 1 year
hiii. could i have some hcs about the reader being part of the roti crew, and falling for zoey, jo, anne maria or dawn? <3 ty!!
Zoey, Jo, Anne Maria, and Dawn having a fellow contestant fall for them
a/n: sure, I can do that! thanks for being my first request!
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If you've fallen for Zoey, there's a 95% chance she shares your feelings without you saying anything! Unfortunately, she doesn't want to assume anything and potentially make an idiot of herself, so she keeps quiet about it. She's content to just be your friend, y'know?
It takes a comment from Jo about the "disgusting goo-goo eyes" you're sending Zoey in the middle of a challenge for her to genuinely consider the possibility of you liking her.
From that point on, there are an embarrassing amount of confessionals consisting of her overthinking her interactions with you.
For example, you two are walking together & you accidentally brush your hand against hers. Were you trying to hold her hand? Did you feel how sweaty it was and decide against it? Should she have just gone for it anyway? She's still thinking about it at breakfast the next morning.
Keeps an eye on you during challenges. If you're ever in any danger, she's abandoning her task just to try to help you.
Willing to give up the million for you. The money would be nice, but ultimately she auditioned for Total Drama to meet new people. If you need it, she'll gladly help you win in any way she can.
She picks up on it pretty quickly. It's hard not to notice with the way you look at her.
Assuming you're a competent challenger, her first thought is how she can use your crush to her advantage. Everyone has a weakness; if yours happens to be her, then that makes her job a hell of a lot easier.
Unashamed about using it to motivate you in challenges or throw you off your game if you're on the enemy team. She gives you a fond, almost condescending, look whenever she succeeds in doing either.
As Jo is very focused on the competition, there's no way she's allowing herself to reciprocate your feelings. She'll admit that you're cute, but that's as far as it's going to go. She'll lose a push-up competition against bubble boy before she ends up like Alejandro!
Still, that doesn't stop her from occasionally helping you out. If she thinks she can pull it off and win at the same time, she'll stop to pull you out of danger during challenges. Tough luck if she decides it's not worth the risk though.
If you end up in the final two with her, she won't pull any punches. She'll respect you enough at this point to drop the whole "use your crush against you" thing, and maybe if you're lucky, you'll get a kiss on the cheek after she wins.
Anne Maria
It takes her a bit to notice, she's usually too in her own head to really pay attention to the other contestants outside of challenges.
When she does notice, she totally gets it. Look at her! She's the full package. You'd have to be blind to not see what a catch she is. Thankfully you're not.
Outwardly, things stay business as usual between you two. Anne Maria is the type of girl to go for what she wants, but she's way more interested in what you're going to do. It's fun to be the one being chased for once! The guys in her social circle make her do all the work.
If she catches you staring while she's applying her hairspray, she'll stop for a few seconds to give you a smile and a wink. Little hints like that to push you in the right direction.
Keep her company during challenges and let the others do all the hard work, she'd rather hang out with you. You'll be hard pressed to convince her to do anything but stand around and maintain her beauty, nature & manual labor ain't really her thing. I recommend taking her to Chris's makeup tent to enjoy the high quality brands he stores there.
Would she still attempt to ditch the island for the diamond? Unfortunately, yes. She'll be sad to leave you, but look at the size of that thing! Can you really blame her for wanting to cash in her prize? Hopefully you can look past the incident and start something when you see her next.
Your aura changes to a bright forest green that matches her signature sweater when you realize you have a crush on her. The sight makes her heart skip a beat when she sees it for the first time.
It's not unusual for her to see shades of attraction in others auras, whether it's to her looks or the air of mystery she carries. However, those usually faded away when she read their aura and said something they would have perhaps preferred not to hear. Your aura, on the other hand, persists even when she does or says something the other contestants are unsettled by.
You don't have to say how you feel, your feelings are conveyed quite beautifully through your aura! She tells you upfront (without any prompt) that she feels the same and she is very flattered by the depth of your feelings for her.
Meditation and strolls through the forest become a regular thing for you two. Her affinity with the local wildlife, even mutated as they are, keeps you safe.
Regardless of if you ask for it or not, she'll use her energy reading skills to aid you during challenges. Your strong relationship with her means her powers are more potent when it comes to you!
Fighting with a loved one over something as superficial as money pains her, but she made a promise to the great Earth mother when she auditioned. She's completely honest with you about her intention to win the million and hopes you understand.
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insanetvgirl · 7 months
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- Headcanons || Yandere Trent ( Romantic ) || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Request! || Yandere Cody with a Intern!Darling || Reality Show/World Tour Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Request! || Yandere Dawn (Romantic) || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Request || Yandere Scott (Romantic) || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Yandere Team Men(Scott,Lighthing and Brick) (Romantic) || Team up || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Yandere Mike and Zoey (Romantic) || Team up || Reality Show Au || Gender Neutral
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Sick of love
Yandere Roti X Mikan Tsumuki!Reader (romantic) (reality show au)
Prologue - Gosh! I need money
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Love letters!
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Reactions/Who is The most?
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Things i found, ideas and concepts!
- Yandere total drama ghosts concepts and ideas !
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Memes,Arts and Quotes/Incorect Quotes!
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Wips/Current requests and fics that i am making!
- Fanfic || Yandere Roti with a Mk!Darling + Plus reboot cast || Reality Show Au || Female
- Fanfic and Headcanons|| Yandere Roti with a Nice popular girl! Darling || School Au || Female
- Headcanons || Yandere Lindsay,Heather And Beth general headcanons || Reality Show au || Female
- Headcanons || Yandere Leshawna vs Yandere Heather || School Au || Gender Neutral
- Headcanons || Yandere Cody with a Damien!Darling || Reality Show Au || Male
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