#topher x reader
ezekielsuperfan · 2 months
HI HI HELLO!! This is my first request on stuff like this and I dont know if you write stuff for Pahkitew Island characters but can you give some Topher x GN!Reader headcanons about their relationship during TDPI? IF YOU CANT IT'S OK BTW-
Yess ofc I'd love to write for Topher! I've honestly never seen anything for him lol !! Kinda short but It's still pretty cute !!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Topher x GN!Reader
Relationship/Dating HCs!
At first, you didn't believe someone as arrogant as Topher would be interested in you, or rather... You be interested in him.
The first week was definitely awkward when you began letting your relationship be more public to the other campers.
Some stared, others just laughed awkwardly.
Did you care? Absolutely not, but did Topher? Well, more or less.
He's not much for PDA if it meant his reputation could get harmed, but in private? He'll be clinging to you everywhere you go.
While he follows you around, be prepared to hear him rave excitedly about how much of a better host he could be, the safe route is to just smile and nod.
It makes him happy that your so invested in giving him attention with his dreams of being a real reality TV host.
"Y/N! You wanna hear my impression of Chris?! It's so accurate your going to want to hear it again, huh?"
"Yeah, why not?"
He's recited his impression at least 3 times to you already.
But he's dedicated, that's what made you love him so much. Although it can be a little too much sometimes, and you have to ask him to tone it down.
...He won't even try, so better to give up on that idea.
Honestly, if he ever planned to have a date with you in Pahkitew, he would plan it out for a week just for it to end up being clumsy, but it was definitely still romantic.
You found it cute, and he liked that.
The date was simple, a picnic in the forest away from everyone, what could go wrong?
A lot could go wrong.
When you first showed up, wearing some pretty average clothing... This dude showed up in a whole suit.
You didn't even know he brought a suit to the island, but then again it's Topher, so of course he would.
He had set up the blanket, the food, the lights.
It all seemed like a lot for just a picnic, but that's just how Topher was.
"Topher... You wore a suit?
"Yes! Do you like it?" He did a small but exaggerated pose.
You chuckle. "Sure."
The whole date went well, not counting the overbearing mentions of Chris.
You were both having such a great time you ended up staying there with each other for longer than you planned, even after the food was all eaten.
And when you did decide to leave for curfew, he would intertwine his hand into yours, walking you to the cabins.
You really love this dude, and he loves you too.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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television-work · 28 days
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lastchancestardomm · 9 months
I like my men how I like my anime protagonists, traumatized!
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floralflytrap · 10 months
Hii, if you're open for writing for Topher Bus, could you do dating headcanons? Thank you :>>
Thank you for the request anon! I can totally do that for ya! I hope you don’t mind that I added a few hcs on how he’d be crushing on you :) enjoy!
Topher Bus
Doesn’t want you to know at first, so he keeps it a “secret”
You definitely notice something is up, but you can’t tell if it’s because of an issue or just him in general
You only start suspecting it's about you when Topher yanks Abe over and starts whispering to him, with breaks to glance over your way
When he finally confesses, he tells you through a dramatic love letter (like an anti-social dork)
He isn’t big on PDA, but would give you attention in private
Blackmails White leverages anyone who tries to mess with you
Definitely pulls some theatre kid shit to try to rizz you up every now and again even though y’all are already dating
Supports you on social media so much. He’s a social media gremlin, he lives in your notifications
Takes you to musicals for dates and pays for the theatre food, to which you are forever grateful for because it’s so expensive and for what?
KARAOKE BARS! Bring your friends, he’ll bring the lads and you guys will sing the damn night away <3
You fix his wardrobe… he needs a makeover… please this man dresses like he robbed the donation bins on the side of the streets
Promise rings like losers
Also recites poetry dramatically in the halls of the school, to which you tell him to shut up because you love him but not THAT much (kidding)
“Page 56. Oh how though you may resign in these halls in your physical form, your heart and soul are one with mine”
            “Please shut up Topher!”
Yeah he makes his own cringe poetry just for you, how cute!
Thank you so much for reading!
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hisonetrueloveee · 4 months
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beansnsoup · 1 year
eric forman confessing his love to the reader pls ❤️
Of course, thanks for being so patient with me!
When You Were Young
Eric Forman x gn!reader
Summery- You had always dreamed of the having your own moment like the ones you always saw in movies when you were younger, they always found their person and fell deeply in love, that's what you wanted, and that's what you got.
Warnings- fluff, cheesy confessions
You were laying in your bed, holding a magazine above your head, flipping through the contents of it for what you think was the 5th time. You need something new, mainly just something to get you out of this house, you turn to look at the clock on your nightstand,
You hadn't gotten any sleep for the past two days, you always believed going to bed on a head full of numerous thoughts was unhealthy. You got up to go put the magazine back on the pile of other ones you bought a few weeks ago, you decided since that wasn't working you could just read an actual book.
You start looking on your shelf for something time consuming, then you reach one of the books you've had forever, 'The Little Mermaid'. You used to read this book constantly, you were obsessed with the fact that Ariel gave up her voice for a man she knew was the one, you wanted to have a love like that.
You turn to the sound of a tap on your window, you're about to throw the book at whatever it is making the sound until you notice that it's Eric. You walk over to unlock the window and slide it open for him,
"Hey, why are you up?"
"I could be asking you the same thing."
He chuckles, and looks around the room, trying to think of what to say next. "Do you want to go to the park?"
You smile, "Sure."
The both you are sitting on the swing set in comfortable silence, her lets out a sigh, "You good?"
He nods, "Just thinking."
"About what?"
He looks over at you, away from the slow sunrise, "Stuff."
You roll your eyes at him, "Come on Eric, you looked really into it."
You felt annoying trying to get this out of him, he looks at you then back to the sunrise, "I think you're amazing."
"I was up all night because I couldn't stop thinking of you. I needed to see you and tell you this."
You're silent as you look at him, craving for what he's going to say next.
"I love you."
You stay silent for another minute, you're trying to look for the words to say, he gets up from the swing to walk over to you, you follow suit.
"You don't have to say anything now-"
That's when your impulsive thoughts win, you pull him by the collar to give him a long, and if you're being honest, you think you did pretty well for it being your first time.
"Wow." you both say in sync, causing laughter to spill out,
"I love you too."
Kind of short, but I'm very proud of it
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guccifrog · 3 months
you don't even know my name
chris sturniolo x f!reader
warnings : SMUT hm hm hm hmmm 😈🙏
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I cringed so hard writing this but here is your fic also it's not proofread ☝🔥
•As the sun slowly sank below the horizon, you and your best friend Ava found yourselves nestled comfortably in the cozy confines of your car, as you had been for the past few hours. The scent of freshly popped popcorn filled the air. You had been discussing everything from your favorite TV shows to the latest celebrity gossip, all while capturing it all on camera for your loyal YouTube followers.
"I just can't get over how hot he is" Ava gushed as she scrolled through a picture of a popular actor on her phone. "I kid you not y/n if this man asked me to get on my knees and bark" she paused looking up at you with seriousness in her eyes "I'd do it!" You couldn't help but laugh at her dramatic tone. "Oh please" you chuckled.
"I mean he's hot and all but imagine moaning his name"you added, taking a sip of your root beer. Ava paused for a moment, her face scrunching in concentration. "yeah you're right" she finally said, "It's so unmoanable, like you can't even do it right!" You couldn't help but snicker at her poor attempt. "Okay, enough of that," Ava said, rolling her eyes. 
"no, but like let's talk about unmoanable names," You said, sitting up straight. "Like, imagine moaning something like 'Bradley' or 'Austin' or something, it's just not it!" You both giggled at the ridiculousness of it. 
"how about 'Christopher'" Ava asked, making you both laugh. "oh Christopher, yes! Just like that" you whined sarcastically. The two of you were in hysterics now, tears streaming down your faces as you tried to catch your breath.
"Wait wait, you could use the short version too like Chris or Topher, and then it'd be like 'Oh-Topher!' That would be so much worse!" You both collapsed into fresh fits of giggles, unable to contain your amusement any longer. "Oh my god, I can't believe we're laughing so hard at this" Ava managed to choke out between laughs. "But like seriously, imagine trying to moan out 'Oh Christopher' while you're bouncing on it..." you trailed off, unable to finish the thought without losing it again.
"WOAH" Ava's eyes widened as she processed what you had just said. She covered her mouth, trying to muffle her laughter. "Oh my god, oh my god!"
Your sides hurt from laughing so hard, tears streaming down your face. "okay I guess we should probably-" you started, but Ava cut you off with a loud laugh. "end this video here" You snorted, trying to catch your breath. 'Oh, Christopher'..." Your voice trailed off, before ending the video, and the two of you dissolved into another fit of giggles, clutching each other for support.
After regaining your composure, you both decided to go home and edit the video before posting it online. you couldn't help but giggle to yourself as you watched back the footage, "I can't believe we were laughing so hard at something so stupid," Ava chuckled, shaking her head. "But hey, at least it made a good video," you replied, your eyes still glued to your laptop. Once you were satisfied with your editing, you quickly uploaded the video to your YouTube channel.
The next few days, the video went so viral unexpectedly that you and Ava couldn't believe your eyes. Thousands of comments flooded your YouTube page. The likes and subscribers to your channel were duplicated, and everyone was sharing clips from the video on TikTok and Instagram. You even got invited to a huge influencer party this weekend. You and Ava were both completely overwhelmed by the sudden attention, but you couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous the whole thing was. You even found yourselves scrolling through the comments, reading all the different interpretations of the 'Oh Christopher' joke. Some people thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard, while others were confused as to why it was so funny at all.
The dimly lit room was filled with the familiar sounds of typing as Nick, was sat on the sofa across from Chris scrolling through his phone. The two brothers were in their usual setting, the living room of their apartment. It was just another normal evening for them until a video that popped up on Nick's screen caught his eye and sent him into fits of laughter.
"Dude, you gotta see this" Nick exclaimed, barely able to contain his laughter as he threw his phone at Chris. 
Chris, confused by his brother's sudden outburst , took the phone and began to watch the video. It was a clip of two girls, sitting in a car.
"But like seriously, imagine trying to moan out 'Oh Christopher' while you're bouncing on it..." One of the girls in the video trailed off,
"WOAH!" The other one looked at her in shock, before they both burst into laughter. 
Chris stared at Nick's phone in disbelief, his eyes widening as he continued to watch the video. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle, and soon enough they were both doubled over with laughter. "Oh my god," Chris gasped between laughs, "this is too much." He handed the phone back to Nick, still chuckling.
Their laughter died down as they both sat there, breathing heavily. Chris grabbed his phone, opening TikTok."Nick send me that video" Nick raised his eyebrows but decided to comply. 
As Chris watched the video, again, he clicked on the hashtag that had one of the girls' names in it and found hundreds of similar videos, and some edits. He clicked on the first video that popped up. It was a different clip from the same video.
"how about 'Christopher'" the girl asked
"oh Christopher, yes! Just like that" the other one whined, sarcastically. But something about the way she said it made Chris' heart race a little too fast. it turned him on.
 He couldn't believe it, but there was something about hearing his name come out of her lips like that, in that suggestive tone, that did it for him.
He couldn't help but feel a strange tingle in his pants. He quickly looked away from the screen, trying to pretend it wasn't affecting him. he felt stupid for getting turned on by some random girl on TikTok. But the more he thought about it, the more aroused he became. He shifted uncomfortably on the couch, wishing he could just focus on something else. He felt guilty, ashamed even.
"I hate traffic," you complained as your best friend Ava pulled up to the curb in front of the mansion. The address was an unlisted number in the most exclusive part of town, and you'd been circling the block for over twenty minutes. "Why couldn't they just have this party somewhere normal?"
"This is normal for them," Ava shrugged, throwing her car into the park. She grabbed her small, designer purse and hopped out of the car, glancing around at the other luxury vehicles surrounding you.
You both walked up to the huge, gold-plated doors and were immediately greeted by a bouncer who checked your names off a list. The inside of the mansion was even more luxurious than you'd expected, with marble floors, crystal chandeliers, and expensive artwork adorning the walls. The party itself was in full swing, with people dancing to the loud music and laughing as they sipped on their drinks.
"Hey, check out that guy over there," Ava pointed at a tall, dark-haired man standing by himself near the grand piano. He looked like he was lost in thought, not paying attention to anyone else around him. "He's totally cute. Let's go say hi!"
"girl, no," you said shaking your head, "you don't even know him" you whispered to your best friend. Ava rolled her eyes" When did YOU start caring if we know people or not? Come on, he's cute and looks lonely" she insisted. 
You sighed"Fine, but let me get a drink first" Ava nodded, and You made your way through the crowded room, carefully navigating between people as you made your way to the bar. The bartender smiled warmly at you as you approached. "What can I get you tonight?"
"Surprise me," you said with a small smile. The bartender reached for a bottle behind him and began pouring liquids into a shiny martini glass. "On the house," he said, sliding the drink across the polished wood. "My name's Damon, by the way." You took a sip of the drink, savoring the smooth, fruity flavor. "Thanks, Damon," you said, setting the glass down on the counter.
While you were chatting with Damon, you kept an eye on Ava and the mysterious man she'd been so interested in. You decided to let her have her fun, but you weren't quite ready to join them yet. As you took another sip of your drink, you found yourself lost in thought.
You were just about to set your glass down when you felt a hand on your waist, gently guiding you off to the side, before letting go. You turned to see who it was and was met with the most beautiful pair of blue eyes you had ever seen.
"Sorry," a gentle voice said, before disappearing. You turned back to the party, taking in the scene, Ava was now dancing with the tall, dark-haired guy. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, and Ava looked like she was having the time of her life.
You took one last sip from your drink, before placing it down with a 'clack' on the counter. With a smile, you slowly made your way through the crowd, the rhythm of the music guiding your steps. The dance floor was packed, but somehow you managed to find a spot where you could lose yourself in the music.
Kiss It Better by Rihanna started playing and you smiled, the beat was perfect for your mood. You raised your arm in the air and began to sway to the music, feeling the rhythm in your bones. You closed your eyes, letting the music take control as you moved your hips and spun around, singing along to the words. 
unbeknownst to you, the same blue-eyed stranger from before had been watching you as you danced, to the music, and seemed to enjoy it as much as you did.
His eyes locked on you as you swayed, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. You span around, your eyes catch his and hold them, you smile tilting your head slightly in confusion as you continue to dance, and you gesture to him with your index finger to come closer. He nods slightly, walking over to you, his hands in his pockets. He took a step forward before swiftly moving around you, guiding your body with his hands as he spins you around the dance floor.
You gasped, your heart pounding in excitement. The music seemed to fade away, leaving only the sound of your breath and the beat of your heart. He held you close, his big hands resting on the fabric of your skirt, his chest pressed against your back. You could feel his hardening length pressed against your ass, and it made you want to moan with pleasure.
As if sensing your arousal, he slowed down the dance, moving you in a lazy circle on the dance floor. His hands traveled up your back, cupping your shoulders, before sliding down to your hips. He pulled you closer, grinding his hips against yours, his erection pressing harder against your ass. You arched your back, pressing yourself against him, wanting more of his touch.
You were aware of the fact that he was just a stranger, but like Ava said, when did you care if you knew people or not? You let yourself enjoy the moment, and enjoy him. His hands traveled down to your hips, lifting you higher against his body. He pressed his lips against your ear, whispering, "You feel so good, so warm in my arms."
You shivered, feeling a wave of pleasure wash over you. The alcohol was beginning to make you feel light-headed but in a good way. You pressed your back harder against him, wanting more of his touch "Careful, princess, we're in a public place" he whispered, loosening his grip on you slightly. You felt the cool air brush against your skin as he pulled you away from his body, but you reached back, grabbing his hand and dragging him behind you, as you hurried out of the dance floor.
 You led him to a bathroom, grabbing the knob and twisting, just to realize that it was locked, he watched in amusement as you give the door an aggressive kick, sighing in frustration when it still doesn't open. "Hey, I got it," he says, crouching down and wrapping his arm around the space between the back of your knees and the small of your back, lifting you up in the air effortlessly. "Gotcha." He carries you to the end of the hallway where there's a small, unused office, its door slightly ajar. He kicks it open, revealing an empty room with a small desk and a few chairs. He carries you inside, setting you down next to the desk with a gentle thump.
You turn to face him, your hands grabbing the edge of the desk, and leaning back on it. "That's better," you pant, your breath hot. His eyes meet yours, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "And what do you want to do now?" he asks, his voice low and husky.
You swallow hard, feeling a wave of desire wash over you. "I don't know... show me something I've never seen before," you whisper, your voice barely audible over the muffled music. His eyes flash with amusement and he leans in closer.
"you don't even know my name," he whispers back, his lips brushing against your ear. "hmm?" he asks, his warm breath tickling your skin. You inhale, feeling a shiver run down your spine. You tilt your head to the side, offering him better access to your neck.
"I don't care" You muttered as you closed your eyes, giving into the sensation of his breath on your skin. "Just show me something I've never seen before..." Your voice trailed off as you felt his fingers gently brush against your cheek, pushing a stray hair back behind your ear.
"that's crazy coming from someone who thinks Chris is an unmoanable name" Your eyes snapped open and met his. You quickly looked away feeling ashamed as you realized he had definitely seen the video.
"way to ruin the moment," you said, trying to sound annoyed but failing. He let out a chuckle, seeming to enjoy teasing you. "It's okay, sweetheart. I don't care about that either. You looked like you were having fun in your video, and that's all that matters." His hand traveled down your cheek, cupping your jaw, and turning your head so that you were looking at him again. "let's see how much will it take you to take back your opinion about my name..." He leaned in closer, his lips just millimeters from yours. "If you do, then I'll stop teasing you."
Your heart raced as you stared into his eyes. A part of you wanted to take back your words, to kiss him just to prove yourself wrong, but another part of you wanted to keep him teasing you, wanting more of his attention. You hesitated for a moment, feeling the anticipation build up inside you, before finally leaning in and pressing your lips against his. His hand moved to the back of your head, gently pulling you closer, deepening the kiss.
You felt a thrill run through you as you explored his mouth, tasting the beer on his tongue and the hint of mint from his breath. He tasted so good, better than any of your past hookups. You moaned into the kiss, feeling your body start to respond to his touch, wanting more of it. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer.
He broke the kiss, pulling back just enough to look you in the eyes. His pupils were dilated, his cheeks flushed. "Well, I guess that answers that question," he said with a smirk. "You're so stubborn" He leaned in again, his lips pressing against yours, and you felt your body melt into his touch.
His hand slipped down your back, over the curve of your ass, and gripped your hip. You moaned into his kiss, feeling the heat between your legs spread throughout your entire body. He pulled you closer, grinding his hips against yours, and you could feel the growing bulge in his pants pressing against your leg. His other hand found its way under your shirt, tracing lazy circles on your bare skin, making you shiver.
As he walked you backward, your back hit the wall with a soft thud. He didn't break the kiss, instead, he deepened it, his tongue sliding against yours in a rhythm that sent shockwaves through your core. 
One of his hands slid up your body, and grabbed your neck, pulling your head back. He pressed his knee on your clothed center, grinding against it roughly. His lips left yours, trailing down your jaw to your neck. He sucked gently on your skin, leaving a mark that stung pleasantly. "You're so fucking wet" he chuckled, his voice rough with desire. You moaned, arching your back against him. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked, his voice laced with entertainment. You shook your head frantically, feeling the heat between your legs growing more intense by the second.
He released your neck but didn't let go of your hip. His other hand found its way under your shirt, teasing your nipple through your bra. You gasped as he pinched it hard, rolling it between his fingers. "Fuck," you whined, squirming against him. He chuckled darkly and bit down on your neck. "Maybe I should just take you right here," he whispered, his words hot against your skin.
Before you could reply, he reached down and quickly slid down your panties, baring you to him. You gasped as his fingers brushed against your slick folds, feeling the cool air of the room against your exposed cunt. He placed his knee back between your legs, rubbing roughly against your swollen clit. His hands were now gripping your waist tightly as you rode his thigh, your hips moving in a desperate rhythm.
You arch your back, as he continues to tease you. His thigh is hot against your clit. You feel your muscles tense, your breath coming in short gasps as you edge closer and closer to your release. You close your eyes, lost in the sensation of his hands on your hips, guiding you on his thigh, and the way he looks at you like he can see every thought and feeling inside you.
You feel him kiss your neck, his lips trailing down your shoulder as he sucks gently on the skin. "Fuck, I want to feel you around me," he whispers, and with one swift motion, he stands, lifting you up with him. You wrap your legs around his waist, feeling his hardness pressing against you, and the wetness between your legs spreading on his thigh. He carries you back over to the desk, setting you down gently on the surface with a thud. Your legs spread wide as he kneels between them, his hands on the desktop for support as he leans in, his lips just above your center.
You watch him as he looks down at you, his eyes dark with desire. He parts your folds with his thumbs, revealing your swollen clit to him. His tongue flicks out, circling your sensitive nub before pressing against it in a long, slow lick. You arch your back, moaning loudly as he sucks on your clit, teasing it with his teeth before soothing it with his tongue. Your hips rise off the desk, seeking more contact with his mouth.
As you feel yourself getting closer, he stops, pulling his lips away from your center. You look up at him in confusion, breathless from the pleasure he's been giving you. "Please," you whisper, your voice shaky. He smirks, reaching down and rubbing your clit roughly with his thumb. "Please what?" he teases, his voice low and seductive. "Please make you come?"You nod frantically, your hips bucking against his hand. 
 "use your words" He demands, his gaze locked on yours as you struggle to form a sentence. You can't speak, your words tangled up in the pleasure flowing through your body. He watches you with dark, intense eyes, his thumb still rubbing your sensitive clit in small, slow circles.
You felt the pressure building inside you, your body tense and ready to release. You dig your nails into his shoulders, urging him to keep going, to help you get there. He chuckles, leaning in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "Tell me what you want," he whispers, his breath sending shivers down your spine. "Tell me how you want it."
You gasp, your eyes flashing up to meet his as you try to catch your breath. "I want you to make me cum," you manage to choke out, the words barely audible even to your ears. "I want it so bad," you whine, your hips grinding against his hand. You're so close, that you can feel the heat rising up from your core. You arch your back, pressing your swollen clit harder against his thumb, desperate for release.
"What did we agree on though ?" He asked, teasingly slowing down his hand movement as he watched your face twist in frustration. You grit your teeth, his thumb still circling your clit. "I take..." you breathed out, your voice strained as you tried to focus. "...I take it back."
He smiled, his lips curling up into a wicked grin as he continued to tease you. "take what back, sweetheart ?" he whispered huskily, his thumb still moving in small circles. You gasped, as you tried to focus. "Your name," you managed to choke out between breaths. "it's moanable."
"oh yeah ?" he asked, a smirk curling his lips as he glanced up at you from where he knelt between your spread legs. "prove it" he challenged, his thumb still working on your clit in small, relentless circles. He leaned in closer, his breath fanning across your wet center as his lips parted, revealing his teeth. "Prove to me that it's moanable."
You inhaled, feeling your body tensing. His finger pressed harder against your clit, his thumb, and forefinger forming a perfect circle as he circled and pressed. You arched your back, your hips lifting off the desk as you moaned his name, your voice low and throaty. "Chris!." you panted, your words coming out in gasps.
"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" He asked, his voice low and amused. 
You moaned again, your hips moving faster against his hand as you felt the familiar tension building inside you. "That's it," he whispered, leaning in closer, his lips brushing against your thigh. "Let it out for me"
You cried out, your body arching as you came. Your muscles clench and release in rapid succession, your breath coming out in ragged gasps as pleasure washes over you in waves. His thumb continues to circle your clit, milking every last drop of pleasure from your body.
"Fuck, it feels so good," you pant, your head falling back against the desk. You feel a shiver run down your spine as he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your inner thigh. "Don't... don't stop," you whimper, your hips still moving helplessly against his hand.
He chuckles, his thumb continuing to circle your clit, his other hand moving to cup your hip, holding you in place. You whimper, arching your back as you feel the last tendrils of pleasure wash over you.
"I can't believe how submissive you are," he giggled, his breath hot against your sensitive skin. "I feel like I could make you cum just by thinking about it." He leans in closer, pressing a gentle kiss against your thigh.
You moan, your body still trembling from the intense orgasm. His hand moves to gently stroke your clit, teasing the sensitive skin as he asks, "Want more?"
You were about to answer, but a loud ring interrupted you. "Shit," Chris muttered as he reached for his phone, glancing at the screen. "It's my mom." He rolled his eyes and put the phone to his ear, shooting you a sheepish smile. "Hey mom, what's up?"
As he spoke to his mother, you took the opportunity to collect yourself, pushing the desk back and sitting up straight. Your heart was still racing, and your body felt warm and tingling all over. Chris glanced at you from time to time, a small smile playing on his lips.
When he finally hung up the phone, he let out a sigh. "Sorry about that," he said, shaking his head. "So, um... I have to go" he added, glancing at you with a sheepish grin. "But I had a really good time. You were great, and I can't wait to see you again."
You were a little disappointed, but you still smiled at him. "I had a great time too, Chris." He leans down, his face close to yours, and brushes a stray hair from your cheek. "Maybe next time, I'll make you cum even harder," he giggled, and before you can react, he's gone.
Chris walked into his room, The air in the room was thick with the scent of his cologne, and the bed was unmade, sheets twisted around the pillows. He quickly took off his clothes and walked over to his shower, turning on the water to warm it up. As he stepped in, he couldn't help but think about what had just happened with you. The memory of your body beneath him, your moans in his ear, the feel of your hands on his skin... it was all still fresh in his mind.
"Fuck" He groaned, as he reached between his legs, his hand finding his already hard cock. He began to stroke it slowly, imagining it was you who was touching him. He pictured your soft, warm lips wrapped around him, your tongue swirling around the head, your hands gripping his hips as you took him deeper.
He closed his eyes, letting out a moan, trying to focus on the feel of his skin under his fingertips, and the hot spray of the shower against his body. But it was impossible to ignore the images of you that flashed through his mind, making him even harder.
He remembered how you had looked earlier, sitting on that desk, your legs spread wide, your eyes meeting his as he approached. He could feel the heat between your legs even from across the room. it was driving him wild.
Chris gripped his cock tightly, his hips moving in time with his strokes as The memory of your moans filled the shower stall, echoing in his ears. His breath came in ragged gasps, his body tense with need.
 He imagined sliding his cock between your legs, hearing the wetness as he penetrated you, feeling the tightness as he thrust deep inside.
His strokes grew faster, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he neared the brink. He pictured your hands gripping the desk, your head thrown back in euphoria, your loud moans filling the room. His hips bucked wildly, his body tensing as he felt the first, powerful wave of release wash over him.
Chris cried out, his voice muffled by the sound of running water, as he came hard, his cock throbbing in his hand. The hot spray of water pelted his skin, but he barely noticed as he rode out the waves of pleasure. When he finally regained his senses, he quickly cleaned himself up and stepped out of the shower.
He dressed in comfortable sweatpants and a t-shirt, his movements still a little unsteady. He layed down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to calm his racing heart. He couldn't help but wonder when he would see you again.
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ramp-it-up · 10 months
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Pairing: Pilot!Steve Rogers x Publicist! Reader
Word count:~3K
Summary: You let Steve know how you felt about him leaving you hanging.
This is part two to Great.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY Minors, DNI. Enemies to Lovers, and there was only one bed, angst, secrets, sexual frustration,allusion to dildos, Captain/Sir kink, praise/degradation kink, tight t-shirt and grey sweats on Steve, dirty talk, graphic sloppy oral, make receiving, face slapping. Not Beta’d. All errors are on me.
Notice: I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
Steve knew he should have avoided you when he came through the hotel lobby after his run to go back up to the room, but you eating breakfast solo on the terrace made him feel some kind of way. He watched as you gazed out over the Gulf of Genoa, feeling like a heel for leaving you in bed alone, but if he had stayed, you two would still be there.
Having you the way he did last night did not help his heart problem right now. You were taking up too much space in it, and he was afraid that the feeling wasn’t reciprocated. It couldn’t be. It was too soon for you. He’d fallen for you the moment he first saw you, and you didn’t even know when that was.
Your sister Aria, as clueless as she was, told your story: you hadn’t been with a man in a long time. Last night was just dumb luck for Steve, and physical need for you.
Being forced to stay in a space with such close quarters presented him the opportunity to get close to you, but it was disconcerting. He didn’t expect to be able to touch and kiss your most intimate places last night, but giving you pleasure was everything he’d dreamed of and more.
After putting you right to sleep, Steve felt a sense of accomplishment. But as he held you, he felt like a fraud, and soon escaped to go for a run on the beach to clear his head and calm his body.
Steve wanted nothing more than to give you more of the physical, which you clearly wanted. But what you needed was the truth. What he needed was your heart.
He looked down at his watch when he got a notification that Bucky had texted and planned to escape to the room, but when he looked back up, he was caught.
After you awoke in bed alone, you got out of bed and showered, frustrated. And why wouldn't you be?
Steve gave you the best head of your life last night, didn’t let you return the favor, and then ghosted you. You looked in the mirror and tried to figure out if your pussy was broken or something.
At least Jake appreciated it.
You nodded as you tried to convince yourself that a hunk of latex was sentient.
Aria texted you that she and Topher were staying in their suite today, and to reschedule the yacht ride. Your troubles were forgotten as you once again tried to move heaven and earth for your darling little superstar sister.
Aria’s change of plans, despite being a pain in the ass, was a definite plus. You could spend the day exploring this beautiful town on your own.
You sat on the terrace solo, after trying in vain to obtain another room in the sold out resort. You were torn between pettiness and being a simp for Steve Rogers. The sound of the ocean sent your mind drifting back to the night before, how good Steve’s hands and mouth felt on you. You shivered, and you felt the hair raise on the back of your neck.
You looked around, and finally, behind you, to catch Steve’s eyes, as blue as the Gulf, watching you. You gulped, and before you could stop yourself, waved him over. You saw him blanch, hesitate, but come over. You frowned.
He clearly couldn’t stand you, but you were going to set the record straight.
You weren't going to spend this whole week on pins and needles with him.
No way.
Steve approached you hesitantly, squaring his shoulders to combat his nerves. He stood before you in military posture, hands behind his back. When you looked him up and down and raised your eyebrow, almost ready for anything, he couldn’t help the smile that began to form on his face.
You were trouble.
You watched Steve approach and your stomach did a somersault. Damn, he was fine. The sweat at the collar of his t-shirt, which was hanging on to his torso for dear life, was some kind of powerful magic. Your panties were about as damp. And when he stopped in front of you, perfect posture, cock so close, well, it took serious willpower to not get down on your knees in front of all these people.
You looked up at his sexy smirk. Damn him. You needed to know what was up.
“Morning, y/n. Did you sleep well?”
You crossed your legs, making his eyes follow the motion, and it was then that he gulped, fantasizing about reaching down and grabbing you up to take you back to bed.
“I slept very well, Steve, but did not wake up that way? Please, sit down. We need to talk.”
The words tumbled out before you had a chance to think, and you frowned.
Steve watched your face as he took a seat. You were not happy. And it was never a good thing when someone said that phrase. He had a feeling he knew exactly the way this conversation was going to go.
“I know what you are going to say, last night was a mistake. And I agree with you.”
You exhaled as you sat back in your seat. That is not what you were going to say at all, but you were glad that Steve was coming out with what he really felt.
“We were caught up in the moment, jet lag, emotional…and I… I took advantage of that. I’m sorry.”
Steve looked up at the waiter who’d appeared and ordered water. You sipped your mimosa as you watched him, the red creeping up from his neck to his face, his cheeks flushed.
He was being genuine.
And sweet.
Being in the entertainment industry as long as you had, you learned to read people quickly.
“Taking advantage of me would entail making me suck your cock like I wanted to, Captain Rogers. Not you eating me out like a pro. I feel like I took advantage of you?”
Steve’s eyes got wide as he gulped down his water. He coughed.
You watched that tongue dart out and lick those ruby red lips after he caught his breath. Whew, that side smile. You began to take this as a challenge. Steve’s words didn’t match his actions right now, and you were determined to find out why.
His deep voice gave you a clue.
“‘D’you like that?”
The way Steve was looking at you right now was everything. You smiled and leaned forward, noticing how his eyes went to your cleavage. The way his pupils were blown told you more.
You were beginning to change your mind about how Steve Rogers felt about you. He at least wanted your body. You had power.
“Yes, Captain.”
Steve almost moaned. The way you looked, your sultry tone, the fact that you said ‘making you suck his cock.’ He cleared his throat as your words raced around his brain. ‘…like you wanted to…, Captain…’
Fuck, he was screwed.
He straightened up.
“I mean… that wasn’t cool…”
You straightened up as well, jutting your breasts out as if an invitation. Steve shifted in his seat. You were making things hard for him.
“No. No it wasn’t…”
You pouted, thinking of the way he left you hanging.
“Fix that face, y/n.”
Holy hell. That command. He did want you to hit the ground right there. But you had to push back.
“Hmmmm. I guess I’m supposed to say, ‘Yes, Sir,’ Or you’ll spank me like you promised…”
You smiled at him mischievously.
You were such a brat. You had to be stopped. Before he lost control again.
“I didn’t promise that, y/n…”
Steve’s voice was broken and he licked his lips before taking another drink of water.
“Oh? I thought you said that?”
You twirled your finger around the rim of your glass and then dipped two into your drink, placing them into your mouth and slowly pulling them out of those lips. Steve licked his in response
Steve knew what you were doing, but it was long past time to turn back now. Blood was rapidly leading his brain. He grunted unconsciously, determined to stay in control.
“I’m not doing this with you. I need to take a shower.”
Steve got up and stalked toward the elevators, and you sat, steaming, in your seat. You were shaking with emotion. You realized the true source of your frustration. You wanted Steve, you were sharing a room, and you were in a beautiful setting. You didn’t have to be a love match, but why not go for it?
You called the waiter over and asked him to charge your breakfast to the account.
As soon as the elevator doors closed, Steve wanted to pry them open to run back out to you. But space was the best answer right now. You were amping him up to do something reckless, something that would be irreversible. It was best that he kept his distance.
He entered the room and took off his shirt, going to the bathroom to turn on the water. He shook his head as he thought of you. You were such a menace.
When he turned around, there you were.
The look on Steve’s face was a little scary. You didn’t know if he was angry… or something else.
“....I need to get my…” Your eyes searched the bathroom. “...my lipgloss…”
You walked closer to him then turned toward the vanity and picked up a tube of your Glossbomb, leaning over toward the mirror, smearing a slick shiny across those lips.
Steve’s resolve began to crumble as he inhaled your scent and watched your lips shine. Your words came back to him. He wanted that mouth of yours.
You turned around.
“You didn’t answer my question, Captain.”
“What question was that, Doll?”
Steve moved closer to you, backing you up against the vanity. Your heart beat faster, but you pressed on.
“About the spanking…”
You felt dumb, but in a good way as Steve stared at you, seeing right through you. And then he smirked. He looked you up and down as he leaned forward and caged you in, hands on either side of you on the sink. Steam filled the room and came out of your ears.
“What I said was that I wanted to spank you when you were giving me attitude on the plane. Seems that was warranted. You don’t know when to stop.”
Steve’s voice broke as his breath fanned across your face. His mouth was so, so close to yours.
You sighed, and pouted again.
“I never stop, Captain. So does that make me a bad girl? I thought I was a good girl? It’s what you said last night.”
“I said that was a mistake.”
“What happened last night was a mistake, or saying that I’m a good girl?”
You were quick to reply as you cocked your head at him.
“Y’know, I wasn’t going to say that it was a mistake earlier. You put words in my mouth. That’s not what I want there…”
Steve slid his hand up your arm to your throat, and closed his fingers around it. It was nothing, almost, but enough to show you his power. You whimpered in his grip.
“You are maddening, you know that? You should leave well enough alone…”
You looked him in the eyes. You felt his hard cock against your stomach, even felt it jump as he searched your face and settled on your lips. You decided to try it.
“Let me go, and I’ll leave it alone… Don’t, and well, you can teach me how to be good again…”
Steve’s mind said to let you go, but it was his cock and his heart that made him do what he did next.
He whispered as he moved toward you, brushing the line of your jaw with his fingers. Your head was reeling from the sexy tone as you realized that he’d said, “Teach you a lesson…”
His lips slammed into yours, and his hands roamed your body, laying claim to what he wanted. You moaned as his tongue decimated you, letting him take what he wanted. When you separated, he asked you a question.
“What do you want in your mouth, y/n?”
“I want your cock in my mouth, Captain.”
“That sounds… “
Steve rested his forehead against yours. Your words gave him the image, and he couldn't resist. He cleared his throat again, then his blue eyes captured yours. Steel.
“Go sit on the edge of the bed…”
“Yes, Sir.”
The way he clenched his jaw had your pussy doing the same as you practically skipped to the next room and did as you were told. He was standing right in front of you again, running his palm down his hardness outside of his sweats. Your heart beat with anticipation.
You whined when he reached inside his sweats and pulled it out. It looked so big, so hard, the peach mushroom tip weeping and pretty, but big. You looked up at him with wide eyes.
The way you suddenly looked scared made Steve get even harder.
“You sure this is what you want?”
He was stroking his cock, and using his thumb to lubricate himself. He was restraining himself from touching you, but you didn’t know that, all that you saw was the sexy veins bulging down his arms as he jacked it in front of you.
You reached for it and Steve moved closer, moaning when your small, cool hand closed around his hot throbbing staff. When you started pumping him was when his head started swimming.
“God, Doll…”
Your mouth fell open, those glossy lips a magnet for his cock. He didn’t know if you were leaning towards him, or if he were moving closer to you, but none of that mattered when your lips and tongue made contact.
He hissed at the sensation.
“SSsssss, y/n,”
He looked down at you as you stared up at him. You were entranced, his smell of musk and sweat was intoxicating.
“Those eyes. That mouth. Open. Wider.”
He had a grip on your chin, firmly pulling your jaw down to accommodate him.
As you kept eye contact, you saw a ferality that made you shiver. You wanted that look on you forever. You tried to unhinge your jaw as Steve slid his smooth cock inside your mouth.
He stopped once your mouth was full, but you continued, allowing his access to your throat.
“Ohhhhh. So goood...”
Steve pulled out of your mouth and stuck two fingers in, watching as you licked and sucked them, pumping his wet cock with your hand.
“That mouth. You’re not giving me any sass now, are you?”
He held your chin again and looked you in the eye, lighty slapping your jaw.
You gasped, then smiled and shook your head as you eagerly sucked along the side of his dick.
“No, Sir,” you replied, your mouth full of Steve.
You stuck your tongue out and deep throated him bobbing slowly as you pumped him with your hand.
“Go ahead. Get sloppy with it.”
You spit on his dick as you went to town, going faster when Steve gathered your hair in his hand and moved you at his preferred pace.
“Look at me when you do that.”
Your eyes snapped to his, thighs clenching at his tone.
“Look at you. Are you a slut for this cock already?”
You pulled off with a plop to spit again.
“Yes, Captain.”
And you started glugging him, moving your hand and making Steve’s knees weak.
“Holy Fuck, that’s good. Yessss.”
You smiled at the praise and started jacking him against your outstretched tongue.
“Yes, yes, yessss. Suck the tip again. That fucking mouth.”
You did as you were told, taking him inside and jacking what didn’t fit.
Steve started moaning and pulled your hair so that you looked up at him.
“Stop if you don’t want my cum in your mouth.”
You jacked him even faster.
“I want it, Captain..”
You slapped his cock against your lips and then resumed sucking as Steve grunted and buried his fingers in your hair.
“So… fucking… good… good girl…fuckkk! I’m cumming. Dirty girl. That mouth is so damn good.”
Steve was full of contradictory praise as he held his balls and you jacked his cock fast, allowing your mouth to make the most pornographic sounds around him.
“Oh! Oh shit ohshit oooooh oooohh shitttttt!”
You slowed down when you felt the first spurt against your tongue and you let it fall out of your mouth. Steve was hypnotized as he took his cock and pumped it into your mouth as you swallowed.
“What a dirty little girl. Good girl gone bad. You love this, don’t you?”
You nodded as you swallowed, your eyes tearing as the cum squirted into your throat.
Steve was profane as he watched you swallow it all and clean him up.
“That was amazing, Doll. Thank you.”
He reached down and traced your swollen lips with his thumb. He knew what you wanted, what you needed next. But there was really no turning back from that.
“I think we’re even now. I’m going to go take that shower.”
Steve turned and went back into the bathroom, leaving you to wonder which was greater, your need or your pride.
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feelbokkie · 9 months
Sorry, Right Number | Chapter 5
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pairing: idol!Chan x fem reader
genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff,strangers to lovers, pen pals/hidden identity, forbidden love, celebrity romance
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing
summary: Being an idol can be lonely and isolating. After one fun and adventurous night at a bar, Chan decides to text the girl he met the night before. Except, she gave him the the wrong number?
word count: 1,648
screenshot count: 12
taglist: closed
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©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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You stand anxiously in line, waiting for your turn to meet Stray Kids. You, Sun Hee, and Hana had just finished watching the sound check with the rest of the fans who had actually paid hundreds of dollars for this moment. You have to remember to thank Topher properly later. Almost every part about today hasn't felt real and being six feet away from your favorite group is the most unrealistic thing.
You rub your hand down Sun Hee's back, reminding her to calm down. Despite how nervous you are, you're surprisingly calm for someone about to meet the people responsible for your reason for being. They're just men who happened to be famous. You keep reminding yourself of that as you wait. You watch as the group before you say their goodbyes after taking a group picture. You and your friends are the last group for the meet and greet, which bodes well for you, it means that this once in a lifetime moment.
The boys break off into three groups. Lee Know, Han, and I.N in the first group. Changbin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin are in the second group while Felix and Chan made up the last group. The three of you separate, heading to the groups where your respective biases were first.
"Hi!" Felix greets with a big grin, he's been smiling the entire time the meet and greets have been going on, you have no idea how he's doing it.
"Hello," You say quietly, suddenly starstruck at the fact that you were talking to your bais and your current wrecker. Chan stares at you with a half smile, mouth slightly agape. He looks how you feel inside.
They're prettier in person, almost like the camera can't pick up every inch of their beauty.
"What's your name?" Felix asks, nudging his leader with his shoulder.
“Y/n,” You smile.
“That’s a pretty name, it suits you.” Felix smiles.
“Yeah, you’re really pretty. I-I mean your name! Your name is really pretty.” Chan stammers.
“Thank you, I got it for my birthday,” You giggle, mentally cringing at your own joke.
Chan lets out a laugh that is definitely way too loud for the joke you just told. Felix’s smile drops as he lets out a deep sigh and puts his head in his hands. The other boys look over to see what could have happened to their leader.
“Sorry about him, he’s a lot stupider in person. A real himbo if you will,” Felix looks at you with a Cheshire cast smile as he tries to explain Chan’s laugh. Chan glares at the younger boy.
“Is that so? I was going to give this to Chan to hold onto, but I guess I should give it to you, Felix?” You dig in your pocket and pull out an envelope, handing it to Felix.
“I’ll hold onto it. He’s lost the keys to so many hotel rooms, that I’ve lost track. Wouldn’t want him to lose something as precious as this.” Chan winks, taking the envelope out of Felix’s hand and sliding it into his back pocket. Your heart skips a beat. You remind yourself that it’s fan service, that he flirts with all of his other fans like he does on Bubble so there’s no need for you to get all delusional.
“It’s just a few letters. Not much. Just one big letter to all of you and small notes for each of you. Just a thank you.” You say quickly.
“You say ‘just’ a lot.” Felix teases.
“I’m jus—The letter isn’t as important as Chan is making it out to be. That’s what I’m trying to get at.” You curse yourself for the heat rising to your face.
"Cute," Chan mutters under his breath, causing you to blush more. A staff member comes up behind Chan and Felix and whispers something in their ears before moving on to the next group.
"Looks like we have to rotate now. But it was nice meeting you, Y/n." Felix smiles.
"It was a pleasure to meet you two, too. Good luck out there tonight, I'll be cheering you on." You smile.
"I'll hold you to that," Chan smirks. You quickly wave them both goodbye and move over to Changbin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin.
Despite knowing the entire setlist, actually hearing and experiencing it for yourself feels different. You always joke about injecting their music directly into your veins, but the concert feels like you're doing just that. You and your friends were lucky enough to get barricade spots, putting you directly in the boys' line of sight.
Chan, for whatever reason, has been hovering on your side of the stage for most of the night, only returning to one of the other sides to interact with other fans. But whenever he is on your side, his eyes always seem to find you. He was even in front of you during Charmer, which wasn't even on the set list for any of the other shows on this tour.
"How's everyone doing tonight? Are we having fun?" Han asks into the mic. They had just finished performing S-Class and a few of the members disappeared off the stage.
"I'm having fun!" Seungmin replies from backstage.
"We know you're having fun, Seungmin. You've been hopping around the stage all night." Hyunjin quips.
"I think we all need to calm down a bit, yeah? Save some of that energy for later." Chan adds from the backstage area.
"Are you that old that you're tired already, old man?" Seungmin laughs.
Chan, Seungmin, Changbin, and Lee Know come back from the backstage area carrying stools, four in total. Set the stools in the middle of the stage and join the others on the side.
"No, I just think that it's a beautiful night for some stargazing," Chan adds, throwing his arm around Seungmin's shoulder. The other members share confused looks while I.N looks up, Felix sees and looks up.
"Hyung? We're inside, what are you talking about?" I.N asks.
"The stars, the shining stars!" Chan repeats.
"That's me?" Felix asks confused as to what Chan could be getting at.
"That's not even the right lyric! It's 'The most special star, star, star, star, star, star. The odd onе, that's me.' You call yourselves Stray Kids" Changbin yells.
"We just did S-Class?" Lee Know now questions.
"No, the stars. From Stay." Chan tries to explain, but you understand perfectly what he is trying to get at.
"He's really lost his mind." Seungmin jokes.
"Oh, are you talking about the light sticks?" Hyunjin figures out.
"Yes! Hyunjin, you're officially out of baboracha." Chan jumps in his place out of excitement.
"I'm still lost. It's our symbol for our lightstick a compass?" Han asks, scratching his head.
"You'll see in a second. Stay, can you do me a favor and change your lights to white? And if you don't have a lightstick, your phone cameras will work just as well. Just for this next song." Chan explains as he ushers the boys to the stools.
You pull out your phone and sync your light stick to white, keeping your phone out to take a quick picture of the stars as everyone does the same. Your body freezes as everyone gets quiet and the melody to Hero's Soup starts to play.
You quickly turn around to face the stage to find Chan staring directly at you again. Your heart leaps in your chest. It's abnormal for them to play Hero's Soup during a concert. You're not even entirely sure they've ever performed it outside of radio shows. But something in your chest tightens as you ponder about the events of the night. Tonight has certainly not been a normal Stray Kids concert. You've never been to one, but you've watched enough live streams and recordings to know that. The boys haven't been interacting like they normally do. Chan has been hovering on the side of the stage that you know he shouldn't have been on in moments when he shouldn't have been. His reaction at the meet and greet. The way your eyes have constantly met like he's checking to see if you're having a good time. The way he's been performing harder than he normally does. The fact that he called the flashlight moment stars and the song being sung is your favorite. A song that the group hasn't talked about in years. And how you only told one other person in the world your favorite concert moment and Stray Kids song. The way Chan is looking at you right now as if to tell you that this song--this moment is for you.
But it's ridiculous to think that Topher--your Topher--could have anything to do with this. His only connection with Stray Kids is that he likes the group and happens to share the same name as the leader. Right? But then you think about the strange look you got from all the staff members today during the meet and greet. And how annoyed the staff members at the JYPE building looked when you went to pick up the tickets. And the strange hours Topher would message you back at times. None of the times he would message you were consistent. And how you were even able to get the ticket from Topher, who apparently won them from a contest you knew nothing about despite being deep in the fandom.
But you're just being delusional, right? There's no possible way that you were talking to Bang Chan for months. Right?
"You okay, Y/n?" Sun Hee asks, bumping into you to get your attention.
"Yeah," You quietly reply. You shake the idea out of your mind just as the song ends. You try to put the ridiculous thought out of your head until the concert is over at the very least.
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vlad-impales · 11 months
oh.. those topher x readers on ao3 arent a product of my delusions
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lastchancestardomm · 9 months
You can tell im homosexual trans autistic mentally ill because of my fav characters
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cap-tveit-ed · 13 days
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A Sweet Macaroon
Topher x Reader
Trigger warning: Abuse reference
You haven’t been happy since your high school sweetheart, Chris, came home after his sophomore year of college and announced he was dropping out to travel coast to coast and find himself. You loved him deeply, and he broke your heart. Devastated, you married the first guy who asked. Now, it’s 10 years on, and you’re stuck in a childless and loveless marriage. Your husband hit you before, but he’s always controlled himself enough not to smack your face. That changed last night, and you leaned into the bathroom mirror applying makeup to conceal the damage.
“You can’t go to the restaurant like that. People will think I’m a monster,” Earl said.
“I’m putting on coverup. It will be fine. Besides, we need the money,” you countered with the one argument you knew would work.
“Okay, but I’m taking you to see how people react. You can stay if no one says anything,” he said.
This was not what you wanted. You wanted to pack a big backpack, but if Earl was driving, you could only pack a small tote. There was enough money stashed in your locker to buy a bus ticket. Whatever tips you could earn during this shift would be your spending money until you found a new job.
“What’s that bag for?” Earl asked.
You lied, “I always bring an extra outfit in case I spill something on myself.”
He said he never noticed before but was more focused on reminding you it was his bowling night, and he couldn’t pick you up. You were grateful. You took inventory: two t-shirts, a denim skirt, a nightgown, 2 pairs of panties, flip flops, and a few toiletries. You had rolled everything tightly to fit in your tote. You prayed you didn’t forget anything essential.
Fortunately, customers were generous with their tips. You went straight to the bus station after work. The bus drove through the night, but you were too anxious to sleep. You only had one relative who lived outside your town, your cousin Alex in Schmicago. You would see if she could help you get a fresh start.
It was sunny when you arrived in the city. You brushed your teeth and splashed icy water on your face in the bus terminal restroom. It washed off the last of your makeup, but oversized sunglasses were the fashion, and you slipped on yours. It took an hour to find where Alex lived. You double checked the address because it was a junkyard. There was an odd little man in the center, kneading dough on a table. He had a sweet face and long dark hair. He wore a newsboy cap.
“Hello, friend! I’m Michael. Welcome to the tribe.”
You introduced yourself, deciding it would be safer to use your middle name. You explained you were looking for your cousin. Michael told you that you were in the right place, but Alex was off doing odd jobs. He offered you food and took you to her tent. He kindly suggested you take a nap. You slept for three hours.
After spending the afternoon with Alex, she took you to meet her tribal leader. As you entered the large tent, you were shocked to see a ménage-a-trois on the bed. You’d never even seen a dirty movie, and here it was live before your eyes. Alex didn’t even react as the two women were taking turns sucking the man. Another man sat on a cushion checking things off on a clipboard, as if he didn’t see what was happening two feet away from him.
Your eyes should’ve been glued to the action, but instead, you stared at this man. From the angle you were standing, you couldn’t quite see his face, but he had a glorious head of curly hair, and the vest he wore emphasized the definition in his arms. As he wrote, you thought his forearms may be the sexiest thing you’d ever seen, even though there were people having sex right in front of you. He turned to greet the two of you.
You scanned this super-hot guy from his bell bottoms to his face, and your heart jumped into your throat, as you said just under your breath, “Chris-.”
“Topher, this is my cousin y/m/n,” Alex told him.
“Nice to meet you, y/m/n. I’m Topher,” he said, reaching out with one hand while placing his other over his heart. “I’m getting a vibe we know each other.”
You shrugged. Your hair color was different than when you last saw him. Your curves had developed a bit more. You hope the sunglasses hid your face enough to function as a disguise. You’ve dreamt of seeing Christopher again but not like this.
But he reached to remove your glasses and said with surprise, “Y/N?!”
He motioned for the two of you to exit the tent, and he followed. It was evening but still light enough he could see your black eye and the large bruise on your upper arm. He slipped his finger under your chin and turned your head to examine the damage.
“Y/n, who did this to you?” Topher demanded.
Alex replied, “Her no-good husband, Earl. That’s who.”
“Hunterson,” you added.
“You married Earl Hunterson,” he said incredulously.
Afraid you would cry if you answered, you merely nodded, but his hand stayed holding your chin.
Alex asked, “You guys know each other?”
Topher answered yes but provided no other information.
So, you added, “We went to high school together.” (Instead of “We went together in high school.”)
Alex explained to Topher that you needed a place to stay until you worked out your next steps, but unfortunately, she was already sharing her small tent with Marissa and asked for his help in pairing you up with someone else.
“Not a problem. Y/n can bunk with me,” he said.
You and Alex both exclaimed, “What?!!!”
“It’s perfect. She’ll be safe with me. I’m the only one sleeping here,” he said, and pulling the tent flap open, he yelled in, “You guys wrap it up.”
Alex laughed so hard she snorted, and it reminded you of when you were kids.
“I think they might think you mean something else,” she giggled.
Getting the condom reference, you and Topher started laughing, too. The three of you were still snickering when the other three exited. Alex skated off, and you went into the tent with Topher.
“Well, well, well,” he said, but after looking into your eyes with his gorgeous baby blues, he went a different direction with the conversation. “Are you hungry, Y/n?”
“No, thank you. Alex and I ate at the Kander Cafe. I applied for a waitressing job there.”
“Ah, the Absinthe Café, huh? Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder,” he said. “Ooh, I should write that down.”
“Since I can sleep here, I’m assuming you don’t have a wife or girlfriend,” you said.
“My manifesto is to foster love wherever it grows. As such, I no longer believe in the confines of a traditional relationship,” Topher said removing his vest and tank top.
Then, turning his back to you he removed his jeans. As he bent over, he revealed a perfect juicy peach ass, and you just wanted to take a bite.
“I guess you no longer believe in the confines of underwear either,” you giggled.
“Oh, sorry,” he chuckled. “I thought you might not be as comfortable with nudity as we are. So, I was slipping on these gym shorts. I didn’t think about being nude while changing.”   
“You should be comfortable in your own abode.”
“Sit,” he said motioning to the bed. “It’s time for you to unburden yourself.”
“Pardon,” you asked.
“Let it out. Verbally let go of the weight you’re carrying,” he said and crawled on to the mattress behind you.
You were startled and asked, "What are you doing?”
“I’m going to physically help ease the tension while you emote,” he said.
As his fingers kneaded your neck, you let out the breath you had been holding for the last 48 hours. You knew he wanted you to talk, but you only purred.
You managed a breathy, “Yes.”
“Take off your top so I can get to these knots in your upper back."
In a trance, you did as he said.
“I haven’t seen one of these in a while,” he said.
“A knot,” you questioned.
“No, a bra,” he answered.
As his fingers worked their magic, you moaned in gratification.
“Y/n, your sounds are making things…um…hard on me.”
“I can’t help it. I'm so turned on right now,” you answered.
“Then let’s get naked,” he whispered in your ear.
You nodded in agreement, and he smoothly unhooked your bra and slid it forward, cupping your breasts with both his hands, causing your nipples to pebble and heat to pool between your legs. Topher turned your face toward him and kissed you deeply. You ran your tongue over his pointed canine teeth that you always adored whenever he smiled.
He got off the bed and stood in front of you. You removed his shorts. He was so hard that every vein in his cock was defined. You dropped onto your knees and licked the glistening precum off his tip.
“Don’t tease, Y/n,” he said.
You stared up at him, and desperately wanting to please him, you begged, “Teach me!”
He contemplated and replied, “Just make love to my dick.”
His direction seemed vague, but you knew each other well enough that it was clear to you. You hoped your enthusiasm would make up for your lack of skill. You started by kissing up and down his shaft, while massaging his balls. He groaned. You took him as far into your throat as you could. He held your hair back and wiped your tears with his thumb until he threw his head back in ecstasy. Just as he was on the borderline, he pulled out of your mouth. You whined.
“It’ll be worth the wait,” he said.
He had you stand. He unbuckled your sandals and removed your skirt. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and slowly pulled them down, trailing kisses on the outside of your legs as he went. After you stepped out of them, he gently pushed you back onto the bed and kissed his way back up on the inside of your legs, pausing to tickle you behind the knees.
“And there it is,” he smiled, remembering that was a particularly sensitive spot for you.
When his tongue ran along your slit, a pleased sound escaped his lips.
He picked up his head and said, “Baby, you are so wet for me. I love it.”
He dove back between your legs and pushed up your hood with his fingers while he sucked on your clit. You cried out. He slipped two fingers inside of you and curved them forward. You writhed on the bed, but just as you were about to climax, he stopped licking. You whimpered.
“It will be worth the wait,” he promised. “Get on your knees.”
He was so hard when he entered you. His cock hit your g-spot. His hands grabbed your breasts, and he held on as he plunged into you. He hummed and rocked his hips to the same rhythm. His hands slid down your body. He used one to balance himself, while the other pressed on your love button.
“Now,” he ordered. “Come all over my cock, Y/n.”
Topher’s touch and dirty words made you explode like never before. You lost your balance. Your head dropped forward onto a pillow. He held your hips tight while he ejaculated into you. Your walls clenched around him, milking every drop. He held still for a moment before pulling out and flopping on to the bed next to you. You stretched out on your belly and turned your face toward him. He ran his finger along your jaw and leaned in for a kiss.
“That was incredible. You are so beautiful. Even more than you are in my memories or my fantasies," he confessed, pushing your hair off of your face.
Topher laid on his back, stretching out both arms, making room for you to snuggle into him. You draped one leg over both of his thighs and ran your fingers through his curly chest hair. He kissed the top of your head. You were sad and blissful at the same time. You knew you couldn't stay at the commune because you would never be able to share this gorgeous man. You also knew it would take at least a week to figure out your next move, and after a decade of misery, you deserved seven more nights of pleasure.
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hisonetrueloveee · 2 months
Impatiently waiting for GILYJ part 2
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harperwasstaken1 · 1 year
[어떤 일이] 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠
Ch5➪ Who tf is Topher?
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Rival!Prince!Nishimura Riki x Princess!Reader
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔➪ Angst, Rivalry, Mentions of Death, Modernly Medieval
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔➪ 1.1k
𝑺𝒚𝒑𝒏𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔➪ 2 Kingdoms, 2 Kings, 2 Queens, 2 Heirs, and 1 Forbidden Love. 'Whatever happens' to them when they fall inlove with the Rivalry still going?
Enhypen Masterlist
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I placed my phone in the pocket of my dress, I walked out of my bedroom. My phone on silent as I went inside the lounge room. My parents sat beside eachother with a chair empty beside my mom for me.
There were 4 other people in the room, Royalties from another kingdom that's a two day travel away. They've been trying... Well not all of them, the eldest of the two kins. The Prince of Trinium, Yoo Sangwoo.
Hate him to death that is. He has been asking me to marry him since we we're in training school. He was everywhere. During my Law Class for Kingdoms? He was right outside of my classroom by the window yelling, "THAT'S MY FUTURE QUEEN!!"
I could just feel eyes on me everywhere I go during training school. It got on my nerves.
Now here he is infront of me with this lovesick grin while I stare in disgust. His little sister looks so tired of his brother, I nodded at her and sat still.
From the corner I saw Heeseung standing there with the others behind him. They looked worried, I ignored it.
"Now what seems to be the problem here Yoona?" My mother asked the other Queen as she looked at her son in annoyance.
"Your Majesty, My son has done something indescribably stupid." She responded aa she looked at her son with a glare and to her husband with a go for him to continue.
"He has paid the media that your daughter is getting married to him." The king finally said as Heeseung brought a laptop over infront of my parents and I with the article open.
"Excuse me?" I asked, bewildered that this idiot would go this far. I looked at the article, the bolded title was making me nauseous.
"Princess Y/n of Solaíre, has been confirmed to marry Prince Sang-woo of Trinium."
I felt sick.
"I do not accept this offer from your son, this is ridiculous." I stood up with a glare at their heir, as they looked down in shame.
The princess of one of the most powerful kingdoms, the next heir, yelling at them in spite of their son's behavior.
"I'm so sorry Princess." His sister beside him muttered as she glared at her older brother, who grinned at me. I looked at my parents as they were in shock.
"We will sort this out with the media, to ensure my daughter isn't marrying your imbecile of a son." My father stood up and dismissed the family. They stood up, and the Queen dragged her son away from the area.
"Father, this can't happen!" I reasoned, my mother had her eyes furrowed at me as she was in deep thought.
"But honey, are we just going to pay the media back to tell them this is false?" My mother asked. I shook my head, They can figure this out. I need to talk to my friends.
"Mother, Father, may I be excused to my room?" I looked at them, they nodded. I bowed and rushed away with the others following behind.
As soon as I got in my room, I threw my phone on my bed and groaned.
"That imbecile! How could he do that?" I yelled as I burrowed my face in my hands, Heeseung had the laptop in a full on facetime with the others as Wonyoung sat beside me.
Ni-ki was quiet, he didn't say anything as he scanned my figure in worry. He sighed and looked away.
Jungkook, who sat beside the youngest, looked at the Prince. He knows he was hurt about the article, he also knows that Ni-ki knew it wasn't what she wanted. But the thought of the girl he loves marrying someone who she didn't want hurt him.
It hurt him that she won't be marrying him, but he knew that this isn't what she wanted. So he shook his hurt aside, and looked at his bestfriend who had the right to get mad at the dumbass, who paid for the article to be released with a fake news.
"You alright, Love?" Ni-ki asked, everyone stopped their complaining as soon as he spoke. They waited for the girl's answer. But as soon as her shoulders shook, he knew she was crying. Overwhelmed with what was happening.
Me being a Princess wasn't the best life someone could have, She would be forced to a marriage, or be inlove with someone she can't have.
I couldn't speak as sobs tried to make its way out of my mouth, it's pathetic. Crying over this thing, but I just can't help it.
"Hey, you're alright. We're here, I'm here. You can let your frustration out Princess." Ni-ki reassured, as I let my sobs out. Unbeknownst to us, my parents stood by the slightly open door. Listening to the Prince of Risqué, calming her down ever so sweetly.
"I did not know my Princess is friends with Prince Riki?" The Queen asked, as she stared at her daughter's shaking figure as it slowly calmed down, hearing the Prince's reassurance.
"My love, they've beens friends for awhile. But they were scared of both your and his mother's opinion. His father knows too." The king reasoned.
"But their mothers were in the way?" Her majesty's voice shook, her voice small and timid. She can see the effect the young Prince has on her daughter.
She could hear the adoration and calmness in his voice, just like how her husband talked to her when she was in remorse and pain.
Both powerful heirs are inlove with eachother, despite knowing the rivalry. She was in the way of her daughter's happiness, and she despised that. She hated herself for it.
She knew what she could do, but it would take talking to her old friend. The one who have become her rival. The Queen of Risqué.
"Tell the advisor of Risqué, that we would like to talk to the Royal Family. Tell our advisor to set up a declaration of the current situation, and please be ready to print out a treaty." The queen told the nearest worker of the castle. Who nodded and left.
"What is this about?" Her husband asked, she stared at her daughter one last time and looked at her husband.
"I'm doing what my daughter has wanted for the longest of time. We are talking to the Royal Family of Risqué, If my daughter can't be happy. Then I'll make sure that she is, even if it's by talking about a treaty to our rival kingdom. Everything for my Princess." The Queen finished and walked away from her daughter's room.
Anything for her daughter.
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Taglist: @flower0930 @forever-in-the-sky2
Note: Sorry for the rlly late update, I got busy and forgot😭
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floralflytrap · 10 months
REQUESTS: Open! IMPORTANT: All my x reader's are with a gender neutral reader unless said otherwise
WHAT DO I DO? I'm happy to do x reader, platonic with reader, and ships depending on what they are. I will happily do either head-cannon form or oneshots :)
Fraternizing | Wingnix (Phoenix x Gekko)
VALORANT Agents with Photographer S/O hcs | Phoenix, Gekko and Yoru | Killjoy, Raze and Poly Nanobomb
Crushing on you + Dating hcs | Topher Bus
none yet!
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clonehigh-takes · 11 months
I need someone to explain to my why 3 out of the 4 topher x readers on ao3 are…. yeah
they make me uncomfortable.. like i just want a good topher fic for the night god damn get away all of you little freak books
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