Domino Effect Part 7
Description: Bucky Barnes is Hydra's greatest asset, the world's top assassin. He never misses a target, but his latest mission involves YOU, the woman he loves, the woman with a broken heart because of him. You're on the run with your sister Natasha Romanoff, together you are the most feared Widow's, you know your ex will be the one sent to kill you and your sister. Will he do it?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Chapter Warnings: angst, violence, detailed descriptions of torture
Word Count: 2403
A/N: A new character appearance
Bucky stared unblinking as Steve drove across the border to Bulgaria to his safe house, you nestled in his arms and one hand still applying pressure to the wound on the back of your head. With each breath Bucky took he could smell the scent of your blood. Fear rolled through him constantly like waves in the ocean, he had never seen skin so pale and your lips once pink now a light shade of blue. Nat was constantly looking back and squeezing your hand to keep you from falling asleep, her heart still racing from the adrenaline rush of everything that had happened. Your eyes were half closed, your eyelids feeling too heavy to keep open.
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Steve's training as a medic earlier in his career in the Army is what saved you, you had lost a lot of blood but not enough that you would have to go to the hospital. 
Steve gave you a high dose of morphine for the pain before he stitched and bandaged the wound on the back of your head, he removed the shrapnel from your skin and cleaned the wounds. Nat glared at him each time you whimpered or cried out when he dabbed alcohol on your broken skin.
-Later that day-
Bucky sat in your room by your bed in a hard wooden chair that was too small for his large frame as you slept peacefully from the pain meds Steve gave you. His thumb traced along each line on your palm and weaved between each knuckle before he clasped his hand with yours. He watched as a ghost of a smile lifted the corners of your lips as he brushed away a few strands of hair that had fallen in your face. Your skin had returned to its normal shade and your lips were once again that beautiful rosy shade of pink.
 Steve and Nat stood outside the door talking, Bucky’s ears strained to hear their conversation.
"Let me call for reinforcement. Pierce won't stop until one of you are dead" Steve had said, wiping a stray tear from under Natasha's eyes as she looked away from where you slept. Her usual stone-like composure broke after almost losing you.
"No, that wasn't Pierce! He wouldn't have ordered a hit that messy. Trust me Steve it wasn't him, it couldn't have been. Rumlow was acting on his own with Zemo, Sharon, and Rollins." Nat said, hazel eyes narrowed to slits as she glared at the wall, trying to keep her emotions from spiraling out of control.
"You don't know that for sure Nat. Pierce would stop at nothing so that information doesn't get out. He could be getting desperate now" Steve tried to pull Nat in for a hug but she backed away. Concern swirled in the pools of blue in his eyes as they looked into Natasha’s red rimmed emerald green.“Nastasha-” he began, wanting nothing more than to protect her. 
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"I know Pierce and I know he wasn't behind this. Rumlow works for Pierce but he has always been a unhinged psychopath. Pierce hasn't sent anyone after us ever since Bucky joined us" Nat said and Bucky could feel their eyes on him now.
His body was rigged and he felt his blood grow cold under their stare. Bucky’s other hand that wasn’t intertwined with yours curled tightly in a fist, his mind instantly going over every entry and exit in the house that he found as Steve took care of you earlier. 
Steve and Nat walked further down the hall, too far away for Bucky to hear without getting up to move closer. “Fuck” he whispered under his breath, he knew Nat’s lack of trust in him was only growing, making it more difficult to get the USB drive he needed.
Steve had left before nightfall, beautiful pinks and oranges peeked through the clouds painting the sky. The trees swayed as a breeze blew, eggshell white curtains ruffling in the room making you shiver. Bucky stood from the chair he had been sitting in for the past few hours, his back popped as he stretched making him groan as he closed the window. He would wait until it was dark to make his escape, he knew he couldn’t return back to Pierce empty handed without being killed for failing his mission. He would have to rethink how he could steal the drive from Nat.
Bucky swallowed the lump forming in his throat as he looked to the star-filled night sky. It was time for him to leave but he was struggling with the growing battle of emotions deep in his chest at the thought of leaving you behind. Even unconscious you were good at making him feel emotions he had never felt before, he feared the power you held over him more than any weapon of torture Hydra had ever used on him.
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He had never known love, had never known such a thing existed until you waltzed into his life. It was comical looking back at it now how scared he had been at the sudden overwhelming rush of emotions he felt after a long night spent in your bed.
Months ago when Pierce gave him his new mission he had treated it like any other one he had been given until he opened the file and saw you, his beautiful doll that still owned his heart. Knowing he was betraying you was causing him unimaginable pain, worse pain than the physical kind he felt when Pierce had men hold him down and break his bones when he made mistakes on missions.
He knew he was running out of time and he knew that Pierce was getting impatient. It had been years since his last punishment but he knew that is what would greet him when he finally returned to Pierce if the man didn’t order for him to be killed first.
Bucky froze when you moaned as you stretched out on the bed, your eyes fluttering open searching the room until your eyes met his. When you started to sit up he quickly stopped you, concern etched onto his face.
“Hey take it easy” he said walking over to your bed. Your mouth felt dry before Bucky raised a glass of water to your lips helping you take a sip. You could see regret swimming in the depths of his oceanic blue eyes as he watched you.
“You're leaving?” you asked, nodding over to a duffle bag in the room when Bucky looked confused.
“You need to go back to sleep,” he replied, avoiding the question.
You shook your head no and reached out a bandaged hand to his, welcoming the feel of the rough calluses on his palms.
“Stay please” you begged and Bucky felt his breath hitch in his chest surprised at your request.
“I can’t” was all he said, tugging on his hand for you to let go.
“Please Buck” you whispered and Bucky swore he could feel his heart begin to shatter as you looked at him.
“Okay i’ll stay just for tonight” he promised smiling when you smiled up at him, your features brightening instantly.
When Bucky went to sit back in the chair he had been occupying for the last several hours; prepared to sleep on it overnight, you shook your head and moved back in the bed, leaving space for him to lay down. 
“There’s plenty of room Bucky” you said softly.
This was a bad idea, he knew it was but he undressed until he had a shirt on and a pair of boxers before he laid down beside you. His body instantly relaxed at the feel of the mattress beneath him and the soft pillow beneath his head. 
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Your eyes closed, feeling at peace but you could sense Bucky hesitating and without opening your eyes you could picture his muscles tensing.
“You can hold me Buck” you said, missing the look of surprise on his face. Bucky swallowed, God this was such a bad idea, he should get up now while he still had a chance and leave. While Bucky silently debated himself it seemed you were getting impatient as you lifted his arm and wrapped it around your torso. Your back was against his chest, your body forming against his perfectly like a glove. 
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It felt good to have you in his arms again, even if it was for only one night. Sleep was something that never came easy for Bucky but with you nestled to his side sleep welcomed him like an old friend. He would have to deal with the consequences another day, for now he would let his heart have a moment of happiness.
Alexander Pierce was sitting behind his mahogany wood desk, tightly gripping a glass of scotch in his hand as he watched explosions go off in Romania.
“Mass casualties and injuries are being reported, police are currently investigating the bombings” A reporter said showing the destruction around her.
He was livid No he was beyond that. Rumlow had defied orders and was doing whatever the hell he wanted to do. Soldat was no longer wearing his wire and the more that he thought over things - more specifically what Rumlow had insinuatiaited before he decided to do things on his own made unbridled anger course through his veins. Somehow he had let a relationship bloom between you and Bucky before he could end it, it explained why you had unexpectedly started asking for solo missions before ultimately going rogue with Nat. 
Even though you and Nat were two of his best agents your insubordination made you replaceable. Soldat however, he was Pierce’s most prized possession, he had been groomed to follow commands and kill at a seconds notice earlier than anyone else. Soldat had no family, Hydra was his family, it was fucked up but it made him the perfect killing machine.
He would have to reprimand Soldat, remind him what happens with disobedience and show him that if he ever fell in love again what would happen. A small smirk lifted the corner of his wrinkled mouth when he realized the perfect person to call to help assist with Soldat’s failure. 
A man woke up tied to a chair in an unknown location, his breath coming out quick and uneven as he tried to look around for clues but he was blindfolded.  His panic heightened as he heard a door open and close somewhere in the room. “Well well well you’ve finally awakened, I don’t normally do this but I do apologize for hitting you so hard but you were getting on my nerves whining so much” A deep voice spoke, no sincereness laced in his tone only his poorly contained amusement. 
The man in the chair was shivering from how scared he was, his mind trying to figure out how he got here in this situation but he couldn’t seem to remember anything.
“It’s rude not to speak when spoken to you fucking imbecile” the man with the deep voice said before he used a wrench to twist and pull at the man in the chair’s ear making him let out a blood curdling scream.
“Ah music to my ears” he said leaning down and swiftly removing the cloth over the other man's eyes.
The maniacal grin on the man’s face made him want to reel back but he was still tied to the chair. “Too soon on the ear joke”? He asked, his grin widening even more as he walked away with the bloody wrench in his hand.
“You’ve been stealing money from Hydra” he said and the man shook his head no, tears streaming down his face “No I promise I’m not, I swear I haven’t touched any of it” he pleaded but inside he knew the man in front of him wasn’t really listening to his begging. “Your mother must have never taught you manners, first you wouldn’t talk and now you’re interrupting me and I hate when people interrupt me” he finished while untying electrical cords. 
“I’m sorry” the man said, his voice now shaky.
“You must not know who I am so I'm going to elaborate for you. I’m Lloyd Hansen. I’m sure the name rings a few bells up there no matter how loose I knocked ‘em” Lloyd said grinning as he snapped the ends of the cords on the man's ears, chest, fingers, and toes.
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All the color drained from the man’s face as the awful realization of who he was in front of hit him full force like a train.
“Lloyd I swear I haven’t stolen anything I swear please please don’t kill me” he begged, his chest felt tight, lungs burning like they weren’t filling with enough air.
“I don’t do first name basis” Lloyd said, smacking the controller of the wires on his hand making the man in the chair watch it with eyes wide with fright.
“I think it’s about time I teach you a lesson, some people can only learn by example so I’m going to turn this on for one minute and see if that straightens you up” he said flicking the switch on the remote. 
Electricity flowed through each cord to the man’s body, screams filled the room making Lloyd smile. His phone vibrated in his pocket, surprise etched on his features at seeing Pierce’s name flash across the screen.
“Boss, I'm almost finished with the man that was stealing money from Hydra,” he said, answering the call.
“I don’t care about that. You have a new mission. Soldat needs to be reminded who he belongs to and the two Widows with him need to be disposed of. They have something of mine, a drive that I sent Soldat to retrieve but it seems he’s in love with Y/n and is failing his mission.” Pierce said.
“No problem boss” Lloyd was already texting his men to get the jet ready.
“I know you won’t fail me Hansen. Also if you happen to find Rumlow, Zemo, Carter, and Rollins kill them too, I don’t care how just get it done. This has already taken long enough” with that he hung up.
During the call the man’s screams had stopped, looking over Lloyd could tell he was dead. “Oops I guess I lied. Sounds like I'll have a few more to play with” he said to himself before walking out to the jet.
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thewooziverse · 11 months
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Yes. Elon would 100% hide a girlfriend and has done it with the past three ones (and those are the only ones we know of, god only knows how may others he had that just didn't cut it/fizzled out/didn't get serious enough). There were rumors of him and Amber for several months and pictures of them "covertly" leaving the same clubs seperately before they finally went public. There's a photo of Elon and Grimes together around the begining of April at a Westworld premier one month before going public at Met Gala, so he and Grimes would have been seeing one another from AT LEAST March 2018. It took five months before the paparazzi outted Natasha, god only knows how long Elon would have waited to go public with her but considering he was keeping two babies a secret (Shivons twins) + (rumored to be another two on top of that), there was a good chance he wasn't going to be going public with Natasha any time soon or if at all. Not to mention sources from Natasha's end leaked that he and Natasha had been on and off for years (but that's gossip, then again, Natasha purchsed a Tesla in 2019, started uploading pictures of herself reading books on AI and moved to Austin, all prior to September 2021 when they "started" dating, also the connection to his mother) so I think that rumor was the truth. Now there's more rumors of more babies on the way and fertility clincs and tbh, I don't see him going public with a serious girlfriend. Maybe a fake one, like in an arrangement, to get the public off his back or maybe for PR. But I do genuinely think he's seeing someone right now (or even maybe a few women, considering he was juggling another secret baby momma and two extra babies that Grimes and Nastasha didn't even know about), he has even admitted to hating being alone and he jumps from one relationship to the next very quickly and has done this for the past 30 years. His college girlfriend recently said that it appears Elon was seeing Justine around the same time as her, as confessed by his and Justine's timeline. He started seeing Talulah 2 weeks after leaving Justine (I think he proposed 6 weeks after leaving Justine, and 4 weeks after meeting Talulah, so 2 weeks?). There were always rumors that he was seeing Amber on the side behind Talulah's back (so who knows?). Grimes was one month after he left Amber. Natasha was same month he left Grimes. As I have said here a few times: there is NO WAY he's been single for the past 6 months. That would be a mega record for him. I wouldn't even put it past him to have a girlfriend in each city, Austin, San Francisco and Los Angeles. It's so obvious the guy can't be in a normal monogamous relationship. A lot of men in tech/wealthy men give the image of a normal relationship/marriage but most of them are freaks and have mistresses and so on.
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thedragonchilde · 3 months
G Gundam meta notes part three, eps 21-24:
"The Final Battle Approaches! Only 3 Days Away" / "Breakthrough! Warriors Strong Ties" / "Destined Battle! Domon vs. Devil Gundam" / "Bright New Star! The Birth of the God Gundam"
-the Shuffle Alliance links!! More of this please!
-the reveal of all of them skulking around waiting for Domon is hysterical
-okay George, you're here to protect Rain from beasts, that's,,, almost convincing coming from you
-Chibodee, on the other hand, who the hell are you trying to convince? You were just openly talking about why you were there, and now you're shooting off some crap about how you should just leave, okay. And followed with the defeated mumble "nothing but time on my hands", good job
-magical girl Schwarz Bruder Mark II, appearing out of the water
-"what is this feeling?" No offense, Domon, but you're historically not good at knowing your feelings anyway, why is this one a surprise
-why was Rain sleeping in the cockpit??
-Argo and Nastasha know exactly where to hit each other, damn
-Domon being so concerned with keeping the others out of "his" problem is sweet
-"there's one more important person waiting" wait a minute. He can't be talking about Rain, because she's right there. Did he mean… did Domon tell them about his dad?
-"I'll help too"/"I know you will" something about this tweaks my heart a little, but y'know, big surprise that I take to an A/N moment
-I fucking love Nastasha calling the shots in the group
-Schwarz too
-Domon is actually quite empathetic when he's paying attention. Pity he doesn't do that much
-if D/R had more scenes like this, I,,, would still probably prefer to explore the friendship, but I'd understand the romance more
-you fucking tell that guy, Nastasha! Make getting out of there sound cowardly instead of the cutthroat crap Neo Russia would normally love!
-"who's the guy in the stupid mask anyway" Sai saying the quiet part out loud
-both Argo having tactical expertise from his pirating and George admiring it is super interesting
-oh, announcing yourself with a throwing weapon to save the hero, you're Tuxedo Schwarz this time
-oh my God seriously let me just get feral about Nastasha backing up her nobility with clear-headed logic, both in general as part of her character arc and in contrast to a cast full of Honor Before Reason
-ayyyy foreshadowing
-"I DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE YOU LAUGHING AT ME" I mean,,, you're right, Domon, and that's partly why I've got such a soft spot for you, you don't deserve half the crap you go through
-Schwarz is kinda hot when he's bloody
-i love that it gives the audience just enough that even if we do figure out the identity we have the new mystery of why and how
-Nastasha keeps up on Gundam engineers/is familiar with Mikamura's work? That's pretty cool
-oooh, all right, Domon has given lip service to the whole "you're no longer my master" thing before, but seeing him actually talk back is cathartic
-Argo being the optimist, damn!
-okay, experimental brain wave transmitter, very cool, needs more use in fic maybe, but also like,,, scifi contrast to Shuffle magic
-"I've never thought so dearly of you as I do now" you mean not until you found out he thought fondly of you? Hmmm. Food for thought.
-now George is optimistic, and interestingly Chibodee is consistently struggling to stay positive. (Though I guess that tendency goes all the way back to his first appearance, the whole "might as well finish me now" thing - looks like being a "star of hope" actually takes some effort for him! Hope is a choice, and not always an easy one! This is so interesting!)
-hee, the gals helping Rain through her post-reunion overwhelm <3
-the Shuffle Alliance being so shrouded in mystery is interesting given that EVERYONE IN UNIVERSE SEEMS TO KNOW THEM or at least that the crests mark top fighters
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buckybraneslover111 · 2 years
Boyfriend - N.R.
a/n: didn’t think i would be wrriting about Natasha, but i’ve been reading a lot of imagines about her and i have had Boyfriend by Dove Cameron playing nonstop so i figured i would write about her. 
Summary; You are dating your boyfriend who treats you kinda like one of the boys in a way. One night, you went to the bar with him and his friends but he ignored you the whole time. What happens when a certain red head orders you a drink and you leave with her instead?
warnings; top!Nat, bottom!reader, daddy kink, heavy flirting, touching, sexual talk, p in v (nat has a pp), oral (reader receiving), multiple orgasms, and i think that’s it. enjoy lol
You sighed as you once again were the only girl at the bar full of boys. You would say men, but they act like boys. Your boyfriend Tony invited you out for drinks, he told you there would be other girls there, but failed to mention it wouldn't be his friends girlfriends, but other girls in the bar that you didn’t know. You sipped on your fancy, fruity drink at the bar, alone, while Tony and his friends sat at the other end of the bar, drinking and having fun. 
You stirred your small straw in your drink and got lost in your thoughts until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You whipped your head to the side and blushed immediately when you looked at her. Red hair parted in the middle, straight, her piercing green eyes, half smile, pearly whites showing. “Hi, is this seat taken?” she pulled the seat out a little.
“Uh..um..no its not.” you stuttered a bit, still taken back by her beauty. She was dressed in black pants, black button down with the top few buttons open. 
“Thanks.” she sat in the chair next to you and motioned for the bartender and ordered herself a drink, “Also, can my friend over here get another refill please.” 
You looked up at her and smiled a little, “Oh wait, no its okay really.” 
“Oh come on, I don't want to be the only drinking here.” she smiled at the bartender, “She’ll have another.” 
You blushed, “Thank you.” You adjusted yourself in your seat, your dress riding up your thighs a bit. 
She sat back in her chair and looked at you, “Natasha.” 
“So what is a beautiful girl like you doing here all by herself?” she smiled.
You looked back at your drink blushing, “Um...” you were debating whether or not to tell her about Tony or not. “I don’t really know why.” you shrugged. 
“Babe! Babe!” Tony came over to you and he put her arm around your neck, “Babe we are winning! If we win, we go to the playoffs!” He smiled big then walked back to his friends as they cheered at the basketball game that was playing on tv.
You sighed and looked at Natasha who was sending daggers to Tony, “I guess he could be the reason why I’m sitting here alone.” you said softly.
“I almost went home before I walked over here,” she looked at you, “I was watching you from across the bar for the longest time, I was trying to get you alone for the longest time and when he finally left, I knew I had to come over here.” 
“Wait really?”
“Yeah, how could he let a beautiful woman like you, be over here by yourself. What am I gonna do? Not come over here to keep you company?” she smirked a little. 
You bit your lip and played with the straw in your drink again, “Natasha...”
“Call me Nat.” 
“Nat...” You looked at her biting your lip.
She leaned in closer to you, putting her hand on your exposed bare thigh, “Speak angel.” 
“I-I can't think with you being so close to me...” 
“Do you want me closer?” she leaned in closer to you, putting her lips against your ear, “I can be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did. We’ll be up all night, I won't quit. I'm gonna steal you from him. I could be such a gentleman, plus all my clothes would fit. If I could give you some advice, I would leave with me tonight.” her hand slid up and down your thigh rubbing circles here and there. 
“Please...” you whimpered softly spreading your legs a little bit for her. 
“You want this?” her hand slid up your dress and to the soft cotton of your panties, “I bet you he doesn’t touch you like this, doesn’t cherish you like you should be.” you just whimper in her ear, she smirks, “What’s wrong angel? Tell daddy what’s wrong.”
“I-I want you to touch me, please. Wanna cum. ” you whined pouting.
“Right here? In front of your boyfriend?” she bites your ear rubbing your clit through your panties, getting the fabric soaked in your arousal. “I want you to feel how hard you got me.” she grabs your wrist with her other hand and puts it over her crotch pressing down on it as you felt her rock hard cock through her pants, “That’s all real baby, no silicone plastic shit, it’s the real thing. God i wanna fuck you right here.”
You gently squeezed it earning a groan from her, “Take me back to your place, please.” you begged her sounding very desperate.
“Let’s go.”
As she kicked the door open to her apartment, you were on her like a dog, legs wrapping around her waist, as she held you up by the back of your thighs. Your lips attacked hers, teeth and tongues clashing together. She kicked the door closed and pushed you up against it, pushing your dress up past your ass pushing her hard on against your soaking wet core. You pulled away gripping onto her hair, she attacked your neck with kisses and bites, “I need you Nat please!” you started to unbutton her shirt as she unzipped your dress pulling it off of you, your tits exposed to her. You slid her shirt down her arms staring at her big perky tits.
She leaned down and sucked on your nipple while playing with the other. You moaned arching into her mouth, “Daddyy!” you whined grinding your hips against her crotch, “More! Please!”
She shushed you, “Relax baby, you’ll get what you want.” she carries you to her bedroom plopping you on the bed, as you crawl up laying down on the pillows. She takes off her pants leaving herself in her boxers, crawling on the bed up to you. She gets between your legs and pushes her hard on right up against you, feeling her twitch. “God i wanna fuck you so hard.”
“Please, anything.” you whined loudly grinding your hips back. You reached up and played with her tits, giving them a squeeze and rubbing her nipples. She continues to grind her crotch against your core. “Nat please anything!” She gets down between your legs spreading them apart holding the back of your knees up. She leans in and licks your slit, your juices gushing between them. “Yes! Yes please!”
“So fucking sweet princess!” she pokes through your folds with her tongue licking your clit fast. You arch your back reaching down grabbing her hair moaning loudly, “Daddy! Oh fuck! Nat please!” She licked your clit faster sliding one finger into you rubbing your spot over and over.
“Want cum! Need- argh!!” you arched your back pushing your pussy deeper into her face as the knot in your stomach got tighter. You sat up on your elbows looking down at her as she devoured your pussy like it was her last meal. “S’good! Don’t-ngh! Stop!” You threw your head back closing your eyes tightly leaning on one side of your elbow, grabbing her hair with your other hand. “Daddy!! Daddy!” you tightened your legs around her head, your feet on her back, knees squeezing her head, “Please—fuck! I—yes! My—shit! Cum!!” you screamed loudly in pleasure, cumming on her tongue, falling back onto the bed breathing heavily as you came down from your high, ears ringing, sweat dripping down your forehead.
Natasha crawls up your body leaning on her elbows above you. You open your eyes looking at your wet arousal dripping down her lips and chin, “You okay baby?” you nodded and she peaked your lips softly, “That good huh?”
“Y-Yes Nat.” you nodded smiling up at her putting your hand on her cheek, “Please fuck me…”
She smirked, “As you wish princess.” she pulled down her boxers, her 8 inch hard cock springing out of her boxers as she looked up at you. Your face in utter shock, “What’s wrong baby?”
“You-You have an actual cock…fuck.” you gulped looking up at her.
“Perks of being a part of the avengers, they can help you with anything.” she smirked and teased your clit with her reddened tip, precum mixing with your juices.
“Please—!” you moaned loudly as she slid her tip inside of you leaving it in smirking at you.
“Please what? Ask daddy nicely.” she wiggled her hips.
“Please fuck me! Fuck me with your big cock daddy!” you moaned loudly as she pushed her cock fully into you.
“Look baby! Look!” she smirked and pressed her hand up against your stomach where the bulge of her cock is, “God that’s so fucking hot!” she started thrusting into you, biting her lip looking at your stomach watching it bulge up from her cock. You grabbed onto her back digging your nails into her back. She hissed, “Fuck yes baby!” she growled thrusting into you harder. You leaned up and sucked on her nipple. “S’good princess!”
“So much better than my boyfriend! Fuck!” you looked up at her moaning with her nipple still in your mouth.
“Dirty girl!” she smirked down at you, switching nipples. She felt your walls clench around her, “Gonna cum beautiful?”
You pulled away from her chest and nodded, “Please! Can i?”
“Just a little longer, wanna cum with you.” she lifted your hips up at this new angle and thrusted into you harder and faster, hitting your spot right on.
“She’s not here with us baby, just me and you.” she smirked chuckling as she picked up the pace, her thrusts getting sloppy, feeling her twitch inside of you.
“Cum inside me daddy. Give me your cum, breed me.” you moaned looking up at her as she groaned then moaned loudly, you both cumming at the same time. “Yes! Yes!”
She collapsed on-top of you breathing heavily as you both came down from yours highs. She pulled out of you rolling over onto her back, you both looking up at the ceiling. “I love you.”
You whipped your head to her making sure your heard her correctly. “What?”
She looked at you, “I love you baby.” she rolled over back on top of you kissing you deeply. You kiss her back running your hands through her hair keeping her close. You pulled away and looked up at her, “I love you too.”
tags; @airedale17 @madehellline @cjand10 @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @evanstanwhore @thirsttrapkingvinnie
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ladyylesbian · 2 years
always a reason (18+)
pairing: top!fem!reader x bottom!wanda maximoff
summary: reader and wanda seem to always end up in the same bed on the nights of tony’s parties. one evening when wanda becomes jealous, reader shows her that she has nothing to worry about, reader’s eyes are only focused on wanda. 
warnings: MINORS DNI! daddy kink, smallest amount of playful violence, brief jealousy, alcohol mention, choking, pet names (princess, good girl, hun), degrading names (slut, whore, toy, brat), praise kink, degrading kink, nipple play, clit play, fingering, scratching
word count: 4063
a/n: sooooo i wanted to try my hand at a top!reader fic after my previous smut fic. honestly, i’m kinda proud of this fic, especially cause it's taken me over 5 weeks to actually get this finished. i really hope y’all enjoy and thank you for reading :))
you do not have permission to translate/repost my works anywhere! all mistakes are mine and mine alone. likes, comments, and reblogs are always welcome & appreciated <3
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GIF by @chrishemsworht
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Tonight was home to another one of Tony Stark’s lavish parties which was giving you another chance to dress up and get that little red headed witch to drop to her knees again. You and Wanda had never put any kind of label on whatever relationship the two of you held. All either of you knew was you would always end up in the same bed the evening of a Stark party.
 The thought of wearing something which would leave the Sokvian’s eyes glued to you all night had you forgoing the usual black floor length dress you would usually wear as you dig through your closet trying to find the new black suit you had just bought. Letting out a soft hum of satisfaction as you reach to grab ahold of the new, nicely pressed two piece laying it down on the black sheets covering your queen sized bed.
Stripping out of the sweat drenched clothes, you were wearing from your afternoon sparring match with Natasha, throwing them into the overflowing pile of dirty clothes around your hamper. Sighing loudly as the thought of needing to do your laundry re enters your mind for the fourth time this week before shaking your head to focus again on your plan to ruin Wanda tonight.
Going to turn the shower handle to the right towards the hot water as you quickly pull your hand back as the sound of water hitting the shower floor begins to fill the room. Turning around to face the mirror, you run your hands up your front cupping your breasts as you admire yourself before curling your fingers and dragging your hands back down as you leave light pink lines on your chest. Breathing in deeply as you admire the scratches wishing they were darker red lines across your back left by a certain Sokovian instead. 
The feeling of your cold, white silk bra against your breast has a shiver running up your spine as you sink into the soft memory foam mattress daydreaming about how the night could go. You were always anxious each night before a party wondering if maybe tonight was going to be the night the two of you wouldn’t fall into a perfect collision of kisses and tangled limbs during the early hours of the morning for the first time. Your mind is too busy running wild with what if’s that you don’t even acknowledge the soft knocks dancing across your bedroom door until a voice breaks through the silence.
“Hey. Are we-” The woman speaks before getting cut off.
“Holy shit, Natasha, you scared the fuck out of me!” You scream towards the Avenger who is now standing further into your room than you originally anticipated.
“Sorry. I just wanted to see if we were going to walk down to Stark’s party together tonight.” Nastasha says while looking around the room avoiding any direct eye contact after noticing the lack of a shirt on your body. “Also put a shirt on, the last thing I need to see is your ass shirtless outside of changing for missions.”
You could have sworn that with the intensity of your eye roll the spy should have been able to hear the movement. You reach over to the left and slide your arms into the sleeves of your suit jacket with a dramatic sigh leaving your mouth. 
“How you are able to fake any kind of attraction to me on missions is beyond me, Romanoff.” You tease at the Russian.
The red head gives a fake laugh as a response before asking, “So-” dragging out the o sound, “You and Maximoff- is that going to happen again tonight? It would be..what the sixth time tonight?” 
Even with all of your training to be an Avenger you were unable to hide your body tensing at the mention of the Sokivian’s last name. You try to swallow the lump in your throat before responding, “Uh- yeah, it would be. No big deal though, I mean we’re just hooking up.”
A loud roar of laughter broke out across the bedroom causing you to jump up from your bed. “No, I’m just hooking up with Maria. You are getting into a situationship with Wanda.” Quickly walking up behind the red head you wind your arm back to land a swift hit on her upper arm, but she quickly spins, her hand grabbing your wrist pulling you closer before you’re able to make any real distance in your attempt. A smile spreads across the assassin’s face at your attempt to hit her, “Oh, Y’N, you’ll have to train much more before you’ll be able to place that hit.”
The two of you, pressed close together, begin laughing at the exchange in a way so intentensely that it causes the both of you to lean into each other. After a few minutes, the laughter dies out as you look down to see Natasha’s hand is still around your wrist. In that very same moment, you notice a flash of flowing red hair outside your doorway. 
Rushing to your door you glance down the hall to see Wanda rounding the corner faster than you’ve ever seen her move outside of training. The softness of her steps reminds you of the softness of her heart, which only worsens the retching in your heart at the thought of her somehow misinterpreting the interaction between you and Russian. With a firm thud your head lands on the doorframe. Your mind is panicking wondering if you’ve ruined everything until you’re cut from your thoughts by a swift smack to the back of your head, “You’re an idiot. Tell her tonight how you feel, Y/L/N.”
The music is booming through the speakers so loudly that you can feel ringing in your ears and if you stand still long enough then you’ll feel the floors shaking underneath your feet. You’re sure that it’s been at least two hours and you still haven’t seen the red head you’ve been hoping to see this entire night.
Running your finger around the edge of glass holding the drink you’ve been nursing this entire evening. You had usually already finished a few drinks and started flirting with random agents by this hour, but instead your eyes were glued to the door. 
Your night feels as if it’s moving in slow motion. Almost like a rainforest in a drought. You had not realized how much you enjoyed the games of playing for attention with the witch throughout the night. Seeing how many drinks you could send her way before eventually walking up behind her, whispering into her ear which always causes the red head to fall back into you ever so slightly.
Feeling a nudge on your arm knocks you out of your daydream. Turning to your left you see the Sokovian, your eyes widening.
 “W-Wanda” you manage to get out after a moment of shock, “You’re here.”
The loud exhale coming from the witch doesn’t leave you with much confidence until her whispering words spill from her mouth, “You can kiss me, you know.”
A small smile comes from the red head as the statement causes you to freeze and then choke on the sip you had just taken of your drink. You finally regain your composure after a few seconds, unable to hide the smirk on your face. Turning to face the woman as you push your shoulders back. Looking down to find the green eyes housing the woman who has now shrunk back into her small frame.
“Took you long enough to get here, Maximoff.” Shifting your weight onto the bar as you lean on your arm, raising your eyebrow in a challenging manner.
Wanda lowers her gaze to the ground, trying to hide the red taking over her green eyes, as her voice shakes slightly, “Honestly, I wasn’t too sure if there was a reason to come.” 
Your finger hooks onto the bottom of her chin before forcing eye contact between you two. With a deep inhale you use your free hand to push her red curls behind her ear, cupping her cheek as you run your thumb over the apple of her cheek. Arrogantly smirking as you brush against her ear, dropping your hand to wrap around her neck pressing down. “Oh dear, Daddy always has a reason for you to come.” 
A soft pink blush starts to break over the Sokvian’s face as her eyes dart around the bar trying to see if anyone notices the sexual dispite the dark lighting. As she sees the bartender on the other end of the bar making a drink and the other party guests too enthralled by their own conversation to even throw a glance towards you two her heart rate begins to settle some. The witch swallows harshly as her green eyes find yours again. 
“Let’s go, princess. You and I have plans to attend.” You say giving a final squeeze to her throat before grabbing her hand.
Walking along the walls of the room as you drag the red head behind you. The music slowly starts to get more and more muffled as you leave the room, rounding the corner you find yourself pinning Wanda up against the cold, steel wall. Looking into her green eyes as you bring your thigh up to separate her legs.
“Are you ready to be a good little whore for Daddy?” You say smirking as you run the side of your finger along the witch’s jaw.
Not missing the sharp but stifled inhale from the woman when you bring your hand up to scratch down her scalp with your blunt nails, tangling your fingers through her hair; yanking forcefully. You could have sworn you saw the lust wash over the Sokivian’s mind. Raking your eyes up and down the witches body reveling in the position you were able to put her in.
Holding back your own moans as you lean in further pressing Wanda into the wall. Your other hand runs up her outer thigh teasingly slow earning a low groan from the red head. With each inch your hand raises continues to hike up the tight, little red dress leaving goosebumps across her exposed skin. 
Leaning your head down to leave a trail of soft kisses along the witch’s jaw stopping to occasionally nip at her skin. A smirk finds its way onto your face as you notice the rapid, uneven breathing from Wanda.
“I think we should take this somewhere private, hun.” Leaving a light kiss on her nose before stepping back and starting to walk towards your bedroom.
A loud thud sounds out as your bedroom door is flung open and hits the wall. The pair of you fumbling into your room, desperate to finally have the Sokovian properly underneath you. Within a single moment you have the bedroom door shut yet again and the red head pushed flushed against the thick steel door. 
Your mouth finds its spot on her neck as you suck and nip on the soft, pale skin. Pulling back occasionally to see the purplish blue bruises beginning to form before placing your lips back on to her neck. The sight alone has you groaning and the vibrations makes Wanda’s hips thrust forward into your own.
Placing one hand roughly onto her hip pushing her back against the door with a firm emotionless face as you look into her eyes, “A good slut doesn’t move unless being told.”
The Sokovian bites her lip successfully, holding in the moan begging to come out from hearing the degrading name, but she’s not able to stop herself from squeezing her thighs. Your hand feels the slight movement and drops from its place on the witch’s hip down her thigh. Curling your fingers up and under the red dress as you go to cup her cunt, lightly brushing your fingers against her underwear before pressing up when you find the wet patch.
“Is my little whore already leaking through her underwear?” You say smirking into her neck, biting down harshly then licking over the bite. Taking a few steps back to sit onto your bed sinking in slightly from the soft mattress, you look Wanda up and down slowly, “How about you give me a nice show as you take off that little dress?”
A deep blush takes over the Sokovian’s pale face once hearing your request. Nodding her head as she slowly turns around. Reaching her arm to the side to grab the zipper as she pulls downward letting the dress pile around her ankles. Your attention only stays on the dress for a second before focusing intensely on the black lace lingerie. 
“Wait- That is new.” The smirk on your face is evident to the red head even with her back turned, ”Did you buy this new set just for me?” 
With a small turn of her neck you see Wanda bite her lip before mumbling, “Black is Daddy’s favorite color, no?”
“Oh, hun, my favorite color on my favorite toy” Your tone filled with lust as you lick your lips. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, starting your playlist, before throwing your phone aside hoping you’d be able to help calm the nerves of the witch.
The music fills up the silence and the Sokovian begins to move her hips along to the music. Your eyes practically lock onto the black thong running down the center of her ass while her fingers lightly trace up her own body as her hips rock gracefully. 
Once her hands reach the height of her bra her fingers reach back to unclasp the hooks. Holding onto the cups of her bra as she removed her arms from the straps, turning around as the music from the song builds up, dancing seductively before letting go and allowing the bra to fall onto the floor. 
Even with every time you have seen the red head’s breasts previously it’s like seeing them again for the first time and you feel like a teenager all over again. You have to remind yourself to stay sitting down at the sight, but you don’t try to fight the smirk knowing it brings more confidence to Wanda.
With a slow curl of your finger, indicating your desire for her to walk towards you, the Sokovian walks closer with your eyes locked onto each other. When she reaches the spot directly in front of you, you stand up and grab onto the witch’s hips leaning forward to plant a hard kiss on her red lips.
Hooking your fingers into the waistband of her thong using the leverage to turn the two of you around. Kissing her once again before pushing her onto the bed by her hips earning a small shrink from the red head at the sudden action.
Towering over the woman as she lays on her back, “Daddy cannot wait for this meal.”
The sight below you has an avalanche of thoughts dirtier than the ground of the New York City subway coming into your mind. You knew you wanted to make the woman below you unravel and become putty in your hands, but who ever said you can’t have a bit of fun before that.
Softly dragging your hands up Wanda’s stomach before bringing them together to rest between her breasts, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps showing your path. The witch wiggling underneath you has you dying to just ram her into the mattress, but you have always preferred to take your time winding up the woman. Watching her beg to get the one thing she desires more than anything.
“Do you remember the rules?” you speak softly into her ear, biting down lightly.
 Pulling back to see the Sokovian nod her head, mumbling, “Yes, Daddy.”
A quick “Good girl” comes from your mouth as your hands roughly pull the lace thong down her legs hearing the material rip. The sound earns a quick pout from the red head which only further stirs up the desire deep inside you to fuck her. Leaning up to plant a hard kiss on her lips, with the intent to smear the lipstick she had perfectly applied earlier in the night, pushing your tongue past the woman’s lips.
Your hands begin to wonder around the pale skin before landing on her breasts, mercilessly grabbing ahold of them as you massage. The action causes the witch to release a small moan into your mouth. Letting go slightly to readjust your grip so you’re able to roll your thumbs over her nipples, her back arching in pleasure from the stimulation.
Moving your hand so your mouth can take its place on her breast, twirling your tongue around the nub. Your mouth makes a pop sound releasing her nipple leaving it stiff from the attention. 
Placing your mouth onto her other nipple as you drop her hand down to her stomach, teasing right where her underwear would be if you hadn’t ripped them off earlier. Her hips fighting to stay planted on the bed but the teasing movements of your fingers has the Sokovian teetering on the edge of complete submission.
“Such a good whore remembering the rules just so her Daddy will make her cum.” Your tone is filled with power and pride.
Dipping your hand further down as you run a singular finger through the woman’s folds. Collecting the wetness before bringing your hand up to her mouth, pushing your finger between her lips. The swirling of her tongue around your finger mixed with the innocent eyes she’s giving you has an uncontrollable groan coming from deep within your throat.
Your other hand gently petting her head in a downward motion, tangling your fingers in her hair then yanking back pulling her mouth off of your finger, “You got a taste of yourself, now it's Daddy’s turn.”
Bringing both of your hands to rest on Wanda’s knees, squeezing slightly before releasing your grip and pushing her legs apart. Your eyes drop immediately onto her cunt as it comes into your view, the smirk on your face widening. 
Settling between the witch’s legs putting most of your weight on your forearms. Breathing lightly onto her pussy and pressing two of your fingers onto the wetness in front of you then spreading it all over light pink lips. 
“Damn, hun, so wet and needy all for me.” Hearing the groans coming from above you has your eyes lifting up with an unamused expression, you snap, “Don’t be a brat.”
All you get in response is a whine and a head nod from the woman. Pleased enough with the agreement you place a long lick up her cunt. The taste was more pleasant than the fancy meals Tony had served earlier in the night. 
Placing the tip of your tongue onto the red head’s clit leaving small kitten licks onto the bundle, humming with closed lips barely making contact. The red head’s hands reach forward to grab ahold of your hair, glancing up quickly, you raise your eyebrow and throw a warning look at her. 
Pushing against her hands, moving your mouth further from where she wanted you, “Don’t get any ideas. You can touch, but it’s my pace.”
A barely audible gulp comes from her before she smiles, “Yes, Daddy. Your pace.” The submission from the powerful witch made you smile, but wasn’t something you took lightly or for granted.
Lowering your head back between the woman’s legs, you firmly attach your lips around her clit. Prodding your tongue against the bud before sucking harshly onto her clit. The Sokovian immediately curls upwards her breasts brushing against your head. 
The slight movement brought your attention to her breasts causing you to release her clit. The lack of stimulation immediately caused a loud whine until you begin to suck on her nipples. Twirling your tongue around the bud a few times to distract Wanda before sliding a single finger through her fold then pushing in halfway.
Deep moans come from the red head while you purposely push in and out slowly to tease her. Pressing your finger up into her wall before sliding your finger out completely. Adding another finger and slipping the two back in, increasing your pace slightly. 
Turning your head slightly to wrap your lips around the other nipple, your thumb reaches for the woman’s clit. Applying light circles onto her clit, her mouth falling open and head back from the contact. 
Your hand raises up to the Sokovian’s neck softly holding on before quietly but firmly speaking, “Your eyes should be on me.”
Removing your fingers to wrap one around the other before pushing both back in, keeping the same pace. The action causes her back to arch, pressing her breasts harder into your face. You use this to your advantage, biting down moderately hard on her nipple eliciting a whorish moan from far within Wanda’s throat.
The sound makes your own eyes roll back, gaining encouragement, you pick up the pace of your fingers. Rolling your thumb in quicker and tighter circles trying to bring the woman right to the edge.
You begin to feel the witch’s walls clench and tighten around your fingers. Pressing down harder on her clit as her hips lift off the bed trying to meet your fingers, her body radiating heat. 
Caught up listening to the sounds of her moans, your mind is far away from recognizing the woman below you movements, until you hear, “Daddy, please, go faster. So close. I’m so close.”
Your hand immediately stops with your fingers still inside her and your mouth releases her breast, “Oh, no. The poor little slut just ruined her own orgasm.”
Pathetic whines and pleads start pouring from the witch’s mouth, but she doesn’t dare move an inch as she begs, “Daddy, please, fuck me. I’ll be good, I want to cum. Please, make me cum, please.”
A wide smirk takes over your face, “Oh, how I love to hear you beg.” Tilting your head up to place a delicate kiss on the lips of the red head, “I’m in a generous mood. You want faster? You’ll get it.” 
Teasingly, you begin to pull your finger out until the final knuckle then pushing back inside starting off immediately at a fast pace. Your focus centered on making the woman cum. Hard.
Your thumb begins to quickly roll the witch’s clit as her hands find your bare back scratching her nails up your back. Groaning as red lines begin to decorate you as she repeats her actions. Wanda’s eyes locking onto yours as they water over filled pleas as she bites her lip.
The view you had of her was better than any possible orgasm you could have. Nothing could beat seeing the witch unravel underneath you. Your fingers find a speed faster than you’ve done before. 
The free flowing moans previously coming from the Sokovian start to catch in her throat as her toes curl. Loud gasps and broken moans draw your eyes away from her own and onto her pussy. The clenching around your fingers tighten and you know she is about to cum.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Is there anything you want to ask?” You say not bothering to attempt to hide the joy in your tone but hiding the smile on your face.
A bright blush matching the red head’s fiery hair warms up her face at the question, “Daddy, can I please, please, please cum for you?” 
You pretend to ponder over the request for a moment until the smile you hid before finally breaks free, “Cum for me.”
Lowering your head back down between her legs and locking your lips tightly around her clit, curling your fingers up as you begin to suck firmly. Wanda falls backwards hitting the mattress hard before her back arches and her heels dig into the mattress. 
“Da-d” The witch inhales sharply, screaming, ‘Daddy’ as she squirts.
It was hard to believe your smile could grow any wider than it was previously, but the scene in front of you drives you crazy in the best way. Slowing your fingers, never to a complete stop, to allow the Sokovian to ride out her orgasm.  
“God, you’re a wonder.” Smirking before continuing, “Now, I want to see if you can do that again.”
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thearkhound · 4 years
Tomokazu Fukushima’s role in Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2
Tomokazu Fukushima/福島智和 was the co-writer for the original Metal Gear Solid, as well as Metal Gear Solid 2:Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, helping Hideo Kojima write the scenarios for each title. He also wrote the script for Metal Gear: Ghost Babel (as covered in previously translated interviews posted in this blog) and the Snake Tales that were added in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, as well as assisted in the writing for the Metal Gear Acid series. He would leave Konami during the development of Metal Gear Solid 4 (being last credited in the TGS 2005 trailer) before being employed by SIE Japan Studio, where his name can be seen in titles such as rain, Soul Sacrifice, Everybody’s Golf, Freedom Wars and The Tomorrow Children.
There has been a bit of speculation and misinformation over Fukushima’s exact role in the writing of the first three numbered MGS titles. Because of this I took the liberty of translating content from two MGS related books with material written by Tomokazu Fukushima himself that shed some light on how Fukushima was involved in at least the first two MGS games. The first is Fukushima’s profile from World of the Metal Gear Solid, published by Sony Magazines in 1998, which covers his involvement in MGS1, when he joined the team and Kojima’s thoughts on the man himself. The second translation is a two-page interview from the 2002 book Metal Gear Solid 2: The Making, also published by Sony Magazines, naturally covering his involvement with MGS2. Both of these books feature extensive information on the development of each title, which I will someday post on my blog, but for now I wanted to focus solely on Fukushima.
World of the Metal Gear Solid
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Tomokazu Fukushima (writer, script unit)
“While the system employed by cinema and literature is closed to spectators, video games as a medium employ an open system that assumes interaction from the user. There seems to be a misunderstanding that the two systems can be fused when faced with the illusion of “the realization of narrative”, but since essential differences exists between them, their possible expressions differ and on top of that, their effective crafts are also different. In Metal Gear Solid, we tried to express things that are not only suitable for a video game, but can only be expressed in a video game. For example, when talking to Master Miller or Nastasha Romanenko, it seems that their vast amount of knowledge of survival techniques and nukes respectively don’t contribute much to the game at a first glance. But in reality each element behaves in an emergent manner as they are calculated and created in a matter that contributes to Metal Gear Solid as a whole work.”
Codename: Fusshi
Joined the Kojima Group on May 1997
Became part of the Metal Gear Solid team on July 1997
Joined at the last minute to write the [Japanese] voiceover script.
Kojima on Fukushima: “After the plot was decided, I had Fukushima helped me out on writing the script for the voiceovers. The harsher terms in the script, such as 父殺し/chichikoroshi (patricide) and 怯懦と蛮勇/kyōda to ban’yū (bravery and cowardice) were his contributions.
Metal Gear Solid 2: The Making
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How was the procedure of writing a script with Mr. Kojima?
“I actually took part in Metal Gear Solid 2 after Ghost Babel ended development, which I wrote the script for. By that point Mr. Kojima had already written a rough draft of the scriptment [Note:A term coined by James Cameron as a portmanteau of “script” and “treatment”. In Kojima’s case, a scriptment is an overly detailed game design document that covers all sorts of aspects such as plot outline, game features, level designs, specifications, ect. Every game directed by Kojima since MGS1 has had a scriptment written for it.]. From there on we started transferring files to a PC based on that scriptment. We would correct each other by writing amendments directly into the scriptment using differently colored texts and writing down the reason for the change. We made around 20 or so revisions.”
How was the work divided between you two?
“While there were some parts that were edited by the both of us, but if I’ll be bold to say it, all the real-time cutscenes were written primarily by Mr. Kojima, as well as all the mandatory CODEC calls. I was assigned to writing all the optional CODEC. We ended up creating around 2,500 files.”
Were there any scenes that were particularly troublesome?
“The CODEC call with the Colonel and Rosemary at the end. We only had around two months to finish the script for the Plant chapter. There were many important scenes in the Plant chapter ,especially during the latter half, so we didn't have enough time to work on the CODEC calls. We even wrote the CODEC calls when the Colonel starts glitching out in a single draft, wondering whether our work was good. Perhaps there were lines of dialogue that didn't exactly convince Mr. Kojima.” (laughs)
Rosemary's lines were quite peculiar.
"We imagined her as something of an independent American office lady in her 20's, so we tried using movies and such for reference... It was pretty difficult... (laughs)"
What were you careful of when incorporating the theme of Metal Gear Solid 2 into the screenplay?
"There isn't just one theme, but we intended to have the problems that individuals and groups face in today’s information society manifest themselves in various ways. However, a script is just one part of the game during the planning phase. While the dialogue is expressed in a direct matter, we thought about effectively arranging the presence or absence of interactivity in certain parts while calculating its effects."
Which parts were you particularly fixated on when writing the script?
"It could be the modernity and the excess. For example I believe Metal Gear Solid 2 has both, real excess and imagined excess. Real excess would be things that are quantifiable like long CODEC conversations or long cutscenes involving each characters. Imagined excess would be excess of information of things such as anything involving the Patriots. If you pay attention closely, you will know that Metal Gear Solid 2 has an extreme balance between the acquisition and lost of excessive information. Naturally we were aiming for such results.”
“The character have an excessive expression, as well as a narrative aspect where they all betray each other. We put it there while calculating the effects it has on the player, although an interpretation is needed there. It is something that is difficulty to portray, but we wanted to show the possibility that it could be achieved on a major title.” Do you have any favorite lines in the parts that you in particular (Fukushima) worked on?
"I like Otacon's proverbs. They provided a relief during tension... They're so ridiculous, but fun... (laughs) Since he's an independent character, I was free to write him like I want."
World of the Metal Gear Solid/メタルギア ソリッド シナリオ・ 設定完全資料集 (ISBN 978-4789791854)
Metal Gear Solid 2: The Making/メタルギア ソリッド2 ザ・メイキング (ISBN 978-4789718431)
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steverogersnotebook · 4 years
get to know me better
I was tagged by @bucky-is-my-precious - thanks! 
Rules: answer then tag nine people you want to get to know better
Top 3 Ships: Bucky/Nastasha Steve/Bucky Steve/Peggy
Last song: Queen: We Are the Champions
Last movie: Swiss Family Robinson. and for most of the movie I was rooting for the tiger to eat Francis.
Currently reading: My tumblr dash.
What food are you craving right now?: I’m full from dinner, so nothing at present.
I’m going to be answering a bunch of tag posts so don’t want to stress about tagging folks. If you wanna play, please tag me as ‘tagger’ so I can read about you.
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eyes-like-the-night · 5 years
Top 5 European Musicals and Top 5 American Musicals!
So by European Musicals, I’m just going with non american:
Tanz der Vampire
Master and Margarita
American Musicals:
Jekyll and Hyde
Nastasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Hunchback of Notre Dame
This was honestly a struggle for me at the moment because I’m just not listening to anything right now and I have an awful memory concerning things I enjoy, these are my usual go to shows though.
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ellie-valsin · 6 years
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Okay, you guys know what this means, right?  (Other than the fact that I will surely end up arranging a trip to “visit family” in Tokyo in January 2019.)  That’s right, it means that Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 will be getting its first post-Broadway production in Tokyo next year!
Congratulations to the show, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t going to make every earthly effort to get there to see it.  Because my husband does still have family living in Tokyo, we’ve been there a number of times and I’ve been lucky enough to see several Broadway-style shows there.  Let me give some straight-talk insight on what to expect from a Japanese production; those who are offended by straight-talk may stop reading now.  ;)
-The company producing it:  Toho Stage.  If I’m being totally honest, this fact has kept me up half the night worrying.  To be fair, they have produced plenty of what I would call “legit” musical theatre, including, coming soon, Fun Home, as well as everything from South Pacific (I know, whut) to Secret Garden.  The problem is that they also produce tons and tons of Bway flops and Euro-pop musicals, which is mostly my personal experience with Toho.  (Anytime a French musical is licensed in Japan, I know before even looking that it will be with Toho.  No exceptions.)  And they are usually veeeeery loose adaptations of those shows, so I am a bit concerned.  But probably I’m worrying for nothing on this point...We’ll see.
-The staging:  Japan does many musicals, both old and new, American, European, and Asian, but when it does first run versions of recent Broadway musicals, it usually makes some attempt to replicate the staging, stage design, and/or costumes.  You see much more slavish imitation productions out of Shiki musical productions than out of Toho ones, but that’s because Shiki holds the rights to every Disney musical ever, and Disney is very particular about such things.  When Toho puts on Les Mis, they do have an exact replica production of whatever’s playing in other countries, because Cam Mac is similarly particular about it--however, I’ve also seen them change many production designs for other shows.  It all depends on who’s granting the rights and what restrictions are placed on those rights.  The Natasha, Pierre rights holders would be very wise to insist on a similar production to the American one, imo, but then again, I really can’t see any of the immersive stage designs working in the theatre that Toho uses...Not because the stage couldn’t be adapted to, say, the A.R.T. configuration they used in Boston, but because I don’t think the interactive elements/jokes would go over that well with typical Japanese audiences (I think the majority of Japanese musical fans would be very uncomfortable with it).  
Whatever the stage and costume design, I imagine it will be beautiful, since I have always been impressed by that aspect of every production I’ve seen there, whether imitation staging or new staging.
The only thing that worries me about the staging is, well, the stage--or, more precisely the theatre.  Toho’s usual theatre is huuuuge compared to your standard Bway theatre.  We always knew this would be a problem if this show toured, since most touring houses in America are also huuuuge, but I always secretly hoped they’d go back to a tent format and do sit-downs in big cities that way.  I...don’t think a tent is what Toho has in mind.  We’ll have to wait and see, but I will say I don’t think I’d want to be in the back of the balcony on this one.....
-The casting:  Yes, they will all be Japanese, except for the Koreans they hire.  So, in that sense, yes of course it won’t resemble the diverse ensemble from the OBC.  On the other hand, I am quite confident they can find a girl who can look and act the part of Natasha, since most of the female leads I’ve seen in musicals there are quite ingenue-typed sopranos.  They will also make a killer Anatole.
Also, I forgot to mention: it will likely be double-cast, meaning there will be two separate actors or actresses cast for each of the most demanding parts (in this case, probably Natasha, Pierre, Anatole, Sonya, and maybe Helene), and they’ll rotate their schedules throughout the run.  This is typical of Japanese musicals, and should be interesting.
-The singing:  Compared to the OBC, it will most likely suck.  Japanese musical theatre voices are trained to sound a bit different from contemporary Broadway voices, so they usually already sound pretty different when singing regular Broadway scores, but this one?  I predict that this’ll be baaaad.  But you may say, ‘everyone in the OBC sounded “different” from a standard Bway voice, why couldn’t that work for the Japanese, too?’ to which I say, well, it’s a different kind of different.  The OBC had distinctive voices, interesting voices (which, personally, I feel like we’ve been missing more and more on Broadway in these past 10-20 years), but they were hitting very specific notes, often weird ones, since it’s Dave after all.  ;)  Not only have I not seen proof that the average Japanese musical singer can sing a score of this complexity (I’ve never seen them do Sondheim, for instance, though I know it does exist), but they seem to be mostly trained to do a sort of “Rodgers & Hammerstein” style of singing in which everyone attempts a pretty classical musical theatre sound with lots of vibrato and a woman’s break occurs very low, that is, the head voice is used where often the original show belted the notes (see: the painful rendition of Evita’s “A New Argentina”).  High belting is not even a lost art in Japan, because I’m pretty sure it was never found to begin with: clips from shows as disparate as Aida, Hunchback of Notre-Dame, and Wicked have made this clear to me, and certainly every experience I’ve ever had mixing Wildhorn with Japan (Scarlet Pimpernel, Jekyll&Hyde, etc.), or even the more poppy French musicals in Japanese.  Does every actor/actress belt flat?  No, of course not--but plenty of them do.  New contemporary musical theatre continues to move into the realm of American Idol, producing beltier and beltier music, so it’s only bound to become a worse problem over time...
But anyway, even with bum notes and heavy vibrato being consistent annoyances, will that really affect Nastasha, Pierre, which is not really an example of the “belt it higher/longer” Wicked school of musical writing?  Well, of course it will, sometimes.  Don’t expect anyone who can tear into Maria Dmitrievna in Japan.  Don’t expect Natasha will be able to powerfully slam those top notes in her “argument” scenes.  Don’t expect the end of Dust & Ashes to sound great.  And certainly don’t expect to get a reliable “PETERSBUUUUURG!!!” out of anyone (though one might say that for most actors working on Bway, too  ;)).  
And even if they somehow find a miraculous cast hidden away somewhere who can sing the shit out of the notes, there will always be:
-The translation: This shit will be difficult as all hell to translate.  Between Malloy’s own writing style and Tolstoy’s text, I really don’t know how it will be done.  I’ve attempted it myself, so I’ve already seen the challenges first hand...  Japanese is acknowledged as one of the most difficult languages to translate English lyrics into, mostly because the structure of the two languages differs so greatly: in Japanese, you can usually express pretty much any of the same ideas you can in English, but you usually can’t express them in as few syllables.  When my husband and I made a project of translating “No One Else,” it proved almost impossible to fit every idea expressed in the English lyrics into the translation without running waaaay too long to fit the meter.  This is usually solved for in professional Japanese musical translations by cutting out whole lines from the original libretto and taking, say, two lines to translate one line of English text.  It can also be solved by pretty much ignoring the English lyrics and just making up some different ones in Japanese that fit the meter and don’t sound too out of place thematically.  These methods work fine for shows that were lyrically insipid to begin with, like the Euro-pop musicals (yes, Romeo & Juliette, I am looking at you), but on Dave Malloy’s libretto???  Why bother if you have to do a hack job to make it work...?  There’s a reason Sondheim is so infrequently produced in Japan......
Now, for many of you, the translation will not affect your life in the slightest.  For my husband and other bilinguals, it will be excruciating to listen to.  He already gets annoyed enough listening to Japanese Les Mis...I don’t know how I’m going to get him to listen to a translation of lyrics he actually loves to death in English.  ;) 
Anyway, if it sounds like I’m very wary of this production, that’s because...I am.  It’s scary not only because it’s a Japanese production, but also because it’s the first production post-Bway, and nobody knows quite what sort of adaptation to expect.  I’ll try to keep the faith, while still keeping it real...  The good news is that you all will likely be able to judge it for yourself, because Toho usually puts out at least a cast recording for its musicals, and sometimes even a DVD of them!
And will I be attending, in spite of my serious concerns?  Yeah, duh, if I can swing it.  XD  I can already tell you there will be tears at the end, which is one thing I fully expect them to get perfectly right.  :’)
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jfgarrard · 3 years
Nastasha Alli answers "Why is research important in your "Exploring Filipino Kitchens" podcast?"
Nastasha Alli answers "Why is research important in your "Exploring Filipino Kitchens" podcast?" @nastashaalli @ricepapermag @acww @literasian @darkhelixpress #filipino #filipinofood #foodie #podcast #podcasting #writing #writinglife
Nastasha Alli was born and raised in the Philippines and came to Canada in 2007. For her writing at the intersection of food and diaspora communities, she won a Food Sustainability Media Award from the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Her work has been featured on CBC Radio and her recipe published in a “top cookbook of 2018” by the San Francisco Chronicle. She answers the question “Why is research…
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beautifulbows924 · 6 years
Hopeless (Request)
Clint Barton X Assassin!Reader
Request from ohmyjack: Hiii! I was wondering if you could do a fluff clint barton request. Maybe the reader gets her heart broken by her ex boyfriend and in the end they end up revealing each others feelings as he tries to make her feel better. They tell each other they only went out with other people was because they were taken???
Warnings: Slight Angst, Mentions of break up, and cussing.
You had just gotten home to Stark Tower where you lived with Jordan an Technology Development Manager there. You had met Jordan through Natasha, they were really close. You didn't really like him though, and just wished that you were friends instead of boyfriend and girlfriend. The only person who had ever captured your heart was no other than Clint Barton. You and him had met on a mission and had become best friends, but that was only until he met Jackline. Her and him had hit it off from day one and he left you in his dust. Thinking that the only way you could get over him was to date someone else you went to Jordan. Sadly, Clint and Jackline broke it off a month later leaving him on the market, but you not so much.
You decided today was the day as you walked to you and Jordan's shared room. Once you walked inside the door you realized that it wasn't just Jordan in the room Natasha was there and she was all over him. You banged your hand on the door getting the traitors attention. "Y/N this is not what it looks like I swear", Nastasha said quickly, pleading. Jordan just looked at his feet and shuffled them quietly. "What my best friend and my boyfriend aren't making out in our room? No that's right, that's exactly what is happening", You said through gritted teeth trying to not cry. "Y/N.. I", Jordan started to say, but you cut him off,"No don't even, we are over", You said slamming the door and running down the hallway to the balcony to clear your head.
You didn't love Jordan as a girlfriend should, but your best friend and him; that was betrayal, and that's the only reason you were upset. You became startled as you heard a noise come from behind you. "Oh Y/N, What's wrong", Clint said walking next to you with a blanket and handing it to you. "I just caught Natasha and Jordan together, he was cheating on me!", You said malignancy slipping through your words. "Oh I'm so sorry Bunny", He said making you smile through your tears, that had always been his nickname for you. "It's ok, I'll be fine", You squeaked out now noticing how close you and him were. "Well, Y/N I had been meaning to tell you something, but because you were with Jordan I couldn't", He said slowly. "Y/N we have always been close, I care about you deeply, and I know this probably isn't the best time for this, but will you go out with me?", He asked nervously. "You ASSHOLE!", You screamed pushing him. "Y/N what do you mean?", He said softly hoping to calm you down. "You dumb fuck, I've been in love with you since we first met, I only dated Jordan to get over you, but it never worked", You said wrapping your arms around him. "Oh Y/N I'm so sorry, that's the only reason I went with Jackline I didn't think I was good enough for you", He said putting his chin on top of your head. "What! You have always been the one for me Barton", You said pulling him in for the most passionate kiss you had ever had.
*What did you think? Leave a Like or Reblog! Requests are open💜*
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glitterquadricorn · 7 years
I Hate You, I Love You - Pietro Maximoff(1/7)
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Summary: The reader likes Pietro a lot, but is painfully shy and gets real awkward around him. She finally works up the courage to tell him that she has feelings for him, but discovers that he's been seeing a new woman that's on the avengers. Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Plus Sized!reader Word Count: 1,275 Warning(s): bullying, attempted suicide (doesn’t go into detail), self-hate, self-harm.
A/N: First posting a fic on this blog. I’m saying this now, I’ll post one chapter and if no one likes it, I won’t post another. I’m not going to post chapters for my health. And if there’s any warnings I missed, please tell me. Wouldn’t want anyone to get all butt hurt since I missed one.
Song title credit: ‘I hate u, I love u’ by gnash.
When you’re painfully shy it tends to ruin your life. At every turn, god is like ‘I’m going to make your life miserable as possible’. And if you think things can’t get any worse for yourself, they do. They always get worse. It was like you couldn’t get a break.
And opportunities, yeah, those get ruined also. So how you found yourself with the earth’s mightiest heroes is beyond you. You weren’t all that special. You didn’t have a ‘gift’ like Wanda and you weren’t as good of an agent like Natasha. But everyone constantly always told you that you belonged and that you had nothing to worry about.
Boy was so they so, so wrong. 
When the Maximoff twins showed up, you Immediately had felt some sort of connection with the silver-haired boy. Now, you didn’t believe in love at first sight. So you always denied it to yourself. The more time you spent with him, rather it was training together or just watching some TV/movies, you began to fall for him. 
Only problem besides the shyness, your weight. Guys like Pietro who was chiseled master pieces didn’t go for hot-messes like you. He was the jock, while you was the nerd who got picked on at lunch. Oh god, they picked on you relentlessly. It was an everyday occurrence. ‘Look at the cow’, ‘oink, oink, go back to the farm where you belong miss piggy’, or even the simple ‘fat-ass’ was some of the insults they threw at you. It got so bad that you had attempted to take your life, and it came close to working.
“So... you going to tell him or?” A voice called out. You snapped your head up, and see Wanda standing in the door way. 
Wiping sweat off your forehead, “Tell who what?” You responded, sitting down on the bench. 
“That you like my brother Pietro.” You sighed wishing it was that easy. 
“Want to know something Wanda? Much of all my family was born with something I don’t have, and that my dear friend, is confidence.” You pause, glancing at Wanda, “I want to tell Pietro I like him, I honestly do, but there’s always going to be that little voice in the back of my mind telling me that he’s not going to feel the same way back. I’m not going to put myself out there for him to acknowledge only to be rejected. My mind may be healing from my past, and I’m not exactly at 100 percent, but I don’t think I can handle something like that.” 
“You are stronger than you think, you know?” Wanda stated, smiling at you. Wanda only knew you’re past and what you’ve gone through because of the fight with Ultron at the shipping yard. 
“Am I? Often at times I don’t feel as strong. Cause’ the time I tried taking my own life I didn’t feel strong then. I felt as if the world would better off without me.” You replied, looking at your feet.
“Just think about it, if that attempted on taking your life was successful, then you wouldn’t be here right now. You wouldn’t have met me and Pietro, Natasha, or Steve or any of us. We’re all here for you if you need us.” Wanda smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder. You showed her a knowing smile. Both of you fell into a soothing, comfortable silence. 
Picking up your things and heading towards the door, you peered over to Wanda. “Well it was a lovely chat Wanda, but Stark being the man he, if you can call him a man, is throwing another one of his infamous parties and I need to get ready. Be in my room in forty-five minutes?” 
“I’ll be there.”
Sighing, you smoothed the dress down. Ever since the talk with Wanda in the training room, you’ve been feeling dejected. ‘Maybe this dress was the wrong choice’ You thought to yourself. ‘There’s always that red dress, but then that’s the dress that shows everything I want to hide’ Frowning, you slipping on your heels.
“You’ll knock em’ dead in that, ya know.” Turning around, you see Natasha standing at the door. Natasha was another one that knew about your crush on Pietro. She’s the best spy-assassin in the world, so there was no hiding it from her.
“You think so?” You replied, smiling. 
“Think so? I know so.” Nastasha smirks, “Let’s get going before Stark throws a tantrum.”
You hook your arm with Natasha and headed downstairs. The elevator doors open, and you were greeted to the bustling party. Natasha guided you over to the bar, per usual, and started making both you of a drink. If tonight was the night you were going to tell Pietro you liked him, you were going to need all the alcohol in the world. 
“You going to tell him tonight?” Wanda asked, sitting next to you.
“Yes, finally pushing past my shyness and tell him.”
“Good, and about damn time.” Natasha stated. You gazed around the room, and stopped at Pietro. He was playing (well, more observing than playing) pool with Sam and Steve.
“You’re going to catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that.” Snapping out of it, you see Bucky leaning against the bar on the other side of you.
“Shut up grandpa” Bucky chuckled. 
“What were you staring at anyway?”
“She was staring at Pietro.”
“NAT!” You shouted. The blush slowly crept to your cheeks, feeling embarrassed.
“You like the speedy little bastard?” Bucky asked, “Kind of had feeling you did. You going to tell him?”
“I hate all of you.” You mumbled under your breath. Standing up, you looked back at the three of them. “Wish me luck yeah?” Feeling confident, you walked over to the three men. It’s now or never.
“Who’s winning?” You asked. 
“Steve is, and I swear he’s cheating.” Sam protested. 
“How can I cheat in pool Sam?” Steve retorted. While those two went back and forth, you glanced at Pietro. Your breathing picked up making you more nervous. 
“You clean up rather nicely speedy.” Pietro smiled. He looked you up and down.
“Thanks, princessa. You look gorgeous tonight.” 
Blushing like mad, “Thank you.” You two continued to talk a while more before the same leggy blonde that Bucky saw earlier strut over to you. This girl was beautiful, and you immediately felt inadequate. All the confidence you had diminished. 
“Hey babe...” ‘Babe? He had a girlfriend? Well, there goes my plans’ You thought. The blonde then gave you a look down, and she gave you a face of disgust. “Who’s this?”
“This is Y/N. Y/N, meet Raven the newest Avenger, and my girlfriend.” Pietro wrapped his arms around her, and kissed the top of her head. The sound of your heart breaking was loud. Your chances with Pietro are now gone, but you didn’t want to be rude, so you greeted the new avenger. 
“Hi, it’s wonderful to meet you! Welcome to the avengers!” You responded, holding out your hand for her to shake. 
“Like wise Y/N” Raven replied. You could easily tell she was putting on a front. “Hey Peit, can Y/N and I talk?”
“Of course, I’ll get us a drink.” When Pietro was far enough away, Raven’s attitude switched a complete 180.
“Listen, and listen closely. Pietro is mine, and mine only. He’ll never ever love someone that is as disgusting as you. I mean, look at you... you belong with the pigs in the pig pen. Honestly, nobody likes you... not even Pietro; he just pities you. So please do me, and the rest of the world a favor and kill yourself.”
If only she knew that you tried that... You could feel the tears starting to rim your eyes.
“Oh? Is miss piggy going to cry?” Raven taunted. Feeling an anxiety attack coming, you quickly leave the room wiping your tears. When walking into your room, you made FRIDAY lock the door behind you and under any circumstances, not to let anyone in.
How could one person be so mean? Say so many hurtful things to make one feel like they’re worthless? useless? 
You promised you wouldn’t hurt yourself, but some of the things Raven said were harsh. You reached your for trusty friend, Penny. Penny was there for you when most people weren’t. Penny took away your pain.
one cut, two cut, three cut, four.
Each one more painful than the last. 
I really liked this a lot, and I put in a lot of work into this. And if it does well, I'll post another part. If it does do well, I’m going to try to post parts for this every Tuesday. If your name is Raven, I’m sorry. I wanted a name that sounded evil? maybe sinister?
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attractdistract · 6 years
not sure why it only just dawned on me now, but.
metal gear solid on ps1 is what really happened/what nastasha romanenko’s in-universe book in the darkness of shadow moses was about.
metal gear solid: the twin snakes is ‘here’s what this would be like if the shadow moses incident was an over-the-top blockbuster action film’
that’s why twin snakes has all the glorious, ridiculous bullet-time and wacky shit in cutscenes like solid snake jumping on one of the hind d’s rockets to finish off liquid at the end of that boss battle.
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zingganusantara · 5 years
Rekomendasi Podcast Buat Dengerin di Perjalanan Lewat Spotify
New Post has been published on https://zingganusantara.com/hobby/6-rekomendasi-podcast-spotify/
Rekomendasi Podcast Buat Dengerin di Perjalanan Lewat Spotify
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Apa Kamu lagi nyari rekomendasi podcast yang cocok dengan selera? Podcast menjadi populer kembali setelah sempat tenggelam pada awal tahun 2010. Bagi Kamu yang belum akrab, podcast adalah episode program yang tersedia di internet dalam bentuk rekaman atau audio.
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Rekomendasi podcast yang cocok
Podcast menawarkan episode yang disajikan dalam format file yang sama, seperti audio atau video dengan spectrum hingga penikmat podcast selalu bisa menikmati audio dengan cara yang sama.
Sebenarnya sudah banyak podcast lokal yang dibuat oleh para podcaster lokal dan inilah rekomendasi beberapa podcast lokal yang dibuat dan cocok didengerin dalam perjalanan serta bisa di play menggunakan spotify.
1. Do You See What I See
Podcast by Mizter Popo
Podcast ini cocok banget buat Kamu yang suka dengan cerita horor. Podcast ini merupakan kumpulan cerita horor yang dirangkum dalam beberapa episode. Mizter Popo yang adalah pemilik dari podcast ini juga mengkurasi beberapa cerita pengalaman mistis yang dikirimkan dari berbagai macam sumber. Podcast milik sahabat Raditya Dika ini bisa Kamu dengerin di spotify ataupun apple podcasts.
2. Podcast Hydrant
Podcast by Putu dan Lamhot
Podcast ini dibawakan oleh Lemoy Pakpahan dan Antony Putu dan membahas beragam isu sosial yang sedang berkembang disekeliling masyarakat. Kelebihan podcast ini adalah selalu membahas berbagai hal dengan sajian komedi dan lawakan receh yang mereka bawakan serta konten mereka yang lekat dengan adat serta budaya yang ada di Indonesia.
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Berisik banget Warunk Upnormal Kemang Pratama Bekasi, mohon maaf semuanya. Kali ini kami berkesempatan ngobrol bareng jurnalis mongabay.co.id Lusia Febriana Arumingtyas soal idealisme menulis dalam dunia jurnalisme, serta pengalamannya dalam menulis berita diberbagai kasus terutama yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup. . Dengerin juga podcast kita di beberapa platform ini: – Kaskus Podcast: https://podcast.kaskus.co.id/podcasthydrant/ – Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcast-hydrant/id1457133575 – Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/03ZpvVZlnrBDYRF5McEitE – Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/7wyX – Anchor: https://anchor.fm/podcasthydrant – Google Podcasts: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy85ZGYxZDY4L3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz – Breaker: https://www.breaker.audio/podcast-hydrant – Radio Public: https://radiopublic.com/podcast-hydrant-G4wn0O . Follow juga sosmed kita disini ya gengs: – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podcasthydrant – Twitter: https://twitter.com/podcasthydrant – Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcasthydrant . #podcasthydrant #kaskuspodcast #podcastindonesia #lemoypakpahan #antoniuspsk #asmara #motivasi #spotify #trending #curhat #podcastawalminggu #budayaindonesia #jurnalistik #mongabay #jawapos #wartawan #idealisme #menulis #penulis #editor #mediaonline #politik #kpk
A post shared by Podcast Hydrant (@podcasthydrant) on Jul 2, 2019 at 7:02pm PDT
Mereka punya misi untuk tetap menempelkan nilai kebudayaan dan nasionalisme dalam setiap episode yang mereka bawakan. Terkadang mereka juga berkolaborasi dengan narasumber yang kredibel dibidangnya masing-masing.
3. Podcast The Voice of Men
Podcast ini dibuat oleh Male Indonesia yang merupakan media online lifestyle yang ada di Indonesia. Dalam podcast ini bisa didengarkan banyak konten dan tema pembahasan mulai dari pembahasan para model seksi Indonesia yang bercerita tentang semua pengalamannya, sampai pembahasan tokoh-tokoh yang diwawancara oleh para jurnalis dari Male Indonesia.
4. Podcast Maestro Dating
Podcast by AntoniusPSK
Podcast ini dibuat oleh AntoniusPSK selaku host di podcast ini. Pembahasan podcast ini tentang berbagai hal yang berhubungan dengan dunia digital marketing, terutama spesifik dengan Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
AntoniusPSK and Prasetyani Dwijayati
So, buat kalian yang ingin belajar lebih tentang SEO dan Digital Marketing, bisa mampir ke podcast yang satu ini. AntoniusPSK juga banyak berkolaborasi dengan beberapa pakar yang mendalami dunia teknologi, jadi tidak hanya tersedia dalam bentuk monolog, tapi juga berkolaborasi dengan pakar teknologi di Indonesia.
5. Podcast Inspigo
YouTube Inspigo
Inspigo merupakan podcast dengan konten yang berisikan tentang perbincangan dengan tokoh-tokoh inspiratif. Podcast ini merupakan wawancara tokoh inspiratif yang dibentuk dalam format sederhana.
Sudah banyak tokoh-tokoh inspiratif yang mengisi di Inspigo ini seperti Billy Boen yang merupakan CEO dari Young on Top, Najwa Sihab dari Narasi TV, hingga Ahmad Faudi yang merupakan penulis best seller Negeri 5 Menara. Inspigo ini cocok banget buat Kamu penikmat biografi atau tertarik untuk mengetahui kisah jatuh-bangun dari para tokoh inspiratif. Inspigo bisa Kamu download aplikasinya di Google Play Store.
6. Podcast Rapot
Podcast by Reza, Anka, Radhini, Abigail
Podcast ini dibawakan oleh 4 orang yang berlatar belakang penyiar dan juga penyanyi. Mereka adalah Reza Chandika, Radhini, Nastasha Abigail, dan juga Ankatama. Pembahasan dari mereka adalah pengalaman masing-masing sesuai dengan teman yang mereka bawakan. Podcast ini cocok didengarkan saat sedang santai ataupun dalam perjalanan santai Kamu yang mana memang tak jarang lawakan di podcast ini mengocok perut kita semua.
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Ginilah settingan tim #RAPOT @rezachandika @ankatama @radhini_ @nastashabigail 🖤 • • Di kamar aja kok settingannya. Sembari nyaris cipokan saking semua ngedeket ke mic. YHA seperti bermain OUIJA sekiranya kalau dibayangkan. Mic nya berapa? Ya 1 dong :”) Endorse please, anyone? • • 📷: @dimas_ario
A post shared by RezaAnkaRadhiniAbigail.POTKES (@_rapot) on Mar 15, 2019 at 8:01pm PDT
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AAS NOVA Seeking the Circumgalactic Medium with Dragonfly By Astrobites Generally when we look at a picture of a galaxy, we see the bright central region occupied by many stars and brightly glowing gas. This can include shining arms in spiral galaxies or the clumpy splotches of light scattered around irregular galaxies. However, there is much more to a galaxy than what is brightly glowing: every galaxy is surrounded by a thin, cool, and difficult to observe cloud of gas called the circumgalactic medium (CGM). Even farther away there is a yet thinner distribution of gas, called the intergalactic medium (IGM). These structures have such low densities that the gas doesn’t emit enough light to be visible to normal telescopes. Consequently, astronomers only have a vague picture of the geometry, composition, and conditions of these components of the universe. It’s important to understand the CGM and IGM though, because they contain the majority of the baryonic matter (i.e. normal, non-dark matter) in the universe and are crucial for regulating the flow of gas onto galaxies, which allows for things like the formation of stars. Further, the CGM is currently observed mostly with absorption-line studies, which are restricted to directions in the sky where a background light source — such as a quasar — is available. This means that observations are often quite limited in number, making it difficult to get a comprehensive view of what is happening. In today’s paper, the authors wrangled two tempestuous creatures: the EAGLE cosmological simulation and the Dragonfly Telephoto Array. EAGLE is a numerical code that creates a simulated chunk of the universe, and Dragonfly is a 48-lensed instrument specially designed to observe emission from very dim objects. The idea is that the authors can simulate CGM and IGM around galaxies using EAGLE and predict what their emission should look like. Then, knowing the parameters of the Dragonfly array, they can determine whether this emission should be observable by such an instrument. The authors use the capabilities of a (now in-progress) upgrade to Dragonfly, which will add the capacity to use narrow-band filters. Modeling Emission in EAGLE The authors are interested in one emission line in particular, the Hα feature. Hα emission is formed by a process called recombination that occurs in the bubbles of ionized hydrogen called H II (pronounced “H 2”) regions that surround young, massive stars. This process occurs so commonly in the gas around young stars that it can be very bright, making it one of the most likely emission lines to be observed. Information about the state of the gas particles in the simulation, such as their density, temperature, and metallicity, are used to model the gas emission and calculate the surface brightness, or the amount of light per square arcsecond coming from the gas (today’s paper uses units of photons cm-2 s-1 sr-1). The only remaining question: Is the signal bright enough to be seen with the upcoming iteration of Dragonfly? Does Dragonfly Need Better Eyes? Extracting the emission of Hα around galaxies within the EAGLE volume, the authors calculate the surface brightness averaged in rings centered on each galaxy, creating radial profiles of the Hα’s glow. Splitting the galaxies into categories based on mass, they find that the inner edge of the CGM (corresponding to the red circle in the lower image) should be visible for galaxies with stellar masses above about 1010 solar masses. This means that in the search for CGM emission, astronomers shouldn’t need to target rare, outrageously massive galaxies to find a signal. A similar analysis is done by creating a false Dragonfly observation of a single test galaxy, with noise and an instrumental spread function applied to the emission map (lower image). The finding is similar: portions of the inner edge of the CGM should be easily visible with only ~10 hour exposures by Dragonfly, without even the need for radial averaging used in the previous test. To push farther into the CGM, however, such averaging would appear to be necessary, since the Hα surface brightness drops as the distance from the galaxy increases. The IGM has a much lower density than the CGM, so it should be intrinsically fainter in emission. Using a similar false-observation method, the authors isolate an IGM filament from the simulation (bottom image) and determine whether the signal would be observable in a reasonable amount of time by Dragonfly. They find that even the brightest emission of the IGM, coming from dense clumps, reaches only about 1 photon cm-2 s-1 sr-1. With such a low surface brightness, it would take over 1,000 hours (almost 6 weeks!) to obtain a signal that outshines the noise. Unfortunately, this means that the Dragonfly instrument upgrade plan would need to incorporate additional lenses to observe the IGM in this way. Although it is disappointing that the upcoming Dragonfly upgrade likely won’t be able to observe the IGM, the ground it could gain on studies of the CGM are fundamental to studies of galaxies. Compared to the severe limitations on absorption-line studies, observations of the CGM in emission may reveal more about its structure, how it is affected by inflows and outflows, and its interaction with the galaxy proper. Editor’s note: Astrobites is a graduate-student-run organization that digests astrophysical literature for undergraduate students. As part of the partnership between the AAS and astrobites, we occasionally repost astrobites content here at AAS Nova. We hope you enjoy this post from astrobites; the original can be viewed at astrobites.org. About the author, Caitlin Doughty: I am a fourth year graduate student at New Mexico State University. I use cosmological simulations to study galaxy evolution during the epoch of reionization, with a focus on metal absorption in the circumgalactic medium. Title: On the detectability of visible-wavelength line emission from the local circumgalactic and intergalactic medium Author: Deborah Lokhorst, Roberto Abraham, Pieter van Dokkum, Nastasha Wijers, Joop Schaye First Author’s Institution: Lockheed University of Toronto, Canada Status: Published in ApJ TOP IMAGE....Beyond bright galaxies like the one pictured here lie tenuous regions of circumgalactic medium and, further out, intergalactic medium. Do we have a chance of spotting this dim gas and dust? [NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage Team] CENTRE IMAGE....Maps of simulated surface brightness emission in Hα from a small subset of the EAGLE simulation volume. Yellow indicates a higher surface brightness (SB in the label). [Lokhorst et al. 2019] LOWER IMAGE....Left panel shows Hα emission of a test galaxy, with the inner edge of the CGM indicated by the red circle. Superimposed in red and white is a real galaxy, NGC 300, to indicate the relative size of the bright portion of the galaxy. Each panel to the right shows the false observation with noise applied, integrated for 10, 100, and 1,000 hours. [Lokhorst et al. 2019] BOTTOM IMAGE....The sample IGM filament selected for creation of the false observation, where the yellow color indicates a brighter surface brightness in Hα. [Lokhorst et al. 2019]
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