#to the moon and back and whatnot
sollody · 1 year
Willel > Byler
there, I said it 🤭
[^ current mood]
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starheirxero · 5 months
I'm sorry it would be SO funny if it turns out Ruin and Eclipse staged the phone call to make it seem like Ruin was kidnapped by Eclipse because I can only imagine them acting like two kids about to do a prank call during a sleepover about it HSJABSJS
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tardis--dreams · 4 months
I was so concerned with the horrors of making a doctor's appointment and the horrors of finding a job that i completely forgot about the worst horrors of them all. Finding an apartment.
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vi-enti · 1 year
i’m in my sea of solitude era and it is NOT good where is my little boat to help me solve all of my problems
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Genuinely considering making a bugsnax x the quarry crossover au... -_-
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undiscovered-horizon · 8 months
Die Happy - Sanji x Reader
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SUMMARY: Sanji is disillusioned about your lack of interest in him. Someone like you could pick and choose among princes, kings and emperors. What's a measly cook to you? Nevertheless, his lovesick heart continuously rejoices when you choose him to waste time with.
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Part 2 -> "Maelstrom"
Sanji has never believed in ghouls, witches, faeries and the like. However, when he met you his belief began to shatter:
Like a dark sorceress covering the whole world with a curse, you lured all the influential, important men like fire does moths. At first, Sanji fooled himself that all those generals, merchants and noblemen only wanted something pretty to hang onto their shoulders but reality destroyed his comforting illusion when the said men offered riches most people couldn’t even fathom. If you asked them for an armada to sail to the Grand Line, they’d only ask what type of wood you’d prefer. Despite something akin to world domination lying at your fingertips, you always laughed those offers off, telling your powerful suitors that you would think about their words and get back to them.
Sanji once asked whether you’re truly considering marrying one of the generals or kings. Some more naive part of him hoped you’d say no. Alas, the truth, once again, was his adversary:
“Obviously!” you giggled at his silly question. “But I won’t marry the first one that offers me wealth and whatnot. First, I’d like to see all of my options and the world…” your voice trailed away as you vaguely pointed around the two of you. “Well, it’s a big place. Many more kingdoms to visit.”
But to his own demise, the cook was a fool unlike any other. He had no chance at winning your heart, no matter how much he’d try. Still, his untamable desire egged him on, whispering sweet songs of your grace. Even if he could taste your lips only in his imagination, he could do his best for you to have a reason to keep him around like a dog that begs for scraps at his master’s table.
Sanji knows he’s only hurting himself, only furthering his desperation when he makes you smile or earns a speck of your affection. Every dawn, he promises to free himself from your sorcery but when dusk comes and his left with the Moon, his only confidant, he realizes that he could never possess enough power to cut himself free from you. You’ve pierced his heart right through and if he pulls your knife out of his chest, he’s bound to bleed out and die. It’s better if he lets you have complete control over his mind and soul - it’s the only way he will make it out alive.
He’s left cold and lonely on that night. Soft, silver moonlight washes over him through the small porthole in the wall of his room. The sea is almost black at this hour of the night but it becomes a mystical sapphire when the Moon’s glow washes over the lazy waves making them glisten like pure diamonds.
Diamonds… maybe if he had diamonds, you’d see him as a man and not just a shipmate.
Quiet knocking on his door wakes Sanji up from his thoughts. Before he has a chance to get up and open the door or tell the guest to come in, the mysterious visitor enters out of their own volition.
Your tired face makes Sanji think about painting in museums - the ones all connoisseurs consider “classics” and “timeless”. The silk shirt you’re wearing looks not only awfully expensive but, which is much worse, to be a men’s size. Its hem ends right underneath your buttcheeks, threatening to expose your body should you lift your hands. In the darkness of his cabin, you appear as nothing beyond a phantom, a hallucination born out of desperation. And just like a ghost, you’ve come to haunt and torment him in the sweetest of ways; in a way only you can.
“What’s wrong, love?” he asks in a raspy voice. Sanji is doing a great job at appearing unaffected by your rather scantily clad form.
Carefully, you close the door behind you and walk towards him. Your skin glows when you step into the rays of soft moonlight pouring in through the porthole. Dishevelled hair, half-closed eyes and a slightly puffy face - Sanji has imagined you this way countless times but never actually seen. He can feel his body burning up, telling him to seize the opportunity, to wash you in the most charming and suave words he can think of.
“Nami kicks while sleeping,” you say quietly. “I swear to god my whole side is bruised at this point. Can I sleep with you?”
Sanji has to remind himself to breathe and to do so calmly. He’s cool, completely in control of himself. His mouth feels unbearably dry.
“‘Course you can,” he answers casually. With a swift move of his arm, he lifts the duvet. “Come on in.”
The pure bliss that suddenly appears on your face forces Sanji to take in a sharp, ragged breath. It’s an expression he also imagined one too many times when his desperation poisons his mind - not that he’s willing to admit it even to himself. He knows it’s wrong to even entertain a scenario in which you would grace him with such an enraptured face. Still, his will is not as strong as he often makes it out to be.
“Sanji, you are my salvation,” you tell him while getting under the covers with him.
“I know, love.”
It’s both strange and natural, the way your body fits his. As though the two of you have done it so much the memory of your muscles twists and turns your limbs to rest in the most comfortable and intimate way. The odd familiarity makes Sanji think that maybe in another lifetime this is how he always sleeps. He wishes he could find himself in that reality even for a second. Alas, it’s too far out of his reach.
“Damn, you’re really comfortable,” you mumble against his chest. Your hot breath makes him shiver. “And warm. I don’t think I’ll be going back to my bed.” A small grin of cosiness appears on your face - one that Sanji will never forget.
His broad chest and strong arm normally go unnoticed by you but now they’re like a fortress. And just like high stone walls are an unspoken promise of security and happiness, his firm hold on your body is a silent oath of a good night's sleep.
“Stay as long as you want,” he whispers back to you. 
Maybe if you weren’t so exhausted, you’d notice that his words aren’t a statement but a plea. They’re the last thing you remember before drifting off to a restful slumber.
Your breathing slows down and gains a steady, shallow rhythm. Keeping you close to his chest, Sanji allows his hands to gently brush against your arm and back. His movements are feathery, almost fearful. He wouldn’t want you to wake up and change your mind about spending the night beside him - he can indulge in his heart’s desire but he must do so carefully.
“If you only gave me a chance,” he whispers into the night.
Knowing you’re asleep and bound to remain ignorant of his affections, Sanji kisses the top of your head. His lips linger against your hair while he takes in the scent that haunts him day and night. Unknowingly, his grip around your body tightens at that moment as though he has suddenly grown most terrified of having you disappear. Too many nights he’s dreamed of this exact scenario only to wake up to a cold, empty bed.
When the dawn arrives and you leave his arms, this little moment of affection won't mean anything to you. It means nothing now. Sanji knows this very well. He doesn't try to lie to himself that maybe you'll wake up a changed person and finally see him as more than a friendly comrade. Although tonight means nothing to you, it holds an unspeakable weight to Sanji, who will forever gloat about the fact that when you needed help, it was him you turned to. It was his arms that guarded your sleep for a few hours.
Fighting off sleep until he collapses, Sanji revels in the feeling of you against his body and pretends, even if for one night, that you’re his the same way he will always be yours. Watching you sleep cuddled into him, he swears he could die happy now.
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arklay · 2 years
wait needs to talk about it
#so his moon sign is a kind of all over the place right because it's very hard to actually know how he feels his emotions but i definitely#lean towards leo. originally i had thought it for his sun and capricorn for his moon but i think at his base he is definitely a capricorn#(and scorpio rising because that's how i think people see him and his outward expression and whatnot physical features you get) then his#more hidden self and emotions leans more towards a leo? also very interesting but the dynamic between a leo moon and a scorpio rising is fun#and i feel extremely fitting for him where leo wants to be in the spotlight whereas scorpio wants to be in the shadows and that's so him i#feel... like very at odds but both can be expressed in different ways. now back to moon cause that's the most um leah are you alright? sign#so reason i think it is really hard to judge his moon sign is because of his upbringing and nature vs nature etc etc but with umbrella's#whole weird conditioning and training is like you would be taught to use logic and not emotion at all times anyway but you get what i mean#like i'm too tired to explain this but the environment he was in (also going through university education as a child/early teen) would have#made him know how to keep a lid on his emotions in general. but okay. so hold on let me copy and paste something real quick from the report#''when they feel slighted these people can be dramatic in their emotional displays. when their pride has been hurt they are given to big#scenes and sulking. this rarely happens in public however. lunar leos are far too concerned about their image to make splashy scenes outside#the comfort of their own homes. in public they prefer to take things in dignified ways. at home however they're given to big displays of#emotional drama'' see this i feel like really fits especially like with his interactions with chris you know. there's a lot of drama and#flair. all because you made fun of the tyrant chris <3 but also ''when they feel comfortable they like to be the centre of attention'' i#mean... lichrally. there are obviously things that don't fit but that goes with everyone's charts and plus him having a capricorn stellium i#think has a big impact on him just being a lot more practical and keeping his emotions more hidden too. plus there's just the like regal air#to him you know? on top of the scorpio energy that we all get from him with the mysterious secretive intense like magnetism right? plus want#wanting* to find out the little intricacies and secrets that everything and everyone has? idk if this makes sense but like to me it does#and also i don't need to explain this. why am i explaining this? i just astrology brain go brrrrrr#leah.txt
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fluffypotatey · 4 months
okay so:
the year is 2021. the month is june. the new season of hermitcraft, season 8, has just started, and everything is great! the hermits are all messing around, having fun, building insane things within the first week of the server being active, and generally having a good time. everyone's collected themselves into little factions, pranking each other, and it's all the fun, lighthearted, mostly-vanilla content hermitcraft is known for.
and then the split between minecraft versions 1.18 and 1.19 is announced. the delay of new terrain, and especially of new mobs like the warden, considerably disrupt several of the hermits' plans. but it's fine, they'll figure something out, they're professionals, and it mostly goes unnoticed.
about two weeks later, on november 9th, grian turns to mumbo jumbo in one of his episodes, and asks the famous question that would seal hermitcraft season 8's fate:
"mumbo, is the moon... big?"
suddenly, the fans panic. they search back through videos and streams, and realize that the moon had been abnormally large and stuck in a full-moon phase since october 30th. the Moon Big event has begun.
this is where the roleplay really starts. once the moon's size has been brought up, the hermits start a weird combination of scrambling to figure out why the moon's growing, and how to stop it- but also of ignoring it, hoping it won't be a problem, hoping someone else will deal with it. the moon keeps getting bigger, more hermits start realizing it's going on, and a creeping sense of dread starts to grow. but it's fine. it's fine, right? they do little plotlines like this all the time. they'll figure something out, the moon will go back to normal, and we'll laugh about it when this is all over. it's fine.
and then, blocks start flying away. just floating up out of the ground, and falling right back down! like for a moment, a square meter chunk of dirt has decided it's a ballerina and leaped out of the ground! but it's fine, right? the blocks are coming back. no lasting harm is done. they're going to fix it all... right?
the moon gets bigger. it's growing every day- local hermit weirdguy joe hills measures it every stream. the blocks start flying higher. gravity starts getting... weird, with players getting the slow falling effect at random, and being lifted off of the earth themselves. the players form cults and rituals and whatnot to try and appease the moon, convince it to leave them alone, making plans to escape. nothing works. things keep getting worse, and the moon keeps getting bigger. but it'll be fine. these storylines never leave lasting harm, or at least they never have before. they'll be fine.
and then the blocks stop coming back, just floating into the sky forever. the players have the slow falling effect more than they don't now. the moon is now so big it's visible even during the day, and fills the entire sky at night. they start planning their escapes in earnest, and say their goodbyes. some hermits jump into a void hole in the overworld (it was the centerpiece of their village). some flee to the End, some to the nether, some just fly with elytras and hope they can get far enough away in time. one brave hermit, tango, flies himself to the moon in a futile attempt to blow the whole thing up before it can crash.
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but in the end, the moon crashes into the server, and everything they'd built was destroyed. and the whole time, there'd been nothing any of them could've done. season eight was over, a full six months before anyone had expected it to end, and season nine wouldn't start until about three months later. and im still not okay about it.
(here's a cool animatic of the moon's crash! honestly i dont think you need too much hermitcraft knowledge to get the gist)
(also the moon crash happened on the day before my birthday lmao.)
holy shit
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slutforsnow · 4 months
*evil laugh*
imagine president!coryo with a bratty!reader. Coryo hates when people talk back to him or tell him what to do.
Since he's president, nobody tells HIM what to do. expect reader🙈
"don't talk to me like that."
"aw, did i make you mad? didn't know the president was a little cry baby."
then he fucks readers brains out <3
Hold Your Tongue
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Cw/TW: Coryo is his own warning tbh 💀, spanking, slut shaming? (HE WOULD), inappropriate use of piss, mean!Coryo, president!Coryo
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As much as Coryo loves his dear wife, she could be a bratty bitch. Thinking she could run her mouth off to her little friends about how much their sex life had gone down since he became president and now had to attend all these fancy balls, galas, parties, and whatnot. Sure, it was nice to see his wife all dressed up like a doll and looking sexy, but running her mouth off? That was over the line.
That's how the couple landed in this situation. She had begun to run her pretty little mouth again, and one of her friends had said something along the lines of divorce.
The second the young president of Panem had ensured all the guests had left, he had bound his wife to their shared bed by her wrists, using the special handcuffs he had made for them; engraved with his last name to make sure she understood her punishment. She was also stripped of her dress and lingerie she had worn underneath it.
"I cannot believe you would allow your friends to say something so stupid," He began, slowly unbuttoning his red corset-vest. "Of all the things you had to let slide, it was a topic of divorce?"
"What's so bad about it? She was joking and drunk, I doubt she'll remember it, Coryo," She retorted, pouting a little and tugging wrists forward to try and free herself. Coryo had a tendency go purposely leave the cuffs loose enough for her so she could claw at his back, leaving red marks and little crescent moons from her nails. This time, however, the cuffs were tight enough to where she could barely wiggle her wrists. "Now, loosen the cuffs, I wanna get my makeup off!"
He didn't take lightly to her demanding tone. "Don't talk to me like that," He spat, dropping his vest on the floor, which was soon followed by his dress shirt.
"Awh, did I make you mad? I didn't know the president was a-" She was cut off by a sharp THAWCK against her skin.
Tears pricked her eyes, and she tried to blink them away. She knew Coryo was pissed, but to spank her with his belt on her thigh?
"I told you not to speak to me like that. Now look at you; crying like a little whore because I punished you like one. Don't you dare cry because there's going to be a lot more where that came from," He threatened, glaring down at her. Before she could think, Coryo raised his arm again and another thwack echoed in their bedroom.
"Now, I think we need to revisit a certain setting," He added, tossing his belt to the side and kicking his dress pants to the side, along with his black boxers.
"Wha- huh-" She questioned, semi-dazed from getting spanked only twice. Whatever strength ran through his veins really knocked the wind out of her and replaced it with dopamine.
"Don't play dumb," He chided, slamming his leaking member into her tight cunt causing her to let out a loud cry of pleasure. He continued his harsh pace while pinching and twisting her hard nipples as he marked her neck and collarbone with hickies.
All she could do while he overstimulated her body was moan, mewl, and scream his name. He was fucking the brattiness out of her, reducing her into a brainless whore, but did he care? No, he didn't care. She was going to learn one way or another.
Feeling her walls squeeze and grip on his cock, he smirked, pounding faster into her, pressing a hand to her lower abdomen. Something felt off about it this time; he could feel the bulge, which was normal, but it happened.
As Coryo was fucking his wife's brains out, she pissed while she came and he stopped his ruthless fucking. As y/n was coming down from her sex high, babbling utter nonsense, Coryo watched piss and cum leak from her folds leak onto the bed.
It was... entertaining.
Smirking to himself, he decided to continue fucking himself balls deep into her cunt, which resulted in more cries of pleasure, well more of pain this time, as he fucked y/n harder than ever before. He had to watch it again, no matter how many times it took.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Confessions | Honkai Star Rail
So i've been super into hsr recently and I thought I'd get back to doing longer hcs because those are always fun! This time I left out Welt and Sampo and I'm not sure how I feel about it lol ✧ Includes: Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Blade ✧ Extra: Something a little weird has happened to my Blade lol, he's just a confused man who really likes the reader. It may be ooc- i have no clue
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Dan Heng
For Dan Heng, he doesn’t know how long he’s liked you. He just realized it one day when you said something- a compliment towards him- and he just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Dan Heng’s not the most outward person, so wanting to confess wasn’t something easy for him. He actually needed to prepare, give himself a pep talk and all. His method is invite you to his room and then just tell you- no beating around the bush.
You’re shocked to say the least- I mean it’s DAN HENG. He liked you?! HE CONFESSED?! You sat there for a good minute just staring at him. He looked calm but kinda started panicking on the inside.
“I-I like you too!” You say before he can speak. You were so loud, he jumped a little. Safe to say, he’s extremely happy you accepted because then it would’ve been awkward afterwards.
“Oh good… good.”
Gepard Landau
Everyone knows Gepard likes you before himself. He can say it’s just been a few months but others know it’s been like a year. It’s just the way he acts and stuff.
Gepard has a VERY hard time confessing. He’ll keep trying to do it, but then backs out at the last minute. He’ll keep saying he wants to talk to you about something important then just doesn’t tell you. Finally, one day… it slips out. You two are alone and he barely realizes it until he sees your face.
You’re happy but also shocked. The guy you’ve liked for like ever finally likes you back! Do you go through the statue phase of freezing up and staring? Yes. Did he start panicking because of it? Yes. Your reaction right after was to throw yourself at him and give him a tight hug.
He doesn’t say anything right then and just hugs you back. You not running away, horrified, probably meant you felt the same. That made him happy- so happy he didn’t even know what to do.
“Thank you… for not running away- oh and liking me back.”
Jing Yuan
His feelings had been around for a few months now, he knew pretty much instantly when he was attracted to you. It didn’t take him long to figure out he was in love with you either. It was obvious, his heart pounded when you were around, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, and he was always worried you’d find someone else.
Jing Yuan confesses fancy style. He’ll invite you out to like dinner or something or maybe just to take a late night walk with him. As you’re walking, he’ll coyly bring up the topic of dating and whatnot. You two chat for a bit, then he just admits it. He makes sure to add the “it’s alright if you don’t feel the same way, I won’t be upset.”
Of course, you do feel the same way! Your eyes widen and you gasp as the reality sets in. The General of the Cloud Knights liked YOU! It took a moment to just process his words, and Jing Yuan stood there patiently, giving you time to think. If you were going to say no, that’s fine, he just needed a clear answer. You found it hard to speak but forced the words out, “I-I feel the same.”
Jing Yuan’s over the moon with this newfound knowledge. He’s so happy, he could shout it out from over the rooftops. Honestly! All he can do is give you a tight hug, not wanting to do anything else if you weren’t ready for it- say a kiss.
“I’m glad. We should go on a date then- a proper one.”
Luocha is very good at keeping his feelings to himself. At first, he thought it was just a little crush and it would pass. But it didn’t. It just… kept developing. He tried to manage it, feeling that maybe a relationship right now wasn’t the best option for him. But when his heart would start pounding every time you smiled at him, or his mind went back to you and what you might’ve been doing when you two were apart told me he… maybe didn’t wanna wait.
Luocha’s confession wasn’t exactly grand. I mean, what was there to be super grand about? Especially if you were going to reject him. So he just took you out on a little walk and slyly brought up the topic of relationships. Once you mentioned you didn’t mind being in one, he just said, “will you be in one with me?”
You kinda froze. Deer in headlights situation. You needed a moment to process what he’d just said. He… wanted to date you? WELL GOOD! YOU WANTED TO DATE HIM! You happily nodded, a big giant smile spreading on your face.
There was this emotion he felt when you said you liked him too. Pure, unadulterated happiness. He felt so good about himself, about life, about everything. That emotion spoke volumes and all he could do was hug you. Tightly. 
"I'm glad... because I was really, really nervous you'd say no."
Ok… hear me out. Blade knows he likes you… when he doesn’t hate you. When you ask him for a favor and he says yes. When you hug him and he doesn’t strangle you- honestly, it wasn’t hard for him to know. Kafka teases him and he just ignores her.
Blade… doesn’t know how to confess. He’s not crazy about relationships or… people. So his entire confession was just confusing. You followed absolutely nothing except: “I like you.” You thought he was just admitting he didn’t hate you. That was good news! But you didn’t realize how good it was. “That’s great! I like you too!” You replied to which he crossed his arms, nodded, and said… “we’re dating now.”
Mhm. Yeah. That’s how smooth he is :’) you- you poor soul- didn’t know what he meant at first. So you were beyond shocked when he said what he did. Blade- BLADE- liked you- Y O U- romantically? You liked him too but you never ever expected this. Not in a million years.
You could only manage a dazed nod for a few seconds before a giant smile spread on your face and you practically threw yourself at him. Blade’s usual reaction would be to shove the person away but this was his special person. So… he hugged back.
“That was… rude, I think? Will you go on a date with me?”
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sugoi-writes · 11 months
KNY HCs - A Surprise Kiss! Part 2
Prompt: You give them a kiss unexpectedly; how do they react, when they like you back?
A/N- Next part is here!!! Sorry i struggled to get this part out. This part includes Genya, Nezuko, Obanai, Mitsuri, Gyomei, Tengen, and Muichiro. Let me know if you guys would be interested in a part featuring demons (especially Upper Moons and whatnot). Anyways, this was really fun! Please enjoy! 💗💗💗
Content warning: some implied steaminess for some of the Hashira, and spoilers for the newest season (Sword Village). Proceed with caution if you haven't watched/read ahead! 💀💗💀
He has a hard time around people who are typically femme, but it literally wouldn't matter who or what you were: because you're still his type.
The second you get within 5 ft, he's blushing. The second you touch, his veins are gonna burst in his skull. The second that touch becomes a kiss...
Genya.exe has stopped working.
He is absolutely stunned into silence. He makes no move to continue the kiss or move away. But you seem to be able to tell that he didn't mind it. Not ONE bit.
You would take his hand, apologize for being too forward, and probably make yourself scarce around him. You figure this would be best if you really did overwhelm him.
It would take quite a few days, but similar to Sanemi, he confronts you head on. Whether it's grabbing you by your haori, or slamming his arms on either side of your head... Hes got you trapped. Even though his face is still BEET red...
"I-I don't understand yet... wh-why you'd do that to a guy like me... but..." He would hesitate for a moment, before planting a kiss on your cheek.
" But... I'll try... to become a guy worthy of your kiss."
Even if you try and reassure him, or persuade him into thinking he's a million bucks, he will go over the moon to impress you, protect you, etc. He wants to be better than what you want him to be: he wants to be your equal.
And while it certainly takes him a while to loosen up, his kisses are some of the sweetest and most sincere. He would try to hold your face, every time. He would never truly want to let you go of you and your warm cheeks.
"Hmmm...~ Hmm-hmmm-- mmm?"
Nezuko, who is humming and fixing her hair, is surprised when you kiss her. She'd blink a few times, her cheeks glistening with a rosy blush. She still struggles with most words, but smiles warmly to you.
"Th...tha...! Thank... you... Y/...N-san!"
You practically scream with delight. This would be the first time you heard her say your name!!!
Like many humans, Nezuko is very protective of you. But you find that she hovers around you a little more recentky, similar to how she treats Tanjiro. Almost as if you're a guide, interpreter, or just a person she can confide in, she'll often reach out to be near you. Whether it's holding your pinky with hers, tugging on your haori, or even grabbing your hand, she likes to stay in close proximity, especially if she can make physical connection with you somehow.
She sometimes struggles (mentally) with being close to you, especially in fear that her fangs may injure you, but her kisses are short and sincere. Similar to Shinobu, she would kiss you most anywhere but your lips publically... but every once in a while, you're blessed with direct kisses.
"T...thank goodness... Y-You like me too... Y/N-san...!
Eyes narrowed with steely focus, he would be absorbed in his work, or freshly sheathing his sword. You roughly grasp him by the collar, forcing him to finally look your way.
"What is it you're doi--mmphm?!"
When do you finally get him to shut up? ONLY when you're kissing him. Even with a kiss over his bandages, Obanai flushes vividly, pushing you away. He turns away, checking his bandages hastily.
"NEVER surprise me like that!! You're lucky I didn't have a chance to react properly...!" You were about to apologize, when you see his shoulders relax," hah.... the bandages didn't move, after all..." The relief that floods his voice almost makes you want to cry. You were trying not to pity him, knowing he had his reasons to hide his face. But you wish he didn't feel the desire to keep those bandages on... or better yet, the shame he felt when they came off.
You place a hand on his shoulder, making him tense up.
"Obanai... next time I kiss you... if you're okay with it, i... I wouldn't mind it if it were without your bandages on."
That statement alone has him wide eyed, staring at you with disbelief," I... I don't..." For once, his stoic expression and tone is replaced with one of unease and uncertainty.
"I... I don't know if I'm ready for... that..." he would admit quietly," But... I appreciate the sentiment. I truly do."
You'd smile up/down to him, and place a kiss on his cheek instead," Whenever you're ready. I could wait a thousand years, if you'd have me..." Obanai squints at you, bluntly replying," We'd both be dead by then..."
You smile, winking," Then in the next life, maybe?"
Obanai would flush quietly as you'd walk away, reaching up to gently press the spot you last kissed him at,"... I see... maybe so, Y/N-san... Maybe so...."
BLESS you, if you ever do kiss him without his bandages on. Though his scars may have surprised you at first, it doesn't affect how sweet or chaste his kisses are. And once you receive them in earnest, they never stop... 
Oh, and the over protectiveness with you? Multiply it by 20. People aren't allowed to breathe the same air you do unless he allows it. And your missions, from henceforth, are either accompanied with or monitored by himself or Mitsuri. Almost NO exceptions.
"Y/N! Y/N! Look here, look here!!" Surely, Kanroji has something absolutely adorable to show you. You turn to her quickly, pushing your hair back out of your face.
"What is it, Kanroj--"
The both of you turned too quickly, causing your lips to meet in the middle. Immediately, the two of you pull away from the other. Mitsuri whines, bowing her head rapidly.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry!!! I-I didn't mean to!!"
You have to grasp Mitsuri by her shoulders, before she listens to you again," Kanroji-san!!! It's okay, I promise!!! W-We're friends, after all... accidents happen."
Mitsuri's expression changes slightly, her lip quivering," R-Right... friends..."
You go back to your task at hand, not picking up on her disheartened cue. You notice her squirming beside you after a few moments, making you concerned.
"Mitsuri? Are you ok--"
Your lips meet again. This time... on purpose. Mitsuri clasps your cheeks with both hands, planting a fat kiss on your lips, before pulling away.
"Th-There!!! That one wasn't an accident!!! And that's going to be the first of many... I-- I--! Aaaahh, I don't want to just be friends, Y/Nnnnnn!!! Not anymore!!!" Mitsuri basically wails, making you smile sweetly.
You lean over again to kiss her, soothing her mild tantrum if only for a moment," I dont think I want to be 'just friends' either, Mitsuri... so we're partners now. Okay?"
Mitsuri would nod rapidly, mentally swearing herself to you, for protection and for marriage," Deal!!!!"
She's already planning your wedding. She hints at what kind of ceremony she prefers, or flowers she'd like to have in her decore... little does she know, you've already been saving up for something big... maybe her birthday could double as your wedding day?
But for now, that's wishful thinking. For now, you're quite alright with sneaking quick, heated kisses before major missions, and cuddling your tired, full partner after she gorges on her favorite food.
Neither of you mind. But the both of you know that you're actively working towards a future where there's more to your relationship than sweet kisses and embraces.
In a deep, meditative state, Gyomei sat practically motionless as you quietly approached him. Due to this, he hadn't heard you or your sweet giggles are you inched closer. You had always been his number one, secret admirer... and seeing him so content and serene made you want to kiss him. He just looked so beautiful, dangit!
Even with him sat before you, Gyomei was MUCH larger than you... but no matter!
Nimbly, you were able to wiggle closer, admiring the calm breathing of the Stone Pillar. It wasn't until you brushed your lips against his that his eyes instinctively fluttered open. As if from a deep slumber, Gyomei blinks a few times, dazed," Oh... I'm sorry, is this... Y/N?"
You nod and hum, knowing he knew your voice all too well," Guilty as charged~" Gyomei's eyes watered as he heard a genuine, airy laugh leave you, his hands folding neatly into his lap.
"Ahh... so the pining wasn't one sided, after all...," Gyomei sighs, as if relieved. You blink and audibly swallow, your face heating up.
"I-I guess not, Gyomei-san," you reply in surprise, reaching your hand down to brush a stray tear from his cheek. Had you known he had liked you back, you would have kissed him MUCH sooner...
Gyomei smiles brilliantly, tilting his head up as if to look at you,"... if that is the case, my friend... if you don't mind, I'd like you to join me by my side."
You have to calm yourself down as he pats the space beside him. You take him up his request, sitting and scooting closer until your knee bumped his. You feel a large, warm arm wrap around you, pulling you closer until your head was against his chest. Your face burned as Gyomei chuckled.
"...thank you for taking the initiative, Y/N-san. I admire your forwardness. I just wish I could have made that first kiss more..."
"Special?" You finished, Gyomei nodding back quietly.
"W-Well, that's okay-- I already feel like kissing you, on its own, is very special. But..." You sit up, before crawling into his lap. Gyomei would tense up, flushing as a coy grin makes it way to your face.
"I think we can make the next kiss particularly special... if you'll have me."
Gyomei couldnt reply verbally, as the impulse to kiss you tenderly overshadowed the flowery words and praise he wanted to give you.
His kisses were many, and they would be mostly reserved for your cheeks and temples. But most of all, your kisses would be an assured way to make his heart race. Due to his blindness, kisses feel electrifying to him. Making your kisses together all the more special and intimate for him. He loves you to bits, and would never pass up on a chance to engage with you, especially through touches and those sweet, featherlight kisses. Even if others may be close by...~
Little to anyone's surprise, Tengen is a HUGE flirt. It didn't matter if it was a stranger or his bestie Rengoku: he would relentlessly do and say things that would tetter on raunchy or sappy. This, however, was something you were used to. And at times, you'd welcome it.
Tengen, many times, had made jokes about you becoming his fourth spouse. Quote him: "Afterall, who said polygamy had a 4 person limit~?"
You'd normally roll your eyes, and playfully shove him, not knowing what his other spouses thought of you. But after getting to know him more, and even being over to his estate a few times, the jokes felt more... sincere. As if he were wanting to propose more properly.
So finally, after a particularly rough Hashira meeting, Tengen would look at you again, with a serene look in his eyes," ...Y'know, Y/N... if you ever considered settling down more properly, or commitment in general... I think you'd make a really good spouse. The others think so, too." He would grin, nudging you playfully," Theres always room for one more, yknow~ "
And, after a few quiet moments, you hadn't yet replied. No shoving, no tickling, just... a heavy sigh. Tengen starts to worry he offended you... until you pull him down/up for a kiss.
Tengen, being the good man he is, immediately leans into it, eyes closing on their own. When you finally decide to part for air, you're absolutely beaming.
"Well, while I can't accept your 'proposal' without the others consent... I wouldn't mind being courted. Normally, yknow..." Tengen looks practically speechless, as your arms snake around to hang on his neck.
" How about we start slow... maybe dinner at your place, next time we meet? Im sure the 5 of us have a lot to talk about before we take it too far..."
Tengen, surprised that his forwardness may have actually paid off, smiles tenderly. He pulls away from you, only to take one of your hands. He guides it to his lips and kisses you knuckles, running his thumb in circles along your warm skin.
"Suma, Hina, Makio, and I... we'd be honored, Y/N. Let's shoot for next weekend, then."
"Huh...? What did you want to see me about, again?" Mui would probe, following behind you.
"I-I just wanted to go somewhere more private, to tell you something." You'd reply evenly, a steady blush spreading across your face.
"Is that so... lead the way then, Y... ahh, sorry, Y/N-san." You roll your eyes. Surely he hadn't forgotten your name so easily. Maybe he was teasing you?
As you finally get to a more private area, you turn towards him, face heated," Muichiro... I have to say it."
The mist hashira would look to you, eyes widening," Ahh... did I forget something again...? Sorry... I still struggle... even now, i guess," he would admit, making your knitted brows soften.
"N-No... you didn't forget anything... but..." You lean forward, trying to kiss him on the cheek, before he recoils quickly. You blink in surprise, face twisting in regret. Oh shit... so you were rejected huh... You can't muster any words as he looks at you, bewildered.
"...were you trying to kiss me?"
You were flustered, assuming your hunch was correct, but you nod shamefully. Then, Muichiro pulls you in by your wrist, placing a soft kiss to your lips. You gasp, taken by surprise even as Muichiro lets you go.
"...sorry... I feel like I would be able to treasure your kiss better... if I initiated it. I hope that's alright with you."
The both of you are perfectly flush now, but you smile warmly back to him, pulling him in for a hug," Well, if you ever forget... I can always kiss you again?" Muichiro would have an idea, leaning his head on your shoulder," Mmm... I think I'm in need of a reminder."
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oooo ok ok ok
so what bout a platonic deuce, epel, and lilia with a gn reader that kinda talks out loud to themselves when they play?
like they say how much they want to be this character's brother, or how they bet this character would be a good parental figure, etc. or even when another character says/does something they don't like they kinda just, voice their opinion on it?
just their reaction to reader talking out loud/voicing their thoughts lmao srry if this doesn't make sense
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, violence, description of violence, obsessive themes, religion, war (if you squint)
Deuce Spade/Epel Felmier/Lilia Vanrouge-Player voicing their thoughts whilst playing (PLATONIC!)
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Deuce is a calm guy, they said. Deuce is a chill guy, they said
Well whoever they are haven't seen him when you are around, behind the screen or not
This guy is just happy that you confide in him enough that you voice your thoughts to him
Don't mention that you are just on venting-you-thoughts mode when you play… Like seriously, don't.
He is always more than happy to listen whenever you are talking.
Could be about how much you like his newest card design but could also be about what you want for dinner. Idk? I would recommend something light like banana muffins with blueberries. It's very tasty. Trust me.
If you could see through the coding he would be like “Oh really.” and “You don't say.” or “What? Really?”
What I am trying to say is that he is probably more engaged in this “conversation than most would be
If some poor NPC “interrupts” (aka not heating what he is hearing and starting to talk) he will show them how fragile the ordinary human nose is. In other words, fist meet face. Nose make crack. NPC is screaming.
But on another note, should you voice wishing to be a family member of his, say for example his sibling, he would be over the moon
He is in lalaland, imagining how he and his younger siblings would enjoy their free time together. Heck, probably taking care of some chicks
Oh, and what if you were his older sibling? Like, wow, you would be such a cool role model! You probably wouldn't be a thug like him so that makes you even… cooler (?) in his eyes
Dude over here is having such a great time imagining being your sibling he is low-key looking like he ascended
But then he starts to imagine the darker sides of life
Like how his younger sibling could be bullied in school whilst he is stuck on this island
Or even worse if you are the older one of you two, you might start dating!
I don't know if it is funny or sad that he is feeling a sensation of loss over a sibling he never had
Like bro, chill. Don't beat up that student that looks similar to the imaginary partner you just made up in your mind. They can't be held accountable for your min-OH NO DON… Didn't he want to stop with this?
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Epel is literally frothing at his mouth when he hears your innermost thoughts
Now now, I know this is creepy (like wtf get yourself together man) but I promise he is totally normal (who am I kidding he looks like he has rabies) and is also a totally chill guy (is it obvious that I am lying?)
Religious indoctrination or whatnot
Imagine, you are already isolated in a village filled with religious zealots, always hearing how great that person (you) is
And then they spill everything on their mind to you
Give him a day or two and he will be back to normal… if we ignore that poor student in the corner
Like man, you noted one single time how much you liked this NPCs design and the next thing he knows he is seeing red
It's kinda like seeing your favorite family member favoring that one annoying cousin who is related to you over five corners
Has a notebook and writes everything he deems important down… which is a lot to be fair (but let the guy have his weird hobby, ok?)
But then you mention how you wish you were a family member of his and oh my god I think he is this close to breaking the fourth wall for real this time
This hits home to him
Remember how I told you about his village's eight lines higher than this one? Yeah.
There had been others his age but they were little to none and his village is in the middle of nowhere so…
But we also know how much he loves his grandma so it is a given that he would cherish you as well
Also, his god saying that they would want to be related to him. Ugh. He is honored so much that it is disgusting
But I could see this isolation and certain closeness you only get with a sibling also being not so good for you
What if you like the other villagers your age more than him? What if his girly appearance drives you away from him? (Bro u probably more dangerous with those looks than without them bc no one expects you to be able to throw hands but go on)
This leads to more and more self-doubts until he more or less bursts and just turns into someone no one wants to be around because of how aggressive he is
Thank god for the fourth wall or else you wouldn't see him like his old, not-so-destructive self anymore
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Lilia is… something
His interest in you isn't purely romantic. It started out as something more like him holding onto something so he wouldn't go mad during “those days” *add fire noises and screaming in the background*
So it's more of a “I BETTER BELIEVE IN SOMETHING OR ELSE I MIGHT LOOSE MY MIND” than “Omg I am such a good follower te-he” situation
Little to no one has had access to the Overseer's thoughts and he is just randomly hearing them whilst thinking about what to make for dinner
Like Epel, he is pretty intense when it comes to you. Difference is that Epels “interest” in you stems from a place of… let's say religious views and Lilias from “those days” *fire noises and screaming in the background intensifies*
But unlike the guy who more or less shares his height and is a cotton candy version of himself concerning their hair he doesn't write down your thoughts
Oh no
This guy listens to it like he is hearing the world's greatest opera singer perform live in front of him
Thank goodness no one other than the other Diasomnia students mention your ramblings or else there would be heads flying
What? Can't a guy hope to have some special link to his deity? God, you all are so cold. Can't you even try to see his perspective? (I am joking please don't do what he does your reaction is totally valid)
But then you once mentioned how much you want to be part of his little family and whoops- there went his sanity
What if he had adopted you and Silver at the same time?
Wouldn't that be the cutest?
Sebek is almost screaming when he suddenly hears *ahem* LILIA-SAMA cooing at nothing out of nowhere
You two would be so cute growing up together and he would be the one honored to be this close to some kind of reincarnation of his God
But- but what if he was the only one knowing who you truly were? The other Faes (Malleus and Sebek being the exceptions) can't hear you so what if… what if you were also seen as some sort of weird outsider like Silver?
Don't get him wrong, the Faes have never shown hostility to his son but there was always that certain distance, Sebek and his family being one of the few accepting the young silver-haired knight as he was
Suddenly Lilia feels a certain kind of rage bubbling up to the surface like he hadn't felt in a long time
Silver… uh… you better hide that meatclea- *coughcough* I mean, legendary sword from your father
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meringuemorgue · 10 days
Pick-A-Card: Channeled Messages From Your Past Life Spouse
Hello and Welcome! In this reading we will find out what your past life spouse wants to say to you. Take a deep breath and choose between these three piles. Trust your intuition!
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Groups are from left to right.
Group 1:
I see ships, seas, and sailors. There’s a lot of noise, so the ship must be preparing for a long journey. I’m also seeing festive gowns, specifically a pink one with flowers sewn onto it. You could have been on this ship and sailed somewhere for a vacation or a better life in general.
“Oh, what I would do to hold you in my arms again. This journey changed a lot in us: you always were reckless, unstoppable, uncatchable, you always wanted to be on the go. Me? I’ve always liked my solitude. I’d much rather read a book, smoking a cigar, and sipping on a fine whiskey than to go and dance and whatnot. I don’t know how you convinced me to go on this journey, but I wish you hadn’t. Maybe our lives would have turned out differently. I wouldn’t have lost you. Where are you? I keep missing you, but I don’t even know if you’re there. I’m here. Stuck. Alone. With my demons and a bottle of whiskey I used to love. You’re gone. You’re gone. I need to accept that. But how? How can I? I can’t drown this love. I can only cloak it, fog it. I’m lost without you. [their energy is extremely heavy. If they are incarnated during this lifetime, they might suffer from substance abuse and/or other form of addiction. I would say they pretty much need your help if you are willing to help them. Some ways that you could help them is sending a message (telepathically if you don’t know them during this lifetime) that you are here, and you will be there for them as they get their life together again].
Group 2:  
It feels like they are your spouse in every lifetime. It feels like you are always together. Even if not as a spouse, they are there as your friend, a mentor, a family member, and so on and so forth. Therefore, it is likely you will also meet in this lifetime if you haven’t already. You have a deep spiritual connection and understanding of each other. They are possibly your Twin Flame or Soulmate or of any other spiritual connection you find to be deep.
“Your softness and the softness of your touch… Take my hand. Let’s run away. Let’s run away to our safe haven. You know the one we kept a secret? The one only we knew about? The best days were spent there. Oh, how I wish to get back there. The things we shared, your warm embrace and soft lips… This is enough to make a sane man go insane. You drive me crazy. I’m head over heels for you. You can have me. All of me. Like you always did.”
Group 3:
I’m getting poets, love letters’ vibes, so your past life spouse could have been a poet who wrote you multiple love letters. They feel very gentle, very passionate and very relaxed, also quite spiritual or religious. They are smart and could have been quite the handyman around the house. I’m hearing vows from the Corpse Bride, so this could mean they love you like that – deeply and surely. Also there could have been a third party between you in that lifetime, but your spouse neither you gave into them and kept on being loyal to one another.
“If I wrote a letter to the other side, do you think you would receive it? If I wrote another letter to my other half, do you think they would read it? If I screamed at the top of my lungs that I am yours and only yours, would you hear it? My love…My love for you is endless, it is vast as if it is the Universe itself. My love for you has no beginning and no end – it’s infinite like the stars that you can’t count at night. You are like the Sun, illuminating me like the Moon. You are my guiding light, my guiding star.”
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karoochui · 7 months
What im hearing is:
Little crow feet outside my window bcs im feeding them- that’s besides the point!
Is there magic??? His shovel looks magic and they look magic
And do give me every detail you are thinking of for the series even if its in the distant future or not that relevant but you want to share
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Crows!! Cute!! Also sorry i didnt get to this sooner my laptop BROKE (still broken but usable) and my mom and i have been looking for someone to fix it. Ive been drawing with it sparingly to be careful.
YES there is magic. Of course im still working on this storywise but im getting characters designs n whatnot done right now. Dynamics n stuff. BUT i do have some refs i made before my laptop broke.
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I like to draw out certain stuff so that it helps with descriptions in the future; i have the worst memory so it helps to be able to do so. (More beneath cut)
Im so excited for moon's shadow form. Oh my god. Its probably my favorite thing right now.
Fun thing about it is that in this form he can touch you but you cant touch him. Something something you can be cast in shadow but you cant take it off yk? He's still light sensitive like this though, so if the area hes in isn't dark enough or he's hit with anything too bright he just reverts back. At that point he'd just have to rely on normal hand to hand stuff and his sand lol. The shadow form is just better for sneaking and speed. Really, he's some amalgamative idea of the sandman and boogieman. I thought it fit well with his whole "naptime attendant gone wrong" thing.
Sun's design, however, is more like if you mixed a cowboy, wizard, and gravedigger together. I made it a while ago on a whim with no intention behind it but then i ended up thinking "ykw would be so awesome".
The hat dips to cover the crescent side of his face (not intentional on his part) to symbolize his resentment towards moon and how he basically damned him to an hourglass. His eyes are easier to see bc of this which could seem more trusting (eyes are the window to the soul or whatever), but the thing is thats not normal for him (as we know) so it's meant to make him look suspicious and looming to 4th wall viewers. There's also the fact that i just thought it was cool too.
He also doesn't get a second form. Moon's sneaky and weird so i thought it would fit to give him some freaky thing iykwim. Sun, however, is a pretty "in your face" kinda guy, so his look and fight style is more extravagant and boisterous. Lots of swinging amd yelling and boom bang zap! Despite the showiness he's actually a longer range fighter. Mainly because unlike moon, thousands of years ago, he wasn't often one to get violent with his hands. His weapon is just obnoxiously large too though.
They are still one animatronic and their transformation is still triggered by light. Instead of an AI chip though (which is still in there but long dead), they live through the work of a soul. They're still physically inorganic but as far as spiritually they're as close as they're gonna get to being human. Their life and functionailty is derived from the magic itself, not the machinery. Like if for some reason they lost all their magic they'd just drop dead from a battery life long since drained.
The hourglass has a carousel-like design to it purely as reference to moon's level in Help Wanted 2.
Sorry for rambling so much but this is what i've got for you so far! I have a general idea for the plot but im tryna to make it more than what it is rn, so i dont wanna share too much of that just yet in case i change or completely toss away an idea.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Platonic Phoebe and Trevor x Gary Grooberson’s teen kid reader and adjusting to being stepsiblings?
OH MY GOD YES BRO RJSKDMSNSN ; I did my best pls bare w this 💀💀💀
SPENGLER SIBLINGS ; stepsiblings
summary ; youre Gary's kid and you have to adjust with two new stepsiblings
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; your mom is nonexistent/Gary adopted you. it's not a topic brought up at all I don't think but you can choose, ik some people don't like kid of ___ reader or ____ sibling reader so beware lol, takes place between afterlife and frozen empire so no spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched gbfe yet, reader can drive/is around Trevor's age
word count ; 675
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it's so awkward at first
especially since you've never had siblings before so it's like they're teenage roommates
like okay your parents are dating or whatever but like, ew?
except you're living with them, not the other way around
both gary and callie are trying to urge you to interact but it's just not happening
you're not really a ghostbuster either, you aren't smart in the sciences and aren't into the whole ghost thing anyways
you're more into traditional ghosts anyways, not the ones that show up in broad daylight and need to be trapped by proton barriers
it's very rough at first
you connect with phoebe first, as a once in a blue moon experience happened, she wanted to act like a normal 14yo and go get ice cream
Callie couldn't take her because she was busy helping trevor with work stuff and told her to ask you
she was like 🤨 and like... "okay?-"
she asks and you look at her like 🤨😊
you guys go get ice cream and she tells you all about the shit you pass on the way there and back home
you surprisingly end up bonding over the struggle of talking to others like normal people and being well reserved with little to no friends
then comes the bonding over a certain book you both liked
the whole car ride home is oasis on the radio and chatter about this book, and going the longest possible way home because you didn't want this bonding moment to end
you sat in the car after phoebe got out, just sitting in silence
you were kind of in awe yet saddened the moment had ended because you were bonding so well
after that she clearly sees you in a new light and looks to you for your wisdom and clear view of the world when she's wrapped in her own madness and needs untangled
you were the trusting older sibling she needed since trevor never really understood the proper being there for your sister thing
they're proper siblings and whatnot but it's not like they go to each other if it's not to shit talk people
you're like their mediator and therapist sibling
getting through to trevor was much harder
you ended up finding him a job and he was like 🤨😒 when you showed him
"oh- uhm, sorry. I was just trying to be nice" and you quickly scramble away
he's just confused cause like ??? you never talked, he didn't even know how you knew he was looking for a job
he comes into your room a couple hours later like "Hey sorry I acted all weird, thanks"
and that's it
bonding with him is so hard, and Gary and Callie are like "okay go fucking do something"
you're all (spengler-groobersons + podcast bc phoebe needed a friend her age) out at an amusement park, and these mfs ditched yall at the carousel next to the bathrooms
and they weren't picking up their phones
you were basically forced to interact now, which was much less awkward in an amusement park
you guys ride some rides and get some food as you frequently call your parents
you finally find them, phew
but you two obviously made a little friendship and had fun together
took a little longer to get used to each other but you're fine now
awkward teenager shit yk?
in general, the three of you now are super close
trevor is your hype man when it comes to talking to people or doing something out of your comfort zone
phoebe is your hype man when you talk to her about maybe wanting to be a ghostbuster / study ghosts
you're the driver for the three of you, callie doesn't trust Trevor with driving, considering how he was driving the ecto1 when he first got it usable again, and obviously, phoebe can't drive
after a few years you're basically just like normal siblings
you three have a sibling group chat and it's 90% you sending memes, Trevor sending random tik tok links and phoebe begging you two to stop blowing up her phone
spenglerson siblings 🔛🔝
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 5 months
the babbit masterpost
HELLO welcome to the Babbit's Blog masterpost!!! On this post you'll find some fun facts about yours allegedly (me <33), some ref's for my different 'sona's, and a couple links to my fics and whatnot! Are you ready? No?? Excellent neither am i let's do this
Meet the Babbits!: the self-inserts/personas
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the first ref is for my general/most commonly used persona, Babbit! They aren't really an anthro/furry as much as they are a humanoid with the head of a rabbit. I like to think of this one as the 'me' that's in my head- the purest form of my thoughts and feelings, but not the solid real-life me. The second ref is my self-insert persona, Rabbit, the one i picture using most often when i'm reading a fic or imagining a self-insert scenario lol. This one is like the me that people see and meet and speak to in real actual life, if that makes sense. It's the way I come across to people and all of the things I wish I could iron out of my crumpled up real-self <3 The third is a much more specific 'sona, Hazel, who started off as a FNaF:SB animatronic self-insert. She does have a backstory and lore now, which i think makes her more of an OC than a self-insert, but a lot of her is still me and a lot of what she experiences in her backstory is from my life/instills the same feelings that were taken away from things that happened to me, so I think she kinda counts enough to put a ref for her here sdkjfsdhfj (Why the different names?: makes things a little easier, and they hold meaning to me symbolically, I guess!)
Content!: Here's a short list of my various fics that will get updated as I create more! (it was, in reality, not fine.): FNaF Sun/Moon x Reader fanfic, gender neutral, for general audiences, fluff-fest, idiots to lovers "You're the new tech/repairman at the Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex, unfortunately. Your first task? To make the Daycare Attendant into two separate animatronics. It's an amazing opportunity, really, and there is nothing you love more than getting a chance to really work with such tech! The only bad part is that you don't know how to tell anyone that you just might be in over your head. (You are extremely in over your head.)" After Everything Was Fixed (but you were still broken): AU FNaF Sun/Moon x (Animatronic) Reader, gender neutral, read with caution, angst, harm to sentient robots, traumatized main character, hurt/comfort slow burn, romance slow burn "The virus was gone. Everyone was fixed. You had been put back together. It's a time for a new beginning, to do things right this time, to wash away the past and paint a better future. Their memories of the infection had- mercifully- been taken away from them. Yours had not. He doesn't understand why you try to avoid him. Even if you could tell him, you're not sure you would. You want to be his friend, but it's difficult; every time you see him, you remember the hundreds of times he killed you." A fic where you are a repairman-themed STAFFbot, taking place post-virus. In the past, Moon, infected by the virus, took delight in attacking and dismantling the reader during the night. Now, in the present, you find yourself burdened by the memories of the past while everyone around you has no recollection of the events. It gets more complicated as Sun and Moon, both now cleared of the virus, grow curious of you. This fic will follow a series of arcs, presently on arc one. For anyone curious, feel free to send an ask about the arcs in 'After Everything Was Fixed'! The Sun, the Moon, and the Blazing Comet (title subject to change): AU FNaF Sun/Moon/Eclipse x Reader, gender neutral, teen and up audiences, travel/journey, betrayal, hurt/comfort slowburn, reconciling, themes of breaking the mold, found family (TBA) Hold My Broken Hands (title subject to change): AU FNaF Sun/Moon x Reader, gender neutral, mature audiences, dark romance, dark comedy, severe bodily harm, mutilation, murder, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, lovesick (TBA)
My AU's!: i'm going to make a Babbit-AUs-Masterpost and then put the link here i swear, i just have so many im sorry jdfhsjdfhs (like more than twenty)
Fandoms!: I enjoy, have been in, made or make content for: Pokemon Undertale FNaF Creepypasta (YEAH I KNOW LET ME LIVE OKAY) My Little Pony (I KNOW OKAY LEAVE ME ALONE) Steven Universe Star Trek Warrior Cats i'm sure theres more but i just forgot everything i have ever liked wheeeeeze
Whomst the hell?: HI I'm Rabbit! Or Bones! Or Babbit! Or Avarice/Ava, if you want to go for a more legitimate-sounding name. I'm 24 years old, prefer to use they/them pronouns, and so, so incredibly ace. I've been drawing as long as I've had the ability to hold a pen, writing since I was in grade school, and being a plague to the ones around me since the beginning of time! If you've seen my art, its probably from the absolute mountain of fluffy-wuffy love-dovey (y/n) x Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipse doodles I've been sharing for several years now sdfjhsdj. If you've heard of my fics, it was probably the one I made just for fun that's now turned into an actual fanfiction that I enjoy writing, the silly-lovey-fluff incarnate (it was, in reality, not fine.) !
Likes n Dislikes!: I'm a sucker for sap, fluff, and lots and lots of love-dovey bullshit! I also like stories about finding oneself and monsters being befriended or loved. I like space, aliens, robots, the odd and strange, injecting humanity into things not human, monsters, creatures, animals, the fae, concepts of spirits and karma and the afterlife, and more! I dislike 'fanservice', most anime tbh LOL it's not personal I just don't enjoy it im srry, FLY BABIES i know they have an actual name but i hate that word too pls just dont i will scream, sexually aggressive/forceful content/characters, being made to feel small, dumb, or trapped,
Other!: I have a pretty high gross-out tolerance! I also have a pretty high 'wow that's messed up huh' tolerance, in that sometimes I will just say stuff that's super grim or dark or messed up and not realize it lmao. I am full of random facts and anecdotes, especially weird or gross ones! sometimes i get on tangents that can go for actual hours so pls forgive that lol
bonus persona: crybaby
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