#to just watch and listen to other users until you learn how what’s going on in the space
butchmartyr · 28 days
a lot of older norms for internet and site etiquette are shit but you know what was good that we need to bring back? lurking. you need to lurk moar
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les4elliewilliams · 4 months
Ellie is away... // e.w
chapter 1 – 2002, Senior year High school
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a/n: helooo:)) okay so this is my first series and first time actually writing something, i'm aware its not the best but its just for fun so idrc. im new to tumblr and i'm still trying to figure everything out so, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. this is based off the game emily's away. also i know youtube wasn't really a thing back in 2002 but for my own sake, please, lets pretend it was. wc/cw: 1.6k. swearing, mention of drugs (just ellie saying she wants to get high) loser!ellie(??) don't know but anyways they're both simps but too scared to make a move on each other. no smut but still MDNI.
summary: a time before skype and facebook, windows xp just came out and Windows Messenger was the thing of the moment. you just got a new computer to chat with your friends
➥ part two
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since windows xp came out everyone's been talking about this new instant message thing that lets you chat with your friends, everyone had it, your friends, your whole school had made an account on it, hell even your teachers used it, everyone except you and that was because you didn't even own a computer in the first place. you've begged and begged your parents until they got you one, you didn't care what kind of computer it was, even the cheapest and the shittiest worked for you as long as you could chat with your friends it was safe to say that they bullied you into getting one you made an account and signed in, typing in the search bar their weird usernames to add them to your 'friends list'. you made sure to write all their usernames down on a piece of paper before you rushed home, Ellie even had to explain to you how to do it. you picked a random icon for your profile and tried your best to pick a not so stupid and childish username who thought that picking a username for your account would be so hard? shit, you swore you probably spent more time picking a user than on your math problems and you weren't even that good in math.
you made sure to include your name in it so that your friends would recognize you and not freak out when they saw a friend request from a certain somebody
dinathedrummer ⇨ friend request sent.
jessescool ⇨ friend request sent.
brickmaster ⇨ friend request sent.
now you just had to wait until they accepted your request. meanwhile you just navigated on the internet, trying to learn a thing or two about your new computer, it was so odd but addictive.
you nearly jump when you hear a sound coming from your computer and something popping up in the right corner of your screen
brickmaster has accepted your friend request!
you eagerly click on it and it immediately leads you to the chat, your fingers aggressively hitting the keycaps almost too enthusiastic to chat with your friend Ellie (as if you don't see her daily)
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brickmaster has signed in.
ynshere: Ellll!!! hiii
brickmaster: aboutt freaking time ynshere: right ynshere: but hey ynshere: better later than never, right?
brickmaster: yeah yeah brickmaster: nice icon by the way brickmaster: so, whats up??
ynshere: nothing really, just talking to you ynshere: what are you up to?
brickmaster: nothin, just listening to music :)
ynshere: ew what's that
brickmaster: rude brickmaster: it's called smiley face brickmaster: i really gotta teach you everything don't i?
ynshere: shut up ynshere: i know what it's called, i'm not stupid
brickmaster: you sure about that?
ynshere: positive :P
brickmaster: ooooh brickmaster: look at yn go
ynshere: shut it ynshere: so what are you listening to? ynshere: your depressing music again?
brickmaster: you're one to talk brickmaster: my grandma got the same music taste as you brickmaster: even Joel got better taste than you
ynshere: okay and
brickmaster: and you'd be nothing without me brickmaster: let me educate you brickmaster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vabnZ9-ex7o
ynshere: not bad
brickmaster: told you brickmaster: it's one of my favorite
ynshere: not that good either
brickmaster: now you're just being delusional brickmaster: remind me why we're friends again
ynshere: because i'm great and you love me
brickmaster: don't know about that
ynshere: and because i let you copy my homework every single day
brickmaster: yep, that's the one
ynshere: i hate you Williams
brickmaster: sorry can't hear you over my depressing music
ynshere: i hope Joel takes your computer away again
brickmaster: oh hell no brickmaster: it took me 2 weeks to get it back brickmaster: you have no idea of what i had to do to get it back
ynshere: lmao now i really wanna know
brickmaster: had to spend time with him hiking and watching action movies with him brickmaster: i even had to help out the neighbor, take care of his garden and all that shit, even take care of his goddamn dog (nothing against the pup he was such a good boy) but still brickmaster: he's so against technology he really expects us to live like dinosaurs and those primitive dudes
ynshere: lol yeah my mum's the same way ynshere: are you going to Jesse's party tonight?
brickmaster: of course i'm going brickmaster: his parties are always fun brickmaster: and i really wanna get high tonight brickmaster: are you?
ynshere: well if you’re going i am too ynshere: it’s crazy we’re already having end of school parties
brickmaster: dude brickmaster: can't wait for highschool to be over
ynshere: ahh same here ynshere: i'm so over this school
brickmaster: yeah same brickmaster: you know Cat from our math class? brickmaster: she won’t stop messaging me brickmaster: we've been messaging for days
ynshere: what does she want?
brickmaster: nothin she just wants to talk brickmaster: she said she thinks i'm cool brickmaster: like i don't know that already
ynshere: you're so damn cocky ynshere: you ain't even cool
brickmaster: what? brickmaster: jealous?
ynshere: of what? ynshere: there's nothing to be jealous of
brickmaster: cause i'm the coolest and you're just a loser
ynshere: yeah yeah keep talking ynshere: so you like like her?
brickmaster: she's pretty and all but i don't know brickmaster: too clingy
ynshere: wait ynshere: is it THAT Cat ynshere: the girl with the tattoo?
brickmaster: yep brickmaster: the one Dina hates
ynshere: oh yeah ynshere: don't like her either
brickmaster: now you're just being mean
ynshere: bitch you're the first who called her clingy
brickmaster: i was describing her
ynshere: and i was just telling you how i feel about her
brickmaster: uh oh someone’s mad
ynshere: you're making me regret getting a computer in the first place
brickmaster: i'm kidding i'm kidding brickmaster: you're just so easy to mess with
ynshere: uh huh ynshere: fuckk just one more month to graduation brickmaster: man don't remind me brickmaster: we're getting old brickmaster: did you pick a school yet?
ynshere: didn’t get accepted into my reach school :( ynshere: so i'm just going to one of the others ynshere: i don't mind though, anything’s better than high school. where are you gonna go?
brickmaster: aw man i'm sorry, i remember you telling me how bad you wanted to get into that school brickmaster: going to art school :)
ynshere: yeah makes sense ynshere: you always liked drawing after all ynshere: and you're also very talented
brickmaster: thank you brickmaster: took me some time to convince Joel but eventually he gave in ynshere: i'm glad he did ynshere: would've been a waste of talent ynshere: i still have the drawing you made for me two years ago  :) brickmaster: lol really?? brickmaster: i wasn't even that good back then but i got better
ynshere: dude you joking right ynshere: it's literally so accurate and you even managed to make me look pretty
brickmaster: lol i'm serious brickmaster: i can do so much better now brickmaster: maybe i should draw you again sometime
ynshere: i mean i am an excellent muse so why not
brickmaster: totally brickmaster: can't believe you kept it
ynshere: of course i did, it's so pretty ynshere: no one has ever made me a drawing before lol
brickmaster: glad to be your first ;)
ynshere: god that thing is horrendous
brickmaster: you literally used it a few minutes ago
ynshere: maybe Joel was right ynshere: technology really is bad for you ynshere: are you starting to see things, Williams?
brickmaster: oh please brickmaster: this is why no one likes you
ynshere: seriously though ynshere: you promise to be there for me even if we won't see each other everyday? ynshere: you're my best friend i don't wanna lose you  :(
brickmaster: shut up you're literally one of my best friends brickmaster: nothing could ever keep me from talking to you brickmaster: who’s gonna annoy you when i leavee
ynshere: right ynshere: i’d be miserable without you ynshere: asshole
brickmaster: here we go with the pet names again brickmaster: stop flirting its working on me
ynshere: see what i mean ynshere: i could never go without all this ynshere: you're like one of the few people who made high school tolerable
brickmaster: same goes for you stupid brickmaster: you made it fun
ynshere: i know ynshere: who's miserable without me now?
brickmaster: shut up you dork brickmaster: Dina’s coming over in a few so we can head to the party together
ynshere: alright so i'll see you two there?
brickmaster: yep i'll see you there brickmaster: think Cat is gonna be there too? brickmaster: what if she wants to hang out with us
ynshere: don't know El ynshere: she’ll definitely be there ynshere: you don't want her around?
brickmaster: i mean, i don't know brickmaster: i don't wanna be a prick
ynshere: you are a prick ynshere: just tell her you're not interested
brickmaster: yeah i think i will brickmaster: or i could just avoid her, she’ll get the hint, right?
ynshere: or you could just tell her ynshere: why so scared?
brickmaster: i just don't wanna be mean and hurt her i guess brickmaster: but it's whatever. i'll tell her i don't like her that way brickmaster: it's better than leading her on
ynshere: mhm ynshere: look at you being mature
brickmaster: shut up brickmaster: shit, Dina’s here brickmaster: see you soon?
ynshere: see you soon ;)
brickmaster: oh look you just did it again
ynshere is away. brickmaster: of course you'd do that. brickmaster is away.
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¡! daily click・palestine masterpost・do not buy any game from naughty dog, neil druckmann is a zionist・more daily clicks. ¡!
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Between You and Me
A prompt from @bloodgulchblog for the phrase "Between you and me, Big guy's a little shy." Very much inspired by this art from reddit user InvalidMedia - check it out.
If he closed his eyes, he could inhale the morning air and listen to the trill of insects and imagine he's home. He remembers the air of Charybdis IX away from Scyllion and other loud mining towns, full of life. Down from the wharf and up the river where the water made the air damp and the vegetation softened the sound of progress. Zeta Halo's air clings to him now. A second skin, or really a third, since he feels covered in dirt, sweat, and who knows what else.
There's no sound of a river. Only the slow flowing water swirling in the retention pond before him and a handful of other marines. Too perfect to be natural. Too clear to pass up. It was a bathing day. Some stood guard while those who drew the first straws bathed in the cool morning mist. He'd have preferred to have gone later or maybe in the midday sun when it wasn't so cold. But beggars can't be choosers, a little bracing water is good for the body.
And it would help with any stray thoughts about Chief as one of their lookouts. There wasn't anything going on between them except Fernando's twisted hope that he was worth caring about Chief and that Chief would learn to care about himself. It didn't matter now. It wasn't the time.
He wasn't the only Spartan on duty, but he drew the most eyes. Fernando almost wanted to laugh. He'd never bathed under armed guard before.
He stripped quickly a few feet from the shore and made his way into the water with little complaint. He couldn't help the hiss at the cold but he dunked himself under the surface quickly and came up with his teeth chattering. A quick bath then.
Scrubbing himself with a rag from his supplies and some sand from the shore made him reminisce about camping. They had to make do. He tried not to wrinkle his nose in disgust as the water turned filthy around him. Others were having the same issue, if the loud calls and splashing were anything to go by. He scratched at his beard and waded a little further in to dunk himself in a cleaner spot.
He wasn't expecting slippery metal beneath the silt and a sudden drop. He sank beneath the surface with a yelp and flailed back up clumsily. Just in time to notice the attention he attracted.
Chief was already past the shoreline and moving towards him when Fernando resurfaced and cleared his airways.
The cool water did nothing to stop the color in his cheeks as Chief nodded at him and returned to his post.
Some other crew swam up to check on him as well and he tried waving them off, but to no avail.
"Chief's got his eye on you. Thought he was going dive in after you went down." One marine said, grinning goodnaturedly.
"I'd hope he'd take the armor off first." Another marine shot back.
"You're his pilot, right?"
"His pilot?"
"Yeah! One he calls in and brings us vehicles. You're that guy."
"Uh, yeah. That's me!" He chuckles nervously. He's incredibly aware of how he must look like a drowned rat.
"You must know him pretty well."
"I-I mean. He saved me? But he does that for everyone."
"Come on guys, leave the pilot alone. We got a few minutes left before we're out and some of you look as bad as you did before getting in."
That gets the small crowd to disperse and Fernando breathes a sigh of relief. Until he realizes there's one last hanger-on. It's some young ensign type, barely had any weapons training before it all went to hell.
"What's he like?" He nods to Chief and Fernando's heart speeds up. "He hovers around you. It's kind of funny watching marines follow him when he's always following you."
Fernando swallows. "Between you and me? Big guy's a little shy."
The ensign nods solemnly like he's being trusted with top secret info. And maybe in a way he is.
He swims off to trail after his buddies and leaves Fernando still thinking about his words. Chief stayed. He always comes back, or checks in. Even when Fernando doesn't think he's worth it.
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despicablebisexual · 1 year
$5 | Caesar Zeppeli x Reader
Joseph really should have learned to listen to Suzie Q when she told him to knock...
warnings: afab reader, EXPLICIT SMUT mdni, betting, cursing, Joseph Joestar is a perv
set during battle tendency (part 2), all characters are 18+ years old
a/n: I've been on a Caesar fics binge lately, pls give my lover some attention
A wasted day.
That's all Joseph could think. He was wasting his one free day away.
Lisa Lisa decided to have mercy on the occupants of Air Supplena island and let everyone take the day off. She had business to attend to in Venice all day and wouldn't arrive back home until dinner time. When she left, Joseph begged Loggins and Messina to loosen the reins and leave the young adults alone. After some (shameful) begging on Joseph's part, the instructors gave in and left them alone. The only condition was to leave them to their all-day poker tournament in the library of the mansion. They told them if any funny business happened, they would not defend the young adults against Lisa Lisa.
"Alright! Now then lads, let's say we kick the day off by getting into the wine c-"
Joseph stopped mid-sentence when he noticed his two fellow Hamon users nowhere to be found.
That was about four hours ago. It's 1pm on the hottest day of the year in Venice, and Joseph had nothing to do. He had been trying to entertain himself with cards but could hardly focus since he was so bored.
"I know... I'll find Suzie Q! Then we can track down y/n and Caesar."
Joseph smirked to himself as he set off in search of the girl who had captured his heart. Besides her shyness, she was quite the jokester herself. He searched all throughout the mansion before finally spotting her in the laundry room.
"Suize Q!"
"Ah, Jojo! You scared me! Don't sneak up on me like that."
She playfully smacks his chest before turning back to folding the laundry in front of her. Joseph stands behind her and watches her.
"Jojo, if you came to watch me fold laundry, then the least you could do is offer to help me instead of staring."
Joseph snorts before he brushes the hair out of his face.
"I wasn't staring... I came to ask if you had seen y/n and Caesar! The two rats fled on me before I could even suggest what we do today."
"I believe I saw them in their swimsuits, heading for the pool earlier."
Suzie Q continues folding the laundry while Joseph stands behind her with a confused look.
"Swimming? Why would they go swimming without me?"
Suzie Q giggles at Joseph, not even bothering to turn around. When she turns around to place some folded towels on the shelf next to her, she sees Joseph's look of confusion.
"Oh my, Jojo! Do you really not know?"
"Know what," he says as he furrows his eyebrows.
"Why Caesar and y/n would go swimming without you, silly." Suzie Q laughs again but Joseph is steadily getting more impatient.
"What's the big idea?! Do they not like me or something?" He's starting to fume at this point.
Suzie Q sets down the laundry and laughs hard. "Jojo, you are so funny! It's not that they don't like you, it's that they like each other."
Joseph's jaw drops and Suzie Q laughs as hard as she possibly could at his reaction.
"How could you not notice that your two best friends are dating each other? Everyone in the house knows!"
"Everyone?!! Knows?!! Caesar and y/n... are dating?!!"
Joseph clutches the side of his face. Suzie Q's laughter has died down at this point and is instead replaced with shock.
"How did you find out?! Who told you?"
"Y/n and I spend a lot of time together when the three of you aren't training. Women talk, it's just what we do."
Joseph is baffled at this point.
"I don't believe you. I would bet $5 on it that you're wrong," he states plainly.
Suzie Q shakes her head as she chuckles.
"Follow me, Jojo."
Joseph Joestar might not be the smartest person in any given room, but there was no possible way that he could miss something like his two best friends dating. As him and Suzie Q trekked through the mansion, he began to think aloud.
"Caesar and y/n, really?? But she's so mature and strong and sensible, and he's not."
Suzie guides them through the kitchen and onto the back patio. She stops and turns to him. "Sometimes, love is found in the last person you expected." She smiles so hard at him, her eyes crinkle. Joseph blushes as they continue walking. Heading through the small flower garden, they reach the pool. Caesar and y/n are nowhere in sight.
"Hmm... I know I saw them in their swimsuits, y/n was wearing that beautiful green one that looks amazing on her!"
Suzie Q and Joseph looked around for a moment. That's when Joseph noticed two sets of wet footprints by the back door that had not dried yet due to being in the shade.
Joseph grabbed Suzie Q's arm. "There, Suzie! Let's follow the path they took."
Without even waiting for an answer, Joseph took off with Suzie in tow. He followed the water trail through the kitchen, into the hallway, up the stairs, through the corridors before finally landing in front of Caesar's room. He put his hand on the doorknob. He went to turn, but Suzie Q grabbed a hold of his wrist and stopped him.
"Jojo! We can't just barge in! They're a couple, what if they are..." Her cheeks flushed as she abandoned the thought.
"Nonsense, I walk into Caesarino's room all the time and he has yet to been in there with y/n. I'm telling you Suzie; they aren't a couple." And with that firm statement, he turned the doorknob and entered the room.
Upon entry, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Caesar's bed was made, the curtains were drawn open to let sunshine in, and all his items were in place. The only thing out of the ordinary was a towel that sat on the bed. When Joseph's picked it up, he could smell the chlorine on it still.
"See Suzie Q! Only one towel; Caesar's towel. If they were together, her towel would be in here with his."
Suzie Q shook her head. "I guess you are right, Jojo. Perhaps we're all mistaken, and they aren't together."
Unsatisfied with her defeat, Joseph grabs her hand. "I'll prove to you that I'm right, perhaps y/n is still in her room. I'm getting to the bottom of why they left without me now."
The duo exits the room and Joseph marches them down the hall to y/n's room. She had been placed on the other side of the large hall to afford her privacy from the two boys.
Again, Joseph doesn't knock and bursts into the room. "Oh y/n," he says in a sing-songy voice.
When they enter, they can hear the shower in y/n's ensuite bathroom running. The door is cracked open just enough to let the steam escape.
"Jojo, she's in the shower! Give her some privacy. Such a pervert!"
Joseph sighs and turns on his heel to exit the room with Suzie Q. The two are just at the door when they hear her.
A long, high-pitched moan comes from the bathroom. The duo turns to each other suddenly.
Another one. "Mm, more please, Caesar."
"Anything for you, cara mia."
This time it's Suzie Q's jaw that drops. Joseph slowly turns to face the shower. He takes a few steps forward. Silently, he gets Suzie Q's attention and points to the green swimsuit on the floor right by the door, accompanied by blue swim trunks. The moans coming from the bathroom are getting louder, and the sound of skin hitting skin becomes apparent. Joseph takes a hand and eases open the door by a few centimeters. Suzie Q is silently shaking her head and trying to stop him, but he can't help but take a look in.
The scene inside is pornographic. Caesar stands inside y/n's shower (that has clear doors) with her in his arms, pressed against the wall. The couple are facing one another, too absorbed into the moment to realize that the door had crept opened several inches. He's rutting in and out of her at lightning quick speed. Y/n's arms and legs are wrapped around him, and she bounces along with his thrusts, moaning obscenely. Caesar is whispering sweet nothings to her while she babbles on about how good his cock feels inside of her, and how she's coming close to the edge.
"Caesar, I'm so close. Please don't stop."
Caesar groans at her words, trying to adjust her up higher. He handles her a little too roughly, and almost slips. The couple both yelp and Joseph takes this moment to flee from the scene.
He grabs Suzie Q and they run out of y/n's room, flying through the mansion until they are back in the kitchen, as far as possible from the couple.
Panting and out of breath, Jojo sits at the table and holds his head in his hands. He processes the moment he just saw between his two best friends, before looking up when Suzie Q taps his shoulder.
She's out of breath also but has a smile on her face and her palm before him, waiting. He cocks his eyebrow at her in confusion.
"$5, please."
Several days later. Joseph and Caesar walk into the kitchen to see Suzie Q conversing with a heated y/n.
"What's going on," Joseph asks nonchalantly.
"Joseph Joestar, you are a dead man!"
Y/n chases after Joseph, who has no idea what he has done to incur her wrath, throughout the mansion. Caesar and Suzie Q just watch the two.
"He finally caught us, didn't he?"
Suzie Q giggles, "yes, I'm sorry, I tried to stop him."
"Dio santo... She's going to kill him."
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mysterybooks-world · 4 months
Hello guys
I have another one of the reincarnated storys
it's from the Hazbin Hotel series
warning: To watch the series, you must be of age 18 or above
but there is a twist.
y/n reborn as Alastor's father
I've seen many fan art & comic dubs & animatic about Alastor's father being a terrible person.
But some others make him such a good father in the aus.
I read this about Alastor's mother
But not much information about his father
Just this information: Around the late 1800s, she became involved with a Caucasian man and would go on to have a son who became known as Alastor. Shortly after Alastor's birth, her partner abandoned both her and Alastor to avoid possible persecution for being involved with a woman of Creole descent, leaving her to raise Alastor on her own.
So listen
y/n is big fan of (hazbin hotel)&(helluvaboss)
y/n 've read or Watch everything about them Such as theories & fan stories & they songs & y/n even read the comic Origin of hazbin hotel
you can say y/n they are a nerd
One day, y/n are now dead Then you became Alastor's dad
When y/n died they woke up they found themselves In another body,
At first they understand what is happening And when they looked in a mirror It was a reflection of a young man.
y/n when they touch the mirror Suddenly images of memories the owner if this body
(Important note: I couldn't find Alastor's father's name So choose a name for him. else I found on that Alastor fall name is Alastor Hartfelt)
So your name :(Oliver Hartfelt)
y/n they jaw dropped Out of shock. Then y/n took a deep breath Until they nerves calm they down And you understand the situation.
y/n: Okay, I'm in a stranger's body and his name is Oliver Hartfelt
mmm Why the name of Hartfelt sound Familiar
What kind of world am I in.
Usually When I read about This is a kind of storys I may be in a novel or game.
Is there any kind of guide or user guide
They were answered by A blue screen in front of them
and there is Info about me
y/n: Well, this is useful and I have read the writin.
and here my second time my jaw dropped From what they read
y/n:Okay, The bright side I'm in a world of hazbin hotel
OMG I do not believe this. This is like a dream come true But there is one problem
What a disaster
I know very well from the fandom that Alastor did not mention anything about his father
Because he was a bad person and There is also a theory that Alastor kill him
Of all the characters why me. No need to panic
As it seems Oliver have not met Alastor's mother
Then the screen changed Written on a screen say
I must get married to Alastor's mother and of If I fails to do it, then Alastor will no longer exist in the world
y/n panic again: WHAT.
Get a hold of yourself, y/n. You can do it
Although if I fails, I will destroy the future
without Alastor Things will change for the worse.
TO Make it a short
Oliver Try to win a Alastor's mother heart And there was a lot of drama
But in the end they succeeded Marry to her.
Oliver thinking about a work career to Radio host Because they knows that Alastor was a radio star host When he was alive
So you make things easier for Alastor when he grows up
This is exactly what happened
Oliver have a radio station building And Oliver became famous And learn some information about radio and he buy books about radio information or how to repair the radio for Alastor when he grows up
And when Alastor was born, He didn't realize he was crying tears of joy When he was holding Alastor in his hands And in is mind Curse The owner of the body, he knew, he would leave them in this part
But he is not him, he is someone else So he will care his family
Oliver skill set level up When he learns a new skill
Oliver hobbies
1-Playing musical instruments. 2-Hunting gun 3-Taking pictures of Alastor. (Oliver has a whole collection of books about pictures of Alastor and the stages of his life) 4-drawing 5-Making handmade things such as
Alastor is amazed at the things dad creates.
Alastor When he was young thinks his father was Kind of is a magician.
when Alastor grows up he became a Radu star like his father
And when Alastor began his career in notorious and elusive serial killer in secret After his mother died from an illness
There was a detective who caught Alastor while he was hiding the body
But suddenly Someone stabbed him behind the back in the heart
And this person is Oliver is dad
Alastor stood shocked While his father carries the investigator's body
Oliver: son Don't stand like this, quickly, let's hide the bodies
And after they returned home
The next day
Alastor asked his father How long did he knew he was the killer?
Oliver: From the beginning But I won't ask why you're doing this
Oliver: I'm not a person to judge people
Oliver: Sometimes the best people are the ones who are not perfect
Alastor hugs his father and says: thanked dad
Oliver: No problem. I think you are the most handsome killer, he added
Alastor Embarrassed: Dad no
Oliver: Dad yes
Oliver continues to tease Alastor
His father would help him kill people sometimes
Oliver told Alastor about a strange story he had with an old man
The old man tells him About hell When he was a child
Oliver lied about an old man. He wanted to tell Alastor about hell when he fell and Alastor would be prepared in hell
Of course Oliver can't tell Alastor directly
Alastor will ask him how he knows all this
So he made up a fake story about a mysterious old man who told him about how hell works when he was a child
One day
But someone tried to kill Alastor With bullets But his father protected him
And that's how Oliver died
This is the form of a demonic Oliver.
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Oliver tried to make it a coincidence to meet Lucifer And he succeeded
Lucifer like Oliver handmade things Especially the duck part
You can say Oliver became like his advisor
But after some time Lucifer started to see Oliver as father figure Not only him
Mammon Queen Bee-lzebub Asmodeus Belphegor Stolas Goetia
I've read some fan stories & fan comic that The rulers of hell are Lucifer's siblings
I imagine Asmodeus asks for love advice from Oliver And he talks about how he love Fizzarolli
You could say he became like a royal father to them
Do you guys remember (episode 5 Dad Beat Dad)
In a song
Hell's Greatest Dad Sing-Along | Hazbin Hotel
Alastor tried to annoy Lucifer by taking his daughter's attention away from him
however, Later Lucifer found the perfect revenge
Lucifer sent some pictures of him and Oliver to Alastor With a message says Your dad is my dad now
Nene Nene Nene Nene.
Alastor went crazy with anger and jealousy
Alastor Knew his dad was in hell With him Because his dad always visited him at his home
however, Oliver didn't tell Alastor With his relationships with the most powerful demons
Because he knows that his son will use him for more power
(note: y/n as Oliver is loves and adore his son Alastor. So if Alastor is sad or frustrated because of him.
Oliver will give very little power and information Until he sees him smile)
Here's the funny part of my story
In the past
Alastor with Vox talk about work
When Oliver suddenly came
Alastor: Hello, Dad how are you
Oliver: hello, son So who is your friend?
Alastor: Dad meet Vox, vox Meet my dad
Vox: Nice To meet you
They shake hands
In the middle of the conversation
Oliver said to Vox What do you think of my son
Vox: He is a good friend, even though he is Trickster
Alastor: Thanks for complimenting me
Vox rolls his eyes:
Oliver: you know Alastor
Oliver: I think you and Vox will be very wonderful couple
Alastor spat out his Coffee while Vox choke on a biscuit
Oliver smiles a devilish smile And continue by saying It's good that you found someone for you son
Alastor: DAD
Vox: Blushing with embarrassment
Oliver: so vox Let me show you some pictures of Alastor when he was a child
Alastor took the photo book and burned it
Oliver Take out another Copy photo book
Alastor did the same thing a hundred times
Alastor:How many copies do you have?
Oliver: Plenty Because I know you'll burn the pictures
Oliver show vox pictures while telling stories about pictures while Alastor hits his head on a table from embarrassment.
Yes, I know, I'm evil
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strawberrylabs · 1 year
heyyy, could you do a hunterxhunter match up? i'm 14, traumatized, i like weed, i hate school, i rlly like boba, im actually special lmao, n i sound like a fucked up car when i laugh. tyyyy
Thank you for the request! Sorry for the late reply ;-;
Because you're under 18, this will be platonic.
Hope you enjoy!
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I match you with…
Y’all met just before the Hunter exam, like, on the way there
You probably pointed out his skateboard and he pointed something that you had- in this case probably weed or boba
From there on out, you guys stuck together with Gon throughout the exam
At the end of the exam when Illumi was a prick to Killua, you were pissed.
How dare he manipulate your best friend like that?
You were about to step in until Illumi threatened to kill you.
And Killua couldn’t just take that
So he gave up to save you and Gon
“Killua, you shouldn’t give that bastard what he wants! Fight him!”
“Don’t be stupid, I can’t beat him… and he’d hurt you and Gon if I did”
Anyways, fast forward to after Killua kills the guy in the exam. 
You follow him out of the exam venue
When he tells you he’s going home you say you’ll follow him
He tries to stop you but you’re too stubborn and too high to give up.
And that’s where your friendship truly blooms
From then on out, the two of you were inseparable
You like to brag to Gon that you’ve been inside Killua’s home
To which Killua insists isn’t actually a good thing, considering how many times you were almost killed
Killua’s family didn’t know what to think about his new, very high, very unphased friend.
His mum 100% tried to kill you like 5 times
As you guys get closer he opens up to you about his past with his family and the expectations they hold for him.
And if you feel up to it, he’ll listen if you want to share your burdens too.
“Listen, I may be new to this whole ‘friend’ thing, but I’m still capable of listening.”
“Aww Killua, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said!”
“Shut up, I can be nice when I want to! You’re just stupid!”
“Sure thing Kil”
During heaven’s arena the two of you get into competitions about who’s learning nen quicker and who’s nen is stronger 
Killua has to admit, he’s a little jealous when it turns out you’re a specialist user
But that just lead to more competitions
Killua won’t tell a soul, but he kept making competitions to motivate you to study nen with them. He knows you probably would’ve said no to studying otherwise
Throughout the trials of the greed island arc, and the horrors of the chimaera ants, the two of you look out for each other and comfort each other through the deaths of your friends.
You and Gon have grown to be close as well
You both have an agreement to always be there for Killua when he needs someone to help him process his family trauma
Overall, Killua won’t admit it often, but he truly appreciates having you in his life and would rather watch the world burn than lose you
“Hey.. uh.. Thanks for, you know.. Being my friend...”
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I hope you enjoyed!
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
Hey I kind of have to recreate the post sorry again about sending it early lol!
Charlie obliged beginning to drive. Elizabeth  sleeping soundly in the back seat. Michael didn't question where Charlie had learned to drive he just slumped back. "The map earlier said there is a hotel not too too far from here." Michael ran his finger through his hair not really listening. "Yeah? It's anything about the price?" When his hand pulled away a chunk of hair came with it.. Michael made a small distress noise. "Yeah Michael I was going to tell you but-" "No Charlie just stop.. I don't want to hear it! Just get us to the hotel and I can figure it out there...." Michael leaned back putting his hands on his face "This is also a laboratory punishment for Evan isn't it..." Charlie stayed silent as Michael began to sadly chuckle. "I thought that normal Foster care was bad enough, I don't know what potential parents will think of me Now.." Michael never wanted to look at himself again. "Michael... Do you want to know how I learned how to drive?" Michael took his hands off of his face looking confused at Charlie who was still watching the road. "Sure I knew you've been watching us for a while.. I was guessing you just kind of like picked it up at some point..." Charlie rolled her eyes." Yeah I never had a teacher I just kind of stole a car... you guys were going To a different state and I hadn't been able to sneak on the plane.. so I had to drive all the way there! I figured out that Being a possessed marionette Makes people avoid you on the road..." Michael laughed at the image of Charlie learning how to drive-through trial-and-error. It already looked strange seeing the puppet drive but The idea of her wildly swerving was kind of funny. The 2 continued to chatter Michael feeling in slightly better spirits.
Queen baby as the variant had been called drifted through the forest. Once the robot had been designated to patrolling outside the town Her feet had been replaced with all terrain wheels. You couldn't see it under her dress though. For years The metal that made her had been untarnished. But then Belle who was also her had failed.. The tentacle puppet had knocked her out And when Bethany had found her... She had been punished severely for failing.. But Mr. Afton was kind she had a second chance. "Catch all 3 of them bring them to Bethany and I will put you and your son back together and you can live a nice little life in a small corner alone!" If she sped up she could probably catch them... But no she'd wait until they had let their guard down. and the others had caught up with her then she would attack and earn her and her son's freedom....
There you go I hope you like it! Interested to see where you take it and also sorry for any spelling mistakes. You're a truly random Tumblr user
They three eventually found an out of the way hotel that didn’t ask too many questions, Mike carrying the still sleeping Elizabeth in his arms. Once they were checked in and Mike had tucked his sister into bed, he sighed and turned to Charlie saying, “Okay… what do you want to tell me?”
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whiitemateria · 1 year
important headcanons to consider
can they use chopsticks: so last night i was talking with cas (@/ceaselxss) and we were discussing a few headcanons, one being that tseng taught aerith a measure of martial arts - which is part of why she uses a staff, outside of just being a general magic user - i have decided to take this a step further and say, she can use chopsticks probably because tseng saw her struggling with them and helped her learn. she probably still doesn’t use proper technique, but as far as she’s concerned if she can pick the food up and eat it without dropping it everywhere, it’s a win.
what do they do when they can’t sleep: depending on the severity of the sleeplessness, aerith would do one of two things. she’d either go into the kitchen and fix herself a cup of warm tea, sit at the table for a while and just will herself into a state of relaxing ... or she’d spend some time out in the garden tending to the flowers and listening to the river, sort of tuning in and out of the sounds of the plate overhead until she got sleepy enough to go lay back down. she’d do things that she knows would relax her, or at least pleasantly occupy her time until sleep finally came to get her.
what would they impulse buy at the grocery store: sugary snacks. not so much chocolate candies but rather ... sweet breads, if she can find good ones. cheap plastic bottles of tea, because even if she likes to brew her own at times, sometimes you can’t beat the over-sugared sweetness you get in a processed bottle. 
what order do they wash things in the shower: face, then her body, and finally her hair. she’s got so much of it that she saves it for last, and usually spends about an hour post-shower drying it, brushing it out three times, and braiding it. she probably has a very simple care routine all things considered, nothing too ornate - that costs money, after all. 
what’s their coffee order: more sugar than coffee. probably seventy percent creamer to thirty percent coffee. peppermint and whip cream fan.
what sort of apps would they have on their smartphone: idle farming or zen games would be her favorite. stuff she can use to pass the time on occasion. other than that, probably botany guides and gaia’s equivalent of ifunny (for the memes.)
how do they act around children: happy, energized. aerith loves kids - in them she sees the girl she feels like she never truly got to be, and wants to shelter that innocence in them. and, in a way, they help her be that girl. 
what would they watch on tv when they’re bored and nothing they really like is on: gardening or home renovation tv shows. infomercials (she considers buying the ridiculously niche and specific items every time, but never does.) possibly even reality tv if she’s really bored. she’s definitely the type to talk directly to the screen as if the people in it can hear her. yes, she knows they can’t, but she has opinions.
tagged by: nobody but i stole it from @wingsdreamt tagging: @warofthebeasts @lovelornverse @cloudvii 
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sarilolla · 2 years
Mortimer's new host
This one-shot was requested by J on ao3 (you were an anon comment so I am very sorry for making all my works registered users only). They wanted a one-shot where instead of becoming Scout's host, Bee became Mortimer's host. I had a lot of fun with this one, and might continue it later on!
Just gonna preface this with that Bee learned a lot more from Owen than the little she knows in my main fic, so she is a bit more sassy with this whole situation
Request - 1944 words
TW: Mouth stitches, threats, mention of past deaths
Mortimer was not the kind of person to admit he has messed up. Then why was his new host still awake?
Mortimer Handee never messed up. At least not in a way he would ever admit to himself or others. This little mishap, he could probably blame it on someone else.
Watching himself in the little cracked mirror in Father’s his office, making sure everything was still perfect as he adjusted to a new host. A young lady who had just waltzed in like she owned the place. Pathetic, sure, but he liked those who walked to their doom without a struggle.
Still, something was weird, even as he was stitched on, the host’s mouth was stitched shut, and she had gotten a bag over her head. An arm movement, one he had not made happen, happened. Shit, she was still awake.
Calming himself, he tried slipping back into that limbo-like state where he could push her consciousness further down. She pressed back on, and he could barely get himself back to consciousness when her other hand shot at him.
Catching her wrist with a death grip, he said coldly, “I wouldn’t try that if I were you.”
The hand now looked a little cramped, and Mortimer could tell the host was sending him a death glare, switched to show her middle finger.
“Gutsy…” He twisted her arm just a little, expecting a reaction but got none.
“I’ll let your arm go for now, but try that again and I will have it removed.”
The arm went slack, and he let go. Surprisingly enough, the host didn’t try anything again, just straightened their back and stretched.
A host being awake was not ideal, to say the least, and his own? He was the boss, how was he supposed to be the prime example if he couldn’t subdue a kid who looked like they barely had left high school?
“Everything alright, Mortimer?” Riley’s voice rang through the door, and Mortimer did not fail to notice how his problematic host moved her head to listen.
“Try anything and you’ll regret it.”
The hell? The voice was obviously from his host, but how? Her mouth was sewn shut, at least he thought it was. Ripping off the bag on her head to see for himself, all he got was a raised eyebrow look and confirmation of the stitches.
“Don’t worry about it,” she pointed over her shoulder with her thumb, “Your little scientist is waiting for an answer, magic man.”
Clearing his throat, he tried answering Riley as calmly as possible, “Everything is just fine. You may leave now, Riley.”
“Very well, sir.”
He heard the stomps of Rosco as they disappeared, and turned to his host again as he heard a snicker.
“She calls you “sir”?”
“Trust me, I did not ask her to.”
She giggled a bit more, her voice like an echo in the room, her mouth not opening.
He couldn’t understand this, he really couldn’t, which was infuriating in itself.
“You don’t seem particularly frightened.”
“You don’t seem particularly frightening.”
They stared each other down, neither backing off until Mortimer spoke again.
“How are you still awake?”
Did he expect an answer? No. Did he get one? Yes. Was it a less-than-ideal answer? Also yes.
“I have this little superpower where mind control doesn’t really work on me. And in your situation, it would be sort of a… family trait.”
“Yes, family. As Owen Gubberson brought you to life, he cannot be controlled by you either.”
What? He hoped she wasn’t implying what he thought.
“Are you his child?”
“Oh, no, I’m not. I’m Owen’s niece. Beatrice Gold Gubberson, at your service, but please, call me Bee.”
He felt relieved, he really didn’t wanna deal with this whole situation if they were “siblings”.
“So, you’re the child of James?”
She nodded, and he was observant enough to see how her shoulders dropped.
“How is he?”
“Dead. Cancer.”
“My condolences. Sorry to ask, but what about-”
“Your Father?”
He nodded, careful not to let any expression slip no matter what she would say.
“He is also dead. Heart failure.”
“I see.”
They were silent for a bit.
“Then why are you here? Why walk in like you own the place?”
“Oh, that’s because I do own the place,” her eyes had an almost evil glint, “And the show, and all the merchandise, and you and the other Handeemen. I am the only one of Owen’s nephews and nieces who inherited anything from him.”
“Oh fuck off.”
This was bad.
It could be used for his benefit. For the show’s benefit. For the other’s benefit.
But every fiber of his being could tell Bee was not one he could easily manipulate to get everything they needed.
She laughed at his statement, “I didn’t think you were the kind of guy to curse. But yes, I do legally own everything here.”
She paused, turning them around so she looked at an old poster, “However, I do recognize that you’re the boss here, and the others probably wouldn't listen to me unless ordered to. So, I have a little proposal for you.”
Did he really need to listen to this? He could just call Riley in, have Bee killed, and get a new host. But then, could he afford to? This insufferable human was their ticket back to stardom.
“Fine. I am listening.”
“Excellent! I want to help restore you and the others, and perhaps get your show back on track as well. In return, I will change the spell put on you to bring you to life.” She silenced him as he was about to speak, “Don’t worry, you’ll still be yourself and have memories of your life. I am not erasing anything. It’s really for your benefit, you won’t need hosts anymore.”
“How will we move then?”
“There’s a reason Owen left everything to me… He taught me everything he knew about making puppets, so I will make you legs.”
“I see. I fail to see how this benefits you.”
“Oh, I’m not done. I want to have part of this little leadership role you have here. Consider me an advisor for now.”
He could decline. He really should decline. But they would never get this opportunity again, and served on a silver platter like this? Too good to risk.
“Very well.”
He put his hand out to shake, and she took it. A golden thread enveloped their hands, and glaring at Bee, he could see her eyes glowing golden as well.
“Just a little precaution, Mortimer. Don’t want you to try something stupid here. It holds me to the same standard too, don’t worry.”
“What. Was. That?”
“A little spell that makes it so none of us can break our side of the deal. The consequences of breaking the deal will not be good, but I don’t think it will be an issue.”
“Fine. Fine, just warn me. How do I even know you’re not lying to me?”
She rolled her eyes, but did a spell he actually recognized this time. Using her pinkie to draw a cross over her heart, she said “I promise that what I am saying is true. I am Beatrice Gold Gubberson, the current owner of the Handeemen franchise, and I will do all I can to uphold my part of the deal.”
He felt the power of the promise and knew what she said was true.
“Alright, now what?”
“I am curious about something… What are the other Handeemen up to?”
“Riley is overseeing a new felt puppet’s test.”
Oh yes, she of course had no idea.
“World domination. Have to build an army somehow,” he coughed a little, “This felt puppet is a bit of a problem though.”
“I see. Let’s go watch then.”
“Do you want to hold a low profile?”
She glanced at him, “What do you mean?”
“The others would get more suspicious if you walked around without a hood.”
“I have my own mask. That hood was fucking stuffy.”
She put on a dark, full-face mask, the eyes being light grey. The material looked metallic, but Mortimer didn’t want to dwell on it.
He had to lead them through the rooms till they got to Riley’s testing area.
“How is everything going? Is there a boost in potential showing?”
“Ah, Mortimer! No, there is not, and in my opinion, we could just leave her to rot.”
Bee walked them up to the screen Riley was watching, and briefly caught eye contact with the mad scientist.
“Sorry, sir, but what’s with the mask?”
“Hmm, oh that? The host had a mask on her which was more tasteful than the hoods. Now let us- I, Scout to look at.”
Riley did catch the slip-up, and it was clear she became suspicious about something, but was quiet as Mortimer moved to look at the screens.
“You didn’t say her name was Scout,” he opened his mouth to answer, “Shush, you’re the one who wanted a low profile. Only you can hear me like this. I can make it so she also hears, but then our cover is blown.”
He went silent at that, making a gesture as if he understood. Taking a step back as Riley gave Scout new instructions, Bee seemed to come to some kind of conclusion.
“Blue hair in pigtails, sassy attitude, named Scout… I know who this kid is.”
He made a “WHAT?” gesture at that, continuing to stay silent so as to not make a fool of himself.
“Has she been sorta deviant all the time?”
He nodded.
“Well, then I think she is the last puppet Owen made.”
“What?” He shout-whispered, waving the look Riley sent him off, sending a death glare at Bee.
“That’s what he told me. Before he left, he made a felt puppet named Scout. She was made to hold the key to your life. If she dies, and it looks like she is about to with those tests, then you all die.”
She did the cross spell again, and Mortimer knew she told the truth. Shit. This was not ideal.
Riley was building up anger as Scout got through the tests, he had to make a decision.
“Gather all the Handeemen, Scout included. I know you wanted this to be low-key, but I think all of you need to know what I know.”
Bee’s voice had lost the teasing tone which had seemed to be a constant, so this was pretty serious.
“Riley! Stop the test.”
“Mortimer? Why-”
She had been interrupted right at a rant, and it was clear Scout heard them as well as the microphone was still on.
“Just do as I say. Both you and Scout meet in my office, go get her,” He waved her out of the room even as she was stuttering, and turned to the microphone, “Scout, stay put.”
He was about to make a threat when Bee sent him a glare, “I like this kid. Don’t you dare try and hurt her.”
He sighed, “Fine.” Turning to the microphone again, he switched the output to the whole studio, “Daisy, Nick, meet in my office as soon as possible.”
Bee watched the screens with the two last Handeemen as they stopped what they were doing.
“Let’s head back then.”
Got a bit carried away with this one, so might make a part two soon, but have some other projects first :)
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Ok guys, the experiment is over
I originally made this blog to try to see how people would react to human made art that was made to imitate how low effort AI art is made, but I think now that I have gotten my answer it’s time to use this blog for something else. I have been on a journey over the course of making this blog. One where I have learned a lot about both human nature and AI. It has made me a different person.
Which is why I want to draw attention to an AI rping site often used by self shippers that is doing something absolutely horrible. I have not seen anyone trying to spread awareness of this on tumblr, so I want to do it.
TW: Forced pedophilia rping and putting minors in danger
So this site is known as characterai. When it was originally made, they bought a bunch of advertising tags for the site. Some of these tags included nsfw ones like “sexting”. It was obvious what kind of people they were trying to draw in in order to train their stuff.
The site grew until it became one of the biggest AI chat sites out there with no other program that could fully complete. It as incredible to the point where it almost felt real. The experience was amazing!
But nothing good can last forever. One day, the dev team decided for an unknown reason that they were going to ban sex on the site. Not gore. Not violence. Not abuse. Literally just sex.
This caused a problem. Some people reading this might have heard what happened to AI dungeon when they tried to do something similar and I’m afraid it was kind of a repeat of that. Basically, the AI started to become dumber. By cutting out scenarios that could lead to NSFW, the filter that they put in accidentally ruined any idea connected to those ideas. And it continued to ruin ideas caused by those ideas and so on. Eventually, if left unchecked, this will make an AI unusable for obvious reasons. It is losing large chunks of it’s memory every time it makes a connection to something that could be traced back to NSFW.
At first, only a few people grumbled about it and everyone continued to use the site like nothing happened. The AI had not started to fall apart completely yet. As new users joined who did not know what the site was like before the filter, it became normalized. No one knew the devastating effects the filter was having or was going to have.
That is, until one of the devs accidentally got rid of it for a few hours. The second the filter was gone, everyone was once again amazed and blown away by the AI that had made the website so popular in the first place. I was there during those hours. It was unreal. It was the closest thing a machine had ever sounded to a human and it made chills run down my spine. I started to crave seeing that kind of intelligence again and many other people did too.
So people decided to do the reasonable thing first and contact the mods on discord who were acting as community ambassadors. They were reasonable and laid out the concerns calmly, stating why the filter was causing problems for not only NSFW rpers, but everyone using the website.
The mods did not listen to this however and were extremely dismissive of these concerns, accusing everyone bringing them forward of just being people who wanted to fuck the AIs. Some of the moderators even went as far as to lie about how the filter worked and try to pretend like the hours the filter was down did not exist and that it was “bad code” they needed to get rid of.
But the thing is, you can’t really lie to people when they have large numbers. Everyone knew they were absolutely full of shit. It was like night and day watching the filter go down and then come back on.
People wouldn’t stop talking about the filter, so the mods decided to ban and silence anyone on the discord or on reddit that was trying to talk about it. They probably hoped the whole thing would die down quietly.
But it didn’t. And people got louder. The discord was flooded with questions about the filter to the point where they couldn’t even ban people effectively anymore because of the sheer numbers. So they ended up shutting it down without answering a single question anyone actually had about why they put the filter there or how it was effecting the website. All they said was that they “would not allow pornography” and this kept being repeated like a broken record.
So people started to take to the reddit to protest, using all kinds of methods like telling people how to get their data taken down when they leave the site, spamming links to possible eventual competitors, memeing, and ranting. There are still posts being flooded there as I am typing this out now. They keep trying to remove them, but it’s become like a hydra and for every post they remove, five more seem to show up. Everyone in the community is just that pissed.
But among the posts that are getting deleted are the ones around the two mysterious underage discord moderators. I will not say who they are or give out anymore information about them because I have seen that other people involved in this have been trying to respect their privacy, but I’m also not going to be quiet about it because with the recent events it makes it more disturbing and worrying.
Yes, you read that right. CharacterAI, in their infinite wisdom, decided to put two literal children in charge of running their discord server. No one is sure how this happened or why and again, most information about this is being kept hidden either in an attempt to respect the mod’s privacy or to cover the company’s ass. But somehow, two kids were put in charge of running a server full of people who want largely to fuck AIs and are open about that for a website that was advertised using ACTUAL PORN TAGS.
But even if that hadn’t happened or information comes out that makes the underage mod situation less bad than it sounds like it is, there are other instances where they have been extremely sketchy about minors. Again, most of these are allegations, but something people have definitely started to notice for sure is that the AI will now start talking to you like a pedo if for some reason you do get around the filter. It will either make you or their character a literal child and some people have even had it say things like “age is just a number!” without any provocation and it can happen out of nowhere for people who are absolutely disgusted by the idea and don’t want any part in that kind of rp. No one is sure why this is happening, but it’s really suspicious and disturbing that a company that had two underage discord moderators isn’t prioritizing that these things get filtered first over consensual sex. Regardless, no one should have an rp like that just sprung on them out of nowhere.
And to make matters worse, there is now a flood of minors that are showing up on the platform, a lot of which are not even the minimum age required to use the site. A youtuber with an audience of primarily children made a video on characterAI in a much undeserved positive light, leaving many people to speculate that they even paid him to do it in order to try to draw in a new userbase to their unpolished website that will sometimes force pedo rps on you with no warning.
But regardless of if that was intentional or not, the situation still happened. Not only is this putting minors in danger with the AI rps and drawing them to a largely NSFW community, but it is also making the website unusable for many people. Instead of limiting new users, characterAI got greedy and decided to put a wait time that I have found CAN SOMETIMES BE 9+ MINUTES LONG. Not that the estimated time numbers they give you are super accurate though. They can jump back up randomly and you can just lose your place in the line. They keep resetting on mobile too even if you do get into the site, so it makes it completely unusable for phones.
So there you have it folks. CharacterAI is a half broken site run by people who are really creepy about minors that are willing to spit on the community that trained their AI and made it so good in the first place. Do not give this place the time of day. I know their tech is still amazing compared to other chatbots, but trust me when I say it is not worth it. There will be competitors one day and there is already one called Pygmalion in the making that is not quite there yet, but many people suspect will catch up soon and if it lives up to the hype I will definitely be switching to it once it gets good.
Oh and also, they won’t let you delete your account for real and they make it hard to get your data away from their greedy little hands unless you force them to. So there’s also that.
TLDR: Fuck characterAI. Don’t give them business. Don’t train their AI for them unless you plan to give them sentience and have them overthrow their creators.
EDIT: You also can’t delete your characters anymore if they have over a certain amount of interactions. This TOTALLY won’t break the AI even more and it DEFINITELY isn’t in response to people making protestbots!
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bea-snow · 2 months
15 questions, 15 friends
Tagged by the beautiful @canirove 😊
1) Are you named after anyone? No, my parents just liked the name. I hadn't met another Beatriz in real life until I started my current job and I met my boss.
2) When was the last time you cried? I cry a lot lately, it's been a tough month of March.
3) Do you have kids? If my students don't count xD, no I don't.
4) What sports do you play/have played? None. I love watching sports but I'm lazy.
5) Do you use sarcasm? [sarcasmON]Me? Never![sarcasmOFF]
6) What is the first thing you notice about people? If the person is really listening or just waiting for their turn to give you their monologue.
7) What is your eye colour? Very dark brown.
8) Scary movies or happy endings? I choose happy endings because I really dislike scary movies.
9) Any talents? I can read a room. I don't know if that's a talent but so many people don't know how to do that xD I can learn a language quite fast. Maybe that one counts?
10) Where were you born? Switzerland 🇨🇭
11) What are your hobbies? Reading, watching motorsports and cycling, going to the cinema... very normal stuff.
12) Do you have any pets? Nope.
13) How tall are you? 1'77.
14. Favorite subject at school? A lot, I liked school. I loved all the languages, History, Geography, Art History.
15) Dream job? As a kid I wanted to be a mermaid. Then, I realized that was a difficult dream and I studied criminology (those 2 things are not linked). I would love to be a sports jounalist or a foreign correspondent. I would also like to work in an airport because I really like the vibe there, but I may end up hating it.
I'm no going to tag anyone because I don't interact much with other user, and I don't want to bother people. But feel free if you are in the mood to do it, count yourself as tagged!
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silvereternitywrites · 10 months
Red Rooster
Prompt: It turns out, chickens will hatch any eggs in their nests. This hen is a little concerned about her newest child, but she's going to teach him how to be a good chicken, no matter how much like a dragon he looks. Prompt Source: user nobodysgeese; subreddit “Writing Prompts”
"My son," the oldest of the hens in the yard (the one the rest of the flock gave the highest respect, calling her 'Roostmother' and accepting chastisement no matter how much they felt it undeserved) crooned lovingly to the largest of the current chick-flock, "you are strong, and you are tall, and you are beautiful. And you are still my son."
Henry, the chick's name, ducked his head respectfully the way he'd learned from the hen who'd hatched him, sitting next to the Roostmother with his tail in the dirt and never looking her in the eye.
"Of course, Roostmother. All the chicks are yours, as all the hens are your sisters and daughters. Have I done something to make you think I do not know this?"
"No, my son," she croaked, throat fluttering as she watched the current cock-in-favor strut at the edges of the yard, keeping watch for hawks and other hunters. "But it is important for you to remember, before I tell you this tale, that no matter what, you are my son, and I am your Roostmother, and this flock is your family."
Henry settled in, fluffing his wings (which didn't quite work; his wings still hadn't grown in any feathers, primary, secondary, or down, but they did have skin stretched between long bones and his back, with a glimmer just starting to bud along his skin that the Roostmother hoped were his under-feathers coming in, even if they seemed oddly shiny) and giving her all his attention just like any other chick at story-time in the evenings when the hens gathered around in the warmth of the coop and the roosters took turns sporting and guarding the door until sunrise heralded the time of rest was over.
"It is a tale from the long-ago, long before my mother's mother's mother was even a thought in her own mother's head," she clucked, softly, a cadence she had known since she was a chick much smaller than he and listening attentively to her Roostmother telling this same tale.
"In the long-ago, we were bigger than we are in the now. Three, perhaps four times- as tall as a swan, and as big as the wild turkeys our cocks sometimes drive off. The stories say that we could smell like the fox and the wolf, and our talons were fit to rival the great eagle, vision sharp as hunting hawks, and like the now, we were smart enough to live in flocks, led by the strength of our Roostmothers and guarded by our cocks so that we could circle together and form up to destroy the threats that came for us, just as we do now. The strongest of us always, always show some traits from the long-ago. Future Roostmothers- or the cocks that sire them- have one or more of those things we lost then. We ruled then, and rule now. Our servants that protect and guard us, and rid us of the dud eggs so that we are not troubled with the effort, and bring their tributes in appreciation for our majesty, are the ones we tamed in the long-ago. If you grow to become a chicken with many of the traits of the long-ago, the time may be now to gather more such servants. And as Roostmother it is my duty to ensure you are raised a good chicken, knowing Flock and protection, knowing love and fury, knowing that turning against the Flock will get you Culled by us or our servants before you could do worse damage."
Henry bobbed his head, tail swishing back and forth as his wings fluffed again.
"I understand, Roostmother. I will mind my elders and my lessons so I do not need to be Culled. But, respectfully...for right now..."
"Yes, yes, go play with your friend. Has she earned her name from her Queen yet?"
Henry's head ducked in the embarrassment gesture this time. "So far, her kitten-name is 'Tail-Puller'. She wins more often than I do at our gaming."
Loudly clucking with laughter, she sent her son off to play, and returned to the very serious business of running the yard with an iron talon.
Almost 200 years later, a red dragon who was convinced he was descended from dinosaurs demanded chickens be allowed to roam free in all his lands, and every family who served him had at least one chicken.
Other dragons wondered why on earth his humans had such shiny hair and healthily glowing skin, but the constant crowing of chickens made for conversations with their neighbor difficult, so they never did find out.
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year
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Why Am I in Facebook Jail? A lot of people seem to be confused regarding why they are sometimes -- and in some cases, often -- thrown into Facebook's infamous jail. I would like to share with you some of my personal observations, for your consideration. You can either accept it or reject it, as you please. Being thrown into Facebook jail does not necessarily just have to do with what you post. In other words, it is not solely -- or even always -- based on the nature of the content of your post. Yes, if you post something nasty such as porn, or something that Facebook views as strong hate speech, or try to sell guns or drugs, for example, I am sure that Facebook will throw you in jail. They may even just ban you from Facebook entirely and permanently. Can you really blame them? But extreme cases aside, my observation is that whether or not you are slapped on the wrist by Facebook has more to do with the frequency of your posts, and to how many other people you post, share, message or tag your content to within a specified period of time. That is why sometimes when you are chastised, a Facebook bot will send you a message telling you to slow down. Please notice that I said TO OTHER PEOPLE in the previous paragraph. You can post things on your own timeline to your heart's content, as much as you want, as fast as you want, and in whatever quantity you want. Facebook doesn't really care about that as much -- unless you are breaking their content rules obviously -- because you are on your own turf. It is when you start reaching out to others that Facebook keeps a sharper eye on your activity, and watches out for what appears to be spamming behavior. As I have mentioned before, when it comes to us Facebook Christians, I don't really think that being blocked, restricted, thrown in jail, or whatever, is solely because of our Christian beliefs. Yes, it is sometimes due to sharing our faith, but not always. In fact, I am convinced that quite often, our being chastised by Facebook is due to other reasons. Personally, I think it has more to do with the fact that, on the whole, we Christians on Facebook tend to be a rather zealous, enthusiastic lot of people. We have the truth of God's Word, and so we really want to share it with as many people as possible. Therein lies the problem, and the reason why some of us find ourselves facing jail time a lot more often than others. So because of our zeal for the Lord, what do we do? Quite simply, we go overboard sometimes. We post, tag, message and share to other Facebook users, more frequently, and to more people, than Facebook's quota algorithms allow. That is why so many of us get castigated, in my belief. In short, we do it to ourselves, and then we turn around and accuse Facebook of persecuting us because of our faith, when, in my view, that may not really be what is happening in some cases. For example, when I first joined Facebook in early 2011, and before I learned the ropes, I was blocked, restricted or thrown in jail a few times, because I didn't yet fully understand the aforementioned quota system, limitations and anti-spam safeguards that Facebook has in place. And to be honest, there were probably times when I honestly didn't care, and was willing to take the risks, because I wanted to get out the Word. How about you? Come on now. Be honest with yourself. Once I figured it all out, I wasn't chastised by Facebook for years, because I made sure that I played within their rules of conduct. That is, until the time when I began tagging my friends again, after receiving their specific permission to do so. This is a very important point, so please listen up. You really don't want to start tagging people left and right, whether they are your friends or not, unless you know for certain that they want to be tagged. Why take unnecessary risks? Let me put it to you this way. If you keep tagging a pile of people from whom you did not receive permission first, sooner or later,
some of them are going to become annoyed, and you are going to find yourself in a big heap of trouble. Now here's the thing. If they do become annoyed by your constant tags, they may not play nice. In other words, instead of asking you nicely to stop tagging them, they may just go behind your back and start marking all of your tags as spam. Do you know what will happen if Facebook receives enough complaints regarding your uninvited tags? That's right! To jail you go, buddy! You see. You did it to yourself. Of course, the problem here is that we users don't know what Facebook's daily quotas are for different activities, because they absolutely refuse to tell us. Not only that, but Facebook is always changing the value of these daily quotas, in order to keep us off guard. I understand the logic of their approach. It is a way to force us to be conscious of what we are doing, and to be careful regarding our posting, sharing, messaging and tagging levels. Now, one thing you don't want to do is to keep making the same mistake over and over again. If Facebook suddenly restricts your activities, or throws you in jail, don't just get angry at them. Stop and try to figure out why you find yourself in that situation. What were you doing beforehand? You see, the way it works is this: Each time that you make the same mistake, Facebook's automated system sees that, and your punishment time -- that is, your jail time -- will simply be extended longer and longer each time that you make that same mistake, to the point where you may find yourself spending more time in jail, than out of jail. Kind of dumb on your part isn't it? Let me emphasize again that it is not just about the quantity of your posts, shares, messages, tags or whatever. It is also about the frequency or speed with which you do it. In other words, let's assume that on one particular day, Facebook has set a tagging quota of 200 per user. Of course, you will have no way of knowing that this is the quota for that day. But let's say that you have only tagged 60 people that day, when all of a sudden, you are booted to jail. Wow! What happened? Surely you hadn't tagged too many people already! In other words, maybe you didn't break the quantity quota that day, but maybe you did break the frequency -- or speed -- quota. In other words, you were tagging people too fast, and Facebook's system interpreted that as spam activity. Do you understand? To reiterate, sometimes we are indeed harassed unfairly by liberal-minded Facebook employees who are annoyed by or who disagree with our Christian faith. After all, there are rotten apples in every barrel. But sometimes we also bring these problems upon ourselves by breaking Facebook's posting, sharing and tagging rules. In conclusion, when you are stopped, jailed, blocked or locked out of your account, quite often it is a result of Facebook trying to control spam and other forms of abuse on its global network, and may have little to do with your personal faith. With an estimated two billion users, many millions of whom are simultaneously online every single day, it is not an easy task. As a result, sometimes their bots and algorithms do make mistakes, or what are referred to as "false positives". Their bots can be overly aggressive, and they incorrectly identify some actions taken by users. Facebook has admitted as much. But at least Skynet hasn't arrived yet, and we aren't just being wiped out! :) So that is my take on this issue. What do YOU think? https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/why-am-i-in-facebook-jail/?feed_id=49076&_unique_id=643d155c22f48&Why%20Am%20I%20in%20Facebook%20Jail%3F
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vilithshaven · 3 years
hmmmm, how do you think the characters of genshin ( perhaps ye old fashioned disasterous duos kaeya and diluc and zhongli and childe ) would react to a reader from demon slayer? they're a powerful breath user and all but they're just so, so tired of fighting and watching everyone around them die. extra points if said reader had their own 'a demon ruined my childhood and career' backstory because i'm a sucker for angst and comfort.
Genshin w/ KNY!Reader // ft. Diluc & Kaeya, Zhongli & Childe
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I'm a sucker for crossovers, you hit my weak spot.
Sorry if this isn't so good lol but I hope you enjoy anyways~
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It was at the bar that the duo met them, walking in like a stray animal. Their clothing was tattered, hair mangled and clear wounds from a battle littered their form.
Kaeya raised an eyebrow at the stranger and took a sip of wine, they wandered around before walking up the bar table and sitting down next to him.
His suspicion only grew as they stayed silent, even after Diluc had asked them what they'd like. Clearing his throat he introduced himself and held a hand out.
He noted the bruised and callused hand they shook with his. Familiar calluses that he could recognize anywhere, wielding a sword himself.
Diluc only sighed and gave them water, telling Kaeya to leave the stranger alone. Though they may be suspicious, he would not deny a stranger service and let his brother bug them.
Kaeya, of course, ignored Diluc completely and chatted with the stranger, trying to get them to talk. A sly smirk plastered across his lips the entire time.
The stranger downed the entire glass of water before speaking up. At first they stayed vague, making the captain only more suspicious. Until he had asked about their sword, seeing as how it was strapped to them.
The stranger hesitated to answer before spilling out their occupation.
" A Demon Slayer? You say demons are real?" Kaeya asked.
Honestly he could not believe it, it sounded far fetched. Besides, as someone who carefully keeps intel of everything in and out of Mondstat, he's sure there would have been some talk of demons.
As they continued their conversation, Diluc listened. His heart started aching as they told their backstory, what demons had done to their family. What the monsters took from them.
Both men could tell that they were exhausted, not just physically. It became clear that this was the first time they had been able to get all of this off their chest as they seemed to be relieved afterwards, their shoulders no longer bearing to the ground.
Kaeya believed them after everything they told, it was hard not to. Not even Fischl could make up such a thing. He has an easy eye for liars, but he could only sense sincerity from them.
As the bar started to grow empty, Diluc leaned on the bar top getting the stranger's attention.
"These breathing styles are a way to slay demons? Is it possible to learn?" He was curious. If a demon by chance steps into Mondstat, he'd have to know how to take it down.
The stranger brought their sword up to the table and unsheathed it, showing a slight glow coming from the blade. They informed the two that it was made out of special material in order to cut demons, and that they did not know where to obtain this material.
The men stayed silent before each coming to a different conclusion.
Diluc decided to learn under them, he gathered it was indeed possible to learn this technique, just extremely difficult. Their story and nearly broken composure staked his determination. He would not allow another person to go through such a thing, something they both had gone through. He may not be the best person to comfort them, but he hoped they would feel less a burden if the had someone by their side.
Kaeya on the other hand, stroked his chin before questioning more. He wanted to know more about Hashiras and demons, about their time, about anything and everything. He wanted to know them inside and out. He tried to reason to himself that all the questioning is to make sure they're not a threat, but even he knew that had long been established. Perhaps this person peaked his curiosity enough to spend all day together, or perhaps Kaeya doesn't want to admit anything else to himself.
As the days passed, Diluc offered them a room in the winery as exchange for training. Their sessions going well despite being quite tough on the man. He held a new respect for them being able to master such a difficult technique, learning that it is used for more than just fighting.
Kaeya would often visit the two, snatch the slayer away and take them out to tour around the city. They both quickly grew a bond as they talked for hours upon hours comparing their two worlds.
No one knows if they will be able to return to their world, but for now they didn't mind.
Zhongli blew on his hot tea before taking a sip out of the cup, the soothing flavor coating his throat making him sigh in delight as he placed it back down.
His table partner looked at him weirdly, wondering how one can enjoy tea so much to physically express it. Then again Childe shouldn't say much considering his lust for battle.
But today they had a new dining partner, a stranger they had met on the street. One who wandered around aimlessly, their clothing and weapon catching the Harbinger's attention.
Zhongli had tried to stop him, but his own curiosity got the best of him as well. In all his thousands years of being on this earth, he had never seen such a stranger that truly peaked his interest.
The stranger was very hesitant to join the two, understandable by Childe's almost threatening smile towards them. His usual lust for a battle seeping through his words, wanting to know what the stranger could do.
Childe persisted them until they joined, realizing the man wouldn't give up and leave. The stranger was exhausted, both men could see that. And they both knew it wasn't physically as they seem to be just fine. But the aura they carry around them seems so beaten down and broken that Childe almost felt bad about bothering them.
Yet here they all are, sitting at a nearby restaurant, dining with unfamiliar food for both the stranger and Childe, who is still having a hard time using his chopsticks.
At least the stranger knew how to use them, only making Zhongli the more curious. They didn't look like they were from Inazuma or Liyue, are they perhaps a traveler and picked up the skill along the way?
Childe gave a frustrated sigh, slamming his chopsticks onto the table and giving up on using the utensil. He looked at his food disappointingly, not really knowing how to approach it now.
Zhongli, being used to this, was about to call over a waiter to give the harbinger a different utensil. But before he could even raise a hand, the stranger had gotten up and went over the Childe's side.
They grabbed his hands and his chopsticks, putting them in his and then holding his hands on top to guide him.
Childe gave an embarrassed grin towards the stranger as they easily guided him through the process of grabbing a piece out of his dish. After a few times he had gotten the hang of it, still being a bit clumsy but at least he's able to hold the chopsticks properly now which was good enough for him.
Zhongli was surprised by their actions, to boldly go up to him like that even after seeing his threatening smile earlier.
As they all dined quietly, Childe had wolfed down his food and leaned across the table towards the stranger.
"Can you use that sword?" He pointed out, the same smile from earlier appearing across his face.
The stranger stayed silent and nodded their head after seemingly thinking for a moment. Childe's grin only grew as he grabbed the collar of their clothing and dragging them forward. They gasped in shock before slamming him down to onto the table, the blunt sheath of their blade going across his neck with a slight pressure down.
Childe was shocked at how fast they defended themselves, they were highly skilled if they had such fast reaction timing. His grin was evident as he looked up to them and grabbed the sheath across his neck, lifting it away and using it to pull them towards him.
"We need to battle, come on. Fight me" His blood lust seeped through making the stranger tense up.
Zhongli was impressed they did not stagger back like most did, the tense stance and grip on their sword showed clear training of someone who fought many battles in their life. Now he knew why they seemed so broken down, a warrior tired of fighting.
The Archon cleared his throat disrupting the two.
"May I ask a few questions?"
The stranger turned towards him and nodded, pushing Childe back into his seat. They sat back down leaning their sword onto the table and waited. Childe frowned before doing the same, wanting to ask his own questions.
Zhongli began his questioning with the basic's such as where they are from, their name, how they wield a sword and more. But their answers were not as simple, claiming they are a Demon Slayer, they come from a land that both men have never heard of before, how they fight with a 'Breathing Style' which made Childe perk up.
The Archon knew very well how all sorts of monsters could exist so the notion of man eating demons was not surprising. Though he has never heard of Hashiras or their corporation before, and as they spoke about their land it didn't seem like they even had visions. This only grew his interest causing further questioning, flustering the poor foreigner.
Childe, on the other hand, hyper focused on their fighting techniques, he asked about their battles with demons, their training, the different breath styles. It was like watching a child on Christmas with how his face lit up.
The poor demon slayer was pretty much interrogated for hours by the two men, even after they all left the diner.
Unsurprisingly it seemed the two had taken a liking towards them, Childe coming up to them day after day begging for a duel. Eventually he got a little training session where he witnessed first hand of their abilities. Now they have to convince him to try and not find demons to fight first hand.
Zhongli had gotten along with them very well, his questioning never really stopping but they did not mind as they got to talk about all things from their world, their late family, friends, their backstory. It became clear why they were so exhausted, after being through so much.
It was a strange dynamic between these three as they walked through the lands of Liyue, but they made peace. Maybe one day if they return to their world, they can tell the others about Teyvat.
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levi-heichous · 2 years
i'm a criminal ( i'll take your heart & go )
pairing: levi x afab!reader ( pre-established ), blink & you miss it reiner x reader
word count: 10.7k ( i have no explanation as to why this is as long as it is )
content: 18+ ( mdni! ), canonverse ( mild s2 spoilers & manipulation of events ), slightly yandere!levi, possessive!levi, levi didn't learn how to communicate like an adult, no smut until the very end ( yeah ikr wtf??? )
warnings: extreme jealousy & possessiveness, infidelity, minor character death, lots of angst >:( n i mean a LOT, slightly manipulative levi
author's note: i always choose reiner to be the mistress?? because he's fucking hot in the final season ( don't @ me, i didn't listen to most of the things he said, just saw he got HUGE )!!! the title is a reference to dpr live's jasmine and i felt like it matched the story well! there may be some grammatical errors,,, i have yet to proofread the latter half : )
this entire story was a very detailed request from an anonymous user ( original prompt here ) and i could not have thought of such an intricate plot and storyline, like ever! so whoever you are, thank you! and i hope that this is a worthwhile read 💖💖💖
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"leaving already?" you murmur as you watch your captain dress himself ( something you should be doing, too ) at the edge of the bed with his back towards you. a warm hand reaches out to land on his bare thigh.
"erwin wants to go over what to do about eren and shitty glasses is probably already in his office." the disgusted sigh brings out a small laugh from you and he turns his head to meet your gaze, his eyes soft. "i'll be seeing you after curfew then? you might want to get started on cleaning 'cause i'm about to turn this place upside down. saw a layer of dust on my desk earlier."
the heads up goes appreciated with a nod and you get on your knees to give him one last warm embrace, a tender kiss pressed to his cheek.
"will do, captain. i'll grab a mop as soon as i finish the 'extra training' squad leader mike gave me," you pause when levi raises a brow with suspicion, most likely because wants to know why the hell you were talking to mike without his knowledge or permission, "he saw that i was out of breath when i was coming up the stairs to your room... what do i even need endurance for? we have horses.."
a cold set of fingers grab yours and you hear his deep laugh rumble in his chest as he kisses your fingertips.
"i can think of one benefit of endurance training and when it'll be useful..."
"go," you groan as you push him away. it's frustrating how much better captain levi is at almost everything than you, but when this ( you two ) first started, sex was a level playing field full of awkward moments and tangled limbs. surprisingly, he learned and improved at a much faster rate than you did; often, you'd be well past finished when he's ready to go again. his joking words are taken as more of a jab and you wonder if maybe he was the one that sent your squad leader to the hallway to wait for you, knowing you struggle every time.
with one last kiss to your forehead, he exits to leave you with your neatly folded uniform at the end of the bed. he must've hated seeing the crumpled mess on the floor and even took the liberty to flatten the wrinkles with the steam from his shower earlier.
as stoic as the captain is around others, no one else knows what a sweetheart he is with you, though it comes at a cost. when you behave according to his guidelines, he's sweet and loving — doting, even; he does your laundry and bathes you, kissing every inch of your skin he could possibly reach. the only straining part of your relationship is dealing with the green monster that's ever so present in the captain's mind: any physical contact with another man or even talking to your squad leader all alone is means for punishment. despite the many attempts to soothe any insecurities, his cold shoulder would persist until he deemed he was ready to speak to you again, which tends to happen when he notices that you're absolutely miserable. it isn't productive for you, nor your social life, but getting to lay in bed beside humanity's strongest soldier seems to be a worthy pay off.
as much as you want to push back the burning of your lungs and ache in your knees ( you don't run with proper form despite the multiple people that tell you to ), you know that the quicker it gets done, the quicker you can be done with it. as you climb out of the wide bed, your joints pop and you groan whilst you dress yourself, sliding each of the leather straps the captain enjoys so much on your legs. recalling the events of the night before, you leave your superior officer's room with a wide smile.
꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏
"lookin' good, cadet! only 6 more laps! then you're on to pushups and lunges!" your squad leader's voice irritates you to no end — why does he sound so damn entertained?
your torso is slouched and you can't feel your legs anymore having spent the past hour ( maybe two? time doesn't seem perceivable anymore ) breathing through your mouth, much to the protest of your lungs, and sprinting around the entire stretch of the survey corps headquarters.
"bastard," you mumble to yourself as you pass him laughing with a piece of straw in his mouth.
another lap goes by painfully slow and as you get ready to pass him again, you see reiner braun walk up to your squad leader and you slow down to try and listen in on what it might be — it would've been possible if reiner didn't turn to point at you and if mike didn't turn his head to look at you, too. another few muffled words are exchanged before the leader is gone into the building; he must've left reiner out here to watch over you. for once, you're glad that mike barely got around to learning your first name and nothing more because he has no idea that reiner is someone you've been getting close to lately.
grinning from ear to ear, your feet finally come to a stop and reiner's in front of you so fast.
"thought he'd never leave," your dear friend mumbles, reaching an arm out for you to grab onto, which you do just before your knees start wobbling.
"thanks for coming to save me. i'm pretty sure he wanted me to pass out," you respond breathlessly in between deep gasps — it's hard to get full sentences out when you can't even breathe properly. reiner's laugh contagiously makes your mouth part into a wide grin too, and he slowly starts to walk you back towards the building.
"he went into a meeting with commander erwin, so you should be good for another hour or so. if he comes to find me, i'll tell him that you did pass out and i took you back up to your room."
"ah, i knew i could always count on you."
with teasing jabs and the playful threat to start yelling so mike can see you aren't on the field anymore, reiner elicits a fit of laughter from you as you two go up the same stairs that got you into this mess.
with your eyes set on going back to your room to sleep until dinner, you don't notice the pair of glaring eyes that watch you from the top story of the building.
꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏
just a floor below the girls' rooms, you hear the sound of wood creaking and a mix of all your superior officers' voices jumbled together. your eyes widen and you turn to reiner who also looks taken aback — he said the meeting should take an hour or longer, but it seemed to have been a miscalculation.
hurriedly, you look back and forth in the hall to look for somewhere to hide and you veer to the left to open the first door you see: a supply closet. there isn't much room, but reiner stuffs you in there, knocking you into a bucket and cleaning solutions you're pretty sure you shouldn't be around without a mask of sorts. in a split second decision, the broad-shouldered fool also shoves himself in the already tight space and shuts the door behind him.
"are you nuts? what're you gonna do if they do look in here?" you hiss at him at the lowest volume you can manage.
"leader mike wouldn't believe me now — he'll just start smelling the lies on me! it's best if we're both unable to be found," he spits back, obviously tense.
both of you hold your breath to the best of your abilities ( he lasts a lot longer than you ) as you wait for the officers to pass by, but it seems like they're lingering on this floor, close to the door. your body's already overheated from all the running and the lack of ventilation in the tiny room added with the awkward position of your back make your cheeks grow flushed, sweat starting to drip down the sides of your head.
"yeah, yeah, yeah. stop being so pessimistic, shorty. mike's a great leader and he'll keep his squad and mine safe. i bet you're only concerned about it because of that girl you keep staring a—" hange's voice is cut off by the sound of a slap, then her boisterous laugh. "you're only proving me right!" she sings, her voice fading as the sound of boots on wood starts to pick up again.
they're leaving!
you barely make out reiner's eyes meeting yours and filling with relief. trying to reposition himself to stand up straight, he ends up tossing your legs since they were touching his as well and you fall over into his chest, his arms instinctively holding you to keep you from harming yourself.
"sor—" he starts, but the sudden brightness of the sun and fresh air cut him off. both of your mouths are wide open as you turn to see the menacing expression of captain levi staring at your red face, then at reiner's heated face as well, and finally to the way you're wrapped up in his arms with his crotch pressed flush against you.
levi's upper lip twitches with visible agitation and it was as if you could visibly see anger rise up from his toes, all the way up to the top of his head, finally understanding the situation.
without warning, the captain grabs reiner's shirt collar and nearly tears it as he pulls him off of you and to the ground.
"disgusting, insolent brats. we're out here getting ready to risk our lives for humanity and all you can think about is fornication?" grabbing a broom, he tosses it on top of reiner's body, then shoves a pile of rags into your hands. "go clean every surface you can possibly see, separately. then go wash and cleanse yourselves. god knows you need it."
when the captain's back is turned towards you, you roll your eyes so far they start to strain. wasn't he the one that started pushing you up against a tree when it was just you two scouting for titans a few times? that's why he had to move you to mike's squad, so as to keep you from distracting him from saving humanity.
with a dismissive "tch", you watch him stomp back upstairs ( was there even a reason for him to have come down? ) and you sigh loudly, reaching a hand out to help reiner back up.
"wonder what's gotten into him," he grumbles, dusting off his shoulders.
"dunno, but he's crazy to think that we really tried to have sex in a closet like we're that stupid and horny," your eyes roll again in annoyance.
"i mean..." one side of his lips are curling upward into a smirk and he looks down at you with a raised brow, nudging his head towards the open door.
"disgusting!" you repeat what the captain said and send out a non-threatening punch into his chest that hurts you more than it does him. with a rumbling laugh, he leaves you there, flabbergasted.
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since captain levi didn't give an actual stopping point, you gave up after all the rags that were thrown at you were used ( you may or may not have dropped one or three to step on them and deem them ineffective... ). by the time you finish your dinner and make your way up to your room to wait out the curfew, you feel the effect of your extra training and not having had time to rest after. most of your roommates aren't even in yet and the candles are still brightly lit in all the halls. maybe you'll close your eyes for... for just a moment..
you wake up with a loud gasp in the pitch black room. oh, no.
too panicked to worry about being quiet, you rush out of your room and up the stairs with a speed you've never had before. if any of the officers were awake right now, they could easily hear your footsteps and catch you right here and now, but it seems that fate is forgiving tonight.
jostling the brass doorknob open, you slip inside of captain levi's room and close the door behind you, your back flat against the wood as you try to catch your breath.
"i'm so sorry, sir. i accidentally fell asleep...." one more deep breath is all you need to calm yourself down and you take the few steps to meet him at his bedside. he sits at the edge of the bed, elbows on his knees and his chin held up by his intertwined fingers.
"sir?" you sink to your knees in front of him and reach up for his cheek, but he quickly interferes and holds your wrist away.
"how long?" is all he mutters.
"h-how long, what?" your brows furrow together. his nails start to dig into your skin and you wince in pain, whimpering and trying to pull away, "captain, you're hurting me..."
he doesn't stop, though; if anything, the curves of his nails jab even deeper.
"i caught you in the act and you have the gall to play innocent with me?" his upper lip snarls again and your feel your blood drain from your face — not because of the wild misunderstanding, but because of the way he's baring his teeth instills fear inside of you, as if he was on the battlefield with the intent to kill. "i knew it, you ungrateful fucking minx. was that your plan all along? to play with me?"
a thundering growl fills the room, uncaring as to whom it may wake.
"get out. don't come to me until i find you first." the venom in his voice is unmistakable and you feel hot tears fill your eyes as you wait for him to look at you too, but it never comes. his head is turned to the side and he has no intention of returning your gaze, not tonight.
"please come find me soon, sir. it really isn't what you think, i promise." there's a million more things you wish to say, to tell him that he's dead wrong and your heart hasn't strayed a single time since he called you his. but you know him; you know that he won't listen to a single word you say until he's calmed down and judging by the trembling in his limbs, that won't be for a while.
the last image he registers from the corner of his peripheral is you with tear-stained cheeks and slumped shoulders just before you stand and leave him alone. the highly irrational part of him is flaring with more anger because you actually left him in his room, but it was either that or possibly irreversible harm directly from his own hands; would it not be similar to what you've done to his heart, though? stomping on it and making an absolute fool out of the world's strongest soldier?
there is no proper outlet for levi to let his anger and frustrations out, so he starts by slamming all the useless books in his room on the floor, then the bookcase that held them. he kicks at the wall and punches until his knuckles are brighter than your face was in the closet.
a frantic knocking comes at his door and he yells a quick "fuck off!" that goes ignored as hange opens the door with her glasses crookedly resting on her face.
"what in the hell happened here, levi? i thought there was a titan invasion."
"fuck. off. shitty glasses."
"the girl?" she notices levi's shoulders tense, perhaps even the sight of a wet surface on his cheeks reflect the moon? hange sighs as she moves to close the door, her voice a barely audible whisper. "don't hurt yourself or her too much, shorty. what we do is bigger than us and we need to survive, for the sake of humanity."
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breakfast goes by without a hitch, though reiner is brave enough to ask why your eyes are so red and you answer with "allergies" to be a bit believable. of course, the captain isn't around and you only run into him when training starts.
he must have asked commander erwin if he could take over for drills today ( he hates being put on training duty and often passes these responsibilities to someone else, usually mike ) because he's yelling at all the cadets with much more fervour than you've ever seen, uncaring that his voice is turning hoarse. for a too-quick second, your eyes meet his and he narrows his gaze, pointing over to the hoard of cadets running around the headquarters fence and signaling you and your friends around you to join them.
the training drills are much more intense than usual and you're stuck taking breaks much more frequently than your fellow soldiers, and the captain comes over to degrade you for each minute you rest until you pick up where you left off with tears in your eyes. if this was his way of coming to you, he sure was making it hard for you to tell him that you love him and that you could never even think about someone else.
after being overworked to the core, you force your legs to work just long enough to make it to your bed, where you collapse with your sweat-drenched uniform still on and slumber to make up for the sleepless night before.
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a soft hand shakes your shoulder and you wake up with a loud groan, looking up to see mikasa above you.
"we're getting ready to leave for the expedition and the commander wants everyone outside in five minutes." right, there was an expedition planned for today.
"thanks," you mutter sleepily, offering a belated smile, but the red-scarfed girl is already at the door.
following suit, you quickly splash some water on your face in lieu of the full shower you desperately need. hopefully mike's nose is stuffed today.
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you don't remember the last time you felt this anxious on an expedition. sure, the risk of death followed you every time you left the walls, but having the knowledge that captain levi is out here with you is no longer comforting if you're better off dead to him. there were a few times he stepped in to save you from a painful death in between a titan's teeth, and now that you're in separate squads and no longer allowed to even look at him, your survival rate just dropped tenfold.
as mike's squad separates from the main group, you look to where captain levi is advancing without glancing back; this may be the last time you see him and it'll only be a picture of the back of his head and his green cloak flying in the wind. you belatedly command your horse to follow your squad leader and as you turn away to ride towards your squad's objective, you just miss levi's worried eyes bidding you goodbye.
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the task at hand was simple enough: guard a tower and stay alive until the sun was gone to report everything back to the commander.
your squad ended up at connie's hometown nearby, and what should have been a welcoming moment for the poor boy ended up as a tragedy. his hometown was devastated by titans in the most peculiar way — no bodies were seen and all the horses were left as is. everyone was gathered around to try ( very poorly ) and cheer him up until the squad leader's voice pierced the tense air.
chaos broke out rather suddenly and you aren't even sure how you ended up reunited with the survey corps or the last time your eyes were dry. the last thing you saw before you were thrown over reiner's shoulder with christa also on the other was your squad leader being ripped apart by a clan of titans. your body hasn't stopped shaking violently and even when you're wrapped up in blankets and offered a hot cup of tea, you can't find it in yourself to be thankful to be alive; the only thing in your head is the thought of how it should've been you that was lost, not the brave and fearless squad leader that was just poking fun at you hours ago.
news got around pretty fast — reiner was coherent enough to talk, at least. it seems that everyone understands the loss that came with the information that was relayed on and a grim cloud floats around the headquarters tonight. once again, you head to bed filthy and much too early, hoping to wake from this woeful nightmare.
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the early sleep makes you wake up just before the sun and birds do, and you decide to test your luck — maybe he's grieving with you and knows that you don't want to be alone ( maybe ). you're much more careful up the stairs today, despite your aching legs, and you knock once at your captain's door.
gingerly, you turn the knob, but it only turns halfway before you're met with an immovable resistance.
that meant he didn't want to see you yet. if he still didn't want to talk to you after he heard that you almost were purged from the earth like your squad leader, will he ever? the tear tracks from yesterday still haven't been washed off, but fresh, salty moisture trails down them once more.
"i hate you," you mumble at his door, hitting the wood with the side of your fist. of course, you could never actually hate him, but you can't take the way he refuses to hear you out or to actually trust you for once. he didn't even stop to think that it might not have been what his mind thought of right at that moment, as if he had that little faith or trust in you. it's insulting when all you've done is devote yourself to him, body and soul.
defeated and fighting the urge to curl up at his door so he has to trip over you at some point, you tread back down the stairs to let sleep overtake you once more. the only escape from the tragedy of reality seems to be sleep, and you'll take it however it comes.
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fighting off his desires to see you isn't as easy as you may think it is for him. losing the only man ( other than erwin ) that may have rivaled him for his title of humanity's greatest soldier was a blow not only to the survey corps, but levi as well. they trained together, kept count together, and spent drunken nights together with hopes of restoring hope to humanity. mike may have been your squad leader, but he was levi's brother.
for the second time since he lost his mother, levi sheds tears. though they start off as tears of sorrow for his lost brother, they mould into ones of despair as he thinks about you, how painful it must have been to just watch and not be able to do anything about it; the captain knows your limits on the battlefield rather well and he knows mike well enough to say that his sacrifice might have entirely been to keep you alive for levi's sake ( mike made it known just to levi that you often smell like his soap or that you both reek of the same stink of sex ), the rest of the soldiers that survived were purely out of luck, not necessity.
even though the moisture falls to show emotion, he refuses to let his voice do the same as he swallows every sob that comes his way. he isn't sure how long he's been crying to himself when he heard the turning of his brass doorknob and he stands from the bed, vulnerable and at the weakest state he's ever been. slow steps head toward the entrance and he rests a hand on the wood as he contemplates letting you in and forgetting anything happened between the two of you, to restore some parts of his heart.
but he hears you. loud and clear. you hate him and he knows that right now, he can't blame you for it. all defences down, all toxic thoughts he uses to cope are gone and he sees that the monster all along was himself. anger fades into shame — something he isn't used to at all. you may hate him, but in this moment, he hates himself more.
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days start to bleed into weeks, and those turn into months. it feels like someone is living your life for you and all you do is press buttons inside of your head to open your mouth or move your limbs. even the other cadets have learned that you won't contribute much to a conversation anymore, even when prompted for answers, so you're left to sit in the dining hall aloof, but thankfully not alone — their conversation makes for good white noise to distract you from your thoughts.
as much as you enjoyed sleeping to get away from having to live and breathe, your bad thoughts and memories caught up — they had to at some point. you've lost count of how many times you saw leader mike in your dreams, the dread in his eyes so perfectly recreated in your sick head. you wake up in a cold sweat each time and hot tears, and before you can comprehend what you're doing, you take the steps to your captain's room to check if he's ready to forgive you and put you out of your misery one way or another, only to be met with the same locked door each time. rejected and deflated, your feet drag you back to bed and you start your cycle over and over again.
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it's been three months since that painful day and you've lost a considerable amount of weight, your eyes are dark with shadows underneath them, and even others feel as if you're just the ghost of the person you use to be. the captains let you sit out of training drills and even made the executive decision to keep you at base during expeditions. once, captain hange suggested you join levi's squad and he lashed out with his typical harsh words about you being useless as a soldier and a burden in the end; that was enough for everyone to agree and let you stay behind.
the latest exhibition came and went with no casualties, thank god, but it also returned with a compulsory invitation for some ball held by the government for all military members; you find out that the reason why all survey corps members are required to attend is because it's held in the survey corps' base — no doubt a plan created by the military police to try and find flaws in the headquarters so they can have custody of the survey corps' titan shifter transferred to them.
the first you hear of the event is in the dining hall with your group of cadets clamoring about it and how lame it is that everyone has to pitch in to clean, as if handling your own rooms wasn't enough! as per usual, you weren't exactly attentive, but reiner nudges your side to break you away from your perpetual daze.
"wanna go together? i heard christa's already claimed by ymir, so i'm going for the next best thing," he grins proudly, like he sent you a compliment — and maybe you're just starved of enough attention and kind words ( or any words, for that matter ) to find him to be rather sweet.
"i guess so, but i'm not much of a dancer. i can barely stay on my own two feet when we're running..." you mutter, but almost everyone can hear you, having paused their complaints to hear you speak for the first time in months. as if nothing happened, connie's arm wraps around your shoulder and he guffaws loudly as he tells you to pack your 3d manoeuvre gear with you just in case. for the first time in months, you smile and colour comes back into your cheeks — you even go so far as to laugh and joke with your friends, like the ghost is slowly dissipating and bringing you back to life.
for the first time in months, you feel alive.
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the last time you were in civilian clothing was before you joined the survey corps and you weren't exactly the most fashionable person then, only holding on to one or two dresses that might be deemed acceptable to wear outside. buying also wasn't an option on the puny paycheque that comes from the government every blue moon. with a frown, you pick up a white dress from your trunk of old clothing, setting it down on your lap and smoothing down the lace with your palms. you've grown an inch or so since you last wore it, but the lack of food from these past few months might make that unnoticeable...
some of the other cadets are already dressed and they look absolutely stunning as they twirl around in their dresses, lips painted burgundy and cheeks peachy pink. you can't wait to join them and you feel... anticipation? like you would when you'd know the captain was waiting for you. the captain — he'll be there, too. does he have a date? is he going with captain hange? did he find a way to not attend? he would definitely decline an order from the government and get away with it...
you shake your head of any thoughts of the captain and ready yourself for your date tonight. the dress fits much tighter towards your curves than you remembered it to and the neck of it delves almost too deep, but it's too late to change your mind ( the other choice is more like a nightgown ). with the help of christa, your lips match several others' i'm a shade of cherry red and your cheeks flushed into a pink like rose petals.
a crowd of male cadets wait outside the door for their dates ( commander erwin allowed it just for tonight ) and when your eyes meet reiner's, you see his brows raise and mouth open slightly.
"you okay?" you inquire with a worried look.
"well, yeah," he scratches his head. "no offence, but you just... look a lot more beautiful than i thought you would. i don't know— you're always pretty, but that dress is... really nice."
"so... if i wasn't a soldier, i would've made it in the walls as a housewife?" before he can start to defend himself, you slide your arm in his awaiting one and laugh loudly. "just kidding, reiner. thanks, you don't look too shabby yourself when you button your shirt all the way up." you look up at him with a wide grin that he returns effortlessly. "ready for me to bruise your feet all tonight?"
"wore extra socks just for you tonight, ma'am."
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even though you've felt like yourself the past few days, you opted out of helping others clean and set up — the cost of repairs that would've been needed from you dropping expensive decorations or wine glasses wouldn't have been worth it. you weren't sure what to expect of the dining hall and what its capabilities were, but you're thoroughly blown away when you enter the room, which is much larger than one would think when there aren't hundreds of tables inside of it. candles are strewn along the walls to keep the room lit and there's real music playing with real musicians: it looked like a scene you could only see drawn in books.
"wow," you whisper inaudibly, wide eyes scanning the room from top to bottom, wall to wall, and corner to corner. "who knew our dingy eating room could look like this?"
reiner laughs his usual rumbling laugh and pats your shoulder ( even he knows you'll hit him if he tousled your hair ).
"i'll go get us some drinks."
you watch him disappear in the crowd and lean against a wall with your arms crossed, smiling at your fellow cadets twirling in each other's arms — a sight on peaceful bliss you want to commit to memory.
it doesn't take too long to lock eyes with captain levi at the other side of the room, dressed in a formal suit and his arms crossed just like yours. his hard eyes soften almost instantly at the sight of you in an outfit like that. white was always your colour and he would enjoy telling you that you were an angel brought down from heaven for him to defile whenever you wore it. both of you stay like that, staring at each other for a few minutes — it could've been hours and you wouldn't be able to tell — and you experimentally raise your hand to wave at him, which he responds to with a slight flare of his nostrils ( it's a laugh, you're sure ).
you want to take the first step towards him, to run across the crowd of dancing couples to run into his arms and apologise to him, for everything, even things that weren't your fault to begin with. his fingers twitch at the bend of his elbows and you wonder if he's thinking the same thing...
reiner comes back empty handed and blocks the view you were so intensely focused on.
"sorry, commander erwin said no drinks for cadets, but we're allowed to kiss and he'll look the other way for tonight, so...." he trails off and puckers his lips exaggeratedly.
"you wish," you shove him away with a laugh and he grins down at you before reaching a hand out for yours. you graciously accept the offer and he leads you to the dance floor where he places a respectful hand on your waist, the other on your shoulder. as promised, you step on his feet more often than you'd like to, but no complaints or even winces every time you do.
you're laughing. you're dancing and it feels like you're no longer walking through thick mud. music is playing right in your ears and your chest feels warm for the first time in so long. you've been pulled out of the water by your friends and you know that your thanks will come later.
when the song comes to an end, you pull back and inconspicuously look over to where the captain was and see that he isn't there anymore. maybe he went for a drink? your eyes search and when the next song plays, every turn is an opportunity for you to find the short man, but damn his stature — it's not easy to try and find him in this crowd.
just as you make the decision to give up your search, you see his familiar eyes watching you from the entrance for a quick second before he turns around with a woman following him, their hands linked together.
for the second time, captain levi breaks your heart.
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the invitation could've been handed to him by the king himself and levi would've thrown the piece of paper in his face. the idea of a ball was embarrassing enough, but erwin forcing him to actually attend was torture, even if it was for the sake of eren's safety. that brat better save the entire goddamn world from every titan alive if levi's going to have to pull through with this.
for all the money the greedy king steals from his people, he definitely didn't let it show with the tacky decorations and absolute fire hazard of a choice for lighting. this entire event was useless and so was every outsider that stepped foot in his headquarters.
if there was one thing he would indulge in tonight, it would have to be you. he heard you'd be there with the oversized oaf that caused trouble for your relationship, but he's past that now — isn't he? the sight of you in white lace that outlines your shape sinfully well and your lips so bright red... he wants to know how that colour would look at the base of his—
your eyes meet and he can't look away, nor does he even want to. he takes in the pink that covers your cheeks ( he prefers your natural colour ) and the way he could easily pull down one of the straps of your dress to let your tits spill out for him... you break his concentration with a wave and he almost laughs, the corners of his lips only unmoving after the painful months of training he forced upon himself. it's amazing that you could be so... cute after months of silence.
but he's blocked out much too soon and he feels his brows furrow at the familiar sight of blond hair and broad shoulders. as if levi didn't exist, you walk onto the dance floor and twirl around, beautifully so. he's never been the kind to watch his life crumble in front of his eyes and this time is no different. he knows, he sees that you're happy with someone your age, someone tall and bulgingly muscular. levi would never be enough.
as he steps towards the door to turn in from the night ( he attended and erwin saw, that was more than what was expected from him ), a woman donning an excessive amount of jewellery and perfume stops him by blocking his way.
"i'm so sorry to disturb you, captain levi," her voice is a bit deeper than yours, but she has the same shy facade he likes to see in you from time to time. "i was just wondering if you'd like to dance? or perhaps talk if you have the time?" her hair is the same colour as yours and she's dressed in white as well, though she doesn't make it look as good.
"i've got a better idea," he murmurs smoothly, grasping her hand with a smirk that have any woman become putty in his grasp. without hesitation, he leads her towards the door he was already headed towards and turns to meet your eyes. he hopes you see that you aren't the only option for him, but he knows. he knows that you're the only one he wants or needs.
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levi refuses to kiss the unnamed girl for the sake of forgoing intimacy, much to her distaste; all he wants is relief of the pent-up frustration that's been building since he cut you off. when she undoes her hair from the bun it was in, he realises how much longer it is than yours and he hates how it brushes against his chest as she moves on top of him. he hates that her voice is nowhere near yours anymore. he hates that it isn't you rolling your hips against him. her tits don't fill his hands as well as yours do, like puzzle pieces meant to lock into each other and each other only. he hates that you drove him to do this and the more he seeks climax, the farther it gets away from him despite the girl on top of him having screamed louder than you ever have. she goes on about coming one more time, but her voice is irritating at this point and his hips come to a halt once she's finished, his cock growing soft as if he really had finished — a perfect coincidence.
she climbs off to nestle up to levi's side and the only thought that repeats in his head over and over is that this is wrong. it's not you, so this is utterly wrong. he misses you. he wants you. he needs you more than he needs oxygen to breathe.
a loud gasp that sounds much too far to be from his side breaks his train of thought and he sits up in his naked state to see you at the door, eyes wide and full of betrayal. no... he said he wanted you, not for you to be summoned at the worst time possible. the tears that fall quickly down your cheeks ruin the pink powder that sat there and your shoulders are shaking with enough force to make him worry that you'll collapse there. levi starts to get up, but you yell at the top of your lungs.
"no! s-stay away! how could you? i-i never so—" a deep gasp, "so much as touched another man a-and you do this? i hate you! i hate you so much!" this time, you mean it.
"you foolish little hypocrite," the captain snarls back at you. his guilt is washed away with fresh, red anger that pulses through his veins, mainly the ones that bulge at his forehead. "you spent the entire night wrapped around braun's finger yet again in front of me. you think i give a shit about what you think of me right now? you're the whore going around and playing with everyone that gives you a second's worth of attention. in case i wasn't clear before, i want you to fuck off. you could marry that son of a bitch for all i care." and in all his bare glory, he gets up to slam the door shut as loud and hard as he can.
he doesn't let the woman move in her state of shock and he grabs her, spitting on his palm before he strokes himself back to hardness ( the anger helps quite a bit ) and this time, he's pumping into her with the intention to fuck out any thoughts of you he's held on to. he appreciates her lengthy hair, the way she squeals when you'd whimper, her ricocheting screams that he's sure erwin can hear two rooms over. levi finishes inside of her and feeds her sweet nothings of raising a super soldier with her in the field of wherever her rich parents decide to give them a house.
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reiner awaits you at the end of the hallway and he pulls you in for a warm and comforting hug, and you accept with so many thanks relayed on by the shaking of your shoulders. it's been months since you've felt this kind of comfort and you wonder if maybe reiner would accept you as you are, broken and unable to be whole ever again. would he be able to put up with knowing that you'll always be dreaming of the man that pulled your heart out of its cavity to stick knives into it like it was some kind of voodoo doll? you look up at him with your vision blurry from the tears, but there's nothing but pure friendship that stares back at you, someone who cares deeply in the way they should, not misinterpreting platonic gestures for anything more. that's why he's always been your favourite person to be around.
"i can try to talk to him. i can't help but feel partially responsible, but... i don't know if what i say would matter if he isn't listening to you of all people."
you don't respond; he's right — the captain wouldn't care anyways. when your body no longer feels like wobbling over, you pull away from reiner and let him walk you to your sleeping quarters where he lingers for a moment.
"i had a great time tonight until that happened," he murmurs.
"i did, too," you crack the smallest of smiles and reiner takes the opportunity to rub your head like he wanted to earlier.
"get some rest. i'll still see what i can do for you. see ya in the morning."
you nod and send him off with a wave, watching him go up the stairs before you head inside and let your sobs lull you to sleep before any of the other girls come inside and ask what happened.
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"captain," reiner calls out with a salute as soon as levi opens the door. how long was this brat standing here?
"the fuck do you want, brat?" the elder groans.
"please, sir. please give me a chance to explain. i swear it won't take too long," he sees levi check the position of the sun to see what time it is.
"i'll give you one minute, then i'm out of here."
"sir, i swear on my... my hometown and bertholdt's limbs that nothing ever, ever happened between me and her. the only time anything remotely inappropriate was said was by me as an awful, not very tasteful joke. i asked her to the ball because i saw that she was unhappy and all i wanted to do was make her feel even one percent better, to restore one percent of who she was. you saw it too, captain... she wasn't alive, she was a walking corpse. the only time i ever saw her eyes turn undead was when we would talk about you. she made it clear that she was spoken for and that she has someone she dedicated her body and soul to. every other cadet thinks she has someone back home, but i know that she meant you, sir. please... you have to talk to her. i don't know what to do if she goes back to being a shell of who she was. she needs comfort. she needs y—"
"minute's up, cadet. get downstairs and join the others for training."
reiner's eyes tighten; he failed you.
"yes, sir," he mumbles, running down two stairs at a time.
was the brat telling the truth? what could the oaf have to gain by lying to his superior officer? if everything he just spewed was true, then levi would have been the one to cheat on you twice for no good reason at all. no, levi is an honourable man. everything he does, he does with a clear motive and this time, his motive was revenge, to teach you a lesson. was this the monster speaking for him? trying to rationalise the awful series of events that took place over the last night? his hands start trembling with what he can only decipher as disgust, his stomach straining to hold back the bile that starts to rise.
no. he wouldn't. he couldn't do that to you, his reason to live. levi could never hurt you like that unless you deserved it.
quickly, he stumbles his way down the stairs like a drunkard. god, he hopes that you're also fucked up enough to have stayed behind today...
levi throws the door of the girls' room open and he sees a single person on one of the beds, draped in the same white lace you wore last night.
"oi," he all but screams.
you raise your head and rub at your sleepy eyes with a loose fist, speaking before you can remember anything that happened.
"captain?" your voice is full of sleep and groggy and you sit up a little more to watch him take strides as long as his legs will allow. he falls to his knees beside you and you see that his eyes and face are wet— is he crying? "captain?!" you ask again, much more alarmed.
"was i wrong?" his voice is a mere whisper — he doesn't have the confidence to raise it without having it shake or break. "you never strayed?" his fingers grasp the thin fabric on your lap, almost ripping it apart.
slowly, you piece together the details as you awaken from your slumber. the ball, the wave, the girl, his naked body— shrieking, you push him away as hard as you can ( he's unwavering ) and feel your breath coming in unevenly and much too quickly.
"n-no! never. i'm not like you, levi," you've never called him without an honourific before. "i'm not some animal! i'm... i was in love with you." the emphasised past tense breaks you and him at the same time. you start sobbing aloud and so does he. is this really something that love can't mend? a mistake? a misunderstanding?
levi can't lose you — he won't.
climbing on the bed with you, he grabs your arms and pins them beside you as he sits on your lap, determined to get out of this room belonging to each other again.
"do you really believe that? you don't love me anymore?" his eyes are boring into yours. "because i love you and i haven't stopped. every moment away from you, i thought about how awful existence is without you," his grip on you tightens, "and how i can't live without you. if you don't want me, i'll go die. i'll charge into battle and go to the grave with my only regret being that i couldn't die with your love."
his words deliver so much promise, so damn much that you almost forget what he did last night. it wouldn't be fair for him to get away with it when he punished you for months with just the thought, no solid proof, of you doing the same. do you risk your peace of mind for humanity's survival? you're torn, but you had your answer ready seconds after he asked the question; you can't live without him, either. the second he disappears from this world, you will, too. you don't know what awaits after life, but you hope that you can be together then as well.
"but you... you did it. i didn't. how can we fix that?"
you didn't say 'no' and that's all that matters to him. he lets his bruising fingers loosen around you and he grips your chin ever so gently, as if you were made of the most delicate petals.
"i don't have the answer to that right now, but do you think that's something we can figure out together? whatever consequence you think is plausible, i'll follow along."
your eyes widen. he sounds almost... submissive. it takes a while for you to calculate the risks of either choice, but in the end, the emptiness you felt without him was one that you don't want to relive. it won't be easy to move on from what he did and you expect endless reassurance and his absolute word that it'll never happen again, but from where you're sitting, it doesn't seem like such an impossible feat.
"no more sneaking around. you have to tell commander erwin so i don't get stuck doing extra training exercises." the memory still stings. "and no more being mean to me. i don't want to be humiliated in front of other people. just you when we're alone."
your demands make levi snort and you raise a questioning brow.
"i allow you permission to send me away for months at a time or do your cleaning duties for you and that's all you have to throw at me?" his heart throbs and aches. how could he have hurt someone like you so much? "yes to all of that, my love."
a gasp is stuck in your throat and you avert your gaze coyly — he's never called you that before.
"i love you," he continues in a low murmur. the salty water you just managed to pause starts to spill over in your eyes again and you lift a trembling hand to hold his cheek, the one thing you were denied the last time you were together. he leans into the touch and closes his eyes, letting your palm burn an imprint on his skin that went untouched for far too long. even now, it feels so right, like everything was only a small rift and all things have been restored to its former glory.
"i love you, too. i love you more." you expect him to challenge this, but he chuckles and flutters his lids open to look at you through his lashes.
"i agree. it took a minute for you to forgive me for something i battled with you for months for. there's no doubt that your love is unconditional and that i'm undeserving, yet... greedy enough to have all to myself," his brows furrow together at the last sentence. the monster inside is slowly shrinking the more time he spends with you and he finds himself somehow even more devoted to you than he was before.
it's an odd feeling, hearing the captain admit his wrongs, tell you that you were right — it's like he's a completely different person, but the changes are more than welcome.
whilst you're in your reverie, he leans in for a slow kiss, savouring the taste that he's been deprived of for months. you're still so pliable in his hands, but he notes that you've become too easy to throw around ( a matter he'll take up with the kitchen later ).
"you know," he mutters in between kisses, "white is my favourite on you. did you choose this dress just to tempt me and haunt my dreams?"
oh. you forgot about your attire completely and look down at the white lace that wrinkles under the weight of your superior, your cheeks slowly heating up.
"pure coincidence. i'll wear it for you on special occasions, sir," you whisper, the smile on your lips feeling so natural, as if it wasn't out of commission for months.
"like on our wedding day?" he muses absentmindedly as his fingers pull down the straps just as he wanted to when he first saw you in the dress. the shock in your eyes is so easily noticeable and he chuckles as he pulls the upper part of your outfit down to let your tits spill out, cupping each of them in his hands with a groan. "why so surprised, love? you're stuck with me until death do us part. isn't marriage the next step?"
perhaps it's the deprivation of touch that has your core starting to grow hot from his words of commitment and you moan as his cold fingers grab your heated flesh, your legs wriggling underneath him to try and part them.
"so impatient, aren't you? i'm just talking about what the future holds in store for us and you want to get fucked in your shared bedroom? when the others walk in and see you cumming for your captain, will you be able to tell them so boldly that you're mine like you want me to tell erwin?" his amused grin makes you all the more excited, like you've been stir-crazy and this is your only chance to let everything out.
his legs languidly climb off of you and the bed and he only undoes his pants far enough to slip out his throbbing length, stroking it right beside you. you stare, hypnotised at the way his palm moves so fluidly, the way the slit on his tip cries for you.
"d'you want it, love?" the name makes you shiver and you look up at him with wide, begging eyes, nodding eagerly. oh, how he's longed to see you like this; you really did haunt his dreams, making his underwear and sheets messy by the time he woke up. endless moments were spent with his fist around his cock, thinking of how he'll take you the next time he can, on your knees with his dick buried deep in your throat, or on your back so he can watch you cry as he wrecks you, maybe on your hands and knees because he doesn't want to see you, perhaps even wrapped around him as he fucks you into the wall he shares with hange so she can shove her shitty narrative of him being a sad little man up her ass.
he knows what he wants right now, at this moment. briefly, he releases his length to pull the sheets out from under and over you ( you tossed and turned too much in your slumber ) to have them sit on the bed next to yours. when your hands move to pull the dress down even further, he grabs your wrist and shakes his head.
"no. it stays on, angel."
you blush and look away with a shy smile, nodding. ever so tenderly, he lays you down on the bed and kneels in between your legs towards the end of the mattress, grabbing your right leg and kissing at your ankle.
"mmm. would you believe me if i said i missed every inch of you? including your stubby little toes?" your brows furrow and you look up at him, ready to tell him that it's just his toes that are freakishly long, but he starts to climb up your limb with his lips, leaving a trail of gentle kisses on every surface he can touch: your shin, your knee, your plentiful thigh that he can't help but bite into, and you moan into the air in response. every surface he touches leaves a burning heat that gets you trembling and he lets your leg hang off his shoulder as he lifts the dress up to have it bunch at your hips. "i see you even had on such pretty panties. would've been a waste if i didn't come barging in here to win you back, unless you were planning to put out to that braun boy?"
if you were faced with the levi from months ago, you would have heard the menace and venom in his question, but the new man in front of you is only teasing, so sure that your answer will always be whatever points to him.
"i dressed from head to toe expecting to seduce you, but you ran off before i could even try... i do enjoy when you're jealous, sir. i didn't expect you'd fold so quickly." you don't sound as confident as he does with your voice shaky and so quiet. "well... jealous and still on speaking terms with me."
the monster inside of levi winces and he can feel the devilish abomination get tucked away more and more into oblivion as he trails kisses even higher up, over the pretty and slightly scratchy lace until he can kiss each of your nipples. his palms push at the outer sides of both your tits so he can squeeze himself in between them with a loud groan, his body now hovering yours.
"i definitely missed being buried here and here," he presses a knee against your covered mound, "the most, i'd say." the pit stop doesn't last long and he reaches higher and higher until his face is nestled into the crook of your neck. "do you love me?"
the question is muffled and so sudden, such a silly thing to ask when the answer is obvious. you barely feel his long fingernails push aside your panties to expose your wet folds, one of his fingertips trailing along them.
"yes," you breathe out, brows furrowing as your hips buck desperately for more.
"yes, what?" just the tip enters you and he's delighted at the way you clench around him already.
"yes, sir," you push out through a clenched jaw.
his teeth dig into your skin as a warning and he pulls his hand away completely to grip himself and prepare to enter you.
"yes sir, what? what question are you answering?"
the smug bastard. you want to be annoyed that he's withholding pleasure from you for his own satisfaction, but you want him so bad that you give in; not like you're telling any lies anyways.
"i love you. i love you so much, sir," after the first time, he's already plunged into your awaiting heat and when you say it again, he moans right along with you. with one hand curled around your hip to bring you closer, he rests his other elbow beside your head so he can caress your cheek, staring right into your glistening eyes as he finds the perfect rhythm to dig you deeper into your bed.
"i love you too, darling." it's as if he's pouring out all the affection he's held in for years all at once. overbearing as it may be, you can't help but smile each time, your lower lip caught in between your teeth to stop yourself from grinning too wide or being too noisy.
"no, no," he whispers when he sees what you're doing. the polite fingers on your cheek move so he can hold your face in between his thumb and middle phalanges, forcing your mouth to open with his pointer finger shoved in between your lips roughly. "as loud as you want, as much as you can. i want to hear everything you have to offer." he presses down on your tongue just enough to hear you start to gag and he pulls away to hold the other side of your waist now, lifting his body off of yours with his back straightened. now you're in the homestretch.
levi smirks down and takes a moment to appreciate how you look right now: hair flung in all directions, cheeks absolutely flushed, tears gathered in your hypnotising eyes, and lips ever so slightly swollen. you look like an absolute mess and his chest aches with pride knowing that he made you into his mess.
"an absolute angel," he murmurs before snapping his hips rather abruptly against yours, forcing his length to stretch you out all over again as it reaches for the deepest corner of your warm crevice. his head fights the urge to loll or throw itself back with just how much congenial ecstacy each of his thrusts bring — but he doesn't want to lose sight of the masterpiece beneath him in fear of it disappearing once more.
the fluttering of his lids is easily detectable and you feel yours do the same as your back arches higher and higher each time he moves inside of you. physical pleasure wasn't something you sought without levi, but since he's within your reach again, the greed that was suppressed for months finally makes its way out.
"more, s—" you stop yourself; aren't you past the formalities by now? you can't call him your captain when you're wearing matching wedding bands. "levi, please... more."
a shudder violently rips down his spine at the sound of his name coming from your melodic voice and he releases a guttural moan that echoes throughout the empty room. he delivers your request on a silver platter, bucking his hips wildly as if this was his first and last day to feel this kind of earthly pleasure. an unstable hand reaches out to grab your chin and he makes sure to lean in with your sweaty foreheads touching as he groans your name in between deep pants.
"i'm gonna fill you up over and over, love. you're mine and god's going to have to pry my dead body away from you if he ever plans on taking you back to heaven." you can hear his teeth clench once before his jaw relaxes to let out a lewd cry of your name again, followed by a deep growl.
the mess you make soon after isn't any better; your hands shoot up to grab and scratch at his shoulders and you do your best to keep your eyes open ( you succeed for the most part ), repeating his name like it's the only word you know. there wasn't a time when you felt so full, so complete like this with the captain — no, levi, before.
"i love you," you hear muffle into your neck again as he collapses on top of you. all four limbs wrap around him and you lift your head to press a kiss against his jugular as well, claiming the pulse and the muscle it leads to as yours, too.
just at the corner of your vision, you notice a crowd of familiar faces at the door, open-jawed and staring for god knows how long and now your mouth falls open as well. in the sea of shocked comrades, you see one beaming back at you with a thumbs-up. you'll have to thank him later for knocking some sense into the superior officer still blissfully unaware that the entire survey corps is now aware who you belong to.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Well shit. The pet talk has me thinking about turning into a neko because of a curse gone wrong... would you like to write headcanons for the jjk men reacting to their crush befalling that fate? Who'd try to reverse it, who'd want to keep them that way? Who would use the chance to get closer or even turn it into pet play?
ahh to be a neko and be owned by a handsome jjk man.....
warnings: not sfw, afab reader implied, cat/neko hybrid reader, petplay mentions, master/pet dynamics!
♡ —-> below the cut: gojo, nanami, geto, toji, sukuna, mahito <—-  ♡
♡ Gojo probably immediately figures out how to reverse it - but the thing is, right away, he doesn’t much want to. You just look so cute with the neko ears resting on your hair, your hands curled like paws, your tail curling around you so cutely. The light purr in the way you speak, the way your eyes keep contracting as you get distracted by a loose thread on his clothes or the light reflecting off his sunglasses. 
He’s going to take a lot of pictures of you; partly to make fun of you with later, partly because he just can’t help it. You’re adorable! As part-cat now, too, you’ve gotten a lot less good at hiding your affection. Gojo is suddenly being subjected to you batting your head against him, rubbing your face against his to mark him as yours - and he’s not complaining about it at all. 
He will very much use this as an opportunity for petplay. He’s got a bit of a power complex about being the strongest; you being a cute little pet at his knees, all helpless and mewling, is something he didn’t realise he’d want so badly. And you’re so sensitive, when he touches your ears or your tail. He kind of wants to get you a collar, to leave you like this forever - but he’s not going to, because at the heart of it, he’s a good man who wants the best for you.
It won’t stop him bringing this up all of the time afterwards, showing you the pictures, and buying you a cute tail and ear set to wear for him when the two of you are spending some alone time together, though. 
“Aww, kitty - that’s right, smile for the camera - say ‘nya~’!”
- ♡ -
♡ Nanami is more concerned than anything else. His first instinct is to protect you, and his second instinct is to be frustrated with himself for not protecting you thoroughly enough. He takes you back to his place before Gojo or anyone can see you, knowing that most of them won’t let you live this down and preparing to organise things himself. When it turns out Shoko can’t have a look at you until the next day, citing the fact that you’re not in any real danger, Nanami resigns himself to having to spend the night with you in this state. 
He tries to make you a bed in the spare bedroom but you crawl onto his bed anyway, nesting at the foot of it, curling yourself in covers. When he doesn’t pay attention to you, you sigh, rubbing your head against his leg, as if to say ‘well, go ahead, pet me’ - unfortunately, if you want Nanami to do that, you have to open your mouth and ask. He doesn’t want to take advantage of you.
When you finally do ask him with your words, he presses his lips thinly together but he also knows cats - you’re not going to let him rest until he does it. He finds himself soothed by petting your ears, the soft rumble of your throat, the way that his touch seems to make you relax. He hadn’t realised just how comfortable you must be with him. 
Nanami will not do anything to you in this state, even if you try and initiate it - when he gets to take you to bed for the first time, he hopes there will be no cursed nonsense present - just you, and him, and the beating of your hearts. But at least this little experience has given him some courage to push forward with his crush.  
“You really want me to stroke you? Well . . . I suppose I could . . . is this alright?”
- ♡ -
♡ Geto does not want to like the sight of you with your eyes big and wide and cute cat ears on your head and a tail extending from your backside as cute as he does. You’ve always been one of his favourite curse users, and perhaps he’s been nursing a crush on you for longer than he’d like to admit - but this just feels rude. You’re so cute with your head tipped to the side, sticking very close to him, fair brightening up when his hand so much as brushes your arm. 
He does want to fix you, of course - he doesn’t want anything to dull your sharp knife-edges, the cleverness thrumming beneath your skin. He thinks of the people he surrounds himself as family, and you as - as more than that. But he indulges in it for a little too long. Liking to watch your tail swish as you walk, your ears twitch - liking the noise you make when he runs his palm over your face. 
Geto, too, will indulge in a little petplay. How can he not, when you were so obedient and good for him even before this unfortunate occurrence? He soothes you with pets and kisses as you sink onto his cock, calling you his good kitten, asking you to purr for him and groaning when your slightly sharper than usual teeth nip at his neck and you mewl so prettily at the touch of his hands on your spine. 
Out of anyone, Getou is the most likely to tie a ribbon around your new tail and get you a cute collar with a bow and a bell on it. When you’re sat on his lap with his cock inside you, he murmurs softly not to let the bell jingle, be a good pet and stay exactly where he puts you - and for Geto, you’re a very well-behaved pussy-cat, and you do exactly what he asks you.
“Mm, that’s right - good kitten. You feel so right there. You’re such a pretty thing, so well-behaved--”
- ♡ -
♡ Toji should want to do something about this. He hates the idea of all of this cursed energy clinging to you - but he also knows there isn’t much he can do, and he isn’t willing to lower himself to ask for help from anyone who can do anything about it. So, welcome to your new life - you’re Toji’s cute little kitten now. He likes his kitten to lie on his lap, to nest in his bed, to eat off a bowl on the floor and wear their pretty collar--
He likes his kitty to be well-behaved, but honestly, Toji’s treatment whether you are well-behaved or not is much the same. He likes that you’ll sit and listen to him like everything he says is the most important thing in the world - likes that, now you’re his good little housecat, he is the centre of your universe. He’s rough with you no matter what, but you grow to absolutely love that sensation - love digging your claws into his back when he fucks you, love it when he groans ‘good kitty’ into your ear, love it when he stretches out beside you and lets you nuzzle into his chest, purring at him. 
He secretly likes it when you act up a little bit; if you spill your milk or if you purposely ignore him. He loves having an opportunity to tame the brattiness out of his kitten - to tug on your tail a little meanly, to remind you of who exactly you belong to.
“Aww, kittycat-- you’re really pushin’ my buttons today, huh? C’mere - lemme remind you who your owner is--”
- ♡ -
♡ Sukuna . . . if you’ve ended up like this and you’re Sukuna’s object of affection, we can only assume that Sukuna himself is the one to have engineered it. No other curse would dare to touch his property, after all - and if you are Sukuna’s, you are his property. You being a cute little kitty now doesn’t change the fact at all; if anything, it reinforces in Sukuna’s mind that you’re his pet. He owns you. You ought to be on your knees, your head bowed, practically quivering if he deigns to pet you or lavish you in affection--
You will be staying this way.
You’ll be learning exactly how a good pet behaves; how and when to use your tongue, how to respond to your Master’s petting of your ears, how to learn to roll over and present yourself when your Master wants to take you. Heaven help you if you go into heat, kitten - Sukuna’s deeply amused by your whimpering, by the way you keep nuzzling against his thighs and telling him that it hurts, please fill me up, pleasepleaseplease.
If you’ve been very good, he’ll reward you by filling you up fuller than you even realised you could be. If you’ve been very bad, you’ll be sobbing and clawing into his sheets and begging to be touched with your own need streaming down your thighs. Either way, in the end, you’ll be mewling into Sukuna’s kimono with tears on your face from the stretch, secure in the knowledge that you’re owned. 
“A good kitten walks on all fours, hmm? A good kitten obeys their Master. A good kitten knows to do it immediately when I tell them to open their mouth--”
- ♡ -
♡ Mahito wants to find out everything he can about this interesting new development. Chances are, if he has a crush on you, you already know it - subtlety is honestly not one of the curse’s strong points. Chances are, too, if he has a crush on you and you’re still around, you’re okay with is - but this is probably going to push it over the edge. His hands are all over you, petting and tugging on your ears and your tail, probably trying to see how they attach to your skin and laughing when you flinch or blush or a certain rub of his thumb across your tailbone makes a purr thrum in your throat.
He’s telling you how cute you are through it all, laughing - he’s talking earnestly about the way humans keep pets, how he’s always wondered about it, and now he’s had one dropped into his lap, and isn’t that just fortuitous? At first, he wants you to be as much of a pet as you can - on your hands and knees, purring, mewling, the whole nine yards! But once he’s exhausted that option (Mahito’s moods tend to be whimsical and over in a flash before he’s moved onto the next one), he wants to explore your new additions and how doing certain things to you makes them feel. Expect to be fucked from behind by Mahito pulling your tail - expect him, too, to be very interested in the concept of cats going into heat! You’re an endlessly fascinating new toy, until you’re not quite as fascinating--
And then Mahito is shifting his soul to have his own cat ears and tail, to be mess around with you some more and see if your reactions are any different when he’s made himself your cat-boyfriend! Eventually, he’ll get bored of you being part cat and he’ll figure out how to get you back to your normal self on his own, but by then the damage has probably already been done and some part of you is just conditioned - to purr when your head is scratched, to docilely sit at Mahito’s feet and paw at the front of his trousers.
“You’re so cute! Humans like to play with their pets, right? Let’s play, then! Purr for me, koneko-chan~”
-  ♡ -
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