#to be fair I stopped making art I wanted to post so like
rottsonrosen · 2 years
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Oh my gods I'm not dead. Anyway have some Hunter's Moon memes.
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splendidcyan · 1 year
With my final semester of college starting tomorrow I decided to clean out and organize and label my email, and umm maybe gathering all my job rejections into one folder was a bad idea?? Aha I've heard from people that it's good to collect them and be able to look back and see how you've improved, but as someone who still isn't in the industry I want to be in it kinda umm just made me so sad LMAO. Self flagellating on a Sunday I guess
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paganinpurple · 1 year
AO3 Etiquette -UPDATED
Based on both decent and not so decent replies, I have made some changes to my original post below.
It would seem a whole new kind of AO3 reader/writer is emerging and it is becoming clear not everyone quite understands how the website community works. Here is some basic guidance on how most people expect you to go about using AO3 to keep this a fun community archive that funtions correctly:
As well as likes, kudos is for when the story was interesting enough to make you finish reading. If it sucked or was badly written, you probably left. If you finished it, you liked it - so kudos.
If you really liked it, you should try to comment. It can be long and detailed or a literal keysmash. Writers don't care, we just love comments.
No critisism unless the author has specifically asked or agreed to hear it (so use your notes to say if you want some constructive feedback). Even constructive critisism is a no-no unless an author note tells you it's okay. No, posting it online is not an open invitation for that. Many people write as a fun hobby or a way to cope with, among other things, insecurity and just want to share. Don't ruin that for them. I've seen so many authors just stop writing coz they can't handle the negative emotions the critism brings, and it's only meant to be a fun thing shared for free (pointing out tagging errors is not included in this).
Do not comment to ask the author to write/update something else. It's tacky and off-putting and will probably have the opposite effect than the one you want.
There is no algorithm, it's an archive. Use the search and filter function to add/remove the pairings/characters/tropes etc. you want to read about and it will find you the fics that fit the bill.
For this to work, writers must tag and rate stories. This avoids readers finding the wrong things and missing the stuff they want. I don't care how cringy that trope is in your eyes - it gets tagged.
The tag exception is if you don't want to tag a million things or spoil your story, you can rate it as "chose not to use warnings," and maybe tag the bare minimum.
Don't censor tags. How can someone exclude a tag if the word isn't typed out correctly? There are no content bans for terms so don't censor them.
If the tags are mostly content/trigger warnings, especially if they are things considered very fucked up or graphic, you might want to use "dead dove - do not eat" to ensure people know that you're not messing around with tags and what they get is exactly what you've warned them about.
Character A/Character B means a ROMANTIC or SEXUAL relationship of some kind. Character A&Character B is PLATONIC, like friendship or family.
Nothing is banned. This is an rule because banning one thing is a slipperly slope to banning another and another, until nothing is allowed anymore. Do not expect anyone to censor for you. Because of the tags system, you are responsible for your own reading experience.
People can create new chapters and sequels/fic series any time after they "complete" a story. So it's considered perfectly normal to subscribe, even to a finished story. You can even subscribe to the author instead just to cover your bases.
Do not repost stories or change the publishing date without an extremely good reason (like a complete top to bottom rewrite or an exchange youve written for going public). It's an archive, not social media. No one cares what's the most recent, only what fits their tag needs.
Instead of deleting a story you wrote if you hate it - consider making it anonymous or orphaning it so others can still enjoy it, without it being connected to your name anymore. If you still want to delete it, fair enough.
It's come to my attention that metaworks ARE allowed on AO3, which is something I wasn't aware of. So if you do post an essay or theory, please tag it as such so others can choose to search for it or exclude it. Art is also allowed.
The only reason this archive works is because NON ONE PROFITS. Do not link to your ko-fi or patreon or mention monetary gain in any way or you violate the terms and risk having your account removed. If anyone does link, it leaves the archive open to people claiming it's for profit and having the whole thing removed.
I KNOW there's plenty more I missed but I'm trying to cover most of the basics that people seem to be struggling with.
I invite anyone to add to this, but please explain, don't berate.
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zee-rambles · 1 year
Lets. D0. This.
(Please note: Post will be updated as I find more resources and think of more strategies)
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(Please do not re-use gif without permission…unless it’s to save Rise…)
Mutant May
YOU can watch Season 1 and Season 2 of RISE right HERE!
So I’ve seen a a lot of people still wondering if Rise of the TMNT can be saved.
There’s is a lot of hope, especially with the boom of fans joining the fandom after the movie dropped last year, people making more art on tumblr, twitter, tik tok, and so on. But also a a lot of doubt, especially after JJ Conway’s post on twitter.
BUT…I still think there is a chance…a GOOD chance. WITH ORIGINAL CAST AND CREW! Why?
We live in the internet. Information is more then easy to get out now thanks to social media. There is all kinds of ways to get the word out to people. Let’s abuse it. 😎
Fans have brought back shows before.
We need a MAJOR push through social media, more fans, more art, it’s up to us…and I think we can do it!
Fans convinced Netflix to bring Sense8 back for a finale
Fans convinced fox to bring back “Futurama” after it was cancelled in 1999.
Hey Arnold got the jungle movie thirteen years after the show was cancelled
Animaniacs got a 3 season revival 22 years after it stopped airing.
Brooklyn 99 was cancelled in 2018, and the fans convinced NBC to pick up the series.
Arrested Development was canceled after 3 seasons, but AFTER it was cancelled, it grew an audience and they made it come back!
Fans saved the original Star Trek in the 60s with letters.
They did it. Why can’t we?
So what can we do?
1. PETITIONS TO SAVE RISE that we can all sign…
PETITION 1 (The strongest one, but the more petitions signed, the better!)
PETITION 4 (save the content that was cut/we missed)
PETITION 5! (Make an ROTTMNT season 3)
2. Pester Nickelodeon and Netflix on social media (THE BIG ONE Y’ALL, THIS IS THE MOST DIRECT AND IMPORTANT)
Be polite, be non-toxic (don’t be rude or mean, the boys would not want that, and the Nick/Netflix won’t listen), but be LOUD, PASSIONATE, AND ANNOYING! Ask for DVDs of the show/movie, and then BUY THOSE DVDs!
Sample DM/Letter (but try to come up with your own. Too many repeats and they will ignore it)
“Dear Nickelodeon/Netflix/Viacom, I can’t tell you how much Rise means to me, and I really love that you put the show on air. But it was not fair that the show was cancelled before it got the chance to reach the audience it deserved, only because of a few bad reviews and a lack of advertising. The show is great, there’s tons of fans, tons of art, and people, including me, want so much more! Please bring it back! We want the original crew to come, Flying Bark, for the show to get it’s full second season restored, and it’s five season run like it was originally intended. People hated the 2012 TMNT when it came out, but it got it’s chance and now there are people that love it. Why can’t Rise of the TMNT have the same? It’s clear that the creators love their work and there’s a growing fan base for it. Rise just came out at the wrong time, but it deserves it chance to shine.”
The more personal you made the letter, the more you say what Rise means to you, the better.
As for me? I’m sending them a picture of Pizza Pigeon with the #wewantmoreriseoftheTMNT and #saverottmnt
Request movies/seasons on Netflix.
Ask for Rise Season 2, another season, another movie. Just keep asking!
Nickelodeon’s facebook page (Look, I know that facebook is a relic at this point, but the more people go there and PESTER Nickelodeon, the better!)
Rise’s facebook page
Leave good reviews. Share. Leave TONS of comments
Nickelodeon’s instagram
Nickelodeon’s Twitter page (treat carefully, there be Musks out there…only use if you are over 18)
Nickelodeon’s TikTok
Niceklodeon’s letter inbox
Nickelodeon, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
Rugrats was brought back because fans bombarded Nickelodeon with letters saying they wanted it back. Might as well cover our bases. This one is a BIG DEAL!
Nickelodeon’s Corporate Number
1-212-846-2543 Call them! Annoy them! Ask how we can get their attention! Tell them why you love this show! Why it deserves to come back.
Contact Paramount
Paramounts Request form
Official Fan Page Rise’s Instagram
The more followers the better.
Netflix’s instagram
Netflix’s facebook
Netflix’s Twitter (Treat carefully. There be MUSKs out there…only use if you are over 18)
If anyone has any more, any deeper more direct points of contact, or more ideas, please share!
3. Leave good reviews for Rise anywhere and raise awareness everywhere you can!
One of the key reasons Rise did not do too well because it was unfairly review bombed before people could give it a chance…so get out there on tik tok, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and ESPECIALLY youtube.
Make reviews! Analysis! JOKES! Support other content creators! When the Rise Reanimated video comes out, share it like no tomorrow!
No one paid attention when How to Train Your Dragon came out, but word of mouth and people saying it was good, made it the success it was. Let’s repeat history!
Anytime there is NEW RISE CONTENT on Nickelodeon’s YouTube channel, watch it, share, spread it.
Share this post on social media, across various sites, use the information here to spread awareness about how people can help and what they can do. Be relentless! (Like Leo in Lair Games)
Ask influencers to review, react, and give RISE a chance without placing judgement.
4. Make. ART!
Draw, Write, TWEET, Make MERCH, Sell MERCH, Make Tik Toks, Videos on YouTube, posts on instagram, discord, what pad, demanding more Rise, spreading the word, and just showing how much you love this show! Not only will it attract attention, but it’s also good for all of us. There will be more Rise content either way.
Make sure to @ nickelodeon on ALL of your art! SPAM THEM! ANNOY THEM! DROWN THEM IN LOVE FOR THIS SHOW! Demand DVD’s and Blue rays of the SHOW AND THE MOVIE! It’s not fair that we can’t have access to it!
If you see official Rise MERCH in the while, buy it if you can! Also support as many rise content creators as you can. If you can’t draw? Write! If you can’t create! Like! Share! Comment! Support each other!
Rise April ART Challenge
Keep in mind…there WILL be pushback.
Companies as big as Nickelodeon and Viacom care about their bottom line: $$$…money. BUT pushback, whether they are taking down your videos on Tik Tok, striking artists on twitter, mean that they’re taking NOTICE. So don’t. Give. UP!
One last thing to remember: DO NOT harass fans for enjoying other versions of TMNT
Even though Rise is the first and only TMNT I have ever loved, I don’t believe in shaming other fans for looking forward to, or enjoying other TMNT series. Gatekeeping like that was what stopped Rise from (heh) Rising as high as it should have. All Rise fans are welcome, and all TMNT fans are welcome. Rise deserves to reach more fans, it deserves another season, and it does not need to knock down other TMNT series to do it. Show them your love and your need for more Rise, without making other TMNT fans feel unwelcome.
Share, spread the word, give it your best shot! A village can move MOUNTAINS! SO let’s do it.
So that in the near future…we can MAKE THIS JOKE!
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Also I have to say "but bands are using AI art for their album covers" is not a winning argument.
That band wasn't going to pay you. That band was going to beg somebody's artist brother for a freebie or they were going to have the people in the band who can kind of draw draw something or they were going to use a moody photo someone took with their cellphone. Best possible scenario is "they were going to trade for something from someone in the scene," and this is still the most likely scenario for bands that *give a shit* about that kind of thing.
And I've been the one doing freebie artwork for my musician friends; I've made album covers and done promo shoots, I've drawn logos and I've got a standing offer to make buttons for the cost of materials for every band I've ever played a show with. The people who give a shit in the scene are already doing this because everybody knows that everybody's broke.
I'm certain that there's not *zero* overlap between "bands that can afford to pay artists and photographers to create album artwork" and "bands that are using AI art for their album covers" but if you think "indie musician" is a demographic that has money to spare on commissioned artwork, I'm pretty sure you're mistaken.
Like. Okay, I mean my *big* argument is that AI image generation is fair use, full stop.
But the secondary argument that I've got is that I'm not sure there's a market to have the bottom fall out of.
The person making shitty covers for their amazon romance novel was not going to pay you. They were going to pay someone on fiverr eight dollars *at best* and that's only if they couldn't find a way to DIY.
That band that's trying desperately to sell ten tickets so they can play a show at the cool venue was not going to pay you to do their cover art. Their last fifty bucks just went to covering those tickets because their friends aren't even coming to their free shows. They were going to stage a photoshoot with a cellphone and a timer and someone's sister's selfie stick.
That person who made an AI avatar was not going to pay you for a custom avatar they were going to take a screenshot of your work and use that.
The people who are able to afford to pay artists and who are interested in paying artists are not the people who are replacing artists with AI. The t-shirt dropshippers, the shitty book cover designers, the bland corporate artists, and the art reposting instagram pages were the ones who undercut your market.
If you're concerned that someone is going to use AI to make art that is materially similar to yours and sell it, you're just concerned that someone is going to make art that is materially similar to yours to sell. The concerns about AI doing it are functionally exactly the same as what happens when someone says "wow, I want that on a t-shirt" under your drawing. If someone were to draw a character similar to but distinct from yours with words similar to but distinct from yours and put a link to that on a reblog of your post, that person is not actually infringing on you. They're a shithead, but that's not actually art theft. If they used your character and your words, or if they directly copy the image, that's art theft and you can try to get their post taken down. It's the exact same thing with AI.
The people who care about art and can afford to pay for it are always going to pay for it. Your problem isn't with AI, your problem is with the fact that people don't value art and that's as true now as it was a decade ago.
You are trying to sell a complicated, crocheted sundress made with 100% hand-dyed alpaca wool on Etsy and are complaining that the loose knit acrylic sundress from walmart is undercutting your market. Some people are always going to make the effort to save up and pay for your work because they value the craftsmanship, but those people didn't want to shop at WalMart in the first place. And the ones who value your craftsmanship but just plain can't afford it were going to dig through the bins at a thrift store until they found a crocheted swim cover from the seventies that they could pass off as a dress with a few alterations.
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cieloclercs · 10 months
what would you say (if i told you i love you)? — charles leclerc
PART: 3? (read part 2 here)
summary. in which childhood best friends blur the lines between what they’ve always known, and something more
warnings. swearing, online hate, we’re getting to the angst now 🫣 arguments, charles is an idiot, arthur and joris being sick of his shit (but what else is new)
pairings. charles leclerc x arsty!reader
face claim. tara michelle
author’s note. again, i have no idea how much modern art sells for at auctions so don’t come at me if this seems unrealistic 🙏☹️ i also feel the need to clarify that y/n has 2 instagram accounts, one personal and one for art stuff ☺️
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liked by joris_trouche and 51,196 others
y/nsart auction update! 🎨
tide - sold for €12,460 erode - sold for €9,500 wave - sold for €20,890 glint - sold for €6,300
this is nothing short of a dream come true for me. the support i’ve seen both on social media and at the auction (once again, thank you to everyone who stopped by!) has been beyond anything i ever could have hoped for 🩵
if you’d told me when i was a little girl that one day people would pay for art i’ve created, i wouldn’t have believed you. i’m so so grateful to have been given this opportunity to do something that i love and to share it with the world 💗 i can’t wait to see what the future holds!
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username congratulations y/n! 💕💕
*y/nsart liked this comment
leclerc_pascale C'est tout à fait mérité. N'arrêtez jamais de peindre, ma fille, vous avez un don! / completely deserved. never stop painting, my girl, you have a gift!
y/nsart merci beaucoup 🥹 je promets de ne pas le faire x / i promise i won’t
arthur_leclerc congratulations petite sœur! / little sister
y/nsart merci arth ☺️
y/nsart also, ‘petite’? i’m literally older than you?
arthur_leclerc but you’re smaller 🙃
charles_leclerc toujours fière de toi, ma chérie ❤️ / forever proud of you, sweetheart
y/nsart 😐
charles_leclerc you’re still mad at me? ☹️
y/nsart if you wanted one of my paintings you could have just asked rather than wasting over €20,000. i would have let you have it for free
charles_leclerc i didn’t waste anything, y/n
username uh oh mom and dad are fighting 😳
username ironic how her highest selling painting was literally bought by her best friend 😭
username i guarantee you it would NOT have sold for that much if charles hadn’t been bidding
username i don’t want to be the one to say it but lately it kind of feels like y/n’s been using her friendship with charles as a way to promote her art…
username as much as i love y/n icl i think you might be right 🥲
username 🤢🤢🤢
username stop using charles’ fame to try and make yourself relevant! you’ll never be good enough for him babes 🥰
username the switch up on these comments from ‘fans’ is actually so embarrassing
username i know! it’s like as soon as y/n starts becoming successful everyone suddenly decides it’s not because of her own hard work but because of charles 🙄
username lmao how has she managed to make tens of thousands for that shit she calls art? i’m sensing a clout chaser 😂
username this REEKS of jealousy
username these comments make me sick. y/n has proved time and time again how talented and hard working she is. just because charles doesn’t know you exist doesn’t mean you get to hate on another girl who he ACTUALLY cares about. grow up.
*charles_leclerc and y/nsart liked this comment
username i feel so bad for y/n. no offence to charles but if he’d let the auction play out normally without bidding (although he does have a right to do so if he wants!) then she wouldn’t be getting all this hate right now 😔
comments on this post have been limited.
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liked by pierregasly and 1,567,836 others
charles_leclerc back to work 🇳🇱
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username no y/n like? ☹️
username is y/n with you?
username guys check kym illman’s instagram! he said charles turned up to the paddock alone…
username i mean, y/n could be arriving later right?
username if y/n isn’t there it’ll be the first race she’s missed since singapore last year 😳
username y/n has a life besides charles! just because she’s not at one race doesn’t mean they’ve fallen out or anything ☺️
username but think about it…neither charles nor y/n have posted anything to do with each other since the auction a week ago normally they can barely go a day without posting each other 🥴
username can everyone just stop talking about y/n 🙄 all she ever did was distract him anyway
username forza charles! ❤️
username he’s not even smiling :((
username because he knows ferrari are shit, it’s probably nothing to do with y/n
username i didn’t even mention her? 😭
joris_trouche i think you’re missing someone mate
username JORIS??
username i hate to be the bearer of bad news but y/n just posted. she’s not at the grand prix 🥲
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viewed by charles_leclerc and 9,637 others
arthur_leclerc oh shit arthur_leclerc what did he do joris_trouche just say the word and i’ll smack him for you 😁 ↳ yourusername please don’t do that 😭 yourfriend you don’t need him, mon amour ❤️ ↳ yourusername ☺️
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did i do something wrong?
we haven’t spoken in a week
charlie 🤍:
no, y/n
you won’t answer my calls
charlie 🤍:
i’ve been thinking about what you said
i don’t want you to have to deal with hate because of me
so you think ignoring me is the answer?
charlie 🤍:
i’m not ignoring you, y/n, i’m trying to protect you
what the fuck?
charles, i don’t care what people say about you
charlie 🤍:
but i do
isn’t it for the best? if we aren’t seen together for a while, you won’t get any of the hate
you really don’t get it do you
if you think i want you to cut me off to ‘protect me’ then maybe you don’t know me as well as i thought you did
charlie 🤍:
don’t say that
i just want everyone to see you the way i do
and i already told you, i don’t care what they think of me
i only care what you think
charlie 🤍:
i’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet
charlie 🤍:
figured what out? [ seen at 4:11PM ]
i think it’s best if we don’t see each other for a while
bye charles
charlie 🤍:
what?! [ seen at 4:13PM ]
y/n come back [ delivered at 4:14PM ]
just tell me what you mean [ delivered at 4:20PM ]
please y/n [ delivered at 4:47PM ]
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liked by yourfriend and 1,637,937 others
scuderiaferrari A DNF in Zandvoort for Charles. Now time to refocus ready for Monza 🔜
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username what the actual fuck was going on with him today?
username i don’t know. i’ve never seen him so distracted 😕
username honestly a rookie mistake. if he’s going to be pulling shit like this then he doesn’t deserve his seat 🤷
username it’s just one mistake?? calm down 😭
username why do i feel like this has something to do with y/n…
username oh my god will you all shut up about y/n 🙄 they’re not even dating !!
username and? they’ve been best friends since they were 5 years old. if my childhood friendship broke down i’d be pretty fucking upset about it too
username we don’t actually know that they’ve fallen out tho…neither of them have said anything
username but isn’t it obvious? y/n not at the race, charles being distracted and sulky around the paddock? they’ve definitely argued about something
username charles i can’t keep defending you when you do this 💔💔💔
username how this guy has managed to keep his seat with all these mistakes i have no idea 😒
username hopefully y/n will be in monza to bring him some good luck🤞
➜ part 4
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yumeka-sxf · 4 months
Spy x Family Operation Diary - original illustrations
As Anya interacts with different characters in the SxF game, you'll unlock unique cutscenes with them, as well as original anime art exclusive to the game 😄 Now that I've completed the game, I wanted to share all 20 of these illustrations, starting with my favorites...wholesome Forgers ❤️
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Yes, that is the castle from episode 5 in the below picture! It's the last family outing place you can unlock in the game. The Forgers even acknowledge that they've been there before, which is a nice bit of continuity with the series (same with the Berlint aquarium).
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I adore the below scene of Yor & Anya 💖 I think I've mentioned before that they're my favorite relationship in the series along with Twiyor, and they had so many cute interactions in the game~
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The context of the below scene is that Loid is working late so Yor has to cook, much to Anya and Bond's dismay! Yor says that she'll start dinner once they clean up, so Anya and Bond purposely stall by making more of a mess, which gives Loid enough time to get home and do the cooking instead 😆
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One of the scenes was a reenactment of the part from episode 12 where Loid and Yor pretend to go on a mission with Anya and her toys to get her to stop crying!
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Also lots of scenes with poor Anya trying her best to study 😅
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She doesn't fair much better at Eden, lol. At least she always has Becky for support (despite her silly crush on Loid!)
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And of course, the usual squabbles with Damian.
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The context of the below scene is Anya trying to tell Damian that she wants to get along with him (for the sake of Plan B). As usual, that just makes him more flustered!
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Lastly, Yuri and Fiona each got one event scene each. I especially like the Fiona one, it was a nice callback to episode 21 when she first visits the Forger house.
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If you haven't seen already, I also made a post about the gameplay basics of Operation Diary here, as well as a post about the mini-games here. I plan to make at least one or two more posts about the game, so stay tuned~
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newts-frogs-toads · 5 months
Ride the cyclone movie concept, by me
Cast: off Broadway 2016 cast
Type: regularly 2d animated, but every Choir song has a different animation style.
What the world needs: A video game-ish style animation showing how Ocean views life as a game, it has pixel art, she goes to the next level every time she insults another choir member.
Noels lament: A classical old time-y 1930s animation style, in black and white. Sorta like these:
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(Betty boop)
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(Classic cartoon by BIO675 on devienart , keep in mind I did not research so idk if they drew this or just posted it)
Mishcas songs: I genuinely don't know about TSIA (maybe like a clone high type animation)
Talia would be in a sort of Disney style, maybe 2d like Cinderella or the hunchback of Notre dame (One of my favorite Disney movies) or the other 2d Disney movies, or CGI like Tangled.
Space age bachelor man: Obviously an 80s cartoon style animation. Cat ladies will almost look like the original She-ra girls.
The ballad of Jane doe: Sort of (wow im saying this a lot) like an animatic, but a little more polished. It would be in black and white. It would start out with the OG porcelain doll Jane, but over the course of the song, will show different Jane dolls (that way everyone wins). It would end back with the porcelain doll look.
The new birthday song: Would be like TBOJD at first, but then slowly turn back into regular 2d animation like before.
Sugar cloud: STOP MOTION BABYYYYY!!!!! And everyone wold be on clouds for half the song!!!
Other things I would add/ leave out:
Ricky keeps his disability, and he's on a wheelchair/ has crutches for the whole thing.
Since we want this movie to be longer, it's only fair if we learn more about the kids families, father Marcus, Karnak, cut characters (THEY ARE CANON TO ME) etc.
Noel still makes out with Mishca, obviously.
After the movie has been out for a while, we get an animated short (like 5 minutes) explaining the plot of legoland.
This one is probably just me but ld like a little blush with Nishca and/or Spacedolls
Thank you for listening to my longer than usual rant. If anyone makes this happen, I love you, I don't care who you are, lets get married.
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14thcommander · 11 months
moment's silence || hange zoe x reader
cw: smut, 18+ ONLY. oral, dirty talk, age gap (8 years), reader is a baby gay, nb! hange, afab! reader. based on this post.
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“Can I eat you out?”
The words escape from your mouth before you can stop them. Hange pauses the movie currently playing on the television before you – Jaws 2 would have to wait. It’s not like they were particularly invested in the narrative, anyway.
Hange was fine with this night going down a soft and romantic route, just cuddling on their sofa would be fine. Although this new path seems unexpected, they can’t hide the excitement in their eyes. They finally turn to look at you, eyes big and doe-like under the soft blue halo coming from the screen. They like you like this, soft and spontaneous. Youthful. The eight year gap that attempts to separate the two of you surely kicks in, sometimes. 
“Uh, sure. Why so out of the blue, though?” They ask, as a soft chuckle leaves their mouth. A soft hand finds its way towards your face, softly caressing your cheek. You shiver under the coldness of the silver rings wrapped around Hange’s thin fingers, and they pretend not to notice. 
“Um, I don’t know.” You giggle nervously under their gaze, aiming your stare towards the paused movie. There’s nothing special about thai night – except for the fact Hange is wearing a suit. The occasion called for it, apparently: a few hours earlier, you visited a new art gallery downtown.
After a beat or two of silence, you speak again: 
“I just really want to taste you.”
Your confession almost makes Hange moan out loud, which causes their teeth to sink on their bottom lip – not in a “I’m trying to seduce you” type of way, but in a “I have no words for this, and I don’t want to let my body react for me” way. 
Zoe is a few years older than you, much more experienced – in a few different ways. They’ve had their fair share of sleeping with beautiful women in their life… you, not so much. You were not a virgin when you met Hange, you just hadn’t realized until that point that your romantic and sexual interest went way far than just sleeping with men – and pretending to like it, most of the time. 
It’s been a couple of months since then: you’re taking things slow – or trying to. Hange wants to do this right, for you. They don’t want to scare you away, or overwhelm you. It does take a lot of self control when you pull shit like this, though. 
“So?” You ask, feeling your heart in your throat. There’s many thoughts clogging your brain right now: what if they don’t want this, what if I’m pushing them, was I too quick, or maybe too slow, I don’t know what I’m doing–
“Of course, princess.” They whisper, coming closer to you. 
Hange’s lips are soft against yours, delicate even. Their kiss never fails to sweep you off your feet, as you feel like you’re floating. You hum against the kiss, sliding your tongue against theirs. Eventually, you leave their lips unattained in order to place open-mouthed kisses on their neck. 
You climb on their lap, spreading your legs on top of them. This feels so good, Hange thinks. I should definitely say it out loud, let her know how good she is. Your curious hands travel through their body, warm and possessive: you travel this new territory with so much desire, it’s almost suffocating. All Zoe can come up with is a weak…
“Fuck” They whisper once you climb down from them, knees hitting the carpet beneath you. 
Shortly before opening their pants, you move the fabric of your dress down, so your tits are freed from its confinement. Is this the right move, though? Guys usually seemed to like it… I hope they don’t notice I have no idea what I’m doing, you think . 
“Is this okay?” You ask, looking up at them with darkened eyelashes. Hange can’t stop thinking about how they want to melt your makeup away, make a mess of you. Eventually, they think. Not tonight. 
“Yeah,” They reply, voice sounding hoarser than they intended “Go ‘head.”
With hunger dripping from your eyes, you move their pants down, along with the plain black boxer-style panties they were wearing. Meanwhile, Hange takes their blazer off and starts unbuttoning the white dress shirt they were wearing. 
“You’re so attractive.” You mumble, voice barely above a whisper, as you start heatedly placing kisses on Hange’s thighs. They sigh, as a pink tint starts blossoming on their cheeks. 
You mean it: Zoe has this unique appearance to them, one that just lures you in even more once you get to know them. Hange is everything you’ve ever wanted, but you still don’t have the heart to tell them that. 
Instead, what you do is place your hands on their knees, carefully spreading their legs and exposing what you’ve been dying to taste this whole night. Hange’s pussy is better than what you’ve been imagining for the past few months, better than what you’ve been picturing when playing with yourself. They’re not shaved or waxed, but they are carefully trimmed. You lick your lips in excitement when you realize how wet they are – and it’s all for you. 
You place a kiss on their clit, an experimental one. Then, another one. Looking up at them, you lick a single stripe from their entrance towards their needy clit. They taste good, so good. This is so much better than I expected, we should have done this before…
“Oh God, yeah, just like that.” They purr, voice sounding restrained and snapping you out of your thoughts, only to make you realize you’ve been making out with their clit. 
Experimentally, you suck on it, which causes Hange’s head to tall back against the sofa’s armrest. You part their lips to give you better access to their bundle of nerves, lapping at it – slowly, and then building up the speed and pressure. 
“Feels so good.” They whisper, hands gripping the back of your neck – and, for  a moment, Hange wonders if this is too much. Their worries go away as suddenly as they came when you moan against their pussy, diving even deeper between their thighs. 
Now, you’re sucking and slurping on them, nails carefully raking against the soft skin of their inner thighs, and Hange thinks – no, actually knows – this is what heaven feels like. With you, on your knees, willingly pleasuring them. They already feel addicted to you. 
Zoe looks like a mess: hair all over the place, glasses lowering on the bridge of their nose, and tanned skin sweaty. 
“Fuck, fuck.” they whine, moving their hips against your face – which seems to make you happy, given the fact you moan against their clit. “Yeah, I’m almost there, don’t stop.”
You tap on their thigh, showing you understand their request – you keep the same amount of speed and pressure, tongue moving against their now puffy clit relentlessly. 
A wave of white-hot feeling travels through Hange’s body, as their body convulses underneath your mouth. Their members go limp, relaxing underneath your touch. They cum choking on your name, letting out a final whine as you try to lick them clean. 
Hange grips your hair, removing you from in-between their legs. They pant, looking at you almost incredulously. 
“You good?” You ask, hair messy and face wet, smiling up at them. 
“Yeah. You?” They breathe, reaching for your body once again.
You nod, straddling their lap, as Hange pulls you in for a kiss. 
“Good. My turn now.”
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grace-kami · 2 months
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Gentle touch, soft praises makes a complete mess of him 😏
Carlo and Romeo NSFW is finished! As requested! This is my spiciest artwork yet!🔥
TW: 🍆💦
Send me a DM here or on Twitter for full picture, its more private that way!!
Please read
If you're a minor, don't bother asking. If I don't see your age on your blog, please don't take offense when I ask how old you are. I'm just trying to be safe. Getting banned on Tumblr is a fear of mine.
This is my fourth NSFW project, if you'd like to see my other ones, just let me know! Don't be shy, I'm always happy to share my artwork to anyone who ask politely. No judgement. I'm a nice person, I promise.
If you send me request, it's only fair you follow or reblog me in return. Win-win ya? If I don't respond to request right away, patience please. I'm a busy lady but I always respond when I can.
Do not repost anywhere without permission. Nothing pisses me off more than stolen art. If I see my work posted elsewhere without my permission then I'll have to stop making spicy art. Nothing to steal if there's nothing made.🤷‍♀️
I'm open to respectful constructive criticism, I seek to be a better artist. Making NSFW art is still VERY new to me so feed back is important but you don't have to give feedback if you don't want to.
And lastly, all I ask is respect to me and to everyone. If you don't like my work, save your two cents and keep it to yourself. My confidence is fragile. I work hard on my projects. My blog is for spreading positivity, humor, support and kindness (and a bit of spice🔥). Who has time for drama? Not me, fam.
If you have any question for me or want to chat, my ask box and DMs are always open.🥰
Much love, friends.🫂❤️
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mcromwell · 4 days
Four years ago, I installed TikTok and began making art videos to promote my art business. I steadily got better at making videos, had a few big hits, grew my follower count to 75k (my largest on any social platform ever, to this day) and even qualified for the app's creator program, which netted me a fair chunk of change for a few months. Right when I started considering it an integral part of my business, engagement started tanking. Despite my follower count and trying to keep up with trends and editing techniques designed to retain viewers, my videos went from getting about 10k views to less than a thousand--that's not even 10% of my follower-count. The app slowly stopped recommending my videos to anyone, followers or on the FYP. For months. And then after TikTok was voted to be banned in the US, it got even worse, and the CEO even stated in his video addressing the ban that they would "not be able to pay creators as much due to spending more money on legal fees to challenge the vote". At that time I was grimly reminded of what I already knew about social media sites: they aren't your friend and they don't care about you. They'll give you something "nice" (a chance at monetization and virality) with the hope that you'll keep making content for their content farm, and when your videos don't get views, the gambling mindset of "maybe next video will do well" or "the algorithm is just weird right now, maybe it will improve if I just keep going" will keep you addicted.
I finally hit a wall. I can't waste my time. I have very little time to achieve what I want to due to my health. So making videos that get 300 views and no comments is definitely a waste of my time. I used to say good things about the algorithm, how it shows you niche things instead of only just the popular stuff, but clearly that isn't the case. My videos posted elsewhere get tons more interactions and engagement. I am stepping back from TikTok for a while; I even uninstalled it. The endless scrolling is not good for me, either.
All that to say: art videos will be less frequent. The only places I'd be making them for is Instagram and YouTube, and I think if I'm going to pick one to focus on, it'll be Youtube. Subscribe to my channel here, where I am slowly uploading my entire TikTok catalogue of hundreds of art videos.
TikTok did great things for me when it worked. It was really exciting for me to hear folks at in-person events say stuff like, "Oh, I saw a video of this painting!" "Your process is so fun to watch!" I won't forget the support everyone gave me. Thank you.
I hope to use this extra time to focus on my practice more. I want to lean into sketchbook bundle downloads, Patreon, and just simply drawing more! Exploring more! We'll all benefit from that. So here's to newer, healthier directions.
💖 M
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WIBTA if I confront my friend about doing things I suggest for the two of us with my ex instead?
I (24F), my friend Lily (24F) and my ex Jamie (25NB) have all known each other for 6 years. Jamie and I split up 5 years ago but we’re on good terms and are friends.
Within the past year I’ve been trying to hang out with Lily, but either she shoots down every idea I have or she’ll commit to it and then blow me off right before the date. Shit happens, I get it, but almost every single thing I have suggested she then goes and does with Jamie.
It started simple. We were going to watch a tv show together, Lily told me to wait for her because she wasn’t free the day the series dropped. So I waited, and then she cancelled plans to watch it with me and told me “yeah I’m just not interested in it anymore” to which I was like ok fair. But then two weeks later Jamie mentioned to me that they and Lily watched the entire show and that I might like it too. Lily’s suggestion :/
It’s not just stuff like this. Lily and I are both artists and I suggested an art trade and she agreed, I drew her character then she never drew mine and instead started a trade with Jamie. When I asked her about finishing the trade she got all snappy at me and said she didn’t have the energy to draw my character. She then drew four more of Jamie’s characters.
We were planning to get our ears pierced together, then Lily bailed last minute saying she didn’t want it anymore. A month later she got them pierced with Jamie.
I think the most egregious example was when Lily told me she wasn’t feeling good and couldn’t make it to my birthday party, but when Jamie posted a picture of the two of us at my place suddenly Lily felt better and was on her way :/
I know Lily has feelings for Jamie. Jamie told me that Lily has asked them out about 8 times and they think the crush is cute but frankly they’re not interested in Lily. But it’s beginning to really piss me off and weird me out that Lily is taking all my hang out / fun activity ideas and trying them on Jamie. I think it’s because Jamie is my ex.
For a few months I stopped hanging out with Lily at all because her flakiness was pissing me off but then she started messaging me and asking me to hang out more and saying how much she missed me. And yeah, I miss her too, but it’s getting to the point where I feel like tearing my hair out bc it feels like she’s using me for fun activities to suggest to Jamie.
So will I be the asshole if I confront her about this? Or will I just seem jealous/posessive of my ex?
What are these acronyms?
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peachdues · 8 months
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A/N: I’m excited to write for our favorite Serpent boy, though I’m gonna put him through the ringer.
You may recognize some of this preview as coming from a teaser I posted a bit ago with Sanemi — but I ultimately scrapped that and gave it to Obanai instead. I think the end of this teaser makes it clear why it fits him better.
CW: canon setting AU • Reader is the Vine Pillar • blood • angst • scars • mentions of past torture • panic • this fic will be HELLA NSFW so MDNI
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“Take it off,” was all she said, eyes vacant even against the faint glow of the nichirin collar locked around her throat. “Take it off.”
Mitsuri’s attempts at comforting the newly freed Pillar faltered as her hands fluttered about the sides, seeking for some release, some latch that would remove the last of the Upper Moon’s bonds from her.
The Love Hashira began to sweat as she found nothing to grip, nothing to chisel to tug that would oblige her friend’s request.
Mitsuri Kanroji had seen her fair share of inuries caused by demons. She was no stranger to bloodied lacerations or the sight of organs, half-chewed and smeared across the ground like some mocking attempt at art, only made from human gore.
But she was utterly out of her element as she looked upon her fellow Pillar — her friend — and saw, for the first time, the extent of her suffering.
The Vine Pillar’s skin was painted in bruises in various hues ranging from yellow to a deep purple-black. Blood had crusted upon her skin in some places and still oozed from open wounds in others. Her nails were caked with grime and cracked, their edges ragged and bloodied from what could only be a desperate attempt to free herself by clawing at her binds.
“Take it off.”
“I’m trying, Y/N, I promise,”
“Take it off,” the Vine Pillar repeated, though her tone had evolved from the detached blandness she’d had upon her rescue to something more frantic; desperate. “Take it off. Take it off. Take it off!”
Mitsuri’s own desperation was beginning to boil into panic as she tugged uselessly at the thick ice collar locked around the Pillar’s neck. She swiveled back to Rengoku, the Flame Pillar looking just as helpless as she felt.
“Where is Iguro?” She flung out, as the Vine Pillar’s own battered hands batted the Love Pillar’s away and began to claw at the thick ice-metal of the collar around her neck. “He needs to be here. He needs to keep her calm.”
Rengoku hesitated. “I believe he is still back there — taking care of the demon.”
Mitsuri wasn’t sure whether she wanted to know the details of how the Serpent Pillar was taking care of the demon who had captured and tortured the woman he loved. But if the storminess in his eyes as he’d beheld the trembling, nearly naked form of the Vine Pillar had been any indicator, Mitsuri knew that the demon would surely beg for the swiftness of death.
“Take it off, take it off, take it off!” Her screams were unbearable as the Vine Pillar’s frantic pleas devolved into full, shuddering sobs, her fingers weakly curling against the metal of the collar as she tugged and clawed. A jagged end of her nail caught the marred skin of her throat and drew blood, but she did not seem to notice; not as her trembling legs collapsed beneath her and Y/N curled into herself on the ground, repeated scream-shouts of take it off quieting to pitiful, quiet cries.
Mitsuri had never felt herself more at a loss than she did at that moment; nor, apparently, had Rengoku as they both stared sadly at their comrade.
Rengoku was the first to cautiously approach the Vine Pillar where she’d dropped, unfastening the cloak cape around his shoulders to drape around Y/N’s battered and bloodied half-nude form.
He crouched down low next to the Pillar, his hand hovering uncertainly over the middle of her back, wavering between wanting to comfort her and not knowing whether she could tolerate being touched.
The Flame Pillar’s internal strife, however, was ended as the Serpent Hashira returned, his eyes fixed resolutely upon Y/N, bent over her knees as she heaved dry, broken sobs upon the ground.
Obanai knelt before the woman he loved, his hand stretching out towards her before faltering mid-air, as though he’d thought the better of it.
“Y/N,” the Serpent Pillar said hoarsely. “Y/N.”
Shakily, the Vine Pillar’s head rose to meet Obanai’s fathomless stare, her eyes narrowing in some vague recognition of who sat before her, though she said nothing.
“It’s me, Y/N.”
The Vine Hashira’s eyes remained flat as she brokenly whispered, “Take it off.”
“I will, Y/N. I swear it,” Obanai’s hands trembled ever so slightly as they extended towards the metal locked around her neck. “Just hold on a little longer.”
“Who are you?”
The horror on Rengoku’s face surely mirrored Mitsuri’s own as the two pillars looked to the Serpent Hashira as he blanched.
“It’s me, Y/N,” he whispered, hands hesitating as they twitched towards her until he thought the better of it. His voice quieted ever more. “It’s Obanai. Your Obanai.”
With a deep breath, Obanai reached up and yanked the cloth facial bandage from his face, exposing, finally, the jagged, curved lines carved into either side of his mouth. There, before the Vine Pillar, Obanai bore the sins of his clan for her to see.
Y/N only blinked. “You have scars,” her eyes fell to her bare hands, folded in her lap, and then ran them over the newly smoothed expanses of her forearms.
Her voice was bland, monotonous, even as her eyebrows pinched slightly together. “But he took mine away — with that damn blood demon art.”
She looked back to the wide-eyed Serpent Pillar, pleading. “Why did he take them, Obanai?” Her nails dug into the now unblemished-skin of her arms. “They were mine — I want them back.”
She surged forward, gripping his hand tightly in hers, her eyes desperate even as they began to cloud over with her tears.
“Make him give them back,” she whispered. “I want them back — I want myself back.”
Obanai swallowed hard. “I wish I could, Y/N,” his fingers trembled in her grasp. “But I killed him when we freed you.”
“Then I am lost.” Y/N whispered, her eyes fluttering shut and a stray tear escaping down her cheek.
It took everything the Serpent Hashira had not to lift a hand to wipe the salt water as it slipped down her face. “Why do you think so, Y/N? Is it not enough that I — that we — found you?”
She shook her head. “My scars were me; they told my story,” she opened her eyes to look bitterly upon Obanai’s exposed face, one she’d so desperately longed to see before, when she’d been her and they’d been them. “I hoped they would chart the way back to remembering what you meant to me.”
Y/N pulled her hand free of his, tucking it back under the blanket of her infirmary bed. That cold, distant mask slipped back over her face, turning the Pillar before Obanai into a stranger once more.
“But they are gone now, and so are you.”
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phantom-sleuth · 5 months
Wanted to make a rec post about a bunch of random sci-fi manga i like and hope that others enjoy as well.
Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction:
A story about 2 young women in their day to day lives as a giant alien ship looms over Tokyo. A fair bit of the story focuses modern social political issues in Japan and the mystery surrounding the mothership and the aliens and why they are there.
The series will get two movie adaptations later this year.
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Dai Dark:
The story mainly revolves zaha sanko and how a legend exist that if one gets ahold of his bones they will have any wish granted to them, and so sanko needs to search through space in order to find whoever put this curse on him and kill them. The manga is made by Q Hayashida and features a very gritty world with very goofy and fun characters.
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Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm:
A story mostly about a cyborg with a sense for battle wanting to fin her origins after crashing on earth. The series has 3 entries so far with the third being on hiatus sadly, the 3 series being Alita battle angel, baa last order and baa mars chronicle. However the series has excellent art a very good story and great action.
It currently has a 1993 anime and a live action movie
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20th Century Boys
The story revolves around a group of adults who in their youth created a symbol to represent their friendship which is then used by some malevolent character called friend in the future for his own cult and his goal to take over the world. With most of the story being about trying to recall who he may be and how to stop his plot. Its a VERY story and dialogue heavy series, but its all worth it once everything starts clicking.
it has a short sequel series that contains the ending of the actual series called "21st century boys"
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Made by the same person as 20th century boys Naoki urasawa, its an adaptation of "the greatest robot on earth" story with its own unique spin. Its about the ongoing murders of the seven most powerful robots on earth. It deals in a lot of stuff about the sentience of the robots and their rights.
It currently has a full anime adaptation on netflix.
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A lot of the story mainly focuses on the struggles and relationships of the main characters with space mainly being a backdrop. Its a very interpersonal story and i can't really do it justice by just describing it so i recommend reding or watching it yourself.
It also has a full anime adaptation.
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10,000 light year binoculars
This one is just a oneshot but i enjoyed it so much that i really had to rec it. Its about an alien girl with binoculars that allow her to spy on a boy on earth from her own planet and wanting to meet him someday. The entire oneshot is in color, the art is great AND its short.
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Star tripper: Planetarium Ghost Travel
A very comfy manga that only recently stared to get fantranslated. Its about a guy called 303 going to "ghost planets where most of the inhabitants have gone into a deep sleep and turned into trees.
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Heavenly Delusion/Tengoku Daimakyou
And finally Heavenly, it has two concurrent plotlines with the first one being about a boy and a girl going through a post apocalyptic Japan looking for "new heaven", while the second is about a group a kids in a sterile facility wanting to go explore outside the walls of said facility.
It has an anime that covers the first 5 volumes.
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And those are all my sci-fi recs for the moment!!! Hope someone finds something new to enjoy of these here. apologies if the writing ain't the best i wrote this at like 3 am.
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florenceafternoon · 6 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
These fics are set in the wizarding world but aren’t necessarily canon complaints.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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I ain’t missing you at all  (requires an ao3 account) by @blitheringmcgonagall
Set post first wizarding war. "Lily Evans disappeared just when the war with Voldemort ended. Nobody knows why she left. James Potter doesn't care. He hasn't missed her at all."
It reads like a character study. All of the repressed emotions are so well-portrayed that I could picture all their facial expressions and body language. The dynamic between Lily and the marauders really illustrated how she wasn't just James' girlfriend - she was their friend too. I just wanted to give them all a hug.
Up In Arms by @mppmaraudergirl
When Lily jokingly tells her owl to deliver a letter to "the love of her life", i.e. Marlene McKinnon, her owl misinterprets the directive and, to her horror, her ode to James Potter’s arms lands squarely in his lap.
The banter in this one is so good that it made my friend fall back in love with jily's dynamic and read fics again
Evergreen and Pine by @tinyluminaryzombie
Lily Evans is stuck in a closet with Sirius. All Sirius wants to talk about is exactly what she's trying not to think about: James Potter.
Or: A seven minutes in heaven that's more like seven minutes of sweet sweet interegation ft. Lily and Sirius.
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes by @jfleamont
Lily's an overthinker, but fear not, James knows exactly what to say to cheer her up.
Because Lily being a stress smoker is canon (to me)
All The Things I Would Do also by @/ jfleamont
Lily can't stop thinking about James' hands.
Anything Leda writes is great so do yourself a favour and go read her works
I’ve Got My Hate to Keep Me Warm by @dizzy–bird
When a mission for the Order goes badly wrong, Lily Evans must spend the holidays lying low in the middle of nowhere. The rules: no magic, no visitors, and absolutely no Christmas cheer.
And the kicker? She’s sharing the safe house with Order darling – and rival – James Potter, who just happens to be the reason she’s in this mess in the first place.
Kat's poem from 10 Things I Hate About You
Hemispheres by @ohmygodshesinsane
James Potter and Lily Evans have set aside their schoolyard animosities for the sake of the Order of the Phoenix, but when they are enlisted to race Lord Voldemort across the world to prevent him from corrupting the very nature of death, tensions run high. In all manners.
Lily's characterisation in this one is so good
No One Knows Us by @annasghosts
As Fifth Year begins, Lily Evans is certain of a few things: she’s proud to be a Muggle-born witch, despite what Petunia might think; Severus Snape is still a loyal friend and whatever confusing feelings she has as she watches James Potter strut around the castle must be squashed because he’s nothing, but an arrogant toerag.
In which Lily gets the dynamic character treatment that she deserves.
51 Minutes to Change Your Mind by @sosohh
When Muggle-Born Oliver Wood becomes an extremely successful cyclist for the British Cycling team, both muggle and magical ministries have to come up with a plan to make sure all is fair. Enter James Potter and Lily Evans.
The Art of Self-Defense by cgner (on ao3)
Gilmore Girls AU in which "after seventeen years of single parenting, she now has to manage a persistent James, nosy villagers, and a son who's all too interested in joining the Order."
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ladymirdan · 5 months
Warning, fandom rant.
I was gonna piggyback ride off Tagedezorns post about falling out of love with the fandom.
Dont get me wrong, I still fucking LOVE 40k.
Im having a great time painting my minis, reading the lore, reading and talking with the BL authors on twitter or talking the ears off the staff in my local GW (don't worry, they love it, and they have some fantastic HC’s too!)
But the rest of it is sadly losing its appeal for me as well, and it saddens me to see other fan artists or writers feeling the same, I thought it was just me.
When I first started to become active in the shipping fandom about a couple of years ago it was fantastic. I felt so welcome and wanted, I had never gotten a reception like that in any fandom before. I even faced my fear and started writing fanfiction, and people seemed to love it.
But the last months/year it feels like it's all gone. As if Tumblr has died, it feels like I'm shouting into the void. (I have a few people who still interact on my posts and I see you and I love you). But I have eightdoubled my followers last year, but that hasn't resulted in any more interaction, other than a few more likes. But to be fair, likes does nothing.
Im not an influencer or a content creator, and I have zero aspirations to become one. That is why I stopped doing tiktoks. I do not want to chase trends or algorithms, I want to be unhinged about my blorbos and see people being unhinged about their blorbos in turn.
I love the intense passion fandom can have, even when it's not a character I'm personally into.
I really don't want Tumblr to die. I have tried Discord and it was the most alienating and disheartening experience I've had since like high school.
When I first tried it out it was soo much fun, but as time went on, more and more people who seemed to like me stopped posting on there, and more and more whenever I posted I just got straight up ignored.
I could post in a channel that had been dead for weeks, and suddenly people started posting about other things, everyone ignoring what I wrote. If it happened once or twice I wouldn't have bothered, but a dozen or more times? It just fucking sucks. I noticed how it started affecting my mental health, trying to reach out and talk to people, but just being talked around and over. So I just stopped posting.
If someone doesn't like me on Tumblr I won't notice or get sad, but seeing it happen in real-time just fucking sucks.
And also, on Tumblr there is always the off chance that your post gets necromanced. That just doesn't happen on Discord.
And another thing that has happened a lot is I write a fic or a Tumblr post. It gets zero interaction, and I'm like “oh I guess no one is interested about that,” and then I see that someone has just reposted my fic/post in a discord and people are geeking out over it over there.
I'm not a paid artist/writer. I do what I do because I want to geek out over something, preferably with someone else. But I effectively become removed from my art. People are discussing it, just not with me.
Dealing with being unliked as a person fucking sucks. Especially when it's supposed to be your hobby-fun-time. And it is making me not want to post stuff anymore.
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