#thomas lads
your-safe-castle · 21 days
☆smau: calling them "bro" as a prank
☆characters: Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, Caleb, Thomas, Jeremiah
☆tags: nsfw, suggestive.
⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻
- Zayne
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- Rafayel
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- Xavier
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- Caleb
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- Thomas
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- Jeremiah
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rafayel-fishie-moving · 2 months
Thomas lovers and friends, please welcome @thomasicism !
Give him and OP a warm welcome and have fun! 🤭
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rose-tinted-kalopsia · 2 months
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≡;-꒰ 𝐋&𝐃𝐒 ꒱₊˚ ପ⊹ I  𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾 𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕 (𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕)
╰┈➤ ❝ headcanon series | l&ds boys + side characters | smut nsfw 18+ mdni
general tags : afab!reader, vaginal sex, foreplay, dirty talk, cursing, variety of kinks, aftercare, etc. (template here for your reference!)
an : more self-indulgence from yours truly, ft. extra characters i don't usually write ! (aka the extent of roxie's love for side characters...) (also i'd need more than 30 tags to include all their names help)
nsfw a-z headcanons with the love and deepspace cast 🤍 [1/7 done!]
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© rose-tinted-kalopsia. all rights reserved. do not: steal, copy, repost, reupload, modify, or claim any of my works as your own, regardless of credit given. absolutely do not use my works for AI training and other related purposes.
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leadandblood · 9 days
More photos from Aidan Monaghan
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yuzuocha · 3 months
Rafayel: I gave MC a get better soon card.
Thomas: That's surprisingly nice of you.
Rafayel: She's not sick. I gave her that because I thought that she should do better.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 3 months
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Thomas is such a bro. A real one. A true queen.
When I die, I'm leaving all my tea and gossip to him in my will because I know he'll put it to good use 😌☕️🫖
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Happy to let you all know I will be visiting Lt. John Irving's grave in the coming days - I'll give him a smooch for all of yall
+ just a little Fitzier
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toasteaa · 1 year
please indulge me and tell me about how your faves enjoy kissing hehe 🎤
GRAY!!! 💕 I'm so sorry my indulgences are coming late, life hit me so hard last weekend 😭 BUT I'M BACK AND And I think I might have too many faves but we will make them fit hehe
Kaeya enjoys unexpected kisses - whether they're given to you or to him. He's not the best with setting a scene up for romance and, while his flirty tone and general aloofness may say otherwise, always tends to get a little flustered when he thinks about kissing you too much. So he settles for greeting you with a kiss to your temple or your hand; there's always a chilled chuckle after he places a kiss on your neck or shoulder when he sneaks up on you. Of course, you're not the best at sneaking up on him so...you don't get to surprise him as often as he surprises you with kisses. But his guard is significantly lower when he's around you...maybe you can catch him while he's rambling?
Diluc is both like his brother in terms of getting flustered over kisses and unlike his brother in terms of being direct about his kisses. He's someone that is very direct about his wants, but worries about forcing them onto with how direct and blunt he can be. Because of that, he's much more likely to press kisses against the back of your hands, your palms, and your forehead. He's also less likely to kiss you in public, favoring more intimate and private atmospheres where he can show more hm...vulnerable sides of himself. Greatly enjoys climbing into bed with (or after) you and feeling you stir against him. There's only a hint of guilt that flares in him for disturbing you if you were already asleep, but it's always quelled when you immediately reach for him to give him a sleepy kiss in greeting. He'd be lying if he said it wasn't one of his favorite things to come back home to.
Xiao is...how do I put this...unfamiliar with kisses. He's spent the bulk of his existence avoiding most people and dedicating himself to protecting Liyue from a distance; he hasn't exactly had the time to stop and try kissing, well, anyone. So when he does try to kiss you, it's a pretty rough and crude reenactment of kisses he's observed from a distance. So you often have to take the initiative with him and gently guide him to how you'd prefer he'd kiss you. It takes awhile, but he gets it eventually and has given you a few, more delicate kisses, but never too many out of fear he might hurt you. If he was a bit more honest with himself, he'd admit how much he enjoys kissing your lips. There's something calming to him about it. Grounding. Don't be surprised to find him staring at your lips more often - he's still not one to initiate, but he'll jump at the chance to be able to kiss you again.
Thoma, oh Thoma...I don't even know where to start with him! He kisses you when he sees you in the morning, he kisses you when you come by Komore Teahouse, he kisses you when he spots you in the street; there's almost no place he doesn't immediately pull you into his arms and give you a kiss before asking about how you're doing. The only place he may have some reverence is in the Kamisato Estate, especially if the Lord or Lady of the manor are present. PDA is a nonissue with him - unless he's working of course! Thoma really, really enjoys being able to kiss you anywhere on your face, especially your cheeks! He'll always give them a little nuzzle afterwards since he has to run off and get back to work, but he always promises to make up for his departure with several more kisses when you see each other again!
Tighnari is always a bit of a hit or a miss. Not because he doesn't want to kiss, but because he's been working on several new guidelines and regulations for researchers coming into the forest, working on another presentation that he'll need to give in a few weeks, and he really can't afford to be distracted right now. Which almost always happens when he kisses you. He's somehow pavlov'd himself into treating kisses as a reward and can't untrain himself for the life of him. That being said, he really and genuinely enjoys giving and getting kisses after a long day when you've both gotten the chance to settle down and the rest of Gandharva Ville is at peace for the night. He enjoys getting them a little bit more though, especially on top of his head. Kissing his ears is nice, but he always involuntarily flicks them in your face when you do that and then you have to hear him rant on and on about not doing that. As if that's actually going to stop you next time.
Cyno's kisses are always sweet and shy...because he's genuinely shy about it. This isn't something that he can learn in a way that he's familiar with and there's no substitution for learning about it in a non hands-on way. And since he's a perfectionist, or very near to being one, he always overthinks when, where, and how he should kiss you. Unfortunately, since he's frequently away for work, he doesn't often get to even think about giving you a kiss and it's even more so unlikely for him to attempt one when you're both in public. He's already frequently targeted for his position. Getting you tied up in a mess would just make him feel like he has to put distance between the two of you. That being said, he does always enjoy pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. In part because he's too shy to kiss you directly, but also because he likes the way he can feel the way your lips quirk into a smile at the action. There's always a joke either following that kiss or said right before he kisses you because if there's one thing that he enjoys more than actually kissing you, it's getting a chance to hear you laugh.
Kaveh...most people would expect him to be well versed in this realm given his artistic and perfectionist nature. They could not be more incorrect. Those closest to Kaveh know that he's thrown himself into his work and studies for the majority of his life - often resting only when it most benefitted the most recent project or proposal he was working on. As honest and open of a person he is, he's never really let that part of his inexperience be known (lest he be mocked by a certain Scribe hovering around) and is quick to change the subject if he's ever asked about it. Unfortunately, Kaveh is very uncertain when it comes to accepting affection. Not because he doesn't want it, it's something he wants and treasures dearly, but because he often feels like he doesn't deserve it or that it could be taken away from him at any time. Kisses specifically make him nervous because he wants them and enjoys them so much, especially when he gets to press them against your palms, wrists, eyelids, the corners of your mouth - anywhere he can reach really. Kissing him back is a one way ticket to a very emotional evening. Not every time, but it takes him a moment to relax afterwards and acknowledge that everything is alright and that you aren't going anywhere. Be patient with him, he's working through a lot right now.
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midnight-mismanagement · 11 months
I like how Thomas Barrow’s apology/reconciliation language is offering tea and toast. This man has footmanisms embedded so deep he can no longer escape them, but he will gladly, without resentment, use his skills to serve the people he cares about.
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kahootqueen69 · 9 months
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How are we feeling about the s5 trailer besties
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your-safe-castle · 10 days
✰smau: "I accidentally sent a nude to..." prank
✰characters: Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, Caleb, Thomas, Jeremiah
✰tags: humour, crack, fluff, suggestive, nsfw
- Zayne
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- Rafayel
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- Xavier
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- Caleb
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- Thomas
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- Jeremiah
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Wdym this is the same man
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ironladders · 2 months
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(original tweet from here)
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hkpika07 · 7 months
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Shooting Star. What are you if not a falling star with something to prove.
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yuzuocha · 3 months
Thomas: [sneezes]
MC: Bless you!
MC: Rafayel? You're not saying it too?
Rafayel: He's sitting in the same room as me, clearly he's been blessed far more than necessary.
Thomas: [sneezes]
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rungian · 1 year
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Oh boy oh boy they're finally done, and just in time for the 78th anniversary too!
Pride of the Furness Railway, the K2 Larger Seagulls will get you where you need to go come hell or high water. Why not steam down to Barrow, or take a relaxing summer trip up through the hills to Windermere?
Featuring Edward in his original livery alongside the brothers he would leave behind.
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