#this will literally ONLY amuse 1 (one) person and thats me
shararan · 1 year
cyno är som han är för han är ifrån göteborg
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dapperrokyuu · 6 months
Alright now that I’ve seen the end Slay the Princess, who’s your favorite princess?
Ill do you even better and give you my top 5/the ones Id love to get if I played the game, just to see their sequences in the end and how itd reflect on that version of the player (literally made a list for fun just before you sent this ask, hehe).
Admittedly, a lot of this is informed by aesthetic and then enjoyment of their routes because I came into (watching Manlybadasshero play) the game after some fandom osmosis–thus, understanding I wouldnt have all my thoughts together within one playthrough. So I cant say Ive devoted my satisfactory amount of attention to speak on the princesses’ narrative presence... But I did rewatch their routes and “Thoughts on this vessel?” sections a bit to formulate a stronger opinion. Here we go...! (Buckle in, fellas, haha ha h a…)
1. Adversary/Eye of the Needle
The Adversary and the Eye of the Needle are very hand in hand imo, and I love the progression into a dragon-like appearance for the latter, especially in combination with the cabin becoming akin to a dragon’s den. This (combination of) routes stands out the most to me (as far as Manly has played) because I personally feel its the one where the princess is the most active and engaged. Whether its being beaten to death or running for one’s life, the route was very exciting for me! And it was intriguing how the princess and player felt the most on equal ground because they are both intent on pursuing some objective. Its just that in this case–and this is how this princess exceeds and is an overwhelming presence compared to the player–the princess is set on a choice they dont care to deny and the player is a creature of the habit called “deliberation,” as narrator aside, in-universe reasons aside, the very structure of Slay the Princess has taught you to constantly pause and consider your choices.
It contributes to the tone of the routes so well! Even if you can sit forever in the Outside World, the game progresses like a split second decision and/or that any time given to you is at the princess’s turbulent discretion. In a game where your choices tend to matter most (which, frankly, they do, its kind of the whole point, but you may not know that your choices are what caused this situation yet, lol), the princess seeming to supercede you and the narrative and the concept of death is!!! Powerful and quite something, lol. And poignant, considering *gestures vaguely but particularly at the Narrator*.
Otherwise, I love how theres apparently many more and amusing divergences in this route (that Manly did not showcase) and the ending is pretty cathartic. And to keep this a bit short, yadda yadda, dragon dens is where they store and protect their treasure and in this case, the treasure is fighting you, yadda yadda, as the vessel of growth, the princess’s embracing of the cycle of violence between you two is her latching onto the only avenue of growth she can perceive (as opposed to escaping–since you didnt offer that option prior–and dying since thats tend to be the stop to the concept of growth), yadda yadda- 
2. Spectre
This princess’s voicework is probably my favorite! The whispering under the regular voice acting is just really neat, doing a great job setting a tone of something delicate, chilling, and unnerving. The princess’s design shifts between cute and scary very well too! Her personality is probably my fave overall; while her “thoughts on this vessel?” section highlights her embodying kindness and understanding, they only exist to an extent that is fair. Which is, well. Fair. And I think it extra emphasizes the understanding aspect, with how the princess is aware of her circumstances and the injustices that have occurred yet is willing to let bygones be bygones. Shes coy, sincere, and pragmatically deadly, which is a full spectrum of delight for me!
The moment that really gets me regarding her character is when you say youre gonna leave her. Other decisions lead you to working together or demonstrating you have no intention to with some form of violence–both resulting in the Spectre just responding fairly. But the “leave” option truly shows that the Spectre doesnt/never intends to act out in malice, since Spectre responds out of desperation to avoid perpetual loneliness, pain, and emptiness. Theres an aspect of “fairness” here too (youre abandoning and hurting her more after having murdered her), but the choice comes after a breakdown and deliberation as opposed to an immediate retaliation. Even then, Spectre laments that she didnt want things to be this way but youve made her worse. Other stand out moments are when Spectre goes, “Youre funny when youre confused. But I didnt give you permission to touch me,” and the player’s moment of patheticness, lol. 
This route really hints onto the meta aspects of Slay the Princess too, which is neat! The whole “want to end the world” convo, Spectre just wanting to go home, reality being what is in front of us vs. static truth/objectivity, whether destruction being one thing leading into another vs. the same thing reborn, glass on the floor, and the narrator being like Spectre as a memory of a person…I dont have much to say here currently–still need to ponder, itd be a whole other conversation, Im a bit tired, lol–but its tons of food for thought that I enjoy! Yay, Spectre!
3. Prisoner
Fun fact: this is a rewriting of the extreme word vomit that was me lamenting over how I was kind of confused about the Prisoner but chose her for the sake of a 5th (note the placing change) and then discovering the absolute genius she is!!! Basically, my only exposure to the Prisoner I had was Manly’s recent playthrough, which contained (what Ill call) the Chained Together variation and didnt even have her “thoughts on this vessel?” section due to the game going into the final sequence immediately after. The Prisoner’s section in that final sequence befuddled me because I couldnt connect much other than a theme of “inevitable change,” and even when I dug up the Prisoner’s “thoughts on this vessel?” elsewhere, I couldnt put it all together…until I watched (what Ill call) the Head Trophy variation in the middle of my initial writeup.
Regarding what I enjoyed prior to recognizing genius, I really enjoyed how the Prisoner conducted herself–her curtness and resignation was very unique. Her form was created as a result of the player cutting off her arm, instilling a matter of fact-ness to her that allows her to slit the player’s throat later (got this from the Wiki, Manly didnt show this part). Upon waking up once again chained and chained even more, I interpreted the cleverness aspect from the Prisoner’s “thoughts on this vessel?” section as being able to come to terms with her situation, play along, and bid her time in hopes that her patience (that she emphasizes) would eventually reward her. After all, the Prisoner was willing to pretend she and the player met for the first time until the player prompts otherwise, even saying they dropped “playing the game”--very meta of her! Thus, I interpreted the Prisoner as the princess completely embodying/accepting her role in the game; she couldnt leave when she defied her role last time, so she was fine continuing to wait this time. As a character who realized they were a character and systematically changed their behavior to attempt a new avenue of escape, I thought that was the extent of the Prisoner’s cleverness and was satisfied…enough.
AND I WAS WRONG. DELIGHTFULLY WRONG. I assumed the Prisoner was completely fine with her potentially only means of escape becoming not one, since she didnt seem upset or disappointed. Which was frankly incorrect, as her rude curtness is a result of her being miffed with you. Why? Because her cleverness actually alludes to the fact she had a plan for escape the entire time, and you utterly fucked it up! Which, tbf, she shouldve shown more reaction than curiosity to dissuade the player, but I digress- During the Head Trophy variation, you realize that the Prisoner had a plan this entire time to deceive the Narrator and she succeeds so well because she also got me and got the player. How often do I get got? It was amazing! From the stare as the Prisoner takes the knife away from the player, to the smile before That All Happens, to the wink as it occurs and after, it may speak to an underestimation thats set up due to the Prisoner’s appearance and behavior, but reflecting on all the signs that She Planned This dismantles that perception and reaffirms that the Prisoner is a person with depth beyond what you expect from her and those in her role. As I viewed the Prisoner as a caricature of the princess’s role in the first place (the whole point is that the Prisoner is exactly like the princess in appearance except the chained/locked up aspect is exaggerated), this route is so striking for me with its interrogation of victimhood, how victims are treated/viewed, and how that may be unintentionally stripped of their personhood and reduced (into a caricature of solely “a victim”). The Prisoner puts it quite nicely when the player attacks and she “suddenly” has a ton of fight in her, stating, “Im not a damsel to be helplessly murdered!” …Im not sure if I put it into words the best, but I hope this is understandable. To top off the topic of Prisoner’s cleverness, its a neat detail (I dont know if this is intentional) that the Prisoner does the opposite of what her prior princess form did: the player cut her arm to free her last time, she cut herself out this time and the player “died” the last time, she “died” this time. Beyond recognizing there was a Narrator beyond them she should fool, the Prisoner also reasoned that since having the player kill her is likely not favorable, dying by her own hand might just be fine! The Head Trophy variation is just more poignant when you note that her “thoughts on this vessel?” section talks about how the Prisoner protected herself when others could not but for her plan to work, she has to put complete faith in another.
As 1000% better the Head Trophy variation is in the Prisoner’s route, I do have a soft spot for the Chained Together variation since, from both the Prisoner and the Narrator’s perspective, it must be a hilarious emotional rollercoaster. The Prisoner’s plan failed and shes now stuck with the loser who made it so…for potentially forever! The Narrator probably oscillates between an uneasy concession that while both gods are not dead, they are locked up forever and an utter dread that things may fall apart at any time and thus, the world is practically doomed with no way to change that. The Prisoner doesnt have to decapitate herself, which makes her freedom extra cathartic in the relief she likely felt and didnt expect…and also extra sad in how she found it was nothing but cold and is quickly taken away. Theres also something to be said about how the player joins the princess in her perspective by chaining himself up and that they both inform each other’s perspective, leading to their escape together: (1) since the princess isnt starving to death, the player also doesnt, which is a surprise to the Voices and (2) the player showing up again signaled that change is indeed possible to the princess, perhaps causing the ability for the world to erode around them. Maybe the latter is the Voices informing the player, causing the change…? But I like to think its the initial thought since the cabin could and shouldve have eroded prior to the player’s arrival, assuming the Prisoner understands the concept of erosion…which, I assume she does- Anyways, the route is as emotional as it is kind of wacky, which is up my alley!
4. Witch
This princess is the one I enjoy the most aesthetically. Im a sucker for both witches and cats, what can I say? The allusion to the fable The Scorpion and the Frog really tickles me, and ultimately, whatever decisions made in this chapter are some form of hilarious. Whether we’re both dying on the floor with broken backs or handing a blade to someone who immediately stabs you, its great. I do enjoy the progression into the Thorn chapter, especially with the immediate regret from the Witch and the following reconciliation in Thorn’s chapter, but Thorn is not as funny and aesthetically pleasing as Witch princess for me, which is why she is not here, haha.
Her “Thoughts on this vessel?” section adds a lot of depth to her, since the way the Witch presents herself is very superficial and guarded. Particularly the statement about the Witch making for a “righteous” heart, in combination with her ability to just slip out of her chains. She couldve freed herself at any time, but chose to stay and confront you. Which I feel speaks to the bitterness aspect, as the Witch feels its only “right” to pursue an answer to her pain–whether it be the player’s penance or punishment. The game’s thoughts on bitterness are made even more poignant when you realize the Witch’s ends are either death (hers and/or yours) or a transformation into another state.
5. Tower
This route is just incredibly cool in how she takes over the narrator and the little divergences of the narration’s phrasing to be in her perspective in the voiceover. The progression into that route was amusing for me to think about because I think the shift of perspective that transforms the princess boils down to either “the princess had the might of a god to have defeated you,” “your sudden stop during the fight was a blessing from god to the princess,” and/or “your sudden stop was because your recognized the value of the princess’s life as larger than your own (‘larger than life,’ referring to her bigger form as the Tower and godhood itself).” The Tower calling you disappointing is funny, but what also sticks out is how she said she wanted company before turning into the Tower. Even as the Tower with the ability to just free herself, she chose to wait for you because thats what she wanted, and I think that plays on the relational idea of “What is a god without a believer?” since she’s willing to have the player as a priest or pet, lol.
How this route differs from the Adversary route is interesting, as the Tower is indeed also an overwhelming presence whose decisions matter more than yours not because her single minded relentless pursuit of it but because of the power to overwrite yours. Its a twist on the player’s and princess’s roles until now, but instead of making them equal like in the Adversary, the roles were reversed on who decides and who is forcefully changed as a result of that decision. Of course, you cant take the ability to choose from us, as a player completely, but its about the best you can do, I imagine. And not to mention the “defiling” aspect when you slay the Tower, dragging her down from godhood to an equal (humanity?) or perhaps her original state of someone who responds to your decision as usual… I think this route connects deeply to the meta aspect of Slay the Princess, since this state is where the princess is closest to the “concept of change” and the concept of their true self as a god. It makes the “thoughts on this vessel?” section very poignant because change in itself is indeed a constantly dominant, terrifying, and arguably divine force in its inevitability.
Honorable Mention to...the Damsel!
I really like the deconstruction of her concept, but that also means I feel that liking her is completely counterintuitive to that very deconstruction, lol. Her route is very straightforward in what it does, but it kind of has to be. Meaning it does what it set out to do very well.
This took a bit and is so much more than you asked for, so thank you for your patience and acceptance. Im just bonkers and bananas, so if I have it partially done, I might as well go all the way instead of going in depth on only one, lol. It was a fun exercise in pondering deeper about the princesses and dipping my toes in the ~meta~, but I will also readily say that Im not at all nearly deep enough into Slay the Princess as a whole to be confident on my takes, so this may have just been a session of Talking Out Of My Booty. Nonetheless, I hope this was enjoyable and thank you for prompting me to think about it! The order of the princesses changed throughout this answer, and it may be fun to guess what order they were written in, lol. Id love to hear about your fave/faves if youre interested in sharing as well~! And please, have a lovely day too!!! c:
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Fabian Aramais Seacaster S3 Playlist: side a
Here he is! God's favorite popular kid!! Song descriptions down below, spoilers for fantasy high junior year ep. 1-10
Genres include: dance/electronic, alternative, rnb, pop-punk
1. Stop, Justice
So many times we rise and fall After a while it's coming all together Together So many times we rise and fall Wondering if we'll find it all together Together Remember all the nights and days we spent together Together It's so easy to forget how to surrender But nothing's ever stopped Music and lights, rhythm and melodies Take us to the top
Is this about how Fabians friendships and newfound love of dance helped him become a happier better person? yes.
Is it also about how often Fabian fell during the Night Yorb battle? also yes.
Oh, come break some hearts now Tear them out File in for amusements with the crowd Oh, but be advised Participation is required Doin' things not typically allowed Feels like we're having a good time It's true, a wonderfully good time when I'm with you
Fabian Seacaster, The Most Popular Guy in School, Maximum Legend, making my skin crawl blowing off Mazey's twister game to hang out with Ivy THATS NOT YOUR HEARTTTTTT, THATS NOT WHO YOU AREEEEEE. AND I KNOW he was doing it for the mystery but oh my GOD he was too good at playing that part
3. Call It What You Want, Foster the People
You've taken your words And you take your judgments And stick 'em onto everything If it don't conform to what you were born into Then you run the other way You say, "Now what's your style? And who do you listen to?" Who cares? Well, the rat race ladder climbin' fake fake smiles Got nothing on me, yeah, yeah
Ok, so this is a little unorthodox for me because I usually only put songs from the characters' perspectives on their respective playlists, but I can't get this scene out of my head. In my mind, this is Mazey's perspective from the chunk of that first downtime when Fabian invites her and everyone else in dance class to Seacaster Manor, and Fabian starts to really come out of his shell.
Think of it like a slow-burn montage of the two dancing (literally dancing) around their potential feelings for one another. The song has a really nice groove to it, and it matches up with Mazey's cool and earnest personality.
4. Stronger Than Ever, Raleigh Ritchie
Hate me when I'm gone I'll make it worth your while when I'm successful But, when I'm here I need your kindness 'Cause the climb is always stressful I'll leave my peace in pieces all around The decent people back at home 'Cause I'm a big boy, an adult now or nearly If I pull the wool back from my eyes I can see clearly The world is at my feet and I am standing on the ceiling,
Alone in that big house, trying to be the best at everything, pushing himself harder and harder. The song is so perfect it speaks for itself
5. Thing Called Love, Kevin Ross
Don't know why you love me so much, oh When I can't say I deserve us Like a rocket's failure to launch I just let it self-destruct And it's not right (No) And it hurts twice when it's good-intentioned But that's life (Right?) Or is it my pride that wouldn't listen
Ok these last two are just directly in reaction to episode ten scenes so be warned.THE SCENE WITH FABIAN AND MAZEY IN THE KITCHEN??? Talk about the right person and wrong time and god; it rips my heart out. Like how he earnestly talked about how worried he was for her safety. THE WAY SHE JUST SAYS SHE HAS A CRUSH ON HIM. THE WAY LOU REACTED????? shoot me dead
6. Pieces, Sum 41
I tried to be perfect But nothing was worth it I don't believe it makes me real I thought it'd be easy But no one believes me I meant all the things I said ... This place is so empty My thoughts are so tempting I don't know how it got so bad Sometimes it's so crazy That nothing can save me But it's the only thing I have
"breaker breaker, Fabian Seacaster looking for his papa Bill Seacaster."
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a-non-ymouswriter · 10 months
Naturally, I am Very Interested in hearing literally anything about Remix. But aside from that, the titles of "God's Most Faithful Hater" and "My Son is the Final Boss" are very intriguing!
The later because I read that Webtoon (among many others); the former because I love Tommy angst /and/ religious themes in this fandom can be really fun. There's no telling what direction any given person will go for DSMP gods and thus no telling what new (to me) ideas they might have that I could fall completely in love with.
...And after looking up what CYMK is, I think I'm legally obligated to be curious about "Wandering The Border". Dimension hopping my beloved.
I hope that's not too many? I have so much fun with your stories, it's hard to cut it down from "all of them, please!"
i very much understand, there's a reason why i listed only those when i have a few more dusting away on my shelf lmao. BUT LET'S GET INTO THESE THREE!!
gonna cut this bc it's long
God's Most Faithful Hater - A DSMP Fantasy AU Summary -> Tommy Innit is the most devout, religious, faithful follower Ranboo has ever met. It's hard to believe at first, but everyday without fail, Tommy would pray to XD, hold the silver and green x-cross necklace (the symbol of his religion and his god's crest) whenever he got angry or anxious, and would reprimand Tubbo if he ever jokingly swore by XD or Prime's name.
Ranboo thinks it's nice that Tommy was so faithful to his god, it wasn't for him personally but hey, everyone had something they put their faith into.
Only he finds out that his initial thoughts to be very much, untrue. Well, Tommy is faithful. But he has no love for XD and his religion, no.
He has nothing but contempt and hatred for the malicious God that sunk its divinity into his very soul.
Details and Thoughts -> basically xd cursed tommy to be 'faithful' and be his unwilling follower.
i got this inspiration from Tanya the Evil, both the anime and manga. for those who don't know, it's about a man reincarnated as a little girl in fantasy imperial germany during world war 1 because he was agnostic and 'god' decides that the man needs to be faithful and believe in god. it's a cool anime, i suggest you pick it up.
but i only took 'forced to be religious' from the anime and applied it AND angst to tommy in this au. the more original side of it is that tommy is unwillingly immortal and constantly haunted and 'put to the test' by xd.
those tests are very dangerous, and the only way to get out of them? pray to xd, praise xd and such to save him, the unworthy and unwilling.
of course sometimes tommy can pass those 'tests' or other situations without praying to xd, but as time passes, tommy just ends up praying to xd. mostly after his past adopted family nearly died because he didnt pray to xd. that past family? sbi ofc but thats for later down the line.
the shot would be focused in ranboo's pov in the first part. how he and the others are friends with tommy and talking about how surprisingly religious tommy was. unknowing that tommy kept praying every day for their sake, and to stave off xd's malicious actions.
make no mistake, tho tommy prays and praises xd outwardly, he still fucking hates the damn god. and his internal prayers always, always has him damning xd. which both amuses and annoys said god, but somehow tommy's prayers are at least genuine and stuff, enough that he has to keep his word and not fuck shit up for tommy.
i'd say more but, we need to get to the others lmao.
My Son is the Final Boss - DSMP AU Wilbur-centric Summary-> None Yet
Details and Thoughts -> so this one is very unfinished and was back when techno was alive actually. around then i was reading a webtoon called My Daughter's the Final Boss or something- basically it was about a dad whose daughter, as told by title, became the final boss of a world-ending apocalypse.
it starts w the dad having to confront the daughter that he had abandoned in the past, who grew up terribly and abused and turned into an apocalyptic event boss. The Final Boss. and in that confrontation he...
turns his back on his allies and tries to protect his daughter from them. dying as a result.
but of course, the webtoon continues and the dad is time traveled back to BEFORE he sent his daughter away (he had issues and shit and was an asshole really) so he decides that he was gonna prevent every bad thing that happened to him, his daughter, prevent the death of his daughter's mother, etc etc
so yeah basically that, but with wilbur and fundy. i think i was reading a lot of fundy angst and sbi angst when i thought of it while reading.
i might revisit this shot again, but morph it bc im trying to catch up with QSMP and i love tallulah. and recently read a fic of fundy and tallulah being twins and i just love that. wilbur gets to be angsty over TWO children lol but no promises it's only an idea that hasn't even flourished
Wandering the Border - CMYK AU Dimension Hopping Summary -> Yeah this one doesn't have a summary either sorry
Details and Thoughts -> it says so on the tin; dimension hopping cmyk! EXCEPT
all four of them are dimension hopping separately and are constantly meeting each other... in the wrong order. in different spanning dimensions, and each of them hop dimensions in differing ways.
for example:
T̸̢̧̞̯̠̖̱͖̙͚͎̈́͒̅͑̇̋͐̃͒h̷͙̻̖̞̾̇̂̎̊̀̈̌̏͝ě̶͖̖͂̔͗̿̌̒͗̔̚s̷̛̫͙̤̯̬͕̺͂̐̊̓̐͒̂̕͠e̶̻̓̍̀͋͘û̶̲̾̊͒s̸͓̉͊̇̃̆͛̀͘͝͝ aka Tommy Innit- Chaos Demon currently cursed with dimension hopping because he pranked his dimension's Chaos Demoness Goddess Drista. He cannot stay in one dimension long, pain will overtake his body if he stays for more than a week, sometimes more than a few days or even hours. It's randomized whether or not he can stay or withstand the pain of staying. He is the 'youngest' and 'latest' of the friend group.
Experiment T-U88-Oasis aka Tubbo - A test tube experiment genius, actually the youngest (he's only been alive for 5 years, 3 of them dimension hopping) but technically the oldest in terms of dimension hopping? He always seems to be the one ahead of the curve, meeting others and referencing meet ups that haven't happened yet for the others. Rare instances of other others meeting a younger him that is so unlike the chaotic, hyper Tubbo that they know of. He stole an unfinished experimental device that lets him dimension hop, he keeps fiddling with it, which makes him hop dimensions- or well, it sometimes short circuits on its own and he's gone.
Lethe aka Ranboo - Initially from a superhero universe, Ranboo's powers were mostly about teleportation. Short range, sometimes long range if he could focus and had the stamina for it. He and his superhero mentor ended up busting a villain lair who was messing with powers. Something happened, Ranboo's powers got MAJORLY messed up and he ended up hopping dimensions and losing his memories. He didn't even know his name was Ranboo or his actual superhero name- Tubbo named him Lethe the first time they met, even gave him his trademarked memory journal. Ranboo's powers are unstable, each use has him forgetting all over again, but slowly, over time he doesn't forget. Slowly though.
Purpled - He's a regular teen and mercenary. He does odd jobs, REALLY odd jobs and somehow he's in every dimension all three of them have been to? Second 'eldest' to the group, he's been at this almost as long as Tubbo has. They have no idea how he's dimension hopping and Purpled refuses to answer it straight, not even Tubbo knows how he's going at it and technically he's the oldest! Purpled's the one with the most mystery, he's 'normal'. Fully human with no powers whatsoever, just pure martial skill, however from his travels that he somehow goes on, he has the most stuff. Weapons, items, etc.
so yeah, dimension hopping cmyk :) again i could go on but this has gone long enough.
maybe ask me again if you'd like to know more. or more about the other shots that are dusting away on my shelves. it was really fun talking about this stuff :DD
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girlbob-boypants · 11 months
1 8 9 24 25 🔥🔥🔥🔥
ALRIIIIIGHT let's do this. You didn't specify what so I'll. find something after I copy in the questions and see what i'm dealing with
hm. uh. let's just do 14.
Oh thats a lot of ranting oh. Um. So my rants for this game always get heavier than I expect due to the nature of this game SO
Cw for discussions abuse, racism, and misogyny.
wow it's just like complaining about the DA fandom
1 - The character everyone gets wrong
Honestly? It's Emmy Sulk himself. (Disclaimer that I can only speak through my experiences with the English translation which is known for being either spot on or way off but afaik the main story is better about this)
But his is to the point where even the writing gets him wrong in his second expac imo. Like core parts of his original presentation were that 1. He really loves being dramatic and has a sense of humor and 2. Every aspect of him has been embittered by the loss of his people. His humor is fleeting and spiteful. His view of the world is downright spiteful. This is so important to understand. Emet was not always grouchy and mean, even if he was once serious. And it's no secret even in shadowbringers. He does things out of pity and compassion for the group cause we've amused him. He says this is boring and leaves when we're held hostage. He says he does not view mortals as real people yet his mind palace views us as children rather than the man made creatures of his time.
And people took this and turned it into "oh he's a secretly nice grouch. Teehee he's mister grumpy pants" and ew ran with that and completely fucking NUKED his character in favor of fanon. We didn't even need to see what he was like back when his people were alive but if we were going to, don't tell me that the complete destruction of his people only slightly tweaked his personality. And don't turn his sharp witted best friend into a twink who's only personality trait is "Emmy is actually a good guy I promise". And to have Emmy say he thinks his cause was better but we won so he's putting his faith in us feels so. "Yeah even after getting all his memories back and seeing us in action he still maintains that creating fascist nations with creatures he viewed as subhuman was a good idea but he's your friend now so he supports you."
Literally the worst character arc ever. Imagine taking the "this villain was once kind but lost their way and became cruel and hateful" trope and reversing it into a redemption arc where the entire redemption is "yeah he's always been exactly like this but in another life you were friends so it's okay you can't hate him for what he did to your world"
8 - Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Okay I wrote an entire rant about a character and then realized there's an even worse opinion i hate more so. I'm keeping it cause everything I said is so true but this one is even more important.
Okay so a known fact among 14 fans who can read is that the Xaela au ra are meant to be Mongolian coded. It's not subtle. However it's also incredibly mean spirited. And the worst fandom opinion is that the shitty ways a Japanese studio chose to mock Mongolian culture(s) are funny. There's tribes with beliefs that are, honestly, perfectly normal things clearly being played up for laughs and the fans just clap and jeer along???
Basically the fandom opinion is "SE were so funny for how they wrote the Xaela" when actually it was racism.
Anyone who thinks Thancred is a good father, show me the receipts. Seriously the guy is downright abusive at some points and even if his emotions about it all are fair, his actions aren't. He treats Minifilia just like all of her other captives have, all while projecting his feelings about the last person he failed to protect onto her. And while it makes for a good character arc, she never gets to call him out on it and he never talks to her about it. In fact, instead of talking to her, we get some random Manpain Deadwife dude who vents about his life despite literally not mattering to the plot. And this is somehow more influential to Thancred realizing he should be better than talking to Minifilia is. Even when Minifilia expresses guilt that her being alive means Thancred will never see the person he misses more.
And as touching as their scene is when he gives her a new name that's all her own after he almost died for her is. It's not admission or apology. Minifilia deserved to have him say sorry and to say he was terrified of losing her and almost pushed her away trying to keep her safe.
9 - Worst part of canon
Just like. All of Stormblood? Worst villains, worst coding, worst character development for half the cast. Zenos is literally the epitome of the colonizer nation he's the prince of but the writing goes "noooo he doesn't care about any of that he's just power hungry so there's no commentary!! Him using a Japanese weapon he obtained by murdering and pillaging isn't commentary. Him beating and experimenting on women from colonized nations isn't commentary cause he's not doing it with those motivations!!"
I've spoken a lot about how much I hate every part of this expac. It does nothing well and leads to one of the worst villains everyone obsesses over for being a little silly despite adding nothing to the story and just being a dps check and a voice box in a cardboard cutout.
24 - topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Yotsuyu. Oh SE made one of their villains a Korean comfort woman? Quick, we better talk about how misogynistic this one character is for not killing all brothel owners everywhere even though those people still being alive means Yotsuyu never used the immense power she had as ruler to hunt them down. She had plenty of time to commit ethnic cleanses tho. Weird how that never gets brought up. Why do people criticize this game like it's a real world and the character are all acting of their own accord and not the product of real people from our world writing things?
25 - common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
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casualavocados · 2 years
alright, here comes the long ass super personal and sentimental post absolutely nobody asked for (you’re welcome)
i watched episode 1 of bad buddy the day it aired (1 year ago today!) out of sheer luck. i dont even remember how i discovered it, but my initial thought was: “im bored. it’s 11pm and i dont want to go to sleep. this trailer looked fun. oh it came out today? sure what the fuck.” and i watched it in bed, on my phone. completely fucking unaware of what was about to happen to me and my life - and this honestly amuses me so much when i think about it because let me tell you...
i am NOT one to watch romance for romance’s sake. i really couldnt care less for it tbh. i’m not what i’d call a shipper at all (though i used to be, and if you remember my blog back then i owe you financial compensation bc tbh that whole spectacle exhausted me ANYWAY-). 
romance is just something ive always preferred as a side dish to plot, bc i only tend to like it when it’s super well done, and ive never found any of it very realistic. this was actually pretty unfortunate for past me bc fun fact, i am a little bit of a hopeless romantic, and romcoms are my guilty pleasure. the problem is i also dont like any of them enough to care about them after ive satisfied my initial “i want to watch something cheesy and cute” urge. i’d seen a few other bl’s over the years but only bc i was bored or wanted to watch something gay, and none of them had ever stuck in my mind after i finished them. i actively avoided those fandom spaces so i definitely wasn’t keeping up with what was new. 
(now listen, i have very specific thoughts on bl itself, but im not gonna get into that here (and actually miscellar said yesterday that the bl difference between 2020 and 2022 is unrecognizable and that basically sums it up so i dont have to lmao <3)).
- and ep1 of bad buddy is pretty typical bl! i adore this about it tbh because i was completely unprepared for everything the show was about to pull. my initial reaction was that it was something fun to look forward to every week.
so then-
I dont!! i dont even know how to explain it! ive tried too many times!
but it really is That Bitch, and truly feels like something i’d been waiting my whole life to see. a romantic comedy that was incredibly realistic in the sense of being overwhelmingly human, and also overwhelmingly queer. it’s so effortlessly fucking funny, while simultaneously a very (very very very) layered and emotional story. i will sing its praises to the end of time. it is quite literally the most well crafted show i’ve ever seen, and every time i rewatch it, or go back and reread old meta, im reminded that im not insane believing that. it just literally is that good. it’s such a simple story done so. extremely. well. it’s so ordinary, and that makes it extraordinary, and that was the intention from the start.
but i also have to say, one of the best things about having this show, is getting to be apart of the amazing community i found here loving it alongside me. bc i avoid fandoms. i stick to the places and the people/mutuals i know. i drift through edit tags more than i follow individual blogs. i block people like lightning. i have always had anons and replies off and i enjoy my privacy!!!
and i have talked to more people and made more friends and have had more fun this past year than i ever have before on this site. 
it took me until after bb finished airing to start following people back, but by then i knew which blogs posted what and what i’d want to see more of on my dash - and there are still many many people im not following, or who arent following me, that i talk to! i love each of you so very much, and i want to do a couple special shoutouts, if thats okay. ♥️
SO, in no particular orderrrrrr:
@mrdumpling nuria you were the very first bl-centric blog to follow me, and as such gave me a little bit of a heart attack that day, because i knew you were a popular blog and i Was Not Ready For Attention lol. but im so glad you did! ik we don’t talk often, but i love lurking on your blog and following what you’re interested in, and most especially, sharing this show with you. to say your edits are beautiful is an understatement! i always love to see what you make!! 🧡
@actually-yikes SORA I MISS YOUUUUUU!!! 🌹 i love talking to you, i love bonding over warrior pran with you, i love the edits you make. i think you’re very funny and delightful. seriously. ...im kind of at a loss for words here bc you’re one of the blogs i went to the most while bb was airing, and the first person i followed after it ended. i really just think you’re wonderful, and idk how else to say it! ily!!!💕💕
@miscellar you have some of the best takes ive ever read, and you somehow seem to read my mind and write (in much better words than i ever could!) exactly what im feeling on so many different topics. i love reading your analysis, your criticism, and just in general whatever you have to say. you impress me very much tbh and im always a bit amazed whenever you talk to me. i love sharing meta with you! 💚
@pranparakul KATIIIEEE when you’re not on my dash i miss you. even if you’ve got posts in your queue ill be like 🥺 where’s katie? is she having a good day today? literally it doesnt matter what you post abt, bc your enthusiasm for whatever it is always makes me so happy. keep doing you <3♥️🌸💗💕💜🌸❣💗💜♥️💕
@snimeat GEI. okay we dont talk OFTEN but when we do we talk a LOT. your excitement is sooooooooooooo contagious and it always matches mine and i feel SO SEEN. i think your edits have such a mystical vibe to them...they always make me feel very wistful (in a very good way). luv u 💛
@pranpats Kit!!! your gifs are GORGEOUS. and you are one of the sweetest people on this site. you always say such lovely things in the tags, and i love occasionally coming to talk to you about gifmaking things. you are such a warm presence on my dash! 💜
and of COURSE @grapejuicegay - kk i think we speedran our friendship in the last 6 weeks. idk how we never really talked before, now that i know we were BOTH lurking on each other’s blogs this whole year. i don’t even know what to say that i haven’t already said in our dms. i fucking love talking to you. there are some people you just click with and im so glad you’re one of them. 💙💌💗💖💜💙💕💛♥️🌹💌💖💙💕
there are so many more of you i want to mention here!! and if you read this far please know im probably also thinking of you, and i want you all to know that i have loved every minute watching and sharing this show with you.
im constantly blown away by everyone’s kindness and how welcoming all of you are. this is truly my favorite place to be online. thank you for all the tags on my gifs and meta. thank you for being so warm.
im so happy this little show means as much to all of you as it does to me. happy one year everybody. 🎆🥂💚❤
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aline-the-cat · 1 year
WangXian Twilight AU
Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze send their son Wei Wuxian to Caiyi so he can study in the prestigious Cloud Recess University, he reunites there with his cousins Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli and makes friends with Nie Huaisang, the first day is normal and all, with the only weird thing being Huaisang warning him about a student, Lan something. Wei Wuxian doesn't pay attention. Big Mistake
He enters one of his classes and there, sittting next to the only sit available, is the most handsome man ever. Wei Wuxian would be swooing except he also has the meanest glare of all. Literally the guy is killing with his golden eyes (golden eyes?). Wei Wuxian being the sun he is, tries to have a conversation with the stranger to no avail, as soon as the bell rings, the guy practically runs out of the classroom, not without sending his way another killing glare
Later, Wei Wuxian will hear him trying to change his schedule (really, whats up with this guy?!)
During lunch the next day he finally learns who the fuddy duddy is thanks to Nie Huaisang: "I told you to not get on his bad side!!! Didnt I told you???"
Wwx "I don't know, maybe?? Who is he?"
Enter the five most fashionable people Wei Wuxian has ever seen (and he has live with aunt Yu and Jiang Yanli)
Wwx "okay, who are they???"
Cue Jiang Cheng groaning next to him
NHS "The Lans and the Jins, their families supposedly have been friends for centuries, and the Lans adopted the Jins after their father died, or so I heard, they are mostly together and they keep them to themselves, they are extremely hot and the only ones worth of their time are Da-ge and Yanli-jie apparently
"And do they have names or I just go 'hot 1, hot 2, sexy 1, sexy 2 and gorgeous?" Wwx doesnt realize the young adults are smirking, and one is frowning
Jiang Cheng sighs and unwillingly enters the conversation
"The one that looks like a peacock is Jin Zixuan, Jie likes him for some reason and has been the only person he has talk to that we know, the one next to him with the ridiculous but cute beanie is Jin Ziyao..."
"Da-ge kinda likes him and has manage to talk to him on several ocasions or so I've heard" Nie Huaisang interrupts
"Yes, they are brothers, the one sitting next to them is Luo Quingyan, I think she is their cousin" Wei Wuxian nods appreciatively at Jiang Cheng's words, she is hot "The tall one is Lan Xichen, he is...."
"Hot, handsome, nice, gentleman, friendly and everything good in this word??" Huaisang probes, and to Wei Wuxian surprise and amusement, A-Cheng blushes
"Shut up Huaisang! I never said that!!" He tries so hard not to scream that is hilarious "stop saying nonesense or I'll break your fucking legs!" The younger Nie just dies of laughter next to him, also trying not to be too loud, Wei Ying notices with curiosity "I was gonna say that Lan Xichen is the head of the student council"
"And gorgeous?" Wei Ying asks, prompting A-Cheng's eyebrow to quirk
"He is Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen's younger sibling and the head of discipline around campus, his punishments are lengendary so you really dont want to get on his bad graces"
Wei Wuxian openly laughs delighted, a beautiful sound that makes the younger Lan freeze for a moment
"I think thats a little bit too late A-Cheng, Im pretty sure he hates me already... but thats okay, I'll be his friend in no time!"
Jiang Cheng groans as Nie Huaisang looks at him in awed
For Wei Wuxian, the year just got much more interesting
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avemstella · 1 year
Tumblr only just showed me that @ksjundel2003 tagged me with this just now, as technology does. I'll always take the chance to ramble (also thank u for the compliment ahhh :D). These ended up being essays hahahaaaha
1. Three Ships: Uhhh so I'm in a weird place where I'm not actively shipping anything. Like don't get me wrong I still love many ships (I'm a super multi shipper, I have no idea how people dedicate their online everything to one ship) I'm just currently not actively pursuing certain ship tags rn... Hmm hxh's return reminded me of how much I love Leopika, I got into fe3h in this last year and I've read a silly amount of dimiclaude. Also finally got around to getting into mp100 and Terumob is so cute.
Genshin thats what people are here for but if I'm honest while I still am very into the game, I haven't read genshin fic consistently for a while and thats how I interact with shipping the most. Like I love Chili, theres a reason I have plans for that ship, but I haven't read a fic with them in forever (and in the more recent examples it was me searching for found fam harb content). I also adore Kaebedo but same story. I love a lot of genshin ships, many 'contradictory' (love Zhongven as well for example), I just haven't been brainrotting about any of them for a while. God that sounds so morose pfft, its really me just letting my brain take a break and experience other things! Also just know I do think about the final planned Zhongli and Childe scene in this fic (well for the main fic at least) every once in a while and grin like a loon. Hehehe I love it so much and rip its so far away (though also once I get there it'll be right near the end and that thought makes me sad).
Also I think about my fic specific ships a lot too. Sandy and Nella for example have a scene that brings me much amusement in a couple chapters (those 2 always bring me joy). Also I've been recently thinking about the ot3 that's a big old spoiler. There's this angsty but also hopeful romantic scene that's been banging around in my head that I literally can't use in my fic it doesn't work with the timeline. But I love it, maybe an eventual bonus chap. (all I'll say on this ot3 is that at least 1 person is a harb). And taras x any harb that isn't his bro, my favorite running gag I take too seriously. Also Madame Volkov x Tsar, I can't wait to reveal why that ship cracks me up (also weirdly angsty).
uhhh that was way too long of an answer um sorry.
2. First ever ship: God I don't know. Probably amuto from Shugo Chara (I was elementary/middle school, the age gap did not clock as weird then). However my first ship with taste was Soulsilvershipping from pokemon (god we need to bring back that ship name format, so fun). I didn't have fictional crushes the same way most seemed to, however what was close enough was Silver Pokemon my beloved. He spawned my love of grumpy long haired red heads so when I saw Diluc for the first time I remember going fuck I'm gonna love him (and I did haha).
3. Last song: uhhh fun fact I'm not a music person at all. As a child I hated it pfft, while I grew out of that I still have no idea what I'm doing with it. 90% of the music I listen to is from animatics (and back in the day from amvs) or musicals because plot. And u know u find a lot of musicals because of animatics its a cycle. However saying that I was listening to Ricky Montgomery, idk why.
4. Last movie: my parents were like we're watching a movie as a fam and in true Christmas spirit we watched Top Gun Maverick pfft. tbh the movie was fine but not the stunning piece of cinema everyone seemed to be saying... also super military propaganda but we all knew that
5. Currently reading? I'm catching up on the Ascendance of a Bookworm Light Novels (I'm on the last book in part 4 and I have part 5 #1 ready). I've also been really slowly reading through (and got back into after almost a year accidental break) Lout of the Counts Family. Also hunter x hunter (my brain is filled with Sheila theories, despite being the Harbinger found fam fic writer I don't care about the troop lol, just Sheila). I also have some DC comics open in my tabs because I want to watch the newest comicpop back issues episode. Its sort of strange I've been on a reading fan fic break of sorts haha, reading lots of original stuff.
6. Currently watching? uhhhh Mob Psycho though that just ended. Also me and my sis are watching Miraculous together. We used to watch it years ago and we are watching all the stuff we missed and cringing. I also am constantly watching lots of video essays, love a good video essay to put on while doing other things like playing genshin/art/etc
7. Currently consuming? We have a holiday party every year and my dad makes his amazing to die for lasagna (we are not remotely italian, but everyone we know says its amazing). So I've been eating those leftovers and having a time.
8. Currently craving? validation uhhh free time maybe. I had so much free time while I was away at school (well more like I should have been working on stuff time, but it was time I could organize myself). I'm home and between Christmas and parties and my grandparents/Cousins/feels like everyone visiting I've had no time for myself. I love seeing my cute baby cousins I don't get to see too often but its a lot. Also a job, I don't want to have to job but it'll get my mother off my case.
Well that ended on a too serious note haha. Also this was way too long and I have no idea who to tag and I'm anxious so uh, no one I guess. I must now return to my chaotic life, as one does.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
what would it be like for the chain to be yoinked to player's world?
i imagine the clothes issue would be first priority, since the chain kinda sticks out like a sore thumb. definitely have to get something to cover the ears, and time is ridiculously tall, so unless player has a similarly tall friend, they might need to go clothes shopping.
then comes the fun part: teaching them how to be functional members of society. at one point player actually gets 9 baby leashes and she drives them all because hyrule, wind and wild keep running away and nearly getting hit by a car or something. also needing to replace at least 1 microwave because someone set it on fire.
since rupees dont count as currency, the links are useless financially, so the player has them make up for it by helping with stuff so they arent just standing there.
showing them around, teaching them basic history (they were not thrilled about the world wars), how to use household appliances (especially the toilet and shower), and easing the culture shock just a little bit.
i have an idea why too: the point was to originally sendoff the player, so the chain could continue their quest without interference, so when the next portal comes, player cant go through. both sides are fighting it, and dark link takes his chance to attack player while they're alone, and the chain has to commit blasphemy to get player back, who is not doing so hot. hospital cant do anything since magic isnt exactly a common thing, so hyrule has to commit breaking and entering and heal player which takes him out for a while, then the chain commits more breaking and entering to break player out, and hylia, getting the point (for once) begrudgingly allows player to continue.
i have literally no idea how plausible this is but since when have i ever listened to canon
yes this is a hylia slander post. sue me.
other things i thought of:
- putting makeup on time and twi's markings to avoid attention out in public
- convincing people that wild is a war vet due to his scars and getting discounts everywhere now (yes i know you need a card for that shhh)
- the chain getting in a car for the first time. it has mixed results. wild nearly jumps out of the car on accident and for the first time in their life player has to put the child locks on.
- legend nearly getting them banned from a 7/11 for trying to haggle a cashier and player having to explain thats not how it works here. they don't take him shopping anymore. or hyrule for the same reason. or wild because he keeps trying to buy things vastly overbudget and if he cant, he tries to steal them. only time, twilight and sky are allowed to go shopping now.
- twilight and time having "we will beat you to death" energy, so literally everyone leaves player alone because they have scary friend privileges.
- taking the chain to an amusement park and daring them to go on the Really Fucking Big rollercoaster. it goes about as well as you'd expect. the moment they were off wind immediately went to go on again, while the others watched in horror.
- trying to play different types of video games with them and watching it devolve into either roast sessions or senseless screaming. horror games are banned after wars tried to throw a sword through the tv screen at a jumpscare.
- player finally getting to wear their regular clothes again and the chain being like "???" because the outfit player came in was their "i dont give a single fuck about my appearance" outfit.
- player finally getting to play their personal music and watches as the chain collectively has a stroke because 1) what the fuck is this abomination flooding their ears and 2) why is it good
- wild being wild tries to set something on fire and gets chewed out to high hell because player had to call the fire department and wild narrowly avoided being arrested for arson. all fire weapons were confiscated after that.
- the spoken language is the same but the written one is not, so for the first good while the chain literally cant read. it gets awkward very quickly.
mmm, chaos and destruction - mold
THIS REMINDS ME OF REVERSE AU but instead halfway through the original journey they get thrown into Player's world. Imagine the excitement, the confusion.
I can already imagine the scene.
"Where are we?"
The area is foreign to- well all of them. Not a clue in sight as they glance around the clearing they've stumbled across, only the sounds of birds tweeting around them.
But you realise, stumbling through with Wild and Hyrule by your sides that you have a clue.
Oh, you have a clue.
"Wait, there's a sound coming from that direction!" The Sailor cries, already racing towards it, your heart dropping when you realise what exactly he was talking about. "There might be some people with answers."
Time goes to call for him but you're sprinting the next second, eyes wide with horror and feet pounding against the forest floor. "WIND STOP!"
The others make chase after you when neither you nor the boy slows down.
You watch him near bushes and push your body to go faster, harder until you're only a few inches away from him, hand darting out to snag the back of his shirt and yank him back as hard as he could, digging your feet into the dirt to stop yourself from hurtling towards what you had stopped him from running into.
The Motorway: filled with speeding cars that could have easily slammed into the boy and killed him without a second thought.
"Are you okay!?" You're rewarded with a shaky nod, eyes wide and watching the vehicles continue to hold him close to your chest, whispering thankful prayers to whoever may hear as the others finally catch up, saddling up to your side in awe. "You stupid bastard- stop when I tell you to!"
You didn't deserve that sort of heart attack in the morning.
"Your world?" Time asks after a moment, the others turning to you to see your nod of affirmation.
"Yup, for all its shitty glory."
You were home.
Sorry I got over-excited.
What I wanted to say is that I love your idea, Mold!
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kyuala · 3 years
treasure when you're jealous
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YOU????? afraid of losing HYUNSUK?????? to OTHER PEOPLE???????????
i feel like w hyunsuk it could go 50/50
like either he takes the time to laugh a little and call you cute until you threaten to beat him up
or he goes straight into the "but i love you? like i LOVE you. i love YOU" phase
either way he's always quick to reassure you be it with words or through actions and lowkey he always feels extra loved and appreciated afterwards 🤕
oh boy. hooooo boy
"ah is my baby jealous?" "why is my baby so jealous?" "you know i can't help being this handsome right?" "ah it must be hard dating someone this cool" bro he literally won't shut up good luck
has a shit-eating grin plastered on his face but the whole time his heart is going BOOM BOOM GGGHHHDHSGDGSGGDHS inside
i honestly can't see him being the type to ever let things get to a point where some serious talking is needed 'cause like.
as soon as he realizes you're jealous he'll make a joke or two (or 3 billion) and then he won't leave your side and makes sure to be extra loving to you that day
doesnt know whats going on. like he doesnt know what to do
i feel like he lets out a little laugh bc he just DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO but then feels bad about it afterwards even if you're laughing too
thinks you might be joking at first but when he realizes you're serious he goes into Super Boyfriend Mode immediately.
WILL NOT let you forget how much he loves and adores you and appreciates having you in his life
will be so extra focused on complimenting you and showing you how much you matter to him that it might even get awkward or overwhelming its so fucking cute 10/10 would definitely recommend
he doesn't mean to but he LOVES it. he's not a dick about it but you start going like "well you're just being awfully close to-" and i swear he just turns into mush
will NOT be shy about comforting you. you're his FUCKING baby and he WILL smother you in cuddles and kisses in the middle of this bowling alley surrounded by your friends and family if he has to.
never gets past the finding it cute stage bc he literally can't wrap his head around YOU being jealous bc of HIM. like OTHER PEOPLE????? junkyu doesnt KNOW them honey
will make fun of you every time tho bc what's better than a cute little jealous s/o? a cute little pouty s/o
oh he's Smug. but he won't let it show
at least not fully, he WILL tease you a little bit tho but thats just bc he loves seeing you get mad he thinks its cute
he won't try to make you jealous on purpose but he is one of the most likely to not stop a situation just bc, again, he loves seeing you all huffy bc of something as ridiculous to him as the notion of ever leaving you for somebody else
the type to hold you close and be like "if you think i'd ever leave you for that person then you're crazier than i thought" and ur like. should i be mad ur calling me crazy or....?
idk i just feel like mashi is the perfect mix between teasing and reassuring and it's making me mad now
don't share your feelings of jealousy with this mf if you don't want to be babied and cooed at 24/7 🙄
he'll looooove hearing all about it tho lmao
he'll take the extra time to get you little gifts and spend time with you and pat your head like
yeah this is amusing to him but he also can't afford having his baby walking around being sad and feeling anything less than #1 in his life !! 🤕
the type to hug you at the end of the day and say "but you know i only love you, right?" i can't do this.
...............? why
just like literally why. what the fuck. thats his thought process
i feel like asahi is the kind to skip the jokes or feeling flattered and go straight into serious conversation mode.
like is he not showing you enough love? are you having self-esteem issues? can he help? is this stemming from some other areas in your life or the relationship? he Must Know. or else he won't stop thinking about it even if he doesn't show it
just doesn't really like it when you're jealous like bro hes just. hes just sitting there
once he's aware that it's nothing to be worried about and it happens sometimes in relationships he'll allow himself a little smile or two when you get jealous again
oh he'll be a little shit about it for sure
unless it's something really serious, he'll be teasing and lighthearted even when y'all do talk about it
like he'll really hit u with that "i know i know, it must be so hard to see all these people being crazy abt ur boyfriend" and then immediately he's like "no but seriously i love u so much and i could never in my life replace you"
u, just standing there bc of the whiplash: 🧍
i just feel like things would b so much easier and lighter with yedam, even when they're bound to be a little hard 🤧
will want to cuddle afterwards and will not take no for an answer (he means it)
he's a mix of everything LMFAO dobby is all over the place
feeling flattered and appreciated? check. thinking it's funny and making fun of you? check. having a serious conversation about how much he loves you and being extra romantic? double check.
he just thinks everything you do is slightly funny and exceptionally cute and this honestly is no different
VERY affected by this and will not hide how soft and mushy he's feeling inside. you'll literally have to call the cops if u want him off of you
EXTREMELY out of pocket once the issue is resolved like "if ur so jealous give me a kiss then 🤭 lemme see how jealous u are 😚" headass istg
i feel like he would b the most chill about it???
would probably try to get closer to you physically but other than that i don't really think he would do much
super secure in your relationship and he just kinda hopes you'll feel the same if he just keeps doing his thing
like either of you being with somebody else is so out of his mind it's literally not even a concern of his?? lmao the most he'll do is say "but i'm dating you" to everything you say
v v likely to just drop whatever it is that makes u jealous if u do get serious abt it though like he doesn't even question it (be careful)
"it's cause im too handsome right"
this shit is so funny to him. just literally so funny jeongwoo is in heaven
if it actually got to a serious point i don't see how he wouldn't be more serious about it though. like takes the time to sit down w you and talk things through
likely to get frustrated if y'all get stuck in this argument 'cause how??? can you not understand he couldn't possibly want anyone else but you ?????
but ngl bro bro would be having a field day
bro deadass he'll just stop whatever it is that he's doing.
like "oh no they're upset. i must stop making them upset" i swear that's how his brain works
after the initial 'junghwan.exe has stopped working' moment, that is
u know when he kinda freezes and u can HEAR his brain going ......huh?
honestly you'll need to reassure this kid more than the other way around or he'll just lock himself up in his room all day if that means he won't make u upset :/
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main masterlist | treasure masterlist
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venusguks · 3 years
— saccharine boy
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pairing : reader x jeon jungkook
summary : the new transfer student is a bit strange…
genre : yandere jk, future smut, angst, dark, obsessive/possessive jk
warnings : this includes DARK themes with heavy topics. i dont support this unhealthy relationship dynamic irl. a huge TW for suicide, suicidal thoughts, tendencies, coaxing, themes. this is pure fiction so please know that if you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts, this may be really really horrible to read :(( yn and jk both say shitty things
part 1 of ??
i loved you before i even knew you
in days fleeting moments, the sun dipped into the ocean, casting a surge of honey waves to engulf the city whole.
it’s vast, golden essence poured through the mid-open windows and into the empty school hallways.
moments before, the laughter of the baseball team dissipated, and those who confessed to the whim of spring filtered emotions had left with tear stained cheeks.
it's empty enough that you can hear your own slip ons click against the floor.
click, click, click.
you walk up the stairs, stopping right in front of the rooftop door.
the rusted knob is cool under your skin, and bracing yourself for the wind, you twist it open.
the wind whisks past you ferociously, as if urging you to turn back. you should've heeded the warning then (how foolish of you not to), but instead, you open your eyes to the tangerine streaks of the sky.
that’s when you see him.
— ❝ hey, do you regret it? ❞
his silhouette wavered beyond the metal railings of the rooftop.
you don’t know why—what had possibly gone through your mind when you spoke. it wasn't your business—you could honestly care less for people like him,
because people like him were the same as you.
despite that, you couldn't stop yourself from screaming, "you're such an attention freak, you know that?! do you really want to be seen that much?"
his head slightly lifted.
would he listen to you? would he care?
because if it were you past that railing right now, you wouldn't stop for anyone.
but doesn’t he see?
if he jumps, right now, right in front of you,
doesn’t he know how much that would break you?
please, the wind swallows your desperation. i’m already broken enough, so please don't make it any worse.
when i muster up the courage like you someday, i need to die without the thought of you jumping in my head.
— ❝ oh, i see… you're scared of me.❞
"there are so many other ways to kill yourself. drowning, the rope—you can jump off literally any other god damned building for all i care—but don't you dare make it this building! don't you dare jump off in front of me."
you saw it, as the wind danced past him, just how lifeless his eyes were
it was as if the sun himself feared him—preferring to quickly drown into the blue abyss rather than be in his mere presence.
"i know this place is terrible—but the janitor is so kind. he's a single father of three children and if you jump, he'd have to break his back scrubbing your blood for hours. he'd come home and put on a happy face despite worrying if his children will turn out like you. so please, for the janitor's sake, deal with haunting this school a different way. your death would affect more people than you’d know, so please.”
he doesn’t move, so hesitantly, as if it would change anything, you quietly add, "ah, he gave me food one time too.”
the boy’s back quivered, and your own trembling heart ached for him—but what you thought was sniffing turned into a loud, hearty laugh
you stood there, dumbfounded as you watched him.
"you're..." he tries to say through his giggles. when he catches his breath, he finally turns to you with the biggest smile.
"you're really stupid."
— ❝ but would it help if i said i've always loved you? ❞
frozen, you can only stand there gaping at him.
"i was just watching the sunset, but your reaction was so funny. you don't know how hard it was not to laugh."
you blink once, twice—then turning your heel, you begin to walk away.
"h-hey! wait!" he called from beyond the railings. "i'm sorry, okay? i was having too much fun—i didn't mean to scare you. please forgive me."
"scare me?" you scoffed. "kill yourself for all i care. it doesn't have anything to do with me."
— ❝ since that day... ❞
you just blurted it out of spite. you knew it was cruel, you didn’t mean it. you were just so angry. how dare he make a fool out of you? make a joke out of this? in your eyes, he was far more cruel.
“fine then.”
you turn back with a vile glare, but your heart stops as he takes a step back.
the boy hums in viscous amusement when he sees the horror in your eyes. in front of the blazing red of the sun, wearing his wide smile, he resembled a demon.
"forgive me, or i'll let go."
"d-don’t be stupid," you scowl, but you could barely feel yourself breathe.
then, just like that, one of his finger tips leave the metal bar—then another, and another.
you don’t know when you started running or how you even got there, but as soon as you hooked your fingers around his collar, you gave everything to pull him back.
"are you crazy?!" you scream, hot tears trickling down your eyes.
his annoying fit of laughter only angered you more.
— ❝ i loved you before i even knew you. ❞
"like i said, forgive me—and i won't try it again," he chimed in a playful tone.
you couldn't tell if he was joking or not.
it scared you, his carelessness.
he scared you.
“okay, okay! i forgive you!” you yell exasperatedly. “god, you—you think this is funny? what the fuck is wrong with you?! you could’ve—just because i—y-you could’ve…r-right in front of me…and i-i…”
"hey, hey..." he chuckles softly, interlocking his fingers with yours through the metal fence.
you refused to look at him, but you could still feel the tingling warmth of his skin. you were close, the bars only stopping at your torso. when you look back at it, you remembered the seeping reality of his beauty.
his voice, his touch, him...
everything he did made you feel so out of control, so vulnerable.
who was he? why did you have to meet him?
"i knew you'd catch me, its fine."
"that's not the point here you suicidal bitch! i mean—what were you thinking? are you out of your mind? i swear to god—if you jumped and i became a suspect of murder, i'd dig up your own grave and kill you again!”
the boy’s eyes widened, shock dancing with his own bemusement. they were the same lifeless brown, but golden specks glimmered in where he looked at you.
finally, he smiles, “you’re horrible.”
you give a viscious glare, but before you can retort something, he continues, his hand trailing up your arm.
"but at the same time, horrible people don’t try to save a horrible person from dying. no, you can’t be horrible,” a cold shiver runs through your body when his fingers brush against your collarbone. “you’re just a sweet girl, aren’t you? an angel who saved me…”
he pulls you closer by your neck, his lips barely touching the shell of your ears. your breath hitches, and your knees suddenly feel weak.
“i’d love to ruin you.”
nothing comes out of your mouth.
all you can hear is your heart thumping against your chest. all you can feel is the unbearable heat blooming on your cheeks, and all you can see is him.
finally, his words settle in.
“get the fuck off me you creep!”
— ❝ you're never leaving me, my love. i won't let you. ❞
a/n : i’m so so so sorry if this triggered some people. this may be poorly written as well as i’ve written this YEARS ago. as you might tell, i was suicidal then and i often incorporated that in writing—its a way to get it off my chest sort of. to have relatable characters is something thats always made me comfortable. honestly rereading it again nothing makes sense LOL but i thought i’d continue it just for fun. i hope whoever has come across this is having a lovely and healing day, stay safe starlights <3
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
When December comes | Hendery
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✦ Hendery x reader x Lucas ✦ Fluff, Smut, Angst, Royalty AU, Nutcracker AU ✦ 3/5 for HOLIDAY SERIES: Once Upon A December
Summary: As an adopted legitimate princess and future queen of two kingdoms, you grew up proving yourself that you deserve the role that has given to you. Nothing is simple about being an adopted princess but being arranged to marry Prince Hendery turned your life upside down.He left you, eventually. And by the time he came back to your life, you have a loving boyfriend, and Prince Hendery…. is arranged to be married to your sister now.  
Word count: 8,690k
Warnings: adopted reader (if thats triggering at any point, please click away) A lot of smut, unprotected sex, mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of other idols, fingering, mentions of rough sex, heavy cheating, major character death
A/N: PURE FICTION. This is a love triangle fic but not much focused to Lucas, more on Hendery. Inspired by a bunch of royalty movies, especially princess diaries, Nutcracker (ballet), inspired by the song Satisfied from Hamilton. Love writing for Hendery so much. Check my recent post for Hendery’s thirst photos whahaha, as per Lucas character here idk I always see him as sweet and lovable and he always knows what to do. The guy has serious good leadership skills if you haven’t’ notice and i think its sexy. I’m glad this didnt reach to 10k bc u know me i hate my works being long af haha enjoy reading mwa!
For @jeongyoonohs​ sorry it took me so long to finish this :( But this is for you! 
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Once upon a time, in a kingdom not so far away, ruled by a king and queen who can’t have a baby no matter how many times they’ve tried. The sad news spread all over the kingdom and caused chaos everywhere mainly because they were scared for the fall of their beloved kingdom.
But the king is wise. He made an alliance with the kingdom of his truest friend and together they helped each other’s kingdom by making an agreement. “I can’t have a child, but my queen and I have decided to adopt a baby girl,” the king says to his fellow king.
“And my wife is carrying a baby boy”
“It’s settled then. My adopted daughter will be arranged with your son, and someday be married to each other” They shook hands and made the agreement official by sealing it with their signatures and royal seals in front of their queens.
The kingdom that lost their trust with their king is now calmed relieved after hearing the great news of the two kingdoms having an alliance. And to fully earned their trust again, they searched far and wide for a baby girl that will soon be the future of their kingdom.
“And that baby girl is you my darling” your grandfather finishes his bedtime story to you. Caging you in his strong arms, cradling you like you’re truly related by blood. “Grow up as a fine woman and save this kingdom” he added. You embraced your grandfather back and smiled so sweetly at him, tracing his handsome features… then you remembered.
“Tell me the story about the Nutcracker prince,” you singsong to him. He doesn’t tell you the original story, but instead, he always tells you his version and it’s always better. His embrace became tighter, then he looked at his expensive watch to check how many minutes does he have left.
“Okay. I only have a few minutes left, princess” He started by introducing the Nutcracker prince to you which is actually magical because even though you’ve heard of this so many times it never gets old and you’re always excited to hear it again.
He described the prince as a soldier like him, but a younger version he says with a giggle. And that Nutcracker slash prince slash soldier is made specifically for you so that one day, the two of you can rule two kingdoms all at once. “Why do I need a prince?” you pout, and your grandfather is startled by your question.
“Well, jeez, I don’t know. I’m sure you can still be a fine queen without a prince, right?” he says while tucking you in and preparing you for bed. “But let’s just say that princesses like you need a proper man like the Nutcracker because… grandfather will not always be by your side” of course he can’t mention death to you, no, you’re too young to know about these things. So he kissed you goodnight on your forehead and promise to see you early in the morning again.
Growing up as an adopted princess was never easy because the eyes of a judging kingdom have always been against you and your family. That’s why as you grow up, you swore to yourself that you will prove them wrong and that you are the future of this kingdom. At a very young age, you made your parents proud of your gift of leadership and continue to make them proud by doing great in school.
Until one day, the queen finally got pregnant.
The kingdom became so busy about the queen’s pregnancy and literally, every person is excited about your baby sister. You were only nine years old and you were innocent as you can be so you don’t know that the attention is slowly shifting to your baby sister. You didn’t mind of course, again, you were just a kid. But as you grew older and older you can finally foresee a life behind the shadow of your baby sister. The real princess. It’s like she took everything from you… but whenever you remember that you’re adopted, it seems like she’s just taking what’s originally hers in the first place.  
Today is your thirteenth birthday and you celebrated it with your grandfather in an amusement park. He is the only person left in your life who can see you as a rare gem and you’re thankful for him. As you walked around the busy park, with a few bodyguards on your sides, you and your grandfather laugh and laugh while you’re eating hotdogs on a stick.
“Your father told me that you refused to have a ball for your thirteenth birthday? Why?” he asked while enjoying his food.
“I’m not a real princess grandfather, I don’t deserve a ball. And besides, riding that scary rollercoaster is better than dancing with a bunch of princes whom I don’t know in the first place, and playing dress-up the whole night”
“Hmm. Don’t you say that you’re not a real princess, there was a Y/n before your baby sister. And the kingdom is still looking forward with you ruling us someday because you’re older than your sister and you’re still a legi-“
“timate daughter, I know, I understand grandfather thank you for reminding me” you wiped the ketchup on his lips and smiled at him, “What will I do without you? I hope that my Nutcracker prince is exactly like you. Wise and strong”
“Don’t worry about that darling, you’re still young, and I’m still here” he giggles and walks you towards that scary rollercoaster ride.
Things slowly change around the castle and you learned to distant yourself from your parents but not forgetting your duty as a first born and legitimate adopted daughter of the king and queen. And as you enter royal high school, you thought that your life will get uglier but no. Surprisingly, school made you feel alive and less of a princess and more like a future leader.
But most importantly, you finally met your Nutcracker. Prince Hendery.
Usually, prince and princesses meet for the first time during a royal ball, soiree, or a simple lunch at the palace’s garden grounds. But you and Prince Hendery, met in the school hallway for the first first time. It is as if your whole world slowed down, every student walked in slow motion while you and Hendery locked eyes on each other. And the best part is, he did not know that you’re the princess who’s meant to be forever with him.
At first, you don’t talk to each other and just simply exchange smiles and glances from time to time whenever you cross paths in the hallway, eating at the cafeteria, or ‘reading’ at the library. You thought it wasn’t fair that you know everything about him but he doesn’t even know what you look like.
“You know I’ve been flirting with this princess for months already, do you know her name?” Hendery whispers at his fellow prince, Xiaojun, and told him to take a look at where you’re seated. Xiaojun then scoffed at his friend and playfully slapped Hendery’s face knowing that he is completely clueless about who you are.
“I don’t know if you’re always going to be this dumb, you’re going to be a king someday. Anyway, that princess is Y/n. The Y/n” and that is all it takes to make Hendery realize that he has been flirting with his soulmate for weeks now.
From there on the prince has become bold with his gestures. Sitting with you during breaks, even flirting with you in front of your friends and his friends. Prince Hendery has the most beautiful smile you have ever seen, hair is black and soft and you bet it smells good either, he was tall but just right for your height. Not only he was perfectly handsome, but he is a gentleman too. In other words, everything about him screams prince charming.  
You and prince Hendery were the talk of royal school. Everyone knew about your arrangement and the alliance of your kingdoms. You even hear people talk on the hallways that you’re literally made for each other that’s why everyone envied you.
“Let’s grow up first, okay?” Hendery says, giving you a single rose during your school’s Valentine event. A simple gesture that says there's no need to rush on being in a relationship and make everything official between the two of you but also, it was a subtle move to show everyone that you already belong to each other so there should be no competition.
You fell in love with each other from a distance, not rushing through love, taking your time, and enjoying your youth because you have a lifetime together. Although, Hendery likes reminding everyone that you’re his in the most subtle way, may it be hugging you in public, kissing your cheek before you go home, and smiling your way whenever he sees you around the school.
From freshman year until your senior year, you and Hendery waited until you’re both legal of age to finally make it official. The news was all over the TV, tabloids, articles, and magazines that you’re in love with each other. It was a cute high school sweethearts story and every day was perfect.
Senior year just started and you and Hendery decided to study together but the planned study session became a make out session, giggling and cuddling in his bed while still wearing your uniforms. The prince was looking at you, admiring your pretty face touching your features softly then suddenly he noticed that he can almost see your breast. He looked away, of course. And covered his head with one of his pillows as he groans in frustration.
“What? Why?” you asked, completely clueless. He didn’t answer you, instead, he covers your exposed skin with a small pillow. “Oh shit, I’m sorry” you apologized immediately and became shy like him too.
“It’s okay. If I’m being honest I wanted to touch you but, I knew better than that. Can we promise to be each other’s first and last?”
“You mean sex?”
“Exactly, sex”
“Only if we seal it with a kiss,” you bite back in a flirty tone, looking at his pink lips that are slowly coming closer to you. When your lips touched, you returned the kiss and swing your arms around his neck, situating him accidentally in between your legs. Skirt lifted and all. Your bodies are becoming warm in an instant and you both know you need to stop before you make wrong decisions.
“How's that for a promise? Let’s get married when we grow older and have sex every day” he bit the shell of your ear, making you giggle and laugh with him. Being this horny with each other is normal, you thought. You are both young and full of passion, and it amazes you how Hendery wanted to wait until you get married and be kings and queens.
Senior year is perfect. Every day.
Until one day, Hendery’s father died and he stopped coming to school. You hear different kinds of gossip every day. 'Is he a king now? That's why he's not coming to school?', 'School is boring for king Hendery now', 'Are they gonna be married soon?', 'Are they even ready to rule yet?'. Again, you were the talk of the nation. The headline ‘Prince Hendery left Princess Y/n’ was everywhere and you can't do anything about it. You weren’t hurt that he left everything, you were more worried because maybe he’s all alone and grieving. You wanted to ask his family but you respect their privacy.
“So he just left?” you told your grandfather everything. He just came back from his cruise around the world and you’re happy to see his visible tan lines, for sure he had a great time.
“Yep, just like that grandfather,” you walk shoulder to shoulder around the palace’s garden, looking at the flowers and harvesting some fruits.
“Well, I’m sure he had his reasons. Just stretch your patience my darling, you know what they say, love is patience” he pats your hand before picking a lemon. “Enough about the prince, I heard you are making quite an impression now. The king is beyond impressed” he was talking about your win, elected student body president. Apparently, it’s a big deal for your father, because, during his stay in royal school, he was elected as president too.
“I didn’t try too much, I think I won because of my popularity and not because of my leadership skills” you once again doubted yourself but of course, your grandfather is here to straighten you up.
“Show them you’re both. Popular and a great leader”
It was always a good talk with your grandfather, but whenever you remember that Hendery is not with you anymore it automatically makes you sad. You missed him. So much.  
But even though you missed Hendery and it’s like he took a part of your heart and brought it with him, life goes on. You faced Senior year and showed everyone your perfect smiles like nothing is bothering you. But at night, when you’re all alone, you just can’t help but look at your pictures with Hendery on your phone and miss him.
Life goes on.
With or without your prince.
You studied day and night, kept your eyes on the prize, and busy yourself until your heart is finally healed. You waited for him of course, you waited long and hard but you can’t wait forever.
As you continue to know yourself, get involved with a lot of organizations in college, your journey has become even more thrilling when you met Lucas. He’s not royalty nor does he came from a rich family, he’s “just a man who’s brave enough to ask a princess on a date” his exact words.
Lucas is a whole new adventure to you. He’s the epitome of new things and new experiences. But your favorite thing about Lucas is, he can make you forget that you’re a princess even just for a few hours. He made you happy every day because he never forgets to tell you that being happy is the most important thing in this world. He loves you with every part of his being. And he’s ready to face your world and be with you in every step until you become queen.
“N-no I don’t want to be king. I can be your butler and still love you for all I care” he covers your naked body while you both come down from your highs. Tonight is one of those nights that you can be with Lucas without having your bodyguard. He was praising you during sex, calling you ‘princess’ or ‘my queen’ whenever he thrust and pushes you on the edge, so you asked him a stupid question if he wants to be king. “I just want to be with you, people may see me as a gold digger once the news that you have a commoner boyfriend comes out, but we both know that’s not true right?”
“Of course, not” you embraced him and apologized for the question, hiding your face on his chest. You feel his big hands caress your back to comfort you and soon plant kisses on your temple. He’s always sweet and gentle like this. If only people would see the kind of person Lucas truly is.
“But what if he comes back? What will happen to us?” he was talking about Hendery. When Lucas knew that you’re arranged to be married to Hendery, he didn’t take it lightly. He was mad but not to you. You didn’t talk for weeks and you’re both heartbroken, but Lucas realized that it's better to love you fiercely now than waste his time worrying about the future.
“I will talk to my father, don’t worry about that. Wong Yukhei don’t you trust me?” you kissed his chest to put him back in the mood and change the subject. Of course, he can’t say no to you.  
After getting your degree in college, you started working for the king and queen, spearheading foundations, and knowing the kingdoms that you’re going to rule someday. Remember when you thought your parents will forget about your existence because they had your sister? Well, that didn’t happen. Your parents were proud of everything you’ve achieved and they wanted your sister to follow in your footsteps.
Slowly, you proved to them that you don’t need a king to rule this kingdom. Introducing Lucas to your parents did not go well at first but eventually, they saw that you and Lucas are happy with each other despite having different worlds.
Still, they want to keep your relationship hidden.
It’s Christmas Eve and you’re all dressed up right now, ready to shake a lot of hands and dance with a bunch of princes and dukes and god know what else but you can’t help but take care of a few things before you enjoy this night. You were signing some last minutes contracts and reading proposals when you heard a soft knock from your door, “S-sorry. Come in” you see your boyfriend dressed up in a tux, looking so handsome. He smiled at you before he enters and closed the door behind him, “well you look dashing” you put your pen down and crossed your arms.
“I’m here to pick you up your majesty, the guests are waiting downstairs and your grandfather-“
“Oh he’s here! Perfect!” you exclaimed and express your excitement upon hearing that your grandfather is here. You haven’t seen him for a very long time and you have lots of stories to tell him. “Oh shit- by the way. Lucas, uhm… Can you zip my dress, I forgot I unzip it because it was uncomfortable. Stupid ball gowns” you said, turning your back to Lucas and waiting for him to take care of your zipper. But before he zips you up, he kisses your exposed shoulders and massaged them.
“Don’t forget to have fun tonight okay? I’ll be watching you like a hawk the whole night- well actually, not you. The men that will dance with you tonight” Because Lucas has no rank or title, he can’t earn a dance with you because it’s against the conditions that your father gave.
“All done your majesty,” he says and stepped back to open the door for you.
Every Christmas Eve, throwing an extravagant ball has been your family’s tradition for centuries. It is known by royalties across the globe and this fancy Christmas party is actually part of your kingdom’s history. Different respective kings, beautiful queens, annoying princes and princesses, dukes and duchess are invited and all are here not only to have fun but also here to talk business with you.
The night goes on, dancing with a few guests before you meet and spend some time with your grandfather. You wanted to whine and complain to your assistant but she’s just doing her job so you shrugged it off. “How many more left?” you asked while waiting for the next Prince to ask to dance, “two more your majesty. Your grandfather is next after this” you smiled and thanked her, giving a bow to the next prince who’s about to dance with you. And the moment you lift your head to meet his eyes, you thought you were dreaming.
For a moment you forgot proper princess etiquette and gave Hendery a tight hug, shocking everyone at your behavior but they’re even more shocked about Hendery’s appearance. ‘The son of the dead king has finally shown himself’ you hear everyone murmur around you but you don’t care. You smiled so big seeing that handsome face again. He kissed your hand and asked you to dance which you accepted gladly, now that Hendery is back and you’re all dressed up wearing your tiara, you feel like a real princess finally meeting his prince in a storybook.
“Where have you been?” you whispered to him.
“I’m sorry I left you like that, I was devastated” he whispers back as you two dance in the middle of the ballroom with the other royalties, trying so hard to hide the excitement. While you were dancing with Hendery, you remember that handsome smile that made your knees weak, his sweet gestures to prove his feelings for you, and your promises to each other.
Is it really true that first love never dies or your love for Hendery was just too strong that it never died?
When Hendery was about to hand you over to your grandfather, your father and mother came out of nowhere with your younger sister on their side. Is it because they’re happy to see Hendery too? Or are they going to press you regarding the arranged marriage again? You cling to your grandfather as you get nervous but careful not to show it. “Ah! Hendery welcome back! How was your time in the army, good?” your father exclaims. So all this time he knew where Hendery is.
“I had a hard time your highness, but I made it back in one piece” Hendery answered and made a small joke that made you all giggle and let out a small laugh. Oh you missed him.
“Hendery, I want you to meet Y/n’s younger sister” you watch him kiss your sister’s hand, “and also your future bride to be”
You were completely taken aback by what you just heard and the words that came into your head were, ‘I thought you were mine’ but you didn’t speak your mind and listened further to what your father is saying. But as you listen more, you feel like your dress was becoming tighter and tighter in every second that you can’t breathe anymore. “She will be your queen in your kingdom, and Y/n will be an independent queen here” your father explained proudly.
“But she’s too young” you pointed at your sister but you see how your sister’s eyes are sparkling. Too late. You thought. You watch her be charmed by Hendery’s visuals, that damn smile captured your sister’s heart in an instant.
“Hendery can wait until his bride is in the right age to be married, right son?”
“Of course your highness, it’s my duty” he answered confidently.
After the unexpected talk, you excused yourself, went to your room, and breathed outside on your balcony. You can’t forget your sister’s face as she looks at the man you used to kiss and you used to love. She has no idea what controversy she will face in the future, she is so young and blinded by infatuation…Or maybe you’re being like this because you’re jealous.
“Believe me I’m just as shock as you are”
A familiar voice made your heart race and your body stiffen in no time. You turned around secretly hoped that you’re wrong, but you will never forget his voice and also how his mere presence makes your heart excited. “How did you get in here?”
You hear him scoff and stood behind you, “We used to make out a lot in your room-and mine too of course. I still remember the way to your room by heart” he looked up the stars to stop himself from looking at you. You looked so beautiful tonight that he can’t stop blushing and admiring you.
You were silent. Mainly because you don’t know what to say and you’re not sure what to feel either.
“It’s going to be fine” with all his courage he tried hugging you like how he used to when you were only teenagers. But you pushed him away and stepped away from him. Hendery felt a slight pang in his heart, he never thought that you could do that to him.
“Were not together now don’t you get it? You were gone for years Hendery, a lot has changed”
“You’re hurting me, this is not our fault we love each other what's wrong with that” he reasons out, trying to lower his voice because someone might hear him.
“Loved. Past tense. My sister likes you and you are arranged to be married to her Hendery” you close your eyes as you remember what happened again earlier.  
“If I have known that life will take you away from me, I shouldn’t have wasted my time and showered you with love and affection when we were young”
With a heavy heart, your first love left you in the cold night with a confused mind.
To make it up with your grandfather, you spend Christmas morning with him while drinking tea by the palace garden and telling him numerous stories about Lucas…and also your talk about Hendery last night.
“Don’t do something stupid that your future self with regret” he says, stirring his coffee and chewing his bread with jam. He was talking about cheating, he didn’t tell you exactly but you get it. “Did you tell your boyfriend already about what you felt upon hearing your sister’s engagement?” You shook your head and see your grandfather get disappointed but he understands that everything that’s happening now is not easy for you.
“He’s away, for now, left first thing in the morning to go to Hong Kong for his family” you felt hopeless again.
“Oh everything will be fine. I’m sure he will understand, that man is wise. I’m rooting for him” he says like Lucas is his son.
“What- really not Hendery?” you let out a laugh because your grandfather is cute.
“Nope. Now, don’t ask me why. Figure it out yourself” he winks and continues to eat his breakfast.
As days go by without Lucas, you and Hendery continue to meet each other accidentally whenever he visits your sister. You’re a busy woman, but your mind seems to have time to think whether they kissed already, hold hands, or admitted their feelings to each other if there's any.
You saw flowers on your way to your office and you thought that maybe it's for your sister, from Hendery and you can’t help but to get envious and jealous. He used to give you flowers back when you were in high school and now… he’s doing it to your sister too.
While you were reviewing proposals, you got a phone call from your personal phone and it's Lucas which you’re very excited to answer. “Hey” you singsong, putting the phone between your ear and neck while you continue to scan through papers.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch, everything okay back there?”
No. You wanted to tell him that you’ve been having these weird feelings towards Hendery. “No, baby. Everything’s fine, I’m working now… As usual- how's everyone there?”
“They miss you. They wanted you to visit next year” he says, breathing deeply before he continues. “Listen, I want to stay here for a little longer. I miss them too you know-“
“And it’s fine! Baby, I understand. You’ve done so much for me already, go and be with your family” you felt guilty for caging Lucas in your country. Even though he’s the one who wanted to stay here, still. You can feel that he’s homesick sometimes.
After working in your office, you went straight to your room and purposely skipped dinner because you knew that Hendery is still here. When you opened your door, the same flowers that you thought Hendery gave to your sister is sitting on your coffee table with a small envelope that has your name on it.
Dear Y/n,
Back when we were in high school, I gave you a single rose for Valentine's day and I told you, “Let’s grow up first”
Now that we're all grown up, and still obviously madly in love with each other, I will not hold myself back from loving you. Not anymore.
I’m sorry for leaving, please give me a chance and meet me at the back of the palace at midnight. I’ll be waiting.
Bold of him to think that you’re still madly in love with him. How can he say that?
You look at the letter as you grow weak and let yourself flop on your couch, face first and still undecided if you’re going. Frustrated and guilty, that’s what you’re feeling ring now. Frustrated because you don’t know what to follow, your heart or your mind. Guilty because your heart says you should go.
At the end of the day, you find yourself walking in the dark on your way to the back of the castle to meet Hendery. Hugging yourself as you cling more in your thin cardigan, trying to keep yourself warm as you feel your heartbeat faster by every second you come closer to the meeting spot. You see Hendery at the back of a thick tree, face illuminated because of his phone screen. “Oh you’re here. Sorry I was about to ring your phone” he admitted.
“Why am I here? What do you want?” You asked in the softest way possible. He saw that you’re shivering and invited you to go around the tree. There you see a blanket and small pillows and the lake was perfectly lit by the moon. What a beautiful view. And while you were admiring the view, you feel him place his jacket around you and motions you to sit on the ground with him.
“Please for once let’s pretend I didn’t leave you. I didn’t want my father to die, I didn’t expect our kingdom to suffer. And you’re the only good thing that’s left to me. So please”
You looked at him for a second that soon turned into minutes. You bit your lower lip and you remember that you weren’t mad at him for leaving, so why are you mad at him now?
Slowly, you accepted the warmth that he offered and sat close to him, sharing the blanket and keeping you close. “You’re here to hear me apologize sincerely” he gulps before he starts talking and explaining why he left, looking into your eyes so you know he’s telling you the truth. He told you that his father’s last will is for him to join the army and to be a soldier because in his father’s eyes he’s not yet ready to be a young king so he didn’t have a choice but to leave.
You were heartbroken while hearing his part. “I was never mad at you for leaving. I was worried about you”
He smiled sweetly at you. The kind of smile that makes your body warm and heart flutter, he pulled you close and you let him. “I know. Mother told me you were looking for me, but she can’t tell you anything. I told her I’m the one who should tell you someday. I’m sorry” he embraced you tightly, his cheeks resting on your shoulders. And right then and there everything is clear to you. You still have feelings for him.
“What are we gonna do now? My sister, Lucas” you asked him as you rake away strands of hair from his face.
“I’m not in love with your sister” he admitted without hesitation.
“But I love Lucas” there’s that guilty feeling again. You feel your heart breaking for Lucas, he doesn’t deserve being cheated on like this.
“I thought you were mine” he whispers. And even if it's a whisper the hurt was obvious from the sound of his voice. He didn’t see it coming. He didn’t think that this will be more complicated than he imagined.
“Funny. I thought the same thing when my father told us you're enggaged to my sister” you admitted and scoffed.
“Give me a chance to win you back. And if you're not coming back to me, just let me be with you for a little longer. I beg you”
There was a moment of silence and Hendery understands that you needed that silence to think, “Okay” you said. And saying ‘okay’ never felt so wrong. You cupped his face and tried to turn this moment around, “what's it like to be away from home?”
“Sad. I think of you every day and of course my family but they get to see me but you... not even a picture just our memories in my head”
Now that Hendery is a prince slash soldier, you remember the Nutcracker story your grandfather used to tell you for bedtime. That’s when you realized that you and Hendery are truly made for each other.
But you have Lucas...
As your night with Hendery continues and makes up for lost time, the emotional reunion turned to giggles and laughs when your time together has ended. He invited you over to his own house for a date since he can’t take you out like he used to, and reminded you that you gave him a chance to win you back, and thanked you.
On the next day, your mind was blanked. You can’t believe that you’re cheating on Lucas and have been refusing to answer his calls.
Days went on like this until you’re not awkward with Hendery anymore and you’re comfortable again around him. He showered you with love, you accept it wholeheartedly. Every day was sweet with Hendery even though you’re both aware of the future consequences but no one seems to care for now.
You go to his place and spend time with each other, whether talking the whole night and telling each other stories, him making you giggle and laugh with your legs on top of his thighs while you both sit on his couch enjoying a glass of wine or whenever you’re busy reading something or you brought a little work at his place and he can easily take your stress away by making you laugh.
Today, you came early and decided to cook for him and have dinner together. You don’t know but Hendery is leaning on the door frame of his kitchen with a flower in his hand, watching you chop some peppers in his kitchen. He felt like he finally won you back. Just seeing you hum while you prepare dinner makes his heart so happy. He then walked slowly and hugged you from behind, resting chin at the top of your shoulders, and showed you the flowers he has for you.
You smiled so big, dropping the knife on the chopping board and turning around to give him a kiss.
That’s your first kiss again.
He was shocked but you did it again. You realized he was trying so hard that he’s slowly being successful in winning you back and you’re actually scared of the future but he makes you happy.
“What? It’s not like we haven’t kissed before” you touched his lips and felt his embrace tightens every second. “Dinner in 30 minutes” you smiled and went back to finish chopping the peppers and finding a nice vase for the flowers he gave.
After dinner, a few glasses of wine, cheese, and grapes, you and Hendery are buzzed and talking about work as prince and princesses while enjoying the view from his couch. The lights are turned down low and you didn’t even notice at first but the mood has been making you horny even though your topic was stressful and your minds are clouded with alcohol. You don’t know what came into your head but you sat on his lap with lidded eyes, touching his body feeling his hard rocked abs through his white dress shirt.
He giggles and laughed at you. He’s so fucking handsome when he does that. “Seriously you have to stop you will embarrass yourself in the next morning,” he told you to stop but he fixed the way he sits and made sure you were comfortable on top of him. He teased you more, smiling so handsomely and making your heart flutter.
“I'm not that drunk just buzzed. Want me to prove it?” You challenged with a flirty tone that turns him on.
“Mhmm. Okay,” he tilts his head and waited for this proof you were saying.
“I still remember how we sealed our promises with a kiss. Like that day when we promised to be each other’s first and last” your fingers went up to his hair, ruffling his soft black hair and massaging his scalp.
You don’t know what happened but the mood changes and he’s avoiding your eyes. ”I’m sorry,” he says.
“No no don’t be, you’re here now make it up to me” you kissed his neck while he gets drunk even more because of your kisses. Your hands are placed on his neck like you’re telling him you still belong to each other, rolling your hips slowly to make him horny as much as you are.
“Did you have sex with anyone already?” his question made you stop what you’re doing to him and pulling away from the kiss to look at him, you thought he didn’t like what’s happening. But to your surprise his lips went to your neck, kissing you softly but full of lust. You feel his warm tongue just below your jaw and it felt great.
“Lucas, how about you?” You moaned out, shamefully.
Usually, his heart will hurt whenever you mention Lucas, but he’s the one kissing you now. So instead of getting hurt, he smirked. “A couple of girls. Life can be stressful I need an adult stress release. Any kinks?”
“Not that I know of? You?”
He stopped and looked at you to tell you the story. “Well remember when we were making out and I accidentally saw your breasts?” you nod at him, “I think I developed some kind of breast kink and I always imagine that I’m having sex with you instead of a stranger” he admitted and looked at you clothed breast right now. “That's how much I miss you” he placed a gentle kiss on your lips and went back to leaning comfortably on the couch. He got shy but he can’t stop looking at you.
To be honest your heart swells knowing that he desperately wants you like that. As quickly as you can, you untuck your blouse and removed it in front of the prince. “You can experience the real thing tonight “ you intertwine your hand with his and slowly placed it on your breast.
Breathing heavily. Both of you. You’re like teenagers who are just about to have sex for the first time.
He sat up to meet your lips and kiss you the way you deserved to be kissed, slowly you feel his hand travel to your back to unclasp your bra. You removed and fed his lust, revealing your breast to him for the first time. Hendery was so nervous that his hands are shaking when he removed strands of hair away from your face and held you on your shoulders, slowly he lowered your body on his and started kissing your collar bones and chest before he proceeds to your breast.
It was quiet and all he can hear is your moans and the sound of his wet kisses. You wanted to tell him that his lips feel great against your skin, and simply tell him to fuck you already. When his mouth finally reached your hard nipples and bit them softly, you parted your lips and your arms swings around him and push his head to your breast even more. You noticed he knows how to use his tongue, you figured he has been doing this to someone else for years and years while the whole truth is he always wanted to do it to you. The way he flicked his tongue brings you back to reality and when he sucks your nipples good your grip on his hair tightens and when that happens he bites your nipples again to make you shiver. This man is good.  
He placed his hands just below your boob area to hold you still while he does whatever he wants to your breast. Sucking, pinching, bitting, and kneading. Everything felt good and your moans are good proof. With his strength, he got up from the couch and carried you to his room while you kiss with lust. He lay you down on his king-sized bed and kissed your body down while unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down until you’re only wearing your panties. Hendery then unbuttoned his dress shirt in between your spread legs, kneeling in front of you, stripping until he’s only wearing his boxers briefs. He situates his body on top of you grinding on your clothed private parts, hands all over each other’s body. He then went back to kissing your nipples and sucking them but little did you know Hendery is just distracting you while his hands are slowly coming down inside your panties.
With a great shock, you closed your eyes and parted your lips as you feel Hendery’s cold fingers slide up and down on your wet slit while his mouth is still sucking your nipples. It was a whirlwind of feelings, everything felt good, and seeing Hendery enjoy turns you on too. By the time you had your first orgasm, shaking and body so sensitive with swollen nipples, Hendery was kissing you softly and asking you in the most innocent way if you’re okay. The sound of his giggles makes you calm, the way he whispers soft praises beside your ear while his hands roam freely around your body. Truth is he’s genuinely happy right at this moment because he doesn’t need to imagine anymore.
He went back to kissing your body down until he reaches your wet core and licks it up and down for a while before he lines his cock. In between your widely spread legs, you watch Hendery lick you good and feel him moan from time to time. “Hendery” you called him, kneeling in between your legs in an instant, flashing his beautiful body to you. His skin is flawless, strong arms, perfect abs, and of course, fucking beautiful smile. Everything about him makes you weak right now that you just opened your legs, reach for hard cock, and line it to your entrance yourself. “Woah” he giggled and stopped you, “Okay calm down, I’ll fuck you good I promise” he pumped his cock in front of you and lines it immediately just how you want it and slowly enters you. He wasn’t big like Lucas but he kept his promise, he fucked you good.
So good that you asked for more as you grip his Egyptian cotton sheets and let your body be dragged with every hard thrust he give you.
So good that you asked him to go slower because you don’t want it to end yet.
So good that you asked him to cum inside you and asked for another round.
On your third orgasm, your hole is dripping with mixes of your cum and Hendery’s while the handsome prince is kissing your neck as you come down from your high. “I love you” he whispers but he was too late, you were sleeping soundly already, arms wrapped around his neck. He smiled and kissed you one last time before he pulls out and cleans you up.
He didn’t sleep that night, he just watched you sleep beside him. Let you cling to him in the middle of the night, watch you roll in his bed and expose your body, but of course, he’s quick to cover you again. And when the time comes, he wakes you with kisses on your shoulders, embracing you tightly and kissing you more.
“Wake up” you hear him whisper and you try to open your eyes the moment he told you so. You see his window, it was still dark so you closed your eyes again. “Want to watch the sunrise with me? You’re going to love it” he went down from his bed and opened his curtains so you can have a full view of the sky while you enjoy your comfort in his bed. You sat up and waited for him to join you again and stay warm together. Slowly, you see how the sky became pitch black to deep blue to light blue until you can see the pretty view outside his house. It was calming. He was holding your hand the whole time.
After watching the sunrise with him he fell asleep while holding your hand and you think he’s cute for having a tight grip even though he’s sleeping. While he was sleeping, it’s now your turn to admire his handsome features and watch him sleep before you start your day and make breakfast.
You hate to admit it but it looks like he has completely won you over.
“You look good in my dress shirt” he greets you good morning and kissed you on your temple while you set the table. You feel his hands in your hips, slowly coming down to your butt, and realized that you’re only wearing his dress shirt and thin panties. He still can’t believe that this is all happening, “are you real?” He whispers.
“Yes. Now come on, I have a meeting with the parliament. Need to go home and get ready” you eat some fruits as you scan your schedule for the day and there you see it and completely missed it.
Lucas went home last night. And you left your personal phone in your car. Fuck you said to yourself but didn’t show it to Hendery.
Leaving this morning became harder than you expected and you spent a total of 20 minutes kissing and flirting with Hendery before you finally open the door.
You went on with your day and made an excuse to Lucas as to why you didn’t pick him up at the airport last night. You were at your office with stacks and stacks of paper works and you weren’t even acting stressed when he came in because you were indeed stressed with everything.
“Oh baby, I’m really sorry” you greet him with a kiss and left everything on your desk. Lucas saw how stressed you are so he understood immediately and didn’t even bother asking. “You’re coming home to me tonight right? I missed you” he added and pouted like the big baby that he is.
“Uh-huh. Of course yes, I’m all yours” you smiled and he hugged you so tight before he leaves you to work again.
“Of course. You’re always mine” he said and kissed you goodbye.
The nights are cold for Hendery when Lucas got back because he can’t get a hold of you. No text, no call, no email. No nothing. And once again, he was heartbroken and he felt like he’s losing you again.
When he visited your sister a week since the last time he saw you, Hendery saw you with Lucas and didn’t even think of taking another glance. He had all these emotions ball up in his chest and he needed to release them.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were visiting today” your sister was surprised and invited him into her room. When she turned your back at him, he saw your figure in your sister. He’s back to imagining girls to be you, he’s back to that sick habit of his. But he can't help it. Effortlessly, he flirted with your sister, and surprisingly your sister was horny. Very horny for Hendery. One thing led to another and the next thing he knows he’s fucking her hard from behind kissing her shoulders and imagining that it’s you.
“What’s that noise” you murmur to Lucas while you were having a nap with him. Lucas giggled and whispered back, “I think Prince Hendery paid her a visit and... you know...” he was giggling and keeping you close to him as he went back to his nap, completely clueless that you’re hurting.
Everything that you and Hendery built from the past few days falls down when you came to his house and had your first fight.
“You didn’t call! Or texted that he’s already back you just left me hanging!”
“And that’s a good reason to fuck my sister?”
“It just happened!”
“Bullshit!” You shouted back. Louder than before, completely overpowering his shouts. With all his bravery, he got you a glass of water, came closer to you, and caressed your shoulders to keep you calm.
“I fucked up and I’m sorry, please,” he says sincerely.
Then you realized something.
“You don’t have to say sorry to me. It’s okay if you and my sister fucked because someday you will be married to each other. Were the ones cheating”
He listened to every word you said and begged you to take it back because he’s losing you again. When you finally said, “let’s end this Hendery. Do you want to have more fights like this in the future? What will you feel if I tell you that me and Lucas fucked last night-“
It was like thunder, disturbing the silence of his quiet house when he grabbed the glass of water and threw it in one corner.
“Exactly my point. We don’t belong to each other anymore. I’m sorry”
“Y/n. Please-“ he begged once again but you just repeated everything you said and left him.
The end.
It was the end of your story with Hendery.
But just as you thought that you’re done handling one heartbreak for the day, you’re wrong. Lucas called to tell you the news that your grandfather had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.
After everything that happened on that day, you never made peace with Hendery and never talked to him again. Lucas saw you at your lowest and took care of you every day after the funeral and never left your side.
Months passed by quickly and Hendery is staying in your palace as per your sister’s request and continue to ignore each other for safety. Sometimes you greet each other for formality but never as friends and as past lovers. Lucas is not stupid to not see what’s happening.
Two months before your coronation day, you were sitting on your throne with your leg up and pouting as you’re thinking if you’re really ready to be a queen. You see Lucas enter the hall but you did not move an inch. He sat on the cold floor in front of you, reaching for your hand and kiss it.
“I miss him, I wish he could see me as a queen” tears started to fall but Lucas is quick to dry them.
“He saw you as a queen already even when you were only a little girl” you understand what he said and you’re thankful for him for not leaving you at your lowest and choosing to be with you even though he found out about you and Hendery. “So... I wanted to do this, while you’re still you. And not...the queen” he says awkwardly and pulls out a small red velvet box.
But you sit properly and stopped him from opening it and saying the question that will change your life, “how can you stay to a woman who cheats?”
“Your grandfather told me love is patient. I had a meaningful talk with him, you’re right he’s wise. He told me you love me and he said if one day you do something stupid and wrong, which turns out you did... He told me ‘check your heart if you still love her, and if you still do marry her and don’t ever let her go again’"
Tears started to fall from your eyes again. “So will you marry me Y/n. Let me be the one to dry your tears forever?” He let out an awkward laugh, nervous about the next thing that will come out of your mouth.
“Yes, of course, yes” you cup his face, and this time you’re the one to dry his tears away.
Little did you know that Hendery heard everything. And he is beyond heartbroken.
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magnetothehedgehog · 3 years
Dimension’s Ridge Announcement!
Hi everyone, With all the rise in Sonic media and the great releases coming up, such as The New sonic game in 2022,the sonic movie 2, sonic prime, and literally anything Idw has been releasing including their new side series “Imposter syndrome”, I am challenged to up my game and release information on my long running project in the works. Especially Since sonic prime and Idw is literally gonna blow out all the spoilers before I do if I don't start releasing stuff first. Since its been happening constantly, I gotta be a step ahead.
So, without further ado, I introduce you to the World of Dimension's Ridge.
Dimensions Ridge is My personal Alternate Universe that seeks to combine all aspects of sonic media. In fact, its super similar to the upcoming Sonic prime, archie and Idw Comics in this regard, with it possibly being a bit more ambitious, or at least equally as ambitious as Idw.
The Series will follow a number of favorite canon and non canon characters alike, but will also their universal counterparts and alternate universe selves.
The Main overarching plot line is that a Existence level Threat is putting everything in jepoardy. This Creature Known as an Existence Eater spreads its influence to a planet by releasing its minions into it, then after enough time, it comes to absorb the planet, thus erasing it from existence entirely, as if it had never been there in the first place. This has been happening for quite a while, until a few people caught onto it. They began leaving messages and warnings to others in a attempt to save them.
Being an existence level threat, this will take the combined effort of every Version of Sonic,Tails,Sally, Eggman and everyone else if they want anything to be left in the multi-verse. This Story is about how they all come together to do just that.
However that is the main plot. The story follows many minor or sub plotlines and stories that all connect and weave into this ultimate narrative. For Stories featuring Sonic and friends, Stories start off in the classic area and work their way into the modern area as the characters develop and mature, so we get to see and live their journey alongside them. For older characters and parents, I wanted them to have a  more staple involvement in the series, even if only at the beginning. Their Adventures as the World slowly slips into chaos can be read in War on Mobius.
While there are Prequels to the beginning of the story, such as the “Rift War.”, the main storylines that kicks off all the other starts is one of my current productions “War on Mobius.”This follows the economical and political collapse following the Recent End of The Rift War and begins the Egg Empire's rise to Power.I would like to mention that The Egg Empire Now consists of the collective versions of Eggman all working together as a family. Egg Fam for short. But we have Great additions such as boom eggman, Ova Eggman, Aosth Eggman, Satam Eggman, Russian Eggman,Eggette, and a few custom additions such as Omelette and Scramble.
Things That happen in War on Mobius will be seen effecting or influencing the states of things in my Classic Era Story “Classic adventures.” and others ones such as “The Freedom Fighters.”
Alongside canon appearances of less known or scrapped characters and designs, such as Tiara and Honey the Cat, Readers can expect appearances of my own characters, both as counterparts to main characters, and also as people who drive the story forward and show interesting and dynamic opinions of their changing world. A few Such ones would be “Tribal Ties” Focusing on the Tribes of Echidnas, Bayblonians and Pangolins Tribes, all of which play a part not only in Mobius history, but also will play a vital part in its future.
After Classic adventures, comes one of my long running claims to fame and a personal favorite of mine from my early script writing days. Zone Runners. This takes place after the Events of Classic adventures and as the world has been influenced by the political unrest in War on Mobius. It follows the Group of People on the East Side of the World as they try to fight back against the Egg Empire, Newly risen Oscillators Group, and The Very lack of Sonic and Freedom Fighter there. This series will also begin unraveling some of the mysteries behind the existence eater and the ultimate narrative. Originally this concept came from the Fleetway comics, and ever since I've been completely inspired to incorporate this into my own series. If anyone was ever on Sonic Amino, they might have seen me post things related to it back in the day.
I also wish to be a more character focused series as a whole, one who focuses on the people collectively as opposed to just Sonic himself. I want it to as if each character us actually a main character and can save the day, and that the day is only won because everyone has done their part, whether powerful or powerless.
To that End, I have many characters stories intertwine, or lead to one another. Some characters will have branching off stories, while others will be closely intertwined, and always interact with each other, regardless of who the story is currently focusing on.
A few I'd like to notable mention is, Shadow's Ark, Silvers Sanctuary, and Heir of Sol. Focusing on the characters Shadow, Silver, And Blaze Respectively.
While I have a lot of other Titles for the stories respectively, I'd just to touch on a few more before I close.
Worlds collide finally answers the question in sonic media about two planets and the dimensional connundrum of sonic rush and sonic 06. While also bringing together multiple characters who were on their own paths, for the collected purpose of setting up how everyone will be needed much later.
Dimension Forces is, a reimagined Version of Sonic Forces, including a whole new team of villains to take on the heroes from our prior stories. I call them: Forever Force. The Main Three Hitters Being the Villains Infinite, Eternity, And Enigma. In this Story we'll get to see Whispers team in action, and also get to see new stories involving Gadget and His Brother Widget, and a host of other rising heroes soldiers and returning cast members.
I also had this Idea that the wisps were able to use their abilities on their own, except in smaller weaker versions then when they had a mobians help.Thus you could call in drill air strikes and other things to help you in battle, and the flew alongside you rather than in containers. I had these idea way long ago, but what do you know Idw beat me to the punch again in rise of the wisps. However I would just like to say before they do it too, that I had the idea of the wisps combining their powers, as if anyone played Sonic simulator, you would know you can actually combine wisp powers. If its the same type, its twice as strong with a bonus effect. If its different, you can combine the strengths of two different powers. Think how eggman used cube with laser in the boss nega wisp armor.
Speaking of Sonic Simulator! Thats another Story I have plans for. Following alongside the events of Sonic colors, Sonic simulator follows the group of hedgehogs abducted from Mobius and sent to eggman's interstellar amusement park as part of an organic experiment to take out sonic. Suggested by The Leader of the Oscillators, These hedgehogs will now have to work together to prove their worth to Eggman and as worthy adversaries of Sonic! But what of their past memories? What will happen if they remember? And if they do, can they escape? Find out! Also its follow up story leads to sonic lost world.
I'd also like to talk about the Idw Verse Mini series I have been working on! Getting Art from the Talented CatRage and getting to voice my Ideas to My Friends as well as My sister, I present my own Miniseries! Mimic's misadventures!
This story takes place between  the events of Idw's Bad guys, and follows mimic's operations and struggles as he tries to complete his missions, and deal with people of similar caliber to himself. Will this mercenary manipulate his way easily out of another situation? Or has the Octopus finally met the one group who will send him back to the ocean? Find out!
Currently, this miniseries has 5 canon issues and one undecided.
1.Ghost Of The North.
2.Into the Spiders Nest
3.Hunt is on
4.Jaws of a Predator
5.Belly of the Beast
undecided: 6.Seaside Escapade.
Currently I am writing the script for Part 1 of Ghost of the North and hope to finish up the Audio drama reading for it soon.
So this is all the stuff I've had in production for the past few years! Along with my co writer Pinky heart.
Please, Please! Reblog or retweet this. It would mean the world to me. Also please! Ask as many questions as you'd like. I'll answer as many as I can, and would love to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions, as well as questions and inquires involving the series.
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milk-addicc · 4 years
I really liked that post you made about how Capcom feels about Narumitsu. And I'm wondering how do you think they feel about Narumayo? Personally to me it feels like they throw more hints at Narumitsu since with the other one if Takami wanted it to be canon he would of done it at the end of T&T. I also think the team could of made it more obvious in SoJ with Maya's big return but I never really saw the hints but I know I'm biased lol.
oh i’m glad you like my rambles haha;;
ahh... that ship, 
well first, about the whole Takumi “wanting narumitsu to be canon” thing, its not exactly making them canon but have more fanservice leaning heavy towards narumitsu (which was declined by the director(?) who claimed, i sorta agree with, that the game did well even without the narumitsu hinting since in the first game they didn’t have that intention and it was pure coincidence that their relationship was just THAT deep and meaningful which is incredible lmao, Takumi and co managed to slip his warning and still put at least some of the hints in TT tho hhh-). so even then, i doubt the crew actually want the endgame to come so soon hh.
okay, back on topic. what i think about naru//mayo? yea, i’m not keen on that ship personally at all, actually i despise it. like, they first met in the office, in front of their dead loved one, Mia. Maya was 17, Phoenix was 24. you have Maya, who’s supposedly still in HIGH SCHOOL and Phoenix, who has GRADUATED COLLEGE, has a JOB, and most likely has PAID HIS OWN BILLS. from that point alone, it should already feel weird. 
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Maya’s an adolescence, a teenager, she just lost her sister and barely grew up, in a way she’s still innocent, notice how she tend to ask random questions and or say things that she thinks makes sense or amusing, she tends to be naive too. its kinda like.. a child.
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and Phoenix on the other hand, is a grown man. heck even Maya says he’s an “old fart”, they’re legit aware of their own age gap in game and outright say it. if anything, they both act like self-aware best friends/brother-sister than romantically. even Maya said it herself, she wants to be a good big sister for Pearl and Nick.
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now how about we ignore this obvious fact just for a little while and try to see it from only their interactions in-franchise. heres the kicker, you may not see it in game since they only lightly nudges about this ship (usually with Pearl, and was dismissed by Maya right after.), but in some of AA spin off mangas (and from what i heard, one of the stage shows), for some reason, this ship has their own hints despite being completely aware that Maya is a teenager.
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but its okay now don’t hold your breaths, 
their “hints” are more of a one-off ish thing, most of the time a gag and not taken seriously, and unlike other ship per say narumitsu, where it actually affects their lives and changed it forever IN-GAME. “i care about Maya and understands her” and “i became an attorney because of you, Edgeworth and i don’t have any regrets” are both literally incomparable, especially given Phoenix and Edgeworth’s history together in-game canon.
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anyway, here’s some common arguments i’ve encountered about this particular ship :
“but Phoenix cares about Maya a lot! he literally went through a trial against a hitman and run through a burning bridge for her!”
“Phoenix blushed and goes red when Pearl says he’s Maya’s special someone and he stutters!”
“Well my parents had a huge age gap!"
“well, Maya is 18 in AA2″
“considering Maya is a christmas cake now, Nick better tap that” 
“she’s an adult in AA6 tho”
now lets dissect each of these,
yes, Phoenix cares about Maya a lot he literally did cross a burning bridge for her but people seem to forget that this is the same man who turned his life around, abandon his dreams, study law for four years, and became an attorney to meet one man and willing to defend a girl who looks like his psychotic ex that nearly poisoned him in court. he literally would believe in his clients’s innocence no matter what, he’s by nature would sacrifice anything and even his life for someone. so its normal that he cares about Maya, but is it romantic? i doubt it, he cares about her safety and well being but does it have to be a romantic hint? no, of course not, he’s just very selfless for the people he cares about and Maya has no one to help her but Nick when she’s in trouble, he’s one of few adults she can trust and will help her out.
oh so blushing and stuttering due to embarrassment means having feelings now? and about the stuttering, he literally stutters around Edgeworth a lot lol. i’m starting to feel like people ships naru//mayo not because of their depth but because Pearl said so. Pearl finds them should be together and keep shoving the audience with Nick being “Mystic Maya’s special someone”, well if thats the case, they also explained why this happened, in-game. Pearl grew up very sheltered and among unhealthy marriages she just assumes a girl and a boy together means they’re dating and being “special someones”. she most likely just wants her cousin to be in a happy relationship unlike her parents where her father left both her and her mother but didn’t know any better because she was eight years old.
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now about the parent thing and taking it personal, well my parents too had a huge age-gap of 7 years. but how come is it okay? its because they met when my mum was already a career woman at 26. she’s already an adult when my dad met her. what does this mean? it means my parents were both adults when they’re together, this is why i still like GumMaggey despite their age gap so wide, they first met when Maggey has already had a career, supposedly in her 20′s, she’s a young adult, she can buy alcohol by herself, already knows whats right and wrong and has live life independently, not a still hormonal teenager who depends on one adult figure. did your parents date when your mum is in highschool while your dad is like in his mid 20′s? sorry to hear that.
as for the last three arguments, i don’t even want to touch any of them with a five-foot pole. are you listening to yourself? do you not feel like you’re a creep typing that?
let me give you a benefit of the doubt. yes she’s older and legally an adult, but are you really discrediting the fact they met when Maya was still in highschool? they met and became friends when she’s 17 and he’s 24. sure they barely met during disbarment era, but should that change anything? why should it? how should it? like this?
“Oh this is Maya, i haven’t met her in years but boy she sure has grown up can’t wait to date her since she’s legal now.”
because thats what that argument sounds like, YIKES. 
you know? if they met under a different circumstance and Maya was like 19, i’d let it go. but they didn’t, they met because of a horrible loss, Maya, still in training, 17 lost her big sister and Phoenix, a rookie, at 24 lost his mentor. 
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in conclusion, i don’t like naru//mayo at all
pairing them feels like pairing Edgeworth with Kay or Phoenix with Ema, just because they partnered in investigations, make playful jabs at each other, and saved each others’s lives before, people just think they like each other romantically despite their age-gap in first meetings (not to mention Kay sees Edgeworth as somewhat of a father figure, and she’s nearly 18 while Edgeworth is the same age as Phoenix). especially with how Maya, being a zoomer, calls Phoenix an “old fart” and just makes jokes about how so out-of-touch Phoenix is with the modern entertainment.
from observations, i have a huge hunch that almost all of them pair these two because :
1. Maya’s a girl protagonist so its a male protagonist x female protagonist type of deal and despise narumitsu because “yaoi”
2. AA6 she’s an adult so she’s legal which is damn creepy on its own, or last
3. because of Pearl shipping them in game despite being an eight year old and was so sheltered she thought a man and a woman being next to each other means they’re special someones.
either way, i only see them as best friends, sibling-like relationship with self awareness here and there since they tease the audience a lot with their gag “hints” in spin-off mangas and game. 
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not only that, it kinda showcase how all male/female bond don’t have to be romantic, they can be just friends or familial and still hang together. another plus for the franchise right after encouraging moving on from ex partners. *glancing at Phoenix//Iris*
and as to the people who pairs this for some odd reasons, sometimes i just want to ask these questions,
“how would you feel if you’re in Phoenix’s shoes? met your mentor’s little sister at age 17 while you’re 24, would you feel romantically interested in this high schooler?” because i don’t, to me anyone 3 years younger than me is like a baby, how would Phoenix feel when Maya’s 7 years younger?
“also... why even? narumitsu and other less questionable pairings are RIGHT THERE in the open!”
but oh well people can like and pair whatever hhh, 
and there you have it, my even longer rambling hahaha sorry;;
Edit : To add the final nail to the coffin, Phoenix outright has said that Maya’s like his kid, like a niece.
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Edit 2 : remember that this is simply my personal take, you can somewhat use this to make yourself feel better about your pair nor simply just to hate on the ship itself but do not use this to dictate actual people what to ship and not to ship. 
please don’t be destructive towards others.
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 12
post directory
obsetress: don’t ask why i had this thought because i couldn’t tell you but
obsetress: jamie wakes up in the middle of the night one night and is like “i... had a dream. about vi”
obsetress: and dani’s like “ok baby” and just nuzzles deeper into her pillow and jamie’s like
obsetress: “no, dani, a... a dream”
obsetress: and dani’s like “oh. oh” and is immediately wide awake and bright eyed
obsetress: and is like “was it any good?” and jamie is just. already flushed so red and flushed deeper and dani just hums
em: sighs wistfully
em: i also love that something compels jamie to tell dani Immediately
em: oh the perils of begrudgingly being friends w ur gfs ex
em: jamies like um. no see i can see all these different things my brain mashed together and WHY i had this dream and danis like ok but that wasn’t my question....
obsetress: jamie finally throws up her hands “of course it was”
em: jamie: And You Can’t Tell Vi She’ll Be Insufferable
obsetress: dani, very plainly, at brunch the next morning: so vi
obsetress: jamie looks like she’s going to have a heart attack and dani lets her sweat and then just smiles sweetly “i like those sunglasses. are they new?”
em: jamie what’s the problem (nothin. indigestion)
obsetress: dani very smug n thinks she’s very funny
obsetress: (she is a little funny)
em: one of jamies many ‘oh that’s why they dated’ moments
obsetress: “fookin sick, the both of ya”
em: idk why you had this thought but i’m GREATLY amused
obsetress: skskksksks right
obsetress: jamie explaining her dream to dani in great detail afterwards
obsetress: dani sitting there nodding and hmming “oh that sounds like her. no, she wouldn’t do that. now THAT she would be very good at, you’d like it”
em: i need a moment
em: jamie thinks the dark hides her massive fucken blush but it Doesn’t
em: dani can feel her heating up
obsetress: jamie “i don’t ask you to do this” dani “you’re not stopping me”
em: dani critiquing jamies sex dream is such a fucken funny concept sjdhdkhdkdhdkc
obsetress: RIGHT
obsetress: i’m dying
em: dani: oh no that’s OOC
obsetress: she wouldn’t have a riding crop jamie, it’s 2021, not 16—
em: jamie: it’s a wet dream do u really think it’s gonna have beta readers and a three act structure
em: dani hums
obsetress: dani: well did you enjoy it
obsetress: jamie: i— dani: did you?
obsetress: jamie mumbling yeah
em: jamies like i’m gonna interrogate dani next time, see how she feels- but she forgets dani is incapable of feeling shame
obsetress: like dani wouldn’t just launch into a ramble
em: viola
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obsetress: fuck
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: to jamie, specifically,
em: to jamie specifically andhdjhdjd
em: once again ironic jamvi has turned, in my brain, into ‘yes and....’ jamvi
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obsetress: jamie sending this to viola n vi's like
obsetress: she doesn't get it because she's convinced her taste is immaculate
em: anyway this is ooc even for exes au but i keep thinking abt like. jamie tryna crack how old viola is (she cant be 34 im 30 it doesnt make sense) and going through her fb timeline like. 'aha! motivational quotes. gotta be late 30s' and danis either like
em: danis either like 'you have a notebook where you write down all the quotes you like baby' OR shes like haha ok thats fair (posts another motivational quote on her fb)
obsetress: god i love that so much
obsetress: both of those dani responses are
obsetress: honestly porque no los dos if we're already going ooc
obsetress: i do think the first bit "gotta crack it she can't be 34 i'm 30 it doesn't make sense" is in character fwiw
em: obviously i was inspired by ur post in the milf channel abt viola always saying shes 35
em: big brain
obsetress: this is literally just. exes au rebecca
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obsetress: down to the caption
obsetress: vi and rebecca patiently staging like full photoshoots for each other every time one of them wants a pic otp: i'm not high maintenance, you're just low effort
em: bold 2 say that we don’t think about jamie and vi tho
em: gotta keep some sorta. presentation of respectability
em: they absolutely couldn’t date tho
obsetress: lmao ikr
obsetress: yeah no they'd kill each other
obsetress: now just thinking of silly circumstances and um
obsetress: rebecca's out of town and dani's flying back from some iowa thing jamie couldn't get away for to go with
obsetress: and viola's like "oh, just stay at ours, it's closer and i'll get you a car"
obsetress: and just like
obsetress: imagining the two of them cohabitating at vi's for a night
em: jamie sneaking around at night tryna find the bathroom and runs straight into vi in a face mask and a dangerously low dressing gown Again
obsetress: the parallels to canon
obsetress: im giggling
obsetress: walks straight into her path
em: opens a door. sees something she doesn’t want to see. immediately turns and walks away
em: god the face mask would make her look like the lady in the lake
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: vi wants to go out to dinner, jamie's just like "i'm already getting up early to go to the airport, can't we just have an easy night in"
em: what did i say before. that thing abt if ur friends w damie you will inevitably walk in on them
obsetress: god yeah
em: flip of that.
obsetress: oh GOD
em: god they would argue about dinner
em: bicker about EVERYTHING
em: dani and rebecca both make the married couple joke
em: jamie goes pale
obsetress: wait sorry i just went back to tahirahs insta post and like
obsetress: katie parker commented and was like "i love these shots of you" and she was like "thanks luv " and i'm like
obsetress: why does this....... still track........... with exes au...............
em: perdy is always a little too flirty w vis paramours
obsetress: always! except dani for whatever reason
obsetress: she's just scared of dani
em: Please
obsetress: rebecca's like "i don't see what the problem is. she can do what she wants, but you trust me, don't you?" "of course i trust you" rebecca shrugs "that's it then, isn't it?"
obsetress: anyway vi huffs n crosses her arms n pouts a little bit and is like "well i don't want her to"
obsetress: rebecca is endeared and uses the opportunity to her advantage like the top leaning switch she is
em: dani rebecca parallels: always dtf
obsetress: perdi and vi fighting and vi's like "are you even gay? or do you just want what i have?" and perdi is like "does it matter?"
em: are you even gay perdi nahdkdhdkdhd
em: perdi is like you KNOW about jamie and viola crinkles her nose bc she forgot about that and she’s starting to respect jamie as a person
obsetress: djflakdkfjldkadjLDJFLSKDFJLSDKFJx
obsetress: i screeched
em: viola: you only MET jamie because i hired her for landscaping you fucking-
obsetress: just thinking about perdita watching jamie working on some property sweating in a tank top and Deciding
em: bringing out some lemonade etc
em: haha you look parched
obsetress: smiling widely, turning on the charm
obsetress: jamie is very attractive and very swoonworthy, but perdita 100% only goes for it because she refuses to let viola have one (1) thing
obsetress: and that extends to lesbianism
em: viola's like no this is normal right. siblings competing. rivalries etc and danis like uh i’m an only child and jamies like uh i raised my brother
em: they don’t know how to tell her sure it happens but it’s also extremely fucken weird vi
obsetress: jamie: you have to tell her dani: why do i have to tell her jamie: you tell her everything dani: i don't tell her–– ok, i tell her most things. i'm not sure i want to tell her this though jamie: why not dani: she's not... she's not gonna like it jamie: So You Might Be A People Pleaser,
em: jamie: i can’t tell her. she’s only just forgotten the perdi thing. what if she remembers i’ve
em: in depth character study of viola and perdi’s fucked up rivalry
em: violas like goddamn it do i have to fuck jamie to get even
obsetress: i––
em: she decides against it
em: jamie is none the wiser
obsetress: she Considers it tho
em: jamie would die on the spot if she knew
obsetress: weighs the pros and cons
obsetress: the best part is like
obsetress: this is all post-danvi and pre-damie right so when dani n jamie see rebecca and vi at that video store
obsetress: viola's like wait.
obsetress: wait
obsetress: dani ending up with the hot gardener her sister fucked because she has bizarre jealousy and possession issues is really just the cherry on top of a shit sundae
em: the funniest part of all our very tangled lore is like
em: none of it contradicts bc it’s even funnier when it’s Extremely Ugly And Messy
em: because lesbians are just... like that
obsetress: exes au au where viola did fuck jamie, the video rental shop scene is 100 times more awkward
em: don’t think about it don’t think about it dont
em: i am thinking about it
em: jamie has to deal with having been railed by all three of them instead of just the two
em: it feels very uneven to her bc rebeccas a doll, dani, u don’t understand, and ur only running into one ex,
obsetress: talk about the mortifying ordeal of being known
obsetress: "wait, that's your ex?" "yeah" "dani" "what" "dani" "what" jamie's voice is hushed but a lil pitchy and a lot panicky "i think i fucked your ex" "you think?" "i fucked your ex" "you fucked her or she fucked you? because i'm sorry, baby, but i really don't think––"
em: sorry, baby, but i really don’t think-
obsetress: that might be my fave lil bit i've ever written adlfkjasdklf
em: dani being a little too interested in jamie getting railed is like. everything to me
obsetress: jamie's already big blushing
em: a little secret between hannah obsetress and em cowlesbian but i am So thinking abt it
em: patreon exclusive exes au au
[em edit: you can imagine how long this lasted]
obsetress: no one is happy about this situation except dani, who is delighted
em: after, jamie's like. what did u mean by u don’t think that...
em: puffs out her chest
em: i could have-
em: danis like yeah but i know u didn’t did u
obsetress: dani clayton ilu
em: danis like um
em: completely unprompted bc dani ‘finishes a conversation 5 hours later’ is really funny to me
em: danis like i did tho
em: jamies like can you DROP IT
em: she’s SMUG
em: she’s so pleased w herself
obsetress: in bed with the lights off jamie's pulling the sheets up and closing her eyes afterthought
obsetress: just a happy lil hum and an "i did, though"
obsetress: and jamie knows IMMEDIATELY what she's talking about
em: dani never lets jamie live it down
obsetress: never!
obsetress: they'll be washing dishes one day "hey baby?" "hmm" "you slept with a landlord"
em: oh um. flipping the whole ‘experienced jamie virginal dani’ trope everyone loves but
em: i love the idea of dani being like hey jamie did u ever- and jamies like (grumbles) does it matter
em: dani is mentally applying a gold star to her chart
obsetress: ksdljfskdfjlsdjflksdjaf
obsetress: the gold star
em: at this point dani is absolute just tryna tease jamie so she’s like oh well when- and jamies like ok i get it
em: jamie Pretends not to be a little interested
obsetress: meanwhile vi and rebecca very matter of factly swapped stories the first day they Realized
obsetress: vibecca swapping stories and their stories complimenting each other so well that they're like well. hmm
obsetress: glad those two found each other
em: two praise kinks u say
em: ok sorry one more thought i’m thinking abt like
em: jamie staying over (idk if this is before or during damie) and viola and perdi are having yet another spat on the phone and violas like
em: no you ALWAYS do this, whatever you think you’re doing with rebecca-‘ and she barely hears some muffled sorta ‘oh, sorry, remember jamie-
em: and jamies doing the maths. hmm
em: jamies like actually i refuse to examine this further. self care
em: brings it up with dani later and dani LOSES her shit laughing
em: haha jamie you got willoughby’ed
obsetress: SCREAMS
obsetress: you got willoughby'd
obsetress: how does one get willoughbyd asking for a friend
em: yeah same asking for a friend
obsetress: dani, gigglesnorting: wait, you hooked up with... with perdi?
obsetress: (dani hates perdita because viola hates perdita and it is a deep seated hatred she refuses to unlearn)
obsetress: a loyalty strange and enduring, despite it all
em: to be fair perdi is the Worst
em: all of these characters i love to make sympathetic and then perdi is where i draw the line akdhdkhd
em: it’s funnier if she’s awful
em: like a viola that never gets therapy
obsetress: lldjfkaskldfj god same
obsetress: it's too good
em: danis like wait hold on. lemme get a pen
em: makes a silly little chart
em: if the fandom tries to make jamie into a shane the l word character i will simply take that and make jamie mortified abt her uh. well! a pretty girl is nice to her and she forgets how to behave
em: jamie's like oh sure like u don’t have embarrassing flings- and danis like yeah but i don’t interact w them on a daily basis jamie
em: also i didn’t fuck perdi
obsetress: skskskflsdflks
obsetress: "you did fuck perdi though, right? because that just be embarrassing, jamie, if she had been the one who..."
em: skgsdjhdkdhdk
em: jamie grumbles something abt pillow princesses and dani like
em: CLAPS her hands in glee
obsetress: jlsdjflkJSDFKJSDFJ
obsetress: GOD
obsetress: she's immediately pulling out her phone to text vi
em: jamies like why would u message her sister that u freak n danis like oh no theyre very open with each other it’s uh. hmm. anyway
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nashibirne · 4 years
First of all. A big thank you to everyone who liked or reblogged my little story/drabble I posted yesterday. It's good to know that there are people who like what I'm writing.
So here is another piece. Still untitled. Suggestions are appreciated! It's another part of the bigger story in my head. Regarding the timeline...I think this happens a few days before yesterday's chapter. Confusing much? Let's see.
Untitled 2.1 / Against all odds
Part 1
Part 2.2
Henry Cavill x mc / ofc
Summary: Walking the dogs and confusion...again
Warnings: none
"Oh, sure. Poor little Henry. You really are to be pitied"
Her voiced dripped with sarcasm.
"I'm serious" he replied, stopping in his tracks.
"Of course." She rolled her eyes but the smile playing on her lips gave away that she was rather amused than annoyed. Sitting down on the nearby bench she eyed him pointedly from bottom to top. "A man as attractive as you had problems finding a woman." she stated. "That's ridiculous"
"Attractive?" he said raising his eyebrows in surprise as he sat down besides her.
"Oh heavens, please don't fish, Cavill. You know exactly how handsome you are."
"You're right. I think my looks are quite okay". His smile, innocent and playful at the same time, almost killed her.
"But up to now I haven't been aware that you find me attractive". He emphasized the personal pronoun by patting her knee a few times.
"Of course I do." she admitted. "Is there even one single person in the world who wouldn't agree you're good looking?"
"I just considered I might not be your type."
"I don't have a type."
She avoided Henry's gaze pretending to watch the dogs who played on the meadow on the other side of the path that had led them on top of the hill right behind Braxton Castle.
"You don't?" He wasn't convinced. "You're ex boyfriends all looked differently?"
"They were all tall. But that's it. Different hair colours, different eye colours, different body types, different looks." She tried to shrug it off.
"All right" he drawled the words more than necessary. She could tell by the way he looked at her, that he wasn't ready to bury the topic.
"Shall we?" She got up from the bench, calling her uncle's Labradors Byron and Shelley who rushed to her side immediately. "Good boys." She gave them the expected treat and leashed them.
Henry whistled on his fingers and Kal came trotting almost in slow motion. "Come on, mate. You can play with your noble friends again tomorrow." He gave Kals soft fur a few strokes before leashing him. "Good boy" he whispered tenderly. That was one of the many things she loved about Henry. His undying devotion to his animals.
"You know that dogs can't be noble, don't you?"
"Their owner is. And it makes Kal feel good to think he has some aristocratic fellows." Henry replied with a wink.
Her warm laugh was music to his ears. He loved the rough edges around it.
"Maybe we should knight him. What do you think. Sir Kal-El of Krypton?"
"Sounds fantastic. See, he already loves the idea" he replied pointing to his dog who wagged his tail somehow knowing they were talking about him.
Continuing their daily morning walk they had a lot of fun imagining a ceremony to make Kal a knight. Henrys ideas were hilarious and she almost peed herself because he made her laugh so hard. Another thing that had made her fall in love with him. His great sense of humor. She tried not to think about her feelings for Henry. It never led to anything good. Just frustration and heartache. And the nagging feeling of being a coward for not confessing her feelings to him. For just secretly fantasizing. About his lips on hers. His body on her own. Here we go again, she thought. The carousel of dreams turning endlessly, coming to no stop. But then again. It made no sense to confess feelings to a man who friendzoned her right away. Literally the first time they've ever met. He had frankly explained that he was planning on going solo. Just him, his animals and his freedom. That he was still hurting from the last breakup and that he wasn't willing to fall in love again any time soon. Of course she fell for him anyway. And she fell hard. But she was used to it. Her heart had the fatal tendency to choose the wrong ones. Maybe that was her type of guy. Mr. Wrong.
When they arrived at Henry's house she expected the usual short goodbye before she would continue her walk back to the castle. But not today. He was not willing to let her of the hook.
"So you really don't have a certain type of men you like?" he asked when she was just about to leave.
"No. Is this so hard to believe?"
"Who's your favorite actor?"
"Is that a trick question?" she eyed him suspiciously.
"No. I promise." He smirked. "I know it's me, of course." Another billion dollar smile. Another heartwarming laugh. It was a gift from god that she never blushed
"Just tell me. An actor you like and find attractive."
"Okay...Patrick Wilson from Aquaman."
"Oceanmaster, huh?" Henry internally crossed off his attributes.
Tall, blond, bright eyes, likely blue, high cheekbones, classical adonis.
"Who else?"
"Adam Driver" she said without hesitation.
"Ok. Kylo Ren it is?"
"You bet, Darling" she confirmed, giving him a pushy grin.
Well. This guy was a hulk. Black hair, dark eyes. Not the typical handsome guy, big ears, big nose, big face. But with tons of charisma, talent and charm.
"Yeah...go on."
"Come on, don't be a spoilsport"
She gave in with a sigh.
"Christian Bale."
Tall, light brown hair, no idea regarding the color of his eyes. Handsome guy, sharp cheekbones, broad shoulders. Strong personality.
"Ouch...Batman...that hurts." He dramatically pressed a hand on his chest.
"Don't worry, Superman. I liked him best in American Psycho. He was the perfect potrayal of Patrick Bateman."
"A serial killer. How romantic. Give me just one more."
She made a face at him but told him the next name anyway.
"Last, not least. Nicolaj Coster-Waldau as Jamie Lannister. "
"Uh-hu...the Kingslayer"
Tall, dark blonde hair, green or blue eyes. Henry wasn't sure. Stereotype of the evil but sexy prince charming.
"Satisfied? Very different looking men. Nothing in common."
"On the contrary, mylady. There is one big similarity."
"Really? Well...enlighten me, please." she said with a prompting gesture.
"It's pretty obvious. You like the bad boys. The Alphas. You have a soft spot for the villains and assholes. And mass murderers" he said snickering like a schoolboy.
"Oh fuck...I guess you're right." She couldn't help but laugh along with him. Almost unable to stop. Like a silly teenager in front of her crush. When she finally managed to calm down she smiled at him.
"I better get going now, before you start analyzing why I'm drawn to the dark side."  She winked at him and waved good bye, starting to walk away. But just when Henry was about to enter his house, standing on the doorstep, she turned around to ask one last question.
"So now that you know my type. What is yours, Cavill?" She expected him to give a short, vague, slightly funny answer. Something like "sexy blonde fitness model of course", topped with a sarcastic smile and a sweet blink of his eyes. But Henry went a little deeper into details.
"Oh, that's an easy one. Tall...estimated 5'90... dark blonde curls, beautiful green eyes, sensual lips and fantastic curves. Very smart, sophisticated, humble and kind with a great sense of humor. There's noble blood in her veins but she's never snobbish, only a little posh from time to time. Bookworm to a nerdy extend, with a weird but good taste in music. Librarian. Vegetarian. Introvert. Tattooed. She can be a terrible nuisance and a smartass. Little Miss-knows-it-all, but that's part of her charms. Plays the piano perfectly. Is afraid of horses but adores her cats and her uncle's doggos. Loves her twin brother, her uncle and his husband. Her friends and to my personal irritation her ex who is still one of her closest confidants. She doesn't know how stunning she is. Which is her biggest strenght and her biggest weakness. She's a wonderful person, the woman of my hottest dreams and simply irresistible. And thats all I guess."
And with a wicked smile on his lips he closed the door behind him, leaving her speechles with a racing heart and a bunch of wild butterflies in her belly.
That's it. Thanks for reading. I'm planning to write about their first encounter soon. Maybe this is going to make everything a little clearer.
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