#this was originally a sketch i made in class tbh
hyrulescarlet · 2 months
woohoo first time posting art on this account!! 🎉 here's a young Time/Mask<3
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i tried experimenting with some of the screentones features in clip studio and it came out surprisingly well!
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an-angels-fury · 6 months
💙 My Modern Caspeter Headcanons 💙
Hey, Narnians! How are you? Here goes my first contribution to the fandom (and of course it would be about Caspeter because they are my new current obsession ❤️).
I want to make clear the headcanons are mostly based on the movie version of the characters (tbh I really need to reread the books).
Anyway, enjoy it.
P.S.: Forgive me for any grammar mistake, english's not my first language.
Warning(s): Slight mention of abuse (it happens outside of the relationship), implied NSFW stuff
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Peter met Caspian for the first time when they were both 15. At the time, Caspian had just moved to the Pevensies' neightborhood with his uncle, his aunt and his baby cousin. Peter's mother convinced him and his siblings to pay a visit to the house across the street and welcome the new family. He didn't get very excited with the idea.
Something about Caspian made Peter strangely uncomfortable. Maybe it was the boyish way Caspian put his hands on the pockets of his ragged jeans, or his spanish accent, or how his long, wild black hair fell beautifully around his face and large shoulders. Or maybe it was the way Caspian's brown eyes found his blue ones and stared at them intensely from time to time, but suddenly looked away. Wait! Why is he paying so much attention to these details anyway?!
The fact his mother just got all excited with him and Caspian being about the same age, attending the same school and becoming best friends and all that bullshit just made Peter even more annoyed at this new pretty boy, who seemed destinated to be a very constant presence in his life from that moment on.
Peter would find in Caspian an adversary just as skilled (and just as competitive) as him in the P.E. classes, regardless of the sport. But it was in fencing that the situation really heated up between them. The trainer would even try to avoid putting Peter and Caspian to fight against each other because he saw that, whatever was going on between these two, they took it very VERY seriously.
Peter complained about Caspian a lot at home and everytime Edmund was around, the younger one would shout a joke about their "so obvious unresolved sexual tension" just to see his older brother's cheeks grow hot in anger and embarrassment (Ed: For the fuck's sake, just admit you dream about kissing Caspian under the moonlight and spare our ears from all this shit talk of yours! / Peter: I'd rather kiss a horse's ass!).
One day, in the school's yard, Peter got involved in a fight after trying to defend a younger boy from a group of bullies. He handled himself well for a while but It didn't last long. He was already getting his ass kicked until the last person he could ever imagine came to defend him: Caspian. Sadly, this whole thing took both the boys to the principal's office and one whole evening of detention.
After one hour of detention trying to distract himself, Peter's eyes found Caspian with his face in a black notebook and a pencil in his hand. Curious, he walked to Caspian's direction to find an unfinished, but no less beautiful, sketch. When Caspian took conscience of the blond's presence, he tried to close his book as fast as he could, but Peter stopped him right away and complimented his work, asking him if he had more of those.
After that, they got to talk about a lot of stuff and know each other better. Caspian found out Peter wasn't so annoying as he initially thought: he was actually a very nice and funny guy who cared deeply about his family. Peter found out Caspian was not as insufferable as he imagined: he was actually very sweet and, as he already noticed, really talented.
Both also learned a little about their difficult relationship with their families. Peter told about how he and Susan were given a lot more of responsibilities after their parents' divorce and how shaky his relationship with Edmund became at the time. Caspian told about his latin origins, his parents' deaths when he was only 6 and the stressing relationship with his uncle Miraz. He mentioned how unwelcome and unwanted he felt at his own home and, because of that, he always tried to find something else to do or somewhere else to go just so he could avoid his family as much as possible.
They kept talking a little more walking down the way back home together and right before they go separate ways, Peter invited Caspian to go to his house the next day after school, which Caspian gladly accepted.
From that day on, Caspian would become a very present guest at the Pevensies' house. He would stay for lunch (and sometimes even for dinner), do his homework with Peter, watch a movie with him and his siblings or just have a good time doing anything else, no matter how simple it was. Caspian was just happy for being there with them. It was the first time in so many years he felt as part of a family.
Caspian became very fond of Peter's siblings. Peter would always find Caspian joking around with Edmund, or him giving little sweets to Lucy and letting her brush and play with his hair, or even him and Susan sitting on the sofa laughing of some silly story Susan was telling him about the time they were children. Each of these scenes would make Peter roll his eyes, but also bring a fond smile to his face.
However, what really solidified their bond was a little conversation in one of their movie nights at Peter's house when he finally told Caspian he was gay (Peter: Does it make any difference for you or our friendship now that you know that?). And Caspian's answer gave him all the assurance he needed (Caspian: As long as you don't mind me being bisexual.). It was really freeing for both of them.
When talking about falling in love, Caspian was the one to fall first, but Peter was the one to fall harder. They had already felt attracted to one another in the day they first met, but, since they both were still young and immature boys trying to accept their sexualities (especially Caspian, who was absolutely sure his uncle would never accept his nephew being in love with another boy), this fire that burned inside was easily mistaken as jealousy and rivalry as a way to disguise their true feelings.
Peter's family and friends had already noticed what was going on between him and Caspian long before they both had. Lucy and Edmund even tried to plan situations to make them confess their feelings, but the boys were so fucking oblivious that the attemps always failed. After a while, Susan finally convinced their younger siblings to give up and just let things flow (but she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little impatient with how stupidly blind Caspian and Peter were about each other).
It was only after months of pining that one of them finally decided to take the first step. Caspian was in Peter's bedroom discussing with him some ideas to their science project when the brunette dropped his notebook by accident on the floor. Peter got up to help him to take some of the loose paper sheets when he found a specific one that got his attention. It was the drawing of a face... Peter's face. Differently from previous situations, Caspian didn't try to hide it from him and just smiled. After a minute of silence, he told he had made that one in their last art class. (Peter: It's... It's beautiful. / Caspian: Well, not as much as the original face. / Peter: ... and definitely not as beautiful as the artist himself.). When they finally stood, face to face, Peter held Caspian's face and slowly closed the distance between them. When he saw Caspian didn't try to run away, he finally kissed him. And Caspian was more than happy to kiss him back.
Once they officially start dating, they're the softest together. They would always be seen holding hands, kissing, sitting next to each other, whispering in each other's ears and laughing from whatever the other said. Lucy and Susan found really adorable how lovey-dovey Peter acted around his boyfriend. Edmund, as always, would always take an opportunity to joke about the boys' attitude, which embarrassed his brother to no end, but, just like his sisters, he agreed Peter and Caspian were perfect for each other and he was really happy for them.
Caspian's uncle was never an affectionate man - he could actually be pretty hostil and agressive, especially when Caspian displeased him for any little reason - and his aunt seemed to simply ignore him most of the time. Because of that, he grew out to be very touch-starved and internalized the idea that his feelings didn't matter, so it would better if he kept his mouth shut. Hugs were his primary love language and he always longed to give and receive them from the people he loved. However, there were times he would close himself and keep quiet about his feelings because he feared that his clingy behavior could creep Peter out. But Peter knew him better than anyone and, in the end of the day, he was always there to prove him wrong.
After their high school graduation, they decide to leave their homes and move to their own flat. Caspian gets so relieved for finally having a place of his own and not needing to have any contact with his family anymore. And the fact he was doing all of this with Peter by his side just gave him all the hope that, whatever the hardships they would face, they would do it together. He knew he wasn't alone anymore.
Peter loves Caspian's hair. It's about the relaxing feeling of running his fingers through those luscious black locks while they were laid in bed or when Caspian rested his head on his lap while they watched TV. But what he likes the most is to wrap his fingers through Caspian's curls and slightly pull them during a passionate kiss, which most of the time leads to more... intimate stuff. And Caspian definitely has no complaints about it. He even considered cutting his hair once, but he soon put this idea aside.
There's something really sexy about Caspian's spanish accent, especially when he talked with that low and hoarse tone he always had in the morning. And when Caspian comes closer in bed to wake Peter up and whispers words of love to him in spanish, his lips gently caressing his cheek... Oh God, that shit's enough to fucking turn him on.
As for Caspian, there are mornings when Peter wakes up earlier to make them breakfast. After some minutes, Caspian wakes up with the smell of hot coffee and toasts coming from the kitchen. There was this time that, after putting on a robe and going to the other room, he found Peter standing there with a cup in his hand, his beautifully messy blond hair shining with the sunlight coming from the window, wearing nothing but his underwear and the white shirt Caspian wore last night, only half buttoned, exposing his collarbone and part of his chest. He turned around and opened a big cheeky smile and said "Good morning" with his most seductive voice, offering him a cup of coffee. Caspian swore he felt his heart skip a beat in front of such heavenly image.
After spending all the breakfast staring intensely at each other, Caspian didn't even wait to go back to their bedroom before taking Peter in his arms and putting him sat on the table. He finished opening Peter's shirt and kissed him all the way through his jaw and neck. It doesn't take long to Peter to open Caspian's robe and kisses him back. And they definitely didn't stop there.
They aren't the kind of couple who fights constantly, but when they do, they can lose their patience very easily over the most silly, stupid things. In those situations, they would walk away and stay in different rooms without looking at each other for hours. When they finally calmed down and the loneliness sinked in, one of them would go to the other and apologize, even if it wasn't necessarily their fault. They could drive each other crazy sometimes, but they hated to stay like this. They love each other. That was all that truly mattered in the end.
They love to do all the kind of romantic stuff that lovers do. They go out on dates, give the other flowers and chocolates, borrow each other's clothes, share the headphones while listening to music, rest their heads on the other's shoulder and fall asleep right after (Peter was known for doing that a lot), hold each other in their sleep, and the list goes on.
After they graduate in college and find stable jobs (Peter as a doctor and Caspian as an artist), they finally decide to adopt a dog. Peter was the one who insisted on the idea and how could Caspian ever say 'no' to him? But it was only after they go to the shelter and see the big bright smile on Peter's face when they were taking their new puppy home that Caspian knew this was one of the best choices they ever made in their lives.
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microraptorreactor · 2 months
I feel like dumping out my box of OCs like one would do a box of lps so very long post filled with very many doodles ahead!
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Reference for my Rainworld oc, Lost! He's an idiot kid I made for one joke but now he lives in my brain. I think I made this reference for him last year? Idk I don't remember. I'm just now realizing that Lost snuck into my V2 characterization lmao.
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Elysium art of various ages! Made between 2021-2023 I believe. This is the oc I made before I knew what Ultrakill was and everyone thought I was making an Ultrakill joke. Tbh if it wasn't for the fact that I MADE Elysium and have their early sketches I wouldn't believe they weren't an Ultrakill reference either. Speaking of which, here's some animations from when Elysium was both a quadruped and a model of robot instead of an individual. These were both made for a class in 2021.
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VERY old art (2020 I think? I wasn't using my screen tablet yet) that I normally wouldn't include if it weren't for the fact my friends would explode me if I mentioned Elysium and Lost without mentioning Nerve. She was an anxiety-ridden warforged cleric who got tragically sent to the vampire realm. Whenever Nerve comes up in discussion one of my friends brings up how I made him cry with her final speech. I don't remember tf I said lmao.
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Art of my His Dark Materials OC, Zurial! Art would have been made 2022 onwards. I made her WAY back in 2019 before Hazbin Hotel even had a pilot but unfortunately now she looks like a Hazbin angel and I feel weird drawing her. Which is really unfortunate because I love her dearly, she's one of my favorite OCs. She's also the only oc I have who I've made a plushie for. Why did my character design have to accidentally look like the works of famous youtube animator Vivian Medrano T-T
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(here's her plushie btw. I'm really proud of it lol.)
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Here's Niphit, one of my Warframe OCs! Some of y'all might recognize her as my AO3 pfp, but her design has changed since then. The bottom reference sheet is her most recent design. She's kind of conceptually similar to Baeri/Sleet/-31 from SftBT, in terms of hacking shit and having a snout and teeth. Biggest difference is that she is a whole ass hivemind, usually pretty harmless, and also considered pretty young.
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Shameless CR:K fanchild OC. Her name is Golden Parmesan Cheese Cookie (Parm or Parmesan for short) and she's also, like, an AI copy of a dead person. Or a dead person's soul trapped inside an eternal simulation? Either way she's got SO many issues. I have a massive chatfic wip from when I decided to try writeing something with her.
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Okay I know technically this is a Homestuck OC but I like to say she's a Hiveswap OC. Because I played Hiveswap and loved it but never read Homestuck. Anyways her name is Vintan she's a yellowblood.
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Whoa an original character! Yeah this is Corion, they come from my brain. I have a whole story concept about post-apocalyptic robot cowboys (and human cowboys) that I've done a couple doodles from but never written down. Corion serves as a sort of living taxi, guiding or carrying people across the wasteland. They are a secondary protagonist, I don't think I have art of Pike and Amelia, the actual protagonists. One funny fact about this universe is it contains a character named V1 (pronounced Vi, still written as V1) who I can no longer use for obvious reasons.
But yeah! Ramble over! Not anywere near all of them I just wanted to talk about my brain children XD
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my-humble-abode · 1 year
This is for @heir-of-the-chair​, who was curious about my RwD binder!
It’s all digital for the moment, because a) I don’t want to print out new versions of all the character stuff after s3 comes out, and b) I started it right at the end of the school year, and I don’t have a printer, so I’m going to have to wait until school starts again at the end of January to be able to print anything on the school printer anyway.
Let the tour begin, I guess
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This is the whole folder - we’ve got extra little folders for analysis and breakdowns of things, character profiles of NPCs and PCs, folders for my silly little sketches and fics (both of which are so self-indulgent that I probably won’t share them tbh, but honestly? who knows. also maybe i’ll draw/write something that i’m more inclined to share at a later date), then you’ve got theories, which is currently empty, but will probably be filled very quickly the second the first episode of s3 drops, and then the final folder is the in-progress transcripts of all the episodes.
There are also just some documents with my personal favourite moments from the show, the descriptions of their gala outfits (for possible drawing purposes later, especially Dani), an incredibly quick domino effect meme I made (which I’m happy to share if someone wants it) and then my personal modern headcanons for the crew (which I may also share if anyone is interested).
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These are all the NPCs that I currently have profiles for - either because they’re really interesting, I love them, we have a lot of information for them or they’re somewhat important to any of the characters. You can see that some of them (Cressida and Elyse, my beloveds) have had more work done to them than others and that is because a) we have a fair bit of information for those two and b) I love them. There are a couple of important NPCs that aren’t here, mostly from s2, and the reason for that is because we don’t really know a whole lot about them, and definately not enough to fill a profile with. Mystra isn’t there yet, and neither is any of VR-LA’s old crew, because anything on any of those is entirely reliant on whatever happens in s3.
NPC character profiles include the character’s name, their race, their resident wierd little dude (if they have one - this is basically just Cressida and also maybe Hira? undecided on whether to count the frost salamander as a wierd little dude or not. also not 100% on if Lula counts, so), their appearance, personality, any character arc they may have (this one is particularly for Ione and Elyse, both of whom have some fairly major events and changes that we see), any relationships they may have with the rest of the crew or other characters, any noteable magic items/characteristics/quotes and, if known, their plane of origin, max HP, AC, alignment and age.
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The character profiles for PCs are broken down further into one-shot PCs and guests, and the crew of the Per Aspera.
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One-shot PCs and guests includes exactly who you thought it would: the Curse of the Amulet gang and our boy Hans. Yes, the Curse of the Amulet gang have last names, no, none of them are there, yes that is because I both keep forgetting to write them down and also I don’t know how to spell some of them. Also, yeah, most of the Curse of the Amulet crew haven’t been worked on yet, this binder is still a definite work in progress. I will get there though, I swear!
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The crew of the Per Aspera is also very self-explainatory regarding who it includes, it is our main four PCs. Dani’s is the largest so far because her’s was the first one I made, and so, while it is also unfinished, it has had a bit more work put into it than the other three.
PC profiles include the exact same information as NPC profiles, but they also include who plays a character, a character’s class and a lot more detail, especially in the backstory department.
Like I said, the drawing and fic is just for me, and the theories folder is empty, so I’m not going to be putting screenshots of those in.
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The transcripts folder is very organised, with a folder for level-ups, one-shots, Q and As and a folder for each season (although s3 is obviously empty right not). Each transcript includes a description of the episode up top, as well as a list of NPCs that make an appearance. In terms of completion, s1 ep1 is the only one with any real progress made, I’m about half an hour in, and it is taking approximately forever.
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There’s the beginning of ep1, if anyone is curious as to how I’m formatting those.
But yeah, that’s basically the whole will-be binder! (I do have a physical binder to put them in, it’s just not with me right now, so no photo of that, I’m afraid). Happy to share specific things or give more detail or any of that jazz if people are interested, but. Yeah!
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linagram · 1 year
NOOOOO ANON DON'T DIE okay so tbh i haven't really drawn them like their designs just.. exist in my head and that's it so please take these messy sketches (i made them in class 👍 i'm a responsible student i swear)
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+ more information about them under the cut!
OKAY SO the first unused prisoner is this girl who killed someone (i actually still don't know how her crime was supposed to go) but she claims that it was fine for her to do that because, well, she's not exactly sane and she went through a lot of stuff, so like.. yeah, she uses that as an excuse. yurika and riku actually have some of her personality traits (same goes for riku's victim)
i guess you can call the second unused prisoner beta!shun in a way?? :'D like, he also was in a toxic relationship and he also likes to deceive both himself and others. basically, he was supposed to make everyone believe that his girlfriend treated him badly and he killed her in self-defense, and when the guard still found him suspicious, he just went "oh, so you just refuse to accept that guys can be the victims too huh". but the thing is that he was the guilty one and not his girlfriend and he refused to accept that so.. yeah
wait the third one actually kinda looks like naomi ASHDHJSJKS OKAY i guess you can call her fem!akio in a way because i kinda wanted to have this "popular girl" prisoner who was afraid of losing her popularity and ended up killing her rival. i thought that it was too boring though, but i still liked the idea, sooo akio can be called that "popular girl prisoner" now because his crime is basically the same! also i've decided to use her design for one of the final prisoners' victims.
about the fourth one.. i really wanted to have a prisoner oc who killed someone for clout and attention because. well. social media can be like that sometimes. however, i didn't really know what to do with her and her crime was like.. the only thing i knew about her, so yeah. sorry, girl, i just know you would be so much more powerful than the main cyberbully of canongram fuuta kajiyama himself 😔
okay, so about the last two: i really wanted to make prisoner ocs that were related in some way, like maybe siblings, twins, parent and child, etc. i thought it would be such a cool concept, like would they count as one prisoner? would they count as two prisoners? did they commit the same crime or maybe their crimes weren't related at all? what if they don't even know anything about each other's crimes? what if they killed someone together? so many possibilities!.. i didn't know which idea i like the most though, so yeah, i ended up not using them. but i liked the concept so much that i decided to keep these two as one of the final prisoners' victims as well.
and also i've mentioned before that originally i had only one guard oc and that was eiji and even though his personality was mostly the same, his design was more pink and green, but i decided to change it because he looked too similar to some of my other ocs (both fandom and non-fandom). he wasn't even supposed to be related to any of the prisoners actually, but then i looked at his new color scheme and i was like. you literally look like kei's brother OKAY LET'S GO WITH THAT
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jade-everstone · 1 year
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The yearly tradition returns: 2022's Summary of Art!
And hey, I did something a little more design-y than my past ones! Will admit it was a bit tricky to fit each month's pics into the frames this time but I'm glad I tried a different look than usual 
thoughts on each pic + reflection on the web + how I want to handle art going into the new year below:
January - Iri Intro!
From a somewhat short-lived thing I wanted to try out: Doing sketches of OCs just to serve as an introduction reguardless of quality. The good thing is, because quality's not a factor I can do these whenever in whatever format or polish. I just prefered doing larger pics this year
Febuary - A 'Cereal' Debate (comic short)
Ok, but she's got a point when you think about it.
From a comics class I took spring this year. The only prompt was "conversation"... well, heated debate in this case.
March - The School Mystery (comic short)
Another one from that Comics class and goddamn I think the panel featured here alone is one of the hardest things I drew that semester. That's pen and ink with minimal digital edits and damn hoping one day I could somehow make a longer comic with a similar style bc it was really fun to ink honestly.
April - The Fish Project
Ok but for the real context, this was an April fools project I had in the works since 2021. I turned all my active art accounts at the time into an OC Fishing irony page and sent Jade, Iri, Risa, Jpeg, and both Prisma's on a fishing trip. Not sure how I'll top that in the future... I'm not revealing until April >:)
May was when I redesigned & revealed Io to the public! They got a bunch of art this month, but the CN challenge art is my favorite of all of them.
Huh. Suprised I didn't immediately burn out because that semester was extreme in terms of work. I guess wanting to draw Io was that strong.
June - Life, After Wither
A pre-Artfight 2022 pic: I was Team Wither! I like doing splash pics for my own page for Artfight and this stayed my main banner for just about most of the year.
The mini-story I made up for this is these three teamed up across dimentions or something to visit this forest.
July - In the Studio, fr
I don't normally do post-Artfight related pics, but Moog ended up getting the most attacks this year and I wanted to give her an extra pic based on it.
Seems she kept a souviner from the forest in the last pic.
August - B-Hold! The Portal King!
For Clockday on Newgrounds, Strawberry clock the portal King himself!
Kept getting swept up with other things to jump on Newgrounds events, I wasn't gonna miss one of the bigger ones!
September - //  DIRECTION //
(outside of being gay for the robot-) I just wanted to draw Alia tbh. With a similar energy she had in her older art too.
Featuring Io's true/original form + their 'powered-up' state
November - The Fowl Pest (Mock-Cover)
The last two are for my Digital Illustration class. This one is a mock-book cover based on a worldbuilding project of mine (still need to organize it before sharing).
Though tbh if I do want to do more art for said project I might go tra-digital or use a grittier style. During crit I was told this looked "middle-grade"... when the world is "older-YA/Adult"... still like the pic, but damn.
December - Lan Party!
*Sigh* Always wanted to go to one of these! But alas, me and my irls are all busy these days. This is based off a different project I'm working on.
I ended up debuting some different designs for my OCs for said project (notably; Iri, Risa, and Human!Midi) but separate pics for them will have to come next year. In terms of digital lineart, this was the most intense I did this year (traditional lineart comes easier to me than digital).
So... 2022. Jesus Christ
This year was rough for me on things personal, and things non-personal. I mean jesus christ every other week something came out that was hostile to artists one way or another on top of some rough patches in my life. I don't want to jinx 2023 or leave things on this note though...
I think my biggest takeaway from this year is I need to rethink a lot of things. How I want to do art, where I want to go, or even my 'digital wellbeing'. This year, I realized keeping art a Hobby or staying "part-time" (as in small gigs & private comms only) might be healthier for me in the long run. I've already had my doubts with a lot of "professional" practices when I was shooting for it (a tl:dr it felt like "no fun allowed" half the time). But realizing how horribly i've treated myself and my art with this chase? That was another thing.
I think i've done a lot of strong pics compared to past years. Especially in terms of backgrounds and not being afraid to draw them (though I could always use more practice, lol). But I've also come to terms with I've been affected by social media without realizing it and how it hurt how I do art. Basically, for the past two years I've been working under the fear of being boxed into doing one thing. Be it fanart, genres, etc. To the point I stopped doing things to force a "brand". Specifically, I stopped doing fanart unless it's oc-centric. I hid straight-up fanart, and started getting irrationally upset over the metrics fanart gets over my original works.
And I hate it. I hate how I let myself judge the value of my work over "numbers and engagement". I hate how I boxed myself in trying to avoid being boxed, because of chasing this corporate measurement of worth. And most importantly, I hate that I nearly forgot that I enjoyed making fanart, because of some dumb culture caused by social media numbers and algorithms. I'm exhausted. So for 2023, I think I want my main resolution to do better with my online life & how I treat myself and my art. I want to pull away from social media a bit more (ironic considered i just came back here heh), spend more time on the slower web & offline if possible, and break that cycle of letting numbers judge my self-worth. And maybe help others do the same. It's much easier said than done, but I don't want to do nothing about this toxic hellscape that is how art is treated online, I want to do something even if the only person I directly help is myself.
And for what it's worth, focusing on my site so far has been cathartic. It's somewhere I can set up my art, projects, weird shit, etc. on my own terms, how I like it. It's quieter over there. And I'm glad I kept working on it beyond just a "portfolio site".
But I guess I have all of 2023 (and what's left of 2022) to process that. For now, I could use some extra time to pretty-up my website some more and take a few more naps before the year ends.
extra note: this post is a (slightly modified) mirror of a post over on the everlogs:
Website Version Here!
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jothemouse · 4 years
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current state of mind:🌧🌧🌧
- do not repost without credit/permission~but reblogs are Always appreciated -
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gallavichthings · 2 years
Artist’s Spotlight - Steorie
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Drum roll, please!! It is my great pleasure to introduce as our first artist interviewed in this new series, the one, the only, Steph aka @steorie! Do you want to know more about one of the most prolific artists in the fandom, the one behind several fandom-famous fanart (including our lovely icon)? Then wait no more! Enjoy her interview (and go follow her, in the odd chance you don’t already).
S: Ok, uhm, where to start? 😆 I’m a tattoo artist from Germany and try everything to get my studio going right now. Other than that I’m either reading or drawing in my free time. I’m boring like that.
GT: How did you become a tattoo artist?
S: Oh my, I kinda stumbled into this. I was very unhappy with my job back at the time and a friend of mine (who is heavily tattooed) said that if I can draw I could tattoo it too. (which isn’t all that easy in the end 😅) But yea, I went and started an apprenticeship in a studio for a few months, then quit my job and started working as a tattoo artist full time. And I’ve been doing that for a good 3 1/2 years now.
GT: Has it paid off?
S: Oh most definitely. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. :)
GT: I gather you've always been artistic. Did you take any art classes or just practiced by yourself?
S: I never went to an art school. I just have always been drawing since I can remember. :) I love watching livestreams of other ppl drawing/creating things, though. I learnt a lot that way.
GT: Do you remember when you started doing fanart? Or at least doing it consciously?
S: Hmm, I think proper fanart that wasn’t some horrible doodles where no one could see what it was supposed to be, might be fanart for sailor moon and dragon ball. 😌 Think I was around 11/12? But I’m not really sure though. 😅
GT: Hahaha I'm sure your doodles were still great. But omg, two of my favorite animes! Who are your favourite characters on them?
S: Usagi and Rei. <3 their friendship was everything to me. I also love Vegeta! I have a soft spot for mean looking ppl with a big heart. ❤️
GT: Love Rei! I'm an Aries like her, so I had something to relate to her. And I love love love Vegeta, though my favorite is Trunks. But Vegebul remains one of my favorite ships.
Do you remember your first ships ever on any show?
S: Vegeta and Bulma are one of my all time fav OTPs. Also Seiya and Usagi are I think, my first ever ship, back when I didn’t even know what shipping was. 😆
GT: Nice to know we have two OTPs in common! What are some of your other ships? Do you still make fanart for them as well?
S: I dont have a lot of shows that im invested in THAT much that i have the urge to draw fanart for it. But im still madly in love with Agron and Nasir from the Starz Show Spartacus. (Everyone needs to watch this tbh!)
Another one of my first otps in a show are Michael and Maria from the original Roswell Show back in the 2000. They had the best chemistry too. :)
GT: How would you describe your fanart style?
S: Uh…oh my, let me think. 😆🤔I’m a big ol romantic deep down in my heart. lol I guess that shows in my style? Also I love bright colors. I want people to start smiling when they see my art. 🙈❤️
GT: I would say the colors definitely are your most easily recognizable attribute!
Walk us through your process, please.
S: I have to admit that I never do any sketches tbh. I just start directly with the lineart once I got inspired with an idea and go for it. I mostly do digital art. I work on an iPad Pro and use the procreate app. I have a lot of back and forth going on when I start to color. I use lots of different layers and settings and fool around with the colors and filters until I like what I see. Oh my gosh, I’m so bad at explaining. In the end I just BS my way through art and hope for the best. 
GT: And what does inspire you? Where do you get your idea from?
S: I mostly get inspired by the show itself. But there are so many mindblowing fanfictions out there as well that constantly give me ideas. Also music and the lyrics of songs I love. :)
GT: How often do you start a new piece? And, on average, how long does it take you to complete it?
S: I usually don’t work on more than one piece at a time. I need to focus on one and don’t want to work on anything else before I finish the current drawing. I usually need a week, maybe two? Depends on how detailed the drawing is going to be, if I’m going to color it, if I will add a background and so on. :) My submission for the Gallavich zine (which you guys will hopefully hold in your hands soonish!) took me about 28 hours for example.
GT: Wow! That's dedication! And it shows.
Do you take prompts? What about commissions?
S: I don’t have enough time for requests. :( but I do take commissions from time to time if I can manage it next to my main job. :)
GT: What are some of your own favorite Gallavich fanarts?
S: Definitely the one you are using as an icon right now. And maybe one I did back in 2014 when I first started watching the show. It’s of them from season one, sharing a smoke in their winter coats. :)
GT: They're both great! And once more, thank you for letting me use your art as an icon.
What are some of the other people in the fandom you admire?
Anyone goes, not only here either, and not just artists.
S: You are very welcome. :))
Oh, there are so many talented people out who make the fandom such a special place. Let me think for a second.
Art wise I’m in love with Lulu‘s (@luluxa​) painting. The way she colors her pieces is absolute art goals. So very impressive. Also she adds so many details and makes it such an experience to look at her art. Phenomenal!c❤️ I also adore Mitchell’s (@psychicskulldamage​) art! His chibi comics are sooooo freaking adorable and funny! The style is also so unique and it brings me so much joy whenever he shares something new. ☺️💓
Another huge inspiration and talent I admire is Gray (@gallavichy​). Her stories just go straight to my heart and I have taken a lot of inspiration for drawings from her stories. The emotions she inflicted in me with her writing is unbelievable.
There are so many more ppl who needs to be mentioned but these three immediately come to mind. :)
GT: When did you first start watching Shameless?
S: I started back in 2014, when season 4 aired.
GT: And what attracted you to Ian and Mickey's relationship?
S: Well, first of all, the chemistry between Noel and Cam is just sooo good and they are both so amazing together. It’s so much fun to see them together on screen. I fell in love with Ian and Mickey’s teasing, bickering and how they fought so hard at such a young age to be together, in whatever way they could be at certain times. The connection they shared, even if they were apart and couldn’t be with each other, it was always obvious to them that they were each other’s person though. And that fascinated me and I was in deep. :’)
GT: Did you join the fandom right away? How was the fandom back then different from now?
S: Omg it’s been so long. 😂 I was still very much into Spartacus at the time and only sloooooowly stepped into shameless. But the fandom was immediately so very welcoming and supportive, I was in deep quickly. lol I would say the fandom hasn’t changed much? At least from what I experienced. Still lots of amazing art, stories, discussions and memes going around, next to ppl fighting tooth and nail about certain topics. 😅 We are a lot of very passionate people, so it never gets boring. 😆❤️
GT: Truly.
You mentioned the fandom being welcoming and supportive. Have the comments on your art always been positive?
S: Surprisingly, yes! The art I made during s4-5 for shameless is still my most popular shameless related stuff, if we take a look at the notes at least. It really blew my mind.
GT: Let's go back to Shameless. What's your favorite season of the show?
S: I would have to say season 4. It was just phenomenal. From the acting, to the story telling, to the whole mood of the season. I was just so invested in everyone's storyline. Frank and his failing liver, Fiona in jail and how she endangered Liam, Debs slowly becoming a young woman, SHEILA, even Sammi was fun to watch and her storyline with Frank really got to me, how she showered him and was there to bring his drinking buddies from the alibi to Sheila’s house when he was too weak to make it there on his own. Of course I don’t have to mention how brilliant yet gut wrenching Ian and Mickey’s journey throughout the season was. Just chefs kiss on all fronts.
GT: I just love Sheila.
Do you have a favorite episode and/or scene?
S: I mean my fav episode has to be 10.12. :)
GT: I think we all collectively died when we watched that!
What did you think of the ending? 
S: Tbh, yes. As far as it concerns only Mickey and Ian. (I didn’t like all the endless open endings for everyone else though) Their future looks so bright right now. I couldn’t ask for more. I’m sure they will have a good, sweet life together. <3
GT: Do you have any headcanons for their future?
S: I’m sure, they will expand their business as they mentioned in 11.10. Hire some guys, buy more cars and so on. I could imagine them each doing something different later on though and only function as the bosses of the transport business. I hope Ian can work in the EMT, nurse field again somehow? And as for Mickey, I could see him do more with his passion for art. Maybe he will work as a tattoo artist himself one day. 😆❤️
GT: I agree, I'd also love for Ian to go back to being an EMT, he was actually good at it. And hell yes to tattoo artist Mickey!
S: Other than that I think they will eventually move back to the South Side again, maybe buy a house? And I hope they are gonna travel together once their probation is over. See the world and everything it has to offer. :’) Maybe visit Mandy, wherever she is and then Fiona in Florida.
GT: I so wish they'd at least mentioned Mandy again!
If you could go back and change one thing in canon, what would it be?
S: I think I wouldn’t change anything? Well, obviously I wish I could undo any harm ever done to them, but that’s not how it works. Yea, I think I wouldn’t change a thing storytelling wise. I would have wanted to see them on THE date. No matter which season but it would have been some nice fanservice if they had shown them at sizzlers or something else on a date. ☺️
Okay wait.
Ian sleeping with that woman in season 7. Cause I think he was always sure about his sexuality and it was kind of unnecessary? (You could maybe link it back to his bipolar and him being kinda already a bit unbalanced after the fight with Caleb and maybe his meds didn’t work properly anymore, but even then I’m not that sure he would have done it?)
GT: What's the most challenging thing about creating fanart about them?
S: It’s the coloring for me. I can do lineart for hours and hours but once it’s time for color I’m like …lmao
GT: And what's the most fun part?
S: Oh definitely the hair.❤ I loooooove drawing hair. And Ian's and Mickey's are kinda unique, which makes it even more fun. 😊
GT: What are your favorite themes of tropes to draw?
S: Uh, I don’t have any? 😳
GT: Hahah, that's ok. Great, actually. But are there any themes or tropes you won't do?
S: Uh, I dunno…do you have examples of what kind of tropes are out there?😅
GT: Well, for instance, I know you didn't use to make smut art until very recently. What made you decide to go for it? (not that we're complaining)
S: Ah, i get it now. Well, I’m still very picky about nsfw stuff. I usually prefer to leave some things to the imagination, you know. But i kinda got bored a bit, drawing always the same kinda stuff and you can learn so much about anatomy if you draw ppl being intimate with each other! 😆 So yea,i learnt once again to never say never.
GT: Hahah
About about future works. Do you have any WIPs or ideas for future art?
S: I have a few things I wanna draw (but so little time.) I also work on a fun commission right now. If ppl are interested in WIPS or something like that, I sometimes post WIP stuff on my twitter. :)
GT: Nice to know!
Same as here right, @steorie?
S: Yes. :)
GT: Speaking of, I meant to ask you, why steorie? Is it a combination of your name and something else?
S: Haha yes, actually. 😅 it’s so lame. I always made a typo when writing my name on the keyboard when I was younger and Steph most often became Steo. The rie got added cause I liked the sound of it. 😂😂😂
GT: Well, it's definitely unique!
That's about it, love! Thank you so much for being the first in this series!
Leave a message to your numerous fans.
(I'm not joking btw)
S: Thank u so very much for reaching out and having this fun chat with me. :)
Just thanks to everyone for the constant support over the years. I read each and every tag and comment you guys leave on my stuff! Thank you, thank you! ♡
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mortedeveles · 4 years
Model For Me
Summary: Y/N has always been a timid, awkward person and artist when it comes to social interactions and it only gets worse when she asks her crush and best friend, Katsuki Bakugou, to model for her. And not just any type of modelling; Y/N needs to do a composition of a nude male body. Luckily for her, Katsuki's personality is anything but shy and he doesn't hesitate to undress in front of her. It's for art, he says. But something tells Y/N that the boy has hidden and devious intentions. 
Genre: fluff, humor, suggestive content (a wee bit of NSFW themes)
TW: cursing, sexual themes, nudity.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!artist!reader
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a/n: this was originally going to be a oneshot but it was too long to be 1 oneshot, so the chapters will be rather short (1k-2k) but all of it together would be too long for a oneshot so it’s staying as a short story. i have two pointers for this short series!
1- reader is not white in this oneshot!  (i don’t specify reader being white in others, but skin color isn’t usually mentioned) (i’m using the term poc since i’m not sure what else to use) nationality or ethnic background won’t be stated so feel free to employ your own! this isn’t really relevant tbh but i just wanted to clear it up in case someone got confused.
2- reader’s best friend here is Aneko! i would’ve used (F/N) but it would have been more troublesome so i decided to name the friend! 
Copyright © 2020-2021 by Veles. Do not repost, plagiarize, or read my fanfiction without my permission. 
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''This month's assignment is human anatomy,'' your teacher stated. She walked around in the cramped classroom, holding a beautifully drawn painting of the nude female body to her chest. 
Even though your classes weren't high end or expensive, you were still at awe at how talented your teacher was, especially since the classes were held in a small recreational center that was on the poor end. Since the classes were cheap, you would've thought that the art teacher would be inexperienced or an amateur. Sometimes you wondered how an artist like her didn't have more recognition.
''Since I'm familiar with all of your abilities and weaknesses, each of you will have a specific kind of rules,'' she said. She passed the papers around the rectangular table and once you got your hands on your copy, your face paled.
The bold words GENDER: MALE stared back at you as you swallowed nervously.
While you weren't shy or timid around the opposite gender, having to sketch a naked guy with his dick out sounded... unpleasant.
Your eyes only widened as you continued to read the rest of the rules.
The assignment must be done in a live session with the model, do NOT use images or any other type of resources.
Male must have a muscular and athletic body.
Preferably, the model should be in a position in which they are using their quirk. 
Medium: charcoal.
The model must be drawn with the background as well. This assignment also includes a linear perspective. 
You slowly raised your hand as you bounced your thighs nervously with the tip of your toes. The teacher raised an eyebrow and beckoned you to speak.
''Ma-Ma'am, is it necessary to do the assignment with a nude male model? Can I change it?'' You said nervously.
You could hear your friend snicker beside you and you elbowed her in the stomach without glancing, keeping your eyes on the art teacher. A soft 'ouch!' was heard from your left. 
She sighed in response and stared at you through her glasses.
''Yes, Y/N. Everyone received different requirements. I will revise the progress every three days and I expect the project to be done by the end of the month. Remember that this assignment won't be done in class, so try your best and remember to use your knowledge to your advantage.''
You nodded and ducked your head, swallowing nervously. Who would you even ask to model for you? Money was tight at the moment, you were too broke to hire a model. And besides, most of your money would go to the art supplies you needed to restock on for the assignment.
''Aww, is the baby too shy to see a guy naked?'' your friend's teasing voice made you snap back to reality. Pouting, you turned to face her evil grin and stick out your tongue at her.
''Shut up, Aneko... I'm not shy! I've just never...well...'' you stammered, fiddling with your hands.
Aneko smiled smugly in response as she lowered her head to meet your nervous gaze,
''Never what...?'' 
You shook your head in response, refusing to admit that you'd never seen a naked guy. Scratch that, you had, through a screen of course, but being in the same room as a naked guy...? Nope. Hell, it was a rare occasion for you to be alone in a room with a boy. But staying with a naked boy?! You sighed. You can already feel the headache forming. 
The teacher's firm voice snapped you out of it. ''Very well. The class is over. I'll see you all next week. Have a great weekend!'' 
Everyone rose from their seats, stashing away their art supplies and heading out of the small classroom. You stayed behind with your best friend Aneko, chatting about nonsense.
''So, who are you going to ask model?'' she said casually, stuffing her can of spray inside her ratty backpack.
''I don't know...'' you mumble. ''I don't really think I'm close enough with any guy to ask him to model for me...''
''Don't say that!'' Aneko chided. ''Well.. there is one person you can ask....'' she grinned at you as the two of you walked out of the classroom.
You furrowed your eyebrows at her words. Who was she talking about? From all the boys you knew, someone who was a male had an athletic build and a flashy or useful quirk, you'd say it would be...
Katsuki Bakugou.
Suddenly, you froze in the middle of the hallway. Aneko raised her eyebrows and she stopped as well, questioning your actions.
Thank god for your dark skin, otherwise, Aneko would've noticed you were blushing. She tugged your hand and urged you forward. But nope, once his name had surfaced, you were frozen. Thoughts of undressing your friend Katsuki were all over your mind, making you feel more flustered with every passing minute. 
''Y/N, is something wrong? Why are you...'' she trailed off and her voice died down. But a devious grin rose from her lips and something told you that she knew exactly what you were thinking.
''Ohhh. Naughty Y/N! You're thinking about him, aren't you?! Asking Bakugou, your big, fat crush to be na-'' her next words were muffled violently as you pressed a hand against her mouth and with the other one, grabbed her ear and dragged her out of the run down the recreational center. 
Aneko was screeching in protest, but her noises were muffled by your hand, keeping a firm grip around her. Once the two of you were outside of the center and no one was around to hear, you dropped your hand, grimacing when you saw that Aneka had tried biting you. Several times.
''Ouch, ouch! Why'd you do that?'' she grumbled, rubbing her sore ear.
''Don't say that when we're in public!'' you hissed, rubbing your warm cheeks.
''Even though he's still a student, Katsuki Bakugou gets a lot of attention from the media! Not to mention, I'm a U.A student too! If someone heard a word of this, who knows what they would've done with it! I don't want to be part of a teenage scandal!"
''Sorry...'' your friend mumbled as she glanced towards the ground. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
''It's okay, Anne, just please be more careful next time,''
Aneko smiled sheepishly and gave you a thumbs up. You smiled and shook your head in disbelief and the two of you began to walk home.
''Do you really think I should...ask Katsuki to model for me?'' you blurted out. Aneko shot you a glance as the two of you crossed the road and continued walking forwards.
''I think Bakugou is the type of person that will never back down from a challenge,'' your friend said. ''And besides, he'll probably agree so you don't ask another guy to strip for you. He'll get really mad.'' she snickered.
You gasped and you felt the familiar warmth travels across your face. Squeezing your eyes shut for a moment, you shook your head in denial and frowned.
''No he wouldn't!'' your voice was a pitch higher and what was intended to be harsh, ended up sounding like a harmless squeak. 
Your friend laughed loudly and her laughter turned into relentless wheezing as she bent over her knees and leaned against the wall. Her lips were quirked upwards and her eyes danced with amusement.
''It's so funny seeing you all riled up when I mention your crush,'' she cooed.
Scowling, you stomped away and you were so angry that fumes were basically rolling off your body. You could hear Aneko's joyful laughter as she picked up her speed and caught up to you. 
You were frowning deeply with your arms crossed, gaze focused anywhere but your cruel, cruel friend.
''Come on babe, don't get upset! You know I say it because I know it's true!'' there was a hint of pride and smugness in her last sentence, making you stop dead in your tracks and point a finger at her.
''You don't know that. He'd never like me...'' you mumbled. ''I'm too awkward and a dumbass to be with someone as confident and loud as him,''
The hope in your heart was quickly extinguished when you realized she was merely joking. Huffing, you shook your head and grabbed her by the ear, dragging her all the way home, though she kept complaining and whining the entire time. 
''Don't you get it?'' the look in her eyes was sincere. Slowly, you could feel a hint of hope growing in your heart. ''You guys are a perfect combination!''
''He's a tough and strong grunting caveman and you may be a dumbass, but you're his dumbass,'' she cooed. ''He'll protect you from anything!''
''Please don't tease me a lot of that,'' you spoke up once you had reach your door. Your gaze drifted to your doorknob. ''I know you don't mean any harm but...it just makes my hopes get up. And in the end, it never works out. And I just get myself hurt for no reason.'' You smile at Aneko's pained expression and opened your door.
''I'll see you later, Anne. Take care and don't forget to text me once you get home, okay?''
Your friend nodded mindlessly and walked away, sending you a final wave. You waved back, smiling softly. Once she was out of your sight, you closed the door and leaned against it. With your phone in your hands, you shakily texted a risky message.
Katsuki had been your friend since the beginning of U.A, since you were quick to befriend him, despite his violent and rude attitude. You didn't mind. It was funny and endearing seeing him react to the smallest of things.
Y/N: hey katsuki, can you stay behind after school tomorrow? i have something to ask you.
Once you had hit SEND, you threw your phone on your couch, a giddy smile on your face as you spun and looked like a clown for a few moments until you calmed down. Sending the message had sent a surge of adrenaline and confidence into your heart. 
Maybe Aneko was joking, but if you were up to the task, you could get closer to Katsuki. And if you were lucky, you'd score a date with him. 
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Copyright © 2020-2021 by Veles. Do not repost, plagiarize, or read my fanfiction without my permission.
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jeon-googi · 4 years
Winter Bear
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— pairing: Photographer!Taehyung X Artist!Reader
 — genre: Slice of life, Romance
— words: 4k
— rating: SFW
— warnings: none~
— notes: I think this may be my favorite one so far, I kind of just woke up last night and started writing and tbh I’m really happy with the outcome. I hope you all like it as well 
You hadn’t exactly noticed him at first. You mean, at your small arts college you were well into your third year and could name almost everyone by now. Yet somehow in the corner of the class, one nameless student sat. His hair was shaggy and it covered his eyes and most often his clothes were oversized, making his hands look like small paws as he fiddled with his camera. His camera seemed to be the one thing permanently stuck to his body as you noticed, it never left his hands. In class as the professor would demonstrate, you notice rather than looking with his own eyes, he liked to look through the eyes of the camera lense instead, as if it somehow made more sense to him this way. 
You found all this out from one class period. Soon the professor dismissed the class and you began to slowly pack your belongings, still captivated by the nameless boy. He too quickly packed up his belongings, a canvas tote with some sketch pads and his pencils, and left with his camera in hand. Now you wouldn’t consider yourself a stalker so to say, but he most definitely caught your attention. Leaving the classroom only a few paces behind him, you kept a discreet eye on him, as he floated through the halls of the art building. He liked to stop occasionally, at windows, and peer through the camera. You figured he was taking photos, as he would pull back and glance at the screen, either a slight scowl or a neutral look on his face. You followed for as long as you could, before he reached the large stairs leading to the roof. There was no way you could follow without suspicion so you turned around quickly and left down the hall, unaware of the camera angled back at you, the gleam in the photographer's eye as he captured the way your hair moved in the sunlight. 
Your second day of classes noticing the camera boy went as uneventful as the first one, but today, you learned his name was Taehyung. 
“Taehyung, how does the composition of this painting make you feel the artist's emotions?”
Your ears perked up at the mention of his name as you glanced at him from across the classroom, Taehyung deep in thought as he toyed with the strap of his camera. He seemed to be deep in thought as he stared at his desk, but soon enough his head shot up to look at the board. 
“The composition isn’t what makes you feel the emotion, it resides with the colors.”
Your eyes widened a bit, you weren’t expecting his voice to be so deep. Your teacher nodded in agreement, “Good I am glad you caught on. See class this painting in particular-” 
The rest of the lecture droned on for you, but you couldn’t help but be so curious about Taehyung. You hands absentmindedly sketched down every aspect you watched, the profile of his face, his hands, the hair in his eyes. To be quite honest, you weren’t expecting to feel so inspired. 
‘Maybe it’s a sign…’ you thought, as the class ended and everyone began to pack up their things. The teacher had written on the board the final date for your classes end of the year exhibition, and so far, this boy in class was the only thing striking your creative nerve. Making sure you threw everything into your bag, you mustered up enough courage to quickly make your way over to him. Up close, he still didn’t even acknowledge your presence fixated on his notes in front of him,  until you gently tapped him on the shoulder, shaking him from his daze. 
“Um hey?” You smiled, gripping the strap of your tote bag nervously. He stared at you wide eyed as he nodded a greeting back to you. 
“I know this is a little embarrassing, but I’m Y/n...and I was wondering if for my exhibition, you would model for me?” You asked quickly, your heart pounding in your chest. “You see..I’ve been in quite a rut lately and well, right now your kind of like...my muse?” You explained, trying not to sound like a weirdo. You dug through your bag quickly and pulled out the few pages you had sketched and laid them out on the table before him. “I mostly focus on sketches and charcoal, so I wouldn’t need too much of your time...” 
Taehyung’s eyes carefully scanned over your work, his hands lightly brushing the lines on the page as he recognized them as his own. His eyes went a little wide as he stared back at you. “You really...want to sketch me for your final grade?” He asked, almost in disbelief. You nodded vigorously. “Yes!”
He smiled a bit at your excitement before collecting your sketches and passing them back to you. “Alright, I guess I’ll do it then.” You really couldn't contain your excitement as you thanked him fervently. You both planned to meet after classes on select days of the week, after all, you didn’t want to take up too much of his time since you knew he would also need to prepare for his final project as well. You used an old classroom on the third floor of the art building that never was used anymore, so you made it your own personal studio. You couldn’t lie, you were nervous. After all, it would be your first time alone with Taehyung. As you began to set up your easel and supplies, the door softly creaked open. Taehyung's head appeared through the door, giving you a boxy smile when he saw you. 
“Hey Taehyung!” You smiled, pulling out the last few pieces of your supplies. He entered the room, dressed in a black turtleneck and denim jacket, a small pair of glasses resting gently on his face. He was handsome. That was easy enough, but there was some sort of poeticness to everything he did, from the way he fidgeted with a ring on his finger, or how he fixed his hair. You were utterly captivated by Kim Taehyung. 
“I’ll just have you take a seat, and I’ll start the first round of sketches.” you instructed, pointing him in the direction of the chair. He nodded and sat down quickly, his hands placed in his lap. You tapped your pencil to your lip gently as you examined his position. “You look just a little too...stiff. How about we try this?” You walked over to the chair, motioning him to stand up. Quickly you flipped the chair around, sitting with the back against your chest, resting your head on your arms with your fingers gently dangling. 
“I think this will be most comfortable for you, and I will get the points I want.” You smiled. Taehyung nodded as he mimicked your position on the chair, glancing at you to make sure he got it right. “Perfect.” you smiled and began to sketch. The silence at first was awkward, more so for Taehyung as he had nothing to do except not move. You realized this a little too late into the session and felt bad immediately. 
“So Taehyung...what program are you in right now?” you asked, glancing at him from behind the easel.
“Photography.” he answered simply, moving his eyes so he could look at you a little bit better. You cocked your head as you looked back at your sketch. “If you are in the photography program, why are you in the painting class then?” You asked curiously. “I realized I had never seen you before so I was curious.” you added. He nodded, “Well it’s all relative isn’t it? I like understanding the emotions of painting so I could replicate it in my photography.” You nodded in understanding as you placed your tools down, stretching your arms out. “That does make sense. Maybe you are a genius Kim Taehyung.” you teased as you stood up, grabbing a water for yourself and one for him as well. He gratefully took the drink as he stretched his arms out, groaning from the stiffness of his body. You pulled a chair up next to him and slumped down exhausted. “That should be enough for today. It’s already looking like how I pictured.” You admitted, wiping your hands clean on your jeans. Taehyung smiled politely, “I’m glad I could be of some help to you.” You watched him carefully, excited at the opportunity to see him so close. “What do you think you're going to do for your final project?” You asked, standing up so you could start packing up your belongings. Taehyung gave a shrug, “I started a few different portfolios throughout the year, I’m just not sure which one I will use.” You nodded in understanding. “What do you like to photograph the most then?” Taehyung thought for a moment as he helped clean up. “People probably. I like seeing what others can’t.” You bit back a smile at his remark. “How very philosophical Taehyung.” You grinned as he chuckled sheepishly. “Well why do you like sketching? Specifically me?” He asked with a cheeky smile. You rolled your eyes as you took the paper off your easel, rolling it up into your tote. “Don’t flatter yourself, you just happened to be there when my inspiration struck.” Both of you laughed as you finished cleaning and locking up the room behind you. “See you next time!” You smiled as you gave him a wave goodbye. Taehyung nodded his goodbye as he left down the other end of the hall. 
That night you stared at the sketch. 
“It really doesn’t capture enough of...him.” You decided as you examined it closely. Sure, you captured his anatomy to the best of your ability but it didn’t scream Kim Taehyung. You started closely at the fine lines of his hands before you realized what was missing. 
The next session, Taehyung positioned himself in his original spot, but cocked his head as he heard your request. 
“My camera…?” 
You nodded, “The sketch is fine but it’s missing some sort of… Taehyung essence if you will.” You explained. “You always have your camera with you, I think that would help in my sketch.” Taehyung nodded, listening to your explanation. He stood up to go to his bag on the nearby table, rummaging through it until the silver device appeared. Putting himself back into the same position but now, from his hand dangled the camera. You stared transfixed on him, now this was exactly what you were missing. Starting to work you quickly sketched the camera into his hand, relishing in the new soul within your piece. Focused on your work, you didn’t even notice his finger moving until his camera shuttered and flashed. You glanced over at him, a mischievous smile on his face. “My hand slipped.” You rolled your eyes as you continued your work, “So Taehyung, you like to photograph people. Who are your favorite people to photograph?” 
You could see his eyes flit back and forth as he thought of an answer. “My friends. They inspire me a lot.” He admitted as you nodded to encourage him to continue. He started to name off his group, Jimin and Hoseok from the dance program, and Jungkook who was also in photography. Yoongi from music production. Namjoon from political science and Jin from management. “We’ve all been friends since freshman year.. I’m not sure what I would do without them.” His words were so earnest and full of love it made you feel a bit emotional towards these people you never met. “They sound like really great people Taehyung.” You smiled, setting down your charcoal and wiping your hands on your pants. “We can take a break now.” You smiled, walking back over to him. He smiled his thanks as he stretched out from the chair, groaning with pleasure. 
The sunlight shone in from the large window at the front of the classroom, golden dust particles dancing in the air between you two. The sun caressed Taehyung's face gently, casting him in a golden glow. Smiling you glanced away, your heart fluttering gently. “Thanks for taking the time to pose for me. How about we go get some lunch? My treat?” You offered, collecting your bag from off of the floor. Taehyung nodded, “Sounds perfect.” As he collected his own belongings. Leaving the room you both made your way outside onto your school's campus, the trees swaying gently in the spring breeze. You both found out you loved coffee and pastries, loved reading and watching movies, and enjoyed the same music. There was a cafe nearby and you two took some seats on the patio across from each other. Taehyung quickly pulled out his camera and started looking through the lense at the scenery before him. 
“Why do you do that?” You asked, sipping on your coffee. He glanced at you with a raised eyebrow, “Do what?” You motioned to the camera, “You always just look through the lense, you’re not even taking pictures” He glanced at his camera and made an ah sound. “Well you never know when the perfect picture could happen. I like to look around and see if anything looks worth shooting-” He resumed his position of looking through his camera before abruptly turning it to you, quickly capturing a photo. You looked at him bewildered as he glanced at the preview on the screen. “Perfect…” He mumbled with a smile, his eyes glancing up to yours. The blush on your face was immediate as you huffed it off, taking a sip of your coffee. Taehyung grinned as well, not taking his eyes off of you and you quickly changed the subject. 
Before you knew it, it was the end of the semester, only a few more days before your final exhibition. You were so excited to finally be able to relax and take a break but soon you also realized, you only had one more sketch session with Taehyung. Over the course of the last few weeks, the two of you grew close. The air seemed to change between you two during the last few sessions, Taehyung's eyes somehow always finding yours and when you would call him over to see your work, he would lean in close, one hand one the back of your chair and his face close to yours. After sessions you would stare at your work, a twinge of sadness creeping into your mind. 
The last session with Taehyung came quick. You found yourself slowly setting up this time around, your hands lingering on the easel and on the paper before you. You almost didn’t even hear the door open before Taehyung crept in. 
“Are you excited Y/n?” He asked with a smile, taking his seat in the center of the room. You cocked your head before he laughed softly, “It’s our last session, your project will be done soon!” Your smile faltered a bit before you were able to nod your head excited, “I’m ready for a break! How about you? Your portfolio coming along?” You two chatted and discussed while you began your warm up sketch, the daylight casting long shadows throughout the room. Before you knew it, the room was starting to grow dark. 
‘No...no, no, no.’ As quick as it began, your last session with Taehyung had to end. 
“Wow Y/n these are amazing. I can’t wait to see the final project!” He smiled at you, collecting his belongings. You nodded quietly, rolling up the paper into your bag. It was all too much. You didn’t realize how much you enjoyed his company, how quickly he became a constant in your life. You didn't realize a few tears started falling past your lashes, and Taehyung's demeanor changed quickly. Placing his bag on the nearest table he jogged over to you, your head hanging low as you gripped your tote. 
“Y/n, Y/n what's wrong?” He asked concerned, his hand gently reaching for your face, gently lifting your face to his. 
“I-t’s nothing…” You sniffled, trying to wipe your face quickly. Taehyung shook his head, “No what is wrong? You wouldn’t be crying if you were fine.” He said softly, his thumb gently tracing soothing patterns on your cheeks. 
‘How can I tell him?’
‘Does he feel the same way?’
Your eyes glanced towards the floor before putting on a fake smile, “I’ve just grown so used to seeing you, I’m sad I won’t see my friend as often.”
Taehyung watched carefully as he lowered his hands, “Ah...well were still going to be friends. We can see each other soon.” He said with a smile, “But don’t be sad because of that. Let's get going.” 
You couldn’t tell exactly what happened, but Taehyung's demeanor dropped. Mentally punishing yourself for making things awkward you two parted ways in the hall, giving one last wave to each other. It felt as though you were leaving something important behind, but he was right, you could see him anytime, after all he even said you were friends. But that was the issue. In your room, you flopped onto your bed staring at your ceiling.
You didn't want to be friends with him. 
You were in love with Kim Taehyung. 
The day of your final exhibition was here, and you stood in the classroom carefully arranging your sketches on your display. The class was set up in a museum style, allowing everyone to browse around and visit each other's works, you were even allowed to invite people from other classes. You smiled as some friends came over to see your work before you paused, hearing an all to familiar voice. 
“Jungkook bring them in here!”
Taehyung entered the room,  his gray sweater rolled up at the sleeves and a brown coat in his hands. A tall boy entered the room, carrying a large easel.
“Namjoon has the other prints, and Jimin and the others are on their way.” ‘Jungkook’ said, placing the large easel down with ease. 
‘So that’s Jungkook…’ you thought with a smile, watching the two interact like siblings. Your heart sped up as Taehyung caught your eye, saying something quickly to Jungkook and waving your way. Jungkook turned around as well, giving you a friendly nod. You waved back shyly before returning to arranging your sketches. 
Soon the class started, and the chatter and mingling began. A lot of people gave you praise for your work, loving the different poses and points you chose to work on. You smiled as you waved off their praise before a deep voice interrupted your conversations.
“You’re Y/n?”
You looked up, a taller individual looking at you. 
“Yeah I am? You are..?”
“Namjoon.” He smiled looking at your work. “You really drew a lot of great pictures of our Tae.” He said, your eyes widening at his compliment. 
“He was a great model, I’m really lucky he accepted my offer.” Namjoon nodded as he listened to you, “Have you gone to check his portfolio out yet?” he asked. You shook your head, confused. Namjoon smiled as he covered his mouth trying to hold back a laugh. “Well I think you should, he worked really hard and would appreciate your feedback.” You nodded, excusing yourself from the conversation to find Taehyung's table. His booth was laid out neatly, a single binder on the table. In elegant cursive the name of the portfolio was on the front of the book.
Winter Bear.
Turning the first page you smiled, it was indeed full of candid photos of his friends, all in places they seemed to love. Jungkooks photos were of him in nature and with other friends, Hoseoks was on the dance floor,  Jimins at the beach. You were filled with a sense of youth and nostalgia, your eyes watering at the blatant love Taehyung had for his friends. You bit back a smile at a conversation with him that rushed to your mind
 “What do you like to photograph the most then?” Taehyung thought for a moment as he helped clean up. “People probably. I like seeing what others can’t.” 
Turning the last few pages you realized there were a few extra photos at the end, and some of them struck a vaguely familiar. There was a figure sitting in a chair, a hand delicately reaching towards an easel, the face was focused on the art before them. You paused, staring closer at the work. Was that..you? You quickly looked at the other photos and indeed there was no denying it, the last individual in Taehyung's portfolio was you. There was the photo he took of you at the cafe as well as others you didn’t know of. Tons from you in your studio, some from your walks to the cafe, one from the hallway outside of the classroom. You couldn't help your eyes watering as you reached the final page, a simple quote written in the same cursive. 
��All the bad days
They’re nothing to me 
With you
Quickly looking around you searched for his familiar head of hair. Namjoon seemed to notice you looking and you caught a discreet motion to the hallway outside of the class. Giving him a smile, you ran out of the room looking up and down the hall for Taehyung. 
‘Where could he be?’
You started to panic, unable to think of where he would go to before one idea came to mind. It was worth a shot. Quickly heading up the stairs, you ran to your studio, noticing the door slightly ajar. You paused in front of the door, out of breath, before softly sliding it open.
Taehyung was there. His back against the door, leaning against one of the tables in the room, his hand gently tracing over the easel you had used so many times before. 
“Taehyung…” You called, a look of shock on his face as he glanced up at you. 
“Y/n what are you doing here?” He asked, his brows furrowed in confusion. You made your way to him quickly, causing Taehyung to lean back against the table. 
“I saw your...portfolio.” You said out of breath, looking him in the eyes. He seemed to grow a bit shy as he glanced away from you. 
“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you... I hope you’re okay with it it’s just..” He started but stopped, his voice growing soft as he fiddled with his fingers. You quickly reached out your own hand, taking his hand in yours. His eyes grew wide as he stared at you, “It’s just what Tae?” you pressed. 
He let out a shaky breath, “I never wanted to be just friends with you. You inspire me, you make me so happy Y/n but I just...I just didn’t know how to tell you.” He answered, squeezing your hand gently. He looked shocked as you sniffled, your eyes watering. 
“You really like me?” you asked.
Taehyung chuckled as he took his hands back, placing them on your cheeks to wipe your tears away. “Very much.” He whispered as he leaned in closer, placing his lips gently against yours. Your heart was beating so fast you thought it was going to explode as you placed your hands on his, your mouth moving against his. Pulling back you rested your foreheads against each other, basking in the silence of each other. He glanced at you before smiling, “But how did you know I was up here?” You sniffled before laughing as well, “I met Namjoon...he told me.” Taehyung let out a heartfelt laugh, making a mental note to thank him later. Pulling you into his chest, he wrapped his arms around you tightly, placing a kiss on your head. You nuzzled your head deeper into his chest as he smiled, closing his eyes. You two stayed together like this, the sunlight warming your bodies and the golden dust dancing around you two until you left the studio, hand in hand. The door shut gently, putting the room back into a state of slumber. 
You sleep so happily I wish you good night, good night, good night Good night, good night
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rubberduckyrye · 4 years
Hi! Just saw the last ask and now I love Kurochi as well. But w h o i s J a d e n H o l l a n d ?
Okay so Jaden Holland is, well, my OC--he’s from the fangan me and L are making called “Class 49″, though there has been some slight talk about potentially changing the story to be an original one and called “Case 49″ As in, like, a Case Study.
Anyway, in his Danganronpa form, Jaden is the Ultimate Digital Artist
Anyway here’s a link to the Holland Family! Jaden is the one with glasses. Glenn is his older brother, and Jayleen is the girl on the left who is the eldest sister. His mother, Agatha, is on the right. (Also don’t mind Glenn’s hair, I’ve kind of changed the texture recently (Glenn is the tall guy in the middle of the short girl and the other DICE Member with the piercings) and L was happy with it so yeah)
On that note, Glenn Holland is a member of DICE! Which is kind of important to Jaden’s story, because Glenn ran off with the Ouma Twins when he was 11 or 12 (he’s a year younger than the twins so they were 12/13 ish) and that left Jaden in a really bad place. See, his mother is an overworked police officer, and Jayleen not only goes to high school but works too. So that meant Glenn was the sibling Jaden was most attached to, and not only was he gone, but Jaden was left alone to fend for himself. This was the absolute worst timing, because he started getting harassed by bigoted white kids and it turned Jaden from being a shy yet kind of adorable puppy to a quiet, emotionally numb person. It didn’t help that Jaden is partially mute due to being bit on the neck by a stray dog. He survived, but the surgery that saved him also scarred his vocal chords, so he mostly uses sign language to speak. Unfortunately, he tried to befriend some deaf kids who he could talk to, but they were really bitter at him since he wasn’t actually deaf... man Jaden got really outcasted and bullied a lot, plus abandonment issues, poor guy--
At least he has his dancing! Jaden is a really good dancer, and with how classy he typically dresses, you wouldn’t guess he’s really good at break dancing and electro swing and shuffle. He’s a good dancer, and dancing is really fun for him and he can relieve himself of a lot of stress just by doing it. Yet he’s kind of... shy? About his dancing? I haven’t really figured that part out yet though...
Jaden has a really hard time feeling emotions due to having a severe case of apathetic depression due to this harassment, and even if he gained friends in the form of a small group of kids joining together to make a street dancing club, he still had a lot of issues in his early teen years with emotions and feelings.
As you might have guessed, Jaden is a digital artist--he mostly focuses on digital painting, but he can animate, 3D model, and basically any artsy craftsy thing you can do on a computer, he does extremely well. He was scouted to be the Ultimate Digital Artist because he made a short movie with his digital painting, and it looked like it was live action until you realize it was an animation.  Due to his emotional shit, however, he barely felt anything but regret upon getting his letter, as it meant that he had to give up his dancing and leave his friends behind.
In his own killing game, Jaden is an unwilling blackened that wwas forced to kill a specific student. He had the Despair Disease, with the Obedience Disease symptom. So a girl named Olivia (also known as Marie), in her intense grief and rage at the victim for knowingly getting someone she loved killed in the previous chapter, forces Jaden to kill them. Marie also did this because Jaden was the only person who showed any kind of understanding towards Marie’s feelings where as the rest of the class just, forgave the victim pretty quickly. Marie thought that since Jaden was the only good person in that entire shitfest, that he was the only person who deserved to live, and planned on taking the fall for him so he would be able to escape. She even ordered him not to tell the truth so he couldn’t confess.
Unfortunately, Jaden’s “““Crime”““ was found out, and he was voted for as the blackened. He suffers through an execution, Paint Ball Barrage.
In a VRAU setting, Jaden eventually becomes Kurochi’s main love interest and first boyfriend. He genuinely loves Kurochi, and his love for him is sometimes amplified when he can only feel how much he loves Rochi ad nothing else. Kurochi kind of makes Jaden feel alive sometimes, which is. Really something Jaden needs to go deal with with a therapist and he eventually does but you know.
Jaden is Aroflux! Meaning he fluxuates between different aromantic spectrum. He’s mostly Demi romantic, but sometimes is full blown aromantic. Kurochi is totally fine with this, it just means Jaden’s love for him shifts on occasion.
Jaden is also very bi but like, also a demi bi? But nothing can compare to the hilariously named “art boner” he gets when he has inspiration to draw something. Even if his BFs and GFs are trying to be spicy with him, if Jaden sees something he’s gotta draw, he’s gotta draw. Spice can Wait, he needs to Sketch it Now. Stop whining, you’re moving and he needs you to Sit Still as he draws you.
Jaden really likes to draw the people he loves tbh :’D
Anyway that’s a basic rundown of my boy, I love him dearly and I need to actually write him more in fanfictions and not just rps with L :’D L has definitely written more fics with him than I have, orz HE’S MY OWN GOD DAMN OC NDJNDJKSNDAKJ
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alekpixiart · 3 years
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Originally uploaded: May 1, 2017
“These are the first sketches of my Apocalypse World character for the campaign I’m gonna play with @jinxypig at some point (soon-ish?). The design is very inspired by “Le Rolleur” from the movie Subway, hopefully he’ll grow more into being his own person soon, but this is an alright starting point so far. A few character traits (mostly so I can even remember them later, tbh): - Étienne Cohen - 36 years old (May 4th) - DMAB, he/him/his - Class: Angel (basically healer) - Speaks French and English (in our campaign, these languages have been passed down and thus survived), has an occassional nervous stutter. - Squirrely/anxious as hell, but with a kind heart. Will attempt to heal anyone he meets along the way unless they are a direct threat to the party, gets incredibly distraught if he cannot treat them. Very timid, but once he has made a bond, he will protect it no matter the cost. - Freakin’ LOVES dogs. The bigger, the better. - Jewish by culture, but not a practicing member of the faith. Wears a Magen David under his shirt. - Occasionally smokes to calm his nerves, doesn’t drink. - Seems to have a perpetual five o'clock shadow.”
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twdbegins · 4 years
my homie @birdieofloxley wants to know good ol’ #9 (tbh this was like the main one I wanted someone to ask, BUT KEEP SENDING ME QUESTIONS TO MY INBOX) AND I HAD TO DEDICATE A WHOLE POST TO THIS. SO.
Simon’s backstory. I’ve thought a lot about this. Like A LOT. We know very little about everyone’s favorite right-hand man. He know his name is Simon (ofc), he likes gin, he was at one time in charge of the Sanctuary (before Negan), and that he’s maybe slightly psycho because he wiped out all of Oceanside (but we don’t talk about that). Unfortunately, none of these details really give any insight to what Simon was like pre-apocalypse (we don’t even know how OLD HE IS). I’ve spent years dwelling on this and I think I have a few agreeable theories. Feel free to agree or disagree or let me know your ideas! Before I begin, I would like to say that NONE OF THESE THEORIES ARE PROVEN. It’s just simply what I have come up with based on his personality and things of that nature.
Let’s start with his occupation. What the hell did Simon do for a living before running the show with Negan? So, APPARENTLY Simon was a sketchy mortgage broker (whatever the HELL that means) pre-apocalypse. I don’t think that’s been confirmed but FOR SOME REASON THAT SEEMS TO BE THE GENERAL CONSENSUS. But allow me to completely ignore that detail and allow my own thoughts to come forth. He’s a very muscular guy and very much more in touch with his masculine then his feminine side. I highly doubt he was working in an office space or in a desk work environment. I think we can agree that his job was more than likely very hands on and work-you-to-the-bone sort of labor. I originally had the idea of some sort of medical background, perhaps a surgeon or a paramedic. But I scratched that theory because nowhere in the show is that mentioned (and as we all know medical based characters are usually very crucial to the show and is always mentioned). I ended up settling between 2 different job ideas. A car mechanic and a fire fighter. NOW. I have a feeling I’ve caused some brows to raise here. Think about it. Car mechanics definitely get their hands dirty and is very much a male dominated field of work (as is being a fire fighter). Both require strength, agility, intelligence, and a dedication for hard work. While fire fighters have medical training of sorts, it’s nowhere on the level of say an ER doctor. To wrap that section up, I like to think that he was either working on cars or putting out fires.
Moving on. Relationship status. Do I think that Simon had a lover pre-apocalypse? Simple answer. Yes. I tend to think that while he probably wasn’t married, I bet he had a steady girlfriend or possibly a fiancée who was lost sometime after the world fell. I think it definitely hurt him and left him heartbroken. Which is what probably contributed to some of the things he did and his strive for power towards the end of his run. He did the things that he felt would make her proud of him or admire him more than she already did. He was ever so slightly dependent on her, which he would’ve never admitted because, if anything, he’d want it to be the other way around.
Next course. Family life. As sad and dark as it may seem, I feel as if Simon didn’t have any family left. I feel like he had an older sister and a younger brother (Simon SO gives off middle child energy). He understands women (or at least we make it canon that he does) and this is due to the fact that he got to see a lot of the things his sister liked. He often heard her talk about the things that boys did that made her upset or made her happy. To which Simon didn’t realize he took note of and applied to when he started dating. Simon was definitely closer to his younger brother. It was his little guy that he got to teach things to. His ultimate buddy to play in the backyard with. If their sister was having one of her “bad days”, then the dynamics bros would just go off and do something else until she was better. His dad left when he was young and Si never saw him again. This would make him try his absolute hardest to be the best son/boyfriend/husband he could be. Because of this, Simon was a HUGE momma’s boy. Like would do anything for his mom. Which is why he took it so hard when she died. She died when he was in his mid-thirties and just a few years before the apocalypse. He had watched her get sicker and sicker and there was absolutely nothing he could do. That was the hardest part. Not being able to help her or make her feel better. He was an ultimate family man. It was a shame he lost it all so quickly.
On a happier note, let’s talk about Simon’s hobbies! I def think Simon could hold his own in the kitchen. Maybe not on a Bobby Flay level, but Simon could make a mean steak or cheeseburger. He enjoyed thumbing through cookbooks and recipe catalogs to see what new things he could attempt to try and possibly perfect down the line. I also like to think that he could draw. I don’t know why, but I feel as if Simon had some visual art skills that he discovered as a kid. In school, he would often pick up his pencil and doodle little sketches on the corners of his notebook. I don’t think he ever really put a lot of time and effort into it, simply because art wasn’t something he wanted to make a career out of. However, he had 2 or 3 sketch pads that he kept in case inspiration struck.
Education wise, Simon acted like he didn’t care about school, but he actually would freak out if he made below a B. He enjoyed the sciences and math based subjects more than English or literature. He never could quite get the hang of outside-of-the-box thinking that was usually important for literature classes. As far as classroom behavior, it was about a 50/50. Some days he would come in and do his work quietly and be respectful. Other days he would come in talking to his friends and get absolutely nothing done. He was a hit with teachers, so he usually escaped detention. I don’t see him as a high school football player. I’m willing to bet he was a soccer or baseball player. While school was important, I feel as if college wasn’t in the cards for him. He was one of those “college isn’t for me” people (this also ties back to my firefighter theory, considering most of the time a college degree isn’t required to be one).
That’s really all I’ve got and all I’ve ever spent time thinking about. If anybody’s got other ideas, hit me with them because, again, I’m up for debate and possible change of mind.
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Finally finished up Kodi’s profile and a simple character sheet! ( ´ ▽ ` ) Berenice might take a bit longer... most of her first profile was filled with ??? after all...
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Full Profile+Additional Sketches are below!
(Before I get into anything, just wanna say that the main inspiration behind this boi was this one Twitter post about cuttlefish that I found really cute back then  (altho he’s not venomous lol). Plus (・_・;) Youtube recommended me an hour long documentary on the animal, and I ended up watching all of it, so then I became even more attached...)
Full Name: Kodi Sepiama
Name Meaning: Tbh, I just read this sentence from the Wikipedia article on cuttlefish: “The "cuttle" in cuttlefish comes from the Old English name for the species, cudele, which may be cognate with the Old Norse koddi (cushion) and the Middle Low German Kudel (rag)”,and the rest was history; His last name is a combination of the scientific name for the giant cuttlefish (Sepia apama)
Dorm: Octivanelle
Twisted Off Of: Nothing (He’s based off of a cuttlefish though)
Year: 2nd Year
Birthday: April 07 (Aries)
Age: 17 years old
Height: 1.77m/5’10”
Place of Origin: Village of Harvest
Voice Headcanon: Miwa Takahiro
Tends to have delusions of the grandeur when it comes to imagining his ideal school life. A very expressive boy who wears his heart on his sleeve. As a result, he has significant trouble hiding how he feels, both on his face and through his actions. Due to his unique magic Kodi has a very weak presence compared to most people, and, although he’s eager to make friends with everybody, he mostly goes unnoticed by his peers. As with most Octivanelle students, he’s often tasked by Azul with one errand or another, but he manages to keep up a (mostly) optimistic attitude in spite of all his work. 
Will carry out any of Azul’s orders no matter how questionable they may seem, acting as a pawn to the dorm leader’s chess board by gathering info on other students around the school undetected. He’s a smart guy when it comes to academics, but since people like Azul and Riddle are in his grade, his ranking isn’t as high as he would want it to be. His common sense, however, is a different story.
Likes: Akashiyaki, tending to both animals and plants, anything that keeps him busy, basketball, art, buying new watercolor sets, aquariums, his friends, crossing things off his to-do list
Dislikes: The cowardly part of himself, his unique magic, oranges, disappointing others, when people forget about him
Despite being an Octavinelle student, Kodi grew up in an environment where most spent their days tending to the land: The Village of Harvest. The boy was a result of his mother having a romantic summer encounter with a cuttlefish merman on one of her rare trips to the beach, therefore his father wasn’t really in the picture when he was growing up. However, his mother didn’t hold any resentment towards his father, often speaking fondly of the man and the memories she held of him. 
He was raised by his mother and her family on a small farm in the area. Because of this, Kodi never really felt lonely when he was younger, having been surrounded by his many relatives most of his life. It is from them did he learn practical skills when it came to both farming and everyday life, such as how to take care of plants and animals, how to cook healthy meals, etc. The village in general was a tight knit and welcoming community, so it also wasn’t uncommon for Kodi and his cousins to play with the children of other families and even stay over for dinner at different houses once they ran out of steam. One of his best friends was Epel, whom Kodi happily regarded as a little brother figure since most of his cousins were older than him. 
As a child, Kodi was much more stoic than his current self, taking after his mother. It wasn’t as if he were shy or traumatized into being emotionally guarded, but rather it was physically difficult for him to show emotions. His face nor his voice would hardly change regardless of how strong of an emotion he was feeling. It was because of this did some of his peers think he was cold, especially when it came to situations that involved sympathy, but his personality didn’t hurt his reputation that much. 
It is only when his magical abilities began to kick in did Kodi notice a drop in attention being paid to him. Since his unique magic involved blending in with his surroundings, this caused his overall presence to become weaker as well.  Sometimes his friends would forget about him during their games (especially if they were playing hide and seek), other times his relatives would forget to set a plate for him at the dinner table; it wasn’t as if he was forgotten about completely, but these little hiccups really hurt his self esteem. It was because of this did Kodi begin to act out to get a little more attention, but he still went unnoticed. Eventually Kodi gave up and resorted to learning different ways to improve himself. He thought if he worked hard enough in a variety of areas, then surely he will get the recognition he deserves. Maybe he might even get lucky and get to go study at Night Raven College, becoming a famous magician after completing his studies at the magic school. He upped his athleticness by playing basketball with his cousins, created arts and crafts with Epel, and studied hard in school to pass his classes. 
When the carriage came to take him away to NRC, Kodi was overjoyed. Well, it didn’t really show on his face because, :/ y’know, but he was shaking a lot from excitement when they placed him inside his coffin.
He didn’t really think much of which dorm he wanted to be placed in. Despite having little to no expectations, Kodi couldn’t help but be a little surprised when he got sorted into Octavinelle. He was aware of his mother’s encounter with the merman, but he thought she was telling him some sugar coated story to explain the absence of his dad. In fact, he was still skeptical of his mother’s tale until he accidentally fell into the large tank just outside the dorm’s lounge after he was done feeding the fish. Having grown up in a place not near any large bodies of water, Kodi didn’t think he needed to know how to swim, and, boy, did he regret it as he sunk deeper and deeper into the water. He blacked out once he ran out of oxygen, but when he came to, Kodi found himself as a cuttlefish laying on the tank’s floor. It took him an embarrassingly long time to figure out how to turn back into human afterwards.
Kodi came in contact with Azul early in his first year since they had a lot of the same classes, as well as the same dorm, together. However, it wasn’t until the start of his second year did Kodi decide he'd had enough of being ignored and that he wanted to sign a contract with Azul to fix his circumstances. His exact wish involved being able to express his emotions more freely as he believed that was the root of his problem. Azul agreed to help him out so long as Kodi did him a little favor that would “better acquaint him with the students on campus”. Thinking nothing of Azul’s vague wording, Kodi accepted his offer and became the overly expressive boi he is today. In exchange, he was to gather information on all the students on campus and create a basic profile on each person that was to be put into a catalogue held by Azul, just so this octopus man knew the type of clients he was going to be dealing with. For the first time, Kodi felt what it was like for fear to contort his face. 
As of now, Kodi wears two mood bracelets around his wrists as physical proof of his contract. The bracelets change colors depending on what mood he’s in, but he tries to hide them under his sleeves out of embarrassment (you could still see how he feels on his face tho… ( ̄^ ̄) ). In addition to bending to Azul and the Leech brothers’ whims, he found himself helping out in a little smuggling business within the school, sneaking in certain outside goods that are hard to get on campus through a network of students. Kodi was assigned to deliver the packages in a secretive way, usually using his unique magic to his advantage. At first he was skeptical to join, but after being convinced that it wasn’t technically against school rules and that it wouldn’t take up much of his time, Kodi was on board with the idea. 
Kodi also tried to keep in touch with Epel once the latter joined NRC, but the first year often regards him with disdain, thinking he’s become less cool when he entered his second year. But they’re still decent friends and sometimes have lunch together when their schedules match up. Kodi has attempted to befriend Majid due to him being a first year like Epel, visiting Scarabia to have a chat with him every once and awhile. Majid initially tried to reject him, but eventually became placated when Kodi began to bring snacks he made whenever he came to visit. Kodi doesn’t know how to act around Berenice and is lowkey kind of scared of her since she’s part ghost. He still acts friendly enough towards her though.
(Side Note: I kinda came up with his story before playing Chapter 3, and I’m not entirely sure what would happen to Kodi after all of (・_・;) that happened with all of the other students’ contracts. If Kodi’s contract had the same fate, his mood bracelets would probably become inactivated and go back to those cheap ones you get at souvenir shops. Kodi would still be expressive as always, yet would go back to having his old RBF when he’s not thinking about anything in particular. Or we could pretend that his contract was forgotten about in the chaos ( ̄∇ ̄) continuing with the running theme of him being forgotten…).
Unique Magic (Hide-Away): This ability enables Kodi to seamlessly take upon the appearance of his surroundings, whether it involves becoming a part of the wall or a large potted plant. His generally weak presence enhances this ability as well. He has tried to imitate the appearances of other people, however, his unique magic doesn’t seem to accomodate for that type of mimicry. :’) Back to being a part of the wall he goes.
Cuttlefish Transformation: Due to being a quarter cuttlefish, he can only become fully human or fully cuttlefish. There is no in between. Gets kind of jealous whenever he sees Jade and Floyd switch into their merman forms during their visits to The Sea of Corals. Sometimes customers can catch a glimpse of cuttlefish Kodi swimming around the huge tank in Mostro Lounge, testing out his recently discovered form. 
Stunning Hypnosis: Doesn’t really use this ability until he’s forced to. Whenever Kodi finds he’s in a tough situation, he can make his eyes mimic the hypnotic light show cuttlefish would normally display on their skin, his irises quickly shifting between different colors as he does so. This ability temporarily stuns his victim for about one to five minutes, giving him enough time to do whatever he needs to do.   
He had curled all his hair for his high school debut, but somehow half of it got flattened during his time in the coffin on his way to NRC. Kodi tried to frantically fix it before the entrance ceremony in the bathroom until a random upperclassman complimented his “daring” hairstyle. He was so flattered that he kept doing his hair like that for the rest of the year. 
Both Jade and Floyd tend to tease him about him not being able to turn into a merman. It didn’t bother him that much until they started tossing him around in his cuttlefish form like some terrified beach ball on one of their ocean visits. 
Was tempted to join the Magishift club at first but decided otherwise when he fell off his broom in the first meeting. No one noticed, but he was embarrassed all the same. Switched over to the basketball club because he was more familiar with the sport. (*wheeze* kodi no basuke) 
The shirt he wears with his Octavinelle uniform was given to him by his grandmother, saying that he would look so nice and sophisticated wearing it at school; he was personally reluctant to take it at first, but you can’t say no to grandmama
He so desperately wants to be relied upon that he’s willing to do almost anything to gain others’ respect; this often leads him to being a huge pushover tho
Can be scarily protective over the people he cares about; works from the background to make sure offenders get some kind of karma for what they’ve done
A good majority of his peers and upperclassmen who he knew in his first year became genuinely concerned when Kodi did a complete 180 in his second year; some worried he hit his head the wrong way and offered to take him to the hospital; others just gradually  accepted this new Kodi; besides, it’s nice to see a huge smile finally cross his face when he gets excited about something for once
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What I Got
request: Hi!! I'd like to say I whole heartedly enjoy all of your writings and was wondering if you could possibly make a snape x artist! reader! Maybe through out their years at Hogwarts they'd doodle in his class because they always finish their work quickly and did really well? He always hangs them up in his classroom and it makes the reader really flustered that he likes them ? Basically all the fluff in this one haha
Warning: none tbh, slight teacher x student if you squint, favoritism
Note: this was so cute to write :’))) I care so much for this teacher who I kinda “dedicated” this to lmao
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You sat on your chair, leaning over the cauldron of you and Hermione’s potion. Currently in Potions class, you were brewing Wideye Potion. It was fairly simple, Snape deciding it was an easy day today. Hogwarts and everyone in it had started to run on low fuel, and considering it was Friday, everyone agreed it should be an easy day.
While Hermione and you finished, you leaned down and grabbed your notebook from your bag. Hermione giggled, “already?”
You hummed, “the ingredients seem to be in a different order today. Gives me something to draw for him.”
Hermione leaned over your shoulder as you began to shift your pencil over the paper, taking shape of the corner of Snape’s room where the ingredients were. “Are his pictures of you and him together not enough?” Hermione asked, making your face flush red.
You gave Hermione a glance, “I consider us besties.”
That being said, the young muggle let out a laugh but covered it with a cough. “I cannot believe you just called Severus Snape your bestie.”
As the words left her mouth, the both of you laughed together, realizing how hilarious the sentence itself sounded. Snape then made his way over to the desk as you continued sketching, “something funny over here?”
You giggled, “nothing, sir. Just talking about potions.”
Snape tilted his head, “never knew potions could be amusing, Miss L/N. . . a new drawing to add to my collection?”
Hermione nudged your arm as you showed him the simple sketch so far, “just something I noticed; your ingredients are on different shelves today.”
Snape nodded, “may I request?”
You sat there with a blank mind until Hermione answered for you, “of course, Professor! Anything from the artist herself!”
Snape let out a chuckle as he handed you his favorite photo of the both of you; it was at the Yule Ball last year, your 6th year at Hogwarts. You smiled, “it’ll be done by Monday, Professor Snape.”
Snape tapped the desk you and Hermione were sitting at, “looking forward to seeing the finished product.”
As the Professor walked away, Hermione smiled at you, “I never understood how you got him to adore you.”
You laughed, “well, I do my work, respectfully ask if I can do my work, and then I sometimes leave it here for him to look at. Eventually, he hung them up.”
Hermione seemed to enjoy the short story, having a small smile on her face as she listened. As classes ended for the day, you grabbed your books and the photo, heading to your commonroom. It was relatively quiet, everyone outside in the nice weather.
Lounging on the couch, you took out the photo Snape had given you from the Yule Ball. You had gone with Ron Weasley, you both having plenty of fun with the trio. During the night, you made it your mission to make some teachers dance.
One of those being Severus Snape.
The music was elegant and loud, conversations drowning in the sound. You had gotten done dancing with Hagrid, the dance floor making room for you two. Afterwards, you spotted your next victim.
With confidence, you skipped up to Snape, “care to dance, Professor?”
Dumbledore was standing beside Snape before he could say no, “go on, dance with the girl Severus.”
Snape hummed, “you have another year; you can wait.”
You wouldn’t give up, “bummer, looks like I won’t be able to draw for you anymore then.” You went to go walk away until Snape walked beside you, “you speak nothing of this.”
With a laugh, you both stood in the middle of the dancefloor, dancing with the tune of the orchestra. Your bodies swayed as his hand intertwined with yours, his other on your waist. At one point, he twirled you around and brought you back on, a laugh leaving your lips.
You both heard and saw the flash from a camera, looking towards Dumbledore who now held a photo of you and Snape dancing together. As the song ended, Snape grabbed the photo, allowing you to look over his shoulder.
You giggled, “we look good, Professor. Keep that.”
Snape looked down at you, “are you sure, Miss L/N? We can take another one.”
Shaking your head, you smiled at your professor, “don’t worry about it! We’re taking many more at graduation.”
Snape’s face seemed to drop at the mention of you leaving, “right, well, go have fun.”
With a laugh, you skipped back onto the dancefloor, joining your friends with a smile on your face.
As you looked at the photo while lounging, you got to work, focusing on Snape first and then you. He was a bit taller so you made sure that was evident, capturing his jawline and hair, including the way he looked at you.
Next was both of your bodies and the outfits. While it wasn’t colored, you added as much detail as you could see and remember. Facial features were then added, smiles from each of you evident.
Finishing with the background, you found your eyes getting glossy. You knew you didn’t want to leave Hogwarts – or the professors and friends. Just then, your housemates walked in, saying their “hellos” and “goodnights.”
With that, you gathered up your things and headed to Snape’s classroom, knocking a certain way. You heard a chuckle, “come in.”
You smiled at Snape, “hi Professor Snape. I have the finished product.”
The man gave a smile and closed his eyes, holding out his hands. You laughed, “child at heart.” You took the drawing and photo out of your book and put them in his hands.
Snape opened his eyes, looking at your drawing. He leaned back in his chair he sat in, “wow.”
You raised an eyebrow, “is it bad? I probably should have spent more time on it.”
He shook his head, “no! No, no. This is amazing, Y/N. Absolutely incredible.”
A sigh of relief left your body, “you scared me!”
Snape chuckled, “I’m definitely hanging this up.” He grabbed some sticky putty and made sure your drawing hung on the wall perfectly.
Turning around, Snape smiled at you as he handed you the original photo, “keep this. I can tell you’ve been crying.”
You scoffed, “I was not! My eyes were only glossy.”
Rolling his eyes, Snape replied, “just take the damn photo.”
“I’ll miss you next year,” you said, holding the photo of you two in your hands.
Snape shrugged, “I don’t miss students.”
You gasped, “hey!”
He laughed, “you know I’m kidding, you dunderhead. I’ll miss you too.”
With a smile, you looked over your drawings from your years at Hogwarts, “keep in touch?”
Snape nodded, “of course. How could I lose touch with my favorite artist?”
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madebycoffee · 5 years
how long have you been drawing? or did this just come out of no where.
lmao not out of nowhere. I started drawing in 8th grade (2008ish). Made a bunch of Original Characters to accompany the OCs of my old best friend’s. They were really the reason I got into drawing. 
And then I just kept doing it, got better at it, went to college for it, got a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and by that point I low key hated everything I was doing. Art school really stamped creativity out of me. The place I went to was more focused on creating things that were more photorealistic, whereas I was more into focusing on my own personal style. Which they didn’t really gaf about. Until I got to the storyboarding class HAHA FIGHT ME.
and lately I did a quick lil sketch of @slothseasims ‘s shiloh because tbh chelsea’s leggo is one of the most inspiring things I have (ily eeg). I liked the sketchy style I drew him in
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and tried it again with a new profile picture for myself that looked better with my twitch panels. And the reason that i’m getting so into it now is because I do really love drawing, but I’ve felt like a big pile of shit about it. Be it comparing myself to people who are better than me, or just being too in my head about it.  ANd if it annoys you and you follow me for poses/sims 4 schtuff i am starting to tag everything with “madebycoffee draws” so add that to your filters :shrug:
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