#they will frequently just do weird little dances at or around each other
noxexistant · 4 months
in my heart all three of the jacobs siblings are just so weird. absolute weirdos (affectionate). into weird stuff and shameless about it, do not know how to Properly interact with anyone in any context, just overall Too Much. off-putting. loud. and they are so damn loved.
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inkskinned · 1 year
i love my therapist but i hate being in therapy. 10 minutes before my appointment, i'm in a meeting with my boss - we discuss my artistic choices; my boss recommends i artistically choose less. 10 minutes after therapy, i wash my hair and think about everything that was said, and then i have to switch it off, like a lamp, and go back to work again.
i was on a walk the other day and someone had the perfect combination of his cologne and whatever-else. it was almost exactly his scent. i fucking hate that. after all these years, i remember that? i tell my therapist - i feel like a fucking wolf. try telling a middle-aged blonde lady. oh i scented him on the air. i'm 30, and i'm having a panic attack over something that would be a plotline in the omegaverse.
what they don't tell you about mental illness is that if you are lucky enough to survive it into adulthood; it becomes a weird slice of your life. because you do, eventually, have to build a life. i realized in a panic somewhere around 22 - oh. i don't know what i'm fucking doing, because i always assumed i'd just go ahead and die. i didn't die, and i'm grateful for that, and i'm very happy about that choice. but it does mean that i am an adult in an apartment, living with my conditions side-by-side like. oh, that's my roommate, adhd. ignore the glass, bytheway, that's ocd.
so you pick your stupid life up by the scruff of the neck and you're, like glad for it (so much laughter and light and friends you would have never thought possible, when you were in the worst of it). but it feels so strange to be dancing around these odd little microcosms, these patchwork moments of your symptoms. if you have a panic attack at night, you still need to wake up and walk the dog in the morning. if your depression is making everything boring, well, you don't have any sick days left, and a job's not really supposed to be that exciting anyway. your ocd tears out each individual leg hair, and then, an hour later, you sigh, patch up the bloody bits, and go get dinner with friends. and the life is kitten-quiet, mewling and pathetic, but it's also like - it's yours, so you're fond of it.
and it's like - you're real. so you still enjoy pushing the shopping cart really fast and then riding on the back of it down an empty aisle. and you're not, like, so sick anymore that when you accidentally drop a mug you burst into tears (except for the days you do that. which are bad). and no, you're not allowed around certain items anymore. oops! but you've learned to be good about brushing your teeth most days of the week. and yeah sometimes in the middle of the day you have a little freak-out about how fucking unfair it all is, how fucking hard, how other people can just do this without having to fucking hurt the whole time. and then you sigh and force yourself to sit down and fucking journal about it so you can tell the nice middle-aged blonde woman yeah i had a hard day but i practiced grounding. you still sometimes want to burst out of your own skin, but you force yourself to eat kind-of healthy and to take your vitamins. you let yourself chop off all your hair in the sink in a dramatic poetry of control and relief - and you also have developed good hobbies that help you move your body more frequently. you feel helplessly behind, lost in the shuffle - but you also practice gratitude, taking stock of what you have garnered. because you're trying. even if you're never gonna be normal, you have something... close enough.
and the little kitten of your life, this mangy, starlit tigercub, this thing you expected to rot so young: in your arms, it turns itself over, belly-up. exposing this new soft part, all the organs and guts. like it's saying i trust you now. you won't give me up.
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neoplatinum · 1 month
primadonna girl | cho miyeon
summary: dispatch catching you with korea's femme fatale is NOT on your 2024 bingo card
pairing: idol!miyeon x fem!reader
themes: clubbing in hongdae!, mentions of alcohol, implied sex, hook up buddies, dispatch :(, minor angst, fluff, shuhua! + her doggies
wc: 2.7k
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[hongdae, 1am]
you grab your glass half full and down it, leaving the bar. the sting of the hard liquor making you shudder all over. the sea of bodies is making it hard to move around. you weave through the bodies heading for your friend's silhouette across the dark room.
when you feel tugging on your shirt. you turn around to the sight of a gorgeous girl with blood red lipstick and light blonde hair.
she nearly stumbles into you, underestimating her drunk strength.
her face is flushed even in the lowlight of blue and green lasers. her body tilts forward into you as she reaches her hand out.
you shake it, a little confused at the gesture. she's probably drunk out of her mind and mistaken you for someone she knows.
"can i help you?" you ask as you continue to shake her hand. she giggles at the action and covers her laugh with her hand before nodding her head.
"yes, your number?" she tilts her head as she asks the question, you're a little shocked at the boldness. her eyes shine in the light and she giggles a bit before shoving her hand into your jean pocket and grabbing your phone.
she faces the phone in your face before looking for the phone app, adding her contact into your phone. you let her too, mouth agape as you watch her type her contact info into your phone.
"call me?" she says as she tucks the phone back into your pocket. giving you a kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the crowd on the dancefloor.
you don't call her. you don't see her for weeks actually, not until you're out with your friends in another different club.
you don't spot her, but she spots you. too busy in a trance of people watching the dance floor to notice her.
she walks over, moving past the sea of people and making a beeline straight for you.
"hi, lost my number?" she starts, pulling you towards a more secluded part of the club. less sweaty, you focus on her, she's got the same blood red lipstick on, a dark you barely register what she's saying.
"no, i don't know you, sorry." you say quickly, trying to diffuse the situation. she nods at you.
"that's why i gave you my number, so we could get to know each other."
"oh, sorry, no one has ever done this. i’m just confused with what to do." she nods and brushes all of it away.
"no problem, just call me, okay?" she says, and you agree. feeling inclined to do whatever she says with those gorgeous eyes staring back at you.
"come dance with me." she says and pulls you closer to dance up against her. you get lost in the passion.
so, it turns into becoming hook up buddies? friends with benefits, but not friends? sleep partners? it's hard to understand what exactly you two are considering how little you two interact outside of hooking up occasionally.
doesn't help that it’s never at the same place more than twice. sometimes you show up to a studio at 4pm on a tuesday, other times its 2am on a saturday in a club. or sometimes even a bathroom in 9am in some cafe.
it's hard to really understand why you're doing this too, you just feel so inclined to answer every text, no matter what you're doing. each time you leave you feel a little more intrigued by her.
she always manages to send a car for you to get back home though, no matter how far or weird the location is. you think it’s almost like an escort service...but you're not being paid.
it's mind-blowing sex with a gorgeous girl way out of your league, so really you let all precaution leave your body every time she sends a text. lately it's been less frequent, and sometimes you think about reaching out and seeing how she's doing. but you've never initiated anything, it's always her telling you where to go and when to go.
you feel like you don't know your own power in this dynamic. you begin to really miss this girl, even though you don't know her name.
your friend, for whatever reason, dropped so much money on her favorite girl group's concert. begging you to join her, even negotiating ticket prices so you'll be more inclined to go. you ask her who the group is, and she says gidol?
you're very unsure of who they are. but she does tell you that they have that famous song called queencard, so you agree to go. now you stand outside jamsil indoor stadium, watching everyone decked out in purple. while you're still trying to figure out who's who in the group.
you never get to figure it out once you're rushed inside by screaming fans behind you. you nearly stumble over yourself, but mostly you make it to your seat without bumps or bruises.
the signature sound of the group's song getting louder makes the stadium erupt in a roar. the stadium turns into a sea of flashing purple with all the lightsticks.
the concert starts and you're watching the concert videos being played. you focus on one girl; she looks so familiar, but the scene ends too quick for you to really figure it out. and after another minute of screaming, the lift brings up five girls. they stand center stage, lights shining on them looking like they own it.
then you see her, the woman that's been leaving you walking weird, and your neck mauled all last month. her blonde hair draping over her body, a tight red and black corset, and heels high enough to break ankles. your blood runs cold.
"who's the girl there?" you shout into your friend’s ear. she's trying to see who you're pointing at.
"which one?" she asks, shouting into your ear over the screams.
"the one in the middle!" you shout back.
"oh! that's miyeon!" she says and returns back to her cheering. miyeon, miyeon, miyeon. you pull out your phone, fingers flying across the screen to search up the name on naver. and there at the very first result is exactly pretty girl from the bar. you probably stared at the photo for a couple minutes, just so your brain can catch up to who're you’re looking at.
you bring up the camera app to snap a photo of her. a weird feeling sitting in your chest. it feels like you have been deceived. she never mentioned her day job, something along the lines of being in the music industry, but she never mentioned being a top idol.
you try to enjoy the rest of the concert, chanting through queencard and super lady, but in your heart, you are thinking about miyeon. what else could she be hiding?
by the end of the concert, you pull out your phone. sending the photo of miyeon that you took earlier.
(me): you never told me you were an idol....
(me): attachment: 1 image
you shove your phone back into your pants. feeling a little frustrated, you two never disclosed much information to each other about your personal lives, but now you can see why. the girl you have been sleeping with is a global superstar, korea's princess. here you are in a taxi trying to get home, with your friend talking your ear off about how amazing the concert was.
it starts to spread, the uncomfortable feeling in your chest. you feel like you exposed yourself for nothing. now you find out cho miyeon, the girl that is such an expert at eating you out, has a whole other part of her life. it explains the random locations you were asked to go to. probably photoshoots, or the times in between her busy schedule. you are just a booty call to her.
when you finally get home, exhausted from all the shouting at the concert and making sure your friend gets home safe. you hear the signature ringtone sound you set for miyeon.
girl from the bar: can we meet up to talk?
you call miyeon.
"hi miyeon, when can you meet?"
"tomorrow afternoon." she says, you can still hear the sound of busy traffic, maybe she's just getting home now.
"yeah, that works. where did you want to meet?"
"you know that park by the han river, the one we ate ramyeon at." you hear movement through the phone, but you agree. it is time to finally settle what you've wanted to say the whole night.
"see you then miyeon."
"hi." she stands before you, hoodie over a cap and sunglasses bigger than her face. with a mask tucked over her lower face. you stare at her in confusion. this get up is really different from how you usually see her.
"are you sick?" you ask.
"no, disguise." she offers instead. it makes sense, she is cho miyeon of g-idle. so, you sit down, and she sits by you. both of you staring out into the han river. people are biking and enjoying walks, while you are having a nerve-wracking conversation with miyeon. she fiddles with the sleeves of her hoodie as she waits for you to start.
"would you have told me yourself? about being in gidle?" you start. it is time to rip the band-aid off.
"probably not." she answers honestly. you sigh at that.
"okay. we aren't dating but i still feel like i've been deceived by a partner."
"i'm sorry." she continues. feeling a bit guilty from withholding her identity from you. "you didn't recognize me when we were first talking, so i figured it would be okay if we kept this lowkey."
now you feel both upset and awful, miyeon's probably had to walk on eggshells ever since she's been in the industry. keeping her identity hidden as she enjoys her life. you want to apologize too, for pressing her on this matter.
"i'm sorry too then. must be hard trying to stay out of the public eye when you want to have fun." miyeon agrees, nodding her head at the honest observation. meeting you was good; it was a way to protect her idol image while enjoying herself. you never asked for more, and she never offered more. it was the perfect.
"so, what do you want to do now?" you ask.
"i'm okay with continuing what we have if you are okay with it. you cannot tell anyone you know me though." she says, firm about her identity.
"that's okay with me. i would not sell you out." you offer your hand, and she shakes on it.
you are trying to finish up this dinner, stirring the stew in the pot, when you hear your front door open. sight of your friend bursting through the door.
"you whore!" she shouts at you, closing the door behind her as she walks right up to you. shoving her phone in your face. "you're the one dating miyeon?"
"woah, what are you talking about?" panic rising in your body. you take her phone and read the top headline.
you look below, and photos of you and miyeon (poorly taken), were filling the article. photos of you and miyeon spotted at bars, her photoshoots, late nights outside, even the conversation you had with her by the han river.
"so? you are actually dating her?" your friend accuses you, hands on her hips as she stares at you.
"shit, i need to call miyeon." you hand your friend her phone, before pulling out your own. speed dialing miyeon, it is picked up immediately.
"i know, i've seen it everywhere." she says, you can hear the sounds of people all around her, swear words being thrown around. you panic while you wait.
"what do we do?"
"nothing to do, we lay low. don't be seen out in public first off. they're going to try and pry into everything in your life." she continues.
"damn it miyeon, i have a life to live, i can't be holed up in my house forever waiting for this to die down." you say back, thinking about work and your life. your friend senses your frustration and stops to sit down.
"i'm sorry, i really am. it's out of my hands right now, the company is deciding what to do next. i'm not even supposed to answer your calls." she explains, and that just makes you feel worse.
feeling like you've been cornered. but then you think, this must be worse for her.
"what about you, do you have to lay low too?" you ask.
"yes, i have to wait until the news cycle shifts to another headline. so, i can't be seen outside or online. it's frustrating but i can handle it, i’m sorry to drag you into this too." she explains, feeling sympathetic for all that has happened.
as much as you want to be upset at miyeon, it's not her fault there’s rabid fans who lack boundaries and are so interested in the private life of idols. you think in a different setting you would have dated miyeon, had there not be paparazzi swarming her for the intimate details of her life.
so, you relent, letting her have her space. the call ended a week ago and you've been cautious being seen outside. putting on a disguise much like the one miyeon wore when she met you.
not seeing miyeon for a week has made you miss her. with both of you forced to lay low in the public's eye, you often chat over the phone. calling or messaging, it's a relief to know that she won't just toss you to the side now that the news is out.
you start to realize that missing miyeon isn't about the mind-blowing sex or the thrill of not knowing where you'll have to meet her. it’s the excitement of being near her, being able to kiss her under the guise of sexual intimacy. the ability to spend the truly little time she has carved out for you.
you feel like a teenager in love, running around at her beck and call because you miss her desperately. late night calls with miyeon feel like they're turning into virtual dates. often eating dinner over the phone together and spilling to each other the details of your life.
"hey, visit me. in the dorms." she says one day over call. you stop your reading as you look up at the screen with miyeon's face filling the screen.
"right now?"
"right now." she says with a smile, and you get up, keys in hand and slipping on your slippers. nearly running out the door to find a cab. miyeon texts you her address, and you take off, smiling at the idea of seeing miyeon after not being around her for two weeks.
after paying for the taxi and looking at the building where her dorm is. you tuck your cap a little lower and quicken your steps. eager to be able to see miyeon. you walk up the stairs to the third floor and knock on the door.
the sound of dogs barking through the door. and there is miyeon, behind the door with her dogs rushing up on your legs. jumping for attention. you give them both ear scratches before walking straight for miyeon, kissing her desperately. pushing her against anything that's close enough.
"hi." she pulls you into another kiss, until you hear something.
"oh, hello." you see another woman. your eyes go wide as you step back, face flushed with embarrassment.
"hi, um, nice to meet you." you offer a hand. the girl smiles and shakes it.
"you must be the girl that miyeon's been seeing." she smiles and picks up the two dogs, putting them on the couch.
"yes. i am. you are?" you ask.
"shuhua, nice to meet you." she says as she turns on the tv.
"nice to meet you shuhua." and you get dragged by miyeon to her room, still feeling the embarrassment of being caught by someone.
"i missed you." miyeon says as you both sit side by side in bed.
"me too."
"i've been thinking about us." she starts. "i want us to date, for real."
"yeah, me too. i would really like that."
"great because i already told my company that i’m serious about you." she says and pulls you into a kiss. dragging her hands down your body.
"oh really? i don't get a say?"
"of course you do, i just thought we both liked each other and wanted to be more."
"i'm messing with you, i would love to be with you." she pushes you backwards and you let out a laugh before pulling her towards you again.
"we're together then." she says with finality.
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while. so i powered through it to finish it. stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
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Hc for Halsin, Astarion, Will, Gortash, (& maybe Damon and Raphael) caring for a loved one with chronic illness or like an illness that keeps them bedbound for an extended time
A/N: Oh Nonnie, do I feel this ask lol. Chronic fatigue sucks, mainly because so few people don’t understand it goes beyond being just ‘tired’. There’s brain fog, stomach issues, and body pains– so I tried to touch on each of these symptom types for each character response. However you’re doing, whether you’re in a flare or not, I want you to know your illness is not your fault. You didn't ask for this. Don’t feel guilty for having to take care of yourself. You’re worth it. I promise. 
Also, this is unrelated but it’s lowkey funny that the week after I got diagnosed with a weird anemia, I write an answer for an ask about chronic fatigue. lol
TW: Mention of Chronic Fatigue/Pain, Brief Mentions of Sex 
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🤕 BG3 Men Caring for a Gender Neutral! Loved One With Chronic Illness 🤕
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Worries. Like A LOT.
Tells you not to be so dramatic about it but will literally sprint towards you if he even hears you sigh.
He asks Karlach to carry you. 
Steals somebody’s cart/chariot if she refuses and instead makes her and Shadowheart take turns pulling that. (Jokes on him, they do it because they’re your friend, not his lol.) 
Has you come on missions because he feels more secure knowing you’re right behind him, and he can keep looking after you. Astarion makes sure to always sneak ahead so you never walk unknowingly into any danger 
Will give you massages if you’re in pain frequently, especially shoulder rubs, as he loves the view it gives him of your pretty neck. 
Speaking of necks, feeding is a huge no-no. At least, until you start feeling a bit better. And then he’ll only allow himself a taste. Gods knows you need all your strength, and he would feel terribly guilty to take what little you have from you. 
Lowkey appreciates the bags under your eyes and the way you can look like death incarnate, because well, then he doesn’t stand out as much. He also finds it strangely alluring, how you can look so fragile yet be so strong. It inspires him to find that balance within himself if he’s being honest. 
If you have trouble ‘performing’ due to your illness, he’s not upset at all! (He’s actually quite relieved.) 
Loves finding other ways you can be intimate together, like going to a spa and sharing a bath. Or finding a highly-rated inn and cuddling under some luxurious silk sheets. 
Turns out that after a lifetime of being forced to do things, Astarions is more than happy to spend his time doing nothing with you. 
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Is so sweet and tender when he speaks to you.
He’s literally Prince Charming, which makes you his Sleeping Beauty. 
On your good days, he’ll have you stand on his feet as he twirls you around, finding this the best way to ‘dance’ with you, given your current stamina. 
Requests for you to stay back at camp and rest while he and a few of the others handle the more taxing and dangerous missions. Gifts you some books and journals of his to keep you occupied in the meantime.
When he comes back to camp, the first thing he does is check on you. If you’re awake, he’ll make sure your needs are met before tending to his own. Doesn’t matter if Wyll’s starving and covered in guts, if you need a drink or an extra blanket, just say the word and he will fetch it immediately.  
Will recite poetry to you on the bad pain nights when you cannot sleep because everything aches too much. He knows his voice won’t stop the pain, but he hopes it provides a soothing atmosphere to just rest in, even if sleep cannot find you.
Is always so tender and gentle in his lovemaking, that it’s rarely an issue for you. However, on the nights that it is, don’t feel bad at all. Wyll adores you for much more than your body. He loves your mind, your heart, and your soul. Just being near you, knowing you love him back is more than enough. 
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Is always prepared with some medicinal herbs or a healing spell. 
He’s a natural caretaker, and you are no exception. However, when it comes to you, Halsin does approach the act a little bit differently. 
It’s much more personal when he makes you health potions or casts spells to heal you, you can see it in his eyes. In a way, it’s as if your pain has become his pain, and he needs the relief just as much as you. 
As long as you give your consent, Halsin prefers to have you touching him. Be it laying on top of his chest, or seated on his lap, he always wants his skin against yours, as if his touch alone could shield you from your illness. You find it rather sweet of him.
He pleads for you to stay behind in camp, or the grove- somewhere that is not the center of the action. He wishes for you to remain out of the fray, fearful that in your condition, fighters with less honor than he would take advantage of your vulnerability. 
If you need to be in a house with a room, and not camped out in the woods, he understands, although it may frustrate him a bit. He believes nature is the perfect healing environment, but he also trusts that you know your illness better than anyone. After all, you’ve managed it all these years. So instead, he simply brings nature to you. 
Haslin decorates your bedroom with plants, trees, and succulents. If you’re allergic, he enchants them to reduce their pollen production. 
Halsin understands he is rather large in the ‘down there’ department. If you cannot have traditional sex with him, it’s not a surprise to him. He knows more than one way to please his partner. He’s very giving and seems to get off on your pleasure more than his own at times. 
Halsin thinks you are one of the most beautiful gifts of nature. Your illness is just another part of you, and because it’s a part of you, he thinks it’s beautiful as well. You may resent it, but Halsin could never separate that part from you and hate it. He simply loves the whole of you too much to do that. 
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Oh my god, he’s such a sweetheart.
But also a low-key tease. 
He has no issues getting or reaching things for you, but he does have a mischievous side, so be prepared for him to hold your things hostage, in exchange for a kiss or two. 
Has a habit of finding you curled up in bed on your worst pain/fatigue days and peppering you with kisses, and won’t stop until you laugh. 
Forges special mobility aids! Do you need help walking? Pfft. Not a problem. Dammon’s an incredible blacksmith, and he can make you armor that helps stabilize you. You know those really cool joint support braces you can get on Etsy and stuff? Yeah, he makes you DOZENS of them, all in different metals and designs, to match your mood/outfit for the day. 
While on the road, or in the grove, he always ensures you’re armed with some sort of easily gripped knife or sword, just in case anyone attacks. He does his best to keep you close, never walking too far ahead or behind, but you having that extra layer of protection makes him feel all the more reassured. 
He's not a fighter, but years of working in the forge have made his arms and back strong. He swears he will do everything he can to protect you, that no harm will come to you so long as you stay close. 
Is so relieved when you make it to the city at last. He’s so grateful that he can finally provide a real room and bed for you. He feels as if the entire journey has been worth it now that you’ll be able to rest and heal as you need, in the kind of safe and stable conditions you deserve.  
Comes in from a long, sweaty day of working in the forge, but immediately sets his sights on taking care of you. Draws a bath but insists you bathe first, as the water won’t be full of grime and ash after he bathes. 
Is always surprised and very flattered when you tug him in with you, still touched by your affection for him, as if you’ve just met for the first time. Dammon’s still a little shocked that out of everyone, you chose him. (Ironically, you feel the same. You’re a perfect match!) 
Insists on taking the lead during more intimate moments, and to make sure you just lay back and let him do all the work, introduces soft silk ties for your hands and ankles for whenever you feel like indulging in that kink with him. 
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Spoils you rotten. 
No, really.
Part of the highlight of being a Lord, soon-to-be Duke, is that he has the power to make all the other people do things for him. And no task is too costly or requires too much manpower so long as it means you’re taken care of. 
Buys the most lavish sheets and sleep sets for you. He wants you to be comfortable, the both of you deserve nothing but the best, after all. 
Assigns around-the-clock healers to you 24/7. They are always in your home, on-call, awaiting your request for relief. He wants every measure of treatment and remedy explored. If there’s a spell or herb that can reduce your pain, then you shall have it. 
Enjoys any downtime he has with you. Has his staff put a special chaise lounge in his office so you can visit him when he’s working. 
Gortash is so used to putting up fronts for everyone else, that it’s nice to let his guard down around you. You don’t judge him, or think less of him for his ambitions. Other people would run if they learned the truth, but not you. No, you’re so much more special than that. 
Of course, whenever you go out, you have your own guards and steel watch keeping you safe from anyone who’d wish to harm either you or him. All the other Lords and Ladies of Baldur’s Gate don’t dare say a mean word about you or your abilities, lest they wish to face the wrath of a peeved Gortash. 
As an inventor, Gortash invents the very first automatic, steampunk-esque wheelchair for you. It’s powered in the same way his Steel Watch is, and it is uniquely one-of-a-kind, tailor-made just for you. 
You know how in the game it’s hinted that Gortash basically stole and fucked his way into the high society of Baldur’s Gate? That many of the widowed Ladies gifted him lavish presents (like the deeds to their house?!) in response to whatever ‘relationship’ he had with them? Yeah. The man knows what he’s doing. And he does it well.
Your fitness level is no concern to him. The both of you will enjoy yourselves. He learns how to play the erogenous zones of your body perfectly, and in the event you’re too exhausted to play his, he has some, shall we say, special toys, he’s created just for himself. Course, should you ever ask, he’s more than willing to share them with you. ;)
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Switches between pampering you to badgering you about it.
When he’s feeling particularly generous, he makes a point to overindulge you, making sure you’re aware of how unselfish he’s being at the time. 
He’ll make sure you have not only whatever you need, but also, anything you should want. As a devil, he does have some magic up his sleeve, ready to take care of various aches and pains that you feel. 
Ensures no other beings in the House of Hope lay a finger on you. No, that’s a privilege for him and him alone. 
Of course, such benevolence from him comes at a price, so don’t expect the luxury to come freely, without strings attached. 
After he feels you’ve rested enough, he switches from being overly doting to being more curt, and even a bit cruel. 
You honestly don’t expect him to let you lounge all day, do you? Surely there’s a way you could make yourself useful to him. Your attention, your company, your body… there must be something of interest to him at the moment. Of course, Raphael won’t tell you outright what he wants, you have to figure it out for yourself each and every time. 
More than anything Raphael loves your adoration, your attention. Just sit with him in his office as he reads over the various contracts he has binding any number of sorry souls. Ask him questions, praise him. Tell him you think he’s brilliant… Darling just worship him. 
And after his ego’s been satisfied, he’ll go back to worshiping you. Relationships are all give and take after all. 
(And don’t worry if you’re too tired or in too much pain to perform well in bed. He’s certainly no good at it either lol.)
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lalal-99 · 2 months
of sex at parties {h.j.} | track 4
©June 2023, April 2024 by lalal-99
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Han Jisung x afab!reader | trope: slice of life, coming of age | word count: 6k
Synopsis: The one where you play Truth or Drink and things get a little heated.
Check Chapter Overview for complete list of warnings
Note: I know, I know... I wanted to have shorter chapters and update more frequently. But life happens. And it just so happens that I rediscovered my love for music making and production (not that anyone cares or even reads my notes). These things tend to engulf me fully and don't let me go until I'm forced out of them. When will I post the next chapter? Who knows? Could be tomorrow. Could be in two months (not likely...).
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“That’s almost too easy! Fuck Psy, Marry Bang PD and Kill JYP. Next!”
Yuqi’s answer sent Hwasa into a fit of laughter, almost bursting her pipes as she spat her drink into the nearby sink.
“Girl, you got some explaining to do about that.” When Wheein had prompted the blonde, she likely hadn’t expected an answer within two seconds.
“What do I have to explain about that? JYP was the obvious choice for Kill. Psy is famously known as the mother-father gentleman, so Fuck. And Bang PD…He has that TXT money. So, marry him and hopefully prevent him from signing any kind of prenup.” Yuqi took a sip from her cocktail, shrugging. The answer sent Hwasa straight into another breathless cough while her girlfriend steadied her. Otherwise she would have also sent her head straight into the marble countertop.
Two hours of dancing and three of Yuqi’s mysteriously strong cocktails after your arrival, you found yourself back in the kitchen. While all your closest friends surrounded you, everything seemed just a bit brighter. And a bit more funny too, with the alcohol running through your system. You were so relaxed even, you had somehow agreed to playing a few rounds of Truth or Drink. That you barely knew these people, or maybe because of it, you found yourself enjoying it more than usual.
So much so you had played it for the past 20 minutes, passing around questions with one simple rule. Either answer or empty your drink.
Sure, the gamification of drinking wasn’t the most intelligent decision. But it also gave you the perfect opportunity to get to know each other better. So, what the heck!
“Okay, fair.”
Yuqi spun the bottle once Wheein had passed her answer as acceptable. The rim landed on Changbin this time, the only male in your group. Leaned back against the counter, you had almost forgotten he was present. Well, almost, hadn’t it been for his visible affection for Yuqi. He always laughed at her answers a bit too loud, looked at her a little too long. She had ignored him for the most part, though you doubted it was out of spite or disinterest. She didn’t even realise his attempt to grab her attention; too drunk and into the game.
Changbin waited for her question, watching her lips move as she phrased it seconds later.
“Body count. Go!”
A little cliché, yes, though the boy seemed indifferent about it.
“Depends. What body count are we talking about?” Changbin counter-questioned as he crossed his buff arms over his bottle.
“What kind of freaky stuff are you into that you have several types of body count?”
Redness spread from Changbin’s cheeks to his ears as he shifted.
“I’m not into anything weird,” he defended, embarrassed by her suggestion. “I was talking more about sex or, like, mouth and hand stuff.”
“Alright. Let’s do sex.” That gave him base to answer.
“Then two.”
“Two?” Hwasa was surprised, leaning forward as she propped herself onto the countertop. She was a little shaky, swaying back and forth on her elbows.
“Yes. You sound shocked.”
“Why so few?” Yuqi’s filter had subsided somewhen between drinks four and five. The words simply tumbled out of her mouth at this point.
“Because,” Changbin shifted his weight onto the other leg, stalling. Not that his answer was particularly weird as it was double your body count, after all. But you couldn’t deny your own surprise. Until now, he had seemed very sure of himself. Carrying himself with a fair amount of self-confidence; almost oozing sex-appeal. You, too, had expected his body count to be much higher. “I don’t sleep with anyone I’m not involved with. I had two long-term relationships in High School, back-to-back. So, two people’s not weird.”
“What about the hand and mouth stuff body count?”
Changbin smirked at Yuqi’s curiosity, bringing his bottle to his lips, “Only one question per round.”
“Suspicious,” Yuqi’s eyes narrowed, “but alright.”
“Great, my turn then.” Changbin spun the bottle and the cap-part landed on Hwasa. She straightener her back, daringly waving her hands at him.
“Hit me!”
Contemplating his options, Changbin took a few seconds to find an appropriate question. Which wasn’t easy seeing he didn’t know and had barely spoken to her. “Okay. What was the most public place you ever had sex in?” Considering the expected sexual direction this game had taken, the question was fitting.
Hwasa ran her long nails through her hair, eyes fixing on Wheein in deep thought. “There’s been a few. What do you think, babe?”
“I don’t know. The whirlpool at my parent’s house?”
“Nah. That’s still pretty private. Your parents weren’t even home.”
Searching the mental drawers of her brain, Hwasa found a more fitting memory. She sent a knowing look towards her girlfriend, logging in her final answer. “I know. When we did at the movies.”
Wheein cocked an eyebrow as she took a strong sip from her drink. Her gaze, meanwhile, remained fixed on the colourful liquid, avoiding eye contact. “Yeah... That wasn’t me.”
“Of course it was!” Hwasa exclaimed, gesturing with her hands to revive the memory. “We watched that awful Tom Cruise movie.”
“I’ve never seen a Tom Cruise movie in my life.”
Hwasa should have left it at that, but her intoxicated brain didn’t take the hint. Knowing the crucial details of their backstory together—courtesy to Yuqi and her impressive interrogational skills—you sent her warning glares. Though she was too focused on her girlfriend to notice.
As extroverted as you had learned her to be, Hwasa had her fair share of relationships in the past. She had been with many men and women alike; some more serious and others not so much. Like her friends-with-benefits situation with Jackson, for example. After dating a lot through High School and the first two years of college, she eventually met Wheein. They loved each other very much, as anyone could tell after spending a few hours with them. An unspoken dynamic remained nonetheless, with Wheein being far less experienced.
She had been with men only for the first 20 years of her life. It took her another year to realise why her interest in them had never stuck. And another year after that to come to terms with her sexuality. That’s when she met Hwasa, their eventual relationship the first serious one she had ever been in. Let alone with a woman.
For as much as they loved each other, Wheein became insecure whenever Hwasa mentioned her previous partners.
So, yes. Hwasa should have probably let it be. But she didn’t.
“Erm, we sure did. I can’t believe you don’t remember. We got one of those loveseats in the last row, but the movie was so bad we started making out and stuff.” She didn’t need to explain and stuff further for you to know what she was hinting at. “I distinctly remember because my hair kept tangling up in your earrings. Almost lost an ear for sex that day.”
Clearing her throat, Wheein stepped back to lean against the counter, arms crossed. “Wasn’t me. See.” She lifted her hair, showing her ears to her girlfriend. It took a few seconds to realise her ears weren’t pierced. “It must have been one of your exes.”
A veil of tension spread over you at the hint of malaise in her voice. Hwasa’s cheeks heated up, a manicured nail between her teeth at the realisation.
Despite the music blasting through the speakers, the silence was thick. It broke only once Yuqi spoke up. You had never been happier about her ability to find the place to pick up previous conversations.
“I had sex in a whirlpool once.” Heads turned in her direction as her face scrunched up at the memory. “Very sexy, but not comfortable. And then there’s the issue of protection. Who in their right mind carries a condom when sitting in a whirlpool?”
“So? What did you do?” Changbin’s curiosity was very sparked.
“We took a chance.” A shockwave overtook the crowd as though Yuqi had said something controversial. “I know. I’m not proud of it, either. But as I said, it was very sexy, and we didn’t want to ruin the mood.”
“I definitely do not recommend taking a chance. Especially not for the sake of not ruining the mood.”
All eyes turned to you as you spoke, only acknowledging your words once they had come out of your mouth. Maybe you should go slower on the alcohol, as your body started to act on its own account.
“Speaking from experience?” Hwasa questioned with a smirk as you took another sip from your drink before finally setting it down.
“A friend of mine,” you explained, crossing your arms as you leaned against the fridge behind you. “She winged it once and got pregnant.”
“Damn! How old was she?”
“14 and a half.”
“That’s rough. Did your friend keep it?”
“He’s turning four in November.”
Most colour drained from Yuqi’s face at those words and a shudder ran through her body. “Now I’m kinda glad the only thing I got from my story was a cold.”
The crowd fell into a bunch of giggles at Yuqi’s honesty, the tensive mood finally fading. She should consider her ability to cut right through tension a gift.
Your gaze tiptoed through the doorway into the living area where they met a familiar figure. Over the past half-hour, you had searched his attention on occasion. The alcohol in your system encouraged the search for proximity to Jisung. Now that you had reached the early morning hours, the crowd started dissolving, and it became much easier for you to follow his movements. That he had the same urge for your closeness hadn’t gone by you. Several longing gazes had found you, which the vibrating egg inside you had at least some part in.
Jisung was still with most of his friends—sans Changbin, who was with you, and Felix, who had left a while ago. Instead, a few girls had entered the chat, most prominently a girl around your age and height. Why was she so prominent? Well, she seemed to find anything and everything your boyfriend said hilarious. She threw her black bob-cut-hair back so much, you feared she'd break her neck. She had started a conversation with your boyfriend earlier and now hung on his every word.
While you had checked their whereabouts at first, you stopped once you noticed Jisung’s nonverbal cues. The constant gazes your way and his lip wandering between his teeth with every uncomfortable chuckle. They told you he did anything but enjoy the banter the skimpily-clad girl had engaged him in.
Your suspicion proved correct when Jisung reached into his pocket and the vibrations picked up. Reassurance, that while he was talking to someone else, his mind was still entirely with you.
You probably should have helped out your boyfriend. You knew he couldn’t act on his unwillingness to continue talking to her. Though Jisung had to learn to handle such situations at some point. And you were having such a blast with your friends, so you let him be. The group was still debating their most public sexcapades and your head turned back as your lips wrapped around your bottle.
Apparently, your diverting glances hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Are you not bothered by that?”
Looking down at yourself, you feared your outfit had malfunctioned in some way. You knew you shouldn’t have worn a skirt to a frat party, but Yuqi had convinced you out of your faded black jeans. You always wear them. Spice it up a little. Unbeknownst to her, you had already spiced it up, the egg inside you rubbing against your walls with delicious pressure. But you still let yourself be talked into the skirt. Now, you regretted all your life decisions as a group of people stared at you.
“Why? What is it?” You searched your outfit for the origin of Hwasa’s statement.
“I’m talking about your boyfriend. Talking to another girl.”
You found the two of them again, eyes wandering up and down the girl’s sporty figure. Her long legs were clad in skin-tight jeans that reached her narrow waist. A crop top and pair of spotless white sneakers rounded off her athletic look. Her hand ran through her jet-black hair and that was all it took to detect that she was flirting. If her longing glances at Jisung hadn’t already been hint enough.
“And a pretty one,” Yuqi added as you focused on the group again, shaking your head.
“Not really, no. Why? Should I?”
“I don’t know. I’d be if it were my girlfriend, talking to her.” Wheein blushed at Hwasa’s words, damage control overshadowing her previous insecurity.
“I wouldn’t be too worried,” Changbin interjected, grabbing your attention. “She’s been coming on to each of us at least once tonight. She started off with Chris and made her way down the line.”
“Even if she didn’t. They’re only talking.” You met Jisung’s gaze, his lips morphing into a smile once he noticed. The vibrations spiked on cue, and it took a little more focus from you not to react. “I trust him.”
Little could have destroyed the trust you had for each other. Either of you understood that you had gotten lucky. Being with your best friend and finding your soulmate this early on. Apart from that, neither of you had ever given the other a reason to mistrust them. You were smart enough to not let anything risk what you had.
When Jisung excused himself from the group, your sense of awareness was proven yet again. He left the girl mid-conversation to join your separate party which filled you with pride. His cheeks squished into their usual round shape as he beamed at you until he landed at your side.
“Are you talking about me, or am I so pretty you can’t keep your eyes off me.”
Your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around you from behind and his chin landed on your shoulder. “It’s when he says things like that, that I know I’m stuck with him for life.”
The girls and Changbin chuckled at your words, Jisung meeting your gaze with a frown.
“Nothing, baby. I love you.”
The stupid grin forming on his lips warmed your heart. “Love you, too.”
Your group picked up their game of Truth or Drink while your boyfriend stood wrapped around you. You tried focusing while Hwasa spun the bottle to land on you. The alcohol in your system caused a constant buzz, goosebumps rising as she asked you about secret kinks.
Your friends went positively berserk when you told them about your exhibitionistic tendencies. Not you. Not well-behaved Y/N, who never even swore. You refrained from further mentioning how you sometimes ditched underwear in everyday situations. Yuqi’s eyes would have probably bulked out of her skulls, comic-book-style. You also didn’t note your fondness of public play, fearing Hwasa would suffocate, forgetting to breathe.
“Sorry, but I can’t believe we could walk in on you two getting your freak on, entering a lecture hall. Or the cafeteria. Or the football court. Although…Would we walk out on you in that case?” Hwasa questioned once she had found the brainpower to pick her jaw up from the floor.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” you told your friend in amusement. “We’re pretty good at hiding. You wouldn’t even know we’re there.”
A whole new set of toxins filled your bloodstream as you talked something so dirty. Quickening palpitations were enforced by your boyfriend, pulling you closer against himself. The mere mention of your spicy secret was enough to drive him crazy. He seemed even more excited, being the only one knowing you were living your kink right that second.
Your very sexy, very tempting boyfriend shared your interest in all things exhibitionist. Although you usually kept the PDA down whenever around people. Sure, you exchanged kisses here and there. But even hugging typically only occurred when no one was around. It was somewhat precautional. So people around you weren’t even slightly suspicious when you decided to go commando. Or if either of you controlled whatever Bluetooth vibrator the other was wearing. No one would suspect anything like that from the couple that hardly held hands in public.
Your friends accepted your revelation after many more questions, which remained unanswered. They went off-topic—or rather, off you as the focus of it—as they debated their willingness to have sex in public. And you didn’t dare complain.
This way, no one noticed Jisung’s hand creeping up the back of your thigh until he reached your ass. He kissed the back of your neck, blowing cool air against the moist skin as it tickled you. Trying to stay calm and keep your secret antics secret from your friends was half the fun. You bit the inside of your cheek as his breath tickled you, his teeth soon moving to nibble at your earlobe.
The two of you swayed to the music, concealing your ass which was grinding against his growing bulge. It was no surprise when you felt him stiffen against the movement, a proud smirk appearing on your face.
Your ability to turn each other on in seconds was still as present as during the first few weeks together.
“Baby,” Jisung hummed against your ear, hands grabbing your hips to still you.
The music was loud, and the people around you were drunk enough so no one could follow your conversation.
“It’s been about three hours of me playing with you like this. How about we tend to that upstairs bedroom situation?”
“I don’t know.” The wondering tone in your voice was fake, teasing, and Jisung could tell. “I’m not convinced. Also, kinda having a blast here.”
“I don’t think this is a matter of conviction,” Jisung whispered, lips wandering over your neck. His hands travelled under your shirt, fingers digging into your flesh as he manhandled you towards the exit. “It’s been over a week since we last did it. You’re as desperate as I am.”
“Am I?”
“We should go upstairs. You know, to check.”
Inspecting your surroundings, right now seemed the best possible moment to leave. Everyone was deep in conversation, attention straying from the two of you.
“Okay. But let’s make this quick. Wouldn’t want to miss too much of the party.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m gonna be real fast.”
Jisung took you by the hand, leading you out of the kitchen and towards the staircase at the back of the room. You looked back at the group as Oohs and Get Its were thrown your way and gave your friends a thumbs up.
From that moment on, your mind was on Jisung.
You ran up the stairs behind him, and into the dim, unoccupied hallway. Once you had ensured you were on your own, you pulled Jisung back to finally kiss him.
His hands came to your hips on impact, keeping you steady against him as your mouth opened to let him in. Tongues intertwining and teeth clashing, he stepped forward, pushing you against the wall. Jisung didn’t take a breather, grinding himself against you and giving you no time to think. People could have come out of one of the rooms at any point, catching you. Not a hint of secrecy remained as the alcohol and your boyfriend’s tasted roamed your veins.
Soon enough, his mouth travelled down your jaw, tongue meeting the skin of your throat in a longing suck. He went all in, his hands running up your body until he met your breasts. The pressure against your throat provoked a throaty moan.
You hummed at his actions, feeling even more desperate for his full attention.
With your hands in his hair, you pulled him closer to your chest, his lips soon pressed against your cleavage. It reddened under his kisses and your breathing accellerate as he rubbed over your nipples. H knew your body better than you, strong arms keeping you in place as he handled you the way that always made you go crazy. Made you crave him.
“Baby—” you groaned into the air, head thrown back to grant him more access to your neck.
“Told you, you were as desperate as me.” The smugness in his voice remained uncommented as both his hands dipped under your bra. He pinched your nipples between his forefingers and thumbs and you ground yourself against him. A gush of wetness filled your panties as though they weren’t already soaked. It had been hours of him, controlling the vibrations inside you. “I bet you’re leaking out of your panties.” Jisung’s hand ran down your side until it reached the edge of your skirt. He felt below it, fingers dancing over your hot skin until his palm landed at your centre, cupping you. A groan left his lips. “Mhm, just like I said. You’re dripping.”
“Fine. You caught me,” you admitted with a sigh. “What are you gonna do about it, though?”
His face remained close as he turned the vibrations to the max, giving you no chance to prepare. Bending your knees at the rush of pleasure, you moaned into his mouth, pleading up at him. With his hand still cupping you, he could feel every contraction of your walls. Two of his fingers pushed the egg deeper into you. His palm against your clit further increased the electricity coursing through your veins.
“Did you say something?” Your mind blurred from the vibrations as mumbled pleas tumbled over your lips. Jisung smirked at your inability to form words, the toy slowing down after a while. “Didn’t think so.”
When he opened the door to the first bedroom he found, you followed him inside. Before he could even ask you to strip, you were already starting to undress. You were about to take your skirt off when Jisung stopped you with a request you couldn’t find it in you to deny.
“Leave it on.”
Of course, your insatiable, horny boyfriend would want to fuck you in a mini-skirt. You hadn’t worn anything that short in years. Add stockings and a cropped Rolling Stones shirt, and this would have come close to the outfit you had met him in.
Jisung removed his clothes, tight jeans requiring more attention as he struggled pushing them over his erection. After watching him take forever to rid himself of the confines, you decided to help him. Guiding his hands away from his crotch, you took over. A suggestive smile played on your lips as you held eye contact, dragging the pants over him and down his toned legs.
He expected you to lay back down once he was freed, letting him push you back into submission. Though, you had other plans at that moment.
Stripping your boyfriend of his briefs, his length looked too delicious to let the moment go by. So, you leaned in and took him into your mouth.
First, you concentrated on the head. You let the tip of your tongue dance over him before adding further lip action. After mere seconds, he was red and swollen, droplets of white crawling down the sides. He was twitching against your lips, head rolling back at the delightful dissatisfaction. Slow-paced ministrations were as arousing to him as they were frustrating, so you already expected his irritation.
Not a minute later, Jisung’s hands crept to the back of your head, attempting to guide you further down. In the current power position you found yourself in, you wouldn’t have any of that.
“Don’t move, baby. Let me take care of you.”
“’s not enough,” Jisung mumbled but complied, hands resting on your cheeks instead. “I need more.”
“I know. Just enjoy.”
You moved back to his head, sucking at him as your fingers dug into his thighs. They twitched against your touches, every other suck making him weak in the knees as they buckled.
Once Jisung started panting, you sped up, fitting more of him into your mouth. You could tell it became harder for him to hold back, hips bucking into your mouth on occasion. You didn’t stop him, enjoying his despair for the warmth and the lustful sight only you could provide him with. It made you feel powerful, the dominant side overtaking the logical one as you took him as deep as possible.
Gagging around him, a breathy “Fuck!” escaped him as he got oh so close to his orgasm. At some point, he must have taken the remote control out of his pocket. As he was nearing the edge, the vibrations increased, causing a moan to slip past your lips and around his length. He stifled an ecstatic scream with the back of his hand.
Your performance suffered for a mere second and Jisung took the opportunity to pull out. With new-found energy, he shoved you to lay on your back.
Typically, you held the more dominant position in bed. Sending your boyfriend to heaven by riding him like there was no tomorrow. All the more exciting was it when Jisung was so on edge he couldn’t stand your teasing. When he couldn’t wait to be inside you. That’s when he used his physical superiority to overpower you and have it his way.
You definitely had a soft spot for how he dominated you when he was particularly desperate.
With your back against the mattress and his arms on either side of your waist, there was no way for you to get up. Jisung used this advantage to connect his mouth to your breast, sucking at your nipple like you loved. Your eyes rolled back at the incredible sensitivity of each of his touches. After spending significant time at your chest—granting both sides the same amount of attention—he kissed his way further down. He flipped your skirt up and over your stomach, your underwear long stripped and you left exposed.
Desperate to get inside you, you expected him to remove the vibrator and replace it with himself. When he started kissing your thighs and stomach, you were surprised. Though you didn’t dare complain. Not when his lips burned your skin, threatening to leave lingering marks.
“So sweet.”
He didn’t mean for you to hear the whispered words against your core. The smile creeping onto your face turned to a loud moan as Jisung dove in. His lips found your clit, wrapping around it in a harsh hug. When he started sucking on you, the vibrations speeding up again, you believed you saw stars.
Your vision blurred, eyes moving to watch him, but you could barely make out shapes. Too overwhelming was his mouth on you, hips soon rolling against him to urge for more speed. A smirk against your flesh was followed by him repositioning your legs over his shoulders. It made him feel so much closer, your bodies basically becoming one. His mouth practically glued to your cunt.
At first, Jisung kept an agonising slow pace, eating you like he had all the time in the world. After a while, as your breathing sped up, so did your boyfriend’s mouth. For every count that your heartbeat accelerated, so did he. Licking a little preciser, sucking a little fiercer. All the while, he was grinding against the mattress, chasing his own release which was fast approaching. So much so you could tell from the humming against your core that sent shivers up your spine.
“Sungie—” you breathed out, hand coming to his hair to stop him. “Baby. Inside. Please.”
As he didn’t react at first, you thought he hadn’t heard you. You repeated your pleas, and finally, with a wall-tightening pull on your clit, he removed his lips from you. “I heard you the first time. Just couldn’t bring myself to stop yet.”
His words caused a breathy chuckle out of you as he took the vibrator out of you before kissing his way back up your body.
“You have protection?” you questioned as your fingers grazed his cheeks, heart eyes staring into your boyfriend’s.
“Always.” Connecting your lips in a soft kiss, Jisung got up for a few seconds to search his pants.
“Good thing we’re always prepared, huh?” You propped yourself up on your elbows as you watched your boyfriend take his wallet out of his pocket. All the talking about public sex and taking chances had unlocked some long overwritten memories, and you chuckled with an uncomfortable shiver. “At least now we are.”
The look on Jisung’s face faltered as he went through every compartment of his wallet. Once, twice, and then a third time. You could tell from his expression that something was wrong. “Actually, about that…”
“Don’t tell me you don’t have condoms.”
“It seems like I forgot to fill up my stock. Don’t you have one with you?” Jisung asked, searching for your clothes on the bedroom floor.
“Have you seen my outfit? I barely have enough room for my phone.”
“Oh, I have seen your outfit, alright.” A suggestive smirk followed his reply as he climbed back over your body. “That skirt is doing things to me I can’t possibly put into words.”
Kissing you with more passion, Jisung’s lips soon wandered down your neck again.
“I could pull out.”
The laugh coming through your lips as you tilted your neck for better access was much sarcastic. “Have you learned nothing from the past? We are not taking chances.”
“So, we’re supposed to not have sex instead? Have you learned nothing from the past 20 minutes? We need this.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, view roaming through the room. Jisung’s gaze said something along the lines of ‘You have a plan, right?’. And a plan you had. Rolling out from under your boyfriend, you crawled over to the nightstand. “What’s one thing every frat always has at hand?” You pulled open the upper drawer, feeling its content as a smile spread on your lips. “I knew it.”
With an overjoyed “Yes!”, Jisung grabbed the silver square from your hands, opening it with his teeth. “This screams for a celebration?”
“What did you have in mind?”
The ambiguous grin crossing your boyfriend’s face made you curious and aroused you simultaneously. From experience, you knew his ideas in this area never quite disappointed. Most of them added into your bedroom routine; adapted into your standard practices.
Jisung soon crawled back over your body, erection pressing against your entrance as he held the vibrator between his fingers. “Baby?”
“Ssh.” One of his fingers came to your mouth as he smiled at you, happy. “Just enjoy.”
When he slipped inside you, your walls instantly wrapped around him. Sculptured for his exact shape and size. Having him this close, hitting your spot as though he himself had placed it right at his tip, filled you with complete satisfaction. You could have remained in this position for hours. Being close to him. Warming him. Though soon enough, the calm inside you was forced to evacuate, the electrifying vibration of the pink egg meeting your clit.
You jumped at the feeling that was only enforced as Jisung started moving. Rapidly. Sending you to heaven within seconds as you crumbled around him. Nothing but his name escaped your lips, like a holy mantra.
It didn’t take either of you long to finish, both of you on edge from having waited over a week to be together like this. Which, quite frankly, rarely happened. And when the orgasm finally hit, toes curling and walls crashing, it sent him into his own high.
It took you minutes to come back down to earth.
“Damn.” You chuckled, agreeing, and your eyes met when you tilted your head to look up at him. You rested on his chest as it rose in unison with your breathing. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
You kissed for a while, simply enjoying the intimacy before you pulled away to get up from the bed.
“You want to go back already?”
While you retrieved your clothes from the floor, your boyfriend still laid in bed, naked, propped up on his elbows. “What? You need more aftercare or something?”
“Nah. I thought you might. That was really intense just now.”
You pulled your top over your head, tugging it in your skirt before strutting towards him. With your fists planted on the mattress, you bowed over him, giving him a long, heated kiss. He bit your lip as you drew away, one of his hands coming to your jaw to keep you still.
“I need to pee.”
“Wow,” Jisung replied with a giggle, letting go of your face. “You’re nailing the dirty talk, baby.”
You blew a kiss at him as you walked to the door, leaving the room to find a bathroom.
A long hallway with a handful of doors on each side opened before you. The house was much more spacious than it appeared from the outside, fitting around a dozen people. And that was just the first floor. Any of these doors could lead to a bathroom but this was somewhat urgent. So, you opted for a rushed yet systematic approach.
You chose the door next to the one you had come out of, finding nothing but an empty bedroom. Much like the one your boyfriend was currently dressing in. The door after that was some form of storage unit, the only thing close to a toilet a bucket on the floor. If your search came up empty, you might revisit the idea.
One after another door led to more disappointment. Not until you opened the last door on the left side you found a room that wasn’t an unoccupied bedroom. It still was a bedroom—very much so—but it wasn’t even close to vacant.
The layout came into focus, illuminated by a ring light standing in the corner. As you further roamed the room, you spotted two bodies pressed together in the comfort of one of the two beds. You had no idea how you even got a close enough look to realise you knew one of the two people. It was likely your eyes, meeting for a second. That’s when you recognised his signature freckles, his face dropping as panic overshadowed.
“I’m sorry.” As fast as you had entered the room, you left it, eyes wide in confusion and surprise. It took you less than a few seconds to add two and two together.
Before you could think further about it, you got pulled out of your haze by none other than your boyfriend.
“Found a bathroom, baby?”
“Huh?” He tiptoed towards you and a grin spread on his features as he inspected a stinging hickey on your neck.
“Oh, no. I didn’t find one.” You smiled as he pulled you closer, kissing the dark mark. “I’ll use the one downstairs.”
“Let’s get back then. Wouldn’t want to miss out on all the fun, right?” A wink followed his question which you didn’t have the mind to return properly. You couldn’t quite forget what you had seen, hands entangling with your boyfriend’s as you threw one last look back into the hallway.
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
part one
part two
“Ugh,” Keith says.
“Ugh,” Lance agrees.
Keith looks up slowly from where he was glowering at his plate of appetizers, staring at Lance for several minutes with eyes squinted in suspicion.
“What the fresh fuck are you talking about.”
Lance wrinkles his nose at him. “What?”
“You love these things,” Keith says, like the Blue Paladin is a particularly slow toddler. “You’re usually – prancing around, making a fool of yourself in front of pretty people. Every time one of these dumbass celebration missions ends you complain. The fuck you mean, ‘ugh’?”
“I mean ugh,” Lance repeats, emphasizing the word. “Sometimes I simply do not feel the party vibe, Keith. You ever think about that? No. Because you never think about anything. Because the only thing in your skull is a hamster wheel covered in cobwebs. So there.”
Keith lets that hang between them for a moment.
“You’re just mad you got called ugly earlier, huh.”
“It was so rude!” Lance explodes, obviously waiting for Keith to bring it up. “Like, who says that? What kind of trained diplomat refers to a random stranger as ‘the homely one’? Why the fuck would you say that? And it’s not even true! I’m a legit snack! I have been propositioned, you know! More than once! It’s actually quite frequent!” He throws his hand up, noise of frustration coming from deep in his throat. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, but no actual sentences come out, just different variations of ‘ugh!’ and ‘how dare!’ and ‘the nerve!’.
Because he is a stellar person, Keith does not laugh, instead biting his tongue as hard as he physically can without biting it clean off. Everytime Lance’s sputtering dies off only to kick back up when he thinks of his transgression again it gets harder.
Contrary to what everyone seems to think, Keith likes Lance. They’re friends. They hang out, they talk shit about other people, they do friend things. That’s why they’re both sitting here, at the edge of some grandiose ballroom on a planet whose name Keith has forgotten because they’ve only been here one day, leaning against each other and picking food off the same plate. (Well, Keith’s plate. He’s being gracious and letting Lance have some because Lance has taken enough massive Ls today, and Hunk is busy, so if Lance gets hangry Keith can’t just pass him off on somebody, so. Better to keep him fed, or whatever.)
“We should go – do something,” Lance mutters, picking apart what appears to be a cookie. Maybe. Alien shit is weird. “Make faces behind Shiro’s back. Convince Coran to get wine drunk.”
“We did that already,” Keith dismisses. “Last time, remember? We can’t do it too many times or we’re gonna have to be supervised again. We just managed to convince Shiro to ease up on the trackers.”
Lance sinks further into his chair. “Ugh,” he says again, with true feeling.
Keith begins to feel bad. Lance doesn’t look genuinely upset, he doesn’t think – he knows what a genuinely upset Lance looks like and it’s fucking heartbreaking; it’s the kind of shit that could stop wars – but Keith is a little bit worried that he is bothered, in some way. It can’t feel good to get called ugly in front of everybody. It was funny. And Keith laughed a little. But, still.
Keith nudges their shoulders together. “You wanna go dance?”
Lance freezes. He turns his head slowly to face Keith, like if he moves too fast Keith is going to change his mind. His brown doe eyes are wide and hopeful and over the top, honestly. God. No one asked for that.
“No. I’m taking back my offer. You’re being weird about it.”
“Nope! Nuh-uh! No takebacksies! We’re dancing!” Lance whoops, shoving back his chair and scrambling to his feet. He wraps his fingers tightly around Keith’s wrist, grinning so wide his face is about to split.
“You are holding me hostage,” Keith complains, smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He gets up at Lance’s urging, popping the last of the weirdo alien cookie in his mouth and wiping his hand on his suit pants. “Let’s go, Homely One.”
If looks could kill, Keith’s intestines would be painting the floor. The look Lance gives him is lethal. It’s made worse when Keith laughs, because that was funny as hell and he refuses to pretend otherwise. He pulls Lance away, though, before he can reach for the butterknife that’s closeby and stab Keith in the eye, clasping their hands together and weaving them through the crowd of dancers and partygoers. Pretty soon the excitement catches up to Lance, because after a minute he’s the one dragging them around, having apparently picked a perfect spot on the ornate marble dancefloor for them to situate themselves. It is, of course, right smack in the middle, surrounded by people on all sides, right under the massive and delicate crystal chandelier that Keith and Hunk spent forty minutes mocking when they first got here.
“You’re extra as all fuck,” Keith informs him, dutifully putting his hand on Lance’s waist as instructed.
“I will have my Sam Montgomery moment or so help me God,” Lance responds. Keith notices he’s closer than he needs to be and immediately orders himself to un-notice that. He can see flecks of amber in Lance’s dark eyes. It’s so actually horrible. He focuses on Lance’s nose, instead, hoping for reprieve, but of course there is where all his freckles are. An attempt to focus on Lance’s mouth is a disaster waiting to happen, so he looks deliberately at Lance’s bigass forehead to distract himself. It kind of works.
The forehead that he is so intensely focused on wrinkles, and Keith says, “What,” and Lance says, “Aw, Keith, gross,” and then before Keith can stop anything Lance is untangling their hands, licking his thumb, and wiping something at the corner of his mouth.
Keith freezes.
He processes.
He gags.
All in that order.
“Lance!” he cries, swiping his own hands at his mouth. “Gross!”
“What’s gross is you walking around with crusty icing on the corner of your mouth, heathen,” Lance says, eyebrow arched and chin tilted defiantly.
Keith makes a strangled noise in the back of his throat. His face matches his armour. He prays that the universe crack open the ground to swallow him whole. He can’t – gah. No one has done that to him since Shiro’s mother would come to visit and take them to get ice cream. When he was eleven.
“Are you a ninety year old grandmother,” he hisses, swiping the corner of his mouth one last time. He thinks his face may actually be glowing.
“Are you a two year old who can’t keep his food in his mouth?” Lance counters. He looks entirely unbothered and Keith wants to strangle him. Who does that. Who, honestly.
“That is not how I wanted your spit near my mouth,” Keith mutters, and immediately wants to open his bayard between his eyes.
Lance stops. A twirling trio of people bumps into him. He does not move. Slowly, his face begins to burn, starting from the sharp jut of his cheekbones and quickly spreading everywhere else. He opens his mouth, then closes it, then narrows his eyes in determination and opens it again.
“Nope,” Keith says before he can say anything. There is no recovery from this. There is only tactical retreat. “I have to – I left my excuse on the castle. I’m gonna go grab it.”
As quickly as he can manage he lets go of Lance’s hand and his waist, gracefully ducking around a dancing couple and high-tailing the hell out of the room. He averts his eyes when he walks by Shiro, praying he doesn’t get stopped, and walks straight out the door. Lance’s calls of his name quickly become faint as he sprints down the hallway.
He can’t believe — God, he said that. Out loud. To Lance’s face. After Lance fucking — licked his thumb and wiped Keith’s face. Like the fussy mother he is.
And Keith is still attracted to him.
He stops in the middle of the hallway, head cradled in his hands, skin hot to the touch.
Fuck, he has a complex.
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madhatterbri · 5 months
Thinkin' About Me | Hangman A.P.
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Summary: Adam Page knows the guy you are currently seeing is in trouble with you.
Adam pulled up to the convenience store. He put his truck in park and looked at a picture on his dash. The light in his eyes became dull. It was a picture of the two of you when you were together. His arms around you with his face buried in your neck. You had a smile so bright that it would make the sun jealous. He sighed and made his way towards the convenience store.
As he walked to the front door, you were coming out the door with your new man. Adam could tell it was you immediately.
You laughed at a joke your new boyfriend whispered in your ear. His fingers were laced in yours. He kissed your hand and pulled you towards the car. Out of your peripheral, you saw the familiar curly blonde locks. Your throat tightened, and you forcibly gulped.
With a simple head turn, you saw the man that still held so many pieces of your heart. Your mouth dropped open in shock. Adam stood by the door. He licked his lips and placed his weight on one leg.
"What's wrong?" He heard your new boyfriend ask. Your new toy stared at Adam. He didn't seem threatened, just genuinely confused about how the two of you knew each other.
"Nothing, Harry. He's just a burnt out flame. Let's get out of here," you dismissed the weirdness. Your boyfriend led you to his car. You turned around one last time to look at Adam. He still stood there watching your every move.
The unexpected run in with Adam at the store weighed heavy on your mind. You hadn't expected to run into him so soon. The next few days proved to be hard on you. Any little task that you were used to doing with your new boyfriend brought your mind back to Adam.
Your boyfriend loved to share his drinks with you. Not much of a drinker, you never cared to order one for yourself. One night at the bar, he placed his glass in front of you and told you to drink.
You took a small sip. The familiar taste of Adam's favorite drink made the blood drain from your face. Your mind wandered to all the kisses you received from him with that taste on his lips.
One day, your boyfriend had to pick you up while your shop was at the mechanics. After a rough day, you felt yourself dozing off. Your heavy eyes slowly closed. Behind closed eyes, you saw Adam breathless in front of you. His lips crash on yours. You immediately jump and wake up. Your boyfriend never noticed.
Nights didn't give you any relief from your thoughts and visions of Adam. Your boyfriend was buried between your legs. Your eyes closed, fingers clenched to the sheets. Your lips parted, and your mind wandered.
The brown locks your fingers were in turned blonde. The familiar scent of his cologne danced with your nose. The sheets felt similar to the ones that Adam owned. It felt like you were somewhere else.
"Ad....am," you moaned breathlessly, barely catching yourself what you said. Your eyes shot open. You looked down in fear that he heard what you said. When he didn't bring it up, you allowed your head to rest against the pillow once more. The night is absolutely ruined for you.
Fridays were your date nights with him. It's a little celebration for ending another crazy week. While deciding where to go, he brought up a spot you frequented with Adam. Fearing another run-in with a man that had control over you, you quickly suggested another restaurant.
At the end of the week, you went to the convenience store. You weren't sure why you went to a store so far from your home. Any chance to have an opportunity to see Adam again. You parked your car and went inside the store.
You strolled through the aisles as if you had a reason to be there. After picking up a few snacks that probably wouldn't be eaten, you went to check out the drinks. Minutes passed as you tried to find the perfect drink. Cowboy boots walked towards you and stopped next to you.
"At my convenience store twice in a week. Are you thinkin' about me?" Adam asked roughly. A blush appeared on your cheeks. A smirk appeared on his face. He always told you he would be hard to get rid of.
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infinitebrians · 5 months
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Favorite Games of 2023 Part 2: Super Mario Wonder
What a weird thing to say but this really is the best Super Mario has been as a 2D platforming game since the Super Nintendo! An overall creatively fresh look on that guy Mario and what he can do when he’s only got two directions to run around in. Just a true delight all the way through, I never had a bad time playing it. The new features like the badges and wonder seeds all gave the game a fun amount of variety and character to the game always keeping a sense of surprise in each area that at their very worst was easily ignored. Also a very lovely game visually that gave character to its characters and a fun new set of weird critters to appreciate.
A unique aspect for my playthrough of Mario Wonder was I insisted on playing through the whole game using my new snackbox leverless controller (arcade stick controller sans the stick). I’ve been wanting to try that controller with a side scrolling game because I kept hearing people play other side scrollers with it and it sounded like a fun perfect test case for that idea. I had a blast playing through the whole game with it. Using it’s button based directions felt entirely natural to play through the entire game with it and I’m absolutely going to be using it for any further similarly structured games in the future. The only time the unique button controls did not feel natural was when I was in situations involving four way direction like the water levels or those surprisingly frequent times where you turn into slime. That controller rules and I always feel bad I don’t like using it too much since I don’t always want to just get absolutely destroyed at fighting games all the time.
The thing though that I will always remember Mario Wonder is surprisingly enough it’s online feature. When this online aspect of the game was announced, a feature while you’ll see and be able to lightly interact with live ghosts of other players who are also playing the same level as you, I joked about Mario Wonder being the second ever strand game. Now having played the game 100%, I am absolutely standing by that statement. I’ve had numerous tiny but memorable experiences with other players with that feature either dancing around, spamming the simple emotes, or even helping each other out through tricky parts of the level. One experience of that in particular, the one this post’s drawing is referencing, happened during the final final challenge level where a Japanese Nabbit player and I were helping (them more to me than me to them) each other through a series of areas in that level. We would emote chirp at each other, cheering us on, and more importantly, wait at the room exits so when we left the room at the same time we’d maintain our online instance together. It happened for a whole checkpoint’s worth of that final level and it would’ve been longer if I didn’t screw up immediately with the infinite sprint badge room LIKE A FOOL. That player was a huge help to me with the few of the toughest rooms of that whole challenge and a very appreciated companion.
These little stories and memories I gathered from such a silly little feature gave me such a warm feeling toward everyone I was playing with in the game, we were all here to help push each other forward. A mechanic that gave people the encouragement to help each other out and feel good in the process of doing it, a fun look at what can be done with online semi anonmyous interaction. I’ll always appreciate that Nabbit player, I hope they’re having a happy new year.
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coffeepurpleu · 10 months
On a Sweet Night, Be My Lucky Star (03)
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Pairing : VampireTaehyung x WitchReader x DemonJungkook
Genre: Supernatural, Smut, Angst, a little of violence,Fluff (I'll try go with all lmao)
Serie: (still don't know how many longer will be, like chapters, but I'm going to make you enjoy it),about updates (there's will be not a specific day to update, *wink).
This will be my first fanfic here, English It's not my first language, so, if you have any suggestion I'll try it🏃🏻‍♀️.
CH01 CH02
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"Small world I guess" I shrug getting up from the seat taking the drinks.
The three of us head over to the table where the others were sitting placing the drinks on the table,then I take a seat between the minty-haired boy and Taehyung, who looks like he wants to mention something.
"Nice to meet you, I'm yoongi" The minty-haired boy gives me a small nod, I reply with a smile. "I'm Y/N."
(Taehyung communicating telepathically with yoongi).
"Hyung, I think I messed up a little."
"Now what did you do?"
"I just didn't know it was her friend, I acted like I don't care and now that I know it's her, I feel bad."
"It's just a moment where we all make mistakes either unconsciously"
"But, Hyung"
"Ask her to dance and tell her, easy"
"Everything sounds easy for you"
"You're earning a hit"
"Okay, but if she rejects me I'll blame you for the next eternities, and you'll give me all your little bags of blood."
"Squealer, that won't happen"
"Jin, let's have a dance duel" I look at him defiantly.
"Oh, you want to lose" Jin arches an eyebrow.
"Can I try?" Namjoon asks getting up from his seat, I feel a small touch on my arm, I turn around.
"Can we talk?" Taehyung asks me quietly with pleading eyes.
"Sure" We both get up from the seat. "I think there's a nice balcony upstairs, if my memory serves me right" I mention.
"Have you come here before?" He asks me as we both climb the stairs making our way through the crowd.
"3 years ago, I met hwasa here" I reply opening the door to balcony, we walk in.
"That's weird, I never saw you around here" Taehyung leans on the balcony turning back towards me as I walk towards where he is standing.
"You frequent these places a lot don't you? Actually, that night I beat up a guy who wanted to overdo it with her, I didn't last long, just sitting at the bar" I shrug.
"I used to frequent them a lot, but I don't think there's any reason to do it anymore" He looks at me. "How come you used to sit alone at the bar, if you're beautiful" I chuckle.
"Hard to believe, but I wasn't stereotypical, maybe I wasn't charming enough to talk or something" I squint a little to see the moon shining down on us.
"You don't need to be inside stereotypes" Taehyung takes my hands gently. "I want to tell you so many things."
"Can I try to guess?" I chuckle, he makes a confused face. "Yoongi Hyung already told you, I knew I shouldn't trust him" Taehyung frowns.
"He didn't tell me anything" I slightly deny.
"So?" Taehyung pouts a little.
"How about we say it on the count of 3 at the same time?" I Ask
"Okay, 1"
"You're my destined partner" Taehyung shouts making people turn to look at us.
"Hey, missing three!" I claim to his
"But-" Taehyung's eyes glaze over, ready to turn around and leave.
"I already suspected it, when I saw you at the art gallery, I felt a connection" I walk over to hug him laughing. "Don't cry"
"Really? why didn't you tell me?" Taehyung wraps his arms around my waist.
"When I turned to see you, you were gone" I caress his head.
"Because you were with your boyfriend weren't you?" He whispers
"Who? Namjoon? He's not my boyfriend, we're just friends" I laugh.
"Really?" Taehyung raises his head where we both stare at each other. I nod, he relaxes . "You know I thought he was going to kill me" We both laugh.
"He don't hurt no flies" I mention.
"Well, then can we get to know each other more?" He clasps our hands together.
"Sure but-" Before I finish speaking, he interrupts me.
"I'll go with you, I don't have anything here" Taehyung gives me his classic cute square smile.
"Are you willing to leave the things you lived here? I feel it's something to speed up-" I can't finish because he puts my hand on his cold cheek.
"Please, I've waited so long" he rests his cheek on my hand.
"Alright, come on it's getting cold up here" I take his hand back.
"Can I warm up-, Ouch" I give him a little smack on the back of his head.
"Not yet, you've been drinking" I give Taehyung a look.
"You maintain that we should do better without drinking? me too" He smiles as we go down to the dance floor
"And then what were you going to say" I arch an eyebrow.
"That I could warm you up, hugging you" Taehyung pouts
We see a crowd surrounding two people, we approach, I find Jin dancing butterfly style and Namjoon trying to twerk, I laugh causing Jin to pull me into the circle, I look at Taehyung asking for help but he is talking to Yoongi.
"Until you show up, go ahead show your talent" Jin steps back dancing.
"Done" I move dancing like jelly.
"Girl what have you missed" Hwasa enters the circle swaying her hips.
"Really?" I ask trying to pull away
"Where are you going?" Jin pulls me back.
"Ouch, I don't have good stamina, I want to sit down" I pout.
"It's ok, we might as well take a break" Namjoon looks at Jin.
We walk to the table where Taehyung and Yoongi are talking, in the blink of an eye Yoongi yells at Taehyung.
"You can't just decide what to do!" Yoongi stands up from the seat.
"I'm old enough to make decisions!" Taehyung bares his fangs.
"Oh yeah?! A few fucking hours ago you didn't know what to do with your life" Yoongi's eyes turn ruby red
"Can't you just support me...I've spent time looking for her, could you come with me Hyung" Taehyung stretches her arms to get closer to Yoongi, who frowns
"Everything okay?" Namjoon asks them.
"We shouldn't cause a scene here" Jin whispers looking at some guards watching us
"Sorry to cause trouble" I bow directing my gaze to Yoongi, who opens his eyes
"You're not causing any, it's just Hyung, right?" Taehyung takes my cheeks between his calloused hands.
"Yes, I've simply spent eternities taking care of this child, that I find it hard to believe" Yoongi snorts.
"See - what child, I'm an adult Hyung" Taehyung hugs me giving me a kiss on the head.
"Can we go then?" yawning
"Sure, who's driving?" Namjoon Asks.
"Well, Y/N has a sleepy face, in the blink of an eye she can kill us if she drives" Jin denies.
"Hey! You offend me" I pout.
"Hyung can drive" Taehyung looks at Yoongi in a plea.
"What about our car" Yoongi arches an eyebrow.
"How about I teleport us?" I smile
"No way, last time you left us on Mount Everest" Jin claims.
"But it was unintentional!" I pout, hiding in Taehyung.
"So?" Namjoon asks
"Let me try!" I look at Jin
"Fine, but I don't answer if something happens" Jin rolls his eyes, we get out in front of the cars.
"Now which car?" Taehyung looks at Yoongi.
"I'd rather miss yours than mine" Yoongi mentions teasingly.  
"Well, then I guess we can get in" Namjoon walks up to the Co-Pilot's door.
"I'll go in the back for safety" Jin climbs in the back.
"So see you later?" I look at Taehyung
"We can meet tomorrow, how about going out for lunch, Oh wait, your number" Taehyung holds out his cell phone, I shake my number but not a nickname, I try to see how to schedule me but he backs up, I follow him until he trips over a rock, I try to steady myself but fall on top of him.
"Get a room" Jin laughs.
"Don't be mean!" I stand up extending a hand to Taehyung blushing.
"Maybe we should" Taehyung takes my hand standing up, whispering to me.
"Tortolos show is over" Yoongi gets in the car.
"See you later dear" Taehyung kisses the back of my hand to walk to the car.
I get in the car to channel everyone's energy, I close my eyes visualizing my aunt's house, in the blink of an eye we are in front of the house.
"You finally made it!" Jin laughs.
"I've always made it" I glare at him.
"You know I never doubt you, I like to see you bring out the best in you" Jin winks at me
"Can we stay for a rest tomorrow?" Namjoon yawns
"Sure, but I think I'm going out" I murmur, opening the door.
"I still don't want grandchildren" Jin says goodbye to go to his room
"Rest" I say goodbye to go to sleep but I receive an incoming call, I watch Namjoon go down the stairs giving a little bow
"Hello Hello, is my precious gem still awake?" I hear Taehyung's hoarse voice.
"I was going straight to bed now, I can't feel my body" I put the phone on speaker as I get dressed to sleep.
"Then you need training" He laughs
"Thank you very much for the offer but I'm fine" I yawn lying down on the bed
"Did you get to the place okay what was it?" he asks me
"Pff, yeah, I'm good at this" I mumble.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow, get some rest" Taehyung blows a kiss before hanging up.
The day starts cloudy as I look out the window, I stretch before looking at the messages on my cell phone
Sunoo😶: Apparently the day looks gloomy today ;( Sunoo😶: Is it planned for another day?
XXX-XXXX-XXX: It's a nice day for a snuggle. XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX: Fun fact, I have a list planned to do together, Dearest
I decide to open the last few messages, I have a suspicion it's Taehyung.
Dearydeary💕: Who is it supposed to be? XXX-XXXXXX-XXX: I'm supposed to assume you gave your number to someone else...or don't you love me anymore?
I see a picture of taehyung smiling in red silk pajamas, I walk downstairs agendizing Tae, when I bump into Namjoon.
"Careful" He mentions before going up to the library with a coffee in his hands.
"Until you decide to come down, I thought you stuck to the bed" Jin puts two plates on the table, I take a seat.
"I didn't take too long" I put my cell phone aside to start eating, when I get a call from Taehyung, Jin takes my phone and answers for me.
"She is not available" Jin mentions seriously.
"Bullshit" I tell him eating trying to reach my cell phone.
"I just wanted to know if I could come and spend time with Y/N-" I hear Taehyung's voice as Jin puts it on speakerphone.
"Shu Shu, you already saw her last night, besides it's going to rain" Jin frowns.
"But it's not the same, I want to know her well" I hear him put sad voice. I look at Jin
"Fine but you'll have to pass the interrogation, if not, I'll tell Namjoon to help put a stake in you" Jin laughs before leaving and handing me my cell phone
"Don't listen to him, I'll protect you" I smile
"It shouldn't be like this, it would be the other way around, this vampire will protect his gem" Taehyung mentions it with a hoarse voice which makes me feel small
"See you in 15" I say goodbye before hanging up.
I take a quick shower before changing into comfortable clothes, I sit on the couch to make a video call to Aisha, she is an old friend who is studying medicine. I see her brown curls peeking out on the camera.
"Until you remember I exist" Aisha snorts.
"You're sometimes busy too" I pout.
"But I do send out signs of life, unlike you" She grimaces at me.
"Well, no fighting, how did it go?" We both laugh.
"Well, here's waiting for my knight in armor" She winks at me.
"Can you give me a dissection now?" I see her frown
"You're about to start, that's why you're still alone."
"I've got you" I wink at her, I see Namjoon walk behind and watch the video call
"Hi handsome" Aisha greets
"Hi" Namjoon waves and walks away with a book in his hand.
"You what?" I raise an eyebrow
"Is it yours?" Aisha pouts
"Of course not, mine is nicer" She smiles
"Did you manage to find your destined partner? What else haven't you told me? I'm already an aunt too?" Aisha speaks in surprise.
"Yes, not much has happened, you know I don't want children" I grimace.
"But if your partner wants to? Besides it would be nice to see little Y/N running around and coming to their aunt" We both laugh.
"Adopting is an option, and let's not keep talking about it, you'll be done with the semester soon right?" I ask
"boringoo, and yes, we should celebrate, I know what I want for a present" Aisha smiles mischievously
"The guy I just passed with the book in his hands"
"I don't traffic people" I roll my eyes.
"But if you could, you would"
"Of course not"
I feel the doorbell ring, I look at Aisha, Jin comes down the stairs.
"Talk to you later" We say goodbye, I look at Jin leaning on the door blocking the entrance toTaehyung, I get up from the sofa.
"Jinnieeeeeee" I try to push Jin aside to let Taehyung in.
"Namjoon bring the stake!" Jin yells, I see Taehyung get nervous, I sneak into a small space and manage to hug Tae.
"Hello dear" Taehyung gives me a kiss on the head.
"So young man, let's go to the interrogation" Jin drags me back inside the house.
"Wait! I brought you something" Taehyung goes to his car, opens the car door taking out a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. Jin gives space so we can talk better inside the house, Taehyung approaches me and hands me the things smiling.
"Thank you" I look at the bouquet, it contains daisies, and tulips.
"You're welcome-" Jin takes it to the sofa, Namjoon arrives with a stake.
"That's not necessary Jin" I mentioned putting the flowers in a vase, walking to the kitchen keeping the chocolates inside the refrigerator.
"I promise I'm not violent" Taehyung raises his hands in defense.
"What are your intentions?" Jin points the stake at him, Namjoon stands next to me.
"Is it normal for me to do that?" Namjoon asks.
"Well, as you may know, in my life I haven't had any steady partners, I literally haven't dated anyone" I shrug my shoulders
"So, it's your first time doing an interrogation?" Namjoon mentions, I nod"In a way, he's doing it right" We both laugh.
"I've finished the book" Namjoon smiles."That's good, are you reading a new one now?" I ask
"Yeah, under the same star" He nods.
"That one I read in high school, it made me cry" I pout as I see Jin saying a bunch of consequences to Taehyung if he lets me.
"Do you have a favorite book?" Namjoon asks.
"Not for now" I walk up to Jin touching his shoulder.
"I think I'm done now, but I'll keep an eye on him" Jin glares at him, thunder rumbles
"He won't do anything wrong, right?" I approach Taehyung to caress his head.
"I would never forgive myself"" Taehyung denies as he rests his head on my stomach.
"Well, can we eat?" I look at the clock, it's 12:30 and the rain is starting to come down
"I haven't made anything yet, if you want to make food with magic" Jin shrugs his shoulders.
"I promised to make lunch together" Taehyung looks at me.
"Did you bring any ingredients?" Jin looks at him.
"No, but-" Jin interrupts him.
"See? He didn't bring any" Jin frowns.
"But there you have ingredients, no problem" I mention.
I already missed this, got me thinking because I was waiting for my own actualization lol, this weekends was so crazy and stressed but anyway, thanks for the wait♡
(Love again is soo addict and complement the sven days📈)
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Wordacount: 2,678k (too short i know😓)
All credits to coffeepurple_
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try-set-me-on-fire · 8 months
Some extra thoughts about Buck sees death au (same content warnings for the rest of the fic asdfg)
I always planned to end the fic where I did but I do think the rest of their stay in El Paso is rockier. Chris wakes up really early the next morning and wants to make pancakes but Buck doesn’t want to use ingredients in someone else’s kitchen without permission so they sneak out to a grocery store in their pajamas (they didn’t want to wake Eddie up digging around in the suitcases) and Ramon is up by the time they get back and is disgruntled that they went out into the world less than fully dressed and presentable, and Chris is like “It’s vacation, abuelo, you can wear pajamas on vacation” in his teenager duh voice and Ramon isn’t happy about that either and there’s probably some this is the example you want to set kind of comment aimed at Buck and like Eddie is still in bed and Buck isn’t sure how much he should be pushing back on this so he kind of just tries to smooth it over and start making the pancakes and things are still kind of weird and tense when Eddie gets up but Buck doesn’t want to start anything up again so he just shakes his head at Eddie’s questioning look and starts plating breakfast. (Also he happened to see freesias at the store and got Eddie a little bouquet, the sap.)
And then later in the day Buck gets a migraine (been happening more frequently since the lightning strike but not enough that his doctor is worried) and Eddie is kicking himself because he forgot to pack the excedrin but his mom has some so Buck takes the medicine and Eddie bundles him back to bed and leaves him to rest for awhile and when he comes back out Helena starts asking questions that start off concerned and quickly become pointed about how dangerous their jobs are, how they both put themselves at risk, what would happen to Christopher, maybe Buck should consider non-active duty, he did die after all, etc etc. and Eddie gets very snippy because they’re not going to quit their jobs, he didn’t die, he’s right here in the other room very much alive, and Shannon died crossing a fucking street so anything can happen to anyone at any time, mom, I’m not going to live my life worried about what might happen. I have his back and he has mine. We’re getting married in the summer. He brought me flowers this morning. This is the life I want to live.
And the two of them go out square dancing with Adriana that night and Buck is still terrible at it and Eddie loves him so so much and he gets a little drunk and they make out in the bathroom and he sloppily whispers “I want you inside me so fucking bad” but they don’t actually get around to doing anything more giving each other a hickey or two, Buck promising to treat him so right once they get back home. And maybe Eddie convinces the still sober Adriana to drive them around town to places he used to hang out, which turns kind of sad because they’re mostly places he used to hang out with Shannon. “It hurts sometimes,” he sighs into Buck’s collarbones, “To love somebody so much.” And they hold each other very tight when they get back to the house and go to bed, and are too hungover in the morning to particularly care that Ramon and Helena disapprove of this, too, but goodbyes manage to be civil and when his parents say they’re looking forward to the wedding they mean it, and when they shake Buck’s hand and say they’re glad Eddie has him in his life they mean that too. And driving with a hangover is miserable but they’re together and going home and so things are okay.
And like Buck is still depressed and anxious and working through his ptsd, he’s not just fixed by a few nice conversations with people who love him, but he’s in a much better place than he was throughout winter, and he keeps going to therapy and working on how to feel better and when the freeway collapse happens it doesn’t destroy him as much as he might have expected, because he’s able to get everyone out safe because he really is good at his job and everyone really does have each other’s backs. And in the summer when Buck and Eddie get married it’s truly so lovely. The light is beautiful, and they have breakfast for dinner, and there are freesias everywhere, and its all perfect because they’re here together. And then the next year or the year after they do have another kid, and it’s wonderful and terrifying and hard and the easiest thing in the world and Chris is a fantastic older brother and they all just get to live their lives, with all the good and bad that comes with that. Mostly good! They have each other, it’s mostly good!
And then far future, I think in 20 or so years everyone is at a family bbq and reminiscing about the good ol days and wilder calls they had and Buck is like… i know how this is going to sound but I used to know when people were going to die. And everyone’s like oh yeah you had great instincts and he shakes his head and explains the whole thing and it leads to a terrible fight between him and Eddie because Eddie spent those months very frightened that Buck might try to kill himself. He’s angry that Buck went through this alone, he’s angry that Buck didn’t let him know the truth while it was happening, he’s angry that he wasn’t even entirely wrong. Buck threw himself in front of that car! He wasn’t doing well! By his own admission Bobby used to disappear when he was feeling suicidal, the lightning happened to be the thing that got him but what if, what if, what if. And Buck admits that if he didn’t have Eddie it might have gone another way but he did have him, Eddie took such good care of him even when he was too afraid or sad or exhausted to explain what he was really going through. And Eddie is only angry because he loves him so much so they work it out and then have a lot of tender middle aged sex about it.
Anyway, this was a fun au I had a great time making poor Buck so so miserable! I hope you had fun with it too!
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yourkimjaejin · 1 year
Johnny x Moxy (Minny) Moments
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Here's a couple of moments in the relationship between Johnny and his little sister Moxy, Enjoy!!! ~ Author Izzy
Moxy has a one track mind. When she’s focused on something, she won’t stop until she gets it done. 
That gets in the way when Moxy was in school at SOPA
Sometime’s the rapper would get frustrated at how things were worded, how they solved math problems, and the sheer amount of homework given was overwhelming. To avoid it, she would fake like she had dance practice. Dancing all night until she was forced to spend an all nighter finishing her work
After the fifth time Moxy wandered into practice with blood shot eyes that were barely open, Johnny stepped in telling Taeyong he’d handle it.
Johnny told her that his door was open no matter the time. He’d been through what Moxy was going thru but he didn’t have help. 
Anytime Moxy needed it, Johnny would stay up and help solve any question Moxy had regarding her homework
Eventually they formed a system where the two would take over a conference room and knock out her homework for the next day
When Moxy love’s something, she studies everything she can about it. She wouldn’t be a kpop idol if she didn’t want to know more about the Korean side of her.
But Johnny can’t get enough of Moxy’s little obsessions. He finds her one track mind sooo cute
Like when it comes to wrestling, Moxy loses her collective mind. She’ll start reacting like nobodies in the room with her. He has dozens of videos of Moxy practically hyperventilating at different segments from show
Moxy has a weird eating habit. She eats all the vegetables out of her meal before any rice or meat. Seeing her dig through every section of a meal for any veggies she forgot makes Johnny want to squeeze her.
Johnny could just shake her when Moxy reads something in Korean. It’s when she sounds out the words she doesn't know. 
The audible coo Johnny releases when Moxy’s pouts or glares in frustration
Johnny think’s Moxy is the cutest when she’s listening to music. It’s like she can’t control her body anymore. She’ll start dancing and singing no matter who's around. 
The best are when they’re in the car on the way back home from a schedule. It's those times when Johnny can tell Moxy is lost in another world while listening to her music. Sometimes the two will meet each others eyes. Johnny will smile and Moxy smiles back….yeah those are the times when Moxy is the cutest to Johnny
Johnny is in AWE of Moxy
Her Strength and Fearlessness. 
Johnny and Doyoung would frequently accompany Moxy to the gymnastics gym to keep an eye on her, making sure she didn’t get hurt 
Sometime’s Johnny couldn’t watch as she threw herself into dangerous trick after dangerous trick. Doyoung would laugh at his hyung hiding behind his fingers.
The couple of times Doyoung was able to get Johnny to look up, he couldn’t help but see why Moxy was considered one of the best from her high school’s cheer squad. 
The strength she held while flipping and cartwheeling across the mat. The fearless expression in her eyes as Johnny watched her do one last rotation at the last second to land properly. 
Her Mind
Johnny could listen to Moxy talk about her passions for hours. 
The best times are when she has an idea for music videos. Johnny can’t count the nights he’s stayed up for hours listening to Moxy’s ideas for NCT music videos
Johnny always encourages her to write them down. Hopefully one day she’ll share them with the company, he knows she will
Her Talent
Johnny is pretty sure nobody is luckier than 127 to have Moxy on their team. She has so much talent it's embarrassing 
Moxy can pick up lyrics in a snap. Choreography comes so easy to her. The versatility of her voice. 
Johnny could spend hours gushing about his little sister so make not to ask him about what’s his favorite thing about Moxy cause you’ll be stuck listening for HOURS
There's one thing that all the 127 members know and its that Moxy is considered, by a large margin of male kpop idol’s, to be one of the sexiest female idols out there
A lot of guys take glimpses at her. She never notices because they’re stopped by her fellow members
Johnny has literally seen boys stop what they're doing and gaze at Moxy with so much longing. It makes him sick.
Johnny and Moxy will get into a ton of fights because he’ll want her to cover up  but not explain why. Most of the time, Moxy will change just to get him to shut his mouth
The worst era’s for this were Favorite and Faster. 
Favorite was bad because the stylist thought of the amazing idea “Let's show off Moxy’s body after YEARS of hiding it.”. 
Dresses that stopped right before the middle of her thigh, tight in all the right places(all the wrong places in Johnny eyes). She always wore shorts underneath so she was never afraid to dance full out. 
Faster was even WORSE! Moxy was walking around in leather crop top and pants that showed off just a bit too much for Johnny
Johnny and Yuta have mastered their glares due to this ‘problem’. Jaehyun doesn’t glare so much as he blocks the view of Moxy with his body. 
Moxy hasn’t run them down because of this but it’s coming
Whenever Moxy wanted to go somewhere, It was on Johnny's gas tank. He took her and anyone with her everywhere
The unofficial reason, Johnny wanted to practice driving in Korea. The official reason, Johnny didn’t trust Moxy alone on Korean Public Transit
But like most big brothers forced to lug their sister’s around Johnny got tired of it. So he began teaching Moxy to drive
In the end, Johnny took Msquared to take their driving test together. Marks loves to rub his higher score in Moxy’s face. 
To keep in practice, one of their older members will take them out for a drive late at night so they don’t get caught by a wandering camera. This usually ends up being Johnny and 
Side Msquared note: Mark and Moxy are saving up to buy a car together
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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hello! for the ask game!
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
🤎 What color is your hair?
you can pick and choose from these, if they're too many! hope you have fun answering, i'm looking forward to your answers <3
Ahhhh, I am finally rushing to reply to your little surprise! I appreciate you so much for asking just because, even when I did not reblog the ask game back then. Thank you so much for leaving these in my inbox, loveliest! I also apologise for getting back to them only now — I am answering them all to compensate for my extra tardiness. 🙈❤️️
Have you ever written fanfiction?
I have and I still do, though I have a tendency to completely dissect canon each time and turn the story into my own little thing skdskfjsks. My writing mostly consists of fanfiction works — the ratio is three fanfiction projects to one original work (that is still lowkey fanfiction since it is about a person who existed?). I am, however, struggling a lot with one of my canonverses and am mostly focusing on my original work these days as it brings me endless misery joy and many opportunities to improve my craft.
What do you think says the most about a person?
The way they treat others — that always reveals the kind of person they are the most. You can be extroverted or introverted, a sunshine or a grump, someone who is temperamental or detached, but common courtesy and manners shows a lot about what hides inside your heart (and I ultimately believe that it also reveals just how content you are with yourself). I personally cannot stand condescending people with a holier-than-thou approach to life.
Also, the way they observe what is happening around them and react to these situations. Being able to speak out in defence of someone who is being wronged, openly talking about problems around us, and being aware of the horrible things happening in the world speaks volumes.
What’s a weird fact that you know?
Lmaoooo prepare to be ✨in awe✨.
The average person has enough carbon in their body to make 900 pencils.
The digestion system of sloths is so slow, they practically exhale their own gases (they are absorbed through the bloodstream).
There is a legend that the first appearance of croissants leads back to the 17th-century Vienna. Shortly after the defeat of the Ottomans (the Battle of Vienna in 1683), an owner of a bakery began making crescent-shaped pastries to celebrate the victory of the Austrians.
The stomach acid is so strong, it can dissolve metal.
Favourite place to nap?
I always experience the best naps when I spend time in our small family cabin during summer. We have a terrace where I can fit a mattress, so I usually toss it in there, add an ungodly amount of blankets and read there (and nap there). The naps are always so special because I practically get to sleep outside, on fresh mountain air. Naps on the terrace while there is a summer storm raging outside is even more delicious.
Describe yourself in three words.
Opinionated. Emotional. Curious.
How long have you been on Tumblr?
I think I might be entitled to a senior discount because… eleven years. 🙈
Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
There are many songs I know all the lyrics to because I usually tend to memorise them after listening to them frequently, but my biggest accomplishment is learning the lyrics to “The Ketchup Song” once I started learning Spanish. It was a massive hit in my country when I was a kid, we used to dance to it alllll the time, but our small lizard brains understood nothing back then. Learning the lyrics and understanding what the song actually is about was like entering a new dimension lmao.
What colour is your hair?
I am naturally a brunette with copperish tones but officially became a member of the Redheads Club this year! I have always, always loved this type of hair colours. My mum has always dyed her hair ginger, so ever since I was a little child, I have always wanted to follow this tradition and have the same hair colour. I feel super pleased & am going for an even lighter shade for the summer. ☀️
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dulcewrites · 1 year
I had this headcanon about how Aemond still frequently suffers from chronic headaches because of his eye but refused to take milk of the poppy because it made him feel all light headed and, well just… drunk in general, so he didn’t want to put himself into such a vulnerable position but then when he and Myrah marry she eventually convinces him to take it from time to time when the pain got really bad and when he does they always stay in their chambers, Aemond lying in bed, feeling high out of his mind, and Myrah sits on his torso, doing silly things like cleaning his Aura and attempting ASMR and so on. Aemond would probably act embarrassed afterwards because he’s wayyy to serious for all that stuff but secretly he enjoys it a lot
Oh I love this. Especially the cleaning his aura and attempting asmr part. They are very astrology gf and stock market bf coded. One of the reasons why he loves her so much is how carefree and weird and warm she is. It makes him feel young… which he is! He has been to be uptight for so long out of necessity and as a barrier. It is easy for everyone to forget he’s basically a baby. He’s only in his early 20s (in this universe at least)
AND this gave me an idea that myrah would be so interested in magic especially the Hightowers connection to alchemy and necromancy. She probably tries her hand at stuff (and in theory fails 💀)
now I have to write this
Bewitched by You
The aches always started the same. A tingle at the top of his head that traveled all the way down and pricked the tip of his toes. Despite the years of experiencing them, Aemond was still a shock when the pain in his head traveled through his body. A dull pain settling in his bones.
They sneak up on him at times, and during each one that happens, Myrah would plead the same thing.
“Please, just a little bit of it. I know it will make you feel better.”
He had taken milk of the poppy before. When he was younger and the scar still healed, he was all but take it by the maesters. It did help with the pain, but he hated the fuzzy feeling that came with it. How he strangely was unaware yet hyperaware of everything going on around him. The next day, his mother would smile sweetly saying he was quite cute while on it.
Her only other experience with dealing with someone on milk of the poppy was a surly, useless old man with rotting flesh. Of course, he would be cute compared to that.
But Myrah would beg. Her eyes would get wide and sad. A similar look Alicent would give him when he was in pain. If there was any worse pain than the headaches, it was seeing them upset.
So, when his head begins to pound after dinner, it takes little convincing on her part for him to finally take some. Myrah makes him change into something more comfortable, and brushes his hair. By the time milk of the poppy is brought to their chambers, the moon was rising in the sky, and the fires within the castle ablaze and flickering.
He watches Myrah, who floats around the room like a fairy. Lighting the oil lamps, dark curls dancing behind her and a girlish frolic in her step. It makes him wonder what their children will look like. More Targaryen or more like her family? He tries to imagine a younger version of himself with her hair, or gods willing, her eyes.
Once done tending to the lamps, she comes to stand near the bed, the strap of her night gown falling on her shoulder.
“How do you feel?”
“You’re pretty,” is the first thing that came to his mind. Myrah laughs and it chimes like bells in his head.
“Feeling better, I assume,” she rearranges the pillows. “Why don’t you lie down.”
She tucks him in as if he is a child. Humming a hymn before leaning down and kissing him on the forehead. She leans up with a sudden gasp.
“You know what we should do,” she beams.
Aemond just blinks, eye trained on her. A part of him wants bury his face in her chest to get whiff of lavender he got meer seconds ago. But he does not think that is what she meant.
“Daeron sent me a special book from Oldtown,” she nods. “And I have learned to properly get rid of negative spirits in a room, and the negative aura that follows someone.”
Aemond just continues to stare, before a giggle bubbles up his throat. The pain is his head now replaced with a floaty lightness. The earnest nature of his wife only makes him like he’s on a cloud. Myrah crosses her arms, with a frown.
“I am serious, Aemond.”
She turns towards the desk in the room, picking up large brown book. Comically big in her small arms. She flips the pages furiously, before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes dramatically. Aemond watches as she begins to chant something he cannot recognize. Words he has never heard before. He watches and watches, a smile on his face. It goes on for minutes.
When she is done, she turns to him with a proud look on her face. “That was really poweful. Did you feel that?”
He is sure he is married to one of the strangest women in Westeros, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Yes, my love, I felt it.”
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What I can’t have
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Sanemi knew you were too good for him, the perfect human being while he was average, maybe even below average. He wasn’t sure where he landed but he knew it was far below you, but he couldn’t stop himself from admiring you, watching you, adoring you. The face you made when you came in for work every morning, greeting him with a bright smile. You were always 15 minutes early, giving you enough time to clean up the back room for your first appointments for the day. Your hair was always wet when you showed up, dripping down the back of your sweatshirt, but when you reappeared up front you had it braided and tied off with a different ribbon each day. His favorite was the lime green ribbon with the dog bone design on it, he thought it was cute, and it matched the collar he had on his bulldog. Was it weird how he admired a ribbon that matched his dog? Probably, but since it was you, Sanemi had no care. “Good morning Sanemi!” you chirped as you emerged from behind the salon door, your own private section in his small shop. You wore your favorite apron, the red plaid one tied tightly around your waist with your comb and scissors tucked safely into some of the pockets. “Morning” He mumbled the words over the display he was elbow deep in, trying to pull forward the tumbling bags of cat food. “Did you need help? My first client canceled, I guess Louis got into something he shouldn’t have and now they are going to the vet” he didn’t look up, knowing you were peering down at him, trying to watch him work. It was a habit, you just stared sometimes, not in a weird way, almost like you were in a constant daze. He found it cute, another thing to admire about you, plus, he could stare right back. “Not really, the truck doesn’t come in until noon so I'm just trying to straighten things up now to save me some time later. You made a ‘hmp’ noise and trailed off, most likely going towards the cat aisle. You often bought little trinkets for your own furry friend at home. Simon. You often talked about your gray cat, animatedly telling Sanemi about the ridiculous thing you caught your companion doing. His favorite story was the one that you have a picture of, where you caught him in the bathroom, hiding behind your shower curtain. You thought someone had broken in, recording before you investigated in case you were right, to your surprise and horror, there he was, all 5 pounds of your best friend. “Sanemi?” he looked up this time, meeting your own curious gaze. “Do you want coffee or anything, I’m going to stop by Mitsuri’s while I have the time” the beloved coffee shop two stores down, one he frequented with Obanai, sitting idly by as his friend flirted with the store owner and your own best friend. “Americano, with ice” you nodded, carefully untying your apron and folding it in your hands before you left. Sanemi watched you go, memorizing the small sway in your hips, the curve of your shoulders, and the braid that danced with each step you took. He was head over heels and you didn’t even notice. It was 20 minutes before you walked back into the pet shop, a caramel drink in one hand and an iced americano in the other. You always had something sweet, but to Sanemi, you were sweeter, even sweeter than the pure sugar you were currently drinking. “Obanai and Mitsuri have a date tomorrow! I’m so glad he finally asked her out. Did you help him?” “No, me and Obanai aren’t like that, I just told him to stop being a pussy” Sanemi didn’t look up from the order form, running through the numbers to make sure he was stocked up for the next week. You laughed, Sanemi didn’t hide the joy on his face at your reaction, watching as you giggled your way back to your room. The day proceeded like the rest, watching you float in and out of the back salon, greeting your clients, and carefully taking their furry companions from them, confirming their style before you disappeared for another hour or two. “Welcome,” Sanemi greeted the next customer from where he crouched near the stack of boxes behind his counter, checking the contents and confirming everything was there. “Hey Sanemi, long time no see” Sanemi’s head whipped around at the familiar baritone voice, violet eyes meeting fuchsia as he glared at the taller silver-haired male. “Tengen” Dressed in his famous streetwear, baggy cargo pants and leather straps, a white tight-fit tee that fit snugly over his large biceps, and a leather harness, holding a small pouch that probably held his wallet. He was a walking advertisement for his own store and it made Sanemi flinch in disgust. “Is Y/N back there?” “Yeah, she’s st-” The salon door flew open, your smile brightening the storefront, “Hi, love! I’m almost done, just let me finish vacuuming, and then we can go! Okay?” “Of course baby, take your time. Does Simon need anything?” You paused, your hand rubbing at your chin as you thought. “Nope” popping the ‘p’ you smiled, throwing a quick wave towards Sanemi before disappearing behind the frosted glass again. “Sanemi” Tengen called the man’s name, bringing his attention back to himself in front of him. “I plan on taking Y/N on a small vacation, just a quick 3 days down to the pier, where we met. Is it okay if she does that, the store won't fall without her, right?” A laugh tumbled through the man's lips, a smirk replacing it as he looked down on the store's owner. Tengen had known about Sanemi’s crush on you, your best friend's inability to keep secrets proving ever so useful as Tengen waited for you at the counter of her cafe. He held your relationship over Sanemi’s head, a fun game for him every time he came to the shop to come get you. But after this trip, there would be no reason to play these futile games, the ring that would sit so pretty on your hand, the same one that was currently weighing his pocket down, would be the biggest reminder to Sanemi that he would never get the one thing he craved the most. You.
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sherifftillman · 2 years
Getting Amped
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Pairing: implied potential Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 908
Summary: It's a big day for Eddie - the day he plans on finally asking you out. It's still a little nerve-wracking, though, so he psyches himself up in the one way he would never let anyone know he does.
A/N: Hello again! This is mostly just my own answer to the debate on whether Eddie-related playlists should have genres that aren't metal in them. As someone who used to frequent an alternative bar pretty regularly, the same people who would be throwing each other around to System of a Down would belt out Taylor Swift within minutes, once you got them inebriated enough. And so, this fun little drabble was born.
It's not a typical 'x reader' in that this is just a scene that only features Eddie. But I've enjoyed writing it.
The alarm pierces through one of Eddie's ears, straight out of the other. Burying his head under the pillow does nothing. In sheer defiance of doing absolutely anything that requires lifting his head up, he blindly reaches down the side of his bed until he feels one of his boots, picks it up, and flings it behind him until the beeping sounds come to a halt.
Usually, Eddie would stay here in his nest of comfort until the energy finally came to him. But today, he has a mission. One worthy of pushing himself out of bed and trudging along to the bathroom. Eddie would honestly rather die than dare to wash his hair before school starts, but today is a day that is worth the effort. Pondering what kind of shower he's about to have, it's answered for him once he steps in and realises that there is no more running hot water in the trailer. It's fine, he tells himself. This is invigorating. It'll wake me up.
Once he's out of the shower, he takes his hair in both his hands, wrings it out and wraps it up into some kind of updo, to keep it from dripping as he dries the rest of himself off. Slinging the towel around to hang low across his hips, he heads back into his bedroom, flicks open the metal tin on his dresser, and rolls himself a joint. Usually, he wouldn't take from his own supply unless it were for the benefit of his clients, but he needs the extra boost to keep his cool today.
He lays back on his bed, one hand behind his head, the other holding the joint, swinging it slowly from side to side, his eyes transfixed on the glowing bud as a trail of smoke traces his movements. He pictures everything perfectly: he'll approach her right before homeroom, and ask her to sit with him for lunch. The two have been friendly enough in passing that he's sure he's picked up the vibe that she'd be happy to join him. He'll take her to his usual meeting spot, but not for business this time. He'll pull up the picnic basket he's already left at the park bench - reminder to self, Munson, drop that off first, you're slipping up already. As they're eating, he'll tell her how much he's enjoying her company. And if she reciprocates, he'll seal the deal by asking her out. Easy, right?
As the last of the joint crumbles from orange embers to ash, Eddie lets out a heavy breath. He's got to stay psyched for this. No doubting, even for a second. That's when it hits him.
Doing one final patrol of the trailer to make sure Wayne was definitely out at work, and not just crashed out in a corner somewhere, Eddie holds onto his towel for dear life as he bends down to reach under his bed, and one-handedly pulls out a box with the words "filthy porn" "the heavy stuff" "weird shit" written all over. Smirking at his sheer deception levels, Eddie opens the box and starts rifling through the contents - his 'guilty pleasures' single collection.
He thumbs through a few before first settling on We Got The Beat by the Go-Gos. Certainly not his usual soundtrack, but perhaps it'll make outfit-choosing seem less stressful and more like one of those shopping montages in those cheesed-up movies. He's not 100% on the lyrics, but watching his reflection dance along to the beat as he holds items of clothing up against himself still gives him the same amount of serotonin as blasting out one of his favourites. He decides to smarten up a Hellfire shirt with a red-and-black flannel, a leather jacket without the vest on top, and keeping the chains on his jeans but opting to remove the handcuffs.
He prepares his own breakfast - and lunch for later - in relative silence, still bopping his head to the song that has managed to lodge into his head for a while, but it soon fades and again, so does his confidence that he's ready to do this. He decides it's time to pull out the big guns.
This time, returning to The Box, he searches very deliberately for one single in particular. He places Wham's I'm Your Man on the record player, slides the needle over, and grabs a bottle of deodorant, flipping it round and throwing it up in the air, catching it right before the first lyric starts to play. Making eye contact with his reflection, Eddie starts mouthing along, dancing along to the words, miming every action, emotion, anything that's described in the lyrics.
He jumps and spins and runs around the entire trailer, dancing between "rooms", on the couch, on his bed, ricocheting himself off of counters. At the longest-held note in the song, Eddie feels for the tie keeping his hair together, pulls it away, and shakes his thick, dark mane back out.
He finishes packing up the food he plans to take with him as the song fades out, and is about to leave when he realises something horrific. Quickly diving back to his room, he hastily shoves the single back into its sleeve and kicks the box back to the depths of the void beneath his bed.
For now, Eddie the cheesy movie protagonist is put to sleep, and Eddie The Freak is ready to seize the day as his own.
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stillxnunpxidintern · 2 years
Pre-Steddie x Reader Imagine - The Bets
(Fantasy/DnD Au)
Since frequenting visiting Hawkins now, and forming friendships with people there, some of them have also noticed the obliviousness you have when it come to Steve and Eddie, when visiting.
You were visiting yet again and had entered the tavern with both men on either side of you talking away to each other and you. You noticed some of your friends in the corner, seemly whispering to each other as they see the three of you together.
Wondering over to the table, you sat down and began talking with everyone, telling them what you had been up, and could see Steve and Eddie elbowing each other as they stared at each other. This was some weird thing that they did, you noticed, where they would just stare at each other and maybe do some small facial expressions.
When they were doing this, some of the other were whispering to each and you made out a couple of words and then saw a one or two coins being exchanged, so you knew it was some of sort of bet, probably about Steve and Eddie, as they seemed to go quiet when you brought it up, to find out what the bet is.
You were more than fine to keep your coins, and you expected to find out what it was when the bet is over, and the winner is bosting that they won, showing off their winnings.
There were a few bets you were in on, but the one that most of the group seem to be in on was the one that they quiet about. But one you were in one, you had to wait till Nancy had left the table and for when Johnathan wasn't playing attention, so you turned to the Max and Dustin, the gossips of the group, to find out what was happening with them.
They gave you an exasperated sigh, as they talked about how they kept dancing around each other, even though it clear they both wanted each other. You gave a little fist pump as there was still time for you to win this bet.
It was just you, Max and Will still in the running for the winning it, if you remembered correctly. You had till winter solstice festival for them to get together to win, and you didn't mind playing dirty when it got near to that time.
As it got later, and more drinks were had while having jokes and banter with your friends, you yawned and stretched your arms out, as you announced that you would retiring for the night.
Both Steve and Eddie were offering to walk with you to the place you stay at now while in Hawkins. You told them that it wasn't needed as you could make it there on your own but they were insistent. You could hear more whispering and turned to see that it was Max and Dustin, and upon seeing you looking at them, smiled ever so innocently what you didn't believe in the slightest and just raised an eyebrow at them.
Leaving the tavern with both Steve and Eddie walking on either side of you once again. You noticed that it was colder as well as it was starting to snow. A smile graces your lips before a chill went down your spine causing you shiver.
Noticing you shiver, Steve took his cloak off and wrapped it around your shoulders, as Eddie wrapped arm around your shoulder.
You thanked them both with a smile, as you made it to the little place that you were staying at, and offered to give Steve his cloak but he said to keep for till the morning.
Eddie said with smile and did some eyebrow wiggling, that if you got too cold in night, then you knew where they were if you wanted to cuddle for warmth, but you told him with a smile that you had enough blanket to keep warm with, so you were good.
You bid them goodnight as you closed the door, and you could hear Eddie sigh loudly with Steve laughing, no doubt at him.
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