#they literally made a green meadow
shovelya · 30 days
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heavily inspired by the song gorillaz ft. kali uchis - she's my collar love them hope you too good bye!!!!
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deadmomjokes · 2 years
I used to hate herbal tea. I drank it for medicinal purposes, but it was a chore. But then I learned The Secret, the one that makes herbal tea not only palatable, but enjoyable. Tasty. Delightful, even. I will tell it to you now:
Herbal tea is not tea.
Duh, you say, but let me explain further.
Herbal tea is not tea, and it will suck if you treat it like tea.
Actual tea, as in the tea plant Camellia sinensis, has very specific steep times and temperatures. This varies by variety (green vs black vs white), but it all comes down to a common factor:
Tea is high in tannins.
Tannins make stuff bitter. Tannins are released from the tea if you heat it too high or too long (again, specifics depend on variety but the point stands). If you steep it too long, BOOM, tannins. You put it in water that is still boiling or hasn’t cooled down enough from boiling? TANNINS. You get nasty, bitter, burnt-grass-tasting tea.
Herbal tea almost universally doesn’t have tannins. This means you almost universally can’t over-steep herbal tea. And in fact, and listen up because this is the practical part of the secret, you need to steep it way longer than actual tea if you want to get the flavors into the water!
Those recommended steep times on your herbal tea box are based off actual tea (black tea to be specific). It’s usually somewhere around 5-7 minutes, but what you actually need is something like 10-15 minutes.
And most conventional tea-making wisdom will tell you to not put the water in too soon after boiling, but again, that’s for tannin-rich Camellia sinensis. You could literally boil* your herbal tea if you wanted. It might make it slightly less sweet depending on variety, and you will probably bust your tea bag doing so, but my point is that you should put as hot of water as you can get into your steeping vessel. As in kettle starts whistling, pour it in immediately over the tea bag. Then let it sit for 10-15 minutes as discussed above.
The only exceptions that I know of personally are meadowsweet, red raspberry leaf, and yarrow, and only one of those is a very common herbal tea ingredient. And honestly, it’s not even high enough in tannins to affect your whole cup if it’s just part of a blend.
So please stop drinking weak plant-adjacent water and start getting the actual flavors you paid for.
*I have actually just dumped herbs in a pot and boiled them and it made a delicious tea. I used lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, and mint, all of which I’d grown myself, and literally just tossed the fresh-picked sprigs into a pot and boiled the crap out of it for close to 10 minutes because I forgot about it while I was rearranging the freezer. It was delicious and not bitter at all despite being a color I can only describe as “positively murky,” and I could taste every single one of the herbs I put in there. It also made my whole apartment smell like a sunny meadow. Do with this information what you will. Am I recommending you boil the devil out of your herbal tea bags? Not necessarily. But I’m also not not recommending it.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
kinda fascinated by how there appears to be two different firefly species in my back yard now. One is the normal fireflies everyone knows with the yellow glow, and the other seems a little bigger and has a green glow, giving three flashes in quick succession.
They hang out around the meadow a lot. No success in catching the green-glow fireflies though because they tend to fly a little higher and have longer intervals in between their three-flash displays.
I saw a couple bumble bees today too! I am just so happy because since i've been tending to the Meadow, it is so full of life. Every day I see something new I've never seen before.
I need to get out there and take some proper photos, lol. I took a photo of my yarrow earlier but I haven't really been documenting the progress in pictures and I probably should
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the yarrow was just kinda yanked up from an existing vegetative colony on the side of the road and stuck in a pot, I have yet to kill any yarrow i've randomly pulled up. Ridiculously easy plant to propagate. The plant in the center foreground is some kind of pink aster (i got it from the edge of the pavement in my neighborhood) and in the background you can see beebalm (dad ordered from a website) white boneset (also kidnapped from the edge of the pavement) chicory (volunteered) broomsedge bluestem (volunteered) Joe-Pye weed (dad also ordered from a website) and there should be a goldenrod or two (volunteered)
I have the benefit of having blessing to dig up plants from work, but most of the plants in here were just sorta rescued from gravel or asphalt where they somehow managed to sprout.
I now have dozens of evening primroses that all came from one single evening primrose that I literally pulled out of a crack in the pavement on the side of the road, planted in a pot and then in my front yard flower bed where it bloomed gorgeously and made loads of seeds. (I pulled another one out of a pothole early this year and it's also thriving!)
On a street down the road, there is literally a thriving population of Ruellia growing in the seam of the pavement along the curb and I'm growing like 4 of them.
That street is also where I got the blue mistflower originally I think, in some gravel next to a drainage ditch. The blue mistflower ALSO went to seed and made at least 2 new seedlings in some dirt this spring, 30 feet away from where I originally planted them.
Also we got some random oxeye daisy volunteers this year? And morning glory? I'm wary of the morning glory (that shit can take over) but my mom likes it sooooo
You know what you should really learn to identify though? Sedges. You can just rip those suckers out of the ground they don't care. The other day I was at the park tearing sedges up from the gravel path and putting them in a baggie with a wet paper towel. Same park where I pulled my Wingstem last year! I'm going to get in trouble one of these days probably
Don't go ripping plants out of their habitat where they're happy, but if some poor seedling popped up in a pile of gravel, that's free plant baby!
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ilguna · 18 days
piano sessions with finnick odair and the song 'last man on earth' by anna bates please :D (i dont mind which direction you take it! prefferably not full angst tho hurt/comfort is fine)
☼ last man on earth (Finnick Odair) ☼
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warnings; swearing, mass death mention, bombing mention, fire mention, and mention of prostitution.
wc; 2k
notes; Piano Sessions: songfic, Last Man on Earth by Anna Bates.
The Meadow is the only green place left inside of District Twelve, and it probably will be for a very long time. The Capitol bombing that took place several months ago wiped out—not only all the buildings—but the life that occupied it.
District Twelve is almost, quite literally, a ghost town.
It’s quiet, a welcome change from the constant buzz of voices that seem to echo through District Thirteen. Finnick would even go as far to say that it’s serene, but it’s inappropriate considering the mass loss of life. Which didn’t really dawn on him until the hovercraft had landed.
In Finnick’s defense, he wasn’t thinking about the whole situation regarding the district. In fact, in the beginning, when Plutarch initially suggested going back to Twelve to film propos as an option to Haymitch in the Control Room—Finnick couldn’t understand why he, and no one else, jumped at the opportunity to go back to their home.
Now that Finnick’s standing here, even from a distance, he can see that he made a huge mistake in thinking it would be easy for them. He’s been so fixated on the idea that they’re coming back home that he neglected to remember that it might not feel like that to them, anymore.
It’s his own homesickness getting to him. And he knows it. 
“Why didn’t Haymitch come along?” Katniss asks, coming down the ramp. She holds a hand over her eyes, squinting through the sunlight. 
Plutarch shakes his head, “He couldn’t face it.”
“Haymitch? Not able to face something? Wanted a day off, more likely.” Katniss remarks, stopping next to Finnick.
“I think his actual words were ‘I couldn’t face it without a bottle’.” Plutarch tells her.
Katniss rolls her eyes, tired of Haymitch and his drinking issue. He’s been doing well in District Thirteen lately, but that’s because he doesn’t have a choice. President Coin doesn’t leave room for argument when it comes to alcohol. Finnick made a joke about it, and he almost got crucified by Haymitch for it. 
Finnick’s made a lot of progress lately. He was predicted to stay in the hospital for a few additional weeks, until he made a bounce back. They were suspicious that he’d relapse into his undead-like state after he heard what’s been happening with his sweetheart in the Capitol. It never happened, so they let him out.
If they only knew how much of a struggle it was not to collapse in on himself when he saw her on the television screen. Her sunken skin, her tired eyes. She had a long cut across her cheekbone that’d recently been stitched. And it made him sick to think that it could’ve been inflicted by the people who once adored her.
“Let’s start with Katniss’s home.” Cressida instructs, and then motions out with one hand.
Gale takes the charge, marching forward out of the Meadow. Everyone else follows in a loose line, either walking side-by-side or on their own. Finnick chooses to be by himself at the rear, occasionally picking dandelions out of the grass to pluck the petals off of.
All it takes is about five minutes of walking through the former town for Finnick to feel the heaviness in his heart grow. Before now, he’s never been to a place that’s felt so soulless in his life. It’s impossible to ignore the tragedy or to pretend that it was a simple fire that raced through the town.
The ashes get kicked up by those in front of him, floating in the air, sticking to Finnick’s skin when he walks into the white cloud. He glances over his shoulder, watching as the flecks of grey slowly settle back onto the ground, ready for the next disturbance that passes by.
Finnick brushes his skin, but the dirty feeling doesn’t leave his hands.
When they finally get to Katniss’s house, the group is eerily silent. It’s not much of a house anymore, just a foundation of what used to be here. No real walls, just piles of brick that reach Finnick’s hip. No ceiling, which means no second floor, only a staircase that’s cut off in the middle. The only remnants of life are the damaged and burnt furniture, beyond salvageable.
Katniss leads the way right through her missing doorway, heading straight for the kitchen, where she stops. She stands there quietly for a few moments, and when she turns around, she raises her eyebrows at Cressida. “What do you want me to do?”
“Whatever you feel like.”
Katniss’s face twists, unhappy with that answer. She turns away, looking at the marble countertops, and the splinters of the cupboards on the tile floor. She doesn’t say anything, and after a while, she stares at the sky, unmoving. 
Cressida only lets this go on for so long, because they’re in a time crunch. “That’s fine, Katniss. Let’s move on.”
From there, they take the walk all the way to Gale’s house, where he’s not given the same treatment as Katniss. Cressida lets him settle in for the first few minutes, but as soon as he pulls a twisted metal poker out of the ashes, it’s fair game. Finnick watches from the corner of the room as she pounces on him.
It starts with questions about his family; the names of his brothers and sisters. Information about his mother, how he lost his father. She asks about his job, how he worked in the mines as soon as he turned eighteen, whether or not he likes it. She moves on to life in the Seam, where Gale describes it as a community, and paints it in a good light, rather than focusing on the obvious terrible parts.
Once Cressida is done warming him up, she makes him recall the night of the firebombing, and then asks him to reenact it. It starts inside of his house, where he collected his family, proceeding to work his way out of the Seam and to the Meadow. That’s where most people gathered, and he took them through the fence, into the woods and out to the lake.
Katniss’s pace slows when she realizes that they’re actually going out to the lake. She doesn’t want to be seen on camera anymore, so she purposely hides herself behind the crew, until she’s as far back as Finnick. Her mouth is twisted, eyes on the grass, slightly shaking her head.
By the time they reach the lake, Gale is no longer speaking. Everyone is dripping in sweat, especially Castor and Pollux in their camera gear. Cressida calls for a break, allowing people to break off and approach the lake, wishing for cool water. Finnick is one of them, sitting at the edge of the lake, pulling his boots off.
The second his feet touch the water, all intentions of getting up and joining the others in the cement house leave his body. He rolls the pants of his jumpsuit up to his knees, scooting closer to let his calves soak, too.
Finnick’s only been in District Twelve for a couple of hours, and he’s confident enough to say that it’s haunted. Besides the fact that it’s clearly affecting Katniss and Gale, it’s weighing on him. All those who came from the Capitol don’t seem to care, or they’re hiding their disgust very well.
He was waiting for them to comment on the amount of decomposing bodies they tripped over inside the fences, yet their lips stayed sealed. And then the expectation came back harder when it was found out that there were more bodies outside of the fence, as well.
He doesn’t understand how they can be so indifferent, when even he is haunted by the idea of thousands of people trying to escape before the bombing. The amount of men, women and children that died on their way to the Meadow. How Gale worked his ass off to save the hundreds that did make it out alive. 
If he were Katniss, he’d be haunted by the memories of growing up inside of the district, knowing most—if not all—of the places and people she interacted with are now gone. Her home is ruin. Which makes her silence and refusal to participate in Cressida’s questioning appropriate. 
Finnick would do the same if he were in her shoes. Even Gale stonewalled Cressida after a certain point because of all the incessant questions. It’s almost disrespectful that she seems to have no regard for such a sensitive topic. All they care about is getting footage for the propos, thanks to Plutarch.
Who also came close to forcing Finnick to participate in this District Twelve segment. If it weren’t for Haymitch talking him out of it, reminding Plutarch that Finnick had filmed several parts for the We Remember series, Finnick would be talking about his friendship with Katniss or Peeta.
He wouldn’t mind doing that, of course. He would just have a hard time keeping his mind on track, when it’s wandering elsewhere. After spending this afternoon picturing himself in Katniss’s shoes, he’s in a dark place. Even if his family had not been wiped out by the bombing, it had been by Snow’s ruling. Both of which are caused by the Capitol.
It was the Sixty-Eighth Hunger Games. Finnick was sixteen, soon to turn seventeen, when President Snow had a private conversation with him regarding the prostitution. At the time, Finnick didn’t know that his refusal had consequences. He told Snow no, and was given no second chances, much less an option after that.
He remembers what it was like when he came home with Mags once their tributes had died. The looks on the faces of those at the train station. How he barely made it through the district before he was stopped and escorted to the Justice Building. There, he was promptly informed that his entire family had been involved in an accident and they were gone.
Finnick left his body. For months he felt like a ghost, looking in on someone else’s life. He felt so alone. He was surrounded by friends—the victors that helped him win—but they weren’t enough. They weren’t his mom, his dad, or his brother. They were nothing. 
For the longest time, he was filled with hopelessness, until it turned to anger. He wanted to do anything and everything to show them that they didn’t have power over him. He spent time at his family’s graves, talking to them, trying to get his head straight, telling them the plans.
He could leave District Four, by either stealing a boat or sneaking out of the fence and living in the woods. He knows he could survive that way, thanks to winning the Hunger Games. He could turn to white liquor, end up like another Haymitch, spend the next twenty years of his life drunk. That would make the whole Capitol situation easier to swallow.
Or he could wait until the next Hunger Games came around, go to the President’s Mansion to ‘talk to President Snow’, when really he’d wreak havoc. Shred his suits, stomp on his roses, throw his jewelry out of the large windows. He could find a fire poker to take to the windows, fly a hovercraft into the building to watch it explode.
He couldn’t have gotten away with it at the time, and he knew that then, which is why he didn’t go through with any of it. He came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t float out to the sea. He’d watch and see what else life had to offer, before making a final decision. Which was the better choice at the time.
If he’d gone, he would never have met you, the love of his life.
It’s a bittersweet thought right now, mainly for the fact that you’re not beside him. You can’t be, because the Capitol has their hands on you. And he’s terrified that they’ll take you away from him at any moment. Just one wrong move, and you could be on the receiving end of a punishment, and god forbid it ends with you losing your life.
That’d be the end of the last man of District Four.
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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oreosmilkshakes · 2 years
Once Upon A Dream 2
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x reader
Fandom: The Sandman
Word Count: 1,467
Warnings: Mildly dark!Morpheus, mentions of wanting to unalive people, fluffy fluff, bad writing ;-;
A/N: Second and final part for this story! Wasn’t as long as the others but hope y'all enjoyed it! (p.s the gif is making me lose my mind :DD)
Find part 1 here!: Once Upon A Dream 1
Taglist: For all those who requested a part 2, this is for yall. Thank you 🥹
The skies shadowed over the majestic palace, mirroring the grim emotions [Name] has been feeling since the King of Dreams took her. She was his Queen now. Even so, she refused to leave her room. She refused to eat. She refused to listen to the King’s orders. She refused to do anything. [Name] was very much alone in this unknown realm with the exception of Matthew, a Raven who enjoyed perching on the balcony of her room. Of course, it was a double-sided job. While he befriended the girl, he would spill his observations to Morpheus.
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[Name] sat on the settee by the large window overseeing the lush, green meadows surrounding the palace. Her heart ached to return to the real world but she knew she couldn’t, having belonged to Morpheus the second she consumed the sinful seeds. A part of her admitted she found herself attracted to him but what he did still was wrong. It was going to take a lot more than kidnapping her to get her to love him.
[Name] remembered that specific day faintly for as soon as Morpheus laid a gentle and sweet kiss to her lips, her world spun and soon turned black. She would come to be several times, recalling the number of times she would see Morpheus as she laid in his arms, the King carrying her up to her own room. [Name] supposed he was still kind by giving her her own space rather than forcing her to sleep with him. Her short studies of the King allowed her to view him several times in her head.
She brought her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them as she recalled.
His skin was smooth, it’s tone milky and cool to the touch. Unlike the gods depicted in stories, his figure was nothing like them yet they radiated such power, it practically sent shivers down [Name]’s spine. His jaw was sharp and his lips. Oh, his lips were the first thing that caught her eyes as she laid them upon his handsome face. They were red, rosy and pouty for a man. So very kissable indeed. His eyes were the bluest she has ever seen but there was darkness behind those blue eyes. His hair was as black as his wears and messy, adding up to his final looks. Young [Name] would have wanted this. To fall in love with the man of her dreams and yet here she was, taking it very literally.
Outside, [Name] watched as Matthew perched on a branch, observing her movements closely. She didn’t need the raven to tell her that Morpheus was spying on her. Giving the bird a smile, she waved and watched as he flew off, probably to Morpheus. [Name] reached over for a book by her feet. Best to spend her time reading then dwelling on her predicament.
The disturbance in the wind pulled Morpheus out of his thoughts, sat on his throne with an intimidating demeanour. Matthew’s little feet echoed against the walls as he approached the King.
“How is she?” Morpheus began.
“Well, the usual of course, sir. Hasn’t changed one bit,” The raven replied, noticing the very subtle change in Morpheus’s emotion.
“Sir, if I may?”
“Go ahead,”
“Okay..um,” Matthew cleared his throat.
“You dare lecture me on this matter? How I handle her is my choice. You do not interfere, only observe,” And this made Matthew step back, gulping from the sudden chiding.
“Personally, I think, no offence, sir, but you should make the effort to..well, make her like you,”
This made Morpheus stand from his throne, eyes dark.
“Leave, Matthew,” He wasted no time flying off.
Morpheus sat back down on his throne. Matthew’s words had many truths in them. How long was he going to wait for her to open up to him when he should be the one making the effort? His Queen was all alone and judging by her lack of efforts of escaping his realm, he concluded that she, perhaps, did not want to leave at all. And so it begins..
The first time [Name] had a proper meeting with Morpheus was when he brought her to the library. She bore a meek expression before but the second she stepped into the palace’s library, it changed. Like a child running amok in a candy store, her excitement clouded the atmosphere of the library and Morpheus drank it all in. Clearly, he had done something right. He watched as Lucienne introduced herself to his queen, following her around and guiding her to every book she sought after and when his love returned, her arms carried a stack of books. [Name] peeked behind the tall stack, smiling. This urged a smile from Morpheus himself, although small but it was sincere. He gathered the book in his arms, nodding a silent thanks to Lucienne as he followed his queen back to her quarters.
[Name] practically forgot about the whole ‘how she got here’ when Morpheus told her of the library. She loved spending her free time reading back in the waking world.
“The library contains all books, those that have been written and those unwritten,” Morpheus said and that was enough to catch [Name]’s attention. Perhaps this wasn’t so bad.
Over time, Morpheus brought gifts after gifts for his Queen. Jewelleries, clothing, books and even a pet, a little feline friend.
Over time, [Name] slowly forgave everything, forgetting her dislike towards Morpheus and his actions and her love for him grew and grew. Her own heart would yearn for him each time they separate ways, her own heart would race for him each time he was near her. She grew confident enough to stand close to him, to take his dominating presence all in and when she took his hand in hers one day, he made sure she continued the action. [Name] felt so loved by the King of Dreams because of the amount of respect and kindness he gave and showed her, nothing like how she was treated back in the waking world. She realised that Morpheus was the one who made her open her eyes to the true cruelty to the world. Now, she never wanted to leave his realm.
Morpheus made her smile, made her feel loved, treasured her as if she was the most precious thing in the universe. After all, [Name] was his wife and his queen. He loved her and she loved him.
Here, on a lone bench facing the waterfall, sat [Name] and her husband. Her head laid on his shoulder, fingers tangled with his own as they sat in comfortable peace. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so peaceful and happy. The rushing water, the rustling leaves and the cool air made up the whole romantic atmosphere.
Until, Morpheus pulled away slowly to face his queen.
“Forgive me, my love but I wish to tell you something,” Morpheus paused.
“The day I took you away was the same day I laid my hand on a human. One of the many I have punished over my lifetime as what he did to you was simply unforgivable,” His voice was deep, serious. [Name] took both of Morpheus’s hands, lacing their fingers together now and tightened.
“I would do it again. All for you, my love. You are important to me. Just as my duty as King of Dreams is crucial, you are too to me.  I realised how cruel humans have been to you in your lifetime and I would punish them all for you,” Morpheus said, reading her eyes. He thought he would see fear cloud her beautiful eyes but instead, he found none and a smile spread on her red lips.
“I know, Morpheus. Lucienne told me about it. I hated everything you did to me, taking me away, forcing me to be your wife and queen of your realm but then, I realised something. You were nothing like anybody in the waking world. You treated me with so much love and care and respect that it almost made my heart burst from unspoken love,” [Name] released one of her hands from the King’s, bringing it up to his cool cheek.
Her thumb gently stroked the pale skin, leaning in close enough to feel her husband’s warm breath on her lip.
“I love you, Morpheus. I will follow you in every path you walk, for as long as my immortal life,” [Name] whispered. She didn’t need Morpheus to return those three words because all the answer she needed was from the deep kiss they shared.
It was as if the stories came to life, for Persephone finally did fall in love with Hades and Hades finally feeling the love and light amongst the darkness he harboured.
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On the far edges of the galaxy, there was a planet called Savath. Savath was very attractive to the eye - trees of all colors, oceans, rivers, grasslands, and of course, the tall buildings of the capitol city, Tregore. Each structure was decorated in shiny silvers and golds. To any foreigner, Savath would be seen as literal Heaven. The entire planet was ethereal in every way possible, and no one dared attack the Savathians for fear that the attacker would not make it out alive, for the planet was inhabited by dragons. Not the dragons you are well accustomed to, but rather dragons in human form. Only the Elders are able to take full dragon form.
The Elders were the ones who founded the planet. Six dragons, to be exact. Three males, three females. Ryvyr, Kesoss, and Ailzram were the three males. Cigri, Ita, and Syphy were the female counterparts. Each dragon had a power that they brought to the world they inhabited. Ryvyr was a water dragon, thriving with the many bodies of water Savath had. Kesoss, being an earth dragon, found solice in the forests and mountains. Cigri was a dragon of fire and found the many small (not inherently dangerous) volcanoes fascinating. Ita was a dragon of air and could often be found sleeping on a cloud.
The last two dragons, Ailzram and Syphy, were embodying the light and dark. Ailzram had a dark personality. He never attacked anyone, but he seemed rather uninterested in every topic and would seem to anyone looking in that he was depressed. He could not live without his counterpart, Syphy, who was sunshine incarnate. She was always smiling and was rather childish at times, but in a sweet way. She loved Ailzram no matter what. They needed each other like the moon needed the sun.
Together, they made Savath what it is today - beautiful and prosperous. There was none who dared stand against them and none who defied them. They were content, and through the years, the population grew. There was never a shortage of food or water. There was always space for everyone, and just as such, everyone was welcome.
The most interesting part of Savath was the culture, more specifically, a ceremony called The Selection. This was a rite of passage for every citizen and happened when one was thirteen years of age. Prior to The Selection, every child has porcelain white hair, referring to that of a blank canvas ready for an artist to create a masterpiece.
You are probably confused as to what The Selection is, and this question will be answered soon.
For now, our story follows that of a young dragon named Ember. Like every child, Ember had hair as white as snow. Most describe her as reckless, and she is. She longs for adventure and has a driving desire to leave Tregore - to leave Savath all together. This ideology was frowned upon by her peers. Why would she want to leave such a perfect planet?
Our story begins mere weeks before Ember turns thirteen and before The Selection.
"Rhae, come on! It's not much further to the top!" Ember exclaimed, rushing up the grassy hillside under the warm sun. She was very carefree and curious, always looking for more places to explore.
Ember's friend, Rhaelrivera, had already gone through The Selection and had joined the water dragons in all their glory. She now donned sea foam green hair and deep blue eyes, matching the colors of the water. "Ember, we should be getting back. It's late."
Ember sent a blank stare over her shoulder towards Rhaelrivera. A soft breeze blew through the atmosphere, causing their hair to gently caress their faces. "If you didn't want to come, you could have just said so."
"I did!" Rhaelrivera countered with a scoff. "You dragged me along anyway."
"Yeah, because I'm awesome!" Ember smiled and continued to the top of the hill, gazing down at the flower filled meadow below. She turned to see the towering silver and gold buildings behind them before turning back to face the meadow. In the distance sat a mountain range where a faint smog sat around the snowy peak. A lot of dragons were taken to this point for practice with their powers. Some fire dragons must be there right now.
Rhaelrivera soon joined Ember on top of the hill and looked around. She had never been up here before, even though it was a mere five minutes away from the city. Rhaelrivera let out a soft gasp. "Wow..."
Ember grinned and bumped Rhaelrivera's shoulder with her own. "Told ya." Rhaelrivera rolled her eyes and continued to gaze out at the scenery before them. The sunlight gently kissed the freckles on Rhaelrivera's dark skin in a way that made her feel angelic. Because she was a water dragon, the sun reflected off her skin like ripples on water. Ember always thought this was fascinating and often brought Rhaelrivera out into the sun, just so she could see this phenomenon. Going along with this, the iris of Rhaelrivera's eyes had the same effect, and the color seemed to shift like waves.
"Okay... maybe I should have trusted you about this..." mumbled Rhaelrivera.
"Ha! I knew you'd like it!" laughed Ember. Rhaelrivera smiled and slightly shook her head at the excitable girl.
The two sat in the grass, perfectly content with saying nothing in the moment and listening to the gentle breeze blow through some nearby trees. The silence between them was pleasant until Ember spoke up softly. "Hey, Rhae...?"
"Yeah, Em?"
"Was it... scary...?"
Rhaelrivera looked confused and turned her head to look at Ember, who appeared rather... timid, an emotion she had never shown before. "Is what scary?"
"The Selection... is it scary...?" Ember asked, her voice hushed as she picked at some grass.
"In a way... but once it's over, you have this sense of relief and belonging," Rhaelrivera explained, hoping to ease her friends worries.
"Yeah, but... my family has been all fire for generations, and I just know I'm not going to be... I'm deeply frightened..."
Rhaelrivera seemed to understand Ember's concerns. She nodded slowly in thought before looking back to the white-haired girl. "If you aren't fire, then that calls for a celebration. If you are, that also calls for celebration. Whatever clan chooses you, you'll be amazing. I know it."
Ember smiled gently. "Thanks... you always know just what to say."
"Well, I am a year older than you, so I better be wiser!" Rhaelrivera laughed. Ember joined in with her own laugh and slightly shook her head.
"Don't go getting an ego on me, now!" Ember teased.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Em."
The two girls sat on the hill well past sunset, talking and laughing about seemingly meaningless stuff with no relevance to anything or anyone other than them. When the moon began to rise over the horizon, they finally decided to head home. They began the trek back to the city and eventually parted ways. Ember headed inside her house, only to be greeted by the darkness and silence of the empty hallways. She made her way up the stairs to her room and sat on the windowsill, gazing outside. In the distance, the first star she saw that night flickered, so why not make a wish?
"Star light, star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might. Have this wish I wish tonight," Ember whispered as if speaking to the star itself. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
I wish for an unforgettable adventure...
Little did she know, the universe was listening, and planning out the adventure of a lifetime...
The closer the days got to Ember's Selection, the more nervous she became. She knew that she could get in trouble if her family wasn't pleased with the clan she was placed in, but what could she do about it? The absolute fear that came with The Selection was near the fear of death... it was terrifying in ways most minds couldn't comprehend...
Ember often found herself full of worry and anxiety, wondering what will happen and praying that she didn't disappoint her family. That would be the worst part of it all... letting people down...
As she sat on her bed in her room the night before her Selection, she could only stare at the white dress hanging in her closet. A blank canvas that she would design tomorrow. This seemed like a lot of responsibility for someone barely turning 13 in mere hours, but... there was something nervously exciting about it all. When she thought over the events happening the next day, she felt like things would be okay... that things would go right in the end...
But what truly is 'the end', if not for another beginning to an even better adventure...
Also published on Wattpad: To Be Free by embers_dragon_
@rxin3akamallory @pretty-chips @glow-autumz @evolvingchaoswitch @raccoonfallsharder @criticalcrit @thejudgyboiao3 @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr
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zarvasace · 10 months
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Hearts Linked Together character masterpost
Link Vollan is vaguely Swedish. He has never had most of his left arm, which he didn't actually realize was strange for a long time, because he was raised by the dwindling Minish population. He's the cryptid hero mentioned in the Four Swords game that was bundled with Link to the Past once. He came out of the forest, split into four, defeated Vaati, and returned to the forest, never to be seen again. He chose his last name, which means roughly "lives in a meadow."
Vollan has a talent for channeling environmental magic, which is why the Picori Blade turned into the Four Sword when he wielded it. He prefers the company of animals. He's an amazing survivalist, though he is used to a lush kind of coniferous forest. He's very kind but very awkward around people.
Before meeting other Links, he'd assumed he would spend the rest of his life a loner in the woods. After meeting them, he gets a cabin on the edge of town and brings in game sometimes and starts to make friends. He eventually courts and marries a brash redhead with a lot of friends.
His version of splitting into four different versions of himself didn't involve fully realized individuals, just literal pieces of him. He didn't really enjoy the experience, and only splits now if he needs to have a serious emotions talk. It left him with mental scars, and he occasionally hallucinates the feeling of multiple bodies. His nephew takes the Four Sword to the Sanctuary after his death.
--- (634 words and bigger art under cut!)
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Today was the day. 
Today was the day. Today was probably the most day of them all.
Link tried to ignore the way his palm sweated as he stared out at the town that stood bustling on the other side of a thin line of trees. There were just so many people, everywhere out there: walking on the dirt roads, talking to friends, tending animals, swinging hammers on glowing metal…
He'd been there before, of course, several times. Perhaps even a dozen. That didn't even count the time that he'd marched in, gotten information about Vaati, and headed out again. That had been terrifying, and an entirely different town. He hadn't been able to bring himself to visit that one again. 
This one, however, contained his goal: a very fancy (to him) knife. All of his were old, sharpened too many times, wearing out. He'd seen one on an earlier foray, last year, so he was pretty confident they'd have one. 
Hopefully his pouch of rupees would do. He had a lot, after his adventure and all he'd gathered. 
Link took a breath, wiped his hand on his tunic, and stepped out toward the nearest building. 
One step in front of the other. Dust kicked up under his feet. Were people staring at him? Oh, gods. Did they recognize him? Was his tunic a strange color? It was his arm, wasn't it. Or maybe his eyes. He'd noticed that most people had the same color in both of them. 
Could he go back to the forest already? 
No. He had a mission. An important one. A knife was the most crucial tool he owned, and it would be so nice to have a new one. 
Link found a shop that sold knives fairly quickly. Nice of them to have a picture of a knife above the door. He could read, but it took a bit of effort. He pushed in, startled at the bell, and found the nearest knife on display that didn't have fancy etchings or a hilt inlaid with opal. He hefted it, looked down the spine for straightness, and took it to the counter. It made a nice, heavy clunk. It would do nicely, yes. 
The man there, heavy with a mustache, leaned forward on his elbows. His caterpillar eyebrows rose quite high. "You want to buy that?" 
Link nodded. Then, remembering his manners, added, "Y-yes, sir." His stutter came out to play, with how hard he was trying to look normal. Great. 
The man eyed him, the patches on his tunic, and the green needles in his hair. Oh, whoops.
Link combed those out. "I-I-I can pay." His hand hovered over the pouch at his waist, a magical one with all of his things in it. He'd be prepared no matter what happened. As he'd been taught, though, he didn't reveal how much he had. 
The man picked up the knife. "A hundred and three rupees for this one. It's quite the knife."
A hundred and three? Oh, Link had that easily. He didn't feel up to haggling today. He dug into his pouch, pulled out the requisite amount in a total of five cut gems, and handed them over. 
Although the man had to think that Link was strange, he sold the knife. Link managed a smile and a thank you, but not a goodbye. He wrapped the knife in the bit of leather he'd saved and tucked it away. 
Just before Link exited the shop, a feeling deep in his gut called out to him. He paused, getting a read on it. Natural and yet unnatural, the feeling urged him to turn the handle of the door. It wasn't malicious, at least. Link hesitated one more moment. 
The shop bell rang again as he stepped out into mist. 
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dazed-poltergeist · 1 year
A Tree of Fellowship and Love
Pairing: (LOTR) Aragorn x reader x Arwen
Summary: You collectively decide with the fellowship to go on a picnic! No more rings or fighting evil, just a picnic under a big tree with plenty of food to share. Also, you may or may not fall asleep under the said tree at night and get smothered with affection with a certain pair of fantastic people.
Warnings: None in particular
Add. Notes: I simply could not figure out where it would be an appropriate place to have a picnic, considering all the places the characters came from/went to, so I went with Hobbiton. At this point I'm both accepting and denying everything that happened in the story; Aragorn and Arwen walk around as if they aren't rulers of Gondor, Boromir isn't dead, and Frodo, Legolas and Gimli haven't gone to the undying lands, and yet everything in LOTR has already happened.
Masterlist ✧⁠*⁠。
> ✉️ <
{ Hello there! I decided to change this blog to the kind that posts about... anything, really. Since I "converted" into an all-fics-n-shits-blog, I changed the aesthetic aswell. To spice (not exactly) these messages up a lil bit, I'll start adding little things about myself; for example, I'm a cat person! }
- Eero, Jan 2023
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It was a relatively uneventful day in Hobbiton, and Sam was describing to you the qualities of the plants he was currently tending to. It was bound to be simple and uneventful if you lived in a place like Hobbiton, but you weren't interested in books and gardening. You wanted to spend time with people, and certainly not like this.
You brainstormed along with Merry and Pippin about things you could possibly do with friends in a place like Hobbiton. You already told them at the start of the brainstorming session that stealing vegetables from a dismayed farmer is out of the question. Merry remembered a big meadow with a large tree - which conveniently happened to be near the village - and suggested that something could be done there. A picnic was the best thing that came to your mind, and the two hobbits loved the said idea.
After a quick trip to the rest of the fellowship's homes it was decided; tomorrow you would have a picnic under a large tree that you are yet to see. You asked Merry to take you to the meadow he had mentioned, and so he did. When the two of you made it there, you were surprised that you had never even noticed it; it looked like the kind you'd see in dreams. There was lots of tall grass and colorful flowers of many kinds, and in the middle of it all, there was a large, green tree that every child would wish to climb on top of. It was the perfect place to have a picnic with old friends.
The next morning you began to prepare food for the picnic you had arranged with the fellowship. Aragorn, Arwen and Legolas got the task of creating sandwiches, Boromir and Gimli had to make drinks, and the hobbits, along with you, were tasked to make desserts. You got plenty of help from the hobbits, for they had a lot of cooking experience thanks to the meal schedule average hobbits had. They decided to cook some blackberry pancakes and bake milk bread.
After a bunch of flour and dough spills, you had finished the bread and pancakes, and packed them up into a basket along with a few plates and a jar of berry jam. The four hobbits went ahead of you to pick some extra blackberries for the pancakes while you were taking your time with getting to the picnic spot. You had only now realized that it's the afternoon.
As you were waiting for everyone else with the hobbits, Peregrin told you about the ents that caused the almost literal downfall of Isengard. He said that although he was high off his pants after that and probably in the middle of it too, he still remembered how uncomfortable it was to sit on Treebeard's shoulder. Meriadoc recalled how Pippin was concerned about not being able to have any children.
While the two aforementioned hobbits bickered about what really happened, you noticed the faces of your dear friends making their way through the meadow. You pointed it out to the hobbits, and the five of you began waving at them in an exaggerated yet adorable way. Legolas was already jogging in your general direction alongside Gimli, while Boromir was carrying a basket with drinks he had made with the said dwarf. Arwen and Aragorn were delighted to see you waving at them like that, and began waving back as the pair walked to the tree.
Boromir realized that nobody had brought any blankets to sit on, so he proposed to go back himself to bring one. But he didn't need to; Gandalf was already coming to the picnic tree with a large, rolled-up blanket under his arm. Now the entire fellowship was together.
You all put the baskets and personal items in each corner of the blanket so it wouldn't fly away with the wind, although there wasn't much wind to speak of. Aragorn took some small plates out of his basket with a few sandwiches, and Boromir pulled out a bottle of apple cider from his own basket. Aragorn finished giving out the little plates as Arwen handed the rest of the sandwiches to everyone.
Boromir was telling Sam about the cider-making process as everyone ate and listened. Every now and then someone would chirp in, until something Sam said reminded Gimli of the stories his father, Gloin, would tell him. Eventually the dwarf retold the story of Thorin's company's travels to Erebor. Frodo felt very proud of Bilbo for traveling with dwarves all the way to the Lonely Mountain, although he himself had accomplished a major feat aswell.
As the hours went by and the sky began getting darker, the members of the fellowship would tell stories from their own lives and from others. Most of the group was becoming tired of the day, and it was becoming evident; lots of yawning and words turning continuously quieter and quieter could be heard.
You only now realized that Aragorn and Arwen had moved next to you, and the latter motioned you to relax and let her hold you. You listened to her without a second thought, and now you were sitting in Arwen's lap as her arms were wrapped around you. Aragorn moved closer to Arwen and put his head on her shoulder.
It seemed that the rest of the fellowship took that as a hint and now began to wrap up their long conversation. Gimli packed the now empty bottles into Boromir's basket, and Legolas put the remaining plates into yours and Aragorn's baskets. Gandalf asked everyone to get off the blanket and move their things, and then rolled up the said blanket like a carpet.
The hobbits also knew that you would stay longer, so they took your basket and left with it themselves. Most of your friends followed them away from the tree back to Hobbiton, leaving you, Aragorn, and Arwen under the big tree with stars.
The three of you sat back down on the ground, and tried to get into a comfortable position that would work for three people. You sat back in Arwen's lap, held by her bridal style, as Aragorn sat infront of her. You were now sitting between your lovers, unsure of what to do now; your mind began going to all sorts of places, until Aragorn gave a little kiss on your forehead.
Because you still didn't know what to do, you just froze in place as your face heated up from the move Aragorn pulled on you. Arwen grinned at your reaction, and gave multiple kisses onto your face, causing you to hide your head between your shoulders to get away from the kisses. That didn't stop Aragorn from giving a peck on the top of your head, though, and now you were back in your initial position, embarrassed that they saw you in such a state.
You thought that the "kiss wave" was over when Arwen helped you readjust your position to laying down next to her, but no; oh how mistaken you were. The elf gave you yet another peck on the cheek, and Aragorn came in from your other side and wrapped his arms around your torso, and also gave you a kiss after making himself comfortable.
Arwen put an arm around you aswell, and began whispering words to you in a language and manner you were yet to understand. Aragorn had already closed his eyes, and it seemed Arwen had aswell, although she was still whispering. You imitated them by closing your own eyes, too. You had fallen asleep to Arwen describing you in the best manner possible, even though you didn't understand a word she said.
The pair was actually still awake, and gave each other the look when they were certain that you were now in a sleeping state. Aragorn carefully lifted you up bridal style from the ground, and began carrying you away from the tree, while Arwen was right behind him with the remaining basket and personal items.
Unused paragraphs and things I didn't want to include in add. notes nor the "letter."
Instead of bringing you to your own house, Aragorn brought you to his, for it was closer to the tree and he didn't want to wake you up. Fortunately, nothing that they did disturbed your sleep. They changed into comfortable clothing after putting you into their bed, and then laid down next to you. They both whispered to you a "Sweet dreams, Y/N," and followed you to dreamland.
One time Pippin told you about all of these mealtimes that Hobbits would have throughout the day; which aside regular meals included a second breakfast, an another, later breakfast, some afternoon tea, and yet another meal a few hours after dinner. When you needed something to zone out to, you liked to think of all the good food they would eat at those excessive meals.
To me, Arwen and Aragorn seem to be the kind of people that give the best forehead kisses, or any kinds of kisses in general, and whoever receives them would fucking melt in their hands like ice on a hot day. I definitely would've written their part longer if I was good with writing physical affection (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠ ) im sorry
I only now, after finishing writing this, realized that all of my fanfics' endings so far involve either death or falling asleep. I have a guess to why my ideas end with these things but I don't want to go there.
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hi!! I'm very curious what 'Only human' is about? <3
Hii im so glad you asked!!
The idea is as follows:
What if Crowley lost his memory soon after he got to Earth? What if he now thinks he's an immortal human? What if having no memories is the only thing keeping heaven and hell away from him? What if Aziraphale didn't dare to let Crowley see him for fear of his memories returning? In the present day, Crowley is a private detective, trying to balance putting up with everyone's bullshit and his recurring dream about an angel he made up to ignore his own loneliness. But the dream is getting more intense. And then he finds out the angel is not a figment of his imagination. Although he doesn't look like an angel, just a human, a bookseller of all things. Things are stirring under the surface and people are starting to disappear. Will Crowley be able to find them in time? More importantly, will Crowley be able to stop the apocalypse he doesn't know is coming?
The fic is from Crowley's pov and the chapters are split into present day (with the looming apocalypse) and flashbacks of Crowley through the ages. I really love that i can include flashbacks because i love to explore the concept of immortality and how Crowley would deal with it (however i was starting to regret it a bit because i am so bad at history lmao). But this fic has a LOT of things lol, from awkward encounters between Crowley and Aziraphale to the four horsemen, to the actual apocalypse, to Crowley having a cat named Felis (which personally i think is a very funny name because it's not only a constellation (Crolwey loves stars) but it also literally means 'cat' in Latin lol).
Here's a little (long) snippet from the flashback of chapter four which details the moment Crowley lost his memories:)
Darkness. Then light. All stories start like that, don’t they? Even the oldest one. A flick of a hand, a whispered phrase, and light melts the darkness away, like a radiant dawn dispelling the remnants of the night.
It would be a comfort to know that this is how it felt when Crowley first awoke. His eyes slowly blinking open, like a dormant star awakening in the vastness of space. His hands finding the ground beneath him, pulling him up so that he stood amidst a green meadow, bathed in the gentle glow of a dreamy dawn.
It would be a comfort, but alas, some stories are not meant for comfort. Some stories, it seems, are destined to be penned with a more profound ink—an ink tinted with the gravity of sacrifice, etched in blood rather than the soothing embrace of ease.
And so, Crowley awoke, not to the warmth of the dawn but to the cool embrace of the night. His eyes did not blink slowly open, but flashed wide as he was thrust into a foreign world. His hands, instead of finding the familiar ground beneath him, gripped onto cold, uneven surfaces. The darkness that clung to him was not the gentle prelude to light; it was a shroud, an inky abyss that wrapped around him like a suffocating cloak.
Crowley woke with a start, gasping for breath. It was like an invisible hand was pressing his throat shut, and his breath came in little puffs. He was outside, and darkness stretched everywhere he looked, not even a moon above him to illuminate his surroundings. It was almost like the stars were hiding too, like they were too afraid of Crowley. It was a stupid thought, he knew that, but every cell in his body was screaming that something was wrong, that he was wrong. Wrong about what? He didn’t know. He didn’t know where he was. He didn’t know how he got there. Hell, the list of things he did know was rather short. 
Still, lists made him calmer, and he tried to make one now of the things he did know. 
1. Lists made him calmer. Why? He didn’t know. Move on. Move on. 
2. His name was Crowley. What a peculiar name. What was his last name, though? He couldn’t remember.
3. He was lying on the ground, on cold stones, and it was anything but comfortable, but his whole body was aching, and he didn’t have the strength to get up.
4. It was night. Or at least, he thought it was, because he assumed he was outside. Why did he assume that? He didn’t know.
5. He wasn’t hurt, at least, he wasn’t bleeding. Again, he didn’t know for sure, but he would’ve felt it, right?
6. He was tired. So, so tired. His mind felt foggy, memories slipping through his grasp like sand. If you could even call them memories. 
Panic settled inside him. Why couldn’t he remember anything? But sleep was tugging at his being, making it so hard to focus. A dream, or perhaps a memory, surfaced—a glimpse of a familiar figure or a place he felt he should recognize. Yet, the more he tried to grasp these threads, the more they slipped away, leaving him in a disorienting state of uncertainty.
With a sigh, he added another point to his mental list:
7. He needed to find answers.
The last thing he saw before sleep took him was a distant star, or maybe a comet, flashing across the night sky.
it's a very rough first draft lol and the thing is, the flashbacks aren't even in chronological order (chapter three for example has a flashback to the 1920s lol) which is relevant for the plot (because with every flashback you kind of unravel another puzzle piece yk) but it's also bugging me a bit because i need to write a story in chronological order lol idk so this fic is really making me come out of my comfort zone, but i am very exited about it!!
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pixielush777 · 1 year
My Top 10 Cottagecore/Fairycore Bedroom Decorations
Hey, Pixies!
What typically draws your eyes first when you enter a room? Could it be a set of hanging crystals that illuminate the space with rainbows? Could it be the shelves of dusty books that have taken their readers on memorable adventures to escape reality for even a short amount of time? Well, whatever it could be that draws your eyes first, for me, it's about the feel of the room. The vibe. We want our bedrooms to feel cozy and welcoming and somewhere we can spend our time relaxing. A personal haven.
Without further ado, here's a list of my top 10 cottagecore/fairycore bedroom decorations that I hope you will adore and that will help you create your dreamiest bedroom or whatever space you decide to use them in! All affiliate links are to Amazon for easy breezy shopping because who wants to visit a bunch of random sites to find what you're looking for?
xo Pixielush
1. Olive Green Duvet Cover Set
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Sure, you might look at this Duvet Cover and think 'What's cottagecore about that?' Well, when setting up a theme of a room, I like to start off with a nice, clean base to work off of. A floral or patterned throw blanket and some cute pillows are a game-changer when you want to dress up your bed. The thing is, if you already have a busy duvet cover, then it's likely going to be a little harder to dress it up without it feeling too overwhelming. If you don't love green, then it comes in other colors as well!
Plus, this color is just my favorite, so I couldn't not include it!
2 & 3. Moss-like Body Pillow Cover & Mushroom Throw Pillows (1, 2, 3)
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Okay, yes, this may be the second green thing in a row on my list, but that doesn't make it any less important! Like I said, let's set that base to work off of! Do you like snuggling up to a body pillow? Even if you don't they are perfect for leaning back on when you're watching tv, browsing Tumblr on your laptop, reading one of those fantasy books to escape reality, whatever it is you do it's far more comfortable when you have something to lean back on!
This body pillow cover looks just like a mossy field and is the perfect base for some mushroom throw pillows to sit in front of. I mean, come on, I can't have a cottagecore list without including something with mushrooms, could I?
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Here's a few options whether you're going for one literally mushroom-shaped, a simple but beautifully done one with cute little mushrooms and other flowers on it, or even one that's a little darker and foresty. I mean, this last one has ferns, and paired with moss that's just screaming 'My bed is a forest floor'. Might even look more dreamy than that meadow scene from the first Twilight movie. Just a thought.
4. Vintage-looking Crochet Throw Blanket
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Wrap yourself up or throw this vintage-looking crochet blanket over the foot of your bed and it instantly ups the cozy vibes. It reminds me of one I would find at my grandma's house, one that was handed down to her or one she made as a young woman that will one day be handed down to me. The thought just makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
5. Fairy Lights and Vine Set
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Hang these twinkle lights above your bed, your reading nook, or behind your PC setup for the perfect cozy lighting! Take a walk and find a sturdy branch to hang them from for extra flare! The best part is that the vines are included, so you don't need to buy them separately to create this look.
6. Floral Laundry Basket
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It can be hard to find a laundry basket that actually works for you AND that's cute. This one would perfectly fit into your room's aesthetic and be completely functional at the same! Keep in mind it's on the smaller side so it works better for people who do laundry often. Which, is actually not me at all. I use it as a dry trash bin!
7. Amethyst Moon Sun Catcher
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This dreamy suncatcher brightens your space throughout the day! Sure, for a few hours here and there you'll only get a glisten or a rainbow there, but place it perfectly in your window and whenever the sun hits it your room will look so magical that you might want to buy a second one for another room.
8. Vintage-looking Gold Mirror
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This arched mirror would fit perfectly over a dresser or vanity! Its vintage feel would add to the cozy cottagecore style you're going for and on top of that, it even has a little ledge for your trinkets!
9. Stained Glass Lamps (1, 2)
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I mean, are you kidding me?? How cute are these? Honestly, I don't think any further explanation is needed.
10. Vintage Looking Area Rug
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Last, but not least, this worn area rug would pull the room together and makes the room feel just like an old country cottage. This one has an antislip bottom so you won't have to worry about it sliding around on non-carpeted floors if you don't plan on putting it under your bed or other furniture.
That's all Pixies! I hope you all have a wonderful day ♥
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feyofmay · 9 months
Hello!! I absolutely love your writing and was so excited to see your requests are open!! 💛 I was wondering if i could request a platonic amy march x reader (gn or fem is absolutely fine) with the prompt "i missed you so much". i was imagine maybe reader had been travelling for a while or just hadn't been spending much time with amy recently, and they both miss eachother alot and just have a fluffy reunion! though of course feel free to go whichever direction inspiration takes you!!!! (i also don't mind whether its just best friends or reader and amy are siblings, though i am very biased to the latter)
Even if you don't end up writing this, thank you so much for the things you have written because I'm absolutely in love with them!!!! and of course an extra big thank you if you do write this!!!!
— aubrey!! (@yokolesbianism/aubeystawby) 💛💛
AWWW tysm!! Literally you’re the sweetest & it warms my tiny little heart!! Of course I will write your little request, but I made it a little different. (for flavor ;0)
Word Count: ~800
(not edited, so there’s some grammatical errors. sorry not sorry)
The ache of the youth spent in the twisting thorns of blackberries & dashing madly down dusty paths like deer fleeing from the maw of a greater beast is not felt until, when waking up one morning, her bones are stiff & wooden. As if, if she were to bend her elbow, she could hear a creaking sound from the rusty nail between her two joints. Ever since Amy had left for France to pursue her dream of becoming a great artist,- one who, in her triumphant cries, “would rival Renoir and Boticelli and Thomas Lawrence!”- y/n, the youngest March, has awoken to the splintering ache of an accosted youth.
To say she misses her sisters is an understatement to the highest degree. Everything is far too quiet without the constant chirping of her sisters, a never ending symphony of adolescent conundrums & complaints. Once an eternal twilight, with her sisters playing the role of singing cicadas, the morning had risen with their departure from the best. Several things, which she previously thought were silent, have now shed their fear, & the appliances remind her of her creaking bones with their squeals & whines. The only thing that ever eased her mind was Beth’s piano, a reminder that, although her sisters have grown, she still remains young & a girl.
However, one early morning, the noise of chittering like field mice in a barn snuck in from underneath her door. Like a puppet, her wooden bones acted in the same order that they always have. Planting her feet on the ground, she threw her- well, it was first Marmee’s, then Meg’s, and then Jo found it far too “girlish”, so it was lastly Amy’s- shawl, a soft blue & green woolen piece, to keep herself from freezing in the morning sun.
“Marmee! What’s with all the clamor?” Y/N shouts out as she rubs the last grains of dreams quickly forgotten, a gift from Sandman in the night. Their voice is scratchy like an itchy wool scary as they waddle toward their door. Before Marmee can even consider replying, a shrill squeal fills the house.
“Sister! How I’ve missed you!” the shriek makes the wallpaper curl into itself, & the pounding noise of, what can only be assumed to be, heavy iron weights plummeting onto their creaking wooden stairs grows closer & closer to the half-awake Y/N. Immediately recognizing that voice before she can even register the smell of fresh air streaming in from her open window or the sticky feeling of morning dew on her face, Y/N snatches the door knob & swings it open wildly with reckless abandon.
There, standing before her, in a voluminous, almost cartoonishly large crinoline skirt with tiers upon tiers of ruffles & lace-trimming in differing shades of porcelain blue & silver, her sister & part of her soul, Amy, stands before her like a statue carved from marble & opal. With a toothy grin that reminds Y/N of all the long summer days spent rolling around in the vibrant green grass by the meadow, Any doesn’t waste a second as she barrels towards Y/N & catapults her arms around her little sister, who is unsure if she’s simply still dreaming or actually awake.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you! I’ve missed you so so dearly! All I could think of was how I wished you were beside me. Oh, I’ve so much to tell you! ” Amy rambles on as she digs her face into the nest of locks that rests upon her sister’s head like a rabbit burying into fresh earthen dirt. Curling her fingers around the poofy & seemingly floating sleeves that hug Amy’s sleeves in ways Y/N didn’t know was even possible, the cool touch of the soft, buttery linen kisses her fingers like a distant memory of childhood that’s been lost to the breeze. The fabric leaves a tingling sensation that reminds her of the bells that decorate the Church during Christmas time.
As the folds of linen ripple between her fingers, it’s then she finally feels her mind recenter. The colors around her bloom like the first day of spring, & everything falls into focus. Amy is back. She is real & home & here, in her arms. Slowly, Y/N tepidly wraps her arms around her sister & presses her face into the fabric of her dress. Something hot dribbles down her cheeks, & her silent tears collapse into Amy’s dress. The rust melts off of her joints as she feels her youth soak back into her bones. Her sister, her person, is home.
“I missed you, as well, sister.”
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chickenfics · 2 years
Team ‘Weekend Trip to Asgard’
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Relationship: Loki x Fem!reader (SFW)
Summary: When Bruce invited you to a quick weekend getaway, you’d hardly expected your destination to be Asgard. Just like you’d hardly expected to be accompanied by two gods – one of whom you’re convinced hates your guts. But who would have thought that the God of Mischief has a thing for flowers, a talent for reciting Shakespeare, and knowledge of all the best places for stargazing? Certainly not you.
But in a weekend filled with sunny fields and boisterous feasts, with accidental skinny dipping and drunken magic tricks, you would begin to realize all the different ways Loki could surprise you.
Word count: 7.3k
Content warning: mentions of blood, anxiety
Also on Ao3
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Chapter 10
The walk back to the blanket was pleasant in a way you’d never experienced before. Loki seemed… content -- a fact that, in turn, made you content. His more positive emotions so easily spread to you, as if your soul fed off of him whenever he was happy or pleased -- or feeling particularly cheeky. 
Whatever it was, you felt it as much as he did. It should have been odd, really, how much of him you were able to infer by just behind near him. You would have suspected much differently from the literal God of Lies, a title he continued to so kindly remind you of. But, to you, Loki was like an open book. You wondered if he did that on purpose; if he chose to let you in, or if it was something that had happened as accidentally for him as it did for you. Or maybe you were completely misunderstanding what was going on -- reading too much into what you thought was there. 
When you tuned back to Loki, who was trailing his hand through the grass and telling you something about one of the herbs that grew in these fields, you weren’t convinced that you were making this up. Loki’s smile was real -- just as real as his voice, floating out from his chest and into the sky above the meadow. It was real, and you felt honored that you were getting to see it. You had no idea why you were getting to see it, but that didn’t diminish the weight of reverence you felt because of it. 
Smiling, you nodded and asked a question about the plant, which Loki readily answered, gesturing with one of his hands while the other picked strands of grass before letting them fall to the ground. In a much too short about of time, you were back at the blanket, beneath the tree that had become so familiar to you. 
You thumbed the green-blue stone you’d slipped into your pocket wistfully, worrying your bottom lip. 
The sun was making its way lower in the sky; you suspected it was very early evening, and you knew that meant you’d have to be leaving soon. Not just leaving the meadow but leaving Asgard. You didn’t know, however, what that meant for… well, you and Loki. 
It was strange, but you’d spent so much time with him over the past two days that the idea of never talking to him again made you horribly sad. And, considering you still didn’t know the nature of your relationship, or if your feelings were even reciprocated by the god, you found yourself a bit fidgety. 
Which was apparent when, with the taste of blood, you realized you’d chewed a cut into your bottom lip. 
“Mouse,” Loki softly chided, stopping to take you gently by the elbow. “What’s that about?”
“What? Oh. Nothing, I just… forgot to pack chapstick.” You tried to shove your unease deep down where no one could find it, knowing that your excuse would be futile protection from the perceptive god. Sure enough: 
“You still insist on lying to me,” he tilted his head, giving you a look of gentle skepticism. “Very well. But you might want to…” He gestured to his own lips, and you jumped to wipe a hand across your mouth. 
It came away with a little streak of red. 
“You’re worried about something.” It wasn’t a question. Loki was still staring at you. 
“Just… thinking.”
“Hm, I suspected as much. You really should stop doing that.” 
Despite yourself, you chuckled -- and to your surprise, Loki looked very pleased with himself, giving you his biggest smile yet as he watched you, even as you ducked your head to look at the ground, anywhere but the compassion in his eyes. 
You needed to figure some things out before you could look at that and wonder if he cared. Then again, you could just ask him, but something warned you that perhaps you didn’t want to hear his answer. 
“Do you… want to… share your thoughts, or?”
“Uh, m-maybe not right now, but thanks,” you replied, smiling nervously at him. 
“Right,” he quickly replied. “Of course. I just… well, I didn’t know if that’s the appropriate question when someone… right.”
“No, it was nice. Thoughtful,” you hastily replied. The very last thing you wanted to do was make him feel foolish, or like he’d overstepped. 
Thankfully, your response seemed to pacify him enough that he could smile at you -- this time, one of the befuddled smiles he wore when he was confused by something. He turned away to fiddle with the horses’ tack. 
“I suppose we should be going soon,” he said, sounding unsure. It would never cease to amaze you how someone so bold and confident, and perhaps a little obnoxious, could sound like that. It made you wonder how often he hid his nervousness beneath one of his many charms. Even so, there were times when it clearly slipped through.
To Loki, it was probably a flaw -- if he even noticed he did it -- but to you, it just made him… human. Or at least, as human as a god could be. And though your experience with gods was quite limited, you’d found that the answer was: pretty damn human. No matter how much they tried to convince you otherwise. 
“Yeah,” you finally replied, realizing a certain god had been watching you with a mildly concerned, very human look on his face. “Yeah, I guess we should.”
The knowledge that you’d soon be leaving Asgard cemented in your chest. You didn’t want to go, didn’t want to leave the meadow and trade it for quiet, lonely days spent in the lab. Nothing against Bruce or Tony, but that last few days had brought with them some of the most fun you’d had in ages.
“Stop it,” Loki suddenly insisted. 
“You’ve got that sad look in your eyes again. I won’t stand for it.” He sounded like a defiant child and, despite your apparently obvious sadness, you smirked. 
“Sorry, I--”
“And there you go apologizing,” he huffed, shaking his head. 
“I just,” you took a breath, looking out across the meadow where the horses were grazing. He had asked you if you wanted to talk about your thoughts. 
“I just don’t want to leave. It’s so nice here…” and the company wasn’t bad either. “It definitely beats the lab. Not that I can complain.”
“Mm, you should complain more often.”
You rolled your eyes, smirking at his encouragement. 
“Anyway,” you shrugged. “I guess that’s what's got me looking like… whatever.”
You were kind of flattered that he cared to notice your emotions, even if you hadn’t been trying to hide them.
“I always hate leaving here,” Loki admitted after a moment. It was a simple statement, and one that he didn’t elaborate on, but in it, there was a sense of companionship. He understood how you were feeling, and he wanted you to know that. 
You nodded. 
“I can see why.”
You watched the horses for a still, quiet moment before Loki turned away. Walking off into the meadow, he approached the two animals. They lifted their heads in greeting, and he reached out a hand to run along Tove’s neck, patting it gently. You couldn’t be sure, but it looked like he was talking to them. You smiled. 
Then, arm resting on Tove’s neck, he began to make his way back towards you. The horses followed, and you wondered how he was doing that. Magic, maybe? You were pretty sure that regular Earth horses didn’t work that way -- but then again, what did you know? 
“Can you get the bridles?” he asked when he was in earshot. You nodded, stooping down to grab them. 
Heading over to Loki, you squinted at the bundles of leather straps with furrowed eyebrows, trying to figure out which end was up and which was down. Loki chuckled softly before taking one from your hand and straightening it out.
Over the next few minutes, Loki walked you through the process of tacking the horses up. He did all of the work, but he still explained what he was doing just as casually as if he was talking to himself. Even so, you followed him around, not straying far from his shoulder -- to the point where, when he was ready to swing the saddle on, he had to ask to you step back so you didn’t get hit. 
It was all very fascinating, mostly because Loki seemed so interested in telling you about it. You were sure you could have sat and listened to him reading the phone book if he did it with the same passion that he talked about Shakespear and nature and horses. Those things, you could listen to him talk about all day in that hushed, contemplative, beautifully baritone voice. 
It was something you could get lost in. 
“Loki?” you hesitantly started, and he turned around from the saddle he was tightening. “Thank you.”
His brow drew together, a dimple in the corner of his mouth deepening. 
“For what?”
“Just,” you shrugged. “This weekend.”
If it were possible, he looked even more confused, and maybe a little concerned, and then he nodded and turned back to the saddle. It was a few more minutes before he spoke. 
“We should get going.” You could hear the frown in his voice, and the wistful desire to stay. You knew it was there because you were feeling the same thing. 
You nodded, pressing your lips together as you got one last look at the tree you’d spent so much time under. God, you would miss this place. 
Turning back around, you found Loki watching you patiently, waiting with a hand on Yrsa’s neck, playing gently with her mane. You grabbed your bag, throwing it over your shoulder before walking up to your mount and running your palm across her forehead. 
Giving the mare a final pat, Loki knelt down and held out his hands, fingers interlaced. 
“Thanks,” you murmured, giving him your foot. As you stood, you placed a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself before swinging a leg over the saddle. 
“At least I’m getting a little better,” you commented, and Loki smiled at you from the ground. 
“Now if only you could dismount without losing the function of your legs.”
“Ha ha,” you dryly quipped, but you were smiling just as wide as he was. 
Shooting you a wink, he swung up onto his own horse. 
“Show-off,” you muttered, urging Yrsa forward in a moment of confidence. Seeming to sense this, the mare started off at a brisk walk, which Loki was quick to catch up to. 
“I’ve got to give you something to look at, haven’t I?”
“Your pretty face is quite enough, thank you.”
“Well, I’m glad you enjoy it so much.”
Your laughter rang out into the air as you left the meadow behind. 
The ride back to the stables was too short, even at the slow pace that you and Loki set. It seemed that both of you had decided to savor every moment of the little time you had left. The horses didn’t seem to mind. 
But, soon enough, you could see the loom of Asgard on the horizon, and even sooner, the dirt beneath the horses’ hooves turned into cobbled road. Loki took the lead, and you were embarrassed to find many more people in the street than when you’d left that morning. 
Everyone made way for the two of you, stepping quickly aside to clear a path for the horses. With a sinking feeling, you noticed a few less than friendly looks directed at Loki. You held your reins tighter, eyes always on the god, whose face was blank and expressionless. 
It wasn’t until you reached the stables, where there wasn't civilian to be found, that Loki let his mask slip enough for you to recognize him. Swiftly dismounting, he handed Tove off to a stableboy with a loving pat for the horse and a polite smile to the child -- who looked to be no older than twelve. Regardless, the boy led the giant horse off with confidence, reaching up to pet her nose before disappearing into the stable. 
Making his way over to you, Loki shot you a sly grin. 
“Shall we see what the state of your legs are, My Lady?”
You groaned, rolling your eyes up to the sky. You felt much less jittery than the last time you’d gotten off, so swinging your leg over the saddle went a bit more gracefully. But that didn’t change the fact that Loki’s hands were on your hips, ready to help if you needed it. This time, you managed to stay upright once you’d hit the ground. 
Whipping around, you grinned up at Loki, who was practically beaming, wrinkles appearing on his features. 
“Hey, look at that,” you said with a laugh. 
“Look at that,” Loki agreed, and suddenly you were trying to ignore the way that his arm was still around your waist, hand resting leisurely against your back. Not to mention the fact that you were close enough to feel him breathing. 
“Ah, Your Majesty. I’d started to wonder if you’d run away with my horses.”
“Ingunn,” Loki smiled cordially, turning away from you and letting his hand fall back to his side. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“I should hope so. Royalty or not, I’d hunt you down. I’m sure I still remember all the hiding places you had as a boy.”
“I’m sure you do,” Loki easily replied. “But rest assured, Madam, I shall not be stealing any of your fine animals. If I wish to borrow them, I know where to go.”
Ingunn seemed pleased by this. Reaching out to take Yrsa’s reins, she gave you a smile. 
“And how was your ride? I hope this old lady treated you well,” she patted the mare’s neck. 
“She did -- it was lovely,” you shyly agreed. Ingunn smiled, then shot Loki a look that had heat rising to your face. 
“Uh… how old is Yrsa?” You couldn’t help but ask. 
“Three-hundred and eighty-seven,” Ingunn replied. You nearly choked. 
“W… What?”
“Yes, she’s getting up there, old girl. But she still has lots of life left in her, I imagine.”
“Mm,” Loki seemed to contemplate. “Though, it’ll soon be time for Tove’s retirement, won’t it? She’s got to be, what, nearly five-hundred by now?”
You were having trouble processing this conversation. 
“Yes. Soon the only rides she’ll be giving are when our Prince honors us with his presence,” Ingunn winked. “You give that brother of yours my regard, would you?”
“Of course. Thank you for your time today,” Loki meaningfully replied, bowing shortly. 
“Anything, anytime,” Ingunn smiled, returning his bow. “Until we meet again, Your Majesty. My Lady,” she gave another quick bow in your direction and then led Yrsa towards the stable.
“She…” you pointed after the retreating woman. “She called me ‘My Lady.’”
“Yes,” Loki drew out the word. “That’s what happens when you’re with royalty.”
“But I thought--” You had to spin around and follow after Loki, who had started heading down the street. “I thought that was a term used for, you know… like, only royalty.”
He had to know what you were getting at. After all, why would Ingunn have called you ‘My Lady’ unless she thought you were Loki’s… well… Lady?
“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s just a… formality,” Loki insisted, speeding up a bit. You were practically running to keep up with him at this point. 
“Jesus,” you muttered, trying to catch your breath. “Would you-- Loki, slow down!”
The god pulled up short, and you nearly crashed into his back. 
“You can’t just speed walk away from me every time I ask a question you don’t like.”
“Well maybe you should walk faster,” he argued, and you narrowed your eyes at him. 
He stared at you unwaveringly for a moment before leaning back, eyes searching your face. 
“I’m being a Rochester, aren’t I?”
You groaned in exasperation -- but then, very reluctantly, you smiled and grabbed his arm. Linking it with your own, you continued your trek towards the palace. 
“You’re too hard on yourself,” you muttered a few moments later after Loki had finally closed his mouth. It seemed that he wasn’t used to people dragging him through the streets of his own kingdom arm-in-arm. Shocker. 
Though, now that you thought about it, maybe it shouldn’t have been that much of a shock that Ingunn thought you were a couple.
“I think I’m a perfectly reasonable judge of character,” Loki countered, but he didn’t sound very convinced. 
“Of other people, maybe.”
“I know myself better than anyone. Doesn’t that make me the best judge of my own character?”
“No,” you stopped, turning to look at him. “It makes you biased.”
He still had a hold of your arm. His fingers warming your skin, leaving their imprints against the very cells of your being, were the only things that made you aware of your closeness; and in turn, made you aware of the people passing by along the street, though you couldn’t tell if any of them were sparing you a second glance. That would have required you to pull your gaze out of Loki’s grip, his eyes holding onto you just as firmly as his hand. 
“I want to argue,” he replied, head tilting in thought. “But I have nothing but the same criticisms in regard to yourself.”
You blinked, trying to choke down the way his words were suffocating you with so much warmth you felt like you were burning. 
“It appears we’ve reached a stalemate, then,” you whispered. 
“Hm.” Loki narrowed his eyes, and something inside them glinted as hot as the fire in your chest. It appeared you weren’t the only one burning. 
In a split second, Loki tugged you closer. It was such a small movement that anyone watching wouldn’t have even noticed, but you felt the mingling of flames send sparks out into the sky. Then in a moment, it was over, and Loki was guiding you forward again. 
“What am I going to do with you?” He mumbled to himself, sending a smug sidelong glance your way. 
“I dunno,” you teased, swinging your free arm. “Hopefully keep me around, if you feel like it.”
You practically felt Loki’s breath catch, and the god stiffened up as he stared at the street in front of him. 
“Would you…” he suddenly turned towards you. “Would you actually want that?”
“Loki, I’m going to throw something at you.” 
You weren’t one to resort to violent measures, but lord have mercy if Loki still somehow thought you didn’t like spending time with him, either your approach wasn’t effective or he was in the deepest pit of denial that an individual could reach. 
“Yes, you big dork. I told you, I like spending time with you. You’re the god of lies -- tell me, am I lying?”
“I…” Loki looked at you like he couldn’t settle on being bewildered or concerned. In the end, he went with a combination of the two, which had him looking like you’d just told him that this was all a dream and in thirty seconds he’d wake up not remembering a thing. 
“I don’t know.”
He sounded so lost, like a child who couldn’t figure out a problem, and you figured it wasn’t often that people told him they actually liked being around him. It made you mad at the whole world -- had you burning with a desire to keep him safe from everyone who hated him. 
You wanted to show him how you saw him. 
“Well then,” you patiently replied. “I guess I’ll just have to keep telling you until you figure it out for yourself.”
“I… must admit, I’m not opposed.”
“Good,” you smiled. “There’s hope for you yet.”
Loki rolled his eyes up to the sky, squinting against the sunlight of the evening. Clouds painted the horizon line, the orange light seeping into them like the pigment of a watercolor painting. 
“Oh,” Loki suddenly breathed. “Is that why you’re always on about Rochester? ‘There’s still hope’ or what have you?”
You thought about it. 
“Bit idealistic, isn’t it? One might even say grossly romantic…”
“‘One,’” you snorted. “You mean you?”
“Well, I just said it didn’t I?” It only took a second for him to break, smirking at the look on your face. 
“You’re impossible.”
“Get used to it, darling. If you plan on hanging around, this is what you have to look forward to. And by that, I mean my spectacularly charming sense of humor, of course.”
“Oh, of course,” you nodded furrowing your eyebrows. 
Loki, however, raised his eyebrows almost gleefully. 
“Now I’ve had about enough of you, you little--”
He turned away from where he’d been about to grab you around your middle and squinted out into the street. The palace had begun to loom in the distance, and the two of you had nearly made it to the bottom steps. 
“Oh Norns,” Loki grumbled, running a hand through his hair. 
“Hey there, Princess,” Valkyrie greeted as she lazily stalked towards you. “This guy bothering you?”
“No,” you replied before Loki could open his mouth to protest. “He was just showing me the sights.”
“Mmm, I’ll bet,” she hummed, grimacing. “Banner’s looking for you. That man worries too much.”
You could only raise your eyebrows in agreement. 
“And you,” Valkyrie pointed an accusatory finger at Loki. “Your brother’s looking for you, shocker. I told him he should hope you fell off the Bifrost so he doesn’t have to take you back to that rock he calls home.”
“Have I mentioned it’s a pleasure?” Loki flashed his teeth in an overly charming smile, to which Valkyrie replied with an equally sarcastic one of her own. 
“As always, Lackey. I’ve got to run now, but I’ll see you all off before you leave, of course. ‘Til then,” she winked at you, then shoved past the god. 
“Oh goody,” Loki muttered, waiting until Valkyrie was out of earshot before continuing. “That woman makes me uncomfortable in a way many people cannot.”
“I think the feeling’s mutual,” you chuckled, grabbing his arm once again. “Come on. We better get back before Thor convinces Bruce that I’ve gotten kidnapped or something.”
“On my watch? Never,” Loki smirked, pulling his arm out of your grip only to drape it across your shoulder. 
Tugging you into his side, he began to leisurely climb the stairs to the palace. 
“We’re home…”
“Oh thank god,” Bruce sighed, hopping up to greet you halfway through the door. 
“What’ve you gotten him worked up about this time, brother?” Loki drawled, looking over at Thor as he closed the door behind you. 
“Me? I haven't done anything--”
“No, you never do,” Loki sighed, obviously trying very hard not to roll his eyes out of his head. 
“I just worry, you know how I am,” Bruce said, sounding worried indeed. It was endearing. “At least you left a note--”
“What-- a note?” Realizing, you slowly turned around to Loki, who wore the expression of a cat that had just been caught pushing something off the table. “You left a note?” You smirked. 
“Well I didn’t want them thinking I kidnapped you,” he defended.
“But don’t kidnappers usually leave a note?” 
“Yeah, you know what, it did kind of look like a ransom note,” Bruce chimed in, and Thor tried to cover a snort with a cough. 
Loki glowered at them. 
“I wasn’t demanding anything,” he insisted. “It can’t be a ransom note if I didn’t ask for anything in return.”
“Maybe that’s because you know Y/N’s company is much better than any ransom,” Thor said with a wink. 
“Mmmn,” you winced, “I don’t know about that--”
“Hey,” Bruce and Loki interrupted at the same time. They gave each other a look like, for the first time in their lives, they agreed on something. You were feeling a bit outnumbered here. 
“Anyway,” Bruce moved on. “I appreciate you keeping me in the loop when you two crazy kids run off to do… whatever.”
“Banner, need I remind you that I’m older than you could ever dream to--”
“Yeah yeah,” he grimaced, waving away Loki’s protests. When he turned to you, his eyes were filled with that softness you loved so much. 
“How was your day? How was the kidnapping?”
“For the last time,” Loki huffed. “She came willingly. I mean,” he tilted his head to look at you. “Right?”
“What, you don’t know?” Bruce demanded.
“Okay, alright,” you laid a hand on your mentor’s shoulder and turned enough to give Loki a reassuring smile. “My day was good. It was really fun and I enjoyed it. Even if it was a kidnapping,” you couldn’t help but add. 
“Oh, I’ll show you a kidnapping,” Loki muttered, narrowing his eyes threateningly.
“No!” You yelped, laughing shrilly as you ducked behind Bruce. Lurching sideways, Loki stepped around the other man and backed into you, grabbing your legs and hoisting you onto his back. It was all you could do to throw your arms around his neck and hold on for dear life. 
With his arms still firmly gripping your legs, Loki headed for your room. 
“Hey!” Bruce called after you. “Don’t make me come over there.”
“And do what, Banner?” Loki challenged. You spit out a lock of his hair that had worked its way into your mouth and clamped your hands over his eyes. 
“At least pack while you’re in there,” Bruce called again, louder than before as Loki stumbled through the curtain. “And remember the walls are thin.”
You could hear Thor’s bright laughter as your mentor no doubt muttered something under his breath, and you could feel Loki’s small chuckle against your chest. As soon as the curtain fluttered shut, Loki carefully slid you to the floor. 
“You guys are ridiculous,” you grinned, fixing the front of your shirt as Loki spun around. He smirked sweetly. 
“And you are just too much fun.”
Arching an eyebrow, you stepped around him and threw your bag onto the floor before falling into bed with a thud. After a minute, Loki sat down next to your legs, tossing his hair over his shoulder. 
After another minute, you grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him down on top of you. He gave in with surprising ease, and soon enough his head was situated on your chest. 
“Re--” He laughed breathily, shifting across your lap. “Remember, darling, the walls are thin.”
You chuckled, barely thinking twice as you brought a hand up to rake through his hair. 
“Funny, I was going to tell you the same thing.”
Loki gasped dramatically. 
“Please, my love -- I might be a kidnapper, but I have standards.”
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pushing your nose into his hair. 
“You are so ridiculous.”
“You’ve mentioned,” Loki laughed, breath fluttering from his chest. Hesitantly, he raised a hand a placed it on your arm. 
The contact sent a shiver through your skin. When Loki gave a soft brush of his thumb, you felt your heart stutter in your chest, pressing against the edges of your ribcage.
“This is… this is actually quite nice,” Loki whispered. 
You folded your legs up, tightening your knees around him in an embrace, and leaned against his hair. 
“Yeah. It actually is.” 
Freeing one hand, you slid it down his arm, blindly seeking him out. At the brush of fingers, you hooked your pinky around his. 
With a half-stifled sigh of contentment, he let his head rest fully against your neck. The silence stretched on for a moment, in which you could focus on nothing but his steady breathing and the way he felt against your chest. It was the closest thing to bliss you’d probably ever experienced in your life. 
A bang from outside your room reminded you that, no matter how much you might have wanted it to, this moment couldn’t last forever. 
“I think you’re gonna have to get up.”
“What -- no. Why?” Loki mumbled, and it sounded so much like a whine that you laughed and tightened your arms around his shoulders. 
“Because technically I’m supposed to be packing.”
“Well,” Loki scoffed, “If that’s all.” 
He didn’t move an inch, but suddenly a little whirlwind of green was flashing through the room. By the time it disappeared, all of your things were packed away in your bag, and the green dress you’d worn the previous night was folded neatly on the vanity. 
“You little shit,” your mouth fell open, once again amazed by both his abilities and his stubbornness. 
“I believe what you meant to say was ‘Thank you,’” Loki replied, hooking his foot beneath one of your legs and giving it a little tug. 
“Ehhhh,” you tilted your head. “Pretty sure I didn’t, but woah--” 
You barely had a chance to react before Loki was flipping you around with alarming effectiveness. Now he was lying on his back with you straddling him, and you barely managed to prop yourself up in the flurry of activity.  
“Sorry, you were saying?”
“Hey, I thought you wanted to cuddle?”
“Cuddle-- we weren’t cuddling,” Loki’s nose scrunched with distaste. 
“Oh, right. Well if that wasn’t cuddling then I’d like to know what you call this,” you raised an eyebrow, gesturing down to where you were… well, on top of him. 
Loki narrowed his eyes and grinned mischievously. 
“A good time is what I’d call it.”
“Jesus Christ,” you muttered, praying to God that no one walked in right now. You’d have a very hard time explaining that it wasn’t what it looked like. 
“But please,” Loki continued, draping his hands over your hips. “Go on about how I’m -- what was it you called me?”
“A little shit,” you offered -- then barely repressed a squeal as he dug his fingers into your side. Clamping a hand over your mouth, you grabbed his wrist with the other. “If you don’t stop, someone’s going to think you’re murdering me and barge in here.”
“Well you’d better be quiet, then,” Loki shot back. 
Narrowing your eyes, you flipped around and laid down next to him. The bed wasn’t very large, so a bit of maneuvering was required to prevent you from falling onto the floor, but eventually, you settled in beneath his arm -- which had found its way around your shoulder in case you actually did start to fall onto the floor. Loki clearly had no reason to trust your mobility skills in the slightest. 
Leaning back against his arm, you sighed. 
“I don’t want this weekend to end.”
Loki raised his eyebrows and scoffed lightly. 
“To be honest, I didn’t want it to even start.”
“And what about now?” You asked. 
He tilted his head, staring thoughtfully up at the ceiling before looking down at you with the softest of expressions. 
“I’m glad it did.” He paused a moment, searching your eyes for something. Whatever it was, you hoped he found it. But then he was smiling and saying, 
“Besides, it’s not often I get off the compound, not to mention in the company of someone who doesn’t loath my very existence.”
Despite his lighthearted tone, you felt your heartache at the implication. 
“They don’t know what they’re missing.” 
Loki arched an eyebrow at you before turning to stare back up at the ceiling, eyes still searching for that thing you didn’t know. 
A knock sounded just outside the doorway, interrupting your thoughts and making you jump. Next to you, Loki tensed, but he didn’t make a run for it. 
“Yeah?” You called, propping yourself up on your elbows. 
“Hey, we’re heading out to meet Valkyrie in about fifteen minutes. You all packed?” It was Bruce’s voice, and you were counting your lucky stars that he hadn’t let himself in. 
“Yep, all ready!” 
“Great.” You could sense him lingering for a moment longer, and sure enough: “Loki, if you’re still in there, we’re meeting Valkyrie in fifteen minutes.”
“I heard you, Bruce,” Loki evenly replied. You stifled a laugh against his side. 
“Alright, just… checking,” Bruce muttered. 
“Is he gone?” You eventually asked. Loki squinted towards the door. 
“Mm, yes. He’s gone,” he sighed, then shifted so he could bring an arm up around you, laying his hand on your forehead. 
“What are you doing?” You nearly choked on your laughter. 
“What? Oh. I don’t know.” He shrugged, and you laughed harder. “What are you doing?” Now he’d started to laugh. 
“Shhhh sh, we have to keep it together.”
“As if you’ve ever had it together, love,” Loki snorted, and you had to cover your face with your arms to try and muffle your giggles. 
“Have you finally lost your mind?” Loki somewhat nervously asked. 
“Shut up,” you insisted. Then, “Ugh, god… has fifteen minutes passed yet?”
“It’s been three minutes, Mouse.”
Your ribs were going to crack at this rate. Wrinkling your nose and squeezing your eyes shut, you laughed silently. Looking at you with fond alarm, Loki scoffed and threw a hand over your face until you got yourself under control. 
Wiping tears from your eyes, you sucked in a big breath and let it out with a little giggle. 
“Jesus, I’m so tired.”
“Is that why you’ve just nearly combusted?”
“As much as I love it here, I think I’m ready to sleep in my own bed.”
“Hm,” Loki hummed, grazing his fingers lightly along your neck. You closed your eyes, tilting your face towards him as you practically melted into the mattress. 
“Don’t fall asleep,” he whispered, a smirk lacing his voice. “We’ll be expected soon.”
“Well, then you’d better stop.”
“Trust me, I’ve tried. You’re just too…” he trailed off, never completing the sentence. 
“Too what?” you asked with some reluctance, peeking one eye open. 
Loki was staring down at you, looking pleased and content. The faintest of smiles captured his face. 
“Come on, guys! We’ve got to get moving or Valkyrie will have my balls.”
Slowly closing his eyes, and letting out a deep, very annoyed sigh, Loki swept a thumb across your temple.
“I believe we’ve been summoned,” he muttered.
You pursed your lips, suddenly feeling sad. You were really going to miss this. This… whatever this was. Reading in the meadow, drinking late into the night with good company, waking to breakfasts with suspicious origins, Loki….
You were going to miss Loki. 
It was silly because up until two days ago you’d been afraid of the god. You’d thought he hated you, or, at the very least disliked your presence. And now here you were, after everything that had happened…. 
“Come now, don’t have that look,” Loki softly implored, tilting his head. Your mind blanked as he brushed his knuckles across your cheek. 
“What… look?” You managed. “Not the, uh… kicked puppy look?”
“Exactly the kicked puppy look,” he smirked. 
“Okay, okay,” you shook your head, furrowing your eyebrows as you tried to look on the positive, rather than dwell on your sadness. 
This weekend had been one of the best you’d ever spent. You’d had fun and made lots of new memories -- and a few new friends, too. That was something to celebrate, wasn’t it?
“There you are, well done,” Loki teased, smiling kindly -- another smile to add to your collection. 
You only hoped it wouldn’t be the last. 
Rolling off your back, you rose stiffly to your feet. Loki followed, stepping around the bed. He placed a brief hand on your back as he headed towards the doorway. You opened your mouth, feeling the weight of so many things left unsaid. It felt like a moment of parting, especially with the knowledge that this would likely be the last time the two of you were alone together; but no words came out, and, with one last wink, Loki disappeared behind the curtain. 
This weekend had been… so far from expected. It wasn’t often that you made a new friend, let alone a god. Not just any god, Loki Layfeyson. Trying to wrap your head around everything you’d experienced over the last few days -- what felt like a fever dream no matter how many times you pinched yourself -- you smoothed over the sheets on the bed and picked up your duffel bag. 
Unsurprisingly on the same wavelength as you, Bruce was tidying up the common area, fixing pillows on the couch, and making sure everything looked as nice as it had been. You smirked at the man, who, between the two of you, was the only reason the lab was safe from Tony’s general chaos and disarray. 
“Ready to go, Banner?” Thor asked when he saw you with your bag. 
Even though he wasn’t talking to you, you gave him a thumbs up anyway, and Bruce grabbed his bag from the floor. 
“Yup, all ready.”
“You’re sure you wouldn’t like to clean one more thing?” Loki lazily spoke up. “Maybe mop the floors or change the bedsheets?”
“I,” Bruce defensively lifted his chin, “Am not going to dignify that with a response. Let’s go, Thor.”
He waltzed passed Loki, who you could tell was repressing another infamous eye-roll, and Thor followed him out. 
“Don’t be so mean,” you chuckled, and Loki gave you a scandalized look. 
“I wasn’t -- well,” he grappled for an excuse and landed on: “It’s a… comping mechanism. What am I supposed to be if not mean?”
“Uh, I don’t know -- kind? Agreeable? Your pleasant self?”
“I am not pleasant,” he insisted as you followed him out into the hall. The fact that he held the door for you didn’t really help his case. 
“You totally are, when you’re not being a knob.”
“Unbelievable. Bullying me in my own home. And a palace, no less.”
“Hey,” you gasped defensively. “I just said that you were pleasant, you’re the one that had to make it an argument.”
“I’m not arguing.”
“There you go again,” you insisted, wanting so badly to shove him in the side. Instead, you gestured like your life depended on it.
“I won't be degraded by the likes of you, mortal,” he declared, but he barely got the sentence out before he was laughing breathily and giving you a sideways grin. 
“Oh?” You raised your eyebrows. “Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it, Your Majesty?" 
“I will come back there if necessary,” Thor’s voice broke through your bickering, and consequently silenced whatever Loki had opened his mouth to say. 
“No need, brother,” he said instead, throwing an arm over your shoulder and tightening it snuggly. “Just a bit of friendly banter.”
“Uh-huh,” Bruce muttered. 
You snorted and grabbed Loki’s waist for support. You were now having to walk a bit sideways, thanks to the god’s hold on you, and you could feel your balance giving out. Apparently, Loki could feel it too, as he loosened his grip and let you straighten up. You, however, did not let go of his waist. 
That is until Valkyrie began to approach from down the hall and Loki carefully released you. Understanding that he probably didn’t want to give the woman ammo against either him or yourself, you clasped your hands behind your back and passed him a small smile. Ever so gently, he smiled back. 
“Well, I was wondering where you all got off to,” Valkyrie greeted, propping a hand on her hip with a smirk. 
“Yes,” Thor drew out the word. “Bruce had to tidy up the place before allowing us to leave.”
“You are so weird,” Valkyrie grinned at the scientist. “And really, for the life of me, I can’t see the resemblance.”
“Well… yeah, I would hope that the whole green giant thing would kind of set us apart,” Bruce admitted with a nervous chuckle. 
“Whatever,” Valkyrie shook her head. “Heimdall knows you’re coming, because of course he does. I just wanted to pop by and give some parting words.”
“...Which are,” Thor asked after a moment. 
“Oh, right. Uh… thanks for the help, I guess.” She shrugged.
“You’re welcome.”
“Also you should come back more often so I can keep kicking your ass at drinking games.”
“I let you win,” Thor steadfastly argued. 
“Sure, sure…” She looked to Bruce. “Alright, big guy?”
Bruce grinned softly and nodded. “Alright.”
“Good… well, it’s been real, gentlemen. Guess you all should get going, Heimdall’s probably been waiting for you.”
“Of course he has,” Thor muttered. Then, with a final smirk at the woman, he elbowed Bruce and they headed towards the doors of the palace. And you found yourself staring into the piercing eyes of Valkyrie. 
“Nice meeting you, Princess,” she held out her hand, and you took it, expecting a shake. Instead, she leaned down and pressed a kiss against your skin. “Hope to see you around sometime. If we haven’t scared you off.”
Your head was spinning and you weren’t sure exactly what was happening. Or how to react. 
“Yeah -- I mean no! I, uh… I would love to come again.”
Valkyrie, still holding your hand, looked up at you through dark eyelashes and smirked. Giving a pleased hum, she straightened up and released you. 
“Pleasure, as always, Lackey,” she sarcastically purred, stepping around you to head down the hallway. However, you didn’t miss the wink she sent your way, like a parting gift. 
“The feeling is mutual,” the god silkily replied, but you could feel the annoyance radiating from his body. Without thinking, you laid a hand on the small of his back. 
He started slightly, then tore his eyes away from Valkyrie’s retreating form to look down at you. Whatever he saw in your eyes, it prompted an almost grateful smile. You had no trouble returning it. 
“I think I’m being left behind again,” you said with a smile as the doors swung shut behind Thor and Bruce. 
Loki pulled a face, scoffing mischievously. 
“Not on my watch, fine Lady,” he insisted. Then, leaning sideways, he murmured, “I’m going to do it.”
You’d just been about to ask what he was talking about when a sparking flash of green and gold-filled your vision and suddenly you were outside the palace and one step away from falling down the grand staircase. 
Without even batting an eye, Loki grabbed one of the loops on your jeans and anchored you to the ground. 
“That is not what I mean, you asshole,” you hissed, but your attempts at sounding annoyed were ruined by amused giggles. What a fucking dork. 
“Hey,” he insisted, sounding wounded. “You said you wanted a warning. That was your warning.”
“You like getting on my nerves don’t you.”
“You do make it very enjoyable, my dear,” Loki smirked, clasping his hands behind his back. 
“Yeah, well, you’re lucky I like you.” There was no real threat to your tone, and you were smirking just as hard as he was. 
Loki faltered a step, disappearing from your peripheral for a moment before catching back up. 
“Yes,” he murmured thoughtfully. “I suppose I am.”
Glancing over at him, you were met with such a genuine look, one filled with such captivation and searching that you found yourself laying a hand on his back again. A wrinkle appeared between his eyebrows, but you somehow got the feeling that it was good. 
You finally caught up to the others, and Bruce turned around to give you a smile. 
“What took you guys so long?”
“Oh, you know how Valkyrie can be,” Loki lazily sighed, glancing around and giving a curt nod to the guards as you passed by. 
“Yes, brother, but I also know how Heimdall can be. He’s going to scold us for being late. 
“Well we had better hurry up then,” came Loki’s mockingly serious reply. You stifled a laugh against your sleeve, pretending to itch your nose. But the god caught on and sent you a sly wink that had your face turning hot. 
He was going to be the end of you. The thought made you smile.
Taglist: (let me know if you would like to be added!) @itsamedeemonee @mischief2sarawr @sabxism @princess-ofthe-pages @80strashbag @7minutes-tomidnight @lokischambermaid @gayassfuckinghomosexual @queergalpal97
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firstdivisiongirl · 7 months
—Hey, hey, hey Princess of Alabasta!
Hope you’re doing alright today,
I was wonderin’ if you do take requests from men too, about the male match up?.. Or if are they still open… I was just wondering who I actually could match, with my personality and odd things I do.
You don’t have to do it, I just thought that there might be a chance for me to know if there’s someone from OP men who would adore what I do xD.
So yeah… Imma get into the small description,
— Outside Looks:
I’m a little bit over 165cm (short, short ass) tall, a bit thick on thighs, dark blonde hair, with a short undercut. I wear golden (not real LOL) glasses with adjustment of light blue line on top of them. I wear usually thick, golden earrings — three on each ear, so I could basically call it piercings now.
— Pronounce:
— Fav. Colours:
E v e r y C o l o u r. But mostly blue and red, along with white and green.
— Personality & Things I like:
I usually am sarcastic much, but not that hard to bite back harshly. I often do have my emotions on leash but sometimes they snap, in worst time. I can do slightly lame jokes, basically I can count on my fingers on one hand of who I really made laugh.
Anyways, I am really into mechanics and I am repairing an old car I found in the wild (literally a still alive car in the middle of a meadow, checked the registration— the person who had it is now… ehem, on the other side of world). I often like to draw, write books/drabbles/HCs/etc, read mangas/ watch anime, and much more other things like skateboarding and snowboarding. I also do like cooking, enjoying the taste of my NON-BURNT meal is the most satisfying thing ever.
I often listen to music, mostly rock, a bit of pop and casual jazz in late evenings.
I also am a total cat lover, but also like dogs.
Thank you so much for reading my message, it took me a good half an hour to write something about me XD
Hi there! I am doing very well! You don’t have to call me by my title, just Vivi works. I’d love to do a match up for you. I hope you like it and let’s see the results!
You got…
Eustass Captain Kid!!!!
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Before you judge this murderous bean, hear me out.
He loves mechanics and tinkering with anything. So he’s help you repair your car. A car tinkering date is a definite.
Rock music? Look at the boy! Him and his crew aren’t listening to the Jonas brothers, but I can see them like smooth jazz. Don’t ask me why.
You two are both emotional, but I think it would work for some reason. I feel like he’d love your lame jokes
He’s big and strong so anything you are afraid of, he’ll protect you.
He’d love all your gifts and cuddles. He may look and act scary but he’s a softy for you!
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poppywriter · 8 months
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❀ Pansy n°7 = My mind's safe space.
safe space - noun → a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm.
It’s quite easy to understand what a safe space is, but I would like to add to this definition that it can also be a person - since you’re with someone it could go into “environment” I guess. Personally, my safe spaces are my room and bed, my sisters, my family circle and my mom’s embrace. Those are things that can make me feel instantly better.
I know about these, how they affect me and especially how I struggle to live without them. Getting out of my comfort zone really isn’t my forte… :/ Though there is one place where I can always go when I need a break, a breath… It’s a safe space I created on my own to fit my fantasies and needs to help me calm down and stay serene.
I can literally go there whenever, as I carry it in my mind. Firstly, I created this mind safe space in PE in Highschool  when we were doing yoga with my favorite teacher. She helped us a lot to manage our stress and so we did a lot of meditation at the end of her classes. And for this time of peaceful concentration, she asked us to find a memory of a cherished place or even a made up one where we can feel good, calm down and fully relax.
Loving to be in imaginary headplaces, I thought of creating one - it eventually became my waiting room when I tried to shift. The place I’m about to describe truly became a safe space for me.
This safe haven basically consists of an opening in the middle of trees. The grass has the perfect height and is a warm tone of green. In the middle of the clearing, there is a huge and beautiful lake - that I often struggle to visualize. I’d love for it to have some sort of littler waterfalls and big rocks all around as if it was more of a natural pool you might find in mountains. But my brain keeps it simple, often picturing it just as a simple body of water - but I’ll work on that :). As the soft wind blows in the trees and the grass, occasionally making the water ripple, you can find under the shade of a tree, an outdoor bed. Its wooden structure sits directly on the ground. Its soft and pristine white sheets are the perfect depiction of comfort. Its size makes it more than able to hold two people and allowing the best naps of the world - well, imaginary world.
This is most of what I visualize when meditating, laying down in this bed to release and concentrate on myself. I also do it when I try to fall asleep, sometimes - if not most of the time - I listen to quiet and soothing music with slight rain sounds, it really calms my running mind. Yet this place is bigger than expected. In fact, I expanded it for my dream purposes.
Behind the bed - which faces the lake - the clearing extends itself towards a small meadow made of hills. Not too far from the outdoor bed, sits a medium size cottage. I don’t really know how it looks because it’s mostly in the background but I know it’s beautiful and cozy - probably with a stone façade. I love this place dearly. Many times have I pictured myself dancing with comfort characters in the tall grass in the white outdoor bed safely tucked in someone’s strong embrace. I just can’t help but feel calm and secure there.
I think I’d advise everyone to have a place like this, to be able to retreat somewhere when things get too much and you need to focus on yourself. As I said, it’s also good for meditation times, though it’s important to know to not picture yourself with someone at that moment as it’s a time to pay attention to yourself and it’s really important to have those times. Taking care of yourself is detrimental.
I’ll leave you to that dear reader, but not without asking you what is your mind’s safe space ! Don’t be shy to comment or DM me, I’m very curious :).
🔺Original work please do not steal or copy, Thanks.🔺
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Speaking with Flowers
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core
Pairing: Zack x Aerith (Zerith)
Rated: T
Summary: Zack and Aerith's time together is always cut short by his job at SOLDIER so Zack creatively finds a way they can spend more time together even when he's halfway around the world.
"...Do you really have to go?" the question was quiet, sullen unlike the usual chipper bell-like tones he was used to from Aerith Gainsborough, his beautiful Flower Girl.
Zack Fair's raven brows furrowed at the pained pinch in her somber expression she didn't try and hide and the Second-Class SOLDIER felt his heart break a little more.
Dammit, it never failed.
Just when they were thoroughly enjoying their limited time together, going out for a fun afternoon stroll or an evening dinner and date, his PHS would ring. Instantly bringing the bliss they always experienced while together to a screeching halt.
For example, tonight they'd delivered freshly-picked flowers to the Leaf House followed by a delicious homemade dinner where he was introduced to Aerith's mother, Elmyra. While a bit nervous at first because meeting one's parent(s) for the first time always made him jittery, Zack was certain he won her over with his charisma and country boy charms. At least he hoped so! She seemed to like him enough considering she laughed at his stories and jokes! Hell, sheeven invited him to stay longer for dessert! Zack readily agreed to her offer, but while it was being prepared, Aerith and himself came here to the church to give the flowers one final watering when his PHS beeped loudly inside his pocket.
So of course with everything going so swimmingly, the wonderful evening had to be ruined by his job.
During all of this stress with Angeal's desertion, Genesis' clone attacks and Sephiroth becoming more aloof than ever before, Aerith has been his sanctuary while SOLDIER and Shinra kept doing their damnedest to try to pull him away from her. Maybe he was spiteful and becoming more disillusioned with the company with each passing day but Zack still kept his chin up; continued persevering in the hopes that everything would get better. Perhaps it was fruitless but Zack was an optimist, he was hoping one day, everything would return back to the way it was before everything went to hell in a handbasket.
Also, Zack reminded himself he needed to thank Angeal when he found him (and he would find him and bring him back - he was certain of it) for pushing him through the Sector 5 plate and literally into Aerith's life. From the very moment Zack woke up and looked up into the prettiest green eyes in existence, Zack knew this gorgeous girl was special and would become an integral part of his life. Whenever Zack was with her, it was amazing how easily they clicked together. How quickly she calmed his frantic nerves and made him forget his worries for awhile with her mere smile. Not to mention how her attentions had his heart skip a beat even if it was nothing more than a tender glance in his direction.
With Aerith around, nothing hurt and everything except for simply being together mattered.
Zack never felt this way about another girl before. Every short-lived relationship or lustful fling he had previously felt downright piteous compared to Aerith. They had yet to even kiss, but already, he was completely smitten with this gorgeous girl.
And Zack had never been one to fall in love so fast…
Perhaps it was her soft smile, the way her meadow-green eyes sparkled and her bell-like laugh tinkled into the dusty air of the church whenever he was able to make her giggle even if it was at the expense of his pride. Maybe it was the way she could touch his arm or hand and tingles of electricity lit up to the base of his neck and throughout his limbs. Or possibly the ease in which she spoke with him, listened to his struggles, enjoyed his flirtatious behavior and flirted right back, teased him and how even if she admitted once that SOLDIER's scared her, yet she felt no qualms about himself. The way her face lit up whenever he waltzed into the church for a visit; her excited steps as she twirled around before approaching him with arms open wide and she instantly pulled him in for a tight hug.
But maybe it was something simple, like how she always smelt like sun-kissed flowers… Whenever he had the opportunity to be next to her, he couldn't help but softly breathe her in; the fresh floral scent, dewy leaves, rich loamy soil and pure life always lingering on her gorgeous pale skin and throughout her thick chestnut locks.
Whenever he was with her, it simply felt like coming home.
But the thing that made him feel as if his heart would pound straight out of his ribcage was that she felt exactly the same way about him…
Zack jumped a bit when the PHS's notification sound alarmed yet again and he was broken from the reverie of his comforting thoughts and back into the cold stint of reality. It was far too painful to come to terms that the time they got together always ended far too soon lately.
The black-haired SOLDIER bit his bottom lip and cursed the message he read and re-read from Director Lazard on the tiny screen of his PHS hoping the orders would magically change before his eyes. Nothing changed and Zack huffed. To think mere months ago, he used to be overeager to fulfill any and all of the missions thrown his way, going above and beyond to fulfill extra missions in his desire to become a First Class SOLDIER. Now that his dream was in closer reach then ever… he didn't even care to reach for it.
Since when had he become so jaded?
Oh right…
A deep sigh left his lips before Zack finally pulled out of his reverie enough to answer her, "Yeah…I do." in a sullen apologetic voice while sending her his best pouting puppy dog eyes from behind his thick raven bangs to showcase just how much he hated the news of his upcoming departure as well. "I'm so sorry, Aerith...but duty calls." he feebly shrugged.
"Oh…" Aerith's face fell at the news she patiently waited for. Her dainty soil-dusted hands clasped in front of her chest as she bit at her plump bottom lip. "I-I understand. It's your job…but maybe you can visit me again tomorrow? Yeah! And I'll even save you some dessert!" she continued a second later with a smile that didn't fully reach her eyes.
Zack felt horrible at the slight hope in her expression knowing he was about to crush it. "You know I'd love to, Aer, but…it's actually a mission outside of Midgar. I have to head to Rocket Town for a few days then to Junon for some security detail, but it shouldn't take more than a week! I promise!" he reassured quickly when her smile turned into a sorrowful frown and beseeching emerald eyes.
"No, no. It's okay," the false smile was back, more forceful this time as she lifted herself up on her toes a bit. "A week is fine…just seems like a long time."
"I know. But it should go fast with all the new flowers you're planting in your garden at home! And don't forget, when I get back we can start planning that wagon I need to build! That'll be fun!"
Aerith smiled more genuinely this time. "Right…It just… It feels like you just got back and you're leaving again. I wish we could see each other more."
"Yeah, me too…" Zack admitted, scratching the back of his head when his eyes fell on her flowers and suddenly, it was like a lightbulb turned on above his head. "OH! Wait, wait, wait! I know!" the Second-Class SOLDIER declared happily.
Aerith jumped a bit at the sudden loud proclamation but shook it off quickly, asking "What?" with a cute tilt of her head. She was so damn adorable…
"Flowers!" Zack said proudly, gesturing eagerly toward her small garden they'd just finished watering before he got the call.
Aerith flashed him a confused expression before pursing her lips, "Yes…those are flowers…"
"Oh, I know that!" Zack snarked teasingly with a playful wag of his finger before clarifying, "No! I meant I'll take pictures for you! I see so many cool flowers on my travels, probably some even you've never seen or heard about before, but I can show you! A-And hey, I'll even try and get some seeds to bring back to you so you can grow them at your house!" Zack was aware he was speaking a mile a minute but the happiness beginning to shine in Aerith's perfect eyes at his idea was far too wonderful for him to stop. "How does that sound?"
"Oh. Really? Wow, Zack, that would be fantastic! As much as I love my lilies, it would be so nice to have other varieties of flowers growing around here!" she put her hands to cup her mouth as her eyes grew misty at the generous and kind suggestion.
Zack smiled, so excited how his idea was the one to put such a beautiful smile on her face, "I know Junon has some pretty ones that grow near the beach! Not sure about Rocket Town, but I'm sure I'll be able to find some!" Zack spoke eagerly and was so contented to see the same happiness lighting up Aerith's garden green eyes.
"Thank you, Zack! That would make me so happy!" Aerith smiled tearily, closing the small distance between them to pull him into a hug.
Zack didn't even care that her delicate hands left dusty prints on his turtleneck, he just hugged her tighter. Zack buried his face in the bend of her shoulder and neck before taking a deep breath of her gorgeous scent; he smirked at the shudder that went through the beautiful girl in his arms. Feeling cheeky, Zack suddenly lifted her up and began swinging the slight girl in a circle. A huge smile on his face upon hearing her contagious giggle echoing off the tall ceilings and through the broken part of the roof where his laughter soon joined hers and escaped out into the night air.
Ten minutes later, Zack accompanied Aerith to her home.
While it was a bit awkward and rather sad having to go home and explain it to her mother how Zack had to leave. But instead of being upset about the news, Elmyra merely nodded and smiled at the couple before kindly packing up a dozen of the delicious spice cookies she'd baked for him to take on his trip.
"Now don't you eat them all, you better share some with your friends," Elmyra said with a teasing smile and wag of her finger.
"Yes, Mrs. Gainsborough, Thank you so much." Zack nodded and smiled oh so sweetly before gently bowing to her mom in gratitude and the upmost respect. The SOLDIER glanced at Aerith about to only nod in a goodbye with her mother right there watching them both but before he could, Aerith grasped Zack's free arm and guided him out onto the front porch.
Elmyra's eyebrow lifted as he gave Aerith a questioning look but the smile on her face didn't fade, "You have yourself a safe trip, Zackary!" Elmyra said with a gently wave.
"Thank you! Have a good evening, ma'am!" Zack called back before the front door closed behind them.
The couple were oddly silent as they slowly walked off the wooden porch and along the packed dirt path towards the bridge. Aerith bit her lip, her heart pounding furiously at her abrupt action but Zack seemed to have no qualms. The handsome SOLDIER merely flashed Aerith a smile as they slowly stopped in the center of the bridge before the stairs leading to the rest of Sector 5. Neither spoke for a few moments as they took in beautiful garden swaying gently in the cool night air; the soothing smell of fresh greenery and the sound of trickling water underfoot slightly calming her nerves.
Zack took in a deep whiff of the fragrant air surrounding them before letting it out in a contented sigh. Glancing at his girlfriend's beautiful face from the corner of his eye before he felt obligated to finally break the comfortable silence, "Thanks for everything tonight, Aerith. Even though it was cut a bit short, I still had a great time with you today."
Aerith gently squeezed his thickly muscled forearm, dainty fingers dancing around the pulse in his wrist right under the cusp of his leather glove. "Me too," she replied in a tender admission before bravely pressing her temple against his bicep for only a moment before pulling away to look back up into his hypnotic blue eyes. It should be illegal for eyes to be that pretty…
"And hey, I'll be sure to text you when I arrive in Rocket Town tomorrow! And the first thing I'm gonna so when I get some down time is go flower hunting and send you a bunch of pictures!" Zack promised with a gorgeous white smile that contrasted so lovely against his tanned skin.
Aerith giggled at the excitement lacing his voice, "I can't wait." Aerith tenderly smiled up at him, her fingers tingling with want to brush his bangs behind his ears so she could better see his adorable face yet she couldn't quite muster up enough courage to do so.
"Great." Zack replied, glancing around this little piece of paradise in the slums before looking back at her and continuing, "Well, um, I should get going. I hope you have yourself a goodnight, Aerith."
"You too, Zack."
Zack smiled sweetly at her before he made to walk away but Aerith still didn't relinquish her hold upon his arm and the Second-Class SOLDIER glanced down at her down-turned face curiously.
"…Aerith? 'Something wrong?"
Before she had the chance to completely lose her nerve, Aerith pushed herself up onto her toes and chastely kissed his plush mouth, "Goodnight. I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow." she whispered in one quick breath before rushing back into the house with her lips tingling pleasantly and her heart pounding frantically in her chest.
Zack stood there in complete shock for a few seconds before the biggest goofiest smile lip up his face and as much as he wanted to jump up and click his heels while whooping loudly into the night air, he valiantly held back. With one last tender glance at the house the Flower Girl disappeared into, Zack walked up the stairs. His heart pounding wildly and his smile never fading as he ran toward the train station and the soon departing plane waiting for him at Shinra.
And so started their communications.
Zack and Aerith had spoken and sent each other texts before, before this they only texted back and forth about happenings in their daily life but with this new incentive, it got more exciting; like a game of sorts.
Aerith bit her lip from her seated perch on her bed. Back resting against the headrest as she happily scrolled through the latest texts on her PHS.
Zack had already sent so many photos since they started this little floral communication of theirs. The SOLDIER made good use of his down time on missions to go and find all the flowers the town he was in had to offer. Sending her pictures of so many beautiful flowers from all the various places he'd visit! He'd even go further and ask some of the locals the names of them and of course with his gorgeous smile and charismatic personality, some would allow him to take some flowers to take back with him in order to give the flowers time to dry in order to gather their seeds.
While the dried flowers he brought back were lovely and the seeds would grow in her home garden in their own time, it still was a slow process. But while they were only small flecks deep in the soil, Aerith still adored and savored the pictures Zack sent of them thriving in their natural environment.
It was simply astounding how many different varieties there were. All coming in beautiful cascades of colors that didn't occur naturally inside of Midgar's iron walls. The pictures of flowers he sent her on his trips contained so many varying shades of red, pink, yellow, purples and even some incredible blue flowers that reminded her of Zack's eyes (even if Zack's eyes were much prettier, but she'd never felt brave enough to tell him that).
So far, Aerith's favorite was a photo he took of himself standing in front of a field of huge yellow flowers with a giant brown center. He stood there holding the camera toward himself smiling his gorgeous white smile. His hand gently grasping the thick green stem of a flower as tall as himself!
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Aerith was astounded that a flower could be so tall!
Considering Zack's greater height, the flowers would tower over her. Yet Aerith seemed more astounded at the beautiful contrast of bright sunny yellow against his pitch midnight black hair with hints of blue in their raven strands. Heart hammering as she took in the cheeky expression he flashed the camera while taking the picture for her. Cheeks flushing as she recalled kissing him when he brought her back the seeds from that particular flower which Zack told her the locals called them sunflowers.
As she planted those on the side of her house, Aerith thought a sunflower was the perfect name.
It also fit that it happened to be Zack's favorite flower other than the ones he landed on in her church and where an angel saved his life and stole his heart he said with a wink. Aerith blushed at the memory; focusing back on the large yellow flower that suited Zack's sunny personality perfectly.
Scrolling further down the texts he send, Aerith made it to the latest photos of flowers he sent from Junon last week. Her eyes catching the current date and realizing it had been radio silence from Zack for nearly a week. A constant pull of worry made her gut clench as she saw all her unanswered text messages. Yet Aerith smiled as she went about her day; her smile slightly strained but the comfort of the Planet's voice told her he was okay…but she still missed him.
All was appeased when Zack called her a week later.
It was after midnight when Aerith's PHS rang near her ear where she'd fallen asleep scrolling again through the texts and photos Zack had sent her. Heart leaping into her throat, she immediately sat up and answered.
"Z-Zack! Zack, is that you?" Aerith asked desperately without even looking at the caller ID, her tongue heavy in her mouth from waking up so suddenly.
"...Aerith? Oh wow! I finally got through! Yes!" Zack's excited voice came through the slightly tinny speakers of her cheap PHS and her heart immediately warmed at being able to hear his voice for the first time in over two weeks. It felt like so much longer than half a month, it almost scared her how much she had missed even getting a single text…
A wave of relief spread through her body as she fell limp against her pile of pillows and blankets. "Oh, Zack…" she said, his name like the softest prayer on her lips. It felt so wonderful to be able to say his name again, "How are you?"
"I'm great!" The SOLDIER chuckled lively, "I'm just busy freezing my ass off near Icicle Inn," his voice occasionally broke up once with static but it quickly came back, "I've been trying to call you every day since I got here but the signal has been just terrible! Worse than even Wutai if you can believe it. Oh Gaia, Aer, I'm so sorry I couldn't get through to you sooner, I tried! if it feels like I've been ignoring you, I promise I didn't mean to!"
Aerith smiled at the tenderness in his voice, "Oh no! Don't worry about it! It's okay, I know how busy you are! I'm just so glad to hear from you. I'm so happy you're alright…" Blushing at how tenderly she said that, she quickly continued, "Wow, Icicle Inn? Isn't that almost all the way north? It's no wonder there's no signal, you're on the top of the world!"
"Tell me about it… I'm also stuck here with Seph and Tseng where they just finished their tenth 'who can brood and not speak for the longest time' contest. Oh, babe, it's been torture… You have no idea how happy I am that I finally got through to you! I was legit dying of boredom!" Zack's melodramatic whine had Aerith biting back a loud giggle, the last thing she wanted to do was wake her mother up.
"Oh, poor baby. I really am sorry about that but hey, you have me to talk to now."
Zack's happy sigh sounded over the speaker, "Yeah. I'm so happy I do. If I knew all it would take to get an actual signal in this joint was to climb up this damn tower, I would have done it last week!" Zack laughed as a sound of loud arctic wind swept through the speakers.
Aerith nervously bit her lip at the sound. "Oh Gaia, Zack! You be careful!"
"Careful is my middle name so don't you worry about me!" Aerith wanted to interrupt but Zack's voice filled her ears again, "Oh, just got a notification that my last picture I tried to send you finally went through! You need to check it out! I never would have imagined flowers could survive this far north but they do!"
"Oh. Okay." Aerith pulled her PHS away from her face, putting it on speaker so she could still hear Zack's voice when she checked her new messages. And just like he said, her phone notified her she received a new message.
Aerith opened the file and immediately her breath caught in her throat.
In the photo was Zack's black leather gloved hand tenderly holding up a flower against nothing but a pure glistening white snowy bank. The dark gray stem that was pushing out of the snow-covered ground gave way to bright teal leaves and finally up to the most fascinating thin petaled flower resting right in his snow-dusted palm. Its small center was completely white with six petals that appeared to be the color of blue ice, near transparent in their hue and absolutely magnificent with the black backdrop. They would have been near invincible with the snow behind them, it was a wonder Zack saw them at all…
"Wow…" Aerith breathed.
"They're beautiful aren't they?" Zack's voice greeted her.
Aerith nodded before remembering he couldn't see her. "Yes, Zack. T-They're incredible…"
"They really are. The lady at the inn says they're called an Ice Lily and they only grow in snowy climates and they are hardly ever seen outside the tops of the mountain peaks so she said I was super lucky to have even see one at all!"
"Oh my! That is lucky!"
"It was funny too since Seph almost tripped over me when I was kneeling down taking the picture. Oh man ya should have seen the look he gave me…"
Aerith giggled at the scene he described played out in her head.
Zack got quiet for a moment and Aerith was worried the signal got cut off when his gentle voice filled her ears again.
"...Hey, Aer?"
"Yes, Zack?"
The SOLDIER gently cleared his throat before speaking, "I um, I just wanted to say thank you, ya know, for humoring me with this whole sending you pictures of flowers idea. I know it uh, sounds kinda silly but to me, it feels like I'm taking you with me to all these places…and…" Zack swallowed nervously his voice trailing off.
"...and?" she prompted, her heart hammering and cheeks flushing at how tender his voice sounded. She was eager to hear more of it.
"Well, as I already told you before, I really hope to show you the sky one day…the real one. And I don't wanna just stop there. I'd love to actually take you to all these places, be able to show you some of these huge fields of flowers. Maybe we can find even find some that haven't been discovered yet! Anyway, I'd love to be the one to take you there, ya know, outside of Midgar…"
Without realizing exactly why, a single tear slipped down her cheek; yet a smile pulled up her lips at hearing the longing in his voice. One she felt so predominantly in the warmth echoing throughout her chest as well as the heat in her cheeks.
Gripping the phone tighter and wishing for nothing more than to fulfill all of those dreams and to make more with him, she gently responded into the phone, "Oh, yes, Zack. I can't wait…"
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andromerot · 1 year
episode twenty two: eternal return. in which everyone posesses a secret self
i love gay sex
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trespassing in HER garden....
the green thread tying her to the tree the red thread tying her to anna the green meadow the red meadow
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mabel mabel strong and able you are trapped inside this fable round the table you must go you were naughty back around the other way other way other way...........
hm. i think. i think maybe it was another king.
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white as death. white as purification. white as aurora silver. white as undue power. black as the king's heart. white as anna's heart. mabel as an infestation upon it.
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gotta love all earth fears the purity of fire
idk i think it was this monologue here that changed everything for me. when i went from "good podcast" to "lifechanging". ive felt so often that i am inadequate to be loved, that im rotten inside, and mabel did two things: put it in words that made it not just disgusting but also fascinating, and then contradicted it. mabel is rotten. its true. shes loved for it endlessly. there is someone out there that wants to be stinged by her. drowned hand in unlovable hand. mabel is being cruel to anna because she doesnt trust her, but we as the audience know the truth, and it sides a little with both of them. yes, anna has fictionalized mabel. but also yes, she does know what she really is. she has for a long time before coming to the house. ALSO"i am death silver and black come to ruin you"/"this is the girl come to ruin me like fire" from ep 20 is. woah. in the close "future" anna will be death and mabel will be fire but now she reverses their roles just a little bit. theres also just so many phrases on here that i repeat to me constantly. i am thorns and mist. i am a sharp and vitriolic thing you must be unyielding. the need for you twists me up. it would have been a good story. sigh. my girl who hates to be loved...
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mabel martin bird moments once again...btw when she says "fitcher's swan" shes referencing a grimms folkltale called fitchers bird, which is a bluebeard type. i dont know exactly what this reference means, but i think its a nice story, so read it if you want..
mabel trying her best not to become luna....sigh. I WILL TEAR ALL OF IT DOWN I WILL TEAR ALL OF IT DOWN
sorry um this here. this changed my life
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the fake psychiatric hospital bit is one of the scariest moments of the podcast tbh like yeah its only like one minute of it but. awful awful time. its so much. are you lighter is your mouth smaller...idk it just reveals so much about what mabel really fears and the reason she cant trust annas intentions. and of course if you know her backstory AND annas backstory it becomes so much more hurtful. theyve both been here, really.
oh THIS ONE HERE also changed the world. i have always loved you there is no world bereft of my love for you. THEY PUT GOD IN MY MOUTH AND I SPAT HIM OUT NOTHING GETS INSIDE ME WITHOUT MY CONTEMPT WHEN THEY TRIED AGAIN GOD WAS A WOMAN AND I WAS MORE RECEPTIVE IT WAS A TRUTH IN DISGUISE. mabel loving anna, a betrayal of her own integrity. i have made a religion out of you. YOU ARE TO KEEP ME ANNA YOU HAVE BITTEN INTO MY HEART AND LAID YOUR KINGDOM THERE AND ALL OWNERSHIP REQUIRES RULING
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happy mabelvera choking scene martes
literally fucking dies
also they were so real for this
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