#hearts linked together
zarvasace · 5 months
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HLT character post
Link Eikenboom, Eik for short (pronounced Ike) is Dutch-inspired! I chose that because I really admire the Dutch painters of the late Renaissance era, and this Link is the one from Link Between Worlds. His adventure revealed the existence of a small kingdom mirroring Hyrule in the Dark World, and though the peace that Hilda and this Zelda brokered didn't last forever, it went a long way.
Eik is an artist at heart, particularly fascinated with light and the way it's reflected and refracted through shiny things. He grew up wanting to be a painter, but his deep-seated need to do something practical drove him to apprentice with a blacksmith after his initial schooling. After his adventure, he picks up painting on the side, because he realized that being an artist and practical weren't incompatible desires.
He's honestly not very assertive, but he is thoughtful. He can be awkward. People tend to like him, though, and he's friendly, even if he prefers the company of the people he's close to rather than strangers or acquaintances. He keeps in touch with Ravio, and though he finds Ravio a touch obnoxious, they're still good friends.
Later in his life, he mostly keeps to himself, and ends up expanding on his preferred mediums. He becomes a well-known artist in the expanding kingdom, mixing cast metal sculpture and jewelrymaking with paint. He even pioneers artistic stained glass sculptures.
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omnificent-orion · 7 months
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calamitous star, you hang in my favorite constellation.           it's good to see your face again.
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ar-mage-ddon · 1 month
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my roommate is a little weird
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bakudekublogblog · 3 days
kacchan there is actually a way you and izuku can be together forever i have this crazy inventive solution for you it's called a marriage license
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jemtokall · 7 months
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addawithbalmiki · 3 months
the absolute love i have for sasuke and naruto's relationship. they're enemies, they're best friends. they are each other's first kiss. they nearly killed each other. they're soulmates. they have been divorced 40 times. they're the ones who understand each other to their molecular level. they're destined to be with each other, forever and ever.
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margindoodles2407 · 7 months
For the request thing: Maybe Sky and Wind? (I think they're a very underrated duo)
Also take as much time as you need, you got this Margin <33
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Un Sky and Wind, as requested! I am quite proud of how this came out :) Thank you so much for the ask!
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goldensunset · 6 months
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🔁 princesslight400
🌃 ad-astra-purr-aspera ♦️
Hey all! This is your friendly neighborhood reminder that Founder’s Day is coming up on Saturday, and with it, the deadline for the annual required donation to the Master Ephemer Heritage Center. Don’t forget to get everything in order before then! ☺️
🌅 borninthewrongera Follow
how absolutely RICH for a pampered little society-of-the-heirs princess like astra to make a psa about paying your dues. i bet founder’s day is super fun for someone who only has to worry about getting dressed for her public appearance and not the actual financial bullshit the rest of us go through right?
📚 all-academia-is-dark-here
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🤍 princesslight400
that person’s entire blog is full of posts romanticizing the keyblade war 💀
#YO??? #also lady astra i am so sorry as well
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🥀beauty-in-red ♦️
🔁 starlight-and-social-justice Follow
this post contains filtered tags:
#master ephemer bloodline discourse
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🤍 princesslight400
🔁 scala-ad-crylum Follow
🔐 scala-ad-crylum Follow
so every day on my way home i pass by this one random guy always standing out on his balcony and today i accidentally made eye contact with him 😭
🗝️ ephemerally♦️ Follow
Soooo is he cute? LOL!
🔐 scala-ad-crylum Follow
i mean it’s not like i can really see much of his face cuz he wears this big hat but he does seem kinda hot. or at least in a romantic melancholic solitude way if nothing else. but like i’m not about to ever actually go talk to him
🔐scala-ad-crylum Follow
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if this post gets 30k notes i’ll say hi and blow him a kiss
🔐scala-ad-crylum Follow
🕵🏻 thevirusofficial Follow
So, this is how I figure out I’m Tumblr famous…
🔐scala-ad-crylum Follow
#HELPPPP #fish i’m sorry but this is the funniest thing i’ve ever read in my life
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🌊 fountainwaterdrinker-29
remember when, for about a week, they made it so that any random non-heir who paid 800 munny to the site could get a red diamond badge next to their username too? the way all the heirs on here went absolutely BALLISTIC lol
#you had to have been there #i swear we were about a day away from civil war breaking out
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🦋 no-good-usernames-left-5
🔁 imissthechirithies Follow
⚜️ littledandelion ♦️ Follow
Why do some people act as if being descended from Master Ephemera makes you inherently privileged and prideful? I assure you I see myself as your comrade and equal and share in your struggles and sorrows to the same extent as anyone else. I wish only to befriend you all.
⬜️ verdandi-simp-deactivated10962310
don’t care
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✊ starlight-and-social-justice Follow
goodnight sweet prince 😔
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alexis-royce · 1 year
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The canon interpretation of Cards is that the player is possibly being given the domain of games, and I like that! But these titles can be nitpicked and disputed, so The Academic already has their eye on paper and sorting systems. Looks like that feud with Pages isn't quite over…
[Alternate Link for downloading]
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aurorangen · 5 months
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After graduation came a break before work started for Renee. It was also Jay and Miracle's wedding! Renee and Vincent travelled all the way to Chestnut Ridge for this special occasion and it was such a joy to see Jay again! Though Vincent felt a bit light-headed upon arriving. He was just tired from the long journey, right? But don't worry he felt a lot better after a nap on the bench.
Renee: Finally we are here! Now where are we meant to meet Jay and Miracle? Vincent: Uhh my head [takes a moment to respond] Didn't he say New Appaloosa? The town centre? Renee: Let me check google maps again. Aha! We are in New Appaloosa.
[Renee continues looking. She zooms out to Oasis Springs, to an area of endless desert…just out of curiosity] Renee: I guess they couldn't update the map as there's no evidence. So this place must be Strangervil-
[Vincent's mind goes blank for a second and suddenly Renee's voice seems so far away. His head sways to one side and his eyes struggle to stay open. He could see Renee but everything looks blurry] Renee: Vince! Are you ok? [she grabs hold of him and they walk towards a bench to sit down]
Vincent: Shit. I just blanked out for a sec. God, I'm so knackered from the flight. Renee: Here have some water. We'll rest for a bit longer, there's time [snuggles close to him] Vincent: [smiles and rests his eyes] What would I do without you Renee?
Jay: [clears throat] Ahem still recognise me? Renee: Jay!?! Ahh Jay, it really is you! Damn, it's been so long! Jay: You're the same as always! I missed you, Renee.
Renee: And Miracle [squeals] Woah you're so beautiful in person! Miracle: Thanks gorgeous! You're exactly how Jay had described! [sees Vincent resting] Oh is Vincent OK? Renee: Yeah he's just tired. Hey Vince look who's arrived.
Vincent: Oh it's Jay and Miracle! Sorry, my head's a bit [he blinks a few times] It's so good to finally meet you two, just call me Vince, any friend of Renee is a friend of mine! And congrats, we can't wait for the big day! Jay: We've been dreaming about it forever, right Mir? And I've heard so much about you Vince.
[The guys continue walking as they get to know more about each other] Vincent: [nudges him] Oh god what did Renee tell you? Hopefully only good things eh? Jay: Well…interesting to say the least [they laugh together]
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leqclerc · 2 years
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Charles speaking about Sebastian at the drivers’ press conference ahead of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2022 ↳ Q: Now Charles, if we could just kick off talking about your former teammate, Sebastian Vettel. What will you remember from your time together?
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zarvasace · 5 months
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HLT character post
Link Novak is sort of based on several Eastern European cultures. His name is Slavic, and I tried to use some of the aesthetics. He’s the Link in Twilight Princess, and comes between Link Between Worlds and Four Swords Adventures. Timeline-wise, his adventure also takes place just a little after Triforce Heroes, but in a different location.
He’s distantly related to the royal line, but was legitimately raised by wolves for a short period of time before wandering into Ordon Village. After his adventure, he spends a lot of time with Zelda, and is one of the few people she actually trusts. He keeps his ability to turn into a wolf and manages to expand on it a little, though his abilities are limited to mostly mammals with roughly his same mass. He found a journal kept by Silva (Link to the Past hero with a talent for magic) and uses that to help him a bit. He’s not good with magic in general, though. He’s not much of a scholar, either, but his efforts to do more research gain him a web of allies and friends across the kingdom and beyond. He’s pretty nice, but he has fangs.
In his middle age, he, along with a team, manages to recreate the mirror. He and Midna reconnect, and he eventually moves to the dark world. He and Midna (along with other pairings like theirs) parent a new line of shadow beings, ones with more Hylian appearances and more shapeshifting powers.
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Okay, I’m usually lukewarm about CodyWan, but an idea just crawled out of the void and clonked me on the head so hard that I have to share it:
Obi-Wan is sent to a large social event with Cody as his guard to check out a few people of power that are also supposed to be there. However, it would come across as very rude and mistrustful if it were even suspected that Obi-Wan is being guarded, so Cody has to act like an old friend that Obi just happens to run into at the party so there’s an excuse to hang off of each other all night.
They arrive separately, enter separately. Cody doesn’t see his general until Obi-Wan approaches him, and he turns around, and--
Cody has always had a bit of a...fascination with the general. He’ll never admit it out loud, of course, but he knows in his own heart that he thinks Obi-Wan is brave and loyal and witty and handsome, and it takes up quite a bit of his mind.
However, this pales in comparison to now, seeing Obi-Wan dressed up head to toe, at the peak of his charisma, smiling and laughing like he hasn’t seen Cody in years, kissing him on the cheek in greeting--
Cody enjoys the night far more than he should.
(So does Obi-Wan.)
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cat-soda · 5 months
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is any piece of media really complete without a pair of twins that are actively being tormented by the narrative?
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sketchz · 2 months
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aaaa I've always wanted to do one of these!! My blorbos over time my beloved....
I grouped em according to some stuff, labels under cut:
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Dad ask: Time pretty pretty please
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Time stared at the fire as his hand slowly carded through Twilight’s hair. His descendant had taken watch with him before falling asleep on his shoulder, clearly still worn out from a lack of rest since Sky’s disappearance. Time had eventually settled him to the ground, resting his head on his lap as he contemplated the coming day.
The storm had ravaged the area for the entire day, leading the group to make their way through Faron Woods and linger on the edge of Hyrule Field. Time had agreed it was too exposed to try to cross the field during the storm, particularly when he saw Wild and Legend’s expressions on the matter. Neither teenager had protested the journey, but both had paled at the prospect.
The delay caused Time's heart to grow heavy with worry. The longer it took them to find Sky, the more could go wrong. He hated feeling this helpless when one of the boys needed him.
Twilight stirred under Time’s hand, stretching and yawning. When he opened his eyes, he turned his head to look up at his ancestor sleepily.
“Watch over…?” he asked confusedly.
The eldest Link had to smile at the Ordonian, whose half lidded eyes and scrunched up nose reminded him strikingly of Malon. Then he felt his chest tighten, memories of how pale the hero had been the night of his injury, how close to death he’d come from just one blow by that monster.
Time looked away as Twilight’s face was replaced with Sky’s, so much softer, twisted in agony when it usually held a gentle smile.
“Watch is over,” he said quietly, hand resting over Twilight’s chest, lightly gripping the young hero’s shirt. “It’s time to get moving.”
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